RESIDENT-MAKING AND REFOBBI Striking Article In A Very Widely Cir. / culated Agricultural Journal. (From Moore's Rural New-Yorker.] First: The pecuniary interests and gen eral welfare of the great commercial, pro ducing and industrial classes of the country undoubtedly demand a decided reform— an honest administration of our National, State; Municipal, County, and even Town ship affairs. This will be conceded by every intelligent - reader who does not hold a sinecure position. That many of our office-holders have become corrupt and venal is patent to all who read the journals of the day. As to the thous of Tammany and U. S. Covernment officials, we have already expressed strong - views, yet much more might be said on this prolitic subject had we spare l'or its discussion. Second: That reform is necessary to pre serve a Republic which has not yet existed ono hundred years, we verily believe—and we furthermore believe that the People mast coracle the front, and put down political schemers, and demagogues. But whether it is expedient to unite the honest and in dependent members of the dominant po litical parties is an open question. We think it ought to be done, and that the im pending crisis renders it expedient. tintelligent and straightforward portion of the community who pay the expenses of Government are disgusted with the niis management, corruption, and venality of political leaders and office-holders, and if there ever was a time w lien a change which would he arc improvement should be made, it is now. The people are aroused—as wit ness their recent triumph over the Tam many corruptionists in Now York City.— 'rhis triumph was accomplished by the union of Republicans and thmilocraLs, and the nomination and election, on one ticket, 01 the best men of Loth parties. And in fluential journals of both parties appreci ate thelissue, and seem to be preparing fin a political upheaval—a new programme or which shall comprise the honest and straightforward 1111111 Of all existing party organizations. Third: As to naming candidates for President and Vice President on a Iteform ticket, that is a thrill-KW 111aLtOr for a neutral or independent jourlurl, MIL, having, said thus murk, we will suggest the 11511105 or a -6 1 . 0 W mien whoop we believe 10 Ira cOllllll.l - and incorruptible. For example, a National Reform party could probably safely adopt either of the following tickets, each comprising 111011 Of 1111t0r011t The first-named ticitstin in each paragraph is for President, and the second fur Vice ' President: florae° I Ireeley I It. of New York, the Empire State of the North ; Joshua 11,11, D.) of Georgia, t the Empire State of the Shah). Charles Francis 1).1 tit s Mas sachusetts; (irate. Brown t It., of issouri. Lyman Trumbull 1 It., of Illinois; hod Parkeht, I 1/.1 of New' Jersey. W. S. ilrtioshock t 11.1 of ((Mit; it,traliall P. Wilder i It. a of Massachusetts. Jacob U. Cox t R./MI dim; dailies 1..1 1 rr 11.1 of Slllllll Carolina. 5..1. Tilden t 11.1 of New York; Austin Blair 1 It.) or M whigao. our iterono‘ av cold be substao tinily its El :41,V5 JllOl rather planks. equally important, only be omitted in our baste or writin,: I. Holy elm Presidential term fif six or eight , oars. 2. Such refOrlll 111 the Civil 5fi11 , ..14 . 1• as wonld prevent the 1111511 of OM Ill.l,4lllltitig power and its pros titution for partisan aggrandizement. It. No more grants fli . lllll,iilt hands to railways mother corporations. .1. All Indian policy WIIIOIIWI/11141 1 . 04,1g1117.0 the Indhnls IL eiti -7i1115, and treat them as such. :i. Abolition of the I 111,11111 i Tax. ii. 1:11111/0.1t111 of ,t 40113- 1 ion to the lowest point pllsslkilli, dud mrel L 110.11151 110111511115 Will 01,111.4ati ,, 11,1 ,11 . the thii,erforient., 7. Au ••conianical adminis tration 01 . 1litail,. No repudiation of the National ilkil,L, tl. 111 rates of postage (41 010 14)W1.41. f ,ss11)10 point, and the abolition of the franking privilege. lit. A liberal rOgaid for, anti support of, all scientific investigallens that 13,0 to said in the develimilield of our resotircits and to promote the general prii•perity and appre ciate the standard 4.1 . 141.neral intnlligonee, 11. A firm ;111d 111:41111 . 11..1 1.511 tic ,11,1101 . 11;1114.115, 511.1 a a ill 111111 011 . Vt.tiVii 11131 . 111151. /11 4.111 . 11,1 g cod opl America!, 4.11.1 Z,/, Slllll ill 1111 I s r!x 1.1 li d o world. 12. Last, led,noi least., l'invorstil Anint , ty In all who nOl.lllllll. I'lll,lll. A , Ittrtterer Ii 11111 111enrell---111) . Priwost Chettletl.w---twenteneetl leer Elt, en entwe--1)191111 'relernllle--- Il 01 1 Ile 111,41 of 11.11. . )11 11,1 . 111114 It Wall 1111.11111 ( . 111,11 , i;a111, , , aged 21 years, tin initiate of Ile Eastern totem iary, to tr Mich hl, had sentele , d for the 11111111, of Adam ',wait', for I I and II 11101101 s, Wits found hanging, dead in 1114 The sum, le leut eeetrueled a rope from his shirt, and, lastening it to the grating of his door, hail literally str.ingleil himself, the body, when ILuml, resting upon the knees. The Coroner was notified, nthd in till , the prison mid hold an 11111 111951., a verdict of suicide being ren dered. It app.] , that 0,, Mille), his sentence Banks has exhibited signs of insult ity, imagining' among other things that every one who approaches his was sent to take hint out and hang 'dill. Tills preyed Mt) 111.11 his 111i1111 List at last till, nnendurablc, allii till. rash 111 , 141 WILY ruw minod. The following is the ttislary of the crime for whichilhanks was sentenced: Charles Banks was it ilortmtn, tides came to this country Fronk ltudeu, ill 1569. Stlllll all"' his arrival he tcll . llloll the uclluuinhtuce Or Adam t /strati!, and with hint Lrituiped through the country, the twain begging their way. 'They turned up In Montgomery county about the latter ielrt. of October, and visited Norristii‘vii,llerniatilos‘n and Matt aytitik. On the day the murder was 1•0111111itteci links and Oswald were at a place on the turnpike near Chestnut. Hill, Palled the and there had a dillictilty about some tummy. Banks alleges that tried to rob hint, itnil in the strug gle they fell to the ground, tls‘valil on the top. It was then that Banks stabbed him. thanks was arri..41 , 41, and land his trial in Norristown, being sentenced utt November 2.1111. Sheriti II iiiisicker brought him to the , city and escorted hint to l'herry Senittotial Piqualobiem 'rho Washington correspondent of the N. V. 1h0,a./ has the following gossip with reference to the Ohio arid lt,tyll Senatorial contests. t treat interest. is manifested in political eireles here as to the result of the elections of t r lllied Slates Senators to be held within the next twenty-live days in the States of lowa, Ohio and WiSCollaill. There are twenty-one Senators whose terms will expire on the •Ith of March, 187:1, Two of these prospective vavancies have already been tilled by the election of Mr. Sargeant front raliktrnia, and Mr. McCreary front Kentucky. The allure of Mr. Book In the latter State relieves the Senatorial majority of one whom they re gard as a formidable opponent. Mr. NI, Creary is considered an able, but a lazy 1111111. JOllll Silerlll/111 . 11 neeleetioll :a'lll be regarded as an Administration triumph. though it in considered doubtful if the White (loose looks Wail as much favor as formerly on that Mi10...0. The revenue and civil reformers iq Obi. are strongly opposed to Mr. Sherman. Secretary De lano, it is thought., looks eagerly to the Capitol. His Assistant Secretary of the Interior is now in Ohio, looking alter the loose threads. The opponents ilrSherman appear to be ismcontratingollex-titivernor Dennison, while the names of (tenet,' Cox and James IL Ashley are mentioned as emnpromise candidates in the event of the tight waxing warm. It is conceded that Mr. Sherman's re-election is, to say at Mast, in SOIIIO 110111 a. Mr. Harlan has already left ,r lowa. Th. election 1.11411,1 Lakes plare in, the 17th proximo. Ilk Friends oboni over seventy votes on joint ballot, giving their candi date about leo:maven majority. His op ponents aro e , lu,tlly 11-1 1 1 0111111 , 111. X-Be. preSolltailVe Alll,lllll IS their favorito,while the names of Mr. Joseph Wilson a nd Imdmi are also mentioned. The etlodoistration 14 very airsieus tier Air. Itarlan's ro-electein. The Prince or Wales,- t Keluprr reoregl LosiioN, Dec. _2..— • l'he Prince of Wales, whose (1011 vale:avow.° up to yesterday hail been oil rl 1114,1 t satislactory character, has passed an !inquiet night, hut his physicians do not runt icipate a serious relapse. 1=13121 Thtf death of the Earl of Ellenborough is announced this morning. The Right lion. Edward Law Ellen hem rough, tf. C. IL, whose 11E11111SO is mentioned above, is 11111 deseendant of an ancient cam ily which Was seated for unary generations nt Askram, in Cumberland, England. II e was born in 1790, hieing at the time of Ills death in his 52.1 year. In 1514 lie first took his sent in the, House of commons. tie was Lord Privy Seal and afterward Presi dent of the Board of Control in the Welling ton administration, 15!.30, and was re ap pointed in Sir Robert feel's brat adminis tration, WllOll lie also took a seat in the Cabinet. in 1812 he was sent to India, where he accomplished much good in the enppromsion of the Affghan war. After his return, in 1844, he was appointed to the post of the First Lord it the AdmiraltY, and raised to the peerage, with the title of Earl of Elleniforongh and C iseount South alit. Since 1555 the Earl has held no peal lion of public treat, his last official duties being, performed as President of the Board of Control, _which he resigned in that year. 1141 W We Piogrem,.. The statistics of Comrtutrue and Naviga tion last issued front the Bureau at Wash ington, bringing up the figures to Septem ber, 1071; present data, WI follows: The eight months of 1071 show—lmports, $.107,- 337,000; heavier by $7-1,091,000 than in the e tt me time ~r 1870, I tomestic exports for the Hanle period of 1871 are $354,907,000; heavier by $53,423 than in 1870, same period. But wo are htinel lo be increasing in im ports faster than in exports, which is shad sign. These tables also show another dam aging fact; we are gradually losing our ocean commerce, while increasingour pur chases of foreign products. Toes, 69 per cent. of our ocean commerce is in foreign vessels in 1871, against 11l per cent. in 1870. What does the vessel building State of Maine think of this fact? I===l3l At last Grant has round an approver of his telegraph-postal scheme. It is the Lon don Tunes! it will be remembered that the Times, too, favored the Southern Con federacy and predicted its success. It is natural that any scheme looking to a strong central government should find in that journal an advocate. Congressional TUESDAY, Dec. 19 In the Senate, to-day, the House bill ap- ' propriating $4,000,000 for public buildings at Chicago, was concurred in. Mr. Stewart introduced a joint resolution to amend the Constitution, so as to establish free common schools in each State and Territory, and to prohibit the giving of aid to sectarian schools. Mr. Sumner gave notice that he would soon propose an amendment to the Constitution, providing that no President shall be eligible for more than one-term. On motion of Mr. Schurz, the President was asked for information as to our present re lations with Spain, and the treatment of American prisoners in Cuba. On motion of Mr. Corbett, the Retrenchment Commit tee was directed to inquire into the recent defalcations in the Treasury Department. Mr. Sherman, from the Finance Committee, reported substitutes for the bills for the re funding of taxes to corporations, and fixing salaries of certain executive officers. Mr. Edmunds introduced a bill to punish stock gambling by public officers, which was re torred. Mr. Conkling's resolution direct ting an investigation of the New York Custom House was passed, with various amendments extending the scope of the investigation. A message was received from the President, transmitting the re port of the Civil Service Commission. Mr. Sumner made an ineffectual effort to have his resolution of inquiry as to San Do mingo, offered last March, taken up for consideration. On motion of Mr. Blair, the Retrenchment Committee were directed to investigate whether any C. S. Id roister abroad is engaged in any mining company, etc. Senator Norwood, of Georgia, was sworn in, and took;his seat. Adjourned. In the House a bill was introduced by Mr. Myers, fixing the tax On all kinds of manufactured tobacco at 16 cents. A reso lution was reported from the Bank i Committee and adopted, directing that committee to examine into the causes of the recent bank suspensions, and consider what additional legislation is needed as a guard against, such suspensions in future. Mr. lloar's bill for a commission on the Isubject of the condition of the working man was discussed. 