Lancaster intelligencer. (Lancaster [Pa.]) 1847-1922, March 03, 1857, Image 3

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The Weather —Heavy Receipt* of Produce—The Market—
The Rivers—Democratic State Convert 4 n—More Murders
Sentences'of Death— il Vigilant Police .” <&.—Miscellaneous
—Adjournment of Illinois Legislature—The Attack on
Bhn. Chas. H. Constable of Illinois —Office Seekers again.
t£c., <£c.
St. Loom, Feb. 23,1857.
Tile past week haw be©D wet and disagreeable—;the snn
scarcely made its appearance—on Saturday night it turned
cold, and- ice was formed. Heavy rains have fallen all
over the West, and the rivers are bank full. The naviga*
tinn on all the streams never was better, and we are daily
in receipt o*largo cargoes of produce—the Illinois in par
ticular is sending down immense quantities of wheat,
com and oats, and our market is well supplied.—The re
ceipts for the past three days are : Flour, 4684 bbl«.:
wheat, bags, or over 100,000 bushels; com, 22:416
bags; oats 13,388 bags. Flour, choice, ib selling at whole
sale $6 per bbl.; wbeat t from 117 c. to 128 c., as in quality;
corn, 45 to 60c.; oats, 51 to 53 c. per bushel.
Our levee pipsen*s its usual business like appearance,
and Blacks of goods and merchandise loom up at every
step. The spring trade is now fairly open, and country
dealers will shortly visit the city for tholr summer Btocka.
Tbo trade promises to be one of unnsual activity.
On Saturday, our delegates to the State Convention left
for Jefferson city, whore the Convention meets on to-day
(Monday, 23d) for the purpose of nominating a candidate
for Governor, to be voted for next August. Several. gen
tlemen of acknowledged ability will have their names be'
■fore that body,and we have not the least donbt but that
the best and most available candidate will be selected.—
Our impression is that Mr. Stewart, of Buchanan county*
will be .the nominee.
It is our duty to record, another murder. Henry Hen
ning was shot through tho heart and instantly killed a
day or two since, by one Walter J. Strother. Strother, it
appears, was taking an afternoon nap, and Benning was
sent to call him up, as he was wanted at bis place of busi
ness. and in a playful way teased tho sleepy fellow, and
when he had all' bis clothes on except his coat, Banning
handed it to him, when Strother seb.ed a pi«toi lying on
thebed aiid murdered the inoffensive man in cold blood-
Strother was arrested, and is now confined in the calaboose
awaiting examination. Tbo history if Ft. T.ouis for tho
past year. Is one of crime and blood, and in this particular
each succeeding day adds still morn to the calendar of
blood: scarcely a day or night, passes buf that we h«ar of
some one tteing stabbed, shot or knocked down and robbed.
A night or two ago. a gentleman was on his wav home,
when he wrp attacked by three or four ruffians, knocked
down and robbed cf all th“ valuable;! on hi-< person, and
this. too. on Fourth one of th* prin<*ipal and most
frequented thoroughfares of the city. lie wa* dragged- to
the curb stones, and lay there, infusible, for about two.
hours. Where our wficiW?/and vit/Hnut police couhl have
been is a mystery to all. On tho sumo night, and wiMiiu
three squares of the sain- spot, three or four other knock
downs and robberies occurred.and the police heard noth
ing of it until the next morning they were informed of
tfje'e outrages occurring on their l«eats. Should these
things continue., we will be compelled for the sake of life
and property to follow in the wake of San F-ancisen, and
rid the town, by *• Vigilant Committees.’’ of the-e despera
does Aim! what is mill worse, no arrests have y»»f been
The Criminal Court in th*- past we,-I, has been im-v
prifirttnir HMiiti'Tiic upru)-Jmird'THrß. rotili.TK ht'l Tiol.itnrs of
):iw .1 n '1 just lev : flit- severity of soiiih of sit. ten
h-'ifthtd no cfl**c! upon tli
tr-itiuir crime. Sunt*-mv (.f ilentli wasp:
Slm ! tz. I'T tin* iimnliT (i
y*-nr*> in th«> p"tiit*oiti:iry np >u D.-tvM S P<*rry. for f<»i-y<T
Tin* r n fitfully jimintaiii'»<l Ih>-ir imi
ln-it. Thu two tmncii
3/1 of April, betwvt-n ten in the morning ami threw iri flu*
Worrell, t*<*r tin* murder of Gordon is to bn bun.' In
James C. Ingman, H.inm.-l Brown and (ten. ?t:ilcv, were
each sentenced to ten je-us in tin. l State's Pris-n, for Rub-
It tint f.ur paragraph, >‘i»nipliii)entnry to the lion.
Chas. 11. Constable. of Illinois, (ms been Taken up am! pub
lished, with vui i .ns coin incuts agree lug with our vie* s ta
ken, of that gent I, man, by all the journals of
that State. Thi- JaV' raMe imtir.- of Mr. C. was red pubit
ttble to the tastes-if Hack Repti idiciui t‘di tore, and they
liar-'made thi-- tm-i-ped •umplitnent a text for an attack
upon Mr. Constable. Tin 1 ReMiMi -an. of this es*y. copies
the reply of the Springfi-ld Register to the Hteek Repub
lican . c pringfiehl Journal. T!ie J-mm:;! rharir-s that Mr.
C'Utstablu ‘•purpe-lrati <1 the himself or
caused it to be d im?.'' In .iu»lba. f> Mr C. it is rn-ces-airv
for “ Old '.luaid' 1 to c,,r>yct this impres-ion. Neither did
Mr. Constable "perp. train" oceans., to },.• •perprtni'cd'’
the paragraph in question (except from his actions and his
patriotism in boldly ami niatii'n'lv advocatin': the cause of
Democracy in the recent rainpaßn j— he did nor even hint
at Kindi an endorsement, and m .renver did not know what
our intention was. when he b-f: the city. We did it up n
our own rosp’msihDjty. and hurl back the imputation of a
‘‘bribe" int > the teeth of the editor of the J'Htn, We
don’t pnlf fur ••money.” and only praise where and when it
is deserved, and always censored and condemned that
whi h.did not meet our inilivi-hc'l views, and this, for tlic
simple reason thafwe always stand •(//</ responsible
for all that, we have or may write. We hope this correc
tion will riil Mr. C. of the charire of bavin i “pronipted" or
caused to have ‘•perpetrated" the correspondence of the
Inh-Hitftvrrr in reference to this gentleman.
Tin l Lancaster mv, i* lamrahly ktmwn through
out tiro W*ai, and it is copied and quoted far and
wide. It- is reg-nied as Mr. Huchanan’s home organ—
hence the distaste Black JtepiUicnn prints have to any
favorable not ice made in it of prominent men of thislocalitv.
The paragraph in reference to Mr. Constable has created
great anxiety on the part of many to see it,aud the Illinois
.papers art^ showing it up.
Politicians and office-seekers are still at work—and
petitions ari almost as numerous as l lackberriesdn Aug
ust. The new President will have a happy time examining
the signatures—no reasonable man would expect him to
look at one-half of the petitions, much less read over the
ten thousand signatures attached. It is a very easy matter
to get 3.00 b or fj.UOU names to almo-t.any petition, but how
many of this number wi’l Mr. Buchanan know? Wo
venture to say that men will go recommended to the
President by thousands —(perhaps the name on every
tomb stone of our cemeteries will been 1m paper)—and he
will not koow a single one of them. And again, too much
deference should not. and wo believe will not. bo given to
exclusive political rt'vmmrvtlatwwt —they are not always
the-best. We arc content- aud will bo satisfied to leave
the matter in the bands of the new President, who, we aro
Confident., wil. do the best for the greatest good.
The mails, since the recent frosuefs, in all pai ts of the
country, have Icou very irregular—the Eastern mail in
particular. Kim- days of mall matter was received here at
oncu. We think the worst isover, and more regularity wilj
Gov. King, in his message to the New
York Legislature, gives it as his opinion that
the Maine Law has not answered the expecta
tions of its friends. This is not correct so far
as this State is concerned. The law here Ims
“answered the expectations of its friends”
fully. It was passed with the view to unite
temperance men, rum sellers and rum- dr'm-iters
in one parly, and that object was accomplish
ed, the temperance men being pleased because
“ they got the law,” the rum sellers because
the old law was repealed, and the new one
was allowed to remain a dead letter, and the
rum drinkers because the agencies” were di
rected to “let rum flow freely.” Thus all
were pleased ! And the result is a rapid arid
fearful increase of intemperance and all its
attendant evils.—AVic llnmp.shire Patriot .
Shocking and Fatal Cruelty to a Child
In June last Anna Hilton, nine years old, was
adopted from the Five Points House of Indus
try by Mrs. Simpson Decker at Long Neck,
Staten Island. On Wednesday last the child
died, and a coroner’s jury found that she
“came to her death by being heaten in a bru
tal manner, from exposure, and from a want
•of proper nourishment, at the hands of Mrs.
Matilda Ann Decker.” Mrs. D. is now in
Richmond county jail. The testimony shows
that the child was made to do the family wash
ing in an open yard, in the severest weather ;
that she had nothing on her feet and Hut scan
ty clothing on her body; that her feet were
iroxen, and she put them in the stove, where
they were burned to a blister; that she could
not walk but was made to do house-work still,
creeping about on her hands and knees until
her hands and knees were dreadfully lacera
ted ; that she was habitually beaten with a
broomstick and treated with the utmost cruel
ty in every way—in fact, deliberately starved
and pounded to death. Of course, there is
great excitement in the neighborhood. The
directors of the Mission have taken the matter
in hand, and the whole matter will be sifted
thoroughly.— N. Y. Tribune.
Singular Case of Maikuage.— A corres
pondent of the Abingdon Virginian, writing
from Marion, Smyth county, relates a singu
lar case of marriage. He says : “We have,
within half a mile of this place, an individual
who has ih one position (flat on his
back) for sixteen years nr more. His joints
are as stiff as though he had never had any. —
lie can move his head slightly, can move his
hands a little, is unable to eat a single mouth
fnl unless put into his mouth by another per
son ; is fat, very hearty and cheerful; and
within the last two years has married a good
looking and hearty girl, and is raising a fami
ly of children. The clergyman who married
this man said he had some scruples about it
until he had a long conversation with both
parties. He saw* they were bent on being
married. The,young lady stood by the bed of
the groom, (she could not take his hand, fur
he eould not reach it out,) and they were made
learn from the Galveston Civilian,
of the 19th ult., that corn planting is now
in pretty general. progress throughout Texas,
though some parties have finished two or three
weeks since.
Extension of the Cijemango .Cakal.— Ihe ! Qf ttVat calico township. <wa.-Letien» Tesunwo-
Owego 77mes has a leading article recommend- \ u r y oq the above estate haTin«b«in granted to the sub
ing the extension of the Chenango C.tnal, front : j-gy-*** *l\“ LIS’»»
Binghamton to connect with the i\ortn Branch . f nr settlement, nmi those indebted are requested u< make
of Pennsylvania at Athens. The distance is to Jacob tKYM * i x^l [^ r
thirty eight miles, the Susquehanna river con- mar;: iecu ir ‘
nectathetwo points, and there are no heavy j
grades. The cost of the connection is esti- j
mated at'SGOO.OOO. This sura will give a di- ,
rect water communication between-the coal :
rainefl of Pennsylvania and ‘Central New. York, j
It will unite the coal mines of Pennsylvania ;
with the ore beds and plaster of Oneida and j
adjoining counties 1
ffljffi-Thfl Wrifrhtsvfllfl Star states that the
dam of the Susquehanna canal at that place
has suffered considerably by the late ice fresh
et. There are a large number of breaches
made by the descending ice and much of tho
timber used in its construction has been swept
would call the attention of our readers to the
card of Messrs Tyndaloi Mitchell, No 219 Chestnut Street.
