Lancaster intelligencer. (Lancaster [Pa.]) 1847-1922, April 21, 1857, Image 4

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OPERATE by their powerful influence on the
internal viscera to purify the blood and stimu
late it into healthy action. They remove the
obstructions of the stomach, bowels, aver, and other
organs of the body, and, by restoring their irregular
action to health, correct, wherever they exist, such
derangements as are the first causes of disease.
An extensive trial of their virtues, by Professors,
Physicians, and Patients, has shown cures of dan
gerous diseases almost beyond belief, were they not
substantiated by persons of such exalted position
and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth.
- Thpir certificates are published in my American
Almanac, which the Agents below named are
- pleased to furnish free to all inquiring.
Annexed we give Direction* for thnr use in the
complaints which they have been found to cure.
For Costiveness. Take one or two Pills, or
such quantity as fo gently move the bowels. Cos
tiveness is frequently the aggravating canse of
Piles, and the cure of one complaint is the cure
of both. No person can feel well while under a
costive habit of body. Hence it should be, as it
can be, promptly relieved.
For Dyspepsia, which is sometimes the cause
of Costiveness, and always uncomfortable, take mild
doses from one to four to stimulate the stomach
and liver into healthy action. They will do it, and
the heartburn, bodybum , and soulbum of dyspepsia
will rapidly disappear. When it has gone, don’t
forget what cured you.
For a Fout. Stomach, or Morbid Inaction of the
Bowels, which produces general depression of the
spirits and had health, take from four to eight Pills
at first, and smaller doses afterwards, until activity
and strength is restored to the system.
Fon Nervousness, Sick Headache, Nausea,
Pain in the Stomach, Back, or Side, take from four
to eight pills on going to bed. If they do not oper
ate sufficiently, take more the next day until they
do. These complaints will be swept out from the
system. Don’t wear these and their kindred dis
orders because your stomach is foul.
For Scrofula, Erysipelas, .and all Diseases
o f the Skin , take the Pills freely and frequently, to
keep the bowels' open. The eruptions will gener
‘ally soon begin to diminish and disappear. Many
dreadful ulcers and sores have been healed up by
the purging and purifying effect of these Pills, and
some disgusting diseases which seemed to saturate
the whole system have completely yielded to their
influence, leaving the sufferer in perfect health
Patients! your duty, to society forbids that you
should parade yourself around the world covered
with pimples, blotches, ulcers, sores, and all or any
of the unclean diseases of the skin, because your
tyscem wants cleansing.
To Purify the Blood, they are the best medi
cine ever discovered. They should be taken freely
and frequently, and the impurities which sow the
seeds of incurable diseases will be swept out of the
system like chaff before the wind. By this property
they do as much good in preventing sickness as by
the remarkable cures which : they are making every
Liver Complaint, Jaundice, and all Bilious
Affections, arise from some derangement either
torpidity, congestion, or obstructions of the Liver.
Torpidity and congestion vitiate the bile and render
it unfit for digestion. This is disastrous to the
health, and the constitution is frequently under
mined by no other cause. Indigestion is the symp
tom. Obstruction of the duct which empties the
bile into the stomach causes the bile to overflow
into the blood. This produces Jaundice, with a
long and dangerous train of evils. Costiveness, or
alternately costiveness and diarrhoea, prevails.
• Feverish symptoms, languor, low spirits, weariness,
restlessness, and melancholy, with sometimes in
ability to sle6p, and sometimes great drowsiness;
sometimes there is severe pain in the 6ide ; the skin'
and the white of the eyes become a greenish yellow ;
the stomach, acid; the bowels sore to the touch;
the whole system irritable, with a tendency to fever,
which may turn to bilious fever, bilious colic, bilious
diarrhcea, dysentery, &c. A medium dose of three
or four Pills taken at night, followed by two or three
in the morning, and repeated a few days,will remove
the cause of ail these troubles. It is wicked to suffer
such pains when you can cure them for 25 cents.
Rheumatism, Gout, and all Inflammatory Fe
vers, are rapidly cured by the purifying effects of
these Pills upon the blood and the stimulus which
they afford to the vital principal of Life. For these
and all kindred complaints they should be taken in
rfiild doses, to move the bowels gently, but freely.
As a Dinner Pill, this is both agreeable and
useful. No Till can be made more pleasant to take,
and certainly none has oeen made more effectual to
the purpose for which a dinner pill is employed.
OR. J. C. AVER & CO.,
Praotioal and Analytical Chemists,
Jtflyl t/24 No. 13 East King street, Lancaster.
Olive Tnr is Applied and Inhaled, and is not Taken.
DIRECTIONS. —Apply by rubbing where pain or disease
exists: then cover the parts witli a plaster made of oiled
Silk, to which stitch a thin layer of cotton battiug: then
cover the batting with thin muslin. Cotton or woollen
flannel may be used instead of tho oiled silk plaster, but
tho operations of the remedy will not be as speedy, nor as
For Inhaling. —Place a saucer over a bowl of hot water,
(and keep it hot;) pour into the saucer enough Olive Tar
to cover the bottom; the apartment will soon be filled with
its odor, affording to the patient an atmosphere impregna
ted with the delightful blended aroma of
Tile Olive and of tlie Pine.
Renew the Olive Tar daily for Inhtding by the above
Another Method of Inhaling is to put Olive Tar on the
Oiled Silk Plaster, which being worn upon the chest, the
heat of the bodywill cause the Olive Tar to evaporate grad
ually, and as it rises it will be inhaled. The Oiled Silk
Plaster should be medicated with fresh Olive Tar every
other day. In acute cases, or in those of long standing,
both of the above methods of inhalation should be used.
By adheriug to the above direction, the very worst forms
of diseases of the Throat or Lungs, if not speedily cured,
will be greatly relieved; while temporary Colds. Sore
Throats, Inflamed Lungs, Catarrh, Croup Coughs, &c., &c.,
will yield at once to its combined curative powers.
STAFFORD’S OLcVE TAR softens and penetrates the
skin; therefore in all all Chronic or active Inflammations
it will be found highly beneficial, as it acts directly upon
the Nerves, the Muscles' and the Joints.
OLIVE TAR OINTMENT is made by mixing Olive'Tar
and Mutton Tallow in equal parts. This Ointment is a
positive euro for all diseases of th'eskin.
Paio cannot exist where Olive Tar or Olive Ointment
Is applied.
STAFFORD’S OLITE TAR does not contain any mineral
substances, nor any poisonous drug; the principal ingredi
ents are Pitch Pine Tar, and Oil of the Spauish Olivo.
STAFFORD’S OLIVE TAR is manufactured by a process
recently patented by Mr. J. R. Stafford, Practical Chemist,
by which process all the Acid and Acrid properties con
tained in the substances forming this Compound are sepa
rated without the use of Chemicals.
Sold by H. A. Rockafield, No. 2 E. Orange st., only Agent
in Lancaster. —Also, Wholesale and Retail, by the Stafford
Olive Tar Company, 10 Stato street, New Drug
gists generally. july 22 ly 27
Tlie Greatest Medical Discovery of tlie
Dr. KENNEDY, of Roxbury has discovered, in one of our
common pasture weeds, a remedy that cures
from the worst Scrofula down to a common pimple.
He has tried it In over 1100 cases, and never failed except
In two cases, (both thunder humor.) He has now in his
possession over two hundred certificates of its virtue, all
J within twenty miles of Boston.
/ Two bottles are warranted to cure a nursing sore mouth.
' One to three bottles will cure the worst kind of Pimples
\on the face.
\ Two to three bottles will clear the system of Biles.
Two bottles are warranted to cure the worst canker in
uie mouth or stomach.
Three to five bottles are warranted to cure the worst case
of Erysipelas.
One to two bottles are warranted to cure all humor in
the Eyes.
Two bottles are warranted to cure running of the ears
:and blotches among the hair.
\. pour to six bottles are warranted to cure corrupt and
running ulcers.
One bottle will cure scaly corruption of the skin.
Two to three bottles are warranted to cure the worst
ease of ringworm.
Two to three bottles are warranted to cure the most des
perate case of rheumatism.
Three to four bottles are warranted to cure the salt
Five to eight bottles will cure the worst case of scrofula.
A benefit is always experienced from the first bottle, and
a perfect cure is warranted when the above quantity is
Reader, I peddled over a thousand bottles of this in the
vicinity of Boston. I know the effect of it in every case.—
Bo Bure as, water will extinguish fire, so sure will this
•ure humor. I never sold a bottle of it, but that sold an
• other; after a trial it always speak for itself. There are
two things about this herb that appear to me surprising;
first that it grows in our pastures, in some places quite
plentiful, and yet its value has never been known until I
discovered it in 1848—second that It should cine all kinds
of humor.
In order to give some idea of the sudden rise, and great
popularity of the discovery. I will state that in April,
1853, 1 peddled it and sold about six bottles per day—in
April, 1854, I sold over one thousand bottles per day of it
Some of the wholesale Druggirts who have been in the
business twenty and thirty years, say that nothing in the
annals of patent medicines was ever like it. There is a
universal praise of it from all quarters.
In my own practice I always kept it strictly for humors
—but since its introduction as a general family medicine
great and wonderful virtues have been found in it that I
never suspected.
Several cases of epileptic fits—a disease which was al
ways considered incurable, have been'eured by a few bot
tles. 0, what a mercy If it prove effectual in all cases of
that awful malady—there are but few who have seen mor
of it than I have.
I know of several cases of Dropsy, all of them aged peo
ple cured by it. For the various diseases of the Liver, Sick
Headache, Dyspepsia, Asthma, Fever and Ague, Pain in
the side, Diseases of the Spine, and particularly in diseases
of the Kidneys, &c., the discovery has done more good than
any medicine ever known.
No change of diet ever necessary—eat the best you get
and enough of it.
