TLING, BUT TRUE rim 703.,.itTsit...palsora,..aAti4owiiii,5., f en `''' Year to t o f f a tinsepi tie*. congtton pa ,not . even : . 'for oho - y t eel tans happy_ and,issbiligglog labs ' 'eheeinc dent to the of : health. t . t .. . HE .LOOMING _BRIDE, But 6 tf) - toiltillil ofhaatch and iivath, years ego 2n e nand buoyancy of epritn, rapidly,' and &mond,' Pr• .".m,lll , basemen a feeble, welly, st.w,,, &Intl; gme, with frame emaciated, cored s =scum& bsl greased, countenance bearing Oa Immo , tuid an utter pl:lpdal al inadinlF" - ng from ignorance of the simpleta awl :0,414pal odes at health an connected with the:mat nage be, the violation of which entails disease, **arias and misety, not only;to the wife, but often 3 A' D ET COMPLEPPIB UPON 1 °BRUN' ~.,- !,... Tp =am AND -F °l/ ATY I ( PNICIWICe i x7 " ' - tun cosrsuarrnos. scuorxrnA, u7 r, ONPRIA, INSANITY. GOUT" - • WS iminira and other and , . ........ _ , worse .1111sonieS. as . n., - 0 E FR AD O F m U T L RE - . {N p ,H AR E. E R NT IT I s A . Nek n i e • "And must this continuet. Utl. Weber ill there no remedy No relief? No hope?" , The • edy Is by knowing the MMus and stelae, them, a d knowing the raniefiles,iiid benefiting by them. . • pointeit gain T E MA RRIED WOMAN'S A• . PR7ATE MEDICAL COMPANION, BY DR IL MAVNICPAIT, _` ' "rnorteson or musts or nom. _:One Hundredth Edaton, (500,000), ISmo., pp. 250. [on me perm., coma sorrato, $1.00.] A slat dard wort of eattbnabed tepotterni found clamed in the eaulddgoea of the great Utt& odes be New Yor k, Philadelphia, end other cities, acid sold by the principal boekee 'in the Coital States. It woe tlrst.publieheil In arr, *ice .ehleb time 'HUNDRED THOUSAND COPIES have betca itrild, of which there were upwards of ONE 4UNDHED THOUSAND SENT BY MAIL, A ttcAtin th e biab estlanation;in which It is held as a re, - liable Oar Medial ' ,• • ' - 1 :BO K FOR EVERY FEMALE the so or having devoted his exclusive attention to the tree tof ootoplant• peculiar to females, In respect to which go is yearly consulted by thousands both In person and by letter. Mere v ery woman Inn discover, by comparing her 0.11 eymptowith those described, the nature, charicter, causes of, and the proper remedies fur, her complaints. The wife about becoming a mother boa often need of Instruction and advice of , the utmost Importance to her futare health, to respect to which her eenelthreneas for bids cc nealting a medical gentleman, will Ond inch in struction and advice, and also explain many symptoms which th pc t. errwlse would occasion anxiety or alarm as all the ullaritles incident to her situation are described. Ho many are suffering from obstructions or Irregular ities cellar to the female system,whicli undermine the health . the effects of which they are ignorant, and for which their delicacy forbids: tooting medical advice. Many suffering from proloyina uteri (falling of the womb), -or frori fl uor alas (weakness, debility, ho.) Many are In co tent agony for many months preceding confine ment Many have difficult if not &unlac:et deliveries, and sl tv and uncertain recoveries. Some whine lives are el hain ed daring such time, will each find In its pages the means of prevention, amelioration and relief. It Li of court. impracticable to convey fatly the varioco Subjecte treated or - tie they are of a nature strictly till:" tended for the married or those contemplating marriage. Reader, are you a husband or a father? a wife'or • mother? Bare you the sincere welfare of those yen love I at hrt? Prove your sincerity, and loss no time In learnlb ea g what causes Interfere with their health and hap 'dem not less than your own. It will avoid to you and yours as it has to thousands, many a day of pain and uncle y, followed by- aleepleas nights, Incapacitating the mind Air Its oramary avocation, Inc extiatutlog those means for medical attendance, medicines and advertised nosh : me which otherwise would provide for declining yeand, the infirmities of age and the proper education of your children. In consequence of the universal popularity of the work, el evidenced by De extraordinary sale, variousimposi tional have been attempted, sal well on bookzellers as on the public, by imitations of title page, spurious editions, and Surreptitious infringements of copy - right, and other davit*. and deceptions, it bas been found necessary, therefore, to CAUTION THE PUBLIC to huy no book unless the words "Dr. A. M. Idscrucesc, 129 liberty Street, N. Y.," is on (and the entry In the Clerk'a (Mice on the tarok of) the title page; and boy only) of respectable and honorable dealers, or send by mail end address to Dr. A. M. Manricerin. Asir Upon receipt of One. Dollar "THE MAR RIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL COM PANION" is sent (mailed frrw) to any part of the Plaited States, the Canadas and British Provinces. All letters must be post-paid, and addressed to Dr. A. M. MAPRICEATI, box 12M, New-York City. Publishing, °Bice, No. 129 Liberty Stroet, Nen , York. Agents. T. IL Peterson, Philadelphia; Mrs. Cynthia Williams, llone'sdale; Spangler Bro., Lancaster, Wentz & Stark Carbr °dale - E. Flint, Williamsport; S. Tuck, 15 - nsh:inv. S. Le ider, lianover ; Tires. Coivperthwait, Philadelphia; J. B. Gunnison, Erie; Samuel B. Ltuffer, Greensburg; E. S; Durbin, Franklin ; Dr. S. D. Scott, Bedford; E. T. Ililde brand, Indiana; J. W. Kidney, Brownsville; G. M. McGet. tyg, %utler; J. S. Nickson, Chambersburg; Goe. W. Gettys, Butl. r; Joseph Swartz, Bloomsburg.9 1151 ACard.—Dß. S. WELDICENS respectfully announces o his friends and the public generally, that he has pure • ased the entire stuck and Interest of the Drug and Med clue Store, formerly owned by Dr. Ziegler, in North Queo street. directly opposite the Franklin House. li combining the Drug business with the practice of Den tist .., it is not ' his design to have one 'interfere with the u genial interests of the other; but by the employment of a ca eful and judicious hand, he feels that a superintend ence of the interests of the store can be rendered, and yet the racticc of his profession strictly attended to In all it; detail. . / II would therefore solicit a continuance of the libeiai pa nage the store has heretofore had, end respectfully asks those of his friends both In the city and county who may want Drugs or Medicines, to call. It Is his design to kee a Imp, and well selected assortment of Drugs and Cho Jests of every description, and warranted to be of the verj best the markot can a ff ord. Those who wish his Dental services. will please mil at his Ore, No. 34, ltramph's Buildings, North Queen atreet. april 24 T ailoring.—T.lllllllrllY wishes to Inform his nu ll erous friends and the public generally. that be has ape ed a new nod fashionable Tailoring . En ablishment in No. U Fulton Buildings, fad g on West King street , where lie shall be hap py t accommodate all who may favor him with a call T e subscriber flatters himself that by strict atteution to business, be will merit and rocelee u share of public P. 'nag.. T. MURPHY. an it 10• . 3m•11 l ent.Discussion Ended.—The groat topic le discussion which has for souse time past engaged thr so le of the city and county of Lancaster, has at length ee • decided to the satisfaction of all. T e question was wells° can the best and handsomest o log be purchased lor the least anitnuat of money ? Yl,u can scarcely ask any person now that will not tell ou WILLIAM tirinziLEß'S, 1 North Quota st.,"m"st'er, where you can be stir with atoo tulug a his Hue of business. 1,-..Just opened a fine and elegant assortment of SPICING AND SIDIMEIt GOODS, y Cassinieresof splendid colors and patterns, and of • ery latest styles. Black and fancy Cloths thateannot ;est. Testings almost tix., haudsotnu to talk about. 0 complete stuck of iteady.made Clothing, Coats, s, Vests, Drawers. Shirts Shirt Collars, Stocks, Cravats, enders, Stockings. &c., Sc., all of which ready to at prices which few will grumble at and if any do mount will bu reduced to suit their fancy. . `.tue, therefore, friends :Ind below citizens and continue give us a full share of your patronage far which WO Shall nlittly thank you as Wall as for past favors.. Y / u may be quite certain that no utrurt will be spared to ve you full satitaindion for your money. The goods, as u I,IV, all warranted at this establishment, T 4 joy are all manufactured under the immediate super -Vence of the proprietor, and therefore what they are - souted to be. I r;torner work promptly at lauded to ..15 N'LLLLA M. I IEN:31.1.:1 moral.—no Inland Safety Mutual Instirance '.mpany have removed their Office to Centre Square, Ruble 's hotel.) where they continue to umke insu es against loss by Fire, on the most tlivorable terms, receive money on Deposite as heretofore. RUDOLPH F. ItAUCII, Seretary & Treasure. ates I Slates I !—The subscriber having taken the geucy for tinny Ws building slates is ready et any time t ruishsiate by the ton or put on by the square, at the test ndliu, and on the Most reasonable terms. Apply y Hardware Store, North Queen street. . 27 ly-7 }WIW SPRECIIER. StereogcopeN: `SE wonderful and universally admired pictures, vhich appear as round and solid as sculptured marble, taken daily, at JOHNSTON'S SKY-MITT GALLERY,. corner of North Queen and Orange ste. el - Daguerreotypes of every size and style, taken a lowest prices. • nester, jun° IS t 122 1 ardsvare.--Russel it , Barr, No. 8, East 81 King street, sign of the Anvil; Wholesale and Retail I/-. ere in Foreign and Domestic Hardware.—Buildiug material of every Uescription, such as locks, latches, hinges, scion's, bolts, &c. We have the agency-of 'th4 Pittsburg Janus-faced Lucks, which can be used for right orieft natal d rs. We shall also have on hand a superior article of nails and spikes. Also a large assortment of glass, paints, oils and vanishes. Wetheril's pure white lead, French 2. d American sine paints. Ve are the agents for Rowland Parry's building slate. - S to put on by-the square, or seld by the ton. All slating d ne by our hands warranted, and attended to at the s ortest notice. OACH TRIMMINGS.