4gritulturai gitpartilunt. Light for Animals. We are often impressed with the gross neglect of otherwise intelligent men, in not securing abundant light for• animal life. To the animal and the . plant alike, and to each and every human being, light, as well as warmth, is absolutely indispensable. Put a plant in the cellar and it will grow up coforless, flexible, healthless.. Put it in a dark place and yet give it air, and it will hardly do bet ter. Yet, people will attempt to bring up animals imprisoned and housed. In some public remarks we had occasion to make, we stated that a pig would not grow if deprived of light. We soon after met au old gentleman, and he had lived sixty years without discovering the fact, and the first words he addressed to us were : " Well, you told me why my pigs would not grow. Two years ago I put in a snug place under my barn, six pigs. It Was warm but dark, 'and they were fed through the floor. In the spring I took them out and they looked like rats. They hadn't grown a pound." A farmer of our acquaintance was, some time since, driving a tine mare. We asked how she became blind. He told us that he put her and two other three-year old horses into a perfectly dark stable in the fall, and in the spring, soon after they care to light they went stone blind. These illustrations show,conelusively, that lighl is neee.ss:u•y - to every' lip ing and growing thing. Our harm , ' are not light enough. Our houses, too many of them, are too destitute of light. Parents pursue a blind and benighted course when they encourage their children in living housed and imprisoned, when they encourage 10111 in enveloping their faces uudei• impenetrable veils, lest their cheeks should blister. You cannot blister the cheek of a ohrrry or of a petl'. Better remember that the ruddy glow of priceless health, and the life and that radiate beauty, can imver exist in perfection unless in full and free exposure to air and sun light. To Stop Potatoes Rotting afirieultural exchange says: _An experieneed aLriculturist informs us that about six years ago ho applied to potatoes that wore partly rotten, and that it ininiediately tirrested decay. l'o - that \yene partly rotten when the Hine 11115 aptiliotl, continue,ll to rot, and \veil. lost. Since:ithen he lilts made it a conittion practice to ;ipply slaked little to his potatoes as he takes them Ile puts a thin layer of lime upon the lloor where the potatoes are to be laid, and sprinkles some of it over thein about ever - ten inches, as they are put down. lle cmi-idocs this :us perfectly protecting thew front rotting, :is he has never hall It rotten potato sine,- he has practised it, :Lll,l he helieves also that potat\ thus used rendered better Its the notiqp (II lime. \V(' (i(lvi,:e the farmers to Cry this phut, as it easily enn be done be them all." C.\ N.\ DIAN all know \vino p,-;' I his forciL.:nor is NOll`ll lir get, oit unr uil, :tiol 10: 1,.\ - every Ulan \\AU) (I\l'll , a Irtfll IliS111•-• 1 . 4)1140 , , 111 Fur- " IIII• p;11,11 \lt•li ;21.11 111:1111.11 . o in lilt' 111winC1. . - Drill' l "litl\v" l.2 . kill vtatt !ht.-talk , kill I 'mu': :Intl lit,11()Iv. Cul 11l 1 I itt , t • in il :hill', Will illi• I . lllll` :till/ nil 1111111. riV 1 , 011111,41d' the ilnys 1,16 w the patell, in 0,11 . y liiilt•. r,pcnt twit or iii t• aril you will trioilded \vith tiir more to hurt. The vie get the thi.-(1(' 1..11110 Lot •t 4 11i5CCIIMINt15. Oriental Story Tellers Tn.:Nett tteNl:t, t tttel J;;;,;11 tell us of prt)les,i,ttuil , tory tellers 0101 tratlition reeiteN, who, ,tztli,ling in the :-.treets 1111(1 Market -1 , 1:10eS, icll 111:11'Ve1- (ItIS tall'S to all \ - 11,, niziy choose to li,ten. The folloNving is 0110 : in the cotlrs, of his Wanderings, to tniillg to a village, knocked atthedoor of:a ric•ll \voinltti, and hogged permission to enter. " \Vhat !" said she, "do you think 1 receive into my house eVer\ - ro \jug vagahond No, indeed, it - would 111. your way Then he went to the cot tage Of a poor woman, \vim at one, kind ly he,ged him to enter. She set before hint the only' f,od she had—a little goat's unit!:—kroln. a bread into it , a nd Vold Hess it, that we .111.oy hlrth hoVeen.);Rri; t." , Sit e [lieu l'rQlutru'l taint conch of slluw ; and when he fell :1-dish, pereeiving that lie had no shirt, she sal tip all night and made him one out of smile linen she had made Icy her own hard labor; in the morning she brought it to him, hegging he would 'not despise her poor gid. After breakfast she ae companied him a little NV:Ay, and at parting 1•'1111i said : flay the tirst you undertake last until eventing'" When she home she began to measure her lill,ll, to see how Inuelt was ; and she went on measuring, and did not come to the end until the evening, when her house and yard Nvere full of linen short, she did not IL iiilt Wilat 1.0111, with 11(•1' \VC:IIi 1,. lice rich neighbor, seeing this, was sorely vexed, :Ind resolved that such good fortune should not es cape her :twain. After some months the traveller name otiee morel() the itlade she went to Ineet him, pressed hint to go to her house, av:tied him to the hest of food sire 1001 • and in the morning brought him a shirt or tin, linen, wine!' she liu l made some tune before; but all night she kept a candle hurtling iit her room, that the stram.:er, it . he ar, 'night ~ t ippose she was inakilnihiS After Lreakfa-t she accompanied hint out, of the \ - illa . ge: and when they part ed, lie said : first work you undertake last till evening!" She went her way ]tone, the Nyliole hue of her linen, and anticipating its I\o,ll - increase; but • j list then her cows began to low, 4. Before I measure s:dt! she, " I will quickly retell the cows some \\*.iter." 1;111 When she poured the water into the trough, her pail never she went on pour ing, the stream increased, and soon her house and yard Nvere under wafer; the neighbor. , complained that, , \ - e rythi ng wits ruined theeatllevvereeh•own e d, and with dilliettit . v she saved 11,1. M . , , c o , water never ceased tioNving mull the setting of the sun." Ti , First Printed Book it is, a remarkable and most interest ing, fact, that the very first use to which the discovery of printing was applied, was the production of the Bible. This was accomplished