OB VS?.’A Bf OTOOLWBH D. a. Eehukan, E 8», No.MKoire Dmrt 81, p .' V 1T«10 ; -- : - V- - -TVieMOVAt.-i-SmOH P. KBTi Attorney hm fmtHjthd bis Offiett from -iTorth Bobs-. ■itfSet ttrfJP. 8, Jn''WidSij«’« Bow, ScutbDnks stmV cgpgfet*: 1 - ■- -_ ~* [msrlßtfg iSI>B.K W i. STSIMAHi A - at za w. . ; 4 ownpleibj- the We Oft, BWi ■ rr * Mr ’ opposite. Cooper'sHotoi, West King street. T* KM OVAI.-WILHAB S. AIIIWE6, K. Attorney at Law*iaa remorod nu offlee from nu Sooth Dull* n*Bly oppOTlte ttie Trinity Lutheran Church. - aprflti^ THAIL POEBBIB, .. .ATTOBNBX AT LAW. OFTJCI TTTfn T. E. F&AHZLUIt NO. 28 KXHO B*^ LANOAS'TEB, PA T\E.JOHS M'CALLA, DSlSTlBT r .Offlee J_/-and Residence, one door below the Lamb HoteVWea* Elo? street, Lancaster, Pa. : _,.[aprlB.tf 18 tESSB LAHDIB f Attorney at Law—Of flee one door east ot Lechler*! Hotel, East King street* Lancaster, Pa. ~ All kinds of as writing Wuls, Deeds, Mortgages, Accounts, Ae., will be’attended to with orrectness and despatch,; may 16, *66 tf-17 JAMBS BLACK, Attorney ot fieeln East King street, two doors east ofLecfclers Hotel, Lancaster, Pa. , , . - All bnsiness connected with his profession, and tti hinds of writing, snch as preparing Deeds, Mortgages, mils, Stating Accounts, Ac., promptly attended to. • m 16. tf ~ l7 T)EffIOVAL.— H. B. SWARR, Attorney JL at Law,has removed his office to No. 13 North DuAe ■treet,nearly opposite his former location, and a lew doors pQrtfrof the Co art Hcmss. apr6 3pin Removal.— dr* J» barer, hok* CEPATHIC PHYSICIAN, has. removed his office to No. 69 East King street, next door above'Klng’B Grocery. Reference—Professor W. A. Gardner, Philadelphia. Calls fiom the country will be promptly attended to. apr 6 • tfl2 REMOVAL.— From and after the first of April, the office of WM. B. FORDNEY, Attorney at Law, will be removed to East King street, one door above Leehleris tavern, and nearly opposite to Demuth’s Snuff gtore. [mar 26 8m 11 JOHH F. BRINTON, ATTOBNBI AT LAW, PHILADELPHIA, PA., fffif removed hie office to hi* residence, No. 249 South 6th Street, above Spruce. Refers by permission to Hon. H. G. Loire, “ A. L. Hum, “ F 188 EX BbINTOR, « Thaddiub Srrvxics. noT 24 ly* 46 UNITED STATES HOTK I** PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD DEPOT, 8. E. Coajrta 11th and Mabeet Si Birrs, PHILADELPHIA. H. W. KANAGA, Pbopbiitob. [may 28 tf 20 TERMS:—SI,2S per day. The: bo.dugger. This wonderful article, just patented, is something ntirely new, and neyer before offered to agents, who are wanted everywhere. Fall particulars sent fru. Address SHAW & CLARK, apr 2 ly 121 Biddeford, Maine. James h. barnes, FANCY AND WINDSOR CHAIR MAKER, Ho. 6914 East King street, Lancaster , Takes pleasure in Inviting the public to call at his Ware rooms, and examine his BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF CHAIRS OF VARIOUS PATTERNS. ORDERS received and promptly attended to at the hortest notice. None but the best workmen are employed n this establishment, consequently Chairs purchased at his house are fully equal to any article sold in the Eastern Oitiee. Call and examine for yourselves, [aug 16 ly 81 CIPICBS, Ao.«C!nnamon y Cloves, Sala & RATUS, BAKING SODA, CREAM TARTAR, NUT MEGS, Ac., For sale at THOMAS ELLMAKER’S Drug A ChemicaL Store West King street, Lanc’r. An important discoveryii POE THB OTOE 07 CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS AND COLDS. THE MAKORA ARABICA , DISCOVERED BT A MISSIONARY, WHILE TRAVELING IN ARABIA. All who are suffering from Consumption should use the Makora Arabica, discovered by a missionary in Arabia. All who are threatened with Consumption should use the Makora Arabica, discovered by a missionary in Arabia. AH who are suffering from Bronchitis shoold use the Makora Arabica, discovered by a missionary in Arabia. All who are suffering from Sore Throat, Coughs and Colds, should use the Makora Arabica, discovered by a missionary in Arabia. All who are suffering from Asthma, Scrofula and Im purities of the Blood should use the Makora Arabica, dis covered by a missionary in Arabia. It cures Consumption. It cares Bronchitis. It cures Sore Throat, Coughs and Colds. It cures Asthma, Scrofula, and Impurities of the Blood. This unequalled remedy is now for the first time intro duced to the public.' “It was providentially discovered by a missionary while traveling in Arabia. He was cured of Consumption by its use after his case -was pronounced hopeless by learned physicians in Europe. He has forwarded tons in writing, a fall account of his own extraordinary cure, and of a number of other cures which have come under his observation, and also a full ac count of the medicine. At bis request, and impelled by a desire to extend a knowledge of this remedy to the public, we have had hU communication printed in pamphlet form for free distri bution. Its interest is enhanced by an account which he gives of some of the scenes of Syrian massacres, which he obtained from those who suffered in that awful tragedy. This pamphlet may be obtained at our office, or it will be Bent free by mail to all who apply for it. We import the M AKORA ARABIOA direct from Smyrna, through the bouse of Cleon A Gylippas, and we have always on hand a full supply put up in bottles ready for use with full directions. Price odo dollar per bottle. Sent by mall, on receipt of price, and 24 cents tor postage. For sale wholesale and retail by LEEDS, GILMORE A CO., Importers of Drugs and Medicines, 61 Liberty St., New York. SOLD ALSO BY DRUGGISTS GENERALLY, mar 26 ly 11 William n. amer, surgeon den tist, Office on the south-east corner of North Queen end Orange Btreets, Lancaster, Pa. Or. A. haying been for & years a stndentand /K&j|asE assistant in the office of Dr. John Waylan, of LLU city, and haying for seyerai years since been in con stant practice, will, he hopes, be a sufficient guarantee to his-Mends and the public generally, of hia ability to per form all operations connected with the practice of the DSTCAL Ant, in such a manner, as will render entire satis faction to all who may favor him with a call. Charges moderate, and all work warranted to be ully equal to any that can be procured elsewhere. N. B.—Entrance to office, 2nd door on Orange street: Jane 29 24 Seasonable db.y-gooj>s A T HAGER <£■ BROTHERS, NEW STYLES LADIES’ DRESS GOODS. PLAIN VELOURS AND OTTOMANS. BBQCHA AND PRINTED REPS. PRINTED CASHMERES AND MERINOES. RICH AND NEAT DELAINES. PLAIN AND HIGH COLORED FRENCH MERINOES. NEAT AND BRIGHT'SAXONY PLAIDS. ; —' SACKING FLANNELS In Plain and Bright Colors and Plaids. White Shaker Flannels—-Ballard Vale Flannels—Welsh Flannels—Red, Plain and Drilled Flannels —Black, Brown and White Lancaster County Flannels, BALMORAL AND HOOPED SKIRTS. BLANKETS BLANKETS- BLANKETS. nov26 tf 46 Horse and cattle powder TATTERS AL’B HORSE POWDER, HEAVE POWDER, ROSIN, FENNUGREEK SULPHUR, GEUBIAN, CREAM TARTAR, COPPERAS, Ac., For sale at THOMAS ELLMAKER’S Drng A Chomieal Store, West King street, Lanc’r. fob 9 tf 4 WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY. YY ‘AT R2DTJCBD PRICES. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 0.8. SHULTZ, J*-/* 914 Market street, above 9th, South side, Phlla delphia. Jnne2ly2o rpEtADK SALES I TRADE SALES!! The subscriber, having just returaed from the Philadel phia Trade Sales, offers at the lowest prices all kinds of Books, - embracing LAW, FICTION, MEDICAL, RE LIGIOUS, BIOGRAPHY, MECHANICAL and other kinds. These books will be sold at the lowest prices, as we had the advantage and were the only Bookseller from Lancas ter at the Trade Sules, and, as a consequence, we can sell lower than any other Store. A few of the Books are here ,-mentioned: ' WEBSTER’S UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY, WORCESTER’S UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY, SOLDIERS’ TEXT BOOKS, l REVISED ARMY REGULATIONS, MoCLELLAN 5 8 BAYONET EXERCISES, U. S. INFANTRY TACTICS, ZOUAVE DRILL BOOK, GIFT BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, For the Pocket or Centre Table, in great variety. The GIFT BOOK for'die season.