DR. WAYIiAS’S new DRUG store. —No. 60 North Queen street. The undersigned re spectfully announces that ho'has openee his NEW n DRUG STORE ESTABLISHMENT, with a very tensive and complete-stock of Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Perfumery and Fancy Articles—all fresh and pure— sold at tho lowest market prices. This stock embraces every article usually kept in a first class Drag Store,.And neither labor nor expensehas been spared in fitting up the establishment to insure the pres ervation of the Drugs in the best condition, as well as to secure the 'convenience and comfort of the enstomora. A complete assortment of materials used -by the Dental “Profession can also be had at the store of tbe subscriber. An improved Soda, or Mineral Water Apparatus has been introduced, the fbuntains of which are made of Iron, with Porcetaip. lining on their interior surface, freeing them from all liability to taint the water with any metalic poi son, which has heretofore been so great an objection to tbe copper fountains. Those who wish to enjoy these refreshing beverages can do so at this establishment without fear of be ing poisoned with deleterious matter. Tbe entire establish ment has been placed nnder the superintendence of a most competent and careful Druggist, who has had many years’ of experience 1m tbe Drug and Prescription business, in first houses In Phiiadelphi and Cincinnati. The undersigned feels confident that he is in every way prepared to give entire satisfaction to his customers, there fore a share of public patronage 1b solicited, may 27 tf 19 JOHN WAYLAN, D. D. 3/ TVENTAL CO-PARTNERSHIP THE undersigned having entered into co-partnership, are prepared to practice the various branches of OPERATIVE AND MECHANICAL DENTIS TRY, at their office, in Kramph’s Buildings, f n T N. E. corner of North Queen and Orange streets, where they would be pleased to wait upon their friends aDd tbe public generally, assuring them that all operations in trusted to their care will be performed in the most complete manner. S. WELCHENS, I would respectfully announce to my friends, throughout the City and County of Lancaster, that I have this day taken into copartnership, in my Dental practice. Dr. S. T. PRIGO, recently of Baltimore, Md.. and who has. wilhiD the last three or four months, become a resident Dentist of this city. Tho gentlemanly and accommodating character of Dr. I’rizg, his thorough and scientific knowl edge of the various branches of the profession, bis superior skill in all its most delicate manipulations, together with tho high recommendations he brings with him from the Professors of the Baltimore College of Dental Science, will '■guarantee perfect satisfaction to all my former patrons and all others wlio may place themselves under our treat ment. By this arrangement we will have greater facilities for a more prompt attention to all our patients, which the want of assistance has heretofore deprived uie of the ability to bestow. Persona partial to tho manipulations and advice of the undersigned, and who may feel a delicacy in calling for his services at the Dental office, in the event of his not being present, will pleu.se call at his Drug Store, No. 27 North Queen street, in the National House Building. S. W'KLCIIKNS. mar 17 tf 9 March 16, 1857. New process in dentistry CHEOPASTIC PROCESS of mounting' ARTIFICIAL TEETH, recently patented by Dr. BLANDY. formerly Professor irritbo Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, is cer tainly onoofttae greatest discoveries of the presentageand destined to work a great change in Mechanical Dentistry. The undersigned being the first in t he State to introduce thiß process into practice, and which has been attended with great success, feels uo hesitation in recommending it as su- Eerior to any other method of mounting Artificial Teeth eretofore known—the casting ot the plates bavjjdf great advantage over the common custom of ‘“swaging.” The same accuracy in fitting, perfect cleanliness, and durability connot be obtained by any other process. •®3?“The undersigned is alone authorized to djspose of office rights for the counties of Lancaster, Chester, Berks, Dauphin and York. JOHN WAYLAN, D. D. S. mylßtflS No. North Queen St., Lancaster. WM. N. AMER, DENTIST, respectfully Informs his friends and the citizens of c Lancaster city and county in general, that ho ■*>=?s?.'T~ a z?A still continues to practice the various branches '~&J )' TT? of Operative and Mechanical Dentistry, at the office lately occupied by J. Q. Moore.on the SOUTH EAST CORNER of N. QUEEN and UKANU K sts. Having been for the last eight years, engaged in the study and practice of Dentistry, live years of which time was spent under the instruction and in the employ ot Dr. Way lan, of this city, will, he thiuks, he a sufficient guarantee of his ability to perform all operations connected with the practice of his profession, in sucli a manner, as will render entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with a call N.- B.—Entrance to office 2nd door on Orange st June’2 Dr. s. t. prigg, surgeon DENTIST, having formed a partnership with Dr. SAMUEL WELCH ENS, will practice I Up tho various branches of his - profession, ut their office KRAMPII’S BUILDING, north ekst corner of NORTH* QUEEN AND ORANGE Sts., second iloor. Chartres mod erate. Refer to Professor C. A. Harris. A. A Bloody, P II Aus tin, of Baltimore College of Dental Surgery mar 24 trio NEW ARRANGEMENT The under. signed having resigned his Professorship in the Penn sylvania College of Dental Surgery, refitted up his rooms, and procured the assistance of a competent —, , Apothecary in his Drug Store, and taken his son, Henry B. Parry. D. D. S., into co-partner ship for the purpose of practising MECHANICAL d: OPERATIVE DENTAL SURGERY in all its various branches, are prepared . to attend to pro fessional engagements. Thankful for the liberal patronage wbi'-h be has hereto fore bemi favored, be solicits a continuance of the same to the new firm, who will endeavor, by a faitblul perfor mance of business entrusted to them, to merit it. . , ELY PARRY, july 14 tf Offlco, No. Hast King st.. Lancaster. J MARTIN J STRASIirnu. fj. KINKKAI). Dentistry.— martin & kinkead, having associated together iu the practice of DENTISTRY, will endeavor to render eutire satisfaction in all opera tions entrusted to their care. Being prepared for tho Man ufacture of TEETH, wo will ha enabled to suit all cases, with Block, Singly Gum or Plate Teeth, either on Gold’ Silver or Gutta Porch*. •GSj** Office—Main Street, 3 doors East of Ecbternacht’s Hotel, Strasburg, Lancaster county. N. B.—l take this method of tendering thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore received, and hope by the present arrangement to he enabled at-all turn.* to attend to those requiring our service's July 22 ly 27 BLINDS l Blinds !I Blinds !! I VENETIAN BLIND .MANUFACTORY The subscriber' takes this method of informin'' the citizens of Lancaster City and County that he’ still continues to manufacture Blinds of the most beautiful and fashionable styles, at the shortest possible notice, at his new establishment in East German Street, (one dour below the Public Schools.) Any person desiring to look at his different patterns, can do so.by calling as above, where he will at all times be pleased to wait upon them. He has received some beauti ful patterns from Philadelphia. Also, Walnut Blind.- made to order, of which specimens can be seen at his dwelling; these blinds are warranted not to fade or draw. Window Shadeshung, Ilair, Husk, i’alinleaf. Straw aud Cotton Mattresses made to order and taste. Also, Cush ions, Curtains and ail kinds of Upholstery made and re paired. Carpets cut, sewed and laid. All 'kinds of Furni ture made in the latest fashion and style. Old Furniture repaired and varnished to look as good as new. -85?-Ho is also prepared to act as UNDERTAKER at funerals. Orders can be left at Widmyor A Barnes’ Furniture Ware Rooms; D. Bair’s Dry Goods Store; Krbens' Dry Goods Store; and C. IT. Breuemau's I’aper Store. apr 21 6m 14 CONRAD AXXK. Copperware Manufacl ory— SAMUEL DIL LEK returns thanks for the liberal patronage hereto fore bestowed upon him. and respectfully informs hi.s cus tomers and the public generally, that he still continues at the old stand, in West street, nearly opposite Fulton Hall, and is prepared to manufacture to order Copper Ware, In all its various branches, and on the most reasonable terms. lie invites his country friends especially to give him a call, as he is confident of beimr able to please. Stable. He also keeps constantly on haud, for hire, HORSE?. CARRIAGES, BAROUCHES, Ac., Ac., ail in excellent order and furnished at the lowest rates. Give him a call when you need anything of the kind, and he will suit you to a n'icety. SAND I SAND!