titior*ms. .„ • ArteFus Ward. dilfwainver ten years that Mr. Browne became the local editor of this paper (being, his'first etperienbe as.a writer for the pub lici),'add *dinned as such fbr porno years, When ):0 3. 8 1 $ 1 1 1 1 1 itied a position on the Cleve land Plobukaler, and afterwards wrote for the Virity Fair, since which time he has beetlengagedexclusively in traveling and ltsltttrin g. It is a fact that Mr. Browne was at one time a 'jour printer,' and probably a strapped' one. He was a compositor on the Commercial before becoming its local editor, and it was while thus employed that he began to develope the peculiar talent as a writer which gave him a national, and has now given him a world-wide reputa tion."—Toledo Cbrnmerciat. It is true that Mr. Browne first essayed humorous writing on the Toledo Com mercial, but his talent In that line was developed, and first attracted public attention, on the Plaindealer. While working as a" jour" on the Commercial, his sense of the ludicrous was one day strongly excited by some funny occur rence that he saw in the street, and a humorous account of it was the result. The sketch was left on the editor's desk, and pleased him so much that 'Mr. Browne was taken from the printing office, and installed in a more congenial position in the Sanctum. Although his first regular press writing was done on the Toledo paper, he had previously contributed some humorous squibs to Mr. Shellabar's (Mrs. Partington) Car pet Bag, upon which paper he worked for a time. Mr. Browne commenced writing for the Plaindealer in the summer of 'sB— J. W. Gray being then proprietor. His limitless humor confined itself to no special subject, for a number of months, but was constantly "cropping out," in all sorts of quaint sayings and juicy pa ragraphs. He finally concluded to givo his writing more individuality by adopt ing a nom de plume. Hence the famous , letters from Artemus Ward," show man. These letters, first merely writ ten for the purpose of " filling up," when "copy" was scarce, sprang al most immediately Into wide spread no toriety. The first one appeared in the fall of '5B. Here it is : To the Editor of the Plain Dealer, Sin:— r m moving along—slowly along—down boards your place. I want you should write me a letter; suyin how's the show buziniss in your place. My show at present consists- of three moral Bears, a Kangaroo, (a amoozin little Rti,skal—'twould make you hart to deth tosee the little cuss jump up and squeal,) wax llggers of U. Wli shingg ton Gen. Taylor, John Bunyan, Dr. Kidd and Dr. Webster in the act of klllin Dr. Turkmen, besides several miscellunyus moral wax stuttoots of celebrated piruts and murderers, ekalled by few, and exceld by none. Now, Mr. Editor, scratch off tr few lines mayin how is theshow bizuiss down to your place. I shall have my hand bills dun at your odiss. Depend upon it. I want you should git my baud hills up hi nautili style. Also git up a tremenjus excitement In yr paper, 'bowt my onparideld show. We must fetch the public somehow. We must work on their feelins— come the moral on 'cut strong. If it's a temperance community, tell 'em I signed the pledge fifteen ninths utter ise born. But on the contrary, if your people take their lode, say that Mister Ward is as genial a feller as we ever met—full of couwiviality, and the life and sole of the soshul Bored. Take, don't you? If you say anything 'bout my show, say my snits is as harm less as the new born babe. What a inter esting study it is too see a zonological ani mal, like a suaik, under perfect:subjection. My Kangaroo is the most larfable little cuss I ever saw—till for 15 cents. lam anxytuf to skewer your inflooeuce. I repeat in regard to them hand bills, that I shall git 'fun struck off up to your printin odiss. My perlitical sentiments agree with yourn exackly. I know they do, becauz I never Now 0 wan whoos Respectfully yours, A. WARD. Y. S.—You scratch my hack and Ile scratch your back. Mr. Browne worked on the Plain dealer for over two years, at the eud of which time he enjoyed a national repu- tution ; his letters in this paper having been copied with avidity far and wide— even in Europe. In the winter of IS6O, we believe, he accepted an offer from Vanity Fair, and went to New York to take a leading position on that paper. He was there but a few months, when he commenced his career as a lecturer, which has been attended by such uniform and perfect success, and which is so familiar to our readers. 'ttorntgs-ai:taiv. Nu. 5 South Duke al., Lancaster S. IL REYNOLDS, No. 5 East King Ht., Lancaster J. W. JOHNSON, Nu. 2:5 South Queeu mt., Laucuster A. J. STEINMAN. No. 25 West Kiug st., Lancaster J. B. LIVINGSTON, No. 11 North Duke st., Laucaster S. H. PRICE, No. 6 North Duke st., Lancaster WIII. A. WILSON, Nu. 3 East King st., Lancaster 'WM. LEAMAN, Nu. 5 North Duke et., Lancaster WM. D. FORDNEY, No. 44 East King st., Lancaster GEO. NAUMAN, Nu. 15 Centre Square, Lancaster H. 111. NORTH, Columbia, Lancaster county, Pa H. S. SWAltlt No. L 3'North Duke st., Lancaster CHAN. DENUES, No. 0 South Duke CL., Lancaster ABRAM SHANK, No. 36 North Duke at., Lancaster J. W. F. Swim No. 13 North Duke dt., Lancaster A. HERR SMITH, No. 10 South Queen st., Lancaster EDGAR C. REED, No. la North Duke st., Lancaster I). W. PATTERSON, No. 27 West King st., Lancaster ESTATE OF HENRY HURLER,: LATE of Lancaster city, deceased.—Letters of Administration on said estate having been granted to the undersigned: All persons in debted thereto nre requested to make immedi ate payment, and those having claims or de mands against the same will present them for settlement to the Illlders , gued, residing in - riarid city. dee 26 CONSTANTINE BE2LNRART. 6tw 51 S EEUE '11:, 01 , .11 GEORGE W. LAIRD'S "BLOOM OF YOUTIVA This celebrated preparation imparts to the skin a soft satiu-llke texture, and renders the complexion clear and brilliant. This delight ful toilet is different from anything ever offered to the public before, and is warranted harmless. ladies give it uue trial and be con vinced of its value. Genuine prepared only by GEORGE W. LAIRD, Fulton Street, New York. Sold by Druggists and Fancy Good Dealers everywhere. I may 16 lyw ROOFING SLATE—PRICES REDUCED. The undersigned has constantly on baud a full supply of Rooting Slate for sale at Reduced Prices. Also, an extra LIGHT ROOFING SLATE, intended for slating on Shingle roots. Employing the very beet slaters all work will be warranted to be executed In the beet man ner. 8. - tildes; and others will dud It to their lutiirest to cull and examine the samples at lin, Agricultural and Seed Warerowns, !No. 