Lancaster intelligencer. (Lancaster [Pa.]) 1847-1922, August 07, 1855, Image 3

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    ~' T: OIIj _CO SPO
The Weatlettr—lbath. WWl:lig—Excitement
about See U. liaturantl4—liali dielilel(cart;'
cud recolse doninninent—stOuums Leguldture—'
tie". &oder and Ass Yetoee, 4.0. 3 - 4. c. •
. • "t3T. Loom, July 30;1855.
Nearly Gritty day or night during inc peat week
it has tamed, and the wean= nes been owl and
pleasant, with ,the excepts= ozone or Lid clays when
, was uppresenVe. , Ant, • we sheinduolibumpiam, tor
'a Mute ueugnaml iimunier Matt the prisienti,the I
"Mites& nuintinatit" oberves, Asa never been expert- I
enued its tuts section or um West. .
'inure to very mu° ellauge to notice in our Mar,
hex; wiamix and dour, noWel'er, have declined a tat
, no Marley receipts of the.„passt week;
ogle nave advent:al to eel per of 1 . The new grain
le MIK *coming tO come torWs trd, acid: we may ex
peat • taw.% ea in priea.
/me tumuli to our clay remarkably good. The
interments in the past week stun up 176, which ill
the,tisinvusta MU tut any week art the season.
The principal topic of ounversationjast now is the
' Ohio awl Itailroad and iw management
It appears last we laborers who were engaged upon
thin toad, have nut been telly pant for weir work,
and woo, prinetkially, rondo along me track. These
men have presentee used elaimil t adju.scinent, out
were meanie to WOOL a Settlement. won Me present
Managers of die rued. Muni of them beesuae eras
pennant, and UM up the rails of the road, running
au engine and train, on the express line, Mr tile track.
butt mod money did not come. 'Erie dude was re
penned, and another locomotive and train went over
board, damaging me engine and cars considerably;
Since white um, several taller rage were turn up, Inc
directors and conductors threatened, &a. The war
began to grow warm, and cue lives u 1 passen,gers be
anies: endangered; tne trustee of Lae road recommend
ed me suspension of trains for the satiny ut all con
cerned, aud. inn Fresulent, Air. tlacon, in a
letter to Inc public, /murals us that the operations
uu inc road are suspended, owing to the outrages
couniunssi on the track, along the entire route, by
persons prevision) , engaged in its construction. /am
m.upewswa is to be sleepy deplored, as it affects cue
iutereats and welfare of our city. •We want to set
Lthe work ul this road progress, and it is not practi
cable to depreciate Um importance and minty of
this great tughway, as miss been dune by the ethturs
of We at. Lo u r rscinal‘can. It has been said Unit
the atruems us the iteyttolccan on toe U. sls Al. It. it
have men tare Mown! 01 'Mu:int/lig and exasperating
taus moo Upon We road. due stopping or Lou trains
OU lath work will be a great drawback to its future
Weltare; for a nuiroughtare like the U. B M. Baal
road when once in mid repute mutt the traveling
public, will be a lung time regaining public liti
41, matters nut wneuser this road had MULL recklessly
&alleged and constructed by those who were duly
appointed to ovaries tile work. It matters out
Woollier Air. Bacon, or the Directors, have imposed
upon Ins smcknotders, and taken it out of the nand.
or tie city you imusadiud charehOlders. It is enough
to know that the mint nut been bunt, and is one ci
the best, as well as most important, on the American
Conn/mut. Its eoustruatiou is the future greatness
of At. Louts, and our city press mould be ice /suit to
depreciate a single spike in this connecting link of
rho n:lissiadlpp/ V alley and the ALlnittic cities. Let
the igepubitcan untie at the fountain head—those
Duteto” WOO assigned the road over to l'age k iht
con—una nut unUorlaine this important work to the
city aim use whole V} amt. /he wends of the rune
are greatly worked up at the course et the if-gluon.-
can, wriust On Um ether hnud the paper is sustsuned
by a Luse portion or our citizen and those of the
I aurroinating country; but which party will be Sus
tmundto Wm end, to yet to be seen.
The City Cummins and County Court, rep
resenting use City and County interest its inc 0 ac
italltuttil, have agreed to put Cite matter in Court
Mr adjustment, nett u possibie prevent Um sale of the
rem on toe bLII. 01 August, (not We Jut of August, us
I erroneously elated Ili my lust.) 'Pots w u vexed
question and much time and money will be expended
belore the num result will be mane known.
Our novices trout harass are both interesting and
important. Atter inn removal in the Le,psodure
Irvin Pawnee to Me bliumuce dlosion, Mut body Las
passed several bills, and all of watch have been %e
-low uy Uov. Itnestel• on tne ground that the Legis
lature id nut legally in Seamen, but the tans have
been passed over toe veto. kits Excellency lays taut
the Legislature cannot puss a bill Mire, us toe seat
Lt....44A, ant at We
Legonsanue at tins place is 'hazel liftet excitement
among Lae members. Committees weie appointed
from mall liuuseS w draw up resolutions to um Pres.
Went, asking. Uuv. tteeder's removal. :Now is
the time ter the ...baLeileLl Cabinet" to show its pluck
—either to sustain uuv. Weeder for carrying out um
letter or the Manurial low as laid down uy Congress,
or suneuun the outrages condi:alien uu the bano,oux
by an armed mob, led On by Lai id it. Anduson, u
rank Imsow-.4salaing Pro-olavery demagogue .
Curing, onerentry of rieorioau, WWI in our
city a few days since, en routgr to lowa cud
• This day one week the great political battle in
Kentucky will be fought. It IS said tl.lllo, more money
has best, spent in that Dude by Lite W tags and is.uuw
Nothings Au LIIIS curivass than in any previous one,
and u .Uenuiorany succeed, of which there is a
fair prospect, IL will be a suit greater triumph of
Dinuticratic measures than that rivently won in the
"Old taninitni, " lot kentucay is a 15 nig state by
10 to io,Oull majority. hut we nave' the strongest
hopes es sweeping the State on Monday next. The
Know Nottangs and Wine claim 40,00 incjurtLy
for their candidate Mr Um/Vann/I% in Virginia, I
believe they maimed and bet upon 20,000. So if
the result will turn out the same in Kentucky us it
did in V irginia, the Democrats will elect their Gov
ernor by a respectable vote.
the ioltowtng resolutions were adopted by the
Rough a heady Council of the (K. .N.. 8) No 2,11, in
Anderson Co., liy., the evening of July lthh:
1. Resolved, 'hint this Council is this day dis
solved, and the members thereof are left free to vote
for whomsoever they please at the August election,
and in all tune to come.
2. Resolved ; That we look upon the Order as be
ing dangerous to this government and well entente
teu to dissolve the Union of theee States.
John J. Crittenden is stumping the State for the
Know-Nothings but denounces tae Catholic plank,
because it iuciudes'American Catholics. 0, consist
ency thou art a jewel ! That won't do, Mi. Crit
tenden, all or none, is the motto of your proscriptive
and bigoted order, and =less you toe the mark, you
will be once more called upon to "resign your seat!'
'The ' Tennessee election comes off on Thursday
week. Fluttering reports to the Democracy reach us
every day. Look out for Tennessee.
lucre MIS much excitement in Kentucky last
week concerning Cassius M. Clay and a hey. Mr.
Fee, who had been speaking on the emancipation of
the slaves, in different parts of. that State. They
published the time and places where they would
address the people, and previous telheir arrival at
the------the citizens culled a meeting and adopted
threatening resolutions if these gentlemen , made
their appearance, and enclosed said resolutions to
Mr. Clay in a warning letter. Mr. C. replied, and
stated that he would be there on the day appointed,
and would defend himself to the last. lie did go.
he spoke to the people plainly and calmly, and di
fumed them that he was prepared to meet the con
sequences, be they what they might. No indi '
lice were offered, and his speech was listened to
by thousands who had congregated there expectiu
to witness the suspension of "Cassius" between
heaven and earth.
Mx. Jacob .Brinker, of Butler Co.; Penn., died
in this city on the 24th inst. .Though he died in a
land of strangers, he was kindly cared for during
his illness, and interred by the Odd Fellows of this
city, he being a member of the order. In Keokuk,
on Monday last, after a short but severe at
tack of billows cholic, Mr. W. F. Copier!, of Browns
'There are a large number oft Indians at present
iii our city, painted and feathered in the most sav
age manner—a perfect terror to juveniles generally.
Two or three of them were arrested for drunkenness
and disturbance of the;peace, but when sobered
down were again released.
The Minnesota papers contradict the report, as
well as the charge brought against Gov. Willis A.
(Korman of that Territory, and further say he will
not be removed from office upon any charges hereto
fore brought against him.
They are now taking the census of Minnesota
Territory, which has nearly been completed. The
figures show that there are upwards of 50,000 souls
in said Territory, and rapidly growing in popula
tion, and public favor.
Advises of the most flattering kind are received
from all quarters of the South and West in regard
\ to the crops, and all agree in making this one ef
the most trustful seasons we have ever had. Wheat,
Corn, Oats, Potatoes, and everything else promises
an abundant and plentiful yield. Thirty reaping
machines have been stud in the recenty laid out
town of Riehview, Ills., this will give some idea of
the riati prospects of the Southern part of that State.
A Peoria (ill )paper -. Wu saw a farmer depos
it with one of our bankers $4,200, the =GUIs he had
just received from the dealer to whom he sold his
crops of last year; , .and it was -Only- the day before
that another farmer left $3500 on deposit, all received
for,preduota of hie farm." •
• This is one of the best evidences of 'the industry
and prosperity of the farmers of the . West.
