Nspw OHB6PigTIO TBOqBSB- 6f iJJr* Cl'. 3 °i-a &-■* wtTfc ,»■ -*g£gy' ls eer . tainly of the'present? age and. •'„ The thOaHtfgtfta Mtag4be&Mtiß tbeSttte to intrddnoe tills great sttAoMUffeog so fail tatiotoin (recommending H ws su- 'Teefe ■SmelSfeait . Jl^f&tffiffiamgitads’atone authorised‘to disposer of office Wthbtowhtlei of-famcasterr Chester, :i ßerks,‘ : Danpbinand York. JOHN ; WAYLAN, D.D.S. *syMtflB . ± • Hoi eoj»j>NorthjQneep’St - f w«Ttrorj£k to -li- smaAßßTbtttJ-Uii - Kn- Will ‘■-rLt—mJiUr. +•*,*+* ■ all opet*tionaJUIBR^«IIfIaBOirDEV- W TlflT^Cffieebn-theSouth-eastconierofNorthQueeh' and Orangfe>rtreet«iLancaster, - ‘ Dr. having been for & years s student ancP assist&ntlDtheofiloe-efDr. 1 John Waylan, of ' this cltyyandb&ving'for several years sinee-beenmcon stant practice/wflVhe hopes,' 1 be a sufficient''guarantee to his frieiM fcttd the public generally, of bis ability-to-per form aH-bpCrations connected-with the practice-oF the' Dotal AeT) in such a manner, as will render entire satis- • fection tu ill who may fever him with a call.- - Charges moderate, and all work‘-warranted to be folly equal* to any that esnbe procuredelsewhere. - li. B>—Entrance to offlce/'2ad door oir Orange street. - jane 29 iL,; • tf24- DENTAL under eigned L hae -associated 'withhhnln'tha practicebf-Dental-6argery,\E. W: BWKNTZK D. D. 8;, :L wel!,knovm ; as his assistant. Dr. Bwentzbl !, gradu l ated l 'at the -Baltimore- College Of Dental Surgery/’with 'hlgh honors, and has been In practice several years/ Office No. 601^-North Queen street Lancaster,' Pa; apr 20 tf 14 ' JOHN WAYLAN. DR.-WATCAN’S hew drug store. —-NO; 80 North Queen street. The undersigned re spectfollj'/'announces that he h&s openee his NEW /> DBTJG BTOBE ESTABLISHMENT, with a very sz-fB; tensive ,: ahd-complete stock of Drugs, Medicines, lM .. Chemicals* Perfumery and Taney Articles—all fresh,*® l -.' and pore—-which will be sold at the lowest market prices;, .ghls stock embraces every article usually kept In. a first 'rassTrug Store, and -neither labor nor expense has been spared in'fitt£hg t!p ‘the 1 establishment, to Insure the pres ervation‘of the Drugs in the best condition, as well as to secure the convenience and comfort of the customorß. A complete assortment of materials need by the Dental Profession can also be had at the store of the subscriber. An improved Soda, or Mineral Water Apparatus has been introduced, the fountains of which are made of Iron, with Porcelain -lining on their interior surface, freeing them from all liability to taint the water with any metalic poi son, which has heretofore been so great an objection to the copper fountains. Those who wish to enjoy these refreshing beverages can do so at this establishment without fear of be ing poisoned with deleterious matter/The entire establish ment has been placed under the superintendence of a most competent ; ttnd careful Druggist, who has bad many years* of experience in the Drug and Proscription business, in first cuts houses in Philadelphia and Cincinnati. The undersigned feels confident that he is in every way preparedly give entire satisfectlon to his customers, thoro fore a share of public patronage Is solicited, may 2f7‘ tf 19- JOHN WAYLAN, D. D. 8. Rate- of interest increased.— We will pay horeaftor, until furthor notico, rivx and a halt pin obnt. iNtittißT on our Certificates of Deposit, issued for onq year. On Certificates for less than one year, and on translont deposlt% payablo on demand, rxvi peb oknt. porannum, as heretoftre. Depositors not drawing interest, will always be occora. modatodin proportion to the Talne of their accounts. Stooks bought and sold on commission only. Uncurrent money bought at lowest rates. Collections promptly made, and Drafts drawn on Phila delphia* New Tork and Baltimore. The members of the firm are Individually liable for all the obligations of John Oyger k Co., consisting of JOHN GYGER, BENJ. ESHLEMAN, DAVID BAIR, HENRY MUBBELMAN. apr 21 tf 14 Roßiafe=CiAMßOH, Cashier. CASTOR OIL, ARROW ROOT, SWEET OIL BORAX, ALCOHOL, CAMPHOR, BPIOEB. OALOMEL, SOD A, LOGWOOD, CREAM TARTAR PEARL BARLEY, GUM ARABIC, HARTSHORN, GELATINE, VIALS, RHUBARB, SENNA, JALAP, SPONGE, Ac., For s&lo at THOMAS ELLMAKEK’S apr 21 tf 14 Prog and Chemical Store. West Kine st. BUILDING SLATE.—TDc subscriber has just received a large lot of PEACH BOTTOM and YORK COUNTY BUILDING SLATE, which he will pat on by the square or sell by the ton, on the most reasonable terms. He has also constantly on hand an extra light, Peach Bottom Building Slate, intended for slating on top of shingles. Please coll and examine my PEACH BOTTOM SLATE, which are the best in the market, and cannot be had at any other yard, as I have made arrangements witb R. F. Jones for the Lancaster Market. GEORGE D. SPRECIIER, North Queen St., Lancaster, Penna. 45* The above slate can also be had at F. 8. BLETZ’S Lumber Yard, Columbia. ThU la to certify that we do not sell our best quality Peach Bottom Guaged Slate to ahy other per son In Lancaster .city than the above named. R. F. JONES, Manufacturers of Peach Bottom Roofing Slate, oct 6 tf3B KONIGMACHER & BAUMAN; TAN nors and Curriers Store, back of Robt. Hoderwell’s Commission Warehouse, frfmting on the Railroad and North Prince street. Cheap for Cash or approved credit.—- Constantly on hand a full assortment of all klndß Saddler’s and Shoemaker’s Leather, of superior quality, including 41 Houser's celebrated Sole Leather,” also, Leather- Bands, well stretched, suitable for all kinds of machinery, of any length and width required, made of a superior quality of Leather, Furnace Bellows, Band and Lacing Leather, Gar den Hose, Tanner’s Oil, Currier’s Tools, Moroccos, Shoe Findings, Ac. All Jdnds old Leather bought in the rough; highest prices given lor Hides and Skins in cash; orders will be prompt ly attended to. feb 6 ly 6 QONSBMPTIVES DO NOT DESPAIR I CONSUMPTION 05- AN OLD INDIAN DOCTOR, UN ... CURED. CAS BRANT, while a Missionary among the Indians of the Rocky Mountains, dis* CONSUMPTION covered a RARE PLANT, that proves to CURED. be a certain cure for Consumption, Bron chitis, Asthma, Liver Complaint, Nervous CONSUMPTION Affections, Coughs, Colds, 40. Having CURED. now made his fortune and retired from business, he will send the prescription CONSUMPTION and directions for preparing the medicine CURED. free of charge to all who desire it, and will send to his agent, enclosing two CONSUMPTION stamps (6 cents,) to pay the return letter, CURED. with a description of their symptoms.— The Old Doctor has cured more than 3000 CONSUMPTION cases of Consumption alone, and hopes all CURED. afflicted people will avail themselves of this opportunity, as the Doctor wishes to CONSUMPTION do all the good he can before he dies.