,11A7 er , .y., R ,1%.A. 7 .. , it ,air. ,F , = ..- :- .., •:::; ~WI R ir 6 O.dr.Z It ; ic..138 - o.- -.. , i NO. TT_ NORTH 'QUEEN STREET,:' LANCASTER, PA., Winoleillia lad jtetklf Dealers. in 'Foretell :and -Bioneatio ' 11 - : a ,d. , di'' .. D . W .„A ;It ;E. . ~, , Tg*, 8 Vi r -.1010.N.fi..1t Of)M COOK - STOVE, oh iititi r 'otteed to ttiOsriblin, fs.tb, - nod complete 8 "Cosiditriiiii, havbeitnikir advantiam over all other iftok Roses, tbervbeing two areas, large Enough for biking Purl 4lo =4 4-ei r .t'arrlYtor the steam , thus avoiding askilii ' - ii dange in.the dining ,nxim; or wherever miiet“Wbed r ei driaPiairlfiktioili '--- • • • -.-- - . - ,sitrp~ori. jaatiecettedxfoll issortment ot . . .11iF1 4 1U4 1 44-K - X Fkg-N4l. -.0.0 o D 8 , cona4uak..g. 'riliais - Minn. 'Clieketa; 'Knives, Porto's, Bplideg Phos'efs, lop,' Sad' bone, Candlesticks,' Copper .andrilrasi Kansa, ./ . /11111, Walters, &c. . • • .31(o. Id shppelltthe,-„attenttott of the- public to our 11 . lit& ktmilinon Cook Stove, and cannot be had i . i.. r lifere hi lancaster. .. - ' xi a Alsookiorge eseortment of Cook, p arlor, Bar-room and Hall &wine, ~Also, the beet Parlor tbss - Barnsr Improved. l'eoinPlete lumortment of Coach Trimmings, : such as Axles, Fellow, Laces. Patent Enameled. Leather,Plain EParneild and . F lo o r .oil, cloth', Bills, Malleable C astings, 80..; Abe.: &dal erY .Toole,...outiery, .Building Material-, Pabitit'OttiCWhith Lead.Thass, Varnishes; &c. -Thiftigheat irtarket price:mild for' Cloier, Timothy and . . r,Alsoiti ante. assortment of COAL OIL LAMPS.— &CFI:CU:IeCOBS OIL . , We iiiiii ebnitinCy 'On' hind Noah' Bottom and York County Ordbling.Blate, which will be put on by the ton or 8 0!"C°00 2, I* tppittteseonsble terms. GEO. D. SPEECHES & BRO. . INT We have alai the Agency of the Jersey - Mowing and Waning ,Machine and have alsolhe Jersey Machine with the DOtherftake on, which bee given satire satisfaction last season feb 21 tr 6 No: '32. - • ' R. ,14' Al • O :V A 811EAFF.E1278 CHEAP BOOK STORE IttdOVAL NE/LT DOOR TO, THE EXAMINER .4 HER ALD PJUNTING MICR, NORTH QUEEN STREET. Bargains from the-Trade Sales! Call Before You Buy I . Compare and Save Money! Books Cheap - fer the NOIIEIIII Suits Everybody) has.removed his large ,stock of BOOKS AND STATIONERY, to his new Store, adjnhoing the Ex aMiner and Caren Printing.Office,:North Queen street.— Havitig.Eited up his new establishment, which, with the advantage of three times the room as in the old store, and having jnetpurehased one of the finest and largest assort ments of Trade Sale Books ever offered in this city, would respectfully invite his old friends and patrons, and the public generally, to give him a call at the new stand, to examine the large stock, which consists of the STAND- Alllislistorical, Theological, Medical, Law, Biographical, Litenettire,.. Oily' Poetry, Classical, Mathematical, and Mechanical Works. Agent for the American Sunday Biihool Union, American Tract Society, and for sale the Methodist, and all other Religious Publications. - PLA.I.N AND FANCY NOTE, • POST AND CAP PAPER. ENVELOPES OF ALL SIZES AND STYLES SHSAFFER'S IMPORTED STEEL PENS, „ . acknowledged to be the best in use. POCERT 130011 S, PURSES, PORT NONNAIES, all styles, GOLD PENS AND HOLDERS, .4c., kc., together with all that is necessary to make a First Class Book Store. Thankf al for the patronage heretofore extended, the pro prietor feels confident that with the increased facilities for accommodating the public, he will merit a continuance of the name. JOHN SLIEAFFER, Publisher and Bookseller, N 0.82 North Queen street, Lancaster, next door to the Ex aminer & Herald Office. [may 8 ff 17 DR. G. R. BOND'S FRENCH. PREYEN TIVES—This article enables these whose health or circumstances do not permit an increase of family to re.(ll. late or limit the number of their offspriog without injur ing the constitution. It is the only safe and sure preven tive against Pregnancy and Disease. The above article can be sent by mail to any part of the United States or Canada, two for $l, and 55 per dozen.. . _ DR. G. W. BOND'S SPANISH FEMALE DIONTIILY. PlLLS.—These Pills are the only medicine married or sin gle ladles can rely upon with safety and certainty for the Immediate removal of Obstructions, Irregularities, &c They should not be used during Pregnancy. Price $2 per box. Each box contains 72 pills. Sent by mail. The Doctor can be consulted .on all diseases of a private nature. &ientifta treatment ; a quick cure and moderate charge guaranteed. 0 bOBEE it. BOND, M. D. Office, corner of Grand and Orchard streets, over the Slone Store. Entrance, No. 65 Orchard street, New York. Established in 1832. may 15 BOORS FROM THE TRADE SALES. THE REASON WHY. Series. LIFE AND TRAVELS OF lIU BOLDT. CLEVELAND'S COMPENDIUM OF LITERATURE. GOLDSMITH'S ANIMATED NATURE. THE MARBLE HAWN. By Hawthorne. Aar or DANCING, with Figures, Music and necessary In. structions. LAWYER'S Comfort-Placa BOOK, with index alphabetically arranged, of the HOBE used in the practice and study of law. By a member of the Phila. Bar. For eale cheap at .1. M. WESTHAEFFER'S, apr 17 tf 143 Cor. of Orange and North Queen sts. ACARD TO YOUNG LADIES AND GENTLEXIEN.—The subscriber will send (free of charge) to all who desire it, the recipe and directions fur making a siniiple Vegetable Balm, that will, in from two to eight days, remove Pimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckles. Sal lowness, and all impurities and roughness of the Skin, leaving the same—as Nature intended it should be—soft, clear, smooth, and beautiful. Those desiring the recipe, with full instructions, directions, and advice, will please call ou or address (with return postage.) - JAB. T. 71 AItSII ALL. Prertirnl ‘ june 26 3m 24] No. 32 City Buildings, New 1;o:-1: TIARIIIERS AND CITIZENS OS' LAN— caster county, generally, we desire to impress upon you the fact, that Mr. Breneman, who was in Centre Square for over 30 years, is not there now—he has removed to WEST RING STREET, OPPOSITE COOPER'S HOTEL. We all know how desirable it is to have good BOOTS rt which SHOES, whi will be fully worth the amount paid for them—such articles can he had at [IRENE M‘DI'B. IC Boots and Shoes are wanted that will non lac the water In, and with which you can walk in wet grass and not g.t, wet feet, they can only be had at BRENEMAN'B. Those of our, friends In the country whn have been accus tomed to be measured for Mr. 13riekrmaN's peculiar styles, BO easy on the foot, can only get them at his NEW STAND. Do not let yourselves be deceived with the idea that BRENE MAN Is still in Centre Square. He is not—but opposite Cooper's Hotel, West King street, where he hopes to have everybody In want of Boots and Shoes call on him. june 26 tf 24 HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE IN PORT ROYAL, VlRGlNlA..—Desirable Stand for a Store, School, Hotel, or other purposes. The subscriber, wishing to open a farm In Culpeper county. offers hie HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The mouse is a larie t woatory frame building, with four rooms on a floor, con venient closets, a hall 45 feet long running through the centre, and a cellar under the whole —all in excellent repair. 8 more rooms can be made in garret and basement cif house. The lot consists of one acre, located in the heart of the village; a good garden, in which some 10 choice fruit trees of every variety have been planted, with flowers and shrubbery. It has a good well, stable, poultry-yard, kitchen, smoke-house and other out building; besides an excellent office, 2-IxlB feet, in which the Poet Office is now kept, yielding n net income of over $3OO per annum. This office, with a small addition, would make a fine stand for a store. A Dry Goode and Grain Dealer would do a flourishing business hero, as the villag has an excellent shipping port. The situation would also make a desirable stand for a School, Hotel, or other pur poses. Price $4,000—14 cash and balance in 1 and 2 years. t.For particulars apply to _ E. BAUDER, Port Royal, Caroline county, Va I will trade land in Culpeper for 3 good horses, a double lumber wagon'and harness, and a good baggy and harness, and will give value.: Apply as above. I will give good will of P. 0.. and a good Boarding and Day School can be had. With a boy to assist, I have ate tended to both and taken In over $2,000 annually. feb 7 tf 4 TOIINS . CROSLEY , s ej IMPROVED GUTTA. PERCHA CEMENT ROOFING, Is the Cheapest and most Durable Roofing in use. It is Fire and Water Aloof. It can be applied to New and Old Roofs of all kinds and to old shingle roofs without removing the shingles. THE COST IS ONLY ABOUT ONE-THIRD THAT OF TIN, AND IS TWICE AS DURABLE. GUTTA PERCHA CEMENT for preserving•ssnd repairing TIN and METAL ROOPB of every description. From its great elasticity, to not injured by the contrac tion and expansion of metals, and will not crack in cold nor run in warns weather. These materials have been thoroughly tested in New York and all parts of the South ern and Western States, and we can give abundant proof of all we claim In their favor. They are readily applied by ordinary laborers, at a tri fling expense. _ _ "NO HEAT IS REQUIRED." These materials are put up ready for use,-and for ship ping to all parts of the cduntry, with full printed direc tions for application. Full descriptive circulars will be forwarded on applies. tion by mail or In person, at our principal offices, 610 BROADWAY, (oppposite St Nicholas Hotel) N. Y., 349 FULTON ST., (opposite City Ball) BROOKLYN. June 5 Om 21] JOIINS & CROSLEY. H A.GER & BROTHERS OFFER FOR BALM A FULL LINE OF DRESS SILKS—FANCY AND BLACK, French Lawns and Organdies, • Berege and Lawn Robes, small Flounced, Travelling Dress Goods, French Lace Points, Bournons, Mantillas, Spring Shawls, Cloth and Silk Dusters. my 15 tf 18] TTHELIICIK OF LADY SMEDE.--Paper cover, 60 cts. First issued In America, "Littell's Liv ing Age." 