the _farm. TO CORRESPONDENTS. Communications upon subjects of interest to the farmer, the gardener, the frult-grower and stock-breeder are solicited for this depart ment of the paper. All such communications should be addressed to Cram!" dreacKraa. Agricultural Editor, Columbia, Lancaster county, Pa. Thin-Skinned Land. What Is the real meaning of this? I am so frequently told, "I have no depth of soil, mine is thin-skinned land," that I naturally ask whether there is hard rock immediately under this thin skin of 5 inches of plowed land, and then I find that there is under it,probably,lso feet deep of good honest land, but that It has only been skinned, the body re maining untouched. Now there is nothing really more easy and simple than deepening this thin stable to any reasonable required extent. Keep the top-soil where it is, but break up the hitherto undisturbed soil, so that air and water can have free access into and through it, and so that the top-soil and manure may rest upon broken ground and gradually mix with it. This has been my practice for the last 21i years, and as a natural consequence I get those large crops which are thesurpriseof many who once knew thepoverty of thesoil. I effect this object by following in the track of the first plow with another plow minus the breast, drawn by four or six horses, the first plow turning the top-soil on to die broken under-soil. The effects are prompt and obvious; rain-water sinks rapidly through the top-soil Tito the broken under-soffand thus facilitates its passage to the drains. The top-soil is thus left to dry, and lit to receive the full benefit of warmth and changes of temperature, the subsoil partaking also in degree of the like advantages. As a rule, the sub-soil having remained un broken for ages, is panned down so tight as fo become almost impervious, and certainly in a great degree debarred from atmospheric influences. All this becomes gradually changed by sub-soil ing or under-plowing, called trench lowing. See what takes place on our heath. The uppersoil has often been tak en away; the exposed sub-soil, for a time remains barren,but after a certain period it becomes improved b . , the action of and water, and is again well coated with vegetation, and is again robbed or strip ped, as I have frequently witnessed dor ing thirty years. Elements of fertility exist in our subsoil abundantly, but are in au unavailable or passive condition. They are raw, and want cooking by at mospheric exposure and influence.— How well the late Rev. Samuel Smith, of Lois Weeden, understood this. He not only exposed the subsoil to atmos pheric action by plowing his top soil together, and leaving the intermediate space of raw subsoil uncovered, but greatly hastened the cooking process by intermixing with the bared subsoil I.le ity of manure, so that it became r ve quickly good feeding ground for i thec oots of plants. The adjoining toot crops (Swedes) soon found this out, and occupied the hitherto barren soil with their fibres. The evidences of the value of deep cultivation are plainly shown wherever it ditch has been filled up, or where the drains have been deeply placed. There the crops show a visible advantage for more than twenty years. Some fancy that it Is because the land is there better drained, but the true reason is the deep loosening anti disturbance of the soil. Deep and good cultivation and manur ing remain visible for nearly a century or more. Walking with a friend on his fields, I asked what was the canoe of one portion of the crop look ing so much bet ter than the rest. "Oh ! ' tie said, "that was once a cottage-gurden (1 long while ago. 1 have known the field fifty years, and It roust have been some time before that." I have a proof of this on my own farm. In Is 11l I exchanged two acres of land with a neighbor. These two acres (in common with the rest of my land i had been drain ed and deeply subsoiled about lout' years previously. Twenty-live years have since elapsed, and during the whole of that period die crops on these two 211 . 1141 have shown a marked superiority over the rest of my neighbor's 11,-Id. As a basis and permanent improvement, I look upon deep cultivation as equal in importuned with manure. The two, combined with drainage, give the key to profit,. It is very much to Mr. Smith's if Woolston ) credit and profit that he concentrates the power of his en gineonasinglesubsoil tine passing deep ly into the furrows between the ridges. The disturbance of the subsoil can never be too deep, provided the surface soil is allowed to remain uppermost, or gradu ally intermixed with the subsoil. Every Impediment to the fibres of plants is a loss to the farmer, causing delay in development ; we all know that the Jaenpression of heavy land by carting or treading renders it comparatively barren—witness a cart-track. The ele ments of fertility are there, but are not available. The roots of plants descend tuany feet in a friable subsoil, naturally or artificially drained, Theoldstory con ' veysasoundagricultural moral. The old Man 1/11:iliti death-hued told his sons that somewhere in the field he had buried some money. The earth was deeply and carefully searched; the money was not found, but a treasure arose from the greatly increased produce, resulting from deep and perfect cultivation. Most of the great old docks, thistles and other weeds, that I see as I pass by rail, standing high above the laid corn crops have a safe and lasting anchorage in ihe undisturbed subsoil. My agricul tural friends, like myself, are, I know fond of profit.. Let rue assure them that one of the most ready ways to get it is by deeper cultivation. Every farmer covets deep, triable toll—as it is so scarce, let us make some—we van do so profitably if we choose to use the means. - ('or. Country Gentleman. From Grass to Ilay There is no part of the year, or portion of the life of horses, cattle and sheep, especially store stock, in which they so often suffer for luck of care, food and shelter, as during the season from the lallure of grass to the time when they aro regularly enstalled in Winter quar ters, and are receiving their Winter daily rations. The bleak winds, chill ing storms, long nights, cold ground and • frost-bitten grass of November have a very different effect upon all farm stock, from the warm stables, soft bedding, early cut hay, appetizing Sweeties and daily nursing of January and Feto nary. Of the many excuses offered by farm ers for neglecting their stock at this sea son, scarcely one of them Is worth the hearing; but still they are made under standingly if nut orally, and have the effect to stultify and quiet the conscience of the herdsman, to the great detriment, of his stock. f every stock raiser would receive as truth, embrace it us such, fully compre hend its importance and various bear ings, that any and every th Lng that much or little interferes with the comfort of animals, lessens their thrift and Costs him dollars and cents, there would be much less loss in the weeks intervening Summer and Winter quarters. There is such a reluctance to COMMellee feed ng out the grain, hay, coarse feed In the barn, and roots in the cellar, that the stock is often left to browse and grub on the hills, among the bushes, on the meadows or in the woods, as long and lute iu the Autumn as they continue to /1// themselves tolerably lull, with the mistaken idea that until they begin to look la i plt and sharky, they are " get ting along," and the Winter feed in the barn is saved. But stock may look full without bait ger being satisfied ; yes, they may be full constantly, and all the time grow ing poor, as it matters little whether full of bleached stubbles, grass, leaves, or wind. And if they have no place to feed day times away from the bleak and chilling Autumn winds, or to lie nights except on the cold and wet earth, and unpro tected from wind and storm, they will be uncomfortable, and necessarily de teriorate in consequence. A fat animal keeps warm easier, and of course requires less food for fuel, than a lean one; and it is far better thatstock should come to Winter quarters extra hit than otherwise. The Winter ,1 unrters should be so coil structed