,' VM 1 j --v- m, i mi - ' - i' ' m '" n N. -: EYENIKG LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1914. Ja 5 m h ', BERLIN IN GLOOM AS PARIS REJOICES OVER RETREATOFTEDTONS Ban On Official News Causes Anxiety Through out Germany F r e n ic h Sing General Pau's Praises. LONDON, flcpt. H. Tho Dnlly News Rotterdam eorraapon dent tolegP "I loam Berlin to bo coming very nnxlouB about happenings on the Western frontier. News now la not published no freely by the Government, and although outwardly there la aa calm a feeling as ever, great anxiety exists monjr the general public. 'This sudden restriction of public news whnn tho public knows that a decisive battto has been fought both In tho But ?at, iJ .i, Wont Is causing suspicion. LonK lists of ofTIcers killed nppoar to the papers nightly and In so.no cases welt, known families have boon wiped out." ARK TWAIN'S OWN IDEA OF THE DEFENSES OF PARIS l. uir it vr - mi i ... sx a wi" ez y& j) im vis vm WlMOSE known families GENEVA (by way of Parish Sept. U. News of tho German rotnftt, despite every precaution, has passim through Switzerland to the north and lias causod profound depression In Germany, after so many announced victories. According to advices received here, peo plo have gathered In tho streots In var ious German towns, shouting: "Tell us tho truthl Give us tho news!" Tho ntswspnncr offlcos at Munich have ben closed, as disorders are feared. It Is also reported that tho news of tho stoudy ritlremont of the Germans in Krancc has trickled Into Uerlln and be numbed the people. Along the Swiss-German frontlor tho full extent of the German retreat Is known. People aro crying: "If tho French have beaten us, what will tho Russians do?" LONDON, Sept. 14. Dispatches from Paris and Bordeaux to the London newspapers describe scenes of enthusiasm, mingled with the thank fulness of the populace, at tho news of the German retreat. Tho streets, tho dispatches say, aro full of people, all too ovorjoyod to express amotion by noise or singing, but men aro seen embracing each other with fevror, while women glvo vent to their feelings by crying quietly. Everybody Is amazed at tho unexpected change In the tide of war nnd the fullest credit Is given General Pau, who Is re garded as having, by prompt and decided strategy, changed tho faco of tho cam paign. Everybody Is asking what tho Germans will do: whethey they will be able to reform their forces and mako a stand, nnd what will become of the Crown Prince's army, tangled up In tho wooded Argonno region. It Is understood that the factor which brought about the changes In tho fortune of wnr was the new army which Gonoral Tau formed quickly and qulotly at Ver sailles, composed ot some of tho best troops from the eastern frontier and a flno body of cavalry. This army marched through Paris northward and then turned northeast. Its effect was felt at once. URGE APPROPRIATION FOR PHILADELPHIA HOSPITAL Feared City Will Lose Supremacy as Great Medical Centre. Leading medical mon throughout tho elty are unnnlmous In their conviction that Philadelphia will loso Its supremncy ss a grout medical centre of this country unless provisions are made In the cur rent loan for necessary Improvements to the Philadelphia General, Hospital. Phy slcfttns prominent In medical circles de plore the antiquated facilities available at tho hospital. They point out that like Institutions In other cities which oro striving for the enviable position long held by Philadelphia will forgo ahead and at tain that honor unless the buildings nnd equipment at Blocklcy are greatly nug mented and ronovated. In an effort to provont this city from losing Its notable position In the medical world members of tho Philadelphia Gen eral Hospital staff havo renewed their efforts to have tho municipal authorities do something for tho general improve ment of the Institution. The Institution at present Is antiquated, although maintained under tho very best auspices possible, and falls far short In every requirement of a