The many friends of Mr. qaatuilh‘. Lightner in
this eitY, were startled on the receipt of the sad in
telligence of , his death. lie, left our city in .appar
ently good health and fine spirits—the very picture
of health. Little did I think. when 1 shook him by
the hand on board the boat, that it was the last
farewell—that a few days would find his spirit in an
other world. How truly is it, that in the midst of
life we are in death. .Isaac Lightner F. was a man
beloved by a large circle of friends, and this sad in
telligence will send grief to many a heart.
correspondent of the N. Y. Times, referring
to an advertisementof slaves for sale, in the
Nebraska City News, which has caused a
great sensation, says that the parties referred
to as importing slaves to Nebraska, are
Messrs. Nuckolls & Hal, owners of the
principal part of the site of Nebraska City,
extensively engaged in business there, and
.owners of a majority of the slaves in Atchin
son county, Missouri. These men have had
a few slaves at work for them in , household
duties at Nebraska City, own the Nebraska
City News, and dictate t.he articles which ap
pear in it. The correspondent of the Times
says of the slave advertisement, and a few
pro-slavery articles that have appeared in the
News: • ,
"I look upon the move as simply apiece of
bravado at home, and probably designed to
find favor and approbation at the hands of
those men in St. Louis with whoin they have
business connections. This is'the key to - the
whole affair. The idea'of slavery gaining a
ibothold in 'Nebraska, is utterly out of the
question." '
TIM COTTON TaAnz...--The exports - of cotton
from the United States to Great Britain, so
far this year, it is stated, show. a falling off
of 51,000 bales, compared with last-year.
. Flio
deficiency in the receipts" at the various ports
in the:United. States is .estimated at 114,000
bales. - The his now loading at cotton ports
for Gsat Sritain".inninnit riq in: number,
, ~! . , • :_,f•., P° l 4 . °,4Pft..-,Billro!", t,-; ,„: p 1
. ; •By the, , Halifax, on .Wednesday .. i ,
evening , ' of the-steamship ' Asia , we have later
neWil TrCitiCEti ripple!' 7 lir - th Is'BritiSh Eons& of
poinwickis; . Mr.'olii),Cleti"iiiiition cif .;takit ;of
,00nfidenn'AiiViarp,440., 1 4:4 6[1' J:4409d
by over,one,tuniditid majority,- and Ike:minis
try thus stands. .There was a rurnonin kLon
. don that Sir William •Moleswortkwill succeed
LortiJohn Russell'as"Colonial Secretary.: A
l 'itiew Spanish Minister for the United States has
I been app?intek The rupture between Rine
I and Spain, in„eonsequence of, the Church
! property,..bill, is complete, and the Papal
i Charge had demanded his passports. The
Utak Warrior:dispiite has been definitely set
tled,by the allowance of an indemnity of oue
million 01-reals. A General of the Carlist
army had been shot at Garonne.' Several in
surrectionarv:, skirmishes had. taken. place-at
Burgos., Austria had addressed a circular to
the German Diet, strongly favoring peace, and
threatening to' hold the Principalities while
hostilities continue. She asks the German
Confederation to maintain its present attitude.
The Diet replied in a pacific tone. In the
Principalities the reduction of the Austrian
force continues. In Asia, the Russians are
besieging Kars, and the Turks are hard press
ed. At Sebastopol the Russians hare made
I several sorties, all repulsed, however. Den
' mark refuses to abolish the Sound dues
LATER FROM MEXlCo.—Baltimore, August
I.—New Orleans papers of Saturday are re
ceived. They give the details of a month's
later intelligence from Mexico. The princi
pal item is the proposition of Santa Anna to
grant a Constitution or organic law to the peo
ple. All the papers are7liscussin_g the sub
ject, but only in the abstract. One of the
resolutions adopted by the Council of Jude
on the subject is as tbllows:
The Republican representative form ought
to be adopted, fixing c.irrespoyding guaran
ties and combining various parties in such a
manner as to insure stability and public re
p Use.
Senor D• 111 Luis Rivas has been appointed
Minister to Washington. He was to leave in
the iron steamer Iturbide, but doubts are ex
pressed as regards his destination being to
The relations of the Anierican Minister:and
the Mexican government continued suspen
ded. Mr. Gadsden has quarreled with the
Mexican Minister of Foreign Affairs.
The news •fruui the revolutionists is contra
dictory, as usual.,
On Monday week several children, among
whom was an interesting daughter of Joseph
Hemphill, Esq., aged about ten years, were
enjoying a sociable pie nio in a woods about a
mile south of West Chester, and were thrown
iutu a panic by a large black snake. Miss
Hemphill, lingering behind her comrades at
some blackberry bustles, espied a nest of young
snakes, and immediately started to run to
wards the clearing. She succeeded in cross
ing the fence, when her progress was impeded
by a large black snake that had wound itself
twice round her thighs on the outside of her
garments, and bound her so tight that she
could not move. How or when it got there
she could not tell, her ideas being so confused
by fright, on. seeing the nest from which she
run. Sho was relieved in her locomotion by
the snake taking a higher position, when she
threw up her arms and ran, using her basket
to fight the reptile, which clung to her and bit
incessantly at her dress. She was finally re
lieved from her perilous situation by a gentle
man who was attracted to the spot by her
cries, and who killed the snake.
There is not much mischief in the bite of a
black snake ; its mode of warfare is to destroy
by constriction, and no doubt the result would
haev been terrible, had the reptile in this in
stance found its way to the child's throat.
We have heard a marvellous story of a very
large snake—say teu feet lung—having been
repeatedly seen in that neighborhood. How
ever exaggerated the size, we have it pretty
straight that those who have seen it have been
fearful to attack it without a gun.- {lest
Chester Jeffirsanian.
ing is taken from the Pottsville Miners' Journal
of Saturday week. Thetietitils of one of those
frequent accidents by the explosion of tire
damp is herewith given :
A fearful accident occurred on Tuesday
morning last, about half-past seven o'clock, at
Mr. Agard's Belmont Colliery, in this county
—the place is better known by the old name
of the Five Points. Four persons, two men
and two -boys, have been taken out of the
slope, dead and dreadfully mangled--one more
is nut likely to live, and six others are serious
ly injured. It has been and may be denomi
nated an explosion of gas, but more properly
it was a powder explosion; for the latter did
the most injury, though the "fire damp," as it
is generally called, exploded first and ignited
the powder.
The facts of the occurrence are as follows:
The miner boss, Mr. John W. Davis, went
into the mine early in the morning, as usual,
and examined the works carefully before any
of the miners were at work. He found "fire"
in one of the "breasts" near the face cf the
gangway. This breast was worked by James
Silverthorn and son, and was the only part of
the mine considered dangerous. Mr. Davis
met Silverthurn and told hint twice, emphati
cally, that his place was full of fire,• and that
he should not venture in it with a naked lamp
until the gas was driven out. Accordingly
Silverthorn wok the lmvy ..foty lamp, and
commenced to brush lire out of the breast.—
Bu t, untl,rtunately, several of the miners were
seated around the bottom of the breast, in the
gangway with their naked lamps, taking
their customary "whiff," and that before com
mencing work, and near them were between
two and three kegs of powder, open and un
The gas being driven down the shuts past
the cross-heading, penetrated to tile gangway.
where the miners were seated, and as might
be expected, it took fire from the lamps. But
the explosion of gas would have been trifling,
in comparison to the amount of damage done,
had not the powder, which was in close prox
imity to the men, also ignited and exploded,
crushing and bruising everything in the vi
cinity, and doing considerable damage to the
mines. The effect of the shuck was felt at a
great distance front the scene, and the mines
throughout trembled with the concussion.—
Coal, rocks and material, were buried with
dreadful velocity far out towards the slope.—
But the damage done to the work, the amount
of which cannot be fully ascertained, is no
thing in comparison to the dreadful loss of
life and limb—the horrid sufferings which the
fearful accident occasioned.
THE CHILDREN DEAn.—We learn. by a letter
received from Dr. J. O. Patterson, residing iu
Candor, Washington county, Pa.. the particu
lars of a melancholy case of poisoning. It
seems that on Saturday, the 28th ult., three
lads, sons of Mr. A extuider Pious, residing
in the vicinity of Candor, proceeded to the
woods and gathered a large quantity of mush
rooms, which they took home for table.use.
The whole family, seven in number, partook
freely of the dish, and shortly after exhibited
the most alarming symptoms. Three physi
cians were called in, and pronounced them
poisoned. The proper remedies were speedily
administered, but all efforts to save the boys
who had gathered the plants, proved abortive.
They died in great agony, shortly afterwards,
and were all buried in the same grave. They
were aged, respectively, ten, six, and litur
years. The parents of the children were so
unwell• as to be unable to render theth any
assistance, and the poor little sufferers, in the
trying hour of death, were thus deprived of a
father's care, and a mother's, untiring watch
TIM, parents, and the two children who
survived, exhibited favorable symptoms on
the 31st,
,and at the time our informant
wrote; 'hopes were entertained of their final
recovery.— Wade. Exam/her.
A GOOD YIELD.—The Monongahela Repub
lican says, that Mr. James McCrory, Sen., of
Fayette City, raised one hundred and six
dozens of wheat on cone acre lot that had been
in corn for twenty - five oonseeutive . years. As
the grain was down, three young lads under
took to reap it, the united ages of whom
amount to two hundred and twenty four years,
viz: jerentieh. Oug, aged 76 years; Wm.
McCrory, 75. Jas. McCrory, 73. It is said
the boys handled the 'sickles as if they had
"In' the gad old days of Adam and Eve,"
when iieople reaped their grain in thankful
ness, and didn't bite each other's backs. We
hope the ieapers may live to a good old age.