—Five Hundred Loads of Sand on hand, which will be delivered to anv part of the city. Horses and Carts to be had at all times, at the Livery Stable of SAMUKL DILLKR. West King st., Lancaster. apr 22 tf 14 rpo HOUSEKEEPERS—LOW PRICES -I* AND A RAKE CHANCE.— I'ersnnsjinteiuling to com mence the world, with a fair prospect of success, will please call on the subscriber before purchasing elsewhere. STOVES of the latest and most improved patterns.— Kitchen Ranges, Cooking Stoves, Parlor and Silting Room Stoves, all warranted. AN., A general assortment, of COPPER KETTLES, manufac tured under the immediate inspection of the Proprietor None but thtObest workmen employed. This branch of the business is heuded by J. Springer, who is known to be one, if not the beer mechanic, in his line, iu the country. TIN WARE, of every variety, at the lowest prices and of the best quality, all warranted. Give us a call, and we will be sure to please and "•iv satisfaction, or no charge. n Lancaster, feb f> tf 3 The welcome visitor.—the Cheapest and Handsomest Periodical iu the World.— CIRCULATION 100,000. This elegant and fascinating Literary and Family Monthly Magazine closes its first volume in June next. During the few brief months of its existence it has attaiued a popularly unequalled iu the annals of the Press. The publishers having offered liberal Premiums for choice literary efforts, the Stories, Romances, Essays, Poetry, and other sparkling and interesting reading "were com menced in January last, and are being still’published in the Visitor. The new volume will be commenced in July. ISoT, greatly improved and enlarged. Each number will contain thirty two extra large Sized royal octavo pages, making u mag nificent volume of nearly 400 pages for the year—or pre senting an amount of the choicest reading on all subjects, eqnal to what would coHt in the book stores at least five dollars—the whole for fifty cents, payable invariably in advance. Some of the most popular and brilliant male and female contributors are regular contributors, and the publishers •will spare no pains or expense to render the “Welcome Visitor” every way acceptable to a refined and intelligent community. The publication is adapted to all classes of people—the young and the old—and wherever seen and perused, meets with universal acceptation. US’* Now is the time to subscribe to the New Volume. ***The back numbers may be had (to complete sets) for 3 cents each, or the whole series of 12 uumbers for twenty five cents. Liboralinducements to Clubs and Canvassers. our terms are Fifty Cents for one year, for a single copy, or three copies will be sent under one cover or address for Odo Dollar. Address COSDEN & COMPANY, Publishers, No. 38 North Seventh street, (up staiis,) Phil adelphia. apr 14 ly 1 3 SUNDAY NOTlCE.—Persons wishing Medicines on Sunday will please call between the hours of 1 and 2 P, M., at Dr. WAYLAN’S Drug Store, No* 60 North Queen street. apr 7 tf 12 NEW YORK WINE & LIQUOR STORE. MILLER & BITTZ. Wholesale and Retail Delilers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS. No. 6, North Duke Street, next door to the office faFppj of the “Intelligencer,” and directly opposite KrasO the Court'House, Lancaster, Pa. .. subscribers take Qictlioti of informing the pub .h^er,,'|^Rt opened a large assortment of WINEB and LIQUORS of the choicest Brands and Quali ties. Haring made arrangements with some of the first bouses in Cognac and Rochelle, enables them to furnish to their customers, upon ho most l iberal terms, the following brands of Cognac and Rochelle Brandies- OTARD, HENNESY, PINET CASTILLTON, T. HIMES, MARTELL, MARRETT, PELLEVOSIN J. J. DEPUY £ CO., A/SERGNETTE, &c., &c. WINES. VjCHAMPAGNE, SHERRY, LISBON, HOCK, OLD OPORTO, CLARET, MADEIRA, TENERIFFE, MUSCAT and _ . . MALAGA WINES, of various brands and qualities. Holland Gin, Scheidam Schnapps, Jamaica Spirits, Scotch and Irish Whiskeys: Peach, Apple, Lavender, Blackberry, Cherry, Ginger and Raspberry Brandies; Cordials, Wine Bitters, Amsterdam Bitters, Ac., Ac. Also, Agents and Sole Proprietors of the OLD WHEAT WHISKEY. Constantly on hand, an extensive 6tDckof 01d Monon gahela Whiskeys of various grades, some of which thev guarantee to be superior to any in the country J All goods from this establishment are guarantied to rivs satisfaction, with the privllego of being returned b ftpr2B A HOMESTEAD FOR $lOl SECOND DIVISION. $310,000 WORTH OF FARM AND BUILDING LOTS, in the Gold Region of Culpepper County, Virginia, to be divided amongst 10,200 subscribers, on the 13lb of April. 1R57. Subscription only ten dollars each; one half down, the rest on the delivery of the Deed. Every subscriber will get a Building Lot or a Farm, ranging in value from $lO to $25,000. These Farms and Lots are sold so cheap to Induce settlements, a sufficient number being re* served, the increase in the value of which will compensate for the apparent low price now asked. A company of settlers, called “ The Rappahannock Pio neer Association,” is now forming and will commence a settlement in the spring. Ample security will be given for the faithful peiformance of contracts and promises. More Agents are wanted to obtain subscribers, to whom the most liberal inducements will be given. Some Agents write tliat they are making $2OO per month. Ad vertising will be done for every Agent where possible. For full particulars, Subscriptions, Agencies, 7. “ febi’4Cm6 J. MARTIN CIIESNUT STREET HOUSE, SAMUEL MILLER; No. 121 Chesnut street, between 3d and 4th, I'll 1 L .-! 1) EL PHI A HOARDING. $1 per day U ASH, DOOR, SHUTTER, BLIND AND O FRAME FACTORY.—The undersigned have taken the the .Sash Factory lately carried on by S. J. Morrison, situ ated in the southern part of the City of Lancaster, and near the Cotton Factories, where we intend to manufacture to order all kinds of Sash, Doors. Shutters. Blinds, Window Frames, Ac., at the shortest notice and on the most reason able terms. The undersigned are both practical Carpenters, and work at the business ourselves. With a strict attention to business we hope to merit the patronage of the public irenerally. apr 12 tfl3 Guano: guano:: guano::: All kinds of SUPER PHOSPHATE — _ 7,000 Tons. - (UtfagSlll TO FARMERS, CORN AND POTATOE The undersigned reminds Corn and Potato growers that “his Super Phosphate of Lime is the cheapest and most cer tain manure for these two crops, of any offered to the pub lic. It is composed of Chemical elements which rarely if ever, fail in these two valuable crops. The most successful farmers, and years of experience have proved this GEORG li A. LKINAU. Proprietor. No. l'.t South Front St.. Philadelphia. Pa My Phosphate of Lime at 2>£ cts. per 3b. or $4O a ton.— Nitrogened. at fifty dollars a ton. Cartage free to any wharf or station in the city prope.. lt3.A Liberal Discount to Whol-saly Dealers. Pamphlets in the English and German LanL r ua"es on ap plication. " r Also. Pure Bone Dust. Potash, Soda, Powdered Charcoal. Pure Land Plaster, Ac . Ac. Diplomas from tour States have been received : Pennsyl vania. New lork. New Jersey and Delaware. Lancaster mercantile Cn L L EG E . INCOKPORATKP UV THE LEGISLATURE OF EKXN.SVI.Vvxn Locntcl Xu. 22 Xnrtk Duka Strati, opposite thr O-urt House iha only Mercantile College in Eastern Pa., Chartered by the Legislature. Offers great inducements to young men preparing to enter into business, either as clerks or upon their own account. For Circulars &c„ address ' T. H. POLLOCK, Pre’t., myl-tfu Lancaster city, Pa. C. KJEFFKR, Proprietor. ONWARD.— Tile myriads who suffer trom headache. Ac., from wearing a hard Silk pn IlaT need sutler no longer. A FLEXIBLE DRESS fag HAT. Patented Jauuaiy thfa, 1557, is now olfered to the public by JOHN O’BYRNE, 41 North Bth street, East side. Philadelphia. Warranted to be as soft and as pliable to the head as the suft felt slouch now worn. A single trial will establish the correctness of this representation. S3L-0 Byrue’s Spring styles are now ready. Every vari .ety ot head may be found in his establishment, inclu ding Soft Hats, Caps, Straw and Leghorn Hats, Ac. J' uue2 3m 20 ARANNEY, Publisher, offers for sale . 