AIMILOVAL...-HAIIIITHAL ILEYNOLHOr hoe removed hlsleMrOdloo from North Duke street o N0..68 Best Wog street, oppitelte Lealiler's Hotel. tf 11 G ARDNER FURNISS, ATTORNEY A T LAW, No. 27, WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. aair sadiuneslaims andpenrions collectedfree..l34 Egr Collections promptly made. [feb 41y 4 & BRAM SHANK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Oma wren D. G. EBICLIKIId, M 144 ., No . 8e NOZZEI Dom Es, ROA YT-EN , PA. •trt NAT ATTORNS Y LAW, has his Moo in North Doke Wort, Orly Court Howe* r,apri. tf 11 A NDREW J. STEINMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Once formerly occupied by the late. CoL Bosh Frazer, opposite Cooper's Hotel, Went Sing street. apr 17 RvIDBIOV AL /OHM B. LIVINGSTON, Attorney at Law, has re. moved from the office of N. Ellmaker ' Esq., to No. 11, North Duke street, a few doors north of the Court House, LaneeSter, Pa. [dee 2 47 RE NI 0 V AL.-.WILLIAM S. AMWEG, Attorney at Law, has removed 1113 office from his ormer place lute South Duke street, nearly opposite the Trinity Lutheran Church. spr 8 tfl.2" T.HALL FOREMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oman wren T. E. ITSANELIN, FAQ, NO. gh EAST EnTa 81, 7 LANCASTER, PA DR. JOHN H'CALLA, DENTIST.-Office and Residence, one door below the Lamb Hotel, West King street, Lancaster, Pa. [apr 18 t(l3 TESSE LANDIS, Attorney at Law.--Of flee one door east of Lechler's Hotel, east King street, Lancaster, Pa. All kinds of Scriverting—such as writing Wills, Deeds, Mortgages, Accounts, ,kc., will be'attended to with correctness and despatch. may 16, '55 tf-17 DEItIOVAL.--11. B. SWARM., Attorney (16 at Law, has removed his office to No. 13 North Duke nreet, nearly opposite his former location, and a few doom earth of the Court House. apr 5 3m 12 JAMES H. BARNES, FANCY AND WINDSOR CHAIR MAKER, No. 69% Bast King street, Lancaster, Takes pleasure in .Inviting the public to call at hie Ware rooms, and examine his BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF CHAIRS OF VARIOUS PATTERNS. Ea-ORDERS received and promptly attended to at the hortest notice. None but the best workmen are employed in this establishment, consequently Chairs purchased at this house are fully equal to anyarticle sold in the Eastern Cities. Call and examine for yourselves. [ang 16 ly 31 OLLOCKPS DANDELION COFFEE. _ This preparation, made from the best Java Coffee, is recommended by physicians as a superior NUTRITIOUS BEVERAGE for General Debility, Dyspepsia, and all bilious disorders. Thousands who have been compelled to abandon the nse of coffee will use this without injurious effects. One.can contains the strength of two pounds of ordinary coffee. Price 25 cents. KOLLOCK'S LEVAIN, The purest and best BAKING POWDER known for making light , sweet and nutritious bread and cakes. Price 16 cents. MANUFACTURED BY M. IL KOLLOCK, Chemist, Garner of Broad and Chestnut Its., Philadelphia. .9sSold by all Druggists and Grocers. [fob 25 ly D RESSLER. , S HAIR JETS. ELRY STORE, No. 206 NORTH BTH STRUT ABOVE RACe, PHILADELPHIA. On hand and for sale, a choice assortment of superior patterns, and will plait to order BRACELETS, EAR RINGS, FINGER RINGS, BREAST PINS, CROSSES, NECKLACES, GUARD AND VEST CHAINS. air Orders enclosing the hair to be plaited may be sent by mall. Give a drawing as near as you can on paper, and enclose such amount as you may choose to pay. CORTa as follows : Ear Rings $2 to s6—Breast Pine $3 to s7—Finger Rings 75 cents to—Vest Chains $6 to s 7— Necklaces $2 to $lO. Aka—Hair put into itedalions, Box Breast Pins, Rings, Ac. OLD GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT AT FAIR RATES. apr 16 ly 14 D R. J. T.. BAKER, 1101111EOPATIUC PHYSICIAN, OF LA.NOABTEIS CITY, may be consulted professionally, at his Office, at Henry Boar's Hotel, in the Borough of Strasburg, on Thursday of each week, from 10 o'clock in the morning to three in the afternoon. An opportunity is thus afforded to residents of Strasburg and vicinity to avail themselves of Homceopathic treatment, and females suffering from chronic diseases may enjoy the advice of ono who has made this class of diseases a speciality. J. T. BAKER, M. D., Hommopathic Physician, oct 22 tf 41j East King street, above Lime, Lancaster OOFING SLATE.R PRICES REDUCED AT GEORGE M. STEINMAN & CO'S lIARDWARE STORE, IN WEST KING ST. Persons-in want of Roofing Slate, or wishing to have their buildings covered with Slate, will find it to their interest to call as above. Having made arrangements for a large supply of very superior quality, they will be offered at prices to suit the times. Also a general assortment of HARDWARE, to which the attention of Farmers, Mechanics and Merchants is invited. mar 11 g m 9 DRUG AND CUE DI ICAL STORE The subscriber having removed his store to the new building nearly opposite his old stand, and directly opposis she Cross Keys Hotel, has now on hand a well selected took of articles belonging to the Drug business, conelsting n part of Oils, Acids, Spices, Seedß, Alcohol, Powdered Articles, Sarsaparillas, Sc., Sc., to which the attention of country merchants, physicians and consumers in general is invited. THOMAS ELLIMAKER, feb 9 tf West King street, Lan. HOICSE AND CATTLE POWDER TATTERSAL'S HORSE POWDER, HEAVE POWDER, ROSIN, _ _ FENNUG REEK SULPHUR, GEUBIAN, CREAM TARTAR, COPPERAS, ha. For sale at THOMAS ELLMAK ER'S Drug A Chemical Store, West King street, Lanc'r fob 9 tf 4 E 111 OVAL N. ADIER, .-DENTIST, for five years a student and - assistant it Dr. WAYLAN, formerly of this city, has removed his °Mee to the rooms lately ..811aka occupied by Dr. MeCalla, in East King street, two doors from Centre Square, Whore he iktrepared to meet those whoznay favor him with their confidence, and servo them in the most skillful manner, warranting satisfaction in every reasonable ease, both as to operations performed and charges for the same. WM. N. AMER. apr 1 ly 12 _"81(314, OF THE BIG WATCH" - . • uNTATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY AND ``V SILVER WARE.—JAMES P. DYSART, NO, le WEST RING St., (near Market) takes pleasure iu inviting attention to his new and large stock of Goods, which com prises as great a variety of all articles in his line as can be found in the city, consisting in part of Ladies' Fine 18 Carat Hunting Lover Watches, Fine Gold Hunting Levers, " Open-faced Levers, Silver Hunting Case " " Open-faced a good assortment of LEVERS and LEPTNP.B of Silver and Composition Cases; QIJARTIERS and ENGLISH WATCH ES Hirst and second handed,) all of which are warranted to keep time or no sale. His assortment of JEWELRY is the roost extensive over offered to the citizens of Lancaster, part of which aro the following styles FINE PAINTED BREASTPINS, EAR RINGS AND BRACELETS to match; CAMEO SETTS, FLORENTINE MOSAIC, and PLAIN EAR RINGS and BREASTPINS, all of which for beauty, style and cheapness cannot be surpassed in the city, Also, a flno assortment of PLAIN and CHASED BRACELETS and BANDS, with Cameo Setts and Medallions. Particular attention paid to Jewelry of Gentlemen's wear, comprising 'Sleeve Buttons, Studs, Guard, Breast and Fob Chains of the hest quality; Ribbon Slides, Gold and Silver Tooth Picks, etc. Always on hand a good assortment of SILVER WARE, such as Spoons, Ten, Table, Dessert, Sugar, Mustard and Salt; Dinner and Tea Forks; Napkin Rings; Butter and Fruit Knives; Salt Collars; Cups, Pie Knives, Pickle Knives and Forks, setts of Knives, Forks and Spoons for Misses.— Also a beautiful lot of l'ort Monnaies for Ladies end Gents, Combs and Brushes of all kinds, Accordeons, Ac. Clocks from $1.25 to $5O, all warranted. - - AKii- The undersigned has, at considerable expense, got up a Card of Hair Work Patterns, for Which he receives orders—to be execated in Philadelphia in the most chaste and durable style, and at short notice. The public are in vited to call and examine his stock and judge for them selves. JAMES P. DYSAP.T. sign of the Big Watch, No. 10, Weal Bing St., Lancaster Pa. _Anne 1 tf BANKING HOUSE OF REED, HEN DERSON & CO.—On the 26th of MARCH, instant, the undersigned, under the firm of REED, HENDERSON & CO., will commence the Danko!, Business, in its usual branches at the office hitherto occupied by John It. Reed & Co., at the corner of East Ring nod Duke streets, be t wean the Court House and Sprecher's Hotel, Lancaster, Pa: They will pay interest on deposits at the following rates. 