'rho President's mes sage, in reference to civil service reform, with received. Serrate amendments el the Chicago .Publie Ituildings' bill were con curreti in. A bill was reported and passed, appropriating $27,5.1. - i for the expenses of Line l'ollimittee on Southern e ititritges. The !louse then adjourned. Wmisksiix V, Dee. 0/. In the t:. S. Senate, the House bill ap propriating for the expenses of the Denevit Commissioners was passed; also the bill appropriating till'2,lloo fur the Mixed Column-si n s at lArashington. A resolution was adopted for the pro twig of olio copies of the President's message awl report of the Civil Service Commission. Jt r. Fenton, from the Finance Committee, reported the bill reorganizing the customs service. r. Davis, of Ky., offered a resolution directing the Committee of lllVOStezatioll to inquire whether the President has had :toy inter est iu any vontraeLs to do work for the I'lllo , l stams ; whether he has received donations, and appointed the donors or their ielaimes to ollleeN of [While trust; bother hr Inis bestowed elliees of public i rest on los r Orations, awl whether the sail I matter had any consideration mono, or property connected whit it, .Ye. NI r. Davis asked the immediate consitlerlttion of Ins resolution. Mr. Ed munds objected. NI r. Marlon hoped lie would withdraw the objection, as he 55;1111 ed to Cl,!! the investigation Houle, because it would squelcli'.'Lx-vast number of lies that have la en put in circulation. NI r. Edmunds said lei %vas in earnest, that he wanted the resolution printed, and \t'initeil ton thousand copies of it himself as a 4,111- aign document. The rosululion was laid over. NI r. Stunner ' s resolution oohing in formation about. the United States naval vessels sent 1.0 San Domingo was adopted, The Ilonse Ceneral Amnesty' bill Was dis cussed Until adjournment. In Me lluuse, the Committee on Itisir ganization of the Service inert , direct ed to inquire into the expediency of pro viding fur the election of postnutsters toy the people. l'ost Route hill was re ported ale! passed. Jose NI. I iallegos was sworn in es delegate Inuit New Mexico. - ..NI r. Roberts offered a resolution declaring the regret of 1110 tiaiz., at the recent vom iter co - the Ilavanit students. The bill l'or the appointimmt ,1111111itteo to iuyuiru into the condition of labor Wasi cool pitsSINI, naafi to Ii met the 1.01111 of the l'elillnisSlon to one year, and to pro vide that lineal' the Commissioners shall hal "practically identified tvith the interests of labor," and that the selection shall be made irrespective of politics. The lionise then iiijournell, the session 10-day tii 111 4 for tie wily. t'aso,tv, 1)co. In the Son:Q(l,l%lr. Sumner ollered the llowing joint rtotolution . proponing an notlinont of the l'onstitutioni confining ProNidtint to ‘111(1 term: lint rusolutioit proposing all afinentiiiiimt ot . the Constitution, oontining the Prosi- drat tO 11111 torm : Vn Ear:As, For many years there has been 1 increasing convictimt among the people, ithout distinction of ['arty, Chita one wield ig the vast patronage the President, undd not Ilea candidate for re-election,anit Cis conviction has found ex iiression in the ,Inuit warnings of illustrious citizens, and repeated propositions Mr int :Intendment f the l'onstitution conlining the President .0 tine term, Enoss, Andrew Jackson was so fully impressed by the peril of Kepub insti tutions fron'i the temptations acting iin as President wi, wielding the Vast patron age of his thee, is a candidate tar re-olio - Lion, that in his lirst animal message he called attention to it; that in his second annual message, after setting forth the de-, sign of the Constitution "to secure the in dependence of each department of llovern !mint and promote the healthful and ei mita ble administration of all trusts which it has created," he did not hesitate to say that, the agent most likely to contravene thrtZ design of the Constitution is the Chief Magistrate, and then proceeded to declare, "in Order particularly, that this appoint- Malt may, as far as possible, be placed be yond the roach of any improper intluenees, in order that he may approach the solemn responsibilities of the highest (Mice in the gift of a free peoplo uncommitted to any other course than the strict line of owsti tutional duty, ad that the securities for this independence may be rendered as strong as the nature of power and the weak ness of its possessor will admit, I cannot too earnestly invite your attention to the propriety of promoting such amendments to the Ctmstitution as will rendld him in eligible after one term of service." And then again, in his third annual message, the Hanle President renewed this patriotic appeal. EREAS, Henry HarriSMl, following in the footsteps of Andrew Jack son, felt it a primary duty, in accepting his nom inatinn 155 President, to assert the ono term principle in these explicit words: " Among the principles proper to be adopt ed by an Executive sincerely desiring to restore the Administratimi to its original simplicity and purity, 1 deem the following of importance: First, to confine his services to a single term," and then, in a public speech, which ended in his election, he-de clared, "If the privilege of being President of the United States had Mien limited to one tertn, the incumbent would devote all his time to the public interest., and there would be no cause to misrule the country and he concluded by pledging himself " before Heaven and earth, if elected President of the United States, to lay down at the end of the term faithfully that high trust at the feet of the people. WHEREAS, Henry ('lay, though differing much from Andrew Jackson, united with him on the one-term principle,and publicly enforced it in a speech on Juno '47th, Into, where, after asking for a provision to ren der a person ineligible to the mime of Pres ident id tine United States aftb , r a service of one term, he explained the necessity of the amend Merit by Saying, oliserra ion and deliberate reflection leave satisfied be that too much of the time, the thoughts al the eXerlion:i of the incumbent are cu pied during the first term in securing his re-election. The public business (4in- sequently sutlers." Anil then, again, in a letter dated September 12th, 102, while setting forth what he calls the principal ob .ject engaging the eommon desire and the common exertions of the Whig party, the saute statesman sped an-amendment to the Constitution limiting the incumbent of the Presidential office to a - single term. EREAS, The Whig party, in its Na. tional I.oet•ention hold at Baltimore on :NI ay I, tell, nominated Henry Clay as President, with a platform where a shigie term for the Presidency was declared to be itmong the great principles of the Whig party, principles inseparable from the lm lr he honor anti prosperity, to be maintained and advaneed by the election of these can didates; which deeinrinioll was echoed at an immense meeting in Niontinient Square addressed ,by Daniel Webster, where it WWI . . . Resolved, That the limitation of a Presi • dont to a single term was among 1 he objects for which the Whig party will unceasingly strive until their ellMts are crowned with signal and triumphant success. W 13111,3A5, In the same spirit and in harmony with these authorities, another statesman, Benjamin F. Wade, at the i lose of his long service in the Senate, most earn estly urged an amendment of the Constitu tion confining the President to one term, and in his speech on that occasion, Febru ary 26th, 1866, said: "The offering of this resolution is no new impulse of mine, for I have been an advocate of the principle contained in it for many years, and I have derived the strong impressions which I en tertain on the subject from a very careful observation of the workings of our Govern ment during the period that I have been an observer or them. I believe it has been very rare that we have been able to select a President of the United States who has not been tempted to use the vast powers entrusted to him according to his own opinions to advance his re-election," and then, alter exposing at length the necessity of this amendment, the veteran Senator further declared "there are defects in the Constitution, and this is among time most glaring. All men have seen it, and now let us have the nerve, let us have the reso• lotion, to come up and apply the remedy." WHEREAS, These testimonies, revealing the intense and wide-spread convictions of the American people,are re-in forced by the friendly observations of De Tocqueville, the remarkable Frenchman to whom our country is under such great and lasting obligations, in his famous work on Democ racy in America, where he says in words of singular clearness and force: "Intrigue and corruption are vices natural to elective governments. But when the Chief of the Government can be re-elected, those vices extend indefinitely, and compromise even the existence of the country. When a sim ple candidate seeks success by intrigue, his • mancenvresean operate only over a circum srrib3d space; when, on the contrary, the Chief of the Government himself enrs the ranks of candidates, he throws for hi r own proper use the force of the Government. In the first case, it is one man, with his feeble means ; in the second, It is the G overn went itself, with its immense resources, which intrigues and corrupts." And then, again, the same great writer, who had studied our country so closely, testifies: "It is impos sible to consider the ordinary course of af fairs in the United States without perceiv ing that the desire to be re•elected domi nates the thoughts of the President, that all the policy of his administration tends to this point, that his least movements are subordinated to this object, that in propor tion,as the moment of crisis approaches, in dividual interest substitutes itself in his mind for the general interest. WHEREAS, All these concurring voices, where patriotism, experience and reason bear testimony, have addition's' value at a moment when the country is looking anx iously to a reform of the civil service, for the plain reason that the peril from the Chief Magistrate, so long as his exposure to temptation surpasses that from any other quarter, and thus the first stage in this much-desired reform is the one-term principle, to the end that the President, who exercised the appointing pow•er,reach ing unto all parts of the country, and holding in subordination a multitudinous army of office-holders, shall be absolutely without motive or Inducement to employ it for any °Olt' purpose than the public gond ;:and WHEREAS, The character of republican institutions