Lancaster intelligencer. (Lancaster [Pa.]) 1847-1922, September 11, 1855, Image 3

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Weather, 4.0 —Balloon Mania—Death of Lieut.
Gov. Brown—U. M. Railroad Again--fiov.
Wilson 'Shannon—lran-fa.? Legislature, 4.6.—„
The Effect of the Louisville Itiots—Politteal—
Great Democratic Demonstratson in Indiana.
Sr. Louts, September 3, 1855.
Since the date of my last quite achtinge has taken
place in ttie weather. The past week has been very
wavn—indeed, the warmest week we have had thus
mummer. Yesterday we were visited with a refresh
ing shower, which tins somewhat cooled the atmos
phere. ...the fall trade is now about commencing,.
country werctiants begiuninglo arrive, and b1113L1117.121
generatly improving. Vie rivers are in fair naviga
ble nonunion, but many boats in the southern trade
have laid up, owing to the prevalence of the yellow
fever in :New Orleans, which is now raging to a fear
ful extent, and nosiness in that city, iu consequence
of the epidemic, is unusually dull for this season of
the year.
Ind-health of our city continues excellent. The
market presents no material change since my last
report. 11e are in receipt of the most gratifying
accounts from various quarters of the bouth and
West of the corn crop, which will be one of an un
usually large yield.
There is very little local news of interest. The
Balloon mania still continues. news
tiodarti, ac-
compaaied with his lady and two gentlemen of this
ed.), matte a beautitul ascension un Monday last,
and has feats upon a rope, suspended from the car,
some fully feet in length, exched a shudder among
the vast crowd ass' cituded, so daring and perilous
were they. IV hilst high up in the air us hung at the
end of tins rope by iris lest—the balloon ascending
aapittly said taking the during Aeronaut up feet
loremost; again he changed his position and hung
with one hand, gallantly waving his hat with the
other. Ile finally drew nimself up into the ear, and
the four voyageurs passed slowly and beautifully in
a southern direction, and landed solely about lour
miles below the city. On Friday last he made an
ascension, for toe benefit of the SUlieters uy the yel
low lever in sew Orleans. The ascension was nighty
eleoi,,,Me to Molls. (+Ward, and thousands ut out
citizens matured hint with their presence.
It is with deep regret that I. announce the death
of the lion. Wilson Brown, Lieutenant Liovernor of
this state. This sad event occurred lust Monday at
his residence in Cape Girt/death Mr. B. was born
in Anne Arundel county, did., on the 11th of August,
1004, and died on his fifty-first birth day. lie was
twice elected a member of the GentAal Assembly of
this State, and in Isib was appointed State Auditor,
and afterwards elected Lieut. Governor—by a larger
majority than was ever given to any man in toe
'State—which position lie 1,1,1 at the time of his
death. lie was also Grand Master of the Ancient
Order of Free and Accepted Masons, an institution
to which he was devotedly attached. Be leaves a
a wife and three daughters.
Mrs. Pnebe I'. ; wile of J. W. Towne, died in this
city, of dropsy, on August 2241, aged 2s years. The
deceased was formerly of II est Chester, Pa.
The committee, appointed by a meeting of the
Chamber of Con/theme, to investigate and examine
the books of the Ohio 6; Mississippi Railroad Com
pany, reported a few days since, and sustained
Messrs. Page A, Baton in their claims, and demands
—finding tout the face of the bunks entitled Page &
Bacon to the sum for which they asked. Some peo
ple are of opinion that the boons could very easily
be made to show this fact, but whether the books are
correct in what they present, is another thing. The
Repoldicatt still protests that there is soinethit,
"rotten in Denmark," and they and the public du
-not appear to be satisfied who the report of this
committee. Fur my part, 1 cannot altogether under
stand the report. It will be remembered that Page A
Bacon contracted for the iron of the Belleville R. R.
at $O5 per ton; and it now appears that Page A Ba
con also contracted fur the iron of the U. & M. Rail
road Irma the same parties they did the Belleville
road iron, and their hooks show that they paid sso
per ton for that used on the O. & M Railroad, while
for the Belleville road but stia par two was all that
was asked and paid. This makes a difference in the
aggregate of upwards of 5150,uu0 The case is to
be taken into Court and there satisfactorily adjusted.
Thu newly appointed Governor of Kansas, arrived
heretlast Monday, after my letter had been mailed.
Lie did not stop lung in the city, but left immediate
ly to assume his otneial duties in the Territory. Ile
is DU doubt there by this time, but how he was re- •
eeived by the Atchison Legislature and his bullies,
is nut yet known. One ming is evident, however,
Wilson Shannon is nut their first choice by any
theans, and we would nut be much disappointed were
they to deal with bins, as they undertook to du with
Reeder. The recent lairs that have been enacted by
the Kansas Legislature are a disgrace to the country.
Should a man go into Lenses, and express his-pri
vate opinion that Slavery is a curse, he is liable, ac
cording to the letter of the lair, to be hanged upon
the first tree. Should he even intimate that Kansas
ought to be a Free State—the late is death! Should
he write a letter to a friend, condemning the acts ut
the Legislature, the penalty is death.' This whole
Kansas business has been a foul stain upon the fair
fame of our Constitution, and "Border Ruffianism"
seems to reign supreme in that new Territory.
The Louisville papers state that since the riots"
there, the foreign born population are winding up
their bu s iness and making preparations to remove to
the new Territories. On the 21st ult., a party ut
eighteen Germans—tailurs, shoe-makers, carpenters,
cigar-makers and laborers—left for alinuesuta.—
Several families have also left for Canada, and many
more are getting ready to go. A movement is now
on toot in that city to organize a Kansas emigration
party of five hundred families. Over one hundred
families signed the agreement on the first day, and
the Democrat, of that city, says these fatuities are
among the best citizens of Louisville. Property has
depreciated 100 per cent. since-the riots, and the de
termination on the part of the foreign burn citizens
emigrating to other places, where their rights will
not be disputed ur infringed.
The utlichil result in Kentucky fur Governor, gives
Morehead, K. N. 4,403 !— s majority was about
4,000. A few years more and Kentucky will be
placed in the Democratic column—as Tennessee has
The official result in Alabama, exceping two coun
ties, shows Winston to be nearly 12,000 ahead of his
it Wll4 reported that Dr. Simmons, U. S. A., had
died at Fort Riley, of cholera, but more •recent in
formation leads us to doubt the report of his death.
In all probability the report was incorrect.
Some time since the \ manila Hotel in New Or
leans was destroyed_by fire, and they are now erect
ing on the old site magnificent row of five story
warehouses—eight in number, which have been
rented at the tullo%iog enormous rates per annum.
lne turner stole ut *.•,Utl ; the duce adjoining at
$4,000 each ; two adjoining at $3,000. and the other
two at $2 UOU each ; making a total of $2.7,000 per
annum, besides "hat the building will bring above
the fir=st story.
On Wedne,day last one of the largest Democratic
demonstrations ever convened in Indiana, assembled
at Indianorolis. lucre were over twenty thousand
dernms in attendance trout all parts of the State,
and all were intensely enthusiastic. The hotels
could not accommodate the one-twentieth of the im
mans.° mass of the Democracy, and the private
dwellings were thrown open fur the reception of the
guests. Speeches were made and resolutions adopt
ed dentine Mtury of th: tl,dt lantern order. Go1'•
Jobe Gov. 'Willard and
other distinguished gentlemen were present,
dressed the people. The resolutions are purely :Na
tional and should be published in every Democratic
paper in the UlliOn . I annex them for the benefit of
your readers:
Resolved, That we claim with pride the name of
National Democrats—that we ale old liners, and al
ways expect to follow old lines so plainly marked by
the patriots and sages of the Revolution in the De
claration of Independence and the Constitution of the
United States; our name is as unchangeable as our
principles, as immutable as the foundations of the
Resolved, That we announce our hostility to all
secret political societies and organizations as being
inimical to. the genius of our institutions, and re
volting to the pride and manly spirit of tree and
intelligent people—that we deeply deplore the fre
quent sceiaes of riot, outrage, murder, arson, and
desolation,which have been occasioned by these
more than Jacobin organizations; and that we ap
peal to every man who values good reputation and
as honorable name among his fellow men, to lose no
time in separating himself from so foul a conspiracy:
for he that counsels and associates with men who
commit those revolting crimes is a participant in
their guilt, and morally, if not legally, responsible
for their acts.
Resolved, Thab we hereby proclaim our decided
hostility to the principles and conduct of that sec
tional and fanatical party known as Abolitionists
and Disunionists throughout the United States; that
We view their proceedings with increasing apprehen
sion of great injury to the peace and prosperity of
our common country, and as being diametrically op
posed to the provisions and requirements of the Unit
ed States, which if violated as they propose, must
bring the dreadful result of disunion, civil war,
and the ruin of our beloved country—the destruc
tion of the last pillar which sustains the Temple of
Liberty on earth.
Resolved, That we cordially re affirm the princi
ple of the Democratic Nationol Convention of 1848
and 1852, as embodying the only practical system
of action which can be taken in any great national
question to which they refer, and as best tending to
perpetuate the peace, harmony and integrity of the
t Mon.
Resolved, That we most positively and unequivo
cally condemn and oppose all attempts to control by
force or violence the right of free suffrage of citizens
at the polls, either in States or Territories of this
Union. The will of the people properly expressed
is the highest law, but if that expression. be stifled
or defeated, there is an end of civil government
and,a failure of the power of the people to protect
Resolved, That we view with disgust and disap
probation the conduct of non-resident Know-Noth
ing bullies in Missouri, or hired abolition fanatics
from Massachusetts or elsewhere, in interference
with the legal rights of actual settlers in Kansas to
vote as they please, or deprive them of the sacred
and inestimable privile e of deciding laws which
are to govern them as citizens of that territory.
Resolved, That wo cordially invite all men of a
national sentiment and faith, to co-operate with us
in maintaining the sancity of the American Consti
tution, the principles of the Declaration of Inde
pendence the integrity of the Union, against the
attempts hf fanatical Abolitionists and demagogues,
Who are aiming to set any one section of this Con
federacy against the other, and whose ambition to
possess political power would induce them to sacri
fice the dearest interests of their country, and entail
the dreadful consequences of civil war, bloodshed,
disunion, and anarchy upon the ruins of our now
happy, prosperous and mighty nation.
Resolved, That we will most strenuously maintain
the fundamental principles,
the right of civil and
religious liberty ; the right of citizen to worship
according to the dictates of his own conscience ; the
freedom of speech and the press ; the offering of the
benefit of our laws and institutions to men of every
nation and every clime; the equality of all good
citizens, and the protection of the Government to
every man who legally claims to be an Am'trican
The election fn Indiana comes off on the 9th of
Mr. George Weidler, of your county, arrived in
our city on Friday afternoon last, just forty-two
hours travelling time between Lancaster and this
city. We want it done in thirty-six, and then we
will be satisfied.
let. General CASs is now on a visit to his
native tom, Exeter, N. H.
The mass meeting, to commemorate
the 68th anniversary of the adoption of the
Constitution of the U. States, will be held on
nest Monday evening the lith inst., in Inde
pendence square, Philadelphia. It will doubt
less be a very large affair. Those of our
Democratic friends and others, opposed to
Know-Nothingism, would du well to attend.
