1858. CLO CLO THING!! CLOTHI THINGI NG !!! ISO& • JOHN A. ER BEN'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE, 91GN .OF THE STRIPED COAT, N 0.42 North Queen St., Last cite, near Orange, Lancaster, Pa. The proprietor of this great manufactory of Clothing, re , sportfully announces to the public In general, that his establishment again contains the largest, best, and cheap est assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, ever offered for sale in Lancaster. Ilia stock of Clothing has beeh manufactured expressly for the Spring and Summer business. mode in the heat manner and most modern styles, and ((name teed to be cheaper than similar articles ran be pur chased for elsewhere. Every article of Clothing sold by the proprietor of this establishment is of his own manufacture, and is not only sold CEIEAP, but it is generally allowed to be more carefully cut and BETTER MADE than any other in the city of Lou caster. and it will be the constant aim of the proprietor to render it worthy of this distinction. Among his extensive assortment may be found the fol lowing : Fine Black Cloth Frock Coats, from g 6.25 to 3:13.00 Fine do Dress " 7.00 " 13.50 Castimarette Coats, " 2.75 .' 5.00 Tweed Coats " 1,50 " 4.00 Linen and Gingham Coats •• 75 0 .2,50 Black French Doeskin Pants " 1 - , 5 " 6,00 Double Milled Cassimere Pants, “ 2.75 •' 5.00 Fine Block Cloth Pants, 3,00 " 5,50 Fancy Ctusimere Pants, " 2.50 .` 5,00 Tweed Panto " 1.50 " 4,00 • Linen and Cotton Pants .‘ 75 " 2.25 White Mar.illes Vests, " 1,50 " 3.00 Fancy do do " 87 " '450 Block Satin Vests, • " 1.75 " 400 WM. N. AMER, DENTIST, respectfully Fancy Silk Vests 1.50 “ 3.50 .. informs his friends and the citizens of e s ,- 2 - - - ;. - - - ---- ALSO. a full assortment of Linen and 31orseilles Collars, Lancaster city and county in general, that he i.rt_ . Shirts, Bosoms. Summer Cravats, Pocket Handkerchiefs, still continues to practice the various branches "-i - Stocks, Suspenders, Gloves, Hosiery and Umbrellas. of Operative and Mechanical Dentistry, at the office lately Just finished a very large assortment of occupied by J. G. Mooro.on the SOUTH EAST CORNER BOYS' CLOTHING, of N. QUEEN and ORANGE its. I suitable for the Spring and Summer, consisting of Boys' Having been for the last eightyeeeo, engage d in lire study , Seek. Frock and Monkey Coats. Pants and Vests. of all and practice of Dentistry, five years of which time was ' sizes and qualities. at extremely low prices, to which con spent under the instructionnind in the employ'ot Dr. Way- slant additions will be made during the FP:18011. lan, of this city, will, he thinks, be a sufficient guarantee .lust received a very large and well assorted stock of of his ability to perform all operations connected with the CI , iTiIS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS, practice of his profession, in such a manner, as will render which be is prepared to make up to order, in the best man. entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with a call. ner and the most approved styles, and warranted to fit. N. B.—Entrance to office 2nd door on Orange st. The undersigned holes, by strict attention to business June 2 ly 20 and endeavoring to please customers, to receive a continu ance of patronage. JOHN A. ERBEN, Sign of the Striped Coat. No 42 North Queen Street, East side, near Orange,- Lancaster. Pa. apr 20 If 14 MAIIPITPII.OOESS . ONIMASTIC ;PROCESS', of ;mounting AtitT LPL Lt TDB TIT, —W.:7._ ,reoently;tatented hy Dr. BLANDY, formerly Oallsise Professor in the Baltimore College of Dental Surgety, is cer tainly one of the greateet discoveries of the present age and destinedto works great change in Mechanical Dentistry. The Undersigned being tho first in the State to introduce thbrpremaintopractice, and which has been attended with great success, feels no hesitation in ,recommending it as en parlor to any other method of mounting Artificial Teeth heretofore' known—the casting of the plates having groat Adyantage.oyer the common custom of "swaging." The mime accuracy in fitting, perfect cleanliness, and durability omnot be obtained by any other process. The . undersigned is alone authorized to dispose of office rights for the counties of Lancaster, Chester, Barks, Dauphin and York. .701{N WAYLAN. D. D. S. my 19 tf 18 N 0.60% North Queen St., Lancaster. ITIRSEOIinto. J. ittruchith, pINITISTRY,-1 1 1ARTIN & "K.INKE A.D ying associated together in the practice of. DENTISTRY, will • endeavor to render entire satisfaction in 141 81100. all operations entrusted to their care. Being prepared Ibr the Manufacture of, TEETH, we will be enabled to suit all cases, with Block,. Single Gum or Plate Teeth, either on Gold,iiilver or Gutta Percha. :office—Main Street, 3 doors East of Echternacht's Hotel, Strasburg, Lancaster county. N. take this method of tendering thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore received, and hope by the present arrangement to be enabled at all times to attend to those requiring our services. ang4 ly 29 J. MARTIN. R. WAYLAN , S NEW DRUG STORE. D 60 North Queen street. The underhigued re spectfully announces that ho has spear,' his NEW DRUG STORE ESTABLISHMENT. with a very ex tensive and complete stock of Drugs, Medicines. Chemicals, Perfumery and Fancy Articles--all fresh and pure—which will be sold at the lowest market prices. This stock embraces every article usually kept in a first class Drug Store, and neither labor nor expense has la,n spared In fitting up the establishment, to insure the ervatlon of the Drugs in the beet condition, ea well 11.6 to secure the convenience and comfort of the custotnors. A complete assortment of materials used by the Dental Profession can also be had at the store of the subscriber. An improved Soda, or Mineral Water Apparatus has been Introduced, the fountains of which are made of Iron. with Porcelain lining on their interior surface. Ire, ipc hem from all liability to taint the water with any tiletHic Is., son, which has heretofore been so great an objection to the copper fountains. Those who wish to enjoy these refreshing beverages eau do so at this establishment without fear of be- Mg poisoned with tichterious matter. The entire establish ment has been placed under the superintendence ei a most competent and careful Druggist, who has had many of experience in the Drug and Prescription Borst class lions. In Philadelphi and Cincinnati. The undersigned feels confident that he is In es way prepared to give entire satisfaction to his custonnos, t fore a share of public patronage is solicited. may 27 tf 19 JOHN WA FLAN, D. D. ! G ARDEN SEEDS, EARLY PEAS, SIARROWFAT PEAS, - - EARLY YORK CABBAGE, SUGAR PARSNIPS, SUGAR LOAF DI. WHITE SOLID CELERY, DRUM-HEAD WINTER Do.,LO:s:G GREEN CUCUMBER VALENTINE BEANS, PURPLE EGG PLANT. EARLY CHOICE BEANL. LONG SCARLET RADISH. Etc., .4c. For sale at THOMAS ELLMAKER'S Drug & Chemical Store, West Ring street, Lace', feb 9 tf 4 LIVERY STABLE.--Having purchased the entire _ „ LIVERY ESTABLISH NI ENT of William 8011, in the rear of Foote 3lerrimac House. N. Prince street, I am prepar , d to hire Horses. Carriages, Barouches, Ac., Ac., on the most scconimodatio'g, By giving personal attention tothe ho,iness and so noxi ous desire to please, I hope to merit and receive a rensutia ble share of puhhc patronage. Lancaster, sep 9 GROCERIES f GROCERIES S I The'subscriber, having taken the well-known eatah lishment of J. Frey, in East King, street, direvtly Sprecher's Hotel, has just raveived from the city a ha, well selected, and general assortment of FRESH GROCERIES, such as COFFEES, SUGARS, TEAS, SALT, FIGS. RAI SINS, Sc.. Se., all of which he will dell at ns low priced as they can be obtained in Lancaster. Be will also keep constantly an hand BUTTER, EGOS. POTATOES. HAMS. DRIED BEEF, TONGUES. and indeed almost everything in the Provision line, all of which will be sold on the most acconiniodatin tern. Ho respectfully solicits a share of the public patronage. apr 13 tf 13 A. Z. ItINGWAI.T. HISTORY OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. By Curtis. BANCROFT'S HISTORY .11b' THE UNITED STATES. HAMILTON'S HISTORY OF TILE REPUBLIC OF THE UNITED STATES. LIFE OF JOHN RANDOLPH. OF ROANoI( E. HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY IN ;:r! \ NB TARTAR AT .V(1.:11 EASP tii NI; mar 30 • tt 11 ALLEN & NEEDLES' SUPER.PIIOSPIIATE OF LIME. The best fertilizer in use the Coax, Orris PuTA TOES, GRASS, and other crops romiring a vizorous and last- Mg manure. Pamphlets describing it, and the mode of applying. vet be had gratuitously at our stores, or by mail when de,ired. PRICE $45 per 2000 lbs., (2t..; coots per lb.) A Ii Let`:l deduction made to DEALERS. Regretting our inability to till all the orders ba-t owing to untOrtunate and unforseen aceidents and drawbacks, it affords phasure to sooe that the necessary repairs and preparations having been completed, wo are now prepared to supply all donnonis without delay. our friends will please hoer in mit,d that our article is an old CAIN 1.811171 ultuay, reliable and uni form in it, constituents. We have. silo. two cargoes of PACIFIC OCEAN GUANo. which we can confidently reomnnend us !,einz equal in value to Peruvian Guano, and ninny farmers soniiiiler it superior. PRICE 215 per 2000 lbs . cents NO. 1 GOVERNMENT P EltU VtAN GUANO, for sale at the lowest nab s. Tho leading Agricultural Journals and New , pap...rs are regularly filed at our office for the use of Farmers. ALLEN 0 NEEDI.i,',S. No. 42 South Winn . .. and 41 South Water st reel. First store abase Chestnut at . 1'1011,1,11.h ia. For sale by GEO. CALDER, & CO:, Lancaster. feb 23 3m 0 ``ASH, DOOR, SHUTTER, BLIND AND 1,71 FRAME FACTORY.—The undersined have taken the the Sash Factory lately carried on by 5..1. Nharisn, situ ated in the southern p3rt of the City of Lrneaster. and near the Cotton Factories. where we intend to manufacture to order all kinds of Sash, Doors, Shutteta.lllindB, Winklow Frames, at the shortest notice and on the most an=on. able terms. The undersigned are both pra,tical Carpcnters, and work at the business ourselves. With a strict attention to business we hope to ineril the patronage of the public crnernity. apt I•_' If 12 SWARTZWELDEIi )11111iiiiW KONIGIVIACHER. & BAUMAN, TAN nom and Curriers Store, back of lt.da. Commission Warehouse, fronting on the Railnad and North Prince street. Cheap an. Cask approved credit.