at Meniz, between the years ilk and (;uttenherg was the inventor of the art, a goldsmith furnishing the. funds. This Bible in two folio volumes, whic!lt have heel' justly praised for t he st rem , th and heautyyd - the paper, the exactness of the register, and the lustre of the ink. The work contained hvelve hun dred pages, and being . the first ever printed, of course involved a long pe riod of thne and an immense amount of went:Ai, manual, and mechanical labor; and yet fora long period after it had been finished and ofibred for sale, not a single human being, saveAhe ar tists themselves, knew how it had been accomplished. —„A married couple traveling in Eng land recently held the following dia logue : " My dear, are you comfortable in that corner?", " Quite—thank you my dear." "Sure there's.plenty of room for your eet?" "Quite sure, love." " And no cold air from the window by your ear ?" "Quite certain, darling." Then my dear, I'll change places with you." piortMuttotto. The Coquette's Fate. "Oh, Nellie, Nellie! Oh, Nellie, Nel lie!" A tiny pair of white hands were raised deprecatingly, and a pair of large, vio let eyes sought her face, bearing in their depths an expression of entreaty beau tiful to behold ; but the proud face of Nellie Raymond turned away, perhaps to shut out that beautiful vision, and a low, trilling laugh ran over her red lips. " Oh! Nellie, how can you be so heart less? How can you lead a man on to believe you love him, and then, when his heart is yours, with all its great, deep fount of manly love and tender ness laugh in his face and bid him go from your presence—hopeless, despair ing. I tell you, Nellie Raymond, you will some day have to account for the misery you have wrought." " you think so ?" said Nellie— lightly. " Ah, well !" " But it will not be well,''' said Alice May. " You will see it in a dif ferent light some day. I could not close my eyes one hour in peaceful slumber, were my life weighed down with such evil deeds as yours. • Evil deeds ! Really, _Alice ; . you are harsh," exclaimed Nellie a flush of momentary mortification - "and anger overspreading her white forehead. )ear Nellie," said her friend, "what is the use of calling things by other than their right names:' If I seem se vere, I only tell you the truth, and you know that I have ever been your hest friend—candid awl frank." " Well, Allie, you might have a little more regard for one's feelings," said Ne Have you regard for the feelings of others, Nellie?" asked Alice. "There is a good old book in which a subihne temper said : " Lo unto others as you would have them do unto you.' Now, how far do you carry out this rule?" "Oh! Alice, spare toe, for pity's sake; don't preach to use now," said Nellie. " not in a mood for it." It tut A Hie .Mat' - was relentless. ' " You did not spare pour ieorge Mor ton, whom you so cruelly deceived," she continued, "and then drove him from you with despair in his heart, and the burden of a hopeless life. The green sod of an Italian vale covers the heart of one who loved you but too and whose reward,aftermontlisoA'veary wandering, and a hopeless, pining life, which soon sank beneath its weight of sorrow, is an exile's grave. Then there is another—a widow's only son and pride—who frets his life away in a mad house-:—yes, a nutd-house, Nellie, to which your cruelly consigned him. WI! Hayint.inii, better a thousand tiuus de:Toil your face of its dangerous beauty than hear the load of sin it lirings upon you, for it is fearful." A slight quiver in the erect frame "r the twautiful girl was the response. l'() , )] . \Valle] . NIzivli,•111!" "s“,lll•liint, I iris, the NV;1.41(,w (,1 the tell in whihit lie is and catch a sight haggard always iileased 1 i•iiiittiasi withllllll wnc (V11111 ll,' iii It \VVI•Irill Spite or (,vcr till striillg', nuhlt life. lit' 11,1(1 in 11).,() rlca,ant :Hal gay :ikiays, hat Ile Nva, ,tnoig whore ;111(1 ilia 0 , 1111'1 . 11 11. 1 . 1111 1).1111 ZWliOll. ()II! Ile wa, a III:111 111.11 Ill((V i-.10,1.11 . )111,1 Ilt)11U -1('S, \V!" :111 uNpressi,.ll of nains4l,l rrief, deli:wee ztinl ; but she remained silent :I rew 11IT 111 II lls, watellinu; ti tc:tr , ;hey 1.4 ) 111,1,41 .)wlY )Lac'. ovcn dear, only ',Dither, %%111 he your next vietim, said after a looking ul , sadlvztnd mournfully. Oh, Nelly, lie mall l have: I :1111111mm in the NVorlit With hint only I() loVe ; hilli to Inc, 6,1' the love iiCinerey !" Nellie nose with a hotly Iluslte.l cheek and thishim , eye. Mu, our Call you talk thust"' she ev•hdied. '• But Iu 11 you, Allie Niay, ir art or beauty can hring your proud, cold !outlier to the feet of a woman, Ile shall (utile to mine. .1 le shall love me." . '_lull if he and you turn hint ?font yuu, put will kill him," said Alice. 'Untie unhend his Imaid nature, and unluok the founts of tenderm, heart, 1111(1 hill) fr()111 yuu, and see the consequences. Oh! Nellie Pay mond, there sufficient on your soul already. Nlvuo ymiNt.lf, it p,u ,p:tn The lust \V(WW: Were tillheeded, for \ollie htul s‘vept Iron' the 1 1 (m:111, :11111 then p.or littli• :Nlzty ig,\voi het' 11,•;iil upon the sula 1 1 11 , 111(:11 :111(1 :-4:1:1:(41 1111('011sly. : I, llt l had NV:11 1 111A 11( . 1 1 1:1 1 ::111(.1 1 1 1 ( 1 1:1. 1 :11( 1, 11:1', 1:111 he :,(•111(.11 and \VW! nit ac_diilig heart the gentle little i.a.rer looked forth to a liopele,,, late life for hint WIH , had been her ail nn earth. several weeks pas,ed :11111y, and[tie AM(' 1\ , tool before the akar. The uuu mho loin ohuxon \Vas 114,1)1e, true and good, :it'll for Los feet a brigla path lay before her but there wa , anotiter to \Omni her o e wandered uneasily, mot \\di() hovered ineessantly round the gay form of the proud syren, ltaymond, whose hark eyes veldt ti itnnith a, the prowl man Lunt his handsome, stately head \t - itit such devotion. ,Weel lips quivered when she =arc h e r liriither bend clown and \\Ails tier in Nelliti's oar and heard the request that she N 1 uultlWalk With hint uptin the lawn, and the two wandered Mr. Tlu• 1,111011 , 11.1ie brightly, and Ed ward '1 LV, drawing_ itaynaaal's within ewn, walked sli.wly down the laltad gravel walk his race upturned imyarti , the and a , Hdle ufinexi.ro-:;l,lchappiw• reath lug his ~ w eet mouth. " Nellie," ,aid Edward, and he sp”ke very , low "Nellie. I alit very happy to-niubl—happior tha.p I had hoped to Ise, and I want s'fane ,te to ,ympathiz, with tur in it. Aliie has ju,t flowto iwcupy herattou liou. .?thly I (Hi it to you'." " Yes.," rile whispered softly. " None eau elan vour !mildness anti sympa thize with you more freely than 1. l'oll me all." For a moment he was silent, only strtaelling out his hand to draw her down upon a seat beside hint. After a while he spoke, half dreamily and very gently. " I once believed," said he, " that I could never ilnd a woman whom I could love fully- and truly—with such a love as I roust cherish for the woman whom I would call my wife ; but I have found her, Nellie—(why' do you tremble so?) —a sweet, pure-faced little thin) , ., fresh and fragrant as a budding rose, gentle as the summer breezes, and gay and glad as thii lark whose song she trills the whole (lay long. 