’ AYER’S Ire curing the Sick to an extent never before known of any Medicine. INVALIDS, READ AND JUDGE FOR YOBRBELYER JULES HAUEL, Em., the well known perfumer, of Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, whose choice, prodncti are found at almost every toilet, Bays: a 1 am happy to say of your Clthlstic Pills, that 1 have found them a better family medicine, for common use, than any oilier within my knowledge. Many of my friends have realized marked benefits from them, and eo incide-with me in believing that they posse*, extraordinary virtues for driving out diseases and curing the sick. 1 hey are not only effectual, but safe and pleasant to be taken qualities which nuint make .them valued by the publie when they are known.” The venerable Chancellor WARDLAW writes from Bal timore, Isth April, 1854 : , . “ Dr. J. C. Atbr Fir: I have taken vour Pdls with great benefit, for the lisilessness, languor, lots of appetite, and Bilious headache, which has of late yean overtaken uie in the spring. A few doses of your Pills cured me. I have used your Cherry Pectoral many yean In my family for coughs and coldß with unfailing success. You make medicines which cure; and I feel it a pleasure to commend you for the good you have done and are doing.” JOHN F. BEATTY, Esq., See. of the Penn. Railroad Co., Bays “ Pa. R. R. Office, Philadelphia, Dec. 13,1853. “Sit: 1 take pleasure in adding my testimony to to* efficacy of your medicines, having derived ve 7 benefit from the' use of both your Pectoral and Cathartic Pills. lam never without them in my family, nor shall I ever consent to he, while my means will procure them.” The widely renowned S. S. STEVENS, fiL D., of Went worth, N. H., writes: . . “ Having used vour Cathihtic Pills in my practice, l certity from experience that they are an Invaluable purga tive. In canes of disordered functions of the liver, causing headache, indigestion, costiveness, and the great variety of diseases tiiat follow, they are a surer remedy than any other. In all rases where a purgative remedy is required, { confidently recommend these Pills to the public, as superior to any other I have ever found. They are sure in their operation, and .perfectly safe —qualities which make them an invaluable article for public use. I have for many yearn known your CAerry Pectoral as the best Couch medicine in the world ; and these. Pills are in no wise inferior to that admirable preparation for the treat ment of diseases.” “.tfcfon, Me.y Nov. 25, 1853. “ Db. J. C. A\ kb Dear Sir: I have been afflicted from my birth with scrofula in its worst form, and noWj after twenty, years’ trial, and an untold of amount of suffering, have been completely cured in a few weeks by your Pills. With what feelings of rejoicing I write can only be imagined when you re'alize what I have suffered, and how ‘‘’Never until now have I been free from this loathsome disease in some shape. At times it attacked my eyes, and made me almost blind, besides the unendurable pain ; at others it settled in the scalp of my head, and destroyed my hair,and has kept me partly hakl all my days; sometimes it came out in my face, and kept it for months a raw sow “About nine weeks ago I commenced taking your Ca thartic Fills, and now am entirely free from the complaint My eyes are well, my skin is fair, and my hair has com menced a healthy growth j all of which makes me feel already a new person, “ Honing this statement may be the means of conveying information that shall do good to others, I am, with every of patitud., You "xtlA RICKER.” •« i hare known the above named Maria Ricker from her childhood, and her statement ia strictly true. ' ’ ANDREW J. MESERVE, Overseer of the Portsmouth Manufacturing Co.” C*fT. JOEL PRATT, of the ship Marion, writes from Boston, 20th April,-1854: , . .. . “Your Pills have cured me from a bilious attack which arose from derangement of the Liver, which had become • very serious. 1 had failed of any relief by my Physician, ana from every remedy I could try; but a few doses of your Pills have completely restored me to health. I have given them to my children for worms, with the best feets. They were promptly cured. I recommended them to a friend for costiveness, which had troubled him for months; he told me in-a few days they had cured him. You make the best medicine in the world ; and I am free to say so.” Read this from the distinguished Solicitor of the Supreme Court, whose brilliant abilities have made him well known, not only in this but the neighboring States. “ New o*ltanty 5tA Jipril, 1854. “Sir: I have great satisfaction In assuring you that myself and family have been very much benefited by your medicines. My wife was cured, two years since, of a se vere and dangerous cough, by your Chmbt Pictoeal, and since then has enjoyed perfect health. My children have several times been cured from attacks of the Influ enza and Croup by it. It is an invaluable remedy for tbeee complaints. Vour Oathabtic Pills have entirely cured me from a dyspepsia and costiveness, which has grown upon me for some years,—indeed, this cure is much more Important, from the fact that I had failed to get relief from the best Physicians which this section of the country affords, and from any of the numerous reme dies I had taken. .... « You seem to us, Doctor, like a providential blessing to our family, and you may well suppose we are not un mindful of it Yours respectfully, _ LEAVITT TIIAXTER.” “ SeTuite Chamber, Ohio , jfpril stJi, 1854. h Da. J. C. Arsa Honored Sir: I have made a thor ough trial of the Cathabtic Pills, left me by your apent, ana have been cured by them of the dreadful Rheumatism under which he found me suffering. 'The first dose re lieved me, and a few subsequent doses have entirely removed the disease. I feel in better health now than for soifie years before, which I attribute entirely to the effects of vour Cathabtic Pills. Yours with great respect, LUCIUS B. METCALF.” ■ The above {ire all from persons who are publicly known where they reside, and who would not make these state mnmntm without a thorough conviction that they were true. Prepared by DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Masa. CfIAS. A. HKINITSII. Agent, No. 13 East King street, Lancaster. Joiyl tf 24 J. R. STAFFORD’S OLIVE TAR. A GREAT ELECTRICAL REMEDY Full PREVENTING AND CURING ALL DISEASES OF THE THROAT AND LUNGS. is Applied and Inhaled, aud is not Taken. DIRECTIONS.—AppIy l»y nibbing where pain or disease exists: then cover the parts with a placer made of oiled Silk, to which stitch a thin layer of cotton batting; then eover the batting with thin muslin. Cotton or woollen flannel may be used instead of the oiled silk plaster, but the operations of the remedy will not be as speedy, nor as affective. , , , , Fon Inhaling.