n. 1 is EVENING LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, kSEPTEMBEI 14, lOiai W GIRLS, CUT OFF BY 'WAR IN FRANCE, REACH HOME SAFELY Isolated in Breton Village, They Are Held Eighteen Days, Then Make Their Way to Paris. t h strnmlecl In a seaport town eight hours from Paris, and cut off from com munication with tno ouwiae wu.. eighteen days during the mobilization of tho French army, was tlio experience of two Philadelphia girls, Miss Hortenso Levy, UU North Fifteenth street, and Miss Helen Abrahams, 3119 Diamond street, who returned to this city yesterday after , oerles of exciting experiences within the war zone. They were at a small senport town named St. Jean du Dolgt, In Hrlt- "We were no worse off than tho rest of the women of Europo and a great deal more fortmmto than tho majority," said Miss Levy yesterday In speaking of her xperlenco3. "Everywhere tho men havo deserted the villages and the women are taking over their labors. "On August 1 I was attracted to tho window of my room by tho pitiful crying at a funeral which was being held in a picturesque comotory across the street. It was while In tho midst of this dismal scene that tho tones of the tocsin bell broke In, telling that war had beon de clared. Tho proclamation catling for mo bilization, which was pasted before tho mayor's office, wai several yards long. It was received at D o'clock Sunday evening and at the 6 o'clock church services the nnxt morning no men wero present, all wore In tho fields hastily harvesting their crops or were on their way to the front. "During tho period of mobilization wo were not allowed to leavo Ins town. Wo wore with llttlo money and were cut off from news and friends It: tho xutsldo world. FRENCH WERE COURTEOUS. "The French wero very courteous to os. Prices were not raised. In fact, ho prices on butter nnd eggs came down. Butter could be bought for 10 cents a pound, because tho usual sources of Its outlet wore cut off. Notices were Posted notifying tho public that It was a penal ffense to raise prices. "While wo were stranded we knew but little of what was going on on tho out side. Tlio men had all left, and nil the activity of the town was carried on by the women. We spent considerable of our tlmo sewing for the Red Cross. "On August 18 wo woro able to roach Paris, after many passports and papers had been signed. The trip took 25 hours, while It usually takes but eight. On tho trip to Paris we stopped at La Mons, where the first tralnloads of wounded were being brought in. . "At Amiens wo saw the arrlvnl of thn 75,000 English troops. They displayed tho greatest good humor and were singing a popular song, 'Tlpperary.' which the na tives believed to be their national ulr. The postage Btamps of France, which formerly cost two cents, are now selling for three, tho extra cent being used for tho Red Cross relief work. "Everywhere we found the wildest ex citement. The soldiers go on their way singing, the women hang flowers from their windows and even the wounded do not lose their good humor." JIlss Levy and Miss Abrahams arrived on the steamship Finland at New York yesterday. They say that tho congestion of tourists at London has been relieved and praise the work of the Americun committee. They hnd to work their own way from the coast of Brittany to Paris, but In the French capital they met friends, who assisted them to reach Lon don, Trains from Now Tork yesterday brought home two Philadelphia families who ha, come over on tho steamship Campania, landing at New York. Mr. and Mrs. C Hartman Kuhn arrived yes terday evening and are registered for a few days at the Dellevue-Stratford. The other couple were Mr. and Mrs. Morris Dannenhaum, of loot Spring Garden street. WAR NEWS IN LETTER. An interesting account of tho war con ditions In Antwerp nnd the attack of the German Zeppelins on the city Is con tained In a Utter received by M'x Hess, o' -u-j Arch street, from his brother Philippe, who has been