Honor Among/ Thieves— A Clerk Travels Tlye TnOnsanfl Miles to Restore Stolen Goods. . [F-roratlie Wheeling Register, Dec- 22.] * Ourreaders will remember the account We last summer published of-the heavy swindling operations in Washington, Pa.pof a young map namedA. B. Craig, who was detected stealing from the drawerof Messrs. Chambers&Matthews, by whom he was employed, and made to.disgorge some five thousand dollars, which he confessed to have taken from the “ till” of that firm, and from Mr. V. Harding, by whom he was also em ployed. From the time he was relieved of his ill-gotten money, until a short time ago, nothing was known of his whereabouts j but a few. days since Mr. Harding received a letter from Craig, dated at Wheeling, in which that “hope ful" stated thathe was tick, and request ed Mr. Harding to visit him, as, he had further developments to make. The gentleman addressed at once came to this city, and found Craig, as represent ed, who stated that, after l'eavingjWash ington, he had'gone to California, but that his conscience reproached him so severely for his dishonesty that he could “ neither eat nor sleep," and after remaining in California 'a few days, took asteamer and returned, determined to make full restitution of all the money hehadstolen. HetheugaveMr.Harding thirty-five hundred dollars, which he said he had taken from him also one thousand dollars for Chambers & Mat . thews and one thousand dollars for Mr.' Isaac Beeson, of U n ion to wn ,by whom he had been employed, and from whose drawer he had pilfered before. Thus this drawer-tliief restored nine thou sand five hundreddollars, which he had taken almost without being suspected, and at the same time restored quite a valuable package of goods, consisting of dress patterns, shawls, «scc., which . lie had slipped off at various times. It is probable that the whole amount taken will fall little short of ten thousand dol-' laTs. When Craig went to California, he sold Ills government bonds for gold, which he sold in New York; upon his return, for currency, realizing sufficient in profit to pay the expenses of his jour . ney/and enabling him to make a lull return of every dollar, as he states, that he had taken. Taking the case altogether, the syste matic dishonesty which he practiced for years, the boldness with which he invested the money taken, his Hying to a distant region to elude pursuit and punishment, and his immediate return to restore all, it is a most extraordinary one, not only in regard to the boldness with which the stealing Was done, hut as illustrating the power of con science over a systematic thief, forcing him to travel hack from the Pacific oJean, a distance of inany thousand miles, to relieve his pocket and his con science lit the same time. At the late election in Nevada there were only about 11,1)00 votes polled. The previous year there were 10,542 votes cast. From this—even presuming that there was notafullvoteout—itisargued that Nevada is going rapidly 1 down hill. In fact a correspondent in that region states such to be the fa?Tt. He says : “ The collapse in the raining excite ment has sent everybody out who could get out, and the country is going down hill as fast as possible. Business has died out, the people are leaving, ami property in the towns cannot he given away. The lew miserable persons who cling to the barren -deserts of the * Sage Brush State’ are sick wigli unto death of supporting the dignity of a State government, and it would not astonish any one if the coming Legisla ture should conclude to make the State a territory once more. The mines ore owned by great corporations—not one in a hundred of tho stockholders being resident there, and about the only bene fit they are to the country is in their giving employment To a large number ,oflaboringmeii. "Therearesomevalleys favorable to agriculture ; hut by far the greatest portion of the land is barren-, covered only with sagebrush andalkali." (Cards JlltEW. S. I‘YI’ER A T TUKNE Y A T LAW <) F K I c‘ K : NO y. 5 , KOUTH DUKE STREET, lt, l’A STEIN -MAN N I> K K W ,1 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW opposite Cooper’s Hotel, West King street, LANCASTER, PA. tfdAW aug 29 TT *ATTORNKV-AT-LAW, B. N W A K R *• i mi art- mmi—— - — L the wu.ll/’ said Fdtz Auuyn, laughing. “ Look nearer earth, if you want to see Stanton and his lossil aunt/’ Agatha turned her head accordingly, without remark—she smiled a little, however; ’twas all F by n wanted. “Should you suppose any morta. youth would have the courage to bring such a last century specimen to a pluo like this, where he might know h would meet all his fashionable acquain lances! Upon my word. I believe he’. JJ M . SfOBTH, -AT - L A W:, TTOR N E Y COLUMBIA, PA. UdAW 1 jQB. JOHN McGAILA, SURGEON DENTIST, Office and residence opposite Cooper’s Hotel, West King street, LANCASTER, PA. JJH. J. U.'MOOKE'M DEN,TAL OFFiCE, On the South East Corner of North Queen and (Jranye Streets, Over Vy estiiaeefer’s I3ooic Store N. B.—KnLraucu to office, 2d door on Ornnge stroel. septti tfd&w S*A SI II EI, H . ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW, REYNOLD S, No. 53 East King street, (Opposite Leclder's Hotel,) LANCASTER, PA. B ' FORD NET, Attorney-at-law, No. 4-1 East King street, (Above Lechler’s Hotel,) LANCASTER, PA. H. EON <3 attorney-at-law No. 8 North Duke street, (Opposite Court House,) LANCASTER, PA. J B . LIVINGSTON, attorney-at-law, No. 11 North Duke Street, (A few doors north of the Court House,) LANCASTER, PA. glwtmjraiilt ©alUry. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. WALTMAN BRO’S, North Queen St., Near the-Railroad, Opposite Reese’s City Hotel and Next Door to the Cudwell House, LANCASTER, PA. Having fitted up a suite of rooms not to be surpassed in the Suite, beg leave to acquaint their friends and the public in* general that they intend to take pictures in keeping with the art of Photographing, and pledge them selves to be able to please every person. ' Call and see for yourselves. Don t forget the place. NEAR THE RAIL ROAD, sept 11 2tawdGm&6mw l&arfjl* Watfw, JJOWELL atoh. The publlo arelnvl ted to examine the .v-slngfi a stock on hand. W UdAWI Estate ofoeo. pbaix, pecjeased. —Letters Testamentary on the estate of of George FralUateof Dmmore township, Lan caster county, deceased, haying heen granted to the subscribers residing In said township : Ail persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make immediate payment, and those, having claims will present them, without de lay, properly authenticated for settlement. WILLIAM LEE, AGNES L. BALL, v Executors. dec 6-Gtw TESTATE OF REUBEN BUBBY. —EET- Pi tera of Administration on the estate or Reuben Burry, late of East Cocalico township, deceased, having been granted to the subscriber residing In said township: All persons in debted to said estate are requested to make im mediate payment, and those having claims will present them, without delay, properly au- RpAM| Administrator. decBGtw 48 S'l-AtE of JOHN BIBBY, I ATE OF East Cocalico township, deceased.