Philadelphia, who offer vry f/rtal advuntiyn to persons
visiting the city In want of Fine nr Stable Chinn. , Glass,
and Gnnvifm War*, w hich they will sell in large, or small
ijuantities, to suit tho wants of families, at greatly reduced
prices. '
Persons visiting Philadelphia will be-amply repaid by a
stroll through tbeir elegant establishment.
f,*h 2* . Im6
42*-pi-iCTOIiAL SYIiUP “Sa
Dr. lieysers Pectoral Syrup cures coughs;
Dr. Keysor's I‘uctoral Syrup cures colds;
Dr. Keyser's Pectoral Syrup cur«s influenza;
Dr. Keyser’s Pectoral Syrup cures Bronchitis; laryngitus take Dr. Key»er‘s Pectonil Syrup;
For incipient cousamptlon take Dr. Keysers Pectoral
For cold in the head bike Dr. Keysets Pectoral Syrup;
Dr. Keyser's Pectoral Syrup cures sore throat;
Dr. Keyser's Pectoral Syrup cur-s quinsy ;
Dr. Keyser’s Pectoral Syrup cures old s-nighs:' -
Dr. Keyser’s Pectoral Syrup cures all kinds of diseases of
the lungs and breast.
Pit-pared and r-'il'l by DR. 11. KKYSIiR.
No. 140 Wood sit., Mjrn of the Golden Mortar, Pittsburg, Pa.
Price fin cents and $1 per bottle,
tf-ir* Sold by C. A. H K 1 MTslljin Lancaster
tine 2 '■>
1 would respectfully infirm the public, that he has : dit-r.
t tie «dd established stand, formerly occupied by S. B
Maine*. ar-il m-.n*. recentlv by N. Bairi Brother, in tlie
rear of Dr. H-orge B. Martdcy, in Hast King street,
aslcr. Pa., a half square east of sprechers' Ib-'el. up-re
1* p-epared *" furnish those c,.1-bratcd Til I IF'll l.\ij MA*
t'Hi Mb'S and 11 OHS KPO W BUS with the ini proved Friction
Hen red Shaker. w hi-'h lor lightness of running and effi
ciency of action stands unrivalled.
N. B—Kiqmitjng of all kinds attended to at .the nliortest
notice, an t in a manner that will make the article ren-i'ml
as um; ul as if new. He iuvilcs Farmers to mine and ex
amine his work, and purchase if they see pc-per.
A'-ar-Tim best of refereuce cau be givou.
july S mu 'Jo
A now of business: Kvery one his own Salesman,
.lores A (V. of the Crescent One Price (>lothiri'.r Store. No.
Market street, above t<th. iu irlititinn fn having the
••»evL most vnri-J an-1 fashionable stock of Clothim >n
ilaiielpliirt. mail'* eXpres.-lv for retail sales, have ccn.-’i
-1 every one his own Sal- -man. bv havnm ma• k,.-j i,i
• • • 't J. e
iires. im each arti'-le. the Imv.-st jn 1-
<! f'T. S" tiicy pos-il- \ iv) i’ll mast «uy a like.
Hie are fill Wull spouse l-a’ il prepared atui
ms taken with the making. su ’ hat nil can may »'u the
1 assur.u.- « -■! „• mii u •(.; iv at the v :ry !■ v. i -t
in-mLer ihe Mar 1 '
4£r THK URKATKSI' I)l.'')S KKV OF Tfl K AOK.' iU
I'HoFUSaoK WOOD'S [1 A 1 It KK.-TOiiAi'l VK.—Tins
vparat imi. aithwiglt l>—s th-m tw.. years 1 »*.-• ri* the imh
owing id its W'.miri'i'u! 'nlV t> up -n <he I - itiimn halt ;iri• i
IMS' to the
dp. aln-ady ohtaiin-d ‘i r.-ii---niy ;i ml ' -i.i! t? p-rf-cOy
i p;t i ,1 !l«'l loti. It lias wit In >;it the n]'d in a rv -appliance d~ d
' a ill.' I) pu I'])- >SeS, v.'.’ll its \V ty. ilti'i heel! lle'U't i l> Wi-ii - ini
t-i most cf tilt* cities ;ill<l t -wus in the L'nited Stales Oi
nad.ns. and the West India Islands Nm |s this -e>u,t is rrm.-mls.-r.-d that its p p.uuriiy
scil upnu its in<-rits snl.-ty as -stal-li-hed liy m luai t- st-..
lat tins pivpar-iti u will actuall \ It Lj?T‘ IK M Ult * V lIAI it
i ITS NAil.hAh Col.oK. piodm-e a luxuriant. growth
mil tile heads Dt tin- I; ;M. pn-V.-tit the hair [ I'd t ll tii.lin-
I. and when ns.-.: a-at il-l a. t id--. pro-l nr • a n'Ml u, !a:
•w .. t 11 1 • * ii i* iirat Mmds and thus i-nd. r tin; liair ,» d'.
• >ssy in id wavy, dr'ln >y diseases ol t he scalp. a ml cxpi-i
llldl lid. tile r.-ftitiC n.-s •>! d i st j l. gll is I H-i 1 . ' 1 d h 111 etl Ulld
di.-s ill .-v.-ry p ii t nt' tin- con ny wh-. tri-.<l it. iin-1
H-rd'i-iv .'pea'. V.h It til. \ ,M>.\\. ;i.D-t ;a i -• ,n; i.
M .|.. L »D. W-*rces ll - r Cm. Mass.. .V-v. D’tli.
Prof. U.I—D.-.r Hr ; ! tak-• pl-asu->• m h.;Wi>-'
.'.niTaiy tesrim- n> t" tl.r i: . .'1 t'-d .' .. r w ■. . - U ; i 11 !
. ur 11-'s'iTa ll vr. As I'ir ha k a-- 1 Shr ii.\ hair o a mu mm • d
.linn: I !!. mild tilt- ti-p nl'iuv sr.up !•• . -tin- 1 ..da ami -m - fi
g'n.-s. and i: lias rnntiiiiii d tu l i.! n-r a _-i i-a; -m.i' y i-ai s
wiMisl.iiiditi'.' I hiiVe used maim r- !.-i>rtt'■ I pn-parati- n
its restoration. S-i-iiu yuir ud\eri i-. ni• r . 1 was in
red tu give arth-le a ti ial ami t-i my in t- r D't. '..isti
•lit. I tiiund aft i-r a trw upplicat ■ ti - t li t mi luur h.v .m
•mly s. t and assumed a vmy gl-c-sy and heat;* rappi-ar
irc; and, hy tm- rim- 1 h id us. d a ijuart. im'tir mil. im
il-! head was rnv.-r-d ever with a yung an 1 li.-inn,'
mw th id hair. v. liit li is m>w ir>.m oik- ti. t\v-i inches j u
ngth, ami growing very ih't.
11 ‘ • v I; V Ii.ViDHiCH,
iu!ii t!)*• 'ii iiiTuii!
?n>n:i iiiv; \ViK n-.wjn<; !—IIv u.-mt i'n H--U . ■>. r>
f 1. 1 i; It. stmariv.-. i 1 :i i I' I'li 11 in' j i. - : 111 i M ‘I I I . r.-t-.r-f! : u
cul'ir. Tl:** -ultioiin-- I c.-i'lit*- '••as r.c-• j v! fr m
.Johnson K .-ton* 1 . (iiuiifn.-r, Me.. tin 'l f? Inn mi.- 'ij' the
tinny nistatii'-s that are bail v ••nmim: to mir !<; ■ i.l'
if S Mull t'-lU I .'ll."-IS. It i- tin It Jll k , ini I a
nci!-«viil.-iit u utli. as hundtvds c;u> lo«li:y.
Ii t Kl>, Jlf., .Jllllf -'•Jil. I V.'»o.
Mr. li Dv > — i'cstr ;fir: 1 haw used two hot I’r,>t'.
Wood's Hair K->t■ >:ntive. an'} -sui truly stv i: is the i;r~ai
rat iliHC*■very I*l' tii** fur rcstorim: - iiml liati-Mny 1 1n- Hair
ihdiov it I ifn> a mail <•}' seventy. My liair has m-v;
attaitiud its ori/inal c<*K»r. Von can ivcommi-ud it to t.h
world without the fear, as my fas? \ws one of Ui<
worst kitaS. Yoins, resjjerttully.
I have used Prof. O J. Wood's Hair Re>h>r:it i v** ml haw
admired i's vvnndt r'o' **lT*-ot. Mv hair was l --t --t-.;>• .as 1
thought. preiunuiiely pray, hut l>y the ii-.* of liu Re-tors
tive it has resumed its original color. nod I luv,- no doubt,
permanently ho. , EID.NEV RKKESK.
Tin* Greatest Discovery of the Aire. —It s-idom p-enrs,
tliat we Dol ice. tinder anv e;n*iim.siai)e.*s. patent*-s.
ivstuni; ii »-t. or anytliinp of the kind. lor w* have a pi* ju
dlee a_'ainst hi st of th*. ai. lint candor compels ns t* in
vite attention to the advertisement of Prof Wood's Hair
Restorative. We are too juvenile to require «i• \ t hiri : r <M
the kind, hut HOuie instances of its iuc liave c im* to our
knowledge whlc.i almost assure us that it is a sowrei.n
remedy airaittst .lie hair hecominp prematurely gray. It L
not a *• Hair Dye;" hut upon its appliction as directed, the
effect is produced on tfje skin, which brings out tin* oriuiti
ral native colored hmr. without stillness, iiud gives it a irh-s
-syand natural appearance. We haveseen persons who have
used it, and they are m ucli pleased with it.— Missouri
0. .1. Wood A Co., 316 Broadway, .New York, and 114
Market Ft. Louis. Me.. Proprietors.
X- W. Dyott k. Fens. 132 Northed st., Philada., Whole
sale Agents.
For sale by 11. A. Kockafield & Co.. Medicine Depoi.
Lancaster, I'u.. and by 11. A. Shireumn, Columbiu. and ly
Druggists generally. m ir IS ly 9
On Thursday evening last, by Rev. Dr. Cowman. Henry
11. M'Leiiigan, to Sal lit* F., daughter t-i" Emanuel C Kei
gart Ksip, nil of this city. s
On ilm same evening. by ihe TU*v. .7 Crumhaugh, Wil
liam Wills, of Pittsburg. to Annie* M. Ilarintn. of this cit \ .
On Thursday evening. Fob. I'.Jtli, by the Hot. Van Arts
daleu, .Joseph !». <'arhurr, Esq , of Cecil County, Md.. to
Miss Susanna, oldest daughter of Robert Beyer, Esq . of
Uuton, Lanoa'-tor county. l : a.
('n the g'Ph ult.. by tin* Kor. .7, .7. Strin°, Mr. T"bb-.-
P**rtlingi*r, of East Ilempfudd to Miss Susauna 11. Ileishey
of Paradis**.
At Gnrdonville. on the 10th ult.. by the R«v. I’. J. Tim
lmv, Isaac G. Hoover, to Lydia A. Groff.
On the 17th ult., iu Columbia, Davi.s Lankford, in the
30th year of bis ape.
On Thursday the 12th ult . in Rapho l*vp.. Samuel Foss,
aped i'-t years. 0 months and 1 'nv.
At Lee.-bunr. Virginia. „n Tne-day. the 17tb ult.. Ju.'ia
A., wife of Willi.mi I) .-luymaker f •rnierly of this i-m.iif \.
in this city, on Saturday. I-Vb. 2i-t, Susan, vv'fe of Ar
ebibuld Warren, in the 2:’-d y>-ar of h<-r ape.
In tins city. February ‘22d Ktnn.a Virginia, y-'.unpest
ilanpht.-r of Andrew nud Catharine McGinnt-s, aped ’.! ) ears.
1 moti'h and hi days.
In Jleartown. on the 13th ult.. Lrdia Ann. daughter of
Ilirani Evans. Esq., aped Co years.
In this city, on the 23d ult., Mrs. Mary Wallace, ag-d M)
years, d months and 11 days.
In Paradise township, on the 21st ult.. after a short but
severe illness, George D. Moilvniu. iu the 4Uth tear of his
Philadelphia. Market
111 Ctoverseed there is more doing, and smne :'no to 4nn ;
bushels prime seel, all <•{' that description offered found >
buyers af $S per l>u-d:.-l. including oue or two lots of very !
handsome at a fraction more. ,
The Flour market remains dull: there is little or no
demand for export, and standard superfine is uominally \
held at $5 2.V« f> the latter for Ftrai :ht brands, with- 1
out finding buyers, except in s. .1! iets f.. r home c -n-ump
tionut the above rates for cmiinV'n.Hiid good brands, :.o
fdfi for bet'er brands, jit n , 2 / , -!i'.< d. 75 f.r extra, and $7
(q 8 per barrel for fancy brands. as in qualify. Rye Flour ;
is quiet at $-'5 tV2]Ahi 3 7~< per barrel. C--rn is very
dhll. and only about lU'i barrels fresh ground Pennsylvania
Meal sold at $3 per barrel.