—Place a saucer over a bowl of hot. water, (and keep it hot;) pour into the saucer enough Olive Tar to cover tho bottom; the apartment will soon be filled with Its odor, affording to the patient an atmosphere impregna ted with tho delightful blended aroma of The Olive and of the Pine. the Olive Tar daily fur Inhvliug by theabove method. _ .. Another Method of Inhaling is to put Olive Tar on the Oiled Silk Plaster, which being* worn upon tho chest, the heat of the body will cause the Olive Tar to evapurato grad nally, and as it rises it will be inhaled. The Oiled Silk Plaster should be medicated with fresh Olivo Tar every other day. In acute cases, or in those ot long standiug, both of the above methods of inhalation should be used. By adheriug to the above direction, the very worst forms of diseases of tho Throat or Lungs. If m>t speedily cured, will be greatly relieved; while temporary Colds, Sore Throats, Inflamed Lungs, Catarrh, Croup Coughs, Ac., Ac., •will yield at once to its combined curative powers. STAFFORD’S QLcYK TAR softens and penetrates the ■kin; therefore in all all Chronic or active Inflammations it will be found highly beneficial, as it acts directly upou the Nerves, the Muscles and the ’Joints. OLIVE TAR OINTMENT is made by mixing Olivo Tar and Mutton Tallow in equal parte. This Oiutmont is a positive cure for all diseases ot tlieskin. 45“ Pain cannot exist where Olive Tar or Olive Ointment Is applied. ... . STAFFORD’S OLIVE TAR does not contain any mineral substances, nor any poisonous drug; the priucipal ingredi ents are Pitch Pine Tar. and nil of the Spanish Olivo. STAFFORD’S OLIVE TAR is manufactured by a process recently patented Mr. .T. R. Stafford, Practical Chemist, by which process all the Acid aud Acrid properties con tained in the substances forming this Compound are sepa rated without the use of Chemicals. Sold by 11. A. Rocknfield, No. 2 E. Orange st., ou.yAgont in Lancaster.—Also, Wholesale and It(-tuil, by the Stafford Olive Tar Company, 10 State street, Now York, and Drug gists generally. ' juty 22 ly 27 The Greatest Medical Discovery of the Dr. KENNEDY, of Roxbury has discovered, in one of oi common pasture weeds, a remedy that cures EVERY KIND OF HUMOR, from the worst Scrofula down to a common pimple. . He has tried it in over 1100 cases, and never failed excep* In two cases, (both thunder humor.) lie has now in hii possession over two hundred certificates of its virtue, all within twenty miles of Boston. Two bottles are warranted to cure a nursing sore mouth. One to three bottles iyill cure the worst kind of Pimples on the face. „ , Two to three bottles will clear the system of Biles. Two bottles are warranted to cure the worst canker in the mouth or Btomaoh. Three to five bottles are warranted to core the worst case of Erysipelas. One to two bottles are warranted to cure all humor in the Eyes. , ... Two bottles are warranted to cure running of the ears and blotches among the hair. jour to six bottleß are warranted to cure corrupt and running ulcers. One bottle will cure scaly corruption of the skin. Two to three bottles are warranted to cure the worst ease of ringworm. Two to three bottles are warranted to cure the most des perate case of rheumatism. Three to four bottles are warranted to cure the salt Five 'to eight bottles will cure the worst case of scrofula. A benefit Ib always experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted when the above quantity 1b Reader, I peddled over a thousand bottles of this in the vicinity of Boston. I know the effect of it in every case.— Bo sure as water will extinguish fire, so sure will this eure humor. I never sold a bottle of it, but that sold an other; after a trial it always speak for itself. There are two things about this herb that appear to me'surprising; ' first that it growß iu our pastures, in some places quite plentiful, and yet its value has never been known uutil I discovered it iu 1346—second that it should euro all kinds of humor. ~ . .. In order to give some idea of the sudden rise, and great popularity of "the discovery. I will state that in April, - 1863 I peddled it and sold about six bottles per day—in April 1854, X sold over one thousand bottles per day of it* Rome of the wholesale Druggirts who have been in the business twenty and thirty years, say that nothing in the annals of patent medicines was ever like it. There is a universal praise of it from all quarters. In my own practice I always kept it strictly for humors —hut Bince its introduction as a general family medicine great and wonderful virtues have been found in it that I never suspected. Beveral cases of epileptic-fits—a disease which was al ways considered Incurable, have been cured by a few bot tles. 0, what a mercy if it prove effectual iu all cases of that awful malady—there are but few who have seen mor ef it than I have. I know of several cases of Dropsy, all of them aged peo ple cured by it. For the various diseases of the Liver, Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Asthma, Fever and Ague, Pain in the side, Diseases of the Spine, and particularly in diseases of the Kidneys, &c., the discovery has done more good than any medicine ever known. No change of diet ever necessasy—eat the best you get and enough of it. ' Demotions For Use.— Adults one table spoonful per day —Children over ten years dessert spoonful. Children from five to eight years, tea spoonful. As no direc r tions can be applicable to all constitutions, take sufficient ' to operate on the bowels twice a day. Manufactured by DONALD KENNEDY, No. 120 Warren St.. Rexbury, Mass. Price $l,OO. Wholesale Agents. New York City, C. V. Clickner, 81 Barclay Street; G. 11. Ring, 192 Broadway; Rushton & Clark J 76 Broadway; A. B. £ D. Sands, 100 Pulton Street. • gold In Rochester by J. Bryan & Co., Wholesale Agents, No. 112 State Streot; also by L. Post & Co. General Agent—T. W. Dyott k Son, Philadelphia. Agents In Lancaster. —James Smith, Wm, G. Baker, fUmppl Welchens. B. H. Kaufman, H. A. Rockafield, Chas. A, and John P.