Lancaster intelligencer. (Lancaster [Pa.]) 1847-1922, February 20, 1855, Image 3

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    Philadelphia pirr egTonden.
PiaLeDvOius,Feb. 17; 1855
The past Week has passed off 'flat; stale and un
profitable'', without even t.firentait's riot to vary
the monotony. The eleighhig has gone, the port,
which was ice - bound, has %Pined, and business
begins slowly to drag itself along. Money is get
ting easier and first claim paper is readily discount
ed at 9 percent. per annum. The flanks are get
ting over the imaginary panic, and readily discount
paper with - good autographs.
The fire alarm telegraph project has passed the
lower. branch.of Councils and will probably pass
the Select branch on TueSday. 'I he proposition of
Purdy & Phillips will moat undoubtedly be adop
ted. By their system a police officer can step into
any one of the Stations, and simultaneously give
the alarm and place of the fire to lour hundred dif
ferent officers ! It will cost the city nearly stert,-
000 to construct such a line, and will save ten
times that amount of property -in the course of a
William Rice, Esq., the Proprietor of the Penn
sylvanian, and late Harbor Master, appropriated
the receipts of one day's advertising (last Wednes
day) to the poor. He handed over next day to the
Committee one hundred and filly-one dollars, which
war juJicioualy distributed among the most needy.
`No !other newspaper has yet followed the ex
ample so nobly set.
An organization is being made here to support
George Law for the - next:Presidency. Law 119 the
New York steamboat millionaire, and feels anxious
it appears to give Commodore Stockton a "tussle."
The old fogies in the different political camps
wink, cough and say nothing, while the young men
are organizing with the determination to go Sir the
man who has pot the most money. Financially it
is about "hip and- thigh" between Stockton and
Law, and they are both squinting at the White
House through the Know-Nothing telescope.
This afternoon we had a small sprinkle of snow,
which was very promising for dealers in sleigh
There are now 601 scholars in fhe High School.
Their average age is 14 years. Their atteod.toce
in the lower schools averaged five years.
Col. Kinney, the renowned flllibusier, who is
about to settle a colony on one of the guano islands,
somewhere in Central America, has arrived in this
city. His lodgings during the past i . e. , days have
been been besieged by young fillihusters, who are
desirous of taking part in 'any cause where morn
fighting than work is to fie done. It is the general
impression that the Colonel intends to make a de
scent upon Cuba, and it that be the case he will
have no trouble in raising an army in this city big
enough to conquer the "Queen or the Antilles."
The ateamship Osprey days at the li,ot of Dock at..
and U. S. Marshal Wynkeop was seen on the
wharf this morning, brit we do not believe that he
has anything to do with Col. Kinney , a expedition.
The Black Swan is again concertising here, ai.d
had a large, fashionable and variegated andience
last night. Black white and yellow feces were ail
mingled together. However, .Vladarne Rush, the
trollionairess was present, and "beauty and fash
ion" would have been out of tune had they out
been there also. It was a pretty sight to those who
are lend or seeing niggers and while folks sitting
The recent election . rif Ex-Governor Bigler as
President of the Sunbury and Erie Railroad, will
give a new impetus to that great work. Wtthou t
any solicitation or agency 01 bin own, he was elect
ed a manager of the rvtd by the almost unanimous
'vote of the stockhold•-i, and President by tne
unanimous vote of the sianagers. Ihe press here,
of all parties, bas warmly approved his election as
one calculated to ensure the entire confidence it
the community, and it is hoped and generally be
lieved that the dissensions and difficulties which
have so long clogged and - impeded the ad vance
ment of this great enterprise, will now be entirely
removed, and the iron link which.sis to bind us
with Lake Erie and prove a channel, for the con
veyance of the rich treasures of her commerce to
our port, be speedily completed.
The Annum Commencement of our lb. a School
recently took place in the Musical eundl - fall, be
-lore a crowded audience. Degrees of Master and
Bachelor of Arts, and testimonials of merit were
conferred upon a number of students, and sonic
excellent addresses were delivered by the new
graduates. Our High School is conducted in a
Very excellent maiiifb-r, and will compare tilarora
bly with the best colleges in the city. •
./‘. demented individual who aas acquired the
cognomen oftbe l 'Poor Genius" Is devoting his
valuable Time to the delivery of street harangues
somewhat atter the Angel Gabriel style, although,
if possible, somewhat more incoherent.
Much interest is felt in the contest fur the U. S.
Senatorship at Harrisburg. Rumors are rile of the
employment 01 corrupt influences by some of the
candidates. lithe prize is to be a purchasable
one it should be put up4tt suction to the highest
bidder, so that the Commonwealth, instead of the
Legislature, should receive the bonus which eager
aspirants are willing to bestow.
Gov. Pollock has at length made his appointments
fir the city of Philadelphia George it. Graham,
Ibrmerly Itldittir of Graham's Magazine, and mho been prominently connected with literary en.
Imprises for many years, has been appellann liar.
bur Master. W. Li. Baker, Esq., a no:intim eruar
Bar, who has been a leading smnt et the Native
American ',arty fir so-le years past, lias beim ap-
pointed dark Inspector. Stephen ill dice , or liar
rtsburg, the editor or the Pennsylvania Telegraph
has been appointed Flour Inspector. Of the nigh
teen appointees all are residents or this city excep
For the offices in quei , :qh in this city,there were
two thousand applicants :rota Philadelphia alone.
