From the National Intelligenoer "SUPPORTING THE GOVERNMENT." The New York papers bring us the report of a lec ture delivered by Wendell Phillips, in New York city, on Monday evening last, at the Cooper Insti. tote, before a very large audience, on " The State of the Country." The lecture was one of a series be fore the Sixteenth Ward Republican Association, and its President, Mr. Russell, introduced the orator as the man who had done more than any other, except Jen Brown, to bring the American people to the bartits of Jordan. As our readers may be curious to heir what style of language is held by Mr. Phillip s before a liepubliean Association in New York, at a time whoa Mr. Vallandigham is undergoing trial in Ohio for speaking contumeliously of the military and civil authorities, we think it proper, as belonging to the history of the times through which we are pass. ing, to cite the following extracts from the speech of the orator as we find it reported in the New York Tribune of Tuesday last : ESE= I do not believe in the Government at Washing ton. I believe in the nation ; I believe in events ; I believe in the inevitable tendency of these coming ten years toward liberty and Union. But it is to be done as England did it in 1640, by getting rid grad u ally,liman by man, of those who don't believe in progress, but believe in the past. And as man by man of that class retires, and we bring to the front men who are earnest in the present, victory, strength, and peace are to be the result * * We want earnestness, ideas, a willingness to sacri fice everything, a readiness to accept the issue, courage and industry in thinking. We have got now two Generals-in-Chief and two Commanders-in- Chief. They both live in Washington. The sad news reaches us to-day that one means to take the field. [Laughter.] Lincoln and Halleck—they sit in Washington,Commanders-in-Chief, exercising a somewhat disastrous influence, that even a Bona parte would exercise on a battle if he tried to fight It by telegraph a hundred miles distant off. But now It is said one of them means to take the field. Heaven forbid! [Applause.] Now, the difference between Hallo* and Fremont is just this. One has not learned anything since he graduated at West - Point, and does not want to. He does not mean to undertake the labor of thinking. He is too indo lent to go about to examine a new idea. It is enough for him that it was not in the text book when be graduated. [Laughter.] Battles were not fought so when he was taught, and if he is beaten aooording to the book he is willing to be beaten: [Laughter.] The German commanders complained of Napoleon, when he first launched into the battle-field, that ho violated all the rules. Now, his Missouri rival Go cupied the nineteenth century, and thought out the issues for himself—had the labor of meeting a new 1 contingency. He went to the head of the army a living man—not a dead, printed book. In my opin ion, lam beyond likes and dislikes. The day ; is too serious for antipathies or likings. All these men are nothing but dead lumber, to be thrown into the gulf, that the nation may march with flowing incense to liberty and peace. [Applause.] But never will this rebellion be put down while West Point rules at Washington. [Applause.] It does rule. the second Commander-in-Chief cuts off everything that out goes his own routine. TI are two great distinc tions to be made in the army and in the State ; one is, such a man as Reflect: hates negroes, spurns novelties, distrusts ideas, rejects everything but red tape. The others aro Hamilton, Butler, Phelps and Fremont. [Loud applause.] Sigel is in the field, and I hope be will drag in the rest. [Applause.] , The cook takes an onion and peels off layer after layer till she gets to the sweet sound vegetable. So you will have to peel off Seward and Ilalleck [laughter] till you get to the sound nationalelement of civil and military purpose, the earnest belief, the intense devotion to victory, the entire belief in jus tice, which can cope with Stonewall " Jackson. [Applause.] Never till then shall we succeed. * * I want somebody to occupy the Presidential chair who believes in the Government and in the people, who will act without casting his eyes over his shoul der to see how far the people will support him. We want leaders that initiate—that actually lead. Friends, my belief is, that you and I are bound to create an expecting imperative public opinion that shall compel the Government to the adoption of such measures and such men. I say such men, because, though I believe in events, which are stronger than Cabinets, and are bearing us onward whether we will or not, I believe also in mon as harmonizing the issue of events. Let me make the Generals, and I don't care who makes the proclamations. Only let me put at the head of the advancing columns of the Union certain men that I could name, and the Cabinet at Washington may shut themselves up and go to sleep with Rip Van Winkle rill' 1672. [Laughter.] For I know men, one blast of whose bugle-horn were worth a million of men—only put I them in the heart of the rebellion, where our armies ought to be. Your own great fellow•eitizen goes to Washington under the pledge of the President, too much in a harry to allow him to leave Washington for six hours, stays for a week. and comes back without a commission. Why? Because Abraham Lincoln is not President of the United States ; because behind him, curbing his purpose, making conditions that balk his designs, making him doubt the purpose and tho strength of the North, standing around him in civil and military positions, are men who do not mean that this battle shall be bravely and gallantly fought through. Cromwell never succeeded until the Long Parliament sloughed off every man that believed in the lords, and left nothing but democrats behind. We shall never succeed until we slough off everything that believes in the past, and bring to the front everything that believes there is but ono purpose—that is, to save the Union on the basis of liberty. Cheers.l The regular anniversary meeting of the American Anti-Slavery society was hold in New York on Tuesday. Tho principal feature of the occasion was the speech of Mr. TuEo nose TILTON in favor of a speedy and general amalgamation. The following are a few of the sentiments uttered by the speaker: Mr. TILTON spo'ke of the relative position of the Ethiopian race as higher than several other races in the world, and then entered into an elaborate argument in favor of amalgama. tion as the great feature of this country and race—its highest perfection coming when the amalgamation is most complete. Great nations get the fibre of their strength out of mixed blood. It is a stoppage of the world's growth to prevent a union of races. The his tory of the world's progress, the history of the civilization of all empires, is written in one comprehensive word, which many men are afraid to speak and many others afraid to hear, aad that word is—AmALGAmArtox.— [Whispers, " Oh, good gracious !" Ap plause.] We have need of the negro mirth—need of him fur his imitating faculties. Othello will never be fitly represented until you permit a negro to go upon the boards to represent that character. We have need of the negro for his musical faculties. The negro is a superior man—in some respects he is the greatest of men. He asks that the negro should have the privilege of the ballot box. He must have a place beside his white brother in the jury box. He asked that they should be eligi ble to every public Tr c e to which a white man is eligible. For instance, for the next Pre. sident, as between Gen. McClellan and Fred— erick Douglass, who was their choice? [Ap plause and laughter.] The negro has an ad ministrative power. If e can wield the sceptre. The speaker hoped to see before he died, a black man governing the State of South Caro lina, lifted up to that office by the people. The negroes should sit side by side with the white man in the church, in the cars ; ho should come into the white man's parlor and be ad— mitted into entire fellowship. God ordains it. The palm of the negro's hand was made white to meet the white man's. One of the most suggestive and impressive sights ho had seen lately had been that of a negro and Irishman, seated in a cart, at our Cen— tral Park, driving together in pleasant social communication. They were going more directly toward the millenium than all the splendid equipages that were passing them by. AN ITEM FOR 'FIIE LEAGUERS Parson BlowNLow, the lion of the Aboli tionists during his late tour through the North, and who pocketed their dimes and quarters to almost a government contractor's income, uses the following language in a let. ter to an Abolition Loyal League meeting at Chicago a few days ago. It will be an excel lent addition to the Book which the Aboli tionists purchased of him so liberally, and we recommend them to paste it in : " You citizens of Chicago call yourselves loyal; you glory in your loyalty ; you pro claim it upon the streets, and herald it in your press, and declare it from every plat form ; but it costs nothing to be loyal here in Chicago. so far away from danger. Loyalty leads to the field." This was pretty hard on the stay-at-home Abolition patriots. If the Parson talks that way, he will be very soon ranked among those whom the Abolitionists are pleased to call " traitors." THE DRAFTED MEN.