‘ Long. april 24 ly-14 TTrANTEBt 500 ACTIVE YOUNG YY ; Men, to act as local and travelling Agents, in a hnnhess easy, oseftil and honorable, at a salary of $lOO per xnoiith. A capital of $5 only, required. No Patent Medi •lne br Bookbiiilneas. - Pull particulars given free to all who 1 enclose a' portage stamp or three cent piece, and ad* 4z*M • r WILUAM JOHNSON, j QOg *. J ssses« i ; Ul They m m constai.tly receiving addition, to their stock, ' newed vitality to tht' oMnLdUi. To j from the cities of New York and Philadelphia, and flitter that Consumption is curable by j themselves that they possess taciltiM which esablethma • » »Ute confidenUytßa f picMure . It 1, ' to offer inducements not often met with out of larger cities, inhalation, is to t i o r medical treatment as any ’ Srir i constats in part of Gold and 8Ilv« Chrenom- » eatery hundred ! eter, Duplex, Lever, Lepine, English {fejjf? tf3L can be cured in the first stages, and fifty per cent In Watches, Hunting Casedandlopen fime with ‘ , SfLSnd; butin the third stage it U Impossible tosave I carved and plain cases; Clocks, (Bday &30 hour,) ft-** lhan fiTe pgr ce n L, for the lungs are so cut up by the Brass, Alarm, Lever and other kinds. siw*? ! disuse as to biddefiance to medical skilL Even, however, AUreeassortment of Spectacle*, ““JJ® t inhalation affords extraordinary relief Steel, German Silver and ■ £ the sufferingattending this fearful scourge which anrn^ sighted and others, embiacing every variety, and sold y ( » destroys ninety-five thousand persons in the United the dozen or single pair at city pneea. sties alone; and a correct calculation shows that of the Jewelry, Gold and Silver Pencil GoM Pens, (wither , Utton e , g M y million, are des withou.t cases,) Ladies and Gents Breast Pin , s 6 : &ned to firthe Consumptive’s grave. Rings, Ear Rings, ai ™\ l ££ ketB ’ k : Truly the quiver of death has no arrow so fetal as Con cv .. , SILV adi rfwpra is the largest in sumption. In all ages it has been the great enemy of Hie, Onr stock of Silver and Plated Dessert, Salt and for it spares neither Hge nor sex, but sweeps off alike the this city, and consists of I Table,.Tea, Xapkin brave, the beautiful, the graceful, and the gifted- By the Mustard Spoons, Butter, Fish and Fruit KJ £ he l p ol that gapreme Being, from whom comelh evenr good , Rings, Mugs, Boap Ladles, Castors, Fruit uasa and perfect gift, I am enabled to offer to the afflicted a per- , bles, kc., &c. i/viftonpnvq manent and speedy cure in Consumption. The first cause Polkas Plain and Don* of tubercles is from impure blood, and the immediate effect, Ebony and Rosewood Flatmw. produced by their deposition in the lnogs, ta to prevent the ble Keyed, with Single and Don ble Bass. v ... of air Into the air cells, which causes a weab . Silver, Shell Buffalo, Horn and Gum Combs, Plain and "^^”“ do " | “" h ” he entire system. Then surely it is Carved. Tf . pwi Tooth Comb and Nail Brush more rational to expect greater good from medicines enter Hair, Cloth, Infant, riesn, loom, wmusuu cavities of the lungs than from those administered -/»*»ss?s.ss-. p.» SSs-KMiKi: and warranted. • . _ chloroform inhaled will entirely destroy sensibility in a few minutes, paralyzing the entire nervous system, so that a limb may be amputated without the slightest pain ; In haling the ordinary burning gas will destroy life in a few hours. . . The Inhalation of ammonia will rouse the system when feinting or apparently dead. The odor of many of the medicines Is perceptible In the skin a few minutes after being inhaled, and may be immediately detected in the blood. A convincing proof of the constitutional effects of inhalation, is the fact that sickness is always produced by breathing foul air. Is not this positive evidence that proper remedies, carefully prepared and judiciously administered through the lungs, should produce the most happy results. During eighteen years’ practice, many thousands, suffering from diseases of the lungs and throat, have been under my care, and I have effected many remarkable cures, even after the sufferers Had been pronounced in the last stages, which fully satisfies me that consumption is no longer a fatal disease. My treatment of consumption is original, and founded on long experience and a thorough investiga tion. My perfect acquaintance with the nature of tuber cles, &c., enables me to distinguish, readily, the various forms of disease that simulate consumption, and apply the proper remedies, rarely being mistaken even in a single case, This familiarity in connection with certain patho logical and microscopic discoveries, enables me to relieve the lungs from the effects of contracted chests; to enlarge the chest, purify the blood, impart to it renewed vitality, riving energy and tone to the entire system. Box 53, Post Office, G. W. GRAHAM, M. D. Office 109 FILBERT itreet, below Twelfth, Philadelphia. Pa. mar 10 ly 8 Stauffer & Harley.— Cheap Watches and Jewelry, Wholesale and Retail, at the “Philadelphia Watch and rewelry Store,” No, 96 North Second. Street, corner ol Quarry, Philadelphia. . - OQ Gold Lever Watches full jerked, 18 00 * Gold Lepine, 18 carats, Silver Lever, full jewelled. ' 2-4® Silver Lepine, jewels, 7 00 B&aAgC* Superior Quartiere, ’ -qq Gold Spectacles, .’.q Fine Silver, do. «,’ 00 Gold Bracelets, . Ladies’ Gold Pencils, ’ Silver Tea Spoons, set, ?’J5{ Gold pens, with pencil and silver holder, • Gold Finger Kings, Sl% cents to $80; Watch O'M"" plain, V2]4 cents; Patent, 1S?<; Lunet 25; °the r articles ill proportion. All goods warranted to be what they are sold for. STAUFFER A HARLLV, Successors to 0. Conrad. On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and Leplnes stiU lower than the above prices oct Z\ J Trusses! Trasses:! Tr usses TI I—g- H 1. NEEDLES, runs and Brace Establishinent,^«r~} S. W. Corner of Twelfth and Race Streets, Phil adelphia. Importer of fine FrßNcu Tbussks, combining extreme lightness, ease and, durability with correct con- st ruction. llernial or ruptured patients can be suited by remitting amounts, as l>elow :—Sending number of inches round the hips, aud stating side affected. Cost of Single Truss, $2, $3, $4, $5. Double—s 6, $«, $8 and $lO. . „ . . Instructions as to wear, and how to effect a cure, when possible, sent with the Truss. Also for sale, in great variety, Dr. Banuing’s Improved Patent Body Brace, foi the cure of Prolapsus Uteri; Spinal Props and Supports, Patent Shoulder Braces, Chest Expan ders and Erector Braces, adapted to all with Stoop shoul ders and Weak Lungs; Euglish Elastic Abdominal Belts, Suspensories, Syringes—male and female. Ladies’ Rooms, with Lady attendants. jufy 31 Stereoscopes! THESE wonderful and universally admired pictures, which appear as round and solid as sculptured marble, are taken daily, at JOHNSTON’S SKY-LIQIIT GALLERY, corner of North Queen and Orange sts. Daguerreotypes of every size and 6tyle, taken at the lowest priceß. Lanscater, juue 19 \\-tl States Union Hotel.— No. 200 MarkeVtreet, Gth, Philadelphia. The undersigned, late of the Amer ican House, Columbia, Pa., trfkes pleasure in informing his friends, and the public generally, that he has taken the above well-known and popular HOUSE, (long known as the Hed Lion Hotel,) which he has filled up with entirely New Furniture and Bedding of a superior quality The house has also been renovated and impro Ved in a manner which will compare favorably with any of the Hotels in the City, and cannot fail to give satisfac tion to those who may patronize this establishment. I'hy will always be supplied with the choicest Provisions""the market affords; and the Bar with the PU REST AND BEST LIQUORS. Nothing shall be left undone to make his Guests comfortable, and he flatters himself that by Btrict attention to business, he will merit and ro ve a liberal share of public patronage. G. W. HIN KLE, Proprietor. DR. E. D. HAYES’ CELEBRATED ALLIED OINTMENT, and IIUMOR BYRUP, A Sure and Speedy Cure for Scrofula, Saltßheum, Erysipelas, Scald Head Cancers, Cancerous Humors, Barbers’ Itch, Burns, Mercurial and Fever Sores, Ulcers, Ring-worm, Neuralgia (Deafness caused by Humors and Sores in the Head.) Rheu matism, Liver Complaint. Bronchitis, Inflammation in the Throat, Luuga, Back or Side. . e . t . Sold Generally throughout the United States and Canadas by Druggists and Apothecaries. 