goad lotaßow. THE 1110 . 14.11EVRE OW TUESDAY TolorablY , Lome aleettop..... y Compo sed ßabie s. of Boys, Women, and Not afore Than GOO Cant .and Grabtax Voters in Me Procession. • FilingirNegro on Hand—He Tile or Wrote Radicals and Robles Coll for Grant ax. The Mountain Labors and Brings Forth Idolise. For the past six weeks the Radicals of Lancaster city and county have been prom ising their friends and intimating to Demo crats, thatthey Intended to hold in this city a Grand Republican Mass Meeting, some thing that would eclipse anything of the kind ever held In this place. Their news papers have been publishing earnest ap peals to the Radical voters of the Old Guard to come to the rescue and make an over whelming demonstration. The _lnquirer, Examiner and Express have in long and ooneplelous editorials endeavored to per sunde the Radicals of the county to come to the aid of their desponding brethren in the city and assist them in holding at least one respectable Radical Meeting in Lancaster during the present political campaign. Eminent speakers from 'abroad ware promised to address the meeting and every inducement was offered to the Radicalsof this county to appear in Lancaster on the 20th. The great day at length arrived and, as the weather was very favorable, a larger turn out than usual was expected from the country. But whatever opinions may have been formed as to the size of the meeting, as the morning passed away, the elongated countenances of the Radicals in the city plainly Indicated how deeply they were mortified by the smell attendance and little enthusiasm manifested in comparison with the Mass Meetings • hold during former Presidential Campaigns. - At about half-past 10 o'clock in the morn ing, the different delegations having been arranged in some sort of order, the motley procession began to move. We had no dii ficulty in obtaining a favorable position to witness the procession as it passed down North Queen street by the Examiner build ing. No eager and dense crowd of specta tors lined the sides of that public thorough fare, a comparatively email number of men, womenand children occupied the pavements and in a few places the sides of the street itself, while through these straggling lines ofquiet and undemonstrative persons passed the irregular line of buggies, wagons, some men on foot, a much smaller number on horseback, that constituted the groat turn out of the Radical stronghold of Lancaster county. The number of voters in the whole pro• cession did not exceed six hundred. Wagons , drawn by six horses In many instances con- ' tained not more than from two to four voters, while the remainder of the load was made up of boys and girls, who appeared to enjoy themselves very much, and whose shrill cries fur Grant (no one mentioned Colfax,) made all the applause of the occa- Bien. The time occupied by the procession in passing a given point was exactly eight minutes. But a DOW feature was introduced into this Radical procession which will cost the Radical party many votes, not only in this city, but also in the county, if the indignant utterances of many Radicals, during the procession and afterwards, aro any indica tion how they will vote at the approaching elections. The feature to which we refer was that of having In p. prpninent position upon ono of the wagon's a LUSTY NEOIIO who, with hat in hand, was loudly hurrah ing for the Radical candidates. Ho was seated with the whites, who appeared to ap hreciate him highly, although wo noticed e perspired freely and in all probability gave out the not very agreeable odor pecu liar to his race. Several other vet/roes in other wagons participated with the whites in tbo parade, but we noticed that wily ono, while the procession past us, was cheering with his white Radical brethren. The Radicals practised the new tactics of the Tanners Clubs in this Parade to perfoo• Lion, with an improvement which the Club of this city ought to introduce at their next Torchlight Procession. The participants In the procession were kept widely apart so as to make the string of carriages and wagons RS long as possible; sometimes a long dis tance intervening between different Dele gations. The improvement consists in leav ing the procession at a certain point and driving rapidly around by a back street to Its rear join on and drive along as If the route had never boon passed over before by the dame party. Homo of the Rade. did this thing yesterday In'such a manner that they succeeded doubtless in imposing upon the minds or loony on.ophigioniou itndl cnle from the country a Mae Impression of the size of the Procession. This part atilt; Programme being completed—the circus havleg arrived and passed through town— all adjourned until THE AFTERNOON PERFORMANCE would take place on the oomnions in t h e Northeastern portion of thu city. At this place, at about 11MM - end two o'clock, a con sidentblo crowd had collected on and about the 'stand from which tho prominent speak ers wore to address the meeting when long lank, spindlo•mhanked, hypocritical looking creature made his appearanco. This interesting specimen of the Yankee "(locum East" political scavonger,:whome nose resembled a vulture's book and who immodiatoly proceeded to Waco upon that organ a huge pair of spectacles, announcod himsolf as ono of the men ‘• who sings songs for nothing and sells them tour for ten cents." Ho said ho was Just from Mahn), had boon through the war us a Hospital Bummer or Stiller, and wanted to moll songs and Writ a penny now that the war was over. lie did not state that he was In 'single battle, old °cc:ours() never was in one. Ho sung in an execrable voice a song, and disposod of a large quantity of printed ones to the hard listed farmers present at the rate of only .1 for ton cants. Ono or two other fellows or the same stripe were present and they doubtless did a tolerably good busi ness. Tho arrival of Governor Ovary put an to song selling, and the meeting was orga: fluid by the appointment of Col..ltts. Myers, President, and n long list of other officers. In accepting the position of Chairman of the meeting, Col. Myers stated, among other things, that with the lamented Stevens, wo proolitlin that all mon are born free and equal and shall have equal civil as well as religions rights. He then introduced Gov. Cleary to the audience, who addressed them at length on the war for the Union which is now otter; the Governor thou settled the financial question to his own satisfaction, by stating Unit if each man in the United States was worth $lOOO, his share of the debt would be only $5O. The remainder of his remarks were such us any third-rate Republican lawyer can make at any coun try, Grocery. The speech of the Governor did not elicit much applause, either during its delivery or at its conclusion, The ad dress was 110 i by any means brilliant or pointed but abounded in common place expressions, arranged in an indifferent and often inelegant manner. The chairman of the Meeting then in troduced General Killpatrick to the audi ence, which was already beginning to grow email as the lateness of the hour had com pelled many of the persons present to leave for their homes in the country. The Gen eral makes but an Indifferent stump speaker t his size and voice are both against him. Nothing in his appearance indicates him to be other than lie really Is—a very int prudentand violent Radical stump speaker. 'Phore is nothing commanding or attractive in his person, while the squeaking tones of his voice are more calculated to repel than to make proselytes. The General has evi dently written out his speech, and he speaks it liken school buy without uny regard to fitness of time and place. He cotnnionecd by welcoming his hearers front the moult tains turd vuileyu of this comity to their vii NV preen, etc. Hu then stated that "the platiorin adopted by the New York Dunmeratie UNIVI)Iiii011 WlO4 Ills ill% suitable In I e elntratitor as the liret &adoration of seueseion of South enrollee." lie spoke at Length or his services during the Into war end to Ono unacquainted with Its history it would appear test tilt, whole affair Ind bunt brought to it glorious ter• initiation through the puissant arm anti Wonderful brain of the spanker. tie Meted that he (nu tioL spank ui his polio.' oppo minim "1114 Democrats, hut in coloring to them always made use or tint term thpper. heads." Ito moreover said that his" Party wouldn't ho tied down to paper law, and that he would Inform the copperheads that the Great Republienn party would Mange the Conatintion,lllsllls alien as they want ed.", After continuing on in this Manner for Some tine the General m1,1114E10 the Re publicane of this city and county " logo for ' the Copperheads like ton ton." This LAMM pion of the God-and-Morality but •us.have Peace-Party also advised his hearers that [key should " wherever a copperhead shows AO head crush it. Shortly after giving ex• pronsion to this infamous sentiment which the larger proportion of persons present—be said to their credit—received with no murk , of approval or conunendation the little ora• tor subsided. Without waiting for the ad journment of the Mooting or even to assist in giving three feeble cheers the persons present immediately loft the ground, and thus ended the Grant and Colfax Campaign Demonstration in Lancaster city and county. Gen. Daniel Sickles was not present, and the only speeches made were those of which we have already given a just and true syn ! opsis, The whole affair was a complete failure but the greatest failure of the occa sion was the speech of Kilpatrick. It con tained nothing but the most violent abuse of the Democracy and any person who might have hitherto belonged to the Demo ?, ,oratio party and thought of supporting 'Otant at the approaching Presidential elec tion would most assuredly after hearing I : Kilpatrick's address become an enthusias tic, advocate of Gov. Seymour. •' :Hon. A. F. Stevens, of New Hampshire, I.?..irnado a few remarks lust before the ad -,,..joitrament of the Meeting, the only merit -s of which consisted in their brletneas. The Democracy of Pennsylvania have • every reason, for congratulation that Gen. Hilpattiok Is on the stump for the Radicals la this State, we hope he may speak every day between this and the lath of October, 'lO large audiences, composed like the one '' he addressed here yesterday, to a large ex ,o.,tent of Democrats and conservative Re ,,,,publlcans, a series of speeches by such an vi.:orator.would ensure beyond all peradven , !. lure the success of the Democratic ticket In • . ' 'this ,State - by a tremendone majority. , TILE °TILER STAND., , Gianni A. Grow of Penna., and.Sonator Patterson of N. H., spoke at another stand during the meeting. Grow spoke in his usual style familiar to out readers'tutel dl very poor style they know it to pray eriator Patterson, a portly, large fazed, ghalted and altogether a very respeotable old gen tleman, applied himself to the Bond ques tion. Fie favored their payment in gold and made as plausible an argument as possible in favor of this favorite measure of the New England monopolists and manufacture B.