—letters oi Administration on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebt ed thereto are requested to make immediate settlement, and those having claims or de mands against the same will present them without delay for settlement to the undersign ed, residing in said townshlg. BUg REAM _ Administrator. dec G Gtw 48 IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF Lancaster County. Henry L. Shultz, lOf April Term, 18G5, No. vs. >l3O, Domestic AUach- Poter Brenneman. ) ment. Public notice is hereby given by the under signed, that theyiiave been appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster county. Trustees of the estate of Peter Breneman : Ail persons indebted ; to the said Peter Brenneman, or holding property belonging to him, are here by notified to pay and deliver all such sums of money and property to the undersigned, and all creditors to present their respective ac counts or deinanus immediately . HENRY I). SHULTZ, SAMUEL P. GROFF, JOHN WINTERS, Trustees, Ac. Lime Valley, Lampeter P. O. -dec G lld&Gtw*4B Estate or joiin rai d, deceased. —Letters of Administration on the estate oi John Kaub, late of Providence township, Lancaster county, deceased, having been grant ed lo the subscribers residing in said township: All persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make Immediate payment, and those laving claims will present them, without de ay. properly authenticated for settlement. J. MILLER KAUB, JOHN K. KAUB, Administrators. dec M Otw* -ii)j INSTATE OF JAC'OH KAUI FMAN, LArt 'j of West Heinplleld township, deceased.— Letters of ndministration on said estate hav ing been granted to the undersigned, all per sons indebted thereto are requested to make immediate settlement, and those having claims or demands againstlhesaine will present them without delay for settlement to the undersign ed, residing in Manor township. HARNHERR MANX, (Farmer) dec 18 <)lw -ID Administrator. Estate of axx maoi'icuix, nEC l i>. Letters of administration on the estate of Ann Maguickin, late of Eden township, Lan caster couuiv, deceased, having been granted to the subscriber, residing in Colerain town ship, all persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate paymeut, and those having claims will present them without dela> properly authenticated for settlement. .JUiIN H. dec i:i , <»tw -lU I X THE COI HTOF COMMON PLEAS OF JL Lancaster County. ' Henry Ilouseal, admlnist’r, Ac.,) Venditioni vs. Expo’s, Nov. Luther Richards, udiri. of Henry I Term, l.Slio, Share and Jacob Frantz, execu- f No. I, Execu tors of Ann Uuelbaugh, dec’d., I tion Docket, terre-lenaut. j J The undersigned auditor appointed to dis tribute the fund (now in Court) rcsulling v from the sale by the Sheriff under the above execu tion, will sit for that purpose on TUTCSDAY, TlikliTH J)AY OF JANUARY, A. D., 18U6, ut 2 o'clock I*. M. t in the Library Room of the Court House in the City of Lancaster. A. HLAYMAKER, Auditor. •11W 4*J At’ 1> IT«It * S NOTICE.-ES TATE OF Thomas Lloyd, late of the Borough of Columbia, deceased.—The undersigned Audi tor appointed to distribute the balance re maining in the bauds of Samuel tthoclt and George Bogle, Executors of the last will of the above named decedent, to asid among those legally entitled to the same, will sit for that purpose on SATURDAY, the 20th day ol JANUARY, A. D., istili, al 10 o'clock, A. M., iu the Library Room of the Court House, in the City of Lancaster, whereall persons interested in said distribution may attend. A. SLAYMAKER, Auditor. dye 27 4t\v 51] Itfiues, pquot'js, &t. j} UR E Ult A ft* E WINE SPEER'S' HAMBURG PORT GRAPE WINE. VINEYARD, PASSAIC,-NEW JERSEY. PUKEANP ITOUK YEARS OLD. For the Communion Table, for Family Use , and ‘yr Medical Purposes. This iB an article of Wine from the Pure Port Grape T nice, fermented, without the addition of splits of whatever. Has a full body, rich flavor, and slightly stimulating.— None is disposed of until four years old. The beneficial efi'eet derived from it use is astonishing thousands, and cannot be realized from other wine, nor from the thousands of Patent Bitters now crowding the market. All who try it express their surprise that so delicious a Wine is produced in this country, and that it is so far different from what they had expected. Some who knew nothing further of the Wine then seeing it advertised, thought at first it was a humbug, not knowing it was pure grape Juice, have found out their mistake, and now lay their lives to the use of Lb is Win*-’. Excellent"for Females and W*.u,kly Persons a: .nd Llie Consumptive. A great Remedy for Hmdeys, Affections, Rheumatism, and Bladder Difficulties. Try it ouce, aud will not be deceived, Besure tin- signature of ALFRED SPEER Is over the cork of each Bbtlle.. Sold wholesale aud retain by HENRY E. ISLAYMAKER, Lancaster, and by Dealers in surrounding LOW US. i Trade supplied by Johnston, Holloway & Co., No. 23 North Oth street, Philadelphia, and other Wholesale Druggists iu Philadelphia and in New York and by A. SPEER, at his Vineyard, New .Jersey. Principal office, 208 JBroadway. New York. fmar 4 Iyd & w gujricultwal. JIE VJHtI VItTEItS! y,o. 2S East King Stheet, two doors west OF THE COURT HOUSE. Clover. Hullers, Fodder Cutters, Grain Drills Grain Fans, Farm Grist Mills, Ploughs, Harrows, Cultivators, CUTTING DUXES FUR. HAY AND STRAW, New York Cannon Corn .Shellers and Hand- Shellers, Bags and Bag Holders. BEL TIX (t — (r CM A .YD LEA TIiER , all sizes, cut to suit purchasers. Togo 11 ter with every implement necessary to the weil conducted farm, all of the best pattern and Duality, and at reasonable prices at GEU. D. SPRECHER’tf Agricultural Warehouse, A'o. 2S East King street. D A l (J H ’ S RA W