—We also keep a good assortment o mach trimmings, such as laces, fringes, melts, hubs, s. that ts. felines, - springs and ash., Enamelled, plain, an 'floor Oil Cloths. Enanielledand patent leather; bolts, hinds. malleable custings, &e. ' , '. ~ • - . 4t CARPENTERS AND'CABTNET MAKERS--Will find a g d- assortment of panel, band and back saws ; planes, g ex. chisels, braces and brace-bittio 'cast steel augurs d bitty. - IILACKSAIITHS—WiII find a complete assortment of r, rolled, slit sheet and hoop iron; cast, 'alle.smkprlng" nd other steels; bellows, anvils, vices, screw-plates, Irc. ' i,... ha FARMERS—WiII find a good -assortment of ferininglii-: laments, such as plows, coin' cultivators, horso rakes, cradles, , scythes, snaths, rakes and forks; patent hay ookm ropes and putties. shovels, hoes, ancrixes of Saville, Irady's and Hagen's make, 'all of which arirwarrinted: STOVES! STOVES!We"iIie 'keep a complete assort ent of exiolc;parlom Wood and coed tittriett." - Agents for the sale of super.phosphate oflime, considered . L many to be H. best fertiliser or manure-Is. use. -Sold n largeor runatiAtututhlcs. Peruviam fillanordsriforrabo' ado Seeda.—l'rime Bute .J.laga and other Turnip flood Terhip.Drills. Also Seed Buckwheat, for sale Wholesale aud Retail by I , . , PASCEIALL MORRIS dr,C0.,,,." Preparing!—CHAS. M. ERBEN & BRO. have now commenced receiving their large a tin: mock of Cwca_cr._l3 o a DODD . .. larsortinan Irtsb7arrivirizOts?tiiiisti7lr-- sson;preireties, Vault that bir 'lleiriratire_e. their :fine! t if -Thole Wiihirti gooe Goads itt,.VOTto . w prices, will do, well by a visit Wear esniblisbment. CHAS. M. EBBEN ' , North Queen st.,adjoinging .T.precber's 'lrard ware store. - =' ;,, ' twarch 28 tf-10 Notice to Travelers .— Prom and aftetldonday Dec. 10, 1854, the - Christiana* , award larel - Stage Line will learn Christiana.: 4imsd!t3w- Thtusdays and Saturdays, at .1 P. 114 vls , tna: Cooperadlle, Green Tree, Paxson's Store Spring Grove, Mechanics' Gismo, to Chesnut Lars rob:LA i444m il:liareYha LevelAt ottldandays, Wednesdays and irtidays/and return 'the Same route to Cacristlaxus..' • The above arrangement will afford persons an opportun ity of traveling in eithe of. two daily lines of cars to and from the cities of Phitadaluldi and-loncasly• Dec. 12 tf-471 *eider of the )tanagers. F' .or Rent.—Two lavge roones.latiouth Queen Street, 4 , next door below the ottleent-llgn.. Thaddeus Stevens. Possession given inussedhskiy, .rsultdre of the Fdltor of It elllgeneer." ew Iron and Brass Foundry.—The Fro kTPrietors of theLmicastre Locauarrve Weeks would re rpectily mil the attention-of the public tothe extensive rftiois and MUSS Foundries connected with their estab lishment. We are now prepared to Manufacture StationaryEnglikes ILII.Wand - 3aw 111111BastIngs, , Car WlLerls, and e v ery. etlier,,deaceptice °Feast iron work at short no Lice and reduced prime— also, all kinds of • Brass Castings, Copper. Rivets, .ficdder .and. • Dabblt. ItEetaL 1. The establishment, is under the Superintendence of Mr. John Brandt, Sr. whoa) mechanical skill is well known to 'o citizens; and as none bat the most ammetent and tborough workmen aro. employed, we are conddeet - of giv ing entire caUsfaction, to all-who may favor us with their patronage. , f fel> tf-6] Cnano r Guano I I Guano ! f t—Just received a lot of superior ouano, In Barrels. For sale in lots to suit purchasers, by GEO. CALDER & CO., Office 343 N. Queen street, and et Overt:Fs Landing, on he Conestoga. . jnno 12 tf-21 SEesant I pa sli ni, S h oll i lLe r ather.- 1 0 00 pound of &biasses 1000 pounds of Big Coro best Spanish Leather. 1000 pounds of Hemlock Bed Sole Leather. 1000 pounds of Country Tanned Slaughter. Together with a large assortment of every kind of Leath er, suitable for Shoe Dealers and Saddlers, to which the trade is respectfully Invited to examine. At tho Sign of the Last, No. 17 ; West King street. M. 11. LocnEn. PATENT is FRENCH CALF SKINS.—A superior article of Freuch and Patent Calf Skins. just received and for sale at the sign of the Laat, N 0.11% West King street. M. H. LOCHER. MOROCCO & PINK LININGS.-30 doz. of Pink and Bark olored Sheep Skins on hand. 30 doz. of Morocco, of every description and quality, for • le. at the Leather, Morocco and Shoe Finding Store, sign f the Last, No. 1715 - Iyest King st. M. 11. LOCIIBit. LASTS & BOOT TRY.F.B.—A large and well selected stock of Lasts and Boot Trees, for sale, at reduced prices, lower than eau be bought in the city, at the Last Store, No. WM West King street, below Steintnau's Hardware Store. M. 11. LOCIIER. SIIOI3 NAILS.-1000 pounds Jost received, from the Mon ufacturer, at reduced prices, at No. West King street sign of the Last. M. 11. LOCIIER. april 24 The Greatest Medical Discovery of the Dr. ITENNEDY, of Roxbury has discovered, In one of our common pasture weeds, a remedy that cures EVERY KIND OF HUMOR, front the worst Scrofula down to a common pimple. Ho has tried it in over 1104) cases, tutd never failed except in two cases. (btelt thunder humor.) Ile has now in his possession over two hundred cmtlficates of its virtue, all within twenty miles of Boston. Two bottles are warranted to cure a nursing sore mouth. One to three bottles will cure the worst kind of Pimples on the Two to three bottles will rlhr the system of titles. Two bottles are warranted to cure the worst canker in the mouth or stomach. Three to five bottles are warranted to cure the worst case of Erysipelas. One to two tattles am warranted to cure all humor in the Eyes. Two bottles aro - warranted to curo running of the ears and blotches among the hair. Four to six bottles are warranted to curo corrupt and running ulcers. One bottle will cure scaly corruption of the skin. Two to three bottles are warranted to cure the worst case of ringworm. Two to three bottles are warranted to cure the most des perate case of rheutnittism. Three to four bottles are warranted to cure the salt rheum. Five to eight bottles will cure the worst case of scrofula. A benefit Is always experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect cure is wairanted wh to the above quantity is taken. Reader, I peddled over a thousand bottles of this in the vicinity of Boston. I know the effect of it in every case.- - S'd'sure as water will extinguish fire. so sure will this cure humor. I never sold a bottle of it, but that sold au other; alter a trial it always speak for itself. There aro two things about this herb that appear to mu surprising; first that it grows in our pastures, in some places quite plentiful, and yet its value has never been known until 1 discovered it in IS-IC—second that it should curt.,all kinds of humor. In order to give some idea of the sudden rise, and great popularity eat the discovery. I will state that in April, 1853, 1 peddled it and sold about six bottles per day—ln April, 181.1. I sold over one thousand bottles pet. day of it Some of the wholesale Druggirts who have been in the business twenty and thirty years, say that nOthing in the annals of patent medicines was aver like it. There is a universal praise of it from all quarters. In my own practice 1 always kept it strictly for humors —but since its introduction as a general family medicine great and wonderful virtues have been found in it that I never suspected. Several cases of epileptic fits—a disease which was al ways considered incurable, have been cured by a few bot tles. what a merry if it prove effectual In all cases of that awful malady—there are but few who have seen more of it than I have. I know of several cases of Dropsy, all of them aged peo ple cured by it. For the various diseases of the Liver, Sick Reattach. Dyspepsia ' Asthma, Fever and Ague, Pain In the side. Diseases of the Spine. and particularly in diseases of the Kidneys, Sc., the discovery has done inure good than any medicine ever known. No change of diet ever necessary—eat the best you get and enough of it. DutscrtoNs Fun Uss.—Adults one table spoonful perday —Children over ten years dessert spoonful. Children from five to eight years. tea spoonful. As no direc tions tan he applicable to all constitutions, take sufficient to operate on the bowels twit., a day. Manufa'ctured by DONALD KENNEDY, No. LW Warren St.. Itexbury, 211.6 Price $l,OO. Wholesale Agents. Nev York City, C. V. Clickner, 81 Barclay Street; C. IT. Ring.l92 Broadway; Rushton & Clark 273 Broadway; A. B. &B. Sands, 100 Fulton Street. Sold in Rochester by J. Bryan k Co.. Wholesale Agents, No. 112. Stat. 3 Street; also by L. Post .9 Co.. General Agent.—T. W. Dyett A Sun, Philadelphia. Agents in Laneuster.--James Smith, Wm. G. Bal:er, Samuel. We'diens, B. H. Kaufman, H. A:Roaltafteld. Chas. A. Lleiuitsh. aprll24 1y.14 13ennsylvanla Patent Agency.— ..L. .1. FRANKLIN REIGART, of Lancaster city, obtains Letters Patent from the U.S. Patent Office, on the most reasonable terms. Drawings of all kinao of Machiner" Architecture or Surveys, cor rectly'executed by him. Likewise Deeds, Bonds and other instruments writing. office FULTON HALL. april tf-14 Land For Sale.—Public notice is hereby given that the undersigned Executors of John llartsock, dee'd, in pursuance of the direction of the last will and testament of said dee'd. offer for sale a valuable plant:, Winn or Traet of' Land, situated iu Burrell triwn ship, Indiana county. Pa.. containing 3C5 ACRES--alumt anloi which are cleared. 