Lancaster intelligencer. (Lancaster [Pa.]) 1847-1922, August 23, 1859, Image 3

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River Disaster—Weather, tfc. —Forgery on Government by
the Mormons—Their Arrest—Gold from Pike't rtak —
Lands in Arkansas and Alabama—Contemplated Rail
road Extension—Fire in Memphis—Prof. Wise, the AZro
naut—The Late Elections—Democratic Victories—A Bru
tal Prize Fight, Riot , <£c., dc.—Our Sunday Reform —
What has been Done—Sentence Commuted, dc, do.
St. Louie, Aug. 15,185?
The weather has been quite warm duringtbe past week,
but several fine showers cooled the atmosphere. It has
been moat excelent for the growing com, and accounts from
all sections are of the most flattering character. The rivers
are slowly receding, and owing to scarcity of freight many
of the boats are laying up. Receipts of produce are small
for the season of the year. There is no material alteration
In prices on ’Change, only that wheat Is on tbe decliue,
and has fallen from 10 to l&c. per bushel dnriDg the week.
The steamer Kate Howard, with a valuable cargo,
struck a snag in the Missouri river, and sunk. No lives
were lost. She was valued at $45,000 or $50,000, and
Insured for about $25,000. The boat and cargo are supposed
to be a total lobs.
Capt. John Pope, of the U. 8. Topographical Engineers,
arrived in this city on Snnday. He is the officer who was
sent out by Government in charge of the Artesian Well
Expedition, to the Llano Estacado and other waterless
regions on the great pl&inß lying west of us. It seems
that the Capt. has made a successful trip—having obtained
water after boring to the depth of 1400 feet —the water
rising to within 15 feet of the surface.
Father Gleizal, a worthy clergyman, well known to uur
Catholic fbllow citizens, died in this city on the 6th inst.
The returns from the State indicate the election of Mr.
Ewing, as Supreme Judge, over his other competitors.
It would seem that the Mormons are not content with
their depredations upon emigrants and others travelling
In and through the territory of Utah, but have been com
mitting a forgery upon the U. 8. Government. The last
Utah mail gives us an account of an attempt to pass
counterfeit warrants upon the U. S. Treasury, purporting
to be signed by MaJ. G. H. Crosaman, U. 8. Quarter
Master’s Department, at Camp Floyd. One of these counter
feits has been received in this city, and it establishes One
fact, at least, that there are pretty good engravers at Ba!t
Lake City, and among the Mormons. When compared
with reference to differences 'in particular parts of the
counterfeit and the genuine warrants, it id uot probable
that auy one would be taken in, but if put upon the
market without any taint of suspicion they would pass
reudily from hand to hand, so well are they doue.
It would seem that this Is not the first attempt at
counterfeiting drafts on the U 3. (»''V-rntnenl, tor as long
ago as last May th« yu-irtcr-Master's Department
advised of what was going on—that a copper-plate had
been engiaved and-.cium checks wer»> printed, and finally
that |»| the *th July one .hwk whs filled up and olb-'.-d
tor circulation p.r ffitiT fi.", Ip was cop ied inmi up -wig' nnl
drawn by Maj 0"-snin>i. in January le.-t. The ii-nm.-nt
this counti.-f-ot cho-u >vas i—n-<i it tak-n to Mij. 0
Issuing it a lin medial*-! •• arrested, ami. on searching lii
prwiii-***, tli- ip]i—p‘ate. with "'Viral printed blank
•hecks, together with materials f r -'ou nterfeiting, were
found. These ch«c
•"•on th- Asjis’atit Treasurer
Bt. Louis. It W.t- inlend-d liv t
the Treasurer at ,\r.e York, but -om- difficulty an we in
reuard to th- -XH'-t tint ~f tin- ink t«. h„ usrd. ami
j.-comi li''e in the Iran l tij< -> also lu arrested In Saif Lake
City, an.j ;l iart-e c|\ ■ I tools mid materials seiv-d by
the I'nit-'l M.,1. - M , •!,
ii.cludii u bank „,,v p* { ,
bank iiot.-a ,|ntt- found in hU jda.-e
!hf chiirch-Ulhivii othr* ../ firj
It is -aid rj,a» I! -r,- atv .-i-v-ml - t th.- finding
engaged in 'bis >■ .1 I fran-.o tjon. loir mi fit other
wh.-M.e: ttl-V Wli: -V. • be bin.l.O,t to justice, as ji n>
an b,. loitnd in that t. niN.i.y wl,-. will sentemv iln
the otp mb r> !’•••»>. the pri-iiu-rH are '|. rmoi,s of high
standing, sod i* i-
p the benefit ol th- t'imrcb.
A put'- 100-jo-t arrived tr-uti the gold mm.- m Pik-'
I'eik . a! K-Oi- • • **i ■ v. wit it a (ion I
the purjiose of pun baKiie; L o.o(l- to t ; ,k- '.-ick witli liini
Tbe Kansas City Journal of ('omm- vouches for t{,..
ulwive stati m-ni Th-St Jos.-/,/, has been -hou-n
a lett-r from the tioeKory diggings, in whh-h fh« writer
says <hat lie ami his party wvr,» linking t.'vi a day. Tw-
gent'etnen trom 'his nmntv. now i,t the Jigging.
it is stute,| nit good authority that the ikunrnissinner of
tlie ( Land 'Mile". at Washing*'",, has tratismitted
Patent No 4 for 20.'>,0fi0>. ; > acres of swamp tun) overflowed
lands in the Uatesvillc district of Arkansas, to the Cover
nor of that Btat«. These lands enure to Allan-*- under
tho Act of September 2Slh.
The General Land Office bus also prepared a notification
that a large portion of the public lands in tho State o*
Alabama, heretofore withdrawn for railroad purposes, are
now nuidr subject .-om,. 11-re then, ;e a tine rfianr**
fjr tin; landless.
Tlu* people nt M-mphK Tenri . .ire determined upon a
railroad connection with St. Louis and are earnestly
agitating the subject, by a proposed continuance of the
Iron Mountain Railroad thithm . B**vt»ral meetings have
already h-en held, to take some derisive step in the matter
—Souator .Jones, of Teunessee. whs one of the speakers-
A road connecting Memphis and St. Louis, would Its oj
incalculable benefit to uur city; an immense southern
trade would fiud a market here which unw goes in some
other direction. This road will, in all probability, be
constructed—the Iron Mouutaiu toad has already stretched
her arm B*> miles iu that direction.
A destructive fire occurred in Memphis on tho 7th inst.
destroying Messrs Moore, Ualsted & Co's planiug mill and
lumber yard, with several adjoining buildings. Loss
$125,000 and uninsured.
We are sorry to record the death of Capt. F. Keating’
who died in Louisville on the 4th iust.. of n disease
engendered during the Mexican War.
Maj. John G-Ilill, the popular and well known hote'
keeper at Elizabethtown, Ky.,died at that place last week.
We see by the Lafayette, I ml., papers, that Prof. Wise
gives notice that tho arrangements for his grand Balloon
aacension and trans-continental voyair** from that city to
the seaboard, are complete, aud that tho ascension will
take place on Tuesday, the 16th of the present month. The
almanac makers are unanimously of the opinion that the
weather will be favorable on that day, .nod the certainty
of moon.light Is a propitious circumstance.
✓"We also find the following paragraph going the rounds :
Mr. Wise’s Proposed Votaoe.—lt is stated that the lion.
Tbnddeus Stevens has offered Mr. Wise sufficient pecuniary
aid to build and equip a balloon for crossing the Atlantic,
on condition that Mr. Wise will pay no attention to Mr.
La Mountain's challenge to race from San Francisco to the
Atlantic seaboard, but turn Ills attention towards the great
Europeau voyage.
The Louisville Journal the organ of Mr. Bell, the "oppo.
sition’’ candidate for Governor of Kentucky, congratulates
him upon his defeat in the following style:
“We congratulate him that his eagle spirit is not to f>e,
aB that of the gallant Morehead has been, shut up for
four years within tho narrow cage of a State Governorship."
Wo think this is a much better and more honorable way
to smother np a defeat, than the cry of “fraud,” “fraud,”
“ Illegal voting,” &c., as raised by Blair, and his kin. We
hope Mr. Blair may profit by the above paragraph
The Democrats have carried Kentucky, by from S.OCiU to
10,000 on tho State ticket, and Tennessee from 7000 to 0000
majority. Tho legislature iu both States in democratic,
and a democrat will take the place of Mr. Crittenden in
Kentucky and Mr. Bell in Tennessee. In some of the
Congressional districts in both States, the vote J* «o dns,.,
that It will require the official count to decide the result.
In tho fourth district of Kentucky the vote is a tie—the
vote stands 6459 foi each of the two candidates. If the
official c n unt should make it a tie. an ordinance is in force
in that State by which the matter is to be determined by
lot, in such a manner as the board may direct, and in
presence of not leas than three other persons.
The Board referred to consists of the Governor, Attorimv-
General and Secretary of State: aud in the absence of
either, the law provides that the Auditor or any two of
them, shall bo a Board for examining the returns
Wo have a report here that Gen. Sam Houston has been
elected Governor of Texas, but tho rumor is discredited.
A most brutal and disgusting prize fight e-jim* o ff ou
Tuesday last, about thirty miles above our city, on an
island. The combatant* were Byrn<* and Connor, the
former a notorious blackguard and rowdy from New
Orleans, tho latter a villainous desperado and vagabond of
this city. Each party chartered a boat, and started for the
field of a-tiou early In the morning. The fight catne off
at 4 o'clock, P. .M. Each boat contained 500 or 60n of the
“ fancy"—the nuts, curing mid mjabnudH of our city—and
which would have been .. trreat Messing bad urith-r «.f the
boats returned with th< ir \u>rse than brutal flight. The
fight was fhr $5OO. After -vend round* been fought
Connor's friends cried out •• foul." foul." :i ,id Connor-was
withdrawn from the ring, ami prodaime i the victor, which
was denMd by Byrne's friend* and great di.—nti.-daction
existed. Words brought on biewc. and i.puv* were rhe
sigual for the display of revolver* and b"wj"-kriireH. In a
tew minutes the whole was a scene of riot aud bModsh-d.
