■pal fntefljpm Heml'Annnal Heeling; of tbe College Board of Franklin and Marshall Col* lrare. / * The Reformed Church Messenger states that at the last annual meeting of the Board of Trustees of Franklin and Marshall Col lege, it was resolved hereafter to hold semi annual meetings. The first attempt in December lost proved a failure for the want of a quorum. The time, near the end of the year, when business men cannot con veniently leave home, it seems was inop portune, and accordingly an adjourned meeting was appointed for the 28th of Jan uary. At that time there was not the same difficulty in the way, and more than a quo rum was obtained. The following gentle men appeared and took their seats: Hoh. John Cessna, Hon. Thos. E. Franklin, Hon. •J. W. Killinger, Hon. Joseph Laubach, Rev. Dr. B. C. Wolff, Rev. Benjamin Bails man, Charles Santee, George Gelbach, Jobn Heilman, D. W. Gross, George Z. Kunkel, John C. Hager, Edward J. Zahm, D. W. Patterson, Esq,, Jacob Bailsman, F, Bhro- i der and B. F. Shenck. Prof. Appel stated that the prospects of securing funds for building purposes during the present season were of an encouraging character, and were sufficiently favorable toj usiify the Board in adopting the following action proposed by 1). W. Gross, Esq.: Resolved, That a committee of five be ap- to examine the col lege grounds, ascertain what new buildings are required for the use of the college, their size, and probable cost, to select the best lo cations foMhem, und to inquire whether tho ground now-owned by the college Is suffic clent for its use, or whether more should be secured, whether the Board is prepared to donate any of its land for the use of the Theological Seminary after its removal to Lancaster, and whether the Board should erect a bunding on its ground for the use of an Academy. The Committee to consist of D. W. Gross, John Heilman, J. W. Killing er, J. C. Huger, and Jacob Bausman. After some discussion, in which the mem bers generally expressed themselves in favor of vigorous action in furthering tho .Endowment Movement, the Board adopted ! the following resolutions : Uesolvvd, That a committee of three, con sisting of F. tin rod or, J. Hager and Jas. L. Reynolds, be uppoiuted to co-operate with the agent iu raising funds for endowment and buildings in tho city and county of Lancaster. Resolved, That (1. S. Griffith be appointed a committee to co-oporato with tho agent in Baltimore, and Geo. Gelbach in Philadel phia, for the sumo purpose. Resolved ,' That the Endowment Commit tee be requested to proceed vigorously in the appointment of an agent or agents, and i in tho adoption of all othor measures that may be necessary in promoting the object of their appointment. •-* Mr. Huger thought that funds could bo secured for the collogo more readily in tho city and county of Lancaster, if sumo in ducements could bo the citizens. He then oiFerod 1 tho following resolution which wus adopted : Resolved, That the Committee und agent be authorized tojpledge a perpetual schol arship, or froo tuition for one student, to each school district in tho city and County of Lancaster, in which $5OO are contributed to the col lego. The dollar plan adopted by the late Synod ut Hagerstown claimed the attention of the Board. And accordingly on motion of Mr. Killinger tho [ following resolution was adopted: / Resolved, That tho Secretary be requested to proparo a circular and address it, in tho name of,tho Board, to ouch pastor and con sistory in tin* Synod urging them to carry out tho Dollar Plan without delay ami, if possible, make a suitable" response belore the spring meetings of tin* Glasses. At the, request of tho Board Dr. Novin made some statements in regard to the action of the Synod, in directing the re moval of tho Theological Seminary from Mereersburgto Lancaster. This he thought, ought to be sufficient to indicate, that the German Reformed Church intend to build up and concentrate their institutions ut Lancaster. There should therefore bo no hesitancy irrencouruging this movement. Mr, Gross, President of the Board of Trustees of the College, slated that the movement to remove the Seminary had beeu happily inaugurated, and that it would bo of great importance to the church and educational affairs generally. On motion of Mr. Xabm, it was resolved “ That tho Board highly approves of the ac tion of the Synod ami pledges itself to ro .operato with tho Synod in securing the ob ject which it huspn view. The following resolution was also adopted: Resolved, That the Committee be request ed to have college building painted as early in the spring us possible, and that for this purpose, they.be authorized to procure the necessary fuiuK li \V"-_siiL'L r --!L-'l by Dr. N-.-vin that the College 1 oniineiicemem b.' v b.., s ill bring a earlier in the season, aiu 1 \as agreed dial Commencement. Day be hereafter on Thursday succeeding the last Wednesday of June. As the last Wednesday of J line comes Ibis yeur on iho last day of that month, the commencement exercises will consequently bo held ou Thursday, July Ist. The meeting of the Board of Trustees, though short, was decisive, and its action shows that its members are in earnest. All thut is now required to insure success is concert of action on the part uf the Church and of all concerned. It is said thut the Board intend to go forward the present year with some of the most necessary buildings; they therefore desire as many responses as i •iu j mg it;** Spring, or at the tart best, tii<- date ui die College Commencement, J lily Ist next. Butter Thieves.—Two youths named Alonzo Umubright and .Samuel C. Ham bright. were arrested Wednesday, for steal ing butter. The prisoners, it appears,*buve for some time past been stealing butter on market mornings from the farmers attend ing market; anil having obtained the but ter they would sell it at the Grocery stores in this city. About 38 pounds were stolen Wednesday, at Cooper’s Hotel, West King street, from Daniel Herr, jr., of Pequea twp., and Geo. Trout, jr., who resides near Laudisville. The butter was in two baskets one of which contained 18 pounds belonging to Mr. Herr, the other contained 20 pounds belonging to Mr. Trout. The thieves after stealing the butter throw the baskets uway in a vacant lot or alley where they were subsequently found. The younger of the brothers, Samuel 0. Hambright, then pro ceeded to Stahl's Grocery where he dis posed of the butter. A boy in the grocery store of Mr. Tuylor, iu Mulberry street testitied that the older brother Alonzo had sold a quantity of butter at that place,some two weeks ago, about the timo a lot of but ter had been stolen fiom a parly residing ucht Safe Harbor. The arrest was effected by outliers Shroud and Lutz: tjnd, after quite a long hearing before the Mayor, the parties being clearly implicated in the lar ceny by the evidence presented, they were committed to prisou to await their trial at Quarter Sessions Court in default of $3OO bail each. In-ms —We copy the following items o local interest from the Oxford Press ■ Several new buildings have lately been commenced in Oxford. The foundry in this borough, which has been idle for the last few months, is about resuming operations. The thuuder stormlwhich visited us re ceutly was unseasonable The lightning wus quite vivid and the thunder heavy. The chill of the high nor’wester on tho fol lowing evening was quite in contrast. A black snake about four feet long was killed in the woods by William A. Dunlap, in East Nottingham township, on the Ist inst. His snakeship was no doubt enticed out of his retreat by the genial weather of the previous few days. One night recently dogs got amongst the sheep of D. Scott, near Scott’s Mill, Cecil county, Md., and killed 3i> of them. Abram P. Morguu of Delaware county, Pu., also ■ 'had twenty-seven head, all of his dock of valuable ones, recently slaughtered in the same way. The dog question is certainly ii ypj serious one with farmers. l/.^uW.M'.i;.