— Afterwards 0. J. Diokey, Esq., addressed the crowd at this stand, Mitch _had by this time tailed off to ten or fifteen persons. He made a frantic , effort ,to get up a cheer. bat most lamentably falling, het subsided, by urging the whole fiftee'n,totb vigorously to work as it was 'only ; by deeperate . efforts that the Radical party could possibly ono coed, MEIETIDKI IN TKO kty.ESING. Fulton Hall in the ederting'wes moder ately filled, and the audlarice,was delight fully entertained •by.a raving mailiati from Baltimore, named R. Stockett Mathews, who declared that the 'American . Poot , le. would curse the memory of James Buchan!: • an to all eternity, and seemed quite Weep pointed that the sentiment did not elicit the approval of his audienee; used to associate' among the Plug Tigilea of Baltimore,' be manifestly did not know how' to` ootidect himself when he got among,even M decent a people as the Republicans .of :Lancaster. Aided bye square yard of white pooket- handkerchief which be alternately waved over hie head and trailed at his Opt, beauscoeded in getting off an immense amount of.vltuporative talk ; at one time be and Col. Dickey engaged In a dirty colloquy as to the position of married men in the can vass ; no ladles present; they don't go to Republican meetings ; it is not safe. Matthews was certainly very abusive and foul; but great allowance must be made for him ; he lives in a State where Repub licans are . very scarce and must have a very hard life of it. It was therefore natural that when ho got into a Republican county he should let out all the gall that was pent up In him. We are really glad that the poor fellow has had an opportunity to relieve himself and we do not doubt that be felt as well after it, us If he had taken a dose of Compound Cathartic pills. The intellectual and virtuous—God save the mark—Kilpatrick followed Mathews, talked for some time but as usual said noth ing. Ho neglected to dilate upon his pleas ant experience us Minister to n South American Republic, or to dwell upon the charms of the frail woman who was the companion of his voyage and exile. (rent Dleitrjet Democrat/C_ news 71006. Ins; ni Alrkwood The District Mass Meeting at Kirkwood on Tuesday, September 20th, was much the largest political gathering over seen in this county outside of Lancaster city. The day was delicious, ono of those Perfectly bright and cloudless days which make our Au tumns the most delightful season of the year. Not a cloud was to be eeen in the sky from morning until night. The at mosphere was almost as balmy as In early Juno, and a delightful breeze pre vented the heat of the sun from being felt. When we arrived on the ground at 10 o'clock hundreds of carriages wore already ranged about the stand, and iu them sat many fair ladies who graced the occasion by their presence. This section of Lancas ter county boasts the most intelligent por tion of its country population. The de scendants of the old Scotch Irish pioneers still dwell on the lands which were settled by their fathers. They are great readers, and have a remarkable fondness for public discussion. They take no man's mere ipso digit for anything, but insist upon having reasons given before they will accept the tenets orally religious sect or political party. The result is that through all the lower townships of Lancaster county the Demo cratic party Is very strong, being dominant in some, while the rest are almost evenly balanced. Great as was the crowd on the ground when we arrived at Kirkwood tho delega tions were not all In, and shortly after Bort, Salisbury and Sudsbury came with a pro cession of wagons, carriages and horsemen over a mile long. They bore elegant flogs in largo numbere and banners with appro end telling inscriptions. One of the most marked features was alarm) wagon elegant ly fitted up, canopied with evergreens and festooned with flowers in which rode a bevy of beautiful young ladles, each ono the rep resentative of a State. They carried flags and were greeted with enthusiastic cheers. The shad was elegantly decorated, being draped with wreaths of intermingled ever greens and (lowers. It was largo and well constructed. The only mistake made was in erecting it in a field instead of in the fine grove in the vicinity. 'The change was made on account of the continued wet weather, which bad made the woods quite damp. Those who have charge of the erec tion of stands on such occasions should welt until the morning of the mooting before putting them up, and then they should so place them as to have the wind blow front the (monitor toward the audience. Few men enn speak loud enough to lie heard by a large erowd with t h e wind against them, and the stringent voices may be broken up In an allrempt to do CO. At 11 o'clock the Meeting wan organized by the uppointment of the following unl earn : President—Dr, John A. Morrison, of Chester county. Vies Presidents—lenao Wilson, Themes Wright, B. S. Patterson, of Little Britain twp.; John limaings, R. C. Edwards, Dtal Lefever, James Steel, Eng., of Drumoro twp.; D. D. Swift, Jeremiah Brown, Isaac 'Towson, of Fulton twp.; Robert Mont gotnory, D. D. Hess, of Eden twp.; John Tweed, John Hildebrand, Joseph Reed, of Providence twp.; . R. I'. Spencer, Benj. B. Grinder, Franklin Clark, John P. Kilburn, of Strasburg ; Joel L. Lightner, Jacob Brun, of Paradise twp.; 11. S. Horns, lirisbon Sidles, of Salisbury twp.; John D. Llarraz , hum Walker, of Sadebury twp.; Dr. John Martin, Harrison Graham, Adam Banter, of Ilnrt twp.; Josiah Boyer, Dr. George T. Dare, Dr. James P. Andrews, Andrew Stewart, of Colerain twp.; Wm. MeCanna, of Sadsitury, Chester county ; Joseph P. Walton, John Giltillan, of West Fallow fl el a ; Jacob Fox, Esq., Abram Peters, Geo. Ross, of Upper Oxford twp.; Capt. John Miller, Joseph Martell, Samuel Whiteside, Dr. S. F. Neely, of Lower Oxford; Dr. 11, Barton, George Marshall, Samuel (lope, of Oxford borough. Secretaries—William Spear, of Oxford; Edwin Garrett, Sadabury twp. Financial Committee—Jas. Turner Jae. B Whitt. George B. S. Patterson, Joseph George Nauman, Esq., was the first speaker, and proceeded to discuss the issues of the day in en able and eloquent meaner, 710 was interrupted by the arrival of dele gations, and the meeting was adjourned until afternoon before he concluded. After dinner he resumed his speech, which was received with frequent outbursts of up planse. Judge Findley, formerly a citizen of Lan caster, but now of Philadelphia, was then introduced, and spoke In a tolling manner for mom than an hour. His speech was argumentative, and abounded in strong points. H. G. Smith, Esq., was the next speaker, end he was followed In a few remarks by B. G. Herr, Esq. and Robert 'Mendenhall. Thu sun was fast declining when the meeting broke up. The crowd present could not have numbered much less than three thousand people. It was as large, if not larger than the great Radical Mass Mooting held in Lancaster city on the same day. The best of order prevailed. A mark ed feature was the presence of many con servative and thoughtful men who have heretofore acted with the Republican party. They listened attentively and seemed to be impressed by what they heard. The 'nest ing was in all respects a splendid success. The Fulton Cornet nd,'under the leader- Fillip of that sterling Democrat Dr. B. F. Sides famished excellent music on the occasion. Tun CAmomout.—Orand Torchlight Pro• cession in York..—On Monday averting, the gOth ult., it magnificent and I In posing torch light, proaumulon occurred 111 the borough of York. A correspondonti,ltiformo no that the evening woo all that could ho ivishod for, and according to 'micro ouch 011111 toot In tholr Club Itannin and from thence pro. corded lo Contra Squitro, whom it largo lad boatitiltil Seymour anti 111111 r Ilag Ivan thrown to tho broom. Tha procossion then formed and paraded Ihtuugh rho Turlnalpal streets, Thu crowd porsono, who wit• noised the parade, woo Minimise rho cm- Muldoon' wan wiry groat and tha ultimata dam.' or the lit rdiDatnoarnay of York worn inure' titan rooked, A mooting wan them organizod In the liquor° by the eduction of A, Olosobronnor, an prosidliag ofll - After tt few appropriato romorka by the, President, the fun. Ohre. A, Eldridge' and the }lon, lionJamin M. Iloyor addromied the mooting. 'rho addremoes of those able men worn liotatual to with much attention and freatountly elicited groat applauso from Iho largo unehunco, York county Is olive' with enthusiasm nod tomato to roll up ono of the old fashioned maloritlen for our candidates In Oetobor, and a otill larger ono in November. "Lot an Lave Peace." Organisation of a Delbourutle Club al Maytount.—A. Sop:lour end Blair Club WWI organized lit Idnytown, thlu county, on the 25th ult. The following poruonm wore elochul otlleorm : Preultlunt—J. S. Routh. Vico Promldent—John Fritz. Secretary—Thos. J. Albright. Assistant Secretary—S. L, Jacobs. Corresponding Secretary—W. S. Barr. Treasurer—Henry Hommel. Sergeant-at-Arms—P.l3. Routh. W. S. Barr, Si L. Jacobs and Thos. .1, Albright were appointed a committee to draft a constitution and bylaws for the As sociation. On motion J. L. Jacobs was elected to serve as a member of the County Commit tee in place of H. L. Jucobs, who has re moved to Indiana. Addresses were delivered by T. J. Al bright, J. L. Jacobs and W. S. Barr, after which the club adjourned. The club will meet every Friday evening. The Democracy of Maytown are thor oughly organized, and they will give a good account of themselves in October, and a still better ono in November. Mewling of Democratic Club al Elizabeth town—The Democratic •Club of Eliabeth town borough, West Donegal and Mount Joy townships met on Saturday. the 211th ult., at Friendship Hall in Elizabethtown. The attendance was very largo, and seven more names won added to the long list of Democratic voters. Mr. J. G. Price deliv ered a very able address to the Club; ho srkeof thegcod pro spectscfa Democratic vatory andu p o erfu and manner discussed the great questions of the day, and eloquently demonstrated that a re-union of the States under the Constitu tion was essential to our' future peace and prosperity as a nation: Ms remarks were frequently interrupted 'by loud shouts of applause. refay. Tstori.-r The Millersville dam: getlarf.Ort. dish return hontaroin the Rad.k tualAikastfeeting tore' down arid lOrried p the barber pole of .Tobri Shindies s for er resident of the Eighth Ward- of this' 01ty.. - To have dwelt 'in 'the same locality' wheat° the score of tors • ate reported to have come who whipped: the'Radical Matte' Meeting of " twenty thousand." (those are the figures of the.rfr• pre-sal was deemed ant Solent to excuse this roost valorous outrage. Mr. Randle. was absent from home at the time. Had he been aborit the hundred val= ' orous Rads. wonld not have dared to touch the pole, brit would have gone sneaking by his house with bated breath and trembling: hearth. . ;AI'ETIMECZN,TA.MION Wit FIFO! ' ' very intereetlng• jpresentation took place on Tuesday at the Engine House of the Union Statue Fire Engine and Forcing Hose Com pany,'NO;•l, of this city, that of a handsome fire badge to Vol: Thomas Thurlo, Chief En &Leer- or Atte Conipany. It was presented, by S. A. Wylie, Esq., in a very neat speoch, and was received with a fitting response by the. COlonel himself, The badge is made of solid; gold, round In shape, and contains in colorer , an:. imitation of the Company's Steamer In the centre. Above the steamer is. 'the Words "Chief Engineer. Thomas belOw "Unit= Fire CO., No. 1." The reverie , aide contains the following : " Presented by members of the Company." The badge was gotten np by Messrs. Biggs and' Benj. F. Hegener, and the design was prepared by Mr. A. M. Zahm. It is a very pretty and neat badge, and reflects credit on the taste displayed by the young gentlemen who got theaffair up. The Com pany present adjourned after the ceremon ies to a fine collation. NATIONAL AGRICITLTIIIIIST 41.1 D .—T FAUN JOURNALbIa Monthly, priblished at Pittsburg, Pa., by J. M. tt: G. D. Koester, comes to tls for October richly laden with interesting matter for the agriculturalist. 'lt is increasing in value and should bo In thd bands of every farmer ; there is no hatter periodical for farmers in the whole country.. We notice that in this number they offer some flue premiums to those, who will ob:r lain subscribers and they have so arranged it that none need work for nothing.. No better publication of its °lass exits, it is strictly an agricultural paper, it is plain and practical, no ono can do without Rafter taking it - once. Those who subscribe now get the extra numbers of this year free. Price $1 per annum, five copies $4, or :30 copies for 826. Specimen copies are sent to those wishing to act as agents. A FINE TEAM.