Lancaster intelligencer. (Lancaster [Pa.]) 1847-1922, October 06, 1857, Image 3

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Continued lightness m the Honey Market—Our Business
Men still Firm—Another Lumber Yard Destroyed — The. ;
Id-fated Central America - Mist Charlotte Cushman — De- \
tained Letters fir Pennsylvanians — Gov. Walker's Proda. I
/ nation—Mo Disturbance Expected at the Election—Steamer j
Sunk—Utah Expedition—Ferguson Bleated in Nebraska — j
lowa K. N.’s, ffc., etc. i
St. Loots, Svpt. 28,1857.
The past has been a week of great tightness in the money
market—probably the tightest week experienced in this
city for many years. There is no quotation for money, and
those who hare it to lend, seem to hare no conscience, the
most exhorbitant shaves must be submitted to, to meet
m&turiog obligations. • The Banks are doing little except
strengthening themselves, and afford but littlo aid to the
business community. The receipts consist chiefly of cur.
rency, which cannot be converted into specie funds, and
the private bankers will only receive it on special deposit.
Time bills cannot be negotiated at any rate, and the few
eight bills offered are scrutinized closely. The past day or
two has been easier, as country merchants ore beginning to
arrive. Thns far we have bat two suspensions to announce,
and these the houses of A. M. Waterman k Co., and Eddy
Jamison & Co. We see that the New York Independent
and other papers, have published as having failed—Mer
ritt, Rlaley* A Co., and R. M. Hubbard & Co., which is a
mistake, both houses are going on, with no likelihood of
stopping. Waterman k Co., and Eddy, Jamison k Co. have
not closed their doors, tout are still doiDg business.
Oar produce market is extremely dull, owing to the op
pressive stringency of the money market, and the few sales
that are made, are based upon “currency.” Receipts have
been light, and priceß are about as last reported.
The recent rains have contributed to a temporary rise in
the rivers. There were but 79 interments in the different
cemeteries during»tbe past week.
Mr. Michael Zahm left this city for Lancaster, via the
Ohio river, on Thursday last.
On Wednesday last $200,000 in specie passed through :
this city, per Richardson’s Express, for the Agents of the j
Wyandot and Delaware Indians lsr distribution among J
them. It is a consolation to know that by the laws of i
trade, a large portion of it will find its way to our j
city. ' j
It will be remembered, that some time since we reported
the steamer Effl Afton,” as having been forced against
the Rock Island Bridge, by which she was burned and one
span of the bridge. The owners of the boat brought suit
/ against the bridge company for the valueof the boat. The
trial has been going on in Chicago for the past two weeks,
and was on Thursday dismissed. The jury could not agree,
and thuß the matter stuods us when it commenced.
The p&Bt week opened with several more destructive fires.
.There were four in one day. The Green Tree Brewery was
entirely drstroyed, and the loss about $5OOO or sfioo0 —no
insurance. Several sheds and out-houses w c re destroyed
at another place, and in the evening the lumber yard of
Messrs. Mcllvaine £ Co., on Twelfth, between Locust and
Bt. Charles Streets, was entirely consumed—loss al>out
$25,000 and no insurance. Whilst this yard was burning
one adjoining was set on fire by some of the many incendi
aries now infesting this city,but was fortunately discovered
In time, and the flames tjere subdued. On another nisrht
the lumber yard of Mr. A. Biddle, was set on fire, but dis
covered in time to prevent another destructive conflagra
tion. There were several other fires during the week, but
the loss was trifling. All of the above was the work of the
incendiary. A boy has been arrested in whose possession
was found a leather hat lining, which was uaed, as is sup'
posed, for carrying powder, as it was very evident powder
had been In it. and as lie was In the lumber yard with this
and a bunch or two of matches, he was at rested as either
being the person or accessory to the parties who fired the
yard. lie is in liinbo.
On Monday last there wan a sale of booths at the Fair
ground, and the sum realized was $3.29-1, with fifteen booths
There were several persons from Missouri and Illinois on
the ill-fated ship Central America?* Benj. Colt, of Hancock
county, and Richard Wilton, of Quincy. Ills., and Hanson
and John Home, of Missouri are among the lost.
Manager Wood, of Wood’s Theatre, of this city, has just
returned from the oast, ami reports ns having completed
engagements with Miss Charlotte Cushman, Mr. Murdock,
and other colebrated talent.
Wo Bee advertised, and detained In our Post Office, for
non-paymeut of postage. letters for Henry Marks. Philadel
phia; John Carlin, Philadelphia; Joslah Bennett, Wilkn
barre,'Pa.; Kd. Gillespie. Rochester, Pn.
Miss Sarah Thomas, sister of Hon. 11. C. Thomas, of Fay
ette, Ky„ was found dead in her bod on ?aturdav lasi. It
is said she committed suicide.
The total number of murders, manslaughter* and ljomi
cldea in Now Orleans during the jjast seventeen months,
was one hundred nndji/ty-si-r.
The gross receipts of the State Fair at Cincinnati, were
about $23,000
Our Eair commences to-day. There aro thousands of
strange faces now in our city, and this, the opening day
promises to be well attended.
In addition to thoao mentioned above, who were on the
ill fated Central Am-rico, from this State, is Mr. J. B; Clarke,
who was among the saved, and is now in this city. He says
that one of the most remarkublo incidents was. that the
captain of the bark Elion, by which he was picked up. was
warned of their distress, bf a bird that flow in his (the
captain’s) faco thrso times ; this determined him to change
his course three points, and by so doing he was made the
happy Instrument of saving the lives of forty-nine persons.
The bird—some eighteen iuchcs betwoou tho tips of the
wings—was caught and kept on board, but, being very vie.
ious, was killed by tbc sailors.
Gov. Walker, of Kauaas, has issued his proclamation to
;tbe citizens of tbc Territory, in reference to tho Octobor
election, and the same has been published in our city pa
pers, which is vciy lengthy'. He guarantees in this procla
mation protection to all, in discharging the duty of free"
men, In exercisiug the right of suffrage. According to it,
all will be alike protected, and those who desire to vote
can do so unmolested. The Free State men will vote in a
body, and will abide the decision of the election. This ia
as It should be. and we have no fears of any disturbances at
the polls. Everything Is tk,w quiet there, and no likelihood
of unlawful proceedings. Tho Black Republicans are pretty
well convinced that their Kansas capital has been exhaust
ed—run entire'y into the ground—that their northern
gullables are not quite so ignorant and easily humbugged
oa they supposed. If they just keep quiet, Kansas will bo,
what we have always maintained, a Free State! But if
they undertake to bully the thoy-will find “Jordan
a mighty hard road to travel.”
The steamer Key City, bound for this city, in crossing the
lower rapids, on the upper Mississippi, struck a rock and
sunk. Her cargo consisted of about IGOO pigs of lead-, and
2000 sacks of wheat. We haro not heard the amount of
Secretary Hartnett has left Leavenworth with the bag
gage wagons, to join the expedition to Utah. The force
under Col- Johnson ii about 2000 men, all well provided
with everything to make the march a pleasant one.
. The Board of Canvassers of Nebraska territory, consisting
•f Got. Izard, Gen. Eastorbrook and Judge Black, have
finally concluded their labors, and report that Judge Fer
guson nas received 76 votes more than Mr. Chapman lor
Delegate to Congress, and the certificate has heon awarded
to him. It is said, however, that Chapman will contest his
seat on account of Illegal voteß cast in Monroe and other
The Know Nothings of lowa have nominated for Gover
nor Dr. John F. Henry, of Burlington, and Eastman Morris
of Johnson county, for Lieut. Governor. There are now
three tickets in the field,and the Democracy are confident
of redeeming the State. There certainly have been great
changes since the lost Governor’s election in favor of the
Democratic party, and the prospects now most emphatically
indicate the success of the Democratic ticket in that State.
Thomas Kewan, over seventy years of age, and worth
$50,000, has beon arrested at Battle Creek, Michigan, chargd
with the seduction of a lady known as the Widow Wright.
According to the Annual statement of the New Orleans
Price Current, the total value of the produce of the interior,
received in that year ending on the Ist inet., amounts
to $158,001,350. The principal items are bacon, $6,772,235;
bale rope, $1,132,460 ; ootton, $86,255,079 ; corn, $2,514,*39;
lard, $8,605,945; molasses, $2,685,309; pork, $4,864,560;
sugar, $8,137,360; tobacco, $11,970,000, aod wheat and
whisky each $2,328,000.
Governor Rencher, of North Carolina, to be Governor of
New Mexico, in place of Gov. Merriweather, was in this city
in the early part of last week, on bis way to Santa Fo. llis
family accompanies him. He will be escorted by a detach
ment of U. S. treops, and will push forward with all conve
nient speed, as the season is now getting late. The troops
will be mounted.
The post office at Weston, Mo., was robbed ou the 11th
inst,ofall the money belonging to the Department for the
last quarter. The robber has not been arrested.
Seventy-five acres of land on the outskirts of the towu of
Mo., sold recently at $lO6O per acre—amounting in all to
$79,600. Seven years ago this tract was bought for $5O per
The Grasshoppers are creating considerable havoc to the
gardens and crops in the vicinity of Council Bluffs, lowa.
From Washington.
Investments in State Stocks—Arrest of Land
Warrant Thieves.
Washington, Oct. 2.— The Secretary of the
Interior has recently invested nearly one mil
lion of dollars in the State Stocks of Missouri,
Pennsylvania, Illinois, North Carolina, Ten
nessee, and Virginia, in trust for various In
dian tribes. All but fifty thousand dollars of
that amount has been drawn from the Treas
ury. The present time was clmien fur the
investment in order to contribute somethin*
toward the relief of the Money market; while
$lBO,OOO has thus been realized in the trans
action for the Indians.
A despatch was received to day at the Gene
ral Land Office, from Hastings, Minnesota,
stating that the men who stole the 30,000
acres' worth of Land Warrants from theFair
bault Lund Office, had been arrested, and all
the Warrants excepting five recovered.
De Bow j s Reyieiy. —The October number
is received, and is well filled with very able
and interesting articles on a variety of sub*
jeofes, embracing Literature, Politios, Manu
factures, Commerce, Agriculture, &c., &c. Its
articles on the Slavery Question ars particu
larly able and instructive.
* Verdict against the Government.— Phila
delphia, Sept. 29.—1 n the U. S. District Court,
in the case of Quartermaster Reynolds char
ged with.defaulting the Government in the sum
of $120,000, the jury returned a verdict, to
day, that the Government was indebted to* the
•defendant over $4OO, and judgment was ac
cordingly entered in his favor,
f Negroes Declared to be Superior
MEN In tbe United States.
to the Majority of WHITE
Joshua R. GiddlDg« on Negro Supe-
We find in the Ashtabula (0.,) Sentinel, of
September 3d, the following letter from Josbua
R. Giddings, at whose sufferance Chase holds
his nominal position at. the head of the Re
publican party in that State. This communi
cation is to be taken as a further authoritative
exposition of the oreed of the Congo brethren.
