Pltisrellaneous. Juan Prim Gen. Prim was born at Reus, Catalo nia, December 6, 1814. He entered the army at an early ago, and made his first campaign as an officer in the civil war which followed the accession of Isabel la 11. to the throne of Spain in 1833. He supported the cause of the Queen mother, Maria Christina, at that time Regent, and was in 1837 promoted to the rank of Colonel. When she fled from Spain he associated himself with the party of Progresistas in their oppo sition to the government of Espartero, and having been accused of complicity in the insurrection of Saragossa in 1842, he took refuge in France, where he as sisted the Queen-mother in her in trigues to bring about a restoration. In 1813, he was elected to the Cortes from Barcelona, and in May of the same year headed an insurrection- in his native city of Reus, from whence he was speed ily driven by one of Espartero's officers, and took refuge in Barcelona. The revolution of 1843 resulting in the overthrow of Espartero, placed the Queen-mother in power, and Prim was rewarded with the rank of General, the title of Count of Reus and the post of Governor of Madrid. This good fortune was, however, of short duration. Hav ing undertaken to suppress an insur rection in Barcelona, he employed his troops in such mariner as to ,keep Cata lonia in revolt for an entire yea‘ This rehdered him unpopular, and lie was • disgraced by the Queen, who was ad verse to him on account, of his liberal sentiments. In October of the same year he was tried for high treason and complicity in an attempt to assassinate Nurvaez. He vindicated himself suc cessfully from the latter accusation, but was found guilty of treason, and sen tenced tojsix years' imprisonment. In six months, however, he was released through the influence of his mother, and, for the nine years following, re mained aloof from public life. In 1833, on the outbreak of the Russo- Turkish war, he availed himself of it to regain his formernotoriety. Ile joined the Ottoman army, on the Danube, and rendered valuable service at t/ttenizta, and at the vigorous defense of Silistria. lie returned the following year toSpain, and published an aceount of his milita ry ex perienre in the East, together with au historical essay on the 'lMrldsli Em pire. l'ritn now returned hi pnliliral lift., an(l served in the Cartes mail the hos tilities against. Alorovito in 15.511 called him to the field. In this war he Wits at first in command of it division of re served troops, but subsequently per forined a brilliant part in various bat tles, and notably at Marabout. Ile received for his services the title of Mar quis of Castillejos, and was made ;ran (lee of Spate in January, 14111. Print's next important'ltet was to join, in 186'2, the French and li N .tiglish in Mex ico, at the head of a division of Spanish troops. I lowever, on discovering Na poleon's designs, he refused, on his own responsibility, to co-operate in the in vasion, re-embarked his troops at Vera ('rue, and transferred them to Cuba. - From thence he (laille to this country, visited the Army of the l'otwinte, and sailed front this city in July for Spain, where his conduct, in Mexico was ap proved by the l tovernment and l'ortes. Print was soon again involved in revo lutionary movements, and hisvard the eloim of 1567 t a il organized a ftirm idable conspiracy, li:tying its one of its objects th e onion of spoil quad Portugal, under the Portuguese K ing. Ile gave the sig nal for revolt on January :1, 18611, and \vas sustained by many regiments in :\ ingot] and Catalonitt. The Govern ment, on its part, took active incasures ag.iiiist the insurgents, and Prim, accom panied by about fifty offirers, wit It some hundred soldiers, was forced to sly into Portugal. I leaddressed front Lisbon an appeal to the Spaniards, and Was, ill eon collipelled to leave the rnun try. li' went to Loudon, lad. the fol lowing he returned to Spain to tal:e taut in another revolt. This movement proved abortive, :toll Print, \vitt' the principal leaders of the conspiracy, had to hastily re-midi:lrk. Fortune soon turned in favor or t h e veteran conspirator. 'lto' disrouteut walk Qiii rn isiopilics impriiiipia. in the revolution of September 17, Nis, and two days later I'riin and Serraitito were at Cadiz, ready W sus -lain the this memorable uprising followed in rapid succession ; the detection of the royal troops became general, and Serrano entered l\lattritl on the :Id or October, and \Vas received \\Mil enthusiasm. :knottier ovation awaited Print. On the th he entered the city escorted by dep utations from all parts, together with the troops, sailors and civic pops. Thc ,'rowdy iu the streets Were and it took upward of four hours for the procession to pass through the streets. lien. Prim made it speech front the but eotly of the office of the Ministry and laid stress main the illtilliate unity ex isting, hetWeell hint :mil Serranno, and urged the necessity of union and tran quility. Atthe conclusion of the speech, Gen. Prim embraved Serrano, exclaim ing:Maul : " Dmvii with litt Bourbons!" 'Ellis was received by all the people with applause. In the evening Alad rid was magnificenty illuminated. Immediately after the success of the revolution a Central .1 Mita Was elected, widek called upon :\ latish:Ll Serrano to organize a Ministry. Gen. Prim was made Minister of War, and was the leading charaeler in the negotiations for recognition abroad, and the arduous du ties attending the establishment ()I' or der at 1101110. Every Important occur relive in the political history or spoil sip.e the triumph or the revolution might be recited as part er (:en. career. His authority cvas virtually ab solute ill all the i int tort:tut allitirs devolved upon the new toverninent. - Itevolts tool:place in December, in 1511 S, in Cadiz and Nlalitga, and were speedily suppressed by' the ( ;over - anent. troops. On the Isllt of that polio, sport elected members of the I ttrtes by universal slir !rage, :101l soon all claimants to the Spanish crown srere earnestly assuring the Spaniards of tlieir readiness to ac cept it. The revolt ill ('llla, Which im mediately followed the triumph or the revolution at home, proved also a source of eitiltarrassinent to the :klinister or \vo- alio his :tssiii•iioes. Tho restoration of order at 110111 e, how ever, procceilett:stiocessitilly,aliii on Feb ruary 17, Istlll, the Coll:dint:oil l 'ortes assembled It :ulopted the Constitution 'loss• in riiree, acv \Odell Print's earnest actinic:teems., nil hereditary lintliarelly \vas declare:l tit be the permanent torn government. This was foll(nved by It, publican demonstrations, and a. plot tor ,it. assassination of Prim and Sett raMt. The suppression of the domestic dist Orb:times and negotiations for a King occupied the Council of Ministers the greater part of 1:-i611. In September, Gen. Prim had :tit interview with Napoleon 111. Tip (•lai ins of various candidates Mr the throne continued to bedhe lead ing subject id interest at the continence ilielit or the past year. I ten. Paint, \rho way regarded as dictator in the matter, at length gave' encouragement to the candidature of Prinee Leopold of ]lo- In I.zolletin. 'lids step, which preeipi ttoed the present war in Europe, failed by the withdrawal of the l'rince, and Spain liceame tranquil and passive iu ii:esellee or the remarkable events occurring around her. I'rini motioned to display great entirgy in sending re enforcements to the artily ill (Alba, and Steadily opposed all propositionS inVolV ing the surrender or that island. Ile recently succeeded in securing the at:- eeptance by the Duke of Aosto or the crown of Spain, and procured the ap proval or the Cortes for that measure.— I'llere were indications that he was about to retire to private life on the ac cession of the Icing. l/n 'llitirsiltty last, however, the good fortune which at tended hint through so litany dangers failed him. NVliile proceeding from the Cortes to his residence sortie individuals in the Celle Ateitta tired into his carriage, wounding both the General and his Ad jutant. Seven of the eight balls imbed ded in his shoulder were extracted, and he suffered the loss of two lingers. But Ids nervous system proved unequal to the shock, and his death speedily en sued. A writer in The Atlantic Monthly for January gives the following account of Ucu. Prim's participation in the great debate of the Pith of March, which re sulted in the complete victory of the Government against a coalition of the entire opposition. (ten. Prim is thus described : The Ministerial Bench is so full to night that you cannot see the blue vel vet. At its head sits a slight, dark man, with a grave, thin-whiskered face and serious black clothes, looking, as an ob serving friend of mine once said, "like a pious and sympathizing undertaker."