Lancaster intelligencer. (Lancaster [Pa.]) 1847-1922, January 08, 1856, Image 4

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. uojeo ilfitilfi - liasciAeii an r y leen
- . 2impor - i one, Of ,ao amending 'the provisioatt
of the tate for the extradition of fugitives.
Mos' segoe as to placelhatpublic daty under
the saf aril of the general government, and
thus relieve it from obstacles raised up by the
legisladon of some of the States.
Vain declamation regarding the provisions
- of law for the extradition of fugitives from
service, with occasional episodes of frantic
effort obstruct their execution by riot and
Inurder continued, for a brief time, to agitate
!certain ocalities. But the true principle, of
leaving each State and Territory to regulate
its own awe of labor according to its own sense
orrigh and expediency, had acquired fast hold
of thepublic Judgement, to such a degree,
that, b -common consent, it was observed in
' the or nization of the Territory of Washing
: ton.
. .
• When, more recently, it became requisite to
organiZe the Territories of Nebraska and Kan
sas, it cas the natural and legitimate, if not
the ine:table consequence of previous events
and le 'elation, that the same great and sound
princi le, which had already been applied to
Utah rid New Mexico, should be applied to
them; that they should stand exempt from
the re-trictions proposed in the act relative to
to of Missouri
e restrictions were, in the estimation of
onghtful men, null from the beginning,
orized by the constitution, contrary to
stipulations for
_the cession of Louis•
‘nd Inconsistent with the equality of the
3 , had been stripped of all moral an
r, by persistent efforts to procure their
ct appeal through contradictory enact-
They had been practically abrogated
thori ,
legislation attending the organization of
New Mexico„and Washington. If any
y remained in' them, it would have been
laway, in effect, by the new territorial
by th
In the form originally proposed to th•
e at:the first session of the last Congress.
manly and ingenuous, as well as pa-
and just, to do this directly and plainly
us relieve the statute-book of an act
whic 1 ,
might be of possible future injury, but
of I 1 possible future benefit ; and the measure
of it repeal was the final consummation and
corn ete recognition of the principle, that no
porti n of the United States shall undertake,
thro gh assumption of the powers of the gen
eral overnment, to dictate the social institu
tion of any other portion.
T e scope and effect of the language of re
peal ere not left in doubt. It was declared
in terms, to be "the great intent and meaning
of this act not, to legislate slavery into any Ter
ritory or Sta,te, nor to exclude it therefrom,
but to leave the people thereof perfectly free
to form and regulate their domedtic institu
tione in their own way, subject only to the
con4itution of the United States."
The measure could not bo withstood upon its
mer4s alone. It was attacked with violence,
, on the false or delusive pretext, that it consti
tate a breach of faith. Never was objection
mor utterly destitute of substantial justifica
tion When, before, was it imagined by sensi
ble en, that a regulative or declarative stat
ute, whether enacted ten or forty years ago,
is i epealable,—that an act of Congress is
abo e the constitution ? If, indeed, there were
in 't e facts any cause to impute bad faith, it
wold attach to those only, who have never
cea4ed from the time of the enactment of the
restrictive provision to the present day, to de
nounce and to condemn it ; who have constant
ly refused to complete it by needful supple
mentary legislation ; who have spared no ex
ertion to deprive it of moral force ; who have
the selvesagain and again attempted its re
pe by the enactment of incomprehensible
provisions ; and who, by the inevitable reac
tionary effect of their own violence on thesub
jec , awakened the country to perception of
the true constitutional principle, of leaving the
ma ter involved to the discretion of the people
of he respective existing or incipient States.
• I is not pretended that this principle, or
an other, precludes the possibility of evils in
pre Lice, disturbed as political action is liable
to eby human passions. No form of govern
me t is exempt from inconveniences; but in
thi case they are the result of the abuse, and
not of the legitimate exercise, of the powers
res rved Or conferred in the organization of a
Teiritory: They are not to be charged to the
grunt principle of popular sovereignty ;:on the
contrary, they disappear before the intelligence
and patriotism of the people, exerting through
the ballot-box their peaceful and silent but ir
resistible power.
1 f the friends of the constitution are to have
another struggle, its enemies could not present
t- a more acceptable issue, than that of a State
wliose constitution clearly embraces " a repub
lican form of government," being excluded
frcm the Union because its domestic institu
ticns may not in all respects comport with the
nlris of what is wise and expedient entertained
i some other State. Fresh from groundless
imputations of breach of faith against others,
men will commence the agitation of this new
qtestion with indubitable violation of an ex
p ess compact between the independent soy
e •ign powers of the United States and of the
R public of Texas, as well as of the older and
e ually solemn compacts, which assure the
c uality of all the 'States.
But, deplorable as would be such a violation
o compact iu itself, and in all its direct con
-8 quences, that is the very least of the evils
i volved. When sectional agitators shall have
siicceeded in forcing ou this issue, can their
etensions fail to be met by counter preten
s ens? Will not different States be compelled
✓ spectively to meet extremes with extremes ?
ml, if either extreme carry its point, what is
t at so far forth but dissolution of the Union ?
I a new State, formed from the territory of
t o United States, be absolutely excluded from
a mission therein, that fact of itself consti
t tes the disruption of union between it and
t e other States. But the process of dissolu
ton could not stop there. Would not a sec
t oval decision, producing such result by a
1 ajority of votes, either Northern or Southern,
GI . necessity drive oat the oppressed and eg
g ieved minority, and place in presence of each
other two irreconcileably hostile confedera
dons ? ,
! It is necessary to Speak thus plainly of pro
"ects, the offspring of that sectional agitation
now prevailing in some of the States,which are
as impracticable as they are unconstitutional,
and which, if persevered in, must and will end
calamitously. It is either disunion and civil
rar, or it is mere angry, idle, aimless distur
bance of public peace and tranquility. Dis
union for what? If the passionate rage of
Ginaticism and partisan spirit did not force the
idiot upon our attention, it would be difficult to
believe, that any considerable portion of the
people of this enlightened country could have
so surrendered themselves to a fanatical devo
tion to the supposed interests of the relatively
l'ew Africans in the United States, as totally to
Abandon and disregard the interests of the
twenty-five millions of Americans,—to trample
under foot the injunctions of moral and con
tititutional obligation,—and to engage in plans
of vindictive hostility against, those who are
Issociated with them in the enjoyment of the
ommon heritage of our national institutions.
! Nor is it hostility against their fellow citi
ens o one section of the Union alone. The
uterests, the honor, the duty, the peace, and
he prosperity of the people of all sections are
quaky involved and imperilled in this ques
ion. And are patriotic men in any part of
Union prepared, on such an issue, thus madly
to invite all the consequences of the forfeiture
of their constitutional engagements? It is
impossible. The storm of phrenzy and faction
must inevitably dash itself in vain against the
unshaken rock of the constitution. 1 shall
never doubt it. I know that the Union is
stronger a thousand times than all the wild
and chimerical schemes •of social, change,
wltich are generated, one after another, in the
unstable minds of visionary sophistg and in•
terestod agitators. I rely confidently on the
• patriotism uf the people, on the dignity and
sell-re.qe•ct of the States, on the wisdom of
Congress and above all, on the continued
gracious favor of Almighty God, to maintain,
against all enemies, whether at home or abroad,
the hiictity of the constitution and the in
tegrity of the Union.
Trwshtliglon, December 31, 1855.
1 - I la: e.--Th.• hule,riber begs bare to intbrui the nubile,
that ho sill rurnii,l% slate for building or cover ra n k
,u the most selistaelory and durable manner with slate
' I the and '.1J"..1 quality as il,ired. All work guarau
eed lo rive entire ballsEtetiou, and done ut the shortest
iti, Apply peoonally or by leper . . ,
Bottom P. O. York Co. Pa
or John Rider, Agoot I.3nrkster oil
... (,1. _, a ~. ::r, :;m
8. fillit011)11:1( 6c Co., Bankerm.—Take
J • i great :iir•• Jo Informing the publie that tln have
ade o.,no•rsuolot that they cars. sell drafts on
ny flo• h...,..•1, phwer in Europe. Persons desirous
!• I,4 •odls.fmy In Ili...friends please rail, us we always
Jars Ilsoin •. 4.1 In slims to suit.
Ilsr li, !i.•10.,, Nl:label:3i, ltasblt,
Brene.n, I Isle be rg, Nictseow, Sol!ordain,
Srusseo, I leidei 1,..r, , , Madre], Some,
iilll4il, K 4, 111 . 40,114., N umbel g, Stultgardt,
:oblens„, Kl.l, Snub., Strasburg,
Dan lzig, 1...,1,,i, !h.q., Sleek bairn,
asrmstali I, I.eiel ~,, , Prag, Venire,
Frankfort!, Ira, int,,,: ' l',l, ,Wl.n,
Freiburg, begle;ru. 1 . ..5t ti, Warsaw,
Florenoe, Lisism.
I Money received on 11..poloit for may number of days and
paid back whenever wonted, with 6 per cent Intereet, and
If left in one ye r, taN per ,ant Ix allowed.
oct 24
FOR SALE.- •At ehemnut Street Iron Work g, a now
CI'LLVDER Ilutum for Steam Engine, :!:1 foot long and 30
In diameter, made of best No. 4 Iron.
deo 4 3t 48
_ .