modern hospital Director Harto has urgently presented a request for $1,000,000. He contends that with anything less than that stipulated sum nothing more thnn tho deplorable system of making small. Inadequate ad ditions and patching here nnd there could be accomplished. Thus, after ex pendltures along those lines havo hecn made, the Institution would still remain en old and Imperfect one without a sln Sle modem unit. ALLEGED FLIRT ARRESTED Girl Charges Him Also With Theft of Vanity Case. Nicholas Denacltenly, who gave an ddress at Tenth and Locust streets, ac cused of stealing a sliver vnnlty cnto from Miss Esther nurman, ID years old, SL u .?ew Ma"let street, was held In 1,00 ball for a further henrlng today by Magistrate Tracy ln the Eleventh and winter streets police station. Miss Burman said the man attempted io nirt on a train coming from Willow i.rove. boon afterward she missed the case, which contained $3.50. She followed the man from tho train and caused his arrest. Denacltenly said tho young worn an nad given him the vanity case that ne might purchase candy for her. Mlsa Burman denied this. RELIGIOUS BODY ORGANIZED Don Bosco Institute Formed to Give Aid to Young Men, nneJ'Do,.n ,Doaeo Institute." the pur- tlri .MWh,Ch lB t0 Rlva ,noral " -I Sir L ' youn men. has been opened nf 5h c. N,,,th s,rre' 'y members 2 nm. cAa, ?f St- Prnncl3 d0 " SismSfnl. C,athollc "lou order. The ouest if imS, 1ee" 0pcnc'' at ,t,e ,e w th ..? .Ar1cl.,blshop Indergast and V. Morrell f Mr8, Eawar4 de ofT!h.I?;..Pfter CattorJ h director Hot Coffee Badly Burns Child k&B9ltnVMra olJ. ot Gas from th ;r""e,".a cun t coffee waTserln,,!? W? '"to his P ay. 'c I.ABOR UNION FAVORS LOAN ftortdeto"r n!iat C'0U"'IU lalc v $11700 000 min, ,"". ,lw lassuK f " c Jvtc ilmL?011?1 lu,t" '"augurate mint T,"1'"1' a"J PwvWe employ- uTon yaed.tayb5r "" CenUal J'abor tToToT adr ed ? !"" mrce wlh ,. V i the Chamber of C'oin Cmm,uee 5 VabAForwara Movemcni ver.i,. ?" 0t a " W.0C0 fund to nd- T -i. A. ... Wk mrO R 13 'v'NCVy AAAAAvf ncNce Had tho Germans possessed tho war map, which accompanies this nrtlcio, Paris would havo been in their hands by now. Tho map, tho chef d'oeuvro of Mark Twain, was drawn by him nnd by the exorcise of superhuman lngonulty, also, en graved by him. It Is truo that It Is somewhat nskew, but as General Nelson O, Miles, who never saw the man .Is re ported to havo said: "It was fully as useful in 1870 when It wan drawn, as it is today." The map was published in the Buffalo, N. Y Express, of which Twain was owner, on September 17, 1870, and Twain's description follows, together with somo testimonials, oven moro enthusiastic than that of General Miles: TO THE HEADER. The above map explains Itself. The Idea of this map Is not original with me, but Is borrowed from tho Trlbuno and tho other great metropolitan Journals. I claim no other merit for this produo-. tlon (If I may so call It) than that It Is accurate. The main blemish of the city paper mans, of which It la nn imitniun Is that ln them moro attention seems paid to artistic plcturesqucness than geograph ical reliability. Inasmuch as this Is the first time I ever tried to draft and cngrnvo a map, or at tempt anything In tho line of art at all. the commendations tho work has received and the admiration It has excited among tho people have been very grateful to my feelings. And It Is touching to reflect that by far tho most enthusiastic of theso praises havo come from people who know nothing nt nil n'bout art. By an unimportant oversight I hnvo en graved the map so that It reads wrong ond first, except to left-handed people. I forgot that In order to mako It right In print It should be drawn and engraved upside down. However, let tho student who desires to contemplate the map stand u i ... nean or nold It before her looking glass. That will bring It right. ALLENTOWN'S OLDEST VOTER Man Who Helped Form Republican Farty Is 03 Today ALLENTOWN, Pa., Sept. 14. There was a reception today In honor of tho 93d birthday anniversary of