—liu I’ueMJay evening between 7 and 8 o’clock as John Weldle, of this city, in company with number man, was driving in Safe Harbor tho horse, at tached to the buggy in w’hich they were seated, backed into the Conestoga creekjja short distance this aide of the “ Mansion Houbb Hotel.” The horse was drowned but the buggy was not much damaged ; the horse and buggy belonged to Mr. Geo. H. Hartman, proprietor of the Livery Stable in West Orungo street. The men were not iojured. The Temperature of January.— The Oxford Press gives a table which exhibits the mean temperature of the past month (January,) for the several years from 1851 to 1809 inclusive. This table shows that al though the past month was unusually warm, there have been three warmer Jan uaries since 1850; the month of January|in 1851, 1858 andlBG3 exhibiting a higher mean temperature. THE LANCASTER WEEKLY HSTTEXjUiTG-EiSTCEB, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1869. Local MisoELLANT.-The Supreme Couit of this State has decided that the seller oi real estate is bound to make a deed; as « deed without stamps is worthless, the seller is bound to famish them also. A wolf-skin robe, with leopard lining, belonging to George L. Buckwalter, was on Monday taken out of a vehicle at Bridge port, Lampeter township. Lindley Murray, the distinguished gram marian and author, was born at Swatara, in Lancaster, now Dauphin county, in the .year 1745; he died in England in the year 1826. Common shellac dissolved’ in alcohol makes the strongest cement for wood; it will unite the fractured legs of chairs and tables as firmly as if they had never been broken. The proposed new county, which is to be formed from parts of Lancaster and York counties, will have Columbia for the county seat ; the new county will include Wrights ville, Marietta, Maytown, Bainbridge, Washington and Mountyille within its limits. The project is strongly urged by the citizens of Columbia, but outside of that place it is said there is but little sympathy given the subject. The Wrightsville Star says the movement is not a popular one and must indubitably terminate unsuccess fully. An exchange says that the common cus tom of a whole string of men filing out of a church pew, makiDg themselves as ridic ulous as an “awkward squad” practising at “catching step” in order to give a wo man the wrong end of the pew, is inox pluinabie and absurd. Manufacturers of cigars, who sell their scraps and clippings for consumption as smoking tobacco, must pack and stamp it according to law ; unless said sale is made directly to some manufacturer, who is bound by law to account to the government for all the materials of whatever kind ho purchases and consumes and uses. The present winter has proven to be the most moderate experienced in this latitude for a number of years, and, in this respect, has been highly favorable to the poorer classes. Had the season been one of great cold, much suffering must have ensued. ! Wo learn that tho ice dealers, of this city, I have not as .yet secured a full stock of ice, 1 owing to the mild weather, and that, unless there is more freezing weather, the coming ; summer will find us in want of this highly prized luxury. ! To r our school boy readers wo give the ; following sentence as being one of the two or three linos in tho English language that read precisely the suine, either backward or forward: “Snug it raw was I ere I saw war it guns.” About that Exi'Kliimjjntal Farm.— It will be remembered that at tho last regu lar meeting ol the Lancaster County Agri cultural Society, petitions were presented for tho signatures of the members of the Society, which sofleited an appropriation from tho Legislature to erect new buildings and repair others now built on the Experi mental Farm in Chester county. The West Chester Rejmblican says that “it is general ly understood that the prayer will not be granted, as there is ample means in posses sion of the College, if properly applied, to meet all demands. It is further given out that the Trustees have recently signified a willingness to allow tho farm to be con ducted os it now is, by the different Far mers’ Clubs in the eastern section of tho State. The sum rightfully duo this farm from the Trustees of the College, is about four thousand dollars annually ; butowing to the financial embarrassments of the College, and the heavy interests they are compelled to pay, the Trustees express au inability to contribute more than $2,000 an nually for the present. They likewise as sert that it is their determination to teat the College one more year under the adminis tration of Mr. Burrowes, and if they receive no more encouragement than in the past, shall ask to be relieved from the trust. A very sensible conclusion.” The Republican also states that the salary of Mr. Thomas W. Harvey, the present •Superintendent of the Experimental Farm, is §l,OOO per annum. Our farmeis should be careful about signing petitions soliciting money from the Legislature, until they are fully satisfied that tho request is a proper one, und in every respect worthy of their recommendation. Important to Liquor Sellers.—The following letter from Commissioner Rollins to a United States Assessor, date of the Ist inst., will be read with interest by liquor dealers and rectifiers: Sir: Your letter of the 2Slh of January, IBbb, Ims boen received. To the several questions presented in your letter 1 reply: 1. That retail dealers iu liquors are not restricted iu the quantities they may sell at any one time. The only restriction refers to the aggregate annual sales of spirits aud all other merchandise. 2d. The puyment of special tax by a rec tifier confers no right to sell, either spirits of his own rectilication or otherwise. To en able him to sell, the rectifier must pay a special taX as dealer, either wholesale oT re tail, as the amount of his sales shall deter mine. 3. A rectifier who mixes hisspirlts in any process of rectification is not thereby made a compounder; but it without rectifying, purifying or refining distilled .spirits, he shall, by mixing such spirits, wine or other liquor with any materials, manufacture 'any spurious imitation, or compound liquors for sale under nuy name, he is clear ly a compounder, und should pay tax as such. If a rectifier mixes his raw spirits before rectification, and rectitiesor redistils them afterwards, he does nothing beyond what properly belongs to the business of a rectifier. If be mix bis rectified spirits with any materials, and produce imitation, spurious or compound liquors for sale under any name, bebecomes a compounder. A compounder acquires no right to sell by virtue of a payment of a special tax as compounder, but is, like tho rectifier, re quired to pay lax as dealer. Local Legislation.— ln the Stute Sen ate, on Wednesday, Mr. Fisher read in bis placo and presented to the Chair a bill en titled An act to authorize the East Penn sylvania eldership of the Church of God to remove tho lieud bodies from their church yard. Referred to the Committee on the Judi ciary Local. Mr. Biiliugfolt read in his placo and pro sented to tne Chair a bill entitled An act to repeal parts of an act relating to fishing with seines or nets in East Conoeocheaque creek, in the county of Franklin, and in Little Muddy creek, in the county of Lan caster, approved April, Ist, ISGS, so far us relates to Little Muddy creek, in Lancaster county. Referred to the Committee on Agricul ture and Domestic Manufactures. Also, an act relating to dowers. Referred to the Committee on the Judici ary General. Mr, Fisher moved that Senate bill No, (IS, entitled A supplement to an act relating to the school district of Lancaster city,author izing the directors to sell real estate, be recommitted to the Committee on Estates and Escheats. The motion was agreed to. In the House, the following bills ou the privute calendar were disposed of: An act to incorporate the Lancaster county agricultural park association ; capi tal stock $25,000. Passed finally. Senate bill authorizing the Columbia water company to borrow money. Passed finally. Senate supplement to an act amending the charter of the municipal corporation of the city of Lancaster, and dividing the same into nine wards, approved April ISG7, Passed finally. An net extending the provisions of an act authorizing the appointment of an inspec tor of sole, rough harness und rough skirt ing leather in the ehy and county of Phila delphia, approved the fourth day of April, 1813, to Lancaster cojjnty; Passed finally. What Gives Success in Business.