ST. LOUIS OORRESPOTIDENCF;. support *he present Ftnt* and National administrations— i UDITOR’S NOTICE.—To the beirs and Indian Summer—Business—Failures—ilarlctt Review— it will neither be a D >uslas ” nor an “ Anti-Douglas ” -i\ repredeutatas* of David Trisaler, deci-a'-eri, im* Steamboat Disasters—One Boat Burnt and one Surd:— nan „ r - ntmnrratir n m .. .u ,lf llje Borough, now Cit. of Lancaster. —lndian Depredations on thePlaxns—Murder by a Negro , ’ PP° rt the The o,|,ie. r Micnftd Auditor, appointel by the Orphan*' —Attempt to Buma Town—Destruction of the Amphilhea Charleston nominee be it Donglaa or any other Democrat C»urt of La:»r:i«ter county, to report di-tribut o - r.f the tre on the Piir Grounds at Independence, Ky.—Sale of We make this statement *o that It will not be regard*-! at balance it. the hands of Wm. B. Wiley, A-inioii-tratnr of Real Estate—SL Louis Public Schools—Political—The a distance, as pressing the claims of anv narticniar I t^- I eBtrt,e o! TrHsler, late nfth c Borouth. dob Gty Recent Elections— in Texas—New Democratic , . T y P f of Lancaster, deceased, to and among those who are legally Piper in this City. ' jnamanai. At Is not published for a “ campaign,” but entitled thereto, will meet for the purpose of his appoint jnteuded to be a permanent institution ” ■ on THURSDAY, the Ist day of DECEMBER. A. D., We have just received th'e inteli,genes of the dear, or | £££ uen. John Calhoun, who was for the past three or four all persons may attend If they think proper, years Surveyor General of Kansas and Nebraska, and who 2 nmnrißn I more or less. sJtuattd in the western suburb of Übi> Ut AKD. | !i>ter City, at the junction of WrSt Orange street and the GJumbia Pike—fronting on said pike, iud bounded by lands of Jacob Fry and others. No 2. i*' Acres of Land, more or less, situated on *be #2- Sufferers with Diseases or the Blad- : cor ° er c ' r . v *r ,t - Chesnut and Charlotte streets. loDg known der, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, Weaknesses. Ac., read the I “**?, rrick^ advertfsment in another column, headed Ilelmbold’s , mvr™ ,* } W^ LL . I * N ? H '" De „ FR /> M I E Genuine Preparation.” n oT*23 1v« Bu I CUING containing sis tenements, which cr.llectKely ' j rent.for $288,0d a year. On the premises Is a never failing «-RagCapet«,nBweU aVrte bnt Vel. ' vet, Brussels, Three Ply and Ingrain Carpets, for vale at I rbe north by Walnut street, and ou the east by Sir To Consumptives—THc advertiser widB . l,nb “ c Said building has jll having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very fo? P S"'" *°a c “ n,en " ,n “‘ tbat pffl simple remedy, after having suffered several years withi r ‘ ia ,' hB grou “ dB , * r f |s|l s<->-re Lung A/Trclum. and that dread disease, Consump- ?!i 1 h ‘ '“wn*. aud plant- | I^l tiou.-is anainna to maK. known tohis fellow-sufferer, the I “ , th be “ Ul,ful ,rees mean. Of cure. To all »ho deilre it he will send a copy nttinK kVa m P Fn I ,b™ TT T of the prescription used (/re, cf cliarge,) with directio... r ST . ABLE3 >” ,h - Ciiy of Lancaster, contaimag for preparing and using the same, which they will find a V" 8 s t TV" 1 "w s ', n '™f • Orrachman’s sure cure for Consumption, AsUuna. Bronchitis, dr. The : ?„to t lT' »»•“ “" d, r»s are mtro only object of the advertiser in sending the prescription is f “el. . rim bu,ld addition to which is a pump to benefit the afflicted, and he hopes everv sufferer will PoscerfVn^ lllog wel^l of good water, try his remedy, as it will cost, then, nothing, and may p »™a B >™«nd tudispotahle t.tlea given on the llrat day s. 411 WUliamaborgh. Kings co.. N. Y. Queen streets. 8. M. KRAMPH, JOSEPH EHRENFRIED, 8, S. RATHVON, Executors of the late F. J. Kramph, deceased. ts 41 The weather was fair and delightfully pleasant through* out the entire past week, and we are now enjoying “ Indian Summer.” Business in-every department of trade is very dull, and we have heard of two or three failures in this city since the date of our last report. The receipts of produce continue light, hod sales on ’Change Saturday, were—Hemp $lO5 ; Flour from $4.50 to $5.75 for double extra; Wheat 83c. to $l.lO for strictly prime; Corn 90 to 97j^c.; Oats 47 to 50c.; Barley 70c.; Rye 705.; Whisky 27c.; Potatoes 55 to 70c.; Beans 65c. The health of our city continues good. The rivers are low and slowly receding, with no freight of any consequence for the few boats still running. We have again to report the destruction of two more steamboats—one by fire and the other from sinking. The steamer Marengo, bound from Pittsburg to this port, struck a snag on Friday last, 70 miles below this city, in the Mississippi, and went to the bottom. None of her passen gers were lost. She was owned in Pittsburgh, and was valued at $15,000, with an insurance of $lO,OOO in Pitts burgh offices. The freight list was not insured. The steamer Brunette, moored at Blood Island, opposite this city, was burned to the water’s edge on Friday morn. Ing. We did not learn her value, but she wag insured for $5,000. The fire was the work of an incendiary. Col. Fountleroy, U. S. A., was met on his way to assume command of the Department of New Mexico. The people of the territory are greatly rejoiced at the news of Col. F»s coming. Ho will take the most energetic measures for their protection against the depredations of the Indians, who have become very troublesome of late. The Navajo Indians have again been committing serious depredations on the Peco* villages, and killed two of the inhabitants. Mr. Jerome Culver was stabbed and killed one day last week, by a negro, in Calhoun comity, Ky. Three wounds were inflicted with a knife, ajid Mr. C. died almost instantly. The news soon spread, amF the excitement! was intense* The negro was committed to prison. The crowd gathered around the prison and demanded an immediate trial, and he was forthwith to he taken to the Court House, but as soon as the officers made their appear ance with the negro in the street, the infuriated crowd, soiz-d th** negro and forcibly rescued him from the officers, and took him a »hort distance from town and hung him on a tree. An attempt has r-nmlly been made to burn the town of Lafayette. Iml Within twenty minutes no less than five fires were kindled in different parts of the <-lry, hut at] Were discovireej in good time tr prevent a conflagration. •niji'-f Koutmkv, i, said not only to be unusually inrg- and promising, but is remarkably heavy A fire broke mi * in the Amphitheatre at the Fair Grounds, near Irid-p-ndoncM, Ky. on Sunday morning week, which 'lns'*-: v>. 1 th-- entire «'run nr*. Loss alum $5,000. The fire is njifi.-.M-d to have been the work of an incendiary. The farm of Mr St irk-' Taylor, deceased, near Lexing- ton. Ky , wits sol 1-■ n U'.-dm*,l.iv last: it mUin-d about five hmrJreii aeres. wii li all the in 0.1.0 oim :>rnvf»men ts—32o acres..! which hi tint merit, .fr no tiiub.-i I* w n pun-ins..l |,y >j r *. Taylor. This w-k one of t In- I-t Miles tint ha* taken place in that vicinity, ami tin- advaming tendency of the rich landH in that section ol country The f 'lov.ii ,* figifm repii-s-nt the amount ami price, of laud sold on 'li- NiehoUon 1 urn juke, near Lexington iTit lent: -14(1 mi 125 ou ITU ' u 2U> Dtt >25 4’ I In "u 11«) ou l’U 5u acres, nv fl2B 11 total. Thc rity of St. 1.0 in has just cnu-a»-tv> he proud of her Public Schools. The hoard within the pus! soaaoti has cou 'tructed /o'/,.' new -c1i0.,1 houses —they will accommodato abou' /i/i s.-h-dars N-«rlvull our Public Schools are m.w fVI. In addition to tin- Day Schools, a system of Free Kveoing Si-bo. is is about to In, inaugurated. There are. we believe, but few ci'i'*« in the Cnluti that can boast of Free Evening Schools, and this step . f Ui* St. Lmiis hoard of Public Schools, sp-iik* highly for the sprit and liberality of this city, us well as f.rtlin energy of the Hoard of Directors. The following is the regularly nominated Black Repub- lican ticket for Slate officers in Kansas I- if (Joy. rm>r. Chat les Robinson ; Lieu tenant Governor, •I. I*. Root : S 1 notary < ! .1 A i:-dd"-on; t mtttnr. George S Hi; l)e|-: T-e:t*u;i-. Win Tbal-ri: General. B. F Simpson , Superintendent I’ub ie In'slrm’- tion, W II Griflitb; Member o! (’. ngre.