, ,_J • , News Items. I Baying a Queer Customer. Chicago has a pane of glass seven and a During the first part of the present week half by fifteen feet. the unclaimed packages and parcels In the Both Now York and Boston elect Mayors °Moo of the Merchants' Union Express next month. Company In this city worn sold at public auction at the rooms of Scott & Smith, on Signor Blitz is :dousing the young folks Fifth, near Pine street. 'Tho sale was large oeNewark, N. ,L, ly attended throughout both days of its con- Bank runners In New 'York have their I tinuance, and many and ludicrous wore the wallets chained to their wrists. incidents attending it. To mention one of About ono million of postage:stamps tiro these only, will serve to answer our pur used In the United States daily. pose. Gas has just been Introduced into the City -An elongated box N. !J vas brought under of Mexico. neuth the auctioneer's ammer, very like a Spain ha 117 seaports, (175 miles of rail shoo box, some four feet in length and about ono and a half high. It wan labeled road, and s i miles of canal. "Dr. Kane, showman," and also boro the Galindo is garrisoned by 1'2,500 British words "New Orleans," It had evidently regulars. circulated freely on railways. When It wee On the Suez canal 14,8511 laborers and 58 I brought under the hammer thobldding was dredging tutichin es aro employed. lively. It was finally knocked down to a market woman living in the suburbe. She "Vencock feathers" in "bandit hots" lire the kited female display , in Now York. forked over throe dollars to the auctioneer, 'The John Allen style of prayer meeting her son shouldered the box, put it into the market wagon, and away they drove at a his lately been introduced Into England. speed accelerated by their desire to inspect A barber at Knoxville, Tenn., has boon its contents. Not until the wagon stood fined e 5 for shaving a man on Sunday. still before the doorway of the old lady's Twelve per cent. of English criminals are domicile was it suspected by her that she sold to lie under sixteen. had possibly bought Benstock. Thu jolting The "Grant hat" has already appeare.l on along the way had evidently worked a the promenade In Now York. . wonderful change in the contents of the box. When It wax lilted out of the wagon The Drew party came out about a million nod de milted on the sidewalk there was a and a (plater behind in the late tight In Erie. I vtolent P thumping and knocking within, so Mr, Sidney Mount, the artist, died 10 [ v,olent that the old lady dripped it in ter- Setatikot, Long Island, on Thursday, at the , r tr. ]tor henbane came and with him the ago el 1;2, nalanou of the honaehold, and when they Thu Tennessee Lu g imiati m o yesterday had gathered around, the mysterious mon elected A.. 1. Fletcher, Secretary of stiit,, 1 titer within the box made seemingly a dem and .1. E. Roust, Treasurer. ' penile ellort, to effect an exit. The old nom An old lady recently Hiatt In Masiticlin- stood aloof, and the children run sway, 111 111p1 111 101111 111111 .1111{11ty.1,1gIlt jiving grm i. 1 loss time Ilion it bikes to tell it, all the 1111.111 a. I , , women and children of the vicinity wore .i. 1111 the big earl Moodie day i t , 5,,,, v nw , , gamed oathertil n a all rou nhandd. The old Wh itman, flues ' ts, told th"se Mal ~ icii, 2,000 dispatches were snit Cast by telegraph. dropped In lit the auction and Invested three dollars, and how she hoped it w,, ! , ii pig, or A' nom 111 Buffalo spoiled eight mold:lid it c , llll, or a cashmere goat." The violent dollars' worth of 1111) by getting iirowliod 1 hammering ill the box nontintied, and the In it, staring cr a wl , A if wm,11.11, Hilidr..l,, on g roo., votirtum 11015 /0(11/11101 IVl'll, 11/f 0111 iron and alien' constantly militildied. T 1 1" old Mountain Ititilroad, arriVed et Hl. I.mila on lady, at length, °florist an Ei1i 1 . 