TESTI-SEVENTH CONGRESS-SECOND SESSION. Moaner, February 16 number of petitions for reduction of duties were priaented toile Senate yesterday. A resolution was adopted instructing the Committee on Territories to inq. ire into the'expedienoy of passing an aot to en able the people of New Mexico to form a constitution preparatory to their admission as a state. Mr. W Leon's conscription bill'was taken up as the special order, and Mr. Wilson, of Massachusetts spoke in favor of its passage. An amendment exempting members of Vongress Loin the provisions of the bill wai rejected by a vote of thirteen to twenty-four. An amendment excluding the governors and Judie ary of the several states was adopted. The debate on the bill was resumed in the evening, and at 12 o'clock the bill . was passed.. The Nouse considered the Indian appropriation bill and the case of the Louisiana congressmen, but came to no decision in either matter. • TUESDAY, Febrt!ary 17. In the Senate Mr. Colleuner reported a joint reso lution authorising the collection of foreign postage in coin. The resoiutione adopted by the meeting at Cooper Institute relative to the colonization of Florida were presented by the Chair: The bill to authorize contracts to be made with those states which have advanced pay to the soldiers was re ported on adversAly. The bill to prevent congress men and officers and agents of the government from taking consideration for procuring contracts, places, ,te. was passed. The bill authorizing the President to issue letters of marque and reprisal was taken up and its passage urged by Messrs. Grimes and McDou gal, and opposed by Messrs. Sumner,Collemer, Dixon, and Davis.• The bill was finally passed by a vote of 27 to 9. The Douse adopted a resolution instructing the Committee on Military Affairsoto inquire into the effineney of the medical department of the army ander General Grant. Mr. I:awards, from the Com mittee on Indian Affairs, reported a bill providing for the disposal of about $3,010,000 in bonds to the credit of tribes of Indians for wnom the said bonds are now held in trust. The case of the congressmen from New Orleans was then discussed, and the Mouse deoided to admit them to seats in that body. The claims of Lewis McKenzie, of Virginia, to a seat were rejected WEDFZEIDAY, February 18. Vice-President Hamlin sent a communication to the Senate yesterday stating that he should be. ab sent for the remainder of the session. Mr. Foot was thereupon appointed President pro tem. The joint resolution to Compensate the crew of the Mon itor for the toes of clothing was passed. Mr. Clark called up t.be bill for the settlement of claims for damages dyn e by the Union troops, but the consid eration of t was postponed. The bill making ap propriation for fortifications was passed, as was also the bill fixing the grilige of the Pacific Railroad at four feet eight and a half inches The House passed the bills relative to certain rail roads in Kentucky, and concurred in the Senate's amendment to the bill providing for an assistant register of the treasury ; also in the amendment to authorize the appointment of a solicitor of the War Department. The Senate's substitute for the Mis souri emancipation bill was referred to the Select Committee on Emancipation. The Senate's substi tute 'to the bill to indemnify the President for the suspension of the habeas corpus was then debated until half-past eleven o'clock r. w., but no vote was taken upon it, TEMRSDAY 3 .Febrciary 19 The Chair presented to the Senate to-day a communication from the Secretary of the Treasury, in response to a resolution of the Senate inquiring how much government cotton had been sold in New York since the blockade of the southern ports. A resolution was adopted requesting the President, if not incompatible with the public interest, to furnish to the Senate a copy of the letter of Lieutenant- Ueneral Scott to the Secretary of War, dated Octo ber 4, 1861. Mr. Chandler introduced s bill to pro vide for the collection and sale of abandoned proper ty, and for the prevention of fraud in the insurrec tionary districts. The Naval Conimittee reported back the billsconcerning the rank of medical officers in the navy and to amend the sot equalizing the grade of line officers. The bill organisms a signal corps during the present rebellion was passed; also a bill granting. a pension to the widow of the late Rev. Arthur B. Fuller. The bill for the discharge of state prisoners was called up by Mr. Trumbull.— The pending amendment to strike oat the third sec tion, providing for the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus, was rejected by a vote of 27 against 13. Mr. Trumbull offered a substitute for the bill, giving the President power, when Congress is not in session, to suspend the writ during the present rebellion, and authorizing the discharge of all prisoners against whom no indictment can be found. Kr. Carlile of fered another substitute declaring unlawful the arrest of a citizen for supposed disloyalty, except upon the oath of a known loyal person, and providing that any government officer convicted of the offense ellen be fined not less than $lO,OOO, or imprisoned not less than five years Nothing in the bill prevents the arrest of any citizen directly charged with treason or disloyalty. Consideration was postponed. The House resumed the Senate's substitute for the bill indemnifying the President and other persons for the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus, and acts done in pursuance thereof. It was disagreed to after considerable debate and referred to a commit tee of conference. The Senate's joint resolution was passed, expelling ex-Senator Badger from the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institute for hie giv ing aid and comfort to the enemy, and appointing Prof. Louis Agassiz to fill his place. The House also passed the Senate's hill for the removal of the Win nebago Indians and the sale of their reservation for their benefit. The Senate's bill was also passed, providing for an assistant collector for the New York collection district, to reside at Jersey City. The House took up the Senate's national currency bill, but took no action ou it. , The Senate received a communication from the secretary of the Treasury in answer to a resolution asking what steps had been taken with regard to the frauds in the N ew York custom-house. The Com mittee on Territories reported back the bill to allow the people of the Territory of Nevada to take pre paratory steps for being admitted into the Union, and asked to be discharged from further considera tion of the resolution inquiring into the expediency of admitting New Mexico a, a state. Mr. Wilson reported back the joint resolution to facilitate the payment of sick and wounded soldiers, which was pawed. Bills were reported to enable the people of Nebraska and Colorado to take preparatory steps to have these territories admitted as states. The bill to amend the act admitting the.