In Grain the receipts and sales'have been light, and the
market nearly steady. Some small sales of-rood red Wheat
art* reported at £1 47. and white £1 ti 2, in store. Rye ■
moves off at S 2 cents, for Pennsylvania. Corn is un
changed, with further sales of 4(u O'.JUO ' bushels yellow at 1
O cents for old Pennsylvania in store, and fid cents for :
now Southern, the latter afloat. Oats no sales. We quote
at 4Vd>43 cents, holders asking the latter rate.
The market for Groceries’ remains inactive, but fresh’
sales c-f about 20bU bags Rio Coffee, are reported at Ihq
ll*4c. on time.
The Pruvirdoa market is excited, and prices tending up
wards, but buyers and sellers are apart in their views, and
there is very little doing in the way ot sales.
01 W hiski-y, moderate sales are making at ‘2oc for hbds.,
and 23<hr29c. for bills.
Philadelphia Cattle Market
' The offerings of Beef Cattle have been small, the w lode
receipts only reaching about 500 heal. Prices on the
whole' ruled a trifle higher than last week; most of the
offerings were disposed of at prices ranging from £0.50 to
$ll, the former price for a verv iuferior quality. ' Prize
Oxefi were sold at $l2 50©13, being much below the views
of the owners, and four pairs were left over. 4ou head
were disposed ofat the Bull’s Head and 400 at Lowry nud
Wentz's Avenue Drove Yard. 350 Cows and Calves were
offered and sold at prices ranging from $2O to $5O, as in
quality and in condition.
Chester County Cattle brought $9.50@510 50 per 100
pounds. Lancaster County, Pittsburg, $0.50
@11.50. Maryland extra, sll@sl2.
Hogs—The demand continues quite active. Sales of
1700 head at Singer’s at $8@0.50 per 100 pouuds. The
supply fell short of the demaud.
Sheep and Lambs —The receipts this wcok have again
been large, B@9ooo head haviug come in. The demand
was limited, owing to the high prices asked, and a good
many were left over. Sales at $3@5.60 and $7, according
to quality and condition.
Yuiira truly
.C.UM.VU.. ] 11.. Juti" "7
l-A-.'i-ua’or f
March 2. 7>57.
Fedriakv 28,1857.
X t OTICE.—TIie Lancaster Bank haying
Jyj wade a deed' t' v> asMg tuieiil, lor the payment
ol debts, lo toe uud-;rsigued all persons indebted to the
hiiid Institution are requested to make immediate payment
mar 3 4t* 7
L.UW t'lUCr.s rOK CASH. —A aud well assort
ed stock <-f _
\yn\l fA’S. Ml.vt.;' AMJ CLULU.VnN'a STRAW AND
• alLli B<JN .v t-l'a.
No. 25, North 4th Street, Phiiad'a, opposite Merchant’*
Uoiel. inarB 3ni7
1 j xn LUo Court ot Common Fleas lor the County ul
Lancaster. "Whereas, John W.' Uruss, Assignee ol Michael
D. sehueder, di 1 on the -Otb day of February lho’i hie l u
the Office ut ti.e PrutbouoLiry of tire said Court, his Ac
count ol the said Estate:
Notice io hereby given to all persons interested in the
biiid Estate, that tue said Court have appointed the gUth
dny ot April, lboT, lor the continuation thereof, unless ex
ceptions be tiled. Attest,
J. BOWMAN, Pro'honotary.
Frothy's Office, Lan. Feb. 2-3, 1657. mar 3 4t 7
?ILK ROBES. Flounced,
BLACK SI LKS. extra gloss,
SU LS, of the newest Fashions.
Staple Linen Goode, Blankets, Quilts, Damask Table Cloths.
- Napkins. Ac.
G -ntiemeu’s Wear, and full stock of goods for Boys Cloth*
Bargains, daily received from New York and Philadelphia
Wholesale Luvers are invited to give us an early rail.
4th and Arch Streets, I’hilad’a.
Tt-ruiß Nett Cash, and pri el? low. 3 3m 7
15 SAFETY TRUST rc>. office in WALNUT Street,
Si i thwcst corner of THIRD Street, Philsd-iptm.
.-tntmi! Staifti.eii: of 'he Business for the official year,
coMCu-ncing December 1, 1655. ami ending December 1,
1 -,50 \
1 To halanco a* per Statement
' D«*c'r 1. isr,f,
j To Amount received imtn Depns
j it'.rs dutiag tm- dficial year,
j fn-m Dec'r to Dec’r 1,
To In'eiest a- cumulated during
the -mine pel iod. to the credit
of Depositors
'f 1 Amount nas-ed to 1 he Contin
gent Fund during tin* same
!'.*< 'r 1. 1-65
.»• Amount of li-vi-crt paid to
D< p i>;t.*;-, du. in. to.* Mime t>e-
The 1 1 v.-st merits. iiiiioiiriting. ns uhove, tu ()V EMI L
KoEK (.’ENTS, as per published Report of Ass.-t* aienm 19
in cunfo-niity with fh- provisions of the Ch irter, in Red
• Estate Mortgig-', Ground Rents, nml such IDst class Sb
• uiifi- s as u'id always insure perfect security to the Di
-00-itnrs. nml whi'dl cannot fail to give p~rm uiem-y und
-tah.litv to this old and well established institution.
H. L DENVER. I‘resid. nr
K•) I>”T SELFUIDGK, Vice Pres,dent.
Wm. ,T. Rk; n. Secretary. mar 3 It 7
'4. UO9 Nlark'-t street, above Mh. unrth side. Philadel
phia Constantly mi bai.d Vegetablr, Flower atid
Ei.-M S.*ed in :i!' of their varie’i-s. Lawn
n iDve iii-il imported. all of whbh will he tvur
r-oibv/. (’a'Hiogiics s-'i ion app i •ation. Timothy X—
and ('in\i'i S**.-u ri-c.-ived i.u emu mi s*j. .11. Reference cheer
tuilv given on application. 1 live u-> h cill
11.. u-b ’ ,u 7 JAMES DANIELS.
\v TuMtMKMit • I r.t.ii. r- W.mis Iji't - :v Scp'tulH.
•ill(<r w’li r Sun-, <.’lir<mi • i>i» >r< j m-il 1 cn-i bp
i tirril 'if i ur.-ib'i ■ iViih"Ui <>t'er.itinn <ir [l.’bon.—
l'- : ! i i-irut ti. .t - v\ rite t ;tt C* -i (.Inin iy mul enel
tw<>11* v-ti v• f
1 1 1 jAll letf-ra mu>t lum* ti jiost
«tio >t-un[i ( !i> 1 '-'"I pi-cjiuv .'iiiswit. Mediciue cau '>e
fill ;;l.y •>. A-Idiv.-*
C. L. KKLUNIi. M D..
Mociui• Cumberland Co. l‘a.
savin*; rr\o op tiif. national
- Incorporaicd ly tin- State of l’enus, Kama.
Monev is received in any sum, hit -'e <u* small, and inter
est paid from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal.
The i fh.v is open rwry day from t) o'clock in thenioi n
im; till 7 o’clock, in the evening, and on Monday nud
Thursday evening till 9 o’clock.
All sums, lurire or small, are paid hack in GOLD on
demand wiblm'ut notice, to any aui'-nut.
Hon. HENRY L. RENNER. President.
HUBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice I'residetit.
Wm .1. Rekd. SPcretarv.
Botiner, C. Lamireth Munns,
Edward L. Carter, E. Carroll Brewster,
Robert >eifridge, Joseph lb Barry.
B.IIIIUI-I K. As'.it/.fi. Henry L. Churchman.
James R. Smith, | Francis Let*.
Tills ci confines its tui-iness entirely to the re
reivin’: of money on interest. The investments amounting
to neai iv
as per published report of ASSETS, are made in conformity
»iih the ppwisiuns of the Charter, in REAL ESTATE,
MORTGAGES. GnuUND RENTS, and such first class
securities, as wiil always Insure perfect security to the
d.-pa-ifors. and which cannot fail to give pertnaiieivy aud
stability to this old and well established Institution,
mar 0 tf 7
MiliMcnOe.'s present to t lie notice of Farmers and oth
ers interested. Ilm above article. The oxcelleti'-y of our
pivpur.stinn has h-en so well Known tor many years past,
tint we deem it u* 1 n-'is-s-ary tu say iuU'-i lin r--spO‘t to its
met its. but nn-rely remark that during a long series of
years, its purity and value as a stimulant for the growing
cron, and as a
Perman cnl Manure
have beet, thoroughly established.
Our Buper Phosphat- of Lime is not changed in its char
n'ler every season, but is what it purports to be. uniform
in it- chemical C'di-tituents, and is relied upon as the best
Fertilizer in use }«-r
rind other er >ps requiring a vigorous anil Listing mantfo.
Pamphlets describing it. nud tire modo of applying,- can
be had gratuitously at our stores, or by mail wheu de-
v ACTION.— lh* pai tieular tc observe 'hat every barrel
of on; Article ha- "ur mnur aiul tun* of I 3 ntt.< <f- KUtt
rn.jiid. d n the nead. This Caution is mi.l**ied neee.--ary,
as there are so ma.iy articles of doubtful value s->ld under
the name of Super Pho-phat'* of Lime, as to mislead those
who aro Uiunq uainted wirh the value of a ,
U E N U I N K A R T I C \>Y, .
PRICE $45 rtf. 2"o'i C2'q CMT3 PER Lit.)
A liberal deducth uianadc to Dealers, / /
r\ 1 ruv 1 ... -lev. io v I' lj .uoaue iu i/e.i o I •
Since last fall there has beou itpq«srted but ONK caroo of
the Celebrated / '
Pacific Ocean Guano,
which we c-ff ri r h de in small In's
A supply of thin w> u.ib-e .»■ Gem li-r sine.
PRICE $3O PEK 2f)' U UIS. (l \z?2 CENT PEK LS.i
Bio. 1 Government Peruvian Guano,
Fo sale at the lowest ra-es.
l"h> Ifit'llwj Agrir.ultu ’ <tl Journals 011 J Xrv.'sjuiprrs nix
i itjidi’.rly jU:d ul our ojjicr./vr the u,<t of Firim rs.
No. 23 .-outh Wharves, ebd 35 South Water Bt., first
st-reab ve Chestnut St., Philadu.
Goods •an bo loaded at either front of our Ware
houses. Femurs are recommended to drive to Water
jpreet and av .id the crowded wharf. Ample facilities are
afforded in loading Wagons aud attending to the Horses,
time.’! 3m 7
TirALL PAPER—The Cheapest Wall
\\ Paper Store iu the City. Fine L’oglivted Pat-.-is at
s. t" and 1-74 ctfl. Extra Glaz- d at 18-/£ cent* and up
wards. Pape,- niingin thecountn at 15 cts p»r pi-ee.
Ail work Warranted. OTIINIELB EVAN'S,
fell-24 Um 5 No. 82, N. 9th St., Philad'a.
i. ,'ier-i ii*_ r "t' the Mx-kholdms of ttie* Mnru.r Tuni|-ik"
bond Company wi.i l»' heM nt the public In,use of Mrs.
Horii ,i “roi'r. on W EI)N !>DAV. March 4th, ISSG. for the
purpose ft electing a i’n—ideut. six Managers and a Treas
urer. to strvy f.jr tiie ensuing year.
I>HTi will cure ami prevent the dangerous and infectious
diseases to which this valuable animal is subjest, and
which so many are now afflicted with.