Directions For Use. —Adults one table spoonful per day
•—Children over ten years dessert spoonful. Children
from five to eight years, tea spoonful. As no, direc
tions Can be applicable to all constitutions, take sufficient
to operate on the bowels twice a day.
Manufactured by
No. 120 Warren St.. Roxbury, Mass.
Price $l,OO. •
Wholesale Agents. New York City, C. V. Clickner, 81
Barclay Street; O. H. Ring, 192 Broadway; Rushton & Clark
276 Broadway; A. B. t D. Sands, 100 Fulton Street.
Soldin Rochester by J. Bryan & Co,, Wholesale Agents,
No. 112 State Street; also by L. Post &:Co.
General Agent.—T. W. Dyott & Son, Philadelphia.
Agents in Lancaster—James Smith, Wm. G. Baker,
Samuel Welchens, B. H. Kaufman, H. A. Rockafield, Chas.
A. Heinitsh and John F. Long. aprii 24 ly-14
309 Market street, above Bth, north side, Phlladel
‘ ' dja.—Constantly on hand Vegetable,: Flower and jeffr.
‘’Kfcld Seed, In all of their varieties, Lawn Grasses, £ggjE»
...'native’and imported, all of which will be war-
Catalogues sent on application. Timothy
‘ 4nd Clover Seed received on commission. Reference cheer-,
folly given on application. Give ns a'call.
»ar 3 8m 7 JAMES DANIELS.
-frriATCHKS, clocks & specta-
At their old established Clock, Watch and Jewelry Store,
No. 15 North Queen street, Lancaster, respectfully inform
their friends and the public la general, that they coutiDue
to keep a large and well selected assortment of Goods in
their line.
They are constantly receiving additions to their stock,
from the cities of New York and Philadelphia, and flatter
themselves that they possess facilities which enable them
to offer inducements not often met with out of larger cities.
Their stook consists in part of Gold and Silver Chronom
eter, Duplex, Lever, Lepinc, English and Quartier g&Q
Watches, Hunting Cased and open face with richly
carved and plain cases; Clocks, (8 day &SO hour,)
Brass, Alarm, Lever and other kinds. QkaSmß
A large assortment of Spectacles, Gold, Silver, Steel,
German Silver and plated —both near-sighted and others,
embracing every variety, and sold by the dozen or single
pair at city prices.
Jhwelry, Gold and Silver Pencils, Gold Pens, (with or
without cases,) Ladies- and Gents Breast Pins, Finger
Rings, Ear-Rings, Guard Chains, Lockets, Ac.
Our stock of Silver and Plated Ware is the largest in
this city, and consists of Table, Tea, Dessert, Salt and
Mustard Spoons, Butter, Fish and Fruit Knives, Napkin
RbfgB, Mugs, Soup Ladles, Castors, Fruit Baskets, Thim
bles, Ac., Ac.
Ebony and Rosewctfid Flutlnas, Polkas, Plain and Dou
ble Keyed, with Single and Double Bass.
Silver, She)l, Buffalo, Horn and Gum Combs, Plain and
Hair. Cloth, Infant, Flesh, Tooth, Comb and Nail Brush
es: Cutlery, Razors, Pen-Knives, Ac.
A complete assortment of Port Monaiea, Pocket Books,
Parses and Money Belts.
Dealers and others supplied with the above, or any oth
er goods in their line, on the most accommodating terms.
Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and Spectacles neatly repaired
and warranted. ap. 8 tf 12
Stauffer A Harley. —Cheap Watches and Jewelry,
Wholesale and Retail, at the “Philadelphia Watch and
pewelry Store,” No, 96 North. Second Street, comer 01
Quarry, Philadelphia.
Gold Lever Watches full jeweled, 18 carat cases, $28,00.
Gold Lepine, 18 carats, $24,00
Silver Lever, full jewelled, 13,00
Silver Lepine, jewels, 9,00 civ"
Superior Quartiers, 7,00 u&i 2b
Gold Spectacles, 7,00
Fine Silver, do. 1.50
Gold Bracelets, 3,00
Ladies’ Gold Pencils, 1,00
Silver Tea Spoons, §et,' 5,00
Gold pens, with pencil and silver holder, 1,00
Gold Finger Rings, 37V£ cents to $80; Watch Glasses
plain, 1234 centß; Patent, 18%; Lunet 25; other articles
in proportion. All goods warranted to be what they are
Successors to 0. Conrad?
On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and Lepines still
lower than the above prices oct 21 ly-40
O The undersigned respectfully announces to his old
friends and patrons, aud to the public that he continues
to keep on hand a large assortment of Cooking Parlor, Of
fice and other STOVES, of the latest and most approved
patterns. He also continues to carry on extensively the
manufacture of
Of all kinds, made in the neatest and most substantial
Housekeepers and persons going to housekeeping sup
plied with all articles desired at the very lowest prices.—
Persons wishing articles in his line are invited to call at
his old stand, East King Street, a few doors from Ceutre
tf 51
Company.—Office, corner of Ceutre Square and South
Queen st., Lancaster, Pa.
Capital $125,000.
Charter Perpetual. Insure against Loss by Fire, and re
ceive money on Deposit, as heretofore, payiugs pei ceut. on
Deposits made for 30 days or longer.
dec 4 6m 46 Secretary and Treasurer.
JL by a few drops of Dr. Keysor's Tooth Ache remedy.
Sold at Dr. Keyser's, 140 Wood street, Pittsburg, at 25
cents per bottle.
IgJuSold j„ Lancaster, by O. A. lIEiNITSH.
dec 23 6m 40
I AND A RAKE CHANCE.— Persons intending to com
mence the world, with a fair prospect of success, will please
call on the subscriber before purchasing elsewhere.
STOVES of the latest and most improved patterns.—
Kitchen' Ranges, Cooking Stoves, Parlor and Sitting Room
Stoves, all warranted. Also
A general assortment of COPPER KETTLES, manufac
tured under the immediate inspection of the Proprietor.
None but the best workmen employed. This branch of
the business is headed by J. Springer, who is known to be
one, if not the best mechanic, in his line, in the country.
TIN WARE, of every variety, at the lowest prices and
of the best quality, all warranted/
Give us a call, and wo will be sure to please and give
satisfaction, or no charge.
Lancaster, feb 5 tf 3
LIVERY STABLE.—Having purchased the en
tire LIVERY ESTABLISHMENT of William Bell, in
the rear of Amos Funk’s Hotel, in North Prince street, 1
am prepared to hire Horses, Carriages, Ba
rouches, Ac., Ac., on the most accommodating terms.
By giving personal attention tothe business and an anxi
ous desire to please, I hope to merit and receive a reasona
ble'-share of public patronage.
Lancaster, sep 9
TONICS WON’T DOJ —They never did do more
than give temporary relief and thej - never will. It is
because they don't touch the cause of the disease. The
cause of all ague and billious diseases is the atmospheric
poison called Miasma or Malaria. Neutralize this poison by
its Natural Antidote, and all disease caused by it disap
pears at once. Rhodes’ Fever and Ague Cure is this Anti
dote to Malaria. and moreover it is a perfectly harmless
medicine. Tho certificate of the celebrated chemist, J. R.
Chilton, of New York, to this effect, is attached to every
bottle; therefore if it does no good it can do no harm.
This Is more than can be said of Quinine, Arsenic, orany
tonic in existence, as their use is ruinous to the constitu
tion aud brings on Dumb Ague, which uever allows a per
son to feel perfectly well for a single momeut. In illustra
tion of these truths I annex some extracts Ironr a letter
just received trom a Physician :
Georgetown. Ohio. March 18, 1856.
JAS. A. RHODES, Esq.—Dear Sir: Yours of 2d inst. is
at hand. The Cure arrived late last year aud the difficulty
in getting any one to try it was greatly increased from the
the fact that a remedy had beeu introduced which was
growing in favor with the public, as being better than using
Quinine, —not knowing I presume that the remedy they
used to escape taking Quinine, contained tho Drug Itself!
This remedy, (known as ‘‘Smith’s Tonic,”) would invari
bly break an Ague, but it did not cure it, as it would often
return with renewed vigor. This one circumstance I deem
ed in your favor, if I could institute a test comparison be
tween it and your cure. The following is the result:
Three persons took your “Cure,” all of which were cases
of b Quotidiaulutermittent Fever.” of mnay weeks standing
They had tried Quiuiue, and other remedies, occasionally
missing a chill, hut it was, (as in all such cases.) slowly
wearing them out, and laying the foundation for other and
severer maladies. I did succeed in effecting a radical cure
of all three of these cases with your remedy, and they have
not had a chill since. In all three of these cases the
“Smith’s Tonic” had been used, and would, as before sta
ted, break the chill, but after a period or two had elapsed
would return.
I think there will be no difficulty now in giving to your
“Cure” the advantage ground of any other remedy uow in
use here, £•., &c. WILLIAM BUCKNER, M. D.
Rhode’s Fever and Ague Cure, or Antidote to Malaria,
tiie only harmless remedy in existence, is equally certain
as a preventive, as a “JCure.” Take it when you feel the
chills coming, and you will never have a sincle one.
Providence, R. I.
For Sale by C. A. Heinitsh, Jacob King, Dr. P Welch
ens, John Fondersmith, in Lancaster, and Drugp Ists gen
erally. , june 17 tf 22
Coarse, medium and fine in mesh; large, middle size and
small in diameter.
qualities, various sizes of mesh, from Nos. 1 to 80 inclusive,
and from one to six feet in width.
They are numbered so many spaces to a lineal inch, and
cut to suit.
Tlie subscriber also keeps constantly on hand, SCREENS,
for Coal, Sand. Ore, Lime, Grain, Gravel, Sumac. Sugar,
Salt, Bone, Coffee, Spice, Drugs, Dye-Stuffs &c. Together
with an assortment of BRIGHT AND ANNEALED IRON
All of the above sold wholesale or retail, by
juno 3 ly 20 54 N. Front st., Philadelphia.