5% per cent. for 6 months and longer. 6 " " 30 days and longer. They will boy and sell Stocks and Real Estate on com mission, negotiate Loans for others, purchase and sell Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, Drafts, &c., The niadersigned will be individually liable to the extent of their means, for all deposits and other obligations of BIRD, RANDaasort & Co. 3011 N K. REED, AMOS S. HENDERSON• ISAAC E. WESTER. mar 20 uioJ ISAAC BARTON & SON, WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND DEALERS IN COUN TRY PRODUCE, WINES AND LIQUORS, Nos. 165 and 167 North Second street, deo 11'60 tf4Bl PHILADELPHIA THE TRAPPER'S DAUGHTER. A STORY OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAIA S. BY GUST AVE AIMARD, Author of the "Prairie Flower," "The Indian Scout," THE TRAPPER'S DAUGHTER! THE TRAPPER'S DAUGHTER! THE TRAPPER'S DAUGHTER I The Trapper's Daughter. A story of the Rocky Mourn tains.. By GUUSTAVE AIMARD, author of the 'Prairie Flower," "The Indian Scout," "The Trail Hunter," "The Pirates of the Prairies," etc., Is published and for sale this day, complete in one large c.tavo volume, large type, double column, and printed ant he finest and best of white paper. Price Fifty Cents a copy. Published and for sale by T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, 306 CniaTNUT STIIEET, PIIILADELPIIIA, To whom all orders mast come addressed. Copies of "Tbe Trapper's Daughter" will be sent to any one, free of postage, on remmitting Fifty Cents to the publishers, in a letter; or any two or Aimard's works will be sent for One Dollar. Booksellere, 'News Agents and all others, will please send on their orders at once, for what they want of this book to start with. Address all orders at once to the publishern. T. B. PETERSON & BROTHERS, No. 800 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Jar For sale at Wesihaeffer's in this city. mar 24 WANTED, This coming Season, 2,000 CORDS CO. BLACK OAK BARK, For which the HIGHEST CASH PR CE will be paid, de livered at SHIRK & BRUBAKER'S Tannery, Bird-Imiland Railroad Station, Lancaster county, Pa. Address, Enterprise P. 0. SOLDIERS , BOUNTY, BACK PAY AND PENSIONb • Collected without delay. air- OFFICE IN BOUTH DUKE BTBEET. tab 10, '63lly* 6] J. B. KAUFMAN. rIHIE HORACE WATERS MODERN J_ IMPROVED OVERSTRUNG BASH FULL IRON- YEADIE PIANOS are justly pronounced by the Press and Musk Muter, to be superior Instruments They are built of the best and most thoroughly seasoned materials, and will stand any climate. The tone is very deep, round, full and mellow; the touch elastic. Each Piano warranted for three years. Prices from $175 to $7OO. Orogen OF rue Paris,—" The Horace Waters Pianos are known as among the very best. We are enabled to speak of these instruments with some degree of confidence, from personal knowledge of their excellent tone and disable cituallty..—Christian Intelligence?. $ 1 5 . 0 .—NEW7-ocrrevz PIANOS in Rosewood cane, iron }tames, and overatrung bass, of different makers, for $150; do., with mouldings„ $180; do., with carved legs and inlaid nameboard, $175, $lB5, and $200; do., with Pearl keys, $225, $250 and-$300; new %octave, $155; do., ffYr octave, $l4O. The above Pianos are fully warranted, and are the greatest bargains that can be found in the city Please call and see them. Second-hand Pianos at $25, $4O $5O, $BO, $75, and $lOO. THE HORAMi WATERS MELODEONS, Patten Cases, Tuned the Equal Temperament, with the t Divided Swell and Solo Stop. Prices from $35 to $2OO. Organ Harmoniums with Pedal Bass, $250, $275 and $309._ School Harmoniums , $4O, $BO, $BO and $lOO. Also, Melodeons and Harmoneams of the following makers, Prince & Co's, Carhart & Needham, Mason & Hamlin, and S. D. & H. W. Smith, all of which will be sold at extremely low prices. These Melodeons remain in tune a long time. Each Melodeon warranted for three years. Air' A liberal discionnt to Clergymen, Churches. Sabbath Schools, Lodges, Seminaries and Teachers. The trade supplied on the most liberal terms. THE DAY SCHOOL BELL 35,000 COPIES ISSUED: A new Singing Book for Day Schools, called the Day School Bell, is now ready.. It contains about 200 choice songs, rounds, catches, daetts, trios, quartette and chor used, many of them written expreeely for this work, be sides 32 pages of the Elements of Music. The Elements are so ozsy and progressive, that ordinary teachers will find themselves entirely successful in instructing even young scholars to sing correctly and scientifically; while the tunes and words embrace such a variety of lively, at tractive, and soul-stirring music and sentiments, that no trouble will be experienced In inducing all beginners to go on with zeal in acquiring skill in one of the most health-giving, beauty-improving, happiness-yielding, and order-producing exercises of school life. In simplicty of its elements, In variety and adaptation of music, and In excellence and number of its songs, original, selected, and adapted, it claims by much to excel all competitors. It will be found the best ever issued for seminaries, acade mies and public schools. A few sample pages of the ele manta, tunes and songs, arc given in a circular; send and get one. It is compiled by Horace Waters, author of "Sabbath School Bell,' Nos. 1 and 2, which have had the enormous sale of 735,000 copies. Prices—paper cover, 20 cents, $l5 per 100; bound, 30 cents, $22 per 100; cloth bound, embossed gilt, 40 cents, $3O per 100. 25 copies fur nished at tho 100 price. Mailed at the retail price. SABBATH SCHOOL BELL No. 2 85,000 COPIES ISSUED. It is an entire now work of nearly 200 pages. Many of the tunes and hymns wore written expressly for this vol ume. It will won be as popular as its predecessor, (Bell No. 1) which has run up to the enormous number of 050, 000 copies—outstripping any Sunday school book of it size ever issued in this country. Also, both volumes are bound in one to accommodate schools wishing them in that form. Prices of Bell No. 2, paper covers, 15 cents, $l2 per 100; bound, 25 cents, $lB per 100; cloth bound, em bossed gilt, 30 cents, $23 per 100. Bell No. 1, paper covers, 13 cents, $lO per 100; bound, 20 cents, $lB per 100; cloth bound, embossed gilt, 25 cents, $2O per hundred. Bells Nos. 1 and 2 bound togother, 40 cents, $3O per 100, cloth bound, embossed gilt, 50 cents, $4O per 100. 25 copies fur nished at the 100 price. Mailed at the retail price. HORACE WATERS, Publisher, 481 Broadway, New York. NEW INSTRUSIENTAL MUSIC President Lincoln's Grand March, with the best Vignette of his Excellency that has yet been published; music by Helmstraller, leader of the 22d Regiment Band, price 50 cents. Our Generale' Quick-Step, with vignettes 6of our generals; music by Grafulla, leader of the 'ith Regiment Band, 50 cents. The Seven Sone' Gallop, and Laura Keene Waltz, 35 cents each. Comet Schottische, 25 cents; all by Baker. Music Box Gallop, by Herring, 05 cents. Union Waltz, La Grasea, 25 cents. Volunteer Polka, Goldbeck, 25 cents. Spirit Polka; General Scott's Farewell Grand March, 25 cents each ; Airy Castles, 30 cents, all by A. K Parkhurst. Freedom, Truth and Right Grand March, with splendid vignette music by Carl Heineman, 50 cts All of which are fine NEW VOCAL MUSIC I will be true to thee; A penny for your thoughts ; Lit tle Jenny Dow; Better times are coming; I dream of my mother and my home; Merry little birds are we, (a song for children;) Slumber, my darling, Lizzie dies to-night, Jenny's coming o'er the green; Was my Brother in the Battle, and Why have my loved ones gone, by Stephen C. Foster. Shall we know each other there? by the Rev. R. Lowry. Pleasant words for all, by 4. Roberts. There is a beautiful world, by I 31. Holmes. Price 25 cents each Freedom, Truth and Right, a national song and grand chorus; music by Carl Heinemann, with English and Ger man words, 30 cents. Whore liberty dwells is my country, Plumley. Forget if you can, but forgive; I hear sweet voices singing, and Home Is home, by J. R. Thomas, 30 cents each. These songs are very popular. Mailed free at retail price. Foreign Sheet Music at 2 cents per page. All kinds o Music merchandise at war prices. I.IORACE WATERS, Publisher, 481 Broadway, New York NEW MUSIC FOR TEE MILLION, IN CHEAP FORM, ARRANGED AS QUARTETTES AND CHORUSES TO MUSICAL SOCIETIES, CHOIRS, SUNDAY SCHOOLS, PUBLIC SCHOOLS, SEMINARIES, ETC. Shall we know each other there; Shall we meet