B ONE SVPER-PHORPJIATE ALLEN &. NEEDLESS’ FERTILIZER AND I’HOeU’UATE, 1 The best special manures in the market. GEO. D. SI’RECHER Agricultural Warehouse, No. -S East Kiug street. rpilE HIGHEST ( ASII PRICE I PAID FUR C L O YE li , T 1 M O TII Y , And all other kinds of Farm Seeds at GEU. D. SPRECHER'S Agricultural Warehouse, No. 2S East King street. TENT I O N . FARMERS! . REA PERU AT REDUCED PRICES. A few of llie eulel; rated JERSEY REARERS left over for the season, will be sold at reduced prices, if purchased within sixty days. Also, a lew Second-hand REAPERS, which will be sold at a bargain. GEO. D. SERECHKR, Agricultural Warehouse, No. 28 East King street, two doors West of the Court House. Ihnw 12 gtnts and (Caps. IJIIIEPOPULAK HATS OFT HE SEASON. GENTLEMEN’S DRESS SILK HAT, “ CASSIMERE DRESS HATS PATENT RESORT HAT; THE DASHER HAT, 1 THE FAUST HAT, THE RUSHER HAT, ' • THE EASTON HAT, THE DRUNDREARY HAT. A/iarge anti splendid assortment of all the a Wove New and Popular Styles, In Cloth, Cassi mere and Felt, together with a full line of PLAIN HATS, Also, all the nes? styles of Fall and Winter CaDs lor UeutleiAen, Youth s and Children's Wear SHULTZ & BRO., Hatters, No. 20 North Q,ueen street, oct 7 3mdittfw * Lancaster Pa. JaufM Juyg, &f. rjpo THE CTTIZEKB OF LASCASTEK FREDERICK J. SCHEUING , Importer and Manulacturer ot LADIES’, CHILDREN* NTLEMEN . S KUKS No. 11 South Queen Street, LANCASTER, PA. Ladies' Capes, Collars, Berthas, Muffs, Cuffs, &c. All kinds of Children’s Furs, Gentlemen s Gloves, Collars and Sleigh Robes. These ar ticles are all made up to order In the latest of Furs neatly altered, cleaned and repaired. Furs carefully kept during the summer. All kinds of Shipping Skins bought. July3l Hmd&vr ■ T A DIES’ FURS! LADIES’ t'VUS l ! li THE LARGEST STOCK AND THE LOWEST PRICES! SHULTZ & BROTHER , HATTERS , No. 20 North Queen Street, Have now on hand a large and splendid aasort .ment of . LADIES AND CHILDREN’S FURS, consisting of MINK SABLE, CHINCHILLA, SIBERIAN SQUIRREL, ' GERMAN FITCH, ROCK MARTIN, FITCH, COONEY, , John Fendrich, Geo. Young, Jr. H. G. Minich, Nicholas McDonald, Sam’l F. Eberlein, Miohae S. Shuman, Amos S. Green, S. C. Slaymaker, Edmund Spering. For particulars call on THEO. W. HERR, Agent, No. 10, North Duke street. Lancaster, Pa. Columbia, February 18,1865. July 20 150 000 ACKEW ljA ' ND HOW &'WHERE TO GET A CHEAP FARM. A. D. CAMPBELL it CO., REAL E& T A T E BROKER S The following are a few of the properties on hand, and many others for sale in Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and Pennsylvania. No. 20. 86 ACRES all clear, in Sadsbury twp., Chestercounty, Pa.; locatedon|OctororoCreek, about 200 yards south of Pennlngtonville, on the Gap and Newport turnpike. Improve ments, a DOUBLE HOUSE, 46 by 40 feet, two* storv high; BARN, 52 by 50 feet; MERCHANT MILL, 56 by 36 feet, three-story high; Frame Plaster Mill, 4-1 by 40 feet; good water - every variety oi Fruit. &e. A most desirable pro perty aud cheap. Price, §15,000. No. 21. Frame WAREHOUSE, with Stone Cellar and Sidling on the south side of Penna. Railroad ; sufficient room for Lumber and Coal Yard, situated in Penniugtonville, Sadsbury twp., Chester co. A good business stand. Price, §2,000. No. 22. A WATER POWER on Octororo Creek, north of the Penna. Railroad, adjoin ing Pennlngtonville, containing 5 ACRES, witli a Stone Bark Mill, Frame Bark House, &c., thereon. Price, §3,000. No. 5. 306 ACRES OF VALUABLE FARM LAND in New Cast le county, 150 acres of heavy timber, good TWO-STORY HOUSE, Kitchen attached; large SAW MILL, THREE TEN ANT HOUSES; good BARN; 1000 P a mile from railroad; timber good; water good and abund ant; good grain and fruit farm. Price §2O per acre. No. IS. 100 ACRES, 60 Acres cleared, balance good TIMBER, good small HOUSE,Fruit Trees, good Water, 3 miles from county seat in Sus sex county, ¥* mile from railroad. Cheap farm. Price §l5 per acre. No. 27. 200 ACRES, in Sussex, ]A cleared, bal ance in good TIMBER, 4 miles Trom George town, county seat, 1 mile from railroad, good soil, rapidly settling up in the neighborhood. Price §l2 per acre. Persons about to change location should see these lands before going west. They are within two hours ride from Philadelphia Market, bet ter than at Lancaster ; soil equally productive, climateas healthy and water as good aud more abundant. Delawrre has no State debt, and on account of its market facilties is destined soon to be the best State in the Union. It wants Northern men and energy to develop this State and bring out its real worth. Farms for.sale in Lancaster county and other parts of Pennsylvania. City property for sale, rent and exchanged. For further information call at the office ol the Company, Widmyer’s Row, No. 4, South Duke street, Lancaster City, Pa. A. D. CAMPBELL & CO: 6mw 31 gaufcfafl. hendekson & CO BANKERS, Corner East King and Dure Streets, LANCASTER, PA. JAMES H. WALTON. THOMAS W. YOST. W A L T O N «fc Y O 8 T bankers, brokers ; AND general collectors, NO. 25 SODTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA! REFERENCES: Jay Cooke * Co., E. P. Middleton & Rro. James, Kent, Santee & Esherick, mack & Co., Co ’ ’ Hon. Wm, Wilkins, C. M'Klbbin&Son, “ H. D. Foster, Hon. James Pollock, “ Asa Packer, “ A. H. Reeder, V, L. Bradford, Esq., “ Warren J. Wood- Hon. Geo. Sanderson. ward, _ HIGkEST PRICE PAID FOR GOLD AND SILVER. GOVERNMENT AND OTHER INTERESTS COLLECTED. STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMIS SION. iWMriptrta Oil DAY GIFTS aBWIS OT> DEALER & JEWELEbA "CHXB, JXWZLET * BILTER WARE, II [ES and JEWELSY RITPATRTm. y _Boa Chestnut TT PHILADELPHIA, Pa. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. . CHARLES OAKFORD & SONS, CO N TIN EX TA L HOTEL,\ PHILADELPHIA. Have now opened their large and splendid stock of LADIES’ FUR CAI>S, COLLARS, MUFFS, Also the finest assortment of| FANCY FUR ROBES, | CAPS, MUFFLERS, ;and gloves, ever before offered by them, all of which are warranted to be as represented. SHIPPING FURS BOUGHT, oct 17 4tnw 41 gANKS, DIN MOKE & CO., Successors to A. B. Davis J: Co., " Manufacturers of PATENT SCALES, SUITABLE FOR WEIGH LOCKS, RAILROAD TRACKS AND DEPOTS, COAL , HA Y AND LI VE S TOOK, Also, all the various descriptions of DORMENT AND PORTABLE PLATFORM SCALES AND PATENT BEAMS, N. W. COKNKKOF 15th ST. A PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, PHI LA DELPIII.