BUT -- TRUE ,ArAr EVERY WOMAN SHOULD 'KNOW. I-low often it happens, that the wife lingers from year to year in that pitiable condition as not even for one day to feel the happy and exhilarating influ ence incident to the enjoyment of health. .1111.3 BLOOMING BRIDE , But a few years ego in the dui& of health st.nd youth, and buoyancy of spirits, rapidly, and apparently in !explicably, becomes a:feeble, sickly, Ballow debili tated wife, with frame emaciated, turves unstrung, 'spirits depressed: countenance bearing the impress of, suffering, and an utter physical. and , mental pros tration, arising from ignorance of the simplest and plainest rules of health as connected with the mar nsge state, the violation of which entails . disease, 'suffering and misery, not only to the wife; but often LIEREDITART COMPLAINTS UPON-THE CHILDREN • " liNlO riffs THIRD AND FOURTH GENEE4TION,"• ,iTran•mltting COSSLIIPTION, SCROFULA, lIIPOVIIONDRIA. INSANITY, GOUT, KING'S; EVIL. and other and . worse Diseases, as a DREADFUL INHERITANCE FROM THE PARENTS. "And meet this continue? Moot this be? Is thero no • medi? No relief? No hope?" The remedy la by knowing the -elutes and avoiding them, and knotrine the renteilipr;2=l benefiting by them. These are pointed out In THE MARRIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION, BY I)FL A. IL ILIUBICEA U, rnnrcaroa - or 1:010U103 07 WOICLIt One Hundredth Edition, (500,000), 18mo., pp. 250 fON NXO PAPICK EMU =DING, $1.06.1 A standard work of established reputation, found classed In the catalogues of the great trade sales In New York, ladelphia, and other citire, and sold by the principal hooks:ellen. in the United States.. It was first published n dote which time FIVE ITERIDEF:D THOUSAND, copra i liare been cold, of which there were upwards of T ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SENT BY MAIL, 0. fleeting the bhc,h estltuation In which It is held u a re• liable popular Medical -B0()IC FOR EVERY FEMALE the author having devoted his exclusive attention to the treatment of complaints peculiar to females, In respect to which be is y.rly - coioulted by thousands both in person and by Letter. lien every woman can discover, by comparing her own symptoms with those described, the natare, character, causes of, end the proper remedies for, her complaints. The wife about becoming a mother has often need of Instruction and advice of the utmost Importance to her future health, in respect to which her sensitiveness for bids consulting a medical gentleman, will find such in struction and advice, and also explain many symptoms which otherwise would occasion anxiety or alarm Is all the peculiarities incident to her situation are described. Flow many are suffering from obstructions or Irregular ities peculiar to the female system, which undermine the health, the effects of which they are ignorant, and for which their delicacy forbids -seeking medical advice. 'Many suffering from prolapms uteri (falling of the womb), or from fluor' att.., (weakness, debility, ha.) Many are lin constant agony fur many months preceding confine ment. Many have difficult If nut dangerous deliveries, and clew and uncertain recoveries. Some whose lives are hazarded Miring such time, will each and In its pages the means of prevention. ainelioratiou and telief. It is of courne impracticable to convey fully the various subjects [reeled of, as they are of a nature strictly In. tended for the married or those contemplatihg marriage. Reader, are you a husband or a father? a wife or a mother Y ,[lave you the sincere welfare of those you hero at heart? l'rnse your sincerity - , and lose no time in kerning what causes interfere with their health and hap- pines:l-cud less than your own. It trill avoid to you and yours. an it has to thousands, many a day of pain and anxiety, followed by sleepless nights, Incapacitating the mind for its ordinary avocation. and exhaushng those means for medical attendance, medicines and advertised noAtrurne whrh otherwise would provide for declining r yearn, the ittrtuit:e. of ugo end the proper edu.tion of your ch 11• I lu ran . eed, of tie universal popularity of the renal:, as veld..., d liy it. extrniintitmry sale, carious imposi tions MI, idleollimid s uell on bookseller' , no on the mild,. is imitation., of title mtge. spurious editions, -orrept do,- infringements ul copyrialit, and other deem,. nod del:Llan., it has been found noceasurry, them err, to CAUTION THE PUBLIC to buy nu book unit,t the words "Dr. A. ht./JAL - Melt.‘ll, LJ I.therty mreet. N. V. " on (and the entry in the Clerk tinier .11 the b.,ek of) the title page; und boy null. of rt,i,v1.1,,1.1e nod honoreble .traders, or tend by moil, awl o.i bn , to I , r. A. M. Sl:writ:eau. Aar - Upon receipt of One Dollar "THE MAR RIED WOMAN'S PRIVATE MEDICAL • COM PA N ION" Is sent ( moan! free) to .any part of tho United Stat,, the Canadas and British Provinces. All I,tt. ts Inuat be post-paid, and addressed to Dr. A. M. MAUR ICEAU, box 1224, New-York City. Putr9t.l.l.T. Oils,, No. 129 Liberty Street, N ow- Ye, k. Et= T. B. Peterson, Philadelphia; Nlre. Cynthia Williams, Ilimeadall, spanuler I.aneaster; Wentz 3 Marl: Carbondale: Y.. Flint. Williamsport: Turk. Wilksharre. S. Leader. Ilannver ; Thos. Cliwperilmait. Philadelphia; J. B. blininisrei. Erie; Samuel It. Lauller. Greenehurg; S; Durban. leanhlin ; Dr. S. D. Scott, Itedlerd: E. T. lliide brand, Indiana; J. W. Kidney, Drnwie.ville; U. 3l,Nhalet tyg, Butler; J. S. .iel;sen. Chamlwrsburg; (Ice. W. Getlys Butler; JeF.eph Swart:, Dloomsburg. jail 9 t. 1,51 flontnined Reaper and Plower.—Manny, eitt ,1111 w ooil s lutprovewcut. 1 have man u fact u red and sold 105 Cl Mat-Woes the past season, curl feel warrantald oy the teStimony of the FarinerS that have used them that it is the best combitnnl Reaping and Mow. in 31achine how - used. lu all the trials which have been with :alter uacitines either rehire committees or the pub lie, they have-proved the bust 31:whines in the following points. via: The lightest draft. The cleanest cutter. The ease and facility with which it can ',removed from field to held and changed from a Reaper ton Mower. The construction fur strength :thd durability and its ca pacity fur doing business. Slink le. proof rut be produced that the above points belong to tins alarldoe. 1, is capable of mowing and ,:pr e ,lmg I , 1., acres of any blond of grass per day, whit one mall and a pair of horses, and cut hum 15 to 2U acres'.l grain par day. Price of cutabloed llachiue $1'25,00 cash, delivered al their Mount Juy, Lancaster county, l'it. Mower s zilo,uti, two scythes with extra neetions and ea trt guard, and ;oaten beluog with each 31,,ehlue. Tu the aut hut, of the telluwiug uhaulieired testithoulals I hereby odor toy grateful acknowledguieuts, W A LitlL A. WOOD, Manufacturer and proprietor, llousick Falls, N. Y. =MEM EATON, Nlndisou cu.. July 14, 1854 A. ‘VOJD ; Dear Sires i cauust express my apprul,a- Usti of your Mower iu 1,0 strung terms, 1 never expected to see a Lon ing Machine cut grass as last, as well, and us ea,y, Gu I.,•th Cant :Ma driver, us }hues dues. I can cut nue third 11, , .n ton day with sue Want, itud . do the Work i 11..., 111. t., a ny h•I my neighbor., ea'a With one of the "ashy ul l.aw Vesper E. P. MORSE. • EY.sx, 'Tompkins co., August 12, 10Z.4. Mr. Worm: Dear Sir t—l have Leen cutting lodged Oats on the Flier terse. yc here—)loner had Leon tried and Riled but your, worked to 0 dorm. Alter finishing uty 1n0,n11.1 look it oil. tulles, slid rut, it to the satismetiou Lot all m h - tto, tt ;sot,. tmu, ett trill halt post tee A. M., until tae; ve O'clock next day. and mowed 17 acres, and done it Su the MLlklttlCitttli of all present. Yours, JAMES GILES. Viatonm..s.JV t o ./ uly 14,18 W. W. A. m; Dear Sir t—Enclosrryou will Mid a certin • rate ..CDo,seot to pay I, time two Machines, the second tale Itas not here every day to see mine work and in every it st,:oe it gives peered sat Lfaction. I can sell too n achLOs next year. 1 was uttered Oat lAP. fir the machim y tit ruhL toe. truly yours, .1. W. STRONG. Nov ]oast, June :LISA. W. A. 'Wool% Dear Sir :—We ecceived the eleven Machines t. tiler•to) unit n ant the Wile, Illael/na, are t•ihlg od tirst. rate. All New Jersey Wa141., 1 . :L1,11t with improvement. as truly, Je.nuME it ELLISON. At....xxxnut, Genesee co., N. V., Sept. 10, 1054. I 1. I I, ul% , Mr. 11'..t. Is ...; Dear oir:—We would say to the Par nte. s 0 11.1 i.eu parcuased . Of your Unproved 310 yla.h.:•voaud Milli; it CACI:IE any other 31achine nonu,, 11,.tt the hurl: easier hn the lea... %le 'wowed With your machine 147 acre, this our oci n utwts hare untiessed its Uproot it.t. Dud It (Osrespealully, nA3113r..L MUNN, 1101tAen MUNN, The Mount Joy Car Manuf.tcturing Co., have the exclu• i„h 111 0 Mit, III:WILLI, nod sale of Al:Ahoy', io• a...! M.twer, Milli It MAWS improvement Its the 4Ji 'and (serfs. 'l hey I V I Ati Optill their friends and the pulolit geueva. coitio. al.kt buy the the cheapest al. Lest Ite. l ..i.er .(labor aew olfered fur sale iu the Coilet C. Lates. J. 11.. Mount Joy, Lancaster co.. Pa. Principal I.Qpot for Lancaster couuty at the hartlwart nPanCIIEIt, Lancaster City. E;2=l3 Xrew Iron and Brass Foundry - .—Thu Pro. o: Ihe WOI:ES would re c::11 he atleatioo (..i the publA to the eXtetaSiVe I tto.. Counibies couneeted•oith their estah lishweui. We .a re now prepared to Manufacture • Stationary Engines, Mill and Saw :dill Castings, Car NVnee and every other de: ription of cart iron work at short no tin and r,..itteed fries. Also, nil kinds of Brans Cast lugs, • Copper Rivets, Solder and Itabbit The esL: idiehnn•nl is under the Supetinteudeoce of Mr J . Ollll skill iS well 10..1 t our citiLonS; and :Is none but the most competent am thurough ‘r..rianen are employed; We are conlldent of giv lug entire to all who ul ry favor us with died patroua-AO. j fulp tfsj Uretseh Trusses.