Thomas O. Cllnklngcr, tho oldest Republican and the oldest voter ln Allentown. Born In this elly when It was a borough of less than 6000 people, Mr. Glnklnger has lived hero nil his lire. In 18SG, during tho days of John C. Fremont, Mr. Glnklnger was ono of tho organizers of the Republican parly. MARNE WATERS RED WITH GORE OF SLAIN IN RECENT ACTIONS The reader will comprehend nt a glance that that ploco of river with tho "lilrfh Bridge" over It got left out to ono side by reason of a slip of tho engraving tool, which rendered It necessary to change tho entire courso of tho Itlver Rhino or clso spoil the map. After having Bpcnt two days In digging nnd gouging nt tho map, I would havo changed tho course ot tho Atlantlo Ocean before I would have lost so much work. I nover had so much troublo with any thing In my llfo as I did with this map. I had heaps of llttlo fortifications scat tered nil nround Paris, at first, but ovory now nnd then my Instruments would slip and fetch away whoto miles of battered and leave the vicinity as olean as If the Prussians hnd been there. The reader will find It well to frame this man for futuro reference, so that It mny aid in extending popular Intelligent and dispelling tho widespread Ignotnnco Of tho day. MARIt TWAI?J. OFFICIAL COMMENDATIONS. It Is very nice, large print. aw- U. S. GRANT. It places new light. the situation In an entirely BISMARCK. I cannot look tears. at it without shedding BRIGHAM YOUNG. THREE HELD FOR HOLD-UP Prisoners Charged With Robbing Veteran of His Pension Money. Three men nccused of holding up Patrick Furey, 63 years old, of 1013 Green street, a veteran of tho Civil war, were held In $1000 ball each for court today by Magistrate Emcly at tho Tenth nnd Buttonwood streets station. They nro Daniel McCIay, of 1&20 Melon street: Thomas Chalmers, of 411 Marshall street, nnd William Grayson, of 1611 Marshall street. Tho hold-up took place last Tuesday In daylight at Twelfth and Hamilton streets. Furey met the thrco mon In a saloon. Thoy asked him to take a walk. Whllo one acted as lookout, the others are said to havo thrown him to the side walk and robbed him of $00 he had just rccctvod as pension. Uncanny Silence Reigns Over Field of Carnage. Improvised Cemeteries Stretch 100 Miles. It is very nice, largop rlnt. NAPOLEON. My wife was for years nffllctcd with freckles, and though everything was done for her relief that could bo dono, all was in vain. But, sir, slnco her first glnnco at your map, they havo entirely loft her. Sho has nothing but convul sions, now. j, SMITH. If I hnd had tho map I could have got out of Metz without any troublo. BAZAINH. I have seen a great many maps In my time, but none that this one reminds mo of. TROCHLf. PANAMA SHIP HERE Honolulan Brings First Passengers Through Isthmuan Waterway. Tho honor of carrying tho first pas sengers through the Panama Canal fell to the Amorlcnn-Hawallnn steamship Honolulan, now discharging a large cargo of fruit from California nt pier 34. South Wharves. Tho vessel, In command of Captain J. S. Greene, a native of this city and a graduate of Glrard College, ar rived hero lato Sunday afternoon after a voyago of 21 days. The big steamship mado tho run through the canal In 9 hours and 11 minutes. Tho arrival of tho Honolulan marks an epoch ln tho history of tho port. It Is a practical demonstration ot what the open ing of tho Panama Cnnnl means to this city. In tho SOOO tons of cargo thcro were California wines, fruits and canned sal mon. No return voynjro with ennro Is scheduled to be taken bnck on tho Hono lulan, but It Is expected that a regular servlco between this port and tho Pacific coast ports will bo established In tho near future. All of tho 14 pnssengers on board tho vessel wcro enthusiastic over tho voy age. They remained on deck during the trip through tho great waterway which begnn at Balboa early on the morning of September C and ended with the steaming Into tho Atlantic Ocean at Colon In the afternoon. Among tho passongers were Charles