2Sj~ Agents wanted in all parts of the Union. HAYS A NASH, Proprietors, Lawrence, Mass, Sold in Lancaster by B. 11. Kauffman, Chas. A. Heiuitsh and Dr. Ely Parry. * Beware of a counterfeit article In market styled the ••Genuine Alliod Ointment,” put up by C. 11. Kent, septlfi 6m * 35 ijew Iron and Brass Foundry.- The Pro ]\ prietors of the Lancaster Locomotive Works would re spectfully call the attention of the public to the extensive IRON and BRASS Foundries connected with their estab lishment. We are now prepared to Manufacture Stationary Engines, Mill and Saw Mill Castings, Car Wheels, and every other description of caat iron work at short no tice and reduced prices. Also, all kinds of Brass Castings, Copper Rivets, Solder and Babbit Metal. The establishment is under the Superintendence of Mr. John Brandt, Sr. whose mechanical skill is well known to our citizens; and as none but the most competent and thorough workmen are employed, we are confident of giv ing entire satisfaction, to all who may favor us with their patronage. ffeb‘2o tf-5] Dr. waylan’S new {drug store. —No. ‘6O North Queen street. The undersigned re spectfully announces that he has openee his NEW DRUGSTORE ESTABLISHMENT, with averyex-®&» tensive and complete stock of Drugs, Medicines, lfi Chemicals, Perfumery and Fancy Articles—all fresh *• and pure—which will be sold at the lowest market prices. This stock embraces every article usually kept In a first class Drug Store, aud neither labor nor expense has been spared in fitting up the establishment, to insure tho pree ervation of the Drugs in the best condition, as well as to secure the convenience and comfort of the customors. A complete assortment of materials used by the Dental Profession can also be had at the store of the subscriber. An improved Soda, or Mineral Water Apparatus has been introduced, the fountains of which are made of Iron, with Porcelain lining on their interior surface, freeing them from all liability to taint the water with any metalic poi son which has heretofore been so groat an objection to the copper fountains. Those who wish to enjoy these refreshing boverages can do so at this establishment without fear of be ing poisoned with deleterious matter. The entire establish ment has been placed under the superintendence of a most competent and careful Druggist, who baa had many years of experience in the Drug and Prescription business, in first claBS houses in Philadelphi and Cincinnati. The undersigned feels confident that he is In every way prepared to give entire satisfaction to his customers, there fore a share of public patronage is solicited. . may 27 tf 19 JOHN WAYLAN, D. D. S. DENSLOW A CO., COMMISSION MER CHANTS and Wholesale dealers in all kinds of For eign and Domestic LEAF TOBACCO, Manufactured Tobac co! and Foreign and Domestic SEGARS, 21 South Front st., Philadelphia. Importers of fine HAVANA SEGARS of the choicest growths of the vuelta-abajo. A large assortment of which are kept constantly on hand, and for salo at a Bmall advance on cost of importation. Consignments respectfully solicited) on which liberal advances will be made when desired. N b —Special attention given to orders for purchase on commission, of Tobacco, as also every description of Mer chandise, for account of parties living at a distance from this market. . , . _ A®- Sole Agent for F. A. Goetze’s Celebrated German Smoking Tobacco, comprising thirty different varieties. apr 8 Fob. sale. $3,000 Bond, secured by first Mortgage on City Property. . , . $3,000 do. do do do Each of the above mentioned Bonds bear 6 per cent. In terest, payable semi-annually. ....... ftlo,ooo Coupon Bonds of the Racine and Mississippi Railroad Company, hearing 10 per cent, interest. These Bonds are secured by Mortgage on lands through which the roaa runs. Interest payable semi-annually in the city of New York. _ , . Also, 75 Shares Lancaster County Bank Stock, upon which a credit will be allowed to the Ist of April. fob246t 6 JOHN GYGER A Co., Bankers. J Gallagher, Dentist, having located In . the City.of Lancaster,'respectfully offers hlsjprofession al services to those who may need them, and choose to,give him a call. He has been engaged in the profession over ten year&#-bas had an extensive practice for the last six or seven Yi? Chester county—and can give the best of ref erence anc&evidence respecting his professional skill and qualifications. He would also announce that he has obtained the ex clusive right to use CLAYTON’S PATENT PLAN of making and setting Artificial Teeth in Lancaster City and County—an improve- y ment which is acknowledged by gentlemen who were on the Examining Committee on Dentistry in the New York i Crystal Palace, by Professors of Dental Colleges, and by Scientific Dentists generally, to surpass every other plan now known for beauty, strength, cleanliness and cheapness. Office and residence-on the east side of North Duke st., between Orange and Chesnut, one square aud a half north of the Court House, and a short distance south of the Railroad. 29 WALL PAPER.—The Cheapest Wall Paper Store in the City. Fine Unglazed Papers at 8, 10 and 12U cts. Extra Glazed at 18% cents and up wards. ' Paper nung In the country at 15 cts per piece. Ail work Warranted. OTHNIEL B. EVANS, fob 24 3m 5 No. 82, N. 9th St., Philad’a. ON MANHOOD, AND ITS PREMATURE DECLINE. Jost Published, Gratis, tbk 20th Thous and : A FEW WORDS ON THE RATIONAL- ■ TREATMENT, without Medicine, of Bg£E matorrhea or Local Weakness, Emissions, Genital and mrvous debility, Impotency, and Impediments to Marriage generally. B y B- D E LANET, M. D The important fact that the many alarming complaints, originating in the imprudence and solitude of youth may be easily removed without Medicine, is in this small tract, clearly-demonstrated; and the entirely new and highly successful treatment, as adopted hy the Author, fully ex plained, by means of which every one is enabled to cure mvßcr.T perfectly and at the least possible cost, thereby avoiding all the advertised nostrums of the day. Sent to any address, gratis and post free In a sealed en velope, by remitting (post paid) two postage stamps -to Dr. B. DE T,ANEY. 17 Lixpanard Street, New York City. ' octal 6m* 40 Bandpwn, X. H. E&. J. HOLMES’ IMPROVED SEAM # LESS WHALEBONE SKIRTS.