"BT. IiOUIS COaaBBPOHDENOES. | Warm Spring Weather—Promising Crops and an Abun dance of Fruit — Markets—Emigration—Lancasteriansfor Minnesota and Kajisai—Col. Benton — K. j JV. and B. \R. Candidate for Governor—lowa Election—. The Democrats Triumphant—Appointment—Further of V\e Indian Dep redations—76 killed by the Red Skins, dc., dr., <£c: ' St. Loots, ;Msy 3,185 T. This U tho last month of spring, but lb fact bas been the only spring month that we have had. March and April were excesslTely cold, and it was feared that the fruit crop had fallen a prey to the ice, snow and frost, which has characterized the two first mouths of spring!— The weather Is now as fair as we conld wish for all practi cal purposes, and Instead of the fruit haribg been killed, It promisee the most abundant yield. From all quarters and all sections of the country we have the most gratifying aocountgj and should nothing new occur, we will hare In the westTthe most abundant crop of frnlt that we have had for many years. The winter wheat, however, has all been killed, and the farmers are plowing np their fields and replanting with spring wheat. The season Is very promising for a good corn and oats crop, and the hardest generally promises well, notwithstanding the extreme cold weather and the backwardness of the season. We have had several very heavy and refreshing rains since our last 1 date, which have contributed immensely to the fruit, veg etables and the growing crops. The rains have also cansed the different rivers to rise, and they are now in most ex cellent order for the largest class boats. Freights still continue high, but considerable shipping Is done. -The , receipts of produce have been heavy, and all descriptions find a ready and good market at this point. Flour has advanced about $1 per bbl., and now sells—(the quotations we always report are those at wholesale ; in a retail way much higher figures have to be paid)—from $5.50 to $j per bbl.; wheat $1.20 to $1.80; corn 60 to 65c. per oats 68 to 70c.; hides 17J/£ to 18c.; pork 21.50; lard 13%; whis key 26%; potatoes $1.40 to $2 per bnsbel. ! Business in all departments of trade is very brisk. • Our ievee still continues to present a huge pile of merchandize. From 8 to 15 boats arrive daily, loaded to their guards, and the same may be said of those that depart. The emi gration continues to pour In from all quarters, en route to : Kansas. Nebraska, Minnesota, lowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, Oregon and Utah, and no one can scarcely imagine the cumber of emigrants pushing forward to tbo above named States and Territories. In the early part of last week a delegation from Lancaster city and cotmty arrived at thi g point on their way'to Minnesota. Among the number we noticed Mr. Ilenry Stoek and family; Messrs. Brubaker and family ; J. J. Porter and family ; Stoner, Staumbach and several others, whose names we did not get. This party when hero, laid in a large 6tock of i,oods, and seemed much pleaaod with our city—as most any body would.— They left in good health and fine spirits on the steamer Commerce for their new homes fn Minnesota. We wish them a safe and speedy trjp and comfortable and happy homes in the far west. We understand that another party from Lancaster passed through here on Tuesday last fur Kansas, but we could v not ascertain thuir nanieH. Our beet wishes also go with party. It gives u« pleasure to see and hearof so tnauy Lancaster county people wending their way to the West— which is destined to be the great agricultural field of tho world. Thousands and tens of thousands are yearly head ing for the Great West, and in a few more years—that which but recently was a wilderness—w ill be peopled with the bone and sinew of the American continent. Now is the ’ time to select hom«K In the West, whilst land is cheap—a year or two more and it will be worth double what it is now offered for, and perhaps three times as much. There is yet plenty of room, and we iuvite the attention of the readers of tho Intelligencer to the propriety of buying land as early as possible—should they have any notion of taking up their future abode in the Valiev of the Mississippi. The same opportunity will never bo offered again, and tho pres ent should not 1* overlooked. The West Is certainly the plnco, ofall others, for the young and rising generation.— Come on. then, “whiLt tbo lump holds out tA burn.” Col. Beutou arrived in our city a few days tjure, and it is possible tha» he will be Invited to addre«a our citizens upon the “state of tho Union,'’ and also to place himself right upon the -record," which hig former/rieudi have ob literated, and placed him iu a wrong position before the country, in tho fare of his previous declarations. Wo look forward with tnu.-h solicitude for his forthcoming speech. We mentioned some time since that Major Hollins had been named as the K. N. B. R. candidate for Governor— and in fact was nominated by some K. N. members of the Legislature, hut until this week Major Rollins was mum as to whether he would accept or not —waiting, no doubt, to Deo what the Black Republicans intruded to do, and finding that they would not run a candidate, (hut the leaders had promised to support the K. N\ candidate.) he came out a few days since and announced himself as au •'■independent" candidate for Governor.—against “Anti. Bentonism” and “National Democracy " We now have Rolling as tbo Know Nothing Black Republican candidate, and Col. Stewart ns tho Democratic candidate, and predict, should the vote be brought out, from 15,000 to 20,000 majority for the latter. Senators Polk and Green, It is said, will stump the State. Col. Stewart left this city on Friday for Southern Missouri to open the canvass. The election takes place in August. Mr. John W. Minor, Senator from Schuyler county, Mo., hna been appoluted by Mr. Buchanan, General Mail Agent for Missouri and lowa. The St. Louis appointments have not yet beeD mode. It is now reduced to a certainty that the Democracy have •arriod the State of lowa—electing their entire State ticket by not less than 2500 majority. In tho counties heard from the Democrats have gained on last fall’s election 7900 votes, and some fifty counties to hear from, which will greatly increase the Democratic vote. Hurrah for little lowa. She has nobly redeemed herself, and onco more stands out in the Democratic column. Black Republican ism has been wiped out, in that State, and we hope forev er;—aud In August we will wipe it out of Missouri! - We now have further and fuller accounts of the recent Indian depredations in Northern lowa, and the latest and best account that-we can give, is an extract of a letter from Fort Dodge, lowa, dated April 10th, which says : * “Oo the afternoon of Thursday the 26th of March, they attacked the residence of a Mr. Stewart, killing him. while standing at the door, with buckshot, and his wife imme diately thereafter, as she ran to his assistance; entering the house, they shot two small children, girls, and dashed out their brains with tomahawks; oneotbercbild, and the only remaining one of the family, a boy of eight years, managed by some means or other to escape. He is now in our placo, and will be roared by Major Williams, one of our citizens. They next attacked the store house of Mr. Woods, killed him and set fire to the building, In which it is believed a brother of Woods perished. The remaining inhabitants (then at home) collected in the house of a Mr. i Thomas, which was in turn attacked by the savages, their ! first fire wounding Mr. Thomas, Carvsn and a young wo- \ man. and killing a young boy of Thomas; there remained but two men, by names Bradford and Markham, capable of making resistance, the balance of the inmates, consisting of women and children. During the attack, some nine In dians were supposed to have been killed and four wounded; thirty shots were fired and the guns loaded by a Mrs. Church, who killed one of tho Indians. A short time be fore, two rf the inhabitants were dispatched to Fort Ridge ly for assistance, the alarm becoming general from the re ports of violeuco at Spirit Lake, and on Friday the 27th, a company of mounted Infantry on mules, under the com mand of Capt. Kee, reached the town. The savages, In the moan timo, being apprized of their coming, fled toward tho * Missouri. On Sunday morning the troops went in pursuit and returned the same evening, performing no other duty than to consign to his last resting place, one of the dead found on the upper shores of Spirit Lake. Their conduct has been severely censured, but whether with propriety or not, lam not able to form any opinion or judgemeut. Tho • day of retribution will speedily arrive, and they bido their time. It is boheved the warriors numbered from ISO to 200, and their declared intent was. after the destruction of Spirit Lake and Springfield settlements, to march down the Des Moines as far as this place, to carry on their work of death and plunder. Our party having one sad duty yet to perform, dis patched twenty-five of their number to Spirit Lake, where thpy found the remains of the murdered pioneers, and gave Hhem sepulture; those Were, the wife of Joseph llowe and five sous; A. Noble, wife and child; E.Rion; a man, name unknown, shot and head cut off; W. W. Slattock, wife and two small children; Robert Clark, of Waterloo, in this State; T. H Harriet; J. Harshman ; man unknown, with ■ sandy whiskers, black frock coat with velvet collar, and checked velvet vest: Rowland Gardner, wife, and boy two years old; ■ ■ Cropper, Mrs. Harvey Luce and two children. The partially bnrht bones of two persons were found in the ruins of one ot the cabins. Everything indi cated the most determined resistance, and the most fiend ish brutality marked the work of the lnforiated savages. Nearly every one of the killed received from two