'lB East King street, Lancaster, Pa., 2 dooms west of the Court Lions, UEO. D. SPRECHEIt, dec - tld,sw EMEGiial LIKKOIIANT TAILOR, Au. al NORTH QUEEN STREET, (Three Doors South Of Orange Street,) LANCASTEIt, PA., Keeps constantly un lowa a variety of mco. ported Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, &c., of the :.t Ht and moot fashionable pat, ?Arum. Mau, a large variety of CI en ineti'm Furnishing tioods. ,llar Rest Qualify of Customer Work Promptly AGentled Hap 21 llind,tw COLUMBIA INSURANCE COMPAN Y L'A L A ND ASIIi72I, &5 2,21 u 49 Title Company oorttle wet to insure Built! luge, Iderettmidlite, awl outer property, lone and auziage by tire, ott the mutual Wen either fur a melt jolt:WWII/ or 11treuilum tiolk SIXTH ANN UAL ItKPOILT. Whole amount !named , Lena mll'l, expired In 21 2,101, , ,) 8,091,9,9,5 CAPITAL ANL. 1:404,V1E. Am't of premium Jau. Ist, IM Iv; po, Less premium notes llZ plrecl in DWG Auet of premium notes received tut Stki lialituee of premiums, Jail. hit, 18135 esoill receipts, less com. missions - 1n 1115 CONTRA Loaves und expenses paid 37,987.88 Salance of Capital and Aiiiiets, Jan. 1, 1800 4311,210.49 &570,1118.3 A. H. GREEN, President, 44soiMic Yens°, Jr., Secretary. MitmAxi. S. SHUMAN, Treamurer, uittEurokts: Robert , Crane, William Patton, K. T. Kyoa jetut Venation, John W. SteaoYl Ueo. Young, Jr. Mc Man m Eberlein, Michael amma 8, ShumanDonald,, Amos H. Ureen, H. C. illaymaker, • Edmund Sparing. :MED./I (G itit, Agent, ' , nib Duke street, opposite the Court House, 13 thJor iv) LANCASTER, PENN'A. frg gado, AC. usErut ' CHRISTMAS • PRESENTS ! AT A GREAT REDUCTION FOR THE HOLIDAYS. WANTZ BRO2RB Are offering selections from their magnificent stock of bILESS GOODS, BILA.WIS AND CLOAKS, at much Reduced Prices, so as to enable all to make a useful Holiday Present. Beautiful Plain and Embroidered Hand kerchiefs, Handsome Scarfs, Gloves and Hosiery. _ Persons in search of Useful Holiday Presents will do well to call at WENTZ BROTHERS deo t Jan 1 No. 3 Enatt. kiAGER & BROTHERS Have Just received, from late French es, a handsome lot of LADIES' DRESS GOODS ! Silk Poplins, Empress Cloths, Barritz, Merl noes, sc., of fine quality and choice shades. ALSO, ELEGANT CHAINE LAINE SHAWLS, Plain and Open Centres. SILK AND EMBROIDERED SCARFS. We are selling the above goods at very low prices. L ADIES' CLOAKSAND CLOAKIN 0 S ! The largest stock of FINE BEAVER CLOAK INGS lu this city. CLOAKS MADE TO ORDER. HAGER & BROTHERS. L ADIES' FURS MI NK, SABLE, SQUIRREL & Pl 7 CH. A complete stock at BLACK, BLUE AND DAHLIA FRENCH BEAVER CLOTHS, For Suits,and Overcoats FRENCH A: AMERICAN CASSIMERES. We have now In store a complete stock, which we are prepared to make to order, at short notice, in superior style. dee 1 Ild&wj HAUER & BROTHERS. TUE GREATEST PLACE FOR In Lancaster City is at CHEAP JOHN'S VARIETY STORE, No. 3 EAST KING STR,EET, W here will be found a large assortment of DRY GOODS! HANDSOME DELALNES FOR FALL. NEAT AND DARK CALICOES FOR FALL MUSI I NTS, I II 1•:l' KS, FLANNELS, CANTON FLANNELS, A splendid assortment of BALMORAL CLOCKS, JEWELRY, OToli RA PH FHA MRS A ND ALBUMS, TABLE AND POCK ET CUTLERY EIMBEE KM, HUH ERY, TRIMMINUS OF ALL KINDS PERFUM FRY, FANCY A Ni) OTHER SOAPS, ULASS AND QUEENSWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES &c., do All of which will be sold wholesale or retail at mstontstilugly low prices Are foul forget the place Ulf EAP JOHN'S, No. 3 East King St., and Boutheart Side: Centre &ftwre, L en caster, Pa Alfa-Also, Wholesale and Retail Agent for Prof. MeEutyre's Celebrated Medicines. aug 15 lyw 32 1866. DRY GOODS. 1866. NEVTZ BROTHERS' BEE HIVE STORE, No. J EAST KING STREET. A BEAUTIFUL DEMONSTRATION. 'RIDES ARE DECIDEDLY REASONABLE We have now on exhibition a most superb display of reasonable and fashionable goods as well as u large stock of Staple and Domestic Clouds, to which we invite Early and Special Attention. Vox prices will be found low. CARPETS and OILCLOTHS claim an earnest attention. The long established character of the "BEEHIVE STORE" is a sufficient guarantee that every customer will get the worth of their money. LADIES SACOUES, CLOAKS AND CLOTHS, WENTZ BROTHERS "Sign of the Bee Hive," apr 25 My It] No. 5 East King street. Xptio, Cairo a tuts. i r • ¶iffltltli]flir NOW OPENING AT SHULTZ & BROTHER'S 20 NORTH. QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA A. very choice collection of Ladles' Fancy Furs SA K, SABLE, SIBERIAN SQUIRREL, UERMAN, RU. , .irilAlsi AND Ell = CAPES, VICTORINES, BERTHAS CUFFS AND MUFFS FOR LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. Ladles' and Children's Hoods, Caps, and Fur Trimming. Gentlemens' Fur Collars, Gloves, and Caps in all qualities. A complete assort ment of FANCY SLEIGHING ROBES 11 (IL TZ & BROTHER HATTERS AND FURRIERS Anin All kiuds of SHIPPING FURS bought and highest cash prices paid. inov 1-tfdam Xtgal 4otirto. ESTATE OF FREDERICK A DORATHY, Wolfinger, late of the City of Lancaster, dee'd. Letters of Administration on said es tate haying been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will pre sent them for settlement to the undersigned, residing in said city. CHRISTIAN SHEAFFER, dee It) llt ‘ w Administrator. ADA IN ISTRATOR'S NOTICE .. ESTATE of Jacob B. Tshudy, late of Warwick town. ship, dec'd. Letters of administration on said estate having been granted to the undersigned all persons indebted thereto are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement to the undersigned, residing in the village of R. R. TSHUDY, H. H. TSHUDY, M. J. HUE:I3II3I , 7ER, Administurtors. I=llll NOT 1l: E.—ESTATE OF ALEXANDER LINTON, late of Drtunore township, Lan caster county, deceased. Letters of administra tion on sold estate having been granted to the undernigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to inalce immediate settlement, and those having cialms or demands against the same will them without delay for set tienicnt to the undersigned, residing in said township. sY [NESTER LINTON, JAM r.S LINTON, Administrators, dee I'2-111w• Irleclumles Grove P.O ASNIONEEIt Writ:E.—ASSIGNED EN. lute of John Lloyd anti wife, of Drumore township, Lanctuder county, John Boyd and wife of Drumore township. having by deed of voluntary esslyurnent. dated the 26th day of NOVEMBER, 1866. assigned and transferred all their estate and effects to the undersigned, for the benefit of the creditors of the said John Boyd, he therelore gives notice to all persons Indebted to said assignor, to rnalte payment to Ise undersigned without delay, and Lima, haying claims to present them to H. E. RAUB, Assignee, itoild lug In Quarryville, Lancaster co. tlee 12 w• .111 A4I;O4INTS OF ANSIGNED A N TRUST ESTATES. The accounts of the following named estates will be presented for coo firma- Hon on Monday, the 28111 day of January, 1807, viz I,,,.tharine_Cirotr's Estate, John UrolT, Com IJILIAI I! Jao,t, Mehilleyl4 Estate; John 13a1mer, Col !Vie. M, (Imager's EHLute; JosHe Lan Is Mos lIIInx Barr (;04 Extato,Benj.F. Eihenlc, As Igrollii. W. L. BEAU, 0,- w Prothonotary. 11/7109v 1 AP , MICIN Ers NOTICE.—ANNIGNED ES. tau, of William Trostle and wife, of Breck nook two., Lancruder (mutt ty.—W Illlatn Trostie and wile, of iireck nook two., haviug by deed of voluntary s snit:ninon t, assigned and transfer. red all thwestate and effects of the slid William Trostle to the undersigned, for the benefit of the creditors of the maid Assignor, they there fore give notice to impious indebted to said as signor, to make payment to the undersigned without delay, and those having claims topre sent them to CYRUteI REAM, JACOB GETZ, Assignees, nodding In East Cocallco township deo 2,1.1 Otw. AI36IIONSE PiALl3.—.Olll the 17th day of JANUARY, A. D.; 1867, the undersigned assignersot William Trostal and w ife, will expose at pablicsule ten the pratultais , in Brec.knock township, Laitcaster st aan ity„ of a mile from the Adamstown aidd villa road, y, mile from William V - Mill, one mile and a half from Ada.mstoWn, adoinin g hauls of Samuel Miller,John (*Tenser,' Widow Redcay, and others, xintal dug 67 ACRES AND 84) PERAIIIE& 15 Acres are excellent meadow 7 sores grtod white oak and other timber adjoining: The , rest is all in a high state of cultivation, is vided into convenient nada, and so =ranged as to have, water in every field. Tha.cine mews are a large one-story Log DW HOUSE, large stone Barn, Cooper Igh Shed, Corn Crib Hog Sty, and Wed of never failing water with Pumptherein near the house. There are also choice Fruit Trees thereon. Also, at the same time wilt be sold the following personal property: 3 Horses, 4 head of Young _Cattle, Rockaway, Sulky, Plow and Harrow, Horse Hears, Grind Stone, Wheelbarrow, Cornloda• T. Hay by the ton, Iron Ketlle, Cupboard, ant other articles too numerous to mention. Sale to comment , - at 1 o'clock, P. H., when due attendance will be given and terms ce sale be made known by JAWS Ghia, CYRUS REAM, Ass' gnees of Will lam Troatel and Wlle. der 26 taw 61 FABIN FON NAL --THE UN MlSR signed offer at private sale, that very valu able tract of laud, now in occupancy of Vanoe Bell, Esq., containing 742 ACRE . 