lIMM== TIIIRTYZGIITII CONGRESS-FIRST SESSION. g" ') - A . st-Eraployine A N nt. DI Ns - lEll [0215 t El , l 3 N W TN TtrasnAT, February 2. We will pay from $25 to $75 per month, and all expel:wee, I In the Senate, to-day, thanks were voted to Com- to active Agents, er give a commission. Particra'are sent modore Ringgold and General Thomas. Papers free. Address Erie Sewing BiachineCompany, B. JA'ME'S, M ' were presentedrelative to an increase of the salaries General Agent, Milan, Ohio. fang-27 ly of SC con at various points. A re- er- A Friend in Need. Try its ceivedsuls from the Philadelphia Board memorial of was Trade Da. 6WEErn Fe:PALLS LE.LINIMENT le prepared from remonstrating against a Bankrupt law. The Rouse the receipt of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, the great bill reviving the grade of lieutenant-general was bone setter, and has been used in his practice for the last referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. The tae ,ty yam's wlb the motd asfonisbinz success. Au ez resolution requesting the presenoo of 691710 one to t -:real rsrdsde. It i= v. 111,05 stirs!, and will alleviate pain represent the departments in committee of investi- ~,,,, v. , - l:is tl.,.it at.) other preparation. . Fu all Mau gation being taken up Mr. Hale Spoke at length in scarab and Nervous daft Ls rnly I fall , title, and as opposition. . ve for Brea, Wou Sprains, Brrbss,its sc.than - h . taling and powerful strengthening properties , In the Rouse a resolution was adopted, making excite tt; just wonder and astonishment of all who have Inquiries into the purchase of supplies for the navy. ev, gic,,, it A tril, i'Ver one thousazd eertitleat , s of re The bill to faoilitate the payment of arrears due markelti- cn , ,, :rrtbrrati by It within the i=..l two yt , tra. deceased soldiers was passel. The Committee on attest this feet. WSJ'S and Means were inotruoted to inquire into the , 4,.. --- '-'-• vie. r tke,nrut. rjune It ly 23 expediency of increasing duties on articles of luxury,' aud the Judiciary Committee to inquire into the ; d F.: q uail' y to All i Uniformity of difficulties in the way of an organization of toe Pr' t - ' A "'''. '''''''" ' - ' l. iit.i."A:l' ,ter.. ' ,O hl” own . r.o.,mstt. , :•tt' ,t on . • f the .'re,rent fine Prire Ctoth electoral college, after which the House went into Committee of the Whole, and took up the Oonscrip- ,'"E '-`:-. ' '''' 4 ,. - ''''''' `'''" i • '''''' ' AI/ . i ' - ' ' I 'M" L ''' lion cot, which was debated until the adjournment. ~. 1, .. ,:- . .,L i. 1 . , 1 ,, e ;n ; f::- 1 . , , .. mgr! V4 . 1 , : , .. d .1 ,, and tashirnebto Ato: k of W . EDZIESDAY, February 3. i.,,,„ ~ , ~',,;',, ,„ , , 1 . 1., e , , '" ,,. ' ,,,, L‘ 1 - 1 ,, ' P o re t . ' l C. '. r : " ' ,., 1 ' ' . ' l" ' • .1A - II oisailattl.., ,„y “n111.,g In the Senate, to-day, a letter was received from ineraoil it. !Igo, e.., o.t . article. the very lowest price the Secretary of War in reterenee to military orders it cap 1 , ...61 , r ra. CO tliey Oat ~seine Lary—.6l :141:155 concerning elections. Mr. Sumner promoted from ' has sm . s. the Uerman citizens of Boston a protest against the , '. I :L , g. 01,111 are Ytelt tie.t.gat and 1,00° ,4 . and great President's scheme of reconstruction. A bill was . painstAKtli with the in-fsiee -0 tint all cog buy with the full s....aran, of getting 4 g. of artlae at the car; loose[ reported providing for the examination of certain Pr, 1 officers ill the army, and the Judiciary Committee . it,m , ml., nee In Craseent, in \lnlet, ahoy° 6th. No. 004. were discharged Iron the further consideration of ..•. f'; 1 v 425 JONES & Cu, the case of Mr. Hale, atter WhiCia the Itevenue bill was taken up. The amendment laying a duty of sixty cents on spirits sold or distilled before the lot -_, --- -- of July next was adopted. The bill relative to a .• J. W uniform ambulance system was passed, and the con- m "" ' h ' % I t' ," i . t ',::" i. ,j' . ., °r . ,',,," o ', l :',,'„t rY d '„ w e ilie ' " . . sideration of the Enlistment bill was postponed till i;,:l r i:id it ' , l et‘, " lii tYtie cit y, Ali, Amelia, daughter <1 to-day. it o at ad .14 Jan, Amelia Ann-, in the 18. b year o f h er In the House leave was asked to introduce a bill ~,,A . giving Seats to toe needs of departments but it was Ito the tt.l I: .it., in this city, Dorah Daily, a native al objected to. The Conscription act being taken up Ireland, In the 74th year of her age. in Committee of the Whole, a lengthy discussion 06 the ttlth mt ,et his reQldetire iu the City of Italtl. ur•ii.. 1-11. c Tyson, in the 8711, y4ar of bie Fig, followed, resulting in the retention of the three tro the '2.. th alt., in Leacnck tap.. a Ylin ehy, aged 63 hundred dollar olause and the adoption of an amend- years, I mouth and 7 days. ment making the payment of such amount of ex- On the 4.h ult.. is the hospital at Brandy Station, Vie eruption for that dreit. The committee rising, a bill . end, it churn Albright, a member of Company C, 17th was introduced fur an assay office et St. Lotus, and , fte.rt: Panne} 'yank Cavalry, aged 24 years and 22 days. one reported for a ship canal ,rum the Mississippi to . Li„ the 2.otia of December, 1883. after a Mort Moms, Lhe lakes. ' Mary Jane , daughter of Dr..l - tho and Emma W41:403, of THURSDAY, February 4. P.p.., aced 4 yearn, 10 months and 8 days. f. r., ,, . , t r . ,. .... w l : , it i h o ze d ata fr, l rw p . o r a d 'e to rs far It:yet:ci s her d y fr e i y u s :is h:r e In the Senate to-day the principal business of the day was the final consideration of the bill to increase holflus in store for her a life ot Y m P or r e e' than ordinary use• the internal revenue, which was passed with all the fill Ilea, lirt. 69 cover, eaw fit to pluck the opening bud amendments proposed by the Senate Committee on , I pr.....ise fan, its earthly garden, and plate It ceside Finance. That feature of the bill, as it came from ' the Roe , . of Star..n and the Lilly of the Valley," in Ili. the House, Lazing stocks on hand, was changed by owu cArdee. where making toe tax take effect from and after toe pa, Everlasting Spring abides sago et the act. As the bill now stands, as amended And never.fadlog flowers in the Senate, a Lex of sixty cents a gallon is Un posed upon all distilled spirits manufactured atter the passage of the act and previous to the lot of July next. Auer that date and to theist of January the Lancaster Wholesale Grain Market. tax is to be seventy coats a gallon, and on and after Co:rale.: ..,.... : .kly. by .1. lt. BITSSEI & Bac., Forwarding and the Ist of January eighty cents 11 gallon. imported Commission Merchants. No. 91 North Queen street. liquors, in addict. to toe duties heretofore imposed, „ LANCASTra, February 8. Four, S ID rtlao lit bbl 1676 are taxed forty ce n ts a gallon previous to the Ist of ' „ ' - E .- A% ' ..- ~ July. After that date llity cents a gallon until the White Wheat, Yet bushel . Ist of January, whim the tai is to be increased to a„ I sixty cents. C. 11,, 01 , 1 " in the House a bill was reported from the Com- " Le, minim on Claims providing tar the adjustment of 1.1,1'. .. claims arising out of the destruction of property by !,t,,e.:1 '''/ '• military authority. The discussion on the ContiScn- ‘- IA , h v.'''' nst,ey, to hilds Con bill Was resumed . A motion to lay the billet, the ~ i n hbis., table was lost by twelve votes only. A strong ell ot was then made to force the passage ut the b.l I, but " filibustering - was resorted to, and, finally, as it was found difficult to make a quorum, the House ad journed Pit ri.abet.rtila, February 0. TI,- b.‘,dstua., market. is dull tut prices are unchanged. Its ~ale rt demand 18 limited. and 2,1150 bbln. at $7 otvin FRIDAY, February 5. 775 fo- extra family, and $5.25(4.9 for fancy. Receipts The Senate was not in session tu-day. and rt cks light. Rye 11 •ur is nominal at $675 and Corn . I ‘t i:, f,r) Wheat in d u.I and bell, , lowly at 1.65011.70 ln the Douse Mr. Blair, a Missuari, made a m r ' r, .1 and $1.550.4 93 for White. Rye has ad S vance . Sl to speech upon the Confiscation act, concluding with r ;t..2.00.1.." Col u'ie iu ic od demand, .1.0,000 bus. yellow an appeal to Congress ta pass measures fur the coin- sold at $.2 11;4 Oats are dull at 86(M87 cents. 600 bus. ponsation et the Corder .`. tales for the emancipation of Clovet,cd - sold at $8.,81 1 //d9 Timothy at $375, and of their stoves. Mr. Smith, or Kentucky, followed, Cl seed at s3...!Zacc3 39. In Coffee, r agar and Molearea no and urged that traitor, to toe government should chaise Provist,,m, more slowly; sales of Moss Pork at not be compensated fur the lust of any of their .1• 275 0 2 . 