— Me holds in his dark-gloved hands a lit tle black-and-silver cane with which he thoughtfully taps his neat and glossy boot. The whole manner and air of the man is sober and clerical. Bien fol cot qai u'y Jic. This is the President of the Council, Minister of the War, Captain General of the Armies of Spain, the Count of Reus, the Marquis of Castilie- Jos, Don Juan Prim, in short. A sol dier, conspirator, dlpromatist, and born ruler; a Cromwlßl without convictions; a dictator who hides his power; a War wick who inure Kings better than he makes them. * * * It was now after 1 o'clock. Every one wanted to hear Prim, and vote. THE LANCASTER WEEKLY . INTELLIG-ENCER, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1871. The Marvuis of Perales, Vice-Presi dent, paid, as ElLlvela took his seat : " The President of the Council of Min isters has the word." Prim slowly rose, holding his eye-glasses in his gloved hands. His face was as colorless and impassive as that of a mummy. There was a rustle of movement as the house, now wide awake, bent forward to catch his first words. They were full of sol dierly bluntness : "I am not going to discuss this law. I know nothing about these matters, and never talk about things Ido not understand. I have full confidence in the Minister of Hacienda, and so believe this law is a good one.— This opinion is shared by my compan ions in the Government.' Nothing could be more simple and frank than these words ; yet they were deeply pondered and perfectly fitted to the occasion. No art could have im proved them. They at once enlisted the sympathy of his followers, and set an example of party discipline. He continued, expressing his inability to understand the cause of this attack from the Union Liberal : " I can understand the opposition of Mr. Tutan ; the Re publicans desire the fall of the present government and that of Mr. Muzquiz also, for the Carlists wish the disap pearance of this Cabinet and this Cham ber ; for the same reason I was not sur prised at the assault of Mr. Comoros." Here his voice and manner, which had been as mild as an under taker's suddenly changed, and he said with great dignity and solemnity, turning to the Unionist fraction, "liut I cannot understand—l declare it with the sincerity of an honest man—the at titude of the gentlemen of the Union Liberal, because, though my distin guished friend, Mr. Silvela, has clothed his opposition with beautiful and ele gant !onus, still, opposition, and of the rudest, it is, which his Lordship makes, not only to Mr. Figuerola, but to the whole (Mvernment." H,e continued for sonic time, showing the disorganizing and disastrous results that would follow thesuccessof the Unionist attack, declar ing that the Cabinet would immediately resign in a body. He recounted the ef forts he had made to prevent the nip lure; and his voice and utterance had something almost pathetic as he narra ted his fruitless endeavors to find sonic ground of agreement. BM as he closed a sort of transformation came over him. lie seemed logrowseveral inches taller. Ile stood straight as a column, and his voice rang out like a trumpet over the hall: "'They present us the battle.— There remains no more for me to say U l an, Rwficat.i' thji•nrl 11011155 ler ! L , l Noss who tor, utr , _0,11,w I nc." What tremendous power there lies in the speech of a Mall Of action ! If any deputy but Print had said these words, how coldly they would have fallen ! But from tutu they were so many flushes of lightning. The House was ablaze in a second. The It:afield"' rose, cheering frantically. It was a Cattle-field speech halt Its deeply calculated effeet.— The phalanx was fiewil into one now. 4:0%. Iloirmon oil National Finances We clip the hollowing extract from the able Message or Governer I the New York Legislature: The administration of the Federal finan ces exhibits mo improvement. 'faxes are still levied to an amount greatly in excess of the, needs of the I lovernment, and the excess is applied to the payment, ill ad vance, or G,,verninent bonds which we tiro not obliged to pay for litany years to come. Part of these taxes are levied through the custom-houses, to the extent of ;))200,1101, 000 a year, payable in cuiu , although the quantity of gold required by the tiovern nicht to meet the annual interest on the public, debt is less than t , ,111.t11,0011,000. The surplus 4,r much of it, is, from time to time, sold in \Vail street, Mr the purpose Its is claimed) of keeping down the pre mium on gold, %Olen, considering the wag- Muffle nj the Federal revenues, there ought. not, to be, and, if the Federal iiIIaIICUS were wisely managed, there would not be, tiny premium. Notwithstanding the reduction of the premium MI gold in the past year, it is admitted on all hands, by the I /event mem officers Its well us by others, that, we have made no real progress toward specie payments. Nur have we any guaranty that the premium on gold will not rise again we can have none except in the tovernment growing stronger in theartual means of redeeming its circulating paper, The Federal Treasury has had in circula tion for 'natty years, promissory IlMeSnlit, nnell, payable on demand, to the aumuntof s.lllo,nott,ooo. 'Finest, !notes, ininde a lawful tender for debts, constitute lute tile money habitually used by banlis and the people inn all transuctlons. These promises the Treas ury does not redeem; and this non-re dempti,M, and nothing else, IllnkeS tho j,1,0111.,11111MM11 Clf things, \Ouch is kilo, in as anuspensiou of specie payments. If the Federal Treasury %Vert' redeellling its uolrs in ruin, the antes Would he worth as much as gold ; in other xvords, the money now used by hanks :eel the people would then he the saute as gold ; and such a condition of things in 011 M Le, of itself, without any further arrangements, a full ;11111 complete return to specie payments. All that is Ile vemsary to establish such :n camdition is that the Federal Treasury make itself ready to redeem its own notes, and nothing will he required to maintain that same sound con dition but that the Federal Treasury shall enlltillllo M redeem the notes. Thu banks urn MA responsible for the present sitspen- Si 1,11; they have no duties in respect to it; they are helpless to pint an end to it ; they pay their mill debts new in the lawful money M . Litt. vountry ; that lawful money consists Or I 4,0,11110 M notes, Which the lovernment ;done Van Make worth a, 11111011 as specie. once done, ban la and people, while continuing to pay their debts in this saute kind of money, would hr denting., iu all tran,lentnlS, On the specie basis. 