NEW PROCESS - IN DENTISTRY.-- CHEOPASTIO PROCESS of mounting---- ABTIFIOIAL TEETH, i :---,,__;_'--;....-- reeentiy_riatented by Dr. BLANDY,. formerly ' , Aligns Professor in the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, is car tend', one of the greatest discoveries of the present age and destined to work a great change in Mechanical Dentistry. The undersigned being the first in the State to introduce this process into practice. and which has been attended with great success, feels no hesitation in recommending it ee su perior to any other method of mounting Artificial Teeth heretofore known—the casting of the plates having great advantage over the common custom of 'swaging.' The same accuracy in fitting, perfect cleanliness, and durability cannot be obtained by any other process. sir The undersigned is alone authorized to' dispose of office rights for the counties of Lancaster, Chester, Berke, Dauphin and York. JOHN WAYLAN, D. D. B. my 19 tf 18 No. 80% North Quilen St., Lancaster. NARTIN,I NISAIDDISO. J. KINKEAD, DENTISTRY. -- MARTIN 6c ECIXECEAD taping associated together In the practice of DENTISTRY, , will endeavor to render entire satisfaction in '.111•••• all operations entrusted to their care. Being prepared lur the Mannfactnre of TEETH, we will be enabled to suit all 'cases, with Block, Single Gum or Plate Teeth, either on Gold. Silver or Gotta Percha. sa- Office—Main Street, 3 doors East of Echternacht's Hotel, Strasburg, Lancaster county. N. B.—l take this method of tendering thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore received, and hope by the present arrangement to be enabled at all times to attend to those requiring our services. aug4 ly 29 WM. N. AMER, DENTIST, respectfully inlorine his friends nod the citizens of Lancaster city and county in general. that he still continues to practice the various branches of Operative nod Mechanical Dentistry, e the office lately occupied by J. G. 3loore,on the SOUTU EAST COINER of N. QUEEN and ORANGE sta. Having been for the last eight yeers, engaged in the study and practice of Dentistry, five years of which time was spent under the Instruction and in the employlot Dr. Way lan, of this city, will. he thin., be a sufficient guarantee of his ability to perform all operations connected with Hit practice of his profession. in such a manner, as will render entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with a call. N. B.—Entrance to office 2ud door on Orange st. Jona 2 ly DENTAL CO-PART N ERSHIP.---T HE undersigned having enterrd into co-partuerBhip. are prepared to practice the various branches of OPERATIVE AND MECHANICAL DENTIS TRY, --- - at their office, in liratuph's Buildings, N. E. corner of North Quo-u and Orange streets, whore they would be pleased to wait upon their friends and the public generally, assuring thorn that all operations in trusted to their care will be performed in the most complete manner. S. NVFLCHENS I would respectfully announce to my friends, throughout the City and County of Lancaster, that I have this day taken Into co-nartnership, in my Dental 'wall 1 , .n. Dr. S. T. PIIIGU, recently of lislrimore, 'NH . and who has. within the last three Sr four months. become a resident Dentist of this city. The gentlemanly and acc,inritielating character of Dr. Prigg, his thorough and scientific knowl edge of the various in suchen of the profeesimt, his superior skill In all Its most delicate manipulations, together with the high recominendatkon he brings with him Irmo the Professors of the Sal tunore College of Dental Science, will guarantee perfect sstisfar , lon to all my former patrons and all others who may place themselves under our treat ment. By thin arrangement we will have greater facilities for a more prompt ati•ntiart to all our patients. which the want of assistance has heretofore deprived me of the ability to bestow. Persons partial to the manipulations and advice of the undersigned, and who may led a delicacy in calling for his services at the Dental office, in the event of his nut being present, will please call at his Dreg Store, No. i 7 North Queen street, in the National House R. WAS' - lAN'S NEW DRUG STORE. ..L.l—No. 60 Nord, Qneen street. Theundersigned re spectfully announces that he hdis' open, his NEW DRUG STORE ESTABLISHMENT. with a very ex tensive and complete stock of Drugs, Medicines. Chemicals, Perfumery and Fancy Articles—all fresh and pure—which will be sold at the lowest market prices. This stock embraces every article usually kept in u first class Drug Store, and neither labor nor expense has been spared In fitting up the establishment. to Insure the pres ervation of the Drugs in the best condition, us well as to secure the convenience and comtort .1 the customors. A complete assortment of materials used by the Dental Profession can also be Intel at the store of the subscriber. An improved Soda, or Mineral Water Apparatus has been introduced, the fountains of which are made of Iron, with Porcelain lining on their interior surface, freeing them from all liability to taint the water with any metalic poi son, which has heretofore been so great an objection to the copper fountains. Those who wish to enjoy these refreshing beverages can do so at this establishment without fear of be ing poisoned with deleterious matter. The entire establish ment has been placed under the superintendence of a most competent and careful Druggist, who has had many years' of experience in the Drug and Prescription business, in first class houses in l'ldladelphi and Cincinnati. The undersigned feels confident that he is in every way prepared to give entire satisfaction to his customers, there, fore a share of public patronage is solicited. may 27 tf 19 JOIIN WA TLAN, D. D. S. COPPERWARE DIANUPACTORY z , A.NI UEL DILLER lleturns his thank , for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon him. and respectfully interm: his cue. tamers and the public generallybat he still continues at the old stand, in West King street. nearly opposite Fatten Hall, and in prepared to manufacture to order COPPER WARE, in all Its various branches, and on the moot rsonable terms. Ile inviter hia country friends esprilitily ea to give him a call, as, he is confident of being able to please. LI VE RV STA 111, E. He also keeps constantly on hand, for hire, HORS ES, CARRIAGES. BARGUCII ES, &c., Ar., all in excelent order, and furnished at the lowest rates. (live him a call when you need anything of the kind. and he will suit you ton nicety. SANDI SAND!—Five lion Bred Lnail of Sand on hand, which will be delirrred to may part of the city. Horses and Carts to be had at all Guava, at the Livery Stably of SAMUEL DILLER. Wevi King Lanen.t., CE=lllll KONIGIIIAC II ER & BAti 1A ti , TAN— area and Carriers Fiore, hack of Rohr.. 3lialerwell's Commission Warehouse. fr oitiths on the Railroad and North Prince street. Cheep for Cash or approved credit.— Constantly on hand n bull assortment of all kinds Saddler's and Shoemaker's I..sithor, ut superior quality. including " Rouzer's celebrated Sole Lc:ober," also, Leather Bands, well stretched, suitable tor all kinds of machinery. of lily length anti width required. made of a superior quality of Leather, Furnace BVII,WY. 1;1,1 and ',win, Leather, tier den Hose. Tanner's Liil, Currier's Tools, Mortice., Shoe Fit:anoint. he. All hinds old Leather bought in the much; hi,liest nitres given tar Hides and Skins is 1,1111 l; orders Will Ire prompt ly attended to. tab S ly S PATENT AIIBROTYPES.--The sub— scribers having purclim.rd the exclusive hilt of Lan caster city, are enabled to off, to the public a ti.•w t h. of Pictures, far exceeding. in beauty and durability. any ever before m.,de. pictures are lit reverent. ita Jag uorrec• types areand may be seen in anylight. They at.. poss,r, the rare property of brine ht-in 4 hermetically sealed between glare plates, which it secured by Letters Patent, in the United States, Great Britain and Fratc•e, and practised in Lancaster city by T. LC Its, only, over Sprecher & Bro.'s New Store. North Queen Lancaster. El= The term AMFIROTVPE, 1, which these Pictures era desigmttol: is derived frets the (31,-el: word A vi1,,,,t05. nifying indestructibility. permanency. iv, The Picture is taken upon plate glass. to which another plate oi . ..irreg. pending size is seemed with an indestructible cement, by by which the picture will retain its original brilliancy for ages; it will not corrode by acids, nor he injured by water or climate. It is held in its effect. beautiful in tone, surpasses any thing In the gvielothitis of ii.fht and shade, and may be seen in ony light. The puldie ore motioned against imitalioLs mad, on simile plats of glass. with the Slack varnish in immediate contact wills the Picture.— buck are not permanent, an the varnish must crack and destroy the Picture. AMBItoTT STEIZESCOPES 'MUST BE SEEN, to be appreciated—the relief beinz fully us pertind lit. Citizens sad Stranger, are invited to call at the Ain bre type Gallery of the undersizned. and examine specimens before they procure Pictures elsewhere, as they are assured of polite attention sup 25 tf-31i T. k 'V. CUMMINGS .k CO. SPLENDID GIFTS AT 430 CIFIESTNUT ST.. Fll I LA fir.Ll'lllA. • THE OIeIUIN,IL GIFT BuoK STORE. G.O. EVANS wo , thl i oti,rto hi, ft iendo and the public, that he has removed his Star Gilt Boak Store and publiel, 4ng House. to tile splendid store in Proton's Iron Building. 439 CH EoTN UT etrre t. two d ,ors is,loo, EGG, whore the purchaser of each „ .olc will receive one Of the h:llo wing Otis. valued at front 25 cents to .4100, consisting of Gold, Watches, Jewelty sr. W , ,14511 550 Patent English Lover Gold Watches ..... $lOO O” each. 510 Pat-ut Arch, do. du 50 00 " 400 Ladies' Gold Watches, 1814 cases 35 00 .' 600 Silver Lever Watches, warrant e d, 13 00 ‘• 600 Parlor Timepieces 10 00 .. 500 Cameo Sets. Ear Drops stud Pins 10 00 " 1500 Ladies' Guld Bracelets, $5 00 to 12 00 •• 500 Gents Vest Chains 10 00 " 1,000 Gold Lockets, (large size double ca5e,..... 3 00 " 2,000 Gold baltets,(stuall 0100,1 . 3 00 " ' 1,000 Gold Pencil Cases, with Geld Pmm 5 00 " 1,000 Extra Gold Pens. with cases and holders, 10 5:1 " 2.500 Gold Pencil 4, (Ladies') 2 50 " 2,500 Gold Pens, with hilvor Pencils 2 50 " 2,600 Ladies' Gold Pens, with cases, 1 50 " 6,500 Gold Rings, (Ladies',) 1 00 ‘• 2,000 Gent's Gold Rings 2 75 " 2.500 Ladies' Gold Breastpins • 2 50 " 9,500 Misses' Gold Breastpins, 1 50 " 3,1100 Pocket Knives, 75 " 2,000 Sets Gent's Gold Bosom Studs, 3 00 " 2,000 do. do. Sleeve Buttons 3 00 '• 2,000 Pairs Ladies' Ear Drops 2 60 " 8,000 Ladies' I'earl Card Cases 5 On " 15,000 Ladies' Cameo, Jet or Mosaic l'ins 5 00 " 2.500 Ladies' Cameo Shawl and Ribbon Pins, 3 50 " 6,000 Fetrtdge's Balm sit a Thousand Flowers, 50 " EVANS' new Catalolue contains all the meet popular books of the day, and the newest pubications, all of which will he sold a+ low as can ho obtained at other stores. A complete attalogue of books sent free, by application through the mall, by addressing G. G. EVANS, 439 CHESTNUT St., Philadelphia. Agents wanted in every town in the United States.