SEAL ARRESTED. The notorionalical Dow, who has been the commander of the forts near New Orleans, has been arrested on a charge of robbing one of the citizens of his silver ware. Dow, it is stated, admits the robbery, which amounted to upwards of $l,BOO, and tries to justify it on the ground that he supposed the victim was a secessionist. Dow thinks he is entitled to. and asks for, promotion; and the N. Y. Tribune seems to agree with him in the opinion.—Hariford Tintes. SPECIAL NOTICES. Sir Coughs Consumption.....guir send One Dollar to Dr. TY Unger, Baltimore, Md., and re ceive, by return Mail, a box of his Wonderfully Cheering Certain Care Consumptive Compound. A box lasts six weeks. . [feb 34m 4 , lam To Nervous Sufferers of Both Sexes. —A Reverend Gentleman having been restored to health ' in a few days, after undergoing all the usual routine and irregular expensive modes of treatment without success, considers it his sacred duty to communicate to his afflicted fellow creatures the means of cure. Hence, on the receipt of an addressed envelope, he will send (free) a copy of the prescription used. Direct to. Dr. Jdbn H. Begunli, No. 186 Talton etree, Brooklyn, Nevi York. ffeb 17 ly 7 AKirßiear Jersey Lands for Sales ALSO., GARDEN OR FRUIT FARMS, Suitable for . Grapes, Peaches. Pears:, Raspberries, Straw berries, Blackberries, Currants, Ac., of I, 2%, 5, 10 or 20 acres each, at the following prices for the present, viz: 20 acres for $2OO, 10 acres for $llO, L acres for $BO, 2% acres for $lO, 1 acre for $2O. Payable by one dollar a week. Also, good Cranberry lands and village lots in CHET— WOOD, 25 by 100 feet, at $lO each, payable by one Millar a week. The above land and farms, are situated at Chet wood, Watibingtort township, Burlington county, New Jersey. For further information, apply, with a P. 0. Stamp, for a circular, to 13. FRANKLIN CLARK, Jan 13 ly 1] No. 90 Cedar Street, New York, N. Y. .of-The Confessions and Experience of a Poor Young Man.—A. gentleman having been cured of the results of early error and disease, will, from motives of bo• nevolence, send to those who request it, a copy of the above Interesting narrative, published by himself. This little book is designed so a warning and caution to young men and those who suffer from Nervous Debility, Lose of, Memory, Premature Decay, Ac., Ac ., suplying at the BRIMS: time the means of self cure. Single copies will be sent under seal in a plain evelope,—without charge,—to any who request it, by addressing the author, CEI AS. A. LAMBERT, EN., freenpoint, Long Inland, New York. 3zi 4d 431- E q nal It y to A 1 II Uniformity of Plicel A new feature of Business: Every one his own Salem man. Jones & Cf.. of the Crescent One Price Clothing Store. 602 Market etyset, above 6th, in addition to having the argent, most varied and fashionable stock of Clothing in Philadelphia, trade expressly for retail sales, have consti tuted every Ile his own Salesman, by having marked in figures, onvery ch article, the lowest price it can be sold for, so ey cannot possibly vary—all must buy alike. The goo are all well sponged and prepared and great pains tak with the making, so that all ran buy with the full assurance of getting a good article at the very lowest price. _ . . Reniember the Clreenet.t. In Market, nbova 6th,lNo. 460 felt, 26 17-6 .TONES .4 Co. MARRIAGES On the 18th of Itecenit,er, by the Rev. Mr. Gniley, John 0. Williamson, of ttlato Hill. York county. Pu., to Miss Lizzie 0.. eldest daughter of Thomas J. Gillespls, Eeq., of Cecil county, Md DZIKEEM In this city. on Friday morning last, after a protracted Illness. Maria Magdalena, wife of Godfrled Kelm, Esq., in the 72d year of her age. • In this city, on the 12th inst., Charles Franklin, eon of Lewis Ferdinand and B. C. Levering, aged 9 months and 17 days. _ In this city, on the 7th lost., Mre. Elizabeth Snyder, aged 76 years. In this city, on the 13th net., James Williams, in the 484 year of his age. On the lit Inst., In Stearn's Hospital, Paducah, Ky., Sergeant Gideon Bower. in the 16th rarsf hie age—a na tive of Strasburg. Lancaster county, Pa., and only ton of Samuel P. Bower, F.sq., of that place. At the Hospital in Nashville. Tenn., on the 18th of Jan uary, 1861, John Cross, of the 19th Regiment 0. V . of wounds received at the Idittle of Murfreesboro. In the 47th year of hie . age. Also,'on the 61h of February. in Hospital No. 8, some - place, of dropsy, William Cross. brother to the above, and 'both rf the name regiment and formerly of this city. On Saturday. the 7th lust, in West Earl township, Amelia Caruthers, wife of GeJrge Caruthers, aged 75 years, 4 months and 27 days. Lancaster Wholesale Grain Market. Corrupted weekly by J. It. 11m:ex ‘t 800.. Forwarding and Commission Merchants. No. 91 North Queen street. LANCVdrill, February 16 f 6 (I 0 Flour, Superfine, 'F.' bbl Extra White Wheat, ' bushel Red " " Core, old " flow Olovers.d Wlll,key, in hhdx " to bbls.. Philadelphia Market There in rather more Inquiry for Flour but pricer on. changed; males of 4,000 bble. at $0.35 for superfine; $7.25 for extra, and $7.504,5.871..4 for extra family and fancy. Nn change in Rye Flour or Cornmeal. Wheat unchanged ; sales of 5,000 bun. red at gI.CB, and white nt 99. small refer of Rye nt 97 cents. Corn is dull and lower, sale. of 3.000 1 un. new yellow at 05( - c505 , i 5 cents. Oats In. active request, and 9.000 bus. Pennsylvania Fold et 01 ctn. .per 3d The. Cloversecd moven slowly nt 59 755 - 50. Flaxsyed - wanted at $3 35. and Timothy at V 287. No change In pro ',visions. Whisky is doll at 09 cents. ?lour dull.i)hio extra at sl' d'N@7.7s. Wheat firmer, white at $1 85@2, red at $1 6301.66. Corn is dull. Whisky (lull at 63@0.1 cents. 2.000 bogs Rio sold at 30 cts. for cash. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE.--Estate of CHRISTIAN HESS, late of Little Britain twp., elec'EL—Letters of administration cum testamento annoxn on said estate having been granted to the nn , tersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make Immediate settlement, and those having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement to Abner D. Campbell. in the City of Lancaster, or to Jesse Darle,lin Clerain:torroship. . . ABNER D. CAMPBELL. JESSE D VTR Admiabaratore FZINISEiI A lICTIONEERIN G BENJAMIN.F. ROWE respectfully infirm, the pnb• lic that he will attend to Crying Sales of Real and Pernonal property in any part of the county. Those wishing his nervices are requested to apply. to Garardus Claritnon, Eng., at the Prothonotary's Office, who will promptly attend to the matter. Letters addressed to me at Smithrille P. 0., Lancaster county, will be promptly attended to. [fob 17 tf 7 g g M _Pigl gF. M Sp 4 4 4 e 0-Eg,mt 5 4 E: f: l4 m E thr;,:. ? , =2; , ,.T1 n' -=Egg = Ni :i.l;24?]!g °2 E'g24 JA.MR3 H. WM'ON. TUOW&S n. YoST. NVAL TONIF.& YOST, BANKERS, BROKERS, AND GENER AL COLLECTORS, No. 25 .80IITH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA I=l Jay, Cooke A Co., E. P. Middleton & Brother, James, Kent, Santee & Co., I Esherlck. Black & Co., C. H. M'Klbbln & Son, I Hon. Wm. Wilkins, Hon. James Pollock, " 11. D. Foster, " A. H. Reeder. " Asa Packet. ' Warren J. Woldward, V. L. Bradford, rsq „ " Ger, Sanders,. HIGITEST PRICE PAID FOR GOLD ANISI LT ER. RIOVERNMENT AND our ER INTERESTS O M,LECT ED. STOCKS BOUGHT AND feb 17 SOLD ON com:suesioN. t[7 ACCOUNTSOFTRUSTAND ASSIGNED ESTATES.—The accounts of the following named , estates have been exhibited and filed in the Mc+ of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster cotlnty, to wit: Leah Albert's Estate, Jarob Baxtresser, Committee. Isaac Downing's Estate, Samuel Trussott, Committee. Christian Hershey's AnAgned Estate, Christian Erisman one of the Aseigoese. Notice la hereby given to all persons interested in any or eatd estates, that the Court have appointed MONDAY. the 18th day of MARCH, 1863, for the c,firination and al. lowance of acid accounts, union, exceptions be flied cr cause shown, why said accounts should not be allowed. PETER MARTIN, Proth'y. PROTEIONOTART'S Orrice, February 14, 1863. 11 4t6 0 2-fp,.,:10%4E ■ n-..:tf,...