-s. li. F. fotiwav * Chief .Justice, Thomas Ewing. j r : Associate Justices, s! A. Kingman and L. D. Bailey. Churlej- Robinson was Ibe candidate of the Hame party Under the Topeka Constitution, and we believe was heralded abr oad* as being elected Governor of the Shit,- of Kansas. The election takes place in November—so it is said—for .S'fcife officers. The Democratic State Central Committee o| Illinois, have issued a call for a State Couventicm, to be held at Springfield, on the loth of January, to appoint delegates to the Charleston Convention. It is more than likely that. Illinois will Rend two setts of Delegates to tin* National Convention, but in any eveut, they will support the nomiuee, whoever he may be. Of course Judge Douglas' friends from that stale will make a desperate effortJur liis nomination, but if they fail iu that you can rest assured, they will support the nominee. The McKinney (Texas) Messenger, wishing to consolidate a new party under tho title of the ‘‘Union Democracy,” raises the very singular ticket to its mast-head of den. Sam Houston for President, and W-bert C. Winthrop for Vice President. This raising of tiTuda and expressing prefer ences for this or that man, prior to tlio nomination, is well enough, hut IVnmrratic editors should be careful and uot commit themselves to any one man, and no other. Let them all, if they will, urge the claims ol their particular favorite, as w t . have done in your columns time and again, but at the same time always stating —subject to the decision of the Xntional Convention. Tho returns from Mississippi show heavy gains for the Democracy, ami (lie State is, as it should be, all over Democratic. The Democratic majority for Governor is im- It was said his friends, that Lincoln, of Illinois, .had completely no’.iihibileii Judge Douglas in Ohio. Shortly after Mr. Douglas visited Ohio and made several speeches in that State. Mr. Lincoln went over and talked to the people of the buckeye State, and the black Kepub Means of Illinois and hereabouts said I)ouglas had been inet by Lincoln and that the funner was buried deep in his political grave. We think figures will show how near the mark (ln*y were. In October. 1858, Hamilton county, Ohio, guv- a lGqmbli urn majority of 1,17.'. Cincinnati is in Hamilton couuiy. in April, 1859, the city of Cincin nati gave a Republican majority of 2.526, and the entire r county a Ittpuhlicau majority of 1,390. In September, 1859, Abe Lincoln went to Cincinnati,and “ slayc-d Douglas ” iu the market place, and the result— tho result of Lincoln’s speech is, that Hamilton county lias given a Democratic majority of l.ijOU. Tho Arcadia, Mo., Prospect, heretofore a neutral or independent journal, came out iu its last issue for Hon John C. Mreckinridgo for the Presidency, subject to the decision of the Charleston Ci'uvennon—or will support its nominee. Before the convening of the Convention at Chaiieston, Mr. Breckinridge will have gained an immeu.-e streugth, and we have no hesitancy in saying, now, that he is the most available man the Democracy could put in the field. With him. there c>uld he no ‘‘Douglas" or ‘‘anti-Douglas’’ breaches to heal—the advocates of Douglas, as well as those who oppose his nomination, would accept Mr. Breckinridge. The time has uot yet come for the friends of the estimable and worthy Vice President to act. but when that time dues arrive, you can bo assured each and every one will U> at his p i--’—if they fail iu securing him the •nomiuatiou, they will support the nominee with all their zeal and power, and trust to better luck til e next time. Wo speak thus for the admirers and friends .of Mr- Breckinridge, and think \v« do them no morn than full justice. lion. Mr. Otero, delegate in Cougress from New Mexico, arrived in this city ou Friday last, from Santa Ke. -His family accompany him. The returua cf the recent ,-i-*cti«,n.n in Ohio, iudiaua> lowa, Pennsylvania, Nebraski and Minnesota, couie in very slowly Ohio has gone for the Burnt: Republicans by from 15,000 to 17,000 majority—with a large majority in both branches of the Legislature, thus losing a Democratic Senator in the person of Mr. Pugh. Indiana only voted fin-county officers, and the returns from there are mcagte. as the result is of little consequence' lowa had a Governor’s election, aud up to this time we are in ignorance as to the result. The few scattering returns show large Democratic gains, and ihe indications, from present appearances, ar**, that Gen. Dodge has been elected. As far as heard from he is ahead. Penney Irani,, is hetter knoan to yonrarli loan t 0 ns, for we lire still in Ignorance ns regards tl.o general result only a few counties of the opposition were telegraphed here—tho lines being under their control—whilst tho Black Republican majorities of ill,h, lhroU( , h with lightning speed. Minnesota also elected a Governor and Cougrtßsiuen and the returns from there are very lew. but what have 'been received indicate the election of the opposition Governor. Congressmen and Legislature. If this should prove correct the Democracy will loose unuther Senator in Gon. Shields' Nebraska we have heard but from oDe cotiuty in this territory—Douglas— aud that gives 100 majority for Ksfa brook, Democratic candidate for Congress. The whole Democratic county ticket is elected except the Sheriff. Georgia has given 20,000 majority for the Democratic State ticket, and the Congressional delegation is Demo cratic with the exception of two. Mississippi lias gone largely Democratic—Governor and all are elected. There was a huge barbecue at the iown of Montgomery, in Texas, on the 15th ult, which seems to have been given in honor to the new Governor, Ben. Sam Houston. Two or three thousand people attended it-men of all parties were present, and many ladies ditto, and a fine dinner termi nated the ceremonies to the satisfaction of all. Qen Houston delivered an address, in the course of which, he denounced Seward’s “higher law” doctrine and the attempted violations of the laws against the Blave trade The Daily Burning Bulletin of.this city-a very Black Republican print—has passed into now hands. Mr. Longne mare, of this city Is the purchaser, by whom It will be published as a National Democratic paper. The Bulletin will make its Democratic bow this, afternoon. It wtl* St. Louib, Oct. 17, 1859. Sfijr WatcliCH and Jewelry, GEORGE C. ALLEN, in business iu Wall street, for the past TWENTT-TWO tears. has removed to No 4J5 BROAD WAV. one door below Canal str-et, w hen- to* has just opened a new stock of WATCHES and JEWELRY of en tirely new enfi beautiful styles-; also, SILVER W'D PLA TED WARE. II- is constantly receiving the latest styles of Wat-hen and Jewelry, by every Steamer direct from the manufac turers in Europe. Watches cleaned unrepaired in the best manner by the finest London and Geneva workmen. GEORGE C. ALLEN. Importer of Hatched und Jewelry ami innmifacfurvr of Jewelry, Watch Cases and Silver Ware, W htdesale and Retail, 415 Broadway, one.door below Canal street, New York Jnov 30 ly 46 lmportations. S 'l' 0 N E WAR E AND GLASS For Hotels and Families, AT GREATLY REDCCED PRICES. N*?w Stylus and Shapes of Plain and PJchly DeeoraUcf DINNER. DESSERT, TEA AND TOILET SETS. CHEAP AND BEAUTIFUL. PARIAN MARBLE FIGURES, MANTLE ORNAMENTS TOILET BOTTLES, COLOGNES, AT REASONABLE PRICES. TO'j h'J If Kit WITH A. fj£SEKAI. VAPIKTY OF ARTICLES, •»i.d the other portion wi-r- no improve VAN r Y Suitable for presents during the approaching holiday*. TV.VI) A I,K & MITCIIfcILL, Itnportora, 7uT ChHt-ttiul street, above 7th, Philadelphia. 3 m 3o In ih- Uniuu Church of thi« city, on Thursday • •veninc last. by the Rev. John Winebrenner, uf Harris bun:, John S. (table, K«q„ of this city, tn Elizabeth Bossier, of Mount .loy. i .nUUU 00 l'*.' -on 00 74.0‘JU DO. U.ilM'l 01) 1u.450 on 12. S 1S MM 4.30.0 (.0 II.MMM Ou 17,037 5U On tin- IKth in 'bin citv, by Alderman M. Carpen ter. George W to Margaret Jane Hause. both of Went Nottingham Township. Hinster countv. Ponna. on Friday la-»t. bv Al'brni'in 8 0. Muster, Henry Ellis to Jane Siii iver—a ge-.tlernan and lady of color, both of Salisbury township. $177,94U 50 •On 'h- Sth inst.. in Philadelphia, Usury Christ, formerly of this rj!y, aged 34 Vcars. on the ist inst., Reuben Chambers. in the s'ith year of his age. On the 15th inst.. near Harrisburg. Ann K. Shivinaker, daughter of tlie late Samuel C. and Ellen Slavmak.T. of this Citv. On Mm id i. William Erie. son of Jacob and Catharine Druckenmiller, aged 7 years. 4 months and fi days. Flour nub.