GOVERNOR’SHIESSAGB, To tke, : Honorable the arid Members of ihe Houae of Representatives of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania: Getttlbmejt : — Although the year just closed has been one of great depression In the business and monetary affairs of the country, I am happy to be able to announce to the Representatives of the People, that the finances of Pennsylvania are In a most satisfactory condition The at the Treasury, from all sou'ces.forthe fiscal year, ending on the 30th day of November, 1858, were $4,139,778 85; and the expenditures, for kll pur poses, during the same time,, were $3,776,667 06. Leav ing an excess ot receipts over expenditures of $863,921- ®. . V, This exhibit show's that there was'actually in the Treasury on the first day of December. IffsB, the earn of £363,921 29, more' than there was od the first day of December, 1857. In addition to this, among the expen ditures for the year, were Loan* redeemed Belief Notes, Tedeemed,. Interest Certificates, “ Making' of the public debt funded and uo - funded paid during the year the sum 0f... If we add to thta the. excess of money on hand, at the end of the fiscal year, over what remained in the Treasury, at thesame time last year, vii: 1.. We have the sum of $783,415.84 But ''this la not all. The amount paid on the pablic Improvements, including damages and old claims, dar ing the fiscal year, was $341,030.38 While the amount of rerenue. from the same aonrce for the same period, was only Making an. excess of expenditures over receipts, which happily wewillbe relieved from in the fntare, of $245,9'}6.fi2 This earn should, also, be credited to the operation of the Treasury, daring the year, for it wan an extraor dinary expenditure, which cannot again occur; and was. in fact, a reduction of the liabilities of the Common wealth, to that extent. If we add this sum to the amount of debt paid, and tbo excess of cash on hand, we have for the year, a balance In favor of the receipts, over the ordinary expenditures, amounting in the aggregate to $1,031,382 38. But from thin, however, should be deducted the ex traordinary receipt*, which wero: Ist. The amount paid by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, on the principal of the debt due by the said company, to the Com mon wealth,for the purchase of the Main Line, $lOO,OOO 2d The amount received from the Girard Bank, for loans of the Commonwealth sold by that bank In “'1 ' *128,000 Which ih-ducte*, from cho foregoing aggregate of $1,031,382 3d, leaves the true balance of (be ordinary receipts over the ordinary expenditure* for tbe fiocal year at $903,382 :i*j Tbe funded and unfunded debt of tbe Commonwealth, on tbe let day of December, IS-V 7, was hs follower— FUNDED DEBT, 6 per cent, loan ; 3 tier ceut. loan, dj>a per cunt, loan 4 per cent, loan 'J o tbi» *bould oe added 6 per cent. Coupon R<; jdft »old by Girard Bank, not before reported Total :’utided di-b1... CNFUNDED DEBT. Relief Note- oaM-.udiuc Intere-l certiJlcau-s do Do do. unclaimed, Domestic creditor' Total unfunded debt $173,145.70 Making tbe futire debt of the Commonwealth at the period named s3s 9 >9.738.22. Jhe f uuded and unfunded debt of the State at tbe clohh of the l\-t fiscal year, Decembnr 1 at, 1868, stood as follows; FUNDED DEBT. 6 per cent loann,.. 5 per coni loan*,.. 4)£ per cent, loan?. 4 per cum loans, Total futi'M iM>t £89,::54 283 d 7 UNFUNDED r, EBT ’ ’ Notns oiit-slanding, iDterest cartiflcftie*, Do. do, DomfiHtlc creditors, unclaim «d, T' St-to owns bonds received from the -aleof the public works, aud which I have every reason to believe, are well secured, amounting to eleven milliona one hundred and eighty-one dollars. Deducting this from the outstanding debt, it leaves to be otherwise provided for. the sum of twenty eight millions eighty seven thouKsod one hundred and eleven dollars snd sixteen cenu. It is believed t hit', with the existing sources of revenue and the oh-nwuuce of strict economy, this sum may be reduced, duriug the current year, at least one million of dollars The present would seem to be the appropriate time —when our Nation is at peace and when health and reasonable prosperity prevail within our owu bor ders,—to greatly reduce the public debt. We have but to carefully husband our legitimate resources, avoiding extravagant and unnecessary appropria tions, and practising a proper economy in all the departments of the Government, to reader the entire extinqaisbment of oar debt a fixed fact witbiu a very brief period. To carefully guard the public treasury at this interesting ppoch iu our financial history is bo manifestly the duly of IV public authorities, that I cannot for one moment beh ve that ruy other police will be proposed. It there be any, who, relying on the improved condition of the finances of the State would encourage the adoption of new schemes for depleting the Treasury, or would cut off the sources of our pre« ent revenue, aud thus reduce it, let all such efforts coming irom whatever quarter they sternly resisted. Let Pennsylvania be just before abe is gen erou.s Let our good example be a light iu the path way of our Hister States, as well as sn admonition to our own local governments. This is due alike to the favors which Providence hits so bountifully bestowed upon us, and to that high character for honeHty and nte. vity which has ever distinguished 'be people of this good old Commonwealth. 1 ‘ In parenance of the act entitled “An Act for the Sale of the State Canals, approved on the 21st day of April inli.i th " 0oT « r "" °t tlle Commonwealth, on the 19th dny of May, ISSS, convey to the Snnbnry and Jirle Eanroad Company, all the public works belonging , the Commonwealth, then remaining unsold, consist* ing of the Delaware Division—the Upper and Lower North Branoh Diviflions—the West Branch Division— apd the Susquehanna Division of the Pennsylvania canal, with all the property thereonto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and all the estate, right, title and interest of this Commonwealth therein, for the sum of three millions five hundred thousand dollars. Tosecure the payment of this snm, the Sunbury and Erie Rail road Company paid to thu State Treasurer Us bonds secured by a mortgage, as directed by the aot, for the JJSL < S? fc j°L t )l e .E arol,tt ®. e . moiloy ‘ The company, also, compiled with tho provisions of the Act which required it, as additional security, to oxocuto and deliver to the Mate Treasurer a mortgage on the Delaware Division for ono million—a mortgnge on the Susquehanna and West Branch Divisions for half a million—and a mort gage on tho Upper and Lower Worth Branoh Divisions lor half a million of dollars. Tho deeds and mortgages were all exocated under the immediate supervision of the Attorney General, and were In strict conformity with the requirements of the law. 3 After the conveyances were duly executed and deliv ered, possession of the canals was given to the railroad company. The act farther provided that the Snnbnry and Erie Railroad Company shdnldnot ro-sell the Canals, or any part of them, without the cocsentof the (Jovernir: and that it a re-sale were made for a greater snm, in the aggregate, than three and a half millions of dollars seventy-five per centum of the excess should he paid to the Commonwealth, In the bonds of the purchasers. It was alHo provided that upon a re-sale, the mortgßges given by the Snnbnry and Erie Railroad Compahy to i»i e .»d'’LTh“ W n? 1 J ll ’^ pon " should be can celled by the State Treasurer and surrendered to the Company by the Governor, on deposits made by the said company in the office of the State Treasurer, of an equal amount of the honde of their grantees, secured by mortgage of the canal or canals sold as aforesaid;” with a provision that no transfer of securities should be made until the Governor should be satisfied that the new securities to be given were sufficient to protect the Interests of the State; and that his written approval of S ftj Co g mmonwoalt e h filed la eB " ° f Sales were made by the Saubnry and Erie Railroad S»^ P^ifn^ffeport^tomeunderoath of i’resi dent, or the different lines, aa follows • The Upper and Lower North Branch Canal, to »pk» w»S Bra u ch ? anal Compauy, for 91,000,000 The West Branch and Snsquehanna Divisions, to West Branch and Suequehanna Canal Company, for The Delaware Division to the Delaware Divis ion Canal Company, of Pennsylvania, for.. 1,778,000 ft all the Ram of $3,876,000 fl«Y P f? a ™ Sl[s * lQa and in£ * atr y. having become satia flod that these sales were made for fair prices, and noon such terms, and to such persons composing the various purchasing associations, as to Insure the payment of the purchase money, they wer»severally approved After the contract for the sale of the Delaware Divis ion had been entered into, and my consent had bren verbally given, and seventy-five thousand dollars of the purchase money had been actually paid by the purchas ers, upon the faith of the contract, and my assent thereto, I was informed that a higher price had been offered, by responsible persons, for the canal. But under the circumstances, my opinion was that the off«r ihSr Wtlfrw aDd aS the Railroad Company considered If fil, b jS d . t ®/ ollBUm, i te the a S r eement by a delivery of the deed and possession of the property to the first L°n r t ha T?"''