Read it!
“ Some niggers are far superior to eome
Democrats. Indeed they are doubtless supe
rior to the grdat mass of the Democratic party;
while some Democrats are superior to 6ome
niggers, and perhaps to the great portion of
i the African race. Yet all Democrats, however
intellectually inferior they may be to the nig
gers, are entitled to live and enjoy their liberty
and the fruits of their labor. And while we
are endeavoring to sustain'these equal and
universal rights, we ought not to be drawn
into any discussion of the moral or social su
periority of the niggers over the Democrats.”
Now, the great mass of the Democratic
party is a majority of the white people of the
UnitecTStates of America, who are thus pro-,
nounced to be “ intellectually inferior to the
niggers!” Again, the great mass of the Dem-
oeratie party embraces the vast majority of
the industrious laborers, mechanics and far
mers of the country, who are thus held up a? I
“ intellectually inferior to the niggers!” And
the conclusion follows that in the estimation
of the Black Republicans, all the producing
classes are “ intellectually inferior to the nig
gers )” and that to find the intellectual equal
of the niggers you mus ascend to the lawyers
and thieving bankers of the Congo party.—
Ohio Statesman.
Treaty with, the Pawnee Indians—Prep
arations for Defence by the Mormons
Further Depredations by the Chey
St. Louis, Oct. 2.—General Denver, Com
missioner of Indian Affairs, who has just
arrived here from Nebraska, reporta having
made a full and satisfactory treaty with the
Pawnee Indians, at Table Creek, on the 24th
The Lexington (Mo.) Express announces
the arrival of Capt. Russell, from Salt Lake,
who states that .the Mormons had fortified FoFt
Bridge, with the declared intention of defend
ing it against, the United States troops. Capt.
Russell also reported that the depredations of
the Cheyenne Indians had not abated. They
were daily growing more daring and commit
ting offences of an aggravated character.
We are authorized to
announce FREDERICK DKRN, of this city, as the
people’s candidate Tor the office of Sheriff. Should be bo
elected, ho promises to discharge its duties with fidelity,
apr 28 tf!s
To the Voters of Lancaster
Cnuuty.—Ft-llow Citizens: I offer myself to your
.consideration as a candidate at the next election for the
office of State Senator. Sh mid I be elected I will en
deavor to perform its duties with impartialltv.
SuiASUUBo, June 30th ’57.
XC2?- Helmboiil’s Genuine Preparation,
Highly Concentrated Extract Bucliu for diseases of the
Madder. Kidneys. Gravel, Dropsy. Weaknesses, Ac., is «
safe ami pleasant remedy. Head the advertisement in
anothercohje n, headed Helnihold’s Genuine Preparation.
tii)- Tile Rev. C. S. Burnett, while labor
ing as Missionary in Southern Asia, dis-ov.-n.-d a simple
and certain Cure f>r ('oitxuMjriini). Asthma, Hnni'-hifis.
Curli/lis, Xcrmit* Drbitity , and all impurities
ot tin- Hl<»al : also, an easy and effectual mode
nt the Pe.mnhj. Actuated hy a desire
to benefit his suffering felHows. he will cheerfully
send the Recipe (free) to such as desire it, with
full and explicit directions for preparing and successfully
using the Medicine. Address, Rrv. C. S. BURNETT.
mil- 4 fitn 29 831 Broadway. N. Y. City
ttc“Equallty to All! Uniformity of
Price ! A new feature of Business : Every one bis own Sales
man. Jones & Co., of the Credent One Price Clothing Store,
20.1 Market street, above 6th. in addition to having the
largest, most varied and fashionable stock of Clothing in
Philadelphia, made expressly for retail sales, have consti
tuted every one his owu Salesman, by having marked in
figures, on each article, the very lowest price it can be
sold for. so they cannot possibly vary—all must buy alike.
The goods are all well sponged and prepared and great
pains taken with the making, so that all .an buy with the
full assurance of getting a good article at the very lowest
Remember the Crescent, in Market, above 6th. No. 350
fnh 2H 1 v-5 ' JONES A- CO.
Fine, beautiful hair—jet black or brown;' 5
Or tresses, curling and golden—
Is the certain result—without chance or doubt—
Of the use of LYON’S KATH AIRON.
4J*The immense sale of Lyon’s Katliai
ron, nearly. l,Uui),OOU bottles per year, proves its excellence
and universal popularity. It restores tho Hair after it has
fallen out, invigorates ami beautifies it, making it soft,
curly and golssy, cleanses it from Scurffaud Daudruff, and
imparts to it a delightful perfume. The Ladies universally
pronounce it the finest and most agreeable article ever
used. Sold by all dealers, everywhere, for 25 cents per bot
Proprietors and Perfumers,
my 26 tf 19 63 Liberty St., New York.
On the 29th ult.. by the Rev. J. J. Strine, Michael G.
Shindle to Barbara li. Stauffer, both of Manor.
By the same, Henry D. Good, of Martic, to Mary Charles,
of Pequa.
In this city, on Tuesday morning. Sept. 26th, Mrs. Cath
arine Wilhelm, in the 76tb year of her age.
At his residence in Paradise township, on Saturday, the
16th ult., Christian Hess, sr., aged 69 years, 8 months and
2S days.
Philadelphia Market
Flour continues very dull at $5.50 forsuperfmoand $5.76
@6 for extra. Small sales of Rye Flour at $4.25. Coin
Meal nominally at $4. Wheat is in hotter demand and
5000 bushels of Tennessee Red sold at $1.24@1.26 and ISOO
bushels white sold at $1.28 to $1 40. Rye declined to 70@73
cents. 2000 bushels yellow Corn sold at 75 cts., and a lot
of new, the first of the season, was offered but not disposed
of. Oats commands 42@43 cents. In Groceries and Pro
visions nothing doing. Cloversoed declined to $5@5.50.
Whiskey unsettled, sales in bbls. at 24 cts.
myself to your consideration for your support as an Inde
pendent Candidate for the office of Sheriff at the ensuing
Election. Being no party man and of limited means, there
fore unable to eanvass tho county, should yon feel pleased
to give your support and elect me to tho office, I pledge
myself to discharge the duties with humanity and fidelity
Lancaster County Bank. Oct. 5. 1857.
An election for thirteen di
rectors of this Institution to serve during the en
suing year, will be held at the Banking House in the citv
of Lancaster, n n Monday the IGth day of November, 1857’,
botweeu the hours oflO and 3 o’clock.
A General Meeting of the Stockholders will be held on
Tuesday the 3d day of November, 1857, at 10 o’clock, agree
ably to tho charter. W. L. PEIPER, Cashier.
oct C tf 38
Estate of george daly, dec»d.
—All persons indebted to tho estate of George Daly,
late of tho city of Lancaster, dec’d., are requested to make
payment, and thoso having claims against the same will
present them duly authenticated at the office of William
Whiteside, in Lancaster. JAMES McCAFFERTY,
oct 6 Gt 3S < Executors.
NO TI C E.—The undersigned having
been appointed Assignee of Samuel M. James, of Safe
Harbor, under a deed of assignment, for tho benefit of cred
itors, all persons indebted nre requested to make immedi
ate payment, aud those having claims to present the same
for settlement to CHARLES J. RHODES,
oct 6 6t 38 Assignee, Safe Harbor.
of jLam-uster County, Sept. 28, 1857.—1 t appearing to
tho Court by the petition and affidavit of David Reeves,
Samuel J Reeves, George Abbott and Charles H. Abbott,
that tho several notes of Reeves, Abbott & Co., secured by
a mortgage dated January 12th, 1855, recordod at Lancas
ter, in Mortgage-Book No. 13, page 607, 4c., and given by
the said petitioners in the sum of six hundred thousand
dollars to Christopher Hager, Samuel Shoch, Bartram A
Sheaffer, George R. Justice and Clement B. Grubb ns
Trustees, have boen paid in full, and no satisfaction tutored
on ,tbe record of said mortgage: the Court, on motion Gf
Thomas E. Franklin and H. M. North, Attorneys for said
said mortgagers, grant a rule to show cause why the said
Trustees should not enter satisfaction on the record of said
mortgage, returnable on Mouday, the 26th day of October
next, and direct notice to be given to the creditors by pub
lication daily for one week in “The Press.” and “The North
American j»nd United States Gazette,” and weekly for two
weeks in “The Lancaster Examiner aad Herald,” “The
Lancaster Intelligencer,” and “Tbe Columbia Spy,” with
notice to B. A. Sheaffer, Esq., Attorney for the Trustees.
Certified frum the Record.
oct 62t38] Attest, J. BOWMAN, Proth’y.
Tho next session of this Institution will open for the re
ception of Students on the first Monday of November com
ing. The instruction is thorough and practical; and par
ticular attention is paid to the miral as well ae mental
training. For particulars send for a Circular,
oct 63t*38 JAMES E. GIFFIN, A. M.
Leather, leather.—boot and
SHOEMAKERS will find it to their advantage by call
ing on the subscriber, who has an extensive assortment of
comprising French and City Calf Skins, Wax and Grain
Upper, Kips, Red and Oak Tanned Sole, Morocco Linitigs,
Shoe Findings, Tools, Lasts, 4c.; Neats, Foot and Tanners’
Oil, 4c.; all of which will be sold at the lowest prices at
No. 1130 Market St., below 12 th St., Philadelphia.
oct 6 6m 38 _ JOHN F. COOMBS.
Estate of Catharine wilhelm,
(widow) late of tho city of Lancaster, dec’d.— Letters
testamentary on the above estate having been issued to
the undersigned Executor, all persons having claims or
demands against said deceased, will present them duly au
thenticated for settlement, and those indebted will make
payment without delay, to
oct 6 7t*3B CHRISTIAN ZEOHER, Ex’r
Assigned estate op isaac wea
ver AND WIPE, of Biecknock twp. The under
signed, appointed Auditor by the Court of Common pjeas
of Lancaster county to distribute the balance in the hands
of George Martin and Henry Fry, Assignees of Isaac Weaver
and Wife, to and among those legally entitled thereto,
hereby gives notice that be will meet all persons interested,
who may attend, if they aee proper, at the Court House, on
Thursday the 22d day of October, A- D., 1857, at 2 o’clock
*-_M. BEUfcENH. LONG, Auditor.