—ll: orßupture successfully _U tie:tied al•LI ~.wan i1e.1,41. by u, LAf the elegant krench impaled by the subscriber, mid made to order ex pt ~sly sle, All suilering with Rupture will be gratified to learn that the occasion how utter:: to procure a Truss, combluing ex treme ligh:u,s. with durability and correct construe. that, in lieu 4,1 tha aunallnius uucomfortable article usually add. An 011:,11blVc acsortmeat always on hand. adopted to every swirly of Rupture in adults and children nd for sale at a range of prices to cult, alt. Cost okSiugle .a.s. $2.. 3, 4 and $5: Double, $4, 5,0, 8 and $lO. Per gat a distance eau have a Truss sent to any ad dress by r • ling the amount, Fending measure around the hips, aud s , a.tatig side alluded. , tar sale Who,esa - requal Retail by the Importer, CALEB li. NEEDLES. h. W• corner of Twelfth Race sts.. Philada. Ilepat lie Lr. nanuing's impaired Patent Body Brace; • Ch.t• Exianders ted alreeter Itraeoa4 Patent Shoulder , o ces: Susua ;isory F,andages; Spinal Props and Supports. m tija twilit rump...tent lady atteudants. • :Cr a.3,; . id' -AV; en t for the purchase Of Farms. ever kr,-.-,,,i:-;LE4clalelnwi.h,oo shownlllo., 6 . 7 2 u l trm Or farms of AliVistionly. Mr sale. by calling o m u tLeofsuttoribetr in n7'O.llOEOOll Oreencastle. Frankliu' county:Pa. OkalitnatizsjdefilrOus.ut-purchasing will find it to their inter- Tbe most prompt and assiduous -',.ms.tolbY.lrisims of them who may cm _ " 4 .. !...11e1ar-s, - .: J. HUNTER. 11[Tar with Englan d I—Eme o Pamlain Works fl' - HENRY OAST has fitted up and enlarged his forme works and commenced the manufacture of all kinds of FartheniVare, PrAthsgh-sm or Dark Lustre, Yellow, Cream Colored and White Ware; Toilet Sets, Table and Tea Ser vice of different kinds, Apothecary Dives and Jars, and a great variety of other articles kept constantly on hand at his Pottery Ware-house, and at ids Store Boom; and an as sortment of Bracketts and Bose Sets for ornamenting buildings, de. Ile is also prepared to tarnish all kinds of Terra Cola work, Carnishing, Mouldings and other kind of Ornaraintal work, to order—to suit all kinds of buildings Inside andont; A EnraustieTilec, for Ornamental Pas emet • of Fosidle Granite, or artincial Stone' for Flooring of Halls Rooms, Bar-ltooms, Passages, Baths, Ornamental Fire Places,.A.e.; and 161 knep constantly on hand, at his old stand, an assortment of Bed Earthern and Stone Ware. ' IL 0. has been six months, and spared neither labor or expense in makingthenecessarypreparartions toe the above manufacture, and is now prepared to receive all orders. HENRY GAST, No. 2234, South Queen street, between Centre Sqnare and Vine street—Sign of the BIG PITCHLU air Steady BOYS wanted as apprentices to learn the above business. P. 8.-11. G. has engaged a manager who is fully com petent to conduct the above,busineass; and all corn mtusimtions, correspondence and ordain with his man ager pertaining to the said business, will be strictly at tended to. JOHN HARRISON, sep 6 tf33 Manager • Dr. Charles .Neil, Dentist, No. 309 Wel- Limit street, Philadelphia, At the late mate Agricultu ral lair, held at Philadelphia, received a SILVIiIt 61E1)- AL, the highest arward for exhibition of WWI inf his pro fession. Ile refers to this, and to his already extensive practice, as a guarantee to all who have occasion for his services, that his work and orders generally in his will be scientifically and skilfully performed. Dr. NEIL pledges himself to the lowest terms, and all reasonable dispatch, with those who favor him with their calls. nor 14 ly-l3 Metches t Mot.ches I—JOHN DONNELLY, Man ufacturer and Inventor of Safety Patent Square lip. right. Wood liox Matches, No. lee North Fourth street, above Race, Philadelphia. Matches having become an in dispensable article in housekeeping, the subscriber after - a great sacrifice of time and money, is enabled to utter to the public an article at onee combining utility and cheapness. The inventor knowing the danger apprehended on account of the flimsy manner in which Matches are generally pack ed in paper, has by the aid of new Steam Machinery of his own invention, succeeded lu getting up a SAFETY PATENT SQUARE uritiwrr WOOD BOX; this box is far preferable, in as much that it occupies no more room than the uldlleund wood box, and contains at least Two hun dred per cent more Matches, which to Shippers is consider able .advantage; it is entirely new, and secure against mole. turn and spontaneous combustion and dispels all danger on transportation by menus of Railroad, Steamboat or any other mode of Conveyance. These Matches are packed so that one gross or more may be Shipped to any part of the World with perfect safety.— They are the most desirable article for Home Consumption, and the Southern and Western .Markets that have ever been Invented. Dealers mid shippers, will do well to call and °amain for themselves. le_ these Matches, are Warranted to be superior to any thing heretntbrot uttered to the public. - " MEM= rrentik Grand Gift Distribution of the j. ART CNItrN SOCIETY.-500,000 Gills valued at Turee Hundred Thousaud Dollars. Certificate for this year, 900 DullaerThe members of the ART UNION SOCIETY. on the tareaniall of this the tenth distribution of the works of Art accumulated by the Society during the past year, would respectfully call the atte.lll.ll or its pa trons to the fact that, being about to remove to the build. lugs in tanuse of erection for the Society ill the city of Washington, [ley will add the Real Estate and other Land. ed Property belonging to the Smiety, to the Distribution for this tear. At the last meeting of the Society, it was determined to Reduce the Certificate of Share for this tlrand Enterprise to info Dollar each, thinking thereby that it will be the means of a more general diflLlSiott or the work of Artistes throughout the country, and ir ill enable the Society to on tend their labors 14 the .Ivalicentent of the ARTS A.N SCIENCE:, in this country. The :a:dale:des of share will be issued at Ono Dollar, walnopaitylirr wheel each purcha ser will revel,: free of cl.rge, by return mail, a beautiful Line and Stipple Engraving, eniitled W niti ngtoik on Dorchester Heights representing an :.ventful period iu the History of our Country. It will be seen, by referring to the list, that there are many valuable pieces of property e many costly Paintings, Superb Sialuary, Beautiful Engravings, Costly Jewelry, ila,fititivelit shawls, and other beautiful Gifts, such as 11:richoS. Muni Works, Av.. to the until', of Five 114111dred ThollsaLiti—wort An tile NAlety expects to' reeler,. to the Sew Hall at Washingtutt by the middle or du., the distrlbutiou trill take place ..0 the first ut July. 1,465. 'rho sante rules mud regulations that have heretofore guided the Society's dietribUtions will he adhered to iu tits and ou no at•cout4 will there be any postponement rout the day stained. • All letters and communications. post paid) for eertillexte, nr on business, are to be addres sed to the 6,-utlierit like iu Washington directed to the ecretaty, who will answer Dy return mail. Single sub, :critters remitting Ten Dollars will receive one year's sub :cription to any of the Magazines they limy name in thei letter, to be lorwarded free of charge for the tittle of sub :cription, one year. lite billowing list constitutes a part of the Gifta for 1 555 t the splendid nuuse nod Lot of the Art Union Society. situaLod in Broadway, A superb 'Melling, the residence of the late A n. Soll Suit zee, Lhq. the bctatiliful summer residence. Gothic Cot taiie nod Ground. at Hawk's :scot, .at the Hodson River sivall Dwellings, situated on the 1,4 belonging to the ,uci,ty in 9Ztt Street, tuagniticeot Camel's Hair Shawls. Those shawls are the 11 001 beautiful stork of art ev. til Diaitt,Altd Jewelry—cottNiNtsinz of 7 pie ., va..11-411 autiqu, itatturtm, iu it I,..tutifttl IE=ESI Nei:, of Pearl Jewelry, runsi,ding of 7 pieces arl.. all different styles, and of Ver,iati nut, Uold IVate h.s for Ladies. very beautiful curious work-o 1 art: one the Size of a N=II=MMSE Itoudere. Toilet and Dressi.tg iiir stone 11111,11 ed iu Pearl patterns—Louis XIV., large Cluck. a eery beautiful wort of art, made by Lipordi at Cologne, finished in N. style of beauty and art unsurpassed, nl copies of the lives of great - rainters, superb ly betuid. with ati engraving; of each artiste, 11 1 patterns, 'uu cupies of Gri,:wulTs Republican Court, spitu Silly bound, with tinted engravings, ts/ copies of hoydell's Illustratious of Shak speare. To the :nliiiirers of the Great Poet this i‘iork trill he an acquisition, PAINTINGS. Venus ',itting forth Cupid and Ilyuien—Tilian. 2,000 Boy —3l uri du, 1.000 'OMR and the Angel—Salrator Rona, 1,000 ltLiht Viow—Claudio, 1,000 Minion Ult — CarregiO, 1,000 A Ilead—Titian, 500 A 'lead—Vandyke. 