'fell me that you rejoice in my happiness, Nellie—tell me that you will love my little wife that is to be, sweet Lilly Walton." Nellie's lips were rigid and ashen, and she rose up, quiveringlike an aspen. " Oh, lam ill !" she gasped. " Take me into the house." Edward May rose hastily, and sup ported her with his arm, but she nearly repulsed him as she planted her foot firmly upon the gravel. She had learned to love the man with all the hidden passion and fire of her strong nature; and now he told her he had won another, and that other was only a poor but beautiful governess in a rich mall's family. 'Oh;' it 'Was rtoO'lnueli ! He knew Nellie Raymond's weakness, and he had punished her fearfully, though he believed in his heart that she was incapable of deep feeling. Alice went to Nellie in answer to her brother's summons; and, when every one wag;gone from the room, she held out her arms to Alice, white and stricken, with an anguished moan— " Oh, Allie, I gave hini my whole heart and he loves another!" Then she sank down, pale and life less, and it was many weeks. Nellie Raymond woke to life and conscious ness. Then she was , a changed, re pentant woman ; but it was hard to feel the soft touch of a little hand, and see the light form of Edward's wife bend ing so pityingly. Oh, the punishment of her " evil deeds" had come, and, it was heavy and bitter! Nellie Raymond is Nellie Raymond still, but she has grown into a calm, dignified, but lovely woman. She can sympathize with the suffering, because she has sufibred ; and strives, by tender ness an d I.,ve to others, to atone for the misery she wrought while in the hey day of her pride and selfish love for ad mi rat i on. Wine: Prophesies Let a man Collllt lip the the fatse prophe sies of the Reim!,limn leaders—false, not front intention. Ina from ignorance—andsee how many they are and to 'what they have lea. Nobody hurt: I'iVo hundred thousand killed, wounded and sick. Seventy-lice thousand men : Hver two millions. Rebellion slarvoil out in three months: Rampant in lsul Backbone 1)1,i-en at every success: Not I)1u ~f M ississippi to commerce: Itunning a gutintlet of guerrillas. II( . o leup surd in , •xtin, , ruish the rebellion: Draft /1 . 111 4 ],il fin' the siii Of S(l,- l'aperas '240. people I:e Nvar, van., , ,1 11:111,111,1 per cont. (0 I,: Ilw last one: But One, Free soil: Foal- Stut•s narking suelt eleetion returns as bayonets dictate. Free speeell: The suppre,,ion of news pal,ers. Freemen: I 1 undre,l4 arrested without warrant, Ii iprisi n md wi: hout eriine, and Lad:Li-god whim ill trial. National honor: Th, ;Mandolin - 10M of the "lo n a , ill lline. and the I:idnappirig . of A noI'ELLE-,. Itespiwi : Tho 110.:u•Ilt,f it in every Belief' ill thy• I . nien as unbroken: 'flu luanufacture crr t hi• pl n rntiring him thr.nlo. wilintry ,Fr,r, , , and ,riinping hits Cur Ow rank, 1,,(1i11;2: hill! rot in heap, litiyo tiro) , gri•—attil humanity: \Vaising war •,,orottli nnil citittiron, tont Into,os tool harm, :twit moms. inr the Leaving thew to hungcr, lo•nt, um' thirst, and },ions. and A't.llllill. NII \V, if :I Wall, stich falsitivation;, ~an lII` 11111,1 haVe (hilt I, , nacity 01' laiih xvril:l4.,l rant 'Fo Monte htt,,i it to the last \ I ITIII Sr. 111 I . 111 TE THASII. “ —TIII , 1 ' (11 . 1: P/ . / - .s, i th, : IL trail] of white anti pit,-1 d throng:li our town tin their way nii he u":11'. The white I en were in harden ears, sitt•lt it, are tistiti to convey •dieep, ike., over the road, while the 1111'11 were snugly eu rnnewl passenger oars. Maid\ 1/111 . t . 11,1•1 1, 111. n• Nvilth,ses: lo truth of thi," sitiieniont and our IleL;Tu ,c;ll,`[s' Under tako Ilit•yFlu ,)1111 , , 1,111 \‘11•11 'A, 111,1' ,htily. Th,“ik rill, H . .\ll„lllleiiisut iv dflovitp.r. - young lady so \vull I:mosm to .\mlori,.ans :IS a C.,11- I.l , •rate partisan, \vas married uu Ow 2.5t1i ult., at St..l:um•s chm,ll, Lon don, to Lieut. Sanmol I late oI the NaVy. I S. \ t•sm.,l . 01111( . 4 . - i it•ffi to take lir. t' , 111;41 priz, I; 112 - IIPllll , i \111i.•11 had run Ow Idook ado--into port. Ito..mnlinU mutually en amor,d, rrom the ship, round thoir Li Itto 1:11,:land. with Oa; result as :Wme staml, In Nidiliontotfits rapture on th. , oas, ha; sod mood the Lioutonant tooter allogianoo, and lie Will shorty - onto!. dm M.al'od,ramservioo. A Scrap of History OM' day when the ,4l•Vell wise wen of 6reeee \\ ere at the 'ourts ut Periuda Corinth, th, was proposed: NVltich is tht perfect popular Government '."' "That," said " where the laws have no Superior,. ' " ' That, " ThaieS, where the in haldtant, are 'wither too Hell nor too saia Anacharsis, the Seyth kw, \vhere Ihniities are always con ferred upon the virlttousand never upon the hase." "That," saki ('hilt, where the law: , are more regat•tied thin orat,trs." But opinion seems to have tie greatest flit, vclue Said, " 'Where an moult 'upon the meanest subject, is an insult upon the whole Constitution." sc,," sail iin intere,ting young mother of iher Nininaest hopeful, "do you know viii the difference is be twye•n your iiirdy and soul The soul my child i, what you love with ; the hods - carries you about. This is your body,' touching the little fellow's shoul ders and arms, hut there is something deeper in. You C:111 feel it now. What is it'?" " 0, I know," said Sinn, with a flash of intelligence in his ey "that's my flannel shirt !" 