Lancaster intelligencer. (Lancaster [Pa.]) 1847-1922, January 29, 1868, Image 3

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In the Senate yesterday,: Mr. Henderson,
of Mo., introduced a bill to:fund the public
debt, which was referred. It provides for
a consolidated loan, duo in fifty years, bear
ing 31 per cent interest being payable in
gold. The House Reconstruction bill was
referred. The Whisky Meter bill and re
solution to admit Senator Thomas, or Md.,
were debated.
In the House, the new Reconstruction bill
came up in order, and Mr. Butler's amend
ment, giving the Southern Conventions
power to appoint State odicers, was rejected.
The bill was then passed, yeas 123, nays 45.
It places the five Southern military dis
tricts under the exclusive and absolute
control or the General of the Army. A
resolution was reported and passed, author
izing the Treasury Department to issue to
the Southern poor such dessicated vegetables
as have accumulated during the war and
are not needed for the army. Mr. Dawes.
from the Election Committee, reported that
John Young Brown, elected from the
Second Kentucky District, is not entitled to
to his seat by reason of disloyalty, and that
the 'Speaker be directed to announce a
vacancy in the representation from that
1118 understood that the Ways and Means
Committee will report to Congress in favor
of a general reduction of the internal reve
nue taxes.
- -
WA-sIIINoToN, Jan. 23.
In the S. Senate, yesterday, the House
Reconstruction bill was announced and laid
over. On motion of Mr. Il arlan, a bill was
passed appropriating 315,00 for the desti
tute in the District of Columbia. The case
of Senator Thomas was discussed. Mr.
Doolittle took the floor, and argued that any
of known disloyalty would not seek ad•
mission, us they know that if they came and
committed perjury, they would be expelled
at once; that Mr. Thomas' letter 01' resig
nation and giving $lOO to his son were con
sistent 'with innocence, the former merely
proving that he held wrong opinions in
common with many others, a fatal heresy,
that cost vast expenditure of blood and
treasure, but the holding of which did not
necessarily constitute treason, that being a
man of high character, willing to come and
take the path, there was no more reason for
excluding him than Wendell Phillips, for
his utterances, or Horace Greeley, whose
articles in the "'Tribune," declaring that If
a majority of a State desired to secede they
had a right to do It, were read by Robert
Toombs before the I leorght Secession Con
vention, thereby carrying the Convention,
with the Tribune in his hand. When Al
bert C. Itrowii withdrew from the Senate to
join the rebellion, Edwin M. Stanton met
ham outside of Me door, inch urged him to
go on In his course, wishing film "Cod
speed," and saying he was right.
In the House, A bill was passed providing
for the holding of a Circuit Court in Erie,
Penna. Mr. Van Wyck, of N. Y., front
the Retrenchment Committee, presented a
report in regard to the Gettysburg Lottery
Scheme. Mr. Blaine, of Me., introduced a
hill, which was rekrred, relating to the
taxing ofNallossil bank shares. Irlr..luhan
addressed the House in explanation and
advocacy of the dwelling at considera
ble length Upon tire Impollev of allowing
live millions of acres of land to lie held in
the grasp of corporations and speetilutors,
while thirteen-fourteenths of the people of
the South am landless, and denouncing
those corporations for the aid which they
gave to GI. rebellion. A debate here fol low •
et! between Mr. Chandler and .1 Mien,
\Vasil iNicros, .lon. 21.
In the hi. S. Senate, yesterday, the Recoil
struction bill Caine 111. 011 second reading,
and Mr, Doolittle offered his amendment
relating to the suffrage The conference
report on the bill repealing the cotton rex
was agreed to. tan motion ofMn, Howard,
the President was requested to communi
cate copies of instructions Furnished Geiser
ads Pope and Ml,lllO .111111(ing command of ,
the Fourth Military District. The hill au
thorizing t he nude of iron-clods was reported
from the Naval Committee, Mr. Pomeroy, •
of Kansas, introduced a hill amendatory of
the Homestead act, Which sects referred.
Discussion on the Reconstruction bill was •
resumed and continued till adjournment.
In the House, the Senate amendment to
the I louse 1.111 relating to additional beam
ties was concurred in, with additional
amendments, and the bill goes loud( to the
Senate. A bill was reportisilimil passed,
authorizing the sale of certniu Government
properties in the West. The death of Cor
nelius Hamilton, lately Representative ,
from the Eighth t alio District, was an
nonneed, and the House adjourned alter;
adopting uporopriat.. resolutions.
In the S. Senate, yesterday, the Presi
denCa llle!imnge, leclaring tutu the Equal
Rights bill heal failed to become a low, was
referred. The Senate insisted on its amend
ments to the Oelieit'lley AprrOprilaiffil bill.
A. bill was reported :Lod passed, nuthorl
- the I 'oinptrollor of the Currency to re
place destroyed and inutile , utl .r.National
bank notes. 'flitijoint resolution for South
urn rebut teas domed. The Reconstruction
bill was debated.
In the House, on nettem ur 1\ Ir. Chanler,
of New York, the Commerce Committee
were directed to inhaler inn) U. 0111011115 01
preventing such evils as those of the cholera
shipi,Lellinitz in future. The Naval Appro
priation [pill was reported /mil recommitted.
It appropriates over 51S,otsysto. The bit Ito
prevent payment id Southern war claims
;was considered. The Conference Continu
ed* on tile Colton bill reported that they ha i
agreed to theSenitte amendment exempting
hireign cotton from duty, Tne House re•
fused to conclir ill (lie amendment, the yeas
being 67 and the !lays 79, and a new confer
ence wits ordered. The death of itepresen
[alive Mae, ot Kentucky, 50(10 announced,
and the lions, adjourned,
AVAsit isttrros, Jan. 27.
'['lie 'Senate was not in session, el `minor
day having Itil . jourtred until Monday.
After tin' rt , ditig t 110 the House
went hlb, 0,1.11141 Ni of the 'Whole on Ihe
State of the 1;1111111, for general debate. Mr.
Sitgreaves, of yew derstty, addressed the
Committee, :writ Ming the lute war to the
accursed spirit t Radicalism. 'Messrs,
Price and Vllllitti.s replied to Al r. Sitgrea-
Ves. Mr, Morro! I. ol Pennsylt aniadliscuss
od the question of nuances. :qr. Stone de
nounced the reconstruction (((lily of the
Itudlculs as dostrlictiVe of the cardinal prin
ciples of the government. Mr. Wilson, of
lowa, Was in layor of paying die principal
of the national bonds in lawful money. Mr.
Hawkins addressed Ile Committee till the
question of individual rights, and on the
duty nitho government to its citizens. 'Pee
Committee then rose anti the House ads
IVA.uisu•rns, .11111. '2S
lit the U. S. Senate, yesterday, Mr. \VII.
oim, or Massachusetts, introducod it bill to
relieve the political dianbllilles of certain
Virg/Mails. lin motion of Mr. Sumner, the
President was called upon Mr information
ns to the trials of Father McMahon, Robert
Lynch, a n d others, by the British Govern
ment. The bill providing for a reprosunta-
Lion of the U idled States !Milo International
Alttritinto Exhibition, was laid on the table.
r. I Mein, of ducky, offered a resolution
doclaring that Congress ought to coma, its
war on the Coast I tut ion, the Supremo Court,
the President, tool the white people of the
South, and apply ttsrlfto retroitchnient anti
the reduction of the taxes. Phu resolutlim
was titbits!. 'l•hu iteconstriwtion bin was
.tlebutoti, the question Nang ott lino•
littlo'w motion instructing the Judiciary
Conimitteo to report ads itmontlmont ; but
.tho Senate adjourtiod \\*MIMIt acting upon
In the 1l mow, bills wore introduced and
Tetbrred no 11,110 lie Mr. Sles.ants, of
Now Hampshire, providing for the taxation
of United States bonds; by :11r. Stevens, of
runnsylvania, aitabllshing universal sui
hag° ; by NI essrs, Myers, O'Neill and Mil
ler, of Pennsylvania, relating to salaries of
°mews, Hod to revenue officers ; by Mr.
Carey, of Ohio, providing for the issue ut
TreasurY notes to supplant bigot sund ers
and 11111.knila Luulc circulation, and for
funding the debt at :; per cent, interest;
by Mr. Conic, of 111., innendatory
the National Curroney act; by Mr.
Randall, of Pennsylvania, making all
sales and commissions of United States
Joann open to public competition ; by Mr.
Coburn, of Indiana, to prevent compro
uniting of revenue frauds, and regulating
11tH Leon of acting President of the United
States. Mr. Stevens withdrew his univer
sal outrage blll, to tiring it up at another
little. 1 ai !notion r. Mallory, of Oregon,
the Ways and Means Commilive wore di
rected to Inquire into the expediency of a
funding loan hearing •I per cont. Interest,
010. Ott motion, the Committee un Terri
tories were directed to report a bill repeal=
ing the not organizing the Territory of
Montana, said 'territory having restricted
the franchise to white eilizensi. Various
oollinitinientintin Were presented by the
Speaker, The bill to prevent pity
motif of Southern War claims was
passed--y.elai SO, mipi it eon
i'vrelice eonuulneo was appointed on
thu Deljointitly bill, Mr. Banks, front the
Foreign Committee, reported his 1,111 for
the protection of Affiorican citizens, which
Wan ordered to be printed and recommitted,
on the understend lug that it would be M.
ported bark next week. Mr. Ingersoll, of
Illinois, introduced a bill, which was re
furred, authorizing the issue of 843,000,000
additional legal tender notes. Mr. Bout
ollytssachusetts, desired to offer a
rezoluti looking to a funding scheme,
shutter to that of Sadia . Shornutn, but ob
jection was made. On motion of Mr.
Spuldlug, ut Ohio, thu Reconstruction Coln
'hates wore directed to examine so Itnenses,
with a view to discover whether attempts
have boon made to obstruct the execution
of the Reconstruction laws. Adjourned.
The (Alice of the County Treasurer, In
Huntingdon, was entered ou Friday night
by bueglars. They were prepared with the
tools necessary for their purpose, having
previously Hlolen them front a blacksmith
shop. The door or the sate seems to have
yielded easily to the blows of a sledge ham
mer, the front panel being broken m so as
to expose the lock, and the door itself
broken from the hinges. Fortunately, It
contained but little money, the treasurer
having taken the precaution to deposit the
county funds in bank, A few dollars in
nickel coin was all that fell into the hands
of the burglars, and thisthey did not remove
J'rom the olliee,
At Aberdeen, Mississippi, u few days
since, a little eon of Mr, iteun apparently
died. Two young ladles cud aud , e servant
volunteered to keep width during the night.
At übqut 12 o'clock the servant was noticed
to do asleep, when one of tau young ladies
pricked her with a pin, `which caused her
amain. Tble aroused the supposed do 4
child, alarming the inmates of the room
greatly, Um examination it was found
Chat the child had become warm, and in a
abort time it was running about.
Proceedings or the Legislature. ,
HAEMEMEMG, Jan, 22. I lit
Xiatai # enigma.
In the Pennsylvania Senate yesterday, a
I bill was reportedTestoring the privileges of ! ' REGISTER or SALES for which - bills have
the Pittsburg and Connellsville Railroad. printed at the office of the INTELLIOENcER,
Bills were introduced expediting the settle- 1 and which are adVertised in this paper
meat of decedents' estates ; providing that I Farm stock, Implements, Household
the tax and bank stock shall hereafter be and Kitchen Furniture by Bernhard
three mills on every dollar of par value, or Mann, Farmer. Assignee of John B.
on every dollar of market 'value if sold
Manor twp., near Brene
above par; prohibiting others than regular Farm rwir* Tavern
Stock and Implements of Abra
graduates in medicine and pharmacy from ham Shoff, in Manor twp., near Le
practicing. In the House. A resolution van's M.111....„---
, was introduced amending the State Con- COW, Furnitur, etc., of Washington
1 stitution so as to limit the pay of Senators Benner, in eaLcock twp
Farm Stock of A. J. Hess, in Drtunore
and Representatives to s7oo_, and making • twp near Quarryville'h
, ability to read the State Constitution a 1 awe., near
implements, Household
.................._...Feb, *
' qualification for voting. Bills were also , and Kitchen Furniture of George
: introduced relating to county taxes, au- ! Tomlison, dec'd, in Lancaster two.,
thorizing insurance companies to do busi- ' near Lancaster city ff 15th
. I Fat m Stock, Implements Household
ness in other States, restoring pensions to and Kitchen Furniture: of Mahlon
soldiers of 1812, and repealing the law of Fox, In Badsbury township, near
1704, prohibiting Sunday travel. Christiana
HARRISErRO, Jan. 24. ! Farm Stock and Implements of Mrs.