== E z— 00..E.t41,0,At24 07 .d 7 3` 43 .1 , 11! ; 4 .za .; - .2 PRE -s,-:4,T,'7!7417, °44; 'N 41 173 7 ;i 2 :e. 66 i -4AggEE.2.4-BA ASSIGNED ESTATES OF CLEMEN T R. POTTS &L 0. BLIGHT, late partners as Potts & Blight Isaac 0. Blight and wife; Clement R. Potts end wife; and Isaac 0. Blight, Clement R. Potts, and John Hornberger, partners as J. 0. Blight & Co. The undersigned auditors, iaprinted to distribute the balance remaining in the hands of James 51cCas end 'XII. Ham Carpenter, Eeq're, Assignees of the above named estates, will sit for that purpose, on FRIDAY, the 13th day of MARCH next, at 2 o'clock, P. M., in the Library Boom of the Court House, in the City of Lancaster. JAMES L. REYNOLDS, A. SLAYMARER. [tab 17 9t lanosster, Bab. 16th, 1863. fIEGISTER , ,FOTIOE...The Accounts 15 of the respective decedents ben:quit° annexed are . filed in the Register's Office of Lenceeter County, for Con &nation and allowance. at an Orphans' Court to be held in the Court House, in the City of Lancaster, on the , THIRD MONDAY in MARCH next, the 10th inst., et 10 o'clock, A. M. Catharine Diffenbaugh, Best Lampeter township. By John Smith, Administrator. James H. Bennett, City of Philadelphia. Guardianship Account. By Samuel B. P. Lytle, Guardian of Sanford • Bennett. minorehild of deceased. Samuel Bleacher. Providence township. Guardianship Account. By John Hildebrand, Guardian of John M. Bleacher, minor child of deceased, (now deceased ) Elisabeth Eckert, Leacock township. By Moses Eby and George L. Eckert. Executors. • Amos Maxfield, Little Britain township. Guardianship Account. By William Wood, Guardian of Susanna, Simeon, William, Jacob, Sarah, George and Amos Max ' field, minor children of deceased. Deborah Wright, Borough of Columbia. By Diliwyn Par ! fish, Executor. James Laird, City of Lancaster. By Andrew J. Laird, Ad. minhrtrator. Rachel Dubree ' Drunter& township. By Samuel J. Ank rim, Executor. •ti GeOrge Zeisetc, City of Lancaster. By Peter Zeisets, Ad ministrator. Benjamin Hershey, Paradise township. Guardianship Ac count. By John Denlinger, Guardian of Amos Hershey, Esther Hershey and Elam Hershey, minor children of deceased. Benjamin Hershey, Paradise township. Guardianship Ac count. By Abraham Hershey, Guardian of Emanuel Hershey. John Hershey and Anna Hershey, minor chi!. , dren of deceased. John Cauffman, Pullen township. Guardiansblp Account. By Lewis Haines, Guardian of Mary H. Canffman, minor ] child of deceased. Anna Wissler, Mount Joy township. By Christian Coble, Administrator. Christian Hostetter, Mount Joy township. By Jacob • Risser Administrator. John Reffack, East Cocalico township. By Jacob Ranck, Administrator pendente lite. Jobe Renck, East Cocalico township. By Allen P. Hibah- ! man, Administrator pendent, lite. John Ranck, East Cocalico township. By Cyril' Ream, i Administrator pendent* lite. Martin Groff, 'Startle township Gnardianahlp Account.—.l By Abraham Brubaher, Sr Guardian of Susanna Groff and Leah Groff, minor children of deceased. Elias Groff, Manic township. Guardianship Account.— By Abraham Brubaker, Sr., Guardian of Henry Groff and Marceline Groff, minor children of deceased. Benjamin Jones, Fevers township. By Andrew Mahaffey, Administrator. Samuel Martin, East Earl township. Guardianship Ac count. !By Peter Zimmerman, Guardian of Susanna Martin, one of the minor children of deceased. Andrew S. Renfro:lin, East Hemptield township. By Philip Hotteustein. Executor. Jcseell S. Nlssley, East Hempfleld township. By John Stauffer and Christian H Stsuffer, - Administrratora Augustus Brooks,City of Lancaster. By Charles M. How ell, Ann Thomas, Pave. township. By Adam Thomas and ; John Harman, Administrators. Elizabeth Graft, Pequaa township. By Adam Thomas and • John Harman ' Administrators. Susanna Herr, West Lampeter township. By Abraham Herr, Administrator. Henry Haldeman, Jr., Conoy township. Guardianship Account. By E. Haldeman, Guardian of Marion Halde man, a minor daughter of deceased. William Lafferty, Salisbury township. By Elias Diem, Administrator. George Belay, 'Salisbury township. By William Diem, Ex ecutor. Barbara Miller, Rapho township. Guardianship Account. By Jacob Miller, Guardian of David Miller, (tiow da. ceased,) minor child of d. ceaged. John Stauffer, West Hempfibld township. Guardianship Account. By Henry Stauffer, Guardian of Abraham Stauffer, Henry Stauffer and Jacob Stauffer, three of the minor children of deceased. Jacob Hahn, Earl township. Guardianship Account. By Peter Martin, Guardian of Henry K. Hahn, (now de ceased.) one ofjhe minor children of deceased. Henry Gehman, Sr., East Earl township. By John Gab , men and Henry Gehnaan, Executors . Frederick Swope, Upper Leacock township. By Elias Bare and Andrew Bard, Acting Executors. John H. Spfekler, Penn township. Guardianship Account. By Emanuel Shober, Guardian of Ellie L. Spickler and Serena Spickler, minor children of deceased. Christian Breneman, Borough of Columbia. By Ephraim Hershey, Administrator do bouts non, with the will an. sexed. Susanna Burkholder, West Lampeter township. Guard ianship Account. By Jacob Brubaker, Peter Andrews and John Strohm, Executors of Philip Geist, deceased, who was Guardian of Martha Geist, a granddaughter of de coaxed. John K. Landis, City of Lancaster. Guardianship Account. By Christian B. Landis, Guardian of Benjamin B. Lan die, minor son of deceased, (now of age.) Nancy Hess, Conestoga township. By Andrew Zercher, Administrator. Susanna Spotts, Crernaryon township. By John Spotte and Joseph Hertzler, Administrators. Catharine Walter, East Doriegal'Aowniship. Guardianship Account. By Christian Wilter. Guarditn of Fianna Walter, Samuel Walter and Catharine Walter, minor children of deceased. Gabriel Carpenter, West Earl township. By Gabriel Car penter and John Carpenter, Administrators. William Shfeiner, Warwick township. By Wm. Shreiner, Executor. Christian Schmffer, Ephrata township. By Samuel Scheel. for rind John Schwlfor, Executors. Adam Ream, West Cocalico township. By Adam R. Ream, Executor. Catharine Sharp. West Cocalico township. Guardianship Account. By Samnel Eh.rly, Guardian of Fianna liagy. (now Fianna Skimp,) granddaughter of deceased, and also a granddaughter of Henry Hagy, deceased. . Edward niftier, Clay township. Guardianship Account. By Samuel Eberly, Guardian of Franklin niftier, a son of deceased, and also a grandson o! George Fetter, Sr., deceased. Juliana J. Clark, City of Lancaster. By Henry C. Rich. holt.. Exoeutor. Samuel Bachman, Earl township. By,Levi Hoover, Exec Reuben Chambers. Saliabury township. Supplementary and Fival Account. By Prestos, Wickersham, Adminis trator. George Reinhard, Borough of Manheini. By George D. Millar, Administrator . Michael G. Wenger, West Earl township. Guardianship Account. By Levi Groff. Guardian of Levan Wenger, one of the minor childreu of deceased- Peter Sheaffar, Earl township. Supplementary Account. By Levi a.heatTer and Solomon Sheaffer, Executors. Elizabeth Ruhl, Rapho township. By Christian Rohl, Administrator. Thomas S Bryan. Canny township. By Jacob A. Miller and Edward S. Bryan, Admiaistrators. Jacob Daplinger, Paradise township. Supplomentary and Final Account. By John Deulinger, Sr., Surviving Ex ecutor Lewis Burford, Jr.. City of Lancaster. By Sarah D. Bur ford, Admiaistratrix. Caleb Linton. Earl township. By Reuben R. Bitter, Ad ministrator. Joseph.Hartronft, . Guardianship Account By Daniel S. Erb, Guardian of Sarah Hartronft, minor child of deceased. Samuel Garlach, Borough of Mount Toy. By David Gar Inch and Jamb Stehman. Executors. Barbara Kurtz, Earl township. By Joseph Kurtz, - Executor. Jacob Johns, West Earl tawnship. Guardianship Account. By Grabili Bear, Guardian of Roland and Madison Johns, minor children of deceased. Robert Lockart, City of Lancaster. Trust Account. By Pater M'Conomy, Trustee under the Will of deceased. Susanna Hers, East Earl township. By Joseph Frantz, Executor. John N Lane. City of Lancaster. Guardianship Account. By Hanry E. Leman, Guardian of Georg, W. Webb and Susan Webb, grand nephew and nieca t -uf deceased. The said Susan now of age. Frederick Miller, Brecknock township. By Christian Miller, Administrator.; George Shupp, Sr., Breakneck township. By Isaac ShuPP and George Stmp, Administrator . John Ronp, Salisbury township. Guardianship Account. By Joseph Buckwaltar, Guardian of Elizabeth Hoop, minor danghter of deceased Lydia Addl.., Borough of Adamstown. Guardianship Account. By Esaias Billingfelt. Guardian of &Inroad Addanna a minor eon of deceased. Joseph Bowman, Brecknock township. By John G. Bow man, Administrator. Levine Good, Brecknock township. By Amon Good, Ad ministrator. Elias Redeay, Jr., Borough of Adamstown. By Susan Redcay and William Moho, Administrators. Simon M. Nagle, Earl township. By Sarah Nagle, Admlnis tratrix. Jacob Ax,C,mrnarvon township. By George Ai and Samuel Hawkins,. Executors. Jacob Kreider, Conestoga township. Guardianship Ac count. By Martin S. 