— The business man who puts bis sign in a news paper does a much wiser thing than he who fastens it oyer his door, which no one would Ihinkiof neglecting. Tho innn who advertises informs the public that he wants business, and his curd is an invitation to customers to cotno and deal with him- Where ono person reads a sign in the street live hundred read it in a newspaper. An kmi’ttoßurn the Lockup.— About 1 o’clock, on Wednesday afternoon, Officer Flory arrested an Englishman named John James iu a beastly state of intoxication and conveying him to the City Hall placed him in the new lockup beneath that edifice. It appears that about/G o’clock James hav ing slept otl to some extent his inebriety, conceived the bright i?) idea of burning himßelfoutof the room in which he was locked. He procured some scraps of paper, which were in the room, and placing them .at the door set them on fire with a match which he had concealed about his The smoke from the burning paper alarmed the gentlemen, w’ho are employed in the Post Office just above the room in which James was. confined, and they Immediately broke in the door of the lockup and extin guished the fire. The Mayor has commit ted James to the county prison for the term of thirty days. The Managers of the Home Building Fund respectfully acknowledge the follow ing: Amount previously acknowledged $15,335 27 MjZollenbach, California 20 (XJ Larceny.—’The Columbia Spy says that W m. Bonas was arrested on Monday morn ing, for stealing a watch from the clothes of Gotleib Young, Jr. The defendant is a young man who says he came from Lan caster city. He had been stopping for two days at the restaurant of Gotleib Young on Walnut street. On Sunday night he opened a closet and took the watch from the com plainant’s pants. In default of bail, defend ant was committed to jail by Justice Evans- Fire at the Washington Hotel.— Wednesday, while a party was engaged in pouring the new Combination Oil out of a can into a burning lamp at the Washington Hotel in North Queen street, this city, said caught fire, and running on the carpet for a short time, threatened a serious conflagration. The flames were, however, extinguished before they made much headway and further, than the par tial burning of a few articles, no damage was done by the fire. Wrightsville Items.—We copy the following ilemslof local interest from the Star: The arch-timbers of the bridge across the river at this place are now set and all in their places, constituting that structure one of the most substantial character, and if the necessary connections with the track of the Wrightsville, York & Gettysburg Railroad iu this place were completed, we know of nothing to hinder the passage of cars over the thoroughfare. The river remains at its ordinary height, but owing to the variable weather, the stream within the past week, has irequeutly changed its appearance. The mildness of the atmosphere last week completely robbed it of its icy covering, but the cold snap dur ing the* early part of this week Jormed another, which no doubt will soon take its departure. Sales.—R. H. Pennington has sold his farm of 100 acres, in Colerain township this county, to Moses Brinton.oflhe same town ship, at $75 per acre. The farm stock and implements of Simon Eby, of Manor township, were on the 9th sold by John Brady, auctioneer. The amount realized at the sale was £-1,850. Eighteen cows were sold, one of which brought $lOO, and the rest from $-10 to $9O apiece, averaging about $72. pflal Notices. Estate ofakukew mtkwakh late of Lancaster city, dec’d.—Letters id administration on said estate having beeu granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebt ed thereto, are requested to make Immediate settlement, and tnose having claims or de inands against the same, wtli present them without, delay for settlement to the undersign ed,residing in said city. CATHARINE STEWARD, Ja27 6tw4 Administratrix. Assigned estate of george w. RIGG, of Salisbury township. Lauciuder county.—George W. Rlgg. of badsbury town ship, having by deed of voluntary assignment, dated JANUARY li, 1869, assigned and trans ferred all his estate and effects to the under signed for the benefit of the creditors of the said UL-orgo W. Rlgg, bo therefore gives notice to all persons indebted to said assignor, to make paviuent to the undersigned without de lay and those having claims to present litem to WILLIAM BORLAND, Assignee, Residing in Sadsbury township. Ja‘ 0 6tw:i Estate of jamer corky, late of Lancaster City, dc-c’d.—The undersigned Auditor, appointed to distribute the balance remaiulug in the hands of Robert A. Evans, Administrator with the will annexed, to anu nmongtho.se legally ent tiled to the same, wtll sit lor that purpose on FRIDAY, the ‘2lsth day ot FEBRUARY, 1809, at, 2 o’clock in the ufier. noon, itt the Library Room of the Court House, in tlie Cilv of l>aucuster, where all persons in terested In said distribution inav attend. SAMUEL H. REYNOLDS. Jan 27-4 lw-4 Auditor. Posted in Office of the Clerk of Orphans’ Court January 26, 1869. INSTATE OF JOHN P. PYLE, LATE OF j Lancaster city, deceased.—Letters testa- mentary on said estate having beengranted to the undersigned, all persons ludebted thereto, are rquesteu to make immediate settlement, and tuose having claims or demands against the same, will present them wiinout delay for settle men t to the undersigned residing In said city, LOUISA MYERS, fe 10 Olw (J Executrix. E STATE OF JOHN W>:II>LKK, LATE of Lancaster city, Lancaster county, dec’d. Letters Testamentary on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted thereto are requested to make imme diate settlement, and those having claims or demands against tne same, will present them without delay for settlement to the under signed, residing in said city.; ANN MARIA WEIDLER, Executri fS-’Jtdoawiltw* gANKHUPT NOTICE D the District Coart ot the) United States for the East- -In Bankruptcy eni District ol Penn’a. ) At Lancaster, FEBRUARY 6th, 1809. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : Tee under signed hereby gives notice of his appointment, as Assignee ot William H, Spangler, ot Salis bury twp., Lancaster county. PeniiHvivuuta, within said District, who has been adjudged a Batfkrfipt, on his own petition, by the District Court ot said District. JOHN B. LIVINGSTON, Assignee, No. 11 North Duke street, J ancaster, I’a. l'eb 10 3tw(j Jdtunteys-at-^am, KKD. S. PTFER, No. 5 aou'.h Duke at., Lauots'c'r J. W. JOHNNON, No. 25 Koutn Q,ueen st., L*uioh«->I -i A. SA.VDKBSON, No. 21 Nona I.’cKft street, i JuiciiKi.-r W. H. PRICE, No. 6 North Duke fIL. Lu:kh/:.-i A. J. KAUFFMAN, i.-i *t 18. M. ffOKTK, ('ohimbtH. iJU’-RKTor A StBAM SHANK, No. 3H North Puke at.. LauraM#* .1. W. F. KWIIT, No. l:i Nv.rtn Duke m. i,Hiir»im. A. M HKK SMITH, No. lUßout.h Cineeu at.. Lancsst.*: KUUAK F. ft FED, No. th North Duke st.. Ijuio-Hstor B. «’. BALK, No. t!) North Duke pt., Lancaster, I>. W. PATTKKNON, Has removed his olllco to No. (JS Knst King k! E - NI.AYMAKKK, J It, ATTURNEY- A T - L A W , (f'Oii-e icilh A’. Klhnakrr, J'J.iti.,) NORTH DUKE STREET, LANCASTER, PA dec‘J liuiwiii SIMON 1». KBY, ATTORNEY AT I.AW, OFFICE WITH N. ELLMAKER, ESQ. North Duke .street sept 25 LANCASTER, FA 3K?mul aad ffloal, McCOMSKY * CO. L U M n E R AjV D COAL , Yard—N. W. Coknkr of PHI NCR AND WALNUT STREETS, LANCASTER. PA. Keep constantly ou hand and for sain a »eu* eral assortment of LUMBER AND COaL at ].rices as low as any other yard In the city. Also, Oak, As:i, Poplar and Clierrv Lumber. Jlti-ltd&w WM. Mct’O.MHKY & CO. iiaracss, &t rjpllK HIItTF. l>OI.Al( KKtK'S SIFAU, M. HABEKHU.