Lancaster intelligencer. (Lancaster [Pa.]) 1847-1922, December 20, 1871, Image 3

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TUESDAY, Dee. 12
[ The Senate concurred in the House res
olution to adjourn from December 21 to
January 8. Bills were introduced and re
ferred: By Mr. Conkling—To amend the
act of March 3, 1865 regulating proceed
ings in criminal cases. The bill, relates to
the number of peremptory challenges that
[hay' be allowed in such cases. By Mr.
Wright—Appropriating $2,000,000 for the
purpose of paying balances that may be
found due under the act to indemnify
States for war expenses, Oh motion of Mr.
Buckingham, the Vice President was auth
orized to till the vacancy caused by
Mr. Sumner's retirement from the Chair
manship of the Committee on Privileges
and elections. Mr. Morton, at his own re
quest, was relieved from his position on
the Committee on Agriculture, and the
Vice President was authorized to till the
vacancy. Mr. Morton moved to take up
the resolution for a final adjournment on
the second Monday In May. Mr. Sumner
moved to add the following ; Provided
that there shall hello adjourn.ment of Con
gross until after the passage of a supple
mental Civil Rights bill, securing eqVal
rights, without distinction of race or color.
[Laughter.) Mr. Schurz, moved to amend
the amendment by adding a bill to reduce
the tariff and internal taxation, and a bill
to reform the civil service. Mr. Trumbull
moved to lay the pending proposition on
the table for the purpose of taking up the
bill for the removal of political disabilities.
Lost-22 Ito ti. Mr. Wilson moved to
postpone the resolution for adjournment,
and take up his bill for the compensation
of certain laborers in Massachusetts under
the eight[hour law. .31r. Sumner support
ed the motion. Those men in Ma..snachlt
setta bail been treated differently from those
in the Governmentemploy elsewhere, and
they ought to have prompt redress. With
out acting on the motion, the Senate at I P.
M. went into Executive session. The .
Senate, at 1:30 P. M. adjourned.
In the House, Mr. Herndon was sworn
in as member from Texas. Various bills
were introduced, aiming them one by Mr.
Storm, to prevent enlistments in the army
of persons under twenty-one years of age.
Mr. Davis offered a resolution, which was
adopted, [ directing an inquiry into the
inanaireinent or the various Exectitive
Departments. The bill consolidating the
Pont Office la Ws was passed; slso , 0110
IO retinVO pur,im.o:, or lands sold
for direct la xes in 010 insurrection
ary Staten. Mr. Batiks, from the Foreign
Committee, reported it bill appropriating
0.:511,000 for the expenses of the '1 ribunal of
Arbitration at thiteva The Apportion-
lllent bill Was ILICAIOII of
'l'ownsfeel, the Seeretary of the Treas-
ury was dirl , l•Led to am•ertain and report
whether the National hanks at New York
are coitetiriiiiit 111 pruiunlillg artificial sear •
city ilr money. :qr. Myers ititriidtteeit a
Lill fur heat, detection of frauds in the
naval service. Adjourned.
iNk:ltSgenAN, nee. 1:1.
in the S. Senate, the House bill mak-
lug an appropriation or deficiency in tab
leg the eeteele Was passed. NI r. Allteeny
offered a resolution tbr a standing Commit
tee of Investigation 11.1111 Retreeeeleeet, to
consist of seven members, to inyestigink
and report epee !Well atoll att bleets as may
be emninitted to it by the Senate. Mr.
Trindibull curved an amendment directing
theCtplimittee to inquire into the expenili
tures'in all branches of the Iloverilimmt,
whether any ()dices ought to be abolished,
what salaries reduced; etc.., and also au
thorizing IL to sit (luring the recess of Con
gress. After an unhinged debate the Sen
ate adjourned without final aetion on the
In the Hems°. Mr. Myers presented a pe
tition from the Philadelphia Cuwlclly or the
repeal orthe United States tax on gee. M r.
Hoar, from the Committee im Education
and Labor, reported a bill' providing for a
of three to investigate the
condition of the laboring classes, :Ind
how it is elleeted by the laws, of trade..—
The l'oinnuesionera are to hold (Mice lor
Iwo years, at a 4.thtry of 3uuu each. After
discussion, the bill, With elliellthllolll4, was
ordered to be prl Wed. tills appropriating
I:3'2,010,1Mo for pulite: buildings in Chicago,
and j1'.!.511,11110 Mr It like purpo cr in St. Louis,
were reported and ruler rod to the Appro
priation Committee. Tire Apportionment
bill wasdiscussed, and the lloUse moon after
\ VA:ill Iynro v, Dee. 11.
In the I'. S. Senate, NI r. Vrelingliuysen
presented a petition mill the Von...7.mgal]
Navigatiun Company, asking rearemH for
the seizure M . their vessels by the revolu
tionists \'enumiela. Air. Buckingham
presentod, It memorial against. female nut-
I rage, mignud by :101,0 women. Bills want
iutred acrd by Al r. `butt, providing a
tem of inivsi apprenticeship, and by Mr.
Kellogg, levying a duty of:le cents per ton
ill lieu oI uII duties now imposed,
and prohibiting the ci,liection of any Stale
duties on tonnage or cargoes, except
whoring,' and dockage. 41,11106011 of Mr.
I:ollogg, the Commerce Committee 'hero
directed to Inquire into the expediency of
pitying a premium on American-built iron
steamers. The Heti., Mil' equalizing the
. .
pay ef workmen under the Eight-hour law
was dismissed and referred to the Finance
'mntiiittee. r. Anthony's resolution lor
a standing Committee 011 Itetrenehment,
with Mr. to hull's a arend ment directing
it to investigate the various departments,
with power 111111001 101'1/0,01. and papers,
11 . 110 taken tip. A tier dismission, Mr.
Trumbull's amendment was lost—yeas:A.
nays 30—and the original resolution WOO
adopted. Mr. 'frondedl then moved to
instruct the rommittee provided for in the
resolution to inquire into all subjecLs enu
merated in tins rejected amemlnient.
Without reaching a vote, the Sellalf , went
Into Executive session and soon alter ad
journed mail ;Monday.
In the House, Mr. Bundler(' offered a
resolution, calling on the Secretary of the
Treasury Mr information as In the Inlnlber
or persons employed and the total compel,-
salon paid therefor tlir the collection of
customs for the lisral year ending .101113::0,
IS7I, in the United States, and in the dis
trusts of New York, Philadelphia; Boston,
New Orleans, Baltimore and San ' , remiss
ro ; also the amount of additional compel,
:moon paid to such employees 1114 fees and !
moieties, travelling told contingent
penses; also the total amount paid the
same tints in Me, United States for the col
tertion of customs, and tor the erection,
repair, completion or furnishing of cus
tom houses. Adopted. The House then
went intoi Committee ill the Whole,
Mr. Butlimon in the ch a ir, and re
sumed consideration Of the Apportionment
bill. Various propositions were made and
discussed, principally turning on the limn
her of representatives of which the House
should be composed. The number was
eventually fixed at :153. An amendment
was also adopted, on motion of Mr. Potter,
providing that no new State shall hereafter
be admitted having a less populatioil than
the number fixed as the ratio of represen
tation. Finally the Committee rose and re
ported the bill. Mr. Niblark moved to lay
it on the table. Negatived—yeas 00 nays 145.
Mr. Farnsworth moved to strike out Mr.
Potter's amendment. Lost—yeas 87, nays
117—and the bill then passed without a di
vision. It provides that the House shall
consist. of 283 members, distributed as fol
lows: New Ham pHldre, 2; Ver
~tout, Massachusetts, 11; Rhode Island,
; Connecticut, 4; New York, ; New
.Jersey, 7; Pennsyl nautili, '2,1; Delaware, I;
Maryland, 0; \' i rgiu ia, U; North Carolina,
n; Bouth Carolin 4, 5; lieurgia, U; Ala
bama, 7; Mississippi, ; Louisiana, 5;
Ohio, 211; Kentucky, Ill; Tennessee, 9; In
diana, 12; Illinois, 19; Missouri, 1:1; Ar
kansas, 4 ; Michigan, ; Florida, 1; Tex
as, U; lowa, 9; Wisconsin, S; California,
4•, Minnesota, 1; Oregon, I ; ICaneaa, 3;
West Virginia, II; Nevada, 1; Nebraska, I.
The }louse then, at 4.20, adjourned.
WA , IIINfeIoN, Dee I
The t Idled States Senate was not ill SI3B
- In the House, a hill was reported
appropriating for the erection of
public buildings w Chicago with a proviso
lola the total cost of buildings and site
shall not exismil .$-1.00(1,0011; the selection
of the site is limited to the re
mainder of the square on which the old
old postdilliee stood, and in case
of inability to secure this ground, to a
square not more than two squares distant
from the original site. Mr. Randall moved
to strike out the proviso limiting the selec
tion of site, and :Mr. Holman moved to
make the total amount $3,000,000. After
discussion—Messrs. Platte, Kelley, Mar
shall, .Dawes, Swann, Voorhees, Banks,
Garfield, and tox opposing the amend
...llLN Messrs. Randall and Holman--
the bill was passed without amend
ment. Th.: two bills making appropria
tions for the expense of carrying out the
Treaty of Washington, and the bill ap
propriating $.23,1Hi1i to inset the deficiency
in the Posbo dice Department, caused by
the Macartney defalcation, were also pass
ed. The House then adjourned until
The Republican Senators, in caucus at
Washington, yesterday considered Mr.
Trumbull's resolution directing the Com
mittee of Retrenchment to investigate the
rendition of the various departments of
the Ilovernment, etc. It was finally agreed
to adopt the resolution, that portion pro
viding for civil service reform being struck
aa. Messrs. Buckingham, Howe, Pratt,
Harland, Steward, Poole and Bayard were
agreed upon as the iwatnittee.
In the I;. S. Senate, Mr. Corbett intro
duced a bill to facilitate specie payment.
Mr. Conk ling offered n resolution direct
ing the Committee on Investigation and
Retrenchment to inquire into the 'alleged
corruptions in the New York custom
house. Mr. Anthony offered a resolution
appointing as the Investigating Committee
Messrs. Buckingham, Pratt, Howe, Har
lan, Stewart, Pool and Bayard. Mr. Sum
ner called attention to the fact that none of
the Senators named as members of the
committee was among those who brought
forward the Inquiry, and especially urged
it upon the Senate. A long and animated
discussion followed, the result of which
was that Mr. (lesserly was added
to the Committee, and that Mr. Trumbull's
amendment, before published, was adopted,
with that portion providing tor civil ser
vice reform stricken out. The Committee
were also authorized; io send for persons
and papers, and the resolution of Mr. An
thony as amended was then adopted. Mr.
Conkling then moved to take up his reso
lution, but Mr. Trumbull objected, and
the Senate adjourned at ten o'clock last
In the House, bills were introduced by
Mr. Poland to encourage the laying of
ocean telegraphs, and secure them for
Government use; Mr. Kellogg to reduce
internal taxes and abolish the Mike of Com
missioner of Internal Revenue ; Mr. Mer
cur changing the standard weight of silver
coins, and limiting their issue; Mr. Myers
to• facilitate immediate transportation of
imports, to their place of destination; Mr.
_Stevenson, to prevent appointment of dia-
honest officials; Mr. ;Blair, to legalize
polygamous marriage in I,ltati and stop the
prosecutions there; and Mr. Butler to de
clare women entitled to suffragemnder the
Fourteenth Amendment. Mr. Haldeman
offered a resolution expressing fie regret
of the House at the severe treattpent of the
Communists by the French Government.
Mr. Price objected. Mr. Haldeman moved
to suspend the rules, for the reception of
his resolution. Mr. Cox desired to offer
an amendment condemning the recent
atrocities of the Spanish Government, but
the Speaker decided all amendments out
of order. The rules were not suspended,
less than two-thirds voting in the affirma
tive. Mr. Hoar then offered a resolution
declaring the sympathy of the House with
all efforts to establish republican institu
tions and with the families and friends of
all who have lost their lives in the cause of
liberty. It was adlpted with but one dis
senting vote. Mr. Kellogg asked leave to
offer a resolution directing the Ways and
Means Committee to report a bill early iu
January for the repeal of all internal taxes,
except on liquors and tobacco and stamps.