—In the long procession of the Radicals on Tuesday, which consisted principally of women, children, negeoee, Gorses and "dogs," we noticed but one real ly fine team. That was owned by Mr. Diana L. Royer, of Lincoln, Ephrata town ship, and consisted of six handsome mules, perfect matches in size and color, were driven by a white man, attended by two negroes as waiters, and had a tannery on the wagon in operation. This team was generally admired. HUGE SWEST Poiwrok.—We were pro Dented last week by Mrs. Robert Elliott, a huge Dfmooratio sweet potato which was raised by Mr. Elliott on the farm of Mr. John King, lime burner, in Upper Leacock township. It weighs Li pounds, and is the largest we have over seen. COLUMBIA AFFAIIIB.-WO clip the follow ing Items of local interest from the Spy The Susquehanna river has swollen con siderably since Sunday evening, and the water is gradually encroaching upon the wharves of our lumbermen. A daily feat freight line has been placed on the Reading and Columbia Railroad be tween this place and Now York. This ar rangement will prove of incalculable ad vantage to the business public, On Monday morning Thomas Cratty, a school boy, son of Michael ()ratty, while riding upon it seagull, bad his leg lacerated by Its getting caught between the wheel and coupling pole, when in the act of turning. It occurred near Henry Clay furnace. Dr. Murphy dressed the wound. On Saturday last a match {acme of base ball canto on' between the Fairplay cud Washington Institute clubs of Columbia. Only eight Innings were played. The gams resulted in favor of the former club, by a score of 97 to 15 Twelve home runs were made by the Fairplay. (rotate. QOllO !RUN MILL FOR NALE.--A COM. Plots &pennant; (or manufacturing Idorg. bum, Including Homo Power, 'Panne, Pane, ac, line boon limed only one season and le na good am new. Will be mold very low, theproaeut owner having no me for It. Enquire. of .1011:*I MONTEITH, Marti° Twp., 2 m Hoe coolie of Martinville. angit LW 311. Pnxvis.Tsc ottani ut prl vat[' sale, a Tract or ['boot II AOhNli Or LAND, more or less, with a largo two story BRICK IlUlll4ll, horn and other Improve:runts thrower, fronting . on Ilia Now Holland turnpike, adjoining lauds of Marlin 11, Wohltur, brush Batten and othuni, In Upper Lancook township. The 1,1111(.11pp, funoes, loul laud oru oil In good tokur, Pot totals apply to liAltU, sup atwollti HIVATE MALE OP VALUABLE CITY Y, fronting al loot OA Inches on trustnut street, between North Queen and Dulcu streets, Lancaster, Pe. A splendid busi ness Omni, bang one of the remit public) places In Lancaster. It la at present occupied UN a Foundry and Ma/Mine sbop by Landis & 00., and holing extended their busbies. and for Want of room Ware obliged to build elsewhere. For further particulars enquire ot LANDIS CO., at that Piero. (Hop 21 t fdsw vAjorrAuLt: lIE ENTATS 1(4 IS AT t I L RIVEATE 1. .SATE LI. , P The uudersigned otters for sale FIVE ACHES ON' LAND, situated at Millersville, within s short, distance 01 the Normal School, having 01 ort ed thereon a large anti commodious two-story BRICK DWIL'LLINO HOUSE, 45 feet front, by Ile loot back, with a Back Bo Milne, all roofed with slate, a frame Wash House, large Stable, and other outbuildings. There In a lino cellar outer the whole house. There are two Wells of Ex cellent \Valor end a tine young Orchard In good bearing condltlon or the Komi/lee. If desired the property will be Hold In porte. No. 1, conelein 0(2% ACRES with improve mente, and the balance In lola to cult tau- Pee...melon will be given on January lot, 1010, if desired, Part of the purchase money will be allowed to remain In the property, if desired. This property is valuable en account of loca• Lion, the house being large enough fora dwel.. ling and tiny ordinary business. The (011000 I are in good coedit lon, and the properly in its arrangements Imd condhlnu ell 1 hot could he desired. If not sold before Oetober dint It will be dis posed of at public stile on I. lvd, day at tile Hotel of Joseph K notivell in Millereville. Persons desiring to view the property will cell ou tile undersignott. sopls &mt.:dew ABRAHAM PETERS. Dardwast, afitoutO, ag. S TOVInn I FITOVIDI ! The Vim Ll* . Ivan la Pilling Itrium Mtotic, Iron Cyllutler—tutu !writ ',upon tif the Moil 11111110 market, at it Ilitrilwarotitore, North Queen iitroot. r 1114.5 41111CA'r EAktill't ICM COOKIIVILI o'POVE nt,loilltsd by all who use thorn to b the bent 00011t,g sLove they Cod . used for HIIIO et ILUSSELIN. miter. Grviverte M0V.719 OLIIIIVT PARLOR STOV E. A porpeteal burner, very ornamental, requ teen to be final but oue.e dnrlng the nettmon, math lug If regular beat all the time, requiring Hale foul for amount of butt produeed, and warranted to give entire nittleinetlen. For Hale at fl it EAT VA RI MY OF WCOV AN %jr,Cook lug mtovem, ittu,goni and Dining Dmgn Stovex. For Hutu nt CALF. 11.1 , 1 1 01F,LA nil D MIRE T bent molortmout of Woven In Lunanntoe. THEIIEPII I III4r nA lag tt matt mar, I'LAUI HTOVE lur otitlo uL neoll.lwdalinsV ItUBmICUB. Souse gurntolttug 60140, itr. L wpm ritisriemiNlAM 44444 011/M. 1 , 1.1•A(31 II It:A . l'l.l4A, Movorol 1411 Loly A C. I,IN N t• 1 VIII'111. 1 i 1 1111P .1 " , .‘o N , /, II ltiieuti al yowl 13i1111,1111 1111,1,'1'IGliN 'l' II 11104'1' IN .11. Lim ninrltnt, ut A C. IeI.INN No. II Pon 114 t/tunnt ntrunt. JORI'R,\IILM. 11 EA 1171/1 FOR IJ/11.1,11111, unpin! In Gil vlutivod IVOII, 111111 II enturx And, n Brink. nt A. 11.1NN, No. II Norlli ttueon ',trout. - - - W 11 1 ,01 .1 11 sioomm IVALIIED WITI 1. real' iii.llol Air by 1110411 M ofuncilitove A. C. FLINN' , No. 11 North Como litrui.,t. DANIS BUILLNIVICI MAGAZINE wrovirm VIII n flue variety and itt the iuwext rittra, at A. C. FIJINN'I4, No. II North Qtthoa Rl,roul Krt•HEll n 4.140104. AND to bo walled Ili—tilx 1(Int U. ln, n F t A. LINNS, No. tl North Queen strait. DIIIVIONAL ATTE:IIIOff GIVrN To Hotting of togars,aue, a., In wn or country, and saisfactn uarnteed ty A. C. No. 11 North Queen street. TrllllF ININV AsIMORTMEFT OF GAR OfIANDELIEIIii, AND COAL OIL LAMPS In the elty, at A. O. PIA NN.rt, No. 11 North Queen street. 1) r. RSONN DESIRING el:rung On 1 Witter PI pe, Hydraulic Ham &0., earl lind the beet threortinent ()amide of Philadelphia at A. C. PLINN'eI Holm Purnlshing Store, No. 11 North Queou street, ?TIRE FIN mar ARNO wrn ZNT Or rIRPIT quality 13111 TA N NIA WARE In the oily, At A. O. FLANN'eI, eep 10 trd.lovl No. 11 North Queen street. PIRTILLERA ARIA INVITED TO F.R• amine Mr. Jacob Springer's Improved ent Whiskey Doubler by which the greatest advantages to Instillation are obtained. Call .or wham++, A. C. FLINN'S House Furnishing Store, No. It North Queen street, Lancaster. Penult Icor r En no rut -mu:writs KErrLEs, Whirkey and Coiner Work of all uda made up.wlth dirpatch at A. O. FLINN'S .11onea.Furnlettlug Store, .go, II North Queen street, Laureate?. Pa. FSTRAY SHEEP.—GAME TO TEE premises of Jacottliusser; Jr., Penn twp., iIRICE WHITE aIIEBP, one of Mein . a Ewe and the other two Wethers With horn,. The owner can have the eame by proving property and paying expenses, otherwise they Will be disposed or according to law. sop 311 Stow 301 JACOB DUBBER, tOti ,tro,t • stc..4o aunts . AGENTS.WANTED NOB Dr Hane's Gre*Cl ll 4ooo, T'Work,,. A.TitTIe.OI,PriOBAVO.g , Vt .` Anelegantvoinme of ratertmerlt and Intend. Alen andod, great'. Interest OM fig Mittens. WITH SO D. B SAIITIFUL. ENGRANTLNGS, - and a Isketati of-the author. . Exclusive territory given and large commis sions. For circulars and agency, Wilma the publishers, 814 4g CO.. Newark. N. J. ..... . . . . AGIZWID WANTED , . , for , tistthew4Hitle Smith's, New Beek; etrtiannew AND SHADOW IN'NEW YOBS. I y YOU WISH to kritite L Itow.rortages . are. I nude and lest 'ln a hem OonntrY ;men 'tare swindled by Sharpers bow •Orun• bUng Houses, and Lotteries,. pro, Condnoted, said everything of lntprest relating to Promi nent Men And nnYortantrltteee of ,New York, Bead! Bead! Bead! • ••• BthiSHINE AND SHADOW IHNEW YORK. , . Oe, A:large tkvo 11,41ume, over 700 meg,' fine -Iy. Illustrated.' We want Agents, - Male or Female, in-every City and Town canvase tor• it. Ilverybodp wants to know:all about New York. No Book ever published that Whig° ra_gdly Cenvasserareport immense . pales. We employ no Heneral Agents and offer the largest commission: , Bend for our 82-page 'cir cular. Full partleulara andlerms to Agents sent free on application. to .1. B.Buszt A. CO , Hartford, Conn. WANTED. Clergymen. Teachers, and Superintendents of Sabbath Schools. and Others to act as Agents for the HOME BOOK OF WONDERS, A work of great interest fully illustrated; also for the COTTAGE MELT, AND FAMILY EXPOSITOP N in two volumes. containing nearly 1,500 pages, comprising the Old and New Testaments, with practical expositions and explanatory notes, by Thos. Williams. A Sew of the many Recommendations : From the laterßev. Joel Hawes, D. D., Pastor of the First Congregational Church, Hartford, Ot —*l know of no commentary so cheap that contains so great an, amount of valuable matter." From Rev. N. li. Ri'sale.ton, D. D., Pastor of Plymouth L'hurch, Chicago, Ill.—" I cheerfully recommend it as the boil oommontary on the Scriptures for general mkt." For terms and circulars, address A. BRAINARD, Hartford, Conn. GIIANT AND COLFAX. 13001 f: AGENTh WANTED for HOWLAND'S GRANT. ONE Large Octavo Volume, Finely Illustrated One Agent lice sold 90 Copies in 5 Days, Oue Agent has sold 60 Co pl6B in 3 Days. One Agentpi lady) has sold 40 Copies in 2 Days_ We employ no General Agents and offer extra Inducements to canvassers. Send for elrcular and lea] n our terms to agents before engaging °Nowhere. J. B. BUttE & CO., Publishers, Hartford, Cons. ' AGENTS. WANTED FOR THE OFFICIAL HISTORY OF THE WAS., . . . Its Causes, Character, Conduct do Results. BY HON. ALPX ANHER H. STEPHEN. Its ready sale, combined with an increased commission, make It the best subscription book ever published. One agent in Easton. Pa., reports 72 subscribers in three days. Another In Boston, 103 subscribers in four days. Send for circulars and soe our terms, and a full description of the work. Address NA TIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Phliad'u, THE FALL CAMPAIGN OF MOORE'S RURAL NEW YORKER, the Leading and Largest-Circulating Rural Literary and Fami ly Newspaper, begins a Quarter Oct. 3, and hence Now in the time to Subscribe 1 Eight Large Double-Quarto Pages, illuatrated, with over a dozen distinct Departments. each ably con ducted the Best ' alent being employed. Elec tion will soon I e over, when everybody, in both Town and Country, will want the moat Progressive,Timely, Entertaining and Uaeful Weekly of ts Glass—Moona's RuttaL_ Thel3 Numbora of this 14mtrter (Ow. to Jan.) sent, On Trial, for ONLY FlrtY 0515151 Try the Trial Trip Address D. D. T. MOORS, 41 Park Row, N, Y.. or Roclinfter, N. Y. YjPIPLOYMENT.—The only work which metilea, by docutuentary evidence, what ni been mid, written, thought or done, by OUR NEXT PRESIDENT, Is A. D. 111(211ANDSON'tl PERSONAL HISTORY OF U.H. USANT. Th. Remits:lmm Union Cora- Mateo at. Wunillusion, mann= Its authen ticity and use 11118 All authority, sending fir copies of It for that purpose. Ihe press uni versally discard WI others. We wont Agenta for It In this county. Send for Circular, terms, @a., to BLISS @ Ott., Diewaric, N. J. TUN GRECIAN BEND. WHAT IT IS, how It grow Into o national calamity. It to not n AEVII THING. Symp tome and Treatment. A mall volume pro futeely Illuttrated. sent by mall on receipt 01 25 cents. Addreut OREcIAN BEND PUBL . ° CO., P. 0., Box U 72, N. Y. Trade El upplled by NEWS CO., 117 NaPeau tit., N. Y. GREAT DINTRIDETION MIITROPOLITAN (4IF? COMM I'itmll 11.11f114:t0:l II 0 11111011111 of 8200,11041 EILI"I'ICKET DRAWS A PR IZI. lWTThhl'Hlfl • r. 0 " 25 Jo Elegant Itonewood Pianos. Each VlOO to 11:210 " Melo(loonv.. " 75 to 150 ISO Sewing Machines (10 to 175 1150 Nlneleal Boxes " 25 to 200 200 Fine ()old Walehos ...... 