\.\ C. M. BANKS, R. H. DINMORE, LEWIS L. HOUPT, 0cL251yw42 FRED’K A. RIEHLE. I. '• "AI.RAVF*. MASONIC lIALI. *719 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Has now open LACE CURTAINS, Of his own Importation. BROCATELLE CURTAINS, DAMASK CURTAINS, WOOL REP CURTAINS, SATIN LAINE CURTAINS, NOTTINGHAM CURTAINS, MUSLIN CURTAINS, CLOTH, TABLE AND PIANO COVERS. Constantly receiving Novelties in CURTAIN MATERIALS, Embracing the celebrated SMYRNA CLOTH AND MODE DRAPERIES! WINDOW SHADES In every Desirable Style, Color or Price! WALRA V E N , no S 3mwj No. 719 CHESTNUT ST., PHILA Elegant gift books i CHILDREN’S TOY BOOKS ! ! ENGLISH JUVENILES!!! 8452,715 09 BOYS' AND GIRLS’ BOOKS!!! ! ST A>'DARD.WO RKS, BOOKS OF POETRY, BIOGRAPHY, TRAVELS, FICTION AND History Photograph Albums, Bthles and Prayer Books. The handsomest and largest assortment in the city of Philadelphia. Avoid the rush of Christmas week and make your selections now whilst the stock is full. The number of most of the new Holiday books being very limited this season, we advise an early call, or many will be disaijpoiuted in not obtaining what they desire. The lowest cash prices will be asked lor our goods. ABHMEAD & EVANS? No. 721 ChestnutSthest, iiov 21) 2iWw -17 Opposite the Masonic Hall. MAN OF A THOUSAND. A CONSUMPTIVE CURED. Dr. H. James, a retired physician of great eminence, discovered, while in t he East Indies a certain cure for Consumption, Asthma. Bronchitis. Cougbs.Colds, and General Debility The remedy was discovered by him when his only child, a daughter, was given up to die. His child was cured, and is nowaliveand well, Desirous of benefiting his fellow mortals, he will send to those who wish it the receipt, con taining full directions for making and success fully using this remedy, free,'on receiptor theic names, with two stamps to pay expenses. There is not a single symptom of Consumption that it does not at once take hold of and dissi pate. Night sweats, peevishness, irritation of the nerves, failure of memory, difficult ex pectoration, sharp pains in the lungs, sore throat, chilly sensat ions, nausea at the stomach inaction of the bowels, wasting away of the muscles. The writer will please state the name of the paper they see this advertisement in. oct 2.5 3td&3mw 12* QLOTUING, CLOTHING, CLOTHING, CLOTHING, CLOTHING, CLOTHING, Business Coats, Business Coats, Business Coats, Business Coats, Business Coats, Business Coats, Business Coats, Business Coats, Coachman’s Coats, Coachman's Coats, Coachman's Coats, Coachman’s Coals, Coachman's Coats, Coachman’s Coats, Coachman’s Coats, Coachman's Coats, Walking Coats—New style, Walking Coats—New Style, Walking Coats—New Style, Walking Coats—New Sryle, Vests, Vests—all Descriptions, Vests, Vests—all Descriptions, Vests, Vests—all Descriptions, Vests, Vests—all Descriptions, BOYS’ CLOTHING, BOYS’ CLOTHING, BOY'S’ CLOTHING, BOYS’ CLOTHING, BOY'S’ CLOTHING, BOYS' CLOTHING, BOY’S' CLOTHING, BOYS’ CLOTHING, Hunting Coats, Hunting Coats, Hunting Coats, Hunting Coa's, Hunting Coats, Hunting Coats, Hunting Coats, Hunting Coats, OVER COATS—GREAT VARIETY, OVER COATS—EVERY’ STYLE, OVER COATS—GREAT VARIETY, OVER COATS—EVERY* STYLE. Being constaply supplied from Foreign Im portations and Domestic Manufacturers, we are enabled to offer the choicest assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING at reasonable prices. . Also, a splendid stock of UNCUT GOODS for Citizens, Boys, and Army and Navy Officers, which will be made to order at the shortest notice. ROCKHILL & WILSON’S Brown Stone Clothing Store, 603 and 605 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, nov 29 2mw 47 FANCY FURS! AT JOHN FAREIRA’S OLD ESTABLISHED FUR MANUFACTORY, No. 718 Abch Street, above 7th, PHILADELPHIA. I have now in store of my own Importation and Manufacture, one of the Largest and most Beautiful selections of FANCY FURS , for Ladies’ and Children’s Wear in the City.— Also, a fine assortment of Gent’s Fur Gloves and Collars. I am enabled to dispose of my Goods at very reasonable prices, and I would therefore solicit a call from my friends of Lancaster county ajid vicinity. Remember the Name, Number and Street! JOHN FARELRA. 718 Arch street, above 7th, South side, Philadelphia. I have no partner, nor connection with any other Store in Philadelphia! sep 27 pIANOSI PIANOS! "My Plano Fortes, which have been awarded numerous HIGH PRIZE MEDALS, for years Sast in this country and in Europe, for their ecided superiority, are still manufactured in this city, where their excellence has been long acknowledged and universally admired. In delicacy ana sweetness of tone, with purity and power, they are unequalled, and fully warrant ed on the most reasonable terms. CONRAD MEYER, No. 722, Arch Street, Philadelphia, dec 0-3mw. TJBIVATE SALE.—THE BUBSCBIBES X will sell at private sale, tlie very desirable lot on which she now resides, containing TEN ACRES, more or less, situated in Drumore township, Lancaster county, on the road lead ing from the Unicom Tavern to the YUlsgerof New Texas, one and a half miles from the for mer place, convenient to mills, schools and places of public worship. The improvements consist of a DWELLING HOUSE, part LOG and part FRAME, ■feather boarded and finished in the best manner, with two rooms and kitchen on the first floor, and four chambers on the second, with cellar under, a Frame Barn, with stabling under and amply sufficient for all the purposes required; a never falling spring of water near the door. With Stone Milk House and tenement over it, and all other necessary out-boil din ga. There is an apple orchard on the premises of selected fmlt or first quality, in prime bearing order, with other fruit trees in great variety, and of choice qnality. The land is of excellent quality, in a good state of cultivation and well fenced. For further particulars apd terms, which will be reasonable, apply to the subscriber, on the premises. % MARGARET WATSON. aug 16 v tfw32 SELLING OFF.