'famish, Guardian of Mary Kreider. Ann Kreider, Susan Kreider and Fanny Kreider, minor children of deceased. The said Mary and Ann, now of age. Jarob Hostetter, Lancaster township. Trust Account. By John B. Eshbach, Testamentary Trustee of Jacob Hon. letter, a son of deceased. Jacob Hostetter, Lancaster township. Trust Account. By David Herr, Testamentary Trustee of Henry Ilostet ter. a son of deceased. Joseph Kooigmacher, Ephrata township. By Adam Konlg. tracker and William Carpenter, Executors. Berijamin Seldomridge, Leacock township. By Harriet Seldomridge, J. F. Seldomridge and George Seldomridge, Administrators. John Mowrer, Mantic township. Guardianship Account. By Abner Peoples and Hiram Peoplasi,Exocutars of John Peoples, th.oased, who was Guardian of George M. • Mowrer, Susan M. Mowrer, Daniel 11. Mowrer, John B. Mowrer, Ann E. 'alowrer and Amanda Mowrer, minor children of deceased. Abraham Haverstick, West Earl township. Guardianship Account. By John Haveratick, late Guardian of Amos Haveretick, deceased, who was a eon of deceased. John N. alustaleman. Earl township. By Dania' Rife and Christian Johns, Executors. Anna Miller, West Lampqter township. By Henry Miller. Executor, Enoch Stokes, City of Lancaster. By Geo. F. Brenernan, Esq., Administrator. -John Bamborough, City of Lancaster. Guardianship Ac count. By R. F. Ranch, Guardian of Jeremiah and William Bamborough, and into Guardian of Sophia Barn borough, miner children cf deceased. Daniel Herr. Illanheim township. Guardianship Account. By Henry Getz, Guardian of Mary M. Herr, Ann Eliza Herr and John P. Herr, minor children of deceased. Reah Frazar, Esq., City of Lancaster. By Abiasn Frazer, Arinainiztratrix. • Georga Becker, Mount Joy township. By Amos Becker and J Becker. Executors. David Miller. City of Lancaster. By Samuel L. Warns, and W. Carpenter, Executors. Isaac Kling, Upper Leacock township. Guardianship Ac- count. By C. L. Efunsecker, Guardian of Leah S. Kling, a minor child of deaeased Bernard Flynn, Lancaster township. By Bridget Flynn, A deniul,tratrix. Michael Doersilar. Manor township. Guarallanahip Ac count. By Jacob S. Witmer, Guardian of Mary Doerst. ler. soh:or child of decaased, now of age. Slater Brown. Fulton townsbip. By Jeremiah Brown and Joseph C Stubbs, Adminletratora. GEO. C. HAWTHORN, Register. RVIISTBA'S OFFITA, Lancaster, February 16th, 1863. feb 17 416 Plin.+DgLrnz.l, Fob. 14 BALTIMORE, Feb : 14. THE FAIRY WEDDINGS! By special arrangement we publish eNeinTis e ly th e CARD PEOTODRADUS Of the' LILLIPUTIAN WEDDING PARTY, as follows: Ova. TOM THUMB, in his Welding Telt ..... Mae. GEN. TOM THUMB, le Wedding Tir e s, Mn and Mas. Gam TOM THUMB, in Wed. ditig drew COMMODORE MUTT and MISS MINNIE, Groomsman and Bridesmaid ‘‘ Man. GEN. TOM THUMB, in celebrated Re caption dress MICROS LAVINIA and MINNIE WARREN, The whole BRIDAL PARTY, (group of four) Card The BRIDAL PARTY, (Stereoscopic pic ture The BRIDAL PARTY, (Stereoscopic coined), " 75 eta. The price of card pictures, colored, will be 12 1 7 6 cents extra. Can be rent by mall on receipt of price and postage stamp. None genuine unlefs stamped with our trade mark, EA In a circle, on the front of the photograph. Beware of spurious copies made from engravings, to. E. do R. T. ANTHONY, 501 Broadway, New York, 'Manufacturers of the best Photographic Albums, and Publishers of Card Photographs of celebrities. The Negatives of tlfese exquleite pictures were made for us by Brady. " [fob 17 It 6 pHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS F . a P. 25 . at 2.00 No. 5 . at 3.50 No. 5,34 at 3.88 No. 6 at 425 No. 7 at 4.60 No. 8 at 4.78 No. 83. N0. 12 at at 6.00 Smaller !rises at lower prieee, at 8.50 MIAS BARR & WS ~ MP vs 4141 - No. I! Beat Hang Bt. . . OII3.PHA.NIVCOURT INALllC..Porsitoot to. .an order issued out of the Orphans' Court of Juniata county, and to me directed, will be exposed to sale on the premises, at 1 o'clock, P. M., on TUESDAY, MARCH IT, 1843, - " Cedar Grove," the into home of Rev. John Shields, deed, one and ono-fourth miles from Mexico on the Penn's Railroad, Juniata county, containing 62 A6lOlB and 104 Perches, good land and in good" order; entlicient timber, some chestnut; ten acres of bottom land, for meadow or cultivation, with a Variety of Fruit, such as Apples, Peeehee, Grapes, Raspberries, do;a large and well-finished FRAME HOUSE of twelve rooms, with modern conveniences, and cellar, a good a PRAMS BANK BARN, Carriage House and Corn Crib just new, Dry Home, Smoke and Wood House; all these buildings are of first class and in good order; a Well of Good Water at the door, and all In a healthy region and good neighborhood. This is a very desirable home and only one and ono-fourth miles from the Central Pennsyl vania Railroad. TERB18: Five per cent., of the pnrchase money to be paid when the property le struck down; one-third of the balance on the conftrmation of the sale by the Court ; one third on the let of April, 3864, and the remaining third ,pn let of April, 1865, to be v3cured by judgment. MARY CAROLINE SHIELDS, Admixastratrim. ALZ:LiNDIM SPIMDY, AUCtiOneer. ffeb 17 to 7 STATEMENT OF THE FARMERS , BANE OF LANCASTER, FEBRUARY 3d, 1863: .131111 Discounted and Loarri; — $401.310 06 Q. 8 Gov. Loans and Treasury Notes 256,291 25 Due from Banks and Assistant Treasurer 11. B. at Philadelphia Pennsylvania 6 per rent. Loan of 1861 Notes and Checks of other Banks "- Banking Home and other Real Estate Farmers' Bank Stock Gold and Silver Coin and 11. S. Legal Tender Notes Notes in Due 'to other Banks Duo Dep05it0r'...... ... Dividends Unpaid Capital Stock 050,000 00 Lancaster City, u I certify that the foregoing is a true statement, to the best of my knowledge and belief. EDW. H. BROWN, Cashier. Sworn and subscibed before me, this 3d day of February, 18f3. WM. B. WILEY, Alderman. . feb 17 It 6 WANTED -- GOLD, SILVER AND !VIAND NOTES, for which the HIGHEST PREMI UM will be paid at the Banking House of REED, HENDERSON & CO. (fob Io,tf 5 Lancaster, Feb. 7, '63 NOTICE. --By order of the Court of Com mon Pleas of Lancaster County notice is hereby given, that the Court appointed for the week commencing March 2d, 1863, will not be held, and all Jurors summoned to attend at that time are notified that their attendance will not be required. 8. W. P. BOYD, Jan 27 3t 3] Sheriff. SOLDIERS' BOUNTY, BACK PAY AND PENSIONS Collected without delay. .far• OFFICE IN SOUTH DUKE STREET. feb 10, 'B3 ly• 51 J. B. KAUFIIAN NO T I C E.--The Stockholders of the Lancaster Locomotive Works will meet at their office in the City of Lancaster. on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23d, 1863. at 2 o'clock, P. Al , for the election of officers for the ensuing year. fob 1U 2t 51 K. 0. KLINE, Secretary. ESTATE OF' URIAR R. ROCIERY.—.. j Letters of administration on the estate of Oriah R. Roekey, late of Bart twp., deceased, having been granted to the subscribers : All persons Indebted to said estatesare requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them, without delay, properly anther, floated fur settlement, to Amos Roekny, of Bellemonte, Paradise township. MARY A. ROCKEY, AMOS ROCKEY, Administrators. jon 20 6t. 21 ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE.--Assigned Es— tate of John H. Glass and Wife.—John H. Glass and Wife, of Ephrata township, Lancaster ceunty, having by deed of voturitary,assignment, dated January 19, 1843, as signed and transfrrred all their estate and effects . to the undersigned, for the benefit of the creditors of the said John II Glare and Wife, he therefore gives notice to all persons indebted to said assignor to make payment to the undersigned without delay, and thofo having claims to present them t• the undersigned for settlement. JOAN C. MARTIN, Assignee, Residing in Hinkletown. Or to JESSE LANDIS, Esq., Attorney -at-Law, feb 10 tit. 5] (Inquirer copy.) [Lancaster - USTATE OF JAMES B. LANE.---Let 1j tern of Administration on the estate of James B. Lane, late of Lancaster city, deceased, having been granted to the subscribers residing In said city : All persona in. debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present, them, without delay, properly authenticated for settlement, to Wm. B. Fordney, Acting Administrator. jan 9 " of 3 A DIMLINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-.Estate / - I of WILLIAM A. SHELLY, M. D., Into of Warwick township, deceased.—Letters of administration on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted thereto are requested to make immediate settle ment, and those having claims or demands against the same will present thorn without delay for settlement to the undersigned, residing in said township. THOMAS SHELLY, feb 3 fit -1] Administrator. [Examiner copy) ESTATE OF ROBERT LAVERTIZ, late of Gordonville, Lancaster county, dec'd.