as to exclude frost at "pinch of Winter" and all other times, and yet so as to have good air—especially for mileh cows—which may be done anti allow rive times the cubic space of the cubic size of !each animal, for each to occupy. —the. Western Rural. Saving Seed Each farmer is to have seed to sow and plant. This he usually retains from his crops. Sometimes he is care ful to select, sometimes not. Now, each farmer can be an improver of his seed, his crops, as is done by those who make it a business to im prove. It is done by selection—select ing every time such quality or qualities as he wants. Selecting every time the largest, earliest and best esti - , there will be a dhow of larger, earlier and vette' corn. So with potatoes. Secure always the larger and coarser, and there will ue large and coarse, illage the same. This will do for feeding. But a smaller potato is wanted for the table, a liner grained, better form; approaching the flat and smooth, so that the cookingja expedited. There Is also more sweet ness and better quality generally in medium-sized tubers. These, and only these, should be selected yearly. Squashes and pumpkins may be im- proved in the same way. Select such as you want every time, and of the same quality. Thus tomatoes improve or di.- terlorate according as we select them. Poor, dirty wheat (or any grain) will give poor, dirty wheat; that is the ten dency. If the season is very favorable, this will be less seen ; but the tendency is nevertheless there, and a good selec tion of seed would have made a better crop. Each farmer may thus be his own improver of what he raises.—Cor. Coun try Gentleman. Charcoal a Good Farm Medicine. Nearly all sick horses and cows are made so in the first place by eating proper food, or too much of it. As soon as the owner finds any of his animals sick, it is the common custom to begin dosing with medicine. "We mustn't leave the :animal to die—we must do something!"—and so all manner of hurtful drugs and poisons are thrust down its throat—saltpetre,copperas,tur pentine, &c.—quite sufficient to make any well animal sick, or to kill a sick one. " You didn't give the poor thing enough—you should have given it often er—you can't expect your beast to get well if you don't/do more for it !" Our rule has always been to give nothing, unless we know exactly what to do ; and in the meantime attend to every exterior comfort practicable. If the weather is cold, place it in warm quarters, avoid all exposure, and attend to pure air and strict cleanliness. But there is one medicine that can never do harm, and is commonly beneficial. This is pulverized charcoal. As we have just remarked, nearly all sick animals be come so from Improper eating, in the first place. Nine cases out of ten, the digestion Is wrong. Charcoal is the most efficient and rapid corrective. It will cure ill a majority of cases, if promptly administered. An exam pie of its use—the hired man came im with the intelligence that iine of the finest cows was very sick, and a kind neighbor proposed the usual drugs and poisons. The owner being ill, and unable to examine the cow, concluded that the i trouble came from collie over-eating,and ordered a tea-cup of pulverized charcoal given in water. It was mixed, placed in a junk bottle, the heed held upwards, and the water with Its charcoal poured downwards. In five minutes an im provement was visible, and in a few hours the animal was in the pasture quietly eating grass. Another instance of equal success occurred with a young heifer which became badly bloated by eating green fipples after a hard wind. The bloat was so severe that the sides were almost as hard as a barrel. The old remedy, saleratus, was tried for the purpose of correcting the acidity. But the attempt to put it down always coughing, and it did little good. Half a tea-etipffil of fresh:powdered char coal was next given. In six hours all appearance of bloat had gone, and the heifer was well. Vie disapprove of quackery—Where without a precise knowledge of the dis ease, powerful remedies are given at random, and indiscriminately. We call only compare such practice to that of the teamster, who as soon as he finds that his wagon is In Liken, iiumediately pro cures a quantity of nails, spikes, screws, &e., and immediately begins to drive I 11(.111 into all parts of the vehicle at ran dom, in the hope of hitting the right place. The scientific practitioner first ascertains what the trouble is, and then goes at once to apply the rem edy to that particular point. The ob jection of ,mackery cannot extend to the use of charcoal, for it can do no harm, never makes u well animal sick, nor kills a sick one, and goes directly to the seat of the trouble ill most sick animals, and if timely applied etlecte a cure. What are commonly termed " colds" in domestic animals, nearly always origi nate in the first place flout derang ed digestion, and ill connection with cleanliness, pure air and warm quar ters, charcoal will accomplish what is desired if used in lino.. It may be pre pared 4,11 the spot liy pounding up fresh burning embers from a wood-fire ill au iron kettle; this will make a bet ter and fresher article than old char coal. -f ioodry fiend( mon. Staggers In l'lgs A correspondent asks information IV grinding the cause and management of pigs suffering from what appear try he Muggers. The symptoms are as follows: The nig stands and works his mouth, and froths at the mouth, then staggers and falls as if in a lit. After remaining in that state for a time it recovers, hut at last the symptoms prove fatal. ;-ionie pigs force their noses against tire wall, or into a corner, but the symptoms are always nearly the same. The dis ease which is popularly termed staggers in medical parlance is vaned epilepsy. It depends usually upon imperfect nu trition of the brain and nervous system. In pigs, as well as in other animals, epilepsy is often hereditary. Frequently it is developed by breeding imand-in Continued feeding on poor, innutritive fare, such as brewers' wash or Indian ecru, or even on such unduly stimulat ing food as beans or peas will favor the production of epileptic fits. Wet, foil uncomfortable beds also lead to epilepsy among young and delicate pigs. In preventing further losses we would advise the attending carefullS'to cleanli ness, comfort and liberal feeding; sup ply the small pigs with some good milk and a daily mess of boiled linseed,which is particularly good, as containing u large proportion of oleaginous matters. A few cabbages, grass, dry peas and bar ley flour will help to vary the dietary. If the pigs are weakly, ten or twelve drops of tincture of the chloride of iron may be given twice daily In beer, water gruel, or mash. For the next litter se cure a strong, sound, vigorous sire of a strain of blood entirely different from that which has been hitherto used.— t. Ed. ...Yurth British Agriculturist. NO TI 0.,Y,5. •- WM.T : II 0 P INi , 10 9.1 110 0 HI., CHESTNUT ST., i,(URARI) ROW,) Ei, r hin R. Ow. ,501 Dt•ttler Lit Osir Four Weal 4peefull le.. Our Celehrattal Clutuiplun Help Skirt,. I ein/1111g :1,11 styles/1111i hrf., , , tor Ladl , s, Inse, and l'llll , lren. Nlanufatetured to rneet lie wants of first drift,. trade, ta the lowest. prives. 0l11tHF: I'n In stylesand grades to meet the wants of all, bunttoe. to Solo per pair, Includ ng 'llionipsou's Glove Fitting, Rohl \Vehly't, J. Pea el', Mail. Foy's. Mrs. Moody's Misses' and Cot hvt)+l, Sc.. bigot il4, WILLI other desirable make, t.O praies beyond competition. I'.ON 1 Lilt BUSTLES in 1,3 varieties, from to 1.110 1 0, including Hair Cloth, 75e: Bon Toll, iisson, New Broadway, Elect. Ns.