A large supply of Fresh, and Genuine
Garden Seeds, embracing all the new and desirable varie
ties, at wholesale and retail. A choice assortment of fine
Flower Seeds, 20 select varieties in fancy boxes for $l.OO.
Also, Field Seeds, Red and White Clover, Orchard Grass
and Red Top, Green Grass, Perennial Rye Grass, Timothy
&c., at Wholesale and Retail.
Implement and Seed Store,
N. E. Cor. 7th and Market Sts., Philad’a.
marlO tf 8
COD LIVER OIL, fresh, pure and gen
uine, for sale at Dr. WAYLAN’d Drug Store. No. GO
North Queen street, Lancaster. dec 16 tf 48
“In concentration there is strength.”
—and —
have this day united their stock of
and will now be found inA
U ft' I O N
at the long established place of
where they have made extensive alterations, and
thus enabling them to have the most desirable room and
light, that'can be found, for the exhibition of their very
extensive assortment of
To this branch of business we devote our whole attention
and stand
Wo are now daily opening a large stock of
of newest styles and at
N. B.—Call early and save money. feb 24 tf 6
STAR CORK'SHELLEKS A ftill supply of
the premium Star Corn Shelter from our own manu
factory, now on baud at Wholesale and Retail, and of va
rious ! sizes. They are adapted to either hand or horse
power, and are believed to be the best shellers in the mar
Implement and Seed Store,7th and Market sts.yPhUa,
nor 26 tf4s
List of applicants fon tavern
A dams town Bor. Conrad Miller,
Benjamin Shirk, Owen Hopple,
Elias Redcay, Jacob Wolfer,
Isaac Coldron. Barnett A Cox,
Bart Twp. Harriet T. Keller,
Robert A. Furguson, John Hamilton.
M. M. Feiles, John Cosgrove.
Adam Rutter. Lancaster City, S. W W.
Brecknock Twp. Philip Fitzpatrick,
John Frecht, Fred’k Hess.
Peter Good. Caleb J. Baldwin,
Columbia Borough. John Urban,
John McDonald, Christian Shenk,
Catharine A. Howard, Bamuel Carmany,
John List, Gotleib Young.
Joseph Ulmer, Lancaster City, 8. E. W.
ornelios Tyson, J. R. Jameson,
Jacob Wall. Win. T. Youart,
Joseph H. Black, Philip Snyder,
J. J. Gault, John Tymony,
Jemima Brown, Geo. 8. Messenkop,
H.- SawviHe A Abner Bear, C. Plitt,
Bentz A Huffnagle, Margaret McGonigle,
Andrew BeiUff, Abner Miller.
Conestoga Twp. Lampeter East.
A T. Metzger. M. S. Metzger,
John G. Pries, Henry Keneagy,
A. S. Gillett, John Rowe.
Jacob Warfel, Sam’l M’Calister,
G. H. Hess. James C. Dunlap,
Carnarvon Twp. Wendell Holl. -
George Axe, Lampeter West.
Silas Weiler, Henry Miller,
Ann Albright, Henry Gall,
Martin Leber. Joseph Gochenanr,
Cocalico Twp. (East.) H. M. Kreider,
Henry Rhodes, John H. Miller.
Andrew Ream. Leacock Upper.
Cocalico Twp. (Weßt.) Jacob Bard,
J. W. Mentzer, Ann Matilda Weidler,
Jessd’ Bucher, Michael Bender.
Henry Keeerise, Leacock Twp.
Richard Flickihger, S. R. Rhodes,
Jacob Eavling, John Shaeffer,
Mary Muma. Sam’l M. Knox.
Colerain Twp. Lancaster Twp.
Joseph B. Baldwin, Levi Sammy,
Jeremiah Swisher. Joseph Ditlow.
Conoy Twp. Walter G. Evans.
Abraham Collins, Manor Tw’p.
Jacob Brenneman, 8. S. Mann.
John Filbert, B. Stoner.
John D. Heft. Edward Hess,
Drumore Twp. John Daily,
Felix Sweigert, ' George Hornberger,
Edmund Sweigert, i John Brady,
Edwin Garrett. Thomas Fisher.
Donegal East. Marietta Bor.
John Bhload, '' S. G. Miller,
J. A. Hooseal, Lewis Houseal,
George Murray, David Cassle,
Alice Harkins. George Peters,
Donegal West. Philip Deitrich.
Martin Kling, Sarah Flury,
Jonathan Diffenderfer, William Appold.
John A. Jacobs. Manheim Tw’p.
Earl Twp. J. R. Watkins,
Susanna Schminkey, E. Yankanan,
John Winger, Dan’l Hoffman,
John Myers, Geo. W. Coulson,
John Styer. John Dankle, sr.,
Price Knight, Jacob Landis,
EnilWest. Peter Mourer,
Jacob Gochley, Daniel Summy,
Henry Fritz, 6breiner A Groff,
Jacob Btisser, Peter Albert,
Adam Black, Manheim Bor.
Amos Weidler, Michael White,
John Reikenbach, A. H. Reist,
G. IL Forney, S. R. Deeg,
L. G. Kemper. Mount Joy Bor.
Earl East. Leonard K. Seltzer,
John Cox, John F. Pyle,
William Coleman, Henry Sberbahn.
John K. Kiehl. Mount Joy Twp.
Elizabethtown Bor. Jacob Iliestand.
CftthnriDe Foltz. Charles W. Murray.
George W. Boyer, Martic Tw’p.
A. Greenawalt, John Fisher.
James Laird. John Wilson,
Elizabeth Twp. Jesse Engles.
L. R. nibshman, Providence Tw’p. £
George Bentz. David Snavely,
Eden Twp. John Tweed,
James C. Ewing. Mary Miller.
Ephrata Twp. John C. Smith.
Jacob Wenger, Paradise Tw'p.
Samuel Ammons, Edwin Hopton,
Johli W. Gross, Jacob Keneagy,
Christian Ilerchelrothe, Henry Cloud.
Joseph Konfgmacher. Joseph Donichy,
Fulton Twp. John D. Whiteside.
E. E. Woodward, Pequa Twp.
W. Whitaker. Michael Steer,
Joseph Phillips, Michael Zercher,
llyroneinu9 Eckman, Benj. Rowe.
Sam’l McLenaghan. Samuel Charles.
Ilempfleld East. Penn Twp.
John Davis. Benj. White,
Adam Dietrich, Christian Herehey.
11. G. Imhoff, Rapho Tw’p.
Daniel Hess, nenry B. Stono,
H. L. Kauffman, S. 11. Frey,
Henry K. Denham, Jacob Summy,
Simon Minieh,. Peter K. Ressler.
U. M. Bear. Strasburg Bor.
Ilempfleld West. Henry Bear,
Henry E Wolf, Martin Herr,
Martin Kendig, Tssachar Rees,
Jacob Klugh, Wm. Erhternncht.
D. A. Weiser. Strasburg Tw’p.
John Kendig, Martin Ilerr,
Joseph Mosser, Michael A Isaac Groff,
Lancaster city, N. W. W. B. B. Myers.
Samuel Shower, Sadsbury Tw'p.
Isaac Weiler, R. A. Marshall,
George Ilortiug, S. D. Smoker,
P. O.Greider, Miranda Roland.
11. K. Minieh, Salisbury Tw’p.
Georse Ivircher, John Amman.
Fred’k Cooper, Jacob Stamtmch,
Jacob Leaman, Jacob D. Warfel.
Henry Rnsenfelt, Sam’l Lemmon,
J. A D. Reese, John Hess,
Michael Mclirann, Martin Bear,
John Michael, James W. Dickinson,
Km’l Shober, John 11. Skilea.
Henry S. Shenk, Warwick T\v’p.
Wendell Martzall, , Thomas Sands,
Ab’m Hostetter, J. Hollacher.
H. Blickenderfer, Peter Kafroth,
King A Colvin, S. Lichteuthaler.
Mary Weidlor, Washington Bor.
11. M. Eshbach Gotlieb Sehner,
Lancaster city, N. E. W. Benj. Kauffman,
Solom. Sp'recher. C. D. Martin.
Anthony Lechler,
tf 34
mar 313t1l
List oe applicants for eating
Columbia Bor. John A. Stronger,
John W. Shuman, Lawrence Knapp,
John Si'hormoyer, John P. Dustman.
John Slack, Lancaster City, N. W. W.
George Wike, William Shuler,
John Kreamer, Henry Strobel,
Rebecca Eberleiu, Amos Funk,
Ulrich Vogel, Elizabeth Springer,
Joseph Ulmer, Henry Frank.
Joseph Mack. Lancaster City, S. E. W.
Conestoga Twp. Earnst Heilman,
Jacob Warfel. Abner Miller.
Elizabeth Eckman, Philip Snyder,
• Cocalico,West. John Witlinger,
Jacob Env ing.~ Thomas M. Moore,
Drnmoro Twp. Martin Reedy,
E. D. Waters, Hugh Fitzpatrick.
Thomas Anderson, Lancaster City, S. W. W.
Barbara Johnson. Nicholas Bmwn,
Earl Twp. Christian Ilauck,
John Wenger. Jacob Elfinger,
Karl West. Gotleib Young,
L. G. Kemper. Frederick Hess.
Elizabethtown Bor. Manheim Bor.
Benjamin Sheaffer, J. R. Evans.
Samuel Harmony. Manheim Twp.
Ephrata Twp. George W. Coulson,
Martin Gross. Peter Albert.
Fulton Twp. Daniel Sumniy.
E. E. Woodward. Manor Twp.
Ilempfield East. Abraham Kauffman,
D. S. Royer, Barnerd Stoner,
Emanuel S. Hall, David M. Witmer.