— Constantly on hand a full assorlment of all kinds Saddlt,',i and Shoemaker's Leather, of superior quality. including "Rouzer's celebrated Sole Leather," :tile. Leather Band 3, well stretched, suitable for all kinds of machinery, of any length and width required, made of a superior quality of Leather, Furnace Bellows, Band and Latin,: Leather, Gar den Hose, Tanner's Oil, Currier's Tools. :11,meeos, Shoe Findings, lee. All kinds old Leather buudkt in the roudi; hiOiest pikes given for Hides and Skins iu rush; orders will be pr quid ly attended to. tel 5 ly NOTICE TO TRAVELERS.-- From and after MONDAY, DECEM It Elt 1 , ;. 1854, the Christiana and Chesnut Levi.] Stage Lin, will leave Christiana Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, at 1 I'. It.. via C,,operF vile, Green Tree, Paxson's Store, Quarry- vine, Spring Grove, Mechanics Grove, to Chesnut Level; returning, will, leave the Level at. 5 o'clock, A. li.. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and return the sonic route to Christiaila. The above arrangement will afford persons an opport u Ity of traveling tu either of two daily lines of ears to and from the oil ies of l'hiLvlelphia and Lancaster. Dec. I'L tf 471 fly order of the Managers. ----- STOVES! STOVESI: STOVES::: STOVE DEPOT. The uudereligned would respectfully call the attention of the public to their large assortment of COOKING STOVES, PARLOR, DINING, BAR-ROOM, AND NNE-PLATE STOVES, Which we are constantly ireviving. All persons wanting Stoves will please call and examine Mr themselves, no they will fled the greatest It...fluent of Stoves in the city. $3B - We have just received a full supply of the following COOK STO I-ES: Victor,(complete) Summer Baker, Great Western, Warnick G10b.., Portable Ilange. Hathawa, Creason Globe, Great Repubile, Snow Bird, Crystal, Etna, l'remium, V clean, Champion, Enchantress, May Flower, Governor, Emporium, Star, William Penn, Capital, City Rang., Morning Star, Black Di.lollti, Banner, Empire State, Vernon, Royal, Victory, Flat Top, Sea Shell, Astor, Fanny Forrester, Lancaster Cook, Home, Young America, Delaware. Welcome, Keystone, Now World, Liberty. and many other Pattern Cook. We have also on hand a beautiful assortment of PARLOR COOKS. Morning Glory Cook, Hot Air Parlor Cook, Warnick Parlor Cook, Model Parlor Cook, Boatman Parlor Cook, Lilly's Parlor Cook, Penn Parlor Cook, Abbott Parlor Cook. qijr- We have also the Agency for an entire new PARLOR AND DINING ROOM COOK. • Also, the Agency for the beet Ah tight Cooking Stove out, which has many advantages over the common cooking stove. Also, THE RAILWAY COAL BURNER. We therefore ask the attention of the public to our Stoves, together - with a full assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, BUILDING MATERIALS, TOOLS, SADDLERY, PAINTS. Ac., 'Call and judge for yourselves. 84119 tf 37 GEO. D. SPRECIIER & BRO. CHESNUT STREET HOUSE, SAMUEL MILLER, No. 121 Cheenut street, between 3d and 4th, PHILADELPHIA BOARDING, $1 per day. - DU IL DING SLATE.--The subscriber JD has just rereived a large lot of PEACH BOTTOM and YORK COUNTY BUILDING SLATE, which he will put on by the square or sell by the Gin, on the most le:namable terms. He has also constantly' on hand an extra light Peach Bottom Building Slate, Intended for slating on top of shingles. Please call and examine my PEACH BOTTOM SLATE, which are the best in the market, and cannot be had at any other yard, as I have made arrangements with IL P. Jones for the Lancaster Market. GEORGE D. SPRECIIER, North Queen St., Lancaster, Penna. Air - The above slate can also be had at F. S. BLETZ'S Lumber Yard, Columbia. This le to certify that we do not mell our beat quality Peach Bottom Ganged Slate to any other son In Lancaster city than the above named. B. F. JONES, Manufacturers of Peach Bottom Itoollog Slat, tf:Vi fIOPPERWARE 'MANUFACTORY SAMUEL DILLER !L-1 Returns his thanks for the liberal patronage heretf,ro bestowed upon him, and respectfully Informs his cue tamers and the public generally, that he still continuo, at the old stand, In West King street, nearly opposite Fulton Hall, and Is prepared to manufacture to order COPPER WARE, In all its various branches, and OD the most reasonable terms. He invites his country friends especially to give him a call, as he L 3 confident of being able to please. LIVERY STABLE. He also keeps constantly on hand, for hire, OkitalaH.ES, BAROCYCILES, &c., &c., all is oat:taloa artier and thraiatted at the lowest rates. 0190 him a call when you need anything of the kind, and he will suit you to a nicety. SANDI SANDI—Five hundred Loads of Sand on hand. which will be delivered to any part of the' city. Horses and Carta to be had at all times, at the Livery Stable of SAMUEL DILLER, West King at., Lancaster. opi 22 Ul4 LIJ. KRAMPH'S SPRING AND SUM— • M E K CLOTHING . Thankful for past patronage, the subscriber respectfully begs leave to inform his friends. patrons and the public in general, that he has on hand and is now making up at his establishment. on the corner of North Queen and Orange streets, a superior supply . of READY MA DE CIA ITIIING roe MEN son BOYS, adapted t the Spring and Summer seasons: embracing all the various Styles of Material. Make and Fashion that are now found in the market. including Plain Figured and Sideatriped, all of which have been e.m,ly. and will be sold at prices mita bi-. 0, or , Aen t ' , late of the times. 11i , . sv , ek eonsis , s in part ttt ,prit;g and Summer I: /lAN. l'A MEIt6 awl SACK OVER-COATS an.l COATS, FROCK GIATe, PEA .1 ACK ETS, PANTS. V EATS. SHIRTS, CULLA RS. SUSPENDERS, CRAVATS, STICKS. TI ES. 11l IV ES, llttSl EEY. Also on 1.1301 a superior stock of CI,'TIIS. CASSI NI EIIS, VESTI NOS, which will be to rade, n the usual re asonalde and neeranunxiatin, terms. and entire aatialacti,n given Rs tothe taste, titian'', cold fit. Loug exporience. and rare facilities enable him to assure th, public that they will receive an ample recompense for any patronage they may feel able to bestow. The Agency for WlNcur.snm R SBOTT'S CELEBRATED SHIRTS continued. and measures taken, and orders at all tittles tilted in a satisfactory mann,. F.. 1. ERAMPII, Merchant Tailor. lam 11" E RC HAN T TAILORING--CLOTH iII I NG, The undersiened raspectfully announces to the citizens of Laneaster 'runty. Ntet lip has commenced the MERCHANT TAILORING BUSI- E NSS.S. at the store formerly oceupied he Jacob Itatlivon. next door to Join, Michaelis Hotel, Nouns Quitits STREET, In roilt.rti.n with which hr will keep a choiceselection of READY MADE CLOTHING AND GENERAL FURNISHING GOODS t i nning obtained the servietis of P. J. O'llottitk to superintend the Merchant Tail dinu ilspartment trams his well known artistic skill. he feels confident he will he able to competc with the first establishments in Philadelphia in cut and cn le. The sv lectiong of the 1100.10 will be according to his joilgthmt mil taste. and will be of the very best and choicest kinds. Ile hopes that a strict attention to hit •illeSS will merit liberal share of patronage frcup n discernint: JOHN P. FETT EItLY. P.. 1. !A. t CARD.--The undersigned respect fully anonunce that they have purchased tiro stook'," and fixtures of 31r. P. I.O'RouRE. Merchant 'Nil:, and in tend to continus the Merchant Tall:lrina business. in TI! E ANIT K BUILDING, No. n 1.4. North Queen St. Our stock consists of the shed, test I'III.:NCH CLOTHS, such us Baiolucs. Sannenies and kao rtIS burst Cloths of various colors; the 01ot:se-I French Cassiu n •res: Black Doeskin papss Cassituvres, thgrlaest selection; Vesting: , of all des, iptions. and a large ussortm?-nt Of ENTLEMEN,'S FUENISH INC Wu respectfully ask a continuance of tlic'atrona,, liberally bestowed upon our probicess.,r, trusr by stri,it attention to hit,ineils to Iveel, it. iitie of the firm has had considerable experience in one the larzeiit en .l nwet .lerchitlit Tailoring Es. tal,lklinbilit , in and flatters himself that lie rend-, scishetion to ill, Hi, os of tIo• AHME It S OF Nl'li TI u A: Ylllll , ~.with Ch,mical Matiun, whhii h.tv, iu use iu N,•w alN.•,v Jersey. Ne‘v .Ik. Delawar.. and vania Adridultol al 'la. Unit...l Slat.... • n. and an Public grautnlr 11. C.. and I.y the ..xviz.F.. Centlenten, viz: l.OO ti'bl luartl. Vt . :A:ll , O F.:1,11151ns 111 00 h,:'.o 00 • 7. Lockr. nei , 1 Dm 1 101 l Pei, :1.1 I . ,li o ilg 5 110 10 15 00 ' A. I'. , Lash. -,Clarl,horo . . New .be - sey : Cold Loekets. liracelets, lir....elies. Ear Drops. Breast Ph Cuff Pies. Sleeve Bolton,. Rio,: Shirt Studs. Watch Ke; :reuator Robert.) floht .01,1 Silver Thimbles. atta :t variety of other attiel \Vol. _(tiller... - or Cape Island. N, Jersey. worth fr•Lni 5. et-01s to ir.l. - • 1 0' P'l.ll. ( ' l'il, V. 1 .% ) Oil r,•.•ipt I.f the sabscription ironey, the subscribes "n” , mull. r.I. ~.., i • 0‘n. 1 .-". N .1- ll'. nerg''''. 10. tono 10:11 he entered upon "tie les.bs oms.site a numb Kuirlit. bc. Fiehl. 51r. A , ki,son. and Levi John: in. all of , ‘ „,l ,1 0 . Jr; corro-con.linsr with that number will he r New ./.1 . .-y —1 lit.y ~1. . it i• 01 , 010010.,1 :Indlll ,, ,11•1!•1 0 WArll.Ol 1 , 1111111 Oh,. wetk to hint, 57 moil or erpress. I. 1:1111,•• tl,w itt tr.,. heir, I..ulabent awl itopna jug the r .,;,/, Enid In toll ichieg the .oil. 1 11 iN suited to the ,310011 A , Thor, is beitlier hutithue nor hatery iib Alt the above ecoo• you tais •—Corti. P..tatoo, I; mss. 111,:tl. I , at, 5..... _., ~,, r y sot s-riber is sure or a Prizs 01 . value. We ereb. l 'Y '''. l '''' n ' 0 'h .- -' l `• "'. ''.'.l . No w 300 'Lli " 1 : :''''''''''' .( rh''' ' V F9 In3l, this 111,:11 .114trlbut1,1 anl,llr. 1140:41 11141,111 0 11 ' 1 .- 1 k• ''r ~0.6.1,1,, to mhY gll'lli IL "s" i'l "i''''' . l" l ". "r . IVII. 0 . 