95 of which are in excellent 'Timber, situated one and three-fourth miles south of Middleway, In Jefferson county. West Virginia, and about 2y, mile& north of the summit Point Depot. on tile railroad. The quality of the land Is very good—soli principally Limestone, with some Slate. The Improvements, neautifully situated consist of a two-story DW ELLING, with four or more rooms, cypress Roof in excellentrepair —together with Corn Rouse, Stabling, Smoke House. &c., &c., in good order—a never failing Well of pure water only 14 feet deep—fencing also In good condition. Also a tine Orchard of Apples and Peaches of choice varieties. The land 18 situated in &delightful neighbor hood, and in convenient to Churches, Mills, Schools, &c. Mr. Bell, ou the pr, mimes, 55•111 take pleasure in showing them. • For further particulars apply to N. S. White, Esq., of Charlestown, Jefferson county, West Virginia. Possession given April 1, 1867. Growing ci up reserved, ANN D. SMITH, THUS. F. SMITH. dec 19 4uaw 50 HAGER & BROTHERS VALUABLE REAL ESTATE IN FEED. ERICK COUNTY, MARYLAND, AT PUBLIC SALE.— I he subscriber Intending to decline farming, will offer at public, sale, on the premises on TUESDAY, tae 15th ofdA N MARY. 1867, at 1 o'clock, P..,.., the farm on which she now resides, containing HO ACRES OF LAND, snore or less. The greater part of this farm is in a high state of cultivation, and produces ex cellent crops of wheatof the tinestquality, corn, rye, oats, &c. aim divided into eight fields, well watered and fenced, and there is a sufficiency of meadow and wood land for the tumor the farm. The DWELLING is weather-boarded, large and comfortable. There is also a large BARN, Corn House, B.acasmlth Shop, and other neces sary out-bui Wings In tolerably good repair. This farm offers great induceinet is as an in vestment, both on account ut its farming qual ities, It having a first-rate market for every thing produced aim st at the door, and the im provements J u,t commenced in its immediate vicinity, which must rapidly enhance its value, as it Immediately adjoins Knoxville on the B. & 0. R. R. and Ches. & U. Canal. Terms made known ou day of sale. MRS. H. W. PILILPOT dec 26-3 t Knoxville, A id. REAL r STATE AT PUBLIC SALE.—ON SATURDAY, JANUARY 12th, 18437, In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court ~f Lancaster county, the undersigned will expose at public out-cry, on the premises, that valua ble homestead, late the property of Rev. John Wallace, deceased, situated in Salisbury twp., Lancaster county, on the road leading from the White Horse to Waynesburg, near Run's Store, and bounded by land of William Bunn, Daniel Lee, the heirs of John Karts and others, containing SAT IN ETTS, TICKINGS, &o of highly improved laud. The improvements thereon erected are a Two and a Half-Story STONE DWELLLN G HOUSE with Kitchen at tached; Well of excel ent soft Water 'with Pump therein and under cover near the door; Frame Barn, Carriage House, Wagon Shod, Hog Sty, Smoke House, and all other necessary out-buildings. There is also on _the premises a very flue Orchard of Choice Fruit Trees, coming Into profit, and selected from the Eastern Nurseries, consisting or number of Dwarf and 31 other trees of different varieties, such as Apples, Pears, Cherries. Ac. Also, several superior Grape Vines In good bearing condition. The yard is well-shaded with Evergreen and Ornamental Trees, making it one ul the most • desirable residences in the county for a profes sional man, or any person desirous of retiring from the active pursuits of life. The property is convenient to mills, stores, churches, schools, Sze. Possession and au indisputable title will be given on the let of April next. Sale to commence at one o'clock, Y. H., of said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by TRUMAN WALLACE, Admistratoi of Rev. John Wallace, dee'd. tai Olotale. dec 19 VALUABLE MARYLAND FARMS. I,OOOACRES OF FINE CULTIVATED LAND, 20 miles from Baltimore, from to 2 miles irom Station on Northern Central Railroad. The soil is rotten rock and adapted to all kinds of grain and grazing. Blacksmith shops, stores, mills and churches In the vicinity. G. nd im provements. So situated as to be divided into four or more Farms, with splendid water to each. Will be sold at a great bargain, by W. P. LIGHTNER, 4e W. Fayette St.. Baltimore, Md., who has some 200 other terms In all parts 01 Marviand and Virglua. oct 3 3ra.w 49 stattonarp, CHRISTMAS IS COMING ! 11!= All are Invited to call and select their pur chases from the stock of ILLUSTRATED BOORS! PRAYER BOOKS, BL! LES, HYMN BOOKS ALBUMS, TOY BOOKS, JUVENILE BOOKS STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS, WRITING DESKS PORTFOLIOS GOLD PEN, WATER-COLOR BOXES DRAWING AND PAINTING STUDIES, MATHEMATICAL INST MUM ENTS IVORY AND PEARL PAPER FOLDERS, ALPHABET BLOCKS, PICTURE PUZZLES, DISSECTED MAPS, &c., &c. At the Book Store of JOHN BAER'S SONS, No. 12 North Queen St., dec 12 (Adam] Lancaster, Pa. H OLIDAY BOOKS! AT BARR'S. MILTON'S PARADISE LOST, Pp EDITION, ILLUSTRATED BY DORE ) DANTE'S INFERNO, $5O EDITION, ILLUSTRATED BY DORE. AND AN ENDLESS VARIETY OF BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED BOOKS BY THE BEST ARTISTS IN THE WORLD, AND BOUND IN THE VERY BEST AMERICAN AND ENGLISH STYLES, RANGING IN PRICES FROM ONE DOLLAR:TO FIFTY TOGETHER WITH MANY OTHER ARTICLES STITABLE FOR THE:HOLIDAYS. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR BOOKS AND OTHER ARTICLES, AND BE READY FOR J. E. BARR, No. 6 East King street, dec a tfdßzw Lancaster MEMENIMMI GIFTS IoOR THE HOLIDA Yi Suitable for Old and Young—Male or Female. BIBLES, PRAYER AND HYMN BOOKS, Of Ali Denominations POETS IN BLUE AN I) GOLD, sc. Annuals, Writing Desks, Regency Desks, Work Boxes Jewelry Boxes, Ladies' Necessaries, Port Folios, Dressing Cases Autograph Books, Albums. NEW GAMES. Chessmen and Boards Backgammon Boards, English Toy Books, Moveable Toy Books, Linen Books Swiss Building Blocks, Union College Blocks, Village School Blocks, A B C Blocks, Picture Blocks, Jackstraws, Transparent Slates Pocket-Books, Gold Pens, &c. Neese call and H examine, at J. M. WESTAEFFER'S deo 4 tfd&wl Cheap Book Store. I , Mat Dridito, &v. A CCOMPLISHED AT LAST I A REAL SAFETY BRIDLE!! Can be used on Single or Double Harness, or a single line ; Is durable there being nog= to break in cold weather ; is simple, It not requir ing a Saddler to apply It; can be arranged in live minutes by any person; cannot get out of order; costs no more than an ordinary bridle, and, to sum up, is the moat etTectual Safety Strap and Spring in use, it being Imposaible for u horse, when driven with It, to either kick, shy or run off, the Springs being Natalia La cased, cannot break under any strain put on it, but ix always to be relied upon; does not choke a horse wuen applied as some others do, but from the fee that simply drawing bard upon the reins applies the leverage from the top ot the head and draws the bit to the top•ofthe horse's mouth, it thus places the most VlOlOUk kicker under the complete control of the driver. This most complete 'Safety Bridle" was patented November 27141, / 866 . State and County Rights on most reasonable terms. I udlvluual Rights with attachment, Six Dolly.' s. Appl y to, or address . SORGE H. ALBRIGHT, WM. It BURNS, Lancaeter, Pa. litawlmdetimw .wANTED-Aliererm..