SUM,It, A. A.TTORNBT AT I,AW, Irmi.D. G. Beemotax, isp. N 0.116 Mom Mu Ts, ANCASTEX, PA. am 22 len - AT LAW ban biz Offlos JR, 1..?"1.1L Duke 0045. Mb! Duke 8 ~ ra, - llowylEuth ',street, Nat 1,1, tf 9 J , ... ~I sSieVllie- C; i7 . : lr'D ita ira:A.Ars 1 • . -,,- ~ 41 , 2 , 4 xNZ i:'''.it'D''D Al I' : . ~ es= ".., ~..L , ao= = s =a wat ill King ibriate litrot Heafßiek ... , izssar t , . _ . . -.- t eitoff.L. E r alte ) *AW.:4*ltLl'Ans law has moored caw tram his la* into &nth Dritssqopt, zussArePPosite the •=l. - 8 tf WS N . . d.Tt4BIP - Z 7, "4 T LdW - 017401 11. Bissices, An., No. 24 JUST Rum Ss, I Ali: BTNS, , , •Ttlit-30111f - 1111 9 CA.LLA, DENT/ Wr ." )ffice ilitid - Itaklettett' one dder'bidotr.the . Lamb Retel l West Ktdifstqletjsnewster„ : CaprlB tf 18 • Taoism .14A1WIS, Attorney atlaiw - .40f. -file tae -door 0210 of LecbleF'a King inzreet, Made of Sedwening.-intat 'Deeda,liortgatiea, Acconrita,#e4 wN to4ttanded to with . corm:tam and deatatoh.. . '56 tf-rt , irelinrs rnaitsk, Attorney at .Lawr...4311"- 0 Brain - Sast Ring ntre;o‘ two doors rapt, of : LeehlWs Ai Xll ' buhidee9 oonnected with his Prafeladant and all , kinds - OX writing, such as•preParbig - Deels,lifortgages, .WnlsiStating Ao6onnte,- do:, promptly 'Attended to.. . 7DICIMOVAIL....Ei. B. SW - ; ; Attorney XL, 4Lew, hew removed hie office 2.1. - North Duke --,0 6,4 4neark 9 oPpoidte his former I. ‘ , l da mw &ore Un.Pourt Howe. apr 5 anil2 R - EpozmovAL ...DR. J. T. -lijurjEr.R, HOE, OP/CHIT PHYSICIAN, has removed his office' to N 0.69 Eat King street, next doer above "Lbw's Groary. Reference=-Profeasor,W. A. Gardoer,Phlladelphla. Callettatttlerconatry will tie promptly attended, to. ' apr _ f 3.2 100 ERIO*A.. and after the first of 111 April, the Milos of WM. R. NORDNKY,Attorney at Istar will be removed to East King street, one door above Lechler's tavern, and nearly opposite to Demnth's Snuff Store., - • [mar 28 8m 11 IiaTILLIARI. WHITESIDE, Ty. SURGEON DENTIST, OFFICE—No. 2 EAST KING Brun', • LANCASTER, PA. April 1,1881. . rapr 2 tf 12 • 1 - 011121 F BRINTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW PHILADELPHIA, Ps., Thu removed his office to his residence, No. 249 South 6th Street, ehoveSprrice. Beers by permission to Hon. H. G. LONG, 66 A. L. H6llll Finnan Buxton, 2aoDmens StAvnis. norrereda D. MYERS. ..E HEAL ESTATE AGENT, noT 241y* 45 PHILADELPEELt, will attend to the Renting of Houses,Collecting Houe and Ground Rents, &c. Agencies ent rusted to hie care will be thankfully received, and carefully attended to.— Satisfactory reference given: Office N. E. corner of SEVENTH and BANSO6I streets, Second Moor, N 0.1.0. feb 17 " 1y 6 TTNITED STATES HOTEL PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD DEPOT, 8. E. CORNER 11111 AND M.REZT BTELT.Z7J3, PHILADELPHIA. H. W. KANAGA, PROPRIETOR. [may 28 tf 20 TERMS :—51,25 per day HE BOMUGGER. This wonderful article, just patented, is something ntirely new, and never before offered to agents, who are wanted everywhere. Full particulars sent free. • Address SHAW A CLARK, apr 2 1y 121 Biddeford, Maine. AN I.IIIPOB.TANT DISCOVERY!! FOR THE CURE OP CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS AND COLDS. THE MAKORA ARABICA, DISCOVERED sy A MISSIONARY, WHILE TRAVELING IN ARABIA. All who are suffering from Consumption should use the Makora Arabica, a missionary in Arabia. AR who are threatened with Consumption should use the Makora Arabica, discoiered by a missionary in Arabia. All who are suffering from Bronchitis should use the Makora Arabica, discovered by a missionary in Arabia. All who are suffering from Sore Throat, Coughs and Colds, should use the Makora Arabica, discovered by a missionary in Arabia. All who are suffering from Asthma, Scrofula and Im purities of the Blood should use the Makora Arabica, dis covered by a missionary In Arabia. It cures Consumption. It cures Bronchitis. It cures Sore Throat, Coughs and Colds. It cures Asthma, Scrofula, and Impurities of the Blood. This unequalled remedy is now for the first time intro duced to the public. It was providentially discovered by a missionary while traveling in Arabia. He was cured of Consumption - by its use after his case was pronounced hopeless by learned physicians in Europe. He has forwarded to us in writing, a full account of hie own extraordinary cure, and of a number - of other cures which have come under his observation, and also a fall ac count of the medicine. At his request, and impelled by a desire to extend a knowledge of this remedy to the public, we have had his communication printed in pamphlet form for fres distri bution. Its interest is enhanced by an account which he gives of some of the scenes of Syrian massacres, which he obtained from those who suffered in that awful tragedy. This pamphlet may be obtained at oar office, or it will be sent free by mail to all who apply for it. We import the MAMORA ARABIOA direct from Smyrna, Ihrough the house of Cleon & Gylippus, and we have always on band a full supply put up in bottles ready for use 'with full directions. Price one dollar per bottle. Sent by mail, on receipt of price, and 24 cents for postage. For sale wholesale and retail by LEEDS, GILMORE & CO., Importers of Drugs and Medicines, 61 Liberty St., New York. SOLD ALSO BY DRUGGISTS GENERALLY. mar 26 ly 11 DRESSLE.EL , S HAIR .TEWELRY STORE, No. 206 NORTH BTH STRZET ABOVE RACE, PHILADELPHIA. On hand and for sale, a choice assortment of superior patterns, and will plait to order BRACELETS, Rift RINGS, FINGER RINGS, BREAST PINS, CROSSES, NECKLACES, GUARD AND VEST CHAINS. Air. Orders enclosing the hair to be plaited may be sent by mail. Give a drawing as near as you can on paper, and enelase such amount as you may choose to pay. Costa as follows: Ear Rings $2 to s6—Breast Pins $3 to s7—Finger Rings 75 cents to—Test Chains $6 to s 7— Necklaces $2 to $lO. .113jr- Hair put into Medalions, Box Breast Pine, Rings, Ac. OLD GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT AT FAIR RATES. apr 16 lyl4 TAMES H. FANCY AND WINDSOR CHAIR BARNES ,KER, No. 59% East King street, Lancaster, Takes pleasure in inviting the public to call at his Ware, rooms, and examine his BEAUTIFUL ASSORTMENT OF CHAIRS OF VARIOUS PATTERNS. " *N.M./ERB received and promptly attended to at the kortest notice. None but the beat workmenare employed n this establishment, consequently Chairs purchased at his house are fully equal to any article sold In the Eastern Cities. Call and examine for yourselves. [aug 16 ly 31 D _ _ RUG AND OIOAL STORE. H.F.111 The subscriber having removed hie store to the new building nearly opposite his old stand, and directly opposis the Cross Heys Hotel, has -now on hand a well selected stock of articles belonging to the Drug business, &resisting in part of Oils, Acide, Spices, ,Seeds; Alcohol, Powdered Articles, Sarsaparillas,Ac., to which the attention of country merchants, physicians and consumers in general L invited. THOMAS .E.LL.MAKER, fel, 9 tf _ ' West King street, Ise. , AHOMESTEAD DOR , HOME. STEAD FOR - $lOl7. Also, - HOMESTEADS for_slooo AND OVER, in a desirable, lupdthy.corailay.= = AB—AGENTS WANTED! Send for a Pamphlet. Apply to . E. BAUDER, Land Agent, Port Royal„ Va., Or to 001. W. D. Ii.EITAIEL,,Ageh at Landistille Lan. caster co., Pa. - • - [filly 12 ly 26 • P T 0 GIZA P GALL ERY, NO. 724 ARCH, STREET, PHILADELPHIA. One of the largeit_ and most complete Galleries in the United Gtates,,where the best Pictures, known to the Photographic, art, are taken at prices no higher than are. paid for miserable caricatures. • The proprietor, a_practical Photographer, attends, per sonally, every sitting—and allows no picture to leave the Gallery unless it gives perfect satisfaction. Daguerreotypes and Ambrotypes, of absent or deceased Mends, photographed to any required size, or taken on Canvas,' life size, and painted in Oil by the beet Artists. At this - Gallery pictures can be taken in any weather= as perfect in cloudy days as when the sun shines. Persons visiting the city are respectfully invited to ex amine our specimens, which for price and quality defy am Afir• Instructions given in the art of Photography. E.. NEWELL, Gallery of Art, 724 Arch Street, Philadelphia. COMMENDATIONS: From Hon. Lrais D. CAMPBELL ' M. C., Ohio. My leanly and friends all concur in the opinion that the Newell) Mutant is more thatCany thing they ever saw. My likeness has been repeatedly taken by different Artiste in various ways, bot I - Safe never. yet had one which presents so tree to nature, all the features and ea preselons of countenance Al this.' From Han. E. Jot MOkau, lite Minister to Italy. The exquisite finish, beauty and softness of your por traits, conjoined with their durability of Color awl faith frdneas as likenesses, cannot fall to commend them to the attention and patronage of all who appreciate true art. rrota Cot. jastra RAG!. Having occamon for a portrait, I procured one from Mr: Robert Newell, of the City . of Philadelphia, a miniature in Oil Colors, under the new prates discovered by him, and take great. pleasure in eitpressing, the. satisfaction given me, not only - by the - Accuracy of the - likeness, but its artis tic finish in all respects, and, recommend him to the pa. tronage of those disposed to encourage the beautiful art. - LIICATHER,S, - ;FE ATIFIER BEDS, 11 SPRING BUTTRESSES, HAIR, MOSS, HUSK AND SIRAW MATTRESSES,'CUSECIONS, Ac., ready made or made to order;at lowest cash price& COMFOBTABLES, • • BLAIIKETS, be. N.B. 88L1TR94,01,:r:!,c, ttigr made r ßi . i arder. No. 44:Northlrerith Strew; below Arch, Phibrd , t, : - NOTICE TO 'SUGAR CANE GROWERS. An entire and improved • 21 .0LASS'.E' . 