attending school In that city "Schools, theatres and cafes have been closed." the letter sa3, "and have been turned Into hospitals. Automobiles nnd motorcjcles boar tho Insignia of the army. Soldiers patrol the streets and all business 3 suspended. All the soldiers .starting f0r the front are loaded with flowers, cigars, candy and luxuiJcs. The English allies receive ovations whenever they appear on the streets." Tho attack of the Zeppelins occurred at lo clock at night, according to the letter. mo all had retired."' he writes, "nnd . the people had heard no rumors of an enemy for some tlmo, when suddenly the Uy was shaken as If by an earthquake. A series of explosions followed at short lnlarvaU -j ......,.., BIlq people rushed Into tho tets. ,10t knowing where the next tomb would fall. "The Kins, who had moved with his mlly to Antwerp, Is said to have rushed into the street ooatlcas and hatless. Ten were kinTY 1roppcci and eBht people the wm ? unded. The whirr of heard an t'S : ,h" dcfyrs could he -b"nBdronHtln'e. that the b01nl,s wcr People had of' X? th ,m,y eVlUe,lce the clos. ,h..f he Preset- t an enemy Of th, r,rnMlntta;,thC l0W dronl"8 """ the ArJZ, ' eller blailf- which preceded Mot Mnt'?h.f a ,b1mb' a,lep w"eh " .cloclkb"8l,n!ff..mue' suspended at 8 Wght n . Hms must be covered at the air I. " PreVent ,utllre l' r. a i H0N0RIC0NGRESSMAN L0GUE Catholic Total Abstlnenca Union Thruiltrt Representative for Aid. In recognition of Congressman Ldkiip's efforts on bchnlf of the temperance so cieties, tho Cnthollc Total Abstinence Union presented him with a copy r reso lutions nt tho opening of tho fall cam paign of the tfnlon In tho Cathedral Hall, Sixteenth and Vino streets, yesterday afternoon, Tho resolution'? thanked him for IiIr uiv tiring work during the Inst twenty years and wero presented by James Dougherty, chairman of tho commltteo nppolnted at m : Lonvcniion ot tno union in Niagara I-nils Inst month. MAN COMMITS SUICIDE; WOMAN FAILS IN ATTEMPT Two Victims of Poison, Taken Several Days Ago, Die in Hospitals. One man committed suicide yesterday nnd two women who swallowed poison tab lets several days previous died In hospi tals. A woman made an unsuccessful at tempt at suicide. Despondent because he wns unnble to obtain work nt his trade ns a catpenter, owing to falling eynslght, Charlos Tron:. 07 oars old, 1S48 North Opal sheet, committed suicide at his homo yesterday by Inhaling Illuminating gas. Hevernt months ngo, according to tho man's wife, DEATHS OF A DAY WILLIAM H. COOPER Cong.essnmn Logue brienv ronllr.1 l IIP. IDSt..,1,s wm c H'cutiso or poor eyesight. snaecli nvtntlltiir n,n tt.,i.. .it mure men no nan Decomo partial y nuna p5" ?!0Il.1.l,.1,,e. vninn for the prog- n,i trnrp, ,. i, wrmM in t,i ivif Kiuim mnuo in tno last forty years nnd complimented It on Us vigorous activity. WIDESPREAD UNREST THROUGHOUT ITALY Frequency of Disorders at Homo Causes Alarm Consoquences of War, Heavy on Budget. and feared that he would loso his sight entirely. Ho brooded over the matter and yesterday was found with n. gas tube fast ened In his mouth. Catharine Orr, ID years old, 1321 fioutti Thliteenth street, died In St. Agnes' Hos Select Councilman Long Had Been Identified With Politics. William If. Cooper, Sele-t Councilman fiom thn 12th Ward, died of heart disease nt his home, 712 North Third street, yes terday. Ho wns stricken suddenly while talking with friends nt Third street nnd f-'ilrmount nvenuc and died nt his home. Mr. Conner had born Identified with 12th Ward politics for many yenrs. He served two terms In Common Council. He wns elected to .Select Council last Decemlicr. He wnp a member of the RIUs and of the 12th Ward Republican Kxeeirtlvo Commit tee. He Is survived by a widow, two sons nnd ti daughter. JOHN H. CAMPBELL John II. Campbell, a mining engineer nnd rhnnilst. of 4111 Bnnsom street, who wiiu atitii-liiffiii1nt1i of xnvprnt hlc mines pltnl from the effects of a number tif Arizona, Nevada nnd other Western poison tablets she had swallowed on Au- Htnles, and owned largo mines In Mexico, gust 28, mistaking them for headache , died Saturday. He had returned to I'hlla PlI'S' . . dniphla Bhort'ly after the trouhlu In Mexico Mrs. Madge Tolbert. 