Wl Henry,' of Chestnut Hill: R. C. Orr, of Chicago; Mrs. F. Fylca Bauchle, M. A. WeUet und C. H. Boylhait, of Now York Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Young, of San Fran cisco; Miss A. Stevens, of Boston; Mrs. Michael Marston, of Seattle; Miss A Lord, of Albany; Mrs. C. B. Bntcs and son Edward, of Boston, and A. B. Mor rell, of Salem, Mass. FFENHEIM LL1NS Miles nnd miles nnd miles of desolation. Whet over ono moves In this warswcpt.vnl ley, only n few days ago so peaceful' and beautiful, ono meets with tho same piteous sight. Nature, llko Nlobo, Is n tears, wring ing her hands at tho mad, merciless deeds of her children. Tho sky Is serene, blue llrcked with whllo clouds. In the meadows tho cattle, all that Is left of them, still stand kneo deep In high grass. Tho evening breezo still makes music In tho wIIowh which bond ovor tho stream, but nil tho birds havo vanished, gono, heaven knows where, out ot tho shatter ing tumult Uncanny sllcnco reigns. Tho world Is holding her breath, shocked and terrified by tho writhing flamo that has swopt ovor this sweet country, leaving it scarred and scorched. The slow waters of tho Marne nro no longer blue with heaven's reflection on sunny days, but nro livid and dreadfully malodorous with tho swollen bodicH of dead horses. Thcro are hundreds of them, aye, and of men, too. A blind man could follow tho track of this battle storm easily enough, and t have floundered along It until I am sick. Tho fire is still smoldering over shal low graves of bravo dead, entombed s'o hurriedly that one sor-a hero and there in these gruesome cemeteries, a brown hand thrust through the shovelled nrth as if beckoning; the hump of a shoulder, with tunic and shoulder straps torn nwuv. It Is dreadful. For more than 100 miles behind the battlo lino these burying grounds mark tho scenes of carnage. TAX ON BEER HERE WOULD AMOUNT TO $1,250,000 Philadelphia Produces 2,500,000 Barrels of Beverage Annually. Philadelphia would have to pay about $1,230,000 as lis share of the proposed war tax op beer. The tax would bo W cents on a barrel of beer, of which beverage this city produces 2,600,000 barrels annually. Tho annual entire output of beer throughout tho country la about Ofl.OOO.&OO barrels. Brewers In this city today declined to discuss tho action they wcro likely to tnko to meet tho now tax should tho bill In which It Is embodied become law. It was evident, however, from tholr gen eral nttltude that they would Increase tho price of beer to tho rotaller. Tho additional tax of 20 cents on a gal lon of wine will havo little If no effect on tho prlco of wines, dealers said today. The tax In too rmall to warrant an nd vanco In prices. Owing to the war, wine Imports havo greatly decreased. This decrease may foil tho Government's ex pectations of raising $9,000,000 from tho wlno tax. In which caie. It Is said, tho tax would either have to be Increased or nnothcr tax lovled on tome other commodity. rr, --,! -m CAUGHT AFTER BREAKING JEWELRY SHOP WINDOW Watchman Confronts Thief With Pistol and FoHcemnn Makes Capture. A brick crashed through the window of tho Jewelry store of I. Press & Son, at 1 South Eighth street, this morning. Henry Jacobs, the watchman, ran to the front of the store and was surprised to And noth ing had been stolen. Ho suspected, how- ver, that the one who throw the brlcK would re-turn ror uooty, so instead ot notifying the police the watchman waited behind tho door. A fow minutes later the watchman saw a hand thrust through the hole irt the window toward a .