* l s To Iwo p E g MONTH for GenUomen, and s&ia, to VD for Ladies, everywhere, to introduce the Com mon Sense Family Sewing Machine, improved and perfected. It will hem, fell, Stitch, guilt, bind - , braid, and embroider beautiffilly—price only SW—making the elastic loch stitch, an fully warranted tor three years. We pay th e above wages, or a ooMM widen, from which twice that amount can be made. Address or call on C. BOWERS a Co. Office No. 255 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. All letters answered promptly, with circulars and terms. deo ti Mssy got Citate. gECCOX w ros ssi.E.or A VALH i er FARM NEAR HARRISONBURG; GHAId-001,4 will offer at ptiblitte sale, on THURSDAY, the 24th day of 1867, upon the premises, about 4 miles East of Harrisonburg, the Valuable Farm -known, as the "Brock Farm," upon which ELI Summers now reships.. The farm contains 490 ACRES, Tess one half acre reservedas a graveyard: The land Is good limestone, abqut Swo-thirds of which la clsared.; 29Acres Meadow,tand the re mainder finely timbered with Oa f,. HieltOTY, Walnut, etc. There is upon It one of the finest Springs in the Valley. Thalami is well adapted to all the different kinds of graaaea, and , could be made a very fine dairy farm. The improvements are a LARGE FRAME D* ELM G HOUSE, plastered arld.painted, VV .) " b"u , 4 -bril Crib, Oarriage House, Spring House, and other out-house , all In gobsd, re pair. There is a large Apple Orchard ofgd fruit., with a number of other fruit trees, 'such as Pears. Peaches, Damsons, de. This:arm, in the bands of an industrious and-.energetic man, could be made one of the most valuable farms in this portion of the Shenandoah Valley. TERMS ;—Two hundred dollars upon the day of sale, one-fourth upon the first day of March, 1881, and the remainder in three equal annual payments from the day of sale, the purchaser goring bonds and two good personal securities and the deed will be reserved as further seen - rity until the entire purchase money Is paid. 4191 - 16hordd,:the purchaser desire it, the entire purchase money will be received when the tlrst payment Is made, and six per cent. in terest deducted from the deferred payments. Persons wishing to view the premises, will be shown them by calling upon Mr. Summers, who lives on the place. Persons living at a dis tance, desiring any har.her information, can address tae executor at Mt. Clifton, Shenan doah-county, Va. - who also owns THREE HUNDRED AND FORTY ACRES, adjoining the above described farm, which he will sell upon fair terms. Or he will sell the entire tract privately before the day of sale, if a fair price can be gotten for it. The above tracts could be divided so as to make tow or rive very desirable farms. ifii - Bhould the above farms be soldprivately, due notice will be given of the Bale. .11 not sold either publicly or privately, the Brock farm will t:e rented on the day co sale for one year to the highest bidder. E. F. RINKER, Executor of Mary Brofford, dee'd. taw 47 ORESTER Gotrirry FARM AT PRI VATE SALE.—The subscriber having quit business, will sell the farm whereon he now re sides, situated in Penn township, Chester co., on the road leading from Edenton to Chatnam, and bounded by lands of John Myres, A. Wood and A. Ortlip, S. McWilliams and others, in sight of the Pnlladelphlaand Baltimore Central Railroad, within two miles of two depots, where grain is bought, highly Improved, containing , a good proportion 112 of wood ACRES land, water In every field, all under good fencing with Chestnut and Osheag hedge, with the Big Elk Creek passing throw. h the length of the farm. The iml.rovements consist of a large three story Brick DWELLING HOUSE, well finish ed. with suuttera on the first story and venalan blinds on the others, with a large porch front and back ; the dwelling Is nearly new; an entry into two large parlors of the first floor, with papered walls, five sleeping rooms on the second papered and white coat, and a hall on the second; wall papered and three large sleep ing rooms on the third. The whole is over a large good cellar; a two-story brick kitchen attached, with a pump therein; a never-fail ing well, with good water; a porch in front, shutters and blinds, with two sleeping rooms on the second story, with an out kitchen with oven and boiler, woodhouse, a large yard in front, with ornamental trees and a hundred peach trees In full bearing; a frame cellar BARN 44 by 70, two thresuing floors side by side, straw shed In front, good stabling under neath, Wagon House, Carriage House, Pig House, Corn Orib and Granary, all attached; Pump House and Ice House near the barn; a stone Dairy Spring House, two Apple Orchards, ,to. _ Terms made easy, to suit purchasers. Further description Is deemed unnecessary, as persons wishing to buy will please call and view for themselves, when the same will be shown by me, dAMUEL B. McCLENACHAN, Jennersville P. 0., Chester county, Pa. ocl 17 3mw 41 VALUAB LE FARR AT PRIVATE SALE. The undersigned offers at private sale, the farm on which he resides, situate in Antietam twp., Franklin county, Pa., about one mile west of the State Line Station, on the Frank lin Railroad, and near the. turnpike leading from Geencastle to Williamsport. This farm contains 141 ACRES of first quality limestone land, and adjoins farms of Christian Horst, Albertis Miller and others. The ,mprovefirEMWT6nsist of a LOG HOUSE and Barn, with all necessary out buildings. There is a never-failing well of first rate water near the house and a most excellent pond on the farm for watering stock. Thirty Acres of the farm Is in first-rate Oak Timber. There is an Orchard of about 100 line thriving young trees which are in a flue bearing state. The farm is under most excellent fencing, the fencing being madeof post and rail and boards. This farm is a very desirable one, and parties wishing to purchase are Invited to call and view it for themselves. Any information regarding the above farm will be furnished by Dr. John E. Miller. resid ing in Hagerstown. SAMUEL MILLER. aug 27 ltd..ttfw VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PUB LIC SALE.—ON WELNESDAY, THE 9TH DAY OF JANUARY, Anno Domini, 1967. pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court of Lancaster county, the undersigned adminis trator of the will annexed of Frederick Wol finger, late of said city, dee'd., will sell at the Restaurant of George Kriner, in West King street, said city, the following described Real Estate, part of the said Frederick Wolfinger, consisting of a TWO-STORY BRICK STORE AND DWELLING HOUSE, and the lot of ground thereto, situated at the corner of West King and Water street,now in the occupaocylof Christian Schaefer, merchant, and the under signet The property is In good condition, and well suited for the purposes for which It is used. Sale to commence at 7 o'clock, P. M., when conditions will be made known by GEORGE KRINER, Admlnistiator of Frederick Wolfiu ger, dec'd. dec 19 3tw 50 ATA LIIABLE REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC Sale.—On FRIDAY, the 11th day of JAN UARY, A. D., 1867, at the public house of Jacob Omit, in the borough of Washington, Manor township, Lancaster county, pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court of Lancaster co., the undersigned administrator of Anna Kline, late of said borough, deed, will sell the follow ing real estate belonging to said decedent: Two lots of ground, containing ABOUT 107 PERCHES situated in the Upper Ward of said borough, adJoiding property of Mrs. Eberly, lying con tiguous to each other, one of them numbered 174, and the other 183, whereon are erected a two-story Frame DWELLING HOUSE. with two one-story kitchens attached. Also, a Sta ble, Carriage House, Weaver Shop and other improvements. The lots contain choice Fruit Trees. Sale to commence at 6 o'clock in the evening when terms will be made known by BARNHERD MANN, Farmer, Administrator of said Anna Kline, deed. dec 19 4tw*so DUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE.—ON SATURDAY, THE sru DAY OF JANUARY, 1807, the undersigned will sell at public sale, on the premises, the following Real Estate, late of John D. Wilson, deceased, viz A Three-Story STONE MERCHANT GRIST MILL and Tract of 8 ACRES and 30 PERCHES of land, and also, a Plantation or Tract of Land adjoining said Mill property, and containing P 110 ACRES AND 124 PERCHES situated In the township of Salisbury, Lancas ter county, about 4 miles East from the Gap Station, on the Penn'a Railroad, and near Gains P. 0., adjoining lands of Christian B. Warfel, Jacob Martin, David Plank, Chnstian Overholzer, Henry Souders, and others. The land is of the best quality and under a high state of cultivation. There is a TWO-STORIED FRAME DWEL LING HOUSE, Stable and other buildings on told Mill Tract, and the right to use the Mill dam and head race, and repair the same oilthe adjoining property of John D. Wilson, will be sold with said Mill property. Said ?dill is driven by 2 water wheels, with four pair of burrs, and with all the appurtenances of a first class 1111.. It Is in complete order and doing a good business, being situated in one of the finest neighborhood of the county. Persons wishing to view the premises will please call on John D. Wilson, residing near the same. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., of said day, when terms will be made known by OLIVER P. WILSON, STEPHEN D. WILSON, JOHN D. WILSON, dec 26 2tw 51] GEORGE W WILSON. VALUABLE TANNERY', MERCHANT MILL AND LAND FOR SALE.—.I. D. Price & Co. Real Estate Agents, Harrisonburg, Va., have for sale, a valuable property, which presents superior inducements to men of capi tal. The properly consists of a large Tannery, Work shop, Bark house Lime house, Merchant Mill and Brick Dwelling and Brick Tenant House, together with all necessary and conyen lent buildings. The Tannery has a large ohm ber of Vats, for laying away Leather, and in deed has everything necessary for carrying on the Tannery business on a large scale. There are FORTY-NINE ACRES OF LAND in a good state of cultivation attached to this property, and several hundred acres of excel lent Bark land within one mile of the Tannery. This is a valuable prOperty, and 1t Is seldom that such property is in market. It is situated near the grade r leading from Strasburg to Capon Spri” lB miles from Winchester, in Frederick county. Va., at Gravel Springs. The water power is excellent, and tile Bark Mill, Roller, &c., are run by this power. The terms will be made accommodating. For particulars, addese, J. D. PRICE & CO., No. 1 and 2 Law Buildings, Harrisonburg, Va. doe Zi tfw ITALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE V IN FULTON COUNTY, PA.—The sub scriber will sell FIVE VERY DESIRABLE FARMS, each containing, respectively, 180, 850, 329, 180 and 200 ACRES, about 81)0 Acres in cultivation, balance In timber. Also, a Tract containing 400 ACRE/3 OF TIMBER LAND. All situated on the Tonolloway Creek, adjoin ing each other, and known as " Linn Valley." About 300 Acres of it is In rich bottom land. Much of it is limed, with limestone on the land and adjoining Three of the Farms are finely improved, GOOD DWELLINGS, fine Frult,sc. There is G a NEW SAW and RIST MILL upon the lands, which are within one to three miles from Hancock, on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and Criesapeak and Ohlo Canal. Veil , superior Stoneware Clayis upon it. It will be sold very low for cash, or long credit, as desired. For further particulars refer to H, G. Smith, Intelltpencer Office, Lan caster, PaMcALEER, or HUGH , oat 31 tfwailwd 43) Frederick City, bi d. / SISTER 000ETT FARM FOR SALE , FARM OF /70 ACRES first quality of land for sale, situated In West Brandywine township, Chester county. It has just been limed and dressed with crushed bones; the natural quality of the land can not be surpassed; It is well fenced and has water in each field and running at the house and barn. Toere is about 10 Acres of Wood. The improvements consist of a large Stone Barn, MANSION HOUSE, Wagon House, Two Corn Cribs, Stone Tenant House and Stable. It is 2 miles north from Coatesville, whore there is a good market for farm products, and market ears leave twice a week for Philadelphia; it also adjoins a drove stand, and is 87 mites from Philadelphia. There is a beautiful view of the surrounding country from the house; there is a public road oeach side of the farm. There is also for sale 88 Acres of Woodland—mostly Chestnut Timber. Persons will be shown the property by call ing on Mr. John Carpenter, on the farm, or the subscriber at Coatesville. nov fltw:l7) WILLIAM - Xtp*Tliti4l Ntitgfbnutats. irSOLE BOOTS AND suctpr.—r. INA & CO.'S Wareboosei for the d' of these celebrated *coda is at M. FA- IitLIEVIVPIret National Ginn sole Store, 914 WRING GARDEN Street. . "GM 8016,E BOOTS ~•O ruurxrar, • .r n eneers, , Foundrymen, Cementer!, StoneZlMßOnft, and, in hiet, for all who want &nada Boots and nli.xp,!i—.ories that will out wear three pairs of leather soles, enders much eagter, bp the feet. These boots are warranted. S od , ,et FABI.A.N'S Finn am Bole er 914 SPRING desnkaz 9 ag. t 4 :4 Vt SO, it 2 ONLY Fos the beetn run So e Ha' rot -These are the eaaleat and cheapest shoes in .the elan:. one .petr veer Leaner than three pairs leather moles, and are water proof. The aq.• le and finish are the very beat. 914 ' SPRING GARDEN Street. FAIILAN'S Find National (WM SOLE SOOTS AND SHOES WO* Uf Boys and Children. These are just the thing for Children. I have some that am selling for SI.Z. 151., FABIAN'S First National, 914 IsPRING GARDEN Street, Philadelphia. nov 14 Sm w 45 DEBECIEII LIIPINS—Best PLAIN AND FANCY PRINTS-1n great variety. DRESS GOODS—for Friends and others. ALSO, MUSLINS FLANNELS, CA.SB.I3IER.II7A, &c, BENJAMIN ALBERTSON 714 Arch Street, Philadelphia. MUSLIMS! BLEAURED AND BROWN, at wholesale prices, by the piece, at ALBERTSON'S, 714 Ahem( STREET, PIirLADIs.LPHIA. oat 3 3mw L ADIES' FANCY FURS! - AT - JOHN FAREIRA'S OLD ESTABLISHED FUR MANUFACTORY, NO. 718, ARCH STRRETZABOVE PHILADELPHIA, Have now In Store, of my own Importation and Manufacture, one of the largest and most beautiful selections of FANCY FURS , for Ladies' and Children's Wear in the city. Also, a line assortment of Gent's Fur Gloves and Collars I am enabled to dispose of my goods at very reasonable prices, and I would therefore solicit a call from my friends of Lancaster county and vicinity. Remember the Name Number and Street! JOHN FAREIRA, No. 718 Arch street, above 7th, south side, Philadelphia. I have no Partner, nor connection with any other Store in Philad'a. oct 3 .imw 39 LADIzS• CLOAKS! _ _ _ NOW OPEN, A Fine Assortment in all the BEST MATERIALS AND NEWEST DESIGNS AGINEW & ENGLISH, YS SOUTH NINTH STRgET, PHILADELPHIA nov 21 HEN SZEY'S AMMONIATED 13RONCHIAL TROCHES, BRONCHITIS, DIPHTHERIA, ASTHMA, HOARSENESS SORE THROAT, CATARH COURGHS COLDS. And all disorders arising from the Respiratory organi. Public speakers and singers will find these Troches to , us of a peculiar advantage in giving power and tone to the vocal organs. Tile component parts of these Troches or Lozenges are recommended by many of our most em inent Physicians. - Manufactured only by SAMUEL C. HENS ZEY,Ja. WHOI.P.SALE DEALERS—Johnston, Hallo way & Cowden. Philadelphia; Demos Barnes & Co., New York. Manufactory, No. 812 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa. Cau be had of all Druggists. I . nov 21 3mw,4t; I A PIERRE HOUSE PHILADELPHIA. The subscribers having leased this