30 years old. 1733 I i.n. Mr Pnmntinll nttonded thn Kllsworth street, died at tho Polyclinic i ."'rpniN' School, nt Fifteenth nnd Race A strong light Is thrown upon the present condition of affairs In Italy, and upon tho decision of the Italian Government to maintain neutrality, In a letter to tho Now York Evening Post from Its Naples correspondent, of which tho following Is part: Cerlgnola Is a llttlo city In Apulia, In the south of Italy, between tho Appe nines nnd tho Adriatic, yesterday, as certain orators of the Liberal party were speaking In tho public square, n bomb burst under the platform of tho orators. Tho news of tho event Is not as yet precise, but It appears that n poor young man was killed, It Is hardly known how. We rend already that Cerlgnola Is a "nest of anarchists": tho Intervention of the Government Is al ready Invoked for making arrests In mass, or, If necessary, setting up Bomo now kind of gallows tti tho public square. In large proportions tho snmo thing occurred In the tumults of Ro mngna and during the days of the gen eral strike and of the threatened rail way Btrlko a month ngo. I was not In Italy when there took place, on the 7th of lost June, the dis orders of Anconn, which have been dis cussed largely by tho national and Inter national press. After a private political meeting, about 200 persons, Socialists and Republicans together, In small groups, directed themselves toward one of the city squares, the Piazza Roma. A cor don of police had been already placed to bar tho way to tho ciowd. A conflict ensued between tho crowd and the po lice. Tho policemen say they were hit by stones and by a few shots fired, which last they havo not been able to prove; tho demonstrators deny It. It Is easy to believe that the carabineers wero maltreated by the crowd. Just as It Is also believable that nothing terrible would have happened If 200 or more persons hnd been allowed to walk ubout freely In Piazza Roma, In Ancona, nnd to ahout a few hurrahs and the reverse. I came back to Italy from a long Jour ney In Greece, nnd first to Rome, where .ho general strike had already begun, and the most varied and sensational events wero In progress. The Conserva tive nnd Liberal papers wero full of catastrophic accounts; thoy spoke openly of untl-moiinrchic.il plots nnd of organ ized revolution. Thus a great panic spread tlirough all Italy. Italy can be ruled only by cither a tyrannical Government, llko that of tho Popes or of tho medieval nobles, or by it strong nnd laborious demoracy, con scious that faith In Ideas and In the men that represent It Is to Southern peoples not less necessary than tho perfect or ganization of the administration and of the Government. Certainly, this crisis of growth nnd tills Initial dl3tmst In a form of government Insufficiently active nnd operutlvo . ac cording to wl(at most peoplo believe to be the material and spiritual necessities of Italian life, bave had their share in tho recent dlborders. They here continued to consider nnd to treat the peasant as they did CO years ago; they have dominated the local ad ministrations, nnd have hnd tho Govern ment at their service; law and Justice have been almost entirely on their side. Thus, between proprietors and laborers there has risen a barrier over which is sometimes stretched the hand of a mad man, armed by a criminal, to fire the fuso of a bomb. Tho consequences of the war weigh and must continue to weigh heavily on our budget. Italy, having shown herself stintig nnd great In the piesenco of tho whole world, has created new difficulties for herself abroad, and this Is another leason for not llluding ourselves about her Internal conditions and for not falsi fying