DAMAGE BY FROST.—The Lockport (N. Y.)
antrier says that for three nights week before
last that vicinity was visited by frost, and con
siderable damage has resulted therefrom. It
learns that along the lake shore, and on all
low lands in that Vicinity, the corn and buck
wheat has been seriously injured.
rrhe Unman Halr.—To minister to a penchant
1 for "auburn waves" and ''raven tresses," the bruins of
inventors have heretofore been called in requisition to lit
tle purpose; for although many oils, balms. dyes, and" have been the result of the incubation. they
have nut only proved to be valueless. but many of them
positively injurious to the hair anal scalp—being the loci
pleat ot scald-head and various other painful and danger
ous cutaneous disorders.
Upon Prof. Wood, of St. Louis, fortune has confer
red t he honor of holing discovered a balsamic preparation,
which not only promoted the growth and beautifies the
flair iu a high degree, but restores it when it is gone. or
turns it back to its original color after it has become gray.
ftstens it to the scalp, and effectually destroys I.uch cute.
geouS erupti , tts 10:10
have Itt.teta ettletitterett by the use
f dyes. essential oils, and other Injurious Oppliratittos
The malty respectable testiaamiala which are ollored in its
favor. (oast c‘ery part' I the country it, %Illicit it has tea.o
itt t rt./ Is:: Fe.-, tot loop for the sae-14:t: to hot g a soul t
ti. 111 , ,real demand for this article iu thvtratttttrit States,
i "1,... , 1 the prtiprietors L, kst.tblish n tlttiottt fotr its
tt,:ittuut..turt• and sale in the ell) tor Sftst• Torts. It is 1:01
sapp:anting all e.titer so...allies for the Ilsir. and ahead)
et.joys a papalarity which no other has 011313-
,1. ill* it—test it--.tittl )1.5 %till titjttiet, that your 011,,
I iott has itttot dictrtottl to it
Your:. &to
PROP. [futile trial or pour
hair Restorative. it gives me great pleAsuro to say that its
street has hoot ox,llent in removing inflammation. dais
&nil; and a runstant tendency to itelihur with which
I hate lsfen tinulded from ehildlits,d, and h.ts alw, resto
red my hale. Whirls was gmy, to its original od
or. 1 'nave tivval other arikles. milli any thing like pleas
ure and profit. Sour,
J. K. IttAx,:,
Past, of the Orthodox Church. Itrcatktieht
TILAL IL It. ()Friel:, ventlalia, June 21,
Wu.,—Lear Sir f lake pleasure in bearing vol
untary testimony to the excellence of your hair Reston..
tire. Three mouths ago my hair was very gray. It is
now a dark brown, (the original COI,. smooth and glossy.
The only appplbtat ion I have made to it has IKo,u the Jlair
Restorative.. prepared by you; and which, from the result
of toy own ease, I can moat cordially r.•cumniend to
Respectfully yours,
From the Editor of tho Real Estate Adv. rtiser, Sap.'
Inc.o Wool —heat Sir-liming beeome previously
lade gray, 1 tea: induced, soma six weeks since, 10 make
, rial t,•ur Hair Restorative. I have used less I live
- sillies, but the gray hairs have all .disappeared and al
though toy hair has not • fully attained its original color.
yet the price', of change is gradually going on. and 1
have grit hopes that. in a short time, my hair will be as
dark no formerly. I have also been much gratified at the
healthy moist are and vigor of the hair, which, before,
was harsh and dry, and it has used to come out Its tot
nterly. liespeetfully yours.
Pfior. Wootc--Nly hair .sgontents,l Eel liug"lT souse three
or hairs sine, Mid e"lltinUed to do so until 1 be-
ILUite kill. I tried all the popular remedies of the
day. but to no effect : at last 1 was indueed to use your
celebrated Ilair I:estimative. and ant very tappy to say it
s doing wonders. 1 hare now it fine growth of young
hair. and elo.ert ally recumniend its use to all similarly al-
A. C. IVILI.1131•ON, 133 SA.l , lld street.
t. 1.4/111:1, 7, 1 , 54.
.1. WOOL s LU., 3111 Uroadsay, Now Y.,rli, anal 114
)lacket, St. Louis. )11.., Pr. prieturb,
1. liy.At Swot. 112 th 2d aL, Whnli
sale .A;zeilts. . .
sAle by 11. A. 1104 K trltll 0 Co., Niedieine Depot,
Lai,, aster, by H. A. Shireinan,‘Coluoiliin, and by
bro,gisis generdly. mg 14
• ICI iliStiTll. aieelirding to reports, Is •epariug for
revolutionary attempt iti Europe as soon i•si the pi, pe
[Urn. 'nay arrive. We may then look for n relival ut thr
hats and revolutionary fashions. Iluescselniv,• ne
doubt the Philadelphia public.. no matter what :nay be tho
ctimigt, in dress. will still i•outinue to providi•
elothing to nn 10/C1(1111.1i cheap :tilt
4 1e,salit elothin, store, No. 111 Chesnut street. eacto actor u
Prituklin .!-; 10-19
-1 new feature of business: Every one his own :::alesmian
'ones k C t.. of the Crescent One Price Clothing
Marfiet street. above nth. in addition to Imving th
arres:. most varksi flishionahle stork 0r ci..thhi g
:fiiilfidelphia. made expressly for retail sales. have consti
ruled every one Ms own Saliennan. by having, marked it
figures. on each article, the very lowest price it ran be
;old for, so they cannot possibly vary—all must boy alike
The goods : ell well spohirod :mil prepared nod grey
pains taken with
h the making. so that all can idly with On
full assaranco of getting a 2:isel iirLicl.• at 11, tons lowes
Itruovol , er the Cresc.,ll. in Maket. alto .tilt Jia
felt ti. 13 . -5 CO.
tiers of in t ro Bents in the, Pills is the result of a bop,:
extet,i, practice; they are mild in their operation.
ani eertain ixstm lug vain, to its proper channel.
,very iml.llo e 111,0 the l'ith• pruned successful. The fin,
open th oh,trueihms to which leinales ma
ilable. and fling nature into its proper channel, whereby
health 17 restore d. autl the pale anal deathly countenance
0h:11r:ea to a healthy one. No femaie eau; tta health
tide:, she rezular; and. whenever au obstruction whys
fr int exposure, cold. or any other l'au,ee
genevd health be,:ins immediately to tletritile, and tit.
want of such a remedy has been the reuse of so many con
sumptions among young females. Ilea:1.1i, p.n.s in the
sale. palpitations of the 1.101, loathing 0r 10011. 0101 ditt
t:lrtlytt Sluer, do most always arise front the into a ruption
cr . nature :Lodhenever that is the ease. the pit: will in
variably remedy all those eythi.
N. I.l.—'l'ltese Pills :Mould th.Vel . he taken durihz preg
daney. as they would be Nut, to CallSe a thiSettreht,te.
'They are put up ill square not I+c:e,. and Will he .oat by
mail to any address by remitting to lir. U. 1.. Cht,,,atuti,
No. Z 7 I Illeeher street, New VorIL. Prier tote loollar per
On the 30th ult., by the Bev. 11. A. i.Shultz. Wil
liam Eugene Kreider, or Lithe, to 'Mary Josephine
Demuth, of this city.
LTV" With the above notice we received a laige
slice of delicious bride cake, for which we 1001:d
the richest blessings upon the young couple who
have just embarked upon the matrimonial voyage.
la Philadelphia,, on the 30th ult., by the Rev. 11.
N. Barnes. 11. N. Craft to Alma C 'Phipps, both of
this city.
In this city, on the 31 inst., Charles Stone, aged
22 years. 2 months and 3 days.
on the 25Itt utc., to. hi. ....aidence, in Holmes co.,
Ohio, Nicholas Yoder, formerly of Lancaster county,
aged 71 years, 2 months and 24 days.
In this city, on the 7th inst.. Henry Willis, only
son of J. AI. Willis and Elizabeth 51. Geist, aged 1
year and 5 months.
Our "WILLIE" sleeps
In JESUS' arms;
Affection Weeps
Departed charms.
"Weep not, nor grieve,"
The SAVIOUR cries—
Un me believe.
And dry your eyes ;
1 called the Loved one home,
That you might long to come ;
For where the treasures shine
There will the heart incline !"
SATCRDAY, September 7..—The demand .fir
Queircitron Bark has fallen off, but $29 per ton is
still the general asking rate for No. 1.
The foreign advices by the Atlantic have impart
ed more firmness to Breadstuffs, but have had no ef
fect upon the Cotton market.
The receipts of Flour are increasing, the inspec
tions of the past week amounting to 19,510 barrels.
There has been more inquiry for - export, and prices
are firmer. Sales of 2000 barrels standard and good
brands at $7,25a7 371-, and 1300 barrels extra at $B,
62ta8,8,75. There is a steady demand for home
consumption from $7,371 up to $7,75 for common
and extra brands, and fancy lots at higher figures.
Nothing doing in Rye Flour. 200 barrels Pennsyl
vania Corn Meal sold at $4,25 per barrel.
Grain—Wheat is in better demand, but the sup
plies have materially fallen off, and there were but
few samples displayed on Change. Sales of 3000
bushels prime red, port Tennessee, at $1,70 per bush
el,,and 500 bushels good Ohio at $1,60. 1000 bushels
Southern Rye sold at $l. In Corn nothing doing—
the last sale of yellow was at 96 cents in store.
Oats are in better demand, and 4a 500 bushels Del
aware sold at 38a40 cents per bushel, and part on
private terms.
Whiskey is unchanged—sales of 100 barrels at 42a
43 cents and bads at 41 cents.
D. G. Swartz,
Real Estate bought and sold on c inunission ; Laud War
rants located: Money Invested in a legal manlier on Laud
security, at 15 per cent. per ,annum, clear of all expenses:
5,000 Acres of seleeted Land for t;ale.
%M. Residence In North Duke st., Lnreaster,
Card.—To the Editor of the Inland Daily. Sir
±lThe stntement In the Inland Daily of today (Semen,
her 3d) concerning the Two Keys made by me, by only
of the Janitor for the Treasurer's Office, is incorrect. I
was under a mistake When I made the statement to Mr
Reinhold to that effect yesterday.
When I went up yesterday to the f'' •t hence, at th.
request 01 the Janitor. I found that I had made two.. Key.
for each of the Offices in the building, except the Treasu
rein ofnef. I made only one hey for tile County Treasu
rer . s oflice. and so I Informed the County Commissioner:
at the time, and proved to them that the Locks of th
,l)ffices Vero of n Lad quality by unlocking and lockim
them in nulr presence with a piece of bent wire.
cep 11 It 13/. WILLIAM JoROAN.
lt,romat Joy Academy, a Classical and
In English Boarding School for young:men and tio)s, lo
cated In Mt. Joy, Lancaster County, Pa.—E. 1,. MOORE,
Principal. Winter session, of Five Months, commencing
first NVednesday lisiN . ovember. For Circulars containing
parti,ulars address ` the Principal. rep It :!m.434
Dissolution of Co- Partnership. —Notice k
hereby given, that the partnership lately existing be
tween John Wiley, of East Donegal, and Juin, IL Smith,
of Conay township, Lancaster county, Pa., trading under
the firm or Wiley S. Smith, at the business of Milling and
Distilling, (at llaltieman's,) is this day dissolved by mutu
al consent. All debts owing to the said - partnership are IS
be received by the said John IL Smith-and all demands
on the said partnership are to be presented to him Tor
s.p 11 3!x34
Trs. Burley, (formerly Mrs. Jackson,)
111_tuay be consulted, as usual, at her residence, No. - _o2
South Ninth street, Philadelphia, below Catharine, on all
those questions of occult science which the has for more
titan a quarter of a century iu Philadelphia answered so
correctly. Mrs. Burley continues to make Mrs. Jackson's
Mt, infallible fur obstructions of monthly regularity In
females, which are recommended for all 'persons so affected
and which may be taken under all circumstances; Without
injury to health.- sep 11 -ana 34
1111 ET=
Jon:: WILEY,
.10IIN 11. SMITH.
