pat gutelligenrc. OUR i - ORRING DEPARTMENT. — We would again call the attention of our friends throughout the county to our superior facil ities for doing job printing; this time tlir the purpose of reminding them that all that is necessary, in case they cannot find it con venient to call themselves, is for them to send us a written copy of what they want printed, by mail or conveyance. They may rest assured that it will lie promptly at tended to, and returned, executed in the .highest style of art, by earliest conveyance. We need scarcely remind the Democrats of this county that it is their fluty to laironizc this, the only Democratic printing olliccin the county. RAILROAD TIMETABLE, LA NCAST En S rA - TION.— EM7231! Erie Express Philadelphia Express Lancaster Train Fast Line.. Fast Mail Harri,,limi.r, Accommodation 6.10 p. Mount Joy Accommodation iirri ens.. s. i„ MTWAILD Philadelphia Express booil Mount Joy . 3 ,:icotninodation... First Line liarris4urg Aceminnoilation. Lancaster Train Elie Express LANCASTER :Nr, CLARION RI VER 11. N V.- W, invite the attention or t;0 im'olie to the advertisement of thiseempany. The — hame, of the persons eomprisine: the comp:my is a guarantee that it is Fenn fide and hint a mere speculation veutur;•. Among the list of subscril,l'S to this st.,ek, we notive the names of ;some of thy ne,“ men in the count v. LA NeASTEI2 1101:SE M A Itli'ET - - - AHN I. %I. F(•11. ti, 1.aI10:1St , .1 fur this Ims fairly 'Hi, di.- mand is brisk and fair iirs• 1114 fur animals. 'l'll, ISIIPZ.• is s 4, V. 1411 llr it W0 . 1%111 Hi VOID. figu , rss tho raft, :Salsss 1:555.11 151:5:155 t515 ,15•r t545:55: t . 55 t?tttuft, htlyssrs will still , s 155 15:ty :5 1555zil 55r luw tigurss, just is tll5 5y lusty want :5 first rate Ult i third 1:114. /11)1,1,. STA -0 ,1/1 Thi• arriValS at Vm• folhncs.: (Ireilialradt, from ',nl.- liu s county, ItJ head ; from 11.•.1- ford, :out f,ii;;;;lri I\lia 'mosey. from Friuli-- lin, 'Ls; lilx-Sheriff Skinner, from dit ; :‘l . .\;iirs, from Cambria, i; ; Itirkey, from s; Christ. Atilt r , Lameastiir, 1.1 ; Henry hosteller, Sm 0111.•1,,I. 11 ; Gna Walton, IVostam,,,lawl, I. ; Jon.. Ephraln, I I ; mid .1. I'. Shaw, 1,1WI" , .•111, ,• , ,anty, Ili. (If tin's,. about IP; rioitairied in the stables this morning, hulanre haring hoer; disposed citizens 61 Lane:uer county, littyin_ for tIdrONVII use, and tubers to dealers who siq•k r it market nirther to the east. 'ricitiT's STABLES, IreSt Ora Ityr• r, . 'rho late arrivals at this establishment are the following: I'. li. Irian liedfustl county, head ;lC ut. Chonnwith, do. 17 and Id. :lir. Sharp, Lanoaster, IS. ttf the:, about :W remain unsold. LEM. N 11 . 1.11EY'S STABLE , Queen street.—W, found nine head of horse, .for sale in these Stables this tooridou, among Which were sev,•rul ‘cry nods. About 12n left Funk's :mil Trout's Stable:, this morning for Phildel phia, of whom Copeland Cline took Funk 1:l and Sharp 17 The ahnve inenti4mcd r , •r. and \‘' -arr :111g nil ali hnl excellent acconnnodatinn tti dealer,. 'fit 1-1111,1( l'lllM of OWllllll'll .\llll,llllll, the Well-kIIIIWII 111101 1111(1 :"1111/t• 11,1111, , rentn , S(11.1111`, this city, has liven —the senior partner, )Ir. caniphell, retiring from the business. Ile Inadeltinisella l eat or friends while nrteriding tt, the - inns or till' 1(1.111/11(. 1)11110f 11111(.1 , 1 111'111, :\ far:41:111, NOP/ 1111.-1 1 / 1 -1.11 (1011111,11.(1 1.11111 ill.• esitiltlishinetit for Many years, still remain*. I let has associated with him in the business his smi, our young typttgraphie,tl friend, \Villian t O . :\ farina', and ish (hi , 1,,,V THE CITY Selll.l. ItD [v on Thursday evoning. Minutes rekl and appr,v,d, Conunit Leos' reports. The tollowing resolution was I,lr ere Inc M r. Jackson :oat adopted. i?e.SOierd, That the Ihm,h lino niittee rt , - pa't at the next stated meeting - , \vitat hooks are iinthorized and in the several s.•litiols, and whether the number cannot it reduced witilorit disadvantage. inotitiri the Secretary rorinest the various Itooksetiers or the eity, to write in each Lnnlc tiohi I v t hero , a 1 Of the Secretal'y, OW: V. 0 1 ,1, "'ii , property of the Sch. , ' itoard.'• .:11'..iai•It•ion i s motion, Mi. I im School Property Wire directed to notify the Janitor of Ifigh Stliools that it i , hi , duty to open tho roots and r 1 1 .4 for tilo tussatunodation of th•• Tottclu•rs' 1 to stitute, two Saturdays in t'ai•ll 1,1 J:11111 , Sit'', 111.•11111,1 . “ 1 . till BOartl, Wa, a c '•l tell - Mrs. c. uryant, Ton..tivr 4)f .\ s,•hooI, ,ont iii hor Hroot I\l:tcli P2tll, Ica. ;Lisl•t•ply , i uul 110 ( • : , 111111 . 111.. , ;,1 Nk•rilso for l'hofoiloNving Ilo• C•oloolt too,: for February, April : .Vllllll Er ISt :t.4 1)r. Ih.•trc l'arln•lit) , r, I loury Slay1)))11:).r Chas. V. .S'out Eej,t -IVillzain.l..\tlr r• l.ulhr•r IL, Dr..l MO . :Lila, Wm. .Vf.rth 11 - cst \Vm. I'. r.rmh,n, 11. \V. l'attPrsmi, ('has. .\. 110 . 1 mi-h. I I; tiNvarir, A. E.lh,hert.. .\ A. lik•rr Smith, Simon I'. Eby, ll.•nr\ Thmmt,. M kKE TUE jjom,TEArl A•r•rizAl.l iv E. IL 1.0 COS( SO 11111011 It, lilt` 'dace 41111• in. by ilbr2rill! mit the briiirs the tlnor yari I l'lallt a !lily trees : tutu ailil a ilig shrub , . that will all ,\ 0111 year. Next t tar, make it grits I wall or two, anal set a llew ilowerhe4 Ilan:, In their sides. Your sift iti.l 11;W1 1 / 1 , i wil • SOW some flower seed, if you will only pre Bare ameat homier for diem. 11,1 feNV 11111)1 , V,1111•11IS, hrigill IleXt.lunt., :111,1 guarantet• pat \VIII glal you inadt , thew. rewariiliiiir, will fences and buildings will be lc. ie rens r. Trees w II lie set out along the ro,lst;le. The house still have window-blinds. the romus will be papered and painted; gooe d furniture will be provided, and hooks and papers will not lie inissing,. All these things will he regulated:aeeoriling to out's at ill And, as a general rule, whatever our Means, it is better to make improve ments by degrees, trout yea; to year, than to do them all up at once, •• by the job. lie - assured this is the way lo ritid tio• b est hub], ill home adorning. . \AM. Ism d•inber, the influence of such improvements ths, not end with the individual family. The . , tell silently, hut with great efleet. upon society Every neighbor and every INl,st•r by fcol. them, and many'are led IT such example. to go themselves and do likewise. WHO MUST PAY FOR 111 E Sr.tol uN It ?