8 -. BOILBit for making Sorghum Sugar and Syrup , - directly from the Juice of the phinese Sugar Cane. A cut' representing the exePetation, and samples of Sugar and'Syrup can be, seen at Adam Bares Agricultural Implement and. Seed - Warehouse, Baat Sing street, next door to Length'. Dry Goode Store, who will attend to all orders ient to him.. W J=WBITNBY Pactorroithi;Nvionthig count); Pa, Sole Proprietor for the State ot air Any person Wishing to PnrChaSe county rights can do no by addressing the subscriber. [July 9dm 29 W.a.lactiar:Ar. SNEWrzikt,E . - dans teVoracot& Donnetryet.their om . Nod Q um , 4, 6 4 bar Eruiri froro, Ri.D•pot„Lin mews learn-144 t =IZME •;1.11 , 0 .1 EL a Ivasturski az,VI - I; I Icots t. 4-3 ,tIt4ALUIV4 A 1 ^l. va 4 7 :; :; MILITARY 1100 0 11. Irate a BAIRD'S NDITIOBrS4 . 12- Y unk • ww .. HIM 50 , -4P31 rlovtl _-- --,l,,Witbout,tl4o;llolf: eD# o —NAWffr.:l • Appmed or Madly, init retteebidialid•blaie fleet suthoritlee as • 310 • 13 % ramintAPC.4.4tn-u45Eg1i..D.. 7, 1 , . A."73601A littlif3t• - et time Boob will be Nemt bl l / 2 iittl; post pstd•MouleadScitheilltigsbi : ..,..p2lOAt BAIRD, .• "1' it ' Philads4l4-,' - LRANA WINE • Onitalninglnlinfettmetlons for the Iteern% In the Mode , -7 -o of.the Soldier nut &Pad: , ' NB . RUNDE= &NOLA:fin% Shoving. the different posithme and - twinge " In - 'the Mantel' - or 'dime; 'end complete directlone for landing, firing and Auld , * of - 11nmeLfits4mrint' .61 ificording ' " - BOOM'S SYSTEM PP INTISITRY TACTICS., • O,BAXTBII, (Of thel9th Beibient, Penn'a Volunteers, U. B. A.) Bowel lu.onevol. : l2oso - az 'pp, Price 25 Me. ets. • -Eno name work is printed In the uermin Language,' Reis . An adition.#e alstiprintedixt Aber flecoMn and English upon op&alte . pages, nulling one 12mo. volume atlIV 0 0Yer, Pt* 40:ctir. . • 9W.=!=a'F . J,. WIIAL, •• • Containing full instructions for the SOLDIER, IN THE SCHOOL OP THE COMPANY. .WITH KEZDY ENGRAVINGS. " Illustrathig • the .morementn-for .forming- e. • Company, Patting of °Mari, Lanling and Firing of Arms, March ing in Company by the Front, Oblique, Flank, Quick time, Plat°°D 7 ‘C l ° l °. l Cu , . .P l * ofDattK , Futieral Honore, etc., ands " - • MANUAL. P ARMS MI 11614/Axis, oorpcidig, etn; and •Of the Sword and Sabre for Officers. Bound, in one, volumes, Paper - Mier, 12m0.„ 76 pages; price 2 6 'MU' rcrin_Pleadble. Cloth, 60•ctlt , • :The , exam Work in Gernian price 25 mina. • T E 011 A . L B 0 0 Canal - rang fall instructions in TEE BEENOB BAYONET., 13.1331.0113 - . ' With 31 Engravings. Showing the various positions, in tlie Extensions, Per Lunges, Thrust, Board, etc., with the Rifle and Sabre Bayonet, against Infantry. or Cavalry; Skirmishing Deploy ments, Firing, Marching and Rallying by Flank, Sections, Platoons, Reserve, Columns, etc., etc., as used by the Ells. worth Zouavee, together with a number of . lIINT.B F. 0.8. THE SOLDIER IN A FIGHT, - relative to restating a Foot-Soldier or a Horseman. To to added a Biography,: and Portrait, Harrdsomely Printed in Colors, of the late COL. H.EllldElt ELLSWORTH, (Of the Chicago Zonavee.) Bound in one volume, Paper 03ver, 12m0., 72 pages, price 25 cents. HANDAL FOR THE RECRUIT IN THE LIGHT INFANTRY DRILL. Containingnotopieteinstna atone intiewie of the Rifled Musket, arranged for the UNITED STATES ZOIIATII CADETS, BY THZ LATE COL. E. ELMER ELLSWORTH. To which is added general rules for Marching, Loading, Firing, Inspection, etc., and ALL THE' ZOIIAVE MOVEMENTS • relative to Fighting while on the Run, Kneeling, Lying on the ground, Skirmishing, etc., and the Manual of Arms— to the Shoulder, Sling, at Will, Charge, Balance, Inverse, Color, Rest, Parade, Support, Salute, etc., and a complete MANUAL OF THE SWORD OR SABRE FOR OFFICERS, to which is added the Sword Bayonet Exercise of the Obasseurs de Vincennes, upon which movements, the &slave exercises are based. The whole Illustrated with 60 Engravings. Bound In one volume, Paper Cover, 86 pp., price 25 cts. REBEL DRILL-BOOK . - • . THE VOLUNTEER'S HAND—BOOK, Containing an abridgment of HABDEE'S INFANTRY TACTICS. Forming a Complete Manual for the Soldier in the use of the Percussion Musket, and the MIME, SHARP OR' ENFIELD RIFLES, either in Squad or Company Exorcism. To which is added THE U. S. ARMY REGULATIONS relative to the forming of Parades, Reviews, Inspections, Guard Mountings, Skirmishers, Pickets, Sentinels, Escorts, Funeral Honors, etc., etc. The whole being the same as adapted FOR THE USE OF THE REBEL ARMY, _ _ . By JAS. K. LEE, of theist Reg't Virginia VoluUteers. Bound in one volume, Flexible Cloth, 12m0., 120 pp, price 50 cents. "This book is invaluable to the Union Officer and Soldier, as it gives him every information relative to the drilling and movements of the Rebel Soldiery." THE CAMP-FIRE COMPANION A SONG BOOK FOR THE UNION VOLUNTEER. Containing a variety of Popular, National and Patriotic Bongs and Ballade, many of them never before published. With Engravings. Bound in one volume, 12m0., 72 pages, price 15 cents; or in Flexible Cloth, 25 cents. Copies of either of the above books sent per Mail, free of expense, upon receipt of the price. RING & BAIRD'S 'UNION AND PATRIOTIC ENVELOPES, With various National and Humorous Designs, HANDSOMELY PRINTED IN COLORS, UPON A SUPERIOR QUALITY OF PAPER. Twenty Five Different kinds of Envelopes will be sent Free of Postage, upon the receipt of 25 cents. Or, upon receipt of six cents, a specimen fat simile sheet of Envelope Designs, handsomely printed in Colors, will be mailed free of expense to any address. AGENTS WANTED IN ALL THE 'UNION STATES, who, together with Storekeepers, will be supplied at most liberal discount. Bend for a Catalogue, and to insure prompt attention address all orders to BING g BAIRD, Printers and Publishers, 607 HANSOM STREET, PHILADELPHIA. aug 13 3m 31 STEAM DYING ESTABLISHMENT AT N 0.39 NOSTH,QUEiN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. Where every description of LADIES' and GENTLEMEN'S GARMENTS, PIECE GOODS, dm., are DYED, CLEANSED AND FINISHED in the best manner and at the shortest notice. MOSES GEISENBERGER, Agent. ang 20 3m 32J 417 04 4 // Cri hi MI hSteaTi6. MATTRESSES, BEDS, FEATHERS.. BLANKETS, ' COMFORTABLES, SACKINGS, QUILTS, CUSHIONS and all other articles belonging to the business. oct 1 3m 3S) . AMOS HILLBORN. FANCY FURS f . FANCY FURS I I 151" N FAB EIR A, ARCH Street, between 7th and Bth Ste., le of 818 Market Street,) PHILADELPHIA, /EPPS API> MAPOITPAO ", OP, and Damn IN ALL OF FANCY FURS, con lime, Mims' AND °M}' SEWS Wrest. tying now manufactur id in store my usual and beautiful assort- of all the various Sand qualities of Furs, ted to the coming Fall Winter Season; I ,d respectfully invite examination of my stock ourchase, as I am en lucements.• . All my - Furs have been purchased for cash, and made by experienced and ,conipetent,,bands, and the present momentary troubles render it necessary that I should dix pose of my goods at very small advance on cost. I am satisfied that it will be to the interest of those who design purchasing, to give me a call. Air - Recollect the name, number and street: - - JOHN "FARRIS*, (New Fur Store,) 718 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Sep 17 sm3B J TIRADE SALES I TRADE SALES ! The subscriber, having just returned from the Phila delphia Trade Bales, offers at the lowest prices all kinds of. Books, embracing LAW, FICTION; MEDICAL, ;RELIG IOUS, BIOGRAPHY, MECHANICAL, and any other kinds.; These beaks will be sold at the lowest prices, as we bad the advantage and were the only Bookseller from Lancaster at: the Trade Sales, and, as a consequence, we can sell lower than any other Store. A few of the Books are here men tioned: • Webstees 'Unabridged Bictionery, - Worcester's Unabridged Diotionifyi - American Christian Regard,. In and Around Stanibonl, Gotthold's Erablettis, European falai Legehd and Landscape, Photographic Albums, Notes on Nursing, Soldiers' Teat Books, The Bible and Social Reform, _ r - The Days and Ways of the Coc ked Hats. BIBLES in great variety, from Twenty-five. Cents , to Twenty-five Dollars, some of - them having the finest Bind ings and Illustrations ever received in town. - SUNDAY SOHOOI BOOKS - -Methodist, Lutheran,Epis copal, Presbyterian, American Tract Society , Amrican . . Sunday School Union. SCHOOL BOOKS—Sanders', Towers' Sargent's, Parker & Watson's Readers. Monteith's, "Mitchel's, Warren's, Smith's Geographies. Also, Algebras, Arithmetics, Gmtn mars, 'llistoriee, Bletkinarles; -Itc: Stationery, Copy and Composition Books, Cap, Note and Letter Paper.:-Blank Books, Slates, Lead and Slate Pencils. Pens and Holders, Ink and Ink Stands, Rulers, Envelopes. 