50 [late,, iii pickle. at 13c, obould,s, le salt, a, 1,0i..4t., - ,:. Lard is a to tit 14, In bbl e. and tieletti, and property. The Cunfisoation act of 1862 was not ex 15r. in K,S. Whisky in ateady at 93494 c. pas tjacto, hut pr posed to ranc h the living Mat,. T,e ' , toe% market infirm and active. Pennsylvania Oa lie was in favor of the extermination of the south, it !,4.,, Herding Itai:road tti; Pennsylvania Railroad 70. need be, and opposed to all measured of compromise. 17 ~, 17,!,,, Esehancle.ou New York par. Mr. Frays), tit New York, replied, when the joint Baltimore Tobacco Market. resolution amendatory of the Confiscation act was passed by a vote of styes $2, nays 74. The resolution, : BAUM - rile, February 5. We have no change to notice in the market for Maryland as amended, will be found under the report of the i Congressional proceedings. Kite Rouse adjourned Tub :erns the only sales . being small lots for ruanufactu , lng corpuses. Nothing doniz in Ohio Tobacco, there beteg no until Monday. stock here yet. Kentucky Tobacco has declined at New York, but there have been no operations here. We con- WAR li-EWS. tines to quote Frosted Maryland at $8; inferior to corn. moo at sB(rt.9; middling to good at $9(2)12, and good to floe at $13(m15; inferior to good common Ohio at stiajitt; brown and spangled at $10©11; good and One red and spangled at $ll 50(413; and good and One yellow and The blege of Charleston—The Bombard- fancy at $126415. We quote Kentucky common Lugs at me 111 . nil eDu i 1 Sly S. uepended.4....,sltion 510; good d.. at 510.50a - 412 ; common Leaf at $1 . 2m113; of all u tie iis.l ve ,ti ill 1 airy operations. , good to flue do. at sl4@ile; and select do. et $18@23. The 1111,TON ILEA., January 27. inspections of the week are only 139 hhda. Maryland and The war here is toiaity suspeoded. ilie civic 4:ho ds. Ohio- [-dal 170 hhde. eocumunity toil of nothing but meal eoLato, old men- .loos in Boauturt, little prole un the islands, and 5 4. i . ••••,-,, 'l' 0 $1 5 0 PER MONTH. tt r!, I i_t THE LIT ['LE UIANT 811 WING MACHINE CO. what each will bring at the next auction. W c... hen - want an Agent in each .uuty,..ta solicit orders for the , each we are reminded of the war it id by ass occasional ' w $l5 Machine, with gauge, arrow-driver and ext arrival Iron the ha rvor of Charleston , needles. and even ' We wlll"pity a liberal salary and expenses, there, it 1 nor correr:ly 1111 . ,r111,d, the operations viva far ce commission. For particular, terms. &c, during the loot tea days home 1,.b1.1 merely nominal, rice , ,02.11711 p, 4.1 address or have virtually cleaned. P low an officer why arrived yesterday from lolly leis'' on, '' Island, 1 ascertained that the troops remaiaing there and at Morris 'eland continue to erect batteries N t 7 (I 'l' I C E • I.A.CASTEIt I. 0 031 E R OTIVWOKS • at tneii. points. Their guns, however, are silent. . ',v.., v. ea CITY, Perrria The pritimpul vessels of the fleet lie in inglorious s e ieg engaged by Mr. Jowls A. Noams as Superluten aeliVity near Fort Sumter. And while writing of ' deur of the above workx, I will be g'ad ro have niy old thii, boil 1 may as well intorm you, on the testimony • Merbanicx, and other First Class 31s.ebysts; . to such the of those who claVe viewed IL, that the stereotyped highest wsircs will hs Paid- F. C. CURIE, story written by eurrespundents that it wan a mans lib 94t .57 Superintendent. Lancaster Donnt-rut Pittsburg Dail), Pncl and Patemon , „ a ruins is incorrect. It now, in conneetWu with . . . I 4 C• ii.oyisot iust.;t man week, .dud Saud bills to this others, forma the most gigantic obstacle to the pea-'0,,,,,.] . sage of our fleet towird tne city. This may be a humiliating conies:ion, but it is nevertheless true. A _SSIGNEr.tos NOTICE .- Assigned Estate ~,, Tao loss of lite which this abortive siege hat cost ei , srael Ileitler arid wile,. t Rest Cocaine. Iowa: hip, has not been wade known to the world. Doe cir- Lauces:er enemy —lsrae: Ileitler, of East Co,eilico tap, cumstance convinced we that it was considerable. 1 hiving by deed of voluntary assignment, dated LeEßßU have beau enabled to view the decimated ranks of d e k r r t.e. ' il l e6 A i rf : l) -t ' s rel assigned tsnrs ' g LAI " , fur h ' To t red 'r benefit ell f the the regiments+ which occasionally arrive here from cre d itors of the said Israel M inder t He therefore gives Folly Island. Their withdrawal front that point ! notice to all persons Indebted to said assignor, to make has a signifionnee which It rd not. been previously p ymont to the undersigned without delay, and UK.e hay. given to it. It was the sequel of the difficulty be- in.,: c'aim: to present them to tween General Gilmore and Admiral Dahlgren. By CYRUS REAM, Assignee, that act—and this fact has just been made known— Oct. d .IL 0 . 1 Residing In East Cocalb 0 tap. . the general divested himself. and his heroic troops el ; 004. 1864. all responsibility of the-future of the mega , and left " 11 Charles on to the sole and special care of the naval OUSEIC.EEPIN G GOODS, commander. AT These fasts have made Dahlgren intensely un- ' popular. that he could have taken the city, in co- operation with the army, months sines, is admitted • HAMER. & BROTHERS. by some of his own officers—one of whom remarked : I 0 U 5 LBS. PRIME FEATIIF.RB. to me, •' lie might have lost one or two monitors in , the attempt; but it could not fail ultimately to be ' CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE. successful." Ido not speak of the present time. For months past, before the fleet, the rebels were GOLD BAND AND PLA I 0 FRENCH CHINA. busy in their endeavor! to make the works near the city impregnable; and, whether they are or nut, they believe them now to be so, and the admiral . would seem to share in the unwelcome belief. The proposed movements o 1 the army here were PLAIN AND FANCY ENGLISH. GRANITE WARE suspended, as vessels could nu , . be spared truss Charleston harbor, lest the rebel rams should take advantage of the circumstance. But there is every Bloseho I and Unbleached Shootings and Pillow indication that these rams will make the attempt t ' rush out at night at no very distant period. Casings, Furniture Checks, Table DiApers and Linen Damasks, Bird Eye and Ilubkabsek Thus crippled, General Gilmore's course has been Towelin4s. Marseilles Quilts, Blau. necessarily inactive. It is stated that he will leave kets, Window Slvides. the department and proceed to Washington to repro- l o b , if 9 sent matters in their true light; and also, that a _ full report of the operations of the army before Charleston, in connection with those of the navy, CAR.PETS AND FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, and his correspondence with Admiral Dahlgren, will ENG LISli TAPESTRY BRUSSELS. be presented to the President.—New York World. Important from the South. FORTRESS Monitor, Feb. 5. A messenger has just , arrived with dispatches to Major• General Butler ' from Newborn, N. C., dated February 2d, 5:15 F. 1.. The post at Newport is at tacked, and the rebels hove the railroad between Newport and Moorhead city. The post at Evans Hills is surrounded. Col. Jordan still holds Moorhead City, but may be f need to retire to Fort Macon. As long ~,, as we can keep the river we are well enough off. The rebels captured thegunboat Underwriter by surprise, and destroyed her. TATEMENT OF THE FARMERS' 0 BANK OF LANCASTER, FEBRUARY 2d, 1864. AssF.TB. '1 DE HARTFORD FIRE. Bills Discounted and Loans . HARTFORD, February 5, S. Om Loans and Treasury Notes. r Banks Half of the factory of the Cult's American D l3. u ltltt fr irgH t , b .ses e and other Real Estate. Arms Company was destroyed by fire this Notes and Checks of other Banks.... mornipg. In the building destroyed, Colt's rs'apercnitoer2aStapkooStock Is Certificates pistols and revolving rifles were made in the U. S.i,gal 'fonder Bolos buildings saved, the manufacture of United States rifles is oarried on, the company having LT a large contract from the Government fur the Notes in Circulation... manufacture of these weapons. This portion D irivekl.telnodtshuejr. s. paid. of the works will continue in operation, giving Dee Depositors employment to eight hundred men. Ile stuck of pistols and rifles complete and D course of manufacture, and which was destroyed by this fire, is valued at i;1,000,000. The machinery destruye I, coat more than $:500,000, and the whole loss is computed at 4, 1 ;2,000,000. The total insurance on the pro perty is $660,000, of which about 60 per cent. was on the property destroyed. Nearly 000: men are thrown or of employment. The fire! broke out in the drying room and spread with 1 great rapidity. The origin of,,the fire is a mystery. One usau was killed, and another is missing. SPECIAL NOTICES 4Q- 'Fe Coraguarr.plAves.