their origin and cause. The Italian Government hns chosen tho direct road of neutrality In tho x ploslon of this homicidal madness of con quest. It Is not enough to say that tho road chosen Is the most loyal, by reason of the honest Interpretation of tho treaty which binds Italy to Germany and Aus trlu. It must bo recognized that this Is a duty toward the nation at this mnmimt I Hospital as tho result of taking poison with suicidal Intent. Sbo swallowed tho lotion on September 8, nnd had been In the hospital slnro then. Lena Hicks, 3f yenrs old, 431 Gnlloway street, Jumped from the root of her homo In an unsuccessful nttempt to end her life. According to the police, the woman wor ried because she was ordered to bo sent to tho Philadelphia Hospital on account of being partly demontcd. Her Injuries will probably provo serious. FIRE DESTROYS POWERHOUSE AT BRANDYWINE SPRINGS Skating IUnk at Park Also Falls Victim to Flames. WILMINGTON. Del., Kept. U-FIro early this morning destroyed tho skating rink owned by W. W. McCool, nt Drandy wlno Springs Park, and tho auxiliary Powerhouse of the People's Hallway Com pany. A number of houses In tho suburb known ns tho Cedars, wero threatened. A call was sent to Wilmington, and several Wilmington fire compnnles responded, but tho rink and powerhouse were gone when thev arrived. Tho skating rink has been out of service for somo time and the powerhouse wns kept ns nn emergency plant. The cur rent for tho amusement park In the sum mer season Is furnished by an electric company In Wilmington, but the other plnnt which wns formerly used was kept to bo put Into scrvlco in case of an emergency. The loss on the skutlng rink Is estimated at $4000. Tho loss on tho Power plant will run closo to $20,000. Tho skntlng rink building was a por. tlnn of tho water exhibit booths which formerly stood In the court of City Hall, In Philadelphia. struts, and wns graduated from the ITnl vnraltv nf rVntisvlvnuta In 157(5. His 111 ness, due to a stroke of apoplexy, lasted about four months, lie Is survived by a widow nnd four children. ELIZABETH BARRY HEPBURN Kllzabeth Darry Hepburn, wife ot W. Horaco Hepburn, an nttornoy, of 1728 Pino street, died yesterday at her sum mer homo In Atlantic City after a short Illness. Mrs. Hepburn was a great grand niece of Commodore John Harry, nnd a granddaughter of Commodore Halnbrldge. Sho wns a member of tho board of man agers of tho Infants' Hospital, nnd of tho parish of St. Stephen's Protestant Epis copal Church. Sho is atirvlvcil by her husband, a daughter and six sons. OBITUARY NOTES EDWAllD F. roi.IC, nf IMIi South IKd Htrect. for many yenrs with tho commercial department ot the Dell Ti-lcphono Companv, died nt his dime yc'lerday aft;r a short Ulnens. Tho funeral will he held from liH home on Wodnemlny nfternoon. at 2 o clock, interment will ho lnt '' Cemetery. MIIS. JANE It. HOWniil,. widow of Joneph P.. Unwell, nn nrtlat. tiled yesterday. The funeral will he held nt two o'clock Wednes day nfternoon from tho home of her son-ln-Inw, II. !. Seyhcrt, 1007 Christian Street. AIIIH. MAHV PATtKllIl Kni.LY, wlf of Wllllnm Keller, an attorney, died at her home ar.117 Arch Street, yesterday, In her seventieth year. eatfjsi AYLMEIt. On September 12, 1014. MAIIY AYI,MI31t. Duo notlco of tho funernl will ho given from her late residence, 1015 WarrMi st., West rhllidolphla. IiAI.lVIN. At his residence. 211 North Ma nic nve.. iJinsdowne. Pa . on September '3, 1U14, JOHN C. BALDWIN, iiKCil 72 yeari. Maxwell & Berlet Incorporated JEWELS AND JEWELRY Walnut Street at Sixteenth congratulate the PUBLIC UMk UEBEE on its enterprise in giving Philadelphia a new evening newspaper the Evening Ledger. The European war has occasioned NO increase in the price of Tecla Pearls 'The greatest photographic advance in twenty years' DEATHS Funeral services and Interment priiftta. Provldenco (It. I.) papors please copy. DAYM:. On Beptemher 11, IBM. .tOHN HAYIjB. netntlves and friends Rrn Invited to nttend tho funernl services, on Wednesday, September IS, at 2 o'clock precisely, at tho funeral parlors of Harry O. F. Carson, 1213 South Hrnnd st Interment private. IlOVn.