—Let tern of administration on said estate having been granted to the nndei . signed, all persons indebted thereto are re quested to make immeainte payment, and those having demands against the same will present them for settle ment to the undersigned, reading a Penningtonville, Chester county. JOE'S D. LAVERTY, Admininttator. Or to his Attorney, OEO. F. BRENEMAN, jan 27 6t 3] Lancaster. Pa. NOTICE. --Whereas Bernard o , Bryan, to whom was granted, September 18,1869, a patent, for the INIPROV hD BLACK HAWK CAST IRON ORE WASHER, assigned and transferred, for a valuable consideration, under his hand and seal, the undivided one-half of all his right, title and interest in the said invention to the under signed; a ,d subsequently the said O'Bryan and the under signed entered into co-partnership for the purpose of manu facturing and selling said Ore Washers. This is to give notice that the recent acts and conduct of the said O'Brvan being inconsistent with the longer con tinuance of the said partnership, the same is hereby dis seined ; and that the undersigned will not from this date, be liable for any debts which the said O'Bryan may con tract in the manufacture of said Ore Washers or other wise. Also, that the nail O'Bryan has no authority from me, the hslf owner, to soil any of said Ore Washers for lees than $200.00 are hereby warned that I will look to them for my half of the profit on each machine at the rate of $2OOOO each. ikAIIUEL HOPKINS. Marl%tta, January 21, 1803. [Jan 27 61 3 A M E w R K. I E C oN A A.u. N o pßo i-l pm g U S . Main Street, Altoona Citizens, railroad passengers and travelers generally will find this an excellent and pleasant house to stop at. It is convenient to the railroad, and has been refitted and re furnished iu the best style, end the proprietor will spare no pains to contribute to the comfort of his guests. Ills table is always supplied with the luxuries Ft n.l sub• stautials of life, and his Bar is stocked with the choicest liquors Its respectfully invites one and all to give him a call, and assures them that their every want will be attended to. Chargcs moderate. [oct iGm 39 WILLIAM B. WILEY, ALDERMAN, No. 16 NOP.TII DOSE STREET, LANCASTER. The Docket and papers of William Frick, Esq., have been pined in my hands for settlement. Also the moneys re maining in the bands of the Executors, due to Plaintiffs in suits before derea•ed. Persons entitled are requested to call immediately and receipt for the same. The uudersigued respectfully solicits the patronage of the public. ',Strict attention will be paid to all business entru.ted to his care. feb 10 3t a] T HE GIR.ARD HOUSE This popular Home, after a thorough refitting and over hauling, will be re-opened on or .about the 29th Instant' Its proprietors have furnished it in a tasteful scanner, and engage to keep a table unsurpassed, for solid luxuries, by any Hotel in this country. They likewise guarantee that the Bar shall gain and sustain the reputation of having the beet of Liquors. They will invite public criticism an well aspuldie patronage. Transient Board $2 per day. Charles Duffy (formerly of the Liirard,) will be happy to meet f,mer friends at the old place. dee 30 St 51] SIt\ OAO z/ Ait t rio.r. ) ) °with /Of h S'fraT G PHILADELPHIA. MA T TRESSES, BEDS. - FEATHERS, BLANKETS, CO3IFORTAB GES, SACKINGS, QUILTS CUSHIONS, And all other articles belonging to the brislness. feb 10 ly 5] A , iOS HILLBORN. 100,000 BARRELS OP TUE LODI MAN u ACT Cr RING CO'S POIJDRETTE, 130 FOLITH WHAIITES, PHILADELPHIA, PA . . This Company with a capital of $1.50,000, the meet exten sive works of the kind in the world, and an experience in manufacturing of over 23 years, with a reputation lona estatilish , d. having also the ex,lnsive control of all the tight sell of the great city of New York, are prepared to furnish an article which is, without doubt, the cheapest and very best ferilizer in market. It greatly increases the yield, and ripens the crop from two to three weeks earlier, at no expense of from three to four dollars per acre. with little or no labor. Also, FIFTY TONS of BONE TAFEIL being a mixture of bone and night soil ground fine, at $45 per ton—a sup,ior article for grain and grass. Price of POUDRETTE, $1.60 per barrel. Seven barrels and over delivered free of charge. A pamphlet containing all nereesary information may be had free by addressing a letter to the subscriber. JAMES T. FOSTER, Care of the Lodi Manufacturing Company, 1 . ,1) 10 3m 5] 66 Courtlandt st,, New York. prim 25 cts S HEAFFEIi'S CHEAP BOOK STORE, 11 o. NORTH QUEEN STREET IS THE PLACE TO PURCHASE SCHOOL BOOKS A SCHOOL STATIONERY. COMPRISING ALL TEM VARIOUS READING AND SPELLING BOOKS, ARITHMETICS AND ALGEBRAS GRAMMARS AND ETYMOLOGIES,: DICTIONARIES AND HISTORIES, PHILOSOPHIES, .40., COPY AND COMPOSITION BOOKS, LETTER, CAP AND NOTE PAPER, BLANK—BOOKS, SLATES, LEAD AND SLATE PE BOILS, PENS AND HOLDERS, INK, INKSTANDS, RULERS, and the best and most c. , mplete assortment of SCHOJI., STATIONERY IN THE CITY. .63` Liberal discounts made to Teachers and Merchants at JOHN SHEAFFER'S Cheap Cash Book Store, 32 North Queen street, Lancaster. oct 14 tf 40 TS A,AO BANTON & SON, .IWHOLESALN GROCERS, AND DEALERS IN 00ITN ' TRY PRODUOE, WINES AND. LIQUORS, Nos. 166 and 187 North Second street, deo II '6O tf4B] PHII4DZI,PAU, 188,885 44 10.490 00 . 3°7- 16 . 10 900 00 ... 83,450 00 110,988 11 $1,092,857 02 L1A31T451143. $337.900 00 31,273 03 241.627 99 1,543 00 - $612,344 02 $ 80,543 00 MARTHA LANP, WM. B. FORDMEY, Administrators. WM. B. WILEY t .kNAGA,V , OWI.ER & CO. FINANCES . OF OF LICNOASTER COUNTY. =men role Ina 1962. JOHN DEMLlMGER, 2 •Fraaautter, Dr. Jan.. 6, 13al. reed front' H. Shlrt,late_Trea sa-Ver: as' Par 1.8 1 4 0-. 4f • • :-•• Canary Andllom. *A M 96 Reed *on IL Muller. Geri . "'" ' • _ .IknakraiMnegial-jury Mid 30 00 • " -num stags in /9ar- • - a W. P. Bor4Finsisad Jn _ - ry Fund. 500 " 10 " "B. Urban, J. P. of Conestoga twp,for floating timber sold 14 46= Mar 4 " "J. J. Cochran, for U.S. Flag.. 16 W • " " Jesse Landis Esq. costs in case of Com. vs Junes Rife 908 " " game Fees paid A. H. Smith, for taking deposition in ease of James Rife, refunded.... 16 00 " 24 " Christian Fenrich, of Manor township, ..... ..- 100 00 " Isaac Mayer, Strasburg. Loan, 130 00 " " " " Levi Landis, B. Hempfleld " 200 00 " 31 " " John Stauffer, Earl, "..„ 600 00 " " " Adam H. Longenecker, East Lampeter, Loan 1000 00 " " " " Elias B. Bomberger, B Hemp- lel& Loan 1000 00 Ap'l 1 " Dani Rootlet, U. Leacock.Loan 2050 00 •• " " " Juo Martin,'Blg Springllarl ".. 400 50 " " " Tohn Rachel, Strasliorg....... 1000 00 " " " " Chu Elmer, Elizabeth . . .... 310 00 " " John Royer, Manheim....... 400 00 " " " " John B. Se usenig, Earl ..... ".. 600 00 " " Benj. Landis, B. Lampeter..".. 1000 00 • " "B. H. Longenecker,Lancaster.. 1500 00 • " " L.W. ,100 00 " " " " John Rohrei, do .."• . 500 00 " " " " Abm Landis, B. Lampeter..... 600 00 " " " Tobias R.Krelder,W. do TOO 015 , " " " " Elizabeth Leaman, Bdo .." • 250 00 " " Christ. Gerhart, E. do • .".. 432 CO • " " " John Geist, sr., East do '760 00 • " 4 Abm D. Heller, Manheim ..."... 1000 00 " 2 " /no De Mager, sr., B•Hemplield 11000 00 " John M. Stehman, Penn, Loan. 1020 00 " '7 " Jacob Bomberger, Upper Lea cock, Loan. • '750 00 "22 " " Henry Andrews. J.P. of Marti, township,forstray sheep sold 4 98 " " " " Wm. Winters, Mt Joy twp, for Road damages on lands of P. Myers and C. B. Shirk 13 00 " " " Brinton Walters,Sadsbury•twp, Exonerated tax 5 32 " 25 " John J. Evans, J. P. of Little . - . Britain-tut?, for tWo stray calves gold • • . 41. "28 " " Beef Kreider, Blenheim, Loaa• 600 00 Blay6 " Nelson Wolfkiil, Fines In Com. ye R. & Catharine Beck 20 00 " 6 " "B.W. P. Boyd, Sheriff, Fines & Jury Fund 27 00 Jul 12 " Jesse LAndle,Bsq, costa in Cora. vs F. Bower 9 83 "15 " "H. Humor, Clerk of Q. S., toe's in Com. ye J. Doereh 9 00 " " D. H. Beitehn, Treasurer of Commission to Virginia,bal. refunded 55 40 •• " " " Semi Johne,ll. Leasock, Loan. 800 00 "24 " " &wan Kuhn, City • .. 100 00 "29 " " Sllao B. Bomberger,B.Hem'd".. 500 00 "28 " " Simon Minich,R. Hera pfield ".. 400 00 Aug 4 " '- John Rohrer, W. Lampeter ".. 600 00 "11 " " John H. Kendlg,B. do "... 600 00 " " " Henry Lichty, B Hemptield ".. 85 00 " " " " John Rohrer, do ".. 100 00 " " " Daniel Rohrer. do 200 00 "12 " " Farmers Bank of Lancaster ".. 25000 00 "13 " " Wm. Carpenter, Beg ".. 10000 00 "14 " " Lancaster County Bank ".. 9000 00 .. • • • • . • •' 16 " " Taylor Lane Shuler, city....".. 60 00 "18 " " Amos Sourbeer, Manor ".. 2500 00 " " " "J. P. Krantz, Ephrata. "... 