'There would br no ehock to IptlsilleSS in It transition so elh•cled, Nsi contraction 4/f the currency, and consequently no strin gency in tin, snowy market need precede it. No demand ha. the actual possession 55: . ruin, aiming the people, weed follow it; for, manifesting, us they do now t great con fidence in the legal-tender ti en, they would have• still more faith in them when it {Vita e,tithiiShed that the'notes command ruin at the treasury on demand ; and they would, for theconvenionce, prefer the notes to gold itself. Anything that the Govern ment Sindl do in order to promote a return to specie payments, except this one thing, the making of its own notes worth as much as gold, will he not miry needless but mis chievous. No nssw regulations ref the banks are necessary to this end ; and need less regulations always do harm. •I'hr banks pant their debts in legal-tender notes year before last, when the• sites were worth 77i cents to theslsillar in gold; they havecom United to pay, during the• past year. in the Mallet notes when worth tiocents; they will, with the wuue ease, pay in legal-tender mit., they being ritually abundant, when they are worth MO cents; a n d that will lie paying specie. . . The Treasury might easily have nit itself in a eondition to pay its legal-tender notes on demand, lung before this. From April Ist, ISIS, titan. close of the war) down to the let of .t lily, 1570, the Federal Treasury has received through its custom-houses, an aggregate 01z.:921,1100MM in gold coin. If it had laid asideonly $1 in li Veot thane receipts for the purpose of redeeming its legal -ten der !Val's, it would halal now in its vaults $1,41,000,000 of coin absolutely belonging to itself, exclusive of what is retained from time to tinin , , to meet accruing interest, and exclusive also of private deposits. The whole amount of legal tender notes outstanding (including fractional currency and making no allowance for what is lost, is .53)u5,000,000. The fund on hand for the redemption of notes, would he now, if $1 in $5 I mil bean saved, nearly one-hull' of the amount Minims in, ei rculation —a proportion much larger than a private bank in good credit liuels it necessary to keep on hand to meet its circulation. The superior credit of the Federal Treasury would, of course,- maintain its notes at. par with gold on much less reserve of coin than would be. required by an private banking incorpora tion. I cannot doubt that the t:overnment notes would rise tin par with gold and be kept there, frith a rand of coin, devoted to their redemption, noLexceeding,one-fourth the amount of notes outstanding. Under this policy we would have re sumed specie payments, naturally :tod easy, more than two years ago; and it could have been pursued without inconve niene. to the Treasury. For, ever since the War, both the aggregate surplus rev enue of the Government. and its surplus of gold revenue have been so great that it could have well afforded to put aside $5 of its coin receipts. IL could have been pursued without inconvenience to private business; for Air mines wore producing more gold than the Treasury would have laid aside. The only commercial effect of the proposed process would have been to make certain, the retention in the country of so much coin that might otherwise go abroad; and that result all men agreed is a proper and valuable means to convenient and permanent resumption. Under this policy the Government could now resume specie payments in less than a year's time. The Treasury had, on the Ist of December last, 840,000,0110 of coin of its own on hand. .1.1.4 gold income is now near ly $200,000,000 a year, of which less than 3121.1,00e,0011 is required to pay interest. If the Treasury would simply reverse its pol icy of selling gold, less than a year would give it a fund of $100,000,000 of coin against its circulating notes. The continuance of large sales of gold during the past season, when commercial causes have been oper ating powerfully to keep down the premi um, was especially unnecessary and waste ful. The Treasury may save either the whole of its surplus gold income, or one half of it, or one-quarter. The result would be equally certain in any of these cases; it would simply be postponed in proportion us the process of saving was made rapid or slow, There would be no longer any speculation in gold after it was known that the treasury had adopted a policy leading, inevitably, to an early resumption. do one would buy, except for immediate use, an article which was sure soon to be worth no pre mium. if, however, it be deemed wise that the treasury hold part of its surplus gold revenue for the purpose of checking, by the sale of it at times, possible specula tion, let it do so, but let it retain another portion absolutely and sacredly for the great purpose of resumption. TILE GOVEItN3IENT POLICY LACILS COMMON Our path:to the restoration of a sound cur rency is, in my judgment, so simple, plain, and direct, that I cannot help regarding the financial course of the Federal Government aslackingthe common sense which is every day applied by men to private business. No private debtor would be regarded as wise (scarcely honest) who, having in circulation a large amountof notes payable on demand, and having at the same time an income in gold far in excess of any other demands on him, should neglectto apply his surplus in come to the purpose of redeeming his notes. IL would not be received as an excuse that he preferred to pay in advance certain obli gations not maturing for many years. It is obvious that specie payments are not to be restored as long as the legal-ten der notes are in existence, except by mak ing these notes and gold equal in current value. This can only he done by making the proportion of coin in the Treasury to its outstanding notes such that the Treasu ry may safely undertake to redeem the notes on demand. Sueh proportion may be established either by contracting the quantity of the notes iii circulation or by increasing the quantity of coin in the Treasury. Contraction in the quantity of the notes was tried by Secretary McCul loch, but the process was so distressing to the business of the country that, after a few months, lie was compelled by public outcry to abandon it. Contraction of this legal-tender money, however gradual, will be found, if tried again, to be a painful remedy. As the notes become scarcer and scarcer, debtors will find it less and less easy to procure the wanes they need.— liankswill find it less easy to keep on hand a proper reserve, and will be compelled to press their debtors. The confidence of creditors in their debtors, Mel tiding the con fidenee of depositors in the kinks, will be continually growing less with the growing scarcity of money. Capital will withdraw itself inure and more from active enter prises; and labor eonsequently, will Mel employment with constantly increasing difficulty. 'chat these would he the results of a persistent f•ontraction is proved by ex perience in instaneos where combinations of speculators have succeeded in locking up temporarily a small quantity of the legal-tender notes. Is it not obvious that it would be wise (4,111,111 y the Federal get bark, a. noun xs possible, to paying its debts ill ? F..r thou, with its credit perfected, the negotianolis of loans at very low rates of istereA, which it is anxious to etheet, wo u ld Lr practicably. Is it not equally obvious that a return to specie pay ments, if brought about by a wke method, would result in great good to the people? For the industry Ole try, once rid of the embarrassment and lack of confidence arising from the use of H. I•Ur reliey of shifting value, would take at fresh start on it career of active, stable and well assured prosperity. We must smiler or f later, return to the use of gull and silver; until wo do, wo shall cootie uy to bn sub ject to and ilis,,tiraging tluctua , Lions in values, of which WO may ma yet have seen the worst. The people naturally shrink from the harsh remedy of contraction. They look upon it as one which threatens, perhaps, greater evils than those which they now sutler. It is linjusti Mild, to msurt to it, when another method will :es...oldish We result. I=3 M=a2=lM=Mll2 Mi.:311111s, .Jan, 3.—The accident on the Nlississippi and TennAso(' Railroad this morning Nits more terribly than at iirst re ported. .\s the train sva, an iron bridge on N“licollall li”tt,,lll, live Miles smith of here, Oh axle of the 1,a:4 - gage-ear bra ito, unita seeote I -class I lger ear Ivas (lashed) over all took iire,:tnd was burned. Peter ICeliv , thi• ,unlitetor, %vas standing Icy a 4-.1.44VV, :1.1141 NV:L.4 severely burned, but managed to extricate ilim.o.ll, got out ,pla ui SLIVO the pony Nvith %vhich the ear was tilled, lout such was the rapidity of the !lames that nearly all the injured were burned to death. •I'he next passenger ear Iran dashed through the hridge and hierally ❑utnheil, thougl, fell of wore severely injured. A !Limber nt ,urgeel, .1,1 other, repair etl Ir, t. :he oily to the ,relic, ev eryth pos,ible to reheve the stitlerers, inoNt c, t‘ lean were laaaka,lit here to the NII act•tlrale 1,1.11 can lie given of the number lo,t. Sallie .