J. Iv. Stocker, Marietta Bor.
Peter Domrny. Abner McMichael,
Ilempfield West. Benjamin Taylor,
Isaac Conklin, Charles Lnugenderfer,
Robert Boise. Isaac Wolfersberger,
Leacock Upper. Fred. Moulich,
S. R. Myers. Lewis Martin.
Lampeter East. Paradise Twp.
Samuel McCallister, John Gorman,
Michael S. Metzger. Joseph Doirhy.
Lampeter West. Pequea twp.
Jacob Neher, Samuel Charles.
John C. Baldwin. Salisbury Twp.
Little Britain. John Hess.
Israel Miller, . Warwick Twp.
William A J. F.-Paxson. Jacob Weitzel.
Lancaster City, N. K. W. Washington Bor.
John Swint, Barbara Kuehn.
Sarah Mathews,
mar 31 3t 11
List of applicants for store
Columbia Borough. E. Ilaldeman, ,
D. Herr, Jacob Kondig.
Augustus Pelan, Marietta Bor.
Martin Smith, J. R. Diffenbach.
George Tille. Lancaster City.
Clay Twp. Em’l Shober.
S. Eberly. Paradise Twp.
West Ilempfield Tw’p. Samuel Spindler,
S. A H. E Bruckhart,
mar 31 3tll
Family groceries—new store
st M and MARKET SQUARE, Lancaster.
The undersigned takes this occasion to notify his old
customers, and the citizens of Lancaster.and vicinity, that
he has now completed tbeREMOVALof his GROCERY and
on the OLD STAND, which he has occupied for the last
fifteen years, (corner of WEST KING A MARKET 6t..)
where he is prepared to sell every article in his line as good,
and as cheap for cash, as can be bad in the city. He would
invite the attention of his customers to his new stock of
goods, consisting in part of—
Imperial. Fine Pulverized,
Java, Young Hyson, Coarse do.
Rio, llouqua Mixture, Crushed,
Laguira. Oalong, *‘A”and“C”
Maracaibo. New Orleans, /
Porto ltico.
Chocolate, Essence of Coffee,
Philadelphia Syrup, Cocoa, Soaps of all kinds,
Lovering’s Molasses, Farina, Saponifier,
New Orleans do Brooms, Salt, fine aud coarse,
Cuba do Buckets, Fluid,
Matts, Pine Oil,
PROVISIONS. Twine, Sperm Oil,
Bed Cords, Wall Brushes,
Hams, Shoe Blacking, Shoe Brushes,
Dried Beef, Corn Starch, Dust Brushes.
Beef Tongues, In addition to his usual stock of
Mackerel, Groceries, he has added a large assort-
Herring. ment of
Raisins, . Such as Also,
Almonds, Walnuts, Fresh Peaches,
Pea Nuts, Onions, Fresh Tomatoes,
Cream Nuts, Piccalilli, Green Corn,
English Walnuts, Worcester Sauce, Shaker Corn
Filberts, Pres Strawberries Split Peas,
Prunes, Guages, Tomatoes, Hominy,
Figs, Ac. and Quinces. Ac., Ac.
t)guConstantly on hand the BEST BRANDS of Ameri
can and Havanha SEGARS and TOBACCO,
dec 22 tf49 WATSON H. MILLER.
Millinery : millinery i i—Mrs. m.
SCHELL, No. 70 North Ninth at., above Arch, Phila
delphia, would call the attention of Ladies visiting the
city, to a handsome assortment of Parisian Millinery,
which she will sell low to suit purchasers,
mar 24 3 mos 10
A homestead for sio : second
BUILDING LOT3,intbeUold Region of Culpepper County,
Virginia, to be divided amongst 10,200 subscribed, on the
13th of April, 1857. Subscription only ten dollars each;
one half down, the rest on the delivery of the Deed. Every
subscriber will get a Building Lot or a Farm, ranging in
value from $lO to $25,000. These Farms and Lots are sold so
cheap to Induce settlements, a sufficient number being re
served, thedncrease in the value of which will compensate
for the apparent low price now asked.
A company of settlers, called “ The Rappahannock Pio
neer Association,” is now forming and will commence a
settlement in the spring. Ample security will be given for
the faithful performance of contracts and promises.
tjgv. More Agents are wanted to obtain subscribers, to
whom the most liberal inducements will be given. Borne
Agents write that they are making $2OO per month.
vertising will be done for every Agent where possible. For
full particulars, Subscriptions, Agencies, Ac.,
Apply to E. BAUDEB,
jan 13 6m 52 Port Royal, Caroline Co,, Va.
• ) J. J. PORTER,
Clerk Quarter Sessions’ Court,
• 'lerk Quarter Sessions’ Court.
Clerk Quarter Sessions’ Court.
OPnTHE LUNGS AND THROAT axe positively cura
ble by inhalation, which conveys the remedies to tho
cavities in the lungs through the air passages, and.-coraing
In direct contact with the disease, neutralizes the tubercu
lar matter, allays the cough, causes a free and easy expec
toration, heals the lungs, purifies the blood, imparts re
newed vitality to the nervous system, giving that tone and
energy so indispensable for the restoration of health. To
be able to state confidently that Consumption is curable by
inhalation, is to me a source of unalloyed pleasure. It is
as much under the control of medical treatment as .any
other’formidable disease; nicety out of every hundred
cases can be cured in the first stages, arid fifty per cent io
the second; but in the third stage it Is impossible to'Save
more than five per cent, for theiungs are so cut up by the
disease os to bid defiance to medical skill. Evcd, however,
in the last stages, inhalation affords extraordinary relief
to the suffering attending this fearful scourge which annu
ally destroys ninety-five thousand persons in the United
States alone; and a correct calculation 'shows that of the
present population of the earth, eighty millions are des
tined to fill the Consumptive's grave.
Truly the quiver of death has no arrow so fatal as Con
sumption. In all ages it has been the great enemy of lile,
for it spares neither age nor sex, but sweeps off alike the
brave, the beautiful, the graceful, and the gifted. By the
help of that Supreme Being, from whom comet h every good
and perfect gift, I am enabled to offer to the afflicted a per
manent and speedy cure in Consumption. The first cause
of tubercles is from impure blood, and the immediateeffert,
produced by their deposition in the lungs, is to prevent the
free admission of air into the air cells, which causes a weak
ened vitality through the entire system. Then surely it is
more rational to expect greater good from medicines enter
ing the cavities of the lungs than from those administered
through the stomach; the patient will always find the
lungs free and the breathing easy after inhaling remedies.
True, inhalation is a local remedy, nevertheless it acts
constitutionally, and with more power and certainty than
remedies administered by the stomach. To prove the pow
erful and direct influence of this mode of administration,
chloroform inhaled will entirely destroy sensibility in a
few minutes, paralyzing the entire nervoos system, so that
a limb may be amputated without the slightest pain; iu
hallog the ordinary burning gas will destroy life in a few
The inhalation of ammonia will rouse the system when
fainting or apparently dead. The odor of many of the
medicines is perceptible io the skin a few minutes after
being inhaled, and may be immediately detected in the
blood. A convincing proof of the constitutional effects of
inhalation, is the fact that sickness is always produced by
breathing foul air. Is not this positive evidence that proper
remedies, carefully prepared and judiciously administered
through the lungs, should produce the most happy results ?
During eighteen years’ practice, many thnusands, suffering
from diseases of the luDgs and throat, have been undrr
my care, and I have effected many remarkable cures, even
after the sufferers had been pronounced in the last stages,
which fully satisfies me that consumption is 110 longer a
fatal disease. My treatment of consumption is original,
and founded on long experience and a thorough investiga
tion. My perfect acquaintance with the uature of tuber
cles, Ac, enables me to distinguish, readily, the various
forms of disease that simulate consumption, aud apply the
proper remedies, rarely being mistaken even iu a single
case, This familiarity in connection with certain patho
logical and microscopic discoveries, enables me to relieve
the lungs from the effects of contracted chests; to enlarge
the chest, purify the blood, impart to it renewed vitality,
giving energy and tone to the entire svstem. Box 63,
Post Office, G. W. GRAHAM, M. D. Office 109 FILBERT
Street, below Twelfth, Philadelphia. Pa. mar 10 ly 8
• LESS WHALEBONE SKIRTS.—We take pleasure
in again introducing our Improved Seamless Skirt, as be
ing the most acceptable and reliable article in market: we
are aware that many new styles called improvements are
before the public, such aB India Rubber, Gutta Percha,
Rattan, Ac., all of which we have if called for—but cannot
recommend them, as we have experimented with and tested
them all—-{most of them two years since,) submitting them
to the judgment of competent ladies to decide upon their
merits,and have found them from actual use, to be in all
important respects, decidedly inferior to our properly pre
pared Whalebone, which has been in use the past two
years, and for which h:is been expressed from all parts of
the country entire satisfaction; and we have tho more
positive evidence from our own large retail trade, amount
ing to many dozen per day. Therefore we confidently
recommend our Skirts to be the least objectionable now in
use; possessing many advantages found in no other, Sirirt,
the most important of which is our series <f elastic Cords at
the bottom, made from the only material that can be used,
that will recover its place when pressed out of shape, will
not roll or curl, is not affected by heat or cold, and can bo
washed without injury. These cords at the bottom, in
stead ofbones, which are exceedingly awkward and incon
venient, with our own prepared bones above and a fabric
manufactured by ourselves expressly for our goods, in our
estimation and the estimation of thousands who have used
them, produces a Skirt aud the only Skirt equally adapted
to tile parlor, the 6treet, and the crowd, giving a proper,
graceful and elegant form to a Ladles ’ dress, light, plia
ble, easily adjusted and in every respect a complete article.
The public are cautioned against all imitations or other
goods called Seamless Skirts. Every genuine article is
stamped E. A J. Holmes’ Improved Seamless Whalebone
Skirt, and are for sale at 99 Market Street, Philadelphia,
r and in the principal Jobbing Houses in New York and
Boston. E. A J. HOLMES A CO.