--On September 11, 1M I, DANIEL. HO VI). ItelntheR nnd friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Tuesday nft ernoon. nt 2 o'clnck, nt tho apartments of Oliver H. Hair. 1820 fheitnut St. Interment nt Mount Morlnh Cemetery. MOVI.i:.- On September 12. 10H, MICHAnfj HOVl.tt, nged UU yeari. Funeral on Tuesday, nt 8 ft. m.. from 1312 South Onpltol St. Sol emn He'iulem Mass nt tho Uhureh of Ht. Thomas Auulnss, nt tl to n m. ttllADI.ISY. At Ocean flrnvo, N. .t., on Sep. temher 10, 101 1. JOHN HARDY MIADI.IJY, Imshnnd of Melllc V. Ilrndler incv Fii nnd son of Martha nnd Into John II. Hradley, Rcerl ,"t years. Relatives and friends, nnd Orient Lodpe, No. ,1r,. F. and A. M. ; Mellta Chapter, Nn 2s. Mary Commnnderv. No. .'Ill; Philadelphia Conlstory nnd I.il I.u Tem ple, A A O. M. S., Keystone. Assembly. No. 2, A. O. M. V and emplnes nf the lluuhes Hradley Co., nre Invited to nttend funernl, nn Monday, nt 1 ..10 p. m.. from late resi dence. 1710 Cedar nvc. Services In Wharton Street Memorial M. H. Church, filth nnd Cnthnrlne sts,. nt 2:30 o'clotk. Interment Mt. Mnrlnh Cemetery. HltAVItON On September 12. 1011. F.MMA .1. HtlAYHO.V. widow of Arthur Uraybrn Funeral services, on Tuesday, nt 2 p. m., at 2I.-.H N. Colorado st Interment Fernwnd rVnielerv. 1HUHIAN. On September 12. 1014. FIIANK W UltnilA.V. husband of Klln Hrnn Fu nernl services, Tuesday, at R p. m., at fOB N. Front st., Cnmden, N. J. Interment Hai. tlt Cemetery. Woodstonn, N. J., on Wednc. CVJIi'IlKI.I, On September 12. 1014. JOHN 11 t.'AMPIIF.t.I., ftKcd r,0 eirs Itelatlvei nnd frlndi are Invited In nttend ths funeral services on Tuesday, nt lo n m , nt his Into residence, 4414 Pansntn st Interment private CAIISflN. On September 12. 1014, MAIIY rj.. vldow of Jacob Carson. In her 73d year, Funernl services on Tuesday, nt nmlllo road, nenr Ilrlstol, nt 2-.10 p m. Interment a' lleechvvood Cemotory. COI.I.INN. At Moorestnwn, N. J., on Ninth Month 12th. 1011, IIACHKL A., wife of John S. Collins, In her 74th yenr rtelntlves and friends nre Invito! to nttend tho funeral, from her Into residence, 33 Ilast Central nve., Moorestnwn, on Third-day, Ninth Month lBth, nt 12 m. Interment at Colcstoun Cemetery. Cnrrlnnos will meet 11-08 trolley from Mnr ket st. ferry, Camden, nt Chester ave., Monrestown. COOI'i:it. On September 13, 1014.WII.MAM H. ctit)IM:il, husband of Hannah M. Cuop-r. Residence, 712 North .Id st. Uitc nutli'e nf the funeral will be xlven. CICANi:. On September 13, 1014, nt Wood lvnno, ,. j., MAIIY D. I, wife of Frnncls A. C'rnnc. Funernl services on Thursday, at 1 p. m.. nt tho resldenco of her sister, Mrs. liny W. Cnr. 002 Cooper St., Camden, N. J. Interment Ilethel, N. J, CltOMI.HY. Suddenly, at I.lndenwold. N. J., September 13, 1H1(, JOHN H., Iiuauuii m Mnry J. Crumley, In his 46th yenr. Funernl servh ei on Wednesday, nt 2 p. m . at his late residence, IJndenwold, N. J. Interment nt llerlln Cemetery. DAItNIH.I. At Mt. Laurel. N. J., on Ninth Month. 11th. lull. AIjFHKD IMHNKL,!,, nued XI veurs. Relatives and friends nro Invited to nttend tho funeral, from his Into residence, Mt. Laurel, on Third-day, Ninth Month, loth, nt 2 p. m. Cnrrlaces will meet 12 ) p. m. train from Mnrket Street Ferry, Phllndelnhln. at Moorestnwn. IMH.SKM. On September 13, 1014, EMMA L. nniSHM, widow of John K. Delscm. Funeral serviced nn Thursday, nt 2 p. m., at her late residence, 723 North 3Sth st. Interment nt West Laurel Hill Cemetery. II A I.I.II IVIM.I.. On September 12, 1014, WIL LIAM, husband of the late Catharine N. Hnllowell, need 71 yenra. Due notice of the funernl will he Riven, from the residence of his daiiKhter, 184S Van Pelt nt. IIIirill'IIN. At her residence. Atlantic City. N. J . at 1 a. m. on September 13, 111 ), HLiZAiiirnr harry, wire .1 u itnn . Hepburn. Tho relatives and friends arc In vited to attend tho funeral services, on 'W'' nesdny afternoon, at 1 o'clock, at her clv home. 172S Pine St., I'hlludelphln. Int. . rncnt private. HINKI.i:. On September 13, 1011, OHOROE L.. ron or Cicorse C and llllzulieth Ulnn,. nnd Krnndsun of John nn 1 Mary Hlnkle an' riuard and Mary Lvnch. aged 3 weeks funeral on Monday, at 2 p. m.. from 2tu Dickinson st Interment at Huly Cross Ceim tery. 