— Those desiring so to act can obtain full particulars by addressing as above. N. B.—ln C,CISCIO.IOIIeO of the money Crisis. and numer ous failures, the subscriber has been enabled to purchase from assignees en immense stuck of books, embracing every department of literature, at prices which will enable him to give V:00 worth of the above gifts on every $lOOO Worth of books sold. An extra book, with a gift, will be sent to each person ordering TEN books to be sent to nue address, by Express. ARP - SEND FOIL A CATALOGUE. nnv 3 2m42 . A NEW IDEA.--THIS PAYS WELL !.. SEND FOR IT! ~ For 50 cents, in coin or stamps, I send to any address, my `•Self Instructor," which I guarantee will enablee} any one , In gn right to work and make from 20 to 40 good CORN BROONIS per day. The necessary fixtures can bel;mmie by THE DINA N G R O O 111 COOK,I almost any person, at a mere trifle of expense. The Selina- THE STOlk; . FORH R TE FARNIE. grove Democrat, of August last, says: "We a 0 always The undersigned woad ask the attention of Farmersand I glad to announce anvthing new that may be turned to a others to his newly patented WOOD AND COAL STOVES, I use ul purpose. P. 1 - 1. Fisher, of this place, is dieing the called the "Di e i ng 1t 0 ..., c„,„k.o which possesses advent. ! is no small degree of service by the introdivtion of gee not found in any other. The oven is perhaps larger 1 is very simple mode of making Corn Brooms, cy which than that of any other stove, being 16 by 26 inches in then any one can make them at a very trifling cost. We cheer clear, while its peculiar construction is such as to emit a : fully re c om m e nd his "Self Instructor, as semethio worthy ." unusual degree of heat in a large roomwith a trifling cut- I the attention of all who are growing Broom Crn It snmption of fuel. For the Dining Room of the Fart it I also gives the best mode of raising and curing it.ll supplies a want long felt, and for this purpose it was con-,.. Address, I'. H. FISHER. structed under the personal supervision of the undersigned. dec 22 3149 Selinsgrove, Snyder bo., Pa. dec 1 tf46 G. D. SPRECIIER & II 13RO. - TO FARMERS.--Having been appointed by 11.-sKrs. Allen A . Needles 11.,,mts in Lancaster for the sale of their celebrated yL'l'Elt PHOSPHATE OF LIME, we would call the attention of Farmers to this Fer tilizer, It being superior to all others; and from the testi mony of those who have u.ed it for some years past, we feel authorised in saying it is tie boot application for Corn, Oats, Wheat, Grass and other crops which require a vigor ous and permanent stimulat.t, that bee Over been offered to the zublic. Apply to GEO. CALDER S CO., East Orange street, Ind door from North Queen Bt.. and at Grand's Lauding on the Conestoga. ties 8 tf 47 TIE E/NG. AND SCOURING. 'PHILIP HUDSON, FANCY Hrms, AN 95 North Thirteenth street, Philadelphia, p a ,, three doors above Cherry Street, respectfully inltrms the citizens of Lancaster county and elsewhere, that all kinds of Silks, Crapes, Ilerinoes, etc. ' are dyed in the most fashionable and permanent colors. Ladies' cashmere and crepe shawls, cloaks, Sec., cleansed and pressed equal to new; Silk dresses watered in superior style. Gentlemen's apparel scoured and dyed in superior style; in short, Dye ing In all its various branches done at short notice, and on the lowest terms. Also, Carpets Cleansed. A call is earnestly solicited, as It is very convenient for those who should want anything in the above line. Phila. mar 17 WOOD....lllokory, Oak and Pine Wood of the best quatity, for sale by GEORGE CALDER & CO., Moe EastiOrange street, 2d door from North Queen, and at Orden, Landing on the Qoneatoga. Du 20 tf 24 IDRIDGENS 9 & TALON'S NEW CITY I and I) COUNTY MAP.—The'subscribers are prepeuin to publish a new and colete : MAP OF LANCA mp STER CITY AND COIINT4 to be entirely made up of actual surveys to be taken upon the ground, and td be drawn to a much larger seal" than any heretofore issued. The enlarged scale of the wo . will admit df the great advantage of clearly designatinilevery public and private improvement, and attaching the; name thereto; also, of ascertaining with more pledger'. stray re quired distance throughout the county. Every public Road and Stream, Mill, Mill Race and Mill Dam, Store, Hotel, Post Office, Place of Worship, School House ,ilmith Shop. Ac., &c., will be act:irately shown thereon 11 The Dwellings also, with the names of owners attached4will be inserted in the prnper position. An enlarged Ci ty Plan, and Plans of the Boroughs and principal Villages, !ill be needed in the margin. A Table, showing the correct dia. tance from each place of importance to that of every other in the county, will be upon the Map; also, a Statistical Table, and views of the principal County Buildlnks. W itbout a resurvey of the whole county, an atcurate map of it cannot be published ; we have already made sur veys of a a number of the Townships, and many of , , he in habitants of the county are aware of the time and pine we have taken to perfect them. We will be equally a idnous sii ,, in our endeavors to make this a reliable and valnabi work, and hope to merit a share of public patronage. 1 The size of our Map will be at least Eve feet by fdnr, and it will cost $0 per copy. H. F. BRIDGERS, Pilll'a. auglB 6m.31 CHAS. THON, Lane' ' Tw'p. PROPOSALS FOR LOAN.--In purs4ance of the provisone of an Ordinance passed by thA Select and Common Councils of the city of Lancaster, on the 6th day of August, 1656, proposals for loaning to said ity the sum of $20,000, as a permanent loan, in sums of of less than $lOO, will be received at the Mayor's Office, for which unipon bonds and certificates of City Loan will bo . issued. Said loan to be appropriated to the payment of damages accruing from opening streets within said city. . . J. ZIMM.ERM , rI, Sept 9 tf 34 .; ayor• f 'I O ACH 111 AIKING.--The subscribe? re 1... j sportfully informs his friends and the public se ler/illy, that he still carries on the COACII MAKING, In all Its various branches, at his shop, in the aqey rum sing east from the Court /louse. rear of Sprechnr's and Lechler's llotelslancaster. where he continues to .take to order. and at the lowest possible prices, Gallia., GES of every description, of the best materials and in t. e most substantial manner. I • i f r All new work warranted. Itepairlng also attended to with dispatch. Efel fully solicits a share of public patronage. my 5 ly lo CIASTOR OIL, ARROW !lop, ../ SWEET OM BORAX, 'I ALCOHOL, CAMPHOR, 1 SPICES, CAL] IM EL, 30DA. LOGWOOD, ] :',R E AM TARTAR PEARL BARLEY JIM ARABIC, HARTSHORN, ]] , CELATI , ;E, VIALS, 1 LRHUBARB, SENNA. A LAP, SPoN ,E. Ac.. For Isaßat TIPIIMAS ELLMATEX'S apr 21 tf 14 Drui and Chorales.] Store, West Kpg et. 13g2=1 F E COLLEGEe c LEC! .. 7 I I , C ..Th wiot, r., OF ED l ession of 1857-S will commence on Monday the 12th day of Ootohpr, arid continn, sixteen weeks. A hill and thorough /purse of Lecturer will ha given, occupying six or seven hour with good opport unit ios for attention to practical A4mtorny. and with ample Clinical facilities at the Commeittial Hos pital. The preliminary course of Lectures will culnmenee on Monday, the 2Stli ,September, and continue daMy until the commencement of the regular Lectures. The arrangement of the chair= will he as fidlow.4,— T. M. F.T. J1)11:4, M. D.. Priv'essor of Anat.,ny and Physiology. J. F. JUDGE, M. D. .. . . . , . . .. Professor qf chemi.ttry am! Pharmacy. 11, A.. 7. HOWE, M. D., Professor of Surgery. C. H. di., tl A V ELAN D, M. D., Professor of Muteria Medico and 7'herapeulks. Wtt. SHERWIMID. M. D., 4 Professor of Medical Pructice and Patholo4. J. It. BUCHANAN, M. D., Emeritus Professor of Cerebral Physiology and I rstitutes of Medicine. JOHN KING, M. D.. Professor of Obstetrics and Diseascs of TiCnn,n ce Oildren. The terms for the Sessions will be the came as I . vtofore, vie:—Matriculation, $5OO. Tuition $20.00. De':, onatra tor's Ticket, $5.00. (Every Student is r-quired to enzage In dissection one session before Graduation.) Graduation, $2500. Ticket to Commercial Hospital (optional $5, 00 . The Lecture Rooms are newly finished, neat, nd com fortable, and in a central locality (in College Ilall Walnut Street,) where students will find it convenient tO call on their arrival. 11, S. WEIXII ENS. mar 17 119 Tickets for the se:talon may be obtained of thMDean of the Faculty, at his Oafce, No. 113 smith St.,,or of Prof. C. H CLEAVELAND, Secretary of the Faculty, No. 13011Soventh DEEM VANCY FURS FOR LADIES, , lIN FAREIRA A CO., (New No.) 818 MARKET ~ bogie Eighth, Philadelphia. Importers, Manufactufers and dealers in Ladies, Gentlemen and Childrs•ne FAN G{ Wholesale and Retail. .1. Co., would call the' Hendon of Dealers and the Public generally to their immellse stock of Fancy Furs for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children their assortment embraces every article and kind o FANCY FURS, that "sill be worn during the Season—sudh as Full Copes, halt Caper, Quarter Capes, Mimes, Victories, Boas. Muffs and Muffatees, from the Finest Russian Sable to the lowest priced Domestic Furs. For Gentlemen the largest assortment of Fu Collars, Gloves, Gauntlets, Ac.: heieg the direct Importers f all our Furs and Man uf,turers of them under our owrOmpervis i,n, we feel satisfied we can offer better inducMnents to d..alers and the public generally than any at* house, having an immense liaS,(Malit to select from and at the Manufacturers prices.—A2 on/y ask a cull. JOHN FAREIRA A CO., No. 81S Market Street, above Eighth, Philad'a. sep 15at CH.ESNUT STREET 11C+SE, SAMUEL MILLER, No. 121 Chesnut street. between 3d and 4111, PHILADELPHIA. BOARDING. $1 per day. T ANC AS TER MERCANTILEi COL— IA I. Li :E. Incarporatetl hy the Letti,ltrtetre of PrnOsylratitt. LOCATED No. 22, NORTH. DUKE .STELEET, opposite the Court liouso. ll T. 11. Ponock. Professor of Book Keeping. G. lit,.nnailAck,. Jr., Profess, of Penmanship. A Il Atoms Esq.. Lecturer on Mercantile Law. i A. Tit.imesms, Li.q., Lecturer on Bank Note Engraving. For circulars. containing full pirtiimlars. split - twos of PentuatirLiip. Se., address T. LL POLLOCK. Prris'l. sep 25 ti 30 Lancaster pity, Pa. riOAL.--The undersigned are now re. C etivin 4 t heir supply Of LYK ENS VALLEY COAL, BALTIMoKE COMPANY COAL. I. PINE GROVE COAL, SHAMoKIN COAL, BROAD TOP COAL, Carefully aAlected, and which they will deliver 1a good or to any part of the city at low prices. Lime burners and Blacksmiths always onl hand. Apply to GEO. CA EDEA. Office East Orange street, 2nd door from North qt eon. and at the vard at Greafre Landing, on the Conestooa. wag 19 yANCASTER AXLE DIANUFACITORY. j I h.. ,obs-ribers. under the film of WAL HILLER & CJ.. lit the 111.1) STASH IN WATER ST., will todlmfaclure to order CA:7E-11ARDENED and COMMON ALES of all nin-e, DRILL MACHINES. BRIDGE MATS, d Smith and Machine Jobbing in general. WILLIAM HILLER, Gelid. S. DILL r. PP p 2 37 9 , 11 E WELCOME VISITOR±THE i - leapc,t. and Ilanlsornent Periodical in CHICULA'FiON 100,000. This elegant and Literary and lotathly Magazine clul.t its fist volume iu June next. Urine th- few brief mo Ch. of its existence it has attained a popularity unequal yd in the annals of the Press. . . The publioher, havin4ofTered liberal Pregatunln,r enoice literary erfart, the cur ies,,ays, Ppetry, amid othsr sparkling and intere.ting reading I nire corn ein,al in January tact, and are leing pu Hailed in the Vi.itur. The new volume will be cemmenced in .1 ole. 1. 