100 00 " " " Saml M. Wright, Conestoga 1000 00 " Jacob Hohreror.E.Lam peter"— 500 00 "25 " " Jesse Landis, Esq., Fees paid In Military by late Treasurer, returned 15 00 "29 " " John Stauffer, Earl, Loan 300 00 Sep 1 " "A. Bnckwalter, East Lampeter twp, Exonerated tax 1 16 " 2 " "S. W. P. Boyd, Sheriff, Jury Fund & Fines 10 CO " 5 " " John M. Greider,W. Hempfield, Guardian of Mary Jane and Catharine Pearson, Loan , 160 00 " 6 " " Lewis Sprecher. City, guardian of minor children of Blimbth Rieder, Loan 111 09 "12 '• " Chn Bomberger,,Loan 150 00 "13 " " Wm, Lippold, E. Lampeter "... . 100 00 " 15 " John G. Kendig, do • 850 00 "16 " " John Miller, E. Hempfield ".. 225 00 "22 " " RudOlph Myer, Conestoga ".. 8000 00 "29 " " Anna S. Senebnig, City 00 00 Oct 4 " " Jonas Lauber, Clay - ".. 450 00 • 0 6 " " Martin Shreiner, City ...... ..".. 400 00 " " " • Margaret Steward. City ".. 168 00 " " John G. Kendig, Manor "... 4500 00 "13 " `• George Eichelberger, City.:•'.. 600 00 liov6 " " George Mullin, J.P. of B.Gemp 11eld-twp., for stray cow bold 2 32 "10 " " Amos Herr, W. Lampeter,Loan • 600 00 • •` Harriet Blown, City.. ..... :• 50 00 Dec 1 " "S.W. P. Boyd, Sheriff, Fines & • Jury Fand 60 00 18 " •' Peter Johns, East Lampeter,for Tax omitted 67 93 " 24 " C. M. Brown, J.P. of East Don gal, for two stray steers sold 7 18 31 " " Farmersßank,lnterestrefunded 196 83 Aggregate A8U . ..10U of County rate', and feriae for 1861, an per xtatenient Treasurer by County Commissioners ; Adamstown,.. $ 143 10 Bart 777 94 Breakneck 639 65 Carnarvon, . 1198 70 Cocalico East 1399 41 Cocalico West 1693 40 Calerain 854 49 Columbia ..... • . 2240 35 Conestoga 1752 02 Conoy 995 15 Clay 1324 86 Donegal East 3319'63 Donegal West 918 46 Drumore ... 1514 56 Ephrata 2327 55 Earl 3177 39 Earl East 2109 44 Earl West 2664 93 Elizabeth '793 32 Elizabethtown 205 60 Eden, 484 21 Fulton, 1031 86 Hempfleld East 3132 24 Hemfleld West 2557 86 Lampeter East 3462 13 Lampeter West 2896 66 Lancaster twp 1439 90 Lancaster city—East Wards 4906 61 West Wards.... 4490 63 Leacock 2603 94 Leacock Upper • 2581 66 Little Britain 1111 45 Manhelm twp • 3721 73 Martin • 766 91 Manor 1413 93 Mount Joy twp • • 1850 47 Mount Joy bor 513 92 Marietta• ' 746 01 Manheim bor ... 385 31 Paradise 2080 96 Penn 2 1 97 93 Perinea 1383 68 Providence 715 '74 Rambo 3140 94 Salisbury 3366 11 Sedsbury 927 66 Strasbdrg twp 2535 87 StTasbarg bor 611 S 7 W'irwick • • 2624 16 Washington 192 17 Excess Tar. Manor 1860 $2.9 66 1561 3 57 Drumote 2 40 Little Britain. " 4 75 • Sadabury• " 13 43 Eden . 1862 17 91 Lancaster twp " 4 75 Cotentin " 9 02 Marietta " 7 68 Providence " 2 38 Manheim bor " 6 20 Donegal West " ' 1 49 Leacock Upper " 1 19 Hemplield Bast• .• " 2 62 Columbia " 14 25 Manheim twp 24 Bart.... " 1:3 94 Salisury " 1 19 Earl • " 28 60 Earl East" 10 91 • Cooslico West " 1 54 Strasburg " 1 78 Mount Joy bor 1 90 Penn • • • " 95 Strasburg bor " 3 at Adamstown 63 Leacock " 96 Ephrata " g 70 Conestoga 48 Hemplleld West " 2 56 Warwick " 37 05 Brecknock 36 • To amount of outstanding taxes as per re port of tact County Auditor 9713 51 Bounties remaining unpaid 480 00 Items in Court bills n 17 62 " " relief orders 36 25 Expenditures of 1862 By amount of Court orders in favor of John McCartney, William Van Made and Ja cob A. Miller, Auditors for Auditing the several accounts and expenditures for 1161 180 00 P.O. Rberman. Court order for &wing the account of 1861 26 00 ... 642 Commissioners orders drawn in 1862, including bounties to Volunteers 144.702 46 935 Court Stile and Certificates paid in 1563 10,768 61 85 Orders and Rolls drawn by the Board of Relief to families of Volunteers 15,313 50 39 Road Viewers and Surveyors orders.... - 314 47 Constable return orders to Court of Q 8... 247 87 Rxonorations allowed to Collectors 1,160 20 Commissions " 2,921 42 Outstanding Taxer Earl, East 1857 17 87 Strasburg borough, 1859 91 49 Drumore township, 1860 93 74 Rapho " 1861 300 95 Adamstown bor. 1062 11 50 •Bart township " 50 00 Breoknock " 324 35 •Carnarvon " " 222 54 Columbia borough " • 500 00 Cocalico 13, twp, ~.„ " 1,081 41 Conoy • , ~ 291 71 •Cl 4 y " 61019 Donegal E." " 335 67 Drumore " ~ 799 75 Earl " P 5 35 •Earl W. " " • 889 77 *Elizabeth " " ......• 200 06 *Elizabethtown bor. " ' 147 50 Felton township " 531 81 Lampeter B" 954 70 LampeterW" " • 093 30 *Lancaster City,E W" 724 11 " W W " 1,459 31 Little Britain twp. " 196 23 *Manic " 203 76 Manor " ~ 514 96 •Mormljoy " l• 459 96 Mountjoy bor. " 296 25 *Paradiso twp. " 368 65 •Pequea " 60 57 Rapho " " 1,557 70 Salisbury " " 2,501 11 Strasburg boro 41 141 00 Washington " ~ 192 17 --- 16,562 41 Trearorrera Commlesion on $174,999 76 at @6-10 per cent 1,400 00 Balance 41.873 O 0 Thole marked thus • have elate paid AUDITORS' REPORT WE, the undersigned Auditors of Lan caster county, do airtify,,Autt we . have carefully ex amined the above account . of John Denlinger, Esq., Treasurer' of said, cotuity,and have compared hie !enchant With the same and find a balance to Ile hands of Portymie thousand sight hundred and altran. ty.three dollars, (641,873 00.) - We ham wemined the account of Christian Gast, q., Troie=M of the Poor and House of Imployment of Lancaster county, and end Wane* in his Undo of Two. hundred . and thirtymie doll= and • eighty. two cants, (BM 82) on the Brat day of January, Ism We have also examined the account of Joseph fiant eon, Beg., Treasurer of the Board of Prison Impactors and found It correct, showing a balance in his bands of Fifty-four dollars and seventy-four cants ($54 74) on the first day of January, 1863. The liabilities of the county at the present time for individual loans at Ins per cant. per annum amount to 4121.783 25; deducting the above amount in hands of the Treasurer $41,473 06 would show an indebtedness of 479,910 25. The outstanding taxes amount to 414562 41. In witness whereof we have herenotO set oar hands at the Commadoners Office this twenty soma day of January, 1843. WM. VON NEIDA, JACOB A. MILLER, - JOHN STROHM, Jr.,' Auditors of Lancaster County. COMXISBIONEHr STAMEMINT. Assessor? Pay. THE following is a statement of the Commludoners' Orders drawn on John Denlinger, Req., Treasurer of Lancaster county, for the year 1862. Adamstown, Samuel Stork $ 20 00 Bart, H. Baumgardner. 69 75 Brecknoek, Levi Laush 60 00 Cameroon, Josph Weaver ' - 60 00 Cocallco . est, Samuel Wioseer . 70 00 Cocalico West, John Edwards ...„ 72 00 Colerato, James McCullough .. —. . . . .... .. 06 00 Colombia bor., Joe. H. Black..--.. 126 GO Conestoga, FL EL Rohrer 62 ( IXi j Conoy. Frederick Smith. 60 00 Clay, Jacob Kehler 62 00 Donegal Emit, George B. Murray 89 Donegal West, Frederick Oldweller .... SO Drtunore, James D. Welsh. ' 78 00 Ephrata, J. S. Sharp 82 60 Earl, ti.. G. Sutton. 80 00 Earl Bast, Jolui Stauffer.-- —.- Earl West, F. G. Carpenter 85 00 Elizabeth, Jos. M. Mathews__ - 55 00 Elizabethtown, Charles Ebecher ....... ...—.......- 20 00 Eden, :ohn Graham 45 00 Fulton, Lewis H. McCardle 55 00 Hempfleld East, Henry Shroll . 88 00 Hemptleld West, Jos. S. Denlinger . SO 00 Lampeter Baal, J. B. Diffenbach 76 00 Lampeter West, George Ulmer 70 00 Lancaster twp., Benjamin Huber. 41 00 Lancaster city—N. W. Ward, Chas. G. Beal, in full of balance... -. 130 00 S. W. Ward, George Mauer, In full of balance - 180 00 N. E. Ward, George King 175 00 B. E. Ward, J. Hegener, In fall of balance 120 00 Leacock, Mahlon Ruth 70 00 Leacock Upper, N. F. Sbeaffer ...... 711 00 Little Britian, John M. Harlan 65 00 Manheim twp., John W. Frantz, ' 85 00 Marti; James Simpson 42 00 Manor, A.R. Witmer 130 00 Mount Joy twp., William Winters 85 00 Mount Joy bor., Peter Bruner 65 OD Marietta, F. L. Baker. 85 00 Manhetin bor., Henry Diffenderfer 80 00 Paradise, George Anthony. 85 e 0 Penn, Isaac Gingrich 65 00 Pequea, Samuel Hess 45 00 Providence, Martin Reese 59 00 Bapho, John B. Breneman 85 00 Salisbury, 3, D. Warfel - 130 00 Sadsbury, James Hood 65 00 Strasburg twp., Daniel Helm 80 80 Strasburg bor., John Werntz .. 91 00 Warwick, A. B. Hackman 90 00 Washington, Joseph R. Charles 32 00 P. G. Rberman,for altering Columbia assessment 30 00 Ditto on Account of 1862 George Ulmer, Assessor, West Lmieter, on •o- count of taking a/monument for 1863 $26 00 Jacob Gompf, Assessor, 8. B. Ward, city, on ac-, count of taking assessment for 1863 30 00 Cbae. G. Beal, Assessor, N. W. Ward, city, on account of taking assessment for 1862, 30 00 Erecting Bridges. Henry Breneman, Treasurer of Elizabeth town bar., donation towards building a small bridge............., $ 15 00 Charles W. Beckel, in fall for an iron truss across ?agues creek, near Daniel Den linger's Mill 1525 00 A. W. & M. B. Foulke, for masonry for bridge at Denlinger's Mill 278;.88 .Repairing Bridget. Samuel Wolf & Co., lu full for repairing bridge °cross the Conestoga at Snaveley's II 120 00 John Weaver, for shingles and lumber for 51 60 Court of Qr. SLllBiO7lB Henry Musser, Esq., Clerk fees S. W. P. Boyd, Esq., Sheriff fees Emlen Franklin, Esq., Attorney fees. 327 00 Wm Aug. Atlee, Esq., Attorney fee 5.,........ 