beyond the river Be in time; There is a beautiful world; Don't you hear the Angels coming; Whore liberty dwells Is my cuuutry ; Freedom, Truth and Right, (national songs.) Is there a land of love ? Sorrow shall come again no more. Price 3 cents, 25 cents per doz., $2 per 100. Postage 1 cent. In sheet form, with Piano accompaniment, 25 cents. Published by HORACE WATERS, 481 Broadway, New York, and for sale by N. P. Kemp, Boston ; Chas. S. Luther, Philadelphia; G. Crussby, Cincinnati; Tomlinson & Bros., Chicago, and J. W. Mclntyre, St. Louie. july 29 am 29 N ow. Is TIIE, TIME T GET UP CLUBS! GREAT INDUCEMENTS FOR 18621 PETERSO.N'S MAGAZI,NE TEE DEBT AND CHEAPEST IN THE WORLD FOR LADIMBI This popular monthly Magazine contains nearly 1000 pages; from 25 to 30 steel plates; and about 800 Wood Engravings—and all this for only two dollars a year. This is more, proportionately, than any magazine ever gave— hence " Peterson " is emphatically THE MAGAZINE FOR THE TIMES. The stories in "Peterson " are conceded to be the best published anywhere. The editors are Mrs. Ann 8. Stephens, author of "Mary Derwent," "Fashion and Famine;' and Charles J. Peterson, author of" Kate Aylesford," " The Valley Farm," etc., etc., and they aro assisted by Mrs. Denison, Frank Lee Benedict, by the author of "Busy L's Diary" by T. S. Arthur, E. L. Chandler Moulton; Mehlta. bin Holyoke, Virginia F. Townsend, Carry Stanley, CM*. line E. Fairfield, Ellen Ashton, F. L. Mace, E. Dewees, A. L. Otis. and all the most popular female writers of America. In addition to the initial number of stories, there, will be given in 1863, Four Original and Copy-Lighted Novelets, THE JACOBITE'S DAUGHTER; a Tale of the '46, By Mrs. Ann S. Stephens. ANN is INTHROP'S ENGAGEMENT; a Tale of to-day, By Carry Stanley. THE MURRAYS OF MURRAY HOUSE; a Tale of '76, By Charles G Peterson. GETTING INTO SOCIETY; a Tale of to day, By Frank Lee Benedict. These, and other writers, contribute exclusively to " Peterson." Morality and virtue are always inculcated. Its COLORED FASHION PLATES IN ADVANCE. CraT It is the Only blagazine whose Fashion Plates can be relied on. Each number contains a Fashion Plate, engraved on steel, and colored; also, a dozen or more New Styles, en graved on wood; also a Pattern, from which a Dress, Man tilla, or Child's Costume can be cut, without the aid of a mantua.rnaker—so that each Number, in this way, will ease a year's subscription. The Paris, London, Philadol. phia and New York Fashions are described, at length, each month. Patterns of Cape, Bonnets, Head Dresses, &c., given in great profusion. Its SUPERB MEZZOTINTS AND OTHER STEEL ENGRAV- - - Are by the first Artists, and ono at least, is given in every number. Its COLORED EMBROIDERY PATTERNS. The Work-Table-Department of this Magazine is wholly unrivalled. It is edited by Mrs. Jane Weaver ' who fur nishes, for earls number, beautiful Original Patterns. Every number contains a dozen or more patterns in every variety of Fancy Work: Crochet, Embinidery, Knitting, Bend-Work, Shell-Work, Hair-Work, Was Flowers, Stained Glass, Leather-Work, Painting, Photographs, &c., with full descriptions. Every Number will contain a SUPERB COLORED PATTTERN for SLIPPER, PURSE, CHAIR— SEAT, HANDKERCHIEF, EMBROIDERY, COLLAR AND CUFF, or some other useful, or ornamental article; and each of these would cost, at a retail store, fifty cents. These con he had in no other American Magazine. RECEIPTS FOR THE TABLE, TOILETTE, SICK— ROOM, &c., &c., will be given every Number. 44 A PIECE OF NEW AND FASHIONABLE MUSIC WILL APPEAR EACH MONTH. Also, articles on tho Flower. Garden, and Horticulture generally; and hints on all mat ters interesting to Ladies. TERMS :—ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. One Copy for one year, 2.00. Three Copies for one year, 5.00. Five Copies for one year, 7.50. Eight Copies for one year,. 10.00. Twelve Copies for one year, 15.00. Sixteen Copies for one year 20.00 PREMIUMS FOR GETTING UP CLUBS I—To every per son getting up a club of 3, and remitting gs, or a club of 5, and remitting $7.50, or a club of 8, and remitting $lO, or a club of 12, and remitting $l5, an extra copy for 1862 will be sent, gratis. If preferred, however, we will send as a Premium, (instead of the extra copy,) an Illus trated LADY'S ALBUM, handsomely bound in gilt, or onr Magnificent Mezzotint for framing, size 27 Inches by 20— Banyan's Wife Interceding for his Release from Prison." To every person getting up a Club of Sixteen, two extra copies of the Magazine, or of either of the other Premiums will be sent. Address, post-paid, CHARLES J. PETERSON, No. 306 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. IQ- All postmasters constituted Agents; but any person may get up a Club. Specimens sent gratuitously, if writ ten for. (Mar 25 tf 11 ST. LOUIS HOTEL, (LATE FRANKLIN,) CHESTNUT STSEET. BETWEEN 3d AND 4th, PHILADELPHIA. .ENLARGED I REFITTED I. P.M_FT_TRI\TISHMID 1. ' This Hotel, the best Business Man's House in the City, is in the immediate vicinity of the principal Jobbing and Commission Houses, new P. 0., Corn Exchange, principal Banking Houses, Mining Co. Offices, &c. A UC TIONEERIN BENJAMIN P. ROWE respectfully informs the üb. he that he will attend to Crying Sales oßeal and Personal property in any part of the county. Those wishing Ids services are requested to apply to Gerardcur Clarkson, Esq., at the Prothonotary's Office, who Will promptly attend to the matter. Letters addressed to me at Emithville P. 0., Lancaster county, will be promptly attended to. Lfeb 17 tf 7 [fob 10 tf 5 WANTED --GOLD, SILVER AND DE MAND NOTES, for which the HIGHEST PRE.6Ii. Ohl will be paid at the Backing House of REED, HENDERSON & CO. Lancaster, Feb. 7, '63. [fob 10 tf 6 HORACE WATERS, Publisher, 481 Broadway, New York HENRY NEIL, Superintendent. 8m 4 00* CONSTITII_T-lON WAT R. THIIictIMAT lIKKEDY CONNTITt77IOX ONLY KNOWN REMEDY DIABET&2I Al® DIBLIKIN 07 SKI KIDNEgiEIIta.ND These Dangerous and Troublesome Diseases, which have thus far Resisted the best directed Treatment, can be Completely Controlled by the REMEDY now before us! • loncisoi:ENorml properties of the medicine direct themselves to the organs of secretion, and by so altering the condition of the stomach and liver that the starchy principle of the food is not con verted into sugar so long as the system is under the info• ence of tho CONSTITUTION WATER, which gives those organs time to rot:over their healthy tone and vigor. We are able to state that the Constitution Water has cured every case of Diabetes In which It has been given. STONE IN THE BLADDER., CALCULUS. GRAVEL, BRICK DUST DEPOSIT, AND MUCOUS OR MILKY DISCHARGES AFTER' URINATING. Disease occurring from ono and the same came will bo entirely cured by tho Constitution Water, if taken for any length of time. The dose should vary with the severity of the disease, from twenty drops to a teaspoonful throe times a day, in water. During the passage of the Calculus, the pain and urgent symptoms should be combated with the proper remedies, then followed up with the Conetitu• tion Water, as above directed. DYSHENORRHOSA, OR PAINFUL MENSTRUA TION, AND IN hIENORRHAGIA OR PROFUSE FLOWING, Both diseases arising from a faulty secretion of the men. strual fluid—in the ono mule being too little, and ,accom• pooled by severe pain ; and the other a too profuse seem. tion, which will be speedily cured by the Constitution Water. That disease known as FALLING OF THE WOMB, which is the result of a relaxation of the ligaments of that organ, and is known by a sense of heaviness and dragging pains In the back and sides, and at times accompanied by sharp lacinating or shooting pains through the parts, will, in all cases, bo removed by the medicine. There is another class of symptoms arising from IRRI— TATION OF TUB WOMB, which physicians call Nervous. ness, which word coven up much Ignorance, and in nine eases out of ten the doctor does not really know whether the symptoms are the disease, or the disease the symptoms. We can only enumerate them here. I speak more par ticularly of Cold Feet, Palpitation of the Heart, Impaired Memory, Wakefulness, Flashes of Heat, Languor, Lassi tude, and Dimness of Vision. SUPPRESSED MENSTRUATION, Which in the unmarried female is a constant t rrlng disease, and throughzneglect the seeds of more grave and dangerous maladies are the result; and as month after month passes without an