favorite House, it has been REFITTED AND REFURNISHED IN AN ELEGANT MANNER, And is now prepared with the most perfect ap pointments for the reception of guests. The first position among first-class Hotels will be maintained in the future, as in the past may /Al lyw 21 BAKER dt FARLEY. B OWMAN & LEONARD, I=l SILVER AN . I? SILVER PLATED GOODS 70 4 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA Those In want of Sliver or Sliver Plated Ware will lind it much to their advantage by visiting our Store before making their purchases. Our long experience in the manufacture of the above kind of goods enables us to defy compe tition. - - We keep no goods but those which are of the first-class, all of our own make, and will be sold at reduced prices. july 11 lyw 27 s S. CAMPBELL & CO., MANUFA CONFECTIONERS, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FOREIGN FRUITS, NUTS, do No. 303 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Also, manufacturers of all kinds of MOLASSES CANDY AND COCOANUT WORK. oct 24 lyw 42 educational. A YrENTION I YOUNG MEN!! THE QUAKER CITY B USINESS COLLEGE TENTH AND CHESTNUT STREETS, PHILADELPHIA An Institution fot the practical education f young men for the active duties of Business Life. A REGULARLY INCORPORATED COLLEGE Established November 2d, 1883. Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, March 19th, 184 with power to grant Diplomas and confer Degrees of Merit. SUPERIOR ADVANTAGES. Conducted upon the best system of instruc tion extant, and offering in all respects ad vantages of the highest order. THE COMMERCIAL COURSE Bookeeping, Commercial Arithmetic, Penman ship, Business Correspondence, Commer cW. Law, Lectures on Business Affairs, Customs, Laws and Regulations of Trade, &c. SPECIAL BRANCHES The Higher Mathematics, Phonography, Or namental Penmanship and Telegraphing. THE COMMERCIAL COURSE is of the most complete, thorough and practica character. In the DEPARTMENT OF ACCOUNTS, advantages are afforded to those who desire a knowledge of ACTUAL COUNTING-HOUSE PRACTICE, such as have never before been placed within the resch of Students In Commercial Colleges or Schools. This Course combines THEORY AND PRACTICE, giving the student in the shortest possible time an insight into all the forms, routine and de• tails of business, and fitting him In the best manner to enter at once upon the duties of any position, as a practical accountant. FAIRBANKS' BOOKKEEPING. This work, the most complete and extensive Treatise on Bookkeeping ever published, af fords the beet indication of the value of the course of instruction in the Science of Accounts pursued in this Institution. Every young man who designs entering any Commercial School should first procure a copy of this book. It contains 498 pages large octavo, and is com posed almost exclusively 01 sets obtained from Actual Business. Price 83.50. Sent by mall to any address. TELEGRAPHING The Telegraph Deportment is complete with every facility Tor qualifying persons for Prac tical Operators on sound or Paper Instruments, with regular office practice. EMPLOYMENT. Young men seeking employment should bear in mind that the reputation and standing of this Institutlon as a thorough PRACTICAL SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, render its indorsement the beat passport to success and advancement. Its graduates are now occupying prominent positions in every part of the country, and receive the highest salaries, Catalogues and Descriptive Circulars of Fair. banks'okkeeping, on Application, L. FA/RBAN, A. M. President, T. E. MICRCELLNT. Secretary, oat I 7 CORN SHELLER AND CLEANEEL—THE attention of manuffrers Weaned to this lately patented impro ent, by MOB= Of Whie2l the farmer can th ash and clean, by one operation, from 1,000 to 1,600 bushels of Corn per day, wno o ld-fas hioneder than le required to drive th" Cannon Sheller,' the machine doing the work In the most th0r ,=.11411:143r, ittibles4jaot able to get out fg set the machine and to g c a lea e n n an a yl:l o rrl in corn, mouldy or dry. County and State rights for sale on reasona ble tetras, by addressing Wld. R. BURNS, June 6 tfw 22 Lancaster, Pa. LANCASTER COUNTY NATIONAL BANK,' December 8, 1888. J A N ELECTION FOB THIRTEEN Dl rectors of this Inv Mutton to serve during ensuing year will be held at t g In the City of Lancaster, on TUESDAY, the Bth day of JANUARY, 1887, between the hours Of Al A. M., and II o'clock, P. M. W. L. ?RIPER, dec 7 ttlawdattve 1 Cashier. gm fork Adittrastintats. THE GREATEST DISMTERT OF TIME SNOW POWDER! SNOW POWDER! ! SNOW POWDER!!! PATENTED MAY 29, 1866 This Is an article for washing without rub -13.15ept In very dirty _places, which will require a very_ lab, and unlike other preparations onaned for Elkepurpcse. WM /. " 7 EDT THE but will leave them much WHIT= thaneid nary methods, Without the usual wear and tear. It removes grease spots as if by magic. and softens the dirt, bysoaking , that the rinsing will in ordinary cases entire remove remove it. This powder is prepared in accordance with chemical science, and upon a process peculiar to !well, which is secured by Letters Patent' It has been in use for more than a year, and has proved itself an universal favorite wherever it has been used. llowingAmong the advantages claimed are thelo, viz: II saves all the expense of soap usually used on cotton and linen goods. It saves moat of the labor of rubbing, and wear and tear. Also, for cleaning windows it is unsurpassed. With one•quarter the time and labor usually required it imparts a beautiful gloss and lustre, much superior to any other mode. No water required except moisten theeach powder. And can be readily appreciated by a single trial. The cost of washing for a family of live or six persons will not exceed THEME CENTS. The manufacturers of this powder are aware that - many useless compounds h .ve been in troduced to the public which have rotted the cloth, or failed in removing the dirt, but know ing the intrinsic excellenceof ttda article, they confidently proclaim it as being adapted to meet a demand which has long existed, and which has heretofore remained unsupplied. Manufactured by HOWE & STEVENS, 260 Broadway, Boston. ALSO, MANUFACTURERS OF FAMILY DYE COLORS. Air- For sale by Grocers and Dealers every where. oat 24 3mw THE MOST USEFUL INVENTION JUST SILVERINE SILVERINE! INSTANTANEOUsLY SILVER PLATINU EME=I BRASS COPPER, GERMAN SILVER, etec Restoring the Plating where worn off—and for Cleaning and Polishing SILVER AND SILVER PLATED WARE This moat useful invention of the age is a preparation of pure silver, and contains no mercury, acid, or other substance injurious to metals or the hands. It is a complete electro plating battery in a bottle. Price 50 cents per bottle. For sale by Druggl4ta and Variety Stores. HOWE 45: STEVENS, MANUFACTURERS, BOSTON, MASS. oct 24 3mw 42 STARCH GLOSS THE MOST ECONOMICAL ARTICLE That can be used, costing only about ONE CENT to du the washing of an ordinary-sized family. Gives a tine, ivory -like polish to linen or muslin. Effectually prevents the iron and dust from adhering to the cloth. Makes old linen look like new. Goods done up with it keep clean muck longer, thereby saving time and labor in wash ing. Warranted not to injure the clothes. 2.5 cents per cake. trade. Liberal discount to the IMPERIAL BLUE. BEST IN THE WORLD Soluble in hard as well as soft water. Warranted not to streak the clothes. 