—-THE UNDERSIGNED having made arrangements to quit the business, will close out their entire stock of DRY GOODS at greatly reduced prices. On and after MONDAY, OCTOBER 9lh,our terms will be strictly cash , or produce, for which the highest railroad price will be given. In making toe above change in our terms we intend to reduce the price pi our goods to the lowest cash basis. Having bought no goods since the late rise in prices, we can sell many articles at a much lower price than present Philadel phia wholesale prices. Our stock of DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, is one of the largest in the coun try, and we Intend to close it out entire before the Ist of March next. We will sell out the whole stock to any one wishing to engage in the business on advan tageous terms. The stand is one of the best in the count3*. We have been selling $25,000 a year since we have been in business, and it could be increased. MARTIN & CO. The above Store Stand will be sold or leased. Possession given on or before the Ist of April next. Terms Apply to \ JOHN MARTIN, GLOVES, AND HOODS. CRADDOCK & CO.. Race street, Philadelphia, Pa, [Pants, Pants —Varied Styles, rants, Pants—Varied Styles, Pants, Pants—Varied Styles, Pants, Pants—Varied Styles, Georgetown, Bart twp., Lancaster county oct -1 3m w 39 ‘'y'IKGINIA LANDS IN MARKET. ARTHUR L. ROGERS. REAL ESTATE AGENT MIDDLEBURG. LOUDON COUNT P, VA. Having an extensive acquaintance with the people and the Land of the Piedmont Section of Virginia, so celebrated hs a fine “ Grass Country.” I will pay particular attention to the PURCHASE AND SALE OF REAL ESTATE in this region, besides practicing law in the Courts of Loudon and Fauquier. I am authorized to sell some of the most de sirable Farms in this part of the State, and will correspond promptly with persons wish ing to purchase, or take pleasure In showing these lands to them, if they give me a call. Plats and Surveys furnished when desired. Address ARTHUR L. ROGERS, Attorney at Law, Middleburg, Loudon co., Va, References.—John Janney, Esq.,'Leesburg, Va.; Gen. A. Rogers, Middleburg, Va.; John A. Spilman, Esq., James V. Brooke, Esq., War renton, Fauquier county, Va.; A. K. Phillips, Fredericksburg, Va ; Francis L. .Smith, Esq., Alexandria, Va.: Dr. Beverly It. Welltord, Wm. H. Macfarland, Esq., Richmond, Va.; Messrs. L. P. Bayne &. Co., Messrs.' Hamilton, Easter & Co., I. Nevett Steele, Baltimore, Md. Middleburg, Va., Oct. 6, 1365 oct 11 3mw 10 ORPHANS' COURT SALE.—ON SATUR DAY, JANUARY 13th. 1860, in pursuance of an order of the Orphans’Courts of Lancaster and Chester counties, will be offered for sale, on the premises, in Colerain township, Lan caster county, and Upper Oxford township, Chester < ounty, near Andrews’ Bridge, the fol lowing described real estate, late the property of Slieminilh Davis, deceased : A FARM CONTAINING 100 ACRES— more or less, on which is erected a two-t/ory FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, a GRIST MILL, SAW MILL, and other buildings. Also, a good Pump of Water near the door, and an excellent Orchard of Fruit Trees. The Farm is well watered, is in a high state of cultivation, and all under good fences. The residue, of the purchase money, after payment of the debts, to remain charged upon the premises during tlie life time of the hus band, William Davis. • Sale to commece at 1 o'clock. P. M., of said when attendance will be given and terms made known by WILLIAM DAVIS, Administrator of Shuminith Davis, dee’d. dec 20 ts\r 50 ORPHAXS'COI'RT SALE—OX THURS DAY, JANUARY lltb, 18titi, in pursuance 01 an alias order of the Orphans’ Court of Lancaster county will be sold on the prem ises of the late Isaac Jenkins, deceased, in Little Britain township, Lancaster county, on the road leading from Oak Hill to Oxford, the following real estate of said deceased, to wit: No. 1, A Lot of Ground, CONTAINING 5S ACRES, more iir less, adjoining lands of David Evans, Samuel Truman and others, on which is erect ed a TWO-STORY FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, FRAME BANK BARN, and other •necessary out-buildings. There is also a Tii riv ing Young Orchard of Choice Fruit. The land is in a high state of cultivation, under good fences, and Vue fields are well watered. No. 2, A Lot on the premises. The ground be longing to said property consisting of three town lots. \ No. U, A Plantation of Cui A C R E S , of limestone land/TH-Manor township, adjoin ing the public roan letufthg from Columbia to Safe Harbor, bordering on tbe Susquehanna river, now in the > ccupaucy of John Peifer. The improvements are a FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, large new Bank Barn, with Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, and other ont-buildings, a Well of never-iailing Water with Pump near the door. There is a stream oi water running through the land, passing near the barn yarn. There are about?" Acres of Heavy Tim ber Land, embracing a large number of Chestnut Trees. There is likewise a considerable number of Locust Trees on the premises, valuable lor posts. Also choice Fruit Trees, in a healthy condition. No. 10. A One and a Half-Storied FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, with Half Acre of Laud, containing some chestnut trees, adjoining Nos. 4, 11 and 3, in said township of West Hempneld, on the road leading from Mount ville to’Chestnut Hill Ore Banks. No. IT. Consisting of another One and a Halt-Storied FRAME'DWELLING HOUSE. Sc imer Kitchen and Half Acre of Land thereto belonging, adjoining the lastabove de scribed ; also containing Chestnut Timber, Garden, N GREATLY REDUCED PRICES FOR THE HOLIDAYS. DRESS GOODS, ALL BHADES AND STYLES. CALICOES. MUSLINS, GINGHAMS, * FLANNELS, COITON FLANNELS, BALMORAL AND HOOP SKIRTS, SHAWLS, SONTAGS, NUBIAS, SCARFS, HOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATIN ETTS, HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, FLOOR & TABLE OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, &C., &c., Ac. Those who wish to buy HOLIDAY PRES ENTS are Invited to favor us with a call. JOS. KNOTWELL, In Old Savings’lnstitution Building, Corner of West King and Prince streets, Lancaster, dec 13 UdAW Pisrdlatteous. G K A » ” " R 1 7 E s FOR SUBSCRIBERS TO THE AMERICAN STATESMAN A NATIONAL WEEKLY FAMILY JOURNAL AT 81.50 PER ANNUM. THE FOLLOWING SPLENDID PRIZES ARE SENT TO CLUBS, viz FOR EVERY CLUB uF FORTY SUB- SCRIBERS, A WHEELER A WILSON REST 855. SEWING MACHINE with two extra copies to the getter up of the FOR EVERY CLUB OF TWENTY, A ND LESS THAN FORTY SUBSCRIBERS, We Will aIIOW $1.25 for each subscriber on the price of said ma- FOR EVERY CLUB OF SIX, a splendid STEEL ENGRAVING OF PRESIDENT LINCOLN, (full length,) Andrew Johnson, Lieut.