- SCHOOL MAPS, CHARTS AND CARDS, PEIfI!ON/3~OUThINE MAPS, SANDERS’ ELOCUTIONARY CHART, SANDERS’ SCHOOL CARDS, SERGEANT’S SCHOOL CARDS, - ‘ WEBB’S SCHOOL CARDS. BIBLES in great variety, from twenty-five cents to : ::twenty-five dollars, some of them having the finest bind ings and illustrations ever received in town. SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS—Methodist, -..Lutheran, Episcopal, Presbyterian, American Tract Society, Ameri can Sunday School Union. SCHOOL BOOKS—Sanders’, Towers’, Sergeant’s, Wll ! son’s,barker A Watson’s Readers ; MoCtelth’s, Mitchel’s, Warren’s, Smith’s Geographies. Also, Algebras, Arithme tics, Grammars, Histories, Dictionaries, Ac. Stationery, Copy and Composition Books, Cap, Note and Letter Paper. Blank Books,'Slates, Lead and Slate Pencils. Pens -and Holders, Ink and Ink Stands, Rulers, Envelopes. The best Inks in the market are sold here, viz: Maynard A Noye’s, Arnold’s, Hoover’s, Langhlings & Boshfield’s, Blackwood’s, etc. At.lhe Cheap Book Store of JOHN BHEAFFER, oof 12 tf 441 No. 32 North Queen St.,- Lancaster, Pa DRUG AHD~CHEMICAL STORE The BubacriherLaving removed hia store to the new Uailding-ueariy opposite his old stand, and directly opttosii the Cross Keys Hotel, has now on hand a weU selected • fltock of articles belonging'to the Drug business, consisting in part of Oils, Acids, Spices, t Beed«. Alcohol, Powdered Articles, Sarsaparitlas, Ac., Ac., to which the attention oi country, merchants, physicians and consnmers in general " -is invited: -• ... THOMAS ELLMAKER, feb 9 tf West King street, Lan. “rTHE UNION,’’ X Aeoh&vbbbt abovi Third, PHILADELPHIA. UPTON S. NEWCOMER, Proprietor. AyThU Hotel is central, convenient by Passenger Cars to all parts or the city, and in every particular adapted to the comfort and wants of the business public. Ay* TERMS $1,50 PER DAY. fsep!Oly3s Photo g r. i p a y IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. “' ’ Executed In the best style known in the 1 aft, at O . Q . QR. ANE* 8 GALL jsR T \y-i . - fisa sAaod ffcazn, Eam o»Bn»s^PmADiLraiA. - •) . -'Li IN OIL AN&PAmS^- r i 'ST’B&B&aGOTIC PORTRAITS fmarl9 2ly .felc tiLiiO'i-.' 2. lovj‘l -JoU-.-A. : i IV? ,- :: FIHAHCIS OF LANCASTER CtRfHTT. Beoeipte in the County Treasury, 180 L leui.MicHAKn h. shirk, d*> l5 3 JakllW, Kecelvedof A.Falrer, Collector, city, "tr- BeeetveilbfTß. KeHlyTT&q jcosis In ~. • CDmmoDW«&llh..TK. T. Campbells. 860 Belßy, JEat;-, certa in - VS, 28,27 4 28, Aj*B Term \« JB. of '"Hutfielai lb*'exonerated tax... . . 288 .*♦ - v7 :24^Eecel’reaofWm.Crtpentfr, Eeq^late ,v PrbEti6netarjrfinea afadinryfond.... 854 80 “ 28, Received of George Reiser, euperrl* cot of Raplio tewrisip, for of bridge across,lB3 00 7«b. 4, Bseelredoi Bodori; jflnar- Visor of Tentf ttrp, 1 lor. of bridge . across Ch1quea......... ......... “ “ Received of 8. W. P. Boyd, sheriff, - finea andjury fond-. ®» 00 « 1 fi^RettßlVeaMEphratatownahip/forex . oners tod tax— ..........f..— ** Mir. 2, Beeelrad of A Jalwr,dtj> exonerated f«T .» * r "J “ 27.Beeelvedol Jaoob Weaver, for, West Lampeter share for. repairing bridge at aid Factory 66 98 « : 29 Received of FannyWblLc|tyVlo*n... 126 00 Apr.'l,‘Received of Bamuel Band,ofLancas tor township, loan.. 400 00 « 1* Received of Amos Kirchner, of West • ianipeter township, 4OO 00 «« % Beared of E.' BeiDy, Bsq, for a . ~ mount of Judgment in county ts. J. Evan 5.;;...... «« 2, Received of Jacob H. Bohrer, of East T.wTnpfttur township; loan 400 00 u 2,. Reoeired. of Jacob Bohrer, sr., East • Lampefcef township, 10an.... ' « 2,, Received of. Jaoob Bohrer, jr., Bast Lampeter towhship^loam.^^...^.... “ 4, Received of Amos 8. Jiinzer, for Urs. • Hines,of Efest'Bart township, loan-, 1,825 00 “ “ "KPcelTedof 81l AJth'ouse, Jbr Lancas , tertwju share for repairing bridge at old Factory....-™.......... 66 98 *< B,BeeeTved.6f Dr. Isaap Winters, of Earl . township, 10am....—.;. - 1,600 00 u ** Received Of David Weldman, of Penn ; • townghip; loan-....-.... 2,000 00 ** p, Received'Of Farmers' Bank of Lancas ter, loan 6,000 00 "«'■ 15 ’ Received .of “H. Watson, of Mar tic, on ' account of bridge across Pequea creek •i n Received of Wml C Bojd, of Hartic township, for share of bridge acrosa Pequea, at Bairn ish’s. m11L.—...- “ 16, Received of Cyrus Beam,' Justice of . the Peace, Bast Coealico twp., fines.. u 24, BecelvedofMosesiMarshall,foreonn ‘ty tax of 1860,'0n unseated land in Martlo township—a-*—~ “ “ Received of Christian Musselman, of . Leacock township, loan.. “ 27, Received of.'Heiiry W. Bby, of Salis bury township, loan “ 29, Received of .8. W. P. Boyd, Sheriff, fines and j ary fund... May 2, Received of Henry Mnsser, Clerk of Quarter Sessions, fines and j ory fond “ “ Received of Daniel Hamaker; of Bast Hempfield township, loan. “ “ Received of Elias B. Bomberger, of .. Bast Hempfield township, loan “ 3, Received of Abraham Bohrer, of East Lampeter township, 10an..—.... u u Received of Michael Diffenderfer of . East Earl township, 10an.... “ “ Received of John R. Deffenderfer, of East Earl township, loan-... “ 4, Received of David Styer, of Cffirnar von township, loan “ “ Received of David NewewaDger, of Csebarvon township, loan “ 13, Received] of Elias B. Bomberger, of East Hempfield t0wn5hip,10an......... “ 16, Received of Abraham B. Mylln. of Pequea: township, in full for bridge across Peqnea at H&rhish’s mi 11..... *• “ Received of Mathias Hurst, of Lea cock township, loan “ Received of Henry Eberly, of West Cocalieo township, loan “ •* Received of Catharine Eberly, of West Cocalico township, loan., “ “ Received of Hiram Watson, of Martio township, onaeconntof bridge across Peqnea at Shank's mill “ 18, Received or David Kreider, of East Hempfield township,-loan “ 22, Received of Jacob Weaver, of Lam peter Square, loan “ 11 Received of Martin B. Stauffer, of Salisbury township, loan. “ 27, RecelvedofChristianßlssir, of .Eliza beth.township, loan “ 28, Received of George Shiffler, of Stras* burg township, loan 29, Received of Henry Shirk, of Ccernar*- von township, loan “ “ Received of Beoj. Bauman, city, loan Jane 5, Received of Jacob Miller, of Stras burg township, loan “ “ Received of Martin Musßer, of Earl township, loan “ 10, Received of Henry Kurtz, of Salis mry’township, 10an... “ Received_of Jacob K. Crorsand Dan’L Brandt, of Rapho township, loan .... “ 19, Received of Henry Musser, Clerk of Quarter Sesslpns, fine in Common wealth vs. J. F. Bender “ 24, Received of Jesse Landis, Esq, coepa In Com. vs. M. Scott, forfeited recog nizance July 1, Received of John Snavely, of Rapho township, loan 8, Received of Elizabeth Dyer, of Man beim township, loan “ ;i“ Received of Abraham E. Bear, of West Cocalico township, loan “ 15, Received of Felix Binkley, of Man beim township, loan “ 29, Received of John Hostetter, of Mill port, Warwick township, loan ... “ “ Received of John Geist, Jr., of Man helm township, Joan. Aug. 12, Received of lUnry Kurtz, of Salis bury township, loan Sept. 10, Received of S. W. P. Boyd, Sheriff, fines and jury fund “ 11, Received of E. Balmer and others, for l'enu township’s % part for bridge across Chiques. “ “ Received of George Eby, and others, for Rapho twp’s of bridge across Chiques < “ 16, Received of Michael Stelgerwalt, for lot of lumber “ “ Received of Jacob Leed, for Ephrata twp’s y z share of brldgeacross Cocali- “ 24, Received of Farmers’Bank of Lancas ter, loan .... Oot- 5, Received of Emanuel Zog, of Rapbo township, exonerated tax for 1860.... “ 10, Received of Joseph Boyers and John Doner, for old rope Nov. 4, Received of Jacob J. Byers, of West Lampeter township, loan “ IS, Received of D. 8. Geist, Justice of the Peace, of East Earl township, for stray heffer sold *• 26, Received of Jesse Landis,-Esq., costs in Com. vs. 8. Gresinger, on forfeit ed recognizance, August Term, 1861.. Deo. 3, Received of S. W. P. Boyd, Sheriff, fines and jury fund “ 10, Received of Jesse Landfo, Esq., fines in Com. vs. B. F. Kauffman., “ 30, Received of Mountjov township, lor exonerated tax of 1860... Jan. 4, Received from military fnnd for sta tionary, 4c. May 15, Received from Daniel Doner, dona tion to relief fund June 10, Received from Henry Hersbey, of Mauor twp., donation to relief fund.. Aggregate Assessment of the county rates and levies, for 1861, per list furnished Treasurer by County Commissioners, to wit : Adamstown Bart Brecknock Carnarvon Cocallco East Cocalico West ColeralD Columbia Conestoga Conoy Clay Donegal East Donegal West Drnmore... Kphrata : Earl Bari East - Earl West Elizabeth Elizsbetbtown Eden Fulton Hempfield East Hempfield West Lampeter East Lampeter West Lancaster twp Lancaster city Leacock Leacock Upper.. —... Little Britain Manhelm Martlc Manor Mount Joy township. Mount Joy borough. Marietta. Manheim t. Paradise Peun Peqnea Providence fiapho...: Salisbury Sadsbury Serasborg Btrasburg borough... Warwick Washington....