Lancaster, Pju, 5ep,28,1859
Li In the Court of Common Plena for the County of Lan'
raster- ■ Whereas, John McSparren A A. J. McCi.nkey, As
signees of Stephen D. McConkey. of Fulton did on the
30th day of September, 1867, file in the Office <>f the Pro
thoootary of the said Court, their account of lh» >aid Ba
Notice Is hereby given to all persons interested in the
said Estate. th*t the said Court hare appointed the 16th
day of November, lSi.7, for the confirmation thereof, un
less exceptions be filed. Attest. J. BOWMAN. Proth’y.
Prothy’s Office, Laoc’r, Sep. 30, 1857. ost 6 4t 38
Estate: of john kreider & Eliz
abeth KRTDER. In the Court of Common Pleas
for the County of Lancaster. Whereas, John Rawlins,
Trustee of John Kreider and Elizabeth Kreider, did on the
20th day of September, 1857, file In the Office of the Pn
thonotary of the said Court, his Account of the said Estate:
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in the
said Estate, that the said Court have appointed the 16th
day of Novembor, 1857, for the confirmation thereof, unless
exceptions be filed. Attest, J. BOWMAN, Proth’y.
Prothy’s Office, Lanc'r, Sep. 29, 1857. oct 6 4t 38
Notice.— The works or the Glouces
ter CHINA COMPANY, at Gloucester, N. J.on lb*
Delaware river, two miles below Philadelphia, are nowin
successful operation, producing an article of ware which
the company believe will foliy compete with the best pr -
dnctions of European factories. They arejjrepared to exe
cute orders upon the most favorable respectfully
invite the trade, and the public generally, to examioe the
specimens at the Office. 205% Walnut street, Office No 2,
up stairs. or to visit th'e factory.
aS*: Good wharfage may be had at all seasons, at the
company’s wharf, by application at the office.
P. B. BAVERY, President.
oct 7 Im 38 JACOB SHEETZ, Treasurer.
BUILDING SLATE—The subscriber
has just received a large lot of PEACU BOTTOM and
on by the square or sell by the ton,on the moat reasonable
terms. He has also constantly on hand an extra light
Peach Bottom Bailding Slate, intended for slating on top
ot shingles. Please call and examine my PEACH BOTTOM
SLATE, which are the best in the market, and cannot be
had at any other yard, as I have made arrangements with
R. P. Jones for the Lancaster Market.
North Queen St., Lancaster, Penna.
43“ The above slate can also be had at P.'S. BLETZ’S
Lumber Yard, Columbia.
This is to certify that we do not sell our
best quality Peach Bottom Guaged Slate to any other per
son in Lancaster city than the above named.
Manufacturers of Peach Bottom Roofing Slate,
oct 6 tf3B
iV r o. 42 iY orth Qu*m St., East Side, near the Corner of Or-
ange Sl„ Lancaster, Pa.
Ha.s now in store the largest and cheapest assortment of
Mod’s and Boys’ FALL AND WINTER CLOTH- .§t
ING. in the city of Lancaster All clothing sold at
this establishment is of the proprietor’s own masn- fIA
facture, and guarantied lobe well sewed, and war- —lt
ranted to prove the same as represented at the time of pur
Among bis extensive assortment may be found the fol
OVERCOATS AND HANGUPS, from $3.60 to 15.00
Fine Black Cloth Frock Coats, “ 6.60“ 13 00
Fine do. Dress “ “ 7.00 ‘* 13.50
Blue Cloth Dress k Frock Coats. “ 5.5‘J 10.00
Fancy Cassimere Coats, “ 350 “ 6.00
Business Coats, " 3.00 “ 5.75
Satinet Frock and Sack Coats. •• 3.25“ 5.00
Sitinet Mcnkev Jackets. “ *2.00 *• 3.25
Black French Doeskin Pants. •• 3.d0 6.00
Double Milled Cassimere Pants. “ 2.75 “ 4.50
Fine Black Cloth Pants. 1 3.00 *• 5.50
Fancy Cassiniere Pants. •• 2.75 “ 4.50
Satinett Pants. •; t 75 3.00
Black Satin Vests. •* -j 00 “ 4.00
■'Meriuo. Velvet and Plush Vests, “ 1.25 “ 3.00
Cassimere Vests, “ 1.25 *• 275
Satinet Vests. “ 1.00 “ 2.50
The above have been made np expressly for the Fall and
M inter business, by the proprietor’s own workmen, and
made in the beat manner and most modern styles, and
guaranteed to l»e cheaper than similar articles can be pur
chased fur elsewhere which enables the Farmer, Mechanic
and Tradesman, to make their selections with dispatch, and
without fear of imposition.
•Just finished, a very large assortment of Boys’ Clothing,
suitable for tho Fall and Winter, consisting of Boys’ Over
coats. Frock, Sack and Monkey Coats, Roundabouts. Pants
and A ests, of all sizes and qualities, and at extremely low
ALSO, a full assortment of Woollen and Cotton Under
shirts aud Drawers, Fine Shirts, Collars, Cravats, Pocket
Handkerchiefs, Stocks, Gloves, lloDei-y and
tf 24
Just received, a large assortment of CLOTHS. CASSI
MEKEa AND AESTINGS, Black French Doeskin Casai
meres, Fancy Satins. Velvets, Plushes. An.,
which will be nude upto order at short notice in the latent
fashion and on tho most reasonable terms.
The undersigue.l hop.*,*, hy strict attention to business,
and endeavoring to please customers, to receive a continu
ance of public patronage. JOHN A. ERBEN.
Sign <ff the Striped Coat. No. 42 North Queen St., Kant side,
uear the corner of Orange Street, Lancatter, Pa.
nrt '• tf33
_l7j OCTOBER 24. 1X57, will bo sold on the premised, in
West Earl township, that well known TAVERN
STAND, now occupied by Amos Weidler, rtn the IjjjusT
New llollHtid turnpike, 2 miles west of New Hoi
For .fiirllmr ]>urticularfi see advertisement in America
•••ss ami Republican, or handbills
begin at o oVlm-lc, in the nC'ei-noon of said dav.
EsecuL'ira of .John Myers, dec’d.
ciot 26 3to s >
JL 27th day of OCTOBER, 1X57. Will he h-old on tho
premises In Conestoga township, Lancaster county, the
following real estate, late of Peter Kline, deo’d., consisting
of a Plantation containing about 63 ACRES, of o__n
first-rate Limestone Land, with' a one-story fr 3 *®
Bai n, and the usual out buildings thereon oroct- * 8~1
ed, adjoining property of George Kline. Joseph Miller,
George Warfel, Christian E. Miller and others.
There is an ORCHARD of Choice Fruit on the premises.
About two Acres of the Land ia timber, consisting of Lo
cust, Chesnut ami Oak. A stream of water runs through
the premises.
Sale to commence-at 1 o’clock, P. M., when attendance
will be giveu and/torms made known by the undersigned
heirs of the said fceter Kline, deceased.
(Volksfreund copy.)
OOt (i l* 1 ' 38
List of letters remaining in
ter ending Sep. 30, 1857.
Byrn Patrick Johns Henry B. Riley E 0 2
BoyartJnoll Keisejohn Seat William
Reekly .13 Klino Henry K Schock Christian 2
Brunner Adam Kauffman Isaac Shuley Samuel
Coplin Elizabeth 4 Krause Reinhart Smith. Henry 8
Crum Henry Kennedy Pat Shank Mary Ann
Crain K C Esq M’Kell Jno H Stlghelman John
Dolten Mrs Morgan David Time Hester Ann
Devonshire Ilann’h MaUon Edward Wilson Mary Ann
Eliz. Mill Geo Esq Whelan C
Eby John Nagle Ann Worthington B Esq
Graver Henry Porter R F Witmer Daniel S
Hagen Patrick Peters Mary Williams Daniel
Reran Patrick Robinson Al’x Esq
oct 6 3t* 38 JOHN KOLP, P. M.
Hugh miller’s works, “two
YEARS AGO,” by Charles Kingsley.
*' MOSS SI DE." by the author ot “Alone,” and all the new
publications. For sale at
6ep29tf37 33 North Queen street.
Philadelphia, Oct. 3.
ai'ctiox dr r a o o ns.
From the late New York and Philadelphia Sales at reduced
prices, for cash. J. H. GKEUORY, Ag’t.
sep 29 3t 37 249 Market St., beloWJd, I'hil’a.
Tancaster axle manufactory.
J The subscribers, under the firm of WM. DILLEK A
CO., at the OLD STAND TN WATER ST., will-Vmnufaoture
to.order CASE-HARDENED and COMMON AXLES of all
and Machino Jobbing in general.
sep 29 tf 37
Great bargains in furniture,
street, near Orange, Lancaster, Pa.
The undersigned have od hand a very extensive assort
ment of Parlor. Chamber, Dining Room and Kttchen Fur
niture, of a quality equal to any that can be procured in
Lancaster or Philadelphia, and, until the 15th of November
next, we will sell our goods (for ready cash,) at lower
prices than any ever yet sold in Lancaster. I Vk mean
what we, so,’/.- Como and see.
sep 29 tf37 KETCIIUM & VICKERY.
tn W At.Ni.t and 25 Granite Streets, Phil’a.
Sole Manufacturers in this State of
Theft Safes are wcnrantcel Free from Dampness.
Also, Manufacturers of Hall's Patent Powder Proof Lock,
likewise awarded a Medal at. the World's Fair; Chilled
Iron Burglar Proof Safes, Bank Vaults, Bank Locks. Steel
Chests, Ac. flep 29 ly 37
Hopewell Borough, Chester Co., Penna.
The 'Winter session of this Institution will commence on
the first Thursday of November. The course of instruction
comprises all the branches of a thorough English, Classical
or Mathematical Education, including Modern Languages.
Whole expenso for boarding, tuition, fuel and light, per
session of twenty weeks, from sixty to seventy-five dollars,
according to range of studies.
For Circulars containing particulars, address
sep 29 ot 37 JAMES W. ANDREWS.
the patrouage heretofore bestowedupon him, Prof. F.
STOUCH has the honor to announce to his many friends'
and the public, that he will reopen his Dancing Academy at
Ou MONDAY, OCTOBER stli, 185 T. In addition to the old
and favorite Quadrilles he will introduce a number of
Days of Tuition —Mondays and Saturdavs, from 3 to 5,
P. M./for Ladies and Children—and Mondays and Fridays,
from 8 to 10, P. M . for Gentlemen.
Terms $5 for 13 lessons. sep 29 3t 37
.J-L Kumictj of a resolution adopted by the Fruit Commit
tee, ail persons favorable to the formation of a noMlcrt-
TCHAL Society, are respectfully solielted to meet the mem
bers of said Fruit Committee at their meetings on the Ist
and 3d Mondays of every mouth, at 2 o'clock P. M., ut
Cooper’s Hotel, for the purpose of making arrangements
for the organization of a Horticultural Society. Horticul
ture being afne art as well as a useful one, is well w-rthy
of a separate and independent organization for its promo
tlo »- J. ZIMMERMAN, Chairman.