45 of which am in meadow. The improvement aro TWO DWELLING HOUSES, a Bank Barn and other buildings—also no excellent Apple Orchard. The tract is within 4 miles of Blairsville, and the Indiana Branch Railroad runs through it. Au indisputable title will be given, and terms made rea mnable. Apply to JONATHAN HARTSOCK, THOMAS ADAMS, GILLIS POTY, Executors. J une ID f-2•2 Ti e 1 itt bold , s Genuine Preparnt tons.— Li HELM ttoLlrS HIGHLY CONCENTRATED CO3I - FLUID EXTRACT 110C1111, fur Diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys, Secret Diseases, Strictures, Weak nesses, and all Diseases of the Sexual Organs, whether in male or female, from whatever cause theymay have origi nated and no matter of how long standing. If you have contracted the terrible disease, which when ens, seated in the system, will surely go down from one generation to another, undermining the constitution and sapping the very vital fluids of life, do not trust yourself in the hands of Quacks, who start up every day in a city like this, and fill the papers with glaring falsehoods too well calculated to deceive the young and those not ac quainted with their trick's. You cannot lie too careful in the selection of n remedy in these cases. THE FLUID EXTRACT 13UCFIU has been pronounced by eminent Physicians the greatest remedy ever known.— It is a medicine perfectly pleasant in ifs taste and very in• nocent in its action, and yet so thorough that it adnihi tales every particle of the rank and poisonous virus of this dreadful disease; and, unlike other remedies, it does not dry up the disease in the blood. Constitutional Debility, brought on by self-abuse, a most terrible disease, which has brought thousands of the hu man race to untimely graves, thus blasting the brilliant hopes of parents, and blighting in the bud the glorious ambition of many a noble youth, cau be cured by this in fallible remedy. And as a medicine which must benefit everybody, from the simply delicate to the confined and despairing invalid, no equal is to be found, acting both as a Core and Preventive. . _ lIELS.IBOLD'S IHOIILTCONCENTRATED CCOIPOEND FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, for purifying the Blood, removing all diseases arising from excess of Mer cury, exposure and imprudence in life, chronic constitu titionl disease, arising from nn Impure state of the Blood, and the only reliable and effectual known remedy for the cure of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ulcerations of the Throat and Legs, Pains and tSwellings of the Bones, letter, Pimples on the Face, and all Scaly Ernptions of the Stiti. . Tige lu•tiele is now prescribed by some of the most die tingnishea Physicians in the country, and hasproted more efficient in practice than any other any preparation of Sarsaparilla yet. offered to the public. Several cases of secondary, Syphilis, Mercurial and Scrofulous diseases have entirely micoverudinfthe incurable wards of our Public In. stitutlons attack ball: for many years resisted every mode of.treatatent, that could be devised. These cases furnish striking examples of .the salutary effects of this medicine •in arresting some of the most inveterate diseases, after the glands were destrled and the bones.already affected. NOTlCE.—Letters from responsible Physicians and Pro fawns of several Modical.CoUeges, and certificates of cures from patients will be.ttitind accompanying both Prepant . Prime, Fluid Extract eißischu, $1 per: bottle, or 6 bottles for P. _Fluid:Extract Sarsaparilla, $1 per bottle, or 6 bot tles for lA, equal tfustrength to one gallon Syrup of &ram parllltt- Prepared. and sold. by H. T. ELEL3IBOLD, Chemist,.263 Chestnut st., near the llirard House, Philada, and: to be had in Leincaster ofJemas Sarrn. Druggist, N0..10, East King st, and Cuss. A. Ilsztaxsu, No. 13, East King st. All letters directed•to thefPropriebor . pr Agent rteelve immediate attention.. • ' • [may 15, ,cp Improvement in Dentlairp.......A. - Ilanufeetery for producing entire sots of AitTIPICLA.L' 'LEITH, after Dr. Loomis' improved method.: " ' is now established nt 110 North Tenth st.t "Ilzw* Phlindelph la. It consists of the entire•set of Teidit 4 ' gaiter with'e gum: and roof of the monthi;belbg . one solid.plem, the whole being • beinatifulljr enameled With' :their appropriate eolork- The pietii - ari, worn wltElient' ....nefort, there being no Ihr the lodgenient'of part!) .ties of focA, nitnere tnnet'siffnys be In 'thebldthethol'of, g old It.scititgliitlNZall' it may eiectited: Among tiff, man y es are cheatatein,ditrabilltb' • cleanliness, and r iziastirathigftd.' • The superiority -method is very apparent,. Tkesit intereeladaroitiviWVirtdditind'atti ' ' The Chesnut Street Works.—KIEF PEWS Machine Shop and Iron Works. The .... c ten — witlithe •• ac .itieShopaTila — nos estauhs r• imint,:theYnfai.esit .- ; ;"-k•trul 51 flirtißall- - 4 1 . ' Ilileittiselhid the public ietietilry t ' thitlin h4'keilm; iiiio the MnitegeMeit - ef theientiri tnitabliAnient where heir nowprepared .with.thernesf ittii)-• :. Mid extensive facilities,., to do , iivork , ,orevetyd.".. scription in his line, such' is . STEAM Boilers,:: ., ... . . ,ENGINES an d Shafting, 'Gtia •_F:„;- . ..,....., inellill and Saw-mill work , Slidesi Ilan ..11.t. es Car-wheels and Axles , and Castings Of,CScry'Ale .. , Acription.. , : ~• - . .. - As his assortment of patterns is not surpcs. , by any other in the State;hir is ena bled to'do'inork-at thi shortest notice and at redu ced jirieili- ..... . Stoves of every description manufacture an. for sale, wholesale and retail. IRON - RAILING for yards, cemeteries, te. ,ftest , ofitftbeigbWriidde*id‘putiijrwith ifeiftnetivi t t.. 'despatch. ,'.Alitt, Verandahs' donstructed'anepn up•ofthe.M6st oeantiful patterns and best work manship.. ,-, -.. Furnace Twiers and.Tipes cif every descriptio. on hand-end matfett)" order. ;Old Tiviers and Pipe - repaired manner. ' TO-HOUSEKEEPERS AND BUILDERS.—The subscriber also baving purchased the right forLan castor co„ from the patentees, is now prepared t. furnish Ram Er Hay's Patent Tubular Ovens an. Hot Air Range, a perfect cooking apparatus of war' ous sixes, tomtit families,. boarding houses, or ho tels. This Range is constructed on the most val uable and scientific principles, and not only . per forms the office of 'conking in all its various branch es; in the most perfect manner, with a mai amount of Mel, but will, at the same time, hex additional rooms either adjoining or over th kit6hen. . Also, Hayes' Patent Ventilator, the best now i. use fur ventilating public and private buildings Mc., also, for withdrawing smoke from chimne Nees. By employing 'a sufficient number of the mos competent mechanics, in his pattern rooms, foun dry, boiler and ma chine shops, and by payin: strict attention to business, the undersigned look Iconfidently for an increased share of public pa ronage. CHRISTIAN. KIEFFER, Chesnut street, between N. Queen and Prince. The subscriber respectfully announ;:es to his former patrons and friends that having withdrawn from the firm of I. & D.Fellenbaum, will still be round at his former place of business in the ma chine shop department of "Chesnut Street Iron Works," where he Will be happy to receive a con tinuation of their favors for Christille Kieffer, Esq„ proprietor and manager of the establishment, who is in all respects prepared to give entire satistac tiOn in every branch ef his business. ISAAC FELLENBAUM, Lancaster. may IG tf-17 WILLIAM S. AMWE kttorney at La w, OFFERS his professional services to the poetic. He also attends to the collection of Pensions and the prosecution of all manner claims agains the general government. His residence in the city of Washington for several years, the experience derived from the duties of the office, which he had filled during that time, and the modein which claims of this sort are most speedily adjusted,give the most ample assurance that business placed in his hands will be attended to in such manner as can not fail to afford !satisfaction. Office in South Queen street,second house below he Lancaster Bank Nov. 20, 1849. Tronigmacher Sr, Bauman, Tan llners and Curriers Store, back of Robt. Mud erwell's Commission Warehouse, fronting on the Railroad and. North Prince street. Cheap fur Cash, or approved credit. Constantly on hand a full as ssortment cf all kinds Szaddler , s and Shoemaker's Leather, of superior quality, including "Boozer's celebrated Sole Leather," also, Leather Bands, well stretched, snitable for all kinds of machinery, of any length and width required, made of a supe rior quality of Leather, Furnace Bellows, Rand and Lacing Leather, Garden Hose, Tanner's Oil, Currier's Tools, Moroccos, Shoe Findings, &c. All kinds of Leather bought in the rough ; est price given for Hides and Skins in cash; o will be promptly attended to. [feb ly-13 ancastur County Exchange Office.