76 to SOO 750 Flue Silver Watt,!we " 50 to 50 Fine Ott Pitlnilugn, Frtuned Engravings, Sil ver Wnre, Photograph alburne, and n large assortment of Fine Gold Jewelry, In all valued nt et,000,000. A Chance to Draw any of the above Prizes by purchaeing a Battiest Ticket fur 2ff ets. l leketa describing each Prise arc scaled In Envelopes and thoroughly mixed. On re ceipt of '. O eta. a Sealed TYckel will he drawn without choice and delivered nt our °Moe, or Beaty mall to any address, The prize named upon it will ho delivered to the ticket-holder on payment of one dollar. Prizes will be Immediately sent to any address, 0.31 requested, by express or return mall. lon will know what your Prize Is before yon pay for It. Any prize may be ex changed for another of 17,0 same value. flo Blanks. tra__Our patrons can depend on fair deallag. Defe reneeri.— We select the, followin g notices from the many who have lately drawn Valu able Prizatt and is lud ly permitted us to pub. lish them; 14.'1'. Wltitles. Buffalo, N. V., 81,000; Mna Au. uie Monroe,t (Inman°, 111., Piano, valued at 88.80; Robert Jackson, Dubuque, ;lowa, Gold Watch, 8280; Philip McCarthy Louisville, Ky., Diamond Cluster 11Ing, $000; a . A. Patterson, Now Bedford, Mass., e 0 Ivor Ten Set, 9175; Miss Emma We'worth Milwaukee, Win., Yiano, £5OO ; Rev. T. \V. Pitt Llevolanti, Ohio, Melo - Xel-We publish no names without tsa mission. Opinions of the Press.—" They are doing the largest busineas ; the Ilrin IS reliable, and deserve their anaemic"— IYeekky 7 rlbote, Feb. 8, ISM. " We have exitrolook their system , and know theta a fair dealing ilrin."—N. 2'. Are'read, Feb. 28, 1808. "Last week a friend of ours drown 8500 prize, WlllOll was proiliptly rcoelYttl."—Da4 Ncwa, Mar. 3, 18118. send for circular giving many more referon cut and favorable notices from the press. Lib. oral Inducements to Agents. Satisfaction gum nuteed. Every package or healed Envel 0p le contains oNS, MOM Six Ticket. for 81; 13 for 13'2; 85 tor 85; 110 for 815 All letters should ho addressed to /000 AUENTI WANTED in all parts°, the U. 8. to Hell our immense list of nearly IMO tiDrurent. 1300E8, LIII3LE3 and PHoTt.GRAPH. ALBUMS, EVery family scants something from It. Catalogues Dll . - 111-1108 free on application, and hooks sent poet•pald to any ...mimes on reeolpt of price. Canvassing books cootoilulag the ilit with prices, together with Monk sheets and printed headings for enrolling a let of names, sent tree to any ono on receipt of &b mats. Anybody can soli 100 to 1,00 of these Omits almost any • where. For urine to agents and other infor• ;nation, allthess.l. puTTFAt S (.0„ Publish ers, 014 et 1117 &mom 141., Philadelphia, Ps. RU,SEL'S Hard warn Store ilthiBEL'B, ST. LOUIS AND IRON MOUNTAIN t)7 AILItOAD CIVIPANIPPI Nevem per cent, J' Ilret Mortgngo Bonds, February and A uguot Uotipone, Thu eamings of the completed rood to Pilot, Knob are now more then the Intercut on the entire dim Igloo, The pr0w...1/tot these Bomb! ore otlther/ to the mecurlty every day, Over 88,000,000 nave noun orient On the property, and not over 821atle,P10 of beanie homed time for, The !tonal antly loon ening %rattle of carrying (Mil, with the pro.peut of controlling the (revel from Mt. Louis to the klouthern !lintel!, Onntlnntlo revenue. The Weeder!! mate I 0 of the !dock for hivretroerg, and nro terantud to enrich the property us well Ile to Tilt**. A 1,1,KN, Pronident, Louie, Mo. We, tile maim loaned, enrdially ream mond theme Nevem per cent. tuortgege betide, of the Ht. Louie find Iron M 1,004111 Rellrood, en n good seunrlty. The revenue of Om reel will 110 large, mid the ralm Inlet: talon of the antra of the Uountatity In In capable end experlenapd halide, and to Ml[llloll to the greoteet 0013th donne rif the ulblln JAMMAP M. TIMM An. Mayor of 4t, Lome, JOHN .1. HOE, Prne't bt Luuni Iherither of C 0111111.1 1 .0. E. W. MOE Pula HI. Lou ht Hoard of Vali HA R TONEATEN, Prrket North iSthirmn,l rood H. t TTON, l'ruiet at. Bank of tha MAW of Mo. VM. L. FAV/NG, t'rea't of the 'M. r, N. H. of HI, Loofa, MO. It. REA. Prem.t e cot ill Bat,. Bank fa Laulti am. Chlor Eng. St. LARIIII & In, 13rldao Co. W. TAYLOR, Proril Pacific Railroad (ol o.) W M M. rmisiro, prom , t Trudorli . Hoak, HI. I (Milk JOHN LIONRE RO tT. N, Bnnli, Ht AI)OLPIIUH Vlae•Preu'L U. Prtelllo Ltni!way. ROBERT ESA W/11, Pres'i Ovrinautinvinise In. KULutlou.. Coupons pays hie In the city of New York. A limited number of the above named Bonds for sale at Eighty-live. Parties ]lying out of the city can remit by draft or express, and the bonds will be returned by express free of charges. We Invite the attention of capitalists and others to them, as.in our opinion, a very desirable investment, destlued to rank as a first•elass security. Descriptive Pamphlets, Maps and Information can he had on applica tion to TOWNSEND, WHELEN & CO., No, 809 Walnut street, Philadelphia, Agents of the St. Louis and Iron, Mountain It. R. Co. Philadelphia references:—Cambria Iron Co.; Paw, Bacon & Co.; Thoa. A. Diddle& Co. ALi. Wanting employment can have arpod business by addressing DAVIS & SfiO 772 tiensom street. Phila. LIPPINCOTT h BAREWELLII PATENT U HOUND, PATENT TEMPER L-IPP.INOOTT!‘t CO.'S .olrenlar Sawa of one temper over the Whole plate. Malay. Mill, Cross. Cut and Gang. Equal to any- mtule In the 'world. For sale by all dealemand themakera. LIPPINOOTT & BAKEWELL, Yltleburgh, g= NED Inxigyial 'llamas! Rentnehn and Mbrieuel Lotteries; Sent and,latarmairen....i,.., NO. .P 00 . 0 . 1 41, 6 Box; 4260 • ' • I.lrboli 110,0 U) 5,11( .. 1,04YJ LEANS'ER. WILSON A 17l Ernadwa. , N. T CIRCULAR SAWS, MECO CAST STEEL SAWS. tard-141161 r, diztal•N'Eful "MLY B Ulo ?let WI L A B PU; seal pages on the whole , subject.; Dr: Whittler. : confidential phYsiolarts err St- Charles at.. 'St. Lads,: 210._ , stands _pre.gml nently abcrve others in his epedality. No. spatter who felled, state your awe. Patients .ftkated es mail In every Meta, ED , JACKET Names—Front reports and letters reoelvad: T,Your Axe Inbound to be Tux AXE. ' !L It Will cut 25 per cent. better,. •• • • - lIL My brother beat mie arm In' the War; but with your Axe he can cut as well as any one else can. IV:ILL could not get another, tweedy-Ave ($l6) dollars would not bay it. V. It will out hoop poles better than any . other Axe. . . . - • -- • .FI. I would not be without It fop anythicig. For sale by all responsible dealers, and the makers, LIPPINCOTT & BAKEWELL, Pittsburg, Pa., Bole Owners of the Patent& THE 6BIGINAL ONE DOLLAR BROKER STORE Isinbllobed In iBe4 Oar stock, consisting of every 'variety of DAY AND FANCY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES SILVER PLATED WARE, WOOLEN AND HEMP CARPETINOD. STILA.V7 MATTINGS,ffIid PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, 15 of our own importation, or purchased di redly from the Manufacturers In large quan titles. 42r We were the Orbit to commence the mole of goods on the Polnlnr plan of ' ONE DOLL AR FOR EA.CII ARTICLE Our Stales for the last tnelve months have been about one million dollars. ' Kir Our business has been decided by the Courts of this State and by the United States authorities not to be a Lottery, or a Gift En t ev e r r is m e li b o u i t ut i e:t g i o la r r ar o e 125 a usi seleciton of one of the tellowing articles: 20yds. Brown or Blenched ShOeting, superior quality. Pop lin or Alpaca Dress pattern. Wool Square Shawl. 2% yards Doeskin. An 8 Day Clock, Seth Thomas' make. 1 pr. Bent's Calf Boots. Whiteetiarsellles Quilt. silver Plated Chased Castor with 0 bottlrs. A Morocco Photograph Albrim, 100 piot ures. 3 yards 6-1 Wool Cloth, Silver Plated Cake Basket. 30 yards Brown or Bleached Sheeting, common quality. Also, printed notices of 00 articles, for sale at 81 for each article, comprising a variety of articles usually sold at retail prices:from $1.50 to $5 for each article. For a Club of 0310, a selection of one of tho following articles:--40 yards Brown or Bleached Sheeting, superior quality. Dress pattern, price, SW. Wool Long Shawl. Brocha Long Shawl. Two yards Black German Broad Cloth. Common Sense Sewing Machina, price I:llB—(these machines will hem stitch, tell, tuck, quilt, cord, bind, braid, and embroider, ln a most ri.Terlor man ner.) Gents' or Ladles' Silver Limiting Case Watch now. 25 yards Hemp Carpeting. 8 yardsßeaver Cloth. 0;5 yards gond Doeskin. Silver-plated Ice Pitcher. 0 yards Wood Cloth, double width. 1 pair superior Blankets. 72 yards Brown or Bleached Sheeting, common quality, and 12) printed notices of articles for sale at SI each, oomprisiug a variety of art:cies usually sold at retail from $1 r.O to 810 for each article. N. We hereby inform the public that 1 we are not connected with any of cue G f 3. t Enterprise One Dollar Concerns in this city, All concorne offering a (lift, Pro. mium, or any article free of cost to Agent, or to any one, are in direct violation of the laws against Lottery. We have information, from reliable authority, that all GOD Concerns in this City will be closed up by the Mate Pollee. In_ FOR BEN D FOR OUR WIWI:LARS. ADDITIONAL PARTICULARS Send a Draft, Ponta' Hour) Order, or Regletered Letter. Be burl) and dlreet your lettere to ANDREWS et: 100 !SUNBURY STREET, BOSTON, MASS. $350 Per Month guaronteca, Sure pay. Agents wanted nntnedlatoly ovory• w ore to soil our Patrnt Kverlaging WhililiWira Clotho& Lines, Coll at or othlrolis too (IIItA NU Pollodolplilo, Po. R2OO pariloulara free. I+lx tin I oduournonto to ox. portonool Agqora W, Call on or mitlrow; W. U. WILSON ;:tc CO., Cliveland, 0.; Hootou, Masa., or St. Louie, Mo, IT la conceded that the great Mimi lilt. tars has mastered more illnesses, both acute and chronic, than any bitter tunic in the known world. It has cured Cholera, the worst forms of Fevers, Pneumonia, Liver and Heart disease, Chronic Dlarrhma, Dyspepsia, Rhea. madam Sick Headache, and will cure any dip ease arising from a disordertil state of the blood. It is recommended by Governors of Stales, Members of Congress, distinguished di. vines and physicians, and the proprietor can show more sworn certificates of cures than any oilier Bitters infiuufaeful ere in America. Bend for a circular, and read them. sum by drug. gists and dealers generally. BERRY, BRICK. SEM & CO., wholesa a liquor dealers, sole Agents for Western' States, Chicago , Ili. F. REUTER et Co., Bole Proprietors, 6 North Front street, Philadelphia. WE SELL FOR OAK DOLLAR. n OLD and Silver Watched, Sowing Ma %.,lr chines, Silk Dram Patturna, Carpetines Dorneatio Gooch ha CIRCULARS BENT FREE, - - - - giving full particulars, or ten chocks Bent for Ono Dollar, tleacrlaing ten different articles, which we will 801 l for UNE DOLLAR EACH. t‘plemlld Inducements offered In Auto.bi te nding 1111 Clubs. Address LABONTE & BABBITT, No. &I Sunbury St., Boston, MtIAP, DB. WHITTIER, 617 Irt. Charles Street, St. Lents, allo WHO treats confidentially all delicate, ln• tricate and long etandlug complaints, publishes a pamphlet which should be read by every young man In America. Send two stamps. Patients everywhere. State your OSIIIIO. gteal Boticts. STATE OF MEL ANN WILSON, LATE _CA of Drumore township, deed.—Letters of Administration on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons in debted thereto, are requested to make Imme diate settlement, and those having claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement to the under signed, residing In Yid township. • JOSHUA WILSON, Administrator. auglo.otw33 AIIDIT NOTICE.—ESTATE OF Elizabeth Hese, lute of Lancaster city, d.