C. H. Lefever, Secretary. *ep22 3t*36
Lancaster mercantile col
lege. Incorporated by Vie Lcgulatureof Pennsylvania.
Located No. 22, North Duke Street, opposite the Court
T. H. Pollock, Professor of Book Keeping.
G. BilDerbace, Jr., Professor of Penmanship.
A. Harris, Esq., Lecturer on Mercantile Law.
A. Thompson, Esq., Lecturer on Bank Note Eugraving
For circulars, containing fall particulars, specimens* of
1 eumanshlp, Ac., address T. H. POLLOCK. Pres’t.
sep 22 tt 30 Lancaster City, Pa.
Handsome furniture very
CHEAP!!! Persons wishihg to purchase Parlor
Gtmmber, Dining Room, or Kitchen Furniture, have now
an opportunity, at 20 per cent less than the usual price as
The stock consists ot' handsome Walnut Sofas, Sofa-seated
Chairs, Rocking do., What Note, Bureaus and Wash
stands, with and without marble tops, Bedsteads Exten
sion Dining Tables, and all other articles to be found iu a
first class city furniture store.
Now is the time to secure bargains, as the entire stock
must be closed out by the 15th of October.
sep 22 3t* 36 232 N, 2d at., above Race.
taining FORTY-FIVE ACRES within 8 miles from
Baltimore, on the Washington turnpike, near the railroad
Access to the city six times a day by the cars. The farm
has good improvements, is well watered, has plenty of
FRUIT of all kinds. On it is a bed of IRON ORE of the
Black Clay bed. . Half of the purchase money can remain
three years. Apply at this office. Refer to me,
ang 4 3m 29 GEO. BARBER, Baltimore, Md.
oct 0 St 38
BOYS’ C L 0 T II I N 0
I) A A’ C F. S
Letters of Administration on the Estate of Joseph
Philips, la to of Fulton township, Lancaster county, dec’d,
■having been granted to the suNcribtir residing In said
township: Ail persons indebted to said estate are requested
to make payment immediately, and those baring claims
wit] present them without delay properly autheotic&tedfor
settlement SAMUEL WICKS, Adm’r..
Letters of Administration on the estate of John Shenk,
late of Manor township, in the county of Lancaster, dec’d,
having been granted to the undersigned, redding in said
-township: all persons indebted to said estate are requested
to make immediate payment, and those haring claims will
present them without delay, properly authenticated for
settlement, to BARNHF.RD MANN, (Farmer.)
sep 29 6t 37 Administrator.
Estate of john george heisle-
MAN.—Letters of Administration on the Estate of
John George Qeiselman, late of the city of Lancaster,
dec’d. baring been issued to the subscriber, residing in
said dty : all persons indebted to said estate are requested
to make payment immediately, aud th<-«e baring claims
will present them without delay, properly authenticated
for settlement. JOHN STKIGERWALT, Jr..
sep 6t* 37 Administrator.
j Court of CommnQ Pleas for the Countv of Lancaster.
Whereas. George D. Miller ooe of the Committee of Samuel
Gibble of the Borough of Manheim, did on the 31st day of
August, 1857. file in the office of the Prothonotary of the
said Court, hia account of the said estate:
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in the
said estate, ‘.bat the said Court have appointed the 26tb
day of October. 1857, for the confirmation thereof, unless
exceptions be filed. Attest,
J BOWMAN, Proth’y.
Prothy’s Office, Lan. Aug. 81, 1857. sep 8 4t 34
Estate of seth Burkholder a
of Common Pleas for the County of Lancaster. Whereas,
E. Burkholder, assignee of Seth Burkholder aud Wife, and
Ellas Burkholder and Wife, and Menno Burkholder and
Wife, did on the 21st day of September, 1857; file in the
Office of the Prothonotary of the said Court, his Account of
tbe said Estate:
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in the
wid Estate, that tbe said Court have appointed the 26th
lay of October, 1857, for the confirmation thereof, unless
jxceptions be filed.. Attest. J. BOWMAN, Proth’y.
Prothy’s Office Lanc’r, Sep. 21, 1857. sep29 4t37
Instate of samuel good a wife.
j In the Court of Common Ploas for the County of Lan
caster. Wbefcas, 11. B. Greybill, trustee of Bamuel and-
Rebecca Good, did ou the 14tb day of September, 1857, file
in the Office of the Prothonotary of the said Court, bis Ac
count of tbe said Estate :
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in tbe
said Estate, that the said Court have appointed the 26th
day of October, 1857, for the confirmation thereof, unless
exceptions be filed. Attest, J. BOWMAN, Proth’y.
Prothy’s Office, Lan. Sep. 14, 1857. sep 22 4t 36
signed Auditor appointed by the Court of Common
Pleas of Lan. co., to distribute the balance of account of
Absalom B. Bixler, assignee of Sam’l U. Weaver & Wife, of
East Earl township, Lan. co.. among those entitled thereto,
will meet at the Library Room iu tbe Court House, in the
city of Lancaster, on Wednesday, the 14th dav of October,
1857, at i o’clock in the afternoon, where all persons inter
ested are requested to attend
sep 224 t 36 J. W. MECKLEY, Auditor.
AUDITOR’S NOTICE-Theundersigned
Auditor appointed by tbe Court of Common Pleas of
Lan. co.. to distribute the balance ofaccountof Henry Mc-
Fall, Assignee of Felix Moss and Wife, of Martic township,
Lan. co.. amoDg those entitled thereto, will meet at the
Library Rohm In the Court House, in the dty of Lancaster,
on Thursday, the 15th day of October, 1857. at 2 o’clock in
the afternoon, where all persons interested are requested
to attend. J. W. MECKLEY, Auditor.
s*P 22 4t 36
Notice is hereby given that
the Mount Joy Savings' institution having a capital
stock of Fifty Thousand Dollars, and located in Mount Joy,
Lancaster county, will apply to tho Legislature ot Penn
sylvania. at its next session, for the privilege of increasing
its capital stock Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars, with the
further privilege of iucreasing its capital atocji to Oue
Huodred and Fifty Thousand Dpllars; and also for power
to change its name to “The Bank of Mount Joy,” and
under that name, and in its present location, to issue Bank
Notes and exercise and enjoy the powers and privileges
conferred by the Act of April 16th. 1850, entitled “An Act
regulating Banks,” and the several supplements thereto.
By order of the Board of Directors.
HENRY KBERLE, President.
Jacob It. Long, Treasurer. june 23 6m 23
von township. Lancaster county, dec'd. You are hereby
notified to be and appear id the Orphans’ Court of Lancas
ter County, to bo held on the 16th day of November. 1857,
at 10 o’clock, A. M., to accept or refuse to accept the Real
Estate of said deo'd in Pennsylvania, except his lands in
l/Atiraster county, at the valuation thereof, made by Com
mii-sioDera thereon, and confirmed by said Court, or show
cause why the same should not be sold according to law.
Sheriff’s Office, Lan. Sep. 10. 1*57. [sep 15 td 35
Weekly - Times.” Lancaster, and Weekly “Press,” Phila.,
copy'till day, and forward bills to Sheriff.
it The attention r-f the residents of this vicinity is re
spectfully called to the larg**. elegant and cheap assortment
ot BKALTIFUL FALL GoODS to he found at the Dry
Goods Store of THOS. W. EVANS k CO,
. SIS and S2U Chestnut St., Philud’a.
Thin stock is principally of their own importation, having
been selected personally by one of the firm in Europe, and
will be tmind to embrace all the newest and most fashion
able fabrics imported this season, at unusually low prices.
DRESS SILKS, the largest, handsomest and cheapest
assortment ever offered.
Hobo* a Quille, Cloaks, B&yAdere do.
Valencias, Embroideries. Chinf7es.
Poplins, Mitts, Mantillas.
Poil de Chevron. Merinoes, Talmas.
Mousdelaines, Cashmeres, Gloves,
Shawls, Duchess Robes, Scarfs,
with a general assortment of FANCY DRY GOODS.
Purchasers visiting the city will find it advantageous to
call and examine this stock, a* the assortment will be found
complete, and prices to suit all classes of buyers.
-P 0t37 .
Ten floors of this spacious building, erected ex- „JbL.
preflslv for (he Proprietors’ trade, are stored with Seeds aud
Implements of intero't to Farmers aud Gardeners.
The .subscribers desire to call the attention of every one
interested in Farming and Gardening, to their well selected
stock of
The Agricultural Implements sold by us are mostly man
ufactured at o ( ur Steam Works. Bristol, Pa.
Having fitted up this establishment without regard to
expense, with the most complete nVachinery, for the manu
facture of various kinds of Agricultural Implements, we
are now prepared to supply all articles in this line fully not superior, to any thing of the kind ever before
offered to the public.
Have been before the public for upwards of sixty years;
their wide-spread popularity, aud theconstantly increasing
demand trom year to year, is the best evidence of their su
periority over all others.
Country merchants can be supplied with seeds in
papers, or bulk, on the most liberal terms.
Bloomsdale, near Bristol, Pa., our Harden Seed grounds,
contains three hundred and seventy acres, and is the larg
est establishment of its kind in the world.
Now. 21 and 23 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia.
3m 36]
At the old and well-known Stand,
Cbr.of Aorth Queen and Orange Six., Lancaster, Penn'a.
An excellent assortment of Double and Single-
Breasted Raglan. Sack and Paletot Overcoats, of a ]BB
variety of material, and made by his own workmen (lzj
with express reference to style, durability and com- —ILL
Cloth, Cassimere, and Satinett Dress and Business
Frocks, Sacks and Monkey Jackets—plain and figured, and
in various shades of color.
Cloth, Cassimere, Satinet and Velvet Pantaloons, of a va
riety of style, color and figure.
Silk el ret, Merino, Plush. Grenadine, Silk, Cloth. Casi
mere and Satinett Vests, double and siugle breasted.
Woollen and Cotton, Knit, Cricket., Jackets, Under Cloth
ing and Hoisery.
„ “ Winchester A Scott’s Celebrated Shirts,” Collars, Stocks,
scarfs, Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Suspenders, Um
brellas and gentlemen’s furnishing goods In general.
ALSO.— Fine, medium and common Cloths, Cassimeres,
Satinetts and Vestings of such styles, colors and figures as
the market affords, and which cannot fall to meet the wants
of the most fastidious taste:—all of which will be manufac
tured to order in the best manner, with the utmost, prompt
ness, and on the most reasonable terms
All articles purchased or manufactured at*this establish
ment, are warranted to give satisfaction, or an exchange or
alteration will bo promptly and cheerfully made.