-5 Seed faith, withhold my as f 8 8!; be Wm-lli Branefc Caaal Company, subsequent to tho pnrchaHe of that division, sold that portion of the fO 8 ? 1 w® between Wilkesbarre and Northumberland hole. , ’ nM , D e Canal Company for the sum of nine hundred and eighty-flce thousand dollars On the 13th of September, 1355, bonds of the various companies owning the different canals, secured by foe r if" g 5 ,S ’a ,^e^ '! , l i Ph rstl »o™ of thp act, and by mv 'f? 8p °“ l ??• Wllh lhe st *“ B Measurer to the amount of two millions of dollars; and the mortgages on the canals given by the Sunbary and Erie BaUrokd Company, were cancelled by the State Treasurer, and the dklcti m b7 ?'.? “1 th 9 oom P al1 J r ln accordance with the directions of the law. At the same time a eettle- RnnLrn b,tw « a the Commonwealth and the S ' lO ; Company, by which tho latter paid to the fill over per centum of the proceeds of the re sale over and above the contract price of three and a elghtv'nn “tV' Thl J am ° BBlB 'l to two hundred and manner af ‘ y d ° llar “' 88d Bonds of the Wyoming Canal Company, secur- | ed by mortgage on the canal from Wilkesbarre to Northumberland, payable In twenty years ! with In.eiest ai six per cent, payable Bomi- i 250 , T0ta1,.,,. - *2Bl can „„. Tb< “t B ’2 nd , 8 T 'l 011 “eotred and’the accruing Inter paid d Princ pa ' wheu ,luo - w 11 doubtless be promptly From Information of a reliable character recently and Erie Eralt„‘Tn by the PreBldBB ‘ » f «■» SnnbnrJ and Erie Krallroad Company, It appears that the pros pects of an early completion of that great public hlgh way are very encouraging. A large amoSat of work has been done on the line of the road daring the oast season, and at this time, very considerable portions*”? the road are graded and rapidly approaching eomple i!°S' Jim tbs °P lBl ° B of the President of the company la loTnl tw, ° y M? r o ■ thB work wlll bo entirely flnlsh- Of PMUH I ! ir Wl fi b ? PdPdlhff directly from the city of Philadelphia to tho harbor of Brie. * 8818r P tlle shall be consumated, and accomplished, the pay “ff 1 "!, 111 ™ 0 ruilHons and a half of mortgage bonds wh oh the State ha.B received in exchange for the canals’ mai a |t?«'i? > wm ll ’ ly be woU “cnred—whilst the ratl orooi wlll prevs of incalculable advantage to onr bn'i foe? ? 1 S mporlllm '* B well'ns to the important, ?onstraftfn?wiU d ’ l s gl l n tbrou lt b which it passes. Its ?eal iSSti drThi p a “ doabtBdiy add *° thB Taluo of the InddSv6lonl , h od o i?? mo .“ WBalli ““by times Us cost, -iR a i. 4 b n - s lnl ° the rich resources of a UTishlTrtmwn h hv e M, U i hBrlo romall >ed as they were lavishly etrown by tbe hand of nature. I have an ahl divorced the State fa.rfta“iproitas "St “3f •lug management other r.iK P sd» ,nd cail, *' U Whatever differences of opinion may. at anv time iMn bB6 . n .S! nto , rt l l '! 8d . 1,1 rß * ard to the proprietyof the detaUe of the' legislation authorizing the sain or »v. I!!SSaSf , WII ** Bab B^»elyh‘ lB delh‘ted that tha pnbUo welfare will, in every respect, be vastly promoted by the transfer of the management of the pub* ' farther increase ofhanfeg or banking capital nu-ier the Ho works from the. State to individual owner# ; present *ystem—express-*! .1 decided LostilHy to the The 'abort- experience that we hate had already, ' issue of notes of u suull denomination, and recommend provea conclusively' that the Commonwealth la greatly : ed sncb a change in our laws relative to banks, their the gainer, in a financial point of view, and it haa been ’ orgHuiztfiun an j mafiag-ment,a3 would at least secure •equally demonstrated that the people at large have : beyond all question the prompt redemption of all bills been as well, if not belter, accommodated, by the 1 or notes pac in circulation by the several banking in change* . . ■ stitntions of the commonwealth. It would, in my jadgment,.he a public calamity, If, 1 Well satisfied of the imperfection of existing laws by the happening,of T any contingency, the Common- ; relative to banks and banking,l deem it a duty to wealth should be' constrained to again become the' l inf»rm the Geueral assembly that I cannot give the owner, and resume the management, of any portion of > Executive approval to any bills chartering additional the public Improvements. ' banks without a radical change In the entire aystem.— The power of. the. General kaeemhly to pass the Aet , It is but just to at-ite that in my opinion a large majur of the Slat, of April, 1893, relative to the sale'of the tty of the banks ol the Commonwealth are well and State canale was questioned .before the gupreme Court sat-Iy managed, and in a perfectly sound condition; but of the State, since the transfer of the Canals, and, after this i e due to the honesty and intelligence of those fall aTgameat, the Constitutionality of the Act was sos- tying charge of them, rather than to the efficiency of talned by. the unanimous Judgment of the Court. the laws. Under the management of incapable or die- Hince the sale of the public works, and the settlement , honest men, «xperi-o - has *bowu. that there is really of the principal outstanding claims against the State, It j but little If any securicv to roe public in the regulations Is obvious that there Is no farther necessity, for a Board aQ d restrictions now to be found iu pur banking code.— of Canal Commissioners, or a Canal Department. I, ! True wisdom dictates a reformation therefore, recommend the abolition o' the Board, and. j 1 The rainous losses which hare fallen upon the people that provision be made for the transfer of the records • dnriDg the financial pressureoftbepsKteitfbteen months, to the office of the Auditor j suggest the necessity of preventing their recurrence.— In view of the forgoing exhibit of our resonrees and I Although many cause* may have combined to produce financial condition It is apparent that a most Interesting i these disasters, it Is too plain to admit of doubt that our era has been reached in the. history of the Common- I banting system has been one of the most prominent weal! l). Believed from the entangling embarrassments j Talae of the precious metals—the prices of property of an extensive system of Internal improvements, the --and the wages of labor—are always affected by the means of the State are now ample for all legitimate abundance or scarcity of the paper medium received as purposes, and her public debtls gradually but certainly a substitute for gold and silver eo| Q . The power of the disappearing. From these and other causes, govern- States to authorize a paper currency, through the menUi action has become greatly simplified, and the agency of banks, has been so Jong exercised, and aekaowl nature of the subjects of Its operation has changed In a edged, throughout the Union, that it is no longer an degree no less remarkable. °P eo question. But It most be acknowledged that the The almost entire disposal of the lands which belong- power has been greatly abused. The delegation of this ed to the State, has already dispensed with one of the attribute of sovereignty to a number of irresponsible Departments created for their care, and wiU, ultimately, corporations, without proper checks to limit its exercise, render the other unnecessary, except for preserving the and without providing any security whatever for the evidences of their transfer. I redemption of the issues thus authorized, has been at- The sale of the pnblio works has relieved the Bxecn- ! tended with evils of the most alarming character. These tire branch of the Government of many of its most re- j corporations are practically made the exclusive Judges -poaslble and perplexing duties, and in effect, dispensed ! tbB amount of paper currency to be furnished to the with one of Us mori formidable and difficult depart- ! P^op l *- *nd have the exclusive power to contract or inem*. ; expand their circulation at pleasure. Depositors and In the same proportion, the action of t e Legislature j other ordinary creditors of banks, need no leg Ula will, If the reproH<*ntattveH of the people be true to the ! «on for th**ir protection