'The best Inks in the market are sold here, viz: Maynard & Noyes', Arnold's, Hover'e, Laughllogs & Bushtiold'a, .Bbicitwood!a, etc. At the Cheap Book Store of "..'-.• • .JOHN•SHEAPPER'S, May - 2.4 tf 18J No. 82 North Queen street, Lancaster. TEW FALL AND WINTER •GOODS. The undersigned calls public' attentionln i new and well selected stock of MILLINERY- GOODS; Notions and Trimmings—including all the. , newest styles and patterns, -- • My stock consists in part of Straw, Silk, Sethi And ;vel vet BONNETS andIIATS; trimmed and - untrimmed ; allE o l Ribbons of all kinds, French and American Flowers, Bninhee, Jean Blond, Edgings, Laces; Ctpenett, Crown. lining,,Tarleton, Silk, Satin; Velvet, Frame& to snit everyt . -body; 'abw , JeWeby,llEliiits , oidery; - Dress Vrinimings, ,Notions, Dry Goals, &c.,,ke., CO All of which he calla the attention of pnrcluieeni; eltherquatioleeale or Call and examine before purclanslng elsewhere.. :The trubto*ibe is tbankfui hit paritAitirstend botles for n con • thiumitia .5 public patronogo. BAUM, - ~ S erfr 36J North %Leen street. t ,Xl5 Ifit INGT A. 0 Er.i. le, " -- Limerick and Kirby Hooka, Net-Twine, Bea UEirearlOo . n and Linen Lines; Ewe, gic,,A, ho. .., , For sale at TEMA/ madam , 13 Drag # Chemical Store, opposite Oress — Keys Hotel,l9 Ktogitreet, Lancaster.. • , 16 4.13.Cti '4. co: gisesed their OITATg7I. a noinitigh l / 2 1,1 "JIM!E lung a NipLet,on the'innimie a loath psdcputho:krisik4sii, And:l:64A thati c id e*tat iars mM on t*Yadod, Oo 01.4" anadir Ei - a - .le. ; 0 - - .1! - 0 . 0- A. Ti azdtable for Steam, Lime Buil;leg, UMWgaMthf' r eiut, : Mimi!: Von, by tb boot iostier tau.. Alio, T () " • IP I. 17 Ef 'B "S:" OP MIT DXI 923 I I MaI **MUM Ist aua 2aaob BOADDN, - '4'o Ana 214 OOM. PLANK, _ MILISNQ PLANK., SHINGLES, , - • -- mudioor- somitraga- AND JOIST. . OAROLMA YKLLOWI pxN FLOORMG BOARDS, FLABrARINa P.AILB AND PIOIS.IITS, &0:;,'to All of which ix of the beet qindlLT, and viii be qoldf,ini low aslean be pureluwed elsewheze. Air We have the beet Stock of POSTS and RAMS in the city of Lacikate!, coneisting of LOCUST MORTEOND POSTS, CHOMP morrioxp POSTS, BOARD PRNOE POSTS, IV:1172%1.10 krjo:Asj:1:4:0148110:71%i Azirt;o ix.) ::4 1 PKNOING MATERIAL. GROUND ALUM AND ASHTON SALT, LUMP 4ND GROUND FEAREER. 4ir Recollect that we have removed to thiother end of the Bridge, where we will be pleased to see our old•friends and customers G. CALDER GO-00., 02110 E IR - LANCASTEII, AS 17811 AL, ...Y ~):. , [ is ~ ~ .: ~!~ .. !~ ~ ♦ ~~- 0-"EIGN OP PHI BIG WA CB"-1 WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY 'AND SILVER WARE.—JAMES •P. DYSART, NO. le WEST KING St., (near Market) takes pleasure in'inyiting attention to his new and large stock of Goods, which Gem , prises as great a variety of all articles in his llne as can be found in the city, consisting inpart of : • Ladies' Fine 18 Carat Bruiting Lever Watched, - - Fine Gold Hunting Levers, ' • ivitt ' Open-faced Levers, - • Silver Hunting Case • Open-faced " - a good assortment of LEVERS and LEPINES of Silver and Composition Cases ; QUARTIIIRS and ENGLISH WATCH ES Met and second handed,) ell of which are warranted to keep time or no sale. His assortment of JEWELRY is the most extensive ever offered to the citizens of Lancaster, part of which are the following styles: FINE PAINTED BBEABTPINS, - EAR RINGS ANDIMACTELETS to . match; CAMEO 8 ETTEI," FLORENTINE MOSAIC, and PLAIN - EAR RINGS and BREASTPINS, all of which for beauty, Style and cheapness cannot be.surpassed in the city, Also a fine assortment of PLAIN and CHASED BRACELETS - and . RANDS, with .Cameo Setts and Medallions. Particular attention paid to Jewelry of Gentlemen's wear, comprising Sleeve Buttons, Studs, Guard, Breast and Fob Chains of the beet quality; Ribbon Slides, Gold and Silver Tooth Picks, eto. Always on band a good assortment of SILVER WARE,. such as Spoons, Tea, Table, Dessert, Sugar, Mustard and Salt; Dinner and Tea Forks; Napkin Rings; Butter and Fruit Knives; Salt Callers; Cups, Pie Knives, Pickle Knives and Forks, setts of Knives, Forks and Spoons for Misses.— Also a beautiful lot of Port Mammies for Ladies and Gents, Combs and Brushes of all kinds, Accordeona, &c. Clocks from $136 to 00, all warranted. iya- The undersigned has, at considerable expense, got up a Card of Hair Work Patterns, for which he, receives orders—to be executed in Philadelphia in the most chaste and durable style, and at short notice. The public are in vited to call and examine his stock and judge for them selves. JAMES P. DYSART. Sign of the Big Watch, No. 10, West King St., Lancaster Pa. June 1 tf 20 UOIANIEING HOUSE OP HEN. DERSON & CO.—On the 26th of MAROH,• instant, the undersigned, under the firm of REED, HENDERSON a 00., will commence the Bankng Business, in its usual branches at the office hitherto occupied by John K. Reed & Co., at the corner of East King and Duke streets, be t wean the Court House and Sprecher's Hotel, Lancaster, Pa: They will pay interest on deposits at the following rates. 6% per cent. for 6 months and longer. o 30 days'and longer. They will buy and sell Stocks and Real Estate on cows mission, negotiate Loans for others. sell Inns of Exchange, Promissory Notes; DEEMS, ac., &0., ac. The nuderdErtoa - will be individually liable to the extent of their means, for all deposits and other obligations of REED, HENDERSON a Co. JOHN K. REED, AMOS S. HENDERSON ISAAC E. HIESTER. mar 20 tf /01 CAROLINA YELLOW PINE FLOOR.. ING BOARDS. 50,000 Feet Carolina Yellow Pine Dressed Flooring Boards. 30,000 Feet Do. Undressed. 50,000 CYPRESS SHINGLES, No.l and 2. 50,000 BANGOR PLASTERING LATHS, Just received and for sale at Gruff's Landing, on the Conestoga. Apply to GEO CALDER & Co., Office East Orange et., near N. Queen et., Lancaster a3O .fl7B AN INGEN i SNYDER., V DESIGNERS AND ENGRAVERS ON WOOD, N. H. CORNER STR AND CHESTNUT STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. Execute all kinds of WOOD ENGRAVING, with beauty, correctness and despatch—Original Designs furnished for Fine Book Illustrations—Persons wishing Cuts, by sending a Photograph or Daguerreotype, can have views of COLLEGES, CHURCHES, COTTAGES, STORE FRONTS, PORTRAITS, MACHINES, STOVES, PATENTS, &o. Engraved as well as on personal application. FANCY ENVELOPES, LABELS, BILL HEADINGS, SHOW BILLS, VISITING, BUSINESS and other CARDS, engraved in the highest style of the Art, and at the lowest prices. For Specimens of Fine Engraving, see the Illustrated Works of J. B. LIPPINCOTT & Co, E. H. BUTLER & Co., Ac., &e. foot 23 ly 41 BANK NOTICE ..- Notice la hereby given that the President and Directors of the Lancaster County Bank intend to make application to the Legislature of Pennsylvania, at their next session. for a renewal of the Charter and an extension of the privileges of the mid Bank, with all the rights and privileges now enjoyed, for a term of twenty years from the expiration of the present charter, with the same name, title, location and capital of $3oo,00(S. By order W. L. PEEPER, Caehier of the Lancaster County Bank. Lenceenta, PA., July Bth, 1861. [jaly 9 6m 29 -191"'SHOP BOWMAN'S JEll A PULL SIZE PHOTOGRAPH of the late Bight Reverend SAMUEL BOWMAN, D. D., Assistant Bishop of the Diocese of Pennsylvania. Price 50 Cents, at J. M. WESTHAEFFER'S No. 44 Corner of N. Queen and Orange streets, "The likeness is certainly a good one, and the- Bishop being in his clerical robes, as his own parishoners were moat accustomed to seeing him, it gives with great fidelity that soft and expressive smile which marked his features in friendly conversation."—Ed. of Evening Express. i iIIIERICAN LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY. CAPITAL STOCK, $500,000. Company's Building, Walnut street, S. E. corner of Fourth PHILADELPHIA. LIFE INSURANCE AT THE USUAL MUTUAL RATES, or at Joint Stock Rates, at about 20 per cent. less, or at Total Abstinence Rates, the lowest in the world. A. WMLLIHN, President. J. O. Sum, Secretary. H. S..GAB.A, Heq., Pact Rim; street, .gent for Lancaa ter county. [mar 221 y 10 HORSE AND CATTLE POWDER TATTERSAL'S HORSE POWDER, HEAVE POWDER, ROSIN, FENNUGREEK SULPHUR, GEUBIAN, CREAM TARTAR, COPPERAS, &c., For sale at THOMAS ELLMAREIFS Drug lc Chemical Store, West King street, Lauer. feb 9 tf 4 SIGN OF THE RED COAT FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING CHEAPER THAN EVER!! W. RAUB, ' TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, No. 8 NORTH QUERN ST., LANCASTER. SIMON W. RAUB calls the attention-of the citizens of Lancaster county and city to his large and well selected stock of Piece Goods and Ready Made Pall and Winter Clothing, the largest and beet assorted in the city of Lan caster. S. W. Raub would call particular attention to his stock of Ready Made Clothing of his own manufacture, all warranted to be Well sewed and guaranteed to give entire satisfaction: OVERCOATS, from . $3.50 to $12.00 .. BLACK FROCK COATS, from 4.00 " 14.00 BUSINESS COATS," 3.00 " 10.00 MONKEY COATS, " 2.00 " 6.00 BLACK PANTS, " 2.50 " 5.00 FANCY CASS. PANTS, " 1.00 ," 4.50 VESTS, all prima, n 76 " 6.00 Boy's and Youth's Clothing at _ al2 Prices, and Warrantee; _ Well Made, Also, on hand a large and splendid assortment of French- English and AmOrlasn Cloths, Over-Coatings and Cassi mares, and Vesting; which will be made up at short notice and low prices, cut and made in the latest style, and 'warranted to give satisfaction in QUALITY, MAKE AND FIT, Matron hand, a large:assortment of Gentlemen's Fur nishing Good; consisting of Collars, Shirts, -Neck Ties, Suspenders, &a, &c. Gentlemen .bulingitteir own good; can have it made - up Inca fashionable 'style, at the lowest possible prices, Air Gentlemen are invited to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Jar Remember the Sign of Vie Red Oaf ' • B. W. RAUB,: No. 8 - North -Queen'it., oct 18 tf 401 Is HOTO GILAPA.:Ir s IN_ ALL ITS BRANOMIS. Executed In the beet style known Lathe art. - •a. O. 0.84.1iT1V .a . .. 