require that the Chief Magis trate shall be above all suspicion of using the machinery of which he is the official head to promote his own personal aims; therefore, be it IL•eo(erd, By tho Senate and Ilouse of Representatives, etc., That the following article is hereby proposed as an amend merit to the Constitution of the United States, and when ratified by the Legisla tures of three-fourths of the several States. shall lie valid to all intents and purposes as part nt the Constitution, to Wit : Article —, Section 1. No person who has once held the office of President of the Toiled States, shall hereafter be eligible to that °like. Section This amendment shall not take effect until alter the 4th of March, IST:i. Mr. Sumner, in introducing this amend ment, said: 1 shall content myself with a brief remark. this is the era of civil ser vice reform, and the President of the United States in a message has already called our attention to that important Sub ject, and o u tdo ',..commendations with re terenee to it. It nary be retnembei ed that I hailed the :%lessa:.,, at once as it was read from the desk. I forebore then to state that I missed I one important reeommendation—a very important recommendation—one without which all the other reeommendations, 1 foir, may be futile. I missed a recommen dation of an amend moat of the Constitution, in conflate ity with the best precedents of our history, and With the recommendation of illustrious men, limiting the person hold ing the oillee of President to one term. Sir, that is the initial point of civil service re form ; that is the first stage in that great re form. The scheme of the President is the play of Hato/e1 without" 1 1 pro- pose by too amendment that I otter to see thmt." Hamlet" be brought into the play. ( Laughter.) II r. Sherman—Does the Senator propose to postpone the play of Civil Service Re form mail we adopt this amendment? I. Sumner—No; hut I propose to put "Hamlet" into the play. It would not take hung to (10 it. The joint ',,rosolution was road and laid r. Sumner called attention to the fact that the anientlinent Wits Lot to go into ef fect until March 1, ]STS, and therefore wonlii not interfere with the preferences of Senators kir any particular candidate next year. Mr. litirman offered s resolution ad mitting Mr. thildthwaite, Alahatna, to a seat. in the Senate, 'wilding investigation of his right thereto. It was discussed Until the expiration or the morning hour, when the I louse tleneral Amnesty bill was taken tip, and an amendment by Mr. Morton Was adopted, providing that the act should validate the election of any one to office ninth, the United States f l itiverninent who was ineligible at the time of his election. 'Without disposing or the bill the Senate adjourned for the holidays. llot'sE— In the IloUse, a Tiff‘ssago Was received from the President in answer to a resolution or inquiry about Ctilatil affairs. After soma speerh•ntaking the lkouse ail jdurned. 'fly, V. Imrion Trltti ANN. 1,1. K, Der. 19,—N r. Sherman, Washington City, attorney-at-law, testine as to the habits and social lisposition toneral Ketehllin, and the purity his private and Christian life; saw him about seven o'clock in the Morning of the day he left for Baltimore, at the residence of witness; while there ho took a memo randum book front an inside vest-pocket, made some entry and put it back; he was in good health that rimming; never know hint to Use drugs or opiates. General Wm. ni yers, Idnited States Army, testified to the temperate habits and general good health of Ketchum ; saw him on the morning of the day he left Washing don for Baltimore. Ile was in good health. Nttither of these witnesses were cross-ex amined. General George D. Wise, of Baltimore county, was examined as to certain at tempted negotiations of Mrs. Wharton fur the loan of 511,000 With Which to g 0 tO Europe, in which she did net succoeu. Dr. Frank Donaldson, of Baltimore, way examined as a medical expert. as to the effect of yellow jessamine and other medi cines Upon the system. During this exam illation the Court adjourned. A NNAPOI.Is, Dee. I:o.—Dr. Donaldson, the medical export, who occupied the stand yesterday, was again examined as to the effect of eertain medicines Upon the system, as alluded to yesterday. The cross-exatilinati.ei occupied over two hot' rs. Dr. Thompson, :fist) a medical expert, of Washington, was examined to the same effect. Inc. Williams was then recalled by the State, and examined with referenve to his exhumation of the body of Gen. Ketchum, in eonjillietion with tie. Miles, and 1)r. Chew, at Washingion, and their bring ing away such parts as would tend to elucidate the case now in Court, and their subsequent commttal of those parts to Mr. Toney, or Baltimore, a ellen', ist, for careful analysis, with a request that he should mako report or the result, to the State officers. Witness also described the analysis at some length. It being three o'clock, Mr. Syester saint one result had been obtained by the wit ness, but there was another result to be ob tained by hint, and it tents neeessary that the witness should gnt to Baltimore and coniplete it, 0:e. The Court said they could see about that when the time conies. 'rhe Court adjotirlied until to-morrow at ten o'clock ANNAPOLIS, Ins% 211. In the \\' harten trial, yesterday, 1110 WI tresses for the State not being present, a on rmunnt was had until Tuesday. why Ala rphy Resigned. 'I he Worfdf says it now turns out that urphy lid not resign his position as Col lector of the Port because of the exposure of his former record, hut to get rid of t he embar rassment which he found himself in from promises made to carry the Syracuse Con vention. lie made so many promises for position to secure a majority of that con vention that he found Olaf he would have to make a complete change in the person nel of the Custom-House, and resigned to get rid of lultilling his promises. bike his first cold rant with the government for army caps 110 ftnintl Ihai a would swamp him, and resorted to a Slibteringe to get out of his dilemma. The who'll trans action is no more than might be expected of the man, and serves the !ten who sold themselves so cheap at Syracuse as they I deserve. A 11 igh Itveomm end a I lota. With President. i;rant it is a high r mendation for a Radical to be repudiated by his titinstituents. Schenck was beaten in his district, and thereupon SOILS made a member of the : joint high commission and Minister to England. Senator Williams was repudiated by his constituents of Ore gon, wbereupsrn 110 was placed on the joint high commission and is now made Att,r soy tieneral of the United States. There are numerous other like instances showing the peculiar partiality Grant feels for play ed- out political hacks. Perhaps he will ytit lieu a chance to =ace Conkling fours the obscurity of Ptitia. 1:o• erotor Wttl (:overnor Walker, of Virginia, is a nota de instance of the destiny that shapes ho . - . man careers. In 1065 he was practising law in Chicago, and casually going to Vir- Oda to attend a slight legal matter, found, alter a Mw days in Norfolk. that a trouble some eatartk which had fastened upon Win in Chicaghi had entirely disappeared. 11b returned to his Chicago home, but was agabl beset by his old inalady,and because of Ilk health alone, returned to the state, of lila few years, he was made 11ov. ernor, Ticket-of-Leave Men nm Immigrant. Three immigrants arrived at New York on Monday, who confessed that they were ticket.of-leave men, and had been sent to this country from England. They had been sentenced to seven years' penal servi tude, one for theft, another for house-brsak ing, and the third for attempted robbery with violence. They were discharged for good conduct while in prison, and furnish ed with tickets-of-leave on their discharge. The attention of the Washington authori ties in to be called to their case. The Heenan Story a FADriAMU In reference to statements in the papers relative to an indictment having been found against the pugilist Heenan, District At torney Garvin states that to his knowledge Heenan's name will not come before the Grand Jury at all; that he is not aware there is any indictment, and that he would be pretty sure to know of it if such action had been taken by the Grand Jury. A Good ThAos- The vote of 130 to 36, in the House in favor of a commission to investigate the relations of capital and labor is gratifying. If it is done because Congressmen believe in in vestigating labor it is a good thing. If it is done only because Congressmen believe in buncombe it is a good thing all the same. ANNIE AND WILLIE'S PRAYER The following poem. written by Mrs. Sophia P. Snow, is one of the most exquisitely touch ing and beautiful literary productions which we have ever read. It cannot fall to reach the hearts of all who peruse it, besides being pe culiarly appropriate to the holidays: 'Twas the eve before Christmas; "Goodnight" - - bad been said, And Annie and Willie bad crept into bed; T acre were tears on their pillows, and tears in - - - their eyes, And each little bosom was heavy with sighs— For to-night their stern father's command had been given That they KIIOOId retire precisely at seven, Instead of eight, for they troubled him more With questions unheard of than ever before; Ile had toll them lie thought this delusion a sin, No such being as "Santa Claus - ever had been, And he hoped, after this, he sh )uld never more hear How he scrambled down chimneys with prey ents each year. And Ulla was the reason that two little heads So restletady to on their soft, downy beds. Eight, nine, and the clock on the steeple tolled en: Not at word had been spoken by either till then, When Willie's sad face from time blank.•t did phi see, And wpered, " bear Annie, is you tot asleep? "Why no, brotber,Wlllie, - a sweet voice re• plies, 'l've tried It in vain, hat can't shut toy eyes: For, somehow, It wakes me so sorry' bevause Dear papa has said. there Is no Santa Claus ;I Now we know that there is and it can't Le de- nled, For Le mule every year before 11111111MRdied : But then, t've been atinking that stir used to Pray , And Uod would hear everything 11111111111 U would say : And perhaps she asked Him to ,end Santa Claus nere, With time SallS full of presents he brought every Y curs .. Well, why lutist we pay lest inanma did then, And ksk .Him to send him with presents adlnff ...I've been thinking so, too.