WesEnroxon CITY; Aug: I.—The amount
Treasu7 of the United Skates on, the
EXPLOSION.--an a tidayinorning,j9st before
4ightVitoektifig 4215030e1e
Del.. containing, ali i irt•one and &half, tops of
3 P° s ' l(4/6 / el lf s 4l# ' l4:rntie , • Mr'
'the building to atoms and killing tame
t Ffeh i ctfieW %fia 46 , :• — thg eiordermil)iitfie
I drying house caused also the explosion imme
diately after of a powder mill abontthree bun
' drill yards distant,' containing about 1400 lbs
of powder. The report of the two was terrific.
BY - the second exphnuon the mill was utterly
demolished, one man killed and four danger
ocisly wounded. DP.. Garescbe thinks that the
original 'exploaidnl was caused by one of the
Frenchmen who •was addicted to smoking a
ILuxr Days IN ATILT. —The 4iew York - Herald
publishes a table showing the number of rainy days
n'thatzity, in the months of .July, for sixty-seven
years, viz :—from 1789 to 1855. The July of the
present season exceeds, in the number of rainy days
that of any other year. We give a few of the high
est on the list
July, 1792
" 1798
" 1803
,‘ 1808
" 1853
" 1854
- 1855
In 1799 and 1825,'the months of July embraced
but four rainy days, which is the lowest number in
the long period designated.
The following shows the number of consecutive
days which were rainy, during the sixty-seven years
named, where the showers continued for more than
four successive days :
July, 1803, rain fell from 2.3 to 28—consec. ds. 6
1807 do. 19 to 28— do. 10
1829 do. 2 to 6 do. 5
1836 do. 9 to 15— do. 7
1851 do. 6 'to 10— do. 5
1855 do. 19 to 30— do. 12
The duration of the rainy terms in July of this
year has greatly exceeded that of any July for a
period of two-thirds of a century.
VS:,. President; ierce has appointed Thos.
A. Hendricks, of Indiana,•to be Commissioner
of the General Land Office; Josiah Minot, of
New Hampshire, to be Commissioner of Pen
sions, and Murray McConnell, of Illinois, to be
Fifth Auditor of the Treasury.
A new texture of business: Every OLIO his own Salesman.
Jones & Co. '
of the Crescent One Price Clothing Store, No.
21X.1 Market street, above fith, in addition to having the
largest, most varied and fashionable stock of Clothing in
Philadelphia, mode e4ressly for retail sales. have consti
tuted every one his ilWrI Salesman, by having marked in
figures, ou eau, artielh, the very lowest price it eau be
sold for, so they cannot Phssibly vary—all must buy alike
The good:, are ell w4II sponged and prepared and great
pains taken with the choking, so that all can buy with the
full assurance tot getting n .good article at the very lowest
Remember the Crescent, in Market, alums C,th, No. 200
fel, 2ii 1y.5 JON ES & CO.
lions of ingredients in these rills is the result uf a lung
and extensive practice , .; they are mild in their operation,
and coeval.. of revouritlij nature to its proper channel. In
every instance hate the l'ills proved successful. The Pills
invariably open those obstructions to which females are
liable, and bring nature into its proper channel, whereby
health is restored. and the pale and deathly countenance
changed to a healthy <Me. No female can enjoy good health
unless she is regular; Mid whenever an instruction takes
place, whether ti ma exposure, cold, ur any other cause, the
general health begins! Immediately to decline, and the
want of such a remedy has been the cause of so many con
sumptions among young females. Headache. loins in the
side, palpitations 01 the heart, loathing, of tool, and dis
turl;ed sleep, do most always arise front the interruption
of nature; and whenevbr that is the case, the pills will in
variably remedy all noise evils.
N. N. These fills slibuld never be taken during preg
nancy, as they would b,c cure to cause a toisearriage.
They are put up iu stimiru flat boxes. and will be sent by
mail to any address by remitting to Dr. C. Is. Cheeseutau.
No. 271. Meeker sin-rti New York. Brice tine Dollar per
box. 1.,:0pt. b ly-.;.;
.(Q . • KOSSLI Ti!, according to reports, is preparing far
revolutionary attettipt in Europe us soon as the prope
time may arrive. We inay then look fior a revival of thr
Kossuth hats and rev.; a: fashions. But we have me
doubt the Philadelplik; -. no matter what may be tho
changes in dress, will gull continue to provide thewselaue
with clothing from ItAXIiIIILL, h WII,uN'S cheap ant
elegant clothing store, No. 111 Chesnut street, eoruer o
Franklin Place. dee 27 ly-t9
Of this purely vegetable extract for the removal and care
of physical prostration, genital debility. nervous affec
tions, A.c., Es., are fully described iu another column of
this paper, to which the reader isreferred, $2 per bottle.
bottles for $5, six bottles for SS; $l6 per uo,en. Observe
the mark of the genuine.
Prepared only by 8; E. COlitlN, No. 3 Franklin Row,
Vine street, below Eighth, Philadelphia, Pa., to whom all
orders must be addressed. For sale by all respectable
Druggists and Merchants throughout the country.
132 N. 3d st. Philadelphia, sole agents for Penna.
For sale at the3ledlclue Store, East Orange st., next to
Kramph's Clothing store. Jan 21y=50
lu this tity, ou Thursday the 2d Inst., by the ltev. Mr.
Mooney, Jobs B. lieduedy, of Schuylkill Ilaveu, &buyl
kill co., to Cathaiine IL. Barns, of Lancaster.
u iho Ist lust., Stisan Eiebelberger, wife of tioo. Birk
ntherger, in the Wd year of her age.
The Itlarkete
Breadstuff.; of all description continue to come
forward yea) slowly, and there is but little doing.
lhere is no export 'demand for Flour, and the only
transactions reported are 4a SUU barrels in small tu.s
for home consum e tion at.s6,-7.6a1 per barrel for com
mon and good brands, Si adult) fur extra, and Riney
brands at higher quotations. Rye k lour is not in
quired after—we quote at $0 71. Vennsylvaida Corn
meal is steady at $4 11 per barrel, at which a sale of
:lull barrels was made; oii7lo barrels Brandywine
sold yesterday at L. price nut made public. -
Ctridn-6upplies of Wheat continue to come for
ward very siowly, and it is in fair request at yes
terday's quocuttuns. 2.311 U bushels were disposed
of at $1 Saul 67 Per bushel for prime red, aad..o/. 05
a 2, for white. Rye is but little inquired after-3000
bushels new sold at J. 1.2a1. 13. Corn is dull at 110
cents for yellow. •In Oats no (mange-101M bushels
Delaware sold al 47 cents per buena ' • lOU bushels
old at 57 cents, and 40/Ile damaged at 40 cents.
Whiskey is unchanged—Dinah sales of barrels at
41a45 cents, and Lads at 41.1 cents.
offer.ngs et beef Cattle this week have seen large,
100 head having come in, principally from Unto,
and some from tuts state and Virginia. 000 head
were disposed of at from $8 50 to $ll per 100 lbs, and
100 lett over. Cows and Calves meet with good in
quiry at termer prices. liogs—The receipts have
noeu about OW head. The demand was active, and
all uttered were disposed of at $7 75aV3 25 per 100 lbs.
the demand for asleep and - Lambs continues brisk,
aud prices have advanced ; salsa of 5000 head at $2-
511a54 50 for fat Sheep, and $1 50a$2 for stock.
rpo Contrael6ore.....Seiled Proposals will be recely
-led until Monday the 20th day of August lust„ for
MeAdamizing one mile of Turnpike, from the line of
Lancaster city, to near the first gate on the Manhelm, Pe
tersbnrg and Lancaster Plank ltoad. Plans and Specifca•
tions can be seen it Shober's Hotel, in Lancaster. Propo
sals rill be received for making half of the distance.
By order of the President.
Manheim, nag 6t-29
Wanted, 300 Active Young Men, to
act as local travelling agents In a business easy, use-
Cal and bonorableat a Salary of $lOO per month 1 A cap
ital of $5 only rounded. No patent medicine or book bu
siness. Full particulars given, free, to all who enclose a
postage stamp or a three cent piece, and address
Plaistow, N. 11.
aug 7 6t-29
Public Bale r —On SATURDAY, the Stb of Septem.
ber, MS. will' be sold at public sale, at the residence
"r Dr. A. S. Bare, 'in Upper Leacock township, Lancaster
county, to wit:
No. 1. A tract of first quality of Limestone Land, situate
in flannellle, adjoining the New Holland Turnpike road.
Jacob Ciraybill, tract No. 2, and others, containing 2
Acres, under plod fence and in a high state of cultiva
tion, being intoly limed. The improvements
thereon. are a good LOG and NEATIirIIt-DOAIID
DIVELLINO 110IISE with three ro.ome on the
first floor and three on the second, We vh•house.
Swisser Barn, ling Stable, kr., with a well of tecrennot
water near Cue wash house and kitchen done. Also, an
Apple OrchnAd. With a large variety of other choice fruit
trees on the premises.
No. 2. In a tract of teams quality of Lion.stone Land. ad
joining No. 1. an dhe east, Jacob Omy ‘ blll, Christian Good
and the New llolland Turnpike road, containing 23!4,
Acres, Ina high state of cultivation, under goal fence,
and lately limed. •
No. 3. A enperlor tract of Limestone Land, situate at
the west end of Barevillo, adjoining Diller Bare. Henry
Ayers and others, and the New Holland Turnpike road,
containing 7 Acres and 66 Perches, to be sold in
one and two Acre Lots or in a whole as may best suit
Persons wishing to view the above property. wEll please
call on Dr. A. S Rare. one of the undersigned, residing
near the same. Possession and an indisputable title will
be given on the Ist of April. 1850.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., of said day, when
attendance will be given and terms made known by
ang i is-29 i , A. S. RARE.
Reduced Ortces.—Wenta's are now selling off
,their Remnant of Summer Goods at reduced prices, as
they are determined to carry no goods over the season if
they can prevent it.