-t at $5 i’2lu fur standard superfine up to $7.00 for faucy brand®. Kye Flour and Cormneal are scarce but firm. Wheat steady: three thousand bushels sold at $1.25 for Red and $1.30 for White. Five hundred bushels of Kye sold tit sb cents. Corn is in demand and firm with stiles ..f three thousand bushels yellow at 95 cents, afloat. Wbi-kr i® more active with sales o’ five 1 Petin'-y!Vania at 2M,.; arid Ohio nt'2s cents. Flour has advanced 5 cents, with stiles of 10.000 bids, at $5.50(515.60 for Ohio, and Southern at Wheat lia® ttdvanced Ul2 cts., with sales oflO OuO bus. Milwaukie Club V> hit** at Corn is firm with sules of 5000 bus. Jersey Yellow at SFoS. Pork is quiet with sales of at sl:> 25 : Prime unchanged. Lard heavy. Whiskydull at 28^2 < *J'. Flour firm with sales iff 1500 bbls, IJnwurd Street at $5.- 12, ami City Mills a> $5. Wheat bm. yant with sales of ftOOO bus. at an advance iff 2(tj.3 eeDts. White at $1.25(5 1.45. Cnrn active with sales of White at 95@97 cts., and Yellow at sl.osf L-tiir-H.-t-r, when and where you may attend if you see proper. Lancaster, uct. 11th. 1859. A OF THE books just re- YORK and MIILADJSL PUIA TRADE SALES: SLOAN’S CITY AND SUBURBAN ARCHITECTURE containing numerous Designs and Details. Illustrated with one hundred and thirty-six Engravings ARCHITECTURE; a guide to the practical builder and mechanic, in which is contain ed a series of Designs tor domes, roofs and spires Illus trated by sixty-six carefully prepared Plates. DOM NINQp LANDSCAPE GARDENING AND RDRAf ARCHITECTURE. “ THE LADY’S MANUAL OF FANCY WORK ; a complete instructor in every vurioty of Ornamental Needle Work By Mrs. Pullan. GLOSSARY OF ENGLISH WORDS, Ac., Ac., by Richard Chenevix French, D. D NEW DICTIONARY OF QUOTATIONS, from the Greek, Latin and Modern Languages, translated into English. IHE TIN TRUMPET; or, Heads and Tails for the M’ise and Waggish. EMPIRE OF RUSSIA, from the remotest periods to the preseut time. By John S. C. Abbott. AL ™ BOUT IT; or ’ tbe History und Mystery of Com “ 0“ Thiugs By Hugh Smith Carpenter. ' ton'Le Vert!“! to^ TBAVBL ' M,,dl * m6 ° Cta?i “ W “>- TnKHAHP n? I ?S2 NABY 0F THORS' Tot I. for s DiSum’. A TnOCSA ND STRINGS; or, Laughter 7LUAN tCS b °I? v fvW= U be sold at luw Prices, the low-price, ALMANA ° 3 ’ ALMANACS, all find, at blngprires B ° OKS ’ SOH ° O1 ' BOOKS ’ Bt HMhutophi. Jab iftSja&isssiSfflsss North Queen street. “PENNSYLVANIA PATENT Arpwrv reasonable terms. Drawingof.' S „V “ OSt £'S r Ss Bm Tir Kt,r executed t>V fctaXlE wise Deeds, Banda and other instruments of writing _ Office—Agricultural and Mechanical n»n Bl *pr 2if 8 ’ Nortß Q aoezi street, Lancaster, *- p he^ SPECIAL NOTICES. WK ARE NOW RECEIVING URQK ADDITIONS T i oUP. EXTENSIVE STOCK OP MARRIAGES DEATHS. THE MARKETS, Philadelphia. Oct. 22. New York. Oct. 22. IIAt.TI.MnRE, sct: 22. BRAXTON DAVENPORT. 5t 41 BARTRAMA. SHAEFFER, Solicitor Penna. R. R. Co. foct 25 3t 41 JJ ARR Y AND CARRIE BY THE BARD OF TOWER HALL. Once a Harry, to hi-> Carrie Said, “ My darling. !«•: u* marry, In this 1 pleasant mouth of May.” But she answered, “ No, dear Harry, I will not iu Spring-time marry, Not till Summer fiowers are gay. N—o, no, Sir—S—l—lt, Sir— Not till Summer flowers are gay Summer came ; he Bald, “ Dear Carrie, Let us now, my darling, marry, In this charming, fine July!” Bu» she answered, “No, dear Harry. 1 will not in Summer marry. Not rill Autumn, no, uotl! N—o, uo. Sir—S—l—R, Sir— Not till Autumn, no, not I. Autumn nune; he siiid, “Dear Carrie, We will uow, iny dearest, marry, - Now, when earth delights the eye. But she answered, “No, dear Harry, I will riot in Autumn marry, Not until the snow sh:.II tiy ! N—O, no, Sir—S—l—R, Sir— Not the snow shall fly?” When it ®nowed. he said, “ Dear Carrie, How I shiver! let u.s marry, 1 have bought the wedding ring.” But she answered, “ No, dear Harry, 1 will mu in Wiuter marry— Not uutil tlie genial Spring. N—o—no. Sir—«—l—R. Sir— Not until the genial Spring!” Years weut hv—she wrote, “Dear Harry, I’ve inmie up my mind to marry, Though I’ve been bo very slow.” Then be answered her, “ Dear Carrie, 1 made up niy miud to marry, And wan married lone ago— "^—E—S. yea—Yes, Marin, yes, Marm, Y"U, mv dear old maid, should know That a 'fast younz man ’ wont tarry For a maiden very Blow ! When he asked the second lady, Sitting ’neath a willow shady, “ Will you. dearest, marry me?” This her answer —here we pen it— “lf you purchase clothes of Bennett, Yes, my darling, yes. Siree! Y—E—S, yes. S—l—R, air, Yes, my darling, yes, Siree!” Listen, “Turn, and Dick, and ITarry,” We would say. if you would marry One you love the best of all; •‘Gn ahead,” like Davy Crockett (For your Clothes) with cash in pocket, To the Mammoth Tower Hall. V—E—B, yeti—yes, Sir, yes. Sir, To the .Mammoih Tower Hall. The largest and most cmnplet- assortment of Clothing in Philadelphia, now on hand, adapted tn the present and approaching season, ami tor s« e at the usual low prices, at Tower llall, No. 515 .Market Streel, Philadelphia, by oct 25 It 41J BENNETT & CO. HOURT PROCLAMATION Whereas, V. ; the Hon. HENRY G. LONG, President, lion. A. L. Haves and Fkrree Brinton, Ear]. Associate Judges of the Court of Common Pleas, in and for the countv of Lancas ter,and Assistant Justices of the Courts cfOyer aDd Termi ner and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and for the county of Lancaster, have issued their Precept to me directed, requiring uie, amoug other things, tit make public Proclamation throughout my Bailiwick, that a Court of Oyer and Teimiuer and General Jail Deliv ery : also, a Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Jail Delivery, will commence in the Court House, in the City of Lancaster, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, on the THIRD MONDAY IN NOVEMBER, 185 E NNSYLVANIA! RAILROAD PHILADELPHIA ’ DIVISION REDUCTION 0 F R A TE S The following special rates on GRAIN AND FLOUR will take effect OCTOBER 1, 1859 : TO PHILADELPHIA. FROM I J’ 8r I per I 100 lbs. | bbl. c°>limbic 14 cents. 28 cents Mguptville, 14 «. 28 “ RohCfehstown, 14 28 “ Lancaster 12 24 “ Bird.fmHand n 22 “ n “ 22 Leaman Place, n 22 “ Kinzers, n 22 “ Gpp 10 “ 21 “ Christiaua, 10 20 “ Penningtonvllle, 9 “ is « Parkesburg, 9 “ jg « Coatesville....... 8 “ 16 “ Thorndale, 8 “ IS “ Downingtown, 7 “ 14 <• Oakland, .'. 7 u 14 .. Steamboat, 7 « 14 « West Chester Intersection 6 ‘* 12 “ Paoli, g « j 2 .4 Eagle, g 41 jg u Morgan’s Corner, g 41 10 44 White Hall, j •• 10 “ WESTWARD FREIGHTS For any of the above named Stations should be left at the freight Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad Corner THIRTEENTH and MARKET Sts., Philadelphia. G. C. FRANCISCUB, Supt. Phila. Division P R. R THOMAS A. SCOTT, General Superintendent Philadelphia, September 28th, 1859. [oct il 3m 39 CARPETINGS.— I would respectfully invite the public to call and examine my new Fall Stocks of CARPETS of Foreign and Domestic manufar tures; ENGLISH TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, from 75 to $1,25; TWO-PLY INGRAIN, suitable for parlors, setting rooms and chambers, from 31 to 87 Uc; ENTRY and STAIR CARPETS. Ac. Also, large stocks of FLOOR and TABLE OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW BHADEB, GREEN GUM CLOTH % and 6-4 FLOOR DRUGGET, MATTS. RUGS. Ac. ’ , . PHINEAS HOUGH, Ja., Late Shoemaker A Hough, 508 North Second Street, above Noble, west aide. Branch Store,- 802 Spring Garden Street, 2d door above Bth, south side, Philadelphia. au K 30 Sm 33 CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, DRUGGETS, WALL PAPERS, PECORANT& ’ CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENBWARE. FEATHERS, MATTRESSES, Ac., Eor sale by HAGER A BROS. BO P tf 86 NOTICE.—T 6 the Heirs Mid. legal ntpre- nRIVATE SALE OF REAL ESTATE. sentatives of Eliaabeth smith, Jat*» >.i K.-ut apdeld I The subscriber now offere encouraging inducement* twp. Lancaster county. deceased. to tb< so of limited meins who desire to get a cheap and Yf-u are hereby notified that by virtue r f an Order of • durable home in tine of the mo9f h-nlthy and euternris the Orphans’ Court of Lancaster county to me directed, I . iug places in the State. Three Papt-r Mills near at hand will hold an luquent to divide, part or mine the Real j tt- J<»l lately erected, is now it,' ■ p nj,.,,,’ Estate of said dec’d, on FRIDAY, the 11th day of NOV EM- for the manufacture of fine paper, iu which over ouo ban BER. 1859. at 1 o’clock, P. M., at the public house of Peter dred hands, male and female, employed: Bolides Snyder, in the village of Petersburg, Lancaster county, “Mt Holly Springs ”at the ba.-e of the Sooth Mountain! when aud where you may attend if you think proper. a noted watering place, lieing unusually patronised adds B.P. ROWE, Sheriff. materially to the pecuniary interest of the people gen- Saaaur’s Omos, Lancaster. [oct 18 4t 40 erally. [Philadelphia North American insert once a week 4 weeks.] The following described property is adjacent, and in tended as an addition to the “ Springs,” and also to the beautiful village of Papertown. 