•' And without a word more Four little Inure feet bounded f salon the door, And four little knees the soft carpet pressed. And IWO tiny bands clasped close to effelf ifrsust. •' NOW, \ you lunch we nfil,t firmly be- neve That the presents we ask for we're sure to receive; You must wan. just as still 0111 say the 'Atm,: And by that you w know that your tints has come then." "Dear Jesus, look down ou Illy lo other and me, And grout us the favor We are netting of Thee: I want a wax dolly, in tea-set and ring, And an ebony work-box that shuts with a spring; Bless }mint, dear Jesus, and cause him W see That SWIM Claus loveS us far better than he, Don't let him get rental and angry again At dear brother Willie and Ain.le. Amen Please, Desus, 'at tianta Taus tutu down to night. And bring us seine presents before'it is 'laid, I want he should dive me a nice little sell, With bright, shiny ',v il oters, :old all r luted yea: A box full of randy, s. hook and a toy, Amen, and then. Des.,lll la• It good boy. Their prayers being ended, they raised up their heads, And With hearts light and elwerful again sought their I.eds They were soon lost In slumber, both iTetieeral and deep, And with fairies la Dream-land were roantlng in sleep, Eight, nine and the little French clock had struck ten, Ere the father had thOiej,ht Itt his children 110 SOVIIIS BOW to BellrAnule'sMilf.stippresscl sighs, And to bee the big tears stand in Willie ., blue eyes. 111 was harsh ilk toy darlings," he mentally said : "And should not Int, e Sent them so early to bed: Hut then I was troubled—toy feelings found vent, The bank-stock to-day 11:1.5 gone down tell per dent. But of eour, , e they e forgot their troubles ere this And that I denied 1111.111 the thrice-asked-fr kiss; But just to Ina he sure, I'll steal up to their door, I nin:ir spoke harsh to my darling , Iro• I“re. - So saying smnly aseendo.l si airs, Ana arrived at the door to hear both or Hot . prayers. Ms Annie's - 1,16, , papa" all - M. , : forth the big foals, And grave protnige falls sweet nn his Strau ars. ge,stratige, I'd forgotten, - said he Nell h a sigh, How 1 longed, when Clire.l - iiraw nigh. al.nrie ror iny harshness, - he 111,artny .I‘l, 'hy•liti . , , ,el . ihr, their prayers et, I sleep... lily Then lie turned to the stairs and ,only went down, Threw Ott velvet slippers rind silk 111,,Sir QOM,- 1/1/1111iid hat, ellat and hoots, and W., out to the street. A tnilliormire faring the cold, driving sleet. Nor stopped he Until lie tool bought ty crY thing, From the bos lull of candy to the t gold ring: Indeed, he kept ridding so much to his store, That the Valli/LIS presents OLUILIIILIIR•1 , 1 Il score, Then homeward he turned with ills holiday load, And with Aunt. Mary's aid in the iturseo 'twos Stored: Mite Dolly was seated beneath IL pine tree, By the 141,1 e of a tattle spread out for her tea A work-box well-tilled in the center was laid, And on it a ring, w for hich Anni sled, eßad prayed. A soldier in uniform stood by a "With bright shining runners and all painted red." There were balls, dogs and horses, books Ideas- Big to see, And birds of all colors were perched in the tree; While : iuuta Claus, laughing, stood up iu the lop, As If getting ready more presents In drop. And as the loud lather lIIe picture surveyeil, He thtiught, for his Lrunlile he had amp y been aid, And he said to he brushed nil a tear, k happier tkekkight Iliac I've been iklr a year. etsjoyekl more trite plensure than ever Ike- lore, What care I if bank stock!: falls len per reel aw'. Bereafter 11111111 i, it a nal.% I, To has Santa Catas va.LL each alas Bo thinking, he gently extinguished the tueliht Aud tripped down the stairs to retire for night. As soon as the beams of the bright tnorniug von PM, the dariCrleSS to flight, and the ,tarS, iille by one, Four lilt le blue eyes out or sleep opened wale. And at the SaILIV Itlolllent the presents espied, Then 111.11, Of their beds the) .sprang Stith it hound, And t the very gifts prayed for were allot theta found. They laughed mid they cried, ut their inutteent glee, Aud ,hooted for papa come 4uiek ;Intl What ee sanis Clans brought in the ul ht. (Just. the things that they tk anted,' and lett be. lorelight. And 111,W, - added Annie, la a voice soft and low, " believe there's 0 0001.1 Clot,. papa, I know:" While dear little Willie climbed up ou hie kale, Dvlerinilled no secret between the...should l And told, In Noll whispers, how Allele had said, That their dear bleSSell Inaillina 1, , long ago dead, I. l tied It, kneel down (1,11,1 pray IT the side of her chair, And that (101 l up in heaven had auswereil her prayer! I• Thell We dot up and payed dust Os well Os we And Doti answered our prayers: now Wasn't he doo.l "I should say that Ile was, If He sent y,ku all these, And knew just what presents ...y child reu would please, Well, well, let hint think so, the dear lit I I, elf, "I'would be erne! In tell him I did II Blind lather! who ea IISOLI your stern heart to relent, And the hasty word spoken so Soon 11l l'i•pelit? 'Twos the being who bade you ...teal holt ly SIP And made you Ills agent to answer I leer prayers, Saturday's To Lo, Dec. :21.—The w•arnt South wind and rain yesterday cleared the ground entirely of snow. A heavy gale visited this place last nightdoing able damage to buildings, Ac. It was the strongest gale exuerienced here for rears. To dEtto, Ohio. I rec. 24 --The gale yester day and last night was one of the most se vere ever experienced iu this I ocality. •t•he telegraph lines were prostrated its all . di rections, and considerable damage was done to roofs, chimneys, Ac. 'rho spire.of the First Baptist l'huich was blown down, falling upon and partially crushing an all joining dwelling, but without injuring any of the inmates. IN DIANAPOLI , , Dee. 22.—A violent wind- storm has prevailed here all the afternoon. doing considerable damage in buildings. A portion of the roof of St. John's Cathe dral was crushed by the falling of the upper part of one of the front towers. At Lafayette a large number of buildings were unroofed, including the Second Na• Clonal Bank building, PI/St I eff u se and Tel egraph buildings. Several persons were injured. ST. I.OITIS, line. 24.—A very heavy gale swept over Springfield, 111., yesterday. It blew down all immense skating rink and the I ew rolling mills, of the Springfield Iron Company and entirely destroyed the round house of the Oilman, Clinton and Springfield Railroad, besides tearing off several roofs, toppling over chimneys, leveling fences, ,kc. The loss cannot be less than $30,1100. OMAHA, Dec. 22.—The late storm was very severe, and extended through the mountains to the Pacific coast. Western trains are reported snow-bound, with a prospect that several days will be required to clear away the obstructions. Lynching . in Missouri Further particulars have been received of the lynching of two desperadoes near Seneca, Missouri. Last week it appears Louis Swimm and another desperado known as Texas Ice, alias Buckskin, in duced a German named Henry Salesman to go about two miles from Prairie City to get some whiskey they had secreted. After getting out of the town they assaulted him with clubs and left him for dead, after rob bing him of $2-1 and a. watch. ,Balesmanre covered sufficiently to crawl back to the town and report the affair. Swimm was arrested at Seneca by the Vigilance Com mittee. BuckskinVa .9 subsequently cap tured after being shot three times. Both were hanged to a tree. Before the execu tion Buckskin confessed to having murder eci eleven men during the past year,and the total booty obtained was only VAL Meeting . of Railroad Men••• The Penn sylvania Railroad• AUGUSTA, Ga., Dec. 23.—During the past two days the directors and representatives of the Georgia internal railroads have been congregating here. The cause of this con ference is that the Pennsylvania Central Railroad Company has been endeavoring to lease three lines, leading from Atlanta to Selma, in which the Getorgia and Georgia Central Companies are both largely inter ested. WEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH! -WAR DEPARTMENT, OFFICE OF CHIEF SIGNAL OFFICER, WASHINOTON, Dec 20, 10:00 A. M. —Probabilil ics.—The tempera ture will probably fall, with cloudy weath er North and West of the Ohio river.— hreateniug weather with rain prevails West of Genrgia. Cloudy weather con tinues en the lower Lakes. Partially cloudy and mild weather along the Atlantic Coast. I iangerous winds are not antici pated f o r to-day. From New York NEw Your:. Dee. 26.—James C:trroll was shot and killed by James IficCartney last night, while the the latter was quieting a riot in his rurmshop. A boy at Hudson, a man at] Newbury, and a man at Cornwall. were drowned, while skating on the Hudson river on Sunday. Christmas was observed everywhere in this city and Brooklyn. The weather was very pleasant, and crowds thronged the streets through the day. The steamers and sailing vessels in the harbor were all decorated with flags of all nations. Ex-Comptroller Connolly was visited by several of his friends yesterday at Ludlow street jail. Ile appeared to be in good spirits. In Brook lem, yesterday, a man named Charles Joh3son, said to be a prominent politican, fatally shot a young man namod Robert Henry. Armed i%eWroet Disbnuded O„ Dec. 26.—A Memphis special to the hoisircr says that the latest from Chical county, states that the negroes have disbanded, and all but lifty have re turned to their homes. Those tifty men tioned have placed themselves under the sheriff. No fears are entertained as to a retaliation by the whites. At the Christmas festival held by the 11 e groes at their church, in Florence Ken tucky. near Covington, on Sunday night, a white man named Hen rySnyder, who was intoxicated, became disorderly and took unwarranted liberties with the females. Peter Aylor, one of the negroes remon strated with him, and_ shot 111111 in the head, indicting a fatal wound. He then shot three other negroes. two of whom, Albert (towel! and John Brent, are seri ously wounded. Explosion in the Oil Reg' s. Ott, CITY, Dec. .6,—Tice Cosmopolitan wolf at Scrub Grass, belonging to Botsford & Co., took tire this morning by an explo sion of gas while drilling, severely burning six men, including one of the owners, I\lr. Botsford. They have had everpattention paid to them at the Gregory llouse,and the physicians in attendance think they will all ultimately recover. The Derrick was entirely destroyed, but the tire has been extinguished. The well has been flowing for several days through the easing, not having been finite com pleted, and bids faillto be a good well. Repairs have already been commenced. Christmas at St. Louis —• St. Louis, Dec. 25.—The day ha.s been ob served with unusual generalitybusinesa was suspended. There has been a good deal or carousing and much drunkenness, resulting in brawls, in which knives, razors and pistols were freely used, but no very serious harm was done. A prisoner in the calaboose attempted to commit suicide by cutting his throat with the ragged . edge of a tin plate, which he tore apart for that purpose. II e will recover. The Arkansas Insurrect lon—Ne=rnes Al tempting . lo IV • WOMeIO-- (Joy eroment Troops Asked For I\l EM en is, Tenn., Dec. 21.—The last per son who left Lake Village, the scene of the outrage in Chiciit County, reports that he was ordered by armed negroes un the banks to return, which he refused to do, and succeeded in escaping. There was great excitement at the time, and from the screams of the white Warrior and children, who were seen rushing down the levee, it is supposed an attempt VHS made to ravish the few white women who were unable to leave. Captain W.l'. Walker, (Republican) Sheriff at the county, has made application for regular troops to be ordered to quell the disturbance, it being feared that if the mili tia are sent, they being colored, will irater nim with the insurgents. Every- white citizen who could obtain a conveyance left the county, W 'dell is being niaranded by armed bands of colored men, the majority of whom are intimidated by the rioters, who trace said they will not disband until allow ed to settle all disputes they may have had with those Mr whom they have worked. The t lovernor of Arkansas has sent his Ad jutant to the scene of the disturbance, but in the meantime leading Republican and Conservative citizens of the county have united in a petition for regular troops. Loral jinteltityricr CANE PRESENTATION. — A committee of five members of Adam Lodge, No 111. I. o. O. F., of Philadelphia, consisting of Messrs. NV. speck, f leo. L. Keller, Schreiber, E. Christ and F. Keller, visited Lancaster on Christmas-day, for the purpose of pre senting, on behalf of that Lodge, two mag nificent canes to Or. °John Levergood and Major it. F. Cox. The presentation took place at the residence of Dr. Levergood in the presence of a number of the members of the Order, (leo. L. Keller, Esq., making an exceedingly neat and impressive ad dress, Which was appropriately replied to on behalf of the recipient-4 by the Doctor. After the interesting presentation ceremo ny was over, another ceremony 110 less in teresting begun, but on this latter topic we will not dilate. The visitors left for home in the afternoon, seemingly delighted with their visit and the cordiality with which they had been received. The canes are made of solid ebony, I mounted with gold heads, beautifully chased, having a suitable inscription en graved thereon. We congratulate the re cipients on their luck. WEDDINfi EXTRAORIttNaIid".