500 Laudscarw—Poussin, 500 A Piece-6 nititto: 500 Battle Piece—Wouverman, 500 I.andNeapti—Claude, 500 There are others by the same Artistes. all original, be sides some splendid pictures by Allston, Sully. Reynolds, Nungle. Doughty, Cole. Chapman, David, Vernet. Stuart, Herbert, Tack, Bennington, Schaub, Perkins. Lewis. Ellis, Hamilton. Goad, Bartlett, Schloss, Huntington, Johatioh, Schmidt, Rembrandt, and others fully desetilsed in the ,~utaluvue, which will 1,, forwarded On npplleatton by letter, post-laid, to the Secretary, who trill answer by return 11114 i I. TEIt3IS FOR CLUBS: Clubs of 10, 1 Extra Certificate. Clubs or Clubs of 50, 5o 'he money in all cases to accompany tho application for Certitivatrs. Ladies I.lllino Clubs will be entltlqd to the same terms as above. with the extra inducement of the present of a Magnificent Set of Boudoir Furniture, with rich colored India Hangings, tine India Lace Curtains and everything of the most splendid description to the Ladies' Club who will send the largest remittance fur Certificates. Postmasters are authorized to act do Agents, and the Postmaster remitting the largest amount for shares trill revel, a handsome Cold Watch and Main. valued at Two Hundred Dollaff. The motley must accompany the appli cation (by letter, post-1134101n all cases, and the Certificate, with the :'llgraviugs, will be forwarded five of charge by return mall. Correspondentsee requested to write their address, with he County. Tow 'est Office and State, plainly, in order u avoid mistakes... All letters answered by ret urn mail. Catalogues of n the Gifts, with value and explanation, All 14, obtained i application to the secretary, to whom ill letters for Certificates, he.. must lie addressed. NIAYNAItD LEWIS, FILA,,CI6 INCE, FEItN ANDO 1.1 VIMISTON, jan 5,11-1 T. W. ItAll lilt, Treasurer. Stveet File Works, Philadelphia. The subscriber ill is constantly manta:laming tor IVholesale & ILES .IN D !LISPS, of every description, and having been practically engaged in the larsiuess more than Thirty yearsrcan guarantee his work at the lowest priers. Mataniteturers and .lileehatties ran bite their old Piles Ite-cut and made mival to hew at half the original cost. J. It. SMITH, No. til New at., (between tare S Vintiand 9d and 3d Philadelphia. mar la 31n4i Te Country Merchants and Others. T 011 N SUN, No. 46 Market Street. Philadel phis. invite the attention of cash buyers tan an exit mina or their stork of MATS, consisting of every It .trod' of PANAMA. LEGHORN and STRAW HATS tbr Melts' and Boys' wear: together with a general assortment .1 Beaver and Moleskin Ilats and Capsot every deocription, zuitahle far spring sales, all of which are selling at greatly reduced prices liar cash. Just received 500 dozen Canad, Straw, and wide Leghorn I hits far harmers. nitwit 17 4m-13 40 Market st. below Id, South side. Phila. ATT ith Reaper Attachment. -Ketchum's celebrated Mow mg.l Machine has been improved by the addition of a Reaper Attachment, and it is now offered as a Mower, or :Lc a Mowei and IZeaper combined. with full confidence that it is the most perfect and successful machine now in use. This addition of the Reaper has been effected by enlarg ing the main wheel. by it cular sections bolted to the rim of the wheel. (This has be e n pat,•nted.) ran be changed to the Reaper in a few minutes without injury to theMowei The agency for the sal.", of this well-known machine is still retained by no. and may he seen at the office, No. 78 South Wharves. Philadelphia. where they will he deliver ed to purchasers after the 15th of the sth month (May) next, by one of us in person. Price of Mower $115; Mower and Reaper combined $135. Terms cash. Communications to be addressed april 17 3m-13 Tlyeing and Scouring—Philip Hudson, Fancy .8. Jllyer, a;o 95 North Thirteenth Street, Philadelphia, three doors above Cherry Street, respectfully informs the citizens of Mcntgomery county and elsewhere, that all kinds of Silks, Crapes, Meriuoes, &e., are dyed in the most fashionable and permanent colors. Ladies' cashmere and crepe shawls, cloaks, &c., cleansed and pressed equal to new; Silk dresses watered in superior-style. .Gentlemen's apparel scoured and dyed in superior style ; in short, Dye ing In all its various branches done at short notice, and 'on the lowest terms. A call is earnestly solicited, as it is very convenient for those who should want saying in the above line. Phila. mh 11 1 -8 ISAAC = TON, WHOLESALE GROCER, WINE anti LIQUOR STORE.— Nos, 136-127 North Id street, I.l6l64lelphia. deo 28 MB! JOHN DONNELLY 106 N. 4th street, Philadelphia A LI.T.EI) JOURIJAIN, :Secretary. Vashingt.n, 1). C. IDimclors. Pile. and Rasps KETCHUM'S MOWER REEVE & BROTHERS, Allowaystown, N. J ._ . . T h FE e ft ie i ke Thi n e ll S B h tr op e a ei nd W lro ° n r ,W 118.-- orks. Kl T E h F e - i f . v . P ii ik . p lll 2 . ,:t e a lP ,A lbilli . e . i . , Arsilivabler,itilse,MBl/1"6- Si ND taacsitur 5 Messrs. Fellenbaum having retired from their CON. ; _ • nection with the Machine Shops of this establish-. l A i - .. • - c'sahtosu.—ld 'ifigl44-'1... an. &tnow Thyself.—An lhavaluabl l BookFfaomr Family s ly ment, the undersigned respectfully inlorms his old I meads and the public generally, that he has sego- j :;_1;•4. I h ‘ a F t;e verY a copy." 00,000 .....- .: : 1 ITO: - med the management of the entire establishment, Copies sold in less than a ',...;:./.. 1 . oar,. . -.. where he is now prepared, with the most improved I arid extensive facilities, to 'do work of every de- ! I year. A new edition. re. :-- ,-. J , scription - in hui line, such' as STEAM !il ia ~, I sized and improved, jtva .--, , :wiwzcsr .• ENGINES and Boilers; Shafting, Gear- - .--,--- = s I issued; ing, Mill and -zaw-mil work, Slides;*lan -lathes, -", 1 ; ; s . Car-wheels and Nalea, and Castings of every de- ' scriplion: As his assortment of pal terns is nut surpassed by aoy other establishment in the State, be is ena bled to do work at the sliurtest n•aice and at redo ced prices. . Stoves of every description manufacture and for sale, wholesale and retail. 'IRON RAILING for yards, cemeteries, tc., cast of wrought, made and put up with seamen. vond despatch. Also, Verandahs constructed and put; up of the most oeautiful patterns and best work manship. Furnace'Twiers and Pipes of every description I on hand and made to order. Old Twiers and Pipes repaired in the best manner. " ' TO HOUSEKEEPERS AND BUJ LDER-:.—The subscriber also having purchased the right for Lan easier cu., from the patentees, is now prepared to Garnish Kam is. Hay's P item Tabular Ovens and lint Air Range, a perfect cooking apparatus of vari oils sizes, to snit families, boarding houses, or ho tels. This Range is constructed on the most val.. sable and scientific principles, and not only per forms the office of cooking in all its various branch es, in the most perfect manner, with a small amount of tile!, but will, at the same time, heat additional rooms either adjoining or over the kitchen. Also, Hades' Patent Ventilator, he best now in use fur ventilatinkr public and private buildings, &c., also, for withdrawing smoke from chimney floes, Hy employing a sufficient number of the most competent mechanics, in his pattern rooms, limn dry, boiler and machine shops, and by paying strict attention to business, the undersigned looks confidently for ‘ ln increased share of publie pat ronage. CHRISTIAN KIEFFER, Chesnut street, between N. Queen and Prince. The subscriber respectfully announ is to his Faber patrons and friends that having withdrawn from the firm of I. & D. Fellenbaum, will still be found at his former place of business in the ma- chine shop department of "Chesnut Street Iron Works," where he will be happy to receive a con tinuation or their favors for Christian Kieffer, Esq„ proprietor ,and manager or the establishment, who is in all respects prepared to give entire satistac tion in every blanch or his business. ISAAC FKI.I.KN BAIN, m v 16 If-17 WILLI • AM WE Allerney at Law \PP kilt S his professional services to the putote. lie also attends to the collection of Pensions and the prosecution of all man tier or claims agains the general governibent. Ills residence in the city of ‘Vaslongton for several yearn, the experience derived from the duties of the office, which he had tilled during that time, and the niuditin which claims of this sort are most speedily adjusted ,give the most ample assurance that business placed in his hands will be attended tji in such manner as can not to afford satisfaction. Office in South Queen Qtreet,sertond house below lie Lancaster Bank Nov. 20, Is4l. ly Pilo Persons conomencinz llpose ke,p.g. I would emi your attention to my assortmeui o f Ilardwary, such as knives and lurks, spoons, shears, shovels and tongs, iron la dies, candlesticks, Brittania ware, &c. And you wt I also find a to I assortment of Cedar Ware, such as tabs, churns, Mickets, baskets, &c. Your altenl.lo, is also called to my large assort:- in-lit of COOK STOVES—lraying the so:e agency for two of the inns! celebrati d cook stoves now is use; these stoves will burn either coal or wood, and have given great satisfaction. I have also a full assortment of Coach Trim mings, such as oil cloths, knobs, hands, spokes, hubs, shafts, felloes, leather axles, springs, 4-c. Also, a good assortment of buddin g materials, and other hardware, Sze. Please call and examine for yourselves, at the Hardware stole, in North Queen sti Oct. 1: Eu. D.SP 'LECH EH., at the Sign of the Big Lock. lllarell 1 1.1-6; la= - VFW B RAS: , FOUNDRY at Chesnut street Iron Works 11 C. Edell, thkes this method to inform the public, and all person having business of the above character, that he has, in connection with his Iron Foundry and Machine Shop. commenced the Brass Foundry business. Ile is pm pared to manutheture ell kinds of Machine and Brass Cast imis.'Copper Rivets and Soldery, at short notice nod in a worknimolike manner. june tf-23 exttaata Minds, of the latest V :tail most fashionable styles and - newest pat irrus,.mauutailureti p 'muddy to order by the sub scriber—samples of which may be seen a: his shop r,t Ville strectuea swisaboE south Queen. J. Also, CA 13IN El' FURNITURE, of every kind, in the 11,,5t hishionable styles, and on the mos. rcase uaulc terms, [nallufactured to order: A share of pnbl is patronage is respectfully se ed. Cl/N RAD ANNE. an. nov 22 44-0 unigmather 6c lila an, Ara.