—The supreme court of this State lately Made a decision of this which is thus reported in the city papers : 'al lag.hanet al, vs. Mei 'reedy et al.-Th.. only qaestion upon this record is whether vendor or Vendee of limnl by article,. ,* agreement is to pay for the stamp which the l(1 of rongressofJuly Ist, re, mires to he affixed to the title deed. The Court decides that from the :Let of Congress itsel f seems clear that it is the duty of the Sill to add the stamp to his deed and of course ii huy and pay for it if the vendee has not extrie , slY agreed to this for hum. ,• It . is plain that the plaintiffs having furnished and affixed the stamp to their deed, hail no . right to- charge the defendants with the price - of it. The stamp was essential to qualify the plaintiffs to I , erforin what they had w*reed to make. Judgne;nt reversed and kidgment is entered for defendants for nests. A DASTAREILY ( )t - Tn.O , E.-Illt Saturday night last some scoundrels broke into the house of the tinion Fire Company, and committed seine slight depredations upon its property. They greeted an entrance through the coal hole by bursting in the door. A number Of fancy articles yet un finished and left in the main hall by the ladies, who haiie charge of the Eairabout to he held for the company's benefit, were scattered about promiscuously, without much regard to order. Tbekey to the toor was taken, but it is as yet not known how much or what articles were carried of by the depredators, INDIAN MEAL AND CORN BREAD,—A. bushel of corn, says the Michigan Farmer, contains more nutriment than a bushel of wheat; but cornmeal should not be ground tine, us it will not keep sweet. There is no grain that can be put to so many good uses and served up in so many different ways as corn and cornmeal. First we have the green corn, roasting-ears, and soup in the early, and the dried-corn soup and hominy the Intlance of the year. These dishes every gaud house-keeper knows how to prepare, being the most simple in the culinary art. And then by grinding into meal, what vis ions of delicious eating float before -the cycs. First we have the corn-cake, made of meal and water, and a little salt, if you are too poor to use eggs and milk, mixed into a dough and baked on a griddle. Then corn-bread or pone, which can only be made properly by about one house-keeper in ten. Then mush and milk, and fried mush. We h a y, never seen the individual that did not like o no or the other. Man V ftli in making go-,ii nufah by not boiling it enough. When it i merely scalded it has a raw taste. Then tiler , is a very good coru-meal pudding, inau le by stirring the meal into scalded skim tMlk till it is as thiCk as 'gruel, and when cool, add ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt, to suit the taste, and a little fine cut stmt. and some raisins cn- dried peaches and a fine cut apple. It should bake an hour Or 1114 e, according to size. This is a good Tat mThe.t. And then see into' how 111,II; y 1,1,1 1)1,01111, a palatable and v , t :te oils lure. It is the cheapest and He, I wied—min• thud that man can live on, and -le the tailli• 4,1 both rich and I oor wore rriviently Man it now is, in ~.i,,,..4. it , many forms. 1. J., • . tt 11.1) u . Itt 11 itt 2.2;7 p. 5.5 p. m 11.,_ p. ni MR RuTTEP., (Jf the First Pplin,ylvania I,RRn :tuthoriz,l hy t i4)vßrnor cur'. ill iu ,anpany for the one year's Ir. It. a full term ill the rind is folly o,,rop,t,•nt =SEM lu (~,nmialltl ao,FHlpzoly iiorriis p, t, to V. 111 1 ,1% N% 11..11 hilts Qu fiiwk kill not lay while the fl•:011 , 1 . - nn. 1 - .lNvlll.g, ant•r L ord, hi , peri,dedtl•H , N,lllls hi . l!Co . r. 4,11( a I,lHy 1,11111 , t,, 1” ftlirnishl.4L,rs \V I I ill. Z.\ \ ;in f, 2 11. wing T " /.;:/h/ _AI it VII/1:11. \ in ~ 1 .1 I '.•11.,V ,. lfall, .11 l'ridity ring ,vas as a l giro I.lh. 1,01 . N• ili '.11,10111 NViIIIZ thl' I'll"' slol~ anti 5ia, , 11,1 lo•la allll that i,anging partn , T, nu rrlacation sh , all,l hall wax riot V. 1,11 ill started. .f Ow Ili. > inn 12711 Vt. inn, and Tl l i• ft,llllll 11,1' !UN- . 11 , 1' :111 Hirt/W.l'll, 010 filth th. 11 , ,,,r until Ili- ninth I hitn-.11 vanvish.d. Aft.r 11l - Ifni 11 , ,ur th , 1,,•,1111, 'lll, of al- srow Hind, fa,a, and a. 4,41 oaeli -.l,aral. hair I-11(1 Ilkl• TIM!, 11ii.,11 1 . 1,•trIll 11(1r.11111111•:' 111111111, , 11,1,, :111.1 frisllik 1. , 1t11 P1111'2: that a SH.IIIIII ring -114,111,1 1 , 1,0r.1ia- , 1, and the .4.1114-st 4q1u1.41. Th,- [h. lalgosl. 110111111, i. n.; - .r the a‘,Tag. HI, in 111.11 th,:11.a,1 gr.ivs \ \ \ - Th•• II itioing(lim li in illt• ,11:111e I . :I r.l lif V2IIIIIIMI t.; * ~ :11111 \VI , 1 pt.l i• ,I,l.,llilV,ldn•ady Ilk intvnti,)n car. In 1w1(1, throo. ‘ vi i it•h iii ICI I j., sell It( a small pn,lit iii ni r I.! :il/11 n . 11.,‘ their stark ilailr.nitiSt4Pe \Vill ,top :t; h.• ,1”11 tho n,:td and They used Lace tip tit that region in the Aletpt• Ina el eettr.r they :4 4 4 titirely h•e 11.11.11thtir ILr the.e fast t.1',10•41•1:%. .Mil Nii‘v Vial: raid lii• dint \\ h i 4 .11 li. 1111.11, ,•11,11,4,111 HO. t• i•Vt•il irleuoftht (•.Xl,ll H 1111:,11 , ••1" H . 11, III! , The I iy ;27 . 111 , , IVIII/ ink I . : , 111 ITT 1 I I f1'. , 111 -11L111,.• froin senti -1.111:,1 Xll.l. 11 , 111 , 4.1) , .1,11t)1i•e1i5e j,, 1,11,11'1 :I , .t1.1)11..(i he,loWoll lIIIIIII=MMIaI :111 , 1111,11, li/Ver \Vie, S i elleiS i't lirepare the NV:ly fer the :II \\lite.' many Wi• Ittiiir ur 1 , 1 , •:1 , :111Hy :111 , 1 loitrning an anti wilia , ,ing Nvt)rk,silerit 1 , , 1111-111,•-,. 