'ill& MILL ON THE FLOSS. A splendid and most in tensely interesting work. by the author of Adam Bede $l.OO THE MARBLE FAUN. ilawthorne's new work, 2 vole., $1.50. SAY AND SEAL; by the author of " Wide, Wide World." and equal to it inspirit and in terest; 2 vols., $2.00. COUNTERPARTS; by the author of "Charles Auchester;" cloth Sao., 75 cents. THE ADVENTURES OF AhIYAS LEIGH; by Charles Kingsley, author of " Hy yetis." "Alton Locke," & c., &e. SPECIAL NOTICE—We have on hand a large variety of books in every branch of literature, lately bought at the Philadelphia Trade Sales, which from this time forth we are going to sell at Greatly Reduced Prices, and we invite all to east and examine our fine assortment and be COLIViIIo ed of the fact that nowhere can books be bought cheaper than at • DUNCAN & SfuNEß'd may 15 tf 181 Centre Square Book Store. CAROLINA YELLO w PINE FLOOR ING BOARDS. 50,000 Feet Carolina Yellow Pine Dressed Flooring Boards. 30,000 Feet Do. Undressed. 50,000*CYPRESS SHINGLES, No.l and 2. 50,000 BANGOR PLASTERING LATHS, •—• Just received and for sale at Graeff's Landing, on the Conestoga. Apply.to GEO CALDER & Co., Gilles, East Orange at, near N. Queen at., Lancaster • 030 OIL S.—Castor Oft, Sweet Oil, Ott of SPLKE, STONE, SENEKA, SASSAFRAS, &c., For sale at THOMAS ELLMAKERS fob g Drug &Chao:deal Store, West King street, Laser. ti 4 W4NTED...,Clerics, to call and examine tee DIAM.OSD POINTED INDIA RUBBER PEN, warranted for elasticity and durability, at J. M. WESTHAEFFER'S, N 0.44 North Queen street, Corner of Orange. may 22 ' ul9 SPI E CO O -1111.ND SESOOKS.-edFor sale very cheap, a large lot of Semsii:lland Books, embracing many valuable. and Interesting works in Science, History, Biography, Poetry, Fictdon, and • general band books. Call andiavamind at DUNCAN k STONERS, may is tf 14 • Centre Square. _ _ milimicasA.LLos HEAVE POWDER PowderecU Eosin, Antimony, Fentiiirnea, Sulphur Bakpetni4 - Aaniftetida, Alum, Ac. For Bale at apr THOMAS ELLISIAKBE, . ".Titetig and °hernias' Store. Went 'Dna at Q.P.1.40 ES, dce....ClDatamon, Cloves, Sala. B.ATUS,-FAKING SODA, CREAM „TARTAR, NUT IdESS,#a, Dor sale at THOMAS ELLMAKER'S Drug it Cherstral Store West - King street, Lauer. lab 9 , • c 11! A L PALACE BRAVING ANDjUalt CUTTING SALOON, , trIIDEL /1 0P1.05112..11 HOTIL, E, XIII CV T ZIA T LANOASTE_,B. PA. •,• • Propriete; & 31213/12C-V inpechigentienii. FL% CAM, J [apr 1618 • 0 0 41 . 3 rE S - V fiGLE St:Ya MCALE AHD FEMALE, COd27I,STILLI4 CHESTER COUNTY, Pd.'- - JAMES E. GIFFIN, A. M.. Principal and Proprietor.. This Seminary is locatedin Coatesville, on the Central. Railroad, abentthirtylewou miles from Philadelphia, and sixty-two from Harrisburg: , It is easy of accent , from any part of the Union, and is in . the midst of a moral and re fined population. 'There could not be a more healthy and romantic citriati9ll. 'lt possesses the advantages - of having a daily mail, a. telegraph 'office and an' Adams' Express office. TiusWergisetrion will open the first. day of. Novem ber: The School Is sound and practical In every depart. moot. The 'course of study .embratiest everything that is taught In the best Colleges of our counter- , . The School is organize" on the most approved plan of the belt institto tics! In the New England States. Ladles and Gentlemen are entirely separate, except in recitations; in fridi's, they have loss intercourse than at home.• The Teachers occupy apartments in the buildings, and there is no association of the sexes but in the presence of their, instructors..,The happy influence, mutually exerted, in their slight asocia tion in the recitation room, at the table and in the public exercises, is to be seen in the cultivation of a cheerful and animated disposition, in the formation of good habits and manners, in ardent devotion to stndy, and in the at tainment of high moral character. These, with many other valuable results, have established the. fact, that the beet plan for a echool is, according to the evident design of Providence in the constitution of society, on the basis of a well regulated christian family. "Ladies, equally with the gentlemen, are benefited by this arrangement. The numerous andsrowded schools of this kind spreading over the country, fully attest the cor rectness of this plan." COURSE OF STUDY.—PREPARATORY. Fran Tram: Reading, Spelling and Defining, Watson & Parker; Pronunciation, Worcester; Chart Exercises, San ders and Merrill; Arithmetice—Bilental, Stoddard's; Arith metic—Written, Greenleaf; English Grammar, Smith First lessons in Composition, Black-board; General His tory, Goodrich; Geography—Elements, Mitchell. &cons Team.: Orthography and Ortheepy, Scholar's Companion; Geography and Map Drawing. McNally; Etymology, Lynd; Physiology—Primary, Cutter; Arith metic—Practical, Greenleaf; History of the United States, Goodrich; English Grammar, Smith ; Algebra—lntellec tual, Tower; Algebra—Written. Davies. 1 Composition, De lineation and Vocal Music. • CLASSICAL AND SCIENTIFIC. Filer Teas—First Year: English Grammar, Hart; Modern History, Willson; Algebra—Practical, Davies.; Latin Exercises, Anthon; Penmanship, Potter & Ham Mond. SECOND nal": Modern History—Continued, Willson; Advanced Composition and Rhetoric, Quackenbnes; Alge bra—Continued, Davies; Latin Exercises—Continued, Anthon; Greek Exercises, Anthon; Classical Antiquities, Baird; Penmanship, Potter & Hammond; Physical Geog raphy, Fitch; Physiology, Cutter; Latin—Crusar com menced, Anthon; Greek—Anabasis commenced, Anthon; Book-keeping, Eastman & Fulton. During the year: Orthography, Reading, Composition, Declamation and Vocal Music. Flasr Team—Second Year: Ancient Geography and History. Mitchell; Bib ical Antiquities, Nevin; Astronomy —Descriptive, Barritt; Astronomy—Practical, Norton; Natural History, dottrels; Geometry, Loomis; Algebra, Alsop; Latin—Caisar finished. Anthon; Greek—Anabasis finished, Anthon; Natural Philosophy.—Comstock; Moral Philosophy, Wayland; Virgil with the Scanning, Anthon; Greek Testament, Owen. SECOND Tram: Phil o sophy of History and Chronology, Willson; Constitution of United States, Story; Chemistry, Silliman; *Trigonometry and Navigation. Loomis; *Sur veying, Alsop; Latin—Sallust, Anthon; Greek—Homer's Iliad and Scanning, Anthon. During the year: Composition, Declamation and Vocal Music. *Practical lessons are given in Surveying on the field. Past. TERM—Third Year: Mental Philosophy, Upham; Evidences of Christianity. Pal-y; *Mensuration, Bonny castle; Mechanical Drawing, Minute; *Civil Engineering, Mahon; Political Economy. Wayland; Logic, Whetely ; *Mineralogy, Dana; Latin—Horace and Scanning, Anthon; Greek—llerodotus, Johnson; Science of Government, Young; *Conic Sections, Coffin. SECOND TERM; Rhetoric, Whateiy ; Butler's Analogy, Emory & Crooks; *Agricultural Chemistry, Johnson; *Geology, Loomis; *Calculus, Differential and Integral, Loomis or Davies; Latin—Tacitus, Williston 4 Greek— Sophocles, Peschyl us, Woolsey. During the rear : Composition, Declamation and Elocu tion. Air Other studies than those mentioned can be substi tuted fir those marked with an asterisk (*), so as to ac commodate the wishes of Ladies and Gentlemen. lihnicesr LANGUAGES—Tent 800k5"..,, Prench Language: 011endorf's Grammar, (Vclue) De Fives' El.tmentary Reed er Telemaque, Charles XII., Collot's Dramatic Reader, Racine, Surrene's Dictionary. Text Raaks,in the German Language: 011endort's Gram mar, Adler's Reader, Schiller, (loathe. Adler's Dictionary. Lierter.w—Text Books: °canine' Hebrew Grammar, with the Chreetemathy, Biblia liebraica, Gesenius' Hebrew Lexicon. ORNAMENTAL BRANCHES : 'While it is well and proper that Young Ladies and Gentlemen should be taught Music, Drawing, Painting, &c., it is at the same time highly cul pable, to neglect for these Branches, the practical and useful studies, which determine the intellectual status of en individual. Thousands of Young Ladies learn a little French, a little Music, being ignorant of the plainest principles of Grammar and Mathematics. An Education Is an injury rather than a benefit, if the mind be not trained in the right way. Acquire first, if passible, the solid Branches,.and then the mind will be prepared for the Fine Arts. Music—Vocal and Instrumental—Piano, Violin, &c. In the department of Languages, the classes are practised in oral and written exercises; and particular attention is given to the pronunciation of the Language the student may be acquiring. Ladies can substitute Music for some other branches, if they desire it. The classes in Mensuration, Surveying, anti Leveling, are practised In the use of the Quadrant, in Plotting, and in other instruments. Particular attention will be given to the analyzing of Milton's Paradise Lost, which is need as a Book of Pars ing exercises. A Normal Class will be formed, and special instruction devoted to the Theory and Practice of Teaching; and thus affording all the advantages that can be given in any Nor mal School; for the great requisitea of a Teacher are to have the qualifications, be able to discipline a school, and be skilful in imparting instruction. lions OP REFERENCE: Anthon's Classical Dictionary, Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, Itamsborn's Latin Synonyms, Blake's Biogra phical Dictionary, Ituttmainfe Greek Grammar, Sc.. &c. LEcrcßEs: Lectures will be delivered at stated times during each year; and the different Sciences elucidated by suitable apparatus. Full sets of Geographical and Physi ological (laps. and Minerals, are provided for illustration and experiment DIPLoMAS: Ladies and Gentlemen completing the course of Study, (three years ) prescribed in the Catalogue, or passing a thorough examination upon the different branches taught, will receive a Classical Diploma. To those who omit the Languages, a Scientific Diploma will be given. ACCOMMODATIONS: The buildings (when the one now be ing erected Is completed) will accommodate about nue hin• tired boarders, besides a large number of day scholars.— The rooms are large and well ventilated; and part of the grounds attached are used for Calisthenic exercises. EXPENSES. 1. Boarding, washing, light, and tuition in the Fug limb branches. ner session of twenty weeks....s7s 00 2. Ancient or Modern Languages, each 5 00 3. M este. on the Piano 15 00 4. Use of instrument for practising 3 0) 5. Linear and Perspective Drawing, or 6. Colored Craynning. 