'iJlOS.On September 12. 1014. ANNA HEMS, wife nf J. Howell Johnson. Relatives are Invited to nttend funeral services, on Wednesday, nt 2 p. m. precisely, at her lato residence, 24 11 Columbia nve. I.HHIIO.M. On Ninth Month 12th. 1014. JO hCI'II LEEDOM. Relatives are Invited to nt tend the funeral, from O.ikmont. Delawaro Countv, Pn on Ninth Month 15th. at 3 P. m. KKI.I.HY. On September 13. 1014. MARY J. I'AIIKDR, wife of William Kclloy. Duo notlcu of tho funeral will be given, from hei late resldenco, 3307 Arch st. KI.AI'IIKII. On September 11. 1014, 5CATH HRINH M., beloved wife nf the Into Charles Klnuder fneo Fox). In her ."8th year. Rel.i tlves nnd friends. nlo members of the Ladles' Aid Society of St. Vlnr.-nt's orphin A'vlum Tacony: St. Mary's Society of tho Catholic Mnthr. nre Invited to nttend the funernl, on Tuewlny mornlnK. at 0.30 o'clock, from her i.iie resiqence. ;i,ijs .Norm IJroad st. Solemn Requiem Mass at St. Stephen's Church, at UBATI1S 11 o'clock. Interment Holy Sepulchre Cems tery. MAlInRK. Suddenly, nn September 12. 1014, OTTIL1B N. M. MAUHER, daughter of th late J. J. and Pnullne Mnurer, nued 13 years., Asst. Hupt of the Lutheran Orphan' Horn OO.'O Oermantown nve., Mt. Airy. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend the funeral services, on Wednesday nfternoon, at 2 o'clock, In the chapel of tha Home Interment private. a.t Herman Ltilhernti 'emeierv MrllAI.K.-On September 13, I0t4, FRANCIS J., son nf the late Peter nnd Klbnbeth Mc Hale. Funeral on Wednesday, at H 30 a m., from (311.1 Thompson st.. West 1'hllndejphla. High Mass nt Church of Our Mother of Sor rows, at ID a. m. Interment at Cathedral Cemeterj Mil, LICK On September 12, 1011, I1D WARD F, husband of the Into Demarls n. Mlllhk, nucd 7R venrs. Funeral nn Tuesday, at 2 p. m., from West Chester road, Upper Darby, Delnwa'a County, Monillll.i:. On September 12, 1014 PHILIP, husband of Mnry Inellrle, ron of Francis a'id the latu I'hlllp Mohrle. Duo notlco of fu neral will In Riven, from his mother's res!-ilenn-, 2il N 2th St. MOKKIin.MI. -In l.ansdowne, Delnwnre Co.. Pa.. September 13, lfil I, MARCCLLA A, widow nf ilustavus K. Monrhtiid. Funeral from N 15. Cor. Owen and Drexel nvei , I-nmdowne, I'a , on Wednesday nt I p m. Interment prlvnte. ni Ml. Pence Cemetery MOIUIAN.On September 13. 1011. JAMKS MOROAN, husbnnd nf Hie late Jennie M..r Kan and snn nf tho Ule John nnd Ann Mm Kan. Funeral nn Thursday, at R 30 a. m , from hl late residence. 1323 S. 17lh i. High Mass at St. Rita's church nt 10 a. n. Interment New Cathedral Cemetery. Ml I.IIIII.I.AM). on September 12. 1011. at St. Joseph's Hoapllnl. ROKF, MFLIIOL LAND. Rolnllies nre Invited to nttend fu neral, vveilnesfinv. nt n smf a. m.. I mm -.iw , ?. Ureen st Solemn Hleh Requiem Mnss at St. fy Ur DEATHS a vi b?r 12 .... A-ifl fltttVlinriR On Rmllnhi BAUNDF.RS, husband of EmSf to T Funeral on Tuesday, from 2710 t,- Infjteat f Cnmden, N. J. Interment Arllfjr,,!). xm If BWMJI.r.KII. At r.lklon, Mil., on L 10. 1011. Dr. GERALD r.. son of Tkhman av c. and Mary F. Sconller. HelAfl). In h Ices, on Monday afternoon, at 2 oeV,."?0?. the apartments of Oliver I! IMIr, lfKoWat tn nut st. . wUeoald SDIJIllir.LR. September 1.1. 1014, ClEilSU" ' 7t., nusoano or .viary j. nnurnfr, hri' years. Funeral services on Tuesday, at xj nt his late residence, i3.ii Morin.ei mth t. st. interment at HarrlsburB Cemetery, J! risbiirR, ra. hi TIKJIANN.-On September 13, 1014. KATI of If.. wife of Joseph T. Tlemann, BRed 31 year y Funernl services on Thursday, at 2 p. m., at her Into residence 2121 Hast Host m av Interment private, Hast Cedar Hill Cemetery. i;TTI',Iit.i:iN.