We are growing to be a nation of office seekers.—
The malady has spread wider and wi.:er with each
new year, and from present appearances, the time
is approaching when the mail of mature age who
has neither nought or held au oliic, 01 some
or other, will be the rarest curiosity that liar u.
could poisibly select tor his museum. Ambition is
an all prevailing feeling, and tic doubt acts as the
ruling, incentive for many ol the mostworthy
of :naritind, out it is rather lamentable that so
ism., of it shoved be directed into the politvial
channel. Legions 01 aspirants but injure, it they
do not ruin themselves by awir injudicious pursuit
of poioical honors; and thousands more do much
more harm than good to the country,by their oceu
pancywistations the duties of which they are not
competent to properly discharge.
The special election for Senator has resulted
in the choice of Henry C. Pratt, the Whig and
-American candidate, by a majority tf 1,953.
The vote of the District was about 10,000 less
than at the last general election, when the
combined Whig and American vote was 2,063
greater than the Democratic vote. •
An individual has been arrested up town,
who is strongly suspected of having been one
of the party of three villains, who, several years
ago committed a very cruel murder of the boy
Lehman, in the upper part of this city. His
two accomplices have long since been tried,
sentenced and executed, and if the impressions
of our policemen,as to his indentity,are correct,
he will ere long share- their fate.
• An unfortunate case of sonambulism occur
, ved up town last night, the hero of which in
his nocturnal rambles Nalked out of a third
story window. The force of his fall was some
' what broken by alighting upon a one story
shed, and his injuries though severe, were pre
vented from being fatal.
Our markets have "not recently undergone
any material change. Flour sells for from
$9 to $lO 50;-Rye Flour $6; Cern Meal S 4 25;
Wheat 215a225c; Rye 122; Corn 95c; Oats
Truly lours,
on yesterday week, refused to set aside the
verdict—an able opinion against it being
delivered by Judge Hayes. His sentence was
postponed at the instance of the District At
torney, for the purpose of using him as a wit
ness in the trial of Kent, his supposed accom
plice in the murder of Elizabeth Thomai.
West Chester (Pa) Jcilersonian says, at a de
bating society in that ,:aunty, a few evenings
since, the question of know-uothingisru .wus
discussed, and it is a remarkable fact that the
principle declaimer against naturalized citi
zens, and defender of the order, was a man
who had four brothers hung during the revo
lution fur treason, and furnishing tne British
with supplies, and acting as spies.
On the 25th ult.; John Funk of Manor townshiph to Cath
arine Sha rtzer, of Waahington Borough.
On the Bth inst., by Rev . Bray, Border ai Rorer, to
Mary Stacy, both of Strasburg.
On the 9th inst. by Rev. 8. Trumbanar, C. Miller of Up
per hassock, to Juliann Bare, of Earl.
On the lot inst, Franklin Bender, to Elizabeth Bare of
Earl township.
On the Sth inst., Jacob Mess, to Catharine Italie, both of
Manheim township.
On the 4th inst., by Rev s . William Cooper. Henry Bletz,
to Margie A. EvanS, of Columbia.
On the 15th inst., at St. Mary's Church by uov.
keenan, Joseph A. /kitten, to Saran ugout, both 01 th
On the 12th lust., in East Lampeter township, Iteloy
Downer, in the 79th year of his age.
In this City, on Tuesday hut, Dr. C. O. Richards, aged
32 years.
In . Metall Joy, on the Bth inst., Emanuel Werner, in
the filth year of his age.
on the Uth inst., at Gordouvile, Eleanor, wife of Wm.
wehesney, formerly of Columbia.
At his residence in Baltimore county, after a somewhat
protracted Illness, Rev. Dr. Joicr S. Bats, President of
the Baltimore Annual Conference of the Methodist Protest
ant Church, aged 56 years. He was an able and eloquent
Minister, and few man have been more useful, or more
generally beloved by all- who knew him.
IOTS show no Change of consequence
since our last report.
Day of Appeol.--i-The day of Appeal for the city of
Lancaster will be held at the Commissioner. Mee, on
Tuesday the 13th of March next.
(City papers only copy.
ten YO
Cflares for Sole.—The subscriber has four excelitra
siropit CARTS, which he will sell at private sale, very
cheep. They can be *soma his residence in East King
street a few doors west of doh's Hamilton's Hotel.
feb 20 tfd) . • , • JAJKIES GILL N.
. .
• • .
. _._ . ..... .... . -.... ... . . .
- r,Nstate of John . Miller & Wife.— i .