Every one who has direct Interests-reposed, and sternly rerase to entangle the < "flings with these institutions, either as depositor or public with thoso namerons projects and enterprises j otherwise, onter* Into such migigoraents voluntarily, which are contlnnally seeking its alluuce, be simplified for OWD advantage,and may be safely lert tohlsown and economized, purified and strengthened. vigilance, aod the ordinary remedies of the law. for his Aud It Isas remarkable as it Is propitious, that an I promotion. Bat the millions of people engaged in iudus ern which has thus relieved the Ktate authorities of j t J‘ l °nß pursuits, the farmer—the raechaulo—the mer hnrthens that consisted, either of mere material inter- chant—^and the laboring man—are under an Imperious n«ts, or the care of looal administration,—committing i parity to receive for their merchandize aud their the one to the local sovereignty of the people, and the * j abor ' the ordinary paper currency of the country. It other to private or associated enterprise,—shonld also 1 l* Impossible for person* of this description to Investl present for consideration and promotion iutellectnal * gate the cnncerfi r.f every Institution whose notes are and moral claims of peculiar importance. j In circulation. But no Investigation could save them It is at this period in our history that the system of ! ‘ r °m the h-ssra arising from the defaults and frauds of public education challenges the v' mtion of the rnoet : mV* ofUcer " " nd the insolvency of bank borrowers unobservant. And I shall he much mistaken In the ■ The note holders of banks have peculiar claims to the cautious and steadfast character of the people of Penn- : protection of the irtivornmeDt. They are involuntary sylvanta, tf their Representatives do not make it the ' credit >rs. who are f reed to receive the notes authorized first object of their solicitude. by the government. They have no direct dealings with Tbeaanaat report of the Superintendent of Common too banks. They do not iruit the b .nks from any hope Schools, will lay before yon the condition of the Com- of gain. T)my hare no profit in pacing the notes which mon 6chool System, and of its operation daring the mey would not have had In paasing gold and silver coin, pant year. Tour close and scrutinizing attention is in- " - v CoTlBti(ute almost the entire community, and the vited to the details of that document. humble and ignoraut *r« always the greatest suff-rers Including the city otfPhiladeiphia, it will be observed wh ' J " ;i bank fttilK to Ha notes. The whole people that there were in the public schools of the State da- ' uro ther « r ° re deeply interested in the sepurity of the ring the year which terminated on the first Monday of 1 clrc ‘» la - ti, '“ allowed by law, although many of them may last June, 628,201 pupils ; these were instructed daring ' , n67e . r h,irß , had a ahare of bank stock, or been within a an average term o'a little over fiva months, in 11.281 hundred n.iles of its phme of business. The gov^rumeut schools, by id,856 teachers, at a total cost of $2 427- that suthi-riz - the of a paper curreuoy i* under a 632 41. ’ high tno al obligation to require umplo and available Here is a public interest, which,—whether we regard 6u JL urit . v for its redemption, its ramifications into every portion of onr 6ocial fabric Cer^fi, R,ef! °f b an issued by the General Govern its large cost, the Important powers over the present n " m ’' or thi » Common wealth, at a value to be fixed which it wields, or its incalculable inflnence upon the upon, with the power to require additional depo-its of future, —undoubtedly tranaceDda all others committed security, from time to time, as the loans depreciate in to the care of the secnlar authorities. This being the the market, would be na safe and available as any guar ca*e, I have|no hesitation in asserting thst the time has Rnty whll ' h c,,|, ’ d pr«*vid.-d arrived wheu its full importance should he recognized * liwv IV 'l u,rlu S »H issues of banks, hereafter organized, and tLat Its duo administration should be made the to be secured by the pledge <>f thu-re lean*. would enhance duty of a fully organized and effective, as well asaseo. thc , u ofthe P re * Bt '* ,oan8 » and ihus give the holders arate department In the government. a premium m-t c -nteniplated when the) became purcha- But the mere care and promotion of our system of sers, and f-r which they never gave any valuable con-id Common Schools—important and extensive as it obvi I ertttiol ’- This enhanced value would b« derived from a ou-ly is.— hould not be the sole object of such aDe P nv il**ge granted by the State, and the State ought, pifrtmcnt. If it is trfie that the power to punish crime therefore, to have the benefit of it. as far as this may be iucludes alrro the right to prevent it, by providing for Bw ' u "- ,,i by Icgi-lntion. The recent amendment of the the proper inlellectUHl and moral training ofthe people Cons'itutiou circumscribes the power of the Legislature it would seem to follow that the department charged iu s, * ,e rit ' , *T s - with »» exception in favor with the latter momentons dnty, should also brfln nos of dob,fi >n * ‘‘to redeem the present session ofatl the sources and subjects of information outstanding indebtedness of the State.” A law author- ( , lr , . calculated to shed light upon the object of its action ,zin £ ne ' v ' loan* tor the purpose of redeeming the CENTRAL AMERICA.— Iho Watibington COT Hence the collection, arrangement, and practical deduc- pres- nt iv\iduedebr. would bo within the constitutional restiODtlerit of thp V ,>.b r„, ; tlons from population industrial ff tistiw- from and wou! 'i be free from objection o« constitu- rtB P ouuent ur Journal of natural defects, such as deafness and dumbness, blind- ‘“’“ground*. Commerce does not look UDOn the Central news and lunacy; from crime in its various forms aud The new loans thus authorized, redeemable at the ex- . . . " development ; together with such control over all the piratlon of twenty year- 1 , with the banking privilege American questions between the European i literary aud scientific institution# in the State as shall atf ached ,0 them - would undoubtedly sell at a high n „,l x , . \ bring their full condition into view—shuuld also belong premium. The proceeds of their sale should be applied powers and OUt own as promising any seMOUS ~ to the same Department. to the payment of the pres-ut ?tate debt, now overdue, trouble iti tlibir settlement Ho Innka nt tk om 1 -6®“ Watches and Jewelry. Therefore. I most respectfully, but earnestly urge arnounttto more than seventeen millions nf d-Ihrs.- , tutir seuiement. lie looks at them REMO V A L upon your favorable consideration, at the prenen’t pro- ¥,\‘ r t thl f S B ? 8te “ ,hw J Sla,a ,o ‘ 4 “'* b.ngr-r be thus : : GEORGE C. ALLEN, in business in Wall f,, tv., pilioos moment, the organization of such a Department hHlli by { ' J ™g n * r *> * nd the senii-aonuai shipment.*, of 1 . , , , , , past Twy.xrr-rwo teaks, has removed\o \n 1 mmin® in the room of those for the care of mere matter whose lntereßt ’ ld 'h-refore cease. l f supposed that both the British Nica ■ WAY, one door below Canal street agency has been or soon will be discontinued by the «, 1 v'v V* Cy #*Y° U 1 d limitL ‘ d to . The MUl p u ' ,t raa;ua treaty and [he CaPS-Yrisarri treatv will ' °P ened a new Btoc)i of WATCIIBS and JEWELRY o fSn ouward snd upward progress of the Commonwealth t l3 ured ’. ,h «? ,!an >?'*r from expansions, which have v ia j Nr , . Will tiwly new Hncl be . autiiul B(ylec . alfio vVn Ivn.» ?' A suitable Department of PubPc Instruction will heretofore stimulated the incautious to embark in ruin r ‘ lt, ° ec * by Nicaragua early in January. 1 TED WARE. 3 ’ » l-ILVER A.ND PLA not, however of itself, effect all that is needed in this ?h“«i‘ n ’ l ‘ fpr h'm' *" oVer t?‘! il,g * a ?, d extravagance iu Upon the conclusion of the British treaty, the llb is instantly receiving the styles nf Watrbe. Mosquito will IK, abandoned. At ■ tare, and the mapoitnde of Uh uperation... Jf we look, , f "X . lh “ s »"-. "utlmr- ; h , e Bl f me t,me . '* very B(n>n after the Cay: W.,t.:hea clennod and repi.irefi i„ tb.. a. aleo, into tts Hpecial ,tati«tie«, the conclneten will be 'TT "* n t« u . n * «**«»■»• Islands are tu be returned to Honduras The ,h " «, rki»™, y ■lt ieueedte. to attempt to prose the tralem that the S’o'l''""l hli'o “"f , ;f i>ro ' ch , 'f our public schools, exclusive of those in f" n ! l " U , M ), y a , rft ? m u “ Bafe '‘«, cannot In- and jurisdiction in Central America to the To the Ladies of Lancaster Counts Philadelphia, only .1,087 are reporfed aa “ qualified ” for d.