5 00 7. Music en the Violin 10 00 8. Payable irradvonce, $4O. Balance at the close of the Session. Each student will he charged from the time he or she may enter the Institution, until the end of the Session; and no deductions will be made under any circumstances, except in case of protracted sickness. 4rar - No extras unless by previous agreement. ADMISSION: All Students from a distance, male and fe. male, are required to board in the Institution, and be subject to the rules and regulations ordained for the proper mauagemeut of the School. Sessions: The Collegiate year is divided into two ses sions. Tho Sefisions in 1859 and 1860 will commence the first day of November, (Tuesaay,) anti the first day of May, (Tuesday.) RoOM9 AND CLOTHLNG: The rooms are furnished with all heavy articles, and comfortable bedding; but the students must bring their own towels, brooms, and basins. Stu dents should be supplied with durable clothing, heavy boots and shoes. All articles of clothing should be care fully marked with the name in full. DISCIPLINE: The discipline is mild, decided, and impar. tial. RELIGIOUS WORSHIP: Each strident is required to attend religious service every Sabbath, in whatever church he ro the may wish, or parents designate. The Bible is read every morning in the school without sectarian comment. LECTURES ON AGRICULTURAL Cutmisrar Lectures will be delivered during each term, on the nature, origin, and characteristics of soils and subsoils; also, on the applica tion of Chemistry to Practical Farming. MERIT AND DEMERIT: A record is kept of each recitation, which is graded from 1 to 10-10 being the highest mark, either for recitation or deportment. las MANNER OF CoNonCrINI THE RECITATIONS: In all the different branches, whichever one the student may be studying, he is required to give a clear demonstration of his subject, and assign a reason for each step as he pro greeses. All the sciences are taught on the principles of analysis and induction, so far as possible. EMSEEE TESTIMONIA LS. COATESVILLE, July 29th, 1859. Having been acquainted with. James E. Giffin, Esq., since he has become proprietor of the Coatesville Seminary, I take pleasure in saying that I consider him verraqmpe. tent as a teacher, and very courteous as a gentleman, and most cheerfully recommend him, and the Institution over which he presides, as most benefiting to all persons having children for whom a thorough education Is desired. Sly daughter is at present a student in the institution. H. G. THOMAS. COATE6VIILE, July 29th, 1 , 59. Ma. GIFFIN—Dor Sir It is now near the close of your second term of school in this place, and I feel very greatly gratified in seeing your prospects of making Coatesville Seminary second-to none in the country. After becoming fully acquainted with your mild, but firm discipline, and close attention to your pupils' recitations, as manifested in the improvement of my son, I feet myself under obliga tions to recommend all my acquaintances and friends to send their soul and daughters to your school. WM. 11. THOMPSON. COATESVILLE, July 29th, 1859. I cheerfully commend to the public, and especially to my friends, the Seminary of James E. Giffin, ]orated at this place, as being especially worthy of patronace. My son having been a pupil Mr the last term of this Institution, I can speak with confidence of the fidelity of the Principal es a teacher—his suavity of manner, yet firmness as a governor, and his entire gentlemanly deportment in all his relations. B. I AIL LEER. COATESVILLE, July 29th, 1859. Ma. JAMES GIFFIN—SLR: We most cordially recommend to public favor your most excellent School. One of the firm having had a son in your Institution, and the otner a sister.imlaw, we can speak with confidence in regard to the merits, and thorough Instruction gives in Coatesville Seminary. THOMAS S. YOUNG it CO. COATESVILLE, July 29th, 1859. From my personal knowledge of Mr. Giffin, Principal of Coatesville Seminary, and his method of instruction, It gives me pleasure to be able to recommend to parents and guardians this institution as a place where their sons and daughters or wards will receive every attention which their comfort and thorough education may require. A. G. MORRISON. Cc/maw - mu, July 29th, 1859. It gives me pleasure to add my testimony to the fact that we Gave In our midst a well-conducted and thorough Institution, under the control and supervision of James E. Giffin, Principal. Having bad aeon under his care for nearly two sessions, I can speak advisedly; and would recommend this flourishing Seminary to the consideration and inquiry of parents and guardians. JAS. PEOPLES. COATESVILLS, August 13, 1859. I recommend James E. Giffin se in every way competent to discharge the duties of a faithful teacher. and know that the Institution is in a flourishing condition. No parent cad send his son or daughter to a better Institution. JESSE COATES. 4- Send for a Catalogue aug 30 G LENN'S ONE PRICE HAT AND CAP STORE. (Cbrner of the Five Story Block,) N. WEST CORNER OP EIGHTH AND RACE STREETS, PHILADA. The public are respectfully invited to bear in mind that at this Store may be found an assortment of Fashionable and Handsome MOLESKIN DRESS HATS, SOFT HATS, MOH LOW AND MEDIUM DEPTH CROWN. CLOTH AND GLAZED CAPS, Plushand Plush Trimmed Hats and Caps for Alen and Boys, Fancy Hats and Caps for Children at iltir Prices. NO TWO HUMS FOR REGULAR GOODS. lig jan 17 - - ly 1 HA.R.LES RIIDIPP, C MONNAIE AND POCKETBOOK :MANUFACTURER, No. 47 NORTH SLUR STREET, BELOW ARCH, (Formerly 118 North Firurth Street,) - P.IIILADELPHIA Porte ?donnalee, Cebu and Purses, Dressing Cases, Money Belts, Reticules, Writing., Bankers' Case; Leather Bags, .. D Pocket'Book& Port Paw, Bil - WROLEBALE AND . RETAIL mar 27 ly 11 IEX7ATCIII3 S. CLOCKS, JEWELRY AND VI( SILVER. WASH.—JAMES P. DYSART, . NO. IC WEST KLNG,St., (near Market) takes pleasure in inr/Sull attention .to his new and large stock.of Goods,.wkLelt com prises as great a variety. of articles In Ids line aa can be found in the elty,eonsiethig In part of Ladies'-Fine IS Carat Hunting Lever Watched, • - Fine Gold Hunting Levers, Open-faced Levers, (. 7 p# • Sliver Hunting Owe . . 4 . . Open-lbeed ••good assortment of LITERS and LEPINEO of Silver/tad Composition Caws: QUABMIERS tad ENGLISH WATCH ES (first and second handed,) all of which are warranted to keep time or no sale. - His assortment of JEWELRY is . the mod extensive ever offered to the citizens of Lanmuster. part of which are the following styles: FINE PAINTED BREASTPINS, EAR RINGS AND BRACELETS to match; CAMEO SETTS, FLORENTINE MOSAIC, and. PLAIN EAR RINGS and BREASTPINS, allot widch for beauty, style and cheapness cannot be surpaseed in the city. Also, a fine eSsortnumtof PLAIN and CHASED BRACELETS and BANDS, with Cameo Setts and Medallions. Particular attention paid to Jewelry of Gentlemen's wear,'compriaing Sleeve "Buttons, Studs, Guard, Breast and Fob Chains of the beet quality; Ribbon Slides, Gold and "Silver Tooth Picks,. etc. Always on band a good assortment of SILVER WARE, such as Spoons, Tea, Table, Dessert, Sugar, Mustard and Salt; Dinner and Tea Forks; Napkin Rings; Butter and Fruit Knives ; Salt Cellars; Cups, Pie Knives, Pickle Knives and Forks, setts of Knives, Forks and Spoons for Misses.— Also a beautiful lot of Port Monnaies for Ladies and Gents, Combs and Brushes of all kinds, Arcordeons, &a. Clocks from $1.25 to $5O, all warranted. • .ice-The undersigned has, at considerable expettse,egot up a Card of Hair Work Patterns. for which he receives orders—to be executed in Philadelphia in the most chaste and durable style, and at short notice. The public are in vited to call and examine his stock and judge for them selves. ' JAMES P. DYSART. Sign ofthe Big Watcb, No. 10, West King St., Lancaster Pa. June 1 if 20 MIIE AMERICAN WATCH, 1 So justly celebrated for its accuracy as a time-keeper, and its adaptability to every kind of use, Is offered for sale in variety, by • H. L. & E. J. Y. A H , Corner of North Quern street and anorre Square. • There are three qualities of the American Watch, manufactured by the American Watch Co., at P.l, Waltham, Wass.; the first quality. is marked on the works "Appleton, Tracy er• tb., Waltham, Mass;” the second quality "Chas. T. Parker, Waltham, Hasa;" and the third quality "P. S. Bartlett, Waltham, Mass." All of these qualities are manufactured by one company, and are guaranteed by them to be made of good materials, and to possess every requsite for a good time-piece. The movement is quick train, which prevents it from being affected by railroad or other travgl, and should any part be broken, it can be replaced with a part from the factory, equally as well finished as the original. Appleton, Tracy & Co. the manufacturers of the Ameri can Watch, have no Spe cial Agents in any city of the Union, but sell to all dealers at precisely the same rates. We can furnish these watches in Silver or Cold eases, of any style required, at as LOW a rate as the genuine watch can be sold anywhere in the United States. We have also on band and for sale low, a large stock of 'English and Swiss Levers, from the moat approved manu factories, among these the "Equilibrium Lever," an accu- rate and reliable watch. HARRY L. ZAMA, aug 31 tr 33 EDW. J. ZAHM. WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY. AT REDUCED PRICES. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. C. B. SHULTZ, 914 Market street, above 9th, South aide, Phila delphia. June 21y 29 DEN T AL SURGERY.--The under signed has associated with him in the practice of Dental Surgery, E. W. SWENTZEL, D. D. S., well known as his assistant. Dr. 4 111siaa Swentzel graduated at the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, with high honors, and has been in practice several years. Office No. GO% North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. apr 20 tf IA JOHN WAYLAN. 