41LL .8 4' Au Anon Bram, Run 01 Ewa, PEIardIIIILPIEW LIFE SIZE IN OIL AND PASTIL. 8.7'..g.12.30'.5C0P1C PORTB4l7 s B,, Aibiotypes, Daguerreotypes, &c. l for. Czsen.Eslall io n aPine, .; fmarliftlY rpATTElis' HEAVE - rownira' 1 Powdered ißosizt,, Antimony,; Stilphrzr Saltpetre, Aessfmtida, Alum, Att. Dor sale st' spr 21 tf THOSLO3 131.TAIrAiri6; Dnig and °hernias' 'Stem Wait - King tt jI&NUM. AIM ,DALLLI BOOR, Po*, the use of all VOLinteerm end MUlt/s,- Dor. meted, and ildepted to the disidulhniorthe meddler of. the Present 113'04 !PR, fdlitorhsthe United Stems dray: At J. IL WEBTRABITEIrft.' tf113.1 10.44i0ormasr X.Atttoon't prilittripy.#l4/: 41 , lIMMIIII INW 4. ATIOILICOAX. SAD Tusits•Tainse Pa Ctom RR Attu xx s , -- W4 .---- 1113* - 0111011 - • LOIFJ.O a Lac. 0V0N,H 7 .91 00. BANE HR _lO frogya l e ttaass Pttatuaisi h " tsstrtstlftsta froi* the iletary _or. the Treautry,AlmAlulmeription 800k...t0 the NEW NATIONAL LOAN for.wasnry Notes bearing interest at the late of laved atatthreeasssathe per cent. per annum, will iamb • o Plax at 13 ,1/ dicta — s • No. I,IIsCROUTH THIRD =BAIA until farther natio*, bast IVA. H, LULA P. M., and . Ilkuidayir tlll - 9 Pat; • • - notelrill'Ausi of - this denomination of WITT s s ottNitummßD DOLIARINI/Va HUNDRED , ourc - racrusatizt , lXOLQ.UW anif THOUSAND T/OLLASkarid are all dated 19th of Angair, - I:Ilkle-t i t t lloblr-Intbiei We a si all: r taoqpt xt ...i . t.u. asawte bolder. sara' est balm" alfautraiffatittallikEar tsfirtarr' .which r „d Alouthk-eCtlif rate- of One: - 410 , iitatealtaual tac t Tis fic sk s w ri s ask Notes at 'at the -tt"*.• Pattie...Oß - Matinee ran remit by Minds, .s he malloW bre:press, or throughmi4 - the Treas. my Note. will b e immediately de red, or Mit to each ealmadber istbalmay sevendly direst. .---- - "Reties remitting most add the iniarist front the 19th of Auguat,—tlie-date-of alithe notes. to the day the remit. tadeareitaldsa Phlladatishta, at the rate of one cent per dar aa amsdpfletr AN* to bridditati"' 4 _, • • % • • JAY 000EN:Subismiption OM* of JA:7 - 00011E* CO., Hanker,,.,. root 8:411, 391 N 0.114 South Third - Street, MiMelphia. S:•. •• s DA. ,r -A. 'P .:0 N ..,„ - AntaciANNelunt AND marminga,.: DORM - 07 ORAWFWAIID NORTE QUAar &Uri , • Waluld respectfully beg leave to Inform the publlO that he .salecthas on bend, of - his , ori lon,ritaqui* a I go -and Well , PAIS, AND' MUNI-Ea CIOTEIN - - G ' for Iten ' and briw,-whieb will be sold at prioca to attic the avicut Ptanitar stite of the tiales4—a/ao* Woolen,.Cotton and - • • • ' -811 k Underclothillg,, - Shirts and Collars, • ' ' ' • . • Neckties, Cravats, and Eitoc,44 - Hose and Gloves, - _ Handkedwhiefs,,Aumendens, and.ticabrfau, auxin variety of other articles usually keptln ClOthing and Parniehing stores: He has also just received . - a fresh and choice stoa of - oessrmsultl3'AND . TESITtios, suitable to the approaching season, and adapted 'to all tastes antUnecuniary - circumstances, which ISM be made to order Isiah skill and dispatch; , in . any desired stile, and . Warranted• to give entire sathrthetieri. Thankful to an appreciating public for past patronage, and In order that he may be enabled, In these trying . tlmes, to continue employment. to a numerous 'taus of laborers who are worthy' of , theli hire."' he' reepectibtly - solicits and hopes he may merit a reasonable share of future favor. Air Don't forget the place, at tiny late old stand, opposite the Hotel and Otago Oboe of - Ifinsutlei Shebat; chinerOf NoithAneen and Ortufgeatreste. . B. B ATH_y_ON.. -. CITIZENS. ,-Pass atm miaßnstramitent.--4lome remarkable cures are daffy coming to light:—Charles Sexton, Esq., ea-Mayor of the City of Camden, says, -the "Electric Oil " cured his Plies. by six applications; also; Rheumatism. He says it is a very valuable remedy, and everybody ought to knew it. Ngunetate.—Mx. David Mann, 469 Vine street, says De- Grath At Co.'s "Electric Oil" mired him, and that he was a great sufferer. • • • " Suer Nsag.—Mr. Mann's daughter was much afflicted with stiff and swollen neck, which this Oil cured immedi ately. - Ban SPRAM.—Mr. A.D. Ifighfield, No. 12 Howard street, met with a serious accident, which laid him up, says : He Wed everything, even the usual cold water shower with out any benefit—need a single bottle of the Oil, which cured him—also says it cured frosted feet. CATARRH rsr BRISABT.—Mr. Wardlow's little girl was cured. This is a very Interesting case. Come and see. And so it is, I am daily called upon to chronicle cures like the above. Indeed, all pain vanishes by the use of my Oil. /Sir Bold by all Druggists. . • • CASTOR 'OIL ; ARROW: ALCOHBL, °mean,. • - - SPICES, - CA.LOBEI., D, CREAM ' TARTAR LPEAROGWOOL BARLEY, GUM ARABIC, - HAETFHORN,- GELATINE', VIALS, - RRUBARB, JALAP,, , SPONGE,Ao, - For sale at • . - THOMAS ELM/A.l4llOS' apr 21 trl4 Drug !OA Chemical Store,_licoat Mugs& ANDREW JA ILKSONPS- 1- , -' 7 IILEREDIr Changing ; the subject, Dr. Edgar naked him what he would have done With.CalhOtm and other nullioM-Lif they "Hong them, slr, as high as Eitnemp-wsa the instan taneous reply. "They should hash been /a terror-,to tors to all timeouniposterity would have pronounced lit , thehest act - duly life." As hasaid these words,he half _regain his bed,' and an old Are - gloWed in his old eyes again. See PARTON'S Mai OF JACKSON, p. 870, at •••-,• • • ' • ELIAS BARR k'CO'S. - New Back Store. dee 18 tf 49] NIDORPQRATE4I-...1810: I HARTFORD FIRS SIMITHANCE COHP,4NT; • OF H RTFORD, CONN. CAPITAL AND...A.P,B,ETB; $986,T09:.00 - : Presl4ent.. Mons tented end renewed ; laws Aniunanly .adjnated and Raid itunediatasi upon natlesonny.proofs,-in';/Vern York funds, - by the uudeizignec4 tha DULY A.IITHORTZFJ) AOB,NT. JADLES BLACK, oct 21) ly 41.1 . , . Agent for Lancaster [lo." . . sQtrAf±lll.4t; Boom. Row A 15teig member pprepleteln-ene volume, paper COver, .24 0014114:01 . nestl p d 4tmigkkbound,lq ontoroltuneitor 44.114414 st > J NE:WW44410074414-..„ Wit tr 18 U iN o : 44 ;;OWleqi 9#003.. A:911946401k . ;11,f .len -cat frSll., E=SCW= OF/I,IBOIA COpflgilt-A3 rf*AlBf ICI.EbTELIC OIL: .THSNEW PEACTlOlL—Faeatria . enree--Paln is the premonitor of death; relieve the pain and yen cheek the Prof. De Grath's Electric Oil is the marvel of this agti • for the following (not everything): Cured Rheumatism often in a day. Cures Neuralgia, Toothache, two mineies• Cores et:npin Stomach, live minutes.. Cures Burns; Wounds, Bruises, one to three days. Cures Headache, fifteen minutes: Cores 'Earache, Stiff Neck, Ague, one night. Cures Piles, Swelled Glands, ten days. ; Cares Yelons, - Broken Breasts, Salt Rheum, two to six Ouree Hemorrhage, Scrofula, 'Abscess; six to ten days. Cures Frosted Feet and Chilbalns, one to three days.' ' (Mrs* Ague and Fever, one to two days, and all nervous and scrofulous affections. Cures deafness In one to four. days. . Cures all Palos in the back, breast, &c., - in two days, ANOTRER IN6LiNT 'CtritE fl HUNITNODON, N- Ido certify that Prof. De Grath's Electric Oil is infalli ble for. Rheumatic-pains. My wife for some time past has been greatly afflicted and unable to walk, has been restored by the application of this Oil alimat instantaneously; and I can cheerfully recommend it to others. • • • • JOHN Agir . THIS OM ACTS ON THE SYSTEM WITH ELECTRICITY.—IS of pure vegetable preparation, not the. slightest danger of applying it outwardly or inwardly, it at Mace gives a permanent true, in most cases, from ten to twenty minutes. The best physiologists of Europe have discovered. that all Organic Derangement' in the Animal System is the effect of an obstruction of the Physico.Eleetro Fluid in the organ diseased—a skillful application of this 011 puts ; in immediate motion the nerve fluid, and the cure is at once accomplished. No bleeding, no vomiting, purging or blister ing. is resorted to. - WONDERFUL REPORTS FROM WELL-KNOWN CHARLES PE GRATH, 217 South Bth Street, Philadelphia. 