The friends of the two combaUuts had a regular pilch
battle—each "going in" pell mell. There were about one
hundred shots fired—several were- dangerously wounded.
and it is said that one or two wer • killed. The two Irate
hacked nut. leaving many of their passengers on the island
fighting; the ,-rowd seeing the l>oat.s moving off made for
them, and som-* 3" or 40 were precipitated into tho river,
and it is said four or five were drowned. Those who were
fortunate enough to get on the boats began aud renewed
the fight, and fmm the time the boats left until they
touched our wharf on their return, it was -me „ C e:ie of
bloodshed. One man was forced to jump overboard, and to
save his life be would have to swim two mites-the boat
went on and nothing has since heard of him; it is
supposed that he was drowned. A dozen or so wore' most
inhumauly beaten and kicked on the boats, and several of
them are not expected to recover from their injuries. This
is regarded as one of the most brutal and disgusting affairs
that has ever disgraced the local history of St. Louis. The
Mayor and his police nude uo attempt to prevent the
boats from starting on thMr errand of blood. It w aP
advertised in the papers, and the preparations were mouths
iu making. There is no excuse for the city authorities,
whatever, in permitting this outrageous and disgusting
affair to come off, as it did, and they alone deserve all the
censure attached to this brutal and inhuman prize fight.
Notwithstanding the voico of our citizens against the
wholesale desecration of tho Sabbath, the City Council has
passed an ordinance to this effect—that all places of
amusement and where intoxicating liquors are sold, shall
be closed after 9 o’clock, A. M. f and remain closed until
3, P. M., after which they can b« kept opea! Tho Mayor
has not yet signed the bill; but theie is not a doubt of
him doing so. Are we not a disgraced city In every sense
of the word? What will men not do to keep themselves
inoffloe? Every office-seeker must knuckle down to the
German element—he must give them beer and “ Sacred
Concert*" on Sunday, or they will keep him out of office
We know men rearing a family of hoys, who know that
the oaatom is a bad and ruinous one, yet for the sake of
the “Almighty Dollar”— wrong from the city Treasury—
they vote for and sustain tbs debauchery and desecration
of tbe Sabbath. Even after the voice of the peep.l* i.«
heard. jpdliticians stifle and baffla it for the sake of
office. Is It not humiliating to see a man stoop so iovr.
and oppose, that which he Isdowr to be right— for office j
This is Block Republicanism in Bt. Louis—it is to b« hoped
that tbe same principles and motives do not govern them
iu other cities as they do here. The peoplx will yet have
that respect paid tbe Sabbath in St. Louis as Is tbe chm>
in other cities and towns—if politicians oppose it, tbe
PEOPLE will lake it into their own hands —mark what we
Friday last was tbe titty fixed for the exeem
Stephen W. Honser. for the murder of William I>. I'arn#'
in Gasconade coanty. in this State, hut Gmv. Stewart ha*
again interfered with justice, and comma ted his punish,
meat to Imprisonment for fife in the Btate PeoitenMary
The murder was committed in 1853, at:d notwithstanding
a large reward was off;red for tbe murderer, he was not
for two when he was captured in
Kan«a« and taken back to Gasconade couuty, l<ut tbe
prisoner tbinkind he could not get justice there, took a
change of venn** to this county, and the >e*n!t is as above
The reporters for the newspaper press have l teen greatly
disappointed in this csse: they were for mouths getting up
a biography nf the past life of Houser, his spiritual con
dition, the motives which led him to the commi a Mou of
the critue, Ac., Ac. And after all was written, aud ready tor
the printer, the Governor spoj’.; a leogtby and interesting
local item! OLD GUARD.
45- Sufferers with Diseases of the Blad
der, Kidneys', Gravel, Dropsy. Weaknesses, Ac., rend the
advertism«nt in another roluinn. headed •• Helmbnld’s
Genome Preparation.” uov 23 ly 46
Carpets, Oil Cloths and window
Shade*. at the NVw farp-t St ,re. of.TAMK y KLFKKTH.
Corner of Ninth and Stree t l-. I'hil.i'ielpiiia, be'v.VKQ
Market and Arch. *•' -'i It d'2
£3** Watches and Jewelry.
It E M O r A L
GEORGE C. ALLEN, in busiuesa in Wail .-iieW. for the
past twe.ntv-two ysARs. has removed to No il;» BROAD
WAY, one dour I,clow Canal street, v. here In- lias just
opened a new stock of WATCHES and JEWELRY of en
tirely new and beautiful style.-: also, SILVER AND PLA
He is constantly receiving the latest Myies of Watches
and Jewelry, by ev*rv Steaui-r direct tr-»m tin- lu-iunfac-
Itirers in Europ-.
Watches cleaned and repaired iu the best maum-r h\
the finest London aud Geneva workmen.
GEORGE C. ALLEN. Importer of Watches and Jewelry
and manufacturer of "Jewelry. Watch Ca-c- aud Sllvot
War.-, Wholesale and Retail. 415 Broadway, one door below
Canal street, New York nov Jn ly 4rt
Bridgend County Map.
Don't forget tn »jet a c,-pv oj this Map The Map just
issued is but a p>«.cited up e'ii’iuii of an otd on.* with which
tin; inhabitants county have been familiar for many
y-nts. It has been <*mbelli-h>*d with view,. and pmi-.
which adds xiuiewhnt t.. its appearance. blit it i- incom
plete and in.irc.ira >■. and i< •-.,nd»*imie<i by eV.-r;. Miliscri
iier who has occasion to make us- of it as a reference.—
Notwithstanding the pains that others have taken to mis
rupres-nt my intentions, in order, at the present time, to
accomplish tin-ir own ends, 1 beg leave respnil'nlly to
aunt.mice, ihat considerable progress Ins already i>een
unnle with the surveys, and that it is nut m> represent.-dj
my int. niion tofihainlon my present undertaking h getting
ut'a map of Lam-aster County. The work when fiui-lied.
will he a faithful rrtpreewnl.'ti"H ol tile
whole county, aud shall not, alter d-livery. share the
justly meiitcd fate ol others, iu h- ng condemned by the
public a* nu imposition.
June 2S Mm 21 ii K. BIUDGENri, Publisher.
• che. k* "I
Hsr Allcock’a Porous Plastern good in
I’l.Kl'KlrY, ht-cause they keep up a perspiiatiou over thu
part afTeefed. and a meal action which curco inliani
illations, Consmnption iroui colde. especially in those of
delicate fibre is by tin* u-e • Thi- piaster, over the breaot •
bone. fr> ijueiitiy pm-nt-d. Mv-teri.-* are cured bv w-.ui
ing one over the oowel-.
Dr. Ilemlerson, who was cmed by these plasters, of Hy
pertrophy of the Heart, says.—- Lain wonderfully pleased
with tin- counter irntntiug eilect ol your plaster-: for it is
produced in i-m-h a mild and gradual wav. invigorating tin*
capillary elrcuial ion around tlie part to which tn-y urn ap
plied: and also willi tin-great nervous Tdativ- intlueiio
thev exert in all n-- wow di-ea-t-H "
I Imy Ci-n,-
Pain in. ami weak backs : 10.-al rheuma
tiHuis; pains in the side: spine diseases-, pains of the
bowels; hypertrophy ut the Heart, pain ~f tin- hip.; Hys
terics : affections in the Kidneys; sick imss ami retelling ut
fhe stomach : aud they prevent consumption, and gener
ally relieve pain.
Should be in every family. T. AI.LCOCK j CO.
Sold at Canal Street. New York, and by ZAfI.W <v
JACKJON, No. In North Quoeu street. Lancaster. Pa., and
bv all r.sp-i table dealers in medicines. Price. 25 Cents.
aug-j:: lt:;2
oini. tie- renuit of the
t}jj~ Equality to All! Uniformity of
Price ! A new feature of Business : Every one hi* own Sales
man. Jones Jc Co., •>! the Creafeut One Price Clothing Store.
« Market street, above Oth. in addition t-* having the
largest, most varied and fashionable stiick of Clot hi qg in
I'hila'leipliia, made expressly for retail sales, have const!
tuled every one his ow n Salesman, by having marked in
figures, on each article, the very lowest price it cau lie
Held for, so they cannot possibly vary—all must buy alike.
The goods are ail well sponged and piepared and great
pains taken with the making, so that all can buy with the
full assurance of getting a good article at the very lowest
Remember the Cr-scent, in Market. above otb, No. bJ2
•••'. I'-.-. JON*hr' k CO
Hi- Great Inducement to Cash Buyers
Housekeeper- will find ii greatly to .their ad vantage to
purchase CHINA. GLASS, and COMMoN WAKES ut
Who have a system of doing business peculiar to them-
selves. They import their Wares direct from the befit
Manufacturers, and sell them in small quantities to the
FARMER AND CITIZEN, just ns cheap as they can be
bought iu barm* quantities nr Wholesale by the Country
T. & M.'s customers have the double advantage of pur-
chasing direct from the Importer, and of selecting from a
very large and beautiful assortment, at a saving of at
least -5 per cent.
fig* Prof. Duvall’s Galvanic Oil.—The
Great Rheumatic aud Neuralgiac Remedy.
The undersigned takes this method of informing the
public generally that there is no medicine now offered to
the public that'is equal to DUVALL’S GALVANIC OIL in
relieving suffering humanity.
I was an observer of its effects in a friend of mine, who
suffered almost everything from a neuralgic affection which
resisted the best medical treatment in Centre county. We
applied freely the Galvauic Oil to the painful part, and
gave soine inwardly, and iu 20 minutes the patient was
asleep, and when awakened was free from pain, uud con
tinued so. This is a positive fact which I am willing to
make good at any time. A case of Felon was
nearly the same length of time.
.1. 11. HANN. Centre Hill,
Centre county, is.
Hear wfon Mr
l have used the Galvauic Oil prepared by.J. l>. Stoneroad,
of Lewistown, Pu.. for a very painful disease myself and
recommend it to others, and in every case found it to be
one of the very best medicines for sore and painful dis
eases. Relieves all pain iu a few minutes. Every family
should have it In the house.