—We take pleasure in again introducing our Improved Seamless Skirt, as be ing the most acceptable and reliable article in market: we are aware that many new styles called improvements are before the public, such as India Rubber. Gutta Percha, Rattan, Ac., all of which we have if called for—but cannot recommend them, as we have experimented with and tested them all—(most of them two years since.) submitting them to the judgment of competent hidlea to decide upon their merits,and have found them from actual ÜBe. to be in all important respects, decidedly inferior to our properly pre pared Whalebone, which has been in use the past two years, and for which h.-is been expressed from all parts of the country entire satisfaction; and we have the more positive evidence from our own large retail trade, amount ing to many dozen per day. Therefore we confidently recommend our Skirts to be the least objectionable now in uae; possessing many advantages found in no othrr Sl-irt, the most important of which is our -servj of elastic Cords at the bottom, made from the only material that can be used, that will recover its place when pressed out of shape, will not roll or curl, is not affected by heat or cold, and can be j washed without injury. These cords at the bottom, in | stead ofbones, which are exceedingly awkward and Incon | venient, with our own prepared bones above and a fabric manufactured by ourselves expressly for our goods, in our estimation and the estimation of thousands who have used them, produces a Skirt and the only Skirt equally, adapted to the parlor, the street, and the crowd, giving a proper, graceful and elegant form to a Ladies ’ dress, light, plia ble, easily adjusted and In every respect a complete article. The public are cautioned against all imitations or other goods called Seamless. Skirts. Every genuine article Is stamped E. A J. Holmes’ Improved Seamless Whalebone Skirt, and are for sale at 99 Market Street, Philadelphia, and In the principal Jobbing Houses in New York and Boston E. A J. HOLMES A CO. Boston, Feb. 1, 1857. feb24 6m6 OUFFER NOT, WHEN A PERMANENT cure is guarauteed in all stages of SECRET DISEASES, Self-abuse. Nervous Debility, Strictures, Gleets, Gravel. Mercurial Rheumatism. Scrofula, Pains in the Ankles and Bones, Diseases of the Throat, Nose and Eyes. Ulcers upon the Body, Female Irregularities, and all Improper dis charges, no matter of how longt tanding. or obstinate the case, recovery is certain,and in a shorter time than a per manent cure could be effected by any other treatment, even after the skill of the moat eminent phyßicians had foiled, and the disease resisted all other means of cure. The rem edies are'free from Odor, causing neither sickness nor in convenience, and without mercury or balsam. During twenty years’ practice, I have restored to health over sev enteen thousand patients, who were suffering under the worst forms of all the above mentioned diseases, which guarantees me in promising a perfect and most speedy cure. Secret diseases are the greatest enemies to health and happiness, as they are the first cause of consumption, scrofula, Ac., and should bo a terror to all nations on earth; for the disoase is becoming so common, and treatment so little understood, that a permanent cure Is scarcely ever effected, as a majority of the cases fall into the bands of incompetent persons, who not only fail to cure the malady, hut ruin the constitution with corrosive sublimate—a dangerous poison, a preparation of mercury—which, with the remains of disease in the system, produces many of the above named affections, which finally terminate in con* sumption, aud frequently a rapid one; but should it not cause death speedily, and the victim to disease marries, the disease is then conveyed from the parent to the children, causing them to come into the world with scrofula, affec tions of the skin, eyes, throat, Ac., and again terminates in consumption, and consigns its victim to an untimely grave, between the ages of six months and thirty-five years.— Self-abuse is another formidable enemy to health ; it de stroys the nervous system, rapidly wasting away the ener gies of life, causing mental derangement, preventing a proper development of the system, and disqualifying its victim for marriage, society, business, and all earthly hap piness. Female Irregularities and all other diseases of fe males, treated in the most skillful and scientific manner. Medicines, with directions, sent to any part of the United States and Canadas, by patients communicating their symp toms by letter. J. SUMMERVILLE, M.D..80x 53, post Office; FILBERT Street, below Twelfth, Philadelphia, Pa. [mar 18 ly 8 H H M < SOAP ! SOAP I : SOAP 1 1 I—The under signed take this method of informing the citizens of the City and County of Lancaster, that they have, at a great expense, purchased the exclusive right to the manu facture of a newly invented and patented LABOR SAVING SOAP, which, if used according to the directions accompanying each piece, will be found to exceed any thing of the kind ever introduced into this community. In using this Soap, the laborious and painful process of rubbing and wearing out clothes and fingers on the wash-board Is entirely obviated. Clothes washed with this Soap need no boiling, which amounts to a saving of noarly the wages of a washer woman. MViuau. Ladies taking in washing will find it greatly to their ad vantage in every point of view, to use our patent Soap. No danger need be apprehended as to clothes being In jured by using this Soap, as there is not an ingredient iu it that has the least tendency in that direccion. We have made arrangements with noarly all the princi pal Grocers in the city for the sale of it, and as soon as we can manufacture a sufficient quantity we shall take measures to supply Country' Merchants. In the mean time, persons wishing the article can be supplied at the Manufactory, corner of Duke and Chestnut streets, Lan caster, Pa. Having fall confidence In the truth of what we assert, we ask a fair and impartial trial of tho Soap, and wo will risk tMe result. Remember, this is ho humbug. AMER A FAIRER. 