Thankful to an appreciating community for past.Javora,
the proprietor hopes he may confidently look for a-contin
nance of the same. j. J. KRAMPH.
***p 29 a TO 37
The undersigned would respectfully call the attention of
the public to their large assortment of
Which we are constantly receiving. All persons wanting
Stoves will please call and examine for themselves, as they
will find the greatest assortment of Stoves In the city.
We have jnst received a foil supply of the following
Victor, (complete) Summer Baker, Great Western,
Warnick Globe, Portable Range, Hathawa,
Cressen Globe, Great Republic, Snow Bird,
Crystal, Etna. Premium, Vulcan,
Champion, Enchantress, May Flower,
Governor. Emporium, Star,
William Penn, Capital, City Range,
Morning Star, Black Diamond, Banner,
Empire State. Vernon, Royal,
Victory. Flat Top, Sea Shell, * Astor,
Fanny Forrester, Lancaster Cook, Home,
Young America, Delaware. Welcome,
Keystone, New World, Liberty,
and mauy other Pattern Cook. We have also ou hand a
beautiful assortment of PARLOR COOKS, Morning Glory
Cook, Hot Air Parlor Cook, Warnick Parlor Cook, Model
Parlor Cook, Boatman Parlor Cook, Lilly’s Parlor Cook,
Penn Parlor Cook. Abbott Parlor Cook.
We have also the Agency for an entire new
Also, the Agency for the best Air tight Cooking Store out,
which has many advantages over the common cooking
We therefore ask the attention of the public to our
Stoves, together with a full assortment of
#5“ Call and judge for yourselves.
day of OCTOBER. 1857, will be sold by public sale, on
tne premises, in Upper Leacock township, Lancaster county
op the road leading from the New Holland tnrnpike to the
Newport road, and adjoining the Newport road, ene mile
south of Michael Bender’s Tavern, on the New Holland
urnpike, two miles north ol Groff’s mill, about three miles
north of the Bird in-nand, on the railroad, and about half
a.mue from the village of Monterey,- the following property,,
viz. A Tract of Limestone Land, containing
more or less, adjoining lands of Georgo Groff, Daniel Ka
chel, estate of Jacob K. Gerber and others. The improve
ments thereon consist of a double one and a half -
story Log DWELLING HOUSE, Stone Wash
House with Cellar, Smoke House, Hog Stye, Wa- ISllttH
gou Shed with Com Cribs, BAN K BARN, and oth- 1 l>Wl
er out-buildlngs. Also, a Well of never felliug Water with
pomp therein at the wash-house door, TWO ORCHARDS,
containing a variety of Apples and other fruit.
About 4 Acres of the above tract is well set with Timber,
Oak, and a great variety of Locust
Trees, the residue is clear and in a high state of cultiva
tlon, under good fences, principally Locust Post and Ches
uut Rails, it having all been recently limed. A stream of
W Jtl er the barn yard, and the fields are so
arranged that cattle have access to the water from every
A further description is deemed unnecessary, as per
■ons wishing to view the premises before the day of sale
0n ®f°J ainln Mucke! residing thereon, or on the
subscriber residing near the same.
h,e tlUo ii< ” ,sMion eiTe ' ion th «
..f''” *° co ““? n “ 1 > t 1 O’clock. P. M., of Mid day, when
SdTon and ternu nSd e known by
sep 29 4to 37 JOSEPH WENGER.
BER 19. 1857. The undersigned Executor of the
, Will of John Il'.orer, Ute of Straaburg township, Lancaster
; county, -d. in the execution of the direction of said
! of said Will, will a»ll by Public Vendue, at the public
house of ffenrv Bear, in the borough of Strasburg, the fo’-
• lowing Real FstaL* lat** of the said deceased, situate in
Strasburg towuahip aforesaid, about 1 mile south of Stms
burg, on Little Bearer Creek, to wit: The late Mansion
Place of the deceased, consisting of A PLANTATION, or
Trart ot Land, containing about
of first rate Limestone Land, with a large two- » .
story STONE DWELLING HOUSE, with a two
story Frame Building attached; a Pram- Wash I=s=l
House, a large Swiew Barn. Wagon Shed. Smith ■
Shop, Hay Stahlaand other improvements thereon e’ected;
* Well and a Pump of excellent never-failing water at
the bouse An ORCHARD of Apple and other Fruit Trees.
This Farm loe*t*-d in a pleasant healthful and wealth*
neighborhood, and is well worthy the attention of person's
wishing to purchase R**al Estate
Persons wishing to view the premises before the day
of sale, will please call on the subscriber residing thereon!
Possession and an indisputable title will be given on the
Ist day of April next.
Sale to cnznmenre at 2 • ’clock, p. m.. on said day, when
attendance will be given and terms made known by
Executor of John Uoover. dec’d.
At private sale, a valuable
MILL AND FARM.—The sutacribers will sell at
private sale, their MERCHANT AND GRISTMILL AND
FARBi of $930 Acres of Land, in a high state of cultivation,
situate in Drutnore township, Lancaster county, on the
road leading from Chestnut Level to McCall’s Ferry, one
mQe from the former place and 5 from the latter, 4 miles
from Peach Bottom and 18 miles south of Lancaster city,
adjoining lands of James Long, Thomas Moore. Isaac
Shoemaker and others. The improvements consist of a
three story Frame Merchant and Grist Mill, with two Wa
ter Wheels. 20 feet head and fall, three run of Stones, and
ever)' other necessary machinery for carrying on Merchant
and Grist work; a double geared Saw Mill; a « .
Two story Frame DWELLING HOUSE, 22 by 28
feet, Stone Spring House at the door, Frame Sta- Ml q!f
ble, Hog House, and other out buildings. The
Farm Bnildings consist of'a two story Stone House, 28 by
32 feet, Frame Barn, 50 by 51 feet, with water running in
the yard, Wagon House, 13 by 28 feet, a Grain House 17
by ! 80 feet, Spring House over an excellent spring of water
near the door, also two APPLE ORCHARDS of choice
fruit. The farm is well dividod, and stock can get to wa
ter from nearly every field.
The above property will be srld altogether, or divided in
three different parts, as may best suit purchasers.
Persons wishing to view the property will be shown it by
the subscribers living thereon. B. k J. PENROSE.
*ep 1 , tf 34
SALE. On WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 7tb, 1857. will
be sold st Public Sale, at the public boose of Martin M.
Fieles, in the village of Georgetown, Bart township, Lan.
county, the foil-wing described valuable real estate :
No. 1, Situated In Eden towuship, Lancaster Co., tour
miles Southuant of Strasburg borough, and about 1 1 /> miles
West of Georgetown, adjoining lands of Umble A "Plank,
W. W. Withers, Samuel Kauffman and others,ami now in
the occupancy of Samuel Ffnley, containing
more or less, about twenty-five of which are covered, with
very heavy timber, principally chesnut sprouts. The re
mainder under cultivation, has been heavily limed, witbin
the few past years, and is under good Jeucing. The im
provements thereon are a well finished Two story
38 by 33 feet, a Stone Barn 60 by 44 feet, with a
large Straw -Home, Wagon Shed and Cora Crib
attached, also a Spring House, Hog Pen, and other neces
sary out-buildings. There is a Spring of never failing wa
ter near the dwelling.
of choice fruit trees, and all other convenience* usually
found on first class plantations.
No. 2, Also In Eden township, adjoining No. 1, lands of
John Ilanck, Abraham Herr, Israel Itohrer and others,
now in the occupancy of James Brown, containing
more or less, about twenty-five of which is covered with
excellent timber; the remainder under a good state ofeu)-
tivation, having been heavily limed aud well cared for
generally; the which.are a two-Btory
32 feet square; a large double-decked Stone Barn, 66 by 45
feet; a Stone Spring and Wash House, and other necessary
out buildings.
It iB believed that this opportunity offers inducements
to purchasers which are rarely to be met with. The build
ings are all new; the fencing good; the land well watered,
there being running water in almost every field. Stores,
Post Office, Mills, Ac., are convenient, and in fact, nothing
wanting to make either of the described tracts a desirable
Oue-tliird of the purchase money can remain 6ecured in
the property.
Persons wishing to view either of the above described
tracts, will please call on either of the undersigned, or
Samuel Finley, residing on No. 1. or on John B. WarfeJ,
residing 2 miles east of Stmsburg Borough, on the West
Chester road, who will give every information respecting
the property, Ac., Ac.
Poßsessioniaud an indisputable title will be given on the
first day of April, A. D., 1858.
Sale to commence at 1 o’clock nf said day, when terms
will be made known by JACOB ESHLEMAN,
C. H. LKFBVER, Lancaster city.
Trustees uuder the will of Jacob Esbleman, sr., late of Par
adise twp , deceased. sepBts34
V SALE.—The heirs of Jacob Borkbolder, late of Peters
township, doc’d will offer at public sale on the premises,
on TUESDAY the 20th day of OCTOBER, the followiug
valuable real estate, to wit:
226 Acres of choice land, situated in Peters town
ship, Franklin county, Pa_ on the road leading from Lou
don to Mercer*burg, about two miles from the former
place; about 175 ACRES being first quality Limestone
Land, *Dd the balance Slate, 210 Acres being in a high
state of cultivation, the balance being good Timber Land.
The improvements consist of a two-story BRICK * »
DWELLING HOUSE, a Brick Spring and Wash
House, a Brick Burn, being IDO feet lung by |sq =
60 feet wide, Corn Crib, Wagon Shed. Ilog Pen
and other necessary out-buildings; having also 1 uou or
1.200 pannels of post fence ; together with a spring of never
failing water conv-. Dient to the buildings, with a running
pump iu the barn-yard; also a young Orchard of choice
Fruit. The above property is bounded by lands of Jas.
Dickey’s heirs%n the South, 11. Dickout on the West, Peter
Stenger aud Johu Beam on the North, aud Jacob Lebniae*
ter on the Fast.
Should thisvpropertj not be sold at private sale, previous
to the day of sale, it will nn that day he* offered at public
outcry. TIIK HEIRS,
sep lo tR 35
OCTOBER 24th. 1557. By order of the Orphans’ Court
of Lancaster county, will be sold at public sale, at the ho
tel cf G. E. Sehnor, in the borough of Washington, tho
following described valuable real estate, the property of the
late Dr. A. Bituer, deceased, viz: Sundry Islands in the
Susquehanna River, lying opposite said Borough of Wash
ington, known as the
Tho land is of an excellent quality for farming purposes,
and produces cood crops every year.
No. 1. "HOUSE ISLAND”—containing 25 acres,
more or Jess. The Improvements area two-story
and Kitchen attached, a Frame Barn, 3i by 41 J«JuL
feet, with Stable and Shed attached. Corn Crib, Ilog Pen,
and other out-buildings—also a well of water near the door.