In Os I Election... Alia Annual Medi= for 31anagens and E
of Ellza Hostetteritlf Illatior.tsvp. The Mag,.ffluss of thege,l,..busablhlud Ma *CLIO* TiOtei,rbrto; 100, Market' staieti *bolt 1
XaConrt of CoMmon Pleas for the County of Lancaster.— ' Treasurer of the Manor Turnpike - Road Company, will '..Eiln the Court of Common Pleafor the Cotmty' of Lan- the American Monthly Ma ga zine tbrFebrwiry. Deco . _With, Philadelphia. The undersigned, late of the Amu'
1 , be held at the public house of Thomas Fisher, Millersville. caster. Whereas. Jacob S. Witmer and Abraham Miller,. ted to Litenattilas . Rztai SGencee,illeifrePh*, General Intel- lean House, Columbia, Pa., tskespleasore in Informing his ;
Whereas, Zatheas 141 1 1 n and Joseph Oberholtzer did on
the 13th day of Feb , 1855, file in the office of the Pro- on Thursday, March 8. at 2 o'clock P. M. By order of the administrators of Jacob Bnekwalter, deed, late of Manor ligence, and the dissemination ofpnre American Principle! : friends, and the public generally, that he Las taken the
thonotary of the said Court, their Account of the said Board. CHARLES 11O0GHTER, Treasurer. township, who was Committee of Eliza Hostetter, did en ' in'tts pages will be found Tales and Sketches of ; above well-known and popular HOUSE, which he has filled
Estate: feb 20 tei".s the Bth day of February, 1855, file in the office of the Pro- .. tionary Thee; Reminiscences of the' early settlers Of the , cap with entirely New _Furniture and Bedding of &superior
thoneLary of the said Conn, their Account of . the ltd Country; Biographies of the'early Governors of New Hoge .1 quality. The house•has also been renovated and lmpro
Notice is heaelby given to all parse . ns interested in the
said Estate, that the said Court have appointed ther-d dal , N Estaff,
ow Goods Opened this Day.—Cases. The ' - • *. I I=4 Illeterieal Romances, Satistical and Scientific dotal- 1 ved in a manner which will compare favorably with any
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in the ' opment,, Poetry and Essays. together with a great variety ; of the Hotels In the City, and cannot fall to give astisface
of March, 1855, for the confirmation tluesof unlessexceP - I best makes Bleached Long Cloth Muslin for Shirting.-
Hone be filed. • Attest, ••• J. BOWMAN, Proth'y. c , lases, "Bleached and UnbleachedSheetinge 3464 14 said Estate, that the said Court; hare; appointed the 12th fl of Editorial on the current topics of the day. An open and tion to those who may patronize this csitablishiMMt. -
Lancaster, Proth'ya. Office, feb 20 4t-5 1 8-1, 10-4, and 12-1. ' r r day of March next, 1855, for the confirmation thereof, un- •, unyielding opposition to the interference of Boman amis. The TABLE will always be supplied with the choicest
less exceptions be flied. Attest, , , l slaria's in our political elements, and an earnest and deter- Provisions the market affords; and the Bar with the PH
. Bales Unbleached Muslin . Conestoga , New Airketotc. . J. BOWMAN, 1,,,,,, if y . mine d advocacy o f th e principles o f the American Dirty. REST AND BEST LIQUORS- Nothing shall be left undone
Estate of Ann Brubaker (a Lunatic .} Tiekings, the best ever sold for 12 . ,4 cents. Furniture • Lancaster, Proth'ya Office, fob 13 , 4t4 ; will be a prominent feature in this Magazine. to make his Guests • comfortable , and he flatters himself
„Ego the 'Court of Common Pleas for the County of Lan- and Apron Checks. • The numbers will contain portraits of prominent Amer- that by strict attention to basins' a, he will merit and re
moter. Whereas, Francis Brubaker A Magdalena Brubaker Now is the time to buy House Furnishing Goods at Bar. Ar... i
a ibi s Property at Public - ale —On , i 1.1111 Statesmen, accompanied with biographical sketches, cave a liberal share of Ohne patronage.
Executors of Daniel Brubaker decd.., who was Committee gain Prices. V Saturday the 3d of March, 1555, by virtue of an order •,, r-ndering it one cif the most useful and entertaining pert- G. W. HINKLE,
of said Lunatic, did on the 16th day of February, 1855, j Beautiful Striped Gingham, for 12. 1 ,•4 cents. of the Orphans Court will be sold at public sale, at the s, Wields in the :world, and indispensable to every American- jan illtf-1 Proprietor.
file in the Office of the Prothonatay of the said Court their Double Width Paris Lustres, 12% cents, worth 25 rents pablic house of Jobe Eolp. in the village of Safe Harbor, •:. can family.
Account of the said Estate : —from Auction. the following described real estate, the properly of Ben je - '1 Terms $3 per annum; six copies $l5; ten copies VS; twen
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in the 1 Lot Heavy Pant : puffs, worth 37 . 14 cents_ selling for min Slay, deed, late of Conestoga township, viz : copiesh• ty sad • Ur" _gra 9 $2 each,nn
i n adtte ,
said Estate, that the said Court have appointed the DA 18%. Trill VALUABLE BULLDLNii LOTS, il Agents wanted to canvass in every City and Town in
day of March, 1855, for the confirmation thereof, unless ex- 1 Lot neat Plaid Cashmere. . _ 11 the United States, to whom great inducements are offered
ceptions be flied. ~,We have now commenced epening for the Spring Trade, ' Address , .-. J. S. TWITLE A CO., Publishere,...