'WILLIAM N. AMER, SURGEON REN- Y V TIST, Office on the south-east corner of North Queen end Orange streets, Lancaster, Pa. Dr. A. having been for 6 years a studentand assistant in the office of Dr. John Waylan, of ••aboa this city, and having for several years since been in con stant practice, will. he hopes, be a sufficient guarantee to hie friends and the public generally, of his ability to per form all operations connected with the practice of the DENTAL Ant, in such a manner, as will render entire satis faction to all who may favor him with a call. Alin Charges moderate, and all work warranted to be ully equal to any that can be procured elsewhere. N. IL—Entrance to office, 2nd dm. on Orange street. .1 rine 29 24 WATCHES, JEWELRY AND SILVER—WARE. We would respectfully inform our friends, patrons and the public generally, that we have now in Store and offer Wholesale and Retail, at the lowest cash prices, large and very choice stock of WATCHES. JEW ELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, of every variety and style. Every description of DIAMOND WORK and other JEWELRY, made to order, at short notice. All goods wart anted to be es represented. N. B.—Particular attention given to the Repairing, of Watches and Jewelry, of every description. STAUFFER A . HARLEY, No. 622 Market Street, South side, Philadelphia. mar 27 3m 11 KNICKERBOCKER MAGAZINE Fib'TYTIFTLI VOLUMNL LOUIS GAYLORD CLARK The present number closes the fifty-fourth volume of the KNICKERBOCKER. and while we thank our patrons for their post favor., we shall strive to increase their number by redoubled care and Oral in every .I•partment of the Magazine. We expect in our next number to be able to announce a series of articles on Popular Astronomy, by the most distinguished writer upon that science In the land. 'Stories and Pictures' of the Hudson will be com pleted during the year, and the two volumes will contain the best sketches, tales. poems, etc., that can be. procured for the entertainment of our renders. PREMIUM FOR 1800. In order to increase the already large circulation of the KNIC6EstiOCKES, we publish this month a splendid line engraving of Frith's picture of • Merry-Making in the Olden Time; which we shell present exclusively to the $3 subscribers to the Magazine fur 1860, whether old or new. The subject represents the pastimes of our ancestors, and is eminently of a genial, domestic character. The plate, engraved In England at an expense of 2000 dollars, is entirely new, measures twenty•five by nineteen and a halt Inches in nice. contains thirty-nine figures, and is beyond comparison the finest work of the kind ever offered as a premium in this country. `,The engraving of Frith's picture of Merry-Making in the Olden Time, represents the humors of an English holi day in the county in those good old times when the men wore cocked-halo and knee-breeches, and the women stays and hoops—a costume not essentially differing from the corset and crinoline of the present day. Almost in the centre of the picture and a little to the back-ground is a country dance on the green, with a hard-featured fiddler perched on a high seat. and another mudcian in a tie-wig standing by him, playing with all their might. On the right two bouncing girls are gaily pulling tow,rd the dance a gray-haired man, who seems vainly to remonstrate that his' dancing days are over,' while a waggish little child pushes him forward from behind, greatly to the amusement of his spouse, who is still sitting at the tea-table. from which he has been dragged. On the left, under a magnifi cent spreading oak, sit the 'squire and his wife, whom a countryman with his hat off is respectfully inviting to take part in the dance. To the left of the 'squire is s young couple on the grass, to whom a gipsy with an iniant on her shoulder Is telling their fortune. Over the shoulders of this couple is seen a group engaged in quoit playing, and back of the whole is a landscape of gentle elopes and copses. The picture has the expression of gayety through. out and the engraving Is splendidly executed. It is fresh from the burin of Hon, not having yet been published in England.' Ty,lo.l3.—Twenty-fice cents per number, or $3 per an num', In advance; two copies $5; three copies $6. The postage on the Magazine (twenty-four cents per annum) to be paid in all cases at the office where it is received. .42- To every $3 subscriber for 1860, inclosing twelve cents extra in stamps, will be sent, free of postage, a copy of the new and splendid engraving ri Merry-Matting in the Olden Time.' Whoever shall send us the names of five $3 subscribers, and stamps, ($15.60,) will receive the Koickerboker for one year and the Engraving grafts. CLUB RATES FOR NEW ''SUIIt , CRIBERS TO TUE KNICKERBOCKER: THE CHEAPEST EVER OFFER ED IN TIIE COUNTRY. The Knickerbocker and N. Y. Weekly Tribune, Times, News, Evening Post, or American Agriculturalrist. $3. The Knickerbocker and N. Y. Independent, N. Y. Evan gelist, or Christian Advocate and Journal, (all uew sub scribers,) $3 50. The Knickerbocker and N. Y. Observer, Home Journal, flagon's Pictorial. Harper's Weekly, (new subscribers.) or any of-the $3.00 Magazines or Reprints of Foreign Periodi cals, (new subscribers.) $4OO. Any Club subscriber remitting us $1.12 in addition to the above rates will get, free of postage. a copy of ' Merry- Making in the Olden Time.' Families by uniting in these clubs can procure the best Magazine, the beet Newspaper, and the beet Engraving of the year at less than half the ordinary price. The Knickerbocker is furnished to teachers, postmasters, and all periodicals and Journals, at the club-rate of $2 a year. Booksellers and Newsmen will learn the price per hundred, etc., on appliration to the publisher. AGENTS ARE WANTED in every part of the country, to canvass for the Magazine and Engraving. Back num bers and bound volumes on hand. JOHN A. GRAY, Publisher, 18 St 18 JACOB STREET, NEW YORK. decd tf 47 C LOTHING I CLOTHING I CLOTHING I CZOTTIING FOR MEN, CLOTHINg FOE MEN, CLOTHING FOR MEN, CLOTHLNG FOR MEN, AT AT JOHN A. ERBEN'S CLOTHING STORE, JOHN A. ERBEN'S CLOTHING STORE, JOHN A. ERBEN'S CLOTHING STORE, JOHN A. ERBEN'S CLOTHING STORE, 'ION OF THE STRIPED COAT, SIGN OF THE STRIPED COAT, SIGN OF THE STRIPED COAT, • SIGN OF TIIE STRIPED COAT, No. 42 NORTE( QUEEN STREET, EAST SIDE, NEAR ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA., Where can be found the largest, best and cheapest assort ment of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING for Men and Boys in the City of Lancaster; all of the Proprietor's own manufacture, and warranted to be well sewed and well trimmed. Also, Just received, a large assortment of French, English and American CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, Tweeds, Cashmerets, Linens and Vestings, in every variety, which will be made up promptly to order, in any desired style. and warranted to give entire satisfaction in quality and tit. Also, a large assortment of Gentlemen's Fur. nishing Goods, including Shirts, Collars, Neck Ties, Cra vats, Stocks, Suspenders, Undershirts and Drawers, Gloves, Hosiery, Ac., Sc. The subscriber would say to the public that be has spared-neither pains nor expense in the manufacture of his present stock of READY—MADE CLOTHING, among which may be found Cloth, Cassimere Tweed, Casbmeret, Alpacca. Summer Cloth, Marseilles, dries and Cotton Frock, Dress and Sack Coals and Pantaloons; Cas• simere, Marseilles, Silk, Merino and Valencia Vests: COATS trem $1 00 to $l5 00 PANTS " 75 eta. ri 600 VESTS " 60 etc. 500 The largest assortment of YOUTHS' and BOYS' CLOTHING in the City of Lancaster, of all sizes and qualities, at very low prices. Clothing to suit the people, at prices to suit the times. JOHN A. ERBEN Sign of the Striped Coat, Ne. 42 North Queen Street, East Side, near Orange street, Lancaster, Pa. apr 10 tf IS JAMES E. GIFFIN. ly 33 fiPaLNO, 1860. 1860, EPILOG. HAG -RR & BROTURILS OFFER. FOR SALE - - CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, VELVET AND BRUSSELS CARPETS, In a great variety of New Designs, of the celebrated man ufacture of Croneley At Sons. TAPESTRY INGRAIN CARPETS, -. LOWELL SUPERFINE CARPETS, VENETIAN AND DUTCH CARPETS, HEMP, RAG, AND LIST ENGLISH AND AMERICAN SHEET OIL CLOTHS, CARPETS, From One to Four Yards Wide. White, Check and Cocoa 'Battings, mar 20 tf lo]. Druggets, Rugs and Mate. • FURNITURE OF IG VERY DESCRIP tion, warranted at; geed as the best, and cheaper than the cbeapest—at KETCHAM'S, Noma Quinn WM?" op. posits tibenk's National ROl/543, Lancaster, N. B. To any one purchasing $5O worth before the first of November next, 10 per cent, will be allowed for Cash. Bug atin 10—Wets oiras DR. JAMES 0. NOYES, MORS CLOTHING FOR BOYS CLuTHING FOR BOYS CL , .THING FOR BOYS CLOTHING FOR BOYS ~_ E .. . l AT .E VERYBODY '- WAFTS. WAFTS. iiir"T H.E 1 7 4'11.1LY DOCTOA: - CONTAINING SIMPLE REMEDIES. EASILY. OBTAIN ED, FOR .TELE CORE OF DISEASE IN_ ALL FORMS. BY PROFESSOR HENRYS TAYLOR, M. D. It Tells You How to attend upon the sick, andsriow to ' • cook for them; • how . to prepare Drinks, . Poultiess, An-, and bow to guard against • infection - from Cont4ons Diseassa. It Tells Yon Of the various diseasisa of . Children, and . gives the,best and simplest asode l oAreat- - • • merit during Teething, Convergent, Pee- : dingier", Whooping.Oeugh; Measles, Ac.. • It Tells - Yoe Tbe symnbaine of Cnusp, Cholera Infan tom, Colic, Diarrhea, Worms, Scatted. Head, • Ringworm, Chicken Pox, 'lke., and gives • you best remedies for their cure: -It Tells You The sympteims of Fever and Ague, and Bilious, Yellow, Typhus, Scarlet and other Fevers, and gives you the best and sim plest remedies for their cure. It Tells You The symptoms or Influenza, Consumption. Dyspepsia.' sthma; Dropsy, Cont, ;Rheu matism, Lumbago, Erysipelas, AC., and gives you the best remedies for their cure. It Tells Yon The symptoms of Cholera Horton, Malig . nant Cholera, Small Pox, Dysentery, Cramp, Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys and Liver, and the beet remedies for their • cure. It Tells .You The symptoms of Pleurisy, Mumps, Neural gia, Apoplexy. Paralysis, the various Dis eases of the Throat, Teeth, Ear and