- ners and Corriere Store, back of Robt. Mod erwell's Comniission Warehouse, fronting on the Railroad and North Prince street. Che.ip for Cash, or approved credit. Constantly on hand a full;as ssortinent ul all kinds Saddler's and Shoemaker's Leather, of uperinc quality, including "Rouzer"s celebrated Sole Leather," also, Leather Bands, well stretched, sortable for all kinds of machinery, of any length and width required, made of a supe rior quality of Leather, Furnace Bellows, Band and Lacing Leather, Garden Muse, Tanner's Oil, Currier's 'Cools, Moroccos, Shoe Findings, &c. All kinds 01 Leather bough'. in the rough ; est price given Ibr Hides and Skins in cash ; o will be promptly attended to. [Feb iy-13 ratis I—Just Published: A New Discovery in Medi icine! A few words on the Rational Treatinent,with out medicine. of spermatorrhea or local weak nesA, nervous debility, virus, 1(;17, -- wenknesN or the limbs and back, itlisposi. lion :aid incapacity for study and labor,dull. moss of apprehension, loss of memory, aver sion to society, love of solitude, timidity, self-distrust, dir tiness, head ache, involuntary discharges, pains in the side, affection of the eyes, pimples ou the face, sexual and other infirmities in man. From the French of Dr. B. DE LANEY. The important fact that these. alarming complaints may be easily re-. moved without Medicine, is in this small tract, clearly de monstrated; and the entirely new and highly successful treatment, as adopted by the Author, fully explained, by, means of which every one is enabled to cure himself per fectly, and at the least possible cost, avoiding' thereby all the advertised nostrums of the day. Sent to any address, gr..tis, and post free in a sealed en velope, by remitting (post paid) two postage stumps to Dr. B. DE LANEY, N 0.17 Lispenard Street, New York. feb 6. a Orn4 Leat her and Findings .--The subscriber re spectfully• invites the attention of dealers and others, to his large and well selected stock of Leather and Findings which is kept constantly fresh by repeated drafts upon the manufacturers of this country and of Europe, and which is made up in part or the following articles, vies—The best teak and lied Sole; Slaughter, Skirting and damaged do.; harness, bridle, band and welt Leather; Thong and lacing do.; was upper, boot grain, butrandsplit do.; city slaughter, kips, salted and collar do.; city, country, French and pat eut calf skins; boot leg moroccos, buck skins, pad skins, chamois, and moroccos; bindings and linings of almost ev ery description; shoe thread, patent thread, silk, boot cord, laces, and silk and union gallons; black and colored Eng lish listings, worsted uppers, and crimped fronts and foot ings; awls, tacks, Needles, Eyelet and cling machines and eyelets; steel, iron, copper and Zhic N • Files, hasps, shoe helve, rubbers, pegs, bristles, and Lao els; hammers, boot and trees, lasts, crimps, clamps, handles, gum, color, cod liver and tanners oil; shoe tools and currier's tools of all kinds, ready for use, besides many other articles not enumerated above, and all of which will be sold at the lowest market rates, by .101 IN WHITE, Importer and Dealer, 497 Market street, above 13th, aug $ ly-al he Model Seed Store—No. 309 Market Street, lattove Eighth street, Philadelphia, Thomas F. Croft, . - & co., Seedsunin, &e. Garden Seeds of the best Ili k „ quality only, and every known variety. Flower Seeds, the largest and choicest collection In the muutry ; Sweet and Pot herbs. Grass and Field seeos, of extra quality; Greenhouse plants, bulbous roots, &e.: shade, fruit, and ornamental Trees, Shrubs, &c. flaveon band a very choice collection of Dwarf Pears on Quince, which we now oiler for vale. Phila. Mar 13. 3m. L ancaster County Exchange Office.—onthe towt day of March nest the undet,igued, under the tam of John K. Reed R Co., will open au office at the cor ner of East King and Duke streets. (near the Court House,) Lancaster city, for the purpose of receiving deposites, as king loans and purchases, buying and selling real estate, stocks, ,te., for others, collecting claims, to., to. The cash Capital of the firm is 520,000, and the parties are individually liable for its obligations. The usual rates of interest will to paid, by special agree• moat, on deposites fur more than 30 days, JOHN K. REED, A.31L0 S. HENDERSON, DAVID SHULTZ, ISAAC E. MESTER. Lancaster, jan 30 tf.3 tioncentrated. Essence of Jamaica Gin ger.—This Essence possesses all the qualities of the Jamaica Ginger in a highly concentrated form, and is highly recommended asa stomachic and stimulant to those recovering from sickness, and in enfeebled and relaxed habits of the aged, dyspeptic and rheumatic. It promotes digestion, relieves flatulency, spasms of the stomach and bowels, prevents nausea, griping, dysentery, bowel com plaints, s:c. Prepared and uold at CiIARLES A. 11EINITSIUS Medicinal, Drugand"Cheudeal store, No. 13 East King st, Lancaster. aug 15 ti-SO sharon Sleeper's Parasol and Umbrel. is Manufactory, Ao. 3-14 Market street, one door above Tenth, Philadelphia. Also, Whalebone fot Dresses, Corsets, Sc., and Rattan for Builders, Carriage Makers, Le. le_ Umbrellas and Parasols Repaired. jau Fink's Patent. Metallic Burial Cases, for protecting and preserving the Dead for ordinary iu torment, fur vaults, ur for any other desirable purpose, can now be had at the Cabinet establishment of the under signed in West King st., Lancaster, a few doors above liar man's store. These Cases are made of various sizes, and ale the most complete article for the preservation of the Dead, for any length of time, that has ever been Introduced in this sec tion of country. The following testimonial in relation to 'the article speaks for itself: . House of Representatives, 11. S. August 0, 1852. f Gentlemen : It affords me infinite pleasure to bear testi mony to the great value of your Metallic Burial Cases.— For durability, 1 think they cahnot be surOcaPd, and their great beauty is so far superior to the ordinary coal', that it seems to rob death or much of its gloom and terror. I had the honor to accompany the remains of Henry Clay from this city to his home in Kentucky, and the beautiful case you had the kindness to present to the committee, whilst it withstood the severest test of transportation, was the object of admiration of all who saw it. Respectfully, AMMON WHITE, Ky. Messrs. W. M. Karim:a, A Co. All persons wishing to examine these Cases will please mill on the undersigned, in West King st. HENRY M. MILLER, Cabinet Maker. ws. Comas ofevery description of Wood made at short otiata. Tenon reasonable. dee. rz awe 1 Dr. Hunter's Medical Manual and hand book for the afflicted. Containing an outline of the origini` progress, treatment and cure of every form of die ! ease contracted by promiscuous Sexual intercourse; by self-abuse or by sexual excess, with advice rot their prevention, written in a familiar style avoic4 lug all medical ,ectigicalities, and everything that would offend the eaf of decency; with an outline ofl complaints incident to. Females, from the result oft some twenty years' successful practice. excluaively devoted to the cure of diseasesol a ate or pri vate nature. To which is added rtceipts for the cure of the above diseases, sod a treatise on the cause, symp tom's and cure of the fever and ague. Testimony of the Professor of Obstetrics in Penn College, Philadelphia.—Dr. Hunter's Medical Man ual.The author ol this work, unlike the majorl of those who advertise to cure the disease of whic it treats is a graduate of one of the best Collegeii in the United Stetes. It affords me pleasure to commend him to the unfortunate, or to the victim of malpractice, an a successful and experienced practitioner, in whose honor and integrity they may place the greatest confidence.' Jos. S. LONGSEIORE, M. D. From A. Woodward, M. D., of l'enn. Universi ty, Philadelphi ..—lt gives me pleasure to add my testimony to the prolessional abtity of the Author of the "Medical Manual." Numerous cases of dis ease of the Gontal Organs, some of them of long srlading, have came under my notice, in which his skill has been manifest in restoring to perfect health, in cases where the patient has been consid r ered beyond medical aid. In the treatment of Sen• final weakness, or disarrangement 01 the iulietioris produced by self-abuse, or excess or venery, I do not know his superior in the protession. I have been acquainted with the Author some thirty years, and deem it no more than justice to him :Is well at kindness to the unfortunate victim of early indis cretion, to recommend him as one in whose proi fessionai skill and integrity they may safely confide themselves. ALFRED WOODWaRD, M. D. '• This is without exception, the most compre hensive and intelligent work published on the class of diseases of which it treats. Avoiding all tech nical terms, it addresses itself to the reason of Ifs readers. It is free from all objectionable matter, and no parent, however fastidious, can object It placing it into the hands of his sons. The author has devoted many years to the treatment of thi. various complaints treated or..,nd, with to, little breath to puff, and too little presumption to im pose, he has offered to the world, at the merely nominal price of 25 cents, the fruit of some twenty years' moat auceessiol practice.."—Herald. "No teacher or vareill should be without the knowledge imp:oleo in this invaluable work. It would save years of loan. mortification and sot row to the youth under their charge."