3 &7, greatly improved and eblarzed. Each number will timtkin thirty two extra large sized royal octavo pages, makirpg a mag nificent volume of nearly 4.311 pages Gar they e—or pre senting an amount of the choicest reading on ofsubjects, equal to what would rest in the [wok stores least five dollars—the whole for bay cents, pAyable hariably it advance. Sollloof the most popular and brilliant male ar female contributors are regular contributors. and the üblishers will carelll, pains or expense to render the 4, Welcome Visitor" every way acceptable to a relined and 41telligent community. The publication is adapted to all classes of p4ple—tbe young and the old—and wherever seen and peruled, meets with universal micyptation. tze- Now is the time to subscribe to the New - Volume. '.. ,- The back numbers may be had (to comple4 sets) for 3 cents each, or the Made series of 12 numbers ibr twenty live 0•13,H. 11 Liberal inducements to Clubs and Canvassers.. .g : Remember, uur terms are Fifty Cell to for iione year, for a single ciipy, or three copies will he sent ruder one rover or address tbr One Dollar. Address 1 COSDEN it COMPANY, Publishers, No. 313 North Seventh street, (up stalls.) Phil adelphia. apr i 4 ly 1.3 11 REED, IIIeGRANN, KELLY*. CO., B A Is' KB B N GRANITE BUILDING, NORTH QUEEN ST., LANC'R, Will receive money on Deposit and pay interest hereon as follows 6 per cent. for any length of time. o for one year. Collections made in all parts of the United Stales. Mosey sent to England, Ireland, Germany, France, Sc. Passage certificates for sale from Liverpool to New York, or Lancaster. Land warrants and uncurrent money bought a' d sold. Spanish and Mexican dollars, old U. S. gold nd silver coins bought at a premium. Special attention will be paid by G. K. Reed to he Nego tiation of Commercial paper. Stocks, Loans, and a market able securities in New York or l'hiladelphia. Our friends may rely upon promptness. and out personal attention to their interests In the transaction of tiny Midi ness which may be intrusted to us. and we hold ',Ourselves individually liable for all money intrusted to out! care. GEO. K. REED, RICHARD McGRANN, Sr., PATRICK KELLY, A. McCONOMY. June 23 ly 23 C , TATES , UNION HOTEL,--NO, 200 0 Market s , rest, above 6th street, Philadelphia, Pa.— The undersigned, lute of the American 11 House, Columbia, Penn,, takes pleasure In infornfing his friends, and the public generally, that he has token the above well-known and popular HOUSE, (long known as the Red Lion lintel,) which he has filled lip .with entirely New Furniture and Bedding of a ilsuperior quality. The house has also been renovated arid impro wed in a manner which will compare favorably iffith any of the Ilotels in the City, and cannot fail to a.vqsatisfac tion to those who may patronize this establishmeat. The TABLE will always be supplied with thelchoicest Provisions the market affords; and the Bar with the PU REST AND BEST LIQUORS. Nothing shall be 101 l undone to make his Guests comfortable, and he flatters? himself that by strict attention to business, he will mer i t and re ceive a liberal share of public patronage. IL W. HIN4LE, Proprietor. may 22 flB TEREOSCOPE S I--These wonderful LI and universally admired pictures, which atMear as ound and solid sa sculptured marble, are taken daily at JOHNSTON'S SKY•LIUIdT GALLF43.I7, corner of North Queen and Orange ate. We - Daguerreotypes of every size and style, taken at the lowest prices. Lanscater, june . tf-22 SPURGEGN'S NEW BOOK, THE St , AND 1119 SAVIOUR, or the soul to the know Jesus, by Rev. G. Spurgeon, kw met been received for mode by. [dee /5 *f3s] MURRAY, YOUNG!, 9 . a WITNESSES! OR, THE FORGER : 10-40 N or Tel Dm Wry:re-10 CONVICTED. WATCHES', CLOCKS, JEWELRY AND '''''' JOH: , S. DYE Is TEX AITTEOI, 11' ' .SILVER WARE. S. A. DYSART & BRO., NO. 10 A Who has had 10 years experience as a Banker and Pub- 1 WEST KING St., (near 'Market) takes pleasure in inviting Usher, and Anther of attention to their new and large stock of Goode, which com e A series of Lectures at the Broadway Tate made, prises as great a variety of all 'articles in their line as can t ,. when, for 10 successive nights, over be found in - the city. consisting in part of 114 r 50,000 People -VA I Ladies' Pine 18 Carat Hunting Lever Watches, Greeted him with rounds of applause, while he Fine Gold Hunting Levers, to exhibited the manner in which counterfeiters executed 44 o Open-faced levers, 0 their frauds, and the Surest and Shortest Silver Hunting Case 44 IN i• Means of Detecting them! 4, Open.ficced 0 The Ban7c Nate Engravers all say that he is the greatest a good assortment of LEVERS and .BPINES of Silver and 0 . Judge of Asper Honey Using. COMPaalliall OMB; QUARTTERS .ad ENGLISH WATCH -0 ("I_REATEST DISCOVERY OF THE PRESENT IES (first and second banded.) all ,ff which are warranted al ‘-m OZNSUET FOR I to keep time or no sale. DETECTING COUNTERFEIT BANK NOTES. Their assortment of JEWELRY Is the most extensive 0 Describing Every Genuine Bill in Existence, and I ever offered to the citizens of Lancaster , part of which are Q Exhibiting at a glance every Counterfeit : the following styles: PINE PAINTED BREASTPINS, 0 in Circulation!! 1 I EAR RINGS AND BRACELETS to match; CAMEO SETTS, PI Arranged so admirably, that Reference is Easy and De- FLORENTINE MOSAIC, and PLAIN EAR RINGS and r. tection Instantaneous. BREASTPINS, all of which for beauty, style and cheapness 44) .liii- No Index to examine! No pages to hunt up! ! cannot be surpassed In the city, Also, a fine assortment of 0 0. Rut so simplified and arranged, that the Merchant, ' PLAIN and CHASED BRACELETS and BANDS, with Banker and Business Man can see all at a Glance. . Cameo Setts and Medallions. Particular attention paid to 1:1 ' Jewelry of Gentlemen's wear. comprising Sleeve Buttons, O English, French and German. , Studs, Guard, Breast and Fob Chains of the beet quality; I Ribbon Slides, Gold and Silver Tooth Picks, etc. Always 44 Thus Each may read the same in his own 41 Native Tongue. e. on hand a good assortment of . Man PrIaFECT BAXIS NOTE LIST Priaisaten. SILVER WARE, Also a list of I such as Spoons, Tea, g Table, Desert. Sugar, Mustard and ALL THE PRIVATE BANKERS IN AMERICA. ! Salt; Dinner and Tea Forks- Napkin Rings; Butter and A Complete Summary of the Finance of Europe and 1 Fruit Knives; Salt Callers; Cups, Pie Knives, Pickle Knives ri Ameca will be published in each sigion. together ' and Forks, setts of Knives, Forks and Spoons for Misses.— with all the Important NEWS OF SIPIE DAY. Also Also a beautiful lot of Port Monnaies for Ladies and Gents, A SERIES OF TALES Combs and Brushes of all kinds, Accordeons, Ac. o r.) From an Old Manuscript found in the East. It far- Clocks from $1.25 to $5O, all warranted. rashes the Most Complete History of .Vili - The undersigned have, at considerable expense, got 11 4 ORIENTAL LIFE, - up a Card of Hair Work Patterns. for which they receive el and describing the Most Perplexing Positions In orders—to be executed in Philadelphia in the most chaste &, which the Ladies and Perak..o of that Country have i and durable style, and at short notice. The public are in -0 berm so often found. These Stories will continue ! sited to call and examine our stock and judge for them = through the whole year, and will prove the Most Enter- ! selves. SAMUEL A. DYSART, ~.0 twining ever offered to the Public. I JAMES P. DYSART. II Ali - Furnished Weekly to Subscribers only, at $1 a 1 Sign of the Big Watch, No. 10, West King St., Lancaster, p year . All letters must be addressed to pa. apr 21 tf 14 gl JOHN S. DYE, Broker. o Publisher and Proprietor, 70 Wall Street, New York. apr 21 13414 ID ATE OF INTEREST INCREASED,-- lA, We will pay hereafter, until further notice, FIVE AND A RALF PER CENT. INTEREST on our Certificates of Deposit, issued for one year. On Certificates for less than one year, and on transient deposits, payable on demand, PI - vs PER CENT. per annum, as heretofore. Depositors not drawing Interest, will always be accom modated in proportion to the value of their accounts. Stocks bought and sold on commission only. L'neurrent money bought at lowest rates. Collections promptly made, and Drafts drawn on Phila delphia, New York and Baltimore. - The members of the firm are individually liable for all the obligations of John Gyger ,t Co., consisting of JOIIN OYOER, BENJ. ESIILEAL&N, DAVID BAIR. 'HENRY MUSSELHAN. Rooter CLARESON. Cashier. apr 21 tf 14 132207331 IICIEW YORK WINE & LIQUOR STORE. It EIG ART A MI LIAM. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS. No. 6, North Duke Street, next door to the office , of the lxvrts.mxxci.a,” and directly opposite the Court House, Lancaster, Pa. The subscribers take this method of informing the pub lic that they have just opened a large assortment of WINES and LIQUORS of the choicest Brands and Quali ties. Having made arrangements with some of the first houses in Cognac and Rochelle, enables them to furnish to their customers, upon the most liberal terms, the following brands of Cognac and Rochelle Brandies: OTARD, HENNESY, I'INRT C.ASTI LLTON, T. HIM ES, MARTELT, MARKETT, PELLEVOSIN, J. J. DEITY & CO.. A. SEItGNETTE, WINES. CHAMPAGNE, OLD OPORTO, BURGUNDY, CLARET, SHERRY, MADEIRA. LISBON, TENERIFFE, HOCK, MUSCAT and MALAGA WINES. of various brands and qualities. Holland Gin, Scheidam Schnapps, Jamaica Spirits, Scotch and Irish Whiskeys; Peach. Apple, Lavender, Blackberry, Cherry, Ginger and Raspberry _Brandies; Cordials, Wine Bitters, Amsterdam Bitters, gc., hc. Also, Agents and Sole Proprietors of the OLD WHEAT WHISKEY. Constantly on hand, an extensive stock of Old Monon gahela 'Whiskeys of various grades, some of which they guarantee to be superior to any iu the country. All goods from this establishment are guarantied to give satisfaction, with the privilege of being returned. apr 28 ly 15 IBEEIMMITI OCAL FREIGHT NOTICE.--The I_,/ PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY are now prepared to receive and forward FREIGHT between Phila delphia, Lancaster and Columbia, at the following rates per hundred pound, BETWEEN PHILA. AND COLUMBIA. First Class. Seeond Class. Third Chess. Fourth Chess. '22 eta. 19 eta. to cts. 14 eta. Flour, IS cts. per barrel. P 1,4 Metal, 10 cts. per 100 pounds. BETWEEN PHILA. AND LANCASTER. First Class. Second Class. Third Class. Fourth Class cts. 17 cts. cts. • 13 eta. Flour, 25 cts. per barrel. -- Pig Metal. 10 •' " 100 lbs. ARTICLES OF Ist CLASS. Books, Fresh Fish. Boots and Shoes. Nuts in Bags, Cedar Find Wooden Ware, Porter & Ale in bottles, Dry'Cloods, Poultry in coops, Eggs, Pork. (fresh.) Furniture, Poultry. (dressed,) Feathers, Wrapping Paper. ARTICLES OF Ste CLASS. Apples, Molasses, Cheese. MeLlno, Clover Grass Sued, Oils in easks or barrels, Crockery, Paper in box e s, Card es, Past(' hoard. • Casks or Barrels, (empty.) Peaches. (dried.) Groceries. Printing Paper. 