---Consumptive sufferers Will re , rle n vat ranhir , pr,oriptiou for .he cure cf Con.umptlor., Asti:mg, ii rauohitie , and all Thruat and Lung afrOCtiOn9, I.) .serroing ir a , t.lreas to Rk.V. 15, A. \N I LSON, r,rur.ty. Nwa. Jan 19 ek, '2 far To Nervous Sufferers of Both Sexes —A Reverend Gentleman having been restored to hvalth In a low days, after undergoing all the usual routine and rregular expensive modes of treatment without miececsi conaldere it his sacred duty to communicate to his afflicted fellow Greaten•r the means of 'site fleece, on the receipt of an addressed envelope, Ite wilt send (free) a copy of the prescription used 'Direct to Dr. John M Dagnalt, No. 156 Fulton stn., Brooiily u, New York. lfeb 17 ly 7 Aar -Eye and Ear PROF. 3. I3AACS, M. D., OCULIST AND AUItIST, formerly of Leyden, Holland, is located at No. 511 PI ne St., Philadelphia, where persons. afflicted with dimeavet cI the EYE or EAlt will be scientifically treated w i eored if curable. .I ARTIFICIAL EYES irrairtr.d without pain. No charges made for examination. N. B.—The Medical Faculty Is invited, as he has uo secrets in hie mode of trealruent. June 23 ly UrTo Horse Owners: DR. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT Solt HORSES is unrivaled by any, and in all cases of Lameness, arising from Sprain; Bruises or Wrenching, its effect is magical and certain. Harness or Saddle Galls. Scratches, Mange, Ake., it will also cure speedily. Sparin and Ringbone may be easily prevented and. cured in their incipient stager. but confirmed cases are beyond the possibility of a radical cure. No case of the kind, however, is so desperate or hopeless but it may be alleviated by this Liniment, and its faithful application will always remove the Lameness, and enable the horses to travel with comparative ease. Every horse owner should have this remedy at hand, for lb timely use at the first appearance of Lameness will effectually prevent those formidable diseases mentioned, sesrhjoh all horses are liable, and which render so many otherwise valuable horse. nearly worthless. • 0. 1 . advertisement [June 29 1y24 IMEEETI THE MARKETS Philadelphia Market T.:'. P A Agora for the 1.11.1,115,0 rs FANCY AND WHITE STONE CHINA PITTSBURG AND BOSTON GLASSWARE DRY GOODS. INIIRAIN AND VENETIAN, RAG AND HEMP DARPRTS OIL CLOTHS, MATT [NOS & RUGS. WALL PAPERS! WALL PAPERS' lIAGER tr. BROTHERS Capital Stock $450,000 00. I,9ntViter City, ss I certify that the foregoing is a true statement, to the best of my knowledge and belief. EDW. EL BROWN, Cashier. Sworn and suthcribed before me, this id day of Febru ary, WM. B. WILEY, Alderman. tab 9 It CIREAFFER'S CHEAP BOOK STORE No. 32 NORTH QUEEN STREET IS THE PLACE TO PURCHASE SCHOOL BOOKS A SCHOOL STATIONERY COMPRISING ALL THE VARIOUS READING AND SPELLING BOOKS, ARITHMETICS AND ALGEBRAS, GRAMMARS AND ETYMOLOGIES, DICTIONARIES AND HISTORIES, PHILOSOPHIES, So, AC. COPY AND COMPOSITION BOOKS, LETTER, CAP AND NOTE PAPER, BLANK-BOOKS, SLATES. LEAD AND SLATE PENCILS, PENS AND HOLDERS., INK, INKSTANDS, RULERS, awl Le host nod most complete assortment of STATIONERY IN THE CITY. 4c4r- Liberal discounts made to Teachers and Merchants JOHN SIIEAFFER'S Cheap Cask Book Store, 02 North Queen street, Lancaster. tf 40 G OLD PHINS I GOLD PENS! GOLD PENS! FROM THE BEST MANUFACTORIES Its THE COUNTRY. The Ctdebrated BAGLEY PENS (C. F. Newton & Co's) great N arteries, with holders to correspond. BAItREL PENS, LONG NIBS, and SHORT NIBS, To snit the style or wishes of the purchaser. " TIP TOP" GOLD PENS These excellent Pens, manufactured by Dawson, Warren 44 Hyde, always on baud and for sole at prices to suit the times, at J. SI. WESTRAFFER'S Cheep Donk Store tip 21 tf 11 CIACI-I MAILING .. BLACK HORSE CARRIAGE 31 A,XIIPACTOEY. The undersigned respectfully informfa his old friends and customers, and the public generally, that he still ear. rise on the COACH—MAKING business in its various branches, near the Black Horse Tavern, in East Coolie° township, Lancaster county. He manufactures to orde, Family Carriages, Rockaways, Jenny Linde, Top and Trotting Buggies, Sulkies, Sleighs, &c., of the very beet materials and the best style of work manship. All kinds of repairing and blackamlthing done at the shortest notice. I return my sincere thanks to my old friends and cus tomers for their kind patronage, and respectfully aek a continuance of the Same. PRMIP HUBER. Jan 6 7m• 69 FINANCES OF LANOA.STER 00UNTY RECEIPTS FOR 1883. 1853. JOHN DENLINGER, Treasurer. Dr. To Balance in hand as per report of last County Auditore $41.873 00 Jan. 15, Received from Gotleib Gebhart, Juatice of the Peace. of West Donegal for Strav Home Sold Jar.. 16, Reed from H. Wateen,ofßiartlctwp. on account of bridge at Good's !1111.. ... Jan. 22 Reed from John Dom:Binger, True. for Interest and commission._ _ Jan. 22, Rec'd from Militia tax. as per act at assembly Jan. 28, Reed from State Mg being amount over and above state quota. Jan. 27 Reed from S. W. P. Boyd, Sheriff, Eves and jury land Jan. A, Ti.c'd fro .• Jesse Landis, casts in +moron n ealth vs. John Simpson ... met 'G. Rae. from same costa In common wealth vs. John Sinalunn Fel.. I need torn .lo2m -L•eaffer, a blanl4 tax duplicate • • ..• Felt. 14, Reed from Brint•' tl Wier. Seq., of Saashury twl'•. exonerate tax- ...... Feb. 24, Bee d trots Levi 1 &Lath collector of breck Dock ,xonerat-d tax rah I'. 1100 , 1 from C. 1. Stoner. c.•ileci or 01 West Word, city, error In duplicate of 1001 ....... March 9, Itec'd from Joseph fierce sup. of Leaooak twp.. per share of bridge at Dent. lir:gees MEI March 14, Reed from Jesse Landis, costs in commonwealth vs. B. F. Kauffman March 25, Reed from C. D. Warfel, of 9.115- hairy top., per share of bridge at Dentin ger's mill )la, eh 2.C. Reed from John Sensenlg, of Earl ale:mai:tip, loan Sioxch 30, Rea d from Anna Witmer, acting executrix of Jacob Witmer, dec'd , of Karl top., loan.. March 30, heed from Daniel Rohrer, of }Teat liemptield township, 10an.... March 30, Itec'd from John Donor, of Manor township, loan March 31, Reed from Daniel Witmer, of Earl township, loan ... April 1. Reed from John L. Rohrer, of Up per Leacock town•hip, loan April I, lice d from B. H. Longenecker, of Lancaster township, loan April 1, Rec'd from Joha G. Kendig, of East Lampeter towrishp, loan. April 1. Reed from John Rachel, of Stras burg township, loan 2,000 00 April 1 Reed front Henry Buckwalter. of Manhelm toansinip, loan. April I, Reed fro ~ Tobias Kreider, of West Lampeter township, loan. April 1, Reed from Mrs. E. Hinkley, of Man helm townahlp, loan April 1. Reed from John Buckwalter, of W. Lampeter township, loan April 2, Reed from John Rohrer, of Upper Leacock township, loan April 2, Reed from Christian Snyder, of Warwick township. loan April 13, [toed from John O. Kendig, of East Lampeter township, loan April 20, Reed from Jacob C. Clair, for blank lax duplicate April 21, Rec'd from Peter Franey, of Co lombia relief money returned April 31, Reed from Jesse Landis, amount collected In snit of commonwealth vs. D. Laird • • April 22. Reed from Geary Miller, fo: blank tax duplicate May 11, Reed from F. A. Strain. justice of peace, of West Cocalico township, for two strays sold May 11, Reed from S. W. P. Boyd, Sherill, fines and jai y fund Slay 15, Reed trom Peter Martin. Prothoey. jury fund and fees June 25, Reed from Jesse Lanai, costs In commonwealth ye. John Ginn July 14, Itec'd from David Kemper, of Eph rata township, loan .luly 14 Reed from Lancaster County Bank, loan 30,000 00 July 22, Reed from State Treasurer for abatentent to County for prying state tax. Aue. 24. Reed Dorn Cyrus Cramer, fine case of commonwealth re. Sarah Clapper... Aug. 24, Reed from Jesse Landis. fines in case of commonwealth vs. P. Donegan Aug. 24. Reed from Philip . S. Baker, fine la case c f oom. ve. D. [Toward. Aug 21, Reed from J. EL Amwake, fine In care of commonwealth vs. Mary Yeager.... Sap. 2. Reed from William Enemiager, of [daub aim township, loan rep. 7, Reed from Lancaster County Bank, loan 8,000 00 Sep. 7, Reed from Isaac Grish, collector ex onerated tax for IS6° Sep. 7 Itec'd from .1. G. Brown, justice of the peace, of !East Ilempfield twp, for stray steer sold. Sep. ii , Reed from Jesse Landis, costs in commonwealth ye. F. Beninger Oct 13. Reed from Frederick J. Evans, ex onerated tax, assessed in warwick Oa 19, Reed from Jesse Landis, costs in cont. vs. U. Eberly ......... ......... ......