-’h'M WINDOW, IN CENTRE u ', has attracted the attention ol thousands 01 people. He would also intorra the public that, he lias a la* ye nnd tiner lot of Buffalo Robes than any other honse iu Lancaster. Also, Lined Buffalo Robes. Leopard Bklo Robes—Stuffed Head. Hudson Bay Wolf Kobe*. Ansirailia Opossum Robes. Fox Skin Robes.; Bearskin Robes. Coon skin Robes. .Genet Robes. DiUcretit Styles o r Lap Blankets. A large lot ofdllferent styles of Horse Covers. Also, Gold uud Silver Mounted Harness. Wagou Harness of every description. Saddles and Bridles: Trunks, Carpet Bags and Valises. A full and large assortment of Ladles’and Geuta’ Traveling Satchels, and nil otner articles belonging to the business sold it the lowest prices. ;m. HABERBUSH, Centre Square. oct22-ttd*w Lancaster, Pa. jg M. SCHAEFFER, WHOLESALE AiXD RETAIL SADDLE#* NOS l AND 2 EAST KING STREET LANCASTER.. PA Roofing nlatk— prices reduced The undersigned has constantly on band a full supply of Rooting Slate for Bale at Reduced Prices. Also, an extra LIGHT ROOFING BLATE, Intended for slating on Shingle roof* Employing the very best slaters all work is warranted 10 be executed In the beat manner. Builders and others will fiud It to their inter est to examine the samples at his Agricultural and Beed Warerooms, No, East King street Lancaster. Pa., 2 doors weal, of the We have also the ABbesto’a Roofing for flat roof, or where slate and shindies cannot be useu. It Is far superior to Plasllo or Gravel Roofing. deoWtfd.tw hF-o. [>. pH(• < H ’ li. pAKH HOTEL, ON THE AMERICAN* EUROPEAN PLAN, Cor. BEEKMAN and NASSAU STS., Near City Hall Park, NEW YORK. GEORGE WIGHT, Proprietor N. B.—Located in the very heart of the wholesale business, this is one o of the most conveniently located Hotels for Merchants, Business men and others visiting the city. 112 ;6md&w fsiSttUatJ!Ntt.s. Eighteenth annual report or the Board of Inspectors of the Lancaster County Prison, for the year A. D.. 1868: ab the Honorable, the Judges of the Oourt of Quar ter Sessions of Lancaster County: The undersigned, Inspectors of the Lancas ter County Prison. In pursuance of law, sub mit to the Court the following Report of t*e Prison for the year ending November 30, 1868; On the 30lh of November, 1867. there were In confinement 85 prisoners; during tne year there were received Ul4; making an aggre gate of the Inmates of the Prison m1£68...i19J Of these the following were discharged dur ing the year, viz: By expiration of sentence and by In spectors - - - 024 By Magistrates, Court, Habeas Corpus, Remaining in Prison Nov. 30,1858 93 Of these (93) 38 are convicts 12 awaiting trial, and-13 vagrants. Of the 1114 received during the yt ar, 62 were convicted—being a decrease of 12 as compared with last year. The ratio of convictions as compared with that year was 62 lu 1114 commitments, to 74 In 557 the year be fore. The number committed to Prison durlogthe year, excepting those convicted, was 1,052 ; 539 more than the previous year, of which 898 were lor vagrancy, drunkenness, and disorderly conduct resulting from drunkenness. This Is 515 more than the previoos year. In addition to the 1,052, there were sentenced daring the same period (52, and remaining in Prison on the 30th of November, 1867, the above total in Prison during the year. Of the prisoners discharged, 1 was sent to the East ern Penitentiary, 5 to the House of Refuge. 1 to the County Hospital, 3 pardoned by the Governor, and 1 died. Of the 62 sentenced prisoners, 32 were convicted of larceny, 5 of assault and battery, 5 of fornication and bas tardy, 2 ol forgery, 7 o: surety of the peace. 4 of costs, 1 of burglary, 1 of bigamy, 1 of dis turbing a religious meeting, 2 of desertion of family, l of entering warehouse with intent to commit a felony, and 1 of felonious assault. Of 62 convicts, 4 were sentenced for one year, and 2for3 years and upwards; 52 were white and 10 were colored; -'a were males and 7 females. But a 2 of the convicts were born in Lancaster city and county, U in Germany, 4 in Ireland, 1 In France, and 1 In Ohio. 36 of the con victs were under the au, isos 3,717 Ql Kaw Materials oil baud Nov. ;;i), 2,410 55 Due Prison for goods sold No' vember ;;u, In*s. Actual cost of Prison during tlieyear.Blti.Ol4 53 The Increase or the t xtraordlnary expenses is owing to the f.u‘i t tiat duriug the past year a number of cells have been chul or plated with boiler ijon, and more ure to be secured In the same manner ; neJchs. replacing the In* side cell door* which are of wood, sildlDg on rollers, with Iron-bar doois on hinges, ac.— The ikies and j-tpes througnout tne Prison, having become useless, were replaced with new oues. which added 10 the unusual expense of this year. The whole number of days prisoners were boarded the past year was 115.805; 34.596 at 30 cents a day, and l,tU9 at 15 cents a day, amount ing in ah to S:u,siiu.ls, an average of $830.0154 per month The number the previous year was ;5h”30 days,costing 88 till?.'JO, and averaging $722 l'Jr.i per m-mth, being au Increase the past over tne preceding year of 8157.98 per month average. The cost of maintenance of vagrants this year amounts to 85,057.55. against $2,351.40 last year, being an inei ease of S2,7uti)s. The ag gregate number of days prisoners have beeu boarded and contlued was 4,509 more In lsti • than In 1&67. The manufacturing operations during the year produced as follows: 0,481 yards of carpet l'or sale, yards carpet for customers,ti,l9s yards of basgina, 1,438 pairs of boots and shoes made and mended, .‘Wti.iou cigurs made, 942 bis ket-. made, 120 dc/.eu grain bags made, 322 fish nets and semes made, aud 20,490 skewers. There were manufactured goods on hand to the amount<>i 83,917 U 4, consisting among other urticles or l.sj.* yards of carpet for sale, 3-1 bas kets ot varion; sizes, 75 11-12 Uoz. grain bags, 312 tlsh aud tly nets, and 50,000 cigars. The profits of the labor of the prisoners for the past year was 83 813 32, as shown by the statement ol gain nod loss, which is 83,850.148 more than in 1807. 88,oT 34 more than In 1800, 81.133.00 more than in 1805, a n U 885 80 less than the aggregate profits ot the three years preced ing !hOS. i'neactual cost, of the Prison tne pre ceding year was 815,157 DO, being only 8350 57 less than tne past year, notwlthstaudlng the large amount expeudeu tor repalrsand maintenance ot the greatly increased uurnber of vagrants commuted during the year ending November 30th, 1803. Tabular statements s. staining the foregoing conclusions are heicto appended and made part of this Report. We regret to report the death of two of the officers oil he Priaou during the year: Dr. Juo. F. Huber, physician to the Prison, and Henry M. Musser, a nitiubi-r of the Board of Inspec toi s. l>r. Huber was a faithiul ami energetic offi cer, Imugiug to the discharge ol his duties the varied expei lence ym ued In the practice of Ins professi'iu nut only Hi homj but In the army dunug the lebeillon. Mr. Musserby hhs urbanity of manner and the corns Unit Interest felt lueverythlng which promoted the welfare of the Prison, was well qualified for the position made vacant by ills untimely death. A 11 ot which is r< spcctfully submitted. A. U. WITMER. President, G FORGE LUNG, CHRISTIAN LEFEVER, JARED SWEIUART, ISAAC H. SHAFFER, J FKKM’H ROHRER, Sec’y. iDspectois. Lfi non- Ler C m n t-y Prison, Jan. 4tu, 18b9. Jan 'SI 4tw3 GREAT ItLSTOKCK sen !•: ]•: xz's celi:isHati;d bitteu^cokdial. Tt)i> medical preparation Is now offered to the public as a reliable substitute for the many worthless comp muds which now flood the market. It Is purely vegetable, composed of various heibs, gathered iroin the great store house of nature, and selecied with the utmost care, it is not recommended as a Cure all, but by Its direct and salutary influence upon the Heart. Liver. Kidneys, Lungs, Stomach and Bowels, lr. acts both ius a preventive and cure for mauy ot the diseases to which those organs are subject. It is a reliable Family Medicine, and can be taken by either Infant or adult with the sums beneficial results. It Isa certain, prompt and speedy remedy for DIA R RHCEA, DYSENTERY. BOWEL CUM PLAINT, RYSPEPHI A, LOWNKSH OF SPIRITS, FA INTI NOS, RICK-HEADACHE, dc. For CHILLS and FEVERS of all kinds, It Is far better and safer than quinine, without any of lIS peruiclon • effects. It creates an appetile, proves a powerful dlgeseer of food, and will counteract t lx* effects ufliquor lu a Jew min utes. PREPARED 11Y JACUB SUHEETZ, Cole Proprietor, N. W. COR. FIFTH AND RACE STREETS, PHILADELPHIA, PA. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. I WILI. GI K ONE THOUSAND Dol lars reward f..r any case of the following diseases, which the Medical Faculty have pro nounced lucnrabie, that Dr. Richau’s Golden Remedies will not cure. Dr. Richau’s Golden Bal-am No. 1. will cure Syphilis in Its primary and secondary stage?, such as old Ulcers, Ul cerated Hore Throat, Sore Eyes, Bkln Erup tions and Sorenes of t lie scalp, eradicating dls eas r and mercury thoroughly . Dr. Richau’s Golden Baßam No. 2, will cure the third stages; ; nd I defy those who do suffer from sneu diseases to obtain a radical cure without the aid of this medicine, winch does not pre vent. the patients from eating and drinking what they like. Price of eiti.er No. or 2, $5 per bottle or two bo: ties, $1). Dr Rich mi's Golden Antidote, a safe and rad ical cure for Gonorrhea, Gravel aud ail Urinary Derangements, nc.ompanled with lull direc tions Warranted to cure. Price, S 3 per bottle. Dr. Richan’s Goldeu Elixir d’ Amour a radi cal cure for General Debility In oldoryouDg, imparting energy to those who have led a Hie ol sensuality. Price, So per bottle, or two bot tles 89. On receipt, ol price, by mall or Express, these remedies will be shipped to any place. Prompt attention paid lo nil correspondents. None genuine without the name of Dr. Klclmu’s Golden remedies—D. B. Richards, sole proprie tor, blown iu Glass of bottles Addess. DR. 1). B. RICHARDS. fS-oawd.tly w No. 228 Varlck st., Now York. Pusiral lustruiiHutg, &r. m>METIIING NEW! 'WOODWARD'S PIANO FORTE AND OR GAN WARE-ROOMS, No. 20 East King Street , Lancaster , Pa, The largest establishment of the kind in Lancaster, and one ol the largest In the State. The finest assortment of Instruments over of fered to the public In this ctiy and county. Pianos, Orgnns, Sheet Mnsic,JMnsic Books, Ac., Ac. (flickering it Son’s Pianos, Baines Bro.’s Pianos Mason & Hamlin’s Cabinet and Metropolitan Organs. Our facilities are such that we can now af ford to supply our customers with instruments at rates as low as they can be purchased of the manufacturers. Dur new Warerooms, situated at No. 20 East King street, opposite Sprecher’s Exchange Hotel, over Brenner & Hostetter’s, are fitted up in a manner that we feel confi dent cannot fall to please the most fastidious. We shall always be happy to exhibit our in struments to ail who wiU favor us with a call, whether they wish to purchase or not. Orders taken for Sheet Mnelo and all kinds of Musical merchandise. Call and see us. * A. W. WOODWARD. No. 20 East King street. obt2l-tfw42 Lancaster, Pa. The celebrated W- Ferguson, M. D , F. Ph. of tbe MedicalUntverstty of Edinburgh Scotland, a School of the highest reputation, says: •• Of theunofficlnal preparation with which I am acquainted, I do not know of any equal to the Lightning Belief. It Is perfectly harmless, and destined to become a popular remedy.” Sold by Druggists and Dealers Everywhere. Johnson, Holloway & Cowoen, General Agents, Philadelphia, Pa. VM. G. BAKEB, Agent, Lancaster, Pa.' J. R. HOFFER, Agent, .Mount Joy. Jan 6 Bmwl CIHANQED BAUDS. i KABI U n J£_* TN u T UTS EJ£ T 1 Fbank f. Landis. Jacob 8. Landis Ezra F. Landis, K E "’» 5E LANCASTER, FA., LANDIS & CO., Proprietors. Iron and Brass Castings Done to Order. Engines, Mill Gearing, Shaftings. Pulleys, Ac., built. Also, a new and Improved Grain Thresher and Separator. Models for Patentees made to order. Special attention paid totrepalrlng. apCTtfw: * LANDIS *OO. Hairo garifie gailwafl. 1000 ” ItEB UNION PACIFIC RAILBOAD ABE NOW COMPLETED As 500 miles of the western portion of the line, beginning at Sacramento, are also done, but 267 MILES EE MAIN To be Finished, to Open the Grand Throngh Line to the Pacific. This Open ing; will Certainly Take Place Early this Season. Besides a donation from the Government of 12,800 acres of land per mile, the Company Is entitled to a subsidy in U. 8. Bonds on its line as completed and accepted, at the average rate of about $26,500 per mile, according to the dffl cnltles encountered, for which the Govern ment takes a second lien as security. Whether subsidies are given to any other companies or not, the Government will comply with all its contracts with the Union Pacific Railroad Company. Nearly the whele amount of bonds to which the Company will be entitled have already been delivered. FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS By its charter, the Company is permitted to issue Us own FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS to the same amount as the Government Bonds, and no more. These Bonds are a First gage upon the whole road and all Us equip ments. THEY HAVE THIRTY YEARS /TO RUN AT SIX PER CENT., and both PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD Such securities arejenerally valuable in pro portion to the length of time lliey have to run. The longest six percent, gold Interest bondsof the U. S. (the ’Si’s) will be due lu eight years, and they are worth 112. If they had thirty years to run, they would stand at not less than 125. A perfectly safe First Mortgage Bond like the Union Pacific should approach this rate. The demand for European Investment Is al ready considerable, and on the completion of the work will doubtless carry the price to a large premium. SECURITY OF THE RONDS. It needs no argument to show that a First Mortgage of $26,500 per mile upon what for a long time must be the only railroad connect ing the Atlantic and Pacific Slates is PER FECTLY SECURE. The entire amount of the mortgage will be about $30,C00,000, aud the in terest $1,600,000 per annum in gold. The pres ent currency cost of this Interest Is less than 82,.500,010 per annum,Awhile the gross earnings for the yearlB6B, FROM WAY BU3i N ESS on !y, on AN AVERAGE OF LESS THAN 700 MILES OF ROAl) IN OPERATION, WERE MOKE THAN FIVE MILLION KOI,LARS. The details of which are as follows : From Passengers $1,024,005 irr “ Freight 2,040,213 19 " Express 51,123 08 “ Mails 136,235 59 “ Miscellaneous 91,626 27 “ troops.. 10-1,077 77 “ " freight. 449,440 83 “ Contractors'men 201,179 09 “ “ material 968,430 32 I Total ; 85,066,051 61 This large amount Is only au indication of the immense traffic that must go over the through line In a few months, when the great tide of Paclflc cosst travel and trade will be gin. It Is estimated that this business must make the earnings of the road from FIFTEEN TO TWENTY MILLIONS A YEAR. As the supply of these Bonds will soon cease, parties who desire to Invest In them will liud it for their Interest.lo do so at once. The price lor the present is par and accrued Interest from Jan. 1, in currency. Subscriptions will be received la Lancaster by 19,421 50 LANCASTER NATIONAL BANK REED, McGRANN & CO.. BANKERS, FIRST NATIONAL BANK, and In Now York at the Company’s Office, No. 2<> Nilhhhu'streel, JOHN J. CISCO A SON, RANKERS, NO. 59 WALL .STREET, And by the Company’s Advertised A.ients throughout the United Slates. Bonds sent free, but parties subscribing through local agents, will look to them for their safe delivery. A NEW PAMPHLET AND MAP WAS IS SUED OCT. Ist, containing a report of the pro gress of the work to that date, and a morecom plete statement In relation to the value of the bonds than cau be given In an advertisement, which will bo sent lree on application at the Company’s office or to any of Ihe advertised, agents. 1 J^-tfllAW JQU. H.C. MCCORMICK, OFFICE NO. 07 WEST KING STREET (Late Dr. D. McCormick's.) LANCASTER, TENNA Treats private diseases successfully with his new remedies. Also, weakness from Indiscre tions of youth—male or female. The medicine Is pleasant to the ta*te No change of diet, and consequently no exposure. Patients not wlsulng to present themselves an have medicine sect to their address by E R 1 C K » K Great Medical Wonder of;.thk World LIGHTNING! RELIEF! The World-renowned Internal ‘and External Vegetable Medicine, FOR PAINS AND ACHES. Gives reliefln most cases in from two to ten minutes. Bad cases of Rheumatism, thought by Physi cians to be incurable, have been cured By a Single Bottle of the,.Largo Size of the LIGHTNING RELIEF. Wonderful Cures of Running Sores of Long Standing have been effected by the use of this Remedy. Physicians Recommend .it ;in their Practice ! The subscriber has taken charge of the Bar and Restaurant under Reese’s Exchange Ho tel. at the Railroad Station MOUNT JOY, PA. And Is prepared to accommodate the publlo with the v . CHOICEST WINES AND LIQUORS At his Bar; and in his Restaurant always the best and most seasonable that the marfcet af fords will be provleed. sep 1 tfw 85| JOHN MONTGOMERY. COLUMBIA IHSUSAHGJfi COMPANY JANUARY IST.IBBB. CAPITAL ARB ASHSTS, 1070 832 73. This Company oonttnnes to Insure Build ings, Merchandise, and other property, against loss and damage by fire, on Che mutual plan either for a cash premium or premium note EIGHTH ANNUAL REP 0!R T . CAPITAL AND INCOME, Ain’t of premium notes. $863,575 93 Less amount expired 216,339 20 ■ ■ ■ ■ $617,?36 73 Cash receipts, less commlsdioosln ’67 6d,723 13 Loans 1 Iu.OOO OU Dae from agents and others.. 