--On Kepteml-er II. 1014. JO HF.PII HMALLWOOD VDTTERLEIN. Rela tives nnd friends nre Invited to nttend th funernl rervlces. on Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at his Into residence, 1212 Spruce st. Interment private. , .. ()lli:r. On September 12. 1014. SADIH VrxiDL, BRed II years Relatives nnd friend arc Invited to attend the fnneril fcrvlrf on Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock precisely, at her late residence, 721 Nrth "tb at. irearl, Interment private, at Adath Jeshurun Ceme tery. WOOLI'.KY. On September 13.1014, F.LI.nN, widow of Nlmrod Woolery. Funeral services nn Wednesday, at 11a. m nt the chapel of Andrew J. Hnlr A Son, 10th and Arch its. Interment private A i r. "A Francis Xnvler's church, nt Hi n. m. & TTrr O 1 Ml'1,1,. -On September 13, lfll L at her lat- 1 A fX r11VTf residence, V12() Overbronk ave.. RrSAN JANE f, T T V J X VJ VJ X J MDLL, In her 87th yenr. Due notlco of fu 'A Z. The Union League Manufacturers' Club Ritz-Carlton Atlelphia St. James with fruits and vegetables nerai win be Riven. MClll'lir. On September IS, 1911. SARAH FRANi Efl Ml'ltrllV, wife of Thomas A. Murphy. Funernl services on Wednesday, nt 2.30 p. m, at the residence of her husban I. Jefferson St., West Mnnayunk. Interment private, nt Westminster Ccmeterv. NOLAN. On September 13, 1014, WILLIAM J. NOLAN. In his 7ith ear. Services ut tlv residence of Ills son, William C Nolan. 2l Albert ave., Aldan, Deluwam County, o:i Wednesday, September 10, at 2 p, m. Inter ment HI rjinHl',ll ' riiiV' yt C uil'J,,,, r,- - i'- . , -l , Ices and interment prlvite ' ? p yeai 'rOUnti. WhV ttOt O'DONNHI.L. On September 12. 1014. NORA & LI .? -i .. '.m nj .. o., wiro or .innn u iionneu. tunerai vvcines day, at i 10 a. m , frcin 2112 N.rtih li m , c st. Solemn Requiem HlRh Mass nt the Church of tho Visitation, at in .i m. ORR. At his home. 172 Central nve.. East OraiiRe, N. J., on September 13. llil I. CHARLES W. ORR, formerly of this i Ity. Funeral ervlces will be held at the homo of his mother, Mrs. Joseph Orr, 220 H. Mllllck st , West Philadelphia, on Tuesday, Septem ber 1T. nt 2 p. in. OI.'LTON. On September ln.1914. CHARLES HARVEY OL'I.TON. Funeral sirvlces Mon day, at 0 a rn . ut his Intn residence. 2130 Arch st. Interment strictly private. I'OHLKl. On September 12. 1014, EDWARD 8 U V you l xou win nnu our wholesale and retail prices as reasonable as possible, quality of goods considered. 4 4. r.. beloved husband of. Anna I'ihn RUi- tlves and friends, also members of Iii!',n News Relief Association, I'rnressle Asi,eni bly. No. 4, A. O. M. 1'.. and fommeri ml Department of the Hell Telrphonr C'linwitii of I'ennylvnnla. are Inv U-.l to ntten 1 tn. funeral services, on Wednsdn nft'Tno'in i 2 o'clock, nt hlj late resll'nf. 21 s r H2d st Interment at Mount I'nu e ivme'-r. Remains mav be viewed Tuesdav c enlnc We Deliver Anywhere SB Felix Spatola & Sons Rcndiiip; Terminnl Market ' Kevstone Phone Race 2308-2300 J ';, Hell Phone Filbert 045O-S4B1 j 'f Importers of the Spatola Iirntu i Pure Italian Olivo Oil. .! y The Second Annual Autographic . Kodaks Food Exposition i. aljlffjJijJlfiiSy:'' , li!!'' You can now date and title your negatives, permanently and almost Instantly at the lime you make them. No. In Autographic Kodak, pictures 2x4 in., $17.50 No. 3 Autographic Kodak, pictures 3x4J4 in., $20.00 No. 3a Autographic Kodak, pictures 3y4x5K- in., $22.50 JOHN HAWORTH COMPANY KASTMAN KODAK CO. 1020 CHESTNUT STREET SSW'e can supply separate "AUTOGRAPHIC BACKS" for your Kodak in the following sizes: No. la, No. 3, No. 3a. I'arK cover. IKS are treeli in . S s nni1 ""''"era patrol the TheiJ,?.?r.ouP8.toardoff any atta-lt." t ou. bv h " "art ,arKe Portions of It ie SestrnM"8.0' n h-ul " map of ore belnB pM(j The result of 22 years' ucceiful experience in building motor can. HIS S3 fefnllrfi? The name