Pnblla Sale .-- On Thursday the 11th, day of Oeto
ber 183. Will be sold an the premises, the follow
ing mentioned and described real estateof Mary Hershey,
widow, deceased, consistinvas follows to wit : .
No 1. Being the Mansion place of said deed. situate
in Manor township Lancaster county, about 4 miles from
Safe Harbor and d miles from Columbia, adjoining lands of
Frederick Frey, Jacob Eshleman, and others and the mild
leading from Safe Harbor to Columbia, containing 198
acres, together with the river hill `longing thereto.
The improvements thereon are a largelstory stone
DWILLING HOUSE, a stone swi ser ham ta ll
other necessary out buildings, such as wagon
shed spring house, never failln spring in the same
hog stye smOke house bake house two large apple or
chards with bearing fruit trees and other fruit about
the house about 100 acres of the same is arable land and
the remai nder is well covered with all kind of timber,
and running water in all the fields for watering cattle.
No. 2.. Adjoining No. 1, containing 78 Acres, with the
ricer hill thereto belonging; about 10 acres thereof is see
able land, and in a high state of cultivation; the bal
ance is covered with all kinds of Timber, chiefly chestnut.
The whole of the above IS well inclos.l In good post and
rail fences. The above will either be sold in the whole
or In parts, es above mentioned and described, to suit
purchasers. Any person wishing to view either or the
whole of the said premises, will please call on either of
tne undersigned Executors, or on Jacob Hershey, residing
un No. 1.
Sale to commence at I o'clock P. M., of said day,iwhen
due attendance will be given and terms of sale made
known by the undersigned ELecutors of said Mary
lleishey,'decea.sed. ABERLHAM. HERSHEY,
At the game time and place will also be sold a
certain un,snage and lot of ground mutaining 3 acres,
situate in Manor tap., fronting the public road leading
from Iherstlees 31111 to Esltlemaia's Smithshop--belonging
to the heirs of said Mary Hershey, deed. On this tract,
here is a good frame weather-Loarded DWELLING
lousE. smoke house, a stable, slimmer house, a variety
of Fruit Trees, a well of water with a pump in near the
door, ke, ke. Terms 01 sale made known by the under
sigked, attorney in k,,t of the heirs of said deceased. '
` - aluable Real Estate at Private Sale.—
.to excellent etore Stand and itching house,on the
r James and Queon st. This teuernent is built
4,r brick and in the best aantier—three stories high with a
two story Lies Luiidiug. II . draut, and cellars under the
how building, and is now and lies ht.. for the last three
years 0. - cUpted a, a lico ntsreiitid pirate its
Prise. $3,1,0.
Also: six t wo story Brisk DWELLING HOUSES,
on the east side of North Queen street, north of
dairies street. and near thejunct ion of the Reading
rind. Pri,, icon $6511) to $ 1175 each.
Also, two tun, and a half story brisk dwelling houses, on
the -south side of Frederick street—a new street running
inns North Queen to Duke street, huinediately north of
James. Price. 5. till to $725.
Also, three two story brisk dwelling houses on the afore-
said Frederick street, each containing five rooms and a
kitchen. Price. ;'SW each.
All the al,ive property is clear and free from ground rent
or other h:umbras - sees. The three last named houses are
je,,t lacing finished, and possession can be given as soon as
completed. For all other,. possession can be given ou
the Ist of April, 1856.
Apply to the proprietor, corner of North Queen and Or
ange sts. Terms accommodating.
Inn:aster, sep 11 :nn
raluable Farm For Sale.—Thesubseriber will
distil., of. at public sale, on Saturday, November the
loth. at I o'clock, I'. yl., on the premises, his Farm in
Drumore twp., Lancaster co., used partly fur farming and
partly for grazing as also for dairying purposes, containing
shoat 400 Acres of excellent land—'2so acres of which Is
oloarod and in a high state of cultivation, laid off in conve
nient fields and well fenced, with running water in nearly
dl of the fields. The balance is thickly covered
with Chesnut, oak and other kinds of thriving young time
;er. The improvements are a large two story
vete Dwelling House 30 by GO feet, roofed with
late, and a porch running the full laugth of the
,uilding. There Is a cellar under the. whole
louse; there is also a Frame Summer Kitchen attached
vith running spring water at the door. There Is a large
'tone and Frame (Carn a l 00 by 47 feet conveniently arrang
d with stabling, mows, Sc.. and a straw house 2.0. , feet
gum.° iu front of it. Also a Wagon Shed, 30 by 35 feet,
. .
covered with slate, with a large Granary above sufficient
to h ild 2000 Bushels of Grain, and two Corn Cribs attach
ed, and a Carriage Bosse. Also a llog House, Wood House.
Smoke I lens, Milk House ever the spring, and other nee..
sary oat buildings. There is also new shedding fur Cattle
of Gm length of 160 . feet round the barn yard; likewise a
well and pump and running water iu the barnyard.
There is also a stream running through the farm, which
f,nierly furnished water power Mr a Fulling Mill. and
could again be used for that or a similar purpose. There
are two Tenant Houses, a smith shop and Lime Kiln, and
two Orchards on the Farm, one of them just commenced
bearing. The Tract might Le conveuleutly divided into
vo fars.
The lo,at ion is o desirable one in all respects—being lu
healthy and moral neighborhood, convenient to Church
re. of Houses :Ind It is within 10 miles of the
line of the Columbia Railroad, and within a utile of the
octoraro Rail Road, which it is expected will shortly be
put under contract.
Terms will be made easy to suit purchasers, and an in
dispuhible title will be executed and possession glvcn on
the Ist t.f April next. For furthe(particulars enquire of
the subscriber residing on the Farm.
sep tl tf-.:4 PANDERS M'CULLORGII.
air Volksfreund and EX.lllliner, of this city, and Repub.
tirao, and Village Record, of West Chester, copy the above
till sale.
'Valuable Private Residence at Public
y ', the :A./th doe of September. 1655,
will be offered at public sale. at the Hotel of Lewis :preen
,. in bast King s! reel. the very desirable private r
dence recently occupied by Geo. W. llainorsly, in South
1111 kt-street, in the city of Laneastir, Immediately adjoining
lha Fartnor's haul:, and directly opposite the Lutheran
Lurch. 'no I is a double two-story
ISCILDI:a.f, with Parlor. large flail. Dining And
'sitting Booms, Sdonner and Winter Kitchens,
with ranges in eaeb.un the first floor: and with
six comfortable chauf hers, a Library, Bath room and stun
onus on Ibe second floor. The dwelling has recently been
than 4bly repaired.' and posers. s every modern eenveni
-n.e. Gas. I lot and Coltl ke. Attached to the bats..
in 11 pleasant yard, in ith a choice society of flourishing
Its el, re pr. , xintity to the New Cu,o t house and other
[wes of and its :apple front. allowing tillUlelltit
1,0111 I w an n(li,e with , ,ut interfering with the dwelling.
n , ,kr, it a v.., de,irahh• situltion f,,r a lawyer or other
Sale to o , lollllelle, at eats 0'.•10,1, in Iho evening, when
attenda,e will b, 3:14.1 tern,. which will he emy,
made known I,y W. CARPENTER, Agent.
s,p 11
ardwarc.—PISKEIZTON & No. 37
11 North Queen street, Lancaster, l'a. Wholesale and
total! dealers in Foreign Hardware and domestic, cutlery,
nails. paints, oils, varnishes, Fie.
Afways on hand a complete as,rtinent of buildioa
firtnint: uteusibi, cedar tt are
. and Coach Hardware.
They ore the exist teilve Agenta for the two most celehra
ed I.:T.IALS in the Union, the Morning Star
tol the William Penn, warranted to give entire
Mist:tflon or no sale. Also, a completo - assortment
if the latest and most improved Cook and Parlor
'tones in the market, adapted to both wood and coal.
t.p_„Tl, e y,tfully invite the public to examine their
ton k. helore purchasing elsewhere. as they are determin
e! to sell as cheap as the cheapest.
Thankful for the libc, nl patronage heretofore extended
o them. they respectfully solicit a continuance of the
liEltToN 1 SLAYNIA I( Eh.
scp II tf34
public t-elurday. Stptember
public sal,. et the I,,itlenee of the sub-
Owe, in I. p Lancaster county, viz: No.l, a
v finable farm containin; about 1 3 5 A c r c a ,
less. in Otierain township,lin ill, road leading
front Steel sill, to Iflack Patch Furnace, and about 2 miles
th- hitt, plats, hdp Ming Ihnis of Joseph Robison.
FAIVII:111:111J1 4 411,S. The hand 10 ill 3 first rate state I
cultivation. and under good loners. Tim improvements
thereon aro 3 lore , . tte. , story attic DIV ELL 'Nil .
and kitchen. and a well of water in the
kitchen. a Laid: I aril. with lily and straw sheds
~Ifacheil. corn cribs, and ' , titer out buildings.—
Ms, n I irchard. Stli•11 as apples, pears. peaches. cherries.
Sc. Als•ut :to acres of the ithiue tract is Woodland, and
pb ?Oiled ly Clll,lllO limber.
No. 2 is a tract of same quality of Land, adjoiniug No.
1. and on the west Wm. Slack, containing 11 7
Acres, tiler; or less, in a high slat: of cultivatiln, nod,
goml fcnee and lately limed. The improvements are two
Lott it USES, sue of which is two stories high, with sev
eral springs near the saute. About 20 acres of the above
tra c t is woodland. and principally Chesnut timber of the
hest quality.
Persons wishing to view the property, can do so by
en the subscriber residing on the saute.
Possession and au indisputable title will be given on the
first day of April, 1520.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. 31., of said day, when
attendance will he given and terms made known by
' , louring Mill for be sold at pri
-14 vote sale a lIIIRCIIA.NT GUIST MILL, situated in
Cumberland county. one mile north of Shippensburg, on
the rood leading to Newburg. It is three stork, - high, two
1,1 stone and the upper of frame nearly uew. This is a
superior property. beautifully located in our of the, finest
wheat growing districts in the State, on a durable stream
of water—of easy access by gait roads and within one
mile of the Cumberland Valley Railroad. There are about
, of Land ledongint.t. with a two story stone DWEL
LINO HOUSE. a Lo Tenant House. barn. Or
chard. be.
As the property must be sold. it will be offered
on very reasonable terms, and is worthy the at-,
teillina of thus,, wisbin to purchase. If no purchaser ut
ters me re th,, imh october nest, it will after that be
rented f r on e ye,.
Tb property will bo shown thauy one desirous to pur
clots by Mr. 1111;11 e,aig near Shippensburg, or app y to
J. S.Col.vell, Es+, , :rarlb.le. Cumberlaud county.
Fo. terms and forth r particulars apply to Mr. MArroLts
7,11,1, of Laneast, city, or to either of the gentlemen
above mentioned. sop 11 5t°414
Donk Agents NV anted.—Agents wanted In so
pery Town awl County in the United States, to canvass
fur the most popular Historical and other valuable end
saleable books published. The works two particularly
adapted to the wants of the peoble, being beautifully il
lustrated with tine Steel and Wood engravings, and hound
in the most substantial manner.