'Pit Lo iu sticl, II! flit , fitir SP:X. :111d 1,1 , 1,111, nlI I 1 the 1•y,• , in izilt ts,firoil tune Icily. 1, i , , ,• l'upitis, :11,1 fimt- t •r., 51111 de- , d,l 1,:1,ht•14,1* Asl.r , ilip a 1,..p mak, llo• hair , II.• , ut...Mt a. Iho -1,111,•,1 (•11:tp,f nine ii.• -.1a1.1,10111,, up N vhi l 111 his WI% CIF% hl )lAl;lirc. pri.!S 1'.1111.:1'. 1... 1 , . , ..11.1 ..... 1.,,,,. - ,,,, I ~.. :- ~, 1..•.1..z...i. .... ..- ... . 1 , ... 1.". , 1.,1.1, 1,..r 1,..11.1.1 :.'..).,.'.'.,. I A11,i,11,. i ill t . , 1... r 'Sil . 5.).. , 1.. .1,, - .•.,...1, , •• " • .MP , ` 1..- toning to their Senses Thl , an• illthlaltilalS that Ow It . atla'S coining to their ,en , es. In the I . nited States Senate, on last, the proposition to ex clude thevoti• o: the found ill I ieinity arc youshlrrcd sin dlrations of 1111 111 very 1/trg, surface are of the 111, ,, t 1,1110,10 chararter. ail and ibis Spring, tie uullodous, and the oil in 1111111 V I/114,1, is found I,l,nd:ding, through the surfai:, of Oil' grogllnt. 1/i)111 Acre, is low liollolo laud es tending along the edge of the river, about thre,-fiairti, of a unt,, atrording; excellent faeilito, for slid:dug a Hain L~•r of wells, and W . ,hipping Ih,oil wat+-r, without resorting hi :lily 1,11Vi•y:1114, land, WIIIOII i 5 :Lill, call item of very grefli . . pence. 'lThe Clarion river is :i large sa . ,,int nas.igald'e. for liathoats and raft, capahle of care) ing on each bent one thousand Ira 1,10 of UP, wo,twardl , direct to Pittsburg :111d the Ohio river, :old east wardly to Itidgway out lie Philadelphia and Erie Itailroad, only a feu' miles distant. The gre: t I lll,l,llglifare through our :-‘l:lt4. I,tthe great VAliell has been opened svit hiu the 1:;51 few month , : will, by affording facilit oleo,- inunieation and leaved, insure the raphl de velopment 411 I his whole region. Proposals her running IL new Railroad directly through locality to Venango couffiv 1 1 , are now eing made. THe valley 10- 1 .. larillll river is 111,1 bPeomingthe most popularandvalualde , :il Ter ritory tkie I:TPl44lSr:ties. A nuniln , r of yearo:igo a fee' ex perienced and practical oil men 11111 1,1.1 the great deposits of AS1 , 11:1.11 11111, 1111t1 ;,etlq 1111 , 1111IIIMIq foal nd Sll,lle, )11,111111 , 1 in .let- Elk and :Mt' 11;111 their formation aml the decllnatiun of the slopes of the strata, became convinced that Jef ferson county was the great oil ha , in of Penn sylvania, they accordingly Plirchased large quantities of land, :rad are note disposing of it at hithiliths prices. We ea 11 1101 point out a niiiither of wet ii•iit ing greaLithantifies 1)11111111 thi, int tin , :hate vicinity, trom the fact Chat no elb:ris hate hit herto 1)54, made to develop it; hut :1 little further 4losell the river a large iminher of the 111,51 yalualtle Well, iu 111...•. , 1111 . try Ike , •11 obtalued, with more flattering result. the nearer theytapproach this Meation, and hs parini4 . the ge:dogical tormat inflof the con lit %vitt - , that cti the beet territory. no doubt. , exists in Ilse 1.1111.1 , of selentilic iojit that it will he at least equal t:I N 0.2. A lease for Isventy year, Ili ~1 Ithotel to the .. mat". Fa,,,,",,nttinl eighty acres in Hooking comity, o, "11 1 Nrin..t side of Hocking riser. It: teei s i•o•ek 1111.1 two Other ill !i. tlo riverrunsthrougltthistrai•t. This river h.:MASI :4:11,10 for Flat boats patt of the proper! v'frorits on the river- :Wont out—third of a mile and is distant only one-fourth ,:f a Mile froth the lloeldng Canal, which inter,,ts lit.' :Nlarietta and t'inenimit Ihillroad, at - then:, There is an abundance of bituminous 1.1.1 011 this ; the land is hill,v and has deep ravines with every illtlirat1“11 kPI 1111 althrthrinee of 011. There is a spring fa. the fares Which i• aim. he nseii lor V:001'1114 Stock 1111 a cuuul of being so strong:l.k ithfiregniff•••l with 1111. No.:1, A lease for twenty yen, of a 1 act of 1:11111 1:111‘,11 as flu' Ilenderottll t . “ 11- laininlng seventy-the ill I 14 wi , i11,4 (.1110,-.11 the Big nth , . al Creek, 11 I. .111011 t I.Wk, anti 11 111111' Milk, from the %111:il. TII.. NeWll.l . l: 11111 5 1 111,1igh it, A port ion of thi, tract is 1.11.1111 1:11111 1.1.1 the 1.1:111,e hilts wish plenty of coal ill them rend good Indirutions of oil, No. I. :\ tease for tv6,111,' ycllrs 4,1 a I met of land El, the - ttro,by , ontainina enty-Pima acres, In 111101:11,4 0 , 1111 10•:111.1 a• ritutrti , r mile. tram the 1.11:11. hurt Icing oil l iq Itaci.owl I'1,•••1 :ill.l I wllh Fanll. - h•r, laud huh dv u, tw tattling fifty Acres, In Iloeking county, half a mile from the Canal. The locality - I,f tins Tract Is as good as the Patton lea, haying every indicat ion of a good sin ply of oil. The last are Silllieet 111th royalty and secures to the Company the right to it){ the (iii, Coal, Iron and other valuable substanecs found thereon. G. The fee simple of a tact of land the •' Moore Farm," containing Ft ft y-sixacres on Five-mile creek, in Hocking eitunty, distant three miles front the canal. Ia New ark railroad runs through the farm. There is a mountain on each side of the t rant—the one has an abundant-end excellent iron tire, and the other a largo quantity of coal, :mil there is a furnace within half a mile. This is at s investment, independent of the oil we expect to obtain from it, the indi cations of sr hied tire very strong beer. There was IL well Cling ou the several yen, ago for the purpose of watering tattle, but there is so merit oil ill the water that cattle will not drink it. The oil found on the (Ado lands is the "Lubricating 011," which is much more valuable than that found in Pennsylvania. There are R. number of valuable producing wells in close proximity to all of the above properties; but the regions are only, beginning to be developed, and