Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, September 14, 1914, Page 4, Image 4

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    i -i ' -Jgwywyw"'. nr tf
;ADEIiPHIA' at A a
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Central Union Joins "Greater
City" Movement, Calling
for Trade-getting Fund
and Indorsing Municipal
Unton lnbor yesterday elillstirt In the
cainpalffn for n "Clrenter l'hllaJplphla"
and following their enrollment In the
movement for an enlarged city, volun
teered to flfflit shoulder to shoulder with
their employer'? fur the cauf The Cen
tral Labor Pnlon, at Its regular nvet
Intr, dcttinndei that Counrlli make
nooslhle tho Improvements which hao
been planned for the city by pnxxInK tin
loan bill, and also urged upon the Cham
ber of Coinnirrcc that it partlcitutf with
labor orRntilzatlons In tho establishment
of a-Jl.OOO.OOo fund to be used In exploiting
Philadelphia and Its products throughout
tho United States and tho world.
ltesolutlons urging the t'linmher of
Coinnieice to rooperatv with the Iabor
Korwanl Movement Committee aid tho
Central Labor 1 nlnn to nui- t i 1 Hti,
000 fund worn nnanlmoush ndnj ttd i"oi
ies of the memorial were fnrvv rdol to
each mumbt i of the rhamb.r nf Ci in
merer. Tim union n'o ndn, , n "c Ntl n
UfRlnfr Councils to pass, with all haste,
the proposed $11,700,000 loan. This, U.
labor organization contends, will aid in
maintaining tho business prosperity of
the city.
It was pointed out that tho city,
to maintain or Increase Its activity
In the trado world, must spend large
sums of money In order to introduce
Roods manufactured horn to merchants In
other countries. The money, If raised,
will bo distributed equally between the
tno organisations for the purpose of
sending eoloys to foreign countries, tf
the funds are obtained a Mgoroua cam
paign will be launched to advertlso this
city In all sections of the world.
A notion from the national headquar
ters of the American Federation of Labor
was read during the meeting, urging the
various bodies ofllllated with tho central
body to choose delegates to represent
them at the national convention of labor
organizations to be held In Horticultural
Hall for two weeks, beginning Novem
ber 9.
Reports were read showing that the
movement to unlonUo Philadelphia by
the Labor Torward Committee had
proved very successful This Is the only
city In the country thnt did not have a
falling off In membership during the past
year. It Is expected that 50.CV0 men will
nttlllnte themselves with labor organiza
tions In Phil idelphln before the conven
ing of thi' national r omentum Mas-tnt-etlngfl
of teamsters, barbers and bar
tnnders were held In various sections of
itv (-t,Mi1nv for that purpose.
COPHNIIAOKN. Sept. 1.1 -An extraor.
dlnary session of the Gorman Chamber of
Commerce In this city has been called for
Tuesday, at which a resolution will bo put
forward to the effect that relations be
tween Germany and the world of com
merco ohall endure until Germany Is
wbilh victorious, notwithstanding Eng
lish threits to protinct the war
Congiess Iieatlers Advocate Reduction
of Present Rnto on Mails.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 13 -As n. further
stimulus to the commerco between the
United States and South America, It Is
proposed by Congress leaders who spe
cialize In postal matters that steps be
taken to obtain a 2-ceiit postage rate to
those, countries that will consent to
an arrangement of this chat actor. It
requires at present a B-ccnt stamp to
carry a letter to South America, and the
argument Is being presented that It would
be a long stride townnl a closer commer
cial relationship If that part of the world
could be placed on tho same basis with
respect to mall charges as Is now enloyed
by England. Germanj , Canada, Mexico
and Panama,
Ileprcsentatlve James T. Lloyd, of Mis
souri, for many years a. member of the
House Postofllco Committee and a close
rtttdent of postal nffalrs, today said that
thero was a general sentiment nmong
members of the House and Senate In fa
vor of this proposed reduced postag"
The change would Involve a series of
postal treaties to bo negotiated between
thp t'nlted Stntes and each of the coun
tries which are willing to enter Into the
new arrangement. These treaties would
bo made In behnlf of the United States
by tho Postmnster General and would be
similar to those now existing between
this country nml those with which the
two-cent rate now applies.
The postal arrangements with the South
American nations ale the result of this
rountn's connection with the Universal
Postal Union. To countries nutsldo the
Union the first class postage rate Is 20
cents nn ounce.