effort being made to assist nature, the suppression becomes chronic,the patient gradu• ally loses her appetite, the bowels are constipated, night sweats come on, and consumption finally ends her career. LEITCORRLICEI OR WHITES This disease depends upon an Inflammation of mucous lining of the vagina and womb. It is in all cases accom panied by severe pain in the back, across the bowels and through the hips. A teaspoonful of the medicine may be taken three times a day, with an injection of a tablespoon. ful of the medicine, mixed with a half-pint of soft water, morning and evening. IRRITATION OF THE NECK OF THE BLADDER, INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDNEYS, AND CATARRH OF THE BLADDER, STRAN GORY AND BURNING, OR PAIN FUL UKINATING. For these diseases it is truly a sovereign remedy, and too much cannot be said in its praise. A single dose has been known to relieve the most urgent symptoms. Are you troubled with that distressing pain in the small of the back and through the hips? A teaspoonful a day of Constitution Water will relieve you like magic. POR DYSPEPSIA, it has no ognal in relieving the most distressing symptoms. Also, Headache, Heartburn, Add Stomach, Vomiting Food, &c. Take a teaspoonful after dinner. The dose in all cases may be increased if desired, but should be done gradually. PHYSICIANS have long since given up the use of brichu, cubebs, and juniper in the treatment of these diseases, and only use them for want of a better remedy. CONSTITUTION WATER has proved itself equal to the task that has devolved upon it. DIURETICS irritate and drench the kidneys, and by constant use soon lead to chronic degeneration and confirmed disease. READI READII READ!!! • DANVILLE, Pa., June 2, 1862. Dr. Gummi—Dear Sir: In February, 1861, I was afflicted with the sugar diabetes, and for five months .1 passed more than two gallons of water in twenty-four hours. I was obliged to get up as often as ten or twelve times during the night, and in five months I lost about fifty pounds In weight. During the month of July, 1861, I procured two bottles of Constitution Water, and in two days after using it I experienced relief, and after taking two bottles I was entirely cured, soon after regaining my usual good health. Yours truly, J. V. L. DE WLTT Boa2ON ColiNE69, N. Y., Dec. 27, 1861 WM. H. GREGG & Gents: I freely give you liberty to make use of the fol lowing Certificate of the value of Constitution Water, which I can recommend in the highest manner. My wife, who was attagied with pain in the shoulders, whole length of the back, and in her limbs, with Palpita tion of the Heart, attended with Falling of the Womb, Dysmenorrhea, and Irritation of the Bladder. I called a physician, who attended her about three months, when he left her worse than he found her. I then employed one of the best physicians I could find, who attended her about nine months, and while she was under his care elm did not suffer quite as much pain ; he finally gave her up and said, "her aleit, was incurable." For, said he, "she has such a combination of complaints, that medicine given for one operates against seine other of her difficulties." About this time, she commenced to use the Constitution Water, and to our utter astonishment, almost the first dose seemed to have the desired effect, and she kept on improving rapidly under its treatment, and now superintends entirely her domostle affairs. Sho has not taken any of the Constitu tion Water for about four weeks, and we are happy to say that It has produced a permanent cure. WM. M. VAN BENSCHOTEN. O MILFORD, Coati., Nov. 19, 1861. DR. WM. 11. Cocos : Dear Sir: I have for several years, been afflicted with that troublesome and dangerous disease—Gravel—which resisted all remedies and doctors, until I took Constitution Water, and you may tie assured that I was exceedingly pleased with the result. It has entirely cured me, and you may make any use of my name you may see fit in regard to the medicine, us I have entire confidence in its efficacy. Yours truly, POND STRONG. THESE ARE FACTS ENOUGH There is no class of diseases that produces such exhaust. ing effects upon tho human constitution as Diabetes and Diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary Passages, and through a false modesty they are neglected until they are so advanced as to be beyond the control of ordinary remedies, and we present the CONSTITUTION WATER to the public with the conviction that it has no equal in relieving the class of diseases for which it has been found so eminently successful in curing; and we trust that we shall be rewarded for our efforts In placing so valuable a remedy in a form to meet the requirements of patient and physician. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS, PRICE $l. WM. H. GREGG & CO., Proprietors. Morgan & Allen , General Agents, No. 46 Cliff street New York. [July 29 ly 29 T HE MAGAZINE FOR THE TIMES PETERSON'S HA GAZINZ The Best and Cheapest in the World for Ladles! This popular monthly Magazine will be greatly improved for 1863. It will contain ONE THOUSAND PAGES OF READING! FOURTEEN SPLENDID STEEL PLATES! TWELVE COLORED F TWELVE COLORED BERLIN WORT{ATTERNS!HION PLATES I NINE HUNDRED WOOD CUTS! TWENTY-FOUR PAGES OF MUSIC I All this will be given for only Two Dollars a year, or a dollar less than Magazines of the class of " Peterson," Its THRILLING TALES AND NOVELETTES are the beet published anywhere. All the most popular writers are employed to write originally for "Peterson." In 1861,111 addition to Its usual quantity of shorter 4thries, FOUR ORIGINAL COPYRIGHT NOV ELETB will given, by Ann 8. Stephens, L. C. Moulton, Frank Lee osnedlct, and the Author of " The Murder In the Glen Rm." It also publishes FASHIONS AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS. Each number, in addition to the colored plate, gives Bon nets, Cloaks and Dresses, engraved on wood. Also, a pat tern, from which a Dress, Mantilla, cr Child's Drees can be cut out, without the aid of a mantnamiaker. Also, several pages of Household and other Resoluta. IT IS THE BEST LADY'S NE IN THE WORLD. TRY IT FOR ONE YEAlis TERMS—ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. One Copy, One Year Three Copies, for One Year Five Copies, for One Year Eight Copies, for One Year...... .. Sixteen Copies, for One Year PREMIUMS FOR GETTING UP CLUBS t - Three, Five, Eight or more copies make a club. To every person getting op a clnb of Three, Five, Eight or Twelve copizu, an extra copy of the Magazine for 1863 will be given or our mezzotint for framing, " Banyan Parting from his Blind Child in Prison." To every person getting up a club of Sixteen, two of either of the premiums will be sent. Address, poet-paid, CHARLES J. PETERSON, 306 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. /ay- Specimens cent gratis, when written for. nov 18 CPI CR 13, «.c.--Cinnamon, Gloves, Sala. RATUS, BARING SODA, OREM& TARTAR, NUT MEGl3,4 , ! „ . ii For sale at THOMAS ELLMAJLER'S & Obaxateal Store West King street, Latter. d - A, IL 5--castor Ott, Sweet OIL Oil of. lj SPIKE, STONE, SENEKA, SASSAFRAS, &e., For Bale at THOMAS REMAKE Drug & Chemical Store West King street „tau. feb 8 • LAW SCHOOL OF HARVARD COL— LEGE, 1863.—Tw0 Terms of nineteen weeks each, commencing MAIIOEU2d and SEPTEMBER. 7th. For Catalogue and Circular address JOEL PARKER, Royall Professor. CAMBRIDGE, Maas., Jan. 29, 1883. [mar 3.3 t 8 ISHING TACKLE. r Rods, Limerick and Kirby Hooks, Net-Twine, Sea areas, Cotton and Linen Lines, Floats, Snoods, do. Vor sale at THOMAS riLtm A Kra% Drug d (mammal Store, opposite .orom Keys Hotel, W Kmystreet, Lancaster. [may 17 tt 16 if ‘Noiriaiys , imaakur To Destroy—Bats, Roscheo, h. To De trot—Mice, Molex, and Alga To Destroy—Bad-Bop. To.Deetroy—MothilinpursZOlothr,":to. To Deadroy--Idosquitoos and Pleas. To Natroy- , -Inascts on Thula and Rowla. To Destroy—lnze:te on Animals, ae. To Destroy-4•ery form end species of TermM. "THE ONLY INFALLIBLE REMEDIES KNOWN." V P. B. I I N_ "Free row Folsom." "Not dangerous to the Human Family.. " Rats do not die on the premises." "They come out of their holes to die." "They are the only Infallible remedlee known." "12 years end more established In New York City." Used by—the City Poet Office Used by—the City Prisons and Station HOnsee Used by—the City Steamers, Ships, &e. Used by—the City Hospital; Aims-Houses, &e Used by—the City Hotels—. Astor'—' St. Nicholas,' ac treed by—the Boarding louses, &c., ha Used by—more than 50,000 Private Families Wiir- See one or two Specimens of what is Everywhere mid by the People—Editare—Dealere, do. HOUEEKEEPERB—troubIed with vermin need be so no longer, if they use "Coma's" Exterminators. We have used It to our satisfaction, and If a box cost $5 we would have it. We had tried poisons, but they effected nothing; but "Coeval's" article knocks the breath out of Rats, Mice Roaches, and Bed-Bugs quicker than we can write it. ItGaz is ' in great demand all over the country.