Agents now canvassing, for us, lind It a pleasant and
piMltablo employment.
Our list also includes the best works of T. S. Awnwit.
Over 100,000 volumes have been sold the past year, and
their tale Is still increasing. We bave just added several
new books to our lint by this most popular author, and
shell add others the ensuing fall and winter.
We think we have the best list for Agents In the coun
try. Send for it, and judge for yourselves. For full par.
titulars and Het, Address
- -
J. W. BRADLEY, Publisher.
1S North Fourth street, PhilMielphls,
sop 11 4m 34
-o Groc•re and Confectioners.—Buy you
goods from tirst hands and save '2O per cent. The un
dersigned has in store end oriels for sale at the owes
price. with a discount of 3 per cant. fir cash,
Almonds, Raisins, Figs,
Walnuts, Currants, Oranges,
Croun Nuts, Citron, 'Lemons,
Filberts. Prunes, - Sweet Oil,
Oround Nuts, Dates. Castile Soap, &c.
All orders by mail promptly attended to.
Sep 11 41 :1.1 41 5. Water street. Philadelphia.
Twenty Dollnr■ Reward :--nn the night of
August 29th, (ult..) was stolen front the stable of the
subscriber. In Drum m.° township, a set of DJUIILE CAlt-
MAI; E tIIItN ESS. nearly newt
The above reward will be paid fir Information leading
to the recovery attic property and conviction of the thief.
cep .13133
. .
}lmportant to School Directors, Tench•
nod others in torestetl in the cause of education
—Veneer nross.. ihs,ksell e rs :aid Stationers, Kramph'
Buildings Lancaster, have emotantly on hand a larai
supply of all the School Books iu use in this section of the
Country. Having special arrangements with Publishers
and others excessively engaged in the Book trade, they
are prepared to tell in any quantities as low as they can
be bought this side of Philadelphia.
S. ore agents for the sale of the FRANIELItt MOUES
to which they invite special attention. They would also
call attention to their stock of School Maps, bellying It to
be the largest stock to be found in any one establishment
between Philadelphia and Pittsburg; and as they are the
only authorized agents for Bldwell's large Mops of the
eastern and western Hemisphere, and as much the agents
fur Pelton's us any other person in this City or County,
and having special arrangements, they are prepared to
supply them as low as they can be bought for in the
Country, and will guarantee Peltou's Maps and Key to
be the latest edition published.
Having been more extensively engaged In the Book
trade for a number of years than uny other House in
this City, we feel confident we can make It an abject
for Teachers, Directors, and all others, to give us a call
or correspond with us White purchasing elsewhere. Our
Aliseelaneous Stock, including all the late publications
of note, Theology, &c., is always large, to which we invite
especial attention.
tsp. 4 t (43 MURRAY k 13TOEK.
5, Shares Lan. & Elizabethtown
pike Stock. • '
Oa Runes Farmers liasik mock.
25 " .7...annaster do.
60 " Lancaster Gas stock.
For sale by
sap 4
Valttable Property for Sale.--Will
at public sale, on Saturday, the 15th of Said,
1165, at Landis' Tavern, in Manholes township, Le
county, the following valuable property situated i
ville, in said twp...on the road leading from Lan
'Oregon, 2 miles from the former place, viz: a lot of - 1
containing 5 Acres, more Or Ins, all cleared;
good fence, and in a high state of cultivation.
The improvements are a two story brick HOUSE,
nearly new, with a well and pump In it near the
door, a wash house, bake oven, a frame barn, with
a granary, carriage house, corn crib, and all other •
ry outbuildings.
There are various kinds of thriving fruit trees
premises, such as apples, peaches, cherries, pears, .
The property is eligibly situated, and is well wor
attention of purchasers.
Possession will be given Immediately, if desired.
Sale to commence at 2 o'clock. P. M. of avld da
attendance will be given and terms ma ' de known
sep 4 2t 33 JAMES DO NN
acing Fund of the 'Crated State
Annuity and Trust Co., S. E. corner
Cheanut sta., Philadelphia.
Capital $250,000.
stotalli is received on deposite daily. The amo
posited 6 cotered In a lle;usit Book and given to
positor. or, if preferred. a certificate will be given.
All sums, large and small, are received, and the
paid back on demand, without notice.
Interest is paid at the rate of five per cent., cow
from the day of deposit, and ceasing fourteen day
ous to the withdrawal of the money.
On the first day of January. In each veer, the
of each deposit is paid to the depositor, or adde
principal,ms he may prefer.
The Company have now upwards of ?,LUJ dcpcs
the City rf Philadelphia alone.
Any addilianal infurmatlan will iven by ad
the Treasurer.
. . .
It. CRAwi °RD. {'rest. WILLIAM M. G,
LAWRENCE JORN,QN. Vire PreAt. PAUL It. lion}.
111.011 , 42
(.31: , ‘TAVUS ENG
Secretary and Tree
J. C. OCIIISCIIIAOEIt. Teller and Interpreter
sep 4
T) Simpson's Basket Factory and
StoltE.—Ll. now on Laud a large as:
of Ladies FANCY TRAVELING WORK, and carrying
Childrens' Coaches, Cradles, Rocking Horses. Vel:
Wheelbarrows, Fancy Rigs, Doll Heads, and To
kinds, Wholesale and Retail; at the lowest prices,
P. 61)1Pna
No. 230 North 2d street, between Callomhill a.
east side, Philadelphia.
N. B.—All kinds 'of Wood Work and Ilouseke.
ticles. sep 4,
Valimbic Real Estate at Public
On Tuesdav,the ISthday of September, 15051
dersigned, Executors of Christian Wolf, deed,
at Public Sale, on the premises, at 12 o'clock, 01.,
Of Land, situate in Southampton township,
county, on the Roxbury road, about two miles
Shippensburg, bounded by the lands of Alfre
David Spencer and others. It is now occupied
Wolf, and contains 140 Acres, of which 110 •
Limestone land, and about 10 Acres good SI.
About 15 Acres of said land is covered with
timber and the balance is in nu excellent state
cation. The improvements are a large Weather
LOO HOUSE, Frame Bank Barn, Wagon Shed,
Spring House and all other necessary out build
ings, all of which are new. The Farm is well
watered by running water, and there is also a
never falling Well. Also—A Young' Orchard
ALSO—On Saturday, the 22.1 of ,September,
be sold by the said Executors, on the promi.
o'clock, M., all that certain valuable Tract of
ate in the township of South Middleton, CS
c uuty, on the banks of the Yellow Breeches Cre.
one nano South east of Boiling Springs, Wu
lands of Jacob Strickler, William Weise, Benjam
man and others, containing 115;4' Acres. The
meats are a large two story STONE HOUSE
basement. a large Stone Barn, a good Carriag -
Spring House, with an excellent and never !kill
of Water. Wood House, Wagon Shed and all
out-buildings, all in good order. Alan—An Oj
choice Fruit. This valuable Farm is all of the b'
stone. with about 100 Acres Ina high state of cu'
and the remainder In good Timber. Also—A goo.
House, with out-buildings and shout 3 Acres
which will be sold seperatoly or with I.lte Farm
ALSO—At the same time and place will be
lain Tract of Mountain Land, situate In said
about three miles from the above described farnil
log 163. Acres, being well covered with young
and Oak timber.
Terms will be made known on each of said
sep 4 tf33 Ex,
Columbta and Philadelphia Rail
Superintendent's Office. Parkeshurg, August
Settled proposals will be received at this office '
urday, September 22d, for furnishing TIMBER,I
and for the building of three Bridges on this Ito'
One over the" Brandywine," at Downington—
with three segments iu each span of 127 feet eat
One over "Peques"—one span 127 feet Burr p
middle Truss under the door. And the other
'Little Conestoga," west of Lancaster—Truss Br;
three 'Trusses; span about 127 feet.
All of the material to be of the best quality an
to the inspection and approval of the Engineer.
Bidders will please state the price per lone te,.
Timber delivered at Columbia, or at any conven
llong the road,—also the price for the Iron :ind
lb., and the price per lineal foot fur building. N
be received for the building of the Bridges but fi
Plans and specifications ran be Feel] at this • I
ho 15th of September. J. It. ItA•
sep 1 3t 33 Superin
- Deal Estate at Public Sale.--The nderslgn
.l.Awd, Executors of the last will and testamen. nt John
Toland, Esq., late of Miner township, Perry coin ly, dee'd.
will offer at public Sale, on the premises, on Thursday,
October 25, 1055, at 1 o'clock, 1' SI., the hillowi le descri
bed Heal Estate, to wit: A tract of Patented Land situated
in said township. containing 116 Acres, mire or less,
about 1110 Acres of which are cleared and in a I igh state
of cultivation, and under c.xcellent fence: 1: Acres of
which is Meadow which cannot be surpassed for produc
tiveness, by any land in the county, with sear et a Springs
of Water running through the same. There IS an Olt-
CHARD of chice fruit trees on the protilkes. Tie balance
is well set with Oak and Chesnut Timber. Ti
improvements are a large:and convenient Tll.O
STOIII - HOUSE, bank barn, wagon shed, sour
cribs, spring and bake house; also ou said farm a
comfortable Tenant House, and :in excellent spring 'Of
water note the saute. This property Is fiver:ally Located:
the public mad leading from Newport to Petersburg passes
through the saute, and Is within 6 miles of the Moaner
and 5 of the latter place, and 7 miles east of Bloomfield, the
-Duty town of Perry county. The Juniata iliyision of
the Penusyluanla Canal and the Pennsylvanie Railroad
passes through the learnt.
This property. by mason Of its S
market. Le.. and within one hour's travel of
and five of Philadelphia, renders it worth the a
any persons wishing to purChase Real Estate
sishing to see tin: above property will be show
by calling at the premises or on either of the utt
Toasts ur Sslo.—Sit tier cent. on the w•hde it
chase money, to he paid immediately after the
struck down; Otte third al the purchase moon
ducting the six per cent.. to be paid on the tir•
~ 5 6, when the deed will be made and possess
the balance in two equal annual payments, wit
to be secured by judgment bonds.
Miller tivp., sep 1 Is 33
.Totlce..-The copartnership heretofore ex,listing and
,L 1 doing business under the firm of ICAUTA & KING,
..ontracters—Jacol, F. Haute & Robert J. King isthis day
dissolved, (August '21,1655.) tf 32
ri , o the Honorable Court of Quariter Sea-
J_ eions of Lancaster county. nt September Term, 1545.
The Petition of Jacob Hull. of Upper Leacer4township,
Lancaster county, Respectfully Represents : t ho In de.
sirous of selling liquors pursuant to the provisions of the
Act of Assembly, of April 14, 1554, "to restrana the sale
of intoxicating liquors:" that he is a citizen of the United
States, and does not keep any hotel, Inn, tare n. restaur
ant, eating house, theatre, oyster house, or cell r, or other
place of entertainment, amusement or refresh,. eat.
Your petitioner therefore prays the lionorsi le Com t to
grant him a license to sell liquor pursuant to the provis
ions of the said act. JACO I HULL
We, the undersigned, citizens of Upper Le cock twp.,
aforesaid, Do Certify, that we are well acquaint with the
said Jacob lioll, who is desirous of obtaining license to
sell liquor in mid Upper Leacock two., that hope a citizen
of the United States, of temperate habits, of , rood repute
i .,
for honesty, and well disposed to the good orde of society;
that he does not keep any hotel, inn, tavern, •estaurant,
eating house, oyshir house, or cellar. theatre, o other plkee
of amusement, entertainment or refreshment; t at a license
ought to be granted to the petitioner in ord.n , to promote
the welfare of the citizens; and that there are of already
more licenses granted in said Upper Learn,' township,
than the public good require.