to three i death shots; the split open beads and dissevered limbs ! bore fearful testimony of the tomahawk, even after life had j fled. A large nnmber of cattlo were shot and left undis- i turbed upon the ground. Among the missing are Mrs. j Thatcher, Joseph Howes, Sardis Ilowes, daughter of T. > Howes, aged fourteen: three childreu of Mattocks and • Harvey Luce—four of whom are known to have been taken j prisoners. j It is doubtful, whether in the history of Indian warfare j a greater or more unprovoked outrage has ever been com- I mitted than the present, and it looks as though it were J the prestige of a general Indian warfare. Should this be, j it will prove their last struggle east of the Missouri, for i the avenging arm of the white man will destroy the last '■ remnant of their race. i One would suppose this-outbreak would necessarily check emigration to the North-west of the Slate, but ns | long as the spirit of adventure is rife among our people, so | long it will continue unchecked; and at this present time, , as many emigrants have passed through this place to settle \ on the field of blood, as lately fell there. JOHN GARAGHTY" , j As there are a groat may Pennsylvanians now in that j country, and this lettor gives the Dames of those killed and j missing, It will no doubt be eagerly sought for. The Lan caster party are destined, we understand, for that region where the murders have been committed, but no fears ‘ need be apprehended by their friends, as the settlers will have completely routed the red skins before they arrive.— A war of extermination is now destined to reign through out the whole North-west, an«l nothing can chock the avenging arm until the last of the red men falls before it. This war is inevitable, and the work has already com menced. It is estimated that there are some 200 or 300 * warriors in and around Spirit Lake, who ure desperate and will fight to the laat, but their days are numbered. Alas ! poor Indian I The ice in Lake Pipen, Minnesota, is becoming quite rotten, and it i 6 thought a few days will entirely break it up. We hope so. Hackett.the celebrated comedian, has purchased Judge Breese’s residence at Carlisle, Ills. Wesuppose he Intends retiring from the stage. Hon. Edward Everett met with an accident in Chicago. In descending a flight of stairs, he slipped, and fell for ward, cutting his lip and otherwise bruising his face. An Engineer and Brakesmau were killed a day or two since on the St. Louis, Alton and Chicago Railroad. The accident wag occasioned by running over a cow. There were 98 interments in the different cemeteries of onr city last week—s 3 of which were children under 5 years Joilah Cross, formerly of your city, is now Conductor on the Iron Mountain Railrod. Mr. David Dorwart was in our city on Friday last, looking hale and hearty—a fair specimen of an lowa farmer. Affairs In Kansas are quiet, and Gov Walker'.-will Foon be expected to assume his official dutieß of the Territory ✓ Yours; OLD GUARD. *Th« Ifororosa Murder—McKlm found T Guilty and Sentenced. Hollidaysburg, Pa., May. 8. The jury in the case of D. Stringer McKim, charged with the murder ot Norcross, at Al toona, last evening returned a verdict of mur der in the first degree. This morning McKim was sentenced tD be hung. .He strongly protested before the court hie entire innocence, and asserted that bis conviction had been produced unfairly, and by porjuiy. , - The Allegheny County Harder. Charlotte Jo ties, the young woman suspect ed of having recently murdered her uncle and aunt Wilson, in Elizabeth township, Allegheny county, has been arrested, together with her reputed husband, Henry Fife, and two men named Stewart and Gardner. On being taken before a magistrate, at Monongahela City, she made a 'statement to the effect that on Tuurs day she had taken the boat at that point and went to, Elizabeth ; from thence, on foot, to McKeesport, where she in company with Henry Fife and Monroe Stewart, put up at Wolfrs tavern ; that night the two men went off, and returned before morning, saying that they “ were flush of funds, and had plenty to spree onthat she observed Fife's hand was covered] with blood, which he accounted for by naying that his nose had been bleeding; that they immediately took her to a tavern on the Youghogany river, and she saw no more of them. , Subsequently she underwent a Becond ex amination, and gave an account of about all she new in regard to the affair. She implicated in addition to Fife and Stewart two others—one her own brother— and T. Gardner. She stated that the parties took from the cabin a considerable sum of money,'seventy-five cents of which had been given to her. On examining her person, a small “ bull eye” watch was found which has been recognized as belonging to Wilson. In the meantime, Fife and Stewart, who were stopping at Wolff's tavern, in McKees port, were arrested about noon on Friday, a large crowd having surrounded the house, and were gathered there when officer Patter eon arrived and took the two into custody. When arrested, Fife was in bed. On the skirt of his coat were found spots of blood, which,!from appearances, he had attempted to wash off. There were also spots of blood on his shirt bosom and on the lining of his coat sleeves. On his person was found a let ter froth a sister of Charlotte Jones, postmark ed Monongahela City, and addressed to Mon roe Stewart, in which she expressed a regard for Stewart, because he was such a " devilish fellow,” and desired to see him and have a “great'time.” Blood stains were found upon i the skirt of Stewart's coat, and bloody finger I marks on his pants’ pockets, which it appeared | he had'attempted to tear out. I Fife and Stewart underwent separate exam ; itaations, and made contradictory statements, j On Saturday evening Charlotte Jones made I a statement before the Mayor of Pittsburg, i implicating her brother, William Jones, and I a man 1 named James Williams, with a long j story about the whereabouts of herself, Fife j and Stewart, on the night of the murder.— i Subsequently £ on Sunday evening, she sent i word b. jailor Phillips to Mayor Weaver,! that she wished to tell all about it, and when i brought to the Mayor's office, made the fol- 1 lowing statement: On Monday last, 27th of April, 1857, Fife ; told me he wished to see me on Thursday, at . the bars at George Wilson’s ; asked him what ; for; he told me he would tell mo when I came; j I left Monongahela City in the boat, and got i off at Elizabeth ; left there in the afternoon : . arrived at the appointed place at dark; I i waited there until about 15 minutes after 9 j o’clock, when Fife came ; he had a bottle of • brandy; Stewart came about 10 o’.clock; he also bed a bottle of brandy ; they were both ; in liquor ; they gave me some brandy : I drank ; a good deal of it; Stewart then told me that : 1 they wanted me to go to Uncle George’s; I j i asked them what for; they said they wanted ! ; his money ; I told them I did not want to go, ; | When Stewart drew a knife, and threatened if 1 i I would not they would kill me; I then went ! ; with them ; Stewart told me to knock at the ; door, which I did; Uncle George asked who j 1 was there ; I answered “ Charlotte Jones,” he 1 1 said he would get up and let me in ; Stewart j i and Fife allowed they intended to kill them; ! ; I told them for Uod’s sake not to do it; I did 1 j not think they would do it; thought they said \ it to frighten me ; uncle then opened the door, I and I walked in; he said “good evening.” | i and I walked up to the bed where aunt was 1 | lying ;. I asked her how she was; she said not ] very well; she was sick ; whilst I was talking ito aunt, uncle went to the door; Stewart and j Fife then rushed in ; Fife had a knife in his ! hand struck uncle on the breast with it; he j never fcpoke; Stewart took hold of aunt, who cried for God’s sake not to kill her ; aunt jumped out of bed and caught hold of me for protection ; I told them again not to murder them that way, when they said “ shut up or they would do the same to mo.” Stewart first tlsrew her down and choked her, then stamped on her head with the heel of his boot; he then called to Fife for his knife ; he said it was no use, as it was bent; he then called for a case knife ; that not killing her, he ran to the cor ner of the room and took a .poker and struck her twice on the head, when I ran out, as I could stand it no longer; after I was out hi the yard I heard them breaking open the chest; there was no light but a fire in the fire place ; they wore in the house about fifteen minutes ; I did not go into the house again ; when they came out they took hold of me, and threatened to kill me ; they then me swear the most awful oaths that I would not tell; : their hands were bloody ; we then started for McKeesport; it was after one o’clock ; we ar rived at the bank of the Yough at nearly two o’clock, where we all sat down and drank more brandy; they showed money to me there; j it was all in half dollars ; we sat there a very ■ short time, but while there, Monroe Stewart 1 threatened me again that they would kill me if I told on them ; we then went over the river in a skiff, using pieces of boards for oars ; we then went from the river to the railroad, and walked down the track a short distance; they .stopped and caught hold of me and allowed that they were afraid that I would tell on them, and they again threatened to kill me, when I swore I would never tell; after that Stewart again caught hold of me, when Fife interfered, and said I never would tell; we all then went to Wolff’s; we got into the'house by going up aback alley, and in the back door; it was dark, but I think there were three beds in the room, and a man in one of theraj in the corner ; we all laid down in one bed ; we laid over an hour, when we all got up together, just before daylight; they allowed they did not want Wolff’s family to see me there, and they hurried me within a Bhort distance of Mrs. Alaxander's tavern where they left me; at this time Stewart gave me one dollar, and Fife fifty cents ; they told me not to go to the tavern until six or seven o'clock, but I went there immediately; about four weeks ago my brother William told Fife, at my father’s house, that my uncle Wilson had money ; he stated that he had nine or ten hundred dol lars ; I never was married to Henry Fife; Jus i tice M’Nary, of Washington county, declined I to marry us, on account of his being so young; i I never was in Wolff’s tavern except on Friday | morning, and it was on Saturday that I went I to Uncle George Wilson’s ; I did not see Fife lon Sunday morning. (She then went on to j correct her former statement.) The watch in j my possession belongs to myself, and was giv- I en to me by Charles Bchanna. A ITc are authorized to announce that VV JACOB FOLTZ, of this city, will be a candidate for Clerk of the Quarter Sessions of Lancaster county, if nom inated by tbe Democratic Convention. apr!4 tf 12 SHERIFF.