40 TOWN LOTS are now io the market, located on the east and west sides of the 1 Baltimore and Hafiover turnpike, 5 mile* south of Cnrlig >. The lots are on an average of -to feet in lront and 2uo f-*t In length.’ The beautiful stream, Mountain creek, flows past a portion of them. Also, the large STONE MANSION HOUSE, and one acre of ground, gar den and yard; fruit trees in abundance This house contains 14 rooms, with large basement kifcheu. well of water at the door, and acknowledged to be a very delightful location fora private residence. Also, a two story WEATHER-BOARDED FRAME HOUSE and Lot, with a Slaughter House thereon erected, being a good boat ion for a butcher—this business having been profita bly established—or a good business staud lor a mechanic tAiso, 933 ACRES OF MOUNTAIN LAND, weii timbered with pine aud oak, wiiflin 2% miles of the above property, baring g od wafer power for a Saw Mill. urns will be made very accommodating, and great bargains may be expected, especially in the building lots, to fosfer individual enterprise. Please addres, or see me personally, at ML Holly Springs, Cumberland connty, Pa. july 26 tf 28 INSTATE OF JAttBB BIcKEOWN, j lata of tbe city of dec’d.—'The undersigned Anditorp, appointed by tbe Orphans’ Court of the County of Lancaster, to distribute the balance of the account of So'omon .Spreeber and John B. Li Tioga ton, Executors of James McKeown, late of tbe city of Lancaster, Pa., deeM, to and among those legally entitled thereto, will meet to discharge the duties of their appointment on MONDAY, the 31st of OCTOBER, 1859, at 2 o’clock, P. M„ at the Library Room, in the Court House, in the city of Lancas ter, when and where all persons interested may attend, if they think proper. oct 18 2t 40 MARXIN KREIDER ") In the Court of Common ts. ! Pleas of Lancaster county. JOHN URBAN and {Yen. Exps. to Aug. T. 1859, MARTHA URBAN. JN0.24. ■VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT li the undersigned appointed Auditors, by said Court, to distribute the money made under the above writ, to and among those legally entitled thereto, will meet for the purpose of their appointment, on FRIDAY, tbe 2Stb ot OCTOBER, 1859, at 2 o’clock. P. M. t in tbe Library Room of the Court Honse, in the City of Lancaster, when and where all persona interested are requested to attend. oct 4 4t 38 Estate of hary Barclay.—tet ters of Administration on the estate of Mary Barclay, Ute of Martic township, Lancaster county, deceased, hav ing been granted to tbe undersigned: Notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate, to make pay ment without delay, and those haring claims will present them, properly authenticated, for settlement. sep 20 6t*3o INSTATE OF WILLIAM KUSKEL J William Konkel, of Bart township, and Elizabeth, his wife, having by deed of voluntary assignment, executed on the sth inst., assigned all their estate, real and person al, to the subscriber, for the benefit of the creditors of the said William Knnfeel: All persons indebted to the said es tate, are requested to make payment, without delay, and those having demands against the same, will please for ward their accounts properly authenticated for settlement to JOHN STROHM, Assignee of William Kunkel and Wife, residing In Provi dence township, near the Green Tree. September 12th, 1859. B ep 13 6t 35 [Examiner copy.] NOTICE.— Letters of Administration on tbe estate of Christian Flick, late of tbe City of Lancaster, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, residing in said city: Notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate to make pay ment without delay, and those having claims will present them properly authenticated for settlement. sep 27 6t 37] Notice is hereby given that the MOUNT JOY SAVINGS INSTITUTION, located in the Borough of Mount Joy, Lancaster county, having a capital stock of Fifty Thousand Dollars, will apply at the next session of the Pennsylvania Legislature, for tbe privilege of increasing its capital stock, Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars, with the farther privilege ofincreasiog its capital stock to One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dol lars; also for power to change its name to the “ Mount Joy Bank,” and under that name, in its present location, to Issue Bank Notes,and In addition to its present privileges, to exercise and enjoy general banking privileges under the general laws of the Commonwealth regulating banks. By order of the Directors. Jacob R. Long, Treasurer. Mount Joy, Pa., June 20, 1859 NOTICE. --The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Orphans’ Court of Lancaster Coun ty, to report distribution of the balance in the hands of barnuel Wicks, Esq., Administrator of the estate of Joseph Philip, late of Fulton township, said county. Slater, de ceased. to and among those who are legally entitled there to, will meet for the purposes of his appointment,' on THURSDAY, the 3rd day of NOVEMBER, A. D., 1859. at 2 o’clock, afternoon, at the Library room, in the Court House, City of Lancaster, when and where all persons interested may attend if tbey think proper, sep 27 td 37] WM. R. WILSON, Auditor, [Examiner copy.] J7STATE OF JOHN , BROWN.—Letters JEi of Administration on the estate of John Brown late of Lancaster City, dec’d, having been granted to the subscri ber residing in said City; All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them, without delay, properly authenticated for settlement. • oct 11 6t* 39 CHRISTIAN ZECHER, Adm’r. ■VfOTICE. ESTATE OF ABRAHAM II HUBER, late of Marticvtlle, Martic Twp., Lancaster County, yeoman, dec'd. The undersigned Auditor ap pointed by the Orphans’ Court of said connty, to pass on the exceptions, and report distribution of the balance found in the hands of Daniel Good, Administrator of said •-state, to and among those legally entitled to the same; and, also, at the same time and place, ascertain and report the several amounts due each of the heirs of the said Ab raham Huber, dec’d, (subject to all advancements made to them heretofore.) out of the real estate of the decedent, secured by the recognizances of the Acceptants, will meet for thn porposes of his appointment on WEDNESDAY the 2d day of NOVEMBER, A. D., 1809, at 2 o’clock in the atteruoon, at the Library Room, in the Court House, Citv of Lancaster, when and where all persons interested may tateud. if they think proper. stq> 27 td 37] 'WM. R. WILSON, Auditor. [Uuion copy.] Accounts of trust and assign ed ESTATES.—The Accounts of the following named Estates have been exhibited and filed in the Office of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster county, to wit'. Bamuel K. Groff and wife, Assigned Estate, by Amos Diller, Assignee. Samuel Musaleman, Trust Estate, by John Musaelman. Trustee. Henry Garber, a Lunatic, by Joseph Wenger and Levi Bard, Committee. Leah Wechter, a Lunatic, by Samuel Eborly, Committee. Isaac F. Groff ami wife. Assigned Estate, by Jacob iloobor. Assignee. Notice is hereby give to all persona interested in any of said Estates, that the Court have appointed MONDAY, the 24th day of OCTOBER, 1859, for the coufirmation and al lowance of tho said accouuts, unless exceptions be filed or cause shown why said accounts should not be allowed Attest. W. CARPENTER, Prothy. Prothy’s Office. Lancaster, Sept. 26. sep 27 4 ti57 Toys i toysi i toys i : i The subscriber has just received at his old establish ment, No. 144 North Second Street, a very large assort ment of TOYS and FANCY GOODS, FANCY BASKETS PIPES, CANES, SNUFF BOXES, BACK GAMMON BOARDS, CHESSMEN, Ac., which he will sell wholesale and retail, at very low prices. JOHN DOLL, .mporter and Manufacturer of Flags and Picture Alphabet Blocks, U 4 North Second Street, Philadelphia, sep IT Delaware mutual safety in surance COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY THE LEGISLATUBE OF PENN SYLVANIA, 1835. OFFICE, S. E. CORNER THIRD AND WALNUT STS, PHILADELPHIA. FIRE INSURANCES On Merchandise generally. On Stores. Dwelling Houses, Ac. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, November 1, 1858. Bonds, Mortgages, and Heal Estate Philadelphia City. aDd other Loans : Stock in Railroads, Gas and Insurance Com- Ponies 25,362 50 Bills Receivable 291,6GG 36 Cash od hand 42,067 35 Balance in hands of Agents—Premiums on Marine Policies recently issued—acid other debts due the Company $698,804 70 WM. MARTIN*, President. TIIOS. C. HAND, Vice Preaieent. Henry Lylburn, Secretary. oct 18 3m 40] COLEMAN, FRANKLIN H ALL, 4 1 JVo rth Queen street, Lancaster The well-known Franklin Hall Clothing Establishment has been thoroughly refitted and enlarged, and th e subscri ber begs leave to inform his numerous friends and custom ers that he has now on hand one of the largest assortments of CLOTHS, ; a. CASSISIERE3, VESTINGS, AND READY-MADE CLOTHING JUL. ever offered in the city, and at prices to suit the times. He employs none but the best and most experienced workmen, and all clothing sold is made under the Immedi ate supervision of the proprietor or his assistants. It is therefore warranted to be what it is represented. The subscriber, by strict attention to business, and his desire to please all who may favor him with their custom, asks from the public an increased Bhare of patronage. In conclusion, he returns his sincere thanks to his many cus tomers who have purchased entirely from him during his seven years’ business in this city. THOMAS COLEMAN, Franklin Hall, 41J/£ North Queen street, oct 18 3m 40 W. L. PEIPER, Cashier. Fall and winter hats i FALL AND WINTER CAPS! FALL AND WINTER HATS J „ ITT FALL AND WINTER CAPS! FALL AND WINTER HATB! „ FALL AND WINTER CAPS! At SHULTZ A BROTHER’S, At SHULTZ A BROTHER’S , At SHULTZ A BROTHER’S, 20% A ORTH QUEEN Street, and next door to Lane's . „ Store, EAST KING Street. BHULTZ A BRO. respectfully invite attention to their ex tensive and varied assortment of HATS and CAPS, de signed for the coming Fall and Winter, comprising Gentle men’s Dress Hats, of beautiful model'and fabric, fully up to the progress of fashion. A beautiful Silk Hat for $3,00. Soft Felt Hats, an en tire assortment, comprising every variety of pattern, color and quality. Gents’ and Youths’ Caps. An endless variety, for dress and undress, riding, sporting, traveling and evening wear. The undersigned-respectfully solicit an examination of their large, varied and unexceptionable stock of Hats and Caps, feeling confident that every taste can. be fully satis fied, as they have spared neither pains nor axpshse in get ting up their present stock in the very latest and most ap proved styles, and of the best materials. Hats to suit all and at prices to suit the times JOHN A. SHULTZ A H. A. SHULTZ, *6 72 horth Queen Street, and next door to Lane's Store, HOVER’S LIQUID HAIR DYE.—This Hair Dye needs only a trial to satisfy all of Its per fection as a Dye, and the following testimonial from that eminent. Analytic Chemist, Professor Booth, of the Doited States Mint, will only confirm what thousands have pre viously borne testimony to: Laboratory for Practical Chemistry, ) St. Patrick’s Place, l Philadelphia, February 17th, 1867. j Being acquainted with the snbstances composing Hover’s Liquid Hair . Dye, I am satisfied that by following the simple directions given for its use, It will not injure the Hair or Skin, but will give a natural and durable color to the Hair. JAMES C. BOOTH, . . Analytic Chemist. Orders addressed to the Manufactory, No. 416 RACE Street above FOURTH, (old No. 144,) Philadelphia, will receive prompt attention by Wf *<,*■ IA M PATTERSON’S h ER AND FINDING STORE, No. 1802 Market Street, above 18th, South Side, Philadelphia. Constantly kept on hand, a general assortment of Bed and Spanish Slaughter and Skirting Bole Leather; French City and, Country Kips and Calf-Skins, Wax Leather Moroccoß, Linings, Bindings, and a general assortment of £ ho ? H ndiDBB » ot wWch will be sold at the Lowest Cash Prices. , 4S“ LASTINGB AND GALOONB. 0014 6m 38 JAMES L. REYNOLDS, SIMON P. EBY, EDWARD MORTON, f A. H. HOOD, ' SIMON P. EBY, Auditors DAVID CULLY, Martic township, co„ WILLIAM RICHARDSON, McCall’s Ferry, York co., Administrators. JACOB FOLTZ. Administrator. ABRII. SHELLY, President. june 28 6m 24 $ 71,363 25 297,056 50 J. ZIMMERMAN. Agent, 74 North Queen street, Lancaster. East King Street. JOSEPH E. HOVER, Manufacturer. 2t 39 C GENERAL GREEN PROPERTY AT X PUBLIC SALE.— Will be sold at public sale, on FRI DAY, the 21st day of OCTOBER, 1859, on the premises, that very superior Farm and Tavern Stand, known as the “ tteneral Green.” This property Is admirably situated in East Goshen township. Chester county, on the direct road leading from West Chester to Paoli, three miles from the former, and 6 miles from the latter place, and 2% miles from the West Chester Railroad. It contains about ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY ACRES of the first quality of Goshen Land, highly improved and divided Into convenient fields by good fences, all of which are well Watered, two streams of water passing through tbe place. The buildings aud improvements erected on this proper ty are excellent, being a good STONE HOUSE, r . two and a half stories high, baring four rooms and a hall on the first floor, six rooms on the I|2b second floor, Ac., well arranged, and other con- JUuL renlences; well-shaded and ornamented with trees, shrub bery, Ac. A large double-floored STONE BARN, with straw house attached, and shedding all around; well of good water at the barn, with pomp, well arranged. The other improvements are a wagon house, carriage house, milk horns, ice house, Ac., ail of which are in very good condition and repair. This property has for many years been occupied as a Tarero Stand, and is one of the best drove or cattle stands in the couoty, doing a large busi ness. Is handsomely located, and is one of the most de sirable properties in the county. Persons wishing to view the premises before the day of sale, will call on Robert Ilammill, residing thereon, or the subscriber, at the Eagle Hotel. West Chester. Sale to commence at 2 o’clock, P. M., of said day. GEORGE G. HIPPLE, Attorney in fact. oct 18 It 40 TRUSTEES’ SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE.—By virtue of a decree of the Circuit . Court for Washington County, as a Court of Equity, the undersigned Trustees will offer at public sale, on TUES DAY, the Bth day of NOVEMBER next, at 10 o’clock, A. M.. in front of the Court House, iu Hagerstown, Md., that valuable farm, the property of Anthony Rowe, late of said connty, deceased, containing TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTEEN AND A HALF ACRES, more or less, about forty of which are in good TIMBER.— The improvements are a large two-story BRICK w HOUSE, LOG BARN and necessary out buildings. The farm is enclosed in good fenoing and is in a laQll high stats of cultivation, and is a first-rate wheat growing-farm. Upon It there is a fine ORCHARD, and near the bouse two good springs. The said farm is about two miles from Sharpsburg, on the public road leading from that place to Bakersville, and extends back to the Canal, where there is a good landing. It may be conveniently divided Into two tracts and will be so sold, or altogether to Buit purchasers. The terms of tale are: —One-third of the purchase money to be paid in hand on the day of sale or the ratification thereof, and the balance in two equal annual instalments, from the day of sale, the purchaser giving his note with security to be approved by the Trustees for tbe deferred payments, the same to bear interest from the day of sale. After the payment of tbe whole purchase moDey, the Trustees are directed to execute a deed to the purchasers, free, clear and discharged from all claim of the parties to the suit. Possession given on the first day of April next, and the grain growing on the ground Is reserved. Any person wishing to view the premises will call on the andersigned, James A. Rowe, who lives upon the 6atne. WM. T. HAMILTON, JAMES A/ROWE, oct It ts 40] Trustees. TRUSTEES’ SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE.—By virtue of a decree of tbe Circuit Court for Washington County, as a Court of Equity, the undersigned Trustees will offer at public sale, on TUES DAY, the Bth day of NOVEMBKR next, in front of tbe Court House, in Hagerstown, Md., at 10 o’clock, A. M., all tbe following real estate of which John Summers, late of said county, died, seized : First—The Home Farm, sftuate on the public road lead ing from the Williamsport Turnpike to the Western Turn pike road, and adjoining the Mill property of George Sprecher, and being about two miles from Williamsport and four milt-a from Hagerstown, CONTAINING 202 ACRES OF LAND. about 25 acres of which are in good TIMBER. It is of the first quality of limestone land, and in a high state of cul tivation, aud under good fencing. The improve- P ■ ments are a good two-story STONE HOUSE, with bark buildings and other necessary out buildings. =q 5 A fine SWITZER BARN, wagon shed. corn house,. and all other proper and convenient buildings. There is a never-failing well of good water near the house, and rnuning water on the farm, convenient to all parts of it. Also, there is a young and tbiiviug ORCHARD of the choicest fruit. Second—The farm lying-along the same road, about one mile above the home farm and uoar the Western pike ' CONTAINING 120 ACRES OF LAND. ’ about 18 acres of which are in Timber. Also, this is of the first quality of limestone land, in a high state of cultiva tion, and under good fencing. The improvements r « are a good story aud a half LOG HOUSE, aDd out- HiiuaT buildings, a good LOG BARN, and other proper JUSfel buildings. There is a well of never-failing water near the house, and a spring on the farm for part of the year. Also, there is a first-rate ORCHARD of the best of fruit. The conditions of the sale are .