Prepaiing:--CHAS7 M. ERBEN & BRO.
have now commenced receiving their large
spring stock of CHOKE Div Goons, and they will
be daily replenishing their assortment by constant
fresh arrivals, as he season progresses, with every
thMg that is new and desirable in their line of
Goods. Those wishing - good Goods at very low
prices, will do well by a visit Ma M. BAS Vi m
n .
North Queen et., adjoinging- Sprecher's Hard.
ware store. [march 28 tf-10
Notioe to Tra welers....From and a ft er Monday
Dee 18, 1854, the - Christiana & Chesnut Level Stage
Line will leave • Christiana Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Saturdays, at 1 P. IL, via
Coopersville, Green Tree, Paxson's Store
QuArryville; Spring Grove, Mechanics' Grove, to nt
Level; returning, will leave the Level at 5 o'clock, A. IL,
on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and return the
same route to Christiana.
The above arrangement will afford persons an opportun
ity of traveling in either of two daily lines of ears to and
from the cities of Philadelphia and Lancaster.
Dec. 12 tf47] By order of the Managers.
nor Rent.—Two Large rooms, in South Queen Street,
.4_ next door below the office of lion: Thaddeus Stevens
Possession given immediately. }inquire of the Fdltor of
It el ligencer."
New Iron and Brass Foundry .— The Pro
prietors of the LINCASTEE LOCOMOTIVE Worms would re
spectfully call the attention of the public to the extensive
IRON and BRASS Foundries connected with their estab
lishment. We are now prepared to Manufacture
Stationary Engines,
Mill and Saw Mill. Castings,
Car Wheels,
and every other description of cast iron work at short no
Mee and reduced prices. Also, all kinds of
Brass. Castings,
Copper Rivets,
. Solder and ,
Babbit Metal.
The establishment is under the Superintendence of Mr.
John Brandt, Sr. whose mechanical skill is well known to
our citizens; and as none but the most competent and
thorough workmen are employed, we are confident of giv
ing entire vatisfaction, to all who may favpr us with their
patronage. ifeb 20 tf-5]
('1 nano I Guano : S Guano : : S—Just received a
blot of superior Guano, in Barrels. For sale in lots to
suit purchasers, by . GEO. CALDER di CO.,
Office 3-11/: N. Queen street, and st 0 roars Landing, on
the Conestoga. june 12 tf-21
LI pant sh Sole Leather.-10(N) pound of Schlosses
I,Dilest Spanish Leather.
1000 pounds of Big Core best Spanish Leather.
1000 pounds of liemlock Red Sole Leather.
1000 pounds of Country Tanned Slaughter.
Together'with a large assortment of evesy kind of Leath
er, suitablq . fur Shoe Dealers and Saddlers, to which the
trade is resjitetfarify invited to examine.
At the Sign of the Lust, No. 17% West King street.
PATENT & FRENCH CALF SKINS.—A superior article
of French and Patent Calf Skins, just received and for sale
at the sign of the last, N0.17A West King street.
M, 11. LOCHER.
MOROCCO & PINK LININGS.—SO doz. of Pink and Bark
colored Sheep Skins ou band.
So doz. of Morocco, of every description and quality, for
sale, at the Leather, Morqcco and Shoe Finding Store, sign
of the Last, No. MA West King st. M. li. LOCLIEh.
LASTS & BOOT TREES.—A large and well selected stock
of Lasts and Boot Trees, for sale, at reduced prices, lower
thou can be bought In the city, at the Last Store, No. 1714
West King street, below Steinman's Hardware Store.
SIIOE NAILS.-ICOO pounds just received, from the Man
ufacturer, at reduced prices, at No. 173 West King street,
sign of the Last. M. H. LOCHER.
anvil 24 tf-14
The Greatest Medical Discovery of the
Dr. KENNEDY, of Roxbury bas'discarered, in one of out
common pasture weeds, a remedy that cures
from the worst Ber6fula down to a common pimple.
lie has tried it in over 1100 cases, and never failed except
in two cases, (both thunder humor.) Ile has now in his
possession over two hundred certificates of its virtue, all
within twenty miles of Boston.
Two bottles are warranted to cure a nursing sore mouth.
One to throe bottles will cure the worst kind of Pimples
on the face.
Two to three bottles will clear the system of Biles
Two bottles are warranted to cure the worst canker in
the mouth or stomach.
Three to five bottles are warranted to cure the worst case
of Erysipelas.
One to two bottles are warranted to cure all humor In
the Eyes.
Two bottles are warranted to cure running of the ears
and blotches among the hair.
Four to six bottles are warranted to cure corrupt and
running ulcers.
One bottle will cure scaly corruption of UnS skin.
Two to three bottles are warranted to cure the worst
case of ringworm.
Two to three bottles are warranted to cure the most des
perate case of rheuMatism.
- Three to four bottles are warranted to cure the salt
Five to eight bottles will ours the igorst rase of scrofula.
A twnetit is always experienced from the first bottle, and
perfeet cure is 51 arrested when the above quantity is
. .
Reader, I peddled over a thousand bottles of this in the
vicinity of Boston. l know the effect of It in every case.—
So sure as water will extinguish fire, so sure will this
cure humor. 1 never sold a bottle of it, but that sold an
other; alter a trial it always speak for Itself. There are
two things about this herb that appear to me surprising;
first that it grows in our pastures, in some Wares quite
plentiful, and yet its value has never been ktnAvn until I
discovered it in 1846—second that it should cure all kinds
of humor.
❑t order to give some idea of the sudden rise, and great
popularity of the disenvery. I will state that in April,
1853, I peddled it and sold about sin bottles per day—lu
April, 1454, I sold over one thousand bottles per day of it
Some of the wholesale Druggirts who have been in the
business twenty and thirty years, say that nothing in the
annals of patent medicines was ever like it. There is a
universal praise of it from all quarters.
In my own practice I always kept it strictly for humors
—but since its introduction as a general family medicine
great and wonderful virtues have been found in it that I
never suspected.
. .
Several eases of epileptic fits—a disease whirls was al
ways considered ineurahle, have been cured by a few hot
lies. 0, what a mercy if it prove effectual iui all cases of
that awful malady . — there are but few who have seen juror
of it than I have.
I know of several cases of Dropsy, all of them aged peo
pl e cured by it. For the various diseases of the Liver, Sick
Headache. Dyspepsia, Asthma. Fever and Ague, Pain in
the side. Diseases of the Spipe. and particularly in diseases
of the Kidneys, be., the discovery has done more good than
any medicine ever known.
No change of diet ever necessary—eA the Lest you got
and enough of it.
DIRECTIONS 'FOR Coy.—Adults one table spoonful per day
—Children over ten years dessert spoonful. Children
,from live to eight years, tea spoonful. As no direts
lions ran be applicable to all evmstitutions, take sufficient
to operate on tile bowels twice a day.
Manufactured by
No. 120 Warren St.. Roxbury, Mass.
Price $l.OO.
Wholesale 4ents. New York City, C. V. Cliekner, 51
Barclay Street; C. 11. Ring, 192 Broadway; Rushton & Clark
275 Broadway; A. 11. & D. Sands, 100 Fulton Street.
Sold in Rochester by J. Bryan & Co., Wholesale Agents,
No. 119 State Street; also by L. Soot & Co.
Geller:o Agent.—T. \V. Dyott & Son, Philadelphia.
Agents in Laneaster.—James Smith, Wm. G. Baker,
Samuel Welchens. B. 11. Kaufman, 11. A. Rockafield, Chao.
A. Ileinitsh and John I'. Long.. april 2-1 ly-14
Dennsylvania Patent Agency.—
..1 J. FRANKLIN REIGART, of Lancaster city,
obtains Letters Patent from the U. S. Patent Office,
on the most reasonable terms. Drawings of all
kinds of Machinery, Architecture or Surveys, cor
rectly executed by him.
Likewise Deeds, Bonds and other instruments
writing. Office FULTON HALL.
april 25 tf-I4
land For Sale.—Public notice is hereby given
, that the undersigned Executors of John Hartseek,
dee'd, in pursuance of the direction of the last will and
testament of said dee'd, offer for sale a valuable plauta
tation or Tract of Land, situated In Burrell town
ship, Indiana county, Pa., containing 365 ACRES—about
250 of which are cleared, 45 of which are in meadow. The
improvement are TWO DWELLING HOUSES, a
Bank Barn and otner buildings—also an excellent IFI3
Apple Orchard. The tract is within 4 miles of
Blairsville, and the Indiana Branch Railroad runs
through it.
An indisputable title will be given, and terms made rea
sonable. Apply to .lONATIIAN HARTS ICE,
uno 19 tf-22 Executors.
llelmbold , s Genuine Preparations.—
POUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, for Diseases of the
Bladder and Kidneys, Secret Diseases, Strictures, Weak
nesses,-and all Diseases of the Sexual Organs, whether in
male or female, from whatever cause theymay have origi
nated and no matter of how long standing.