500,000 BOOKS AND MAPS OF ALL KIXDS, AT PUBLISHER'S PRICES, 500,000 GIFTS, Worth from 25 cts. to $2OO each; consisting of Gold and Silver Watches. Jewelry, Reticules, Ladies Purses, Port inonaies, Ac. $l5O worth of GIFTS DISTRIBUTED with every 500 Books. A gift will be delivered with every book sold for One Dollar or more. Although no Book or Article will be sold for more than the usual retail price, many will be sold for less. 1 ersons. wishing any particular book, can order at once and it will be forwarded with a Gift. A complete Catalogue of Books, Maps and Giftiwill be sent to any address on application. Persons Ordering Books with Gifts, should forward the amount of postage, as it must invariably be paid in advance. The average postage for $1 and $1.25 books is 18 cents; and for $1.50 and $2 00 books, 21 cents. Address, A. RANNEY june 23 3m 23 No. 293 Broadway, Now York. GEORGE 7.. RENTZ GEORGE W. HUPFNAGLE. BENTZ Transparent Window Shades. Oil Painted Window. Shades. ■ ' Wide Window Curtain Papers, and ! Window Shade Fixtures, of the latest styles and superior finish, all of their own man ufacture and importation. As their stock Is large and en tirely new, they invite. Merchants, Booksellers and Dealers in these articles to call and examine their styles and prices Whenever they visit the city. m*r 4 tf 7 Notice— CABINET MAKING BUSINESS. The nn dersigned hereby gives notice that she will carry on the CABINET-MAKING and Undertaking business at toeoldstandin West King street, formerly kept by her husband, Henry M. Miller, and at the same time returns her sincere thanks.for the liberal patronag formerly bestowed on the establishment. A continuauc of former custom is respectfully and urgently solicited, marl* lv-K MARY MILLER. COAL. —The undersigned are now receiving then supply of LYKKN3 VALLEY COAL, BALTIMORE COMPANY COAL, PINE GROVE COAL, SHAMOKIN COAL, BROAD TOP COAL, Carefully selected, and which they will deliver in good or der to any part of the city at low prices. Lime burners and Blacksmiths Coal always on hand. Apply to GEO. CALDER A CO., Office East Orange street, 2nd door from North Qneen, and at the yard at Greaff’s Landing, on tbe Conestoga, ang 19 tf 31 Oft witnesses: or, the forger CONVICTED. -■ . JOHN S. DTE IS THE AUTHOR, Who has bad 10 years experience asa Banker and Pub -3 lisher, and Author of © A scries of Lectures at Die Broadway Tabernacle , J® when, for 10 successive nights, over K 4®* 50,000 People r Greeted him with rounds of applause, while he {A exhibited the manner in which counterfeiters executed their frauds, and the Surest and Shortest > A Means of Detecting them! O The Bank Note Engravers all say that he is the greatest U Judge of Paper Money living. Q /GREATEST DISCOVERY OF THE PRESENT O Ur CENTURY PO R g DETECTING COUNTERFEIT BANK NOTES. » Describing Every Genuine Bill in Existence, and O Exhibiting at a glance every Counterfeit O in Circulation M H Arranged so admirably, that Reference is Easy amt De tection Instantaneous. © 4Sr“No Index to examine! No pages to hunt up ! > But so simplified aud arranged, that the Merchant, © Banker and Business Man can see all at a Glance. 8 © English,. French and German. ;p Thus Each may read the same inhis own (j Native Tongue. •3 Most Perfect Bank Note List Published. K Also a list of 2 ALL THE PRIVATE BANKERS IN AMERICA, g A Complete Summary, of tbe Finance of Europe and America will be publisU&d in each edition, together ■ with all the Important NEWS OF TUE DAY Also *3 A SKKIKS OK TALES © From an Old Manuscript found in the East. It fur- Ly nishes toe Most Complete History of “ ORIENTAL LIPB, (Q aud describinthe .Most Perplexing Positious in fa which the Ladles and Gentlemen of that Couutry have rt bi-en so otten lound. These Stories will continue *3 through the whole year, and will prove the Most Euter- O taining ever offered to the Public, fl 4®“" Furnished Weekly to Subscribers only, at $1 a © year. All letters must be addressed to CJ _ JOHN S. DYK, Broker. O Publisher and Proprietor, 70 Wall Street, New York. apr2l ly!4 Patent Ambrotypes.- The subscribers haring purchased the exclusive right of Lancaster city, are now enabled to offer to the public a n'ewstvle op Pictures, far exceeding, in beauty and durability, anything ever be fore made. These pictures are not reversed, (as daguerreo types areand may be seeu in'anjli|rht. They also possess the rare property of being imperishahle; being hermetically sealed between glass plates, which is secured by Letters Patent, in the United States, Great 'Britain and France, and practised in Lancaster city by T. CUMMINGS. only, over Sprecher & Bro.’s New Store, North Queen st., Lancaster. EXPLANATION. The term AMBROTYPK, by which these Pictures are designated; is derived from the Greek word Ambrotos, sig nifying indestructibility, permanency, &c. The Picture'is taken upon plate glass, to which another plate of corres ponding size is secured with an indestructible cement, by by which the picture will retain its original brilliancy for ages; it will not corrode by acids, nor be injured by water or climate. It is bold in its effect, beautiful in tone, surpasses any thing in the gradations of light and shade and may be seen in any light. The public are cautioned against ivntatums made on single plates-of glass . with the Slack varnish in immediate contact with the Picture. buch are not permanent, as the varnish must crack and destroy the Picture. AMBROTYPE STERESCOPES MUST BE SEEN, to be appreciated—the relief being fully as perfect as life. Citizens and Strangers are invited to call at theAwbro type Gallery of the undersigned, and examine specimens before they procure Pictures elsewhere, as they are assured of polite attention. acp 25 tf-36 T. k W: CUMMINGS £ CO. Stoves tint and copper ware— The undersigned respectfuliy announces to his old friends and patrons, and to the public that be continues to keep on hand a- large assortment of Cooking Parlor, Of fice and other STOVES, of the latest and most approved patterns. He also continues to carry ou extensively the manufacture of TIN, SHEET-IRON AND COPPER WAKE Of all kinds, made in the neatest and most substantial manner. Housekeepers and persons going to housekeeping sup plied with all articles desired at the very lowest prices.— Persons wishing articlts in bis line are invited to cal! at his old stand. East Kiug Street, a few doors from Centre Square. CHRISTIAN KIEFFER. jan S tt‘sl TO FARMERS.—Having been appointed JL by Messrs. Allen & Netdles agents in Lancaster for the sale of their celebrated SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME, ! w'e would cull the attention of Farmers to this Fertilizer, j it being superior to all others ; ami from the testimony of those who . have used it for some years past, we feel fully : authorized in Haying it is the best application for Corn, ! Oats. Wheat. Grass and other crops which require a vigor- I ous and permanent stimulant, that Ins ever been offered 1 to the public. Apply to, GEO. CALDER A CO.. I East Orange street, llnd door from North Queen st.. and at GraefTs Landing on the Conestoga. june93m‘2l | "VTotlcc to Travelers —From and after Monday ! Dec. 16, 1854, the’Christiana & Chesnut Level Stage 1 Line will leave Christiana Tuesdays, B i Thursdays and Saturdays, at 1 I\ M.-. via I Coopersville, Green Tree, Paxson’s Store,' Quarryville, Spring Grove, Mechanics’ Grove, to Chesnut j Level; returning, will leave the Level at 5 o’clock, A. M,, j on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and return the i same route to Christiana. ! The above arrangement will afford persons an opportun ity of traveling in either of two daily lines of cars to and from the cities of Philadelphia and Lancaster. Dec. 12 tf47] By order of the Managers. Carolina Yellow Pine Flooring Boards. A OOfV’ eet Carolina Yellow Pine Dressed Floor- OU.UUU ing Boards. 30,000>Fect Do. Undressed. 50,000 CYPRESS SHINGLES, No. 1 and 2 50,000 BANGOR PLASTERING LATIIS, C- Just received and lor sale at Graeff'a Landirfg/on the Conestoga. Apply to GEO CALDER A Co., Gflico East Orange Bt., near N. Queen st., Lancaster. ri*P 30 t , Great bargains in furniture, at the HOUSE KEEPER’S EMPORIUM, North Queen Street, near Orange, Lancaster. The undersigned have on hand a very extensive assort ment of Parlor, Chamber, Dining Room and Kitchen Fur niture, of a quality equal to any that cun he procured in Lancaster or Philadelphia, which they will sell (For rf.adv cash) at prices far below the usual rates. Window Shades ot every variety fur almost nothing. “A word to' the wise ia sufficient.” come anti see. 1 •V B-—Splendid Cottage Chamber Setts just received dee 9 tf 47 KETCH CM & VICKERY T 3 ATE OF INTEREST ADVANCED.