•. anil every other desirable lito.tie at lower pi lees 1111111 tiny other parties itt the I Mlle. L 111 UN' G.:Ft-GARAI S In every quality, from the fluent to tel lowest ticked and Valley Muslin :skirts, varle- I l les l 70, to 57.011, Chemises Irian 4410 to elk , ll I" 52.50. Night I iresses, le I'6. Sacks, Mc to i 1.1.41. Cornet Covers, 31 to $5.511. Aprons, Misses' and Chil dren's undid-Ulu 111,11 IS, Jr. ~. • . We have the largest, best and cheapest lines of the almve e I In Philadelphia. Every purchio.m . can save WM, uud 1110LIVy by exam ining Lilt.M. Wholesale and nuvl-3mwii COACH- ald v E V IIII.IP DOERSIIOI, (State...or to stelgerwtilt & Doersom ,- Alit_t•lLWAer WIER OF CARRIAUM, tala- UIEM, MARKET WALiONS, &v., Carriages, .te., always on hand and matte to order. All work. warranted. Repairing done HI 811011 nod lee. _ _ REMEMBER THE 01.1) STAND, F:xst. King ntreet, half-mina, from the Court turn) House. lvdaw E D aER L E Y & C 0 C.A RRIAUF. mAm:FAcTuRERs We keep on hand and make up to inter the cheapest, latest and neatest styles—such as pH.E'rolvs, BUGGIES, MARKET WAGONS and CARRIAGE:3ot every description. The secret of our success is that we are all Practical .11cchanics of different °ranches of the business. Wu ask a trial and guarantee satis faction. All work warranted. Repairing promptly attended to. E. EDGERLEY. .1. SHAAJD, J. H. NORBECE • BANKING 110 USES. E DWAHD HAIGHT CO., BANKERS, 9 ,v AI. ST RE ET, N E,W IUIt K. 9 Five Per Cent. Interest Allowed on Ile. The business of our Urn. Is the same as ally Stale or National Bank. individuals or lirrus, banking with us, may cieposit , and draw they please, the same as with any Bank, except that we allow Interest ou all balances (live per cent.) We buy and sell Bonds, Stocks, Gold, Busi ness Papers, and collect Business Notes and Drat ts throughout the united States, giving prompt returns. nlt Smdbizw u 'siva , " OF THE GREAT FIRES IN LI Chicago and the West by Rev. E. J. Good speed, D. D. of Chicago. The only complete History of these great events. quo two. pages; 51 Engravings; prices 12.50; on' ft, 81.0. 70,000 anent* , sold Profits go to sufferers. Agents warded. Address H. C. GOODsPEED & CO., 37 Park Row, ew York, or J. W. lioodspefxl, Chieugo, St. Louis, or Cincinnati. dl3-3mwso THOMAS F. MeELLIGOTT, ALDERMAN, OFFICE IS. MAYOR'S OFFICE, LANCASTER, PA. Seri eening carefully executed. Collections promptly attendedto - 4- IF YOU WANT E GO O T D . CARPETS WOVE HENRY WIEBUSH, CARPET WEAVER, Idb CHURCH STREET, - LANCASTER, PA. octES-Iycir•42: A_NCASTER ITOO.FLAXD'S BITTERS ONE KILLION OF LIVES SAVED! It Is oneof the remarkable facts °Uhl/ re markable age, not merely that so many—per sonsarethevictims ofDyspepsiaor Indigestion but its willing victims. Now, we would not be understood to say that any one regards Dys pepsia with favor, or feels disposed to rank it among the luxdries of life. Far from it. Those Who have experienced Rs torments would scout such an idea, All dread It, and would gladly dispense with its unpleasant famil ties. Mark Tapley, who , was Jolly under all UM Luting circumstances in, wch Dyspepsia,,as placed. never had an attack- Of or his Jollity would have speedily forsaken him Men and women soinetimesimffer Its tortures uncomplainingly, but whoever heard of a person who enjoyed them 1...1 Of all the multifarious diseases to which the human system is liable, there is perhaps no one so generally prevalent as Dyspepsia. There are diseases more acute and, painful, and which more tregnently grove fatal: but none, the effects of which are so depressing to the mind thereo positively distressing to the body. If Is a wretched being in the world it is A CONFIRMED DYSPEPTIC. But It is not our attention to &scant on the horrors of Dyspepsia. To describe them truth fully is simply an impossty, but it is pos sible to point out a remedy. We have said that Dyspepsia Is perhaps the most universal of human diseases. This is emphatly the case in the United States. Whether this gene zaretrolemncoeflls dueod of tiofsthp%chafaortfotoer. or r f the food, hasti , manner In which it preparation usually swal lowed, is not our province to explain. The great fact with which we are called et deal is this DYSPEPSIA PREVAIL.S almost univei;any. Nearly every other person you meet Is a vic tim, an apparently willing one; (or were this not the mete, why so many sufferers, when a certain, speedy and safe remedy ix within the easy reach 01 all who desire to avail them selves of It? But the majority will not. Blind ed by prejudice, or deterred by some other un explained Influence, they refuse to accept the relief pro ff ered them. 'n)ey turn a deaf ear to. the testimony of the thousands whose suffer ings have been alleviated, and with strange Infatuation appear to cling with desperate determinalSon lo their ruthless tormentor.— But says a Dyspeptic: What Is this remedy? To which we reply: This great alleviator of bunion suffering Is almost as widely known Its the English language. It has allayed the ago nies of thousands, and lanto-day carrying com fort and encouragement dot housands of others. Thls acknowledged namiteett. is none other Ilan Dr. 1100FLAND'S GEE AN BITTEItS. Would you know more of the merits of this wonderful medicine than can be learned from the experience of others? Try It yourself, and when it has failed 1,0 luta' the assurance of its efficacy given by the proprietor, then abandon faith In it. LET IT BE REMEMBERED. first of all, that HOOFLA.ND'S tiERNIAN lIIT'I'ERN is not a rum beverage. They are not alcolantle in any sense of the terra. They are composed wholly 01 the pure Juice or vital principle of roots. This is not a mere assertion. The ext raets from which they are compounded are prepared by one of the ablest oi fierninn chemists. nle ay other Bitters in the market, they U are ik who any tree front spirit nous Ingredients. The objections which bold with so much force against prepa rations of this class, namely—that a desire for intoxicating drinks is stimulated by their ass, are nut valid in the ease of the Herman Bit ters. So fur from encouraging or Inculcating it taste or desire for Inelniniating beverage, it may be confidently everted I lilt I heir tenden cy is in a diametrically opposite direction.— Their effects can be IiEN Et. 'CIA L ONLY In all cases of the blllary system. Ilooffand • s (iernmti Bitters stand without an equal, act lug promptly and vigorously upon the Liver: they remove Its torpidity 111111 copse health 1111 se cretion ot bile—thereby supplying the stomach with Die most indispensable elements tit :tumid digestion in proper proportions. They give tone to thestonatch—stimulating its hinctions, anti enabling it Lii perform Its duties . nature clef:tatted it should do. They impart vigor and strength to the entire system, causing tile palieut to feel like allot her being—ill loot, give lug 1,11,1 It new lease of life. THEY PURIFY T.HE BLOOD. cleansing the vital fluid of all nitnintlui impuri ties and supplanting them with I lie elements of genuine healthfulness. lln in word, there is liatact•ly a disease In which they cannot be safely and benetivially employed; but In that most generally prevallent 11 Istressing an I dreaded disease, Dyspepsia 'THEY STAND UNII.I VALED. Now, there are certain classes of persons to WllOlll eXtreine liilterB are not only 0011111100- tile, Mit Who Lind it impossible to take Ilimu wit/halt positive disiminfort. For such Dr. 1100FLAND'S GERMAN TONIC has been specially , prepared. IL In Intended tor Line Where a slight alcoholic viiinulant Is required in c.flinection will the well-known 'foule Proper ties of the elite Geriflun Hitters. This Tonic contains all Liu. Inured:M.lS of the Bittern, but so flavored as to remove the ex treme bitterness. 'fink preparation in n o t only palatable, but nnoniblnes, to modified hell, all the s irtues of the lirrttenn Bitters. The solid extracts of smile of Nal lire's choicest restore- Dyes are held in SOlllOOll by a spied Mills agent of the purest quality. In cases of laugnor m excessive debility, Where the system appears to have become exhausted of Its energies, HOOFLAND's 'l'llN IC acts with almost marvelous elfeet. It not on ly stimulate , the ['eggnog and wasting energies, but invigorates +Ol.l permanently strengt It,. Its ata 101 l Llptal the I.lVeraildlitoltiacll through, hem mps less prompt than the linters, When Ole same quantity is Laken is none Lhe le. certain. Innitgestion, Biliousness, Physical or Nervous Prostialion, yield readily to its po teat intlueutne. It eon., the invalid a new and stronger hold upon lite, removes depression of spirits, and displres cheerfulness. It supplants i,„ i_ rt tine pant 01 lelease with tile ease and comfort of perfect I li. It gives strength to weak ness, turn 's despondency to the winds, and starts the restored Invalid upon It new and gladSoine Career. But Dr. Hominoids benelatn tions to the htitnan race are not cm:tripod to his celebrated Uh. It MAN HITT F.l R 0 , or Ills invaluable 'rosin . . lie has prepared another metlicitie, winch Is rapidly winning Its Way to popular favor because of its fialluimic Merits. 