018 BEAUTY WITHOUT PAINT! Pr, F. W. Boswells Beautifier, TAN, PIMPLES AND FRECKLES, • And imparting a permanent Stoov to the COMPI.Ex • lON. It renders rouge, vermillion, pinl,satirer, and all other coloring material for the lace, nlolly superfluous. It supersedes entirely all curl, dele terious mixtures. It hrthe most astonishing Regenerator of the Natural Noe of the cheeks, and health to the complexion ever presented to . 1110 world. This BEAUTIFIER to just what its nsmo imports. It Is another of the extraordinary developments, of chemical electric affinity, and operate., lit, magic in Making the Homeliest Face Handsome, curing by degrees all the biota and disentoratiens of the cuticle which.. often disfigure the must regularly constructed visage. It imparts at the same time that permanent Bloom to the Complexion, which •Is only the result of the skin's excellent health, and of the perfect restoration of its unto. 'ral stamina. It thoroughly and immediately curee Tan, Freckles, Sunburn, Blotches, Pimple; Scurf, Skirt-Worms, Moth and Small-Pox Marks. Indeed, Its effect in such cases is almost miracu lous. Ito anthindammatory nature is irresistible. It softens, soothes, calms, neutralizes the krill, ting principle, and restores the health of the part affected; imparts a, brilliant bloom to -the cheek and lips ; it produces a tint only 'welled by nature itself, without The possibility of detection. Freckles are at once Obliterated; Pim_ples disappear as If under the oPeration:of a spell. POCK-MARKS ?ADZ OLT in a ID/Miler WITCO- Iy to be credited even by those who witness their gradual extinction. Is short, the BEAUTIFIER Is placed before the world - for just what its inherent and unexampled medical properties warrant: not only as an article for the Toilette. Beyond. all Equal, but as unquestionably, a RadLeal Face Emlbelllidaer never approached in Its perfection by.aey thing yet produced in She world. PRICE, 60 CENTS PER PACKAGE, which can be cent to any part of the world, by mall, In -- perfect safety. When purchased. of my Agente . or at soy office, the Price is 60 Cents. The extra 10 cents la for poatage. . ' DR. F. W. BOSWELL'S ,Superfluous Hair Eradicator For recopying' the oil . nWeesktry and dfertgoring hair. that sometimes obtrudes itself upion 1. fair. Isily's lips, chin, neck, arms or shoulder or pOrsista to growing too low down, upon her foranead. , „ Hr. lioswelri.Saperfluons Hair Etradieator !linens away al thilie little but. annoying jaw], laritiee leaves -thiii• skin white and, Olean, arrests the .hair in its growth, and makes earl - spot look as if it had been originally produced by natureto Its etate•of deading purity mid perfection". • • —• Price In per bottle, whiCh can be tent. by mail to any part of the world 'with perfect safety, free The Bliss of Marriage, *no volume, 200 pages, 82mo. Psiee in cloth, 25 . . . This is decidedly the wind fascinting, intere st l e g and really u seful and practical work On Court ship, Matrimony;• and the plateCana' Belighta cat Married. Life, that- his overeven bowl teseia - freeithe Amerten-Pren. • All Da. nOElWEVfiartlides are sent trlinAll, free of portage. All orders mast be &dammed to • - • . •• DR. F. W. 805W.E.3.41-4 • - No. 5 Beekman Street, New Ireik, (oTml •ron 'ram. lam) FOR SAIE. BY :ALL: DRUGGISTS r us 1 1 11111011 AID - Antal Card d Olclkied, imitable for Antimr,yozz: 4. /llB,Kra":ll,sllrartsEE,,, walatnailliAnt t Witdelbi. * OWN portmlts The rated Oolleett bath ,11extipiand Ainslie& lire BRADriI• - . NATIONATi , .. - 14/Nal4 408TRALIP: il low tka collsolinnial SH li - taistly CCM -0101 OettiliWtpS . tt:::= l lo b rltitite d . r :Wll AnUm4i6l2l. >oklikettsarasmacoret,'-' ; 6 Hannibal Hamlirv.. :4 '.'lider 11;W_ • : •', ffaTmnn 1 . 8 1 111 % 4. a.f.litobt. J. Toombs, SimonWic - ',exn4...-- —Howell-Cobb; ' . - HlaarLAs:WINS' :!.. Ediennkßatee; - icy. ; • : Gideon Welles, _ 11errt-Beweganly ' .21:1 . I ' , J , iCiateb.P:BitHth, , ' • eMin-LOO-, 1 Gen'l Scott, John .-OokaltiterAlidarionr" MajoriShemmer, - i Thomas, . Breetinr --4218 4/ 4 4 18 i, ",i Lacher, • Gennida - Selield, - John Bell„, .CoLlfremont, . . John. l lll6aNtina.... ..., I •,. 04 - Lander, ' • - - oson i F! , oPhan twai t sp, Gen:JObirA; - Tii, - • ' Iterdy•Ward Beecher, - .oRverWasulallilobians; W Y. PmLNo illie: • "'James Gor _ .William ausiiant,- -'• , - Henry Clay,Andrew - Tieldme, Commodore, , 5 • "WM, frisournaY s Oharletentimar, ' Gov:Andrew, ir.;T:Orittoddie: Printe_of Wal a, Duke' of Newcastle, , • _. - Zachary 'DOM-, .George Braneroft, , , , • • - Lathrop L. Motley; Sam Houston, QAdainti Xmorsan Etherid,ge,. • Andrew Johneon; ::: Parson Brownlow, • • - • • •• ' "Brdwilowre Heroic daughter.: • Together *Eh abesit 500 others, to which additions are-, daily made:"Cataldgue sent on receipt of stamp. - Price of Portraits $3 Per Dozen. 'Can be sent bi- milk 'Remittance!' may be made iii.postage stamps: • • Also allege collection of Photographs:of distinktilehed. EuroPeolesiltmlierera, lrbles.guerms,Warehals;' Generale:. • Dakar, Londe,' Antliere,Artons, Actresses, Politicians said; Cleru.Price,,frons 2 5 according to maker: and quality: Our establialutent is also headquarters for . .- • • - , PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS both sa•Agelit - rof the beet Irenelr nainnfictiiiii;" and at manufaCturer under Blatant of. our own.. • We have a litigo -alsortment, varying - in - price from 90 cents to $5O, and holding from 12 portraits up to 600. • Also folding cases of - morocco or . cloth for the pocket, to, hold 2,4, 6, 8 or 12 - pOrtralte. ..Alec various,: styles of framing card portraits, of. carved - :wood; metal, ineper,•Compositioni irto.j . ot Cletan nate- Photographers now in the Held'ere'daily sending cte' • .13A:m.p. SCENES' OF THE PRESENT WAR.: • • end ilene of points and things of interest; both card else,. for Albums, and in - Stereoscopic form. As fortieths:l*th° Seventh Regiment at,Cantp- Oomeron - -In: the Trenches-" OCOblis6-thett bfealv-The 13 !YlaxaetThe .Junritlan—Del, motilth'eLaiira Neerie'stieneral Street Views of the Camp, : 'etc:. Ali, the may House, and camp scenes and scenery thereabouts." : Also Herper'S. Terry before •and after the . Scenes of destruction.. : • Together with various other places of note. Card size 25 cents each; Stereoscopic 33 cents. Parties Who - would like a lot of these camp scenes to select frtim- , the: balance to be returned In good order at their own expense, and withotit delay—can be aroommo dated on giving proper New York reference. - STEREOSCOPES AND VIEWS. Our estiblishmentis the great Emporium for everythiog jn the Steroosconiellini, and- our 'assortment .is the most 'complete probably of any in. the world. • • - „ The Stereoscope le the moot inearqctive r . interesting, entortaining, - ateinsingand exciting of modern invention.. None are too young, none too-old, none too intelligent, none too uneducated, to acknowledge Its worth and beauty. Nollinte is :complete•Wittiont it, and it must and :win penetrate everywhere. It presents to your view every part of the world, in all the relief, boldness, •persoective, and etuirpnees of detail, aelf you were on the snot: . . - We - have an immense variety of Views of Scenes In - Paris, London, England, Scotland,.lrelatid, Wales, France, Belgium; Holland, Switzerland, Spain, -The Rhine; Ver sailles; Bt. Cloud, Fontainebleau, Tuillafies, Italy, Turkey, Egypt, Athens, the Holy land, Chffia, India, .Crystal Palace,alinGroups Historical, amusing, marriage scenes, :breakfast sconce, plc nice, statuary, etc., etc. An exquisite assortment of Illuminated Interiors of Palaces, Churches, and 'Cathedrals of France, Italy, etc., etc. The effect of these illuminated views le -moat remarkable..