have every indication of being located in the very best oil territory. The great excitement now only tiorn mooring to rage in i - egard to oil territory on the Clarion and Hocking rivers and their tri butaries, and the fact of the Company haying so largeanamount in different locations leaves no doubt in the minds of the Directors that the Company will be able, in a short time, to dis pose of a portion of Its property at prices far exceeding the original cost, thereby securing large ' dividends to the stoeklinlders, even before any oil is obtained; :IS, after dis posing of a large portion, the Company will still have amply sufficient territory for the purpose of development. In calling the atten tion of Capitalists and the public generally to this enterprise, the Directors have determined to spare no efforts to push the sinking of wells to completion as fast as possible, with the view of realizing permanent business profit to the stoelzoolders at the earliest moment', and they have no :hesitancy in expressing the belief that the return will be more certain and than from any other investment. To give an idea of the immense profit to be derived from earnest and successful working, it is only ne cessary to state that a single Company is pay ing to its stockholders in cash dividends alone the sum of one million dollars per year. The inducements now offered by this Com pany to those desirous of obtaining an intertait in a source of wealth that is now startling the whole world are well worthy of serious con sideration. The v thiccall 1 5 u are respectfully invited to at the office of the Company, whore every infor mation in regard to its workings and prospects will ,be freely' given, and detailed Maps and Charts exhibited. Subscriptions to a limited part of the stock (a large portion having already been taken) received at the original price of 81 per share, and subject to no further assessment, Office of the Company, No. 16 NORTH_PVICE Street, Lancaster, Pa. THEO. W, FIE R, Secretary and Treasurer, =an 28 lmd I . fcb S Smw gnu Advartiotmento. A rDITOH'S NOTICE—ESTATE OF _a George W. Porter, dec'd. The undersigned having been appointed by the Orphans' Court of Lancaster county Auditor, to distribute the balance in the hands of Mary C. Porter, idmin istratrix of all and singular the Estate of Geo. W, Porter, deed., to and amongst those legally entitled to the Caine, hereby gives notice that he will sit for that purpose in the Library Room in the Court House, at Lancaster, on M THUD-SPAY. the 23 day of ARCH, 1863, at 10 o'clock, A.. 11 , when and where all persons in terested are requested to attend. D. W. PATTER.SaIs.:, Auditor. A EDITOR'S NOTICE.--FSTATE OF ./71_ Barbara Hoffman; late of the Borough of Mount Joy. dee'd. The undersigned Auditor, appointed to distribute the balance remaining in the hands of Samuel P. Bower, Executor, to and among those legally estltied to the same. will sit fin that pnrpose on TUESDAY. MARCH 7th, at 2 o,clock, P. ~ in the Library Room of time Court House, in the city.of Lan caster, where all persons Interested in said dis illicit ion may attend. 10) , 4tw 51 y TALUABLE Real Estate at Public Sale On Wednesday. February 2'd, next, the undersigned Executor of the Will of Ann Geal haugh late of the city of Lancaster, dee'd., in pursuancetlf the direction • of said Will, will ex pose to sale by public vendue, at the public ii. )use of L. Houseal, in the borough of Marietta, rpper Railroad Station,) the following de scribed Real Estate, late of said dedeased., to wit: No. I. A plan tat ion or tract of first-rate Land, situated on the Susqehanna River, in East Donegal two„ Lancaster county, :1 miles from Mar ietta, and two miles from Matt own, adjoin ing said river, and lands of Abraham Engle' Benj. Herr, Conrad Zeigler, anti others, con, mining about 140 ACRE.'S, about 4 acres thereof l a ding covered with excellent Timber. The im provements theron are a two-storied FRAME IItiFSE, Barn, Wash House, snnike House. Wagon Stied and fora House, Pig Sty id other :mild logs; Also, Tenant House, Well of excellent water with pump, and an or chard of young fruit t reel. The railroad and canal run through the tract along the river, No. :1. tract of first-rate limestone land, in i';lOt lIJ megad township, atoresaid, about 4, of 11111, ra,t mayiown, on the road leading to Mountjov, adjoining Imids of John White h .laiesClurk—lohn Peck, Jacob Markley, , r_ 111 ~.1 4 1, . , and others, e.atlaining 11Mr ACRE'S and with a Well of water and pump thereon. Both ei lid described tracts are under good fires, divided into convenient fields and in a high state of cull ivation, No. :1. A tract of th,t-ratelimestone land, ad- said II of Maytmvn. wt the turn' pike leadin,, to INlatietta. adjoinitig Imois of Ait•haln: . y,Sll.llll.lel Penee, Fletcher, All ,right :1111 of her., r.rutainitw about 2.5 im,1,•g4.4,11 fervors anti to gwul cniti at lon. I. 2 , . Iw.uf izrountl, in oai,l tow,,,f m a y_ t“Nvii. un 111,..1,1111,v,5t eorner of l'eutre Square =I=MMMIIMI=2I=I= 1 , .an1.•.1 1. \ lUSE, with kitchen 1,1 , 4, SWIsm•E . Barn, ;tlill ,qlll.l. pIIIIIIS ill I/11e of tht 5,i,)11/1:4 lc) %Ii• the retain' s, he line sale, kill please call on Mr. .lac“ 1, P. I..,lignecicer. residing 11111" AiIIYWWII. llm , U],• will I at I 4,', , Uick in tine atter- I nlkoll when terms 1011 be Illatie FRANTz. Executor, ,N,c. .11.1 . . t 131. E CIIEWFER ('ll/1 - N . TY I; 11 ,t I'llllc Sal, The sal,orther wh-iling to relinquish l'aratiaLt, Nvill sell at Pah -1 I.•iah , tat FEIIItrAIIV It ont• I'. NI., I ht• Farm on ! 1,, no, rpperltsfiaolTwli,, Pa., hair 11111.1 athl a hall milt, Irian lila:sell s 111 , , alpl oll.•:in,1 a hall tail,. It,. Ell: Vic,' 1,1,11 Th.. 11.1' 11. .1. \1 1 . fiat ti0r.1..1. 11.t11,1,1‘,11. ~ , ffininktu alx.tlt li. t ,1 is , The I:111d iS in :t hush al 1.1, ,111.1, gimti fencv, MIIIMMIE=I=MEd 111111t . l,1•1111,11, ( . 