tea ch*%.tatovuudiriax Oahe from North Hotel.rtroet o NO. bS East King stonri oPPorito Ineiger's ape 1 trip ~ . • A: it A am, N LAW, Oircat was A. GrileaLiftig, Now No. SA NORTE Dvico • irANthilltrif , PA. ' —TON - LIOIITIIICR, ATTO RIM V . rayr b Ofifee bi North 'Doke iitteit;lairaity TS • ,:jiart,Hot*. • tf lt Vt. J• STEINMAN, _el.2' TO NZ Y T Z fr. . lets OoL Wain opt C at ila ffef4 nig itreet -sigg lagracoir AL• Ater.B.....TavimirroN, Attorney . at •'Law, has ro• nursed froarthe office of 1 , 11 Ellenaker, Bag, to No. 11, Nardi Nike street, a few doors north of the Court 2 t f Home, Liatiwpater Pa. (doe 47 roalfey /1.1.:...0171T1LL1AD1 S. • APIViIEG, XVAttorney at Law, has removed ins office from his °tuner plan, into South Duke street, nearly opposite the Trinity Lutheran Church. apr 8 tf 1.2 'r HALL FOH E NAN, • ATTORNEY dr Z 4 W. Ornoi Inn T. E. ird3ll" Esq., No. 28 Fear SING SI., LANCASTER, PA pia. JOHN 31,0 ALLA., DERTIST.-Otlice I:7 find Residence, one door below the Lamb Hotel, West King street, Lancaster, Pa. [apr 18 tf 13 rESSE . LANDIS, Attorney : at Iravr..-Of- LP - flee one door eeet of Lechler's Hotel,Kast King street, Lanismtei, 101:. All kindi of Berivening—imeh as writing Wills, Deeds, Mortgiges, Accounts, tr.c., will be'attended to with orr . admits atuirdeapatch. may 15, '55 tf-17 T 'DI ID IS 'B. BARNES, FANCY AND WINDSOR CHAIR MAITER, '6l) 3 , 6 A'art King street, Lancaster, i 4 lOO 'in Inviting the public to call at WS Ware ndomaratid atilt:dud his 'BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF CHAOD.OF 'FAMOUS PATTERNS. ..ORDERS received and prokuptly attended to at the hortestmetice. None but the beet workmen are employed ri this 'establishment, consequently - Chairs purchased at thfa house are fully equal to any article sold in the Eastern Cities. Call and examine for yourselves. [nog ly 31 D J. W. BAKER, HO SR ATEOPIIO PHYSICIAN, 0 7 LANOASTICII CITY, may be consulted professionally, at his(Mice, at Henry Bear's Hotel, in the Borough of Strasburg, on Thursday of each week, from 10 o'clock in the morning to three in the afternoon. An opportunity is thus afforded to resident@ of Strasburg and vicinity to avail themselves of Homoeopathic treatment, end females mffering from chroniolliseases may enjoy the advice of one who has made this class of diseases a speciality. J.T. BAKER, M. D., Homoeopathic Physician, oct 22 tf 41j East King street, above Lime, Lancaster TIRUG AND CHEMICAL STORE 11 The subscriber having removed hie store to the new building nearly opposite his old eland, and directly opposle .he Oros Keys Hotel, has now on hand a well selected took of articles belonging to the Drag Musineas, consisting n part of Oils, Acids, Spices, ,Seeds, Alcohol, Powdered Articles, Sarsaparillas, Ac., 'ie., to which the attention of country merchants, physiciarus and consumers In general is Invited. THOMAS ELLMAKER, feb 9 tf West King street, Lan. IE. MO VA L WILLIAM N. AMER, DENTIST, for five years a student and assistant of Dr. WAYLAN, formerly of this city, has removed his office to the rooms lately ••••••• occupied by Dr. MrCalla, in East King street, two doors from Centre Square, where he is prepared to meet those who may favor him with their confidence, and servo them 'n the most skillful manner, warranting satisfaction in very reasonable case, both as to operations performed and charges for the flame. WM. N. AMER. Spr 1 ly 12 W RITE DIEN DIU ST RULE ADIERIC A THE CHEAPEST PAPER PUBLISHED Forty-Eight Columns of Reading Matter per Week for $1.20 per Year THE ONLY NEW YORK PAPER MADE UP EX CLUSIVELY FOR COUNTRY CIRCULATION. News of the Week, with the Cattle, Produce, and oth Markets, Carefully Reported. NEW YORK DAY-BOOK FOR 1864. WHITE MEN'S LIBERTIES-STATE RIGHTS FEDERAL UNION. The New York Day-Book is an Independent, Democratic journal, holding, with the late Senator Douglas, that "this Government is made on the white basis, by white men, for the benefit Of white men and their posterity for ever." It is a large doub'e sheet, with forty-eight columns of reading matter, and in all respects—whether for Markets, News, Literary or Agricultural Information—is not inferior to any as a political or family newspaper. In its political department, it grapples boldly with the real question before the American People, and presents the only philosophy of it which can resist the sweeping march of Abolitionism. It is Democratic in the tree sense of the term—the &tender of the People's Rights, but it is the upholder of no party chicanery or trickery. It is not only fur Poses, Malt shows how, and how only, permanent Peace can be obtained, and the glorious White Man's Gov ernment of Washington restored, viz.: by the utter routs, overthrow, and extermination of Abolitionism from American soil. The Day kook Is now the only weekly political paper in New York city made up exclusively for country circula tion. All the others are rehashed from the columns of some daily paper, which renders it almost impossible to give so complete and general a summary of the news as in the other case. Persons about subscribing should take this Into consideration. Democrats, also, must sea to i t that sound papers are circulated among the people, or Abolitionism will never be put down. All who desire to refute the arguments of Abolitionists, should read The Day-Book. One Copy, one year Three Copies, one year Five Copies, one year... Ten Copies, one year, and one to the get- ter up of the Club 1.1.00 Twenty Copies, one year, and one to get for up of the Club Additional Copies, each Tho name of the post office, county and State, should In all cases, be plainly given in every letter. Payment always iu advance, sad all papers wilt be stop pad ,when the time of subscription paid for expires. Address, Vda EVCIE, LIORTON CO., N 0.162 Nos Emu Street, Now York We desire this year to place before a million of northern readers the great doctrines the Day.lio,k teaches on the question of the Races. We coutitietnly believe if this Journal were placed in the hands of one-hall of the voters of the northern States between this time and November, 1864, the Democrats could not fail to carry the nest Presi. dentlal election. We therefore make the following offers, not iu the light of prizes, and not even because it will be profitable—for we can scarcely afford it—but solely to secure a wide dissemination of the views which we pro foundly believe will save our country: CLUBS OF TWENTY. For a dub of twenty, beside the extra paper now offered, we will send a copy of Dr. Van Everio's great wort of " Negroes and Negro Slavery," the third edition of which is just ready. Price $lOO. CLUBS OF raFTY. For a club of fifty subscribers, at $6O, we will send one extra paper, and a complete set of our `• Anti-Abolition Publications," the prices of which, taken together, amouft to $2.75, CLUBS OF ONE aIINDuED In relation to elubu of one hundred. we will say this Whoever will send us one hundred subscribers at one time, the club to be sent to one address, and begin and end at the HMIs time, we will receive the papers at $lOOl nov 17 tf 45] V. 11., 11. O. Co. T HE MAGAZINE FOR THE TIMES PETERSON'S' MAGAZINE The Best and Cheapest in the World for Ladies! This popular monthly Magazine will be greatly im proved for 1864. It will contain ONE THOUSAND PAGES OF-READING! FOURTEEN SPLENDID STEEL PLATES! TWELVE COLORED FASHION PLATES! TWELVE COLORED BERLIN WORE PATTERNS! NINE HUNDRED WOOD CUTS! TWENTY—FOUEOPAGES OF MUSIC! All this will he given fur only Two Dollars a year, or a dollar less than Magazines of toe class of " Peterson." its THRILLING TALES AND NuVELETTES - - - - are the best published anywhere. All the moat popular writers are employed td write originally for " Peterson." In 184 in addition to its usual quantity of short stories, FOUR ORIGINAL COPYRIOST NOVELETTES will be given, by Ann S. Stephens, Ella Rodman, Frank Lee Benedict., and the Author of "The Second Lite." It also publishes FASHIONS AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS. Each number, in addition to the colored plata, gives Bannete, Cloaks and Dresses, engraved on wood Also, a pattern, from which a Dress, Mantilla, or Child's Dress can be rut out, without the aid of a mantua-msker. Also, several pages of Household and other Receipts. IT IS THE BEST LADY'S MAGAZINE IN THE WORLD. TRY IT FOR ONE YEAR. . TERMS—ALWAYS IN ADVANCN. One Gips', One Year V 2.00 ' ' Three Copies, fur One Year sOO Five Copies, for One Year 7.50 Eight Copies, for One Year.. 10.n0 PREMIUMS FOR GETTING UP CLUBS. Three, Five or Eight copies make a club. To every per son getting up a club, at the above rates, a copy of th. Magazine for 1860 will be given gratis. Address, poatpald. CHARLES J. PETERSON, 306 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. . O Specimens sent gratis, when written for. coy 17 tf 10 TFIE SATURDAY EVENING POST, "THE OLDEdD AND BEST or THE WEEICLIEB.” The Proprietors of TUE SATURDAY EVENING POST —which paper is now in its Forty-Third Year ! would simply announce in their Prospectus fur 1864, that they design maintaining for their weekly the high character it hai already acquired as a first class literary pnpor ! They have raw.. to believe that tho stories of Mrs. Wood, author of " East Lynne,' &c; Mark it linriand, author of t t Alone" Ac: Mite Virginia V. Monger . ..l. and . numerous other excelloot writers, I• 00,, hkezi g , nerally possessing the greatest merit sod I ho meet ih.o rhim I,I• terest ; and they design pr. curia;: Int: o the future as in the past, tb, b. st Stores,'Slir•rolios and other Literary Novellie,i, which ca.; po-sibly obtain They have commenced, in the nrst paper of .14.ouary, 3 sew .aiovel called OSWALD CRAY, by Mrs Wood,::other of ‘•EitseLynne" 0' Verger's Pride," A, Thin novel wall be about the length ' of "Emit Lynne," and will he printed from the advance she.ts expre,dy fo wnrded to them by Mrs. Wood from England. In addition to the Stories written expressly for THE POST,ito Editor also stricre to lay before its readers the beet Storied from the English Periodicals. And give, in addition to.the Tales and SA etches, more or I,s Agricul tural Matter, With:a Riddle, Receipt, Pews, and ',Market Departments every week. •A: SEWING MACHINE (HUTU! We will givii to any - person sanding thirty aubscriptions to THE POST . and - Siktr Dollars, one of 'WHEELER WILSON'S CELEBRATED SEWING MACHINES, such as they sell for Forty-Five Dollars. The Machiues will be selected new at the manufactory in Now York, boxed and Forwarded free of coat, with the exception of freight TRAWL—Two Dollars a year; Twla copies, $3; Four maples, $6; Eight copies (and one gratis); sl2.