-...... ........ Oat. 27, Reed from Jesse Landis, costs in commonwealth ea Jacob Groff Nov. 2, Reed from E. Burkholder, justice of the peace, West Earl township, fines for breach of Sabbath. Nov. 7, Reed from JessiiLandis, for interest on H. fa. for tax collected from Monntjoy and Washington borough 11 311 Nov. 12, Reed from Samuel Rby, of Eliza bethtown, balance from relief fund refund- 4-d Nov from C. M. Mart D, jrietice of the peace, of Mourrly bor.. floes to ease of J. Pulley m Nanle Nov. 30, Rood from B. Nasser, clerk of Q. S. for fines and jury land ................ Nov. o. Reed from ff. Musser, clerk of Q. s. for registering doge Dec. 4, Re 9d from S. H. Brubaker, for fine in commonwealth vs. Sophia Burgnet....... . Dee. 7, Reed from Thomas B. Jeffries, for old lumber from bridge at theatre Itec'd from Peter Martin, Prothono tar)..ini,) laud Dec. Iter'd from Wm. M. Slaymaker, Metice of the pease, of Paradhe twp., for stray steer sold Jast 2, Reed from W. M. Cooper, collector of Sadobury twp , amt of extra assessment... Jan. 2, Reed from state tax being the amount furnished by the county to pay the bal. of state tax Agyrtgate Assessment of County sates and temts for 1861, per list furnished Treaty rot by Coun.y Commissioners, to wilt Adamstown Borough $ 169 28 Bart 949 67 Brecknock 747 51 Carnarvon 1423 31 Cocalloo East. .. 1268 78 Coe& leo West . 1886 26 Coleraln 1032 Columbia Borough 2516 52 Conestoga 2120 52 Conoy 1287 14 Clay 1563 70 Donegal East 4047 71 Donegal West 1136 37 Brumes°. . Ephrata 2834 07 Earl :3798 74 Earl East 2510 10 Earl West .. 3093 91 Elizabeth 938 89 Elizabethtown Borough 371 48 Eden 606 83 Fulton 122.'„, 28 • Hempfield East 3774 31. Hemplield West 3.116 47 Lam pier East 4164 07 Lampeter 352/ 23 Lancaster 1705 40 Lancaster City—Bast Wards 5690 01 • West Wards 5290 24 . 3161 36 .3139 70 1311 09 4475 00 971 37 6010 01 2221 69 631 91 468 50 879 87 2678 12 048 42 .. 171.1 70 847 17 .. 3843 01 .. 4081 73 .. 1055 04 .. 3063 65 600 19 3182 97 225 03 Leacock Leacock Upper...... ... Little 8ritain...... ... Manheim Marne Manor Mount Joy Mount Joy Borough . Manhei‘u Borough ... Marietta Borough Para lire Penn Pequea Providence Rapho Sa isbury Sadsbury Strasburg Strasburg Borough... Warwick Washington Borough. To rash received for Excess tax, a 3 folks— to wit: East Wards City 1961 $ 71 19 Elizabeth 1862 3 42 West Wards City " 24 76 Ranh° 7 62 Carnarvon - 11 13 East Wards—City .6 23 52 Paradise 2 21 .. " Clay .. . 6 93 C.rioy 66 2 11 Martic " 3 67 Donegal East " 3 50 " Laropeter West . 50 Manor" 4 79 Salisbury " 9 42 " Little Britain 9 50 - Druroore 5 70 Lampeter East ..... ......... ........ " TJ 45 Fulton 7 (.5 Eden 1963 7 17 Colerain 4 75 " Lancaster 7 13 Marietta Borough .. 37 05 Providence 6 TO Columbia Borough -4/ 52 Donegal East 6 14 Leacock Upoer " 9 90 Br ecknock - 76 " Manheim 4 11 Earl West... .......... ...... .... " 9 59 blanheiro Borough 2 Pii, Mount Joy. " 18 15 Conoy 4 28 Ilompfield West " 19 76 Strasburg Borough. ........ ....... " 4 94 Donegal West 2 90 " Elizabeth 1 14 Warwick " 22 52 Manor - 24 65 Sndsbury 66 16 15 Penn 228 Hempfield East - 9 71 Pequea " 1 67 $463,51 13 . 422, 807 97 115,884 70 . 10,J00 00 . SG 2 1 49 . 85 , 000 00 56,716 70 07,900 00 114,616 70 '2. 7 99 .$ 45 750 00 . 13.414 32 . 1.757 00 2K 892 76 -- $743,823 08 $49 44 i 91. To amount of outstanding per last report of County Auditor it 662 41 Items In Court bills unpaid. ..... ........ 41211 Itsliet orders 128 00 Bounties and County defence bills unpaid 141.62 Total ;3299 324,49 Expenditures of 1863. BY amount of Court order, in favor of Wm. Von Nelda, Jacob A. Miller and John Strohm. Jr„ County Auditors, for audi ting the several accounts and incidental expenses for 1862 P. 13. Eberm!tn 2 Clourt order for Stating the account of 1862 705 Commissioners orders drawn for 1868, including Bounties. 6m . 211,920 81 772 Court Bills and Certificates 10,275 31 411 Orders drawn by the Board of Relief to families of Volunteers Orders drawn by the County Commission ere, to families of Drafted Men 46 Road Viewers and Surveyors orders Constables retsume to Court ot Q. 9 Rxoneration allowed Collectors Commissions " ..... Earl Fast 1867 Rapho townehlp, 1861 Colane.° E. •• 1862 206 24 Bart " 1863 702 67 Breeknoek " 461 19 Carnaryon .... 396 86 Ca:Aliso E. " 616 28 Cosalieo W. • 920 . 99 Columbia bor. 417 00 *Conestoga " 196 42 *DosutgalE. " ...... 119 00 Dramore " ".... • • 607 92 *Eph . . rata " 999 07 *Earl I,som 119 Earl E. Elizabethtown bar. " Fulton township " Lalopeter E. " Lampetar W. " •Lanciutter Citv,E.W ~ W. W " Leacock townahip " Little Britain " *Mount Joy " Mount Joy borough " • Aland's* taaraftilp " Itapho 9aLisinn3 - " *Bambara " •` Strasburg borough " Washington • Tres.=roes Commission on 277,399 82 at 8-1.6 per oink 29 2,219 40 Balance .644 44 I ~or 2 40 We, the undersigned Auditors of Lan caster county, do certify, that we have carefully exam ined the account of John Denlinger, Esq., Tremor er of sold county, and have compared hie vouchers with the same and find a balance in hls hands of Twen ty.nine thousand five hundred and forty-four dollars and forty-four cents. ($19,544 410 which he has paid over to his successor, Samuel Hoes, Esq.. the present Treasurer, and for which he has shown ue his receipt. We have examined the account of Christian Gas', Esq., Treasurer of the Poor and House of Employment of Lancaster county, and find • balance due him of Bight hundred and sixty-nine dollars and fifty cents, ($869 60,) on the Ist day of January, 1864. We have also examined the account of Peter Johns, Eeq., Treasurer of the Board of Prison Inspectors, and end it correct, showing a balance due him by the said Board, of 5 inety-three dollars and forty-five cents, (593 45,) on the let day of January 1864. The liabilities of the county at the present time for individual loans at five per cent. per annum, amounts to $187,548 63, deducting the above amount in hands of the Treasurer, $29,544 44, would show an indebtedneu of $138,004 19, the outstanding Tax amounts to $21,- 613 85. In witness whereof we have hereunto sat our hands at the Commissioner's Office, this Twentieth day of Jan uary, 1864. JACOB A. 511LLER6 JOHN STROHM Jo., SAMUEL BOOK, Auditors of Lancaster County. MEI 1, 1 44 50 411 55 256 16 2,179 23 6,166 69 Outstanding Taxes 933 11. 36 67 395 u; 1,410 15 803 92 ~. 946 94 ~.. 1,900 00 550 87 522 00 570 00 77 93 253 69 .. 1,806 11 2,71? 66 Those marked thug • have Aare paid. AUDITORS' REPORT COMMISSIONERS STATEMENT. THE following is a statement 'of the 1 Commissioners' Orders drawn on John Denlinger, Esq., Treasurer of Lancaster county, for the year 1883. ABsessors' Pay. Adamstown, Samuel Stork Bart, Geo. W. Johnson Brecknock, Levi Lansh.. Carnarvon, Joseph Weaver Cocalloo East, Samuel Weisser CocaDeo West, E. Fasnacht Coleralo, James M'Cullough Columbia bor., Jos. 0. Black Conestoga, S. M. Rohrer Conoy, A. M. Bachman Clay, Wm. R. Fnrlow.. Donegal East, John Rnmbach Donegal West, H. K. I lerca Orumore, E. Shoemaker Ephrata, Jacob S. Sharp Earl, briar G. Spreober. Earl knot, George S. High Earl West, Jacob Wolf Elizabeth, Joseph M. Mathews...... Elizabethtownbor.. Jos. F. Eckinger.......... Eden, John Graham Felton, L. H. M'Cardle...... .................. Ilemptield East, Henry Shell. llemptield West, Jos. Bard Lampeter East, Robert Miller Lampeter West, Lancaster twp, Benjamin Huber Lancaster city—N. W. Ward, C. G. Beal, In fu11... •*- B. W. Ward, H. P. Carson, lu f 11. E. Ward, Jacob Oomph In full N. E. Ward, Geo. P. King, in.............. Leacock, Joel S. Baby Leacock Upper, N. F. Sheerer . Little Britain, Wm. Gibson Manheim, Samuel Kling Martin, James A. Ewing Manor, John 8rady............... .................. Mount Joy trop , H. B. Painter Mount Joy bor., J. R. Ftidgereld.. ...... Marietta bor., David R0th....