— CURED. Address all letters to DANIEL ADEE, Box 3631 P. 0., New York, Who la his sole agent. oct 26 ly 41 THE PEOPLES’HAT AND CAP STORES, X No. North Queen street and next door to Lanes’ Store, East King street* SHULTZ & BROTHER, FASHIONABLE HATTERS, MANUFACTURERS, WHOLESALE AND RE- TAIL DEALERS IN HATS, OAFS AND BTSRAW GOODS OF EVERT DESCRIPTION. We have noV in store the largest assortment of goods in our line of business ever offered in this city, consisting of MEN’S, YOUTHS’ AND CHILDREN’S HATS AND CAPS. The latest styles, and at prices to suit all. We call particular attention to our $8 MOLE SKIN SILK HATS. SOFT HATS from the finest French Felt to the most common Wool. For the liberal patronage extended to us In the past we return our sincere thanks, and our customers, and ail others who may become such, may rest assured that noth ing will be left undone on our part to merit a continuance of the same. Goods sold to Dealers at reasonable rates. FURS bought and the highest cash prices paid. JOHN A. SHULTZ, HENRY A. SHULTZ, Proprietors. mar 29 ly 11 CIOURT PROCLAMATION.—Whereas, J the Hon. HENRY G. LONG, president, Hon. A. L. Hates and Febbee Brihton, Esq., Associate Judges of the Oonrfc of Common Pleas,* iir and for the county of Lancas ter, and Assistant Jostices of the Court of Oyer and Termi ner and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the* Peace, in and for the county of Lancaster, have issued their Precept to me directed, requiring me, among other things, to make .public Proclamation throughout my Bailiwick, that a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Deliv ery ; Also, a Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Jail Delivery, will commence in the Court House, in the City of Lancaster, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, on the THIRD MONDAY IN APRIL, 1869: liymrsuance of which precept, PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, to the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Lancaster, in said county, and all the Justices of the Peace, the Coroner, and Constables of the said city and county of Lancaster, that they be then and there in their own proper persons, with their rdlls, records and examina tions, and J inquisitions, and their other remembrances, to do those things which to their offices appertain, in their behalf to be done; and also all those who will prosecute against the prisoners who are, or then shall be, in the Jail of the pMd county of Lancaster, are to be then and there to prosecute-against them-as sfrup be just: Dated at Lancaster, the 4th day of March, 1869. _ ' ' ' BENJAMIN F, ROWE, Sheriff; N.B.—Punctual attehdanceof the Jurors and Witnesses will hereafter be expected and reqnired on' the first day of the sessions.- Aldermen and Justices of the Peace are required -by-an order of Court, dated Nov. 21, 1848, to return their .recognizances to Samuel Evans, Clerk of Quar ter Sessions;* within one week* from" the day of. final action in each .case, and .in default thereof, the Magistrates’ costa will not be allowed; f e b 15 tc 9 Youth- and hAithood. Just Published, the 25th -Thousand, ■ and mailed in a sealed . envelope,: to any address, .post paid,- on : receipt- of ‘ threeggnJßr A Medical Essay on the Physical Exhaustion and Decay of the Frame,-Caused’by “Self-Abuse,” Infection; and the InjuriouxConsequenceg of Mercury. By R. J. Culver wellfMv D;, Member of the Royal College of StirgeOns, Ac. *»*Bpariliatprrhceur Seminal Emissions, Genital" and 58 . 0 f Epe'rgy, Depression' of Spirits,- Timidity,*'Disease of the: Sexual' Organs,’and' I “?®^«» te ; to ''Ma rr iage,;.are; promptly, temoYed by' 'tW author's* ncrrelsnd most successful mode 'of treatment.* by cll -regain pristine ; health without hayingretourse to dangerous and expensive medi cines. .. ' * * - _ .’ (From Lmtlcn ”S r * Wlit *®> on a' subject of vital Importsowr-tc aU, weU worthy the author’s'fekiltea' reputathmr*r77 : „,v * J:ro ’ KL ™ lr Coi, J litiTetiue, oornerM)fc|tpet,.-:Soatßo*-4688j NswYorS (aty. I ’,- axtsa -'-- ■ 1 -- 1 ■ ' Solo ::x*A R'STn hie 9T tjLi 1 . OLGTHING' STORE, ; ' ii> •- . No. NOETH'QOEIS BTBBET. LANCASTER, / ..'■iWhereiyou will Bnd a full ana beautiful assortment of •NEW GOODS, just received, and read? for sale, consisting ;Of:;; . READY-MADE CLOTHING •and goodaiu-thenlece, •• • ■ -J-ji: '■ SHIRTS,'. •! > I •l> . DRAWERS,! • : ••• STOCKINGS, • GLOVEB, STOCKS, -U - •- •• • - CRAVATS^’ ■ ‘ • i.- SUSPENDERS, and ih short every artlcle in his line l of business. It Is 1 considered unnecessary to specify-’articles, as we are veil { i&vtaxi tbatpereonawishing-to purchase will look •well about-.Uimr-before doing so, and we know, -I too, that If they once set their eyes on onr beautiful : - \IA K 1 stock of goods tbeywill -immediately select. ,r ' —ILL-"' . . Very particular attention paid to Ordered Work, which '| •wiilbeimade in the best manner, and warranted to'flt or j unosale. • • "j u-i-Mri Wistibs, as usnal, will be fonnd ; at bis post, ready ] Ao cut up goods intogood'fito, and will always be glad' to eee-his-old -friends and customers. 1 i;; Our aim shall al way she to do a fair add honest business, and to give our customers falLvalue for their-money, and we hope by-this coarse to bontinae to merit and receive -a .full share of patronage, for which we shallalways-feel-sin cerely thankful. JARED K. HIESTBRj , marlly-7 Proprietor/ S B. RAT H V Off, . (SUCCIBBOB TO 'Ti J . KBAV P H , ) ' MERCHANT TAILOR, DRAPERS AND CLOTHIER, -■ Corner North Queen and Orang&slruts,Lancaster, 1 Paj, Respectfully avails himself of this opportunity of inform* .Ing his-'friends and the citizens of ; Lancaster city. and. county-in general* that hOJ has taken-the : long established land veil known stand of the late F. J. Krampb, where,.fn addition to the stock on hand, he has just supplied iiimself' •with a-fresh-assortment of goods in his line, suitable'to -the present and approaching seasons. His stock consists in part of READY -MADE CLOTH* , •ING, made of Buch -material and color, and in such styles." as tiie prevailing-modes, the tastes, the comforts, and the conveniences of the customers may require. Also, uncut CLOTHS, CABHMERHTB, TWEEDS, CAS-' BIMERBS, LINENS; BDd SILK, SATIN,GHANA- «,*- - DINE, VALENCIA and MARSEILLES VEST- ; INGS, all of which will be promptly made to order llA'' and warranted to give satisfaction' or considered llli '' .no sale. J. MARTIN. - In addition to the foregoing wiil be found and constantly ;providedawariety o£UNDER-SHIRTS and DRAWERB-in ; : season, SHIRTS and SHIRT - COLLARS. STOCKS, CRA VATS and TIES,'' HANDKERCHIEFS, SUSPBNDERS, UMBRELLAS, GLOVES-and HOSIERY*- and all matters usually pertaining to gentlemen’s wear. 8. 6. R. takes pleasure in announcing to- the- public that he has retained the services of Messrs. 'Michael and He net Fishes, who have been formany years engaged in this establishment and whose-abilities and moral integrity are so well known in -this community. With a grateful remembrance of the liberal patronage extended to bis predecessor, and a hope that bis own con nection of over ten yearswith the establishment may jus •tify his friends and tbepubHo In reposing a reasonable share of their confidence in him—with his efforts to merit a continuance of their patronage—he now “ unfurls bis banner to the breeze.” [feb 16 3m 9 HK. MERCHANT TAILOR. • NO. 1 MARKET STREET, ADJOINING HAGER A BEOS. Offers for sale the largest, most complete, and best selected stock of CLOTHS, ' CASSIMERES and VESTINGS, ]ji ' ever found in the city of Lancaster- IfA READY MADE CLOTHING, -Jit “Men’s and Boys’ Over Coats, Frock, Dro<« and Sock Coats. Cassimere and Satinett Pantaloons. Velvet, Plash, Silk and Worsted Vests, and everything else pertaining to bis line. All of which have been mode up under his direct supervision in the most substantial and best manner, and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Please call and examine. sep7tf34 PETZELT Cloves, S&la- R4TUB, BAKING -SODA, CREAJM TARTAR NUT MEGS, _ Ohemlealgtore, West King streetflinc»r. : ;: w » 9 tf 4 Dev Goods Store, STAUFFER & HARLEY. NEWSPAP EfiJ 7 ' ' THE OOirsrEJ^-EATION: 1 ' 1 PXax Bksjamis,' Editor. 