111,1,1 1,1 a large I Fran, and 11.'4 ,•r Inu ymittg pplc Tr ‘,r1.1 1”•01,11,,. I),vart huh tlir t, ,4)111illg Trees, best iiarlo•l varieties, jilst Into lwarlnLy, a varietc• of Cherry and Plum Trees a Nvt•ll-......,rted vari.•ty ;rape \• j Th•ranis, (:,,oseberries, Biaokber i, a large and lwantiflll lawn frontinv, eX tending n. 1.11, read, ail,ysOyartk, iii ,vlll,ll ale planted lle ettoic,l rlet icn of all. ~ 13.1:1111e111:il :111.1 shadt,, Trves and std Th.- alp; . ovt• n:Hno,l and ra.i lc (nrit•tl. :tn.' 111, ,1111:01111 (11 111, ;,,n iu Ili, evtllll . I I , 1 , 11,.•.1 111, pz,tits nn tho fruit gruicu IM=MMlE==ffffit=l •ttll•r liian that 4,f ll,grulu ¢nncu or) ;,tl , 1:v•Ill ill In .Itl 1111 y 1 \rl ar,• I.,•rttpit•d i”r I pilr!111,•. \2N )11•1, PH W1 , 1112,2,t , Vi1 • W the 111.•,111wrilwr B \ PA NV lout iiotires „•..,,•,, . I h,•,•1. OP al, 1,11L10,1,11 nctkciut pn,lial~•>, tIIU tile ,illl, will pro , elll thrnt I. the twat:, 11:1'S REA.AI, .I.lnlitilstratt r, lo. , oling 111 h:as[ t'~~~alico t%clo. lit NV I , ST.ATE OF FANNY h rwrz. LATE OF l i p East Ii ,It•e'd.-I,etters ”it xtid e , tate having }won u.l•:inlel the Itudersigno,l, all pers(ms Indobt, :trt• 14 11N•sl.,11 141111:11:, in.llll(,llatt2 ,9tit•ll.t•ltt. :trid 111“,• do -11ttid,.1;i1,1,... ILt 1(141.1, , , ,, 1c111's estate, kill 611.1,1 t!d , -.1,4. 1., 111111 v.'1I.11(111t 1.1-: I NILAM, ill •did • I" a' t'FF OF AVINTERS. I A'IE havizlgjAken vrant h. 11, urolt•rsigtltll, p,.51,11 111111,1,11 111,1'1'111 :11 . .• 1't. , 11: , • , 1 , • , 1 ICI inßkt• 111.111,111. auJ 1111,, 11:AV114.1:eht1111,11,11•111:11111:1 1111. ,1111 i II 111111 . 1 , 1•111 tlll.lll Wllllllt . lt 110- 1:1! 11 , 11,•111,1111•11i It. till' 111111.•,1U - 111,1, 1 . 1,111111. 111 111', /1 , 1111. ./1111N ItAl . ll, N• Ft EX14•111.11,. ITIp I I.~•I- I.•i- sum -strut. having L . :tnlotl to 1 111 on:llt.rsivned,ull person, 111,1,1 c: al rogto , t:•:1, to to:di , ilono , oi::: I kmaml. mai those having claims Or 111:1111/ , a2il/11sit the Sall.' Wilt pre•ollt than stIIMIIMM to the under ! • mwd, rt - sidilig 111 ,1i , L11,W11 , 11111 ....... .\ RICH. ItENJAMI N URICII, STAT I. OF I - I).—Leth., the .\l,/111,111i li1 . 1 •, 1. having In the towni.ltip: All per tii t 111),V having i•ln lit prt , ,• lll 111,111, ti it 1,11( delay, nil . settlement. lIENEY I:xrrut4nr X ( t T 0 it 'S N o'l'l E 41F 14 M late ,/f 1,1 tc, iiislltlll,lllltry .11 Said 111, glilillllsi t 4,111, ull(It•r,f411,1, I pt•t.,,,., 1111.1,11/ 11111111 •i 1111.• it 1111 . 111. 111111 1 11. s. 1111, 1:1 111•11,11 , IS :1'4:1i1,“ 1110 dull, \VIII In Wit Si 901•111.111 01 l he 1 . 1 ., 11i111,-, 11l 11S1111, lil EP, 1 j,,111 0, o • I ~14'11('E IS IIEItE.1:1" (41VEN, 'flu • catholli-nt.1.•11- (•,1 1. • 11 . ! y L.lncaster, I•ennsylvn.p., itic pl,,•11t1,1 111,1 r petition to tilt. (•,iri of • , I .ail 11:1, Y . , in , .1. AI., Iti.arill,.:lll;i grant - 1..111 Nyliere p•rson. if Ow:. .1 , MN . .1 . :1,1 , ( , M1:11,1-:. 2,1 I Pr”tily. I) I R • S NIEFII•E.--ESTATE 01' late Little Britain u - p., 1,,,,,,•,...a5,q1.—"1'11e undersigned or. appointed Ico ,11,trib111,. tic.. bal::11t, 1,11:0 r1:11 , 4 111 t,r•l'lll,r ut flit , alcove dece,lent, to :did entitled to 1:lat piirt.os.• oft '1111•1-CSDAY. A. it , •Th, i , , at Ii A. M., 1t...1111 of the court lious,, In :lie Lant'aster. where all persons into•rested said, distribution trillY attend. A. SI,AYMAKEIt, j:iti I , it w Auditor. %TI('E---LITTERS TESTAMENTARY .N t having been granted to the undersigned, I• X Cl/ to, of Samuel Bower, late of the borough of Strasburg, tlec'd, all persons Indebted to the saill d e<-eased will make payment Immediately, tho,c having claims present the same duly authenticated to Samuel I'. Bower, one of t he ,ahl executors. residing hrsald borough. JAMES S. BROWN, SAMUEL P. BOWER. 1,-it - Executors, I AST NOTICE.---ADJOURNED MEET ' j ing at the Auditors to distribute the Es tate of Mark cornet', Sr.. de 'd. The under signvi Auditors, appointed to distribute the leaner remaining in the I ands of A. Rhob anal }friary Barton, Administrator , of Mark Connell Sr late of \Vest Earl township, deed, to and among those legally entitled thereto, have ad journed to inert again for the purpose of their appointment,*on TUESDAY, FEB. 11th, MIS, at 2 o'clock, P. M., at the Library Room in the Court House, at Lancas er, when and where all brs. ins holding claims against said estate, or eing interested in the distr bu [lon thereof, are reimested to attend. WM. WEIDMAN. J. B. LIVINGSTON. fel, 1 Mu' 1, Auditors. "1 - 1 STATE OF CHRISTIAN GRILBOEZER late of the City of Laucaster, deceased.— Letters of Administration on the estate of 'bristtan Grilborzer, late Of the City ofLaneas ter, dee'd, having been granted to the subscriber residing iu Pinegrove township, Schuylkill county, Pa.., all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will preSent them, without delay, properly authenticated for set t lenient to JACOB GRILBORZER, Pinegrovc, P.O, Schuylkill c0.,0r his Attorney 1. E. MESTER. Lancaster, 6tw* 4 INFORMATION WANTED.--OF THE whereabouts of John Stiles, son 9f William Stiles, deed. Said John StilesTenlOyedt from Berkley county, Virginia, to the eastern part of Pennsylvania, some forty years ago, If he or any of his heirs are IlVing, they can hear of something to their advantage by calling at this otlice, or addressing a letter to H. G. Smith, lo tellifienrer Ottipe, Lancaster, Penn. Mb 4 - -tfd.t.w VA LUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. The undersigned, residing in Bethel twp Fulton counts' Pa., five miles west of Warlords, o burg, otters his farm at private sale. It con tains 270 ACRES, more or less, 8.3 of which are cleared and in good stateafeWilvallan. There is a good DWELLING Idol si. and hank Barn, with all necessary - 011t-bUildings on said pre mises. Also, a tine young Orchard of MO Apple Treee hod 300 Peach Trees thereon. Terms easy. Address, ANDREW DANIELS; Warfordsburg, Fulton county Pa. 3tdckw FIRST NATIONAL BANK OZ . MARIETTA, 1 . January 23rd, 1865. f I NTEREST ON DEPOSITS.