480 00 John Livingston, Esq., Attorney fees 87 00 Jurors' pay 2114 97 Justices' fees 1119 38 Constables' feesl277 50 , Witness pay 2808 89 Crier and tipstavee' pay • 275 00 Common Pleas Court Jurors' pay . Crier and Tlpstaves' pay Jos. C. Snyder, for extra work and sundries $ 82 06 -George M. Steinman & Co., Hardware Am_ 18 69 Bateman & McCollum, for painting SO 25 Deaner & Shaum, for new Heaters and sun. dries 197 85 Josevh Bberm an's estate, care and winding Town Clock. 26 00 Henry Wegener, hauling Coal and shovel. log Snow 5 00 John M. Frantz, 3< dozen Brooms 1 00 Theo. W. Herr, Tally Lists and postage 8 74 Jacob Leib, X dozen Brooms . 150 A. C. Flinn, plumbing and Gas Sting 14 33 Silvio. & May, for Hardware 3 12 Hirsh & Bros., for Feather Duster 1 76 Lancaster City. for Water Rent 38 00 George Calder & Co.. bill for Sand 2 80 M. Steigerwalt, bill for Ice 12 31 Jacob Hartman, bill for Ice 3 29 Jacob Rotharmel, for Brushes 9 94 David Pancoast, for repairing roof . 3 00 Wm. D. Sprecber, for Hose 8 62 Coroner. Daniel Balmer, Esq., Coroner and others, for holding Inquests on the bodies of 50 persons found dead in Lancaster county. $46 80 Commiseionere Office. Loyd Vandeveer for 11. 8. Map exchanged $2 00 Joe. Boyer, Esq., 234 days services as Com missioner at $2 00 per day, 8468—and 41E0 miles at 6 cents per mile, $249 Total $717,00. Balance due him at set tlement 207 00 Levi Heist, Esq., 183 days services at $2.00 per day, $364 00, and 2520 miles at 6 eta. per mile, $l5O 20—Total $517 20. Ba• lance due at settlement 167 20 John Donor, Esq., 186 days services as Com missioner at $2 per day, $372 00, and 2065 mules at 6 Cents per mile, $123 90— Total $49590. Balance at settlement... 145 90 Jesse Landis, Esq., one years salary a So 11cItor 150 00 P. 0, Sherman In full of salary as Clerk... '765 00 William Spencer, Esq., on act of services as Commissioner2oo 00 Levi S. Heist, Esq., on act of services' do.. 250 00 John Donor, Esq., on act of servicee do.. 200 00 Ellen Wiley, cleaning office and making curtains 1 60 John Shaeffer, for a County Map 4 50 T. C. Hartley, repairing seal press 1 25 A. S. Gars, Merino for Curtains 1 89 John Baker, clerking for Commissioners.. 1 00 Elias Barr dr Co., for Burden's Digest 5 00 P. G. Sherman, for Twine and Glue 59 B • ction Officers for holding Oenl. Election $ll5l 19 • do do fcr Township Elections... 977 51 do do for City Elections 78 00 do do Manheira 80r0ugh........... 17 95 do do , Special Election, E. field two 19 30 do do In the Met Elect i on Dist... 17 55 Ass issors pay for 1 eta of voters 381 1.5 Con tables - pay- 171 II Lancaster Gas Company, Gas Blue $219 90 F. H. Stauffer, Bill for Printing $ 18 00 S. A. Wylie, do a MEI 80 B. H. Thomas, ' do 28 00 F. L. Baker, do 48 00 W. B. Wile/Y. do 11 00 Peareol & Geist, do • 147 75 Geo. Sanderson, do 120 75 T. B. Cochran, do 111 76 Knba Sr. Hans, do . ... 47 00 W. H. H. Cox, do 3 00 J. Enerninger. do 50 00 J.A.Hiestend & Co do 119 00 Saml. Wright, do 59 75 John Bears' Sone, do and Stationery 193 27 t 2R5 3. 9 03 George Wiant, for Books and Binding $96 65 C. S. Hartley, Seal Press and engraving for Quarter Sessions and Oyer & Terminer and Orphans' Court 91 25 Jos. C. Snyder, Table for Proth'y Office.... 75 Wm. Aug. Atl-e Bsq.,Anditing Public 0131- CAB 109 60 Farrel St Herring, for a patent Safe for Treasurer's Office DSO CO Henry Musser, recording names of township Officers 121 68 Poor. Wm. Garment Esq.on Recount of Poor and ElOll6O of Employment $ 1000 00 Chu Gast, in fall 14800 00 Hugh E. Gam Esq. for support of Prison... a 4250 00 Joseph Eamon Ihq, do do 7250 00 Penitentiary. F.astem Penitentiary for support of Con victs for 1€16 . 2 -. $716 65 Loans paid to banks and individnals $31,931 48 Interest. Interest paid to banks and individuals P.l Mortem Eraminatiom. Post Mortem examinations on 15 dead bod ies found in Lancaster county $l5O 00 John J. Cochran,for postage and envelopes $ll 47 Road Damages. • Amos Good, Brecknoek twp —. $ 30 00 A. Trostela Est. do .......—...-- 60 00 John Frits, do ....—.-- 6 00 Jacob Hershberger, do 2 00 Jobn Dtibree & Sister, Drnmors, .........--..... 85 00 Joseph Markley, do . 10 00 Benjamin Bleacher, do 40 00 David Stone, Earl, ... 10 00 John Kisser, do 8 00 Jacob Weaver, do 8 00 M. Meckley, Slliabethtown, 26 00 George Byrode, do ' 24 50 Henry Wade, do 66 00 Peter Hoffer, do Sampson Price, Bast Donegal, 10 00 . Jacob Newcomer, W.Hemplield...— 169 76 M. M. Strickler, do 64 25 Abraham Weaver, Lampeter 120 00 Jacob Hart, Marna, .. 86 00 William Wallace, do 12 00 , Henry Herr, Manor, SO 00/ Christ. Millers' Est., do 10.00 Henry K. Knits, Manhelm,.....— ... i.. .. .......- 25 00 . Joseph Shins% Mount Joy Boro t 25100 $235,369 03 $10,098 00 Court House e 2,182 P EN= Public Offices *l5BOO 00 $ll6OO 00 Philip Myers, Nonni Joy twp., 115 00 Chr'n. tnteltiok do as 00 Peter Wayland. do Jonathan Stauffer, Ettrasbnrg,..— 150 00 Janitors Pay Jos. 0. Snyder, for 6S weeks pay as Janitor $416 00 Add botuttlas to Volunteers $63,120 16 Ditto boardbmprinting and incidental ex pellees for Volunteers and lbfflif board.. 10 00 . ' 454,263 _ Miseelentecue. 16. P. G. Ebermen, for altering - valuations of Assessments in Lancaster county, as di rected by Coinmfindonen... ----$2OO 00 John Shaeffer, for Election Laws..----.... .2 50 Jacob B. Brubaker, far Tax blinded...... 5 00 P. G. Eberman, distributing Assessments_. Si n SS Michael H. Shirk, late Treasurer, kronen- • tione and commissions on State and Mill- -. 127 31 M. Rehm, for interpreting in C0urt...... _ 26 00 John Baker, recording statementafor Coun ty Auditor. --.-......._......_ 600 Philip•B. Baker, arresting J. Fcankfcrt for BoneStealing....-_...._.......__..-.._._....20 00 George Sanderson, Esq., Mayor. Road dam ages du the City eat of the Countyfund. 325 89 T. W. Herr, Telegraph dispatches on Coun ty banners. 1 98 F. 8 Albright, Taxes Refunded for 1881 30 28 B. Reilly and R. Franklin, professional services In cue of Lancaster ,County vs. James Evans, Eeq........-- " 100 CO George Sanderson, Ilaq., Slayer's and Con stable, fees In vagrant CAM ...... ..-ftri -..— 1,111 86 Capt. B. K. Young. for expenses of fi ring salute in honor of the fall of Fort Donal- ' eon 600 W. H. Keifer, taking J. B. Keifer to House • of Refuge 10 60 C. Tyson, for repairing Muskets at Freight. 72 12 A. Herr Smith, taking depositionan Com. va. Rife —..-.. 16 00 Isaac Gish, for Tax Refunded 2 75 A. Fairer. Tax Befunded...... 83 43 P. G. Sherman, distributing Tally Papers. 50 00 John A. Wier. _Req., expenses for maintain- lug Howe. Clark and Conner, In Pennayl."' vania State Lunatic Hospital 374 68 John Smith and others, copying Tax Duplt • sates_ 112 36 Ellen Walley, for repairing Flag.-- - 1 15 J. Gundaker, taking Wm. Cooney to Holum of Refuge—.--- 10 75 Telegraph Office, for dispatches .. .--... ... -. 7 42 . P. G. Sherman. Jr., copying Tax Lis and assisting Clerk- 31 50 I. B. Blester, Esq., costa refunded in Com. vs. noting 95 37 P. 8. Baker, 8. Huber, A. Mesaenkop, John Roans and J. Gundaker • for arresting Pickpockets 20 00 M. H. Shirk Esq,late Treaestrerfor balance doe State Treasurer at settlement, April 30th, 18 0 1 247 67 do for tax refunded for E. Baal-tarp 16 26 do Stationary and Solicitor's pay re fused by Auditor General— ..... .. _ .... ... 25 00 J. 31. Wittig Geist, taking Harri e t Gunny to House of Refuge 10 50 John K. Reed. Prothonotary's fees 2 03 G. B. Mowry,Horee and.Bnggy hire .. . ... .... 10 75 T. W. Herr, for expenses in Com vs Daniel Herr Esq ......... ...... 65 01 Jo'fin M. Amweg, Taking Depositions 4 00 Dgniel Herr, Esq, late Treasurer, for State Taxes due to Commonwealth, with coats And expenses ...... 1284 16 L.O. Snyder, for serving notices 1 50 Win. Cowin for a draft for a bridge.... 6 00 J.S. Bitner & Bro., freight on safe ...... ... 12 00 J. C. Snyder. distributing Tally rapers and Assenments ........................................95 00 J. Stauffer, Specifications for abutments of a Bridge .. iOO P. B. Baker, taking Mary Coyle to Rouse of Refuge. 10 75 Jesse Landis, Esq, Professional services.... 35 00 Jacob A. Bear, for apprehending Horse Thief ..... ................ .. ... 20 00 Henry lifueser, Clerk Quarter _ Sessions, re cording Road cases 26 60 John Kuhns, taking Edw. Webb to House of Refuge 11 75 John Scott, Col'r, Fulton, Exoneration. and Tax refunded 26 18 John Dillow, Boarding Jury in Com. vs Johnston and Levi Neff... .......... ......