--People's Advo , cats. A Presbyterian clergyman in Ohio, writing dl Medical Manual" says Thousands upon thousands or nor ymith, by evil example and influence oI the pasSiofts, have• been led into the habit of seif-pollurion, without real:zing the sin and fearful consequences upon themselves and their posterity. The constitution 01 thousands who are raising families have been enfeebled, if not bro ken down, and they do nut kcow the cause Jri the cure. Anything that .111 be done so to enlighten a n d influe n c e ti t ,• public mind as to check , and ul temately to remove this .source of hu man wretched ncss, would confer thr reatest Mes sing next to the reheion of Jesus Christ, on the present and coming generations. Intemperance or the Ilse IliLOXll,llllg drinks) though it has slain thousands, is not .1 greater scourge t the hurrhin t race. Ain ept my thanks ou the afflicted, and, believe me, your co-worker in the good work you are so 31:LIVCiy engaged in." One copy (securely enveloped ( will lie lorw rd ed free of postage, to any part of the Wilted Statas for 25 cents, or six copies for $1 Address, e . prist paid) COSDEN xt CO., Publishers, or 110 X 196( Phil adelph. fry. Booksellers, Canvassers and Book Agents no the most liberal terms. jam 30 tv-2' Qiivetos Plastic Paints, Cheap. kJ Durable and Protective ‘Veatticr and Fire Preto, This Paint will stand any climate, withobi crack or blister hardens by exposure, thus making lu time an enamel nl stone, protecting wood from de cay, and Iron and other metals Dom rust and cor rosion. I lie Paint differs from the so-c Wed )1 ineral Paints of the day, which are principally Ochres and Clay, colored, and are entirely worthlean. Silver's Plastic Paints are purely Metalic, con• mining no Alumln or 'They are levigated finely, mix readily with Lin seed Oil, (without the trouble of grinding.) alai flow under the brush an ireely as the best White Lead. l'hese Paints excel all others in body or cover ing properties, 0110 pound of which will cover In much surface, an two pounds of White Lead There are four natural colors, viz : Black nr Slate, Lifown, Of and Chocolate. Directions.—This Paint flows readily under the brush and its covering property is increased by using it mixed airthickly as possible with pure Lin seed Oil ; as the Paint is the lasting or protecting body and the Oil simply the Midtllll or agent ill spreading it. We annex copies of two letiers, one from the President or the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Cu., the other from a Gentleman, a well kinown resident of Augusta, Ga. Office of the Phila. and Reading Railroad Co.l Philadelphia, May 3, 1852. J. S. Sii.vea, Esq. Dear Sir: We have used your "Plastic Paints" or inure than a year, and for. Painting Bridges, Depots, &c., &c., we have found it quite equal to any paint we have used. In Pict, we now give it a preference over all others we have tried for such purposes. Yours Respectfully, (Signed,) JOHN.TUCKE.R. President.; Augusta, Ga., September 29, ISP2./ . Steam Planing Mills. Dear Sir: You ask me for my opinion of <6 Sil ver's Mineral. Paints," which you have put on. 111 Machine Shop and Planing Mill. I give you with pleasure my full and hearty recommendation or it as a preventive of Fire communicating front Chim neys, or from adjoining buildings. The Paint which you put on my mills, has now become, as hard•rts slate, and I feel as secure from Fire, in this direc tion, as is possible. A few weeks alter the roofs had been 'tainted, I made an experiment on two:or three shingle, by placing them in the furnace under the boilers; the re , eit was, that the portion uncov ered was entirly consented, while the painted part was apparently sound, though upon examination the tvnod was found to be charred; the Paint how ever was firm and but little blistered. I consider this as severe a test as your Paint can be put to, and tinder the circumstances I do not hesitate to commend it as an invaluable preventive agaiiist Fire. Respectfully, &c. (Signea,) AMBROSE SPENCER. FRENCH AS, RICHARDS. N. W. Corner of 10th and Market Sts.,Philada. Pa., general wholesale agents. For sale in Lancaster, Wholesale and Retail,lt G. M. STEINMAN'. ly-22 Ell=3= N AGRICULTURAL W A REHOUSE Av. 29 Market Street, Philadelphia • ANUFACTUItEIt .1 the most approved it.L Ag r ICU I I l top. II 11 , :. Cast :. t r made slrlinr Ur , Di— 1,40 CHESNUT ST. HOUSE, SAMUEL MILLER, NO. I C HESNUT LiCiIPCCU 3d & 4th n tt PHILADELPHIA. BOARDING 31,0(1 PTA DAY. [may 14, 1450-Iy-Ifi THE PENNSYLVANIA MUTUAL LIV!. STOCK IN:,URANCE COMPANY. Capital $50,000! CHARTER PERPETUAL. THIS Company is now fully organized, and Ore pared to insure aguinst the combined risks o FIRE, WATER, ACCIDENT and DISEASE,IaI descriptions of LIVE STOCK, such as Hordes Mules, Cattle, Sheep, &c. Err 0 , - No. 21 Fifth street, Pittsburg. Dtn ECTORS. A. JAYNES, President. 11. 111 , LAIN, Secretary. Wm Day, James Mathews, Alex Hilanis, Henry A White, Wm 0 Leslie, Wm pakewell, .John Young, jr. J ZIN . M.kiRMAN, Agent, nov 6 0-421 _.ancaster. tioninterelal Hotel, Phtladel k.) PHIA.—The subscriber, thankful for the lit, patronage she has received, hereby notifies public in general. and her Lancaster county friends in particular, that she still continues to keep the Hotel, formerly the AstEarcss HOUSE, No 18 S. Sixth street, between Market and Ches nut, and now known as Tim CO6I2IIERC.!AI. HOTEL- The house ie fitted up and re-modeled in ele gant style, from attic to basement—the iurnitUre, bedding, &c., &c., being entirely new; and every arrangement is made for the comfort and conveni ence of its patrons. From the central location, and its close prox imity to the Railroad Depots, Steamboat Landings, places of amusement, fashionable thoroug,tatires and public squares, it offers inducements to 'The Merchant visiting the city on business, or j the Traveler seeking pleasure. To fannies and fe males visiting the city, every facility will be afford ed, and every comfort regarded to make their win agreeable and pleasant. A share of public patronage is respecfully twil led. Terms $1,25 per day. S. LEBO, Proprietbr, JAcon G. LEBO, Superintendent dec 6, 1863 rrlhe Unloss..—Arch street between 3d and 4th stied, 1 Philadelphia. EVANS & NEWCO3IIIR, Vormerly_Webb & Newcomer.) EVAN EVANS. Proprietors. UPTON S. NEWCOMER, Meals—Breakfast, 6M and 7).6 to to o'clock. Gents ordinary Dinner, Ito 334 " Ladles 2 St Tea, 6 to 11 43 ZEBN--$1.60 perday. CH_EAP LEATHER AND FINDHIG'sTouE; No. 155 North ,&ccsd Stmt, between Race and Pine Street:, Philade/phia. SHOE PEGS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. D. EPPELSHEIMER.fe SON, Aug. 10-Iy] Successor to G. A. Yocum NlTatithes, Jeweiry,StivoVvvare and Pan ey gtods—A choice assortment of the finest quality, for Ede at the lowest cash prices, at Wm. B. Eltonhead's N 0.184 South Second - Street, between Pine and Union, _west side, Philadelphia. The assortment embraces a large and select stock of line Watches, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Albata Ware, plated with fine diver, in Spoons, Forks, Ladles, &e.—Jet Goods, Fans and Fancy articles of a superior quality, deserving the examination of those who desire to procure' the best goods at the lowest cash prices. • Having a pratiral knowledge, of the business, and all available facilities for importing and manufacturing, the subscriber confidently invites purchasers, believing that he can supply them on terms as favorable as any other es tablishment in either of the Atlantic cities. .. - . tar All kinds of Diamond and Pearl Jewelry snd Sil ver Ware manufactured to order, within a reasonable time. flar Watches, Jewelry' and Silver Ware faithfully re paired; WM. B. ELTON HEAD, • No. 184, South 241 St., a few doors above the 2d St. Market, West side. mons Bird the South Window of the Store, may be seen the hnseientific Clock, which commands the admiration of .1114- Ifa and rerun's sep 24 ly-26 Reece L. Knight,-(Successor to Hartley A: Knight Bedding and Carpet Warehouse. No. 14 South Second reed, 5 doors above Sprure, Philadelphia, where he keeps llomdrultly on hand a full assortment of every article in he. ne of business. hareathers, Feather Beds. patent spring mattresses. curled tryir, moss, corn husk and straw mattressea„ velvet tapes mg, tapestry, Brussels, three-ply, ingrain, scullion, list. coo and hemp Carpetings, oil cloths. canton mattings, so' and Spanish mattings, floor and stair druggets. hearth rugs, door mats, table and piano covers. To which he re pectfully invites t heatleotion of purchasers. oct 3 1y.37 Brloves Indigo Blne.—Barlow's Indigo Blue. is a ow establishes' . the best article ever telfered for 111 Lk tug Clothes. It is entirely free from acid or anything inju rious to the finest articles. All Housekeepers who have not used it will bad it much cheaper and less trouble than Indigo or any other article out. The great demand for it has brought out several Im itations. Storekeepers and Consumers will be careful to get Benjamin Barlow's. put up at Alfred Wiltherger's Drug Store, No. NY N. Second Street, Philad'a. Storekeepers coo get their supplies from the Grocers and Druggists they deal with, at prices that will pay them a good profit. Drugs. Chemicals, Paints, Varnishes, Dyestuffs. with a tirst.rate assortment of everything in the line.— Storekeepers. Physicians and Manufacturers supplied at reasonable ratep. • " " " ALFRED WILTBERGER. DRUGGIST. No. 169 North Second Street Philadelphia. April 3d, 1855. • Another Prize Medal Awarded TO E. M'CLAIN, for the hest Perfumery and Farley Soaps, at the late Fair held at Washington city. E. M'CLAI S highly perfumed Vegetable Oil. This important discov ery possesses valuable properties which we believe es other article of the kind does. It will cleanse the scalp. and produce a full and beautiful growth of hair. Its toe. did nal qualities aid nature and render the hair healthy. moist and pliable, and yet co pure that it will not soil hat nor bonnet. Manufactured by E. M'CLAIN, Perfumer and Chemist, at his large and new atablishment, No. lOU Nort h tith Area, below ltace, Philadelphia. N. B.