Altoona, Blair county. July 0. 1858.
J. D. Stoneroad. Lewistown, Pn.
Dear Sir —Mr. Win. Turnbaugh has been suffering
several years from rheumatism, sr>'t so ill that his frieode
and relatives wen* summoned to witness his death. 1 in
duced his friends to try the virtue- of your preparation—
they did so, as the last resort; and. to their astonishment
and joy, he began to improve, got better and better, and
now, so far as 1 know, lie is a hale and stout man. This is
not the only case where the Galvanic Gil has surpassed
human expectations. Iu every case whore 1 have recom
mended the nil, it has done what it promises to do. Seud
uh another *du's worlh.
For sale t.y ELY PARRY aud DANIEL HEITSHU. Lan
caster city—and by every country merchant in Lancaster
Ijx.k md fur the Mammoth Hand Bills.
Duvall's Guyvs
dec 28 ly 50
On the 18th inst., by the Rev. J. .1. Strine. Solomon
Waltmau to Mqry K. Clendenin, both of Edeu township.
By the same.
At Manheim, ou Thursday last, by Rev. .1. E. Gractf,
L. S. Uackor, of Philadelphia, to Lavini L. Arudt, ot the
former place.
On the 14th nit., by Rev. Jacob Kinebold. Esaias Weaver,
of Elizabeth township, to Sarah Boyer, of Clay township.
On tho 11th inst., by the'same, Ilenryßrighton, of Peters
burg. to Melinda Stump, of Mount Joy township.
August Ist. by Rev. I). Hertz, Eplinita. Frederick W
Fleischman, of Lancaster city, to Susanah Turner, of
August 11th, by the same, David S. Weist. of Ephrata, to
Rebecca W. Gosbert, of Clay township.
August 18th, by Rev. G. F. Krotel, Daniel R. Khl.w and
Miss Sarah Aud Yonderamith, both of Lancaster.
August 4th. by Dauiel S. Geist. Esq., Henry Wertz to
Catharine Gerber, both of East Earl twp., Lancaster
August 4th, in Mount Joy. Mr. Robert Richardson, in
tho 73rd year of his age.
August sth, in SpringvJlle, George Geyer, in tho 83d
year of his ngo.
„ August 3rd. at Brandywine Iron Works, of scarlet fever,
Kate Ellmaker, aged 10 years and 2 weeks—and od Monday,
the Bth inst.. Cocilia Hager, aged 4 years and 2 months,
daughters of Bejamin R. and Elizabeth Hatfield
July 31st, in Miilersville, Frances, wife of Jacob Brisman,
aged 24 years, 10 months hd<l 15 days.
August 17th, in this city, Edwin Aeble Bowman, son of
M m. Bowman, aged 1 year and 8 months.
August 17th, in this city, about 12 o’clock, noon, Augus
tus J. Kuhn iu the 69th year of big age.
Ou Sunday, tho 14th inst., at Columbia, Susan W. wife
of 8. Smith, in the 27th year of hor age.
At Soudersburg. on the 15th inst., Amos E. Gara, aged
24 years.
Ou the 3rd Idbl, at Ephrata, Hannah Amweg, wife of
Wm. Amweg, aged 72 years, 7 months and 10 days.
It seldom falls to the lot of humanity to experience
more poignant sorrow than that which we now most
sincerely feel while compelled to record the decease of the
person above mentioned. Personally acquainted with her,
and having oDjoyod her society for a number of years, we
can well be authorized to pay a tribute to her memory, a
tribute whose truth none can gainsay, for in the words of
None named her but to praise.”
Butitis not for ourselves to mourn, for there was a large
domestic and social circlo called to sympathize together
deaply lor the departed, when Death had »et hie eternal
??*„ th f »ye> and Ups of one so loved; any one,
fn th ° am £, 9 things of human nature can appre
-5“ to ll Jf P ao E which must accompany the severing of so
th«™ 1 B >h“ hUBI ? and and wife, father and mother; but
nanlnol or h T a "“> cla t«d with the deceased as com-
C. than lh holn ‘“ n b 8 801,1 trd) y. ttolr grief Is hardly
n the wSIT fa nnect . Bd In kindred. Without an enemy
in the worl d, the soul has gone to find and enlov an
eternity with friends In Heaven. Her memory »m ever
be fresh, though years may roll away from the moment
s W nmmons r . y the oorth 10 awalt tb “”“ a '
In concluding this sincere and heartfelt tribute to an
esteemed and ever to be remembered friend we will aoala
repeat the words of the Poet: ’ 111 “ saln
“ Green be the turf above the©,
Friend of my early days;
None knew thee but to lore thee,
None named thee but to praise.” j 1
1’ II I L A h K I. P II I A
april 5 dm 3s3f 12
Yanijhn of Duacausrille sn;/a
11. LKHEI!
Yours truly
'll. relieves.all pain in from sto 30
•1. D. STOXEROD, Proprietor.
Lewistown, Pa.
F. HAZARD £ CO.. Agents,
508 Market st., Philadelphia.
Admu B. Good to Mary Rice, both of
None knew her but to love her,
Th“r® i» m- shipping demand for fl-mi and tbe only
sales are to the trade at sias for fresh ground super-
fine, and f!5 50 to *5 75 for extra and fancy. The in*pec*
tions amount Uio4>i' hhla., azainst 0015 libla., lut week,
wheat firm, sale® fioOh bn , at for Ked and 13i» for
wbl'e. Kve ucarr-—rn?w southern commands 70c; f'orn
steady, 2' 00 hn . w»ld at KUe for YelJow in store and 74 for
damaged, 3o<>o l>u.. new T>el.. Oai* sold at an i some
old at 37. Wlil«kj in belt*-, demand **!»•« 500 bbN . at 20
0 I for Pennsylvania.
Flour advwijred—sale* 14,:'.(>0 barrels—at $4 10 3:f4 35
: -r State, and $4 5 15 for Ohio : Southern uocbauge-l
ai '4 What firm—salew of 12.000 bush-ls—Bt
$1 2 1 ' or Southern Ur-1 an lfl -pVq.JI 42 for White. Corn
ad ran «<1 -->■:* !♦*«. *mm l.n-h-!* -at 71* for ntjt<-l ti~w I'r
visions qui*-i Whi-kv steady
Flour dull .it *5 >4*4; Wheat firm—*ale* of lo.nOu
at $1 15/S tl 32 for white, and $1 10@$1 18 lor
red: Corn firm and unchanged. Provisions unchanged:
Whisks ini! nt27)-£c. '
The Jobbing Department 1b thoroughly furnished with
new noJ elegant type of every description, and is under
the charge of a practical aud experienced Job Printer.—
The Proprietors are to
with neatness, accuracy and dispatch, on the moat reasona
ble terms, and in a manner ru-t excelled by any esLib!i«h
menf in the citv.
£**■ Orders from a distance, by mail or otherwise,
promptly attended to. Address
Intelligencer Office,
No. * North Duke street, Lancaster, Pa.
I j .Millers of this County, who are using R. MAUCK’S
PATENT IMPROVED FLOUR BOLT, formerly called the
HOT BOLT, will call on the undersigned before the FIRST
of OCTOBER next, or they will be proceeded agaiost tor
the infringem-nt
' iwijt-r n[ Mauck's Patent. 2 mi!e“ west of Lancaster.
K M. CLARK. Agent. 'aug23 3t*32
STEER.—Came to the subscrl
n be r , residing in East Donegal township, Lancaster
county. ai)'>ut midway between Elizabethtown and Bain
bridge, a STRAY' STEER, black and white spotted, sup
posed to be about one year old. The owner calliog, prov
ing property and paying charges, cau have the same: if
ini* h- w ill be diipose-t f according to law.
•tu.-ui.! 23. ]S5‘.».
Estate of Robert whiteside.
Letters of .'tdinlm.-rr.Htion on the estate of Robert
Whiteside, late of Eden township, deceased, having been
to the subscriber r—ddiug in said township: All
persons Indebted to said rotate- an* requested to make pay
ment immediately, and these having claims will present
them, u it hout delay, properly authenticated tor settlement.
ang :£! fit-I'i
1 UDITOR’S NOTICE.—The undersign-
J\_ ed Auditor. appointed 1* v* thd Orphans’ Court of Lan
caster co.. to distribute th« biluiee In the band** of Qeo.
H. Rnmh'Tger. Ks<|„ acting Executor of Valentine Risee,
late of city, il.-mmad. to and among those legally
entitled thereto, hereby gives notice that he will meet
the partien Interested, at the Court House, iii the City of
Un-nster. nu SATURDAY, the Ulfii day of SEPTEMBER.
i>w.>. at n’rln. k. 1». M.
aug 4t .”d
D. Killimrer )
Fi. Fa. Aug. Term. ls"'i. No. .‘4
D. It Vl.Tj.lersmith. I
John E. Shroder. 1
t«• the usei.f the U. S. of America. ! Yen. Ex., Aug. Term.
vs ls.-)0. No. »4.
D. R Vntxiersmith j
The undersigned auditors Ap
pointed to distribute the proceeds of the «Ik>vw execu
tions Htn"n!t those entitled thereto, will sit for that purpose
ou THURSDAY the ISth of SEPTEMBER next, at '2
,)•< |..nk. 1* M.. in the liihmrv Room of the Court House.
:iuz 23 4t
Mai tin Hri 11 anil A. F. Getz.)
T'HE undersigned auditor ap
(j'lintfd to. distribute that portion of tlm proceeds of
th« abnre execution which has been rult-d into Court, will
Mt i!uit j.ur;... FRIDAY the 10th of SEPTEMBER 2 o'clock. in the Lihtarv Room of the Court House,
aug 23 4t 32, A. SLAYMAKER, Andltor.