111 - ,BAN I).—A bick ering pair. uaker. were lately heard hi high ceiltveven-y, the husliand CX- "I am determined t.. have 000 quit week with thee!" "But how wilt thou act it?" said the tauntinff, reiteration, \ditch marrit,t pn,Vc,kjlig indulge " I will keep thee a \veek after thou ail, dead," was lie rejoinder. They tell a sto yota II siilutebroker, \Vhirll is 1 , 1' , 1,:11 , 1y !nil'. I Irhud "Ina ill" one of his men some dozen or fifteen times, and hail come to regard him as the most profitable part of his stock in trade. On one occasion the bounty-jumper found 110 opportunity to run away until the steamboat upon which he was shipped for the army had got a mile from the land. lie took his chance, Itowever, jumped overboard, and sueceeded in reaching the bank. On relating his ad ventures to his prineipal the broker sharply reproved hint tar his temerity, adding, "only think what a loss it would have been to me had you been drowned !" "SAND 1: Flow !"—A gallant officer in the regiment raised not a Hundred miles away, who never quailed under the tire of rebel bullets tell an easy victim to a pair of bright eyes whose owner wore art apron bearing the emblem of thir country's flag, and who was waiting on " the boys," at a festi val. The colonel wishing to make the acquaintance of tilt-lady, remarked: "That is a pretty apron you wear, " Yes," said the maiden "this is my flag." I have fought many a hard battle under that flag," rejoined the colonel. ot under this flag, sir," indignantly exclaimed the beauty, as she swept away, leaving the gallant son of Mars perfectly dumbfounded—Catskill Re corder. " The gnat beauty of a wife is," said a henpecked husband, " that if she abuses you herself, she won't let any one else abuse you." Well, ain't thatprime consolation? kEr Reprove thy friend privately commend him "publicly. —A despairing man tears his hair. An enraged woman is wiser—she tears her husband's, glothing, THOS. COLEMAN. C. H. COLEMAN. COLEMAN lfe BROTHER, TAILOR. 4 AND CLOTHIERS • Have removed from No. 4134', to 57 North Queen street, (31. W. Shinders old stand,) next door to Buehmuller's Cutlery Store, sign of the Big G un, where they have on hand the largest and best assortment of CLOTHS and READY MADE CLOTHING of any establishment in the city. They respectfully invite the attention of their old friends and customers to an inspec lon of the same, and request the patronage of all who wish the best of Clothing at the cheap est rates. The undersigned, having retired from busi ness, returns his sincere thanks to his old friends and customers for their very liberal patronage, and respectfully requests a continu ance of the same to Messrs. Coleman & Brother. mar 1 6mw Hj 11. W. SHIN-DEL. CENTRAL EMPORIUM OF FASHIONS H. K. KILLIAN, MERCHANT TAILOR AND CLOTHIER S. E. COR. CENTRE SQUARE S E. KING ST., LA NCASTER„PA. Contantly on hand a large and well selected assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES and VESTINGS, which will be made up to order in the latest styles. READ]-'MADE CLOTHING AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS in great variety always on hand. - Thankful for the very liberal share of patron age heretofore received, I hope to merit a con tinuance of the same. H. K. KILLIAN. tfw CLOTHS, CASSIMERES s VESTINGS. _ _ HALER BROTHERS Have now open and invite an examination of a full and complete stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING Also, a full Assortment of Extra Quality French Coatings, Fancy Scotch Coatings, Black and Colored Cloths, Fancy Cassimeres—for Suits, Black French Doeskins. GOODS FOB BOYS' WEAR, DMZMEI 4i14 - Clothing made to order in ;t superior manner. HAGER & BROTHERS. apr 12 Uw 14 /looho and ,;;.i,tationarit pHOTO(4RAPII ALISEMS. PHOTOURAPH ALBUMS. Large A.,ssortment—Great Variel.v—Unsur passed for Beauty, Style and Finish. N E\\ PATTERNS NEW BINDINCiS, NEW 'IASI'S, PATENT HINGE BACK ALBUM, the latest and best kind, inaile only in Phila delphia, excelling all others In strength and durability. CARD PHGTGGRAPHS ' PLAIN, 10 and 12 veil ts--1.H.00 and i-11.20 per dozen. COLORED, cents—•ii2.so per dozen. . TRAVELING AND SHOPPING WALLETS, PURSES, PI KIK ET BOGES, .5 TA T1(1 R . WRITING PAPERS, ENVELI PENS, ST ENl'll,s. For !narking names (taut itully tint indelibly uu Chithinv.. HARld\ ill BUGS., Wholesale and Retail I iealers may 10 lyw :iti North sth street, Pidia. 1 II F P li 4) S T 11 It . Vi T 11441,1,4, 14, 1,),( . 4•1,:),44 4 . 1:44441. r,4,44;,44 (4). :it Tit I: afli" No. 71 'KAN, , where I . II Y 1,, 1. ( 1111 h 1 at all liulr., a iafge u -- sia•tiiteitt of IfUUKS Pnit 111.1) AND 1"111"NU, CIIF.AI' 'l'4, SI IT 'FITE TI 1.:S! 'TIE 1'01.1T5 IN ILLEE AND Macauley, Sten.), • Heber Saar., Aloort•, Kettle, Whittier, Oferale. Tupper, Lutccll, Lole_nell(ltv, CiAt'per, Yoe, 51111111pean., 21111 :n, Byron, Kirk, \Vllite, ke..tve. BIBLES .ANI) I'IIAYEE Itt,tiKS In areat variety. HYMN Ilia 11:s 111 , ALL DENWIIN ATI , INs. I'//ftIYRIJI.-1/'// .4/.ll('J/sr 'Tut. largeSl and finest as,ort !tient sv.•r 0t11,..t1 in the city. ALI, SIZES ANTI S'YYLE‘••• , , Holding' from 12 to ,101 pictures ench,:oul rag ing; in price front roleents t o •••,20.ap. Tw() Tfl it 5.A\l) I'A Itl / PH, The iargt,it lie.urtlnrut ill i.,11(1,1,1'. Tilt. greatest. variety of subjt•cl,: Itellatous, N,h•d Per,ona2,,, Fancy Subject , , Autumn Leaves, Ni,',. I and 2; No,. I and 2: Fruit and I and'.; i 2.; Lift. of Childhood, Nos. 1 and 2; Summer Landscapes, Winter Landscapes, Cl,lllll•.Moun tain Scenery, Funny l'haracters. Ni PS. and 2, beautiful ly colored. SFS,' STYI.EI-; I C ,, NST.I.NTLY 1111- C1.11N 1 E1). B I B 7,1.; S , 1..51t.:E.1.2 1,31.11.1.. \VEITINti DESIiS, ==l (D)1,1) PENS AND.SILVEIi Il )I,l)Elts, NEW (:AMES Fult, CHILDREN, NEW PAPER I R }1.1.S NEW I)lssEt 'TED PIVITItEs 'I(Y )I;'s ! '1,)1" "I'(,)" lc, o()1(!! A u,rut assortn,•ll: 1.1191ICI'AN'1".1t) SABBATH SCHI )I,S! The publicAtions (4 - the Aniorican 4411.0.Cuicm, desiLywd liir Sunday lurnislicd at the 11/Wl,ll. 1111 titind.y-Sch.. prices. The tx-st writintz pa fors and envel,mcs iu TM market always an ha ml. IMMEREIBM All the books used in the various sri Is it the city and county, furnished Sr tho 1 ,, Wt••1 I rices._ NEW M IS('ELLAN E. )1 • S li4 /l)1;.S. ROVeiVeci as ti ,at as i.tiblished, and ',tid a publishers' prices. 