If you have contracted the terrible disease, which when
once seated iu the system, will surely go down from one
generation to another, undermining the constitution and
sapping the very vital fluids of life, do not trust yourself
in the hands of Quacks, who start up every day in a city
like this, and fill the papers with glaring falsehoods too
well calculated to deceive the young and those not ac
quainted with their tricks. You cannot be too careful in
the selection of a remedy In these cases.
TILE FLUID EXTRACT BUCHLI has been pronounced
by eminent Physicians the greatest remedy ever known.—
] t is a medicine perfectly pleasant in its taste and very in
nocent in its action, and yet so thorough that it annihi
lates every particle of the rank and poisonous virus of this
dreadful disease; and, unlike other remedies, It does not
dry up the disease in the Moot.
Constitutional Debility, brought on by self abuse, a most
terrible disease,
which has brought thousands of tho hu
man rare to untimely graves, thus blasting the brillliant
hopes of parents, and blighting in the bud the glorious
ambition or many a noble youth. ran Ire cured by this in
litllible remedy. And as a medicine which must benefit
everybody, from the simply delicate to the ro 'ned and
despairing invalid, no equal is to be tim e d, :toll t lath as a
Cure and Preventive. 77
Ititsel, removing all diseases arising from excess of Mer
cury, exposure and imprudence In life, chronic constitu
tional di s ease, arising from au Impure state of the Blood,
and the only reliable and effectual known remedy for the
cure of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ulcerations of
the Throat and Legs, Pains and Swellings of the Bones,
'fetter, Pimples on the Face, and all Scaly Eruptions of the
This article is now prescribed by some of the most di
Linguistic(' Physicians in the country, and has proved more
efficient in practice than any other any preparation
,d Sarsaparilla yet arced to the public. Several rases of
secondary Syphilis, Mercurial and Scrofulous discsmes have
entirely recovered in the incurable wards of our Public In
stitutions which had for many years resisted every mode
of treatment that could be devised. These cases furnish
striking examples of the salutary effects of this medicine
in arresting some of the most inveterate diseases, after the
glands were destroyed and the bones already affected.
NOTlCH.—Letters from responsible Physicians and Pro
feSSOVS of several Medical Colleges, and certificates of cures
front patients will be !Mind accompanying both Prepara
Prices ' Fluid Extract of iluchu, $1 per tattle, or 6 bottles
for $5. Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla, $1 per bottle, or 6 tat.
ties for $5, equal in strength to one gallon Syrup of Sarsa
Prepared aud sold by H. T. lIELMBOLD, Chemist, 203
Chestnut st., near the llintrd House, Philada., and to be
had in Lancaster of JAMES S.urrn, Druggist, No. 10, East
King st., and CHAS. A. HEINITSH, No. 13, East King et.
All letters directed to the Proprietor or Agent receive
immediate attention. [may 15, '55 ly-17
ulnae' 11. Reynolds, Attorney at Law,
Real Dante Amin t and Conveyancer, Office South Queen
street, formerly occupied by Wm. Mathiet, dec'd., Lao•
caster, Pa.
Ex-Gov. W.F. Johnston, Pittsburg,
'• William Bigler, Philadelphia,
lion. G. W. Woodward, '•
" Alex. Jordan, Sunbury.
Peter McCall, Esq.. Philadelphia.
Joshua W. Coolly, Esq., Danville.
lion. James T. Dale, Itellibute.
Honey Brockurhoff, ••
sep 2b .
The ChesnutStreet Works.—KIEF
FEE'S Machine Shop. and Iron Works. The
Messrs. Feßenham having retired from their con
nection with the Machine Shops of this establish
ment, the Undersigned respictfulti informs hii old
friends and the public generally, Brit he has resu
med the management of the entire establishment,
where hots now prepaxed, with the most improved
and extensive facilities, to do work of eve r de
scription in his line, such as STEAM
ENGINES and Boilers, Shafting, Gear
ing, Mill and Saw-mill work, Slides, /lan - a es,
Car-irheels and Axieli, and Castings of every de
As his assortment of patterns is not surpassed
by any other estabiishment in the State, he is ena
bled to do work at the shortest notice and at redu
ced prices.
Stoves of every description manufacture and
for sale, wholesale and retail.
IRON RAILING for yards, cemeteries, tc.,
cast of wrought, made and put up with neatnes+ind
despatch. Also, Verandahs constructed and put
up of the moat neantiful patterns and best work
Furnace Twiers and:Pipes of every description
on hand and made to order. Old Twiers and Pipes
repaired in the best manger.
subscriber also having purchased the right for Lan
easier co., from the patentees, is now prepared to
furnish Ram & Hay's Patent Tubular Ovens and
Hot Air Range, a perfect cooking apparatus of vari
ous sizes, to suit families, boarding houses, or ho
tels. This Range is constructed on the most val
uable and scientific principles, and not only per
forms the office of cookingin all its various branch
es, in the most perfect manner, with a small
amount of fuel, but will, at the same time, heat
additional rooms either adjoining or over the
Also, Hayes) Patent Ventilator, the best now in
use for ventilating public and private buildings,
&c., also, for withdrawing smoke from chimney
By employing a sufficient number of the most
competent mechanics, in hisapattern rooms, foun
dry, boiler and machine shops, and by paying
strict attention to business, the undersigned looks
confidently for an . increased share of publie pat
Chesnut street, between N. Queen and Prince.
The subscriber respectfully announces- to his
former patrons and friends that having withdrawn
from the firm of I. & D. Fellenbaum, will still be
found at his former place of business in the ma
chine shop department of "Chesnut Street Iron
Works," where he will be happy to receive a con
tinuation of their favors for Christian Kieffer, Esq„
proprietor and manager of the establishment, who
is in all respects prepared to give entire satistac
tion in every branch of his business.
may 16 1.1-17
Attorney at Law,
OFFERS his professional services to the pantie.
He also attends to the collection of Pensions
and the prosecution of all manner of claims agains
the general government. His residence in the city
of Washington for several years, the experience
derived from the duties of the office, which he had
filled during that time, and the modein which claims
of this sort are most speedily adjueted,give the
most ample assurance that business placed in his
hands will be attended to in such manner as can
not fail to afford satisfaction.
Office in South Queen street, second house below
he Lancaster Bank
Nov. 20, 1849.
TI onlgmacher & Bauman, Tan
liners and Corriere Store, back of Robt. Mod
erwell's Commission Warehouse, fronting on the
Railroad arid North Prince street. Cheap for Cash,
or approved credit. Constantly on hand a full:as
esortment of all kinds Saddler's and Shoemaker's
Leather, of superior quality, including "Boozer's
celebrated Sole Leather," also, Leather Bands,
well stretched, imitable for all kinds of machinery,
of any length and width required, made of a supe
rior quality of Leather, Furnace Bellows, Band
and Lacing Leather, Garden Hose, Tanner', Oil,
Currier's Tools, Moroccos, Shoe Findings, &c.
All kinds of Leather bought in the rough ;
est price given for Hides and Skins in cash ; o
will be promptly attended to. Ifeb ly-13
New Brass Foundry
T Eli' BRASS FOUNDRY at Chesnut street Iron Works
1.1 C. Kieffer takes this method to intiirm the public. and
all person having business of the above character. that he
has, in connection with his Iron Foundry and Machine .
Shop. eomnienced the Brass Foundry business. 16 Is pre•
pared to manufacture cll kinds of :Machine and Brass Cast.:
Ings, Copper Rivets and Soldery, at short notice and in a
workman-like manner. juuo 27 tf-23
war with England I-- Ea° Porcelain Works
V V HENRY OAST has fitted up and enlarged his fermi
works and commenced the manufacture of all kinds of
yarthen Ware, Rockingham or Dark Lustre, Yellow, Cream
'Colored and White Ware, Toilet Sets, Table and Tea Ser
vice of different. kinds, Apothecary Boxes and Jars, and a
great variety of other articles kept constantly on hand at
his Pottery Ware-house, and at his Store Room ; and an as
sortment of Bracketts and Rose Sets for ornamenting
buildings, &c. Ile is also prepared to furnish all kinds of
Terra Cots work, Carnishing, Mouldings and other kind
of Ornamental work, to order—to snit all kinds of buildings
Inside andout; & Encaustic Tiles, for Ornamental Taverner
of Fossil° Granite, or artificial Stone for Flooring of Hails
Rooms, Bar-Rooms, Passages, Baths, Ornamental Fire
Places, and will keep constantly on hand, at his old
stand, an assortment of lied Earthern and Stone Ware.
11. O. has been six months, and spared neither labor or
expense in makingthe necessary preparartions for the above
manufacture, and is now prepared to receive ail orders.
No. South Queen street, between Centre Square and
Ville street—Sign of the Btu Prrclien.
Bic Steady BOYS wanted as apprentices to learn the
slave business.
. . .
P. has engaged a manager who i.e fully com
potent to conduct the above businesss; and all cow
munications, correspondence and orders with his man
ager, pertaining to the mid, will be strictly at
tended to. JOHN
sop 5 tf-33 Manager
Drug tore and Dental Depot.—'lla, under
signed having fitted up his Store in a new and elegant
style, would respectfully call the attention of the public
to the following catalogue
All kinds of Family Medicines.