I>rug .md Chemical Store, No. 13 East king street,
felt In '.’in 4 I>ancaster.
frb 17 :'a 5
ll.Uj rtJlll'-Vln! his
to the new building D'-arly opposite his old stand and di
rectly opposite the Cross Keys' Hotel, AVust Kiug street,
Lancaster. fell 3 tf 3
\LADY who lias been cured of great
Nervous Debility, alter nmnV years of misery. desires
to make known to all fellow sufferers the sure means of
relief. Address, enclosing stamp to pay return postage,
Mrs. MARY E. DEWITT. Boston, Mass.,and.the prescrip
tion will be sent, free, by next post. fob 3 3m 4
Stoves, Stoves.—As the season is approaching for
the purchase of Stoves, the subscriber begs leave *o call
the attention of those wanting, to his stock, which con
sists of the largest and best selected assortment ever offer
ed In this city. The variety of Parlor, Cook, Shop,
; Hall and Oliice Stoves for either wood or coal,
! embraces many new and beautiful patterns, elegant in
I dysign. perfect in proportion, and economical in the con
’ sumption of fuel. Those wanting a cheap and serviceable
Store, with uniform smooth castings, would do well to
! call before purchasing elsewhere. Also a goueral assort
-1 ment of Hardware, Cutlery, Saddlery, Paints, Oils, &c.
l sep 25 tf 39 West King street
Agent fur Hnmphrojß & Co’s Roofing Slate, loann- J> PEOPLE'S BJ0&, STAfIONERY AND VARIETY
factored at Slate llil , York county'. Pa., returns his thanks STORE.- ' -
for the literal patronage heretofore extended to him, arid NOi 33» Worth Street) Lancaster,
respectfully inform* the citizen* of Lancaster city and
couuty, that he is prepared to put on roofs in the best SPBEXQER & WKSTIIAKFFER,
manner, by the very best workmen, on short notice.. Fie (st'CCFJSnBS to ffM. fl nPASQUER.)
invites ttn**e wishing rx>f» put on. to call and examine the Are in constant receipt ofall the new and ValnuM** Book*
quality of the alatu furnished by him. as soon as pub’tshnd. They also keep Con-tantl) on hand.
* WILLIAM WRIGHT, (and sell at the m»sl reasonable rates) all the standard
South Prince Street Laudister. work* u*u *ll v kept in' * well reirnlat.*!
_ ... ' Wholesale and Retail Book Depot.
DR. S. T. PRIGG, Surgeon We have a large stock of SCII-ML BOOKS nfev-ry kind
Deuti.-t. respectfully offers uia pry- in use. which we will sell to Teachers. Directors and-.*h
fußsioual services to the citizens of Lan- '-UjYYTtf ere, at iTreaHv reduced rates. We are the sole a-.--d 9 for
caster and its vicinity, assuring them I l “ ** TO W EIVS READEUS,”
that all '<perations intrusted to hi* cAre. either in Operative comprised in sit numbers, and in use in a large number of
or Mechanical Dentistry, will be executed In a thoroughly our County Schools.
scrientific mariner. We also sell the c-lebmted FRANKLIN GLOBES at
On.ce. Bast King street, Ist door oast of King’s Grocery, manufacturer* price*
£3- Refers to Professors C. A. Harris, A. A B 1 udy, P. u Pelton’* OuOin- Maps.”
11. Austen, of Baltimore College of Dental Surgery.
not 11 ly* 4i> ,
CORN SHELLERS.-A fnll supply of
O the premium Star Corn Shelier fn>tn our own Luanu
fa tory. now on band at \\ hidesale and Retail, and **f va
rious sizes. Tliey are adapted to eitner baud or horse
fiuwer.aud are believed to be til- best shelier* in th~ mar-
Implement and Seed Store, 7ib and Market sts.. Phila.
nov Jo tf 4o
BALTIMORE CARD.-Cloverseed, Flour
AND GRAIN—The undersigned are prepared to
revive conoiimuientfi of CLverseed. Grain. Ac_ shipped by
Railroad, and on which they will make liberal casu ad
vances, as >toil as received, if desired.
General Commission Merchants, No. 21, Spear’s tYharf;
Baltimore. jiu 13) -It 1
Wh-lesale uud Retail at Dr. WAYLAN 3 Drug and
Chemical Store, No. OU, N. Queen St.., a complete assort
ment of tine Sponged. Genuine Havana Segars, Superior
“Gutu Cloth Tapers and Gads LLhters of all sizes. Nursery
Limps. Pure C-d Liver Oil. bubio's, HanelX and Bazin's
Extracts f >r the Handkerchief-. Sapooifier, a superior arti
cle of-Fiuid and Pine Oil, Alcohol, Potash and Mil Aratua,
£c., &c. jau 20 tf 1
LUMBIA BANK in Columbia. Lancaster county, re
ceives Mouey on Deposit and allow interest therefor,at the
rate f>f
4 per cent, per annum for 3 months.
\\' n do do C do
do do 0 do
do do 1- do
SAMUEL SHOCri. Cashier.
3in o
will attend to the R«ntiug of Houses. Collecting House
and Ground Rents, <vc. Agencies entrusted to bis care
will I>e thankfully received, and carefully attended to.—
Satisfactory reference given. Office N. E. corner ol
SEVENTH" and SANSO.M streets, Seeoud Floor, No. Id.
feb 17 ly 5
-\T O T I C E .--Persons removing to the
West or quitting funds there, will find it to their
advantage to take our drafts on New York or Philadelphia,
which command a premium when used 'Yest of the'Ohio.
They are drawn in amounts to suit our customers.
Spanish Coin b >ught at be-t rates.
Premium allowed on old Auiericuu Silver.
Five p,*r emit, iutcrest. per annum, allowed on deposits
payalre mi d-miand without notice.
f-h:M dm *> JuIIN GYGER & CO., Bank-rs.
$073,663 40
3.328,483 3o
TAATE op interest advanced.—
XV 'Vo will pay hen-atter. until further notice.
on our certificates uf d-pusil.-*, issued f«r om- yt'ir
On Certificates for les« than one* year ami on transient
d-ji>»i f s payable on demand../He ]»•>' ca-t. per annum as
$1,954,105 f,5
Tin members »'»f the firm ar* ii.dividua lly liable for all
its obMg-iti"us. JoIIN GYGER A CO.,
feh-14m»3 Bankers.
so, 557.317 22 34;
Xj testamentary nil tin* estate of Mary Flint),
i.itr cf tb.-i'i' vof ban- a.-ter. d-c'd. having been issued to
the s,ih«i fiber redding in said dtv: All p<*r<**n« indebted
to -aid are re<|U■•»■«••} to iii iLc payment iniui>*diat^ly,
ami th"se hiving claims wi I pno.-nt them without delay
prop.-rlv authuuticated f.-r settb merit.
trl. Jdi.ta MICHAEL McGRANN, Ex*r.
{'j ( Mr-p-hitiit.'i lali; ’if the City 'if Lancaster il.c-iueii.—
Letters Testamentary mi the 'above estate having bet n
in 'li.* uml<-rsi;nie<i. Kxf'-ufcr«. all persons havin';
i-’iiima <>i* di-niamls "ill present llii-m ihily authenticated
fur si-nlf-ui' in, ami those inilt- 1 >t»-il »vili make payment
without (Jolav. K W IiKATTS,
fob 24 71 ii
I*,* s o-n ini**r mry nil the estate of ..'•■htl Walk. Hit*-
of'lie 15 ii ui h i.f Washin.rt.oi. Lan. C".. d**e'd. having
Iwi, L''!'-;! t<> the sul'H'-rih r. •I'-iiiirur ::i said ifUYMioh.
ult |..*r- indebted th said ••sU'e a: v n-ju.-t-.l 'u ..i.ik
pi\ Hi.-jji imioi-’liaU'l V. xml I hos«- having claims will jn r
lb* it. wp In mi t lav properly till' hen tinned, for sett h-meli t.
ja.i Li dp .72 ' JOSEPH SCHOCII. K\ r.
j ol' the i'i ! y >*f L:r c..*t<-r -1<• •■<!. L*tt-r> of Ad'iiii.i~
d**i-.si_'o.'il all per-ons ha> ii g claims »>r dein u-.i* will pre
.M*t:t tli-iit ituK authenticated t<»r‘ s-tthi..l 111<>ko in
debted will make pavuirut v. j 1 limit tit-1 u to
Hr her Attorney GEO. M. KLINE.
*n •j(j ’ . • 711
A j (a loti .tn\' —In tli Court of Oomu-ou P o*s f r the
0‘ ’ll ii tv of Line i'’*-v \\ h-ren-.. .J. ha R Ia h. (.. •,m mi' Tee
Ml Marcuret Rriaht. <ii*l ■ n tie- 11th dav of IV! ru*ry It* 77.
tile in the 1 diice . f tie I't ji hrmot;u y ut the said Court, his
Aeci-nnt of ‘-aid Ksta'**:
Not it - ** is ht-rrhv given tr« nil persons interested in the
said Estate. that tin 1 .sail Coin t have apnnjiited tin- 16th
day of M u-.-li 5.77. fot tconfirmation thereof, unless ex
cept! -ii- he tiled. Attest.
,J. IMWMAN, Profheiiiunry.
P.-othv's Office. Fell. id. l‘-77. • !eb 17 4t 7
i j —\ m ' ic;* i« !i-r"i>y -ivi-n. tin* Register tor the
irini-'r.i'i mi fo tli*' undei>ioi,,-l on the e.-Eitc of Henry
Hopple. late of the cUv <>f L'moasLr. in said county,
dei'ea-e i All person*, having elai ns agai nst said .-state
;i) >- h.-n-hy s’ed tn [P!VM‘ <\ !he <:ima «<u! v ailthmiti
.'uifl i r r> ; '\ m~at. and Un-st* in l.'ln. d to smile their a - -
t-<.uui> v.:rJi m dehiv. eith-r with the und-rsitrned resid
in t'l- [h-rr.irrh of [l:t- nr with ,T*ssa Landis.
v for mu-1 estate re'-idintr in tli— Citv of
J.ili'.' K KPI’LK,*
r.t* 1
K.'|'rf!--iiiHtir<-s T .liiJlN N. LANK, lute of the City
~f Lane !>:■•>•. Von are hcrcbv he and
'Hr i;i the i h-i-lnn-' Couit of Lancaster County. nn the
1> th the of March. 1*37. at M o\ lock. A. M-. l" ac.vpt or
refu-e the real (exeejitin.c his lands i;i Lancaster
and counties) of the said deceased at thevauucinn
made thereof: and in case of refusal to show why the'
saute fihonld not be sold accordin'.: to law.
rdi-ritT’s Cilice, Lancaster, Jau. 26, 1*37.
jati 27
(Weekly Pennsylvanian publish 6 times.
_J i the Court ot Common Picas for the i ou ity of Lancas
ter. Wli.-ri as. Jonathan Good, commi; t.-n of Elizabeth
Gi>od. of Hast Har] township did on the 2mh day of Jauu'v
1*57. tile in the Office of the I’rotLi notary of the said
Court, his Account of the said Estate:
Notke > iierehy L'iveri to all persons interes*ed in tlie
said I'.state. that the said Court “have appninteJ the 10th
day ~f .March 1*37, Ibr the confirmation thereof, unless ex
(•■ utions be tiled. Attest.
J. BOWMAN, Prothinotary.
Prothonritnry's Office. Lane r Jan'y 26. 1556.
Ladies taking in washing will iiud it greatly to their ad
vantage in “very point of view, to use our patent Soap.
i No dang ; need In* apprehended as to clothes hot. g in
! jured by using this Scan. as there is not an ingredient in
■ it that has the hast tendency in that direcrion.
i V e have made arrangements with nearly all the princi
pal Crovers in the city for the sale of it, and as soon as
■ we can tnavufactnte- a sulficieut quantity we shall tike
; nir.isun-s to supply Oouutry Merchants. In the mean
! time, persons wishing the article can be supplied at the
■ Manufactory, corner of Duke and Chestnut streets, Lan-
I caster, I’a.
! Having full confidence in the truth of what we assert,
] - STATE OF h¥iRT ROGEIIS-, ES«, & ’ •'fer«■.<• tol-nW ttW »f <1» Soap, aud wo will
Tj WIFK. ill .W Coll, lof C. ; ni...u »** for Iho Cyimly j ;. lis is „„ h , Mhu(l
<>t Lancaster. herms, ” ilium La.pcnter. r.xtcu cr ol . AMEK & F^IRFR
file will uf Isra.-i Carpetilor. di censed, also, was Tru.-t.e of [ : *
Henry lingers. Esq and wile, did . n the '.:7th day of .lan-
.I J tin' Court of C'lmiii 'ii Pleas for the County Lancas
ter. Whereas, .Jacob' Hildebrand. A"ign.-oof tin* Estate
of T. C. A ILK. Miilerdid .m tho 2G:h day of..human .