1 1 111,,,,,,1111,1 ' Inn Ilith, from Patterson, New Jorsey. lug by, a dittilnut IVO greenback to open the „„ hos, Sarnia) essayed the task with evident ~,,Te l l l , l,:g ' l4, l , ) , l , L , l ; ;;:g l ii l l o ., l "l , l,l l l T ,4 l l: l , l " ,',t ' u r l i t i T r i i , ° , ,,l L 'ii , trepidation. 1 , 10 was confident "there was has, boon in Europe. 'TWIN in dor, , 11. ith the edge of an ex, ' by a violent effort, a 111110 .1 the box W IVI New \ ' ‘.lri( hii,ltWill VO CiergYiiiP I) IVIIO are wrenched Mr. The box was turned over each paid over Piano a your , and ft hum- 1 and there rolled out, floundering lint' writh ing, and red others who don't got 81,0igletteh. nig, and casting his call high in air, it Jolly A youth lit Rondout, N, y„ recently stole young alligator. The crowd 11010 111,11)01,11. 1 11 his poul(eb, full of 1. 1 41111 r 111111 %net the fate as it a bomb had fallen lii their 111.'1.4. The or laid boys by Claming himself up. women shrielioil, tho Milting' sereanied, The New York papers lieu again agitating and Natulio's eyes started from nuns sock fol• a bridge 11,1 . 1/lis tile East river. as a pre. its, 111111 In 1101 1/114.1 wad hill.1.1•1111,S terror %unitive of Alt ol 0 lorry limit disasters, he beheld thudeeil bodily for the first time. Thu I.',.jue 14111;111(.1N }vivo reet.co.l3 , pntoi, Ill) II Sinfillitril nuJ hi 4 'rimy Ittlidly ppFt.tl 01104011rth kfiwtro lifilf,,Niirtmincl- Ing MI. I 'itl lit, 1 1, 1,',11(10t), I loreti e i forly churollos. Notv .Inrnny ininorn nmnipinin t lint glum. In menrun In that Slain, tint that till. 41,111r1y 14 ynorly. 'l`%vo hunclrrtl in;rn,nn 1114. 1111111,1111 , 441 Lu hn ItllXil4l4 in .)IThiln (10,, , ,,rimr If Now I hiii•Nhiro. Thu coriwr.4llllll. Nlontlityullor• noon, 111 till 'hiir,h ul lhi. I loly tivifillehro, In So% Nmv Yorlc, by lihr4hop P111.11,r. The Nlikyor 111111 IL 1,)111 11111 t(Ill a 11,. city cailleiis Clovehiml tho ritibhg: works unit inking n ;4vni.1.111 VIII,, of SI, I.mik. A vull for IL Tomportsm, ('l.ovooti.)il thu Now Ell:411111d In ill iinhtnii nil 1 110 '2d llovelliber 11001, himmlll.l.lll.lhllllll iu L hilL oily, 11 trnl;no‘vii vO,Ol hum,.: id. hell, 11111,iNliff tho Ilridgollumptol,, nighl, during the .Nothing 1s ktlmr . s, uI di,IMPW holird A :.•w Vt,rl. pt•r 4:iys tho \Vest is Isms! In Im I hi• 111'1'1111 1/114k1.1 NVIIIIII, Use hundred and tiny I housan.l hogsheads and boxes of sugar Imvo ben landed in Itonton sines Januar). Ist, the Largest. ru• (vilits ever known. I'lllll.lelitliht hits skips to linpont tlionsitnil English slur rusts , whirls will In lit 101141. public piirl:4 tioxt spring. The PiONII/11 T1 , 111.01'11/l lint/LOS 111111111kb. ill Mai 111111 . 1ill'I 114 hiLl,lll, 1/111 . 1.11 011111 Iho host . • lquunhev--:11111 St/ 1110 good pumpkin 1111.4 ought to be. A Neu• 1•orl: rupor (t runt can not 111. 11 pStill 11111, 111.1 . 1t11511 ht• 111 . 1/1111,05 , tilt• 1 ,1 . 1 , 111 i 111/11gilt in 11111 t rlly on Mon4lity, sl ll , lll,ll v