\tr.ea, Mary lw llorter, ated four eol,red per,on,arclatally injured. A vi ath named Iktvi,, Irt,m I lair lathe, and Wlote, orimill, agent, wereseri,a,ly hi:rt. Three oolered per,otts were hurt. Peter I: it Lc, emalor tor ; (', Chilmalma, Felix I /enly, of Hort' Lake, :\ Mrhite, andChar', wire taken out 1/l Ihu Ll/ ruing r:v hr Ha' 1,111411/1.t.11., il/111 eseaped Intraire4 I. death; but little L,gc•m ente_rtaitled of their re, overy. At a rt•cetii thk• ma, put In a I•1;1 , - " \\*lly i , yta• wli,a) a lo•i•zht linh• k•lh's• put tip his hand. •' 1)4, : Vcr rnmit lanw-1,i!,, thrwiL;•ll uniphant rvply. A I Ulan, :It her huffily, Nil. 2110 East Fayette street, lialtiiuull after haVilig inereilihle huge of 1:).1 years, the ilei•ascil haVing !wen horn at Norfolk, Va., on the :all of May, 1749. lii Contirwalion ..I the fact of her great age, it is:ate-4,1 by Elie reeved kart: of the olwroli iu Norroll:, she Was baptized during Ihe year :Wove 1111111(2d. The INTELI,IttEN('EIi 'wing the only nt•tt'S paper Of Its pelltleal party In Lancaster, nod tteth Daily end Weekl.) - having very large elr oulatlens al! , rtltt: en um•xeclled medium for 11AGERI advertl.,m•nt,. f1 407.111.1.Y liool It t•jl,l S11.1:11 , 1t• , 11 lit. s„111 N. =II I= EXTIt .1 Q. I" A I. I T uI.A I I. I: S =NIPENI CASIINIEItE STYLES 1. , Ht. \ ITER, I=l =ll CHOICE FURS, Volt f,A1)11.:,.\N1111111.111:1..N N sq.111:13.111„ AT(UtE.\TLY 121.:1)1:(1.:1) t,„_, i „, FINCY CIIRI GLISSIIIRE, 8113111=1 I=ll J. 11. CASSELBERRY l'O MAMMOTH BEE HIVE DRY GOODS 10USE, ..vo. 920-chem. to al rrrl G Running Dry Goods for the ONE PRICE . \ N 1) N) E,; 1:IV.). 'A Silk Shiny's, Cloths, Dress (tool's, Hosier), ttloit s. St Brioche and , ;11:tWIS, Sip' Up to 52di, Striped and Plaid Shawls„' up to Dress Fabrics, 12i_ cents to All-wool French Satinet, cloth color,, scc to 51. 1 case cloth colors Mt , hinr Poplins, cent, Black Silks, 51 up co Colored Silks, superior qualities.' Black Silk Velvets, titi 50 to $l5. Velveteens, it2i cents to Water Proof Cloths, 5715, ecills to 52. Black Beaver Cloths, $1 75 to ;ii rte. White Heavy ()pent Cloths. White Velvet Conk, SI to White Caraculius, 5,12 to $lO. Black Astrachans, 55 10 Shi. Black Dog Skins, tray Plaid Cloth, Fine Black, White, little ,ttni Scarlet Cloths, 52 to Sit. Hosiery of every desert pi ion; Ladies . Under wear, Ladies' made-up Underwear, consisting, of jacket s, Iris, Chemises, N gist Dresses, tte. Gents' Merino Under-wear. KID GLOVES. Ell) GLOVES. Best ;i1 Kid Gloves sold In this market' Im mense stock :or Fine KM d other makes, at old prire4 ; no,ne vanee. Large line real Valenciennes Collars, Hdkfm., Sc. cloth Gloves, every description. Poplin Suits, Cloth Water Proof Salts, Ac., in cloak room, ready for wear. Large line newest designs Black Beaver Macques. Examine this Mammoth .Stock before pur chasing. J. B. CASSE LBEKRY S CO., if2t) Chestnut street, dll-1tw.50 Philadelphia. f $lOO, a week-1J a per cent, AGENTS and 825,IXpin =MI Prizes. Information tree. Ad. MALE & FEMALE drees American Book Co (111-Iwl V William K.. N. Y. - IC OUR PROSPECTUS 1871. PROSPECTUS THE INTELLIGENGER Ttik paper, established in 1701, has always maintained the position of A LEADING DEMOCRATIC JOCR7iAL In the beginning it contended vigorously against the attempted encroachments of Ex ecutive authority and a tendency to the cen tralization of power In the hands of the Fed eral Government. It has done battle for three-quarters of a century against political heresies, and in favor of the great fundamen tal principles of the Democratic Party. THE DAILY INTELLIGENCER Was established In 1561, and It Is now one of the best known and most popular Daily news papers In the State. It has a large circulation In Lancaster City and the adjoining towns and villages. It furnishes all the general and local news of the day, In an attractive form, and proper editorial comments upon political and other topics of Interest. PRICE OF DULY, $5 A MR Wll,lllOlO belly NV, 44 incren,ed tt faellie, w vrt• acqulrt, b r Impruvlog tne WEEhLI ITELLIGENCEII, and it is 110 W unsnrpassed 111 In the variety and interest of its tiOlit.tilitS by ttny paper published in l'ennsylvanla. Grout c.a.,. Is:talcen to 111011 1. It A FIItST-C1,1! 4 N FAMILY JuURNAI The matter for the WEEKLY INTELLI GENCER is selected tclt h pecial reference to the Want,: of country readers, and ouch Issue Is complete in Itself, and it compENDIL - mor"niEwEEKsNEws Not only It all the latest news by Mall and Telegraph from ull parts.of the World furnish ed yip to the hour of going to /press, bat each number contains a large and:varied selec tion of CHOICE LITERARY AIATTER and earl,' miscellaneous reading to suit Oa tastes of all classes. The wants of the Agricultural community are studied, and a Vast nnuwnt or useful infor mation is given in Its •(7ItI('I'LTCItAL COLUMNS Nil line who sails or buys vllll 11M,11 to do without otorrocl toot ItEpourrs Th, INTELLIGENCER gives prlrr• ut the lalr•st date of all whieli Its reader, are Interested. It is J S '1"1' F PAPER YOU NEED Subscribe for It If pal have not already done so, anti urge upon your neighbor to do the TE R .11S--ti''.! rt Yell r in Adennce A.GI.:NTs Nl'. NTE I> ht or(lcr: that the INTELLIGENCER fly Lc put in thu hands «1 all who want to rtiad Literary anti Agricultural Wt• 11111111 Se to enlploy a numb, of persons to C.:1.111,1, fur subscript iOl.. All op portunity will he givcti itt make nioncy rust 1p alld rapidly.ny I,11.• th,l ring nia(qll.B Agent. will w (Ith 1, - ft - 1,111,S) t ile 11. G. SMITH (0.. itc«ster. Prr Advertise in the lutdhencer If von have 'teal Estate to sell, advertise It in the IN'FFILI,IGENtEIt, the favorite medium of real estate advertisers. If you have Personal Property to sell, adver tise It In the sTELLiu ENcER. unit your vendues wlll he Ihrotugeil from all quarters. Ifyou have anything of any hind to sell ad vertise It in the INTEI,I.ItiENUER and you will speedily sell It If it is worth anything. If you want anythlng advertise It If., the IN TELLIG ENcER, and If you don't get It IL will be 'weans° It Is not to he had. lf you want to elnploy, or he enipl,iyol. say so in the INTEI.I.IIIENCER, aunt y ou r CIEl' IyAIR .108 \Vi►RK INTELLIGENCER OFFICE The I NTELI .I..ENVE R liner printing than any office in the County of Lancaster and cannot he exeolled In the State. Its Job (Mice Is widely velehrated for the beautiful WIIII•h it turns out, snif fle its rhe•rrpnrs, No extra charge Is sonic for the elegance of Its printing, but grand work Is done at no greater prices then other barge for inferior work. ❑et your Envelopes, 13111 Heads, Letter Heads, Invitations, Tiel,te,Sttle 11111 H, Notices l'osters, INelgers, Programmes, suit Cards printed ut the INTELLICiENCEIL (*TICE.- Printed Envelopes $2.00 Per Thousand prig c kill Iry paid ,h•llvery. Apply to %Valor ,1r.•,•1.4. Jl4i u- Lancaster, Pa. DTI(' E.---M T WIFE. MATILDA left lay bed and board without any just eause or etanplamt, I I hereto, notify thee pahlie not to trust her on .y avemmt, 118 I will not lie rfspo.lhle fir ally lilt she may r. trait. vii i.welcome to return to ray house, In Mart h. t ea. She lilt me will, oal lily 4,11,vi1t. Jl-'2INVI• I).V ID SEI M=MUMII Book for the want It ! Yam milt.thbor want , it ! ought to ha,. it. It itontiiiti. several rare and and 111111'11 other Information, making It a regular (biome Cianiuttlion, and Hand-lima: of lti•Mrtitivii. About tilt/ ellioely Ii imed Sent liy mall, free of Ili ~..taFrl tor 5.0 t.. I'. Ir. PHELPS. 0, to. Box WA) .it Broadway, N. Y. ( e ) n r a ttillowtng tent or Stork takrzt 810,- 0,1111: Vaciliate cif Sic cc): in Farnirrs' National ICa n k of Lallt•a•It•I•, 166, dated August. 