1 >.07, hie ui th- i Jffiee uf t lie Pruthonotary of the said C' urt.
the aivc.nut of the said estate :
Notice is 10-i-ehy given to all person? : ntcru<ded in the
said estii’e. that the said Court have appointed the ltith
day of March, li-7, for ;h ronliruiaiii u there:f, uules.s
exceptions be tiled. Attest.
Frothy's office. Lnn. dan 2d. 1.-".7
nary file in iljh offi.-e of the l’ridluuiUary of the said , ~I FARMERS OF THIS NEIGHBORHOOD,
O'urr. his account of the said esiatv : ‘ can supply themselves for theii SPRING CKul'.'t,
Notice is hereby given to ah persons invested in the v,j*h
mid l-.state, that ihe -aid C urt have appointed the 1' th ; Leinau's Lure Betie Dust.
day of March. Ik.". fi>r th. confirmation thereof. jii>les>
exceptions Le filed. Attest.
BOWMAN Proth’y.
Frothy's Office, lam. Jan. 27. 1557. fob 3 4t 3
- —— l • - • meets, abounding ill l’"t Ash. Ac.: they hare received rthe
INSOLVENT DEBTOR’S NOTICE— Diph.nuis ~f Four .'tat. s. viz: New deis-y. New York,
1 Take notice that I have applied t£ the .Judos of the Pennsylvania and Delaware. Also, fur sale GL'AN'O, all
Court of Comm<m Pleas ot 1.-uiea-ter county, for the hen - fit kinds. I’i ) rDRI.T PE, <kr. Country Produce received in
of the Insolvent Laws .»f the Coium-imveaPh of Penußyl- payment fa the above, at Market rates, or Drafts on good
vania. and that they have appointed MjINDAY. the 10th houses, c.r Cash registered with orders. promptly atteuded
of MARCH. 1k;,7. at U> o'di ck. A. M., at tho Court House to GKO. A. LEIN AC. (Proprietor.)
in Lancaster, thr a hearing, w hen and where all my credi- . *• N'ew Fire Proof Store," No. lb, South Front Street Phila
furs mav attend if they think pr-p.-r , ’ didphia Citv. I’a. f«b 244in<>
febd'tit." FREDERICK MASIIOCSE. | _ ....
I NEEDS ! DEEDS l I DEEDS ! I ! Infor-
JN THE MATTER OP THE ASSIGNED . 1 / million nf Importance to Scriveners, Cunvojum ere,
E-dute of Henry rf. .-lurk and wife, of Mt Joy Boiounh. : J ustices of Ihe Pea-t* &i\. .vc.
Tin- Auditor* to distribute the I>n!au.vs'"n the-account.-of ' Attention is invited to rim tarije variety BLANKS. ,onpjiAY CALF.—Came to the premise*
Henry Shnfftier. Alienee nf said Sliirk am] wife, will meet ‘ lf Kvery Description. whmh ‘ n *y lic * the Cheitfi ~f undersigned. in Salisbury tnivn-hip. I.uiomt. r
all [nrties interested, on AVedm-srlav, the 11 tli of M;<reh. at il.>ok MiTi's nt MIKHA t. I'lLNu AGO. enutv s-rrie * ime in the month of December !a*t. a red
2 oYl'Ck, P. \l.. at the Lil.rarv Room uf the Court House, ' Our assortment consists in part of Deeds.. Rest Parch- , whjlt , spHTTKD HKIFER PACK: ia ab-mt 7 or 9
in the city of Lancaster. ’ "tent. Parchment Paper ai:d Paper F-lio. Administrator )j)linltl . 011 , T ,„. oW| ,., r is r ,hl to come f-rv ard.
»" d Kxecurm- IWds. H unis Waiver Rond Judgment ~r . . pav char-es nmi take it awav. otherwise
Horn! xud Cin .non Rm.d; Warraira. Pnmnmns, Eiecu- t wi.i 5~ di-p •*. dof accordant to h*.
ti"im. \ end in- Notes C -uditi' ns oi Sale. fic.. Ac. - - j HENDKKSoX
PARCHMENT sEINS<f tlie very lost <ju ditv, always
on hand i;ur ss.ort"i,-nt cannot be surpassed. slf.
VOTlCE.—Letters Testamentary liav- invite uHentl-n t.» 'he Mlowintr: I.AW BtinKS. annum
iN uiz h en irrai ted to tI, H uml-rai-'ti.-d. on Hie eat He of which are X- w Works, and new editions of the .land oil
Ann M'-rt- t). late of the I'uv ot J,an u-'er. uee,.;ised. nil works. Alden’sOnd-msed Rep- nts. Riun's Justi'-e, Purdon’s
persons indebted to the slid estate a r e requested to make Digest F <nn 15 ions . t Jr* yd on s fi-t /,*•«. and Mi K inn-.-y s
immediate pavnient aid tho-c having claims to present Digest. Ac., an i "Uter standard works, without which no
the same f r settlement to ' haw Library t* Now is the tim- to
uU'.KW. VnUXG A C. 1.,
INSOLVENT DEBTOR'S NOTICE.— ! _ feb 24 t |T, North Quern Street and Ceii're Square.
Take uoticetlmt I have applied to tlieCimrtoft umnion ANCASTER GENERAL AND BUM-
I-ieas t>l U».l«: County tor tli. ben-fit M 1 1* Insolv... J N D 1 (KY. Tbo subsmltet i, .bout ecu-
Laws nl the Commonwealth, and they have app luted ... ... ( «•«
MONDAY the M (lit,; of MARCH. 1857. fbr» hMtluir o| m. (-VnERAI, 1 AM) IXSINESS DTRE r TORY Of LANCAS
and niy creditors at tin* Court House in the City of [.an- TKIt FUR
c».,.,r wbrf, .11 P»r.»n. iuWrHttHl m.y ttu-r —. ~R . a nOc-j
-/Am I! .i 1 A- Ml “ ■ • jier,.m uf twi-ut\ i/i.t-t t-ur, (it «tt-. To w.iich .ill be .dtli-ii
fob 10 (Amer, Itep. .mi ter Item. P»P«r 'M'y ) _ 014 * llm , tt „ r 8 T.,„ ni.y
Ul' liMt 4
. _ •• r *\ /v Governments. Pu i<-o. Milit;t r v. Fire I»»-p«rtint*iit. Ne«‘q>a
& -I pars. Churches. Sock-tics. Ward Boundaries, a Street L>i-
ImSS HOUSEKEEPERS rectory, an Historical Sketch A:' l .
\rT^l r P It Will b- published and furnished tn suhccrihere on f-r
V, 1 ‘ h _. about the first of April next, at £lper ropy.payable on
PHILADELPHIA for their Supplies, Iliv Miuscriben* ofli:r Advcrti.imunu ins,?:.-,] cinMci’uilv at «*• :
tbolargvFt amn»Br aB«odn,c„to f : sona blo rates. WILLIAM 11. BOYD.
CHINA. AM) ARL. , Appieton’F Bnildip ".11l ami 'US, Umudiv.iv, N. Y.
In any 'innn'itiiM toimi tin- wants of I'nl.lishar of Appleto,,'., IL,ihv,,y Cn,„ m ..rrml Hp'gist..r and
AT Tilh L)« h.-l H lIOLKbALK PIUCLS DirvcOrie. of Newport. R. I.: 3-hon«'te<lv. Roma. Kin.s- ■
Their nasortmant onil'ract-a Every \nrirty ot Mares. t„ n 3ni | Kmmdnut. N. Y.: Newark and Trvo-'.ii N. .1 , hii.l
from the very Commonest to the Hnest ever impnr ed, A , for , he Directorics published in the Unhed
every article being of the newest ahapesuDd most beautiful
styles. ... . .» • , , ! To be published in Lancaster by Murray. Young
N. 13. It mil cost nothins to examine their stock. Ig. Co s ,, rl .n|j,. r 4 WeslhieTer. llook-ellers '
1,. N K- s HI H-ril bLL, jj The publisher hopes the riti <-n« will f*«c?lithe
‘-19 Chestnut St., above Seventh. . j a b orf . 0 f his canvassers i»y cautioni-ur t p-ir lamUies, clerks.
” or employees to give correct wpelling of names ic.. i r by
T\ANCING ACADEMY.—Prof. F. Stoucli leaving a card with the full name, style apd place of
_| / would respectfully announce to his friends and the ness, Ac., at their residences. Errors to occur by
public generally, that he will open his Dancing Academy the tirelessness of clerks or servants in these particulars, i
f v r the last quarter, ou Tuesday and Saturday afternoons, feb 24 ! 4t 6 j
the 24tb and 28th iuat. Open for Ladies and Youths from r |
3 to 5 o'clock, 1\ M.. and Gentlemen from 3 to 10 o’clock, i I)ROAD TOP COAL.—Office for the sale i
p. M. '» .Dcrfthis celebrated WHITE ASH SEMI-BITUMINOUS j
On Thursday evening, the 2rith. he will give a grand CUAL. No. 24. Walnut Street, betv. *en Front and .Second '
Practising Party in the large room in Fulton Hall. George Streets, Philadelphia, for Steam Generating B'sekemlth- ,
ElUngor’s New Band i 3 engaged for the occasion. iug, Lime and Brick Burning and for Rolling Mill pnrpos- 1
feb 24 St 6 : cb, this Coal cannot be excelled It yields a vt*ry superior
Coke, and as it can be fUrniihed fine or coarse, makes it
FOR. SALE. very desirable for Grates, SU-nra Engines and general man
§3,ooo Bond, secured by first Mortgage on City : ufacturing uses.
Prop- rty. Analysis by Dr. Charles Wetherill, Philadelphia.
93,000 do. do do do • Volatile at lin° water, 080 I Coke, 79 90;
Each of the übove mentioned Bonds bear'd per cent, in- Volatile at red heat, 10 11 | Ash, 313
tercst. payable Femi-aunnally. Owning the land, mining the Coal, and making my own
$lO, 000 Coupon Bonds of the Racine and Mississippi sales, saves commissions, and enables the buyer, to pur-
Railroad Company, bearing 10 per cent, interest. These cha c e at the very lowest price.
Bonds are secured by Mortgage on lands through which feb 24 6m 0 ROBERT HARE POWEL. i
the road runs. Interest payable semi-annually in the city
of New York. TOHN L. KEEPER,
75 Shares Lancaster County Bank Stock, upon BIGN PAINTER,
I which a credit will be allowed to the Ist of April. j Will alwayß be found at his residence, in North Prince
* feb 24 Ot 6 JOHN GYGER & C0.,-Bankers. street, opposite the Moravian Cemetery. l feb 3tf 3
feb 24 3m 6
.1. lU>V,-.MAN, I'pitlfv
lel» :i 4t •
( Examiner nm! Mi.J-.v H.'vaM <’ A p;* <
••Sanler's Elocutionary Clnr+s.”
Webb's Alphabetical Cards.*'
• •• U..lhr-ok’s Numerical Frames and
romnlete School apparatus.” and in short every article
u »**d i n
We have on hand the m< «t extensive scsortuieut of ,
ever offered to the Lancaster Public. ami de r v con-petition
in this particular branch of the trade, being in Dailv Re- .
coipt of Packages from the Cities w* have '■x , r:v*rdinarv
faciliMeg for furnishing all articles no f on h>nd at the :
shortest possible n f >tic**. Our Stock of PAPER. INK, i
PENS and ENVELOPES, is especially recomm* nded. all • f
whkh are purchased from the rua'ju’nrtur-ra. and can be
so'd at very reduced rates.
Also constantly on hand all rh* PERT'‘DIP\LS,
Purses. Pnrtmonaiea, Gold Pens. Tablets. Card Cases, Ca- •
bae. Pap-r Knives. Ac.. Ac
*s* Orders taken for PICTURE FRAMES, of all sizes :
and styles.
In conclusion, we thank the citizens of the citv and
countv of Lancaster fi r the very flattering encouragement
and liberal patronage extended >o a« since we are in bnsi- i.
ness, and hope by a strict attention to business to merit a
continuance of ftvnrs.
Proprietors of the People's Cheap Book Store. No ."W North '
QueoD St. Lancaster. feb 24 tf <3 i
TURER.—SoIe Proprietor of Johnson's highly anproved
and much improved SMUT AND c OREEVTNO MACHTNE:
Improved Iron CoocaTe Bran Duster, the Premium Ma- \
chine for Millers. !