01111 S and Rifles, Paper Hangings, Ilerriffr in boxes and kegs, Q 1,1,119 WarN. Hardware, Sweet Potatoes, Hops, Tobacco in bales, • Iron. hoop, hand or sheet, Tea, Leather, Typo, Liquor in wood, Marble Slabs and Marble Turpentine, (spts.,) Monuments, Varnish. ARTICLES OF 3n CLASS. Alcohol. Potatoes, Coffee, Turnips, Hides, (green,) Vi nosier, Lard, White Lend, Oysters & Clams. (in shell.) Window Glass. Tobacco, (manufactured.) ARTICLES OF 4ra ChASS. Rosin, Salt, Tobacco, (leaf,) Tin, Tar. Whiskey. m s I tf 16 Fish. saltod, Grain of all kinds, Nails and 6pikez, ttfA,. Fur further infnrmation. npnly to ;. , :s; FEDER, Frei,ht Agent, Phila. E. K. 11.1 ICE, Freight Agent. Co!tumble. W. H. MYERS, Fright Agent, Lanc..oger. Iv 30 SAVING FUND--NATIONAL SAFETY TRUST COM PAN]. OFFICE. WALNL T STREET, S. W CORNER OF THIRD, PHILA Arrangements for BUStinCSS during the Suspension of Sperde ymrnts by the Banks. 1. Deposits rec”ived and payments made daily. 2. Curren , Bank Notes, Checks and Specie will be received . on deposit. 3. Deposits made in Bank Notes or Checks will be paid back in current Bank Notes. 4. Deposits made in Gold or Silver will be paid back In Coin. INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. PER ANNUM. HENRY L. BENNER, President. WILLIAM J. REED, Secretary. nov 241(45 T IVERY STABLE.--Having purchased _LA the entire LIVERY ESTABLISHMENT of William Bell, in the rear of Funk's Merrimac House, N. Prince street, I am prepm,d to hire Horses, Carriages, Barouches, &c... Sc., on the most accommodating terms. By giving personal attention tothe business and an anxi ous desire to please, I hope to merit and receive a reasona ble share of public patronage. Lancaster, sep 9 AMERICAN SAFETY-PAPER MANU FACTURING COMPANY OF NEW YORK. A. A7CHOLSON, President. _4 Perfect Security against all manner of Fraud or Counter feiting on Paper—To Prerent Photographs and Anne°, tic Counterfeits, Erasures, Transfers or Alterations. Having purchased the Patent for the - exclusive right to manufacture and sell the new Chemical Paper in America, Invented and patented in England by Henry Glynn. a cel brated chemist and, ribcer in the British army, It is hardly necessary to any that the Paper is recommended by Mr. Kent, Assayer of the U. S. Mint, Mr. Lyman, of the New York Clearing House, and Meade Brothers, extensive and skilful photographers. 233 Broadway. N. Y. The latter say that no Imitation can be mado on a check or bank note printed on tho Safety Paper. Below is our list of prices : Bank Checks-35 cis. per lb. Bank 131113—518 for 1000 sheets. Bills of Exchange—s . 2s for 1000 sheets. Promissory Nores--IC. cts. per lb. Sight and Time Drafts--$25 for 1000 sheets. Insurance Policies-40 cts. per lb. Railroad Stocks and Bonds-40 cents per lb. Bank and State Stocks—lo eta. per lb. Bonds and Mortgages-40 cts. per lb. Wills and Deeds-10 eta. per lb. For wrapping Silks and other fine articles it is excellent, as it prevents moths. 40 cents per lb. For Indentures and Agreements-40 cents per lb. All State and County Records should always be printed or written on this Paper, as the chemicals inserted in the pulp not only prevent erasure or transfer, but make it lasting as time. Fur Southern Climates it is excellent, and much sane rier to any other; as the moistness of the climate does not destroy It: properties inserted in the pulp being a preventative. In all the southern states, Cuba, the West Indies and the Central American States. no public records can be kept over 20 years, written on the ordinary paper, while the oils and other hemicals inserted in title Paper makes it indestt actable by the ravages of time. It is also proof against moths, rats and other vermin, which feast on and destroy all other paper now In use. The Company have now in operation Mills in Morris County, N. J., of about 300 horse power, and are able to fill all orders for Paper at the shortest notice. All orders for the Paper must be addressed to A. NICIIO LAS, President of the. Company, No. 70 Wall Street. aug 4 • 0m 29 - EIDEMOVAL--Earthen and Stone Ware. IL—HENRY GAST & SON have removed their Wareroom to S. Queen street, directly opposite the Odd Fellows' Hall, where they keep on hand a large assortment of EARTHEN AND STONE WARE, INT of various patterns, and are prepared to furnish Terra edge of Gotta work, Garnishing, Mouldings, and other kinds of and is Ornamental Work. The manufactory is still continued at 00. the old stand in South Queen creel. apr 21 tf 14 JOHN P. FETTERLY. [l'34 CAPITAL $500,000 OFFICE, 70 nall St WATCHES. CLOCKS and JEWELRY. AT REDUCED PRICES. •. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. (17 , ... C. B. SHULTZ, "m' - 914 Market street, above 9th, Bouth aide, Phlla- , 44- delphia. June 2 ly D 3 Q TAUFFER & 'HARLEY. 0 CHEAP IYATC.IES AND JEWELRY. is? Wholesale and Retail, at the' Philadelphia Watch *. '''' • and Jewelry Store" No. 118 (old No. 96) NORTH SECOND Street, Corner of Quarry, Philadelphia. " Gold Lover Watches, full Jewelled, 18 caret cases, $2B 00 Gold Lepine, 18 caret, 21 00 Silver Lever, full jewelled, 12 00 Silver Lepine, jewels, 9 00 Superior Quartiers, 7 00 Gold Spectacles, Fine Silver do., Gold Bracelets, Lady's Gold Pencils Silver Ten Spoons. set, Gold PYTIP. with Pen , il and Silver hlder, Geld Finger Rings. 37 1 % cts. to $80; Watch Glasses, plain 12 , , t ', cts.. patent 18%. Lun.t •L 5; other artic es in proportion. All Goals warranted what they are snld for. STAUFFER A HARLEY. it-z- On hand some Gold and Silver Levers and Lepines still loner than the above price. oct 201 y 40 CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! FOR FALL AND WINTERIII JOHN A. ERBEN, SIGN OF THE STRIPED COAT No. 42 brorth Queen St., Ea s &de, near the Corner of Or ange St., Lancaster, Pa. Has now In store the largest and cheapest assortment of Men's and Boys' FALL AND WINTER CLOTH ING, in the city of Lancaster. All clothing sold at this establishment is of the proprietor's own manu facture, and guarantied to be well sewed, and war ranted to prove the same as represented at the time of pur chase. Among his extensive assortment may be found the fol lowing:— OVERCOATS AND BANGUI'S, from $3.00 to 15.00 Fine Black Cloth Frock Coats, Fine do. Dress " " 7.00 " 13.50 Blue Cloth Dress & Frock Coat., " 5.50 " 10.00 Fancy Casnimere Coate, Bum ine. Coats, Satinet Frock and Sack Coats. .‘ 9.25 " 5.00 Satinet Monkey Jackets, Black French Doeskin Pants, " 3.00 " 0.00 Double Milled Cassimere Pants, " 2.75 " 4.50 Fine Black Cloth Pants, " 3.00 " 5.50 Fancy Cassimere Pants, " 2.75 " 4.50 Satinett Pants, " 175 " 3.00 Blaflk Satin Vests,, " 2.00 " 4.06 Merino, Velvet and Plush Vests, " 1.25 " 3.00 Cassimore Vests, Satinet Vests, TIN above have been made up expressly for the Fall and Winter business, by the proprietor's own workmen, and made in the beet manlier and most modern styles, and guaranteed to be cheaper than similar articles can be pur chased for elsewhere, which enables the Farmer, Mechanic and Tradesman. to make their selirtleue with dispatch, and without fear of imposition. Just finished, a very large assortment of Boys' Clothing, suitable for the Fall and Winter, consisting of Boys' Over coats. Frock, Snck and Iloukey Coats, Roundabouts, Pants and Vests, of all sizes and qualities, and at extremely low prices:. ALSO, a full assortment of Woollen and Cotton Under shirts and Drawers, Fine Shirts, Collars, Cravats, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Stocks, Gloves, Hoieery and Umbrellas. Just received, a large assortment of CLOTHS, CASSI— MEE ES AND VESTINGS, Black French Doeskin Cassi meres, Fancy Cassimerea, Satins, Velvets, Flushes, &c.. which will be made up to order at short none, in the latest fashion and on the most reasonable term, The undersigned hopes, by strict attentinu to business, and endeavnrind to please customers, to receive a continu ance of public patronage. JOHN A. EItISEN, Sign of the Striped Coat, N 0.42 North Queen St., East side, near the corner of Orange Street, Lancatter, Pa. oct 6 tf3S NEW CLOTHING STORE H. K. KILLIAN, AGENT, MERCHANT TAIL 01?, No. 1. MARKET St., udj.,ining store of Hoye, 2 Rms . . Offers for sale a hew and elegant stook of READY MADE CU/MING, at the lowest cash prices. ALSO a complete nest/rime/it of CLOTHS. CASHMERES and VESTINIIIs. which he is prepared to make up at the most reaeonable terms. Custom work attended to so heretofore and warranted satisfactory. cep 15 4 in 35 WI S lt 4 E ' L' L O C T 1 1 l R 11 1 ( i i S STORK, BAR o 91 ;1.?4 N N N L, r . t h lsQueen— street, Larkeneter.—The subxeribers have taken the above stand. lately occupied by Mr. 'William Hensler, and are now receiving and opening, in addition to the stork on hand, a new and elegant assortment Of Goods of every description, =II They are now ready to do business on the most liberal and accommodation terms with all who may favor them with their pittronane. Being desirous and determined to establish a permanent and regular business, it will be their own as well as their customer's interest, to ho faithful to the performance of their duty. and to render a fall equivalent for the prices they receive fur their goods. Clii-TONI WUllG•promptly attended to and warranted to be well made and well fitted. Plain and Fancy CLMIS, CASSIMERES AND VESTING S, always on hand, as well as all other kinds of goods lu this line of hu4ne,s. CLOTHING of every description and quality, .well made nd of good tnaterial, constantly on hand. The friends of the proprietnrs and the public generally are respectfully invited to this establishment. Please give us a call and allow us to furnish you with such arti cles as you may want in cur line of business. CYRUS & BARTON N. WLNTERS, der 0 ft" 47 No. 31 N o rth QueeerNt., Lanc'r. ACARD. --The undersigned respect— fully nnt)nunce that they ho% e purchased the stock all.l ti stuns of Mr. P.l. O'Rouna. Merchant Tailor. and in tend to continue the Merchant Talbrinc businexs, in " ' No. North Queen St. Our stock consists of the choic est FRENCH CLOTHS. such as Baiolues. Samonies and Nells.tOtle finest Cloth, of carinot colo rs : th e ch o i ee g French CLssimeres; Black Doeskin Caminieres: lan , y esssinisres, the best selection; Vestings of all do,criptions. and a large ussortment of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. We respectfully ask a continuance of the patronage so liberally bestowed upon our predecessor, and trnsr by strict attention to business to receive it. too of the firm has had considerable experience in one 1110 largest and most fashionable Merchant Tailoring Es- . tablishmenta in Philadelphia. and flatters himself that he will be able to render satisfaction to the patrons of the firm. Very Respectfully. au! T tf 1- ATS FOR THE PEOPLE.