Boston, Feb. 1, 1557.
cure is guarauteed in ail stages of SECRET DISEASES,
Self-abuse, Nervous Debility, Strictures, Gleets, Gravel,
Mercurial Rheumatism, Scrofula, Pains in the Ankles and
Bones. Diseases of the Throat. Nose and Eyes, Ulcers upon
the Body, Female Irregularities, and all improper dis
charges, no matter of how longi landing, or obstinate the
case, recovery is certain.and in a shorter time than a per
manent cure could be effected by any other treatment, even
after the skill of the most eminent physicians had failed,
and the disease resisted ail other means of cure. Tho rem
edies are free from odor, causing neither sickness nor in
convenience, and without mercury or balsam. During
twenty years’ practice, I have restored to health over sev
enteen thousand patients, who were suffering under the
worst forms of all the above mentioned diseases, which
guarantees me in promising a perfect and most speedy
cure. Secret diseases are the greatest enemies to health
aud happiness, as they are the first cause of consumption,
scrofula. Ac., and should be a terror to all nations on earth;
for the disease is becoming so common, and treatment so
little understood, that a permanent cure is scarcely ever
effected, as a majority of the cases fall into the hands of
lucompotent persons, who not only fail to cure the malady,
but min the constitution with corrosive sublimate—a
dangerous poison, a preparation of mercury—which, with
the remains of disease in the system, produces many of the
above numrd affections, which finally terminate in con
sumption, aud frequently a rapid one; but should it not
cause death speedily, and the victim to disease marries, the
disease is then conveyed Irom the parent to the children,
causing them to come into tho world with scrofula, affec
tionfl of the skin. eyes, throat, Ac., and again terminates in
consumption, and consigns its victim to an untimely grave,
between tho ages of six months and thirty five years.—
Self-abusois another formidable enemy to health ; it de
stroys the nervous system, rapidly wasting away the ener
gies of life, causing mental derangement, preventing a
proper development of the system, and disqualifying its
victim for marriage, society business, and all earthly hap
piness. Female Irregularities and all other diseases of fe
males. treated in the most skillful nod scientific manner.
Medicines, with directions, sent to any part of the United
States and Cuuadas, by patients communicating their symp letter.
J. SUMMERVILLE. M.D..80x 53, post Office ; FILBERT
Street, below Twelfth, Philadelphia, Pa. [marlSlyB
QOAPJ SOAPM SOAP : : :— : The under-
O signed take this method of informing the citizens of
the City ami County of Lancaster, that they have, at a
great expense, purchased the exclusive right to the manu
facture of a newly invented aud patented
which, if used according to the directions accompanying
each piece, will be found to exceed any thing of the kind
ever introduced into this community.
In using tnia Soap, the laborious and painful process
of rubbing and wearing out clothes and fingers on the
wash-board is entirely obviated.
Clothes washed with this Soap need no boiling, which
amounts to a saving of nearly tho wages of a washer
Ladies taking in washing will find it greatly to their ad
vantage in every point of view, to use our patent Soap.
No dang r need bo apprehended as to clothes beiug in
jured by using this Soap, as there is not an ingredient in
it that has tho least tendency in that direction.
We have made arrangements with nearly all the princi
pal Grocers in the city for tho sale of it, and as soon as
we can manufacture a sufficient, quantity wo shall take
measures to supply Country Merchants. In the mean
time, persons wishing the article cau be supplied at the
Manufactory, corner of Duke and Chestnut streets, Lan
caster, Pa.
Having full confidence in the truth of what we assert,
we ask a fair and impartial trial of tho Soap, and wo will
risk the result.
Remember, this is no humbug.
jan 13
Books : books :: books ::: at the
No. 33, North Queen Street, Lancaster.
Are in constant receipt of all tho new and Valuable Books
as soon os published. They also keep constantly on hand,
(and sell at the most reasonable rates) all the standard
works usually kept in a well regulated
Wholesale and Retail Book Depot.
We have a large stock of SCHOOL BOOKS of overy kind
in use, which we will sell to Teachers, Directors and oth
ers, at greatly reduced rates. We are the sole agents for
comprised In six numbers, and in use in a large number of
our County Schools.
We also sell the celebrated FRANKLIN GLOBES at
manufacturers prices.
“ Pelton’s Outline Maps,”
“ Sander’s Elocutionary Charts,”
“Webb’s Alphabetical Cards,”
“Holbrook’s Numerical Frames and
Complete School apparatus,” and in Bhort every article
nsed in
li.-rfJU 1 11
We have on band the most extensive assortment of
ever offered to the Lancaster Public, and defy competition
in this particular branch of the trade, being in Daily Re
ceipt of Packages from the Cities, we have extraordinary
facilities for furnishing all articles not on hand, at the
shortest possible notice. Our Stock of PAPER, INK,
PENS and ENVELOPES, is especially recommended, all of
which are purchased from the manufacturers, and can be
sold at very reduced rates.
Also constantly on hand all tho PERIODICALS,
Purses, Portmonaies, Gold Pens, Tablets, Card Cases, Ca
bas, Paper Knives, Ac., Ac.
Jt Orders taken for PICTURE FRAMES, of all sizes
and styles.
In conclusion, we thauk the citizens of the city and
county of Lancaster for the very flattering encouragement
and liberal patronage extended to us since we are in busi
ness, and hope by a strict attention to business to merit a
continuance of favors.
Proprietors of the People’s Cheap Book Store, No 33, North
Queen St., Lancaster. f e b 24 tf 6
Super-phosphate of lime.—The
subscribers present to the notice of Farmers and oth
ers interested, the above article. The excellency of our
preparation has been so well known for many years past,
that we deem it unnecessary t-o say much in respect to Its
merits, but merely remark that during a long series of
years, its purity and value as a stimulant for the growing
crop, aud as a
Permanent Manure.
have been thoroughly established.
Our Super Phosphate of Lime is not changed in its Char
acter every season, but is what it purports to be, uniform
in its chemical constituents, and is relied upon as the best
Fertilizer in use for
and other crops requiring a vigorous and lasting manure.
Pamphlets describing it, and the mode of applying, can
be bad gratuitously at our Btores, or by mail when de
CAUTION.—Be particular to observe that every barrol
of our article has our name and that of PoUs <£• Kltit
branded on the bead. This Caution is rendered necessary,
as there are so many articles of doubtful value sold under
the name of Super Phosphate of Lime, as to mislead those
who are unacquainted with the value of a
PRICE $45 per 2000 lbs. (2i4 cents per lb.)
A liberal deduction made to Dealers.
Since last fall there has been Imported but one cargo of
the celebrated
Pacific Ocean Guano,
which we offer for sale in small lots. »
A supply of this valuable article for sale.
PRICE $3O per 2000 lbs. cent per lb.)
No. 1 Government Peruvian Guano,
For sale at the lowest rates.
The leading Agricultural Journals and Newspapers art
regularly fled at our office for the use of Farmers.
Ne.'23 South Wharves, and 35 Bouth Water St., first
store above Chestnut St, Philada.
Goods can be loaded at either front of our Ware
houses. Farmers are recommended to drive to Water
Street and avoid the crowded wharf. Ample facilities are
afforded in loading Wagons and attending to the Horses,
mar 3 3 m 7
Prospectus op thdusited
Proprietors of this ten g established anti popular Democratic
Magnzioe bare, by the advirw of distinguished friends,
made arrangements to publish it, commencing with Janu
ary S-i, 1857, in the form of a Weekly Journal. Each
nnmber wiil coutain eight pages, and forty columns of
reading matter, and will be printed on fine papen and its
typographical execution wiil 1-e superior to any Weekly
Journal published in the United States.
The POLITICAL DEPARTMENT will contain solid and
well digested articles on all matters of national concern,
and political intelligence from every portion;.of the coon
try. Emineu't writers in the Democratic party will con
tribute to its columns, and its tone will be strictly national
and c mservative.
Tb- department of LITERATURE will contain a choice
and copious selection of sparkling and varied fiction, origi
nal and selected—interesting tales, biographies, travels and
ad ven'ure—sketches of character and social life, and essays
upon art and morals.
The departments of DOMESTIC and FOREIGN NEWS
will present a weekly review of events In every portion of
the Old World and America.
The proceedings in CONGRESS, carefully collected from
the Official Reports, will be published; also, elaborate and
For the Man of Business and the Farmer, a reliable and
impartial review of the MARKETS, and, of MONEY and
COMMERCE, will he given in each number, with the usu
ally interesting information and statistics of the day.
Special Correspondents at Washington, London, Paris,
and other chief points of interest, will contribute whatever
in life and literature is worth telling or reading.
In short, the Proprietors will spare neither money nor
labor, to make The United States Democratic) Review the
best Weekly Newspaper ever published in the United States.
Special Notice.—We have made arrangements to publish,
on or before the first day of June next, a valuable and
elegant work, to be entitled “JAMES BUCHANAN AND
HIS CABINET.” The book will contain Portraits of the
President, the Vice President. Secretary of State, Secretary
of War, Secretary of the Navy, Secretary of the Treasury,
Secretary of the Interior, Postmaster General and Attorney
General, engraved on steel by the celebrated Artist, Bcttre.
Each Portrait will be accompanied by a Biography, care
fully prepared from authentic sources. The letter-press
will be printed on type made expressly for this work, aud
on the finest paper. The book will be in quarto form—
handsomely bound with side title, aud, as a Work of Art,
will be the most elegant book ever presented to the public.
This book will be prepared expressly for presentation to
the subscribers of the Review for 1857, and will be for
warded by mail (free of postage) to each subscriber, as soon
as issued from the press. No copies will otherwise be sold.
Terms of the Review—THßEE DOLLARS, invariably in
advance. *
Postmasters and others, who remit us $l5 for Five Sub
scriptions, will receive a copy of the Review for oue year,
and a copy of “Buchanan and his Cabinet,” gratis.