4.15 - Don't forget the Plane. J. M. NVESTHAEFFER'S lama. and Peri.iical Store. dome' , :North (..zucea ;tip! ti w )Insuraucc locntio, 9111 E COLUMBIA INSURANCE (011 lAN] uF ('Ol 1I(1). LA:NA l'A. I. , ()CRTII. ANNUAL REPOR'I Whole amount insured fiS \‘'hole :1111M1111 of P1,111i1.1111.N0te,,.. 2 .9;il 16 Baianee Cash i'remhns, .lanuary 1. Isla, ' , jai 31 Recp't fm . Premium less Agent's commis,ion ill I,lr, Receipts fur Assessments Lss Agent's ( . 1)111ilii , SillllS ill 1102 Losses and expenses paid in Bal. Prem. Jan. I, Isto (;EoRGE .11%, :try. .INIICHAF.I. S. Sill' I.IN, IMMMES R. T. Ryon, John W. Smsry, John Fendrieh, taco. IMom2:, .Jr., E. G. Minich, N Mholns MM./on:MI tITIL - I F. ,hi' M whael S. shaman, Amos S. Green, S. C. Slay maker, 1•.1i1111111t1 Ntering. Columbia, February 13, IN.!, aug 30 I yd.( se '2 LANCASTER ENTELI.I%ENCER STEAM-PuWER IiDDN: AND ,1,11 S. II". ..\" ER (IP' T Sci I ".4 lIJ CUUPEIt, S.1:C1)1.:1:St JS The Proprietors respect; idly call the atten tion of their frieiets anti the public generally to the extensive Steam Hook and job Print ilia. tablishment connected with the ollico the Lady tied Wrekly Infrl'igenccr. It is furnished throughout with 51:W TYPEAND NEW . I'III.:',SES and our faciliti e s fur doilm, - work of :ill kinds from the largest Poster to llt smallest Card, are unsurpassed by urn t,tablishrnent itt t;i. FUC"/t .1 /.li IX I'U.\".YT:I X7' !-."/, zlnd we are thPrefm, 1 tvp:tri.,l ,x,•ttie the following kinds id' print ing id the shoriest notice and On the Cli Ei'E , Lt L'SlS?:.tiff (aRI,:-4 I=l SIIONV ('.lltl)ti CI ISCULA DRDIONT'S LABELS BARDS PRO CI RA DI M ES IMMO PA PER BOOKS coNsTITUTIO:s;'s, oI2DER BOOKS THE JOBAING DEPARTMENT Is under the charge of two of the best practical Job Printers in the State. Customers and others can, therefore, always rely upon their work being executed with taste and • Judgment. We are also prepared to do FANCY PRINTINIS IN COLORS In a style which cannot be excelled. ellye us a call, and take a look through our• zt...titbllsnent. Tpo UREIC BALE.—ON TITIMITA,Y, TILE 20th day of SEPTEMBER, 13G1, by virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Lancaster county, will be sold at public sale, on • the premises, one mile and a half northeast of Churchtown, a tract of land containing 28 ACRES, more or less, adjoining lands of Chris tian Hertzler, Joel Kauffman and others, on which is erected a TWO-STORY FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, Stone Barn, Spring House, and other improvements. The property is in good order, with a good Orchard ; also, a spring of never-failing water. The land is in excellent farming condition. About 3 acres of the above is good Chestnut Timber. Terms made known on the day of sale. Sale to commence at one o'clock, P. M. CHART .FS DARTERS Administrator of Robert M. Arters, deed. aug iii st.w 32 ORPHANS' COURT SALE—ON SATLR DAY, the Ist day of OMOBER 1564, will be sold at public yendue, at the public house of Silas Winters, in Providence twp., Lancaster county, the title of Benjamin Finefrock, late of said township, deed, in and to the following real estate, to Wit: That certain Tract of Lend, situated in said Providence twp., hounded on the north and east by tut - dine road, on the south by lands late of John _Miller, decd, and on the west by lands 'of Christian Shultz, and containing about 11 ACRES and 117 PERCHES. The improvements area ONE-STiillY 1,01,1 DWELLING HOUSE, Log Stable, and other outbuildings Persons wishing to view the premises will call on the widow, living on the premises, or on the undersigned administrator. sale to at t o'cliwk, P. 31., of saint day, when :diem hince will be given :Ind condi tions of sale be made known by - . At the ',Nine time and place the undersigned will :ill his right, title and interest on and to the al deserilied tract of land and prem ises. JOHN HILDEBRAND. sep s tow :35 FIRST-('LASS PROPERTY AT PUBLIC r FRID.I.); SEPTEMBER•23(I, 1.u;1, itt pursuance of an (Shier (4 - the , Orphans' Court of Lancaster county, the subscriber will sell at public sale, on the premises in EarlwiL, about half a mile south of New Holland, althe roagl leading from said village to the Peter's road, the following real estate of Miller Rich wine, late of said township, deceased : A Tract of hi ACHES of the best Limestone Land, adjoining lands 'of John Diller, John Innenderfer and (other , . 'Fite improvements area nearly new Two-story \Veatherboarded DWI-:1,1,1N(; I DII - SE, Neill, :1 \\ - ash I louse, louse, a nearly now 13A1tN, svilli I llog Sty and other outbuildings:, it Well nt never-failing Ivater near the df,or of the dwelling, a fine Apple I Indian( •, other fruit, such as Pears, Tenches,('harries, Grape,, around the house. The land is in a high slate of eultivat ion, under good fences, pronerly di vided into lields,and the yards about die build ing, vim vrnicntly arnuiged. This is a•.ery desirable property—is located handy to TOMS, 4 . lllll . tdles. schools and ineeimii_ the attention of buyers wishing '41.4 building, with the above quantit - of lantl The property still 1 / 1 .,,1111 tt,grilier or iu parts, to sun purchaS•rs. l'er,:ons wishing to see this property beim, The sale will please call nu the sule.cribel•, residing thereon, Sale at '2 o'clock, when terne will be nuele \VILMA:NI Millt.r 3 ltd,t-31Nr ti Vr.t 1X.% BEE It E.\l, A'T ,; •, A,1.E.--Pur,lant to an order of the I .111 of I,anen , ler county, will he ex po,ell to public the 111,111iSeS, on ~ \11:1{1).11. , the Irl day of 1/("1',114Elt next, I he followile4 hi, I property, laic of .1111111 Esllh•tietn, 41,,,,ed A F.VtAI iii Tit.wr in Vi . i.st on Mill creel:, alum[ 14, SOllliik,ist of 1110 City of Lan on a public 1.0,1 leitilinv to Willow reel, AcIZES 132 lands iwiilow i ) li rider, Stoner and the\ fill INvu :Wl', are well thriviniz. TIMISEIZ, the reinainiliir is 1.14 , 1 in[ll , ll,l . liil'ill V. , 11 , 11 Ii :ill , l in a )11,1/ st:tlt•if II;, tit . I good. order an,lre }niir, !louse, a Barn, will, MII—.1111411,11,•s. 'flit i rsiuil of 11. r form to the rity it a locality for lo• 1111 , 1: lint•iiittt-s. 11111 , 11 a,. . and wkhing vh tv the pretuh.e, prior to Ihe .hty 1)C sale, ‘,lll ho >hmcn the Propeity I l,uu application :it (h. , ill atlh,inhig thereto. s:th• ...,11thlt•Ilei• rit . i•liWk, P. 11. .Alnil kt. ISII. Attendance 1),• :2.ivt•n Lc 11.2 und , ,i.2:ll,ladmini,tra.