-—One-third of the pur chase money to be paid on the day of sale or on the ratifi cation thereof, and the balance in two equal annual pay ments from tbe day of sale, the purchaser giving bis bonds with approved security, bearing interest from the day of sale. ADy person wishing to view the premises will call upon the undersigned. John Summers, living near them. WILLIAM T. HAMILTON, JOHN SUMMERS, Trustees. oct 18 tfi 40 J PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE.—The undersigned will offer at public sale, on TUESDAY, the Bth day of NOVEMBER next, in front of the Court House, in Hagerstown, Md.. at 10 o’clock, A. M"., his farm, situate on the public road leading from the Williamsport turnpike road to the Western pike, lying about two miles fiom Williamsport, aud four from Hagers town, and adjoining the Mill Property of George Sprecher CONTAINING 120 ACRES OF LAND, about 8 acres of which is good Timber. This is superior Limestone Land, in a high 6tate of cultivation and under good fencing. The improvements are a flne new B * two-story STONE HOUSE, and good STABLING. There iB a well of good water near the house and =* = a spring near it for part of the seison. The conditions of the sale are : One-third on the Ist day of April next, and the balauce iu one and two years from that date, with interest, the purchasers giving his bonds with approved security. Persons wishing to see the property will call upon the undersigned living on them, oct 18 ta 40] VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PUB LIC SALE.—On SATURDAY, the sth day of NOVEM BER, 1859. will be 6old by public vendue, at the public house of G rebill Bear, io Oregon, on the Lancaster and Ephrata Turnpike road, in Manheim township, the follow ing real estate to wit: A large and commodious two-storied BRICK « B DWELLING HOUSE, a large BRICK SWISSER BARN, and all other necessary out-bnildings and I 5 3 | Tract or Piece of Land, on which the same are JIUuLL erected, siruated on Conesbga Creek, at the mouth of Carter’s Run or Litiz Creek, 5 miles from Lancaster arid an eighth of a mile from said Turnpike road, adjoining Con estoga Creek and said Run, and lands of Ulrich Shirk, and the late Jacob Kurtz, deceased, and others, CONTAINING ABOUT FIVE ACRES. is beautifully located and not surpassed by any fpr a private residence. Possession and an indisputable title will be given on the Ist day of April next.- If desired part of the purchase money may remain se cured on the premises for one or m r re years. Persons wishing to view the premises before the day of 6ale will please call on Mr. Bryson, the present tenant. Sale will begin at 2 o’clock in the afternoon of said day. net 18 3t 40j HENRY E. LEMAN. [Examiner, Union, Volksfreund and Express copy once a week until sale.] (TtTOVE, TIN, COPPER WARE AND kj SHEET IRON DEPOT AND MANUFACTORY. DEA N B R & SC H A UM , (SUCCESSORS TO CHRISTIAN KIEFFEK, ES£ inches, occupied by W. H. Douglass A Co., as a Dye House i«r° S ; l ? D i 8 ‘ Each containing In Trout, oh Chesnut street, it f ? et i> l^ C tf ndin depth 32 feet 2% inches, now occupied oy J- P• Dostman as a Lager Beer Saloon. The above described properties will be sold as described, or in one lot as may be desired by purchasers. A LEASE OF GROUND in the rear of said buildings, now forming yards to same, during the life of Mrs. Eordam Sasere ®° “ Wlth th ® properti6s » if Paired by the pur- ./**>> OF GROUND, situated on the north side of the Railroad, between North Queea and Duke streets, in said city, containing in front, on said Railroad 31 feet 2% inches, and In depth northward about 214 feet to al4 feet wide public alley. Bounded on the east by property late of John Cosgrove, deceased, and on the west ig a 14 feet wide Public allay, with a large FRAME BUIL DING thereon, formerly used as a Car House. Persons wishing to Tiew the premises before the sale will pleas© call on W. Carpenter, No. 27 East Orange street, Lancaster. Sale will begin at 6% o’clock In the evening. SAMUEL L. WITMER, , , ,W. CARPENTER, _. , . ' Executors. ih ® underfijfgned‘owning the other undivided half of the above dest|rihed ! B Lots, constituting the North Ameri can Hotel property and Buildings, fronting on Chesnut street, from North Queen street to the public alley will at the same his interest therein. _ ,i S CHRISTIAN lIOMP. Lancaster/.Oetj' 1859. ts 38 A BEAC'TIPCL private resi- DENCE FOR SALE.—The subscriber will sell at private sale, that valuable property adjoining his residence on West Orange street, between Charlotte and Mary streets This property ißadmltted to bo one of the finest private resi dences In the city. It combines the advantage of aicoun try and city location. The ground has a frout on Orange street, of 130 feet, and extending in depth 252 feet, con- a choice assortment of FRUITS, PLANTS and FLOW ERS. The House is vfoll built, and two-storied, con- B talcing on the first floor a large parlor, dining room and kitchen; the second floor contains five lIqII chambers ; and the attic, if desired, can also be converted into chambers. The terms will be easy—if desired by the purchaser, one-third or one-fourth cau he paid as the first payment, on the first of April next, and the reslduo in lengthened annual payments. PETER McCONOMY. sep 20 et 30 PUBLIC SALE.—By virtue of an order of the Orphans’ Court of Lancaster county. Pa., the undersigned administrator of Adam Storck, dec’d, late of the dty of Lancaster, Pa., will expose to public sale by vendue or outcry, on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6th, 1859, at 7 o’clock, p. m., at the public house of Jacob Huber, in Lancaster city, Pa., the following described Real Estate : All that lot or piece of ground situated in 6ald citf of Lancaster; beginning at a corner of ground of David B. Bartholomew, on the west side of Prince st; thence along Prince st. northward twenty teet; thence by ground of Wm. Mathiot, south 84 % degrees; west, at right angles with Prince st., 19 7-10 perches, to a post at the fence on the east bank of Hoffman’s Run; thence down said bank of said run, south degrees; east 16 perches to a post in a line with eaia Bartholomew’s ground; thence along said ground north 46}/£ degrees; west perches to the place of beginning; containing one acre and nine perches neat measure. The improvements are a one-story BRICK DWELL ING HOUSE, with a FRAME KITCUEN attached thereto. The Dwelling House has a front room and bed chamber on the first floor and two rooms on the second floor. Terms made known ut sale. oct 4 5t 38 PUBLIC SALE.—On SATURDAX, the sth of NOVEMBER. 1859, will be sold by public ven due, in pursuance of an order of the Orphans’ Court of Lancaster County, on the premises, in Providence town ship, two and a half miles south of New Providence, and one mile east of the Buck, on the road leading from the Bpread Eagle to the State Road, the following Real Estate late of Samuel Harman, deceased, to wit: A Tract of Land, containing 20 ACRES AND 108 PERCHES, more or less. The improvements fjHmu are a odo and a half story LOG DWELLING HOUSE, STABLE, Summer House, and otherout buildiiics. Persons wishing to view the property miy apply to Rynear, residing thereon, or Emanuel Reese, residing near Sale to commence at 2 o’clock, P. M. ADAM LEFEVRE, Executor. HENRY MARTIN, Auctioneer. fsep 27 ts 37 ORPHANS’ COURT SALE.