- To Cask received as Excess Tax as foU lows, to wit 1860. $l2 36 *« 3 62 '« 3 60 “ 9 02 M 8 80 « 5 00 9 60 1861. l ip Little Britain.. Elisabeth Donegal West. Clay Lampeter West Drumore Earl East Carnarvon Lancaster township. Coleraln Marietta Cocalico West Fulton Earl Peon...— Sadsbury Cocallco 8a5t............ Martlc Hempfield East-.—.. Hempfield West Elizabeth Rapho.. Manhelm borough.. Leacock Upper Earl East Donegal West Strasturg Clay Earl West •„ Ephrata Paradise....» .Warwick Lampeter Ea5t.....^... Leacock...— Brecknock. West Wards, City.... East Wards, City.... Lamp#ter West Manheim township. T° amount of outstanding taxes, per Inst re- 187 84 port of County Auditor* J„. Items unpaid in Court bills and certificates. Relief orders j Total Receipts -...jmwTi By amount of Court order in favor of J B Lytle, John Mecaitney and William Von Nelda, fidr auditing, the several accounts and incidental expanses of 1860 *ioq aq P.-ff.Bfcerman, Court order tor statin* to-' county 1860 ..._ 26 OQ 66QOammittlon«r*’ orders drawn ia U6i^.... 107,866 20 972 Co art hill* and Certificates, Including tiro '1 items paid in Ooimty Auditors’ bOlof 1860, 9,879 28 87 Hoad ¥lewers-& Surveyors orders of 1860, . 486 66 190 Constable return 0rdera~.....~~.'...«~>~** 246 54 153 orders issued by Comity Commissiobera and Board of Belief for support cf.families of volunteers 23,622 50 Exonerations allowed Tax Collectors 47 Commissions 4,183 44 Outstanding Taxes, to t cit Enlist for 1857-.--;$ IT 8T Strasborg Borragh, 1859. 9140. Dromore, 1860...—263 74 Adamstovn Borough, 1861—..—. 20 00 Oolerain, 1861 212 26 Ooluoblap 1861.. —..... 1,656 62 Donegal Past. 1861...— ——• 1,876 73 Drumore, 1861..... ........... 808 84 *Bllsabethtownßoroogh,lB6l... 122 78 Pulton, 1861 198 55 Lancaster, *Eait Wards, 1801—. 457 45 60 West Wards, «• 1.768 14 Little Britain,. 1861....——. 17157 Mount Joy Borough, 1861 41 44 •Pequea, 1861- ...... 67 71 Bapfao, I£Ql 1,690 98 -Salisbury, 1861 1,178 69 Strasburg Borough, 1861...—.: 124 19 Washington Borough, 1861 127 67 By amount of Treasurer’s commission' on $189,632 23 @ 8-10 per cent. ... 1.517 06 Balance ......... ... 40,795 66 * Those marked thus (4) hare since paid. AUDITORS’ REPORT. We, the undersigned Auditors of Lancaster county, do certify that we haTe carefully examined the a bore aceoost of Michael H. Shirk, Esq., late Treasurer of said, eonnty, and compared his rone hers with- the find a balance In bis hands of Forty Thousand, Seven Hundred and Ninety-five Dollars and Ninety-six cents, ($40,765 96,} which he has paid over to his successor, John Dentinger, the present Treasurer, and for which he has shown ns his receipts. We hare examined the account of William Gorreeht, Esq, Treasurer of the Poor and House of Employment of Lancaster county, and find a balance In his hands of Four Hundred and Thirty-cine Dollars and Twenty three cents ($439.23.) on the first day January, 1862. We have also examined the account of Hugh 8. Gara, Esq- Treasurer of the Board of -Prison Inspectors, and found- it correct, showing a balance due him by the said Board on the Ist day cf January, 1862, of One Thousand and Fifty-eight Dollars and Ninety-two-cents ($1,058.62) The liabilities of the County for Individual loans at the present time at 5 per cent per annum, amount to One Hundred and Thirteen Thousand, Four Hundred and Bixty-six Dollars and Seventy-five cents ($113,466- 75. Deducting the amount in the hands of the Treas urer, (40,795 96,) would show an indebtedness of Seven ty-two Thousand, Six Hundred and Seventy Dollars and Eighty cents ($72,070 80.) The outstanding taxes amount to Nine Thousand, Seven Hundred and-Thir teen Dollars and Fifty one oents ($9,713.51.) In witness whereof we have hereunto set onr hands, at the County Commissioners’ Offioe, this 21st day of January, 1862. JOHN MEOaRTNBV, WILLIAM VON NEIDA, JACOB A. MILLER, Auditors of Lancaster County, COMMISSIONERS’ STATEMENT. THE following is a statement of the Commissioners’ Orders drawn on Michael H. Shirk, Esq., Treasurer ofLaneaster county,' for the year 1861. Adamstowu, Bart twp, Brecknock, Carnarvon, Coealico East, 100 00 Cocaiico West, John Stober, 40 00 Oolerain, Henry Paxson, 42 00 Columbia Bor., James Barber, Conestoga, Conoy, Clay, Donegal East, Jacob Bowers, 60 00 Donegal West, Ephraim Goss, 37 50 Diumore, Earl East, Earl West, Elizabeth, Elizabethtown Bor., John Kajler, 20 00 Eden, James Risk, 32 00 Fulton, L. U. McCardle, 43 21 Hempfleld Hast, Jacob Hershey, 55 00 Hempfleld West, 11. S. Steigelman, 50 00 Lampeter East, J. B Diffenbach, 42 00 Lampeter West, George Dimer. 40 00 Lancaster twp., Benjamin Huber, 22 00 Lanc’r city, N. W. Ward, James Wiley, 145 00 “ *• 8. W. Ward, H.P. Carson, 125 00 “ “ 8. K. Ward, Jacob Gumpf, 115 00 “ “ N. E. Ward, Benjamin Lichty, 125 00 Leacock, Uahlon Both, 45 00 Leacock Upper, W. W. Porter, 60 00 Little Britain, F.Doud, 35 00 Manheim, J. W. Frants, 62 (JO Manor, John Q. Landis, 85 00 Maitie, Hugh Andrews, 25 00 Mount Joy twp , Henry B. Painter, 65 00 Mount Joy Bor, Peter Brnnner, 80 00 Marietta Bor., Isaao Rlslnger, 82 00 1,320 00 Manheim Bor., Michael White, 17 00 Paradise, George Anthony, 40 00 ProTidenca, BaJl>bury, 0. D. Warfel, 60 00 SacUbury, Brinton Walter, 45 00 ttrasburg, twp., 11. D. Shultz, 66 00 Btraabarg Bor., John Werntz, 20 00 Warwick, Andrew Hackman, 68 00 Washington Bor., 20 00 2,644 71 Assessors Pay, 1862 —0 n Account of Assessment for 1862. George Husser. 8. W. Ward, on account $2O 00 J. n. Ilegener, 8. E. Ward do M 30 00 Charles S. Beal, N. W. Ward, do 30 00 Assistant Assessors’ pa;, 66 00 Erecting Bridges. William Cowin, in foil for Iron Bridge, at Hostetter’e Mill $776 00 Aaron Heilman, for Masonry 154 00 Chester County Commissioners, for one half of expense of re-constructing Bridge at Pine Grove, between Chester and Lancaster oouQties 474 00 A Davis A Co,, repairing Bridge at Kirk’s 174 25 Kenn&rd A Leek, ma&ODry and repairing 195 75 J&s. A. Miller, repairing Bridge at Bell’s Ford S 12 S. Wolf A Co., on account of roofing Bridge at Bnavely’s Mill - 400 00 Daniel Shaeffer, repairing Bridge at Weaver's Mill 08 62 100 00 Joseph 0. Snyder, pay for ene year $416 00 Court of Quarter Sessions. Samuel Evans, E6q., Clerk fee? $ 265 G 8 E. Franklin, Esq, Attorney fees 933 00 11. Musser, Esq., Clerk fees 877 04 8. VF. P. Boyd, JEsq., Sheriff’s feeß 067 06 Juror’s pay— 2,216 88 Crier and Tipstaves 264 00 JustlceaCosts 1,480 03 Constables’ Costs 6O Witness Pay 2,170 80 Jurors Pay Crier and Tipstaves ..... JOB.C. Snyder, altering Registers and sundries $64 88 (3 as bills 210 28 C. F. Eberman, care and winding town olock and repairs 68 60 Ellen Wiley, cleaning House 10 15 Lancaster County Prison, Carpet 205 20 J. R. Russel, Hardware 1 72 Daniel Ehrisman, Carpentry - 24 52 M. F. Steigerwalt, do .07 60 Miller Sc Beates, Glass bill 8 80 flenrv Wagoner, labouring Work .. 