Attest, J. BOWMAN, and shall endevor, as herefofont, to enable all' o say, ••The, IA 6 Scollay's Building, Tremont Row, Bostcm.
Prothy's Office Lao. Feb. 16 1855. prothonatary place for bargains in Dry Good is WENTZ'S STORE. - feb 6 3M-S
feb 20 4t-5 [fob 36415]
Listate of Robert Dysart and Wife.—la the
..EkCourt of Common Pleas for the County of Lancaster.
Whereas, Samuel 31. Myers assignee of Robert Dysart and
Wife, did on the 14th day of February, 1853 file in the Of
fire of the Prothonotary of said Court, his account of said
Estate :
Notice is hereby given Wall persons interested in the
said Estate, that the said Court have appointed the 22d
day of March, 1855, for the confirmation thersof.un less ex
ceptions be filed. Attest, J. BOWMAN,
Frothy's office, Lan. Feb. 14, 1855. Proth'y.
fob :XI 4t-6
Teel Iron and Brass Fonndry.—The Pro.
.01 prietors of the LAvurren Locostortvr. Wouks would re
spectfully call tho attention of the public to the extensive
IRON and BRASS Foundries connected with their estab
lishment. We are now prepared to Manufacture
Stationary Engines,
Mill and Saw Mill Castings,
Car Wheels,
and every other description of cast iron work at short no
tice and reuuced prices. Also, all kinds of
Brass Castings,
Copper Rivets,
Solder and
Babbit Metal.
The establishment to under the Sifporintendeuco of Mr.
John Brandt, Sr. whose mechanical skill is well known to
our citiuens and as none but the must competent and
thorough workmen are employed. we are confident of giv
ing entine satisLsction, to all who may favor us with their
patronage. [Feb •K)
rrhe Accounts of the respective ilece
j_ dents hereunto annexed, are tiled in the Register's
Unica of Lancaster County, for c , nfirination and allowance,
at an Orphans' Court. to be held in the Court House, in the
City of Lancaster, on the 3d .Monday in March heit, (the
linlito at 10 o'clock, A. 31.
Jacob Chalfant, Salisbury township. By Rachel Chalfant
and Jacob lterstler, Executors.
William B.Schneader, Borough of Adamstown. By henry
Stauffer, Administrator.
John (hood. \Vest Earl township. Ouardinmthip Ameount.
By }hark S. Groff, Guardian of - Anna (hood, one of the
minor children of deceased.
Joseph Bradhurst, forth: tow utlip, who was a minor child
ot'.lohn"Brsdhurst, doceasod. By James Simpson, Ad-
' ministrator.
Jacob Fenstormacher, East Ilempfield township. Uttar
dittoship Account. By Jacob Demmy and Henry 11.
Kurtz, Administrators of Christopher Demmy, deceased
aho was Duardian of John, Christian and Jawb Fens
termacher, minor children of the first mentioned deed.
Benjamin liacklin, West Dwane° township. By John Crack
lin and Henry Liaxkliti, Administrators.
William Ramsey, Bart township. By John Wiley, one ut
the Executors at - James Ramsey, deceased, who was sur
viving Executor of Wm. Ranisey, deceased.
Daniel ilizekwaltor, Caernarvon township. Guardianship
Accounts. By David Plank, Guardian at Lewis, Joseph
M.. Roland D., Daniel, Elizabeth and Ruth Ann Buck
waiter, minor children of deceased.
Christian Wade, hart township. By Amu. Wade and Mary
Wade, Administrators.
Henry Haldeman, eouuy township. Guardbauship Account.
By Joseph W. Cottrell, Guardian of Hahn Wentz, for
merly Haldeman, a minor child of deceased.
"Jacob hurts, Manhelut township. Guardianship Account.
By Jacob Zvg, Guardian of Fanny Matilda Kurtz, late
wife of David Shirk, dud uuw deceased, a minor and only.
child of Jacob Kurtz, doccased.4
Henry Maher, East Donegal tow,hip. Supplementary
and Final A Yount . By Dr. Nathaniel Wanton, liasecu
Mary 11. Bamborough, City of Lancaster. By A. E. Widuey,
David Garnish, Conestoga township. By Martin Garnish,
Jacob Garnish and Michael Garnish, Testainemary Trus
tees over toe person and estate of Nancy Garnish, one of
the daughters and heirs ul said deceased.
Christopher Falck, West Grainfield lowa:hip. BY Freder
ick Patch and Justus Gray, two of the Execa!ors.
Joseph Belli, Sr., West Eurl township. By Jonas Reiff, our
' viving Executer.
Susanna Kline. New Ephrata, Ephrata township. By Levl
S. Husker, Administrator.
Abraham Huber, Warwick township. Testamentary Guar
ulausoip Account. By Montle' Keller, Guardian of Maria
Stutter, a grand daughter of said deceased
Elizabeth Hartman, thorough Cl Manheim. Testamentary
Guardianship Account. By Henry Shaffner, Guardian o!
Franktiu Hartumu, sue Male Legatees of said deceased.
John C. Landis, East Ileutplield township. By Mrs. Fran
ces r aadis, Administratrix.