C. E,,Clark, In Drnmore twp
In the Pennsylvania Senate, yesterday, 1 Real estate of Sarah Volgt, dec -3 a, -- a - t s
; bills were Introduced transferring the jury 1 Solomon Sprecher's Hotel, City of
1 wheel to the custody of the Sheriff, fixing I Lancaster
the time for closing the polls in Philadel. I Farm Stock and Implements of Pen
na alr t k e w
of tiol
' phis and Lancaster counties, at 7P. H., i nington Moore, in Coleraine twp..
establishing the Eight-hour labor system, 1
M. Eckman,
and enabling married women to contract deed, by Wm. N. Galbraith, Admin
for rental of stores cud dwellings. The 1 istrator, in Colerain two., near
Stanton resolutions were passed in the I Kirkwood
night session or the Senate on Wednesday. Farm Stock, Implements, etc., of W.
• a wi leox i i i ,c :4 , P n aradise township, near
In the house, it was agreed that a special
committee on retrenchment be appointed. The extensive Farm Block Imple-
A resolution relating to the protection of ments;etc., OF Sarah J. Eckert, at
American citizens was offered and referred. Springwell Mills, In Paradise twp.....
On motion, the Judiciary Committee were The Farm Stock, consisting of thor
directed to inquire into the expediency of , o e i t i e gh o - h i r E tri J animals, cora. Fa i r n mlNV e Ls ,
providing for an inspector of gas meters in toWn.hip, near Lancaster city
Philadelphia. The proposed amendment to Farm BGOCIi, Implements, etc., of T.
the State Constitution cantering the fran- W. Henderson, Esq., in Salisbury
chile, without distinction of color, on all township, near the White Horse
who can read the Constitution, was re- a o ' H a u v iie e L u ol . Mar*
Goods and Furniture of
ported from the Committee to which it was Thos. W. Henderson, Esq., in calls
referred. A bill was introduced directing bury township, near the White
the State Treasurer to pay banks holding Horse Tavern
specie certificates in National Bank notes,
allowing for the difference between paper
and gold value; also, one changing the
mode of electing Guardians or the Poor and
Board of Health in Philadelphia.
HAfinisnUltu, Jan. 22.
In the Pennsylvania Senate, yesterday,
bills were introduced providing for the ap•
pointtnont of a Commissioner of County
Jails and Almshouses, and creating a new
Judicial district out of Lycoming county,
In the House, a bill woo introduced pro •
riding for the election of a Chief Superin
tendent of the Philadelphia Water Depart
meat. The act incorporating the Society
for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and
the resolutions urging a steamship line to
Li burial, and protesting against territorial
acquisition, were reported favorably. On
motion, the Judiciary Committee were In
structed to inquire into the expedieneey of
authorizing the Courts to grunt divorces.
IlAnntsituito, Jan. 27.
Siov.vrfi.—The following bills were Intro
One by Mr. McColl:iota:11y, requiring
election officers to keep a record or t ho date
of naturalization paper...
A bill was presented repealing the t
tymburg Asylum charter, and wits referred
to the C'unanittoe.
House.—Thu following bills were intro
duced :
One by Mr. Dyesu, of Clinton, for the re
peal of the act incorporating the I lettvsburg
Asylum for Invalid Solihers, approved
r. Adair° presented a bill for a pension
to John Willing Myer, a soldier of 1S1:1.
The following petitions were presented :
One by Mr. Bull, from the Judges and
members of tho Philadelphia Courts, against
the _repeal of the net authorizing Phono
graphic Reporters. Also, a very numer
ously signed 'petition lavoring some law for
the better regulation of the Oils Trust.
_ .
The Speaker presented a petition from
citizens in favor of the butter regulation of
the Insane Asylum. Also, a statement
from Ebenezer Haskell, showing how under
existing laws a sane 111011 50:15 proved in
Mr. Armstrong °Mired o resolution lip
pointing additional transcribing clerks.
'finis goon rise loan animated (lobate. Mr.
Armstrong, who had been one of the eight
dissenters who at the beginning the sess•
ion hod refused to vote tor Roofs, and who
hind urged retrenchment and reform, de
clared that he had been promised the choice
of this additional clerk, amt that such clerk
was needed! The lianpublican majority
denied that they had,ondorsed or made any
such contract, and the Democrats called for
the production ofany- , agreement Or con
tract which had been' made between the
eight dissenting Republicans and the ma
jority. Motions were made to substitute
Dl nears. Ghegan and \Volker a in transcribing
clerks. Adjourned.
How Groot Keeps Ms Word
The special correspondents of the New
York Herald and New York 11 - or dl agree
in giving the following detailed account,
evidently from high sources, of the manner
in which Grant deceived the President:
There is not the slightest doubt thnt Grant
admitted, in the presence of the Cabinet, a
promise either to resign the Secretaryship
War or compel Stanton to get a manda
mus to put him (Grant) out. Grant was
very much confused and embarrassed at
the meeting, and confessed that he had re
iterated the promise on the preceding Sat
urday, when requested by the President to
give a decided answer one way or the other.
Ile confessed, also, that ho had undoubted
ly agreed to wait upon the President again
on Monday, find excused'himsell in a stam
mering way by saying that he had been en
gaged with General Sherman and "other
little matters" that day, and was thus pre
vented from keeping the engagement. Ile
told the President that he was afraid of the
provisions of the Civil Tentire of (Mice bill,
and dist he did not wish to encounter fine
and imprisonment by opposing Stanton's
The President reminded General Grant
that he had said that he the President)
would bear all the penalties and responsi
bilities that might be connected with op
posing Stanton's reinstatement under the
Civil Tenure bill; that if there should be
/Lily line or imprisonment resulting from
carrying out his (the President's) views in
the matter, he (the President) would sailer
them himself, and thus relieve Grant front
any danger whatever. It was also pointed
out to General Grant that on the Monday
before Stanton's reinstatement. he (Grunt)
could not have been engaged with General
Sherman, as the latter had called on the
President that day, while Grant had not
done so. To this Grant Made no reply. Ile
was also reminded that he was present at
the President's reception on Monday eve
ning, when he said nothing whatever to the
President about his change of views, but
greeted Mr. Johnson Millie usual way.
On Friday, January 17, another Cabinet
meeting was held, and alter the regular de
liberations u long editorial published in the
Xtdional Iniellilleuecr of the 15th, giving an
account of the understanding between the
President and Grunt, and corroborating the
President's version of the affair, was read
In presence of Secretary McCulloch, Sec
retary Browning, Secretary Welles, Post
master General Randall and Mr. Johnson.
Each of these Cabinet °Myers stated then
and there that the statement of the case as
presented in that article was correct, but
that it did not go far enough nor represent
the mutter In as bad a shape as the truth
would justify. Secretary Browning re•
merited that he hail kept n pretty full
record of the proceedings of the Cabinet
meeting of Tuesday and of Grant's admis
sions at that time, told that the inecUiyanecr
titicle slated the truth when it said that
Grant had promised either to resign and
give back possession of the Warotlice to the
President In time to place the latter in the
same position as when he appointed Ilrant
Secretary till interim, or to compel Stanton
to resort to legal proceedings to obtain
possession under the Civil Tenure bill.
Secretary McCulloch remarked that he
was surprised that Grant acted in
such bad faith. Postmaster General Ran•
dell declared that the course of the General
astonished him; that he did not expect to
ilnd him act so much " the sneak" and the
deceiver. Secretary Welles declared that
it appeared to him the true rensou why
Grant had promised to call on Monday, the
13th, was because he (Grant) supposed that
the Senate would pass the reinstating reso•
lotion on Saturday, and that thus the whole
question would have been decided before
the interview appointed for Monday could
take place. By that time Grant would have
turned over the War °Mee to Stanton and
the President could not get possession ex
cept by resort to legal proceedings. 'rho
fact that the vote on the so bject dld not oc
cur until Monday spoiled this scheme, and
hence Grant did not call upon the Presi
dent on Monday.
An Al tempted Murder and Successful
WARREN, Ohio, Jan. 25.—About six and
half o'clock, yesterday afternoon, a man
by the name of Charles Press visited the
house of his wife's mother, in this city, for
tile purpose, as was supposed, of conversing
with ids wife, who Las been separated for
some time from him, owing to his extreme
intemperance and cruelty. Frees demand
ed a private Interview, which, after it little
delay, was grunted. No sooner bud they
entered a separate apattment than he
pounced 'upon his wife and stabbed her
several places. Supposing he had killed
her, he escaped a few rods front the house,
when, with the mute instrument, he first,
attempted to commit suicide by cutting hie
throat,' but filling to do this In this manner,
ho made eight or tell blown at his heart, the
last of which penetrated the base of the
heart, producing Instant death. Mrs. Frees,
although severely stubbed in several places,
will probably recover.
From the Prize Mug to the Pulpit.
Ono of the rarest conversions on record is
that of Richard Weaver, an English ex
prize. fighter, who, from the condition of an
ignorant, brutal man, has become a man of
Christian life anda persuasivo and eloquent
preacher. He signalized his refoi motion in
the beginning by resorting to a race course,
where he sold Bibles and sang sacred songs
among the frequenters of the gambling
booths with such success that the games
worn broken up, Weaver, it Is said will
come to this country shortly. Following in
the track of the English prize fighters who
have recently landed'on our shorea; his visit
will be ono of peculiar interest. AVno man
can bettor appeal to his demean be, so no
man could possibly influence them in the
right direction snore than this convortod
Wievat's BALSAM of Wild Cherry and
Grace'a Celebrated Salvo hove stood the
test or long experience, and have come into
general use, Those articles aro no quack
nostrums, but genuine preparations, skill
fully compounded, and welt,adapted to the
class of diseases for which they are ream
mended, Seth W. Fowle ct Son, Boston,
Mass, are the proprletore.—aemmunicated.
Court Proceedings
Tuesday Afternoon.—The addressee of
counsel in the case of Coln'th vs. }limes
and Lane, occupied the greater part of the
afternoon session. The Court having
charged the jury, they retired to consider
their verdict at u quarter of 5 o'clock.
Conelli vs. Israel Cunningham and Fran
cis Cuninghain. - Burglary. A large num
ber of challenges being made, considerable
delay was occasioned in empanelling a jury
to try this case.
The jury in the case of Coin'th vs. Mimes
and Lane, returned a verdict of not guilty.
- Wednesday Morning. —Court mot a It
Comith vs. S/1111110 Lettey, Bigamy. The
defendant plead guilty of the ottence, and
there being extenuating circumstances in
the case, he was sentenced by the Court to
undergo 1111 Imprisonment of only three
Coni'th vs. Israel and Frances Coning
ham, Burglary.
11'cdncsduy Apernuum—Puter Kopp plead
guilty to fornication and bastardy, and re
ceived the usual sentence fur maintenance,
and pay line or one dollar to the Common
The trial of tho ease of Coin'th vs. Israel
and Francis Coninghum, \vas then resumed,
Colonel Milton Weidler, Captain Spreeher
and others testified to the good character of
the defendants.
District Attorney Atlee and 1.. 11. l'untit
prosecution ; Alossrs. NV. A. NV ikon, S.
Jr. Reynotds and Dickey for iiiiiendants.