A l.-ilnt resolution, tho adoption of which
would Indicate the sentiment of Congress
on the question of lower rate, Is contem
plated n- some of tho leaders
46,000,000 POUNDS
Shipment Yesterday Comes
From Hawaiian Ports by
Way of Panama Canal
and Goes to Sprcckels Re
finery. With the arrival yesterday of a 0000-ton
enrgo of sugar, tho total Imports of that
article at this port since Sundav, Sep
tember C, reached the tremendous amount
of 2.1.W0 tons, or 46,000,005 pounds. The
shipment yesterday, that aggregated 1S,
000,000 pounds, camo from Hawaiian ports
on tho American-Hawaiian Steamship
Company's vessel Texan, by way of the
Panama Canal. It was brought hero for
tho Sprcckels refinery, nt Dickinson street
Another cargo of Hawaiian sugar, ag
gregating H 100,000 pounds, was received
by the samo Ilrm last Wednesda upon
the nrrlval of the steamship Alaskan, of
the name line, while a lO.OOO.OtO-nound
shipment of Cuban sugar wns received
Sunday, September fi, by tho McCahan
Sugar Penning Company
Only about half a dozen foreign ves
sels reached this port yesterday, Includ
ing a few In ballast for orders. Among
those bringing cargoes was tho Norweg
ian steamship Finn, Captain Amundsen,
which came from Huelva, Spain, with
more than C000 tons of copper oro. Tho
tosscl, consigned to O G. Hompsted &
Co., whllo In mldneenn wns spoken
to by nn unidentified ltrltlsh warship The
latter approached the l'lnn to within a
mlln and, nfler ascertaining by flag sig
nals the natlonalltv, cargo and destina
tion of the N'oiweglan essol. disappeared
over vessels to hiltig freight fiom over
seas wcio the Danish steamship Arkan
sas, of the Scntidlnavlati-Amerlcan Line,
from Copenhagen with paper pulp, hides
and gcneial incichnnillse, and tho Prltlsh
stcamhlp Manchester Exchange, from
Manchester, by way of St. John, N. 11.,
with a gcueinl cargo. Tho latter vessel,
however, will not dock until soino tlmo
this morning.
Committee Investigating In New
York Prisons Reports Decrease,
ALP.ANY. Sept. 13. That there Is com
paratively llttlo smuggling of drugs and
other contmlinml nit class being carried
on In tho various state prleonB nt tho
present tlmo Is tho conclusion reached by
a special committee of tho Senate Com
missions which has been Investigating tho
drug traffic In Sing Slug, Clinton, Auburn
and Great Meadow prisons.
The committee attributes tho falling off
in the traillc to recent Investigations,
publicity mid to spcclnl care exctclsed by
the pilson olllclnls.
Tho report concludes by declaring that
"there Is no reason why the smuggling of
drugs Into a prison should not bo stopped,
except In lore Instances. The question Is
one of efficient administration."
ta" 1
Foreign Commerco Expert Stjes Op
portunity for tho United Stntes.
Tho coincidence of the war and the
opening of the' Panama Canal gives the
United Stales n chance to double Its
tinde with Australia and New Zealand
according to Dr. Albert A. Snowdcn, for
eign trado commissioner for the National
Association of Manufacturers. The na
tions of Germany, Prance, Austria, Hoi
glum, Italy, Holland and Swltrerland,
which In 1912 supplied Australia with
goods worth (07,447,600 and New JtaiHmi
with goods Worth 15.489.&S0, are praeli
cally prevented by mobilizations or actual
military operation from produclhg com
modities for cxpoit.
Doctor Snowdcn says that the united
Stales can fill practically all of tifc,.
tralla's standing order at nn acceptable
price United States exports to Australia
and New Zealand In 1912 amounted to
J64,WO,090 He does not think thnt 111 tho
expansion movement Great llrllaln need
bo feared Tho mother country has al
ways stood first on the colony's hooks,
but British factories In wartime, ho be
lieves, will havo all they can do to keen
that position.
Mann & Dilks
Our Importations of Fabric (Washable) Gloves, Under
wear, Hosiery, Neckwear Silks, Etc., have been received,
and luckily, wo ordered the Shirtings usually used for
Spring to bo shipped us in August. In consequence,
wo havo tho goods and a season In advance
1102 Chestnut Street,
Manufacturers or Ship.ts,Govn3, Pajamas, rrc.
Importers or UNDERWeAn,HosiEnY,GLOVE5,CRAVATS.
- i
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S fBS II loll I UUOlLO fibdt Ji&oe OLOOQ l
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Mour (t-'W 'p
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Reprint from Public Ledger
March 25, 1836.
ANNUITIES make all kinds nf contr.lcU In
nhkh the i ontlngcncy of life Is lnoled, and
recele nvme In iruttt to he Improved ul Interest,
for endoumntM iind anmiltleH, pajtiblo In a gross
sum at vome future time, or during the wbolo
life, or am part nf a life of the person for
?hoe benefit the contract N mal. The business
of the compnn Is of three klnda .