—Constantly on hand a large assortment of Pert a- inery, Soaps Itild Fancy articles. Discount to wholesah dealers front IZi to 25 fnr iipril 17 iitinl:l EAGLE HOTEL. (23i n Gt E ts , IN KURA the public, that they recently' fit tell up this old and well known stand in North Queen street, two flo u ts south of the Railroad, to first rate style, and that Ole ) : .Ire wily prepared in entertain travellers anti others in the very best man ner. Their Bar will always be supplied with tile choicest liquare, and their Table with the best that the market alfrirds. They also beg leave to state that they continue their LI Y ULb; where can at all times be had, a good and gentidd liorse, Buggy, Barouche, Carriage, Sulky,tir ()mot bud, on the most reasonable terms. They asiude all who may ravur them with their custom, that nu ef f orts will he spared to render .:a tnslhetio,n. Door, Shutter, Itlind anti Frame Factory.—'l he undersigned ha. - r: ken the Sash Factorte lately tarried on by S. J. Mor rison, situated in tito southern part of the cite of Lancaster and near the Cotton Factory, whet we intend to manuMeture to order all kinds to Sash, Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Window Francs, - st.c., at the shortest notice and is tire most reason ble terms. Che undersigutul are !loth practical Carpenters, and work at tlie . :businehs ourselves. With a strict attention to business, we hope Lli merit the patronage of !Ate piiblic generally. 1-IWARTZWELDER . .k.:I4/ItROW. april 12 ° tt-12 N. N.—Common sash and doors constantly on hand. lilreparing :—CFIA.S. M. ERBEN & BRO. h.tve now 'commenced receiving their large spring stock oit!lllner. Day GOODR, and they will be daily replenishing their assortment by constant fresh arrivals, as he season progresses, with ever) thing that is new and desirable in their line 01 Goods. Those wishing, good Goods at very low prices, w do well by a visit to establishment. C.IAS. M. .ERBEN, 'North Queen st., adjoinging Sprecher's Hard ware store. . (march 28 tl-10 Vottec to Pro velers.--From and after Monday Ike. 15;1854, the Christiana .t Chesnut Level Stal.ce Line will leave Christiana Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday,: ' at 1 P. M., vialL Coopersville, Green True, Paxson's Store,. Quarryville, Spring Grove, Mechanics' Grove, to Chesnut Level; returning, will leave the Level at 5 o'clock, A. M., On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and return the same route to Christiana. The above dtrangeruent will afford persons an opportun ity of traveling in either of two daily lines of ears to and from the cities of Philadelphia and Lancaster. Dee. 12 tf-471 • By order of the Managers. D emisy I van i a Patent Agency.— J. FRANKLIN REIGART, of Lancaster city, obtains Letters Patent from the U.S. Patent Office, on the most reasonable terms. Drawings of all kinds of Machinery, Architecture or SurVeys, cor rectly executed by him. Likewise Deeds, Bonds and other instruments writing. 'Wide FULTON HALL. auril 4a 11-1 4 The Greatest Medical Discovery of the h. KEN NEM% of Roxbury boo discovered, in one of ou common pasture `'ends, a reined) fiat curs EVERY .KAND..O1 0 HUMOR, from the worst Scrofula doivw to a common pimple. lie has tried it in over 110 U eases, and never failed except in two eases, (both thunder humor.) .lie has tow iu his possession over two hundred certificates of its virtue, all within twenty-miles of lioAunt. Two bottles are warranted to cure a nursing soremouth. One to three kitties will cure the worst kind of Pimples on the &re. Two to three bottles will clear the system of Biles. Two bottles are warranted to cure the worst canker in the mouth or stomach. " Three to live bottles are warranted to cure the worst case of Eryslpehm. One to two bottles are warranted to cure all humor In the Eyes. Two bottles are warranted to cure running of the ears and blotches among the hair. Four to six bottles are warranted to cure corrupt and running ulcers. One bottle will cure scaly corruption of the skin. Two to three bottles are warranted to cure the worst case of ringworm. Two to three Lottlea are warranted to cure the most des perate ease of rheumatism. Three to four bottles are warranted to cure the salt rhOUUI. Five to eight bottles will cure the worst case of scrofula. A benefit is +always experienced from the first betide, and a perfect cure is warranted when the above quantity in taken. Reader, I peddled over a thousand bottles of this in the vicinity of Boston. I know the effect of it in every case.— So sure as water will extinguish tire, so sure will this cure humor. I never sold a bottle of it, but that sold mi stime; alter a trial it always speak for itself. There are two things about this herb that appear to sic surprising: that that it gros In our pastures, in some places quite pleutiful, and yet its value has never been known until I discovered it in 1841.1—seeond that it should cure all kinds of Manor. In order to give some idea of the sudden rise, and great popularity of the diseuvery. I will state that in Ain't, isiait, 1-peddled it and sold about six bottles per day—in April, 1514, I sold over tine thousand bottles per day .if it. Some of the wholesale Druggirts who have !Well is the business twenty and thirty years, say that nothing in the annals of patent medicines was ever like it. There is a universal praise of it trout all quarters. In toy own practice I always kept it strictly for butters —but since its introduction as a general tinnily medieine great and wonderful virtues have boon found in it that I never suspected. . . &eyeful oases of epileptic fits—a disease which was al wayscormidered incurable, have been cured by a few bot tles. (1, what a mercy if it prove effectual in alt cases el that awful malady—there arc but few who have seen nsom of it than 1 have. 1 know of several cases of Dropsy, all of them aged p e o. pie cured by it. For the various diseases of the Liver. sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Asthma, Fever and Ague, Pain it, the side. Diseases of the Spine, 211111 particularly in disc..., of the Kidneys, kc., the discovery has done wore good than any utedicine ever known. No change of diet ever uecessary—eat the best you get and enough of it. Dutkerniss Foa Use.—Adults one table spoonful per day —Children over ten yours dessert rpoonful. Children front live to eight years, tea NI.U1111.11". As no Om, lions can be applicable to all Constitutions, take suflivien to operate on the bowels twice a day. • Manufactured by . DONALD KENNEDFY, No. 120 Warren St.. Itexbury, Mass. DEEM IVholesale Agents. New - York City, C. V. Cliekner, 01 Barclay Street; C. U. Ring, 192 Broadway; Rushton & Clark 271 Broadway; A. B. k D. Sands, 100 Fulton street. Sold in Rochester by J. Bryan & Co., Wholesale Agents, No. 112:State Street; also by L. Post & Co. General Agent.—T. W. Dyott & Son, Philadelphia. Agents In Lancaster.—James Smith, Wm. G. Baker, Samuel We'chaos, B. 11. Kaufman, IL A. Rockafield, Chas. A. Heinitsh. april 24 ly-l4 L 1 H. Smith, Port Donnie, Pocket . Book, and Greasing Case Manufacturer, N. IV. owner of Fourth and Chesnut streets, Philadelphia, al way on hand a large and varied assortment of Port Nlonitaies, Work Boxes, Pocket Books, Calms, Bankers Cases, Travelling Bags, Note holders, Backgammon Boards, l'ort Folios Chem Men, Portable Desks, Pocket Memorandum Books, Dressing Cases, Cigar Cases, &c. Also, a general assortment of English, French and Ger man Fancy Goods. Fine pocket Cutlery, Razors, Razor Strops and Gold Pens. Wholesale; Second and Third Floors. • " F. H. SMITH, N. W. corner Fourth and Chesnut ste., Philads N. B.—On the receipt o($1, a Superior Uoid Pen will be sent to any part of the United states, by mail;—describing pen, thus, medium, hartk, or soft. april 3 1-y Important to Farmers.—N. BAIR BROTH- I'EIt would respectfully inform the public, that they have taken the old established stand, formerly occupied by Sam uel B. Haines, and more recently by Nathaniel Bair & Co., East King street, in the city of Lancaster in the rear of Dr. G. B. Markle), about half a square East of Spreeher' Hotel where they are prepared to furnish Threshing Machines and Horse Powers sf every description, made of the best materials and in the most workmanlike manner. Repairing of all kinds atten dad to, at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. N. 8.6, Brothei would call particular attention to their improved Shaker which, for lightness of running and MlL miry of 'Wait Asada unrivalled. apsil 11 6m-13 Jan 23 4irk-1 . A— .Card.--The subscriber thankful (to his nu . - Lrixittiiiiis patrons) for past fivolu,would again ask for a continuance-of - tbe same, and as many mor4 as will please tofavor him with their patron age, as he is certain from his knowledge of the Tonsorial Art in all its branches, such as Hair Cutting, Curling, Shaving, Shampooing and Wig making, bets able to please the most fastidious. He also solicits the attention of all to the Clean liness of his Towels, Brushes, Combs and in tact every thing connected with his establishment. He would likewise mention that he is the only person in the city that can - and ,do color Whis kers and Moustaches, from red or tray to most beautiful brown or black in very few minutes.— Particular attention given to the cutting and trim ming of childrens hair. JAMES CROSS, H. D North Queen street, same building with J. F Long's Drug Store, and immediately opposite J. F Shrodees Granite building. Ifeb 22 t 65 This Way This Way !—To the one I priced store, No. 10, West King Street. Just received from New York and Philadelphia; a large lot of Watches and Jewelry of the latest rtyles, all goods warranted at the following low pri ce': Full Jewelled Gold Lever Watches, trout • $25 to $l5O. Gold Lepine Watches, full jewelled, from.s2o to $BO. Silveri ever Watches, Iti:1 jewelled, from $l2 to $.lB. Silver Lepine Watches, jewelled. from $S to 12. Gold Pens in Silver cases, from SI to $2,50, Silver Tea Spoons, from $4,50 i.ll $B,OO, Clocks of all kinds, from $1,50 to $lO,OO. • ALSO new styles Ladies Breast Pins, Ear Rings, Bracelets, Gold Pencils, Gold and Silver Specta cles, Gold Keys, Port Monies, &c. A large lot of Accnr,ieons. Com:is, Fans. and other articles 'no numerous to mention usually kept to Watel‘and Jewelry Stores, at least 25 per emit. lower than any other Store in the city. We in YliC all our friends and •he public in general to give us a call. " Quick sates and Small Profits," is our motto. • lABI ES P. DVSART.j [SAMUEL A. Dvsrirr: I N. B.