--SHULTZ 11 (sUE . CeSFOrS to David :halts,) Practical Hat ters, NORTH QUEEN STREET, opposite Michael's Lancaster. Pa., Manufacturers and Wholesale and Retail dealers in HATS. CAI'S, ci‘c. We are always prepared to supply the public with all the different styles of Hats of the best qualities and at such prices as to defy competition. We have now on hand the largest assortment of FALL AND WINTER HATS AND CAPS, of all the latest - styles ever offered in this city, which we will sell at the lowest ,cash prices. We are still manufac turing the _ PATENT FLEXIBLE SILK HAT, which for beauty and comfort cannot be surpassed. Our assortment of SOFT HATS is the largest in Lancaster, we have them of all qualitieh, from the commonest wool to the finest French felt. We direct especial attention to our 'extensive variety of WINTER CAPS. All hale sold at this establishment are made under our own supervision, and we warrant them to be what they are old for. We respectfully invite the public to give us a call, as we keep the largest and most complete assort ment of all the articles in our line in the city of Lancaster. CoU N TRY FURS bought, and the highest cash price paid. JOHN A. SHULTZ, HENRY A. SHULTZ, oct 7 tf 45 Proprietor. FLORA TEMPLE ON THE LANC:R. C 0 U R 6 E. GREAT RACE AGAINST TIME FOR $lO,OOO. It hoe been suggested that if the committee could prevail upon the owner of FLORA TEMPLE, to bring her to Lan caster, to the Agricultural Fair, it would add much to the character nod interest of that occasion. Should she come, in all probability, she will rtin against time for a purse, say $lO,OOO, which, no doubt, the good people of Lancaster county will have no difficulty in raising. Flora is now the greatest trotter In the world, and that anxiety to see her whenever she appears on the turf, is equul to that mani fested by the people to see the new and splendid stock of READY MADE MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING recently received by ROMAN & BAERE,at their Clothing Store, opposite Shenck's National House, where they keep constantly on hand a large assortment of DRESS COATS, FROCKS, SACKS, RAGLANS AND OVERCOATS of every quality and texture. Also, Pantaloons, Vests, Shirts, Shirt Collars, Suspenders, Pocket and nook Handkerchiefs and a large supply of gen tleman's FURNISHING GOODS, which they are prepared to sell et least FIFTEEN PER CENT. CHEAPER than they can be purchased anywhere else in the city. In refer ence to the quality, make, texture, durability and cheap• ness of any of the articles they offer to the public, compe tition is defied. ROMAN & BAERE. Our Wholesale Store is No. 730 Market St., between 7th and Nth, octl3 tf 30 PORTABLE CIDER MILLS--KRAIIS• ER'S PATENT, for hand or horse power, the best in use, Wheeler's Horse Powers and Thresh era. Improved Grain Fans, Pennock'e Wheat Drills, Cooper's Lime and Guano Spreaders, the most ap proved Hay and Fodder Cutters, Motes Boilers, Grindstones ready hung. with a general assortment of Agricultural and Horticultural implements. PASCHALL, MORRIS k CO., Implement and Seed Store, 7th and Market, Phil's. aug 11 tf 30 LEATHER, LEATHER.--BOOT AND SHOEMAKERS will find it to their advantage by call ing on the subscriber, who has an extensive assortment of SOLE AND UPPER LEATHER, comprising French and City Calf Skins, Wax and Grain Lipper, Kips, Red and Oak Tanned Sole, Morocco Linings, Shoe Findings, Tools, Lasts, Sc.; Nests, Foot and Tanners' Oil, Sc.; all of which will be sold at the lowest prices at No. 1130 Market St., below 12th St.; Plailna.lphia. oct 8 Gm 3S JOHN F. COOMBS. ANCASTER COUNTY EXCHANGE AND DEPOSIT OFFICE. 1 Corner of East King and Duke Streets, BET. THE COURT HOUSE AND SPRECHER'S HOTEL, Lancaster City. JOHN K. REED & CO. pay interest on deposits at the fol' lowing rates: 51 per cent for one year and longer. 6 do. " 30 days do. Ala Also, buy and sell Real Estate and Stocks on corn• mission, negotiate loans, collect claims, itc., /cc. • 4iip-The undersigned are individually liable to the extent of their estates, for all the deposits and other obligations of John K. Reed & Co. JOHN K. REED, DAVID SHULTZ, doe 25 AIIIOS S. HENDERSON, ISAAC E DI:LESTER, tf 49 STOVES! STOVES!! STOVES!!! STOVE DEPOT. - - - - . The nudemigrmd would respectfully call tha attention of the public to their larg•' amortnient of COOKING STOVES, PARLOR, DINING, BAR-ROOM, AND NNE-PLATE STOVES, Which we are, constantly receiving. All persons wanting Stoves will please call and examine for themselves, as they will find the greatest assortment of Stoves in the city. . We have just received a full supply of the following COOK STOVES: Victor, (complete) Summer Baker, Great Western, Warnick Globe, Portable Range. Hathawa, Cresson Globe. Great Republic, Snow Bird, Crystal, Etna, Premium,Vulcan, Champion, Enchantress. May flower, Governor, Emporium, Star, William Penn. Capital, City Range, Morning Star, Black Diamond, Banner, Empire State, Vernon. Royal, Victory, Flat Top, Sea Shell, Astor, Fanny Forrester, Lancaster Cook, Home, Young America, Delaware, Welcome, Keystone, New World, Liberty, and many other Pattern Cook. We have also on hand a beautiful assortment of PARLOR COOKS. Morning Glory Cook, Hot Air Parlor Cook, Warnick Parlor Cook, Model Parlor Cook, Boatman Parlor Cook, Lilly's Parlor Cook, Penn Parlor Cook, Abbott Parlor Cook. AliP - We have also the Agency for an entire new PARLOR AND DINING ROOM COOK - - - - - - - - - Also, the Agency for the beet AL tight Cooking Stove out, which has many advantages over the common cooking stove. Also, THE RAILWAY COAL BURNER. We therefore ask the attention of the public to our Stoves, together with a full assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, BUILDING MATERIALS. TOOLS, SADDLERY, PAINTS. Ac., to. inir Call and judge for yourscives. - tiiiit asp 19 1137 GEO. D. SPRECHER A BRO. lIIL DING SLATE.—The subscriber J.,11 has just roceived a large lot of PEACH BOTTOM and YORK COUNTY.BUILDING SLATE, which he will put on by the square or sell by the ton, on the most reasonable terms. He has also constantly on hand an extra light Peach Bottom Building Slate, intended for slating on top of shingles. Please call and examine my PEACH BOTTOM SLATE, which are the best in the market. and cannot be had at any other yard. as I have made arrangements with It. F. Jones for the Lancaster Market. GEORGE D. SPRECIIER. North Queen St., Lancaster, Penn. Air . The above slate can also be had at F. S. BLETZ'S Lutuber Yard, Columbia. This Is to certify that we do not sell our beet quatity Peach Bottom Guaited Slate to any other per son In Lancaster city than the above named. It. F. JONES, Manufacturers of Peach Bottom Roofing Slate. oct 6 tf 38 GREAT BARGAINS IN FURNITURE, At the HOUSEKEEPER'S EMPORIUM, North Queen street, near Orange, Lancaster, Pa. ?, The undersigned have on hand a very extensive assort ment of Parlor. Chamber, Dining Room and &Atelier! Fur niture, of a quality equal to any that can be procured in Lancaster or Philadelphia, and, until the 15th of November next, we will sell our goods (for ready cash,] at lower prices than any ever yet sold in Lancaster. He mean what we say. Come and see. sop 29 tf KETCHUM,k TICK ERN'. F ARRELS & HERRING, 34 WALNUT AND 25 GRANITE STREETS, PHIL'A. Sole Nanutacturers in this Stat, of HERRING'S FIRE PROOF SAFES WHICH RECEIVED THE MEDAL, AT TILE WORLD'S FAIR. These Safes are warranted Free from Dampness. Also, Manufacturers of Hall's Patent Powder Proof Lock, likewise awarded a Medal at the W,,rld's Fair; Chilled Iron Burglar Proof Safes, Bank Vaults, Bank Locks, Steel Chests, &c. sep 29 ly 37 MEW MAP OP LANCASTER COUNTY. 1,1 The undersigned is preparing to publish a new and complete MAP OF LANCASTER COUNTY, on an improved plan, (provided suflieient encouragement is given.) mark ing the locations of all the principal buildings in the coun ty, all Schools, Churches, Poet Offices, Mills, Hotels, with the names and locations of all subscribers to the MAP, and locations of farm buildings, so as to make it a complete COUNTY DIRECTORY. MEM " 3.50 " 6.00 I=3IMEIM To be ornamented with prospective views of the principal Colleges, Schools and other buildings In the county. En larged plans of the principal Boroughs and Towns will be given on the side of the COUNTY MAP, where sufficient subscription is obtained. To be handsomely colored, show ing all the new townships, making a most complete and beautiful work, superceding all former MAPS. JAMES D. SCOTT, Publisher, July 21 tf 27 Lancaster City. I=IIINEI " 1.25" 2.75 " 1.00 " 2.50 CAROLINA YELLO WPINE FLOOR— ING BOARDS. 50,000 Feet Carolina Yellow Pine Dressed Flooring Boards. -30,000 Feet Do. Uudressed. 50,000 CYPRESS SHINGLES. No. I and 2 50,000 BANGOR PLASTERING LATHS, Just received and for sale at Graetts Landing, on the Conestoga. Apply to GEO CALDER 45; Co., Olive East Orange et., near N. Queen at., Lancaster. sop 30 tf 37 LASH, DOOR, SHUTTER, BLIND AND CI FRAME FACTORY.—The undersigned hare taken the the Sash Factory lately carried on by S. J. Morrison, situ ated in the southern part of the City of Lancaster, and near the Cotton Factories, where we intend to manufacture to order all kinds of Sash, Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Window Frames, /cc., at the shortest notice and on the most reason able terms. The undersigned are both practical Carpenters, and work at the business ourselves. With a strict attention to business we hope to meritthe patronage of the public generally. apr 12 tf i i SWAM ZWELDER 1()ItI;OW. WILL be paid for any Medicine that will excel PRATT & BUTCHER'S MAGIC GIL, lbr the folb,wing dis eases: Rileuinatisni, Neuralgia. Spinal Affections. Con tracted Joints, Cholic Pains, Pains in the side or back, Headache, Toothache, Sprains, Sure Throat, Cuts, Bruises. Burns. and all Diseases of the Skin, Muscles, and the Glands. None genuine without the signature of Pratt & Butcher attached to each label. Principal dike, _al Washington street, Brooklyn. N. Y. The great number of persons that have been immediately relieved in all the cities and towns where it has been used. as well as in this city, sustain them in saying In all can dor. that it is the greatest cure in the world for pain. Wholesale Agents for Lancaster, Chas. A. Heinitsb. H. A. Itnekafield, and sold by all respectable Druggists throughout the United States and Canada. [Oct 30 tf 4o PAPER HANDING DEPOT.--Removed to No. 10 Bourthtud st., New York, directly opposite the Western I Tilk CROTON MANUFACTURING COM PAN V," (Organized in 1016, under the General Manufacturing Law of the Slate of Sew York,) offers at wholesale, in quantities to suit purchasers, at Mauulketuror's Lowest Prices, for cash or approved•credit. Pap, Hangings, of every variety of style and price. Borders to match. Fire-Board Prints, in great variety. Transparent Window Shades. Oil Painted Window Shades. W ide Window Curtain Papers, and Window Shade Fixtures, of the latest styles and superMr finkh, all of their own man ufacture and importation. As their stock is large and en tirely new, they Invite Merchants, Booksellers and Dealers in these articles to mill and examine their styles and prices whenever they visit the city. mar 4 tf 7 DR. W. H. WITMOR. OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, Where hp has been In successful practice for a number of years. received his education at the best Medical College in the United States, and bad the experience and practice in the different Hospitals fur several years; a member of the Analytical Medical Institute of New York, and late Medical Surgeon of the U. S. Navy, now offers himself to the public to attend any professional calls. The purest medicines always on hand direct from the best Laboratories of our country, and the Botanical Gar dens of the world. No patent medicines prescribed or recommended. Medicines used only which will not break down the constitution, but will renovate the system from all injuries it has sustained from mineral medicines.