- • • ' Anthony's InstantaneotteStereoscope Views are the latest PhotOgraphio wonder. They are taken in the fortiethnart of a second; and everything, no Matter how rapidly it may be moving, is depicted es sharply end distinctly as if it • had been perfectly at rest. Ws gives an additional value, for to the beauties of inanimate nature it adds the charm of life and motion. The process Is a discovery of our own, and being unknown in Europe, we receive from London and Paris large orders for Anthony's Instantaneous Views of -American life and scenery. Our Catalogue of subjects and prices will be forwarded to any address on receipt of a stamp. - . . Parties at a distance sending no $3, $5, $lO, $l5, $2O, - or $25, can have a good instrument and such pictures as they request, sent by Express. Views alone (without instrument) can be sent by Mail. E. ANTHONY, 501 Broadway, New York„ • (3 doors south of St. Nicholas' Hotel.) Importer and Manufacturer of Photographic Materials, • , Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic Views. Merchants from every section of the .country are respectfully Invited to make en examination of our stock. To Photographers. Our Bulletin of Photographic In vention and Improvement will be sent to any address on application. • [aug c Om 30 r •THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES. In the month of December, 1858, the undersigned for the first time offered for sale to the public Dr. 4. Bovee Dods' Imperial Wine Bitters, and in this short period they have given such universal satisfaction to the many thousands of persons who have tried them that it is now an estab lished article. The amount of bodily and mental misery arising simply from a neglect of small complaints la sur mising, and it is therefore of the utmost importance that a strict attention to the least and most trifling bodily all. merit should be had; for diseases of the body must invari ably affect the mind. The subscribers now only ask a trial of J. DOVEE DODS' . IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS!! from all who have not used them. We challenge the world to produce their equal. These Bitters for the cure of Weak Stomachs, General Debility., and for Purifying and Enriching the Blood, are absolutely unsurpassed by any other remedy on earth. To be assured of this, it is only necessary to make the trial. The Wine itself is of a very superior quality, being about one-third stronger than other Nines • warming and invigor ating the whole syStem from the ' head- tia the feet. dis these Bitters are tonic and alterative in their character, so they strengthen and invigorate the whole system and give a fine tone and healthy action to all its parts, by aquatic log the circulation; removing obstructions, and producing a general warmth. They are also excellent 'for Diseases and Weakness peculiar to Females, where a Tonic is re• (pined to strengthen and brace the system. No Lady, who is subject to lassitude and faintness, should be without them, as they are revivifying, in their action. THESE BITTERS WILL NOT ONLY CURE, BUT PRE— ' 'VENT DISEASE, and in this respect are doubly valuable to the person who may use them. For INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION, Weak -Lungs, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Diseases of the Nervous System, Paralysis, Piles, and for all eases requir ing a Tonic DE. DODS' CELEBRATED WINE BITTERS ARE UN- StIIIPABSE - D - I - ....... For Sore Throat, so common among the Clergy, they are truly valuable. For the aged and Infirm, and for persons of a weak constitution—for Ministers of the Gospel, Lawyers, and all publio speakers—for Book-Keepers, Tailors, Seamstresses, Students, Artists, and all persons leading a sedentary life, they will prove truly beneficial. As a Beverage, they are wholesome, innocent, and de. Scions to the taste. They produce 11l the exhilarating effects of Brandy or Wine, without intoxicating; and are a valuable remedy for persona addicted to the use of ex cessive strong drink, and who wish to refrain from it. They are pure and entirely free from the poisons contained in the adulterated Wines and Liquors with which the country is flooded. These Bitters not only Cure, but Prevent Disease, and :should be used by all who live in a:country where the water is bad, or where Chills and Fevers are prevalent; Being entirely innocent and harmless, they may be given freely to Children and infants with impunity. Physicians, Clergymen and temperance advocates, as an act of humanity, should assist spreading these truly valuable Bitters over the land, and thereby essentially aid in banishing Drunkenness and Disease. IN ALL AFFECTIONS OF THE-HEAD, SICK HEAD - ACHE, OR NERVOUS HEADACHE, DB. DODS' IM PERIAL WINE BITTERS WILL BE FOUND TO BE • MOST SALUTARY AND EFFICACIOUS. FEMALES. • The many certificates which have been tendered us, and the letters which we are daily` receiving, are conclusive • Proof that among the women theirs. Bitters have given a :sitisfaCtion which no others have done before. No woman in the land should be without them, and those who once. • use them will not fall to keep's 'supply. • ••DR. J. BOVEE DODS' IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS are prepared by an eminent and ekilful-phyriician who hes -used them successAilly in his practice for the last twenty five years. The proprietor, before, purchasing the exclusive sight to manufacture and sill Dr. J. BoveeDode' Celebrated Imperial Wine Bitters, had them tested by two distin guished medical practitioners, who pronounced them a vain• able remedyfor disease: . Although the medical men of the countvy, as a general thing disapprove of Patent Medicines, yet wedo not believe that a respectable Physician can be found In the United States, acquainted with their medical properties, who will not highly approve DR. J.- BOVEE MODS' IMPERIAL VINE BITTERS. 'lrian newly settled places, where there la always &large quantity of decaying timber from which a poisonous Miasma Is created, these bitters should he used every morning before breakfaat' • • . . . DR. J. BOVEE RODS' IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS are composed of a,pure and unadulterated Wine, combined with Barberry, Solomon's Beal, Conafrey, Wild Cherry Tree Ilea, Spikenard, Chamomile Flowers and Gentian. whey, sreinanufactured by Dr.-Dode himself; who is an experi enced and successful Physician, and hence Should not be classed among the quack nostrums which flood the country, .and udiced. against which the. Medical -Pridesalotrare bo justly _prej These truly valuable Bitters have been so thoroughly tested by all classes of the coMninnity for almost every variety of disease Incident to the human system, that they are now deemed indispensable aa.a • TONIC - , — MEDICLNE AND A BEVERAGE. PURCHASE ONE DO.TTLEI It Costs but Little!. Purify the Blood! Give Tone to the Stomach! Renovate the System! and Prolong Life! , PRICE $1 PER BOTTLE, 6 BOTTLES VOl3. $5. Prepared and sold by CHARLES WIDDIFIELD CO., . . Sole Proprietors, 78 Wna,List 81111" Nay YORK. For sale by druggists and grocers generally throughout the country. fang oly 80 ' .A TTBINTION I . HOME GUARDS jla A Book for every one. ...134.XTBIt'S M.A.N.UAL,7.11- instrated, and only 25 cents--:the - beet book - ont;—. for sale J. M. WEBTELABITEWB, Nci 44; corner of North Queen and Orange eta. VOLUNTEBIhe MANUAL: for the tore of all YOunteera mid Nome Guards, with,loo;lllturtrelloni4 by LientAlol. D. W. o.llaxter. Only 25 cents, at J wznmuleviors, NO. 44, * comer of North Queen and Orange its. TAV TICS FOR: THE PH,OPLE, oxfAc, , 26 cents. It la Just what :altniembere of every 'coin. piny,' either in active service or in the Home Guard, re.; Tare. At v . - a . IL WESTRAKFRER'S, may 141 f 18J N 0.44, Gorier IL gayer' A Orange sts. . II 111' A N S MIELE S - PRE SERVERS PA TENT. ThiS nevlrdlecoverod invention Preset-Ten:the - Claims from being Soiled, Anders Nursing safe from indon vetdence, and is a great comfort to Siothert and Nurses. Air To be had at ALL LADLES' STORES, and sent free by poet, direct from the invenor, him ARMECELD, No. 612 Tmotint; welth stieet;Vaahington, D. 0:, by remitting the - , PRIDE, " ONE 'rotten ktoi. , .LADYA GENTS WANTED.. .111 M A. liberal allowance =de to tlitittade. act 2 • 50LD1.12. 1 / 4 8 . -01111.1 e cents, a complete Manuel, end pat. Book, u every. lhvg In it hthroettlitiv - te the Inv' tateeketts ,pteeently , . At - -.7.1111; RZWEI, . a tllB] No. 44,. comae N,Qautanit Ocaagi itir; - .."1/ . 21• G , ;.-,,,,..) i”,..,, z ,i;i .t,,. ° 5 OP minim Thkiaeszevapasei4Wldedle sampulmendigetolB4 ilexadrnissuitit 00 2 --",prulhare at awes se,m62 tuesteeseAsel taatioreereved aittleArtieddelilfONlMPtefrollh hmtedclknitlioteilatailerir itieltredty It woo, intrems - itithensisieslysomentadwoOlsoffOUN and then liontur In es•Wse- the„ottlieparts oPfist . RallersteirleplftulterMiSbilisregnroidfte lbsistost ek t , buttelift • '• liclitftatirtellas pkg. P t a i rieggal 3os4 N Tini2.**Ar yea , N 0 RIK • lgrAlii #l+t l sß ! Thelemming bar tectet the =ft mtqualifted , fromiktmegto teid intsue22l2r&eat mo**4 uuttairistaktasestte Abbot 4V-Itaiftte rtsuumnanded WEA 4 4 04141 4ileaktellanteuti tine molkeptendid aver _publialoxf thiel•oxtV - o , AkettneiLlst 21tRiehislitilee• rprooter - elteit ••• 271„ . , ‘ ,_na•W•• te_-tha liktu-ki,2lll2l°Dielses, ''"'"1"1"g IN W PW 3 4 .I 7 n r faik 2o ':O - . 01 2beffeikrki-editt 21M2daligkti itiklu i di a -toe mho,. t=ttetrusec4c2thettepteerana t-1;12 thrulPxklemodlall to asouvol•ait 420 Pf Athewttrepliel only,ONl l most Is BOLLIX, f lat ith the chanted sib adt titkati'a eira„ Dome or anotherWsabbs saftl -As westio demi amitesutiful engraving Ii worttr,Mo2oo44 o,3lo PWalked Ole it will readilf be' acknowledge' on. .em'Aujitml2re Olt; tut the inite • earlberslntend te'fletWiti tutl ol 2 to purchasers 02 ups sakmet, of vklaalftr_ presents ilblbera -1 Moms intliettin *nu" :• • u:. • • *2ltulidlneotet, - •: 2 Boggles ; Qattulkßaltsert inks, - warranted.. . 40 itarreleet r ifloarkwatnuOktd. - MOO Gilt Prams!. to-agktftwltord'a P212/°'. 