—On Lithe first day of March next the undersipted, under the firm of John K. Reed & Co., will open an office at the cor ner of East King and Duke streets, (near the Court house,) Lancaster city, for the purpose of receiving deposites, ma king loans and purchases. buying and selling real estate, stocks, tke.. for others. cnilecOng claims. ,tc., Sce. The cash Capital of the firm to $24000, and the parties are individually liable for its obligations. The usual rates of interest will be paid, by special agree ment, on deposites fir more than 30 days, .IOIIN lc, REED. ANIOS S. HENDERSON, DAVID SHULTZ, ISAAC F.. MESTER. Lancaster, jam 30 tf-2 New Bratrx Foundry NT EW BRASS FOUNDRY at Chesnut street Iron Works C. Kieffer takes this method to inform the public, and all person having business of the above character. that he has. in connection with his Iron Foundry and Machine Shop, commenced the Brass Foundry bu.stuus,‘. Ile Is pre pared to manufacture ell kinds of Machine and Brass Cast: log, Copper Iti,ts and Soldery, at short notice and to 6 workman-like manner. june 27 tf-2.1 r r air:S ItY GAST has fitted up and enlarged his forme works and commenced the manufacture of all kinds of Earthen Ware. Rockingham or Dark Lustre, yellow, Cream Colored and White Wore, Toilet Sete Table end Tea Ser vice of different kinds, Apothecary lieges and Jars, and in great variety of other articles kept constantly: on hand at his Pottery Ware-house. and at his Store Room t and an as sortment of Bracketts and Rose Sets for ornamenting buildings, Be. Ile to also prepared to furnish all kinds of Terra Rota work, Curnishing, Mouldings and other kind of Ornamental work, to order—to suit all kinds of buildings Inside andout; & Encaustic Tiles, for Ornamental Pavemet of Sessile Granite, or artificial Stone for Flooring of Halls Rooms, Bar-Rooms, Passages, Baths, Ornamental Fire Places, and will keep constantly on hand, at his old stand, an assortment of Red Earthern and Stone Ware. 11. G. has been six months, and spared neither 'star or expense in reakingthe necessary preparartions for the above manufacture, and is now prepared to receive sitorders. lIENRY GAST, No. 2d 4, South Queen street, between Centre Square and floe street—Sign of the BIG Prrmiest. aka' Steady BOYS wanted so appreutiees to learn the above business. P. So—ll. tr. has engaged a manager who IA fully can Potant to conduct tho above businesss; and all corn municatious, correspondence and orders with his man ager, pertaining to the said business, will be strictly at tended to. JOAN HARRISON, rep 6 11-33 Manager Caernarvon Academy . —Churchtown Lancaster Co. Pa. The Third Session of this flourishing Insti tution will commence on Monday . the 7th of May next. In it Students are fitted for every condition of life, and no pains is spared to give them every opportunity of moral and. intellectual training. Perhaps no section of our Coun try enjoys so many advantages as the Village of Church town, both in the healthfulness, and the morality of the place. Personas ceding their sons or wards to this Insti tution, may rest assured that every duty devolving upon its Principal and Teachers will be fully performed. Them are two Departments Male and Femalt,—entirely separate it being believed that this is the best mode upon which any Institution can be conducted. Trams—for 5. mouths. Tuition. Boarding, Washings 65 00 For further particulars enquire of the Principal! J. E. GIFFIN, A. B. lyB MIMI .Drug Store and Dental Depot.—The under L/signed having fitted up his Store in a new and elegant style, would reepectfully call the attention of the public to the following catalogue: TO FAMILIES AND HOUSEKEEPERS. All kinds of Family Medicines. All the leading Patent Medicines. Baking Powders of every description. Spices of superior quality. Burning Fluid. Hair Invigorating Tonics. -Tooth Powder. Wax—white and yellow. Bristol Brick Dust for Scouring: Soaps; Perfumery, Salad, and other Oils, Starch, Alcohol, Soap Soda, Mustard, Toothache Drops, Norman's Tooth Wash. TO Tilt MEDICAL PROFESSION. A fresh and elegant supply of pure Medicines. Stiv;ical Instruments of every variety. 'Vials and Bottles of even• size and variety. . Pill nod Powder Bases of various .170, TO TILE DENTAL PROFESSION. Gold and Silver Plate. Cold :toll Tin Foil. Dental Instruments of every variety. .Tones. White and McCurdy's Teeth. Mouth and Hand Classes. Corundun Wheels. Cram and Armstrong's Teeth. Stub's. Murphy's and Kern's Separating Files. All such articles as Dentists require, are kept constant ly an hand, nr ran he furnished :t.t. very short notice. , DAOUERREAN ARTISTS can he furnished with all their Chemicals at Philadelphia prices. TONSORIAL PROFESSORS mill Sad It to their advan to call at the Drug and Chemical Store, Nu. SS I A North Queen sfr , etLancaster, Pa June 12 tf-21 Chance Seldom Offered :— To those out A, employment desiring a lucrative and handsome bust ness, by enclosing me ONE DOLLAR, I will send, by re turn of mail, a Receipt for manufacturing an article used iu every family, and which cannot be dispensed with. I have distributed within the last three months over 500 Receipts. Ladies, as well as gentlemen are engaged in the sale of it. Address, post paid"; J. THOMKINS WHITE, _ _ Milestown, Phila. City, Pa. june 5 6m•-30 Leather.—FßlTZ, lIENDRY & CO., No. 29 North I'hlrd street, Philadelphia. Morocco 3lanufacturers, Carriers and Importers of French Calf-Skins and dealers in lied and Oak Sole Leather and Kip. leb 27 ly-6 rprusses I Trusses I I Trusses I I I—C. II I NEEDLES, Truss and Brace Establishment, S. W. Corner of Twelfth and Race Streots, Phil- . adelphla. Importer of fine Prcxcn Musses, combining; extreme lightness, case and dtirabillty with correct con struction. , . Ilerulal or ruptureirpatients can be suited by remitting amounts, as below—Sending number of inches round the hips. and stating side affected. Cost of Single Truss, $2, $3, $4, $5. DOuble—ss, $6, $8 and $lO. Instructionsas to wear, and how to effect a cure when possible, sent with the Trues. • Also for sale, in great variety, Dr. Banning's Improved Patent Body Brace, Tor theatre ot Prolapsna Uteri; Spinal Props and Supports, Patent Shoulder Braises, Cheat Ezpan• den and Erector Braces, adapted to all with Stoop Shoul ders and Weak Lungs; English Elastic Abdominal Belts, Suspensories, Syringes—male and female. Its. Ladies' Rooms, with Lady attendants. July 31, 'ET' A. Rockalteld & Co., Next to Kramph's jUL. CI °thing Store, East Orange street, bancaster, RS- JUonlerti in all 'the new - and - popular &NES, PRRPIIIINIFY,'&e., Wholesale and Retail. l, titts . .ft!ey hai - e just recolveda fresh supply of Wolfe', Celebrated 'Aromatic ficheldantNelinapPs. and will sell to 'retailers at' Proprietor's prlooli: , lupe gd 0-23 . N otice.—CIABINET 11.A.: i lh a i 3IIIHNES.I' The MIL . - ' detslgned hereby glees [Loth* ittidei n i - HI: CI'M on the: A.JABINILZMAKING and Und bo i l f . • tweinbab nt.the old rdandbilVeidlp , , atavnt; formerly lent :by- her Jinn , - Henry H. Miller, and at the mune Hamel' :- . ''',''' . , , 'totnrns , her relndere` • third& , for , .the 11%nt. leitron'ai, formarly,lbeatowed on the eatablhdthiiird..:`'.lC'eontitinalfq Lnf fornier - cdatotit If reepeettedlt And' .. : . U liblielfett "- ~ . . _ PhUadelphia Advertisements. IiIieiV I I VWVF 4I4I7 S OIII"I ••= t'Book fdi Wee' ' 11/. Family .. should - - have a copy," 00,000 Copies'iold" tete - y . 44d . • .", year. A new edition, .z• vised and improved, jest. --. • . ••• leveed. . . •:: .-Zliffr;‘.. .-'-' .t..1 , 1'1 s' , Dr. Hunter' „ Medicaltdannal andliandtbook COY the afflicted. Containing au:ouiline of-theorigii, progress, treatment and cure of every, form of dui ease contracted by promiscuous sesuatilitelfeenraes by self-abuse liToopip.l'eic.e ,. 4,y:lA advice for, their preiention;' written in a:. familiar style-avoid ing all medical technicalities, and evdtriitit;that .Itratildioffend.tlie star of decency; withartontline,of ' complaints incident to Females, freiniiii residt.of • some twenty yak , successfulpractica;:exclusively..: devoted to, /1 the,curis of diens/meet a : 46061A8 9rpri- vate'neture. - , , : .. ~ _ , ... . r_ -To .Whichis addesi • Ltaceipta far the - cure. of the °.' above diseases, and a treatise tiatheitinitsr, ityinpi b toms and' citre'otAlie fever and miue.. -T ,, ;,. . r Teitimony Of the:Frigesipeof Utiittatrics i Pe nn ' College,Philadelphia.,-Dr.lihmter i s Medical Man ual.-The author of-this Work. unlike the majority of those who advertise to cure thedivease of which it treats is a graduate, of one Of the best,Colleges ' lin the United Stettia, ;It aflords me pleasure to re- M. Sinith,. Port Rlonnale, Pocket commend him to the unfortunate, er to the victim oft, Book I k ' and 2= ° stree l tZitlari;jl,. LT rn e r him a largo and varied assortxuentof P . ~.Y . ''' of malpractice, as a successful and expeileneed practitioner, iB whbselionor and integrity they may' Port sonnies, Work Boxes, i place the greatearconfidepari. Po et Books, Cahas, Jos. 9. LONGSIFIORE, M. D:. Bran holdersereC.sesi / Travelling. Bags, t" Backgammon Boards, From A.-Woodward, M. D., of Penn. Um versi- pm. Folios, Chess Men, ty, Philadelphia.—lt gives me pleasure to add my Po bls Desks, Pocket Memorandum Books, testimony to the professional ability of the Author Dre rag Cases, Cigar Cases, as of the "Medical Manual J° Numerous cases of dia. A . a general assortment of English, French and Ger a Fancy Goods. . ease of the.Gental Organs, some of them of long F e pocket Cutlery, Raz m ors, Razor Strops and Gold Pens. standing, hale came under my notice, in which olesale, Second and Third Floors. his skill has been manifest in reaming to perfect, health, in cases Where the patient has been coasid ered beyond medical aid. In the treatmentofSem inal weakness, or disarrangement of the . functions ' l 7, produced by sell-abuse, or excess of vefihry,.ll" do _ not know his superior in the profesiOn. I has been aaquainted with the Author-some thirty years, and deem it no more than justice to him-as well at ' kindness to the unfortupate, victim ej: early , in dia. eretion, to recotritheifd fliel'aeonn' in . Whose'tiro fessional skill and integrity they may safely confide themselves. ALESLED Wfooowerp, M.. D. " This is without exception, the moat compre hensive and intelligent Work publithed on the Class of diseases of Which it treats. Avoiding all tech nical terms, it addresses itself to the. reason of its readers. It is free from all objectionable matter, and no parent, however fastidious, can object to placing it into the hands of his sons., The author has devoted many years to the treatment of the Various complaints treated of. and, with ton little a breath to puff, and too little presumption to MI- , -pose,-ho has offered t q the world, at the merely nominal price of 25 cents, the fruit of sonic twenty years' most successful practice."