01,0 Ctinllll , -si 01 to Az .its. chvinc: t • the su in exchange fur prg,llllc, : 0 raj` ..rkor rate, lbee. ~,Ltr „..".,. r iber tlic aoo.unt thst would ~o to the Aleut, NIP' will be flll,l 1111.1 51111.11,41 y ,, tl fwv tit, - Gipsraii ~ pir Ph—pi:ate of Li:u American Fell (11) hi A 1,, ..1•1,1111,1 , . ,e 1 l'ure Ilnno 1,:n.0 harrds ready., at per I.:u . n Pow.ir~-,,. , . N. , . 1. tdud Inure!, :thw to tt h.lrrel. Land Pluso-r N. I_lllo I,,rels at $l , to a hat iv'. ~•h.Pot I,lrr, Pe.; Pmagmliau and Chi;ian GC.-Nn. GI:01;t;1• . , .1 I,EINAI;. Xn. Pa. ,wtal a libvral dis,unt. aimlicAti , m to my '•Wits• ui m Ag.. 11 1 ,. mar ci The true spirit o' PHILANTHROPY teaches 11, to study the pains and ills or - , uttering hu.nanity and attend to their daily Wll,l, In this Itynighte•l age of monetary affairs, there 1, unth int:, that ,atut•••• us mire trequeutly thou the cry a" ilz,rd •• What shad I do TO n.lt , money?" It is att .• axiom in •h•nuettir that 0 per my cared is a peony earned, - and if Sr.' can hem-le:trate this practically to thy cnnumlnity. we Vett tinly claim to Le , not only Philanthropic. but the in,trunn•nt the tom of the great Panacea, that we have ditn•overetl in the princiale of muTuAl. NOV AITRANOEMENT Tel BESITIT 1,C01N.; 11)I FS. Fi r e Thousezw? Dulla rs. twrfril art /oe we a•i fl d irtri hut, in vol.. ir,wl Twerl y Coll, to Fif y politzr.,. to er, , , p•Preon prr.,ntiny our c,.rlllin,h, Jul bowed. rrery Friday. ID every dollar you roi. n.l you have a direct interrst in the profit. Ev time yen boo ONE In /UAW: I i worth or ono/0.0 n 0 /0. , you I,, ery oine a sice l .l.olCler, and entitled by virtue of a 00, tificate, to s , hare , 1 the profits in g0..1, Inch person purchasing from us. robs to the etdoc of Ono Dolt:tr, iort ing gish. will i . e.-cis, a, when they receive three [id:Lis, they hon. the!' .•,chitinr• nu - a certificate which trill entiti.• the holllcr toe share t •profits iu E.. rack ner.ket nnr, v.tltn• Jar , . atol payin_ 0 1 Lich svi entitle the It-Ift, 1., ni the ,r ift. iin • , :i•. and every zwl iiti“nal 'For. e 10”1!..t.s C,:tinwto ni ty ill I'W,, II In lit- Ever, s , ;1,1 b.' al the low , ,t two ntl --I s fin ,rt p I! I, the fl VESTING•'.. Ilt),1 FRY, .CALICOES, FLAN\ 1.11,S CAs:S! \ ERS E)lnltt)ll_,Elllf,t, Eli 1,A1:, ES. ::ua Eari tn•w fnr IN‘; Ii tolns, GAUNT -1,1,;1"1.. and ev,ry ,arkty of C.,11:1,. Lace. and new and , insirable style of Un I;ntsis IV EN'l7 stzeet and i:etstr, ;'qu:trc. =EMI R " D Pi n e C;; R N e". L & CO., UItANITE BUILDING. NonTti qUEitN ST.. I. ANCIL rereive nv,ney ou th.p./Sit And pay th,ron 5 per vent. f o r any length of time. h• 0 1 , 1/1 . year. Collections made in all part, of the United States. - Money sent to England, Ireland. Germans, Fra n ce. Passage certificates for sale from Liverpool to New York, or Lancaster. Laud warrants and uncurrent money bought and sold. Spanish tad Mexican dollars, old U. S. gold and silver coins bought at npremium. Special attention still be paid by G. K. Reed 0, the News tiation of Commercial paper. Stocks. Loans. and all market able securities in New York or Philadelphia. Our friends may rely upon promptness. and cur personal attention to their interests in the tram,iction of any busi ness which may be intrusted to us and we hold ourselves individually liable for all looney intrusted to our sere. OEO. K. REED, RICHARD McGRANN, PATRICE KELLY, A. 1 Icl-ft/NC/MY. ma) 1 fl 6 il ue ri, 23 TATES' UNION HOTEL.--NO. 200 C‘7 Mnrket. rest, above 6th ,tr,t, l'a.— olumbia, Penna.. takes pleasure in informing IliS friends, and the public generally, that he has taken t he above 'well-known and popular LIOUSE, (long known as the Red Lion Hotel.) which he has filled up with entirely New Furniture and Bedding of a superior quality. The house has also been renovated and Ma pro ved in a manner which will compare favorably with any of the hotels in the City, and cannot fail to g.se satisfac tion to those who may patronize this establishment. The TABLE will always be supplied with the choicest Provisions the market affords: and the Bar with the Pl - REST AND ,BEST LIQUORS. Nothing shall be loft undone Of all kinds, made in the neatest and most substantial to make hie if nests comfortable, and he Hatters himself • manlier. that by strict attsotion to business, he will merit and re site a liberal share of public patronage. G. W. HINKLE, Proprietor. MI y 22 ti I. rro FARMERS.--Having been appoint -1 by Mews. Allen & Needles agents in Laneaster for _ . tha Mb, of their celebrated j - A. ROCKAFIELD & CO., NEXT TO PUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME. Kramph's Clothing Store. East Orange at.. Laneas we would call the attention of Farmers to this Fertilizer, it ter Pa., dealers in all the new and popular FAMILY MED superior to nil others; and from the testimony 01 IMES, PERFUMERY. Sc., Wholesale and Retail. those who have used it for some years past, roe feel author, *qr. They have just received a fresh supply of WOLF'S saying it le the he-ft application for Corn, oats CELEBRATED AROMATIC SCHEIDAM SCHNAPPS and IA heat, itrass a nd o th er crops which require a vigorous will sell to retailers at proprietor's prices. Done 26 tf 33 ztiel permanent sUrnulinit, that has ever been offered to • . . the public. Apply to GEO. CALDER & CO.. East orange street, '25 door front North Queen et., and at LT AVAN N A SEGAILS•--5 000 Imported Graelf's Landing 011 the Conestr,ga. II Havanna Segars of the most approved brands. Just n.wetved and for sale at DR. JOHN WAYLAN'S Drug Store, No. 60 North Queen Street. TILE COLLEGE JOURNAL OF MEDI- C A L SCIENCE, A monthly Magazine of 48 pag es, conducted by the Fac ulty of the Eclectic College of Nledicine, Ic published at TATTERSALL'S HEAVE POW DER, Ono Dollar a Year, payable In advance. Communications 1 Powdered Rosin, Antimony, Fennigreek, etilphur, for subscription, or for specimen numbers should be di. Saltpetre, Aseafmtida, Alum, ke. For sale at reeled to Dr. C. 11. CLEAVELAND, Publisher, , apr 21 tf 14 THOMAS RUMMERS, June 20 ly 29] 138 Seventh Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Drug and Chemical Store, West Kirig.st. I'hIM=2MIaM3 11=1=1=1iII 11= CATALOGUE OF 'NEW MUSIC .1 ST PUBLISHED BY MILLER BEACITAM BM,TINIORE. MD. Morning Star Much admired Separation. New Edition Have Faith In One Another Oeth.mne. Sacred Song A Day Dream. Beautiful Piano Lancers Quadrilles. With correctfigures, Boarding School We. Describing a day at Boarding Ch. Grobe Sea Shell Scbottisch , Magruder. 25 Anvil Mora, From Opera Treatore 25 Virginia Washington Monument. Grand Mauch. Com pose in honor of the erection of Cratoford's "Washing ton Statue" Embellished. /jai-M[lBk forwarded safely per mall, PHU OP POSTAGE. on receipt of marked price. A liberal discount to Dealers. Teachers and Seminaries. Catalogues forwarded gratuitously. mar 10 tf 9 NEW MAP OF LANCASTER COUNTY. The undersigned is preparing to publish a new and complete MAP OF LANCASTER COUNTY, on an improved plan. (provided sufficient encouragement is given.) mark ing the locations of all the principal buildings in the coun ty, all Schools, Churches, Post 4 - iftices. Mills. Hotels, Sc., with the nature and locations of all subscribers to the MAP, and locatioos .•f Lam buildings, so as to make it a complete COUNTY DlREcw,riillY. To be ornamented with prospective views of the principal Colleges, Schools and other buildings In the county. En larged plans of the principal Boroughs and Towns will be given on the side of the COUNTY MAP, where inifficient s ub,cription is obtained. To be handsomely colored. chow. ing all the new townships. making it most complete and beautiful work, superce ..J di ngAM all former MAPS. ES D. SCOTT. Publisher, july 21 tf Lancaster City. HOMESTEAD FOR $lOl F.OR SALE IN THE .` GOLD REGION" ANg OTHER PORTIONS OF VIRGINIA, THE FOLLOWING FARMS AND BLTILDI..NG LOTS. IN SHARER, TO WIT I Farm of 100 acres. and a Gold Mine. is 100 acres. 4 " 60 " each, ara 240 `• 25 " 40 " 1000 70 .. " 20 " 5 MO " 150 " 10 " " 1500 " 250 `• 5 " " 1250 " 500 " 2 " " 9 000 " . 250 Building Lots 34 acre, with Streets > and public Squares 710 " ' 1250 Building Lots 100x100 feet, with .-. Streets and public Squares ._, 925 " '— 2500 Building Lets 50x1( 0 feet, with Streets 0 v.. and public Squares 925 .... 5000 Building hots 25x 100 feet. with Streets e. and public Squares 950 " ..,.. 10.000 Shares, amounting to 10.000 acres. Certificates of the above Shares, (with Bonds for the' immediate execution and delivery of the Deeds,) have been enclosed In 10,000 envelopes. exactly alike, and < sealed: which, after being well ruined up. have been numbered from 1 to 10,000 inclusive, ao that no one now knows the contents of any particular envelope • Till, will 11.. sold at $lO Knell, will, 111 reference t'' what th. y and sent 10 any one making appli in cation. Unexceptionable Titles will in all rases be yirrn. The largest Farm. containing a Gold Mine. is rained `r. $20,1,00. and the smallest sized Building Lots have 0 adling at $lO each. Hundreds have already been 7, sold upon these terms. Whilst all stand the Mlle O ChalICV of getting the Farina, ever purchaser is guaran,, tech one of these lots at least. Every other purchaser = i h o ned to g,•, are of at least doable iG sise and ralue.. Evnry fourth perch is sr one if at Irusl quadruple its size = aril ,'slur, Whilst every t. nth purchaser v ill get a Farm r.ii snug in value from :s2OO up to $30.000. These Farms and 'insure sold s • chew ioinhere settlement s , a au tilde? , t ',erred the increase in th e cite.' of which will efolli for the preiant sweince„... Th, na proceeds ar, In he app'bd L, bred impria.,llo.lliS. IS Srhaals. Larlara . .s. ibs. Any nein/Jo, of Shares con Ie tq1.,,0 by indiriduals.—lo gerare a Plaqn 'tile at leas, ten c e rtifleates ran , be O'd, I . llPri by paying am: and the Fred., by paying the ' , ill ER HALF. Acres of Land. in large or small tracts, can also be had at private male. and upon ninst reasonable terms. Some of it HIGHLY IMPROVED. zly , nts are mauled everywhere b. sill these Lands Liberal inducements will be given. For bill parti.eilars, apply to E. BAL:141:. t icoyal, Caroline Co, Va. Or to ADAM FRALICII. Agent, Lancaster. Pa. 3m 12 lEAI'IIEIR, LEATHER.