—One copy of THE POST and one of THE LADY'S FRIEND, $3. Address DEACON ft PETERSON. No. 319 Walnut Street, Phila. Par Specimen numbers of THE POST sent gratis. Jan u tf 52 LIFE AND SERVICES AS A SOLDIER " of Major General Grant, Hero of Fret Danelsou 1 Vicketrurgi and Chattanooga! Commander of the Mili tary, DillE4Oll ofthe Mississippi; and captor of 472 Hannon and over 90,000 Prisoners, with portrait,:. Prize 26 yenta. For sale at J. DL WESTHAEFFER'S janll3 If 8J Cheap Book Store. . . Ct PF.V 111“....einnamon, Gloves; Sala. in „BATHS, BAKLNO. SODA; . ABEAM , TARTAN, NUT MVOS, &c., For sale at THOMAS ELLMAHEIVE aturmical Stori West King irreet, Lauer, 0 . BE E T 11 - .1 /V e' X IC W I. • 0 THE PATENT STAMP-SEALING AND-POST-MARS • • PREBEBVING lINVBLOF.B. The preservation on the letter itself of the POST-MARS andIPOSTAGE-STAMPaenerally destroyed with the de. UMW Cower, has long been deemed a matter of the first IMlllbetante. Thiadealdonstuatts now triumphantly secured by this ingenious Invention. Many obvious advantages must arise from-the general use of this envelope. 13 u s-4,screseed Safety by additional sealing; the stamp connecting the envelope and letter securely together; and this is never liable-tole otnittedohough the sticking of the' isp is frequently neglected or imperfectly done. -tisamd--Beemity - against Impertinent Intrusion • the letter and envelope being firmly attached by the stimps, and inclosure cannot be inspected even if the flap be elan• desttnely opened. • - Third—Safety against abstraction of Valuable Inclo mires. If the flap be left unsealed, or opened with feloni ous intent, it will be impossible to open the letter and take thence bank notes and drafts without so mutilating the envelope as to insure detection. Firarth—Becterlty for the , free: payment of the Postage; as the stamp, when once properly placed in this window, cannot be removed without its destruction. .Fiffft..-' Advantage( thereore to theiflineirtiment; by the effectual destruction nf every efiniVithterflrat use. .91=14—Facility to thellest•Olps:Uperations; by a uni form location of the stamp In the upper right band corner, which is the most convenient position for the Poet Office mark. &tenth—Verification of the Mailing; by securing on the letter itself the legal &atria of. the -time 'and place of It being mailed. • Thiellas long - bun &termed' Sn'dfairable, that many prudent persons are constrained to dispense witirthe use of envelopes, that they may have the post mak- on the letter; and others take the precaution to pin the envelope win on the letter for identification. kEghfh Certainty of the Date and Place on the Letter, which are so frequently omitted by writers In carelessness or hurry. Ninl4—Ornamentation ; which, though some may think of mall importance, certainly meets the approval of all persons of bete. - Tema—Cost Notwithstanding the many and unrivalled advantage's of the "Stamp dealing Envelopes,” they will be furnished at a very small advance upon the prices of those not having the benefit of J this patent. AZFFICS Can be had at 151. WESTIL Cheap Book Store, Corner North Queen and Orange Sta. nov 4 tf 43 THE COLUBIBI ANYA. INSURANCE. COMP, Or OOLITXBIA, LALIOABTZIL Comm, PA. CHARTER PERPETUAL. This Company continue to insure Building'', Merchan dise and other property, against loss and damage by are, on the mutual plan, either for a cash premium or premium note. The large and increasing capital of the Company, con sisting of premium notes given by its members, and based upon 18 1, 4 7 5, 7 8 9. 3 5, Instired on the mutual plan, affords a reliable guarantee equal to ten times the average loss on the amount insured; and the Directors pledge themselves to deal as liberally with those who may sustain loss or damage as the case will admit of, consistent with justice to all parties con cerned. AMOUNT OF PREMIUM NOTES, $155,620.49. Balance of Cash Premium unex pended, Jan. let, 1862 $1.668.57 Cash receipts during the year 1862, less Agents' Commissions 6,781.47 Cash receipts In January, 1863 895.80 Losses and expencae paid during the year, 1862.. $6,329.73 Balance unexpended, February '2d, 1863 3,016.11 °soma YOUNG, Jr., Secretary. M. P. SHUMAN, Treasurer. DIRECTORS M. S. Shuman, Michael H. Moore, George Young, Jr., Nicholas McDonald Amos S. Green. Robert T. Ryon, Abraham Brinier, John Fendrich, H. h. Minich, Samuel F. Eberlein, Ephraim Hershey, HEO. W. HERE, Agent, .0 etreet, Lanceater city, mar 31 ly 12j North D MILE ANIELLICA.N ANNUAL CYCLO 1. PARDIA AND REGISTER OF IMPORTANT EVENTS OF THE YEAR 1861. Embracing Political, Civil, Military and Social Affairs Public Documents; Biography, Statistics, Com merce, Finance, Literature, Science, Agri culture and Mechanical Industry. The volume will be in the style of the New American Cyclopredia, having not less than 760 pages, royal Bvo. The work will be published exclusively by subscription and its exterior appearance will be at once elegant and sub stantial. D. APPLETON A CO., New York. ELIAS BARR A CO., No. 6 East King Street, Agt's for Lancaster City and Co apr 16 tf 14] THE GREAT CAUSE OF HUNAN MISER Y. Jun PUBLISHED, IN A SEALED ENVELOPS. PRICE SIX OENT3. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radical Cure of Seminal Weakness, or Spermatorrhoea, induced by Self-Abuse, Involuntary Emissions, Impotency, Nervous Debility, and Impediments to Marriage generally ; Con- Numption, Epilepsy and Fits; Mental and Physical Inca pacity, ac.—By ROB. J. CITLVERWELL, M.D., Author of "The Green Book," /cc. The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awml consequences of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical opera tions, hoagies, instruments, rings or cordial., pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may ,ut e himself cheaply, privately, and radically. This lec ture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent under seal, In a plain envelope, to any address, on receipt of six. cents, or two postage stamps, by addressing the publishers, CHAS. J. 0. KLINE & CO., Lz7 Bowery, New York, Post Office Box, 4686. ly 37 A NEW MAGAZINE: FOR THE LADIES. THE LADY'S FRIEND A MONTHLY MAGAZINE LITERATURE AND FASHION The subscribers would beg leave to call the attention of their friends and the public to the NEW MAGAZINE which they are about to Issue, and the January number of which is nearly ready. The name will be THE LADY'S FRIEND, and it will be devoted to choice Literature and the illus tration of the Fashions. It will also contain the latest patterns of Cloaks, Caps, Bonnets, Head Dresses, Fancy Work, Embroidery, &c., Ac.• with Receipts, Music, and other mar ere interesting to ladies generally. THE LADY'S FRIEND will be edited by Mrs. HENRY PETERSON, who will rely upon the services in the Liter ary Department, of the following UNRIVALLED CORPS OF WRTTERS: Mrs. Henry Wood, I Mrs. M. F. Tucker, Author of "East Fanny M. Raymond, Lynne," Ac. Frac's H. Sheffield, Mary llowitt, Mrs. L. D. Shears, Marion Harland, Caroline A. Bell, Author of" Alone," Annie F. Rent, Mrs. E. B. Randolph, Sophie May, I.ll'nor. C. Donnelly, Harris Bryne, C. M. Trowbridge, Mrs. Z B. Spencer, Margaret former, Mattis Dyer Britts, Vlrg'a. F. Townsend, Annie Russell, MI e. M. A. Denison, Mies A. L. Massey, Clara Augusta, Sara J. Ramsey, Laura J. Arter, Clara Doty, August Bell, Hereto W. Stillman, Anna L. C-, Minnie May, Charles Morris, Arthur Hampton, Helen M. Pratt, T. J Chambers, Maggie C. Rigby, Barbara Brenda, Mrs. Anna Bache, and other talented Lucinda B. Browne, writers. Carrie Meyer, HANDSOME STE A Handsome Steel Engraving and a Colored Steel Fash ion Plate wilt illustrate every number; besides well exe cuted Wood Cute, illustrative of Stories, Patterns, Ac., too numerous to mention. The January number will contain a beautiful Steel Engraving, designed expressly for this Magazine by Scheassele, and called GAI3RIEL WILKIE'S RETURN. This handsome Steel Plate illustrates a story of love war, and a broken engagement, by Miss Eleanor 0. Don nelly, and will be of itself, we trust, worth the price o. the number A SEWING MACHINE GRATIS! We will give to any person sending thirty snbscriptione to THE LADY'S FRIEND and Sixty Dollars one of WHEELER & WILSON'S CELEBRATED SEWING MA— CHINES, ouch as they sell for Forty-Five Dollars. The Machines will be selected new at the manufactory in New York, boxed, and - forwarded free of cost, with the excep tion of freight. In procuring subscribers for this Premium, we prefer that the thirty subscribers should be procured at the regu lar terms of Two Dollars for each, but where this cannot be done, they may be procured at our club rates, and the balance of Sixty Dollars forwarded to us to cash by the person desiring the machine. The Magazine will be sent to different Post-Offices, if desired. Every person cidlect , lug . names should Bend them with the money as f st as obtained, so that the subscribers may begin at once o re, csive their Magazines, and not become dissatisfied with the delay. When the whole number of names (t. irty), .d whole amount of money (Sixty Dollars), to re he machine will be duly forwarded. TE B.MS Oiir terms will be the same ae those for that well known eekly paper, THE SATURDAY EVENING POST, puh. '.hed by ne for the last seventeen years—ln order that the lubs may be made up of the paper and magazine eon. ,intly, where it is so deelred—and will be se follows. CASH IN ADVANCE. I copy, one year $2.00 2 comes, one year, 3.00 4 copies, one year 0.00 8 copies, and one to getter up of club, . 