Mr. Dawes, desired the reference of the
resolution to the Committee, whereupon
Mr. Kellogg modified it so as to repeal the
income tax only, and moved to suspend
the rules. Mr. Spear, or Ga.. moved that
the House adjourn, which was agreed to
by a vote of 102 to SO.
Ex.ecatlon of Ware. „,
John Ware, convicted for the brutal tour
der of his father, was hung yesterday, in
Camden, N. J.
At ten o'clock a general inspection of
the gallows was made by the Sheriff and
assistants, which was pronounced all right.
Divine service Was held in the room of
the condemned man, and all appliances
were brought to bear upon hint at the com
mand of his spiritual advisers, ti induce
him to make a statement concerning the
motives which led hi in to commit the awful
crime of parricide, and also to make his
peace with an offended Providence, but to
no effect.
At 11 o'clock the prisoner was brought
down stairs by the officers specially depu
tized for the purpose. Ilis hawk n ere
pinioned behind hint, and the rap over his
head. He was immediately placed under
the gallows, and Mr. Fredericks,the
then said that he could not see him pasa in
to eternity without further religious ser
Rev. Heisler, pastor of the 'Third
Street M. E. Church, delivered a very or
!belly° prayer, and he Was succeeded by
one of the prisoner's keepers, NI r. Cameron.
I 1 is spiritual ads iSerS and allrellilanlS
then approached him, tout With tears in
I their eyes beseeched him to place his trust
in Providence; but he would not Wake any
The Sheriff nation , ' y appealed le
jlint with a like result.
All then bade him hofewell. The rope
was adjusted around his fleck, the cap
drawli . iiVer his eycs, anti the rope init. The
next instant he Was Stispiiiillnit in the air.
Ho died without scarcely a struggle.
Atter fount - Mg eighteen minutes, the Doc;
tors, Westisitt, Taylor, Morgan, Ito wand
anil Armstrong, pronounced him dead—
his 'wart having coastal Lo
The body was then taken placed
in the ia 1, of the Undertaker, and will Lo
to his relatives for burial.
I:rites apprehensions are entertained in
°Metal circles that our Uoverninent cannot
longer honorably avoid serious complica
tions with Spain, resulting franc the break
ing of the often repeated pledges of the
Spanish (1013171111ent as to the policy to lie
pursued in Cuba. It is intimated in Wash
ington by high officials that the Prises iu
our diplomatic relations with Spain has ar
rived, and that unless there is a great
change in temper displayed by those who
direct the Cuban polies in their voinitini
cations to our Government, wa2r between
the lava muntries is likely to ensue..
Secretary Fish is lintinVo, how., er, to
entertain, the belief that hy variant man-
agonies! of the g acatiou it is 111.511)10 to
prevent all open lilt the President
uud certain members of the Senate Com
mittee on Foreign Itelations do nut take
such a 1114,01111 view of the Sittlalloll,
as a consequence, there isa fuel alg of uu
mwiuesa prominent politicians. A
leading member of the Senate lielations
Coismittee has expressed the that
war at the present lime would be great
benefit LO the I . sited States—the end result
ing ill this country obtaining, possession
sot only ill Cuhn tilt. .4 Salt Domingo and
the adjacent. islands. This story 01011e5 to
your ”correspondent so (Meet and from
such a source that he• gives to it wore ere
dence than can usually be attached lo
peris of this character.
The COl4l In the Norlla-Wewl---Calt,l.
FrOZen I.? Dean,
The Abilene Kansas cionitic/c, of lim
00111 ber ith, says: The weather confirm,.
roll, and many cattle are dying for the•
want, of shelter and feed. The idea of win
tering stock without hay is well enough
when the ground is notermered w ith snow,
but Gin attempt to carry thirty thousand
head, more or less, threllgh ',he Winter ell
range, is u ixistly experiment this time.
Vie learn that many cattle are dying up
the Solomon Valley. Our informant says
that he Knows et one herd of nine hun
dred rattle out of wideh seven hundred
have perished during the past few days. --
There are probably thirty thousand head
in the valley, and nut hay sufficient to Whi
ter ten thousand. The fuss iii ust he heavy.
Diekill,loll , ounty we hear of very little
loss, from the filet that better preparations
wore made for wintering. The oldest in
habitants inform us that the present cold
wouther is unprecedented, so early in the
season, in the history of the State. 1t is
hoped that good weather will niche up for
it before the Winter really sets in. 'Plat
cold has been genet - al all over the country,
and coming so suddenly, people were tut
prepared for it.
M. Pgrlic'N I.egrimintive ReePptiota
It is the custom for members of the l'on
nesse° Legislature to make a visit in a I
body to the widow of James K. Polk. (If
this visit the Nashville correspondent of
the Knoxville ehrosiefe says:
"Mrs. Polk was looking better
than at the last visit, and she anti Mrs.
Fall, who 'did the honors,' recognized gen
tlemen presented more than a year ago,
and not seen since. Such potvors of mem
ory are truly wonderful. Hut Mrs. Foil:
is altogether a most, wonderful woman, Os
traordinary alike for her mental :not moral
qualities, her beauties of person, and her
excellence in all those graces that adorn
the life of the noble and the good. Wine,
(take, toad other delicate refreshments.
terntixed so ith the smiles and pleasant
voices of a few intelligent and entertaining
ladles, with the portraits of the great look
ing down front the walls, all combined to,
make the occasion exceedingly delightful
and to imbed the recollection thereof in
effiweably into the memory of all who had
the good fortune to be present. Both Mrs.
Polk and Mrs. Fall possess the rare and
charming faeulty of making strangers feel
perfectly at home. t
Inownlernnloild . All Ports of the World
Invited to Settle In the Old 44444 11.1011.
RIC . FI.MONn, Dec. 13.—A large meeting of
gentlemen representing all portions of the
State was held ,here last night and to-day
to consider the best means to promote nil
migration. The report of the Business
Committee says this meeting of citizens of
Virginia, gathered from all parts of the
State, expresses faithfully the conviction or
all its people in declaring that the para
mount. need and desire of Virginia is to se
cure the introduction of capital and efficient
labor in utilizing the agricultural, mineral,
and manufacturing resources of the State,
' and that the people and the government of
Virginia will extend a oord ist weleoloe at m!
a fostering care to immigrants fr o m all
parts of the country and from Europe who
come to employ the essential helps within
her limits. Then follows a series of sug
gestions as most prominent among the
means to be used to secure the de, irod end,
and the Legislature is invoked to lend its
aid, substantial and otherwise, in further
ance of the object-
Unsettled Condition ot the Wheal Mar
NEW Youh, line. It.—The business in
wheat is stagnated. Shippers are generally
withdrawing Iron' the market, owing to the
reduction of the limits and the unaltered
Liverpool quotations, and also the decline
in gold 'exchange and the advance in
ocean freights. Minters are the only
buyers, and their operations are 1,11-
tined to actual necessities. The general
market is iu an unsettled condition, and
business is almost at a Stand. Buyers
seem indifferent, while holders are firm,
' owing to the light receipts and final close of
, canal navigation. The future course of the
market is problematical. Buyers are bold
ing off, anticipating that holders will have
to yield rather than incur an additional ex
pense by insurance, storage, etc., for the
next sixty days, which has always to be
paid in advance. .There are plenty of buy
ers to be found in the market, but not at
current figures. [Further particulars way
be found in our market!report or to day.l
on Thumlay night a }Doug girl, appar
ently thirteen years old, but who gave her
age as eighteen, rather good-looking, but
shabbily clad, was taken into custody by
the city marshal of Newburgh, New York,
who found her wandering about the streets
alone and destitute. Iler name is Flora
Brown. She is an adopted daughter of a
Mr. and Mrs. Brown, residents of Chicago
at the time of the great ,contlagation, who
have not been seen nor heard of since the
terrible disaster. Her parents, when last
seen, were on a bridge, which .wasafter
wards destroyed. Some ten or twelve lives
were sacrificed. Flora being unable to ob
tain a clue to the whereabouts of ,tier par
Clthi, either dead or alive, sustained herself
lbr a time in Chicago, and then started for
Newburgh, in search of her dead mother's
sister. On arriving there she was penni
less, and was kindly eared for by the police
authorities. Thee.° sad events have some
what unsettled her mind.
A Thanksgiving Abstinent.
?dr. Alonzo Gove, of Franklin, 'New
Hampshire, made a vow when the Radi
cals came into power, sixteen years ago,
that he would not keep Thanksgiving again
till appointed by a Democratic Governor.
lie celebrated this year with sixteen tur
keys and sixteen chickens.
On a Preying Tour
The Washington Patribt says, general
Howard is going on a missionary tour
through Minnesota, to explain to the col
ored folks of that region how they can get
rich by depositing their funds with Old
Daddy Wilson in the Freedmen's Saving
Bank of this city. Let us prey !
Cowardly AssallinatiOn of a Wife at
!Lynn, Mass.—Brutal Coo Memo of the
nnaband—He Fled to the Woods. and,
In Fighting with the Oftlee who Sur
rounded llim, Was Shot De rs ad.
LYIVN, Mass., Dec. 16.—Another and a
most revolting case of wife-murder has oc
curred within the suburbs of Boston. In
this instance, however, retribution follow
ed closely upon the commission of the
deed, and the murderer lived but one
hour after the death of his victim. Tbe
principals connected with the affair were
one William Venner, about thirty years of
age, and his wife, a woman of forty. They
were not much known in Lynn, having
come to the city not long since from the
State of Maine, in the vicinity of Augusta.
Their short residence in Lynn has, how
ever, established the fact that they have not
lived happily together; the man was ad
dicted to drinking, and when in liquor had
a most dangerous and ugly disposition.
A day or two ago Venner told his wife
that he had left off drinking, and obtained
from her about forty dollars in money,
with part of which he bought a large dirk
knife, though for what purpose was not
stated. This morning there seemed no
new trouble between the parties, but, on
the contrary,they seemed to harmonize per -
feetly, so much so that it was noticed by
Mrs. Conway, who went up-stairs about
half-past nine o'clock, and saw them to-
I gether. Venner was eating his breakfast,
his wife was sitting near, and all seemed
to be peaceful and happy. Shortly alter
, this Venner went into. the cellar, and at
about ten o'clock, Mrs. Venner also went
down one flight of stairs, but descended
no farther, as it was on this floor—that oc
cupied by Mrs. Conway—that she met her
cruel death. It is supposed that she had
started to go down stairs and was met by
tier husband, who, coining up from the
'teller, murdered 'Mrs. V err nor with the
`XL le o'clock Mrs. Cur Way, who was
eating .breakfast at the time, heard loud
scream's coining from the entry-way at the
foot of the stairs, which was separated
front her only by one door, and which also
hail a cloor opening on the street. Mrs.
Conway rushed to the door and there be
held a sight which filled her with horror.
Mrs. Verifier was struggling in the grasp
her husband, who held her by the hair
with one hand, while in the other he held
die dirk-knife before referred to, with
which he was dealing murderous stabs
about the head and neck el the poor vic
A moment more and the murderer flung
open the door and walked coolly forth.—
, Mrs. Conway shouted, .'There'.: the man,
stop him:" but, although bv this time half
, a-dezen persons were attracted to the spurt,
all were herritied and no one stirred. \ en
, tier duel ran away to the woods. An alarm
was immediately given, and a large de
' taeliment of the City Police repaired to the
house, only to learn the circumstances of
the ease and institute search for the !nor
Their efforts ',ten proved succ , essful, for
an hour after die commission of the crime
they hail secured and caged its perpetrator
in the woods,in Rock's Pasture, just in the
rear of the house.
lle showed tight when surrounded by
the offieers and attempted to escape. his
eyes glittered like those of a wild animal,
and in an infuriated manner he bid his
pursuers to stand off, but they were not to
!be balked in this manner. The officers
• pressed forward until it was apparent to
the frenzied Wan that there was nothing
left him but to cut his way through their
ranks, and !hid he attempted at the risk of
his own life. Starting madly from the
tree, against which he had been leaning,
dirk in hand, he rtished,through the throng.