--BOOT AND i -11.01 A:, KR: , will tiro! i' t tio.h. odvento, I , y cran ia on the so',eriher. who has ;to extehsice assortment of to ILE AND UPPER LEATHER, cclupti , ing French and City ('alf Skit, Vax and Grain l'pper. 11l and Oak Tlnnel Sole. Molocco Linings, Fhoe Finding, Lasts. Ac: Heats, Foot and 'runners' Gil. So.: all of which will he 0-1,1 at the lowest prices at No. 1130 Afork•l Street bet,. 1215 Street. Phitade apr 12 tint 13 11,1N1i1S. liar "3 tt In PRIZEFOR EVER k BODY' wHo rt. THE E PO 11 K r K L Y le E S A ittIACTIFII.I.I' il.LtsnitAT,D FSMILY NEWS PAPER TIIE N Ell' }. INK AV ES" iv nne ~t * the best , it,ary papers of the LI,Ly A 1ar. , ,0 Quarto containin,,. Two,' y ', g o : . Slyly entertainin, And 11.1.C,11 ,r. A Gift worth from hu rent,: to i:1000 rc;11I seta to rurh ,11(,•rie!1”11 /11,1)1,21. .11,VANCI. One et pv fdr , ne year. and 01, gilt 'l'h re eepir, year. and three sift. Five .pies one year. and five Ten topic veqr. and ton aifh. 1:. :3 did, thdh .1 are it I N• 10 do do 10 .1. 11, l'ot.o.t Loy., Il norm;; 11 31,11 ,, no do, Id, oil 100 ;'•00 IVit,•}l, 2.0 Si II t 1 \Vutch tlmny vas , a hu.lared i..ld ttlo, tare All omillnklitic.ci.), svi“u!kl addrp-,11 DANI F. 1, A DEE, l'Unmsi.i, Cv KEELER'S LATEST IMPROVED 1.7 Gil Al FAN.—These'Fan, are manufactured at the best an 1 tmist extensive ei-mlili-lunent in the city he county of Lancaster—and being, the late-t Improved Grain balls MINV betide the public. Farmers Dealers 4enrally emimPt. their 1,11 interests by calling - and exantiniim them lichire purrhiodim elsewhere. They arn lIIIW Ara/I to all Penns sleet . wad other Smtes.— The- , Fall, are constructed as b. ,paati , all the illllll, grains. such n CliCat. Clie(10. at the Same tip, [ion. w ter to separate iirass reds from Whi•at. When ,ich are d,,ired the order, m us t b e seat in time. I have also manufactured the celebrated BAMII.IItA FAN for many yea N. and I claim the improvements made upon illy Fan ac being far superior to them. They are censidered the BEST NOW IN USE by all Farmers, whe have :riven thorn a trial and trio continue using them. I have haEl 1110C11 experience in the manufacture of Grain FM., hosing niade mere than 3.00 , i s inc e I h ave b een in the buitiry Those Fans are adopted to hand or ho r s e power, or any other power that may be applied to then, and they will be sent free of chat . arty distance within 30( miles, by railroad or water at the shortest notice. Castings of all kinds fur Windmills always On hand: trios : m Wire I.f all. Na..o for sale :it low prices. careful if you want a Ein of Inv manulneture to Fee , 11a , Inv trouts is MI it. . • 5..100 DOLLARS REWARD.—I will give it ,ward of SAOOIO any =et of men who call =aci , r ,, tio” that [befit -, rails are not the best in us.. Fours. n First Premiums t r ove been awarded ranS, at dill-root Agricultural Exhibitions. A FIR , T PREMIUM CIDER NIII.1„ whioh will Inake from c . Larrels per day. with hind or Ipirso power, and will pr' 111, mre Cider out of the same quantity of apples than iinv other o free; now in use. Mithmuie sa id. be tip s o who have testi. i than. ro Ie aid toicably adapted for grinding prossing Sugar Cane. There leas been a laloo and ineleasin . ileamnil for Ihi• Portable Cider Mill. Call mid exandmi tor y,urcellea. as tbny will hoar inspeotion. T hove also II INT, , PATHNT unAIN 1 , !;11,1,f. r whioli is one of the lest Drills timo. It :dam', No I here , or and wdi ad 'di. - • S••p—'South Doke -tr:.t 2 -quure- .••••uth ef the Ctett COAL. --The u"der.iglked are 110 W re / Prk 1: A L!•r.1„;..;• oiPa 1 , • 11.. , A1 4 I. carefully suleeteu, and whiell i. der to any lead thd city al ,e • Lime hurners always nu hand. Appli to El,. CA i.ll CII a CO.. Plioe East orange sure(, 21,1 .I , d• ..rth (Olean, and ;11. , yard at GrenirB Lan dl; e, Oil the ang 19 tf 31 F ARRELS & HERRING, N 4 WALNUT AND 23 GRANITE STREETS, Sole Manutvitirers in this State of CIMIENIEWEEM RECEIVED THE MEDAL AT THE Wo MAYS FAIR. Sifts are ?any/fed Fr, front Dai ipnesx Also, Manufscturers of Hall's Patent Nader Proof Lock, Likewise awarded a Medal at the World's lair: Chilled I roll Burglar Proof Safes. Bank Vaults, Bank Locks, Steel Chests, &c. set' ly CIASTOR OIL, ARROW ROOT, i, j SWEET OIL BORAX. ALCOHOL, CAMPHOR, SPICES, CALOMEL, SODA. LOG WOOD, CREAM TARTAR PEARL BARLEY, GUM ARABIC, HARTSHORN, GELATINE, VIALS RHUBARB. SENNA. .IA LAB. SPONGE. sc., For oar at YID , MAS ELLMAKEK'S :tin. 21 tf 14 Drug and Chemical Store, West King at. TOVES TIN AND COPPER WARE.— The undersigned respectfully announces to his old friends and patrons, and to the public that he continues to keep on hand a large assortment of Cooking Parlor, Of fice and other STOVES,of the latest and most approved patterns. Ile also continues to carry on extensively the manufacture of 'fIN. SHEETIRON AND COPPER WARE Housekeepers and persons going to housekeeping sup plied with nil articles desired at the very lowest prices.— Persons wishing artiel. s in his line are invited to call at his old stand. East Ring Street. 3 few doors from Centre Square. CHRISTIAN KIEFFEIt. jar. s If 51 . .. . . . . WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY AND SILVER WARE. R. A. DYSART & BRO., NO. in WEST KING St., (near Market) takes pleasure iu in:ltin attention to their new and large stock of O , OIIS, which com prises as great a variety of all articles in their line as can he found in the city, cm - misting in nirt of Ladi,s' Fine Di Carat tiontinc Lever Watches, Fine Gold Ilontinz Lovers. " " iM"n4ar,d Levers, Silver liuntit,g naNti . open fared •• a glo,A assortment of LEVELS 2110 EP IN ES ..I Silver and Composition Cases; QUARTIERS tel ENGLISH WATCH— ES (Brat and second handed.) all ..1 w hich are warranted to keep time or on sale. Their assortment of JEWELRY is the moat extensive ever offered to the citizens of Lancaster. part of which are the following styles: FINE PAINT ED BREASTPINS. I EAR RINGS AND BRACELETS to match: CAMEO SETTS, FLORENTINE MOSAIC, and PLAIN EAR RINGS and BREASTPI ES. ail of which for beauty, style and cheapness cannot be surpassed in the city. Also. a fine n.,... , ortmeut of 1 PLAIN and CHASED BRACELETS and BANDS, with Cameo Setts and Medallions. Particular att,mtion paid to Jewelry of Gentlemen's wear, comprising Sleeve Buttons. Studs, Gnarl. Breast and Fob Cbains ~f the best quality; Ribbon Slides, Gold and Silver Tooth Picks, etc. Always 1 on hand a zood assortment of SILVER WARE, Fnipitrrecht. Pernng, such as Spoons. Tao. Table, Desert. Sugar, Mustard and Salt; Dinner and Tea Forks; Napkin Rings; Butter and Fruit Knives; Salt Cellers; Cups, Pie Knives, Pickle Knives and Forks. setts of Knives, Forks and Spoons for Misses.— Also a beautiful lot of Port Monocles for Ladies and Gents, Combs and Brushes of all kinds. Accordeons, Clocks from $1.25 to $5O. all wtu-ranted. .fr• The undersigned have, at considerable expense, got up a Card of Hair Work Patterns, for which they receive orders—to he executed In Philadelphia in the most chaste and durable style. and at short notice. The public are in vited to call and examine out st i ck and judge for them selves. SAMUEL A. DYSA.RT, JA3I ES P. DYSART. Sign of the Big Watch, No. 10, Wee. King St., Lancaster, Pa. apr 31 tf 14 W A B . A N A BEA UTIFUL RURAL SUMMER RESORT. NEW ARRANGEMENT—NE IV A TTRACTIONS The undersigned having leased the Wabairk Property, FO extensively and favorably known as one of the most de lightful Summer resorts in the State. take pleasure in an nouncing to their friends and the public, that the estate lishment will be open for the reception of visitors ON THE TENTLI OF MAY . NEXT, under the direct pe,onal super intendence of the undersigned, who have refurnished the lintel, and are adding many other improvements condu cive to the comfort and pleasure of their facets. This favorite Watering Place is situated on the banks of the Conestoga. about four mire- - s.uthwest of the city of Lancaster. It lien in the very heart of one of the finest portions of the county. which has so long been dis tinguished HS the garden of the world." It is reached by a half hour's travel from the Lancaster Depot, over one of the best turnpikes in the State. and cos: hex will be constant readiness at Yourtrt's Exchange Hotel, to convey visitors at such hours as may be most convenient and agreeable. be,-Seep ill the neighbahor d of tTrbarik, is grind. impr , sing and diversified. Alc.ng the slim, of the Con, o;r1 we Meet with th e roiling and sronewlmt mountainous landscape, while on the urrth and weC' of the main build ing we tee a gentle Undulating agricultural prospect. as pleasing and entertaining to the practical. philosophical mind, as the other is gratifying and exciting to the poetic mate and fancy. The air is bracing and healthy. In the morning. the surrounding woodlands are vocal with the music of their birds, and at night the calm quiet of the place is only disturbed by the gentle Intirllturs of the Cahn Crmestogri,' ; as its waters glide trendy Mille, or the warn, visible motion of the leaves. as thee tremble in the breath of heaven. Life, Health, Gaiety, Refinement. Literature. Music, Poetry and Love, could all find rut abiding home at Wabash, and feast upon the cherished and congenial en joyments of their nature. Tl,' nedir boiling at Walrank is four stories high, and capable of acconnur.dating three hundred pers. ns cointort• ably. t ,:par e atte,,tion r expense in inakinv . it .me "1 . the moat rural :',ll,lltter wt ill the rouhtry. the utider,i2:ll,l rtspectfully Colntiteud •• to the favorable 01,11Siderali,11 114000 in e sarch oi rummer pleasure,: all I'. creation. . . IVm. T. Dcc.m‘s. It' ATCHES H. L. & E. J. ZAHIII, V ,Vorth Oue , ” . and o,are, Lunc . r, {lave determined to Mier article, in their line at •grehtly retlace•l tithe: "wing tn the -hard, times.' and li, low rates at which stock earl purchased. We have always thr sale a lord sits-elm-tit 1. 5 ' 1 GOLD L r EL' IVA T.l ES ,of C/1111On :tn.! fine 1 1.1.0 ic-, hn t lt ,n r _ watch a secees ich n • CD/CH , styli. from -1 '25 'tt w t • T.