Rfstpexce: VO A 4 QFEEV Street, (ISth Ward.) address
Kensington Poet Office.
Stmp; ITAYPOCK Street, below Front. PIITLAD'A.
Cocalico Mil! Stones, Mill Trons. Smut Machines. Patent
Mill Bush. Portable Mills. Stretched Belting,
Cement « n d Screen Wire.
feb 24 3m 6
H pRI S G GOOD S—l 8 5 7.
Having recently enlarged and extended their srnre Rooms,
can now offer bettor facilities mra fair examination of their
stock. Thev have now open a assortment of
Linen and Cotton Sheetings. Couuterpanes an-i Quilts.
Embos'd Piano and Table Covers, Tickings. Diapers. Vap*
kius, Blaukets, Ac., Ac.
Their stock will be found much more extensive and com
; 1. it* than heretofore, comprising a full assortment of the
finest quality of W.wt and Gilt, as well as Glazed and
Unglazed Paper U.iti.'ing.
They have added to their stock of Merchandise, ft com
plete assortment of China. Dclph aud Queeusware. ami are
now opening 85 Crates und Boxes, direct from the Manu
facturers and Importers, comprising, thev believe. an He
-or*meol equal to any ever offered in this city, all ot which
will be sold Wholesale or Retail, at the lowest prices.
.6S- CALL AND EXAMINE. jail 27 tf
j. LKSs WHALER ’NR SKIRTS. — We take pleasure ;
in again introducing our Improved Seamless Skirt, ns be- j
iug the most acepul/e and reliable arlicle in market: we ■
are aware that many new styles calk'd improvements “To j
before the public, such as India Rubber. Gntta Perclui,
Rattan, Ac..all ofwbich we have if called for—but cannot j
recommend we ii tve experimented withand tested j
them all—(un st of them two years since ) submitting them
to the judgment of competent la,lks to d-cide upon their
in* riis,hud have found them from actual un.*, to he in all
important respects, d-rid-dlv inferior to our properly pre
pmed Whalebone, \vhi• • l* has born in use the past two
v.-ars. ami for which h-a been expressed from all parts of
the country entire smi.-tart hm; and «> have the. more
positive evidence from our own large retail trade, amount
ing to mativ ii* /.<*n per dav. Theref re we confidently
recommeiid our >kirfs to be tin* !ea»t olijer-tiumtb e now in j
the iu'Opni. ma*le bom the old;, mut.-iid that can be used, i
i Ii it « i i! rv i \ er its phi e * h-u pr*--s*-d ~i; i of shs pe. wi 1 j
in t r-'ll or curl is mu afieetc-d by heat or c* 1 I. sod can be
w a -he* i '••iliout iniurv Tin--.* , irds at lb" bottom, in- I
st* a*l o' bo* es. i> hh'h are exceedingly awkward and incon- !
\ciii*nt. with * nr own j * r- (*i r- <1 b**n* s :ih**ve and a fabric i
matinhicMir* *i bv • ms.* i. s I'Xpre-s' v for our goods in out i
esti nation :U| I hie o' thousand- who have nSe<i ;
to the parlor. th<* sfrei't. and tin* croud giving a proper,
graceful ami elegant form to a I adi* - ' lito-s. light, plia
Ule. ea>ilv a'ljnste I aii'i itrevery respect a c'ompl-t**
The public fit•«; c.iiiti *n>-d against all imira'i ns or>tbi-r
g*ois railed .**eamieps Skirts. Every genuine a-tick i*
Stamped I'. .V •!. 11*1 me*' Imp-oved S-tmil'S- Wheh b.*n**
Skiit and an* I'.r s-m* at Market Street. Philadelphia,
an I in the principal Jobbing Houses in New Vo-kan.l
B sr*.„. K. a: J. Ih'I.MKS TO.
Boston. K*.-b. 1. Is.’d. Vbgi fim ti
oru rxiox
•In ncentration then' is strength.
CIIAM.ES E. WKNTZ'a 8.-. U .
hare this da\ urii't-d their s’n.-U of
at the Ion*: .-staMi-hed nlar
T 11 U M A S .1 .
W !-: NT 7. .V c *
where they have maOe e\t- n-iv,. a!i->atand
k.\;gi:!» th i.ik cT"i:r
thu* enabling th< tn to h.ivr the m< *’ 'T*‘"ii .l»'e r oin aiid
li-rht. that can n.- t>-uu t. f r t)i.- rxhddtmn d tii-ir very
extensive assi'i tmrtit of
IMt V Ce>’H)S
To thi< hmtjch of hu-i je>s \v<- dev.>u- uur wh d~ attention
and stand
UNn 1 V A
We a:-'- now *};ii opeoi.ij - :t lir
Sl'MNt; (i-JuDs
ot‘newest styles nml at
i-:AT It.' > AIN>.
N. B^—Call early and save mwiey
1 ' ~ ft ' «5 * *
I u f y «f
COAP ! SO AP ! ! SOAP I t I—The nnder
-1 s i _cin*t.i mkr inis method "f iufurminsr Ui>.' citizens of
the Citv Hu ! ('i uiity of I-uic:is!fr. that they have, at a
pfiit expense. imn'ha'ial the exclusive right to the manu
facture of a ui-wiy invented ami patented
| which. if used according to the direction* accompanying \
' each piece, will tie f.uml to exceed any thiug of the kind j
: ever intrndue-d into this community. !'
| lu using this .“map. the »uh and painful proems i
of rubbing and wearing out clothes and tinkers on tho ;
| wash hoard is entirely <J>\ : ;vd. :
i Cloth.s washed with thisN.sip re-d no boiling, which !
' amounts to a suvipg of uearly the wages of a washer
■ woman. 1
“ Super Phosphate ot Lime, at 540. per ton.
u itrrijj. ni*d I’bosph.ite of 1 ime at sf>o ••
American Fertilizer, at s2;>. p»r ton.
These FertiUzeis are composed of reliable Chemical ele-
Aptii next, til tt o'd istabllsbt-d r mi .*•'
•Ui.i. Mt th.* junction of the Ilnverfoni
ti?'.' 11 ti«* I~hio. wi’h Darn. Out hmavs,
li .ilk uI tMrtv-twn nrres of land. Inquire
I‘tlTr.R 0. MYKR.S, Him«e A.-eut.
c r Tth and Sausuta Sts.. Philadelphia.
4t 5
\ • .>i.E LAXD ' FOR SALE.—The
i ’!t- nr private* salea THAC1 1 DF LAND,
in {»■»*■ ' Fl'»ntinedoa manty. Penn-vlv-uni i,
i* at., i ii.oui 300 Acres, part limes-out* aud part** lan l. one halt uulr* uo>tti ot Burnt Cabins on the
rail 'ending from Burnt Cthins to Huntingdon. one-half
mil** from the et-ntemplftred Railroad from Fishing Creek
t>> Brnnd T"p. Tti-improvements are a good new
II 'VcES. a Double l.og BAHN, with Shed attach- ||o = j
ed ami no excellent jaw Mill. There are 4'
A'T-s of Meadow, and more can be made. Also, alar*e
quantity ot White Pine and Oak Timber. There are more
than a bMXJ pannel of Post and Rail Fence. A good por
tion of the laud was limed every year f>r the last ten
years. Thi« p-operty is well wittered—the Trout Run and
Little Aughwi *k Creek running through the ppqierty. —
A Isn, two wells of good water at the Dwelling H* ure
There is an abundance of Limestone on said property.
This property is convenient to .Mills. Ac.
For further inf-rmation call on the subscriber residing
at P*ur Cabins, Fulton county. Pa.
feb 3 4t* 3 JAMISON KELLY.
IN THE CuU.STY:—The uudendgned will lease for
one or more vears, that best o! Store Stand-, together with
a Two Story Dwelling House, adjoining the same, situate
in Centre Square, in the Borough of Mount Joy, Lancaster
Conntv, together with a Store House, and all appertaining
to said Store and Dwelling. Possession will be g ven on
the first day ot April next, (ISoT.)
Persons desirous of reiittug will please caM > n the ua
dersigued residing in the city of Lancaster. Pa.
N. B. SliouM persons prefer buying to renting, they
will be afforded an opportunity of either buying the same
or any of the other propertied owned by the undersigned in
said Borough of Mt. Joy. B.
dec 2 * tf4b
The undiT-’gned offer to let. fora term nf rears, their
RAILROAD PROPERTY, located in the city of Lanm3»er.
fronting on tl: • i liiladelphia aud Columbia Railroad, one
half square Wed. *f the depot, aud adjoiuing property of
Uitn-r A Bios. Steam Mill.
The property ennsistd of a LOT OF GROUND, ISO feet
deep In 07 f* et wide, haring thereona ONE AND A HAI.F
STORY BUILDING, SG feet deep by So fcet wide, also a
Rai'road Sidling IG2 feet iu length, leaving nearly me halt
of the lot vacant, which id of eody access f**r teams. Tb<*
property is well adapted for business icqiiiriuga rulroad
convenieuce. For fur'her particulars enquire ot the sulv
scribers. ou the premises.
I-'OR RENT, Tlie Store Room, Wnrc
? House and Dwelling on the corner of Cen
tre Square, Strasburg. uow occupied by McC'.or A Ri.ace.
and for many years kept by the subscriber. It is In every
way calculated for doing a good business, and is oue of tho
best stands in the county.
Also, A Two Story Brick Dwelling near the centre of the
Both the above properties-ore for sale if persons
prefer buying. dec 30 ti 60
subscriber offer* at private dale, the «vll known farm,
late the estate of Willaiin Ta^gar.,decern ■ d. situate part in
Northumberland and part in Moutour ••.•unties, I’n., on
the road leading from Muton to Danville and within one
fourth nf a utile of the C. W. and K. K U., roniainln:: ir.
all 277 Acres; about 105 or 110 Act .•« are heavy tim
bered land, principally Oak and Hickory. There is h large
quantity of oak suitable for Ship Timber, and anv amount
of railroad wood ou the farm. Tin- improvi mentp are two
pood DWELLING lI'IUSKS. and one la'-ga Dank
H;:rn, handsomely situated: the ('Li'isquaque
Creek running through the center of the farm, on @| q =
which there is a fall of G feet G inches, suitable for J ~ ~ J
a Saw or Grist Mill.
There is a)«o s fine young Apple and Peach "rchard of
choice grafted fruit, and a large p< rti» n of .Meadow Land.
th w soil of whirl! i« of a loamv nature, one part of the
firm |mnl has been limed, and limestoue within one-fourth
of H mile.
The whole will be sol-1 together, or in part, to suit pur
The above property has lately been very much improved:
within the last year ln.uuo l>u»hels of lime baa been put
on it. and J t«ns of guano.
This property will divide in equal parts, either by the
creek or l»v lh- public road. The term* will bn made ac
eommndsting to suit purchasers, ns bur H*il - «>r the m”n“y
will be required for several yearn, unions convenient to
those who may otnnso to purchase. Anv person with a
small sum to pay in cash, can make the ball no out of the
timber and wood, as the Cattawiscu Hailroad fiirni-hes «
(’a.-.!• market for all the wood 'hat ran be delivered. All
the prodm-ts of tile farm w ill in that place pay better than
in the rji v of Lancaster, in c.nis-quei-ce of the market*
(•r.-afeil t.y the i-oii and o*«al re-inn- 'dose bv. After being
«i'l -i1... ■•••11 on v-asn liable t-nn* a -mu I
i'u 45 Acres of goed bund M'n»fe in
• .Mi't i!'. N'i r' hn o d nwl aml ci'iiui.v. 4 niilw
• :111 1 . s !rMu i.enjshurg and ten f .vn
>: ulaii:'- abuiif u Acres uf TiniH.-r.
.»vd suit-I r-r raising "rain ami buy.
! •:I • 1 wiM'in the last twn v-ars The
.„! TUM STn V II trSM. in tro.. t
sudi i -’it t'.r the farm. There is also
■ 'ih'UAltp anil r.ih.-r Fruit 'I r»v*.
•i in three miles rif the Sm hurv ini]
• >v . mile.. • f th ■ ( 'at.i*i~s.a rsilrnacl It
i ft.... il. and good markets, and r<jiiveni*
;•t, t r f l .
