gtawwto ftttifflflma. WEDNESDAY, BEPT. 22, 1869. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET. FOR GOVERNOR lion. ASA PACKER, or carton county. yOB JUDGE OF SUPREME COURT! non. CYRUS I. PERSHING, of Cambria co. DEMOCRATIC COUNTY TICKET. For Stoic Senate: MICHAEL MALONE, City. WM, H, EAGLE, Marietta, For Assembly: JOSEPH M. WATT*?, Columbia. JOHN KOBB, Conoy. GEORGE F. SHULTZ, Salisbury. JACOB H. BAKER, Mount Joy Twp. For Sheriff: CHARLES GROVE, Columbia. For Register of Will*: B. BOONE, Bart. For ProUionotary: A. G. KILLIAN, Epbrata. For Clerk of Qiutrter Sessions : THEODORE WHITAKER, Fulton. For Clerk of Orphans' Court: CHARLES J. RHOADS, Indlantovrn. For Treasurer: tf. W. SWISHER, Little Britain. For Commissioner:] EMANUEL BHOBER, City. Tor Directors of the Poor: JOHN L. LIGHTNER. Leacock. JOHN M. MILLER, Woat Lampeter. For Prison Inspectors Jr GEORGE PIERCE, Mount Joy twp. JOHN SIGLE, Upper Leacock. For Auditor: WILLIAM McCO.VSEY, City? For Coroner : IIENRY M. GEITER, City. Rooms of tbo Democratic County Com- The Chairman of the Democratic County Committee has opened rooms in Centre Square, where he or the Sec retary will always be found until the campaign closes. Democrats visiting the city are requested to call when they come to town. By doing bo they can aid the Chairman in communicating with the leaders of the different dis tricts. Naturalization. Bet the naturalization of such for eigners as are entitled to become citi zens be promptly attended to. As will be seen by a card which appears else where proper steps have been taken by the Chairamu of the Democratic County Committee in regard to this Important matter. Persons desiring to bo natu ralized will be attended to by calling upon some one of the attorneys therein mentioned. Let not a vote be lost which can be secured. Our Countj Comentlon .Sixty-one out of the sixty-five Klee tion Districts of Lancaster county were represented in the Democratic County Convention which settled the local tick et that now stands at the bead of our columns. AVlien it is remembered that the Democracy of this county are only able to offer their nominees for local ollices the honor of being defeated in a good cause, so full a representation of the party at a nominating convention, may properly be regarded as a very hopeful indication. It shows how strong is the hold of principle upon the Democratic masses. Though hopelessly in the minority, the Democracy of Lancaster county battle as bravely for the truth and the right as if they expected to reap the spoils of office. Our organization is not held together by “ the cohesive ' power of public pluudor,” as the Badi