— Gen. MICHAEL R. WIT WER, of the City of Lancaster, will be a candidate for the office of SHERIFF, at tho ensuing October election, subject to the decision of the Union County Convention. •pr 7 tf 12 SHERIFFALTY.— We are authorized to announce FREDERICK DERN, of this city as the people’s candidate for the office of Sheriff. Should he be elected, be promises to discharge its duties with fidelity, apr2B tfls SHERIFFALTY— HIRAM L. THOMP SON. of Providence tw’p., .will he a candidate for Sher i t of Lancaster county, at tbe ensuing election, if nomina ted by the Democratic County Conveutfon. rnylStf 17 HELM BOLD'S UNIVERSALLY APPROVED REMEDY. —Compound Extract Buchu cures Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys. Gravel, Dropsy. Weakness. &c. Read the adver tisement, in another column, headed **Helmbo]d’3 Genuine Preparation.” may 5 lm 16 SYRUP'S* Dr. Keysets Pectoral Syrup cures coughs; Dr. Keyser’s Pectoral Syrup cures colds; Dr. Keyser’s Pectoral Syrup cures Influenza; Dr. Keyser’s Pectoral Syrup cures Bronchitis; For laryogitus take Dr. Keyser’s Pectoral Syrup; consumption take Dr. Keyser’s Pectora Syrup. For cold in the head take Dr. Keyser’s Pectoral Syrup; Dr. Keyser’s Pectoral Syrup cures sore throat; Dr. Keyser’s Pectoral Syrup cures quinsy; Dr. Keyser’s Pectoral Syrup cures old coughs; Dr. Keyser’s Pectoral Syrup cures all kinds of diseases of the lungs and breast. Prepared and sold by DR. GEO. H. KEYSER, No. 140 Wood St., sign of the Golden Mortar,Pittsburg, Pa. Price 60 cents and $1 per bottle. 49 Sold by C. A. HEINITSII,in Lancaster. dec 23 6m 49 23- A SYLLOGISM! PROPOSITION let. Every Lady and Gontleman desires a beautiful head of Hair. PROPOSITION 2d. The use of LYON’S KATHAIRON will, without fail, produce such an oue. THEREFORE: Every Lady and Gentleman will, of course, immediate ly commence using LYON’B KATHAIRON. All pronounce the KATHAIRON to be tne finest and most agreeable preparation for tbe Hair ever made. It* Immense sale —nearly 1,000,000 bottles per year attests Its universal popularity. Sold everywhere for 26 cents per bottle. HEATH, WYNKOP & CO., Proprietors and Perfumers, mjUttV S 3 Imian 8», N«» Tort EQUALITY TO ALL! UNIFORMITY OF PRICE I A new feature of business: Every oue bis own Salesman. Jones A Co., of the Crescent One Price Clothing Store, No. .200 Market street, above 6th, In addition to having the largest, inoyt varied and fashionable stock ■»! Clothing in Philadelphia, mad- expressly for retail sale*, have ennsti tuted every one bis own Salesman, by having marked in figures, on each article, the very lowest price it can l* sold for. so they cannot possibly vary—all most buy alike. The goods are all well sponged and prepared and great pains taken with the making, bo that ail can bay vrith the fall assurance of getting a g*w»d article at the very lowest price. Remember the Crescent, in Market, above 6th, No. 200 feb£fi lv-5 JONES A 00. Housekeepers who visit Philadelphia for their supplies will find it considerably to their advan tage to purchase China. Glass and Common Wares of Messrs. Tyndale A Mitchell, Importers, 707 Chestnut Street above Seventh, who have a system of doing business peculiar to themselves. They import their wares direct from the best manufacto ries, and sell them in small quantities to farmers and citi zens just as cheap as they can be bought In large quasdities at wholesale by the country merchant. Messrs. T A M.’s customers have the doable advantage of purchasing direct from the Importer, and of selecting from a very large and beautiful assortment, at a taring of at least 25 per cent. See 1 their card in another columns my 5 2t 16 Marriages. On the sth Inst, by the Rev. J. J., Btrine, Benjamin K. Snyder to Sarah M. Bomberger, both of Mountville. On |the 7th lust, by the same,-John Gardner, of Cones toga. to Snsan Lind, of Manor twp. On; the sth Inst., by the Rev. Alfred Nevin, D. D., Mr. Rear to Mrs. Mary Miller, both of Strasburg. On themorningof the 6th inst., in the Lutheran Church, by the Mr. Kxotei, James P. Dysart to Caroline Scherff, all ofjtbis'SSty. On Thursday, the 23d alt., at Pottsville, by the Rev. W. Kinney, Thomas F. Wright of Columbia, to Susan, daugh ter ofßeDjamla Haywood, Esq., of Pottsville. On [the 23 ult, by Rev. J. 1. Gerhart, David M. Eberly, of Penn township, to Margaret F. Young, of Drumore. DEATHS. In ;he Borough of Elizabethtown, on the 7th inst.. Laura Kstella, infant daughter of Abraham and Eliza A. Red seeker, aged 7 months and 21 days. At on the 25th of April, George'Bender Shuitz, aged 1 year, 2 moths and 11 days. Onjjthe 11th inst., John Frailey, of this city, aged 44 years; 5 months and 4 days. In JJhis city, on the 7th inst., Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Benjamin 8. Keller, aged 26 years and 3 months. Onrthe 2d iDSt., in Leacock township, this county, Mary Catherine Waller, daughter of Benjamin and Catharine Waller, aged 3 years, 3 months and 14 days. 2lst ult., in the same family, Amos Wisner Wal ler 1 aged 1 year, 6 mootbs and 6 days. Ou Saturday last, Maria Kauffman, widow of John Kauff man, late of East ilempfield township, this county, aged 75 years, 2 months and 13 days. On the 4th ult., John Echternacht, of Adainstowu, this county, in lhe6uth year of his age. In Reading, on Saturday morning, the 25th ult., Mrs. Ann Hunter Richards, aged 60 years, and on the evening of the settle day. Miss Elizabeth Bull Richards, aged 38 years, both of Columbia. On the Bth ult., in North Aonville, Sarah Ann, daughter of Johu and Susannah Garber, agen 1 year, 9 months and 5 days. In Mast Earl township, ou the 22d ult., Benjamin Wea ver, aged & years, 11 months and 5 days. In Montgomery cuunty, Ohio, on the 22d ult., Christian Forrer, formerly of this county, aged 89 years, 4 months aud 2 days. Near New Providence, this county, ou tbo 27th of April, Thomas, souj»f Samuel and Natfcy Stoueroud, aged 7 years, 4 months and 27 days. Ou the evening uf the 23d ult., in Bareville, thin couuty. of inflammation of the lunge, Henry, son of J. B. and L«nh Raff, aged 3 years, 9 months aud 14 days. Dearest Henry, tbou hast left us, Here thy lose we dare not mourn. Knowing Mis God who hath bereft us, Till the resurrection morn. May thy parents be found ready, When the Lord himself shall come; To raise tbo dead and rest the weary, To meet thee in thy happy home. F. K. THE MARKETS.- Philadelphia Market There has beeo an increased export demand for Flour, and holders are firm at an advanced price. Sales oi'lsoo(

53.44 bbl. The market Is uearly bare ofWvheat. Sales of good red at and white at bu. Small sales of Rye at 02c. Corn I* active, and prices have again advanced 2{g)3c. bu. Sale* of 7io) s; " l » bu. yellow at afloat, clo sing at the latter rate. Oats continue scarce, and command A small sale of Cloveraeed is reported at $7 34 lbs. Whiskey In in demand, and hat* advanced. Sales nf 200 bbls. at 29j-j( May 6tb, 1357. / The Directors of this Institution hare this day declared a dividend of five pei cent out of tbs profits of the last six months, payable on demand my li 3t 17 WM. L. PEIPER, Cashier. Ladies call at wentz bros., and SECU RE one of those desirable HAIR CRINOLINE SKIRTS, Only $2 50—one half price. Bee Hive and Eagle Union, East King and Centro Square. my 12 tf 17 Lancaster mercantile COLLEGE. INCORPOEATED DT THE LEGISLATURE OF PENNSYLVANIA. Located No. -2 North Duke Street, opposite the. Quirt House. The only Mercantile College io Eastern Pa., Chartered by the Legislature. Offers greut inducements to young men preparing to enter Into bittiness, * I her as clerks or upon their own account. For Circulars Ac., address, ; T. jJ*. POLLOCK, Pre’t., ray 12 tf 17 Lancaster city, Pa. Grand annual examination of PROF. F. STOUCH’S JUVENILE CLASS, AT FULTON HALL. THURSDAY EVENING. MAY 14. 1857. F. Stouch rt-apectfully informa bis friends, and the citi zens iu general, that he will give another of bis popular und interesting examinations, on which occasion an en tirely new programme will be introduced—comprising all tbe most popular and elegant dances in vogue in all the large cities—amongst which will be found the following : 1. Grand March Quadrille, to commence at o’clock precisely. 2. Polka Quadrille. 3 Marvorienna Waltz. 4. Highland Fling, by 2 masters and misses.. 5. Sailors’ Hornpipe, by 2 masters. 6. Cachuca, by one miss. 7. Holiday Polka, by 2 misses. 8. Hornpipe, by one master. 9. Highland Fling, by 2 Fairies. 10. Chesnut Street Quadrille, by 16 masters and misses. 11. New Triolicnna Waltz, by 2 misses. 12. Scotch Dance, by 16 masters and misses. 13. Cracovienna, by 2 misses. 14. Cracow Mazourka, danced by F. S. and Lady. 15. The celebrated Wreath Dance, by 8 misses, composed expressly for this occasion by F. Stouch. 