—An order has been issued from the War Department to the fol- lowing effect : " Under the enrolment act, drafted men will be actually in the United States service as soldiers from the fact of being drafted ; it is therefore ordered that they be put in uni form and provided with knapsacks, havCr sacks, canteens, tin cups, &0., as soon as they report to the district provost marshals. The quartermaster-general will fill the requisitions of the provost marshal general for clothing, &0., for this purpose, to be delivered at such points as the latter may designate:" rzeurni, Mani - Dr.—A terrible tragedy on ourred on the Bellefontaine Railroad on Thursday night. The fall particulars we have not been able to obtain, or the names of the wounded. It appears, as the train neared Ballefontaine, a soldier on board, infuriated with anger or laboring under delirium tremens attacked a lady and cut her across the breast, inflicting a terrible wound. She fell, and an officer, a Captain of volunteers, sprang for ward to save her, and the maniac struck at him, the knife entering the mouth and cutting clean across the cheek and jaw. The anis iant a uperintendent of the rued, John Canby, was the next victim. He was cut across the 'abdomen, it is supposed mortally. The con ductor, John Sipe, at length got hold of the knife, after receiving a severe wound, and the man was secured. The wounded and the prisoner were left at Bellefontaine.—lndiana Sentinel. SPECIAL NOTICES. Coughs I Conautaption..--Sufferers I settd One Dollar to Dr. Di linger, Baltimore, Md., and re. ceice, by return mall, a box or hie Wonderfully Cheering Certalu Curo Consumptive Compound. A box lasts six weeks. f feb 34m 4 $25 iI Asa-Employment, -us [S7S AGENTS WANTED! We will pay from tan to j7u per month, and all expenses, to actiye Agents, or give a commission. Particulars rant tree. Address Erie dewing ...Lachine Company, it. JAMES, General Agunt, 3llt n, Ohio. fang 27 ly 33 Cie' On and after July Ist, 1803, the privil,o of converting the present issue of LEGAL TENDER NOTES INTO THE NATIONAL SIX PER CENT. LOAN (commonly called Five-Twenties ") will Cute. Ail who wish to invest in the Five4wenty Loan must, therefvre, apply bet ,B the let of JULY toot. JAY COOK 1 , , Subscription Agent, No. 114 South Third Street, Philadelphia. apr i 3m 13 Ai-Editor of intelligencer, Trait km: With your permission I wish to say to the readers of your paper that I will send by return mail to all who wish it, (free) a Recipe, with full directions for making and using a simple Vegetable Balm, that will effectually remove, in 10 days, Pimples, Blotches, Tau, Freckles, and all Impurities of the Skin, leaving the same soft, clear, smooth and beautiful. I will also mail free to those having Bald Heads or Bare Faces, simple di, octioec and information that will enable them to start a full growth of Luxuriant Hair, Whiskers, or a Moustache, in less than 30 days. All ap plkations answered by return mail without charge. Beer ectfully yours, THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, fob 24 3m 7J No. 831 Broadway, New York. Xrz— To Consumptives.--The Advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption —ls anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the Mel. of Cure. To all who desire It, be will send e copy of the prescrip tion used (free of charge), with the directions fu - preparing and using the same, which they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Sm. The only object of the advertiser iu sending the Proscription is to hanefit the sillinted,m d spread information which he conceives to bo in valuable. and be hopes every tufferer will Cry his remedy, as it will coot them nothing, and may prone a blessing. REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburgh, 'Kings county, New York. mar 10 3m 9 .1:4-New Jersey Lands for Sale, ALSO, GARDEN OR FRUIT FARMS, Suitable for tlrapes, Peaches. Pears, Ruitiberries, Straw. berrlos, 131ackberrirs. Currants, &c., of I, 2%, 6, 10 or 20 acres each, at the following prices for the present, viz 20 acres for 5200, 10 acres for $llO, 6 acres for $OO, 234 acres for $.O, 1 acre for $2O. Payable by one dollar a week. Also, good Cranberry lands, and village lots in CIIET WOOD, 25 by 100 feet, at $lO each, payable by one dollar a week. The above land and lanes, are situated at Chet wood, Washington township, Burlington county, Now Jersey. For further information, apply, with a P. 0. Stamp, for a circular, to B. FRANKLIN CLARK. jan 13 ly 1] No. 90 Cedar Street, New York, N. Y. AK6r-E quality to Alll tutformlty of Pies A new feature of Business: Every one his owu Sales• m m. Jones A Co., of the Crescent One Price Clothing Store 6r2 Market street, above 6th, in addition to having the argest, most varied cud fashionable stock of Clothing in Philadelphia, made expressly for retail sales, have constb toted every one his own Salesman, by having marked in it4ures, on each article, the very lowest price it can be sold for, so they cannot possibly vary—all must buy alike. Tim goods are all wall sponged and prepared and great pains taken with the making, so that all can buy with the full :Issurauc,, of getting a good article at the very lowest price. Remember the Cieseent, In Market, above Bth, - No. 460 F-5 JONES 3 CO. Jits—Tlie Confessions and Experience of a Nervous Invalid.—Dublished for the benefit and as a caution to young man, and others, who suffer from Nervous Debility, Early Decay, and Choir kindred ailments—sup plying the means of self cure. By one who has cured him self after being a victim of misplaced confidence in medi cal humbug and quackery. By enclosing a post-paid directed envelope, single copies may be had of the anther NATHANIZL 3lment, Esq., Bedford, Kings county, New York. line 20 a ly 2 ➢IARRIAGES Ou the 14th inst.. at the First M. E. Church, this city, by Rev. G Carroty, J. R. Syoer to Alice A. youngest tisught, of the late Hugh Maxwell, Esq., all of this city. 1033133 On the 11th inst., in this city, Dr. A. J. Carpenter, after a brief llNess, In the 37th year of his age. Pleasant as it is to recall the natural excellencies of de parted onus, soothing RA may be the sympathies of friends to seasons of sorrow and affliction, yet to the heart longing for satisfactory, solid comfort these are butes shifting sand. In coetempihting the life of him whose death we mourn, many are the beautiful traits of character which arise in the mind and affect the heart, whether considered socially or as the kind Physician, with on inherent gentleness, administering relief in the sick chamber by the bedside of suffering and pain. Yet how vain and unsatisfying would considerations such as these be to sorrowing friends—how mourning hearts would ever bleed could they not look upward and with rejoicing confidence know and feel that with him "all is well." But whence this confidence?— Why not only say we trust, and not we know that all is well? Ah 'tie not frmn earth—the consolations of the glorious gospel—the unchanging faithfulness of a prayer hearing God—the riches of the grace of Christ—the en• lightening, sustaining, assuring influences of the Holy Spirit—the accompanying providences of his dying hour— thi,, this Is the confidence. What shall we render unto the Lord for his unspeakable mercy? Gone before—released from temptations against which ha prayed and struggled—no longer receiving with tearful gratitude the kindly offices of soothing bands in times of sickness and suffering—no longer treading with weary feet the thorny path of earth—may we not think of him as waiting to welcome loved ones who shall follow after. THE MARKETS Lancaster Wholesale Grain Market Corrected weakly by J. R. BITIVER it 800., Forwarding and Commission 111orchants, No. 91 North Queen street. LANCASTER, May IS. Extra 0 Red Corn, old ........................... ...... 7 0 78 new Oats Rye Cloverseed Whiskey, in bhds " in bble.. OTICE TO TAX COLLECTORS.