1 ■ M A CbnjftflWumls'butVmc, Though ’tis k train.of atarg”—Daroßf.. : The subscriber has'-great pleasure 'ln anhdtmtdn'g r that* he has made Cblssue on-SATURDAY, JAN-’. UARYI,IBS9, the largest,’ban daomestj and motfebmjilefce’ Weekly Newspaper eTer'pubUabed ’, It will be a superb Folio Sheet, double the afte of die New York Ledger! c6rita3nin£ f Nme brbadCbldmOs on each page, 35 inches rent#- log matter given by aiiy w©ekly"paper-'riow pobllsfred— embracing the choicesfahd freshest m’atter.'sefeetiHr&iid 1 original, furnished fi-umabroad’and hfc'.hbmef 'Ttwill,be‘ lu ail respects A 1 Lmittr thi'pto&a'fri *■ lions of the most popular : writers I tr, liberal; quantity— r Romances, 1 Stories; Essays,’ Poems, Anecdotes,' Bitetchesj: Editorials,' Notieesof Atdosenrants arid the~A’rta,Ac., At,—’ fh fine, all. things which''arij’neir, : beautiful, ’interesting 1 ! and attractive.’ Each Number will "contain hot 'only, a r; ’carefully condensed synopsls’ortha General News during' each week, bnt all tiler very latest Information and. Tele graphic Despatches np to tbehourof going to press.’ : “The Constellation" will not be ap Illustrated Paper—as the picture sheets are—bat it. will.contain beautifulDesigns’ and Engravings,. when they really illustrate and ornament • -asobject. ••---• - The subscriber baa .already engagedaCorpsofContrjJiilT tors, “a.Train ofStanf,-” unwiaalTea 'for genius, brilliancy,, and reputation,'by’’ those' of any'other jobrnßT nowjjnb-“ Itehed; no matter whafmay' be~ite-pretension with" no slight-gratification: Ahafe'he acuSiuces S^nbe^siu-ih' 1 engaging.' after much abl*and experienced services of a gentleman, so long aod: so justly Mr. Pans l&aiAiazr. Connected'for-twKutyyuaibwlththe Press of New York (Sty, .and always’succrasf oMo his liter* -ary enterprises,-whether, as Editor;!-Author, or Public Speaker, (he name of Ur/Rebjamin is an augury of eertaln good fortune. . ' • • The poUicmay rest assured-that-nomeans-wiH-benotried by the-fflibecrlbbr.to>‘Behureja ? gfarfd : andibHilfittife : piishmeot of bis effort to establish th* r lirgest'an<} / best Weekly Paper ever published—since nothing- Will be left undone that can be done by talents, capital, experience, l ' lenroingy and a resolute perseverance. “The Constellation” will mainly- recommend itself-to a cordial and generous support from the very best people by ' Its observanee'dTgbbd.ana-aroidsnce of evil. It will be an ! traobjectlonablaVand perfect Family •' : offence to- uo-seet-or-party—the-favoriteatike-of both sexes,- • of young had 1 nearly-'*' quarter ofa century's-experfeucam the pabUca6l on of daily and weekly 1 journals,'aodi'havingi'now-: connbeted himself with sooh:welL'known audinvaluableltfitorialaldas he : has herein announced; hatters himfielf-tnafrhis new enters prise will at oheo achieve a .popular favor 1 and success unparalleled in newspaper enterprises. The terms for “The Constellation” will be Two Dollars per Annum each, when Ten Copies are sent in one envelope to one address;ZEi6eniy-lHghit Coplesiitb one addressj Forty*’ Nine Dollars;-TwoCopies, Five Dollars; Five Copies, Twelve’ Dollars* One Copy, Three Dollars, including postage-or delivery. Ail subscriptions to be invariably in advance: Single-Copies, Five Cents. To Newspaper Agents, $3,50 per 100. A late Saturday Evening Edition will be published, and' left early Sunday Mornings at the residences of City Sub scribers by regular Carriers,-employed by the Publisher.— Those, who desire to commence with - the first number, 1 should send in their subscriptions and orders as early as possible-T-erace,'owingiXa;the immense size of the sheet, only snob numbers will be printed as may be ordered. All orders and letters to be sddressed to the undersigned. 1 ! GEORGE ROBERTS, 12 and II Spruce street, New York. nov 80 1f46 WOOD—Hlokory, Oak and. Pine Wood of the best quatity, for sale by GEORGE OALDER A CO., Office East Orange street, 2d door from North Quoan.an at Graefifs Landing on the Ooneetoga. fjn 20 tf24 New featcreb-fifth tear of THE COSMOPOLITAN ART Superb Engraving* t Beautiful Art Journall Valuable Premiums, cfc., tOc. J This popular Art Association, now Id its fifth year of un paralleled success, haring purchased, and engraved on stool, Herring's great painting, “Tub Village Black smith,” will now Issue copies (to subscribers only) on heavy plate paper, 30. x 88 inches on tho following.. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Every person remitting Three Dollars, will receive a copy of tlu> superb Steel Engraving, after Herring’s celebrated Painting, THE VILLAGE BLACKSMITH. Also a copy of the beautiful COSMOPOLITAN ART JOURNAL, an olo gantly illustrated quarto Mngaxlne. Also'froe season tickets of admission to the Eastern (or Dusseldorf,) and Western Galleries of the Association. There will also befciven to the subscribers several bun* dred valuable works of Art. comprising floe Oil Paintings, Bronzes, Sculptures, Ac., Ac., from celebrated American and foreign Artists. Subscriptions yriil be received up to January 1,1859. On the evening of that date the premiums will be awarded to subscribers. For full particulars, see December Aar Joubnal, price 50 cents. Specimen copies sent to those desiring to sub* scribe, on the receipt of 18 cents in postage stamps or coin. Address C. L. DERBY, AcrUAHT C. A. A., Eastern Office, 648 Broadway, N. Y., Or, Western Office, 166 Water st, Sandnsky, 0. nov 2S tf 45 A PRIZE FOR EVERYBODY ! WHO SUBSCRIBES FOB THE NEW YORK WEEKLY PRESS, A beautifully illustrated Family Newspaper. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY PRESS is one of the beat literary papers of the day. A large Quarto containing TWENTY PAGES, or SIXTY COLUMNS, of entertaining matter; and ELEGANTLY ILLUSTRATED every week. A Gift worth from 50 cents to $lOOO,OO will be sent to each subscriber on receipt of the subeription money. TERMS—IN ADVANCE. One copy for one year, and 1 gift $ 2 00 Three copies one year, and 3 gifts 5 00 Five copies one year, and 5 gifts 8 00 Ton copies one year, and 10 gifts 15 00 Twenty-one copies one year, and ‘2l gifts 30 00 The articles to be distributed are comprised in the fol lowing list: 1 United States Treasury Note $lOOO 00. 2 do. do. do 500 00, each 5 do. do. do 200 00, each 10 do. do. do 100 00, each 20 Patent Lever Hunting Cased Watches.. 75 00, each 20 Gold Watchees 75 00, each 50 Gold Watches 60 00, each 100 do. 50 00, each 300 Ladies’ Gold Watches 35 00, each 200 Silver Hunting Cased do 30 00, each 500 Silver Watches $l5 00 to 25 00, each 1000 Gold Guard, Vest and Fob Chains 10 00 to 30 00, each 1000 Gold Pens and Pencils 5 00 to 15 00, each Gold Lockets, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear Drops, Breast m Pins. Cuff Pins, Sleeve Buttons, Rings, Shirt Studs, Watch Keys, Gold and Silver Thimbles, and a variety of« other articles, worth-from 50 cents to $l5 00 each. 