16. Hornpipe, by F. Stouch. At the conclusion of the examination the floor will be cleared for all present to join in the dance. Tickets for Gentlemen 50 cts.; for Ladies 25 ctn.; to be had at tho following places only : Sprenger A Westlireffer’s Book Store, Murray, Young A Co.’s Book Store,|Heinitsh’s Music Store, and at the National House. may 12 It 17 NOTICE.— In the matter of the Assign ed Estate of Michael D. Schnender. The undersigned Auditors, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster county, to distribute tbe balance in the hands of John W. Gross, Assignee of said estate, to and among those legaliy entitled thereto, will meet for the purpose of their appointment, on SATURDAY, tbe 23d day of MAY, 1557, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, in the Court Houee, in the city of Lancaster, when and where all persons inter ested may attend. may 12 6t 17] \TO TICE.—The Stookolders of the i> WASHINGTON AND MARYLAND LINE RAIL ROAD COMPANY', are requested to meet at the public house of Frederick Cooper, 'iu the City of Lancaster, on TUESDAY, May 19th, 1867, at 2 o'clock, 1». M., for the purposo of electing a President and twelve Directors of said Company. BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSIONERS. 2t 17 The centre square grocery. JOHN W. HUBLKY, having just completed the en largement and remodeling of bis extensive Grocery estab lishment, on tbe corner of NORTH QUEEN* STREET and CENTRE SQUARE, is now prepared, with greatly increased facilities, to wait upon all, from city or country, who may favor him with a call. In addition to his extensive stock of GROCERIES AND QUEENSWARE. he has a full assortment of roNFECTIONARY, FRUITS , NUTS, ,fie of every variety the market affords; Also, PICKLES, JELLIES AND SYRUPS, (Strawberry, Lemon and Raspberry.) Every article in bis store is fresh and pure, being selected with the greatest caro for family uso. 4®* Families sending their children for Groceries, can rest aesurrod that the same attention will be paid to them as to adults. " may 12 tf 17 IRON FOUNDRY and MACHINE SHOP. —Tbe subscribers have commenced tbe above business in all its various hranches at the old established stand in CHRISTIANA, LANCASTER CO., where they are prepared to make ail kiuds of Castings, such as MILL GEARINGS. RAILROAD WORK, (PLOUGHS, and all kinds of 1 AGRICULTURAL CASTINGS, made and finished to order at the shortest notice. 4®** Having a largs supply of Patterns on hand for Mill and other kinds of work, those in want of such articles will find it to their advantage to call before going elsewhere. Patterns made to order on the most reasonable terms. 49* Every exertion will be used to give satisfaction. Christiana May 12,1857. JAMES BOON & CO. may 12 3m IT KETCHUM’S CELEBRATED IRON REAPER 4 MOWER.—For heavy grass this la un doubtedly the beat Mower in use. As a reaper It is equal to any other. Farmers should call and examine it at G. D. Sprecher k Bro.’s Hardware store, North Queen st., Lan caster. BOAS. SPANGLER & CO., 627 Market St., below 7 th. Sole Manufacturers, Philadelphia. FARMERS ! call at Sprecher'B Hardware Store In Lan caster aod examine Ketchum’s Iron Reaper A Mower. It is compact, strong and warranted to cut all hinds of gnus and grain as well as can be done with a scythe or cradle. BOAS, SPANGLER A CO., 627 Market St., below 7th. Sole Manufacturers, Philadelphia. 10 nnO of KE TCHUM’S REAPERS A MOWERS 1/W.v/v/U have been made and sold, with entire satis faction to purchasers. They are warranted In every respect. Call and examine them at Bprecher’s Hardware store, Lan caster. BOAS, SPANGLER A CO.* , Bole Manufacturers. >'0.427, Market St., Philadelphia. KETCHUM’S REAPERS A MOWERS, are made wholly of Iron, are light of draft, very strong, and are the only machine with rear and eido delivery. Call and ex amine them at Sprecher’s Hardware store, Lancaster. BOAS, SPANGLER A CO., Sole Manufacturers. No. OT Market St., below 7th, Philadelphia . TO BMiSVEL HBIiUAH and all other pcraoQS interested in bis Assigned/Estate. In the Court of Common Plea* of Lancaster cj-» P.*- Assigned Est Ate of 1 T Bo j. v w Esr-ixurt Hxlxax & Wife > T And now, April 20. 1857. on motion of Reuben ( . R )H. Long, Court grant a to show cause jb.o. j w jjy K Ousclf Assignee, should not b* disrharged ai prayed for. Petition and affidavit filed. Rule returnable the third Monday in June next. J. BOWMAN, Porth'y. my 12 4t 17 Likcastk, May 12,1£57. TO RAILROAD CONTRACTORS— Pro posals will be received for the construction of a Hal'* ruad from Uaoover in York county, to "Littlestown, in Adams county, a distance of about seven mile*. Proposals frill be received for tbe construction of the en tire road, also separate proposals for the grading, bridging 4c. of the entire line and of the several sections, and for the Iron, ties, Ac. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of tbe Company, in Littleetown, from the 20th of May until the 6th of June, when the contracts will be given out. For any information address WM. McSHERRY, my 12-it 17 Llttletown, Adams c* n Pa. INSTATE OF ANN SC HOC H In the j Court of Common Pleas for tbe County of Lancaster Whereas. Joseph Schoch, Trustee of Ann Bchoch,did ou the stli day of May, 1557,.fi1e in the Office of the Prothon otary of the said Court, his Account of the said Estate: Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in the said Estate, that the said Court have appointed the 15th day of June 1*57, for tbe confirmation thereof, unless ex ceptions be filed. Attest. J. BOWMAN. Proth’y. Frothy's Office Lanc'r., May 6, 1857. my 124t17 JUST PUBLISHED, THE GREAT STO RY OF CITY LlFE.—old Hacn, Thi Paw.vbbokeb.— A 12mo. volume 400 pages, elegantly bound in cloth and i-lustrated. Price $1 25. This deeply interesting and ex citing tale of the Mysteries and Miseries of New Fork, having had alrerdy a large sale, the Publishers feel justi fied ip putting to press another and still larger edition of this last and greatest PICTURE OF NEW YORK IN MODERN TIME?. The scenes of of Old Hauu, though wrought into a misterly plot by one of our most powerful American novelists, are characteristic facts, and present in a vivid and most stri king manner, such startling Revelations of Crime and Mis ery, daily enacting in our midst, within tbe Great Ameri can Metropolis, that tbe reader shudders with’amazement at the Astounding Developments. “ A very interesting story of social life in New York, which has had a very large sale throughout this country. The author has great power as a writer and skill in the delienation of character as well as dramatic abilities In re lating facts in a vivid manner.” —Boston Transcript. Sold by tbe Ageals on the cars, and by all booksellers.— sent by Mail, post-paid, on receipt of price. RUDD A CARLETON, Publishers. 310‘ Broadway. New York. %*Any Newapaper giving this whole advertisement 2 insertions; calling attention to it editorially and sending us a marked paper, will receive a copy of the book by mall, post paid. my 12 3t IT ONCE MORE BEFORE THE PEOPLE, For tbe purpose of bringing into notice those CHEAP AND FRESH TRADE SALE BOOKS. PURCHASED AT THE PHILADELPHIA A.VD NEW YORK SPRING TRADE SALES, and which will be disposed of at the lowest possible'rates. Now is the time to call and pnrehase ; ourshelves are filled with the choicest works. BIOGRAPHICAL, HISTORICAL, POETICAL. MECHANICAL, AGRICULTURAL, BOTANICAL. SCIENTIFIC, FLORAL, HORTICULTURAL, CLASSICAL, RELIGIOUS, Ac., Ac., Ac. In fact, the works of all the best standard authors, In every department of Literature and Science. Having purchased these books at low trade sale prices, and with a special view to the wants of our city and country customers, we feel prepared to sell to them on the most advantageous terms. COUNTRY MERCHANTS AND DEALERS in books generally, will especially find it to their advantage to pun-base from us. We have constantly on hand all the different kinds of SCHOOL BOOKS AND SCHOOL APPARATUS used iu this and adjoining counties, and will sell to Boards of Directors and Teachers, at wholesale prices, always ma king special arrangements for the introduction of new books. Being the regularly appointed agents for tbe AMERICAN SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION, AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY. METHODIST BOOK CONCERN, PRESBYTERIAN BOARD OF PUBLICATION, EPISCOPAL DO. DO. We can furnish their publications to Sunday Schools and Churches at their prices. Superintendents of Sunday Schools, will therefore find that they can save money by purchasing from us. OUR MISCELLANEOUS STO‘K SATnRDAT, May 9. is large and well selected ;• it has been purchased advan tageously. Our character os the ‘*iCheap Bookstore” is well and widely known: we are anxious to turn our large stock into ready money, and at the same time make room for uur large fail purchases. Look fora moment at these reasons, and your judgment will soon tell you that you will find It to your advantage to purchase of my 12 tf 17 MURRAY, YOUNG A CO. Estate of samuel wilke y.—Let ters of administration on tho estate of Samuel Wll kev, late of Martic township, dec’d., having been grauted to the subscriber residing in said township: All persons in debted to said estuse are requested to make payment imme diately, aud those havingcUims will presentthem without delay properly authenticated for settlement, ray 12 6t* 16 EDWARD GALEN, Adin'r. BLUE LICK WATER.