8 00 J, K. Bilner, Freight on Glass 80 Jos. Gotsball. repairing pavement 0 25 Bam. McDonald, repairing sewers, 6c... 6 50 Josepb Samson. for Brushes .. 6 00 J. H. Barnes, for 2 Settees 9 82 T ohr Join May, for repairing chairs 10 42 Deaner A Schaum, for Tinning Dome, Ac 980 63 J. N. Miller, for Brooms 3 49 Mary Hackman, for binding carpets 3 50 Thomas Bonlne, Carpentry 19 91 Alexander Danner, Ornament for Clock Dial 6 00 8. W. Taylor, for Painting....- 54 4 5 2 J. IV. Roeting, Inspecting and Measuring Tin Work on Dome 55 00 W. Paneoast. for Cementing Roof. 19 75 Kendrick A Flinn, numbing 4 50 J. Rotharmel, for Brushes... 3 00 O C. M. Caines, measuring Work on Dome, (Painting) 15 91 Wm. D. Sprecher, for Cement 3 00 George B Shaum for Furniture I*2 00 Coroner. Coronet and Justices, for holding Inquests on the bodies 0f43 persons found dead In Lancasier county $477 86 Commissioners' Office. P. 0. Eberman, In full for salary for 1861 $BOO 00 do on account. 35 00 Ed'd Reilly, Salary and Professional Services 70 00 O. A. Heinitsh, Ink, Twine, Ac- 1 50 J. Clarkson, Inkstands, and Peus 4 115 Daniel Good, Etq , in full for 192 days $384 00 and 3406 miles at 6 cents $204 06. Total $5BB 36. Palance .- 188 36 Jos. Boyers, Esq, 175 days. $350 00 and 3564 -$92,339 29 miles $231 84. Total $5Bl 84. ; -Balance...-. 231 84 Levi 8. K-ist. Esq., 150 days $3OO 00, 2319 miles $139 14. Total $439 14. Balance.... 139 14 John Doner, Esq., on account, services as Commissioner, 1861-.-... 350 00 Levi 8. Reist, EFq., on account of 1861 350 00 Joseph Boyers, Esq., on account of 1861 430 00 P. G. Eberman, Jr.. Assiat’g Clerk. April Ist 1 50 Jesse Landis,Esq, Salary as 501icit0r.......... 112 50 Elections. Election Officers for holding Township Elec- 2 14 2 60 1 72 4 16 28 60 tions For General Election Assessors pay for services for Elections Constables pay for Township Elections...-. Fuel. 11. Baumgardner, for 56 Tons Coal. Printing. Pearsol A Gelst for printing - 8. A- Wylie, •• . Wm. B. Wiley, “ ; F. H. Stauffer, “ Rudolph Kuhn, “ F. L.. Baker, “ . .... T. E. Cochran, “ Hlestand, Haber A Heekert, Thomas, Sanderson. “ Ensmlnger, “ ...... W. H. H.Cox, “ - John Baer’s sons, printing and stationery ... LF.Bomberger k Co. “ - Bamnel Wright, “ ............ Pottage. H. B. flwarr, postage and envelopes ... J.J. Cochran “ *• George Wlant, boofes and binding— $l7l 8T IlenryMueser, etq., recording Court orders... 38 60 Poor and House of Employment. William Qorreoht, Tfsqin fall of estimate for support of Podr for 1861 -Hugh 8. Gara, Esq.., in fall of estimate fbr BuppartofPriaonfor 1851........................511,000 00 ,-......5199,708 47 Assessors Pay, 1861. Samuel Stork, Herrey Baughman, ~40 0q Levi L&nshv William Yoder, J. G. Gar man, Se&aatian E. Bohrer, 45 00 fi. F. Ebersole, 32 00 John Enek, 35 00 James D. Welsh, 56 00 J. S. ShArp, Hubert Townsly, 70 00 William 8. Shirk, S 2 00 Leri G Kemper, 50 00 John F&nssdt, Iflaao Gingrich,' Samuel Hess, Martin Huber, Johu B Breneman, 60 00 Repairing Bridges. $10,137 69 Court of Common Pleas. Court House. Public Office*. .-...514,000 00 _ J&gftsnfcTpy.-. .. s Sagt’a Peultentiarj'fb? support of Ponriots... $ 564'78 Loan* paid to Individuals.*- -$35,772 00 ' “ u “ Banks-.-..-... 16,000 00 ; Interest Paid to Bank and 58,750 57 Port Mortem Examinationr. Post Mortem-Examinations held on- tbs.. ~~bodlea‘of2sPersons-.5250 00 Road Damage*. Geo. Sanderson, Esq., Mayor, far City, $ 433 22 Philip-Horn, West Hempfield twp. 20 00 . Andrew Shlott, do _ • .20 00 John Tregreases. do 20 00 A. Hexshey,. do 76 00 of John Boeder, do - 25 00 flaeob Kauffman, do 82 50 Mrs. Momma. do 28 00 n fiiniy do - -11-00 Michael Siechrist. do -22 00 John Stallings, do 22 80 Samuel Morrison, Colerain, 50 00 Benjamin Myers, Strasborg twp. 7CO Jacob Neff’s estate, do . 10 00 Abrabam Miller, Manor, . 20 00 Christian H. Witmer, do 10 00 Isaae Landis, Manbeim, 10150 Henry Hess, Peqnea, 75 00 Widow Burg**, West latopeter, 20 00 Henry Keasey, do 25 00 Martin Mylin, do 30 00 A. J.HjUn, do 7 10 00 A. Greenawalt, Elisabethtown bor. 28 00 Daniel Sensenig, Brecknock, 40 00 B*ltzoT;Behseder, do 8 00 . Abraham Folts, do - 30 00 Christian Schneder, do 8 00 Peter Stauffer, do 15 00 John Sweitser, do 33 00 J. Bnrkhard, do 5 00 Samuel Good, do 10,00 Isaac Redseeker, West Donegal, 33 00 John L. Gish, do 25 00 Henry Gingrieh, do 65 0C Adam Sharp, Warwick, 20 00 Jacob Pfouta, do 5 0C Henry Moore, do 6 0C Daniel Doster, do 10 0C - William Hershey, West Cccalico, 4M* 0C Jacob Bechtel, do 20 0( Jacob Mellinger’s estate, do 82 0( Isaac Rohrer, Upper Leacock, 50 0( Emanuel WickeL do 60 (K - Moses Miller, Elizabeth, 15 0( J.Ankrim, Drumore, 10.0( Miscellaneous- George Long, tax refunded Daniel Bltzer, do dol, .Philip 8. Baker,, taking .A. :B. McOlane to - . '.Home of Refuge 10 60 Laniel-McCort, tax refunded. fffrllip'S. Baker, taking C. Hernelsen to House of Refuge - John Baker, stating acet. for Auditor M. H. Shirk, Ksq., Treasurer, exonerations on Statetax.. - .' - 66 76 D. G. KEhleman, Esq , for A gricuHnral Society 100 00 Geo. Banderson, Esq., Mayor’s and Consta bles’fees in vagrant cases Jacob,Hildebrand, tax refunded Telegraph Office for dispatch Geo. Howry, Horse and Buggy hire D. S. Grosh and otherß* witness ftes in road cases r ... Solomon Sprecher, boarding Jurors . A. H. Smith, in Com. vs. Speddle, (Nov. Term) H. B. Painter and others copying tax Dupli cates ...1 Jno. A. Wler, Esq.. Treasurer Penna. State Lunatia Hospital, for support of Insane per sons Jesse Landis. Esq , expenses to Harrisbnrg and professional business E. Reilly, Esq., services iu case of Com. vs. Jno. 3* Porter - J. Barber, Assessor, Columbia, attending spe cial appeal...... Peter Brunner, Assest'or, Mt. Joy Bor., ata tending special appeal ... R. Walter,. Assessor, Sadsbury, attending spe cial, appeal J. S. Sharp, Assessor, Ephrata, attending'spe cial appeal H. M. V> hite, Efq , transcript of act, relating to taxes, Mrs. F. Cooper, for boarding Jury, Henry Musser, Esq., for recordlßg officers elected in March, C Hess, tax refunded, Cbas. E. Wentz, do P. G, Eberman, Jr., copying lists of taxables, Wm. A. Atlee, Esq., for Auditing county offices Nelson Woltkill, tax refunded, Adams Express, Freight and Flag, Jacob Foreman and others, laying out new Election District, J. B. Livingston, laying oat new Election Dis trict, Amos Groff, for boarding Jurors, Penna. R. R. Company, freight on Muskets, J, D. Boas, Esq., Sheriff Dauphin co., bringing J. Ereider to Laocaster County Jail, H. E. Lehman, for repairing Muskets, W. H. Horstman, lor D. S. Flag Jacob Grb-1, tax refanded Lancaster City, for Water Rent .. B. F. Cox. for collecting Muskets ; Ida Clark for repairing Flag J. L. Hoffmeier, taking J. Routs to House of Refuge J. Shickly, Whitewashing a Bridge, Ac Bam Lelvely, collecting taxes in Washington Borough John Sheaffer, for Books John Clark, repairing Flag Jacob Gamber, attending to Fulton Hail, for Military exercises Jac.N. Miller, on account of collecting taxes, Lancaster Gas Company, Gas Bill for Fulton Hall, (Volunteers,) : Lancaster Gas Company, for Hall of Hook and Ladder Company, (Volunteers,) J. C. Snyder, Distributing Lists of Taxables, E. Reilly, Esq., Services in Com. vs. E. Arter, P. Baker, services in do do A. Lechler, Boarding Jurors ' Jos. Snyder, Cleaning Furnaces, Whitewash . log, Ac P. G. Eberman, Distributing Tally Papers Jes>e Engles, for Arresting Kidnapper Jacob Franciscus, Distributing Assessments.. Pennsylvania Rail hoadfor Freight S. B. Cole and others, fjr Arresting K. Thom as, for Horse Stealing Wm. Scollon, for Arresting J. Kyle, for Horse Stealing Wm. B. Wiley, Esq., Qualifying Sheriff and Commissioners... Jas. A. McPherson, Tax Refunded M. Zahm, tor interpreting at Court A. Heir Smith, for Professional Services. Wm. C. Boyd. Taxes Received by Treasurer for M. Marshall Isaac Uolliuger, for Taxes Refunded Jos. C. Snyder, for Distributing Tally Papers, Recapitulation. Auditors’pay Clem's pay Commissioners’ Orders ; Court blllsand certificates...