'rids Is HOOFLAND'S P 0 1 ,0 1 .11 Y 1.1.1 N PILLS, a perfect subst P. tile for tourcun y. wnt bout any ol itternmry's evil qualities. These wonderful Pills, which are Intended to art upon tile Liver, are ins 1 niy enninposed of Podophyllin, or the VITAL. PINIPLE OF rider \ OOT. Now we R de C sire the reader to distinctly ß un derstand that this extranq of the Mandl ake is many times more powerful that, the Mandrake Itself. It is the inn theme' virtues 01 the., health-glving plant in a perfectly pure and highly concentrated torio. Het., It is that two of the PoiliEphyllin Pills constitute a lull dose, while any 101. c: e ,ix to eight or a handful 01 null, preps cal tons of tile Mandrake are re quired. The Ptainninliyilin acts directly yia llr t 0 o Liver, st 'nutlet 1 lag Its tumult.. aunt out sing It 11111 he its MI et ry secretions ,in reglitar allif proper tomtit dies. The Etutirliam results widen Myatt minty tonnw tine use or mercury is en tirely an.ottlent by their t.e. lint It IS moo Mem the Liver fad) . that Haar tatWel , are eXerlisi. The extract. 01 Mandrake Contained In 11,0111 is slialltilly 0i:ill/Med With bale of bra extracts, one of whieln nets upon the slant:llTh, Inc upon the upper bowels, late Upon the lower bowels, and tine prevents any grtplim effect, t lulls pro- Linville a pill that influences the entire diges tive and annum Lary system, ill au equal and harmonious in:inner, and Its Mittio.l entirely free front natiseit vomiting and griping pains common to all ul her purgatives. Possessing these much desirable cffialitles, the POdophyill 11 becullies 111,111110 AV as a FAMILY MEDICINE. No household should be without I Item. 'they are pertectly sale, require but two lor all 4 a,ll- miry dose, are prompt. soil eilictent is actlmi, and when used in connect ion with Dr. hi ool lauti's Oerinan Bitters, or Tonle, may be re garded as Certain specifics in all cases of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, orally Of the filsorderS LIE which the system is o ar ordily subject. The PUDOPHYLLI IL act upon the stomach and bowels, carrying off Improper obstructions, while the Bitten; or Tonto purify the blood, strengthen and In v Igo orate the frame, give tune and tippet tie to the stomach, slid (EMS build up the tuvalid anew.. Dr. liootiand having provided internal rem edies for diseases, has gives the world one null uly lime external application, in the• derlul preparation known as Da. 1100FLAND'S UREEK OIL. This Lill Is a sovereign remedy lot pants sod aches of all kinds. Rheumatism, Neurntlgiti, Tool [niche, Chil blains, Sprains, Burins, Pam In I ile Back and Loins, Ringworms, Anc., dm., all yield to Its ex ternal unpile:dim.. l'ue :lumber 01 cures 8.1- reeled by It is oil offish:llg, and they are In t:leasing every day. .. Taken internally, It Is a cure for Heart burns, Kidney Diseases, sick Headaches, Colic, Dysentery, Cholera lineups, l'ratstits, Pains in the Stoltilich, Colds, Anti lino., .10. 'clie Week 011 is coot posed entirely of heal ing gun. and essential Mts. The priundiati to. gliedlen I Is an 011 y Slibstallee, proctired 111 the southern part 0 , TiliErecti. Its effects as a de stroyer of pn i are truly magical. '1 housands have been i molt tell by his use, noel a ti MI by those v. ho re skeptical will thorn uglily coo' Villee the of its inestimable value . These rthnedies will be sent by express to any locality, upon appl teethu to the PRINCI PAL OFFIC.E, al the UERNIA N MEDICINE sToitE, No. ,;31 ARCH STREKf, PHILADEL PHIA. CHAS. NI. EVANS, Proprletor. Formerly C. M. JACKSON A CO. $4.- Theme Renietites are fur rule by Dr1471,1ie1 , , ntyvyekrpt - and Abaliaaa4 ilaniryt;•ttoralattere. .lartal.'aorv,.r,l.l6,,ay. ROOFING sLATi.. . . I t 00FINli SLATE! PRICES REDUCED! The underslnged has comtantly on laud a full supple of 15.00FINCi SLA of different qualities which I am selling at Reduced Prices, on tile most reasonable Lentos. Also constantly ' on hand an Extra light, Slate for shindle roofs Having In my employ the bent Slaters In the market, all work will be warranted to be exe• cuted in the best manner. Builders and others will find It to their In terests to call and examine my Slate at Ottil, Si,. 31 I.:tut. King street, two doors went of the Court House. UEOltliti P. SPHECHER. I have also Asbesto's Hooting for hat roofs. This is to certify that GEORGE D. SPRECHER, Of Lancaster city, is OUR SOLE AND EXCLUSRE AGENT, (he the CHAPMAN SLATE tfaLtV7 In Lancaster city and county, (Signed,i WM. CHAPMAN, President of the Chapman Slate Company. BO DS w iLyitiNuT ON AND READING RAILROAD 7 PER 'CENT. BONDS, E E- U p"r A X ES, We are catering the Second Mortgage Bonds of this Company at _ Si AND ACCRUED INTEREST, Interegt Payable January and July The Bonds are In 1000 . e, 500's and 100's. And can be REGISTERED free of expense The coal, inkeellaneous, treighand aesen ger business are constantly Incre ts asing p . The receipts for lii, year ending October 31, 1871, w !178,77824 more than the year ending Oc tober 31, 1870, The Increase for Novena :er, 1871, over November, 1870, w•s P 1,48074. Bonds Pamphlets and Intormation can be obtained of DE HAVEN & BRO., Fiscal Agents of the United 'States, 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET, dii PHILADELPHIA. lydAw Stock Bought and Bold on Commisoion EVERY PERSON THEIR OWN SOAP MAKE ! SURE, SAFE AND RELIABLE! BY lielING THE CAUSTIC SODA. in-SOAP can be made of excellent quality In leas time, than with any other article, there by Saving Money, Tine and Trouble. Thin: CAUSTIC SODA Is for sale by the round, or larger quantities, with full directions for use, at Charlet A. He[often Drug Store, N 0,16 FART SING BT., LANCASTER, PA. novl•2mw44 EMILY' DRY GOODS JOHN D. SMILES, 7 NO. 25 EAST KING STREET, Is now opening for the Holiday Trade at Greatly Reduced Prices, LADIES' PLALN AND FANCY Dress Goods, BLACK AND FANCY SILKS, POPLINS AND EPANGLINES, DIERINOES AND ALPACAS. THE BESTSne BLACK. ALPACA INTFIECITY 'A full line of FANCY PLAIDS FROM 25c UPWARDS VELVETEENS IN BLACK ANT) COLORS SACK FLANNELS, WATER-PROOFS BROCHE, LONG AND SQUARE SHANVLS Wool Shawls, Long and Square, Mack Thibet, Long and Square All at Greatly Reduced Prices. BLANKETS! BLANKETS! Opened this dRy 100 pairs White end Blankets, at Great 13argaius. A full line of Prints, Muslins, 'all Wool and Shaker Flannels, Cotton Flannels, Cheeks, Ticking, Table Diapers, Towels, Napkins, ite. A fall line of Ladles' Furnishing Goods In Vests, hosiery, Gloves, Fancy Handkerohiefs, die., Sc. MEN AND BOYS' WEAR CLOTaS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINOS OVER-COATI NOS, In Black, Blue, Dahlia and Olive, at Greatly Reduced Prices, made up to order at Omni an ti, and best of style. READY-MADE CLOTHING! For Men and Boys, nt Orently It. dn.•ed kiENTS' GooDS My stock in !complete In this department in Shirts, Drawers, Nes, Hosiery, Plain and Fancy Hem-Stitched Handkerchiefs, 6tripen pets, Collars, at. OTh - New Goods received daily. JOHN D. SI: No. 10 East. Kink: street. cistrd&wtlallt BROADWAY MIORE Anther arrival of NEW GOODS. We will continuo to receive weekly, a new and fresh ussortineut ttf Gottds in every de partment. D'RE . SS 000DS, Another lot of EPANGLINES AT REDUCED PRICE , ALL WOOL SHAWLS, r lug le and Double, linwhe an4l GLOTTIS, cAssimEßEs, cka r roNADEs AND .11•!AN`; FLANNELS, Plata ant ('linked, :nor Shirt law... PLA I N et PLA I I) I,PER AS I' , )IL SAklt)ll.l We areolositig 1111( 11111' stock of Furs r.• , . Of price,. BALMORAL SPIRTS, BOULEVARD FELT SKIRT~ , luelthling the " La Prince,..." VELVETEENS AND SATINS, Cut on the Inns k,Trinnnlng. KNIT WORSTED GOODS son t ags .°l3:toque Scarfs. NobiAri HOSIERY, ALL NA OoL, BALMORAL, AND FLEECED, LACE COLLARS AND H I'S LADIES' AN!) OEN') 'S LINEN CAMBRIC lIDK FR. A rra ng ea In clew. 111 boxes for CIIIFHI z nits PrcSellt.. HOLYOKE, COATES' AND CLARK'S T." s P 0 . 