—S. A. D. having finished ht.: trade with hone of the best workmen in the cite of l'hi auel phia, he is prepared to do all kinds of Watch, Clock and Jewelry repairing at the shortest notwe and warranted for one year or no charge. Sep 20 311. Erbeu S.:. Brother deal- IN ' FOREIGN AND DO.\II.::,I'IC DRY GI )(IDS, Natiunal 'louse Ntirtli Queen sore:, Lancaster. (march .21.1 tl 11l ( 1 1 0 Sottthern and 1 , 11"eM 1 . /11 .teer -1 chzets.—M'CLAlN - !.. , eeleurated Pi•riontery.— •;even Prize Nledals have been a war led thrhis fancy snaps, nd dentilieies, by different Institutes, during the Lott sin years. R. IM'CLA IN, inantilacturer and importer id' the following amides. namely his celebrated V eger.• tie Ball till, Bears oil, !teeis marrow, and lieNtrel, &c. 70 different kinds it extracts lor the handker chief, Colognes, bilk IntSten, &e. Also, hhs uun valed magnetic, Mine), arnstatin, winner, walnut, and a variety of oilier tinny swaps. lc, washing or shaving; pearl powder, lily white alabaster pow der puffs, hat, shaving and tooth 'brushes. Pori M.111,1:111 , , Ilres.lllg, 11 1 ...ket, Ind line 11/1/1/i C011111N —•- allof,1111:11 cheat, for caul,, at No. 106 North titit attro.t, Parr, l'lntrtelphia. LlisenueL L de.:llers sop 20 •iii-iL i - A ' Shop I ...N1 of Sill) I, II SA;aIIS y.., A l'-..4,N , S 5a1“t“..1..1, Sap-.-- 1,.,,,, tai Light Street Fire. Ml•-•-•ers. K :. I'. Fairtmoks & Co, Gentlemen! V. e take mu, It iilea,tre in rectonnwiiding your :•alainam. der Sales tip merchant. and „seem ,1141 May lichl.e to purchase with a view to OW I.l:,e•rva(l.lli Ili 11/11r hooks and other valuable.. I lie Sat . ,. we pitreliahed of you in Joy la,l :rut umouracior,,i li) Eva., to Watson, of Philadelphia, reni•itned in the bre at the burning ol tour store until the entire stock was consumed. . The heat was intense, an you may suppose, :in there was about seventy bar:els of liquor in the store, on the next flood over tie.• sale, 10-olles some seventy thousand pound, of rags, rope, and r combustible matter. ‘Nie the :sire Ith,liet; ter the lire had ceased, and loaml our hooks acid papers perfectly preserved. Please get us up another 01 your Sales, of the same size, for our Insure use, as soon us possible, and oblige, It. 8.-.• W. W. ISAA I(S, • No. 116 Light street IVharl. Baltimore, May 17,165.4. Messrs. E & T. Fairbanks Sr. Co.—Gentlemen : It gives me much pleasure to bear testimony to the excellency of your Salamander Safes_ The 11111! I purchased of you in Ju y last, manufactured by Evans & Watson, of Philadelphia, saved my b o oks and valuable papers, when every thing else in the store was destroyed by lire, pn the morning of the 14th inst., at No. 116 Light street wharl. Baltimore, May 16, 1854 SALAMANDER SAFE. 3. Evans & Watson, No. 26 South Fourth street, Philadelphia, (late No. Si Dtick street,) have now on hand a large as sortment of their Patent Salamander Fire and rfilef Proof Sates. irank Vaults and Iron doors for Bank Stores, Patent Slate Lined ltelrigeratota, Water filters, Seal add Letter copying Presses,Fairlmnk's Plat form and Counter Scales. Wl' Sole Agency for Butterworib's, llettley'n, Vales' and Jones , Patent Powder-proof Bank Locks. Please give UP a call. New and Cheap H ard ware Store —The subscribers respectfully informs their Friends and the public in general, that they have just recived direct from the mauulacturess,a splen did assortment of goods, to which they invite their attention. Persons commencing HOUSE KEEPING, will find a complete assortnientof Knives& Forks. Table and 'Pia Spoons, Walters, Looking Glasses, ,illovels and 'rungs. Blt rTAN IA WARE, Coffee Mills, Brushes, Pots, Kettles, Puns, 4 - e. CEDABWARE, Brewing and ‘Vasii Tebs, Buck ets, Churns, Stands, bushels, bushels and peck measures, Wooden bowls, Ste. COOK AND WOOD STOVES, of the most approved patterns. A general assort ment of BUILDING nIArEEI X LS, Locks, Latch es, Hinges, Bolts, Screws, Nails, Oils and Varnish. A superior article of genuine Fire Proof Paints. E-, Planet, and, Penel & Back Saws, Chisels, Au gers, Braces, Bits, Spirit Levels, Rules, ilatchebi, with a general assortment of warranted Edge Tools, FARMING UTENSILS, Ploughs, Patent Straw Cutters, Chains of all descriptions, Shiitelv Forks, Hoes, Mattocks &c. :SADDLERS AND COACHMAN' ERS will flail in their stock a complete assortment I) goods suitable to their trade, of which they are of fering at greatly reduced prices, :mil respectfully Sollalt 11,111 dealers and cOIISIIIIIerti all esamivauuo of their stock. The v . hope by strict attention to business, and their endeavors to please- customers, to receive a share Ot,publie patronage. PINK ERTON & SLA YNIAK ER, Between :sloth.. :A Server ' s Weld, North queen Street, I.:ut sitter I s leb 2;?. J 3,6 pepela Bitter.--No Ilurnlnag.=Propired L../ by bider J. STAMM, Mount Joy, i.n/ittavdtlr eioll ty, ('a.—ln the Dmvidence of (lad I was nlllb•ted with this dreadful disease, (Dyspepsia.) 1 tried various remedies, hut to no ellect, until I used these Billet.. Hashiu now realized its happy efforts for myself—also many others— and knowing that thousands are still suffering with Dys pepsia. 1 recommend it as a safe, 111111 one ut the best rem edies for ibis dreadful disease (Dyspepsia.) For sale in f..3llenster, by If. A. NVe, the unilersig;lii•il. have used .1. Stitiniii's Ili (tern Inv hy..p...psia, and having we reeounnend it as an invaluable remedy tor Dysmoia. Elder A. 11. Long, Mount Joy; Elder .1. C. iv:rens, do. 11. Bechtold, do. E. Ilandnaker. dn. A. Kauffman, do. J. Sar ver. do. J. Manhart. do. D. Leib, do. M ides Stebulan,do , Miss Stebulan, I'. Brunner, do. S. Byer, do.; Major F.' Sll,l-a, Lancaster, D. May. do.; S. Slaiter. Earl; E. Selig,- Sensenig, do. Mrs. Weaver. do.: .1. Burns. Raptr, S. Strickler, do. D. Strii•kler, Is. 11. Breen:malt, do. S. N. IS la t-er, (jun U ly-51 loves Stoves: Stoves S—The ',ohm:riles hay Mg wade large purchases of 6toves betide the last ad ce• in prices, is prepared to oiler inducements that will make it greatly advantageous to merchants and consumer to give him a call. Ills stock of Stoves embraws every variety adapt. for burning woaal or coal, with large oveus and heavy coil lugs, and many patterns that are particularly eco nomical in the consumption of tool. The public are particularly invited to examine she •Poor Mates Mold! The department of Parlor Stoves comprise the best variety ever offered its this city—lining selected from ail the manufactories of character in this country. Also a fito, assortment of Parlour Cook Stoves—among thesemute of the titoAt useful Stoves utanutactured, answer arc ing at the saute time the purposes of Parlour Cook ing' and Dining Room, and adapted tor burning either nod or vial. These, together ;with a splendid assortment Nine-plate Air Tight Coal Cannon and Mall or Church .Stoves, are offered at prides that make It an inducement fur all in want of a Stove to call and examine. GEO. M. STEINMA'S, West King st., Lancaster. .p IJf-:-.'5 1 xeltange Bank of J. F. Shroder & Co.— ,E 4 This company bog leave to acquaint their friends and the public that they are now fully prepared to do a general Banking, Exchange,Collection . and Stock Business with promptness and fidelity. 31oney received on deposit and paid back on demand without notice, with the interest due. Interest paid on all small sums deposited at the rate of 5 to Sy,: per cent. Nona, Cuscks, Bats, Sc., collected in any part of the U. States or Canada. Uncurreut Bank Notes and Land Warrants bought and sold. A Premium paid for old United States Gold and Silver coin, also on Sparkish and Mexican dollars.- Remittances made to Englund, Ireland, or the Continent. Particular attention paid to the buying and selling of Stocks and Loans of every desription in the New York, Philadelphia or Baltimore nuu - kets. The faithful and confidential exe cution of all orders entrusted to them may be relied upon. They will be pleased to give any information desired in regard to Stocks, Loan and money matters in general. Banking louse open from 8 A. Si. to It o'clock, P. M. dee IS tf-40 f llosing out the bolenee of Figured De kjLaines at 123 c.; usual price 18 and 20 chi., these are the cheapest goods ever sold in this city at WENTZ'S, Bee Hive Store, liorth Queen street, Lan N. B.—This Compout PLAID SILKS, PLAID SILKS—We are DOW closing out Cod Liver fe Oil, but can m m e ,. the balance of our Plaid Silks at very reduced prices.— Be sure and get the Among them are some beautiful styles, which we have re duced to 75 cts., regular price 51,25. Aloe, a few more at 50 cis., worth 75c. Call and see and For sale in Philadelp you will surely purchase at these prices, at the " 1 Second street, and in BEE DIVE STORE, j Store of H. A. Hiagui 65 North Queen ft• I lag atom la rast Ctrai deo 19 tr-48 500 C' WHA i TEVER - co! nese of a peo., valuable importance. ery person wilLdo al fives of thei*.cliildre. endeavor to promote (ices. I feel it to be you that WORMS; most celebrated Phy of a large majority o and adults are liablet Lineally changeable other, bad Brcath,l, the Noic, hardness a Cough, Slow Fever, that all these denote( once apply the reme. HOBF.NSACt An article founde compounded with Jur tog perfectly safe wh p , the mo,:t tender lota feet, v.hcre bowel ct mode them weak anti ties of my Worm lt without an equal in 1., giving tone and stre makes it an inrallibi' with Dyspepsia; the this Syrup alter Phy evidence of its sups THE This is the most d that infest the hums us stem, it grows to an almo tndelinite :ength hr 'lining so coiled and lasteno in the intestines and stomach, effecting tl e health so sadly as to cans 6t. Vitus Vance. Fiss, .5-c., that those afflicted sildom it ever suspect urn. it is , i I Tape W , irni hasienii g 1 the mil an early grave. 