10 cents per bits. Liberal discount to the trade. AGENTS wanted everywhere, to sell the above articles, to whom we oiler extraordinary inducements. samples sent post-paid ou receipt of above prices. Address NEW YORK STARCH GLOSS CO., dec 19-4tw 501 No. 215 Fulton st., N. Y. LATEST FASHIONS DEMAND J. W. BRADLEY'S' DUPLEX ELLIPTIC UR DOUBLE SPRING The wonderful Flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any Lady wearing the Duplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced particularly In all crowded Assemblies, Opera., Carriages, Railroad Cars, Church Pews, Arm Chairs, ior Promenade and House Dress, as the Skirt can be folded when in use to occupy a small place as easily and conveniently as a Silk or Muslin Dress, an invaluable quathy in crinoline, not found in any Sir gle Spring Skirt. A lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort and great convenience of wearing the Duplex Elliptic Steel Spring Skirt fora single day, will never afterwards willingly dispense with their use. For children, misses and young ladies they are superior to all others, They will not bend or break like the single spring, but will preserve their perfect and graceful shape when three or four ordinary skirts will have beeu thrown aside as useless. The Hoops are covered with double and twist ed thread, and the bottom rods are not only double springs, but twice, or double covered: preventing them from wearing out when drag ging down stoops, stairs dec. The Duplex Elliptic is a great favorite with all ladies and is universally recommended by the Fashion Magazine+ as the standard skirt of the fashionable world, To enjoy the following inestimable advan tages in Crinoline, viz: Superior Quality Per fect Manufacture, Stylish Shape and Finish, Flexibility, Durability, Comfort and Economy, enquize for J. W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic, or Double Spring Skirt, and be sure you get the genuine articte. CAUTION.—TO guard against IMPOSITION be particular to NOTICE that skirts offered as DUPLEX" have the red ink stamp, viz., "J. W. Bradley's Duplex Elliptic Steel Springs," upon the waistband—none others are genuine. Also Notice that every Hoop will admit a pin being passed through the centre, thus reveal ing the two (or double) springs braided together therein, which is the secret of their ILEX num- TY and STRENGTH, and a combination not to be found In any other SKIRT. For Sale in all Stores where first class skirts are sold throughout the United States and else where. Manufactured by the Sole Owners of the Patent, WESTS , BRADLEY& Ca tY, 97 Chambers and 79 & 91 Reade Sts., N. Y. oct 17 6RI w 41 SPLENDID HOLIDAY PRESENTS ! GOLD AND SILVER! FINANCIAL CRISIS compells us to sell IN THE COURSE OF SIX MONTHS, 8250,000-$250,000 WORTH OF Watches, Clocks, Chains, Diamond Rings, Pianos, Melodeons, Sewing Machines, Silver Ware, &c. ALL TO BE DISPOSED OF AT ONE DOLLAR EACH, Without regard to value! and not to he paid for until you know what you are to receive. After receiving the article, if it does not please you, you can return it and your money will be refunded. TEE STOCK Cotturaisrts, amonst other articles, Splendid Clocks Gold and Sliver Watches, Rings set with Diamonds, Rubies, Pearls, Gar net and other Stones, (solitaire and in clusters) Ladies' seta of Jewelry, comprising Pins and Ear Rings of the most fashionable styles, set in Precious Stones of every variety, together with a large assortment of Gold and Enamelled and Pearl Sets, (fold Stuns and Sleeve Buttons of the most beautiful patterns, Gents Bosom and Scart Pins, and an endless variety of Bracelets, Chains, Musical Boxes, Head Dresses, Combs, Charms, &c. In consequence of the great s agnation of trade in the Manufacturing districts of France and Enigland, a large quantity of valuableJeW elry, originally intended for the European market, has been sent oil for sale in this coun try, and must be sold at any sacrifice I Under these circumstances the " WATCH dx GOLD JEWELRY LO." have resolved upon AN APPORTIONMENT I subject to the following regulations: Certificates of the various articles, without regard to choice or value are first put into en velopes, sealed up and mixed; and, when ordered, are taken out by a Blindfolded boy, and sent by mall, thus giving all a fair chance. On receipt of the Certificate, you will see what you are to have, and then it is at your option to Send the dollar and take the article or not, Purchasers may thus obtain a Piano Melo deon, Sewing Machine, Gold Watch Diamond Ring, or any set of Jewelry on our List for One Dollar. NO BLANKS. SEND 25 CENTS FOR A CERTIFICATE In all transactions by mail, we shall charge for forwarding the certificates, paying postage and doing the business 26 cents each, which must be Unclosed when the certificate Is sent for. Five certificates will be sent for 81, eleven for 82, thirty for 80, sixty-live for 810, and 100 for 816. AUENTS.—We want agents In every towu and county In the country, and those acting as such will be allowed ten cents on every Cer tificate ordered by them, provided their remit tance amounts to 81. Agents will collect 2.5 cents for every certificate, and remit 16 cents to us, either In cash or postage stamps. Agents remitting at once $3O, will be entitled-to a beautiful Silver Watch, and also 200 certifi cates. Please write your Name, Town, County and state. plainly, and address all orders to NVATCH AND (FOLD JIINIFILRY CO., 30 DLIIERTY Street, Now Yorh, oat 01 4mw 40 ELECTION NOTICE.--THE MEMBERS ot the Lancaster County Mutual Insur auce Company, are hereby notified that an Election will be held at the 01Tico of the Com pany,at Wll.llamstown, ON THE Brie DAY OF JANUARY next, between the hours of 10 o'clock, A. M., and 4 o'clock, P. M., to elect Nine Directors to serve the said Company for the ensuing year. N. E. BLAYMAKER, Becretary. deo 10 3tw 60 TOTICE.•••A GENERAL MEETING OF Stockholders of the Morris and Ruble Oil n ' apanlea will be held at the Companies' °Moe, January 10th, 1807, at 9 chi:gook A. M., when and where Directors will be elected to serve for the ensuing year. REUBEN H. LONG, Sec. Morris Oil Co. " " for Sec. Ruble Oil Co. dec 551 W CATARBAI WHY SUFFER WITH THE DANGEROUS dr LOATHSOME DISEASE. CAN BE CURED ERADICATED FROM THE SYSTEM DR. SEEL YE'S CATARRH REMEDY. CO NS LIMP T I O N Unless claecked,ln its Incipient stages SILITERINE CURE WARRANTED IF DIRECTIONS ARE SINGLE BOTTLES WILL, LAST A MONTH COLD IN THE HEAD WEAK EYES Whe❑ caused by Catarrhal difficulties. 4kl are cured by this remedy. THROAT A FFECTIO.VR Are more frequently than otherwise caused by a thick, slimy mucuous, falling from the head, especially during the UID OA TA RRH REM RD) The symptoms of Catarrh are at first very slight. Persons finding they have a cold, that they have frequent attacks, and are more nen s:tive to the changes of temperature. In this condition the nose may be dry, or a slight die charge, thin and acrid, afterwards thick and adhesive, may ensue. As the disease becomes chronic, the discharges are increased In quantity and changed In quality; they are now thick and heavy, nud are hawked or coughed off. The secretions are offensive, causing abad breath the voice thick and nasal; the eyes are weak; the sense o smell Is lessened or destruyed ; deafness fre qnently takes place. Another common and Important sympton of Catarrh is, that the person is obliged to clear his throat in the morning of a slick or slimy mucous, which has fallen from the head during the night. When this takes place, the per-on may be sure that this disease Is on its way to the lungs, and should logo no time in arresting it. The above are but few of the many Catarrhal symptoms. Write to our Laboratory for our pamphlet describing fully all symptoms; It will be sent FREE to any address. Also direc tions where to procure the medicine. We are receiving letters from all parts of the Union, and also numerous testimonials from those using it, bearing the evidence of its in- fallible merits im.Tbls remedy contains no MINERAL or POISONOUS INGREDIENTS, but Is pre pared from vegetable extracts EXCLUSIVE LY; therefore It Is PERFECTLY HARMLESS, even to the most tender and delicate el:111(1.