1. cHTT,, DoMESTICS, PRINTS I NU H AMS, ~ Inelndltur, Dress 15InIngq and Faielnu•+: 80110— tlllog of Interval to ladies, ...old at Priers. It Is to be surrounded by 1110 gOll l / 4 .1 and Neel ot well pleased, happy and CCM1,011(.011 t•oNtomers, and assailed by atten true, polite and ac,onlitualatlng 1101001111011. ‘41.1101i Salt, and "altbilainliin warranted. J. T. B It() N & CO. 21 KINU STREET, I.ANC.I , TPIII,I Vro's 18T11. V A LI. A N W 1 N"l' E DRY GOODS. HAGER a BROTHER'S Have now open a Full and Complete Stoek Of Dry Goods, porehasiid for the New York and Philadelphia markets. and will be sold nt the LOW Es MARKET I.IIICES. LADIES' DRESS GOODS. French, Eng] sit and :khtnwactur...! in New 14,iglIS mid Material. I.YDNI; BLACK AND c,pIAIRED s TEs BLACK BRILLIANTINS AND NIDII AIIt I,I"I'RNINU GOODS, IN I. l • Li. ASSDRTAI ENT. LADIES' CLOAKS AND JACKETS, IN THE LATEST STYLES. Cloaltnn; Cloths, Velveteens and Velvets, Sill Plusnes, At , .: Shawls In Great Varlet. , . Cloths, Cassi »tyres owl Vest h We have !tow lu .start• tli.• Itarvest Stork of Goods, iu this hue, ever offered in 1,111 Ca FANCY CASSIMEREs For Neu told Boys, Mattufkrturott ttrrillt ly Selttelpd Matron', and mad, hy tt,tt • 0,11 work men. Ctir-SATISFACTION Gl'A NTVEIt :r. to prlet• :Bpi quality. ECW- 7'lE:5 :IND /".VOARICI.A.I/. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Paper Ilan : dogs. Also tm full supply of COTTON AND wool.' :N DUNIKS'FIC Wt. IDS. We 14k an examlnatlon before pun•ha.ltiv, HAGER. & BROTHERS. \VEST KING STRE I=l p opuLAR PRICES FOR DRY 41 TITIAN AT RICKEY'S 7:27 EsTx UT STREET SILKS. NIT L:S DRE:;.-;S GOO DH, IN EAT V AIR Y:, rr WEWLESALE AND RETAIL. Stock 111311Vaitell for extent, variety, and general adoption to the wants of liyers, anal tally replenished With the cheapest and choicest offerings of this and other markets, Visitors; will receive COSlrteol,l :1(11,1lt 1. whether they purellsisc- or l; ;;t. PH ILA DE LPH lA, PA TCHES, e F s rAiii.isia En 20 TEARS. HOLIDAY . GIFTS! SPLENDID ASSWIT,MENI WATCH Es-;, JEW EII. VANCI OPERA AND NEcE CHAINS, SEAL RINGS, LOCKETS AND 11{MS OF THE FINEST .;PALITI At Price, fo Girr Srr f i,p(rf ion er3 Article Warranted as Represented! F. W. PARROTT'S, NO.Stit , I"TII STII ST., BELOW MA RKF.T 'Pli I L. , . DELrm ATT 0 .NE T- LA 0 J. F. Attorney eel r 9 lydmw• J. W. F. SWIFT, N 0.13 North Duke Ht.. Lancaster F.DGA II C. RECD. No. 16 North I'm ke st.. Ll. t, e B. F. BAER, N 0.19 Nortl Dnkn 51... FrI.E.D. S. PYFER. No. 5 South oqh t. LALottxol e S. H. It-RICE, Oon rt. Avenue. weßtei !On rt Hence. t.x!t.•NHte 0..1. KAUFFMAN. Y•i. 2.0 ble ri110 , 01P.0.. Po I=l rill. LEAMAN, No. 5 North Duke et.. LALICE.TAT A.. 1. STEIN3IA.N, No. 9 South Queen et., Lanemater 11. O. 1111111 , H, Columbia. Lancsaatar ennntv. Pa D. W. PATTEILSON, Has removed IHN office tn:No. KIII2 X SIMON P. EBY, ATToIt.NEY-AT-LAW, OFFICE WITH N.I,II.I.,MAKER, NORTH. DUKE :STREET LANCAHTER. PA D RS. JORDAN nz Proptlet4rs of the UM Miry of Anatomy As Museum or nelence. her eIIEtITN UT ST., PHILADHLPHIA, Have just published a new edi LIM of their lec tures, containing stoat valuable. nformatttin on the causes, contequences and leaunent of diseases of the reproductive system, with re marks on marriage and the various causes of the LOBS of Manhood, with full instructions for its complete restonalon; also a chapter on Venereal infection, and the Means of Cure,be lug the most comprehensive work on the sub ject ever yet published--comprising 200 pages. Mailed free to any address for Twenty-five cents. Address Drs. JORDAN & DAVLRBON Consultingphia. Office, 1895 - Filbert street, Philadel s3o-Iyd&w LLIGEENCER LAND ASSOCIATION B EAUTY A ROMF: AND FORTUNE PREMIUM SALE OF THREE HANDSOME NEW STEEL ENGAAVINGS A GIFT WORTH FROM $l,OO TO $25,00 GIVEN WITH EACH ENGRAVING! We have obtained the entire control of the following engravings, which we otter at the low figures of 02.00 EACH!! • although they are really worth $5.00 each.— They are Inches, and each Is a gem of art. LURLEY! A Legend of the Rhine. A female of rare beauty sits on the shore of the river, where the rocks are the most dangerous, and with her song and music charms the unwary sailors to near her, when they meet a watery grave. The subject is full of life, full of emotion, and is altogether a success. THE DISINHERITED! A young man, through the wily influence of some In his household, la deprived of a share in his father's house. Hawing but sorrow aa his lot, he departs, and from a neighboring hill he takes his last look and farewell to the scenes of his younger and examining das. The heart fills with deep sorrow in xn this subject s well drawn. THE CHILD CHRIST! A child with human body and dress, angelic face, and divine eyes, Is represented so well that words cannot tell half its w•rtb. We do not think that any engraving has yet reached the excellence of this, in touching the heart and lifting it away to a higher world. Tne eye never tires to look. The more it is seen, the greater the desire to look again and again. Also, a correct Lithograph Likeness of GEN. STONEWALL JACKSON. Thebes t, largest and handsomest ever pub lished, 19x24 inches, worth 35,00, which we Will sell on the .me Wins, fur 132,u0. It 18 truly a gem of art. A FORTUNE FOR YOU! With each engraving, till we have sold 50,000 copies, we will give FREE, one share or ticket entitling each shareholder to one of the follow ing gifts. Head on, and remember, that every ticket holder will positively get one of the following, which will be distributed by a drawing AT DENTON, MARYLAND. THE LA PIERRE HOTEL, DENTON, MD COD Ca inlng twenty-six rooms, furnished throughout, with all modern conveniences, plenty of out-buildings, stabling for thirty horses; Including all outfit, stock, tk.c worth, cash 4000 THE PICTURE HILL FARM, CAROLINE COUNTY, MD., of 103 ACRES, on the Choptank river, having a steamboat wharf on it, with a good scope of country to support it; with a lime kiln, good buildings, a large variety of fruit, convenient to churches and schools, only six miles from Easton, life largest business town on the Dela ware Peninsnla 810,000. THE COLD SPRING} FARM! of 50 ACRES; one mile from Denton, one mile from steamboat lauding, five miles from the Maryland and Delaware Railroad ; one thous and peach trees, tiny apple trees, choice varie ties of strawberries, cherries, plains, apricots, crab apples, dwarf pears, splendid new build ings, worth 89,000. THE CARTER FARM! with 00 ACRES; flue orchard, good buildings, choice wheat land 85,000. A HOUSE IN DENTON with one and a half acre orchard, with the direst varieties of fruits 83,000. 1 200 STANDARD SER'INIi MACHINES! worth from 840 to 8150. (a) WALTHAM WATCH 840 ES! 8100. Each wOrt from FOUR 0-3 to TEN GROANS AND MELODEONS. ONE CASH SUM 83,000. ONE CASH SUM 81,000. ONE CASH Sll5l 8500. THREE CASH SUMS—EACH 8100. FOUR CASH SUMs—EACH 8310 49,670 GIFTS consisting of Washing Ma !chines, Wringers, Standard missile and Works of Art.; none of them Can be purchased, at re tail. tor less than It, whilo some are Wirth Sit and mo; Of the 50,000 Gifts 5100,000. The drawing will take place, as soon as en gravings enough are sold to distribute the tickets, belore uu lußtly tic k et.holdere as choose to 1,0 present. wild to be under their control. We refer to Thomas H. kemp, Clerk ofCaroline Co. Court George H. Rosminn, Att. at lore, Denton, Md. R. K. linthardson. Sheriff' of the County. Fell. Esq., or Denton, Md. — Mancha S. Jiro., ttual Estate Brokers, aidg 7:y, Md. (The shove gentlemen will act as Supervisory Commit tee.) Refer also to Charles Gaol lug, Esq. Speaker of the Delaware Senate, all the Leading Men, the Banks, tLe Editor of tide Paper, and I Press of the Peninsula, generally. We want aetive men and women, every where, to work for us, with whom we will make liberal arrangementa, namely, aft or their ordering their sample engraving, we will give them one engraving and one tieket FREE., bur every four inure they send us with $8.003 To order an Engimving, semi us S Si In a registered letter, or by Post-office Oider, and We will send by return mail, the engraving and the ticket FREE. Send all your orders for engravings, money, and dra:ts, and all correspondence to otts gen eral odice, addressed thus: IV==il one AND NINA WILMINGTON DEI TH E I 1 ROLIN PEA ht Will he sent to RU purchasers tar one quarter MI application. It will give a detailed 11.4•CtIl/LIL tit, proceedings t time time. Newspapers wishing to advertise tor us will please send us their Invest rites. Dchistr, ritt rubric ( ~u nty 314., It! Febrwww 171' rehl.".ely W-7 FOIL NA LE Olt REST. pI.'III,TU v AI.E.