No. 2. Known as “MIDDLE ISLAND.” containing 24
acres, more or less.
No. 3. “BIG ISLAND,” containing acres, more or
less. The improvements on this Island are a Frame Barn,
with threshing floor and one mow.
No. 4. “SPICE ISLAND,” containing about 8 acres.
No. 6. “HICKORY, or FOUR ACRE ISLAND,” contain
ing 4 acres, more or less.
No. 6. A small Island, containing about 4S perches.
No. 7. A small do. containing about 40 perches.
No. S. “TURTLE ISLAND,” containing 1 acre, more or
No. 9. “POLECAT ISLAND.” containingabout IV<Cacres.
No. 10. “SHEEP ISLAND,” containing l 1 acres, more
or less.
No. 11. "LATCHKM’S ISLAND,” containing about 1
containing 5 acres, more or less.
No. 13. “MAPLE ISLAND,” containing 1 acre, more or
The above mentioned Islands will be sold separately, and
Possession will bo given on the Ist day of April next.
Sale to commence at 1 o’clock, P. M., of said day, when
terms of sale will be made known by
sep 19 4t 37] JOSEPH SCHOCII,
•• Ex’r and Test’y Trustee of Dr. A. Bituer, dec'd.
[“Examiner,” and Columbia “Spy” copy, and charge E x’r,]
I will pell at public sale, ou the premises, about one mile
west of Carlisle on the turnpike road, at 11 o’clock A. M.,
of Thorsday the 22cd of October, 1857, two first rate
No. 1. Containing about 310 Acres, of which about 240
acres are cleared, cultivated and well enclosed with post
fence, and the residue, about 70 acres, is covered with prime
timber of the best quality. The improvements
on this tract are a good HOUSE, BARN, OR*
CHARD aud CRIBS ; and there has been about |l Huy
2500 bushels of Lime and a large quantity of J ~ i—Bt
barn-yard manure put upon the land this season.
No. 2, The farm adjoining above and lyiug on the State
road to NewviUe, and bounded by the Cumberland Valley
Railroad, containing 210 Acres. There is a good HOUSE,
BARN, and CRIBS upon this farm and a great doal of post
Before the day of sale these two tracts, which lie in one
body, will be surveyed and divided into three or more
farms of about 100 acres each, and will then be sold all to
gether or in parts, as will best suit purchasers.
I will sell on the same day at o’clock, P.'M., on the
No. 3, That elegant farm, which is situated within the
Borough of Carlisle, on the Waggoner’s Gap road, contain
ing 137 acres, more or less, all of which is highly improved
and under post fences, having a first-rate BANK BARN,
HOUSE, and other improvements thereon erected. Also,
No. 4. A Field of 20 acres on the Waggoner’s Gap road,
and adjoining the farm of George Waggoner, and which is
about one mile northwest of Carlisle, and which is also
limestone laDd of the best qnallty.
No. 5, A FARM in North Middletown township, bounded
by lands of Irvine’s heirs, John Noble, Abraham Hettrick,
and the Conodoguinet creek, containing about 224 acres, a
large part of which is cleared and in a good state of culti
vation, and the residue in thriving timber. There is an
excellent HOUSE, BARN,and other valuihle improvements
on this farm.
No. 6. That valuable HOUSE and LOT OF GROUND,
60 feet in front, on Main street, and 240 feet on Pitt street,
in Carlisle. This property Is mostadvantageonsly situated
for any public business, being immediately at the depot of
the Cumberland Valley Railroad Company.
No. 7, All that .fine farm situate in North Middleton
township, about miles from Carlisle, on the north side
of the Conodoguinet creek, Immediately opposite the “Al
len Farm,” and which is bounded by lands of Peres How
ard, Alex. Cornman, and others, containingabout3oo acres
of good slate land, a part of which is cleared, and a large
part is in fine timber; before the sale this farm will be
divided, and sold in parts or altogether, as will best suit
The properties No. I and 2 will be sold on the premises No.
1, and all the other properties will be sold on the premises
No. 3, at the hours mentioned.
The titles to all these properties are Indisputable and will
be made to the purchasers clear of all incumbrances, aud
possession will be given on the Ist ol April. 1858. Any in
formation on tile subject of the property or titlos, can be
obtained by reference to Frederick Watt’s, Esq., Carlisle.
The terms of sale, which will be made easy for the pur
chasers, will be made known on the day of sale by
Att’y in fact for Armstrong Noble and aobert Noble.
Carlisle, Sept 21, 67. sep29ts37
fronting on North Qneen street and the Railroad. Its lo
cation has made it one of the best stands in that part of
the city.
on the east side of North Duke street, five doors h|ss| ■
south of Chesnut. This house is nearly new, bnilt aSki '
of the beet materials and in modern style, with both gas .
and water fixtures, bath room, and a lot 245 feet deep, ao^!
located in a pretty retired neighborhood.
on west side of North Prince, between Lemon and James
streets, with a lot extending to Water street, having a front
sufficient on both streets to erect three comfortable dwel- 1
lings on each street, and a never failing well of water on ;
the same. It has the advantage of an improving neigh
borhood, and Is close to the Railroad.
east of the “Locomotive Works,” No*. 31, 67, 110, 145, 195, ;
222, 242, 238, 313 and 348, on the “Chesnut Street Tract,” ;
laid out by Landis and Breneman. i
The above properties, if not sold at private sale, will be
offered at public sale on THUR3DAY, 15th OCTOBER
NEXT, at o’clock, p. m., at the Fulton House above
mentioned. Terms of sale mad* easy.
Reference, T. £L MILLER, Recorder,
aug 18 8t 31 (Examiner copy.) Lancaster, Pa.
in pursuance of an Order i.f tbe Orphans' Court of Laucas
fer <• •tinty. tl»« noder-igu-il. appointed hy the said Court*,
T> *M**e for tb- puipose, will expo.-e to public rale, on the
ptviuiees. the felb-wiug valuable real estate, lat* theprop
rrty of Mertiu bhreiner. deceased, t«> wit: A PLANTA
137 (more or less } situated in Manheim township, in
said county, on the Lancaster and Oregon turnrike, about
5 miles from the former and 2 pities from the latter place
adjoining lands of Henry Landis, Ju£n Royer, H. L. Lan
dis. n«-nry Shreluer, Andrew B Hauck. arid others. The
improvements thereon are a one-storv. Log .
DWELLING HOUSE, Bank Barn, Corn' barn,
Spring House, Wash House, and other necessary ||S||
oat-buildings. Between 29 and 30 acres are cor- JUUL
ered with valuable Timber. There is an excellent spring
of water near The buildings, and a fine ORCHARD conve
nient the hou«e.
This Farm is pleasantly situated, convenient to markets,
aud in a high state of cultivation. $3,300 of the purchase
money will remain charged on the premises during the
life time of Maria Bhreiner, the purchaser to pay her $175
:per annum, and to supply her with fire-wood, according to
;the Will of Martin Shreiner. deceased.
Persons wishing to view the premises Infers the dsy of
sal«, will please call on Daniel S. Grosh. residing thereon.
Sale to commence at 2 o’clock in the afternoon of said day,
when conditions of sale will be made koov n bv
sep224t3o THOMAS GRuSH. Trustee.
Farm at private sale The suh-
Rrribers will sell their FARM at private salo. Paid
Farm is situated in Martin township. Lancaster county,
on the road leading fmm Martic Forge to McCall's Ferry!
about 2 miles west of RawlinsviUt*. and contains about 72
acres, more or Jess, the greater portion well fenced and in a
pood state of cultivation. The balance is com posed of young
timberand sprout land and meadow bottom. The
improvements are a two-story Lo
a new Frame Barn, and other out-buildiugs.—
There is a good Apple Orrhard and other Fruit Trees. The
Farm is well watered with a number of streams, audit
Spring near the house.
Terms will be made easy, and possession girt'n on the
Ist day of April, 1557.
Any person wishing to view the premises will rail on
either of the subscribers, residing at Mount Nebo. one mile
north-west of the property.
The subscriber will also sell, at pri
vate sale a HOUSE AND LOT in the Tillage of Mount Ne
bo. There are 3 acres aud 136 perches of land in the lot.
and the improvements are a two-story FRAME HOUSE, a
Frame STABLE, and other out-buildlngs. There is an ex
cellent spring of water on the lot. and the land is well
fenced and in a good state of cultivation.
Terms made easy. Apply to JOSEPH ENGLES.
aug2s tf 32
VATE SALE.—The undersigned offers at private halo
all that spacious, late improved aud licensed . .
Two story Frame TAVERN HOUSE with the
Gas fixtures thereon, aud the two lots ||q||
of ground thereto belonging, fronting ou
the North side of East King street, in the city of Lancaster
128 teet aud 9 inches, and extending in depth to a 14 feet
wide public alloy 248 teet, adjoining ground of A. S. Hen
derson and others, with tin- improv.-meira of recently
erected Stabling to put uo .'*o head of ht-ix--. and other out
houses,and two wells of water with pumps and a hydrant
of Conestoga conveniently arnuig-d tortile accom
modation of said Tavern House, Stabling, .v<- . nil of which
is enclosed with good fencing and clLarof ground rent,
charges and other encumbrances. The uudersigned intends
embarking in other busiuess, induce- him to offer said
premises for sile. confident that it th- -ante is properly
conducted as a public house of etitoi Utionmut 'he license
thereof will not be discontinued, persons desirous of
viewing the premises will up.-n
seplstf3s JitH.N HAMILTON.
TAXECUTOR’S SALE.--Will be exposed
X_i to Public Sale, upon the premises, on SATURDAY,
the 24th day of OCTOBER, A. D.. 1857, at !u o’clock in the
forenoon, all that ccrt&iu Messuage, Tern until, plautatiou
and Trart of Laud lying and being situate in Union town
ship, Mifflin county, ami now iu the t .vupitn.-y of John
Alexander, containing
bounded by lands of Cyrus Alexander. Henry Steele)'*
heirs. Enoch Zook, Shorn Yoder, and Joseph Hafiley. for
merly the property of Dauiel overh- l-vr. being a very de
sirable situation, an excellent firm, rich -oil, with good
improvements, and ih a high state of euim'ation.
Also, at the same time and place, a certain piece of
MOUNTAIN LAND, belonging to said farm, eontaitiiug 8
ACRES, also formerly tho properly of said Daniel Overhol
6er, all of which land he, the said Daniel, sold and conveyed
to Aon Alexander, now deceased.
An indisputable title will be idven. dm? third nr one
half the purchase money to be paid April ist. 1808, wlun
possession will be givou uud the deed made; and the resi
due iu two equal annual payments, to be secured in the
usual way. lIUUII ALEXANDER,
- 11. L». TAYLDK.