12 00 20 copies, and one to getter tip of club, 28.00 one copy each of THE LADY'S FRIEND and SATUR DAY EVENING POST, 3.00 .K.tie Single numbers of THE L FRIEND (postage paid by us) 20 rents. .fkir The matter In The Lady's Friend will always be different from that lu The Post. Subscribers in British North America must remit twelve cents in addition to the annual subscription, as we have to pre-pay the 11. S. postage on their magazines. Address DEACON & PETERSON, No. 319 Walnut St , Phileda. Specimen numbers will be sent gratuitously (when written for) to those desirous of procuring subscribers. uny 24 ti 4 For Rats; Mice, Roaches, Ants, Bed Bugs, Moths In Furs, Woolens, ac., In sects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, no. Put up in 250. 50c. and $l.OO Boxes, Bottles, and Flasks. $3 and $5 sizes for Hotels, Public institutions, lc only infallible remedies known." •` Free from Poisons." Not dangerous to the Homan Family." Rats come out of their holes to die." old Wholesale In all large cities. AG—Sold b, all Druggists and Retailers everywhere. .ell I ! BEWARE!!! of all worthless imitations. . See that "Coaxes's" name is on each Box, Bottle, and Flask, before you buy .41ir Address .{Q- PRINCIPAL DEPOT 482 Baooowoy, N. Y. *.43 - 1. 4 .01d by all Wholesale and Retail Druggists. La. aster. Pa. Pleb 2 8m 4 MORE NEW AND INTERESTING BOOKS. THE EARL'S MEMIS : A TALE or Doman° Lira. By the Anther of "East Lynne; or, The Earl's Daughter," "The Mystery," &c., As. Paper price, JNieente. MORGAN; OR; THE KNIGHTS OF THE BLACK FLAG: A STRANG' &roar of Brawn TlMfa. Paper price, 25 sta. For sale at J. DI; WESTHAF.PFFIR'S, epr 1 tf 121 Slur. North Queen and ()ranee Ste ANTED--GOLD, SILVER. AND DE. MAND'NOTEN.Ior which the MGM= PREMI UM will be paid at the Banklna , House of HEED, tommitaori a 00. Lancaster, feb. 7, '6B. geb 10 tt 00. C ONSTzT 1r,,,0_111 1017 ATE a. KIDNEYS AW;D]BLADDEB These Dangerous and :Troublesome Diseases, wbich hare thus far Restated the best directed Treatment, can be Completely Controlled by the REMEDY now before us I properties of the medicine direct themselves to the organs of secretion, and by so altering the condition of the stomach and liver that the starchy principle of the food is not con verted into sugar so long as the system is tmder the influ ence of the CONIikiTUTION WATER, which gives those organs time to recover their healthy tone and vigor. We are able to state that the Constitution Water has cured every case of Diabetes in which it has been given. STONE IN THE. BLADDER, CALCULUS, GRAVEL, BRICK MILKY DUST DEPOSIT, AND MUCOUS OR DISCHARGE URINATING. • Disease occurring from one and the same muse will be entirely cured by the Constitution Water, if taken for any length of time. The dose should vary with the severity of the disease, from twenty drops to a teaspoonful three timer a day, in water. During the passage of the Calcuind the pain sad urgent symptoms should be combated with the proper remedies, then followed np with the- Constitee tion Water, as above directed. DYSMENORRHOEA. OR PAINFUL MENSTRUA TION, AND IN MENORRHAGIA OR PROFUSE FLOWING, Both diseases arising from a faulty secretion of the men strual fluid—in the one case being too little, and accom panied by severe pain; and the other a too profuse seers- Von, which will be speedily cured by the Constitution Water. That disease known as FALLLNO OF THE WOMB,Lwhich is the reeult of a relaxation of the ligaments of that organ, and is known by a sense of heaviness and dragging pains in the back and sides, and at times accompanied by sharp lacinating or shooting pains through the parts, will, in all cases, be removed by the medicine. There is another class of symptoms arising from IRRI TATION OF TILE WOMB, which physicians call Nervous ness, which word covers up much ignorance, and in nine cases out of ten the doctor does not really know whether the symptoms are the disease, or the disease the symptoms. We can only enumerate them here. I spook more par- I titularly of Cold Feet, Palpitation of the Heart, Impaired Memory, Wakefulness, Flashes of Heat, Languor Lassi tude, and Dimness of Vision. A. S. GREEN, President. Which in the unmarried female is a constant a rring disease, and through neglect the seeds of more grave and dangerous maladies are the result; and as month after month passes without an effort being made to assist nature, the suppression becomes chronic,the patient gradm ally - lcises her appetite, the bowels are constipated, night sweats come on, and consumption finally ends her career. This disease depends upon an inflammation of mucous lining of the vagina and womb. It is in all cases accom panied by severe pain in the back, across the bowels and through the hips. A teaspoonful of the medicine may be taken three time. a day, with an injection of a tablespoon ful of the medicine, mixed with a half-pint of soft water, morning and evening. RRITATION OF THE NECK OF THE BLADDER INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS, AND CATARRH OF THE BLADDER, STRAN - BURY AND BURNING, OR PAIN FUL URINATING. For these diseases it is truly a sovereign remedy, and too much cannot be said in its praise. A single dose has been known to relieve the most argent symptoms. Are you troubled with that distressing pain in the small of the back and through the hips? A teaspoonful a day of Constitution Water will relieve you like magic. it hue no equal in relieving the most distressing symptoms. Also, Headache, Heartburn, Acid Stomach, Vomiting Food, &c. Take a teaspoonful after dinner. The dose In all oases may be Increased If desired, but should be done gradually. PHY_SIOLANS have long since given up the nee of bud:km cuirebs, and juniper In the treatment of these diseases, and only use them for want of a better remedy. has proved Itself equal to the task that hue devolved upon It. (tate and drench the kidneys, and by constant use soon • d to chronic degeneration and confirmed disease. DANN - flak, Pa., June 2, 1862. Dr. Woo. 11. Gszco—Dear Sir : In February, 18641 was afflicted with the sugar diabetes, and for live months I passed more than two gallons of water in twenty-four hours. I was obliged to get up as often as .ten or _twelve times during the night, and in five month I loot about fifty pounds in weight. During the month of July, 1861, I procured two bottles of Constitution Water, and in two days after using it I experienced relief, and after taking two bottles I was entirely cured, soon after regaining my usual good health. Yours truly, Gents: I freely give you liberty to make use of the foi. lowing Certificate of the value of Constitution Water, which I can recommend in the highest manner. My wife, who was attacked with pain in the shoulder , , whole length of the back, and in her limbs, with Palpita tion of the Heart, attended with Falling of the Womb, Dysmenorrhes, and 'lrritation of the Bladder. I called a physician, who attended her about three months, when ho left her worse than be found her. I then employed one of the best physicians I could fled, who attended her about nine months, and while she was under his care she did not suffer quite se much pain; he finally gave her up cud said, " her case was incurable." For, said he, " she has such a combination of complaints, that medicine given for one operates against some other of her difficulties." About this time, she commenced to Use the Constitution Water, and to our utter astonishment, almost the first dose seemed to have the desired effect, and she kept on improving rapidly under its treatment, and now superintends entirely her domestic affairs. She has not taken any of the Constitu tion Water for about four weeks, and we are happy to say that It has produced a permanent core. WM. M. VAN BENSCHOTEN. L ENGRAVINGS TEEM GBRAT 10.11:11DY 00N6TITUTIO 1 V ONVY KNOWN REMEDY DIABBTBEI AND lOERAAFF OF TEA THE CIIILATIVE SUPPRESSED MENSTRUATION, LEIJOORRWEA OR WHITES FOR DYSPEPSIA, CONSTITUTION WATER DITIRETICS READ! R E A D!! R E A DI! J. V. L. DE WITT BOSTON Comfits, N. V., Dec. 27, 1861 WM. H. Gmmoo & Co Muso9.9, CONN., Nov. 19, 1861 D. Wm. li. GILYGG Dear have for several years, been afflicted with that troublesome and dangerous disease—Gravel—which resisted all remedies and doctors, until I took Constitution Water, and you may be assured that I was exceedingly pleased with the result. It has entirely cured me, and you may make any use of my name you may see fit in regard to the medicine, as I have entire confidence in its efficacy. . Yours truly, POND STRONG. THESE ARE FACTS ENOUG El There is no class of diseases that produces each exhaust ing effects upon tho human constitution as Diabetes and Diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary Passages, and through a false modesty they aro neglected until they are so advanced as to be beyond the control of ordinary remedies, and we present the CONSTITUTION WATER to the public with the conviction that it has no equal in relieving the class of diseases for which it has been found so eminently successful in curing; and we trust that we shall be rewarded for our efforts in placing so valuable a remedy in a form to meet the requirements of patient and physician. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS, PRICE $l. PM. H. GREGG & CO., Proprietor. Morgan & Allen, General Agents, No. 48 01111 street, New York. [ July 29 ly 29 A, Gale 111. TURA I. CHEMICAL CO. , s CHEAP FERTILIZERS. P A B II L E T This Fertilizer is composed of night soil and the fertilizing elements of urine, combined chemically and mechanically with other valuable fertilizing agents and absorbents. It is reduced to a pulverulent condition, ready for im. mediate use, and without loss of its highly nitrogenous fertilizing properitios. Its universal applicability to all crops and soils, and its durability and active qualities, are well known to be all that agriculturists can. desire. Price-, sds per TOR. CHEMICAL. COMPOST. This Fertilizer is largely composed of animal matter, such as meat, bone, fish, leather, hair and wool, together with chemicals and inorganic fertilizers, which decom pose the mass, and retain the nitrrgenous elements. It is thoroughly impregnated with urine, and ths. thinner por. tions of night soil. It is a very valuable fertilizer for field crops generally, and especially for potatoes and garden purposes. Its excellent qualities. strengh and cheapness, have mode it very popular with all who have used It. Price. $25 per Tom TREE AND FRUIT FERTILIZER. It ie a highly phosphatic fertilizer, and is particularly adapted for the cultivation of trees, fruits, lawns and flowers. It will promote a very vigorous and healthy growth of wood and fruit, and largely increase the quantity and perfect the maturity of the fruit For hot house and household plants and flowers, it will be found an indispensable article to secure their greatest perfection. It will prevent and cure diseased condirions of the peach and' grape. cod is excellent for grass and lawns. The formula or method sf combining its constituent fertilizing ingredients bare received the highest approval of eminent chemists and scientific agriculturists. tiO per Ton PHOSPHATE OF LIME. The Agricultural Chemical Company manufacture a Phosphate of Lime in accordance - with it new and valuable formula, by which a very superior artick Is produced, so at to be afforded at a less price than other manufacturers charge. Practical tests have proved that its value, as a fertiliser, is equal to the best Phosphate of Lime in the market. Price, 5 45 Per nel. • 04Y-TERMS CASH.—Cartag. , and Freight to be paid by the Porcharer. AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL CO.'S WORKS. AT CANAL WHAM?, ON THE DELAWAHE. Gretna, 41.3,4 ARCH STILEKT, PRILADELPHIA, PA. B. B. FITTS, General Agent The Company's Pamphlet Circular, embracing full di rections for using the above Fer Misers, sent by mail free, when requested: For sale by A. W. RUSSELL and WM. SPRECHER, Lancaster. (feb 23 bm (/OACH MAIMING. BLACK HORSE CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY. The--undersigned respectfully informs his old friends and easterners, and the public generally, that hs.still car ries on the COACH—MAKING business in Its various branches, near the Black Horse Tavern, in East Cocalico township; Lancaster county. He manufactures to order Family Carriages, Rockaways, Jenny Linda, Top and Trotting Buggies, Sulkies, Sleigh; fr.c., of the very beat materials and the best style of work manshlp. All kinds of repairing and blacksmithlng done at tho shortest notice. I return my - sincere thanks to my old Mends and cus tomers for their kind patronage, and respectfully ask a continuance of the same. . FRIT 'EMBER. 3m• 64 - GOOD NEWS von. THE AFFLICTED B. IGIGHLBE..'S CELEBRATED HERB BITTERS AGAIN INLIIIMPHANT 1 Read the following testlmoulais, just received, of the cures effected by this truly wonderful compound: THE MOST WONDERFUL OAHE ON RECORD. 'READ! READ 11 RFAD I I I - -The remarkable virtues of Mishlees Herb Bitters have again been'brcmght to the test; and wised through the ordeal triumphantly. The following certificate has been received, and if there are any persons skeptical as to its truth, they can Satisfy themselves by calling upon the young man who gives it. He may be found during the day at the Southwest corner of Centre Square and West King street, where he keeps Ocake stand. He will'give all Information that may be desired in regard to his case. But read the following : OT JOHN B. RINZILLET. I hereby certify that I have been afflicted rith white swelling and scrofulous outbreaks for a perfect Jf over four years. My case was so bad that I could not walk without tioe_aid of crutches. My left leg was much swollen and there were three eruptions at the knee, one at the hip, and one at the breast. I tried various remedies, and I had the advice of several physicians, but experienced no relief. About four weeks ago I commenced with klishler's Bitters, and in a very short time I began to get better. lam now able to walk without the aid of crutches. My lege are still bent, but if I continue to improve as I bave been doing for the last two or three weeks, I think I shall soon be as well as ever. My general health has also improved, and is better now than it has been for years. I make this "state ment for the benefit of the afflicted, and would invite all to call upon me, and I will give them all the Information on the subject in regard to my case. JOHN S. RINEHART. Lancaster, May 22, 1863. ANOTHER REMARKABLE CURE. A CASE OF PARALYSIS RELIEVED BY • MISHLER'S BITTERS. The testimony Is ever, day accumulating that hlishler's Bitters is performing wonders, and Its Dime is gradually but rapidly spreading over the continent. Rand the follow ing certificate, selected from hundreds received weekly. It speaks for itself NEPPSVILLE, Jane 5, 1563 Ma. B. MIBIILER—Sir : About Christmast, my youngest daughter, a girl of fifteen years of age, was attacked with paralysis, which confined her to her bed, where she lay perfectly helpless and suffering the greatest pain. I pro cured-the attendance of our medical men in the neighbor hood, but., in spite of their beet efforts, she grew daily worse and worse. She was so helpless that it was impossi ble for her to sit up, even when propped by pillows, for when, to ease her, we would raise her up, she would fall over backwards, or lie on one side or the other, and indeed had no strength or power or control over her motions at all. On the 26th of last mouth, by the advice of Henry Minnich, I came to see you, and. from what you told me, I concluded to try your Herb Bitters. I took a bottle out home,rith me, :and my. daughter commenced taking it. She has need that bottle, and the effect is so great that I want to take out some more with me, and I am confident now that what you told me was perfectly true, and that my daughter will shortly be entirely recovered. She is now able to leave her bed, and can sit in a common chair, and can stand on her feet, without any pain; she can raise her hands to her head, and remains out of bed most of the day. I am so pleased with the effects of poor medicine that there is nothing I wopld not give to procure it. You may use this as you please, for I think that so good a medicine should be known everywhere. With gratitude I remain, Sir, . . • Yours truly, MARIETTAFOILNACI, May M., 1883 Bras. Alterman, Esq.—Dear Sir: Please send me by Pennsylvania Railroad gross your celebrated Bitters PP soon as possible. lam almost out of It, and I find it to be the very best Bitters manufactured. I could proems you balts dozen certificates if necessary: but knowing the Bitters will do what is represented, - think all that is required is the cash for the Bitters Yours truly. J. W. BEAR, Agent for B. Mishler. The office for the sale of !dishlees Bitters is in Centro Square, whore hundreds of certificates can be seen. PUILLDELPHIA, Mmy 37th, 1863. Prie,nd 3:fishier—Dear Sir I wish you to send me im• mediately, one or two cases of your Bitters. I gave a bot tle to Mrs. Neavin, a lady that had been troubled with the Dumb Ague, and had taken so much quinine that her ap petite had left, and was so much troubled with pain in all her joints that she woe not able to be about. She ban used one bottle, and she can now attend to the duties of her household; in fact she eau not give It praise enough . Yours, respectfully, CHAT. P. MILLER. LANCASTER, :Slay 25th, 1863 B. Nishler—Dear Sir This is to certify that I have boon suffering with what the doctors call Chronic Diary rohcea, for three months, and I suffered so much with pain and grew so weak, that the doctors had almost despaired of my getting well, and Indeed I had almost given up my self. I have been at the Lancaster Hospital for six months; I had Rheumatism when I went there, and was unable to do anything. One of the inmates of the Hospital give me three doses of your Bitters, and afterwards I felt much better, and I have been taking them ever since, and feel as if lam going to get sound and well. Your Bitters have proved themselves to be a cure for me, and,l am thankful for it., I do really think I could not have lived this long had I not got the Bitters. I also had Gravelowhich has troubled me for a long time, of which I feel nothing of any more. I suppose it must have been the Bitters that took that away, as it works you say in that way. Indeed the Bitters have been a God's blessing to me, and have restored me to pretty good health. Mr. A. Fairer can tell all about it, as he le well acquainted with my sufferings since I have been in the Hospital. Respectfully, JAMES KENEDY. Mr. B. Mishler : This is to certify, that I have bad an attack of the Gravel for about six months, and sometimes with a good bit of pain; at last it become so that I had to rise live or six times in a night on account of my water, so I concluded there most be something done. I have seen your Herb Bitters recommended in one of your bills; so I thought I would give it a trial. I have used two bottles of it, and I must sayt hat it relieved me entirely of my pain. Respectfully yours, JNO. SCHOCH. LANCASTER CITY, May 7 th, 1863 Mr. B. Mishler—Sir I have been subject to inward weakness and pain In the small of the back for the last ten years, and had given up all hopes of getting better. I was induced to try your Bitters, and after using it a short time, I am happy to say I am almost well, and by using a taw more bottles expect to be as hearty as formerly. I recom. mend It to those of my sex similarly afflicted. Respectfully yours, HARRIET OAR. Mr. B. Mish My wife having boon afflicted with ex cruciating pain iu her hands and toot. suv.