26, csirc". nor Is ',hart-, iikah• ,pr ,00.1: of itt•adir, , ,. a ridl cla 1211,1 tlat,l, Auguht li, Ical tar IU r' rIrII•:rlr of Stock of }tailing and l'olurnhla liallruad, Nu. 1.7.5, datod January 9, 1,414,t, for 4 .liar,.. Notie e is hereby given that appliott lon for the re-i,ding of said stock will he nhele, NATII AN WORLEY, j I-It wl 3tlanhelat Borough. IMiMEI CHI T E C T, .342 WALNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA PLANS, DESIGNS, PERSPECTIVE VIEWS. SPECIFICATIONS AND WORK ING DRAWINGS. For Cottages, Farm Houses, Villas, Court Houses, Halls, Churelies.chool Houses. FRENCH ROOFS. - nyw m 2-9 N, EX- V "(rrai:tr „`r(e'Lw . " - „;rsa,ltkeTeA„`„llito'llt. They are prepared from the fruits and will be found notch better than many of the Extracts that nre sold. Clis — .13k you Grocer or Druggist lor Willberger's Extract, Barlow's Indigo Blue Is, without doubt, the beat argil* in the markets,.for blueing clothes. It will color more water than four limes the same weight of Indigo, and much more than any other blue in the market. The only genu ine Is that put up at Alfred Wlltherger's Drug Store, No. 233 North Second Street, Philadel phia. The Labels hare both Wiltberger's and Barlow's name on them, all others are counter. fed. For sale by most Grocers and Druggists. Wiltberger's Indelible Ink will be found or trial to be a superior article. Always on hand fot sale at reasonable prices. Pure Ground Spices, Genuine Medicines, Chamois Skims, Sponges Tapioca, Pearl, Sago, and all articles In this drug line, at Alfred Wiltberger's Drug Store No. 213 North Second street, Philadelphia. m25-lyw2l BAILY, T II 0 lIAN W IMPORTER OF WATCHES, No. 6= Market Street, Philadelphia, Would respectfully call attention to his new and carefully selected stock of WATCHES, JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, &c. tllir-Repalring promptly attended to and neatly done. LEGAL NOTICES NOTHE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT application will be made to the next Leg islature of Pennsylvania for the incorporation of a Savings Bank, with discounting, deposit ing, and safe trust privileges, under the name of " The Columbia Dime Savings Bank," and to be located in Columbia, in the County of Lancaster, with a Capital of Twe nt y-live Thou sand Dollars, with the privilege of increasing it to One Hundred Thousand Dollars.' CoLt•mnia. June 1870. je..-6rnw 1871. ESTATE OF HENRY CRAWFORD, lute of Drumore Township, deceased.— Letters testamentary on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted thereto are requested to matte imme diate settlement, and those having claims or demands against, the same will present them without delay for settlement to the under signed, residing in Fulton township. JOHN W. SWIFT, Executor, JF_SSEIANms, Esq., Attorney. de, titw 49 ETATE OF A MELIA MORROW, DECD. Letters testamentary on the estate of Amelia Morrow, late of Earl twp.. deed, hav ing been granted to the undersigned. residing at Vogansville, said township. Notice is here by given to all persons having claims against the name to present them for settlement, and those indebted are requested to make payment without delay. C. S. HOFFMAN, Executor. ASSIGNEEW NOTICE.---ABRAHAM. Kreiter and wife, of Warwick Township Lancaster County, having by deed of voluntary assignment of December iro, assigned and transferred all the estnfe and Etreets of said Abraham Kreiter to the undersigned for the benent of the creditors of the said Abraham Kreiter. Notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said Assignor, to make immediate payment to the undersigned without delay and these having claims to present them to JOHN It ERB, Asignee. Residing In Litiz, o• SIMON I'. EBY, Attorney. (17-6 t w Lancaster, Pa, N THE COEUT COMMON PLEAS OF I Lancaster County. J. Frederick Thumni ) Venditioni Exponas. Ni. 12. Jacob Miller. 1 November Tertn,74l. 'the undersigned Auditors, appointed to dis tribute the fund arising front J Ile sale of de fendant's real estate, hereby give notice to all parties interested, that they will meet for the purpose of their appointment at the Court House, in Lancaster, on SATURDAY, the 31st day of DEC EMBER, 1,711, at 10 A. 31., when and where they are requested to at tend. EM LEN FRANKLIN, NORTH, ipsTATE OF YIARGARET FREY,IOY L'i ER, late of East rocaliiiii township. dee'il. Letters of administration de lamis non on said estate having been Vralltell to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to ;nal, Immediate payment, and those having elaine+ or demands against the same Will pre sent them fur settlement to the undersigned, resitline in soil IOWI.IIII, dl Litt C I'R["~ REA M. M=MZ=l LisTATE (F wiLwn SCIINADER. EA late it East Earl township, deceased. Let ters testamentary an said estate having been gr:olted to the toulersignell, all persons in debted thereto. are requestrd Ili matte Wale solthqriont, am! those haring claims or tlettituols against the same, heln Willtout del'-lc for settlement to the under slgta•d. St' HNADER, Residing In Itreektua•lt Townshlp, ISAAC 11. WINTERS, Rehidiaa . lu EaSt Earl Ttortplup. de I I littv. Executors. IRDM OF THE TA X- Ithle Inhabitants of the Borough of \Vasil, Ington having, on the 2d of November, Is'7ll, presented to the l • uurt of Quarter Sessions of lituu•aster county, praying to al , er the charter of said Borough by suhjecting all real estate In the said Borough to taxation fur Borough pur poses, the Court referred The petition to the Grand Jury, Willi errs died that they believed It expedient to grant flue prayer of the petition ers; whereupon, the said Court dires tell this not ice to be given, that applicat loft will he made to the said Court on the third )liinilay In January next, 1571, n, cantina the judgment ti the Grand .litry. • ' NI.‘II.TIN M. CII2IIIEII. w - o: C. Q. S. c. A I'COUNTS OF TRUST ESTATES. The nreouillq lit the hillowlng titles will be priiiiiittle.l for confirm:Ohm oil MIA:CI/AV, JAN C.A.I-I.l' 16, 1,71:. tillt•nles AN , lgnl.l.l ENtatts, J9lin 1111,I.otter, :\ Estalt., C. 1.;11, A,siglll.e. Nancy L1111.11,.."Fru , t Satlit,•l Wolf. Faizab~•lh Pry rat nno'. Tri,t Estnlr, It“lwrt Wardell, Ltillinticc. . W. n. STA I'FFER. 121-IINWA 1 . 1,1111111.. tars I'it,lll.,NiCrAltl'S I )1 1.711. • II.•;uptIc1,1 Ellis., I,atmo.l, c,andy. Eta 111~, Jr.. Ea , t wp., Imvina lIY .1,4,1 „ 1 1151LBIlary a.sig111111•III, 11:11,1 ()(10h1•1 . :list, INTO, :1 , s114111 , 1:111ti Inmsr,rl . l,l sill 111 , it 1,- Bilt• awl t•ll..ct, t,l I un.1er511411,..1. I's, 11.• hot, ,tlt 11, it , ,rh Ow , aI.I .1111111, , It, illy, Sr., lit, Itrilly L 21.1 Jalll., lit'illy. Jr., t 11,y Ilwreripre Ij%l , nta ice to all per,,, indt•lit,l • u.slizttlFrs,l , , mak , pay rut•tit l.ltll, unll,r -• Witlllllll ,11•1:1y, 1111.1 1 111, , 11111 i 1101.1aBlis tws•N , III 1 heist 111 BENJA MIN SN.‘VELY, \I. It Alil!1t131si1, ht,v.t. lilt I.nnt•ztst,, city FOR SALE OE RENI VTA Ll'A BLE .1N I) EXTENSI VI LI VERY V STABLE AT PRIVATE SALE.-1 he un dersign...l being engagisllll other liminess of fers iLt private sale their large :Ind ~alnahlr Livery Establishment in the rear of the - City Hotel - North Queen ,tree[. I,ancasicr, Terms easy. imther particulars apply to John Murphy, Harrisuurg Car Works Harris burg. Pa. cl5-Ittl,tw MURPHY A KIRBY. )111S'I' 11F:14 I It.A ..1.11,1 IN \VESTEIiN NI.IICYL.INI) S.\ LE.— tualt,l Iti•ricl: l i h.• Bain tit", and ”110 it. It., •ixty 1;al -0,,IL 12.1 MITES ofl:uel: improved by two dwelling , . one brick. with I.ollllld eight osans, [l7lll cellar rth.• around , : are beautinett with vholve trrvs shrubbery, ), the other a handsonlo frame rottaae, situated In the Orchard, con taining' Forty AVres of c ho ice appleS.lll :ma enelose.l by all Sage oramo, hedge. The barmaid other out-buildings are ample and In ,/ssl repair. Land Is of the hest qua lily of !One stone. Fenolutt ats o il, withrunning water in every Held. Lltne kiln. and Inex haustible quarrlvs of the purest„ .Fe. The h,rh, I. ,•111,4,1 entire, or will Is , di to snit porellaser, For full desrriptlou , price, tennis, se., addr.• , s or apply to A. DELAsmirrr, VA Ll' 11.1. E A R F n „A. IN 1.1171.1.: BILITAIN T.. . . MIIIIZZEMB The UTlder . ..iV:lleit Offers his Fal"111, sit ilat,il I t tic township,aitl at privatt . , I'ONTAININII 1113 ArltEs, ntor....r less, ndj oiniitg lands..rNalliart David t'llrlsly,ll,llll lilbscot and loiters, tzp...l ererteti it INVO-story ltivellimr, house, n fine Hank tiara, tilslal feel, , hut ereete11.r....f...1 with slate, %rift Graneries and l torn i'ril., till complete. 'ft,. Apple lir...hank find oilier trait on the prerni,,, and all the neres,ary water, from which every tiel.t van he 3v:tiered. SI lull.,fit the ithove tract Is araltle, anti the balance is covered tvith heavy tint's,. Km,- pally triiite oak. The lam! is Inn 11.01 slate of v 11111,111,1, nailer ;40.1 fence, convenient to churches, tallis, tin sttrita.tst.ll tor productiveness, quality of land as the I..tritship prOtilll . l . , divided tide 1`1 , 11,•11i , 111, 11..1.15. To any 114 . ,1111 to ishi to 0 , Invest in real estate, a chant, Is hero presented rarely to pe met it ill.. Persims wishing It. Vit'iv the premise. , trill please call upon David Christy, atijoinin i the properly, by the saint• trill ho shoivit ur upon the subseriller .ti M 1 . 