§tate of Western Virginia was reported adversely. The bill reorgan ising the courts of the District of Columbia was passed. On motion of Mr. Emendate a committee of conference was appointed on the bill to provide ways and means for the support of the government. In the House Mr. Shellabarger reported a bill rel ative to the payment of volunteers. The national currency tell was ,then taken up, and the debate upon it occupied the whole of the afternoon session. It was finally passed by a vote of 78 to 64. A bill was passed in the evening to construct a wagon road from West Point to Cornwall Landing, N. Y. The House then took up the Senate's poatoffice reform bill. An amendment was adopted restricting the franking privileges by officers of the departments and postmasters to official besinpia, and requiring all letters sent to franking officerito bo prepaid. Another amendment was adopted to establish a money order system SATURDAY, February 21. In the Senate Mr. Harris presented a petition, •algned by a large number of the citisene of New York city, asking for the establishment of a submarine telegraph from Fortress Monroe to Cialeeston. Mr. Kennedy called up the bill to amend the sot to es- lablish and equalize the grade of line officers in the _Navy, and it was passed. Mr. Lane introduced a bill to grant the right of way through the military zeserves of Kaunas. Mr. Wileon introduced shill to incorporate the National Academy of Science. Mr. illoward called up the bill to divide the &Moo( Mich igan into two Judicial districts. In the Bonze a Committee of Conference was asked of the Senate on the disagreeing amendments of the two bodies on the bill to provide ways and means for the support of the Government. The Rouse resumed the consideration of the Post Ofsse reform bill. Mr. Lasear offered an amendment pro viding that all soldiers in camp and hospital shall • receive and transmit letters and newspapers free of postage. Mr. Maynard offered an amendment to in clude sutlers and all other persons in camp, hospital or shipboard. Mr. Colfax opposed the proposition, saying that however much Mr. Lasear may desire the passage of such a measure, it needed mush ela boration before it could be passed into a law. There were already great abuses of the franking privilege, which would be proportionably increased by extend ing it to the hundreds of thousands of men now in the field and camp. Mr. Maynard s amendment to the amendment was rejected. Yeas 14, nays 93. Mr. Biddle briefly advocated the proposition, saying that a similar privilege was extended to the soldiers during the war with Mexico. Mr. Luau's amend ment was adopted—yeas 73, nays 48. 13= NBA YORE, Feb. 20. 'The steamer Eagle has arrived from Havana, with dates to the 15th. Mexican adviees represent the French army in a sad condition. The small pox and dysentery are playing sad havoc. • The French war steamer Lance was burned at the abandonment of Tampico. Some accounts lay it was fired by shots from Mexican batteries. Three Tu ssle, one laden with ammunition and the others with provisions and coal, were also abandoned. :The Mexicans claim to have captured a-large lot of French mules ; alao, to have beaten 1,200 Exensh at El Orango, causing them to retire with a loss of 26 killed and 30 or 40 wounded, also to have (icon.. pied Jalapa. The French established hospitals at Perote and Quebecholac. In the latter there wore 2.000 sick. Sir Charles Lenox Wyke, British Minister to Mex ico, had arrived at Haien& on the British war steamer Media, and left for St. Thomas in England, on the British mail steamer. . A Mexican, named Bernardi, who served as an ineort to several American sonsuls, has been captured by the French and shot. The steamer Bio Bio left for New York. The steamer Pacific was to sail on the 17th. The Shel drake, from New York, arrived on the litho The rebel steamer Antoman, from Charleston the 27th ult., via Nassau 318 t, had arrived at Havana. The rebel schooners William and Mary, Joe Plan .ner and Novara' had also arrived, the two latter from On the 18th Inst., et the reaidenco of the bride'. father, by the R-v. J. I. Mumbeq, lion. I. B. !Pester, of thin city, to Min Mary T., daughter of BOrd‘Mili Eshleman, Erg. On the 14th inst., at Col limb a, by Rev. Mr. Berry, D. W. Barr, of this city, to P. P Marshsli, of Chester county., On the 12th inst., at the Ge-Loan Reformed Pen-nags, New Providence, by Rev. J. V. Eckert, Jacob Barr to Miss Mary Ann Reese, both of Providence township. At the name time end place, by the same, Jacob 11. Shin ier, of Strasburg cup., to Mies Anne Elisabeth Reese, of Providence twit. On the 17th inst at Falmouth, this county, by Rev. Dr. Hodgson, In,. John M. Wheeler, of the l'hiladelpitia An ' null Conference, to Miss Mary Collins, daughter of A. Oolllns, Req. On the 17th inst., in this city, Mn. Matilda Bor rows, widow of the late Inane B. Burrows, aged 64 years. In this city. on the 15th inst., Charlotte, wife of Jacob Decker, aged 98 years and 8 mouths. In the hospital near Fredericksburg, Va., pa the 24th ult., Jacob County, soldier of the 122 d Itegim — Tht, aged RS yurs. 4 months and 23 days. His remains were interred in ibis eity on the 18th led. - . • . At hie residence, in Wed Hempileld twp., on Tuesday, , 10th but, Henry Heise, in the 44th year of him age. Lancaster Wholesale Grain Itiarket.. corroded weekly by J. R. 13naza & Bao.; Forwarding and Commission Merchants, No. 91 North Queen street.' I.Jarcuarn, February 23. roar, Superfine, VI " Extra -----.--...—. White Wheat, IS lmsbel.. • _ _ Red Corn, old new Oita • Rye Cloyerseed " Whinkey, In Mids.-- " In - • Philadelphia filarket. • PHILADVINELI, Feb. 21. More activity and firmer! in breadsteffs. Orol ship• ping demand for flour, and 3,000 bbls. chiefly extra family at $7 75(48, and a smaller lot of ruperffne at $6.25. liss. selpts and stocks light. Rya flour commands $471@5, and Cornmeal at $4. Spirited demand for Wheat, 15,000 bus. prima Pennsylvania and Western Rod sold at $1.72,4175, sr, d White $1.90®200. Small sales of Rye at 97c.@$L00. Corn falr: 3,000 bay. yellow sold at 87 cents. Cats sells freely at 64 cents par 92 lbs. Cloversesd lass &Alas and salting at sBso@7.Planeed wanted at $3 50. Timothy sold at $3. In Provisions advansa of 4s. In Lard. Whisky mores slowly at Secants. BLlltuto2; Feb. 21, Flour quiet and steady. Wheat dull and lloc. lower for White, and 2c. for Red. Corn dull, White 95k, Yellow 81 @Ha Whisky dull and unchanged. Western Lard sells at 11V,011,14c. PROPOSALS FOR COLLECTING STATE AND COUNTY TAXES. Sealed Proposal for collectlue State and County Taxes for the East Wards and West Wards of the City of Lancas ter, for the year 1863, will be received at the Commissioners' Office until 2 o'clock, P. M., on MONDAY, the Bth day of MARCH next. SHIPPING PURI, 1 FEBRUARY 17th, 1863. We are now paying the following prime in Chili for Shipping Furs: Mink, according to also and color, $2.00@P4..80 Muskrat 20(?)25 cts Red Foxs l 25(41.75 Grey Fox,. ISC@)SO eta. Raccoon, 25gi50 ctn. ()pout= 20(40 cts. Skunk, (dark) 25Q50 cta. ' Rs bbit 4 cents. The above are the price. for goad. well handled spring SHULTZ k BRO., [fatten, N 0.20 North Quee tf n Street, Lancaster, Pa. e 7 W ENTZ BROTALRS, No. a EAST HMG BTREBT, LANCIASTIR, PA., Have now In store an extra