George Dear, John Lehman, Wm. Weidman,
might, Washington Simmons, Joseph tlrein
llofferd, Samuel Lutz. Emanuel 1101Fer,l. l i no,
Jacob Brubaker. Israel B. Johns, (la.. E. Jol
rro the Honorable Court of qua
I ions of Lancaster comity, at September '
The Petition of Chen. Shertz,of the city of Lan
co. of Lan., Respectfully Represents: That he i
selling liquors pursuant to the provisions of
Assembly. of April 14, 1855, .'to restrain the s.
tenting liquors.' that he is a citizen of the lin
and does not keep any hotel, inn, Lavern, rest ,
hag house, theatre, oyster house, or cellar. Or 0
entertainment, amusement or refreshment.
Your petitioner therefore prays the llonora
grant him a license to sell liquorr pursuant t,
ions of the said act.
We, the undersigned eitizensof the S. E. W. • f said city of
Lancaster, Do Certify, that we are well acquainted with
tile said Christian Shertz, who Is desirous of obtaining a
11,012F43 to sell liquor In said SYard, that he Is a citizen of
the United States, of temperate habits, of good repute for
honesty, and n•ell disposed to the good order of societye
that he does not ice4p any hotel, inn, tavern restaurant,
eating house. or cellar, theatre, or other pia of amuse.
ment, entertainment or refreshment, that a I •ense ought
to be granted to the petitioner In order to remote the
welfare of the citizens; and that there are nut already
more licenses granted in said Ward than the public good
Christian Widnayer, Michael Trisler, Ilen
Jacob King, George King, sr., Christian nom.
Goniglu, Nathaniel Bair, David Bair, Alex. 11.
M, Kline , Philip Leonard.
Valuable Farm for Sale .-- I'h subscriber
will sell at private sale, a valuable Tra t of Land,
situate in Centre township. Perry county, ad fabling lands
of George Barnett, Philip Roth, C. Roth, Jr. and others,
containing 113 Acres, about 70 acres f which are
cleared, having thereon'orected a good two sory
STONE HOUSE, with Basement. nod a twos my
Log House and Leg Barn. a Carriage chop, Black
smith shop, spring house and other out buildings.
There are two Orchards on this property containing granted
apple, pear, plum and peach trees. There uri, five acres of
Meadow, and the land not cleared Is covered sill, a sup,-
rior quality of pine and other timber. Lime and lime:4one
can be obtained in any quantity la the imm, dinte neigh
borhood. A never failing spring and well c f good water
are among the advantages. This farm 14 situate one mile
east of Bloomfield and offers many ina.leenunts to pur
chasers. For further particulars address the mbscriber at
Neu Bloomfield, Perry county, Pa,
nog 283 t 32 lIENIIT 811ADB.
public Sale...-On Saturday, the 22d day of Septem-
X her, 1855, in pursmsnce of on order of tlie Orphans'
Court of Lancaster county, the undersigned 'senators of
the last will and testament of Arm hart, deed, will capon°
to public sale on the premises. the following r esir.rilsd real
estate, late the estate of said Ann Hart, deed, viz: a Lotor
piece of Ground situate in Salisbury township, Lancasleir
county, adjoining lauds of Joseph limbic, moo Clemson
and other, containing 71 Perches, mor or less. with
a one and a half story weather-boarded 11l EL- .
LING HOUSE fronting on the Columbia and
Philadelphia turnpike, a frame stable, hake von Y tl i
and others improvements theram erected. ' here
is also a well of first rate water with a pum therein bear
the door un said lot. The fences around o lot ore in
good order and repair. This property offers 'Teat induce•
ments to a man wishing to purchcse a home, sit is on the
turnpike above mentioned, and within a ni e of the Ca
Tumble and Philadelphia Railroad at the •Gap: convenient
to mills, stores. schools and plates of worshi
Sale to commence at 2 o'clock, P. M., of
term will be made known by
aug 28 At 82
n Ordinance Creating a: Permanent
LOIN.—Sts. 1. The Select and Common Councils of
tbo City of anessler, hereby ordain, That the. Presidents
Of Councils shall sign forty Coupon Bonds of Five Hundred
Dollars each, to create a permanent loan of Twenty Thous
and Dollars, to be appropriated as &flows, to will $1640 to
;defray the met of erecting& stationary Steam Engine and
;Boilers for the City Water Works $9,000 to defray the
expense of repairing the new tasin; $4500 for procuring
and laying Water pipe, plugs, stops, 1,c4 $4150 for
nallialtig two squares in Duke street, and two squares in
(Prince street; and dIOOO to incidental 'repairs to streets
'during the remainder of the present fiscal year; leairing a
tioutingent fund of SSIO applicable to the above objects. as
may be directed by Councils. Slid Bends to be plated in
the hands of the Mayor for negotiation at the lowest
obtainable rates of interest not exceeding 6 per centime
per annum, and fur the payment of which, the faith and
credit of the City is hereby pledged.
Ordained and enacted into a law, at the City of Lau
. aster, the __'rid day of August, 1555.
President of S. C.
Pres. pro tem. C. C.
:ter -to
Jrams C. CIRPENTER, Clerk C
Jos. r3A3asoN, Clerk C. C.
Notlce.-..The copartnership heretofore existing and
doing business under the firm of CARSON & KAUTZ,
is Briekumking, is this day dissolved,(August 24, 1a55) by
mutual ,rousent. The business of tha late 3rm will be
settled by Henry P. Carson, and the business hereafter
eanducted under the name of HENRY P. CARSON .1 CO.
aug 2Stf 32
improved Super Phosphate of Lime.--
Tee subscriber informs Dealers and Farmera that he has
greatly improved the quality of his
Super Phosphate of Lime,
and now confidently recommends the article manufactured
by him, as superior to any in the market. You are Invited
to call, examine and try it. Also Peruvian and Mexican
Duane, tab.. C. , indles, Soap. de., at the lowest marketrates.
• .101I.N L. POMEROY.
Successor to Thos. W. Morgan,
Nos. 9 and 10 South Wharves, :Philadclphla.
IM. Farmers can hied on two private alleys, and avoid
the crowded wharf. sue 29 3rn 32
Jacob Ezuertcllc & Co.—lmporters and Whole
sale Dealers in China, Glass & Qneenan - are,
No. 215 North Third street, four doors below Callowhill
(east side.) sign of the COFFER Pot. Philadelphia.
• um-. Packing Warranted.
aug 29
üblic Sale.--'JO Tuesday, the 16th day of Sep
tember,, 1853. Pursuant to an order of the Orphans'
Court of Lantaster county, the subscriber, administrator
of Jacob Sand., late of East Earl township, said county,
deceased, will sell by puler vendue, on the premises of
No. 1, the following described real estate, to wit; a tract or
parcel of about 7 Acres of Limestone Land, on the Har
risburg and Downingtown turnpike, near the Sorrel Horse
tavern, adjoining lands of George Weidler, John Kurtz
and others, situated in East Earl township. The improve
ments thereon consist of two good DWELLING
HOUSES, a barn, blacksmith shop, stable and
other buildings; also a never falling opting of
running water, an apple orchard and other fruit
such as peaches, cherries, dc. The farming portion of the
land is in a good state of cultivation and under good fence.
laiNo. 2. A tract of about 16 Acres of Land, lying about
of-a mile south of No, 1, adjoining lands of Geo. Duchman,
Adam Diller and others, in same township ;
. about 1 acre
thereof is timber land, the balance clear, in good far
ming order, and laid off in fields and under good fence.
No. 3. A tract of about 5 1 / 4 Acres of Mountain Land
adjoining No. 2, and lands of - David Renck, 'Mary Jacobs
and others, in same township. This lot is well covered
with Chesnut Oak, and other timber.
I art
- rtruent
ciptde ,
s of In
d Vioe,
the on
ill sell
A. Tract
' y John
re good
to land.
f multi
Any persons wishing to view either of the above proper
ties, will be shown them by calling on the subscriber re
siding near the same.
Good titles and possession given on the let day of April,
A. D., 1830,
Salo to commence at 1 o'clock, P. NI., Of said day, when
attendance will be given and terms made known by
aug 28 3t• 32 Administrator aforesaid.
T7armers , Mutual Insurance Company.
—Notice is hereb given to the members of the •• Far
mers' Mntusl Insurance Compans " that a tax of five cts.
on every hundred dollars of the vallution of the In operty in
sured, has been assessed by the Directors of the said Com.
pony, for the purpose of recompensing the loss sustained
by the estate of John Bowers, deed, of West Ilemplield
township, in the destruction of a barn by fire, ou the
evening of the 24th of July last.
Full duplicates of the tax will be Ic4pt by the following
persons, to either of whom the tax may be paid if done pre
vlous to Ist of October, viz: Joseph Clarkson, Treasurer's
Office, Lancaster City; John .Rohrer, Treasurer, West Lam.
peter twp ; and John Strohm, Secretary, Providence twp.
Fat nal duplicates will be kept by the following persons,
to whom payment may be made by persons residing iu the
townships indicated, viz ; For the townships of East and
West Donegal. Conoy, Rapho and Mount Joy, by Myers &
Mowry. at their Hardware Store, In the borough of Mount
Joy; for the townships of Earl, East Earl, Brecknock,
Czernarvon, Ephrata and Clay, by David Witmer, at his
residence near the "Blue Ball" In East Earl tap.
Those who do not pay their quota before the Ist of Oct.,
will be charged ten per cent additional,[to pay the expense
of collection, agreeably to the By-Laws of the Company.
aug 28 tf 32 Treasurer.
28, ISSo.
ntil Sat,-
tOl, Sc.,
wo spans
10110equea Valley Par at Public Sale.—
lOn Thursday, September 27th, 1855. Pursuant to an
order of the Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster county,
the undersigned Committee of the person and estate of
Mathew Henderson, will offer at public sale, on the prem
ises, that excellent LINIESTONE FARM, situated on the
banks of the Peques. Creek, in Salisbury township, Lan
caster county, adjoining lands .of John Petersham, Thos.
Henderson, Henderson and othees, 3 miles north of
the (lap anti 1 mile southwest of the White Horse Taverti,
containing SO Acres and 31 Perches.
The improvements are a large two-story stone-
DWELLING HOUSE, with cellar under the build
ing. The House is divided into convenient rooms:
attached is a Kitchen 2J feet square. smoke house, wood
shed, wagon shed tend c-rn cribs, and a commodious bank
barn, 117 feet long, by 311 fret wide, with granaries, sic. A
never failing well of water near the house, with pump
therein; also, numerous springs a short distance from the
hilus.t. There is also a tine thrifty YOUNG ORCHARD on
the premises containing every variety of fruit trees.
The Farm Is divided into c. nvenient fields and easy of
access to water, lie retille.2 Creek running through a por
tion of the sante. The 'Slid is in a good state of cultiva
tion. and is in a neighborhood convenient to mills. stores,
churches. schoolhouses. Sr.
f the
rut point
11 Its per
Lid will
nn lri
Persons desirous of purvhaslng will please call on the
subscriber who resides on it farm adjoining the above, or
on NI iehael Wks who resides on the premises..