— Chronic and difficult diseases must be treated upon analyt ical principles; which is to know and ascertain what dis— ease Is. Its nature and character require a knowledge of the chemical constituent of every solid and fluid of the hu. luau body—the changes those solids and fluids are capable of undergoing. To know what medicines to employ to cure diseases, requires a knowledge of the chemical con stituents of all agents employed in medicines, and if we are in possession of this knowledge, it is possible to cure any disease—no matter of boss long standing—and leave the patient in a healthy and perfectly cured condition! DYSPEPSIA, that distressing disease and fell destroyer of health and happiness. undermining the constitution, and yearly carrying thousands to untimely graves, can most em phatically be cured. RHEUMATISM, in any form or condition, chronic or acute, warranted curable; Epilepsy, or falling sickness, all chronic and stubborn cases of Female Diseases radically removed ; Salt Rheum, and every description of ulcerations; Piles and Scrofulous Diseases, which have battled all previous medical skill, can be cured by my treatment, when the constitution Is not exhausted. I do soy all diseases, (yes. CONSUMPTION) can be cured M=l I will remain in my office on Wednesdays and Saturdays, from 9 o'clock, A. M. to 3 P. 31.. to accommodate patiens from a distance, and consult in the English and German languages; will make visits to any distance if required; may be addressed by letter, Fulton Square. Lancaster city, Pa. [mull) ly Is] W. 11. WITMOR, 31. D. NEW CITY MAP.--SPLENDIDLY IL LUSTRATED WITH LARGE COLORED MAPS.— The subsciiber bring about to publish a beautifully Illus trated Map of the city of Lancaster, respectfully solicits the patronage of the citizens to the new enterprise. The Map will be very minute in its details, being a com plete plot of the city with all the new and contemplated streets and alleys, and all the original town lots ' numbered as recorded, together with a ground plan of all the build irn as they stand on their respective lota, the Schools, Colleges, with all Churches, Hotels, Stores, Manufacturing Establishments and all the offices of professional men in the city, distinctly 1111111,1 and colored, and the names of all the subscribers duly inserted on the margin, making it not only a complete map of the city, but 11.140 a business directory; and, in connection with all this, there will be from fifteen to twenty-five original viewe of Residences, Churches, Colleges, and 31annfile9uring Establishm e nts in the city and vicinity beautifully colored. the natural color, as I make all my own sketches and color them on the spot, and have them lithographed In the highest style of the art. Samples of which can be shown that were published in West Chester sad Chester county, which have never been equalled by any views published on any neap in the United States. Having had considerable experience in map pub halting, and having devotes! a great deal of time to the art of perspective drawiug. I fiatter.myself that I am able to produce beautifel life-like pictures that cannot be excelled, and in fact defy all competition in this style of Map pub lishing. All persons wishing views published on the city map, or having property they wish plated in. will please leave orders at J. Franklin Rei,zart's office, Fulton Build ings, which will be promptly attended to by the subscri• her. THOMAS J. RENNEDY. july 28 tf2B INLAND INSURANCE AND DEPOSIT ICompany.—Otlice, corner of Centre Square and South Queen at., Lancaster, Pa. Capital $125,000. Charter Perpetual. Insure against Loss by Fire, and' re ceive money on Deposit, as heretofore, paying 5 per cent. on Deposits made for 30 days or longer. RUDOLPH F. RAUCH., Secretary and Treasurer. dec 4 6m 44 HA. ROCKAFIEEE & CO., NEXT TO . Kramph's Clothing Stem . East Orange at., Lancas ter P., dealers in all the new and popular FAMILY MED ICINES,,PERF'UMERY. he., WHolesale and Retail. ear I hey have just received a fresh supply of WOLF'S CELEBRATED AROMATIC SCHEIDAM SCHNAPPS and will sell to retailers at proprietor's prices. Dune 26 tf 33 T_TAVANNA SEGARS.--5000 ImportedMATTERSALL 9 B HEAVE POWDER, kJ_ Ravenna Segars of the most approved brands. Just _j_ Powdered Rosin, Antimony, Fennlgreelr, Sulphur, remted and for sale at • Saltpetre, Aseaftetlda, Alum, ke. For sale at DR. JOHN WAYLAN'S Drug Store, i apr 21 tf 14 THOMAS ELIJAA glen, No. 00 North Queen Street. ' Drug and Chemical Store, Wen King At.. opr 7 tf 12 GREAT REVOLTION IN MEDICAL U BOLEROS. THE BEST THERAPEUTIC AGENT EVER ENTRODUCED, Dr. Dicirssom's MAGNETO ELECTRIC MACHETE axcliblict he mast ab sorbing attention of the Medical Profession, and a large portion of the intelligent laymen of the land. It Is now clearly demonstrated that the lancet, melon- mums DR. MILO= . nal "drug medication" may be laid aside with perfectsafety to the patientand abi ding benefit to posterity. Wherever these machines have been Introduced, they excite the highest wonder and praise. The apparatus In adapted to prevent, relieve and cure every disease incident to hnmanity,—more particularly all those painful and formidable diseases which have for centuries baffled the profoundest learning and skill of Physicians. From whatever muse there may be an excess or defic iency of the nervous fluid—producing an excess or deficien cy of the acids and alkaline secretions—the magnetic prin ciples of the system are deranged, and can only be safely restored to their normal condition by an application of magneto-electricty, by means of DR. DICKINSON'S MAG NETO ELECTRIC MACHINE. This apparatus will posi tively prevent, and speedilyrelleve and cure Consumption, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Pehlke, Neuralgia, Spinal Diseases, and all other painful maladies, however hopeless and of long standing. They are eminently useful in all sexual and urinary disorders, particularly where the Constitution has been broken down and ruined by unnatural solitary habits, to which too many of the young of both sexes are so lamentably prone. DR. DICKINSON'S MAGNETO ELECTRIC MACHINE is without the dangerous complications of batteries and acids—which fact alone renders it superior to all others on the score of neatness, cleanliness, safety and utility. It is, iu fact, a handsome parlor ornament; may be applied by a child ; and will last a life time, to the great saving of Doc ; is bills, An PRICE OF THE MACHINE $lO. It will be safely packed and sent to any part of the Uni— ted States. Sold wholesale and retail at the Medical Office, No. 38 NORTH SEVENTH Street. Philadelphia. Address, A. C. DICKINSON, M. D. apr 14 ly 13 H ELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARA TION OF HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND FLUID EX TRACT BUCHU. Fbr Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy, ITlakneLsts ' Obstructions, Secret Diseases, Ft male nt Coplaints, and all Diseases of the Sexual Organs, Arising from Excess and Imprudence in life, and removing all Improper Discharges from the Bladder, Kidneys, or Sexual Organs, whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, from whatever cause they may have originated, and NO MATTER OF HOW LONG STANDING, Giving Health and Vigor to the Frame and Bloom to the Pallid Cheek. JOY TO THE AFFLICTED!!! It cures Nervous and Debilitated Sufferers, and removes all the symptoms, among which will be found Indisposition, to Exertion, of Power, Loss of Memory. Difficulty of Breathing. Den• mai Weakness. Horror of Dis ease, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Dread ful Horror of Death, Night Sweats, Cold Peer Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Languor, Uni;er• sal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Often Enormous Appetite, with Dyspeptic Symptom, Hot Hands, Flushing of the. Body, Dryness of the Skin. Pallid Countenance and Eruptions on the Face, Pain in th , -. Back, He, eine:s of the Eyelids, Fre quently Black Spots Flying Before the Eyes. with Temporary Suffusions and Lose of Sight; Want of At tention, Greet Mobility, Restlessness, with Horror of Society. Nothing is more Desirable to inch Pa tients than Solitude, and Nothing they more Dread for Fear of Themselves; no Re pose of Manner, no Earnestness, no Speculation, but a Hurried Transition from one question to an. other. These symptoms, If allowed to go on—which this niedi clue invariably removes—soon follows LOSS OF POWER. FATUITY, AMD EPILEPTIC FITS--in one of which the patient may expire. Who can say that these excesses ore not frequently followed by those direful diseases—lN SANlTY AND CONSUMPTION? The records of the IN SANE ASYLUMS, and the melancholy deaths by CON SUMPTION, bear ample witness to the truth of these as sertions. In Lunatic Asylums the mot melancholy exhi bition appears. 'The countenance is actually sodden and quite destitute—neither Mirth or Grief ever visits it.— Should a sound of the voice occur, it Is rarely articulate. •• With woeful measures wail, despair Low sullen sounds hie grief beguiled." Debility is most terrible and has brouzht th,msands upon thousands to untimely graves, thus blasting the am bition of many noble youths. It can he cured by the use of this INFALLIBLE REMEDY. If you are suffering with any of the above distressing ailments, the FLUID EXTRACT BUCIIU will cure you.— Try it and ho convinced of its efficacy. BEWARE OF QUACK NOSTRUMS AND QUACK DOCTORS, who falsely boast of abilities anti references. Citizens know and avoid them, and save Long Suffering, Money, and Exposure, by sending or calling for a bottle of this Popular and SPECIFIC REMEDY. It allays all pain and inflammation, is perfectly pleas ant in Its toots .d odor, hut immediate in its action. lIELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIIU Is prepared directly according to the Rules of Pharmacy and Chemistry, with the greatest accuracy and Chemica knowledge and care devoted in its combination. See Pro fessorIDEIVEES' Valuable works on the Practice of Physic and ton,t of the Stantho . .l Works of Medi -in. QU S 1 0 0 -shit One bundocl Dollars will be paid v. any PloSiCintl Wll,, can prove that the Medicine ever injured a Patient; and the testimony of thousands can be procured to prove that it does great good. Cases of from U. week to thirteen years' standing have been effected. The mass of VOLUN TARY TESTIMONY in possession of the Proprietor. vouch ing for its virtues and curative powers, in inunete,e,embrac ing names well known to Science and Fame. - 100,000 BOTTLES HAVE BEEN SOLD and not a single instatv-oof a failure hoe been reported! Personally appeared before me an Alderman of the City of Philadelphia, If. T. 11 ELMBOLD, Chemist, who being duly sworn. Oven coy, that his proptliation contains no Narcotic. Mercury or injurimui Drug, but are purely Vega etable. It. T. HUM LIOLD. Sole Manufacturer. Sworn and Subricrileol before me this 23d day of Novem ber, ltifet. WM. P. lIIBBARD, Alderman. PRICE $1 PER {LITTLE. 