A splendid lot of, Plain and Figured Bereges, Tismois and
Grenedines in store, which are : selling at much reduced
Price& llood,vilf wool llereges from 124 to IS% ctn.
SUMMER SIIEB—.-Closing out the Wanes of Summer
Silks at cost prices_
Allwho are not supplied with Summer Goods, or wish
to make ey hy buyingthete, cheap, should.remember
the reduced pry. at
roc'elved another lot of those cheap, all Linen Dia- /234 cte. ',Cheapest, ever offe r ed,;; Also, Green and
Black, large mixed Silk Parasols an article so useful to
Ladies and, iliordeinen this at season and no much. n.
demand. can * be fend at W.111.(TO STORY..
lif' 4l ? lieF4o ,— Prilne.BAlta an.d aver: pia
warwp Il llp Also 9epo Buckwheat, for Axis
V -- eNEO alld• •Efftailla• • •
• • X. " : " 111041.00
- Epatess& - i Might, teer;- Breaitipibmiseyhi non-'
J. bi&SCMIL BOthworal Fast—The nest patent for this
xe.lebratt4 Wbeatihnleas obtained by the milrentbeid on
December 2Sth, 1853, and on the 12th of June, ifikf, aie.
ottrerpaterthkerasclknipelandidePersament upotttbeibpirt
was homed to the said patentees by the, ilepartmeitxat
Washington, wr that now thin Fan stands superior in elk
dopey; durability and speed An any other id thaeoturi*.
11110 subscribers finding, the demand Sr their Pans UM
Increased en much beyond their means of supply,. ha y
concluded to offer for sale, the Pause Bison of ce
Sbatesturd Territories. In doing this the ell' not •
up space to describe minutely. its ty in coast
non over anything yet invented, they will only add =
Ste they sell and deliver, at their manufactory In Baia
city, mare Fans in any • one year, iry order, t
any three dallier establisbuienta lii the United,Sti
and that they lone exhibited their Fans at thelsllowl
timesand places, and after. actual trial they hive - taken
the premiums against all competio=, Asc. The quirt pre
mium at the Maryland. State Agricultural lair, held at
Baltimore, the first premium at the North Carolina Stabs
Fair; the same at the Union Pain' held at PeteisbniteTir_,
and at the Richmond and' Norfolk Palls, N 51.; for the trio
panty ears, and aim the premium of a silver medal from
the Maryland Institute at Baltimore Sr the years /13k11,
'53 and '54. VADMASITAI.T. In sherd this San bra proven,
be •Imperior to any other patent now in use, for all kin
of mmin. 1
The subscribers will sell State or County Itights r'and
would prefer to sell to thorn who Intend to embark in their
manufacture. To persons who have the means, DO Al
eertaidor better investment can bee:rade. To purchase
and others who desire It, will be furnished all the patterns
and , printed directions necessary to' construct them suc
cessfully. • • 1
his will be sold and good title given of all the States
and Territories, except lisiyland, Ylrgiuls. North Carol .
South Carolina. Georgia. Kentucky and Illinois. Terse
wishing to buy will address the subscribers, either at -
caster city, Pa., or No. 155 High street, Baltimore. Md.
P. S.—Should any person want to purchase a Pan f
the subscribers at Lancaster, Pa., they should give at
least two weeks notice, as thoy have at no time been stile
to keep a supply on hood. J. 11. & BILO.
10 rainy dap.
13 . "
12 ."
14 "
14 "
12 "
13 ••
15 "
10 "
19 "
Notrice.—The Stockholders of the Lan. Loc.,Eog.
M. M. Co., are required to pay to the Treasurer, at U
Office of the Company, on or before Tuesday, the ith
of August neat, an additional Instalment of tweq l
per cent. on the amount Cl their several subscsriptions
the capital stock of said Company:
M. 0. KLINE,
jaly 31 21
Notice.—Tho subs. ribers of Stock in "The Fulton
Hall Association In the city of tancaster." are hereby
notified that the undersigned commissioners have appoint
ed. Saturday. the 18th day of August next, et 2 o'clock lin
the afternoon , uel, at the Exchange Hotel. in Fa s t King 1.,
Lancaster, as the time and place for said suhscrilkrs to
meet to elect a President and six directors, to manage t e
affairs of said corporation, agreeably to the provisions of
the Charter. WM. B. FORDN EY,
July 25 It-28
L .
ancaster Young Ladies' In s t i tute ahLs Seminary of learning will outer upon its ngxt
term with greatly increased facilities, prepared to glee
thorough instruction in all the useful and ornamental
branches taught in the best Seminaries of our land. The
next term consisting of 16 weeks will commence Septem
ber 3d.
For Board and Tuition in any regular departmept, $43
for the term, or $l3O per year of 44 weeks.
The Primary department will be under the chargelof
Miss Mani' Cameos—a daughter of Mr. ltobt. D. Carson; a
highly respected cltlsen of Lancaster, recently deceased.—
This department will open to pupils over d years age and
under 12, It not prepared for the higher departments.—
The charge to day pupils In this department $3 to $5 per
quarter, according to advancement. In the higher depart.
manta as heretofore.
For circulars and other Information, address •
Rev. W. E. LACKS,
Principal, Lancaster, Pa
july 41 4t 2.8
Astronography, or Astronomical Geog
raphy, with the use of the Globes—arranged either
for simultaneous reading and study in classes, or for study
in the common method. By Emma Willard.
A journey through the Chinese Empire, by M. line.
Literary and Historical Miscellanies. by Geo. Bancroft.
Doesticks—what •he say by J. Q. Philander Doesticlis,
The C,opscript—a tale of the Empire; by A. Dumas.
Female life among the Mormons—a Narrative of mar
personal experience, by the wife of a Mormon Eld r,
recently from Utah.
Cone Cut Corners. The Watchman.
Our First Families.
Which—the Right or the Left.
The Life and Correspondence of Robert Southey
Dow Jr. Sermons-3 vols.
Thu Singers Companion—containing a choice ss3lect.lo
of popular Songs. Duetts, Woes. Catch s. Lo., with misic
arranged for the Voice, Flute, Violin and Piano.
The Village Pastor. lgino.
The Village Observer. lgtuo.
The Village Churchyard, loom. Three charming little
volumes by the author of 'The Retrospect' rival the pr. s
the Messrs. Carter, embracing a variety of skotrheu from
real Ilk and imparting wholesome religious instruction)
Mable Orant—a Highland story; by Randall Balantyne,
18mo. A story of &offish Life.
The Eternal Day—by the Rev. Iforatius Boner; IStno
This boook in written and 'published for the joy a
strength of those who are looking forward to an eternal
day in heaven.
Charles Rousell—or Honesty and Industry: by Mho au
thor of "Three Months under the Snow."
The above Is.oks, together with many others, may e
had at our cheap Book and Stationery Emporium.
Sunday Scheel Books of every degeription
Call at the Cheap Book Store, Knanplits Building. Smith
Queen Street. t MURRAY k STONKI
- 1,4
TiNranklln County Farm for Sale.—The sUlc
.1 scriber offers at private sale his farm, lying about tine
mile west of Upton, near the turnpike leading from Grn
castle to Mitrcersburg. 11Iontgourery township, Fran klin
county, Pa. It contains One Hundred nod Seventy Acres
of Limestorreand Burrland, about 150 of which are clehr
ed and the remainder covered with good Timber. The Fm
provemeuts area good large ROUO lICAIiT HOUSE,
a large Log Barn, Stone Spring Hon., Smoke ti 3
House, Bake House, and other neeessary building. .
There Is a fine never failing Spring. rising in the
yard of the Dwelling House and flowing through the Barn
yard, and to which cattle can have access at all times frpm
any part of the farm. The soil la under excellent culti a
llot]. There is a meadow of twelve acres, and a large' r
chard of Mond grafted fruit. .
For terms. which will be vary favorable. apply or write
to the subscriber :it Upton, Franklin county, Pa.
july 3l 3m 2,1 F. A. UELLT(4
. -- -- - -- -- t
Mrusses I Trusses. r t I Trusses I I 3—r, lii
I NEEDLES, Truss and Brave EsUiblishment,
S. W. Corner ‘.l Twelfth and Race, Streets, l'hil•
adelphia. Importer of fine Frksen Musses, con .ae n 4, g
extreme lightness, vase and durability with correct cin
Hernial or ruptured patients ran be suited by remittiv
amounts, us below :—Sending number of Luriies round t e
hips and stating side affected.
Cost of Single Truss, $2. $3, $4, $5. Double—ss, $O, $4
and $lO.
Instructions as to wear, and how to effect It cure, when
possible. sent with the Truss.
Also for sale, in great variety, Dr. Banning's Improvied
Patent Body Brace. fie the cure of Prolapsus Uteri; Spinal
Props and Supports, Patent Shoulder Braces, Chest Expan
ders and Erector Braces. adapted to all with Stoop Shohl
ders and Weak Lungs; English Elastic Abdominal
Suspensories. Syringes—male 11.11 d rolll.lle.
1;0_1-Adios' Itooma, with Lady attendants.
july 31
- ,-, $lOOO ! $lOOO I .
-:.:- -- . 2 ,..1. N,, ..
- .r ( 'V.
~te - ', • Cut awl preserve the fellowl 1g
card. It is Particularly itnpitr
taut be ST Ii ANtl ENS and TIL.S V.
• ELLERS, to provost their being
misled and deceived by the lying beasts, false prombits.
and spurious recommendations (front the dual and
unknown) of Foreign and Zisitive Quacks, of whine
there are more In Philadelphia Ti an elsewhere, localise of
the clemency of the laws of the State. eititeux brooch acid
avoid aeon.
'laving tried one to twenty dollars' worth of Quack Mix
tures, Extracts, Invigorating Ensues, Cordials. Bitters, .e.
without effect—having boon deceived by misrepresen d
and exaggerated accounts of Self. Abuse, B.etrut Disea es
and their consequence,, published in Adverttsemelts,
Books, &c., and misled by false receipts and wrong adv ee
contained therein, purposely to increase sufferings, and
alarm and frigid.. die mit/making, the more easily to itx-
Girt large fees. (which is more trident, being sold for 0.1.1
than cost of printing and adverthAttp—having staid fire to
one larndrul dollars to Foreign and Notice Quacks,
having suffered much and long—though the time lost 4n
not be retained, nor the money recovered you paid tied
were defrauded of, yet you can be cured. Ammer,. bud, Itlng
stabdiug or afflicting your C 4,7, by Dr. LLID Y.
ttik, wise, betimeg Delays are dangerous."
"Time is Money; Time .IVOLi is Money earned."
Single, married, or contemplating marriage, suffering (spot
Self-Abuse or its consequences, or suffering from auy nth
or causes, defects. or diseases, and LADIES, whatever their
diseases or situations, may honorably rely and confide in
Dr, Leidy's skill and success. Accommodations, If r ui
red, with kind and efficient attendance, at Dr. LEAD
is wagered the following cannot be contradicted. namely.
No. 114 North BOURNII Street, above Race, i
Is the only regular Physician residing in l'hiltuielplala,
Graduate of the University of Pennsylvania;. of 1433,
V 11,7441. years) exclusively engaged in the treatment
of Secret or Delicate Diseases of both sexes; Self-Abuse and
its consequences; Organic Weakness and Inability; Nes
vousuess; Irregularities and other dise,scs or. situati ms
of Females; and which he will cure in less time and ens
restraint, more effectually, than any other, under toile t of
DR. LEIDY bas more patients, and cures themtoo, than
all advertising Doctors, so called or otherwise, in Phil l el
pith combined, and prowl? y reVers to Professors au re
spectable Physicians, mai), of whom consult him iu crit
ical cases, and respectable Citizens ' Merchants and If tel
proprietors, as to his known Skill, Population and uwww
alleled Success.
can have necessary ads tee and medicine sent them by
mall or otherwise, to any part of the United States, gl ing
a clesmiption of their cases (ma:losing a re...mishit, fee l l by
letter to Dlt. N. IL LEIDY . ,
No. 114 .North FOUIP,CH. Street. aboveltech.
N. B.—lettere of Inquiry or Inforinatiou
from patientaj to receive atteutiOu. must contain
DOLLAR, iu cousideration of time and trouble ammo
and information given. july .11. 6m
A gricultnral fruplementa.—Penuock's
orated Wheat Drill, adapted also for sowing Uate,G,
,eeit and Guano. }{causer', portable Cider 31111, the
in the market. ilalliday's Patens Wind Mill, Horse
er and Threat:titre, Lime seal i• natio Spreadenr,,D
Hay, Straw and Fodder Cuttor Little (limit Corn and
Mill. Spain's Atmospheric
The above superior Implements, with all others, for
use of the Palmer or Gardner ' for sale Wholesale an..
Agricultural 'Warehouse and Seed Store, corner 7th
Market streets, Yhila. . . : 707 24 tf,,
Court Proclamation .-- Whereas,the Ron. ' N
NY U. LONG, l'res't., Hon. A. L. liana and J. 13 se a,
begs., Associate Judges of the-Court of Common P , in
and for the county or Lancaster, and Assistant Justi s of
the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Deli ery
and Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in and for sad co ty
of Lsnmster, have issued their Precept to me direr , re
quiring me, among other things, to make public Prod -
than throughout my 13alliwick, that a Court of Oyer and
Terminm and a General Jail Delivery: Also, a Court, of
General Quarter Sessions of the 'Peace and Jail Dell eery,
will commence in the city of Lancaster, in the ComMon
wealth of Pennsylvania, on the third Monday in AUG ST,
1855: In pursuance of which precept, PUBLIC NO
TICE IS if kNtEIIY GIVEN, to the Mayor, and Aide n
of the city of Lancaster, in the said county, and ail 'the
Justices of the Peace, the Coroner, the ,Constables the
said city and county of Lancaster, that they be then add
there in their own proper, persons, with their rolls, rds
. and examinations, and Inquisitions, and their o re
inerabrau, to do those things width to their o ap
pertain, In'their behalf to be done i sad also enthuse who
will prosecute against the prisoners who are; or then hall
be in the Jail of the said county r of Lancaster, are be
then and there to prosecute against th em as stall be wit,
Dated at Lancaster, the 18th day of June, 1855..
- liß MARTIN, lah .
e i e
N. B.—Punctual attendance of,the Jurors and Whit s
will hereafter be aspect:Oa and regaled on the first,
,), of
the sesalons. Aldernten and Justices Of the liaaci. ' 0 re
quired by an ordin-or Court, dateciAliveinber 2.40 to
return their rencripaisracs to": John ' J. Pertefv,;:, - , - k
of Quarter &odor"; withif V diric wijgt frten thdday
,; , ..
Irate arraalisb •Strin.tErma-71i ;CM , Oitirt `at Vstaisiqielibster'lttotrr r lL.—yeitters df ithelids-
Common Plaid for the County of Lancaster. Whereas, J_Wation pdthwestatiEetelsterlalete 'Talton
Ehortztw."4" B oCJicob Stauffer, OLtho Monaugh twn, der-, having been granted to the Muter:lmnd all
of Mount Joy, did on the Mth dejofJely,lBls, intim • Inns Indebted will pleasernake payment, and Mole having
IMILSA Of the Prothonotary amid Court, , his Aosount Maims present them for settlement to ' - . - •
thd Mid 'Mee! ' • . • JEREMIAH swim, Jr., or .'
.tliothe is hereby given to all persons interested In the . JOSEPH CLAITUBBS, •
WO Estate. OM the. laid Onut• twirl appal Med the Nth ' both residing tnifulteni twp.
day of Angust,„lBss, for,tha eonfirnetion ; thereof, name
ezee P t • l° '” l , bB . -11/ B oina l o. rot hi .
• rrOpies,HELM, Len:Jeff 20' ib1y24 . 4427 •
'Clitiailt Of 'thwiatinn Wienditg. &
ttui. Court of Common Pleas for the County of fan
caster.. ItiteareasJoeeph Kyle, assignee of Christian Wad
dltz and Elizabeth his wife, of Drumore township. did on
the 19th day of July, 1855, file in the Office of the Pic
truniotary of the said Court,his Account or thee:aid Estates
Notice to hereby given to all persons Interested to the
said Estate, that , the said. Court have appointeclabe 99th
day of Aug., 1855, for the confirmation thereof, unless ex
ceptions be filed.
Protleya. oMce, Lan. job , 24
Tioubilele of Valuable Real--Maltate.—
L The subscriber, Administrator of the' estate of Henry
-Koller, late of Springfield township, deed, will sell at
public sale; on Friday, the 17th day of August, 1855, the
following rod estate, viz; A VALUABLE FARM, situated
bt Springfield township, York county,l%Miles from Glen
Bock, 3 miles from-the-borough of Logansville, containing
200 ACRES, adjoining lands of lithe Doodling, John Sny
der, Jacob holler, John 8. Foust mid others; 80 Acres of
this tract isin heavy Timber, about 20 Acres of Meadow;
the remainder in'a high state of cultivation, having been
heavily limed. The improvements ere aLARGE
MANSION HOUSE, a large Bank Barn, Wagon
Sheds, Corn Cribs, Carriage House, a two-story
Spring House, with a never-Oiling spring of wa
ter, a Still House; Black-Smith Shop and other out rimm
ing'. This property is well supplied with running water
—there are two ORCHARDS of choice fruit. This proper
ty is also very convenient to Churches and School Houses,
having a great many advantages, makes it a desirable
Any person wishing to view the property before the day
of sale, MU Mil on the Widow, who resides thereon, or on
the subscriberat Glen Ruck. Terms will be easy.. Sale to
commence at lb o'clock on said day, when attendance will
be given and terms made known by
Administrator. "
Wager's Wine Store, Centre Square,
LANCASTER, PENN'A.—The subscriber intends re
thin- '
from business and offers for sale the stock of Liquors
with Fixtures on hand. Apply at the Store, or No. 2S.
7th stroit, Philadelphia, on Wednesdny or Thursday of
each week. .PETER WAGER.
Philadelphia, July 17,1855 3t.-26
TThirteen Teachers Wanted.—Taelve Male
and sue Female teachers wanted to take charge of the
Schools lu East Donegal township, for the term of Seven
Months. Salary, thirty dollars per month ; the examina
tion to take plake on Monday, August 13th, 1853, at 9
o'clock, A. M., at the Brick School House, In the village of
Maytowu, and to beconducted by Mr. Wickersham, coun
ty Superintendent. By order of the Board.
July 17 4t' 26
l i lstate of James H. Houston and Wife.—
_LA iu the Court of Common Pleas for the County of Lan
caster. Whereas, Henry Dickinson and,Phillp Hathaway,
Assignees of James H. Houston and Sarah J. hie wife, did
on the 21st day of May, 1855, file In the Office of the Pro
thonotary of the said Court, their Account of the said
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in the
said Estate, that the said Court have appointed the 20th
day of August, 1865, for the confirmation thereof, unless ex
ceptions be filed.
Proth'ys, Office, Lan. may 21
Estate of George Hnber.—lnthe bona of Com
mon Pleas for the County of Lancaster. Whereas.
John Miller and Henry ft. Kurtz, Committee of George
Huber, of Idatihsim township, did on the 21st day of May,
1855, tile in the Office of the Prothonotary of the said
Court, their Account of the said Estate:
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in tho
mild Estate, that the Staid Court have appointed the 20th
day of August., 1855, for the confirmation thereof, unless
exceptions be filed. Attest J. BOWMAN, f'roth'y.
Proth'ys Office, Lan. may 21 july 17 41-213
Jstatc of Mary Sbertz" (a lunatic.)--la
the Court of Common Pleas for the County of Lana',
Whereas, Joel L, Lightner, Comniittee of the person and
estate of Mary Ebert:, of Paradise twp., now deed, did on
the 18th day of June, 1855, file in the office of the Pro
thonotary of thesaid Court, his Account of the said Estate:
Notice is hereby given to all persoue Interested in the
said Estate, that the said Court have appointed the 20th
day of Aug., 1855, for the confirmation thereof, unless ex
ceptions be filed. Attest, J. BOWMAN, Proth'y.
prothy's Office, Laii.july 17 it-35
I, , state of Christian kturtz, (a Innatic.)—
Lilo the Court of Common Pleas for the Conuty of Lao
casts, Whereas. John Myers, Committee over the person
and estate of Christian Kurtz, (a lunatic.) did on the list
day of may, 1808, nte to the ofhoo of tlso Prothonotary at
the said Court, his Account of the said. Estate:
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in the
id Estate, that the said Court haveamsAnted the Ath
yof Aug., 1655, for the confirmation thereof, unless
ceptions be filed. •
Prothy's offico, Lan. july 17
ILatate of Jacob Flnefroek, late of Mt.
Joy tap., der'd.—The undersigned Auditors appointed
to distribute the balance in the hands of Jacob Nissley,
Attu li ll is:rotor of said deceased, to and among those nazi
tied thereto, will meet at the Library Room, In the Court
House, In the city of Lancaster, on Monday, the lath day
of August nest, at 11 o'clock, A. M., for the purpose of
their appointment. OEO. M. KLINE,
July 10 3t 25
Estate of George Lehman, decd .— The un
dersigued, Auditor appointed to distribute the balance
iu bands otahn Hollinger, odministrator of George Leh
man, late of the village of slaytown, Lancaster county,
deed, to those legally entitled thereto, willl attend to the
duties of his appointment, at the Library Room of the
Court House, in the city of Lancaster, on Friday, August
10, 1855, at 2 o'clock, C. 51.
July 4 5t.25 JAMES L. REYNOLDS, Auditor
17state of 'Elizabeth Hackman, dec , 4l.
114 The undersign.' Auditor appointed by the orphans'
Court of Lancaster county, to distribute the balance in
the hands of Jacob McCallister, administrator with, the
Will annexed of said deed, late of township, to
and amongst those entitled; hereby gives notice, that he
will attend fur the purpose of his appointment, at the Li
brary Room, in, the Court House. in Lancaster city. on
Friday. the 10th day of August, at 334 o'clock, P. 31., when
and where all hiterested are requested to attend.
july 10 4t-25
- Ustate of Hackman, deol.—The un
.Eidersigned, Auditor.appointed by the Orphans' Court of
Lancaster county, to distribute be., the Balance in the
hands of Jacob McCallister, Administrator with the Will
annexed of said deed, late of -- township. to and
amongst those entitled; hereby glees notice, that he will
attend for the purpose of his appointment, at the Library
Room. in the Court House, in Lancaster city, on Friday,
the lath day of August, 1835. at 334 o'clock, P. M., when
and where ail interested are requested to attend.
july 10 4t 2
71state of Henry H. Keller, Acc , 4l.—The
Edersigued Auditors aploioted to distribute the balance
in the hands of Elias Stober and Samuel Sisley, admiuis
,,trators of Visiury H. Keller, late of Kew Ephrata township.
Lincasterlirunty, deceased, to and among those legally
entitled thereto, will meet for enepurposeof thelrappoint
, meet, in the Library Room of the Court house, iu the city
of Lancaster. on Monday, the 13th day of August vent.
at 2 o'clock, I'. M.
Jul) 10 ,t-]9
uditorts Notlee.—The undersigned Auditor ap
_Lkponited to distribute the balance in the hands of
Lewis Lawrence, Administrator of Catharine Lawrence.
late of the city of Lancaster, dee'd„ to and an ~,,, g those
legally entitled thereto, will attend to the duties of bis
appointment, at the Library Room of Ili. Court. House, in
the city of Laiwatter, eat Tuesday, the 14th et August
next, at 2 o'clock, P. M
july 10 1t
Hardware Notice.—JOllN It. HEMEL ADAM
It. BAUR, respoctfully inform their friends and the
mitotic in general that they have purchased the entire
stock of Hardware from A. W. Russel, No. 8 E. King st„
where they Intend Increasing their stock and devoting
their time and attention to their busiumu, making it an
object fur their friends to call on them haunt purchasing
ADAM it. ISARn having been employed about six years in
this same house, with his extensive acquaintance, hopes
to merit and receive a continuance of the Custom hereto
tom so liberally buttoned On the establishment.
yard.—Thu undersigned takes this method of return.
\Jim; his thanks to the public for the liberal patronage
bestowed on him while iu the Hardware busitieas, and
would respectfully ask of his former patrons a uautiuu.
ance of the same to his successors, Russia. & flows, who
will by close attention to business, endeavor to merit a
coutiuuance of the same. A. W. RUSSEL.
Auditoes Notice.—The subscriber, appointed Au
ditor by Use Urphans` Court ttf Lancaster county, to
distribute the balance In the hauds of George 'Musser and
Wm. ilaverstick, Jr., Adwiulstrators with the Will an
nexed of George Musser, Sr., late of the city of Lancaster.
deed, will sit tor the purpose of his appointment, at the
Library Room, in the Court House, in said city, on Wed
tiesday the Sth of August, 1a55, at 2 o'clock, I'. M , when
awl where oil persons iuterested way attend,
july 3 td-25
state of Jacob Muggelman, decd.—The E undereigned, Auditor, appointed to distribute the bat
on., in the hands of Jacob hluseelman, administrator of
Jacob Musselman deed, late of tho borough of Diouut Joy,
Lancaster County, to those legally entitled thereto, will
attend to the duties of his appointment, at the Library
Room of the Court Mouse, in the City of Lancaster, on Sat
urday, Angust , ll, 1855, at S. o'clock P. M.
July 17. (4 t.) M. B. SWARR, Auditor.
Prime Ruta Baga, and other i uruip Seeds. Also sups,
rior seed Buckwheat, Improved Turnip Drills, &c.
For sale by PASCHALL MORRIS as CO.,
Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Store, corner 7th and
Market streets, Naiads. July 17 tfa)
Aardware.--Russel & Barr, No. 8, East
King street, sign of the Anvil, Wholesale and Retail
Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Hardware.—Buildlng
material of every description, such aa locks,,latches, hinges,
screws, bolts, ac. We have the agency of the Pittsburg
Janus-faced Locks, which can be need for right or left hand
doors. We shall also have on hand a superior article of
nails and spikes. Also s large assortment of glass, paints,
oils and varnishes. Wetheril's pure white lead, French
and American sine paints.
We are the agents tar Rowland Parry's building elate.—
Slate put on by the square, or'sold by the ton. All slating
done by our hands warranted, and attended to at the
shortest notice.
COACH TRIMMINGS.—We also keep a good assortment
of coach trimmings, such as laces, fringes, tacks, hubs,
bows, abatis, talkies, springs and axles. Enamelled, plain,
and floor Oil Cloths. &tamelied and patent leather, bolts,
bands, malleable castings, &c.
-good assortment of panel; 'hand and back salvia planes,
purges, chisels, braces and bracehittr, east steel augers
and' hilts.
ISLAK.I3.II.II . IIB—WIII And a complete assortmecrt of
bar, rolled, slit, sheet and hoop iron; cast, 'Shear spins
and other steOhn anvils, vices, scrow-plate4 ka
FARBIERWIII find a gaol assortment of farming im
plements, such as plows, corn cultivators, bores rakes,
grain cradles, scythes, maths, rakes and fork's, Went hay
hooks; ropes andpullles shovels, hoes, and axes of allvituf,
Brady's and fragen's make, all of schtekare warranted.
B.TOVBSI aortal—We alma keep . a
. complete assort
ment of cook; parlor, wood and eeil series.. _ -
Atents teethe Woof super phosphate
by many tlei • (errata& or manure In use. Bold
J. BOWMAN, P; , : lUey i
J. BOWMAN, Proth'x.
July 17 41-26
J. BOWMAN, Proth'y.
No. 8 E. King a.; Sign of the Anvil.
july 3 6634
100 000 T4P.lbTag I ti r ; ti rtasi s e r . bar ' w n A bi Ticits, asi.
AND STRAMBOAT DIRECTOKE 'Tlle 'undersigned have
now in course of preparation- a new Steamboat Directory,
which Will-be issued In' ctober next ;' llie boat ,will con
tain'over two hundred pages, itlastrated in the best stYie,
and neatly bound Ida durable Manner: It will be one
of the most Interesting books ever publisbed, and will be.s
boor that will be interesting to all dame - or - people. The
Steamboat Directory will contain a Complete list and de
scription of all the Steamboats now afloat in the Western
and-Scitabern waters. The length, model, speed, power
and tonnage of each text, where and by whom built, the
name 'of the boat, with the trade ebe is tp. Also, the
names of Captains and officers, her age,• &a. du The Di
rectory will contain a History of Steamboats and Steam
heating on the Western waters, since the application of
steam ; also, a sketch of the first boat built for the Ohio
River, with the name- of the builder, commander and
- • ••
The River Directory will contain a list and description
of alt the titearaboat Disasters that have occurred on the
Western and Southern waters, beautifully illustrated,
with ge list of all those who have perished by their burn
ing, sinking and stploding, on the Western and Southern
watera. The Directory will contain Maps of the Ohio,' Mil
aissippi, Missouri, Illinois, Arkanass White, Red, (Mehl
ta, Yazoo, and other Rivers, with the Towns and Cities
laid down, with correct distances• '
also, many other
and ltems of interest to the people at large.—
The book will contain the cards of the varints U. 8. Mall
Boats, with the-trade they are In, Ac., tc. The Directory
will also contain a complete list of all the responsible
Steamboat Licensed Officers, their places of residences, Ac.,
Ac 4 the new Steamboat Law, its requirements, with com
ments; shewing wherein it benefits the incompetent ot
facer, and injures the competent *thaw, &e.,dc., and all
the Important U. S. Supreme Court Steamboat Domaions
up to dater, the Rates and important Commercial
Bills of Lading, important Decisions of the various U.
S. Courts in regard to Freights Lost and Damaged, Ac., Ac.
with many other things of interest.
The,Directocy will be Illustrated In the best style, and
printed in the best manner. The author has for six years
been gathering all the facts and In regard tothe numerous
steamboat disasters on the Weamen and Southern waters,
and now Intends publishing them in hook lbrm. The
price of the work will be put at the low sum of One Dol
lar. Ten thousand copies will be Wined for the boatmen;
all others desirous of subscribing, will have to do so at
once, as none will be printed unless ordered In advance.—
The work is destined to hassle circulation of over Eighty.
thousand copies as the publishers are receiving large num
bers of subscribers per mall, horn ail parts of the country,;
daily. Some of the oldest boatmen, as well as most scion
tide men of the times, are contributors to the Steamboat
The Directory will be issued in October and will be an
ornament to the parlor as well as steamb oat. By remit
ting One Dollar (post paid,) you will receive a ropy of the
above work.
All oommunications and letters ehould be addressed to
Post Office Building, Cincinnati, Ohio.
ur - A. Rockafleld & Co.,
_Next to Kramph's
11,,,Ciothing Store, East Orange street, Lancaster Pa.
• Dealers In all the new and popular FAMILY MOH
CLNES, &a., Wholesale and Retail.
113.. They have just received a fresh supply of Wolfe's
Celebrated Aromatic Scheiduu Schnapps and will sell to
retailers at Proprietor's prices. • June 2d tl-23
50 Shares Lancaster Bank Stock.
JO Fanscw - s - do.
2 One Hundred Dollar Bonds, Lanceater City School
Loan, 6 per cent interest, payable scoot annually.
Bur sale by. - -J. Y. SIUWDIIR & CO., Agents.
LAND WARRANTS.—We are now buying Land Var
rants and paying the highest rates.
)une 26 ti-23 J. F. SHRODER & 00.
ustnte of Ann M. Holtzhonge...-Letters of
..Liadwimstration 011 the estate of Ann M. lioltzhouse,late
of Lou Borough of Washington, Lao. Co., having been Issued
to the suscrther residing in said Borough: persons
indebted to mid Estate are requested to make payment
immediately, and those having ,claims will present them
properly authenticated for settlement.
june 20. a- 6t
'rowers' Series of Readers, Published by
I.L 131.i1tlic.S., sr. Co.. liu Jutm atrnnt, ASoW
lowers' let Evader or lirstlual k'ritunr.
" 241 Reader, or introduction to the Gradual Reader,
" Reader, or Gradual Reader,
4th Reader, or Jewel to Gradual Reader,
" :AU Reader, or .Nortu Awe:Jena Sewn Class Reader,
Can lieader, or North America. lint CLL. it...der.
Thu first esseutial in good reading is a hiss...
t.artua. This eau uuly result from the practice of the ule
meutary sounds and their etnuoinations. All of these ele
moots and their combinations are glean, with ample di
rections, arrauged iu a Sinline and compact form 11.1 the
nrst three lamas of this series. VannMar suit spataile di
re:anions are (for the Lust time) given to teachers, fur utter
ing each elementary sound iu the laugUage. hUggeStiutia
are given for avoiding errors and itenturiug a currect pro-
Tne last three Readers of the series contain an elaborate
but cinupreneusive treatise on utocutiuu, in which the
leading principles of good reading are simplitiel, and rules.
deduced and illustrated by practical examples. in this:
treatise, tile tunas toe voles are analyzed, and the ale-
MOMS 1.01 expression requisite WI" the utterance of every
sentiment is clearly descrined and explained. Each um.
is considered in au insulated iight aud illustrated by tip
prupriate exermses. it is next seinen that these constitu
ent elements are applied in combinations In every instance
of chaste and impassiuned eloquence, or correct and im
pressive reading. It is my 111.11 conviction," says nu
accumpludied sc holar, '• that. the treatise on Elocution.
and pi tuciples of reading as illustrated and explained in.
these readers, will do more to excite the atteutaun to the
subject ut language and reading, than any thing else that
lids yet mode Ito appearance. the Soi.LIOLIS am excellent,
and it merit be a recommendation ur any criterion of suc
cess; these books are destined to be lime extensively used
than any other iwrles el reading books which has yet been.
TuWiteri GILIDUAL SPELLEtt—This 'Speller Is a part sod
parcel of the 'Waders and goes with them and is based oh
their plan, teaching use thing at a time.
Tower's First Lessens in Language; or, Elements of Eng
lish Grammar.—Plain little hook is made ter beginners,
that they may feel their way unalaratsuldiug,ly, and become
interested in what is considered sometimes dry study. The
plan Is simple, and the pupil may see the reason nu each
step and be led to think.
Zfaj- Per sale iu quantities al W. 11. Spangler's Beak
Store, Lancaster city.
jams zo
A rt..hues Patent Air-Tight, Self...Seal
_Ming CA\S and J Preserving fresh fruits
and Vegetables. Them Cans and Jars are COUStrlietoli wah
a channel arotantthe mouth, near the top, illl.O which the
cover fits I,,osely. This chained fs tilled with a very adhe-
Sive coconut, prepared for the purpose, and allowed to hur.
den, In order to seal the vessel hermetically, it is only
be:essary to heat the cover slightly and press it Into place.
It. may be opened with as much case as-it is citified, by
slightly warming the top. The ordinary Liu cans, used for
the same purpose fur which this is intended, cannot be
closed as is well known, without the aid of a butter; are
ditlicult to upeu '
and are generally so much Injured in
opening as to be useless Ibr future service.
By this simple courrivan., the process ur hermetical
Sealiiiv is placed conveniently .within the reach of every
individual; and fruit, vegetables and butter (if properly
prepared; may be kept, with their natural flavor unim.
paired, tor an indefinite lengthy or time. These vessels
were thoroughly tested duting the poet 611111E11er, and their
contents, after the lapse of months, found unchanged.—
Directions tbr sealing and and unsealing, and also for put.
ling up fruit, tomatoes, /cc., accompany these vessels.
All kinds of stewed fruit may also be kept in them. It
will only be necessary to stew the fruit as fur the table,
adding the amount of sugar required to make it palate ,
ble, Lill up the vessel with the but fruit, and seal it at
once. All ripe fruits preserved iu this tray, will be found
as frssh in the winter season. as ifjust taken from the
tree and stewed. how economical a luxury this will
prova, needs Scarcely to be suggested.
AZ- These cans and jars are all prepared for sealing.—
The housekeeper has only to heat the iid and press it into
its place. $2 per dozen; quart $2 it;; half gallon $3 00;
gallon $5 a dozen. Self-sealing Glass Jars $ 2 1,0 a dozen
for quart size, and $2 a dozen for plats. The different Size .
Cans west, so as to secure'economy in transportation.
Manufactured and mid by
No: 60 death Tenth st, Philadelphia.
Orders for These Cans and Jars, accompanied by the
cash, will be promptly attended to by the undersigned
agents in Lancaster county, and the articles forwarded to
any direction. A discount to dealers who buy to Ball again.
Sold wholesale and retail by 11. B. PARRY, Agent for
Lancaster county, at Dr. Parry's Drug Store, No. tte, East
King street, Lancaster. BAKER A I.IOPIUNS, Agents for
Salisbury and Salisbury twin. Lune 19 3m-5.2
T and For Sale.—Public notice is •hereby given,
that the undersigned Executors of John Hartsock
deed, in pursuance of the direction of the bud will and
testament of said deed, offer for sale a valuable plants
tation or Tract of Land, situated in Burrell born
ship, Indiana county, Pa., conudning Jns ACHES—about
2.0 , •1 which are cleared, 45 or which are in meadow. The
improtteuent are TWO DWELLING HOUSES, a
Bank Barn and otner an excellent . 013
Apple Orchard. The tract is within 4 miles of
Blairsville, and the Indiana Branch Railroad rune
through it .
An indisputable title will be given, and terms made rea
sonable. Apply to JONATHAN HARIBOOs,
Jtme 19 tf 22 Executors.
1 lyispepsla Bitters--No Humbug.—Prepared
11 by Elder J. STAMM, Mount Joy, Lancasmr county,
Pa.—ln the Providence of God I was afilicCed with this
dreadful disease, (Dyspepsia.) I tried various remedies,
but to no effect, until 1 used these Bitters. Having now
realised its happy effects for tuyself--also many others—
and knowing that thousands are still suffering with Dy.
pepsin, 1 recommend it as a safe, and one of the best rem
edies for this dreadful disease (Dyspepsia-)
Elder J. STAMM.
For sale In Lancaster, by U. A. Itockatield.
We, the undersigned, have used J. Stamm's Bitters for
Dyspepsia, and having been greatly "benefited, therefore,
we recommend It as au invaluable remedy for Dyspepsia.
Elder A. IL Long, Mount Joy; Elder J. C. Owens, do. 11 .
Bechtold, do. E. Ilammaker, do. A. Kauffman, do. J. Bar
ver, do. J. Manhart, do. D. Leib, do. Widow Stehman,
Miss Stehman, do. P. Brunner, do. S. Dyer, do.; Major E
Spars, Lancaster, D. May, do.; S. Shelter, Earl; E. Senger .
do. J.. Stirk, do. J. Senserdg, do. Mrs. Weaver, do 4 J. Dome
liapho; S. Strickler, do. D. Strickler, do. IL. Greenawalt, do•
S. N. Klauser, dn.
Ague—Ague Cured.
Mount Joy, IliMlll 1855
Elder J. STOMMY:—Dear sir—For more Mall 000 yr,,er I
wasaffiicted with the ague. I made every effort to hew
Moved, but I grew worse, until I used your BITTERS. I
am happy to nay, that after using several bottles, I was
cured of the ague, and have enjoyed good health since.—
I had no ague or dyspereda since August last. 1 can re
commend your iII'I'TEKS as a very good medicine, and per
one of the best remedies for the Ague and Dyspepsia,
inasmuch as It purifies and. strengthens the stomach, and
gives health and tone to the whole system.
',Yours with respect, A. ILA./19FMAN.
Bronchitis Cured.
I , have been afflicted with acre throat .tor aocrib time
which was called Bronchitis by physicians. They treated
me with regular treatment, but still I found no relief.—
Your BITTERS was recommended and when I commenced
using it I felt my throat getting better t k my appetite in
creased, and my food agreed better with. me. I was en
couraged to continue with the BITTERS, and now can say
these BITTERS cured me. 1 would recommend J. fitamm'a
BITTERS to the aMicted, fcir I am confident that my sore
throat came from my disordered stomach. My advice is,
try it for Bronchitis and Dyspepsia.
Elder J. Swot ;--I deem It an imperative duty to suffer.
inglimmanity, to recommend the use of your . Vegetable
Dyspepsia BITTERS to the public, as an invaluable reme
dy for that sorely distressing rind extensively prevalent
disease which its name indicates., Experience and obser
vation compel me to speak of It iu terms of the higheit
b lue
ndation. I was myself permanently cured by using
t 6 bottles . though my stomach was N weak that it
w d retain nothing. Ilanve known souse of the most
desperate and long Mandl* cases to have been cured by
it, and in no , lnstance sib:sang the ntiaidronsoises that have
come within the range of my knowledge, has its use failed
to give Immediate, and when persevered in. .permanent
relief, I feel no hesitancy in pronouncing .n infallible
remedy for Dyspepsia. Elder A. If. LONG,
Kuipsville, Montgomery ea., Pa., May 28, 1855.
Lancaster, May 30, 1855.
&DESJ. Sr.9os—Dear Sir: We are entirely .out of the
Dispepela Bitters. We find It a irood article, sue it will
sell. Have a:lot; ready' this week, and forstard aa soon as
possible. • Yours, truly,
pddple of the city - s - disk444g._r ii.. put topielb
beets derided td kliV -
Thirgiumstitirf irsufaekt"tt P aat . ..englied_l. l A,
clothing berporchund to:1W) least =omit inf.'. le ngth
You can scauely 'oak rperion now that will l'oy ..
you at • - •
No. 31 ?forth Qualaast., where you can be imp •
plied witb,iniy thing In hie /We of business. •
lie hen just opened a Bile and elegant assortment of
• . SEKILNO AN SUElaigN. (Nadu,
Fancy Cultures of splendid colors and patterns, and of
that very lateit atYlea .Bliutli and fancy Cloths that cannot
be beat. Vesting* almost .. too handsome to talk about.
Also, o complete . Melt o Ready-made Clothing, Coats,
Pants, Vesti,-Nisweivt, Shirts Shirt Collars, Mocks, Cavite,
httspediders, Stockings, a dm., all of which axe now ready
ter wiser pylons whlch re will grumble at and if any do
the amount will be red to suit their fancy. •
Wine, therefore, fri and telow citiaedu and 'mainly'
Weise us a toll share ofyour patronage for which we shall
heartiv.tfuina you as w t ias for past favors.
myTomy_be quite eer that uo effort will be spared to
give you fu ll eddfidectiont
your money. The goods, as
usual, are all warranted a this establishment
They aye a ll sunufain under the immediate super
intendence of the proprietor, anti therefore what they are
repressoted to bo,
Customer work promptl attended to
myl6 1111.1Ji'd ILENSLRB.
Yemovall.—The Intend Safety Mutual Insurance
. ..kupsh) Satre removed their Lade to Coutes Square,
vase ilubley's howl;) Whales they continue to Mike 'Lan
=zees :gainst less tor Fire, ou the moat tivoralge terms,
end receive money on Leaeslte as heretofore.
N.1.11h/LPII Y. RAUCH,
berntary t Treasure.
rtmy 8 tPle
lutes t'Slatea t .0 subscriber having taken the
°Agency for Drowu's buttelogUlatrals ready at any %has
te (tumult slate by the ton orput on by the square, at the
shortest notice aud en thil most rensomble terms. Apply
at my liartiware'Store, gpri.tx Queen street.
teb.:l ly-7 • I UFA/101E D. SPRECHER.
'state of Ann Hurt, deo , ll.—Letwret testa:hen- -
X4cary on atti...a.di of Lou Hart, deed, late of &Liston
ry Lowy:ship, Lancaster col, DA. Log be.. g r .ot,,d to nu,
subscribers residing in said towns:up : All pentwit indebt
ed to mid &tate are requested to make payment immedi
ately, and those having claims will present them without
delay properly authenticated for settlement. •
Ittliitall! B. HAAT,
jun*, 19 6t-22
,rotate of Abraham Kurtz, deo°4l.—NO
nue.—AU persma idaooted w tho waste of horuham
sores. d.'d, Mid of 6alhibury tow whip, aro roquescod to
mote papowox, twoochataly to tho uoLienuguou holm of
sold docoasell, and theseihgelug claims ell/ present them
without delay properly anthentlested for &Mug:neut.
DAVID 1t Via;
ILIAS Kufraz,
jai. 19 •2m-72
Stereoecopee t .
THESE wonderful and universally admired pictures,
which appear as round and solid tee sculptured marble,
are taken deny, at
corner or North Queen and Orange eta.
Air Daguerreotypos old every We and style, taken at
tho lowest prise.
Lancaster, tune 19 L
Nos. Al & 03 South Sixth Street.
' Agricultural Implement Manufactory, Bristol, P.
Seed Groundr (370 Amen) Bloomsdale, near Bristol, Pa
June 12 3m=3l
Cheapest and bash iocated.Building Lots
LIN TILE IdAltiLET.+-Prioe 585—Payable 51 per
week. For sale, Building Lots 22 feet front by 100 in
depth, at the above price? and terms, of only one dollar a
week. L They are located On Marion street, Chesnut street,
Fulton street and Walnut street, With a number of tam
corner lots on Ann street, Marshall street, and Franklin
street. In this vicinity the city is being rapidly built up,
and the lots are upon the very edge of the lipprovements,
near to the centre of business, and for a residence they
areamsurpassed in convenience. There are no nuisances
in the neighborhood, aul,the public buildings are such as
add value to the in the vicinity are eume of the
finest residences in the city of Lancaster. They olfer su
perior inducements for ad investment.
Owing to the rapid sale of these lots, no more will bc
sold aftrr the
of July at so lour a price, or upon the
same terms. Of this the are respectiully requested
to take notice.
The sale of lots at, the Same price, and. upon the same
terms will continue until that time, the office of Jesse
Landis, Attorney at Law', East King street, above Speech
er's and. Lechler's hotels.l
june 1 tf-le
'Drag store andPental , Depot.—The under.
signed having fitted hp his Store lu a now nod elegant
style ' Woi,Sit respectfuily I call the ationtiou of the public
to the following catalogut
All kinds of Pau:illy Medicines.
All the lending Pateritpledieines.
Baking Ponders of every descriptlod.
Spices of superior quality.
Burning Fluid.: Hair Invigorating Tonics.
Tooth Powder. • Wax—whim and yellow.
Bristol Brick Dust for Bcouring. • • •
Soaps, , Perfumery,
Salad, and other 011 s, 1, Starch,
Alcohol, , Soap Soda,
Mustard, , Toothache Drops,
Sermon's Tooth Wash.
A fresh and elegant supply of pure Modicines.
Surgical Instruments 61 every variety.
Vials and Bottles of elny size and variety.
Pill and Powder Boxes of various sixes.
.(lelid and Silver Plate. Gold and Tin 1011.
Dental Instruments o every variety.
Jones, If and Mc urdy's Tenth.
Mouth and Hand Gies s. Coruuduu Wheels.
Oram and Arniatrung"lneth.
Stub's. Murphy's and Kern's Separating Piles. ,
All such articles as Dentists require, are kept constant.:
ly on hand, or can tat turinished at very short notice.
DAD LlEititHAN .AItTTS can be furnished with all
their Chemicals at l' edphia prices.
TONSOILIAL 1.11.0Pb:4 , 5 1 MS will fled it to their advan
to call at Ate Drag and tjlonni.l Store, No. es. North
queen streetLaucaster, Pa.
june 12 tf..o
Thomas &. Tha kray, Boys , Clothing
Establishment, No. 00 CMistuut streets alsop Thtf
teenth, Philadelphia.—The undersigned respectfully in
form their !Adas end tit public generally, that they have
taken the Btore above m utioned, and intend keeping con
stantly on hand and madn to order, YOUTHS' AND CHM
DRENS' CLOTHING, Of the Most improved styles.
M. Cooper Thackray, . lodg and favorably known as
Cutter fur the Messrs. Hoyt, will give his personal atten
tion to that branch of the business, and flatters himself in
being able to please, thereby hoping to secure a fair share
of patronage. Very respectfully,
Coss. D., l No. WO Chestnut et.
M. COOPBII. TEDICEZAY. J may 15 em-17
A;omattc Schiedam Schnapps .— This &ref
cie. is for ash. in Larlicaliter, at the no:Chino Store o
the subscribers, in Kraui.h's building, E. Orange st.
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