- Constables’ returns Road viewers orders Orders Issued by County Commissioners and Board of Relief for support of families de pendent upon Volunteers - Exonerations allowed tax collectors Commissions Outstanding taxes Treasurer’s Commissions Balance in Treasurer’s hands Attest:— P. G. EBERMAN, Clerk. 10—“ SIGN OP THE 810 WATCH”- WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY AND SILVER WARE. —JAMES P. DYSART, NO. 1C WEST KING St., (near Market) takes pleasure ini inviting attention to his new and large stock of Goods, which com prises as great a variety of all articles In his'line as can be found in the city, consisting in part of Ladles* Fine 18 Carat Hunting Lever Watches, Fine Gold Hunting Levers, ' “ “ Open-faced Levers, (C-* 3* Silver Hunting Caso “ « Open-faced - “ a good assortment of LEVERS and LEPINES of Silver and Composition Cases; QUAETIERB and ENGLISH WATOH ES (first and second handed,) all of whioh are warranted to keep time or no sale. His assortment of JEWELRY is the most extensive ever offered to the citizens of Lancaster, part Of which are the following styles: FINE PAINTED BREASTPINS, EAR RINGS AND BRACELETS to match; CAMEO SETTS, FLORENTINE MOSAIC, and PLAIN EAR RINGS and BREASTPINS, all of which for beauty, style and cheapness cannot be surpassed in the city, Also, a fine assortment of PLAIN and CHASED BRACELETS and'HANDS, with Cameo Setts and Medallions. Particular attention paid to Jewelry of Gentlemon’s wear, comprising Sleeve Buttons, Studs, Gush'd, Breast and Fob Chains of the best quality; Ribbon Slides, Gold and Silver Tooth Picks, eto. Always on hand a good assortment of SILVER ware, such as Spoons, Tea, Table, Dessert, Sugar, Mustard and Salt; Dinner and Tea Forks 5 Napkin Rings; Butter and Fruit Knives j-SaltCellers; Cups, Pie Knives, Pickle Knives and Forks, setts of Knives, Porks and Spoons for Misses.— Also a beautiful lot of Port Monnaies for Ladies and Gents, Combs and Brushes of all kinds, Accordeons, Ac. Clocks from $1.25 to $6O, all warranted. 45?*The undersigned has, at considerable expense, get up a Card of Hair Work Patterns, for which he receives orders—to be executed in Philadelphia In the most chaster and durablo style, and at short notice. The public are in vited to call and examine his stock and Judge for them selves. JAMES P. DYSART. Sign of tho Big Watch, No. 10, West King St., Lancaster Pa. Juneltf2o H oin,l l. G 1 F T 8 1 -SILVER WAREI SILVER WA R Ell PIE, CAKE AND BDTTEII KNIVES. SUGAR, CREAM AND OYSTER .SPOONS. SOUP AND OYSTER LADLES, SPOONS, PORRS, io., Ao. Latest STTi.Ee and Beat Workmanship. SILVER-PLATED WARE ! SILVER-PLATED WARE 1! BASKETS, CASTORS, PITCHERS, MDGS, SPOONS, FORKS, Ao., Ao., Jbbt pboh the Factories. WATOUESI WATCHES!! WATCHES!!! WABBANTID TIME KEEPERS. * CHEAP! CHKAIM! CHEAP i! CLOOKBI CLOCKS!! CLOCKS!!! • GILT, COLUMN AND PLAIN FRONTS. ' JEWELRY I JEWELRY II JEWEL RYU! LATEST STYLES AND BEST QUALITY. RHOADS A GILLESPIE, _ 2 254 Webt Kiino Strut, Between Cooper’s Hotel and J. G. Q.tz’s Dr, Goods Store, dec 17 , , tf 49 VAN I NG E N * SNYDER , DESIGNERS AND ENGRAVERS ON WOOD, N. E. Corner 6th and Chestnut Streets, PHILADELPHIA. Execute all kinds or WOOD ENGRAVING, with Leant,, correctness and despatch—Original Designs furnished for Pine Book Illustrations—Persona wishing Cuts, by sending a Photograph or can baveviewH of COLLEGES, CHURCHES, COTTAGES, , STORK FRONTS, PORTRAITS, MACHINES, STOVES, . .. PATENTS, Ac. Engraved as well as on personal application. FANCY ENVELOPES, LABELS, BILL HEADINGS SHOW BILLS, VISITING, BUSINESS and other CARDS? engraved In the highest style of the Art, and at theloweet prices. For Specimens of Fine Engraving, see the Illustrated Works of J. B. LIPPINCOTT A Co., H. H. BUTLER k Co Ac, 4c. foot 23 ly 41 INOORFORAT ED 18 1 OI HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. OF HARTFORD, CONN. ? CAPITAL AND ASSKTB $930,709.00 : H. HUNTINGTON, President. P. O. Alltn, Secretary. ** ' Policies issued and renewed;, losses, equitably adjusted and paid ivmediatilg upon satisfactory proofs, tn Hew York funds, by the undersigned, theDULY AUTHORIZED AGBNT. ’ JAMES BLACK, ; • oct 28 ly 41J ; -Agent ftrlamowter Op; T)ROF,.PK 6EATH»a KLKCTaiC OIL, XT WSW’.PBaCTElOE.—Blectrie corts-lpalii fg the death ? reliewe the pain and yon check the disease. . - fest.De GratKa Eleqtric.Oil is the marret of this- age. Jbrtip fblloiftDg'faot everything): r ‘ BBeunapam often id a day. ' Cnr6« NeuralgroC Be Gnith’a Electric OU Is talsJll ble fbrJShexanatlc pains. My'wiffe fbr some time past has kffidthd and enable to walk-, has been restored: by the application of this Oil almost Instantaneously; and I can cheer folly recommend It to others. Johs WUiiAKBON, Att’y at Law. 49»Thxs Oil acts ozr the btstxm with xlectaiott. —Is of pen vegetable preparation, not the slightest danger of applying it outwardly or inwardly, it at once gives a permanent cure, in most cases, from ten to twenty minutes. . The best physiologists of Europe bare discovered that, all Orgahio Derangement in. the Animal System-is the effect of an obstruction of the Physlco-Eleetro Flnld in the organ diseased—a skillful application of this Oil pats in immediate motion the nerve fluid, and the core is at once accomplished. No bleeding, no vomiting, purging or blister ing. is resorted to. WONDERFUL REPORTS PiLxa ahd tbb RHOTHATiBM.T-Some remarkable cures are daily coming to light:—Charles Sexton, Esq., ex-Mayor of the City of Camden, says, the “ Electric Oil ” cured, his Piles by six applications; also, Rheumatism. He says it Is a very valuable remedy, and everybody ought to know it. Nxubalgxa. —Mr. David 'Mann, 469 Vine street, eaye De- Grnth & Co.’s “ Electric Oil ” cured him, and that he was a great sufferer. Stitt Neck.—Mr. Mann’s daughter was much afflicted with stiff and swollen neck, which this Oil cured immedi* Ban Spaanr.—Mr. A. D. Higbfleld, No. 12 Howard street, met with a serious accident, which laid him up, says : He tried everything* even the usual cold water shower with oat any benefit—-used a single bottle of the Oil, which cured him-—also says it cured frosted feet. CaraiEH is tzx Bazaar.—Mr. Wardlow’s little girl was cured. This is a. very interesting case. Come and see. And so It is, I am daily called upon to chronicle cores like the above. Indeed, all pain vanishes by the use of my Oil. 49- Sold by all Druggists. .$ 7 60 1 00 rTHE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES, In the mouth of December, 1858, the undersigned for the first time offered for sale to the public Dr. J. Bovee Dods’ Imperial Wine Bitters, and In this short period they have given such universal satisfaction to the many thousands of persons who have tried them that it is now an estab lished article. The amount of bodily and mental misery arising simply from, a neglect of small complaints is sur prising, and it is therefore of the utmost importance that a strict attention to the least aud most trifling bodily ail ment should be had; for diseases of the body must invari ably affect the mind. The subscribers now only ask a trial of ... 1)209 08 ... 