—llerald. "No teacher or parent should be without the knowledge imparted in this invaluable mirk. It • rilihe Cheap Cash Book aZd Stationery would cave years of pain, mortification and hot row ll Stnre, North West con of Sixth and Arch St., Philada. to the youth under their charge."--Peeples :Wyo. rest Bargains in books! Poetical, Miscellaneous, Stan rate._ ,141 and Presentation Boobs, very cheap. A Presbyterian clergyman in Ohio, writing - of t hiple and Fancy Stationery. Superior white ruled letter , Paper, 51,51) per ream. t• i I untees Medical Manual" says: —" Thousands upon thousands or our youth, hy evil example and i.t'etditrtn'xnsdiTrtulli.:rilitPl?,,ryiumgerS:itaty.',Hiti2[9: influence of the passions, have been led into the )ards written and engraved. habit of self-pollution, without realizing the sin tillet's and other steel pens. and fearful consequences upon themselves and 4spetior motto, 323 mottoes on a sheet, for 2s rio. theirosterity. The copstitutinn of thousands Who , ','",'!" d ,''' l'" j '" 1 " - '• 1 , 11 " .- ‘"lg. ''' htg ! p -an , a on:0y morneete portenitnintnes. are raising tiimilii:.s hay.stbeen enfeebled, if not bro tortfolios, hr ken down, and they db not kcow the cause or the 'trot cage, had:gammon L.eirds. he. cure. Anything that can be done so to enlighten M ith a vory large :,,,,ortito.ot of t.,y Looks, g ames. die and influence thepublic mind as to chew( . and ul• s' tor! e l!''' t ow"' l4 •'`*. mi'aa.'" , ap i""'kii and "i-Ir'irings . . n! 24 ly- P. TITOiII.SOII. timately to remove this wide-spread source of boa man wretchedness, would confer the greatest blcs- leers Union Pot el.—. No. '.o,t Marttet,street, above The under, iroed, late a the Amer. sing nert to the religion of Jesus Christ, on the ! ,• :'lc... Piilla.-"eld'n• present and coming generations. Inteniperance (or , .. IMl ( til' i ..4 " :i i ,l ' il. P .%„ l e ‘ m t" : l , l 27ll ' o i" h i t:. ' s f q r at P n g the his the use of intoxicating drinks) though it has slain ~t ma fen d5, ,,,,„ 11 . 1 ,,,,,, anti p ,,,,,,,, MOUSE, , l ong k n ow n thousands, is not a greater scourge , 0 the human Iso the lied Lion' Hotel.) wli-li he has fi lled up with race. Accept my thanks on helm!! of the aillicted, e thyly No w "Furniture and Bedding of a superior and, believe m ,you r co-worker in the good work 1 '0 •1i".1 . . The house has also been renovated and inspect 1 v ins manner which will compare favorably with any n the Motels in the City. and cannot fail to h ire satisfar. you arc so acts ty engaged in.' , One copy (se rely enveloped, will be torw riled Iti .n tit those who may patronize this establishment. free of postage, o any part of the United Stains for I oh, TA ”...e: will always be supplied with the choicest 25 cents, or six copies for $l. AddressZepont.l r t ? s v T isi i ii N es p th , e l2 l.l s i r rir : k A ot affords: and the Bar with the I'LL paid) COSDErsi & CO., Publishers, or box 196( Phil- quons. Nothing shall he lett undone s: make 1..• •Inests' consfitrfable, and '. ' , utters himself adel ph ia. t I at by -!:.i. , l't• , lion to huskiest*, be ..„. merit and re 1)::)- Booksellers, Canvassers and Book Agents leevo a liberal .li,, ,L public patronage. - supplied on the most liberal terms. ' li. W. HINKLE, jar, 30 i y-2 I 'ay 22 tf-I8 Proprietor. C. B. tto,wers SEED AN!) AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE, No. 29 Market Street, Philadelphia. IN//ANUFACTURF.R of the most approved Agricollorul Inilb , lll I n,i iYr ronde CHESNUT ST. HOUSP, ---,- SAMUEL MILLER, NO. 121 C HESN UT S Bei wee>, 3d h 4th sts PHILADELPHIA. BOARDING $l,OO PER DAY. (may 14,1860-4.16 IHE PENNsYI,VANIA MUTUM , LIVE s'rocK INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital $50,000! CHARTER PERPETUAL. PHIS Company is sow fully org.anizedoind pre j pared to insure agsinst the combined risks of FIRE, WATER, ACCIDENT and DISEASE, all descriptions of LIVE STOCK, such as Horses, Mules, Cattle, Sheep, &c. to- n•' No. 21 Fifth street, Pittsburg. PFRF:PTPP.s• A. JAYNES, President, li. M , LAIN, Secretary, Wm Day, James Mathews, Alex Hilands, Henry A White, Wm 0 Leslie, Wm Bakewell, John Young, jr. J. ZI,MM7.I2MAN, Agent, "snesster7 nnv g tl-421 lommercial PHlA.—The subscriber, thankful for the lib patronage; she has received, hereby notifies public In general. and her Lancaster county triende in particular, that she still confining to keep the Hotel, formerly •the AMERICAN House, No. 18 S sixth street, between Market and Ches nut, and .ow known as THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL. The house is fitted up and re-modeled in ele gant style, from attic to basement—the furniture, bedding, &c., &c., being entir,-;:y pew iand every arrangement is made for the comfort end conveni ence of its patrons. From the central location, and its close prof imity to the Railroad Depots,Stearriboa t Landings, places of amusement, fashionable thoroughtlires and public squarea, it offers inducements to the Merchant visiting the city on business, or the Traveler seeking pleasure. To familes and fe males visiting the city, every facility will be afford ed, and every comfort regarded to make their visit agreeable and pleasant. A share of public patronage is respinfully soli ted. Terms $1,25 per day. . . . S:"LEBO, Proprietor JAcoe. G. Lcno, Superintendent dec 6, 1853 r\r. Charlos Noll, PonOst, No. 309 Wal -1 lout Areet. Philadelphia, At the late State aggrlcpltp nl held at Philadelphia. received a SILVER MHO AL,.the highest arward for exhibition of skin in hiaprfr Cession. Ito riders to this, and to his already extensive practice, as a guarantee to all who have occasion fbr his services, that hie work and orders generally in his line, will ho scientifically sod skilfully performed. Dr. NEIL pledges himself to the lowest terms, and all reasonable dispatch. with those who favor him with their calls. nov 14 Iy-I3 ttper-Phosphate 91; Lipop,—J4st Irpelvettsud I,Jf sale by the snhserlhors a lot ofthe atm,' valimbel El= Office 34!,4 N. Queen street and at Greaff s Landing, on the eonextog7s. June 12 tf-21 Copperware Manufactory.—SAMUEL DIL LER returns thanks for the liberal patronage hereto fore bestowed upon him, and respectfully informs his cue toniers the public generally. that he still continues at the Old stand, in West King street, nearly opposite Fulton Hall, and is prepared to manufacture to order Copper Ware, Po all its various branches, and on the most reasonable tenet:. He invites ids ommtry friends • especially to'give hint a call, as he is confident of being able to please. He also keeps constantly on bang, for hire,HORSES, CARRIAGES, BAROUCIIES, &a., &c., all in excelent order, and furnished at thelowest rates. Give him a call when you need anything of tho kind, and he will suityou to a nicety. Lanmetor. may I tels Files and Rasps. NEW STREET PILE WORKS, PHILADELPHIA THE subscriber is constantly 3lanufactu s ring Files and Hasps of superior quality Add at the lowest prices, equal to the best imported goods, and much cheaper. 31ANUFACTUDERS and lECI.LaNICS can have their OLD FILES Its CUT and made equal to new, at about halt' the original cost. Flat 12 Inches. $2,00 per doz.; Flat, 14 inches $2.75 per ;Da.; Saw Files, lialfitound, 3111Isaw and other Files in proportion Single Files and fractional parts of dozens charged at the same rates, - Warranted' satisfactory. „ J. SMITH, • No. 81 New Street between Dare & Vine .4 Second Third sts, Ptdladelphim aug 14 Sm-30 Aardwvare Notice.—JOAN R. RUSSEIIs krADABI R. BARR, respectfully inform their. friends and the public In general that they have purchased the entire stock of hardware from A. W. Russel, No. 8 R. Xing at" where they rntend increasing their •stock nnd!devoting their time and Attention to their business, rtmklng" It an object for their friends to call on them before purchasing elsewhere. ADAM R. BARR having been employed about six. years In this same house, with his extensive acquaintance, hopes to merit and receive a, continuance ot.the custom hereto fore so liberally bestowed on the establishment. IbUggßl. A BARR, • No. S E. King et.; Sign of. the Anvil.. . . Card.--The undersigned takekthis method of return- Ing his thanks to the public for the liberal patronage heehawed 011 Lim while in the Hardware bustnese,• and would respectfully : ask orbits fanner patrons a continhh. once of the same to his successors, Rue= & Baas, rho will by close attention to btudfiess, endeavor temerit a continuance of the seam, • L W. RIMEL july 3 Um-24 For - pile by., rim ROFFALr T.t . 41/pitUPlEWo32llopill 721 . 81 ed Mori} amt's ? 7th ant !Chez, Jeuretri,SlLlverwiire and Fan. igoods.—A eholeo assortment of the finest quality, '"rrir".-I"7"..r"'"—:'—'—'' Or con nuance o • • - Ili ..PRftffoiclany r, -..... .• ~..... " , i, . - eez — i — Pin° V* V nkE S i l ia - llVAsb.:ll7r4 l, • . WhlticAt VtfOir: Pllolndebbbi.l:lllellinitdent 4 nirraceil a larg . r.1.%,55 .... er t .ii _ 1 4 ,g i c t io - lacki i klige.:of am ~.-....s taelcit' f an ' iffaclit'4 jea'elt iri Eivef if .- i4 l '''• s '' lii 7- --- ailiremnriehels , euelf its' Hair .......p.ream mbited-sith finer viir, in, . 4 , 0 .,......, „,,..„, - , „, -a Wig I 1 viddennlzaPerl o rquo t V demni l l g.s* , ..ina -bet inl3l6 l f6fp a eNi r jAp, lidil , rits4d.ious. . • . . ofthesembo desire to procure thfbesir' rods-, , R r , .... e . avt. , 1449 , 4±6 A „ ogle nalk.... imiell'ea.s. h ri n '''' .•'•• ''' '. ' I ' . - ';:. . ..., .., - ,1 " 7 .• a p -- E--.. 1c/ -- 1 - trushos,,,Comimend in last r L. ,...._.,... a?pratr0ax. knowledge 4 the • business', slid .... 1 11110 SH of 11111 ...we s, . , , . _. _ e , t - MAIINDROI, ail l igffikAeWW, .ie ever ithing,dannedtpd witli4Mtstabinmm . n . wohnbr - tarms as Etto.te j ur . ~. thic - ,i f .". e Y Mneld tilrer — ere . `,lll ijlAtiiiri , -,_th , at - Ileie,,tpe only. 7. ' - nVin. -- eithsr ml of — ilin Atinni -- • cities .