()nicer Goodrich tried to check h u e in his
progress, but it was Useless. Ogieer
Tlturslon stood in his way; but Ven
ner did not mind this either---he
attacked the officer, and with the
force of his upset threw Mr. Thurston. on
lik bark, Venner stabbing him repeatedly
: with the dirk in the back and head. rein
,d the wou n ds laid the left cheek or Mr.
wide Open, and all of them afoot '
a serious eliat . acter. Mr. Thurston resist
ed as vigorously as possible Under the iar
rlllll,talleas, but being underneath he could
do little in self-defense.
Officer Whittier came to the rescue arid
used his club to good advantage, but before
the brute toad fro compelled to relinquish
Iris hold City :Marshal Barrett appeared
upon the scene and shat him dead, inflict
ing burr wounds, in the head, shoulder,
sub and hand, upon the left side of his
body. The body of M rs. Vernier was
nu,i oil to the City dull, where it Waa this
. eovered that thirty-rive wounds had boon
indicted upon her b o dy, almost any of
which would have been ski aitaelit ta Calla()
lion •rattm Trent Publie Plo
Ito.• •To pit Sent go the 'room 1.%
On Friday afternoon Wm. M. Tweed was
arrested at the Metropolitan Hotel. which
is kept by his son. He was permitted to
oveupy his splendid private apartments iu
the lintel until Saturday,w hen he was taken
before Jildge Bedford, in the Court of :en
oral Sessions. 11.4 was accompanied by his
counsel, .1 obit Graham, ex-Judge Fullerton
and I milley Field. A great crowd had as
sembled to see Mr. Tweed arraigned. A
bill of indietment !raving been lound by the
rand Joey, District-Attorney Garvin
staled that he was ready to appear in the Tweed's counsel asked for time to
plead, and Judge Bedford said he had ni.t
objection to a reasouablo time. In the
meantime the prisoner Was voinmitted to
the Toombs u•dhuid burit,
treed was afterwards brought up before
Judge Buruhard and admitted to bail. lie
returned to Me Metropolitan Hotel, where
he spent :Sunday. Other indictments are
pending against bins as well as against
Garvey, Ingersoll and Woodward. It is
that an indictment will be found
against a prominent party, whose :mule
has not been heretofore 1110,1[10110a in con
m`etioll With the Ring frauds.
Soldiers' Orphans—Christmas H out l ays
In Philadelphia.
lArtutsliumi, lice. I.l.—Superintendent
.1. P. Wickersham has issued the following
cireular to the principals and managers of
the Soldiers' (It plums' Schools and {tomes
in Philadelphia:
Owing to the prevalence of the email
pox, it: is considered dangerous for the
children belonging to the several institu
tions of the city to visit their friends dur
ing the coming holiday's anti return again
to school. Therefore, it is her2by directed
that, unless by special pernaksion of the
Department, uo leave or absence shall be
grunted during the Christmas holidays.
Study, however, will be suspended for a
reasonable length of !dine; and, in its
stead, there should be provided amuse.
I elds, exereises and festivities suited to
the o c cusiun. .1. \Viet:I.:RS{IAM,
The Regency ItIICP4IIOO.
lu rave of the death of Prince of Wales
the Parliament and Ministry will proba
bly create a Council of Regency, made up
of His Royal Highness the Duke of ('am
bridge, cousin of the q ueen ; His Royal
Highness Prince Alfred, Duke of Edin
burgh, and her Royal Highness Alexan
dria, Princess of Wales. II )(her personages
may, perhaps, lie named in the Regency
This action will be taken immediately,
so as to provide for the guardianship, ed
ucation anti succession of the heir apparent
to the throne, Prince Albert Victor, in the
event of the death of his father previous to
the demise nr abdication of Queen Victoria.
The important subject of the ex tent of con
stitutional power which should be granted
to the Council or Regency, will NMe up
for discussion in the present Parliament ;
but whether the Legislature will define it
or list it will be placed loth re The 0111111rY
as an extraordinary ..tcasion by a thiss,lll
- has not been determined.
Sizni!leant Utterance,
The utterances of the Czar at the banquet
given by the Knights st. George were
of great political importance. They iiidi
caul the closest alliance between Russ a
and Prussia, and sound the death-knell to
the hopes of France in that direction. What
a vista of perspective . opens ',More the
world. It is the alliance of the Germanic
races against the Latin; of the dissenting
world against Rome; or it is the verifica
tion of Napoleon's prophecy extended to a
hundred years for fulfillment: Europe
will be Cossack or Republican." With this
alliance the Czar may absorb 'Turkey, and
march (tin, without impediment, to meet the
posts of England in far otleathay ;
while it may be that the Prussian uhlans
will go beyond the Alps and the Pyrenees,
and water their horses in the Po and the
;Mr. I. A. Townsend has this note in his
latest Washington letter " The Ohio dele
gation brings back the story that a young
girl—the daughter of a member—not well
balanced in her head, was seduced in this
city last Winter, and that she charges it
jointly to a member from South Carolina,
and to another front Ohio. This is the only
instance reported, involving a single wo
man, since I have resided here. Liasuas
between older parties are more frequent,
and we had a leading Congressman request.
ed to quit the chief hotel here, last year, for
abusing its hospitality.
A Cienerou“ Deed
The Alabama papers record a noble deed.
The Legislature of that State agreed to pay
the three lawyers employed in the Stanton
railroad suit at Knoxville, the sum of
.$2.0,000. One of these lawyers was Gen.
James H. Clanton, who was killed, leav
ing his family poor. The other two, Messrs.
Stone and Clopton, of Montgomery. trans
ferred their interest in the fee of $20,000 to
Gen. Clanton's widow. "Such deeds of
charity," the Ajwal well says, " still ono
)de human character and render possible
the sublimest social and political reforms."
The Mormon Question
Delegate Hooper has postponed his de
parture for Salt Lake until the Christmas
recess. There are indications that the
Mormon problem will be solved by the
voluntary abolition of polygamy by the
Mormons themselves, provided that they
can obtain from Congress the creation of
the State of Deseret in the place of their
present Territorial government.
A Surplus of Clothing
A good place to send the poor this Win ,
ter would be out iu Michigan. A corres
pondent writes that the immense amount
of old clothes sent for the benefit of the
sufferers from the fire, allows each male
some two or three hundred pairs of pants
and boots in proportion.
We have already published the liabilities
of Charles T. Verke.s Jr., making the total
$2,802,779.94. This list includes the credits
ota number of bankers and brokers, but
it does not give the collateral they hold,
which in some instances cover the entire
amount specified. An appraisement has
been made of the real and personal estate of
Mr. Yorke& The whole amount foots up
$250,776.89. The real estate is a dwelling
house at the N. E. corner of Sixteenth
street and Girard avenue, the cost of which
was $36,530.59, insured for $3000; dwelling
house, No. 1322 N. Seventh street, cost P.
271.80, subject to a ground rent of $120;
dwelling house, No. 1815 N. Twelfth street,
cost $3,990.98, insurance, $2,000; banking
house, No. 20 S. Third street. cost, clear,
$35,741.89, now subject to a mortgage of
$45,000; stable, Sixteenth street, near Stiles,
cost $3,500.
Then comes the interest of the bankrupt
in coal-lands in Schuylkill county, which,
with the fixtures, is valued at $90,000;
stocks of various kinds, some not worth
anything, such as coal-oil stocks, Ste.; five
hundred'in the United Windsor Gold Com
pany, the cost of which was $421.50, being
appraised at one dollar. Mr. Yerkes had
stock in the Arch Street Theatre and Point
Breeze Park. His bay mare and sorrel
colt were valued at $lOOO. Re held twenty
five shares in the Schomaeker Piano Com
pany. The cash on hand amounted to
$17,244.89. Au appraisement was made-of
his ,entire household Meets, beginning at
the cellar and going to the garret. Ile re
sided at Sixteenth street and Gtrard avenue,
which, as has been said, cost t136,36().:99,
The BIII.De.HAII l'hamplont.
The following is the official report of the
Championship Committee authorizing, the
Athletic Club to display the pennant in
BOSTON, Mass., Dec. 1:1, Is7l—Hicks
Hayhurst, Esq., President Athletic Base
: In accord
ance with a resolution passed by the Na
tional Association of Professional Base-
Ball Players, at a meeting held in New
York city, March 17, 1871, the Champion.
ship Committee, appointed at that time,
have duly considered the claims and ex
.amined the playing record of all clubs con
testing for the title of "Champions of the
United States" during the past season, and
find ;that the Athletic Ba8e•Ball Club of
Philadelphia presents the best record, and
is therefore entitled to the honor soil title,
and to fly the " champion streamer" during
the season of 1872. ThereMre, in accor
dance with the same resolution, the
mittee have the honor of transmitting to
you, and through von to the Athletic Club
of Philadelphia, the flag and streamer pro
vided by theConventionlas emblems of the
championshiii. TheCo tu i use take pl
ure in thus discharging the doty'imposed
upon them, and express the hope that the
Ifuture contests for ttie championship may
be carried on with the same fraternal feel
ing which characterized the campaign of
1.71 ; and that the high stand taken by
your club to place our National game on a
secure foundation and make it what it
should be—"a noble game"—may ever win
for its success and a position - worthy of its
best exertions.
The billowing players will constitute the
force of the Athletic Club for the season of
ls72:—Malone, Mcßride, Pisler," Reach,
Anson, Nfack, Cuthbert, Treacy, Sensen
derfer, Meyerle and McGeary.
The area in corn has been greater in 1071
than in any former year. As a whole, the
corn crop is an average in yield, and in
view of the increased area occupied, a large
` s carce
compared with that of last year, it is
`scarce less in total number of bushels,
though somewhat lower in yield per acre.
The estimate fur 1070 was 1,00.4,000,000 01'
bushels, being 2.20 000,000 more than that of
small crop of Isii?t, while a calculatioh of
the local estimates of the present year gives
a total product of 1,002.,000,00e. The States
producing iO-IS than last year are Maine,
Vermont, New York, Maryland, North
Carolina, Utiorgia, Florida, Alabama, Mis
sissippi, Louisaua, Texas, Arkansas, Ten
nessee, West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana,
Michigan. California and Oregon. Those
reporting equal or larger products are
New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode
Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Penn
sylvania, Delaware, Virginia, South Caro
lina, Missouri, Illinois, Ohio, Wisconsin,
Minnesota, lowa, Kansas and Nebraska.—
The States in which the quality of the crop
compares favorably with last year are
Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut,
Delaware, Virginia, Missouri, Wisconsin,
Minnesota, lowa, Kausas, Nebraska and
'rlke question of Negro Testimony
1.4 - tub:vim-it, Ky., Dec. lb.—The Conven,
tion of the Bar of Kentucky adjourned on
Saturday, after acting resolutions rev
ommending the begislaturo to modify the
laws of evidence Flit) as to admit of negro
testimony on an equality with white; also
to dispense with incompetency on account
oferime; to allow husband and wife to give
testimony for or against each other in civil
and criminal cases, except as to communi
cation made by one to the other; and to al
low the deposition of non-residents or in
firm witnesses in criminal cases. Also
recommending the abridgement of the right
of appeal frem justices of the peace or quar
terly courts ; the creation of More chancery
courts to hear equity cases, and a general
revision of the statutes. Arrangements
were made for the establish anent of the per
manent organization of the Bar•lif Ken
tucky. The next convention will be hold
in Louisville, Kentucky, on the se, aid
Tuesday iu November, 1571.
A t''oml,loi sit.from Ph iladelph in Ila
WASIIINII9ION, December l7.—A delega
tion of Philadelphia merchants, ticcompan
led by Judge Kelly, Leonard Myers and
Col. J. \V. Forney, called on the Secretary
of the Treasury, Saturday, to see if some
arrangement might not be had, by legisla
tion or otherwise, to save them from the
imposition of double fees on their import
ed goods. Under the present arrange
ment the goode come through the Now
York custom-house, where other charges
are made. The delegation wanted the Sec
retary to make the Camden and Amboy
railroad a bonded warehouse, so they could
get their imported goods direct from New
York without breaking bulk anti beiLg
subjected to all the charges at tho Phila
delphia custom-house. The Secretary ex•
preased his willingness to do all lie could,
but declined acquiescence in the proposi
tion made, as the government Hstld there
by he hisuilielently protected.