3 50 IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS!! from all who have not used them. Wechalleuge the world to produce their equal. These Bitters for the cure of Weak Stomachs, 'General Debility, and for Purifying aud Enriching the Blood, are absolutely unsurpassed by any other remedy on earth. To be assured of this, it is only necessary to make the trial. The Wine itself is of a very superior quality, being about one-third stronger than other wines; warming and invigor ating the whole system from the bead to the feet. As these Bitters are tonic and alterative in their character, so they strengthen and invigorate the whole system and give a flue tone and healthy action to all its parts, by equalis ing the circulation, removing obstructions, and producing a general warmth. They are also excellent for Diseases and Weakness peculiar to Females, where a Tonic is re quired to strengthen and brace the system. No Lady, who U subject to lassitude aud faintness, should be without them, as they are revivifying in their action. THESE BITTERS WILL NOT ONLY CURE, BUT PRE VENT DISEASE, and in this respect are donbly valuable to the person who may use them. For INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION, Weak Lungs, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Diseases of the Nervous System, Paralysis, Piles, and for all eases requir ing a Tonic 103 00 2 00 1 00 SO 00 115 00 4 65 17 25 DR, DODS’ CELEBRATED WINE BITTERS ARE UN- For Sore Throat, so common among the Clergy, they are truly valuable. For the aged and infirm, and for persons of a weak constitution—for Ministers of the Gospel, Lawyersandall public speakers—for Book-Keepers, Tailors, Seamstresses, Students, Artists, and all persons leading a sedentary life, they will prove trnly beneficial. As a Beverage, they are wholesome, innocent, and de licious to the taste. They produce all the exhilarating effects of Brandy or Wine, without intoxicating; and are a valuable remedy for persons addicted to the use of ex cessive strong drink, and who wish to refrain from It. They are pare and entirely free from the poisons contained in the adulterated Wines and Liqnors with which the' country is flooded. These Bitters not only Cure, but Prevent Disease, and should be used by all who live in a country where the water is bad, or where Chills and Fevers are prevalent. Being entirely innocent and harmless, they may be given, freely to Children and Infants with impunity. Physicians, Clergymen and temperance advocates, as an act of humanity, ahonld assist in spreading these truly valuable Bitters over the land, and thereby essentially aid In banishing Drunkenness and Disease. IN ALL AFFECTIONS OF THE HEAD, SICK HEAD ACHE, OR NERVOUS HEADACHE, DR. DODS’ IM PERIAL WINK BITTERS WILL BE FOUND TO BE MOST SALUTARY AND EFFICACIOUS. 13 38 158 76 30 25 2 84 38 00 4 60 The many certificates which have been tendered ns, and the letters which we are daily receiving, are conclusive proof that amoug the women these Bitters have given a satisfaction which no others hnvo done before. No woman in the land shonld be without them, and those who ouce nee them will not fall to keep a supply. DR. J. BOVEE DODS’ IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS are prepared by an eminent and skilful physician who has used them successfully in his practice for the last twenty five years. The proprietor, before purchasing the exclusive 'right to manufacture and sell Dr. J. Bovee Dods’ Celebrated Imperial Wine Bitters, had them tested by two distin guished medical practitioners, who pronounced them a valu able remedy for disease. 25 00 25 00 75 00 80 00 3 13 Although the medical men of the country, as a general thiDg disapprove of Patent Medicines, yet we do not believe that a respectable Physician can be found in the United States, acquainted with their medical properties, who will not highly approve DR. J. BOVEE DODS’ IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS. In all newly settled places, where there is always a large quantity of decaying timber from which a poisonous miasma is created, these bitters should be used every morning before breakfast. are composed of a pure and unadulterated Wine, combined with Barberry, Solomon’s Seal, Comfrey, Wild Cherrv Tree Bark, Spikenard, Chamomile Flowers and Gentian. They are manufactured by Dr. Dods himself, who Is an experi enced and successful Physician, and hence should not be classed among the quack nostrums which flood the country, and against which the Medical Profession are so justly prejudiced. These truly valuable Bitters have boon so thoroughly tested by all classes of the community for almost every variety of disease incident to the hnman system, that they are now deemed indispensable as a TONIC, MEDICINE AND A BEVERAGE. PURCHASE ONE BOTTLEL $ 130 00 25 00 107,866 20 0,879 23 245 54 486 56 23,622 60 1.243 47 4.183 44 9,713 51 1.617 06 40 795 96 It Costs but Little! Purify the Blood! Give Tone to the Stomach 1 Renovate the System I and Prolong Life! PRICE $1 PER BOTTLE, 6 BOTTLES FOB $5. Prepared and sold by CHARLEB WIDDIFIELD A CO., Sole Proprietors, 78 William Btoast, Nkw York. For sale by druggists and grocers generally throughout the country. [aug 6 ly 30 $199,708 47 JOSEPH BOYERS, LEVI P. RETST, JOHN DONER, Commissioners. DARLING’S LIVER REGULATOR, o AND 0 LIFE BITTERS, are pure vegetable extracts. They cure all bilious dis orders of the human system. They regulate and invigor ate the liver and kidneys; they give tone to the digestive organs; they regulate the secretions, excretions and exhalations, equalize the circulation, and purify the blood. Thus, all bilious complaints—some of which are Torpid Liver, Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Piles, Chills and Fevers, Costiveness or Looseness—are entirely controled and cured by these remedies. DARLING’S LITER REGULATOR removes the morbid and bilious deposits from the stomach and bowels, regulates the liver and kidneys, removing every obstruction, restores a natural and healthy action In the vital organs. It is a superior FAMILY MEDICINE, much better than pills, and much easier to take. is a superior tonic and diuretic; excellent in eases of loss of appetite, flatulency, female weakness, irregularities, pain in the side and bowels, blind, protruding and bleed ing piles, and general debility. Jas. L. Bromley, merchant, 184 Fulton street. New York, writes, August 18, 1860: “I have been afflicted with piles, accompanied with bleeding, the last three years; 1 used _ DARLING’S LITER REGULATOR AND LIFE BITTERS, find now consider myself entirely cured.” Hon. John A. Cross writes, “Brooklyn, March 16, 1860. In the spring of 1859 I took a severe cold, which induced a violent fever. I took two doses of It'broke up my cold and fever at onco. Previous to this attack, I had been troubled with dyspepsia several mouths; I havo felt nothing of it since.” Otis Studley, Esq., 128 East 28th Street, N. Y., writes: “August 13,11860. —1 had a difficulty with Kidney Com plaint three years, with constant pain in the small of ray back. I had used most all kinds of modicines, but found no-permanent relief until I used DA EhiN G ’ 8 lIVEII ASP LIFE BITTERS I passed clotted blood by the urethra. I am now entirely cnredj and take pleasure In recommending these remedies.’: Mrs. C. Tebow, 11 Christopher Street, N. Y., writes ’ “ Feb. 20, 1860.—1 have been subject to attacks of Asthma tho last twenty years. I have never found anything equal to DARLING’S LIVER REGULATOR, in affording immediate relief. It is a thorough Liver and bilious remedy.” Mrs. Young, of Brooklyn, writes, “ February 28, 1860. In May last I had a severe attack of Piles, which confined me to the house. I took one bottle of DARLING’S LIFE BITTERS, and was entirely cured. I have had no attack since.” D. Westervelt, Esq., of South sib, near Bth Street, Wil liamsburg, L. 1., writes: “August 6, 1860.—Having been troubled with a difficulty in the Liver, and subject to bilious attacks, I was advised by a friend to try DARLING’S LIVER REGULATOR. I did so, and found it to operate admirably, removing the bile and arousing the liver to activity. 1 have also used it as a i FAMILY MEDICINE. When our children are out of sorts, we give them a few drops and it sets them all right 1 find it meets the general wants of the stomach and bowels when dis ordered.” Reader, .If you need either or both of these most exeel* lent Remedies, inquire for them at the stores; if you dp; not find them* take no other, but inclose One Dollar 1q a. letter, and on receipt of the money, the Remedy or Reme dlee will he sent according to yonr directions, by mail or express, postpaid. Address, DAN’L B. DARLING, 102 Nassau street, New York, 49* Pat up in 60 cent and $1 Bottles each. oct29 ..