plate on the radiator Is not the only reason it's a Haynes, America's Greatest "Light Six" NOW HERB I t? $1485 1 Under the auspices of the Reading Terminal Market Business Men's Association will be held in the Reading Terminal Market December 2d to 12th, 1914 Applications for demon strating stands should be made to the superin-1 tendent. j w AR Has caused an increase in the prices of certain commodities; and coal is in "the line of advance." For the present NEWTON COAL (THE BEST) May be had at the following prices: Egg - - $7.00 Nut - - $7.50 Stove - - $7.25 Pea - - $5.50 25c extra if carried GEO. B. NEWTON COAE. CO. 1527 CHESTNUT STREET V spiiucn oioo RACE 300 Grand Opera Doubtful This Season Because of the War! TJJTnn the world's fjrentest g-and opera J-3 U JL singers will nny time provide an evening of entertaining music for yourself and friends upon the Victrolas $15 to $200 Complete your se lection of grand opera records now, if you own a ma chine: if not, become a Victrola enthusi ast today. You'll enjoy the voices of these grand opera stars. Penn Phonograph Co. 17 South 9th Street UpMklt l'lntniltrw 1 mm? ,v) 1 HHMMtftf'11 ------ - 3 y 1 Appreciate that a factory built car is always super ior to an assembled car. P0 ON EXHIBITION THIS WEEK WPf Unit poi plant, 8 -point uapniloa, 6- ward V ,an, rtbve'1 as war """ 'V EJ liughUr Mi'xnh. re,,,npi with his the Camnani 1 ?"rJam r,ar' ane- on K.ne m hi 'h!6 SaturJ'V evenlmr. Mr. durlnB tho .nobliuat onU,?,.,."n'1 I'n,lon Uvcrj where . . r ,Jof ,h" ur,I- . iry rttopuu M,mwl to ' JittSS n ACctar,n 'oV ihJ wBr aid Iti . W..hl. comp..t.r QU.PP. 2650 lb... 3"tlce. Mr K " w ur ami lis ,mf more thn oo borpow.r to PJnU made the t,ln .th.at tho Cam" I "' 65. "" Qt ,'lht .. numuer of ... r twice ner usuai itc.vmi .." tif. HMmi.,,. v , I'"nifn-g and ,h, iarca ' iijhtlni jrtm. r.HtaJ-?;..AW.Wloin,,,ian,.l S I BcAomlcl n c4rtU,.tor. keS. wer'"" .P'PorUtUn All rt ' , -. . trn:i JOHNSO'W fflUTUK CAK CU. w. Kroad St., Phila. SfOM ''UQJX, LOCl'SI 131 cjllnder cn-Uoc motor, actuallr ilarelop- inn pv ui iiw,wjwwi Inch whlbi. bind drlv centre, control. Ignition from tora btltirr through Htmy dUtrlbutor nd coll. V.'-uum (Btolln Dutera v.iS in tank at reir of chassU EpUth and rare (d lubrication. Forced water circulation. Clutch, thrce-i'Utu do duo trp Ilnd vlth Haybcato. TranamUalon, telectlrt alldlor ar trp. three apetda forward. on revtrx. myiH run noait0 raar tut. Crowned (ender. ExcliMlue arch (rams conmuctlon body'ui.! f ,r,U "na '""J "' 3x-t' tlree. Ftrtatone dvmouniabl rlmj Motor driven tire pump Stunart WarQr iipocdomtter. Improved One-man top Colilm curtalru hl'ld rlo-1lon ventUatlaf wind- Tlrr currier at rear of chaaili. Clear runntnf boards EluctrUa under hood horn ! If You Are to Understand the European War You Must Know Something of the Warring Nations This knowledge is best acquired from reading our hooks Books The Belgians at Home l.i ml $3 50 net. Russian Empire of Yesterday Ncvin $3 00 net. The Spell of France Carol? water Mason. ?2.oO net. Poland of Today and Yesterday Xcviu O. Winter. $3 00 net. France of the French By Edw. Harrison Barker. $1.50 net. Cli 'a Hoi- ( Todl and O. vJjiitcr. iAt Belgium of the Belgians By De- metritis C. Bouluer. 1.50 net. Italy of tlA Italians By Helen tmmern. m,50 net. War Manual f the Great 1914 European Conflict 100 illu . maps and full Reference Iiulcs. Paper, 25c; cloth, 50c; leather, Maps Pocket War Map of Europe Showing the war strenytlt of the armies ami navies of the nations in conflict, also area, population, rcsourtes, public debt. 15c. Atlas of the European Conflict Petailed maps of the nations and analysis of comlittons lead ing HP to the present struggle. Price 35c. Atlas Map of Europe Size 21x28 inches. 5c. New Commercial Map : Europe 3Sx47 in Tin-, map is complete in everv oetau Alphabetical in- k of map. giving chief ation, etc $ i.50 net. dex oi, cities, &B THE DAYLIGHT BOOK 1701 Chestnut Street CK. 5 SH OP J