_ 48 75 J. C. Snyder for distributing Asseasments toAsseasorf... ....... .. .... .-......... ..... ~..... 30 00 Wm. Dungan, for copying Duplicate ...... ... 1 62 P. S. Baker, for arresting Jacob Yeager— 20 00 John Herr, Wit. fees in taking depoaltions 1 29 Wm. Cooper, boarding Jurors in Com. vs Neff......... ..'- .... . . ...... .. .... . ..... ....... 27 66 Wm. Spencer, Esq. for loi .- .of paint for a bridge . 50 John Auxer, Esq.and others, for laying out new Election District in Rapho-twp 28 24 Sol. Sprecber, boarding Jurors-.. .. .. ..... . 6 60 W. B. Wiley Esq, qualifying Sheriff and Commissioners to select Jurors for 1563. " 50 Jacob Gundaker, taking Sabina Shenk to House of Refuge 11 75 Frederick Albright, tax refunded 33 13 F. G. Carpenter, for attending special appeal 1 00 M. Zahm, for interpreting in Court 25 00 Henry Baughman, for error in Duplicate... 73 21 Ditto for tax refunded 1 50 H. L. &. E. J. Rehm, for repairing County Seal - 123 J. C. Snyder, for going after election re turns 1 60 Constable Meesenkop taking Winger to House of Refuge . . 11 95 3. B. Good Ec Boyd, clerking for Return Judges ' 13 00 $6,046 12 Auditor's pay $ 180 00 Clerk for statement of orders.. • 26 00 Relief orders 16,313 15 Road Viewers' orders 314 47 Constables' returns 247 87 Exoneration orders . . 1160 20 Commission orders ...... ... ...... ........ ......... 2821 42 Outstanding taxes... 16,562 41 Treasurer's commissions 1400 00 Balance in Treasury 41E73 00 P. G. EMIIIMAN, Clerk feb4.ll SMALL FARM FOR SALE. „A. The subscriber will sell at Public Sale, at Michael's Hotel, North Queen street, or SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 21st, at 8 o'clock, tfse following desirable piece of land, known as the "BRADY FARM," situated in the south-west Ward of the olty,containing 46 ACRES,adjoining property of J. Rhoads on the west, Love Lane on the south, Dr. Henry Carpenter and Gas Run on the east, and Gas Works and T. Sllvins on the north. The land is in excellent order, and buildings lately repaired. Improve ments are a BRICK HOUSE, lately put in good '6 l] order; Large Barn, on which a new elate roof . . has lately been put; Corn Crib and other neces sary out-houses. There are several Springs on the place, and an elegant Spring in the cellar. This place Is admir ably adapted for a Dairy Farm. and can be rented at once. for that purpose. _ . Also, a TEN ACRE FIELD south of Love Lane, adjoin ing properties of Samuel Hereby, Hon. Isaac E. fleeter and first described property. Half of purchase money may remain on property if de. sired by purchaser. A. W. RUSSEL. feb 3 3t4 YUBLIC SALE.--By virtue of cm order of the Circuit Court for . Frederick county, the sub scribers as Trustees in case 3046 Equity, will sell at Public Sale, at the late residence of William Eagle, deceased, near Greenfield Mills, and about a half mile from the Three Springs, on SATURDAY, the 14th of FEBRUARY, 1863, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the Valitable Real Estate, to wit: Ist. The NEW BREMAN, or:HOME FARM, containing 492 ACRES, more or less; lying on the Monococy, and about one mile from Greenfield Mills. There is in this Tract about 100 Acres of Prime Bottom Land. with the necessary quantity of excellent Timber Land. The cleared land is in a good state of cultivation, and under good fencing. The im provements consist of a substantial two-story DWELLING, with Kitchen attached; Meat _ E E House, Corn House, and other usual out. a buildings; two first-rate ORCHARDS, one of them young, but in fall bearing, and both in excellent condition. 2d. A SPLENDID FARM ou Carroll's Manor, styled part of "Carrollton,' and CONTAINING 198 ACRES, more or lean, and adjoining the Home Farm, the Three Springs Farm and the Farm of Benjamin Moffatt, jr., and others, and now in the occupancy of Basil Delashmutt.— This Farm is in a high state of .cultivation, is a prime quality of Limestone Land, has on it a sufficient quantity of Limestone for the purpose of Lime burning; is well watered, having running water in every field. The ins provementa consist of a comfortable DWELLING, BARN, Corn House, and other necessary out buildings. 3d. A FARM CONTAINING 78 ACRES, more or less; called " FOX HALL," and adjoining Three Springs Mille, and about a half mile from Greenfield Mills and now in the occupancy of John R. Balt, Esq. There Is on this Farm an excellent DWELLING, Stable, Meat .121 E 4: House, and fine I E ORCHARD OF CHOICE FRUIT. The intention of the Trustees is to add to this Farm a portion of the Homo Farm, that adjoins it, previous to the dag of sale, and intend to have It surveyed before that time and plats made which will be exhibited on the day of sale. 4th. A WOOD LOT, containing 2S ACRES, more or less, lying In the Sugar Um( Mountain, well set with 'prime Chestnut Timber, and adjoining Wm. Richardson's Wood Lot and others. sth. THE BROKEN ISLAND In the Potomac, contain ing about THREE ACRES, more or less, in a good state of cultivation, with a quantity of fine Fruit Trees, ac., and lately occupied by Cwsar Green. a colnred man. TERMS ON SALE: Ono-third of the purchase money cash on the day of sale, or the ratification thereof, the balance In two equal annual payment., of one and two years after the day of sale; the deferred payments to be enured by notes with approved security, bearing Interest from the day of sale, and upon payment of the last instal ment of the purchase money, the Trustees will execute good and sufficient deeds to the re spectiveurchasers. THOMAS R. JARBOE, BASIL DELASHMIITT, feb 3 to 4] Trustees. 1863. 1863. HOUSECEEPING GOODS HAGER d BROTHERS, 1600 POUNDS PRIME FEATHERS. CHINA, GLASS 4ND QUEENBWAHE GOLD BAND AND PLAIN FRENCH CHINA. FANCY AND WHITE STONE CHINA. PLAIN AND FANCY ENGLISH GRANITE WARE. PITTSBURG AND BOSTON GIASSWARS. DRY-GOODS • Bleached and Unbleached Muslin!, /Meetings and Pillow Casings, Furniture Cheeks and Pickings, Table Diapers and Linen Damasks, Crash, Bird. Bye and Huckabark Toweling!, Marseilles Quilts, Blankets,— Window Shades. CARPETS AND FLOOR OIL-CLOTHS We have now open a complete dock of the above goods, many of which having been purchased before the great advance will be wdd at low pried. Janl3 tf 11 HAGER & BROTHERS. WANTED, This coming Season, 21,000 CORDS OF BLACK OAK 114•12 K, For which the HIGHEST CASH PRICE will be paid, de livered at SHIRK & BRUBAKER'S Tannery, Bird-in-Hand, Railroad Station, Lancaster county, Pa. Address, Enterprise P. 0. [fob 10 tf 6 L S.-Castor Otl, Sweet One Ott el SPIES, STONE, SITISSIA, 8& 8 8AFF&F, & For sale st THOMAS 8 Ob Drug A emleal Ston West Sing street .Lent Ilk NSO MIED , T H I PI , O'Z NW THE PATENT STAMP-SEALING AND POST-MARK PRESERVING ENVELOPE. - The preservation on the letter itself of the POST-MABE. and POSTAGE-STAMP, generally destroyed with the de tached cover, has long been deemed a matter of the first importance. Thisdadderatrun Is now triumphantly seamed by this ingenions invention. Many obvious advantages must arise from the general cum of tats envelope. • ..PAU—lncreased Safety by addlUonal sealing; the stamp connecting the envelope and letter securely together; and this is never liable to be omitted, though the sacki ng of the flap IS frequently neglected at hnpertbetly done. Gmenti—SenuritY &gaunt Impertinent Intrnabnit the letter and envelope being firmly attached. by the stumps, end Inclesure cannot be inspected even If the flap be elan. Aarldnely opened.. Third—safety against Abstraction of Valuable /ado. .urea If the Sap be left unsealed, or opened with blunt. one intent, it will be impossible toopen the letter and take thence bank notu and drafts without so mutilating the envelope as to insure detection. -$1,216 00 Pburgh—gectirlty for the free payment of the Postage; as the stamp; when one properly plated In this window, cannot be removed without its destruction. ' Fenh.