All the leading Patent Medicines.
Baking Powders of every description.
Spices of superior quality.
Burning Fluid. Hair Invigorating Tonics.
Tooth Powder. Wax—white and yellow.
Bristol Brick Dust for Scouring.
Soaps; Perfumery,
Salad, and other Oils, Starch,
Alcohol, Soap Soda,
Mustard, Toothache Drops,
'Lerman's Tooth Wash.
A fresh and elegant supply of pure Medicines.
Surgical Instruments of every variety.
Vials and Bottles of every size and variety.
Pill and Powder Boxes of various sizes.
Gold and Silver Plate. Gold and Tin Foil.
Dental Instruments of every variety.
Jones, White and McCurdy's Teeth.
Mouth and Hand Glasses. Corundun Wheels.
°ram and Armstrong's Teeth.
Stub's. Murphy's and Bern's Separating Files.
All such articles as Dentists require, are kept constant
ly on hand, or ran be furnished at very short notice.
DAGUERREAN ARTISTS ran be furnished with all
their Chemicals at Philadelphia prices.
TONSORIAL PROFESSORS will find it to their advan
lo call at the Drug and Chemical Store, No. SW, North
Queen street Lancaster, Pa
june 12 tf-2I
T eather.--FRITZ, HENDRY & CO., No. 29 North
L./Third street. Philadelphia. Morocco 'Manufacturers,
Curriora and Importers of French Calf-Skins and dealers
to Red and Oak Ole Leather and Kip. feb 27 ly-13
rrraaaseal Trusses! I Trusses It I--C. II
j NEEDLES, runs and Brace Establishment,
S. W. Corner of Twelfth and Race Streets, Phil
adeliphia. Importer of line Frssrcit Musses, combining
extreme lightness, ease and durability with correct eon
Hernial or ruptured patients can be suited by remitting
amounts, as below :—Sending number of Inches round the
hips, and stating side affected. '
Cost of Single Truss, $2, $3, $4, $5. Double—ss, $6, $8
and $lO.
Instructions as to wear, and how to effect a cure, when
possible, sent with the Trues.
Also for sale, in great variety, Dr. Banning's Improved
Patent Body Brace, for the cure of Prolapsus Uteri; Spinal
Props and Supports, Patent Shoulder Braces, Chest Expan
ders and Erector Braces, adapted to all with Stoop Sin '
ders and Weak Lungs; English Elastic Abdominal Be
Suspensories, Syringes—male and female.
its_ Ladies' Rooms, with Lady attendants.
july 31
BOUNTY LAND !—lmportant to old Soldiers ! !
The undersigned is now prepared to procure
Land Warrants of 160 Acres each for commissioned
and non-commissioned officers, musicians, privates,
whether of the regulars, volunteers, rangers, or mili
tia, who wero in the service of the United States, in
any of the wars in which this country was engaged
since 1790.
Also for Seamen, ordinary Seainen, marines, clerks
and landsmen in the Navy, militia, volunteers, wag
onmasters, teamsters, chaplains and flotilla men en
gaged in any war since that period. Also for officers
and soldiers in the Revolutionary War. In case of
the death of a person entitled to the warrant, he can
secure the same for the widow, if' living, or for the
minor children.
Persons who desire their claims promptly attonded
to, will please call on the undersigned at his office,
in South Queen street, one door below Hubley's Ho
tel, Lancaster Pa. JOHN W. MECKLEY.
mar 14 ly-11
DR. A. V. B. ORR'S celebrated Machine for
splitting, shaving, jointing and cutting Shin
gles, was on exhibition at the late Pennsylvania
State Fair, and had awarded it a Silver Medal, with
special notice from the Judges. This machine is
superior to other machines for the same purpose, in
this, that it:splits tne shingle from the block or bolt
lengthwise with the gra in of the wood, without requi
ring the wood to be first steamed. The first cut in
splitting the shingle from the block will produce or
make the unfinished shingle smooth on the one aide,
and in the second process, the shaving knife will
shave and make smooth and taper the other side of
the shingle as required.
This machine is simple, durable and cheap in its
construction, and can well be made for $7O.
Any information relative to this invention may
be had by applying of writing to
ZURII3., SWOPE, Attorney, Lancaster, Pa.
IQ" Persons having Timber Land for sale, with
timber thereon suitable for shingles, are requested to
write as above as the patentee and joint owner of
the machine are desirous of having shingles manu
factured in those sections of the country in which
rights remain undisposed of within a given time
October 10, tf.
NOTICE.--111 persons indebted to the undersigned
for subscription, adsertialng or Job Work, are reques
ted to make payment without delay.
" '
Job Printing neatly dens at the
gem:cuddle, No. 1 3 North Duke tetra.
Philadelphia Advertisements:
Man. Know Thyself.—An Invaluable
Book for 25 cents.—
Every Family should , •• •
have a copy." 'OO,OOO
Copies sold in less than _at --
year. A new edition, -2 •' Aezo , •
vised'and improved, just,
Dr. Hunter's Medical Manual and hand book for
the afflicted. Containing an outline of the origin,
progress, treatment and cure of every form of dis
ease contracted by promiscuous sexual intercourse,
by self-abuse or by sexual excess, with advice for
their prevention, written in a familiar style avoid
ing all medical technicalities, and everything that
would offend the ear of decency; with an outline . of,
complaints incident to Females, from the result of
some twenty years' successful practice. exclusively
devoted to the care of diseasesof a delktte or pri
vate nature.
To which is added receipts for the cure of the
above diseases, and a treatise on the cause, symp:
toms and 'cure of the fever and ague:
Testimony of the Professor of Obstetrics in Penn
College, Philadelphia.--Dr. Hunter's Medical Man
ual.—The author of this work, unlike the majority
of those who advertise to cure the disease of which
it treats is a graduate of one of the best Colleges
in the United Stetes. It affords me pleasure to re
commend him to the unfortunate, or to the victim
of malpractice, as a successful and' experienced
practitioner, in whose honor and integrity they may
place the greatest confidence.
From A. Woodward, M. D., of Penn. Universi
ty, Philadelphia.—lt gives me pleasure to add my
testimony to the professional ability of the Author
of the "Medical Manual." Numerous cases of dis
ease of 0, ef;ental Organs, some of them of long
standing, have came under my notice, in which
his skill has been manifest in restoring to peifec,
health, in cases where the patient has been cnnsid
ered beyond medical aid. In the treatment of Sem
inal weakness, or disarrangement of the functions
produced by sell-abuse, or excess of venery, I do
not know his superior in the profession. I hav'
been acquainted with the Author some thirty years,
ind deem it no more than justice to him as well as
kindness to the unfortunate victim of early indis
cretion, to recommend him as one in whose pro
fessional skill and integrity they may safely confide
themselves. ALFZED WOODWARD, M. D.
6 , This is without exception, the most compre
hensive and intelligent work published on the class
of diseases of which it treats. Avoiding all tech
nical terms, it addresses itself to the reason of its
readers. It is free from all objectionable matter,
and no parent, however fastidious, can object to
placing it into the hands of his sons. The author
has devoted many years to the treatment of the
various complaints treated of, and, with too little
breath to puff, and too little presumption to im
pose, he has offered t o the world, at the merely
nominal price of 25 cents, the fruit of some twenty
years' most successful practice."—Herald.
, No teacher or parent should be without the
knowledge imparted in this invaluable work. It
would save years of pain, mortification and sorrow
to the youth under their charge."
A Presbyterian clergyman in Ohio, writing of
'II enter's Medical Manual" says:—" Thousands
upon thousands of our youth, by evil example and
influence of ,{he, passions, have been led into the
habit of self-pollution, without realizing the sin
and fearful consequences upon themselves and
their posterity. The constitution of thousands who
are raising families have been enfeebled, if not bro
ken down, and they do not kcow the cause or the
cure. Anything that can he done so to enlighten
and influence the public mind as to check. and ul
timately to remove this wine-spread source or hui
man wretchedness, would confer the zreatest bli,s
sing next to the religion of Jesus Christ. on the
present and coming generations. Intemperance for
the use of intoxicating drinks) though it has slain
thousands, is not a greatel scourge •u the human
race. Accept my thanks on behalf of the afflicted,
and, believe me, your co-worker in the good work
you are so actively engaged in."
One copy (securely enveloped) will be lures riled
free of postage, to any part of the United Suit's for
25 cents, or six copies for $1 Address;; pool
paid) COSDEN & CO., Publishers, or box 1.961 Phil
irr Booksellers, Canvassers and Rook A Gen L•
supplied on the soul liberal fonts.
jan. 30 Iv-2
NO. 121 CHESNUT S Between :Id X 4Ui xts
Capital $50,000!
THIS Company is now fully organized, and pre
pared to insure against the combined risks of
descriptions of LIVE STUCK, ench a s Horses,
Mules, Cattle. sheep, &c.
o' No. 21 Fifth street, Pittehurg.
A. JAYNES, President.
B. APLAIN4, Secretary.
Win Day, James Mathews,
Alex Hilands, Henry A White,
Win 11 Lesheit Wm Bakewell,
John Young, jr..