500 Neel Plate Nagraking—Rizth Of - 2dagniticentlocktfog °tautest' - GOZ-Q 11 , ILVER IP A TOHEZI. ,,, All Uads of JRWEVlturing Cieneet a Mosaic , Gold Stone ,• ,lftreentantev A gift wortlyhtert fa 20•$500 00, with - Minh migri,i ing sold.. • When etigur are all sold, a _meeting Of the Pfaulemers will• Wafted at Washington Hail, 'York, Pa, when, the Gifts above •named still he dbriaibuted in suck's' • femme aathe purchasers may determine—the-purchasers aelectinge committee -ordishaterested pereons • to make the awards Mewl% s mannerse -they nuv- deslgnahr: The proprietors, loom thehososabintoianerin wheat this' Gift Raterprise hattleen • received and the titunber of en. gasingesiresdrsoldhdpe to biable to hove 'The whole OnOnnt altered ot by theilettotqudymmultig, and when all are Sad thus p atifi=Putthotonse and heve the distribution of the Gifts p with. Thisengrevribl hes recolved the commendation of the Reverend Clergy, our first citiserts, and; ;indeed,: of all the classes, whoonter into-it with interest sod spirit . Bend on ORE DOLlnMand foru'lled Steppe, to pay s postage on engwing, arelyomare stare to get Irby return , WRERLY • J. M. Amur. ,F Osoßar.wranux. General Distributing Office, No-10 South George street, York,•Pts, where the engravings may be seen and porches • We are kindly. .Rermitted to refer td the nndereigned, who hew, given ne written recommendations, Ina want of apace prevents no than giving them in full. Read the fol. owing::.- T.H.E LOR•D'.I3 Y. 11.11. We have carefully examined this engraving, offered, for sale in this community by blessrs.*Anstin Wehrly, "and do not hesitate to pronounce it one of the finest works of American Art we , have ever seen. The design is beautiful,. the style of eiecntlon is superior, and the illustrations are excellent, .:Its appearance will at once • secure for it-the admiration of a refined community, and.recommend it to the. Christian public: It 'la highly. ornamental, and is calculated. to exert arefining Influence in a 'family, and an elevating and purifying elfeet upon the morale and religion, of society, and it should meet, as we understand it do. serves; with a rapid and extensive sale. Rev. Joe, A.. Rose, M. E. Church, Carlisle. Henry Saxton,. • Rev. A. A. Loclunan, L. L. D. Pastor. let Lutheran Church, York, Pa. Rev. A. W.l4lly,.Pastor 2nd Lutheran Oltureh. Rev. 0. 'l9. :Thompson, Rector. St. , John's Protestant Episcopal Church. Fier. F. P. Hagen, Pastor Moravian - Church, Rev. Syl. Eagle, . " . •St. Patrick's Church Rev.'Matth.los. Meirer, St. Mary's do. Hon. Thomas E. Cochran, And. Gen., Penn's. Henry Welsh, President York Bank. Dayld Small, Post Master York, Pa And many others. 1111rEditors or Publishers - of papers giving this adver tisement a insertions, will be entitled to an engraving and ticket, byfonrarding the paper for that time to our address, or inserting it until that time appointed for the distribu• tion, with an editorial notice once in 4 weeks, will receive the engraving framed with a fine gold gilt rame to suit its size, and a ticket....AUSTIN ,h .W.EHRLY. • apr 18 8m 14 T I.GH TE it.BRA.DBURYS j PATENT INSULATED FITLL IRON FRAME NEW SCALE GRAND AND SQUARE pIANO•FORTES. The Insulated Iron Frame preserves the original tone of the instrument in all its purity, securing it for all time against that most disagreeable tinny_ quality of tone in variably found In all other Iron Frame Piano-Fortei. It greatly strengthens the case end thus - keeps the Piano. Forte muui longer In tone. It gives the instrument a much fuller, richer and sweeter tone. It adante the Plano to all climates and to all changes of atmosphere, and In all respects it is pronounced by our "artiste"the greatest imorovement of the age in Piano-Forte construction; pro ducing an instrument acknowledged to be Imparter to all others made in this country or Europa. A FEW TESTIMONIALS IN REGARD TO THE SU PERIORITY OF OUR NEW SCALE PATENT I.NSU ,LATED-PLiNG-FORTES. - - I have examined the Piano-Fortes of Lighte k Brad -burys with entire Satisfaction. I know not that-there are any others better, either In oar own country or elsewhere." —Da. Lomax MASON. ........ "In clearness, richness, and volume of tone, delicacy, elasticity of touch, and fine repeating action, I have never played upon their equal."—lL d. Wou.usrastrPr. "In volume, richness, evenness, and pority.of tone, and In delicacy of touch they certainly excel, and in that beautiful singing quality so desirableyet so seldom found." —Wfutest MASON. "I have never played upon so rich and heavy a tone square Piano-Forte."--Iwzntra NAPOLEON. "I am astonished and delighted with the New Scale Iron Frame Piano-Fortes made by you, There must be a splendid future for Lights & Bradburys' Plano-Fortes."— GEO. F. Roo-r. ; ..g have never played upon so fine an initrinnent."— Gro. F. BRD3TOW. "I consider them as to beauty, richness, fullness and equality of tone, as well as their agreeable, elastic touch, equal if not superior to any Pianos made in this country or Europe "—Haas Wm.& " In power, quantity, and equality of tone, they certainly excel; while for that peculiar rich and and singing tone so invaluable as an accompaniment to the voice, I have never met their equal."--C. BASMIL They have all the requirements for a superior interpre tation of both classical and modern compositions."—M. STRAIKOSII. Wareroom, 421 Broome Street, a few doors East of Broad way, New York. SATISFACTORY GUARANTEE GIVEN. -rat oct 2 eow ly 38 oußlCtßOPYC t u v ii tlz , trif4r*ittSW During the past year IrelhiiiiintrodiMed notice of the medical Profession of this country the Pure CrYetia- lzed Chloride of PropylAmlne, u a • REMEDY FOR RHEUMATISM ; and having received from many sources, both from phy &lazuli; of the highest standing and from patients, . the MOST ITATTKB.OO TZIEPTLIKOZIUMS OP ITS P.P4L Wan in thi3 treatment of this painful and obstinate disease, we are induced to present ft t o the public in a form READY FOR IMMEDIATE USE, which we hope will commend itself to those who are suffering with this afflicting corn plaint, and to the medical practitioner who may feel die posed to test the powers of this valuable remedy. mina PROPYLMENE, In the form above spoken of, Lee recently been extensively experimented with in the PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL, and with MARICBD fiIIeCIESS (as will appear from the published commute id the medieal join : mita) 43 , - It is carefully put up ready for immediate use, with fall directions, and can be obtained from all the druggists at 75 cents per bottle, and wholesale of June 25 ly 241 ```FOYER'S SULTANA'S SAUCE. . FOR Eor AND COLD DISHES OF ALL KINDS. . moat deliclotuk and appetising ace, invented by the renowned 'Ronm'. for the londen -Reform th, is, .since his deceiaei mann. Mind by the well-known house Cross & lhacerwmx, - isindon, Otto; orighnd recipe). It ta the rOtite,itme in England, and on - Continent, with a high and growing repidation among Amen ..can Epicures, and is much approved of as o stininlant to the appetite and aid to dignitiOn. OPINIONS : -OP 'YEE LONDON PRESS. • We recommend - our • correspondent to try More. lioram's new Since, entitled the .tqsna'n Illoso.! . nude after the Ttirkiki*lpe; its*** is 4iieitent, and it affords eouldderahle aid in Cain, of elo* and weak dtgas• • .! 84,01 7, PlqiDilt}:luid - worthy the genius of "A moat valaabia adjunct to Plob, Plash, and Fowl, and should lava a plison ovary table,"--4Uas. Bo,e Agetitirlbr.t6 Unitiod States °MILNER YVELIN; &IT Fulton 'trout, Now Teak. & NAFFS, 84 ONNIIIIIa :ale by °Noon and Fruit manna orwywhon. jao 17 . • tow . ly 1 • mr - oNxoniAMER.- k.. TAN.. nem and' Cerriers Store, O leof Bolt. ModemsWs Clannalesion Warehouse, fronting on the Bailroatt=and - North Prince street: Cheap for Cash slammed crecllt.--', Constantly on hand a MI uschinniat of all lands Saddler's and Shoemaker's Leather, of. superiorgualitii:deAndlifif :'_abuser's celebrated SohrLeather,"'also, Leather Banda, well stretched, suitable for all kludaofstachinery,-ofany length and widthregtaredTitiade of q _stiOeFf or vptlf,ty, o. Leather, Furtasgrßellorni,Mu• isid*Laing_-PikharsGar. dell 'Hofer T anner's ,oll i - Currholl""TOMPs 7 -!d [ P . Fq 4l iir 09* All Adii , Kie. i iertWalgetinthirOtigki highest ptfeee given for Bidesind Skin in malt ; Orders will be prompt attended • ' '." fish U/x6 . . Sr. l l3astoil l4 llweet 011, ton of BPDIII,I3TONBi-EIENE SANalat,AB,;&424 Nor ikaliiiiiVßOXAS AL:MAKER& Drug it Chinde."l Store WeetagnipitnistQuir - DPariarfitYlAtArirEt :PA'kEalr'r :AGENI3:I6' J. FRAN/USN =MA cflancasteecitteohg Letters Patent Jinni the UAL. Fsteut Mei, on th melt, reasonable terms. Dritt4gli of Ail, kiads,othfigillterf. Architecture, or/35imkys, ccamoriiseatsit by wise Deeds, Bmdsaid - othei instmuortsistwrititui Otlice—Apicultural and.-Ateaanicti Hall, Atiplicher , e Buildings,) North Rueciiieheiet,jAnasitm; apr 25 vac ß . T ii t ie b ith, - 1„ , the thee as the beet, and cheaper than rettn.allanro Natlanat N°E2a Qum ' 812' op:-' ofNo~amho l° ruirio els = terztita' ; 1, 1131r Az .1. ecrt.b 01. BULLOCK & CRENSHAW, Druggists and Mannnicturing Chemists, Philadelphia. a-vr :a • t uft/1 /Aril 115'). 1: 1 1 • r 4P talin t taW .41i;1 .7.;;; I4C+ stettinteldoZOVtion of purified cf Onitihrittur b fist eoin• t- - - , bllatiela IfyibegtoYoaliikh iontacr - mtthor: .