Eye, and the best remedies for their cure. It Tells You The symptoms of Epilepsy, Jaundice. Piles, • Rupture, Diseases of the Hearts-Hemor rhage, Venereal Diseases, and Hydropho bia, and gives the best remedies for their cure. . It Tells You The best and simplest treatment for Wounds, Broken Bones and Dislocations, Sprains, Lockjaw, Fever Sores, White Swellings, Ulcers, Whitlows, Boils, Scurvy, Burns acid Scrofula. It Tells You Of the various Diseases peculiar to Women, and gives the best and simplest remedies for their cure, together with many valua ble hints for the preservation of the health. • The work is written in,plain language, free from medi cal terms, so as to be easily understood, while its simple recipes may soon save you many times the cost of the book. It is printed in a clear and open type; is illustrated with appropriate engravings, and will be forwarded to your address, neatly bound and postage paid, on receipt of $l.OO. $lOOO A YEAR can be made by enterprising men every where, in selling the above work, as cur inducements to all inch are very liberal. For single copies ,ot the Book, or for terms to agents, with other information, apply to or address JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, No. 617 Sensom street, Philadelphia. Pa. may 15 6m 18 50'000 COPIES ALREADY- SOLD. EVERYBODY'S LAWYER AND COUNSELLOR IN BY FRAffiC CROSBY, OF THE PHILADELPHIA BAR It Tells You How "to draw up Partnership Papers and gives general fotme for Agreements of all kinds, Bills of Sale, Leases a d Petitions. It Tells You How to draw up Bonds and Mortgages, Af fidavit. Powers of Attorney, Notes and Bills of Exchange, Receipts and Releases. It Tells You The Laws for the Collection of Debts, with 'the Statutes of Limitation, and amount and kind of property Exempt from Hoe, cntion in every State. It Tells You How to make an Assignment properly, with forms for Composition with Creditors, and the Insolvent Laws of every State. It Tells You The legal relations existing between Guar dian and Ward, blaster and Apprentice, and Landlord and Tenant. It Tells Yon What constitutes Libel and Slander, and the Law as to Marriage Dower, the Wife's Right in Property, Divorce and Alimony. It Tells You The Law for Mechanics' Liecs in every State, and the Naturalization Laws of this country, and how to comply with the same. It Tells You The Law Concerning Pensions and how to obtain one, and the Pre-Emption Laws to Public Lands. It Tells You The Law for Patents, with mode of pr-ce d ore In obtaining one. with Interferences, As, ignmen ts and Table of Fees. - It Tells You How to make your Will, and how to Ad minister on an Feints, with the law and the requirements thereof in every State. It Tells You The meaning of Law Terms in general use, and explains to you the Legislative. Exe cutive and Judicial Powers of both the General and State Governments. It Tells You How to keep out of Law, by showing how to do your business legally, thus saving a vast amount of property, and vexatious litigation, by its timely consultation. Single copies will be sent by mail, postage paid, to every Farmer, every Mechanic, every Mon of Business, and every body in every State, on receipt of $l. 51, or in law style of binding at $L2.5. $lOOO A YEAR can be made by enterprising men every where, in selling the above work, as our inducements to all such are very liberal. For single copies of the Book, or for terms to agents, with other Information, apply to or address JOHN E. POTTEIt, Publisher, No. 617 Sausom street, Philadelphia, Pa. may 15 6m 18 GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Fire Insurance on Stores, Dwellitizs, Public Buildings, and. Merchandise generally, limited or Perpetual. /ire insurance on Houses. Barns and Lbntents, Rock, Ittrin Implements, dn. Also Inland insurance On Goode to all parts of the Country. OFFICE IN THE COMPANY'S BUILDING, No. 403 WALNUT STREET, CORNER OF FOURTH. Statement of the Company's Business for the year ending October 31st, 1808. Capital $223,800 00 , Surplus 1;14,453 03 $275,253 03 Received for Premiums $91.565 45 Received for Interest, Rent, She.— 7,625 49 Paid Losses ' Expenses, C,cmmis sinus, Re Insurances, Returned Premiums, he $70,383 00 Increase of Fire Premiums over last year's $14.699 59 Decrease Marine Premiums 10,426 74 123=!!!I ASSETS. Real Estate, Bonds and Mortgages, $141,240 00 Stocks, (Par, $80,310,) 47.015 00 Bills Receivable 59,885 73 Unsettled Premiums and other debts due the Company 17,823 02 Caah on hand, and in the hands of Agents 8,389 28 CHARLES C. LATIIROP VICE PRESIDENT. WILLIAM DARLING. SECRETARY AND TREASURER. JAMES Willi/UT. DIRECTORS. Charles C. Lathrop, 1423 Walnut street. Alex. Whildiu, Merchant, 18 North Front street. Wm. Darling, 1338 Pine street. Isaac Ihmlehuret, Solicitor. John C. Hunter, firm of Wright, Hunter & Co. 11 Tracy, firm of E. Tracy & Co., Gol ismith's Jno It. McCurdy, firm of Jones, White & McCurdy, Thomas L. Gillespie, firm of llilleapie & Zeller. James 13. Smith, firm of James B. Smith & Co. John It. Vogdee, corner Seventh and Suosom streets Daniel L. Collier, firm of C. H. Grant & Go. Thomas Potter, 229 Arch street. Charles Harlan, corner Walnut and Sixth streets. Jonathan J. Slocum, 15-1 South Fourth street. GEO. CALDER & Co., Agents, mar 22 ly 10 East Orlmge st., Lancaster, Pa. riIHE PHILADELPHIA EVENING BUL. I LETIN, AN INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSPAPER, devoted especially to the interests of Pen osyl Vania. Con taining Important Telegraphic News, sixteen hours in ad vance of the Morning Papers. Original. Foreign and Dr mestic Correspondence, Editorials on all Subjects. and full Reports of all the news of the day. The Commercial and Financial Departments are full, and are carefully attended to. Jai' AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM there le no better paper in the State, the circulation being next to the largest in the city, and among the most Intelligent and Influen tial of the population. TERMS, SIX DOLLARS PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE. CUMMINGS & PEACOCK, Proprietors, No. 112 South Third street, Philadelphia. THE PHILADELPHIA SATURDAY BULLETIN, a handsome, well-filled, FAMILY WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, IS pub lished by the Proprietors at the following noprecodentedly low rates: 1 Copy, one year, 6 Copies, " 13 " 21 " . 30 " " 100 " " FURTHER INDUCE3IENTS 1 TIIE LARGEST CLUB (over 100) will be sent for three pears THE NEXT LARGEST CLUB, (over 100) will be sent for two yearn. Address CUSISIINGS di PEACOCK, Proprietors, Bulletin Building, No. 112 South Third street, Philadelphia. nov 23 tf 45 TRUSSES: BRACES: SUPPORTERS:: C . H. NEEDLES, S. W. CORNER TWELFTH AND RACE STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. - - - Practical Adjuster of Rupture Trusses and Mechanical Remedies. Use constantly on hand a largo Stock of Genu ine French Trusses, also a complete assortment of the beet American, including the celebrated Whites Patent Lever Truss, believed by the best authorities to be superior to any yet invented. English and American Supporters and Belts, Shoulder Braces, Suspensory Bandages, Self Inject- ing Syringes, adopted to both sexes, in neat portable cases, French Pessaries, Urinal Bags, &c. Orders and letters of enquiry, will meet prompt atten tion. aug 23 ly 32 TEREOSCOPES t--These wonderful i) and universally admired pictures, which appear as ound and solid as sculptured marble, are taken daily at JOHNSTON'S SKY.LIGHT GALLERY, corner of North Queen and Orange sty 4RT - Daguerreotypes of every size and style, talc.n Ia the lowest prices. Lanraster, tuna 10 CI . PICES i SPICES I I SPICES II I 0 PURE AND NO. 1 GROUND PEPPER. GINGER, CINNAMON, ALLSPICE, CLOVES. AMERICAN AND ENGLES!' MUSTARD. CAYENNE PEPPER, NUTMEGS, MACE. SUP. CARD. SODA, SALTPETRE, SALERATUS. SAL. SODA, INDIGO. CARAWAY AND CORIANDER SEED. ASHTON DAIRY AND GROUND SALT. &c. For sale at the Eagle Mills, No. 244 and 246 North Front street, corner of New, Philadelphia. HOWARD WORRELL. &a- Purchasers will find it greatly to their interest both in quality and price to buy these goods, which are war ranted as represented or forfeited. A trial is solicited. mar 15 ybETZELT & .131'EVOIF, STILL CON tinue the MERCHANT TAILORING BUSLNESS in the THE GRANITE BUILDING, No. 6%, North Queen St. Our stock consists of the choic est FRENCH CLOTHS, such as Baiolues, Samonies and Nellsaons finest Cloths of various colors; the choicest French Cassimares; Black Doeskin Cassimeres• ' Fancy Cassiraerea, the best selection; Vesting, of all descriptions, and a large ussortment of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. . . - - We respectfully ask a continuance of the patronage so liberally bestowed upon our • predecessor, and trusr by strict attention to business to receive It. One of the firm has had considerable experience in one the largest and most fashionable Merchant Tailoring Es tablishments in Philadelphia, and flatters himself that he will be able to render satisfaction to the patrons of the firm. PETZELT dr. McE VOY. apl 7 tf 12 WALL PAPERS I WALL PAPERS S • 20,000 PIECES, COMPRISING AN .E LEGANT ASSORT/LENT OF NEW STYLES. DECORATIVE PAPERS, VELVET PAPERS, GILT PAPERS, FINE GLAZED PAPERS, UNGLAZED PAPERS, BORDERS, MOULDINGS, &C. Prices ranging from 4 cents to $3.00. The above goods have been purchased, from the leading Manufacturers and Importers, and will be sold at law prices. EAGER & "BROTHER 4 mar 20. II 101 West King street, Lancaster.. .A EERICIAN LIFE AND INEDDIAIIOE A TRUST COMPANY. Company's Buildings. B. E. Corner of WALNUT and and FOURTH STREETS. Open from 9 A. M. to 5 P.M. ' Incorporated 1850 by the Legislature of Pennsylvania. Capital 5500,000. Charter Perpetual. • Insures Lives durtrig the natural-life, or for short terms; grants mummifies and endowments, and makes contracts of all kinds' depending on the issues of life. Acting also 'as Executors, Trustees and Guardians. ' Policies of Life Insurance issued at the, usual mntual rates of other good Companies—with Profits to thi as. cured—at Joint Stock rates, 