- Manheim bor., U. Diffenderfer. .. Pa. adise, Elias Miller Penn, Benjamin D. Danner. Pe Ines, Samuel Hese Providence, Martin Reese Rapho, J. B. Breneman Salisbury, J. D. Warfel Sadebury, W. M. Cooper Strasburg twp., J. W. Fritz Straaburg bor., John Werntz . Warwick, A. B Hackman Washington, Wm. Artman Ditto on Account o/ 1863. J. G. Bpreeher, Assessor, Earl top., ad ditional Assessments W. M. Cooper, Assessor, Sadsbury, twp., additional Assn samenta M. Benedict, Assessor, uonostoga twp., on account, of 1664 Eugene Harkins, Aaaessor, S. W. Ward, on account, of 1864 Thomas B Jeffries for terlairing Bridge at Omen's Lauding J. McOkada bill for toits ..... ...... Yummy .54 Bro. Luniter bill Daniel Denlinger for furnishing wing-walk at Pequea Bridge Court of Quarter Sexxio. Henry Musser, Esq.. Clerk fees W. A. Atlee, Attot uey fevs ..... . J. B. Livingston, do S. W. P. Boyd, rberiff'., do Jurors Puv Witnesses do Ju'tices costs Constables do Crier and Tipsteves Court of Common Plead Juror Pay ripsta, Court House Jacob Gable, repairing water and gas pipe. Henry Wagoner for labor Henry Wagoner and others, laying pave ment David Bair A Co , for sundries Lancaster City for water rent John Johns revenue Stamps Joseph C Snyder, for sundries Ditto for relaying pavement C, F Eberman for repairing clock Isaac Dunn for repairing We pavement Daniel Hartman, bill for Ice Breneman A Itauke for Curtains C. Anne for repab ing blinds J. Itotharmel for brushes L. 8 Harrison for Tile Comber A Hofer for German Beals John Ford for 56 loads of sand Frederick We tver for labor D Paucoast, repairing roe f • • Deaner A Shaum for cleaning heaters Ac... Charles Blumenstook setting curt stone Sc Body for laying pavement . A Nato m Bixler, Esq., Coroner and Justices of the Peace, for holding Inquests on the bodies of 4b persons found dead in Lau. meter C0unty...... .... Commieeioners Office. William Spencer, Esq., 133 days services as Commissioner at $2.00 per day $266.00 and 2506 miles at 6 cents per mile $155.76. To tal amount $l2l 76. Balance due him at settlement John Doner, Esq., 137 days at $2.00 per day $274.00 and 1873 miles at 6 cents per mile $112.33. Total $386.36. Balance due him at settlement Levi S Rend, Esq., 140 days at $2 00 per day $260.00 and 290 U miles at 6 costs per mile $174 00. Total $454.00. Balance due him at settlement Jesse Landes, Esq., one year's salary as sc.. licitor P. 0. Eberman, Clerk, one year's salary.... Clarkson ior steel pens William Spencer, Esq., on net of services as Commissioner David Hamper, Esq , on meet of services.... John Doner, Esq , ou ace% of services.. Elias Barr Co , for envelopes Jacob 8 Shirk for letter seal J. Hurst for steel pens Election. Election Officers for holdiug "Jen. Elections Ditto for holding Twp. elections it March. Ditto for holding City elections Ditto for special election in Manic tap Ditto for special election in Washln b0r.... G. Clarkson, preparing Gen. Election return J. E Carpenter and .1. H. Druckomiller clerking for Return Judges Jacob Foltz qualifying election officers...... Azemsors lot lists of voters . Constables for holdiug twp elections H. Baumgardner, bills for coal at the Court R 013.58 for the years 1862 and 186.1. Gus. Lancaster Oas Company Clas bills fbr ISt33 l'eareol William B. Wiley F. H Stouffer.... F. L. Baker ..... J. M. Etkwinger George Sanderson Iliestand /a Co John Bear's Bons. Kuhn Et Haa5...... Samuel Wright.... E. IL lhomae... Public o.t&ca George Wiant for Blank Books and Binding $ 249 96 J. W. Liartley seal press for Re.rd0c........ 025 John May, repairing chairs. G. Bohner k Sons for boards Christian Gast, Esq., Treasurer of the Poor and House of Employment, in full of esti mate for the support of Poor for 1863 Prieon. Joseph Sampson, 'Erg , Treasurer of the Len caster County Prison. On account of esti mate for 1963 Peter Johns. Eaq , Treasurer in fu11......... Penitentiary. Eastern Penitentiary of Pennsylvania for support of Convicts for John J. Cochran. Pig., bill for Postage and envelopes Loanx Glana paid to Hanks and individuale Interest paid to Banks and Individuals . Post Mortem Examinations. Poet Mortem examinations on the bodies of 14 persons found dead in Lancaster C 0.... Janitor. Joseph 0. Snyder, to 61 weeks pay as Jan.t. $O6ll 00 Road Damages. Alba Gest, Bialsbury Christian &owe Mar, M Winn Harr, Little Britain. Joseph Smalley, Fulton— Peter E Eckert, Leseock Levi 8 F.ckett„ do John Bby, Bonbon Bear, Warwick..- James McPherson, Drumore. George W. Bair, Upper Leacock --..... Jacob Brubaker, do . ..... Benjamin Ling, Martheim Z. Binkley, Manor John Barnhill, startle Jacob Thomas, do. Sand Conestoga Abraham Hershey West I:tempi:l.dd Susan Peters, Elizabethtown George Sanderson, Esq., May..r. road dam ages, due the city 305 07 George Ackerman city ...... , 12 50 243 22 1.50 as 21,612 35 $899,324 49. No. 16 Wm:RC:harts, Collector, Weft Hemp. field p7O CO 18 Jacob N. Miller, City .... •••• 10 9? 29 Jacob Shirk, City........ ,- 33 00 49 Peter Riser, Clay ~ • 78 60 70 Three Rockafellow, Manor, Militia. ~. 247 00 76 John B. Sleben= 1.,,, 288 132 Geo. Diller '?., 335 459 George Starke, Upper Leacock • 79 31 568 Samuel Wiener, East Cocallco. Er ror In Duplicsle .. 540 89 582 C. L. Stoner, CD y 41 00 8l Geo. Long, East Donegal • • 10 54 82 B. F. Huston, Marietta ............ ...... 18 52 • 623 W. Duncan, Eden, Error 110 00 662 P. W. Anger 16 91 682 S. Spellman. 37 72 Vagrant. George Sanderson, Sark Mayor, and Consta bles' Feea in vagrant etsea, for 1862 $llB9 94 Military. Bounties to Volttnteera, and expenses, for County and State. $36007 36 Miscetisincous. P. S. Baker, taking 7 persons to house of refuge $lO5 75 Samuel Huber, taking 6 persons to houee of refuge Jacob Gundaker, taking I persou to house of refuge A. A. Messenkop, taking 2 persons to hones of refuge... A. Fairer, taking 2 persons to house of re fuge 23 50 Thos. Kirkwood, arresting Charles 130dey... 25 00 . Win. Cooper, boarding jurors 40.25 James Hood, for assistant assessor 2 00 John E. Zellerr, dividing election district and draught 6 00 James Barber, assessing militia in Columbia 11 26 Henry Musser, recording bonds, dm 44 00 Wm. B. Wiley, qualifying commissioners-- isB John A. Wier, Esq., for support of insane in Pennsylvania Hospital 928 60 B. Hackman, assessing militia... 6 72 Geo. P. King, attending 2 days special ap pea1........ ............... ...... ...• 2 00 J. D. Warfel, attending 2 days special appeal 1 00 E. Miller, attending 2 days special appeal... 1 00 Jesse Landis, Esq., Professional services.... 35 10 Henry Musser, itsq., recording names of of- Steers elected.... P. G. mar, jr., assisting clerk ............. City constables, arresting pies-pockets...,.. Samuel Wisser, for assessing militia . John Johns, for revenue stamps J. Aug. Atlee, for auditing public offices... Lancaster city water rent .. *John Mason„ re11et......... ...... ............. Jos. kbermau's heirs, care and winding town clock • • J. A. Miller, Wm. Von Beide and John Strohm, re.auditiag county accounts..... J. Landes and E. C. Reilly, professional ser vices in commonwealth vs. Laird. D. Bair A Co., hilt for bunting A. 6, C. Brooks, for mending Sag Levi Moist, expenses in Summy vs. Fleist.. Subscription to Sewer near Court House... Telegraph Office for despatches Wm. Block and others, services in remoi . iug public document - Geo. Hawthorne, witness fees Elias Rohrer, whitewashing Penn's R. R. Co., freight on boxes Isaac Sprecher, for special assessment John E. Girvin, hauling records Davis Kitch, for chiseel and coal rake, Sm. John Denlinger, Me., Treasurer, to pay bal ance c•f quota of State tax due by County to the State for 1,63 P.O. Eberman, for 18 empty b0xe5...... .,. Henry Spindler, for hauling records exit keeping them Isaac Mixer, hauling ditto Samuel Renck, do do Wm. Stormy, do do Michael Ibeck, do do Wm. Spencer, Eai., for expenses in moos ! ing and securing records I Charles Faulk and others for removing do.. Miss Mary Bowman, President of Children/4 Heine, donation :or support of children ' of soldiers in service Jos. C. Snyder, watching Court House Philip S. Baker, bringing J. Kahm from Maryland. Penu'a R. R;L'o., for hauling slab, m. Sheer, for lee Lancaster County Bank. for roe. stamps.. Wee Sprecher, I ,r special assessment W. M. Cooper du do T. Robinson, arresting horse thief Samuel Stork, tax refunded M. Zahn. for interpreting in Court 11. !Allender ter, for or i r in his sluplioate. 11. Waden, noir °Lbws. tor labor. Adams Exprets Co., for packages IN. B. at ilry. Esq.. quarify lug ilronnussito ers and 'orisritl John Smith and others, ropying tax dui& rate. Total amount of Commi,sioners ord., and j 997 90 94 00 947 00 8002 '-055 21 04 7 1. , 1303 74 179 H 41 264 00 Court bills and Certificate , Aud 1 tor's pay Clorks's puy• • Relief to families of ',A unteers• • ...... Relief to families of Ilrelte.) militia men Road Viewers and Surveyors Orders Constables' Returns xonerations Coma, lesions Outstanding I axes• Treasurer's Commlsitons Balance in Treasurer's hands 2301 30 OUT 00 P. a. EDERMAN, ChT). LIFS: AND SERVICES AS A SOLDIER of Major General Grant, Hero of Fort Don elson I l'lckaburgl and Chattanooga I Commander of the Mili tary Division of the aliasiesippi; and raptor of 472 Cannon and over 90,000 Pl . lBol3Orli, with portrait. Price 25 coots. For sale at J. M. WESTHAEFFER'S 18 11 _a 0 ) 3 80 - :AI " 1Q 8 06 2 00 2 87 Jen 26 tf 3] WEBSTKR AND DA feNE 9 .9 speeches in the United States Senate, ou Mr. 1 oot's resolution of January, 1830. also, Webster's speech In the U. S. Senate, Match 7th, 1350, .