Also, at the same time and place, the subscriber will of
fer a lot of Woodland, about of a mile distant from the
farm. containing 5 Acres and 149 Perches, ad
joining lands of )1. Ries. John :doling and others. con
sisting of leak and hickory timber. Theis. a eellent
Limestone Quarries on both proptirtics.
The above Form trill 141 sold separate from the Wood
lot. One half, or more, of the purchase money can remain
in the property for a limited number of years. if desired.
Sale positive, and to commence at 2 o'clock, P. M., of
said day, when terms will be anode known by
Rug, 29 :A 32) Committee for Mathew Henderson
L2pecial Notice to Teachers and School
k DIRECTORS.—New and valuabble additions to
the National Series of Standard School Books.
lu to
trutton or
11., op
1110 , un
el ned
I Ihr pun
roI.. rly is
by far the cheapest and best extant :
Montieth's First Lessons in Geography, containing
easy lessons in the rudiments of Geography fur be
ginners, and designed as an introduction, to .
Moutieth's Manual of Geography, which is im
mensely popular, and has already been introduced
into the Schools of New York City, Brooklyn, Phil
adelphia, Baltimore, Pittsburg, etc.
NcNally's Complete School Geography, is a com
prehensive work, prepared with great care and accu
racy, for advanced classes in our schools and Acade
mies, and though just published, its success is unpar-
Davies' Primary Arithmetican entire new work
—is composed of easy and progressive lessons adapt
ed to the capacities of young children, and introduc
tory to
which is also a new work on Mental Arithmetic. In
the arrangement and gradation of the lessons, the
character of the questions, and the clear, full and
logical forms of analysis, this book is thought to be
superior to any other.
Davies' New School Arithmetie, is emphatically a
practical work, explaining and illustrating, as it
does, mathematical principles and applying them to
the common business transactions of life.
Price's Spelling . Book, is extensively used and al
ways pleases both teacher and pupil.
BEADING BOOKS—To wake up the mind, arrest
and rivet the attention, and teach the student to read
in a natural "and unconstrained manner, Parker's
Series is preferred by many of the best teachers.
Brookfield's First Book in Uomposition.—This lit
tle work, if adopted as a text book in our com
mon schools, would enable teachers to instruct class
es in composition with greater ease and facility than
in Geography or Arithmetic.. The most liberal terms
will be made for the first introduction of the follow
ing School Books from the National Series
Monteith's First Lessons in Geography.
Monteith's Manual of Geography.
McNally's School Geography.
Davie's Primary Arithmetic. '
Philip Fax
.11 I SN, pe
s, kaa I
2. , at 11
Davie's Intellectual Arithmetic
Davie's New School Arithmetic
ter See
letrr. iu th.
dt4il nu* o
the get n
le of lotox
ted Slatee
num . ° ea
her place u
Davie's University Arithmetic.
Davie's Elementary Algebra.
Price's English Spelling Book
Parker's Word Builder or first Lesson in Reading
Parker's School Primer.
Parker's First Reader.
Parker's Second Reader.
Parker's Third Reader.
to C ult to
tho moth
Parker's Fourth Reader.
Parker's Fifth or Rhetorical Reader.
Parker's First Lessons in Philosophy.
Parker's School Philosophy.
Clark's Analysis of the English Language.
Clark's Grammar (Reversed.)
Willard's History of the United States.
Fulton & Eastman's Book Keeping.
Brookfield's First Book in Composition.
may obtain copies of the above works for examina
tion, with a view to their immediate introduction,
free of cost, by addressing
Lancaster, Pa.
A. S.B.amlus & Co , Publishers, 51 and 53 John
st., N. Y. ang 28 4t-32
J 3lac
Sher L., Oro.
g 28 8t 32
Columbla and Philadelphia Railroad.—
Superintendent's Office, Parkesburg, Aug. 25th,
1855. Traveling on Burthen Trains has become such
a habit en this Road. that the undersigned has no
other remedy to enforce the Resolution of the Board
of Canal Commissioners, than to instruct the De
spatchers, Watermen, Bridge Watchmen, and other
Agents on the Road, to notice any Cars that may
have passengers riding on them, and to return the
name of the owners of the Cars, (and if possible the
number of the Car) to the Collector's Office at which - •
the Bar or Cars are generally cleared. The Collector A Valuable Pcquea Farm at Public
will charge toll, on the next clearance he may issue, SALE—On ()" ‘ ,, v b e r::', / e "Y,.. , . t li t l , " . t ' e ,T u t !'; J . J ,':" . : I . l L7 r ';':" . 'i i n
at the rate of 2 cents per mile, for the' whole distance ....,”1',...",: w r ' : ',?", ‘ ' , ' , ' „„, l , ' ,hip. „ :p,,,t . of . 1.1 . , - :,,,,,„;: L”•,l * . .....,
of the road in the direction the Train was rennin g , thi;;I„, ;AL. I
.......- Acres, More ~ I . let, ,i(l.l.lled 111 StraS
from his office, or from the point where the Paasen - ' burg township, county. on the Mad lemlitul
ger was seen in the Cars, from Lancaster to Nero Providenee, alsmt ; milee south
Every assistance will be given by the officers of from Lancaster, 3 miles north from New Providenc. ad•
the Road, to prevent Passengers, Vagrants, and bad joining lands of Henry B.Wlnall, :',lltlllel I'llarle... !leery
boys from getting upon their Cars ;
of any Agents and Engineers Brenneman and others. Abort 20 AiV
ores is ol tHLANn.
will stop their Trains at the notice
the residue is in a high state of cultivation and under
geed fences. The impu.venleuts thereon area large't
for the purpose of preventing persons from riding, story STONE D ULM 1101;SF - by "8 f 4 -
when State Toll is not paid, with a two•story Ritelten attached, a bat, nous,
11... The fine of $lO will be enforced against any smoke bow., spring house, a well of never failing
Agent who secretes passengers in his Curs, or who water with a pump therein near the house, a large
does notgive notice to a Collector that he has pas- Bank Burn, 82 by 4tl feet, with a Wagon Shed and
, curu
eengers aboard. ; Cribs attached, a Carriage house. a mnitheliop;
'cutlet house
A police officer is stationed at the Railroad in Lan- and all other necessary out-buildings; 311,0 a's
with a neverfaillug spring of running water nt I .
caster, and will apprehend idle and bad boys who door, two bearin ORCHARDS of choke Apple trees. and
may be lurking about the Road for the purpose of
getting upon the Cars. a variety or other choke fruit, Buell . Peach., Pears.
Apricots, &c.
I earnestly solicit the co-operation of the Trans- ! The above Farm is a very desirable property, being sit
porters, having Cars running on this Road, to instruct nated in a rich and populous neighborhor , d,. 0 ,: c . .n .
their Agents to permit no one to ride on their Cars Mout to Stores, Mills, Churches. 5c 0 hca1d5 . , e,. ....1 p . ,:,,,,
—withourat least giving notice to a Collector. Col- shoos of viewing it before theclay ‘w f sale.
ite,, 11 3 1 ,,,, 1 an
Frit il .
lectors have the same authority to collect toll on on the Tenant, 13enjantin Lo ng,
Passengers on burthen Cars as they have on ireight, I Sl g o rc r ointence at 2 o'clock in the afternoon ot said
tUlld can refuse giving a clearance unless toll on both day,
when attendance will be given
ertare paid. ' J. B. /AMA, I known by ad
JOHN s o
aug 2g . 1 Supateroeat. I au= • 7t-31
p termf tale made
d do, when
aug 2S tf-32
- 11nblisher's Agency for Pelionta Series
J of Outline Maps fteya. &c. -
• W. H. SPANGLER ( )Bookseller 93-North Queen
st., Lancaster, Pa.) informs Teachers, Directors, Su
perintendents and others that ho is the only authori
sed agent for the sale of PELTON'S OUTLINE
MAPS, KEYS, ,te., in Lancaster. Teachers, Su
perintendents and Directors will please bear the
above fact in mind, and correspond with ns should
they, wish partial or full seta of the following Maps,
Books, d.c. before purchasing elsewhere.
Physical Geography, hasjust been introduced up
on the Hemisphere Maps, all its details having been
so managed as to present a most'gorgeons appearance
while they do not interfere in the least with each
other, or the subjects usually shown upon Maps.
A new Map of the United States has also been sub
stituted including the whole of North America, from
.Labrador to the Isthmus.
These Maps have become exceedingly popular, and
meet with ready sale throughout the country.
1. Physical and Political Map of the
Western Hemisphere, 7 tf. by 7 ft
2. Physical and Political Map of the
Eastern Hemisphere,
3. Map of the United States and Brit
ish Provinces, Mexico, Central Ameri
ca and the West Indies, 7 ft. by 7 ft .
'4. Map of Europe, 6 ft. by 7 ft
5. Map of Asia, 6 ft. by 7 ft .
Maps of South America and Af
Outline Map of Pennsylvania, Col
ored in Counties.
Chalk Drawings,—This is as a new series of Eight
Large Cards, containing Drawings in White upon a
Black Ground, intended as Elementary Studies.
Pelton's Key to Full Series of Outline Maps.
Pelton's Key to Hemisphere Maps.—These have
been thoroughly revised and improved by the addi
tion of a very interesting treatise on Physical Geog
raphy, illustrated by handsome cuts, and arc recog
nized as leading Class Books.
The subscriber keeps constantly on hand a very
large supply of all the leading Senooo BOOKS used
in our county, and is prepared to furnish School Di
rectors or Teachers on terms and at prices as favora
ble as any other establishment outside of Phila.—
He solicits communications or orders, from all in
want of School Books, or anything else belonging to
regular Book Trade. W. H. SPANGLER,
33 North Queen st., Lancaster.
P. S.—Being the agent for Pelton's Outline
Maps," we are prepared to supply them on better
terms than any other house in the city
aug 28
Important to Physicians . —A Valuable Prop.
erty, suitable for a Physician. On Saturday, the 15th
of September, 1555. By virtue of an order of the Ornhans'
Court of Lancaster county, will be sold at the public house
of John Brady, In Millersville, the following described
property, being the real estate of Dr. Emanuel S. Baer,
dec'd, manning' of 3 1.3 Acres, more or less, of
ground, situate in the said village of Millersville, on which
is erected a two story frame DWELLING HOUSE,
and kitchen, with frame barn and other out
buildings. There is a well of excellent water
with a pump in it near the kitchen door; also
Fruit Trees of various kinds.
The property is a very desirable one. situate in a pleas.
ant part of the village on the Turnpike leading to Safe
Harbor: and having been occupied for a number of years
by Dr. Baer, who had an extensive practice In his profes
sion, it is therefore a desirable location fora Physician, or
it would suit for public business of almost any kind.
Persons wishing to view the proyerty previous to the
day of sale, wilt please call on Abraham Peters. EN., re
siding in the village.
A. clear and indisputable title will be made nod posses
sion given on the Ist of April, 156.
Sale to commence at 2 o'clock. P. M., when terms will
be made known by HENRY E. MUHLENBERO,
Guardians of minor Children of Dr. E. S. Baer, dee'd.
Colambia and Phtln . RaLtrond.--Superin
tendent's Offire, Parkesburg, August 20, 1855. The
following resolution has been passed by the Board of Canal
Commissioners, August ill, 1855:
Resolved, That no Burthen Car built niter the lot of
September next, shall be permitted to run over the Phila.
and Columbia Railroad, unless it is provided with sliding
doors—and that the owners of Bin-then Cars now running
on the road shall be liable for all damage sustained from
the swinging open of the doors of their Cars when in
motion, or when standing on the Track or sidings.