•ral of our most prominent physicians attended her Ins could gist) her little or no relief. I thep had recourse Miehlur's Bitters.; else took half a bottla' find the pains enthrely loft hur. l,took the remainder myself; before taking it 1 •,.,16 ))verhhome with drowsiness whenever I would bit down to sad r write, and would fan asleep. but sines I :0..k tht» Hitter: -, , I feel so if I could loop over a wall 01».1 run through) troop." GbtO. DRUCKENYIII,I,En. Mr. B. ili.sh.ler—Dear Sir: About three years ago ,there was a Lump or Swelling came on the side of my mink or jaw, which continued to enlarge in size without opening. About two years ago, I drew it open with a poultice. I commenced to use your Bitters about three months ago. which has driven the swelling all away. and besides hag taken a lump of hard substance from the opening which you can have to show to the people. I am this dip a sound man, and tool nothing of it at all; it has loft no mark or trace of it behind, all has gone away. JOHN LESHER. The above can be seen at Heinitsh's Drug Store, in Bast King street, Lancaster. B. ifishler—Dear Stir: I had pain In my head, side and back, in connexion with chills and fever, which alarmed me very much from the fact of my having a very severe attack of Typhoid Fever, while connected with the Army. I bought one bottle of your Herb Bitters, and when I got home I took two doses of it which relieved me almost im mediately. lam taking two doses per day now and feel as well as ever I did. Not being a citizen of this place, I just happened to be here selling Patent pumps, and heard your Bitters recommended so highly by different ones, I concluded to try it, and such are the facts of the benefits I received by using your Bitters. I am stopping at the Franklin House, North Queen street, in this city, and will be glad to testify to the above, to any one calling at the aforementioned place, or at Coatesville, Chester county, which is my permanent residence. ENOCH DUN LAP. B. Nishler—Deer Sir : This is to certify that I have been attending fire in a bake oven for thirty-two years. which caused me to lose my eight for about five years. I have been using your Bitters, and since I have used them, my sight is returning fast. I can now walk without a cane and see where I go. I was digging garden to-day and could see the worms crawling about in the dug up earth. Respectfully, HENRY J. ETTEII. MR. B. MisilLna—Dear dir: My daughter, a young girl about 12 years of age, caught a cold in her eyes earlyt ast spring, which afflicted her so much that I was afraid She would lose the sight of one of her eyes. Cho finally gat so bad that it was tound necessary to keep her continually in a dark room, allowing not even a candle to be lit. About three weeks ago I was induced to give her a bottle of your bitters, and am happy to say that one bottle cured her no completely that she is now able to go to school., S. ALIA • The above are but a very small number of the certificates received. Any one doubting the genninenes of any cer. tificate published Is requested to call and examine the original. These Bitters are not recommended as a beverage, but they are recommended for their medicinal, virtues. They are a sure cure for Dyspepsia, Liver Complainta, Gravel, Fever and Ague, Weak Knees, Pain in the Limbs, 'and all diseases arising from a deranged state of the Stomach or impurity of the blood. TO TILE LADIES! qtr' Ladies In Delicate Health. suffering from irregu. 'taffies, from whatever cause ' will Bud ( this medicine a sate and certain regulator ; but, like all remedies of this class, it should be used with caution by married women. PREPASID AND SOLD By 13. MISHLER, CENTRE SQUARE, LANCA6IER, PA., AND HIS AUTHORIZED AGENT.`. EVERYWHERE. june 16 ly 23 ST. LOUIS HOTEL, (LATE FRA_NKL.II\;.,) CHESTNUT STREET. BETWEEN 3d AND 4th, PHILADELPHIA. MN ..,II MDFMOTI REFITTED 1 pzquzimmovigglimo***Nool This Hotel, the best Business Bffan's House in the City, is in the immediate vicinity of the principal Jobbing and Commission Houses, new P. 0., Corn Exchange, principal Banking Houses, Mining Co. Offices, &c. IMMIX NEIL, Superintendent. SDI 4 AlliLD CATTLE POWDE7,II. TATTEREAL'S HORSE POWDER, HEAVE POWDER, ROBIN, PENNI:1011E8R SULPHUR , GEIISiAN, CREAM TARTAR, COPPERAS, to. For sale at THOMAS ELL.M AR KR'S Drug Obssaleal Store. West King streot, hens', bs tf4 TATTERSA.I.L'S HEAVE POWD .E It Powdered }Login, Antimony, Pm:aligner, Eatphn Saltpetre., Asercetide, khan, dm For sale at ax epr 21 tf 14- THOMAS ELTIMARIB, Drag and Chemical Store. Went Hine SILr.E.R WARE! SILVER WARE!! PIE, CAKE AND BUTTER KNIVES. SUGAR. CREAM AND OYSTER SPOONS. SOUP AND OYSTER LADLES, SPOONS, FORKS, Ac, Act. I,Arzwr STrize ARD 'Dm. Wonicrimm2. SILVER—PLATED WARE I SILVER-PLATED WARE BASKETS, CASTORS, PITCHERS, MUGS, SPOONS, FORKS, Ito., JUST PROSE TEE FACTORIES. WATCHES! WATCHES !:WATCHE.S! CHEAP! CHEAP!! CHBAPII CLOCKS! CLOCKS!! CLOCKS!! MIT, COLUMN AND PLAIN FROSTS. JEWELRY! JEWSLRYII JEWRLR II! L. anus AWE. B 49usurr. HARRY Z. RHOADS, • 221' Wss: KING EiTHEIT,„, Between Cooper's Hotel and J. O. Getz's Dry Goods Store dee 17 tf 49 JAPES H. WA.I.TON. Taal:lA.9 W. YOST ALTOON Q. YOST BANKERS, BROKERS, AND GENERAL COLLECTORS, No. 25 &MN THIRD STRUT, PEUMADILLPHIA Jay, Cooke AL C 0.,. E. P. Middleton tt Brother, James, Kent, Santee & Co., I Eoherlck, Blaok & Co., C. 11. 11"Kibbin & Son, Ron. Win. Wilkins, Uon. James Pollock, ' Warren J. Woodward, V. L. Bradford, Esq., " Geo. Sanderson. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR GOLD AND SILVER GOVERNMENT AND OTHER INTERESTS COLLECTED STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. fob 17 - tf 7 I) lIBILISHED ('HIS DAY. ANNETTE, OR THE LADY OF THE PEARLS —Di ALEXANDER DUMAS, Crux YouNoza.) Author of "Lo Dame aux Coml.lias," or Camille, the Camelia Lady." Translated from the French by Mrs. Wm. It. A. Johnson, Esq., of Philadelphia. ANNETTE! ANNETTE! ANNETTE! THE LADY OF THE PEARLS! ANNETTE, or THE LADY OF THE PEARLS. By ALYEARD6a DITMAB, the younger author of "Camille, or the Camelia Lady," and translated from the French by Mrs. Wm. R. A. Johnson, Esq., of Philadelphia,—is pub— lished andlor sale this day, complete in one large octavo volume, large type, double column, and prirted on the finest and beet of white paper. Price Fifty Cents e copy. The work is full of incident, character and great inter est, and will have popularity equal to any work that has begin issued from the press for many years, and is equal, if not superior to its predecessor, "Camille," by the same author. For sale at ap 21 tf 15 NEW YORK DIEDICAL INSTITUTE. A benevolent Institution endowed for the cure of Chronic Diseases of every nature, and to protect invalids from quack advertisers and imposters. No charges except for medicine until cured, and in case of extreme poverty treatment free. No Minerals or Poisonous Drugs used. The Physicians have had long and extensive experience both in private and Hospital practice. The following are some of the complaints to which special attention is given. All diseases of the Head, Throat, Lungs, Heart, Stomach, Liver, Kidney, Bladder, Rheumatism, Fits, Cancer, Piles, Nervous Affections, Diseases of the Sexual Organs, Seminal Weakness, Impotence and Virulent diseases of every nature positively cured. Diseases of Females and all Irregularities successfully treated. Blindness and Deaf. nese cured without painful operations. Patients treated by letter, by sending a statement of their case. Medicine sent to any part of the country. Consultation free to all. Address, Stamp enclosed, DR. L. GRAVES, Consulting Physician, mar 25 ly ll] 609 Broadway, New York City. I=l FAMILY DYE COLOFLS Black, Dark Blue, Light Blue, French Blue, Claret Brown, Dark Brown, Light Brown, Snuff Brown, Crimson, Dark Drab, Light Drab, Dark Green, Light Green, For Dyeing Silk, Ribb, Kid Glov4 For 25 cents you can color as many goods as would other wise cost five times that sum, Various shades can be pro duced from the same Dye. The process Is simple, and any one can use the Dye with perfect success. Directions in English, French and German, inside of each package. For further information in Dyeing, and giving a perfect knowledge what colors aro best adapted to dye over others, (with many valuable recipes,) purchase Howe & Stephens' Treatise on Dyeing and Coloring Sent by mall on receipt of price, -1.0 cents. Manufactured by HOWE it STEVENS, 260 Broadway, Boston For sale by Druggists and Dealers generally. Sept 22 Bm 31 PEctuze, May 25th, 1863 MANHOOD 3 HO W LOST HOW RESTORED! Just P 111.418110,1, In u Sealed Envelope. Price Six C,onts. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radical Cure of Spermatorrhced or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions. Sexual Debility, and Impediments to Marriage generally, Nervousness. Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits; Mental and Physical Incapacity, resulting from Self , Abu,. ROBT. J. CULVI4,RWELL, N. D., Author of the Green Book, Sc. The world-renowned author, iu this a I mirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful con sequence of Self abuse may be effectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical operations, bougles, Instruments, rings or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure hhuvlC cheaply, privately nod radically. This lecture will prove a 1/0,1 to thousands and thousands. MOUNT Jot, May 13, ISO 3. :lent under seal ; in a plain envelope. to any address, no toe receipt of six cent, or two postage Mamps, try wi nterising C. KLINE, J) HV . OTOCR AP A IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. f.socuted In the beet style known in the art, at C. &. CRANE'S GALLERY 532 Ante STREET, EAST of SIXTH, PHILADELPHIA. LIFE SIZE IN OIL AND PASTIL. STEREOSCOPIC PORTRAITS, Ambrltypes. Daguerreotypes, Ac., for Cases, Medallion! inn, Rings. Ac. f mar 1B 21y MI1=1;121111]111131 R HEUM A TICS! DR. LELAND'S_ LtNUASTLR, May 6, 1863 Stiffness of the Joints and Cramps—GDUr, NEU— RALGIA and all NERVOUS AFFECTlC,l46—Erysipe las, Salt RlLearn and Scrofulous Eruptions of the body—Neutralizes the Impurities of the Blood and..., Fluids of the whole system, and effectually counter-' , „. acting Mercurial and other poisonous influences. LANCAVER, June 25th, 1863 H. D. Foster, IMIZZI2 J. M. WESTHAFFER'S Cheap Beak Store. 1, Shawls, SearfE le, Feathers, and all kinds of Wearing Apparel. 4gir A SAVING OF 80 PER CENT. "14_ 1`27 8 , , , very..N., York, Utti, Box, 46813. ANTI- It H li U M A T I 0 &ND IWIIMIN!!1=1 Acute or Inflammatory, Chronic, Lumbay Sciatica, Ptettrodyne, cfc., asc. It is a conveniently arranged BELT, containing a Medicated Compound, to be worn around the body, about thes waist, EQUALLY EFFECTING ALL PARTS, wherever the disease may be. It can bo worn p without injury to the most delicate person, and no U change in the proper habits of living is required. It, entirely removes the disease from the system, with•. out the fallacious use, in such cases, of powerful in. ter.' medicines, which weaken and destroy the con. M sticution and give temporary relief only by stupifying the system and deadening its vitality. By this treat- 4 r men[ the medicinal properties contained in the BAND, being of a highly aromatic and volatile nature and capable of being readily absorbed, through the g pores of the akin, come into direct contact with the Blood and general circulation, without first having to pass through the stomach, which would tend not only to detract from their curative powers, but to impair the internal organs and derange the digestion also—thus avoiding the injurious effects, so often the result of internal remedies, and effecting a.. ~,., perfect cure by purifying and equalizing the circula tion^" of the vital fluids and restoring the parts affected CI Pi a healthy condition. This Band is also a most g'powertul "ANTI-MERCURIAL AGENT." Calomel being the primary canoe of a large part of the Stiff . noes, Neuralgic Pains and Rheumatics, so prevalent ci and will entirely elieve the system from its pernici .ous effects. Moderate cases are Cured in o few days, and we aro E, constantly receiving undoubted testimonials—to which we invite inspection at our office—of their ß efficacy in aggravated cases of long standing. PRICE TWO DOLLARS. May be had of Druggists, or will be sent by Mall upon receipt of $2, or by ex press everywhere ' with all necessary instructions , from the principal office of G. SMITH k CO., Sole Proprietors, 491 BROADWAY, Noon BROOMX ST., NEW YORK. ILLUSTRATED TREATISE WITH CERTIFIED TESTIMONIALS SENT FREE. .*Adopted to Soldturs.-ii4l Agents in Lancaster: A. B. KAUFMAN, J. F. LONG it SONS, C. A. HEINITHI. Columbia: T. A. WILLLAMS. MISFILE...WS BITTERS. Below we publish another lot of certificates re ceived by B. MISHLER, concerning the great cures effect ed by his wonderful remedied agent known as HERB BlTfiEltB: . . - ALTOoria, Pa.,Sept. 2, 18h3. Dr. IrVhi , field—Sir I had been afflicte with a very severe cold on the breast for three or four weeks, and had tried different domestic and patent remedies without any booth,. From your recommendation I was induced to try 'divider's Bitters. lam happy to say they had the desired etfect—aud I. am better than I have been for a long time. I have also used the linters fur a severe Diarhote and they completely cured me. No ono should be without them. I arn determined to have some in the house all the time. Tare respectfully, Auroorn, Pa., May 1. 1843 Dr. Whilfteki—.nr: This is to eel City that I have been afilict,d with the Rheumatism for many years, Cud have tried many things said tote cures witriont any relief. I am employed drying sand for the P. R. It, and having to he in tae damp and steam nearly all the time, I was afraid that I never would get well again. One of my arms hes hcen HO bed that I was afraid I would lobe the use of it altogether; it was so weak and painful that I bad to raise I: with my other hand whenever I wished to change its t.. - .sition The bottle of Idishler's Herb 'titters I got from you the other day, has BO much relieved me that I can now raise my arm without didlculty and it is getting es strong as ea, the wonderful Improvement it has made in my health, / can recommend Miehler's Herb Bitters with the greqteAt confidence to all there afflicted with the Marini, Elam. }lnsp.:tit:illy yours, _ ilishler—Dear ,Yfr: I have been selling your Hitters for a I-mg time, and have used it myself for Neuralgia, which has entirely cured me, and my customers nee Hand think it to be the beet Bitters they have ever heard of. Indeed it hoe given entire satisfaction In every particular. I intend to keep a full supply on hand all the time at my hotel, Washington }louse," Manhebut. A. 11. HEIST. 11)0UDREITTE I POUDRETTE I I jL THE LODI MANUYACtIIEING COMPANY, with an experience of 24 years, again offer for axle a uniform article of Pondrette at low prices. The experience of thousands of customers attest to the fact that it is the cheapest and very best mtnure in market, and particular ly adapted for Tobacco, Corn, Potatoes and Garden Truck. The Compa t manufacture also BONS TA stir (a imbed tote for Guano, from bone, night soil and guano, ground fine. Price per ton. A. pamphlet containing directions for nee, prices, An, may be had free by addressing a letter to the office of the Company, 66 Courtland Street, New York, or applying to our agent, PAUL POHL, 130 South Wharves, Philadelphia, Pa. am 6 50 )00‘PROPYLAmtki vo woo* During the past year wellies° introduced to the notice .fthemedical profession of this country the Pure Crystal. ized Chloride of Propylsmine, as a RESIXDY FOR B.HIUMAT:II3M and having received from many argue" both from phy gleans of the highest standing and from patients, the 1406, PLATTLELINEI SZERIXMIAL9 OP rre MAL VAIN' n the treatment of this palatal and obstinate disease, we are frith:mid to present It to the public in a form BEADY =FOR I.IIII3OIATE ÜBE, which we hope will commend itself to those who are suffering with this afflicting com- plaint, and to the medical practitioner who may feel die posed to test the powers of this valuable remedy MIN R. PROPYLAMINE, in the form above spoken of, has recently been extensively experimented with in the and with MARKED SUCCESS (as will appear from the published accounts in the medical journals.) B' It is carefully put up ready for immediate use, with directions, and can be obtained from all the druggists at 75 cents per bottle, and wholesale of Druggists and Manufacturing Chemists, tune 251 y 24] Philadelphia. TO THE PEOPLE. OF THE UNITED STATES. In the month of December k lBsB, the undersigned for the fleet time offered for sale to the public Pn J. Bose,, Dods' Imperial Wine Bitters, and in this short period they have given such universal satisfaction to the many thousands of persons who have tried them that It is now an estab lished article. The amount of bodily and mental misery arising simply from a neglect of small complaints is snr prising, and it is therefore of the utmost importance that a strict attention to the least and most trifling bodily ail ment should be had; for diseases of the body must invari ably affect the mind. The subscribers no* only ask a trial of IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS!! from all who have not used them. We challenge the world to produce their equal. These Bitters for the cure of Weak Stomachs, General Debility, and for Purifying and Enriching the Blood, are absolutely unsurpassed by any other remedy on earth. To be assured of this, it is only necessary to make the trial. The Wine itself is of a very superior quality, being about one-third stronger than other wines{ warming and invigor ating the whole system from the head to the feet. As these Bitters are tonic and alterative in their character, so they strengthen and invigorate the whole system and give a fine tone and healthy action to shit a parts, by equalia ing the circulation, removing obstructions, and producing a general warmth. They are also excellent for Diseases and Weakness peculiar to Females, where a Tonic is re quired to strengthen and brace the system. No Lady, who is subject to lassitude and faintness, should be without them, as they are revivifying in their action. TH_TSE BITTERS WILL NOT ONLY CURE, BUT PIIE- am . . In this respect are doubly valuable to the person lart , me, use them. For INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION, Wank