The hill introduced into Congress by Mr.
Ramsey for the erection of the Territory of
Ojibway substracts for that purpose so
much of Dakota as lies north of 40 degrees
north. The Missouri flows through the
proposed territory, and the North Pacific
Railroad will cross it. Before forming a
territorial government, however, there
ought to be somebody to be governed.
With the exception of soldiers, Indian tra
ilers, and a few settlers iu Chippewa, Ste
vens and Cheyenne counties, there are no
inhabitants but Indians in the northern
half of Dakota. On account of the hostility
of the Indians, the comparativci- poverty of
the soil, and the detestable /water, years
will probably elapse before any important
settlement is formed. The erection of a
territorial government is, under the cir
clUnStiallees, q uite unnecessary.
Wriu - I.lll.l . ltallrend Accident near \ en
N MA RN, Dec. IS—Yesterday afternoon
a frightful slaughter of three human beings
took place near NI it burn, on the Morris and
Essex Railroad. It appears that a crowd of
workmen employed in a quarry shove
Milburn, having init work, were on their
way home, walk log along the west track.
Mserving Ithe head-light, and hearing the
whistle of an up train, they got on the op
posite track, failing to observe the approach
of another train. Four of the number were
mowed down by tiro locomotive—three
being killed and one terribly, if not fatally
injured. The names of the killed are John
I lynn, Lowell and John M"Pierney
Tile Steal In South Carolina—lm
peachment of the Radical Governor.
WA, , HINCITON, Dec. 19.—1 n the South
Carolina House of Representatives yester
day, Mr. Bowen's Investigating Commit
tee made a report charging the Governor
and other State officials with a fraudulent
over issue of State bonds. The Speaker
decided that ids adoption would require a
two-thirds vote, because it would be the
tirst-step towards impeachment. His de
cision was overruled, and the report was
adopted as the sense of the House. Mr.
Bowen then introduced resolutions for the
impeachment of Gov. Scott and State
Treasurer Parker, which laid over in ric
cordance with the rules.
Patent-0171e° EterninNeence%
The widow of Senator Talbot, of Ken
tucky, has just.presented the patent office
with a fine old portrait of Dr. William
Thorntod, who had charge of the bureau
of patents from 10112 to 1828, during the
time it was organized in connection with
the State Department. Dr. Thornton was
the intimate personal friend of President
Washington, was engaged by his appoint
ment from 1794 to 1802 as one of the com
mission to survey and lay out the city, and
by personal entreaty prevailed upon the
British commander to spare the patent and
post office at the time of the destruction of
the other public buildings, August, 21,
Cotaparatlve Naval Strength
Could we cope with Spain - at sea? This
is a fair question, and one which implies
no disrespect on our Naval Administra•
tion. It. is, however, well to consider such
a question. The Spanish navy, ready for
action, consists of seventy-three screw
steamers, carrying 73-1 guns; twenty-four
paddle-steamers, carrying 127 guns, and
thirteen sailing vessels, carrying _O2; while
our navy consists of forty-six iron-dads,
ninety-seven steamers, and thirty-two sail
ing vessels, in all mounting 1,3116 guns;
but actually ready only 356 guns. It will
thus he seen that the forces of the Span
iards are quite as formiable as ours. '
The carriage used by the Grand Duke in
New York is the private carriage of Mr.
Van Ranst, and is probably, says the New
York Post, the handsomest vehicle in the
United States. It is a clarence, lined with
maroon silk that coat $l6 per yard. The
carriage, with its outfit, cost 'O,OOO. Ad
miral Poisset says, "It is the prettiest
thing I ever rode in."
Local 'intelligence
OUR CHRISTMA, Tu RE EYs,—W bile many
editors of rural newspapers are bewailing
the empty condition of their coops, the ed
itors of the .11 , ITELLIO ENCER are able to re
joice over the receipt of a pair of splendid
wild turkeys, a gobler weighing within a
fraction of twenty pounds, and a hen
weighing fourteen. Finer specimens of the
original stock of this noble bird are sel
dom seen. They were :shot in different
parts of Fulton county, by two subscribers
to the WEEK INTELLIOFINcEit, neither
knowing what the other was doing. By a
singular coincidence they both arrived the
same day, the gobler comingivia Chem bars
burg, and the hen via Hancock, Maryland.
The plumage of the gobler was ewecially
tine, and the rich gold upon the deep glos
sy black, put to shame all the fancy colors
which culture has developed in this cher
ished species of fowls. The skillful hunt
ers who bagged the-game, Asa Harris, of
Webster Mills, and Eli Laverty, near Sid
dling Hill, have our thanks for their sea
sonable favors.
MEETING OF THE fiA.A.—Tribute of Re
sped lo the Memory of Albert E. (
ter, Esq.—A. meeting - of the members of
the Bar, was held on Saturday, to take
suitable notice of the death of the young
gentleman above named.
Hon. J. B. Livingston. presided, and H.
Clay Brubaker, was appointed Necretary.
Col. E. Franklin stated the purpose of
the meeting, and in doing so made a few
appropriate and feeling remarks upon the
personal and professional characteristics of
the deceased.
On motion of Major A. C. Reinoehl,
Committee of five—Messrs. Reinoehl, Eon.
T. E. Franklin, Y. Ellruaker, D. G. Eshle
man and W. Aug. Alter, was appointed to
prepare resolutions expressive of the feel
ings of tne Bar, on the death of their late
In the course of the meeting short
speeches were made by his Honor,.ludge
Livingston, Col. Franklin, Maj. Reinoehl,
Hon. T. E. Franklin, N. Ellmaker, D. G.
Eshleman, D. W. Patterson, A. H. Hood
and (leo. Nauman, Esqs., which weds not
report in detail, because a report of either
would be equivalent to all.
The universal feeling of the Bar seemed
to be, that Death had taken front them one
whom they loved for, the purity and kind
liness of character exhibited in his personal
and professional relations with them—
whom they respected for his attainments
and promise of success in his profession,
and whom all who knew him most have
admired, as a model in all his family rela
The following resolutions were reported
and unanimously maimed.
WHEHFAS, we the members of the Lan
caster Bar, are again called together to pay
a tribute of respect to the memory of one
of our number, Albert E. Carpenter, Esq.,
whom an All-wise Providence has removed
from our midst by death. Therefore be it
Resolrea, That it is with unfeigned sor
row and regret, that we learned of the death
of Albert E. Carpenter, Esq., just passing
the threshold of a life so full of promise for
usefulness a .9 a lawyer and citizen.
Resolved, That his high professional in
tegrity, his uniform courtesy and fair
dealing with his brethren 'of the Bar, his
spotless life, his modestlleportment and
goodness of heart, and is character so
thoroughly beyond reproach, make us feel
that the bar and society could little afford
to lose a man so honest, and so good.
olvcd, That we cordially sympathize
with his bereaved family, who mourn a
son distinguished for his filial devotion
and'a brother who was always kind and
Revolved, That as a token of respect WO
II attend his funeral in a body.
Revotrol, That the Court be requested to
place upon its minutes the proceedings of
this meeting, and that they also be pub
lished iu all the papers of Lancaster city,
and a 'spy be transmitted the family of
our deceased friend.
SUDDEN DEATH .—Thomas Arllold, sister, I
one of our most enterprising and highly
esteemed citizens, died suddenly of asthma
on Saturday evening about 1l o'clock, at
his residence, 411 West Orange street. lie
had been subject to the dis3ase for some
time past,but nothing serious NV 11-4 thought
of it, and he was in his usual health, and on
the street, up to Saturday evening. Soon
after retiring to bed, he complained of
feeling sick, and consented to his wife's
suggestion to send for a physician. lie
grow suddenly , and rapidly worse and was
dead before the physician arrived.
Mr. Arnold was a kind hearted, genial
gentleman, liberal almost to a fault, but at
the same time a discreet and energetic
business man. lie spent much time. labor
and capital in north-western enterprise,
particularly in the vicinity of Duluth
an 4 Thompson, Minnesota, where he
owned considerable tracts of valuable
lands and slate quarries. Mr. Arnold was
about 53 years'of age, and leaves a wife
and nine children to mourn his sudden
death. 110 will lie buried on Friday afters
noon at 2 o'clock with Masonic honors by
Lancaster Commandary No. 13, Knights
Templar, of this city, of which he was a
MasoNic.—At a stated meeting of Wash
ington Lodge No. 15e, A. V. M., held at
their hall at Drumore centre, Lancaster
county, Pa., uctober 25, 1571, during the
evening P. M. Richard U. Edwards was
made the recipient of a very handsome ice
pitcher, two goblets, waste bowl and
waiter—all silver—eon tain Mg the following
inscription "Presented to P. M. Richard
P. Edwards by the members of Washing
ton Lodge No. Liii, A. V. M., Ilctober
hill." It was designed as en acknowledg
ment of his faithful attendance at Lodge
meetings, and unremitting labor for the
cause of Masonry. Brother P. M. Philip
Miller, on behalf of the donors, made the
presentation speech in a few well-chosen
remarks, and the testimonial was received
by Brother Edwards in a very happy
speech, closing with the remark that lan
guage was inadequate to express his feel.
ings on the occasion. The testimonial was
furnished - , and very handsomely engraved,
by , llarry 1.. %alum of Lancrster city.
TII I: HOTEL COMPANY .—A number of
the stockholders of the Lancaster Hotel
Company, met on Thursday, M. one of the
rooms of Fulton Ball, to consider the re
cently projected enterprise of erecting a
Hotel at the corner of West King and South
Prince streets. The meeting organized by
choosing Hon. A. E. Roberts, Chairman,
and R. W. Shenk, Keg., Secretary. After
the reading of the list of subscribers and
charter of incorporation, Messrs. George
M. Franklin and Charles F. Hager, who
have been actively engaged in obtaining
subscriptions, reported that stock had been
taken amounting to ;•:•46,8.50. A committee
of five was appointed to solicit further
subscriptions, increasing the capital stock
to Steo,ooo. Messrs. G. M. Franklin, F. F.
Hager, D. Altick, S. S. Spencer and W. L.
Peiper, were appointed the committee.
Brief remarks upon ,the projected en
terprise, were made by Messrs. Roberts,
Hiestand, Shenk, Franklin, Spencer Mc-
Culldm, Altick, Martin and others. The
meeting adjourned to meet on Friday, De
cember g 2, It at S o'clock, e.
DEncatATE THE ScuooL-HousEs.—Pic
tures are groat educators, nut only in the
way of a cultivation of taste but also as a
refreshing influence: and we wonder that
our school-houses are not supplied with
pictures. The relining influence of a
beautiful picture upon a school is very
great. Fine engravings can by a little ef
fort be obtained ; but after all Oft: i•hild
loves a bit of color better. It scents, even
if intrinsically not so good an artistic effort
as the engraving, to light up, as it were, the
room, It must lee confessed that most col
ored engravings are mere daubs, while we
know that any painting from the hand of an
artist is beyond the means of neat ly all.
list the art of chriuno lithography, a, it is
now advanced and perfected, obviates these
difficulties, fly It are reproduced, almost
in fac-simile, innd at a nominal c 1.1-ruse,
the works nf the het: artists.
We regret to WIEOIIIIOO the death of Albert
E. Carpenter, Esq., son of Win. Carpenter,
Esq., of Lancaster LOWIIShip. Ile hail been
in ill-health for some time past and lied
on Thursday, at the residence of his father.
He was a young man of tine education, ge
nial disposition, and irreproachable charac•
ter. He had a host of personal friends and
was more widely and favorably known
throughout the county than most men of
his age. Although but little over thirty
years of age. he was the eldest of fifteen
children, and his death is the first thubhus
occurred in the family. We deeply sym
pathize with his stricken relatives in their
irreparable loss.