- 11,N st", , AN ES111.1.:)1.1N. MMT=EII=IIMMIME r ItEAI,EsTATE AT PUISLIC ) sEvrEm I, in pnr,ianee ut all oilier of tile Lt,111 . 1 44 . L:111,1 , 1i, County, kill lie del nt pilhile veieliie, nt the public house ofS. AA . real estate, A Vainitlile Plantatinn, situated in Inulnure ii)W11,1111,,,,11 leading Irani I.:011,1 , 11, T., PiJI•I 1 , 1•1111,it, abUllt i I nllles Ir.on i•mitintiiini Two, of Al,ld ides of whi,•h an , y i indiet•. mhloin in, lands 01 S. (4. Vl - . roll; William It, ltalston :cal No. P. The iinpri, ernent , are a gptict Wen WV ST: pine SsviNser Earn, ,Ll.l till other necessary iii-1 nlildinee in good order, win!: a spring of exi•ellent never-failing trate:: rear the house, and 1111111in,', through iii' Undo. The land is in a good Si :•ull ivni eollvelli -1.111 (o Ivan, from an }MI ea , ,iy Iwo of all enclosed with good kin,. 'll,, is :in i nichard of well-.selected fruit trees, paaches and cherries, in fine hear ing order. Tit ,;(le,..ad frutu Mcd'all's Ferry to \VI •.! and Hie matt front Alactic FOrCI . it, o,lllllWillilsl 1 - 111 . 11:ti, buses 1111,1.111 the properly. The Lune is lainilsolnely siluuted ill a very g,aal 1a . i2 . 111 , ta'1111,111. corlyt•illetit to cliureho schools, anal stores, malting it law of ilt.• tlt•sirabl, priqicrtit, In the Trarl of Latol in Drutoore, sit tuttod tot the toiltlio lead ink lint❑ Lancaster to Port Depo,it, lands of tuni c s NI. Hopkins, \Vot. It. Ralston, S. & (ft, W. Ilarbison ;toil No. 1, , NTAI ACRES, 1110r1, or less. A part of this Tract is under titu6t r, prineinally ...Ir. Chestnut, flick and Poplar. Thcre is a stn.:tin or watcr riniiii.c; through this 1151 CI, has been :is grazing land. This tract is beautifully situated iultl would Inake one of the hand s.allest farms in the Ci ,L 1 Iy. No. A Tract )f ('lent Sprout Land, in thu•cur.inortl,,,,ituatcd. In Providence t‘vp., ronntinin,„ ACRES AND PEW 'II ES Rio i 11,4 . Chri , tiall Kreiifer, Jl,llll ;;•4,1i. vet . and other,. There is a very good W:urrutt this Inlet. Nu, I. .1 Tract of Fri iiontidaing .1N 1:111.1N of iirffir, N1,6.1L santl IL A Tract of ,ituattql in l'n,vi,11•111•8 town,hip, containing _ . - • • n.1.•••iiii••••_;1:111•1 ••I Jllllll l;r•dran•l N••.•:. A Tr:tet. ttl NV,totllttittl, situated in Drti lit. t• ottitttlittut,. .\t'IZES AND :••1••••••ht,..•: 1,••••I, heir. (if.St•••t• NOT, •••••••••I, S. (•. \\". Ilfal•kt•ii,••11•1N, , lute the sttot• ttr l.t•ttitto, mbhing to Vif•W am uC the iii i olivrt,) I tLrr !hi will be Ihe same liy rull in_ , ol. rt•Sidill4 141 No. I, or ;In.) lir iIII _ . I mid. possession given WI Al, 11, ),65. ,- ,1,141C,11111,11Ce preeisely Ai I o'clocl:, P. NI., of said iay. alicu :II IClClalleti Will lie given and toriiis of silt, tuadr Irnicvn by )13 LEM.\ N, City, I N I 1 - i1.1.1...\1.\.N, Providence, Jusii:PH 11. 1.1.':\ lilden, wig IS Ailinimstrators. CHEM:CAL (U.S III.:.11' FEI:TII.I7.ERS. is Cifinp..ecl of night soil and elohicht, of urine, conihitiorl (1,110,111 y and with other valll - and absorbents. I: 1, ro , ilic,l t“a orulont ithnUt lussuY its high -111111,1,15115 111,11ertilss. It , litC.vk . r,tl applicability to ;ill crops a. and its 11112,1)ility ;al,l antive qualiti i:iio,vll to Ls all that agriculturists e V.MIC.\ CI Thi. Fe, lish. 11.111 E,, hair, am' N.:old. totrother with chemicals :old inor ganic the ilti uit rn,rnuus i i iii1111•111,. It is 1.1 , 11,41E111A With mine, (110 p.rti,o, of ni,zlit It i, a very valuable fertilizer It.. field erops and especially for potatoes andg:u'- lls nt rent Ii and cheap nes,. I.:, mad,. itt c nit i , :lmlar with those u'hu 1Z1.,1..\ l - 'lll - IT I- VI(TiLIZER. It II It•ri 11izt,,,111,1 is par -1 icu for Illy rultiruti of tr,cs, lio 11. mill 'unnte a lit \Void :Lind 1,1;1. and asc the quantity :old .•116•, , . 'he it: ioi the fruit. I.'or hot - household lilants and flowers, It i I ~ .•E and au indlspensablearticle to snore perfeci ion. It will prevent and e, I I. ionsof the pcnolt and grape Ittr grass and latet,s. tt he anal; lir method of combining its (.on- S 111,4•111 terldrzing have received the arpr.,nl of eminent chemists and LIME. Agrictilth Clh•tnical company mann iLici tire a PhestLa tee? Lint, he attemalanee reiih att,t which a v,ry are tele is prodiwed, soas Ike allorded at a Irss i•rice than any other manufacturers l'ractical tests have proved that its a I it.% iertilizer, ••,/ual to the best l'hus tiltate et ',He in the market. nd - I ' l'.ii>lsi t_tAtsll.—Cartage and Freight to he I by the pureha,c... Acinicui:ruic.\ I, (If irmitrALcii:s AT I:.‘ NAL NVii kEE. nyTHE IiELAWA ()FricE, stare, I LADE.I.I . IIIA. I/. I T General Agent. The ',lhpany•s fire ulcer, enphrae ing full direct hill , . Pit . u•Lii,g, the above Feet i liZers, sent by malt free, when requested. For sale be A. Nl'. ItEt - >tt.iELL and WILLIAM Fft, Lane.aster. [feb 3i firnw ertuiu 02xterilttirittoro. MEM 1 - 1 , . BI . 1. \ K,, C OSTA.R'S VERMIN EXTERMINATORS, For Rats. Mice. Roaches. Ants, Red liu;:s. Moths in Furs. Woolens, &e., In serts on Plants. Fowls, dce. Put np in 2.°.. - t ee. and £l.lui Boxes, Bolt les and Flasks. and 4.5 sizes for Hotels; Public In stitutions, &e. •'t Inly infallible remedies known." Free front Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Faintly." "Rats come out of their holes to die." 4c'Sold Wholesale in all large cities, Alit-Sold by all Druggists and Retailers every where. fri- ! !! Bkwann It! of all worthless imitations. 