J ZI'MV RMAN , Agent,
—an caster.
nov 6 tl-12]
Commercials Hotel, Philladel-
PH lA.—The subscriber, thankful for the lib
, patronage: she has received, hereby notifies
public in general, and her Lancaster county
friends in particular, that she still continues to
keep the Hotel, formerly the AMERICAN House,
No lb S sixth street; between Market and Ches
nut, and ~ow known as THE COMMERCIAL. HOTEL.
The boost: is fitted up and re-modeled in ele
gant style, from attic to basement—the furniture,
bedding, &c., &c., being entirety new; and every
arrangement is made for the comfort and conveni
ence of its patrons.
From the central location, and its close prox
imity to the Railroad Depots, Steamboat Landings,
places of amusement, fashionable thoroughfares
and public squares, it offers inducements to the
Merchant visiting the city on business, or the
Traveler seeking pleasure. To Ihmiles and fe
males visiting the city, every facility will be afford
ed, and every comfort regarded to make their visit
agreeible and pleasant.
A share of public patronage is respecfully soli-
Led. Terms $1,25 per day.
S. LEBO, l'roprietor
JACOU 0 : Leo°, Superintendent.
dec 6, 1853
Copperware Itianufactory.—SAMCEl, DIL-
Ltift returns thanks for the liberal patronage hereto
fore bestowed upon him, and respectfully informs hi., cus
tomers and the public generally, that he still continue,: at
the old stand, In West King street. nearly opposite Fulton
Hall, and is prepared to manufacture to order
Copper Ware, •
in all its various branches, and on the most reasonable
terms. Ile invites his country friends especially to give
him a call, as he is confident of being able to please.
Livery Stable.
, Ile also koepo constantly on hand, for hire, IiORSESs
CARRIAGES, BAROUCII ES, Sec., Sc., all in excellent order,
and furnished at the loweat rates.
Give him a call when you lien." nuything of the kind,
and he will null you to a nicety.
balm:tater, may 1
l'acob Emerick & Co.--Importers and Whole
") salo Dealers in China, Glass &.• Queensware,
No. 215 North Third street, four doors below Callowhill
at., (east side,) sign or the COFFEE Por, Philadelphia.
le. Packing Warranted.
aug 28 ly 32
Stauffer Harley.—Cheap Watches and Jewelry,
Wholesale and Retail, at the "Philadelphia Watch and
Jewelry Store," No, 96 North Second Street, corner' of
Quarry, Philadelphia.
Gold Lever Watches full jey , ded, 18 carat cases, $28,00.
Gold Lepine, 18 carats, 5 2 4,00
Silver Lever, full jewelled. 13,00
Silver Lepine, jewels, 9,00 (Iptite
Superior Quartiers, 7,00 1
Gold Spectacles, 7,00
Fine Silver, do 1,50.
Gold Bracelets, 3,00
Ladles' Gold Pencile, 1,00
Silver Tea Spoons, set, 5,00
Gold pens, with pencil and silver holder, 1,00
Gold Finger Rings, 37 / t4 cents to $00; Watch Glasses,
cents; Patent, 10%; Lunet 21 ; other tuijcles
in proportion. All goods warranted to be what they .are
sold tor. STA UPFER & II ARLEY,
Sumessors lo 0. Conrad.
On hand, FAlllt. Gold and Silver Levers and Lepines still
lower than the ahoy., prices net ly-37
TIAN] EL'S HAY CUTTER.—This superior hey. Straw
_tient' Fodder Cutter has received the highest promiunis
at the Penn's. State Fair, and at various other Exhibitions
the past and pexent season, and is believed to be the best
in the Market, for sale Wholesale and Retail. by
11 - A. Rockalield dr. Co., Next to Kramplis
LL.Clothing Store, East Orange street, Lancaster Pa.
Dealers In all the new and popular FAMILY IMBDI
OINES, PERFUMNItY, Ac., Wholesale and Retail.
.They have just received a fresh supply of Wolfe's
Celebrated Aromatic Scheidam Schnapps and will sell to
retailers at Proprietor's prices. june 26 tf-23
rdersignedd hereby gives notice that she will carry on tho
CABINET-MAKING and Undertaking
business at the old stand in West King
street, formerly kept by bee husband,
Henry M. Miller, and at the same time
No. 53 North Queen street.
returns ' her sincere thanks for the liberal pawning&
formerly bestowed un the establishment. continculnce
of former custom Is respectfully and mlly solicited
—People's. Advo
(map 14, Isiio-Iy-16
Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Store, N. E. Cor.l . tk
d Market sh e
.; oct 9 tf 35
Nos. 21 S. 23 South Sixth Street,
Agricultural Implement Manufactory, Bristol, Pa.
Seed Umuudr (170 Acres) Bloomsdale, near Bristol, Pa
oct 9 17418
Vetches, Jewn!xy,,Sittrervraxe and Fan.
ey goods—A choice askortinent of the finest quality
for sale atthe lowest cash prices, at Wm. B. Eltonhead's
- Not 184 South Second Street, between Pine and' Union,
westaida, Philadelphia. The assortment embraces a large
and select stock of fine Watches, Jewelry, Silver .
Wire,filliata Ware plated with tine silver, in
SpOcmis Yorks, Ladies, de.—jet Mods, Pans and , •
Fancy articles of a superior quality, deserving the • -
examination of those who desire to procure the best goods
at the lowest - cash priees. '
Having a praticel knowledge of the business, and all
available facilities for imparting and manufacturing, the
subscriber confidently invites purchasers, believing that
had,, supply them on terms as favorable as any other a
tablishment in either of the Atlantis
• Afar All kinds of Diamond and Pearl Jewelry and Sil
ver Ware manufactured to order. within a reasonable time.
Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware faithfully re
No. IS4, South 2,1 St., a row doors above the 2d St. Market,
. . _
West side.
MOUS Bird the South Window of the Store, may be menthe
hnscienUfic Clock, which commands the admiration of
4a- Ifs and curlews. sep 26 ly-36
- ILI H. Smith, Port Irwin&le, Pocket
12 .Book, and Dressing Case Manufacturer, N. W. corner
of. Fourth and Chesnut streets, Philadelphia, alway on
hand a largeand varied assortment of
Port Monnales, Work Boxes,
Pocket Books. . Cabu,
Bankers Casey, Travelling Bags.
Note Raiders, Backgammon Boards,
Part Folios,Chess Men,
Portable Dsks, Pocket Memorandum Books,
Dressing Cases, Cigar Cases, &c.
Also, a general assortment of English, French and Ger
man Fancy Goods.
Fine pocket Cutlery, Razors, Razor Strops and Gold Pens.
Wholesale, Second and Third Floors.
N. W. corner Fourth and Chesnut sts.. Philade.
N. 11.—On the receipt of $l, a Suparlor Gold Pen will ba
sent to any part of the United States. by math; describing
pen, thus, medium, hard; or soft. sprit 3 l-y
Lold and Silver Watehee, Silver Ware
and Jewelry.—The largest, finest, and best selected
stock In the city. Every description of fine and cheap
watches that are manufactured can be obtlarted at this
stablishmeut, which receives them direct from the Facto
{OA of Liverpool, London and Switzerland, and is therefore
nabled to sell a much superior article for a less price than
ny other retail store in this city.
Persons wishing to purchase at Wholesale and Retail are
invited to call and the worth of their money. Some of
these Watches can be mid at the following pri.
res., viz:
Gold Levers fail Jeweled, 18 Carat case,
" Hunting case, Full Jeweled Levers,
" Lupine Watches,
Silver Lever " Full Jeweled,
" Hunting case,
Lupine Watches, Jeweled,
and some still cheaper than the above.
Jewelry of every description, fine and cheap. Also, sit
Ter Ware, and Silver-Plated Ware of all kinds.
Watches repaired and warranted, at
(Old Stand) No. 110 N. Second,ld door below Race street,
Philadelphia. mar 6 ly-7
Q tat es Union Hotel.—No. 200 Marketotreet, above
l i 136th, Philadelphia. The undersigned, late of the Amer
ican House, Columbia, Pa., takes pleasure in informing his
friends, and the public generally, that he has taken the
above well-known and popular HOUSE, (long known
as the Red Lion Ilotel,) which he has tilled up with
entirely New Furniture and Bedding of a superior
quality. 'the house has also been renovated and impro
ved in a manner which will compare favorably with any
of the Hotels in the City. and cannot fail to tire satisfao
i, lion to those who may patronise this establishment.
The TA will always be supplied with the choicest
Provisions the market affords, and the Bar with the PU
REST AND BEST LIQUORS. Nothing shall b. 3 left undone
to make his Guests col:Ole-table, and he flatters himself
that by strict attention to business, he will merit and re
!eire a liberal share of -public patronage.
y 2.2 t f-18
Five Per Cent Saving Fund
the National Safety Company, Walnut street, south
J west corner of Third st., Philadelphia. Incorporated
by the State of Pennsylvania in 1841. I
Five per cent interest is given and the money is always
paid back whenever it is called for, without the necessity
of giving notice for it beforehand.
People who have large sums put theiemoney in this Sa
ving Fund, on account of the superior safety and conve
nience it affords, but any sum, large or small, is received.