—A In - siding of more than ordinary interest on such oe. casino, 'rune off at Chiekies, in this county, on the 'dialn of this month. The bride, Mamie C.4laldeutan, is the daughter of Or. E. Haldeman, one of our most successful iron utasters, and the groom, Col. W. Neil Denison. son ut' ex ( inventor Denison, or Ohio. E inventor Denison and his family arrived iu Colum bia on Monday in a 'nitwit ear by a special train, and are the guests of Win. (d. Case, Esti. On Tuesday afternoon, the party made a (sill on the family of the bride by special train, and returned to Columbia in • the evening. (In Wednesday at noon, the party went to Chickies by special train. • 'rhos ceremony was performed by Rev. R. W. ('lark, Rector of Trinity Church, of Columbus, Ohio, at half-pmt one, P. M., at itthe home of the bride. Among the guests present were ex-' lov ernor Denison and lady; Dem J. W. For syth and lady; .1. .3. Woods, Esq.; Col. Wm. 11. Case and lady ; Dr. Howard S. Case; Erasmus Denison, C. S. A. ; Judge Long and family, of Lancaster; Miss Sue Frazer, of Lancaster; Miss Sei fret, Heal ing; Mrs. 'l'ripler, of Philadelphia; Prat:. S. S. Haldeman and lady; Misses Fanny and Eliza Haldeman, daughters of the Prof.; Paris Haldeman and lady; Judge F. L. Jewett and lady ; and Mrs. Hal owell ; Miss Anna Jewett; Scott Stewart; Ethel bert Watts and lady ; W il liam Watts, and others. The bride, groom, ex -governor Denison, son, and their friends, left for Columbus, Ohio, at S o'clock in the evening, by special train, in the same palace liar which the ex - I :over nor anti his friends came in. In this transaction Pennsylvania has lost a beauti ful 3.11,m,g; holy a nd mitt has gained it beau tiful young w I , lllall. -n • ~I //, You': l'ousry ITEms 1.. A. htil linger, Chief Burgess of York, died on Sat urday morning at his resblence iu that bor ough. lie had been ailing for several months past, but until recently his disease was not thought particularly dangerous.— Thu b'mrctle says : "York never had a Chief Magistrate of greater efficiency or inure unswerving integrity. Though often placed in positions where temptations to perform actions of doubtful propriety were offered, he never turned for one moment to the right or left, but went forward, unhes itatingly, in what he conceived to be the path of his strict duty. As such an one, we mourn his untimely demise, and feel that his place in the community will indeed be hard to till. As a mark of respect to the deceased, the tire alarm bells of the entire Fire Department were tolled and flags dis played at half-mast on the announcement of Iris death. lie was aged about Glyears. . . (in Tuesday night the bar-room of Keis er's Hotel was entered, and the drawer was unlocked and emptied of the money that was in it, also a package of goods, belong- Rig to Hr. Kilgore, a guest of the house, which bait cost between ten and eleven dollars. Robert Schall, alias Robert Kuntz, was arrested, and a4knowledged the theft, the goods being found in his pos session. He was committed to answer., LEAItN To Canvas.—The approach of the holidays suggests the above subject, which should claim a due share of attention from net only heads of families, but from all who are fond tof having things done right.— It is a great accomplishment to be able to carve well and easily, without awk wardness; but it is one that teceives al together! too little attention. Wo have seen those who in every respect were real gentlemen and ladies carve poultry, or a piece of meat, in such a barbarous manner as to banish all desire to eat, and almost the ability to taste the big, uncouth mangled lump that was put, or rather thrown on our plates. To cut off a thick, rough piece from any part that the knits happens to light upon first, aside from being untidy is also very wasteful. After two or three such carelesss cuttings, the whole piece is so defaced and uneven, that it is no longer possible to secure a decent looking bit; and the bone is left with much adhering to it, in ragged morsels, that dry and become worthless if left over to the next day, but, which, had the joint been properly carved, could have been sent to the table for a cold relish for tea, in a neat and attractive form. PRESENTATION. — On Friday, just before time for dismissing school, Ptof. A. T. Palm, Principal of the Public Schools of Columbia, entered ,lhe High School and in a few appropriate remarks, presented to the teacher, Mr. U. Strickler, a heavy gold pencil, case and pen, in behalf of the pupils of the High School. Mr. Strickler re sponded in a few remarks, thanking the pupils for the uniform kindness shown him at all times by them CHRISTMAS INCIDE.'NTS. — As a general thing places of business, except the saloons and confectionaries were closed and, our citizens spent their Christmas at home, giving and receiving their Christmas pres ents, and eating their sumptuous Christ mas dinners. Still there were many per. sons on the streets, following many diverse paths, and 'pursuit of many different plea sures. Some were out early, before the sun was up, wending their way to their respective churches to participate in the joyful religious exercises attending the celebration of the birth of the Saviour. Others made their appearance, at a later hour, and betook themselves to the differ ent taverns rand saloons where free lunch and egg-nog were dispensed, and we are sorry to say that some of this latter class, imbibed so freely of the seductive stimu lant that they became noisy, boisterous, quarrelsome, drunk, and finally brought up in the lock-up, some of them with black eyes, bloody-noses and sore heads. As a general thing, however, the behaviour and decorum on the streets was as good as it usually has been on a Christmas holiday. THE C URCII ES.—The usual Christmas erviees were celebrated in most of the churches on SuucTay and Monday, :aud several of them were elaborately decorated with evergreens and flowers, giving them a very handsome appearance. St. James' Episcopal.—The Auditorium of this church was but little decorated, the at teution being given to the chancel and the surroundings of the Altar, which had a thick back-ground of evergreens. The super-altar was filled with roses and white lilies, the communion table being covered with a white altar-cloth trimmed with crimson and gold fringe, and containing in the centre an Agnes Dei on blue ground. Undereach gas:getof the gallery was a large and very handsomely arranged bunch of evergreens. We described several months ago the manner in which the church was being newly tilted up. The alterations are now nearly completed ; the stained glass win dows in the chancel, and the new pulpit being about the material additions to he made. The interior of the building is cer tainly very handsome, and does great credit to the taste of the designer. The stained glass windows and the rich blue, chocolate and gold color of the painting and fittings, produce a very unique but harmonious and not at all gaudy effect The painting is very handsome and worthy of all praise. The body of the church is lighted from a twisted pipe of blue and gold, which is sus pended from brackets along each gallery, and along which at intervals of about three feet gas jets are placed. In the chancel hangs a chandelier "corona loci)." It is from the manufactory of Cornelius A Sons, Phila., from designs of Mr. C. M. Burns, r., architect, and will compare favorably with any example in this country. A mas sive circlet of blue, heavily bossed and crested with gold, and bearing twelve lights, depends from a richly worked crown by twisted rods of blue and gold. Within the circlet is a globe, banded with gold and surmounted by the cross, suspended by chains from the crown. Mr. Burns ap pears to us to have happily overcome a diflieulty coin twit to these "coronas"— Coat from their lightness as compared with ordinary chandeliers—when lighted, they are themselves almost invisible. Mr. Burns has succeeded in making his work, in its graceful form and rich ornamental Lion, only the inure visible when lighted. Thecorona is suspended by a rod filleted with gold from the exquisitely wrought boss in the dome of the apse. The fi,nt is from a design of Mr. Burns', modified from an example in England of the twelfth cen tury. Square fonts are very uncommon, atnil this, in all probability, is the only cane inn America. Extreme massiveness and the severest simplicity are its distinguish ing characteristics. Proportion and grace, fulness of outline (except a Greek cross inscribed in a circle on one face,) are its only ornamentation. 'the great bowl, of proportions amply sufficient to comply with the rubric which directs the minister, if required, to dip the infant into the water, is supported by a dwarf pillar rising from two squares and steps—the upper step bearing the inscription, M. S. Mary Field Jenkins, Nat. 13 Nov., 17,9, ()b. 7 Feb. The interior, which is provided with a proper drain, is gilt and protected by a solid oak cover, With a massive ring affix ed w n Ilorhited cross of hammered intuit, polished. The'entire has been executed in Lancaster, :anal reflect-, the highest eyed it upon Mr. Ilaldy, the sculptor. The services were of an impressive char rioter and specially appropriate to the day. Humphries gyaml chant of the the Psalms for the day as designated in the Trinity Psalter, and the ft, seiletw, were excellently chanted by the choir. 7'c Deem (anthem by Danks) was admirably sung riette, while the other musical parts of the service—the Christmas hymn "(lark, the herald Angels sing,") the eu charistic hymn, Woriii hi Excelsid, were well rendered. The sermon by the Rector, Rev. Edw. Shippen Watson, Waa all eloquent exposi tion of the doctrine of the Incarnation, from the text: "Unto us a child is born. Lot. us a son is given, Ac."—lsaiah IX, V. it and 7. The services in the Moravian Church coinmeneed on Sunday morning at o'clock. The building is profusely hung with evergreens, depending in graceful festoons Crum the ceiling and around the walls. The pulpit is handsomely orna mented with choice natural flowers, and above the pulpit hangs a beautiful ever green star, in the centre of which is the date " 1,71. - " The services commenced with the Anthem, " Mighty Jehovah," sung by the choir. Bishop Bigler followed with an appropriate discourse front the text: " And last of all Ile sent this Son." In the afternoon the children's Love Feast was celebrated, followed by catechetical exercises; after which the several classes of the Sunday School handed over their annual collections for missionary purposes, the aggregate amount being over $7O. Mon day morning there; were the usual Christ mas exercises, but no services in the eve ning. Trinity Lutheran Chureh is more beau tifully decorated than ever before. An evergreen arch spans the pulpit, beneath which is the scriptural quiwalion, " From Bethlehem the Saviour Comes," above which is an evergreen star, representing the star of Itethlehem. The charnel is also artistically ornamented, while ever greens hang from t e galleries, and are entwined around - We columns supporting them. on Sunday morn ing the usual services were had, and on Sunday afternoon the several Sabbath- Schools connected with the church assem bled to celebrate their_Christunts services. So great was the crowd in attendance that numbers of them could not be seated. The ceremonies were of an unusually interest • ing character. On Chrktmas morning, after the singing of Christmas anthems, an appropriate discourse was delivered by Rey. Dr. Greenwald. The First Reformed Church is also beau tifully trimmed with spruce evergreens. and over the pulpit is an illuminated Star ocltethlehem. On Sunday the usual ser vices were observed, and on Christmas morning at ii o'clock the Chllrell Was thronged to its utmost capacity, and very imposing Christmas services were celebra ted by the pastor, Bev. A. ii. K renier. During the afternoon the usual Christina-, gifts were distributed to the infant depart ment of the Sabbath School. The festival of the advanced Sabbath School will not take place until next Sunday morning at lu A SINW"I.AI3. A‘ , II , ENT.