* UDITOR’S NOTICE.—TUe tuiderslgn
ed Auditor, appointed by the Orphans’ Court of Lan
caster county, to distribute the balance in the hands of
Aldus J. Neff, Esq., Administrator of Elizabeth Lovett, of
the City of I.ancaeter. ip the county of Lancaster, dec’d.
to and among those legally entitled thereto, hereby gives
notice that he will meet the parties interested, at the Court
House, in the City of Lancaster, on THURSDAY, the 15th
day of SEPTEMBER, at 2 o’clock, P. M.
(Examiner copy.)
Trains leave Vine fit. Wharf. Philadelphia, fur Atlantic
City, daily at b aud 7 1 ■?. A. M„ and P. M. Returning,
leaves Atlantic City, at ii A. M . aud 4 and 5.35. P. M.
Sunday tfain loaves Vine st.. at S, A. M. Atlantic at 0,
P. M. Fare for the Round trip, $1,25, by the 6, A. M. train,
and *2,50 by all ntb«»r trains JNO. r|. BRYANT,
ang 23 3t 32 _ Agent.
PUBLIC SALE.—The, undersigned As
signeo of William Newpber aud wife, will sell at
public sale, on the promises, ou FRIDAY, the 23rd day of
SEPTEMBER, 1850. a Lot of Ground, situated in the
village of Fairville, East Karl township. Adjoining lauds
of Levi Montz, Widow Klauser and Samuel Flickloger,
containing 103 PERCHES. The improvements are a good
Kitchen attached and Cellar underneath. A new
FRAME STABLE, Hog Sty, Bake Oven, a never §3op|
failing well of water, with pump therein, near theJuLX
kitchen door; there are also a number of young fruit trees
in bearing condition.
Any person wishing to view the-property before the day
of sale will be shown it. by calling on William Newpber
residing thereon.
Sale to commence at 2 o’clock P. M., on said day, when
terms will be made knowG by
GEO. DUCHMAN. Assignee.
ts 32
Trusses: braces: supporters::
Practical Adjuster of Rupture Trusses and Mechanical
Remedies. Has constantly on hand a large Stock of Genu
iue French Truces,Also a complete assortment of the best
American, Including the celebrated Whites Patent Lever
Truss, believed by the best authorities to be superior to
any yet inveuted. English and American Supporters and
Belts, Shoulder Braces, Suspensory Bandages, Self Inject
ing Syringes, adopted to both sexes, In neat portable cases,
French Pessaries, Urinal Bags, ic.
Orders and letters of enquiry, will meet prompt atten
tion. aug 23 ly 32
SALE.—On MONDAY, the 19th day of SEPTEM
BER, 1859, the undersigned Administrators of the estate
of Samuel Keller, late of Warwick township, Lancaster
county, deceased, (by virtue and in execution of an order
of the Orphans’Court of said county.) will sell at public
vendue, at the late residence of Baid deceased, uear the
premises, one mile east from the village of Litiz, the fol
lowing real estate, late of said deceased, to wit:—
No. 2, A Plantation or Tract of firßt-rate Limestone
Land, containing EIGHTY ACRES, strict measure, situate
in Warwick township aforesaid, adjoinlug No. 3, and lands
of Samuel K. Keller, Henry Becker, Joseph Pfautz and
John Shreiner. About 18 Acres whereof are covered with
HEAVY TIMBER, the residue* is in a high state of fulO
ration and UDder good fences, with a two-storied . .
BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, basement Kitcheu,
a largo SWISSEK BARN, with Wagon Shed at- Isgal
tached. Wood Shed, Corn Cribs, Ilog Stable aud JkJLiaL
other improvements thereon; also an ORCHARD OF
CHOICE BEARING FRUIT TREES, a spring of excellent
ruuning water and a fountain of spring water from a Hy
draulic Ram.
No. 3. A Plantation or Tract of first-rate Limestone
Land, containing 74 ACHES and 153 PERCHES, strict
measure, adjoiuing the above on tho west. About 3 Acres
whereof covered with excellent Timber, with a rough-cast
BARN, Wagon Shed, Hog Stable, and a stone Spring House
over a never failing spring of water convenient to the
house, aud other improvements thereon, and under good
No. 4, A Tract of Land, adjoining No. 3on the west,
containing 9 ACRES AND 26 PERCHES, with a one and
a half 6toried STONE DWELLING HOUSE, STABLE, and
other improvements thereon, aud a welt of excellent water
with a pump convenient to the house.
No. 5, A Tract of Land, near the above premises, and on
the south-west side of the public road leading to Litiz, ad
joining lands of Samuel E. Keller, late Daniel Pfantz,
deceased, late Jacob Hess, deceased, and No. 5, containing
II ACRES and 43 PERCHES, without buildings.
No. 6. A Tract of Land, adjoiuing No. 5, lands late of
Jacob Ilesß, deceased, and JOhn Pfautz, containing 8
ACRES and 29 PERCHES, under good fences and a num
ber of Locust Trees fit for cutting thereon.
No. 7. A Tract of Heavily Timbered Land, adjoining
lands of Samnel E. Keller, Uenry Becker, Abraham Col
dren aud No. 8, containing 4 ACRES ami K 4 PERCHES.
No. 8. A Tract of Heavily Timbered Lund, adjoining
No. 7 on the cost, No. 9 ou the west, and lands of Sarnuei
E. Keller and Abraham Coldren. containing 4 ACRES and
No. A Tract of Heavily Timbered adjoining No.
** ou the east, anti lands of Abraham Coldren and Samuel
K. Keiler, containing 4 ACRES and 83 PERCHES.
No. lU, A Tract of first-rate Limestone Land, situated
on “ Carter’s Run,” or “Litiz Creek,” in Warwick town
ship, one half mile oast of Litiz, udjoining l&iid6ofJohn
Pfautz, Christian Burkholder and others, containing 14
ACRES and 45 PERCHES, with a one and a half storied
CARDING MILL, with a Circular Saw therein, and other
improvements thereon, and a good Water Power to said
And on TUESDAY, the 2uth day of SEPTEMBER, 1859,
on the premises, in Warwick township aforesaid, about 'DA
miles north from Litiz, on the road leading from Litiz
Mill to Kline’s Mill, a Tract of Timber Laud, containing
about 29 y 1 ACRES, adjoining lands of Miles Carpenter.
Dauiel Doster and others, which will be sold in the whole
or in lots of three or more acres, to suit purchasers. This
Tract is well Timbered, aod’a part of it Chestnut Sprouts.
Also, at 6 o’clock in the evening of the same day,
(20th September,) at the public house of Samuel Lichten
thaler, in the village of Litiz, a two-storied ■ a
Honse, Wood Bhed and other improvements, and ||E§{
"Lot of Ground belonging thereto, situated on the
north side of Main street, adjoining ground of John Beck
aud J. W. Rauch.
These properties are all in good condition and in an
excellent neighborhood, and well worth the attention of
persons wishing to purchase real estate.
The sales will besin at 1 o’clock, P. M., on each of
said days. . SAMUEL E. KELLER,
aug 23 ts 32 Administrators.
The Ninth Annual Exhibition of the Pennsylvania
State Agricultural Society, will be held at POWELTON.
and FRIDAY, the 27th, 28th, 29th and 30th days of SEP
TEMBER next. On the let of September, the Secretary
wilt remove to the Rooms of the Philadelphia Society for
the promotion of Agriculture, No. 626 Chesnut Btreet,
Philadelphia, where Books of Entry for the Exhibition
will bo opened.
Letters addressed to the Secretary, at Harrisburg, or
John McGowen, Philadelphia, or Charles K. Engle, Bustle
ton, will meet with attention till Ist of September.
A. 0. Hzister, Secretary.
Goods for Exhibition, carried on all the Railroads in
the State, to and fro, free of charge. [aug 16 6t 81
SUNDAY NOTlCE»»Persoxxa wishing
Medicines on Sunday will please call between the
hours of 1 and %P. at Dr. WAYLAiPS Drag Store,
No. 60 North Qneen street. apr T tf IS
of the respective decedents hereunto eucexed. are
filed in the Register’* Office of Lancaster County, for eon*
firmstton and allowance, at an Orphans. Court to he held
in the Court House, in the City of Lancaster, on the 3d
MON DAY in SEPTEMBER next, (the I9tb.) at 10 o’clock,
A. M.
Philadelphia, August Jl.
Christian P. Herr. Manor township. Guardianship Account-
By Jacob 8. Mann. Guardian of Martha, Susan and Ahra*
him Herr, minor children of deceased.
Joseph Feltenberger, Conoy mwnphip. By Jacob Ucbty,
Michael West Earl township. By Joel Wengei aud
Peter AdminWmtors.
George Couiaon, Little Britain now Foltoo township.—
Guardianship Account By Dackett 8. Williams, Goar*
... dian of Thomas H. Conlson, minor son of deceased.
Isaac F. Bear, Warwick township. By Andrew B. Hack
man, Administrator.
Barbara Lynea, Martic township. Guardianship Account.
By John Peoples, Guardian of Jacob C. Lynea, a minor
Vrw Y»>ps. August 20
Grandson (now of sge) of deceased.
Joseph Philips, Fulton township. By Samuel Wicks, Ad-
William Scott, Fulton township. By John Scott, B. F. Scott,
Samuel W. Scott, aod N. Davis Scott, Executors.
Jacob GrebilJ. Conestogo township By David Rush. Ex
Baltjm'.rf.. August 2".
John Eshleman. West Donegal township. By Catharine
Esbleman. Administratrix.
Enos Dillei, Earl township. By Adam Diller, Adminis-
Janies Calwell, Eden township. By Joseph Cal well, Admin-
Philip Fawby, Mount Joy township. By Abraham Fa why,
surviving Executor.
William Brinley. Salisbury township. Guardianship Ac
count. By Jacob Umble, Guardian of Elizabeth Ann.
George and John Brinley. minor children of deceased.
James Martin, Colerain township. By Joei&h Martin,
David Trissler. Bor ugh now City of- Lancaster. By Wil-
liam B. Wiley, Administrator.
Michael Glaoner, Salisbury township. By Benjamin F.
Weaver, Administrator.
David Glaoner, Salisbury township. By Benjamin F.
Weaver; Executor.
James McKeown, City of Lancaster. By Solomon Sprecher
and 9. B. Livingston, Executors.