-BATHERS, FEATHERBEDS, l - ' SPRING MATTRESSES, HAIR, MOSS, HUSK AND 81 RAW MATTRESSES, CUSHIONS, Ac., ready made or made to orier l at lowest cash prices. QUILTo, lOMFORIABLES, 01 Ii B—Castor OH, Sweet Oil, Oil of SPIKE, STONE, BENEKA, SASSAFRAS, Ac., For sale at THOMAS ELMAKKRS, Drag A Chemieal Store West King street Lan. febg tf 'TTTOtrD.— Hickory, Oak and Pine Wood: W • of the heist quatity,Tor sale by . o y.i:c : ' GEORGE CALDERA CO, fflea East Orange street. 2d door from North Queen, end' . wtHzeePe lendlhgom tbeOo&eetog> Ju2otf24' FROM WELL-KNOWN CITIZENS. CHARLES DE GRATH, 217 South Bth Street, Philadelphia. tf 13 DR. J. BOVEE DODS’ SURPASSED! DR. J. BOVEE DODS’ IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS DARLING’S LIFE BITTERS BJCAD THS FOLLOWIHQ TESTIMONY; DARLING’S LITER REGULATOR. BLANKETS, Ac. N. B. CHURCH CUSHIONS, on hand or made to order. AMOS HILLBOBN, No. 44 North Tenth Street, below Arch, Philad’a. ang!4 ly3L LI GM TJS ifc BR A DBU RY B PATHNT'iNBULATBD FULL -IRON VBAtin NEW _. SCALEORAKD'AIfDIBQUARE PIANO-FORTES. ; iThVlnsttiated Iron Frame preserve ihs.originai tone 6f the igstrniMirt ie*U lie .joritr,-wearing ltjor ell .time against treat most disagreeable' tinny quality ofjtonerin-' : variably found in all .other Iron Frame Piano-Fortes;'' It. . ' greatly strengthens ’ the* case and thus heaps Plano- ; Forte much longer-far time. ; It-gives the instrument a. much -foHwtyviwfcfir sweater tone. -It adapts the Piano • to all climates and to all changes of atmosphere,,and)hr all respects It is pronQUOSfdby pur “ artiste” the greatest A FEW TESTIMONIALS TN TtiwAßtf - KKTHE SU PERIORITY TO OUR HEW 0 SCALE PATE&TIN3U • Lazed HI have examined! the. PfefcD-FoKtes.of lights.-t3rm4-' burys with entire satisfaction.; I.know not that-thef»>re any others better, qitber in. our own coon try or elsewhere.” —fan. Ignrmj. .Mason. - ■ , M rl^ ll ® BB * and volume of totfe, dillcacy,- ■ elasticity of touch, ana fine repeating action, ! nave never played upon their equal”—H. AWollEthautt. • “In volume* rfchnwa, evennefa, and purity-of ton*, and in. delieaey .of toheh.:they xertabfly. excel andin that beautiful bq dwfiratdejetsqseldom found.’*' U I have never played upon so rich Midheavy a tone Square Piano-Forte.”—Akrava V “I am astonished and delighted with the New Scale Iron FramePiano-Ibrtes Bjustbe a splendid future for Lighted* Umdburye’ Plano-Fortaa” Gio. P. Root. • ••c;-! • ' S JI have never , played ;Jipon so fine .an instrument,”— Gio. F. Busvow. • .. “ I consider them as.tp; beauty, richness, fullness, and equality of tone, as fellas their agreeable,. elastic:touch, equal if not superior to any" Pianos made.' in this country or Europe.”—Karl Wkua : “In power, quantity, and equalityof tone,- they certainly excel f-whileibr that peeutiar rich-and and ringlngtone sain rid uobleas an accompaniment to.the voice).! have never met thelr eqaal/Vrfi Rasbiw. “ They have all the requirements for ;a snperior,lnterp ro tation ofbothclasslcal and modern compositions.”—M. Stuaxosh. ' • Wareroom, 421 Broome Street, afew doors East of Broad ways New York. * ■ SATISFACTORY GUARANTEE GIVEN. oct 2 . .eow.ly 38. < XVR 1 PR Wy L c- During the past yeAr We hate introduced to the notice of the medical profession of this country the Tore Crystal bed Chloride of Propylamine, as a REMEDYFOR RHEUMATISM; and haring received -from; many .sources, both from phy sicians of the highest standing and from-patients,, the MOSS rL4n£KatQ XXSTQSO9UI3 09. ITS UAL TALUS in the treatment of this painful and cbstinate ,disease, we are induced to present it to the public la. a form BEADY FOR IMMEDIATE USB, which we hope will commend Itself to those who are suffering with this afflicting com plaint, and to the-medical practitioner who may feel dis posed to test the powers of this.valuable remedy. ELIXIR PROPYLAMINE; in the form above spoken of, has recently been extensively experimented with in the PENNSYLVANIA-HOSPITAL, and with MARKED SUCCESS (as will appear from the published accounts in the medical journals.) It is carefully put up ready for Immediate use, with fall directions,. and can be obtained from all the druggists at 76 cents per bottle, and wholesale of Druggists and Manufacturing Chemists, June 26 ly 24] Philadelphia. HRHE PHILADELPHIA EVENINU BUL- X LETHEAN INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWBPAPER devoted,especially' to the interests' of Pennsylvania. Con taining Important Telegraphic News, slxteeri honrs In ad vance of the Morning Papers. Original, Foreign and Do mestic'Correspondeiice, Editorials on all Buiyecte,.and full - Reporteof .all the news of the day. The Commercial and Financial Departments, are full, and.are carefully attended to. ‘ yg- As Alt AnvuTisntg Medium ,there, Is no heater hapfer the circulation being next tothplargest : lifthe city, and among-thd "most • inteulgenVaUd-lnfluen- the population. TERMS, SIX DOLLARS PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE. CUAIMINGS A PEACOCK, Proprietors, No. 112 South Third streetj.Philadelphla. THE PHILADELPHIA SATURDAY BULLETIN, a handsome, watl-fllle'd, Faiclt 'Wxuit Newspaper,'ls pub lished by the Proprletdrsatr the following unprecedentedly low rates: . 1: dopy, one year,. 6 Copies, “ 18 “ “ 30 “ « 100 “ “ FURTHER INDUCEMENTS ! TITE LARGEST’CLUB (oVbrlOO>will be sent for three years. THE NEXT LARGEST CLUB, (orerlQG) wUJ.be. sent for two years. Address . CUMMINGS A PEACOCK, Proprietors, Bulletin BnUding, No. 112 South Third street, Philadelphia. tf4s Great westerbt insurance and TRUST COMPANY OR PHXtA&RtFHIA. CHAR TER PERPETUAL. Fire Inaarance on Stores, Ewelllnga, Public Buildings, and Merchandise generally; limited or Perpetual. lire Insurance, on Houses, Barns and Stock, Pirn Implements, «fc. Also Inland Insurance on Goods to RBaiDEWT. WILLIAM DARLING. BEcaxrAfiriiKi> gßßAsmia. JAME£. W-RIQHT. INLOXnRIANT "CURLS 1 iV FAR'RIRAy tOH Street)'between and Bth Sts., $lB .Market Btroct.) iItADELPHIA, .**a A»i> ‘Maitijpao r, andDcalkr in all » FANCY FDUB, fob ( MIHAXS’ ASD CaiL> gXN’SWXAR. og now manufactur ln store my usual jd’beautlfnt assort* )f' all • “the yarions od qualities of Furs, /to the coxnlbg Fall Winter.KSeasons, I r§H>ectfolly invite lLnatlon pf my stock chase/ is i am en- 1 ottvv'm li"' " - d. i!- ' ; r ■. yv\'- V, ’*‘/K • ! ' - - ' . T - ' Au apetient and stomaoUo preparation of TBOHpurifleiof.Orygen andCartra by oom- Vjsticm in Hydrogen, 1 Of high medical author . itv and extraordinary 1 efficacy in eich of the ' fdUo^isgComplaints,yiz.:- • " llEßXliry. TOEVbtIS AITECXIOHS, EMA -1 ciauon, dtspepslav eiab£2ea, \CffiTSTi . pAtios, fiCEQFgLA, sAiTßHiiiy. sctmry. nWJUDic?; livjh' comelaihts BHEfIUA : W£^ , MUTEST EEVEBS, ! HEABACKES, ./FEWAT,E TOAS .JSOS :MENSIBPATIQN, WTCTrES.CHEOROSiS, etc., PIMPLES OS THE PACE, ROUGHNESS OF :-THEREIN, .etc, ' The'ISON being absorbed by. the blood, and . thus circulating through the whole system,-no paTtcf-the body can escape their truly wonder ful influence. The experience of thousands daily proves taat no preparation of Iron can for a moment bo - compared with it.' Impurities of the blood, de pression of vital energy. palo : and .otherwise sickly complexions indicate its necessity in, al most every conceivable case. In all .cases of female debility (fluor albus, chlorosis, QtcO, its efifects ara delightfully renovating. No remedy has ever been discovered, in the whole history of medicine, which exerts such prompt, happy, and fully restorative effects. Goodappetito, com ■ plete digestion, rapid acquisition of strength, with ah unusual’ disposition for activo and Cheerful exercise, immediately follow its use. • As a grind stomachic and general restorative it has no superior and no substitute. ’ Pat np In neat flat mctnl boxe s containing 50 pills, price 50 cents per box s six b'»xvs, .