-- ( , n Monday last, Mr. Ben . hunin Pierce, residing near Darlington's C 4 inner, in Birmingham town ship, Chester county, met with a serious ;unl somewhat singular accident, the facts of which, as, are as follows Mr. l'ien-n was making the necessary prepara tions for butchering, and at the time of the avnun ovollrtera,, was in the act of sharp ening a knife for the purpose of killingsev cral hogs While thus engaged, several others whom Mr. I'. had olitained to assist him, proceeded to catch one of the hogs, which ran, and in the eleLSe struck. >1 r. Pierce, knocking him down, he falling with the knife, which struck him in the neck, inflicting a Revere gash, Revering one of the arteries, and almost striking the Male one. Drs. Wilson and Itrinton were summoned to his aid, and at this writing he is doing ANN I V EI&A RV BA sell kT.—Waterford Council, No. 72, t. L. A. M., celebrated its fourth anniversary in the Town,i I all, Ma rietta, on Al anday evening last, by a grand banquet. The Junior Order was present by invitation, I void es a large number of ladies and gentlemen. The exercises opened with music by the Cornet Band, and the jead ing of a portion of the Scripture and prayer by 11ev. S. A. Ileilner. Addresses were delivered by E. D. Itoath, Esq., Rev. S. A. Ileilner and Capt. Geo. 11. Ettla. At SI o'clock the meeting adjourneil to the second story, where a sumptimus banquet was prepared, to which lull justice was done by the 200 persons in attendance. The o,'ea- Mon was a very pleasant, one, long to be re memlietied liy those in attendance. Cost' is a comfort to know, at the beginning it what promises to he a long and severe winter, that the prices of the prin cipal neccesaries r.f life are consider ably lower than fur many years past.— Flour, potatoes, pork, veal, and mutton, together with vegetables generally, have shared in the decline, beet holds its own with a pertinacity that is remarkable.— Chal, too, shows a disposition to recede from long established prices, which is an other fact upon which consumers can be congratulated. If taxes were but a little nearer what they should be, so that rents could be brought down to fair figures, there would be little cause for complaint. RA BIIITS.—I L is reported that rabbits are an intolerable nuisance along the Conewa go hills. Several gunners from Marietta, who happened to visit that region, report that it would require twenty-live men over a mouth to extirpate them. They aro also unusually plenty on Thorn Hill, West Earl township, and many other parts of the county. They are mischievous pests to farmers and nurserymen, who complain that they frequently destroy the young fruit-trees by gnawing the bark from them near the ground. It is noticed as a very singular fact, that rabbits always sit in their nests with their heads toward the sun-rising point. DECLINATION.—In a letter to the Colum bia 'Spy, ex-Mayor Atlee, of this city, de clines to be a candidate for Congrefis for which office, one of the Spy eorreapondtmta had nominated him. RESPECT TO THE MEMORY OF P. MARTIN' HElTLER—Meeting of the Lancaster Bar.— The members of the Lancaster Bar met on Saturday, after the adjournment of Court, for the purpose of taking action rel ative to the death of P. Martin Healer, Esq., one of their number. The meeting organized by calling Hon. J. B. Livingston to the Chair, and appoint ing A. J. Eberly, Esq., Secretary. Jacob Amwake, Esq., announced the death of Mr. Heider, and made a motion for the appointment of a Committee of live to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of the Bar relative to the decease of their fellow-member. The Chair appointed as the Committee J. B. Aniwake,. Esq., Hon. 0. J. Dickey, Col. D. W. Patterson, A. Herr Smith and A. H. Hood, Esqs. The Committee retired, and after their return reported the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted: WHEREAS, We have just heard of the death of our late associate of the Bar, P. Martin Heider, Esq., Therefore, Resolved, That it is with un feigned sorrow and regret we learn of the death of our deceased brother, in the prime Of his manhood. Resolved, That his professional integrity, his uniform courtesy, fair dealing and goodness of heart, make us feel that the Bar and his associates have suffered a great loss. R,wott - ,-,/, That we cordially sympathize with his bereaved mother and sister, who mourn a eon and brother, who-was always kind and affectionate. . . . . _ R,solved, That in testimony of respect to his memory, we wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days. Resolved, That the Honorable Court is requested to order these resolutions to be entered on the minutes of the Court, and that the officers of this meeting are request ed to transmit a copy of these resolutions to the mother and sister of the deceased, and that these resolutions and proceedings he published in the daily papers of the city. HOW Is THIS Poll " Elm ? "—Some two weeks ago, we copied an item from the Staunton Va.,) announcing the arrival in that town of Recorder High, of Lancaster county, and his counsel, T. J. Davis, Esq., of this city, their business be ing the arrest, on requisition, of one .I. Wenger, of Augusta, charged with the commission of a serious offence. Un der the heading of " Two PennsylVallia .Thieves," the Harrisonburg( \'a. Ode ecisiccir(t/i thus gives its version of the at fair: We have been informed by "a reliable gentleman" of the following neat lluanii cial veep in this county. Two gentlemen of Pennsylvania—one said to be a "jack leg" lawyer—are credited with the follow ing: A citizen of Augusta county, during the war, is represented to have left his • borne for the more congenial surroundings • of Lancaster county, Pennsylvania. The gentleman was of loyal persuasion, of course, and WILY warmly received in his I new home. He had left the partner uf his bosom here, and while in Pennsylvania another usurped her place in his affections. He fell, and iu consequence of the rigorous laws of Pennsylvania on the subject 01 se t diction, he found out that he had commit ted a felonious offence. Quito recently the two gentlemen first referred to conic to Vir ginia, armed with a requisition or the felon who was again at his old home. Ile was arrested and brought to within several I miles of this place, to the house of his fifth ' cr. The Pennsylvanians, with a keen eye I non the main chance, however, mein con sultation, took $lO iu currency, and a well secured note for $350 more, condoned the felony, and discharged the prisoner. They left here by the morning , train on Thurs.. day last, in haste Mr home. We eoroniele these facts We 410 not intend that these larks shall get home and give it out that they could•t tied their man, or that Ku-Klux relieved Ills atter arrest. Our i ul'urulatiuu!nay Hot bo exactly accu rate in detail, but we suppose we have given substantially the little. NI is. ARNOl.lis FUNERAL—The funeral or Mr. Thomas Arnold, who died so sud denly on Saturday the 10th inst., took place on Friday afternoon, and notwithstanding a prevailing snow-storm was very largely attended. Impressive religious services, conducted by Rev. i;eorge Robinson, of the Presbyterian Chtm•h, were had at the late residence of deceased, after which the remains were taken in charge by Lancaster Commandery, Nu. 1:1, Knights Templar. They numbered abort sixty men, fully eqpipped, and under cm rnand of M. E. CommandeDr. J. A. E. Reed. A delegation of Cyrene Command ery, of Columbia, was also in attendance, besides which there were a large number of carriages, containing the family and relatives, while many other friends went to the cemetery afoot. Ermantrout's Cor net Band was at the head of the funeral cortege, and on its way to the cemetery played a solemn dirge. Arrived at the grave, the usual impressive funeral servic es of the order were observed, with the evergreen tokens of remembrance and es teem incident to such solemn occasions. A VI DENT.—Last Thursday evening, as Jonathan Stober and Benjamin Gerhart, Jr., two young men residing in West Co calico township, were returning home from the protracted meeting at K ramers ville, in a buggy drawn by a fractious horse belonging to and driven by the former, the horse became unmanageable and ran away. The two young men were both thrown out of the buggy. Stober,yra-s badly bruised, and had the flesh torn from both knees. Gerharthaviug been entangled in the blankets and lines, was dragged about '2O yards, sustaining various severe bruises, and other internal injuries; he was found lying in the road, enveloped in the blankets, in an insensible condition. Both young men were conveyed home,and their injuries promptly attended to. The horse continued on in his maddened career rushing headlong down a steep hill near the residence of Rev. Christian Secrist, where he divested himself of the last of the buggy and harness, and did not check his course until ballad arrived at his owner's barn. The buggy was completely demol ished, the fragments being scattered along the road lon a distance of half-a-mile. Iluitoi.Anv.—The dwelling of Mr. John Furry, residing near Drytown, Rapho was entered on Friday, by a bur glar and robbed of about F2fi. lie entered at the back kitenen-door which he succeed ed in opening by breaking the luck, and proceeded to the sleeping room of Mr. Fur ry. lle unlocked the desk containing the money, when Mr. F. was awakened and gave the alarm by crying, " The burglar turned around and pointed a pistol at h im, but tied upon hearing Mr. F's. sons up-stairs. lie succeeded in getting only about ••2.-5, although there was acon Aiderable sum in another part of the desk. lie was tracked in the snow to Drytown, and Mr. F. went to Columbia iu the morn ing and took out a search warrant and pro ceeded an officer to the residence or the suspected party. 'rho result of the search we have not learned. Although Mr. F. could not identify the burglar posi tively, as he hail on a black mask, and did not speak, he thinks lie cannot be mistaken in the party. M r. Jacob Garber's dwelling, also near DrytoWn, was entered about a week ago, but nothing valuable was miss ed by the family. 000 E K correspondent of the .I..:,pnws says that on Sunday afternoon Aaron Creamer, of Martinville, drove up to the hotel of David Creamer, in Rawlins- ville, hitching his horse to a post while hn entered the house. He had not been in the hotel very long when three young men without permission) took possession of horse and wagon and drove otr. They drove along at a very rapid rate, finally turning into a narrow lane, where . 4he ve hicle upset, throwing the horse against an embankment and killing.him instantly.— The men were spilled dot, but escaped with torn clothes and a few scratches on their persons. Blt EA E-Dow N.— On Tuesday inerning, the 14th inst., a break-down happened to a southward bound coal train on the Read- ing and Colunibia Railroad, near the bridge across the Cocalico Creek, about midway between Reametown Station and Ephrata, caused by the breaking of an axle of one of the cars. Four coal cars were demolished and twelve others thrown off the track.