Executors of Ann Alexander, dec'd.
spp la td oOj
V SALE.—The subscriber, wishing to nliiujuisii the
business, offers for sale that well known ami popular Hotel
property, in which she now resides, situate <>u the North
side of East King street, two doors West of the Now Court
House, and adjoiniug property of James Kvaus on the
East and Thomas E. Franklin on tbo W.-sl. The p ,
improvements are a largo three-story BRICK rS
DWELLING, with enteuaive Brick Back Build- |aS~l
ing, Brick Stable. Ice House, Carriage llorw. ic.
This property Ims long been known as a Public House,
and being situated in one of the most business streets of
the city, in close proximity to the Court House aud Public
Offices, offers a rare inducement to any person wishing to
keep a first-class hotel.
In connection with the Hole’ I.- also a Restaurant, being
kept as such and now doiug an extensive business. The
main, or bar-room, has been fitted up expressly for this
purpose, and has for many years been’ known as the best
Restaurant in the city. It Ims every convenience for the
purpose of facilitating the businc-s. To** « hoi- building
has been thoroughly repaired, painted tin i papered within
a few years , has all the facilities of gas and water, and has
been made suitable for a hotel without regard in expense.
A further description is deemed unnecessary, ns persons
disposed to purchase will please call upon the subscriber,
who will tike pleasure iu showing ihetn the premises.
Should the al>ove property unt he sold In fore Wednesday;
thol-Uh day of will at 7 o'c lock on the
evening of that day be exposed to public s ile on the prem
A clear . -tad indisputable title aud possession given i>h
the first day of April next
For terms apply to
sep 1
, X I'»th day of OCTOBER, 18.',7, will lie sold at public
! «ile. by the understood Assignees nr .li,hn Brady and
I Wife, at tins public bouse of John Brady, in tin; village of
I Millersville, the following Real Estate, In wit :
No. 1, Consisting of SIX AND A lIALF I ACRES OF
LAND, fronting on the Manor turnpike mad, :ind2oo yard#
west of the Lancaster County Normal School, whereon is
erected a Largo Two-story TAVERN STAND: r «
with an attic, known as tho MILLERSVILLE
HOTEL." Al«o, a Brick Kitchen, Ice Houm*. |-S =
Cooper Shop, Smoke House, Pig Stye, and large JuLIX
and commodious, Stabling aud Shedding, p got her with a
Pump of never-failing water.
No. 2, Consisting of THREE ACHES OF GROUND, in
the village aforesaid, fronting on the Manor turnpike, ad
joining property of Dr. Herr and others-—und-r good fen--.*
and in a high state of cultivation.
more or less, fronting on the. Manor turnpike, whoroou j*
erected a double one-story
with Frame Kitchen, well arranged for two fumilies; also
situate in the Tillage of Millersville.
No. 4, Coiisistingof ABOUT ONE AND A HALF ACRES,
fronting on Elizabeth Street, in said lillago, immediately
south of No. o, adjoining property of Amo.-, Eslileman and
No. 5. Consisting of THREE-EIGHTHS OF AN ACRE,
fronting on Middle Street in said village, adjoining prop
erty of B. B. Martin and others, whereon is erected a one
story Frame DWELLING HOUSE, Ac.
No. 6, Consisting of the undivided half part of the BRICK
YARD PROPERTY, known by the name of Martin A Bra
dy's Brick Yard, containing THREE AND A HALF
ACRES, fronting on the Manor Turnpike road, adjoining
the Lancaster County Normal School property, well adap
ted for Building Lots, and one of the most desirable loca
tions in Millersviile.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on said day, when
attendance will be giren and terms made known by
of John Brady ond Wife.
BER 10, 1857. will be sold by public vendue, at the
pub ic house of I’oter Albert, in Roseville. Lancaster coun
ty, the following valuable leal estate, viz :
All that certain Tract of Limestone Land, containing 4
ACRES and 136 PERCHES, situate in Munhrim town
ship, Lancaster county, on the Lancaster and Oregon turn
pike, near said Roseville, about 2 miles northeast from the
city of Lancaster, adjoining lands of John Landis and oth
ers. The improvements thereon are, a two-story » ■
Brick DWELLING HOUSE, with a Brick Kitrh
en attached. Wash, Bake and Smoke House. Bank Isas
Barn, with Granaries. Carriage House, Corn Cribs,
and other out-buildings; a Pump with good and never
failing water, near the door, a variety of choice fruit trees,
of various kinds, a splendid Grupe Arbor, with other im
provements. The land is well fenced, In a high state of
cultivation, and the buildings are in first-rate order and
Persons wishing to view the premises before the day of
sale, will please call on the subscriber, residing on thesamo.
Possession and,a good title will be given on the first of
April next.
Sale to commence at 2 o’clock iu-the afternoon of said
day, when conditions of Sale will be made known by
John Evans, Auctioneer.
signed, as administrator de bonis non cum testamento
anntso of Peter Klanser, late of East Earl twp., Lao. co.,
Pa., doc'd, by virtue of an order of the Orphans’Court, will
sell the following described real estate late of said decedent
by public sal-, viz:
No. 1, A Tract of land In said twp, containing 12
ACRES 10 PERCHES, more or less, in a high state of
cultivation, with a never failing well of water, a r ■
thriving joung orchard of a .variety of Frnit
Trees, a one-story DWELLING HOUSE, Barn and j§s§
other outbuildings thereon; adjoining lands of
Levi Mentzer, Wm. B. Schneder, Amos Schnederand the
lots hereinafter mentioned. Part of it is meadow land.
No. 6, A lot containing about % of an acre adjoining a
lot of Levi Klanser and other lota herein mentioned, front
ing on the White Hollow Road and an alley intended to
bo opened 10 rods back of the.maiu street In the village of
Nos. 7. k. 9, 10,11 aud 12, each fronting on said alley
and containing about 1 acre. There is a fine growth of
thriving yonng ChcsDnt timber on Nos. 11. and 12. The
land Is in a heal thy and populous neighborhood. Churches,
Schools and Stores close at band. It is in a part of the
county where real estate has been steadily increasing in
value, and holds out great Inducements to purchasers.
The entire tract will be offered for sale altogether and
also in lots. A draught of the lots can be seen at the resi
dence of S. N. Klanser in Fairville.
Sale to be held on the premises on' Saturday the 10th
day of October, A. D. 1807, at 1 o’clock, P. M., when torms
will be mndo known by ZURIEL SWOPE.
Also, at the same time and place, os agoDt for Sarah
Klanser, widow of said deceased, I will sell lots Nos. 2,3,
4 and 5, fronting each on the White Hollow Road, contain
ing about 1 acre, and adjoining Nos. I aud 6 above men
sep 15 4t 35
LOTS.—On FRIDAY, the 23d of OCTOBER, 1857, in
pursuance of an order of the Orphans’ Court of Lancaster
county, will be sold at public sale, at the Black Horse Tav
ern, in Paradise township, the following VALUABLE
WOOD LOTS, late the estateof THEO. SHERTZ, deceased,
situate in said township, on the road leading from Brinton’s
Warehouse to Georgetown, and the White Oak Road, about
2 miles south-east of said Black Horse Tavern, near Cedar
Field, adjoining lands of Christian Rohrer, John Shertz,
James and Robert Mclllvaine, John Nelson, John S. Ken
eagy, and Davis Simpson, viz:
No. I—Contains 2 Acres, 3 Roods and 27 Perches.
No. 2, do. 3 do. 39 do.
No. 3, do. 3 do. 1 do. 39 do
No. 4. do. 2 do. do.
No. 5, do. 2 do. 1 do. 2 ~ do.
No. 3, do. 2 do. 2 do. 10 do.
No. 7, do. 1 do. 2 do. 82 do.
The above Lots are part SPROUT and part TIMBER
LAND, covered with a fine growth of Hickory, Oak and
Chestnut Timber.
No. 8, is situated near tbo above lots, adjoining lots of
A. K. A A. L, Wifmer, the heirs of Henry Shertz, deceased,
Christian Lefever and No. 9, and contains
No. 9, adjoins No. 8. lands of Jacob Frantz, William
Stanton, and others, and contains
The two last rentionod lots are well set, (of several years
growth,) with fine Chestnut Sprouts.
45* Perrons wishing to view tbo lots previous to sale,
will please call on Mr. Davis Simpson, residing adjoining
the same, or upon the subscriber.
Bale to commence at 1 o’clock, P. M., on'said day, when
conditions, Ac., will be made known.
sep 29 4t 87 Administrator.
HAUBL, Esq., tbe well known porftoMr. a i
Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, wbcM ebotce psixlaeti
tre found nt almost every toilet, says:
“ I am happy to any of your Canfsanc Pius. that 1
have found them a better family medicine, for
use, than any other within my knowledge. Many of my
friends have realized marked benefits from them, tad c i
mettle wtth me in believing that they poaew eattaoidlurv
virtues for driving out diseases and curing the Thar
are not only effectual, but safe and pleasant to be taken
Qualities which must make them valued by the while
when they are known.”
The venerable Chancellor WARD LAW writes from Bal
timore. 15th April, 1854:
1 Dr. j. c. Area Sir: I have taken yoaj PBb with
benefit, for the listlessness, languor, loos of tppedta.
and Bilious headache, which has of late yean overtaken
me in the spring. A few doses of your PiUs cored me. I
have used your Cherry Pectoral many yean in my IkmUy
for coughs and colds with unfailing sueeew. Too make
medicines which atrt ; and l feel it a pleasure to
you for the good you have done and are doing.”
JOHN F. BEATTY, Esq., Sec, of Ih* Penn. BsfTrwtf
says :
“ Pa. R. R. OfficM, Philadelphia, Deo- 13, 1853.
“ Sir : I take pleasure in adding my testimony to the
efficacy of your medicines, having derived very material
benefit from the use of both your Pectoral and Ctihartie
rills. I am never without them in my family, nor shall I
ever consent lo be, while my means will procure them.”
The widely renowned S. 0. STEVENS, M. D., of Went.
worth, N. H., writes:
“ Having used your C*TH*aTtc Pi(2j in my practice, l
certify from experience that they are an invaluable puna,
tive. in canes of disordered functions of the liver, caucus
headache, indigeetinn, eostivenesa, and the great variety
of (licenses that follow, they are a surer remedy than any
other. In all rases where a purgative remedy m requtrea,
I confidently recommend these Pills to ths public, as
superior to any other I have ever found Tbeya!* sura
io their o|>eration, and perfectly safe—qualities which
make thorn an invaluable article for publie use. I have
t*<r many years known your Clary Pectoral as the best
('ouch medicine in the world ; and these Pills are in no
inferior to that admirable preparation for the treat
ment of diseases.”