—a large supply of the MINERAL or MEDICINAL WATERS, ol the Bins Lb-k Springs, of Kentucky, has junt been received in bottles containing nearly a quart each, and for sale by The glass or bottle, at the EXCELSIOR DRUG and CIIEMICAL STORK, Having gone to some trouble, and considerable expense to introduce this popular aud healthy water luto our city, I would especially call tho attention of those who are troubled with diseases of tho Skin, or of a Plethoric habit of body, the Dyspeptic or the Rheumatic, to the healthful properties of the Blue Lick Water. To all who have deemod it necessary tu take a glass of I,ager for the slnmach’s sake, the Blue Lick Water U a most capital substitute. SAMUEL WELCIIENS. my 12 tf 17 Keaping machines. FARMERS of Lancaster County, who are in want of a strone, well made, reliable REAPING and MOWING MACHINE, will find it greatly to their interest to get one ATKINS’ SELF-RAKING REAPER and MOWER. These Machines have met with unprecedented success, and given full satisfaction to those using them; and the pro prietor has spared neither pains Dor expense in adding im provements that make them decidedly the most desirable article in this country. With tho improvements' now made they are tho best combined Reaper and Mower in uso, hav ing a knife that does not choke; and while they are a great labor saver, are also a great Grain-saver, relieving one of the Intolerable labor of Raking, and doing it so much bet ter a* to save one or two hands In binding. . They can be adapted to cut all kinds of Grain or Grass, and are very light of Draft. Nothing but the very best materials are used, In their construction, and each machine is driven by steam-power before leaving the Shop to see that every thing is right. We have a largo number of recommendations from Far mers who have them in use; and knowing the machines to act as they are recommended, have no hesitation in warranting them to give eutire satisfaction. If they do not please after trial, they can be returned. Call and see for yourselves. GEO. M. STEINMAN A CO., myll tf 17 West King street. For Sale Cheap.—A first-rate, first class second-handed Fire Engiue. Address, H. K. SLAYMAKEK, President Union Fire Compynj. my 5 I3t 16 I.ancaStui, May 6, 1657. PAUL AND MIRIAM) or, the Struggle of Pride and Loth. Id the Inland Review. Price 3 cents. For sale at MURRAY, YOUNG A CO'S. apr2B 5 tf 15 Fishing tackle.—Rods, Kirby Hooks, Limerick Ilooks, Pika aDd Trout Hooks; Net Twine, Linen, Cotton ami SeA Grass Lines, Ac.. Ac. For apr 21 tf 14 Drug and Chemical Store, West Klngst. TATTERSALL’S heave powder, Powdered Rosin, Antimony, Fennigreek, Sulphur, Saltpetre. Assafcetida, Alum, Ac. For sale at apr 21 tf ]4 THOMAS ELLMAKER, Drug and Chemical Store, West King st. HAVANNA SEGARS—SOOO Imported Havanna Segars of the most approved brands. Just rerotTed and for sale at DR. JOHN WAYLAN’S Drug Store, No. GO North Queen Street. Dental surgery.—Dr. ely par ky having returned from his duties in the College of Deutal Surgery, is now prepared to attend to professional engagements at his office. No. 36V£ East King St., Lanc’r. mar 10 3t 8 THEY Have Arrived.—Albums and Au tographs. at apt ‘2B tf 15 SPKKNGER ,t WESTHAEFFF.R’S. p. A MEN WANTED."3O Men. are tvant «-/U ed at the Big Ore Banks, on Chesnut Hill, three miles from Columbia, and seven from Lancaster. Wages paid in cash every month. 11. R. KNOTWELL, apr 7 3m* 12 Manager. WM. R, WILSON, JOHN W. MKCKLEY. Auditors. ISAAC BARTON, WHOLESALE GROCER, WINE and LIQUOR STORK.— Nos. 135—137 North 2d street, Philadelphia dee 26 tf-49 SUNDAY NOTlCE.—Persons -wishing Medicines on Sunday will please call between the hoars of 1 and J 8 P. M., at Dr. WAYLAN’S Drug Store, No. 60 North Qneen street. apr 7 tf 12 NEW AND FASHIONABLE MILLI NERY.—Mrs. H.C. MOULER, Milliner, No. North Queen Street. North Side, near the Rail Road, has just returned from Philadelphia with a large assort ment of the latest styles of goods in her line, where she will be pleased to have her friends, and the Ladies in general, to call and examine for themselves, apr 21 3m 14 Opring Millinery.—Mrs. H. Musser has O opened her SPRING STYLES, to which' she would invite the attention of her city and country W& .JJ friends, confident that she will suit all who call. both in price and goods. Recollect Mrs. H MUSfIER, No. 4, WEST ORANGE St. apr 28 tf 16 CA.R PETS, Velvet, Brussels, Ingrain and Rag. for s«le by Lancaster mercantile col lege—OPEN DAY* AND EVENING —Offers to young men and others, who desire it, an excellent opportunity to prepare for entering into business, either as clerks or upon their own account. Rooms in Sprecher’s new building, No. %'Z North Duke street, opposite the Court House. Fur full particulars, or specimens of Penmanship, call at the College, or address T. H. POLLOCK, Principal, apr 21 4t* 14 Lancaster City, Pa. “ OEEK NO FARTHER, YOU’LL FIND O NO BETTER!" Ready made _a* SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING. Cloths, Cassimeres, Tweed.*, Linens and Testings VIA - made strictly to order. Shirts, Hoisery, Under- "■*- clothing, Stockß, Cravats, Ties, Collars, Suspenders, Hand kerchiefs, 4c., Medium and Common, and no place where the patronage of a discriminating public is more sensibly appreciated, more promptly responded to, and more grate fully acknowledged, than at the establishment of P. J. KRAMPH, Merchant Tailor aud Clothier, cor. of Orange r.nd North Qneen St., Lancaster. my 6 3m 16 Looking glasses. G. W. DE WEES, Wholesale and Retail Manufacturer of Ornamental and Plain Gilt Looking Glasses, Portraits and Picture Frames of every style. A large stock of the above always on hand, whieh I will sell from 10 to 15 per cent, less than any ether establishment in the city. Paintings and Engravings, 4c. Old work regilded, 4c. A liberal Discount to the trade. G. W. DEWEES, No. 154 N. 2d St., below Race, West side, Phil’a, old No. 102. my 6 6m 16 LOOK HEREHouselceepere In gener al and the Ladies in particular are invited to purchase their Knives and Forks. Carvers, Tea and Table Spoons, Plated Ware, Britannia ware, Jap'd Ware, Plain and Lined Iron Hollow Ware, Sad Irons, Coffee Mills,- Walters, Oil and Fluid Lamps, Castors, Pocket Knives, Port Monnaies, Purses, Hair Brushes, and various other useful articles, at S. N. HALL'S Low Price Furnishing Store. No. 1111, Mar ket it, there 11th it, Phil'a. my 2m 16 NORTH QUEEN ST THOMAS ELLMAKER'S FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, from one to four yards wide. MATTINGS WHITE AND CHECK, [apr 21 tf 14] HAGER 4 BROS. ESTATE OF George Haber.»ln the Court of Common Plea* for the County of Lancaster. Whereas. Henry it. Kuitz, uue of the Committee of George Huter. r.f Marric township, did on the ISth day of April. 1857, file in the otticeol the Prothonotary of th«- Raid Court, his Account of said Estate: Notice is hereby given to ail persons interested in the raid Estate, that the said Conrt bare appointed the :15th day of May. 1557. tor the confirmation thereof, ur>l~« exceptions be filed. Attest, J. BOWMAN. Proth'y. Prothonotarv’s Office, Lancaster. April 18, 1857. • apr 21 4t i:: ESTATE OF Michael Keiser—ln the Court of Common Pleas for the County of {.aticaster. Whereas. Michael Horst, assignee of Michael of Rapho township, did on the 16th da. -.f April. 1857. til*- in the Office of the Prothonotary of the said Court, his Ao ooant of the said Estate: Notice is hereby given t~> ail person# interested in the said Estate, that the vii i G>urt bare upp-doted the 25th day of May. 1857. for the renfinna*s<-n therrof, uuleas ex ceptions be tiled. Attest.- BOWMAN. Proth’y. Prothonotary’s Office, Lancaster. April 18th 1857. apr 21 At 21 UPSTATE OF PETER RHOADS Let- P i ters testamentary on the Estate of Peter Rhoads, late of West Donegal Township, dec’d.. baring been Issued to the subscriber: All persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment, aud those haring claims will piesent them without delay propeily authenti cated for settlement. CALEB PIERCE, Kx’r. apr 28 6t 16 . Middletown, Dauphin Co. Estate of Magdalena wenger. In the Court of Common Pleas for the County of Lancaster. Whereas John Miller, Trustee of Magdalena Wenger, did on the 2!at day of April, 1857. file in the office of the Prothonotary of the said Court, his Acccuntof said Estate: Notice is hereby giren to all persous interested iu the said Estate, that the said Court have appointed the first day of June. 1857, for the confirmation thereof unless ex ceptions be filed. Attest, J. BOWMAN, Proth'y. Prothy's. Office, Lanc’r, April 21, 1857. apr 28 4t 15 Estate of aq,uila Michael in the Court of Common Pleas for the County of Lancas ter. Whereas. John M.Sht-nk and John Strohm, Assignees of Aqnila Michael, of Providence twp., did on the 24th day of April, 1857, file in the office of the Prothonotary of the said Coarq, their Account of the said Estate: Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in the ‘said Estate, that the said Court have appointed the first day of June, 1857, for the confirmation thereof, unless exceptions be filed. Attest, J. BOWMAN, Proth’y. Prothy’s Office, Lanc’r-, April 24,1857. apr 28 4t 16 Estate of James Alexander,—All persons haring claims against the Estate of James Alexander, late of the city of Lancaster, (Carpenter,) dec’d., are re quested to present them duly authenticated to the under signed j aDd those indebted to said Estate, are also request ed to make immediate payment to the undersigned, resi ding near the Gas Works in the city of Lancaster. JANE ALEXANDER, Widow and sole Administratrix of said dec’d. apr 28 tit 15 ESTATE of Peter H&ldeman.-In the Court of Common Pleas for the County of Lancaster. Whereas, John F. Shroder, assignee of Peter H&ldeman, did on the thirtieth day of April, 1857, file in the Office of the Prothonotary of the said Court, his Account of the .said Estate: Notice is hereby giren to all persons interested In the said Estate, that the said Court hare appointed the third day of June, 1857, for the confirmation thereof,] unless thereof, unless exceptions be filed. Attest, J. BOWMAN, Prothonotary. Prothy’s Office, Lanc’r., April 30th, 1857. my 5 4t 16 ESTATE of Simon N, Klanser A Wife.