20 per cent lees then above; or Total Abstinence rates 40 per cont. leas than Mutual price. SAVING FUND. Interest at 5 percent. allowed for every day the Deposit remains, and paid beck on demand in Gold and Silver, and Checks furnished as in a Bank. for use of Depositors. This Company has FIRST MORTIAGES, REAL ES— TATE, GROUND RENTS, and other that-class Invest. menu, as well as the CAPITAL STOOK, for the security of Depositors in this old established ALEXANDER WHILLDIN, President. SAMUEL WORK, Tice President. JOHN C. SIMS, S-cretary. '.JOINT S. WILSON, Treasurer. BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Alexander Whilldin, John Aikmati,. Samuel Work,_Jonas Bowman John C. Farr,William J. Howard, John Anspach. jr., John O. Sims, Samuel. F. Bodine, George Nugent, T. Homonde Harper, Albert C. Roberts, H. H. Eldridge. Maroon Eau/ma& J. F. Bird, IL D. J. Newton Walker, M. D. In attendance at Company's Office daily from 1 to 2 o'clock, P. M. H. S. GALA, 55 East Ring street, Lancaster, Agent. feb 21 ly , s 6 To HOUSEKEEPERS AND THOSE Nnio INTEND Gli /LNG TO HOUSEKEEPING I DEANER & ECHAUM,' (Suroersors to C. Kieffer, Esq.) No. 7 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA., Have constantly on hand all kinds of STOVES of the various patterns now in use. They wish to call particular. attention to the CHRISTOPLIER COLUMBUS AIR TIGHT GAS BURNER COOKING STOVE. for which they are the Agents In this City. This is a new Stove brought out this season with the greeted eve. It is adapted for either wood or coal, and is the Very best Flat Too CookinwStove now in the market. They would also call particular attention to •the large stock of COPPER KETTLES which are manufactured at their establishment, and will be sold cheaper than can be bought at any other pracein this city. They have also the largest stock of TIN WA - RE, made of the best material and in a workmanlike manner. Persons In want Or good and cheap Stoves, Tin Or Copper Ware, will find it to their advantage to give us a all. feb 21 tt 6 SEND 4 STAMPS FOR A SPECIMEN OF "NEWS FROM HOME." A complete aummary of the latest Intelligence received from England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales and the British POSBeasjorn, jr, every part of the World, and devoted to • Politics, Literature, Science, Art, History, &c., &c. ENGLISHMEN, WELSHMEN, - support your own family paper, and welcome the NEWS FROM HOME, which is published evory THURSDAY and forwarded postage free for Two Dollars for one year. One Dollar•for six months. Fifty cents for three months. • Parties getting up clubs are allowed 25 per cent. for their trouble. Postmasters and established News Dealers are authorized to Oct as Agents. TOWNDRON Lk DAY, Editors and Proprietors, New York lv 11 SAVING FUND. CHARTERED BY THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA RIFLES. 1. Money is received every day, and In any amount, large or small 2. FIVE PER CENT interest is paid for money from the day It is put in. 3. The money is always paid back in GOLD, whenever it is called for, and without notice. 4. Money is received from Executors, .Administrators, Guardians and others who desire to have it in a place of perfect safety, and where interest can be obtained for it. • 5. The money received from depositors is invested in REAL ESTATE, MORTGACIES. GROUND RENTS, and such other first class securities as the Charter directs. 6. Office 11.. - ,urs—Every day from .9 till 5 o'clock, and on Mondays and Thursdays till 8 o'clock in the evening. This old and well established SAVING FUND has re ceived more than TEN MILLIONS of dollars from nearly thirty thousand depositors. lION. HENRY L. BENNER, President, ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice President. Will. J. REED, Secretary. Henry L. Benner, Edward L. Carter, Robert Selfridge. Samuel K. Aebton, C. Landreth Munna, 0 F P WALNUT STREET, SOUTH PHILAD $99,390 9 11 . .0 • iKILLI AN, MARKE T STR E ET , : T I E I N T NG .aBROB. TAILOR . Dar GOODS STORE, Offers for sale the largest, most complete, and best selected stuck of CLOTHS, $ 4,272 85 CASSIMERES and VESTINGS, ever found in the city of Lancaster. READY MADE CLOTHING, Men's and Boys' Over Coats, Frock, Dress and Sack Coats. Cassimere and Satinett Pantaloons. Velvet, Plush, Silk and Worsted Vests. and every thing else pertaining to his line. All of which have been made up under his direct supervision in the most substantial and best manner, and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Pions« call and reaming. .p 7 tf 34 $275,253 03 W. RAUB, TAILOR. AND CLOTH- Cl. TElt, No 8 North Queen Street. Lancaster, Pa. S. W. EACH. calls the attention of the citizens of Lan caster city and county, to his large and well selected stock of PIECE GOODS AND READY MADE CLOTHING, the larjest and best assorted in the City of Lancaster, A Jorge and splendid stock of READY MADE CLOTH— ING. always on hand, all well made and warranted to give satisfaction. COATS FROM 75 CENTS TO $l2OO. PANTS FROM 50 CENTS TO 500. VESTS FROM 50 CENTS Tu.) 4,00 Also on hand a large assortment of G.EI TLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, consis , ing of Neck Tlea, Collars, *Shirts. Cravats, Suspenders. Sc , &c. Rti? - Gentlemen buying their own goods can get It made up in a fashionable style, and at the lowest pos.ible price. S. W. RAUB, No. 8 North Queen street. Lancaster, Pa. QP - Remember the Sign of the Red Coat. apr 24 A GH.ICULTURAL lIIIPL,fiIaI.ENT AND SEND W.kitEllOUSE.—The undersigned has put chased from Ii Geiger his entire stock of Agricultural Im plements end Seeds. and will continue the business at the obi stand, in East King street, nest door to Lane's Dry Goods Store, where may be found a full stock of goods usually for sole in Agrioultural Warehouses. Below yen will find a few of my leading articles :—Steel and Iron Shovels and Spades. Manure, flay, Grain and Shaking Forks, 3. 4. 5 Pronged Steel, Malleable Iron and Wooden Garden Rakes, Hay Rakes, Roes, Potato° Drags, Garden Trowels, Pruning Knives, Saws and Shears, Grass and Briar Scythes. Snathe's, Grain Cradles. &e. PLOUGHS AND CASTINGS. York, Landis, Eagle, Ilillafdo , Subsoil, Wyley, Cockley, Minich, and a varioty of other patterns of one and two borne each. Also. Castings for the ahove named, Including Millerstown and Pittsburg Iron Ploughs, Corn Cultivators, Shovel Harrows, Corn Shellers from $5 to $25. Alec, the celebrated Kinderhook or Smith Patent Cannon Corn Shel ler, Ox Yokes. Patent Ox Y,ke, Pins and extra Bows DREEH'S WARRANTED FRESH AND GENUINE GAR DEN SEEDS. .$ 1 00 . 6 00 . 10 00 . 15 00 . 20 00 . 50 00 Clover, Timothy, Orchard Grass. Ile-d, Hungarian, Rape or Cole. Lawn Grass for yards, Flax Seed, and particular attention paid to new Seed, Wheat, Gate, Corn, Potatoes, &c. 4a r- AGENT for the Telegraph Hay, Straw and Fodder Cutter of four sizes, Coleman Farm Chopping Mill, with Proseus' Improvement, Baughs, Mitchel k Crosedale's Super-Phosphate of Lime, warranted pure and genuine, No. 1, Peruvian Guano, Pore Raw Bone Dust, Evans it Watson's Salamander Fire Proof Safes, Root Sr Case's York Scales. Iluffer's United States Washing Machine, White nack's New Jersey Mowing and Reaping Machine, Colum bia and Geiger's Improved Steel Tooth Horse Rakes. Spain's Patent Atmospheric Barrel Churn. Rohrer's Patent Atmos pheric Thermometer Churn, Stoner's Grain Drills, of Kuhns St Elaine, and Moore'e Patent. Also. Willoughby's Patent Gum Roller Drill, Grain Fans, Cider and Sugar Cane Mills, Ac. from the celebrated York County Quarries. put on by first class workmen, and all work warranted to give satisfac tion; also, an extra light slate on hand for roofing on top of shingles. I have enlarged my Store Room, which will give me greater facilities for keeping a larger stock of Agricul tural Implemonts and Seeds than ever has been offered to the public before, and hope by giving it my personal at tention, 'will receive a share of public patronage. Farmers are respectfully invited to call and examine my stock be fore purchasing elsewhere. I will pay the highest cash market price for Clover, Timothy, Herd, Orchard Crass, Honda-kin and FlasSeed ; also, Pumpkin Seeds and small Onion setts wanted. ADAM K. BAHR, Suneemor to E. Geiger, East King street, opposite the Lancaster Count 3, Walk. and next door to Lano's Dry Good store. [fa 7 ly 4 The subscriber returns thanks to his friends and the public generally, for the liberal support given him in es• tablishiug an Agricultural Implement and Seed Store in the City of Lancaster, and wonld respectfully a>k a con tinuance of it to his successor. E. 0510 ER. ESENWEIN'S lJ TAR AND WOOD N APTII A PECTORAL, Is the best Nledicioe to the world for the Cure of . . COUGHS AND COLDS. CROUP. BRONCHITIS. ASTHMA, DIFFICULTY IN BREATHING, PALPITATION OP THE HEART, mirritEßlA, And for the relief of patients in the advanced stsgee of CONSUMPTION, TOGETHER WITH ALL DItIEASES OF THE THROAT reMMIffiIePri*CMINMIMISMirOINVOM'EI MM:MM3 - . Being prepared by a practical PHYSICIAN and DRUG— GIST, and one of great experience in the cure of the vari ous diseases to which the Human frame is liable. •. It is offered to the afflicted with the greatest confidence. Try it and be convinced that It le invaluable in the Cure of Bronchial affections. Price 50 cents per Bottle .O Prepared only by DR. A. ESENWEIN & CO., DRUGGISTS AND CHEMISTS, N. W. Corner NINTH and POPLAR Ste., Philadelphia. Z4'. Sold by every respectable Druggist and Dealer in Medicine throughout the State f mar 27 ly II TB. SHANNON, tl • MANUFACTURER OP LOCKS, BELL-HANGER, SILVER-PLATER, AND DEALER IN BUILDING HARDWARE, NAILS AND SASR W RIG UTS, 1009 . 3/arkel greet, above 10th, north side, Philadelphia. Air Bells repaired. Keys fitted, &.o. Porcelain Door Plates supplied and pot an. Speaking Tubee put up. sep 6 ly 34 ir IASTOR OIL . , ARROW ROOT, .j SWEET OIL BORAX, ALCOHOL, CAMPHOR, SPICES, CALOMEL, SODA, LOO WOOD, CREAM 'TARTAR PEA RI. BARLEY, GUM ARABIC, HARTSHORN, GELATINE, ' . . VIALS., ' RH LAP ÜBARB, MINN JA - , , SPONG A,- E, Aie., . - For sale at' - - ' ' THOMAS ELLHAlrtilli . ape 11 et 14 Drug and ' Chemical Store, West Biaggi. IRISIIISEEN, SCOTCHMEN, National NT TIE ompany. DIRECTORS: Francis Lee, F. Carroll Brewster, Joseph B. Barry, Joseph Yerkes, Henry Differ:Kieffer. ICE: WEST CORNER OF THIRD, ELPIIIA. ROOFING SLATE ADAPTED TO THE RADICAL =nMß= THE GREATEST 11111 CAL z, DISCOVERY OF HEE AGE. TEE GREATEST MEDICAL' DISCO V EBY OF THE AGE.