• On the Slavery Oompro• raise!' For sale at J. M. WESTHAEFFER'S Jan 26 tt 3 Cheap Book Store, 'AI SU 24 08 0 (10 4 IA 85 '1 LIFE OF ARCHBISHOP HUGHES, LIFE OF ARCHBISHOP IRIGHER, LIFE OF At:CHEM:LOP HUGHES, First Archbishop of New York, with a full account rd hie life, death and burial; Be well as hie services in all pursuits and vocations from his birth until hie death— with hie P. rtralt. Born la Clogher, Ireland, 1798. Died In New York, January 3rd, 1864. Bury . mu in the sunshine," Archbishop Hughes' loot words. Price 25 cents. For Bale at J. M. WESTHAEFFER'S Jan 26 tf 3] • rISTATE OF SARAH SHANK, DECD.-- I'J Letters of Administration C. T. A., OLI the estate of :tared Shank, late of tdartic township, having been granted to the subscriber residing in Martin township All per. sane indebted to said estate are requested to make immedi ate payment, and those having claims will present them, without delay, properly authenticated for settlement. j.n 26 6t• 3] EBTATL OF JACOB RINEHART, dAc.sed.—Letters of administration on the estate of Jacob Rinehart, deed, late of Lancaster city, having been granted to the undersigned: Notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to the estate to pay the same, and to those having claims to present them without delay, properly authenticated for settlement, to GEORGE L. MESSENKOP, LANC.BTER, Jan. 213, Mi. Administrator. Jan 26 61 3 0 00 0 (0 0 00 90 2.3 2 01;) 17, REDBRICK COUNTY LAND FOR BALE.—Three Farms are ollorod et private sale— One of 730 ACRES, one of 225 ACRES, one of 130 ACRES. They are all Ilrst quality farming land•. The whole tract is bounded ou the north by the Baltimore and Frederick Turnpike, and on the youth by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, awl is six milts from Frederick, adjoinining the village of Bee Marks[. The Farms are offered for solo until the last day of March, if not then sold, they will be for rent. For particulars, enquire of . . . 1256 02 1006 23 8 70 29 50 18 46 3 00 jan 26 6t 3] ESTATE OF RICHARD REAM, LATE: of Rasa Cocalino townehip, deceneed.—Lecture Testa mentary on said estate having been granted to the under signed, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make Immediate settlement, and those having claime or der mends against the same will present them without delay for eettlement to the undersigned, residing in said town ship. CYRUS REAM., Executor, Mb 2 61. 4) East Cocalico twp., Lancaster county. - I_,ISTA'rE OF ANDREW WADE, DECD. J —Letters testamentary on the estate of Andrew Wade, late of Elizabethtown borough, deed, having been granted to the subscribers residing in said borough All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make im mediate payment, and those having claims will present them, without delay, properly authenticated for settle ment. HENRY A. WADE, 176 75 10 70 47 75 43 50 61 00 221 03 91 00 240 94 114 '7 3 00 2 59 21 00 AUDITOR'S OTlCE,—lfaitate of Bar bare Snyder, fats of East Earl township, deed The undersigned Auditor, appointed to distribute the bal soca remaining In the hands of Solomon High, adminis trator de bonis non, of Barbara Snyder, deceased, to and among those legally entitled to the same, will sit fur that purpose on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12th, 1864, at 2 o'clock, P. M., in the Library Room of the Court House, in the City of Lancaster, where all persons interested In said dlr . . trlbution may attend jan 12 4t 1] U STATE OF CHRISTIANA McNRILI, deceased.—Letters of administration on the estate of Christiana McNeal, late of East Donegal twp., deceased, having been granted to the subscriber residing in Middle. town, Dauphin county All persons indebted to mid estate are my:meted to make immediate payment, and those having anima will present them, without delay, properly authenticated for settlement. MICHAEL MoNEAL, Administrator. $1 . 7500 00 $ 3750 00 7750 00 '1.00.00 ITEEM Tar Refunded 0111 , 1 DONER, WM. SP.IINCEIi, DAVID KEMPER, Coronwsionees I teb I Cheap Book Store ALFRED SHANK, Administrator C. T. A NIMROD 0. gUIPLRY, New Market, Md fob 26t 4] Jan 19 9t. 2] William B.:Lloyd, Barton C.l Lloyd, Mary Rebecca Little, by her next friend and Guar- In the Court of Common dian, George Little. and Pleaeof Lancaster county, Thomas Withers, by hie next of November Term, 1868. friend and Guardian Bail No. 215. Breve de par- Few. tltione facienda. William F. Lloyd' George W. Lloyd REA Thomas Lloyd. THE UNDERSIGN 'l3 AUDITOR, AP- I pAnted to distribute among the parties interested the proceeds of property accepted at the appraised value under the above writ, will sit for that purpose on SATUR DAY, the 20th day of FEBRUARY, A. D. 1884, at 9 o'• clock. A. ist., in the Library Room of the Court House, in the City of Lancaster, where all persons interested in said distribution may attend. H. B. WARR, Jan 28 at 3 Auditor: c sirzoa r ommet , Selir rc ale atOMAB zw t7 '8 & Ohimical 8tor• Wirt King 'treat, Liner. COMM° SALE. -On SATURDAY, the 13ttiday of FESiIUAItY, 1864, the undersigned ad. ministrator of Mary Hockey, deceased, late of Sadebury township. Leine:tater county, will, in purritanceof an order of the Orphans' Court of said county, expose to public sale, on the premises, the following described real estate, the property of the late Mary Hockey, deceased, to wit: A Messuage and Tract of Land. situate in Sadabury twp., Lancaster county, containing 33 ACHES, more or less, ad joining lands of James Reed, Leonard hockey, Jacob Townsend and others. The Improvements thereon are a TWO-STORY LOG HOUSE, a Stone Bank Barn, thirt‘-two by thirty feet; there is a floe Spring 'Si, near the dwelling house. The whole property la 3 enclosed in fences and is wall watered. About Two Acne of said tract is covered with Fine 'Timber. $ 10 00 63 50 10 00 00 00 25 03 75 00 75 00 2 00 5 00 55 00 31 00 10 00 90 00 00 00 00 30 75 00 15 00 . . This property is conveniently situated to MilicChurcluis and Schools, and is in an improving neighborhood and well worthy the attention of purchasers. Sale to commence at 2 o'cicck, P. M., of said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by the undersigned. SAMUEL ROCKET, jan 26 3t 3) Administrator. ARM POP. SALE:, F situated on the Pennsylvania Railroad, 28 miles west of Harrisburg, containing about 170 AOI3.ES, nearly two thirds of which is bottom laud, the balance good up-land. The land is all well watered and in • high state of culti vation, well clovered, good fences. There is a large BANK BARN, and DWELLING with out-houses. all part ly new, Apple Orchard and other fruit trees, 7-, with large BARN and good DWELLING on 3 ''.' another part of the farm. The property will di vide conveniently, is In sight of the Railroad Depot at New port, and a moat deeirable farm for grass and all kinds of grain. For particulars see W. H. Toomy, Newport, Perry county, Ps-, or addreas the subscribers at Pittsburgh. Pa. nov 17 3m 5 951 R. ROBISON A CO. STATES UNION HOTEL, 606 AND 608 MARKET STREET PRILADNLPHIA. The undersigned. bogs to inform his friends, and the for mer patrons of the STATES UNION," as well as the public generally, that he has accepted the tru managership of the HOTEL named at the bead . of this notice, and that the house has been thoroughly renovated and improved throughout, in a manner which will compare favorably with what are called the first class Etotsis of the city. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. The TERMS are $1.60 per day. OHAS. M. ALLMOND, Manager. June 9 tf 22 LANCASTER LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, LANCASTER CITY, PENNA. JAMES A. NORRIS , Having taken the above Works, Is now prepared to execute promptly orders for 1 1 1 1 141 COAL AND WOOD BURNING LOCO— Y . MOTIVES of flret-clase workmanship. Also, every: l ,7rigLi :62l description of BOILERS. STATIONARY ENGINES, BRASS AND IRON CASTINGS, FOROINGS, SHAFTING AND MILL GEARING, AND RAILROAD MACHINERY dec 29 tbal Sl 94 62 1 50 1 00 3 50 20 SS 100 r 4 00 50 U 9 Is 1 50 10 00 50 00 1 00 For Rats, Mice, Roaches, Alit., Bed Bugs, Moths in Furs, Woolens, Sc., In sects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, Sc. Pot op In 25e. 5Jc. and $,1..u0 Boxes, bilttlee, and Flasks. $3 and 0 sins for Hotels, Public Institutions, kr yY Q , Only infallible remedies known." " Free from Poisons." • " Not dangerous to the Human Family." " Rate come out of their holes to die" :Or Fold Wholesale in all large e.twe. SOT-Sold by all Druggists and Retailers everywhere. AW- I !! BEWAFLE!'I of all worthless Imitations. AkR- See that '• COSTAR'S" name is on each Box, Bottle, and Flask, before you buy. AST Address HENRY R. COSTAR Aar PRINCIPAL DEPOT 482 BenAnwoy, N. Y. 4F> -Sold by all Wholesale and Retail Druggists. Leo. caster, Pa. irb 2 8m 4 1 1 - OLIDAY 4 7 1 . 