-regard of the puh ie Belize. As to the Nicaraj-ua Isthmus Great a.,caster County. their important trust: while 6 387 are returned lnicn.. ts. im t* subj-ct is therefore commended to v<»' thr-rr S.vos r D the late war with Mexico, »;ll inf r m "" >™ shall have. Under the O.ass-Yrisarri i itself, ia, the of ,he nohle-an eTfJ !eTnl ; ?^r e c P irnftr: e , wplo^ ~roe' v^.:^.r charge of persons wholly unfit for the task 7 D -‘ ent tb ° ado l ,tlou of R plan, it was determined, in J 1 ®® the .ransit from any 10 terruption. '1 he stimulate fx-rtim-o ’thrcn-bM'iitAv, r' U Ret ! k to,n ' ,,t^ and This preKents the subject in a light that can not be ®k Q ° d f in r ade^uatH “PPfopri.itiou made United States Will bo on a par with Great 1w « >ir(; R and favored tTeonl/'in/it ‘Zh™. '?? & ,hiB tbe tranßitwill for their own improvement, are fully recognized it can pon^ljJT.ifJ 18 ' llltl 5 > , Jl ,-e h,,d - Ic ,s; «'pml -u of the U***' uro f-’ l ' Uie enuiijn-, gh ;thd t-'side ol' :1m t m-twi- .. T ,i v nn • ru ‘* ard rh;?r:i o a“L“ts,'XX B XT„ o hVh:VonS 8 th d eT;,u rs! 1 1J I’Xt 1 ' 1 t T l,iB is all , ,lmt , the onited 10hoip^ aided power to accomplish 7 iu* built f<;r a less sum than tliirt > thoovun-i dollars. If St.k. (> G uvt I nnioti t lm«i ev (‘r chlimed ID regard The - Yorn -• I-' ~.r ”° >d ' tlX h , e ofn° W r er 'r,'\ 0 ' ! ' f " r!her f°‘o the special B t a - XtW?X Is,hn,US - F " r "»«•" ! ‘ [ o’ <>Oo Can See dot,,ilsinr- p ardto,i;;.,;-nui,,nVorX“u u«"!tXh provetneDt is bs^of^he 1 - ,. Th " ,*'7 Übraxi n wid i„ r .-» v..« of *> " ,e “>«"• '>!« difficulties which •aM . t,lHfnd" ’ Pf'‘; ’‘a' ; , " e, ' t . lhl, ' r Orthel2 82Stoachor»oronroom m onLhool a foSB9 are oa^‘d''r '‘° hv tho last Occurred between the United States and Great c-..™,hhl. |mrp “; Ittn acron.n i«h Rr " “ p*s,Vni»of end”"- “^ CeDtralwin beat an sr j«r**- MStt d fi7r ote ?h lo th6 r ofea - U ‘ ~,Ur ' y»7 by .nart.T bo"» th * JJS Improved Bdood Searcuer.-1,, ''p euppiy Of well qualified successors p ? r f?° 0^ a rnin * fllt for ,he f ***■ year. The Act to da ? ri P a P er will he found the advertisement " r imp,l i triot dooa - be ;. f 215 a of , nl - W 7, which requires the Attorney of a medicine new to the pcple hero never- 1 Sr^lndeZd^ gested Ob fI OCt n haV T boeil BQff * Tides that all debts due to Euless \w!l knmvn in u greater portion of this (, " luit J Q - i Wll > !,ls ° f, irplawMaTet” ™ wore farmLly p. 7.1 ,“Z‘ Z u i*™” """, nU '' llpl,lß h ' ls h( - en , intrudiiced, "'<»« P.triaMc iaflucue s „cl, tiou to the State the tearW n P laces - ]a rela * couhb-I fees. And the improved state nf our finances it It hiih attained immense popularity and the ’ i> i» , k , "r ine ; hut hundreds nf others. It is moderate aam to ono Teaehere’ Schoo l Hn P “a"h “oAhS u7»vst«m''l»'Tf ‘ l ‘'“ 'T Uld b " strlcl| y -nrorced. In that Simple, vet. effinilflnus, and His claimed for it , that depart,.,,,,;; iho^u! ,h . llt f.urilier hns yet been diseverod practicability of the plan to ba imifuSS ? 7 ? ad ttn T ,H of P® a ?»- * 7 w,uch "’"rk effeciuallv. Every year.; the money not to hi paid till the iehooU wm nwrle nlih[."Amma° f n the L ? gW ,“i," r ' V° ,l ‘° !' erS ’ n with any uftho diseasos named P draf7* 6 1 " p " r • Klhaiiee« oOh.°St'!.t"'wiilc'h' ! wK tlle '|'>Tertisement, shuuld gn at nnce tonne treaeury; but, even if the wholo twelyo «oho™ls Zhoild n IvT™ ,T“! 1,,0t r » ,ral « from giving oxpretaion »f (II C Agents and jrct a Circular, read it care i SfKe'o tb " m “ d ‘ f ““y< a " d Sivo the m, dieine a trial other literLy ln“tttatmn. noMh« 7amh.rT7e e H 8d , t 0 r ThB 5 . ,, . ,e Tr T‘ m n "»*‘ «»0 Wn*. hetwe.n .“"“'Si »*-* S TDE CaSE 0E Asn ; a few weeks aid of her collegee and Sfemlaa ans“?!f.®l“ I Tteasory exceeding one million of dollars The bond of 11 K" il vrnmae named Anna Jenkins was com the hope Of obtaining from them 'teacherafor the°com° donom.rnrm' 8 '’“VT n ßhty ! hou "“ I “ 1 Ho muted to the Bucks County jail, elinr-etl with havVh B X;noTL O r^fes^t, b rrell7;oTh n, ‘ ,088n “ , ; imving poisoned her husband. The body was given, it will be asserted by no one that thet'tho , fiindl| t Sr t !i‘' A r 1 ' lltoro, “ , 'r i,alror ' , “ < " n ° l ‘ l ’ < ' ur,ly B " l fl<‘C t cJ to a post mortem examination, and ‘ he !f"-h. with its contents, was sent by should be brought dirra-tlTo Pool Tr ofth® State tect.on of the public intereste. P the Coroner to Professor Rogers, nf Philadel ' )hi r > analyzation. The resu.t of the ournoblVedTcaU onal^Bte^n for ir rrOl ‘T ““ dit ( ioll of : S'*"' “»> mnn.y on hand mast he kept ei?her In The' ,ll ' :ll J 818 WCS Communicated to District Attor pleasure to conenrln the thMe o^LvTi!' 8 ? r T“S ™ nl ‘ or,le P osileJwith I tl 'f'><*''l In this country the want of a RPbftftl k m made by Jaw that no money shall bo deposited in any 1 hIH relieves til* accused of all responsibility, bine the elements fiS, Ll? ro ?? urer witbo ] lt l securitj and establishes her innocence. J — fi®-The h Now York Herald sums up a lng they impart ie badly adamed to fhe art J nraeulal' of\ho° n *"? P '‘ id sl "'“ 1,8 in ,he »«''e re .' r|e " r ° f the K ,)ld fields llf thß United States, ffnTa n . U t R „T as ,h “ ' rrB ““''y w,th the following estimate of our future gold aud active'npport l J 1 ?",' 0 "; c ' l| " Co ?! nl f* lll,, > appointed to revise (ho Criminel Cr ;|P : “California gives us a million a week. Pennsylvania,Mately dS T Wlh the AH the other fields, we cau safely say with SSS?UM?.S cot'Lt tbB ,'L a L7“™^“oTt;: U l,TSatn , r b e 8 reriMd ?>'<“ f;l ; ,ts *'r«.»l y have, will give us at bntione of a'nnmher patriotic citi’ron.? Ct . Ptr !. .^ h Sr ,i T reformatory iusotutions, least halt as much Our gold crop is therefore an^^penße^commeneTateTfth 1 th b 8 the TSe'llSc b ® f °!' J' ll ™ *> <=7® the ™*e of a rlr 8 " balf(lftba ™'“ B “ f the -P Of the ?,,uniry - - future efforts. The design of the IneHt fn^V 0 * & the opeMiliuns of these noble and excellent charities, iiSrbrissiXss te i lbortmgblsr •*«£«* rz£;;ss. , :s;£ ssmujsi-s' f ,? VSTER J R - De OF f -'pi> 8 time, he inured in the performanTTf i a th “ “l pa ; el >' l<,Cal . d “™'ter, however preiaeworthy the TTT 108 ° f tbe °3' ster bubiness in at their gradnntlon thermal L 'T"' ”° lh ? 1 “''J™ts and motives °f their founder, and supporters, or Baltimore, Md„ are taken from the “ Sun ” of that city (- There are some two hundred well their part in ev«v denartm.n.T?.-? 7’ a “, d , aC ‘ ?° v -rnment demonstrates the urgent neeessity of and fifty vessels engaged in transporting the SmrieTtl hP ' PhCS h P H lke bay and itS o buLt ,e VhS Z “C; hffanrnifnu - j- e »iizing the fall benefit of those p ofdutiHs.a.-* would not only produce revt-nus but furnish omn l „ m ,„, -tca , , , . donbrnd?; on. Of^.h S e C gre 8 a r t a e n ndi°n? r S atbs, wilcb - tbe i,Kld " ltal prc '' BB,iB " <» “>« , employment to 1 50 persons, and have brought more this Important offile L "T°w T T "“aohwturh'k, and indnsoi,,! intereato uf tho country! to the City, 118 near as can be ascertained, --'y 3.000,000 bus. This amount includes lege of PennflTlvinii aYphS 0 ? e i’ .T he , P ? lytP . chr,lc CoU ucb of >be diatress iuit-ly fxp.-ri.n.-od by all U^ecl in the Clt y» winch 18 not one-thml basis; and it, attempt to T 11118 ' ,as “' s -a" d condition, of business men nogl,. have been of the aggregate. During the oyster season, c "n B f!,nt -iployment ilTgiven to about 700 r » increase „f t take C re»'t°p,e.«Jre .Thrto" Bhnckers, 100 ti„men,an,l2ocarpenrers.- tives „ committee was appointed by the n“ ISSSIu -■.^ e - Pl "T l .. 8t T ! «“ Some idea may he had of the trade, when it sttt ! e “"d condition of sever-.! change proposed. Uis advocacy of specific' duties on alt ,a fc nown that the Northern Central Railroad directed the committee to' report o°meVmvTnT'o" TaTT'' 1 "? ’nr?/” g f, l,e . r!,lly . sold ~y wei >i ht - »f b f alone frequently carries for the West twenty .Xr^,^T«ldr !hl “ „“ ? 4 fire T and which are distributed hmt, the report of the rommutee “ ?i, 0 /a July r ‘T Su >’“ r ’ “ Ild forel 1" wiDea and »l*lrits.” has met with oTer the entire West, from Pittsburg to N - " b - a ?'- B Th' BrbBtpB “‘- braska Territory. ‘o h f e x z:z reference to tho OrganLS and SbsequTnTmXl’ 1 ** fiUEgefiti ° na ° f the Presideilt - ‘ ment of the Tioga County Bank, Tho Crawfbrd u^ 14 ' 0 1 Y aß called npon to a6flu,ne tho Gubernatnrial Bunk, iiuj tbe Bank of Sbamokin, I would rpcnmmond chair, nearly one year ago, in deference to public opinion, a oareful inquiry into the present condition of these in- Y nd ‘J w . n debugs, after a rapid review of events in Btitntions. and if it shall be ascertained that the public Kansas, I stated, thatto the people of Pennsylvania is hkel.v to suffer injury from tbe further existence of r* admission of anew State into tho Union—into that HKher, a speedy and certain remedy may be found in a Confederacy of which she is a rae mber— must be at all legislative repeal of the rights and privileges granted by JiTi 08 .