\11,1, itt ttl.Stoia and all t.ol nllll at hi+ \ to our orilia.itlPl (map. oith"..: 11 Imo :Iv K ac. in ...A." ... • tho fheSt PI it, IV:Lt.-he:, 0i7.• . rei• 'n, azul ile pia .ii I .. II A I, '/.AIM Ijan :ail I : Z hll , i W ATCHES, CLOCKS and .7147. E.L FLY. II"// OLESALE .1 1.1 E7' ..I I 1.. C.l; :'111 . 1.T7 r. 44 nb.,ve !ith. S,lO, i•lti' A I' N F E it A, 11 1 t 1, E 2. \`. \ I , A .., 1V11.1,5;t1,:,,! :.!. ••:.1 t 11 Oci. SEC , ISD• , •f ,rry l'hil:nl~iph in full I, caret cit.,. : 2 ` i I,o•piue.l• s ' '"' r ',v01.. full jar.t...l Si, , 7 110 1.01.1 Spet•ta.•l,. 7 thp., ;old lII' i;.441 00 00 to . 25 00 5 on Gold Pens, with Itetnal and Silver lidliter. 1 Oil Gt Id Fitt., Itinss. 37 , .; et, Watch Glasses, plain crs., otent. ISii. Lunt - 25; other at-tie es in proportion. All ssls warranted wlott thepure sold for. itir • , I!handsald and Sd Levers and Lapin, still limn tla• O prlra.s. tad . 20 ly J ANCASTER COUNTY EXCHANGE ~1N1) DEPO:SIT OFFICE. Cl.rat•lnd East Fin,' and Dulta StreatA, LIFT. THE Cl} T D . oUSI, AND SPREC/I ER'S IIoTEL, Lancaster City. JJoHN K. REED 3: CO. pity interest on deposits se the Pcl lowing rates: Sb per cent for oue year and longer. do. c 30 days e Also, buy and sell heal Estate and Stocks on our, mission. negotiate loans, collect claims. A:c. 4 , h --Th, , undersigned are individually liable to the extent of their estates. for till the deposits 1111. i oth, obligations Of E. Revd ,i. .111113 li. REED. AMOS S. HENDERSON, DAVID stiuurz. ISAAC 10 HIESTER, dec Y 5 tc 1)A TENT A.IIII3ROT YPES.--T he sub— / renters having Purchased the exclusive right of Lan caster city. are cabled otter to the public a tie stele of Pict we,. far i.xce)flin. in beauty an)l Lural/ility :niy ever hefore unoic pictures are not reverse-I. or ili,nyrren• types 3reand I.:ay he ,cen in ate, also posse, the rare piopori:, of hcing Prtri(l,ll F: lien, hermetically sealed het e ecn ultra plat,. which it ;retinal liv Letters Patent, in the United Sint,. ilreat Ilritain and France, and pro:tie,' in Lancaster, cit, lit 7'. di ll'. only. over Spiwher Store. North t.lneen st., Lanr,L,ter. The term AMBROTITE, by which the-4i Pictures are designated; is &aired from the lireek werd eibrotiei. nifying indestructibility. pro t ry, be. 'Fite Nei are is taken upon plate glass, to whirai another plate of corres ponding size is secured with an indestructible cement, by by which the picture will retain its original brilliancy for agro; it will not corrode by soils, nor he injured by water or climate. It is hold iu its eiTect. beautiful ill tone, surpasses ally in the grata tiles of light arid shade, and uoi, he seen in ills light. The public era eautiened against iikl,itOikz knitic en single plates of pith, with the slack varnish in immediate contact with the i ieture.— hmii are not permanent. as the varnish must crack and lesion' the Picture. A Mill:, M UST I; b SEEN. Citizens and stranze, are invited to call at the :Uihro• tape Gallery of the undersigned, and examine specimens hetore they procur e Pictures elsewhere, as they are assured of polite attention. set. 1.. a NV. CUMMINGS n cu IMENEM NATI LL be paid for any :Medicine that will rxrei,;Pll.4TT nuTcliEws MAGIC GIL, tOr the followingdis eases Rheumatism, Nenraltria. Spinal Affections. Con tracted Joints, CM - die Pains, Paine in the side or hack, Lleadache, Toothache, Sprains, Sore Throat, Cuts, Bruises, Biuns. and all Diseases of the Skin. Muscles. and the Glands. None genuine without the signature of 'Pratt & Butcher attached to each mated. Principal office, 200 Washington street. Brooklyn. N. T. The great Dumber of persons that have been immediately relieved in all the cities and towns where it has been used. rim well :no in this city, sustain them in saying in all can dor. that it is the greatest cure in the world for pain. Whelosale Agents for Lancaster, Chas. A. Ileinitsh, 11. A. Itockatield. and sold by all respectable Druggists throughout the United States and Cmllnd3 [oct Y 0 tf 40 I)ETER D. DIVERS, HEAL ESTATE AGENT, =I3SM PUILADELPIIII. will Attend to the Renting of Houses. Odlecting House and Ground Rents, kc. Agencies entrusted t, his care will Le thankfully received, and carefully attended to.— SAtisfactory reference given. OM, N. E. corner of 6EVENTII and SANSIJM streets, Second Floor, No. 10. f o b 17 ly ACARD.--The subscriber thankful to his numerous patrons for past tavors. would again ask for a continuance of the same. and as many more as will please to tavor him with their patronage, as he is certain from his knowledge of the Tonsorial Art in all its branches, such as Hair Cutting. Curling, Shaving, Sham pooing and Wig-making, be is able to please the most fas tidious. . . Ile also solicits the attention stall to the cleanliness 5 his Towels. Brushes, Combs and in tact every thing con nested with his establishment• . . . He would likewise mention that he is the only person in the city that can and dues color Whiskers and Moustaches, from red or gray to most beautiful brown or black in a very few min u I es. Particular attention given to the cutting and trimming of children's hair. .JAMES CROSS. H. D. North Queen street, over Long ,1c Cu.'s Drug Store, and directly opposite the Granite House. feb 22 tf 5 XTOOD.--I-Ockory, Oak and Pine Wood V y of the best (Dimity, for role by GEOROE CALDER SE CO.. Office East Orange street. 2d door from North Queen. and f;ruetrs Lan - dim: on the Conestoga. Du 20 t 12.1. ROT TECH'S HISTORY OF THE WOR L D . ORIENTAL AND WESTERN SIBERIA. < NINEVAII AND ITS REMAINS. PRINCE OF THE HOUSE OF DAVID. MEMOIRS OF NAPOLEON—HIS COURT AND FAMILY. mar 30 tf 11 ELIAS BARR 2 co. 31 East King st. PRESBYTERIAN PSALM BOOKS. LUTHERAN HYMN BOOKS. METHODIST HYMN BOOKS. CATHOLIC PRAYER BOOKS. THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER m. 30 tf II ELIAS BARR 2CO. 0-"SION OF TOO UHF WA:26I"--71.0. =ffi 1000 DOLLARS REWARD McCormick's Reaper and Mower - of 1858. again offered to the farmers or the I Thaw' Stxtei, and warrauted to be the beet Machine in use. For 5 years past I have avoided attending .the varions State and County Faire for the purpose of seek mi,regardi oit my Machineao too well known to neod that sort of commendation. G - eat Council Medal awarded at London in 1851 ; Grand Gold Medal of Honor at Paris in 1555; Highest prize at the French Universal Exhibition in 18 5 56; Highest prize of Royal Agricultural Society of England in 1557 ; Highest prize by the U. S. Agricultural Society, Syracuse, N in 1557; and more glorious still, the highest satisfaction and approval of over 1,000,000 fanners of our own country. • For sale by the undersigned, agent for C. H. McCor mick. If," The large Machine.for 1858 will be 6 feet in the Cut, and the most ...anal and durable Machine in the Market. The two-borne Machines will be 5 feet in the cat—warranted. REFERENCE IN LANCASTER COUNTY: - - - Samuel E. Keller, Warwick; A. Brubaker, Rohrers town; J. & B. Long, Landisville; R. McGrann, Lan caster; Peter Reinhold, West Earl; Curtis Withers, East Cocalico; Peter Hrinsecker, Manhelm; George Righter, Lancaster; Abraham Landis, Ephrata; Benj. Bare, East Hemptleld ; John Shenk, Lancaster; John Stauffer, D. Frantz, East Earl ; Samuel Hull, New Hol land; CHI. Carpenter, Warwick; B. B. Fisher, Belmont; David Shirk, West Earl; John McGovern, Lancaster; Rev. Daniel L. Lefever, Neffaville; Benj. Hernley,War wick'Oliver Caldwell, Elizabeth Furnace ; Abm. Bear, East Cocalico; David Brubaker, Warwick • Michael Huber, Lancaster; John B. Hertzler, Hempfield; Henry Hess, Sr., Litiz ; Henry Trout, near Lancaster; J. H. Strickler, Mount Joy; John Keller, Clay ; John Hem, Warwick; Daniel Rohrer, Petersburg; Jacob R. Hess, Elizabeth.; Patrick McEvoy, Lancaster; John Gerber, Donegal rtolin Henninger, Paradise; William Bender, Leacock; Wm. Linnville , Solomon S. Linville, Salis bury; Rev. C. Becker, Penn; Widow Metzler, Sporting Hill; A. Kurtz, West Cocalico; C. Eby. Paradise; Eck man & Brother, Strasburg; Joel Wenger. Bareville ; Benj. Root, Andrew Kreider, John Nissiey, Hempfield ; Samuel Brown, Jonas Reif, West Earl; Axton Bellew, Manheim ; Jonas S. Brnbacher, Henry S. Brnbacher, Elizabeth ; Samuel Espenshade, Paradise; Jacob Landis, .Manor; A. Hershey, Mount Joy ; C. Long, near Mount Joy; Henry Hess, Jr., Warwick; Henri A. Carpenter, Leacock; John Fry, Frysville •, David Witmer, East Earl ; Israel Rohrer, Paradise; John Landis, Ephrata; John Linville, Gap ; Joseph Hamilton, Salisbury ; Isaac Livingston & Brothers, Salisbury; Jacob L. Erb, Oregon; Adam Hoar, salisbury ; Rev. C. Bomberger, Litiz ; John Homer, Hempfield ; Dr. James H. Lefever, Knox & Dick erson, Paradise; Abraham Charles, Conestoga; Reuben Garber, Manor; Mrs. Keneagy, Paradise; Henry B. Erb, Clay; Daniel Erb, Jacob Becker, Warwick; J. & J. Stultzfus, Salisbury ;C. Ehrismaa, Sporting Hill ; S. F. Hornish, Petersburg; Martin Rohrer, Leacock: David Harnish, Manheiru ; Ulrich Shirk, Oregon; Christian Kreider, East Hemptield ; Augustus Boyd, Elizabeth Furnace ; A. L. Henderson, Gap ; Jacob Horst,Frysville; H. W. & J. Eby, Belmont; John Huber, Manheim; John Borry, Reamstown ; J. Umble, Salisbury; Lovi Getz, Lancaster; Jacob Hartz, Christian S. Brnbacher, Eph rata; George Saha. Manheim ; Mr. Brinton , Christian Warner, Jacob Stuli;fus, Intercourse. REFERENCE IN LEBANON COUNTY Christian Bachman, Cornwall; Jacob :,,haak, Mill bath ; George Bowman, Cornwall; Samuel Brubacher Cornwall; John Holstein, Millhach ; Cyrus Bachman Joaeph Herr, Campbellstown ; Benjamin liorAt, st,af erstown ; Sonathan lllig, Milibach ; .1 r,,,ian South Lebanon; John K Bachman, Mffierstown; Mooney, Cornwall Furnace; Jacob Weis, .Joseph Bum berger, Lebanon; Win. Colder, Harrisburg. CERTIFICATES. WEST EARL Tnws xip, Laned,ter Feb. 24, ISSB. This is to certify that 1 have purchased one of McCor mick's Reapers and Mowers, from John B. Erb, in the season of 18',7, and it worked first-rate, both in cutting Gras, and Grain, and I hove not seen any other yet that I like better than the one I have, and I would not port with my Reaper for double the price what it cost, p,oviding I could not get ono of the Aanie kind. I cut S acres of heavy Grass, in a bolt day and 12 acres heavy Grain in three fourths of a day. Signed Isam; H. GRABILL. PECLUEA TOWN,ITIP, Lauca,.ter co., March 2.9, IS5.