Hugh McClarin, Sadsbury township. Final Account. By
Samuel Slokom, Executor.
Samuel Neeper, Little Britain (now Fulton) township.
Guardianship Account. By Elizabeth M. Neeper, Guar
dian of Martha Jane. John 5., Robert C. and Eliza Ann
Neeper, minor children of deceased.
George EVy, Elizabeth township. By Sarah Ann Fry,
Administratrix, with the Will annexed.
Jacob Esbleman, Paradise township. By 0. H. Letevre,
who was appointed nnder the last Will of said deceased
one of Ahe Trustees of Mrs. Maria Warfel, a devisee of
said deceased.
Mary Rhoads, New Holland, Karl township. By Isaac
Sprecher and William Sprecher, Executors.
Christian Grove, East Donegal township. By John H.
Grove, Administrator.
Mary Kberly, widow of Jacob Kberly, late of Franklin
county, Ohio. By Samuel Nissly, Administrator.
Ann Brnner, widow, Epbrata township. Second and final
Account. By Samnel Nissly, Administrator.
Isaac Redsecker, Borough of Elizabethtown. Guardianship
Account. By Samuel Redsecker, Guardian of Susanna
Redsecker, minor daughter of deceased.
Isaac Redsecker. Borough (if Elizabethtown, Guardianship
Account. By Samuel Red-eoker, Guardian of Cathariin-
Redsecker, minor daughter of deceased
Adam BreDeman, Manor township. Final Account. By
J. Hoffman Hersbey and Beujamin B. Breneman, Admin-
2m 32
John Garber, West Donegal township. Guardianship Ac
count. By John Longenecker, Guardian of Fanny Miller,
late Garber, a minor daughter of said deceased.
Klizaoeth Brown, Little Britain township. By Joseph
Bailance, Executor. .
Daniel Eberly, Elizabeth now Clav township. Guardian
ship Account. By Samuel Kberly, Guardian of Daniel H.
Eberly, a minor son of deceased.
Dauiel Eberly. Elizabeth now Clay township. Gnardiau
ship Account. By Bamuel Eberly, Guardian of Alleu
Kberly, a minor son of deceased.
Michael Minnlch. Conoy township. By William Wormley
and Benjamin Mlnoich, Administrators.
Jacob and Mary Ann (formerly Mary Ann McNeely) Stauf
fd£s Guardianship Account. By Jas A. Patterson,Gnar
dun of David M. Stauffer and Mary Ann Stauffer, minor
children ofdeceased.
Joseph Braudt, West Donegal township. By Samuel Boss
ier (by his Administrators. Jacob and Christian Bossier)
aud Christian Brandt. Executors of the last Will of de-
Theopbllus Sherts, Paradise township. By John S. Ken
eagy. Administrator.
Doctor Edwaid Chaodlee. Little Britain township By
Mary Chaudlee and William Paxson, Administrators.
Margaret Yeute. City of Lancaster. Further supplemen
tary Account. By Alexander L. Hayes and Townsend
Whelen, Administrators.
William Ileitshu. City of Lancaster. Guardianship Ac
count. By Daniel Heitsbu and John FoDdersmith.
Testamentary Guardians of Charles Ileitshu. Bon of
Nelson Sutton, Borough of Columbia. First Account. By
George Bogle. Executor.
Catharine Stoner, alias Catharine Ruch, Manheim town
ship. By Andrew Ruch, Administrator-
Doctor Samnel Humes, City of By Dr. Henry
Carpenter, Executor.
Charlotte Henry, City of Lancaster. By Jacob Boar.
Vend. Exponas, Aug. Term.
1839, No. 75.
Robert Moderwell, City of Lancaster. First and final Ac
count. By Ann Moderwell, sole Executrix.
Johnß. Edwards, Borongh of Columbia. By Daniel Herr,
one of the Administrators.
Frauds Flury, Borough of Marietta. Becond and final
Account. By Sarah A. Flury and Jnmes Cushman,
Jacob Groff. Providence township. By Susan Groff. Ad
JOHN JOHNS, Register.
Register’s Office, Lnn. Aug. 23,1859. 4t 32
l / y.UUU 175,000 DOLLARS
175,000 DOLLARS
175.000 DOLLARS
175.000 DOLLARS
175.000 DOLLARS
The subscriber having HeTeral hundred dollars of bills
of the Laucaster Bank, Is desirous of collecting them off
the stockholders, as the Bank refuses payment. Now, as
it is hard for one man to fight a thousand, I take this
method of equalizing the expense, and hope all who have
Lancaster Bank bills will immediately send them tome
for collection, for soon they will be worthless for the want
of attending to. It will cost from Five to Ten Thousand
Dollars to push the matter through the Courts. I want
parties to stmd me at the rate of Five Dollars to the bffu
dred to pay Court charges, in good money, otherwise no
one can afford to enforce collection, aud the poor bill bolder
will lose all. The Bank failed November, 1856, and at this
date, August. 1859, it owes depositors s>B3,9o9—owes out
standing bills $175,000 —has several hundred stockholders
who are mostly wealthy, and can be made to pay, first the
bill holders and then the depositors. I also find the Bank
has about $50,000 owing it, which is good, but they are
purchasing the bills at 10 cents to 15 cents on the dollar
to pay their notes with, and when they are all paid, there
will be no value to the bills, without it is attended to as 1
propose. “FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED "—send On
your money immediately.
Address or call at the EXCHANGE HOTEL, on the sub
scriber. ■: J. F. SMITH.
Lancaster, August, lboii.
N. B.—Persons sending money by mail, will please write
their Names, Post Office. Couuty aßd State, In a plain
hand, so as to have no mistake made by sending receipt
and from time to time a circular of how matters progress.
Letters of Enquiry must have a letter stamp en
closed to insure an answer. No money will be received for
collection alter tho 15th of October. J. F. SMITH.
N. B.—Newspapers within a huudred miles around Lan
caster connty will please publish this in your paper until
the 10th of October, and send me your bill, which will be
paid out of the 5 per cent, fund which I am collecting to
pay expenses with. aag 23 3m 32
Balanoe of Summer Stock rioting out at prICM lower
than the lowest at Town Hall, 618 Ma&kxt Stjust,
Philadelphia, by BENNETT A 00.
ant 23 It 82
.1 card
The sun was peeping from the Hast
Through Morning’s curtains rosy,
Bat we were sleeping in oar nest —
A chamber nice and cosy.
We started up, for at our door
We heard u gentle rappiDg—
’Twas not a spirit from the spheres
Bnt Doctor Oppelt tapping.
Come down !” said he—What for ? we aßked —
If you’re a reason show" it!
*• I have,” he answered, “I've a sheet
That’s waiting for a poet”
*• It waits the Bard of Tower Hall,
And he should not be loathing
A sheet on which I’ll make him right
For once, without the Clothing.”
We went and said, but make us right
Upon the sheet you’Te mentioned.
And naked truths we will indite
Of one so well intentioned.
A linen sheet, in water soaked,
The doctor had been wringing.
Which on the lied he spread, and said.
“ Prepare yonrself for springing !”
We leaped at once upon the Bbeet,
The doctor then entrapped ns
With quilts and blankets, half a score.
In which he snugly wrapped ns.
“ There, now,” said he. “ lie still and calm ”
This was his first prescription—
We did, of coarse, for we were like
A mummyfied Egyptian.
We felt at first a little fear.
With symytoms of a shiver—
Wo thought, perhaps the dampen’d sheet
Might chill the heart and liver.
But no, we felt a genial warmth,
And, with au hour’s probation,
Our foolish fears were drowned and lost
In floods of perspiration.
We breathed au air with balmy sweets
It gathered on the mountain.
And quaffed. Id “ pack,” a goblet full
Of water from the fountain ;
And then the clothes were taken off—
We waited not a minute;
A mammoth bathing tub was there
With cold spring water in it,
In which we plunged, and there we bathed—
Our head and heels both under—
You aay, of course, we caught a cold,
If not It is a wonder.
We dld’nt though, hut far from that,
The water, health bestowing,
Gave strength and action to the skin,
And we were warmly glowiDg.
We dressed, and sought the mountain top,
The walk our heart deligbtifig—
The stomach in the pleasure shared
With feelings appetiting.
At four o’clock we took the “ ciouoAs,’’
A stream of water falling
Full twenty feet; a pleasant bath,
Although in thought appalling.
In thirty days eight pounds of flesh.
And strength in fair proportlou,
We’ve gained, and now will water praise
From dew drops to the ocean,
Because the strength, by water given,
Has made US strong for writing,
While we are those in want of clothe*
To Towca Hall inviting,
Where they on ev’ry dollar may
In buying, save a quarter,
And cheaply dress, the Bard to bless
Made strong in truth by Watch.
A. M. Bin INGF.R &Co.
(Establilhed 1778,)
No. 338 Broadway, N. Y.
especially designed for the use of the
Medical Profession and the Family, pos"
tesses those intrinsic medicinal properties
(Tonic and Diuretic) which belong to an
Old and PURE GIN I'he business
of manufacturing spurion* ill-, and offer
ing them as beverages, under the titles,
“ Aromatic,” —“ Cordial,” —“ Medicated,'’
etc., has become so common, that the pub
lic are justly suspicious of nearly everything
that is offered under similar forms, and the
trade has thus been brought into disreputo-
It has remained for our house (esttiblMn-il
in 1118) to supply the pressing popular
need, and to inaugurate a new cm in tin-
history of the Trade. We trust that onr
established reputation founded upon
eighty years of experience abundantly
vindicates our claim to public confidence.
N. B.
A comparison of •• Bininger's Old Loudon Dock Uni
with others bearing similar names, will establish iu
superiority, and make other Caution' unnecessary.
Put up iii Quart, in Cases o.
one and two dozen each, and sold through
out the world by Druggists. Grocers, etc.
Druggifts and Dealers
Supplied with
Wines and Brandies, I
Direct from United States
ed Warehoule.-.