13: 7 0ELS FOR OLD AND YOUNG! CHEAP, TO SUIT THE TIM Es, And most appropriate fr r THE POETS IN BLUE AND GOLD. Swain, Browning, Moore, Coleridge. Longfellow, Goldsmith, Milton, 11 11 10 ././ 1 11 .1 00 S 00 5 10 ^t.) 011 21 00 2 ) 0 Macauloy. usher, Liable, Tupper, Bulwer, Poe, JIYMN BoOKS OF ALL DENO)II`!ATIoN, The hrge,t aud - finest:3sFortment ever otTereti in the tity ALL SIZES AND STYLNS, Holding from 12 to 200 pirtmr,a each. and tan gllO4 1❑ $43,146 _0 TWO THOUSAND CARD PHOTOGRAFIrs. The largest assortment in ',ancestor. The greatest variety of etihjec Religions, Noted Per,loollg,, Paul y Subject., Autumn Loaves, Nos. 1 and 2; Fiosvors, Nos 1 and 2: Fr ult. end Blossoms, Nos. I. and 2; Wood Mosses, No.. I and 2; American Birds, NUA. 1 and 2; Life of Childhood, Nos 1. and 2; Sommer Landscaper, 111nter Landscapes, White Mountain Scenery, Fun oy Oh tractor., NO, 1 and 2, Want', fully colored. NIEW STYLES BEING CONdrANTLY RECEIVF.D. 4.^21 A/ I. ,9 00 25 ( l 14,3, 1,1 4 ou 441 4,1 2 "9 "i 5.455 3". t.,13 .33 -219 2 29,144 44 I=l WRITING Dmilcs, AUTOGRAPH BOORS WAD DENS AND SILVER WADER? India ItubUer Pena and Hot ler3—Gold !,I,un!ed NEW GAMES FOR CHILDREN ME= Come buy—come buy, and make your friends happy by keeping up the good GM coati - n of making ho 1030 Pr. - Onto, for which nothing can be more suitable or acceptable than a nice boot. A good assortment for sale cheap at J. M. NVESMIAFIFFEIr:I ILok and Periodical Store, dec 8 tf 48) Corner North Queen and Orange etc. JOHN A. ERBEN'S CHEAP CLOTHI NG ST O RE, Cheap Book Store NO. 42 NORTH QUEEN STRUT, BABE AIDE, HEAR °HANOI So., The subscriber has now in store a very large assortment of FALL AND WINTER READ i—MADE CLOTIIENG fur Men and Boys wear, principally of his own manufacture, warranted to be well sewed, and to be of the beet of Material and Workmanshlp, and which he will sell at the very lowest prices. Among his extensive assortment may be found: Black Cloth Bangui's, Black Cloth Over Sacks, Seal Skin Over Sacks, Black Cloth Frotk Coate, Cassimere Sack Coats, Black Cassiutere Pantaloons, Fancy Cassimer, Pantaloons, Valencia Vests, Fancy Velvet Vests, Fancy Silk Vests, Black Satin Vests Also, a fall assortment of Under-Shirts and Drawers, Knit Wool Jackets, Fine Shirts, Shirt Collars, Cravats, Neck-Ties, Snspenders, Stocks, Gloves, Hosiery, Umbrel las, Ao. - - - - Just finished the largest and cheapest assortment of Boys' Clothing in this city, consisting or Boys Ovor.Coats, Frock, Sack and Monkey Costs, Ro.ludstionts, Pantaloons and Vests, of all sizes and qualities. Also, just received a very large and well selected stock of CLOTHS, FA LL STYLE GASSIKERES AND VLSTIAGS, SATINETS, &c., which will be made up to order in the most faahionable style at very reasonable prices. Persons ordering garments at this establishment can depend upon getting them at the time specified. Thankful for the very liberal patronage heretofore be stowed upon this establishment, the proprietor respectfully solicits a continuance of the same, JOIIN A. ENBEN, Sign of the Striped Coat, No. 42 North Queen street, east de, near Orange street, Lancaster, Pa, sap Zi4 "THJ R.E IS NO SUCH WORD AS FAIL T ARRANT' S 00111 POUND EXTRAOT 0/ tg BEB A' AIV 2) C 0 P A This preperaticn is particularly recommended to the MEDICAL PROFESSION and the PUBLIC, as combining, In the most convenient ,41.1t.1 efficacious form, the well established virtues and propertlea of Cubebe nod Copelba. For the speedy and effectual relief and CUM of sit SEXUAL DISEASES, it may Justly be considereVone of the greatest and most valuable discoveries In the annals of medicine, frequently effecting a cure In three or four days. In its preparation as au extract or a paste, the usual nanceous taste is avoided, and it is, consequently, never. found to interfere with the digestion, while ' from its greater on centration, the dose is much reduced. It may be relied on as the beat mode for the administration at these remedies in the large class of disease of both sexes to which they are applicable. N. B..—Purchasers ass advised to ask for TARRANT'S COMPO UNDOPAIBA EXTRACT OF CURERS AND C, and to take nothing elea—as imitations and worthless preparations, under similar names, are in the market. Pamphlets accompany the medicine, containing full and ample directions. Price, SLOO. Sent by expreaa on receipt of price. Prepared and sold wholesale and retail, by TARRANT & C . No. 278 Goaccovloa 8T NET, axrr, YORK, winces OF WARREN ' Pentium, And For Sale by Druggists Generally. ly 16 PETER HOFFER, Execatorm E. H. TENET, Auditor -moR.F. NEW AND INTERESTING B 00'K B. THE EARLS HEIRS: A Tars OP DOMISTIO Lire. By the Author of "East Lynne; or, The Earl's Daughter," " The Mystery," he !Lc. Paper price, 60 cents. MORGAN ; OR, THE KNIGHTS OP THE BLACK FLAG; A ETBANGI BROST oa BYGONA TIMM. Paper price, 25 cte. For sale at J. M. WIDIT.EFFER'B, apr 1 tf 12] Car. North Queen and Orange Ma u NITED STATES STAMP TAXES IN POSED BY THE ACT OP 1862. Published for the convenience of STOEFeKEEPERS, MERCHANTS, BIIAHERS, LAWYERS, CONVEYANCERS and the public generally, on a large neat card showing at cen a glan the tu For sal. by J.M. Lot duty on tax to ':a 2s No. 44, Omar of North Queen and Orange . streets. set? It II PRESE N T S HOLIDAY PRESENTS Whittle' Lowell Cowper, Shakgpearo, Byron, Efirk,lto, islrLy.s AND Plt YFD v. 001.7. ,ro,r prkot from 50 cents to $OO.OO X Largo aud Small DEM CHEI±S HOARDS, Are NEW PAPEA DOLLS, MIMIC! NEW DISSECTED PICTURES TOY BOORS TOY BOOKS I! TRANSPARENT SLATES. "SIGN OF THE STRIPED COAT," LANCASTER, PA BOYS' CLOTHING LANCASTER COUNTY iNIRTERNTIL ANNUAL REPORT or THE IN- SPECTOR& To the Honorable the Judges of the 'Oourt of QUarta . Sessions of Lancaster 09nity: The undersigned, in pursuance of law, submit to the Court the following HeMirt of the Prison, for the year eliding November 30, 1883: On the 30th of November, 1862, there were In confinement 100 Prisons°. In the course of the year there were r•• ' calved ....766 Primus. Making aggregate of the Lamaist o f Prison - in. Of these the following were discharged dup. :Ins the year, vie By expiration of sentence and by Inspec tors4lo By Magistrates, District Attorn;y7ocort . and Habeas Corpus _441 By Provost Marshal 138 Leaving In confinement Nov. 30, 1863, 70 Priests Of these (70.) 30 are convicts at labor • 8 awaiting b • and 32 vagrants'. Of the 765 received during the year, 62 were convicted. The number committed to Prison during the yearn th. cepting those convicted, was 713; 174 more than hat year, of which 388 were for vagrancy, drunkenness and db. orderly conduct, resulting from drunkenness; (this is Ave lees than teat year,) and 148 for desertion from the army, committed by the Provost Marshal for safe keeping. This Is a large increase of this new class of inmates during the year, being 102 more than the preceding year. In addi tion to the 713, there were sentenced during the same peifed 52, and remaining in Prison on the 30th of Novem ber, 1862, 100, making the above total in Prison during the year. Of the prisoners discharged, 5 were seal to the Bettr ai Eastern Penitentiary, 8 to the House of 9 to the Children's Home, 11 to the Lancaster County tal and Poor House, 4 pardoned by the Governor, 4di and 2 escaped. Of the 52 sentenced prisoners, 22 were eon. aided of lucency, 1 assault with intent to ravish, I adul. tery, 1 false pretences, 1 for receiving stolen goods, end theiresidue for minor offences. Of the 52 convicts, only 6 were sentenced for one year and upwards; 42 were whits and 10 were colored. But 23 of the convicts Weft born in Lancaster city and county, and 18 In foreign countries, of which 13 were natives of Germany, 27 of the convicts were under 80 years of age; 12 of the 62 convicts are females, and of the 40 males but 18 had trades prior to their conviction ; 6 are old offenders,46 are receiving pun ishment for their first