1 In order to d•stroy his Wit, ii , a very energetic. treat., eit must he p irldied. d would threluree he proper to' take 6 on of ins Lis.' r Pills none U) ry move alr - olistructious that the V\ "rid Syrup else I a 1t direct upon the Worm. whichniost be taken in , doses id 2 tali! spoo(iftills 3 times a day—these di rec.:ions 10:lioned lei Ve' never been known to fail in curing the most obsdnlte case ol Tape Worm. HOBENSAO,Ii,'S LIVER. PILLS. No part of the syittlin is more liab:e to disease than the LIVER, it ' s rving as 1 filterer to purity the blood, or giving: he pruner secre to the , bile; so that any ivrei action of the Liver effects I ihe oilier dnportant Pats ate" , system,and results variously ,in Liver Coniplaint.Jaundice, It apepsia, 1 oirC. We sllollld, thOrelore, watch every symptom that might inoicate a •riing action of the Liver. 1 These Pills being cow mend iii Roots 4- Phints fur ' niched by nature to' heal t .e nick: Namely, Ist, Al. Expectorant, which augments the secretion rroin the Pulmonary 'inlicus membrane, or promote ' the discharge ot secreted 'natter. 2nd. An After 1 alive, which changei: in sumo inexplicable and in s,isible manner the.cisitain morbid action of the system. 3rd. A Ton ic, w!iieli gi‘es toile and strength to the nervous sy sti in, renewing health and vigor to all pant, of the body. 4th. A Cathar tic, which acts it, porik•ei harmony with the other ingredients, and ticeiliting on the bowels and ex pelling the whole seise of courant and vitiated , matter, and purifyiligl the Wood, which destroys I dleleaSC! . .alid reatioreslbimlth. I You will 11..A1.)1.1..s f oil will find then i flits an iliVainA6lo medicine in many complainin ol which )0, are subject. In , onstructions either t dal or pa.,1,11, ;hey 1,5 e been found ol inestimahlt i Iklielit rl-sicoOlp their funs ! tional arrangements so; a healthy wool', purifying the blood and other! ?mils so mi....rally ill lint (0 , (light all complaints )5 lieli Only arenc, tionale trreg , ularities, as headache, i gold 'mks , amino,. cif sight, ' l in.o in the sail',,, iiiii t h,l d.c. Nol: O,OIIIIIIW nulebx elgnlJ .I..N.loot,ack, all oilier, living Aal'ith .101111 V 111 . \V1.11111111,4, anti Si i(l•Cpertl iictilnolls of iii`..llllilit Agent:4 into.l .ithiree4 1110 Proprietor, .1. N. 1101 t ootack, at I., , b , antory, No. 1211 Phila., Pis For sale by .1. 1,11,14- Co. W. t:. It.,lter, Lan : caster; J. Stouffer, Nit. Joy! Klauser, Fairview; I Steacy, I WI - in-aro; listi-ottice ; Irwin, i . .iiiibridge ; Shaul', WIII ow Streett Weld mail, Itrwhersville ; a i 1 Leader, I olionitia; dby every t u-soerialile Drug ql:! and merelimi I Ili 141.. Simi, ' Prieut:lNll, 25 11, P I 11,1 126 1% LAI Itl sIG NUP 'l'll 1191,G 111,11 a; 1.1% I.1()AS 101‘113s. .NIENTs.GRAV F. A ND every description of Marble ,toil Sand Stone Work, is executed in the noon beautiful style at the Marble IVorkt. of (Charles M. Howell, Nth Queen street, east sld e, bet wren Oran and Ches nut streets, anti neatly oitlitistte 14, inn Kanan , s Hotel. . • The subscriber thaill:' til for past favors, tvenlil in !brut his friends and ill public in general, that his establishment is now! I . prileti at the above location, where lis m. il I he leittOtit all tim. s to wait upon 1:1111- turners a ttl man tilitetit re to order ever) I long apper taim lig to his lino of liMotilL'l , ,, 11l till' most approved style 111 the pro essittil,l and at the 1111.51 reasonable rates. . I. lie is constantly rre lull supplies from the Fa, H. F. WILLIS. I AM EVACIN ANL! , which is superior to any Letters in English; al most elegant manner. His facilities are mi'pl) with the greatest pronit ved manner. Persons wishing Alio collection or designu full and complete 1.4 Without difficulty. He invites the Pull view the beautiful soap now finished. knilders and (It) TLES, should binit luny dondid stock Oh vr SAND STONE for etar) purposes, and Er , era rates. - ikrders receised Dec. 23. ;'y. I,s•oplc's M ai• ard tit ttear's oGt (i I.:N ST It KE I:, it road, and 3d •loor IN %%time florae llotel,lL . LEWIS HALDYI informs the public tha Nock of Leonard ht it own large stock, warr. hus now in his yard: t ITALIAN AND ever uttered to the greater than 310 , 1 utlibr adelphia. In et/wimp , stock ta Leonard 81. ii also made arrangerne marble at reduced pr will sell much cheap inent in tlos coy ur Cu pared to execute p Tino. and Grave W indow Sills, Step*, and price. . . . . ilia lacilities Cur hie line are unsurintand in the city, while 1.-.14.1 with their patrunase:tl teal iii the very besS st ante terms. LKTTER coil.' NG in FoINGLINII and t;EIt.NIAN, done at tlit shortcut notice, and on the ❑molt inou. rate terlet, lie respectfully dlr. the public to ../1 and en „,„,„„ his w,,,h , imoi, I.lly toaloblied to rest his ciao,, to fottvoc patroinige upon ita merits. Thatd.tuo lor thie.!uiLoily favors boototowid upon totio,lie hopes by avec...ll:a:yawl. too buamimenet,,un•r tl .111.1 receive a !.1133, I the public patronage. n•b 22 I I y-t 4 t _ Masri hlectingx A GREAT Mass Meeting of the Erten& 01 good . .a . buguerreolype Ilikenesbeso, tI I he held at 31 , 11 N , I WO, SE Y-Llttli !GALLERY ototroor 01 North glItA:11 apti Orange stiactb, ever) day toad further 111,tice. tr.l No pout ponenieoi oo ucfuilT I , Ih i e e Lancanter, ...no 2.2, ISh2. To the Farmers of Lancaster co .L --I would call your attention to the celebrated PROUTY* BARAN:I'T% , Centre Draught Plough. —This Plough he premium at our late Agri crultural Fair; and faring also ItICHAlti SON r• celebrated Corn Stalk, flay and Straw Cutterthie machine can be usea ,hy hand and horse power; having also a new Corn harrow and I Horse Rakes; having also the agehcy for clebrated ours sheller—thissheller will shell from one thous and to twelve hundred bushels of corn per day.— Haring just received a large assortment of Grain cradles, rakes, scythes, grain and shaking forks, and many other fin-tiring utensils, which can be had G. D. SPR I.:CHEWS I lard ware store, in North queen street, Sign o file Ito Luce. march I ti-ti PURE COD LIVER OIL AND LIME. A cure for Consumption ' Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bron chitis, General Debility;'aiad all Scrofulous Humors. This eonfpound has been used with the most complete success by our most celebrated physicians, for the removalaud per. moment cure of the above, disease. Hundreds for whom there Was no hope before the discovery of this simple, yet effectual remedy, have been raised to health mud happiness by its timely Use. The; Yellowing case of .1. Williams is sufficient to convince ail.Of its wonderful effects. He says; I had been sick with confirmed consrmptlon for several months. I had used t, time, but hasArdtrived attack of bleeding at t very much, as they no. me. About this time Liver Oil and Lime. I and soon began to per• ' months my cough had joying perfect health. : AILLENGE.- erns the health and happ. As at all times of the mos 1 trate it for granted that ev in . their power, to save the itand irow th n at h e e vlr l y; a p t e a ri l i l on sa w cr iLl . roy duty to solemnly assure crding to the opinion of the i cans, are the primary causes fliseases to which children l if you hayc an appetite,enn, rom one kind of food tp an in in the Stomach, picking at pd fullness of the Belly, Dry 1 Pulse Irregular-remember i ir ?/WS, and you should at 4 ; WORM SYRUP. 0 upon scientific principles, rilly vegetable substances, be le ti taken, and can be given to Pt with decided beneficial of n plaints and diarrahrea have debilitated, the tonic proper rep are such, that it stands 41 catalogue of medicines in ngth to the stomach, which remedy for hose afflicted etnntshing cures perrormed by !icians have failed. is the beet so! efficacy .iver ally thers. WORN!! 0/111 to dettoy or Mil= .eiving al lii Marble t) of I'FAI.IA\ \IAI thing nl till!14.111.1 111 tins City. nil German, engraved tn the e Thal all tinier. , rill !te tilled rtpcyn aiitl NI the 1,. si wnruts are , intliritical that lit re new and original and so they can make a selection • tii call at Lin lVorks, and ducat or Moutnnents, &c. 3 ill %Valli 0 MA MILE N ar,i-Itooms 'llls, -tel., Curbing, Gem ntH .tibinblinge, at [below dl kinds id !Lading , Ni. •• rlc 95 orlis, (Leon ntand,; SIMI'S IN It Square South I, I the Rail l ath of fliichael 14I'Gratin's incabter city. arhle NlllBl,ll, respectfully has. purchased the entire ar, which, in addition to his tots loin At saying that he y lar the largest amount (0 INAIERICA:\ \lAliliLE I I LlZeirld or Lancaster,. and establishment west ul Phtl eioen 4111 having puichaserl the ir.ar at a bargain, arid having pin at the East to receive ces, he announces that he r than huiy other establinh- Linty can du. He is now pre bhe hest ntyle, Monument 4 tones, Mantels, Hour and of every variety. i nishing articles in the Mar by :Loy other enualltelitoeol iinures all in ho may lot or him hat his work titian be earm le and on the 1110t11. WILBOICS COMPOUND or el clear Cod L.ver 011 most of the ut little benefit from it. I had an e lungs, which alarmed my friends 'supposed there was no hope for I heard of your Compound of Cod immediately commenced using it, "iVe its beneficial effects. In two :ntirely loft me, and 1 am now en- Truly yours, J. WILLIAMS. dj does not nauseate like the clear I. taken with pleasure by the most enulne. 31anufactureti only by WILBOI4 Chemist. . 1 166 Court street, Boston. by T. W. Drort 4 SoNs 132 N. teethe, at the Patent Medicine .1g Co, next to Examph'e Cloth . Amt. not 7 442