Lungs, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Diseases of dr Nervous System, Paralysis, Piles, and for all cases requir lug a Tonic DR. DODS' CELEBRATED WINE BITTERS ARE UN For Sore Throat, no C - 01:11MOIl - among the Clergy, they a Magenta, Maroon Orange, Ptak, Purple. Royal Purple Balm ,u, Searle Elate Solfermo Violet, Yellow. truly valuable. For the aged and infirm, and for persons of a weak constitution—for Ministers of the Gospel, Lawyers, and all puLlic speakers—for Book-Keepers, Tailors, Seamstresses, Students, Artists, and all persons leading a sedentary life, they will prove truly beneficial. As a Beverage, they are wholesome, innocent, and de licious to the taste. They produce all the exhilarating effects of Brandy or Wine, without intoxicating; and are a valuable remedy for persons addicted to the use of ex cessive strong drink, and who wish to refrain from it. They are pure and entirely free from the poisons contained In the adulterated Wines and Liquors with which the country is flooded. - These Bitters not only Cure, but Prevent Disease, and should be used by all who live in a country where the water ie bad, or where Chills and Fevers are prevalent. Being entirely Innocent and harmless, they may be given freely to Children and Infants with impunity. Physicians, Clergymen and temperance advocates, as an act of humanity, should assist in spreading these truly valuable Eaters over the land, and thereby essentially aid in banishing Drunkenness and Disease. IN ALL AFFECTIONS OF THE HEAD, SICK HEAD ACHE, 011. NERVOUS HEADACHE, DR. DODS' IM PERIAL WINE BITTERS WILL BE FOUND TO BE MOST SALUTARY AND EFFICACIOUS. The many certificates which have been tendered us, and the letters which we are daily receiving, are conclusive proof that among the women these Bitters have given a satisfaction which no others have done before. No woman in the land should be without them, and those who once nee them will not fail to keep a supply. DR. J. BOVEE DODS' IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS are prepared by an eminent and skilful physician who has used :hem successfully in his practice for the last twenty 7N, ycats. Tho proprietor, before purchaMug the exclusive to manufacture and sell Dr. J. Boyce Duds' Celebrated Imperial Wine Bitters, had them tested by two distin guished medical practitioners, who pronounced them a value able remedy for disease. !:M% Although the medical men of the country, as a puoral thing disapprove of Patent Medicines, yet we do not believe that a respectable Physician can be found In the United States, acquainted with their medical properties, who will not highly approve DR. J. BOVEE DODS' IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS. - - - In all newly settled pieces, where there is always a large quantity of decaying timber from which a poisonous miasma is created, these bitters should be used every morning before breakfast. Dit. J. BOVEE DODS' IMPERLAL WINE BITTERS. are composed of a pure and unadulterated Wine, combined With Barberry, Solomon's Seal, Comfrey, Wild Cherry Tree Bark, Spikenard, Chamomile Powers and Gentian. They are manufactured by Dr. Dods himself, who is an experi enced and successful Physician, and hence should not be classed among the quack nostrums which flood the country, and against which the Medical Profession are so J nutty prejudiced. These truly valuable Bitters have been so thoroughly tested by all clasaes of the community for almost every variety of disease incident to the human system, that they are now deemed indis,eniable as a TONIC, MEDICINE AND A BEVERAGE. PDRCIIASE ONE BOTTLE! Costs but Little! Purify the Blood! Give Thee to the Stomach! Renovate the System! end Prolong Life! ' " ' PRICE $1 PER BOTTLE, 6 BOTTLES FOR srs. Prepared and sold by CHARLES WIDDIFIELD & CO., Sole Proprietors, 78 WILLIAM STREET Now Yong. For sale by druggists and grocers generally throughout the country. [aug 6 ly 30 YOUR HAIR! BEAUTIFY YOURSELF, CHAPPELL'S HYPERION FOR CURLING THE HAIR. The Ladies and Gentlemen throughout the world will be pleased to learn that I have recently discovered an article that will Curl the Hair. By using CHAPPELL'S HYPERION, Ladies and Gentle men can beautify themselves a thousand fold. CHAPPELL'S HYPERION is the only article In the world that will Curl straight Hair. The only article that will Curl the Hair IN BEAUTIFUL CURLS I IN GLOSSY CURLS! IN SILKEN CURLS! IN FLAXEN CURLS IN FLOWING CURLS! IN WAVING CURLS SIN LUXURIANT CURLS It makes the Hair soft and glossy. It Invigorates the Hair. It beautifies the Hair. It cleanses the Hair. It has a most delightful perfume. It prevents the Hair from falling off; it fastens it to th scalp. It is the only article ever yet discovered that will curl straight Hair in beautiful curls, without injury to the Hair or scalp. • The HYPERION does not In any manner interfere with the It neither scorches nor dries it. The HYPERION can be so applied tto to cause the Hair to curl for one day, or for one week, or for one month, or any longer period desired. The HYPERION is the oply article in the world but what can be counterfeited or imitated by uprincipled per sons. To prevent thin, we do not offer it for sale at any Druggist's in the United States. Therefore, any Lady or Gentleman who desires to beautify themselves by using the HYPERION, must in close the PRICE, ONE DOLLAR, in a letter and Address, W. CHAPPEL A CO., Box 64, Parkman, o.oga Co., Ohio, And it will be carefully sent by return mail. nov 12 ly 44 FALLT R A D E WENTZ BROTRERS, are now fully prepared to supply their cuetomere and the public with all kindet.of BEASONAI3LE GOODS, at the lowest possible prices LADIES' DRESS GOODS, as in past seasons, this department contains the Choice of the Season, selected with great care in New York and Philadelphia. Shawl and Cloak Room contains a full stock of all th. Latest Styles of SHAWLS and CLOAKS, in foil variety and " every day brings something new." CLOTHS, [may 27 ly 20 AND FLANNELS. All kinds of FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, pur chased right and will be sold accordingly. • Skirt Room frill again—the largest Skirt Department to Lancaster—slooo Premium Skirt yet on hand, with 6,000 others of smaller dimensions—from 12 cents to $3.00 Ladies call and see our Skirts. ep 15 tf 35) A lICTIONEERIN O 3 BENJAMIN F. ROWE respectfully informs the pub ic that he will attend to Crying Bales of Real and Personal property in any part of the county. Thome wishing his services are requested to, apply to Gerardne Clarkoon, Esp., at the Prothonotary's, Office, who will promptly attend to the matter. Lettere addressed to me at Smithville P. 0, Lancaster iinty, will be promptly attended to. I feb 17 tf 7 :JOSEPH H. BROWN p lIOTOGR APH AL BUMS No. No. 6% at No. 6 nt No. 7 at No. 8 at No. 8% at No. 12 at Smaller oboe at lower prirea, at !MIAS BARB. lc CO'S spr 16 tf0.41 No. 6 East Rine 16, MA NHEIII, Nov. 6th, 1863. G OLD PENS I GOLD PENS! GOLD PENS I rams THE BEST MANUFACTORIES IN TIII COUNTRY. The Celebrated BAGLEY PENS (C. F. Newton h Co's) in great varieties, with holders to correspond. BARREL PENS. LONG NIBS, and SHORT NIBS, To suit the style or wisheaof the purchaaer. • " TIP TOP" GOLD PENS. These excellent Pens, manufactured by Dawson, Warren tt Hyde, always on hand and for sale at prices to suit the times, at 'p 21 tf 16 1 - )„ L S.—Castor 011, Sweet 011, 0 01 01 lj SPIKE STONE SENEKA, SASSAFRAS, .6,e, For sale et THOMAS Dims Tr , ti% Drug it Chorales] Store West Ring drool' .Lan. 61,8 tt PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL, BULLOCK .k CRENSH AW. DR. J. BOVEE DODS' SURPASSED! FEMALES NATURAL SOFTNESS OF THE HAIR. BEE HIVE, N 0.5 EAST KING STREET, CLOAKS AND SHAWL& lE= CASSINETS, FALL HOOP SHIRTS. Fall Styles Hoop Skirts—Balmoral, Ito WENTZ BROTHERS, No. 5 East King Street J. M. WEBTHABFBB'S Cheap Book Store Z:soB' "[l.z.c - -.-.----., BERM.__ .I=l ---- fie .. irr. -.„. r .s. —,,,,eta ,tawst = eon and the , any.n,. ' .Glns," "dronzatio,"..oandlal. • t` *V! to, it now endorsed hy - alk,or. gm, , I' M chemists and connolase'ctrs, B 4 g &111 t ' Ali trial* medloinal'nualltleettn ci andfd.lorotley whiati , to long to an OLD and PIIRD fir& - Put mph; quiet p. 444 and sold by all drugglsts,grooors, eta. • ik. iL BININGIIII. VO . ZIKy- , (ssiabllshed in 1778.) - Solill toprititets. No. is Broad, street. For sale by FItENOIT, 111011AFIDS• 017.,41 . w. c& H. SMITH, and all of the prominent' Wholesale ' Dm/ gists ix. Philadelphia. 100 t. 41,8.88 . . 10—qtreff or TEI Ble Irkiort”—;-10 • ,ITATCELICS, CLOCKS, JEWELRY AND IV SILVER WARE.—JAMES P. DYP,AP.T, No. Ic ?EST KING St.., (near Market) takes pleasure In Itkeo;tag [caution to his new and large stook mf Goods, whiehroom. ,rises aezgreat a variety of all articles. in Ws Inflow, can De fecund in the city, consisting in part of Ladles' Fine It Carat Hunting lower Wateitel, ' Fine Gold Hunting Levers, . • Opetrtseed Levers, Silver Hunting Caae Open-faced good assortment of LEVERS- and.LEPINES of Sliver and Composition Cases; CI:USTI:RES aud. EICALISIL.WCH— Cirat and second handed,) all of whillh are warranted to keep time or no sale. His assortment of JEWELRY Is the. most extensive ever offered to the citizens of 'Lancaeter, part of which are th e following styles: FINE PAINTED BREASTPINS EAR RINGS AND BRACELETS to match; CAMEO BETTS FLORENTINE MOSAIC, and PLAIN EAR RINGS an BREASTPINS, all of which for beauty, style and cheapness annot be surpassed in the city, Also, a fine assortmentof PLAIN and CHASED BRACELETS and BANDS, with Cameo Setts and Medallions. Particular attention paid to Jewelry of Gentlemen's wear, comprising - Sleeve Buttons, Studs, Guard, Breast and Fob Chains of the beat quality; Ribbon Slides, Gold and Silver Tooth Picks, eto. Always on hand a good assortment of SILVER WARE, such as Spoons, Tea, Table, Dessert, Sugar,ldustard and Salt; Dinner and Tea Forks; Napkin Rings; Butter and Fruit Knives; Balt Cellars; Cups, Pie Knives, Pickle Knives and Forks, setts of Knives, Forks and Spoons for Misses.