Thursday Morning.—The whole el the
session of the Court lust evening front 74
until half'-paste o'clock, was occupied by
the speeches at' counsel and lilt, charge of
the Judge to the Jury in the ease of Cohn'tla
vs. Israel and Francis Conlngharn. Ver
dict returned that said defendants were not
Caroline Green (colored) swore that Eliza
beth t ;men (colored), all of Salisbury twp.,
had threatened at quarterly meeting to di
vest Caroline of her entrails, whereupon
the Court sentenced Elizabeth to enter in a
recognizance for $3OO to keep the peace, and
pay the costs, on Jailor() W s tins to stand
committed. So Oizabeth stood committed.
need for defendant.
Uum'lli vs. Joint Shultz and Frederick
Redmond. Indicted for burglary.
George Bossley, colored, plead guilty of
assault. and battery, having while inn state
of intoxication, struck Mr. Myers In Co
lumbia with a stone, on the 20th of lust De
cember. Defendant was sentenced to pay
$1 to the Commonwealth and be Imprison
ed for three months.
Thursday Afternoon.—Court met ut half
past. two 4,clock, The addresses of coun
sel and (large of the Court to the Jury in
the case of the Commonwealth vs. John
Shultz and Frederick Redmond, charged
with burglary, occupied the greater part of
the afternoon session.
The Grand Jury having transacted all the
business on their hands, were discharged
from the necessity of further attending
court. Their report will he handed in to
Com' th vs. Thomas Carney. Indicted for
larceny. Defendant was charged with steal
ing, about two weeks ago, from Mr. Best,
who has a stone quarry within the limits of
this'city, a lot of tools used in said quarry.
The value of the tools was about $lO. The
tools were found in Mr. Suter's quarry.—
Atte° fur prosecution ; Major Shenk for de
Thu jury in the case of [he Com'th vs
John Shultz and Frederick Redmond, tried
for burglary, returned a verdict not
Priday Morning.—Court tort at 0 o'clock.
The jury i❑ the ease of Cotn'th vs. Thos.
Carney, indicted for larceny, returned a
verdict of not guilty.
The Cirand Jury einpanneled to enquire
for the County of Lancaster at January
Term, 1800, respectfully report that they
have acted on 53 bills presented to them, of
which they returned 20 true bills and
ignored 27. The number of cases of a low
grade presented would show that crime in
this county was not on the increase. That
they have visited the county prison, alms
house and hospital, and found them in good
condition ; and the wants of prisoners, and
inmates of the hospital and almshouse well
cared for. The number of prisoners and
vagrants amount to 100, of whom:the vag
rants are the largest, numbering fully 100.
The new buildings erected by the Direc
tors of the Poor, are finished, fur the ac
commodation and relief of the sick, insane
and destitute.
When wo consider that the Hospital for
Lancaster county was established in 17th,
7.5 years ago, that it has been throughout
that long period the ventral Institution of
one of the richest agricultural districts of
Pennsylvania, the population numbering
120,000, we may imagine the multitude of
Interesting cases which must come before
the officers of the Almshouse and Hospital,
and the medical and surgical department.
\l•e would return our sincere thanks to
the officers of the Court, the District After
soy, Sheriff Fry, the onlaer of the Prison,
Levi Sensenig, also, the Superintendent of
the Almshouse, Samuel Spielman, and the
Superintendent of the Hospital, J, O. Stein
hauser, for their courtesy and ;attention.
All of which we respectfully submit.
CLEMENT B. Ratan, Foreman.
Joseph Marks was charged with an As•
sault and Battery on Mrs. Huber, of this
city. Defendant was found guilty and will
be sentenced on to , morrow. At lee for prose•
(Anion ; Dickey for defendant.
Corn'th vs. Daniel Trewitz and John
Martin, Indicted for Forcible Entry and
Detainer. On trial.
Friday ...Iflcrnoon.- -Court !net at half
past 2 o'clock.
Cotn'th vs, Daniel Trowitz and John
Martin, indicted for Forcible Entry and
Detainer. Jury entered a verdict or not
guilty in this case.
Com'th vs. John Eshleman, for keeping
a Gambling House in this city near the
Atlee and Dickey for prosecution; Baker
and Price or defendant.
Saturday Aforning.—Court met at 9 o'clock.
The Court appointed Monday, the 10th of
February, for granting Tavern Licenses.
Com'th vs. Casper Walker. Fornication
and Bastardy. The defendant was found
guilty, and received the usual sentence In
such cases.
J. W. Hull pleud guilty of deserting his
wife and two children, and was directed
by the Coert to give surety for their future
Coin' th vs. George Gumph. Indicted for
entering a store house with Intent to com
mit a felony. Said store house is the prop
erty of George Steinman, in this city, and
defendant was found in the cellar about the
Ist of December Inst. Near where he lay
concealed, in the cellar in a charcoal bin,
was found a bundle of railroad iron, weigh
ing 511 pounds, which, it was alleged, de
fendant had placed there for the purpose of
purloining it,
Counsel defence offered testimony to
show defendant's good character, and that
he was Intoxicated at the time he entered
the cellar. Atlee for prosecution; Reynolds
for defence. The defendant was found
guilty, and was sentenced by the Court to
undergo nn itnnrisonment of four weeks.
Comw'th vs. Mary Bachman. Assault
and battery. It was shown by prosecution
that defendant had a quarrel with Mrs.
Barbara Harvey, and that she had struck
Mrs. Harvey a blow with a coal bucket,
and had thrown a bucket full of cold water
upon her. Counsel for defence claimed that
Mrs. liarvoy struck the first blow, and that
the blow by the bucket was accidental.—
Iteed and J. B. Amwake for defence; Atlas
for Commonwealth. The jury returned a
verdict of not guilty.
The Court decreed a divorce to Carrie
P. Dysart from the bonds of matri
mony contracted with James P. Dysart, on
account of his wilful and continued deser
tion at her for a period of over two years.
Joseph Marks, found guilty of assault
and battery, was sentenced to pay a fine of
fifty dollars and pay costs of prosecution.
The jury in the case of Cotreth vs. John
Eshleman, for keeping a Gambling house,
have been out considering' their verdict
since yesterday evening. A message was
sent to the Court asking for their discharge,
this_morning, which was not granted.
They are still out et this time, ono o'clock
P. M.
Tho Jury In the case of Corn'th ye. John
Eshelman, tried on last week for keeping a
gambling house, could not agree on their
verdict; they were out twenty hours,
The Court of Common Pleas met this
morning at ii o'clock.
nesday lust, between 12 M. and 1 P. M.,
tiro broke out in the dwelling of Mr. R. M.
Kauffman, in Manor township, situated on
the old safe Harborroud, within a mile and
a half of Millersville. The dwelling was a
two-story brick, and was entirely destroy
ed. The furniture was, however, saved by
great exertion. The tire originated from a
stove-pipe leading through the ceiling be
ween the first and second stories. Mr. K.
had no insurance on the. building,
OngrusAy.—Rev. Walter Powell died at
his residence in North Lime street, about
8 o'clock, on Friday last. Mr. Powell was
Pastor of the Presbyterian Church of this
city for a period of 10 years, in which he
has labored earnestly, faithfully and zeal
ously for the spiritual welfare of his con
gregation. This was in fact his first charge.
He was born near Fort Edward, in the
State of New York, and was in the 36th year
of his age. His parents were of the Metho
dist persuasion. Early in lifehe manifested
a taste far study, and his father afforded
him an opportunity to gratify the same by
preparing him for a Collegiate course of in
struction, and sent him to Union College.
in the State of New York, from which he
graduated. He commenced and finished
his theological studies at Princeton Semi
nary, New Jersey. Mr. P. had been un
able for two months past to attend to his
pastoral duties, in consequence of his de
bility, but his congregation appreciated him
so highly, that they continued his salary
and granted him a respite from his pastoral
labors for six months. He leaves a wife
and two children to mourn his early and
unexpected depth.
Aska.—On tne 26th Inst., in this city, Clara,
only daughter of toe late Jacob Baer, deceased,
BIBLE PRESENTATION.—SeveraI dues aged le yesrs and 10 months.
ago the ladies of Ephrata township made a FOall.—On the 21st last., la this city . , George
presentation of a very handsome Bible to son or John and Mary Ford, aged lyears, I,
Ephrata Council 0. U. A. M., No. llg. The
On nat.. In New
Um 21st
pro• u
k and 1
. 1 days.
, d .it.
Bible Is a splendid article, and was
Hol l lriirr, I Mlch ' ael — lllffeuderfer, In the 85th year
cured through the establishment of J. E. o f his age.
Barr, of this city. It was valued at $3O, and Lutz —On the 15th inst., at his residence
is a splendid token of the regard and in- Blue hock Valley, Manor twp„ Lancaster co.
terest felt by the ladies of Ephrata in this Ps i , i, G ,
k e are M.
.L a t t i f , , , aged 4 i i ii rtars E tn a d 13
Margie, days
young and very flourishing Council of
American Mechanics. The presentation aged 10 months
daughrer of Charles S. and Margaret Tucker,
and 12 days.
address was very ably made by Miss Emma D./111...—Uu the 21st lust., In this city, Eliza-
Fry, and replied to on behalf of the Council beth Delhi, In the SSW year of her ago.
by Martin S. Fry: Atldresses were made Powzi L.—On the old Inst.. In this city, Rev..
by Dr. D. Rhine Hertz and W. W. Nickel Walter Powell, In the 38th year of his age.
Porn.—At Rockland, near this city, on the
The whole affair passed oft very pleasant 2 Ith lust., Charles Pote, In the 72d year of his
ly, and will certainly be long remembered age.
by the citizens of Ephrata. .. _ . _. . .._
contains Anodyne, Carminative, and To le
properties united in such a manner, and In Plilladelphia,Uraut Market
such proportions as most happily to exert. on PLIILADELPHIA, Jan. 2.9.—• Cotton 18(g1*,c
the system, the powers of the whole, without for Middling Upland and New Orleans.
destroying or even weakening the medicinal Petroleumr ed innotTlida
solda t 1
a 5 crude, 2000
powers of either, thus forming the very best The Flour market is Inactive' with sales of
medicine in the world for Cholera, Dlarrtmea, 400 bbls at 910f11.50 for Northwestern extra
Dysentery, Cramps, Cholics ,and all the varlout family,
ad a ;l a d
v Sl a i r l 1 'Sri forrm a a P , ri a l , ,i o 's ) and aa
complaints of the bowels and stomach. For prime red sold at 1i11.E4X2.8.3.
sale by all Druggists everywhere. Rye Is steady at 51.N.31.65.
Corn dull, with sales of ON bus. new yellow
WILL I{EXAIN.—Drs. Monroe it Llmisenplug at ;31.15.
(gap are dull at 74@7t3c.
have given notice that, owing too press of bust. Coffee is steady with smell sales of Rio at 14
netts they will remain at the City Hotel till
March Ist, where they can be counulted free of I
In sugar lint little doing, sales of relined at
; Grocery grades at 12(.3.11%.
charge from 5 P. M., daily, The poor Prove ions are inactive.
treated, free or charge, front 9 to 10 daily.
FllO3l certificates we have seen from gentle
men worthy of confidence, we are convinced
that fur Corn there can ha no better fertilizer
than Bowers Complete Manure. Corn being
a plant of quick growth and rapid fruition, re
quires a manure which It highly stimulating
and sustaining during the cu tire period of Its
growth. ltw
Tue. "Deco ENS" IT Is! The goal uld Quaker
City is in a state of Intense excitement on ac
count of the advent of one of the great literary
lions of the world. He who allowed us an ac
quaintance with Mr. Pickwick, Master Oliver
Twist, Doctor Marigold, the Messrs, Nick
Nickleby,Sainivel Weller, Bob Sawyer, and
other celebrities—the tamed Dickens himself.
Mr. Dickens' Readings lu America will prob.
ablynett him not less than S:X/o,ooo—a sum al
-111081, equal that whir', will shortly ho realized
from the sales of the great Stove lion of the
present century—the wonderful
Cook. It burns either wood or coal. M.,.ors,
Stuart, Peterson & Co., Philadelphia, arc the
manufacturers, Avoid Imitations.