'a On receipt of the subscription money, the subscriber’s* name will be entered upon onr books and the gift for-'a warded within to him, by mail or express, 3 post paid. 3j 45?* Ail communications must be addressed to -a DANIEL ADEE, Publisher, 1 211 Centre Btreet, New York. 1 ly_4l Spices i spices i i spices t: i PURE AND NO. 1 GROUND PEPPER. •GINGER, CINNAMON, ALLSPICE, CLOVES. AMERICAN AND ENGLISH MUSTARD. CAYENNE PEPPER, NUTMEGS, MACE. SUP. CARB. SODA, SALTPETRE, SALERATUB. SAL. SODA, INDIGO. CARAWAY AND CORIANDER SEED. ASHTON DAIRY AND GROUND SALT, Ac. For sale at the Eagle Mills, No. 244 and 246 North Front street, corner of New, Philadelphia. HOWARD WORRELL. 43“ Purchasers will find it greatly to their interest both in quality and price to buy these goods, which are war ranted as represented or forfeited. A trial is.solicited. “■ mar 15 ' ly 9 SPRING TRADE MORE ARRIVALS AT WENTZ BROS. Goods for SPRING at Auction prices. Now open New Spring style DRESB SILKS, BAYADE—Striped and Plaid POUL DE CHEVRA, OTTOMAN POPLINS, SATIN DE CHENE. New style CHALLIES at 12%, 20 and 25 cts., the best goods ever sold for 12% cts. New and beautiful material for traveling dressea Beautiful Mourning Challies. Un. rivalled, as usual, onr Dress Department. Ladies call and make an early choice. WENTZ BROS, call special attention to the extensive and splendid assortment of CALICOES just opened.— Newest SPRING DESIGNS to be sold at the lowest New York and Philadelphia prices. SPRING SHAWLS of all the newest styles. Stella Shawls, beautiful border and centres of Blue, Green, Black, Mode, Scarlet and White. SHAWLS at from 60 cts. to $6O. mar 15 tf 9 FOR RENT .—An excellent Frame Weather-Boarded STABLE, situate on the Alley be tween South Queen and Prince streets, and near West Vine street, will be leased for one year at a moderate rent. 43“ There is a Carriage House with the Stable. Enquire of the Editor of the Intelligencer. mar 80 tf n Prospectus for isso, The New Volume of the NEW YORK WEEKLY ILLUSTRATED GOLDEN PRIZE wIU commence January Ist, 1859, The following are the uames of the Literati whose productions will grace the columns of this elegant journal during the year: REV. G. H. SPURGEON, of London. G. W. M. REYNOLDS, of London. G. P. R. JAMES, Novelist. SIR EDWARD BULWER, GEN. C. F. HENNINGSEN, late of Nicaragua. COL. G. W. CROCKETT, A. D. MUNSON, CAPT. M. D. ALEXANDER, U. S. A., THOMAS DUNN ENGLISH, M. D., HENRY CLAPP, Jr., DR. O. C. VAN BUREN, LIEUT. J, M. PLATT, U. S. N., F. CLINTON BARRINGTON, MISS SOUTHWORTH, MRS. ANNA WHELPLEY, MISS HETTY HEARTLY, “ VIRGINIA VAUGHAN, “ DI. VERNON, “ MINNIE MANTOUR, “ HATTIE CLARE, MRS. T. B. SINCLAIR. TERMS. Terms of subscription, $2,00 a year; and each subscriber is entitled to one of tbe articles named in the following list, and is requested to mention what article he desires when he sends his subscription money: Gold Pen, with Silver Case, worth, at retail, $2,00 Ladies’ Gold Pencil, “ “ 2,00 Gold Tooth Pick, “ “ 2,00 Ladies’ Gold Pen, with Extension Case, “ “ 2,00 Engrossing Gold Pen, 16 carets, “ “ 2,00 Gold Ring, jfiain and chased,., “ “ 2,00 Ear Drops,.. “ « 2,00 Mosaic and Florentine Brooches, “ “ 2,00 Gold Lockets, “ “ 2,00 Cable Charms, “ 2,00 Gold Brooches, 0 “ “ 2,00 Gentlemen’s Pins, “ “ 2,00 Gentlemen’s Bosom Studs, “ “ 2,00 Gentlemen’s Sleeve Buttons, “ “ 2,00 Watch Keys, “ “ 2,00 Ladies’ Cuff Pins, “ “ 2,00 Ribbon Slides, “ “ 2,00 Gold Crosses,...— “. . 2,00 PREMIUMS TO AGENTS GETTING SUBSCRIBERS Those getting np a club of 6 subscribers, at $2 and remitting $lO, will be entitled to a gold pen and silver holder, worth $3; and each subscriber will receive any one of the above articles be may select. Those remitting $2O for 10 subscribers will be entitled to a gold pencil, with pen, worth $7. 'Those getting up a club of 16 subscribers, and remitting $3O, will be entitled to a silver watch, or a gold-vestchain, worth $lO. Those remitting $4O, for 20 subscribers, will be entitled to a silver hunting cased watch, or a gold chain, worth $l5. Those remitting $6O, fbr 30 subscribers, will be entitled to a gold chain, or a silver .hunting cased watch, worth $22. Those remitting $BO, for 40 subscribers, will be entitled to a lady’s gold watch, worth $3O. Those remitting $lOO, for 50 subscribers, will be entitled to a gold watch, worth $40.. All communications should be addressed to M. B. DEAN, Publisher, dec 281 am ly 50 836 Broadway, New York. ROBERTS’ VEGETABLE EMBROCA TION ibr the cure of/Diseases that require wytomal application, i such as "Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains* Numbness, Stiffness of the Joints and Tendons, Stiffness of the Neck or Sore Throat, Quinsy, Frosted Feet, Bites and Stings of Insects, Poisons, Ac. • For sale by ; CHARLES A. HEUJITSH; , Wholesale. Agent, • feb 16 3m 6] No. 13 East King gt, Lancaster,- Pa. TATTERSALL’S HEAVE POTrDEE Powdered Rosin, ■Antimony, Fenhlgreek, Sulphur Saltpetre; Ass&f&tid&y-AlumL/ic; " For sale at :. apraitflf:THQMAp kt.t.mattjbp .. Drug and ChetMcaa Store, WeekßKcit! ‘ 1 m . •;■,«<• iis ,•= ;• .«, ff-Vj-.- Bareauof Proirtdoni and.CloCbins, March. 17il86SL-i . , SEPARATE PROPO3A£S» sealed; *nd eodorsed'.“Er&- poeaHforNttvy, Supplies” will be. received at this Barron n^.W***’’*.“•» Oft. WEEKDAY,, tbs i#th. day of: f “i D 5 •Muring. (on receiving M d^,no^, .except, for-biscnitj for. which fivpdaj? nonce snail be jriven.for every twenty tbpusand pounds. rMulred) at the United. 3tates navy-yanls at Charlestown, qlMßachPßetta; BrbokJynVNew York; and Gosport,j-Thf-- . phla» gnch qnan titles only of- the following articles as msr~ tereqnJryAwrooierjTdfMnithe hootraebwshy:*b'veh'tur, ripe,. dxieiapples,.pickles,.anpar, tea,co£ foe,, vinegar, and. whiskey.- .'■ ' The bißptfitshaJJ.be made .wholly, from.-sweet superfine.’ floor, qftlref,manolactaje .of.the..year .185 A or 1859; bat .shall inalljcasps be. manufactured, from flour madeof the ;ch>j> immediately preceding .the dales .of. the: requisitions fprthgsainß ;;apd_ shall be folly eqoal.isi quality .isndxOo-. form in mze and shape, to the samples which are deposited in thesaid-jjavy-yards; shall be properly baked, thorough ly well packed, and delivered:free ot eharge to the United States, in ggod, sQtmd, well-dried, bright flour • barrels, with the headsiwell.secured,.or.in airund.water' tight whiskey or spirit barrels, at thanpiiQn.o£tbebureau - The floor shall Jbe equal to the best Richmond and Bal . tim< >re;brasds, sad of the manufacture of wheat grown in year 1858 or 1859; but shall in all caaes/ba manufac tured from pure, sound, fresh ground wheat-, of the l crop -Immediately precadipg-the dates of the requisition 'for the same; shall be perfectly sweet, and in all respects of.the best quality; and shall be deliveredin good shipping order, free of all charged .the. United States, la the besTraev; well-seasoned,-soqndj.brjght'barrelVor half barrels, as the - ease may be—the staves and headings to be of red mor&than three hundred pounds. pickles shall'be-jrat up- in-iron-bound-casks;' and each cask shall contain bne'gallon of onions; one galToh bf peppers, and eight gallons of medium encumbers, fifty to ine l gallon,!and the vegetables in each shall weigh fifty seven ponndspand they only be paid for; and each cask shall theU be-fllled with white wine vinegar