13CiALLANT.- - A crabbed and stingy
bachelor. who fears that he will have to
make "somebody" a holiday present,with
out receiving an equivalent, writes as fol
lows : "The gentle sex are knitting pulse
warmers. They are also embroidering
impossible dogs and cats on slippers, to be
presented to Augustus Adolphus on Christ
mas-day. The fact that is will cost that poor
victim more to have the aforesaid slippers
soled than it would to buy a new pair, does
not affect the equanimity of the female
mind in the least. Suppose Augustus
Adolphus should send his adored one in
return a half-dozen tooth-picks, or a wood
en comb, which his manly hands had fash
ioned, there would be a slight feeling of
disappointment agitate the lovely bosom
of the A. 0., for she expects a present of
great and lasting value."
A CA RI:ET-DAIMER.—On last Thursday
week a vagrant, named Harry P. Dans
worth, was arrested by Officer Baker, and
committed by Alderman Wiley. He had
with him, at the time of his arrest, a valua
ble carpet-hag, that ill comported with his
otherwise dilapidated appearance. While
in jail, a communication from Mrs. Mary
Bailey, of Chester county, was received by
Alderman Wiley, in which the writer
stated that Dansworth had stolen her car
pet-bag from the Chester County Poor-
House, while she was at that institution on
a visit to the Warden's family. Mrs. Bailey
was informed that the carpet-bag thief was
safe in our jail, and at once applied to
Justice Whitehead, of Chester county, for
a warrant for the arrest of Dansworth
which was issued and placed in the hands
of an officer who came on to Lancaster yes•
terday, secured his prisoner, and took him
to West Chester to answer at Court for the
SHOE THE HORSES.—The idy cold weath
er is hard on the horses, and great care
should be taken that they are well roughed
in shoeing. This may prevent an accident
to the owner as well as to the horse.
—The Girls' :High School was on Friday, were waited upon last week by Mr. W. T.
the scene of an interesting presentation. Rockafellow; who took exception to our
At 3 o'clock Mr. Wm. McComsey and 1 statement that he was partially insane, and
sevtiral other members of the Board enter- had probably himself been the author of
ed the school-room, and after being stiwvit the "dastardly outrage" at the residence
seats, the young ladies of the school sang of his father a few nights ago. He demand
for them several fine pieces of music I that the charge of insanity and windqw-
Mr. McComsey,addressingthe principal, smashing should be retracted, as they were
then said: only weak inventions of his Millersville en-
Miss Bundell: You will pardon me for emtes. He assured us that his charaqter was
interrupting for a few moments the regu- unimpeachable and that his sanity would be
lar programme of exercises this afternoon, cheerfully endorsed by all the faculty of
and:l hope I shall detract nothing from the the Normal l School, whose agent he repre
interest or pleasure of any one while doing sented himself to "he in the interest of
so. The deep interest I feel in this school, moral reform. We suggested that he had
and all connected with it, as well as all our better get the written endorsement of the
other schools, shall be my excuse for so do- faculty and we would publish it. Instead
Mg- I have here a photograph view of our of doing so, he presented us with the fol-
Girls' High School building—in which lowing communication, zed threatened to
many of the best and most accomplished sue us for libel if we did not publish It. f
ladies of Lancaster received their educe- We informed him that it was thecustoru of
tional training—and a recurrence to the I the office to charge ten cents a line for all
happy days past within its walls will re- communications of a personal character.
call to memory many pleasant recollections He seemed to think it would be a hardship
and cause many a heart to throb with emo- for him to be compelled to pay such rates,
dons of pleasure. Beautifully shaded by and, inasmuch as we have given currency
the spreading branches of the elms, plant- to the representations of intelligent and dis
ed by the hands of the lamented Burrower I interested citizens of Millersville, we con
-and although it was erected half a eentt s eluded, upon reflection, to lay the comma
ry ago, long . before the inauguration 0, nication of Mr. Rockafellow" before our
the Common School System, for beauty readers " free gratis for nothing." Wegive
of location,permanence and durability, it is it as handed in by the author, t•erttatino,
surpassed by few, Owing to the many ,t:xpelltrtini, rt intlicletatP ., o
reminiscences connected with this build- LANCASTER Pa
lug I have thought worth while to have Dec 15t11, IS7I.
this picture taken for preservation, and de- 7 1, if the
sire now to present it to the teacher and Dear sirs
pupils of the Girls' High School, hoping . I have the pleasure to call
that in the distant future, when we shall your attention to the statments published
have passed from life's busy scenes, it may I by your paper appertaining to the dastard
then be an object of interest to some one. ly outrage perpetrated on the residence of
Miss Bundell responded as follows: C. Rockafellow, of milleraville that a
Mr. McComsey: In behalf of the Teach portion of your articles are Incorrect and
era and Pupils of this school, allow me to an Err or rather presented to you by some
say, that the presentation of this elegant unprincipled parties as untruths I desire
testimonial is an event in the history of ! you gentlemen to correct your statments
the "Girl's High School," as unprecedent- by publishing the sworn facts that the par
ed and unexpected as it is gratifying ; and 1 petration took place on saturdav night at
words can only inadequately express the 1•2 oclock Dec. 9th 71. the window Glass
feelings with which we receive this evi j A sash where brukerl from the outside of
deuce of your confidence and esteem. the residence smashed in and on sunday
We should indeed be insensible to all the night there was a list Of young men of lu
promptings of nature, if we were not dignant and prolante characters repeted
grateful and proud at receiving so hand- the outrage by trying to pull the Grape
some a testimonial of approbation from one ' frame away front the residence the Grape
who has deservedly been called "A • j wine being rooted fully on the premises
friend of the Public Schools." me Picket Jr. who was present at the time
May this picture not only adorn our ! trying to get me to compromise the quas
i walls, but may it be to us an incentive to j tiou with Rommel I declined stating only
I greater exertions in the future—so that our , by the process of Law could it be settled
own dearly-loved High School may stand while in conversation with Mr Piekel Jr.
j second to none. they attempted the outrage again these
Assuring you of our kind remembrance, saute partiesass abcve stated I then ran out
wo would again most earnestly ask you to with a musket and Bayonet anti told them
accept our since, to desist these outrages or I would puce
Mr. McComsey again arose and said : the Bayonet in them and if I saw them tau-
Ladies anti Gentlemen : I have here an ! lags again and rutting from the residence I
other picture, a front, view of the Girls' would give them a Ball guilty or not Tees-
High School building, which I desire 1 day night Dee. 12th 71 they repeted the
to present to a member, who, as a Dire° outrage by useing slurs yells and profane
tor, stands in the front rank, and, not• Language and I told them to desist several
withstanding his years, has, I think, given ' times but in vain I then concluded to tire
more time and attention to the care and H blank shut at thew which quieted the
improvement of our school property, than nusaure for a a while I was on the pretni
any other member of the Board. Of course 1 sea when I shot at the parties they then
I refer to Mr. %eater. I desire to present j Enraged stating stone the windows in and
this to him, as a mark of appreciation of his 1 stone him the parties threw a stone and
efficiency and great-worth, hoping, also, knocked in it pain of Glass the stone
that we may long continue to have Ins Lodging in the room they then fled like
counsel - and co-operation in the manage- Peers we request the vulgar characters
; ment of our schools. I to lest before it Ends fatal,
Mr. Zecher was so completely taken by 1 ea t E, ROCK A YELLOW.
surprise at this unexpected part of the cer- I Affirmed and subscribed to before me,
emony, that he felt tillable to attempt a , De°. is7l. Wu. Ald.
reply. He called upon Wm. P. Brinton, ! - _
Esq., President of the Board, to respond
for him.
Mr. Brinton, in behalf of Mr. %ether,
returned his hearty thanks for the elegant
and appropriate present, and said that he
should always cherish at as his highest re
ward, for the little he had done, as well as
a most beautiful testimonial or approval
of the manner in which he had discharged
his (lute.
Mr. Brillion said that he could heartily
endorse all that had been said of NI r. Zech.
er, as ho had had the honor of appointing .
Into on the Property Committee, for sever
al years, and that lie had always taken the
same care elthe school-property, vs though
it were his own. Mr. Brinton aid that,
although Mr. Zecher way one of the best
Directors, Mr. McComsey was following
closely in his footsteps. Ac.
After some further singing by the ladies
of the school, the gbrolemen retired.
The photographs are of large size, and
elegantly framed in walnut. They do
credit to the generosity and taste of Mr.
McComsey; were much admired by all
present, and will be highly valued by the
teachers and pupils of the school, and by
Mr. %colter
IinAND JUROR, —The following grand
.Inrorg were drawn ou Friday last to serve
in the, Court of Quarter Sessions, com
mencing on the Third Monday in January
Joseph 11. Black, innkeeper, Columbia:
Win. 11. Burns, merchant, Salisbury; Ja
cob Baker, blacksmith, East Hemplield ;
F. W. Coonley, brickmaker, city ; John B.
Erb, scrivener, Warwick; 'Levi S. Gross,
farmer, East Hemptield ; John Hykes,
coal-dealer, Couoy ; Edward Hess ' inn
keeper. Manor; Martin Kreider, innkeep
er, city; John B. Kreider, farmer, West
Lampeter ;Xmanuel Keener, farmer,Penn;
C. Lefevre: farmer, West Lampeter; G.
Peters, trailer, Conestoga: Win. L. Peiper,
banker, city; Isaac L. Boyer, farmer, Eph
rata ; John Stehtnan, farmer, East Hem p
field ; Charles H. Seaber, farmer,Warwick ;
David Stouffer, miller, Ceruarvon ; H.
Suydam, grocer, Columbia; E. M. Stubbs,
farmer, Drumore; Christian Warfel, tarn,
er, Conestoga; J. M. Westhaeffer, mer
chant, city; Emanuel Weidman, innkeep
er, Clay ; George Yontz, farmer, Elizabeth.
Prrry.Ju eons.— The following petit j m - -
rors were drawn to serve in the Court or
Quarter Sessions commencing on the third
Monday of .January next.
Henry Auld - tons, Salisbury; John R.
Muter, City; Jacob A. Bitch, Warwick;
Reuben Bucher, West Cocalico ; A. C.
Barr, City; Benj. B. Brandt, Rapho; N ich
olas M. Clapper, West Donegal; Almer
Carter, Little Brittian ; James Donovan,
Manheim Bor.; C. 5.1 Erb, Conov ; Hen
ry Eckert, Leacock ; Jacob Fronk,
Conoy ; Abraham G. t/ ui los, Commubia:
Henry D. Droll', City ; H. W. Oraybill, E.
Hempfield ; Henry Garrecht, City ; John
M. Hershey, Mount Joy twp. ; P. W.
Housekeeper, Drumore; Gem W. Hensel,
Eden ; Henry Hershey, City; Henry C.
Herr, Manor; M. M. Hoffman, E. Done.
gal; .lacob Kautz, jr., City ; Jacob C. I: rea
dy, Manor ; Lewis J. Kirk, Little Britain;
John B. Knox, Leacock •, Alvin King, Ful
ton ; B. H. Lintner, West Earl ; A. P.
Mollvain, Paradise; W. K. Mitchell, hart;
John S. Mann, Manor; Wm. C. McKeown,
City, Adam (Merlin, W. Cocalico; John
M. Peoples, Providence; John B. Roth,
City; Fred. Sener, Manheim twit.; Ja
cob K. Shenk, Manor; Henry Swentzel,
City; H. E. Slaymaker, City; John A.
Stober, W. Cocalico ; David Styer, Carnar
van ; Jacob B. Stehman, Conestoga ; Cyrus
Shartzer, Washington bor, ; Jacob C. Sto
ner, Manor; Martin W. Nissley, E. Done-•
gal; Joseph C. Walker, Salisbury; Benj.
NVeidler. Ephrata ; Morris Zook, City.