-. n Tax Collectors are notified that an abatement of Five Per Cent will he allowed on all Stale Tax paid on or be fore JULY 15, 1863. JOIIN DENLINGER, Treasurer of Lancaster county' muy 19 3t 19J HON. C. L. VALLANDIGHADVS 80000000 ABOLITION, SLAVERY AND TILE CIVIL WAR. - - - . This work is in press and will R./ be ready. It contains complete and accurate copies of Mr. Valioudigham's speech. es on the subjects above named. Also parts of many other speeches, with letters, incidents, votes, etc., etc. The work has been carefully edited and is believed to present, fairly and correctly, the political record and position of a man whose views, in relation to the cause of our National troubles, and the right remedies for them, are attracting an extraordinary amount of public attention. The work Is on good, subgtantlal paper, AS pages, large Svo. Price—Paper covers, 50 cents; Cloth, 75 cents. De. livered by Mall or Express, prepaid, on receipt of the price. rp,__ Send orders, with the money aniseed, to Columbus, Ohio, addressed to J. If. Riley & Co., or to Gov. Medary, office of The Crisis. A large sale is expected. [may 19 3t 19 TAENTIS T R y• El The undersigned has removed Isle Pental Office to the pleasant and commodious rooms over Westhaeffor's well known Book Store, S. EAST COR. OF NORTH QUEEN AND ORANGE STS., where ho has increased facilities for the comfort and ac commodation of all who may favor him with their pa. tronage. Every operation within the province of his profeaalen will he carefully and scientifically performed, ou the moat moderate terms. OFFICE ON THE SECOND FLOOR. • .417 r, ENTRANCE FIRST DOOR 00 ()HANOI SMELT. tea, OFFICE HOURS-8 to 12, A. IL, and PA to 11, Y. M may 19 3m 19J S. WELCHENS, D. D. S. A CCOUNTS OF TRUST AND ASSIGNED A ESTATES. —The accounts of the Mowing named estates have boa exhibited and filed in the Moe of the Prothonotary of the Court'of Common Pleas of Lancaster county, to wit: Juhu K. Barr, Assigned Estate, Isaac L. Bear, Assignee Benjamin Bleacher, Auelgted Estate, John Strohm, As. signee. James Carnal, Assigned Estate, Henry Miller, Assignee. Thomas Hoary, A ssignd Estate, John Johnson, Assigni , e. Jacob H. Hershey, Assigned Eatate, Benjimih Root, As , sig,nee. WlLlam Neely, Assigned Estate, Wm. N. Galbraitb, Aa signee. Jeremiah Reiter. Assigned Estate, Ell Batten, Assignee Daniel K. Shelly, Assigned Estate, John K. Shelly, As signee. George W. Sensenig, Asslgncd Estate, Michael Sensanig, Assignee. Reuben Wenn, Assigned Estate. Cyrus Ream, Assignee. Christian Bank, Aseigubd Estate, John Neuhouoer, As. bignee. Samuel Huber, Estate, Henry Burkhart, Trustee. Christian Noll.. Estate, Abraham Noll.. Trustee. John Landis, Estate, John Swat. and Christian °raider, Committee. John Picks], Assigned Estate, John Heldelbaugh and William K. Mitchell, Assignees. Abraham Echock, Assigned Estate, John Kline and B. F. Illestand, Assignees. Abraham IL Metzger and wife, Trust Estate. Jacob N. Metzger, Assignee. Notice is h reby given to all persons interested in any of raid estates, that the Court have appointed MONDAY, the 15th day cf JUNE, 1993, for the confirmation and al lowance of said accounts, unless exceptions be filed or cause shown, why raid accounts should not be allowed. PETER AIARTIN, PBORLIONOIIay'S OFFICE, Lan.M ay 16, 18 36. Proth'y. may 19 4t 19 ATTRACTIONS FROM THE N. YORK AND PHILADELPHIA AUCTIONS. WENTZ BROTHERB Offer the greatest attractions In the way of DRESS GOODS, LADIES' CLOAKS AND SHAWLS. Dress Goods in every variety. SPRING CLOAKS. SPRING AND SUMMER SHAWLS. Shawl Room as usual contains every new variety and price. HOOP SKIRTS. The largest, best and cheapest assortment always to be found In our Large Hoop Rooms, which we are constantly receiving direct from the Largest Hoop Skirt Manufactory in the world. • French Lace Polntes and Mantels at old prices. Linens, Mustins, Calicoes, Shakings, An, do., at the lowest possible prices. Ladies' Sllk and Cotton San Umbrellas, Sun Shades and Parasols. Goode of every description for Men and Boys' wear. WENTZ BROTHERS' Bee Hive Store, may 19 If 193 . No, 5 East King Street. E GIS TER'S -14 0tICIC....The Acclimate Cl, of the respective decedent/ hereunto annexed are filed in the Register's Mice of Lancaster County, for cone firmation and allowance, at an Orphans' Court to be held in the Court House, in the City of Lancaster, on lbs. THIRD MONDAY in JUNE next, the 15th lust., at 10 o'clock, A. M. Elizabeth Hoffman,Borough of Strasburg. By David Landis, Administ rator. Henry Grove, Coney township. By Samuel Y. Horst, Ad ministrator. Jacob Demuth, City of Lancaster. By F. A. Muhlenberg, Executor. George Mayer, Mount Joy townahign John Myers and Tobias Saylor, Administrators. George Hoover, City of Lancaster. By Jacob Lantz, Sur viving Executor. Mercer Whitson, Bart township. By George Whitson, Ad. mlulatrator. Benjamin Muckee East Earl township. By Jess Bitter, Administrator. Martin Shreiner, Manbeim township. Guardianship Ac count By Daniel 8. arosh, Guardian of Jacob S. Grosh, (now deceased,) minor grandson of deceased. Chriatian Wade, Bast township. Guardianship Ac count. By Abner Peoples and Hiram Peoples, Executors of John Peoples, deceased, who was Guardian of Emma Wade, minor daughter of der:dazed. Levi Pownall, Sr., Sadsbury township. By Levi Pownall, George Pownall and George Steele, Executors. Henry Metzler, &minuet township. ByJohn Maack, Ad ministrator with the Will annexed. Anthony Terry, East Donegal township. By George W. Terry, Administrator. Samuel Johnson, Jr., West Donegal township. Guardian. ship Account. By Simon Grob, Guardian of Cyrus H. Johnson, Samuel H. Johnson and James W. J. Johnson, minor children of deceased. Jacob Goodman, Conestoga township. By Margaret Good man and Henry Punk, Administrators. John Snyder, Earl township. By Simpson Snyder, Peter Snyder and Fleury Snyder, Administrators. Samuel Harmony, Borough of Elizabethtown. By Samuel Eby, Administrator . Jacob Brenise, Sr., Earl township. By William Gable, Executor. Jacob Pancake, Rapho township. By-Benjamin Baer, Ad ministrator. David Stone, Earl township. By Elias Stone, and C.O. Hoff man, Administrators. Andrew Robeson, Casrnarvou township. By James S. Robeson, Administrator . Christian Good, Perinea township. By Henry Good, Ex ecutor. John Hartman, Strasburg township. By Henry H. Kuntz and Jacob Rohrer, Jr., Executors. Jacob Collins, Borough of Washington. Guardianship Are count. By H. M. North, Eaq, Guardian of Amanda Collins, daughter of deceased, now of age. Jacob Stauffer, Earl township. By Lydia Brubaker, Sur viving Acting Executrix. G. Taylor Lane, City of Lancaster. By Martha J. Lane and Wm. B. Fordney, Eaq., Administrators of James B. Lane, deceased, who was the Administrator of said de. ceased. John Donnelly, City of Lancaster. By Hugh E. Dougherty, Administrator. Abraham Hunshborger, West Earl township. By Christian Hunshberger, Administrator. John Basler, East Hempfield township. Final Account. By Jacob Bawler and Andrew Brubaker, Executors. Christian B. Habecker, East Hemplield township. Flue Account. By Elizabeth K. Habecker, Surviving Admin. latratrix. Magdalena Breneman, Manor township. By Benjamin Bear, Administrator. Christian Ober, —. Trust Account. By Isaac Ober and Benjamin Ober, Executers of Isaac Ober, de. ceased, who was Testamentary Trustee over the estate of Mary Foster, under the Will of deceased. Catharine Barr, West Lampeter township. By Samuel Barr, Executor. Charles Bewley, Salisbury township. By Levi Bewley and R. W. Murton, Executors. Mary Good, Brecknock township. By Samuel IL Good, Administrator. Joseph Newswangar, Crernarvon township. Guardianship Account. By Peter 11. Solider, Guardian of Henry Newer:anger, minor child of deceased. John W. Groff, West Earl township. By John W. Groff, Jr., Surviving Executor. Samuel Mr:merman. Earl township. By Christian Mussel. man mad Jacob Musselman, Administrators. John Snyder. Rapho township. Guardianship Account. By Fleury Shelly, Ou rrdian of Elizabeth Grainer, (late Elizabeth Snyder,) now of age, and Henry Snyder, minor children of deceased. Samuel Balmer, Sr., Borough of Elizabethtown. By Daniel Balmer, Executor. Tobias Leaman, East Lampeter township. Guardianship Account. By Isaac Leaman, Guardian of Abraham Lea man, deceased, who was a minor son of deceased. John Erb, Sr., Clay township. By Hiram Erb, John B. Erb, Henry B. Erb and George W. Steinmetz, Adminis trators. Henry Keller, City of Lancaster. By John Evans, Execu tor. Lewis Anderson, City of Lancaster. By Christiana Her ken roether, Adniinistratrix. Henry W. Free, East Donegal township. By Christian Walter. Executor. Andrew Keller, Borough of Mount Joy. By Christian M. Mania. Administrator. Martin Herr, Strasburg township. By David Hartman, Administrator, with the Will annexed. Alfred Pyle, Drumore township. Guardianship Account. By S. L. Gregg, Guardian of Morris J. Pyle and Howard T. Pyle, minor children of deceased. Aaron Quiaby, Fulton township. By Chalkley B. Cutler, Surviving Executor. Daniel Baumilier, City of Lancaster. By Jacob Waltz, Administrator. Rebecca Fillinger, City of Lancaster. By Rachel Shaeffer, Administratrix. Philip Dock, West Earl township. By Emanuel Duck, Banco tor. David M. Groff, West Earl township. By Abraham Martin and Jonas Reiff, Executors. Martha Robinson, Salisbury township. By Elizabeth Robinson and H. W. Black, Executors. Barbara Sowers, Earl township. By Isaac Sowers, Erman tor. Henry E. Kline, Washington Borough. By George 8. Mann, Exeru tor. John Frick, By Andrew A. Zug„ Guardian of Amelia F. Stauffer, grandchild and heir of deceased. Michael Stauffer, Penn township, By Samuel. F. Stouffer and Andrew A. Zug, Administrators. James H McCausland, Elizabeth township. By Joseph S. Keener, Administrator. Simon Mentzer, Earl township. By John Mentzer and John Miller, Administrators. Adam Koch, Borough of Marietta. By Samuel Hippie and Hoary Copan/gaffer ' Adminietratora. Joseph Wentz. Mantic t ownship. By John Wants. and William G. 