> MR.. JOHN B. ERR. DEAR SIR:- After having used the McCormick Reaper and Mower for a season we must unhesitatingly Nay that it is a very good Mower, and as a Reaper, it is not equalkd by any other Reaper that has come under our observa tion. Its construction to wimple and it is easily kept In repair; We, therefore. take Plea , are in str, , ugly rerun, mending it to the farmer- of our C. , on' rY, who de.c 0 Mower and Ree per Cunt bine. , l in la, M., chine, us the very beet that can be übiained Re.pr.cteully Sour, SA MUM, ItE S, HENRY HES-, SIHS SENER, BENJ SNAVELY =EMI 1 ant prepared to furnish any amount of certincaDoi iir evidences of the great superi.aiiy of tines, machine's, from the mo-t respectable farinsrs ..f Lancaster :Did Lelia uou C.Plllllit, who have used them in all kinds of grass and grain. Sir sArge,' year , punt. with perfect ioitrisfaciiou For farther particulars h pair ed np. Application , for Machines siimld lie made early. Repairs of all kind eous.antly on hand. Apply per ,onslly, or by letter, to N 13 FEB, Litig, Lai:master co, In. Sole Agent for Lange-it.. and Lebauen counties, Lir-3= Th e lent. JttilN H. ERR wiii lie in Lanca-ter city, at the Keysione House, EVERY Mt iN PAY, nail Di Lebanon. at Endres Bomberger's. Hotel LVERY FRIDAY. april 21 St 22 Allen's Improved Mower & Reaper MANUFACTURED AT ERCILDnUM, CHEs TF.P. CIL. P.A. ?THESE 1;1‘.1iii:‘•:- ji_ or 0 DOW etfered to 0., • : the Farmers of Lancs.,. r . .. ~.,1 .., e ott wy. They have been ~,, , ....i , very thoroughly tested du A , ~ ring several harvests and arey ) 7: - warranted entirely superior ; ,. ,5,..i ,_ .1" , ..,,,,? „,,, ui any other machines in nse. VII , i I:' .. , .;:- - -?2.k There lo 1411.11, .10 ° of these ?. 1 . ) 1 . ...,;,.„ 6 , Mowers iu use iu Ch. , ster Si '!s.. , I . ~,, " j- county county :lion, z-,a ,- = x - , - -,, They are made both single Is' 4 4 p-1 4 , and combined. Several of : 4 / R .. , , - 1 ,, the single machines have I,III:,, • , N. been used in this county, as , ~,), 1.,7,1v . , will be seen from the follow- ... ;.,...IFl:e' s -, . ing certificate, : , .:''V''': ,-.7. CERTIFICATES._ ; -.. M ANO R, LANCASTER VO ,PA ; 1e5 ,,, ,,74i..,.1, Mr. P Caleb ierce. Dear Sir: ~ , - 1 - • ---._. I would say to the Farmers •; 4 1,.___. - ,. ri that I have purchased an 4, - , , ...,_, tI:. -= ..t ,, , , ,.• la • ..,. Allen's Mowing Machine. and , •,g-.• . - "Ie . -,-:::' ' „ think it excels auv Other ma , t• ' -: .- - - *a..„ chine ,iu use, and does the , - ,..... , Cif-r. It .." :.: work one third easier for the ~-:".-,..---::,... , ,`, team. I also purchased the -- N e w Tork 'Reaping Machine, the same season and like it well, I think it it one of thu greatest improvements_ of the age C. Pierce need Allen's Mower last deacon. I w as better pleased with it the more I nced it. I woo sur prised that it required no more power, (my gratis was unusually hoary,) my two horses did not worry at all. 1 would advice my fellow (Armen: if they want a perfect Mower, to take Allen's Machine. Caleb Pierce:—l have been lining the Srm York Reaper for four year-, and like it very well. I would not be Wit boat for double tile cost. I ale, got one of Allen's Patent Mowers eel cut :11l my gr. with it. I have cut due meadow gra,, and found it to work wall I recommend thin a aciiiun to do bolter work than eve can get done with the i-eythe. NEW YORK REAPER This Machine is capable of cutting from 15 to 20 acres per day, and do it better timn can be done by hand. Fanner. wishing Machines will do well to order early or call upon the Agent who will be in Lancaster every Monday, at Cooper's Hotel. C. 0. HERB, Agent. Manor I'. 0., Lancaster co. [May e —2na. rid 0 F ARM FRS. [(Twenty 00, r e ,,t om r ? .) P EV SSON'S CELEBRATED GENUINE l'01:1)1; Err E T Only Trie: The gratifyin, insults Fartnitrs and Gardeners have :net with by the use of is a sure cut tee of its Ferliliaintt tinalit., and have induced. by itri Large and for ea , illg dettiund. many persons to palm off a spurious article under Ow tilt tre to guard against which Mr. I l eys,tn would request all Partners arid Gar deners to see. previous purclut•ln.r. that dealers have his Cortnioste dutes t.:nth them toeet! his GENUINECNAI , I;I,TERATED laltlittETTE. Mr. Peys wal trill attee time pleasure in one pogiti,n of his Vet:tingle. thereby Farmers and Gardenttis of its purity and surioriortty ev, !trip ,rti_ cle ever offered for the improvement of Agrienlinre iu America. N. 11.-1'44 44 - 45•4 t Ivo 4154 4'555554k or 15%. 1111111,“11 , ,Vll, Iqi 1 . 0 4.-1,4, 444 It •It••. thi , 4; tvlily •4f 1.55•11••tre!•••i. ,;•i••••• ~ tit 41.1.• fsr 0,5; 4,r• 5541 I ;1,1415,, r 5; 45‘,. i• . 11.1 I :on 4•54,• :44•544454ct0rin,, t1 4 ;44 •15-5 . 44: I • 44451 iot , .•••5•144 , i541 t- 4.514p1y ;Ito trsl4 .it n 44 •••••.4t.4 145 r 14,41,1 i• •••••4•I ••f 1., 45•44t5. prim • ,1 45 ,4441 for 4115 1 , 54441ret44•15,4454111444,, , 4 .4 54 , 44 r silt 4 , 11:4,—N•4 I 444•1•1,14i:V••• I 1.0 4141;41441 , 1•i•.5f.44.1541••••--i;::IN ., V 5,;•• 1:•••••I •415.1 4551 of NV1444 Ibury N Fit 11 . 146 544:4. A v . i t; ;;;,. N";;, ; C.+11 , , hill ;051 F44411;114 str••••tg. if-14 16 354 5 T IIE UN I TE I, IIvIEMOCRATIC anil Irtyrr tr ri. I.Avit, ti• I I r prrn, 311.1 ourrer.upiird. exotrio lry iLi. I:.•lir,v. Thr• rrt t ht• \ havirigprcrrivrrrl ..h h,' Ihrturrcr.i;ie irr,r4 th,ualtrolt orGri try.—and u, 1111 thr -'I .I qulrsr,llrrrri, wi:lt .1 _ dntw—it is ka , t. e l eal 14,r. CluLe ni Five. '• Ten. Twvilty All Postinamters are requested to art as agents. anil up .n the receipt of s!ii (i 0 from any Ignnt. a Sixth riTy Cr - the nerieW Will be farWardeil to his gratis. tor one year. GallalUlliCatialla Ia i,.• C SWACKIIANIER. U. S. liiimoi•naTic Reviews' . mar J If :!.:35 Broadway, N. V. ETT CASH DRY GOODS HOUSE. orENING 110 500151 coon+l --- 11 EYRE A: LANDFILL. 14eirth andArch,ice, / 0 , !' hue',/, ore now offering a full stock of NEW Got WS FOR SPRING OF 1555. FASiIIoNAI•LE I;o.DS. {ILL'S t e :I.; inch., wide. Sprin, Dregs Goods. Newest Shawls. in fl the Newest Styles, British, French and American Chintz°, Full :tack of Domestic Good, Full Stock of European Goods. N. B. Bargains In Seasonable (lola's. Mille received from the illetkr, f New York nod Philadelphia. P. S. ,derchants are invited to examine the Stork— TERMS, Nett Cash, and low prices. 1,1 SCHAEFFER AND SON, L. No 1 and 2. Corner of East King and Centre Square, Lancaster. leep constantly on baud a • large assortment of SADDLERY for sale. whole Zit. sale and retail, consilting of Patent Steel Spring Saddles. Mailer and every other sty Ic. single and able C AGE LIM: NESS. Pied Spring. Soi. Loather TRUNKS. tlarriatre WILD'S. Velvet. Brussel CA I PET liAt;S. and Ladies SATCH ELLS and Summer lioltSE Cir VERS. We would call the al tendon of Farmers and Storekeepers to our asriortment of superior Leather WHIPS, and abet to our variety of FLY NETS !Vont different manu facturers. - - N. B.—At the State Agricultural Fair hell in Lanvaster. October lSi2, Pit EMIUMS were awarded to them fur S-ol dies and Trunks, and the Harness compared favorably with others. [aug 11 If 30] E. S. A SON. CHEAP FOR CASH. WHITE LEAD AND El NC of the best quality, at 7 cis per lb.; Superior CIIIII YELLOW. 15c per lb.; CHROME GREEN, 10 and 15 cts. p 4 lb.; ULTRA MARINE BLUE. best quality. - !c. , t, 50 cis. per lb.; CHINESE and PRUSSIAN BLUE, 'I.. es;vv, 50 U. per lb.: TILDEN'S CABINET VARNISH, ‘• from $1 25 to $2 00 per gallon; COACH VARNISH, extra quality. $2. 50 per gallon; GRAINING MEDIUM iu 011, and DESTIMPER, and other Colors equally low. .IQ Also WATER PROOF LEATHER PRESERVATIVE FOR BOOTS, SINES, HARNES3, and every description of Leather. L. BRADDOCK, 34 North 12th street, above Market, Philadelphia. mar 30 3m 11 BENJ. LANDIS MANOR, LANCASTER CO.. PA. C. B. HERR LANCA,TER CO., PA First CIA,., . •, did (3,5. e. Third Class. Fourth Cies c 17ru. 5 et, 13 els. 1 1 1•dir. cts. per barrel. h. , )fetal. 10 " •• 100 Ihs. ARTICLE: , GE . 1, CI, AriS. Fritt.ll DION and Shoes, Nate in Batts, l' e d d r and Wooden Were. Fort,- h Ale in bottles, Dry Goods, Poultry in coops, DAVID 0. HERR. Pink. (fresh.) Fnrruitnre, Poultry, ( d re s sed.] t' ' • t••,11.. 1111111 111 .1 nu. tlllrlib.r %%in 111.•vt AVllit a. MIME . '" ,tr, 40 09 XTIDIAT CITY lIIAPSPLENDIDLY IL LUSTRATED WITH LARGE COLOILND The subscriber being about to publlsh a beautifully Illus trate.] Map of the city of Lancaster, respectfully solicits the patronage of the citizens to the new enterprise. The Map will be very minute in Its details, being a com plete plot of the city with all the new nod contemplated streets and alleys, and all the original town lots, numbered as recorded, together with is ground plan of all the build ings sea they stand on their respective lots. tho Schools, Colleges, with all Churches, Hotels, Stores, Manufacturing Establishments and all the °Rives of professional men in the city, distinctly named and colored, and the niunos of all the subscribers duly inserted on the PI trgin, making It not only a complete map of the city, but also a business directory; and, in connection with all this, there will be from fifteen to twenty-five original views of Residences, Churches, Colleges, and Manufacturing Establishments in the city and vicinity beautifully colored, the natural color, as I make all my own sketches and color them on the spot, and have them lithographed in the highest style of the art. Samples of which can be shown that were published in West Chester sad Chester county, which have never been equalled by any views published on any map in the United State. Having had considerable experience in map pub lishing, and having devoted a gre a t deal of time to the art of perspective drawing. I fatter myself that lam able to produce beautiful life-like pictures that cannot be excelled, and in fast defy all competition in this style of Map pub lishing. All persons wishing views published on the city map, or having property they wish plated in, will please leave orders at J. Franklin Reigart's office, Fulton Build legs, which will be promptly attended to by the subscri ber. THOMAS J. KENNEDY. jai). 