—. Medina [o.] ette- MORE GRAIN and provisions are destroyed annually in Grant county by vermin than would pay for tone of this Rat and Insect HUlen—Laureate? Ms.] Herald. HENRY R. COSTAR—We are selling your preparations rapidly. Wherever they have been need Rats, Mice, Roaches and Vermin disappear rapidly. - ECUS h STOIIPPLIt , Druggists, Windsor, Md. "Costar's" Rat, Roach, &a., Exterminator 112=Bil "Coiner's" Bed-Bug Exterminator ll= "Costar's" Electric Powder, for Insects, ctc In 25c. 50c. and $l.OO Boxes, Bottles and Flasks, $3 and $5 CAUTIGNI I I To prevent the public from being Imposed upon by Spurious and Highly Pernicious Imitations, a new label has been prepared, fee simile of the Proprietor's signature. Examine each box-bottle, or flask carefully be fore purchasing, and take nothing but " Costar's." 40Y" Sold Evorywhoro—by All Wholesale Druggists hi the large cities Shleffelln Brothers & Co. Bernd, Risley & Kitcbara. B. A. Fahnestock, Hull &Co Bush, Gale & Robinson. A. 13. & D. Sands & Co. M. Ward, Clone & Co. Wheeler & Hart. McHinton & Robbins. James S. Aspinwall. D. S. Barnes & Co. Morgan & Allen. F. 0. Wells & Co. Hall, Ruckel & Co. Lasalle, Marsh & Gardner. Thomas & Faller. Hall, Dixon & Co. P. D. Orris. Conrad Fox. T. W. Dyott & Co. Robert Shoemaker & Co I B. A. Fahnestock & CO. French, Richards & Co. Druggists, Grocers, Storekeepers and Retailers generally 6.00 7.60 10,00 20.00 *ii" Sold by And by the Druggists, Storekeepers end Retailers generally. Afar Country Dealers can order as above. Jr addreee orders direct—[or If Prices, Terms, &c., :a desired, agif- send for C1862] Circular, giving- re. lanced Prices] to BRINCLPAL BRAM—NO. 482 BROADWAY, New York. lIRNIT 118111 OF ir.vintir DE SCRlP tion,.warranted as good as the bast, and cheaper than 'the cheapest--ist NETOLLthrS, Noatz Qum enure, op :posits Shenk'. National House, Lancaster. • N. B. To anyime purchtudng $5O worth tetra the Brat of November mark 10 per cent. will bit Alb:need for Chia. auger NATOBS. =II7ZEM EVERY FORM AND SPEOIEB OW Those Preparations (unlace all others) are Blass for Plantations, Ships, Boats, Hotels, ac., &c., &o Some of the WEIOLZIELLLE MIMI'S IN NEW YORK CUT Pinumusau, PA. in all Con ntry Towns and Villages, UNITED STATES LAPOAITIIt, CHARLES A. lIXDIITSII, JOELN F. LONG k CO., A. B. KAUFMAN, T. S. EI.LM A R-RR, B. 8. MUHLBNBBRO, ERNRY R. COSTAR, SONnrergiNG FOR THE TIMES i I A.N1101182117 IN SPURT HOUSEHOLD. JOHNS a caosLars AMERICAN CEMENT CLUE The Strongetrt Glue In the World. The Clumped Glue In the World. Tho Most Durable Glue in the World. The Only Reliable Glue In the World. The "Best Glue In the World. AMIEIOAN 011M1INT GLUE b the only grade of the kind mu produced which WILL WITHSTAND WATER IT WILL lIIIND WOOD, &TB year broken Furniture. IT WILL MEND LEATIEKB., Mend your Harness, Straps, Belts, Boots, to _ IT WILL MEND GLA)I9, Sava the places of that expenetvo Out Glue Bottle. IT WILL MEND IVORY, - Don't throw away that broken Ivory Pan, It Is eaelly re Paired. IT WILL MEND CHINA, Your broktm China Cups and Saucers ca y be made as good IT WILL MEND MARBLE, That Woe knocked opt of your Marble Mantle can be pu onea strong as over. PP WILL MEND PORCELAIN, No matter If that broken Pitcher did not coat but a ohil ling, a shilling saved is a shilling earned IT WILL MEND ALABASTER, That wetly Alabaster Vase to broken and you can't match It, mend It, It will never show when put together. IT WILL MEND BONE, CORAL, LAVA, AND IN PACT EVERY TILING BUT METALS Any article cemented with AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE will not show where it is mended EXTRAOTS " Every Housekeeper should have a supply of Johns & Orosley's Aed= Cement Gina."—New York Timm "It is so" convenient to have in tho house.”—Ncto York E T resi. It le always ready; this commends it to everybody..— .rod Ve=e tried it, and find It as useful In our house as water."—Wakes' Spirit of the Timer. IICODO)151Y IS WEALTH $lO.OO per year eaveO In every family by One Bottle of AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cente per Bottle Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Trice 25 Cents per Bottle Price 25 Cente por Bottle Price 25 Cents per Bottle. VERY LIBERAL REDUCTION TO WHOLESALE TERXIB CASII Sir For Sale by all Druggists and Storekeepers generally throughout the country. JOHNS cE CRoBLEr, (Sole Manufacturers) 78 WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK, • Corner of Liberty Street. Important to House Owners. Important to Buildera Important to Railroad Comp=las Important to Farmers. To all whom this may concern, and it concerns everybody JOHNS & CROBLEY'S IMPROVED GIITTA PEROIIA OE=NT ROOFING, The Cheapest and most durable Roofing in use. IT IS FIRE AND WATER PROOF It can be applied to new and old Roofs of all kinds, steep or flat, and to Shinge Roofs without removing the Shingles. TIIE COST IS ONLY ABOUT ONE-THIRD THAT OF TIN, AND IT IS TWICE AS DURABLE. This article has been thoroughly tested in New York city and all parts of the United States, Canada, West Indies and Central and South America, on buildings of all kinds, such as Factories, Foundries, Churches, Railroad Depots, Cars, and on Public Buildings generally, Government Intl'dings, Ac., by the principal Rraiders, Architects and others, during the past four years, and has proved to be the Cheapest and most durable Roofing In use; it is in every respect a Fire, Water, Weather and Time Proof covering for Roofs of all kinds. This is the only material manufactured In the United States which combines the very desirable properties of Elasticity and Durability, which are universally acknowl edged is be possessed by Outta Percha and India Rubber. NO HEAT IS REQUIRED IN MAKING APPLICATION The expense of applying it is trifling, as an ordinary Roo can be covered and finished the same day. IT CAN BE APPLIED BY . ANY ONE, and when finished forma a perfectly Fire Proof surface, with an elastic body, which cannot be injured by Heat, Cold or Storms, Shrinking of Roof Board; nor any exter nal action whatever. LIQUID GIITTA PF.B.CHA CEMENT, For Coating Metals of all Hinds when exposed to the Action of the Weather, end FOR PRESERVING AND REPAIRING METAL ROOFS OF ALL KINDS This is the only Composition known wkich, will success• fully resist extreme changes of all climates, for any length of time, when applied to metals, to which it adheres firmly, forming a body equal to three coats of ordinary paint, costs much lam, and will last three times as long; and from its elasticity is not injured by the contraction and expansion of Tin and other Metal Roofs, consequent upon andden changes of the weather. It will not crack in cold or run in warm weather, and will not wash off. Leaky Tin and other Metal Roofs can be readily repaired with GIITTA PERCHA CEMENT, and prevented from further corrosion and leaking, thereby ensuring a perfect ly water tight roof for many years. This Cement is peculiarly adapted for the preservation of Iron Railings, Stoves, Ranges, Safes, Agricultural Imple. meats, &c., also for general manufacturene use. GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT for preserving and repairing Tin and otherldetal Roofs of every description, from its great elasticity, to not injured by the contraction and expansion of Metals, and will not crack in cold or ran in warm weather. These materials are adapted to all climates, and we are prepared to supply orders from any part of the country, at short notice, for GUPTA PERCIIA ROOFING In rolls, ready prepared for use, and GUTTA PERCHA CE3IENT In barrels, with fall printed directions for application. AGENTS WANTED We will make liberal and satisfactory arrangements with responsible parties who would like to establish them selves in a lucrative and permanent business. OUR TERMS ARE CASH We can give abundant proof of all we claim In favor of our Improved Roofing Materials, having applied them to several thousand Roofs in New York city and vicinity. JOHNS & °ROBLEY, Sole Manufacturers, Waotsaus Wmuirousa, 78 Wawa/ &Jar; Corner of Liberty Street, Full descriptive Ctirctdars and Prices will be furnished on application. RHEII.III A WICS! DR. L ELAND' 8- ANTI—RHEIIMATIO IjAND PYRNANENTLIr emus REIEUMA TIS Id•, of ALL MB TABIOIIB POEMS, Acute or Inflammatory, Chronic, Lumbago, Sciatica, Pleurodyne, de. , &a • . • b. Stiffness of the Joints and Cramps—GOUT, NEU— RALGLA and ail NERVOUS AFFECIONS—Erysipe• tae, Salt Rheum and Scrofulous Eruptions of the A body—Neutralize, the Impurities of the Blood and Fluids of the whole system, and effectually counter. 