— JLV We will pay hereafter, until further notice. FIVE AXL) A HALF PF.U CKX,. IXTEHKST on our certificates Ki.i-iira. Uhe undersigned respectfully Invites the attention of persons visiting the City, to the large and well selected stock of HARDWARE. CUTLERY, NAILS. TOOLS, etc., which he offers fur sale at the lowest market rate*. 03U A general ass..-tnieiit of HOUSEKEEPING AUTI- . CLKSS constantly on hand, to whh h he Would call your special attention. TIIoMAS E BAXTER, No. ‘.HO Market St.. West of Lilli. South side, Philadelphia juneSL) cm 24 OUR UNION ‘ln concentration there is strength. CHARLES E. WENTZ & BKO., —and— TIIOMAS J. WENTZ business to receive it. One of the firm has had considerable experience in one the largest and most fashionable Merchant Tailoring Es tablishments in Philadelphia, and flatters himself that he will be able to render sitrisfaction to the patrons of tho firm. Very Respectfully, apt 7 tf 1 2 I’ET/.ELT A McEVOY. TTNPARALLELED ATTRACTION \_J COME ONE AND ALL. Great Arrival of the Latest aud Choicest Stvles of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING. ROMAN Jc BA ERE. (formerly M. Roman) North Queen St., Itebnv Orange, opposite Slienk’s National Hotel, have the pleasure of announcing to their friends and tho pnblic generally, that they haveju«t received the most beautiful stock of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING, which they are prepared fo sell lower than any other establishment iu city. Their stock embrace Frock, Dress, Sack and Busitiess Coats from to $O3: Pantaloons of all kliida, from 75c. to $7 ; Vests in great variety, such as Silk, Satin, Marseilles. Cloth, Cassimere, Ac., from 75c. to $6. Also, a large assortment ot GENTLEMEN’S FURNISH ING GOODS, of every style. This enumeration is but a tithe of our stock. Come ami see it. No charge for show ing goods. M e can and will sell lower thau any other establishment in this city. Retail dealers in the surrounding villages will be sup plied with Clolhing at city wholesale prices. Don't forget to call early and save money. ROMAN »fc BAERE, (tormoriv M. Roman.) Our Wholesale Establishment is No. 7oU 'Market St. be tween 7th and bth. Phils. apr2Msm 15 R. DECOU & CO. Clothiers, No. 141 Chestnut St., above Fourth, Philadelphia, Keep conftantly on hand a fplendid affortment Ready-made Clothing. QpODS MADE TO ORDER AND WARRANTED INLAND INSURANCE AND DEPOSIT Company.—Office, corner of Ceutre Square and South Queen st., Lancaster. P:i. Capital 5125,000. Charter Perpetual. Insure against Loss by Fire, and re ceive money on Deposit, as heretofore, payings per cent, oo Deposits made for 3t) days or longer. ItUDOLPII F. KAUCH, Secretary and Treasurer. 4 fim 4fi ISAAC BARTON, WHOLESALE GROCER, WINE and LTQUOK STORE.— Nos. 135—137 North 2d street. Philadelphia. cW 26 (fjo BROAD TOP COAL.--Office for the sale of this celebrated WHITE ASII SEMI-BITUMINOUS COAL. No. 24.. Walnut Street, between Eront and Second Stn-e'c. Philadelphia, for Steam Generating. Blacksmith ing. Lime and Brick Burning and for Rolling Mill purpos es, tl.is Coal cannot be excelled. It yields a very superior Coke, and as it can be furnished fine or coarse'makes it very desirable for Grates, Steaui Engines and general man ufacturing uses. Analysis by Dr. Charles Wctheril), Philadelphia. Volatile at 1 lA° water. 0 *f> I Coke, Volatile at red heat, 16 11 | *sh. Owning the land, mining the Coal, and making my own sales, saves commissions, and enables the buyer to pur chase at the very lowest price. fob 24 tun 0 ROBERT HARE POWEL. Saving Fund of the National Safety- Trust Company. WALNUT STREET, S. W CORNER OF THIRD, PIIILA. Incorporated hy the State of Pennsylvania. Money is rt-ceived in any sum, large or small, and inter est paid from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. The office is open every day from 9 o’clock in the morn ing till 7 o’clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings till 9 o’clock. INTEREST FIVE PERCENT. All sums, large or small, are paid back in GOLD on demand without notice, to any amount. Hon. HENRY L. BENNER, President. ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice President. Wm. J. Repd, Secretary. DIRECTORS. C. Landreth Munns, F. Carroll Brewster, Joseph B. Barry, Henry L. Churchman. Francis Lee. business entirely to the re- The investments amounting Henry L. Benner, Edward L. Carter, Robert Selfridge, Samuel K. Ashton James B. Smith, This company confines its ceiving of money on luterest. to nearly 9 ONE MILLION AND A HALF OF DOLLARS ! as per published report of ASSETS, are made in conformity with the provisions of the Charter, in REAL ESTATE, MORTGAGES, GROUND RENTS, and such first class securities, as will always Insure perfect security to the depositors, and which cannot fail to give permanency and stability to this old and well established Institution, mar 3 tf 7 Lancaster axle manufactory. WILLIAM DILLER, having this day associated with 'him, WM. FISIIER, a Practical Machinist, as a ro partuer, they will hereafter do business under the Arm of WM. DILLER & CO., at the Old Stand in Water Street, where they manufacture to order CASE HARDENED and COM MON AXLES of all sizes, DRILL MACHINES. BRIDGE BOLTS, and Smith and Machine Jobbing in general. apr 2S tf 15 1 ,200,000 F E E E R ’ At GABLE, 3HEAFFER, REINHOLD & Co’s Saw Mill, formerly Hertzler & Lintner’s, now ready to be sawed at the shortest notice. Orders may be left with John S. Ga ble, E. Sheaffer k Son, and at John Herr'B Store, or at the Mill. JOHN S. GABLE, E. SCHEAFFER, BENJ. REINHOLD, JOHN HERR, june 9 3m 21 EDWIN SCHEAFFER. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING Removal. The undersigned respectfully informs bis friends and the public, that he hes removed his JOB PRINTING OF FICE from his old stand, No. 20 North Queen street, to the new and commodious building. No. 10 NORTH DUKE STREET. OPPOSITE THE NEW COURT HOUSE, where, with additional advantages, he will exert himself to ren der satistaction to all who may favor him with their pat- WM. B. WILEY, No. 10 North Duke Street. ronage, apr7 3m 12 SUMMER COAT GOODS—An elegant as sortment, just received. JOHN A. EKBEN, jo 15 tf22 Sign of the Striped Coat, North Queen §s• 10—“arow or the big watch”—l o W^3?SS> BS » CL OCKS, JEWELRY AND „SILVER WAKE. S. a. DYSART & BRO., NO. 10 " KING St-, (near Market) takes pleasure in inviting attention to their new and la*ge stockofGnods.*hich com prises as great a variety of all articles in their line as ran be u.'Udu in tho ci ty. consisting in part of • Ladies’ Fine IS Carat Hunting Lever Watches, j Fine Gold Hunting Levers, “ w Open-faced Levers, Silver Hunting Case •« u Open faced u a good assortment of LEVERS and EI»I.\ES of Silver and Composition Cases; QUARTIERS ud ENGLISH WATCH ES (first and second handed.) all ..f which are warranted to keep time or no sale. Their JEWELRY is the most extensive ever offered to the citizens of, Lancaster, part of which are the following styles: FIXE PAINTED BREASTPINS EAR RINGS AND BRACELETS to match; CAMEO SETTS! FLORENTINE MOSAIC, and PLAIN EAR RINGS and BREASTPINS, all of which for beauty, style and cheapness caonot be surpassed in the citv. Also, a fine assortmentof PLAIN and CHASED BRACELETS and BANDS, with Cameo Setts and Medallions. Particular attention paid to Jewelry of Gentlemen’s wear, comprising Sleeve Buttons, Studs, Guard, Breast and Fob Chains of the best quality; Ribbon Slides, Gold and Silver Tooth Picks, etc. Always on hand a good assortment of SILVER WARE, such as Spoods, Tea, Table, Desert, Sugar, Mustard and Salt; Dinner and Tea Forks; Napkin Rings; Butter and Fruit Knives; Salt CeUers; Cups, Pie Knives, Pickle Knives and Forks, setts of Knives, Forks and Spoons for Misses.