— In the Court of Common Pleas for the County ot caster. Whereas, David Stone, Assignee of Simon N. Klauaer A Wife, did on the 28th day of April. 1857, file In the office of the Prothonatary of said Court, his Account of the said Estate: Notice is hereby giren to all persons interested in the said Estate, that the said Court have appointed the third day of June, 1857, for the confirmation thereof, unless ex ceptions be filed. Attest, J. BOWMAN, Proth’y. Prothy's Office, Lanc’r., April 28,1857. my 5 4t 16 Estate of Jacob W. Sensenlg.—ln the Court of Common Pleas fer the County of Lancaster. Whereas, Daniel A. Brown, assigneeof Jacob W.Sensenig, of East Earl tw’p., did on the 27th day of April, 1857, file in the office of the Prothonotary of the said Court, his Account of the said Estate : Notice is hereby given to all persons interested In the said Eitate, that tbs said Court hare appointed tbe third day of June, 1857, for the confirmation thereof, unless ex ceptions be filed. Attest. J. BOWMAN, Proth’y. my&4tl6 Prothy's Office 1 Lanp’r, April 27, 1857. ESTATE OF MART COBLE...Whereas, Letters of Administration on tbe Estate of Mary Coble, late of the Borough of Elizabethtown, Lancaster co., dec’d., have been grouted to the subscriber: all persons indebt ed to said estate aro requested to make immediate pay ment, and those haviDg claims or demands against the es tate of said .deceased, will present them, without delay, properly authenticated for settlement. ABRAHAM GREENAWALT, Elizabethtown, May 5. [title] Adra’r. INSTATE of Jacob Brubaker and Sarah 2j his wife. In the Court of Commou Please for the County of Lancaster. Whereas, George Brubaker. Assignee of Jacob Brubaker and Sarah bis wife, did ou the 13th day of April, 1857. file in the Office of the Prothonotary ol the said Court, his Account of the said Estate ' Notice is hereby given to all per-ons interested In the said Estate, that tbe said Court bare appointed the 25th day of May, 1857, for the confirmation thereof, unless ex ceptions be filed. . Attest, J. BOWMAN. Proth'y. Prothy’s Office Lanc'r, April 13, 1867. apr2l4t 14 ESTATE of John Baggier and Wife. In the Court of Commou Pleas for the County of Lan caster. Whereas, Emanuel Cassel, Assignee of John Bass ler and wife, of the Borough of Mt. Joy, did on the ltith day of April file in the office of the Pruthouotary of said Court, his Account of the said Estate : Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in tbe said Estate, that the said Court hare appointed the 25th day of May, 1867, for the confirmation thereof, unless ex ceptions be filed. Attest, *J. BOWMAN, Proth’r. Prothy’s Office, Lanc’r, April 16,1857. apr 21 4t 14 INSTATE of George Sheaffer.—ln the Court of Common Pleas for the County of Lancaster. Whereas, Philip Sheaffer, Trustee in the will of Samuel Sheafit-r. of George theaffor a son of said Samuel Sheaffer dec’d, did on the 13th day of April, 1867, file iu the Office of the Prothonotary of the said Court, his Account of the said Estate: Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in the said Estate, that the said Court have appointed the 2- th day of May, 1657, for the coufirmation thereof, unless ex ceptions be filed. Attest, J. BOWMAN. Pruih'y. Prothy’s Office Lancas'r, April 13.1867. apr 21 4t 14 INSTATE OP HENRY G. HERR &. Wife. 'j Iu the Court of Commou Pleas lor the County of Lan caster. Whereas. Jacob Summy, Assignee of lieury 0. Herr & Wife, of K&pho iwp., did on the third day of April. 1857 Hie in the Office of the Protbonotary of the said Court, his account of the said Estate : Notice Is hereby given to ail persons interested io the said Estate, that the said Court have appointed the 25th day of May, 1857, for the confirmation thereof, unless ex ceptions be filed. Attest, J. BOWMAN, Proth’y. Prothy's Office, Lancaster, April 3d, 1857. apr 14 4t13 Estate of john j. eberle, and AMELIA EBERLE, (now FRENCH)—In the Court of Common Pleas for the County of Lancaster. Whereas, Jacob N. Miller, trustee ©f John J. Eberle and Amelia Eberle, (now french.) did on the 30th day of March, 1867, file In the office of the Prothonotary of the said Court, his Account of the said Estate: Notice Is hereby given to all persons interested in the said Estate, that the said Court has appointed the ‘2sth day of May, 1867, for the confirmation thereof, unless excep tions be filed. Attest, J. BOWMAN, Proth’y ProthonoUry’s Office, Lancaster, March 30, 1857. mar 31 4t 11 The undersigned reminds Corn and Potato growers that his Super Phosphate of Lime is the cheapest and most cer tain manure for these two erops, of any offered to the pub lic. It is composed of Chemical elements which rarely, if ever, fail in these two valuable crops. Tho most successful Estate o f Adam Gross*—Lettert Testa- farmers, and years of experience have proved this. mentary on the Estate of Adam Gross, lato of Eliza- GEORGE A. LEINAU. Proprietor, bethtowu Borough, de-’d , having been granted to thesub- No. 19 South Front St., Philadelphia, Pa. scriber; all persons indepted to said Estate, are requested ; My Phosphate of Lime at ‘l% cts. per tb. or $4O a ton.— to mako immediate payment, aud those having claims will . Nitrogened, at fifty dollars a ton. present them without delay, properly authenticated for ! Cartage free to any wharf or station in the city prope«. settlement. JACOB FELIX, Exec'r. A Liberal Discount to Wholesale Dealer? apr2B tf 15 | Pamphlets in the English and German Languages on ap- ! plication. Estate Of E. Eskridge Lane, dec’d.—Let- j Also, Pure Bono Dust, Potash, Soda, Powdered Charcoal, ters ofadmioistration on me estate of E. (.abridge Lane, i Pure Land Plaster, Ac.. Ac. late of the City of Lancaster, dec’d, having been granted j Diplomas from four States have been received : Pennsjl* to the subscriber residing in said city—all persons indebt- ' vania, New York, New Jersey and Delaware, ed to said estate are requested to make immediate pay- ' my 6 ment, and those having claims will present them, without delay, properly authenticated for settlement, spr 14 6113 ” JAMES B. LANE, Ad'r. . (Examiner copy.) ' ' '■ .... .... —. ... i the STOCKHOLDERS of said company are requested to moat Auditor's Notice.— The undersigned, - a t the Office of the company, lu Mt. Joy borough, Lau.co., Auditor appointed by the Court of Common pleas of i on WEDNESDAY, the’JTth day of May. 1857. at 1 o’clock, P. Lancaster county, to distribute the balance In the hands of • >i ti c f said day. for the purpose of diminishing the amount Henry Grebill, Trustee according to the account of Jacob' of the capital stock to an amount not exceeding Six Dnn- Grebill and Henry Grebill, Trustees under a deed of Tru*t 1 dred and Eighty three Shares, and for the sale of ihe prop from John Grebill of West Earl Township, and his last e,-tv of 6aid compsoy, real and personal. Will aDd Testament, hereby notifies all persons interested ' ' MARTIN B. PEIFFF.R Pres’f in the distribution of said balance, that he will attend to SAMUEL KOHR the duties of his appointment on Tuesday, the 19th of May I j, e. CAS3EL, next* at 2 o’clock, P. M., at the Library Room in the Court j A. B LANDIS, House. JAMES L. REYNOLDS. ■ EMANUEL CABSEL, apr 38 (Examiner copy.) St 15 I J. B. LANDIS, U. BIIAFFNER. AUDITOR’S NOTICE.—The under.! signed Auditor appointed to distribute the balance I in the bands of Gabriel Bear and Benjamin Stauffer, Ex- ! ecutora of the will of Peter Staoffer, late of Elisabeth twp., J dec’d. and trustees under said will of the share given to testator’s brother John Stauffer, of Bart twp.. now dece'd., i to and among those legally entitled thereto, will alt for the : purpose of his appointment on Thursday, the 21pt of May . next, at 2 o’clock, P. M., hi the Library Room of the Court • House in Lancaster. A. SLAYMAKER, Auditor. : apr 22 -it 14 ' AUDITOR’S NOTlCE.—Assigned Estate of T. C. & LI. K. Miller. The undersigned, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster county to dis* tributtrtho balance remaining in the hands of Jacob Hilde brand, Assignee of said T. C. A H. K. Miller, trill meet, for the purpose of distribution, all persons interested, on Fri day, May 22nd, 1857, at 2 o'clock, P. M.. in the Library Room in the Court House. ALDUS J. NKFF, my 6 3t16 Auditor. AUDITOR’S NOTICE.—The under signed, having been appointed auditor by the Or phans’ Court of Lancaster county, to distribute tho balance in the bands of Jacob Erb and John B. Erb, Executors of tho last will aud testament of David Erb, late of Warwick township, Lancaster county, dec’d., to and among those legally entitled thereto, hereby gives notice that he will attend for the purpose of his appointment, at the Library Room in the Court House in the city of Lancaster, on Fri day, May 22nd, 1857. at 2 o’clock, P. M., when and where all persons interested in said estate may attend if they see proper. W. W. BROWN. CASTOR OIL, ARROW ROOT, SWEET OIL BORAX, ALCOHOL, CAMPHOR, SPICES, CALOMEL, SODA. LOGWOOD, CREAM TARTAR PEARL BARLEY. GUM ARABIC, HARTSHORN, GELATINE/ VIALB, RHUBARB, BENNA, JALAP, SPONGE. Ac., For sale at THOMAS ELLMAKEK’S apr 21 tf 14 Drug and Chemical Store, West King st. INTEREST ON DEPOSITS.—THE CO LUMBIA BANK in Columbia. Lancaster county, re ceives Money on Deposit and allow internet therefor, at the rate of 4 per cent, per annum for 3 months. do do 6 do 6 do do 9 do d# do 12 do SAMUEL SHOCH, Cashier, fcb 17 8m 5 BOOK AND JOB PRINTING.—RemovaI. The undersigned respectfully Informs hie friends and the public, that be hes removed his JOB PRINTING OF FICE from his old stand, No. 20 North Queen street, to the new and commodious building. No. 10 NORTH DUKE STREET, OPPOBITE THE NEW COURT HOUSE, where, with additional advantages, he will exert himself to ren* der satisfaction to all who tnaj favor him with their pat* ronage, WM. B. WILEY, No. 10 North Duke Street. apr7 3m 12 Cancer institute for the Treatment or Cancers, Tumors, Wens, Ulcers, Scrofula, any Growth or Sore. Chronic Diseases, generally, can be cured (if curable) without surgical operation or poison.