° ~ ,a,h,r .-4 - - • . j p . er s o n in. i . l . ll ,9'nitY cb ' tha..t f ?:n m ,..ii imi n d , i t 4 .; • i e r ci a i i P: l:o ,l ll Qs2 l3 - . I All kindnorDiarnond and Pearl Jotter* ' 1 - , It 11 1- re mainitiottred to order. within a reasormbleti e an4- ' *946 .. 4 r e i l e l leir. in . . feivi'-' m i antes.— .WaielieigJinieli7 and Silver Ware faithfully 'D r:: : h pe e lt ua ievi Cu lart a te w ri a ti;n - given-tr4l:M r_ citi . ii* , , ati,(l - triret: ming ;cif-ebildretiv'hair.•' - • , . , , j ; wx.D....rosn..v• . - .. ---..i3A.Bas c.n.oss, FL 0 IrSotttli2l-St. a meld doers tli . 14 tP!..m.iket ,' , .. • ' -., bu ild ing iv with .7 F. it , • ' ••• ' - ' North . Quece 'acerb eame , . i . libl e tiiiSo - nth 'Window' ofthe *tire, Iniy:lie' tt the Lona,s Drag s tore, ~,,i d „hj , ,,,,,dia c e l y opp. .2 „.i t ,,...j .._ it . - fialvelftk; wl ii e h: m m itin/8 t h - " lailLth ?" of Shrodei.s Granite , tinilailcV• ; . ,:, 'lce? 2 , t i. "' ; :It ti ur e Li'l3.33l4fhti-kSifccossor tOFLextlei A ,Kidg'ht . 'dl and CiarpetiVareitid. tiS . Seutb &rend' .ree fideore storie'Spniee; Philldef phis, ehere v he *pg . ins by on hand a, full assortment oitiVery article in his lie Of busitem - , ~. .. aF theta, Feather Beds, patent spring mattresses, Curled ryir muss, corn husband aims matAressofo. Volasc r ug,- pest y , Breese - three: pip - IONS:1bl ; . veriluan. Let, am d hemp Carpetingo, ' oil cloitui, C a nton niattings,, co -41 Sr:entail mattiums, floor and stair drukiets. hearth rug door Mats, table , and piano rovers. To which be re pee ily invites the ettention of purchasers. oct 3 4.27 F N. W. corner Fourth and Chesnut stet, Philads. N B.—On :he receipt [dig, a Superior Gold Pen will be :en to any part of the United States, by mailt—describing mu thee, medium, hard, or soft. april 3 1.3: old and Silver Watches, Silver Ware and Jewelry.—The largest, finest, and best selected k in the city. Every description of fine and cheap hes that aro manufactured can be obtiened at this blishment, which receives them direct from the Facto ! of Liverpool, London and Switzeriaud,and is therefore ' , led to sell a much superior article for a less price than other retail store In this city. ersons wishing to purchase at Wholesale analtetail are In ted to call and the worth of their money. Some of th e Watches can be sold at the following pro viz: to Aeverafull Jeweled 18 Carat vase, hunting case, Full Jeweled. Levers. Lapin° Watches, 11l er Lever Flail Jeweled, fifinting rase, Lepine Watches, Jeweled, m • some still chcaper than' the shove. . ovelry of every description, flue and cheap. Also, sit e. Ware, and Silver-Plated Ware of all kinds. :itch. repaired and warranted. at LEWIS It. lIROONI A I.L'S ( Id Stand) No. 110 S. Smouti,•23 doorbelow Race street. 1' ladelphia. mar 6 ly-7 the National gafety Company, Walnut street, south 111 west corner of Third st., Philadelphia. Incorporated ii> the State of Pennsylvania in 1841. Five per cent interest is given and the money is always old hack whenever it is called for, without the necessity or glykr notice fPr it beforehand. I l'e o pl , It: 0,, ',ran sump put their money in this Sa lug Ito :1. account of the superior safety and conve• pounce it aliords, but any sum, large or small, Is received. This Saving Fund has more than hallo million of dollars scurely invested for the safety of Depositors. The Office la open to receive and pay money every day, d fin 9 &Clock iii'the inhaling, till 1 o'clock in the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings, till 9 o'clock. People who have money to put in, are invited to call at t to ollice for further information. 1 Real Estate bought and sold on commission; Land War . nts located; Money Invested in a legal manner on Land ecnrity, at Ir, per rout. per annum, clear of all exrenseK ,000 Acres of sblected . Land for sale. et..Rekide . tice is North Duke .t., Lapeaster, Pa. sop 11 1y.34 oys' Clothing.--T.40.31AS d• THACKRA Y No. i e 1 II Jed Chesnut st, above 13th, Phila., have constantly en randlnd and make to order, Boys' Clothing of the most proved styles. Persons from a tiltance purchasing at this establish ent have the privilege of ithanglug any article which ay not suit. N. B.—A large assortment of patent, shoulder seam 01 1 . S" SHIRTS; together with a general assortment of 'oaths Furnishing Cloods,',which we are prepared to sell at ow curb, s f i prceor ...egg 28 Of 32 1 -- 3)allroad House, European style Hotel 11:1, tad Restaurant, No. 1-8 Commercial and No. 87 Clay 'lrevts : S.-1N FRANCISCO. Jln 2 Cr 50 )re es Si Iies . —WENTZS" DRY GOODS' STORE is the Li place where you will find an extensive assortment of / esirable styles. 7 Rich Plaid Ponlt de holes Rich Striped "' "I Solid Colors " li ... Rich Bromides of various grades; I udia Wash Silks, choice lots; Best Quality Plaids; Black Silks. all widths. Prices nging from 60 rents to $2,00. Best black Silks ever sold kir $l.OO. To become convinced call at WE:\ TZS' STORE. CRAPE SIIAWLS.—WENT'L'S' have paid partimiler at louti, u to their Shawl Department this i-einiOn, .alid now offer a fine variety of Plain White Crape Shawls. hay,. fringe--from Sfi to s'2o-111ag,nificent Emb. Crape Shawls from $l2 to s7s—Silk, Thilvt and Cashmere Shawls,, dif hoot grades. For a handsome Shawl remember WENTZS' STORE. TO THE LAW ES.—Call and see those rich and beautiful G risi Marilo I'ahmas and Parts Mantillas; also, magnificent Flounced forge Robes 11017 opened at may 2.2. tf-1S WENTZS' STORE. IDEWOMMI tAT 110 would not prize and dgslre to possess a true life V like finelyfinbthed POILTMIIT, or AIiNtATURE of a dative or friend, severed from ns by distance or death 1 clear, rlcbtoned durable Daguerreotype, is an oldect rare ly seen, but FORTN EN'S Pictures withstand the test of time, and are pronOunced by the highest authority to be nnsurpassed. Thom persona .who wish good pictures Of themselves or friends, unsurpassed In fineness of finish, truthfulness and durability, are requested to call and ex mine Isle specimens and test his artistica] skill. l'ictureetaken In cloudy weather as4ell as clear weath: r, and neatly put up in Cases, Lockets, Watch-seals and Clogs of any required size. Satisfactory pictures guaranteed or no sales. Always on hand a large lot of Colurs, Free and FANCT ASES which will to sold at the lowest prices. • IROOMS No. 37 North Queen street, (west wide) over Pink- Frton A Siayinakers hardware Store, Lancaster. may 8 8m.16 , .T. S. FORTNEY. T Di:Washed.; Dentist, having lbacited in . the tatty of Lancaster, respoetfalbo offers tilaprofessicro. al those who may need•theni and choose tagive him a call. Lie has been engaged 3n the profentim over ten yeas—has had. an • extensive pmctfce for the last six or seven in Chester county—and can give the lien Of relt erence and evidence respecting his professional' skilland qualifications. . lie would also announce. that he EMI obtainedthe ex = elusive right to use CLAYTON'S • PATENT' • , PLAN of making and setting Artificial' eeth in Lancaster City and County—=an improcb merit which is acknowledged by gentlemen wiei were bn the Examining Committee on Dentistry in the New Yeti Crystal Palace, by Professorsof Dental' Colleges, and by' Scientific Dentists generally, to surpfasevery other Orin' now known for beauty, strength, cleanliness and cheapness, • Office and residence on the east side of North 'Duke ski between Orange and Chesnut, one squaie and a half north of the Court Howse, end a short distance south of the Railroad. may 29 1y49 Tmportant to Millers I...VENTILATING GRAIN JICONDULTOIt. The subscriber has taken measures to secure a Patten fora novel and liopt4tent.imProiembistltv, the eye of Millstone. The object of this improvement is • to prevent the clogging of the grain lathe eyeof the atone* I during high speed, even at two hundred revedutions . In a minute. Any kind of MOIST tRAJN, ,511.1111L1N03 or CORN with the cob, which am liable to. close the opt, of the stones, can, by this lIITOUtIOD ' be conducted to.the ..ttom donee and be supplied with fresh air—and the font air Is driven off, whihd , at •thee same time the rapidity of the stonescan be so. much inr_roased, as to perform the work accordingly. - . F. The construction cdthisVentilator is so Simple,. that it . cannot be, excelled.for dnnbllty. ands cheap:teas; and'its advantages are so nuroanumaneirusehil, that Gael _Miller. will Maatistied with its: atilltPlry seeing - 1V br.opersticasi Tor further Information, direct to . 131EMES Five Per Cent Saving Fund "LEERY L. BENNER. President. ROBERT SELFRIDGE, Vice President WIL J. ItEED, Secretary. D. G. Swartz, • LAND AGENT FORME STATE OF lOWA lIALNY & TITOMPSON, Proprietors p?ggerreotype 4 A JOBS.PANNABECKEB, ,, Purls& P. O r LateattalAotrufttyilti-ii, Card.—The subscriber thankful (to his 1.!/- This.,lvaY ! TOW Way.s..„-T6 - the Prieoo ;hod., received from New York sell.Philudelphia; a larg, lot 'or.Watehes and Jewelry of thelatest Ftyles, all, goods warrahted the -renewing low pri ces: Pull Jewelled Gold Lever Watches; from - $25 to . • • Geld Leidne Watches, full jewelled; from 420 Silver Leter Watches, full jewelled; from $12.1 to $lB. Silver Lepino Watches, jewelled, from $8 to 12, Gold Pens in Silver caeca, from $1 to. $2,50. Silver Tea Spoons, from $4,50 to $B,OO. of all kinds, from $1,50 to $lO,OO. ALSO nevi styles Ladies Breast Pins,.Ear Rings, BracelettliGold Pencilit, Gold and Silver Specter- Oes, Gold Keys, Port Monies, Ste, ' A large lot of Accordeons, Combs,,Faos, and other articles too numerous to mention usually kept iu Watch and Jewelry Stores, at least 25 per cent. lower than any other Store in the city. IWe invite all our friends and •he public in general to give us a call. "Quick vales and Small Profits," is our motto. JAIIES P. DYSART.) [SASIVEL A. DYSART: N. B.