-qt*owsztiik9itlivitl'entbacil.k.44.s th e .tr . scitr aa, 431.11.- ,CIATICir.II zi* 3 ... 11 %WWI mi c s mun, --ncinamr- . 113iitatfalniw. ; : NT EIL 11 • t rriflrt )Prialßat • { 17' ' ' 1 1 AtilE11 8 , 2011*41XclIMUCHEneAdle• jdZEIXONATIi, NUELTBIIkaLO2OIOI4 etc 41QUOHNISS .. TIM 13EIN r ateg t.u.. 1.0 a.tia 3he.186N being Abearbeid-tirthet-1446_ L a and L , LtitukcirtmlatingOsotigh the/Whole - VW*, no ' body can:eacareLeirt!t4lePaer ,, 'Thet experience of titoinnitds atai r :***.hat - no' preparation "or Irairoan "fo r 'a; moment be , ""siontpnred With its Impurities tha111664, de pression.. of vittiriinare...pge: ,atherwise Pi°147.."11.914u10814a4a1k effilit in al moat every coneelitibre rn alLooties of (flAer &Nth 419t05iz...e.te.), its ,Toffoola are neliillitfe* renovating: .No.remedy has ever been, diaeoverad r im the whole-history _ . of.nualiaine.inhiehezerto such prompt; happy, and fullyrestorativeleffeetv , Doodappenitortom .- • plebs- digestion, rapid , acquisition- 'etrangth, with an unusual dispOtition for" active` and ' thoerfal exercise, immediately - follow sits use. - As it grand•stmnachio and general talterative bets no superior and no - substitute. .* ~1 ln - iteat flat metal lioxel c;fin nln 50 -Pt iglit! price 30 cents ".r. box 1 i3tArelf, so act; one ' , dozen Nixes, s4' OM Pino sob, by Druggists generally. Will bp sent. free to any address on receipt or the price. All let. Uri, Orders; 'etc., should be addressed to • - • R. 13. • nerak. • . .339 BRCIADWAYo"N Yo N.Th—The `above la 'a tiii4l . ll4Ln, ar' the label on each box. K AUFFMAN & CO:, No. rlptnanph's Orange street, Bole Agents for Lai:mascot. Ifinv 14 GIN tirlt THIS -DELICIOIIG-TOND3 ESPECIALLY designed for the nee orithe - Afedital - PrOfes. siert and the Fentfty, having auperteded- the rmealled "Gins," "Aromatic," "Omu t a," "medicated," nsehnapper.? etc.,'is now endorsed by all of, the prominent physicians chemists and connoisseurs, as possessing , all of those in &fn.* medicinal qualities (tonic and diuretic) which be• long to an OLD and PURE OIN. Put In guart bottles and sold by all druggists, gluten; etc. - .A. Al. BININOEW di CO.; (Established in 1778.) Sole Proprietors, - N 0.19 Broad street, N. Y. For sale by FRENCH, RICHARDS ft 00.,—W. W. 11. SMITH' and all of the prominent Wholesale Drug gists in Philadelphia. ' loot a ly.Bt) . pre ps - c , t•cv 's4 zty :s• 4. 6 41 ----/ ECONOMY! cl 2 IA 0 1::24 miEgEntanta 43) - Save the Pieces ! As accidents will happen, even in well-rvettated families it is very desirable to have 'some* cheap sad Convenleir4 way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Croakery,.to, . SPALDING'S PREPARED DLGE --- • meets all such emergencies, and no honsehold can afford. to be without it. It is always reedy and up to the. stick log point. There is no longer a necessity .for limping" chairs, splintered veneers, headless dolls; and .brokeit" cradles. It is just the article for Cone, .phell, and oilier ; ornamental work, so popular tvlih.latei of 'refineenont taste. This admirable preparatioo is used cold; being chemically held in solution, and posses - slug all the valuable qualities • of the beat cabinet-makers' Glue. It may -be used tir On' place of ordinary mucilage, being vaitlYreore "USEFUL'IN EVERY HOUSE," ; N. B.—A Brush accompanies exalt hottle. can; a Wholesale Depot; No. 48 Cedar,street,.liewlfork.. •• - Addresii HENRY O.BPALDING - 4 ,( 00:,- •'"" Bar No. 8,800,- Nati : . Put up for Dealers in Cases containing Your,fifight, End - , Twelve Dozon—a beautiful Lithographic Show Cardamom. , partying each package. _ v sir- A single bottle of SPALDING'S PREPARED ciLU)II, will save ten times its cost annually to every hodiftold.l4 Sold by all prominent-Stationers Druggists; Hardware „, and Furniture Dealers, Grocers, and Fancy Stores. " Country merchants should make a note or SPALDING'S PREPAII.IIO. GLUE, When, 'wilting. It will Attend ins , Cliteate. • • • •j[felsl4l3t b' • • - DRO.F. L. MILLER'S. HAIILINVI6OII46: , X " Effective, Safe and . Economicalxkdapamed,i. • - FOR RESTORING GRAY gAnt hi3teorlgippl . caloy with:::::. out dyeing, and preventingthe trair,linm triadeg.rgidey.l FOR-PREVENTING BALDNESS; and Chang If when thers,,,,l is the least particle ofaitalit,y' of i!eeuperative ,r+ f ;a, remaining. FOR REMOVING SCURF AND DANDRUFF,. arid all •'- cutaneous affections of the Scalp. FOR BEAUTIFYING TILE wax, lidp_artitag to it, an nn equalled gloss and brilliancy, making it 'sat' and silky in its texture and calming it to ourireadily: - • ' ' The . great celebrity and increasing demand for thispreps.' ration, convinee ' the proptiotor, that. one: is only • necessa r y to datisfya discerning publioof its superior qtialt ties over any other preParation at present In ,l.toleariesit the head and scalp from dandruff and-ether .. . mitanceme, diseases: . ..Causes:the hetet° grosr,•lnxuriantly,.and.gitreet.. , • it a rich, *oft, glossy, - and - flexible - appearance, and silo where . the hair is..loosening and ithintling,'it will give 'strength and vigor to.theiretits,land restore the groWthiti'' those parts which have become Wad; causing it to fresh coverings:Their. There are hundreds of ladies and gentlemenln Nisiw,turkn.: who have their hair restored by, the nee of this IltVg• omtor,wifenall otheriireparations hadfalled: " has.AL.:, in his possession lettenr , inrinererable teettfking"h3llte: above facts, from persona of the highest respeetisbill*.'2lt will effectually : prevent from turning Val'until - the latest period Of life; and, in caseamtuare the'•haillues ,,, -" , ' alreadychanged its color ,the nee the,lnvigotatoz,will , l'-•I with certainty - restore it"to it, original kue,, giving it, a ,' dark, glossy appearance. As a perfume foe - the toilet and a Hair Restorative it fa particularly recommended, having an agreeable fragrance; and the-,gmat in dressing the hair, which, - when moist .with the Dnfigere.:l tor can.bedreesed . inanyrequirtst MMI no as .to,fweaervs - 15..."../ its place-whotherplain or inettris-Aerice:theveatdemn:Mol ‘ ,...) for it by the ladles as a standard toilet•article which, none ought to be without, as the price placed it•witidit the Near of all, being QN LY TWENTY-FIVR CENTS Pek;bo4thji be had at respectable druggists' and perfumer*. L. MILLER .would. call the attention _of Parente . Guardlittoi to the Use Of hia Invigorator, in came where the • •. ' childrend Hair indium tote weak.; The use of it lairs the foundation ford good head of hair, wilt removes any. purities that may have:be/tome -Connected with 'the" aMIP, „- the removal:of which is necessafyi , both for the the child, and theft:dam appearance of thellair.• - • - • ' • ' Ceirrioff. - 7NAneliatt.tdnet WilhOuttite fimaimile :LOUIS MILLER being on the outer wrapper; also, L. MILL MITA •-•••• HAIR INVIGORATOR, N. Y„ blown in theglatus.• WholeseleDepot,:66 - Dey;Street, - ditid sold by 41 the principaiMiirchante and Drtiggistathrongliont the world : Liberal discount to purchasers by the quantity': I also desire to present to the American Publie my NEW AND IMPROVED INSTANTANEOUS. LIQUID . HAIR DYE ' ' which after years of scientific experimenting I - limp - brought to perfection. dyes Black or Brown instantly without injury to the Halr or Skin, warranted the beat article of the kind in existence. '. •' PRICE, ONLY FIFTY CENTS. DEPOT, be. DRY STREET, 'NEW YORK. .• aug 14 . ly ' . GUKAT "DISCOVERY. I hive made a discovery of the utmost importatCe . to every married person of either rev ' and 11.11 - send' the full particularnconcerning it, to any one on receipt of a stamp to - pay return postage.. Addrsas, • • - DR. J. aPr l6 Z,y 14] ' • Alfred Maine; ...'/111134HOSCOPILIS 1.. T h erne -wonderful and univinudly admired' pictuies„ which, appear lama and solid sculptured marble, are taken daily at , JOHN STON'a SIiy•IdaHT.GAILLIMY,, * 'corner orliortli queen aX 4 OTSWIFSL AlrDthq low atlerillOtypee fifprleea,. (47 etrr size and bt y le taluO ttl Liineairtfr, jtine UtS•IIING TACKLE. RODS,. LIMERICK - and RIRBY- ',ROOKS; NET— • • TWINE, LlNEN'aild COTTON LINES, yLosTei,,synvA. THOELIS ELLMAKER'R ' = Drug and Clem!cal Store,--: Opp°.teethe eines Keys' Hotel, Welt , King Street, Lnnniat: is 3 • • jply as tf 291 10DTZEL M'EVOY. STILL CON Mane afelitlatOElANT TA ILORLNO 11138,WWItn.the , . _TED aReIaTE oath Queen at., -OW inneL oo 4 l sBts of the atioim. aft ODOTHel,'sneh its Befelnes, ,mouths finest Cloths of various.. token; the nhoiesit . .y r b u ch,Osininiereti;' Black Doeskin .oipeinteres;..ll'snayv::' , ,l Cassinteres,the*s4 enleetkon; Tidings of all descriptions, ands largeniner ent of • : GSNTLEatEIra susxlammza (MAL - ,• respectfullyaska pontituanm . o ff th0,0 1 4.64;44 tr! jjberay: bdetoired,iifan predecessor, - strict attention tobtkeinessAaron.hug • ' - One of the ; Itinitias conerlderabla , :one MI largest And'auvrtitu ohi thionablit•Meedumit. bang b. Wratidiriisn Itpl_the psb,ons at, the i r a irso 1113 Z 1630011:. n;• el.sWa t , - 72z) ni