1 •1 1.1)1i1 , I irt/Ve, DAVID I.:V.\ NS. 131:131.1C S 1.E.----ON WEI/NI:Cl/AY, J_ 1.571.iu pilt , diattis• an (inter of the Court of 0,111111,11 fleas, of Lan caster Colony, the undersigned I ',mottle, of Samuel Eshleman, 111 Inn:die, will Mr, at sale, ill the piddle house of T. .51. Itru halter, In the borough of Slount Joy, In said county, the following real estate No. • I. Two Lots of (iron.' fronting on the north side of the Lancaster Turtimite, known as West Main street, In said 800 ;ant 11, adjoin ing land of It. M. ("relit, 110 the NVCSI, 111111 la public alley on the east kttil north: salt Iwo lots together being U 1 feet In front :mil extend ing of that (stilt 11 1511 feet, Inure or loss, north ward to aforesaid alley, on NVllivtl are erected doubt.. two•stiorleil FRAME 1 1111'SV,. n two-storied Frame Chairman, Shop, Fr:tole:stable and other Improvements. Also C.:inlet], Hru pe Vim,. Fruit ryes, 0:1'. 2. A Lot of I in P,•14.11t, of I inal2l,l in said II”rougll. (nail inv.' oil the ntlJoinlnq Christlan Ittiohl, and other... No,. I "'VIII. st•parate ur togt•titt r, IL hill iJcSI Snit 1,111,i111,,.. Stile 1., 1•01111111•110.• I O'clock P. )i. clay, tw'lie•ln ter lilt Si l,• ii.lllll lye OREM MWMMA JOII N I: A It E I It A 7H ARCII STREET, Nlanufactur, and licali, in all kind, and quality 4,r 1 - L 7 It S , =EI . . tmlarged, rennttleitsl and improved my old and favorably known Fl'h. E3l Plitt! - t•M, and having imported ay large:nal splendid assort neat of the ver 4,1 Furs from 1114 hands in Etirope,ttinl have had them made up by the mast sktiltul warlintem I Would respeetlttily incite nty friends td Lan ['aster and adjavent. Caustics, to oull ,11 , / ex amine my very large and he:m[11'111 assortment 51 Fancy furs, for Lathes and Children. I tun determined totsell at as ltdv prices ttny other resp,table }erase in this cite. All Furs Wa ranted. No tatsrepresentat Mils to elteet sales, .101 IN B.A. 71h Arch st., Philadelphia. oet 13-lt !INV W E OFFER FOR SALE, AT PAR. THE NEW MASOME TEMPLE LOAN, El= Re. deemed :ater IR, (5) find Within (ttt'lli\-(Jill• (21) years. Interest Payable March and September The Bonds are registered, and will lie issued In sums to suit. DE HAVEN 6: 131 W., No, 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET, Stocks tonight and sold on commission. Gold And Governments b o ught and sold. Ac counts received and interest allowed, subject to Sight Drafts. pad BANKING- HOUSES p TENEST ON DEPOSITS The INLAND INSURANCE AND DEPOSIT COMPANY, will pay Interest on deposits as follows, via: For 1 and 2 months I per cent' " U 4 and 5 " " 7,8, l and In months 5 " " 11 and 12 months- STOCKS AND BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION J. C. MUHLENBERG, nov:^. Om w 44 Tremsurer A REMINDER! To Debilitated Persons, To Dyspeptics, To Sufferers from Liver Complaint, To those having no Appetite, To those with Broken Down Constitutions To Nervous People, To Children Wasting Away, To any with Debilitated Digestive Organs. Or suffering with any of the fol lowing Symptoms, Which in dicate Disordered Lire:. or Stomach, such as Con-) stiputlon, Inward Piles, Fullness or Blood to the Head, Acid ity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust fur F oral, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinkingf, or Flutter ing at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Difficult Breatillog Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffo cating Sensations, when In a Lying n/s -t ure, Dimness cit Vision, buts or \Veils before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain In the Ideffil,Detieen eyot Prespiratiou,Yellow ness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain In the side,Back,Chest Limbs. &c., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning In the Flesh, Con stant Inmglnations Of Evil, and great Depres sion of Spirits. _ HOOF'LAND'S GEMIAN A Bitters a•it haat Aleala,lor spirit, of any kind Is different from all others. It is composed of the pure Juices, or Vital Principle of hoots, Ilerhs and Barks, air, ata medicinally termed, Extracts) the worthless or inert portions of the ingredients nut being used. Therefore In ant• Bottle of this Bitters there is contained i much medicinal virtue us trill he found In several gallons of ordinary mixture. The Routs, rte., used to this Bitters are grown In Germany, their shat principles extracted in I that country by a seient die Chemist, and for. warded to the manufacto., in this city, where they are componntled and Lot fled. Containing • no spirituous ingredients, this Bitters is free from the objections urged against all others; no desire for stimulants van Is' illliseed 111111 their use, they cannot make drunkards, and cannot, under any circumstances, have any hut a beneficial el beet. _ Au Lit I 111% 1100FLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, Was compounded Gar thin-e mot Inclined to ex• t reme bitters, and is Intended Cr na' In cs“, When dudie ,litnuhuit In required In nuu•ction etlh the propert les of the Fitters. Each dolt le of t I.•Thale contain, one bottle of he hitters, combined with pure SA.NTA RCM, and flavored in such a manner that the est retne hitter - nes , of the hit ters ia overcome. !mininga preparation highly agreeable and pheasant tot he palate, and con taining the medicinal I trines if the Bitters. Th, price of the Tonic Is fll.."ta per liottle,which tnanylper . sonadhink to', high. Th,, ud, int.) collSlderatil , ll t hat the nil rnif !alit used Is guaranteed to tie ii i pure quality. A poor al-- tittle !mild he furnished at a Cheaper price, hut la it nit better to pay a little more and have a good article? A medicinal preparation should eonlaiu lint the hest ingredients; ands hey Who expect to "Mai n a cheape mnpound, and he lamented tic it, will most certainly lu:cheated. Trust.•.•, I=MM= =ME BONDS HOOPLAND'S BITTERS lI()OFI,AND's 1111"FE1ls, Ni) 'S TONI( tv,rit 1100FLAND's POI)OI'HYLLIN I'll,l wHA. CURE YOU. Thvyarl• the Grutt,t BL 00 D P RIFIER:4. iN:111rN,11.1 , the and rrIII cred leatt. arl , inil4 !non impure blood, li bility nil the Onzun , , 4,r D1,01t,11 r. I n,nelnert,r tinir Ii an:my ~I11,1:11"wn remetllt, The Whole Supreme tour' of Pennsji- Tania Speak for these Remedies. WI 11l 111 ask fur na,,Dignilla.hualtit,ag r TaNt at.)".. Hutt. t;eorge ;rum I te,t o I,p, tn , rt y ['hie 1 Jus t°, 0! .S . ll pre-me Om rt ruf . 1114.,y1 roi itt prr.vo•olt .11,• btogr,si 1,111 •i• toisyl t la, writes : I 11.1"Ii.,011:tilti', Uorman Bitt,•," Ullll 111 V. 1 .1111. ii•llt•ii t ilk l.:1•1•• 111'11111(3 alli 11,1,1111 , "CI 1../1 i • uii i. W. WO( Thwrt pson, 'hlef .1(131, , , of the Sit prcmc our( qt l'rwtsfillwrtot : i'IIII.ADES.,IIA, April 2 . .4, 1,67. I votit , itl, (i.,111,11 lint., - /II t . : , :111:11•k• , 111- gi•NiPill 1.y,p.•1”.1:1.. 1 t•t•rt •X 11,111•111, it. TIIONIPSON: ,/itsNcr:,l the Silitremt• ( Pclgn,yl.l. , l 11,D1.1.1.,1 lA, JIM , I. 1 , 1; , . I Ila Vt. he 1,1)..rh•111•.• I hal Go.rltlazi is u very gm.dt,ollv, tly•pcl,l ic.croltoll , in.ol ly. 110, Irtn.,lt . n lit - FE.‘ 1.11. .lum• 1 ha, t• Mitt•r , aml my family.durmg th.. paSI “N art I . xl . cllt•st. ilm.rt and 'lMmr I a, I.,m•Mmtl W3l, F. ItuGLlt.s. ii,. .':-'. i: iil..'jt. I ialt , Ltri•iit - H0,1i1:11111 ., i NOW nut} 111111 1 I hail it wit, 1 , , oy col in) anil I itiiii• tii toil] a mile. vat•l•Lt•lL IS= 11001 , LANIY: GERMAN 1111"FERS (; Will cure even vas.. of MARASM US, UP., WASTING AWAY OF "FILE P.GDY JIM/FL.% ND'S I; I . :101A N itE.NIEDI ES Art. y..“ 1., purify the .lie lit• toorlool I.. 11.,Ithy i..n. und.•nabl , ytm hard , ltips or ,x1)...1zr,.. D1t.110 , /PLAND SCIIsTITUTE MERCURY PILLS MEM=ME ff=IMI=EO DEEM= II I , II:m11 . 01 , 4' I Pill , tip ; trcnidll avt tlii•l,ivi•r, Tht• 111 . 1111•11,1, logroilli•hit ii EN.I ract liy many \i'critil, act 1111; :11111 1 rCIIIII4 III:ill action It friittl all illistruct ions, with I 44' Nlcri . ttry, tri, (1,111 ili• 111J111 . 1..117, liii• ll,' /It . 11:11 111111,:11. hor all ,0111 . 11111/' av • ofarntli r tie i Intllcaltsl, glv4•l•ntlrk•sat ion in I•VI • 1 • Y Tlivy :NENE:It FAI I, ",„, lnsi_r Dyilitipsin anti Dr. I (it • rinan 1 . 1/111i1 . 