* 1 s V bjee *’ of b, Bh intere-t. And I believe 1 express thefts of incorporation. The power to alter revoke 4 n IU weli 1,8 own ’ in declaring that or annul, thochailerof A bank whenever itscoutiou- the Qualified electors ofa Territory should have a full nuce may. in the opinion of the legislature, be injurious f n ? fair °PP ort “ DJt y to participate In selecting delegates to h c rUzena of the Commonwealth, is expressly given L* f^ rm a 1 ' 8^ 1101 ! preparatory to admis-ion as a to the General Assembly— to be exercised however in S ? ta ’/ ,,d » if de ® b - v lbem ’ «hey sh-mid also he cX'orTrr “ tb,lt 1,0 “ j “« i88 «»>» '«’done l .„ r ‘° T °' B UP °" S “ Bh C “- litU ' Obedience to thle constitutional Injunction would Subsequent events have confirmed me in these that In the event of a repeal of the chnrteTof » "ent'mente. The deplorable diapute, in tbe first eesslon bank, rare should be taken that the rights of the stork ? f T |,r T nt o<“H of theeaietlng -XnJis Tb » e everitia clear that a banklsinsoKonTor'in The last expressive vote of the people of Kansas against SENTENCED TO IMPRISONMENT FOR LIFE. danger of becoming whenever Its privileges are so S,° t a , ct °/ Co ° grega » co ™»n°nly known as the Eogllah CuDCemi, the Italian burglar, who murdered a fo^d e Kl,^r^’oJ"r B pfe P° lioe ”. an iD a N6w T wMUt attempting to protect the people, by destroying Its corporate IxiZ “ r t from the suggestions of outside influences But! him, and Convioted only of manslaughter, Tv, v rporute exis- which.hi, controversy has’ afwr having been o.mvioted by three different vfL.„ r .°°°y tl in D mr M £lL” y relt6rata ths H>atlt4ill henceTorward be the dity of n Oo’ng‘ l r(Sa PO to J , UrleB betore as S ailt y »f murder in the first Stated,aamy decided optalon, tSt thwe^Sd 1 boTf? tSdteV« 1 S, r lii in «S e . te T torles ’n? “ 8 pMpl6 ° r tt « t de g ree < waa aentenoed on Saturday last to im- I “ ; punoa,ta.t there flioald be no territories .hall fan to do so. Th, wwrsnt fer this; prSonment daring his .$*80,306.8$ . 41,071.00 . 116.70 421.494.65 868,921.29 .$ 4-i-i,ISO 00 , 38,773,212 62 389,200 00 100,000 00 $140,421.00 34,473.82 4,418 38 902.60 .$ 445,160.00 . 38.420.905.67 388,200 00 100,000.00 .$105,350.00 23,357 12 4.448 38 602.50 artworttornr aamapHm'«r th o ;• neRRrBLE Mprd'er —On TJ'ur*a -v W decision of the Supreme Ccnrt of the LuxtrU Suite*, iu t -i . _ p , _ . . ‘v , f aat » **S the case of Dred Scott. Entertaining, as I do, profound | ,rom in*’ New J ork papers, a reverence for the decisions of tbat august tribunal, and Spaniard, named Sam-hez residing in standing ready to obey them. uhonever they khs er.un- srrAAt i« „‘V • Q J g 1 dated, I haTe yet to be convinced any sncb con- . . • 6t. in tbat Cl ty, in 8 fis «.»f strncUon can be fairly given to their action in the case J~al>u j v» is supposed, killed, jhiji father-in law "T ( etabbi^ h fc” a •"«*. fabric. It would compel every territory to elevate immediately after, with tflO same weapon property in slaves above every other description of .inflicted severe wounds UOOD hi* wif« nr„l property,—and to establish a slave code in Its early mot l,e P : n .l aw tl\ k nA / , £ * . , municipal regulations; or else it would convert J ™ oliier ,n » aw * tie had Only been married Congress Into a theatre of crimination and cnlnslon, } ftbout seven weeks, and is TeDrfflanfprl 0 aod fill the whole country with strife. And ail this, i sober man htir vapv n,ia C '.r nn /l j -- “ - ) without .securing a single advantage to the North, or V 2 but very passionate aDd vtcmo?. | protection a single right of the South: I warrant bos been issued f>*r his arrest. ! Begardiog myself as fuily committed to the doctrine ' ■ r , , 1 '| .J'!*** 0 W.L„ GEB. E .-Th* Baltimore : understood and supported by the opponents of this j l **<*•/ ottn says, thatdaring the preSnnt Winder I XtSSS ' Ph V f a ' TT T din f ou the >»wer part .tions of the South—no appeal t» sectional prejudices.’ On i ypesapeaSe Kay. have lieen successful in trap the contrary, I regard the doctrine as the embodiment of I ping wiidffepse, bv means <-f net 1 * which art* Z : Pjr 1 "" Snmnda.Vfci'ineh* I people—and as the only means by which a vexed and below the surface nf the water, in which their ?ffi“ agllati:ll win be satisfactorily and perpetually feet become entangled. Quite a number have | A theory equally heretical has been advanced in « been caught and taken to that City, but another portion of the Union.. It has been held tbat this • they Were mostlv last season's birds government, divided into free and slave States, as it was ’ • U U '' framed by our revolutionary fathers, cannot endure— ! m . n "~ ~~~ 9 that aii must become free, or all become slave. When * LaLIF'RNIa Gold—The shipment of ?,“t f tu th f. Uni, . Rd States, state rights disregarded, and the liberty of the people a^ nt UDteu the last year to thirtV-SIZ millions destroyed, it should meet an indignant rebnke from ' of'dollarß, about two millions more than the every lover of his country, and the blood bought right of . vfiar nrpvinn*•88100 of 1859. Few important subject* of legislation pr.-Sfi upon your attention. Prudence, firmnees. fidelity —a watchful regard Jor ibo interests of tho Common wealth—a jealous guardianship of her finances—on tho part of the government— ar« all that are required, under Providence, to ensure tho continuance and increase of our onward prosperity. Pennsylvania may thou, at no remote period, rejoice in the extinguishment of her pub lic debt—the repeal ol her onerous and burdensome taxes—a fame and a credit untarnished—a free und popular edut Htional system—and an industrious and loyal people, prosperous epd happy. „ IVJLLIAM F. PACKER. r-XECUTITE CHAMBER, LIARRISBUHG, Jau. sth. 1659 Horrible Cruelty.— A horrible instance of cruelty to a child has been developed in Baltimore. The Patriot, of Jan. 3, says: “A little boy, named William Wallace, aged about eight years, died at the residence of his step father, William Russell, on Thompson street, near Aisquith. on Saturday morning. From the manner in which the poor child has been treated by Russell and his wife, some of the neighbors deemed an investigation of the causes which produced death necessary, and Coroner S|iarklin was called upon to hold an inquest over the body. Dr. H. P. P. Yates made a post mortem examination, and, in giving his evidence to the Jury, stated that on ooening the body he found the lungs, heart,’ and all other organs in a healthy condition, there being no indications of consumption or fever. On opening the stomach it was found empty, with the exception of one or two small pieces o( what appeared to be parts of an apple. There were in the bowels a few hard balls The stomach was shrivelled up, and there vas every appearance of a want of nourishment. He gave' the opinion that the boy had died of starvation.” ’ ! POLITICAL. a J ° h “ Zimmerman will be a oaudl. d«te for Mayor at the next City Election, If nominated by tbe Democratic Uty convention. [Jan 11 2t* A 2 a f*' G ,? or * e 8 »“dev«on will be a candl ?hL e rff~ M “ y f. r ‘‘‘.“a' “rtd Ol'v EleoUon, If nominated by tboDemocr.itl.iCity Convention. [Jan 11 -Jt 62 * I T the Voter * the City of Laneai. f “ ““dldalo for tho office of “St” *} IS* City bleotlon, subject to the noml natiun of the Democratic City Convention. jan 4 te» 51 j ELI OVEJIDEEU. ! , the , Voteps Of the S. E. Ward— -1 will be a candidate for Alderman of the i I*!?,' ™J rd ’J n Pl»ceof William Whit-. &q , resigned iX n , 2i , ko? eClilon ° f tho Dem >crHtlc Wa?dC>nveSrfon. | J * Q 11 td S2 J JOHN T. MacGOXIGLE SPECIAL NOTICES, • d with DUeaseg of the Blad ! d t r ’ . Ueya ’ Gravel, Drupsy. Weaknesses. «6c.. read the ladvecusm-nt in anther column, headed •• Heimbold’s . aao H ltJ6 nov 23 ly 45 i Value of Good Langg...We ad : vise our readera wh>> are of preserving the osefal &e*B of tbe lungs and bronchical apparatus ont to defer .tfiklog medicine in time tor their cure. Most of the Cnn- PUiDptiva ca«e.s which end fetally, are thn result of a small beginning of a cough or cold, which could b» easily ne moved by a bottle of Dr. Ktyttr's Ptctaral Couqh SvruZ now put tip and sold at 50 c-nls and $1 per bottle. It S had abundant evidence of its vast superiority over most other remedies, and those who resort to it in time will save a great deal of suff-ring from those disagreeable dis eases which are so prevalent during the winter and spring D w ß 'a Y r oa ? n n eK ! 1 at Dr ■ Peyser’s Drug Store. No 140 Wood street, Pittsburg, dold by C. A. HKLNITSH , Lancaster. ’ @-EquaUty »o All! Uniformity of Price. A new lecture or Business: Everyone his own Sales man Jones * Co., of the CresrentOne Price Cl. ithin - Store s,i rkrt stn»t. above 6th, in addition to hlKing the' isrieil and fashionable stork of Clothing in Philadelphia, made expressly for retail sales, have consti tuted every one own salesman, hr having marked in Brures. on each article, the very lowest price it can be sc I for. so they cannot possibly vary-all must buy alike The goods areal] well sponged and piepared and great pttns taken with the making, so that all can buy with Urn fu l assurance of getting a good article at tho very towes Remember the Crescent, to Market, above 6th No’ as, '■‘ l ‘oo" ?. F. WATSOV, '• Mmnt Vtrnon Rtcnrd.” For Mr. V. L. A. of thu U., PhiU July 20 Duvall's Galvanic OH.— The Great lUmuniulic ami Neurtlirlnt- Remedy. sl'rPE a I N 0 II I! J! AM T T HEAD T RI 8 • The undersigned takes thl* method of .rmintj the public generally that there In n» medicine now offered to Ih " public that N.-,,hil to DUVALI/M GALVANIC OIL in rclit-viiur Puff,-ring humnnitv. I was a., nbs-rv-r ..r Its rfl-rn In a fri-ml r,r niiar. who suffered almost eivry'himr f mu u neuralgic affection which resist eep, aud when awakened wan free frotn pain, and con* turned so. This is a p. sPive fact which I am willin'- to make good at any time. A case of Felon was cure-1 in ui-arly the same leugth of time. J- 11. lI4NN, Centro Hill, Ceotre nmuty, Pa. Rear what Mrs. Vaughn nf Duncnnsville. tai/s • I hare used the Galvanic nil prepared by J. II Sh.nrnmd, of Lewistown, P. 1.. for a very painful disease myself and recommend it to others, and in every case found’ it to Im> one of the very best medicines for sore and paiufnt di«- oases. Relieves all pain iu a tew minutes. Every family should have it in the house. J Altoona. Blair county, July 3.1R58. J. D. Stoveroad. Lewistown. I’a. Dear Sir —Mr. Wm. Tombaugh has been suffering fioreral years from rheumatism, cot so ill that his friends nnd r-lauves were summoned to witness his death I in duced hi- friends to try the virtue nf vour preparation they did so, as the last rew>ri; and. to their astonishment aud joy, hr begun to improve, cot 'better anti better, and now. so rar as I know, he is a hale and stout man This is nor the only case where the Galvanic Oil has surpassed human expectations. In every case where I have recom mended the nil. it has done what it promises to do Send us another s2u’s worth. - , x Y,, U'S truly. 11. LETIER. For sale by LL\ PARRY and DANIEL lIKITSHU. Lnn easier cttv—and by every country merchant in Lancaster countv. Look out for the Mammoth Rand Dills Duvalls Galvanic Oil relieves all pain in from 5 to 30 J- D. STO.NJSKOD. Proprietor. Lewjst'-wu. Pa. . oc * A. F. HAZARD* CO. Agents, dre 23 7y 50] 508 Market ft., Philadelphia. MARRIAGES tin the 3011, ult.. by th.. ll,re. James Smith. « 0. Pinker t n., f llrlr™.. Ohio to Barbara A. Hogrudebier. ofMourt J"y, Lancaster co. O.i Thursday last, by the Rev. O. F. Krntel. Benjamin K. -wuffer. ot Last Lampeter township, to Anna S. Krei der, of Pequea township. On the 23d nit by .he Rev. J. IT, Manges, Samuel W« d I to Sarah A. Gardner, both (J Columbia. (hi tin- 2-Stli ult by the same. Clnistian iVittel, of Hast Donegal to Clara Kefiier. 0 f Mount Joy Oil the 30th ult. by the itev. .7. Kohler, Samuel Bowman of Leatock. to .Matilda Light, of Fairvitle On the 27th ult. I.y the Itev. Mr. Kuhn, 0. K. Rrene man, of Salunga, to .Mamie .7. Zinn, of Newport, Perry ro' 7n C-O'umbia. on Tllimd.r morning last, liy Itev.' Dr K '’“ e Sar “ h R McKeU “' both of that DEATHS. Oili yesterday morning, in thia city, Henry It. Reed, Esq late Cashier oftne Farmers’ Bank. . H In Columbia, on Thursday last, Isaac Pusev a ,r ed 3a years. On the sth inst., iu Columbia, Thomas S. Lloyd -i a t h o 23d year of his a k e. On Wednesday last, in Columbia, George Ignatius son of Francis Ziegler, nged 5 ye&rs 1 month and 11 dais’ °® the‘2Bth ult, by the Rev. H. Ha.h-.ugh. L. P. Bostick U. Sarah Jane Rowan, l>oth of Columbia,- « h « 6 3lBt U V DavW n ° ret > °f Wayne county, Ohio, aged 66 yean. 4 months aud 27 days. Mr. Horst was formerly of this county. On theolid ult. in A ugusta city, Georgia, Emanuel Simp son, of this city. In the 28th year of his age. V On the 20th nit., in Union, Montgomery county, Ohio aged 60 ymrs illnesp ’ ® eor i»® Rby, formerly of Mauhelm’ ) h o lin , li el7th ' l . l u, i " Ropho town ®hip, Edward Kelly, in the 60th year of his age. In Columbia, on the 29th ult., John W. Shuman aced about 50 years. ’ fa In Columbus, Indiana, on the 20th ult., George W ° r^ ° f Co,umbißj s » ed 50 years, 7 months and «„ .. , . Commoulcated. On the 3d of January, at her late residence near Litis, i ck uf° w P Bb}p ’ Annft Maria Qab,e ’ widow of the late John Gable, jr. Her age was 65 years, 2 months and 18 “ The bosom where I oft hare lain, And slept my infant honra awav, "Will never beat for me agalo, * Tlfl still, in death I *Tis senseless clay. How many were the silent prayers My mother offered up forme, How many were the bitter cares Bhe felt when none but God could see. Well, she is gone, and now in Heaven Ebo sings His praise, who died for her, And to her hand a harp is given, And she’s a heavenly worshipper. 0, let me think of all she said, And all the kind advice *he gave 5 And let me do it now she’s dead, And sleeping in her lonely grave. And let me choose the path she chose, And her I soon again may see,\ Beyond this world of sin and wcaa. With Jesnj in eUmity." \ THE MARKETS. w Philadelphia, Jan. 8. JT «la, of extra at tstili and extra oim™,. t '® 6 ’-*' * 1 " 1 10 the *“*» »t *5.12)5@5.25 f.r br,,nd9 ' 6, ® 5T5 *>' ««■», and &s 2 hw' T 6 flmllr “ d <*"<*- P» inspection, at "? ,1 ' r ” 8 weft of rye flonr w ™ ““I la scarce. Wheat dull j oak, 0 f “ I -«- »-0” rf-J. «M . J^® 85 ‘ Pnme dr? »•» yellow corn wanted at 73 JVc Jm JT 1 ; ° f *‘ ,a,h ' Tn ** * = ‘Od Pann’a at 47c. Whisky Arm 23)£@25>$e. - K*w Tort, Jan. 8 Cotton dosed quiet; sales 1000- halt- pi„„. « 1 ° I MO^ U ' “ Id «-80@S M for aontharn. Wheat quITJ TvTy h b r tt,m for^ *l3O for Michigan white. Coro is ,„ let . , jf 8(W0 bus ; mixed held at 80c., but buyer, offer 78c. Pork I. a at $17,123$ for Old mess ; hid buoyant at Wc™ “ ’ r ° r orlMnS - »“ ®ant at Baltimorb, Jan. 8. Floor Retire; .ale* of 2500 bbl.. at $5.12U@5.50. Wheat unchanged; ealei ofsooo bus. at $1.35@i.50. Corn in light “l’ 1 ”’""'* 1 bos - ”@730. for yellow, and 68@,°0. foy white. Prorlsiona unchanged, them are no Wliielcy the market is improving; Bond and Mortgager Beal 25.100 00 Gold and surer '.‘.‘.V.’.'.’".’.’.’ lac ntj S? ailhdua from other Bank. I.Z"":":.'.'"' "o'?m 21 Notee or other Bauite 22 84160 Dm> Brtpetaltom........ lo Circulation. Dividends Unpaid Duo to Banks Capital Stock, $268,720 00 LaneaaUrCUy % ta: Before me, J. 0. Van Camp, an Alderman of the City of »»b bo .t „ f ? subacrlbod, January jsn II It 62} j. 0. VAN CAMP, Alderman. 1859. , sen pC.PCI.AR trade IN RIBBONS AND X MILLINERY GOOD-*. RIBBONSL RIBBONS!! RIBBONSI!! To Merchauts, Milliners, Jobbers, Dealers in Ribbons Mil* inery Goods, and ~® t 17 ora * D al * se ctions of the country. THE CASH RIBBON HOUSE, 110 Chambers street, New York, JN 0 . FARRELL. Established 1853. » thmLt 9 . orii4l K al l d " ~ew era In the Ribbon Trade, whereby we make this business plain, sim ple, and staple as that of Brown Sheetings WE SELL FOR C VSU! \VK BUY FOR CASH! v>e are satisfied with 5 per cent, profit. Ask t:o Second Price. Have ul: our goods marked in Plain Figures, so that mau, woman, and child, “buy alike,” aud receive the same value lor their inone>. Our prices for beet Taffeta IMbbona. all, are .No. 4 55', 4 els. per piece, J “ “ 9 87$ « 3 *• ]2 $1 u » _ No. 16 per piece. We offer Pdncy liibbouH. -‘aij -all color*,” -all ONLY 9 *’ atl>riceK def -' in S competition, and POK CASH- nfwl b .'*?k ment *9 the centre of attraction for RIB* for eiuh UlCt SaleB> ” " Li g ht Profit*," and "Good Value,” ROUCIIKS! ROUCIIKS!! New Styles and Putterne, at it saving >,130 PER CENT from Credit Prices. Examine our samples, and be com vineed. BLOND LACES, QUILLINGS, &C, AC. Our line of these Goods always full. We import and Hob” them ft' once for 5 per cent, advance. Marked prices on all uoods -m Plain injures.” A saving of 40 PERCENT cn these goods from Credit Prices. Our intention is to make the Ribbon Trade as staple in regard to prices as d.'inestic goods. To do this we must sell ANNUM' LLION DJLLARS "'ORTH OF GOODS PER We are Union men. “No North,” “noSm-h” We solicit the pHirotisge of Merchants in every section of the United • ft tjs, and are the servauts of all who favur ua with their trade and patronage. JNO. FARRELL’S CASH RIBBON lIOUSE, 116-Ciiinibers Street. New York R. h. Near the Hudsou River K. R. Depot Janll 4m ;>2 n ITY ELECTION. —.Notice 1, hereby Kj ulvhii, Thnt :m ELECTION will bi. holj nt II,„ , ul, fo ii.