4,161 13 Estimated net assessment No. 7. .. 28,000 00 Losses and expenses paid In 1367...... (66 722 13 Losses adjusted, not ane.............. 18,566 13 Balance of Capital Assets, Jan. 1, 1883..™ - - - CT0,833 8 $754,120 18 A. B GREEN, Geosox Young, Jr., Secretary. Michaels Shuman, Treasurer. DIRECTORS: R. T. Ryon, William Patton, John Fern Inch, John W. Bteacj H. G. Min ch, Geo. Young, Jr. ftam'i F. Lberleln. Nicholas McDonald Amos 8- Green, John B Bachman, Hiram Wilson, Robert Crane,} Michael 8. Shuman,, For Insurance and other particulars apply to HERR & BIFK, * Real Estate, Collection A Insurance Agents. No. o North Duke street, Lancaster, Fa, nov2 tfd«aw THEO. W. HERR. JERK. BIFE piREI LIFE!! ACCIDENT 1! ! INSURE/ INSURE// INSURE/// INSURE your Bolldlngs, Machinery, Tools, Merchandise, Furniture, Horses. Cattle, Grain and Implements against loss or damage by fire or water. INSURE and provide for yoor families, de pendent wile and children and credltots against loss In case of your early death, and secure to yourself a certain Income or sum of money in case you reach old age. INbURE against accidents, that In case you are hurt you may draw from So toSo'J per week Und In case of death your families wilt receive Irom 81000 to 810,U00. INbURE your Horses Rnd Cattle against loss by Death or Theft, INSURE your Plate Glass Windows and Doors, Mirrors, Show CaSes, Ac., against less by breakage, INbURE your Goods, and Merchandise against loss or damage by Railroad or Water Transportation. Insurance of all kinds effected In the best Companies, at the lowest rates consistent with salety. All losses promptly settled without delay. Call and see us before insuring else where. Real Estate business in all its branches: Surveying, Conves'anciDg and Writing of all kinds also attended to. Rents, Interest and all other claims promptly collected. Send for our Insurance Pamphlets and Real Estate Registers. Sent free. A T I O N A E. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Cl* A ItTKKF Ii it Y SPECIAL lACT OK l) N* IP. i' -P, IT HAS A PAID-UP CAPITAL. OF S!,OU),OOC IT OFFERS LOW KATES OF PREMIUMS! IT FURNISHES HUGER .’INSURANCE THAN ANY OTHER COMPANIES FOR THE SAME MONEY. IT IS DEFINITE AND CERTAIN IN ITS TERMS. IT IH A HOME COMPANY IN EVERY LO CALITY. ITS POLICIES ARE-EXEMPT FROM AT TACHMENT. THERE ARE NO UNNECESSARY RE STRICTIONS IN TH E POLICIES .J EVERY POLICY IS NON-FORFEITABLE POLICIES MAY BE TAKEN THAT WILL PAY INSURED THEIR FULL AMOUNT AND RETURN ALL THE PREMIUMS, THAT THE INSURANCE COSTS ONLY HE IN TEREST ON THE ANNUAL PAYMENTS. POLICIES MAY BETAKEN WHICH PAY TO THE INSURED, AFTER A CERTAIN NUMBER OF YEARS, DURING LIFE, AN ANNUAL INCOME OF ONE-TENTH THE AMOUNT NAMED IN THE POLICY. NO EXTRA KATE IS CHARGED FOR RISKS UPON THE LIVES OF FEMALES. IT INSURES NOT TO PAY DIVIDENDS BUT AT SO LOW A COST THAT DIVIDEN DS WILL BE IMPOSSIBLE. JOHN J. CISCO, Treasurer, New York. iKicixicm STERLING AND COIN SILVER. J~SVe have a Watchmaker from the Swiss i' to do repairing, and warrant all worlr. POULTRY POWDER. YOUKU LADIES ASD OESTLEDEIf .-I , have made a discovery of the utmost Im* portance and advantage to every young un- I married person of either sex. Nothing of the kind was.ever before discovered. No discove ry was ever learned with more delight and as- ! tonlsbment. Ir can do no harm with or by the ' evil disposed, and I am sure It Is of great use ; and advantage to tb e worthy, while it cannot ■ PARTNERSHIP NOTICE fall to benefit both. I desire every worthy , Notice Is hereby given that John*B. Russel young person to know this and have the ben- i has associated wltkblmHenryD.fifusselman, fit of my discovery, as advertising, postage, 1 Jno. W. Hubley and Wayne G. Bender, for the Ac., Is expensive. I charge each one whom I 1 purpose of conducting a General Hardware learn it 20 cents to pay the Bame. Young man 1 bußmess, under the lollowiDg named firm, or young woman, if you wish to learn this use- RUSSEL, MUSSELMAN A CO. ful and mysterious discovery, which will be j JOHN R. RUSSEL, greatly to your advantage, by enclosing 20 1 H. D. MUBSELMAN, cents and your Post-offlee address, you will I J. W. HUBLEY, learn all about It by return mall. This is no ! W. G. BENDER. humbug. Should aDy worthy person think It : snob, let him or her write me aud not send the . CAR*- 1 —A. W .Kassel would respectfully re -20 cents, and I will send It free. I know If such turn bis sincere thanks to a generous publlo person learned It, that person will be thank- for the very liberal patronage he has always fol, which fact a compensation. ! received, and hopes the eameliberallty will be Address J. R. HOLTON, I extended to the new firm of Russel. Mussel- Ruaaelville Post-offlce, Chester Co., Pa, man AC. A. W. RUSSEL, jan 13-2mw* 2 1 Lancaster, Jan. 1,1869. JB*6tdd3mw losnraore emynultu CONTRA. HERR A RIFE. Real Estate, Collection and Ins. Agenis, No. 8 North Duke street. Lancaster, Pa. decB*lawdatfw UNITED STATES OF AMERICA WASHINGTON, D. C. CASH CAPITA!. PAID J N FULL. BRANCH OFFICE FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILIUN’t PHIL A D R L P II l A ' $1 A A TO 8200 per month salary paid to To which all general correspondence sh-ml-.l $ iUU good Agents tosell our Patent A on-cur be addressed. \rusive White Wire Clothes Lincx. Stale age and , past occupat on, and address the American OFFICERS: ’ Wire Co., 75 Williams st., N. Y., or Hi Dearborn ’ st., Chicago, 111. 16 4w CLARENCE H. CLARK. President. ! JAY COOKE. Chairman Finance and Kxecu- | AGENTS WANTED. —For the only steel cn . 1 grazing of Gen. Grant and his family publish £9^J£.£’..y,Sce Prudent. ‘ed wltn their approval. Engraved by Hartaln. EMERSON W. FEET, .Secretary and Actuary. ; yjze 15 by 19, $2.00. 100 per cent, to agents. Ad dress GO I DbFEED A CD., Chicago, or No. 67 1 1 Furk Row, N. Y. 16-lw THE AD V A N T AGES Offered by this Company are IT IS A NATIONAL COMPANY, CHARTER ED BY SPECIAL ACT OF CONGRESS, 1368. F_ W. CLARK & CO., Philadelphia. General Agents for Pennsylvania and Soutl ern New Jersey. KREADY A HERR, Agents lor Larcaster County, L A X C A S T E R . B C. KREADY. C. G. Here. octl) ttrndiw iPatiUrs, ajfwulrij, «r, 1869- 11. Z. RHOADS .