“Jcton, Me., JVkv. 85, 1853.
‘ Dn. J. C. Area— Dear Sir: I have been afflicted from
my birth with scrofula in its worst form, end now, altat
twenty years* trial, and an untold of amount of tufferißg,
have been completely cured in a Tew weeks by your PUU.
With what feelings of rejoicing I write fJn only be
imagined when you realize what 1 have suffhred and bow
“ Never until now have I been free fronj this loathsome
disease in some shape. At times it attacked my eyes, and
made me almost blind, besides the unendurable pain ; at
others it settled in the scalp of my head, and destroyed my
balr, and has kept me partly bald all my days; sometimes
it came out in my (ace, and kept it for months a raw sore
“ About nine weeks ago I commenced taking your Ca
thartic Pills, and now am entirely free from the complaint
My eyes are well, my akin is fair, and my hair has com
menced a healthy growth j all of which makes me feel
already a new permit.
“ Hoping tbie statement mar be the means of conveying
information that shall do good to am, with every
sentiment of gratitude, Tours, foe.,
11 1 have known the above named Maria Ricker from
her childhood, and her statement is strietly true.
Overseer of the Portsmouth Manufacturing Co,”
Carr. JOEL PRATT, of the ship Marion, writes from
Boston, 90ib April, 1854:
“ Your Pills have cured me from a biUoue stuck which
arose from deraogement of tbs Liver, which had become
very serious. I had failed of any relief by my Physician,
and from svery remedy I could try ; but a few doses of
your Pills have completely restored me to health. 1 have
given them to my children for worms, with the best ef
fects. They were promptly cured. I recommended them
to a friend for eoativsness. which had troubled him foe
months: be told me in a few days they bad cured him.
You make the best medicine in the world; and lam fret
to eay so.”
Raad this from the distinguished Solicitor of the Supreme
Court, whose brilliant abilities have made him well
known, not only in this but the neighboring States.
“ ATne Oxlccns, Stk -April, 1854.
“ Sir: I have great satisfaction in assuring you the*
myself and family have been very much benefited by your
medicines. My wife was cured, two yean since, of a se
vere and dangerous cough, by your Chiiit Pbctobsl,
and sines then has enjoyed perfect health. My children
have several times been eured from attacks of the Influ
ents and Croup by it. It Is an invaluable remedy for
these complaints. Your Csthsstic Pills have entirely
cured me from a dyspepsia and coetivenese, which hat
grown upon me for some yean.—indeed, this cure is
much more important, from the act that I bad foiled to
get relief from the best Physicians which this section of
the country affords, and from any of the numerous reme
dies I had taken.
“ Too seem to us, Doctor, like a providential blessing
to oar family, and you may well suppose we are not un
mindful of iL Youn respectfully,
“ Senate Okie. JSprU 5tA, 1654.
“ Da. J. C. Area— Honored Sir: I nave made a thor
ough trial of the Cathabtic Pills, led me by your agent,
and have been cured by them of the dreadful Rheumatiam
under which he found me suffering. The first dose re
lieved foe, and a few subsequent doses hare entirely
removed the disease. I fee! in better health now than for
eome yean before, tvhlch I attribute entirely to the effects
of your Cathaktic Pmxj. Youn with great respect,
The above are all from persons who are publicly knows
where thev reside, and who would not make these state
manta without a thorough conviction that they were true.
Prepared by DE. J. C. AYEE & CO.,
Practical and Analytical Obemiita, Lovell, Mau.
N" 13 Kh-m King Lancaster.
July I tl' 124
ts a;>
FARMri FOR SALK.—Tho subscriber, living in
Cbauibersborg, will Hell bis TWO FARMS in Goilford
township. Franklin county, situate on the public road
leading tn Greencaatle, about ono and a half miles from
Chambersburg. Those farms aio iu the highest state of
cultivation and well improved, with running water through
one of them and the other has a Hplondfd spring. They
are sold for want of time to attend to them. Tho one con
tains 120 acres and tbo other likS. Terms made known by
the suosrrihor. These farms contain a good portion of
tiuilTdr. The Attention of liancaster Connty Farmers is
invited to these farms, which are well worthy thoir atteu
i O DA A' the -iUh of OCTOBER next. Tho undersigned,
Trustee appointed by the Orphans’ Court of Lancaster coun
ty to Sell the real estate late of Mary Jauo Savery, dec’d,
wili, in execution ofau Order of said Court, sell by public
vendue, at the public house of Henry S. Shonck, “National
House,” in North Queen street, in the city of Lancaster,
the following Real Estate late of said doceused, to wit:
situate on tin: north side of Chcsnnt street, botween Ship
pen nod Plum streets in tho city of Lancaster, containing
in fiout on Clipsuut street Diueteun feet, and in depth
northward ouo hundred and eighty-eight foot, to a Ani
2D feet wide alh-v, adjoining property of Dauiel Oke- huh
son, with a one story Brick DWELLING HOUSE,
nod other inif rovements thereon.
Sale will commence at 6o’clock in the evening.
Possession and title will bo given on the Ist of April
next. Terms cash on Ist April next.
aep29 4t37 W. CARPENTER. Trustee^
SALE.—The subscriber will sell at private sale the
farm on which he resides, situate in Drumore Township,
Lancaster County, About two miles south-west of the Buck
Tavern, adjoiuing the road leading from Conowingo Fur
nace to the Susquehanna, about two miles west of the for
mer, and about two miles eastof the latter, adjoining lands
of Joseph Earnhart, Thomas A. Clark, John Myers and
other lands of the subscriber—containing TWO HUNDRED
AND EIGHT ACRES, about eighty acres of which aro
covered with thriving yonng tiiqber. the balance is in a
first-rate state of cultivation, (as will appear upon exami
nation) well fenced off into fields of convenient size, access
to water in and from each field. There is a large and ex
cellent Apple Orchard on the premises, and a great many
other fruit trees of almost every variety.
The Improvements consist of a large stone ifj™ •
covered with slate, a BANK BARN, large Straw
House in frout covered with slate, a large Wagou Bhod
with two Corn Cribs below and Grnneries on the upper
story, Stone Smith and Carponters’ Shops, covered with
slate, Ice House, Smoko House and Hog House. All the
buildings except the barn are nearly new and In complete
order. The water Is conveyed to the dwolllngand barn, In '•
lead pipes by means of a Hydraulic Ram.
There is likewise on the premises a largo TENANT
HOUSE, part stone and part frame, garden and yard newly
pailed In, a well of excellent water aDd pnmp therein near
the kitchen door. This is a Tory productive farm and well
worthy the notice of persona wishing to purchase, being in
an excelleut and healthy neighborhood, convenient to
Stores, Schools, Churches of different denominations, and
to Mil's, their beingaOrist Mill, Saw Mills, Clover Mill,
Apple Mill and Cider Press on an adjoining property. If
this property is not sold before 2Wi o/ Sep-
Umber nett, it will be sold at Public 2 o’clock P.
M., ou that day, at the Buck Tavern In the township
sep 5 ts 34
For terms, which can be made accommodating, apply to
the subscriber, who will take pleasure in showing the prop
erty to any persbn who may favor him with a call.
June 30 ts 24 ISAAC ROGERS.
X The subscriber is very desirous of selling his farm,
situate one mile and a half from the borough of Liverpool,
Perry county, Pa., containing 260 ACRES, about 200 of
which are cleared, and tbo residue nearly all tillable. It
is in a good state of cultivation and has thereon a - -
LOG DWELLING HOUSE, two largo Barns, Cider HbKj
Press undercover. Grain House and other build
ings; also, the best ORCHARDS iu tbo county, lc has
three never failing springs and a draw-well of first-rate wa
ter. Lime Kilns within one mile and a half—cost of lime
cents. Limestone and coal sufficient on the farm at
present for 20UU bushels ofliine. ISAAC MECK.
sep 22 3t* 36
BER 16, A. D., 1857, at 2 o’clock, P. M., by virtue of
an order of sale issuing oat of the Court of Common Pleas
of Lancaster county, and to me directed, I will expose to
public sale, at the public bouse of Jacob Miller, in the
borough of Columbia, the following Real Estate, viz;—All
that Tract of Land, situate in the borough of Columbia,
Lancaster county, containing
bounded on the north by Lateral Railroad of Archibald
Wright, lands of Jonathan Pusey’s estate of the estateof
William Wright, dec’d, and Andrew Gobn; on the east by
land belonging now or late *0 the estate of Jacob Btrickler,
dec’d ; on the south by land belonging to said Stricklor’s
estate aforesaid, John Cooper, the Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania (now Pennsylvania Railroad Company) and otbe: s;
and on the west by land of Frederick S. Bletz and others,
and Pennsylvania Railroad Company, with a FRAME
BARN, and other Improvements thereon, and appurtenan
A LSO, All that Tract nr Piece of Laod, situate in tho bor
ough and county aforesaid, bounded on the north by Jona»
thau Puaey’s estate, on the east by Lateral Railroad of Ar
chibald Wright, on the south by said Lateral Railroad aud
Philadelphia Railroad, aDd on the west by said Philadelphia
Railroad, with the improvements and appurtenan
ces, viz: —A large two-story Brick DWELLING H3”l
HOUSE, a wharf on the Susquehanna River, 194 B g||jy a
feet, Ac.
As the property of RIIODA BARBER, deceased, and to
be soM by. _ GEORGE MARTIN, Sheriff.
Sheriff’s Office, Lanc’r, Sep. 22 ’57.
Real estate for sale.—on sat.
URDAY, the 24th day of OCTOBER, 1867. By order
of the Orphans’ Court of Lancaster county, will be exposed
to public sale, on the premises in Pulton township, on the
road from Fairfield to Port Deposit, about 1 mile from
Peach Bottom, the following described real estate, the
property of Joseph Phillips, dec’d, vis:
containing six acres, more or less, all under good fence and
well cultivated—bounded by lands of Ellas Pennington,
Timothy Haines and others. The improvements
are a Frame two-story DWELLING HOUSE, a
Frame Stable, and other out-buildings. There Is |sj!||
also a well of.excellent water at the door, a small
Orchard, A<x, Ac.
Possession will be given on the Ist of April, 185$,
ALSO, at the same time and place* sold the right,
title and interest of said Joseph Phillips, deo’d, to 160 acres
of Land, within two miles of the Illinois Obhtral Railroad,
In Illinois, and purchased from said Company, being bright
nally part of their lands.
Sale to commence at 2 o’clock, P. M., of said day, when
terms will be made known by SAMUEL WICKB,
■ep29ts37 Administrator.
ire coring the sick to an extent never
before known of any medicine.
[sep 20 ta37