-Gen Grant or Sherman* on horseback, worth $3.00 each, with an extra copy to the getter up of the FOR EVERY CLUB OF THREE, one of THOSE SPLENDID STEEL ENGRAVINGS Ot tllC* Uniform Series of NATIONAL PORTRAITS comprising Presidents Lincoln and Johnson, Lleut.-Gen. Grant, Major-General Sherman Sheridan, Thomas, McClellan, Fremont, Admirals Farragut and Porter, and George and Martha Washington, each 19x21 Inches, worth 82.00. These splendid portraits.shoultPirdern every The statesman is the largest, cheapest and best family paper published, suited for every family. Try It once and you will never be without it. Send for copies and get up your clubs. Address, AMERICAN STATESMAN, 07 Nassau street, New York. draw 49 pAYS OF APPEAL FOR 1860. TO THE TAXABLE INHABITANT 3 OF LANCASTER COUNTY. Pursuant to the Provisions of the laws of this Commonwealth, the undersigned Commis sioners o' Lancaster county, hereby give no tice to theTAXABLK INHABITANTS’ within the respective City, Boroughs and Townships, of the said county, that t e Pays of Appeal from the triennial Assessment of IMU, will he held at the Commissioners’Uilice, in the City of Lancaster, on the days following, to wit For tile Townships of Adamstown Borough Bart. Brecknock, Ciernarvon^ Cocalico Pastes*. Cooalico West, Colerain, Columbia. Tuesday, Feb. ltf, ’GO. Conestoga, Conoy, Clay, Donegal East, Donegal West, Drumore, Ephrata, Kail, Wednesday, Feb. 14. Earl East, Earl West, Elizabeth, Elizabethtown lJorough Eden, Fulton, Hetnpfleld East, Hempfleld West, Lam peter East, Lampeter West, Lancaster, Leacock, Leacock Upper, Little Britain, Mauheim, Martic, Manor, |- Thursday, Feb. 15. Friday, Feb. 1(5. Mount Joy, Mount Joy Borough, Marietta do Mauheim do Paradise, Penn, Pequea, Providence, Monday, Feb. 19. Rapho, Salisbury, Sadsbury, i StraaburgJ Strasburg Borough, Warwick, Washington Borough, North East Ward, South do do North West Ward, South do do Tuesday, Feb. 20. Wednesday, Fob. 2 Thursday, Feb. 22. And at the same time and place, the Appeals from the Military rolls will be held. DAVID KEMPER, THOS. C. COLLINS. JACOB B. SHU ALAN, dec 23 4tdoaw&4fw] Commissioners. Photograph albums. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. Large Assortihent—Great Variety—Unsur passed for Beauty, Style and Finish. NEW PATTERNS, NEW BINDINGS, NEW CLASPS, PATENT HINGE BACK ALBUM, the latest and best kind, made only In Phila delphia. excelling all others in strength and durability. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS, PLAIN, 10 and 1 2 cents—Bl.oo and $1.20 per dozen. COLORED, 25 cents—s2.so per dozen. TRAVELING AND SHOPPING SATCHELS, WALLETS, PURSES, POCKET BOOKS, Ac. ST A TION ER Y. WRITING PAPERS, ENVELOPES, PENS, &c. STENCILS. For marking names beautifully and indelibly on Clothing. HARBACH BROS., Wholesale and Retail Dealers, may 10 lyw 18| 36 North.Bth street, Phijn. J W. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. 25 South Queen Street, PENSION, BOUNTY, BACK PAY AND CLAIMS Carefully attended to. [my 17 lyw 19 fJIHE GREAT STRENGTHENING TONIC. (Not a Whisky Preparation.) HOOFLAND' S GERMAN BITTERS, DEBILITY! DEBILITY! any cause whatever PROSTRATION OF THE SYSTEM, INDUCED BY SEVERE HARDSHIPS, EXPOSURE, DISEASES OF CAMP LIFE. ' Soldiers, Citizens, Male or Female, Will find In this Bitters a pure Tonic, uot do deudent on bad liquors for their almost CLOAKS, DISEASES RESULTING FROM DISORDERS LIVER AND DIGESTIVE ORGANS, HOOFLAND’S GERMAN BITTERS This Bitters lias performed more Cures, gives better Satisfaction, has more Testimony, has more Respectable People to vouch for it, thau nuv other articles in the market. 0 We defy any one to contradict this ossertlo AND W I L L P A Y 81000 to any one who will produce a certificate pub lished by us that Is not genuiuo. HOOFLAND’S GERMAN BITTERS WILL CURE EVERY CASK OF CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, AND DISEASES OF THE KIDNEYS. F Observe the following systoms resulting from disorder* of the digestive organs : Constipation. Inward Piles, Fulness of Blood to the Heath Acidity of the Stomach, Nau sea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Ful ness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head. Hurried and dillicult Breathing, Fluttering at • the Heart, Choking - or Suffocat ing Seusaiiqns when In a lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs be fore the Sight, Fever arid Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of theSkln and Eves, Pain in the Side, Bark, Chest, Limbs, ir. t Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burn ing iu tile Flesh, Constant imaginings of Evil, and great Depression of Spirits, L That this Bitters is not A Icoholic, contains no Rut or Whisk}/, and cannot make Drunkards, but is'the best Tonic in the World READ WHO 8 A Y 8 SO From Rev. W. I). Seigfried, Pastor of Twelft Baptist Church, Philadelphia. Gentlemen:—l have recently been laboring under the distressing (‘fleets of indigestion, ac companied by a prostration of the nervous sys tem. Numerous remedies were recommended by friends, and some of them tested, but with out relief. Your Huotland’s German Bittirs were recommended by persons who had tried them, and whose favorable mention of thfcso Billers induced me to try them. I must con fess that I nad an aversion to Patent Medicines from the “thousand and one" quack "Bit ters,” whose only aim seems to be to palm ol£ sweetened and drugged liquor upon the com munity In a sly way, and the tendency of which, I fear, is to make many a confirmed drunkard. Upon learning that yours was really a medicinal preparation I took it with happy effect. Its action, not only upon the stomach, but upon the nervous system, was prompt and gratifying. I feel that I have de rived great and permanent benefit from the use of a few bottles. Very respectfully vours, W. D. SEIGFRIED, No. 2.51 Shackamaxon Street. From the Rev. E. D. Fendall, Assistant Editor Christian Chronicle, Philadelphia. J have derived decided benefit from the use of Hootland’s German Hitters, and leel It my Erivilege to recommend them as a most valua le tonic, to all who are suffering from gen eral debility or from diseases arising from de rangement of the liver. J Yours truly, E. D. FENDALL. From Rev. D. Merrlge Pastor of the Passyunlc Baptist Churcn, Philadelphia. From the many respectable recommenda tions given t# Dr. Hoolland's‘German Bitters, I was Induced to give them a trial. Alter using several bottles I found them to be agood remedy for debility, aud a most excellent Louie for the stomach. From Rev. Wm. Smith, formerly Pastor of the Vincenttown and Millville ;N. J.) Baptist Churches. Having used in my family a number of bot tles of your Hootland's German Bitters, j have to say that I regard them as an excellent med icine, specially adapted to remove the diseases they are recommended lor. They strengthen and invigorate the system when debilitated, and ure useful in disorders of the liver, loss of appi tlte, &c. I have also recorn mended them to several of my friends, who have tried them, and found tnem greatly beneficial in the resto ration of health. Yours truly, WILLIAM SMITH 90(5 Hutchinson street, Philadelphia. D From the Rev.