011 SIX FOR $5, DELIV ERED TO ANY ADDRESS. Accompanied by reliable and responsible Certificates from Professors of Bohm) Cnllnggs, Clergymen and others. Prepared and sold hy IL •I'. lIEL3IBOLD. Practical and Analytical Phonic& No. 52 SOUTH TENTH ,ST., 001.0 W CHESTNUT. ASSEMBLY BUILD INGS, PHILA. 4`74 - • To he had of all Druggists and Dealers throughout the United States. CUIIII4IO, and British Provinces. Agents for Lancaster—ll. A. Rockatield & Co. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. Ask for lIELMBOLD'S —Take No Other. Cures Guarantied. apr 241 y 13 9 1 E RRIBLE DIS CLOSURES SE ciirrs FUR THE MILLION! A most Wonderful and Valuable Publication. DR. HUNTF.ICS MEDICAL MANUAL; Being an original and popular Treatise on Man and Wo man: Their Physiology, Functions and Sexual Disorders of every kind, with never-failing Remedies for the speedy cure of all diseases of 3 private and delicate charac ter. incident to the violation of the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. The Author of the above . _ .. • , ,',, volume is & graduate of one of .., '' " '''C . I , i' '. the first medical schools in the yam • ,' . I • , 'l'' United States, and having de / ....•.:...' xi' .' , —.,..' . - voted a quarter of a century to c o i ..,„ . - . the treatment of Syphilis and 7 . ' ci ,. .,,,, ' ,:,:., - ;:s'n . .!-. - kindred disorders ,is a special : sty, he has become possessed „, .. , ~. . , of most invaluable information in regard to the same, and is able to compress into node mecum compass, the very quintessence of medical science on this important subject; us the result of rho experience of the most eminent phy• sicians In Europe and America is thoroughly demonstrated In his own highly successful practice in the treatment of secret dlseasee in many thousands of cases in the City of Philadelphia alone. The practice of Dr. Hunter has long been, and still is, literally unbounded, but at the earnest solicitation of nu merous persons, he has been induced to extend the sphere of his professional usefulness to the community at large, through the medium of his "Medical Manual and Hand Book for the Afflicted." It is a volume that has received the unqualified recom mendation or the first physicians in the land, while many clergymen, fathers, mothers, phliantropists and humanita rians, have most freely extended its circulation in all quar ters where its powerful teachings would be likely to be instrumental in the moral purification and physical heal ing of multitudes otour per-plc, among the young, volatile and Indiscreet, otherwise the pride and flower of the nation. The author argues particularly, most strongly against every species of self defilement, and warns parents and guardians, in searching terms, to guard the young of both sexes from the terrible consequences concomitant of their ignorance of physiological laws and sexual impurities and irregularities, whether exhibited by precocious development or arising from the vicious and corrupting examples of their school mates or To those who have been already ensnared to the "paths that take hold on hell," a clear and explicit way is shown by which they may secure a return of sound health, and a regeneration of the soul from its terrible pollution. It is well known that thousands of victims are annually sacrificed at the shrine of quackery—especially those suf fering from Venereal or Syphilitic diseases—Strictures, Seminal Weakness, Nervous Debility, and the numerous maladies which spring directly or less remotely from the indulgence of carnal passions and secret violations of Na ture. In view of these facts, and when it is also considered that about 100,000 persons die annually in the United 'States of Consumption—a large majority being the victims of the voluptuous Indiscretions of their progenitors. agreeably to the Scriptural enunciation, that the sins of the parents are visited upon the children, even to the third and fourth generations—The Author, imbued with senti ments of enlarged philanthropy, will scarcely be censured for any effort to restrain the vices of the age, by the hum— ble instrumentality of his Medical Manual. One copy, securely enveloped, will be forwarded free of postage to any part of the United States for 25 cents, or 6 copies for $l. Address, post paid, COSDEN A CO., Pub— lishers, box 197, Philadelphia. Booksellers, Canvassers and Book Agents supplied on the most liberal terms. aprl4 ly 13 TONICS WON'T DOl—They never did more than give temporary relief and never will. It is because they don't touch the cause of the disease. The Cause of all ague and billions diseases is the atmospheric poison called Miasma'or Malaria. Neutralize this poison by its Natural Antidote, and all disease caused by it disap pears at once. Rhodes' Fever and Ague Cure is this Anti dote to Malaria, and moreover it Is a perfectly harmless medicine. The certificate of-the celebrated chemist, J. It. Chilton, of New York. to this effect, la attached to every bottle; therefore if it does no good it can do no harm. This is more than can be said of Quinine, Arsenic, or any tonic in existence, as their use is ruinous to the constitu tion and brings on Dam), Ague, which never allows a per son to feel perfectly well for a single moment. In illustra tion of these truths I annex some extracts from a letter just received from a Physician: GEORGETOWN Ohio March 18, 1856. JAS. A. lIIIODES, Esq.—Dear Sir: Yours of 2d inst„ is at hand. The Cure arrived late last year and the difficulty in getting any one to try it was greatly increased from the the fact that a remedy had been introduced which woe growing in favor with the public, as being better then using Quinine,—not knowing I presume that the remedy they used to escape taking Quinine, contained the Drug Itself I This remedy, known as -Smith's Tonic,") would Invari bly break an r, but it did not cure it, as it would often return with renewed vigor. This one circumstance I deem ed in your favor, if I could institute a test comparison b. tween it and your cure. The following is the result : Three persons took your ••Cure," all of which were cases of"Quotidianlntermittent Fever," of many weeks standing They had tried Quinine, and other remedies, occasionally missing a chill. but it was, (an in all such cases,) slowly wearing them out, and laying the foundation for other and severer maladies. I did succeed in effecting a radical cure of all three of these cases with your remedy, and they have not had a chill since. In all three of these cases the "Smith's Tonic" had been used, and would, as before sta ted, break the chill, but after a period or two had elapsed would return. . . I think there will be no difficulty now in giving to your "Cure" the advantage ground of any other remedy now in use here, WILLIAM BUCKNER, M. D. Rhode's Fever :ad Ague Cure, or Antidote to Malaria, the only harmless remedy in existence, is equally certain as a preventive, as a "gure." Take iterhen you feel the chills coming, and you will never have a single one. JAS. A. RHODES, Providence, R. I. For Sale by C. A. Heinitsh, Jacob King, Dr. P Welch ens, John Fondersmlth, in Lancaster, and Drag? tats gen orally. Jane 17 tf Za Of all Maw the great, Ind came Springs from'neglect of Nature'a QUFFER NOT! WHEN A. OURS IS 0 GUARANTEED IN am, mom 07 SECRET DISEASES, Self-Abuse, Nervous Debility, Strictures, Glatt, °ravel, Diabetes, Diseases of the Kidneys and mo , frbr, Maw,. rial Rheumatism, Scrofula, Thins in the Bones and An. Ides, Diseases of the Lungs, Throat, Nate and Eyes, Ulcers uyon the Body or Limbs, gsneers, Dropsy, Epileptic Par, St. Vitus' Dance, and a/1 diseases ar i sing from a derange. ment of the Organs. Such as Nervous Sexual Trembling, Loss of Memory, Loss of Power, General Weakness, Dimness of Vision with peculiar spota appeasing before the eyes, Loss of flight, WakeSslnees, Dyspepsia, Liver Disease, Eruptions upon the face, Pain in the back and head, Female irregularities and all improper discharges from both sexes. It matters not from what cause the disease originated, however long standing or ob• stlnate the case, recovery is certain, and Ina short* time than a permanent cure can be effected by any other treat ment, even after the disease has baffled the skill of eminent physicians and resisted all their means of care. The med icines are pleasant without odor, causing no sickness and free from mercury or balsam: During twenty years of practice, I have rescued from the jaws of Death many thousands, who, in the last stages of the above mentioned diseases had been given up to die by their physicians, which warrants me in pronitsimg to the afflicted, who may place themselves under my care, a perfect and most speedy cure. Secret diseases are the greatest enemies to heath, as they are the first cause of Consumption, Scrofula en many other diseases, and should be a terror to the human family. As a permanent cure is scarcely ever effected, a majority of the cases falling into the hands of incompetent persons, who not only fail to cure the diseases but ruin the constitution, filling tho system with mercury, which, with the disease, hastens the sufferer Into a rapid Con sumption. But should the dissaaes and the treatment not cause death speedily and the victim marries, the disease is entailed upon the children, who are born with feeble constitutions, and the current of life corrupted by a virus which betrays itself in &rural., Totter, Ulcers, Eruptions and other affec tions of the Skin, Eyes, Throat and Lungs, entailing upon them a brief existence of suffering, and consigning them to an tarty grave. ry, and all other inter SELF ABUSE is another formidable enemy to health, for nothing else in the dread catalogue of human diseases causes so destructive a drain upon the system, drawing its thousands of victims through a few years of suffering down to an untimely grave. It destroys the Nervous sys tem, rapidly wastes away the energies of life, canoes mental derangement. prevents the proper development of the sys tem. disqualifies for marriage, society, business, and all earthly happiness, and leaves the sufferer wrecked in body and mind, predisposed to consumption and a train of evils more to be dreaded than death itself. With the- fullest confidence I assure the unfortunate victims of Self Abuse that a permanent and speedy cure can be °fleeted, and with the abandonment of ruinous practices my patients can be restored to robust, vigorous health. The afflicted are cautioned against the use of Patent Medicines, for them are so many ingenious snares in the columns of the public prints to catch and rob the unwary sufferers that millions have their constitutions ruined by the vile compounds of quack doctors, or the equally poi sonous nostrums vended as '•Patent Medicines." I have carefully analyzed many of the so-called Patent Medicines and find that nearly all of them contain Corrosive semi mate, whi•h is one of the strongest preparations of mercury and a deadly poison, which instead of curing the disease disables the Aystron for life. Three-fourths et the patent nostrums now in use are put up by unprincipled and Ignorant persons, who do not un dersumd even the alphabet of the ttiaG-ria eiedica,and are equally as destitute of any knowledge of the human sys tem, having one object only In view, and that to make money, regardless of consequences. Irregularities and all diseases of males and females rteated on principles established by twenty years of prac tice, and sanctioned by thousands of the moat remarkable ,ores. Medicines with full directions sent to any part.of the United States or Caned.. by patients communicating their syro plume by letter. Business correspondence strictly confidential. Address J. SUMMERVILLE, M. D., Office No. 1131 Filbert St., bold So. 109] below Twelfth, mar 101 v 8 PTHE GREATEST MEDICAL DISCOV— ERY OF THE AGE.