'm . 4 acting Mercurial and other poisonous Influences. It is a conveniently arranged BELT, containing a it 4 Medicated Compound, to be worn around the body, I about the waist, EQUALLY EFFECTING ALL PARTS, wherever the disease may be. It can be worn p: without injury to the meet delicate person, and no change in the proper habits of living is required. It ~,,, entirely removes the disease from the system, with. , " .1 out the fallacious use, in such cases, of powerful in- ternal medicines, which weaken and destroy the con. Elstitution and give temporary relief only by stupifyiug the system and deadening its vitality. By this treat, ment, the medicinal proportie.s contained, in the BAND, being of a highly aromatic and volatile nature and capable of being readily absorbed, through the pores of the skin, come into direct contact with the Blood and general circulation, without first having to pass through the stomach, which would tend not only to detract from their curative powers, but to impair the internal organs and derange the digestion P 3 also—thus avoiding the injurious effects, so often the result of internal remedies, and effecting a "' perfect cure by purifying and equalising the circula- Gen of the vital fluids and restoring the parts affected Ci to a healthy condition. This Band is also a most lig ;Powerful "ANTI—MERCURIAL AGENT." Calomel being the primary cause of a large part of the SUM a naps, Neuralgic Pains and Rheumatics, so prevalent 10 and will entirely felieve the system from its pernicl ocur effects. Moderate eased are cured In a few dap!, and we are &constantly receiving undoubted teatimonlals--to which we invite lovpectlon at our office--of their ffil , efficacy in aggravated cases of long standing. PRICE TWO DOLLARS. May be had of Druggists, i ma or will be sent by mall upon receipt of $2, or by ex. .4 press everywhere, with all necessary lzurtructions, from the principal office of G. SMITH lc CO., Solo Proprietors, 491 BROADWAY, fil•R BROOME Si., NEW YORK. Ai r ILLUSTRATED TREATISE WITH CERTIFIED TESTIMONIALS SENT FREE. Sir Adapted to Boldiere.g3p, Agents In Lancaster: A. B. KAUFMAN, .1. F. LONG & BONS, 0. A. HEINITSEL Columbia T. A. WILMA Ma p ROTOGRAPH ALBUMS I. at - $1.25 F. at 2.00 No. 5 . at 3.50 No. 534 :. at 3.88 No. 6 at 4A6 No. 7 at 4.50 No. 8 at 4.76 No. 8% at 6,00': No. 12 at 8.50 !Smaller elms at lower prices, at ELIAB BARB a CO'S . apr,ls t!„101 No. 0 Raft King -St. 111 II TE a , BRA D8:1713.V S PATENT InSIILATEID FITLL IRON FRAME NSW SCALE GRAND ANDSQUARE PLANMORTES. The Insulated Iron Frame preserves the original tone of the instrument in all its purity, securing It for all time against that moat disagreeable tinny quality of tone In variably found in all other Iron Frame Plano-Yortes. It greatly strengthens the case and thus keeps the Piano. Forte much longer in tune. It gives the Instrument a much fuller richer and sweeter tone.. It adapts the Plano to all climat es and to all changes of atmosphere, and in all respects It Is pronounced by our " artiste" the greatest imorovement of the age In Piano-Forte construction ; pro ducing an instrument acknowledged to be superior to all others made In this country or Europe. A.PEW TESTIMONIALS IN REGARD TO THE SU PRRIORITY OP OUR NEW MUM PATENT INSII LATED PIANO-FORTES. I "I have examined the Piano-Fortes of Light. & Bred bm7s with entire satisfaction. I know not that there are any others better, either in oar own country or elsewhere." —Da. Lowz DlssoN. "In clearness, richness, and volume of tone, delicaay, elasticity of touch, and tine repeating action, I have never played upon their equaL"—H. A. Wommuteurr. In volume, richness, °Tammy and purity of tone, and in delicacy of touch they certainly excel, and in that beim_ tifuleingln oN quauty so desfrableyet so seldom found." ZULUS . -• • . "I hays never played upon so rich and heavy a tone Square Phtnolorta"—darnim NAPOLZON. I am astonished. and delighted with the New Scale Iron Frame Piano-Fortes made by you, There must be a splendid future for. Lights & Bradbury's' riano.Fortes."— Gm. F. Roor. have never played upon so fine an inetrament."-- Geo. F. BRISTOW. I consider them as to beauty, flames!, fullness and equality of tone, as well es their agreeable, elastic touch, equal if not superior to any Pianos made in this country or Europe "—Beat. Wsms. "In power, quantity, and equality of tone, they certainly excel ; while for that peculiar rich and ' and singing tone so invaluable ae an accompaniment to the voice, I have never met their equal."-0. BABEINT. They have all the requirements for a superior interpre• tenon of both classical and modern composition."_. I. BritaKomi. Wareroom, 421 Broome Street, a few doors East of Broad way, New York. .451. SATISFACTORY GUARANTEE OFTEN. "IA oct 2 eow ly SS. 01 XI RIP_ROPYCAMIN tt - ".,, . paring the past year we have introduced to the notice of the medical profession of this country the Pure Crystal ized Ch!elide of Propylamine, as a REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM ; and haying received from many sources, both from phy sicians of the highest-standing and from patients, the MOST HAMMING TLSTIMONIALS OP ITS REAL VAIIIS in the treatment of this painful and obstinate disease, we are induced to present it to the public in a form READY FOR IMMEDIATE USE, which we hope will commend Itself to those who ere suffering with this afflicting com plaint, and to the medical practitioner who may feel die tweed to test the powers of this valuable remedy. ELIXIR PROPYLAIIINE, in the form above spoken of, has recently been extensively experimented with in the PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL, and with MARKED SUCCESS (as will appear from this published accounts In the medical journals.) -fa- It is carefully put up ready for immediate use, with full directions, and can be obtained from all the druggists at 75 cents per bottle, and wholesale of Druggists and Manufacturing Chemists, June 25 ly 21] Philadelphia. TO THE PEOPLE OP THE UNITED STATES. In the month of December, 1858. the undersigned for the first time offered for sale to the public Pr. J. Bovee Dods' Imperial Wine Bitters, and in this short period they have given such universal satisfaction to the many thousands of persona who have tried them that it is now an estab lished article. The amount of bodily and mental misery arising simply from a neglect of small complaints le snr prising, and it is therefore of the utmost importance that a strict attention to the least and most trifling bodily ail ment should be had; for diseases of the body must invari ably affect the mind: The subscribers now only ask a trial of IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS!! from all who have not used them. We challenge the world to produce their equal. These Bitters for the cure of Weak Stomachs, General Debility, and for Purifying and Enriching the Blood, are absolutely unsurpassed by any other remedy on earth. To be assured of this, it is only necessary to make the trial. The Wine itself is of a very superior qnality, being about one-third stronger than other wines; warming and invigor ating the whole: system from the bead to the feet. As these Bitters aro tonic and alterative in their character, so they strengthen and invigorate the whole system and give a fine tone and healthy action to alllt s parts, by equaliz ing the circulation, removing obstructions, and producing a general warmth. They are also excellent for Diseases and Weakness peculiar to Females, where a Tonic is re quired to strengthen and brace the system. No Lady, who is subject to lassitude and faintness, should be without them, as they are revivifying in their action. 