—Pursuant to an order Issued nut of the Orphans’ Court of Juni ata county, and to me directed, will be exposed to pale, on the premises, at 1 o’clock, P. M., ou TUESDAY, NOVEM BER 15.1859, the following property, to wit: A tract of land situate in Beale township, Juniata county, CONTAINING 318 ACRES. more or less, about 200 acres cleared and th“ balance well timbered, bounded by lands of Willi im .Millet, John Har ris, John Watson’s heirs, John Beale and others about foor miles from the Pennsylvania Railroad and Canal, and the same distance from the Borough of Patterson and Miffliu town. The improvements are a large STONE „ . DWELLING HOUSE, a largo BANK BARN and other necessary out-buildings, also an excellent 555 stream of water running through the land—a spring of never failing water convenient to the door, aud a young ORCHARD of excellent fruit. The above land is among the best and most productive in Juniata county, and will be sold in two parcels or together to suit pur chasers. TERMS OF SALK.—Two hundred dollars of the pur chase money to be paid on the confirmation of sale—one third of the balanco to remain in the hands of the pur chaser during the lifetime of Elizabeth Kepner, the widow of said deceased, the interest to be paid her annually, from the first day of April, A. D., 1859, during her lifetime, and at her death the principal to be paid to the heirs or legal representatives of said decedent, —one-third of said bal ance to be paid on the first day of April, A. D , 1800, when a deed will bo given to the purchaser, and the remaining third to be paid in two equal annual payments thereafter, with interest from the first day of April, 1800. The whole to bo secured by the recognizance of the purchaser to the widow and heirs, with approved security, on confirmation of sale by the court. sep 20 6t 36] A VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE —The subscriber offers at private sale, a valua ble farm containing 123 ACRES, more or less, situate in Colerain township, Lancaster county. Pa., adjoining lands of John Whiteside, Henry Webb. William Hogg and others, about 1 mile from Kirkwood Hotel, and about 9. miles south of Noblevillo Railroad Station. The im- ■ proveraents are a good large FRAME DWELL ING HOUSE, covered with slate, with a kitchen 25f attached, a good large FRAME BARN, double* decker, 54 by 60 feet, covered with slate, wagon house, wood house, smoke house and milk house, all conveniently situated and in good repair. The water is conveyed to the house by means of a force pump. The farm is in a good, pleasant and healthy neighborhood, and in a high state of cultivation, it having been heavily limed during the past few years. The land is divided into convenient sized fields, and all watered by a never-failing stream of water which passes through the property, aud is well adapted to the cul’ure of all kiuds of crops. About 30 acres of the land is heavily covered with thrifty young timber. There in also a thriving young APPLE ORCHARD, in good bear ing condition, convenient to the dwelling. This property is convenient to churches, schools, mills, stores, Ac. Persons desirous of purchasing a property will do well by calling on the subscriber, residing on said property. JAMES CLARKE. Colerain, August 6th, 1859. aug 9 lit 30 [Lancaster Examiner, and West Chester Jeffersi nian please insert until 20th of October, and send bills to this office.] JOHN SUMMERS VALUABLE MILL AND STORE PROP ERTY AT PRIVATE SALK-T-Thesubscriber offers at private sale a valuable Store Stand, Mill and Farm, situ ated in Drumore township, Lancaster county, on the west branch of the Octoraro, on the street road leading from Philadelphia to McCall’s Ferry, and ten miles west of Christiana on the Pennsylvania Railroad.—also nine miles from the Baltimore Central Railroad, at Oxford, adjoining lands of James Brisoo, James Evaus, Christian Blank and others, containing ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY ACRES, about seventy of which Is in a high state of cultivation; the remainder is covered with yonng thriving Cbeatoat and Oak Timber. The improvements consist of a two-story GRIST MILL, (known as Posey’s Mill,) part stone and part frame, with three pair of bnrrs, one for wheat and two pairs for chop ping, all in first-rate order, a corn-breaker, a plaster mill attached; also, a.saw mill. The mills have always a full supply of water, Biffiplied from the Octorara creek. A frame STORE HOUSE, with cellar, 25 ft. square, wit!: a dwelling attached. Also, a Blacksmith Shop, all of which are doing a respectable business. A large three-story STONE DWELLING w , HOUSE, suited for two families, a kitchen in the basement, two wells of never-failing water, with pnmps in good order A frame barn, 35 by 50 feet, a frame stable, wagon shed, corn crib, and other necessary out-buildings; an orchard of choice frnlt trees on the premises. This is one of tin most desirable properties in Lancaster county, and. if not sold before the 28th day of October, will be offered at public sale. N. E. Three thousand dollars ol the purchase money to remain In said property. Any other information desired in reference to the above properties can be had at any time by addressing or calling upon the subscriber residing thereon. - MARLON PUSEY, Puseyville P. 0., Lan. co., Pa. sep 6 8t 34] VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PRI TATE SALE.—Tbe subscriber wishes to dispose of hie valuable real estate, viz: No. I.—A first-class limestone farm, situated in Dickin son township, Cumberland county, about half a mile east of Centreville, contanlng 183 ACRES more or'less, all of which are cleared and in a high state of cultivation, except 40 acres, which is well covered with thriving timber. The improvements are a good BRICK HOUSE, NEW BANK. BARN, corn-cribs, wagon-shed, Ac. A p s ?™* large number of locust trees are growing on the |g!|j property, and a never faiiiog stream of water tbroogh a portion of tbe farm. There is a very floe Apple Orchard on the premises, and a variety of other fruit trees, and a good spring of pure water near to tbe dwelling. Tbe property is in excellent condition, having been carefully farmed, and 1b well worthy the attention of capitalists. No. 2.—A valuable tract of 200 acres of what is called PINE LAND, also situated in Dickinson township, about three miles west of No. 1, and a few hnndred yards south of the Walnut Bottom Road. About 140 acres of this tract Is under cultivation, the balance is timber land. The improvements are a log House, log Barn, and other out buildings, a well of good water convenient to the dwelling, an Apple orchard and other fruit trees, Ac. For particulars please call on or write to the undersigned, residing at Centreviile, Cumberland county, oct 4 4t 38] ABM. KURTZ. JOHN DEANER. JNO. P. BCHAUM. PUBLIC SALE.—On SATURDAY, NO VEMBER 12th, 1859, will be sold by public vendue, in pursuance of au order of the Orphans* Court ot Lan caster county, on the piemisee, in the borough of Adams town, Lancaster county, the following real estate of Chris tian Kegoreis, deceased, to wit: A Lot of Ground, containing 40 PERCHES, more or less, adjoining lots of Bamnel Schlegel on the north, Elias Redcay on the west, and Jacob Kochel on the south. The improvements are a one aDd a half story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, BTABLB, and other out buildings, all in good condition. Rifle} Sale to commence at 2 o’clock, P. of said JUJUfe dav, when terms will be made known by y, JOHN M. DEWEES, Administrator. octlBts4Q GEO. H. BOMBERGER, Administrator of Adam Storck, dec’d BENJAMIN F. KEPNER, Trustee of John Kepner, dec’d. Scrofula, or King’s Evil, is a constitutional disease, a corruption of the blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated, weak, and poor. Being in the circulation, it pervades the whole body, and may burst out m disease on any part of it. No organ is free from its attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, dii ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above aff, by the venereal infection. What ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending "from parents to children unto the third and fourth generationindeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who says* •* X will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children.’