—S. A. D. having finished his trade with one of the best workthen in the city Of l'hi amel phit, he is prepared to do all kinds of Watch, Clock and Jewelry repairing at the shortest notice and warranted for one year or no charge. Sep 20 Glsas. 31, Esi• -- Rit 'lllas. 31. Erben & Brother deal- Rlt IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, National House Building, North Queen street, Lancaster. lmarch 28 tl 10 423 00 33 00 20 00 10 of 19 50 ( To Southern and Western Mer chants.—MTLAlNS celebrated Perliimery.— ReVen P . rize Medals have been awarded to I.:. M'Clain fertile superierpernitnery, Caney soaps,und dentificies, by different Institutes, during the last six years. E. m , cLAlpi . , manufacturer and importer of the following articles. namely—his celebrated Vegeo hle Hair Oil, Rear's oil, Beefs marrow, and Jewel,- Ste. 70 different kinds of extracts for the handker; chief, Colognes, tooth pastie, &c. Also, his unri valed magnetic honey, aristatin, winsor, walnut, and a variety of hinny soaps. for washing or shaving; pearl powder, lily white alabaster pow der puffs, clothes, hat, hair, shaving and tooth brushes. Port Monnaies, dregsing, pocket, and fine tooth corobs—all of which can be purchased cheap for cash, at Nn. 106 North 6th street, below Race, Philadelphia. • N. R.—A lit)eral disrottnt to deniers sell 20 ew and Cheap Ilard ware Store 1.1 —The subscribers, respectfully informs their triends and the public is general, that they have just recived direct from inamillicturess.a splen did assortment of goods. to which they invite their attention. Persons commencing HOUSE KEEPING, will find a complete assortment of Knives &. Forks. Fable and Tea Spoons, Waiters, Looking Ci.isses, Shovels nod Tonga. BRITTANIA WARE, Coffee , Mills, Brushes, Pots, ICettles, Pans, 4-c. GEDARWARE, Brewing and Wnsh'Tchs, Buck ets, Chur. Stands, bushels, I bushels and peck measures, Wooden howls; &c. COOK AND WOOD STOVES, of the most approved patterns. A general assort ment of BUILDING MATERI \ LS, Locks, Latch so, H i!!geS, Bolts, Screws, Nails, Glass, Oils and Varnish. A superior article of genuine Fire Proof Paints. CARP ENT ElvS Tuo Es, Planes. !land, Pellet & Back Sawa, Chisels, ,\ were, Braces, Bits, Spi4it Levels, Rules, Hatchet- Ste., with a general assortment of warranted Eder Tools. FARMING UTENSILS,. Plough., Paten: Straw Cutters, Chains of all descriptions, Shovels Forks,, Hoes, Mattocks &b. SADDLIMS, AND COACIIMAIZERS will find in their stock a• complete aseertment e goods suitable to their trade, of which they are of fering at greatly ,reduced prices, and respectfully eolieit from deal b and penauntera an examination of theirstock. ' They hope by strict attention to business, at.d their emleasors to please customers, to receive a share of 'public patronage. PINKERTON SLA Y MAK ER., Between Shnher 8: VonCl'e Hr,tPla, Forth Quern -:treet. Lancaster l'n fob 22 tf-5 tt toves 2 Stoves I Stoves I—The subscriber Imo Mg made large purchase.; of Stoves I.litre the last ad ranee in prices, is prepared to offer Inducements thnt wil make it greatly advantageous to merchants and consumer' to give him a call. Ills stock of Cook Stoves embrisees every variety adaptee for burning wood or coal, with largo ovens and heavy cast. logs, and many patterns that are partiridaily eco nomical In the consumption of fuel. The public are particularly invited to examine the 'Poor Man's friend.' The department of Parlor Stoves comprise the best variety ever offered in this city—being selected from all the manufactories of character in this country. Also a fine assortment of Parlour Cook Stoves—among these are some of the most useful Stoves manufactured, answering at the same time the purposes of Parlour Cook ing and Dining Room, and adapted for burning either wood or coal. These, together with a splendid assortment of Nine-plate Air Tight Coal Cannon and Hall or Church Stoves, are offered at prices that make It an inducomont for all in Avant of a Stove to call and examine. GEO. M. STEINMAN, fist King et., Lancaster. - Elzehange Bank of J. F, Shroder di. Co.— LS This company bog leave to acquaint their friends and the public that thdy are now fully prepared to do a general Banking, ExchangeiCoilection and Stock Business with promptness and fidelity. Money received on deposit and paid back on demand without notice, with the interest due. Interest paid on all small sums deposited at - the rate of 5 to 5% per cent. NOTES, CHECKS, BTUs, &e., reflected in any pat of the U. States or Canada. scp 19 1135 .Uucurrent Dank Non.:l and Laud Waqants bought and sold. A Premium paid for old United States Gold and Silver coin, also on Spanish and 11foxican dollars. Remittances made to England, Ireland, or the Continent. Particular attention paid to he buying arid selling pf Stocks and Loans of every deselription in the New York, Philadelphia or llaltimoro markids. The faithful and confidential exe cution of alrordere entrusted to them may be relied upon. They will be pleaded to give any information desired in regard to Stocks, Loan and. money matters hi general. Banking house hpat from 3 A. Si. to 6 o'clock, P. dee 19 tr-o (Voting out the bo.fenee of Figured De U 4: fines at 1.232 . ..„ usual price 18 and 20 cts, these nn the cheapest goods °vet sold 111 this city at . . . Ike' tire Store- 7 North Queen street, Lan. PLAID PLAIT) Siar9.—We nreTtoW out the balanco of our Plaid Silks at very reduced price. , -- Antenu them are 01.111:10 hea.utflut vrhichrwe have re duced to 75 vie., regular pcletSlp,lls. •• Al4o, a few more at 5o els., nor'!: and see and you will surely purchase at these p:ices, at the • BEL 11.1VESTtill.11, • 65 NprLii 'Queen st. BENZ= EAGLE HOTEL. do a no REESE, INFORM the public, that they have recently fit ted up this old and well known stand in North Queen street, two doors south of the -Railroad„to first rate.stylo, and that they - aro now prepared in entortitin travellers and others in the very.tiest man ner.. Their Bat will always be • -supplied with the choicest liquors, and-chew-Table. with-the best that the market alfords. •They also. beg.leave to state that.they continue their LIVERY STABLE, where can at alt times be had, a good and genteel florae, Huggy, iiarouchF, Carriage., Sullui, or Omni bus, on the incist;re4onalile torr,4 l ,They assure. all who ;pay favok,,l;hern with their alstana, that no effortb will he spared3°,l . 6oer satisfaction. may 7 15-t , . c! ash, Slat Blind 'and 0 Frame .Factory,7llllai undersigned. hate in ken the Sash Factory lately carried' °ally ft...1.M0r. riatin,aituatdi isoothern part of the city Of Lancaster and" near the Cotton Factoq, where we intend to manufacture to order all icindeet Sash, Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Windeir:•Franiesa arc., at the shortest.notice and on the tholit reason ble terms. .'The undersignedi. are -both a l practjcal Caspentera,and work-atithe , buitineser - O" selies.' With a strict attention tti:ititiii , neas, tt , O lope'tri merit the patfoiege-Of the s jintlitti getierajiy. SW AATZ. W ELDER a: MORROW. apin 12 t ' 1-12 N. N.—Commdn' t4sh:tind doors, constantly on rikkportant Yo Psi'silters.--'l4. BATIt Pt • 1. 88. would neepobtfolly4nform the public., that theylave taken theßickesiokilisktedstriad, formerly occupied by Bawl uel B. liaines,Ao4 nierverAkitly, by Nathaniel; Bair &Co, best isfieet;ln - ffie city . of Lancaster, in the rear o Dr.. G. B. Markley, about half a square Bast Of Sprecher!v Wbereithby.broteatitrigib tbizadi „.;) T hrs .- shin* gab/434W aialFroise . Poss4rm of every devariptiolr, itialibirei - the-beet materials and In the mostaretkioatdikeoldeener Repairing of' ell kinds anew dcd.tokettitelehortest: notice and on the, meet reasonable' nould'oilirticiiiar attention to tkieir Shatter,littiess.dl" !Linn c u o'l Ofackiiiir stands annealied. • • Land` ,44,44.aTbei aribecriber Oifiii• Ica' li ,f.i.• ttie'publlc ail Agent - lbrthe'purchasi of Li deli7Niclr. °lag, Braxton and Fayette cow:oleo, Va. Trac a froto'loo to 50004eige ltayeuteditrid'-vinlinprovi - glgtO 02 le* area, cut be purdiased-Bw.fituttng.or =lug ttrposes.— Pcn in auk case from $ t 0:440:....Tha - ! &tot ea/trans ition arW.Prtetninal u qteALlf Age iwkdol , The Cov, ington add ; Ole. ,the tnaln,ltopreyent otcetthe state; paa t ari Throtith . ..elgbin': CioneLiunii , ttuminona Cuablaiute;'au - 4-Tron!alcd - &oho:rod - Tor Cohipan,fo;With facilitlei to 'tbieubiii4 , '"M lietribr'rerlbg':li*r.nfetitin must. enelceititiOitA; Post .naid,! 'Betaence; '1 ,- • •••• ~ r .,:. : ~0,- , ~ ~ .- . 4. • r:: LIENBY• IC FMCS, ! . • • Silehtdalt et.,_Va:•! We would urefee.lattaperatte ,Bettlers, free of Fnasfolb' Ism or l{. Ne...-,•• ' ,_. , . • . !., : l• 1 Beferenct:,-atiit Ifinry A. EdinondsaU„ 4eiobei Of,c4-, , , P. B.Z 2 PiareliaAta iii'lltinve 60 'per cent. by, hailng an Agent hero, aolialnted with the value of land; jttno.l.2 .• • z . •• . , .: i 81E41 .: at. '4,q Into • tifts.),l i I' , ---- ' — ' 7 T.C — caicera Ary peftisook.wili th' -liVeCof,tliiiir--ohildienVkad .cll7iaayi ixTia-prans " fe , tll ail- - .ficalt. ..1 -I .faal it to.l be - any di 3.0 a tbat.-093Rillf nacordii t most cblet*atidl!p Imiciatii of..i...targit ariiietit of iilse and 'adoitirrivelia ICI- if Yo tinimily charigeibi :: rote a other, trakfireithipainla the liege, hi - Owlish - and fai enugh, Sldiv . ,*.Pder . ". Pali thii - all tbaecCdenil n ifi l *C aline. appli , thi "re edy . . • 11OBRIISACK'S iiii . SYRUP. :•. `.l.nivtial;n. fontided trp . • scientific ' principles,.compounded w i titi purelyvegetable sabetatices, be i tug poriectty safe when tak ti,.and rien'begiyen to .the mosittenffer I cant wit decided beneficial of rect,:vitrere.Voive -Complki is and diattaliam have made them-Weak 'lnd debil tated,the tonic proper ties of my W orm Syrap a e: Mich, fiat it stance without an e qual fa theca 16gtic,of medicines in ;wing tone , and trengtli t o the stomach, which makes it ':iii,‘ ; infal ible rem dyer ',hose afflicted with Dyspop!iri, t u iatonis ling cures'performed by ye , nd, this Syrup after P tyeic.inits! evidenue i i i e upetior effl .Ttiq .TAPE r This is the ninit difficult that infest the humnn shat indefinite tengthAccomi in the intestines.