'MAK; BITTERS WILL NOT ONLY CURE, BUT PRE VENT DISEASE, ane in this respect are doubly valuable to the person who me y use them. For INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION, Weak Lungs, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Diseases of the Nervous System, Paralysis, Piles, and for all cases requir ing a Tonic DB. DODS' CELEBRATED WINE BITTERS ARE UN- . - For Sore Throat, co common among the Clergy, they are truly valuable. For the aged and infirm, and for persons of a weak constitution—for Ministers of the Gospel, Lawyers, and all public speakers—for Book-Heepers, Tailors, Seamstresses, Students, Artists, and all persons leading a sedentary life, they will prove truly beneficial. As a Beverage, they are wholesome, Innocent, and de licious to the taste. They produce all the exhilarating effects of Brandy or Wine, without intoxicating; and are a valuable remedy for persona addicted to the use of ex cessive strong drink, and who wish to refrain from lt. They are pure and entirely free from the poisons contained in the adulterated Wines and Liquors with which the country is flooded. These Bitters not only Cure, but Prevent Memos, and should be used by all who live in a country where the water is bad, or where Chills and Fevers are prevalent. Being entirely Innocent and harmless, they may be given freely to Children and Infants with impunity. Physicians, Clergymen and temperance advocates, as an act of hunianity, should assist in spreading these truly valuable Bitters over the land, and thereby essentially aid In banishing Drunkenness and Disease. IN ALL AFFECTIONS OF THE HEAD, SICK HEAD ACHE, OR NERVOUS HEADACHE, DR. DODS' IM PERIAL WINE BITTERS WILL BE FOUND TO BE MOST SALUTARY AND EFFICACIOUS. Tile many certificates which have been tendered ne, and the letters which we are daily receiving, are conclusive proof that among the women them Bitters have given a satisfaction which no others have done before. No woman in the land should be without them, and those who once use them will not fail to keep a supply. DR. J. BOVEE DONS' IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS are prepared by an eminent and skilful physician who has used them socrnesfully In his practice for the last twenty. five years. The proprietor, before purchasing the exclusive right to manufacture and sell Dr. J. Bores Dods' Celebrated Imperial Wine Bitters, had them tested by two distin guished medical practitioners, who pronounced them a vela. able remedy for disease. Although the medical men of the country, as a general thing disapprove of Patent Medicines, yet we do not believe that a respectable Physician can be found In the United States, acquainted with their medical properties, who will not highly approve DR. J. BOVRE DODS' IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS. In all newly settled places, where there Is always a large quantity of decaying timber from which a poisonous miasma is created, these bitters should be used every morning before breakfast. DR. J. BOVEE DODS' IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS . - - - are compoeed of a pure and unadulterated Wine, combined with Barberry, Solomon's Seal, Comfrey, Wild Cherry Tree Bark, Spikenard, Chamomile Flowers and Gentian. They are manufactured by Dr. Dode himself, who is an experi enced and euccessful Physician, and hence should not be classed among the quack nostrums which flood the country, and against which the Medical Profession are so justly prejudiced. Those -truly valuable Bitters have been so thoroughly tested by all classes of the community for almost every variety of disease Incident to the human system, that they are now deemed ludiepensable as a TONIC, MEDICINE AND A BEVERAGE. PURCHASE ONE BOTTLE! NEW YORIL It Costs but Little! Purify the BloOil Give Tolle to the . . Stomach! Renovate the System! and Prolong Life PRICE $1 PER BOTTLE, S BOTTLES FOR $5. Prepared and sold by CHARLES WIDDIFIELD .4 CO., Sole Proprietors, 78 WILLLUS STILL= New YOlll4 For sale by druggists and grocers generally throughout the country. [aug S ly 30 ripHE PHILADELPHIA EVENING BIM LETLN, AN INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSPAPER devoted especially to the interests of Pennsylvania. Con taining Important Telegraphic News, sixteen hours in ad vance of the Morning Papers. Original, Foreign and Do mestic Correspondence, Editorials on all Subjects, and full Reports of all the news of the day. The Commercial and Financial Departments are full, and are carefully attended to. 4Eir As ea Ammentann Mecum there la no better paper in the State, the circulation .being next to the largest In the city, and among the most intelligent and Influen tial of the popnlatibn. TERMS, SIX DOLLARS PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE. OLPIIMINGS A PEACOCK, ( "N0.112 South Third sProprietors, treet, Philadelphia. THE PHILADELPHIA SATURDAY BULLETIN, a handsome, well-filled, FAMILY Wasn't NEWSPAPER, Is pub lished by the Proprietors at the following unprecedented's' low rates: 1 Copy, one year, 6 Copies, " 13 21 . . 30 100 11 1t is I`ii THE LARGEST CLUB (over 100) will be sent for three Years. THE NEXT LARGEST CLUB, (over 100) will be sent for twa years. Address CIIMMINGS & PEACOCK, Proprietors, Bulletin Building, No. 1.12 South Third street, Philadelphia. nov 22 tf 45 NEW YORK MEDICAL INSTITUTE. A benevolent Institution endowed for the cure of Chronic Diseases of every nature, and to protect invalids from quack advertiser. and imposters. No charges except for medicine until cured, and in case of extreme poverty treatment free. No Minerals or Poisonous Drugs used. The Physicians have had long and extensive experience both In private and Hospital practice. The following are some of the complaints to which special attention is given. All diseases of the Head, Throat, Lungs, Heart, Stomach, Liver, Kidney, Bladder, Rheumatism, Pits Cancer, Piles Nervous Affections, Diseases of the Sexual Organs, Seminal Weakness, Impotence and Virulent diseasee of every nature positively cured. Diseases of Females and all Irregularities successfully treated.. Blindness and Deaf- Dees cured without painful operations. Patients treated by letter, by sending a statement of their case. Medicine sent to any part of the country. Consultation free to all. Address, Stamp enclosed, DR. L. GRAVES, Consulting Physician, mar 26 ly 113 609 Broadway, New York City. [may 2 ly 20 GREATEST VARIETY OP PHOTO. GBAPR ALBUMS. We would call the attention of persons to on lasi stock of PHOTOGRAPH ALBU.IIIt. We have the largest and beat stock ever brought to the city. OVER 100 DIFFERENT STYLES, VARYING 111 PRICE FROM 75 CENTS TO 20,00 DoLLIRS. Call and see for yourself st JOHN SHILtYPRIYB Cheap Cash Book Store, 22 North Queen street, Lancaster. oot 14, [lbaminer, Union and inquirer copy.] 41' 40 BIILIACK it CRENSHAW, BOVEE DODS' SURPASSED I DEEM ..$ 1 00 .. 600 - 10 00 .. 15 00 .. 20 00 .. 60 00 RE fen , 2 1 $ • gkakiatt gino An aperient and stomachic preparation of IRON purified of Oxygen and Carbon by com• bustion in Hydrogen, of high medical author: itY and extraordinary efficacy in each of the following.complaints, viz.; DEBILITY, NERVOUS AFFECTIONS, ETU CLAYTON, DYSPEPSIA, Drannrrya, CONSTI: PATION, SCROFULA, SALT RHEUM, Scurrst, JAUNDICE, LIVER. COMPLAINTS RHEII2O - MERCURIAL CONSEQUENCES, INTER. MITTENT FEVEERS, NEURALGIA, CHRONIC HEADACHES, FEMALE WEAKNESS, MIS MENSTRUATION, WHITES, CHLOROSIS, etc., PIMPLES ON THE FACE, ROUGHNESS OF TEE SKIN, etc. The IRON being absorbed by the blood, and thus circulating through the Whole system, no part of the body can escape their truly wonder ful influence. The experience of thousands daily proves that no preparation of Iron can for a moment be compared with it. Impurities of the blood, de pression of vital energy . pale and otherwise sickly complexions indicate its necessity in &I most every conceivable case. In all cases of female debility (fluor albus, chlorosis, etc.), its effects are delightfully renovating. No remedy, has ever been discovered, in the whole history of medicine, which exerts such prompt, happy, and fully restorative effects. Good appetite, com plete digestion, rapid acquisition of strength, with an unusual disposition for active and cheerful exercise, immediately follow its use. As a grand stomachic and general restorative it has no superior and no substitute. Put up in neat flat metal boxes containing 50 pills, price 50 cents per box.; six boxes, S 2 50; one dozen boxes . S 4. 