Extract from the Journal.
Car owners and builders will please observe the above
resolution( as it will be strictly eulbrred. Several accidents
have already happened by the swinging open of car doors,
both when running and when standing on the . sitlings.
aug 23 if 32 Superiotendent.
mportant to Millers I--VENTILATING GRAIN
ICONDUCTOIi. The subscriber has taken measures to
secure n Patent for a novel and important improvement In
the eye of Millstones. The object of this improvement is
to prevent the clogging of the grain in the eye of the stones
during high speed, 'von at two hundred revolutions in a
minute. Any kind of MOIST GRAIN, MIDDLINGS or
CORY with the cob, which are liable to close the eye of
the stones, can, by this invention, be conducted to the
bottom stones and be supplied with fresh air—and the foul
air is driven off, whilst at the same time the rapidity of
the stones eau 1w so much increased, as to perform the
work accordingly.
The construction of this Ventilator is so simple, that it
cannot be excelled for durability and cheapness; and its
advantages are so numerous and usetul. that every Miller
will be satisfied with its utility by seeing it in operation.
For further information, direct to
Durlach I'. 0,. Lancaster county. Pa.
a r ug 3::
Improvement In DentlAry.--A Manutactory
for producing entire sets of ARTIFICIAL 4 :-
TEETH. after Dr. LOOMIS' improved method ,A, 1 4:.7.-"- 1-,- 2
is nme.estabibliPd at \'o. 1111 North Tenth it., trrrY
rhibdA,,hb. It consists of the set of Teeth, to
gether with the gum and roof of the mouth, being ono
solid plere. the whole being beautifully enameled with
their appropriate colors. The teeth are worn with great
comfort there being no cavities Mr the lodgement. of parti
cles of food, as tnere must always loin the old method of
gold plot.. settings, however writ it may Ise executed.
Among the many advantages are cheapness, durability.
cleanliness, and utility iu masticating fod.
The superiority of this method is very apparent. Those
interested are invited to eall and examine spe c imens. ttt
Mt. J. 1.1.71it.:V6
atrg 20 3m 32 No. 110 North 10th st.. Phila.
e ade ru y of the Vbill at I Frederick City,
Yid. The t-xerckt-s uf this Instituti,•n gill r, cow
menet., on the let Ninntlay of Septembvr.
7E11316 OF BOARDERS.—Board and Tuition, with the
French Laneuace.(if desired.) $150,00
Stationery, Washing, }lending, Bed, Redding.
Doctor's Fee, A. IS On
',Music on the Pinto. harp. or ttul - sr cios sn Ilatil
tional charge. Also lesiiions in Latin. 111,111111:/, Italian and
Spanish languages, Drawing and Painting are likewise
extra chdrites. Entrance tee, tito.
Boarders pay the current charges senti-antkually .
advance. Day scholars quarterly.
When a term has been eoll.lllelllrea, if the pupil be
withdrawn. the Parent or Cuardian become sulijeeted to
the full expense of the unexpired term. unless slAni ter
dismis.ial require tit, removal.
Pupils are received at any time daring the year, and the
charge is estimated from the date of their entrance.
of any denomination admitted. an,; :ll :is
Arri • als at WC ft Vki.-I.nts S..a..nablp Goods
at Auction Prices. Included In the lots are De B e g e s.
dark colors anal mourning Black and White. (Mod arti
cle for to 194.
White 600ds—Embroideries, Ac.—N. W. Collars: N. W.
Undersleeves, Chemizettes. a la Vietorim Edgings and In
seal:lgs, Linen Cambric-Handkerchiefs. magnificent Em
broidered and Maim—Misses size, Splendid
Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs for ('.;hone Bordered
Linen Ilandkerchietk for Goats—n,:etty si.:hs. 11 - hire
Brilliantens—expressly for robes, entirely new. Dotted
Swiss, neat Patterns. 19ain Swiss. Mull. Ar.
Domestic [hoods.—Cases Bleached Muslim:. the Lest goods
In the city for the prices. Bales Unbleached Mnslins.
7, A, it, 10. and 12;4 cents. Bought at the lowest cash
prices and sold accordingly.
Paficrs, NTS—CALICuES, CALICoES.--CaseN leant tint
styles Merrimack Calicoes, Ameriean. Conestoga. Ac. Black
and White, good dark colors for
4-1 Black Lawns only
Ginghams—Ltinewster and Manchester. Brown and
White, Green and White Plaids-12.: cents.
. •
Tiekings; Checks; Sheeth r n;s; Shirtlngs; Flannels--Ited
White and
All of which aro offered for ,ale as they are hotktht—at
auction prices. WENTZ'S Store.
tta., Remember—Wentz's still rontlnue to ;lull off all
kinds of Summer floods, to avoid keeping them over no.
season. soy 21 tf-31
xTew Flour and Feed Store.—Tlw'sobseriber
1.1 has opened a Floor and Feed Store. in the basement
el Sprerher's new building. in Ind, sir, et..•pp .site the
new Court (louse. Superior Flour. Corn. Oats. tmu !that'.
Feed Stuff 4, Potatoes, !kept constantly on hand
and sold at the Very lowest retail pares.
Lan. aug SI 4t 31 SV't 111,1,M AK EU.
Public Sale.—On Friday. October 12, 1,,r,5, th e ]ml.
srriber will .11 at public his resider], in Eden
township. Lancaster county, ab rut !i; mile from Cvmargo,
and 2 miles east of New Providenre, 2 toile southwest of
tho NVlrite oak Tavern. the following valuable Peal
Estate, vii.
No. l. A valuable Farm containing 100 Ac rest, non
or less, situated in said Eden township. on the rod lead
ing from Georgetown to Camargo, about 4 mile, from the
former and mile front the latter Mare, adjoining the
residence of the subscriber, Mods of dames 31 . 110 1.klos
and others. The hand is in a first rate state of eultiva.
lion and under good fences. The improvements
thereon are a two story DWELLING HOUSE. part
stone and part frame, a well 01 never failing wa
ter with a pump near the house, a Bank Darn
with hey and efrawsheds attached, Corn Cribs met other
out-buildings; also an ORCHARD of choice fruit, such as
Apples, Pears,,Peaches, Cherries, kr.
N 0.2. A SAW MILL, with a large building attached.
suitable for a 31achineshop, together with 3 Acres of
Laud, more or less. The Mill is fitted up with an up and
down saw, a circular saw. and Shingle Machine. and is
driven by a good water power, being n branch - 01 Big Ilea
ver Creek. There is a Spring house on the. place with
running spring of water underneath. The 31111 is a good
business stand, having always had a good rim of custom.
N 0.3. A Tract of Land, containing 1 . 2 Acres, More
or less, partly covered with Timber. adjoining lands of
James 31. Hopkins, David Maurer and No. 1.
Persons desirous of viewing any of the above properties.
will please call on the subscriber, at his resideto.ciu Eden
At the same time and place will be sold—A borse.a cow.
a yoke of oxen, ox-cart, a broad wheeled plantation
Wgaon, a carriage, a rawkaway, hoisegears, harueas, and
(ghee personal property.
../Bale to commence precisely at lnid,ck, in the afternoon,
when attendance will be given by
aug 217-31 JOHN BASSLEIt.
11hesatley's Arch Street Thentre.— arch
Street, above Sixth. Philadelphia. The Star Com
pany enmpased of the first Article In the werld.
e4eding in strength and talent . nay olramati , entablanli , ti
heretofore offered to the Theatrical public, will appear
every night lit comedy. tragedy. smio vaud•
evines, musical burlettas.
When visiting the city, go there.
Boys Olothirig.:.THOMAS d TEACKRAY No.
3bo C esnut st, above lath, Phila., have constantly on
hand an. make to order, Boys , 'C lothing of thu most
Person from a distalbu purchasing at this establish
ment ha . the privilege of changing any article which
may net init..ll.
N. —* large assortment of patent shoulder seam
BOIS^ SWIRLY; tdgether with a general assortment of
Youths Furnishing ileods,jwhich we are prepaled to sell at
low price!' fur cash. ! nag tf SI
Black berry lordial, an article containing a new
Ingretlient whic makes It a sure and infallible sped
fie for Dlirrhae, Dy entery and all ordinary diseases of
the boWels. Extracts of Lemon,
Pineapt hose, , wait Peach or Almond, for fl avoring
Costar Jeldes, Sauces etc. This Is a-hew article and
superior anything we yet offered to the public. A few
drops being equal lit strength4o a whoiolenion.
I For sate at the Drug and Chemical afore No. f,S,ii North
Queen art. I S. WELCUENS,
Lan. s g 14 tf3-30
Urn lin County Farm for Sale.—The sub.
I: scribir h o ff ers at rivate sale his Farm, lying about one • 1
mile wes of Upton, ear the turnpike leading from Oreen-
castle to 3lercersb ~ Montgomery township, Franklin
..munty, I,a. It coot us Ono Ilundrea sod Seventy Acres
of Limestoneand D rrland, about nu oi which sro clear- 1
ed and the remalud r covered with good Timber. The Dn. 1
i t
proveme is arose largo ROUIiIICASTIIOUSE,
a l a rge rg Barn. tout, spring House, suture
house. I Ike House, and other nemismry building.
There is line nove fulling Spring, rising In the
yard or o Dwellin Ilou-se and fl owing thmflgh me barn
yard, an to which ttlo can have access et all times font
par of the fern . The soil Is under excellent cultivit.
lion. T ere is a m dow of twelve acres, and a largo Or
chard of good graft fruit.
For to us. which ill bo very favorable. apply or write '
to the s bscriber at Upton, II anklin enmity, Pa.
july 3 3m 23 F. A. OELLIO.
7 ft. by 6 ft
& ft. by 7 ft
- Dub c Sale.-
..1_ auo ~ u ou toe :
Std esta e railed FE
uarvon 4nvitsltip. L
mile atoinh of Chu,
firAt.rate limestone
the best n the cum]
a good and rai
The ilprovomont
SION fl 11.1 SE, a Ste
a Fram Stable, lint
but sop rate from
sros E 'F:NANT II
it, ala e STON In: U
Loft, If you :nett f
A thi, of the pu
see' Pr
ri'he s bscribur:
furnish n full'
inter their
AILED, but
s usidert d
ul4 prutludi
CAI: ON.-011:
OUR NA e and tha
Pam lets dose
can be. ad at our
oral do action 11.111
s t o h t o le r o e f r
u t by
drd Whar+
• r emit, iii t.,
Lnt AVarr
's liuw paying
runts. I
flan ion.--L
Utter 1 the Mary
duty ti caution tl.
tiers e.. 0 circulat
tory s tomes, au
tickets in lAttterie.
The lily legal
daily oder thu
elected by the peoi
ut ion o exauliite
the dr wings.
All t e tickets i
pnekng .s of ti , kut.