For fait* by KAUFMAN k 00., Lancaster. Pa.
ttug 23
Look out : good news for all r
The never-fiuliug .Mrs. VANHORN Is the beat : she
succeeds when all others have failed. All who are in
trouble—all who haTe been unfortunate, all whose fnml
hopes have been disappointed. crushed and blasted by false
promises and deceit, —all who have been deceived and
trifled with, —all fly to her for advice and satisfaction, —
all who are in doubts of the affections of those they love,
consult her to relieve and satisfy their minds. Inhrot
affairs she never fails, she has the secret of winning the
affections of the opposite sex. it Is this fact which induces
illiterate pretenders to try tu imitate her. Bhe shows you
the likeuess of your future wife, husbaud. or abseut
friend; she warrants ami guarantees the single a happy
marriage, aud makes the married happy. Her aid anil
advice bus l/eeu solicited in innumerable instances, and
the result has always been the means of securing a apeedy
and happy marriage; she is therefore a sure dependence.
She has beeu the means of bringing many hundred hearts
and hands together. Thousands of broken hearts have
bean healed aud made happy by her.
It is well known to the public at large that she was the
first, and she is the ouly person who can show the likeness
in reality, and who can give entire satisfaction on all the
concerns of life, which can be proved by thou
sands, both married and single, who daily and eagerly
visit her at
All interviews are strictly private and confidential.
sug23 Om*32
—The »abscri>)ers wish to em*
tjpo\_jv_/* piny an active relish!-* man in each of
the State to travel and take ordei-, for
XK(> A R S A.V D TOJSA C C 0 ,
by samples. Will pay a salary of S(KX) to $&00 per year,
payable monthly. For samples and particulars apply to.
or address, Inclosing stamp for return postage,
:tI2 Pearl street. New York.
aug 10 5t :;l
Ti CEASED.—Letters of Administration on the Estate of
John Winters, late of New Holland, in Earl Towuship,
deceased, having been granted to the subscriber residing At
Hinkletowu,said Township : Therefore all persons indebted
to said Estate, are requested to make payment without
delay, aDd those having claims will present them properly
authenticated f r settlement.
aug 1G fit* 31 j
signed Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of
Lancaster county, to distribute the baluurc- lu the hands
of Thomas Robison, Administrator of Jacob Stock, late of
Providenee township, Lancaster county, deceased, to and
among those legally entitled thereto, hereby gives notice
that he will meet at the Court House, in the City of Lan
caster, on WEDNESDAY, the 31*t day ol AUGUST, 1859,
at 2 o’clock, P..M. JACOB B. AM WAKE,
aug 9 3t 30 Auditor.
George Conrad nod Wife, of Warwick township, Lan
caster county, have made a voluntary asslguineut to the
undersigtied, residing at Litiz, of all their estate, real, per
sonal and mixed, for the benefit of their creditors: This
is therefore to give notice to all persons indebted to said
George Cmrad and Wife, to make payment immediately,
and those haviDg claims will present the same without
delay properly authenticated for settlement.
july 12 fit* 2G
VJ OTlCE.—Letters of Administration
with the Will annexed, of Absalom Dubree, Esq., late
of Drnmore township, Lancaster county, deceased, having
been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to
the estate of said deceased are requested to make payment
without delay, and those having claims, to present the
same duly authenticated to
Administrator, with the Will annexed, of A. Dubree, dec'd.
Drumore township, Aug. 9th, 1859. Gt*3o
NOTICE —The undersigned Auditor,
appointed by the Court ofCommou Pleas of Lancaster
Connty, to report distribution of tho balance in the bands
of Levi Iluber, Esq., Assignee, by deed of voluntary assign
ment, for benefit of the creditors of Henry Mnsselman and
Wile, of Peqnea township, to and among those legally
entitled to the same, will meet for the purpose of his ap
pointment on WEDNESDAY, the 24th day of AUGUST, A.
I)., 1859, at 2 o'clock, P. M„ in the Library Room of the
Court House, in the City of Lancaster, when and where all
]>ersons interested may attend if they see proper.
aug2t4t29; DANIEL FULTON. Auditor.
| Examiner copy, j
Notice is hereby given that
in the Borough of Mount Jny, Lancaster county, haviug a
capital stock of Fifty Thousand Dollars, will apply at the
next session of the Pennsylvania Legislature, for the
privilege of increasing its capital stock, Twenty-Five
Thousand Dollars, with the further privilege of increasing
its capital stock to One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dol
lars; also for power to change Its name to the “Mount
Joy Bank,’’ and under that name, in Its present location,
to issue Bank Notes,and in addition to its present privileges,
to exercise and enjoy general banking privileges under the
general laws of the Commonwealth regulating banks.
By order of the Directors. i
ABRM. SHELLY, President.
Jacob R. Long, Treasurer.
Mount Joy, Pa., June 20, 1860.
Dedication and procession.
AVG(' S T 25, 185 9.
The meeting wilt be held in a Grove about a quarter ot
a mile from the Village.
Grand Representative.!. B. NICHOLSON, Grand War
_don Rev. Mr. WASHBURN, and others, will address the
S& The Lancaster Feneibles’ Band will be present.
Excursion Tickets over the Pennsylvania Railroad will
be issued from all the regular Stations, good from the 24th
to the 26th.
No Sutlers will be allowed on the gronnd without per
mission from the Committee.
W. H. Beale, Dr. S. B. Fox, Jas. M. Moore, J. J. Morgan,
D. P. Sbeeler, Jas. Collios, Wm. Haslam, Dr. Robt, McKis
sick, Charles Rees, Walter De Lanno, Jno. D. Laverty, W.
McCanna, Committee of Arrangement. aug 2 td 29
American life insurance and
Company’s Building, Walnut street, 8. E. corner <>•' Fourth.
or at Joint Stock Rates, at about 20 per cent, less, or at
Total Abstinence Rates, tho lowest in the world.
A. WHILLDIN, President.
J. C. Sims, Secretary.
U. S. GARA, Esq., East King street, Ageut for Lancas
ter county. [mar 22 ly 10
No. 20% North Queen, and nest door to
Lane’o Store, East King Street,
The cheapest monthly Agricultural and HortiouJtu
ral paper published In this country.
SUBSCRIPTIONS received at Publisher’s rates in clubs
or single copies. Single copy, one year, 50 cents; five
copies, $2,00, Ac.
We also receive subscriptions to the
American Agriculturist $1 single copy, $8 ten copies.
The Country Gentleman $2 single copy, $8 five copies.
The Cultivator 50c single copy, $2 five copies.
The Horticulturist $2 single copy, $8 five copies
The Gardener’s Monthly-...—51 single copy.
In addition we have constantly on hand a variety of
valuable Agricultural Works, all of which we offer at rea
sonable rates.
Every person interested in soil cnltnre should not be
without one of the above valuable practlcle Agricultural
publications, and for the sake of having them all read and
nave the advantage of them, we offer either at the publish
ers’ rates. JOHN SHEAF FEB,
may IT tf 18 Successor to Murray, Young k Co^
FUL Boy’■ and Ohildraa'i HATS and OAFS, just n
ceirodtojr [may 3 tf 16] J. AMUR.
W* would respectfully call tbd attention of tha public
to our superior stock of GOAL, selected and prepared ex*
preesb f o» family use, which we will re-ecreon and deliver
In Ruud order to any part of the eitv, at the lowest market
prices'. GKO. CALDEB A CO.
Office East Orange street, two doors from North Queen.
Yard—Oraeff’* Landing, on the Conestoga.
oF LANCASTER —Those who bare not yet paid their
tax for the year 1-59. will bear In mind that, after the Ist
of ."H-piemln-r so addition of per cent, will be made as
directed by Ordinance.
All persons using the Conestoga water aud not haring
paid their rent for the year 1859, will take notice that the
Ordinance requires the stoppage of the water and salt to
be brought all delinquents after the flret of Pep
tember. JOHN W. JACKSON.
Treasurer and Receiver of Ta'res.
Lancaster, Aug. 10,1859. aug 10 St SI
A small quantitr Just received, of very sui>erlor quality.
Price $5 per bushel.
Al*i. a complete assortment of Pariuicn: Implements.
Hor»e Powers, Threshers, Grain Mills, Hay Cutters,
Corn Shellera, Ac., Ac.
Also, a large assortment of Garden, Field and Flower
Seeds, of the most reliable nineties.
New York Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Store. 191
Water street, New York. aug 16 Bt*3l
Dried blood and wool manure.
A new aud valuable Fertilizer, containing a large
proportion of nitrogenous matter. Price $3O per ton, lu
barrels contaiuing 2iiQ lbs. No charge for package. Also.
Peruvian and American Guano, Bone Dust, Phosphates,
Plaster. Ac. \ R. L. ALLEN.
New York Warehouse and Seed Store. 191
Water street. New York.
Notice to tax-payers.
The underslgued, In pursuance of a Resolution of the
Board of Prison Inspectors, would call the attention of the
public to the following list of articles manufactured and
for sale, wholesale and retail, at the Lancaster County
PiisoD, viz:
Rag Carpets of a superior quality. Extra List Carpeting,
Grain Bags. Half Spanish, Sixes and superior Coba Cigars,
Seines, Fish Nets, Fly Nets for Ilorses, Boots, Shoes and
Slippers. A large assortment of Baskets always on band
or made to order. Axe and Grobe Handles. A variety of
Turned Work, such as Screws, Stool Feet, Mallets, Ac.—
Kettle Ears, Heavy Hinges for large Doors or Oates,
Wrought Nails, large and small Cabbage Cutter*, Ac... Ac.
Also, a Urge lot of Tobacco Cuttings
£35“- These articles can be afforded at Uwer prices tbun
they can be purchased for elsewhere, of equal quality, and
those who maintain the Prison should call and protit
neatness ami despatch.
Per J. L. Hoffmkier, (Clerk and Sulrsmau.j
Lancaster, Aug. 16, 1859. tf 31
PUBLIC SALE.—I will sell at Public
Sale, on SATURDAY, the 3rd of SEPTEMBER, 1860,
at 3 o’clock. P M., ait the City Hotel, in Frederick. Md ,
th- FARM.
on Bush Creek, adjoining the Baltimore and Ohm Railroad,
five miles east of Frederick, and near Fox A Weaver’s Mill.