--- 4 1N SATURDAY. DC- Ch.lilßElt:///, Is: I, Nell! be sold at public sale, at lite public house or Bernard !Stoner, In Manor towusaip, Lancaster county, Pa., It, All that DWELLING HOUSE and about I/NE ACRE OF LAND, situated in Manor twp , Lat./aster county, Pit., between tile villages of Pittsburg and Highville, late the properly of Mary Birtztield. Possession and good title 11111 lie given on Aprli I, Is. 1. :Sale to besln at 2 u'rloek P. M., of sunlit day, wi?en attendance will be ON ell 1111 , 1 rant tiltrlS ,it , 1110 s n ide known by DAVID 51101 . 1 , , Al tbrnoy iu fact for Eibtabeth Neutuan, BEN.IA.NIIN E. CON, .w 19 Cob/wilt et/ of Benpuuln Neuman, ORPHA ANS' COURT SALE..—.T.It E E der,lglled dministrator cd the state of Rachel Mellardle, late of the township of Mar tie dec'd, will expose at public sale, on SAT l'it JAY, J A UAItY 13th. 1072, on the prem ise+, in the Village of alartioville, all that co,tsin one-story and a half DWELLING ID .I',CE. and lot of ground containing ONE ACRE, situated In the village of Marticrille, on which there are erected a small Barn or arable and other improvements. Fruit Trees, never-tail ing Well of Water, etc., on the premises. Any person deslring to view the premises can do so by calling on Washington MeCardie, resisting thereon, or upon the undersigned. sittle co commence at 2 o'lock, P, :d., of said clay, when terms ,d sale will be made known by SHOFF, de 131cw.7t Administrator. VALUABLE REAL ENTATE AT PRI. VATE MALE. Na. t, leo ACRES OF LAND, of good quality, situated In Kent county, Del aware, between :; or -1 DOLE'S of Mart Oet, principal station on the Maryland end Delft ware pailroad, and 10 miles trom Dover, the capital of Delaware. The linprovementa are a DWELLING-HOUSE, New Barn wood Stab ling, Re., 05 PEACH and :IS A tTHF.ES, all In hearing. '.23i Ayres to tioott TIMBER. Price 12,1,11. NO. 2, FORTY ACRES Good Farming Land, adJol fling the above.with uood DWELLINU, and Oat-buildings sugl cleat for the place, with enroll Peach and Ap ple Orchard. Price These prOpert lON being VOIIIig,UOUS can he it, chided in one tam. Titles indisputable. Apply to tin e"l.Smw3l JON COSTEN, Dover, Delaware. NTALUABLE REAL AT PUBLIC HALif:. iwn Fix E, sm A I, 1. FA HMS IN LA :\"( 'AS TER COUNTY, PA. No. I. A First-rate Limestone Farm of lITY-THREE ACRES, MORE OR 1,1000, in nigh ntale of cultivation,with tine improves nients. Choice Fruit of all kinds, and beautiful Grnamental and Shade Trees in yard. Large 11-Story BRICK DWELLING, 10 ro. a its; Frame Tenant Houses, large ,7r. Bank Barn, \Vagnn Shed and Corn Cribs, 2 Wells, cistern, Ste.; on Lane: oiler and Philadelphia Turnpike. lc.. miles rant of Lea man-PlaceStal ions and I litlle west Of Kinzer's station on Pa. C. K. 11,1411.1 II 1111115 east .11 I.suraster. No. 2. 11...1 Limestone Farm of tifiCy-Tit KEE ACKEH, MORE nit LES . s, adjoining the alstvo on the 'east, and only a licit-toile from's Sta, Mu, on the Pa. (I. R. K., with a 2•Story DWELLING, Tenant House, 010110 walls standing ill good order, ot a large Bank Barn, just burnt away, :1 Wells of Excellent Water, Cistern, very produellve Orchard of Choice Fruit, etc. A rrangt meats 0:111 eltrilY be made to supply Bunning Wafer, with Hydrants in the House d Baru, and wherever required. These propertles are located in one of the rlcbcsl and 1110S1 fertile, slid eligible neigh- Iwrlatods In the State, surrounded bymills, stores, schools, and all the conveniences 4 lift., wlthlu sight of two prominent rail road-stations, and also ott a 1110111 turnpike, tile peculiar lay at the land, with Its Vat rail slopes, nearly all towards the south, make therm susceptible of being hoproved sod of being converted into two or e of the most magnincent 111111 hours 111 the country. It will all he sold together, or lii several pa, to, to suit purchasers. Persons wishing In view the premises will plesse call on N. E. Slaymaker, Esq., residing I in Williamstown, or on the undermgned. sqls on S.ATCRI , AV, DECEM to. 1 o'clock, P. M.. at the caltile house of iv Iclt. Mas allpo n tog the promises. I Terms Ku. W. HERB., tht istiSA 11 It I.aneastel', II I.V1 , 11; \VA 1:1, DIAMMN p unEic SA L}: i; LE REAL Ti'. The undernigned, incendin to engage In other business, will oiler public sale it] trout of the Court House, in Hagerstown, Md., ON TUESDAY, JANUARY Rh, IS7I, lb, following described Real Estate, lying on the Western pike, eight miles from Hagers town and three from Clearspriug. No. l THE HOME FARM, CONTAINING 164 ACHES, 15 of which la set in Heavy Timber, and im proved with a two•story Attic Brick Mansion House, Stone Tenaut House, our of the largest and best, In the county, Blacksmith Shop, Carriage- House and all other necessary out-buildings. 'there Is a Spring, Well of Water, and Cistern near both houses, with a Never-falling Btream running through a large portion of the land.— The above described property adjoins tee larms of Messrs. yeller, Grove, and Brewer, and is convenient to school houses and churches. Do 2 Lunsints of a Tract of Land of EIGHTY ACRES, 10 of which is In Timber, and adjoins the horn. piaee and the farms of Masers. Shoop, Miller Drove and is imoved with a LUG TENANT HOUSE, stabling tinficient for 12 head of stock , and has a line well of water near the door. Both of these properties are In a fine state of cultivation and under excellent fencing, offer- Ing superior inducements to those desirous of obtaining good and valuable farms. 'I he terms will be'll beret and made known on day of sale. For any information address S. S. Downln, Hagerstown, or the subscriber living ou the premises at ConoeOcheague Washington co., Md. MARTIN EMMERT. R. Stiscat.Es, Auctioneer. u2g-taw4B LA PIERRE. HOUSE, BROAD AND CHESTNUT STREETS, PHILADEI,PHIA, BUTTERWORTH, PROPRIETOR. TERMS PER DAY 83.60. 17WI J . E. C.. DWELL S CO TOTAL VA IX I. STONE BARNS ED NESD WATCHES AND JEWELRY. No. 902 CHESTNUT ST., PaILADELPHLA.. JEWELERS, SILVERSMITHS IMPORTERS Are now in receipt of their FALL AND HOLIDAY GOODS, Embracing a superb stock of PARIS BRONZES! CLOCK BETS AND MANTEL ORNAMENTS : VIENNA FANCY GOODS RIA N STA T C. 4 1? Y SOLID SILVER WARE! Tastefully arranged In eases for WEDDING PRESENTS, Also, a splendid assortment ut FINE JEWELRY,WATCIIES, CHI INS ELECTRO-PLATED WARES julystfw'S B A 11. E Y h C CHESTNI"P AND 12TH STREETS, II I A I• E 1. I' II I A Jewelers and Silversmiths, FINE WATCH FRENCH CLOCKS BRONZEs 1'I,ATI.:1) WARF Quality guaranteed. ()nods sent I,' Expre—,illiappl..vitl CLOTHING %OA & Av e CLERING tr A OF EXCELLENT QUALITY GENTLEMEN & THEM SONS A vast variety of choice Ready-made FALL CLOTHING In the Custom Department will be found a choice selection of Imported and Domestic goods to be made to order. PROMPT ATTENTION TO ORDERS BY MAIL. ---- EXCESPLYGM r Tr. W. MEET ST. . i 0, PHILADELPHIA 84 v* 603&605 47 v 4 9 / 1 0sN' s- 3 MUSIC L INSTRUMENTS A N 0 s: ()ROANS! M E L 0 DE 0 N STEINHAUSER & BROW NO. 9 EAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA Persons desinels of purchasing will dud It to their advantage to see our stock nud hear prices before Purchasing. my?2-tfd J AMES BELLA h 279 t 2.41 SOUTH FIFTH STREET Pl3l L A DELI'II IA PRINCE & Co.'s ORGANS AND AI El.()1) O . N S tiO Different St) lee from a.sol.ipwariNtn:Spi.o) Over Vll.llll sire. I.ll , eral I for Yeah ti- BYS.MITIi AND pELou.BEr, PELToN s.:CO for 5 Stops tor 5itV ir, 6 ,, . , 41. , ,..p . 8 ,t E1 . 20, 7:Siops PLANOS ILY ENA111: .1: CO., E.: CIABLEIt, I.EN- I=l From 52.50 Upwards to 11500, ON IS:FUR:SA I.H AT BELL AK'S I , I.`,"DET B Y 31114 DIE BESTE, ()BO ESTE ALW 11'A 111.. 1 , 1e.V R, K BILLIGSTEN PR EIRE, A _VD DIE LEICIIT ESTE .V TER M.S'. ml-lyw9 GROCER! ES. Arc H ELL FLIATIt TwEi.rrit AND cIiEsTNI"F s PHILADELPHIA, PA. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS Choice Coilec:-4. RICH OLD DUTCH JAVA, RIO, MOCHA, Ac., EXTRA FINE TEAS BLACK AND GREEN TEAS, ENGLISH BREAKFAST TEAS :Ancl:rt Assrainnent 4ti FiNE GROCE I 8 HO I;SE l UR NI.YIIIN G G DTI DS. A NIUSEUT (JEKANII4I' 707 707 017 R OWN SELECTION s IN I'‘,RTATION. Cholee luta Rare Novelties of Exq agile Style and Taste, DINNER, TEA, DESSERT AND TOILETSERV ICE, BRONZE, PARIAN, BISQUE, LAVA. MAJOLICA, JASPER, AGRA, CRYSTAL, JA NPSE AND CHINENE f;00 O 8! :An Itnrnense msortment:of HOUSE FURNISHING WARES, FIRST-CLASS GOODS! LOWEST CASH PRICES! TYNDALE, MITCHELL & CO., 707 CHESTNUT STREET, 707 - 707 PHILADELPHIA. ozc-2.10w.43 DAVID CARSON, DEALER IN GROCERIES dt PROVISIONS OF ALL KIN DS FRUITS, SALT FISH, dza., NO. 5.% NORTH 21ar BT., PHILADELPHIA Country Produce '''celved and aold:on com nalaaton. ni.l-tiwlB DETERMINED TO COUNTERACT - . - THE SHORT-SIGHTED POLICY OF DESIGNING AND MALICIOUS PERSONS, WHO HAVE SOUGHT TO INSCRE THE TRADE OF EXAGGERATED AND MALICIOUS REPORTS. Immense and Unapproachable Which will cause a Great Loss to any who may make Purchases without knowing what can be Saved In buying at this Unusual and STUPENDOUS WE COMMENCE Friday, Dec. Ist, the Unreserved ,Clearance of the Largest Stock ! VT_Es..N.A:/1 - _A:I - HTZ , az BROWN- NEARLY ONE s k so z vs: :0 SUBSTANTIAL CLOTHING! OF OUR BEST MANI 7 FACTURE, For Men, Boys and Children, PART OF WHICH WAS PERSONALLY SELECTED IN FOREIGN MARKEPS BY M. WANAMAKER WANA MA KEE & BRO WN WA NA MA RER d• BROWN] READY-MONEY BUYERS AT ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRIES A VISIT AND INSPECTION OF WHICH COSTS NOTHING, WILL PRO\ MANY ARTICLES ARE. WORTH DOUBLE THE. PRICES 4 . 6 x_ —Men's Department— CON TA IN IN e 7,96.l;Men'sjOvercoats. 6,649 Dress Coats. 516 Garricks and Capes, 5,113 Business Coats, 12,311 Business Pants, 583 Double-breasted Short Oreremits, 593 English Diagonal D. B. Overcoats 1.813 Fine Eng. Strip'd Pants, 3,875 Doeskin Pants, 2,519 Black Cloth Vests. 602 Velvet Vests, 578 Cashmere Vests, 14.406 Cassino ere rests, FIRST FLOOR (West)—Arranged for Furnishing I ;owls and FIRST FLOOR (Ea. ( ' S"hool and Dress Suits and Lath' Lads Coats. The Job Lots. "Less than Half-Price Lots." Piero thsals Vlothest for Custom Work, which share In our general reduction of Orion.c SECOND FLOOR—Large-sized I hasnods and Hall' Price Lots. SECOND FLOOR-3 DEPARTMENTS: UPPER FLOORS—Reserved Stock and Extra Fine blonds. DRESS PANTS, No9'K-7,s- Those and all our I ;4,,,,1s are not bought from SECOND DRESS PANTS, Wholesale lIMISIOS, but are t 4 our own manufarture—many In WORKING PANTS. JOB LoTs, them made in our own building, under our own eyo and super 'llll 121/FLOOR—OVERCOATS, TOP COATS, lvision—of materials carefully examined and sponged, and made GARRICES, COACHMEN'S COATS. 'ntv for our Regular Retail Trade; so thittygstomers ran take FOVRTH, FIFTH AND SIXTH FLOORS— 'them with the utmost rodfilonce. Reserved Surplua Stook. FIR:IT--.4tore open from 7A.M. I. !O.'. P. M.. except Saturday, when f,pen Ift A. M. 14) TO P. M. SECOND—A II (.I..dri Exchanged or Mono?' Refunded. I'HIFtIJ--A large staff of Saleamou and Lshers to the dlfTerent Dopartments, TI waiting to receive 'net .1, F‘wirrit—OnterN by Telegraph ofr Letter from any ,11111.11, tall htully attended If, FOR SOLID AND SUBSTANTIAL It,s,ROAINS THIS IS AN UNFRECEDEN oPPORTUNITY wlll pity to corne from any port of the country, or to nralre iLpCliths 11ot we 11,01111 GIVE SOMEHO I) 1 \V illiVe ,11.1 It.e I.fttgest.F.ttlt . ta the house hastracer and to Wind at the St tt•ttlt, wt• cult to Whirl nhW ralr t• the late, WANAMAKER & BROWN, AND FASHIONABLE HATTERS SHULTZ 47 BROTHER FASHIONABLE HATTERS FURRIERS, 31 and :t;; North Queen Street, LANCAS'IF.R, PENN'A 11=1 CAM:Ft - 1.1.Y sp:LEcrED AS-luRTMEN'I ME\ YOI'TH;;' .\NI HATS AND CAPS, FUR PALI, AN WINTER WEAR ALWAYS ~ N HAND LADIES' FANUY FURS, -Hl'lg , ,ON BAY ti.klil.l MINK SAlt1;1, BLACK. AND WHITE ASTRACIIA N SIBERIAN SQUIRREI ALASKA MINI: A LASKA SA BLE, Itn,,rlan, limn:in and trnerlean Fltul BEA UTI FUL ASS( IRTIq EN'l Misses' and Children's Furs ROBES AND BLANKETS, OLOVES AND GA UNTLETs LADIES' FUR-LINED HOODS, All of which we are prepared to offer at dI2 t(,1,9w SURPRISINGLY LOW PRICES. FURS, &C. LADlEti' FANCY FURS! JOHN FABEIILA, 718 ARCH ST., Middle of the Bloclc, between 7th and Bth His. Routh Side, PHILADELPHIA, PA., Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds and quality of Fancy Fars for La dies and Children's Wear. Having imported a very large and splendid assortment of all the different kinds oi Furs from first hands in Europe, and have had them made up by the most skillful workmen, would respectfully invite the readers of this paper to call and examine his very large and beautiful assortment of Fancy Fors, for Ladies and Chil dren. lam determined to sell at as lon, prices as any other respectable House In this city,— All Pars warranted. `J O HN prtiont to effect sales. FA.REIRA, octlg-3m421 715 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. PHILADELPHIA, BY CONCOCTING AND CIRCULATING We shall take advantage of our very Fortunate Position, Ind Organize an SALE! STUPENDOUS =II BEFORE THE CBI ENSI RISE IN WOOL, AND CAN BE SOLD TO 78,259 TOTAL GARMENTS P AR TICT_TI...,A-RS_ LN CONC I, IT SI ON L L Tll E 00 0 S IV E 11 AI" OAK IA A L : l4 , MARKET STREETS. PHILADELPHIA, ISCET,rINEO [T So-'- A WEEK -7 -1 1 6 ,e) Sei. Cheap Som Machin.. Lilt: wArld. A v..•.t. wantol• J. N. FI AN ES, 4.11-hr Great Fulls, N. 11. ,t 2 1 FROM 50 CHNTS cD l/ nttl,l) ri[ l .7 Cents, that rctaill I,llnrs. R. I. WI 1 I ,c or r T ill. Is NOI.'IIII 3 IT ~dlng 35 rENTs with age. height, color eyen anti hair, you will receive by return mall, a correct picture ii your future husband or wile, with name and date of marriage. Address W. Fox, Drawer. No. 21 Fultonville. S. Y. dl-lw DROFITABLE EMPLOYMENT. L. We dehlre to engage a foal more agents lo Aril the %%lot . ld-Renowned Improved BUCKEYE SEWING ISIAqHINE, at a liberal salary or on commission. A horse and wagon given to ageutx. Full IF furnished ou appllcation, Address W. A. Hen derson Lt. Co., General Agents, Cleveland. Ohio, and Ht. Louis, Mo. FREE TO AGENTS A hound canvasHing hook of the PICTORIAL HOME BIBLE, Containing over Mu Illustration. With 11.1,.T11 - preliewilve Cyclopedia ex lavatory nt the ticripturem. In English and German. WM. FLINT & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS WAN'EED a nd FOR Finely THE u ONLY !Collin Complete Illstrated History ti lineage. I the Great Conflagra The rusten , ng book ever Issued. Ault/1110t h' null tit tO5 terms itml rhoire tulip fin runts. Hubbard host, l'ultitslirrit, MUllsolll strvet, Phila. Booli AGENTS HAT — LUNG WANTED a novelty In the nut.. nue, which wl II hell at sight In every family. Tli E PICTORIAL FAMILY REGISTER Ix the only work extant which Sallmtlem this want. II Is beemlinl and sulking, combining an entirely new and elegant Family Photo graph A Halm, with a complete Family Ms tory. Full particular/4 and circulars fr.., Ad dress M 3,EA N, Publlhner, dl-1w tilt Kaumorn Street, Phila., CHILDREN'S IVIP, : 4 11 1 MLTIIIIII FOR UOITOLIS, (*OLIN AN I, 110 A MEN FRB. These Tablets present Arid In Combina tion with other efficient remedies, Ina popular form, for the eof all THROAT and I.I'NU Dinenses. HOARSENEMS and ULCERATION of the THROAT are Immediately relieved, and state ments are constantly being. seal to the pro. prletor of relief In motes of Throat dUlleulties of years' standlog. cri olw .