—Advantage therefore to the Government; by the effectual destruction of every stamp in its that nee. Sixth—Facility to the Post Office Dperations; by_ a uni form location of the stamp In the upper right hand corner, which is the most convenient position for the Part Office mark. &senth—Verification of the Miffing; by securing on the letter itself the legal aide= of the time and place oL it being mailed. This has long been esteemed so dedrable, that many prudent parsons are constrained to dispense with the use of envelopes, that they may have the wet mark on the letter; and others take the precaution to pin the envelope again on the letter for idendfleatitm. Eighth—PArtabity of the Date and Place on the Letter, whichu rry. h are so frequently omlttedby writers hi careleaenesa or Nioth—Ornamentatkm• width, though some may think of small Importance, eertilnly meets the approval of all persons of taste. • - .Trath—Ccert. Notwithstanding the many and unrivalled advantages of the "Stamp Sealing Envelopes," they will be furnished at a very small advance upon the prieee of those not having the benefit of this patent. Can be bad at T. M. VirESTELTE/811 Cheap Book Store, Corner North Queen and Orange Ste. nov 4 tf 48 THE MAGAZINE FOR THE TIMES t PETBI2BO.IiPB M4G4ZIIVE The Beet and Cheeped in the World for Ladles! RMEE;=I ONE THOUSAND PAGES OP READING FOURTEEN SPLENDID STEEL PLATES! TWELVE COLORED FASHION PLATES! TWELVE COLORED BERLIN WORK PATTERNS! NINE HUNDRED WOOD OUTS! TWENTY-FOUR PAGES OF MUSIC! All this will bogiven for only Two Dollars s year, or a dollar less than Magazines of the elan of "Petereon." Its THRILLING TALES AND NOVELETTES are the best publiahed anywhere. All the moat popular writers are employed to write originally for "Peterson." In 1853,1 n addition to its canal quantity of shorter +miles, FOUR ORIGINAL COPYRIGHT NOVELETS will given, by Ann S. Stephens, L.V. Moulton,Frank Lee u.atedlet, and the Author of "The Murder In the Glen Ron." It also publishes FASHIONS AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS. Each number, in addition to the colored plate, gives Bon nets, Cloaks and Dresses, engraved on wood. Also, a pat torn, from which a Drees, Mantilla, cr Child's Dress can be cut out, without the aid of a mantua•maker. Also, several pages of Household and other Receipts. IT IS THE BEST LADY'S MAGAZINE IN THE WORLD. TRY IT FOR ONE YEAR. TERMS—ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. One Copy, One Year Three Copies, for One Year Five Copies, for One Year Eight Copies, for One Year Sixteen Copies, for One Year PREMIUMS FOR GETTING UP CLUBS. Three, Five, Eight or more copies make a club. To every person getting up a club of Three, Five, Eight or Twelve copies, an extra copy of the Magazine for 1883 will be given or our mezzotint for framing, •'Bunyan Parting from his Blind Child In Prison." To every person getting up a club of Sixteen, two of either of the premiums will be sent. Address, post-paid, CHARLES J. PETERSON, 308 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. . Specimens si:nt gratis, when written for. nov 18 OFFICE OF JAY COOKE, At JAY COOKE & 00., Bankers, The undersigned, having been appointed SUBSCRIP— TION AGENT by the Secretary of the Treasury, to now prepared to furnish, at once, the NEW TWENTY YEAR SIX PER CENT. BONDS, of the United States, designated as "Viva-Twenties," re. dimmable at the pleasure of the Government, after five yeare, and authorized by Act of Congress, approved Febru. cry 25, 1862. The COUPON BONDS are homed In sums of $5O, $lOO, $5OO, $lOOO. The REGISTER BONDS In sumo of $5O, $lOO, $5OO, $lOOO, and.ssooo. Interest at Six per cent., per annum will commence from date or purchase, and is Semi• Annually, which is equal, at the present premium on gold, to about EIGHT PER CENT. PER ANNUM. Farmers, Merchants, Mechanics, Capitalists and all who have any money to invest, should know and remember that these Bonds are, in effect, a FIRST MORTGAGE upon all Railroads, Canals, Bank Stocks and Securities, and. the immense products of all the Manufactures, &c., &e., ID the country; and that the full and ample provision made for the payment of the interest and liquidation of principal, by Customs Duties, Excise Stamps and Internal Revenue, serves to make those Bonds the BEST, MOST AVAILABLE AND MOST POPULAR $235,369 03 - LEVI 8. RMST, JOHN DONEE, WM. SPENCER Commissioners. Subscriptions received at PAR in Legal Tender Notea,o notes and checks of banks at par In Philadelphia. Sub scribers by mail will receive prompt attention, and every facility and explanation will be afforded on application at this office. A 101 l supply of Bondawlll bukept on hand for bnmedi to delivery. , JAY COOKE, nov 11 3m 44] Subscription Agent. Q ! S. RATHVON, MERCHANT TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, S, - - At Kramph's Old Stand, Corner Orange and North Queen Streets, (opposite Shober's Hotel,) Lancaster city, Penna., always . has on hand a varied assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, I 1? TRIMMINGS, .1 READY—MADE CLOTHING AND FURNISHING In general, for both Men and Boys, adapted to the prevail lag seasons, tastes and styles. CIVILIAN AND MILITARY, BREBB, UNDRESS, FATIGUE AND BUSINESS CLOTHING, made promptly to order, and warranted to give entire safisfaction. Special attention, as heretofore, given to Boys' Work, Cutting, Ac. Thankful for past patronage, the proprietor confidently looks to the sustaining hand of a generous public for a con tinuance of that support which has heretofore been so liberally extended towards him and those in his employ. S.B. RATA VON, Merchant Tailor and Clothier. P. B.—Fall Fashions, and Fall and Winter Material, re- ceived and ready to be made, either plain, medium or fash ionable. [nap 11 am 44 ILLUSTRATED SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN THE BEST MECHANICAL PAPER IN THE WORLD. A new volume of- this popular Journal commences on the first of January.,jt is published weekly, and every number contains sixteen pages of useful information, and from five to ten original engravings of new invention's discoveries, all of which are prepared expressly for columns. TO THE MECHANIC AND MANUFACTURER No person engaged in any of the mechanical or menu. lecturing pursuits should think of "doing without" the Scientific American. It costs but six cents per week; every number contains from six to ten engravings of new machines and inventions, which can not be found In any other publication. . . The Scientific American is indispensable to every in. ventor, as It not only contains illustrated descriptions of nearly all the best inventions as they come oat, but each number contains an Official List of the Claims of all the Patents issued from the United States Patent Office during the week previous; thus giving a correct history of the progress of inventions in this country. We are also re ceiving, every week, the best scientific journals of Great Britain, France and Germany; thus placing In our posses• Mon ail that is transpiring In mechanical science and art In these old countries. We shall, continue to transfer to our columns copious extracts from these Journals of what ever we may deem of interest to our readers. A pamphlet of instruction as to 'the best mode °tot. taining Letters Patent on new inventions, is furnished free on application. Messrs Meets a Co., have acted as Patent Solicitors for ml fibre than seventeen years, in connection with the publi cation of the Scientific American, and they refer to 20,000 patentees for whom they have done business. No charge is made for examining sketches and models of new inventions and for advising inventor. as io their patentability. ' CHEMISTS, ARCHITECTS, MILLWRIGHTS AND FARMERS. The Scientific American will be found a moat useful journal to them. All the new discoveries in the science of chemistry are giving in its columns, and the interests of the architect and carpenter are not overlooked; all the new inventions and discoveries appertaining to these pursuits being published from week to week. 'Useful and practical information pertaining to the Interests of millwrights and mill-owners will be found in the Scientific American, which Information they can not possibly obtain from any other source. Subjects in which farmers are interested will be found discussed in the Scientific American; most of the Improvements in agricultural implements being illustrated In its columns. . To mail snibscribers Three Dollars a year, or One Dollar for four months. The volumes commence on the first of January and July. Specimen copies will be sent gratis to any part of the country. Western and Canadian money or Post-office stamps taken at par for subscriptions. Canadian subscribers will please to remit twenty-five cents extra on each year's subscrip tion to pre-pay postage. MUNN & CO., Publishers, 37 Park How, N. Y. tf 49 ST. LOUIS HOTEL, CHESTNUT STSEET. QiiiiiirrA P '1 'Phis Sete!, the best Business Bran's House in the City, is in the immediate vicinity of the , principal lobbing and Commission Muses, new P. 0., Corn Exchange, principal Banking Swum, Sizing Co. Offices, &c. SUBSOR2P2TON AGENT, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, Phlladelphlo, Nov. 1, 1862. PAYABLE IN GOLD, INVESTMENT IN THE MARKET OUR COUNTRY-ONE AND ODIVISIBLI.. EIGHTEENTH YEAR. VOLUME VIII.-NEW SERIES TO THE INVENTOR. IMMEI (LATE FRANXLIN,) BETWEEN 3d AND 4th, PHILADELPHIA. EINTI_,.A.ItiaMD 1 REFITTED 1 HENRY