large stock of DRY GDODS. Lugo parshases before the rise in prises enables as to Offer our Customer. GREAT BARGAINS. LIROa STOCK OF HOUSEKEEPING GOODS: Manlius, Sheeting', Hirtinge, Ticking., to CLOTH?, CASHMERES AND VBSTINGS. always on hand the largest satiety offered in Lancaster. The Rztra Unique Skirt, The Model Skirt, The Gem Skirt. The Diamond Skirt, The Balmoral Skirt, Ac OVER 4,000 HOOP SKIRTS FOR LADIES A MISSES. Pena's—Farm 16 Caere so $5.00. HOOP SKIRT DEPOT. $l,OOO 1 remlom Hoop Bairn; yet on band—Ladles cell d ore it. WENTZ BROTHERS, fob Zt tf 7) No. i East King Street, Lancaster. VALUABLEMEAL ESTATE FOR SALM—The rubacribere offer at private est° their attain, known as "VIRGINIA MILLS," In Ham!Reuben township. Adam. county, Pa., within one mile of Fairfield. The tract contains upwards of 500 ACRES, of which 800 are excellent farm land, and the residue covered with good timber. The land is of the beet quality and usually yields sure crop of both winter and summer grain. Beside. the stream upon which the Mills aro built, running through the tract, the farm has water in almost every told. There ere on the tract a TWO-STORY STONE DWELLING lIOI7BE, Stone Back-Bonding, Two- Story LOG HOUSE attached, large Bank Barn, of frame. with all the modern conveniences, Wagon Sbed.Oorn Crib. Ac. The 51111 is three stories high, of limns, with two pairs of burrs, chopping stones, all In com plete order; Saw Mill, Miller's House. Tenant Howse: two excellent Orchards on the place, with a large amount of yard fruit, of every variety. The Gettysburg extension of the Pennaylvania Railroad it located through the farm. This estate offers indueements for safe Investments not often found. The title Is indlsontable. IT Percent desirous of viewing the property, or pur • chasing, will call upon our Attornier, M. k W. McClean, Esq . .. in Gettysburg. MARY MYERS. fob 24 3t MARY V. MYERS. D • WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DBALER IN CIGARS, SNUFF .AND TOBACCO, Having fitted up the room next door to Heltehn'i Hat Rom he is prepared to accommodate country dealer. and the public generally with the beet CIGARS, SNUFF and TOBACCO ever offered In the City of Lancaster. HI. stock ales In part of the following brand.: CIGARS: JOCKEY CLUB. CARONA PUGAL, AMERICAN COUSIN, HAM KART, WASHINGTON. ➢ LLSWORTH FRIDAY, February 20 LA FIDELTA. BIXIIS AND HA I.Ir—SPANTitH, d every brand to ten obtained In the market TOBACCO: FINS CUT. Anderson'. Solace, Heart's Delight, Chesapeske Bay, Plantation, Talisman, Sony Side, Cavendish, Flounder, Blacksnake, Congress. Natural r oaf, Coons Twist, Ac. SNUFFS: D.mulh'a Repose, , Scented Rem., Sootch blaccaboy, Ite. 4 All orders promptly filled at reasonable rates. The proprietor respectfully invitee his country friends to give him a call, as he feel, confident be can gine antis• faction to all article. Id his line of bueiness. feb 24 fina. k RARE CHANCE, ILUABLE LIMESTONE FARM AT PUBLIC SALE. on SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1,168, the undersigned will offer at public sale, at the public house of Thomas Mc. Caneland, (Central Hotel,) Hanover. The property le situ ated in Conewago township, Adams county, 1 ,4 mile west of the Boronlah of Hanover, and within view of the Gettys burg and Llttlestown Railroads, about 200 yards from the former and 200 yards from the latter, and ,% mile from the Hanover Railroad depot, containing 90 ACRES OP LAND. all of which is In the highest state of cultivation, well watered, and under good fencing. The Improvements are all commodion• and substantial, the dwelling la • TWO-STORY BRIM( HOBS', with a portico the whole length of the building, commanding a r beautiful view of the Town of Hanover. Sur rounding the House la a lawn of the finest grad., and a number of Fruit and Ornamental Trees. The building. contiguous to the dwelling area lafge Bank Barn, stabling, brick wagon, carriage and'corn house, cider pros and mill under one roof, frame house, wool house, bog and chicken house. There is also a Iwo-story brick spring house near the dwelling, and a spring with never falling pure cold water, supplying the came. There is en the (arm a fine orchard bearing the choicest fruit every year, and abdut 100 Apple and Pear Trees, set out three years ago, a num ber of dwarf pear trees bearing over five bushels last year This tract is laid off In -eleven convenient Il•Ids. Per none desirous of viewing the premises will call on David G. Althoff, melding on the farm, or the undersigned.living in Hanover, r*sidence Baltimore street. Sale to commence at 3 o'clock, P. M., when attendance will be given and terms mad. known by JOSEPH ALTFIOPF. Possession will be given on the first day of April next. febn 3t 7 WANTEIDGOLD, SiLvirß AND DL- MAND NOTES, for which the HIGHEST PREMI UM will be peld at the Banking Holm of HEED, HENDERSON k CO. Laniister, Feb. 7, 'O3. [fob 10 tf NTICS. --By order of the Court of Cora mon Pleas of Lancaster County notlee is hereby given, that the Court appointed for the week commencing March 2E1,1863, will not he held, and all Jurors summoned to attend at that time are notified that their attendance will not be required. S. W. P. BOYD. Jan 27 3t 3] Eheriff. SOLDIERS , BOUNTY, BACK PAY AND PENSIONS Oolleetad without delay. 101- OFFICE IN SOUTH DUKE STREET. feb 10, '63 ly* 5] J. B. KAUFMAN AIICTIONEERIN G BENJAMIN 1. ROWE respectfully infJrms the pub. lic that he will attend to Crying Sales of Real and Personal property in any part of the county. There wishing hie service. are requested to apply to Gerardus Clarkson, Esq., at the Prothonotary's Office, who will promptly attend to the matter. Letters addressed to me at Smithclile P. 0.. Lancaster county, will be promptly attended to. Lfeb 17 tf WANTED, For which the HIGHEST CASK PRIOR will be paid, de livered Ili SHIRK k BROBAKEIR'S Tannery, Bird-in-Band Railroad Station, Lancaster county, Pa. Address, Entarpriae P.O. THE M*ELHET.S. Fihil 1111111 11111111 “ d. 117 Baltimore Market. JOHN DONER, WH. SPENCER, • Commissioners DAVID KEMPER, LACIES` DRESS GOODS, Motoe of the Market slimy. on hand —HOOP SKIRTS— G. SPRIECHER , No. IV% NOZTH QUIIN STILIT, LANCASTER, PA., (Opposite Michael' HoteL) This somlog 50511012, 2,000 CORDS OF BLACK OAK BARK, LIST ATE OF UKIAH [I, Lettere of admlnlntration on the estate of Urlsh R. Rockay, late of Bart twp., de,eased. having been grouted to the sobscrtters : All persons indebted to ■aid estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those hoeing claims will present them, without delay, properly aothen• Hosted for settlement, to Amos hockey, of Behemoth, Parodies township. MARY A. ROCRSY, AMOS ROOKEY, • Adminaier.tore. pin 20 60 21 g3lplo ER'S NOTICE.--Assigned Mae tete of John H. (11,138 and Wife.—John H. Glass and ife, of Ephrata township. Lancaster county, having by de-d of voluntary assignment, dated January 19, 1883, as signed and transferred all their estate and effects to the undersigned, for the benefit of the creditors of the said John H. Glass and Wife, he therefore gives notice to all person's indebted to said assignor to make payment to the undereigned without delay, and thou. having Maims to preient them to the undersigned for settlement. JOHN 0. MARTIN. Assignee, Residing In Hinkletown. Or to JESSE LANDIS, Doq , Attorney.st-Low, Lb 10 ot. I.] (Inquirer copy.) [Lancaster ESTATE OF JAMES, B. LANE.