*** MR. GEORGE R. SMITH is the General Agent for
the Review for the United States. We have no Local
Agents. Whenever any shall be appointed, wo will give
□otico of the fact. jan 6 tf 51
Incorporated hy the State of Pennsylvania.
Money is received in any sum, large or small, and inter
est paid from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal.
The office is open every day from 9 o’clock in the morn
ing till 7 o’clock in the evening, aud on Monday and
Thursday evenings till 9 o’clock.
All sums, large or small, are paid back iu GOLD on
demand without notice, to any amount.
lion. HENRY L. BENNER, President.
Wm. J. Refd, Secretary.
Henry L. Benner, • C. Landreth Munns,
Edward L. Carter, F. Carroll Brewster,
Robert Selfridge, Joseph B. Barry,
Samuel K. Ashton. Henry L. Churchman,
James B. Smith, Francis Lee.
This company confines its business entirely to the re
ceiving ofmouey on interest. The investments amounting
to nearly
as per published report of ASSETS, are made in conformity
with the provisions of the Charter, iu REAL ESTATE,
MORTGAGES. GROUND RENTS, and such first class
securities, as will always Insure perfect security to the
depositors, and which caunot fail to give permanency aud
stability to this old and well established Institution.
mar 3 tf 7
feb 24 6m 6
Copperware Manufactory.—SAMUEL DIL
LEK returns thanks for the liberal patronage hereto
fore bestowed upon him, and respectfully informs his cus
tomers and the public generally, that he still continues at
the old stand, in Wtfet King street, nearly opposite Fulton
liall, aud is prepared to manufacture to order
Copper Ware,
in all its various branches, and ou the most reasouable
terms. He invites his country friends especially to give
him a call, as he is confident of being able to please.
Divery Stable.
He also keeps constantly on hand, for hire, HORSES,
CARRIAGES, BAROUCHES. Ac., Ac., all iu excellent order,
and furnished at the lowest rates.
Give him a call when you n*t-d anythin); of the kind,
and he will suit you to a nicety.
SAND! SAND!—Five Hundred Loads of Sand ou hand,
which will be delivered tn any part of the city. Horses
and Carts to be had at all times, at the Livery Stable of
pr 22 tf 14 West King st., Lancaster.
SPICES— Cinnamon, Pepper, Allspice, Cloves, Mustard
Mace, Ginger, Coriauder, Swee tMarjorum, Ac., at
Drug Store, West King st., Lancaster.
LOGWOOD, Extract Logwood, Indigo, Fustic, Alum,
Blue Vitriol, Copperas,.Annatte, Pruasiate, Potash, Madder,
Verdigris, Ac.
Drug A Chemical Store, West King st., Lancaster,
dec 4 tf 46
Hardware.— Russel & Barr, No. 8, East
King street, sign of the Anvils Wholesale and Retail
Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Hardware.—Building
material of every description, such as locks,.latches, hinges,
screws, bolts, Ac. We have the agency of the Pittsburg
Janus-faced Locks, which can be used for right or left hand
doors. We shall also have on hand a superior article of
nails and spikes. Also a large assortment of glass, paints,
oils and varnishes. Wetberil’s pure white lead, French
and American zinc paints.
We are the agents for Rowland Parry’s building slate.—
Slate put on by the square, or sold by the ton. All slating,
done by our hands warranted, and attended to at the
shortest notice.
COACII TRIMMINGS.—We also keep a good assortment
of coach trimmings, such as laces, fringes, tacks, hubs,
bows, shafts, felloes, springs and axles. Enamelled, plain,
and floor Oil Cloths. Enamelled and patent leather, bolts,
bands, malleable castings. Ac.
good assortment of panel, hand and back saws; planes,
guages. chisels, braces and brace-bitts; cast steel augers
and bitts.
BLACKSMITHS—WiII find a complete assortment of
bar, rolled, slit, sheet and hoop iron; cast, shear, spring
and other steels; bellows, anvils, vices, screw-plates, Ac.
FARM KRS—Will find a good assortment of fanning im
plements. such as plows, corn cultivators, horse rakes,
grain cradles, scythes, snaths, rakes and forks; patent hay
hooks; ropes and pullies, shovels, hoes, and axes of Silvius’,
Brady’s and Hagen’s make, all of which are warranted.
STOVES! STuYES!—We also keep a complete assort
ment of cook, parlor, jvood and coal stoves.
Agents for the saleof supfcr-phosphateoflime, considered
by many to be the best fertilizer or manure in use. Sold
iu large or small quantities. Peruvian Guano also for sale’
july 3 ly-24
6m 52
BR.OAD TOP COAL.--Office for the sale
of this celebrated WHITE ASH SEMI-BITUMINOUS
COAL, No. 24. Walnut Street, between Front and Second
Streets,;' Philadelphia, for Steam Generating. Blacksmith
ing, Lime and Brick Burning and for Rolling Mill purpos
es, this Coal canuot be excelled. It yields a very superior
Coke, and as it can be furnished fine or coarse, makes it
very desirable for Grates, Steam Engines and general man
ufacturing uses.
Analysis by Dr. Charles Wetherill, Philadelphia.
Volatile at lift 0 water, OSO I Coke, 70 00
Volatile at rod heat, 16 11 | Ash, 313
Owning the land, mining the Coal, and making my own
sales, saves commissions, ami enables the buyer to pur
chase at the very lowest price.
feb 24 Cm 6
Farmers of this neighborhood,
can supply themselves for their SPRING CROPS,
Leinau’s Pure Bone Dust,
u Superphosphate of Lime, at $4O, per ton,
“ Nitrogened Phosphate of Lime at $5O “
“ American Fertilizer, at $25, per ton.
These Fertilizers are composed of reliable Chemical ole-,
merits, abounding in Pot Ash, Ac.; they have received the
Diplomas of Four States, viz: New .Jersey, New York,
Pennsylvania and Delaware. Also, for sale GUANO, all
kinds, POTDRETTE, Ac. Country Produce received in
payment for the above, at Market rates, or Drafts on good
houses, or Cash registered with orders, promptly attended
to. GEO. A. LEINAU, (Proprietor.)
u New Fire Proof Store,’’ No. 19, South Front Street Phila
delphia City, Pa. feb 24 4m (J
NOTICE— Persons removing to the
West or remitting funds there, will find it to their
advantage to take our drafts on New York or Philadelphia,
which command a premium when used West of the Ohio.
They are drawn in amounts to suit our customers.
Spanish Coin bought at best rates.
Premium allowed on old American Silver.
Five per cent, interest, per annum, allowed on deposits
payable on demand without notice,
feb243mG JOHN GYGER A CO., Bankers.
Rate of interest advanced—
We'will pay hereafter, until further notice,
on our certificates of deposits, issued for one year.
On Certificates for less than one year and on transient
deposits payable on demand, five percent, per annum as
The members of the firm are individually liable for all
its obligations. JOHN GYGER A CO.,
feb 24 4m 6 Bankers.
THE Office of tine Lancaster Savings In
stitution is open daily from 9 o’clock, A. M., until 4
o’lock, P. M.
Those depositors who have not exchanged certificates
are requested to call at the Office with as little delay as
possible and receive the new certificates now being is
sued in exchange for those issued prior to June 6th. 1855,
in order that the Institution may proceed in the.regular
transaction of business.
By Order of the Board of Trustees.
E. SCHEAFFER, President.
A. E. Roberts, Sec’y. oct 30 tf 41
LOW PRICES FOR CASH.—A large and well assort
ed stock of
No. 25, North 4th Street, Philad’a, opposite Merchant’s
Hotel. mar 3 3m T
Wholesale and Retail at Dr. WAY LAN’S Drug and
Chemical Store, No. 60, N. Queen 8t.., a complete assort
ment of fine Sponges, Genuine Havana Segara,, Superior
Gam Cloth Tapers and Gass Lighters of all sizes, Nursery
Lamps, Fore Cod Liver Oil, Lubin’s, Hanel’s, and Bazin’s
Extracts for the Handkerchiefs, Saponifier, a superior arti
cle of Fluid and Pine Oil, Alcohol, Potash and Sal Aratus,
Ac., 4c. jan2otfl
71 Nassau street, New York City.
OF THE STRIPED COAT. No 42 North Queen Street,
East Side, near Orange Street, Lancaster, Pa.
The proprietor of this great manufactory of Clothing, re
spectfully announces to his friends and the public in gen
eral, that his establishment now contains the largest, best
and cheapest assortment of
ever offered in this city. Mi
Manufactured expressly for the Spring and ■' HB
Summer Trade, made in the best manner and most mod
erate styles, and guamnteed to be cheaper than dmihr
articles can be purchased for elsewhere, enables the Fanner,
Mechanic and Tradesman to make their Selections with
dispatch, and without fear of imposition.
Every article of Clothing sold by the proprietor of thu
establishment isofhlsown manufacture, and may be relied
upon as being well sewed, and warranted to prove the same
as represented at the time of purchase.
Among his extensive assortment may be found
*of new and fashionable styles;
of the best material and latest patterns.
Linen, Gingham and Cotton Coats of every description;
Doable and single breasted Tests, in endless variety
choice styles.
Fine Black Freneh Doeskin and Fancy Cassimere Pants;
Plain jLight Colored Cassimere Pants, in great variety—
choice styles.
In order to meet the wants of the people in this branch
of his business, great care and attention has been given to
it the present season. He is prepared to exhibit by far the
largest and cheapest Stock of Boys and Youths Clothing to
be found in Lancaster, consisting of Boy’s and Youths’
Frock. Sack and Monkey Coats, Pants and Tests of all
sizes and qualities, to which constant additions will be
made during the season.
Also, a full assortment of Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Sum
mer Cravats. Pocket Hdkfs., Suspenders, Stocks, Gloves,
Hosiery and Umbrellas.