. . .
For ride by Geo. M, Stein 111 au &. Co., West
King street, Lancaster, Pa.
"A tillug . of beauty Is a Joy forever."
And 11°1.11111g 1,, mu beautiful as a picture of
Headache, Nervous Pains, Pour Stomach],
Distress after Eating, Prostrating Weakness,
Disinclination for Society, Mental Despond
ency, etc., are the rule rather than the excep
tion with the human family, and have stamp•
sheets their e,cts upon us all, The most effec
tive, gentle, suddeuilend agreeable remedy Is
the Plantation Bitters. They have p• obably
cured and alleviated more the past live
years than all other medicines combined.
They are sold throughout the length and
breadth of the laud,
MAI; NOMA WATER, —A delightful toilet ar
tide—superior to Cologne nod at hall the price
LADIES who are suffering I rom certain com
plaints, known only to females, should at once
get Dr. Velpau's Female Pills. They produce a
most charming effect, Sold by all Druggists.
• , pesiaL goitres.
lAitirrits . 's Live PILL, Asp Berms.
The wonderful effects of Moffat's Life Pills in costa
of mental depression or physical weakness, proceed
big from Indigestion, costiveness, or bilious sem,
ions are certified to by millions of persons who have
been benefited by them.. They are the most effective
cathartic and purifier ever before the public and have
ever been in use since 1e2.5. The) , are cheap, safe and
reliable. Sold by all respectable dealers everywhere.
A plaiu statement of facts. I inherited tierofula,
and many of my relations have died of It. In Ism my
case was frightful. 'rumors and ulcers spread until
10 1841, under the advice of my physicians I went to
Avoo Springs. I received no benefit—trled every
medicine and did everything I could• I had to rest my
arm on a cushion, .d had not been able to raise It to
my head for over a year. Tho discharge from two
Weer, WMI.9 nearly a pint a day. Amputation was
recommended; but pronounced dangerous, I could
not sleep, and my sufferings were Intolerable. A
friend brought me an English physician who applied
a salve with which ho raid Le had accomplished ex t
traordinary cures In the hospitals In England. I
commenced to relieve; persisted In its use; it ilnally
effected u perfect and entire cure. It Is now Ill& It
Is lien years since I bad the appearance ofa scrofulous
sore, and my health has been good over since, I
rocured the receipt of his wonderful article—this
ming of humanity—and have called it" Paso 'a
Ms]..v.," and allow the public to use it Or 1101
as they choose. This Is a brief but model statenten
given more fully in my circular,
GENEVA, New York, December, 1843. J. yl. PAGE.
Now Yank, 000 10, 10111.
"I have known J. M. Page, Eery, of Geneva, N. Y.,
fur many years. lie is our or the first citizens
Western New York. I law him but week In good
health. His ease was a most remarkable one, but ac
tually true in every particular.
(Signed.) 1/xmAs
We have. watched the unaided but growing favor of
PAGE'S CLIMAX Sst.vo,” and availing ourselves of
the knowledge alto wonderful curative powers, have
become proprietors of the lame.
It is aura cure for Burns, Scalds, Scrofula, Salt
Rheum, Fever bores, Broken Breasts, Frost Bites,
Chilblains, dings, Bruises, Cuts, dwellings,
whether upon man or beast. It subdues pain and
inflammation with surprising celerity, and heals
burns without n scar. No family should be without
It. It Is always wanted, and Is always ready. We
will forfeit a dozen boxes far any single Ihilure. We
believe there wfunaver anything like It In the world.,
It is put up in tin boxes, surrounded by a full circula
giving facts, directions, testimonials, &c., and coo be
art wed through any raspectable Druggist throughout
the vorld. Price only 01 cents.
Successors to J. M. I's;e, 121 LIBI,ItTIeSTREET, New
York. 2T 1 veosow
SS- Great Care Taken with the New lug
For many years this Establishment has done
business on the One Price Systm and we be
lieve we are the only Clothing House lu tie
city that strictly adheres to this principle. We
have earned a reputation which we are proud
of, for good taste In selectiug good styles and
substantial materials, and not less intpor taut,
for having all or our goods.
We employ the best talent for Cutters, :tit
our Goods are of both kinds—Fashlov able and
Plain—so that all tastes can be suited. The
prices are the very lowest, as tiny one by a
moment's thought must see, or otherwise we
could not meet the competition of our mrigh
hors, for nano deductions are ever made, we
must 'nit OUT prle...x down to the lowest ilgure,
so as to give to our customers all the advan
tages we promise.
The people may depend, this is the trite plan
upon welch to do business, and many a dollar
can be saved to Clothing buyers by keeping In
of on the Coruev, but one Door above Sixth
mar 12 iyw
451-True but Ntrunge.
Any person sending us their Address, with
cents will receive, by Mall, the Nemo and a
Carte de Vitae of their future Wife or ans.
band. It b CO.,
oct lO liraw 41) 78 Neeeau et., New York.
AV- 823 PER DAY.
Agent wanted; Maio and Female; Local and
Traveling. Business new, light and honorable.
Steady employment the year round. No capi
tal required. Address,
No, 78 Nassau street,
July la WV ail New York.
Tax following Remedies are all old and well
establilfhed, and thousands have been beneti •
ted by their uee. They are for sale by Drug
gists generally:
a protected Solution of the Protoxide of Iron
supplies the blood with its Life iCionent,
giving strength, vigor and new life to the whole
system. For Dyspepsia, Debility, Annale Weak.
noses, &c it Is a speciflo. A 82 page Pamph
let containing a valuable ti entice on " Iron as
a Medicine," with certificates and recommen
dations, to., will be sent free.
J. P. DINSAIORE, Proprietor,
No. 80 Dey street, New York,
has been used for nearly half a century for
Coughs, Colds, Consumption, and every affec
tion of the Throat,Lunge and Chest. It cures
a cough by loosening and cleansing the lunge
and allaying irritation, thus removing the
cause instead of drying up the cough and law.
lug the cause behind.
BETH W. VOWLE do BOY, Proprlotors,
A pure solution of lodine dissolved In water
without a solvent, containing IA grains of lodine
to ouch Auld ounce of water. iodine le admitted
by all medical man, to be the best known re•
medy for deroluia, UlOOll, Cancers, Byphills,
ketlL Mourn, dio„ and thousands can testify to
the ,wonderful virtues of tuts preparation In
each eases. Circulars free,
- • - • ••
J. P. DINtiMOrtE, Proprotor,
No. Doy qL, Now York
works like magic on Old bores, Burns, licalds,
Cute, Wounds,. Bruises, bpralne, Uhappod
Hands, Chilbl.o.a. &0,, &o. It Ic prompt in
action, soothes the pain, taker out Koranexi,
and reducer trio mat angry looking swellings
and intlammatlons, Lbw affording roller and
complete cure.
Only 55 anti a box; cent by mall for 85 eta.
SETH W. FOWLE & SUN, Proprietors.
No. 18 Tremont St., Baton
by the Rev. G. F. Krotel, William H. Baling to
1 22 . d ri tn l l N t. C 7at n t ° he W ies NEY iren i c a e P ort i h ad e e b i r P i h d l e a i o s n ist th er e , 1
1854. will be sold at public sale. at the residence
Miss Lizzie Downey, bout of this city. s ARE UNTTED IN of the subscriber, at Springwell Mills, Paradise
Mri.J•ka—Cilanute.--On the 21st instant, at their dearefor some general remedy, at once township, Lancaster county, Pa., the follow-
Cooper's Hotel, by the Rev, J. J. striae, Joseph certain, safe and uniform In its operations, for • lag valuable personal property, to wit:
Miner. of Mantic townselp, to MisaSatharine, care of the hundred and one complahats and One pair of MULES, two head of HORSES,
daughter of Henry Charles, of Pequea town- i one COLT, four COWS. STEERS, and YOUNG
diseases that arise from an fm are condition CATTLE, SOWS and PIGS, one OAR, 12 head
ship. B
SretacHAN—MisuLEa.—On the 221 inst., by of the Blood—whether caused by the Inhalation of SHEEP, etc.. and HAY by the TON.
the Rev. A. H. Kremer, W. T. Strachan. of New of the foetid vapors or noxious gases, that In- ' Sale to commence at 12 o'clock M., when
Idexice, to Hannah A., only daugtiter of Dr. B. 1 . , 1 terms will be made known by
„ lencertain localities, or by the functional de- , j.z?g, w
Mist ler of this city.
RaYsorms—lsases.—On the 28th inst., by , ran:gement, of some of the organs of digestion,' SABAH J. ECKERT.
the Rev. J. V. Eckert, at the residence of Pat,- , assimilation or excretion. • urionLy DESIRABLE LANCASTER
rick Reynolds, Esq., of estrasburg township, 11 CITY PROPERTY AT PUBLIC SALE.—
U :
Nine-tenths of all diseases mI ay be traced in inlllillanCe of an order of the Orphans' Court
Loth o
no tw ld p s . to ,
primarily to the above causes, and in a large , of Lancaster county. Pa., there will be sold at '
Accompanying the above came a sabstan- I majority public auction. on TUESDAY EVENING, the
of cases the prompt apprecia ion of a •
t.. l37Strasburg Reynolds
18th of FEBRUARY, 158.3, at the public nosetial testimonial, showing that'in his n, w : simple remedy In the earlier stages would, by I of Solomon Screeher, in East King street, in
fountlyoy the bridegroom dld not (al to re- I removing the cause, prevent what. If neglect- tee city of Lancaster. the following real estate,
member the printer. The happy pair have our I el, might prove a dangerous and lingering 111- •late of Sarah Volgt, deceased, to wit:
best wishes. May their lives be rendered nese. That beautifully located and choice property
Na Si South queen street, being the third lot
doubt y pleasant by being united.
this M
county. A n ni e
E. Is . see ' I
i The science of medicine has reached such a ' south of German street, west side. This Lot of
point of perfection, that the treatment of acute ' elevated Ground,
portion of the block, enjoys the ad
from its favorable position upon the
and decided forms of disease has become al- '
i vantage of perfect drainage. It has a frontage
most a certainty, upon the principal street of 64 feet .0.4 inches,
' In Inflammation of the Stomach, Bowels or ; and extends squarely this width 245 feet, more
' Lungs; In Pleurisy, Intermittent:Fevers,: eta, ior less, west to Beaver alley, already widened
into a street to within a few hundred yards of
the remedies proper in such cases are so well the premises.
authenticated that the intelligent physician The improvements consist of a one-and-ae.
• will apply them with an almost absolute car- half-story STUCCO COTTAGE. SO feet front by
1 tainty of at A Well of never-falling delicious Cold Water,
18 feet deep, with rear extension, kitchen, &e,
taining certain results, and hence
•In diseases of this nature we find a uniformity a variety of Fruit Trees and Bushes, Orem
of practice pervading the profession, anti pro- mental Shrubbery and Flowers, with Fences
I ducing resu:ta similar inmost awes. The same • ingoodrepai As toe neighboring premises
remedies are used by all, the same results en- ' are handsomely
improved, and no n ahces
or objectionable
matures exist upon them, this
a te and what really is in itself a severe and I property affords a rare chance for a residence
dangerous sickness i.e made subject to, and almost in the heart of the city, whilst enjoy
bows before the experience and knowledge
,fag the charms of a suburban location, or for
gained by long years of study, observation and I speculation by dividing the ground into build. log log g ,
, Sale to commence at 7 o'clock P. Si., when But such la not the case with many of the cOnditions will be made known by the sue
' dis h h
eases w le are most common to all, and , tioneer, LEWIS T. VOHJT,
which at first sight may appear trivial In them- J,,,,, gg.t„,,,, Administrator.
selves. These arising from the causes before i
i enumerated, bailie the skill of the physician
win copes successfully with disease in its
more violent forms.
What complaint la there mere prevalent
and common than Dyspepsia, yet there is
scat cely. a disease that al thoroughly and per
sistently defies the skill of the medical man.
• That the various schools . f medicine have no
welldelinedltnethodlof treatment or t his disease
is evident, and any vouch for the
truth of this statement. He will tell you that
of probably twenty different physicians under
whose care he has placed himself, no two of
them pursued the same course, or tined the
same remedies. Temporary relief may be ob
tained, but as soon as the system becomes ac
customed to I he mode.of treatment, the d iseame
returns in lull force, and the patient die+ to
some other physician whose treatment is dif
ferent, with the acme result, until after trying
every physician within reach, the attempt Is
given up in despair, and we find him to use h Is
own words a coufirmed Dyspeptic. Title is aino
true ol many other diseases, and the same
I mac, of failure is applicable to all. Every
physician acknowledges the want of a General
I Remedy applicable to Just 'uch cases. The
I ingenuity, skill and knowledge of every physi
cian, botanist and chemist in the country has
been taxed to supply a remedy of this nature, _
and even the general public hue contributed its
full share its Is evinced by the immense num- This well known popular trade-mark all/
her of patent medicines that flood the country. be found upon every package of the above
I The aill [clod naturally fly to any remedy that . manure&
premises relief from suffering, and seldom stop ,
to enquire whether it is really entitled to the
' credit which Is claimed for It. Many of these
preparations are frequently far more in Inrious
than beneficial from the fact that they are
compounded without any regard to the laws of
Pharmacy, and are In Met merely the produc
hone of ignorance and pretence, Imposing on
the credulity of the public, and are therefore
generally discarded by educated physicians.
They, like the prescriptions of the doctor, el
feet but little if any good and do not supply
the want of a general remedy.
In common with other physicians, Dr. Hart
man keenly felt the want of this general reme
dy in tits practice, Alwayo noted for his liberal
and independent views, he although a graduate
of Jefferson College of Philadelphia, one of the
best schools In the world would not permit
himself to be trammeled by the strict linen that
are drawn around the various schools of medi
cine. Practicing and occupying a high position
as a physician, he was not content with what
Allopathy taught him, but earnestly and
taoroughly investigated Ilomeepathy, Hydro
patsy, Electropathy and other :systems of
medicines, selecting from each what he found
to be good, effective and reliable, and discard
ing What, upon actual experience, he proved to
be erroneous.
This extended renal rch greatly facilitated his
succene as al:hyaena:l, but in none of tile
schools of medicine did be Lind a general
edy applicable to the number'alno.ln'luit°
otei.loe.seef,rehlteelto. e lieu
turned his attention to the many patent medi
cines so-called, which were largely advertised
um reliable, de Is some cases he fouuti cures
were effected while using these remedies, but 1
their success was so alight and uncertain that
' lie was not sure whether thepatieut would not '
have recovered in the entire absence of medi
cine by simply leaving nature to pursuit her
own course. Among all these patent mall- ,
clues he found none that were really beneficial
except those preparations termed Bitters,these
had more Meet on disease than those prepara
tions which contained no alcohol. But even
with these he found that the effects produced I
were not equal to those produced by the ad-,
ministration of Pure Rye Whiskey. In fact he
I found that their sole virtue was derived from
, the whiskey they contained and as this was '
invariably of poor quality selected doubtless ,
for the lowness of its cost, he concluded that
Pure Rye Spirits, was infinitely to be preferred
to the various preparations that cut tained alco
hol or spirits of a lower grade or quality. ;
The Pure Spirit obtained from Rye by dis- 1
[Elation Is acknowledged by all physicians to
be as a stimulant far more beneficial:than any
other one remedy, and having failed In dls- ,
covering anything that surpassed or even I
equalled it in its applicability where such I
remedies were needed, it was not under the I
Most encourageing circumstances that he took
up the investigation of the merits of Mistiler's
Herb Bitters, a preparation then recently pre
sented to the public ny the gentleman whose
name it bears.
The article iwris first brought fairly to his I
notice by some of his patients who had by the I
advice of some of their friends used it and had
been bet:lel:Meet thereby. He was practicing
medicine at Millersville and hearing so many
reports in its favor concluded to tu ye:algal e the
matter. Knowing the opposition to Patent
Medicines erlnced by the medical profession, i
he was naturally desirous of keeping the fact of
his using the preparation secret. lie therefore,
through a friend, procured a quantity suffi
cient to enable aim as he thought to give the
preparation a thorough test, and in all cases
where uo absolute form of disease was really
developed and but a general complaint of not
feeling well, Dyspepsia, Derangement of the
Liver, and in fact many eases not well defined
an alluded to above, be would anal Mater
Mishler'n Herb Bitters, but so disguised by the
addition of some simple aroma,lce that the ,
patient wan out aware that he was taking
Mintilerin Bittern. These cases he 11111(10 parti
cular mate of, and finding that the use was at
tended with each good result: lie extended Ilia
oxperimeuts administering it In cases which
sad defied the use of all other reinedien at bin
command. He became anti:died that in Mush
la's Herb Bitters the profession would rind
what they had long desired, a general remedy.
So thoroughly. convinced Was lie that, when,
after having used It for over a year, he zelin
gulehed his practice, he recomfneuded it to his
successor Dr, Davis.
Again resuming practice, Dr. Hartman con
tinued administering the Bitters with uniform
success, and the opportunity occu - ring he be
came the purchaser, feeling confident that tile
merits of the preparation would commend it
to the notice of the profession, and when one,
assured that It was altithully compounded in
accordance with Pharmaceutical Law, would
have no hesitation In using it in their practice,
With this view, the establishment has been re
modelled, and we assert that Miahler'4 Hero
Bitters in by ltd present proprietors compound
ed with as ;much skill and judgment, and:with
as strict au observance of the !awe of Pharmacy
as any preparation of the Pliarrnacoptida. That
their efforts are appreciated is evinced by the
fact that the prejudice exulting in the medical
prole/hien against Patent Medicines so-called,
is rapidly being removed In reference to Mish
ler's Herb Bitters.
sold by all Druggists and Dealers,
Die. IS. il, HARTM A.N di CO.,
Lancanter, Pa., and Chicago, 111.
Nine fear., Jun. '2B -Cotton firm at lh , /, , ,,, y18%c h
Flour !inner; melee of ONO bbls, State at 38 30
syause,,.; ()LIR, at 60.90418 M ; Western at 38.00(g)
3 15 f'''Outpern at 81(1@i5; California at 312.2545
313.8 J,
whom. is 1l rat e r: 1,030 buy hold, while Cana
da at 38.
Corn, prime, 210,000 bus Westeru at $1.23
Outs quiet. at
Beet quiet.
Purl: is dull ut $21.51.
Lard Is firm at 13,!:1,13 , ;;,e.
Jan, hubyetilt Mid
Flou oy r
very quiet but steady.
Wheat dull but steady and unchanged.
Corn cloudy ; Primo W !lite $1.1t161,1s Yel
lode SIAS.
Out,, 7,5415 e•
Rye dull.'
lh °vision+ quiet.
flacon good ; :louthern In demand.
Stock Market.
Mi4)eltS tell vv.
Pen u'a 59
Ptal ladelph la alai Eric
Pen n'a Rat! !road
Exchange par.
Stocks OcliVO.
Chicago and Ruck Island...
Canton Co
Clevolaud and Pittsburg—.
Cleveland and Toledo
Pittsburg and Fort Wayne
Michigan Central
Michigan Southern
New lord Central
Illinois Central
Cumberland Preferred
Virginia lis
Missouri Os
Hudson River
U.S. 5-20 s 1062
do 1:,6.1
do 1565
New Issue
Ten-Fort lee
Money at 5 to 6 per cent.
Philadelphia Cattle Market.
MONDAY, January 17—Evening.
Tue cattle market was dull this week, and
prices were unsettled and lower. About 1,500
head arrive I and soli at the Avenue Drove
V/1.111 at 9V7.10..c for extra Pennsylvania and
Western steer,', Sg,9l.e, for fair to good do, and
5(17c in gross, im common as to quality. The
market closed very doll within the above
range of prle,s. The following are the particu
lars of the sales:
35 Owen Smith, Western, 1.1,0 c, gross.
13 A. Christy & Bro., Western,,S,l,,lV4lc, gross.
It; A. I:mint-sly, Chester county, 7dle, gross.
35 McCleese Dangler, Chester county, 70S 1 ).ic,
50 P. >le Fillen, Chester county, 7XA.IOc, gross.
75 P. Hathaway, Chester county, 7Aille, gross.
52 J. S. Kirk, Chester county, SA©loc, gross.
1;2 B. :sienna's, Western, 7i.,08, 1 ,6c, gross.
75 James Mennen, Western, gross.
2.5 F. L. Mcnllen Chester county,7gloc, gross. •
01 Ullman .t Bachman, Lancaster county, less;
0.5 c, gross.
ill Martin Fuller & Co., Western. B(if,il;),,'e, gross
sit Mooney & Smith, Western, iyistic, gross.
51 T. Mooney & liro., Wester& , o(yeic, gross.
.15 1-1.. Chain, We.stern Pennsylvania, 7.5i51,1e,
Pa John smith ,t Bro., Western, gross.
an 1., Frank, Western, 114.5 1 4 c, gross.
05 Frank Schism burg, Western, 7(eStly,e,grostt.
en Hope de Co , Chester c runty, 70610;,;ic, gross.
33 Blum & Co., Western. s@7e, gross.
27 D. Branson, Chester, 745.;55c, gross.
51 Ben. Howe, Chester, itiatlOl.ic, gross.
82 Chandler 3 Al, xander, Chester county, 1i(g1 '
10 1 4 c, gross.
23 Keinttle ,t Wallace, Chester county, 0030 c,
Is L. Horne. Delaware. s(oc, gross.
18 J. Berry 3 Taylor, Western, 0,10.57 c, gross.
IS John Nati!, Western, 755i1c, gross.
15 John Sells, Chester county, 555215..1c, geese.
3) H. Keller, Peuu'is, 5557 e, gross.
11 J. Selslotnridge, Jr., 1540 e, gross.
Cows seers whim= change; 11.0 head sold at
OkIAtO for springers, and 100A53 V head for cow ;
and calf.
Sheep were In fair d. mond; 8,008 head sold at
5€ .r e lb gross, as to condition.
Huge were dull and rather lower; 4,000 head at the kllllreut yards at .510©10,3014 100 Its,
Lastraster Household Market.
LANCASTER, Saturday, Jan, 25,
Butter, 11 lb 3:1@40(1.
Lard, "0 lb 10412 c.
Eggs 0, dozen 3043.50.
Chickens, )live,) 'e pair 50475 e.
no. (eleaned,)ll pair 100(,1.20
Turkeys, ", piece 7542.00
Bootie, - .. 1.0041.25
Lamb, 01 lb lle.
sausages, I.k Ir, 104
Potatoes, - 0 bushel 1 00( 1,30 '
1)0. " l: peek It 15420 e.
Apples, "
,1,,,, peck 30435 e.
New Corn - 0 uusael 110)4
Old 1.25
Cabbage " bend 04100.
Onions, " ;,e,, peek 10(4120
New °all{ IA bag '' 0042.05
Apple Butter, V, pint 2042.5 e.
1)0. " crock 81.'2i41.5e
Turnips, re bushel 30(063e.
JANI - Aar 271 h, 1868.—Market quiet:
Faintly flour, 10. liar 011 00
- Extra do do 10 00 (to 9 25
Wheat (White) 10 bus— ~ 2 GO
Wheal. ,red) do 2 35
Rye do . 1 4 18
Corn (near) do . 1 05
Oats. tic— 115
Whiskey 2 30
Mete Ailvertiottutato.
20, 1800, will be sold at public sale, on the prem
ises, in Coleraln township, Lancaster county,
on the road leading from Kirkwood to Quarry
ville, about two and a half miles from the for
mer, and the same distance from the latter
place, the following Real Estate, to wit: Two
Tracts el Laud adjoining each other. No, I,
- -~ _
being the old site orßlack Rock Furnace, Dam,.
Water Power and land around. This is one of
the best water powers on the Octorare Creek,
suitable fur a hill,Factory or Furnace.
No. 2, containing
on which 18 erected a large STONE DWEL
LING HOUSE, Stone Stable, Ac., with a good
Chain Pump at the door. The above lots will
be sold separate or together, as may suit pm
bale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said
day, when terms will be made known by
Administrator or Rebecca M. Eckman, dec'd.
Smilax W. BwrisHim, Auctioneer.
Jan 29 Styr
Aud leads the column 4,993 ahead of all others.
This Machine is the
It uses the finest needle of any Machine In
Any lady wanting a good
Will comuU litter own interests by buying a
SINGER. It is easier to run, learn and keep
in order than any Machine in the world.
The fullest instruction given those who par.
chase, and the Machine WILL LIE WARRANTED
to you for one year.
Please collet my office and sathify yourselves.
Hear you will Und Needles, Oil, Thread, Silk.
Machine stitching and Cloak blaklog neatly
and promptly done. •
kir Particular attention paid to Children's
Clothing. W. W. BEARDSLEE, Agent,
Ju 26 ilmaswl No. 8 East Orange at., Lan'a, Pa
t'TY.—On w /MN &MAY, FEBRUARY Nth,
idea will be sold at public sato, on the prom
ea at GRAND V/EW,.. in /danhaim
ship, Lancaator county, on the Now Holland
l' in:4ll(A, ouo mile north of Lancaator city,
the following described moonsl property, via
TWO BROOD MARE with Foal, by ''opeed
woll Hambletonlan" brother of Dexter, ''King
of the Turf;" TW O COLTS, Wad b_y Irish
enter;" TGGEE HEAVY urtArr HORREI3,
TwaxYlo Morixne' Credit given.
Sale to commence at /2 o'clock, H., of said
day, when attendance Will be given and terms
made known by
Jan itdeetWl B. .1 . / . MoGRAZIN.
new Adtartionututs.
11110... d
.111 V
Dittmak township, deceased,—Letters of
Administration ou said estate having been
granted to the undersigned, all persons indent.
ed thereto are requested to make immediate
payment, and those having claims or demands
against the same will present them for settle
ment to the undersigned, residing in East
Lainpeter township.
JuEL L. LIUHTNER, Administrator,
Jan 2U 2tw• 4
TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4 tb,18(18, the sub
norther George Keller, resid,ng near Stouglis.
town,Cumberland county, Pa., on the Pike
leading from Harrisburg to Plttoburg, offers
Ms valuable farm Containing
about 100 acres are cleared, and in a good tltal o
of cultivation, the balance well covered with
Timber. There is a good Orchard of Choi.
Fruit, Apples, Pears, Peaches, Cherries, Plums,
Grapes, sc., on the premises. The improve
ments are a 6001) BRICK DWELLING
HOUSE, two stories high, lately built, con
taining eight rooms, Wash House Smoke
House, Cistern, dm. A good BANK BARN,
Cnrn Crlb, agon Shed, Hog Yen, Carriage
House, Cider Pas., all nearly new. There is
also a large Cistern near the Barn. The above
property will be sold as a whole, or in parts to
suit purchasers.
Any person wishing to view the farm can do
so by calling on tne subscriber, residing on the
Bale to commence at 12 o'clock, on said day,
when terms will be mule known by
Jan 213 ltddiwl GEORGE KELLER.
_ _
Pursuant to the Provisions of the laws of
this Commonwealth, the undersigned Com
missioners of Lancaster county hereby give
notice to the TAXABLE INHABi'fAATu
within the respective City, Boroughs .and
Townships, of the said county, that the Days
of Appeal from the Assessment of lOse, will be
held at the Commissioners' Office, in the City
of Lancaster; on the days following, to wit :
For the Townships of
Adamstown Borough,
Cocalico East,
Cocalico West,
Donegal East,
Donegal West,
Earl East,
Earl West,
Elizabethtown Borough
tiemptleld East,
Hemptteld West,
Lampeter East,
I.ampeter West,
Leacone Upper,
Little Britain,
Mount . Joy,
Mount Joy Borough,
Marietta Borough,
Manheim do
Strasburg Borough,
Washington Borough, ,
Lancaster City ..... ...... Thursday, Feb. 77.
And at the lame time and place, the Appeal
from the Military rolls be held.
jaw st dew! communicates;
OF LANCASTER COUNTY.—in the matter
of toe application of "The Columbia Working
mews' curving Fund and Building Association,"
for a Charter of Incorporation. January tnth,
1886 Charter presented and the Court direct
the same to be filed, and notice to be given
that if no sufficient reason is shown to the con.
trary, the said charter will be grantel at tho
next term of said Court. W. L. BEAR,
Jan n atw3l Prothonotary.
Arri- We announce to farmers and dealers In
Fertilizers, that the following prices have been
adopted for the present Spring season :
Baugh's Raw Bone Phosphate.
Price, Sal per 2,000 lbs.
Baugh's Chicago Bone Fertilizer
Price, SIU per 2,100 1114,
Baugh's Chicago Blood Manure
Price, 650 per 62,000
The high estimation in which LiAuutCs
JlANukas have been held, during four
teen years past, we shall fully: sustain la the
future. Having now the entire control of the
great resources of tne City of Chicago, for fur•
nishing Ammonia and Phosphate yielding
material, Vi4:—.l3ones, Dried Fleeh,Blood, to.
we have, in connection with our works in
Philadelphia, the largest facilities for furnish
incthese manures, at the above low pri,es..
BAUBR &SONS, Philadelphia.
MANY, Chicago.
JOHN RALSTON &CO., Gaol Ag's, New York
GEORGE W. KIRKE S. CO., " Boston.
GEO. DUGDALE, Wholesale All, Baltimore.
For all information respecting the above
I/Ignures, address either of the above houses.
Jan 20 19mw 4
tore of the Lancasvr County Mutual In
surance Company, made at the °Moe •of the
Company at Williamstown, January llth,
Number of policies In force
January 1, 1803
Ain't of insurance in force
on policies issued up to
January 1,1867
Ain't of insurance OlreCLea
on policies issued during
the year , '860,641
Amount of insurance can
celledfor thesame period 54065 Si
Increased amountofinsur.
once during the year
Whole can't of lnsurauce
In force January 1, 184,4...
Ana' t of premium notes I u
force January 1,1107
Am' t of premium,notes de
posited with the Com
pany during the year....
Amount of premium notes
cancelled for tile same
Increased am't of preen
notes during the year....
Whole emit of premium
notes 10oreeJan.1,
Balance remaining In the
hands of the Treasurer,
Jan. 1,1867
Cash received (for assess
ment No. 17
Cash received on surren
dered and transferred
policies, to pay for losses 120 4U
Cash received for policies
during the year
Cash received for stamps
on policies during the
Cash received for percent
age paid on prem. notes
during the year
Cash received from agents
of the Company due by
them January 1, 1867 2211 93
Balance due the Treasurer
January 1, 1868 37 71 $1,891 54
Cash paid John Stoner for
Ct p artial loss to his house 500
ash paid Samuel blokorn,
exee'r of H. M
ron, deed, for a partial
loss to his house 7 di
Cash paid Marks (1. Wen
ger for a partial loss to
his house
a (s.)
Cash paid Dr. C. Weidler
for a ,partial loss to his
house and c0ntent5.........40.5 37
Cash paid Martin liheatrer
for the love I)l4M:stable- au 01
Cash paid Mary Anu Knox
for the loss ,her bake
house Is)
Cash paid Jacob Esbou
shatiti fur a partial 10se to
house 41 33
Cash paid isurn'l Worst fur
a partial loss to his house 8 55
Cosh paid committees of
investigation on losses to
the Company 1) UU
Cash paid U. o. tax 24 11l
" for stat lonery 8 02
stamps for policies 133 01
" for postage 12 90
" for postage prepaid
by agents 11 id
Interest on notes
and bonds ...... .... 117 741
" refunded to agents 802
" for printing 740 911
Cash paid for collecting as•
sessment No: - 17 and on
eurre udered poeicies 3 68
Cash paid fuel for office 11 OU
office rent 15 (X)
" Secretary's eatery 243 5U
" Treasurer's salary 'As; [AI
Cash paid Directors and
Executive Committee for
services rendered to the
Company 128 to
Cash paid Auditing Com
mittee 8 75
Due from Agents of tan
Company, Jun. 1, 1858 2EI 50 51,41 54
The past year has been one of unusual pros
perity to the Company. There has been an in
creased amount or insurance during the year
of three hundred and thlrly•eight thousand,
Live hundred and seventy-six dollars and thir
ty•twu cents (93-38,570 22), and an increased
amount of premium votes of eighteen thous
and, eight hundred and sixty-one dollars and
four cents ($lBOl 01). it allOrds the Board
much gratification to again report that tae
losses to Lire Company during the ye. r, have
been comparatively small, the amount of 10101
being Mermen hundred and ()MeV dollars
and ninety-two cents. Title with other debt
which has accrued from the payment of
fur the past two years, images the whole In.
dente cinema of the Company at. this time, twen
ty•six. hundred and seventy-one dollars and
sixty-seven cents (92,071 67). The Board have
not deemed It best for the interest of the Com
pany, to make an SAIIMMOIIt fur the :pay meat
of this debt, at this time, inoornuch 0.5 tau In
terest on money borrowed is less than would
be the expenses upon the collection of an as•
bessment. The immunity from loss to the
Company for the past twenty six months is
very remarkable when contrasted with the
whole amount of property insured, the three
fourths value of weicu is now over six and Is
hall millions of dollars. An assessment of one
per cent. on tile amount of premium noles de
posited, would be more than sufficient to pay
all loss for this period. Persons desiring to be
come ;numbers of the Company, w i ll not i.e ,inbq
for the present debt of The tompuny ; they will only
be !tabu for am/ toss (hut rosy scour op, she dory
of the imauloff of !heir policies. The Manes of any
union:it during the year are as lol,ows, Viz:
Dr. Carpenter Weldler's loss to house and coo
tents, on the Bth of February, 1807, 8453 37 ; So l..
omon H. Myers' wash house and contents, on
the 801 of October, 1867, SW UO, and John Christ's
loss of home and contents, on the 18th of la
camber last, $BOO IV. For minor losses see tile
account of Treasurer above stated. It is grati
fying to knowlthat these losses were all toe re
sult al accident.
All of whim 111 respectfully submitted :
JOHN 11.4iNCK,
Tueaday, Feb. 11
c' WeaueBday, Feb. 12
Thursday, Feb. 13
Friday, Feb. H.
The following persons were elected Directors
for the ensuing year: Thomasb. Woods, Adam
K. Witmer, Thos. el. Moll val n, Joon bd.Buyers,
John Eariek, Muses Eaby,bumuai blokom, Al
bert P. SI eilvaln, ciattumlel E. Islay maker.
The following resolution was adopted:
Jicseiccii, That when an assessment Is made
to pay for losses to the Cum puny, any members
ne‘leating or refusing to pay their ainoineunent
afte, sixty days pubilo notice, may be illemls•
sed by mu Board of Lilroctore, but will be held
liable for the ImUitlibraCill L.
Tuenday, Feb. I.
Weduestley, Nut. 19
The 13ourd was Orieuleed by choosing Thos.
H. Woods, Presidelit, and Nathan! el E. slay-
Minter, tlueretary and Truasuror, for the onion.
lug year.
Thus. m. Wood., Thou. H. JlMlvulu and Nutli.
E. lillaymakor, wore appolutod the Exisiutive
(24.nunilLtuo fur the ensuing your.
Tuu following parsons Wel u appoluted *anti
of the Corn any fur the ensuing year, viz:
Josupn Motilutu, hurt twp., Lancaster co.
Actin S. Witmer, Manor two.,
John RUMMY, Esq., "
Jacob Kemper, Esib, Ephrata, "
leaao Bushong, Esq f ki. Lampotor, "
Martin E, Stauffer, East Earl,
Francis MoCiure, Salisbury,
Daniel Leo, do
' ' Henry E. Wiley, Conoy,
Woldmun,lJpper Longo.*
Oeo. U.Sendelokaon, Mount Joy,
R. G. lagiT,New Holland,
Fred'k A M . e TAtemenk el:umli 141 M,
J aa
NATI:LA.6IIEL anose E. kIL.A.IMA,=. R.
Illn 2111
Thumlay, Fib. 20.
Frldv, Fob, 21
Tuouday, Feb. Z.
Wednesday, Fob. 28,
Jett gidrtrtisements.
ffir-81), ~I. ii
, 1868.
R mposT OF DIRECTORS OF POOH. ; G Sprecher, reaper...-.
.D. Account of the Expenditures of the Di- d„. slating, imple
rectors of Lae Poor and House of Employment i trieuto, etc
of Lancaster county, trinnJanuary Ist, 1987, to 'Jo Mattern, abovel harrow.
January Ist, 186 S: • t Jacob Hart, fence rails, etc.....
PrOVISiOn.s. BLiekenilerfer a Bro., eastin . gli
Henry Musser, 6 beef cattle .8 60u 00 Jamb Eby, 141 rails
( - hen Warfel, bull for beef...... 94 54)
John Ilusseliari, 4 b eef cattle.. 280 411
J. Buckwalter, n 1 bull of beef... 66 56
Adam Lefevre, 1 ditto 8T Se
John Minnich, 1 ditto 118 30
Lorenzo Herr, 1 ditto 74 75
3 beef cattle-- 266 65
Cyrus N. Herr, 1 bull for beef... 95 93
Joseph Hess, 1 ditto.... 05 OCI
3 beef cattle__ 243 94
David Kemper, 1 bull for beef... 123 75
•• 3 beef cattle .. .
A. T. Mcilvalne, 1 bull for beef. 64 20
John L. Erb, 1 ditto 112 50
Adam Rohrer, 1 cow for beef... 86 at
Patrick Kelly, 4 beef cattle 27u 75
Wright & Moore, 1 heller for bf 53 70
William Sayl., 6 beef cattle.... 374 lie
Moore & Rife, a 315 30
James McKenna, 10 ditto CD
John Boner, 13 ditt0........090 72
John Bear it Co., 13 fat holip3
Joeeptt Rupp, 13 fat hogs
Daniel Herr, 381 bushels wheat
Adam Rohrer, 61% ditto
F. B. Masse!man, la , COO lbs flour
Landis & Groff, grlndb2g 60135
bushels wheat .... ... . ...
1.111 1.3
25 bush wheat and erludlug... Si di
31 bushels stipsto 19 50
12 bushels cols 12 21
17,532 les tour pit 73
Rudolph Shenk, 3,04 X) hour.
J. F. Herr, 5,70.1 lb dour ..
bushels bran
Samuel Renck, 2,14.8.1 tea flour._ 142 21
grinding 541 bushels atlaeaL.... 51 le
grluding 24 hags chop 3 (Si
3443 ) , bushels corn 3.80 6)
27 bushels shipstutr' 20 )61
78 bushels oats and corn. ..... ... 73 al
1 ton and 231 bushels bran 85 35
03 the rye flour 4 10
15 bushels shorts' le Si)
7so su
Samuel Curtis, 30 bus ahlpatutr
D. K. Wolf & Co., 4,1121 00 flour_ CV 0)
10 buoholo potato.; 10 00
J. Hauser, 1 crock applo butter
Robert Wilson, I ditto
S. K. Wolf, Jr., ditto
2iis bus potatoes
Henry Homsher, 2 bush sweet
John Smith, 1 bus peaches
Isaac Misiner, 47 gals vinegar...
Philip Finger, 10 sucks salt :21) (X)
2 bus apples 4 40
N. U. Morrison, 14.5 gl. molasses CS 15
1.100 lbs tobacco 110 00
917 lbs rico 21 02
Thomas .4. Ilershey,26l lbssuger
William T. McPhail, 39 lbs lea.
Jonu Landis, 134,tt, gels vinegar
David Plug, groceries
H. B. Voutiersmltii, IU bus po
B. H. Martin, 4 sacks salt
Eb ler 6: lireneman, 31 ......
C. Dais., 84 the tea
2 hue potatoes
10 busii lime
Bunk R Bro., bus potatoes
3 bush Uotuluy
John Fondersmith, sapoulller, 34 54
2292 lbs sugar 3:72 05
773 gals. molasses 8145 Its
310 lbs rice 40 41
50 the 50ap....... ....
2 bus potatoes.....
1 bus beans
:Nibs starch
bbl shad
1 bbl mackerel
3 sucks salt
2 bbls bonillaY
sundry rocorles.
P. Miller, groceries
House and Hospital.
1). Bair dt Co., 11155 yds Muslin... IPe 05
11-X yds Coburg 0 83
020 yds Print
210 yds lean
175 Denim
Wig Yds °lngham
276 yds CoLtunatle
101 yds Burlaps
tii yds Drill
51) yds Flannel
27 ydsSatlnet
10 yds Dl,llllllO
5 yds Beaverteen
122 yds Cotton Flannel
37 yds Cheek
11 dozen Hose
2 dozen Mkt,*
2 dozen combs
SU bills woo,en yarn
a 2 lbs thread
18 pr blankets
2 Comforts
china ware
pins, etc
- 1.10 A
Juo D. likiles, liS yds pant stud 51 kl
113 yds muslin 11 rm
1211 yds check .12 90
54 yds print It 13
SU yds Hussy 12 113
211 yds ' , mum! U 07
Umbrella 9 12
Barcroft & Co., 190 yds Chock... 45 79
103 yds muslin :II 52
132 yds gingham 23 43
12u yda Joan 6.9 58
77 yds print 14 00
55 blankets 214 60
47 yda plaid 10 58
23 yda crash 4 2.5
1:?.2 y 414 brown cotton 56 22
Cooperage and drayage 1 to
Jacob Relgel Co. 21U yds Con
estoga tick 8I 31
50 bed covers 10u 00
Lees 2 per cent, for cash
Brenner & Host° tter,ll pr gloveg 775
Carpeting 2,s
- 38 311
J. B. Martin, 3 comforts 12 tin
Wentz Bros., 94 yds print.. ...... ... 16 111
Howett et Conover, 91 yards
sheeting 21 48
John F. Long &MOLlll,suporkiller 20 01
Drugs sod metiletues 02 32
Shaffner & Graham, combs 1 00
Benjamin Green, carpeting 55 all
Leaner a conaum, tinware 0 75
A• Bltner & Co., stone coal 1,150 Si
Lawrence Knapp, Inuit a hops 15 03
Henry Hartman,llme 1 87
J. J. Cochran, postage 2 bil
J. A. Miller, Si. G., drugs and
nuaLlclnes 117 :id
Hirsh & Bro., 10 cords wood 39 so
A. A. Meyers, leather 11:1 04
Chas A, Holnitsll,drugn a meal. 20 44
P. Long.. Nephew, overcoat... .5 50
Bayils w. Darby, 60 Iron bed
steads 165 00
Henry Fisher, essence of coffee 5 10
George Heins, tobacco 16:1 85
Wm. Fisher, :luau 1 20
Jan. D. Miller, rye and roast
ing, &a 117 10
W. U. Baker, drugs and meal... 07 0)
J. li.eyntildti a: bon, cooking.
range and fixtures 66 00
1../.131. H. Goat, slices 155 01
Christian Oast, 'shoes 11 11,1
W winlngton Fire Company.—
kii Ives and forks 1 10
A. C. Gast, Creeks Slid ashes 7:I 14
Chas. T. Gould, chair. N .50
Henry Rohrer, cord wood 93 00
J. M. Grieves, hose and gloves.. il 111
1. B. Weldler, Inetalle clothes.
James Prungley, 111111.0 1 25
Repairs, Maieriais arid Ittoidentul
J. U. titelullulxer, hoop Lug ue•
cuul.l. now 11081)114d B 12.5 Uo
du expuunen w I'llll'u... 8 25
-8 13:125
J. K. Heed, ex pensem lu IYI
Conrad 08.81, do do 111 ell
T. b. Woods, do do U tor
27 48
Henry Uorreeht, hair mattress 11 044
J. E. Barr, stationery 3 si
J. liner's Sons, printing report
and stationery 0o 55
H. U.0'1111.11 du .2e, :;:. 50
('Doper, sanderson St Co., adv'g 11 50
Pearsol S. Heist, un'i report, dee. b. 75
J. ll Boring, carpenter work on
tenant ho' , e 170 00
H. E. Slay Maker, vinegar, etc., 1...) 53
Tneci. W. Herr. surveying and
seriveulug ........... ... .......... ..... . 20 CO
Wm. L. Beur, prothonotury's
costs 111 16
A. C. Flinn, hardware.. 2i Hi
J. H. Liltnur it Bro., freight 1., 2..,
J. Hoak, 0115000 work ou ten
ant house 517 20
COlOOllOO Fit e Ina. Co., ti. 1.0.01. ;ii (lio
Dr. Zeigler, ntedleal,tt tend:tn..°
out-door pauper I LU
City Councils, water rent Pea. .1., 11l
P. Lelizeiter, wooden rollers_ I Si
LlU:Canter 01.3 d InlibqUelaualliu
'l l lll[ll,llre Co., toll is 00
(leo. Martin, wu,lnines 3 Uu
U. Saner s 0 Sous,
lumber tor
tenant house, etc 448 73
H. C. Demuth, soul] a Ou
A. J. Weitlener, globe I 25
NlO.OOlOB Nary, labor In quarry ill .6,
Jon. Ciormun, ditto I:ts 76
Jan. It. Cf omen, ditto vi 23
Jun. Muneen, ditto 12 04
:dictum! Lem, ditto . 'II 51.1
W. bleLaugtiliti, ditto 750
Jas. Mearudy, ditto I igi
Henry (mole, ditto .1 es
Jos. :Nixdorf, ditto 20 to
A. M Miller, medical aticuti
uneeout-tiour pauper 2 00
.101501111 Sampson, brusher Is is
abort A. Wylie, printing re
port and advertising 40 73
lisieman it Vranekeus, palm
ing tenant. house._ :11 DO
Brocti it Co., plant. ring 15 4:1
Penu'u R. It. Co., freight 533
stephen Orissinger, OXpollnem
to Plill'a 7 25
T. J. Ifysart, painting 1:, e.",
J. A. II iestund clt Co., minting
and advertising 0u 66
(leo. W lent, blank hooks ..... ..... 0 uu
%clm It Jackson. 1 clock and
repairing 1123
Jno. M. Visuer, restraining ap
paratus fur insane 25 50
John Ciutsular, repairs.— ..... ... 50
Heading it Columbia It. H.. frt.. 1 IL AI
Ueo. M. stelumau it Co., hard
ware 13 55
11. Kitch, sharpening drills...-. 2 lie
Lancaster Cu. Prison. weaving
carpet 14 89
Theo. Wolf, repairing clocks.... i vh
B. Eshleman, white oak plunk 0 ils
A. W.. 2 J. 11. Russel, hardware 11/5 80
Howard Express C 0....... 1 uo
Ueo. Miller's Estate, repairing
3 55 H P . l ij ! . lP i ' pp,t In work and repairs 4,2 .11
Jno. Heal, repairing imiter 70 la
Diller It Grolf, hardware 317 77
nam'l Curtis, sawing 511 tea of
lumber 3 01
Satri'l Renck. grinding Huy them 1 Ls
S. 111. Clare, repairing lightning
conductors 5 00
A Musketuuss, sharp l g dritin..
.barrn and Fiala Labor.
Hoary Loy 1111111. black 4unlthlug 11 175 21
Win. Diller, rupalrlng rurpor... 14 42
Anion 1111cy, rultll,,ry 111 DJ
Jac, Rohrer, Jr., 1 bull lor Lim 011 110
do. pot moot 1a IX
JoHlali Dovish, rapalrluic rualmr 1 22
Juc.ll4mvur, rupalrluil wagmail I 50
Ja4u444i Peoplub, ulacklimltia,ug. 27 25
Wlll. Carums, ma 141444 lama
poste, dc .