‘Levi O. Beck, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Pemberton, N. .1.. formerly of the North Baptist Church, Philadelphia, at pre sent Pastor of the Baptist Church, Chester, Pa. * ***** I have known Hootland's German Bitters favorably fbr a number of years’ I have used them in my own family, and have been so pleased with th**ir effects, that I was induced to recommend them to many others, and know that they have operated In a striklugly benefi cial muuner. I take great pleasure in thus publicly proclaiming this fact, and calling the attention of those ulfilcled with the diseases for which they are recommended, to these Bitters, knowing Irom experience that iny recommen dation will be sustained. Idothismorecheer full as Hooflaud’s Bitters is Intended lobenelit the afflicted, and is “ mjt a rum drink.” Yours, truly, LEVI G. BECK. • * * * * From Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. I)., Editor of the Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge and Christian Chronicle, Philadelphi . Although not disposed to favor or recom mend Patent Medicines In general, through distrust of Lheir ingredients and efi'ects, I yet know of no sufficient reasons why a man may not testify to the benefits he believes himself to have received from any simple preparation, in the hope that he may thus contribute to the benefit of others. I do this the more readily In regard to Hoof land's German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, 01 this city, because 1 was prejudiced against them for many years under the im pression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. I am indebted to my friend. Robert Shoemaker, Esq., for the removal of this preju dice by proper tests and for encourugeinentto try them when suffering from great and long continued debllitv. The use of three bottles ol these Bitters at the beginning of the present year was followed by evident relief and restor ation to a degree of bodllj* and mental vigor which I had not felt for six months before, and had almost despaired of regaining. I therefore thank God and my friend directing tne to the nse of them. J. NEWTON^IURIWN^ From the Rev. Tnos. Winter. D. D., Pastor of Roxborough Baptist Church. Dear Sir : I feel ltdue to your excellent prep aration, Hoofland’s German Bitters, to aud ray testimony to the deserved reputation it has obtained. I have for years, at times, been troubled with great disorder in my head and nervous system. I was advised by a friend to try a bottle of your German Bitters. I did so. and have experienced great aud unexpected relief; my health has been very materially benefitted. I conflden ly recommend the arti cle where I meet with cases similar to my own, and have-been assured by many of their good effects. Respectfully yours, T. WINTER, Roxborough. Pa. From Rev. J. S. Herman, of the German Re formed Church, Kutztown, Berks County, Pa. Respected Sir: I have been troubled with Dyspepsia nearly twenty years, and have nev ~er used anj r medicine that did so much good as Hootland’s Bitters. lam very much Improved In health, after having taken five bottles. Yours with respect. J. S. HERMAN. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. See that the signature of “C. M. JACKSON * Is on the wrapper of each bottle. PRICE. SINGLE BOTTLE ONE DOLLAR, OK A „ • HALF DOZEN FOR | Should your nearest druggist not have the article do not be put off by any of the intoxii eating preparations that' may be offered In Its place, but send to us and we will forward, se curely packed by express. PRINCIPAL OFFICE AND MANUFACTORY, [Successors to C. M. JACKSON * J PROPRIETJOm. t For sale by Druggists and Dealers In ©ve?y — town in the UnltedStates-j . jQnov2 lfdWAS^- fjßrfliral. WILL CURE FEVERS, Adult ok Youth, miraculous effects. DYB PE PBI A , AKE CURED BY REME M B E R D. MERIUGE. NO. 631 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA JONES & EVANS, IJIHE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. DR, HA GQIEL’ 8 PILLSj AND SALVE These Life-giving remedies are now, for the first time, given publicly to the world. For over a quarter of a century of private practice the Ingredients In these LIFE-GIVING PILLS! have been used with the greatest success. Their mission is not only to prevent disease, but to cure. They search out ttie various mala dies by which the patient Is suffering, and re lnvleorates the tailing system. To the aged and Infirm a few doses ohtheso valuable Pills will prove to bo A VERY FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH, for in every case they add now Ufo'and vitality and restore the waning energies to their pris tine state. To the young and middle-aged, they will prove most Invaluable, as a ready, specific, and sterling medicine. Hero is a dream realized, that Ponce-de-Leon sought for three hundred years ngo, and uover found. Ho looked for a fountain that would restore tho old to vigor and make youth ever AN ETERNAL SPRING! It was left for this day and hour to realize tho dream, and show, In one glorious fact, the magic that made it fair. THESE FAMOUS REMEDIES caunot stay the flight of years, but they can force back, and hoUl aloof, disease that might triumph over the aged and the young. Let none hesitate then, but seize the favorable op portunity that- offers. When taken as pro scribed— FOR BILIOUS DISORDERS nothlug can be more productive of cure than these Pills. Their almost magic influence is felt at once; and the usual,.concomitants of t’ds most distressing disease are removed. These remedies are made from the purest VEGETABLE COMPOUNDS. They will not harm the mostdelleato female, and can begiven with good effect lu prescribed doses to the youngesl babe* FOR CUTANEOUS DISORDERS And all eruplionsof the skin, tho" SALVE Is most luvuluahle. It does uot heal externally alone, but penetrates witli tho most searching effects to tho very root of the evil! DR. MAGGIELS PILLS Invariably cure the following Dlsojises: Asthma, Bowel Complaints, Coughs. Coins, Chest IMseasos, Cosllveness, , l)ys«>,psla. | Dlurrluea, J)ropsv, Deblllly, Fever Jt Ague, Female Complaints, Headaehe. Indigestion, lntluenza, lullamation, ' Inward Weakness. Liver Complaint, Lowness of Sptjils, * Klngworm, Hiielimalism, Sit It lUiciim, Sealds. Skin Diseases, Notick.