•• I , on't he dprelved by worthless Imitations. Col only YVELI4 . CARBOLIC TABLETS. J. Q. KELLOUH, 34 Platt street, N. Y., 11-4 W • Attie Agent for the IT. H. Price WI cents a box. Send for Circular. R EDUCTION OF PRICE!. T., conform To liElall"riON OF DUTI )BEAT SA VINO TO CONSUMER. UETTINO UP CIAII3/3. Kir Send for our New Price List and a (Mb rm will aucumpany It, containing roll iiirec ,llll—Militing large saving L., contain:lure ronoirieratiVb Club-orgnulzers. HE GREAT AMERICAN TEA COl, 31 Sr. 33 V}MEY STREET, NEW YORE, P. 0. Hox 6643. JURUBEBA It is not a Physte—lt Ix not what Is pepularly .ailed a 'urrs. nor Ix It intended an such. It a South American plant that has been used fur many years by the medical faculty of those countries with wonderful efficacy Its a Power- ful Alterative and unequaled Purifier of the Blood and la n sure and perfect remedy for all diseases of the L AND lO SPLEEN, ENf.AROEMENT OR OBSTRUCTN OF IN TgSTIN ES, URIN ARY, UTERINE, OR ABDOMINAL ORO A NS, POVERTY OR A WANT EILOOD, INTERMITTENT OR REMITTENT FEVERS, INFLAMMATION OF HE T LIVES uisa DROP- S Y . , s CIRCULATION OF THE BLOOD, AEI SC ESSE, TUM ORS, JAUNIHCE, C ROFULA, DYSPEP SIA, AGUE AND FEVER. OR THEIR CXJNCOMITAN'TH. DR. WELL'S EXTRACT OF JURUBEBA In , offered to the public as a great, invigorator I and remedy for all Imporlties of the blood, or for Organic weakness with their attendant evils. For the for complaints JURIJBEBA Ix confidently recommended to every family as a household remedy, and should be freely taken In all derangements of the system, it gives health, vigor and tone to all the vital lym forces ph ally and animates and fortifies all weak and tic temperaments. JOHN Q. RELLOGO, 18 Platt street, New York, Sole Agent for the United States. Price One Dollar per bottle. Send for Circu lar. dl-4e, WHITNEY'S NEATM-FOOT HAWAII:MS BU A?. - - - - It Oils, Blacks, Polishes and Soaps at the same time. Put np In large and small 81%0 boxes, also In 1 B bars. Has been In use fur years and gives perfect satlstactlon. Send stamp for our Waverly. Address t 3. M. Whit ney cti Ca, 09 Milk street. Boston, Moss. 11:2-1411 REIFF aL CO.• r 4 EXTRA FAMILY MINCE MEAT, Manufactured by T. CONROW & CO., W OL ESA LE GROCERS PHILADELPHIA. JOHN E. WEAVER, WHOLES ALE AGENT, LANCASTERItt-d PA, om P L A N. —Boys' Department— 960 Youths Overcoats, 3,000 Youths' Pants. 3.71-1 Youths' Vests, 1.572 Youths' Everyda y Coats. :?3 Children's Overcoats. 135 Children's Cape:Overcoats. ISO ild ren's Ger retch's, 1.344 Children's Suits, 3.252 Boys' Pa nts, ':.676 Boys' Jackets. 733 Bill Men's Coals. 1.20:: Bit, Men's' Pa nts 956 hill Men's Vests. EMLIMICEME Sale! SALE! WA N.I 31 KE ft B 0 _1 NA MA K ER ,e BROWN E U:s;QUESTION A liLl" OTI- D I=l PENN'A MHCELL NEO UM A GENTN WANTED FOR • HISTORY OE TII E WAR IN EUROPE: It eontaltit , Lover Poi line engraving/4 /if Battle MC1 . 11,4141111 1111•Ident. in the War, and 1.. 1111 . only Full A uthent le it nil 0111eltil Illittory of Iliac great tiontliet, Akento are meeting with tilt preetidented troin itt totol.llllll, per day, and it I. putillsited iu both EngllBll and Cieriati. enut 10..---1 uterine liktorion ore hying el, eulateci. See thai the hook PM buy tioniatt, 150 line engraving...lint 841 pages. Fiend for eir eulars and nu e tair Wrtims, and it full detterlption of It., work, National litilitlahltig Philadelphia, It.. i 0 O'CLOCK 1W lELEs, milivr-uuNs, lIE VULV EIILLY Linn materlaln every kind. Writs for Yr ee Lint, to (Irma Western (inn Wort., tie burgh, Pm. Army Liu ns and Havolvern bought mr trailed for. Aden In wan[Al. dl I-lw T HAS THE DELICATE AND RE frenhlng fragrance of genuine Farina Co ,gne Water, and In I odltipennalde to COLOA'VES EA U-DE-COLOt iNI . TOILET KUAP. the Toilet of every Lady ur Mild I by Drum‘lntai and Denim, In Pert I'l l-IW 7 A CIENTP. W A lir VoItENT 1,110 Unveiled," Ily Iftiorman, Ea raped Nun,whorn diseloatires are thrilling and itartling. Franklin Pub. Phil La, Pa. nll-1 - - ILARCIIEEMIL TOE ROYAL BACKGAM -1 mon hoard of Inulla, the,moi.L lamelnatiny, and exetlng glitile ever pllbilkied IlithlS coun try. Popular edition IL, Medlllin r 2, Flue Sa Abe, for !pique, Zoo Le end • K Inge and eaval lere, for kale by the trade Keueral ly. is hpeelnity. E. U. HELCHOW Publedgere. 37 John xtreet., New l'orlt. ,111-9 w A lIENTN WANTED FOIL A NEW HOOD A storleg "(Travel, Adventure, Mlueellanten c., by Albert D. Wel"animl Ilaelylllustratell Very large pay. Add rents Ct.lotaluan Book CO. Hartf , - , I'e. dlt-lle A G:4 WANTIED T y FOIL lIE uaitau forma r 1410. f New York. a Librar of In but pertaining to Pm IngtUnt long and Übdeetr. of Interred. By a Illy Migalonary, °alum . - ingm. Agents 0..11 111 11. day. .11101 bllllied. E. B. Treat.. Publinher. 1405 Broadway. N. Y. A ea 4, ' , l l. 4 r A ra ( Ul, lt - Vol o null al laste T n. For Mali/ everywhere In Oaf .• trallti•laar a" pound and half-pound pack ages only. And for sale Wholesale only by the Atlanllr soul Paelllo Ten s Churell streei, New York, P.l). Ilex Send for Tea -N tar Clrenlar. w - - pItNYC .Will: EANCI NATION OK Soul-Charming, 41111 pages by Herbert am on, It. A. How Lo one tills power (which ell pOrtilenn) ut Will. Itivinutlou, 14pIrltuallmo, 6oreerles, Demonology, and a Lhounand other wood°, n. Price by 1:Ina SI cloth ; paper covere 81 00. Copy free lo awl:dß only. 81000 monthly easily mule. Addreeri T. W. Evans, Publisher, 11 South Ott, oh reel, Philadl-lwelphia, Pu dl rilil F. GREAT REPUIILIC...IIIE 111A111 IP moment. and must valuable book lo au American ever imbliNhed. 211 eieliptlll MUNI rt.- H. 46 on steel and wood Views of (Alicia, build. ings, Avers inounlainm, Ineluil. tienettli .datintlea ol la7U„lian 1151 tarip ri VO. Oil Im pert, paper. Wi It ten by James litel'abe, Jr One volume, price, $O. Umol agent... wanted ..veryw here. Mind for terms to . William 11. 6.50110 Cu.. 710 Hansom street, .1 11-1 w FOUTZ'S CELEBRATED ROBE AND CATTLE POWDERS, 4.0. , Th1ii preparation, long and favorust lily known,will thoroughly re-Invig orate broken down and low-spirited horses, by strengthening and cleat,. ilig tile stomach imd luteottlieS. It IM a cure preventive of all diseases in-ident to this animal, such as L il N U F h. V N. It, ULAN:OPLS, YELLOW WA . ] Eli HEAVES. COD :HS, DISTENIPER, FEVERS. FOI'N. DER, LOSS OF A PPETI fE AND VTAI, EN • EROY, Ac. Its use Improves the wind, In. gcreases the appetite—given a. animal, am! lots.y okit ti e—and trastorn. the miserable skeleton Into A 11110-10,:111g and spirited horse. I. ' To keepers or cow. this preparation ,MI Q Is invaluable. It In a sure preventive P .., b eer t ust itinderpent. Hollow Horn, etc. tit ns proven by actual experiment to increase the quantity or milk Lind cream twenty per CPO 1.. and make the butter non and sweet. In fattening cattle, It given them on appetite, loosens their hide, and make , them thrive much faster. ...,..-.. In all diseaxelt of Swine, such no ‘..E. 1 . • ....loughs, Ulcers in the Lungs, Liver, NommaN Aix, this article Itch. UN a specific. By ..,-..'• palling from one-half a paper to a paper In a barrel of swill, the above disemes will be eradicated or entirely prevented. If given In time, it certain preventive and cure for the Hog Cholera. lAA I' ID E. I , ' 0 IT , Proprietor, BALTIMORE, MD. 11. B. PARRY, AUENT, NO. 111 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTER 81.000 REWARD.—FOR ANY CANE OF Blind, Bleeding ' Pching or Ulcerated Piles that Dr WNW:4I'ILE REMEDY falls to cure. It Is prepared expressly to cure the Piles and nothing else, and has cured cases of over lit years standing. Hold by ell Druggists. Price ss I.W. H. IS. PARRY, Agent, Lancaster, Pa. lywr ILTBERGER'S YI.AVUNING EX v y TRACTS are warranted equal Lonny made They are prepared from thejraits, and wlll he found much better than many of the Extracts that are cold. /Er Ask. your Grocer or Drug plat for Willberger's Extracts. BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE Is without doubt, the bestarticle in tile market foursi clothes. It will color more water than toner t he .irao weight of Indigo, and much more titan anv other wash blue In the market.— : The ONLY GENUIN I that put up at ALFRED W I L'lliEltti L.R'S DItUG STORE:, P. o. Zl3 South Second St., Phlkute/phia, Pa, The Labels have both WILTBEItOaR'a and n ItLOW'N name on them, all others are counter. jed. For Sale bp , roost Detiwists and Grocers, W I LT B ERE G R'S EN DELIBLE INK f• be found an trial lo be a superior article. Al ' ways on Laud for sale at reusonable prices.— Pure Ground BrICD:3, Genuine MEDICINES, • ChuMolB likins,§ponges, Tapioca, Pearl, Sago, • and airarticles lok the drug 11116 at ALFRED WiLTHERCIRtiIi DRUG STORK, IVo. 253 North Second Si., Phitade/phia, STORK, N
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers