zi; balbatmo. Now Items. A woman in Chicago has made 1)40,000 by agacky speculation in wheat. Judge Day of Washington, D. C., died recently in Minnesota. The southern !portion of the bay at De troit is still - blocked with ice. The business of Pittsburg is said to repre sent about $114,000,000. All the hotel and other public bars for the sale of liquor in Boston will be closed to morrow. Queen Victoria is to lay the corner-atone of the "Hall of Arts and Sciences" in Lon don, on the 20th instant. Rev. J. Freeman Young, D. D.,an assis tant minister of Trinity Church, New York, has Just been elected bishop of Florida. The Montgomery (Ala.) Daily Mail nomi nates General Grant for next President on the conservative ticket. A little girl in Sheyboygan, Wis., swal lowed a needle, over a year ago, and a few days since it came out at her knee. M. A. Hawks has been indicted at St. Paul, Minn., for murder, for killing his wife to get her life Insurance. A boy preacher, Master Enoch Probert, aged 12 years, has appeared in Wales, and his admirers think he will eclipseSpurgeon. John Brown, the younger, is living at Put-in-Bay, opposite Sandusky, cultivat ing grapes. A clergyman of Boston died at Black well's Island, a few days since, of delirium tremens. A widow in Erie, Pa.,has advertised a "grand hop," to pay the expenses of her husband's funeral. Mount Zion College, Winnsboro, S. C., was totally destroyed by fire on Sunday last. The origin of the fire was accidental. Baron Von Linsburg, the Dutch Minister at Washington) who married a daughter of General Cass, has gone home on a visit. , J. McC. Crummill, Grand Master of the Grand United (Colored) Order of Odd Fel lows, died in Philadelphia on the 12th inst. Wm. E. Dodge, of New York, has given thirty thousand dollars to Williams Col lege, as a presidential fund. By the Mobile riot, as far as known, four persons were killed and from fifteen to twenty wounded. The alleged leader in the riot, one David Files, has been arrested. Mrs. Belinda Ellms, the heroine of the story of the shipbuilder of Boston and his breach of promise of marriage, has recovered $7,000 for the injury done to her affections. Williams, the child-torturer, who is ser ving a term in the Connecticut penitentiary is pot so insane as he appeared to be, and has taken quietly to shoemaking. Ex•Confederute General Joe Johnston Was a heavy loser by the Parkman do- Mleations in the Selma (Ala.) National Bank. Lucy Stone is stumping Kansas in the interest of the female suffrage movement. She spoke in Leavenworth to a large audi ence on the 7th inst. The court of Ocean county, Now Jersey, have granted $lO,OOO damages to Miss Yarnell for breach of promise of marriage on the part of Abraham Stout, dry goods merchant. The steam ram Dunderberg, the most powerful engine of naval warfare afloat, and now at Nuw York, has been sold to the French government for three million dol lars. Joe. Coburn, the pugilist, lies offered to light Jim Elliott, the victor of the recent mill near Cleveland, Ohio, for one thousand dollars a side, any time within a month,— ElhotCB friends say he will accept. Damages to the amount of $7,000 have hem' obtained in New York for injuries resulting from the negligence of a con ductor in not allowing a passenger time to alight From a horse-car. Th, , second day's racing at Hoboken was attended by a large crowd. The hurdle race was won by the black horse Blackbird, the flare-quarter mile dash by thogray colt Urbana, and the mile and a half dash was WWI by Delaware. Mr. t oiirge Peabody has left the portrait Victoria, recently presented to ldui by the Queen herself; in the hands of the Mayor and prominent citizens of Phila delphia to !demon exhibition lon the purpose of raising Muds few charitable purposes. A. spiritual seance was disturbed by some wild young follows in Bradford, Mass., on 'Tuesday night, and the presiding spirit ualist, whose nit is Smith, became en raged and shot and killed one of thorn. Ile then surrendered himself to the authorities. The graduating classes of the West Point Military Academy keep up the custom of ;aliment ink a silver "baby cup " to the mom• her of the class to whom a child Is first born. 'rho class of 1805 has awarded the ,•lip ler that year to First Lieut. Frederick W. Bailey, now in San Fraucisco. 'rho contributions last year of the Mil men Square Presbyterian Church, New Voric, (Rev. Adams,) in addition to church expenses, amounted to $116,007. Sixty-two during the year worn added to the Church by profession, and slaty-two by letter; the present membership is 1,007, The Salt Litho Telegraph has a letter da ted "Jordan river, near the bridge," re porting the arrival there of the Star of the West, with a cargo of salt from the Great Salt, Luke, via Jordan river, the first vessel that has m.tiled up the Jordan, and proving that river navigable. 'rho Noble County (Ohio) Republican says that old John Gray, the old revolutionary veteran, who at the ago of 103 years was granted a pension of ;3500 per annum by Congress, has received his firstserni-annual 1:H0111110111. This is the first money he has ever received from the Government. A countryman sold n stove in Worces ter Mn*., and on returning home learned tlit, his (laughter had placed hi the stove oven a box containing $2OO, and all his deeds and valuable papers. Ho returned to the city in hot haste, and after consider able delay and anxiety, recovered his prop erty. An American lady in Paris went out shopping and was surprised at buying an elegant silk dress for $l5, and could not ac- Saint for the low figure until the polite Frenchman naively remarked to her, that in her country the " people huvo the luxury of self-government, you know, and prices are very high," The U. S. Supreme Court adjourned yes terday until December. The motion for leave to tile au amendment to the Missis sippi bill was denied, and the bill was dis missed for want ofjuraidictlon. An injunc• Lion was granted to restrain the payment of certain Texas bonds sold by the rebel gov ernment of that State during the war. The Republican State Central Committee of Kansas met at Topeka for the purpose of arranging fur a canvass of the State on the platform ofimpartal suffrage, when several ?legroom who participated expressed them selves as bitterly opposed to female suffrage, and considerable dissension ensued between the friends of the two questions. A deliciency in the cash account of the First National Bank of Portsmouth, New. Hampshire, recently led to investigations which resulted in finding the nest of a mouse composed of five fifty dollar greenbacks, wit. It a layer of line stuff libido by tearing tip smaller bills. Very few large persons have bueu able to Indulge in so expensive a bed. The Now York Metropolitan Police Dis trict, with a population of about 1,500_,000 has a police force of lass than 2,800. Lon don, Intemg a population of aboutit,ooo,ooo, has a police ores or 7,548, which shows that the people of London need fully as much watching as do those of this metropolis, and indicates that New York Is, after all, not the worst city in the world. The Landon Daily Nem , ' lout a corrompen dent In Crete, who wrlioo from n remantle spot on the 141opo of Monza No, HIM our • roundlngs ere, howovur, the rovorso of ro mantic, Thu whole mountain, ho wrltom, Is covered with the dead hodeoi of women Ho d children, who then) Nought refuge from the raVligom or olvll war, (oily to purluh from penuro and starvation, The Pope Is in the market it supply iif breseh•loinierm fur Ms little army. The O 1111 cult) , will] 111111 144 how to rake the money, Thu lthine correspondent of the Park Rtioi• (lard Inthlintem that a subscription will skin be set 00 Mot among the faithful to 144441(1 the Holy Father over this difficulty. Tho nudorntaniling Is that the new WOltrnOf4 will be vigorously employed against the bri gands that infest the Papal territory. A case IC before the Supreme Court of the United States which involves the question whether Texas is a State in the Union or not. A motion is made by the State to have nu injunction issue from the court restrain ing certain parties forming the rebel Mili tary Board of the State during the war from paying certain State bonds to parties who claim them us consideration for certain articles contraband of war. A youth of sixteen and u girl of fourteen eloped In New Britain, Conn., Monday night, but the girl's father naught thorn at the donr•way of it justice In an adjoining town, horse-whipped the lad, seized his daughter by the arm, seated her on the horse behind him, promised her a " good spanking" when they got home, forbid the would-be husband from ever being seen in New Britain again, and slowly galloped home. Hero is Mr, Pea body's own version of the story that ho once sawed wood in Con cord to pay for a night's lodging. He had been to school In Vermont, and was on his way home to Danver, Massachusetts. Ar riving lu Concord on foot, late at night, he put up, not at the Columbian, but at the old" Hackney Tavern." Having no money he went supperiess to bed, and the next xrforning he did, as stated, stop and saw wood to pay for his lodging and breakfast. Mr. E. Blooque, the newly appointed Turkish Minister, is shortly expected to arrive in Washington. He will be accom panied by his wife, and will live in great state, having been liberally supplied with funds for that purpose, as a means of crea ting a Turkish sentiment in this country that may counterbalance the liberal sym. pathies manifested by Americans for the firm* suktluota ofthe Forte. The ErubsEut dots^tlxßGwlfamas.a daughterte the "late: Dr. Mott,,of Near York. A Paris letter des &IPS ve of the Exposi tion says: Why there one room of carved , wood clocks of every size and'Variety from. Carbnuhe and Baden, Which makes a Yan kee long to', pitch his cortnire,:f collection into the Seine; and the collection of clocks and watches in the French department is astonishing in its variety, and elegance and wonderftil combinations of machillerY- - Yon can buy a neat and excellent, andeven pretty clock for twenty five cents. In Ger many and Switzerland, of course, they are even cheaper. The important discovery made by Dr. W. B. Richardson, that parts of the body can be rendered insensible to pain at the will of an operator, has been introduced into ve terinary practice, and with such success that we ought to hear no more of horses being tortured by operations. This "local antesthesla," as it is called, is produced by directing a shower of ether spray on the part afflicted, and from an instrument which acts as a fountain, throwing off the finest dew. In a short time after the instrument has been left to play on any part of the head, body or limbs, all feeling ceases in that particular spot. State Items Old John Bennehoff, the Petroleum King, of Bennehoff Run, returned an income of $150,000 last year. This is the largest indi vidual income returned in Venango county. On Sunday last a little daughter of Simon Smith of Carlisle, fell into a tan vat, and, though rescued before life was extinct, died from the effects of having swallowed a quantity of the ley. A man named Bible has just been sen tenced to a three years' term In the Western Pennsylvania Penitentiary, for stealing a watch and coat. His good name couldn't save him. John Hem lick, of Milesboro, Washington county, a lad of sixteen, charged with an attempt to violate the person of a little girl nine or ten years old, on Sunday, May sth, has been committed to jail for trail. Daniel Whitney, engaged in the saw-mill of Anderson &Co., near Waverley borough, Luzerne county, was caught by the ma chinery on Tuesday last, had his arm saw ed off and died the next day. A bald headed eagle was caught in a trap near Portage, Cameron county, a few days since, by Geoffrey Farnham, of Preston ville. The eagle measures seven feet from, tip to tip of his wings. The late freshet did great damage in Lu cerne county. The Scranton Register says the river rose eighteen feet above low water mark, and the lower stories of many houses were under water. One man was drowned near the town and a woman near Dam No. 7, which broke away. Cortes Bloom, of Curwensville, was drowned at Shamokin dam on Saturday last. He was in company with John W. Hamlett, who had charge of two rafts, and in attempting to run the schute were forced out over the dam, causing the death of Mr. Bloom, and seriously injuring a Mr. Lind ley, who was on the rafts with them. Mr. Haslett escaped injury. The Oil City Petrolian says a terrific hall storm, accompanied by thundenand light ning, occurred there on Monday afternoon, which continued for about ten or fifteen minutes before its fury was abated. There was a breaking of skylights in different parts of the town. The hail stones were as large as good sized walnuts. The storm will be of incalculable damage to the fruit crop wherever its effects are felt. The Prospect In Ohio Not in many years has there been so fair a prospect of the Democrats carrying Ohio as there is now. All over the State the im pression widely prevails that the Radicals will be routed, "horse, foot and dragoons," and that both the negro suffrage amend ment and the State ticket, which sus tains it, will be badly beaten. We have found, by long experience, that such pre monitions, when they extensively prevail, are the best indications in the world of a favorable result. The reaction so long-look ed for in public opinion is coming fast, and the day of Radical violence and ultraism is nearly over. Its sun will soon set, not again to rise. The signs of hope are now bright in the political firmament.—Cincinnati In quirer. Another Leak The Legislature has made the education of Soldier.' Orphans a big leak to the treas ury of the State. A new department has been created to manage the schools whero these children are being educated. In the appropriation bill we find the following items appropriated to meet the expenses, viz: Superintendent, salary ()Mee clerk Inspector of Schools Female Inspector Postage and Telegrams Stationery, &c Printing Advertising Transferring pupils Funeral expenses Travelling expenses Here are 88,850 added to the tax-bearers' burdens. There 18 no good reason why the education of those orphans cannot be com mitted to the cure of the Common School Department of the State, and save this !dimwit of money. But this would have prevented a few loyal pets getting nice com fortable otlices.—.Doylestown Democrat. g“tornego-at-gatti. B. C. ICREADY, No. 88 North Duke et., Lancaster A. J. STEINMAN, No. 9 net Orange at., Lanew4ter GEO. NA UMAN t No. la Centre Square, Lancaster H. M. NORTH, Colurnbla, Lancaster county, Pa R. A. TOWNSEND, No. 11 North Duke at., Lancaster 11. S. SWARM, No. 13 North Duke et., Lancaster CHAN. DEN UES, No. 6 South Duke st., Lancaster ABRAM SHANK No, BO North Doke at., Lancaster J. W. F. SWIFT, No. 13 North Duke et., Lancaster A. HERR No. 10 South Queen et., Lancaster EDGAR C. REED, No. 16 North Duke et., Lancaster B. F. BAER, No. 19 North Duke et., Lan caster, D. W. PATTERSON, No. V West King st., Lancaster F. S. PYFER, No. 5 South Duke at,, Lancaster S. M. REYNOLDS, No. 53 East King st., Lancaster J. W. JOHNSON, No. 2. Mouth Queen et., Lancaster J. B. LIVINGSTON, No. It North Duke et., Lancaster. A. J. SANDERSON, No. 21 North Duke street, Lancaster N. H. PRIUL, No. 6 North Duke st., Lancaster WM. A. WILSON, No. 53 East King et., Lancaster WM. LEAMAN, No. 5 North Duke at. Lancaster! WM. H. FORDNEY, No. South Queen st., Lancaster Wore!Lozano. QOINETHING WONDERFUL FOR THE Million, all may be rich, wise and happy. Agents wanted, Enclose stamp for particu lars. 11, ()AMY, 14:1 BLEECKER tiLreot, New York, mar 111-11mtl.tw B ONE DENT ! HONE DENT 1 I Bono Immt, 18 known to be the strongest Inimuro for urtum, Corn and Wheat, Fields, and for Plower - - - The subscribers having started their BONE DUST MILL in south Water street, near the Uus WorIN, ars now grinding Bone Duet, and aru prepared to supply all who may wish to 111113 WIN HUPERIOIt MANURE! I I IN rilo, from all other mixtures and we will Hell It In 001011 am well as large quantities. ♦r'-Thl: filklitott Prim Paid for Bones. EMEVA2RI 1111 E NEW STATE The vast Agricultural, Manufacturing and Mineral resources of West Virginia, are Just now attracting the attention atlas whole world —her rich allu vial valleys, peettliar advantages for grating and stock growing—her inexhatisti• ble beds of Iron, Coal, and Mona deposits of Coal 011, added to her extraordinary facilities for every description of Manufacture, offer in. documents to Immigration, Enterprise and Capital, unequaled by any State in the Union. All persons desiring to purchase LANDS OR REAL Virginia , are any description, in West Virginia, aro re• quested to apply to HAIM ERB dt K UYKENDALL, Real Estate Brokers Moortield, West Va. N, B. We also invite the attention of sellers in this Agonny. lune 6 tfdam AMERICAN LEAD PENCIL COMPANY NEW YORK. FAUTOHY, HUDSON CITY, N. J. This Company is now fully prepared to fur nish _ . LEAD PENCILS, Equal in Quality to the Best Brands, ;The Company has taken great pains and in vested a large capital in fitting up their factory, an., now oak the American Public to give their pencils a fair trial. ALL {iTYLES AND GRADES ARE ALANU FACTURED. Greet cure hue been bestowed to the menu factoring of SU PERIOR HEXAGON DRAWING PENCILS, specially prepared for the use of Engineers, Architects, Artists, do. A complete assortment, constantly on hand, offered at fair terms to the trade at their Wholesale Salesroom, 84 JOHN ST.REBT NEW.IOFIK. The Pencils are to be had at all principal Stationers and Notion Dealers, Ask for the American Lead Pencil. deo 24 GazdeodadmW ..-worwc • EIZABTE OF ILICRAEL OBER, LATE of I Raphtion 'on o townsh, deceased,—Le in gtter sbeen Of tas sa ip id estate hav granted to the undersigned, all persons Laden.- thereto, are requested to make immediate t, and those haviag claims or de mands assinst the same, will present them without delay for settlement to the undersign ed, residing in said to wrothio • SAMUEL OBER. CHRISTIAN 08, may lb (kw* 191 ESTATE OF DAVID POTTS, LATE OF Lancaster township', deceased.—Lettersof administration on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons in debted thereto, are requested to mace imme diate settlement, and those having claims or demands against the same, will make knewn the same without delay to the undersigned, re siding in said township. 'SA/WEL W. PUTTS, may 15 'EN'. 19 Administrator. 4SSIGNND ESTATE OF JOHN WISE, and Sarah, his wife, of Lancaster City.— i) undersigned Auditor appointed to dis tribute the balance remaining in the hands of Robert A. Evans, Esq., Assignee of John Wise and Sarah his wife, to and among those legally entitled to the same will sit for that purpose on FRLDAY, the 14th day of JUNE, isa, at 2 o'clock P. M., in the Library Room of the Conrt House, in the City of Lancaster, where all per sons interested in said distribution may at tend. SAM'L H. REYNOLDS, may 15 ltda3tw 19 Auditor. ESTATE OF JACOB OATMAN, LATE OF Badsbury township, deceased.—Letters of administration on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebt ed thereto are requested to mate immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the mine will present them for settle ment to the undersigned, residing in Bart township. DR. JOlll , l MARTIN, apr 10 Btw• 14 Administrator. ESTATE OF JAMES OIRVIN, LATE OF Paradise township, deceased.—Letters or administration on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons in debted thereto are requested to make imme diate settlement, and those having claims or demands aga Ins. the same, will present them without delay for settlement to the under signed, residing in said township. JOHN (ARVIN HENRY GIRVIN, apr 24 6two Administrators. ESTATE OF SARAH H. PORTR, LATE E of Lancaster city, de&d.—Letters testa mentary on said estate having been granted to the undersigned: All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same, will present them for settle ment to the undersigned, or either of them. SAMUEL M. PORTER, LOUIS SHISSLER. Lancaster city, Pa., April 23d, 1867. apr '23 ltd,s6tw TN THE co ow OF COMMON PLEAS J. of Lancaster County.—ln the matter of the application of "The tit. Joseph's Beneficial Baying Fund Association of the City of Lan caster," for a Charter of Incorporation April 27th, 1887. Charter presented and the Court direct the same to be filed, and notice to be given that if no sufficient reason Is shown to the contrary, the said Charter will be granted at the next term of said Court. W. L. BEAR, Prothonotary, 4tw 18 ESTATE OF ELIZABETH BARD, LATE of the City of Lancaster, deceased.—The undersigned Auditor, appointed to distribute the balance remaining in the hands of Isaac Mlahler, Administrator of said deceased, to and among those legally entitled to the same, will sit for that purpose on FRIDAY, MAY 24, 1867, at 2 o'clock P. M., in the Library Room of the Court House, In the City of Lancaster, where all persons interested in said distribu tion may attend. B. C. KREA.DY, may 1 4tw 17 Auditor, STATE OF BARBARA NETZL Y, LATE of West Cocalico township, deceased.— 'he undersigned Auditor appointed to pass upon the exceptions filed to the account of Joseph Henly and John Fassnucht, Adminis trators of the Estate of Barbara Netzly, late of West Cocalico township, deceased, and to dis tribute the balance remaining in the hands of saisl administrators to and among those le gally entitled to the same, will attend for that purpose on TUENDAY, the llth day of JUNE, A, D. 1807;at 10 o'clock A. M.,'ln the Library Room of the Court House, in the City of Lan caster where all persons interested In said dis tribution may attend. B. C. KREA.DY, may 8 4tw 18 Auditor. ESTATE OF WILLIAM TURNER, LATE of Columbia borough, Lancaster county, deceased. The undersigned Auditor, appoint ed to distribute the balance remaining in the hands of Margaret and John A. Turner, Adminstrators, to and among those legally entitled to the Maine, will sit for that purpose 01). MONDAY, JUNE llrd, 18137, at 10 o'cloca, A. M., in the ',thrift y Room of the Court House, In the City of Lancaster, where all persons Interested In said distribu tion may attend, J. W. JOHNSON, may 8 4tw 18 Auditor. OTIOE.—WHEREAN I,,TTERS TEk tamentary to the estate of Alexander 12 - llen, late of Sadsbury township, Lancaster county, dec'd, have been granted to the sub scriber . All persons Indebted to the said estate 'are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the estate of said decedent will make known the same without delay to MAHLON FOX, may 8 Ot*w] Executor. 82,600 1,200 1,600 1,000 300 160 600 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.. - ESTATE of Rachel Jackson, lute of Lancaster city, deceased.—Letters of administration on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto aro requested to make immediate settlement, and those having claims or demands{ against the same will pre sent them without delay for settlement to the undersigned, residing in said township. EDWARD MORTON, la., may 8 Otww 18 Administrator. AMOUNTS OF .ritusT ESTATES, Re.— The accounts of the following named estates will be presented for confirmation on MONDAY, JUNE 'id, 1K67: Christian Demmy'sEestate, Henry H. Kurtz, Committee. Peter Holl's Estate, Jacob Burn, Trustee. Mary Brinton's Estate, Rebecca B. Hood Committee. &MENl=== Phares Ciooll'ei Estate, Henry Burckhart Trustee. Jacob Charles' Estate, Jacob Seitz, Trustee. Samuel Shroacrs Estate, Martin 13, Harnish Committee. Wm. Trostle and wife's Estate, Jacob Getz and Cyrus Ream, Assignees. W. L. BEAR, Proth'y. PROTHONOTARY'S OFFICE, 1 Lancaster, Nay 1, 1888. f may 8 9tw 18 Nuourance Qlompanito. COLUMBIA INSUBAA CB ;COMPANY. CAPITAL AND ASSETS, 8582,210 49 This Company continues to insure Build ings, Merchandise, and other.property, against loss and damage , y lire, on the mutual plan, either for a cash premium or premium note, SIXTH ANNUAL REPORT. Whole amount insured, —K301,295.51 Less am't expired iu '&5... 212,3511.00 8,091,059.51 CAPITAL AND INCOME. Ain't of premium notes, Jan. Ist, 1865 8426,090.66 Lees premium uotee ex pired in 1865 16,075.55 410,017.21 Ain't of premium uutem received Inlees 115,584.13 Balance of premiums, Jan. let, 186. 3,830.14 Cash receipts, less con, missloneln 1866 40,766.89 CONTRA. 85711,198.37 Losses and expenses paid in 1895, 8 67,097.89 Balance of Capital and • Assets, Jan. 1, 1900 532,210.48 8570,188,3 A. S. GREEN, President, GEO R E YOUNG, Jr., Secretary, NIIOHAEL S. SHUMAN,Treasurer, DIRECTORS Robert Crane, William Patton, T. Ryon, John W. Steacyi John Fendrioh, Geo, Young, Jr. H. G. Minich, Nicholas McDonald.; Sam'l F. Eberleln, Michael B. Shuman, Amoe S. Green S. C. Slaymaker,.; Edmund Sparing, • THEO. W. HERR, Agent, North Duke street, oppoaite the Court Rouse, mar I tfdnwl LAN :ASTER PENN'A, J. F. COTTRELL. WM. AYRES nOTTMELL A AY RES, WHOLESALE DEALICES IN _ . . FISH, CHEES. Nos. 104&. 106 Wu A ItV NS, t I) 1/008 A 111,V ir tob 4 Au a nr., I . 1111,A'»A. t 1,1 WELL•TRIED REMEDIEN. RURSELL'S ITCH OINTMENT an 1m mediate and certain cure zo canto MIMU;iIM;;=I RUSSELL'S SALT RHEUM OINTMENT is unequalled 50 cents. RUSSELL'S PILE OINTMENT cures after all other remedies have fulled 81 00 Those ointments arc curtain, Kato and voila. blo specifics, as thousands have and are daily certifying. For sale by all Druggists and medicine deal ers, General Depot at PINOHOT BRUEN & HOBART, Wholesale 'Druggists h i FULTON York, Sent(near Greenwich,) New Sent by mail ; Itch, 40a.; N. R., 650.; Pile, MAL mar 10 Madam A UDITOR'S REPORT OF BRECKNOCR TOWNSHIP. BRICCILNOOK TWP., Lau. co.. May 11d, 1887. We the undersigned Auditors el Brocknock township, have made settlement and reovived the accounts of the Volunteer Bounty Com mittee of said township, to wit: Wm. Von Nieda, Treasurer; Henry Von Nieda Presi dent; R. K. Schneader, Secretary ; John G. Bowman, Anthony Good, Levl Latish. deald, Henry E. Shimp, who resigned, and H. B. Beaker, elected in hie stead, and after having carefully examined the same, found it to be as follows; BOUNTY COMMITTEE DR. Amountor tax levied in duplicate No. 1 87011,88 " . " 2 4480.63 II I/ " 8 6411.41 a " 4 6869.88 Paid by voluntary subscription 4807.00 Interest on Notes for voluntary sub scription 7.87 BOUNTY COMMITTEE OR. 1801. . Feb, 27, Paid 24 volunteers 8280 each 80240.00 June 3, " 2 " 826 " 650,00 18," " 7 " 325 " 2276.00 Rep. 0, " 28 525 " 14,700.00 Interest and stamps paidlln Bank ...... ... ' 260,89 Interest paid to Individuals 427.82 Interest allowed on tax paid before col. lecithin 482.49 Paid for collecting tax 892.02 Bounty Committee fees and expenses.. 95.00 Exoneration 588.89 William Von Made ' 282.40 Henry B. Becker 262.60 Sundries 18.60 Commission 186.82 E. Billingsfelt 10.00 Counterfeit money received 17.00 Settling and Auditing the forgoing ac counts 109.50 828,019.93 Amount of money in Committee's hands 888.92 Tax not collected 450.82 Witness our hands this Brd day of May, A. D. 1887. R. E. SHOBER, JOHN FREES_, JOSEPH F. WILSON, May W May 8 nroDuareund copy.l OM 18 AFrEaniglt:•gpihili THE QUAKER,, CITY BUSIN.EB C ITORTHEABT.OORNTIM • FIFTH AND CHIpSTNIII' STURM'S, PHILADELPHIA An Institution for the practical education f young men for the active duties of Business Life. A REGULARLY INCORPORATED COLLEGE Eatablialied November 2d, MR In rated by the ii tislature of Pennsylvania. . 14th, with power to grant Diplomas confer Degrees of Merit. SUPERIOR ADVANTAGES Conducted upon the best system of instrue tion extant, and offering in all respects ad vantages of the highest order. THE COMMERCIAL COURSE • =REM= Bookeeping Commercial Aritinnetic, Penman ship Business Correspondence, Commer cthl Law, Lectures on Business Alliars, Customs, Laws and Regulations of Trade, dr.c. SPECIAL BRANCHES. The Higher . Mathernaticii, Phonography, Or namental Penmanship and Telegraphing. THE COMMERCIAL COURSE Is of the most complete, thorough and practical character. In the DEPARTMENT OF ACCOUNTS, advantages are afforded to those who desire a knowledge of ACTUAL COUNTING-HOUSE PRACTICE, such as have never before been placed within the resch of Students in Commercial Colleges or Schools. This Course combines THEORY AND PRACTICE, giving the student in the shortest possible time an insight into all the forms, routine and de• tails of business, and fitting him in the best manner to enter at once upon the duties of any position, as a practical accountant. RMl . T.Wslff.ri . tl=7 , lgl This work, the most complete and extensive Treatise on Bookkeeping ever published, af fords the best indication of the value of the course of instruction in the Science of Accounts pursued In this Institution. Every young man who designs entering any Commercial School should first procure a copy of this book. It contains 448 pages large octavo, and is com posed almost exclusively of sets obtained from Actual Business. Price 83.50. Sent by mail to any address. TELEGRAPHING. The Telegraph Department is complete with every facility for qualifying persons for Prac tical Operators on Sound or Paper Instruments, with regular office practice. EMPLOYMENT. Young men seeking employment should bear In mind that the reputation and standing of this Institution as a thorough PRACTICAL SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, render its indorsement the best passport to success and advancement. Its graduates are now occupying prominent positigps in every part of the country, and receivethe highest salaries. Catalogues and Descriptive Circulars of Fair L. F banks' Bookkeeping, on application. AIRBANM3, A. AL, President. T. E. MancHANT, Secretary. oat 17 lyw 41 Bair geotoratitieo. z V H I S.H E R 6 AND_ MUSTACRES! Forced to grow upon the smoothest face in from three to five weeks by using Dr. SEVIGNE'S RESTAURATEUR CAPILL AIRE, the most wonderful discovery in modern science, act4ng upon the Beard and Hair in an almost miratu lons manner. It has been used by the elite of Paris and London with the most flattering suc cess. Names of all purchasers will be regis istered, and if entire satisfaction is not given in every instance the money will be cheerfully refunded. Price by mail. sealed and postpaid, 81. Descriptive circulars and testimonials mailed free. Address BERGER, &HUI TS dc CO., Chemists, No. 285 River Street, Troy, N. Y., Sole agents for the United States, EXCELSIOR! CHASTELLAR9 HAIR EXTERMINATOR ! FOR REMOVING SUPERFLUOUS HAIR To the ladles especially this invaluable de pilatory recommends itself as being an almost indlspensible article to female beauty, is easily applied, does not burn or injure the skin, but acts directly on the roots. It is warranted to remove superfluous hair f;om low foreheads, or from any part brthe body, completely, total ly and radically extirpating the same, leaving the skin soft, smooth and natural. This is the only article used by the French, and is the only real effectual depilatory in existence. Price 76 cents per package, sent post-paid, to any ad dress, on receipt of an order, by BERGER, SHUTTS dr. CO., Chemists, 285 River St., Troy, N. Y. feb L 5 2taw t,sf lyd lyw CRISPER COMA. Ohl she was beautiful and fair, With starry eyes and radiant hair W'nose curling tendrils soft, entwined, Enchained the very heart and mind, CRISPER COMA. FOR CI7RLING THE HAIR OF EITIIER SEX INTO WAVY AND CiLOSSY 'RINGLETS OR HEAVY MASSIVE CURLS. By tilting this article Ladles and (gentlemon can bei iutify themselves a thousand fold, It is the c only article in the world that will curl straigh t hair, and at the same time give it a beautlinl, glossy appearance, The Crisper Coma t tot, only curls the hair, but invigorates, beautil les and cleanses it; is highly and de. lightfully perfumed, and Is the most complete article )1' the kind ever offered to the American public. The Crisper Coma will be sent to any address, sealed and postpaid for SI. Addrt las all orders to W. L, CLARK & Co., Chemists N 0.3 West Fayette st., Syracuse, N. Y. feb 18 2taw lydclyw A U T Y 1 B E AUBURN, GOLDEN, FLAXEN AND SILKEN CURLS Produce(l by the use of Prot DEBREUX LE CHEVEIIX. One application warranted to curl the most straight and stubborn hair of either se K into wavy ringlets, or heavy mas sive curl. 3. Has beewased by the feshionables of Paris tnd London`with the most gratifying results. Does no injury to the hair. Price by mall, melded and postpaid Si. Descriptive Cir culars mailed tree. Address BERGER, SHUTTS do CO., No. 285 River Street, Troy, N. Y., Sole I kgents for the United States. R EP AEATOR CAPILLI Throw RV ray your false frizzes, your switches, your vig— Destructi ye of comfort, and not worth a fig ; Come age d, come youthful, come ugly and fair, And reloloe in your owu luxuriant hair. REP .ARATOR CAPILLI. For rest 'oaring hair upon bald heads from whatever cause it may have fallen out and forcing a I irowth of hair upon the face, t has no equal. It will force the beard to grow upon the smootl lest face in from five to eight weeks, or hair upon bald heads in from two to three months.. k. few ignorant practitioners havens. serted that there is nothing that will force or hasten the growth of the hair or heard. Their assertions are false, as thousands of living wit nesses (fro na their own experience) can bear witness. 