Edward O'Donin " Mounijoy township: fly Daniel
George Burkholder, West Location township, By Samuel
Burkholder Christian Burkholder, Henry Burkholder
Jacob Borliolder and John Burkholder, Adeffinistrators.
Henry liochnaur, East Donegal township. Guardianship
Account. By Christian limb, Guardian of Barbara
xur, a minor child of deceased.
Michael W. May, Bainbridge, Coney township.. icy item,
Haw k, Administrator.
Barbara Gelb, Penn township. By John Gail, and George
Buhl, Administrator:, _
Michael 1l unium,, Warwick township. Supplementary Ac
count. By Samuel EnStninger, surviving Executor of
Hummer. nod Daniel Zug, Executor 'of Abraham
Zug- de, 1, nho were the Executors of Michael If Mil-
Javob '11014,, Miller,.COntiStogel township. Guardianship
Account. 6y Christian tidier. Guardian of John Shenk,
deceased, who was a minor Son of deceased.
Mary l ox, Borough of Columbia tinardiauship Account.
By Richard Fox, Guardian of George Fox, Franklin Fox,
Mary V. Fos tibiae children of Mary Fox, deceased, who
was inter, dried with John L. Fox, (late Mary Boggs.)
Jacob Sheatter, Conoy township. Guardianship Account.
By Philip Oldweiler, Guardian of Jacob Sheaffer, minor
son of deceased.
Christian Kreider. Conestoga (now Puy wow township.—
, Guardianship Account. By Michael Kreider, li uardiau •
of y Kreider, (wife td John 6E4) a minor daughter
of decotsed.
Mary Switzgable. New Ephrata, ' Ephrata township. Sup
plementary and htmli Account. By Win. lioniginazher,
Joim hill, L:ttie Britain township. Final Account: By
Wilson Hill, Administrator.
Margaret Hill, Little Britain township. By Wilson Hill,
. •
Acting Executor.
Christian Killheffer, Manor township. Guardianship Ac
count. thy Abraham Miller, Guardian of John Killheffer,
One of the minor children of deceased.
John tip - East Cocalicu township. Guardianship Ac
count. By William Von Nelda, Guardian of William
Gress, roe of the ~ . us of John Gress, and one of the'
grand children of Jacob (tress. deceased.
Michael Dellaui, Borough of Columbia. Final Account. By
William H. Sumer, Executor.
Martin Balmer, Penn township. By John Balmer and Abra
ham Banner, AlltilinihtniturS.
Samuel kuhu, Mountjoy township. By John Musser, Sole
Joseph Cottrell, Borough 01 0.111111bl:1. By Joseph W. Cot
t mil, Executor.
Daniel Rohrer, East Lanumter township. By John Rohrer,
Abraham Eby. Elizabeth township. By icons like and John
B. Ern, Executors.
Peter Iliestand, Manor township. By Henry Wittier, Ex
Christian Siechrist, East Lampeter township. Guardian
ship Account. By Tobias krieder, Guardian of Mary
Siechrist, minor Unllghter of deceased.
Catharine Lawrence, city of Laucaster.By Lewis Lawrence,
Christian Ilabecker, East Ilemptiold township. Guardian
ship Account. By Benjamin Landis, Guardian of Bar
bara Hanecker, minor daughter of deceased.'
John Bamborough, city of Lancaster. By Ana E. Baal
. borough and David W. Urissinger. Administrators.
Esther Beam, Leacock township. By Henry W. Bair, Ad
John Beam, Leacock township. By Henry W. Bair, Admin
Magdalena Yeager. Warwick township. By Christian Sid
man, Executor.
Philip Fullmer, Mauheim township. Guardianship Account
By Jacob Bohr, jr., Guardian of Eliza Fullmer, one of the
children of deceased.
Jaeob W. Groff, Manheim township. By Levi W. Groff, Ad
Boehm Buhl, Penn township. By Emanuel Ruhl and Ben
jamin Zug, Executors.
Lorenz Seigle, Manor township. By John R. Seigle, Execu
Timothy Haines, Fulton township. By Jeremiah B.
Haines and Timothy Haines, Executors.
Joseph Horst., West Earl township. By John 51.11orst and
Christian Hunshborgcr, Administrators do lands non
cum testament° annex°.
Christopher Demmy, East ilempfield township. By Jacob
Bemmy and Henry H. Kurtz., Administrators.
Andrew Kammerer, Penn township. By Andrew Kammer:
er and Samuel Kninnerer, Executing.
Barbara Miller, Rapho township. Guardianship Account.
By minuel Ensminger, Guardian of Anna, David, Mary
and Martha Miller, four of the minor children of deed.
Fl-ancieFlury, Borough of Marietta. By Sarah A. Flury
and James Cushman, Administrators.
Cutharino Bower, East Ilemptield township. By Jacob
Bower, Executor.
Peter Brubaker, Rapho township. Guarulauahip Account.
By George Emily, Guardian of Henry Brubaker, one of
the children of deceased.
Henry IL Ball, Conestoga township. By Ann Gall and Dr.
John liondig, Administrators.
Abraham alusaelman, alotuujoy township. By Joseph
alusselman, Administrator.