—Dr. KERIRDY, of Roxbury, has aligeovered, in one of our common Feature weeds, a remedy that cum EVERY KIND OF. HU:11(0 from the word Scrofula down to a common pimple. He has tried it in over 1100 cases, arid never felled except in two eases, (both thunder humor.) He has now in his poesession over two hundred certificates of its virtue, all within twenty miles - of Boston. Two bottles are warranted to cure a nursing sore month One to three bottles will cure the worst kind of Pimple, on the two. Two to three bottles will 'clear the system of Biles. ' Two bottles are warranted to cure the worst canker in the month or stomach. Three to five bottles are warranted to cure the worst case of Erysipelas. One or two bottles are warranted to cure all humor the Eyes. MESEMSI Four to six botiee are warranted to cure corrupt and running ulcers. One bottle will cure eraly eruption of the skin. Two to three bottles are warranted to cure the worst cases of ringworm. Two tq three bottles are warranted to cure the most dee perate case of rheumatism. Three to four bottles are warranted to cure the salt rheum. Five to eight bottles will cure the worst ease of scrofula A benefit is always experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect care is warranted when the above quantity le taken. Reader, I peddled over a thousand bottles of this in the vicinity of Boston. I know the effect of It in every case.— So sure as water will eating - nigh fire, so sure will this cure humor. I never sold a bottle of it, but that sold another; after a trial it always tweaks for itself. There are two things about this herb that appear surprising; first, that it grows iu our pastures, In some places quite plentiful and yet Its value has never been known until I discovered it In 1848—second, that it should cure all kinds of humor, In order to give some idea of the sudden rise, and greet popularity of the discovery, I will - state that in April, 1853 peddled It and sold about six bottles per day—in April, 1854, 1 sold over one thon,and bottles per day of lt. Some of the wholesale Druggists who have been in the business twenty and thirty years, say that. nothing in the annals of patent medicines was ever like it. There is a universal praise of it from all quarters. In my own practice I always kept it strictly for humors —but since its introduction as a general family medicine. great and wonderful' virtues have been found iu it that 1 never suspected. Several cases of epileptic fits—a disease which was always considered incurable, have been cured by a few bottles.- 0, what a mercy if it prove effectual in all cases of that awful malady—there are but few who have seen more Mit than I have. 1 know of several cases of Dropsy, all of thorn aged peo. pie, cured by it. For the various diseases of the Liver ' Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Asthma, Fever and Ague, pain in the side, Diseases of the Spine, and particularly in disease, of the Kidneys, Ac., the discovery has done more good than any medicine ever known. No change of diet ever necessary—eat tho beet you got and e nough of it. Diancnows FOB USE.—Adults one table spoonful per day —Children over ten yearasiessert spoonful. Children from five to eight years tea spoonful. As no directions can be applicable to all constitutions, take sufficient to operate on the bowels twice a day. Manufactured by DONALD KENNEDY, No. 120 Warren et., Roxbury, Haas. • " Price $l,OO. Wholesale Agents.—New York city, C. IL Clicknor, 81 Barclay street; C. H. Ring, 192 Broadway; Ituahton d Clark, 175 Broadway; A B. & D. Sands, 100 Fulton at. Sold in Rochester by J. Bryan & Co. ' Wholesale Agents No. 112 State street; also by L. Post & Co. General Agent.—T. W. Dyott & Son, Philadelphia. Agents in Lancaster.—James Smith, Wm. G. Baker, Samuel Weliliens, B. 11. Kauffman, H. A. Rockafield. Char. A. Ileinitsh and John F. Long. aug 4 ly 29 HE AL TH Y HUMAN BLOOD UPON being ANALYZED alwaya presents us with the trine essential elements, and gives of course the TRUE STAND— ARD. Analyze the Blood of a person suffering from Con sumption. Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia. Scrofula, and we find in every instance certain defictenciee in the red globules of Blod. Supply these deficiencies. and you are made well. The BLOOD FOOD is founded upon this Theory—hence its astonishing success. There are FI V E PREPARATIONS adapted to the deficiencies of the Blond in different diseases. For COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, or auy affection whatever of 'he THROAT OR LUNGS inducing CON SUNIP LION, use No. 1, which Is also the No. for DEPREA SION OF SPIRITS, LOSS OF APPETITE. and for all CHRONIC COMPLAINTS arising from OVER-USE GEN ERAL DEBILITY, and NERVOUS PROSTRATION. No. 2. for LIVER COMPLAINTS. No. 3 for DYSPEPSIA — Being already prepared ,t'r absorptinn It Is TAK EN BY DROPS and carried immediately into the circulation, so that wlt.t you gain you retain. The N 0.4 is fur FENIA LE I KREGULAKI riEs, HYSTERIA, WEA RN ESS ES. &C.— See sprci I directions for this. For SALT RHEUM, ERUPTIONS, SCROFULOUS, KIDNEY, and BLADDER COMPLAINTS, take No. 5. In all cases the directions must be strictly followed. Price of the BLOOD FOOD $1 per bottle. Sold by CHURCH & DUPONT, No. 499 Broadway, New York. Fr sale at the Patent Medicine Store of KAUFMAN A CO, No. East Orange street. Sole Agents for Lancaster, and by all respectable Druggists throughout the country. T. W. DYOTT & SONS, Philadelphia, and GEO. Il KEYSER, Pittsburg, Wholesale Agents. feb i 13 , 4 'Prep ap rs „ e ‘ 7 Qfr i zt ) , 7N - P" c -7 ECONOMY!%I Q./ ngipm. CD Save the Pieces 1 As accidents will happen, even in mei/ regulated families, it is very desirable to bare some cheap and convenient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crockery, &c. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meets all such — emergencies. and no household can affnrd to be without it. It is always ready and up to the stick. ing point There is no longer a necessity for limping chairs, splintered veneers, headless dolls, and broken cradles. It is just the article for cone, shell, and other ornamental work, so popular with ladies of refinement and taste. This admirable preparation Is used cold. being chemically held in solution, and possessing all the valuable qualities of the best cabinetmakers' Glue. It may be used in the place of ordinary mucilage, being vastly more adhesive. "USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE" N.B.—A Brush accompanies each bottle. Price, 25 cents Wholesale Depot, No. 48 Cedar street, New York. Address HENRY C. SPALDING & CO., Box No. 3,600, New York. Put op for D.alers in Cases containing Four, Eight. and Twelh D .zen —a beautiful Lithographic Show Card accom panying each package. A single bottle of SPALDI:YG'S PREPARED GLUE will save ten times its costalnunlly to every boushold.lZO Sold by all prominent Stationers. Druggists, Hardware and Furuirnre Dealers Grocers. and Fancy Stores Wintry mercha , ,te should mote a note of SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE, when making up their list. It will stand any climate. '[fob 14 ly 5 A NEW WEEKLY PAPERS—On Satur— day, 14Th of Juiy. will be tattled in the LAY of New York, Ike Fret Number of THE _METHODIST, A WEEKLY PAPER OF EIGHT PAGES. It will aim to be the ex ponent of Conservative principles, and will be thoroughly loyal to the Methodit Episcopal Church. While it will discuss with frankness and courage every sot jest of interest to the Church, it will avoid personal or direct controversy with existing Methodist journals. Upon the sutjeet of Slavery, THE METIIoiDihT will represent the views expressed by the Bishops in their late address to the General Contlrence. They are views of the application of Christianity to blavery, which are believed to be sanctioned by Apostolic teachiog and practice. It will resist all attempts, as the next General Conference ap pr .aches, to reptunge the Church into controversy, or to make further encroachments open the provisions of the Diselpline in relation to Slavery. Inasmuch as the subj•ct of Lay Representation has been formally presented by the General Conference to the people for consieeration, THE METHODIST will treat it as a question of moment to the denomination, and will open ito columns for its temperate and loyal dissuasion. It will represent no party, a.oclation or clique. Its ample capital has been provided, apart from such combina tions, by those who believe that the time has come fora larger, more thoroughly edited, and more independent organ of Methodism than its established journals, with their superabundant official documents and other formal but uninteresting matter, can possibly be. In flue, *THE 'METHODIST" will be an attempt, sustained by abundant means from the people themselves, to supply their families with an organ which shall compare with the largest and best journals of other denominations; which shall command the best literary ability of the Church at home and abroad; which ehall represent folly and loyally and courageously its denominational !entreats, ne well as the interests of general Christianity; which shall be conducted with prudence and dignity, and no partizanship and virulence; and which shall be a repre sentative of the great religiooe ioterests of the age,-...e complete family paper, and a decided organ of the Church. It will be edited by the Rev. G. It. CRoOKS. D. D, and the Rev. JOHN McCLINTOCII. D. D. The latter Cor responding Editor, and at present residing in Paris. The Editors wlll be assisted by an efficient corps of contribu. tore. whose names will be hereafter announced. A thorough, classified outline of the news from the lead leg Christian denominations, and