---Let ter. of Administration on the ..tote of Jameg B. Lane, late of Lancaster city, deceased, having been granted to the sobecribers reeldlng in sold city: All persona in debted to said eetate are requested to make immediate payment, and thews haying claims will present them, without delay, properly authenticated for !settlement, to Wm. B. Fordney, Acting Administrator. MARTHA LANE, Will.• B. FINIDEBY, Administrators. jar' 27 eit 3] ADMINISTRATOR'S 'NOTICE.-.Estate of WILLIAM A. SHELLY, M. D., late of Warwick township, deceased.—Letters of administration on said Instate haying been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to Make immediate settle ment, and those having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement to the undereigned, residing in said township. THOMAS SHELLY, • . . ESTATE OF ROBERT LAVERTY, late of Gordo:mill*, Lancaster county. deerk-,Let• ten of administration on said estate having teen granted to the undersigned, ail parsons Indebted thereto are re. quested to make Immediate paymout, and these baring demands against the elms will present them for settle. meet to the undersigned, reading at Penningtonville, Chester county. - • - • JOHN D. LAVERTY, Admintrtrator. Or to hia Attorney, GEO. F. BEENEMAN, Jan 27 6t 3] Laereater, pa. A SSIGNED ESTATES_ OFF CLZIIENT ja. Lt. POTTS tL O. BLIGHT, late partners u ..Potta & Blight ;^ Dwac O. Blight and wife; Clementit. Potts and wife; and Isaac 0. Blight, Clement B Potts, and John Bomberger, partners as J. 0. Blight t Co. The undersigned auditors, .appuixited to distribute the balance remaining in the hands of James McCes ma Wil liam Carpenter, Elq're, Assignees of the above named estates, will lit far that purpose. on PRIDAY, the 13th day of MARCH next, at 2 o'clock. P. M., in the Library Boom of the Court House, in the City of Lancaster. JAMES L REYNOLDS, A. BLAYMAKRB. [fob 17 4t 6 linearter, dab. 16th, 1883 ADMINISTRATORS' NOTlCE .— Estate of CHRISTIAN HESS, Isle of Little Britain twp., dec'd.—Letters of administration rum testamento =memo on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted thereto are requested to make immediate settlement, and those baying chime or demands spinet the same will present them without delay for settlement to Abner D Campbell. In the City of Lancaster, or to Jesse Davis, in Coheroin township. ABNRR D. CAMPBELL, JESSE DAVIS. Administrators. fel) 17 60 71 A CCOUN TS OF TRUST AND ASSIGNED A ESTATEB.—The accounts of the following named estates hove been exhibited and filed In the Office of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common Plass cf Lancaster county, to wit: Leah Albert'. Estate, Jacob Baxtretwer, Committee. Isaac Dawning's Fatale, Samuel Trurcott, Committee. Chyle:lan Hershey's Assigned 'Estate, Christian Erirman, one of the fiasiKnees. Notice Is hereby given to all persons interested in any of said estates, that the Court have appointed MONDAY, the 16th day of MARCEL 1863, for the confirmation and al lowance of said account., noises exceptions be tiled cr cats, shown, why said aceonnts should not be allowed. PETER MARTIN, Proth'y. PZOTHONOTAIIVEI 0171C1, I , Obrinry 14, 1883. fob 17 4tB NOTICE.- -Ist h Bernard o , ltryan, to whom was granted, September 18,1800, • patent for the ID BLACK HAWK CAST IRON ORB WASHER, asaigned and transferred, for a valuable consideration, under his hand and seal, the undivided one-half of all hie right, title and interest in the said invention to the under. signed; and subsequently the said O'Bryan and the under signed entered into copartnership for the purpose of mann. featuring and selling said Ore Washers. This is to give notice that the recent acts and conduct of the said O'Bryan being inconsistent with the longer con tinuance of the said partnership, the name is hereby dis solved; and that the undersigned will not. from this date, be 'able for any debt s which the said O'Bryan may' con trace-in the manufacture of said Ore Washers or other wise. Also, that the .aid O'Bryari hu no authority from me, the h.lf owner, to cell any of eald Ore Washers for lees than 3200.00 are hereby warned that I will look to them for my half of the profit on each machine at the rate of $2OO 00 uch. SAMUEL HOPKINS. idarietta, Jannary 21, 18313. [Jan 27 St 3 ...ri ,it;4i -i— -m, 7,22.HT1_,, 44' '-°f40:,i4.,4 ,!,- . 27t:M:1222i211a zi c,.;1,.:Ez t.,,,tes= e=. Q;lig4iiiss.* AlPti 7„. :47' 0z 0 -a. H..E.6.- 2-.. Ei-e,...g., 52,5 t; ;., p42a.nLlTilt-=tkt ;14-21D4 0 ;,11 r o ' tag 9, -....6 2."..t 0Z1W0 0''.."'..-,7441/9.Zgze,,e Mt2,41441'-` l4ag - I , g ' ; , l . '4%1P; 54 1 : 1 :44q - P',21t8t," : i 1:4 •1 1 1 4Elgl's g.H.ft2 z, Feoll.T ! '; ; i _!'.s tErigP4.4 Thlii4 ir i 146gijIA231A i a-i '4. , t ; :e. E...... A_DIERICAN HOUSE, W. 11... LEONARD, .PHOPRIITOII., Main Street, .41 Citizens, railroad passengers and travelers generally will fled this an excellent and pleasant house to stop at. It is convenient to the railroad, and has been re-fitted and re furnished In the best style, and the proprietor will spare no pains to contribute to the comfort of his guests. Ms table is always supplied with the luxuries and sub stantial. of life, and bis Bar is stocked with the choicest liquors Ile respectfully invites one and all to give him 'a call, and assures them that their every want will be attended to. Charges moderate. Loct 76m 39 WILLIAM B. WILEY, ALDERMAN, No. 16 NORTH DUKE STRUT, LANCARTIIR. The Docket and papers of 'William Prick, Esq.,tti..ye been placed In my bands for settlement. Also the moneys re. maining In the handl; of the Executors, due to Plaintiffs in sults before deeeasod. Persons entitled are requested to call Immediately and receipt for the same. The undersigned respectfully solicits the patronage of the public. Strict attention will be paid to all tteine -- •ntrutted to hie care. fist) 10 3t. 6] W A 8 L A1,, T ,K.6. 0 N S BitOK T ER S 0 9 T GENERAL COLLECTORS, No. 26 SOUTH THIRD STRIET, PRILLDILPHIL Jay, Cooke & Co., B. P. Middleton & Broth James, Kent, Santee k Co., I Esherlek, Black & Co., C. H. IWKlbbin & Son, Hon. Wm. Wllkine, - . Hon. James Pollock, H. D. Poster, " A. 11. Reeder, " Asa PAnker, " Warren J. Woodward, V. L. Bradford, Esq., . •' Geo. Sanderson. HIGHEST PRICE PAID ITOR GOLD AND SILVER. GOVERNMENT AND OTHER INTERESTS C. q,LECTED STOCKS BOUGHT AND BOLD ON COMMISSION. fob 17 H 7 L. 1 • egi. g E§ Q m tl , l. I *. q,'S m g 4r52 F; g sEtr7 g ,igT; A !:!2-;7f: 2 0 1 :A 5ae itt?';12.42./ mt 4 = Wl'4Eg4 iOt * '2:2,2 -A:g.Zl2 'r2E'a': 2 m K Vg - gg 2 c*. ZE ft . i! Fa g-_ E -4 -mac (ARP HOPIS , COURT SAUR.—Puranant, to an order leaned out of the Orphans' Court of Juniata county, and to me ;Erected, will be exposed to sale on the variables, at 1 o'clock, P. M., on TUESDAY, MARCH 17, Cedar Grove," the lota home of Rev. John Shields, dee'd..one and one fourth mile. from Mexico, on the Peon's Railroad, Juniata county, containing 52 ACRES and 104 Perches good land and In good order; sufficient timber, some ch estnut; ton acres of bottom land, for meadow or cultivation, with a Variety of Fruit, - such as Apples, Peaches,Grapes, Raepberrlea , Ac; a large and well-flrilhed FRAME HOUSE of twelve rooms, with modern conveniences, and collar, a good FRAME BANK BARN, Carriage House add Corn Crib juot sew, Dry House, Smoke and Wood House; all these buildings are of first class and in good order; a Well of Good Water at the door, and all in a healthy region and good neighborhood. This la a very desirable home and only one and one fourth miles from the Ceutral Pennsyl vania Railroad. • . TERMS: Five per cent., of the purchase money to be paid when the property I• struck down ; one-third of the balance on the confirmation of the sole by the Court ; one third on the Ist of April, 1864, and the remainieg third on Ist of April, 1865, to ba secured by judgment. MARY CAROLINE SIIIELDS, Administratrfx. ALIXANDIII SNIDDY, Auctioneer. f fob 17 Is 7 T HE GIRARD HOUSE Thus popular Hoyle, after a thorough refitting and over. hauling, will be re-opened on or about the 29th Instant. he proprietors have furnished it in a tasteful manner, and engage to keep a table unsurpassed, for solid luxuries, by any Hotel to this country. They likewise guarantee that the Bar shall gain and sustain the reputation of having the beat of Liquors. They will invite public criticism as well . public patronage. Transient Board $2 per day, Charles Duffy (formerly of the Olrard,) will be happy to meet former friends at the old place. dee 30 St 51] RANAGA, FOWLER & CO. lt G. mac , ,. iriiiihsTch , [feb 10 If i PHILADELPHIA. MATTRESSES, FEATHERS, COMFORTAB LTtl3. QUILTS, BBDS BLANKETS, SACKINGS, CUSHIONS, And all other articles belonging to the business. feb 10 ly 0] AMOS HILLBORN. run E FAIRY WEDDINGit I By special arrangement we publish. exclueieely lb. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS of the LILLIPUTIAN WRDDING PARTY, ite Gus. TOM THUMB, in his Wedding snit Mu. GAN. TOM THUMB, In Wedding dram' Ms. and Mu. OM TOM THUMB, in Wed ding dress COMMODORE NUTT and MISS MINNIE, Groomsman and Bridesmaid e Mas GMN. TOM THUMB, in celebrated Re ception dress Miasma LAVINIA and MINNIE WARREN, " " The whole BRIDAL PARTY, (group of four) Card The BRIDAL PARTY, (Stereoscopic plc tura The BRIDAL PARTY, (Stereoscopic eolor'd) f 5 ctse The pipe of card pictures, colored, will be 12% mate extra. Can be sent by mail on receipt of price and postage stamp. None genuine unless stamped with our trade mark, BA in a circle, on the front of the photograph. Beware of spurious copies made from eneravings, Ake. E. I 13. T. ANTHONY, 501 Broadway, New York, Manufacturers of the beet Photographic Alhntits, and • Publishers of Card Photographs of celehritiew The Negatives of these exquisite pictures were made for us by Brady: [feb 17 St 6 FLI L 9—Castor 011, Sweet 011, 011 n 1 kJ SPIKE, STONE, BENEKA, SASSAFRAS, For ale lit THOMARNIMAIMIS, Drug g Otieuiluul Otele Wert Ring street AAA, FINANCES OF LANCASTER COUNTY. B.sozreT s FOR 18624. 1867. JOHN DENLINOIR,Treasarer, . Jan. 6, BeL reed from IL - H. Stirk,late Tree ..surer. as par report af last Comity Auditors, $40,795 96 ".' I F Rion. ficow Musa, Clerk Quarter . Busdoza,Filses sad Jaryfand. _ " " same; goes Gom. vs Mar /MA ." Inutliffin mow dosOaosty by B. • - " B. W. P. Bort Maas sad ry " 10 " .B. Urban, J. P. of Conestoga twp,for floating timber sold Mar 4 J. J. Cochran. for U.S. Flag.. Jesse Landis Req. costs in case of Com. vs James Rife • . same Fess paid A. H. Smith, for taking deposition in ease of James Rife, refunded.... " 24 . " Christian Fenrich of Manor . 79 . . Isaac Mayer, Strasburg. Loan, " " Lori Landis, E. HempAeld " . 31 " '• John Stauffer, Berl. " " Adam H. Longenecker, Bast Lampeter. Lose " " Elias B. Bomberger, B Hemp • Said. loan Ap'l 1 " "'Dial Koebel,U Leanock Loan " " Jno Martin:Big Sprlngliari".. . " Tohn Kachel, Strasburg....".. o " " Chn Blues, Elizabeth ...... ".. " " John Royer, lfanbeim....".. " " " John B. Sensertig, Fail ..... ".. " " Benj. Landis, I Lampeter..".. . " "B. IL Longenecker,Laneaster.. L.W. Rinser, 17.11empfield..... " • " John Rohrer, do ...•. " " " " Abm Landis. B. Lampeter..".. . " . Tobias 13. Kreider,W do ..".. o " " o Elizabeth Leaman. Bdo .." • " " Christ Gerhart, B. do • • " " " John Geis; Ir., East do .." . " •' Abm D 11;11er, Manbeim....".. " .5 " Joo Be 'linger, sr., KHempfleld " . . John M. Stehman, Penn, Loan. 5, 7 . " Jacob Bomberger, Upper Lea cock, Loan 021 " " Henry Andrews. JP, of Marti township.forstray sheepsold 4 98 • " " Wm. Winters, Mt Joy twp. far Road damages on lands of P. Myers and C. H. Shirk " . Benton Walters,Sadsbary-twp, Exonerated tax 0 25 " " John J. Beans, J P. of Little Britain.twp, for two 'gray salves sold • • "28 " " Benj Kreider, Msnhelm, Lost, 600 00 Mays " " Nelson Woltkill, Fines in Corn. vs R. St Catharine 8eck..... " 6 " "B.W. P. Boyd, Sheriff, Fines St Jury land Jul 12 " Jesse LAndis,leq, costs in Corn. vs F Bower "15 " "H. Masser, Clerk of Q. S., sos's In Com. TS J. Doersh "23 " "D. H. Beitshu, Treasurer of . Commission to Virginla,bal. refunded - 55 40 " " Semi Johns,o Leaooek, Loan. 800 00 "24 " " Susan Kahn, City• 100 00 29 " " Blies B. Bomberger,B.Hem'd".. 500 00 "28 " " Simon Minicb,E. Hemp&ld Aug 4 " John Rohrer. W. Lampeter "11 " " John G. Kendlg,ll. do " " " Henry Ltchty, B Hempfield " " " •' " John Rohrer, do " " " Daniel Rohrer, do "12 " " Farmers Bank of Lancaster "13 " " Wm. Carpenter, Inq '• 14 " " Lancaster County Bank " "16 " " Taylor Lane Shuler, city...." "IS " " Amos Sourbeor, Manor " • " " " J.P. Ersatz, - Ephrata. " • " " Saml M. Wright, Conestoga" • " " " Jacob Robrer,sr.E.Lampeter" "25 " " Jesse Landle, Req., Fees paid in 11111Lary by late Treasurer, returned "29 " " John Stauffer, Earl, Loan Sep 1 " ' A. Suckwalter, East Lampeter twp, Exonerated tax ..... . " 2 " "S. W. P. Boyd, Sheriff, Jury Fund & Fines 10 GO " 5 " " John M. Greider,W. Hempfield, Guardian of Mary Jane anti Catharine Pearson, Loan " 6 " " Lewis Sl:treater. City, guardian of minor children of Elizabth Hodder, Lo.n 111 09 "12 •• " Chn Bomberger,Manheim,Loan 150 00 "13 " " Who. Lippold, S. Lampeter "... 100 00 "15 n " John 0. Kendig, do '• . 350 00 "16 " " John Miller, E. Barnyard d 22.5 00 "22 " " Rudolph Myer. Conestoga " 3000 00 " 29 " Anna 8. Srasenig, City ".. 00 00 Oat 4 " " Jonas Lauber, Clay ".. 460 00 " 6 " " Martin Shreiner, Glty ...... ..".. 400 00 " . " . Margaret Steward, City ".. 168 00 " " " " John G. Kendlg, Manor "... 45(0 00 "13 " " Oeorge Fachelberger,City..".. 600 00 Noy6 " "'George Mnilln, J.P. of 11.13emp r field-Map., for stray colt/ "old " 10 " Amos Herr, W. Lampeter,Loau " " Harriet Blown. City....... .. Dec 1 " S. W. P. Boyd, Sheriff, Flues di Jury Fund " 18 " Peter Johns. Bast Lampeter,for Tax omitted "24 " "C. M. Brown, J.P. of East Ben gal, for two stray steers sold 31 " " Farmers Bankintereet refunded Aggregate Assessment of County rates and levies for 1861, as per statement Treasurer by County Commissioners: Adamstown,.. $ 143 10 Bart 777 94' Breeknock 639 65 Carnarvon, 1196 70 Coeslice East 1999 41 Comilla° West, •• 1593 40 Colerain 854 49 Columbia .. 2440 135 Conestoga 1752 62 Corny 995 15 C1ay1324 06 Donegal East 3919 63 Donegal West 918 46 Drumore .... '514 66 Ephrata 2327 86 Earl 3177 39 Earl Rust 2109 44 Earl West 2661 93 Elizabeth 793 32 Elizabethtown 265 60 Eden .. 484 21 Fulton 1031 86 Hemptleld East 3182 21 Hemdeld West 2857 86 Lampeter East 3452 13 Lampeter West 2886 66 Lancaster twp 1439 90 Lancaster city—East Wards 4906 61 West Wards. 4490 63 .. 2603 94 • 2361 66 . 1111 45 • 3721 73 • 766 91 5413 93 .. 1800 41 613 92 . 746 01 ... 386 31 .s 2080 96 2'97 93 1983 68 715 '7l 3140 64 3366 11 927 66 2535 87 511 57 2624 16 192 17 WTI. B. WILBY. THOMAS A. YOST Leacoek Leacock Upper. Little Britain.. Maubeim twp.. Martia Manor Monet Joy twp Meant Joy bor. Marietta. Manbeim bor.. Paradise Penn Pequea Providence .... Raab° Salisbury Sadebury Strasburg twp. Strasburg bor. Warwick Washington .. Drumore Little Britain• .. Sadsbury• Lancaster twp.. Coleman Marietta Providence Manbeim bor... Donegal West.. Leacock Upper.. Hemptield East • Colombia Manheim twp.. Bart.... Salisbury Earl Earl East. Comilla° West... Strasburg Mount Joy bor. Penn• • • Strasburg bor... Adamstown .... Leasock Ephrata Conestoga Hempfteld West Warwick Breeknock -- 230 30 TO amount of outstanding taxes as per re- port of last County Auditor 9713 61 Bounties remaining unpaid 480 00 ems in Court bills. " " relief orders By amount of Court orders in favor of John McCartney, William Van Mode and Ja cob A. Miller, Auditors for Auditing the several accounts and expenditures for 1861 180 00 I", O. lberman. Court order for Staving the summit of 1861 26 00 642 Commissioners orders drawn in 1862, including bounties to Voluoteera 144,70'2 46 •36 Court Bills and Certificates paid in 1863 10,768 61 85 Orders and Rolls drawn by the Board of Relief to families of Volunteers 39 Road Viewers and Surveyors orders. Constable return orders to Court of 8 S Exonorations allowed to Collectors Commissions " Bad, Bast 1857 Btraabarg borough, 1859 Drumore township, 1860 Adamstown bor. 1562 11 60 *Bart township 6 . 50 00 Brockport ° 324 05 •Carnarton " " 223 54 Columbia borough " 500 00 Cocalleo 11, twp, " 1,081 41 a *Donny " 291 71 *Clay " " 610 13 Donegal B." " 325 67 Dnamore " .. 798 75 Earl " 06 35 *Earl W. ", - , 889 77 *Elizabeth " • 200 06 *Elizabethtown bor. " 147 50 Fulton township " 631 81 Lampater 8" 954 70 LampeterW" " . 693 30 *Lancaster M. 7,11 W" '724 It " " W W " 1,459 31 Little Britain twp. " • 186 24 •Martie " SOS 76 Manor " 44 • 514 96 •Monntjoy " 1 . 453 96 Mount Joy bor. 146 25 •Paradise try , p. " . 968 65 •Pequea 513 67 0 Itapho " 1,957 70' Salisbury " 4, 2,60111 Strasburg boro 141 01/ Washington " 141. 192 17 .priee 25 cts Tresanrers C4mmtaalon op $174,999 75 at @9-10 per cent.. ' Balance Those marked thus • have since paid WE,"ther undersigned Aiidit6rti Lan , easter_ewukty. do 441. ft,i#4** Aik4a _ 4=7 abo4osthi , 4olmgrou4;9flolin'o4444l;:loa.. , .Vreleare . aid illy, an lifts cornmeal-bill Youifiers with the same and find a balance in his 400 00 600 00 500 00 86 00 100 00 200 00 25000 00 ' 10001 00 9000 00 60 00 2600 00 100 00 1000 00 600 00 Excess Tax. 1860 $29 66 1661 3 07 2 .10 4 75 " 13 43 1862 17 01 4 75 9 02 7 68 2 38 6 20 1 49 1 19 2 62 •' 14 25 24 " 13 94 119 " 28 60 ..•- " 10 91 1 64 1 78 1 00 95 " • 304 63 • P 6 3 70 48 2 85 " 37 05 $2x6369 03 Expenditures of 1862 15,313 50 314 47 247 67 1,16020 2,821 42 Outstanding Tax-es 16,562 41 $235,30 03 iMORT hands of Forty one thou eight hundred Med seven% ty-thrse d0i1ara,1841,1373 00.): • We hike scgamined.this aceinint of Chrleitan Gad, !sq.. Treasurer of ,theFoor and liqUilail XrePloMent of Lancaster county, and finds balance In hie hands of Two handled' and thirty-oni dollars 'and eighty two cents, ($231 82) on tbe first day of January, 1864. We have also examined tem amount of Joseph Wm aon, Esq., Treasurer of the Board of Prison Inspectors and found it correct, showing a balance in his bands of Fifty-four dollars and seventy-fora cents ($54 74) on the first day of January, 1863. The liabilities of the county at the present time for individual loans at five per cent. per annum amount to $121,783 25; deducting the above , amount in hands of the Treasurer 841,873 00 would thaw an indebtedness of $79310 25. The outstanding tares amount to $16363 41. In minium whereof we have hermit° see oar hand. at the Commeatoners Ogles this twenty sewed day of January, 1263. WM. TON 12131 DA, JACOB L. MILLER, JOHN STROHM, Jr., Auditors of Lapcaster Ooonty. COMMISSIONERS' STATEMENT. Ammer? Pay. THE following is a statement of the j_ Commissioners' Orders drawn on John Derdinger, Reg Treasurer of Lancaster county, for the year 1862. Adamstown, Samuel Stork $ 20 00 Ban, H. Baumgardner 69 75 Brecknock, Levi Laueh 60 00 Carnarvon, Jospia Weever 60 00 Cocalleo act, Samuel Wiesser 70 MI C,ocalico Wect, John Edwards .. 72 00 Coleralo, James McCullough...--- '55 00 Columbia bor.. Joe. H. 81ack...... - 125 00 Conestoga, 8. M. R0hrer............_...... ... .. . 02 00 Conoy, Frederick Smith Clay, Jacob Rehm Donegal But. George B. Murray Donegal West, Frederick Oldweiler...— Drumore, James 0. Welsh. Ephrata. J. B. Sharp Karl, A. 0. Sutton Earl Bast,John Stauffer...... Earl West. F. 0. Carpenter. Elizabeth, Joe. M. Mathews Elizabethtown, Charles Bbecher, Eden, John Graham Fulton, Lewin H. McCardle Hemplleld East, Henry Shroll—... llemptleld West. Jos. S. Denliuger. Lampeter East. J. E. Offenbach,— Lampeter West, George Miner...... Lancaster twp., Benjamin Huber... Lancaster city—N. W. Ward, Chas. G. Beal, In full of ba1ance..:............. ISO 00 S. W. Ward, George Musser, In full of balance 130 00 N. E. Ward, George King . 175 00 8. E.-Ward, J. Hegener, in fall if balance 120 00 Leacoct, Mahlon Ruth Leacock Upper, N. F. Sheaffer Little Britian, John M. Harlan Manheim twp., John W. Frantz, Martin, James Simpson Manor, A.R.Attmer Mount Joy twp., William Winters. Monut Joy hot., Peter 8runer .......... _ _ Marlette, F. L. Baker. ...... Manhelm bor., Henry Diffenderfer Paradise, George Anthony Penn, Isaac Gingrich, Paquea, SamnelHese Providence, Martin Renee.: Ranh°, John B. Breneman Sallsbru7t, .1. D. Warfel 130 00 Badsbury, James flood 66 00 Strasburg twp., Daniel Halm SO SO Strasburg bor., John Itierutz ............ ....- ..... .... 31 00 Warwick, A. B. Hackman 90 00 Washington, Joseph K Charles 92 00 P. G. Ebermanjor altering Columbia assessment 30 00 Ditto on Account of 1862 George Ulmer, Assessor, West Lmpoter, on ac count of taking amassment for 1863...... ...._ Jacob Gompf. Asuiessur, S. 11, Ward. city, on ac count of taking assessment for 1863 Chas. G. Beal, Aciemr, N. W. Ward, city, on account of taking asaasament for 1862, Erecting Bridges. Henry Breneman, Treasurer of Elizabeth. town bor., donation towards building small bridge. . Charles W. backel, in full for an iron truss across Pequoa creek, near Daniel Den linger's hitli. A. W. & M. H Foulke. for Masora.) for bridge at Denliuger'e Mill Repairing Bridges. Samuel Wolf & Co., In full for repairing bridge °cross the Conestoga at Snaveley'. Mill.. John Weaver, for abinglea and lumber for bridge.. ............ ........... ...... Court of Qr. Seveiona floury Musser, Esq., Clerk fees B. W. P. Boyd, Esq., :sheriff fees Emlen Franklin. Seq., Attorney fees..... WmAug. Alice, Seq., Attorney fees..... John Livingston, Seq., Attorney fees.... Jurors' pay Justices' fees Constable.' fees Witness pay Crier and tipstavos' pay Common Plea. Court Jurors' pay . Crier and Tipstaves' pay Court House. Jon. C. Snyder, for extra work and sundries George M. Steinman & Co, Hardware &0... Bateman & McCollum, for painting Deaner & Shaum, for new Heaters and enn- dries Joßenti Flerman's estate, care and winding Town Clock. Henry Wegener, hauling Coal and shovel log Snow John M. Frantz. 34 dozen Brooms Theo. W. Herr, Tally Lists and postage Jacob Leib, 3.4 dozen Broome A. C. Flinn. plumbing and Gas Sting ..... Silvine & May, for Hardware Hirsh & Bros., for Feather Duster Lancaster City. for Water Rent George Calder & Co.. bill for Sand • M. Stelcerwalt, bill for Ice Jacob Hartman. bill for Ice Jacob Rothermel. for Brushes David Pancoaet. for repairing roof Wm. D. Sprecher, for Hose Coroner. Daniel Balmer. F.sq.. Coroner and others, for holding Inquests on the oodles of 50 persons found dead in Lancaster county. Commiasioners Office. Loyd Vandeyeer for Ti. S. Map exchanged Joe. Boyer, Esq.. 234 days services as Com missioner at $2 00 per day, 5410—and 4150 miles at 6 cents per mile, $249 Total 5717 00. Balance due him at set tlement Leal Relst, Esq., 183 days service. at 92 00 per day. $264 00. and 2620 miles at 6 etc per 'mile, sl6o2o—Total $517 20. Ba lance due at settlement John Boner, E5q.,196 days services as Coin missio:ler at $2 per day, $32200, and 2 0 65 miles at 6 cents per mile, $1.23 90— Total $495 90. Balance at settlement_ Jesse Landis, Esq., one yew. salary as So licitor P liberman in foil of salary as Clerk... William Spencer, Esq., on act of cervices an Comminsioner ... Levi S Reist, Esq., on act of services do.. John Doner, Eiq., on act Of fleillriCOß do.. Ellen Wiley, cleaning office and making curtain. John Sheaffer, fora County Map. C„Hartley, repairing seal press H. - B. c Oara. Merino for Curtains John Baker. clerking for Commisaionera Slims Barr Sr Co.. for Pardon's P. G. Sherman, for Twine and Gine Elections. e ction Officers for holdino Beal. Election do do fcr Township Elections... do do for City Elections do do Manheim Borough do do Special Election, E. Hemp field two do do in the 21et Elect on Diet Asa tailors pay for 1 eta of voters Con ;tables pay_ Lancaster Gas Company, Gas IMF Printing. F. H. Stauffer, Bill for Printing S. A. Wylie, do B.• H. Thomas, do F. L. Baker. do W. B. Wiley. do Pearsol & Geist, do Geo. Sanderson, do T. B Cochran, do Huhn & Hans, do ..... W. H. H. Cox, do J. Bneminger. do .1 A.Htest•nd & Co do ...... Stara. Wright. do John Bears' Sons, do and Stationery. Public Officio. Osorge 'giant, for Books and Binding C. S. Hartley, Seed Press and engraving for Quarter Sessions and Oyer dit Terminer and Orphans Court Jos. C. Snyder, Table for Proth'y 0f8ce.... Wm. Aug. All- e Bsq.,Auditing Public Ofß- reel Farrel & Holing, fora patent Safe for Treasurer's Office Henry Musser, recording names of townsbip Officer, Wm. Gorrecht Seq.on account of Poor and House of Burployment Cho Gant, in full . Hugh S. Gars Esq. for support of Prison... s4tso 00 Joseph Samson Esq, do do 7250 00 • Penitentiary. }lantern Penitentiary for support of Con victs for 1862 Loans. Loans paid to banks and individuals Interest. Interest paid to banks and individuals Post //orient Examination. Poet Mortara examinations on 15 dead hod• les found in Lancaster county • Postage. John J. Cochran,tor postage and envel4es $ll t 7 Road Damages. Amos Good, Brecknook twp,.. A. "Froetele Fat. do ...... John Fritz, do ....- ... Jacob Herabberger. do , John Dpbree & Mater, Humors, Joseph - Markley, do ..... ...... ..... Benjamin Bleacher, do ....--...... David Stone, Earl, ......... -___ John - Rimer, do Jacob Weaver, do -- IL Ideckley, Elizabetbtown, ....:.... ...... ...-. George Byrode, Henry Wade, do Peter Hoffer, , do . ..- Sampson Price, Feat Donegal, Jacob Newonmer, W.Hempneld M. IL Btrickler, do Abraham Weaver, Lampiter,..., ..... ..... - Jacob Hart, • Mixt% ' WW.l.arn. Wallace, do • - ' ' Henry Herr. Manor, ~ •:•:•-• ..... • . -••••- , Christ. Mlllerediet.; ;.do ~' ; ..........--.-:-. Henryit. Kurtz, Manhelm Joseph EttratowaMotuttJoy Boro.. Phillip Myers, Want Joy t0rp. r .,.., Shotrick • do Pater Weiland. - do • --- Jonathan Stauffer, Strasburg. Jos C. Snyder. for bi weeks pay as Janitor $lll6 00 Military Erpentres. Paid bounties to Ventage's. moo 16 Ditto boardiag.priatLog aad incidental =- panes dm Venation and Halle board- - P:o. Iberian*. for - altariny ♦*nations of Aiseatmenti in Lancaster county, as recta by John Shaeffer, for .. ... Jacob B. Brubaker. for Tax Eafazdad....- P.O. Sherman, dlatributing Amesamanta-. Michael H. Shirk, late Trimmer, kronen- fittilllMrareMWlloMMl . W. Zahm, foriltaPT.U.UX John Baker, recording statements for Coun ty Aaditors--- Philip B Baker, arresting J. Frankfcrt for 80ne.... George Sanderson, Eq., Nayor — Boad dam ages doe the City out of the County fond. T. W. ilerr. Telegraph dispatches on Conn- tybusiness.— F. 8 Albright, Taxesßefunded for 1861 E. Reilly and E. Pranklln, professional services In ease of Lancaster County vs. James Evans..... ..... George Sanderson, Esq.. ilaycies and Con stables fees In vagrant cues Capt. IL K. Young, for expenses of firing salute in honor of the fall of Fort Donel- ... 60 00 .... 62 00 es 00 ..... 30 00 Bon.. W. A. Keifer, taking J. B. Refer to House of Retnge_ C. Tyson, for repairing Muskets & Freight. t. Herr Smith, taking depositions in Corn. v.. Eire Isaac Gish. for Tax Refunded...._.... A. Fairer, Tax Befunded....- .......... ...... 82 60 90 00 ez 00 56 00 4.5 00 65 00 68 00 80 00 ..... 70 00 41 00 P. G. Unman, distributing Tally Papers. John A. Wier, Seq., expenses for maintain ing Howe, Clark and Conner, in Pannsyl- Vallia State Lunatic 'Hospital John 6.mith and others, copying Tax Dupli cates. Men Walley, for repairing Fag...... J. Gandaker, taking Wm. Cooney to Honee *Menge. Telegraph Office, for dispatches.-- ... P. 0. Merman. Jr., copying Tax Lin ''''' and assisting Clerk I. B. Filmier, Esq., costa refunded in, Corn. vs. Ebeling P. 8. Baker, 8. Huber, A. Meseen.)rop, John. Kuhns and J. Gundaker, for arresting Pickpockets _ .. 70 00 . 76 00 .. 6600 .. 85 00 - 42 00 1.10 00 .. 95 00 M. H. Shirk. Hsq,inte Treasurer for balance due State Treasurer at settlement, April 30041851 do for tax refanded for R. Earl•twp do Stationary and Bolltitor'spay re haled by Auditor General J. Whils Geist. taking Harriet Canny to Rouse of Refuge John K. Reed. Prothonotary's fees. G. B. Mowry.Horee and Baggy hire T. W. Herr, for expenses in Com ye Daniel Herr Eng ...... ........... ...... John M. Umweg, Taking Depoeitions Daniel Herr, Esq. late Treasurer, for State Taxes due to Commonwealth, with costa and expenses ............... ........... ...... J• C. Snyder, tor serving notices Wm. Cowin for ■ draft for a bridge.... J• R. Bltuer & Bro., freight on 5afe...... ... J. C. Snyder. distributing Tally paper. and Assessments . . . . . . J. Stauffer, Specifications for abutments of a Bridge P. 8. Baker, taking Mary Coyle Eonse of Refuge Jesse Landis. Beg, Professional services...• Jaeob A. Bear, for apprehending Horn Henry Musser, Clerk Quarter &salons, re John Kuhns, taking Edw. Webb to House John Scott, Col'r, rulton, Exoneratione and Tax refunded John DUloss, Boarding Jury In Com. tre Johnston and Levi Neff... J. C. Snyder; for distributing Assessments to Assessors ................. ............. ...... Wm. Dungan, for copying Dripßeate ..... P. S. Baker, for arresting Jacob Yeager.- John Herr, Wit. fees in taking depositions Wm. Cooper, boarding Jurors In ,Com. ♦e Neff Wm. Spencer, Esq. for lot of paint for a bridge John Arixer,,Bini.and others, for laying out new Election District in Rapho twp Sol• Sprecher, boarding Jurore W. B. Wiley BR, qualifying Sheriff and Commissioners to !select Jurors for 1563 - Jacob Onadaker, taking Sabina Shenk to House of Refuge Frederick Albright, tax refunded F. O. Carpenter, for attending special appeal M. Zahm, for interpreting in Court Henry Baughman, for error in Duplicate... Ditto for tax refunded 907 52 750 80 321 00 490 00 87 00 2114 97 3119 38 1277 60 2308 89 275 00 H. L. 2r. B. J. Zahm, for repairing Couniy Seal J. C. Snyder, for going after election re turns Constable Meseenkop taking Winger to Hones of Refuge J. B. Good SE Boyd, clerking for Return Judges $10,098 06 Auditor's pay ..... ....... ...... Clark for statement of orders Relief orders Road Viewers' orders Constable? returns Exoneration 0rder5............. Commission orders ..... . ....... Outstanding taxes... Treasurer's commissions Balance in Treasury P. G. lIHRIIAN Clerk (064-11 100;000 BARRELS OF THE LODI MANUFACTURING CO POUDRETTE, 130 500TH Wnoaves, PHILADELPHIA, PA. This Company with a capital cf $150,000, the moat exten sive works of the kind In the world, and an experience in manufacturing of over 23 years, with a reputation long established, having also the exclusive control of all the night roll of the great city of New York, are prepared to turialph en article which iv, without doubt, the cheapest and very best ferdlizer In market. It greatly increases the yield, and ripens the crop from two to three weeks earlier, at au expense of from three to four dollars per acre. with little or no labor. Also, FIFTY TONS of BONE TAFEU, being a mixture of bone and night soil ground line, at $-15 per ton—a superior article for grain and grass. Price of POUDRETTE, $1.60 per barrel. Seven barrels and over delivered free of charge. A pamphlet containing all necessary information may be had free by addressing a letter to the subscriber. JAMES T. FOSTER, Care of the Lodi Manufacturing Company, fai 10 3m 5] 66 Courtlandt et., New York. SHEAPPER , S CHEAP BOOK STOKE, No. 32 NORTH QUEEN STREET IS THE PLACE 'To PURCHASE SCHOOL BOOKS A SCHOOL STATIONERY. COMPRISING ALL non VARIOUS READING AND SPELLING BOORS, ARITHMETICS AND ALGEBRAS, GRAMMARS AND ETYMOLOGIES, DICTIONARIES AND HISTORIES, PHILOSOPHIES, &0., Ac. COPY AND COMPOSITION BOOKS, LETTER, CAP AND NOTE PAPER, BLANK-BOOKS, SLATES, LEAD AND SLATE PE"CILS, PENS AND HOLDERS, INK, INKSTANDS, RfeLERS, and the best and most complete assortment of SCHOOL STATIONERY IN THE CITY. iRr Liberal discounts made to Teachers and Merchant, JOHN SHE AFFER'S Cheap Cash Book Store, 82 North Queen street, Lancaster. tf 40 1 50 4 50 1 25 1 89 1 00 5 00 $2,182 8% 1863. HOT.ISKE EP I N 6 . 0 0 D 1500 POUNDS PRIME FEATHERS CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE GOLD BAND AND PLAIN FRENCH CHINA ft 48 00 153 80 28 00 46 00 11 00 147 75 126 25 111 25 47 00 3 00 60 00 119 00 68 75 193 27 FANCY AND WHITE STONE CHINA.. PLAIN AND FANCY ENGLISH GRANITE WARE PITTSBURG AND BOSTON GLASSWARE Bleached and Unbleached Muslin!, Sheetings and Pillow Casings, Furniture Checks and Ticking!, Table Diapers and Linen Damasks, Crash. Bird• Eye and Uuckaback Towslinger Marseilles Quilts, Blankets,— Window Shades. CARPETS AND FLOOR OIL-CLOTHS We have now open a complete stock of the above , goods, many of which having loam' purchased before the great advance will be sold at low prices. mmaa SO2II . ETEILINCh NEW TELE PATENT . STAMP-BEALING AND POST-MASK The preservation on the letter itself of the POST—MARK and POSTAGE—STAMP, generally destroyed with the de tached cover, bee long been deemed a matter of the first importance. Thiel desideratum in now triumphantly secured by this ingenious invention. li.lany obvious advantages mart arise from the general use of this envelope. Frst—lncreased Safety by additional sealing; the stamp connecting Mai envelope and letter securely together; and this is never liable to be omitted, though the sticking of the Sap is frequently neglected or imperfectly done. &a:mot—Security against Impertinent Intrusion; the: letter and envelope being firmly attached by the stamps, and Wetmore cannot be inspected even if the flap be clan destinely opened. Third—Safety against Abstraction of 'Valuable Indio sores. If she flap be left unsealed, or opened with feloni ous intent, it will be impoisibln to open the letter and take thence bank notes and drafts without so mutilating the envelope as to insure detection. iburth—Security for the free payment of the Postage; ea the stamp, when once properly placed in this window, cannot be removed without its destruction. $ 1000 00 141300 00 $l5BOO 00 $ll6OO IX/ $31,931 49 AM.—Advantage therefore to the Government; by tb effectual destruction of every stereo in its fi rst use. SF:TM—Facility to the Post Office Operations; by a not foim location of the stamp in the upper right hand corner which is the most convenient position for the Post Offic mark. Seventh—Verilleation of the Mailing; by Bemiring on the letter.itself the /ego] evidence of the time and place of it being mailed. This has long been esteemed so desirable, that many prudent persona are constrained to dispense with the use of envelopes, that they may have the .post mark on the letter; and others take the precaution to pin the envelope again on the letter for identification. Eighth—Certaloty of the Date and Place on the Letter, which are so frequently omitted by writers in careleseness or hurry. Ninth--Ornamentation; which, though some may think of small importance, certainly meets the approval of all persons of taste. $ 2000 60 00 5 00 2 00 86 00 7000 40 00 10 00 8 00 8 00 Tenth—Coat. Notwithstanding the many and wally:di: advantages of the •"Stamp tenting Envelopes," they w be furnished at a very small advance upon the, prices thole not having the benefit of this patent. Can be had at J. M. IVE.iTHAEHER'S Cheap Book Store, Corner North Queen and Orange Btu. nos 4 . tf 43 25 00 .. 24 60 .. 65 00 . 600 10 00 159 75 64 25 120 00 65 00 12 00 50 00 10 00 2530 2600 1 - BARTON & SON, IWHOLESALE GROCER% AND' DEALERS IN CODE TRY PEODUOE,'WINEB AND LIQUORS, , Nos. 166 and 167 North Second street, des U '6O t6lBl PHILADELPHIA 115 00 55 00 - 85 00 $1,2 1 6 00 Janitors Pay $61,20 16 S6M6 12 $ 180 00 25 00 16,313 15 314 47 247 87 1160 20 2821 42 16,662 41 1400 00 41,873 00 $236,369 03 LEVI S. HEIST, JOHN DONEE, WIA. SPENCER Commissioners. HAGER