-usenf * dam Trout, in th« North West Ward: Jit the pui'hr hou-e . f.. John Urh tu. in th* South We«t Ward ; at t|i® public lioijvn nt Anthony Lochler, j n th-North U aril, and at- the pnb'ic house of Harv«y v.nm. iu the nr'-« uv'f 1 Kto' 1 ; Cl:y ot Ln,,Cil ‘ ;tu r. mi TCJB DAY. KKK RUAK\ 1. 1559. between the hours of 8 oVlock in the f, ' r '\ n 2 n,T \ ? Ud 7 o’c'ncK iu tlu» af'arpoon. toelect one pe son qualified to act as Mayor of rb,- City of Lankier for one TIiOS. II BU'-ROWES, Mayor. td 62 /"I I T Y ELECTION,— Notice Id hereby y Tbatnn ELECTION will behold «t. the public 1 h.-UKH of Af ju: U Trout, io tb« North West Ward; at the I'M 'dir l)o„-i, 0; ,1,0,,, Urban in the Shuth Went Ward :at Lancaster. Doe. 27,1858. t ho I'uhhc h''Hiw of Anthony Lediler, in the North East l^r\V h *.V h '!r*™ ofllarv ~ v Varna, in the rSTATE OP JACOB HUBER ESft.. late St V i h * Clty <* «-»“*«• on TUESDAY, Hi '•>' c.ty ~I La„,„,,„dec™ B H,l. ® ,r!!n I- between the hours ot S ..clock in tho j . bettors of Administration on the estate of said deceased In Vt'u 1 ‘ ° t e]or } l n . th ®, flfter,,n on 1 to elect one Judge ! ,uv 1 1,,e bw '> granted by the Register ot Lancaster county J" 1 * ' "*P ert l° r the* North West Ward, udo Judge i tlie ’"id-r-icncd : He therefore hereby gives notice to hi. i f ivn i, ,JS^t " clorM ?' >r ! be Sout h W»‘st Ward, one Judge i * ll having claims or demands against said doeeased .t olnspectors tor the North hast Ward, and one Judge 1(1 present th-m to him. and ail persons knowing thorn. ■ I mi™ So^del^' 1 '"“ e reqU “ t “ l “** c ■" - | d e , „C, * "iS&SSS&ttSSL At the s ums time and places, will be elected by the citi- zens ot Lancaster, one Assessor in earh Ward, to f.-r on l e >'?. r \ l JOHN MYKRS. j .ti 11 td o 2 Uigh Constable. /"I I T Y ELECTION.— Notice is hereby \J given. To the freemen «f the City of Lancaster, »h«t Hurwpjtlily to law. an election will he held on TUKSD Y.Y* FEBRUARY 1. 1800. at the public hou-e of Adam Trout* in the North West Word, for five persons qtmlifi-il to servo as mrjtib.'M of the llouss of Representative* of this Com monu.alth, to he members of the Common Cmir cl I frone year. m..l one person qualified to serve ns a m-mher of the Nn.t-e of this Commonwealth, to ho a member of the Seleet Council. f»r the term of thro-vears; and one per son to serve ns City Constable f r om* year. At *he public hnu-e of Anthony Leehler, in the North E«-t Ward, for persons qualified to serve ns members, of the House of Representatives of this Commonwealth, to be members of the Common Council for one year ; and ono person qualified to serve nsa member of the Senate of this C mmioinv.alth, to bo a member of the Select Council, for the term of throe years; and one person to servo as City Constable for one year. 3 „. At , p V b 1 ■ houso nf narvo . v Varns in the South East » ard. for three persons qualified to nerve as members of the House of Representative* of this Commonwealth, to be members of the Common Council for one year; and ono person qu-tlified to servo as a member of t«e Senate of this Commonwealth, to ho n member of th- Select Council, (the South hast Wnrdand S>uth West Ward in conjunc tion. elect nno member of Sole, t Council,) for three year- • and one person to serve as City Constable for one year. ’ „. At pul,lic boune of John Urban, in the South West West Ward for three per-ons qualified to serve a* mem hers of the House of Representativenpf this Commonwealth, to be members of the Common Council for one year- and one p-rson to serve os City Constable for one year. * At the same time and places, will be elected one person to serve as High Constable of the City of Lancaster for o D e year. The members of Select Cound) whose terms of office ex pire on said day of Election, are Oodfreid Zahm H E Letimn and .lames II names. Esqrs.. jan 11 te 52] TIIO3. 11. BURROWE3, Mayor. T INDSEY’S IMPROVED BLOOD 1J SKAKCIIER, the only acknowledged Remedial Agent „ impurity of the Blood, that does its work thoroughly, elf. dually, and without fail ! 3t ibis great PURIFIER, now before the public but a few year-, has already wou a name and reputation unexampled in the history of any medicine ever invented. Tbe ingre dieuts composing It are simple, yet in combination all powerful iu drlvlug disease from the human system It cures t*crofuhi. Cancerous formations. Cutaneous Di-ease-, Erysipelas, Boils, Pimph-s i n the face. Sore Eves, old and stubborn Ulcers, Scald Head. Tetter affections, Rheumatic Disorders, Dyspepsia, Costivenesa, Jaundice. gait Rheum. Mercurial Diseases, General Debility Liver Complaint, ] Loss of Appetite, Low Spirit-. | Fool Stomach. Female Complaints, and all Diseases having their origin in an impure state of tbe Blood. Every Ageut who has this medicine for sale, has circa lars on hand rout lining certificates from persons who bavo been cured by its use. Many of them are desperate ca-05, and commend themselves to the attention ot those afflict ed with any of the above di-eas. Th- following certificate alone is -elected, as earning with it the mo-t indubitable evidence of the virtu-s of this wonderful medicine. ?wom statement of David M’Crcary, of Napier town ship, Bedford county; In April, 1856, as near as I can rememler, a small pim ple made its appearance on my upper lip. which soon be came entiuged and sore. I used poultices of sorrel and a wash of blue vitriol, without effect. Finding the sore ex t-Ddmg, I called on Dr. Elv. of Scbeilslmrg. who pro nounced it CANCER, aud prescribed a wash of of lead and bread poultices. Finding these remedies "of no avail, I called upon Dr. Shaffer, of David-ville. Somerset county, who also pronounced the disease Cancer, and gave me internal and external remedies— the latter consi-ting principally of caustic; but all to no purpose, as tbe dls* ease continued tpr-ading toward tbe nose I next used a preparation • f arsenic, in th- form of salve. This for a time checked the disease, but the inflamnntion soon in creased. I nest called upon Dr. Sutler; of St. Clairaville, Bedford county, who also pronounced the di-ea-e Cancer, and applied a salve said to be a never-tailing remedy, but it had ao effect whatever iu checking tbe spread of the sore. In December, of the same year, the diseas- hid eaten away a greater part of my upper lip, and bad at tacked the nii«e, when I went to Cincinnati where I con suited Prof. R. S. Newton, of the Eclectic Medical College. Ho prouounced tbe disease •* a cutaneous Cancer, super induced by an inordinate use of mercurj’.” lie applied mild zinc ointment, and give me Internal remedies. My face healed up. but the inflammation was not thoroughly removed. Iu February, 1857, he pronounced me cured, aud I left for home. In April the disease again returned, and so violent was the pain that I could not rest at night! Late in May I. returned to Cinciunati, and again placed myself under the charge of Dr. Newton, with whom I re mained until September, during which time he used every known remedy, and partly succeeded in checking the die ease, but when I returned home there were still three dis charging ulrora upon my face. I continued using New ton's preparations, and also medicine that I got from Dr. Ely. hut the Cancer contfnaed growing until It had eat off the left side of my nose, the greater portion of my left cheek, arid had attadeed my left eye. I had given up all hope of ever belog cured, since Dr. Ely said he cnold only give relief, bot that a cure was impossible. In March, 1868, I bought a bottle of *• Blood Searcher;” bat I mnst cqpfess that I had no faith in it. I was very weak when I com menced taking It; but I found that I gained strength day by day, and also that the ulcers commenced drying op. I continued, and when tbe third bottle was taken my face was healed as if by a miracle. I used a fourth bottle, and I have been healthier since than I have been for the last seven years. Although my face is sadly disfigured, lam still grateful to a benign Providence who has spared my lit*?, and which has been done through tbe Instrumentality of Limdsxt's Improved Blood Ssabcoer. 3 " DAVID M’CREAItY. Sworn and subscribed, this 81st day of August, A. D 1868, before me, one of tho Justices of the Peace, In and for the Borough of Hollidaysburg, Blair county, Pa JOHN GORLEY, J. p. Witness—U. J. Joxes. For sale by Kaufman * Co., Wholesale Agents, Lanca* ter ci ‘y jCbarlee A.Helnltsh, do.; James Smith, do.; J. F. Long * Co., McCorkle A Dellet, Columbia; Rudolph Wil- Rams, do., John Jay Libbart, Marietta; R. 8. Roas, Elisa bethtown; Dr. A.