+if stoma so sadly es to cause St. that those afflicted seldom Tape Worm'hasulning the In order to dcetruy this ) treatment must bp purseed proper to take 6,br , S of move all obstruc ions, tha . tct direct upon t le Worm doses oft tab! gFoonlhlle y rections followed have nevo curing the woolopittinute PILLS.' 'more liab:e to disease g as a filterer to purify Toper secretion to the lon of the Liver effects f the system, and results 4t.Jaundice, Dyspepsia, 4-c. We should; theretoid p watch every symptom that might i noica e a wrong action. of the Liver. t'he'se Pills being composed of /tools* Plants fu nished by nature to heal Ithe sick : - Namely, lot An Expectoranti which Segments the secretion -ram the Pulinenkry moan membrane, or promote the discharge of liecreterl atter. 2nd. An Alter alive, which chaliges in so e inexplicable and in s.nsible manner Pie certai morbid action of the system. 3rd. A) Tonle,' hich gives tone and strength to the nervous s stem, renewing health and vigor to all arts of th bOdy. 4th. A Cather ter, which acts in perfect armony with the other ingredients, and t - iperating on the bowels rind ex pelling-the whole mass I corrupt and vitiated matter, and purifying the blood; which destroys disease and rcstdres heoltl " HO6EN4ACK'S No part of the !system i. 1 than the.LIVER, it servin the blood, or giv ng the p ',lie; so that any , Tong act tile other itnportaM parts o' variously, in Live). Coniplai TO ii . h.:lll LES. lon will find these Pill. an invaluable medicine in many complaiiids to wh h you are subject. In obstructions either total .o pa.tial, they have been found of inestimable bone t restoring their func tional arrangemtts tn h .althy action, purifying theblood and o her fluid so offectally to put to flight all complatnts,whicl , may arise lemale irreg uTarities,t s headache ' gid laces, dimness of sight,, pain in the sidedback, None genuirieopless sl ned J. N. Flobensack r all others bellelTaac imita ion. Agents winhin4 new sup ;lies, and Store. Keepers terarnus of becpming A. cots must address the, Proprietor, J. Ni. Hobensi ck, at his Laboratory, No. 120 North Stacond St. Phila., Pa. For sale by Li Long W. a..l3aker, Lan erste' ;J. Stoutrir, Mt. .I,y: KlauSer„ Fairview; srency, Oe torn sid posi.rdff ; Irwin, Cambridge; Shaub, Willow trees; Weidman, Brickersville ; Leader, Colo:ohm; and by ever, •.•opeetable Drug gist and nierthadt in the. Prieecash, 4n ttn. NEW iIIARIIII ' . I( n' ( /r' T 1 'V LA 1:1 DINT",-Z. :1 IA N *LES,AII STUN A ND ever) deScription e tk Work, is °ideated in t the MarLle Works of Cfni ganer street, emit side, bet out street.., andlnearly dp II mei. i The NH h:wrilturt honk lull ro•in his friends if.d the pd establishment is 'ow open Ni. where hs lithe happy at al tomers aid mann 'actor° to taming to his lin , of blll3l no style el the profe'vsion. and, rates. /le is collat.:0d) refL'olvi, lull supplies fron N iithe city oi AM KRICA AN) 11 winch is superiorlo any thii Letters in English and I most clegunmu trier, His redlines are such, that all orders sill be filled with the greatestipromptness and in the best appro ved manner. Persons wishing iVlonomenis are informed that hi collection of designs are knew and original and ‘.O full and compl, that thdy can make a selection without difficult. lie invites that public to call at his Works, apd view the beautifill assortmiset of Monuments, 4c., now finished. >Y "Guilders and others in want o MARBLE MAN ELEA, should vialfhis Walagtooms end exededue his splendid stock on hand, j , iprSARD STORt. for Sill , Steps, Curbing, Cem etery purposes, and fronts orbuildings, at the low est rates. i Orders receivell Ihr all idols of Iron Railing. i CLIARf i ES M. no w F., w .„ Dec. 23. Vy,l P 1 1 eople'larble Works, (Leo s 4 and 4 Reaqs old stand,) SHOPS IN NORTH QUEEN STREET, Half Square Sou& of the Rail road, and lid dbor Nora of Michael M , Grann's White Horse Hotel, Lanctster city. LEWIS HAUDY, Mate Mason, respeCtfully informs the public that he has purchased the entire hock of Leonard•ft Rear,. hich, In addition to bin own large stock - , Warrantit'hitp . in Irving that he has now in his, and by . ffir thehirgest, amount of ITALIAN ND AMERICAN M ARBLE ever catered to the citiXlens of 1 4 andaster. and greater the any l other establishment west of Phil adelphia. In cOnsequenea Obeying purchased tie stock of Leonaid & Licari at a bargain, and hash% also made arrangements; at the East .to receive marble at- reduced prices he announces that he will sell much cheaper t ine any other establish, :vent in this city or county' can do. He is now lire.: pared to execute :n th best style, Monument Tombs and Wave Stogies, - Mantels, Door and .‘.'indow Sills, Steps, 1 &cl, &c., of every variety -rd price. l Ills taciliticsifor rurniShing articles ie the Mar ble line are ui..drpassed b any oilier establishment in the city, while he assuiF all who may lavor him with their patronage that t is work shall be lc...coa ted in ho very best style 1.1111 ell OW Ma" I ea"ri , , able terms. I 1 0:1-. LETT Eti CUTTI 'G in ENGLISH and GERMAN', dode at the shortest notice, and on the most mbderatc iterms. 1 Ile respectfully . invites he public to call and ex amine' his work, being oily satisfied to rest his claim 'to public imtronage upon its merits. Thankful for' the man favors bestowed upon him l . hopes by 4 attic; at,•ntion to baldness tomer it and receive aishare of, he publicsr paocage. fe ly-5 Fining COXPOIM . D OF - - OIL! AN . o LUKE. ~. ~ A . eiire for Contfamptlon, D.; : IM .- COLdt; ' AstApitb llitn ohltisi General Debility, itritt4lllscroftilonsiltituors.• This' compound has beila used with Ow mod coMpletii anemias . by our most celeliVated physicians, for the rennivalandpei— nisi:ont cure of• i lie above dl wase. Hundreds fur whom there was no hu 'before the discovery of this simple, yet effectual rentedy,thave beenihtse — d to health and happiness 4. by its timely ue& the folloWing case of J. Williams is sufficient to convince all of s wonderful effects. lie say I had been sick eith cunt' ed cons" Minion Mr several .months. 1 had peed the • Cod 1-ver nil • most of the time, but had derived but I e benefit front it. 1 had an attack' in'ideedirk at the luigs whichalanniidrixiy Wends 4 very:mucb, as thbyncav any ' red there was no Irope for me. About tid/Hme .1. b of your Compoundol•Cod Liter Oil ind Li 0.. I 1 ' lately commenced using It , and snort tel . mu Pereelvoi s beneficial effects. In two inonthemy-cougU had entit y left me, and I am now in Joying perfect it th. , , 1 111 .1 Yours, 3. . • N. B.—Tbls pound •d' not nauseate like 'tile clear Cud Livefi Oil, b 1 ran be ta n with pleasure by the mos delicate females. Be sunkend u ,rho gentif i A' Yor salt; In Philadelphia, Second stieet, aid in Lanes' .Store of U. X. likkafteld tr, Ina Sthre, in East Orange st . I I Dyeing asiiii Boots , 1 Dyer„ lio Tonh DI wren doors Abel , Cherry 8!, citizens of Aleut ornery eon, klt.Le of alas, , pea, bled .:., fashionable andsananent -.' craps shawls, el eke, Lc., el! new; Silk. cares watered 1111 apparel skated sOd dyed iR , log -in all its vatious branch' on the lowest telves. A 0111 very convenient for those w • Shove line- 1 i • Phila. nib la r 1 IHAL!LC WHOLESALE O4uCER, W Noe. 11'3.4-127 Notth 2d tree dem 24 j .1 - and 'Agent fai'th .1 j—rhoie pniolot who w limestone I hur, gnu b. oho Franklin eounty,ffoi salebp, E. Llghtraies HoieN lir. , • ; Fersona'dealrotianty • • , apt to glva the a 611. The •.I tantion will hi Wen the -pbv n o taitto .1 Pi k A.nl2 I the Gdalih end happi. Pelied:Of the mos • ttfoiiiiMted that es •lrlilsweri'p,' save the tl - nit*Stl v iilerson will ivreheirith at all cacti ty to solemnly assure g totheiciacdnion of the afe'titoittmory nausea ee4 . gbildren 'Mire nn'appeiktc con ; fqo4 to an StOntsclio picking at eiaobtlie..lielly, Dry rregular.--remember X r should at the besj acv over all.others. VORNI! , • Worm to destroy of iv m, it grows to an almot so coifed and fastensi I h, &reefing tic health tue Dance, FLA, tc., ever suspect the. it is lino an early grave. .rra, a very energetic it . would throforce bp Liver Pills so as to ry the Worm Syrup wise whichmust be taken in times a day—these di r been known to fail in ;use of Taoe Worm. E WORKS, E PARBLE LIONS NUM 1..:‘,"F,5, GRAVE Es, and Sand ,Stone c most !•rautiful style at lea N. Niorth wcen Orange and 'Chas posite to' Can Ranan,s ir past favorer, would m ilk in general, that hie d at the above location, 1 tithes to wait upon ells rdefevery thing apper -a, in the moat approved at the most reasonable g atllin.Marble Wrlrka Philadelphia ALLAN 'MARBLE, g orthe kind in thiii city. 'erni4n, engr aved in the Itanufeebured only by D. WILBUR, Chemist. IVA Court street, Zenon. . Y. W. Dion k Miss LW hi, ,ter, at the Patent biedielue , mist to firumples Chrth.. non 7 1743 C • g—Phllip Hudson, Fend I.nth etreet, Philadelphia; ..t, respectfully informs the and elsewhere, that all • /cc., are dyed In the moat lora •Ladies' cashmere and. ansed and pressed equal, .h? superior style. Uentleinelas • • • n style ; in short, Dye s done at short notice,. cud Is earnestly solicited, as It h ,• should want anyingln the • TON,, E'and LIQUOR STORE:- Philadelphia. purchase of 'Forme. ; boy a farm or farms of u uo t tew of the an Mug on'the r. subeat ra s . poet promP mile. Yraudf = into i;481• n ig nr and aziidupus at ho sm . "Uw6a.winainga•