00. For sale by Druggists generally. Will be Rent free to any address on receipt or the price. All let.. ters, orders, etc., should be addressed to R. B. LOCKE & CO., General Agents. 339 1111.0,111 W A N V. N.B.—The above Is a fac-shulle of the label on each box. • KAUFFMAN A CO., No. 1 Kramph'a[dingo, Ea Orange street. Bole Agents for Lancaster. [nov 15 lye ri y - :;,:j , 0 11:10*- :..._ ... t .6 .....z ,i. ..:-.* Ct 4 . t t twvse -0,. - - 7 . - 4ii p t "?,.d-z'' GIN AS A REMEDIAL AGENT THIS DELICIOUS TONIC STIMULANT, ESPECIALLY designed for the use of the Medico/ Profes Lion and the Family, having superseded the so.called "Gins," "Aromatic," "Cordial," "Medicated," "Schnapps, etc., is now endorsed by all of the prominent physician chemists and connoisseurs, as possessing all of those 171 trinsic medicinal qualities (tonic and diuretic) which be long to an OLD and PURE GIN. Put up in quart bottle and sold by all druggists, grocers, etc. A. .M. BININGER & CO., Sole Proprietors, (Established In 1778.) No. 19 Broad street, N. Y. For sale by FRENCH, RICHARDS & CO.,—W W. & H. 8811TH, and all of the prominent Wholesale Drug gists in Philadelphia. • Loot 2 ly 38 - DROP. L. MILLER'S HAIR lENVIGORA, TOR.—An Effective, Safe and Economical Compound FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR to its original color with out dyeing, and preventing the Hair from turning gray. FOR PREVENTING R'ALDNESS, and curing it, when thor is the least particle of vitality of recuperative energy remaining. FOR REMOVING SCURF AND DANDRUFF, and al cutaneous affections of the Scalp. FOR BEAUTIFYING TIIE LIAIR, imparting to it an ❑o• equalled glom and brilliancy, making it soft and silky in its texture and cawing it to curl readily. The great celebrity and increasing demand for this prepa - ration, convince the proprietor that one trial is only necessary to satisfy a discerning public of its superior quail ties over any other proparati on at present in 005. It cleanses the head and scalp from dandruff and other cutaneous diseases. Causes the hair to grow luxuriantly, and gives it a rich, soft, glossy, and flexible appearance, and ale where the hair is loosening and thinning, It will give strength and vigor to the:roots,land restore tho growth to those parts which have become bald, causing It to yield a fresh covering of hair. There are hundreds of ladies and gentlemen in Now York who have had their hair restored by the use of this Invig orator, when all other preparations had failed, L. M. Is in his possession letters innumerable testifying to t above facts, from persons of the highest respectability. will effectually prevent the hair from turning gray an the latest period of life; and in cases where the hair ha already changed its color the use of the InvigoratOr wil with certainty restore it to its original hue, giving it a dark, glossy appearance. As a perfume for the toilet and a Hair Restorative it is particularly recommended, having an agreeable fragrance; and the great facilities it afford in dressing the hair, which, when moist with the Invigora tor can be dressed in any required form so m to preserve its place, whether plain or in curls—hence the groat demand for it by the ladies as a standard toilet article which none ought to be without, as the price places it within the reach of all, being ONLY TWENTY-FIVE CENTS per bottle, to be had at nil respectable druggists' and perfumers. L. MILLER would call the attention of Parents and Guardiane to the use of his Invigorator, in cases where the childrens' Hair inclines to be weak. Tho use of It lays the foundation for a good head of hair, as it removes any ,im purities that may have become connected with the scalp the removal of which is necessary both for the health o the child, and the future appearance of the Hair. CAUTION.—None genuine without the fac, simile LOUIS MILLER being on the outer wrapper; also, L. MILLER'S HAIR INVIGORATOR, N. Y., blown in the glass. Wholesale Depot, 16 Day Street, and sold by all the principal Merchants and Druggists throughout the worlds Liberal discount to purchasers by the quantity. I also desire to present to the American Public my NEW AND IMPROVED INSTANTANEOUS LIQUID HAIR DYE which after yours of scientific experimenting I have brought to perfection. It dyes Black or Brown instantly without injury to the Hair or Blau, wuranted the beet article of the kind in existenc.o. PRICE, ONLY FIFTY CENTS. DEPOT, 56 DEY STREET, NEW YORK. aug 14 ly 31 GREAT DISCOVERY. I have made a discovery of the utmost importance to every married person of either sex, and will send the full particulars concerning it to any ono on receipt of a stamp to pay return postage, Address, apr 16 ly 14] DR. J. IL MARTELL, Alfred, Maine - LII.I3IIING TACKLE. RODS, LIMERICK and KIRBY HOOKS, NET TWINE, LINEN and COTTON LINES, FLOATS, SWIV ELS, &c. For sale at . THOMAS ELLMAKEIVS Drug and Chemical Stare, Opposite the Cross Keys' Hotel, July 30 tf 291 West King Street, Lancaste S IGN OF THE RED COAT: PALL AND WINTER CLOTHING CHEAPER THAN EVER!! . S. W. /I A ÜB, TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, No .8 NORTH QuoBT., LANCABTER. SIMON W. Rd.IIII calls the attention of the citizens o Lancaster county and city to hie large and well selected stock of Piece Goods and Ready Made Fall and White Clothing, the Largest and beet assorted in the city of Lan caster. S. W. Raub would call particular attention to hi stock of Ready Made Clothing of his own manufacture all warranted to be well sewed and guaranteed to give entire satisfaction: OVERCOATS, from $3.50 to $12.00 ----- BLACK FROCK COATS, from BUSINESS COATS, MONKEY COATS, BLACK PANTS, _ ___ P v igigy • aI C i 4 D B 4 B. ca P B ANTS, ' 6 1. 7 50 5 6 4 . . 0 %0 &let and Youth': Ceothing at all Pr: 4a, cnd 1 P0,17'10 Well Made. Also, on hand a large and splendid assortment of Prone English and American Cloths, Over-Coatings and Cas mares, and Vestinge, which will be made up at shor notice and low prices, cut and made in the latest style and warranted to give satisfaction in QUALITY, MAKE AND FIT. Also on hand, a large assortment of Gentlemen's Fu nisi:Ong Goods, consisting of Collars,Shirts, Neck Tie Suspenders, Ac., Ac. Gentlemen buying their own geode Can have it made up in a fashionable style, at the loges t possible prices, /Kir Gentlemen 41 . 6 Invited to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Remember the Sign of the Bed Mall S. W. RAUB, oct 18 tf 401 No. 8 North Queen st., Lancaster. CASTOR, OIL, ARROW ROOT, SWEET OIL BORAX, ALCOHOL, CAMPHOR, SPICES, CALOMEL, SODA, LOO WOOD, CREAM TARTAR PEARL BARLEY, GUM ARABIC, HARTSHORN, GELATINE, VIALS, RHUBARB, SENNA, JALAP, SPONGE, An. , . For sale at THOMAS ELLmATiali'S ao ltf 14 Drag and Chtmical Stws. West Rhiget HOW.fix.M.l" ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. dor rse Relief of the Sick and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Chronic Diseases, and especially for the Ctire of Diseasesjof the Sexual Organs. MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermatorrhcea or Seminal Wealmeasjand other Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the NEW REMEDIES employed in the Dispenitay, sent to the afflicted in sealed letter envelopea, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. Address, DR. J. SKI LLIN HOUGHTON, Acting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. 2 South Ninth St., Philadelphia. June 10 1y,22 TIE TZEL T & BVILITO V, STILL, coN- Gl:methss MERCHANT TAILORING BUSINESS in th THE GRANITE BUILDING, No. diA, North Queen St. Oar stock consists of the chola! est FRENCH. CLOTHS, such as Bsiolues, fismonies and Nakasone finest Clothe of various colors; the choices French Cessimeres; Black Doeskin Casalmeres; Battey thissimeres, the best selection; Beatings of all descriptions and a large assortment cf • tiENTLEEIIS.eb BURNISHING GOODS. • -- - We respectfully n .. a continuance of the patronage so liberally bestow° i upon our predeceesor, and truer by strict attention • business to receive It. Onted the i m has had considerable experience in one the largest i : d most fashionable Merchant Tailoring. Es abllshmentr in Philadelphia, and flatters himself Unit .h will be ab ato render satisfaction to the patrons of th Arm. PRTZIILT • • sp IT .• if la • 3.00 " 10.00 2.00 " 6.00 2.50 " a 6.00