Names of forty Petit Jurors, to serve in
the Court of Common Pleas, commencing
on the fourth Monday of January next
Samuel Arms, Columbia; R. But:Muff
ler, City; Wilson Brubaker, Manheitn
twit.; John Brua, Paradise; William Best,
City ; James Diller, 1,1r1; Cyrus W. Boner,
Penn ; Alexander Danner, City; John Do
ner, Sr., Manor; Watson J. Ellmaker,
Earl; John M. Ensminger, Manheint bor;
John B. Eberly, Clay ; Samuel Ewing,
Drumore; John F. Frey, Rapho; Henry
Gast, City ; Peter Good, Brecknock; Ben
jamin (;.Getz, West, Hemplield ; Christian
Hoover, Strasburg twp; John S. Given,
Columbia ; 'l'. 11. Hershey, Rapt., ; George
.1. High, East Lampater; A. B. Haver
stick, NI anbeim twit; John I...lacobs, East
Donegal; William K itch, \Vest Cocalico;
Ilenry Kurtz, Salisbury ; .lobo H. I,esher,
East Cocalico: Lewis C. I,yte, East Cam
peter; Abraham 1.. I Man heim twp;
Reuben M. Lamb, Break Iraq: ; Samuel
M. Myers, City; Robert Montgomery,
Eden ; U. W. McPherson, Drumore; To
bias Musser, Ranh(); Daniel Plank, Salis
bury ; Robert W. Patterson, Bart; Jacob
Picket. Manor; Christian Ruser, East Don
egal; i ibed Shirk, West Cocalico; Joseph
Welchans, City; W. T. Youart, Lancaster
City. . . .
Is:Mints of forty Petit Jurors, to serve in
the Cowl of Common Pleas, commencing
on the tifth Monday in January next:
P. G. Albright, East Donegal ; M. E.
Itomherger, Manlicim bor; H. G. Book,
Strasburg bor; Isaac L. Bair, Earl; Chris
tian Colle, Jr., Mount Joy twp; Robert
Carroll, Marietta; Reuben Daveler,
City; John Elmer, Salisbury; Eli Eshle
man, Marcie ; Henry Eby, Penn ; George
Ettla, Marietta; U. W. Erb, Manbeim
bor; Jacob B. Eshleman, Manor; John
Harner, Martin;
Lewis tinkly, City; Ben
jalnin Huber, Lancaster twp; Christian
Herr, West Lampeter; Peter Heiman, Sr.,
Mount Joy bor; John C. Jones, Sadsbury ;
E. S. Killian, West Cocalico ; Jonas EL
Martin, City; Cyrus W. Miller, Manheim
bar; Robert H. Patterson, Colerain ; Henry
Pownall, Bart ; E. D. Roath, Marietta;
G. W. Reichenbach, City ; Levi S. Reist,
Warwick; Robert Ryan, Columbia; Jo-
. ,
seph Hupp, West Earl; Cooper Sffibbs,
Fulton; C. A. Shaffner, Marietta; John
P. Stehman, West Hetnplield ; John Sener,
Pequea ; George Sanderson, City; Joshua
Vaughn, Columbia; James Wood, Little
Britain; Jeremiah Weist, West Codalico;
Levi Weiler, East Earl; Henry H. Wiley,
Conoy ; Aug. J. Zook, East Lampeter.
TrtnEENkw PATENT,.-John C. Cookson,
of this city, for an improved flour-bolt and
purifier: Aaron Willer and Jacob ,am
ber, for a valuable improvement on jack
for horse-power. This invention supplies
a want often felt for transmitting power in
various directions without change of ma•
chinery. Jeremiah Rohrer, of this city, for
a refrigerator of peculiar capacity and utili
ty for hotels, restaurants, Ac. Each of the
above patents bears date the 12th day of
December, 1871. Obtained through the
agency of J. Stauffer, of this city.
RAH.wAv ACCIDENT.—Wm. Fratz, a
young married man, residing in Middle
town, acting as brakemen on a freight train
on the Pennsylvania Railroad, met with a
serious aEcident near Chlckies,on last Mon
day. ft seems that while in the act of coup
ling cars, be fell to the ground, and was
run over by one of the cars, which fearfully
crushed one of his legs below the knee. Be
is doing well, and it is hoped the limb can
be saved.
PERNONA L. —octav US J. Norris, Esq.,
formerly one of the proprietors of the
Norris Locomotive Works, in this city, ar
rived here on Saturday, to lease the super
structure of the Evansville and Indianapo
lis Railroad, which he has contracted to
build, to B. J. IstcGrann, Esc. Another
object of his visit was to encourage the re
opening of the Locomotive Works, as he
will be enabled to give them the construc
tion of the locomotives.
E cidd.ENT Ilixtrs A not: I REs.—The
Chief Engineer of the 'Boston Firo Depart
ment Las published some good advice to
the citizens of that city, which is equally
applicable to Lancaster. Ile sap,: "I
deem it my duty at this time to again
your attention to the necessity on your
part of a thorough inspection of tines,
stove pipes and furnaces on your respoc
five premises. At no season of the year is
the liability to extensive tires so great As at
the present; and there is no more lirnitful
source of tires than that of defective dues,
stove-pipes and furnaces. Carefully com
piled statistics show that thirty per cent. of
all our tires are caused by the neglect of
these defects. Care and attention on the
part of the owners and occupants of the
buildings will save not only a vast amount
of property, hut, it may be, precious lives.
And now, as it is clearly my duty to pro
vent as well as to extinguish tires, I call
upon you, toy fellow-citizens, to aid ine
the matter referred to."
HOME CON V ERSATlON.—Cbildren hun
ger perpetually for new ideas. they will
learn with pleasure from the lips of the
parents what they deem in drudgery to
study in books; and even if they have the
misfortune to he deprived of many edu
cational advantages, they will grow up in
telligent if they enjoy in childhood the
privilege of listening daily to the con
versation of intelligent people. We
sometimes see people who are the life
of every company they enter, dull, si
lent, and uninteresting at home among
their children. If they have not mental ac
tivity and mental stores sufficient for both,
let them first use what they have for their
own households. A silent house is a dull
place for young people, a place from which
they will escape as soon as they can. flow
much useful information, on the other
hand, is often given in pleasant family con
versation, and what unconscious but excel
lent mental training in lively social argu
ment. Cultivate to the utmost all the
graces of home conversation.
A Yocru t; t. Piot; tract; Ev.—Wed uesday
afternoon, Jacob H. Waltz, residing on the
Lancaster pike, between Lancaster and
Litiz, Pa., asked . several boys, whom he
met at Fourth and Chestnut streets, to dt
rect him to the banking house of Messrs.
Jay Cooke ,t. 7 Co. One of the lads, named
John McCluskey, volunteered to accom
pany Waltz to the banking house, and on
the way managed to abstract stri from his
pocket. Special (Itlicer Lyud happened to
ho in the vicinity, and arrested McCluskey.
Ile had, however, managed to pass the
money to a companion, unobserved, before
he was captured. Ile had a hearing at the
Central station, anti was held in 3600 bail
to answer at the present term of court.—
YORK CousTK ITEMS.— On Saturday night
about ten o'clock as Levi Williams was
crossing the track at the railroad depot, in
York, he was caught by the shifting engine
which was coming towards him. His
body was terribly mangled. Ile died in a
few hours. His remains were taken to his
home in Baltiluore.
Last Wednesday night, private watch
man Philip 'Peltier noticed smoke issuing
from the basement of I'. A. it S. Small's
large storehouse in Centre Square. Arous
ing the inaide watchman, an examination
was had, and the smoke was found to arise
from a tt, generated by spontaneous com
bustion. It was soon extinguished.
Salle prisoner, named Isaac Pile, made a
furious attack upon the Berk,' County
Prison Warden, Mr. Daniel 8. Francis, one
evening last week. lie put a heavy stone
in one of his stockings, and as Mr. Francis
was entering the cell Inc struck him be
tween the eyes with the weapon, and be
fore he could be disarmed repeated the
blows over the Warden's head and face.—
After becoming calm, Pile. us an excuse
for his conduct, said that Mr. Francis had
no right to 1 . 01110 into his cell without sq
oil lamp exploded at the residence of Mil
ton Keylor, Co lerain township, Lancaster
county, a few evenings since. Miss Anna
Kesler had taken the lamp up entire, and
in attempting to extinguish it by turning
down the wick, an explosion took place
with a loud report, the broken glass and oil
flying around in all directions; fortunate•
ly, however, without the latter taking fire,
or injury to theyoung lady. Two panesof
glass in the window of the room were also
broken, it is supposed, by the concussion
of the atmosphere. The lamp, at the time,
had but a small quantity of oil in it.
HvoitoiittoniA.—Mad dogs are 'muter
ous in-the eastern section of the county,
some fort . V'or more dogs have been killed
in and around Morgantown, and some fif
teen or twenty in the vicinity of Church
town, supposed to have been bitten. A
young man named Frank Houser, has
been bitten, and two little girls, whose
names we have been unable to learn, be
tween Churchtown and Morgantown.—
They have also made their appearance near
Beartown, and a number have been kill
ed; one is reported to have been seen near
Cedar (trove.
SmAI.L.Pox.--We understand that stories
have been circulated in various parts of the
county, that the small-pox is raging in
this pity as an epidemic, and that many
persons have died from the effects of the
disease. Careful investigation warrents us
in saying that there is no truth in the re
port. Not d single death from small-pox
has been reported, and if there are any
cases at all in town, they are of so mild a
type as not to have been considerered
worthy of notice by the medical faculty.
Putt: Cars.—Upper Liwchlan township,
Chester county, is entitled to the palm for
raising and catching pole-cats. During the
past fall season over fifty specimens of this
highly-scented part of the animal creation
have come to grief in that locality, one jinn
of three boys having been fortunate enough
to capture between thirty-five and forty.
()nu of the students of Edgefield Institute,
has succeeded in amassing enough money
by trapping pole-cats, to pay his tuition
charges for the past six months.
SPIRITEI..—A spirited young lady says
that it looks as though a man was ashamed
,to publicly show himself in company with
a lady when he hangs about the church
doors Sunday evenings waiting and watch
ing for her to make her appearance, so that
he may sneak up to her in the dark and
offer her this escort. Girls, it abotni
Er.E( - riox or OFFICERS.--The stock
holders of the Peach Bottom railway, will
hold an election at the public house or Elias
Fry, at Peach Bottom, York county, on
Monday, the Sth of January next. A Presi
dent and twelve Directors to serve for the
ensuing year will be selected.
ment of Odd Fellows will be instituted in
New Holland on Saturday next by B. F
Cox, District Grand Patriarch, who will be
assisted on the occasion by the Grand Pa
triarch of the State and many other mem
bers of the Order.
Brosius, Esq., of this city, has been ap
pointed Notary Public by Governor Geary,
to serve three years, in place of Captain J.
D. Gompf, whose term expires on the 13th
of January.
COLLIN'S CO:si CART.—Cast Wee] Plows
only 15 each. For Information how to obt•ln
them sildress Collins t Co., 212 Water ',Atter%
New York. ‘lll-2ruw
" A BLIGHT COLD." covoua.—Few are aware
of toe importance of checking a Cough or
" 4LiftErr holm." which would yield to a mild
remedy. if neglected, often attacks the lungs.
" Brown's Bronchial 71 - ech," give sure and
Almost immediate relief. d2O-3tilTl'49
PIULSONIi who have become thoroughly chilled from
any cause, may have their circulation at once restored
by taking Into the stomach • tea.spoonfol of - John.
son's Anodyne Linetene iment, - mixed In a little cold
water, well swed.
Every farmer who owns a good stock of borne,, cat
tle and sheep, and intends to keep them througo the
Winter, should get at once • good stock of “Sheridan's
Cavalry Condition Powders.' One dollar's worth will
govt at least a half-ton of hay.
4rir The Great French Remedy.
GaranclereS. Dupont, No. 214 Rue Lombard, Paris,
and highly recommended by the entire Medical Fac
ulty of France, are the very best remedy In all cases
of Sperrnatorrhcea, or Seminal Weakness; Rightly
Daily or Premature Emissions ; Sexual Weakness or
Impotency ; Weakness arising from Secret Habits and
Sexual Excesses; Relaxation of the Genital Organs
Weak Spine; "Lime" or "Brick-dust" deposits In the
Urine; "re Ilky Discharges," ok.r_., and all the ghistly
train 01 Symptoms arising from Overuse or Ent-elutes.