Always *on hand a large assortment of Black, Brown,
Blue and Olivo Cloths, Black Doeskin and Fancy Cassimere,
Vestings, Ac.
Just received, a large assortment of Summer Piece goods,
consistiug of Summer Coatings, Summer Pant goods, Mar
seilles and Silk Testings, which will be made up to order,
on the most reasonable terms.
The undersigned being confident is fully prepared
to give entire satisfaction to nia customers, solicits a con
tinuance of public patrooage.
United States Clothing Store, sign of the Striped Coat, No.
42 North Queen St., East side, near corner of Orange
Street, Lancaster, Pa. apr 7 tf 12
Messrs, cyrus a barton n. win
ters* CLOTHIUG STORE, No. 31U North Queen
street. Lancaster.—The subscribers have taken the abovo
stand, lately occupied by Mr. William Hensler, and are
now receiving and opening, in addition to the stock on
band, a new and elegant assortment of
Goods of every description,
and well suited to the season.
They are now ready to do business ou the most liberal
and accommodating terms with all who may favor them
with their patronage.
Being desirous and determined to establish a permanent
and regular business, it will be their own as well as their
customer’s interest, to bo faithful to the performance of
their duty, and to render a full equivalent for the prices
they receive for their goods.
CUSTOM WORK promptly attended to and warranted
to be well made and well fitted. Plain and Fancy
always on hand, as Well as all other kinds of goods in this
line of business.
CLOTHING of every description and quality, well made
»d of good material, constantly on band.
The friends of the proprietors and the public generally
are respectfully iuvited te this establishment.
give us a call aud allow us to furnish you with such arti
cles as you may want in our line of business.
No. 31 \4 North Queeen st., Lanc'r.
dec 9 tf 47
East side, 4 doors South of Orange.—The siilmcril-er has
just opened an extensive assortment of CLOTHING of all
kinds, suitable for Gentlemen’s Fall and Winter wear
such as Fro-'k and Dress COATS, new style Business Coats,
of Black, Blue, Brown, Olive and Green Cloths, and Plain
and Fancy Cassimeres. Also, Double and Single Breasted
VESTS, in great variety, of Plain and Fancy Silks. Satins,
Cassimeres. Grenadines. Marseilles, Ac. Fine Black Doe
skin and Fancy Cassimeres. and all other kiuds of fashion
able PANTS.
Also. BOYS’ CLOTHING, consisting of Frock, Pack and
Fancy Coats, Pants and Vests of all sizes and qualities.
Also, a general assortment of SHIRTS. COLLARS*
As I shall sell cheap for CASH, and give my personal at*
tention to the business, I hope to merit and receive a rea
Bonable share of public patroD&ge.
Lancaster oct 7 6iu3B
A CARD.—The undersigned respect
fully announce that they have purchased the stock
ami fixtures af Mr. P. I. O’Rocrk, Merchant Tailor, and in
tend to continue the Merchant Ta'loring business, in
No. f> }/ z . North Queen St, Our stock consists of the choic
est FRENCH CLOTHS, such as Baiolues. Samonies and
Nellsaons finest Cloths of various colors; the choicest
French'Cassimeres; Black Doeskin Cassimeres; Fancy
Cassimeres, the best selection ; Testings of all descriptions,
and a large ussortment of
We respectfully ask a continuance of the patronage so
liberally bestowed upon our predecessor, and trusr by"
strict af ntion to business to receive it.
One M the firm has had considerable experience in one
the la: gest and most fashionable Merchant Tailoring Es
tablishments in Philadelphia, and fiatters himself that he
will be able to render satisfaction to the patrons ot the
firm. Very Respectfully,
apt 7 tf 12 PETZELT A McEVOY.
No. 141 Chestnut St., above Fourth,
Keep conllantly on hand a fplendid aflortment
Ready-made Clothing.
Goods made to Order and Warranted
Patent Ambrotypes.— The subscribers having
purchased the exclusive right of Lancaster city, are
now enabled to offer to the public a new style or Pictures,
far exceeding, in beauty and durability, anything ever be
fore made. These pictures are not reversed, (as daguerreo
typesareand may be seen in’anylight. They also possess the
rare property of being imperishable; being hermetically
sealed between glass plates, which is secured by Letters
Patent, iu the United States, Great Britain'and France,
and practised in Lancaster city by T. t£ IF. C UMM INGS.
only, over Sprecher A Bro.’s New Store, North Queen st.,
The term AMBROTYPE, by which these Pictures are
designated; is derived from the Greek word Ambrotos , sig
nifying indestructibility, permanency, Ac. The Picture is
taken upon plate glass, to which another plate of corres
ponding size is secured with an indestructible cement, by
by which the picture will retain its original brilliancy
forages; it will not corrode by acids, nor be injured by
water or climate. It is bold in its effect, beautiful in tone,
surpasses any thing in the gradatlous of light and shade,
and may be seen iu any light. The public are cautioned
against imitations made on single plates of glass, with the
Slack varnish in immediate contact with the Picture.—
buch are not permanent, as the varnish must crack and
destroy the Picture.
to be appreciated —the relief being fully as perfect as life.
Citizens and Strangers are invited to call at the Ambro
type Gallefy of the undersigned, and examine specimens
before they procure Pictures elsewhere, as they are
assured of polite attention,
sep 25 tf-36 T. A W. CUMMINGS A CO.
Keystone state saporifier, or
Concentrated Ley for making Soap. Full directions for
use accompanying each box.
Drug A Chemical Store, West King st., Lancaster,
dec 4 ; tf 46
North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa -Wholesale and
Retail dealers in Foreign Hardware and domestic, cutlery
glass, nails, paints, oils, varuishes, Ac.
Always on hand a complete assortment of building ma
terials, farming utensils, housekeeping goods, cedar ware
saddlery and Coach Hardware.
They are the exclusive Agents for the two most celebra
ted COOK STOVES in the Union, the Morning Star
and the William Penn, warranted to give entire
satisfaction or no sale. Also, a complete assortment
of the latest and most Improved Cook and Parlor
Stoves in the market, adapted to both wood and coal.
respectfully invite the public to examine their
stock, before purchasing elsewhere, as they are determin
ed to sell as cheap as the cheapest.
Thankful for the libe.-al patronage heretofore extended
to them, they respectfully solicit a continuance of the
Trusses I Trasses 11 Trusses I ! I —C. II
NEEDLES, russ and Brace Pi fn 11 j Inn lit
S. W. Corner of Twelfth and Race Streets, Phil-
adelphia. Importer of fine FrENCH Trusses, combining
extreme lightness, ease and durability with correct con
Hernial or ruptured patients can be suited by remitting
amounts, as below :—Sending number of inches round the
hips, and stating side affected.
Cost of Single Truss, $2, $3, $4, $5. Double—ss, $6, $8
and $lO.
Instructions as to wear, and how to effect a cure, when
possible, sent with the Truss.
Also for pale, in great Tariety, Dr. Banning’s Improved
Patent Body Brace, foi the cure of Prolapsus Uteri;*' Spinal
Props and Supports, Patent Shoulder Braces, Chest Expan
ders and Erector Braces, adapted to all with Stoop Shoul
ders and Weak Lungs; English Elastic Abdominal Belts,
Suspensories. Syringes—male and female.
40, Ladies’ Rooms, with Lady attendants,
july 31
Stereoscopes I
THESE wonderful and universally admired pictures,
which appear as round and solid as sculptured marble,
are taken daily, at
corner of North Queen and Orange sts.
Daguerreotypes of every size and style, taken at
the lowest prices.
Lanscater, june 19 tf-22
States Union Hotel. —No. 200 above
Gtb, Philadelphia. The undersigned, late of the Amer
ican House, Columbia, Pa., takes pleasure in informing his
friends, and the public generally, that he has taken the
above well-known and popular HOUSE, (long known
as the Ked Lion Hotel,) which he has filled up with
entirely New Furniture and Bedding of & superior
quality. The bouse has also been renovated and im pro
ved itfa manner which will compare favorably with any
of the Hotels in the City, and cannot fail to give satisfac
tion to those who may patronize this establishment.
TbeT>'J~.iS will always be supplied with the choicest
Provisions the market affords; and the Bar with the PU
REST AND BEST LIQUORS. Nothing shall be left undone
to make his Quests comfortable, and he flatters himself
that by strict attention to business, he will merit and re
ceive a liberal share of public patronage.
may 22 tf-I8
New Iron and Brass Foundry. —Tbe Pro
prietors of the Lancaster Locomotive Woaxs would re
spectfully call the attention of tbe public to tbe extensive
IRON and BRASS'Foundries connected with their estab
lishment We are now prepared to Manufacture
Stationary Engines,
Mill and Saw Mill Castings,
Car Wheels,
and every other, description of cast iron work at short no
tlce and reduced prices. Also, all kinds of
Brass Castings,
Copper Rivets,
Solder and
Babbit Metal.
Tbe establishment is under the Superintendence of Mr.
John Brandt Sr. -whose mechanical skill is well known to
onr citizens; and as none but the most competent and
thorough workmen are employed, we are confident of giv
ing entire satisfaction, to all who may favor us with their
patronage. ffeb2o tf-5]
WALL PAPER—The Cheapest Wall
Paper Store In the City. Fine Unglazed Papers at
8, 10 and 12U cts. Extra Glazed at 18% cents and up
wards. Paper hung In the country at 15 cts per piece.
All work Warranted. OTHNIEL B. EVANS,
feb 24 3m 5 No. 82, N. 9th St., PfciUd’ft.
"people’s Marble Works, (Leon-
Jl.ahi & Bear’s old stand,) SHOPB IN NORTH
QUEEN STREET, Half Square South of the Rai.
road, and 3d door North of Michael M’Grann’s
White Horse Hotel, Lancaster city.