—The undersigned Auditor, appointed to distribute the balance remaining in the hands of William B. Wiley, Esq., Executor of mid estate, to and among those legally entitled to the lame, will sit for that pupas° on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11th, 10118, at 2 o'clock, P. AL, in the Library Room of the Court House, In tile City of Lancaster, where all portions interested in said dietribntion may attend. imp 7 4Lw 131 WM. S. AAIWEU, Auditor. IVIVTICS 'fir THIS Writ Ite Alin 1,7:6A1, ropresentitivei of Henry linytior, late or NVarwick township, Lancaster county, Pa., decettecd,—You ere hereby notified that by virtue of an Order of the Orphans' Court of Lancaster county to tne directed, I will hold nu Inquoit to &livid° pert or video the rend exlatoof Heorylinvder, deemtned, on FRIDAY, Ulu dny of OCTOBER, 18118, fit t o'clock, Id., on Lilo preininom, In Warwick, twp„ Lump Ler °aunty, re., when and whom you tinny iti• thud if you thinit proper, J, F, M it Rill vire Orrice, Lnueuter, Nip, liard, MUM, mop ilu iltW Ali ned Mather V/WA shi appointed to ttiotri bule halanuo in tho haudo. of James ' , ottoman, Notountor of the 1114 will and I.OlltllMOl/C at Mary }Own, Into of Little Britain townwhip, Linunoter aohnty,dea'd, will meat for tho put'. home of lute appolo Mont at Ow Litanry /tonna of Ow court Moho°, in the hilly of 1 4 anonoter ON HA:MI/DAY, OCTOIllai Writ, BOP, when and whore all periono Intereoted may attend, cep 2341 w 3H, WW. BROWN, Auditor, N OTIOS adtsiuturrirr. tithe District Court of tile United si..to.,ftet. ern District of Pennsylvania, RICHARD MOHLER, of the City of Lances. ter, Lancaster county, Ph., Bankrupt, having petitioned for hie rilacharge, a meeting of the oredi tors will beheld ou frill DAY, the 2d day of UMBER, 1808, at 11 o'clock, P. M., before Amos Hlay maker, at No. 0 South Quash street, la the City of Litmanter, that the examination of the Bankrupt may ho finished, and any business of the second and third meetings of creditors r.etntrod by the 'l7th and 28th sections of the Act of Congress may be transooted. The Register will certify whether the Bankrupt has conformed to his duty. A hearing will also be had on the 11011 day of OC, OBER, 1888, Pt 10 o'clock, A. M., before the Court of Philadelphia, when partial Interested may show cause against the discharge. W Jude said ohn District Court L 5. 1 der, Judge of the District Court L. f and seal thereof at Philadelphia, the •••••,—., 11th day of September 1868. Attest: d. R. rox. A. BLAYSIAKES, Register. 50p10.130w87 Mama, &c. THE LARGEST AND 'HMS? STOOD OF SADDLERY IN THE CITY, M. HA.IVERBUSIVS, & W. ANGLE OF CENTRE SQUARE. LA N0A11.7118 PA. Silver and Gold Mou ted H arness. Pence's Metal end 'Covered Mounted Dar. tl Fin e Japanned and ()ride Moon Swats,. Fine and Common Double Harness. TEAM ILtIiNESB.I Men's and Boy's Riding Saddles. Ladles' Riding Saddles and Bridles. Buggy, Sulky, Riding and Team Whips.' Leather, Cotton and Linen F 1 F 1 Idnon and Gum Horse Covers and La Covers. Also, Sole Leather Trunks. Ladles' Dress Trunks. Genie' Traveling Trunks. Sole Leather and Common Talisses. Leather and Carpet Traveling Bags. Fine Turkey and French Morocco Satchels. and all other articles in the business which will be sold at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. Particular attention paid to repairing. Also, Raunchy' Improved Harness Pads sold here. Shop rights for mantifacturing Rennels' Im4 proved Harness Pads, will be sold at retuionaa ble rates. MY 21 amdelYW . ..X6 6 , 11, 6 ~ 1 , •..1 *llllllf, ' ',. VAL WAing'446X , , inagliNaf 41. .pgde; gspagted,in - 41*.20jrnahip . O.f LOAMY On(Ord. Cheater canitY,TL.Y2 of omilogotitlo, °sett omlfilyesvine_ ='n 2'miles :Rath from Philadelphia and BaltiMOretlantral Haliroadi !i t..oxf or d oo neydel .12,1 95;!:::Liv un,ut. 25 of 'which ore Willia= l 7;4, W heat:ail% hOhtliern. eXPoloare state of cultivation; 'Mai watered Aimee With repidr,voting OrobardeCoholee , 21pN With variety of other.frnit. , 131311dingi all good, water:64oo house And tern, and suiapted.for,pliberfarrolni fw.itaalry finsin nem, and will be gold pit easy t For Anther: particialani call on the eiftgierlber residing hii• the .premises,' ilw , addreas hint at. Heyeiville Post Grace. -I .1 I sigd6-itivß7 AND.fiEW'44I.3qTRPS.O.;;.. .„„ . , trALTOIBLV..DOSZEIAI. FAB.* Mira V LIC SALE:—On SATURDAY. OCT ard, 1803. the subscriber will offer est:bliir sale,on the premises, his farm in. East Mo.- gal twp., Lancaster county, situated on the road leading from the Marietta, and Mt. JOY , turnpike to - Maytown,adJoining lands Of John Exaybill; Your* Mumma. James Daffy and: others, containing •' ; • • 107 ACRES AND 118 PERCHES (more or leo), of first 'quality of Limestone laud in e.:hign • state of cultivation, under good feni'ies, divided; bite convenient delds, will' access to running,. water' ; about 0 +bored:are Woodland:- 'Ph_titn-. proVeinents tire a TWO43tOrYBRICEDWEITA' IN6 :ROUSE; an ontatitenen with Spring'. HOuse.o larg e : Barn , Wagon Shed, Corn, Crib,' Ice House, Smoke Ron* Smith Shop. Car-' penter Shop and other buildings. - There 'are an'Orchardof 'choice Apple trees, and a thriv ing Peach Orchard thereon. Persons desiring_to to. the property before the day sale will *di on Samuel Ripple, re siding thereon., Bale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M.. when terms and conditions will be niade known by Rep 2 taw 85 ' JAMES L. REYNOLDS. AT PRIVATE DALE, FOR THIRTY DAYS:—TO CAPITALLSTA AND BTORR. ; BEPEREI.—The New and Large Hotel.. qr., Eating Howie, and Store property' del , located pt the Chrleteen Road, on the Phila d elphia and Baltimore Central Railroad. Chester county; Pa., can be Nought at a, rate that will pay big littera% on the investment. It is doing a Ens bum/tees now, mtd. When the railroad Oontieots eolith in a few weeks, it wilt materially eti.i bunco the value or the property. Apply to the owner on the premises. - leap 3./ trw 89 LABS WARE Dursup PIIIIIIITIANCE OF I_ an order of the Orphans' Court , of Lan. caster county the undersigned, Executor of the last wilt and teatement of Jqhn Geahr, late pf Earl twp.,Lancaater county. deceased, will expose to pnblie sale, on BATUDAY, OC TOBER 24th, 1868, all that valuable tract of real estate of said deceased, situate In said Earl twp., containing • 17 ACRES AND 48 PERCHES morn or less, adjoining lands of .Ibrol Bear', David Bear, slam eel Rife and others, - whereen In erected a good One-Story FRAME DWELL ING HOUSE and out-honae, 'large Frame Stable and other out-buildings. There are a number of Apple and ether frult trees on the oremloaa. Salo tq bo'held an tho promises aka to, win mtnaco at ono o'clock, P. . Wt. W. KINZER, Executor. sep 30 3L•,v M fIIIIVATE MALE OF VALABLE,MILE' V PROPERTY.—The subscriber offers at, private sale, In Robinson twp., Berke county, a 'VALUABLE MILL with 93 ACRES SCHUYLKILL VALLEY 'LAND, within 4 miles of the City of Reading, 4 miles from Birdsboro', one mile from Exeter Station on Plailad'a and Reading Railroad, bS mile from the Gibralter Iron Works, two hundred yards from the Schuylkill Canal. No. 1, Is a Three.Storst Stone Mill with 18 ft.' 8 inches head, two French Turbine Water- Wheels, a never-failing stream of water, three run of stones; two pair of flour stones and one pair of chopper stones; all the necessary ma chinery to do merchant and grist work; all the latest improvements. No. 2,lsaSaw Mill with 18 feet head; a French Turbine Water-Wheel with a Circular Saw at tached. These Mills have been rebuilt inside of three yean. No. 3, A large 2-Story Stone Dwelling House with 2 rooms and entry on first floor, 9 rooms and entry on the second floor, garret above and cellar underneath with Stone Kitohen attach ed, I room on the first floor and 2 rooms On the second floor, and cellar underneath and an out Kitchen attached with Smoke House and Bake Oven: also a never-failing Welt with Pump and an arch near the house. Also a substantial Stone Barn, with stabling for eight horn Cattle and 1.1 horses, with Wagon Shed and Corn Crib attached; Ithlo, a Pig Sty with a Wagon House attached. Also, all kinds of Fruit Trees, such as Apples, Pears, Plums and Grapes, dtc. Such property is seldom offered for sale. . • -. Any person wishing to buy such ¢ property would do Well to call soon. For further particulars call on the subscriber. seplo.2mw37 DANIEL REED. O OD.LOT AT PITBETO PALE.--OP WWEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2lat, 188, will be Bold at public sale, at the Buck Hotel, a val. uable wood-lot containing a ACRES AND V PERCHES of Timber Land, consisting partly of Chestnut sprouts, and partly of large mixed fronting timber, situated in Drumore , the Lancaster and Port Deposit township road, quite o near The Buck Hotel. Persons wishing to view the lot will please call on Mr. B. Harbison, at the Buck Hotel. lisle to commence at 1 o'clock P. M., when attendance will be given and terms made kuowu by CHRIOTLAN H. LICFEVItH, sop itw• 39 EAL ENTATE AT PIifILIC SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21th, 1868, the undersignod Administrator, by virtue of an Order of rho Orphans Court of Lancaster county, will sell at public ldo, ut the public noose of Abraham H, Kauffman, at Turkey Hlll, on the road leading from Nate Harbor to Columbia, the following described real astute, late of Christian Swartz, deceased, to wit: A Tract of Land, situate in Manor township, near the road leading from OTerbolser's Fan. tory to Washington borough, onnialuin 6 ACktEd AN p 9 PERCHES, more or less, and adjoining lands of John Shutt, Henry Aumont, and others. The Lrovemen theroomereeted are a One-Story OG DWELLING ROUSE, Stable and other out-bulidinga. There is a Well of excellent Water with pump therein near the door. Belo to commence at 2 o'clock P. M., of Bald day, when attendance will be given and terms of solo made known by DAVID SHOFF, sop 00 tow 131:11 Administrator of midden:ed. VAIUABLE FARB AT PUBLIC SALE. —Will be sold at publio sale by the sub. "crlbers. attorneys for the heirs of the late Jacob Dingee, dee'd, on the TWENTIETH DAY all that OF T rness E uage and NTH. MONTH Trion , of Land OLIPOBER lat , e I the Rig, , property of the said Jacob Dingee, deceased, and at present, in the occupancy of Harrison Poor], situate in West Cain township, Chester county, Pa., on the Wilmington road, one mile from Compassville, and three from Chandler's station. on the PennsylvatilaCentral Railroad, bounded by lands of Phinese Ashanti others, CONTAINING' 170 ACRES, more or less. The property will be sold alto gether, or in traete of 144 and 20 Aeres respec tively, to suit purchasers. The improvements upon the larger tract consist of a. STONE HOUSE plastered outside, with three rooms on the first door, and four on the decOnd, with attic; good cellar underneath, and well of ex cellent water with primp near the door. Stone kitchen with bed room above ; wood shed, hog house. Dorn crib with shop attached. The BARN la 08 feet square, of recent construe- Lion, well supplied With stabling, both for dairying and feeding purposes. Upon the 20 Acre tract there is a FRAME HOUSE, lathed and nlastered outside, with three rooms on drat floor, and two on the &wood; well with water and pump convenient. Frame Barn, Stone Stable, high, of ample size and nearly new, The land is of good quality, a aonalder• able portion having been recently limed, to gether with a liberal upplleation Of 'ground bone and other fertillzers. It le also well wa tered and divided into Convenient There le a young and healthy apple orchard of bearing age with a variety 'of pear, cherry, quince and peach trees. Upon each tract there is a autheleney of wood for all ordinary pm , poses. The above properly is well worthy the attention of capitalhits end Prunes./ business men, being in • an 'reproving neighborhocid convenient - to railroad'', mills. schools anti places of public worship. Sale to commence et 1 o'clock. Condltiens ma known by JACOB de DINGEE, WM. E. DINGEE. Jos, G. limo, Auctioneer. tom 23 biwSB /11WIll VALUABLE FAWNS IN LITTLE L Britain twp. at public sale.