«2 '5O i, One dozen boxes, 84 00. For sale, by Dridshtß generally* Will bo sent free to anyoddress on receipt of Abe price.. AH Ic, “ teA, orders, etc., alnmlcl be mldrcs-v.d to R.B. LOCKE &CO„ General Apent'3. 339 UItOAOW \V, % 3. jjf. The above Is a fac-fll:ullc of the label on cacti box. KAUFFMAN A C 0„ ‘No. T'Kraraph’s Buildinps, Eas Orange street, sole Agents for Lancaster. L°° y I 5 1 SIS AS a" remedial mbnt. TFfIS DELICIOUS TONIO STIMULANT, ESPECIALLY designed for the use of the Mtdical Profes sion and the Family, havluz superceded the so-called ‘•Ginß,” “Aromatic.,” ‘ Cordial,” “Medicated,” “Schnapps,’ etc., ia now endorsed by all of the prominent physiciaus chemists and conuelssours, as possessing all of those in Irinsic medicinal qualities (tonic and diuretic) which be long to an OLD and TURK GIN. Put up in quart bottlea and sold by all druggists, grocers, etc. A. M. BININQER A CO., Bole Proprletora, No. 10 Droad street, N. Y. For sale by FRENCH, RICHARDS A CO.,—W. W. A H. SMITH, and all of the prominent Wholesale Drug gists in Philadelphia. loot 2 ly 88 (Established la 1778.) L. MIIiLER'S HA^INVIGOfIA- X ' TOR.—An Effective, Safe and Economical Compound, FOR RESTORING QUAY HAIR to its orfgiual color with oat dyeing, ami preventing the Hair from turning gray. FOR PREVENTING BALDNESS, and curing it, when there is the. least particle of vitality of recuperative energy remaiuiog. FOR REMOVING SCURF AND DANDRUFF, and all cntaneous affections of the Scalp. POR BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR, imparting to it an un equalled gloss aud brilliancy, making it soft and silky in its texture and causing it to carl readily. The great celebrity and increasing demand for this prepa* ration, convince the proprietor that one trial is only necessary to satisfy a discerning public ofita superior quali ties over any other preparatiomitpreseut in use. It cleanses tho head and scalp from dandruff and othor cutaneous diseases. Causes the hair to grow luxuriantly, and gives it a rich, soft, glossy, and flexible appearance, and also where the hair is loosening and thinniug, it will give strength and vigor to thoJro<)ts,"and restore the growth to those parts which have become bald, caueiug it to yield a fresh covering of hair. There are hundreds of ladios and gentlemen In New York who have had thoir hair restored by tho nse of this luvig orator, when all othor preparations had failed. . L. M. has in his possession letters innumerable testifying to the above facts, from persons of the highest respectability. It will effectually prevent the hail* from turning gray t nntil the latest period of life; and in cases where tho hair has already changed its color the use of tho Invigoratbt will with certainty restore it to its original hue, giving it a dark, glossy appearance. As a perfume for the toilet and a Hair Restorative 16 ts particularly recommended, having an agreeable fragrance; and the great facilities it afford in dressing the hair, which, when moist with the LntJgora tor can be dressed io-auy, required form so as to, jwefierve Its place, whether plofn crTn curls—hence the demand for it by the ladies as a standard toilet article which none ought to'bo without, as.the price places it within the reach of all, being ONLY TWENTY-FIVE (HANTS per : bottle, to be had at all-respectable druggists’ and perfumers. L. MILLER would call the attention of Parents and Guardians to the nse of his Invigorator, in cases where the eijildreus’ Hair ipeliues, to.be weak. The use of .it,lays the foundation for a good bqad. of hair, as it removes. any im purities that may have become connected wHL the scalp the removal of which Is necessary'both for the health o the child, and the future appearance of the Hair. genuine wlthout the fac simile.LOUlS MILLER being on the outer wrapper; also, L. MILLER’S HAIR INVIGORATOR, N. Y., blown in tbe^laW..; Wholesale Depot, $6 Dey Street, and.|old..by-,all the principal Merchants and Druggists throughout the world] Liberal discount to purchasers'by the quantity. I also desire .to present to the Amorlcau Public my NEW AND IMPROVED INSTANTANEOUS LIQUID HAIB DYE which after years of scientific experimenting Ihaye brought to perfection; It dyes Black or Brown Instantly without injury V\ the Hair or Skin, warranted ;the best article of the kind in existence. PRICE, ONLY FIFTY CENTS. DEPOT, 60 DEY.' STKEKTj 'NEW- YOBK. ang 14 ly 31 G 1 REAT DISCOVERY. T 1 have made a discovery of the utmost Importance to every married person of either sex, and will send the full particulars conceruiug it to any one on receipt of c a stamp to pay return postage. Address, apr 16 ly 14] Stereoscopes i—these wonderful and universally admired pictures, which appear as ound and solid - aa sculptured marble, oro taken dally at JOHNSTON’B SKY-LIGHT GALLERY, corner of North Queen and Orange sts Daguerreotypes of every size and style, taken t the lowest price*. Lancaster, June IP if* Fishing tackle. HODS, LIMERICK and KIRBY HOOKS, NET TWINE, LINEN and COTTON LINKS, FLOATS, SWIV ELS, 4c. For sale at THOMAS ELLMAKEII’B Drug ami Chemical Store, Opposite flio Cross Keys’ Hotel, West King Street, Laricaste jnly 30 tf 291 PETZELT 4 H’EVOV, STILL Con tinue the MERCHANT TAILOR! NG BUSINESS In the THE GRANITE BUILDING, No. 6J4, North Queen St. Our stock consists of the chole est FRENCH CLOTHS, surh as Baiolues, Samonles and Nellsaons finest Cloths of various colors; tho choicest French Gassimeres; Black Doeskin Osssimeres; Fancy Cassimerea, the best selection; Vestings of all descriptions ' and a large assortment of GENTLEMEN’S FURNISHING GOODS. We respectfully ask a contiuuanoo of the patronage so liberally bostowed upon our predecessor, and truer by strict attention to business to receive it. One of the firm has had considerable experience ’in one the largest and most fashionable Merchant Tailoring Es* abtishmentu in Philadelphia, and Hatters himself that be will be able to render satisfaction to the patrons of the firm. ‘ PETZKLT AHcEVOY. OF THE RED COAT I k’FALL AND WINTER CLOTIHNG CHEAPER THAN EVERi I S.W■K A U li , tailor and clothier, No. U North Queen St., I*ancastkk. SIMON W. UAUB calls the attention of the citizens of Lancaster couuty and city to his large and well selected Block of'Piece Goods ana Ready Made Fall and Winter Clothing, tbo largest and best aasorted In tho city of Lan caster. S. W. Raub would call particular attention to his Block of Ready Made Clothing of liis owib manufacture, all warranted to be well Bswed and guaranteed to give entire satisfaction: OVERCOATS, from $3.50 to $12.00 BLACK FROCK COAT 3, from 4.00 •* 14.00 BUSINESS COATS, “ 3-00 “ 10.00 MONKEY COATS, M 2.00 “ 6.00 BLACK PANTS, “ 2.50 « 6.00 FANCY CASS. PANTS, “ 1.50 “ 4.00 VESTS, all prices, “ 75 “ 0.00 Bov's and Youth'a Clothing at all Prices, and Warranted Well Made. Also, on hand a large and splendid assortment of French- English and American Cloths, Over-Coatings and Casai meroa, and Vestings, which will be mado up at short uotice and low prices, cut and made Ju the latest style, and warranted to give satisfaction in QUALITY, MAKE AND FIT. Also on band, a largo assortment of Gentlemen's Fur nishing Goods, consisting of Collars, Bhirts, Neck Ties, Suspenders, Ac., Ac. Gentlemen buying their own goods can have it made np in a fashionable stylo, at the lowest possible prices, Gentlemon are invited to call and examine before purchasing elsowhero. Remember the Sign of the Red Chat/ S. W. RAUB, No. 8 North Queen st, Lancaster. oct 16 tf 401 CASTOR. OIL, ARROW ROOT, SWEET OIL BORAX, ALCOHOL, OAMPHOB, BPICES, OALOMEL, SODA, LOGWOOD, CBEAM TART AH PEAItL ii ABLEY, : GDMAKABIC, HABTSHOBN, .GELATINE, ' VIALS, : ! EHDBARB, SENNA, JALAP, SPONGE, Ac, . r For Bale at THOMAS KLLMABjK'S aprSltfll Dro* and Chemical Btoni Wert Wagst V . 'i. -■- i, Jit filiOiJ Dlt. J. H. MARTJ2LL, Alfred, Maine.