— Also a beautiful lot of Port Monnaies for Ladies and Gents, Combs and Brushes of all kinds, Accordeons, Ac. Clocks from $1.25 to $5O, all warranted. i&r The undersigned have, at considerable expense, got up a Card of Hair Work Patterns, for which they receive orders—to be executed in Philadelphia in the most chaste and durable style, and at 6horrnotice. The public are in vited to call and examine oui stock and judge for them self- SAMUEL A. DYSART, JAMES P. DYSART. Sign of the Big Watch, No. 10, West King St., Lancaster, P*. apr 21 tfU WATCHES, JEWELRY, «fcc. h.l.ak.j.zaum, Respectfully aunuunce that they have enlarged and im proved their Store at the Corner of North Queen St. and Centre Square, and have on hand, a large and well-selected Stork of ;• WATCHES, CLOCKS. JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, PLA TED WAKE, SPECTACLES. Their stock consists in part of the following : wm WATCHES. Gold and silver English Patent Levers, gold and Jp~* silver Anchors, gold and silver Lepines. of hue and S&»•-VS common quality. The fine watches regulated and wnr rauted to be time-keepers. CL 0 C K S . Square S-day and 30-hour Clocks in Rosewood and Mahog any c;t9es: small cottage time-pieces, striking and alarm— vekv cheap; fiue cast iron aud bronze metal-cased Clocks, strikiug and sileDt and patent lever Clocks of all sizes.— These Clocks are all regulated before they are sold, and are warranted to keep good time. J E WEL It r. Gold Breast Pins and Ear Rings—Cameos, lava and plain gold : Finger Rings, set, chased, facitted, plain and with medallion top. Gold anil silver vest, fnb and neck Chains; Gold Pencils, with and without pens; Bracelets. Medal lions, gold and coral Armk-ts, Ac., Ac. 43* All articles warranted to be what they are sold for. SILVER WARE. Table, tea, sugar, salt nod mustard Spoons; butter and fruit Knives; dessert and dinner Forks, Napkin Rings. Goblets and Cups. Thess articles are all made to our order, and are equal to silver coin in quality, aud are engraved with out any any additional charge. PLATED WARE. Single, double and triple-plate-1 table, tea, sugar, salt and mustard Spoons. Butter Knives, Forks. Napkin Kings. Tea Setts. Ac. Articles in this line that are triple-plated are iuvariably marked with a 3. and double-plated with a 2, and those uot marked are ouly single-plated. Gold, silver, steel, fierman-silverand plated Spectacles, with white, blueor greeu. coucave, convex nr plain glasses, to suit persons who are near sighted or whose eyes have failed from age nr any other cause. Satisfaction warranted and persons afflicted with bad eyes will do well to call. Old frames re-fitted with new glasses. They, are prepared to attend to every kind of work in their line, and will give particular attention to Repairing Watches and Clocks. All work warranted. Don’t Forget the Place—Corner of North Queen St. and Centre .'■quare, (Loogenocker's old store.) IIENKY L. ZAHM, EDW. J. ZAHM. Lancaster. juu&Jd) oui22 Stauffer &• Harley.— Cheap Wat-hes and Jewelry. Wholesale and Retail, at the "Philadelphia Watch ami fewelry Store.” No. 96 North Second Street, corner or Quarry, Philadelphia. Gold Lever Watches full jelled, 18 carat cases. £28,0". Gold Lepine, 18 carats, $24,00 Silver lajver, full jewelled, 13,00 Silver lupine, jewels, 9,00 Superior Quartiers, 7,00 Gold Spectacles, 7,00 Fine Silver, do. 1.50 Gold RraceleLs, 3,00 Ladies' Gold Peucils, 1,00 Silver Tea Spoons, set, 5.00 Gold pens, with pencil and silver holder, 1.00 Gold Finger Kings, cents to $80; Watch Glasses plain. cents: Patent, 18%; Lunet 25; other articles in proportion. All goods warranted to be what they are sold for. STAUFFER & lIAKLEY. Successors to 0. Conrad. On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and Lepines still lower than the above prices oct 21 ly-40 'TT/'ATCHES, WATCHES, JEWELRY, T T JEWELRY, Ac.. Ac. It. is a fact worthy of note, that the JEWELRY STORE at 332 North Second street, Philadelphia, sells goods 20 per cent, less than any other place in the United States Look at the prires. Gold Lever Watches, 18 k. full jeweled, $22.00 Silver Levers, full jeweled, 10.00 Do. Hunters, $l2 to 18,00 Gold - do., 28,00 Eight-day Watches, (hunters.) 00,00 Also, all other kinds of Watches, Gold Chains. Jewelry, Ac., sold less than any where else. Call in and examine. .(©“■Country Merchants supplied at Wholesale and Re tail. n. d. Godfrey, No. 032 North 2d street, between Callowhill and Wood streets, Philadelphia. june 96m 21 WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY. AT RKDI'CED PRICES. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. C. B. SHULTZ, Jr*!® 914 Market street, above 9th, South side, oan-- Crfo. dolphin June 2 ly 20 IMPORTANT TO FARMERS.-Samuel Iyleler’s Latest Improved These Fans are manufactured at the best and most ex tensive establishment in the city or county of and being the Latest Improved Grain Fans now before the public, farmers and dealers generally will consult their own interests by calling and examining them before pur chasing elsewhere. They are now sent to all parts of Pennsylvania and other States. These Fans are so con structed as io separate all the impure, grains, such as cheat, cockle, smut, Ac., at the same operation. They will also be made, to order, to separate Grass Seeds from 'Wheat.— When such are desired the order must be sent in time. I have also manufactured the celebrated Bamborough Fan for many years,land I claim the improvements made upon my Fan as being far superior to them. They are considered by all Farmers who have given them a trial, and who con tinue using them. I have had an extensive experience in the manufacture of Grain Fans, having made about 2,000 since I have been in thebusioess. Thesu Fans are adapted to hand or horse power, or any other power that may be applied to them; and they will be sent, free of charge, to any distance within 300 miles, by railroad or water, at the shortest notice. 4Jsr* Castings of all kinds for Wind Mills always on hand; also, Screen und Wire uf all Nos., for sale at the lowest prices. Bo carelul if you want a Fan of my manufacture, to see that my name is on it. S. KEELER, Lancaster. Pa. I will give a reward of $5,000 to any set of men who can prove to my satisfaction that these Fans are not the best now in use. They have received the premium at the Agri cultural Fair held at Columbia, Lancaster county, in 1854; at the New Jersey State Fair in 1855; at the State Fair held at Harrisburg, and at the Delaware County Fair.— Also, at the York County Fair, the undersigned received a premium for three splendid Fanning Mills on exhibition. At the Franklin County Fair, a premium was also awarded for bis superior Grain Fans. He received two premiums at the Berks County Fair. At the Pittsburg Fair he received a first premium and a silver uiedal At the Philadelphia Fair the highest prize was awarded Keeler’s Fans, over twenty five others on exhibition. I have also valuable Cider Mills for sale, which are war ranted to make fn iu i; to S Mils. of cider per day. and to pniilu.-e more cidr-r out of the same quantity of apples than any oilier Mill. They me made to run by hand or horse power. Also, for sal- HUNT'S PATENT GRAIN AND GRASS SOWER, which will sow all kinds of Grain. I will warrant it to sow with more regularity thau any other drill now in use, es pecially on ruugh or hilly farms. Please send your orders early if you desire a good machine.as the demand is daily increasing. Call and see these Drills before purchasing elsewhere. Sbop 2 squares south of the Court House, or same dis tance from Spm:her'.« ln.U-1. Address, apr 28Tm In SAMUEL KEELER, Lancaster, Pa. • HOVER’S LIQUID HAIR DYE.—This HAIR DYE needs only a trial to satisfy all of its perfection as a Dye. and the following testimonial from that eminent AnuUlic f’hetnist. Professor Booth, of the U. f '- Mint, will only confirm what thousands have previously l>orne testimony to. ••LABORATORY FOR PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY.) St. Stewiex’s-Place. > Philadelphia. February 17tb, 1857. J “ Being well acquainted with the substances composing Hover’s Liquid Hair Dye. I ary sati-fied that by following the simple directions given for its use, it will not injure the Hair or Skin, but will give a natural und durable, color to the hair. JAMES C. BOOTH, Analytic Chemist. lIOVKR’3 WRITING INKS, including Hover’s i luid, and Hover’s Indelible Inks, are too well known and intro duced to require any additional testimony of their charac ter. Tne sales have been increasing since their first intro duction, giving evidence that the articles truly possess that intrinsic merit claimed at first for them by the Manu facturer. Orders addressed to the Manufactory, No. 416 RACE St. above FOURTH, fold No. 144,) Philadelphia, will receive prompt attentiou by apr 14 ly 13 JOSEPH E. HOVER, Manufacturer. Hardware.— Russel & Barr, No. 8, East King street, sign of the Anvil, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Hardware.