A ■ • v ;• r
hi I i
?' 1 1 T,
iii 1,1111 ■-’'Minty .ics ; rou« nf pinrli
i-. | ~ii \] r. Wil; in in iff. wiii i will fn • rii*h
nr- i■ t' r-Mi**i n <>r mi tin f*is 1 >s<.:riln-r. imur Milton,
-ri 1: lnii-1 flinty Pu.
T. r,;-: will be m;ui.- v-.f-y :u.vonim'»b«* me
«'liill.- :usniue t\vp.. Jan. "0.
New wixe axd liqior store,
N". E\aT Ki'-i'i STiu.f.T, ii'iJn-Jisi'T. marly oppo
site Anthmiv I/a-hl r‘«'f nm-riv SwopeS Tavern.)
Tlif 11 • ilcrHixi i-il will ci'iirt'itiMy kitp mi It and f r
sale at his Lsul li-hment. a hug- s««s* rtim.-nt of
r no ice i-iquoks
of tin* first qrnlitv. such ns Siierrv iui'l Mndoria Wines of
*ui''-ri 'r cj'i'ilirv. Maln/si. Lisbon. Port nml Currant,
11 'll uid Gin. Mmx numb chi, old Riband scutch Whiskeys.
.Vr., which lie wi’i <ell at reasnnaldx rate*. desi
uurs are re'in»jrt , <i! tjlc've him a
.m 4
FA L L A N I) W I XT E U Cl.f>T TI I N (
Wc> «re n>iw Hfl'lins ftt prices tint nlTcr nun<nil UidUM
niHi's t.. pnrr |):isfi>. Kv- rv "f Clotbir ; par-1
■ii this ►-st.-tlilir-l* will bt* U> be the -:uur as r-p-
Dr.-ss and PrAck Coats.OverCoats. Bu = ; jessCo.ih- R ig’-'n
“I‘lrnft nnrl .'hick Coats Hunts. Vests. &!•„ r.f The: n. 'M-et
Stvbs. and i if every variety, which-inis keen nanufiid ur. d
with Lf’-i'-it -are. fr-tn the bent English. Frem n and Ameri
can fabrics, and will be &>ld at. ren>urk?iUv low prices.
No. 3.'>6, Market Street, between 10th and 11th South
West side, Philadelphia. novlS<jn>44
5 it'\RK.
fell 24 rf G
j\ DIVISION, v.ilo.noi- Wt tHTU OF FARM AND
BUILDING LOTS, iu the Gold Region of Culpej-p-r County,
Virginia, to be divid.-i’amongst lo.d'io subsvriLeir, on the
13’h of April, Subarriprh'n unf ; / tm >«rh :
one hhlf d- tvn. the rest on the fletivi ry of the Dnd. Ever;
subscriber will -ret n Building Lot or a Farm. r..iidni! in
valm-from $lO to s2f>.ooo. These Farms and L<"> are sol-1 so
cb.ip to induce settlements. a suflich nt number U-ing re
■ served ti» o increase in fli e value of which v ill compensate
for the apparent low price now asked.
A company of settlers, called “ The Rappahannock Hi.-
n-er Associa‘ion.” is now forming and will c -inmence a
p-tth-nient in the spring. Ample security will be pivou for
the faithful peiformance of contracts and promises.
ffXMore Age..ts are wanted to obtain subscribers, to
whim: the most liberal inducements will bn given. Some
Agents write that they are making Jg'ic per m ntli. Ad
vertising will Ixrdone for evi-ry Agent where possible. For
full particulars. Subscriptions. Agencies. »vc .
Apph to E. R.M'DHR,
jan 13 'tm r»2 Port Royal. Caroline Co., A a.
ber desirous nf quitring tin* Pry Gmvls busines, is de
termined to sell bis entire stork nf I>lt V GOOD’C consisting
of Dress Goods, Shawls. Woolen. Linen and Cotion Table
Cloths. Pleached and Brown Muslin TicKtng. Blankets.
Cloths Cassiinnres. Cassinets. Kontmkv J ans. Linen and
C’ott-n Pants Stuff, Oil Ck’h Window Shades. Carpets and
Mats, and n great Tariefy of other articles generally kept in
a Dry Goods Store, which he will SELL OFF AT FIRST
COPT PRICK. in order to close out the Pry Goods.
Bonnets and Miilinerv Goods kept constantly on hand
cheap at wholesale or retail. L. IJAC.M,
d-cdOttSM fi'2 North Queen street Lancaster.
SPICES— Cinnamon. Pepper, Allspio-. Cloves. Mustard
Muce. GiQger. Coriauder, Sxvee (Marjoruin. Ac., at
Drug Store, West King at.. Lanriw*ter.
LOGWOOD, Extract Logwood, Indigo, Justin, Alum.
Blue Vitriol. Copperas. Annatte. Prussiate, Puta.-.h. Madder,
Verdigris. <tc.
For dale at THOMAS KLL.Sj A K ER’S
Drug & Chemical Store, West Kiug at.. Lancaster,
dec 4 tt 46
] SEED, consisting of Purple Top, -V. hit'* Flat.
Dales Hybrid. White Norfolk. Yelh-w Aberdeen. Purple Top
Ruta Baga, Green Top, do., at Wholesale an t Detail.
Impiemen t and Seed Store, 7th aud Market, Phi'a.
July 2*2 tf^T
r I ’’W O E nTR AYS.—Came to the premises
i ~l f i . n I.- i .U-r in Manic uiw-nnhip. 3b;mi e- south
wi •1 1 i -o 1-. nn or about the firs' of U-r-ml»-r.
'I W. \ "TLK. vi - : ..oe 2 war old Ilielh r. ted
•• nth-r - a Hull Calf one year old red
aiei ■ - Mi « bite tve.
, - ( >. : .Mnnnfaclory.—SAMUEL ML-
V h*.,. ~ ;',.s tor the libera! patronage hi-reto
f're bef'ow iin-'ii him. and respectfully Informs his cur
foniet s ui.-l *1 e public generall V. t hat he Still continues at
the old stand in West King street, nearly opposite Fulton
Hall, and i» prepared to manufacture to order
Copper Ware,
In all !•? various brandies, and on the most reasonable
terms. lie invitos his country friends especially tn give
him a call, as he is confident r»f being able to pleflse.
Livery Stable.
H«hlbo keeps constantly on band, for hire. UoU'FS,
CARR I AGES. BAHuUCHES,&c.. &c., all iu excellent order,
and furnished at the lowest rates.
Give him a call when you need anythinß of the Lind,
and he will *uit you to a nicety.
PAN'D! PAN'Dl—Fiv« Hundred Loads of Sau.l on baud,
which will b** delivered to anv p*rt of the city. Uonjes
and Carta to be had at all timed, at the Liverv Stable of
samukl dillku.
IVest Kiug at.. Lancaster.
pr 22 tf 14
CHAVIS and Wholesale dealers in nil kiml-o! For
eicn ami Domestic LEAF TOBACCO, Manufactured
ci. »nrl Foreign »n(l Domestic SUGARS. 21 South Front Ft.,
Philadelphia. Importers ot fine HAVANA bhuAltb of
the choicest growths of ibe toelta-abajc.
A large assortment of which are kept constantly on hand,
ami for sale at a small advance on cost of importation.
Consignments respectfully solicited, uii which liberal
advances will be made when desired.
N. b.—Special attention giyen to orders for purchase on
commission, of Tobacco, aa also every description of Mor
chiindise. for account of parties living at, a distance hom
this market. t , _
SGT Sole Agent for F. A- Goetzo’s Celebrated German
Smoking Tobacco, comprising thirty different varieties,
apr 8 12
Proposals for loan.—in pursuance of
the provisions of an ordinance pawed by the Select
and Common Councils of the city of Lancaster, on the sth
day of August, 1660, proposals for loaning to said city the
sum of s'2o,ooo,as a permanent loan', in sums of not less
than $lOO, will be received at the Mayor’s Office, for which
coupon bonds and certificates of City Loan will bo issued.
Said loan to bo appropriated to the payment of damages
accruing from opening streets witoin said city.
gept9tf 31
(Examiner copy )
tf 1
*ffj 10 C"int- t'urw'inh pro\> property,
• th-m awny, other win*- they wil ho
1., law. JOHN CL \ K K.
•2ui' ,'jij
REGISTER’S NOTICE.— The accomts of the
E'tatubOf the respective decedents hereunto annexed,
rtu filed iu the Koplster’s Office of, Lancaster couuty, for
confirmation and allowance at an Orphans 1 Coart of said
comity, commencing on Monday the 16th day of MARCH
rovt, at 10 o’clock, A. 31., in the Court House, in the
city of lAncHtder. as lollowg. to wit: l
Sophia Lrser, Clay township. By Peter Elrct, Executor.
David A. Fl-iniuir, Salisbury township. Guardianship Ac
count. By Jame- Chniion. Guardian of Eva R., Lucinda
ami David C. Fleming, minor children of d*-cea»e»i.
Esther Schnupp East Earl township. By Frances Groff
atid John Sehlomridce. Admioistrstors *>f David Graff,
Ksp. deceased, who was Administrator of Esther
Slip Ut’p deceased.
Rnlx-rt P. Huvers, Sali-hnry township. Supplemental and
Final Account. By William P. Caldwell, Administrator.
Ahmbntn Illges. West Urmpficld township. By Jacob M.
Grvider. Executor.
Marv Khy, Elizabeth township. By Leri Eby, Adminin
James A. Sterrct. Borough of Mount Joy. Second Ao-
L-i unt. By John S. Stern t, Executor.
Susanin Bruliarlirf. Ktipho towunbip.
barber, Administrator.
Barbara Geik Penn township. Guardianship Account
By Jacob Sherer and Ja-ob l, Springer. Administrators
of Abmham.Sherer. Gmrdian of Elizabeth. Jyseph, Ad
dison ami Jeremiib Martin, minor childrerl of Nancy
Martin, deceased. who was ft daughter of Barham Geib.
Peter Stauffer. Klizabeth township Trust Account. By
Gabriel Bear and Benjamin Stnutler, Executors and
Trustees under the Will.
Levi B. Johns. Upper Leacock township. By Rosanna
Johns. Administratrix.
Elizabeth Bau-her.-City of Lancaster. By Francis Shro
der. Administrator.
Christian KillhetTor, Manor township. Guardianship Ac
count. By .Abmham Milb'r, Guardian of Henry KlU
ht iT. r, oneofthe minor children of deceased.
Sarah Leader. Borough of Marietta. By Joshua Leader,
Administrator de bonis non.
Alfred Pyle, Drumoro township. fly Adam Black and
John L. Gregg, Adunui-tretors.
Christian Longonecker. West Donegal.township. • By John
Loneenecker, Administrab r.
Peter Frankfort, Munheim township. Guardianship Ac
count. Bv John Miller. Guardian of Matilda Frankfort,
(uow of age.) a d uighter of deceased.
John Uest-s, Went Lampeter township. By Benjamin Hess,
Daniel Martin. Earl township. Guardianship Account.—
Bv Amos Martin. Guardian of Lvdia Marfn. (now de
ceased.) who was or ■■“ the minor cb'Mrer. of deceased.
Daniel lluch. Farl tt.wi..->hip. By Benjamin PhoaiTer, Ad
ministrator.>eth Meyer v formerly .if P;n ing Garden township,
York county, and late of West Earl township. Lancaster
countv. A further Aerouut. By Michael Schriver and
John le-fever. Executors.
Samuel Unison, Fast Lampeter township. Guardianship
Account. Bv Michael G. Ponder. Guardlau of Harriet
Iloloon. a minor daughter of deceased.
Thomas Dowt ev. I-eaox-k township Guardianship Ac
count. By John Quiglev. Guardian of Salome Downey,
(tmw inter married with U. G. Hickman,) daughter of
Philip Oldwviler. Sen.. Borough of Elizabethtown. By
Philip Olthwilcr. Executor.
Henry Eshleman. Martic township. By John Mecartoey
and Jacob Eidilemau, Administrators with the Will an
Car'd iuo Faust, Warwick towusbip. By Leri Hull, Ad
John Mollinger. Stnisburg township. By John B. Mclling-
IT and Benjamin Mellinger Administrators.
Ail«n Summv. Mmdershurg. East Ijtimpeter township. By
Jowl 1,. l.igMner. Administrator.