of foreign religi uo intelligence will be prepared by Prof. A. J. SCHEN. author of the '• Ecelesiaatical Year Bo k." It will present also a Weekly Review of the Methodist preen and of the New York city religious prem. It will have a Weekly Summary of Missionary news. All the mural departments of General Intelligence, the Money Market, the Prices Current, Agri culture, Scientific, Literary and Art Items, Ac., Ac., wil be provided. Careful attention will also be given to the Youth'. Department, - whiCh will be under the care of a special Editor. Its criticisms of new publications will be prepared with discrimination, so that they may always be safely relied upon. TERMS—Two dollars a year; Tice 'copies to one address $9; twelve copies to one address $2O; twenty copies to'orie address $3O. Subscriptions received fox six months at the seine rates. Payments hivaribly in advance. LIBERAL TERMS will be made with ADVERTISERS. Large editions, not lees than 40,001 copies, will be printed of the early numbers. and circulated throughout the country. OFFICE:—NASSAU BARR BUILDING,Corner of Nassau and Beekman Streets, New York. L. BANGS, July St 27] = Publisher. LIORSE AND CATTLE POWDER 11 TATTERSAL'S HORSE POWDER, HEAVE POWDER, . ROSIN, PENNUOREEK SULPHUR, GEU SIAN, CREAM TARTAR, COPPERAS, to., For sale at THOMAS ELLMAKER'S Drag A Chemical Store, West King street, Lanc'r. feb 9 tf,4 NO HIIBIBUG-.THE' INDIA RUBBER PEN possesses, the elasticity of the .aulli : and Una durability of the Diamond Pointed Gold Pen. . J. B. WEBTRABFFEIVEI, No. 44 North Queen street, corner of Orange. may 21 tf 19 DR. W ISTAR'S BALSAM WISTAR'S BALSAM OF.WILD CHERRY, WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY; The Unfailing Remedy, Thee Seasonable Remedy, The Certain Remedy, SOB • COUGH, COLDS, AND HOARSENESS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, AND COUGHS, HOARSENESS, COUGHS, AND COLDS, CROUP AND ASTHMA, ASTHMA AND CROUP, CROUP AND ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS A SORE THROAT BRONCHITIS BRONCHITIS 'SORE THROAT, BRONCHITIS .4 SORE THROAT, W}MOPING COUGH, . . . HOOPING COUGH, HOOFING. COUGH, INFLUENZA, PHTHISIC, QUINSY, PHTHISIC, QUINSY, INFLUENZA, QULNSY, LNFLUENZA, PHTHISIC, Inflammation of the Lungs,' Inflammation of the Cheat, Inflammation of the Throat, T FIE REMEDY - OF THE AGE, REMEDY OF THE AGE, gans_unzAtian, "lanatunidicuz, /0-ansurnidian, CONSUMPTION, CONSUMPTION. - CAUTION! CAUTION CAUTION! CAUTION! CAUTION! CAUTION! The only Genuine, —the only Pure,— the only Medici nal DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY is prepared by SETH W. jOli' ' LE 4 . Co., 18 Tremont Street, Boston, and has their PRINTED name, as welt as the WRITTEN sijnature of I. BUTTS, on the outside wrapper. All other is worthless, and to purchase it is money thrown away. Let the sick and the invalid, as they desire and hope to be cured, take no other, and avoid all elm, as they arc impositions. VALUABLE TESTIMONY From Rey. Jacob Sealer, well known and highly re spected throughout the State of Pennsylvania._ HANOVER., PA., Feb. 113, 18.59. Messrs. S. W. FOWLS &CO., BOSTON.— Dear Sirs: Having realized in my family important benefits from the use of your valuable preparation, if - i,tar', Balsam of Wild Cherry,— it affords me pleasure to recommend it to the public. Some eight years ago one of my daughters seemed to he in a decline, and little hopes of her recovery Avere entertained. I then procured a bottle of your ex cellent Balsam, and before she had taken the ; w hole of the contents of the bottle there was a great improvement in her health. I have, in any individual case, made frequent use of your valuable medicine, and have always been benefited by it. I mould, hotocorr, caution the public aoainst imposition, because there is a good deal of spurious Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry afloat throughout the country. JACOB SECT LER. Beware of rile and toortille,s counterfeit, ! The only Genuine, Pure, and -Medi, ;nal Balsam lion the name of "I. BUTTS" written with a pen. and the printed name of the proprietors, "S. W. FOWLS & C 0.," on the outer wrapper. Sold by Dealers Everywhere, Everywhere. For anle by Jlbn F. Low & Co., Wm. O. I.3akpiand C A. Ileinitsh. LAnclater ; Roves A Clark, Strashura; D. D. White. Churehtown ; J. It. Johnß. New Rolland; J. F. Seldorari Igo. Intareotirsr.; Parent! & Itrub, New Providence Samuel Boyd. Graim P. 0; Sajb:nol En•onioLlor. llnuheitu Joghua Leader, Yount Joy; SArnn..l Money, Sprinzvlllo; Ornne & Crou,o, Eliz,hetLitown.; F. lEirikle. ‘l•ri“tt.i; W. S MeCorklo. 0)1111111,k ; J. S. II Lrr & Co.. D & J W. Blwman, Mavtown ; S. II tekenberger & Son. Biinbridge, and by dealer.] everywhere. apr 10 HEA itriST.cfaED! • - cao-m w. • , mOTT'S,) Chili th 4)i11,15. An. aperient and stomachic preparation of IRON purified of Oxygen and Carbon by com bustion in Hydrogen, of high medical author ity and extraordinary efficacy in each of the following complaints, viz.: DEBILITY, NERVOUS AFFECTIONS, EMA CIATION, DYSPEPSIA, DIARRHEA, CONSTI PATION SCROFULA, SALT RHEUM, SCURVY, JAUNDICE. LIVER COMPLAINTS RHEUMA TISM MERCURIAL CONSEQUENCES, INTER MITTENT FEVERS, NEURALGIA. CHRONIC HEADACHES, FEMALE WEAKNESS, MIS MENSTRUATION. WkintS, CHLOROSIS, PIMPLES ON THE FACE, ROUGHNESS OF THE SHIN, etc. The IRON being absorbed by the blood, and• thus, circulating through the wholo system, no patt of the body can esedpe their truly wonder ful influence. The experience of thousands daily proves that no preparation of Iron can for a moment be compared with it. Impurities of the blood, de pression of vital energy, pale and otherwise sickly complexions indicate its necessity in al most every conceivable case. In all cases of female debility (fluor albus, chloro3is, etc.), its effects are delighthilly renovating. No remedy has ever been discovered, in the whole history of medicine, which exerts such prompt, happy, and fully restorative effects. Good app , tite, com plete digestion, rapid acquisition of strength, with an unusual disposition for active and cheerful exercise, immediately follow its use. As a grand stomachic and general restorative it has no superior and no substitute. Put up In neat flat metal boxes co• tolnlng 50 pills, price 50 cents per box ; six boxes, S 2 50; one dozen boxes. eol- 00. For sal.. by Druggists generally. Will be sent free to any hddress on receipt of the price. All let— ters, orders, etc., should be addressed to R. B. LOCKE & CO., General Agents. 330 BROADW %Y, N N.B.—The . above Is a fac-simile of the label on each box. KAUFFMAN & CO., 1 1 Kramnh's Buildinvs. Dot Orange tareet, sole Aged a for Lancaster. tuon-15 ly 44 „ . 71 ei ‹ r.a_-. :. ~ ,- .1.: , ..-. ft e - 4 1 .: ,, F ; : 0 •,''r,:: . .'i•”" 1 czli .; v •,c'5..3..5.."9. „, ~.., . _ _ --- ---:: : c . - THOUSANDS ARE DAILY SPEARING in the praise of Ult. EATON'S INFANTILE COR— DIAL, and why? because It, never fails to ail4sd instan. tango - no relief when given in time. It acts as if by m.gie, mud one trial alone will convince you that what we say is true. It contains NO PAREGORIC OR OPIATE of any kind, and therefore relieves by remnoing the suffer • ings of your child, Instead by deadening its sensibilit es. For this reason, it commends itself the only reliable preparaOnn now known for CIIILDREN THE fill ♦o, DI A RR lICEA.. DYFENTERY GRIPING IN TUE I:WWI:LS, ACIDITY OP TUE bTU)IA'II. WILD. COLD IN TIIE II BAD. and CROUP, also. for sVtening the gums. reducing Inflammation, regulating the Bowels. and relieving pain, It has no equal— being all anti spasmodic It in used with un failing swrcess in all caws of CON VUL 4 ION OR OTHER FITS. An you value the life and health of your children, and tuish to save them from those sad and blighting conse quences which are certain to result from the use f narcotics of which all other remedies for Infantile Clomplaints are com posed, take none but DR. EATON'U INFANTILE CORDIAL; tbis you can re/y upon. It is perfectly harmless, and can not injure the m •at delicate infant. Price, 25 cents. Full directions accompany eocu bottle. - - • • •. Prepared only by CLIURCEL elt DUPONT, No. 409 Brcad way. New York. I?or sale at the Patent 'Medicine Store M-K A UFMAN & CO, No. 1 East orange street. Sole Agents for Lancaster, and by all re.pectabie DroggliPs thr , attthout the countyr. T. W. I/YOTT.ac SUNS, Philadelphia, and OEO. H. KEYSER, Pittsburg, Wholesale Agents. fah 7 1 . "SAVE W lIEREVE It VOU CAN Pr BOOT AND SLIDE STOICE. has removed from Centre Square to Charles Gillestile's old stand, in West King street, opposite to Cooper's Hotel, anti a few doers below Steinman & Co.'s Hardware Store, where he will be glad to see all his old friends and customers, and every body else who will be so kind as to patronize him. With Et - determination to pursue business on correct bus iness principles, the prices will accordingly be reduced. No other but the best kind of work will be kept, embracing all the various kinds and styles now worn, all of which Will be of his own manufacture. BRIO E5l AN has been iu business over 30 years, nd has acquired a good reputation In his particular-line` of business all over the county. None but the best workmen will be employed; no appren tices will bit kept; and no work offered t r sale that is in any way defective. Obliging persons will be in attendance. and every kind of mending will be done in a neat manner by a good workman. Let every body call at BRENESIAWS • • Opposite Cooper's Hotel, West King street. mar 20 tf 10 A RIBA-I.ICA N 1.1010 INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY. CAPITAL STOCK, $500,000. Company's Building. Walnut street, 8. E. corner or Fourth PHILADELPHIA . LIFE INSURANCE AT THE USUAL MUTUAL RATES, or at Joint Stock Rates, at about 20 per cent. less, or at Total. Abstinence Rates, the lowest in.the world.' • A. WILTILDIN, President: . J. 0. Sum, Secretary. H. S. H ARA, Esq., East King street,. Agent for •Laticas tar county. - [mar 22 ly 10 T EVA A. 40 B A.11...r,001 1 wuouramagenostaa, WINE AND mon mho blos. 120-127 North 22 street, Philimhapkta. dos 20 - Se EMI=