of at least 42 degrees of strength, and eqnal to French- vinegar;' the casks, vegetables, and vinegar shall conform- and be equal 1 in all respects to the sampled depdsited'afc the'abbve-nkmed - navy-yards; ind the contractors shall warrant tind goaran ty ‘ that they will keep, good and sound for at least two ypkhf.' : The iron-hoops on the barrels containing whiskey,' mo lasses, vinegar, and pickles to be well -painted with red lead. The sugar shall be accbrdlng'to samples at the saidnavy yariis, and be dry'and fit for packing. - The tea shall he of good quality young -hyson- equal .to the samples at said oavy-yards/kna bb“ delivered "in half ! and quarter chests only. • ; The coffee shall be equal to the best Cuba, according to sample. The beans shall be of the very bei t 'qhality White beans, and shall be of the crop immediately' preoxnag the dates of the reqnisition for the same, 64 pounds to oe taken as one bushel. The molasses shall be fully equal to the very best quali ty of New Orleans molasses, and shall be delivered in new, well-seasoned red-oak barrelß, with white-pine heads not less than V/ z inch thick; the Btaves not leas than % inch thick; the barrels to be three-quarters hooped, and, in ad dition, to have four iron hoopß, one on each bilge, inch In width and 116th Inch thick, and one on each chime inch in width and l-l'oth inch thick, and shall bo thoroughly coopered and''placed in the best shipping con dition. The vinegar shall be of the first quality, equal to tho standard of the United. States Pharmflcopreta, and shall contain no other than acetic acid; and shall l>e delivered In barrels similar In all reaped!* to thoßO required for mo lassos, with the exception that whiU-oak staves and beads shall be substituted for red-oak staves and white-pine heads, and shall be thoroughly coopered and placed In the beat shipping order. Tho whiskey shall be made wholly from grain, sound and merchantable, and be full first proof according to the United States custom-house standard, and shall be doublo rectified. It shall be delivered in good, new. sohnd, bright, three-quarters hooped, woil-soaßoned white oak barrels, with white-oak heads, the heads to be made of three-piece heading, and well painted; the staves not to be less than % Inch thlok, and the heads not loss than % Inch thick; and each barrel shall be coopered, In addition, with one three-penny iron hoop on each ollge 1)6 Inch In width, and l-16th Inch thick,and one three-pennynoopon each chime, 1% inch In width, and l-16th Inch thick, as per diagram. The whole to be put In good shipping order, free of all charge to the United States. All the foregoing described articles, embracing casks, barrels, half barrels, and boxes, shall be subject to such inspection as the chief of this bureau may direct, the in specting officer to be appointed by the NaVy Department. All Id spections to be at the place of delivery. Biscuit may, however, be inspected at the place of manufacture, but will in all cases be subject to a final Inspection at the place of delivery before bills are signed therefor. The prices of all the foregoing articles to be the same throughout the year, and bidders may offer for one or more articles. All the casks barrels, and half barrels, boxes or pack ages, shall be marked with their contents and the con tractor’s name. All the brrrels and' half barrels of flour, bread, and pickles shall have, in addition to the above, the year when manufactured or putup marked upon them. The samples referred to hi this advertisement are those selected for the ensuiDg fiscal year, and have no reference to such as have been previously exhibited. The quantity of these articles which will be required cannot be precisely stated. They will probably be about— To be offered for. Biscuit 1,800,000 lbs per 100 lbs. Flour 1,400 bbls per bbl. Rice 250,000 lbs per lb. Dried Apples : 150,000 lbs per lb. Pickles 150,000 lbs per lb. Sugar '235,000 lbs per lb. Tea 25.000 lbs per lb. Coffee 25,000 lbs per lb. Beans 7,000 bn6h per bush. Molasses 20,000 gals per gal. Vinegar 22,000 gals per gal. Whiskey 50,000 gals per gal. The quantities of any or all may be increased or dimin ished as the service may hereafter require. The contracts will therefore be made, not for specific qoantities, but for such quantities as the service may require to be delivered at those navy-yards respectively. Contractors not residing at the places where deliveries are required must establish agencies at such places, that no delay may arise in furnishing what may be required ; and when a contractor fails promptly to comply with a reqnisition, the Chief of the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing shall be authorized to direct purchases to be made to supply the deficiency, under the penalty to be expressed in the contract; the record of a reqnisition, or a duplicate copy thereof, at the Bureau of Provisions and Clothing, or at either of the navy-yards aforesaid, shall be evidence that such requisition has been made ard received. Separate offers must be made for each article at each of the aforesaid navy-yards; and in case more than one arti cle is contained in the offer, the Chief of the Bureau will have the right to accept one or more of the articles con tained in such offer, and reject the remainder; and bidders whose proposals are accepted (and none others) will be forthwith notified, and as early as practicable a contract will be transmitted to them for execution, which contract mast be returned to the bureau within ten days, exclu sive of the time required for the regular transmission of the mail. Two or more approved sureties, in a sum equal to the estimated amount of the respective contracts, will be re quired, and twenty per centum In addition will be with held from the amount of all payments on account thereof as collateral security, in addition, to secure its perform ance, and not in any event to be paid until it is in all respects complied with; eighty per centum of the amount of all deliveries made will be paid by the navy agent with in thirty days after bills, duly authenticated, shall have been presented to him. Blank forms of proposals may be obtained on applica tion to the navy agents at Portsmouth, New Hampshire; Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Norfolk, Peusacola, and at this bureau. A record, or duplicate of the letter informing a bidder of the acceptance of his proposals, will be deemed a notifica tion thereof within the meaning of the act of 1846, and his bid will be made and accepted in conformity with this un derstanding. Every offer made most be accompanied (as directed in the act of Congress making appropriations for the naval service for 1846-’47, approved 10th August, 1846) by a written guarantee, rigned by one or more responsible persons, to the effect that he or they undertake that the bidder or bidders will, if his or their bid be accepted, enter into an obligation within five days, with good and sufficient sure ties, to furnish the supplies proposed. The bureau will not be obligated to consider any proposal unless accom panied by the guarantee required by law; the competency' of the guarantee to be certified by the navy agent, district attorney, or collector of the customs. The attention of bidders is