1 lot many will say, how are we to distinguish the genuine from the spurious? It certainly b I difficult, as nine-tenths of the dif ferent Prep orations advertised for the hair and beard are entirely worthless, and you may have alrea ly thrown away large amounts In their porch ace. To such we would say, try the Reparator ; it will cost you nothing unless it fully comes up to our representations. If your Dru ggist does Lot keep it, send us one dollar and v, , e will forward it, postpaid, together with a recel Pt for the money, which will he re turned you on application, providing entixe satisfaction is not given. Address, L. CLARK dt CO., Chemists, No. 8 West Fayette St, Syracuse, N. Y. feb 18 2taw•dly lyw pat eotate. VALIA'. ILE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE, one mile from Frederick city, containing 182 AOItES . _ of find quell ly Llmeutone Land, well Improved wllh. :uw Er, ISO 1101.14 E, and alp mammary uut-litullukte. Apple Or chard and it variety 01 uther fruit of choice kinds. For /hillier particulate enquire at the CITIZEN OFFICE, Jan r ltddArt,fl Frederick city, Md. P DBLtu BALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE IN CULPEPPER COUNTY, VA. By virtue of a Dooroo of the Circuit Court of Culpeppor county, entered In the cult of Mil ler, dm, vs. Miller tko., and Barbour, &0., ye, Barbour, pending in said Court, we will, ou SATURDAY, tho IiTEL DAY OF JUN IC, 1887, upon tho promises, Hell, at public auction, to toe highest bidder, the) TRACT OF LAND lying in Culpepper eon my, known a 8 tho wood Estate. Said tract of land lies upon the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, near Brandy Station, contains about FIFTEEN HUNDRED ACRES, and is a very valuable property. Capitalists desiring to vest In real estate, will consult their interests by examining this tract of land before the day of sale. The terms of sale will be a sufficient amount in cash to pay the costs of the first named suit, and the residue of the purchase money to be paid In four equal annual instalments, with interest thereon from the day of sale, the pur chaser to execute bonds with good security for the purchase money, and the legal title to be retained until the whole amount - Is paid. J. Y. MENEFEE,} , minr J. C. GIBSON, may 15 taw it) AOOPING SLATE—PRICES REDUCED. The undersigned has constantly on hand a supply of Roofing Slate for sale at Reduced Prices. .Also, an extra LIGHT ROOFING SLATE, intended for elating on Shingle roofs. Employing the very best Meters all work will be warranted to be executed in the best man ner. Builders and others will find it to their interest to call and examine the samples at his Agricultural and Seed Warerooms, No. 28 East King street Lancaster, Pa., 2 doors west of the Court House, GEO. IX ELPRECHER. deo l 2 tfdaw sECRET OF BEAUTY 828,162.67 GEORGE W. LAIRD'S "BLOOM OF YOUTH. This celebrated preparation imparts to the skin a soft satin-Mire texture, and renders the complexion clear and brilliant. This delight fill Toilet is different from anything ever of to the public before, and is warranted harmless. Ladles give It one trial and be con vinced of Its value. Genuine prepared only by ' GEORGE W. LAIRD, 74 Fulton, Street, New York. Sold by Druggists 'and Fano Good Dealers everywhere. !may le lyw 19 sAOZNTIS W A NTED....-WE WANT Agents in all sections of the Slates of Perm vania, Maryland,Delaware an.d the District of Columbia, to sail a very ware ible publica tion. Active agents can make W I / I. mi day, of which we can setisv any des the In formation. Persons ff tiff *no es will direct to andox C. E r . i o2lGlka & do_ _ . SW' /7 Ulm BOz4O, Harrisburg, Fa. /5 8/8,152.07 ~eiv~r&~~Gi~is,~piea~: A STI& 0 ZOOl. . THE WORLD ASTONISHED AT THE ViTTIDERTITL . PaTiriLATMAII MADE BY THE GREAT ASTROLOGY= Ar.A.D.A.arz xr. d. PARRIGO. She :Simla secrets no mortal ever knew. She restores to happiness those who, from doleful events, catastrophes, crosses in love, loss of relations and friends, lass of money, &0., have become despondent. She brings together those long separated, gives .information.. oonoerning absent friends or lovers, restores lost or stolen property, tells you the business you are beet qualified to pursne and in what you will be most s causes speedy marriages and tells you the very day' you w e t= gives you the name, likeness and Hos of the parson. She reads your very thoughts, and by her almost supernatural powers unveils the dark and hidden mysteriert of the future. From the stars we see in the drmanent—the malefic stars that overcome or predominate in the con figuration—from the aspects and positions of the planets and the fixed stars. In Me heavens at the time of birth, she deduces the future destiny of man. Fail not to consult the great est Astrologist on earth. It costs you but a trifle, and yon may never again have so favor able an opportunity. 'Consultation fee, with likeness and all desired information, sl. Parties living at a distance can consult the Madame by mail with equal safety and satis faction to themselves, as if In person. A fall and explicit, chart, written out, with all in quiries answered and likeness enclosed, sent by mail on receipt of price above mentioned. The strictest secrecy will be maintained, and all correspondence returned or destroyed.— References of the highest order famished those desiring them. Write plainly the day of the month and year In which you were born, en closing a small look of hair. Address, MADAME H. A. PERRIGO,__ P. O. Drawer 233, Buffalo, N. Y. feb 18 2tawdly lyw AFFLICTED! SUFFER NO MORE! When by the use of DR. JOINVILLE'S ELIXIR you can be cured permanently, and at a trifling cost. The astonishing success which has attended this invaluable medicine for Physical and Nervous Weakness, General Debility and Pros tration, Loss of Muscular Energy, Impotency, or any of the consequences of youthful indis cretion, renders is the most valuable prepara tion ever discovered. It will remove all nervous affections, de pression, excitement, Incapacity to study or business, loss of memory, confusion, thoughts of self-destruction, fears of insanity, dm. It will restore the appetite, renew the health of those who have destroyed it by sensual excess or evil practices. Young Men, be humbugged no more by "Quack Doctors" and ignorant practitioners, but send without delay ior the Elixir, and be at once restored to health and happiness. A Perfect Cure is Guaranteed in every instance. Price, Si, or four bottles to one address, Si. One bottle is sufficient to effect a cure in all ordinary cases. Also, DR. JOINVILLE'S SPECIFIC PILLS, for the speedy and permanent cure of Gonor rhea, Gleet, Urethral Discharges, Gravel, Stricture, and all affections of the Kidneys and Bladder. Cures effected in from one to five days. They are prepared from vegetable ex tracts, they are harmless on the system, and never nauseate the stomach or impregnate the breath. No change of diet is necessary while using them, nor does their action in any man ner interfere with business pursuits. Price, Si per box. Either of the above-mentioned articles will be sent to any address, closely sealed, and post paid, by mail or express, on receipt of price.-- Address all orders to BERGER, SHUTTS & Co., Chemists. No. 285 River street, Troy, N. Y There cometh glad tidings of Joy to all, To young and to old, to great and to small; The beauty which once was so precious and rare Is free for all, and all may be fair, BY THE ESE OF CHAS .i'ELL S WHITE Lit/HID ENAMEL, For improving and beautifying the complexion The most valuable and perfect preparation in use, for giving the skin a beautiful pearl like tint, that is only found in youth. It quick ly removes Tan, Freckles, Pimples, Blotches, Moth Patches, Sallowness, Eruptions, and the same, of the skin, kindly healing the same, leaving the skin while and clear as ala baster. Its use can not be detected by the closest scrutiny, and being a vegetable prepa ration is perfectly harmless. It is the only article of the kind used by the French, and is considered by the Parisian as indispensable to a perfect toilet. Upwards of 30,000 bottles were sold during the past year, a sufficient guarantee of its efficacy. Price only 75 cents. Sent by mail, postpaid on receipt of an order, by BERGER, SHUTTS & Co., Chemists 286 River at., Troy, N. Y. MEMIIII SWEET BREATH FOR ALL! DR. FONTAINE'S BALM OF MYRRH! Is a sure remedy for the cure of bad breath, no matter from what source the disease may arise, What young lady or gent will not make an effort to remove this disagreeable evil when it can be done for ONE DOLLAR, sent to your addresspostpaid , by mail, and a speedy cure guaranteed - , or money refunded. All or ders must be addressed to H. DORR, Albany, N. Y., Sole Agent for the United States FALSE WHISKER MO US TA 0H E- A BEAUTIFUL PAIR OF FALSE MOUS TACHES AND WHISKERS, of French man ufacture, BO perfect they cannot be detected from the genuine, will be sent post-paid by mail to any address, Great attention is paid lu the manufacture of these articles by one of the best artiste In Paris, M. L. FOIICHE, who is the best manufacturer in Europe. Moustaches, $1.00; Side Whiskers, $3.00• Full Beard, $5.00, Address, H. DORR, Albany, N. 1%, Solo Agent for the United States, GRE A T 2000 WATCHES, Patent Lover Movemerits, full Jewelled, Hunting Cases, Sterling Silver, Beautifully Engraved and in every respect first-class Timers. To be sold at six dollars each, being less than three-fourths the cost of manufacturing. These watches are retailed by Jewellers at from 815 to 818, the actual cost to the manufacturer being $9 each. This stock of watches was purchased at a Bankrupt Sale In London, and are now offered at such ex tremely low figures, that all may possess a cor rect Time-keeper at a merely nominal sum. Every watch warranted for 2 years. Parties ordering them sent by mail, must enclose 38 cents extra to prepay postage. Money en closed In a well sealed letter may be sent at my risk. Address all orders to MARTIN CONNOR, Albany, N. Y. ONE DOLLAR A PIECE! A GOOD GOLD PEN AND EBONY HOLDER FOR ONE DOLLAR. anufactured by the American Gold Pen Com pany. These pens are now being need exten sively throughout the Eastern States and are warranted in each and every case. Parties purchasing who are not satisfied can return them and receive their money back. All orders must be accompanied with the cash as we send no goods C. 0, A Address all orders to E. M. CONNER, Agent American Gold Pen Compa ny, Troy, N. Y. PHOTOGRAPHS P 01? TlrrE MILLION! I will send, post paid, 50 Photographs of the moat celebrated Actors for 50 cents ; 50 Actresses for 50 cents; 60 Union Generals for 50 cents; 50 Rebel Generals for 50 cents; 60 Statesmen for 50 cents; 50 beautiful young Ladles for 50 cents; 50 tine-looking young Gentlemen for 50 cents ; large Photographs of French Dancing Girls, in costume, be autifullly colored, exactly as they appear, for 50 cents; or for 60 cents, U of themost beautiful Ladies of the Parisian Bal let Troupe, as they appear in the play of the Black Crook, at Niblo's Garden. Now York, Send all orders to P. O. Box 177, Troy, N. Y. LI N IC ALL ! Full instructions by which any person, male or female, can master the great art of Ventrilo quism by a few hours' practice, making a world of fun, and after becoming experts them selves can teach others, thereby malting it a source of Income, Full instructions sent by mall fort') coots. Sathirnalon guttrnotoed. Address P. 0. Drawer 21, Troy, N. Y, may 15 lyw 19 THE HOWE MACHINE CO.'S _ _ SEWING MACHINES, 090 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. FOR FAMILIES AND MANUFACTURERS THE HO WE LOCK STITCH THEME WORLD-RENOWNED SEWING M.A.OHINES. Were awarded the highest premium at the World's Fair In London, and elx lirstpremlums at the New York State Fair of 18011, and are celebrated for doing the best work, using a much smaller needle for the same thread than any other' machine, and by the introduc tion of the most approved machinery, we are now able to supply the very beet machines In the world. These machines are made at our now and Rpacious Factory at Bridgeport, Conn. under the Immediate supervision of the President ol the Company, Elias Howe, Jr., the original In• ventor of the Sewing Machine, They are adapted to all kinds of Family Sew. lug, and to the use of Seamstresses, IDre a Ma kers, Tailors , Manufacturers or shirts Collars, Skirts, Cloaks, Mantillas, Clothing, Hide, Cape, Corsets, Boots, Shoes, Harness, Saddles, Linen Goode, Umbrellas, Parasols, eta. They work equally well upon silk, linen, woolen, and cot ton goods, with silk, cotton or linen thread. They will seam, quilt, gather, hem fell, cord, braid, bind, and perform every species of sew ing, making a beautiful andperfeet such, alike on both sides of the articles sewed. The Stitch invented by Mr. Howe, and made on this Machine, is the moat popular and dur able, and all Sewing Machines are subject to the principle invented by him. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. liIBLEY dr. STOOPS, General Agents, No, 922 Chestnut street, Ph C. FATE, Agent, Lancaster city, Pa mar 2D lyw 11 EMPIRE SHUTTLE MACHINES Are superior to all otters for FAMILY AND MANUFACTURING PURPOSES. Contain all the latest improvements are speedy; noiseless; durable; and easy to work. Illustrated Circulars free. Agents wanted. Liberal discount allowed. No consignments made, Address, EMPIRE B. M. CO., July 2 5 1yw291 618 Broadway, New York. MIRNEST D. PAPE, M. D., 112 BROAD WAY, New York, having for years made diseases of women a speciality in study and practice, with marked professional encase, devotes his time now mostly to °Mae pragice and correspondence with his numerous pa trons throughout the United States. LeMes can confidentially address him on the most delicate subject, and receive proper and prompt rePIY. Enclose stamp for postage. mar /9 amtlaw IV AT CH SALE .~-~~: . /t al 1867 1867• • . 1 ' 61- . . wicrirmanoxEriesa N0..6 )1445X - XXErft 1 1 2112111 . 1 • can git*itkin:m their la* :Stock of 3Paut GOODS, which they 1 offer!: at e _lnnikh rimed a& Dress Goods of every description. cu lar attention Is requested to our of CA.SPEELS--our Carpet Boom Is full and com plete In &large assortment of Carpets at much reduced prices: Housekeepers, new and old, will do well by o , ,, mlintua our stock.. W - Mis TZ BROTED3II2 roar 71 ttw 321 No. 5 East Xing street. A RARE 'CHANCE FOR EARGIALBIE TN CLOSING OUT ♦ LOT OT DRY GOODS! I 8 NOW orricasx) AT CHEAP JOHN'S VARIETY STORE, No. 8 EAST KING STRUT, , LANCASTER CITY Most of these goods have been bought at low figures, and will now be closed out at less than the original coat. Also a great reduction ,Ixt prices of a large assortment of CLOCKS, JEWELRYI PHOTOGRAPH FRAMES & ALBUMS TABLE ti , POCK CUTLERY, TINWARE, COAX, OIL LAMPS, NOTIONS, LOOKING GLARSES, TRIM:MENDS OF ALL KINDS, PERFUMERY, FANCY A_ND OTHER SOAPS &c., &c., &c Just received and now opening, the largest and cheapest assortment of GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, ever offered and sold at low figures Now is the time to secure a HOUSE-TIRE TEA SETS BOOTS AND SHOES cheaper than:ever Now is your time to secure bargains and have a good understanding. GOODS SOLD WROLFAA LE AND RETAIL Air Remember CHEAP JOHN'S, NO. 3 EAST KING ST., LANCASTER CITY. Jan 23 tfw3 SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING For Men and Boys, AT LOW PRICES. FINE DRESS SUITS, CASSIMERE AND BUSINESS SUITS, TWEED AND LINEN SUITS. ALSO, FINE BLACK AND COLORED CLOTHS, PLAIN AND FANCY COATINGS, BLACK AND FANCY CASSIMERES, CASHMERETTS & MERINO CASSIMERES LINEN DRILLS AND COTTONADES. Sir Custom work ...ade up In best style. apr 30 tfd&wl HAGER & BROTHERS. Agricultural. FARMERS! -LOOK TO YOUR INTER• MTS.!! NEW JERSEY IMPROVED MOWER AND REAPER COMBINED. BEST Mower and Combined•Maohlne In the World. First Premium at the Penn'a State Fair, 1805. " East Pa. Agr'l " 11 11 " Montgom'y Co. " " " Bucks County " Doyiest'wn Ag. " Lehigh Co. " " " Hunterd'n Co., N. J. " Warren Co., N.J. , F.' a Mower at the Field Trial of the East Penn's Agricultural Society, held May 29, 1806. First Premium as a Mower and Reaper Combined, at the Field trials of the Burlington Co. Agricultural Society, held July al, '6O. Also, First Premium at New Jersey State Fair, held at Trenton, 1866. REAPING AND MOWING MACHINE! WITII PIGEON-WING SELF-HAKE ATTACHED! Farmers! Look to your Interest! Buy the Best Self-Rake Machine In ... Market. . TEN YEARS experience In selling Reaping and Mowing Machines enables me to offer you for the harvest of 1867, the only two-wheeled Self-Rake Reaping Machine that has proved successful in doing the work better in down tangled grain than can be done by hand. With this Machine, one man or boy( with a good steady pair of horses, can do as much work in a day, and do it better, than two men can do with the best combined hand machine now in use. This has been our experience and that of many of our beet Farmers who have used them the last three seasons. Takeoff your Rake and Platform and you have one of the very best Mowers in use ; in cutting down tan gled grain or grass with this Machine, you can drop your cutter bar as low as you may desire wit houtNtopping your team; you can raise or to with all ease. while it is in motion. REFERENCES. P ter Landis, Philip Hausman, John S. Wigs ler, Jefferson Brush, Geo. aD. Letevre, Landis, (Pequea), Abrahe tn g, Jo an K. Mas terson, John Doner, Amos B. Shuman, Abra halo B. Myths, Christian Herr, John B. Stoltz fus, Joel Kendig, Jacob Swam John K. Long, Benjamin Bushong, Isaac Royer, Levi Saner, David Landis, Hershey Groff, Ezra Hostetter. Sold by GEORGE D. SPREOHER at Ms Agri oultural Store, No. 28 East King Street, 2 doors west of the Court House, Lancaster, Pa. mar 20 Bmw 11 paako ► *annual!, &c. NEW BOOKS AT RUMS WORKS OF CHARLES DICKENS, GLOBE EDlTlON.—lllustrated from Designs by Dar ley & Gilbert—Nicholas Nickleby, 4 Vois, in one, THE DIVINE COMEDY OF DANTE ALlGH lERl—Translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. A SONG OF ITALY.—By Algernon Charles Swinburne. WHERE SHALL HE FIND HER.—From the French. Translated by J. D. A. BANKRUPT LAW, WITH NOTES AND DE CIdIONS.—By Edwin James. HILLIARD ON BANKRUPTCY—WITH ACT OF 18(17. SORGHUM AND ITS PRODUCTS.—By F. L Stewart. All now publications received as soon es is sued from the Press, together with a large as sortment of Stationery and Blank work. JACOB E. BARR, No. 0 East King street, Lancaster, may 1 tfd.sw G IFTS! GIFTS!! GIFTS!! WPM FOR THE HOLID4IBI Suitable for Old and Young—Male or Female. BIBLES, PRAYER AND HYMN BOOKS, Of All Denominations, POETS IN BLUE AND GOLD, &a. Annuals Writing Desks, • Regency Desks, Work Boxes Jewelry iloxos, Ladles' Necessaries, Port Folios, Dressing Coxes, Autograph Books, NEW GAMES. Chessmen and Boards, Backgammon Boards, English Toy Books, Moveable Toy licoks, Linen Books, Swiss Building Blocks, Union College Blocks, Village School Blocks, A - 13 0 Blocka, Picture Blocks, Jackstraws, Transparent Slates Pocket-Books, Gold Pens, ifto. la. Please call and examine, at J. M. WESTHAEFFER'S dec 4 tfdewl Cheap Book Store. Javdwarg, #tettegi, Oa. O. M. STEINMAN. C. F. BENCHES.. ISAAC DILLER HARDWARE! THE OLDEST AND LARGEST ESTABLISH MENT IN CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. GEO. M. STEINMAN & CO., WEST KING STREET, Having recently enlarged their store and thus greatly increased their business facilities, now offer to the community, AT THE LOWEST PHILADELPHIA RATES, the finest assortment in the market, of HARD WARE SADDLERY OILS S IRON AND STEEL GLA SStOVES , CEDAR WARE, SLEIGH-BELT% CUTLERY, OIL CLOTHS, SKATES, .to, PERSONS COMMENCING HOUSEKEEPING .wlllllnd a full assortment of goods In then They are also agents for a superior article NAILS, and for DUPONT'S CELEBRATED R GUN AND ROCB POWDE sa-The hisdest eaah pries paid for Clover Timothy, and old Flax Bead. • idea 81 tfdeW p,M. SCHAEFFER, IrkOZENAZD AND &STALL SADDLERY NOB. 1 AND 2 EAST BINQ INS22kr /Id WA:ASTRA TA. all./0 mw - stw. B J. IVILAJM* SONN, No. 16 NOE= EUXTE STBEET, • PHILADELPHIA. KA.3II7fAtIMIZIIS 07 WINDOW BLINDS AXD SETA .D .F S. Blind ' re= Shades Lettered: Trim d zdArISB ad ; Plain Slisdes arall Kinds; Picture Tassels; Cords Bell Polls, eta. apr 17 Stow 16 MEYER'S REWLY =PROVED:OBM CENT BCIALE OVERBTEIING PLAN" Acknowlen i to be the best. London Prise Medal and eat Awards in America re ceived. ME LODEONS AND SECOND-HAND PIANOS. Wr are lo lyw 14 rocuns, 722 ARCH Bt., below Eigh Phlladelphia th, ap) . 628H00P SHIRTS! 628. . NEW SPRING STYLES, "01711 OWN Mess" embracing every New and Desirable size, style and shape of Plain and Trail Hoop 74, 234 1 gyi, 8, ay, 8 1 A, allyi and 4 yards round, wth and size Waist ; In every respect Fl a rsig e nt,y,and especially adapted to meet the wants of Fln3t.Caass and most fttshionable Trade. "GM OWN MAKE" of Hoop Skirts are lighter, more elaStio,more durable,and REALLY OICEAPILB than any other make of either Single or Double Spew Skirt in the American Mar. ket. They are WARRANT= in every respect, and wherever introduced give universal satis• faction. They are now bethg extensively Sold by Retailers and every Lady should try them. Askfcrr "Hopkin's Own Make," and see that each Skirt is Stamped "W. T. HOPICIN'S, MANUFACTURER, 03 ARCH STREET, PHILAIPA." No OTHERS ARE GENUINE. A CATALOGUE containing Style, Size and Retail Prices, sent to any address. A Uniform and Liberal Macon - rex allowed to DEALkaa. Orders by mall or otherwise promptly and carefully Siled—Wholesale and Retail, at Manufactory and Sales-rooms, No. 6% ARCH STREET, PHILAD'A. SKIRTS made to order, altered and repaired. TERM, NET CASH. ONE PRICE ONLY' GLOVES, HOSIERY, ESTABLISHED IN ISIS. FANCY DIFEING ESTABLISHMENT, J. & W. JONES, NO. 4..T2 NORTH FRONT ST., ABOVE CALLOWHILL, PHILADELPHIA, Dye Silks, Woolen and Fancy Goods of every description. Their superiority of Dyeing Ladles' and Gentlemens' Garments Is widely known. Crape and Merino Shawls Dyed the most brilliant and plain colors. Crape and Merino Llaawls cleansed to look like new. Also, Gentlemen's Apparel, Curtains, &c., cleansed or re-dyed. Kid Gloves cleansed or dyed to look like new. sa - Call and look at our work before going elsewhere. tapr 3 2mw 19 J. BURCHELL, 111ANITFAarIIREE. OF COAL OIL LAMPS, AND WHOLIINALIC DEALER IN TABLE GLASS, FRUIT JARS, CASTORS, No. 207 •NORTH THIRD STREET, Above Race, PHILADELPHIA. Sole agent for the East Trenton Pottery Co Stone China and Common White Ware. Parties ordering Queensware through this House save 9U per cent. feb 20-Iyw 7 LADIES' CLOAKS OPENING DAILY, NEW DESIGNS IN CLOTHS, SILKS AND LACES, AT LOW PRICES. AGNEW. & ENGLISH, 2.45 S. Ninth St., 0 839 Chestnut St., four doors above u opposite the Chestnut St., a Contznental Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. may 8 2mw 18 TUBSOLUTION OF CO-PARTNERSHIP. 1../ The Co-partnership heretofore existing under the firm-name of BROOKE t PUGH, doing business at Nos. 1791 and 1783 Market 'Street, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons who have claims against the above firm will present them to the undersigned for immediate settlement, and those who are in debted to the same will please make eatly_pay ment. NATHAN BROOKE, _ EDWARD H. PUGH. Philadelphia, April Ist, 1887. NOTICE OF CO•PARTNERBHIP The undersigned have this day formed a Co partnership, under the firm-name of BROOKE, COLKET ek, CO., for five years, ending the the Flour, of March, 1872, and will continue the Flour, Grain and Produce Commission Busi ness at the old stand Nos. 1731 and 1788 Market Street. NATHAN BROOKE GEORGE H. COLKET, EDW ARD H. PUGH. Philadelphia, April let, 1807. Imy 8 Otw 18 LA PIERRE HOUSE The subsoribers having leased this favorite House, it has been REFITTED AND REFURNISHED IN AN ELEGANT MANNER, And is now prepared with the most perfect op pointments for the reception of guests. The first position among first class Hotels will be maintained in the future, as In the past may 80 lyw 21 BAKER di. FARLEY. GENUINE X 25 GENUINE SEWING MACHINE. s2s Best cheap Licensed Machine in the United States. Agents wanted everywhere. Pay 660 to 80/0 per month. Enclose stamp, and address PAGE BROTHERS, General Agents, 619 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa. and 211 Summit street, Toledo, Ohio. "Sews with single or double thread."—Scien t(fic American. ruyl-lmw 17 icAGENTS W ANTED.-8200 PER MONTH and expenses paid, Male or Female agents, ntroduce a NEW AND USEFUL INVEN TION, of absolute utility in every household. Agents preferring to work on Commission can earn from 520 to 850 per day. For full R particu lars enclose stamp, and. address W. G. WIL SON & CO., 030 ACH Street, Philadelphia, Pa. apr 8-3mw 13 S S. CAMPBELL de CO., MANUFACTURING CONFECTIONERS, AND WITOLEBALE DEALERS IY FOREIGN FRUITS, NUTS, to, N,o . 808 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Also, manufacturers of all kinds of MOLASSES CANDY AND COCOANUT WORK. oct 2i lyw 12 JOHN BOWMAN, 704 Anon STREET, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN SILVER AND PLATED WARE, Our Goods aro decidedly the Cheapest in the City for TRIPLE PLATE, A No. 1. M. A. JONES' CELEBRATED '. NS PLUS ULTRA." SKIRTS AND CORSETS. Hold only at 17 NORTH I•JGHTH STREET, Entrance through Partridge's Trimming Storo And at 810 ARCH ST., PHILADELPHIA. Largo variety and any length mat) to order, Old skirts made over equal to new. Old skirts altored to now styles and topalred. M. A. JONES, 810 Arch M. and 17 North Eighth Ht., -mar 20 thnw 11 Phllndelphla. PHILADELPHIA CANCER HOSPITAL. R. H. KLINE, M. 1)„ Clinical Lecturer and Professor of Malignant Diseases In the Philadelphia University_ of Medicine and Surgery: Physician to the Uni versity Hospital; founder of and principal Physician to the Philadelphia Cancer Hos pital, &c., Ac., is dally making astonishing and almost miraculous cures of Cancer by a new treatment, a Cancer Antidote, that apparently enters into the chemical composition of the Cancer, or cancerous affections, antidoting, killing and destroying the cancer, every par ticle, root fibre belonging to it, without pain or the use of the knife, without caustic; eating or burning medicines, without the loss of blood, or in the lewd affecting the sound flesh. No other treatment should ever be used. No other parsons have these antidotes. To :Investigate this treatment, or to see patter to under treatment, call at the Office, No. 031 Arch street or address "Post Office Box 1474, Philadelphia Pa." may 15 lyw 19 GIBSON'S ATMOSPHERIC CHURN DASH By the use of which BUTTER can be made In less time, and more per cent. than any other Churn in use. COST ONLY 98.00. Will churn either Milk or Cream I Can be seen and had at any time at Heckert s Fountain Inn,__South Queen street, Lancer, Pa. TOWNSHIP RIGHTS FOR SALE. H. CLAY DANNER, Proprietor for Lancaster countY• Jan 9 to., 1 WEALTH WITHO VT LABOR.—HID VT den Secrets of Love, Watt° Art, Ventril. OqUigint &o. 600 New Wonders. Free for 60. Address J. B W. HILTON, apr 10-2mw 14) liVunarrusbarg, L. I. uree tures tu r r i e a r t a k : ol oall ean ed , b to y thl on s e riORR sHELLEB AND cLEANER.—THE wbi t al l . ttzt : lo i n of to 1,600 bushels of Corn lately patented improvement, by means of operation, from 40 00 per day, with no more power than Ls required to drive the old•fashioned "Cannon Sheller' the machine doing the work In the moat thor• ooh manner, and is not liable to get out of m a r; the farmer being able in a moment to set the machine and to clean any aired mu, mouldy or dry, county and State rights for Bale on reaeona• ble tams, by addressing W3l. B. BURNS funa.6 tfw 22 Lanouter, Ai TV3f. T. HOP.EUNS. PHILADELPHIA. PHILADELPHIA A ° "!J :' BANNING H 01151; OF, Evans, McEvoy & Co., No.lB EAST KING ST., LANCIA/3TE% PA. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSIT. Dealers la Govesumsett• Securities. STOOKS BOUGHT AND %ODD ON 00213118- MON. Dakrrs ox ALL nor PartiaLPAL Crrrin. Sr Colleotioxui promptly attended to, BOBT. A. EVANS, PATRICK MCEVOY, fob 18. EMILY CAlumarrxs. BA3c. H. Brntoms. tfdaw INTEREST ON DEPOSITS, THE COLUMBIA NATIONAL BARK. Will receive MONEY ON DEPOSIT, and pay interest therefore at the following rates, viz : 5% Per Cent for 12 Months. 5 ' 9 5 "u 8 0 " 16 740 U. S. Treasinry Notes exchanged for 640 Gold Bonds. SAMUEL SHOCH. apr 8 lindsiSmwl Cashier. THE FIRST NATIONAL RANH OF COLUMBIA. PAID IN CAPITAL $160,000. E. K. SMITH, President, ROB'T CRANE, Floe President. We offer our services to the pubtio generally. lamina= PAID ON SPECIAL Dgsoerrs, viz: 5% Per Cent. for 12 Montas or longer. 5 " " " 8 do or under 12 mos. " " 3 do do 8 do. U. & S4OUTOte3 of Every Description Bought and Sold; also, Gold, SCver and Compound Interest Notes. We are prepared to draw Drafts on the Prin cipal Citleasof the United States; also, on Eng land. Irelanth Scotland, France, and all parts of Germany. 7-80 TREASURY NOTES. Holders of Arad Issue Seven- Thirties wilt do well to call and Alcchmsge them for the New 6.20 Gold Bonds. the Pive-Twenties Delivered at Once. mar 14 Imds3mw! 8.8. DETVTI LER. BESHONG & BROTHER, BANKERS, READING, PENNA U. S. BONDS AND STOCKS, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, DRAFTS ON NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA. INTERESTS PAID ON ALL DEPOSITS. Persons keeping accounts may deposit and draw as they please, and Will be allowed inter est on their daily balance at 3 per cent. 4 per cent. with 30 days' notice; 5 per cent. fur one year. Open at 9 A. M. mar 20 F ISH d: HATCH, B A. N IE .Z. Mt, S AND DEALERS IN Government ds other Desirable Securities, No. 5 NASSAU STREET, N. Y., recommend to investors the FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS CENTRAL PACIFIC R. R. CO This Company is constructing under the pa tronage of the ,UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, the Western end of the RAILWAY ACROSS UREAT NATIONAL THE CONTINENT, Their line will extend from Sacramento, California, across the Sierra Nevadas to the California State lino, traversing the richest and most populous section of Calllornia, and thence through the great mining regions or the Territories, to the vicinity of Bait Lake City. It forms the 8010 Western ,link of the only route to the Pacific which is adopted by Con gress and aided by the issue of the United States Bonds. Their road is already completed, equipped and running for 94 tulles from Sacramento to within 12 miles of the summit of the Sierras, and a large amount of the work of Grading, Tunneling, &c., beyond that point has been accomplished. The First Mortgage Bonds of this Company alTord unusual Induoementa of Safety and Profits to Investors, for the following among other reasons, viz : First. The rate of interests to Six ran CENT. tN UOLD, payable semi-annually in the City of New York. 560014. MO PRINCIPAL IN payablo IN GOLD at maturity. Third. The cost of the Bonds. Nuvicry-Fiv PER CENT, and accrued interest, is TEN PER CENT. less than that of the cheapest Six per Cent. Gold Bearing Bonds of the Government. FpurUi. The United Mates Government pro vides nearly half the amount necessary to build the entire road, and looks main• ly to a small per °outage on the future traffic for re-payment. P(/M. Owing to this liberal provision, &acorn partied with •Extensive Grants of Public Lands, by which the Government fosters this great national enterprise, Its success is rendered certain, a;d Its dnanclal sta• Witty Is altogether independent of the contingencies which attend ordinary Railroad enterprises. SUM. The Security of its First Mortgage Bonds is therefore ample, and their character for safety a., d reliability is equalled only by that of the obligations of the Govern ment itself. Seventh. The net earnings of the completed portion are already largely in excess of the interest obligations which tho Com pany will incur on twice the distance, and are steadily Increasing, rendering the uninterrupted payment of the Inter est absolutely certain. MOM. At the present rate of (fold they pay nearly 8A ran CIFICT. per 11111:11.1111, on the amount fuvested. The Bonds are Issued In denominations or $l,OOO with semi-annual Gold Coupons attached payable In New York, and aro offered for the present at 05 per cent, and accrued Interest On currency) from January let, Orders may be forwarded to to direct, or through the principal Banks and Bankers In all parts of the country. Remittances may be made in drafts On New York, or in Legal Tender Notes, National Bank Notes, or other funds current in this city, and the Bonds will be forwarded to any address by Express, free of charge. Inquiries for further particulars, by mail or otherwise, will receive punctual attention. FISK Lt. HATCH, Bankers do Dealers In Uovernment Securities No. 5 Nassau Street, Now York N. B.—All klnde of Government Securities received at the full market price In exchange for the above Bonds. Also, 117• All descriptions of Government Hecurl• ties kept constantly on hand, and Bought, Hold, or Exchanged. sr Gold Coln and U. S. Coupons bought, sold and collected. I)epoxltx rooolved on Ilboral Lomax, Nub Joel to chock at might. Sir Collections made throughout the country rir Miscellaneous Stooks and Bonds bought and sold at the Stock Exchange on COMMIX. 'ton for cash. 4T Special attention given to tho Exchange of SEVN:N•THIBTY NOTEB of all the Barley for the blow FIVE-TWENTY BONDS of MIS, OD the moot favorable terms. lap r 10 2mw 14 gatent gthilto, at. ACCOMPLISHED AT LAST! A REAL SAFETY 'MIDLER; Can be used on Single or Double Harness, or a single lino; is durable, there being no gum to break In cold weather; is simple, It not requir ing a Saddler to apply it; can tai arranged lu five minute', by any person; cannot get out of order; costs no more than an ordinary bridle, and, to sum up, is the most effbetual Safety Strap and Spring In use it being impossible for a horse, when driven with it, to either kick, shy or run off, the Springs being Regalia A'n cased, cannot break under any strain put on lt, but is always to be relied upon; does not choke a horse wnen applied as some others do,' but from the fact that simply drawing bard anon the reins applies the leverage from the top of the head and draws the bit to the top' of the horse's mouth, It thus plums the moat vicious kicker under the complete control of the driver. This most complete "Safety Bridle" was patented November 71th, WA State and County Highis on most reasonable terms. Individual Rights with attachment, Six Dollars. Apdyaddress NORGE H. ALBRIGHT, Or WM. R. BURNS, Lancaster, Pa. doe 2tawlmdallmw ROBERT OWENS, Airt., PLAIN AND OBNAMENTAL BLA.TE HOOPER, EAST LEMON STIINETABOVS DUKE, LANCASTER, PA. Great reduction In the prioe &Slate Roofing. xx- Leave your orders at Diller & Groff rs Hardware Store. [apr 4 lwdek2mw J, ROHRER, WHOLESALE DZALib IF FRENCH BRANDIES WIICES, WHISKIES, &o. No. 19 SOUTH Quaint STILEET, (A few doom below Centre Square,) LANCASTER. PA. myll lyw R. A. SKITEI oRLBEBB, BISCUIT AND CASE BAEBB, Lair MING STRAW. Three doors below LIM'S 61.0!0, Lanteeter, Py air Au the iir ti c a,m, 2 au' at this 'MOM, mat ars aaka4 maa Ma day. Close at 3P. M. thaw 11