This Sal jag Fund has more than half a million of dollars
securely invested for the safety of Depositors.
The Office is open to receive and pay money every day,
from 9 o'clock iu the morning, till 7 o'clock in the evening,
and on Monday and Thursday evenings, till 9 o'clock.
People who have money to put In, are invited to call at
the office for further information.
HENRY L. BENNER, President.
WM. J. REED, Secretary.
MG. Swartz,
RPM Estate bought and sold on commission ; Land War
rants located; Money investetl in a legal manner on Land
s,-corny, at 15 per ceut. per annum, clear of all en enses;
s,nou Acres of selected Land 111 r sate.
ReSidUllie in North Duke st., Lancaster; Pa.
rep 11 ly-34
r it oa t : tur ll a loue, European style Hotel
~1 and es
nt, No. 48 Commercial and No. 87 Clay
j n tf 50
Gallagher, Dentist, having located in
t) the City of Lancaster, respectfully offers his:professioul
al services to those who may need them, and choose to:give
him a call. Ile has been engaged in the profession over
ten years—has had an extensive practice for the last six
Sr seven in Chester county—and can give the best of ref
erence and es idence respecting his professional skill and
1111% i [inns.
He would also announce that he has obtained the ex
clusive right to use CLAYTON'S PATENT
PLAN of making and setting Artificial Teeth .11A,A
in Lancaster City and County—an improve
ment which is acknowledged by gentlemen who were on
the Examining Committee on Dentistry in the New York
Crystal Palace. by Professors of Dental Colleges, and by
Scientific Dentists generally, to surpass every other plan
now known for beauty, strength, cleanliness and cheapness.
Office and residence on the east side of North Duke st.,
between Orange and Chesnot, ono square and a half north.
of the Court House, and n short distance south of the
ltailroad. may 29 ly-19
Super-PlkoAphate of Lime.—Just received and
for sale by the subscribers a lot of the above valuabel
fertilizer, in Barrels. GEO. CALDER & CO.,
. . .
Office 3.0,4 . N. Queen street and at Greaff's Landing, on
the Conestoga. june 12 *2l
BALTIMORE, 3laryland, 20th June, 1855.
(taut ott ery Vratul.s.,—The Commission-
Vier of the Maryland State Lotteries has deemed it his
duty to caution the Public against the numerous Swin
dlers who circulate by mail ttild otherwise, fraudulent Lot
tery schemes, and pretend to be agents for the sale of
tickets in Lotteries which are wholly fictitious..
The only legal Lotteries in Maryland are those drawn
daily under the superintendence of the Commissioner
elected by the people of the State under the new Consti
tution to examine and approve the schemes and attend to
the drawings.
All the tickets in these betteris and all certificates of
packages of tickets have the lithographed signature of F
X. BRENAN, General Agent for the Contractor. Office o
the Maryland Consolidated Lotteries, Baltimore, Md. Al
others aro fraudulent.
For full information ou the suldeet of these frauds,
Address ' F. X. BitBNAN,
aug 14 ly-30 Baltimore, Ald
_fin it. r u dTar r e s,p N oe u i Litt y ,— i Notice--JUAN
i R r RUSSET, & a. A, d a. t ,i b 3 e l
public in general that they have purchased the entire
stock of Hardware from A. W. Russel, No. 8 E. King at„
where they intend increasing their stock and devoting
their time and attention to their business, making It an
object fur their friends lo call on them before purchasing
ADAM R. BARR having been employed about six years i
this wane house, with his extensive acquaintance, hone
to merit and receive a continuance of the custom beret.
fore so liberally bestowed on the establishment.
No. 8 E. King st.,• Sign of the Anvil.
flard.—Tho undersigned takes this method of return
k„iing his thanks to the public for the liberal patronage
bestowed on him while In the Hardware business, and
would respectfully ask of his former patrons a continu
ance of the same - to his successors, Russet. lz BARR, who
will by close attention to business, endeavor to merit a
continuance of the same. A. W. RUSSEL.
Seamen's Saving Fund Society of Phila2
ceives deposits in sums of one dollar and upwards,
from all classes of the community, and allows in
terest at the rated live per cent per annum. Moneys
paid on demand.
tt Office open daily from 9 until 5 o'clock, and
on Monday and Saturday until 9 o'clock in the eve
This institution will be found a convenient and
safe place of deposit for Farmers and others doing
business in Philadelphia. Deposits are paid on de
mand, without any notice being required.
Edmund A. Saud6r,
Stillwell S. Behop,
James P. Perot,
John McCandles,
Jacob Sheets,
Joseph M. Cowell,
Joseph B. Myers,,
Edward 11. Trotter,
Franklin Bacon,
Thomas Cooper, Edgar E. Petit.
President—FßANKLlN FELL
Treasurer—CHAS. M. MORRIS,
Secretary—JAS. S. PRINGLE.
D• The Charter provides that no manager, officer
or agent shall directly or indirectly, borrow any
money from the Society. [August I, 6m-32.
Caernarvon Academy .— Churchtown Lancaster
Ca. Pa. The Third Session of this flourishing Insti
tution will commence on Monday the 7th of May next.
In it Students are fitted for every condition of life, and
no pains is spared to give them every opportunity of moral
and intellectual training. Perhaps no section of our Coun
try enjoys so many advantages as the Village of Church
town, both in the healthfulness, and the morality of the
place. Persons a -Ming their sons or wards to this Insti
tution, may rest assured that every duty devolving upon
its Principal and Teacherawill be fully performed. There
are two Departments Male and Female—entirely separate
it being believed that this is the Wet mode upon which
any Institution can be conducted.
'rusts—fur 5 months,Thition, Boarding, Washingsss Ott
For further particulars enquire of the Principal'
J. E. GUM, S. B.
AVard.—The subscriber thankful (to hi
melon' patrons) for past favors, would a.
ask for a continuance of the same, and as m
more as will please to favor him with their patron
age, as he is certain from his knowledge of the
Tonsorial Art in all its branches, such as Hair
Cutting, Curling, Shaving, Shampooing and Wig
making, bets able to please the most fastidious.
He also solicits the attention of all to the Clean
liness of his Towels, Brushes, Combs and in fact
every thing connected with his establishment.
He would likewise mention that he is the only
person in the city that can and ,do' color Whis
kers and Moustaches, from red or gray to most
beautiful brown or black in very few minutes.—
Particular attention given to the cutting and trim
ming of childrens hair
North Queen street, same building with J. F
Long's Drug Store, and immediately opposite J. F
Shroder's Granite building. (feb 22 tf-b
This Way This Way! -To the on
priced store, No. 10, West King Street. Just
received from New York and Philadelphia; a large
lot of Watches and Jewelry of the latest styles, all
goods warranted at the following low pri
ces :
Full Jewelled Gold Lever Watches, from
25 to $l5O.
Gold Lepine W,atchea, full jewelled, from $2O
to sso.
Silver Lever Watches, tell jewelled, from $l2
to $] 8.
Silver Lepine Watches, jewelled, from $S to 12.
Gold Pens in Silver cases, from $1 to $2,50,
Silver Tea Spoons, from $4,50 to $B,OO.
Clocks of all kinds, from $1,50 to $lO,OO.
ALSO new styles Ladies Breast Pins, Ear Rings,
Bracelets, Gold Pencils, Gold and Silver Speeta
eels, Gold Keys, Port Monies, &c.
A large lot of Accordeons, Combs, Fans, and
other articles too numerous to mention usually kept
in Watch and Jewelry Stores, at least 25 per cent.
lower than any other Store in the city. We invite
all our friends and •he public in general to give us
a call. "Quick sales and Smsprofits,? , is our
N. B.—S. A. D. having finished his trade with
one of the best workmen in the city of Phi noel
phia, he is prepared to do all kinds of Watch,
Clock and Jewelry repairing at the shortest notiec
and warranted for one year or no charge.
Sep 20
33 00
20 00
10 00
13 50
8 00
Chas. 31. E,rben & Brother deal-
National House Building, North Queen street
Lancaster. [march 2S tI 10
rro Southern and Western Mer
r chants.—M , CLAINS celebrated Perfumery.—
Seven Prize Medals have been awarded to: E.
forhis superior perfumery, fancy soaps, and
dentificies, by different Institutes, during the last
six years.
E. M'CLAIN, manufacturer and importer of the
following articles, namely—his celebrated Vegeta
ble Hair Oil, Bear's oil, Beefs marrow, and lustre!,
&c. 70 different kinds of extracts for the handker
chief, Colognes, tooth pastes, &c. Also, his unri
valed magnetic, honey, aristatin, winger, walnut,
and a variety of other fancy soaps, for washing or
shaving; pearl powder, lily white alabaster pow
der puffs, clothes, hat, hair, shaving and tooth
Port Monnaies, dressing, pocket, and fine tooth
combs—all of which can be purchased cheap for
cash, at No. 106 North 6th street, below Race,
N. B.—A liberal discount to dealers.
sep 20 Ir-35
New and Cheap Hardware Store
—The subscribers respectfully informs their
friends and the public in general, that they have
just recived direct from the mautifacturess, a splen
did assortment of goods, to which they invite their
attention. Persons commencing
will find a complete assortment or Knives & Forks
Table and Tea Spoons, Waiters, Looking Glasses
hovels and Tongs.