LEWIS HALDY, Marble Mason, respectfully
informs the public that he has purchased the entire
■jock of Leonard & Bear, which, in addition to his
own large stock, warrants him in saying that he
has now in his yard by far the largest amount o
ever offered to the citisens of Lancaster, *snd
greater than any other establishment west of Phil
adelphia. In consequence of having purchased the
stock of Leonard & Bear at a bargain, and havin|
also made arrangements at the East to receive
marble at reduced prices, he announces that he
will sell much cheaper than any other establish
ment in this city or county can do. He Is now pre
pared to execute in the best style, Monumen
Tombs and Grave Stones, Mantels, Door and
Window Sills, Steps, &c., &c., of every variety
and price.
His facilities for furnishing articles in the Mar
ble line are unsurpassed by any other establishment
in the city, while he assures all who may Javorhim
with their patronage that his work shall be execu
ted in the very best style and on the most reason
able terms.
GERMAN, done at the shortest notice, and on the
most moderate terms.
He respectfully invites the public to call and ex
amine his work, being fully satisfied to rest his
claim to public patronage upon its merits.
Thankful for the many favors bestowed upon
him, he hopes by strict attention to business lomer
it and receive a share of the public patronage,
feb 22 ly-5
A Card. —The subscriber thankful (to hi
mcious patrons) for past favors, would a
ask for a continuance of the same, and as m
more as will please to favor him with their patr
age, as he is certain from his knowledge ol the
Tonsnna! Art in all its branches, such as Hair
Cutting, Curling, Shaving, Shampooing and Wig
making, he 1 s able to please tho most^astidioos.
He aiso solicits the attention of all to the Clean
liness of his Towels, Brushes, Combs and in fact
every thing connected with his establishment.
He would likewise mention that he is the only
person in the city that can and ,do color Whis
kers and Moustaches, from red or gray to most
beautiful brown or black in very few minutes.—-
Particular attention given to the cutting and trim
ming of childrens hair.
North Queen street, same building with J. F
ong’s Drug Store, and immediately oppnsie J. F
rodrr’s Granite building. [feb 2t2 tf-6
Pennsylvania Patent Agency.—
J. FRANKLIN REIGART, of Lancaster city,
obtains Letters Patent from the U. S. Patent Office,
on the most reasonable terms. Drawings of all
kinds of Machinery, Architecture or Surveys, cor-,
rectly executed Ly him.
Likewise Deeds, Bonds and other instruments
wruinp. office FULTON HALL,
apnl 2f> tf-14
A T O 1o 1 CHESNUT S Between 3// \ ItA
BOARDING $ I ,nn PEn da
Sasli, Door, SlmtKi, lillud and
Frame Factory.—The undersigned have ta
ken the Sash Factory lately carried on by S. J. Mor
rison, situat'd in the southern part ol tho city of
Lancaster and near the Colton Factory, whero
we intend to manufacture to order all kinds ot
Sash, Door 9, Shutters, Blinds, Window Frames,
&c., at the shortest notice and on the most reason
ole terms. The undersigned arc both practical
Carpenters, and work at the business ourselves.
With a strict attention to business, we hope to
merit the patronage ol the public generally.
New marble works, sign of
. two Urge Li m To’n'w. Muitles, Monuments,
Grave Ston>H. ami .svery .10-i--ri;>ri<>ti of .Marble and Sand
Stone Work, is executed in tin* most beautiful stvle at tho
Marble Works of Charles M How.*ll. North Queoti street,
east side, between Grange uud Ghesnut streets, and nearly
opposite to Weidler’s II»tel.
Tho subs'-riber thankful, for past favors, would Inform
his friends and the public in general, that his establish
meat is now opened at. the aliove location, where he will
be happy at all times to wait upon customers and manu
facture to order every tiling appertaining to his Hue of
business, 1 n the most approved stylo of the profession, aud
at tile most reasonable rates.
He is eonstautly receiving at his Marble Works full sup
plies from the city of Philadelphia of N
which is superior to any thing of the kind* in this city.
Letters in English aud German, engraved In the most
elegant manner.
His facilities are such, that all orders wil Ibo filled with
the greatest promptness and in the most approvod mannor.
Persons wishing Monuments are informed that his col
lection of designs are new and original and so full and
complete that they can make a selection wlthoutdifficulty.
He invites the public to call at his Works, and view the
beautiful assortment of Monuments, Ac., now finished.
Builders and others in want of Marble Mantles,
should visit bis Ware Rooms and examine his splondid
stock on band.
.ftjr* Sand Stone fur Sills, Steps, Curbing, Cemotary pur
poses, and fronts of buildings, at the lowest rates.
Orders received for all kinds of Iron Railing.
dec 23 tt 5 CHARLES M. HOWELL.
COAL. —The undersigned are now receiving their
supply of
Carefully selected, and which they will doliver In good or
der to any part of the city at low prices.
Lime burners and Blacksmiths Coal always on band.
Apply to GEO. CALDER A CO.,
Office East Orange street, 2nd door from North Queen, and
at tbe yard at GreafTs Landing, on tbe Conestoga,
aug 19 tf3l^
A CO., 21 South Front Street, Philadelphia,
And Wholesale Dealers in all kinds o?
Have constantly on hand and for sale low, all kinds of
with special reference to Manufacturers’ use.
All articles sold, warranted to bo as represented and every
opportunity afforded for examination.
Purchasers at a distance can seud their orders, and rely
npon being as faithfully served as If the goods were selected
in person. oct 12 6m 39
tendon is invited to the large stock of DRUGS, CHEM
ICALS, Ac., many of them received direct from the Blanu
facturer, consisting in part of Sulphato of Quinino, Sul
phate Cinchora, Acetato and Sulphate of Morphia, Lunar
Caustic Diaphoretic Antimony, Fowler’s Solution, Syrup
lodide of Iron, Opium, Calomel, Blue Maaß, 011 b, Camphor,
Ipecac, Jalap, Acid, Ac., Ac., at
Drug and Chemical Storo, West King st., Lancaster,
mhy 6 if 16
New wine and liquor store,
No. 59, East Kino Street, Lancaster, nearly oppo
site AnthoDy Lcchler’s (formerly Swope’s Tavern.)
Tbo updersigned will constantly keep on hand and for
sale at his Establishment, a large assortment of
of the first quality, such as Sherry and Maderia Wines of
superior quality, Malaga, Lisbon, Port and Currant Wines,
Superior Old Brandy, Cognac, Cherry and Ginger Brandies,
Holland Gin, Monongahela, Old Rye and Scotch Whiskeys,
Ac,, which he will sell at reasonable rates. Persons desi
ring any of the abovo liquors are requested to give him a
Notice to Travelers.— From and after Monday
Dec. 16, 1854, the'Cbristiana A Chesnut Level Stage
Line will leave Christiana Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Saturdays, at 1 P. M., A.
Coopersville, Green. Tree, I’axson’s Store.^Sn I , TrniHjß.
Quarryville, Spring Grove, Mechanics’ Grove, to Chesnut
Level; returning, will leave the Level at 5 o’clock, A. M.,
on, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and return th#
same route to Christiana.
The above arrangement will afford persons an opportun*
ity of traveling in either of two daily lines of cars to and
from the cities of Philadelphia and Lancaster.
Dec. 12 tf-47 | By order of the Managers.
Carolina Yellow Pine Flooring Boards.
/Y/Y/"\Feet Carolina Yellow Pine Dressed Floor-
UU.UUU ing Boards.
30,G00 Feet Do. Undressed.
50,000 CYPRESS SHINGLES, No. 1 and 2.
Just received and for aalo at GraefTs Landing, on the
Conestoga. Apply to GEO CALDER it Co.,
Office East Orange st., near N. QuboD it, Lancaster,
sop 30 tf37.
No. 10 Courtland st., New York, directly opposite the
(Organized in 1846, under the General Manufacturing Law
of the State of New York,) offers at wholesale, in quantities
to suit purchasers, at Manufacturer’s Lowest Prices, for
cash or approved credit.
Paper Hangings, of every variety of style and prioe.
Borders to match.
Fire-Board Prints, in great variety.
Transparent Window Shades.
Oil Pained Window Shades.
Wide Window Curtain Papers, and
Window Shado Fixtures,
of tbe latest styles and superior finish, all of their own man
ufacture and importation. As their stock* is large aDd en
tirely Dew, they invite Merchants, Booksellers and Dealers
in these articles to call and examine their styles and prices
whenever they visit the city. mar 4 tf 7
dersigned hereby gives notice that she will carry on the
CABINET-MAKING aDd Undertaking
business at the old stand in West King
street, formerly kept by her husband,
Henry M. Miller, and at tbe same time
returns her sincere thanks for the liberal patronage
formerly bestowed on the establishment. A contlnuane
of former custom is respectfully and urgently solicited,
mar 13 ly-8 MARY MILLER.
large supply of fresh and Genuine GARDEN SEEDS,
embracing all tbe new aDd desirable varieties at wholesale
and retail, a choice assortment of fine Flour Seeds, 20 se
lect varieties in boxes at $lOO. Also, Field Seeds, Red
and White Clover, Orchard Grass and Red Top, Green
Grass, Perennial Rye Grass, Timothy, Ac., at Wholesale
Agricultural Implement and Seed Btore,
N. E. Cor. 7th and Market Sts., Phllada.
tf 8
New dry goods for spring of
BILK ROBES, Flounced,
BLACK SILKS, extra gloss,
SHAWLS, of the newest Fashions.
Staple Linen Goods, Blankets, Quilts, Damask Table Cloths,
Napkins, Ac.
Gentlemen’s Wear, and full stock of goods for Boya Cloth
Bargains, daily received from New York and Philadelphia
Wholesale havers are invited to give us an early call.
4th and Arch Thllad’a.
Terms Nett Cash, and Prices loir,
mar 3 8a 7
f may 14, IS r 'o-lr. If?
3m 4