John Pyle. H.-rough of Mount Joy. Guardianship Ac
<•,,111,1. Bv lloury Shaffner, Guardian of John F. jTtylo,
gjSiiphia A.' Pyle and Philip A. Pyle, minor children of
«u- lima Keener. Elizabeth township. By Joseph S. Keener.
Christian Kreiiler, Conestoga (now Pequeai township
Guardianship Avenue*. By Michael Krvider, Guardian
of Christian Kr.-id.-V, a mi-mr -.on of deceased.
Adam Keener, formerly Warwick, now Elizabeth township.
Bv Joseph S. Keener. AdrniniMrafor.
Barney Barnes. Coimy township. Bj Joseph Fogle, Ad
minisfraior. de Kmis non. wiiu AVill annexed.
■.Margaret Rtrne.s. (Widow,) Coney towujhip. By Joseph
Engle. Administrator.;ih Keilf. Jr.. West Enrl township. Guardianship Ac
count. Bv Benjamin Wenger and Jacob Horst, Exocu
t„r« of J -hn M. Horst, deceas'd,’who-was Guardian o-
I)avid KeilT aud Susanna Keith minor children of def
Henrv Becker. Warwick township. Ganrdlamddp Ac
count. Bv Henrv Erb. Guardian of Marla Becker, one
of the children and heirs of deceased.
Jacob Missomer. Mount Jov township. By Jacob 11. Mis
senier. one of the Executors.
Daoi-l Kiiz. Willow Street, Peque.n township. By John
Mecartnev. Administrator.
Abrjihani Burhwalt-r. East Lamp, t-r township. Guar
dianship Account. Bv Benjamin Witm-w. Guardian of
•\im Bowalt-r. now of a re and wile of John W. Bonder,
late a minor dan Alter of d**(—a.sed
Aim Cii’-pent.-r. Epper bea.-o.dt township. By Rosanna
Johns. Aduiitii-tratrix de bonis non i urn te.stiunento
ani ex".
B. B. Ksbleman. ParadNe township. First Account. By
M-*ry 1-Mib J. Harvey Kshleuiun and J. J. Eshlo
lnan, Admroi-tratsirs.
Ann Gao-on. Dmmore township. Guardianship Account.
Bv Pbili-' W lb'iisekeep-r. Guardian of Kmm.a. Alice
and Marv Gans->n minor children of deceased.
Lydia I'u-ev. I'- iunore township. Guuidiat iship Account.
l’_\ Plolio W'. II n-ek-c-per. Guardian of Chany 11. Pu
,rv. inim r c-l-iM "t dec.-as-d
Janie-; V 'liiiv. Ilium *r- i.►«n-liilmardiaoship A'-nunt.
Pv Philip W ! B niseki-fp-r. Guardi-m of Mary Eliza and
>! • , gm-et J in in< i|- <'h ild p-m of d -<va--ed.
Ja<--b Slyer r'lermirv.-u t -wnship. By Samuel Slyer and
Isaac S’ v- r. Adiiiuiisi r tors.
Ja-id. r. Penn t we-hip. By Daniel Shreiner, Ad
minim nil >r.
Adniitiis' rato
K) v and Da- i>-l B. lo
John" Fr m- J--. Wo-wi.-k luWiMun G oa-dhivdiip Ac-
B- 11-’ry Frank. Guardian of .Mari i Frank,a
minor child of d-O'-iw-d
.-runnel l,oogene,d<er. IVni township. By Rarhu-n Lcme
em-ckec l.exj i,on;; and C)rus W. Milter, Ad
Datii<-I 'lvli". West Lamii'-tcr township. By Samuel Barr,
Charles Wiuinnn. Lancaster ("ivii hip. Py David Nauman
Elizabeth Butt.. West Donegal township. By Samuel Rutt,
Wi KniiP'O paradise township. By Hugh W. Jb-bin-
p m. A'linini*t r iii’ r
David Erb. Warwick township. Bv Jacob Erb and John
B Erb F.\ecu i u's
Christian G-off. Mount Jo\ township. By Jacob Slp-rer
nml .Incdi |, Spriuirer. Administrators of Abraham
Sh'Ter. "bo was one ol t!ie E.\e.utors of Christian Grolf,
Christian Groff. Ah not Joy township. By Christian Groff,
surviving Exe'-uter.
Adam Smith. Borough of Manheim. By Daniel Danner,
Benjamin S. nrl—e»- (V.imsioga township. By Frederick
S'HirLeer A <iin 1 n»u* < >r.
John Wi*man Kaplu> township. By.Mm survi
ving I-.xorn'nr
N. Mock. West Lamp“KT township. By John
Knhrer. Admhii-tni'or.
Iloto-y Ni.-holiis. IP-rough of Mari-'tt't. By Simon S. Nagle,
Administrator with W iil am • x-d.
John Kin.'waU. Cx-noirvon townsliip. lly David Ringwalt,
Solo Ksorntoi.
j„ m •* P.ovl. B*-rough of Columbia. By William Boyd,'Ad-
John Ret/er. Jr. township. By Deborah Ann
Retz.-r and William l’ixs«n, Administrators.
Jam.H G 11.-ndiTsnn. .Salisbury township. Bv Levi Pnwn
all. jr., G.-nrge Stet l.- and Thomas B. Ib-ndersnn, Ail
mitii'trators. -
John Killin'-. Rm-nuLdi r. f Elizabethtown. By Isaac R.
Kuhns ar.rl Adam Benin. Administrator-
David Binkh-y. Manheim township. By John Holler, Ex
B'-njaniin Landis. East Lampeter tow nship. By Benjamin
U Hindis lind Dtvid Luryiis. Executor*.
Jdm Hod (.o:: iy tr wuship. By Lyman W. Hoff, Admin
AHram Kogorrize. B->mugh of A-tatnatown.—
Bv Hsaiis Billing-felt and Henry Echternacht, Adminis
trators. *"
Edward Lutz. Hast Ooralicn township. By George Lutz
and Samuel Lißz. Ex<eutorn.
Adam Stover. Brecknock township. By Samuel Stover,
Ading Executor.
Samuel Grill. Brecknock township. By Henry Von Ncida,
Jr.. Administrator.
Daniel Myers. Hast l-ntup.-ter township. By Henry Myers
anil David llarnish. Executor.
Benjamin Mussulman, Conoy township. By John Kob,
John B. Landis. West Lampeter township. By Martha
Landis. Amo- M. Landis and Abraham S. Landis, Ad
William Gal-el. West Hempfii'ld township, Guardianship
Account. Bv .Jacob Klug. Guardian of John P.. Jacob,
KB/. .Beth and Mary Catharine Gabel, minor children of
Rev Thomas M. Boggs, borough of Mount Joy. By 8. S.
Patterson. Administrator.
Jacob Petei *. rity of Lancaster. By Abraham K. Peters and
Jacob Bailsman. Executors.
Jacob Den uth. city of Lancaster. Guardianship account.
By Dr. Fn-d’k A. Muhlenberg. T'-stamenf -rv Guardian of
Andrew E. D*-muth. fnow of age* ) and of Juliana F., Ra
' . Ind A. and Emily R. Deint-lh, tin* tb-ey remaining minor
children of said dereiiAed.
Andrew Kautlman. Lancaster township. By A. K. Ilostet
ter ami .!. B Brubaker, Executors of .Jacob Hostetler,
who was surviving K v ecu'or of said deceased.
William W. Petirn l. city of Lancaster. Guardianship ac
routit. Bv Emanuel Schaeffer, late Uuardiau of Barah
Elizabeth pHiim l. a daughter'if said dcry-sed.
1 George E. J--hns L'pper Leacock township. By Israel 11.
! Johns, A-'miuLtiaior.
John N. I.ane. ri'y of Lancaster. Partial Arcnunt. By
I It. Lane arid G Tailor Lane.. Admitmtrutors.
; Jacob BaMirnan. Bart towu-hip. By* John S. Keheagy,
: A'lininisfrator.
, Jacob Mir-semer. Mount Joy township. By Henry 11. Mis-
Scmer. one of the Executor-*
B. M. STAUFFER, Register.
Register's ORire, Lim-'r Feb Ik, ls.’>7. fe-b!7 4t5
Proprietors of this 1 mg established an 1 popular Democratic
Magazine have, I y the advice r»f distinguished friends,
in.uh- ;uringements to publish it. commencing with Janu
a v 3d. la 7. in tlie f-rm of a Weekly Juitrnal. Each
number iil r’ntain eight pages, and forty c damns of
reading matter, and will be printed on fine paper, and its
tyo< gfspbii-al execution wi 1 le superior to «uy Weekly
Joii-tPil piT ii-ro-d in the V- i-<d states.
The I‘iiUTICA L DEI’ABTM ENT will contain solid and
well dig—t' d nrti'h-H on all matter* of naG-ntl conrorn,
dii l p.cit ; -ai in y.lig n- e from .-very n-.rtion of the coun
try. Eminent wViters in the Denn-criMc party will coo
t, Bute t-i its co umit*. and its tone * ill he si rictly naiioual
Mil C"t Set V:t> i Ve.
Tin- department of LITERATURE will contain a choice
and copi- u» selection > f sparkling ami varied fiction, > rigl
liai and seb e'ed—interesting tales, bio/mphies, travels and
ad ven i un-—sketches of character aud social life, and etuays
upon art and mm ais
Tho d-partmentH of DOMESTIC and-FOREIGN NEWS
will pr-seni a weekly revj.-w of events in every portion of
the 01-1 World and \meiica.
The p iX'-edin-.-s in fi >NG RES-L carefully collect-d from
the Official Rep rt s. will t*e published: aL-. elaborate and
for the M«n of Rusiness and the Farmer, a reliable and
impartial review of the MARKETS, and of MONEY and
COMMERCE, will i-c given in e>*ch number, with the usu
ally I u E-re” i rig iti format inn and ‘•tatistirsof the day. l or capomh-ntc At Washington, LoDdon. Paris,
and o'hcr chief P -in's 1 t i’ t-test will c otribnte whatever
in life and liti*ntftiie is w- rth tellimg or residing.
In short. th-» J'ropriet -rs »ill spare neither money nor
labor, to mol o The U.mtf.l) Stitzs Dkmoi ratio Review the
be't Weekly New -paper ever published in the United Statrfl.
RprciAl. Notice. —W*« have made arrangement* to publish,
on or the first day of June next, a valuitde and
elegant W. rk t<* ts* entiti.-d “JAMES BUCHANAN AND
HIS CABINET.” The Lo< k will contain Portrait* ot the
President, the Vice President. Secretary of BUte, Secretary
of War, Secretary of the Navy. Secretary of the Treasury,
Secretary of the Interior, Po-draasterG-neraland Attorney
General, engraved on steel by the celebrated Artist. Buttre.
Each Portrait will be accompanied by a Biography, care
fully prepared from authentic sources. The letterpreM
will be printed on typo made expressly for this work, aod
on tho tiu*-8t paper. The book will be in quarto form—
handsomely bourn! with side title, and, as a Work of Art,
will be the most elegant book ever presented to the public.
This book will bw prepared expressly for presentation to
the subscribers of the Review fur 1567. and will be for
wordiHl by mail (free of postago) to each subscriber, as soon
as issued from the prens. No copies willotherwlßo be Bold.
Terms of tho ItEViEW—TIIItEE DOLLARS, invariably in
advance. ,
Pnstmasterß amiolhero, who roinlt us $l5 for Five Sub
scriptions, will receive a copy of tho Review for one yew’,
and a copy of “Buchanan and bis Cabinet,”,gratis.
Address, L. 1\ HARRISON A CO.,
71 Nassau street, New York City., •
* * jtr. GKORQE R. SMITH is the General Agent tor
the Review for the United States. We have no Local
I Agents. Whenever any shall be appointed, wo will giro
! notice of the fact. • 6 tf 51
HA* Rockafleld A Co., Next to Kramph’s
,Clothing Store, Kast Orange street, Lancaster Pa.
Dealers in all the new and popular FAMILY
CINES, PERFUMERY, Ac., Wholesale and Retail. ..t ..
They have just received a fresh supply of Wolfe’i
Celeorated Aromatic Scheidam Schnapps and will sell to
retailers at Proprietor’s prices. June 2d tf-23 .
By Peter Bra-