—Building material of every description, such as locks, latches, hinges, screws, bolts, Ac. We have the agency of the Pittsburg Janus-faced Locks, which can be used for right or left hand doors. We shall also have on hand a superior article of nails and spikes. Also a large assortment of glass, paints, oils and varnishes. Wetheril’s pure white lead, French and American zinc paints. We are the agents for Rowland Parry's building slate.— Slate put on by the square, or sold by the ton. All slating doue by our hands warranted, and attended to at the shortest notice. COACH TRIMMINGS.—We also keep a good assortment of coach trimmings, such as laces, fringes, tacks, hnbs, bows, shafts, felloes, springs and axles. Enamelled, plain, aod floor Oil Cloths. Enamelled and patent leather: bolts, bands, malleable castings, Ac. CARPENTERS AND CABINET MAKERS—WiII find a good assortment of panel, hand and back saws; planes, guages, chisels, braces and brace-bitts; cast steel augers and bitts. BLACKSMITHS—WiII find a complete assortment of bar, rolled, slit, sheet and hoop iron; cast, shear, spring and other steels; bellows, anvils, vices, screw-plates, Ac. FARMERS—WiII find a good assortment of farming im plements, such as plows, corn cultivators, horse rakes, grain cradles, scythes, snaths, rakes and forks; patent hay hooks; ropes and pullies, shovels, hoes, and axes of Silvius’, Brady’s and Hagen’s make, all of which are warranted. STOVES! STOVES!—We also keep a complete assort ment of cook, parlor, wood and coal stoves. Agents for the saieof super-phosphate of lime, considered by many to he the beet fertilizer or manure in use. Sold in large or small quantities. Peruvian Guano also for sale* july 3 ly-24 WILLIAM DILLER, WILLIAM FISIIKR, \ CARD.—The subscriber thankful to his numerous patrons for past favors, would again ask for a continuance of the same, aod as maDy more as will please to favor him with their patronage, as he is certain from his knowledge of the Tonsorial Art in all its branches, such as Hair Cutting. Sham pooing and Wig-making, he is able to please the most fas tidious. He also solicits the attention of all to the cleanliness of his Towels, Brushes, Combs and in fact every thing con nected with his establishment. He would likewise mention that he is tho only person in the city that can and does color Whiskers and Moustaches, from red or gray to most beautiful brown or black in a very few minutes. Particular attention given to the cutting and trimming of children’s hair. JAMES CROSS, H. D. North Queen street, OTer Long A Co.’s Drag .Store, and directly opposite the Granite House. AN» ALL OTHER ARTICLES IX THEIR LINE OF BUSINESS. SPECTKCLES G R A I N F A N ! THE BEST NOW IN USE! .65?“ $5,000 Reward! C I D K R M ILLS! ! T flP#R 4 ® T DISCO VE® Y . iJ- CONSUMPTION * “ AST) ALL DISEASES OF THE LUNGS AND THROAT are PoarrrvELT CURABLE BY INHALATION j Which conveys the remedies to the cavities ’ in the | lungs through the air passages, and coming In direct contact with the disease, neutralizes tho* tubercular ! allays the cough, causes a.free and ea?y £££ j toration. heals the longs, purifies the blood, Imparts *m : noW ed vitality to the nervous system, giving that tone and energy so Indispensable for the restoration of health. To : be able to state confidently that Consumption is curable by I inhalation, is to me a source of unalloyed pleasure. It ia as much under the control of medical treatment as any other formidable disease; ninety out of every hundred cases can be cured in the first stages, and fifty per cent in the second; but in the third stage it is impossible to save more than five per cent* for the lungs are so cut up by the disease as to bid defiance to medical skill. Even, however, m the last stages, inhalation affords, extraordinary relief to thei sufferingattending this fearful scourge which annu ally destroys ninety-five thousand persons in the United, states alone; and a correct calculation shows that of the population of the earth, eighty millions are des t° fill the Consumptive's grave. Truly the quiver of death has no arrow so fetal as Con sumption. In all ages it,has been the great enemy of lile, ior it spares neither age nor sex, but sweeps off alike the beamrful, the graceful, and the gifted. By the he, P ° J. ha . t Supreme Being, from whom coraeth every good and perfect gift, l am enabled to offer to the afflicted a per manent and speedy cure in Consumption. The first cause of tubercles is from impure blood,and the iromediateeffect produced by their deposition in the lungs, i* to prevent the free admission of air into the air cells, which causes a weak ened vitality through the entire system. Then surely it is more rational to expect greater good from medicines enter ing the cavities of the lungs than from those administered through the,stomach; the patimt will always find the lungs free and the breathing easy after inhaliDg remedies. True, inhalation is a local remedy, nevertheless it acts constitutionally, and with more power and certainty than remedies administered by the stomach. To prove the now- I erful and direct influence of this mode of administration ' chloroform inhaled will entirely destroy sensibility in a few minutes, paralyzing the entire nervous system, so that a limb may be amputated without tho slightest pain; in haling the ordinary burning gas will destroy life in a few hours. The inhalation of ammonia will rouse the system when fainting or apparently dead. The odor of many of tho medicines is perceptible in the skin a few minutes after being inhaled and may he immediately detected in the hlivvl. A convincing proof..f the constitutional effects of iohalation, is the fact that sickness is always produced by breathing foul air. Is not this positive evidenco that proper remedies, carefully prepared and judiciously administered through the lungs, should produce the most happy results ? During eighteen wars* practice, uiauy thousands, suffering from diseases of the lungs and throat, have been undi-r my care, and 1 have effected many remarkable cures. even after tho sufferers Lad been pronounced in the last stages, which fully satisfies me that consumption i« no longer a • fatal disease. My treatuieut of consumption is original, and founded ou long experience and a tin r ugh invesMga tion. My perfect acquaintance with the nature of tuber cles, Ac, enabUs me to distinguish, readily, the various formß of disease that simulate consumption, ami apply the proper remedies, rarely being mistaken eveu iu a single ante, This familiarity in connection with certain patho logical and microscopic discoveries, enables me to relievo the lungs from the effects of contracted chests; to enlarge the chest, purify tho Mood, impart to it renewed vitality, giving, energy and tone to tho eutire system. Medicince with fuil directions sent to any part of the United States and Canadas hv patients communicating their symptoms by letter But the cure would l>« mure certain if the patient skould pay me a visit, whi.-h would give me an opportunity to examine the lungs and ed.-tMe un* to prescribe! with much greater certainty, and then the euro could be effected without my seeing the patiuut again. ‘ G. W. GRAIIAM. M. 1).. Office 1131 FILBERT Street, (old .No. 109.) below Twelfth, Philadelphia. Pa. mar 101 y 8 Of all diseases, the great, first cause Springs from negl-et of Nature’s laws. SUPPER NOT! WHEN A CURE IS GUARANTEED l.v all stacks of S EX' R E T D I S E .1 S E S , Self-Abuse, Nervous Debility, Strictures, (Hens, Gravel Diabetes. Disei>lied‘anri InliHlMl*ami io nnt T..bn n and fourth generation.—The Author, imbued with senti- DIRECTIOXS Annlv liv rtihhinn-’uii i j- ' meut« of enlarged philanUiropy, will scarcely be censured ££SS SSSSSi?P : 4 co -’ pui ljßlSßAU.vo.-l.lMe a fM cerov er a borvl of h„t water, ! BbS ST*" “° d B °° k (and keep it hot;) pour inlo.the sauivr onmuli Olive Tar : on lbe mo3t hb » ral termg - aprljlyl3 o cover the bottom; the apartment will noon be filled with niIEAT REVOLUTION TTV MItTUrAT lmprBBn a '; sMsa'"™ aoent Xno Olive and of the Pine* maovvth pi potiiio mr'iirev Renew tho Olive Tar daily for Inbvijtig by the above JAG.N ETO ELECTRIC MACHINE method. excilingt he most ab- Another Method nf Inhaling-is to put Olive Tar on tho Oiled Silk Piaster, which being worn upon the chest, the heat of the bodywill cause the Olive Tar to evaporate grad ually. and as it rises it will he inhaled. The Oiled Silk Plaster should b.i medicated with t'n-rfh Olive" Tar every ,u lan( L It is now oilier day. In acute cases, or in those of long standing. i earl y demonstrated i>otli of the above methods of inhalation should be used. ,at ,he laac ft, niercu- By adhering t and other inter of diseases of the Throat or Lungs, if not speedily cured, al “drug medication” will l«j greatly relieved ; while temporary Colds, Sore to the patlentand abl lliroats, Inflamed Lungs, Catarrh, Croup Coughs. Ac., Ac., ".these machines have will yield aroncu to its combined curative powers. i uouucetl, they ex'... wonder and praise. STAFFORD’S ULcVK TAR softens and jienetrates the The apparatus is adapted to preveDt, relieve and cure every skim therefore in all all Chronic or active Inflammations disease inndeut to humanity.