— Also a beautiful lot of Port Monnaies for Ladles and Gents, Combs and Brushes of all kinds, Accordeons, Ac. Clocks from $1.25 to $5O, all warranted. Lein The undersigned has, at considerable expense, got up a Card of Hair Work Patterns, for which he receives orders—to be executed in Philadelphia in the most chaste and durable style, and at short notice. The public are in vited to call and examine his stook and Judge for them es Ives. JAMES P. DYSART. Sign of the Big Watch, No. 10, West Bing St., Lancaster Pa. Juno 1 tf 20 [BANKING ROUSE OF REED, HEN -1) DEMON & CO.—On the 28th of MARCH, the undersigned, under the firm of REED, HENDERSON & CO., will commence the lianktig Business, in Ha usual branches at the offlee hitherto occupied by John B. Reed e. Co., at the corner of East King and Duke streets, be tacos the Court House and Sprecher's Hotel, Lancaster, Pa: They will pay interest on deposits at the following rates. per cent. for 8 months and longer. " 30 days and longer. „ They will buy and e43il Stocks and Real Estate on com mission, negotiate Loans for others, purchase and sell Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, Drafts, Ac., Ac., The undersigned will be Individually liable to the extent of their means, for ell deposits and other obligations of REED, .41F.M.R8ON t CO. JOHN K. REED, AMOS S. HENDERSON ISAAC E. HIESTEit. mar tf lo I D RESSLER'S HAIR JR* ELRY STORA, No. 206 Emu 800 STREET !WOVE Kees, PHILADELPHIA. On hand and for sale, a choice assortment of superior patterns, and will plait to order BRACELETS, EAR RINGS, FINGER RINGS, BREAST PINS, CROSSES, NECKLACES, GUARD AND VEST CHAINS. sar Orders enclosing the hair to be platted may be sous by mail. Give a drawing as near as you can on paper, MIA enclose such amount as you may choose to pay. Costs as follows har Rings $2 to s6—Breast Pine $3 to s7—Fingoi Rings 75 coots to $3.50--Veat Chains sti to s 7— Nechlac. $2 to $lO. Air Heir put into Modalions, Box. Breast Pins, Rings, Ac. OLD GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT AT FAIR RATES. apr 16 ly 14 1)120F. L. lIIIILLEH. 9 S HAIR INVIGORA 1, TOIL—An Effective, info and Economical Compound FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR to its original color with out dyeing, and preventing the Hair from turning gray. FOR PREVENTING BALDNESS, and curing it, when ther iv the least particle of vitality of recuperstivo energy remaining. FOR REMOVING SCURF AND DANDRUFF, and al cutaneous affections of the Scalp. FOR BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR, imparting to it an an equalled gloss and brilliancy, making it soft and silky in its texture and causing it to curl readily. The great celebrity and increasing demand for this preps • ration, convince the proprietor that one trial is only necessary to satisfy a discerning public of its superior quali ties over any other preparation at present in use. It cleanse, the head and scalp from dandruff and other cutaneous diseases. Causes the hair to grow luxuriantly, and give. it a rich, soft, glossy, and flexible appearance and ale where the hair is loosening and thinning, le will give strength and vigor to thepaots„and restore the growth to those parts which have become bald, causing it to yield • fresh covering of hair. There are hundreds of ladies and gentlemen in New York who have had their hair restored by the use of the Invig orator, when all other preparations had failed. L. M. It in his possession lettere innumerable testifying to t above facts, from persons of the highest respectability. will effectually prevent the hair from turning gray nn the latest period of life; and in cases where, the hair ha already changed its color the ass of the Invigorator wit with certainty restore it to its original hue, giving it a dark, glossy appearance. As a perfume for the toilet and a Hair Restorative it is particularly recommended, having an agreeable fragrance; end the great facilities it afford in dressing the hair, which, when moist with the Invigora for can be dressed in any required form so as to .preserve its place, whether plain or in curls—hence the great demand for it by the ladies as a standard toilet article which none ought to be without, as the price places It within the reach of all, being ONLY TWENTY-FIVE CENTS per bottle, tr be had at all respectabladruggists' and perfumers. L. MILLER would call the attention of Parente and Griardians to the use of his Invigorator, in cases where the. children'' Hair inclines to be weak. The woof it lays the foundation for a good head of hair, as it rainy' any im purities that may have become connected with the scalp the removal of which is necessary both for the health o the child, and the future appearance of the Hair. Canton.—None genuine without the fan simile LOUIS MILLER being on the outer wrapper; also, L. MILIMIPS HAIR INVIGORATOR, N. Y., blown in the glass. Wholesale Depot, 56 Dey Street, and sold by all the principal Merchants and Druggists thronghout the world; Liberal discount to purchasers by the quantity. I also desire to present to the American Public my NEW AND IMPROVED INSTANTANEOUS LIQUID HAIR DYE which after years of scientific experimenting I hay brought to perfection. It dyes Blafik or Brown instantly without injury to the Hair or Skin, warranted the beat article of the kind in existence. PRICE, ONLY FIFTY CENTS. DEPOT, 66 DEY STREET, NEW YORK. aug 14 ly 31 GREAT DISCOVERY. I have made a discovery of the utmost importance to every married person of either sex, and will send the full particulars concerning it to any one on receipt of tt stamp to pay return postage. Address, apr 16 ly 14 ISILING TACKLE .. RODS, LIMERICK and KIB.BY KOOKS, NET TWINE, LINEN and COTTON LINES, FLOATS, SWIM ELS, &c. For tale at july SO tf 291 sIGN OF THE RED COAT! FALL AND WINTEB. CLOTHING CHHAPN.B. r EVER W HAUB, TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, No. 8 NORTH Qum( LAHOLEITRIL ALMON W. RAUB calls the attention of the citizens o Lancaster county and city to his large and well selected stock of Piece Goode and Ready Made Fall and Whets Clothing, the largest and best aaaorted in the city of Lau caster. 8. W. Raub would call particular attention to hi stock of Heady Made Clothing of his own manufacture all warranted to be well sewed and guaranteed to give entire satisfaction: OVERCOATS, from BLACK FROCK COATS, from BUSINESS COATS, MONKEY COATS, BLACK PANTS, FANCY CASS. PANTS, ~ VESTS, all prices, 76 " 6.00 Boy's and Youth's Clothing at all Prica, and Warran Al., on hand a large and splendid assortment of Franc English and American Cloths, Over-Coatinga and Clas merest, and Vestings, which will be made. up at eho r notice and low prices, cut and made in the latest style and warranted to give satisfaction In QUALITY, MAHE AND FIT. Also on hand, a large assortment of Gentlemen's Fu niehing Goode, consisting of Collars, Shirts, Neck Tle Suspenders,itc.' An Gentlemen buying their own good can have it made np In I fashionable style, at the lowoc possible prices, 4th' Gentlemen are invited to call and examine Denier e purchasing elsewhere. AGI- Remember the Bign qf thz Red that! oet 16 11 401 ,f" "ASTOR OIL, ARROW ROOT, 1,., SW EET OIL BORAX, ALCOHOL, CAMPHOR, SPICES, CALOMEL, SODA, LOO WOOD, CREAM TADTA A 'PEARL BARLEY,. GUM ARABIC, ILARTSHORIY, GELATINE, VIALS RHUBARB, SENNA, JALAP, SPONGE, /lc. For dale at THOMAS ELLMAR,iiK'b . , ,tt 14 Drug sad Ct.:arnica' &on, Watt -Kluge $1.25 2.00 9.60 3.88 4.26 4.60 .10 6.00 8.60 H owa. SLD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. Po - Ibe Belief of the Bich and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Chronic Diseases, and especially for the Cure of Diseases,of the Sexual Organs. MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the AoUtig Surgeon VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermatorrhcea or ,Seminal Weakneermand other Diseases of the Sexual Crows, and on the NEW REISIEDLES employedlln the Dispensay, eon to the afflicted in sealed letter envelope., free et 'charge Two or three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. . _ Address, DR. J. SHILLIN HOBO HTON, Acting Burgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Bt., Philadelphia. june 10 -JP 22 -1-)ETZELT & 111 , EVOY, STICL CON:. r Ulm° the 3IERCIIANT TAILORING BUSINESS Di Gr THE GRANITE BUILDING, - No, OA, North Queen Bt. a Cur stock consists of the chili r set FRENCH CLOVIS, such.. s Baiolues, Bamordos. and Nellasons finest Cloths of various dolonli th& - Oheiees . French Cissimeres; Black Doeskin.. Casainusesil Raney Cassimeres, the best selection; Festingsof all deecTiptiois, and a large Ossortment cf - " GENTLEIIik..'SFURNIffiIING EIDODii. - • • • We respectfully s a contitivan . go of the patrop4p . 40 liberally beetowe upon our precleceisor, and truss 11 strict attention busonefii to-receive - it., ' - One of - the 4 mime had eoeSidereble: eixpeilende br oa the large,et d moat fashionable Merthaod abllahment, in'Phlbidelphte; and kittehlifoilleirtAiit It wM be ab.e to render Metbdaat!graltre "nun *I Lb. ap IT - . • - tcy? kit 1312i1J DR. J. EL hiA.RTRLL, Alfred, Iltelne THOMAS ELLMAXER'S Drug awl Chemical Store, Opposite the Cross Key& Hotel, West King Street, Lancaate $3.50 to $12.00 4.00 '. 14.00 3.00 . 10.00 2.00 " 6.00 " 2.50 " 6.00 1.50 't 4.50 Well Made B. W. RAUB, No. 8 North Queen et., Lattosetor