Michael famish, West liompfield township. By Jacob
Bower and John Frey, Executors.
floury Yost, Leacock township. By James Lindsay, Exec
Samuel Albright, West llemplield township. By John
H. Albright, Administrator.
Auu /trey, Manor, township. By John Sleeger,
• Daniel L. Carpenter, Borough of alauheim. By Daniel
Danner, Administrator.
Daniel Brubaker, Strasburg township. By Francis Bruba
ker and -Magdalena Brubaker, Etecuturs.
Michael Dlotrich, city of Lancaster. By Martin Shreiner,
Trustee of said deceased, under the Will of Elizabeth Die
trich, deceased.
Henry Carpenter, Paradise township. Second mid final
Guardianship Account. By J. George Ernst, Guatdian
of John Carpenter, now deed., a minor son of Henry
Carpenter, deceased.
Henry Engle, Coney township. By Henry M. Engle, John
B. Engle and Jacob M. Engle, Executors.
Salome Livergood, City of Lancaster. By John S. Gable,
Henry Livergood, Manor township. Guardianship account
By John S. Gable, Guardian of Peter Livergood, a child
of deceased.
George Ludwig, East Coculico township. By George Led
aig mid William Ludwig. Executora.
Susanna Bluer, Ephrata township. By louse Miser, Ail-
Lit instratur
William Addams, Borough of Adauistewu. By Jacob Ad.
damn and Isaac Addams, Exeo.itosr.'
Jeeob Muncluian, Sr.. Borough 01 .ILL,Litjoy. By Jacob
musselman,jr., Administrator.
Isaac Redsecker, Borough of Elizabethtown. First Account
By James Young and Samuel Itedsecker, Administral ors.
Christian A. Hess, Conestoga township. By Jacob Mannari,
Christian H. Sherts, Paradiso township. By John S. He.
neagy, Administrator.
George Coulson. Little Britain know Fulton) township.
Guardianship Account. By bucket S. Williams (late
widow Coulson,) Guardian of Thomas M. Coulson, minor
mu of Deceased.
Joshua Kehler, West Ilempileld township. By Abraham
Zook, Executor.
Martin Pfauta, trounty of Lancaster. By Martha A. Cross
ley, Adunuistratrix.
Jacob Solider, Manor township. blturdiaushiptAccount.—
By Jacob S. Witmer and Abraham Miller, Administrators
of Jacob Buckwalter, who With Guardian of Catharine
Souder, a minor daughter of deceased.
Jacob Gall, Conestoga township. By Ann Gall and John
Kendig, Administrators of the estate of Henry H. Gall,
deceased, who was Executor of Jamb Gail, deo'd. •
Barbara Landis, East Lampeter township. By Abraham S.
Landis and Benjamin Landis, Administrators.
Martin Kendig, Manor township. Guardianship Account.
By David alellinger„Guardian of Martin D. Eendig,
(now of age) and Jphia, Isaiah, Elizabeth and Sarah Ken
dig, yet minor children of said deceased.
iteury Kling, re ^Sick township. By David Groff, Admin.
hitrator, pendente lite.
David Good, West Earl township. ilaurdianship Account.
By George Malik, late Guardian of Susanna Good, (now
wife of Samuel Kafroth,)a daughter of deceased.
fob 20 td-6
IN the MATTER of the intended applie.a
tioi of JACOB S. Max, to the Court of Quarter Sessions
at April term, 1855, to continue keeping a tavern In
Manor township, Lancaster county—it being an old
Ws, the undersigned eitisens of Manor township,
whore the said Inn or tavern is proposed to be kept, do cer
tify, that the said Inn or tavern is necessary to accommo
date the public and entertain strangers and travellers, and
that we are well acquainted with the said Jacob S. Mann.
and that he Is of good repute for honesty and eronee,
and SA well provided with house room ar .•cnienees
for the accommodation of strangers and tratellers.
- Jacol, Stamen, Henry S. Mellinger. John Miller. Henry
Shank, Abcr,harn Schenk, Benj. Young. Jr., Geo S. Mann,
Jacob Sender, Geo. (I. Brush, Christian B. Herr. Christian
O. Herr, Benj. Landis, Jno. E. Ilisitetter,lleury Greenawalt,
Jun. H. Hershey, Bernhard Mann. feb
IN THE MATTER of the intended applica
tion of ANNA Al. WISDLIR, to the Court of Quarter Ses
sions at April ,term, 1855, for a license to ~ntinue
keeping a tavern in Upper Lescock township, Lancaster
connty—lt being an old stand.
Wt. the undersigned citizens of Upper Leacock twp.,
where said Inn or tavern is proposed to be kept, do certify.
that the said Inn or tavern is accommodate
the public and entertain strangers and travellers, and that
we are well acquainted with the said Anna M. Weidler,
and that she Is of good repute for honesty and temperance,
and Is well provided with hnUae recall and Conreniencla
for the aecntumonation of strangers and travellers.
Wm. Weidman, Diller Bare, Geo. Brubaker, Marks G.
Wenger, Emanuel Swope, Jacob lion, Adam Miller. N. S.
Sheetfer, Bernard L. Beek, David Lefever, Joseph Wenger.