1 • til..1 St ith the ['ills. DI , !titters iir Tonic hull& 'l'lit• littt the Li ticr, gm retigt li,cutirgy and Kiitiii your act Vo• WWWiI /1 1,. anal 11/111. till 111..,3,14•111 WIIII 1, :ilia I, 1103.11,, ran irr .23 3,11. Itceo that It Is /FLAN:IV:it I ;ER- N EN that arc vi - Nally Unrd tont iiighly tont do not allow Ihe lirtigghit to intim, you I tat, anything chic t hat la. may lIIY 111111,t, a hag,p vont 011 11. NV by EX r, ,, i I N . , 11111,11 applic p ation loth, NCI li i ‘ i ill. it ti Arch iitriait, 1',1th, MffilIMMKM=9 Orlllerly C 'l. JACKSON tt CO. ThCHe Pt : MC(6( . B arc for .S'alc by Drug- SlorrkeljAlS, a "el Mcdk,i,c Jun ,120-:!ta.wd,V2l4W HOLIDAY GOODS 1 11/1.1 I/ A , .1{ 11/.t I 1:1 icri I).\ I PA MAN" AND LAVA \\* \ I,A('Qt"EltEl) LA I Chinese and Japanese IP DEM ITED TE 1 SETS ( . I,AS,; ;( .1 )I),; LuNVEST CII PRICES TYNDALE, I\IITCIIELL & CHINA, ❑ LASS QI.EENSWARE, 7it7 sTREET, 707 CARPETS, ,1•C ITIIO.IIAS DEPEY South Si enna Street Abu,. Chestnut, Pit ILA DELPH I A. .. . . .. 11..1 .1 oprned, with a large atol well se- l•-: r. lerhal stork of Foreign and pottiest le Car- r pet ings, "f Oath, styles and qualltirs.: •7.. -To A Isooll Cloths, Matt logs, Druggets.Rogs.i = ..t.. Mats, Stair Rod,, Sr., 3....., all of which. r. h :.; e will sell very cheap for cash. sep7-thowalll'L G. FL SN Elt. CARPETti C'ARPETS! CARPETS! Full assortment—A hm, OIL CLOTHS, MArrINUS, DRUGGETS RUGS, WINDOW SHADES, STAIR RODS, Sze. O. B. SNYDER & C 0.,: SOUTH SECOND ;; , -;T., PHILADELPHIA, WEST SIDE, BELOW MARKET. liberal discount. to Choreheti and Cleritynien. or.-Hmi,lo FOMMia WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SADDLER NOS. 1 AND 2 EAST KING STREET an 10 • LANCASTER. PA. CLOTHING GIGANTIC SALE I THE LATENESS OF THE SEASON ENORMOUS OVERSTOCK which we art• carrying !necessitates it esOlk AT ONCI. OUR. GRAND CLEARING STOCK OF MAGNIFICENT GOODS, k By far t he largest we have ever Intd or wing CHESTERFIELDs I=l All ofthr host kind of Clothing an., of evcry desirable col,. rut and ql.litty, .111.. .our Immense Six-story Building , from bastonentjto:jort at Priers Unmistakably Loner THAN ANY WE ILAVE EVE. BEFt,ItE GE= 8500,000 Worth of FINE CLOTIIING If v.a• have h• lrt every ~tr. 11,11 LT, :it C.:e ,11 . 0 tor 11111.1.11avIVIre,:tlid It, Izl.l, Ilii• SWIFT AND L.AIIi E SALE, UNPILECEIIF:NTED o/ur i,111111.1,11 , .• laSt. yrar,lllll,l all 11, I (IltE.\T ANNUAL. SALES CLEAR r: 01-11 I=l IT MUST BE SOLD EMlll=l ana b f,p11,,vi,1 up sharp, until =l=l Nt . ho will purclu i t,• ut any pi lee I. ',Tidied front this Stock. For this iW...1,1011 WO have Salesmen, and ~illl reinforiiii front our Cul ring Didiart merit. Store will open lit atilt In Itie eviiiiina lo afford workmen all 11111101 . - tunny : Saturday nights un til A. visit solicited, whether rcishinp L. purchase Or WANA MAK ER BROWN, OAK HALL, WHOLE BLOCKS OF IVILIHM:S. 1:. t't XTII .INI , ET STIZLE'IS MEDICAL R ECOMMENDED AND ENDORSED BY I=l DR. LAWRENCE'S COM VIA"! CNTitA("r KOS 0 ( ) ! TIIE GREIT HEATH RESTORER I NOT A sEcRET Fol:)(1.:1..\-\1:()UNI) THI. Dr. J. J. LAIVItENCE, Org,anly ?wink! KOSKOO S'l'R] Al"ritE Ro()T IosEAsE runs VIN( THE ni.o01), RESDIRINCI THE LIVER AND TO A III•IALTIIY AcrioN, ANO IN THE This Is the Secret of Its IVonclerfol =lffla Success In luring CONSCIPTII)N IN I l's SCROFULA, ti 1 . 1 .1111.15. DYSI.F:PSIA LIVER COM PLA I NT, CII NEcitAt.(;l.l ERUPTIONS ()I."1111.:,,IIN, iSti OF V DISE.‘,‘ES KIIrSEY AND DISI ‘till l'Al • SEI) BY A 11.11 , OF It thoroughly cradles:to , t•vory ntor aria Mid In lit, tutu rust ,, ,, the loittlre system to It Itt•altlty c... 1111.011. It Is Iwymol 1., he Fl F:ST )Nli' IN THE Woltl.D. Tlll/U,llllllllllllVe 1.1111111.11.11 by tl a u. of . tails Meallcialu from avolak, solla:1:11:14 creataaros, haa,traoh,.., hurry num 111.1 Wlllll.ll. 111v1111t1Sell11111/1. 111,111111110 give It a triad. No Nletlicliat• lot, 1:1:111111:51 such :a :zroat ra•joi -1/1111.1.h 11111111.11131.1•1111/r/11.1111.1111h/111111. 1 Fllll. TESTI:ad:O:I From Physicians, Esalizavot 1551111•%, E.lllllrS . Drtagglsts, .)lervltalit:::, Jo: ~:a• Kosktoo 111.1 for this ya,ar. PRICE ONE IP)I,I,AR PElt FOR SALE US The Prineilint Druggists in the United FhNe.4 and British D R. LAWRENCE'S WOMAN'S FRIEND piwul F 1,1,111, 1119-Iyd.i pll 11.11501' It Y OF M It HI.1.1: ----- NEW /1" ILSE )1 , I.Ei 'TEE ES, 11S ered at the Penna. Polyl tall toe and anti A tot- Londe:Ll N 111,1,1111, 12n't, 'hest nut Si., I hree.loor+ abo l'went entlrracing mulnec ve ta: Flaw t, Live ant! \VIntI t,, Live tor; Youth, Maturlty 1111 ',ld Age: Maltlncei ton erally lievtewell; ' II to O.INI . 6, 11.11,11.01; FlatI111•111, Joe; Marriage l'lolosoplocally consolered, These lectures will be torwarsted lot receipt t/I *.t) cents le; addressing: Secretary o: the Penna. Pum - fEcriNic AND .kNAT,OII( . .\ I, NM stEt; 1.;16 t 'heat nnt. VI 2-I.2IIIdP,OANA A TTORS E A T LA if No. 11 North !mkt= vt.. B. HREADY, No. 24 Et.t King stte•it. 7.1 door. over New Store. EIWA It C. REI:D. DiNorth lq.:se At., lA. , r.t 132131E3 FREI). M. YYFER, No. 5 South Duke et., A. J. SAN DEKMON, No. 4$ East King LR.eaAter S. H. PRICE, Court Avenue. went of Court Hot Ne. Laucanter dec= lydrtw WM. LEAMAN, N 0.5 North Duke tit.. Lanceeter A. J. NTEINMAN, No. 4 South Qoeeu St., Lancaster H. M. NORTH, Unlumhta. lanrw Vl Prenrint Y. Pq D. W. PATTERSON, Has removed his office to Sc. 68 East King at W. V. BAKER SIMON P. EBY. ATTORN EY -AT-LAW OFFICE WITH N. ELLMAK ER, E.4Q., NORTH DUKE STREET, x 25 LANCASTER. PA. Iyw3B BOOFING SLATE D 00FING SLATE—PRICES REDUCED lA, The undersigned has constantly on hand a full supply of Rooting Slate for sale at Reduced Prices. Also, an extra LIURT ROOFINU SLATE, Intended for slating on shingle roofs. Employing the very beet slaters all work Is warranted to be executed In the best manner. Builders and others will find It to their inter est to examine the samples at his Agricultural and Seed Warerooms, No. 28 East King street Lancaster, Pa., 2 doors west of the Court House. We have aso the Asbestos Rooting for tint roofs, or 'AI ere slate and shingles cannot be used. It Le far superior to Plastic or Gravel Rooting, lecLl•thlaw EIEO. D. SPRECHIGIn SIXTY-FIVE FIRST PRIZE MEDALS AWARDED. BALTIMORE PIA4O MANUFACTORY, =MEI GRAND, SQUARE; AND upitiu 'yr PIANO FORTES BALTIMORE, These Instruments have horn before the pub lie for nearly Thirty years. and upon their ex eellenee alone attained tin unparehmoiti pro to/One/we, which pronounces them uneimalleil Their combilw , .zrent power,sweetttoss and tlnesing lag quality. as Well as great purity of lototot tloo.:aolSWOet nes.s througlooll the entire settle Their TOUCH plat•o and v 1,11,, and entirely free fn ,In the StllrlicsNloLllll 111 s ,, Malty Planos. 11= they are uttequulleil. using none but the very Itt,t ntatertat, the larve capital en, pluyetl ourltustliess eltuhlutu us to I:vep von untally tilt ittuttvuse shuck uf I 11111 ber, v., on hand. &if - All our Sqlorre Piano. lutro mu Now I to tit trroor and the qr , tife• Treqle It.- \l't• would oltll special attention to our latr it oprovols in (:/:--1.N1) 1 . 1.1. Vt mrrt .1 le fr: onto I I. no:tror itorrool lon 1101111110. yrt I oon ;11 tainol. 3.0 0 0:c11.11.1)12EN's_Z.:l• IT IV.. have mad.. arranstehh•nis f..r the Wilt 117,1,,/, .luy t inos4 Celebrated P. 4 II- Lot: We. ;.4 .V elir Seinil Whleli we nth, ‘l' holes.kle and Retail, at Lowest Factory NV I )1 14 N ISE S Clloll.tlliElt n u.•.v Great Sales or First-class Itoseti °oil Pianos Having .I.•lernOned to 111ror our extensl,e stork ..f sup, lor anlslte.l !Los halo. , at prlees HI, act Hai co.:1-u manltl:,i ttlt e, 5..1. Itionth al rel.., r.ler r!ose...c. gilt 1.e.4.• -toe!, ;Ile cad of Ihe ear. N... I. y ...aa v.., It oat roan.' ..oiner... ears...l thgc,e,i7 , ofi,t , l7s. tor $l.O. I=l ricrt No. Zi.4 Locust street Columbia,PSG MUSICAL INSTBUMENTS. WILLIAM KNABE & CO., IN WORKMANSHIP M1E16222 =MI I' I A NOS '"\ 1 coviaN.• IS= 1111= at a la lac. than nor 1 Ita",r .111, a.ld ..11a•ra 1114.11, Tlaa , .. Wa11! .. , lig bar, tuin •11.allii 1,1 1,11 call at ,alr. 1111.1 1'X:111111W ..1111 111...... y WI 1 1 1:111.1, :111.1 ..“.•1 111., a III? F1:114 l NS 1111 11 Wt• cril I:114 11“•111. =II 11.t1.1.ET. VIS CI6 New Improved Grand a. Square I' I= 11 0 (11[7111 AND PARLOR (1 (;AN t 1 II to lir t;r ptin•liaallpg I l • IV. E )1 .. / EIAI) /El/ =EI .S TO I "ES, 11E.! ,t-( S TOVES, .te '1'1, , . 1,1,1..11,0 h. , RI 1,11- i. , ,, 1111.1 %:11',. , 1 if .Si ,, ..1111.1,1,114 111,11 1.11111 19)1)1:IN SToVE,4 ' ilk'l .