— The morning passenger train to Reading was detained three hours by the accident. A HAst;kuot's EXVLOSIVE.—About 3,000 pounds of nitro-glycerine is now laying on the river shore between S. W. P. Boyd's Saw Mill and Williamson's Point, which Is to go to Safe Harbor. The agent who is with it has been bunting for some person to haul it; but every one is afraid to un dertake it for fear some accident might hap pen. RUNAWAY ACCIDENT.—A few days ago as Mr. Thomas Hambleton, of Drumure township, was on his way to this city, his horse took fright and ran into the woods, breaking the carriage, and throwing Mr. Hambleton out. He was severely injured, and was taken to the house of Mr. Wiggins, near by, and cared for. In the afternoon he was sent to his home. DEATH OF 1)I,D LAI/I.—Elizabeth I,eininger died in Iteinholdsville on - the lith inst., agiA !6 years and 25 days. She was the mother of 11 children, 7 of whom are living, and she leaves behind her 42 grand-children, 45 great-grand-children and 1 great-great-grand-child. Previous to her last illness she had never been sick a day in her life, and only last Summer worked all day iu the harvest-field. FIRE AT LIBERTY SQUARE. — On the 'rid inst., the cabinet factory of Edw. Ambler, of Liberty Square, caught fife from a foul chimney and it was with great difficulty that the flames were subdued, and the prop erty saved. Little damage wax done ex cept that some of the furniture was defaced by dirt, water, Ac. FOUND DHAD.—A man named Joseph Steve was found dead this morning, in a shed attached to the , Litiz Springs Hotel. A cortner'sjury was impanneled and, we are informed, returned a verdict of death from natural causes. ACC! MINT.—On. Friday, December 15th, while Wm. Ferguson, of Colerain town ship, was assisting in loading an lee-wagon his hand was struck by a large lump which was thrown into the wagon, and so severe ly injured that he has not_been able to use it since. ADMITTED TO THE BAR.—On motion of S. H. Reynolds, Fain, David McMullen was admitted to practice Law In the several Court§ of Lancaster county. We are told that his examination was one of the very heat, and reflects great credit upon his in dustry and talent. ACCIDENTALLY SHOT.-A lad about 14 years of age, son of Andrew Fisher, living near Geiger's ore•bank, Providence town ship, accidentally shot himself through the hand while pinning on Saturday last. It is feared tetanus may ensue. REAL ESTATE MARKET.—SL.T. acres of stump land, In West Cocallco - township, were sold at public sale, on the 21st inst., by Messrs. Mentzer and Becker, to Daniel Hertzog, at $27 per acre. WATERY POTATOKS.—ii. is said that wat ery potatoes may be made as mealy as can be desired by placing a piece of lime, the size of a hen's egg, in the pot in which they are boiled. - APPOINTED.—Major A. C. Iteinoebl, of this city, was last week appointed,lby Gov. Geary,-Deputy-Secretary of the Common wealth, in place of J. M. Weakly, resigned. FAIR IN BAINBRIDGE. — A grand fair and festival will be held in the Town Hall at Bainbridge, commencing on Monday, 25th inst., and ending on the following Saturday. Fon Throat Diseases and .4 IR , etions of the Chest Brown's Bomehial Trochea," are of value. For Coughs, Irritation of the Throat caused by Cold, or Unusual Exertion of the vocal Organs, In speaking In public, or Fling ing, they produce beneficial results, TTS COLLINS C0:0 CAST.—east. Swl Plows only Fp each. For Information how to oht ,, lu them xthlres , Collins ct Co., '212 Water Street, New Yora. d2O-:tmw - - r •Lire or g,1 . 1.1. ithould use s Anwily tie Liniment o oL tlie part with...nis i and warm water, rub dry. 0011 a clean cloth, ply the Liniment. rub in well with the band. the rem le rw of the IsirittLx.iliwiii•en ever used Parhon s Purgative: If not, w tiv no, re the beist family ,physic, beishliiii being the remedy there Ls in tlabi country. Rune. Chapman, of Liberty. Maim, had a slid leg bent at the km, limbered anti straightened ny the.iisti . Anodyne Liniment. The proprietors of Johnson's A nialyne Liniment. s Pormdive Pills. ,and ,tieriditiC4 Cavalry ilition !limiters. have polilisio , l a readable and strimtivii pamphlet, which may he hail eti at the SAT BatchelorN 11»tr Dye.----Thlot !dra per!, Hair Dye is;the beat lo the wurld—pertectly harmless, reliable and instaotaneuus: to, disappolo , oleo!: llO riolteill. us tints or tbutgreeehle odor. The genuine Win. A. Bachelor's Hair Dye produces Ito. dlately a splendid Black or natural Brown. leaves the hair clean, putt. heautiot I does out cootato a par ticle ut /4 . a.1 or ally injurious CI Pll/ pound. Sold by all . I roggl t , Factory, iii 10IN 020 lykleod,hw tiii-Jiili)loseie Sir James .ale l'ills. Theseinvaluable Pills are unfailing itt the ire of all those painful and dangerous Like/v...1i to hich the female coustittillutt in stllljeil. ate all I•XCWOW , nod remove all obstructions , hum hatever cause. TO tilt.) . are particularly Tht.y Win, W short tithe, bring 1311 the ionthly period with regularity and although Very wertol, coutalknotliing hurtful to the constitution ti all ..naisi of Nervous. Lind Slll.Ol A tlectionn, Vain, the Back will Limbs, Fatigue 011 slight exertion :al l~ivati PII of the Heart, Ilysterles null Whiter, they •1 11 etrisol .1 cure 011101 all other MORI. 111100 il\iil4l. cirrtilurs unwind each parkagegis , lull dir. , tio.. ”.i .1., or will he 31.11 t Ire , to all writ)i_ lor them, 1.41 I. :Si rill N. the late every truly b.' ciiiiaterleitell. Joh .11.4 es Jitines Clark v Female are extensively emu, reireil. hi. have the [Mille Of •. ./1/111 , 10 4 K1e .•14. 1, pa, .. .111 01 lier 4 are iir i lie lir ke greater •. all IlltiPS i111.1.1,1.1,4,.1.1111111,1 111. ',Mar enclwo.tll, ,, the joie Proprietor MUSE,, Ie C.rtlailtil See' York, svill:, Lnttlr .11• of colitultring Filly Pills, V 1 11111.11. so,ttr•ly I.IIIIIW 1. 1e111,. 3 1 Ju1y24.13 AttP,Tlic (Areal Pictorial Attallal. Ilietettiii Utoleil niit lr.e Almanac ror I di. tribution, throughout the Cadet! Stall, and all cicilimel countries or the Western Hemisphere, will be iinblislied about the lint of January, in the ilernotn, French, Norwegian, Nt l elidi, dish, Holland, Bohemian awl Spanish language, and ELI' who wISh to 111141,5(Mill the true philosophy or health should road and ponder the valuable sug gestions it ii.intains. In addition to an admirable Illei/ICal treatise on the cses, prevention and burr or a. great. variety of Alter: It exubractis it large &111..11121. iurtainl.ll , lt Interesting to the merchant, the mechanic, the the farmer, the planter, anti professional mail ; 1111 d the calculations have been nmule lee toll meridians and latitudes its are nue uitable at ttart, tetuttprehensive NATIVN: CAl.l,tokft. „ . 1111.111,111,11 , , , , and ,tra.onllnary sanitary effect.. till O,I'ETTEIt'n ,Tom Ault 815C4 4 1.,:1t5, the Rtaple 'VW and alterutiv t• of more thud ... half the Christian vorld. are fully set firth lu Itn pages, which are also tiler:Ter.,' pu•torial Instratlons, valuable 14'1111, l' or the loiilsehold and form, humorous am,. lute,, null other Instructive and amusing reading natter, ,Ightal 111111 , melecttql. Among the Annuals MMll== n. of the nornt u.a•ful. and 11111 Y be hod for the 11.4 k T, The proprietors, :if easra. Honttenter & 1-I.lltl Pumburgh, on receipt of a two cent :damp, wit for in copy hy mall to any Perron ( . 11111.1 procure um. In his nolghborhond. The Bitters or sold In every clty:tow in and village, and ltro nn‘ ten slvely used thrum:town the entire elvlllzed world. /a-Deafness, Blindness, and Catarrh treated with the 1111111/St success, by J. ISA Al>s, M. It and Professor of Diseases of the Eye and Ear (hi specialty ), 11l the Id tollcal College of Pennsylvania, I years' experience, (formerly of Leyden, Holland) tic so' A Itlll street. 11,11 w Testiruonlain can be Beene bin ollice. The medical faculty ore incited to /Ices, Pliny their patients, as Ile has no secret, In Ids Imo lice. A rtniond Eyes htherttel without pain. N charts fur examination SV-Illnmiey Knitting Machine! The simplest, 0114111 , 01 d .111-1 80. In I'se! Has hut One Needle! A Child can Run It! I iesigned em • peelally for the use of famillen, and Ladie.s who desire to knit for the market. Will doevery Mitch of the knitting In a Stocking. widening and narrowing WI v,adtly by 111111(1. Are xplendlli for worsteds ivnl limey work. 'l' . \ Ni Fl V K DIFFERENT h:1 NDO Ilk' I Are very ewiy to manage, and not lia ble hi get out ut order. #C' Every Fondly should -v,• want an Agent In every Town to I n trod ••- ••- • •• Sell 01,11. to/ W 11.7111 WV otr;.r'tiu.: most lllu In XL'lll,l.. Sem! for our Cirtullar sod ,amplu Stock g. A.l4lruss novl !SINK LEV N ITTI NO 31 A , IIINE CO.. Ilath. Needles' Special Branch, For the udjuntrneot of. RUPTURE Ticthis.h...4,' ... llltAClN," 11 1.1.0 E " AND MECHANICAL Rh:MEDI ES." TIN Ulf'e for the same are conducted with akin and ability. The duties pertaining to this line of treat ment, made familiar, by many years of practical ex perlence, wl n tang for Li it Departments the confidence. and approbation of bent Ntielleal aothorltit, The I.A DI E.S OFFICE .at No. EA NORTH TN' Er.t"r c00dn,t, , ,1 ProGmsiunally, by xxdupislied FESI A LE I'll YSICIA N. •. 11. Nh:EItLES, Phartnaodn, ~ \V. Cur. :131,1 Race Streetx, MARRIAGES 13,11.0 t, s Ls,s.-otl the . ...Ist Inst., 1/3' RI'V.J.V l,:ert, at Ills reAden. 1., It. F. Bishop. ;of Irrtmlore, t. ary A. Wllson, nI er,,ltlencs township. It,. Iwr,—T,l;lNtAN.- o rt the tall Inst., at thrColo.roat ar,111:11,, Ito,. Win 0 , Iwo.n. Mr. Lewin 11. 1 . .• rn and .111. v: .k rentblL Thorsno, It C 011,3111 . I' ANN'' , - lit the Pall IH.L,aI Si r,sistens• of Ilis• bri4t ' s parent, near I,orgt•Lown, I.aitca,ter [ay, by Ito,. J. Aspril, M.. Joshua ' . Ps•itaock, of (dotvlirilyttle,l•lle.ter cotintv. and Ml•s arY J• 0. , . 0,1 111 Alit' . 2.3 , 1 0101., 01 ort.liig •• Ho R.., W. M Yost, .1 Warwt , ta 11.. 10 ary of We. Earl , II -I'l, Al. At Ow name time .11111 In I lin 11r,,eory• W.'. Illler, of 1051 is, Anna NI. Fr. y, oil \Varwwk twp. SWAIM 1041 , 11. Al 111.. ,anit . 111 1• 11..11, Ily ..aine, Mr. ,:atituel nwarr, of 11,•10pti..1.1. Oils It. 1100011, of Manholut (WV. M, -lA,: lit,' DILI, 01 PP1,111111!r, s 114,d, by .m r. Henry' •. ietnelnow, to NI is,. 511,111 It. bolter, both of East Henlplle F ILA I: 1 l11 'lneL, at nowt, by Its,. NV. T.,,,hard, ?dr. \‘ ' llllittn 13ai1,..y1 ., MI, Emma H , oops both of (11 , ,ter NVINT IttAyriv,ltt.l o A Kit.' - 011 W.., T. s at ortiti4 11400., , r• AlllO9 11. NVicaters, or Spntlg W ml ll9 Kale N. Blottentierger. sit Marietta. .lour. trt ,, t.. -On 11,0.2.1411. by 111,. A. If. rytner, Pei, I:. Jols its to 1:.11e ltartol, butt, o rica.,t..r. 1.71.11 r. Thor,, yea,. relatives awl friends of the fatifily are r.• tidy Invited to al.ten , l the Innerul from the 1,31 ~,111.111 law. Allan, Dellel, No. 11l North Tliur ,, lav 'waning at w urther A 191lr , I:1 tins alty. David Marti of ',avid uud nu.all Adams, aged I year days. WILL,. -Dec. 22'!. In this city. Iliram IL 4 1 ,. ..,1,•rtck It. and Augusta aged In year 111011th, and 4 days. .SuN!".l,.-On ilta•ember I,ltb 1271. at 11 o'clis yi Thomas Arnold. In the liity•thlrd year n! hLs -On the . 11.1 , 1 Inst., In this city. Tiloina, 1.03),:.)11 , wth , ...... , and Annie Lyon:, aged 3 ye Esintl, and 1 days. - in, I , rulay, 11241, henry W. H ago the :54th rear nf ins in,. • ituuSuuss.- , in tut. 21st inst.. Martha Brett!• whiny: of the late John A. itrenelnno. of 1 1, ,w,A..1. -Dec. 21st, 11, this city, Mrs. Ell. Powell, In the slld year or her age. \AI . II/04.-In this clic. Mrs. Stacy 11. Nuns rid!, of the lute Charles Ili'auntan. NARKiati • Philudelvtaln drain Markel -11, DELHI to, Dec. 20.