Whayne Groff. fen 3M 5
IN the MATT ER of the intended application of
J Aroult . SWARM LI, the Court of Quarter Sessions . ahla LI nary
Term, 1855,t0 continue keeping a tavern inUpper Leaeock
township. Lancaster county—it being nu old stand. •
We, the undersigned citizens et - Upper Leacocktownship,
where the said inn or tavern Is proposed to be kept, do cer
tify, that the said inn er tavern is necessary to accommodate
the public and entertain strangers and travellers, and that
we aro well acquainted with the said Jacob M. Bwarrantithat
he is of good repute for honesty and temperr.tice. and is well
provided with house room and conveniences for the accom
modation of strangers and travellers.
A. B. Bare, Henry Miller, N. P. Sheaffer, Diller Bare, Bern
hard L. Beck, Henry Weidman, George Miller, jr., John
31 manor, Wm. Weidman, Geo. Brubaker, Henry Good, live
ry Burkhart.
rrhe cry I. still they Come.—All the new books
j_ are received at the -Peoples Book there" as :warn as
published, and alwa)s in advance of any other establish
meat in town. Among the last arrivals are the following
Fudge Doings, a new book by lke Marvel. Ilia last and
Uilfillan's Literary Portraits, third series, just issued.
Hagar the Martyr, or, Passion and Reality, by Nrs. Ste.
Town and Country, or Life at lime and Abroad, by J.
. .
-You Have Beard of Them 1 by Q. Decidedly the best
book of the day.
Ruth Hell, a domestic 'tale of the time, by Fanny Fern.
Nelly Bracken, a tale of forty years ago, by A. C.
Avillion and other Mies, by the author of Olive, the Og-
Mies, Agatha 's liubband.
Tom Cmsbie and Pit Friends. by the author of Reedy
The Past. the Present and the Future, by Bartholomew
Margaret, or Prejudice at Home ; mud its Vieth.. Au au
What Sot, by Miss M. A. Dennis,,u,
My Courtship and ha Consequences, by Chevalier Wikoll
A rare book.
Journey to Central Africa., by Bayard Tact or.
The Lands of the sarueen, or Pictures et ralestine, Sicily
and Spain, by Bayard Taylor.
History of Braddock's u.spedition against Fort Du ljuantw
In I .order tieneral Braddock, edited Bow original doe.
umente, by Winthrop Sargent.
DruteStanism and Catholicity compared in theircifects or
the civilization in Europe, by the Eer. J. Baimes.
Thu Amelleau Sportsman; containing hints - to rportb
men, notes 'n shooting, and the habits of the game birds
and wild fowl of America, by E. J. Lewis.
The Wife's Vlrtoryl and other tales, by Mrs. Southworth.
The Lost Heiress:l,y Mrs. E. D. E. N. Soothe orth.
Life of Horace timely, by Edward Parton.
Life of F. T. Barnum, written by himself.
Notes on Duels and Duelling, by Lorenz's Shama, one uf
the most interesting babe of the day.
The People's 131141 i Store Is the place where subscriptions
taken for all the American periodicals, the Euglish It,
view,: and Blackwood's Magazine, and all the popular pa
per!. For any thing you want, so or sand to the
bees store.
feli '2O 3t-3
Money Saved 1
rpo Merchants of Lancaster, Harks, Cum
berlitud, Perry and uther Counties.
The subscriber strongly desires a part of the trade of
counties above named. lie will offer the greatust Induce.
minds to buyers of
for cash ur short credit—lower prices cud more disc..•nnt
than at may other house iu Philadelphia. llis stud: ..ou
sists of the hest variety of
(framed) also Combs, Brushes,Buttons,Cloaiery and tlb,ves,
Port Munn:des. Suspenders,Pertuniery, Razors and Straps,
Threads, Silk Ihunikerchiers and Stocks, Needles and Pins,
T:iminings, Jewelry, and a thousand other things.
The gr, cot inducement trill I, . given, without hum
bug. Como mid prove it by saving money.
S 7 :\ orth ILI it.. up stni:,
rrhe Groot Distribution Postponed. —The
1 Cosmopolitan Art Association announce a brief post
ponement of the distribution, from the 3uth of January to
the of February, at which time it will positively take
The managers find it necessary to make the above :hang,
owing to the delay in completing the building of the Gal
leries, and the reception of Works of Art; which necessarily
deferred the publication of the illustrated Catalogue until
Late In December, thereby preventing the general circula
tion desired among - the distant Secretaries and friends of
the Association. •
To all those who have uut subscribed tha lost opportu
ilty is now presented. Any oua subscribing previous to
he 28th of February, ore eutilled to the Magazines for
The payment of s3.entitles any person f. , I,llu of
the following Magazines for the year :
Harper's, ilutnam's, Knickerbocker, Blackwood's, Gra
ham's Magazine of Art, and Godey's Lady's Book, and the
Quarterly Reviews reprinted in New York, Edinburgh,
Westminster, London Quarterly and North ltrith.b. Also
a ticket in the Distribution. giving the holders an equal
chance in drawing the $5,000 Statute of the Greek. Slave,
or Venus, Bacchante, Hobe, Flora, with bronze statuettes
and several hundred Magnificent Oil Paintings.