4 , z-See that " CosvAn's" nalue is on each Box, Bottle and Flask, before you buy. .4 , 1°- Address HENRY R. COSTAR. .lit - Principal Depot, 482 Broadway, N. Y. /2.1 - • Sold by all Wholesale and Retail Drug gists, Lancaster, Pa. h 28mw 4 SALE BILLS, Ac MILLINERy. MRS. M. J. DAILY has returned from the city with an extensive and handsome assort ment of SPRING .A.ND SUMMER IIIILLINERY which she lifers cheap for cash. Please call and examine Iltestock at the South west corner of Centro Square. Imay3 tfw.l7 Nat gotatt. JOHN HII:IIEBRAND, Administrator. EMIEM =SMIMEIE= ~~ricttltur;tl ORMllinit jUltincx•ij vo grp (goo do, ttc. •1861. lest O PRI VG DRY GOODS! - HAGER & BROTHERS Vase now open a full stock of Dry Goods for Spring Sales, and invite au examination. CHOICE STYLES, SPRING PRINTS, BEST-MAKES, SCOTCH AND A_VERICAL G L'N-GHAMS LADIES' DRESS GOODS! A beautiful assortment of new styles in all the new materials; also, Hemstitched and Lin en Cambric Handkerchiefs,Lace and Grenadine Neils, Cid, Silk and Lisle Thread Gloves, Hos iery, &c. LADIES' CLOTH CLOAKS A beautiful assortment, CLOAKING CLOTHS—aII the new shades STELLA, CASHMERE AND GRENADINI lISIMEI MEN _4 _VD BOYS' WE-4T. Black French Cloths, Neat Cassimeres Dr Boys, Black Doeskin Cassimere, • Blue and Brown Cloths, Cashrneretts :oat Jeans, Fancy and Plain Cottonacles, Linen Drills turd Nankeens, Fahey Cassimeres for Stilts, Merino nssinteres, Scotch I nssimeres, Dents' Shirts, Linen and Paper Co dlars, Neck Ties and Wove, A very large and complete stock. of the• above goods, comprising all qualities. READY MADE CLOTHING. A full stock of our own manufacture CLOTHING made to order promptly in a so perior manner. HOUSE-FURNIsHING Cil)ol.s Linen alit i'eiton Sheeting, Table Linen :nal Napkins, DainaNk, Mar seilles a,nil fluneyeinnli CHINA, GLASS AND gj'EENSWAILE CARPETS AND OIL UL~ rill= A full assortment of English anti American I=l 11=1 The largest Stock evcr cilfered in this city, comprising, all qualitle, crow low priced Blanks and Sntins to the finest Gilt Papers. Allllf the ah,,e, g.,,als have• heett purcha , c(l for 011,11, alnl will In• m.lll al the I ay Ifs 17' IL\ GER & ISREYI li L A Il lES 1)I2 ESS G(I0 I/ 6t“)I, (,t New De,igl,:itel Al at mitt Lam. s;ritlNG sTYLEF.; i'D)TH MANTLEs AND SHAWLS. rout Vrtr',,,tis Shade, 11111 V;.(1.1U11,•• Wo aro rect.iving.lnily 11,1.111 i,),, In of tile:llh,, I alpi invite the att,11,i..1 ,pt pur,hasers. apr ‘v 11, 11.1 t El; RR( (11 Fp.s. C ARPE•~ ANII4OIL CLOTHS. Elu_dish Bru,st•k, Supt•rtine and Mi.tlitutt Vt•llvtian, 1:.:z UPET:-. Druggets, Velv,l Itutn and I,,ktor (, I E 17.1 • TII s, l'rom I to A e"n 1 1 1: 1 ) ( L I I- ' ;'- ' 7- s" l '1 1 1 : u.nt ;. ," IrlN„ apr 12 tiscl„ MAGER A, WENTZ BROTHERS MIESIMEME lIIHNIIEZiIIiII /1111 i?MiENIIII!IINIII=1111!EM inty 'loop sK - lirrs (:.u:pi.:Ts AND ,11, ,TH, Daily receivZ!ii4 Barzz - zzinb quickly. lIIiV 7 Ivw . - 011. ('l.4l'lllN AND WINDOW SIIA At the old estalilislit•il slanil , nortliezisi of 2,1 zinc] 13roNvn strutits, A lull lissortructit nt styles airt• now iiin , ritig zit low prii•cs for cash nuts, cnn.~iain_ of ENtiI,ISII AND \ THREE PLY, I:'::I.E.AI.I...NTRY 'AND STRAW I 'AR.PETS. Also, a splendid article of 1t.1.(i LIST 1, , in great variety. The assortment of NVINlit) \V IA I iI.:S which I offer for sale ,11111.0 Ills city. There heing over I Ivo hundred of The lat,,t amt 11no:4f approved designs patterns, in :ill col ors, making an assortment very rarely found in any 4111 . 11 t,1:11,1i,11111,111 line of all of svltich at the very prices for cash only. V, liclll lc dealers t, I'IIAIZLES CI; \ Northeast corner 2,1 am! Iftown may In flaw ie!pli 411illical TERRIBLE DISCLOSURES-SECRETS VOICFHE 111.1.1uN. A most, valuably and wonderful puldietition. A worl: WO pages, and :to colored englavings. 111 - NTI.:It•S VADE MI-tdd:3l, an original and popular treatise on }lira nod VA'onun!, their Physiology, Functions, and Sexual dors of every kind, with Never I•'itiling Pen,- dies for their speedy cure. The practive ot lilt. itI;:s;TER has long been, and still is, 11!11.11114i en!, hut at the t,,arliest solicitat itins nunierous persons, he fins been induced to ex lenti his medical usefulness through hi.' litoiiillllllli . Isis " VADE .Nll-:11 - 3,1. - It 1,1 ,11,1111 he in Hill hnud. of ucrry Lunilp in lilt . 1:111.1, It preventive of secret vices, er :us :1 gniule fuur the alleviat ion I I uue of tlit• 191,1 artful “11.1 de:4111111N Vi , 114.11 will free of postage 11, WI) 01 111. I . uilrii St:utes for 50 cents in P. puusl DR.IIUNTEIZ,No.3I , ivkionStrot.I,Nt•NV 1 ~rit. linty 21 tint \v 2,) THERE Is N()sucH FAH TA MIA NY'S ('0)1 POUN D ExTRAt"r ('I..CEISS AND BtA IBA. This prepanitiiin is iiiirticuliirly 1,1,11111W/Id.- ed to 010 PrOIOSOOII ut the public fur the prouLlit :But certain cure nt DISEASES OK THE BLADDER, K IDNEYS, =MI . , It may he relied on as the hest mode for the administration of those remedies in the largo class of persons of hot It sexes to which they are applicable. It never interferes NN ill the digest ion, and he its concentration the dose is much reduced. N. B.— Po rso s are advised hi ask for Tar_ runt's Compound Extract 4)r Co paiba, and take nothing else, :is worthless preparations, under are in the market. Price gLlxi, Sent he cxpre , s on receipt of price. Nlanufart urea b,. l'.11:1Z.1 NT kt =ffilo=ll NOW Y.l:. AND FoR SALE BY I.ltt - 1,- , "1": , t;EN ERA!, Ns' AI ANH410111: ~ RI• LOST., HOW RE • . . 1 . I , r. well's i't.l(llr,tt,l on 111,. 11.11,0 1.11, iciihuut 1111.,licilt, Wcal:ni,s, 111\ oltultary Mental awl 1,1,11,11,ity, 1t1f.t..1.1),.10 , to Marrim,,, t•tc•.: c.,ll,iinpi 1 . :1,f,p,y he m•lc-In(1‘11,..•11, , ganee. ei,-Price, in :1 '111,• celobrateil author t tleitoo,traif-s, ID,III that st•if-:11 , 11,• Illay nt(li,ill.% intrrlMl inedit • inl ili. • :t1 , 111i1,.1 Ili(' Iltir NV iliCh 1•511 y •lilinn TIIH 111. 111:1.1 - 1.LIrt. vatel - , and radically. 4u This • I.tciurt• lii 1 . , 4:111k evcry ,v,ullllllld I I> ,1):ttl in t !.11,!. Sent twilit stttil, iii a iilwn en\ to twy pctil Iteci ttt itttsitit_te ttlttittp, =IMES= C.l-I.\ S. 1: LI NI . : (1),, 127 Ilowery A. V., 15,7. apr 19 lyw Ilanhing E E . H E DE It I.: 0A; a e 0 IIMiN/Mll CoRNER EAsT KING AND DI'KE JAMES If. WA1.1 , .N. 'I If, W. Y , , ,T W 1. T 0 N 0 T UR, (I ENE It A L I. Ei•Tk)Es, No. 2.5 Soul ti itu Si Pit Jay I '.)kr• E. P. i.1(1141,01 Pan James, lient,Santee (.0., 1 11 ::.- Nvi , \lli' , ~-., I C. :\l'Kil,hin ,S.: Sol c. 11. I I.,,(••1., .11.11..1anw, 1 . .)1!,,,•):, " .1.,, 1°:,(4;,•2 . , " A. 11. 