'Wentz, Executors. Jesse Yundt, West Esrl township. Supplementary and Final Account. By John Sbeaffer, Executor. Louisa YoungkeimeCity of Lancaster. By John Eckert, Administrator pendente lite. Jonas Metzger, City of Lancaster. By George Withers and John Shaffner, Administrator de hoopla non, C. T. A. James Chambers, Borough of Marietta. By George W. Wormley, Administrator. Joseph B. Baldwin, Colerain township. By William B. Baldwin and John Huey, Executors. Andrew Price, Eaat Lampeter township. By William Carrolus, Administrator. John Roop, Salisbury township. Guardianship Account. By David Witmer, Guardian of Adam Roop, minor sou of deceased. Margaret Williams, Sadsbury township. By Zachariah B. Williams and Isaac Walker, Administrators. Col. James Ankrim, Martin township. By William Boyd, Administrator. Samuel Sheaffer, Leacock township. Supplementary An count. By Benjamin Landis, Executor. Martin Diffenderfer, Went Earl township. By Isaac Dif fenderfer, Executor. Gideon Houder, East Earl township. By John 8. Shirk, Executor. William Kirkpatrick, City of Lancaster. By Robert W- McClure, Administrator de boats non, cum testament° . VD nem:, Jonas Musselman, Earl township. By Henry Mussel man, Administrator. Allen Yundt, Earl township. By Henry Yundt, Admin. istrator pendente lite. Jacob B. Eberly, West Cocalico township. By Samuel Eberly, Sr., Admluietrator. Hannah Sclaarb, Clay township. By Samuel W. Miller; Administrator. Jchn Stober, Clay township.. By George Nies, Executor, Margaret Sanders, Borough of Elizabethtown. By John Sanders, Administrator. Abraham Culdrera ' Warwick township. By Abraham Coldren and John Goldner, Administrators. John Spence, Sr., Mantic township. By Thomas Robinson and William McLachlin, Administrators. Rosanna Spence, Manic township. By Thomas Robinson and William MoLachlin, Administaators. Catharine Strickler, -- Guardianship Ac. count. By Elizabeth C. Stauffer and Nathaniel E. Slaymaker, Administrators of Martin B. Stauffer, de. ceased, who was Guardian of Sarah Strickler, Mary Strickler and John Strickler, minor children of deceased. Jacob Adams, Ephrata township. By Samuel Wolf and John B. Adams, Executors. Susanna Adams, Ephrata township. By Jacob Kemper, Administrator. Mary Andrewa, Village of Newville. By Jacob W. An drewa, Administrator. Frederic Witthaur, Borough of Elizabethtown. By Wil liam Barns, Administrator. Dr. William A. Easton, Salisbury township. By Rev. William Easton and Joseph McClure, Administrators. Mary Zell, Ephrata township. By Jacob Kemper, Executor. George Weaver, Carrnarvon township. .By David !Ryer, Administrator. Isaac Nissly, Drumore township. By Maria It. Niesly, Administratrix. David Wanner, Salisbury township. By, John Wanner, Administrator. Samuel Mohler, Kosciusko county, State of Indiana. By Simon Mohler, Administrator with the Will annexed. . Henry Rush, Drumore township. By Jacob S. Stoner and Elizabeth Bash, Administrasone Henry Snyder, City of Lancaster. By Ca ha rine M. Say der and John B. Goad, Administrators. Michael O. Wenger. West Earl township. Guardianship Account. By Christian Hunshberger, Guardian of Elizabeth Wenger, one of the minor children of de. ceased. Susan Hopkins, Sadsbury township. By Elijah Lewis, Executor, Martin Albert, Manheim township. By John Miller, Act ing Administrator. Samuel Johnson, Borough of Marietta. By John W. Clark and Simon Groh, Administrator.. Susan Hoffman, Coney township. By John H. Smith, Executor. John Hunshberger, Earl township. Guardianship Ac count. By Daniel Rife, Guardian of John Hunahberger, one of the minor children of deceased. Jacob Witmer, Earl ,township. By Anna Witmer, Acting Executrix. Barbara Fahnestock, City of Lancaster. By Dr. Wm. B. Fahnestock, Executor. Samuel Fahneatock, City of Lancaster. By Dr. Wm. B. Fahnestook, Surviving Executor, John Wittle, Penn township. By Daniel Gibble, Executor. Samuel Risser. Weld ilemptield township. Guardianship Account. By Jonas Eby, guardian of Samuel W. Risser and Joseph E. Risser, minor children of deceased. Joseph Brimmer, City of Lancaster. By Elizabeth Brim mep, Ad ministratrix. Anna Maria Gross, Penn township. By Michael Moore. and Benjamin G. Getz, Executors. David Graff. Esq., Leacock township. Guardianship Ac. count. By Isaac Bair, Guardian of Susanna Graff and Elias Graff, minor children of deceased. Andrew 8. Miller, East Hemptield township. By Samuel Hess, Jr., Administrator. John Plank, Salisbury township. By Mary Ann Plank, Executrix, Jacob Groah, Borough of Marietta. By A. B. arm& and C. C. P. Gnash, Administrators with the Will annexed. Barnhart Haag, City of Lancaster. By William White side. Eerie Administrator. John Reed, Leacock township. By James Reed, Adminis trator. Lewis Hanford, City of Lancaster. Final Account. By Maris Burford, Executor. Lambert Hens, Borough of Marietta. By Christopher Hess, Executor. Henry Bender, Borough of Mount Joy. Trust Account,— By B. M. Grander, Trustee. Magdalena Gross, Warwick township. By Jacob Stehman and John W. Gross, Executors of George Gross, who was the Surviving Executor of deceased. James Sproul, Sadsbary township. Guardianship Ac count. By William 11. Sproul, Guardian of Mary D. Sproul, a child of deceased. John Frick, Manbeim township. Trust Account, By Dr. B. M. Frick, Trustee of Martin Frick, under the Will of deceased. Benjamin D. Gill, City of Lancaster. Supplemental and Final Acconnt. By William L. Gill, Administrator. Robert B. Wright, Borough of Columbia. By Samuel Wright and William A. Martin Executers. John Arme, Borough of Columbia. By Julia A. Arms, Administratrix. Michael B. Wisler ' Borough of Colombia. By henry Wis.. ler, Executor of John Wialer, deceased, who was Execu. tor of deceased. r/ John J. Hengerer, City of Lancaster. By Mary Hengerer, Administratrix. Jacob Nolt, Weat Earl townshier. By Abraham Nolt, Act ing Executor. Mary Carr, City of Lancaster. By Jeremiah Campbell, Administrator. Levi Mania, Drumore township. By George Smith, Ad. ministrator. Michael G. Wenger. West Farl township. Guardianship Account. By Benjamin B. Groft, Guardian of Francis Wenger, minor child of deceased. Moses filing, Manheim township.. Citiardianstdp Account. By Martin Kling, Guardian of Moses Kling, on estate bequeathed to him by deceased. _ • • Mess &hal, Peon trintahlp. By Joseph Greiner, Admin. • istrator. • Nancy Burkholder, Earl township. B; Daniel S. Burk holder and David Burkholder, Administrators. John Burkholder, Earl tovrtashW By-,Daniel 8. Burk-. holder. Divid Burkholder and !hill** Zimmerman, Rum:dm. Jacob licitcpp, West Earl .townahlp.',l*7lfanry Copp . an 7a • Mtß. ost. Wait Earl_ ....tolnllrtra .N.l4,l7.Bizel!l'aad BBißificerrivlsir =ezasozia-• • Sainuellitsalin; Emit Earl itawnsbi lii64. and : Moat Actsitintli/4.-Jobistas 4L,Mirtin ' Wei EaVlAM.Altertin s listscOes. .T Anna Shenk., Ma ddminLßrator * Bi.4 l 4Ja . ain'L Inkeziks Baajainia - ilfaceuweity . el-taraelatea;. Zohn - Battamin. taniaatar 'faitraihizi: - By rAndiair Buie. milauT - Jaceb B• 1211121131 atidgamtud mean, Executors. Emanuel S. Bear, Manor township. Guardianship Account. By Abraham Bausiman, Guardian of Reuben, Hairy and Emanuel S. Bear, minor children of deceased. BOSIRDILIII Schmuck, Manheim township. By Jacob Esben shade. Administrator. - Henry Flick, City of Lane star. By George Spurrier, Ex ecutor. Emanuel Hostetter, Manheim township . By Charles Ho stetter and Jacob F.sberwhade, Administrators. Gideon Breneman, Borough of Columbian By W. Carpels. tar, Executor. Gideon Breneman, Borough of Columbia. By W. Carpen ter, Trustee to sell Beal Estate. John Denlinger, But Lampeter township. By Daniel Denlinger, John G. Denlinger, Samuel Denlinger and David Landis, Administrators. James Boater, Elizabeth twonshlp. By William Fodor, Administrator. Suaan Reed, City of Lancaster. By Geo. & Reed, Executor. William Toelle, City of Lancaster. By Samuel Fritz and Anna Tootle, Administrators. Catharine Buechler, City of Lancaster. By John Kuhn!, Administrator. Elisabeth McClung, West Efempfield township. By M. M. Strickler, Administrator de bouts non, rum toetamento aonexo. Martin Herr, Bepho township. Guardianship Account.. By Emanuel Camel and Hetty Ann Barr, Acting Execu tor. of Abraham Cassel, who was Guardian of Ann Wisier and Satanism Wisler, Legatees tinder the Will of deceased. Christian Weis, Warwick township. By Anna Wets and John B. Erb, Executors. William Dix, Borough of Marietta. By Frederick L. Baker, Administrator do boots non, cum teetamento an -1313X0. Christian Eby, East Hempfleld township. Guardianship Account. By O. W. Eby. Guardian of Elizabeth Rohrer, (late Eby,) one of the children of deceased. Henry Rinehart, Borough of Marietta. By Samuel Hip pie, Executor. Hannah Purdy, City of Lancaster. By Theo. W. Herr, Esq., Adminianotor de boots non. GEORGE 0. HAWTHORN. Register. RYOIB7I.I.'S Orrice, Lancaster, May 18th, 1863. may 19 At 19 Lstmarrna COUVITT 13stm, May 5, ISSX. 11HE DIRECTORS HAVE THIS DAY 1 declared a Dividend of Four and One•half (4%) per cent. on the Capital Stock paid in, clear of State and Na tional taxes, payable on demand. may 12 St 18] W. L. DEIPED, Cashier. FAEMINIA' BANK OP TAANCASTIII,} Lancaster. May sth, 1863. THE DIRECTORS HAVE THIS DAY declared a Dividend of Two Dollars per share on the Capital Stock paid in, or four per cent., clear of National and Mate taxes, payable on demand. may,l2 3t 18] EDW. H. BROWN, Cashier. NOTIOE.