'nt. Thd granting of annuities an 1 endowment
vhere tht p:rihue inone) accrue to the iom.
pan In n, the tnnuitant or the endowed die
during the existence of the contract. Contractu
of thin Kin I .nt- particularly beneficial tu very
ung pet Mm- urd thnite. ndanced In life
1M where the dposilt mone. Inutend nf being
forfeited tn the nmpany. In case of death. I
paid over with the Interest arrumuluted thereon,
lo the heirs of the party, or to nut.h other per
son an may he agreed on; or the Interest atiru
lne on the deposit will be paid at Mated periods
during the existence of the runt rait, and the,
money deposited at the termination of ft Con
tracts of thN kind are called annuities or endow
ments tn trust and are the cheap and WhVaclnui
ways of providing for those where the interven
tion of trustees Is desirable or where It mav be
Inconvenient for the party to attenl to the in
vestment uf monev. No sum villi be received for
an endowment or annuity in trus for h loss term
than three years, unless the partv die within
that time.
.Id. Insurances on lives where the companycon
truce to pay a sum of money at the death nf a
person. In ronslderatlon of a certain annual pre
mium paid to the companv during the life, or
any part of the life of the person Insured. This
premium will b more or less, anordlnc to the
age and place nf residence of the person Insured,
fontracts of this kind are similar In principle
nd effect with Insurance on houses ships, etc ,
and are desirable In oil cases where money will
be lost In consen.uen e of the death nf a person,
or a familv left destitute or without sufficient
means of a comfortable subsistence In case of
the death of a person on whom It relies for sup
port. For the terms of the company enquire at tbs
eXce. No T2 South Third Street. Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania Company
For Insurances on Lives and Granting' Annuities.
At the close of business September II, 1914.
Cash on Hand and in Bank $ 1,.M7,3(-1.18
Collateral Loans 17,fllB,172.(50
Investment Securities -1,SS 1,355.58
Reserve Fund for the Protection of "Cash Balances in Trust
Accounts" 5,45 1,970.25
Real Estate and Miscellaneous Assets l.SM.lSO.DS
Total $:M.51.1.."i8..-i9
Capital $2,000,000.00
Surplus -1,000,000.00
Undivided Profits 927,120.20
Deposits 20,!173,4 10.2:5
Miscellaneous Liabilities, including Interest Payable 1,213, 992.11!
Total $,11.511.558.59
Individual Trusts, held as Executor, Administrator, Trustee,
Guardian, Committee, Attorney, etc.:
Investments (par value) $19S,59-l,220.82
Amount for Investment )
Cash Amount not for Investment. . . 4,02G,-1S2.M
(. Income Awaiting Distribution.;
Total $202.020.709.26
Corporato Trusts, Total Amount of Bonds of Corporations
secured by Mortgages or other Collateial $237.'J03.3S1.11
Total Amount of Securities held as Collateral under Cor
porate Deeds of Trust $0 1.302.S28.12
Incorporated March 10th, 1812
Charter Perpetual
Pennsylvania Company
for Insurances on Lives and Granting Annuities
C. S. W. PACKARD, President
Interest Allowed on Deposit Accounts Subject to Cheque
Acts as Executor, Administrator, Guardian, Trustee, Assignee
or Receiver, Agent or Attorney, Transfer
Agent and Trustee under Mortgages
Rents Safe Deposit Boxes in Burglar-Prool
517 Chestnut Street
Broad Street Office ; Franklin Bank Building
SAKAk Ms M ronnnnru a a l xi invrxrxrxrxizBJOunrx
Reprint trom PUBLIC LEDGER, March 25, 1836
PAINTS. DVK 6TI rrs. vi urn 1M
- English enetlan It.d, 4' hcc d I'lirint
dreen, dry, 'Mmi lh Wrdlvrlr 'sun !!. Wr II
srls, distill, d, V tubes china erm!llon. Uut
Cble. Yellow Oi hr. I" i bs Kr mh Stou
Ochre. $3 d" i'umice btone, ,' do K'liten do .
10 dXk Turkey I'mber. ii'i tons f'umuood. In
slid!- 10 do Kd fciindsrs. In do . .'". do J-UU' .
Ill sllrk, with an assortment of oil erout.d rfia
oo4s, tiulnts. itnurluilc- ard cltrir a' Id, mtvm
lortls. oil Vitriol, ttr , for sale tjv (J
YvETJlElUM. & CO, SO North Front street
The Public Ledger at that time was new
born, although this firm had already been
established for 29 years. We have watched
with interest the Ledger's growth and we
look forward to a side-by-side trip to greater
prosperity with the new Evening Ledger.
Geo. D. Wetherill & Co., Inc.
Atlas Prepared Paints, Paint and Varnish Manufacturers
120 N. Front Street, Philadelphia
lYirynrtnrirvriY wntfwiTirTrYrwwinnnr
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