—None genuine without the en graved trmle-mark around eaeli pot or box, signed by I»it. .1. MAUtii KL, l.'i Fulton street, New Vork, lo rounterlelt wldeli Is li/lony. 4®“Sold by all respeetablo Dealers In Medl elnes throughout the United Stales and Cana das at 2T> gouts per box or pot. |dee Si lyd.tw. J~JR. CARPENTER FROM NEW YORK, TRENTON AND HAH RISBURO, Ilas'laltcu Rooiuh al COOPER'S RED LION HOTEL West King Stkekt, Whero he Is prepared lo treat successfully all diseases of the iniinau system with his OXYGENIZED MEDICATED IN H ALA- The inhalations are breathed directly Into the luugs, uud through them carried into the blood, expelling all Impurities from the sys tem and healing any ami every disease with which it may come in contact. A lew Inhala tions will change the color of the blood from a dark to a bright red. In cases of paralysis the cifltiuluLlon can be restored immediately, in nl niZst every Instance. In cases of consumption UUs method hus bebu attended with the best /esuUs ; its action upon the lungs belugdirecl And immediate, it gives the patient Just what ' he wants, viz : oxygeu, of which ho cannot get enough from the uLinosphero, owing to the clogged and congested condition of the lungs. Of course there are cases which cunuoL.be cured. Yet'there are hundreds that have been given up as iucurahlc, who nave only to breathe oxy gen to have new life lufused into them. Tills lsa compound medicated inhalation. It is perlectly harmless, having been administered to thousands of paUeuts with the happiest re sults. The>e inhalations are unlike any oilier ever given for remedial purposes, and cuu he obtained only at the otiices which we have es tablished in various parts of the country. An olHce will be established in every city In the State. The following diseases liavo boon successfully treated by this method, v 17.: Dyspepsia, Neuralgia. Rheumatism, Palpitation, Paralysis, Epilepsy, Catarrh, Eruptions, Asthma, iiruncMLls, Elver Complaint, Scrofula, Nervousness from whatever cause, Dliheult lJreathiug, Erysipelas, Syphilis, Cancers, Salt Rheum, Mercurial Diseases, Kidney Complaints, Female weakness, of all kinds, and such other diseases as require a purliicu tiou of the blood; CONSULT A TIOX FREE OF CIIA ROE. NO INFECTIOUS DISEASES TREATED Meucuuy Dkayvn kkom thk Svstkm. Voluntary testimonials from prominent Citi zens ol' New York, Urooklyn, Lowell and Tren ton, who have been cured by this treatment, can be seen at the rooms. ■*»-01Ilce hours from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M aug goats atui £tatiunanj. CHEAP II O <>K ST O It K . The place to purchase Cheap Hooks Is ul Till-: PEOPLE'S ROOK STORK, No. -M Nokth tit'KKN St., pounkii ok okanoe, where may he found at all times, a large as sortment of HOOKS FOII OLD AND YOUNG, CIIEAI' TO SUIT THE TIMKSI THE PUKTS IN BLUE AND GOLD. Maeauley, Swain,- Drowning, Heber Saxe. Moore, Kehle, Whittier, Coleridge, Tapper, Lowell, Longlellow, Hulwer r L’owper, Goldsmith, Poe, Shakspeare, Milton, Hvron, Kirk, White, Ac., &c. BIBLES AND PRAYEK 11UUKH I n great variety. HYMN HOOKS OF ALL DENOMINATIONS. PJIO'I'OUItAVH ALBUMS! The largest and finest assortment ever oll'ered In the City. ALL SIZES AND STYLUS, Holding from 12 to 2UO pictures each, and rang ing in price from ft) cents to 820.U0. TWO THOUSAND CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. The largest {assortment in Emcusler. , The greatest- variety of subjects : Religious, Noted Personages, b uney Subjects, Autumn Leaves, Nos. 1 and 2; Flowers, Nos. 1 and 2: Fruit and Blossoms, Nos, 1 and 2; Wood Mosses, Nos. J and 2; Life of Childhood, Nos. 1 and 2; Hummer Eindsonpes, Winter Landscapes, White Moun tain Scenery, Funny Characters, Nos. 1 and 2, beautiful ly colored. NEW STYLES BEING CONSTANTLY RE CEIVED. Ji J H L !■: H , LAKOK A N I) SM A 1.1. WRITING DESKS, ALBUMS, AUTOGRAPH HOOKS, CHESS HOARDS, Ar GOLD I’ENS AND SILVER HOLDERS, NEW GAMES FOR CHILDREN, NEW PAPER DOLLS, NEW CARDS, NEW DISSECTED PICTURES. TOY BOOKS! TOY BOOKS!! TOY BOOKS!!! TRANSPARENT SLATES, A aood assortment for sale cheap. IMPOIO'ANT TO SABBATH SCHOOLS ! Thu publications of the American Sunday- School Union, designed for Sunday Schools furnished at the lowest net Sunday-School prices. STATIONERY. The best writing papers and envelopes In the market always ou_nund._ SCHOOL 'BOOKS. All Llie hooks used In the various schools In the city aud county, furnished at the lowest prices. NEW MISCELLANEOUS HOOKS. Received as soon as published, and sold ftt publishers' prices. j&r Don’t forget the place. J. M. WESTHAEFFKII'K Rook and Periodical Store. Corner North Queen and Orange Hts. if w 2d Q_KAND Rl'Sll FOB HOLIDAY GIFTS No. 4 4 North iiUEE>* Street BOOKS, GAMES, TOYS. Beautiful work-boxes, WRITING OASES, PAPISTRIES, *pkoTOGRAPH ALBUMS, _ HYMN AND PRAYER BOOKS, POCKET BOOKS, • PURSES, SPY-GLASSES, MAGIC LANTERNS, FANCY PAPER-WEIGHTS, COUNTING HOUSE KELLS, a CHESS MEN, CHECKERS & DOMINOES, PAPER CUTTERS, TABLETS, , PORTFOLIOS, GOLD PEN'S. HOLDERS, QUILLS, Ac. Call every day and evening In the year, Sun day exct-pted, at _ J. M. WESTHAEFFEK'S Clie-ip Hook Store. dec 18 tfdAWl Danv at WtlllaniHtowD, ° n the id TULSOAX, ftheMh) of JANUARY, IK6O, between the hoars Lf in n’rlSck a. M., and 4 o’clock r. M., to elect Nino Dirwtdrs to servo said Company for the ensuing YJ^ r j HANIEL E- SLAYMAKER, dec 20 3tw 50 Secretary. J B. McCASKEY, 'surgeon dentist , OFFICE-East Kino St., near Centre Square Over the First National Bank , Lancaster, pa. Teeth handsomely Inserted on Gold, Silver or Vulcanized Rubber. Teeth durably plugged with Gold or Silver, The best of work at the very lowest rates. > Satisfaction guaranteed in ail cases. f\ 49* ALL WORK WARRANTED. “» 2$ .tow f*a*. PORTFOLIOS, SATCHELS,