—On SATUR DAY, OCTOBER 17th, thIS. the undersigned will sell atpublic sale, at the public house of Marshbaulc, in the village of Oak Hill, Little Britian twp., Lancaster .county, tWo valuable farms, to wit: A tract, of highlrcultiv - ated land, situate In Little Britain twp., Lancaster county, on the road leading from Unit 11111 to Fulton Rouse, ithout 2 miles from the former place, contain• tog about 123 ACRICH, and adiolu Ins louden!' John J. Means, 11,nao Wiliam, nod others, The improvements tnere on consist of n Dirge new twmatory double Dwelling Tenant 11011sk, a bow Beni( 'Earn, Wagon 'shed, Cbrn Crib nod other oni-bnlki. logs, Thera are on the promises two wells of excellent water, with pumps therein, one, at the dwelling and the other at the tenant house, and a thriving young orchard of chola fruit trees, 110 or IC A eras of tills tract IS aoVaradlwlth large and Valuable timber. The land is di. aided Into convenient fields and wall fenced, with running water In each field Parsons dralrous of viewing this farm before the day of vale, will call on Albert Wllsou, re• siding tharoOn. Also, a treat of first rigidity Lind bordering oil Ilse Oatoraro amok, el tunto in Little Britain twn, latticaster 0011111,y, an the read hilidlog from Unit /1111 Lo OX4Olil, s la ,I,.luegrova lourp, being fib lit Blur /11004 GM Oxford, coil Ing !Wont EIGHTY AURESI and adjoining the said Ulna Grove Puma, hav ing tuercon eroded n two-story pw&l/ing House, now Rank liarn,large Weiler' and rain llouso,lipring Heinle n,4a ewer linproVemisuls. Running wilier At the Dwelling and at'lla Barn, the water being !breed by e ram. There is an excellent Orchard of choice fruit trees On the promisee, and sonic valualdo Timber. While farm is also divided Into convenient 1101de, newly fenced, and Is in UM besrpossible ordbr. Person. clOklrlOUsqt viewing this (arm before the day of sate , will call or I.`ranols IdeCrabb, residing thereon, , Two-tnirda of the purchase money may re main on the properties, Sale to oorzimendo at 2 o'clock, P. M., of said day, when conditions will ha made known by JOHN N, STRINfdAN_, Lancaster city, 11a. e0p23•1ew33 ?UMW BALE.—TIIEBE WILL, BE A public, Kale of the Wines and Liquors of antes Buohnbau, cleo'd, at Fulton Hall, City of Lanoaster, on TUEHDAY, OCTOBER Oth, at 5 o'clock, P. M. They consist of lltdos. bottles of Balkan's Old Green seal Madeira, bottled. Closet. and other bottled Winos, !!randy, Baer Whiskey, Mouderbsch Whistoy, 'Bhorry and Madeira Winea in demijohn.. ' Y, BUCHANAN, H. FL WARR, sap I's tadadtwlt) , Exocators. trILIO SALE OF VAI.VAELE BEAL EsTASE.r•On BATIJRDAY, OCTOBER 17• I pursuant to .Im. Order of the Orphans' , Court of Lanealiter county, will bo sold at nob lie sale at the Public bongo of Henry ,imtnons. at Spring Garden, Salisbury township,' Credo' , ' lowing, real estate, late of Christian Kuria of said townshi, deo'd , No. I, Th adjoining arm, altuatectla Ballabal7 township, lands of Thomas A. 'Fier Neal, John Kurtz, David 'Muni. Christian Wanner, and ethors, containing 102 ACRES. • all in a high state of cultivation and under good fences. The Improvements are a good two story STONE 22.005 E. a large Stone Barn., Spring House, Corn Crib, Wagon Sheds, AO. There Is an • Orehard of choice young Fruit . Trees, a never-Santos Spring of :Water the Spring House,, a , Well of Water in the Back Kitchen anitrunning water through the farm. 12 Acres of Silo Meadow Land which can be easily irrigated, and altogether It Is one of the finest farms in the county. No. 2, A line tract of Ti Land, in West Calla township , Cheater countY, about / southeast of the Compass containing ' FIVEACItES, more or lees,povered with flue Oak and Chest- 1 nut Timber.: • One-third of the, porchase money svillremairt charged on No. I, darlnA the life of the widow., Sale toPommenceatCl Otsloolr, P. when. attendance will be given and terms made known by • ' 1111NRY•H. KURTZ, • • Administrator at Christian Kurtz, dee'd. sep23 tawB2 )r, fl With Mifiit; I ;. AT PRIVATE' faallam..A-PTBEIT-ILaTE 7. 7trin of . . ONE ICUNDBNIV•ACBEB, tor 145 ALCBEB,) near Fernere Tavern, In West tenshly.,abont.9 mild from Lancaster and 1 mWtroin the Beading and Comment Ballroad,lTlth good improvements. ..The co ddled desk dens adose.his farm. , II Li :I. ~ .1: Re Idartubrc, .1 Wait Earl PA 4 7.41iiiiefiater Fowl r • ta,34 T AND Fig siii.E.ABAGENT OF NARY It;Hartiolin4l ago, for as4e a 4s et of land coltePihnt:' • 114 i Sanoky~ROWfßnn 'abut 8 miles eid Keith w ofinahxdoin Tilehind la of good 41100 andOadargood fanning. The Imprpye ickeetta ebnand.ot a mall house. Any ttiahtng tobneariaaa eanaaandne for thenntaiina not sea ydvatogrpeoreTELtrEtBDAT,OC. TOBEIrup, 1808 , It-7111 on that day be sold •Tensiairll t,be Made accommodating.: angle-Wren • J., WRIGHT, Agent. c6addTess,ttimnWn, Virginia _• • ATE 'SALE ' OF • HOTEL PROP* EllTff.—The =deadwood, offers at private sablehe Teal and personal estate, the property of theist& Robert Smith, deceased, situated in HenDe e polllt. cesamenty Md.. and knownn the ffltaalt. Arrn - 100 ae This Hotoltas been long sad favorably known to the traveling community, and is moaning &largo share of public patronage.. The house is lane Mid commodious with good Stabling. loos Hous• and all tho appurtenances attached bsta firstass Hotel, eisonli wishing M purchase will please call on the undersigned, who is now occupying the prop:Kral:id will show the same. im trwilll MAHN' Po p u 2 r Disour, Sept. 2, Ms, O. SMITH. nEAL ESTATE FOB SALL—THE Uzi. DJ • dertigried offers tbr sale that valuable ProPertyl in North. Queen street, above James, oontaining front 68 feetand inches, and in depth 245 feet to al4 feet wide aliey. The ltn. movements consists of one two.story BRICK 130118%80 feet front and 28 deep, with four rooms on each floor, cellar underneath, Sum mer House in the rear,lo by 20 feet, hmoko House and.ilake Oven. Also, another House, onefslory high, 20 by. 24 feet, with three rooms on first door and three attlo rooms. There is also an 18 feet square Stable upon the lot, and anever falling well of water with pump there• in in front, and also one in the rear. The pump ha 'rant supplies the neighborhood with fresh water, the best, in the city. Clear title and possession Will be gived on the Ist day of April, 1869. An person desiring information In reference to the property aforesaid, can on And. 51. Ertuats.Est, No. .21 North Duke street. or on the Butner' era residing at Eden, East Lampkater tociruslaM 64.9 4tw• 381 MAHT B..LIPPE. y l stxikarie CHESTER COUNTY VAL •LEY FARM AT PUBLIC SALE.—On F DAY, the 10th day or OCTOBER, 1508, the undersigned Executors of the Will of James Buchanan, deceased, in execution of the directions of said Will will sell, by pub lic vendne, on the premises, a Farm in Valley twp., Chester county, Pa:, situated near Cain Station, on the line of the Pennsylvania Cen tral Railroad, a few miles west of Downing• town, and near to the Lancaster and Philadel phia Turnpike Road, adjoining lands of Ed ward D. Cope, Samuel Hatfield and others, containing, according to a recent survey, 12i.ACRES AND 6 SQUARE PERCHEfi of nearly all first quality Limestone Land, In a high state of cultivation, under good fences, divided into convenient fields with access to running water. About 4 Acres are Wood land. The improvements are a Two- Story STONE DWELLING ROUSE, an out Intehen, Spring House, Wash House, a large Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib and other out ' buildings. There is an Orchard of Choice Ap ple Trees thereon. The farm has the reputa tion of being one of the best in the valley. Persons desiring to view the property before the day of sale will colt on M. R. Sample, re siding thereon. Sale to commence at I o'clock, P. M., when terms and conditionsDWAßD wilY. l b BeUCHANAN, made-known. E EL B. SWARR, • Executors. Also, at the same time and place will be sold TEN ACHE& DV WOOD LAND, situated in West Bradford twp., same county, which was purchased by the deceased for the u.,e of the above farm and is near it. EDWARD Y. BUL.HANAN, H. D. BWABB., sep U inlAtsw 301 Executors. IDPI VATS SALE MILL VALUABLE REAL .L ESTATE AND PROPERTY.—The undersigned. will oiler at private Bale, until WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER Ith, A. D., 1865, on which day It will be offered at. public sale, at I o'clock, It not sold before, a Traot of Land CONTAINING SI ACRES.! more or less, of farm, Timber and pasture land, situatopartly in Conewago township, Dauphin county, and partly in Mount Joy township, 1 le.ricatter county, Pa., about 2 miles from the Borough of Elizabethtown, and 5 miles from Middletown, adjoining lands of George Bolder, John Brill, Jacob .Hoffer and others. The improvements thereon are 2 two.story Stone DWELLING HOUSES, Bank Barn, Smoke House, Ice House, Wash House, and all other necessary outbuildings. A two-story Stone MERCHANT AND GRIST DULL, with 4 pair otßurrs. The Millie situate on the Conewago Creeir,and has an abundance of water at all seasons of the year, in foot it is ono of the beet water powers in the county. A Frame SAW MILL, with 'Circular and Up and Down Saws, and plenty of custom the whole year round. A. well of nover•falling water, with a pump therein near the dwellings. Two Orchards of a large variety of choice Fruit Trees, such as Apple, Pear, Peach, Cherry and Grape Vines, one Orchard lejust coming into bearing order. The laud is well fencad and In good condition for cultivation, the farming land being Iron Stone Land. A portion of the land is leased to a company who 1110 exploring for IRON ORE, Terms of purchase !natio easy. Persons wishing to vlow the premises before the day of sale, will please cell ou the under signed residing thereon, Hale to commuueo at 1 o'clock, P. Id., when terms will be made known by A. NI, & 0. REDSEDKER. GM Macs, Auctioneer. sap It) taw it N ()TICE. COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF' VIRUINIA LAND. In obedience to a decree of the Circuit Court of Smythe county, rendered ou the 28th day of August, 180 el, at Snaythe Court Home, Va., in the cane of B. F. Alter, &al, vs. F. P. Staley, to,, I shall offer for solo on SATURDAY, the 24th day of OCTOBER, DM, bertween h the ours of 11 o'clock, A. M. and 2 P. Isf,, on the premises, that valuable Tract of Land known ae the "Johnatban Aker farm," lying near the Virginia and Tennessee Rail. road and on the southwestern McAdam road, within 4 miles of Mt. Airy depot and nearly midway between the towns of Marion and Wytheville, CONTAINING 350 ACRES one-half of which IN cleared and Ina high state of tntprovement, the rest in fine timber, lying near the railroad. The improvements aro a DWELLING HOUSE, BARN, GRANARY. STABLES, Spring Home, r&e., are good, con• veniently located, and in a good elate of pres ervation. Timms or BALE: 830 cash, the balance in ono, two and three years, with interest from date of sale, the purchaser giving bond with ap proved security for the deferred payments.