called to the samples and de scription of articles required, as, in the inspection for recep tion, a just but rigid comparison will be made between the articles offered and the sample and contract, receiving■ none that fall below them: and their attention is also particularly directed to the joint resolution of 27 th March, 1864, and .to the act of the 10ZA August, 1846. mar 22 4t 10 SAYING FUND. WALNUT STREET,JIOUTH WEST CORNER OP THIRD, PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED BY THE STATE OF PENN'A. FIVE PEE CENT INTEREST. Money is received in any sum, large or small, and inter est paid from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. The office is open every day from 9 o’clock in the morn ning till 5 o’clock In the afternoon, and on Monday and Thursday evenings till 8 o’clock HON. HENRY L. BRENNER, President, ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice President. WM. J. REED, Secretary. DIRECTORS Henry L. Brenner, j Edward L. Carter, I Robert Selfridge, 1 Samuel K. Ashton, C. Landreth Munns, | Money is received and paj without notice. The Investments are made GAGES, GROUND RENTS, an as the Charter requires. IF. Carroll Brewster, Joseph B. Barry, Francis Lee, Joseph Yerkes, Henry DUTenderfer. lyments made in gold daily in REAL ESTATE MORT id such first class securities July 27 tf 28 Lancaster county exchange AND DEPOSIT OFFICE. Comer of East King and Duke Streets, BET. THE COURT HOUSE AND SPRECHER’S HOTEL, Lancaster City* JOHN K. REED & CO. pay interest on deposits at the fol lowing rates: per cent for one year and longer. 5 do. “ 30 dayß “ do. AS“-Also, buy and sell Real Estate and Stocks on com mission, negotiate loans, collect claims, Ac., Ac. 43»The undersigned are individually liable to the extent of their- estates, for all the deposits and other obligations of John K. Reed A Co. JOHN K. REED, AMOS S. HENDERSON, DAVID SHULTZ, ISAAC E HLESTER, dec 25 tf 49 STEREOSCOPEBI»Theie wonderful and universally admired pictures, which appear ss oond and solid as sculptured marble, are taken daily at JOHNBTON’S SKY-LIGHT GALLERY, corner of North Queen and Orange sts. 43"* Daguerreotypes of every size and style, taken ta the lowest prices. Leniraiter* june >fl tf V} National hotel RACE STREET , ABOVE THIRD , PHILADELPHIA. \ SIDES A CARMAN Y. tf IT PETER SIDES, 1 (JTBOB ClßJtilfT. ‘ _may 11 PENNSYLVANIA PATENT AGENCY. J. FRANKLIN REIGART, of Lancaster city, obtains Letters Patent from. the U. 8. -Patent Office, on the most reasonable- terms. Drawings .of all . kinds:, of Machinery,' Architecture, or Surveys, correctly executed by him. Like wise Deeds, Bonds and other instruments of writing Office—Agricultural-and. Mechanical :H*U> (BpreiatLsr’s buildings, ) Nozik (free* street, iAneaster. 4 apr 26 tfM THE HAPPY HOME AHO PiR£QR’ MAGAYINB, AND TUB MOTHKR’B ASSISTANT.—' The publisher orthese popular moriiliUtis wDuldcall the sttentfpn'pf parents, and jpaog men' and yotiog ‘iomehi' to their oqfectf knd characterj -Tne contains ; BeVenty-two! pages of reading matter'm each’ Number! ' making witfrtoe jilatttftwh Tolhtn&Tof firar hundred ana " fifty pages each, inayesr. Illustrated' by a fine Engrav ‘ing, (for tbe-'preeenfcor Scriptural.family scenes,) a litho graph 1 of fib wensor frail,' in colors; alecr there will be'in* J sertedbcc&hrhalcutsof aueli stjlea of dreesandembrdia ,ery as Stay bb useful In the Christian ’famUr,'' and other lUiistratloriff. ;; ' -ForVeddlng-toere are-ftttnished"aittc!es'’npdti' thereta tlons of Parent, Husband.. Brother, Sister, to gether witfrartifiTe's'esbecially’deßlgmKifor young men and youm* women.- : There is also a Boys’ and Girls’ Corner.— In.addition to this there is a .variety of miscellaneous mat ter, consisting of Historical 1 and Biographlcal'Sketches, 1 with auehtautgecta hi the Tange of Science, \LiteratTir2' ‘Morals and Religion; as would appropriately fill' nri a“ fllagaEing of higher literary and religion* character! : ; Pribe i $2 per year, In advance. ' 'Hie Mother’s Assistant'contains thirty-two page£,brthe same size as the Happy Home, with the eßteef"'En-’ eravini that adorns the latter periodical. The design of *thiß is more par(icdlarly‘td‘asaistpareritB : ftl the training of their children, and furnish toem'wifliVsdch ottiar matter as may beprofitable fortherfi jihdoiber members - of the family to'read: It'eo'ntaJnjraßoys’hnd Girls* Corner:- ' AH toe matter in this monthly is' embraced in The Happy Home.—Price.'"sl/per year in'adtohce.' : . The publisher wfll spare ho pains to render thwtft- Mag*: asines the best for the 'family in toe v tahd ■ ; They will be Useful, notohly fbr present reading; bnt 1 will make hand-, some vohnnte,. when bound, : for toe fondly library. 'The plates-which they contain, arelnstnictive and entertain'-; ing, render them appropriate and beautiful volumes, when handsomely bound, for the parlor table. • £5“ The eight y oitimes .already pnblished. can be had at oor Offic§, ■, at toe following reduced pricesj viz,:—Neatly honnddn cloth, gilt back and lettered, at $1 per vol., 1 or $7 per set. Elegantly bouud in morocco, full gilt, 2 vols. in 1, at $2 50 per vol., or $8 per set; CashJ ' C. STONE, Publisher,' Boston, December 1. 1858. 11 Cornhill. LOCATED AT PHILADELPHIA, CHICAGO, 111, BUFFALO, N. Y., CLEVELAND, Ohio, ALBANY, N. Y., DETROIT, Mioh. A Student entering any one of these Colleges has the privilege of all for an unlimited time. PHILADELPHIA COLLEGE, Southeast Comer of Seventh and Chestnut Streets. JOHN B; MYERS, MORRIS S.'HOBLOWELL. PROP. JOHN S. HART, W. 0. PATTERSON, EDMUND A. 80UDER, MAHLON WILLIAMSON, 0. B. TRUITT, J. COOK. COLLEGIATE COURSE. BOOK-KEEPING, In all its most approved forms adapted to the various de partments of Trade and Commerce, including General Wholesale and Retail Mercantile, Shipping, Forwarding, Commission, Banking, Exchange, Manufacturing, Rail roadiug, Steamboating, Ac., Ac. PENMANSHIP. A good hand writing is regarded of the first importance and is guarant< ed to all completing the Oourse. COMMERCIAL CORRESPONDENCE, MEBCANTILE-LaW, BUB INISS-CORRESPONDINOB, UaiQE, AC. DaILT LEOTUKES ABE DELIVERED TOON THE ABOVE SUBJECTS. DIPLOMAS are awarded to Students-completing the Course aod passing the necessary examination. GENERAL INFORMATION. The proprietors of these Colleges design perfecting a chain of Schools throughout the Principal Cities of the East and West that shall afford to Young Men opportunity to qualify themselves In the various moaeß of aoing busi ness not only in Groat Oommerolal oentres of the East, but in the great and growing West also. The establishment of nuohsahools Is believed to be indispensable to this result The Schools at the above pointß are all In a prosperous condition. Over 800 Students wore In attendance upon them duriug last Winter’s Session. Thore are no terms and no vacations. Students may therefore enter and prosecute the studies without reference to olasses. Scholarship for complete Course, inoluding Book- Keeping, Writing, Lectures, Ac $4O 00 Book-Keeping for half Course - 26 00 For further particulars send for Catalogue and Circular— Address, BRYANT A STRATTON, Philadelphia aur 6 ly 12 Boot and shoemakers, take: NOTICE I J. F. 0 O M B S , CURRIER AND LEATHER DEALER. 