\N I\V! A v.ILIET ()V I:.\.til:~ill'I:\ I\~~, SELF-I'h: lil~l\U ill= A It I I I.: A T 11=1 „J ae ~! ( -- FrRE-11..krE BALTIMORE SUS N Y SIDE. A larvo• ,I.a•lc 01 91111m:- Parlitr. tffiloe. ,•1,111,1, Slot.•, Shop and adapl,tl tor \1"4....1tr Coal, and taut shoul.l aa•.•l lit• applrrval all. In want. svlll ,111 w1111.„.111, 11:1, 1114 I,la, laid In oa v.•ry :01‘anlaw•- 011. ‘,..• ran 4uppl v ‘01.11,111 111 .111 a, at praa-..1, /I,w or I..aa, han 111• la. Ij - :1...111•11111 . 1, 1111 1.11 r. 11,1114 11 111 111 n 11,1-11,1 I ht1.1,%ar.• whi,•ll 0m,..•,1 :it 111 rltll.t 1111 w liEt I. NI. STEIN NIA N cr). TO B ACC() A ND SEG.I Br; rt. u rest AND 1•110141:ST S:11()11N6 T01').1(TO HIITOIH 10. I, ()I M \1:1"1, ~ND Pa. k:v4.• o2t; I ar that in,cri !aim, -.1.-c. Ivw TRA I'ELLEICS URNS 1)1)11..1D1:1.1•DIA AND It t I.TRIODE l')..N I RAI, H %11,10 =MERMEN . . , NO 0; D.% 11, I+7ll, tram:. ,';II run as lollosv, 1..0 l'hila.l.•lpic.a, Iron] Depot of I. IL IL nv It., cot., Itroadstrt , t utol Wo,bligton For hat 1 w1”” , '• at 7 A• ~n 't la•° For ttxf rd , :tt .t. XI., I:.41 P. M.. and P. M. For 0x1.a,1 Wo•diaa...!a) awl Sat ur.l•4 only. nc .2,31) For l•Inold's Font and Chester Preekl 1. It., at 7 A. 1., ln A. .Nl.. -Pl., P. 7d.. .)1.1 'P. :M. Wednes.lay and Saturday only at. 24.1.. I . M. Trani leavlng Philadelphia at 7 .X. . con ni...lo at Port la• will; Iral II for ha llmore. Trains lea.‘•lng 1•11.11a.h•11.11111. at 7 A..1..1t01 Oita P. M., Port fir posit at 9:2.3 A.l. Otord at iko.s A. M.,••mineet at timid's For d Jin•lion with the \Villn !Elkton and Heading Itilroad. Trains for Philadelphia 1..000 Port ISloslt at 9:2:, A. M., and 4:25 I'. •1., on arrival oltralmi trout Baltimore. Oxford at ,110-, A. N r., iit'll A. M. and 141 P. M. Sundays at :v.lO I'. M. only. 1 , Chadd's Ford al 7::91 A. N1.,.1 l::< A. M :3-.. - .5 P. 1., and 11:n1 I'. o 71. Sundays at li, 19 I'. . nly. Passengers are allowed lo take wen ig apill parel mil) a..• baggage, and Iho 1 lump! y w • •••• resnonslbie for an amount ex ...din, T II E II ILL" INS l• IT rFt POTTSTO W:N NIONTOoMEILY coIiNTY, PEN. ENGLISH, CLASSICAL, SCIENTIFIC, ARTISTIC, COMM WIAL. Location Admirable! Twent letil An tal - sion ! Thorough Preparation rue C lege or BUSIIIUM. 441 - For circulars adders Hay. UEU. F. MILLER 1. M., REFERENCFI4.—Rev Bra. :dolga, integer, Mann, Krauth,Selaa, Hutton, ete,—H. Itiudge Ludlow, Leonard Myers, J. H. Yost, g I. Boy er, M. Russel Thayer, etc, 27-lfw MISCELLANEOUS CI *LUMEN WANTED. Business honorable. No competition, llb eras! '' '' . Y. K. g E k N e N n. EDY, BS. 4th St., Phila. ‘l2i 4vr AGENTS WANTED.---11223 A MONTH —by the AMERICAN KNITTING MA CEINE CO., Boston, Mass., or St. Louth, Mo. roiIENERGETIC FARMERS WANTED. h —From WO to $4OO can be made during the Idle Winter months. Business plea.santand honorable. For further particulars of this Special chance address at once A. If. Hubbard, d'23-4 T ILE lIAYD•IN•IIAYD METUAI LIFE •INSURANCE COMPANY wants a number of good Agents, also a goml general Agent for Western Pennsylvania, also It general Agent for the German Counties of Pennsylvania. Address Iland-Illlland Innee, No. South nh t123--lw TO 820 PER DAY AND NO KINK. ..;),) Do you want 'a situatiiin as salesman al or near home, to Mt roams. our new 7 strain! It Clothe., Linos to trot (or fuer, Don't miss chime, Samples in, A .Itl resK Hudson ItiverWlreWorks, W'ili st., N. Y„ or lii Dear born st„ Chleago, 1 11. 2ni I w FTI).111111)1i. AGENTS. r we will ~..1 ~,tiondstlitte (an" Ne‘c Illu Flintily 1411,1 e vtonlallliti, svrlptur,. llllNlrations to ally Book. Arn gt frve ~ f char - go, .X.1,1,-e.. N.VtiIbN.XI.ITIII.ISIIING t12.1-1W 1'1,11,1t.11,111a. ra. Is No 111' \llll (i IS).1141111_ r).) % It Itt•tgili,l`ctitt, ofeyes and I,lr, y revei‘ return nutll,:kemtvel pli e. , 1 lir future Iti,band or aztte "f 111111fittae. Atitilt••• \V. DraNver. No.ll Vllll,mv die, N. l'. ,110-11 e MEliiiNgl= WOMEN 01 , ' NEW YORK Olt, sOCIA I. LIFE IN THE cir) NV...1,1M 'development sommg the 1,1 A,, rttey. Married NVottleneXIIII•Cl1,&1•. The 111,1 1,,,, , II 10 ',VII Ilnlili.hl . ll. TIII• 1 , 1• , , 11,11, 1,1 .‘,110.1 g, Addi • Ik. llook Co. 115 Nassall St., N. Y. 1.,1 . 1:11 JAN. I.t. 1.71. 1 - 1 ,, l'll.7irt• the 1,.••I Itt•sv Ching. 11.1• tll.ll, Thrllllllg ,•11:1 to. und Sparkling lIIIII,r, I . ,1).1•1 .•I,lli con,. Nsl, t.III ”1:•••II., 1,11, 1.,,11.1 1.. 11. 1,1,11 C4l 11,1/1- 11,11 , 1k1.1, 111:3• iSV M \ t'll I.'. II:1. 11.• nn matios •tlttlt".”ll)“...n 1.0111 :Ind I. InllyTIn• unti tr.ntlly Tht..nln.• in nntrl,l. .\.l- dro.s NI: . 1 / 4 19111... It El/1 . 1'1'14/N 41E' 1•1414'E:,4 t...116 , rm i; SA VIN u 'l'( (• rlts ll= st•ntl fo,r Ntwv I'r It•.• ll.kt /Mit n 1110 f.wwl will nrcorttimio• 11 . containing Hill .11:,.• I Milking II I:lrv.. ,"‘ ilug II I" anti 1,11111111,111111. i4l I 11111 lowtillzur. TIIE 111E1ilet\ TE11.11., ESE: STRErI ENV 11,1:I:. MEE (':\ I: ISOL I (' 'l'.\ A/1 1111 . Ni/111V, ,1111,i3 C., :IN Ditil -011)111., lotplhe•rin. Diytit. , •. , l It.• zit.' 1 . 11.1 Mill 111 i I hill 111,110,1'N. W 1111411,111111110. 1 . 1 .11 tli .I‘ , lll, 1, 111..11111 , 1 1.111 . 01 1114 . {41.1111 ., t 1111•SS1,114S tll natal:lla' 111 1i5111.1.111 . 11i,11 ie. 411• 1/1 the hrl.l 11 111 lIN sa ull a11t,•11,ra,,.( (l. (Ai L1',1., Ult. l':\ i;LETs tu,idt, 4reat4,l iIL lil 1.0,...,4 :lea/ con ta n ul /I, lug nal lan I. inn s all - r 1. 1 ,11111111.1101.11. %%11101 l• III• 111 i .111101 W, :::t t , 1:11 1 . 4 I I any inaparat Inn n% ••1 . 11.• Int, nllcr , alln.the lath- 1.1 .11, t.ll Iti 111..1t id.ive. IMEI=I KE1.1.1.1i , ;, :tl 1 . 1/1.11%11.,1, N.) 1011.1.11.5'15. I'S W 1 NTED 1 . 911 TH I.IuIIT ()I , THE Woltl.l, : CoWali)111,r• Five! woo4l's lo of C1a,1," no.l h.s, Evang..ll.l4 • rs," ••Ilh,tory 111 the hy "I I : all 10.11glo11v Istill) al,. aslol lahleh relat I Itv, 141 4•is •ut4 ,lory, c.ootainim,lloo• .•, • lugs. The iv 1.11. 1.111111111;1,111111,1 , Tr, n.t. I . iIV 8 0 ' C Il U C I 1 . I:II , VES W.% N'EUD FOIL 'I'IIF ill rt. n (;MYS l'll lIMMMIEMiI ..'; 1„1. ,t . 1 1 ,1 Z11..1/I,F. It 1'1111.1.11.111n, Pit. MaiMEI .GRE.\"l' VINWI't) ruNSU.NIERS t•tlqulr.• h.,' I tip elu 1,4. 1 rtt,,, i . 1 .1 1 .1• • :till! a 1•111 i/ 1.11,1 WIII111 ,• 11111111111y II 1.111 II 111:U011:4 IL largi• has It to con,ulll.•ls rt•rotilwriLl Lo Club THE (IHEIT .111 EH TEI 31 d• 33 VESEY sTREE'r, MENEM T lt t: A-NECT A It A IT RE (11 IN E, 4 1.: TEA BLACK 'PEA Nrrrit GREEN TEA FLA Cult And Gar hair Wlo,ll,ale ouly by thu Great Atlantic Pacific Tea Co, 1=111:11MEi SEND FOR TI I h:TI I E.\ -NEVI'A It CI 1{1'11.,% IC A GENTS ITA ATE!) THE Llnit 111 N MUNI/ the hunikto[ll.,l all.l %,,1t ex haul. II nwricllllll,4 Ili It th, 1,..nd ev,ry ono. fu, the OH. the UII , / the Y"Ong thlt,t berorne r . .litlng 1 hl . 11110 e. t 1,4 1111 he the rim , l h,,,t1 told the ru.unl frtrluettl ly 11.1..rr. el Ihu 111 1111. hitully. 1,1,4, pa..c.l tilloivr the crlt,l,l I' of I 111. grl.l ri Wt. WM. IT 1.1. EN Bic 1 . A NT. f.,r1”,1 Tht, only 10./.1, .Pf 11. , kiwi eve, ,4,1,1 I,r nu1,,c,11,11,11. I-wild HI once r Ne•., Publisher. 711/ Satisaal sl., Philadelphia, Pa. IrA("FN ES MUD HIE _A_ D G =II 111.104, With 111 l exircrient-t. t,f huh I wviity iil) are ,1“)111 purc.lll.t•rs of CLOT II I N G 141 . 1 . 1/1111 11, 8., vslaldishmr•lll In the nun Cry Our v:tr ra.•nt. llri ail tho lit•r:L mat, rart•lllP.y neahlttg Uri...mud Or ;my wny Int perfect IN 111111112 UP at 11.11, eve!) estahlished fat I liaan,t (:i.ahlta,, that ,nar Itvzoly-Mlidi•ll..llll , tg, I, y thing Intl gown Li ntak , a .tlj a garlut•ul, Is um•quallvd by =II I=ll ev.ery ran Iv. Iltted at 11111 , 5% H i Our pricen are guarantiaal as low, or I=ll (:ouu, IN TII I PI EC E. nk.„- whleh wlil he made op 10 order, In the best manner, and at inleen much tower than arc I=l Sanlvies or goods, NV11.13 price llnin for all kintlB of garrn,tas, forward,(l by mull at any time when recioexted, with loxtructioux for net( measurement, and garments, either made to order selected trout our Ready-Made Stock forwarde‘l by exprem, guaranteed to tit ad. Persons not residing here, can when visiting Philadelphia, call and have the measure regis Lured ou our books kept for that purpobe, from which garments can be ordered at nny future BENNETT & CO. Tower Hall, 518 Market Street. Halfway between Fifth and Blxth BUt oot, 27 PHILADELPHIA. As =MEM