X. Ilue1"u, lSuner
thu 31eiyhind
°then:fire t r eud ul
For tun luforma
Agents fin
tors, Ttetebers and'
agentsObr the mit !
to furnish them it
Thad the use il
teachilig is so el,'
ire wo Id only dirt
the .St: to Soikerin.
in the 'tun'a Sl . lll
the he del ' , Ml/11 I
*pet r 4
childi lea,
1).•11/111.11ily ,%11:1
her 'as. Th 4,
o.etc to:t.•
will I, the sehool
to the efficient T
Thouji there
rowl to it
iii the
flow." zit will 110
the ea nest :olt
hirer make t
Schou s iu il,i. re
eral II le 44 Oleic
01'1;10 By Er
1.1.1 ton's Serios
Bid ...•ITs
1 th r with
al , a - t n.rt ad AI
Laud tt umd 'AI
au , 1 t
tct. 111.,1
ful a .1 hohorabl
ilal .• 5 ouly ta•
siuci.: Fall par
vlsta e strmip
e recd
ILI •eli Relllll.l
the) re Jvterw i
I hey an precrn
A spl.llllid lot c.t
t;r••n linos to st:
prha. Good. al
Silltsfat cost priel
aro 00,
to undo, MOM,
the niduced nth,.
Jul revt.ived ti
porn . t ets.
large sisot,
Laditi: and
dean d, ran Io
misled and I ler
and t 4m - ions
otai,renna) of I
there are innre I
I IP, leant:lll.y of
ai (Irals.
II ring; tried
tiin. Extracts,
without effect—
and) the, cons
Bones. ha_ and
contiund then
atal a and frigl
tort :fra ,
c fts.
am c oil of pi
one unelreti ,
v :
laming suffered' much :cot leng—thou;li the time lost can A
not 1,,• revalled nor the 1114.tivy recovered you paid amts
wer defrauded of, yet. you ran he venl. fonts rre bar!, lomiS
struiding or nth miug, your ruse. by Dr. LEI DY. .
File ~15.,. I •timesOlela n
ys are dagerous."
I.Time is M iney: Thlle saved is NlLmev earned." ..
Sin. le. married or contemplating marriage, suffering from
SAL Abuse or i eonsoluenees. br suffering from nuy oth'(
er gt usos, defe H. or die sere? and LADIES, whatever their?
disdases r sit at lobs, may Lonorably rely and confulo Dif
Dr, "Xxidy's ski nod success. AgeoniumtLitions, It requi ,r
reg O ith kin and el:Relent attendance, at. Dr. I,I:IDY'L9
PRIVATE IlL). l'l'l'A L. . LI
T 1! 1711 1 ' MIGHT r AND WILL PRP:VAIL!
is lager••il flier f 0114,1 rig cannot be contradicted. namely,:
• 1
1 ..1111
It the ~nly
Cr: dun', of t 1
((u—trty-tzeo yr. .
of :ircrot or IN..
Its ronsrquenrl
. efillliCS", a
ieS Taint, tour.'
11 elt •oi 111
I e Int !rit
p PO le Pln
r 411.1 alai
. .•
!lb have ut! ,
mail or nth,
a !pi! in
101, r !)
nub tf 31
`. It.-- 1.. t
fr an patient
ll /1.1.A1t. in
at .1 interne.
et Cu et In
o; Il1?-i a .S 4, :;:j . ::
ei Ily
ei •e) t,.filet.
li. :Pls. ati..i I arl,te. .lis •as.,
o the skin, i le .1..01.11,1.-
1 .-11 .1., is b1:1011,1 %1 NI
CONWAY. II 0 ii,ulli Socond
..r....t. Philatlelphi.t. :eo other, ••• 1721.1irirrA,
1 ....,,NN.Q.. -..-. i
h;jve:ri:ii:::i':l):,: 0 ,
li A . ‘ e r
‘ 1 , 1 , . 1, C
i l , l i e b t , t n i , l l c . Chemical i O .
, 1 ,, 1 . 1:7 ,1
t S s o , :p „ ,..
Ti l: .:
il has I.oltrerfill 010111,114; IJI iperliv., 0110'11 read,'
none liil,l Paint, hilt, .tc., heel every deseripti,
o goods wiihnut injury 1 ., them . For all dtollieSt is p:,,
i i.... it Is F ptginr 11/ nay Oa.. ,suit, in aSe, nati . 20 1
e at. ChenN than ( ho 1,0010110 It /411 00:110 Each hat e
s untied
1131 totilli Fr.oolol street, Philadelphia!
Alanufact nir of Fancy auilliitiiplo tints, 01.10, Maar .
and tallow intlicsOmporter and dealer In sal soda, st
tish,nniin, • cj
I Orders by 01 promptly attended a
The midtosigned will sell at public
Sd of .eptetuber next, that splen-
YI HALL FARM, situate In eter.
neaster es., about threelourths of a
htowu. rout:Lining: 160 Aorta of
and. This Earns Is considered nue of
ty, has 'XVII well limed, enclosed with
lence, is well watered, and In good
area largo STONE MAX
IM/ Carriage 'ouse and LAM,
Ull auil small Orchard near
!the Furm Buildings; also a
111.;:.4 E with a never failing spring, under
,ANK 11A ItN, Cattle Shed and Straw
!nd lutt, large Corn Cribs, flog Sty, to.
money can remain at Interest
party. The sale will commence at 1
F e premises.
lave made ostensive preparations to
pply of their
taper Phosphate of Lime,
tamers that the price has NOT BEEN
ntiuues at thu old rato of s
i er Ton of 2000 lbs.
0 BEST maarnE for
• ye and other Grains,
o thAt overy Burro' of our Article bus
PUTT 6 tittrr stamped on Ulu bead.
lug its qualities and modo of using
r o , or ny Mail, when desired. A lib
to Dealers.
YERUVIAN, at the lowest rates; also
tlellest G winos o'er Imported; fully
'23 S. Wharves and 35 S. Water ea.,
First storo mono Chesnut at., Phila.
load at thu Watur sf. trout, and avoid
nog 1+ tf-30
Is County by
Nt.,,J..LL A BARK, LincaNter City.
A. K. A A. L. ISlTllERl'3rudise.
P az re lin Ked.—The subscriber
he highest price. in cash for 1,111.1 War-
North Duke street, Lou.
M 11171.,NU 1.0111:1111N,
r une, :11:tryland, 201t1 June, 1835.
.ttery Fronds.—Tho Commission
awl State I. ateries has deemed It t ole
nahist the numerous Swill
by mall mtd otherwise, fraudulent Lot
pretend to be agents for the solo of
wlll,ll are wholly tirtitiou.<
1 Ateries in Niaryland are those drann
uperintetnienve of the Consinisvaettor
le Of lie State under the new Counth
nd approve the tidlellit'S and attend to
I. thnso Lottoris and all certificates of
have the lilhogratilind vlgnaturo of F.
Ageot for tho Coutractor. IBlleo of
1 ilidatud ',Belles, Baltimore, 11d. All
P. X. 111tENAN,
the Sale of the Franklin
STOEIc would inflow three
others, that they have been appointed
of the al latliE6,tilld are II re pa red
any quantity at the lowest prier,.
the Globe is 1 , 1 great. importance 10
~us th a t ,lis ett ssien is unnecessary, and
attention to the theisien of
enlent on this pant; it .01 he found
.leurnal for the present neinth, nutter
ax:-- - .'ersons of -II a•zos. and ospevially
I 1111,11. rm I allti 1111 . 1 , 11 111 , 11,• porns•II) and
they .nl, 1t hoy aolulre in any
exten , ively, t herolore. black boards,
nlg/bt.l%. ke. ed in n Si4ll/01 by
or, the more at t rartive and sncoossful
ors vn , l ill1j1.0 . 1:111C0
!aril, and the pr,ro , s Id Ow pupil—
no rvoi road In,o. t hire is a
and the znore nakirn of things in
,our,o of Itsolliol. 1110 non,. rAphl and
711. progro, , s of Ih.• falpil. It is 11. reforn
and injeturtion of I D.1.1'1111,111. that
Inely nod adoilimo fa , al for Alla
11,1. II is inanif.,lly within Iho v0n
..11 as 111 , I' • `-• lornis of thu
he I1:h1 n
t be u,r
A-fro, .•
.AND I: !Iv
and Mis%innary
lathola at and a gonoral
Nral as f. a. the :11waym on
..%1 .c FTOEIC,
Litilditt.,, N. (tit:111,11,0,
100 Active Young Men, to
travel a ..asy.
a,r ito mouth : A rap.
N., patent tui air lorok
fr.., I , all
Ihrt.da.vut an,l
A. 11. MAI:TYN,
I'laigtow, N. 11.
rlees.-IVentz's are now selling off
It .ir i;,,mis at reduced prkos, 110 ,
and rally uu ws.tht over the season If
; Plain nod Fittured Itoreges, Tissues and
tru. a tip ll are sellUrr, at munit reduce 4
tnk ;Ifrom
'S—Clouing out the luilautsu ut Summer
Sail/plied Irllll SIIIIIIII, I;oods, or wish
boy'll.3 them rho:go. Amubl remember
. -
anther lot of Ow.. cheap. idl Linen Dln-
Uhcapcst I:v. r olfcr.d. Also. Ercen and
Silk Parasols :to article so useful to
own this hot. scason. and so much In
mind at 'WENTZ'S STORE.
81000 t $1000!
UN F, ;cruNATE,
01, Cut .1,1 preserve the following
! curd. It iv particularly Inspnr-11 1
taut to STRANGERS and TRAY,'
1.11,1.1.11:S. to prevent their Irving ;
lvtal I;y the I', ing b o asts, false promises,
'wont g it non thr deed untli
oresism and Native Quarks. of whom
It Philadelphia titan elsewhere, berause of;
the laws of the State. Citizens know ! and l s ,
sue to hertsty thaw,' woills of Quack
Invigorating Eli:tors, Cordials. Bitters, 11l
having been derived by misrepresent ed 11
amounts of Seib:\ hose, Secret lilseases,ll
swelters. published in Advertisentents,l;
misled by false receipts and wrong advlcal
In, parporely to increase sufferings, and:
Ira Ike untlelta . ing, the more easily to exi ,
whirls is moo: erident, 'wing sold for lap!
ting and advertising —,having paid firs Col
''o° to •Foreign and Nut iv., Quacks,
'177/01:1' BELAW (..7.7LED;
North FOURTH Street, aboro Ruse
°War Physician residinV in Pliiinde
Universlty of Pennsylvania, of 1833,!
re.) exclusively engaged in the treatmen ,
Irate Disc.,: of Isith sexes; Self-Maui° anti
•s; Organic IVeaknoss and
, illittities and other disrs, or sit ualinu!;
I ; whieh he wIII cure in lees time and lee;
effectually, than any other, under forfeit
rgyt stria th at ion. taxi,
iiis pailent otol eure ,
Dortors, 0.0.11w1 or otlieroi,. in l'hilade•l
.0,1 r.-f,e to l's,p Ulll.l
16:11,...1.1 • ..1 hoin eolirull hint 10 crll
ri•po..t.ihie /10t0'
to h.:1:1,N, ~4 1 “11. 11,puta11,1
bi,STANI P.:I7E.V 1..). 1
.teary mlvi, met me,ll.•ite• ,tll them i
1,.... 1., :.5.y part ..I t li.• 1:1111o..1 ,utt..s. eirl4
r ill. it em.e , .mk ..,
setie . ielseltable fee) 1.
1/:!. N.ll. 1,1:1 it Y'. 4
.: 111 Ne.rth FOl . lllll :11 , 1e. :%Imev IMee. 1'
i l
!s M limitiry m- In (0,m:0 Mu eniy. (ex..,
to,. r.-c. is.. 'Si Mm m m
lei't eohtsis ON t? eeMler:oim , el iito...tml trot:hie an , werl ::
.11 Oven.july :II fllB.l
- .
It Is oe y SOLIIII. --'lll, purity, fr:%raWf