Coffee Mills, Brushes, Pots, Kettles, Pans, 4-c.
CEDARWARE, Brewing and Wash Tchs, Buck
ets, Minis, Stands, bushels,l bushels and perk
measures, Wooden bowls, &c.
of the most approved patterns. A general assort
ment of BUILDING MATERI t LS, Locks, Latch
es, Hinges, Bolts, Screws, Nails, Glass, Oils and
Varnish. A superior article of genuine Fire Proo
Pain A.
Planes. nand, Penel & Back Sawn, Chisels, Au
gers, Braces, Bits, Spirit Levels, Rules, Hatchets,
&c., with a general assortment o f warranted Edge
Tools, FARMING UTENSILS, Ploughs, Patent
Straw Cutters, Chains of all descriptions, Shovels
Forks, Hoes, Mattocks &c.
will find in their stock a complete assortment o
goods suitable to their trade, of which they are of
fering at greatly reduced prices, and respectfully
solicit from dealers and consumers an examination
of their stock.
They hope by strict attention to business, and
their endeavors to please customers, to receive a
share of public patronage. _
Exchange Bank of J . F. Shroder & Co.—
This company beg leave to acquaint their friends and
the public that they are now fully prepared to do a general
Banking, Exchange, Collection and Stock Business with
promptness and fidelity.
Money received on deposit and paid back on demand
without notice, with the interest due. Interest paid on
all small sums deposited at the rate of 5 to 5% per cent.
NOTES, CHECKS, BILLS, &c., collected in any part of the U.
States or Canada.
Uneurrent Bank Notes and Land Warrants bought and
A Premium paid for old United States Cold and Silver
coin, also on Spanish and Mexican dollars. Remittances
made to England, Ireland, or the Continent. Particular
attention paid to the buying and selling of Stocks and
Loans of every desciription in the New York, Philadelphia
or Baltimore markets. The faithful and confidential exe
cution of all orders entrusted to them may be relied upon.
They will be pleased to give any information desired in
regard to Stocks, Loan and money matters in general.
Banking House open from BA. 31. to-6 o'clock, P. M.
dec 19 tf4o
Closing out the balence of Figured De
Laines at 12y,c.; usual price 18 and 20 as., these
the cheapest goons ever sold in this city at
PLAID SILKS, PLAID SILKS—We are now closing out
the balance of our Plaid Silks at very reduced prices.—
Among them are some beautiful styles, which we have re
duced to 75 cts., regular price $1,25.
Also, a few more at 50 Ci 3., worth 75c. Call and see and
you will surely purchase at these prices, at the
65 North Queen at.
Hardware.—PlNK_EßTON & SLAY3IAKER, No. 37
North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa Wholesale and
Retail dealers in Foreign Hardware and domestic, cutlery,
glass, nails, paints, oils, varnishes, &c.
Always on hand a complete assortment of building ma-
terials, farming utensils, housekeeping goods, cedar ware
saddlery and Coach Hardware.
They are the exclusive Agents for the two most celebra
ted COOK STOVES in the Union, the Morning Star
add the William Penn, warrmAted to give entire
satisfaction or no sale. Also, a completeassortment
of the latest and most improved Cook and Parlor
Stoves in the market, adapted to both wood and coal.
In_ They respectfully invite the public to examine their
stock, bolero purchasing elsewhere, as they are determin
ed to sell as cheap as the cheapest.
Thankful for the libecal patronage heretofore extended
to thorn, they respectfully solicit a continuance of the
sop tf Si
The subscribers have made extensive preparations to
furnish a full supply of their
nod iufur their customerii that the price has NOT BEEN
ADVANCED, but continuos at the old rate of
not only producing LIZAVY ClloPB,but also STIFFENING
CAUTlON.—Observe that ovary Barrel of our Article has
ova NAME and that of Ports lz KLETT stamped on the head.
Pamphlets describing its qualities and mode of using
ran be had at our store, or by Mail, when desired. A lib
eral deduction made to Dealers.
This Is one of the Richest Guanos ever Imported ; fully
equal to the Peruvian.
the crowdedwharf.
110„For sale in this County by
RUSSELL & BARR, Lancaster City.
A. - K. k A. 1,. 'Win( ERParadise.
feb G ly-3
Q later! !f!at es I I—The subscriber having taken the
tjagency for Bro. n's betiding Slates Is ready at any time
to furnish slate by the ton or put on by the square, at the
shortest notice sod on the most reasonable terms. Apply
at my Hardware Store, North Queen street.
fob 27 ly-7 GEORGE D. SPRECII ER.
Hardware. --Russel & Barr, No. 8, East
King street, sign of the Anvil, Wholesale and Retail
Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Hardware.—Building
material of every description, such es locks,.latches, hinges,
screws, bolts, &c. We have the agency of the Pittsburg
Jan us.faced Locks, which can be used for right or left hand
doors. We shall also have on hand a superior article of
nails and spikes. Also a largo assortment of glass, paints,
oils and varnishes. Wetheril's pure white lead, French
and American clue paints.
We are the agents for Rowland Parry's building slate.—
Slate put on by the squaro, J or sold by the Um. All slating
done by our hands warranted, and attended to at the
shortest notice.
Hon. Job R. Tyson,
George Boldin,
Robert Morris,
Edward L. Clark,
Capt. John Gallagher,
John Rice,
Richard G. Stotesbury,
Wm. Shippen, Jr.,
COACH 'fltl3l,4lNGS.—We also keep a good assortment
of coach trimmings, such as laces, fringes, tacks, hubs,
bows, shafts, felloes, springs and axles. Enamelled, plain,
and floor Oil Cloths. Enamelled and patent leather; bolts,
bands, malleable castings, itc.
Wm. P. Jenks,
good assortment of panel, hand and back saws; planes,
guages, chisels, .braces and brave-bitts; cast steel augers
and bitta.
13LACKSIIIT118—Will find a complete assortment of
bar, rolled, slit, sheet and hoop iron; cast, shear, spring
and other steels bellows, anvils, vices, screw-plates, dm.
FAR3IEIIS—WiII find a good assortment of farming im
plements, such as plows, corn cultivators, horse rakes,
grain cradles, scythes, maths, rakes and forloc patent hay
hooks; ropes and pullies, shovels, hoes, and axes of &Bins',
Brady's and Ilagen's make, all of which are warranted.
STOVES! STOVES!—We also keep a complete assort
ment of cook, parlor, wood and coal stoves.
Agents for the saleof superphosphate, of limo, considered
by many to be the best fertilizer or manure in use. Sold
in large or small quantities. Peruvian Ulll/110 also for sale'
inlY 3 ly-24
emoval.—The Inland Safety Mutual Insurance
is,C,ompany have removed their Office to Centre Square,
(late Hubby's hotel,) where they,continue to make Insu
rances against loss by Fire, on the most favorable terms,
and receive money on Deposita as heretofore.
avomps F. BAUCH,
a 8 0:18 Sontag 3 Zemin.
Between Shober & Sener>s Hotels, North Queen
reet, Lancaster Pa leb 22 tf-5
Bee Hive Store, North Queen street, Lan
Improved Super Phosphate of Llme,
$4O Per Ton of 2000 lbs.
It Is considered the BEST MANURE for
Wheat, Rye and other Graln•,
No. I, Govan: ataxy PERUVIAN, at the lowest rates; also
No 23 9. Wharves and 35 El. Water st.,
,First store above Chesnut at., Phila.
Earmers van load at the Water at. trout, and avoid
ND every description ofMarble and Sand Stone
Work, is executed in the most beautiful style at
the Marble Works of Charles M. Howell, North
Queen street, east side, between Orange and Ches
nut streets, and nearly opposite to Van Ilarian , •
The subscriber thankful for:past favors, would in
form his friends and the public in general, that his
establishment is now opened at the above location,
where be will be happy at all ; times to wait-upon cus
tomers sad manufacture to . nrder every thing apper
taining to hialine of business, in the meat appro ed
style of the profession, and et the most reasonable
He is constantly receiving at his Marble Works
full supplies from the city of :Philadelphia of
which is superior to any thing of the kind in this city.
Letters in. English and German, engraved in the
most eleganma netnr.
His facilities are such, that all orders will be filled
with the greatest promptnelis and in the best appro
ved manner.
Persons wishing Monuments are informed that hi
collection of designs are new and original and so
full and complete that' they can make a selection
without difficulty.
He invites the public to J cpil at his Works, and
view the beautiful assortmeai of Monuments, &c.,
now finished.
1r:1 - Builders and others injwant o MARBLE MAN
TLES, Shol.llll visit his Wars-Rooms and examine his
splendid stock on hand.
wr SAND STORE for Sills, :4teps, Curbing, Cem
etary purposes, and fronts of buildings, at the low
est rates.
,Orders received ror all kinds or Iron Railing
Dee. 23. ['v
People's Marble Works, (Leon
ard & Bear's old stand,) SHOPS IN NORTH
QUEEN STREET, Half Square South of the Rail.
road, and 3d door North l ot Michael M , Grtinn , s
White Horse Hotel, Lancaiter city.