— The legal title retained until the whole of the purchase money Is paid. W. D. STROTHER, Commissioner. Note: Col. H. A. Han:Wright, of this place 18 referred to for further information. I will sell no very_valuablo farm of SIX lIUNDRICIJ ACMES, lying 3 miles west of Marlon, on tho Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, and also on the Mc- Adam flood, belonging to myself, and will also refer any purchasers to other desirableprop erties In this locality. VT. II..STROTIIER. MARION, Va., Sep. 16, HO. ltdataW37 ITIIILIEITEE . B SA LE OW SIX HUNDRED ACRES FINE FARMING LAND, LOCATED ON THE SALT WATER, SW TALBOT COUNTY, MD. By virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court of Talbot county, sitting in Equity, the under signed, as Trustee. will offer at public sale, in front of the Court House, In Easton, On TUESDAY, THE Mu or OCTOBER Nitxr, at 2 o'clock, P. M., that Farm or Plantation in Miles River Neck Talbot comity, Maryland, belonging to Mrs.EllsabetliT. Winder, known as "KNIGHTLY." The tract of land contains SIX HUNDRED ACRES, Ono hundroa and twenty of which aro in Wood and Timber. It will be offered in 3 FARMS OF ABOUT 200 ACRES EACH, Tile land will be surveyed and the exact number of acres In each farin will be made known on the day of sale The wood land will be divided about equally between the three farms. No. 1, Or the Rome Farm, is improved with a large two story BRICK D WELLING HOUSE Merit House, Servants' Remo, Stables and good Pinup of Water. It le located on a prong of Mlles river, known as Leeds' creelr, within two miles of the nieumboat tending at Mlles River Ferry, end the Protestant Episcopal church. A Steil:Wien Church and a good Bo e b swi th r n lo v a tem ik. o he Enaetgn o T hoo cd illt loamy and highly Improved, producing good I rope of gram and grain. Farm de. ", IN Improved with a FRAME DWELLING_ . WANE, Barn, Stables, Corn House, Itervante ' Rouse, Meat Rouge, and a Well of good Water. 'rho meal Is kind, but somewhat stltlbr thou that of No, I. Farm No. 0, limo no Improvements on it, :moot a wharf et the hoed of naviron on Lewin' creek. Thu uatural quality o the Noll is (malt Lao /41 pr o vedhat of firin rt tnat go highly i With a small nu l lity for Insnures, It might easily bu made f 1 highly prodnotivo Wm, These lands areboaullfully loratud In a high. ly Improved and healthy dixtrid of country, imnartillately on the Halt water, where terrepino, oyetere, meta, wild fowl and other samelabound in their soaione, Tito properly will be sold in ono farm, or in v{yjhtwo, or three, to op po rtunityere The mule prount a linofor parsons to purchase dostrable homes. TERMS OF BALE: •The terms glide as prowl:hod by the decree ate as follows: The purolaso money to ho one fourth In cash on the day of sale, and the balaupe In three equal annual inatairneuts, Willi'hond and approved security, bearing In form Dom too day of sole, Stamps and title papers at the expense of the purchaser. On the parent of the whole purchuo money, and no before, a deed conveying a good title in roe simple will be executed by the trustee. EDWARD LLOYD, Trustee. War. K. HATUILL, Auctioneer. ALSO, at the same Limo will bo offered TWO FA,ltklid, lying In Mien River No contaln• log each about SIX LIUNDRED ACRES OF LAND. For partioularn apply to tbo Trustee. • el.HG,.there will be offered on the same day, the Farm known by the name of "DUNDEE,. n CONTAIN I NGwo treats,: 1 260, THE OTHER 270 ACRES, more orlon, located on salt Watsr, two miles from steamboat landing, and four miles from aE4ton, the county town. The moll is good, In a high. state of chitivatlon. There Is an abundance of marl, of the beet quality.— The improvements consist of three FRAME DWELLING HOUSf23, and all other buildings newsman , for farm purposes. Terms made known on the day of sale, !OA ltdanw ALUABLE PARK AT PUBLIC BALE. V —The undersigned willsell at public, sale, .on the premises, in Guilford township five and what: miles from Chtunbersburg, and near the villageof NOW county r Ps. on the direct maul towa esboro% on THURSDAY, the 15th day of OBER; 18x9,a valuable Farm 4:entail:L A % .„ ISO ACRES OF of which about twenty acres Is gala wood band: Tho soil is limestone of the best quality'. The Improvement' consist of two small FRAME HOUSES, a separate Kitchen, Smoke House, largo Log and Frame Barn, Horse Stable, Hay Barracks, Wagon Sheds, Corn Crib and other buildings. There is a fine Orchard and a Well of excellent water and two Stock Ponds on the pito°. There Is also first-rate clay from which Brick of the best quality have been made. There is a Church on the ground ad joining this farm, and it lies quite convenient to Post Ote,'llkihool Howie, Blacksmith Shop, Stolle; W otimalter Shop,'ne.: _ ' There be Mitred at Publie Sale, at the same time and place, about 80,010 good mer chantable MUCK Thep. wiil be sold in lots tti snit purchasers: Safe to oommenee at 1 o'clock, P. IL, on sold day, when attendance will be given and terms mad known. B. RUSH BEMENT, By hie Attorney In fact, GEO. EYSTER, 68. Pal esistt ALHILRLEFAIRM ATM/SAUTE SALE. V—The subscriber offers at private sale, his , vauable firm; situated in Silver' Sprilig Mar, Cumberland county, three's:Mies west of Mechanicsburg and seven •Milet east Of Car lisle, containing 204 ACRES AND4IMCBIIIB. more or less, of limestone land, under a high state of cultivation, the wllole;a rc juin been thoroughly limed, and beinwander fano!, of which about 100 e iianels are fence.. It adjoins lands of Henry 13 John . Eihoei maker, John G. Rupp and G. V. vera helm The improvements are a large and comma dbius FARM HOUSE, a comfortable Tenant House, a Stone Bank BARN Older Press, Sod all other necalsary ordebuildtings, - all- lii g ~ ood repair. also, a well or water near. the , I a with Cistern at the Barn, end one at. each: house. There is a good apple Orchard on the premises, with an Mundane° of grape virtu and other choice Fruit Trees. ficticpuls and , , chnrohea are convenient. . . Teittuiclin be learned and the property etnin by calling on the enbacrlbor residing gown., gen 2 IWAltwl JA.OOB „BAST. NTALUABLS CHRISTER COrr NT* FARE[ if AT PRIVATE SALE.—The subscriber wilt sell at privet o sale that splendid farm of EIGHTY ACRlsd, situate in tho township of West Coln. Chester county, ,threo miles north .ot the thriving borough of Coatesville, and directly Da the line of the Wilmington and Reading Itutcoad, The Im rovementa consist of a largo STONE DWlii.t.lNO HOUSE, Stone and Frame Barn, two Stone Tenant Houses, Stone Spring Rouge over a never-failing Spring of Water, and all necessary outbuildings in good repair, A good assortment of fruit trees, good renew, conveniently divided and well watered. d re ss ms easy. Apply WIGUA on the premises or M JASINSKY ad- Wagontown P. 0., Chester county, ita. sep 2 51. NW 85 pi:ramie SALE • OF .... VALUABLE /tEA.L ESTATE. The undersigned, Executor of Clears° Icier, will sell at public auction, on FRIDAY the 30th day of OCTOBER, ISIS, In front of the Carter House, CharlestoWn.— The fine form of which the late George Isler died, sloped and possessed, lying In Jetlersou county, West Virginia, about 11.4 miles from the town of Charlestown, on the county road leading to Summit Point both of which elates are on the line of the Winchester end pow mac, Railroad, and affbrd tine markets for tbo sale of produce. Said farm contains ABOUT 268 ACRES of good LIMESTONE LAND, between 40 and 60 Acres of which is In valuable Timber. It adjoins the lands of Bashrod C. Washington, Henry Davenport, Esqs., and others, and is very convenient to milts, churches and schools The improvements consist of a comfortable DWELLING HOUSE and out•blitidings, a never-failing well of pure water, a pond for cattle, stook, do., do. The farm ( all things considered) is one of the most desirable lu the fertile county of Jefferson. Tsams—One-third Cash, balance In one and two equal annual payments—bearing interest from date and to be secured on the land. Possession given on the lstday of April MD. N. 13. Growing Wheat Crop reserved. Bale to take place at II o'clock, A. M. JOSEPH CRANE. Executor of George Isler. sop 16 tx37l flilWo FARMS FOR SALE.— I. TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY ACRES of excellent Limestone Land, of which twci• hundred acres are cleared, remainder timber, within one mile of a station on the Penna. Pantoß. IL, In Shaking Valley, Blair co., gether with good P roma DWELLING HOUSE, Large Barn, and Corn Crib recently built. The land is well watered, has been heavily limed, and is now in the highest state of cUltt vatton. Good Orchard and flue spring of water In the barn. Situate two miles from Tyrone and within fifteen minutes walk of extensive Iron Works, Zino Works, and Lime Kilns. A ready market is found at all times, for grain and other crops. First class schools, male and female, and churches with may ac cess, on good roads with pure mountain air, make it a very desirable home. Also, adjoining the above described proper ty, Is offered the McMillen Farm containing TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY ACRES of U best limestone land, of which 199 acres are cleared, balance good timber. This farm lo in every way a nrideclassproperty, having a substantial Farm House, Largo Barn, and other outbuildings, an orchard In bearing con dition, fences In good repair. Tho land has also been extensively limed, and has no supe rior in fertility in all the beautiful farm land of Sinking Valley. These farms will be sold together, or separ. ately, or In reduced number of acres, Hay farms of re acres—to suit purchasers, at per acre payable orie.fourth In hand, the balance on time of SIX, eight or ten years, at option of purchasers. THOMAS S. LYON, Grayeville, P. 0., LlMatlngdon Co., Pa. sop 9 4tv? 30 VALIIADLE LANDED ESTATE AND MILL SEAT AT PRIVATE SALE.—ThIs property is situated in Burford county. Mary land. six miles from Bel Air, the county seat, three miles from High Rooks of Door Creek— s great natural curiosity—and 25 miles from atßaltimore city by pike, and la the estate of the Charles H. Haiti, E.,ess., deceased. IL CONTAINS 400 ACRES morn or less, 250 in a high state of cultivation, having had on it upwards of 25,000 bushels of Lime, besides Ouanoes, Bone and other Fer tilisers. The balance is heavily:timberod with clice4.nut, oak, walnut and hickory, ascent about 75 Acres of cleared land, that hag been need for a pasturage, or excellent quality of soil, and vary susceptible of improvement,— Thorn are three streams of ,water passing through the farm, ono called "Trout Brandi" abounds lu the L14,11(11°114 finny tribe of the spooks from which it derivos Its name. There aro also several springs of excellent water, which altogether make It one of the bust wa tered farina lu the State, and a very valuable on? for grazing as well as farming pastures. 1 he entire tract Is In ono body, and all titular good fencing. Thu improvements consist of a largo FRAME DWELLING, 00 by 20 feet, with back building, IS by '2o,conveniently arranged. There is an elegant dry collar under the entire building, large kiwirixit BARN, 00 by 10, with Stabling, for 12 hood of horse,' and as many cows ; Brick Dairy, Corn House and Granary, Wagon and Carriage House, Moat House, Poultry and Hord House. There is a line. thrifty Apple o.chard of choice fruit, and a sullicieui quuutity of cherry and other fruit trees. The MILL Is a frame one, 40 by 45 feet, 3 atories and attic, with 3 run of Burrs, driven by an over shot wheel 22 feet high ; comfor table DWELLING for miller, &c. This estate Is situated In a very pleasant and desirable neighborhood; climate healthy and society excellent; within 3 m lies of a Roman Catholic and Protestant Eplocopal, two Epis copal and one Protestant Methodist Churches, and the Forest Mooting House of the Society of Friends; Post Office, Schools, Storm Black smith, Wileolright and Carriage Shops, within o short distance. . . The farm is susceptible o r division. and will be sold to suit purchasers. Title Indisputable. Possession given on the lot of March next.— For particulars address in' person or by letter. J. F. RAIDS, Attorney at Law, sop BO amwSUI Bel Air, Harford co.. intl. IVALUABLE REAL E9TATE, IR INTER- V COURSE, FOR SALE.