—more particularly ail those it will be found highly beneficial, as it acts directly upon painful and formidable diseases which have for centuries the Nerves, the Muscles and the Joints. baffled the profouudest learning anil skill of Physicians. OLI\ E TAR OINTMENT is made by mixing Olive Tar From whatever cause there may be an excess or defle ami Mutton Tallow in eipml parts. This Ointment is a iency of the nervous fluid—producing an excessor defleiun positive cure for all disease* ol the skin. cy of the neidH and alkaline secretions—the magnetic prin ts’" Pain cannot exist where Olive Tar or Olivo Ointment ciples of the system are deranged, and can only be safely is applied. restored to their normal condition by an applicutlou of STAFFORD’S OLIVE TAR does not contain nny mineral magneto-elodricty. by means of DR. DICKINSON’S MAG substanres, nor any poisonous-drug: the principal ingredi- NKTO ELECTRIC MACHINE. This apparatus will posl ants are Pitch Pine Tar. and Oil of the Spanish Olive. tively prevent, and speedily relieve and cure Consumption, STAfr HtRD’S OLIVE TAB fs manufactured by a process Scrofula, Rheumatism, Palsies, Neuralgia, Spiual Diseases, recently patented by Mr. J. It. Stafford. Practical Chemist, aud all other painful maladies, however hopeless and of by which process all the Acid and Acrid properties con- longstanding. They are eminently useful in all sexual taineil in the substances forming this Compound are sepa- uud urinary disorders, particularly where the Constitution rated without the use of Chemicals. has Iweii broken down and ruined by unnatural solitary Sold hy H. A. Rockaflold, No. 2 E.Orange st., only Agent habits, tn which too many of the 3oung of both 6exes are in Lancaster.— Also, Wholesale and Retail, by the Stafford SL * lamentably prone. Olive Tar Company, 16 Shite street. New York, and Drug- DR. DICKIXdoX’3 MAGNETO ELECTRIC MACHINE gists generally. ju1y221y27 is without the dangerous complications of batteries and acids—which fact alone renders it superior to all others on Sjft npr -|~t I the score of neatness, cleanliness, safety and utility. It is, jftf3Spj<22!>* jQj |j jp 11 H. 1 in fact, a handsome parlor ornament; may be applied by a kMEEST 4ponvtam,,*, . „ „ . rr ' _ child : and will last a life time, to the great saving of Doc- °rr T P fcA l>t L I C T E U tor’s bills, Ac. t*, • Pn DISORDERS, Head and Mind Affections, PRICE OF THE MACHINE *lO £ C S‘ p™SrSiiS«, t S f iriU I f c sri ty , fU n r S ‘“ dy It wV.I teUJly p»=M and oay par. of the Uni the f T Ph /“ |C01 . £ BCay 0f ted SolJ »»d retail at tl.rMadical Offlco, and Inyohiiiiarv Debllity ’ No. 38 NORTH SEVKNTII Street. I adelphla. aSd Orcani th»Lw»l 00 ’ P ,’‘i’’ ftidneya Addresr, A. C. DICKINSON, M. D. ana Urgans therewith connected, whether resulting from anr 14 lvlT 1 : Po, herwise —areiuvariablyand permanently P y cured by Dn. CcLVERWiiLL’s famous RADICAL RKfIPWn ~ ATOR, the full particulars of whieh, without any o„p t T 0 ) VON ’ T “P'-T h !. y nerer did do mor " tcssional nacresy. will ha mailed gratis to any addresifLn than Biva temporaryrelief and they never will. It Is receipt of a stamped envelope properly directed because they don t touch the cause of the disease. The t®-The successful results of the last 10 years have cause of all apue and billious . d tease ats the atmospheric proved this Remedy to be the ONLY FFEKOTIIA r rnitF P° lson ra Ded Miasma or tliis poison by extant for the above complaints,'and the description of it Nl * t “ r " l Ant i doU y and all dtea&o caused by it disap is Blven in so plain a manner, lliat every one is enabled to r ’ l,l ““ cc '. “uJes lever and Ague Cure is this Anti- CLRE HIMSELF SUCCESSFULLY AND PRIVATELY dob ?. t ? *” alana - anti moreover it is a perfectly harmless Address, post paid, CHARLES J. C. KLINE medicine. The certificate of the celebrated chemist, J. K. June 22 ]y -.3 Post Box No. 4686, New Yoik CHv Ghilton, of New \ork. to this efiect, is attached to every - 1' bottle; therefore if it does no good it can do no harm. States Union Hotel.— Nr>. 200 Market-street above T ? li ? is n ? ore than caQ be pal d °f Quinine, Arsenic, orany 6th, Philadelphia. The undersigned, late of the * Amer- *? n * c * Q existence, as their use is ruinous to the constltu ican House, Columbia, Pa., takes pleasure in informing his tion and blduKS oa Dumb Ague, which never allows a per friends, and the public generally, that he has taken the 8011 10 fecl P erfectl - V well for a b»d«1« moment. Id iilustra above well-known and popular HOUSE floniz known timi of theBe truths 1 annex some extracts Irorn a letter as Hie Red Lion Hotel,) which he has filled an with received trom a Physician : entirely New Furniture and Bedding of a Georoetown, Ohio. March 18, 1850. quality. The house has also been renovated and iinDm JAS. A. RHODES, Esq.—Dear Sir: Yours of 2d Inst, is ved in a manner which will compare favorably with anv at hand - The Cur* arrived late lust year and the difficulty of the Hotels in the City, and cannot fail to give satisfac- iD Bettin(? any onu ,r J greatly increased from tbo tion to those who may patronize this establishment * fact a remedy had been introduced which was will always be supplied with the choicest K rowin ß in favor with the public, as being better than using Provisions the market affords; and the Bar with the PU Quinine,—not knowing I preanme that the remedy they REST AND BEST LIQUORS. Nothing shall be left undone osed to ukin K Quinine, contained the Drug Itself I to make his Guests comfortable, and he flatters himself This reuied y* (known as ‘-Smith’s Tonic,”) would invari that by strict attention to business, he will merit and re- bly ttn Ague ’ R did ~ot CUrB lty M wou,d o{Uia ceive a liberal share of public patronage return with renewed vigor. This one circumstance I deem* 0 W HINKLE ** * n y° Qr f ftVOr * if 1 could institute a tost comparison bo- Pronrletnr tween it and your cure. The following is the result: v r ‘ Three persona took your “Cure,” all of which were cases J ire'll nrrirTVT?n , « of“QuoUdianlntormittent Fever.” of mnay weeks standing i SALE, They had tried Quiniue. and other remedies, occasionally *ml!S St ean v R n^ a, v A ft Dr ' " AYLANS Drug and missing a chill, but it was, (as in sM such cases,) slowly %/uemical Store, No. GO, N. Queen St.., a complete assort- wearing them out, and luviuc the foundation for other and ? ai .um S P on S es ; Qeuume Havana Segara, Superior severer maladies. 1 did succeed fn effecting a radical care Gum Cloth Tapers and Gasa Lighters of all sizes, Nursery of ail three of these cases with your remedy, and they have Lamps, Pure Cod Liver Oil. Lubin s, Ilanel s, and Bazin’s not had tt chill since. In all .three of these cases the « ,1 tb ? H. and kP rc hSaponlfler, a superior arti- “Smith’s Tonic” had Iweu used, and would, as before Sta cie of Fluid and I ino Oil, Alcohol, Potash and Sal Aratus, ted break tho chill, but after a period or two had elapsed 4c " 4c - 2O tf 1 would return. Bt ttp' t TPW w 4 rrwH ~Z~\ I think there will be no difficulty now in giving to your M?vS^ A wiS^Tvw 1 «. r 8 BU PP I J r “Cure” tho advantage ground of any other remedy nowin oftho MINERAL or MEDiCHNAL WATERS, of tho use here A Ac. WILLIAM BUCKNER, M. D. tsiuo Lick Springs, of Kentucky, has just been received in Rhode’s Fever and Ague Cure, or Antidote to Malaria, bottles nearly a qrart each, and for sale by the the only harmless remedy in existence, is equally certain §'*“ °„ r botl]e ’ “ the DRUG and CHEMICAL a praventiva, a. a '•Cure.'' Taka it when yon feel tho ’ vn o- vnt>m,T a chills coming, and you will never have a single one. NO. 2, , NORTH QUEEN ST. JAS. A. RHODES, to SOm ? and considerable expense . Providence, R. I. T innM U f e b n popu l l ar , and healthy water into our city, For Sale by C. A. Ileinitsh, Jacob King, Dr. P Welch i ouid especially call the attention of those who are ens, John Fondersmitb, in Lancaster, and Drngplsts gen ,hi n dlSO “? BorthGSkin ’ or »f “Plethoric habit .rally. jnn.lltflj r% SP l P “ C 0r thB Ptieumatic, to the healthful properties of the B.ue Lick Wafor To all who have Samed unewtsary to taka a glaa. of rpATTERS ALL’S HEAVE POWD ER, Lager for the slomach’a sake, the Blue Lick Water la a most Powdered Rosin, Antimony, Fennigreek, Sulphur, J **&£&?