--FIVE PER cent. Interest will be paid for deposits made with this Bank, payable In one year. AMOS BOWMAN, Cashier. Jan 25 itv: LANCASTER COUNTY NATIONAL BANE, January 12, 1865. J - DIRECTORS MATE THIS DAV T 7 dled in the remaining instalment of Five Dollars per share on the Capital Stock of this Bank, to be paid in on or before the 15th day of February next. W. L. PEIPER, jan 25 3tw 3] Cashier. STRAY STEER.—CARE TO THE POEN ses of the subscriber, residing in James street, this city, near Franklin and Marshall College, on the 37th of December last, a STRAY STEER, spotted with red and white, and with a slit in the right ear. The owner can have the same by calling upon the subscriber, proving property and paying charges; otherwise he will be disposed of according to law. feb 1 3t*sc - 41 GEORGE ZIEGLER. AMOS MYLIN, Auditor FARMEHS NATIONAL BANK OF LANCASTER, t Lancaster, February Ist, 1513:5. CITYLOAN.-SIX PER CENT. LANCAS. ter City Loan, clear of State,. County and City Taxes in Bonds of :31,000 and :S5OO each, in terest payable at the Farmers' Bank of Lau- Lancaster, half yearly, April Ist 'and October Ist, can be bad at par, and accrued interest at this Bank. E. 11. BROWN, feb 13tws3tdSj Cashier. JROARER, , RECTIFYING DISTILLER AND ITHOLE3ALE DEALER IN FRENCH BRANDIES, HOLLAND GINS, SCOTCH AN[) IRISH WHISKIES, JAMAICA RUM, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINES, Sc., No. II East King Street, Lancaster, Fa. 45y- Constantly on hand, Copper Distilled Old Rye Whisky, Apple Brandy, &e. aprl2 IVITEREAS LETTERS OF ADMEN-IS )). tration on the Estate of Samuel S. Baugh man, late of Bart township, deceased, have been granted to the subscriber: All persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those claims or demands against the estate of said decedent will make known the same without delay to "JOHN M. HEYBEGER, AT ANIf 0 0 ; HOW LOsT H 1W RESTORED ! published, in a .ecaled , airelope. Price 6 Cl•aff. A. LECTURE ON THE NATURE, TREAT MENT, and Radical cure of Spermatorrhcea, or Seminal Waekness, Involuntary Emissions, sexual Debility, and Impediments to Marriage generally ; Nervousness, Consumption, Epi lepsy, and Fits; Mental and Physical Incapacity resulting from Self-Abuse, Ac. By ROBT. J. I'ULN ERWELI„ M. D. Author of Green Book, .rc. A :BOON TO THOUSANDS 01' !SUFFERERS. Bent, under seal, in a plain ~ n velope, to any address, post paid, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by =MEI! SPECIAL NOTICE PROSPECTES AND REPORT OP THE COM MITTEE SENT TO \VEST VIRGINIA TO EXAMINE -IND SELECT I , t.Nlls Fun "THE wEsT vllwlxrA NATioNAL PE TROLEUM ASSOCIATION." (An Old Enterprise on New Principles. Read last Month's Paper.) Can he lout by addressiog the undersigned, James I,yod, Esq., N. F - d : South Sixth street, Philadelphia, puldisher ot this paper, or Jones Webster, No. ol North Fifth street, Philadel phia, authorized Agent to receive 1111, I ions from this eoun , y to the above Assoela thud Dr. Jas. J. Strawn, of Paradise, I.ancas ter county, has consented to receive subscrip tions—therefore subscriptions can he made through him to this stock. uljoinittu' laud, ‘V , ". Philips acrcs: 7:1,1, Subscription price for the present, per share fully paid up. Subscriptions fur la/ Shares of less cash ad the time of subscribing, and over this ninnher of Shares, three-fifths on the whole amount—balance in two separate stalments, ijan 21 -Itsbtlltiv DEP OR T.----THE COMMITTEE AP pointed to vislt anti examine the lands for the Association, "lade their report id a gen eral meeting of the Association, held January 3rd, 186'3, at North Sixth street, Philadelphia, that they hove visited, carefully examined, anti v sixteen separate tracts, comprising, In all 6,192 , ...: acres, at a cost of from $35 to SS3 per acre—making all average Riper acre. These prices are much below those usually paid for oil lands in West Virginia, owing to the fact that the Committee have personally visited the !ovations, :01,1 purchased from bon" fide owners, thus saving the large pro fi t that is generally plac on lands by Agents before sell ing to Coat mules. The whole of 011,0 lands have brew selected by the Committt, as first class 1)11 Territory. having in view iris :tette, to Inarket, s.. ne sary for their early deVehttallellt. We be lieve that no property is better situated, or lias more reliable Indications of :In alaindanee of Mollie of these tracts tire well Improved farms and till oontain tine timber In large quantities. They are situated on What is called the Break," or Urea( Upheaval, and ate well inter sected by streams and ravines. (Al has been found within a Very Sher( ill:f -ume,: of the most of these locations, so that. the T . ummitlxt, are satisfied front person"( examina tion, that till the tracts how presented will yield oil in paying • Your t'ommittee would further report that Tiler hate arrangtai to purchase till these tract, iu Pee :Simple, clear of theumbrama, .11".Subsember, are untitled the third Instal went is now payable.-ii.-9 Jan 27 2td - - • - 1) RINTIN I: OFFICE FOR SA LE.