--The undersigned, residing In Ephrata township, having applied to the Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster comity, for the benefit of the Insolvent laws of this Commonwealth, hereby gives notice that said Court has fined upon MONDAY, the 25th day of MAY, 1863, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at which time and place my creditors can attend if they eee proper. apr 28-3 t 169 RUDY Y. SMIRK. D R. J. G. LIGHTNER, • Practitioner for more than Twenty Years., Having located in Lancaster City, offers his professional services to the citizens of Lancaster and vicinity. Particular attention paid to Surgery and Diseases of Women and Children. Niehtcalls punctually attended to. OF FIC E —NO. 31 SOUTH DUKE ST.'ll3l apr 7 3m. 13 WATER RENT NOTIOE.--The Dupli cate of the Water Rent is now ready for those who wish to save the 6 per cent. for prompt payment. HENRY C. WENTZ, Treasurer and Receiver. "See Notice as per Resolution of Councils." Treasurer's Office at WENTZ BROS., apr 14 3114] No. 6 East King street. FAlUllittB' BONE OP LAM:WM.II,I April 28, 1863. ASPECIAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of this Bank will be held at their Bank ing Home, on TUESDAY, the 2d day of JUNE, 1863, at 2 o'clock, P. 31., for the purpose of inquiring into the expedi ency of electing five Trustees to close the concerns of this institution, preparatory to going into operation under the act of the United States, entitled "An act to provide a National currency, Ac." By order of the Board of Directors, may 5 4t 171 EDW. H. BROWN, Cashier. SODIETHING FOR. THE. TIMES I 1 A NECESSITY IN EVERY HOUSEHOLD I I I JOHNS @ cßonErs AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE, THE STRONGEST GLUE IN THE WORLD FOR CEMENTING WOOD, LEATHER, GLASS, IVORY, CHINA, MARBLE, PORCELAIN, ALABASTEB, BONE, CORAL, Ac., &c. The only article of the kind ever produced which will withetand Water. EXTRACTS - - - . " Every hmisekeeper should have a supply of Johns et Crosley's American Cement Glue."—New York Times. "It is so convenient to have in the house."—New York Exprtu• "It is always ready; this commends It to everybody."— /V: Y. bulependent. " We have triod it, and find it as useful in our house as water."—Wakes' Spirit of the Times. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS PER BOTTLE. Very Liberal Reductions to Wholesale Dealers. TERMS CASH. .I For sale by all Druggists and Storekeepera generally throughout the country. JOHNS A CAROBLRY, (Sole Manufacturers,) 78 WILLIAM ST., (Corner of Liberty St.,) NEW YORK july9 ly 28 100,000 MANU R F BARELS MANUFACTURING CO'S POUDR ETTE, 130 SOUTH WHARVES, PHILADELPHIA, This Company with a capital of $150,000, the moat eaten. sive works of the kind in the world, and an experience in manufacturing of over 23 years, with a reputation long established, having also the exclusive control of all the night soil of the great city of New York, are prepared to furnish an article which is, without doubt, the cheapest and very bestjerGlixer in market. It greatly increases the yield, and ripens the crop from two to three weeks earlier, at an expense of from three to four dollars per acre, with little or no labor. Also, FIFTY TONS of BONE TAFEU, being a mixture of bone and night soil ground fine, at $45 per ton—a superior article for grain and grass. A pamphlet containing all necessary information may be had free by addressing a letter to the subscriber. JAMES T. FOSTER, Care of the Lodi Manufacturing Company, Gib 10 3m 5] 66 Courtlandt st., New York. VAN INGEN di SNYDER, DESIGNERS AND ENGRAVERS ON WOOD, N. E. Coasno STH ABU CHESTNUT STREIT% PHILADELPHIA. Execute all kinds of WOOD ENGRAVING, with beauty, correctness and despatch—Original Designs furnished for Fine Book Illustrations—Persons wishing Cuts, by sending a Photograph or Daguerreotype, can have views of COLLEGES, CHURCHES, COTTAGES, STORE FRONTS, PORTRAITS, MACHINES, STOVES, PATENTS, Ao. Engraved ea well as on personal application. FANCY ENVELOPES, LABELS, BILL HEADINGS, SHOW BILLS, VISITING, BUSINESS and other CARDS, engraved in the highest style of the Art, and at the lowest prices. For Specimens of Fine Engraving, see the Illustrated Works of J. B. LIPPINCOTT A Co., E. H. BUTLER A Co., Ac., Ac. loot 23 ly 41 "THERE IS NO SUCH WORD AS FAIL.' T A R R AN T,S COMPOUND EXTRACT OP OUBEBS AND COPAIBA This preparation is particularly recommended to the MEDICAL PROFESSION and the PUBLIC, as combining, In the most convenient and efficacious form, the well established virtues and properties of Cubebs and Dinalbs. For the speedy and effectual relief and cure of all SEXUAL DISEASES, it may Justly be considered one of the greatest and most valuable discoveries in the annals of medicine, frequently effecting a cure in three or four days. In its preparation 88 an extract or a paste, the usual nauseous taste is avoided, and it is, consequently, never found to interfere with the digestion, while, from Its greater on centration, the dose is much reduced. It may be relied on as the beet mode for the administration of these remedies in the large class of diseases of both sexes to which they are applicable. N. B.—Purchasers ate advised to ask for TARRANT'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF CURERS AND COPAIBA, and to take nothing else—as imitations and worthless preparations, under similar names, are in the market. Pamphlets accompany the medicine, containing full and ample directions. Price, $l.OO. Sent by express on receipt of price. Prepared and sold wholesale and retail, by TARRANT A CO., No. 778 GREENWICH Brasrr, CORNER OP WARREN STREIT, NEW YORK, And For Sale by Druggiate Generally. apr 22 ly lb C U R i d IT T I C F 9 i It j 0 1 11 R B t, R BY 11BING CHAPPELL'S HYPERION FOR CGRLINH THE HAIR. • The Ladies and Gentlemen throughout the world will be pleased to learn that I have recently discovered an article that will Curl the Hair. By using CHAPPELL'S HYPERION, Ladies and Gentle men can beautify themselves a thousand fold. CHAPPELL'S HYPERION is the only article in the world that will Curl straight Hair. The only article that will Curl the INN IN BEAUTIFUL CURLS I IN GLOSSY CURLS I IN SILKEN CURLS! IN FLAXEN CURLS IN FLOWING CURLS! IN WAVING CURLS IN LUXURIANT CURLS It makes the Hair soft and glossy. It Hair. It beautifies the Hair. It cleanses the Hair. It Los a most delightful perfume. It prevents the Hair from falling off; it teatime it to the scalp. It is the only article ever yet discovered that will cart straight Hair in beautiful curls, without injury to the Hair or scalp.. The HYPERION does not In any manner Interfere with the NATURAL SOFTNESS OF THE HAIR. . . It neither scorches nor dries it. The HYPERION can be so applied as to cause the Hair to curl for one day, or for one week, or for one month, or any longer period desired. The HYPERION is the only article In tke world but what can be counterfeited or imitated by uprincipled per sons. To prevent this, we do not oiler It for sale at any Druggist's in the United States. Therefore, any Lady or Gentleman who desires to beautify themselves by using the HYPERION, must in close the PRICE, ONE DOLLAR, in a letter, and Address, W. CHAPPELL It CO., Box 64, Parkausn, Gomm& Co., Ohio, And it will be carefully sent by return mail. nov 1l ly 44 rimim ADIERICAN ANNUAL CYCLO. T PAIDIA AND REGISTER OF IMPORTANT EVENTS OF TIIE YEAR INT. Embracing Political, Civil, Military and Social Affairs; Public Documents; -Biography, Statistics, Com merce, Finance, Literature, Science,Agri culture and Mechanical Induetry. The volume will be in the style of the New American Cyclopedia, havingnot less than 750 pages, Loyal Sao. The work will be published exclusively by subscription and its exterior appearance will be at once elegant and sub. stantial. . D. APPLETON & CO., New York. ELLIS BARR A CO., No. 8 East King Street, apt 16 tfl4] Agt's for Lancaster City and Co AVOTIONEERIN BENJAMIN F. ROWE respectfully Informs the pub. lio that he will attend to Crying Bales prase' and Personal prcpetty in any part of the county. Their wishing his .servicse are requested to apply to Gerardos Clarkson, Sag, at the Prothonotaxy's Office, who will promptly attend to the matter. • • Letters addressed to me at iimithville .P.- 0.. Lenesater mu% will be promptly attended to. [tab 17 tf 7. - 0111TATIII OF AMER STIIMOVA.:Letters tagineatarr on Hateatt*if Amer_ Stalin, - late of Fulton township, deeisiedijtriehig Men Vaasa, a the anhaeribera: persons - trade .to :said .estateare re. quested to make lauxualan patina,' and time- baying anianwill prevent than; withent deny, properly authenti cated for settlement. ' MARTHA L. STUBBS, Balton twp. R. B. PATTERSON, may 5 60 17] Colerain twp. [Examiner copy.] ESTATE OB ELIZABETH DOH WART. Letters of administration od the estate of Illizabeth Doman, late of the Oily of Lancaster. "deed. kavlEg been granted to the subscriber residing ID said city: All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them, without delay, properly authenticated for settlement. JOHN DORWART, mar 24 60 11] Administrator. ESTATE OF JACOB STAUFFER, LATE of East Earl township deceased.—Letters testamen tary on said estate having been granted to the under &geed. all persons Indebted thereto are requested to make Immedi ate settlement, and those having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for set tl ement to the undersigned, residing to said township. M ARTIE E. ETAT:TEPEE, PETER STAUFFER, }Executors. AARON STAUFFER, mar 31 • Et 12 ESTATE OF PETER TORN, LATE ON Breeknosk township, deceased.—Letters of adminlo. tration on mid estate having been granted to the under signed, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make immediate settlement, and those having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for eat- Cement to the undersigned, said township. = JACOB YORN, PETER YOBB, apr 7 et 13] Administrators, TTALIJABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE.—A tract of Land, situate In Black Log Val ley, Juniata county, Pa.,containing SIXTY ACRES, with a TANNERY, SAW LL AND NINE DWELLING HOUSES thereon erected. i vi c The capacity of this Tannery is from ten ISMlSffiffh . to twelve hundred cords of bark annu- •.•••.•• - • ally. nig."?ELM/C . - - Also men other Tracts of Land adjoining the above and each other, containing in the whole about THREE THOUSAND ACRES, easy of access and well set with timber, especially bark timber, sufficient for the Tannery for a generation to come. This is the best location for the business in the county, es respects bark and water power. The house and tannery apparatus are in good order and conveniently arranged. There is a good stationary engine in the building, in good working order. All the buildings are suitable and sub stantial. This property will certainly be sold, and on ad vantageous terms. Apply to the undersigned who is authorized by the owner to sell. Persons nho wish to see the property are referred to David Lauver, who lives near it. The purchaser can have porsesalon immediately. EDMUND S. DOTY, Mirsanows, April 7, 1881] For the Owner. spr 14 6t 14 AM-4 t rthitlifateediah. PHILADELPHIA. .7fd TTRESSES, BEDS, FEATHERS, BLANKETS, COKFORTABLES, SACKINGS, QUILTS, CUSHIONS, And all other articles belonging to the baldness. feb 101 y 5] A 31013 HILLBORN. 1863. 1863 C LOTHING! CLOTHING:I FOR SPRING AND SUMMER JOHN A. ERBEN, SIGN OF TIIE STRIPED COAT, NO. 42 NORTH QUEEN STREET, Past aide, near Orange street, Lancaster, Pa The subscriber has now in store a very large as sortment of SPRING AND SUMMER READY—MADE CLOTHING, For MEN and BOYS' wear, principally of his own manu facture, warranted to be well sewed, and to be of the best of Material and Workmanship, and which he wilt sell at the very lowest prices. Particular attention given now, as heretofore, to CUSTOMER WORK, and persona ordering Garments at this establishment ran depend upon getting them at the time specified. Just received a large assortment of Clothe, Spring style Cassimers, Tweeds, Summer Cloths, Spanish Linens, new style Vestings, Jc., which will be made up to order et short notice in the most Fashionable Style, at very reason. able prices. Also, a large assortment of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, such as fine Shirts, Wool Over Shirts, Bosoms, Collars, Ties, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Gloves, Suspenders, Summer Drawers, Umbrellas Thankful for the very liberal patronage heretofore be stowed upon this establishment, the proprietor respectf ally solicits a continuance of the same. JOHN A. F.RB}, Sign of the Striped Coat, No. 42 North Queen . street, East side, near Orange, Lancaster, Pa. [may 5 ly 17 SCHAFFER, SON & SCHAFFER, SON C0. , C0., SCHAFFER, SON & CO., • SCHAFFER, SON & CO., SCHAFFER, SON & CO., SCHAFFER, SON & CO. • IMPORTERS OF WATCHES, IMPORTERS OF WATCHES, IMPORTERS OF WATCHES, • IMPORTERS OF WATCHES, IMPORTERS OF WATCHES, Nos. 169 and 171 Broadway, .N. Y, Noe. 169 and 171 Broadway, N. Y , Nos. 169 and 171 Broadway, N. Y., Nos. 169 and 171 Broadway, N. Y., Are receiving by the European Steamers, direct from their agency in Chaux-de.Vongs, Switzerland, large importa• Cons of the Celebrated MAGIC TIME OBSERVER, MAGIC TIME OBSERVER, MAGIC TIME OBSERVER, MAGIC TIME OBSERVER, MAGIC TIME OBSERVER, MAGIC TIME OBSERVER, MAGIQ TIME OBSERVER, MAGIC TIME OBSERVER, The Height of Mechanical Ingenuity I The Height 'of Mechanical Ingenuity ! The Height cf Mechanical Ingenuity! The Height of Mechanical Ingenuity ! Being a Hunting or Open Face Watch Combined, Being a Hunting or Open Face Watch Combined, Being a Hunting or Open Face Watch Combined. Or; a LADY'S or GENTLEMAN'S WATCH in ONE! Or; a LADY'S or GENTLEMAN'S WATCH in ONE! Or ; a LADY'S or GENTLEMAN'S WATCH in ONE! WITH SELF WINDING IMPROVEMENT. WITH SELF WINDING IMPROVEMENT. One of the prettiest, most convenient, and decidedly the best and cheapest timepiece ever offered. It has within it and connected with its machinery, its own winding attach ment, rendering a key entirely unnecessary. The cases of this Watch are competed of two metals, the outer one being fine 16 carat gold. It hat the improved ruby action lever movement, and is WARRANTED AN ACCURATE TIMEKEEPER. WARRANTED AN ACCURATE TIMEKEEPER. WARRANTED AN ACCURATE TIMEKEEPER. WARRANTED AN ACCURATE TIMEKEEPER. Price THIRTY-FIVE DOLLARS, sent by mall in a beautiful velvet lined morocco case, upon receipt of its price. A prompt and safe delivery guaranteed. Remit. lances may be made in United States money, or Draft pay. able to our order in this city. REGISTERED LETTERS, ONLY, AT OUR RISK. We have no agents or circulars; buyers must deal direct with us, ordering from this advertisement. Address SCHAFFER, SON & CO., Importers of Watches, Noe. 169 and 171 Broadway, Now York. may 5 6m 17 HOLIDAY PRESENTS! JOHN SHEAPPE7?, No. 82, NORTH QUEEN STREET, would respectfully solicit the attention of his Patrons and the Public to his SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF HOLIDAY BOOKS, ' PREPARED AND ARRANGED EXPRESSLY FOR THE FESTIVE SEASON. The Stock comprises STANDARD, MISCELLANEOUS, AND JUVENILE BOOKS, in many beautiful and elegant styles of binding. LIBRARY EDITIONS OF THE BEST AUTHORS. PRAYER—BOOKS AND BIBLES. [English and American Edition:l We have - Books for Christmas Presents, Books for New Year's Gifts, Books for the Old Folks, Books for the Young Folks, Books for the Folks In Town, • . Books for Folks In the Country Books for Boys, Books for Girls, Books for Lovers, Books of Humor, Books of Devotion, Books of History, Books of Travel, Books about Heroes Books about Patriots. Books about Indians, Books about Hunters, Books about Soldiers, Books about Sailors, Books about Farmers, Books for Mechanics, Splendid Annuals, Beautiful Poets, Handsome Albums Washington Irving's Works, Charlei Dickens Works, Sir Walter Scott's Works, " T. S. Arthur's Works, Bayard Taylor's Works, Mayne Beid's Adventures, Revolutionary Adventures. All the writings of every standard author In every de partment of Literature, in every style of binding, can be procured at Publishers' Prices. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, A new stock just received from Celebrated Maufacturers. The largest and Best Assortment in the cityftiging in prices from 75 cents to $2O; bound in the very beet style, with Linen Guards. Albums for the Pocket and Centre Table, Oblong Albums, Imperial Quarto Albums. New styles received daily. TILE AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION HOLIDAY BOOKS, JUST PUBLISHED. OVER 100 NEW BOOKS—ALL ILLUSTRATED. JUVENILE DEPARTMENT - - - Thls department comprises the most complete; and" the most extensive stock of Books Suitable for the Little Folks to be found in the city. GAMES! GAMES!! of every description at low prices. Toy Books of all Hinds, Writing Desks, Rosewood and Mahogany, HYMN BOOKBI METHODIST LUTHERAN, . . PRESBYTERIAN, REFORMED, &o. Those persons desiring it, can make their selections now, and have the paekages laid aside till Christmas. Call and see for yourself. at SCRAPPER'S, dee 16 If 49J 32 North Queen street, Lancaster TrAIB. D e ESSI O AZD SIIAVING SAMUEL T. WILLIAMS takes pleasure In notifying his numerous friends and customers, that he has removed his Saloon from Cooper's Hotel to the basement under Peter M'Conomy's Shoe Store. in West Wing street, near the rket Home, and has fitted Blip in new and elegant style or the accommodation of customers. HAIR DRESSING, SHAVING AND SHAXPOONING done in the m st scientific and fashionable style, and his tonsorial operations are performed with the greatest ease and comfort to all concerned. He will also color the hair and whiskers, and guarantee the colon to be applied without injury to either. Give the Profaner a call, and he flatters himself that he will be able to render general satisfaction. Air Don't make a mistake and get into the wrong shop Recollect, it Is immediately under Bl'Conomy's Shoe Store apr 16 ti 141 8. a. WILLLikIB. THE MODE GGE It. This wonderful article, just patented, is something 'Mindy new, and never before offered to agents, who are wanted, everywhere. Poll particulers sent fret. ! Address 'SHAM CLARK, apr l i ly 121 Biddeford, Maine: Q 011 ETHIDF46I , TEN PATENT STAMP-SEALING AND POST-MADE pgrateßVlNG ENVELOPE. ' The preservation on the letter Itself of the POST-MARX and POSTAGE-STAMP, generally destroyed with the deo tubed cover, has long been deemed a matter of the first important°. This desideratum is now triumphantly secured by this ingenious invention. Many obvious advantages must arise from the general use of this envelope. Mat—lncreased Safety by additional sealing; the stamp connecting the envelope and letter securely together; and this is never liable to be omitted, though the sticking of the flap is frequently neglected or imperfectly done. accad—Security against Impertinent Intimation; the letter and envelope being firmly attached by the stamps, and Inatome cannot be inspected even if the Sap be clan destinely opened. Third--Safety against Abstraction of Valuable Inclo. auras. If the flap be left unsealed, or opened with feloni ous Intent, it will be impossible to open the letter and take Mp:embank notes and drafts without so mutilating the envelope as to Insure detection. • iturth—Pecarity for the free payment of the Postage; as the stamp when once properly placed In this window, cannot be removed without its destruction. /Vile—Advantage therefore to the Government; by the effectual destruction of every stamp in Ha first use. Rath—Facility to the Poet Office Operations; by a uni form location of the stamp in the upper right hand corner, which is the most convenient position for the Post Office mark. Srcenfir—Verification of the Mailing; by securing on the letter itself the legal evidence of the time and place of it being mailed: This has long been esteemed so dealrable, that many prudent persons are constrained to dispense with the use of envelopes, that they may have the poet mark on the letter; and others take the precaution to pin the envelope again on the letter for identification. arighth—Certainty of the Date and Place on the Letter, which are so frequently omitted by writers in carelessness or harry. Ninth--Ornamentation; which, though some may think of small importance, certainly meets the approval of all persons of tote. Erna—Coat, Notwithstanding the many and unrivalled advantages of the " Stamp Sealing Envelopes," they will be furnished at a very email advance upon the prima of those not having the benefit of this patent. Can be had at J. AL WESTHASESB'S Cheap Book Store, Corner North Queen and Orange Sta. nov 4 tf 43 puyg ra • 44rt249 - 82,6 °: Wiii 22 1T,2 4 gm=7:-. ,8 -2;54;eL gPtirCHial W.g;=o 2 g:idel 4i c-t M wD.Tz . .--te.NaiiB w2 Q0..5 . 4:lB,lg h l .Litl,tlE '4' ) °V_ Ati olig4-..0g2 W!L.4Kiil .il5l '4 n 4l ' . . ..127g.N .9 , . 4 wl-!! ›❑. g. 2.2.1 '.4. n 1174,1 12:igf. ° fr]i4i!lB 15F:ln%1NIE2 w rAt ;VI 5 z L . t 4 e,l Kgli ~5. . .,, .5.. 4. E.-4 .rg .tl -,:,, =e-a " PROSPECTUS OF ‘‘THE AGE." A NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER, To be published Daily and Weekly in the City of Phila dolphin, by A. J. GLOSEBRENNER CO. A. J. O LOSSBRENNER. FRANCIS J. GRUND. WILLIAM. H. WELSH "THE Aoe" will advocate the principles and policy of the Democratic party, and will, therefore, necessarily favor the restoration of the Union as it was, and defend the Constitution of the United States, and that of this Com monwealth. It will freely and fairly discuss all legitimate subjects of newspaper comment, including, of course, and preemt neatly at this time, all questions connected with the existing unhappy condition of uur country. It will fearlessly criticise the public acts of public ser vants, and defend the legal and constitutional rights of in dividual citizens of sovereign States, against assaults from any quarter. It will seek to awaken the minds of the people to a proper sense of the actual condition of the Republic—to present to them, truthfully, the fearful perils in which we stand as a nation—to exhibit the magnitude of the task that is before them, If they would chock. our downward prcgrees—and to inspire them with patriotic determination to apply'TlM REMEDY for our national ills. In brief, it will, In all things, aim to be the faithful ex ponent of Democratic principles, and to render itself worthy to be an organ of the Democratic party, sander whose auspices our country prospered so long and ao well. The restoration of that party—the party of the Constitu tion and the Union—to power, In the legislative and execu tive governmental branches of the States and of the Union, we believe to be necessary to evert anarchy, and the utter ruin of the Republic. To contribute to that restoration will be our highest aim. The News, Literary, Commercial, and other departments, will receive due attention, and will be so conducted as to make "Tax AGE" worthy of the support of the 'general reader. Air The many difficulties now surrounding an enter prise of the magnitude of that in which the undersigned are engaged, require them to appeal to the public for a generous support, and ask for "TEE don" a liberal patron age and extended circulation. The present state of the preparatory arrangements war rants the expectation ' that the first number of the Daily will appear before the close of the coming month, (Febru ary, 1863.) The Weekly will be issued soon thereafter. WEEKLY. Per annum,... Per annum,. Six Months Six Months, Three Months, Throe Months Copies delivered at the , Ten Copies to one ad counter, and to I dress Age n t s and Car- Twenty Copies to one tiers, 2 Cents each. address, Thirty Copies to one I address, wieldy in advance. _ __ .mss 's Payment required thy Addrees, fob 3 3m 41 LADIES' DRESS GOODS A beautiful assortment just opened by HAGER & BROTHERS, From the late New York and Phdaclelphla Comprising all lha New styles—and will be sold at VERY LOW PRICES Also, an assortment of LADIES' CLOTH MANTLES CLOAKING CLOTHS. 1863.. 1863 W ALL PAPERS! WALL PAPERS! HAGER & BROTHERS. 10,000 PIEOES WALL PAPERS AT OLD PRICES. FINE DECORATIVE PAPERS, FINE GILT PAPERS, NEAT AND GAY STYLE SATIN PAPERS, NEAT AND GAY STYLE COMBOS PAPERS, BORDERS, FIRE-BOARDS, PRINTS, Ac. Having ordered the above goods trefcre the recent large advance, we are prepared to sell them at leas than present wholesale rates. HAGER A BROTHERS. apr tf R EADY MADE CLOTHING, Port Folios. FOIL SPICING AVALES A VZRY LAW/ AND COMPLY= STOOK FOR MEN AND BOYS, AT HAGER & BROTHERS, To 111 SOLD AT LOW PRICES. BOOT AND SHOUNA KERS, TAKE NOTICE! J. F. COMBS, Currier and-Leather Doaler, 1130 Meagre STOKET, RUM /21t, PIIILLDZLPIIIA, has the most extensive assortment of SOLE AND CET= LRATIIEB of all descriptions; Red and Oak Sole Skirting, Slaughter, French and City Calf Skins, Hips, Wax, Upper Morocco, Linings, Lacings, Leather Apron Skins,Shoe Boots, Lasts, Findings, An, and every article requi site for Boot and Shomaking, wholesale and retail, at the lowest prices, to which be invites the attention of the trade. apr 7 6m 13 rrATTERSAM.LPS HEAVE POWDER Powdered Rosin, Antimony, Pennigreek, Balphn Saltpetre, Assafmtida,Airon, i.e. Tor Wont Ka 21 OH THOMAS BM:MAW/EN Drug and Chemical Store, West /Ong FOR GOLD AND SILVER. S INTERESTS C)LLECTED SOLD ON COSIMLSSION. tf 7 TERMi A. J. OLOSSERENNER d: CO., 430 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia AUCTIONS, I!=r2 SHBABFBRPS CHEAP BOOK STOKE' No. IN NORTH WARN BTHRZT IS THE PLUM TO PURCHASE S-CHOOL BOOKS SCHOOL STATIONERY. corrammumz TEI vatuouti READING AND SPELLING BOOKI3, ARITHMETICS AND ALGEBRAS, GRAMMARS AND ETYMOLOGIES, DICTIONARTID3 AND HIS TORIES , PHILO &v. COPY AND COMPOSITION BOOKS,, , LETTER, B OAP AND ES, SL ATES,,ER , • LANK-800 LEAD AND SLATE PEN . INH assortm STAND and the beet and most complete ent o a f SCHOOL STATION - BB:YIN THE CITY. gir Liberal discounts made to Teachers, and 2derebants at JOHN BERIAPPIBYB Cheap Clash Book Store, ,82 North Queen street, Lancaster. tf 40 THE GREAT CAUSE OF HUMAN 31282.8 Y. Zfla Jen PUBLISHID IN A Sw.n, RIMILOPIII.., Aar. Price Six Oents. A LECTURE BY Da. CULVERWELL, ON THE CAUSE AND CURE of Spermatorrhcea, Onneumption, Mental and Physical Debility; Nervousness, Epilepsy ; InsWrW Nuts!. Oa's of the Body; Lassitude; Weakness of the L im bs and the Back; Indisposition, and Incapacity ibr Study and Labor; Dullness of Apprehension; Loss of Memory; Aversion to Society; Love of Solitude; Timidity; Self•Diatrtist; Diz ziness; Headache. Alfectione of the Eyes; Pimples on the Pace; Involuntar; Emissions, and Sexual Incapacdty ; the Onnmquences of Youthful ludlecretku, SW. This admirable Lecture clearly proves thatthe above enumerated, often seltaffilated evils, may be removed with out dangerous Surgical operations, and should be read by every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, on the receipt of six cents, or two: postaßl Nß stam i s, by ad dressing DR. CHAR J. C. 127 Bowery, New York; Poet Office Box, 4688. coy 11 • tf Ast G.De PB. Jr, o B. , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN CIGARS, SNUFF AND TODAOO.O, No. 1434 Noma Quipm Bmum; LANCASTER, PA., (Opposite AtMoore Hotel,) Having fitted up the room nazi door to Ifeltahn's Hat Store, he is prepared to accommodate country dealers and the public generally with the beet CIGARS, WINE and TOBACCO ever offered in the City ef Lancaster. His stock consists In part of the following brands: ARS• HARI EARL CIG JOCKEY CLUB, • WASHINGTON, CARONA DIIGAIe ELLS WORTH AMERICAN COUSIM, .FIDELLL SIXES AND HALF-SPANIBII, and every brand to be obtained in the market. TOBACCO: • - FINE CUT, Anderson's Solace, Heart's Delight, Chesapeake Bay, Plantation, • Talisman, finny Side, Cavendish, Flounder, Blacksnake, Congress, Natural Leaf, Coarse Twist, do. SNUFFS: Demuth's Rappee, • Scented Rappee, Scotch Maccaboy, As. SIE- All orders promptly filled at:reasonable rates. The proprietor respectfully invites Lis country friends to give him a call, as he feels confident he can give setts. faction in all articles in his line of business, feb 21 SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, SPRING AND SUMMER ;FASHIONS, SPRING AND SUMMER MATERIAL, AND SPRING AND BUSHIER PRICES. All adapted to the testae, the styles, and pecuni ary moans of all classes of the community, now opened out and constantly kept on hand at the CORNER OH NORTH QUEEN AND ORANGE STREETS, Kramphie Building, immediately opposite Shober'e Hotel, Lancaster, Penna. The Clothing kept and sold at this establishment have all been manufactured in Lancaster city, by Lancaster workman; the manufacturer's tax upon which has and is monthly contributing to the support of Government, In this critical hour of political and financial trial; and yet the advance in price, is far below the ordinary advance In price of the goods. In addition to READY—MADE CLOTHING - - - - and furnishing goods, a general assortment of CLOTRS, CASHMERES AND VESTINOS, are constantly kept ou hand, which will be made prompt ly to order, in any desired style, from the gravest to the gayest, and warranted in every instance to give entire satisfaction. The proprietor begs leave to return to an appreciating public, his moat unfeigned thanks, for the liberal patronage which it has heretofore bestowed upon him, and hopes his future efforts may merit a continuance of the same. 13. 8. BATH VON, Merchant Tailor and Clothier, Corner of North Queen and Orange Eds., Lancaster, Pa. apr 7 3in 13 THE COLUMBIA INSURANCE 006IPANY, - - Or COLUMBIA, LANCASTER COUNTY, PA. CHARTER PERPETUAL This Company continue to insure fiulldlngs, Merchan dise and other property, against loss And damage by fire, on the mutual plan, either for a cash premium or premium note. The large and increasing capital Of the Company, con sisting of premium notes given by Its members, and based upon $1,475, 7 8 9 . 3 5 , Insured on the mutual plan, affords a reliable guarantee equal to ten times the average loss on the amount insured; and the Directors pledge themselves to deal as liberally with those who may sustain loss or damage as the case will admit of, consistent with justice to all parties con• corned. AMOUNT OF PREMIUM NOTEP, 9155,620.49. Balance of Cash Premium 'max- pended, Jan. let, 1862 $1,668 57 Cash receipts during the year 1862, less Agents' Commissions 6,781.47 Cash receipts in January, 1863 895.86 Losses and expenses paid during the , year, 186°. $6,329.73 Balance unexpended, February 2d, 1863 .3,016.11 A. S. GREEN, President Omar. Youua, Jr., Secretary. N. 8. BEEMAN, Treasurer. DIRECTORS: M. B. Shuman, Michael 11. Moore, George Young, Jr., Nicholas: McDonald, Amos B. Green. Robert T. Ryon, Abraham Bruner, John Fondrich, H. G. Minieh, Samuel F. Bberlain, Ephraim Hershey, HEO. W. HERB, Agent, ke street, Lancaster city, Pa mar 31 ly 12] North Du. FINE WATCHES! RICA JEWELRY SILVER WARE] SILVER WARE!! PIE, CAKE AND BUTTER KNIVES. SUGAR, CREAM AND OYSTER SPOONS. SOUP AND OYSTER LADLES, SPOONS, FORKS, &a., &o. LATEST STYLES AND BEST WOILEMASSIITP. BILVER-PLAT ED WARE 1 SILVER-PLATEDWARE 1 BASKETS, CASTORS, PITCHERS, HMS, SPOONS, FORKS, &0., do., JUST PROM THE FACTORIES. WATCHES) WATCHES!! WATCHES!!! WARRANTIID TIbIGRESPERS. CIIEAP I CHEAPII CHEAP!! CLOCKS] CLOCKS!! CLOCKS!!! 011.; COLUMN AND PLAIN FRONTS. JEWELRY! JEWELRY!! JEWELRY!! LAM' . BTTLZS AND HEST QUALISY HARRY Z inceDs, 2 2 ?,1 W El? KING STRII.2, Between Cooper's Dote and J. G. Gotz'a Dry Goods Store dee 17 tf 49 PUBLISHED THIS DAY. ANNETTE, OR THE LADY'OF THE PEARLS, BY ALEXANDER DUMAS, (ilia Youndza,) Author of "La Dame aux Camßies," or Camille, the Camelia Lady." Translated from the Brooch by Mrs. Wm. R. A. Johnson, Esq., of Philadelphia. ANNETTE! ANNETTE! ANNETTE! THE LADY OF THE PEARLS I ANNETTE, or THE LADY OF THE PEARLS. By Aussunta DUMAS, the younger, author of "Camille, or the Camella Lady," translated from the French by Mrs. Wm. R. A. Johnson, Esq., of Pbiladelphia,—is pub— lished and for sale this day, complete In one large octavo volume, large type, double column, and printed on the finest and best of white paper. Price Fifty Centa a copy. The work is full of incident, character and great inter. est, and will have popularity equal to any work that has been issued from the press for many years, and to equal, if not superior to its predecessor, "Camille," by the earns author. For sale at J. M. WESTHAFFEBI4 Cheap Book Store. ap 21 tf 15 B uTif. ZISTDQIIALITNIZ IN S TA MAARIST:I6 - . The undersigned, having made arrangements with Mr R. JONES, for all his best quality of PEACH BOTTOM SLATE, for this market; and a similar arrangement with the proprietors of six of the principal and best quarries in York county, he has Just receibed a large lot of these superior qualitities of Building Slate, which will be put on by the square, or sold by the ton, on the most reason- able terms. Also, constantly on hand, an EXTIWLIOHT PEACH BOTTOM SLATE, intended for Slating diiiihingle Roofs. As these qualities of Slate are THE BEST IN THE MARKET, Builders and others will find it to their interest to mill and examine samples, at my office in WM. D. 13111E0HER'S, Now Agricultural and Seed Ware-rooms. CEO. D. SPRECHEIt, N 0.28 East King 5t.,2 doors West of the Court House. air This is to certify that I do not sell my best quality of Peach Bottom Ganged Slate to Boy other person in Lancaster, than Geo. D. Sprecher, as above dated.. IL JONES, manufacturer of Peach Bottom Rooting Slate. ly 7 G OLD PENS t GOLD PENS! GOLD PENS! Files THE BEST MANIMOTORIES iA THE COUNEN.Y. The Celebrated BAGLEY PENS (C. F. Newton A Co's) in great varieties, with holders to correspond. BARREL PENS, LONG NIBS, and SHORT NIBS, To snit the style or wishes of the purchatter. "TIP TOP" GOLD PENS. These excellent Pens, manufactured by Dawson, Warren Er Hyde, always on hand and for sale at prices to salt the times, at J. M. WEBTHAITER'S Cheap Book Btore ap 21 tll6 REESIVS CITY HOTEL..-The Stibmori. her hawing rented Iteese's well-known City Hotel, North Queen street, Lancaster, is prepared to accommo• date in the beet manner, all who may fairer him with their custom. The house is large and commodious and the chambers furnished in the best manner. The table will be supplied with the beet the markets can afford, and the Bar with the choicest of Liquors. /Kir Boarders will be taken by the week, month or year. Stabling sufficient to accommodate any number of hor ses that may be required. His terms will be moderate. The subscriber will give his peraonall attention to the comfort of his guests, and he therefore respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. 080BRE AITIIIICAY. Larceny - la, April T.S. lairr 28-3 m 16• • SAVE YOUR SILKS, RIBBONS, ace., 4co. REGRMAN d CO.'S CONCENTRATED BENZINE, removes Paint, Grease Spots, de., instantly, and-cleans Gloves, Silks, Ribbons, de., equal to new, without injury to themost delicate color or fabric. Only 25 cents per bot tle. Bold by Druggists. INCORMAN kOO., deo 9 am 481 Chemists and Druggists, New York. MORE NEW AND BOOKS THE EARL'S HEIRS: A Teta or Dots = Lux. By the Author of "East Lynne;. or, The Berra Daughter," "The Mystery," ae., ho: Paper price, 50 Cent , . ' MORGAN ; OR, THE KNIGHTS 01? THEBLAOK NAG: A STRANG, ROM OM BLOOM Thos. Paper p#4, Wats. Pot sale et J. U. WEST mu 1 tf 12] Cor. North Queen owl Orange lib INTERESTING