£ BRO. 1869, We ask the attention of purchasers lo our un usually large stock of goods carefully selected and manufactured to our own order for the FOR THE XEW YEAR ! wnlch we are selling at very Low Prices. FINE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, AMF.RICAN AND FOREIGN MAKERS. DIAMOND, CORAL, AMETHYST, GARNETT PLAIN AND ENAMELED COLD.! KWHI.ICi HAIR \J EWE L 'R X MADE TO ORDER WITH FINE GOLD MOUNTINGS. Special attention paid to furnishing WEDD 1 X (J P R\K BRX T 8 . H. Z. RHOADS A BRO., (xY ext Door Below Cooper’s Hotel,) WEST KINO STREET, LANCASTER, PA. novio tfw-i; gatifetag gous«s, g W. n.AKIi A CO., BA N K E R B , NO. 3.') S. THIRD ST., PHILADELPHIA, GENERAL AGENTS NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO DNITED3STATES OF AMERICA, Pennsylvania, and Southern New Jersey. The NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COM PANY Is a corporation Chartered, by Special Act of Congress, approved July 25,1868 with a Cash Capital of One Million Dollars, and Is now thoroughly organized and prepared or basin 'se. Libera; .erms offered to Agents and Solici tors, who are Invited to app'y at our office. Full particulars to be had on application at our office, located in the second story of our Banking House, where Circulars and Pamph lets, fully describing tbe advantages offered by the Company, may he had. E. W. CLARK 4 CO., No. 35 South Third street, oglU-lydeodaw Philadelphia, Pa. B. S. RUSSELL, Manager. KREADY* 4 HERR, Agents for Lancaster County, L A N C A 8 TER . B. C. Krkady. C. G. Herb, ©flttrattonal. grg ©nafls. tic. gP.EING, I 860! GLASSWARE. FRENCH, CHINA AND ENGLISH GRANITE WARE, now opening at daber & brothers. BOSTON AND PITTSBUBGIGLASSWARE purchased direct from the Manufacturers. Q Engraved, Cut and Pressed Table Tumblers- Goblets, champagne and Wine Glasses, Fruit stands, saucers. Cream Pitchers, Sugars, Celery Stands, Ac., Ac., IN OBEAT VARIETY OF 81YLE8. GOLD BAN D AND PLAIN FRENCH CHINA. H O J» WHITE ENGLISH;GRANITE WARE, New Styles, Plain land Embossed, of onr own Importation, and will be sold at very Low ‘ ;HAGER & BROTHERS. - 8751,120 09 LINENS. & COTTONS. HAGER A BROTHERS have now In store a fall ussortment of BARNSLEY LINEN BHEETINGS AND PIL LOW CASINGS, DAMASK. SNOW DROP & DICE PATTERNS, TABLE LINENS AND NAPKINS, HEAVY LOOM TABLE LINEN*, DAMASK ANDHUCK TOWLS AND TOWLINGS. FROM FINEST TO LOWEST QUALITIES. RICH A RDBON' 8 SHIRTING AND FRONTING LINENS. A COUPLETS STOCK o'f HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. INCLUDING MARSEILLES QUILTS, HONEY COMB QUILTS. BLANKETS, TABLE AND PIANO COVERS, CURTAIN MUSLINS, do. 500 Pieces boa CALICOES at cents. NEW YORK MILLS, WAMSUTTA, WIL LIA.MSVILLE, FRUIT OF LOOM, LONS DALE, HILL, FORKSTDALE, HOPE, and other makes of BLEACHED i UNBLEACHED MUSLINS, which we are selling by the)Plece or Yard at WHOLESALE PRICE, 1000 rOI'SDS PRIME OHIO FEATHERS. WALL PAPERS! HAGER & BROTHERS Are now receiving their SPRING STOCK, which will be louud complete In all Depart ments of Plain and Decorative PAPER HANGINGS, In Plain Tints, Walnut, Oak, Marble, Frescoe Stamped Gold. Satins and Blanks for Halls Parlors, Libraries, Dining Rooms and C ham hers. Choice New Fresco Designs lor STOKES AND PUBLIC HALLS. Patent Metal fur securing Paper against Damp Walls. Call and examine. HAGER A BROTHERS. C A RPE TS ! ENGLISH BRUSSELS. CRO'SLEY’S TAPES TRY BRUSSELS, LOWELL & HARTFORD THREE-PLY’, INGRAIN AND VENETIAN, WOOL DUTCH, HEMP A RAG CARPETS. Velvet Rugs and Mats, Wool-Bordered Cocoa and Jute Door Mats. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, New Designs, All Widths. COCO* AND CHINA MATTINGS. WINDOW SHADES AND HOLLANDS, In Full Assortment. HAGER A BROTHERS. feb 103tw6| SBismiaafous. 150 Teachers Wanted. <73 TO 8150 PER MONTH; for lull particular, address “The People’s Journal,” Philadelphia Pa. 16-lw WANTED— Salesmen to travel and sell by sample a new line of goods. Situations •permanent, aud good wages. Address witn stamp, H. H. RICHARDS A CO , -HU Cheduul st., Philadelphia, Pa. 16-4 w PAINTS FOR FARMERS. Unsurpassed for ;my purpose. 'B6 FOR a bid. of 300 I,BN. Send for circular.' GRAFTON MINERAL PAINT CO., 25-1 Pearl street, N. Y\ fll 4w NEW BOOK—-*2OO ENGRAVINGS fhe Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Manual, edited by Geo. E. Waring, jr., author of “Dralulng for Profit.” “Elements ot Agriculture,” Ac. A booK of great value to every one. Seud for 16 page circular. Agents wanted. TREAT* CO., Publishers. 051 Broadway, N. Y\ f6-lw THE CHRISTIAN,{6O;CENTB. i A large, live, K page monthly religious and 1 family paper, full ol facts, providences, lucl deuts, music, poeDy, true stories, pictures, reading lor young, old, saints, sinners, one and all. No sectarianism, controversy, politics, i puffs, pills, or patent medicines. 60 cts. a ye *r; IO copies 85. For Sunday Schools, 10 copies 84. t-end IO cents for 3 specimens before you i lorget it. Vol. 4 begins Jan., 1000 pages 1 new 1 iv>•- tracts 81. Addrtss if. X,. HAST INGS, Scriptural Tract Repository, 19 Lindail st., Boston. Mass. 15-1 w AGENTS WANTED FOR THE SIGHTS ANI) SECRETS OF THE NATIONAL CAPITAL, A workdescrlptlveofWa.shingtouCltv; Inside and Outside Unmasked ami Exposed. The spiciest, must thrilling, most entertaining. In struct ive, and .startling book or tho dav. Send for Circulars, with terms. Ac. Ad dress UNITED STATES PUBLISHING CO., 411 Broome street, New York city. fb-4w Sij*t Cwmfjj fcu't ofiJiuitiujcU*.] WE ARE COMING, NJ) WILL PRESENT TO 'ANY PERSON Sending us a Club In our Great; One llollnr Snle of Ilry mid Fancy GOOD S . A WATCH, pieceof SHEETING, SILK|DKE3S PATTERN, Ac., Ac. F K K E OF COST. Our Inducements during tbe past few years nave been large. WK NOW DOUBLE OUR HATER OF PREMIUMS. We have made many important additions to our Winter stocks, and have largely extended our Exchange List, aud we now teel confident to meet the demands of our extensive patron age. Send Jtir Hew Circular. Catalogue of Goods and Samples h nt to any address tree*. Send money by registered ]et.i*-i Address all orders to J. S. HAWES F A VERY VALUABLE JT CHESTER VALLEY FARM, OF NINETY ACKEH, IN EAST CALN TWP., CHESTER COUNTY, PA. —The uudersigued wishing to retire from farming, will offeron theprernlseH, on THUKaDAY, FEBRUARY 11th, 13-iU, her farm, containing NINETY ACRES, more or less, situate on the public rond leading from the Lancaster to the Harrisburg Turn pike, and bouuUed by Onds of John G. Edge, Elhauan Zook, Alleu W. Wills, Joseph Baugh, and Tliomaj 1). Hoopes. To is Is a rare chance for persons wishing io enter Into farming, as this Is one of the best farms in Chestercountv. The improvements consist of a large FRAME DWELLING, containing on the llrst llnor Hall, Dining Room, bitting Room and Kitchen with water therein, second tloor Is divided Into six very pleasant sleeping rooms. Tho Attic la divided Into three good rooms, lathed and plastered, all In good order. The cellars extend under the whole bulldiug ; there Is also an out kitchen for use In summer, with fur nace and large hollers. The house Is well shaded by forest and evergreen trees, and Is a very desirable summer residence. Tnere Isa fine Apple Orchard aud fruit trees of different kinds. Near the dwelling la a Bath House, furnished with water from a running stream. The Barn Is nearly new, wixlii, stone, stable high ; the remainder frame, with tloor la cen tre, and large bays on each side. Garners for holdlDg about 1,000 bushels of grain. Stalling for 30 head of stock, water In barn-yard, and all In complete order. There Is also Carriage House, Tool House. Corn Crib, aud In fact all the necessary out-buildlngs are ou the place and In good order. The farm Is divided Into convenient fields, well-watered by a running stream, uuder good fences, very easy to work, free from stones, find can bo farmed with one half the teams and less hauling than any farm lu this section, as the nulldiogs are In tue cen tre of the place. It Is within live minutes drive of Downlngtown Station, on tho Penna. Central Railroad, where all passenger trains stop; It would make a good dairy farm. Thu locatlou Is In a healthy. Intelligent neighbor hood, convenient to schools, mills and pluces of public worship of various protesslous. Persons wishing to view the property previ ous to the day of sale, will be shown the same by calling on ibo subscriber, residing thereon. Hale to lake place at one o’clock, P. M., when conditions will bo made known by MRS. HENRIETTA 11. PARKE. Pusey H. Nichols, Auct. Jan (J ts 1 PUBLIC KALE OF VALUABLE JEFFERSON COUNTY LANDS AND MILL PROPERTY. The subscriber, as attorney in fact, for the heirs of the late Abr.iham isler, and for the purpose of paying the debts of said decedent, will ON FRIDAY, the Hllhday of MARCH, 18(/J, in front of the Carter House, Charlestown, pro ceed to sell, at public auction, to the highest bidder, in separate parcels, the following VERY VALUABLE PROPERTY of which the said Isler died, seized and posses sed, in Jefierson county, West Virginia, to wit: NO. 1. A TRACT OF LAND lying on the north side of the county road lead ing from Charlestown to Kabletown, In said county, and about or 3 miles from t lie form er place, containing about 225 ACREB, between 3'J and 40 acres of which is msguliiceul TIMBER, lying on the north side of said laud, and a Hord ing ample protection