They cure when all other remedies full.
Price per Bor.
bent by mail, securely sealed Crum all üb.wrVallull
by enclosing price to the Sole (itineral Agent for
Arnetics,Jol3 BLOShIS, is Cortlandt street, New York.
Pamphlets of edvlee is In each Pon, or will Is. sent
free to any address.
Bryan's Pulmoulc Wafers are Clo
falllug l❑ the cure of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bron
chitis, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Difficult Breathing
Incipient Consumption and Diseases of the Lungs
They have no taste of medicine, and any child will
take them. Thousands have been restored to health
that had before despaired. TesUmouY given in lion.
dreds of cases. A single dose relieves In Teu Minutes
Anti for BR VANS PC LIMON le WAFERS. Price
cent , . Sent by 01011 for cents. Address
Is Colllnstal street, New 1 urk
la - Batchelor'. Hair Dye.--Thits
perb Hair Dye ifilthe beat in the world—perfectly
nannies:, reliable and instantaneous: no disappoint
ment ;no ridiculous tit , disagreeable odor. The
genuine Wm. A. Bachelor's Hair Dye produce , Im
m diately a vplendid Black or natural Brown, leaven
the hair cleat, colt, beuuti nil : does not contain a par.
t lele or loot or any inJurtoict compound. S4/111 by all
dronni t,. Factory, it: BOND sTREET, N. Y.
nAt i w
Li - The Great Pictorial Anima?
Ho , tet ter's Uttiterl State, Almanur fur tor tits
nal When, „1: u , thruaglitint the Vatted Stater, and
uil e vllira.l conittries of the NV'tstern,
will be puhllrlital about the 11111 of January lu the
loulinan. Fre:lett, Norwegian. WI//01,
W, 111.11, Holland, Bobontlan and Spanish languages,
nd all 11 . 110 Wl4/I tu ituderaturet the trite plillosophY
xf health sheitlil read and ',under the valuable sug•
go , tiour ...then , . In addition hi au etlndrahle
medical Ipiatise C%/11.t., preventliitt awl tun',
,root variety di•eomo, it .-cohroc.o. 3 'large
id fortuallun intere,ting to the 1t0,..h00t.
no,hunic,thr Loott.r, holuer, Ow planter. ond
profemional mao and the lons'.lino hoot
made lor mot - Minn+ and l aldlt I,,tiro noo.t
solloblo fort .•orrvt tool ,cornproholo.l,o• N rto . , kl.
Th .
u nature. c0,',1 iiatrsordinary inn
of IiUsTETTEIP , bill /MACH BI'IiTEIP, the staple
[attic and ultenttive of loon. than hmrthe hr stlnn
world. sre roily set forth in Its pages, whiiih are •bio
bittirspersed With plutons' illstrations, valuable
recipes fur the lasi:it:hold and thrill, humor.. /1
I.IOItS, and other 113,111(liVc and .11111:41Itg reading
outwit% origins' and selectisl. AMU, h.. Annuals
appesr with the opening of the year, this v.ill he
one of the most useful, and ' lon hail 'Or the sok
ing The pro pi - odors, Me s srs.
Hostetter S blunt'
Pittsburgh, Ps., on rucello ot a two cent stamp, ,tll
forward s copy hl' nit to soy persoh who ',timid
procure one iu notabhorhood. The Bitters are
sold In os ery city, to, t and village, and are us,
31VVVAINVII thrull“hola 111, 011 tire iiirllned world.
Deafne.m, Bllndriens, nod Cittarrh
treated with the utmost suceemn, by J. ',AM.'S, M. I
and Prore,,or of Inseams of the id a and Ear ( his
specialty ), in the Medical I 'ollege of Pee nsylvanla, 17
year,' experience. (formerly of Leydim, Holland) No
0011 A Rell. Street. Their,. 't'en ituonials .'an he neon at.
his office. The medical faculty are InclhSt to accornt
finny their patient,, to, he has no secret, In lan prac
rice. Artificial Ij is Inserted withunt pain. No
churg, for examination. a
itirliinuley Knitting Mitchine!
The Sliphst, Cheapest and Best In Une! Has but
One Neellle! A Child can lien It! Designed es
pecially for Inv 0 , 4. rllllllhe,, Llttii.,llolll,ll,
lu knit for tlfe market. Will do every stitch of tile
knitting in a Stocklux. , Welling and narrowing us
rianilly as by hand. Are aplemlid for worateds and
111 h rncii I Art very easy tomanage. idol not lin
hie to get out of ord , r. gir Every Family bhoull
air Wee want an A gunt In every Town to Introdma
end hill thgn, Wtlolll offer the most litperul In
Ineenwnts. Send for our Ctreular and Saniple Stock
ing. Address novl w
LEY N trr r MACH E Both. Dlr
VI- Needle's' Special Branch
For the istUtottruent oil
His 0111,es for the same are cool uctt,l with ekill and
ability. The duties pertaining to this line of treat
moot, made familiar, by ninny years of practical e.
perience, winning for his Departments the confidence,-
and approbation of best Medical authorities.,
The LA DI F 4 OFFICE :at No. 154 NORTH
TWELFTH STREET, Iv conducted Professional ly, by
an acegoopilmlied FEUAI..}: PHYSICIAN.
' • -
.11..7NEEDLE.'S, Phartuseeln,
s. W. Cur. lth and Huse Streets,
1.)'4-Iywi •
STONER— Boil aICROEIt.-011 the 14111 lust., at Hurt
ing te. cchlutt's Hotel, by nee. W. T. iterhard, Mr.
Israel .toner, of West Earl, to Miss I tartlet K. Bom
berger, of 1,1111.
1,0111 , i PRAI , I.—On the 19111 Inst.. by Rev. J. V.
Eckert. at his residence, Sir. 11. 0. K entlig,
of Her
tionvlll, to rill' Loll Fralm, of Soodersbarg, both of
this ouunty.
II ERR— V 1 5E110.—. tit the INth Inst., at the Panottage
of the New Providence Charge, by the Bev. Joseph
Ilaintabery, Mr. Jacob rt. Hem, of Conestoga turf.,
to M Ism Susan Myers, of Eden twit.
STRISIAN—Hatter.—At the Cross Keys Hotel. ou
Thursday lout, by the Itev. John li. Fritchey, Mr. Ja.
cob Stelinatt. of East Icaupeter twp., to bliss Mary
A un Herr, of Strasburg twit.
A I,2ll,—Dee. WU, In thiS city, David Martin, SOD
01 D2l.Vill M. and musan Adams, aged I year and In
The and friends of the family , are resprs•t•
fully invited to attend the funeral from the residence
of his parents, Nu. :230 Harrisburg Pike, on Thursday
afternoon at 2 of
Ans'ot.n.—On December lath ut II o'clock
M., Thom!. Arnold, In the ally-third your ttl htn ue
The Nneral will take place from big late realdentt
No. 411 Wed. Orange Arcot, on Friday, 22d Instant,
2 o'clock, P. M.
Carl Louts Hoppe, no at H
William and Margaret Hoppe, aged 1, Year , nlt lll '
and Mtlays.
`4I 4 ILE4 4 HER —On the I.lth La%tnn, w of Le
Sprevher, aged . 1 .1 years.
C. 4 .1(4 4 , 4 ,4, E n.—flee. 11, I• 71, Albert E. 4 '
the 11st year allot Atte.
, •
In the lith Inst., In thk vlty, Mr+.
Bridget Donnelly, In LI. ti 7,111 year al her age.
STAI• Ft 1411.. lilt the 14th InaL.,at Al/1.111.1A,, 11,00'
ISLak.—nn the lob tn+t.. to thin Henry .+on of
Ge , prge Fanny Itaaa. aged': Yaara, Mutat. •hd
v; data.
Enynty,..,...-11” (lir I MI 111 1111, A
Philadelphia 44ralts Market. . 6
l'ittl.‘i,l.Prt lA, Der. 111.—Therk• Ix not nitwit
delnund tor Clover , ..eed small salt's
1 V.c per pound.
s”‘i* lie '1. ,01,1 .f
I'. - rov3
Flaxseed at 81 Ss.
No. 1 quercitron Bark Is held at !Pi per tn.
hut there Is nothing doing In the article.
The Flour market Is 111111 as ever, the Inoulry
Gel ug chiefly confined to small lots ;or the anp
ply of the home trade; a few hundred Inds
changed Including Superfine at ¢l Baum
50 per 1011; Extras at Pea a 50; Hpring Wheat
Extra Family at 87 50(s.t1eu Penn'a do do at
•K;./ 750; Western Winter Wheat do da at Pita
,-and Fancy Brands at 47. - 1.109.
InEve Flour and Cornmeal, nothlng doing.
The Wheat market is very ulltot; soles 0:
2,100 Penn'a red at $l .Tht 57, the latter figures
for free on hoard, and white ranges rr,., al i. 7
to 517
Rye to steady al ssq . el3ll.
Corn is very quiet sales of old yellow at 77,,
new do at 117 e, and N\ extern mlaea at 710/ 72e.
Oats are steady at lilea,slc for white, awl 1700
5,- for white and mixed.
Whi,key Is dull, and Weet.•rn Irn•lionnd
offered Or
LANCASTER. Pa.., Bee. 1. , .
Jacob H. Lorig, Stork Broker. Is N. Queen
11t311 11:U) 12:3U I:30 230 :((I),
P. ... )1'; 5.e„
Adame 91e,
Well'a do. 5,0
Am. d 0....
S. d 0.... elj . .
N Y Cent.. 92.4 92 , , 92.4 hri" V4i 92 m,
5 7 . 9, 5 H 7 ,4 HI7 KV;
Erie 'I 314 :11y, 12 1 4 12 , 4.
R ea dipg... 57
Ateb CenL Ils
Do south., 90 , 90 , Ni' ; 4/912 911.,i 90.4
111. Cent... 1!12 r
4'. and P...12' Id. r.. 104 126 11). 126
N. West__ al', WI; 61Ii 111 1 4 61',
do p' rd._ x 715 97 , 973,5 '7*H 07,;,
Rock 1411121 ItKIX 11FII„
St. Paul ... 51 51 , 5 5155 5155
Preld 7e-g 765, 76% 760 76;4
Wabash '"'H 91
Uo Prefd. H 2
Ft Wayne. 11; 97 97 97 9'7 97 , .,
0. and . M ; 42 42 41I„ 42 ,, , 12 1 ;
U 27 2155 27 27 27 27
Cand Alt. . 116
Do Prerd.. 119 5555.
Bit and E 2,5
U. S. 6's 11181
" i3M Diti2
' 1885
1885 new
11:0 4
DE HAVEN a 13a0..IlExit.s . ,
Reading __
and Erie
New U.S 56 1881....._.........
Cr. B. 88 1881
" 5-20 1era.........
" 1884.
" " 1815, new.
Union Pacific B. R, lat llUVim 1/1
Central Pacific R.
Onion Pacific Lend Grant Bonds._... IS
Yaw Voaw,Dec. la.—Beeves dull and rant:
tlrm at Vg.l2 and 130,14 c for fancy; receipts
,77 head. Sheep and lambs higher and ttrm
s(atit;c for common to choice; lambs. tico9c
receipts, 24,000 head. Hogs steady and all of
faring sold at $4 8745 12 for live and Ftipitti
cts for dressed receipts, 49,0)0 heath!
8A,.T1 MORE, Dec. 14 —Best beeves sold at
85.50(06.51l; medium 1145; interior V,listii.tio.
Fat sheep, good, 04,@5c 1.4 lb gross. Stock
kiteep dull at s2la bead. tioo d hogs In active
demand at Sikaii.7s j 4 100 be net, as to quality,
Baltimore Grain Market
BA J.TIMORIC. Deo. 19.—Flour dull and un
changed. Wheat quiet; Southern—CO.llllllo
to fair, $1 See_sl 85. Corn actl ve and firm; whlte
Gie,6Bc; yellow, 80i 70c. Oath etendy at .506, 55c
Rye non at tlacoll.