—Dr. iieNNY.DT, of Roxbury, hao discovered, in our of our common paatme weeds, a remedy that cures from the worst Scrofula down to a common pimple. Ile has tried it in over 1100 cares, and never failed except in two canes, (both thunder humor.) Ile has now in his possession over two hundred cortifieates of Its virtue, all within twenty miles of Boston. Two bottles are warranted to cure a nursing more mouth. One to three bottled will cure the worst kind of Pimples on the face. Two to three bottles will dear the system of Riles. Two bottles are warranted to cure the worst canker the mouth or stomach. Three to tics bottles are warranted to euro the worst case of Erysipelas. One or two bottles nre warranted to cure all humor In the Eyes. Two bottles are warranted to cure running of the oars and blotches among the heir. Four to six bottles are warranted to ruse corrupt and running ulcers. (41e bottle will cure scaly eruption of the skin. Two to three bottles are warranted to cure the worst cases of ringworm. Tins to three bottles are warranted to cure the most des perate case of rheumatism. Three to four bottles are warranted to cure the a al rheum. Five to right bottles will cure the worst ease of scrofula. A benefit to always experienced frees the first bottle, and a perfect cure Is warranted whim the above quantity is taken. Reader, I peddled over a thousand bottles of this In the vicinity of Boston. I know the effect of it in every case.— So sure as water will extinguish fire, so sure will this cure bunion I never sold a bottle of It, but that sold another; after a trial it nlwa‘s erwsk, for iteelf. There are two things about this herb [hat pear surprlsin,; first, that it grins In our pastures, iu outer places quit e plentiful, and yet its value, has never been known until I discovered it In ISl4—secund, that it should cure all kinds of humor. In order to cite some idea of the sudden rise, acid groat popularity of the discovery, I will state that in April, I peddled it and sold about six bottles per day—in April, 1054, I SOW over 000 thousand bottles per day of It. Some of the wholesale Druggists who have been in the business twenty and thirty years, say that nothing in the annals of patent medicines was over like it.. There in a universal praise of it from all quarters. In my own practies I always kept it strictly for humors —but since its introduction as a general family medicine, great and wonderful virtues have been found in it that I never suspected. Several cases of epileptic fits—a diAre which WWI always considered illl.llnible. have been cured by a few bottles.— li, what a mercy if it prove effectual in all eases of that awful malady—there arebut few who hare seen more of it than I have I know of several cases of Dropsy, all of thorn aged peo ple. cured by it. For the various diseases of the Liver, Sick Headache, Dyspepsia. Asthma, Fever arid Ague, pain In the side. Diseases of the Spine, and particularly in diseases of rho Kidneys, Sc., the discovery has done more good than any medicine ever known. No change of diet ever necessary--etal the best you get and e nomill of it. Diarmoss fon USE.—Adults one table spoonful per day —Children over ten years dessert spoonful. Children from five to eight years tea spoonful. As no directions can bo applicable to all constitutions, take sufficient to operate on the bowels twice a day. Manufactured by Wholesale Agents.—New York city, C. NI. Cllcknor, 81 Barclay street; C. H. Ring, 182 Broadway; Rushton & Clark, 175 Broadway; A B. & D. Sands, 100 Fulton at. Sold in Rochester by J. Bryan & Co., Wholesale Agents, No. 112 State street; also by L. Post & Co. General Agent.—T. W. Dyott & Son. Philadelphia. Agents in Lancaster.—James Smith, Wm. G. Baker, Samuel Welchens, B. 11. Kauffman, li. A. Rockafinld, Chas. A. Ileinitsh and John F. Long. aug 4 ly 29 IMPORTANT DISCOVERY CONSUMPTION AND ALL DISEASES OF THE LUNGS AND THROAT Which conveys the remedies to the cavities In the lungs through the air passages, and corning in direct contact with the disease, neutralizes the tuburcular matter, allays the cough, causes a free and easy expec toration, heals the lunge, purifies the blood, imparts re newed vitality to the nervous system, giving that tone and energy so indispensable for the restoratbn of health. To be able to state confidently that Consumption is curable by inhalation, is to me a source of unalloyed pleasure. It is as much under the control of medical treatment as any other formidable disease; ninety out of every hundred cases can be cured In the first stages, and fifty per cent. in the second; but in the third stage it is impossible to save more than five per cent., for the lungs are so cut up by the disease as to bid defiance to medical skill. Even, however, in the last stages, inhalation affords extraordinary relief to the suffering attending this fearful scourge which annu ally destroys ninety-five thousand persons in the United States alone; and a correct calculation shows that of the present population of the earth, eighty millions are des tined to fill the Consumptive's grave. Truly the quiver of death lets no arrow so fatal as Con sumption. In all ages it has been the great enemy of lite, fir it spares neither ago nor sex, but sweeps off alike the brave, the beautiful, the graceful. and the gifted. By the help of that Supreme Being, from whom cometh every good and perfect gift, I am enabled to offer to the afflicted a per manent and speedy cure in Consumption. The first cause of tubercles Is from impure blood, and the Immediate effect, produced by their deposition in the lungs, is to prevent the free admission of air into the air cells, which causes a weak ened vitality through the entire system. Then surely It is more rational to expect greater good front medicines enter ing the cavities of the lungs than from those administered through thekstomach ; the patient will always find the lungs free and the breathing easy after Inhaling remedies. True. inhalation is a local remedy, nevertheless it acts constitutionally, and with more power and certainty than remedies administered by the stomach. To prove the pow erful and direct influence of this mode of 'administration, chloroform inhaled will entirely destroy sensibility in a few minutes, paralyzing the entire nervous system, so that a limb may be amputated without the slightest pain; in haling the ordinary burning gas will destroy life Inn few hours. The inhalation of ammonia will rouse the system when fainting or apparently dead. The odor of many of the medicines is perceptible in the skin a few minutes after being inhaled, and may be immediately detected In the blood. A convincing proof of the constitutional effects of Inhalation, is the fact that sickness Is always produced by breathing foul air. Is not this positive evidence that proper remedies, carefully prepared and Judiciously administered through the lungs, should produce the meet happy results? During eighteen years' practice, many thousands, suffering from diseases of the lungs and throat, have been under my care, and I have effected ninny remarkable cures, even after the sufferers had been pronounced In the last stages, which fully satisfies me that consumption is uo longer a fatal disease. My treatment of consumption is original, and founded on long experience and a thorough investiga— tion. My perfect acquaintance with the natuLp of tuber— den, dgc , enables me to distinguish, readily, eke various forms of disease that simulate consumption, and apply the proper remedies, rarely being mistaken even in a single case, This familiarity In connection with certain paths• logical and microscopic discoveries, enables me to relieve the lungs from the effects of contracted chests; to enlarge the chest, purify the blood, impart to it renewed vitality, giving energy and tone to the entire system. Medicince with foil directions sent to any part of the United States:and Canadas by patients communicating their symptoms by letter. But the cure would be more certain if the patient should pay me a visit, which would give me an opportunity to examine the lungs and edable mg to prescribe with much greater certainty, and then the cure could be effected without my seeing the patient G. W. ORAHAM. M. 11., Office 1131 FILBERT Street. (old No. 109,1 below Twelfth, Philadelphia, Pa. mar 10 ly ACARD.--The subscriber thankful to his numerous patrons for past favors, would again ask for a continuance of the same, and as many more as will please to favor him with their patronage, as be Is certain from his knowledge of the Tonsorial Art in all Its branches, ouch as flair Cutting. Curling, Sharing, Sham pooing and Wig-making, be is able to please the most fas tidious. He also solicits the attention of all to the cleanliness of his Towels, Brushes, Combs and in tact every thing con nected with his establishment. Ile would likewise mention that be is the only person In the city that can and does color Whiskers and Moustaches, from red or gray to most beautiful brown or black In a very tow minutes. Particular attention given to the cutting and trimming of children's hair. JAMES CROSS, H. D. . North Queen street, over Lang & Co.'s Drug Store, and . • . directly opposite the Granite House CARD TO THE PUBLIC.--Having for several years enjoyed a very extensive and liberal pat ronage in the several departmentisof my business, I tender my friends and the public, and beg acceptance of my boat thanks for their generous support. The business at the Chesnut street Iron Works will re• e e ire prompt and immediate attention, together with . a careful effort to render entire satisfaction In the speedy and skilful execution of orders. I deem this notice but duo to my friends and mynah; in order to counteract any wrong impression that may hay, been caused by my card to sell or rent my works. My purpose is to receive and execute all orders, (which are respeetfully solicited) and will only cease the business whenever I may be able either to sell or rent advantage• onsl9• 0. KIETRER. au 4 1120 DONALD KENNEDY, No. 120 Warren st., Roxbury, Moss ARE POSITIVELY CUR ABLE BY INHALATTIOA fob 22 tf 6