115 n
John Hrb, butchering, eta 1/4 U 3
Manaibaioc a Hurtle, plow
w001c.... 5 05
D, Bear andd otlierii,lusrveattug 108 fe
I. K ityan, vegetable plauloi... 1 U
Henry - Keener 10 bun potatoes 10 ul
Christian Yeager, repairing
wagons N 4 10
Zabber ery, aibbage plants.— 1 S
leottliebt mita, cabbage Manta Li 06
3. Garber, eabbase plants 70
John Hamilton, seed onions.... 1 01.1
griu Advertionunts
Maid Lilo Asylum,
1 Boarding and Clothing—
' Stump Dangler 109 au
, lienry Proms 117 ba
, Lydia Thomas 110 9,1
' Eliza Stack house /81 0
Mary E. Montgomery 18.9 88
I Rebecca E. Patterson 194 IS
L9BBO Sourbeor Ins So
Susan Geiger .. .. - 176 IS
Samuel M limey and damn Ana 171 7,s
Pay =lone for U Directors... 439 64
Samuel SpMillman, salary Ha
IJ. 0. SteliMelser, clerk arid
perm tendeut of bmpital 150 00
Adam Ripple, salary .1 baker 153
George nipple '• 41 21
, Thomas Hodges, " " 100
t L Zimmerman, " as farmer 213 X!
Chris lan Gast, 1 yearx salary
as treasurer...—. ....... ...... lOU 00
Dr. J A. Al iller, 1 quarter's at
Dr. J. P. Huber, 2 qua, ditto..
Dr. J. Aug. Eh ler, I ditto
H.. W. Shenk 1 year's salary {l2\
Rev. J. It. Fount, 1 year's
salary as mural 'warm for
Out-door Rehr!, F'untral Erpens,
and Art. eing Puupert.
l'lllladolphin Alma lions° for
pauper 5............
Dirocioro of Poor for lierliet
fur maintaining p.uipnn
Removing and bringing you
Funeral exponent., enillne. elu
Uttl,loor relief, ISIS care.,
Amount of drawn rrom Jnuu
1151;7, to Juu. 1, lmgnl MAN", 7.
Balanco retualulog lu treasur
er's !muds lu 18M S 2.744 1 , 9
From l'ounty Com tubodonot s..'-'7,t100 00
From D. P. Locher, for hlden,
tallow, etc
Front sundry porsous for board•
lug, old lumber, etc
Dlrectots of Poor ao llattutway
(or oho or couoty tt 0 00
From city of Lane'r for stones • 107 00
By tuller paid, drawn
and Itilitl, ulnuu n Ling to
Ordern aid daring 1477
Haat:leo In Ireitlillrerh tuna's
January I, Isas
M IN 11
1 1
75 1
II 11 , 1
l:{ ,
11l 0,1
212 00
A Ilatt L..
Sol (Luther
Admitted as
Mutual With Nil
Americans 111:;),
Mules 0, !lona. I roan 24.
Lull I. kteera 1, how. 2, tihuiv
One pal r.
Ilay LU lunb, wheat. II •C outthelm, corn WO bu,
oat,. I,oou bun, rye 90 bum, ',mall/1'14150 bus, noun
',mann S hAls, ta/iUllb 00 bus, turnip. VA) b...
Mulch heal. 75 bug, cnbbego M.nds n Il 11, 'WV
) bus, parnolnkt 'AI bun, cul n brooms Mu.
We, I lie inulersigned Andltol, 41f LancltSter
CM= ty, 11/LVillg examined Ilia lor,golog ac
counts of Christian thud, Treasurer of Ills
ii t.trd of Directors of the Poor and of
Employment of the county alore.mid, and
compared his vouchers, do find that lie
balance remaining In hands on the ha day
of Jan nary, 18117, of 152.58 I/9, and received iron]
Um County Commissioners 27,::01,t/il, and from
sundry persons for bides, tallow,! ardlng,
1,150.00 making :In all 211.747 V.I. and that it,
pall during LllO year, orders drawn In 1!..6.; and
istlo, amounting to 180.92. Ordms were paid
drawn during the OUrretil, year, amounting to
20;108.115, making In all D 5,401107, leaving a hal.
anee remaining In Lab hand, 01.1 LIIU inc el .I:lll
uury, 180, of '281.02.
JACOB 11.0 itELL.
'lllO4. S. WOODs,
CuNRA liA.Wr.
DirucLorh of Ulu Poor ,II
Attest: I.tineAkitcr CuLluty.
J. O. lITZiNIIXIS6II, Clurk, Jun ILL
To the Honorable, the Jllfif /V! Of the Wirt ~,
Quarter &sea". Lanetuter Cbuniy:
'lOO undortilguua: la per/mane° ut lawe,
:Mt to the Court. the following Ituomt of tla
Prison, for the year ending November :10. :
On the 30th of l'invetriber, INIJI, Mere were In
conllnetnent, 0! prlmoners; In the coarme 01 Ile
year then• were received s.47—tualcing ae ug
gregate of the Inmates of Len
lu 1017
Of theme the following were di•churg
ell daring the year, ♦;?:—lip expira
tion of Neaten.. and by In.pectorm... ile
By Magistratem, Dint Het A, Cy, Court,
and if.uticam Uorpum, au IS+
LeaVlng In confinement, Nov. 30, 10(7
of therm (11:)4:1 are Conylaw at labor: S awalf
ing trial, and 32 Vagrants. 'The ratio or coo
victlomi tut compare.) with tart year bulla; VI
In 667 crAntultmen La, to 75 I u 11:1 tluu year be
The nurn ber committed to Prison luring the
year, excepting tnone convicted, wan 51:1;
more than Ulu previous year, of which GM were
for Vagrancy, Drunkenness and disorder!)
conduct, resulting from drunkenness; Bile Ic
170 more than the previous year. In 1141111,10 e
to the 513, there were sentenced during the
Came period 71, and remaining In Prison on
the Al,ll of November, Isllll, el—malting it,
above total In Prison during tile year. 01 Liic
prisoners dlscltnrged ll Wei it seal to tea
ern Penitentiary, I to the House iif Refuge, I to
Lee Kele Lassos Any lam, G pertielied by the
liovernor, and 1 died. Of the 71 sentenced
prisoners, 07 were convicted of Larceny, I ill
Assault and Battery, I of Fornication and Iles
tardy„ 01 nelllug liquor In ruiners, 11 of mulling
liquor on Sunday, :1 of Felonious Assault, 0 doy
mullion of family, 1 of Adultery, 1 of Poly gl/11w
and lof cruelty iOll.lllllllllll. 01 the 71 Con v let
1/ ware sentenced for one year Mill upwards,
and one for two years; 00 were widle and 1
were colored; IJ wore utalus hod 11 Were
females. But :le of Um convicts were born In
Lancaster city and Culletry, is In ft/reign euue
tries, of which 111 were natives of (Jun/luny ;
of the convicts were under tilt, ugu of 30 yearn ;
11 of the 71 tionvicis were females; le are eie
off, allure, and GI are receiving punishment loi
their first offence, and of the lid mules, but.'
had trades prior to their conviction.
The 74 convict, were occupied ea follow, -
Pi weaving carpets, 0 weaving hugging, n malt •
log bealleta, 7 making clgerg, 0 k.ultlAng non!,
making Knoes, am, : /1 of the 71 could nut read
cud 23 coual nut write; 31 of the 71 hail cover
been married, end 7 were widow, 111(1 widow
B 111; 13 1,7 the con viola were of Intomporato
habits, a much hole proportion of the if/tem
perate than the provIUUN your.
The Whole number of prisoners Sir, tho
opening of the Prison, September 12, 15,1, to
November :IU, ws.sll,l:6o,—Wl/ its luslenl,: I. 1;
white lomsles, 1,313; colored MILLI., elll, ano
colored II:mule. 20S.
'rho heulth of the pelhoners during the ',tar
him been reinarkably go —no epidemic ltav•
ing preValled tinning then,. 'rho nom!, r rat
canes treated was 1.4; truing in the eittlii 01 I , ir
out., treated Itr every ;:ti prOitmuni; tlil..
In luxx oust-nail that of all, lintel., year; oho
died of cougeriLloti of the lung...
The financial allidry un4 libtrigf.ielunitg in
ol the prinou during 1140 ye,r,
itbming Nueutti her 41, are exhibiteil
hill by the follutving ht.:gement, t•
LL/AIM all tin,• IlikarliaLll,ll reLll.:llg to t 11,43
SLutoulent or I,llorx IsnouJ, ,elowiuk: Plitt
L/10 ordern Ifisll,l 1/) . ti/13 I IISjiI2CLUFM wt 1110
Trer+urer or the I.uncuAtorCouoty Prixe,n, t.,
thx liscal year eildlng Novectioer
1807, kimouxitiel tro
From whicit deduct ~xtritordit.ttry ex-
pentiex, La wlL:—AlL"tai:oun inlid rc
To which In to be added the Indolded
nese of tne YrNon, and the goods
and materials on uoud 11L tlm LW
ginning of the lineal year Mann
. locut red goods on hand, November,
11, leell 5:0117 11.,
Raw Materials on hand, Isee,. 1,1;o0 1,1
In Order to liNVertalll ULU actual cost
Or tile Pll4oll to I lie County, It he-
Conies IleCoblhaty to OIJOUGL tho fol
lowing cash reeelved and amen+ of
the inanutaetur. ug depart taunt, viz:
Cl.ll received by the keeper tar
goods cold, and paid to the
Treasurer tint Pillion 113,13 s 'li
Mallutacturol good,. on hand
Nov, 511, 18,7
itaW inateriala uu baud Nov.
3U, Ilio7 I 9:1
Duo Prison (Or goods sold Nov
30, 1007 ......... . .
Actual cost of Prlnou during the year $15,1',7 99
Thu whole number of diva prheintini wore
boarded tliu part year was .11,1:91; 12,101 at
cents a day, 10,15111 a cents a day, and Lad at
15 aeute a day—amounting In all to 59,1107.1:0, an
average of 157Z2.123 4 per month. The wont bt,
the previous year wax 211,11-1, costing 57,210.. A
sad averaging 3ti01.51i,5 per mouth, Lamm an
lucretige Ulu past over the pree-diug year of
91:5/.59. 1 4, per month average. Thu cost 01 Main
tenance 01 vagrants this year amounting to
52,351,10, against 52,322.52 lost your, WILD g an In
crease of but $28.09. Toe aggregate 11111/160r or
days prisoners havelieen boarded and uoullued
was 2419 more la 1097 than In 10110.
The manufacturing operations during the
year produced Ile follows; 1,3'5154 yards of car
pet for sale, 3,7011% yards of °analt for custom
ers, 5,1111% yards of bagging, 4110 pairs boots
and NhOtis made and mended, Y 15,500 cigars
made, 1,794 Liatiltetsfi Mud° sod mended, i 72
brooms made, 233 &h nuts and itulues made,
IGO dozen grain bags made, and 411,11111 &Meteors
There warn manufactured goodx ou hand to
tho amount of 81,1011.02, 000041M111101111011K other
article.' of 01% yard,. of °kapott foe staq, 4110
tataltata of varlowt dozou Kral u tw,
ag,atO cigars, 1211 11111 :luta, 18 brootnw, uu,uut)
idlowure, and al paint of bootannd Nueoa.
Thu vats of tho labor of tho prisoners (or
the post your Woo 815011, us shown by thu Cato.
moot again and lows, wnion lellitua.i/I loos thou
WO previous year. The mallet cost or tho
on Ulu proeudius your Was $15,443.47-140.01
mom thou thu post year entlint: NoY. 30, /847.
All whlou Is respectfully submitted,
A. 11. Willitigtt, President.
OELatakil LON(J,_
ilitKNItY M. mUatiEt.., learstarY.
Lancaster County Prison, Jut. /uassa, rs.
Jan 1.9 Stw
lbor of lin
N•al furor.
1,1 lod
holittirx u, ralvto , i
.14, worklug