—On WEDNES DAY, the 14th day of OCTOBER, the under signed will sell at the public howls of John Miller, in the village of Intercourse the prop erty on which ho now resides, consisting of a lot or piece of ground, situated in the village of Intercourse, Leaciock twp.,Lancaster county, Pa., adjoining lands of Moses Eaby, Joseph Snavely, Peter Enby and others, on which is °rooted a largewell.bullt Two-Story BRICK DWELLINGHOUSE with Two-Story Brick Back Building attached, Frame Barn, with Wagon shed, Carriage House, Bog Pen and other necessary out - bulidings thereon. There is an excellent well of never-filling water and a largo cistern at the door. The buildings are almost now, having boon thorotighly re paired within the last two years and arraigned with a view to convenience and durability, It in an excellent neighborhood, convenient, to mills, stores, schools, churches, did., and offers great inducements to any ono wishing to pur chase a beautiful and pleasant country resi dence. geLsoynosfwsalsinnviiitopivoi.low. ll poricirrttesubneLourre. signed. Sale to commence at 2 o'clock, P. M., on said day, when attendance will be given and terms of sale made known by S. It. SAMPLE. sep 30 taw lW VALLIAIBLE FARH AT PRIVATE PALE. This farm is situated in Gorman Valley, Shirley township, Huntingdon county, Pa.; five miles east of Mount Union Station, and contains Two Hundred and Irlfty•Ilvo Acres and the allowance, part limestone and slate.— One Hundred and Fifty Acres are under a splendid state 'of cultivation, and yield good crops; the balance well timbered. The im proverneuts consist of q good Two-Storied FRAME DWELLING, with three looms and a Kitchen on the first floor and live rooms on the second, Two good TENANT HOUISEI4, good BANK BARN, a Corn Crib and %vegan Shed, elder Press end Mill, Hog Pen, and nth. or buildings. There Is nu excellentand never failing Spring of limstone Water convenient to the house, with a STONE Hl'ltl NO 11011HK over It, and Outrun; running water In the barn yard, en that stock can be watered without trouble, The farm is also well watered by Springs; fencing good mud large nail splendid Orchard of choice fruit, It Is shunted In wealthy and healthy neighborhood, and Is well worth on examination by those desiring a andantes farm Yrloo and full tame made known ou appll. Gallon to the subscriber ut Dry Itun, Vrittlelln county, Int, Jyallmeello WILLIAM. 1.1414. Pu 81.11.1 MALE VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE The submit/or ns laxeoukir of the 'last will and testament of Joseph Yates, doold, will Woe etipublio onto, In the town of Hancock, Julien county, ANL on SATURDAY, OLITOBER 10111, laall, all the real astute of which the said Jtatoph Yates, dee'd, aimed, consisting of the ronowit.it described tracts and parcels of land: . THE VALUABLE FARS! , on the deceased at the time of his death raided. This ham Is sittlated About 1 Tulle call of Hancock. Immediately on the Chesa peake and Ohio Canal, and le Gee of the beet BURUNFAIB LOCATIONS ou the Iluo from Cumberland to Uoorgolown. The Farm containe about 363 ACRES OF LAND, to he wort alncd by actual eurvey. The National Turnplko from Baltimore to Wheeling and Pittsburg palms through 11, About 76 Acres of this treat le tirst•olase POTOMAC BOTTOM LAND, uneurpaseeil far fertility by any land In the State. The balance coexists of about 160 Acres of llret•rato TIMBER LAND and good upland. There li, on the property a good BRICK DWELLING 110 USE, with other necessary out-Windings A FINE ORCHARD containing a variety of young and °nolo Fruit Trees around and about the 'Dwelling ,Iloase. and a dna Spring and 2 Walls of Water con LARGE BARN, 111 feet long by 47 feet wide and capable :of ac commodatin 20 head of horses and 20 head of cattle. Tne Barn Is close to the canal, making it convenient for the sale of every descrip.tion of produce to boatmen right at the door. Also. AN ISLAND IN THE POTOMAC lying opposite the above described property-, containing about NINE ACRES. - - easy of access and of exceeding fertility.— also all the equltible interest of the said de ceased, consisting of the undivided, one-tlhh part of ptract ot land adjoining the abOve do scribedoperty and containing about 8.5 ACRES OF LAND, more or less being the same land now in pos John . session of Sherard, and Improved by a good. LOG DWELLING HOUSE and Log Stable with a good Spring of water , near the house. Tram or SALE.—The terms of sale will be one-third cash on the day ofsale,or ratification thereof by the Orphans. Court of Washington county, and the balance in two equal annual; payments, with intermit from the day Of sale,' purchaser approved otes for the defined payments with security, and' on toe Anal payments good and sufficient dead Will be executed by the Executor. Possession of the first above described prop erlF will be given on the lat day of April, laaa, and the mime will be shown to persona Alealr oaa theaoll7l l n u rPrfir ofte7Exur.IITIVII4 On residing on tnenwomlses: • ' • (SAMUELBoNmick. angZoltdetater ,EXsattior. sgritigightl; TTutuE . .is ?to Xii,VUBE so Passessnr As .11,.AW BONES, 111031 W1U0111:11 MADD , A IST INT S RAW BONE BUIE•R-PH OS PH ATE! Warranted perfectly Pare and Free from Adul teration. STANDARD GUARANTEED I Establieheo as an excellent Fertilizer, by years of constant use, and highly any GREATby all who haye used IL cc a GREAT CROP PRODUCER. And‘permanent Improver of tho soil a EVERY FARMER SHOULD USE Manufacturer's Agent, 22 8 0 UTH TV HA RV ES PHILADELPHIA fob 20 Factory at Wilmington, 1)01. 7mw $ FOR BALE BY ALL DEALERS. "64 13 COWER'S COMPLETE MANURE, MANUFACTURED BY HENRY BOWER, CHEMIST, PHILADELPHIA. MADE FROM Supor-Phosphate of Mine, Ammonia and WAEILAISTED;NRICE PROM A DULTEILATION This Manure contains all the elements to produce largo' crops of all kinds, and Is highly recommended by all who have need IL, also by distinguished Chemists who have, by analy.i., wawa lta qualities. Packca in Bags af prnmils each DIXON. SILA.RPLEZ9..t CO., 39 801/TII WATER & 40 SOUTH DELANY Ann A V K. PHILADELPHIA. For anie:by WM. REYNOLDS, 79 South St., Baltimore, 1\ And by dealer 4 generally throughout the country. Leep 9 lywOti B 211311ERCIA I. ,Ll4l TRADE MARK., Ml= BAUGH & SONS, Philadelphia, NO TO WESTERN FERTILIZING CO II I e A O, Sofc.lfanufarturerm. PRICES. Baugh's Raw Bone Phosphate. Price, VW per 2000 Baugh's Chicago Bone Fertilizer Prleo, 960 por 2,000 lbo. Baugh's Chicago Blood Manure Price, 050 por $2,000 llot, The above Manures aro furnished in both bags and barrels, whichever customers prefer, afr'llso Itnirs nro uniform In weight 100 pounds: The atMution of Farmers Is especially direct ed to the fact that the nutmeg of the Raw Ma terial of which the above Manures are cont. pond, are no well under control that we can furnish thorn of strictly uniform quality and condition, and that they contain a larger per contago of ammonia than any other class of manufactured manures in the market. BAUGH 5z SONS, 20 8. Dolawnro Avonuo, Philadelphia. NORTHWESTERN FERTILIZINO CO., Cor. Lako h Lamallo fits., Chicago. For Solo by SAMUEL HESS, Litnetdor, l'u. 416*-13AUOR'S COMMERCIAL. MANUREK may be procured horn &Meru In any of tho principal towns In the United Slalom or Do• minion of Canada. (Jan lialnow I TO FAROEONI PACIFIC G UANO COMPANY 'S SOLUBLE. PACIFIC; GUANO Tho attention 01 Farmers and other anninum• ma of Fertilizer% la invited to thin 14inittno, as worthy of their epeelal notice. lU4 man for sev eral yenta In Maryland, Virginia anal other Southern States, for all crops, Inns given it it standard character for exeePenteo unequalled by any oilier. IL 1/0,11111101014 all tile yulnitnonn of Peruvian Guano with permanent qualities not found In that article, '260 lbs, of than (lane,, are found more than squill to :lOU MN of Um burn Eluporphosphatos. I t ripens the %h eat mop from five to men any, earlier that tll n phoaphales, which riot alone gives It Inimical labio udvno l¢ges. A liberal disomint to nlealurs. For sale by JOHN H. REESE & CO., (Joneral Agentx fur l'neltin (Juana Co., CM South DelawBre Ave., I'lolBol, mar 2.50rnw12) And 7l Routh Ht., ItuHitnoro M . GIRSELMAR, JR., (10. (Lobo BARD dt (.11CIIIRLMAN,) COMMISSION MERCIIANTS, AND DEALICIIN IN FLOUR, (MAIN, SEEDS. WIIISKEY, AU, No. 12U NOIITII 1111,0 AD HTIMET, PHILADELPHIA, 4.- Prompt attention will be glycol to wise and a speedy return made Ulmer. Portion can rent assured that the higlield price will I,n secured for all produce entrusted to our rarn, may 13 trw 19 D. G. RIIOA DS, FLOUR, (LRAM ANL/ PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCH A N T 1H LASALLE STREET, CLIICALLO, ILIA Particular attention paid to the pureinuie el (Rain and Produce for eastern ordure. REFERENCES: Buahong & Bra, Bankers, Reading, Penna. Barnhart & Koch. Ural n Madera, Whitlock & Wallace, Com. IfurNwnte, N. Y City National Bank, Chicago, 11l apr F A It 111 E It PI I I I EXIMEI ALTA VELA PHOSPHATE. It In compoacd prloolpally of th• telobratml Guano from ALTA VFLA, contains three per cent. of Ammonia, an amount sufficient to glvo activity to the vase- Intion, and a large quantity of tiolultle Ilona Phosphate of Limo, together with Potash and Soda, the essential elements of n coviviele manure. Price VC Per Ton. • Mr Bend for a pomplilot, Addrom TILL ALI'A VELA (JUAN() CO., angl29mw3'2) 57 Broadway, Now Yorlc NEWARK MACHINE WORKS TIIII DIAMOND STATE THRESHER AND CLEANED, Wo call the attention of Pomona n od pthom to nur IMPROVNII DIAMOND OATH Tllll,lOlllMt AND CLI4ANItit with Coublo. adios SIKVAILATOR, Tho praatieal operation oI thole m:Minor IN Noah so will warrant um in 'Miming thollo In want of Three here' told Cloanora to oxamino mire heron} purchaNlog eliowhero. Wo build limo Niece—No. I, :Id Suit oylludor. No. lie Inell cylinder. No, a, loon cylinder, ',Limy aro of URI 110111, ma• torlalN and workmanallip and warranted I{l snit purohallorc 1, or email powore Van used to &Ivo thorn, aN desired, Tho Name and 'Makin bottom aro :natio of gnivaniami gloat Iron. They aro unequalled in Ntrougth, oppaalty, darobillty and tax° of running— doing tnoir Work rapidly and in Mao beat map. nor. The Machina is a modal of Nimplioity in Ns ponetruotion and operation, and the Flee of It below that of others In tho market. Tim Joulasibakor separates all too grain from tin' OratiN—and the fun le unsurhaaned OCloonor. Tho Khoo undo! Shaktr can ho easily do. Malted and time Maolline used its a Thresher , and Separator alone. ' Woos° manufacture Smiles' Chain Room gewent—of which all the hearing's for whoolo aro ateol, making thaw run with groat 0100 to the team. Also LEVRII POWER& Band fora Circular. lop 9 StwBB) OAbllO k CO., Newark Mackin° Works, Nowarle,l).l giumbiug, Ono biting, &t. egAD -FITTING AND PLURIDING. JOHN DEANER, a CO., No. 7 East King eet, With Increased frictlitles, aro now pro paled d to attend to all orders with promptness and ispatch. Having none but the beet work. men employed, all work !HIM) finished In a Impostor manner, and with all;the modern proyemente. Co d' pper Kettles and Waeh Boller', and el; kin of Copper Wark for Breweries and DIN , titlarks attended to with proraptneea Haying 'greatly enlarged thin department, all orders can be filled forthwith. TIN ROOFS a SPOUTING Attended to In any past of Moony and county. Femmes, Heaters, Stoves, Ranges, and all modern Lmproyements for heating Churches, Halle, Fortes', Houma, aena , p alway e on baud, alu w , l or b the i r up pa n re ateandeofd o e at ty ly time. JOHN DEANER a CO., N 0.7 Eaat King street. lan 114.1 w 1 Lancaster, Va. NTODNO POLES ATTENTION! Now Is the time to get married. You can urnlsh your houses with STOVES, KETTLES PANS TINWARE, and all other necessary ar tides In our line at the GOOD OLD LOW PRICES. OLD FOLKS, now is the time for you to buy for the young folks TINWARE to look like Silver; BRAM and COPPER WARE to look like Gold..We have enlarged our business, and can offer every inducement to those who are now buying HOUSE STIERS. JOHN DEANER & 00., No. 7 East King street, Lancaster ,Ps. Jan 84fw at. sawszirrits, WnilakEled. 41 4 7 D METAIZ, BADDLZRI NOG •Ia.ND 2 12A BT VINO STRUM' ./12212 *. lANCIABTEM6WA: - tfW @KEE