-M. Uelstand, Mount Joy; M. A B. nn^V J ? h S- U ‘ Qro «> EpbraU; Nathaniel 8. Wells, Litiz; D, AJ. W. Bowman, Maytowo; Samuel Eos-, rninger, Maohelm, John H. Echteruach, Fairtiile; Henry Btaufler, Adamstown; Jeremiah M. Sallada, Reamstown; L. Y. Ringwalt, Mulberry; J. B. Johns, New Holland; B. F. Holl. Intercourse; Samuel Hackenberger, Bainbrldge; Boons A Houston, Gap; all of Lancaster county. Pa, . . MSDSBY * LESIOS, Proprioton, , jmllOmMQ HolUii«j,bnrg,BMrw,Pfc » nM /i r by ?„ h^pStt‘^^ HENRY WARNER "*■ '*«■ DR J. *£jj* aty ' - __ 6t»52 A t a hbetw™oVthSnVger. - Secretary, §K"J 1“^” * Das from otber B7 ' S2< « 141.0 M OJ Du® to other Banka UiOSl 60 ! h#w u Note* in Circulation 189.744 60 Lanmtter CXy, u: 211,166 00 to «h. Swnrn and sabrertbed befoSfwn^Ki 8 Cwhl«r •ry, 1860. b * fo ” “®» * h *« 4th day of Janu- Jan 11 VAN CAMP, Alderman. . It 62 Sai P'tor.h,",,. : — : 8 Wp> doceued, Norerober Term,lBsB, No. fl. Chriitljn Rarkhnlder. KxecuUon Dockrt. T AnSto™2g®™.™ n SatI.°dvirPMRDAKTM, P t , «S , oW W^." B ■Who™ 0 , in th. A, SEAYMAKRR, D. 0. BASER, BESJ. p, BAER, Auditors. Jan 11 fit 62J n^and^r'JX or r toftr«iS®«f™X.,. Uo ■*‘••“ b " ■"•“« S 0 SQUIRE AT THIS OFFICE. $732,409 20 $184,433 71 271,360 00 1,648 06 25,060 23 $432,507 00 $200,001 21 £iu, B r;!v‘r^H,yVo pNub " !^d< ‘“ ,i “ ri “ NT “ dec 21 tf 49] BPKENPERA WESTHAEPEER'S. C 1? ° OKS OF EVERY nES criptlon from *1 25 to $lO, at DBS- Sr-^rissH^-is ~ -JrA.Ni, are requested to meet at the Offles nf mM dec 28 3t s<) ® Of 1 CHARLES BROWN DLCD-—Letters of administration ou the estate of "■ lat " 0f tho C “J' " f Lancaster, dec’d hav lag been grauted to tho subscriber residing In Mid city ! All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make paj-meu, immediately, and those hJJlngTwme e llm sent,hem, with.., delay, ptoperly ant/nn.doa.edjff K Jan4Btsl i AdSifcK^ A S lf X ? m EBS J NOTlCE..^Whereas John -ii. 11. Kchterutich and Wife, of K«st Karl towiighlnl l.iinrnnter county, have by deed of voluntary assignment! recorded on the d9th day of Decemher, assigned all their property, real, pergonal and mixed, to the under- Miuod. realiiiiiK In East Cocalico township. Tor the benefit Ot 'lielr creditors; this is therefore to giro nntto tSall persona iodehted to said John H. Echternwh to make immediate payment, and those haring claims win SZ*r W “ h °' ,t autheutlca?ed'for CURisTIAN ECHTERNACn, Jtu 4 flt-Al A UDITOR’S SOTIOE Aseluned eat... of SAMUEL M. JAMIJS, of Safe Harbor. The un ders'gned Auditor appointed by tbe Court of Comm-m h od county, to distribute the balance tattae binds of Charles .1. Rhodes, Assignee of Samuel M. James, ed tt, K ,s eS "°!i c “ ,h ’ t •>» "ill meet the parties Interest Day tT h , n the< ft} nf Cremator on SATOR DAY, the loth day of JANUARY, 1K59 al d o’clock. H M W. oh KG Kit DA It HOW, Auditor. dec 21 4t 49] iVKDNI>DA\. FhimUAHY Oth. 18r>9. at 10 o’clock, A M., when and where all partios Intoresred are hereby notified to attend. JAMKB L. KKYNOM)B‘ junius b. Kaufman, WM, AUU. ATLKE. c!«‘C 28 at 50 testate op reuben wbidlbr, Xj Into ot tlu. City of Lancaster, don’t!.—'The underrianml Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Lancaster county, tn pam upon the exception* filed fo the account or Mary* Weldlrr, Administratrix of tho shore eiiLate, And distribute tho balance remaining In her hand*, to and among those legally entitled thereto, will attend for the purpose of hi* appointment, at the Law Library Room. In the Court House. In the City of Lancaster, on FRIDAY tin. 21-t day of JANUARY, 1860, at 'l o'clock, P. M., where all parties interested are requested to present their claim* SIMON P. KBY. Auditor. doc 28 4t \f> ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE.— Whereas Amo. Ljln ittid Wife, of Fulton township, have by deed of voluntary assignment, recorded on tbe 27th of November, IBiB,.as»iirned all their property, real, personal and mixed, to the undersigned, residing in said township, for the benefit oi their creditors; this is therefore to give notice to all persons indebted to said Amos Lyle and Wife to make nmuedia'e payment, and those having claims will present them, without delay, properly authenticated for.settiement _*-‘ c t Ot* 47 SAMUEL W. SCOTT, Assignee. A CCOUNTS OP TRUST AND ASBIGN- S\ EL) ESTATES IN TUB COURT OP COMMON PLEAS OP LANCASTER COUNTY.-The account* of the t .Mowing named estates have been exhibited and filed in the office of the Protboootary of said court, to wit • Christian Urenemau, deed. By Gideon Breneman’ Trustee of estate heqneatbed for the use of Levi Breneman nilliam Brinton, dec'd. By Andrew Moore and Isaac Moore, Executor* of Robert Moore, dec’d, who was Trus tee of the children of Michael Trump. George Hoover’s (Lunatic) estate- By John Miller, Com mittee. ’ Ann Allbright, (late Ann Leber,) Trust Estate. By John W. Gross, Trustee. Sarah Ansel, (wife ot Martin Ansel) Trust Estate. Bv John Klapp, Tmstee. 3 Jacob nruokamiUerand wife, Assigned Estate. By Peter G. Eberman. Assignee. David Herr, Assigned Estate. By Jacob Hildebrand, As. signee. L. IMib,. Trust E»t.»t». By Robert H. Long and Wll- Mam H right, arting Trustee. In Domestic Attachment, Jacob Stelnmetz, Aaaijjnod Estate. By Ellas Beemanyder. Assignee. Christian F. Groff and Wife, Assigned Estate. By Lydia a t-auffer and Jacob Stauffer, Administrators of estate of Israel Stauffer, dec’d, who was one of tbe Asaigne-is Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in anvof said estates, that the court have appointed MONDAY, the 24th day. of JANUARY. 1859. for tbe coofi®iation and al lowanc* of said accounts, unless exceptions be filed, or cause shown why said accounts should not be allowed t, .. . Attest, W. CARPENTER. Prnfh’y. I rothy’a Office, Lanr., Dec 27. 1858. dec 28 4t 60 Adjourned courts for ihso—it <■ ordered by the court thit courts for 1860 t-e held for the trivl and dwie<*inn<«. as follows :■». One week commencing on Monday tho 2l*t March. “ “ 20th June. „ “ “ “ 19. h Sept. _ ’ - * % “ , “ “ 19th December. To continue one week from the shM days respectively, and as much longer as the business shall require All the esse* on the list for argnraent in the Orphan’s Court shall be taken up on tin first days of said terms, and proceeded with until disposed of, unless continued by consent or cau-e shown. The caw on the otrom.nt Hit In tin, Quarter Lraion. shall bo taken tip on the Wednesday of the said terms, if pot prevented by the business of the Orphan*’ Court, and use the cases in the Quarter Sessions win be commenced at the termination of the Orphans’ Court business Tbe argument of the case in the Common' Please to be commenced un Thursday of the week if not prevented by the Orphans’ Coart, or Quarter Sessioo rases ; in that case (he argument list of the said court will be taken up at tbe termination of tbe cases in tbe other court* end proceeded in UDtil disposed of unless continued by consent or cause shown. It is farther ordered that the absence of counsel at the time appointed for taking up cases mentioned la the'pre* ceeding orders, shall be no cause to suspend proceedings therein, unless by consent or legal ground for a continu ance be shown. Adjourned Jury Trials. It Is ordered by the court that adjourned Courts for Jury trials in the Common Piet* will be held as follows: One week commencing 6th Monday, 31st of Janus#. \\ “ “ 4th “ 28th of February. ‘ ‘ “ 4th “ 23d of May: „ “ ‘ 6th “ 30th of May -sth “ 29th of Augaat. * 3d 41 17th of October. " ‘ “ 4th “ 24th “ . . . ~ M l*t “ s;h of December. And such other periods as may be appointed at the afore said courts, or at their regular terms. The foregoing to be published in all the Newspaper* In tbe city and county of Lancaster, three successive times In each, at the expense of the county-bill to be presented at tbe Commissioner's Office, dec 28tb 3t 60 W. CARPENTER, Proth’y. A LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING IN the Post Office at Safe Harbor, for the qaartar endloz December 31st, 1868. A—Ayre Joseph, AUeman Mrs. R. B. B—Bair Benjamin M., Esq., Bits John, Broomall B. M., Brenneman John K. C—Crilley Patrick. . ' D—Danks Mr , Dollaa John, Dorstler Jacob B. , . . E—Ehrbart George. P—Frick Elisabeth. H— Hagan Edward, Harnlsh Mrs. Mary. Hill Ta»h. debrand David W., Hen Maiy A. ’ J—Jones Joseph. Y K—Kelffer Ignaty, Kelly Franqi*,'ft.. ■ii.U'V’-i L—Lautenl. Henry, Lowyrfr Henry. ,V m M--Ma4p Mary, McOnlly George, Mehaltfey Hath;lk£ V.-j Marin John, Miller.. Jacob, MeisUn Barbara, MeUioger S—Sbngart Christopher. Slatterr D«TM,>ghenkH*nrT. : ' i W—Whitmore Hiram, White Miller, Whtfllfa£ CarJUne. * • NATHANIEL E. BLAYMAKER, Secretary. JACOB S. .SHIRK. Auditor. dec 28 4t* 60. FOK AKGU.MUNT. Ittfc yj'