6m 52 Books j books i : books i:: at the PEOPLE’S BOOK, STATIONERY AND VARIETY STORE, No. 33, North Queen Street, Eancaste: SPRENGEU & WESTIIAEFFER, (SUCCESSORS TO WM. H. SPANGLER.) Are in constant receipt of ail the new and Valuable Books as soon as published. They also keep'constantly on hand, (and sell at the most reasonable rates) all the standard works usually kept in a well regulated Wholesale and Retail Book Depot. We have a large stock of SCHOOL BOOKS of every kind in use, which we will sell to Teachers, Directors and oth ers at ereatly reduced rates. We are the sole agents for ’ “TOWER’S READERS,’’ , comprised in sir numbers, and in use in a large number of our County Schools. We also sell tho celebrated FRANKLIN GLOBES at manufacturers prices. “ Pelton’s Outline Maps," “ Sander's Elocutionary Charts,” “ Webb’s Alphabetical Cards," “ Holbrook’s Numerical Frames and Complete School apparatus,” and in short every article COLLEGE, ACADEMY, OR COMMON SCHOOL. We have on hand the most extensive assortment of MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, eveFoffered to the Lancaster Public, and defy competition in this particular branch of the trade, being in Daily Re ceipt of Packages from the Cities, we have extraordinary facilities for furnishing all articles not on hand, at the shortest possible notice. Our Stock of PAPER, INK, PENS and ENVELOPES, is especially recommended, all of which Are purchased from the manufacturers, and can be sold at very reduced rates. Also constantly on hand all the PERIODICALS, MONTHLY MAGAZINES, FOREIGN REVIEWS, Ac., 4c. Purses, Portmonales, Gold Pens, Tablets, Card Cases, Ca bas, Paper Knives, Ac., Ac. Orders taken for PICTURE FRAMES, of all sixes and styles. In conclusion, we thauk the citizens of the city and county of Lancaster for the very flattering encouragement and liberal patronage extended to ns 6lnce we are in busi ness, and hope by a strict attention to business to merit a continuance of fevors. J. J. SPRENGER, J- M. WESTHAEFFER, Proprietors of the People’s Cheap Book Store. No 33, North Queen St., Lancaster. feb 24 tf 6 Super-phosphate of lime.—The subscribers present to the notice of Farmers and oth •rs interested, the above article. The excellency of our preparation has been so well known for many years past, that we deem It unnecessary to say much in respect to its merits, but merely remark that during a long series of years, its purity and value as a stimulant for the growing crop, and as a Permanent Manure. have been thoroughly established. Our Super Phosphate of Lime is not changed in its char acter every season, but is what it purports to be, uniform in its chemical constituents, and is relied upon as the best Fertilizer in use for CORN, OATS, WHEAT, POTATOES, GRASS and Other crops requiring a vigorous and lasting manure. Pamphlets describing it, and tbe mode of applying, can be had gratuitously at our stores, or by mail when de sired. . , CAUTION. —Be particular to observe that every barrel of our article has our name, and that of Potlt <£ Klett branded on the head. This Caution is rendered necessary, as there are so many articles of doubtful, value Bold under the name of Super Phosphate of Lime, as to mislead those who are unacquainted with the value of a GENUINE ARTICLE. PRICE $46 per 2000 lbs. certs per lb.) A liberal deduction made to Dealers. ’ - gineo last fall there has been imported but one CARGO ef the celebrated Pacific Ocean Guano* which we offer for sale in small lots. FISH MANURE. A supply of this valuable article ror sale. PRICE $3O PBR 2000 LBS. CENT PER LB.) No. 1 Government Peruvian Guano* For sale at the lowest rates. The leading Agricultural Journal* and Newspaper* are regularlu fd-.d at our office for the use qf Farmert. ALLEN k NEEDLES, Ne. [23 South Wharves, and’ 36 Bouth Water first store above Chestnut St., Phflada. : • 4^- Goods can be loaded at either front of our Ware houses. Farmer* are recommended to driVe;’to-! I Wkter Street and avoid the crowded -rthArfl- Ample Arilitteif are afforded in loading Wagons and attending to the Hdraea. marl 8m T JOHN A.ERBEN’S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE, Sigh oj the Striped Coat. No. 42, North Queen Street, East Side, near Orange Steet. Lancaster, Pa. The Proprietor- of this great manufactory of Clothing, respectfully announces to his friends and the public gener ally, that his establishment now contains the largest, most varied and cheapest-assortment of Fall and Winter Clothing ever offered in Lancaster. His stock is all of his own manufacture, and em- l|£A braces the latest styles of Clothing adapted to the jW season. and warranted to prove the same as, represented at the time of purchase. The demand for Clothing at this popular establishment is still daily increasing,and it is only by having a full force of good Cutters and a great number of workmen, that ! we .are enabled to keep our Ware Rooms always well sup j plied with every article of dress, either for men b or boy s Among our extensive assortment may be found the fo! lowing; Overcoats and BangnpS from S3* oo to Fine Black Cloth Frock Coats,. Fine do. do. Drees do 7.00 to 13.50 Bine Cloth Dress and Frock Coat a, 5,50 to 10. W Fancy Cassiraere Coats, 3.50 *° *2? Business Coats , Satinett Frock and Sack Coats 3.. n to 5.00 j Satinett Monkey Jackets. £.«) to 3r-5’ Black Frencn Doeskin Pants, 3,09 to 8,00 Doable Milled Cassimere Pants —75 to 4.00 Fine Black Cloth Pants • 3,00 to 5,50 Fancy Cassimere Pants, tvS Satinett Pants. • V"* 0 .!£ Black Satin Ve5t5,....,. tloo Merino, Velvet and Plnsh Vests,...- to 3,00 Cassimere and Satinettt Vests Also, a full assortment of Woollen and Cotton Under shirts and Drawers, White and Fignred Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Cravats, Pocket Handkercheifs, Suspenders, Stocks, Gloves, Holsery and Umbrellas. BOYS’ CLOTHING. , Just completed, another very large assortment of Boys Clothing, suitable for the Fall and Winter, consisting of Boys’ Overcoats, Frock, Sack and Monkey Coats, Pants and Vests of all sizes, and at extremely low prices. Also, just received, a targe assortment of Black and Fan cy Colored Cloths, Fancy Cassimers, Black French Doeskin Cassimere, Satina, Velvets, Plushes, 4c-, which will be made up to order at short notice, in the latest fashion and on the most reasonable terms. . The subscriber hopes, by strict attention to business, and endeavoring to please customers, to receive a continuance of public patronage. JOHN A. ERBKN, United States Clothing Btore, Sign of the Striped Coat, No. 42 North Qnee» St., east side, near Orange street. Lan caster, Pa. oct 2Uf4O Messrs, cteus D. Q. ESHLEMAN. Clerk Select Council, f President of Select Council, Alfred Sanderson, 1 GKO. SANDERSON, Clerk Common Council.) President of Common Council, mar 10 . • 4t 8 An ordinance providing for the cancellation of redeemed certificates of City Loan Ssc. 1. The Select and Common Councils of the City of Lancaster hereby ordain, that hereafter all certificates of City Loan redeemed, shall be presented by the Mayor of the City to the Finance Committee of Councils for cancella tion. as soon as can be after their redemption. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty ofthe said Finance Commit tee upon presentation of soch certificates of City Ix>sn. to cause the same to be cancelled by the stamp now provided for the purpose; and as heretofore required of said Com mittee, to deliver such cancelled certificates of City Loan to the City Treasurer for safe keeping; further to present to Councils at their next meeting after such cancellation, a detailed statement of the numbers, dates, names of the holders, and several amounts of such certificates. Sec. 3. All Ordinances altered or supplied by the afore going are hereby repealed. Ordained and enacted Into a law at the City of Lancaster the 6th day of March, 1857. Attest. .. .. Jab. C. Carpenter. > D. G EFT!LEMAN. Clerk Select Council, ( President of Select Council. Alfred Sanpf.rson. 1 GEO. SANDERSON. Clerk Common Council. I Presid.-nt of Common Council mar 10 St 8 Chas. Cadwallader. Thos. Allman, jr., Elam Wfnoer. eADWALLADER, ALLMAN, are requested to call at the Office with as little delay as : D. Herr, Columbia; and T. Gould, Sa/eHarbm-. possible and receiye the new certificates now being is >COMtAL> A * ‘ J ’ sued in exchange for those issued prior to June 6th, 1856, jnne 19 6m-22 8 nlay the ' regUUr TOOAD TOP CO A L. --Office for the .ale tmuacthm »>^JJ“ 6rder Qf tte of Jtfof thi. celebrated WHIT B ASH SEMI-BITUMINOUS E. SCHEAFFER. President. COAL, No. 24, Walnut Street, between Iront and Second oct 30 tf « ! Streets, Philadelphia, for Steam Generating. Blacksmith- ; ing, Lime and Brick Burning aud for Rolling Mill purpos- J MABTIN 1 stbasbcrg. [J. kinxead, j this Coal cannot be excelled. It yields a very superior TiENTISTRY.- MARTIN A KINKEAD. haying Coke, and as it can be furnished lino or coarse, makes it I) associated together in the practice of DENTISTRY, . *ery desirable for Grates, Steam Engines and general man will endeavor to render eptire satisfaction in all opera- 1 ufacturing uses. Hons entrusted to their care. Being prepared for the Man- : Analysis by Dr. Charlesi Wetherfll, Philadelphia, ufactnre of TEETH, we will be enabled to suit all cases, Volatile at 115 water, 080 Coke, <9 90 with Block, Single Gum or Plate Teeth, either on Gold, | Volatile at red heat, 16 11 I ish 313 Silver or oktta Percha. | Owning the land, mining the Co*U, and making my own as*Office—Main Street, 3 doors East of Echternacht’s Mies, saves commissions, and ouablos the buyer to pur- Hotel, Strasburg, Lancaster county. • chase at the very lowest P rice - RT PO WFT N. B. I take this method of tendering thanks for the | feb24 6mo KUBhKI HARE PUn EL. liberal patronage heretofore roceived, and hope by the ~nt\T\a ivet present arrangement to be enabled at all times to attend QPH.ING p p« to those requiring our services. O , HAGER A BROTHERS, i„i„ 001,27 j. MARTIN Offer for sale, at the lowest prices, a complei July £i ty HOUSE FURNISHING GOCD: A. E. Robibts, Seo’y. — LINEN AND COTTON SHEETINGS, MUSLINS, JOSEPH A. NEEDLES, QIANUFACTU- DAMASK TABLE LINENS, TICKINGS, HER OF WIRE, SILK AND HAIR-CLOTH SIEVES, COUNTERPANES AND QUILTS, CHECKS, Coarse, medium and fine In mesh; large, middle size aDd EMBOSSED PIANO A TABLE COVERS, DIAPERS, Ac. small in diameter, CARPETINGS, METALLIC CLOTHS OR WOVEN WIRE, of the best : Velvet and Brussels Carpets, qualities, various sizes of mesh, from Nos.l to 80 inclusive, ; and from one to six feet in width. | They are numbered so many spaces to a lineal inch, and cut to suit. The subscriber also keeps constantly on hand, SCREENS, MATTINGS AND DRUGGETS, for Coal, Band, Ore, Lime, Grain, Gravel, Sumac, Sugar, • WALL PAPERS, DECORATIONS Axp BORDERS. Salt, Bone, Coffee, Spice, Drugs, Dye-Stuffs, Ac. Togethor Now receiving their stock _of Paper Hangings of this with an assortment of BRIGHT AND ANNEALED IRON Spring’s Styles comprising an elegant assortment of entirely WARE. new designs in Velvet, Gilt. Glazed and Unglazed. All of the above sold wholesale or retail, by CHINA, GLASS AND QUEKNSWARE. —1600 lbs. Prime J. A. NEEDLEB, , Bed Feathers. mar 17 tf 9 64 N. Front st., Philadelphia. Jose 8 ly 20 Great bargains in furniture, at the HOUSE KEEPER’S EMPORIUM, North Queen Street, near Oraoge, Lancaster. The undersigned have on band a very extensive assort* ment of Parlor, Chamber, Dining Room and Kitchen Fur* niture, of a quality equal to any that can be procured in Lancaster or Philadelphia, which they will sell (fob bxadt cash) at prices tar below the usual rates, Window Shades of every variety for almost nothing. “A word to the wise is sufficient,’-came and see. - S, B«—-Splendid Cottage Chamber Betts just received, dee 9 tf Q KSTOHUH * VICKERY. PROSFESCTUSOF THE tSITED * STATES DEMOCRATIC REVIEW, FOR 1857 —The Proprietors of this long established and popular Democratic Magazine have, by the advice of distinguished friends, * made arrangements to publish it, commencing with Janu- 1 ary 3d, 1857, in the form or a Weekly Journal. Each ' number will contain eight pages, and forty columns of reading matter, and will be printed on fine paper; and its . typographical execution will be superior to any Weekly Jonmal published in the United States. 1 The POLITICAL DEPARTMENT will contain solid and well digested articles on all matters of national concern, and political intelligence from every portion of the coun try. Eminent writers In the Democratic party will con tribute to its columns, and Its tone will be strictly national and conservative. . The department of LITERATURE will contain a choice and copious selection of sparkling and varied fiction, origi nal and selected—interesting tales, biographies, travels and adventure—sketches of character and social life, and essays UDon art and morals. The departments-of DOMESTIC and FOREIGN NEWS will present a weekly review of events in every portion of the Old World and America. The proceedings in CONGRESS, carefully collected from the Official Reports, will be published; also, elaborate and careful LITERARY, DRAMATIC and MUSICAL CRI TIQUES. For the Man of Business and the Farmer, a reliable and impartial review of the MARKETS, and of MONEY and COMMERCE, will be given in each number, with the usu ally interesting information and statistics of the day. Special Correspondents at Washington, Londou. Paris, and other chief points of interest, will contribute whatever iu life and literature is worth telliDg or reading. In short, the Proprietors will spare neither money nor labor, to make The United States Democratic Review the best Weekly Newspaper ever published in the United States. SpecialNoticb.