1130 Market street, below 12th, Philadelphia, has the moat extensive assortment of SOLE AND UPPER LEATHER of all descriptions: Red and Oak Sole Skirting, Slaughter, French and City Calf Skins, Kips, Wax-Upper, Morocco, Linings, Lacings, Leather Apron Skins, Qifflfl Shoe Tools. Lasts, Findings, Ac., and every article nllllJ requisite for Boot and Shoemaking, Wholesale and r Retail, at the lowest prices, to which he inviteß the atten of the trade. oct 10-6 m 40 THE “SOUTH” AND “THE STATES” TO BE CONSOLIDATED.—An arrangement has been concluded between R. A. Prvor, editor of the Richmond Sooth, and the proprietor of this paper, The States, by which the South and the States are to be consolidated into one paper, to be published in this city, in an enlarged form , and to be under the editorial control of Mr. Pryor. The paper will be the organ of no person or clique, but devoted to the general interests of the Democratic party , in accordance with the principles of State rights Democracy. Mr. Pryor will undertake the editorial control of the paper between the 20th of this month and the Ist of De cember. It wiH be continued under the name of “ THE STATES,” ind published on the following terms: One copy per year $ 6 00 Two copieß per year 10 00 SEMI-WEEKLY: One copy per year. One copy per year Five copies to a club Ten copies to a club Twenty papers sent to one address. As the proceedings of the coming Congress will be of great interest to the whole country, “The States” will keep its readers fully advised upon all subjects which may be discussed by that body. The price of subscription for the session will be as follows: One copy... Two copies. One copy Four copies to a club. One copy Fives copies to a club Seventeen copies to one address. •3S-Postmasters who will forward us a club of subscri bers to our Weekly for one year, at the club prices, will be entitled to a copy of the Weekly States for one year. £3“ All letters, in relation to the arrangement, should be addressed to Pbtob & Heiss, Washington. D. C. DOV 23 tf 45 Local freight notice.—The PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY are now prepared to receive and forward FREIGHT between Phila delphia, Lancaster and Columbia, at the following rates per hundred pounds: • BETWEEN PHILA. AND COLUMBIA. First Class. Second Class. Third Classs. Fourth Class. 22 eta. 18 cts. 16 cts. 14 cts. Floor, 28 cts. per barrel. Pig Metal, , 10 cts. per 100 pounds. BETWEEN PHILA. AND LANCASTER. First Class. Second Class. Third Class. Fourth Class. 20 cts. -17 cts. 1 5 cts. 13 cts. Floor, 25 cts. per barrel. Pig Metal. 10 “ “ 100 lbs. ARTICLES pF Ist CLASS. Books, Fresh Fish, Boots and Shoes, Nuts in Bags. Cedar and Wooden Ware, Porter A Ale in bottles, Dry Goods, Poultry in coops, Eggs, Pork, (fresh,) Furniture, Poultry, (dressed,) Feathere, Wrapping Paper. ARTICLES OF 2d CLASS. Apples, Molasses, Oheeee, _ Melons, Clover A Grass Seed, Oils in casks or barrels, Crockery, Paper in bozos, Candles, Pasteboard, Casks or Barrels, (empty,) Peaches, (dried,) Groceries, Printing Paper, Guns and Rifles, Paper Hangings, Herring'in boxes and kegs, Queensware, Hardware, Sweet Potatoes, Hops, Tobacco in bales, Iron, hoop, band or sheet, Tea, Leather, Type, Liquor in wood, Tallow, Marble Slabs and Marble Turpentine, (spts.,) Monuments, ' Varnish. ARTICLES OF 3d OLASS. Alcohol, Potatoes, Coffee, Turnips, Hides, (green,) Vinegar, Lard, White Lead, Oysters A Clams, (in shell,) Window Glass Tobacco, (manufactured.) ARTICLES OF 4th OLASS. Rosin, Salt, Tobacco, (leaf,) Tin, Tar, Whiskey. National MS! Codfish, Ootton, Fish, salted, Grain of all kinds, Nails and Spikes, Pitch, Plaster, ; -ompany. For farther information, apply to E. J. SNEEDER, Freight Agent, Phlla. E. K. BOICE, Freight Agent, Colombia. W. H. MYERB, Freight Agent, Lancaster. ly 80 Excelsior eating house. Nobth Qubbn street, near the Railroad. The subscriber has just opened an Bating House and Restaurant in the basement of Reese’s Hotel, North Queen street, near the Railroad, where everything will be done up in first-rate style, so as to please the most fastidious.— His arrangements are such as to command the freshest and best Oysters, Ac., Ac., the market affords, and he flatters himself in;being able to cater to the tastes of all who may patronize his ; establishment. Hlh charges will be mod erate. WILLIAM LOWREY. mar 16 tf 9 Dektistry. The undersigned haring again resumed waHear the practice of Dentistry, at his old stand, north east corner of North Queen and Orange streets, (Kr&mpb’s Buildings,) wonld respectfully say to his former patrons and friends, and to the public generally, that he embraced the opportunity, while in Baltimore, of attending a fnll course of lectures in, and receiring a diploma from, the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. Haring graduated at a period in the history of the pro-' fession when all its most approred principles could-be thoroughly discussed and fully compared and studied, I feel better qualified than erer before to treat all cases of dental or surgical diseases, strictly upon scientific princi ples. . As a metriculent of the University of Maryland, I receired the benefit of the Surgical lectures of Prof. N. R. Bmlth, as well as those of Prof. T. B. Bond, of the Dental College, and haring for years adopted Surgery as a favorite study, I de sign taking its general principles into my practice, and will treat all the surgical diseases, of the mouth and face especially, dpon the principles laid down and practised so successfully by that eminent and scientific surgeon. Cleft palates, hare llps,preternatural and morbid growths In the mouth and about the face will receire especial and careful attention. Artificial Teeth mounted upon four different and ap proved principles, viz: Gold plate, Bilrer plate, hard rubber process, and the mnch talked of Cheoplastfc process im proved: Operations npon the natural teeth will be per formed with a view to their preserration and beauty, and according to the highest prinripies'of hygiene and artistic skill. Specimens of plate work and plugging will be shown to all who call: Dental and surgical advice will be freely given to Indi viduals or families, who may place themselves under my treatment, 8. WELCHENB, D. D. S. mar 8 tfB CAROLINA YELLO* PINE FLOOR. INC BOARDS. SOyOOO Feet Carolina Yellow Pine Dressed Flooring Boards. • 30,000 Feet Do. Undressed. 50,000 CYPRESS SHINGLES, No. 1 and 2. 50)000:BANG0R PLASTERING LATHS, Just received and fbr sale at GraefFs Landing/on the Conestoga. Apply to GEO CALDERA Oo.;- - ■ Office East Orange st., near N. Queen it-, Lancaster •80 AU .Board of Referees. TERMS WEEKLY SESSION PAPER SEMI-WEEKLY WEEKLY ■sssEssarattßEJSff fomi^yQdiofSuS' *“»• f; * doubtrenderitdrieof thetai^tnt&e«^¥^?ercliFthe'* »V‘ •* -i'' :i,JI j2L:I , ' ,tJ country: l^ffiS2?S^l^'*JM4^*SwS!2®in *W »* onl ■ Wj&tfhhanDtohm9£¥3Fictol*iW°*, URfrrcr.i/l : - : Flashing aftheßody»-DXjme«t. r or the fikln,” . F ! £S^iP‘ of ‘ i tfie 1; *‘^WKU} J •- f ' • qaentlyv vßpoto ’ ¥l7 aaiss&' ; • with Temporary Suffusionsana Loss of i t li-K Society. wolblng Is more des£raole t Cr rich Pa tients ttmci'flbUW^f l ißj(t ; WiAlDgthe^' f mw> :-‘" v ' Draa'a for :Feir; tjF.ThemiitrmtjiVrfo- ■ pose of Manner, m>Earnestness, no., - SpeeulitMh, bdt'! a*.! Harried''' 1 Transition totti I on*' question Aa- otf^whidi'-titifi'\^etii« 3 '-’ dne Qp.pQJiF£B i .