***■^ Drug and Chemical gtcre, West Sing it. may 22 tf-18 feb 22 tf 5 TTELHBOLD’S GENUINE PHEPARA XX TION OF HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND FLUID EX TRACT BUCHU. fbr Disease* of the Bladder \ Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsy. Weaknesses, Obstructions, Secret Diseases, Female Cbmplaints, and aU Diseases of the , Sexual Organs, Arising from Excess and Imprudence In life, and removing all Improper Discharges from the Bladder, Kidneys, or Sexual Organa, whether existing m MALE OR FEMALE, from whatever cause they may have originated, and NO MATTER OF HOW LONG STANDING, Giving Health and Vigor to the Frame and Bloom to the Pallid Cheek. * JOY TO THE AFFLICTED!!! in f,? reB NerT and Debilitated Sufferers, and removes ail lllB symptoms, among which will be found Indisposition, to Exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memoir, Difficulty of Breathing, Gen- Horror of Dis ease, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Dread ful Horror of Death, Night Sweats, Cold Foot, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Languor, Univer sal Lassitude of the Muscular System, Often Enormous Appetite, with Dyspeptic Symptoms, Hot Hand Flushing of tho Body, Dryness of tho Skin Pallid Countenance and Eruptions on * the Face, Pain in the Back, Hea viness of the Eyelids, Fre quently Black Spots Flying Before tho Eyes, with Temporary Suffusions and Loss of Sight; Want of At tention, Great Mobility, Rostlessness, with Horror of Society. Nothing is more DesirablA to such Pa tients than Solitude, aud Nothing they more Dread for Fear of Themselves; no Re pose of Manner, no Earnestness, no Speculation, but a Hurried . Transition from ono question to an-‘ other. These symptoms, if allowed to goon—which this medi cine invariably removes —soon follows LOSS OF POWER FATUITY, AMD EPILEPTIC FlTS—iu one of which tho patient may expire. Who can say that those excesses are not frequently followed by those direful diseases IN SANITY AND CONSUMPTION? The records of the IN SANE ASYLUMS, and tho melaucboly deaths by CON SUMITION, bear ample witness to the truth of these as sertions. In Lunatic Asylums the mot melancholy exhi bition appears. The couutonance is actually sodden and quite destitute—neither Mirth or Grief ever visits it.— Should a sound of the voice occur, it is rarely articulate. With woeful measures wan. despair Low sullen sounds his grief beguiled.” Debility is most terrible (Bid has brought thousands upon thousands to untimely graves, thus blasting the am bition of miinv noble youths. It can lx* cured by the use of this 1 N FALLIBLE REMEDY. If you are suffering with any of the above distressing ailments, the FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU will cure you.— Try* it aud bo cuvim-.d of its efficacy. BEW ARE of QUACK NOSTRUMS and QUACK DOCTORS, who lulselv boast of abilities aud references. Citizens know and avoid them, and save Long Suffering, Money, and Exposure, by sending or calling for a iiottle of this Popular and SPECIFIC REMEDY. 11 allays all pain and inflammation, is perfectly pleas ant iu its taste and odor, but immediate in its action II ELM BOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU Is prepared directly according to the Rules of Pharmacy and Chemistry, With the greatest accuracy and Chemical kno« l«-dgM and care devoted in its combination. See Pro fessor, DEW EES’ Valuable works ou the Prn. tice of Physic, and most o| tho Standard Works of Medi.-itu*. &ir 9 10 0 XsAX One hundred Dollars will be paid to any Phvsiciun who can prove that the Medicine over injured a Patient; and the testimony of thousands can be procured to prove that it doe* great good. Cases of from oue week to thirteen years’ standing have boeu effected. The mass or VOLUN TARY TKSTIMONYin {aisßession of the Proprietor, vouch ing lor its virtues ami curative powers, is immense, embrac ing names well kuown to Science and Fame. 100,000 BUTTLES HAVE BURN SOl9 urnl not a ingle instance nf a failure has been reported! Personally appeared before me an Alderman of the City of Philadelphia. 11. T. lIELMBOI.D, Chemist, who being duly sworn, d-'es say, that his preparation contains no Narcotic, Mercury or injurious Drug, but are purely Veg etable. 11. T HELMBIILD. Sole Manufacturer Sworn and Subscribed before tue this 2311 day of Novem ber, 1554. WM. P. HIBBARD, Alderman. PRICE SI PER BOTTLE, OR SIX FOR $5, DELIV ERED TO ANY ADDRESS, Accompanied by reliable and responsible Certificates from Professors of Medical Colleges, Clergymen and others. Prepared and sold by H T. HKLMBOLD. I'rar.tical and Analytical Chemist. No. ;*i2 South Tknth St., uf.low Chestnut, Assembly Build ings, PIIILA. ttif" To be had of all Druggists and Dealers throughout the United States, Canadas and British Provinces. Agents fur Lancaster—H. A. Rockalield & Co. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS Ask for HELMROLD’d —Take No Other. Cures Ouurnutied. apr24 Iy!3 TERRIBLE DISCLOSURES! SE -1 CKKTS FOR TUB MILLION! A most Wonderful aud Valuable Publication. Dn. Hunter's M E D I C A L M ANUAI,; Being an origiual and popular Treatise on Man and Wo man: Their Physiology, Functions and Sexual Disorders of every kind, with never-tailiug Remedies for tho speedy cure of all diseases nf a private and delicate charac ter. incident to the violation of the Laws I of Nature and of Nature’s God. ! PRI C E T W ENTY-Fi VK CENTS, j The Author of tile above 1 K'l/- 1 //• volume is a graduate of one of i .;V' - the first medical schools in the ; / United States, nod having do •,V.y r e .-fj-l " v,, ted a quarter of a century to '-'J/ H»e treatment of Syphilis und ji/yTTrr ,/fuA kindred disorders as a special ' ily. In* has become possessed ‘ '//ejffo ePs.-' of most invaluable Information in regard to the same, and is able to compress into vade mecum compass, the very quintessence of medical science on this important subject; as the result of the experience of the most eminent phy sicians in Europe and America is thoroughly demonstrated in his own highly successful practice in the treatment of secret diseases in many thousands of casus in tho City of Philadelphia alone. Tho practice of Dr. Hunter bus long been, aDd still Is, literally'unbonnded, but at tho earnest i-olicltation of nu merous persons, ho has been induced to extend the sphere of his professional usefulness to the community at large, . through the medium of his "Medical Manual and Hand Book for the Afflicted.” It is a volume that has received tho unqualified recom mendation of tho first physicians in tho land, while many clergymen, fathers, mothers, phliantrnpists and humanita rians, have most freely extended its circulation in all quar ters where its powerful teachings would be likely to bo instrumental in the moral purification and physical heal ing of multitude nt our peuple, among the young, volatile and indiscreet, otherwise the pride and flower of tho nation. The author argues particularly, most strongly against every species of self defilement, and warns Cj pareotfl and guardiaus, in searching terms, to guard the young of both sexes from the terrible consequences concomitant of their ignorance of physiological laws and sexual impurities and irregularities, whether exhibited by precocious development or arising from the vicious and corrupting examples of their school mates or otherw.se. To those who have been already ensnared to the "paths that take hold on hell,” a clear and explicit wny is shown by which they may secure a return of sound health, and a regeneration of tho soul from its terrible pollution. It is well knowD that thousands of victims are annually sacrificed at the shrine of quackery—especially those suf fering from Venereal or Syphilitic diseases— Strictures, Seminal Weakness, Nervous Debility, and tho numerous maladies which spring directly or less remotely from the indulgence of carnal passions and secret-violations of Na ture. orbing attention of tho iedical Profession. and large portion of tho tUrlligent laymun of