—We have mado arrangements to publish, on or before the first day of June next, a valuable and elegant work, to be entitled “JAMES BUCHANAN AND lIIS CABINET.” The book will contain Portraits of the President, the Vice President, Secretary of State, Secretary of War, Secretary of the Navy. Secretary of the Treasury, Secretary of the Interior. Postmaster General and Attorney | General, engraved on steel by the celebrated Artist, Bottre. Each Portrait will be accompanied by a Biography, care fully prepared from authentic sources. The letter-press will be printed on type made expressly for this work, and on the finest paper. The book will be in quarto form— handsomely bound with side title, and, as a Work of Art, will be the most elegant book ever presented to the public. [ This book.will Im prepared expressly for presentation to ' the subscribers of the Review for 1857, and will bo for r warded by moil (free of postage) to each subscriber, as soon ' as issued from the press No copies will otherwise be sold. Terms of the Review—THßEE DOLLARS, invariably In advance. * Postmasters and others, who remit us Jl5 for Mve ijub scriptions, will receive a copy of the Review for oue v»-iu\ and a copy of “Buchanan ntid bis Cabinet.” gratis. ' Address, L. F. HAUIUSON A 00.. t 71 Nassau street. New York City. *,* MR. GEORGE R. SMITH is the General Agent for 5 the Review for the United States. We have no Local Agents. Whenever auy shall bo appointed, we will give notice of the fact. J an A Card. The subscriber Thankful (lo hi meious patrons) for past favors, would a ask for a continuance of the same, and as m mnrq as will please to favor h.m with thf ir patr age, as he is certain from his knowledge of the Tonsonal Art in all its branches, such as Hair Cutting, Curling, Shaving, Shampooing and Wig making, he is able to please the most fastidious. He a so so icits the attention of all to the Clean liness of his Towels, Brushes, Combs and in lact every thing connected with his establishment. He would ikewme mention that he is the only person in the city that can and f do color 'A his kera and Moustaches, trom red or gray to most beautiful brown or black in very few minutes.— SAVING FUND OP THE NATIONAL Panic,h.r aitnm,„n to ihe culling and mm- SAFETY TRUST COMPANY. ming of childrens hair ■\VALNi.T STREET, S. W CORNER OF THIRD, PIIILA. • Incorporated t>y the State of Pennsylvania. Money is received in any sum, large or small, and inter est paid from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. The office is open every day from 9 o’clock in the morn ing till 7 o’clock in the evening, aud on Monday aud Thursday evenings till 9 o’clock. k INTEREST FIVE PER CENT. All sums, large or small, are paid back in GOLD on demand without notice, to any amount.. lion. HENRY L. RENNER, President. ROBERT SELFKJDGE, Vice President. Wm. J. Repd, Secretary. DIRECTORS. C. KIEFFER, Proprietor. FLOOK OIL CLOTHS, * of superior quality, from vide. Tvyelne and Scouring—Philip Hudson, Fancy I) Dyer, Vo 96 North Thirteenth Street, Philadelphia, three doors above Cherry Street, respectfully toform* the , citizens of Lancaster county and elsewhere, that aoi kinds of Silks, Crapes, Merlnoes, Ac., are dyed in the most fashionable and permanent colors. Ladies cashmere and crape shawlß, cloaks, Ac., cleansed and creased equal to new; Silk dresses watered in superior style. Gentlemen s apparel scoured and dyed In superior style; In short, Pye lnttin all Its various branches done at short notice, and on the lowest terms. Also, Carpets Cleansed. A call is earnestly solicited, as it is very convenient tor those who should want anythin* In the above lin*. Phil* mar If 17* C. Landreth Mumin, F. Carroll Brewster, Joseph B. Barry* Henry L. Churchman, Francis Lee. business entirely to the re- The investments autountiug iassortment of Ingrain and Venetian Carpet*, Uernp and Rat; Carpet*. Tteople’R Marble Works', (Icon ic ard Bear’s old stand,) SHOPS IN NORTH ’ QUEEN STREET, Half Square South of the Rai. road, and 3d door North of Michael M’Grann’a White Horae Hotel, Lancaster city. LEWIS HALDV, Marble Maßon, respectfully informs the public that he has purchased the entire stock of Leonard & Bear, which, in addition to his own large stock, warrants him in saying that he has now in his yard by far the largest amount o ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE ever offered to the citizens of Lancaster, £hd greater than any other establishment'west of Phil adelphia. In conseqnence of having purchased the stock of Leonard & Bear at a bargain, and having also made arrangements at the East to receive marble at reduced prices, he announces that hd will sell much cheaper than any other establish ment in this city or county can do. He is now pre pared to execute in the best style, Monumen Tombs and Grave Stones, Mantels, Door and Window Sills, Steps, &c., &c., of every variety and price. His facilities for furnishing articles in the Mar ble line are unsurpassed by any other establishment in the city, while he assures all who may lavorhim with their patronage that his work shall be execu ted in the very best style and on the most reason able terms. XT LETTER CUTTING in ENGLISH and GERMAN, done at the shortest notice, and on the mosi moderate terms. He respectfully invitee the public to call and ex amine hi? work, being fully satisfied to rest his claim to public patronage upon its merits. Thankful for the many favors bestowed upon him,he hopes by strict attention to businesslomer it and receive a share of the public patronage, feh 22 >y- 5 JAMES CROSS, H. D North CJueeo street, same building with J.F i.ng’s Drug Store, and immediately i-pp- sic J. F roder’s (Irunite Itinl-1 mu. ’ l^ eh P, n aula Pblj uI ipt-iicy I. KRAV'KI.IN IIKHI'AR r, Ol Lancaster oily, ~t)taIII- toilers Patent Irorn the U. S. Patent Office, no ill e rcasona Ido terms. Ora wn-ga of all 4 l.iuk nl Machine'.,, A rchllecl ure or Surreys, cor reellv eieculcd I.) him. Likewise Deeds, Bonds and tiler inslruuienla »ri'in". -'Hire PULTON UA LI a or.l ?.h ('ll ESNUT ST. HOUSi., SAMUEL MILLER. VO i•> i CHF.SSCT S Between 3d ft 4 1 A PHIL I l> £ L P H I A . B*' \ R DING S l ps b n\ 7. hotel. jl <& ©. ami,' INFORM the public, that they have recently tit ted up this old and well known stand in North Queen street, two doors south of the Railroad, to first rate style, and that they are now prepared in entertain travellers and others in the very best man ner. Their Bar will always be supplied with tho choicest liquors, and their Table with tho best that he’market affords. They also beg loavo to state halthey continue their LIVF.RY STABLE. where can at all times be had, a good and genteel Horse, Buggy, Barouche, Carriage, Sulky, or OmniJ ous, on the most reasonable terms. They assure all who may favor them with their custom, that no efforts will be spared to render satisfaction, mav 7 lb-t Sash, Door, Shutter, Blind aud Frame Factory.—The undersigned have ta- Ken the Sash Factory lately carried on by S. J. Mor rison, situated in the southern part of the city of Lancaster and near the Colton Factory, where we intend to manufacture to order all kinds o! Sash, Doors, Gutters, Blinds, Window Frames, Ike., at the shortest notice and on the most reason ole terms. The undersigned are both practical Carpenters, and wor t k at the business ourselves. With a strict attention to business, we hope to merit the patronage ol the public generally. & MORROW. New marble works, sign of two large Mwble Lion Tombs, Mantles, Monuments, Grave Stones, aa