— For all particulars write, state diseases plainly, and enclose twenty-fire cents for advice. All letters must hare a post age stamp enclosed to prepay answer. Medicine can be sent any distance. Address o. l. selling; M. D~ Meehanlciburg, Camber land 00., Pa. ■i*4 clay New tore wine & liquor store. MILLER A BITTZ. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS. No. 0. North Duke Ptr«-et. next door to the office of tho •* Int» ihuexcer,” and directly opposite tbe Conrt House, Lanca«n»r. Pa. Thennhwriherx take this method of informing the pub lic that they hare jus*i upenrd a large assortment of WINKS and LIQUoKS of tbe choicest Brands and Quali ties. 11-tvimr made arrangements with some of the first bouse*> in Cognac and Rochelle, enables them to fnrnish to tbeir customer*. upon the most liberal terms, the following brands of Cognac and Rochelle Brandies: OTARO, HENNESY, PINET CAPTILLION, T. HIMES, MARTKLL, MARKETT, PELLETOSIN, J. J. DEPUY t CO., A fiERGNETTE, Ac., Ac. WINES. CHAMPAGNE, OLD OPORTO. BURGUNDY, CLARET, SHERRY, MADEIRA, LISBON, TENERIFFE, HOCK, MUSCAT and MALAGA WINES. of various brands and qualities. Holland Gtn. Scbeidam Schnapps, Jamaica Spirits, Scotch and Irish Whiskeys; Peach, Apple. Lavender, Blackberry, Cherry, Ginger and Raspberry Brandies; Cordials, Wine Bitters, Amsterdam Bitters, Ac., Ac. Also, Agents and Sole Proprietors of tbe OLD WHEAT WHISKEY. Constantly on band, an extensive stock of Old MnnnQ. gahela Whiskeys of various grades, some of which they guarantee to be superior toanv in the country. All goods from this establishment are guarantied to give satisfaction, with the privilege of being returned, apr 28 lyls Ketobtxm’e Combined Harvester, The superiority of Ketchum's Reaper and Mower having been fully established by more than six years of severe practical trial, with more than TWELVE THOUSAND MACHINES which have been sold, It is now offered to the Farmer as without an equal, and as tho only reliable ma chine for all kiodß of grain and grass. IMPROVEMENTS FOR 1857. The improvements for 1867, are: perfecting aud strengthening the guard finger; adding a seat for the dri ver while reaping; increasing the length of the cutter bar; a supporting rod to the cutter bar while reaping; an adjustable wheel to the cutter bar far mowing, by which the draft is materially lessened both while cutting and in backing; a rear and side delivery for grain; an uuj us table spriog seat for the raker, together with other important Improvements constituting a perfect machine, which is warranted to cut from teu to fifteen acres of grass or grain in a day as well as it can be done with a scythe ur cradle. The experience of the past has furnished a remedy fur all defects. The improvements have all been thoroughly tested in the harvest- field and are therefore improvements in fact and not merely in theory. The price of the Mower alone is $ll6, and of the combined Reaper ami Mower $135, delivered at any of the Railroads or Wharves of the city. Early orders respectfully solicited. Farmers are invited to call at our now Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Store and examine tbe improved machines as well as our other stock of Implements and seeds, all the castings, Ac., for the last year’s machines constantly on hand. Pamphlets describing the Reaper and Slower more fully can be had ou application to BOAS, SPANGLER A CO.. Star Agricultural Warehouse, No. ti 27 Market St., a few doors below 7th, Phllad'a. apr2l lit 14 Dr. s. t. prigg, surgeon DENTIST, having formed a partnership with Dr. SAMUEL WELCIIENS, will practice t nt*-nl| y, that he still carries on the COACH MAKING, iu all Us various branches, nt his shop. In the ai.t-y run ning east from the Court House, rear of Sprecbcr’s and Lechler's Hotels. Lancaster, where he continues to make to order, and at the lowest possible prices, CARRIAGES of every description, of the best materials aod In the most suhst&utial manner. All new work warranted. Repairing also attended to with dispatch. lie respect jlly solicits a share of public patronage. my&lylG WILLIAM COX. GUANO! GUANO!! GUANO!!! All kinds of SUPER PIIOSPUATU 7,000 Tons. W TO FARMERS, CORN AND POTATOE fyMqgfPfc SPECIAL MEETING.—PubIic Notice The undersigned Directors of the “ MOUNT JOY CAR MANUFACTURING COMPANY” hereby giTe notice that my 5 4t 15 Aver ioo reams received. FOOLSCAP A LETTER PAPER. We have just opened up the finest lot of paper we ever had in the storo, consisting In part of CAP PAPERS. Record Cap. Owen and llurlbut, extra superfine. Smitbworth. do. do. Superfine White cap, Broad Bill paper, Long’ do. do. LETTER PAPERS. Ladies Balts gilt, superfine, several .sizes, Alhambra Wove gilt, extra, do. do. Congress Letter, superfine, Union Letter, highly finished, Victoria Mills, laid, Note Papers, plain and gilt, all sizes. In fact, the most complete assortment of Stationery ju st offered for sale. Business men will find it to their advan- MURRAY, YOUNG A CO. tf Q tage to call, my 6 The secret infirmities of YOUTH AND MATURITY. Just Published, Gratis, the 25th thousand. A FEW WORDS ON THE RATIONAL TREATMENT, without Medicine, of Spermatorrhea or Local Weakness, Nocturnal Emissions. Gen* ital and Nervous Debility, Pr mature Decay of the System, lmpotency, and Impediments to Marriage generally. ttaiiK&K BY B. DE LANKY’, M. D. The important fact that the many alarming complaints, originating in the imprudence aod solitude of youth, may be easily removed without Medicine, is in this small tract, easily demonstrated; and the entirely new and highly successful treatment, as adopted by the Author, fully explained, by means of which every one Is enabled to cure himself perfectly and at the least possible cost, thereby avoiding all the advertised nn*troms of the day. Sent to any address, gratis and post free in a sealed envelope, by remitting (post paid) two postage stamps to Da. B. DE LANKY, 17 Llspenard street, Now York City, may 5 6m* 10 REMOVAL—Earthen and Stone Ware. —HENRY* GA3T A SON have removed their Wareroom to Market Square, directly opposite No. 4 Market, where they keep on band a large assortment of EARTHEN AND STONE WARE, of various patterns, and are prepared to furnish Terra Cotta work. Garnishing, Mouldings, and other kinds of Ornamental Work. The manufactory is still continued at the old stand In South Queen sreet, sign of the *• Big Pitcher." »P r 21 Lancaster axle manufactory. \VI LLIAM DILLER, having this day associated with him, WM. FI SUER, a Practical Machinist, as a co partner, they will hereafter do business under the firm of WM. DILLER A CO., at the Old Stand In Water Street, where they manufacture to order CASK HARDENED and COM MON AXLES of all sixes, DRILL MACHINES, BRIDGE BOLTS, and Smith and Machine Jobbing In general. WILLIAM DILLER, &pr2B tfl6 WILLIAM FISHER, Ploughs, in Great Variety, consisting of Prouty, Wiley, Blakers, PeekskilL Side jrfgt Hill, Subsoil, Double Michigan and Star Ploughs, fjgfc with wrought shares. Also, Expanding Cnltiva tors, with Steel and Reversible Teeth, Fisld and A Garden Harrows, Cast Iron Rollers, Hay,Straw and Fodder Cutters, with a large assortment or Horticultural Tools at Wholesale and Retail. PASCHALL MORRIS A CO. Implement and Seed Store, 7th and Market, Philad’a. apr2B tflft I‘DAFETY NIGHT TAPER.”—CaII at IS p r . WAYLAN’S Drug Store, No. 00 North Queen Street, and buy s "Baftty Night Taper," the moet economy flight in the world, iprTtm HOVER’S LIQUID HAIR DYE—Thll lIAIR DYK needs only a trial to satisfy all of fts i perfection as a Dye, e.Ttd tbe following testimonial from that eminent Analytic Chemist, Professor Booth, of the U. S. Mint, will only confirm what thousands have previously borne testimony to. ‘LABORATORY FOR PRACTICAL CHEMISTRY,') St. Btbpexu’s Placx, V Philadelphia, February 17 tb, 1857.) “ Being well acquainted with the substances composing Hover’s Liquid Hair Dye, I am satisfied that by following the simple directions given for its use, it will not Injun the Hair or Skin, but will give a natural and du*abU eoL» to Oie hedr. JAMES C. BOOTH, Analytic Chemist. HOVER’S WRITING INKS, including Hover’s I laid, and Hover’ii Indelible Inks, are too well known and Intro duced to require any additional testimony of their churao tei. Tne sales have been increasing since4jxeir first Intro duction, giving evidence that the article* truly possess that intrinsic merit claimed at first for them by the Manu facturer. Orders addressed to the Manufactory, No. 416 RACE fit. above FOURTH, (old No. 144,) Philadelphia, williwcaive prompt attention by apr 14 ly 13 JOSEPH E. HOVER, Manufacturer. EPLURIBUS CNUH.—Read and otM • serve the grrat variety of News constantly supplied aud on hand at the Centre Square Periodical Depot. Any of tbe following named publications we supply at tbe pub lishers lowest rates. We annex tbe names and retail rates. Read, see, and come buy the weeklies: New York Ledger 4c - New York Journal 18jf Harper's Weekly & (Knickerbocker Magaxi’e 25 Leslie's Illustrated paper ti jliunt’o Merchant*’ Mag- Ballou’s Pictorial 0 ! atine 60 Flag «.r nor Union & lEc'ectie Magasloe 60 Porter’s Spirit of the Yankee Notious (comic) 12)f Times G : Horticulturist (plaiu) 20 Waverly Magazine 6 Horticulturist (colored) 60 National Police Gazette L Bl»ck wood’s Magattn* 26 Parlor Casket 4 Merry's Museum 10 Home Journal 5 Youths’ Cabinet 10 Saturday Evening Post 6 , Working Farmer 12)f The Weekly Novelette 4 Miulng Magasin* &0 Scientific American 6 Phrenological Journal 10 Dollar Newspaper 3 Ladies’Journal 16 Ledger of Romance 4 Water Cur* Journal 19 Star Spangled Banner 4 Rail Road Guide (Dins- Uncle Sam 4 more’s 1?H True Flag 4 Monthly PU of Harper's Yankee Privateer 4 Weeklies 86 American L’niun 4 Crayon 86 Independent 6 Cultivator 6 New York Weekly Times 6 London Lancet 60 “ •' “ Tribune 6 Mothers’ Magailoe 10 “ •* Herald d Magazine for Mother! 