If has a tolerable DWELLING HOUSE, imw To- . *
lucco House, a variety of young Fruit Trtv.-, and fjsjj-j
several good springs ou it. About 60 Acres are In
cultivation. (4 fields.) 40 Acres in Wood, ami about 7.0
Acres growing up io Young Timber, mainly L’hesnut and
l<oeust. The soil i« good, and much of superior Tobacco
TEEMS.—rin**.«ixtU cash—balawv in five rqiiul animal
payments, with Interest properly -ecured.
■tug lbts 311 HUGH McALKFR
public sale, on FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 9th, 1659, at
2 o’clock, P. M., on the premises, about 2 miles north of
Samuel Ebetly’s Btore, tho following pro|K*it}. lii- i-siat--
of George Lauber, viz :
No. 1. A Lot of Woodlaud, situate in Ciay towu.-hip.
Lancaster county, adjoining land now >-r inie of S.-tomel
lllig and others, containing 6 ACK KS, more < r ]••.»«.
Also, will be sold at public sale, on Tlll.'RtDAY. SKl’*
TKMUKK Sth, 1859, al 1 o’clock. P M., at George Gejer’s
Tavern. (Seminole,) in Warwick township. Hi* foll'*wiug
property, viz:
No. 2. A Tract or Lot of Laud, nituatv in \V:u\vji k luwn
ship. Lmcast« r county, adjoining laud of George Myer*
and f'lhers. cou'ainiag ACRES and 20 PER- x
No. 3. A Piece or Lot of Ground, Mtuat*- in West Karl
township, Lancaster comity, adjoining land.*, of Jacob S.
Shirk and others, coutaiuing 114 PERCHES, more or lees.
Persons wishing to view the premises will please call ou
John B. Erb, residing at Litlz, or George Lauber. near For-
ney’s Tavern, West Earl,
aug 9 ts 30
OR PUBLIC SALE.—The undersigned Assignees of
D. B. Kleffer, will effer at public sale, ou THURSDAY,
the 29th day of SEPTEMBER. 1859. a valuable Farm, con
taining 109 ACRES OK LIMESTONE LAND, situate on
the Poof. House road. x /. mile east of Carlisle. The farm
is In a high state ot cul tivntion, and under good p |
fences. The improvements consist of a large new
BRICK HOUSE, built in modern style, a BANK jg2g
BARN, new Cottao Tenant House. Ac.. Ac.—
One of the finest cprings in the county rises near the
house. This property will be sold in parts .>r as a whole,
to suit purchasers. Any person desiring tu purchase at
private sale prior to the d*' ui public sale can do so.
Persons wishing to view the property are requested to
call upon either of the undersigned, residing iu Carlisle,
or upon D. B. Kieffer, on the pieuiises.
aug 9 So
VATE SALE.—The undersigned ntr-n his farm at
private nale. situated in Milford township. JunialH coiiutv.
Pa., three miles west of the ll.iiiri-hhig t-'wns of Patter
nou nr.d Mifilin on the Pennsylvania iLaihnad. It cr-n*
lain* 111 ACRES, more or less, 75 acres ar- . It-nr-d. and
the balance well set with oak. chosnut and l-.-iW timber.
There are 17 acres of good meadow land, an excellent
ORCHARD and a never failing spring of watcrat the di*»r.
There is erected ou the premises, a substantia) a__a
STONE DWELLING HOUSE, 26 by 30 feet, with fOfgV
a I>og Kitchen attached, with cellar underneath B|g =
the house, LOG BARN. ‘>o by 2S feet, carriage
house, wagon shed, stone spring house. l.>ri‘-k oven, with
roof, TENANT HOUSE and STABLE. Th* Truant House
reutH for $25 a year. A public rend runs through tb«*
premises, and churches, schools and mills ar* convenient.
/* J,' lC K $24 0 0
Terms of sale, one-half the purchase money on gaining
jvosseeslnn, and the balance in 4 annual payment*.
Possession given ou the Ist dav of April. WiU.
Every information will be givei) in r-irnrd to the prop
erty, by calling upon the ?»ab*crl!>>»r. or .fMrwwlug him
by letter.
Milford township, July ‘.Wth, IHfh'.
\ VATK SALE.—Those desiring Valuable Ileal Estate
at reasonable prices,and in lots to suit the I’iicurnttaumt
of men of limited means, should bear distinctly in remem
brance that all of the real est Ate of the late F. J. Krnrnph,
ia offered at private sale, except the old Homestead on the
corner of North Queeu aud Orange streets.
The properties offered at private sale iuclude the large
and healthful private mansion on the corner of Chestnut
and Charlotte Sts..—the Old Silk Factory ptoperty, a 4
acre tract on the Columbia pike, at the .innetiou of West
Ring anti West Orange streets—FOUß BRICK
HOUSES on North Queen abovo Jame streets—G lansTm
BRICK HOUSES ou the south side of Frederick ninn
street —1 BRICK HOUSES on the north side of
Frederick streets—*j BUI LDINO LOTS on North Duke, next
north and south of Frederick street, and 12 BUILDING
LOTS on the north side of Frederick street aforesaid. All
those propei tien are new, and in good order, anil free of
ground rout.
Whatever of the above prnpertl'M remaiu uu.-uld ou the
first Monday in Noveinbrr next, will lie oflrred at pnbUc
sale, of which due not ic+* in descriptive handbill-* will be
Any other Information desired iu reference to the above
properties can bo at any time obtained by addressing, or
calling upon S. S. Rathvon, at Kramph’s old 6tand <>n the
oorneßOfOrange and North Queen streets.
uug 'J Jin ;;<) Executors of F. J. KRAMPH. dec'll.
1559, will be sold at public haio, by the subscribers, on the
premises, at Bird-in-liand, iu Haul Lainpoter township,
Lancaster county, on the Pennsylvania RHi'imud, GO miles
west of Philadelphia, and 7 miles eAst of Lancaster, tho
following described real estate, via:
.‘5% ACRES of first-rate Limestone Laud, adjoining the
public road loading from Stauffer's Mill to Enterprise, land
of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, Benjamin B.
Uroff and others. The improvements are a three- ■ ■
a two story FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, a ;Ss
large WARE-HOUSE, FRAME BARN, hog pens,
fruit trees, 2 good wells with pumps therein, Ac. The
Mill has one run of burrs and one of sandstone. The
buildings are as good as new, having all b*;en put up with*
in the last 10 years ; the Distillery is arranged to distil
100 bushels per day; the machinery is good and propelled
by a first-rate 20-hors*-.power engine, This property is
situated at an excellent business place, with great business
facilities, and in one of the most pleasant neighborhoods
in the county.
Any person wishing to see the property before tho day
of sale, wiil be showu the same by calling on either of
the subscribers, or on Harry Lytle, residing thereon.
Possession and a titleolfcaiof incumbrance will be given
on the Ist of April, I 860; IQqfcsired, possession of the Mill,
Distillery aad Pens immediately.
One-half of money may remain
charged on the premises I year without Interest.
Sale to commence at 2 o’clock, P. M., of said day, when
terms will be made known by LEVI BARD,
aug D 31*30 PKTKR BARD.
juno 28 Gm 24
The undersigned Assignees of Peter F. Ege, will offer
at public sale, on the premises, 4% miles east of Carlisle,
Pa., on THURSDAY, the Ist day of SEPTEMBER, 1860,
the CARLISLE IRON WORKS ESTAT E, containing about
9,000 ACRES OF LAND, between 4 and 500 Acres of
‘ which are cleared aud under a high state of cultivation.
This is one of the best properties in Pennsylvania, and
offers facilities unexcelled for all kinds of manufacturing
purposes. The improvements consist (n part of a FORGE,
FURNACE AND GRIST MILL, with 4 run of « t
stones, a largo two-story BRICK HOUSE, Black
smith Shop, Carpenter Shop, Saw Mill, Coal Sgag|
Houses, 3 large BANK BARNS, Grain Hoose, JZAbL
Corn Cribs, and other necessary ont-buildings. Also, a
large number of TENANT HOUSES. The water power
on this estate cannot be surpassed, combining as it does
the waters of the Boiling Springs and the Yellow Breeches
Creek, giving an ample supply of power at all time* aud
seasons —having 13 feet of head and fall.
A large portion of the land is covered with CHESNUT
TIMBER, which could be sold out in small lots to great
TERMS —6 per cent, of the purchase money to be paid
when the property is stricken off, one-half on the Ist of
October ensuing, when the deed will be delivered and pos
session given, the balance iu two equal annual payments
with interest.
For further particulars address Jaa. K. Smith, at Car
lisle, or Peter F. Ege, or the undersigned, at Bolling
Springs Poet Office, Cumberland county.
july 26 ts 28
SALE.—The aabscriber offers at private sale, a valua
ble farm containing 123 AORES, more or less, situate in
Colerain township, Lancaster county, adjoining lands
of John Whiteside, Henry Webb, William Hogg and others,
about 1 mile from Kirkwood Hotel, and about 9 miles
south of Noblevllle Railroad Station. The im- •
provements are a good large FRAME DWELL
-INO HOUBE, covered with slate, with a kitchen R caß j
attached, a good large FRAME BARN, double*
decker, 54 by 60 feet, covered with slate, wagon house,
wood house, smoke house and milk bouse, all conveniently
situated and in good repair. The water is conveyed to the
house by means of a force pump. The farm is in a good,
pleasant and healthy neighborhood, and in a high state of
cultivation, it having been heavily limed daring the past
few years. The land is divided Into convenient sized
fields, and all watered by a never-failing stream of water
which passes through the property, and is well adapted to
the culture of all kinds of crops. About 80 acres of the
land is heavily oovered with thrifty young timber. There
is also a thriving yonng APPLE ORCHARD, In good bear
ing condition, convenient to the dwelling. This property
Is convenient to churches, schools, mills, stores, Ac.
Persons desirous of purchasing a property will do well
by calling on the subscriber, residing on said property.