* r Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, wbich, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only suffer from scrofulous com plaints, but they have far less power to with stand the attacks of other diseases; conse quently, vast numbers perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, are still rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Most of the consumption which de cimates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all. the organs, arise from oi are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous; their persons are invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it' by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine we supply in AYER’S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can aevise far thla every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is con 4 bined from the most active remedials that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences. Hence it should be employed for the cure of not only scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from it, such as Eruptive and Skin Diseases, St. Anthony’s Fire, Rose, or Erysipelas, Pimples, ‘ Pustules, Blotches, Blains and Boils, Tumors, Tetter and Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Rheumatism, Syphilitic and Mercurial Dis eases, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Debility, and, indeed, all Complaints arising from Vitia ted or Impure Blood. The popular belief in “ impurity of the blood ” is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. Ayer’s Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHVBIO, are so composed that disease within the range of their action can rarely withstand or evade them Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the human organ ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitalities. As a consequence of theso properties, the invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to find his health or energy restored by a remedy at once so simple and inviting. Not only do they cure the every-day complaints of every body, but also many formidable and dangerous diseases. The agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and directions for their use in the following complaints : Costive* ness , Heartburn, Headache arising from disordered Stomach, Nausea, Indigestion, Pam in and Morbid Inaction of the Botcels, Flatulency, Loss of Appe tite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints, arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its functions. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, FOR THE RAFID CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump tion, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of the disease* \ So wide is the field of its usefulness and so nu merous are the cases of its cures, that almost every section of country abounds in persons pub licly known, who have been restored fromplanning and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried, its Superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, tne public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of the pulmonary organs that are incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the community" have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forget, and pro duced cures too numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. B. A. FAIINhsTuCK & CU., Phlladelpula. CHARLES A. UEINITSH, Lancaster. JOHN WAYLAN, No. 60 North Queen street, Lancaster, and by all Druggists in the country. [may 3 ly 10 \T ALUABLE CITY PROPERTY FOR V SALE.—On TUESDAY, the Bth day of NOVEMBER next, tho undersigned Executors of the Will of Gen. David Miller, late of the City of Lancaster, deceased, will sell by public vendue, at John Michael’s Hotel, in North Queen street, Lancaster, tho following described real estate, late of said deceased, to wit: No. 1. A two-story BRICK DWELLING HOUBE with Back Building, and lot or piece of ground belonging there to, situate on the east side of Lime, south of Orange street, in said city, containing in front, on Lime street, 14 feet 7 inches, and in depth 122 feet, adjoining property of John Black on the north and east, and No. 2 on the south. No. 2. A two-Rtory BRICK DWELLING HOUBE with Back Building, and lot or piece of ground be- n|W longing thereto, sitnate adjoining the first above- JilL described property on the north, containing in front, on Lime street, 16 feet 4 inches, and in depth 122 feet, to ground of John Black. The two above-described Dwelling Houses have been lately re-built, and are in first-rate condition, with Hydrant Water in the Kitchen, Bath Rooms and Gas, and are very desirable residences. No. 3. A I-OT OR PIEOE OF GROUND, adjoining the last aboTe-described property on the sooth, containing in front, on Lime street aforesaid, 21 feet 2% inches, and in depth eastward 122 feet, to ground of John Black. Bounded on the south by property of Salome Stauffer. There is on this ground a well of water with a pump in it, and a hy drant. This is one of the most desirable bnlldlng lots In the city. No. 4. A LOT OR PIECE OF GROUND, situated on the south side of Vine street, between South Queen and Duke streets, containing in front, on Vine street, 21 feet, and extending southward 75 feet, then widening on the east to the width of 30 feet, and extending of that width further southward 83 feet, making in the whole depth 168 feet, to ground of Jobn Miller. Bounded on the east partly by No. 6 and pnrtly by ground of A. N. Brenemao, and on the west by property of Elizabeth Kltch. Nos. 5 and 6. Consisting each of a NEW THREE STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, and lot or flgra piece of ground belonging thereto, sitnate on the sooth sideof Vine street aforesaid, each containing in front, on Vine street, 17 feet, and extending in depth 76 feet.— No. 5 bounded by No. 4 on the west, and No. Son the east; and No._6 bounded on the west by No. 6, and on the east by No. 7. These Houses have been finished very lately.— The Gas, and Hydrant Water are Introduced Into both honses No. 7. A one-story and basement BRIOK DWELLING HOUSE, and lot oi ground belonging thereto, situate on Vine street aforesaid, containing in front, on Vine street, 16 feet 3 inches, and in depth 76 feet, bounded on the west by No. 6, ann ok the east by No. 8. No. 8. A one-story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, and lot or piece of ground, situate ou Vine street aforesaid, con taining in front, on said street, 18 feet, and in depth 76 feet. Bounded on the west by No. 7, and on the east bv No. 9. No. 9. A DOUBLE FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, part one and part two-storied, and lot or piece of ground be longing thereto, containing in front, on Vine street, 26 feet, and in depth 75 feet. Bounded on the west by No. 8, and on the east by property of the Misses Seiber. There is a well of excellent water with a pomp In It on the lot. The last described three lots, Nos. 7, 8 and 9 will be sold In one lot. if desired by purchasers. Teems: The purchase money to be paid on the Ist day of April next, when possession and good title deeds will be given. Persons wishing to view any of said premises before the sale will please call on W. Carpenter, No. 27 East Orange street, Lancaster. Bale will begin at o’clock, P. M., of said day. SAMUEL L. WITMEB, W. CARPENTER, Executors. oct 4 ta 38 J PUBLIC SALE.—On TUESDAY, the Ist day of NOVEMBER, 1869, will be sold at pabllo sale, on the premises, by order of tbe Orphans’ Court of Lan caster county, tbe real estate of John McPherson, dec’d., in Salisbury township, Lancaster county, % mile north east from Fequea Meeting House, and of a mile south west of McGill’s Store, containing 10 ACRES, adjoining lands of David Wanner, John Kurtz, John McGill and Simnel Black. The improvements consist of a two-storv STONE DWELLING HOUSE, BTONE BARN, . , WHKELRIGHT SHOP, aod other Improvements, also a good APPLE ORCHARD OF CHOICE BaaS! FRUIT TREEB. Tbe properly is In a good and healthy neighborhood, and well watered with a good spring near tbe house, and under good fence; It Is in a good state of cultivation and convenient to schools, min* and places of public worship. Persona desiring to view the property previous to the sale, will be shown the same by applying on the premises. Sale to commence at 1 o’clock, P. M., of said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by JAMES ROSEBOROUGH, Administrator of John McPherson, deceased. ALSO, at the same time and place will be sold the per* sonal property of said deceased, viz: One Cow, one Heifer, one Hog; also, Household and Kitchen Furniture, such as Bureaus, 2 Stoves, 2 Tables, Chairs, Tubs, Bedsteads and Bedding, Earthenware, Qneensware, with a number orarticles too tedious to men* tlon. ALSO, Grain in the Ground, Corn and Potatoes by the bushel, Corn-Fodder by the bundle. Conditions made known at sale by the undersigned Ad ministrator. JAMES ROSEBOROUGH. oct 11 ta 89 QARDS I CARDS 1 I CARDS I 1 I PRINTER'S BHBET AND OUT CARDS, Best and Cheapest in the Market. CARDS POR_MOUNTIRO PHOTOGRAPH PICTURES, OT 6UPX&IO& QUAUTT' 12(0 AX UWf P&ZCIB, Blue and White and fine ' White Piste-Boards, Straw Boards, <&., on hand and far sale by A . M. COLLINfI. PAPER and OABDI Warehouse, 606 MINOR STTEHT, PHILADELPHIA. sap 18 6a 36