10 The Flow 26 ollc) 6 Uousahold Words 26 Catholic Visitor 4 Schoolfellow " 10 American Celt 5 Nick Nax (.Comic) 10 Boston Pilot (Catholic) d Inventor 10 Ci'izen (Irish) 4 United States Magailne 90 Irish (Meagher‘>) d Mrs. Ann S. Sephin’s D* Irish American 2 lustra ted New Month* Weekly Clipper 4 ly 12H Brother Jonathan 3 Appleton’s Railway ETfe Illustrated 4 Guide 24 New Yorker 4 Lutheran llom* Journal 12^ Phil’a Saturday Bullotin 6 Farm Journal 12 Spiritual Telegraph 5 Keyßtone Musical Maga- Littel’s Living Age tine 0 The One Ceut 1 Panorama of Literature 26 New York Picayuue The Little Pilgrim 6 (comic) d Yankey Doodle 6 Country Gentleman Ag- The Student and School* ricultural d mate UH Musical Times and World 6 Spirit of the Times (Sport- Edinburg Review 60 lng) 12 y t Louiloo Quarterly 60 A'biou Westuiiuesier Review 60 Tbo Nation 4 North British Review 60 Rural New Yorker 4 American Journal of monthlies. Medical Science $6,00 ITarper’s Monthly 26 North American Review 1226 Ilatper's Story Book 26 Sil'iiuan's Journal 1.00 i’utuum’a Magazine 25 Wood's Quarterly Retro Graham's Magazine 25 sped 76a Arthur’s Magazine 18-V semi teablt. Peterson’s Magazine 18% Putnam’a Abstract 1.00 Methodist National Mag- Brailhwaite’a Retrospect 1.00 azine IS% Pictorial Brother Jona- Bullou's Dollar Magazl'e 10 than Frank Leslie's New York Pictorial Picayune and Paris Fashions SO Pictorial Clipper Chambers’ Journal 15 , 1q addition to the above we receive mao; other publica tions, American and European. Subscription* rocolved at publisher's lowest rate*. MURRAY, YOUNG A CO., Ceutre Square, Lancaster. CIIIEAP CARPETS! Cheap CarpeUl I— / A Utfff excitement has lieen created by the upenlug of a NEW CARPET STORE at No. 304 Market street, first door above J(inth, «outh side, PHILADELPHIA, which «e hare filled‘with a com plete stock of CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, Ac. Wool Carpets 37 and 5U cents, worth 62 and 76. Tapestry $1,20. worth $1,60. We intend to make this really the great Emporium of Market street for CHEAP CARPETS. As we hare dlf carded entirely the *‘old fashion high prices," which other* adhere to. Our friends from the country can buy from tu with perfect confidence. Goods never misrepresented for the sake of making sales, as Is so often the case. WINDOW SHADES. As this is the only place where a genoral assortment of SHADES in kept, you will always find anythiug you want from 2,' cents to $lO. Wo oflVr extraordinary inducement* to all classes, and boldly assort that we do sell cheaper than' is usual among other dealers. We are satisfied with small profits, prefering to do a large business. Your patronage ia respectfully solicited. EVANS t WALTON, Carpet Ward Rooms, 3U-4 Market, one door above oth, south side. JOHtf M. K7A.JTS, apr 14 3m 13 J. B. Watioir. CHARLES’ LONDON CORDIAL GIN IB shown by the Records of the Custom House to be th® only London Cordial Gin IMPORTED and sold In bottles; all others arc noxious mixtures made here in Imitation of It is a delicious tonic beTerago, by its peculiar flavor (so different from other gins) is universally esteemed by all who use it. It is adopted with groat success In cases of Dyspepsia, Gout, Rheumatism, Dropsy, Gravel, Colic, Chol era. Fever and Ague, Stricture, Diseases of the Urinary Organs, Epilepsy, Ac. Dr. Valentin* Mott, of Now York, In a letter to tho pro prietor says: Charin' London Cbrdial Qin is the purest, best, and mod reliable Extract of Juniper I hav. seen. CHARLES' LONDON COKDIAL GIN is sold by all Druggists and Grocers in tbe United States, and so also are numerous poisons called *• lx>ndon Cordial Gin"—to avoid them buy only "CHARLES’.” Reject any other offered to you as } mi value your health. Price one dollar fur quart*, Ffty couts f'»r pints. EDMUND C. CHARLES, apr 14 3m 13 Bole Importer, 40 Broadway, N. Y. WATER RENT.—The undersigned la now ready to jecelve the Water Rents tor tire je*r 1867. at his office, in his Drugstore, N 0.27 North Queen Street. The Duplicate of wafer rent shall bo as heretofore mads out on nr before ihe first day of April, yearly, and the May* <>r shall immediately thereafter deliver the same to the City Treasurer, to whom the r«*ut shall be payable at hl» office. On ad rents paid on or before the first day of June, an abatement of five per -cent will be allowed from Ihs amount.” S. WELCUKNS, apr 7 tf+2 City Treasurer. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS.—SamueI Keeler's Latest Improved GItAIN FA N Tbese'FauH are manufactured at the best and moet ex* tensive establishment in the city or county of Lancaster; and being the Latest Improved Grain Fans now before ths public, farmers and dealers generally will commit their own interests by calling uml examining them before pur chasing elsewhero. They are now sent to all parts of Pennsylvania and other Staten. These Fans are so cot*: fstmrted as to separate aU. the impure grains, such as cheat, cockle, rinut, Ac., at the same operation. They will also he made, to order, to separate Grass Seeds from Wheat.— When such are desired the order must be seot In time. I have also manufactured the celebrated Bamborough Fan for many yearn, and I claim the improvements made upon my Fan an being far superior to them. They are considered THE BEST NOW IN USE! by all Farmers who have given them a trial, and who con tinue using them. I have bud an extensive experience In the manufacture of Grain Fans, having made about 2,000 since I have been in the business. These Fausare adapted to hand or horse power, or any other power that may be applied to them; and they will be sent, free of charge, to any distance within 300 miles, by railroad or water, at the shortest notice. Castings of all kinds for Wind Mills always on hand; also, Screen and Wire of all Nos., for sale at the lowest prices. Be careful If want a Fan ofxuy manufacture, to see that my name is oo it. S. KEELER, Lancaster, Pa. 56,000 Reward I will give a reward of $5,000 to any set of men who can prove to my satisfaction that these Funs are not the best now in use. They have received the premium at the Agri cultural Fair held at Columbia, Lancaster county, in 1854; at the New Jersey State Fair in 1855 ; at the State Fair held at Harrisburg, aud at the Delaware County Fair.— Also, at the York County Fair, the undersigned received a premium for three splendid Fanning Mills on exhibition. At the Franklin County Fair, a premium was also awarded for bis superior Grain Fans. He received two premiums at the Berks County Fair. At the Pittsburg Fair he received % first premium and a sliver medal- At the Philadelphia Fair the highest prize was awarded Keeler’s Fans, over twenty-five others on exhibition. CIDKR M ILLS! I have also valuable Cider Mills for salo, which are war* ranted to make from 6 to 8 bbls. of elder per day, and to produce more cider out of the same quantity of apples than any other Mill. They are made to run by hand or horse power. Also, for sale HUNT’S PATENT GRAIN AND GRASS SOWER, which will sow all kinds of Grain. I will warrant it to sow with more regularity than any other drill now In use, es pecially on rough or hilly farms. £s* Pleaso send yoar ordors early If yon desire a good machine, as the demand is dally increasing. Call and ses those Drills before purchasing elsewhere. Shop 2 squares south of the Court House, or same dis tance from Sprecher's hotel. Address, apr 28 7m 15 SAMUEL KEELER, Lancaster, Pa. New music i new music : i FRESH FROM THE PRESS.* Published by MILLER A BKACHAM. BALTIMORE, Md. We girls never mean half we say 25 I wish somebody’d come 25 Juanita. (Warieta) Spanish Melody 25 Old Ship of State—National Song 25 Love’s InvitAtion 25 Smile once again, my Hattie dear 25 Peabody Schottiach.—Dedicated to Geo. dj. Esq. 25 Annie Laurie Schottisch V& 25 Carrie Waltz " 26 All Aboard.—Descriptive Polka , 60 Gipsy Countess Variations ch. Grobe < 60 £9* Please take notice that we can send Music safely by Mail, and always pre-pay the postage when the marked price Is remitted. A liberal discount made to Dealers, Seminaries and Teachers. Catalogues forwarded gratuitously by addressing as bore. apr7 ly 12 Bentz a. hcffnagle, (Successors to Col. Daslel Hebe,) WASHINGTON HOUSE, Columbia, Lancaster CouirrT, Pa. The subscribers having effected a lea«e of this well known aod popular Hotel, hereby give notice that they have thoroughly refitted and renovated It. The whole estab lishment has been refurnished at great expense, and nothing has left undone to render it one of the most agreeable and comfortable hotels In tbo State, the hotel is a first-class RESTAU RANT, which is supplied with all the delicacies of the season, and which Is not surpassed by any similar eatab-e- Ushment in Philadelphia. They respectfaily solicit thepatronage of the public, apr 7 ly 12 BENTZ A UUFFNAGLB. WILLIAM C. ORTH, Manufacturer and Importer of PAPER HANGINGS, No. 28 North Second Street, Philadelphia. N. B —All kinds of Paper Hangings done at ths shortest notice and on the most reasonable t*rms. Call and exam* ine our large and beautiful assortment of paper, apr 7 8m 1$ For the sick. 26 lb*. Cooper’s Isinglass. 50 “ Pearl Sago; 100 “ Tapioca. 100 M Pearl Barley. , 60 “ Bermuda Arrow-Root. 100 Papers Hecker'* Farina. Recvired this day at Dr. J. WAYLAITB DRUG STORB, No. 60 N. Queen street, Lancaster. apr 7 tfl2 A LADY who haa been cured of great ; Nerrous Debility, after many yean of misery; desires . to make known to all fellow- sufferers the suietosans of relief Address, enclosing stamp to pay return postagy Un. MABY £. DEWITT, Boston, Masa, and the prssanp tioa wfli U sent, tn% by aaxt gbitaA u\ yu AETERUXS. .geouoe w. BU7TMAOLE.