—During the Holi day week, as usual, irode lu all clepartments In drill, Price., uowever, are a IthOl.ll. material change. Bark moves slowly at Saul per ton for N.. 1 quereltron. ClOVerSeed Inquiet, With sales at DP 1a10!.!e per 11,. Tltnothy is nominal at $3 2543 50. Flaxseed at I so. • The Flour market Is dull, and only a few hundred barrels sold in lots for borne con sumers at 85 75(4575 for superfine; $4OOB 50 for Extras; 87 2.5/97 50 for Wisconsin Extra Famll ly; ,r."W 25 for Minnesota do do; 874751 for Penn a do do; and 87 75(8 75 for Fancy Brands, as In quality: also 070 bbls Peun'a on private terms. Rye Flour steady at 85. The demand for Wheat Is quite limited; prices are weak; sales of Penn'a Red at 51 534 and Amber at SI 00. Rye may be quoted :it ssr4 90e fur Pen n'a and Western. Corn attracts but little attention; sales of 3,000 bus New Yellow, part at 65m.,67e, and part on private terms, and 2,11/0 bus New Western High Mixed at 60,/;72c. Vats are without essential change; sales of White at .5://,51e, and Mixed at 50c. In Barley nothing doing. • Barley Malt ranges from $1 15 to SI ls'. Whbkey ; Western iron-bound sold at :file. LANCWBTZIL. Pa., Dec. 26. Jacob IL Lone„ Stock Broker, 10 N. Queen lit 14030 11:00 1230 1:30 Z . 30 'NV, ti01d....,—.104',•„; 11.49:;,.1 Ms% nriA low, 110,', Canton__ 711 70 W U 0100.. 69!;; 610,, , ,, 64% 011 ., ,:i I.4,'ckslv' '25y., 25 , 4 P. Mall i .... r . r.l!<, 8 3 41 53 '.. . 13 %41 53 7 r. -;!.;...:. Adams ex 91.4 111 , Well's do. 56, .-.q Am. d 0.... W,„ al , ' N Y Cent.. 9415' !iii, 94X SIN 91% JS! -.y Do Seri p.... SS N-04 00974 1511% SUN, 90 Erle —.. :r.t.‘, 32 , ,i 32 , ,i 3250 32% :113,/, Reading_ 55',.,1 53;:„ 1 , 5% 55t , ,, 55t4 55;‘, fetch Cent. 113;4 , . ~ , ~..... , ~ Do South_ 112',1 321; 32./. .r..,,,, ,r. 4.,; e.. 9.1 111. Cent-. 132 C. and P—lth.zi 1:18 11. ht., 1181 . les 1 1 13 N. West.... 047 , 6.9.4 445 , /, 6..' 66 8674 do p'fd... 89-., 8.4 f, BD7 S Sbri strx hip,.4 Rock Is 1.-106,,, 1117 S, 107 397. 11:rv, 11.17 1 4 a- .51 541,,, 54% :AA 54. y. 5,, Pre'fd... 78 78!,y 78).!, r 9 79 714 Wabash ... 619 X 7ut, 71 7004 Do - FTerd. SO) 85 FV:Vayne. 84,,:i 7 28'.9 8814 183 ' , 811 .1 A ~ 0. and M.. 4474 44 44;4 44 3/ 94' 499,i UPacific,- 'a 720% D% 28 28 zsx Do Ptat'd and Ali .. „. o ..,... 118 k: ~. 8,11 and E 2% CiOV KANN ENT BONDS. 18t6 uew. WS • - 1 -.115 ...4 .... Rh. .1t iilk V 1.1 t 860.. 13ANKLA, PHILAIMLPIIIA, Imo. 2 0 • reran, . 4 - - . 57 3 /, Bend Ptill'a a.ii Filr-1e...—...-................-... 24,4 New U. S. 514 1681 -.11.6%@109 O. 8. akJ 1881 ................ ............- ... ........... 1 1 1 17 :; 1 : 54,0 V: " 5-'6) 184 i - -..109,4411W 1612 en. 11441 109 1694 - 101/14109 . }.; 1866 __De , (4111 1 ‘'," 11165, now. 1887 Ito3B 114 5 011 5 / 4 • 109 (6.109‘., ._.114V 4 4 11 C 4 ..._lle4V, Gold ... Union Paolrla It. Hy let Bonds. (]antral Pacific B. Union Paull].) Land Grant Bond. Ewneanter Household Market.. LANCASTER, Dee tt. This, being the last market before qlrilit alaa. was largely attended by both sellers and buy ers, the :muter having with them large e gum , Mora all kinds of marketing,for th most. of which they hound ready tmle at good prices.— Poultry of all kinds was particularly abund ant, but at the close of the market there was little left on hand except some extra large turkeys,. were held at from .1.1:0 to $.l The following are the average prices asked and obtained on market • Apples half-peek.— Apple Butter It crock.. pint.... Butter to Beets V bunch Beef, treNh, V lb Beef, corned, V tb front .mart 're Celery - 0 bllllOll Cabbage p he ad Chtekens—llve pair do --dreased p pine Chest nuts Corn In the ear . killed...7' ll' I ' - 0 lb ks alive 1 , pair.. • katakti.all , pieta Eggs 1 , di /7,11 Elsh—Ft•ls gml Calash 1- • Hatulny..r. yt HAMS r th 1-10111,111 adv IA 111111 p. Lard It. Mutton 14 11 - . Out r hag 3 bushel l)11101Is hall pee 1..... ..... bu:Thel hall-perk. ... by the quarter r In LLI billotlltlern - IA Lb.... 'LLILLILLesI 4 hall.peck Tel Mark s Lamb lb Soup Bemis - 0 mm.rl.. Turnips 14 Mtlbpvelt. Turkeys plea, ...... Vetl.l " E + In Walubbi NE If' A D VER T/SEM EN TS H ictiEsT rutt . Es PAID r•on DI'E JAN. I,r .vI.RN M ENT A 1..1 0 It . 1.0 N i; /s I. It N" . I" sTREET, ut•KrAt ,r:3-fatlSVO.,t2tw • A SSIGN i,h.,EsrATE OF l'o JEßE lentlnsiiAii P. sw:tutl NVIfo, 1.1 tow n.lllll, f oloritln trovoshlp. ay. by ti , ed br Ottro h d . lINr bit.ll day of 1/1.: :MIIKIt. 111141 Ir.oodorrell fill •••1:110 hilhe 1111.11, 1 40“Iti. I. ..I Ibo orodubas 1)1 !be ',mod Jolt lII.Y • ...Ll.' oldoblo.l 111 ullil io.Rignor. onolornigned ,Y 11.11.1111 .11'loy2 bill clamp. loostioli. Litton. ICI NIVEL. M. SW 15111 , ..F., I pIIS it. S\\•1811 Elt, .I.ling 111 kI. wood, I.atowitor I. C I'ILIII , IIII/ 'rESTI3I4I:VY *con ABII0A1). 0 lii i 1111.0 lest 11111 , 111 MS htlitOWlVi s any Patent Mettleill ,, , those wllll.ll come, tin snlielted , crin Plug:4kt , , are the Mr o nl: o,, t evide,,,,, or IN popularlty. cxanilnattnn of our lei ter ilk , will show I hat 110 e followlnA Ix only 11 falr.amldenf what. 100 receive alinnst dolly “. DA NV I 1.1. K. DO, IN, IE7I. 'ME,iII-1. 11 ii. H. 11. 11A 111,11 A ,k pi..-1;e/In e• -1110 111 , 1, evidenceof Lite virtue of any .Lent Mettlet ne I Mal to be that, when onve uncd. It In Sir Itg/1111 and again. I 1111A 0 flatly customers who, I believe, would as soon keep house without bread tfutl 1,111 ter lin \VIII, M ISE LEH' , 11511111111 / . 1 4/1/10,•,•4” • I 'En all the .•111, Pvib•orl 31 ettt, rt r, and I have Mlle it full bite ot all the filtlerent kind. now .fore the public. " Please SIIIILI 110 Itlllllll, 11) your p. - I'4ololl wrapp l ers. I eau lis t, thetti to eat ,utual advantage. Very respeet I% .1. tll IiEN I1ElL(1," Druggist. REHM A CU ACeoUn CONTS OF Is ;TRUST full ESTATES. A/ C . Estates will be presented for vonllnnat lon tat MONDAY, JANUARY '22,1, Wm. Von Nletlit's Assigned Estate, E llll llngfelt, et. al., Assignees. Henry F. Llost•s Assigned Eslttte, Henry Assignee. Adam Frey's Assigned Estate, Witmer, Assignee. Jacob B. arlrley's Assigned Estate, Jain. , H. Wilson, Assignee. Henry K relder's Assigned Estate, Daniel It. Hess, Assignee. Alex. Morrison's Assigned Estate, W. N. Galbraith, Assignee. Daniel Erb's Jrust Estate, Himmel Eberly, Conlinittee. Magdalena Kelmnerer's TrUst Estate, 11. 11. Heise, Trustee. Miller & Elena' Estate. A. It. Mlllrr, Iteeeiver. .lames - Reilly, Sr,, James Reilly, Jr. and George Rellly's assigmsl ystale, nenjamln rMarely and Miehael Asshreeys, Jaeoh Bucher. assigned estate, Cyl 11,1 Attain. Assignee IMEMIUME • 1 . 1 In7t. d2l;- w. - ,2 roth'y. °Mee, I.a ti. Dee SSIGNEES` SALE OF A N'ALIVAIILE AMILL PILOPERTY.--, Tuesday, Jam,. ary ltilh, 1472, the undersign...l, aselsitlet , ot Levi M. Zit tinterman .arid wife,'wil I sell by piddle sale, on the premises, the following de scribed valuable real estate of the assignors. vie.: A tract of limestone land ...attaining ADRPI , I, more or less, situate In Earl township, Lan aster county, 1,11 the Ilarrisborg and Downingtown turnpike, about 2 miles north HMI< Hotel own, miles northwest tti Blue Ball Hotel and tittles from Ephrata oi. the Rending toll Columbia 'Railroad. adjoin ing lands of John B. Sensetilg, ISt Weite er, kestate ol Henry M. Masser, dead. and tatters. improvements are a good two story brick dwelling house, with basement kitchen, a stable, env rlitge-honse, ling-sly and other out-buildings. Also, a substantial Three and a I lull-Story Stone ....Ist and Ale, chant Mlll, by 12 feet, runnoig ',airs ot Burrs and I pair . of Stones, propelled by a Never-lulling sitreain of Water, baying a Mani 11.11.1 fall of is heel. The mill Is 1 excel letltnrd,•f anti repair, the entire Interior and Maeltinery having been n. it hi n It.. years rdrrr is a ihriVillg yoong )'chard of choice Fruit Trees, emisisting of Aplilin, Pears, PC/If•i11,. tt , •., and also a variety of line linane Vlnest on the, premises, and a never-falling W ell of good wider with pomp therein, !lent the dour Of the dwelling . This MIII has always had a large 1 1111 of tom work, and tieing satiated in a thiekly set-' tied and wealthy grill a growing district, makes IL a must deslrahle property. Coin— illent tll ellorolles.sellools, stores..l.,r. Persons wlslont; IS VSII.IIIIIIO !Ile I,ropeily before Ito, sale will pleas.• I I I 1111 ',VI NI. Zi I/I wrtErm, t Terl.lo will Iry Itmdo• m4y. 7,111.• lto v"rnmetwe la 1 "•(.1,),•), v. NI., •11 si , ul;)o ,sis,•1114•111, will be 111141.• knnwn I.y .1(01 N If. ZINIMEIiSiAN.' N1.%14.1 IN 41'A I Misliznern. ,w7-3Lw.,1 STOCK B ROA Elf JACOB B. LONG. BANKER AND BROKER, Nu. I.l.Ne;l)ivrii Ij , UI.EN sTitEET, AE1.11,111014 ASSesSoCA 011i , •o n Ver Drug Stole of John F. 1.015) & son. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR GOVERN MENT BON lOC GOLD, SILVER, AND UOLD COUPONS. STOCKS AND BONDS OF EVERY DE SCRIPTION BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COM MISSION. LOANS NEGOTIATED, A'ND LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE UN S COCKS AN)' BONDS HAVFNO A MARKET VALUE. CITY LOANS, AND ALL LOCAL STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD. CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT ISSUED EITHER IN CURRENCY OR GOLD, PAY ABLE ON DEMAND OR AT A FIXED DATE, BEARING INTEREST. INVESTMENT SECURITIM A 4 IIISPECIAI4 TY. ALL THE POPULAR RA ILROA BONDS FURNISHED AT sUBsCRIPPIoN PRICEY, FREE OF COMMISSION. FULL DESCRIPTION OF ANY SECURITY ON THE MARKET GIVEN ON APPLICA TION: N. IL—THE ATTENTION OF INVESTERS IS DIRECTED TO THE BURLINGTON CE DAR RAPIDS AND MINNESOTA R. R., 714, GOLD; PRICE 90, AND INTEREST. Ayr ER JANUARY G IS)), freli. PAMPHLET+, AND INFORMATION FURNISHED ON APPIA CATION. to II IftlAw • E LECTION NOTICE. LANUASTEIL COUNTY NATIONAL. BANK, December i, Is7l. f An Election for Thirteen Inrectors of this to serve during the ensuing year, will be held at the Banking House in the Clly of Lamaater, on TUE4DA V. the 91.11 day of JAN CAtI.Y, 1572, between the hours of elevt O'CIOCk, A. M., and 2 o'clock, P. M. do 13 3tw 91 . W. L. PEIPER, Cuahler: L ANCASTER COUNTY MUTUAL IN SI 'HANCE COMPANY. An Election for Nine Direetors of said Com pany, to serve during tile ensuing year will be held at the a 'nice of the Company, at Williams town, on the Second Tuesday, the Ali of JAN ARY next, between the honre of to anil o'clock. NATIIA N IEI. til.A N . MAKER, liecreLary. ESTATE OF GODFRIED EBERLE. OF rean., —Letters of Adrulnistratkou on the estate 01 kslfrled Eberle, late of Lancaster City, Pa., leceasod, having heel. granted to Barbara Catlin, reSnling in said city, all persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make payment., and those having manes or demands will make known the same with out delay to ISARBAKA CAMM% deG2O-titw'it Admlnlstratrlx. rpo THE SCHOOL. DIRECTORS OF OF LANCASTER. CITY AN D COUNTY. The Conunittee appointed under a resolution passed by the Directors present irt the Teach ers' Institute, on Thursday, November 22d, DM, invite the Directors of the City and Coun ty of Lancaster to meet In the Court House, on TUESDAY, JAN UARY 9th, 1572, at le o'clock In the forenoon, for the purpose of COUPUI , L, Lion and discussion on all subjects calculated to improve the condition of the Schools. A full attendance Is desirable. Tue follow ing may be mentioned as probable matters for consideration-4o doubt many others of im portance may be suggested . What provision Mlold be made for supervi sion of Schools? Row should Teachers services be estimated, and their salary determined? ROW can uniformity of Text beaks be se cured? What changes should be made In the School laws? DAVID EVANS WM. MCCUMSEV, lOEO. U. G W ROFF . MEIIAFFEY E. , • GEO. YO AS UNED_,O AMAZIRR, eci&oawtsw JOHN. W. JACKSON. Alt 1 .J 1 .4 4 et • I I 0 I , I J I ,viu I I 111 ru I It t IN lIhN IN ,471 It