thereto. The Improve ments consist olacomforla ble FRA ME DWEL LING containing some (i rooms besides the garret, and a FINE ORCHARD OF CHOICE FRUIT, containing 11 or 15 acres. The occipautt of said land have a right to use the water from Beeler's Bprlug on the adjoining mrm.and also a right of way to water on "Evltt's Run," which passes within two hundred yards ol the dwelling house. The land Is of the best quali ty of llmestono soil, and remarkably free from rock brakes or loose stone; will produce as well as any'land in the county. No. 2, KNOWN AS THE MILL LOT, adjoins the tract ‘above mentioned on the south, and contains four or five Acres of Land. The stream known as '* Evltt’s Run," passes ihrough it, and furnishes an unfailing water power scarcelv tube excelled in the county. Upon said lot are two first-rate MILL BITES, and the remains of a SAW MILL, GRDT MILL ANI) FULLING MILL. The Saw Mill can be put in ope rati nat a small expense, ami the foundations and walls of tne other buildings, lue masonry, shaft and mill race are well preserved anu can bo repaired and rendered ilt for use In a short lime and without much outlay. Said property lies on the Cnarlestown and Kabletown road, about three miles from the former place. It presents one of the lim-st sites for a manufactory to l>e found in the Stale. No. 3 consists ot a tract of shout 45 OR 48 ACRES OF LAND, Lying on the Kabletown road. miles from Charlestown, adjoining the lauds of •Jau.es W. Glenn, Wm. 1L Moore, and others, about 12or 15 of which is well Umbered. The quality of the soil is first-rate limestone similar to tract No. 1, aud Is well enclosed. No Improvements. NO 4 CONTAINS 1 ACRE OF LAND, More ur less, and Jits on the south side of the Harper’s Ferry aud Kabletown ;road, and ad joins the lands of Amos Hhepherd and others, and la covered with Timber. To all of said tracts Is attached a right to use the water from what is known ah Beeler’s Bpring, above mentioned. Messrs. H. N. Gallaher and George G. Grove have an undivided interest of about forty acres In the tract of 225 acres, and two-flflbs oi the Mill lot, but concur lu the sale, and will unite id the deeds. The above tracts of laDd and mil Jotwlll bo surveyed and plats of some exhibited u> pur chasers on day of sale. Terms of Sale:—One-third cash, the residue in one and two equal annual payments at oue and two years, with Interest from day of sale, and secured by lien on the premises. All growlDg crops reserved. Possession given the Ist day of April, ISG9. Bale to take place a» 11 o’clock, A. M., on the 10th day of March, 18C9. NATHAN 8. WHITE, Attorney-in-fact for the Heirs. H. N. Gallaher will take pleasure In accom panying persons who may desire to view the premises. feb 10-Otw-tl ELIXIR. HEADACH&-DYSPEPSIA—COST! VEN ESS. If you suffer with headache try Marshall’s ELIXIR, and be convinced that although other remedies have failed to cure you, this will give you Instant and permanent relief. If by over-excitement and fatigue your nerves have become so weakened Lhut Head ache admonishes you something more danger ous may happen, such as Palsy, Dimness of Sight, and other alarming nervous affections, then Marshall’s Elixir, by giving toneand strength to your system, restores you to perfeot health. Whenever food which should be digested re mains In the stomach, causing pain and un easiness for the want of that principle which would render It easy of digestion, then by using Marshall’s Elixir you will supply this deficiency and prevent Its recurrence, and bo be radically cured of Dyspepsia. The stomach being thus cleansed from an unhealthy to a healthy condition, oostlveness and the other attendant disorders of the bowels are of necessity prevented. Price of Marshall’s Elixir, $l.OO per bottle. Proprietors, iyw 6 &r. PAKHE B s I I ! TRY THE ALTA VELA PHOSPHATE. It la composed principally of the celebiated 3uano from ALTA VELA, oontatns three per cent, of Ammonia, an amount sufficient to give activity to the vege tation, and a large quantity of Soluble Bone Phosphate of Lime, together with Potash and Soda, the essential elements of a complete manure. Price $56 Per Ton. 4®* Send for a pamphlet. Address THE ALTA VELA GUANO CO., aug 129mw32) 57 Broadway, New Yor k GEISELSAN, JR., A LO. (Late Baku & Geiselman.) COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS, WHISKEY, AC. No. 129 North Broad street, PHILA DELPHI A •*?* Prompt attention will bo given to sales and a speedy return made thereof. Pnrttes can rest assured that the highest prlco will e secured for all produce eutrusto l to our care, may 13 tfw 19 goWK R ’ S COMPLETE MA N U K E MANUFACTURED UY H KNIIY BOWER, CHEMIST PHILADELPHIA Made from Super-Phosphate of Lime, Ammonia and WARRANTED FREE KROM ADU I.T EUATION This Manure contalus elements to produce largo crops of all kinds, aud Is highly recommended by ull who have used it, also bv dl-tlngutfihed Chemists who have, by analysis, tested Its qualities. Puke if in Hags of 200 potmrfj eucA, DIXON, HI! AIU’LESH A CO. SOI.K AGENTS, SoCTit Water .t n) South Delawa t:tc Av> PHILADF. L P II 1 A For .sale by WM. REYNOLDS, 7. 1 .south St.. BalUiuore, Md Aud by dealers generally throughout the country. [sep9 2yw3(j For Information, address Henry Bower Ph lladelpbla. gltilatleliiUia ghlmtiscmruts rniii: fntablimikd firm, ± J. J. RICHARDSON A CO.. 12t> MARKET STREET, PIIII.AD’A., Is the largest Manufacturing Confectioners ami Wholesale Dealers In Fruits, Nuts, If you cannot proenro the pills enclose the mn my and address BRYAN A CO., Cedar street, New York, and on receipt they will be sent well sealed by return mall. Errors of youth. Young Men the experience of years, has demonstrated the fact that reliance may ho placed In the etllcacy of BELL’S SPECIFIC PILLS For the speedy and permanent cure of seminal Weakness, the resqit of Youthful Indiscretion, which neglected, ruins the happiness, and un fits the sufferer lur business, social or marri age. They can bo used without detection or Interference with business pmsuMs. Price one Dollar per box or four boxes for :i dollars. If you caunot procure these pills, enclose the money to BRYAN A CO., 01 Cedat street, New York, and they will be sent by mall, well sealed. Private circulars to Gent ♦- men sent free on application, enclose stamp DUTAH’S LIFE INVIGORATOR D OR REJUVENATING ELIXIR, For all Derangements of the Urinary Organs. II gives LIFE, HEALTH AND STRENGTH n. all who use It and follow my directions. Ji never falls to remove Nervous Debility, lmp >- lency or want of Power, aud aU’weaknessai ls- Ing from excesses or Indiscretion, resulting in loss of memory, unpleasant dreams vr.-uit uerves, headaches, n-rvoustrembling,general lassitude, dimness of vNion, flushing of m. skin, which If neglected, will surely lean on t (( Insanity or Consumption. When tbo system Is onco affected It will not recover without help. It must be Invigorated and strengthen ed, to enable the sufferer to fulfil the duties <>( life. This medicine has been tested for many years, Rnd H Is warranted a certain CURE, no matter how bad the case may be. Hundreds of certificates can be shown. Price, one Doiiur per bottle, or six bottles for five Dollars SOLD BY ALL DRUGGIST. If you cannot procuro It send a statement nj your case and enclose ibe money t-> BRYAN A CO., 04 Cedar street, Now Y'ork. and It will be sent you On receipt of Five Dollars, a bot tle nearly eijaal to seven small will bo sent to any express office lu the U. H. charges paid. Private circulars, s«nt on application, (en close stamp) iec2(J-2awdAlyw Hardware, stores, &r New hardwre firm. The undersigned have entered lino part nership In the Hardware trade at the lalr stand of A. W. A J. R. Russel, No. il'/j North. Queen street, under the firm of RUSSEL, MUBBELMAN A CO., and would be pleased to have their ‘frlemh/ call when In want of anything In their line. J. W. HURLEY, J. K. RUSSEL, W. G. BENDER. H. D. MUPHKLMAN. RUSSEL, MUSSELMAN A CO., Would call the attention of persons commenc ing housekeeping to their large stock of housekeeping goods, such as Knives and Forks, Spoons, Cedarware, Wallers, Look ing Glasses, ay- customer work of all kinds promptly attended to. sop 9|tx