2S tf 28 _ _ TEREOSCOPE S 2--T hese wonderful and universally admired pictures. which appe,,, na ound and solid as sculptured marble, aro taken daily at JOHNSTON'S SKY-LIGHT GALLERY, corner of North Queen and Orange ste. Daguerreotypes of every size and style, taken et rho lowest. prices. Lan ~t.,, joy. 10 tr. 7.2 THE. DINING ROOM COOK, VIE STOVE FUR THE FARMER. The undersigned would ask the attention of Farmersand Others to his newly patented WOOD AND COAL STOVES, called the •Dining Ito 'm Cook." which possesses advanta ges not found in any other. The oven is perhaps larger than that of any other stove, being 16 by i 6 inches in the clear, while its peculiar construction is such as to omit an unusual degree of heat in a large room with a trifling con sumption of fuel. For the Dining Room of the Farmer it supplies a want long felt. and for this purpose it was wm structed under the personal supervision of the underAgned. dec 1 tf .16 G. D. SPRECIIER I\l' KW YORK WINE & LIQUOR STORE. lr ADAM lIkIGART, Wholesale and iteiail Dealer In FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS. No. 6. North Duke Street. next doer to the ofßee 74 the - I NTELIAGENCER,” 3.11.1 directly opposite the Court House, Lancaster, Pa. The subscriber take this method of informing the pub lic that he has just opened a large assortment or WINES and LIQUORS of the choicest Brands and Quali ties. Haring made arrangements with sonic of the tint houses in Cognac and Rochelle. enables him to furnish to his customers, upon the most liberal terms, the fullowinti ',rands of c , nine and Rochelle Brandies: of Attn. HENN ESY. I . INET C.ASTILLION. T. lIIM ES. MARTELL. StAll It ETT. PELLEVILSIN. .1. J. DEPUY tt CO.. A. SEIIGNETTE, ,tc., WIN ES. 01,D °Poi:To. CLARET, MA I)EIRA, TEN ERI FFE. MUSCAT and MALAGA WINKS, Hof Vari,US brands luta qualities. Holland Gin. Scheidion Schnapps. Jamaica Spirits. Scotch and Irish Whiskeys: Poach. Apple. Lavender, Blackberry. Clirry. oin per and Brandies; Cordials. Wino Ritter, Amsterdam Bitters. he. Alao. Agents and Solo Proprietors c.f the OLD WHEAT WHISKEY. Constantly on band, an extrusive stack at Old Man,- gahels Whli.krys of variaus grades, some of which he cuarankes In ellperior to any in the ronntry. Ati guile from this ostabiishment a, guarantied to else ist . actian. with On• privilagr of being returned CII.I)IPAGNI. BrIiGUNDI", 1.1511.-N. .1.19 CK A VING FUND, FIVE PER CENT I N T E S T. N,I77 , i_VAI,.SAFETY TRUST FO.ll PA NY F.Tic Err, MIME= P 'HATED BY THE SLIT!: OF PENN. I. \ is iii y .11111. .4 . iiml tist thy tii day , .f withdrawal The oil', is ti; , , eviiry day frt.] P oitil..ak in tho morn nir.t.t till :i tho and tin Monday tud Thur , day 1111 ENN tilt, Prosiilent, lit It] in; it. ViCI. WM..I R1...ED.: 1 ,1 , A1, M111..11,111:1 li.nry 1.. Bronnrr, I V. C.L , 1 , 1 BrewAt.nr, Edward I. Cart,. .1.,1-ph li. Blrry, Fran., L.+. Samuel E. Ashton, C. Lan.ltr:llntn, 11, my nlteTidorft r. C, , any i= rrc,nrnd and para.-tits n 1 In drily without mak, 1.0 nr... made in REA I. ESTATE MUHT ;AG ES..; ri /UN I) RENTS. an.: ',lt'll tat Class seourities the n quires. feb '23 If II 0 C A7.F It E IC. lII' NOTICE—The I'ENNSYLVANI.I CiOIPANY are n.ow t.. Mlld FREIGHT betweenPhila deiidda. Phil, deiidda. I.nnr:wter and t'olumbiii, at the fidlowing rites 1... ired : }4l , :r w E PHILA. AND CI /I,IOOSIA. Eho , ,. Third - Chisss. Fourth Chu 15 Pt, 16 etc. 14 rts. N. pvr harr.4. l'iz ht cta . oor 100 pounds. 11111'11 . 11EN PHI LA. AND LANCASTER. Feathers, NV niiii;ina Paper. ARTICLES OF 2a CLASS. Appli.s, llliilas , ,, Chin,i. )li , l“n.i. Clover ,ii iiraag S,ell. (SI. in.. :,1“ or bar,' Crlckery, Paper in bnxns. Cand.es, Ikeitebtiard. Casks Barrels, (empty.) Peaches. (dried.) rneeries. Printinp; Paper. Guns Paper Ilerrin4 in boxes and bents, QueenSware• Hardware. Sweet Rota toes. I hips. Tolawain In hale, Iron, hoop. band or sheet. Tea, Leather, Liquor in wood, Shills and Mni I,:e Turpentine. ispts.,) Mnuments, Varnish. ARTICLE: OF 1D CLASS. Alcohol, lkitatoes, I 'oil), Turnips. Vinegar. Lard. White- Lead, ysters S Clams, (in nbell.) Window ()lass. Totim•co. (manufactured.) ARTICLES OF hem CLASS. Coltish, t'otton, Salt, Fish, salted. Tobacco, (leaf.) Grain of all kinds, Tin, Nails and spikes, 'far, Pitch. Whiskey. Plaster. C 9 . EPr forther int,rmation. apply to 5..1. SNEEDER, Freight Agent, MIMI. E. K. It ICE. Freight Agent, Columbia. W. If. MYERS, Freight Agent, Laticaste ly 30 lAROLINA YELLO'.• PINE FLOOR i;,)Altus. 50,000 Feet Caro.ina Yellow Pint. Dr. s-.-1 30,000 Do. Codr•etse.l. 3(1,1(0(3 No.l and 2. pLA6TEI:I:,(I, LATHS. reeeiv-1 ...I tar sale at Clwo..tr's Latelior. on the Apply to GS . %) , 'ALDER Ea,t ar It.Alllcer sl. , Lancaster. • TIOVE"'S LIQUID HAIR DYE.--The testimony of Prof. Booth nod Dr. Brinckle haying pmciouosl lwenlowing 18 : I. 11,C f..rmerly Pro!,,ssor of Theory and Practiee of )halieine in the Female Medical College of Benmiylvania. met late ProfeFs, of rturgery iu tho .smerican eolleg o of .:11edieino. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 27th, Mr. E trial of n o t r LIQUID HAIR 1.11 , . trill r •,, ins, the most skeptic:o, that it is a s , fr. and ri;; , 701 , ,us preparation. Unlike many other., it ha, in several instances proved serviceable in the cure of um cutsnc, it eruptions on the hp.ndand I have no he,i• tat ion in commending it to those requiting such an appli cation. v, r y r,...r,ct fully, J. F. X. McCLOSK EY. M. D. HOVER'S IVRITING MOVER'S WRI— TING INKS. still ruaint yin their high character, %%Melt has always distin guished then,. and the extensive demand first created, has cuuttnued uninterrupted until the:present. Orders addressed to the Manufactory. No. 416 RACE St. al.ove FUCETII, (old No. 1440 Pidledelphin. will receive prompt attention by daelbt(.4S JOSEPH E. 'OVER, Mannfecturer. IARD.--A Cash Bushiess Exclusively. CHARLES A HAMS. Soul Rai+t Corner of Ills lim and Aami streets. Philadelphia. imorMs his old emPoniers. and the buyer, M DRYrluuta (3 EN KRALLY, that he is ❑ink ing extra ex.-rti,nc for the prosecutimi ut lil4 business cooling season. and in order to enable him to purchase goo P a 0.5,11, atl•! sell them at the 0015051 .11111.001 PRICES, Ile has decided to sell at tie sthallest possible advance FOR CASH E CSI FEL ! lie ha.. 4 reduced the price of most of the Goods in Store, and has now open Many SEW 60005, suitable 16r thesmvon, to which will he made daily additioos. Care will he taken to accommodate FRIENDS and Plain PER. , rNS generally, us heretofore. NEW DifF,Ss GoODS. SHAWLS, LINENS and FUR- NiSIIING GOODS generally. Purchasers will find great advantage in giving an early tlui motto being •. the nimble sixpence is better than the slow shilling." The situation is central, and the store well lighted. mar 23 3m 10 RE 0V A L has. e thin day re to nor new Buiikin ii on, in EAST LUNG ST., where the Banking business in its varied branches will re ceive nor best attention. Interest on deposits will be allowed as heretofore. Drafts on New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore con stantly for wile. Stock. Bonds, and other securities bought and sold In Philadelphia and New York— and information given as to their relative value and prospects. Uncnrrent Bank Notes bought and sold, and premium allowed on old American coin. Persons entrusting any business to us, whether money imURIMING'S UNRIVALLED HAY on deposit, or for purchase or sale of Bonds or Stocks, may k j STRAW AND FODDER CUTTER, Star depend upon prompt and faithful performance of all con- Corn Sheliers, Horse Powers, Threshers, Grain tracts. I Fans, Root Critters, &c., in large variety. The members of the firm are Individually liable for all BOAS, SPA.NGLER & CO., Its obligations. JOHN GYGEIL, & CO Seed and Implement Warehous a, ROW. CLARIESON, Cashier. mar 2tf 7 • fob 2tf 3 6 27 Market at., below 7ht. mum GREATEST MEDICAL DISCOV -1 EBY OF TUN AGE.—Dr. KW17.11201, of Roxbury, has discovered, in ono of our common pastnre weeds, a remedy that cures from the worst Scrofula down to a common pimple. lie has tried it In over 1100 cases, and never failed except in two cases, (both thunder humor.) lie has now in his possession over two hundred certificates of its virtue, all within twenty miles of Boston. Two bottles are warranted to cure a nursing sore month. One to,throc bottles will cure the worst kind of Pimples on the face. Two to three bottles will clear the system of Biles. Two bottles are warranted to cure the worst canker the mouth or stomach. Three to five bottles are warranted to cure the worst case of Erysipelas. One or two bottles are warranted to cure all humor in the Eyes. Two bottles are warranted to cure running of the oars and blotches among the hair. Four to six bottles are warranted to cure corrupt and running ulcers. One I,;)ttle will cure scalp eruption of tho skin. Two to three bottles are warranted to cure the worst cases of ringvorn. Two to three bottlei are warranted to cure the moot des• perste case of rheumatism_ Three to four bottles are warranted to cure tho sal rheum. Five to eight bottles will cure the worst rase of scrofula. A benefit is always experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted when the above quantity is taken. Render. I pedalled over a thousand bottles of this In the vicinity of Boston. I know the effect of it in every rase.