-4A CALL FOR REELYE'S CATARRH REM. EDY, and take no other. If not sold by drug gists In your vicinity, they will order It for you. Price MOO per bottle. pg.. All persons suffering with any affection of the head, Throat or Lungs, should write at once for our pamphlet fully describing all symptoms pertaining to the above disease, It will be sent free to any address Address, Sold by all Wholesale and Retail Druggists John I), Park, Cincinnati, Ohio; Fuller, Finch & Fuller, Chicago, Ill.; Burnhams & Van Bchaack, Chicago, Ill,; Lomas Barnes & Co, N. Y.; D. Ransom & Co., Buffalo, N, Y.; Far rand, Bheley & Co„ Detroit, Mich.. Weeks & Potter, Boston, MUM.; French, Richards & Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; B. E. Sellers & Pitta burg, Pa.; Collins Bros, St. Louis, Mo.; Barnes, Ward & Co., New Orleans, La.; R. A. Robinson & Co., Louisville, Ky.; Higley & Bro., Mem phis, Tenn.; P. E. Depuy, Richmond, Va. ; Thompson and Block, Baltimore, Md.; Dext-r & Nelleger, Albany, N. Y.; Strong & Arm strong, Cleveland, 0.; Wm. Johnston, Detroit, Mich. ; Wilson Peters & Co., Louisville, Ky, oot 17 ly w 41 R A. SMITH CRACKER, BISCUIT AND CAKE BAKER saw xmo /err, Three doom below Lane's Store, Lancaster, Ye /Op All ba k edic for sale st this eetabllah• mo me nt are trout' every day. T . ROHRER , WHOLESALE DEALER IN FRENCH BRAND/IN WINES, GINS WHISKIES, &a,. No. 13 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, (A few LANCASTER, be ASTERIow Ceren P t Square,) , A. my/7 lyw ift.c diral. WIIICSI IT 1=1719 BY THE USE OF LIQUID CATARRII WILL SURELY RESULT IN IT NEV;EIL FAILS Relieved In no Few Minutes Caused by offensive secretions. Caused by Catarrhal street ions When lessened or destroyed MMIEMEI night, and resulting from Catarrh, and are cured by DR. SEELY Er S IMOMIEMI DR. D. H. MEELYE & CO., Freeport, Illinois GENERAL AUF:NTS t4kat. AN INTERESTING QUESTION What class of people will be most susceptible to attacks from Cholera? Evidently those affected with any disease of the stomach, liver, or any of the organs apper taining to digestion. This class of persons un doubtedly will be more liable to contract this disease than those possessed of strong and healthy digestive organs. The question then naturally arises, how shall we restore and keep those organs in a healthy and normal condition ? We answer, by attention to diet, avoiding all undue excite ment, using moderate exercise, avoiding all intoxicating drinks, no matter in what form presented, and by the use, according to direc tions, of the great strengthening tonic, HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, =II MMMMEIMM This Bitters is a compoued of fluid extracts The roots said herbs from which it Is made are gathered lu tienuany, and their virtues, in the form of extracts, extracted by one of the most scientific chemists and pharmaceutists this country affords. It Is NOT A LIQUOR PREPARATION In any sense of UM word; contains uo whisky, ruin or any other intoxicating ingredients, and can treely used in families without any fear or risk of those using It contracting the dis ease or vice of intemperance. We wish this fact distinctly understood, as many are apt to confound this Bitters with the many others before the public prepared (ruin liquor of cum kind. During the of 1561, tub Hitters WILS extensively ❑sell throughout the entire country And we have not heard of a single Instance In which tins 131t.Lers was used, where the persons suffered Irma any of the symptoms of Cholera, E=lll •:uDI'UI :DEBILITY! Y ! ! Resulting trot, t nuy mune whatever, ,„- vitosTitATiuN or' 'r SYSTEM MEM= b=k:ltE u.a~ti VIII C=l3 I=IMMMMI WIII find In this Bitters a pure Tonle., not de pendent nu bad liquors for their almost miraculous effects. This Bitters will cure the must severe 011,11,1 of DI4EA.MI:.s itEsuuriN(/ I , ItUNI DISOEtI)EItS 1) I(i 1V is i) It () N Aud Is Wu only sure, cerLain not sate remedy I are more or less effected during the spng and fall with torpidity of that Important organ of digestion, the Liver. This Bitters; without containing any preparation or mer cury, or by purging, acts powerfully ou thin organ, excites It to a healtby and lively action and gives a tone to the whole system ; lieu ye HEALTH, ENERUY AND STRENUTH Take the place el 1111= I,IOOFLANI/'S I.: It MA N I; 1 T , UliltuNlC UH NEM'OLIS DEl3ll,l'l'l' E . l=l PRIZIOEMMI!IMMZMVIINWID!IITEP I=l Observe the fiAl:owlng synuotunis resulting from d isord ers ul tile digest Icc organs Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nau sea, Heartourn, Disgust for Food, Ful ness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations Sinking or Flue toting at the Pit of I t.• Si "mach, Swimming thell cad, Hurried and DI filen Itßreathi ng, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suirocal tug Sensal ions when in a lying Posture, Di unless of Vision, Dots or Webs be fore the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain In the Head, Deficiency ii; Perspiration, Yellowness of the Sk In and Eyes, Pain in Line Side, Back, Chest, LitnhS, ate. ' Sudden Flushes of Heat., Burn ing in the Mesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil and great Depression of Spirits. We have a host of testimonials from all parts of the country but space will allow of the pub. Mations of but few of them, hence we select those of well known persons, whose mutelli ganceund discrimination are beyond doubt, and we will pay one thousand dollars to any one produelngn certificate published by us I but la not genuine. Ll= LION. JAMES TIiWIPSON, Court of l'enuhylvunim Judge of the Supre PHILADELPHIA, April 18611. I consider "Hoolland's German Hitters" valuable medicine In case of attack of I milky, 1,1011 or Dyspepsia. I can cavil thin from my experience lu Yours, with respect, J AM HUM I N lie Hg re you get tti I:MEIMMEINI =SI DR. D. M. J...1(.1:80 with hilt itlgnature on the wrapper, and him name blown in the Bottle. There are counter eltx in the market. P IC 1 C E. SINULE BOTTLE ONE DOLLAR, 011 A HALF DOZES FOR 85. Should your nearest druggist not have the article do not be put oil by any 01 the Intoxi cating preparations that may be offered in Ito place, but mend tons and we will forward, se curely packed by exprems, PRINCIPALUFFICE AND MA NUFMTORY, NU. 031 A R(211 STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA CHAS. M. EVANS, Formerly C. M. JAUKHON et. CO. lyd W.H.edlyw MANHOOD, HOW LOST ! HU\V RESTORED ! Just, Published, In n melded envelope Price, nix cents. A LECTURE ON TILE NATURAL TREAT- T anti Radical Cure of sperinaturrliceit, or Seminal W euk noes, Involuntary Etalssioli Ilexunl Debil•ty, anti Itupedltnetitii to Marriage generally; Nervousness, Counmaption, Eta lepay and F UN; Men al tout I'llynicallileitpaelty minting [runt Self-Abuse, he., by Robert J. Culverwell, M 11., author of the artnni book Se. ..A BOON TOTIIOI.76AN SOF sUFFE;IiEIts." Rent under Real, In a plain envelope, to any tuldronn,patipalci, on recolpt 81x cents, or twu politago ntanipm, by CHAR J. C. KLINE dc CO., 1 2 27 Bowery, Now York, Pont 011ie° Box .1,5811. Aleu t Dr. Culvorwell'm " Murrlao 1,11 tdo," price 20 coffin. 'tug LI Ilw EMPIRE SHUTTLE MACHINES Aro Hopertor to r all otltors for FAMILY AND MANUFAUFURINO IMMIZIEE Contain all the latest improvements aro PeerlY ; noiseless; durable; and easy to work. Illustrated Circulars free, Agents wanted. Liberal discount allowed. No consignments made Address, EMPIRE 8. M. CO, Jnly 25 lywvi 810 Broadway, New York E DI. SCHAEFFER, WAOLERALE AND RETAIL sADDLERF NOS. I AND 2 EAST KING STRUT LAN ABTE E, YA. Jan 10 uA CB=