1:,,,1.1 . , V. L. 1:2,16t,,, , ,, !.., " NV'''. r'" d. \ V'l- i 11"1" "" ' '''''".'' ward. lII(iiIE.ST 1'1:1(1.: PAID I.'l ill GI ,1.1) AND GuVEIi.NNIENT AND 1,1 - 1[ )I.I.EL*I STOCKS L'OCOHT ISU 5u1.1.) ON 11 - - /loots &ir , CA 31 BELL dr A2CSi 15 L CE2CTRE SQUARE, LANCASTEIZ, l'A .11.1 I: FACTL It}. NI) DEA I,EItS EINEM RUBBERS, lc., A7i The public are respect Cully invited to call and examine one of the finest and most eon, Mid e assortment of goods, in our line, over oit•red in Lancaster. [juLy 71 fw 213 ;tatc ROOFING SLATE. PRICES REDUCED TO SUIT TIl E TIM ES. The undersigned having constantly on hand a full supply of Lancaster and York county ROOFING SLATE of the best qualities, which he is selling at reduced Prices, end which will he put on by the square or sold by the ton, on the most rea.sonable terms. Also, on hand an Extra Light PEACH BOTTOM SLATE, in tended for slating on shingled roofs. Having in my employ the best Slaters in the market the work will be warranted to be ex ecuted in the best manner. As these gentles of Slate are the best in the market, builders and others will find it to their interest to call and examine samples at my of fice, in Sprecher's New Agriefiltural and Seed Ware Rooms, No. :Si East King street, two doors west of the Court House. apr 19 time 15J 41..E0. D. SiEqiECITER Ittediral. B MISifLER'S ' HERB BITTERS. " These Bitters are rapidly- winning their way to public favor, and before long will be the only ones in popular demand. The cures they have effected for years past has induced the proprie tor to bring them more particularly before the people. They are not a new remedy, the recipe for making the "Bitters" having been in the possession of the proprietor for many years. The Ingredients are composed of the following medicinal herbs and roots, all possessing well known curative powers, and are warranted not to contain any other article: Elecampane, Bur dock, Spikenard, Soapwort, Peruvian Bark, Buchu, Snicewood, Mullein, Slippery Elm, Sas safras, Sarsaparilla, Gentian Root, Juniper, Spirits Nitre, Balsam Copayla, Cubebs, Dande lien, Pure Spirits mid Barberry. The Bitters have been used by persons afflicted with vari ous diseases for some years past, and such has been their success in curing the most obstinate diseases, that the proprietor is now induced for the first time to offer them to the public, with the full confidence and a willingness to guaran tee that if properly used they will effect per manent cures in the most obstinate cases of diseases. They are a certain remedy for Dys pepsia, Liver Complaints, Loss of Appetite, Nervous infeetions, Intermittent Fever, Fever and Ante, General Debility, or Wealimess caused by exposure, imprudence or excess, Coughs .01, I Colds, Diarrhuia,lleadaehe, Cholera Morbus, Illieumatism or pains in the limbs, Cramp in the stomach, Neuralgia, Diseases of the skin, such as Scrofula, Ulcers, etc. Also, Piles, Worms, especially Seat \Vomits, anti all other diseases arising front a disorganized or disease , st 'mach Or impnrity of Blood. As a Blood Pun tier and Tonic or general Appetizer these Bitters are also without a rival, and should he he' a iu every family. These Herb Bit tors are warranted to cure all • venerial dis eases, no matter of how long standing. The manufacturer recommends it fur this class of I,:lrlicularly. and can produce_ (.ICIII, 1110S1 remarkable cures. Those who are sult;•ring with any of these unpleasant complaints, should at once gist' this medicione atrial. No Lady desiring a CLEAR C1).\11.1.E.X -lON should be without it. EMMOMM= suirerino front Irregularities Crum whatever MU. . will find 111 isincalcine a sate and certain n niedy but like all other rcomiies of this cla,, should he used with caution by married hunt,. liehrw the afflieted willld it condensed staletnent or the sires perforated ill the vari ous nolivithiais whose 1,1111,4 are herewith ttp peinlod, whose l'ectiticates can at :Inc tune be Set•ll by calling at t lie i , ,tere of th, Centre Sgthire, Lane:islet., Pa. ii. I 1511 l,Elt , Sole Manalaelarer. Al - (11'.51 1 1.1111-IT. a nienlN•r of ro. 1), 99th I'. V.. v. - a, core t 1 by the ao ul the Sr. nltter'S of a langorou, receivrtl in (lie st , rvicc. Alm), hildr•-n .11 )IIN r. \V.\ LT( IN, I.a urast er. vtlrc4 of Dis vast, t awl idm-ys, cont racicil Army. Till IS. Ul2ua l)f, GLm Ilope, cured of Disease ni the I ',lel: zind Nervous systent. I [ NA( 1,1.:, I,:uu•aster, cured of a stroke oC the Palsy, causing the loss of the use of his riallt arm. 10EN1 , :i. t 11:11 !titter , 11:ts 1111.111, .1.1MF.5 KENNEIri, eared of Chrnit. DANIEL FIN El , lO 1.111,11 of Chrolnie Itheumat • 111,11 he Was much ni- I.;e. eii ‘vitli Whit, iii Till' .lrloy--I,•,ifintltonil, the o.t , of the Witt,. to anti tllherS LEVI 1.“11,15h.r, eurcd of I:Ileu m:0 ism Army. B. (,•rt !Mil hi, ‘l,ll,:hter WaS cured of :t liugering,ick m,.. of c iOll no,nihs, from various disk•ascs, by :\ll,ldor', Hit tors. 111.1NI:VIA Ift:l{l', Inzlea,ter, was curc,l of a o,llloulty waler, he lhr Is,ol Hie Ili I I t•l's, :11)I 111. wi fl' also rcliovo.l from ltluntn:u it Iglu.. l'llll.ll' 1,a11,1511.5, cur,kl of :In af fk•vt ion of 111, Ni 1110 s nnl 11111,1tIcr, 111tIvrs. 111.:1:1:, cmlty, (•,•rt ifics ihsa hr sca. eur,,l of m•v.•re in his ht . Wilil 1'.11 . 11N(;, 1.11 iz, wits oureil or it 4 . l•‘` ii Clinliiit• .H)s. of p:Oils in Ili , Should t., awl linil,s, that hu xvitis Ilnahlt , It. ,leop. I Lncaster, cured of Cramp so severe that by herame apprt•li,t,ive of a Rupture. it'r J. C.\ ItNEY, Lancaster, cured ~r tcoak ne, on the Itratt,t and pain in tl t side by Nlr , hler's fluters. '.l \I. 11. .I. , 1•1:1 , AN, fAnc:,l.•r, rt•livtql Alm . hlts iu In m• 15 illintilcs b'. lb.' I[ol.l, II .\1,1; 1,11r:1,41.1% Say,: that his sun rxrruri:ui iu¢ ikalllN iu hi, lons :tltd McDt)NNEI.I„ run•,l ui by 3.lishter'N 1;1!•,•,.. \S:I9 r1n . ..l phinizic, .1. 1.. It \ verlillt•s 11.1 his I,llllly Inut•lll . , ll,,cti fr“t I:. 11. 'lf h P. \ 11i . : 11i.4 , ,W11, IiII.1111111;th,ry, c.III• . I "iirs; 11 “vw , ) 0,1 V B ., 1:11,11111:oi , r11 hv Ititters—emlir.•t -t.,1 Ilii• TI 1:10 Y, on ni :tna .\ 1,.)• lu . II,"of A. .\11 . , 4 1:.1.1TN1 . 55, Lancaster, cured of what i. ,allo.l a I:mining, applicatiott of the .1( ,I I N I:. , li'l.:, LanraNtt•rl•lll . l.ti .11' a Running 1,..,. f.l .2. , , •a,..' ,rail.llllu. I.c Misilli•Cs Hit Icrs. 1,.% A ( • A cl NTY H. 1... I.alwaslt•r, rcli,votl ..i . a ~...,,•.• 1... act . ......, his 1i(111, , y,.., by Ow Ilt•rl. C. IL Al.\ - Ell, I.ancp.st(q., rurkl .1 . N. SI . VI'I, I . .liti ViliV )il I ,i,(•111,11 i a his It..t.ill,hy A11,1114•r•s .I.F. V I:I . :N . :Nit! . rui,l of 1 rtmarkuble distn•ssillg