— So sure as water will estinguish tire, so sure will this cure humid - . I never gold 2, 122,th, of it, but that sold another: after a trial it always speaks for itself. There are two things about this herb that appear surprising; first, that it crisis in our pastures. suite! plitCvr , yui:e plentiful. mud yet its value has never been known multi! I discovered it in I , 46—se owl, that it should cure kinds of bunion r 1 ,, -iV , • i•ien no •Itoli-t1 ' And grey pkgapopularitytit the dim--very, will state that in ls., April, 1,53, I peddled it and situ about six bottles per day—in APril, 1551, I sold erne one tines :and bottles per day of It. Some of the wholesale Druggists who have been in the business twenty and thirty years, say that nothing In the 505510 of patent medicines ',ls over like it. There it universal praise of it from all quarters. In my own practice I always kept it strictly for humors t:s istroillic 1-, a , a genera' family mediine. MM=M=MI=I rleveral rl,l, of epileptic tits—tt ;Ikea., which was always teedt,dered in •urable. have dee° cured by 3 few bottlett.— tl, what a utect.y it it ;ores, efT,tual in all eases ttc that ttsrlbl Ittaltedt —there are dut few who have Feel, mutt fit than I have. 1 kilo., of -everal ea.,: D.ousy. till of them rt.t.il cured Le it. For entiom of the Liver. Stoic Fen r and Ague. tetth iu the , ide I , l:ease, of the an pm-knit* in &seas, of the lil,lllOlS. the din vet . , 1110 11'110 !wire plod tin in .v 1,11 nr 11. S. .11,,0 ONllr.t evor tieceesary--eitt the best you get and e 11011. 11 h of it. DIRLCI - 10N , I.:,E.—Adults onr iAblo spooufill per day ell our too Scar- deasert spoonful. Child roll from fire to vi.Mtyoars tea •poon MI. A: II?, dire c tions can he applicable to 1,1 oo ,a ritutiors. ke sufficient to operate ou the bowel!, uric. a day. Thiounietured by A I,D KENNEDY, Warrco et., Roxbury. Manx. Prico, Ag.•bb+ —Now York city, C. NI. Clic:knot, SI Barclay s;root ; C. 11. 1112 Broadway; Rushton LS Clark. 171 . • 11,adway; A 11. A D. Salbls. 100 Fulton ot. So it; 11,11,t0r by .1 Itr. an 8 Co.. Wholosale Agonts, No. 11 . _I :boo str,ot ; ul. by 1.. Po,t &Co. ; 4 0n. 1.1.11a , 101phi0.. Ac nt. in Lanca , 4or —.l 111. NV in 0. Baker, ~‘ \Veli IL 11. A. r. ,, ,4.xti,•14. 1. 144:,1,11 4• 1.44, F 1, ug nug 4 ly 1()NICS 'II,"()N'T 13():- 7 1'lley never ,11,1 111.1 r si.l. It I. tioi3 1..11.11 1111. • 111, 11i t /11• Thu 1,11, ••1 sil s .ini shit It., niht this ('V its Nittinill A 1111,131, 1, 1•11 Ity 11111111/- 1•••sIS 31 slos . Fo3ori nod Ai:un C Curt this Anti dote 1.. kL•.••1 111 irei 1., it ten p. ifis•tly 111..111.•111.•. V' • • -I:111.1110 1•1' Ilit. choutist, .1. it. : V... 1, 11. this nit:it:hi...l hi every 1s os •I 1 it 1,111 110 uu harm. Tli • is hint can 1. Arsiiiiic. or 1113 intik m ....isionco. its thi ir LIS , . IS ruinous to t h.. .ionstitti ;lot, brings ini which iiiivor iillows pot . - son iii 1..1 will cos 1•13,1111 111 to. In illustra tion Those truths 1 1111111, s .1/11. I 1.• IX 113.111 It loft, Just roc, Ingo it Ph, A 1;,1.111,,. I.t I [!„• .• r it`t.: 1....•11 Int WllB zr. , wing twt 01;in bsitig Thr ••• ps,-1,- t,,ui • 1tu, , ,” all of ca•es d F.., ,r. ,d IZLIMV Wi Th, ) Qui,lide and •r iwestehmally missing .t chili. Jolt it s.,e, lee la all h casic , .) slowly. we Ms therm dut. al, t Meted;Meted; t 110 lonintainto for other and ect. al erer maladies. I did 0110 , ,,e1 in ell-nog .1 radical cure of all Ihree of these eases with your remedy. 51111 they Lave ma had a chill 511100. In all three of these cases the “Smith's Tonic - had been used. and would, se betore ela ted. Itreali the chill, but after a peridd dr two had elapsed would r, turn. I think the,: will be no iligieulty 1111 W in giving to your 'Core - Ow advantage gnauul of any hiller rtunetly now iu hero, A., hr. WILLIAM BUCKNER.. M. D. Klele's Favor and Ague Cure. or Antidote to Malaria. roily hxriolitee remedy in existence, iv equidtv certain n pe,,,•titive. s e en "Cure" Take it when y.. 0 feel the you will never have a sinitle 011, F or s n i e ),) C. A. IleinD.ll. King, Dr. • NVelch ons„lonn I.,onierstnit.h. I.ntr,,,g,r, and Drug,. nit. gen ern June 17 ft :V Where lie has bl,ll In successful practice for a number of years, received his education in the best Medical College in the United States, nail bad the experience and practice in the different Hospitals tie several years: a member of the Analytical Medical Institute of New Turk, 41111 late Medical Surgeon of the U. S. Navy, now offers himself to the public to attend ally professionarralls. The purest medicines always on hand direct from the best Laboratories of our country, and the Botanical Gar dens of the world. Nu patent medicines prescribed or recommended. Medicines used only which will not break down the constitution, hat will renovate the system from all injuries it has sustain.' from minend medicines.— Chronic and difficult diseases lutist he treated ripen analyt ical principles; which Ir t.O know and ascertain what the— se is. Its nature nail character require a knowledge of the chemical constituent of every solid and fluid of the hu man body—the changes those solids and fluids are capable of undergoing. To know what medicines to employ to cure diseases, requires a knowledge of the chemical con stituents of all agents employed in medicines, and if we are in possession of this knowledge, it 18 possible to cure any disease—nu matter of how long standing—and leave the patient in a healthy and perfectly cured condition! DYSPEPSIA, that distressing disease and fell destroyer of health and happiness, undermining the constitution, and yearly carrying thousands to untimely graves, can most em phatically be cured. IDIELIMATISS, ill any Corm or CODIDDOII, chronic or acute, warranted curable; Epilepsy, or filling sickness, all chronic and stubborn roses of Female Inseases radically removed; Salt Rheum, and every des,-ription of ulcerations; Piles and Scrofulous Diseases, which have baffled all previous medical skill, can b-s cured by my treatment, when the constitution is not exhausted. I do ,ityolldisoase,.(yes. Cos.cmPtioN) c:o1 be cured. CANCER CURED WITI1G121"1 - 1111 KNIFE. I will remain in try (Mice on Wedoesday4 and Saturdays, from 9 o'clock, A. M. to 3 P. M.. to accommodate patiens from a distance, and consult in the English and German languages; will make visits to any distance If required; may Le addressed by letter, Fulton Square. Lancaster city, Pa. [may 19 Iy I , j W. 11. WITMGR, M. D. RORER T Ay . A DDIS NEW AND MAGNIFICENT Alt BRI TYPE, DAC. (.; ERR EOTY PE, ELA INOTYPE Els! King Sir , el. n.nlrl I/ opposite. Emu's .S7ore, Having a nett and conon.cli , am Northerh Sky Light erected for the purpose. p rength, brilliancy and softneds which makes it art.urpaes.l by any light in the country. Innrrancing On, eallery. I have paid particular attention In eeleelnig inttrunnintr er approved manufacture, and all the recent improvement: , pertaining to the Aintorte type and Dagnerreet pt. A MB /: o T ES. This boantitnl pen ,, a tilirrh et lane how fob nn such a hold t.ri the picture e •uttlitiltiti, is priwtiseil In all Its vried nrancln.s. These pictures arednr.oilo,suneeptibleof he a autinit and life-like e luring. ran etisdly Le seen in any light and when lit id.. by es perie...s.tl operators, combine cooly beautil ill effect , . Th. Attila ..typen tootle at thin Ortlrortt•rized I.y oti,,gth. depth of tone, bril liancy, p,isitienn arti , tie natin II roleritt g and beauty of tini•th. ',min: a gent p .s,esstt g rare merit. and which de- l'erwile having chi.,l:4, tvleoe likeneesee they have heretol,e been u m o hie oLtnia have only to roll at my itntnenee shy Light Gallery. wh,v they eon be token in ECU\IL and a sati.,:fadory picture learranted. MEL A P ES taken on IRON ' , IA prl,Flltini: the saute ttpit..strance Anthrt.typt t.a.tt itnt-rtsil In I. lirnnstlnns, Itingx or any style , of Past, t tooooun . DA G UE Eo TYPES The groat lurai)ility of a good hazuerrentype, has been tick now I,.dged l,y every one. and win, made lightly In the prettiest picture knwn. 'laving every farility for practis ing this Ivautitul art, either In CRAYON Olt STEREO— SCOPE:, the public ore requ• stud to examine specimens on a new arch inip , oved style. PHOTOGRAPHS rill PICTCR ES ON PAPER. in every style, and made with rich dark tones, so much ad mired i n fine ste e l e n,savlngs. Persons wanting a number, ran obtain them at reduced [wires, and MN well executed as the productions of the nmst noted rhotegraphers In the country. A large and beautiful assortment of fine GILT FR A MES =Ol direct from the manufactory, Oval and Square. especially made for Ambrotypes, Daguerreotypes Irc. These frames will be sold filled with good pictures at a little more cost than an ordinary rase. of every description w uitable for all styles of Pictures In corroboration of the the public are invite,: to call And examine Bpeolinena on exhiXiiiin at my Gallery in EAST IL I NG St., over the Camorn , Paper CO:8 ,Store. my 191115 It. W. ADDIS. TEW BONNETS AND NEW STYLES. L. BAUM, No U. North Queen Street, opposite the Franklin House, hasjust returned from the cities of 11.11.• adelphim and New York with his new styles of Ern ING BONNET:i ,I \ - b MILLINER GOODS. o which he offer, to the publiii very low. Ills etock consists of White and Colored Straw Bonnets, at any price. Flats, Men's, Boys' and Infants' Hats. Tkene, Ilalrlace and (limp of every and stale. Biiont.lS and all kind of Millinery work made to order, and alwats g std assort went of heady Made Goods 00 as to .0 nil customers. BONNET MATERIALS of every quality. melt as Silk, Crape, Tissue and Blond, of all co lors, a large assortment of Ribbon, a great variety of French and Domestic Flowers, Bobbinetts. Tarltons, Loons. Bonnet Frames, Rough e s, Joinbland, Silk Lars and Edging of all colors, Braid, Ladies' Dress Caps 311.1 Hair Dresses, a goad assort meat of Embroidery, Mantillas, Ilandkerchiefs, and a great many articles too numerous to mention, which he offers to the public in general very low, and cheaper than the cheapest, wholesale or retail. Come one, come all and ex amine before purchasing elsewhere. Bonnets Bleached and Pressed on the shortest notice. A good assortment of DRY GOODS on band which will be closed out very low. L. BAUM. roar 30 THE GREATEST IEBICAL p DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. EVERY KIND OF HUMOR %1.11,11 1,1 • 1 . 1, a1111 , 111ty _I. 111 I,PI, :rl,lll thu 11111,1tatIVI. 1.11,111 tt, .uwarlii , •lt he. . 1:11 , Nvitlg th:• rt.,11 JAS. A. RIDIDES, Prt,ldelle, It. 1 . W. WITMOIt, OF 'nu: CITY ..F rroultAPll NORTH ER,: SKY-LIGHT GALLERY