-ny of rings, Jacobs Jumped out and pointed a. pistol at the head of tho thief. Before the man could withdraw his hand Policeman Lyons came up end captured the thief. Tho prisoner was taken to tho ElevenUs nnd Winter streets station. Ha gave his name as Plumber Bullock, a negro, of 1137 Lombard street. He was held by Magistrate Traoy. FIRST UNION MEN'S CELLS Convict Ship Success Took English Farm Laborers to Australia. In the British convict ship Success, now lying nt tho foot of Market street, aro to bo seen the dingy colls In which the men who formulated the first trade union wcro sent to Australia, when It was the British penal colony, to serve a sentence for forming such an organisa tion. George Lovelace, a farm laborer In England In the early part of tho nine teenth century, receiving the sum of seven shillings a week for his work, ap plied with several others for nn Increase. Instead of securing the advance they wore Informed that the weekly wage would be decreased. Thereupon Love laco and six friends formulated a trade society. They were known as the "Six Men of Dorsot." The aet was consid ered a conspiracy and th men were transported to Australia. After thrco years they were liberated' as the result of a public demonstration protesting against tho Iniquity of their sentence. 1 .I OUR product speaks all languages and CREATES and DEVELOPS business HAVE YOU TRIED IT? We DESIGN and ENGRAVE in one or more colors for high-grade Catalogs, Advertisements, Etc. GATCHEL and MANNING SIXTH and CHESTNUT Cut Glass i-on tint d.il (,u-is S1.S0 to $8 Values at 98c to $5 Inrluilo rnmpotov, tum blers, p I t h c r h . fern dlslira. sudar ami rram feets. etc Tiimu rr.oort i in M it ntf; Chestnut and I2th Sts. Autumn Opening Exhibit MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY September 14th, loth and 16th Models that exemplify hi evert detail distinctive and exclusive Ideas of the new fashions in harmony with the French modes, from the most ultra to the more conservative styles. l he Uph r With B -? P1FP1! I Jfcrr4j! 11 M. stohh oii-:.s s.a . jr. ami closes at n.ao 1 HATS TRIMMED FREE OF CHARGE Market : Filbert : Eighth : Seventh hi.m i it m iiHvr or i: riiYi'iuxo at lowkst imuces fifth floor Save Yellow Trading Stamps nml sat the very best merchandlso that can bo secured nlth any trading stamps. IC pivr rfoubla met in the morning. stery Store Transformed eautiful Fall and Winter Goods Its Formal Opniinr. A'nt' Curtahis, Portieres Many Things That Will Impart Greater Comfort and AttrnrtircncHs to the Home, Are Offered for Your Choosing at Fair Prices J nut II Tempt You to Buy. SMI .$9 Lace Curtains, Pair Importfd Irish point of fine nu.ility, with u-iilt- lionli-i'H r. f effective rte.isr:' and rloral centre. fii2 yards lont?. Philadelphia New York Newark QPPENHHM urns 't Cleveland Brooklyn Buffalo Chestnut and 12th Sts. Spec a Opening Prices Women's and Misses' Tailored Suits $1200 Portieres, $9-98H Of fine toxturo wood silk. Rich Interwoven designs in variety of colors. Fine Table Scarfs, $6.98 Tinsel intct woven ln hi-aiilltul ili--,ii;iis nml lined. $12 Irish Point Curtains, (gQ OP Kxtrn fine point lace. Klnhornto borders nf c-iiiisito rifsigna with rnisod cushion work Moral effects. 2'i ynrds lonpr. $10.00 to $18.00 lied Sets, SB.9S io S10.9S Mounted on (In.- French rnble nt In beau tiful R. tt.-ussnr.i-i-, Mario Antoinette nnd Vi-.-iblnn lac.-t la-c, with wide Inee fr.une on body of spread and i.irife centre motif. ItolNlcr cover to match. Extensive Line of Moquettc Couch Covers, Prayer Rugs & Table Scarfs. Couch I'firera, S.tH nnd Hia.flR. Prnj-er Kiikn. fXOS Of Silk .Moquette, 87.50 Sunfrtst Drapery Materials, 79c to $1.49 V oven ot a black warp. Variety of desir able colors in attractive Colonial und verdure desicns. some verv rrettv two-tone errects. 4: nnd .-,0 inch i wide. Estimates of Drap eries nnd all kinds of InterloT Decorations furnished free of charge. THIRD FLOOR Ru CfS Carpets, Linoleums Richer, More Beautiful Assortments Than Ever and More of Them. Our New Kail and Winter Stock Is Virtually Complete. Many Very Exceptional Values Suits of English mannish serge in 'ong and deep girdle styles, trimmed with braid and buttons; new model skirts; black and all the new Fall colors. Value $25.00 rV-... C.IL- ! I!.. .... tyitraay ouil hi popun ana Droaciciotn, in the new Rcdingote style, with novel trim ming of silk braid and buttons; plush and velvet collars and cuffs. VaHie $35.00 Copies of the latest foreign models in broad cloth and poplin, trimmed with silk plush or caracul; skirt cut on the most fashion able lines; superior tailoring. Value $39.75 19.75 25. 