LEWIS HALDY, Marble Mason, respectfully
informs the public that he has purchased The entire
stock of Leonard & Bear, which, in addition to hie
own large stock, warrants him in saying that he
has now in his yard by far.the largest amount of
ever offered to the citizeps of Lancaster, and
greater than any other establishment west of Phil
adelphia. In consequence pf having purchased tke
stock of Leonard Sr. Bear alt a bargain, and havink
also made arrangements at the East to receive
marble at reduced prices,'he announces that he
will sell much cheaper than any other establish
ment in this city or county can do. He is now pre
pared to-
execute in the hest style, Monument
Tombs and Grave Stones, Mantels, Door and
Window Sills, Steps, Etc., of every variety
and price.
His facilities lOr furnishing articles in the Mar
ble line are unsurpassed by any other establishment
in the city, while he assures all who may favor hits
with their patronage that hla work shall be execu
ted in the very beet style and on the most reason
able terms.
GERMAN, done at the shortest notice, and on the
moat moderate terms.
He respectfully invites the public to call and ex
amine hie work, being fully satisfied to rest his
claim to public patronage tipon its merits.
Thanklu, for the many favors bestowed upon
hint, he hopes by strict attention to business tomer
it and receive a share of thb public patronage.
leb 22 I ly-b
DY"ngand Seouring_—Philip Hudson, Fancy
Dyer, lio 95 North Thirteeifth Street, Philadelphia,
three doors above Cherry Street., respectfully informs the
citizens of Montgomery. reliant and elsewhere, that all
kinds of Silks, Crapes, MerinoeS; &c., are dyed in the most
fashionable and permanent colors. Ladies' cashmere and
crape shawls, cloaks, cleansed and pressed equal to
new; Silk dresies watered In sUperlor style. Clentlemen's
apparel scoured and dyed In 'superior style; in short, Dye
ing In aILIW various brancheS done at short notice, and
on the lowest terms. A call li earnestly solicited, 38 it is
very convenient for those who ihould want anying In the
above line.
Phila. mh 13 1 y-S
Nos. 135-1:47 Ntrrot,
dec 26 1 tf-49
rplie Illinois Central nallroad Company
Ins now prepared to sell over I two uoll btu! of Acres of
selected Prairie, Earth and Wood Lands, in Tracts of 40
Acres and upwards, to suit purchasers, on long credit,:
and at low rates of interest. 1 .
They were granted by the llT.erutnent to encourage the
building of this Railroad, which runs Crum the extreme
north to the extreme south of the State of Illinois. I t pas
ses, from end to end, through the richest and most fertile
Prairies of the State. dotted hdre and there with magnifi
cent Oak Groves. The recent optn hug of nearly 600 miles of
this road throws open the land fur cultivation. They are
scattered from I tolifteen miles on each shield' it, through
its entire length.
The soil is a dark, deli mos d, from one to five
depth, Is gently roling, and muliarly fitted for gracing
cattle and sheep, and the cultivation of. wheat, Indinn
corn, Sc.
The first crop of Indian corniplanted on the newly bro
ken prairie, usuall pays the cost of plowing and sometime s
fencing. Wheat sown on new turned sod is sure to, yield
very large profits. One man wi th a plow and two yoke o f
oxen will break ono and a halfo two acres per day. Con
tracts can be made for breakil ready fur corn or wheat ,
at $2 to $2 50 per acre. 13yju leiuus management farm $
may be broken and fenced t first and tinder a high
state of cultivation the second year.
The larger yield on the cheap lands of 1111nols,over high
priced lands in the Eastern arid Middle States, is known
to be much more than sufficient to pay the difference of
transportation to the Eastern darket. The rapid increase
and growth of flourishing towns and villages along the
line at this road afford a grow ng home demand fur farm
produce. t
Coal • ' wood are delivered slow
Coal and U..— Are .......-._- ~...ig ..
points at from $1 50 to $4 the cord or tpti.
Parties having in view lowaiKansas, Nebraska, or Min.
Desoto for their future homes hould take into considera
tion that the country west of the Mississippi Is destitute
of railroads; that the conveniences of transporting grain
and produce farms on tho lie of phe Illinois Central
Railroad, direct to the great Eastern market, it sufficient
of itself to pay the investment lit from $lO to $l5 per acre
higher than in government laidts in lowa. In other words
that it costs so much more to get produce from the Interi
or of the country west of the Nlississlppi;to the Eastern
market, that the farmer will find it Much mere profitable
to locate on the line of this railroad.
Price and Terms of price will vary from
$5 to $25, according to location quality, he. Contracts for
deeds may bo made during the year 1855, -stipulating the
purchase money to be paid in five annual instalments—
the tirstio be due in two yeari from date of contract, the
other annually thereafter. Th 6 last payment will become
due - et the end of the sixth year from date of eontract.
By the 22d second section of the Act of the Legislature,
approved 10th February, 18511 these lands are free from
taxation until they are paid for, and a deed of conveyance
granted to the purchaser. 1
Interest will be charged at duly two per cent. per an.
num.—As a security for the Orrin-mance of thelontract,
the first two years' interest utast be paid In advance, but
It must be understood That one tenth of the land purcha
sed shall riarly be brought tinder cultivation. long..
credits at six per cent. per annum may bo negotiated by
epecial application. Twenty per cent. from the credit price
will be deducted for cash, in (which case the Company's
Construction Bonds will be reciiived as cash.
It is believed that the price, long credit, and low rates
of Interest charged for these ands, will enable a man
with a few hundred dollars in ash, and ordinary industry
to make himself independent fore all the purchase mon
ey becomes due. In the meai time the rapid settlement
of the country will probably, are increased their value
tour or fivefold. When required an experienced person
will accompany applicants, to give information and aid in
selecting lands.
Large Plats, showing theits.) location of the Lauda
througout the State, may be nat the office. Small pock
et Plats,. as a guide to any part of the Company's Lands,
and Pamphlets, containing I ateresting information, ac
companied by numerouk letters from respectable farmers
throughout the State, may be had on application at the
office of the Company, No. 52 Michigan as. Chicago.
Land Agent 111 nols Central Railroad Co.
6m 35
;tying Fund of the', United States In
10suraneb, Annuity and Trust Co., C. E. corner Third
Chesnut eta., Philadelphia: ;
Capital 8250,000.
'MONEY Is received on deposite daily. The amount do
posited leentered in a Deposit ',Book and given to the De
positor, or, if preferred, a certificate will be given.
All sums, large and small, are received, and the amount
paid back on demand, without notice.
Interest Is paid at the rata of five por cent., commencing
from the day of deposit, and ceasing fourteen days previ
ous to the withdrawal of the money.
On the first day of January,, in each year, the interest
of each deposit Is paid to the depositor, or added to the
principal, as he may prefer.
The Company have now upwards of 3,500 depositors In
the City of Philadelphia alone.
Any additional Information b ill be given by addressing
the Treasurer. •
• FISK ,
t Socretary and Treasuvor.
J. C. Oentscamaara, Teller add Interpreter.
sep 4
eug 14 if--30
LIDWARD Wiley, Boot and Shoe Ma
maker, respectfully informs his friends and the
public that he has taken the stand lately occupied
by Mr. Jas. W. Quinn, in North Queen street, near
the Railroad, Lancaster, where he has on hand a
large and well selected sock of BOOTS, 6.110E8,
GAITERS, dc.,ikc., which he now will dispose of
at the lowest prices. •
He has also a very largo variety of lastings, for
gaiters, of all colors and qualities. Ladies can suit
their own taste, and have gunners made up at the
very shortest notice .
All orders for work in hi line, will be promptly
attended to.
He trusts that by punethality, moderate prices,
and an effort to please all who may favor him with
their orders to receive a shire of public patronage.
aug tf-31
EORGE Kuhns,
Dealer in Foreign ant
Tobacco, takes this method'
tourers and the public genes
found at No. 45 North Quer
lor's Rotel, Lancaster, Pa.
hand the choicest brands o
bacco, such as Johns Is 8:44
Robinson's 5s and 8, Lotie
Dorado, Diamond Twist, 1
, 1
Also, all kinds of import
cipees, Yarrow, Turkish Sc.
great number of othor brar
stock of common and Nall
factored in the best mann°
on hand, and offered at w
very lowest prices.
All who want a first-rate
&gars are invited to give
may 24
rPIIESE wonderful and un 'crazily admired pictures,
which appear as round an solid as sculptured marble,
are taken daily, at
corner of NO Queen and Orange ets.
*iirDaguerreotypes of eve size and style, taken at
the lowest prices.
Lehmeteri June 19 , tf-99
Ei ,, GLISII and
Manufacturer and
id Domestic; Segars and
of informing his old ems
3rally, that he can now be
en st., next door to Weid
., where he has always on
4 chewing and otber To:
)11cis pound lump,
V Plug, Fine Twist,
Segars, Regaling, Prin
t' tans, Cuba Sixes and a
tds; together with a large
r Spanish Segall, mann
for his own sales always
.oliwale and retail at the
article of Tobacco and
~ a call.