— Wishing to retire from the Printing Busi ness, the publisher of an old established Denio cratie Newspaper and Job Pinning V[lice, In one of the na)st populous and wealthy counties of Maryland, otters his office for sale. The office is doing a heavy laisiness at present, is well supplied with Material, Power .net Hand presses, Type, Be. Its business In the I ab o ut 1, aggre s7,ooo per allnUln , 1 I eat ion mad; at an early due. Yussrss Wu gi yen the 1 , 111. MT DAY OF APRIL, 1,41.), or sooner, if desired. For further pail iculars, address ED1T4114.1-3 plc INTELLICIENCER. dee 1-I rpm E COLUMBIA INSURANCE ('OM MANY OF COLUMBIA, LANCASTER Whole amount Insured g 9 004,436 68 Whole amount of Premium Notes,., 255,031 46 Balance Cash Premiums, January 1, 1863, 120 31 Recp't for Premium less Agent's commission In 1803 8,382 46 Receipts for Assessments less Agent's commis sions in 1863, 2,385 02 Losses and expenses paid In ISM $10,1:13.3`2 Hal. Prem. Jan. 1, 1161, 3,751 17 MICHAEL S. SHUMAN, Treasurer. DI RECTO lUS R. T. Ryon, John W. Steary John Fendrich, Geo. Young(, Jr. 11. U. Minich, Nicholas McDonald, Sani'l F. Eberlein, Michael S. Slit/Man, AMOS S. Gruen, S. C. Slayrnaker, Edmund Spering. Columbia, February 13, 15i-1. aug 30 1yd.47 7 Air ASIIIN 1. T 0 N 11 017 S E , V No. 709 CHESTNET Street, above 7th, ,Adjoining, the Thisonie Temple,' PHILADELPHIA. This old and popular lintel ls situated in the very centre of !Justness, and convenient to the steamboat and Railroad Depots, accei i ii i i Lvm which to Ow lintel is attainable at all times. The house has been thoroughly renovated and newly furnished, and In every respect render rd I he wishes and desires of the travel ling public. The reputat hat that the Manager has enjoyed in the comluet of other hotels will Ire a sufficient guaranty that no etliert on his part will be epared to make the "W;IS/1111glOIC a first-class holism The larder will he unex ceptionable in every rest. M. The Manager will be pleased to see his ofd friends and for mer patrons of the •• Indian Queen, - Wilming ton, and "States Union," Philadelphia, and to welcome many new ones. CHAS. M. .. , ILLMOND, feb I 3111 AV 41 Manaw4r. AVT:IS.—The Bounty lax list has now been placed In the hands of the subscrl ber, Treasurer of the township, fur collect iii. By a Joint reso lution of the Boards of iiebool Directors of " Warwick township, cud of the Litiz. District," persons paying their taxes to the Treasurer, will be entitled to a reduction of ten per cent. For the convenience of tax-payers residing In distant parts of the tow Irhip, the Treasurer or an Agent appointed by him. will attend at the following places and days, for the purpose of receiving taxes, viz: At Sholam's Tavern, on Wednesday, Febru ary SIM, from 1 o'clock I'. M. to 1 o'clock, P. M. At the Lexington Tavern, on Thursday, Feb ruary 9th. from 9 o'elrsck A. M. to o'clock, P. 31. At the White Hall Tavern, on Friday,Febru ary 10th. front 9 i - i'clock A. M. to 1 o'clock. P. M. At the Alin port Tavern, on Tuesday, Febru ary 11th, from 10 o'clock A. M. to:3 o'clock, P. 31. At Mouses' Rabbit Hill Tavern, on 'Wednes day, February 15th, front 9 o'clock A. M. to -1 o'clock, I'. 31. Wiactilantou,g. -%.drainistrator. Nan IS tit.w 2 Bart twp., Jan. 17, 1.4a5. DR. J. C. KLINE. 127 Bowery, New York, I'o't Office, box 4,5,511. Xrnd I",,urs, Respectfully, MAHLON GILLINGHAM JOsi. T. ROWANO, WM. 11. ACKLEY, \t"M. GRIFFITHS, L. McCLEARY .:SIAII I 11EW 1. tItADY, J. H. NVHEELER. COUNTY, PA. FOURTH ANNUAL REPORT 81.3,M7 79 A. S. GREEN, Prestdeut. GEORGE Yout , a3, Jr., Secretary. Tax-payers Interested wishing to avail them selves of this deduction, will call at the odicc oft he Treasurer, at the store of Messrs. Tshud, Huebener, iu Li tiz. All taxes remaining unpaid on Monday, the 20th day of February next, will be pineed i u the hands of a collector, to whom the full amount of tuxes assessed must be paid. TSBUDY Treasurer of Warwick township. feb 1 3tw FREDERICK COUNTY LAND AT PRI VATE SALE. One Farm of 153 ACRES, and one of 12:i ACRES. These two farms can be bought together, as they are one tract. They both have comforta ble improvements upon them. They are bounded on the south by the Balti more and Ohio Railroad, and on the north by toe Baltimore and -Frederick Turnpike, and are 6 miles from Frederick and 1 mile from New Market and Monrovia Depot. The above farms can be bought at,g, bargain, on the most reasonable terms. There is wood enough on themlo pay the purchase money. For further particulars address N. O. SHIPLEY, New Market, Frederick county, Md. N. B. I will also sell one farratid Joining Mon rovia Depot of about 291 ACRES, abounding in limestone, and equal to any land in the State. feb I:3mw - N. O. S. • V E rll l :tr t 7 Gel g al :4 re liteconoel en titled, "An Aet enabling the Banks of this Commonwealth to become Associations for the purpose - of Banking under the Law of the United States," passed on the i r . , :d'itay of Aug, A. D. 186.1, has certified to me that the ',LAN CASTER COI - 2 , in' BANK," located in the City of Lancaster, County of Lancaster. has fur nished satisfactory evidence to him that all the require cants of said Act have been complied with by the said Bank, and that it has become en Association for the purpose of Banking tin der the Laws of the United States - - - . I DO, T.IIERE.FORE, cause this notice thereof to be published in accordance with the provisions of the saidllth Section of, the Said Act, and do declare that the Charter or said Bank by the terms of - said act is deemed and taken to be hereupon surrendered, subject to the provisions of the'RrSt section of said act. A. G. CURTIN, Governor. ___ ExEL.O CHANnzo n liarrisburVie c n, /ses. feb 1 - Stw gititadelpitja A•thiertiOttilentii. CA W. HICHM s rAN de CO, SHIPPERS & DEALERS IN MANUFACTURED TOBACCO, SEGABS:&C. N. E. COB. 3o & Masser erg, PHILADELPHIA. ORDERS SOLICITED W ARTMAN & ENGELMAN, TOBACCO, SNUFF AND SEGAR 3IANUFACTORY, No. 313 NORTH THIRD STREET, Second door below Wood, PHILADELPHIA. .J. W. WARTMAN dee SHIELDS 4: BROTHER, No. 119 NORTH THIRD STREET. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DE • T R l, -q fl FOREIG_V A-VD DOMESTIC HARDWARE AND OUTLERY PIIII.A.DELPIIIA smiT az SHOEMAKER, IVIfVLESALE DRUGUISTS, DEALERS AND 11tPORTEEL3 OF DM:Us, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFFS, &C., No. 21:3 NORTH THIRD STREET J OHN C. YEAGER, 122=r3 Ars STRAW GOODS, 130NNETS, and ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, No. 757 NORTH THIRD STREET, dee :11 CVUI.KER, ME cIIA _VT TAILOR, No. 3:2 AND 'St SOUTH FIFTH STREET, Pll IL ADEL Pll A Best quality of customer work promptly ecuted. [dee 'lily Claw B ERGER, AUDENRIED & FRY, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FISH, CHEESE, PROVISIONS, &C., Nos. 11 AND 13 SOUTH WATER STREET, I=l We have eonstentiv on hand, an assortment of Dried and Pickled Fish, itc., viz : Mackerel, Harris, Salltloll, .Sides, shad, Shoulders, llerring, Cheese, Codfish, Butter, Beef, Salt, Pork, Dried Fruit, Lard, &c., cte. JAMES S. BERGER, LEWIS C. AUUENRIED, dee 22 15,1,w) PHILIP F. FRY. Jolty STItO 11 P 51, C 0 ~ UCC E..i..51J1LS TO HTROI7I. @ BROTIIKR, WHOLE:VALE DEALERS IN FISH, No. 24 North Wharves, and No. 25 N. Water St., PH ILADELPHIA REAT REDUCTION IN TH E PRICE OF 1) R (3 0 0 1.1 CI I EDWIN HALL. t CO., SOCTII. SECOND STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Are now offering their magnificent stock of silks, Dress Goods, Shawls, Cloths, Cloaks, Velvets, &c., far below the present Qom) PRICES We have also on hand, a large Stock of DOMESTIC GOODS, which we are new selliw , at a great reduction front the prices we have%een selling thorn at. As we have had the advantage of a rise In the prices of our Stock in the progress of the War tOr the last two or three years, we now propose to give stir customers t h e Advantage 91 the fait Priln, ('A LIU( lES and MUSLE , Zii, reduced, FLANNELS and TABLE LINENS, reduced, BLANKETS and all STAPLE GOODS reduoed. We respectfully solicit (rola the Ladies and others, visiting Philadelphia, an examination of our Stock, which is unsurpassed in variety and style, in this City. . , N. IL—Wholesale Buyers are Invited to ex anti IR. our Stuck. EDWIN HALL & CO., Ni,. 2, - ; South Second at., Philadelphia. dekbElaw NrEw FORTES!! N ENV WALE It2iT-Cll., ASS PIANO-FORTES NEW FACTORY: Nos. 122, 121 and 126 East 'Lod street, Respect fully announces that he has new com pleted his large New Factory, and affected other arrangements for the great Increase of his manufacturing facilities. He therefore will lie able henceforward to turn out 35 PIANOS I'ER \l'E Eli, to supply orders promptly, with out that inconvenient delay to which Dealers - . . and Purchasers have been subjected, from the atat that for more than two years past he has been continually a hundred Instruments be hind orders. A full assortment at all times may be Mund at his manufactory and Ware rooms in New York city. Every instrument fully warranted for live years. jan 11 3mwl ORACE WATERS' GR NA 7' MUSICAL &STA ELISE 213ENTJ No. ISI BaoADWAY, NEW YORK. Err; FITY NEW PIANOS, MELODEONS, HARMONIUMS, ALEXANDRE and CABI NET ORGANS, at Wholesale and Retail, Prices low. SECOND HAND PIANOS at great bargains prices from 160 to 5200. New 7 Octavo Pianos, 8260 and $l5; with Carved Legs and Mouldings, $3OO and upwards. Melodeons, $B5 Q 1 -3,b.57 79 A large Stork of SHEET MUSIC MUSIC BOOKS, and all kinds of MUSICALINSTRU MENTS, and Music Merchandise at the loweet rates. 10,100 Sheets of Music, a little coiled, at 0 / ; Cent.; per Page. [nov 23 3md&w .Iti,s.cellarteouo. D AYS OF APPEAL FOR 1865 To the taxable Inhabitants of Lancaster county. Pursuant to the provisions of the Laws of this Commonwealth, the undersigned Com missioners of Lancaster county, hereby give notice to the taxable Inhabitants within the respective City, B troughs and lownships of the said county, that the days of Appeal from the Triennial Assessments for 1865, will be at the CoMMNSIONERS OFFICE, in the CITY OF LANCASTER, on the days following, to wit: and a , ti c ' same time and place the Appeath from the Military Rolls will be held. For the townships of Adamstown, Bart, Brecknock, ,[ Monday, Feb. 13th, 1865. Clernarvon, Cocailco East, teal lei) West, Coleraln, Columbia, on estoga, Conoy, Clay, Donegal East, Donegal 'West, ' Dm more, Ephrata, Earl, Earl East, Earl Weal, Elizabeth, Elizabethtown, Eden, Fulton, Hemptield East, Ilemptleld West, Lampeter East, liampeter West, Lancaster, Leacock, Leacock l'pprr Little Britain, Manhei Mottle, Manor, Mount Joy, Mount Joy Bor., Marietta, Manhelin Bor., Paradise, Penn, • Pequea, Providence, ltapho, Salisbury, Sadsbury, Strasburg, Strasburg Bor., Warwick, Washington, Lanraster City. North West Ward South West Ward, North East Ward, South. East Ward. Jan 1S 3; (Examinerand EDITOR'S NOTACE....—ASSIGNED . 1-1 tate of Sarnnel Carter. The unueraigned Au litor, appointed to distribut th, balance re maining in the hands of Jacob D. pfafiler. signee of Samuel Carter, of the Borough or Co luta bla, and among those legally entitled to the same, will sit for that purpose on SATUR DAY, the 2.5 th day of FEBRUARY, A.D. 194 10 o'clock., A. M., in his office on rrontetreet, irk the Borough of Columbia, were all persons in terested in said diar.bution may attend. H. B. Rsii/CIT... •-• • Auditor. • Jel] I. 41,m 4] AL'DlTOlirg N 0T1CE ..,.-.. ESTATE OP . - GeorgeWeidler, late of .East Earl, town- • scup, deed. The undersigned Auditors ap.• pointed by the Orphans' Courtwof Lanc aster. county, to distribute the balance remaining in the hands -of B. F. Kinzer and W. W. Mum. Executors of the late Will and . Testament .4 said deceased, to and among those legally eu, titled to the same, will sit for that purpone THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16th, at, 10 O'clock. A. H., in one of the roorns'or the Contt, House Lancaster, when and where all persons inter.. ested in the distribution may attend. , D. G. FRITT.V,MACti, . , S. P. EBY,. • Augtiort..- PF- 1 -9.M.H.:. • , Jan X• G. W. HICKMAN, B. F. HOLL A. L. warissi.AN. Elmd H. P. IDTGFEIatAIti Elmdew Tueaday, February 14th, 1 ',, NA'ednesday, Feb. 25th Thursday, Fehruary lath Friday, February Mb Monday, February 20th. Tuesday, February 21aL Wednesday, Feto2d. Thursday, F'ebruaryN3dl Tuesday, February• 24th. Mangy, February Mltt ; Tuesday, February 28th, ILLIA.II SPENCER, IVID KE3I PER 1.03.1 S C. COLLINS. County Commissioners. Volks(rennd only copy.)