29.75 $40 and $45 Royal &q Wilton Ruffs $JJ S.- :-l fei I A truly i.iii!i-rful line uf pattern and color iniiiliiiuuii!)!.. Choice ciricnt.il ef fect 4 that -ire e.sctllent copies of the orii; inal. Come both e.inieil and se:imlr-. Axminster i?'i (1 QK J. J cl at. i r f. - O VZ5 KUgS Vearly one huitilreil styles in this popular make. Many are seamless and the patterns include rich Oriental, pretty floral and e-i-liisive two-tone effects in all colors. i H Special Opening Prices Women's and Misses' Autumn Coats PRIN.TED AND INLAID LINOLEUMS itegumr M.uu ami $;lo Urndes, rC jj i Square Yard A cash purchase of aliout JIMMI arils noud de-inii An endless variety ol cor. iirniv; sii. n feet wide. c iii full r patterns dls of seeral tr in every stvle and KOI KIM FLOOR In the Stptt mhi r bale uf (iuuii, Ueftemiuble tied Covering Sheets, Pillow Bolster and Cases Mde "t Hi.- ut-ll-kuotvii W'umsmtti hitinu !:h.-.ts nro seamliKi and lluikh-.l with im-h Ihiim I ,,t in-hn-k-s all bizt-s 81.1- i-lli:i:TB ikizi- T-J'.h n.-li-ci. Mlj., l '". xUll.r.TM "! M('9 mili-si. SIJI3. J3e J'U.l.tiVv- I'VtsK IM6 -f.x:-.' iih-IhTIT 2Tu, '. tun.'!' Kit v xi:j iin vu:-: hieti.i. .isJ. T20LTSOZJC3i3SXT 3& New Autumn k Millinery 5 An . Authoritative Prcscnta- S tion of the New Styled In 2 Our Oien Hats, Also New H 1 ork and Paris Models. B.ith small and Inrse h h a t o h arc tho voruh. Sl.eiTlnp kb t rich and niftal lira:d lead in trlm-miiiB-s. Ulark. new dark iiu-s, l.n.uns and greens JJ l-ad ln colors. f" H $4.9S, $5.98 and Jf P $6.98 iS tf r-r hatH worth a third to half U , , more Arid other htylea ranu;- 13 i Ins up tn vit linndHoine sumB. trp TllliUf FLOOR H Important Pur Facts Three . quarters of all fur pelts luneth-T iraiMi.-rl abroad or In Ameri ca) aro Uiaixmid ..f in th London market. Tint iniirki-i in criiipled by the Bleat Kui..p.-:u: i unlllct. and fresh purchases uf fur aro unavailable. HV lit if fortumitt earhi i lirery of to secure the a generous m i. vims' vvnni. f uujinriiu.i. gij. Povored Hltli bent quality limited aid IVrnliin-American siitih.. In t it. lie bui-ilerk. Killed ulth wanted Jli-lit aii.l .ink culm a, with PUIB .Vuli llmi lambs wool, jsiae 7 MI I'U-lli- quantity of beautiful furs, which we will sell at our rustamaru standard price. Coats in loose and semi-tailored styles, of zibeline, diagonal, broadcloth and tweed; collars of silk plush and button-trimmed; silk-lined throughout. Value $10.73 Dressy Coats of cheviot and zibeline; some with velvet collars, box-plait back and side belts; aiso medium-weight mannish serge coats; silk-lined throughout. Vlue $5.00 J 15.00 19.75 SJ I'V'M' umi. mv-YivHT!, iiit, ecu-, nhlli-and-blue-Mi!i.,d ., jarquard bur .L, ,ul,, . fU " ,,V,4 Sue 7-vi liu-bes. K.ieh jjair iilia l. pounds. yi j.-f KI-iMll;. Mjfj-j Hut "ii vtord In (lie nlu- In .ultlclrut" '.'.'iii llu',1"'?1 uiiim-n ,in. they who will uiak- . hoi. r i-,irls whllo assort menta Kin at then jerf..-t lit. Sbi'uNU FLUUfl SJ Sends Onr H"l SI n Week i'as -1 Nod!,!.&s2 Stove Department Opens r It. -ssv. - - - - ' ' 11 ii 1 io (.ni 1 ; 1 W iw .fln 1 j fail e?t- y, M"H 1 1, dl&gfry l! t ! I Q9P-n Oil Hesters 1 , J&3ryf at n.m 1 ' if . National o- " .Miller buru- Full Ifich t-hclf. n:-holv top. e- u.loi U-k .ii extia lui;.. own .in.l jr.-- -oid kinuke- ,, ' l-y. Imi-li v u ,1.1 Io..,- le-s. -'H i . 1 1 -f ., 1 i, Ol OQ 1 - - a I. j $1,10 I V.V 1 I ,Vtoi Lit UUOTULUS -- - :T! fytrk J- ' . i,i I-xj-1 : r vr .ivj. tr Jt- L I " IC), No. S Itleul t'oji! llange $13.98 16-iuch oven iirebox. bum ioal or wood, llff if .,., L l I,.,.,. ri..iiK ll.r. . , , Ko,, ,,f t"t" nji'l e . K...H f, , ,. Ni. Heating Stove $1.59 ( Hound rvllmler rrugdted boi dampei an.) -h,) ms -i 11 I- I .,. bnslb-if pi,.. ju' Sl.SS Gh Radiators, $1.39 Knur tube: Jw- lul Irani. old 111IH'- Y , ' - v r 31XIU OH VUO.M. UUIJLHS K1LUUU . s LIT IJHUiJILHb ;