offence. The 62 convicts were so. enpled as forows: 8 weaving carpet, 8 weaving bagging, 10 making cigars, 7 making shoes, 2 knitting nets, and 6 making baskets; 11 of the 52 could read and 21 could not write; 24 of the 52 bad never been married, 4 are widow o , and 3 widows; 40 of the convicts were of intemper art"e'habits, a less proportion of the intemperate than the previous year. The whole number of prisoners since the opening of the Prison, September 12th, 1851, to November 80th 11163, was 7,266; white melee 5,546; white females 848; colored males 672; colored females 200. No epidemic prevailed among the prisoners during the year. The number of cases treated was 209; being ID the ratio of 100 cases treated to every 41434 prisoners, 188 were cured, 22 relieved, and 4 died. The financial affairs and manufacturing operations of the Prison during the fiscal year, closing November 30, 1862, are exhibited in detail by the following statement, which contains all the information relating to these sub. jects: statement of orders Issued, showing that the ordersimmed by the Inspectors on the Treasurer of the Lancaster County PI lean for the fiscal year, ending Nov. 30, 1882, amount to $20,271 82 Prom which deduct extraordinary expenses, to 1 wit: 1 Alterations and repairs To which le to be added the indebtedneee of • the Prison, and the goods and materials on hand at the beginning of the fiscal year: Due by Priem: pr materials, &c., No. vember I.'o, 1883 Manufactured goods on hand Novem. ber 30, 1862 5 602 34 Raw materials on hand Nov. 30, '62... 5,554 41 In order to e.soertaln the actual cost of the Prison to the County, it becomes neceasary to deduct the following cash received and assets of the manufacturing department, viz : Ceti received by the Beeper for goods sold and paid to the Treasurer of the Prison $10,584 06 Manufactured goods ou hand, Nov. 30, 1008 °,875 44 Raw materials on hand, N0v.30.'63... 3,379 00 Due Prilloo for goods sold Nov. 30,'63 3,058 84 The whole number of days prisoners were boarded the past - year was 34 330 ; 9.677 at 20 cents a day, 18,194 at 18 cents a day, 4,767 at 16 coats ' day, and 1,392 at 12 mute a day, amounting in all to $6,194 08, en average of $618.. 17l 4l per month. The number of the previous year was 36 0729, costing $6,469.68, averaging $539.14 per month, being a decrease the past from the preceding year of I=- 96M per month average The cost of =intermit* of Tag roots Atli° year is less than the previous one; amounting In 1863 to $2,192.31 against $2,346.52 In 1883, being $163.19 of a diminution. The manufacturing operations during the year prodttoed as follows i 5,974 yards of carpet for sale; 2 , 078 Ya y ards of carpet for customers; 6,765 yards bagging ; 1,494 pairs abees ; boots and slippers, made and mended; 156 grain bags; 2,334 baskets of various kinds and irises; 180 Ark nets and seines• 220,795 epanish, half apanleh and 'Mee 1 igars; 275 sh oes bound; 624 brooms made; 23,000 skewers; 150 setts hoops and bows for nets, and 40 dozen ! bsidiet triodlee. There were iaanufacturotl goods on hand to the amount 1 , f.i 5379.00; consisting among other articles of $1,069 yards i cel pet, 2.238 pounds bags and bagging, 183 fish and 8y 1 nets, end coin", 50 willow and oak baskets. 30 pairs hoots I and sl.cce, 12 600 skewers, 17Y 2 dozen brooms, and 57,300 spent eh cigana. The profits of the labor of the prisoners for the past :year wet 1,.1,293.46, as shown by the statement of gain and 11000, whicti is $2,289 70 less than the previous year. ' Tho actual cost of the Prison the preceding year, was $7,4z7.74; $2 672 21 less than the past year, ending Novena ! ber 30, 1843 Alt onion ie respectfully submitted. J. B. BM:MAHER, President. illf.ollGki LONG, Secretary. B. W. H.OUCHKESPR, I it. 51. RAUCH, B ETHIC JOHNS, A. U. G BOPP, pane ctora. LANOASTER COUNTY POISON, January 18, latic riIHENE HUNDEND INVA.LIDB 1 have been cured shwa November, 1862, by the earl• non modifications of Electricity as applied at the Electrical inctltute on Orange street, between Duke and Lime Amato, Lancaster, Pa. NOT ONE CERTIFICATE has been published since the Electrical Institute has been established fn Lancaster, but this system of practice has been left to sink or swim upon ITS OWN MERITS, some of the most respectable and substantial MULL. - of Lancaster county, have been treated and cured, as can be seen by reference to themselves, or the books of the Institute. DISEASES of every kind have been treated suoceiafully, and In a number of Instances, after all other systems and medicines had failed, and the individuale had been pronounced in curable and . . GIVEN UP TO DIE Pulmonary Consumption, Liver Diseames, Diabetic, Piles, Dyspepsia, Catarrh, Paralysis, Heruiple& and Paraplegia, Ilemeopia, Anhonia, Laryngitis, Trachellemne, and all dice/tees of the throat and vocal crgans, Bronchitis and Pleuritic, Neuralgia, Sciatic, Spinal weakness, Bpitipsy, when arising from Junctional dietnrbanca of the Organism; Chorea or St. Vitus Dance, complaints incident to Pumas', and especially PROLAPSIIS UTERI falling down of the Uterus, can be permanently anted. .nd all nervous affections yield to the action of the Gal vanic and Electric currents, when properly applied. One would be led to suppose, from the pradimi demon streition given of the wonderful healing properties of Gal vablem in the above diseases, that its efficacy as a Them pbutio would be doubted by no one, and yet we ocoaalonal ly come across an individual who will not believe, simply because the Medical Faculty, as a general thing, have not taken hold of It, to them we would say that there is hard ly a Bratthwaltes Retrospect published but what refers to the healing properties of Electricity, and that If the faculty ann. stood more about it they would prefer It to all other remediee, able, that some of the best Phy sicians in the Coital States have adopted 1C Hereafter, however, In order to gratify all, there will be at the Insti tute an eminent Physician of FORTY YEARS ACTUAL PRACTICE, - and we cordially Invite the dimmed of all clamed to call and examine into the merits of this system, as consults , tint] and advice, together with pamphlets, will be given F}co of Charge. GEORIE W. FREED, Medical Eleetriebut, Orange street, between Duke and Lime streets, oct 27 tf 421 Lancaster. Pa. 1.803. ALL DRY GOODS HAGER Ik BROTHERS aro now opening a large !auk of goods rand to Pall saki LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Cloth Cloaks and Cloaktngs. Broche, Stella and Woolen Shawls, of the newest styles. MEN'I3 WEAR Cloths, Casehneres, &stlnetta, Jeans, ka. ROUB FURNISHING GOOD& Linen% Damasks, Napkins, Table Oloths,_ Marseille' Qatlts, Blankets, Tiskings, Cheeks, Prints, Toweling", be. Rnglish end Tapestry Brussels, Ingrain and Venetian, Rag and Hemp Carpets. OIL CLOTHS, HATTENGS AND RUG& 011.1 NA, GLASS AND QMIENSWAILIL Also, a lot of PRIME YEATRIMS. 10,000 Pieces Wall Papere,!PeCOrStiOcia and Borders. The above goods have been purchased at the lowest market prices, and will be sold at a mall advance. sec 8 tf 35 HAGER k BBOTHEFUL FALL, 1863. CLOTHING. PALL, 1963. HALER & BE=ThU3.B Have now open a moat complete dock of READY-MADE CLOTH:MO FOR ERN AND BOYS As our Clothing to all mnntifactured in Uncut no, sad he materials selected with great care, we can recommend t with confidence. A Full Line of CLOTHS, CASSLMERES AND VESTING% Which will be made up to order, in superior manner, at SHIRTS, COLLARS, HANDKERCHIEFS, NEOICTEMB, Lo In Great Variety LI GALE THING FOIL THE TEEMS CI A NECESSITY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD! II JOHNS f CHOSZJIPS AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE, 1137 1311i0N0121 awl IN REIR WORLD FOR CEMENTING WOOD, LEATHER, GLARE, IVORY, CHINA, nARBLE., PORCELAIN, ALABASTER, HONE, CORAL, ko., ke, &a. The only article of the kind ever roduced which will withstand Water.p E X-T EAO T 8 ‘4 Every housekeeper should have A supply of Johns A Greeley's American Dement Gine."—Nero York Vane& "It le eo convenient to have in the horse."—Xem Ybrk Ntepry ‘• It is always ready; this commends it to everybody."— N. Y: Independent " We have tried it,. and end it as useful be our house u water."— Wakes' Spars. of the Timer. PRICE TWENTY—FIVE OBNTH PER W 11%& Very Liberal Reductions to Wholesale Dealers. TERMS CASH. Yor ealeby all Druggists and Storekeepers generally throughout the country. JOHNS k OROSLJIY., ktartureottuarsa. _ 78 *mum OS,(Corner of Liberty Draj S3W Tam Jul, 9 so PRISON. $19,670 83 $30,977 08 $10,099 95 CARPETI3 short notice.