OolereJn, August 6th, 1859. aug 9 lit 80
[Lancaster Examiner, and West Chester Jeffersonian
please insert until 20th of October, and tend bills to this
Linen Primers and Picture Books. A fine assortment
[dee 21 tf 49] JOHN SKBAVMB’S.
aug 16 3t*3l
nug ft Kt : u
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla
A compound remedy, in which we have la
. bored to produce the most effectual alterative
that can be made. It is a concentrated extract
of Para Sarsaparilla, so combined with other
substances of still greater alterative power as
to afford an effective antidote for the diipnici
Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed
that such a remedy is wanted by those who
suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one
which will accomplish their cure must prove
of immense service to thin large of our
afflicted fellow-citizens. How completely this
compound will do it has been proven by exper
iment on many of the worst cases to be found
of the following complaints:
Scrofula -and Scrofulous Complaints,
Eruptions and Eruptive Diseases, Ulcers,
Pimples, Blotches, Tumors, Salt Rheum,
Scald Head, Syphilis and Syphilitic Af
fections, Mercurial Disease, Dropsy, Nbu
ralgia or Tic Douloureux, Debility, Dys
pepsia and Indigestion, Erysipelas, Rose
or St. Anthony’s Fire, and indeed the whole
class of complaints arising from Impurity op
the Blood.
This compound will be found a great pro
moter of health, when taken in the spring, to
expel the foul humors which fester in the
blood at that season of the year. By the time
ly expulsion pf them many rankling disorders
are nipped in the bud. ’Multitudes can, by
the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from
the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous
sores, through which the system will strive to
rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do
this through the natural channels of the body
by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the
vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities
bursting through the skin In pimples, eruptions,
or sores; cleanse it when you find it is ob
structed and sluggish iu the veins ; cleanse it
whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell
you when. Even where no particular disorder
is felt, people enjoy better health, and live
longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the
blood healthy, and all is well; but with this
pabulum of life disordered, there can bo no
lasting health. Sooner or later something
must go wrong, and the great machinery of
life is disordered or overthrown.
Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the
reputation, of accomplishing these ends. But.
the world has been egregiously deceived by
preparations of it, partly because the drug
alone has not all the virtue that is claimed
fur it, but more because many preparations,
pretending to be concentrated extracts of it,
contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla,
or any thing else.
During late years the public have been mis
led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart
of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most
of these have been frauds upon the sick, for
they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa
rilla, but often no curative properties whatev
er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment
has followed the use of the various extracts of
Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the
name itself is justly despised, and has become
synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still
we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend
to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the
name from the load of obloquy which rests
upon it. And we think we have ground for
believing it has virtues which are irresistible
by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend
ed to cure. In order to secure their complete
eradication from the system, the remedy should
be judiciously taken according to directions on
the bottle.
DR. J. C. AYE R & CO.
Price, $1 per Bottle i Six Bottles for $5.
Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral,
has won for itself such a renown for the cure of
even' variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that
it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the
evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been em
ployed. As it has long been in constant use
throughout this section, we need not do more than
assure the people its quality is kept up to the best
it ever hus been, and that it may be relied on to
do for their relief all it has ever been found to do.
Ayer’s Cathartic Pills,
CostivcnesS, Jaundice. Dyspepsia, Indigestion,
Dysentery , Foul Stomach , Erysipelas, Headache,
Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases,
Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Tetter, Tumors and
Salt Rheum, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, as a
Dinner Pill, and for Purifying the Blood .
, They are sugar-coated, so that the most sensi
tive can take them pleasantly, and they aro the
best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a
family physic.
Price 25 cents per Box; Five boxes for $l.OO.
Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, States
men, and eminent personages, have lent their
names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these
remedies, but our space here will not permit the
insertion of them. The Agents below named fur
nish gratis our American Almanac in which they
are given; with also full descriptions of the above
complaints, and the treatment that should bo fol
lowed for their cure.
Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with
other preparations they make more profit on.
Demand Ayf.r’s, and take no others. The sick
want the best aid there is for them, and they should
have it.
All oia>ltemedicB are for sale by
B. A. FAfifNESTuOK & CO., Philadulpuia.
JOHN WAVLAN, No. GO North Queen street, Lancaster,
ind by all Druggists iu the country. [may 3 ly 16
will be Hold by public sale, ou the premises, in East Earl
t<iworth!p, Lancaster county, two rohes oast from the Blue
Ball, one mile went from Qoodville, bdtwoen tho Harris
burg and Dowuiogtown and the Churchtown Turnpike
Roads, tho following described property, via:—
No. 1. A Tract or Piece of Limestone Land, containing
adjoining lands of Henry Stauffer,-George Woldler, David
Witmer, Joseph Kurtz. Ditvld Martin and others.
The improvements are a two-story stone rough
cast MANSION HOUSE, with a new two-story |j|sSjl
brick kitchen attached, four rooms and kitchen
on the first lloor, six rooms on the secood, and Cellar uudar
the whole building, that under the kitchen being an
arched cellar. The building has lately been fully repaired,
and is now to complete order; wash house near the kitchen
door, spring house near the door, Emoke house, wood bouse
and necessary out-buildings. A good BANK BARN, 80
by 26 feet, with wagon shed and corn cribs attached; a
large straw shed, 2 carriage houses, implement shed, Ac.—
The above tract is all clear land, under a high state of cul
tivation, divided Into convenient Holds, under good fenoe
and not surpassed by any other farm in tho neighborhood.
Cedar Run passes through the property, to which cattle
can have access from every field. There U also a full sup
ply of water iu the baru yard, and an abundance of pure
and good Vater on the whole place. A young ORCHARD
of choice fruit, consisting of apples, pears, peaches, apri
cots, cherries, grape arbor, Ac. A two-story FRAME TEN
ANT HOUSE, with hog sty, Ac.
No. 2, A Tract of Woodland, containing 7 ACRES AND
5 PERCHES, near Centre Charch, in said township, ad
joining lauds of Jacob Bi-ck, John Good and others. Part
of tho above tract is covered with heavy timber valuable
for buiding purposed.
No. 3, 3b£ ACHES of valuable Chesnut Sprout Land,
situated on tho Welsh Mountains, in said township, near
the hand boards, on the road leading from Cedar Grove
Meeting House to Pequea, and adjoining lands of Honry
tiehman, Michael Ely, deceased, and others.
No. 4, 56 ACRES AND 40 PERCHES, of Pasture and
Sprout Land, In Brecknock township, on the road leading
from Churchtown to Ziemer’s tavern, 4 miles north from
Churchtown, and adjoining lands of Jonathan Smith,
Peter Bard, Heirs of Jacob Mast and others.
No. 5,2 s ACRES (more or lesN) of valuable Chesnut
Timber and Sprout Land, in Brecknock township, near
No. 4, and adjoining lands of Robert Springer, Michael
Sensenlg, Hetzal Stlrk and others.
Persons desiring further information or wishing to view
the premises will please call npon the subscriber residing
on No. 1.
lf desired by the purchaser, $5OOO can remain se
cured in the Mansion property. No. 1, at five per cent, per
annum, $lOOO to bo paid annually.
Clear and indisputable titles and possession given on the
Ist day of April, 1860.
Bale to commence at 12 o'clock, M., ofsald day, when at
tendance will be given and terms made known by
aug 2 ts 29 JOSEPU FRANTZ.
Private: sale of re:ai« estate.
The subscriber now offers encouraging Inducements
to those of limited mean*, who desire to get a cheap and
desirable home in one of the most healthy and enterpris
ing places In the State. Three Paper Mills near at band,
and the last lately erected, is now in successful operation
for the manufacture of fine paper, in which over one hun
dred hands, male and female, are employed. Besides,
“ Mt. Holly Springs,” at the base of the Soath Mountain,
a noted watering place, being nousaally patronised, adds
materially to the pecuniary interest of the people gen
The following descrlbod property la adjacent, and in
tended as an addition to the “ Springs,” and also to the
beantifut Tillage of Papertown. 40 TOWN LOTS are now
in the market, located on the east and west sides of the
Baltimore and Hanoyer turnpike, 6 miles south of Carlisle.
The lots are on an average of 40 feet in front and 200 feet
in length. The beautiful stream, Mountain creek, flows
past a portion of them. Also, the large STONE
MANSION HOUSE, and one acre of ground, gar*
den and yard; frnit trees in ahnndance. This Igagj
honse contains 14 rooms, with large basement >UUa
kitchen, well of water at the door, and acknowledged to
be a very delightful location for a private residence. Also,
Lot, with a Slanghter House tbereou erected, being a good
location for a batcher—this business having been profita
bly established—or a good business stand for a mechanlo.
Uf, Also, 933 ACRES OF MOUNTAIN LAND, well
ftSwfc timbered with pine and oak, within 2J£ miles of
gnoST the above property, having good water power for
a Saw Mill.
Xne terms will be made very accommodating, and great
bargains may be expected, especially in the building lots,
to foster Individual enterprise.
Please addree j or see me personally, at Mt. Holly Springs,
Cumberland county, Pa.
July 20 tf 28
That large three-story BRICK STEAM MILL and DIB*
TILLERY, situated in the Boroagh of Strasbarg, Lancas
ter county, Pa., la now offered to tbe pnblio at private
sale. The main building is 84 by 40 feet, has two pair of
French Bars, Steam Engine in excellent order, and all
other modern improvements, necessary t or tbe business.—
Attached is a two-story FRAME STORE HOUSE,
40 by 84 feet, and a large DISTILLERY, 27 by 06 WJgjf
feet, with the machinery and fixtures nearly new, Igggl
and In complete order; capable of running 100
bushels of grain per day.
To persona desirous of entering into the distillery bust*
ness, an opportunity la here offered rarely to be met with;
as tbe building, machinery, and surroundings are unex*
oeptlonable. Terms accommodating.
Persons desirous of viewing the property will please
call on Jacob Hildebrand, residing near the tame. For
further Information address JOHN B. WARFKL,
Agent for Maatu RoHua,
Straaburg, Lan. 00., Pa.
may SI tf2o
A. STRAW GOODS Jart rrcalrod at tba saw BAS
door to Gygirt Baol^by