(: UPILfiPTIC.FTTS-rin opantcwhich the,,, expire.. Who can say that these exceed ‘dJs*. 1 hot frtqhently) fhliowedlbyj those dtotfdl diaoaiH-'' IS BAN- : ■’ ‘ > ' t;. .Thf rafttrts .ofthe JNBANB ASYLtJMS, and the melancholy deaths by CONStTMP’TION bear ample witness"to' tha these 1 assertfoiis. In Lunatiq AsyJnmsthempflt melancholy exhibition appears.'--- The oountena,nee is actually sodden and quite desututp-- neither 1 Mirth * di 1 ‘Oridf eVef/vlsits'lt.’ * Bfconld a 'sound df the mice occur It iataußlyiarticnlMe: : - Low sulfeii Bounds his ., Debility* Is taoet terrible afad has brbhgbt'thousaiidsupbh 1: thoußaods.tp.UuUmply grayes, thus bleating the ambition: of many noble yputba, It can be cured by the use of this INFALLIBLE REMEDY. If yon aro *uff«riag!.wflh any. of the PltOre distressing ailmonta, the FLOID EXTRACT BCCLIU will cure you.— Try it* and be convinced of its efficacy. BBWARBbPQUACK NOSTROMS'a&dQUACK DtitOTbßS, who falsely qf abifltie*-pud: references.:, Citisens - know . pad aypid them, and.sareLong Suffering, Money, and Exposure, by' sending Or -‘calirn'g'tor a 'bottle or this Popular and SEECRFIC REMEDY. It allays; all pain and, inflammation, is perfectly pleasaat in its taste and odor, but immediate in Its action, H ELM BOLD’S, EXTRACT BOCHtT oct 27if41, ! '-‘ the itiTOrtedMahehes will re* oeireojir beetattention. ; * tx . ■ t .. Interest,6n deposits will oejftlloireiiais aezetb&re. Drafts on- J New York, Philadelphia end Baltimore con* stantlj.ftrr s*le,„ i; . -u-, r; Stock, Bonds, and. other securftiia.bonghtL and sold in and Hew York— ahtf Information' given as to their relative Tone and prospects.’ - . • Uncnrrent Bank. Notes bought and sold, and premium allowed on old Ameriean,coin. ’ . .. Persons entrusting any bnsiriess'tb' ns, r Whether money 1 » thingß about this herb that appear surprising; first, that it grows In our pastures, in some places quite plentiful., and yet its value has never been known until I discovered! it in 1846—second, that It should cure all kinde of humor. £□ order to give some idea of the sudden rise, and great! popularity of the discovery, I will etate that in April, 1863. I peddled it and sold about six bottles per day—in April,. 1864,1 sold over one thousand bottles per day of It. Some of the wholesale Druggists who have been in thoL business twenty and thirty years, say that nothing in the* annals of patent medicines was ever like it. There is a universal praise of It from all quarters. In my own practice I always kept It strictly for humors —bat slnde its introduction as & general family great and wonderful virtues have been found in it that I never suspected. Several cases of epileptic fits—a disease which was always considered Incurable, have been cored by a few bottles.— 0, what a mercy if it prove effectual in all cases of that awful malady—there are but few who have seen more of It than I have. I know of several cases of Dropsy, all of them aged peo» pie, cured by it. For the various diseases of the Liver, nick Headache, Dyspepsia, Asthma, Fever and Ague, pain In the side, Diseases Of the Spine, and particularly in diseases of the Kidneys, Ac., the discovery has done more good any medicine ever known. No change of diet ever necessary—eat the best you get and enough of it. Directions rpa Use.— Adults one table spoonfnl per day —Children over ten years dessert spoonful. Children from five to eight years tea spoonful. As no directions can be applicable to a 11^constitutions, take sufficient to operate on tne bowels twice a day. Manufactured by - - DONAtt) KENNEDY, No. 120 Warren Roxburv, Mass.' ' Price, $l.OO. 7 Wholesale Agents.—New Yoxk city, C. M. Ollckner, 81 Barclay street; 0. H. Ring,"l92 Broadway; Ruahton A- Clark, 176 Broadway; A B. A D. fiamlft 100 Fo)ton.*t*;. Sold In Rochester by J. Bryan A Co-. Wholesale Agents. No. 112 Btate street; also by L. Poat'ACd. • General.Agent—T. W. Dyott A Son, Philadelphia. ; Agents, in Lancaster.—James Smith, Wm. G. Baker, Bamobl Welchens, B. 11. Kauffman, H. A. Uockafleld, Chat'* A. Ileinltsh and John F. Long. ang 4 iy 29 The united states democratic REVIEW . Tni United Btates Democratic Review Is now In lta Twentieth year—nearly the ago of human life. During this period many political Monthlies have been born, and have expired, leaving the field open, and, at present, unoccupied, except by this Revlow. The previous numbers of the New Series having received the approval of the Democratic press throughout the coun try,—and of all the old subscribers, with a large aopetpalon of new—it is hoped the present number will meet with at least equal favor. TERMB. Single Subscribers, In advance $ 3 00 Clubs of Five, “ 12 00*} _ “ Ten, “ 28 00 L “ Twenty, “ 40 00J Address. All Postmasters are requested to act as agents, and upon the receipt of $l2 00 firom any Agent, a Sixth copy of the Review will be forwarded to his address, gratis, for one year. Communications to be addressed to 0 BWACKHAMER, “ U. 8. Dkiiocsatic Rctiot,** 335 Broadway, N. T. mar 9 tf 8 EIFLEBI GUNS! REVOLVERS I-I have opened & large assortment of Rifles, Gona, Re* volvers, Pistols and Hooting equipments of all kinds, at ISW prices. I bare engaged the services of Mr. Henry Gibbs, who will attend to repairing of Guns, Ac., in all Us All work warranted 8. A. DANNER. West King Btreet, between Cooper’s and Leman’s Hotels.. apr27. tf!6 I)AVLICK & McCUUUEY’S X NEW iron and brass foundry, HOBIH WATZn STBCZT, LASCA6VXB, pa. The subscribers baring leased the Foundry, recently* erected by Mr. William Dana, adjoining his Machine Bhop. in North Water street, between OraogeabdCbesnut streets; also haring bought out the Btrasburg Foundry and parte of the fixtures of other establishments of the same kind, and haring the most complete collection of Patterns In the City, are prepared to furnish Iron and Brass. CASTINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, (either light, or as heavy as can be made elsewhere,) at the shortest notice, and- warranted to be done in the most workmanlike, manner. Both being practical a Moulder and the ' ’ other a Pattern Maker—they flatter themselves that, by : doing tbeip own work, and having purchased their fixtures’ ' ■ i at very low ln consequence of which their expenses, will be less than any other establlshmehtof thetlnahere, ' they cau make Oastinge and finish them aimers reason-* 1 able prioes .thau has heretofore ruled In this. City. ASh Strict attention paid to repairing STOVES. GRATES and CYLINDERS of ail kinds and sixes kept constantly on hand. They nave on hand, and are' constantly making'’new' 1 dedgns for CELLAR GRATES, BAILING, and all Unds of Ornamental Castings.. . , highest price will be paid for Old Iron, Copper and Brass.. . We reepectfally solicit* share of public patronage, »n<) shall spare no pains to please all who may favor os with their custom LEWIS‘PAtJLIOK, 1 ' u ' 1 Lancaster, May 4. OARBON v* Lit. ■ • ! T°ed ttae Mia of their cetotaated v ,; „,T. ".- BOTJ&'PHOBPHAT&‘O* tiSte, , , . , we would e«I tteittoiittonofWnaertib'aaiWtMftr.'lit 1 being sroriot-tomlj sri who hareuKHi it for Dome seen .put, wefoel author fcea ia aayiw KfcrtteW Opri'cSS! ] ’ : ?.?,- Qt^^^alliig oniheOouwtogs. EVERY KIND OF RUMOR in tm