Lancaster Grain Market.
Morrnair, I)ee. Is.
The Flour and Grain market Is quiet.
Family Flour k bbl SU 87
Extra " " 5 99
Superfine "
White Wheat k brie 1 5'
Red "
Rye k but 85
Corn old k but ..... —.. 88
Oats, new *MM. ............ - ...... —.... ...... 48
Whiskey 71 bbl ...... ... 91
Pittsburgh Produce Unrket.
PITTriBt7ROII. December 20.—Flour--Choice
brands, $7 Z., - (47 75; Rye Flour, fT .5045 5. per
barrel; Buckwheat Si 65:04 iA Ara l n—Prlnie
to choice Red Winter, $1 4.5411,0 bosbrl:
White, $1 Zusst 53. Corn—There is cowilderio.
tile inquiry, lint holders are not anxious. to
sell, hoping for hlsher prices; sales in a lob.
blng way at Biggs"; ear by ear load, 00(461:e
thit.i—Sslf, mixed at 45Q45141.; prime white
will grvii Rye--The demand is lim
ited ;Tholders asking flik V buolel. Borlev—
so,s,•:.e t,.r eprlng, and tp(oL.• for Fall,
Chicago Produce Markel
• -
enic•om, December IS —Flour dull and un
changed. Wheat In fair demand but at lower
rates; No. I Spring, SI 24;4; No. 2 do. Sl -
No. X do Si 10{Al 11; January, SI 2a.y,,; Febru
ary. SI Corn Is quiet and unchanged; No
2 mixed ; rejected, 394:N1, - c ; ear, 11c.
at stock yards; January. 411licFebruary, 12, ;
Y.p cc
fa r 2; .. alts—No. 2 at 22c; January,
February, 8:24c. Rye dull and drooping; No.
2 Spring, c; January, r.Wc, Live bogs ac
tive and higher at 114@..1 15 for shipping and
lxklt 40 fqr imek IC g grades; dressedji nc.a 5,
closing steady.
Philadelphia Cattle Market.
Beef rattle were In demand this week, RI an,
advance: ZAle head arrived and sold at lisilli4e;
for Extra Peunhylvunia and Western Steers; 7I
@Se for fair to good do, and Ad tike lb gross,l
foneommon, as to quality.
The following are the particulars of sales: I
20 0, Branson, Pennsylvania, gross. ;
SO Owen Smith. Western, 5.3,i'f.67;.,1c glow.
115 R. !doylies, Western, 5.1.1567 c. gross.
100 Alexander Christy, Western, 67.A9e, gross.'
50 James Christy, Western, tAiss7s,c, gross. I
75 John McArdle, Western, erwSlic, gross.
Wt I'. Vi`estern, gross.
16 B. F. McFlllen, Pennsylvania,
60 .bkmes 51e1 , 111en,Pellt. I VIM la. 6. - o , c, gnu.,
Jame:. S. K 11111,1;11, 1.01.1v,y1vivi;i.t.5.;.;..i.
40J Martin Fuller tt Co,, Western, 5,i7t.,0
E McUlllen, Pennsylvauln, 64;a70, von..
Oa M. Ullman, Western V Irglnln, ,(4Pe
1,1) D i lf rn nle , . ' l 4. Smy t Jr Bros., WesU`r..
Mooney So:), Penney I vsuln,
;10 Ulm soluituberg Pen:lN:vivo:lla,
:0.,. gross.
'2OO Fit , jui .11 Levi. Western. O ve n,
cotit gra..
Cows were 1,111011tIliZed: 1,, .‘
head. as to q outitc.
Sheep were unenanged: 11,01 x,
head sold ui .!y
griu.s, as to condition.
Flocs were without change; r:7.", head sold ut
'Ke.t3 i.l 11 , 10014 net.
El of t he subscribe, In Ea.:L(7o,lole° township.
a young Red Steer. a 111 tie white In lower part
of body. welgln ng about foli pound•, n sembling
the New N . .rk State calves. 'lit.. owner can
have he sit me by slung ulsol the undersign.
Ms-H.1,0n .0
la In. town P. O.:Lancaster vonnt).
An Ele,tton for Nine Directors of sold Con,
piny, to serve tinting the enNoing year will
held et the iltlice of the Company, at Williams.
town. on t he See..nil Titem.loy. the 9th of JAN.
l'AltY neat, het wren the Maus el 10 I‘llll
ceaeed —Leif... of Atilllillihtratio ll .01 Iht.
eel ate el I eAlfrled Eberle, late of Laneaster
City. Pa., deceased, hoeing been gratitt4l lo
Barbara Can... residing In said city, all
Matson. Indebted bl said estate‘are Heel
make paylactil, and thole , having , minus
0,11.111111111 S Win 1110, known the Caine with
out delay to BARBARA LAMM,
Ad:111111.11 , mi ,
II( )1 i(I<LV ( ) 0( Is,
Player and 11puw 111,11km,111Intorles,
ino,sphies and Miscellaneous Works
.% 0 , 11111 , , \VrIl Ing Cam-,
11r sslug Uwes, Toy Books, AA . .
:For sale it the
Cheap Book and Stationery Store
Nort 11 tjuven •Ireet, 1./t. I I
eo. I. too ACRES OF' LAND,
gtaal itlulity, situated In sent county, Del
aware, between:: or 1 miles or Marydel,
principal station on the Maryland and Dela
ware null rood, and 10 Mlle , trout Dover, the
capital of Delay.... The Improvements are a
DWELLING-HOUSE, New Barn, I iota! Stale
ling, se., IMPEACH and ApPLE THEE,s,
all In hearing, 'ln Acres iu Hood TIMHER.
Telco 02,1100.
No. 'L . , FORTY ACHES Farming Laud, stliol Eking the ahoy e,w it It
Hood DWh.LLIN (3, and out-buildings suffi
cient for the place, with vrnall Peach and Ap
ple Orchard. , Pr Ive
These properties being contiguous can he in
cluded In one tarnt. Titles indisputable.
Apply to JOHN cosTEN,'
wSI Dover, Delaware.
raster younty
I August Term, 1571.
No ;S.
C. E. Hostetter, et al. mL '
John 1 lostetier, et al. ' Purehase money of real
estate sold by t le•
tilled ft* under the order
of the Court.
The undersigned Auditor. mmointed by Ihe
Court to aseortain the several amounts com
ing to each °flit° part ies out of the purchase
money aforesaid, and make report of 010 ozone
to the Court for their informanou, hei eby
gives notice that he will attend for the pur•
pose of his appointment at the Library Room
In the Court blouse at Lancaster on Fitl DAY.
the 12th of .1 ANUARY. 1572, at 10 o'clock in the
forenoon, where and cotton all persons Into
ested May attend,.
Phi/fide/phi« Poultry Soricly'..
WM be Held at
From DECEMBER 22i1 nun! the 29th, IK7I
The most Itherul premill ma are ntiferwl, nod
this will be the driest exhibition of the kind
over haul In America.
Tun collections will comprise all the known
varieties of Domestic and Water Fowls; also
rigour., Song Birds, Cage Birds, with Rabbits
and small Pet Animals.
Far premium lists and further In formathin,
Corresponding Secretary,
w No. South Nth St., Philadelphia.
The COMM tt ter appointed under a rtwolution
tatssed by the,etors precut at the Teach
er,' Institute, on Thursday. November Ztd,
1571, Invite the Directors of lire City and l'ottn..
tv of Lancaster to meet in the Court 11011,11, ou
AN I 'ARY VOL lsrl, at le 0'c1...h.
In the forewarn, for the purpose of eonsolta-
Con and dlscusaion on all subleets calculated
to Improve the rand) COLL of the Schools.
A lull attendance la desirable. The follow
ing !nay be mentioned as probable mutters for
consideration—lD , doubt many Where ol im
portance may be suggested :
What provision...tumid be made for •upervl-
Rion of Schools?
How should Teachers' sere b•cs eall Mated,
and I heir ealary determined
How race uniformity of 'rest 1.01:8
W 1444 I 4 1444 4111111111 i/1• 111111i4., lbe
1:1•:11. W . NIFILIAVVEY,
E. O. ;11.OFF.
OKA). 01IN(i,J8 .
AT PUlthlt HALE.
No. 1. A Firmi_rn...l. - lurstimefirrn of
. .
in high state of cult vation, with title Improve-
Choice Fruit of all kinds, and beautiful
.)rnaniental and Shade Trees In yard.
Large 2-story DWELLINO, is •
rooms; Frame Tenant Houses large ffE i
Bank liars. Wagon Shed. and Corn
Cribs, 2 Wells, cistern, .tc.; on Lancaster and
Philadelphia Turnpike, 0,6 miles east of Lea
rnan-PlaceStatiou, and I mile went of Kinzer,.
Station on Pa. C.' K. K., and II tallest east eel
N0. , 2, A Good Limestone Farm of
adjoining the above on the east, and only
half-tulle from I: lacer's Station, on the l'a, C.
K. K., with a 2.Story DWELLING, Tenant
House, Stone walls standing In good order, of
a large Bank Barn, just burnt away, Well',
of Excellent Water Cistern. very productive
Orchard of Clink , Mit, etc.
Arrangements can easily Its made to supply
Running Water, with Hydrants In the ROM.'
and Barn, and wherever required.
These properties are located In one of the
richest and most fertile, and eligible neigh.
berlmods In the State, surrounded bymills,
stores, schools, and all the conveniences
of life, within sight of two prominent rall
road-stations, and also on a main turnpike,
and the peculiar Iny of the land, with Its varied
slopes, nearly all towards the south, make
them susceptible of being Improved Indefi
nitely, and of being converted Into two or
more of the most magnificent private reml
derteen and homes In the country. It will all
be mold together, or In several parts, to suit
Persons wishing to view the premises will
Please call on N. E. Slaymaker, Es 1., residing
n Williamstown, or on the undersigned.
e I,
at 1 o'clock, D. M.. at the public house of N
olas Danner, adjoining the premises.
Terms very easy. 'l'llEo. W. ITERR,
dil.tedfla w Lancaster, Pa.
F --
of the Buthicriber In Salisbury township.
on the 13th of November, a Bull, weight about
MU pounds, color red, with white between the
fore legs. The owner can have the same by
proving property and paying expenses.
de 6 3tw' ci B. St. MARPLE.
111 , 14111 , ..
'' .............................
..... 11.5 , , V01154
An Election for ()Inver% L., oAndliCt the at.
((Jarmo( tite "Farmers' Mutual insurance Com
pany," will be held at the Public House of
Jacob F. Frey, In the City of Lancaster, (Ex
change Hotel, on SATURDAY, the Dlth day
of DECEMBER, 1571, between the hours of fit
A. H , and 2P. M. Members of the Company
are respectfully Invited to attend.
By order of the Board of Directors.
de ti :11.w to JOHN STROHM, Secretary.
The undersigned beg leave to unarm the
Growers of Tobacco, In the county, that they
are again In the market for the putchae,', of
Leaf-Tobacco of all grades. ParOta ho.ding
large or small lots, and wishing to sell them
may ruldres, ELI.ER littOTlt ENS,
dlit4tw. Cadwell House, Lancaster, lia.
1.1. Chicago and the West by Rev. E. J. Uoo,l
speed, 1). D. of Chicago. The only complete
History of t hese great events. we Svo. pages:
50 Engravings prices 12.50; uutat, $l.OO. 70 05'
already sold. Profits go to sufferers. Agents
wanted. Address H.S. GOODSPEED & CO.,
37 Park Row. New York, or J. W. Goodspeed,
Chicago, St. Louis, or Cincinnat I. .113-3rato)
December 4, 1871.1
An Election for Thirteen Directors ofthis
Institution, to serve during the ensuing year,
will be held at the Banking House In tne City
of Lancaster, on TUESDAY, the 9th day of
JANUARY, 1872, between the hours of eleven
o'clock, A. ,L, and 2 o'clock, P. M.
do 13 3tw 50 W. I. PEIPER, Mahler.