For full particulars see Illustrated Catalogues, which
are sent free, on application to all parts of the country.—
Address C. L. DEBBY, Actuary C. A. a L. A.
Knickerbocker Magazine Unice, 345 Broadway. N. Y.
Or. 106 Water st., Sandusky, O.
feb Yo td-k
lstate of Benjamin May, dec'.—Letters of
administration on the estate of Benjamin May, dee'd.,
late of Conestoga township, Lancaster county, haring been
granted to the subscriber residing in said township: All
persons indebtdd to said Estate are requested to make in,
mdeiato paymdnt, and those having claims will present
them without delay properly authenticated for sestlement
to JOHN IioLP,
feb 13 et-4 Administrator.
Gash Illnsie and Plano Store of Horace
7.Y.l...rtatS, No. 333 Broadway, New York. Opposition
to Monopoly. Music at greatly reduced prices. Notwith
standing the combination of music dealers to keep up the
prices of non-copyright music, against the interests of na
tive composers, and their refusal to extend to Mr. Waters
the courtesies of the trade, he is making immense sales—
having abundant evidence, that he has public counteuance
nd euppport, inopposition to the Great Monopoly, and in
his efforts to aid Native Talent, and to adopt the National
Currency. His stock of American and European music is
immense, and the catalogue of his own publications is one
of the largest and best selected in the United Stares. tie
has aim made a great reduction in the prices ofPianos, Me
lodeons and Musical instruments of all kinds. Superior
toned 03 octave pianos for $175, $2OO and sir.2.l, interior or
as good quality, and instruments as strong and as durable
as those which cost pod Pianos of every variety of style
and price up to $lOOO, comprising those of ten different
manufacturies: among them the celebrated modern impro
ved Horace Waters' Pianos and the premium &ellen
Pianos of T. Gilbert & Co.'s make, (owners of the dirdiau
patent) Second-hand l'ianee at great bargains. Prices
Iron $4O to sGru. Melodeons from five different mai:infer,
tories, Including the well known S. D. A. H. W. Smith's
melodeons, (tuned the equal temperament) the but make
in the United states. Prices $4,4 fiu, 75, 100, 115, 1X3,13.1.
'and $l5O. Smith's Double
. I.lank Melodeons, 5200. Each
Plano and Melodeon guaranteed. The best terms to the
trade, schools, Or.; 12% per neut. discount to clergymen
and churches. All orders prtmptly attended to. Music
sant to all parts of the country, post-paid, at the reduced
rates. General and select catalogues and schedule of prices
of Piano/ forwarded to any address free of charge.
feb 13 3m.4
Gratis I—Just Published: A New Discovery in Med-
Mine I A few words eu the hational Treatanent,with
out medicine, of spermatorrhea or local weak
nem, nervous debility, low spirits, lassitude, *,
weakness of the limbs and back, indisposi
.tion and incapacity for study and labor,dull..
nese of apprehension, loss of memory, aver-
Mon to society, love of solitude, timidity, soLf.distrust, diz
ziness, head ache, involuntary discharges, pains in the
side, affection of the eyes, pimples on the face, sexual and
other inurmities in man.
Iron: the French of dir. B. DE LANEY. The important
fact that these alarming complaints may be easily re
moved without Modkine, is in this small tract, clearly de
monstrated; and the entirely new and highly successful
treatment, as adopted by the Author, fully explained, by
means of which every one Is enabled to cure himself per
teeny, and at the least possible cost, avoiding thereby all
the advertised nostrums of the day.
:lent to any address, gr :tls, and post free in a sealed en
velope, by remitting (poet paid) two postage stamps to Dr.
D. 1.0. E LANEY, No. /7 Lispenard Street, New York.
lob 6. Um 4
Lissate of Wm. Leonard & Abner Bear.—
XIIIn the Court of Common Pleas for the County of Lan
caster. Whereas, Jacob Albright & Christian Rino, as
signees of W. Leonard & Abner Bear, did On the 25th day of
January, 1865, file in the alba of the Prothonotary of the
said Court, their account of the said Estate: "
Notice to hereby given to all porno. interested in the
said Estate, that the said Court have appointed the sth
day of Merril, 1655, for , the .tifirmation thereof,
unless exceptions be tiled. Attest,
J. BOWMAN, Proth'y.
Prothy's. Office, Len. jou 2c
Vetoes of Robert Moderwell . Wife.—
rain the Court of Common Pleas of Lanc'r. cu. It hereto,
J ono liostetter, Jacob Bausman, end J. F. Krample, assign
ees of Robert Moderwell and wife, did on the fifth day of
February, 1865, ale in the office of the Prothonotary of the
said Court, their Account of the said tate:
Notice is hereby given to all person. interested in the
said Estate, that the said Court have appointed thel2th day
of Starch next, 1865, for the ISmsrmatlon thereof, unless
exceptions be tiled. Attest, 1 J. BOWMAN, Prothey.
Lancaster, Prothlys, Office, feb 18 444
nity Property at Public Sale.—Ou Saturday'
k..r the 3d of .arch, 1555, will be sold at the public house
or William Nailing , in South Queen street, In
the city of Lancaster, a two-story Brick DWEL-
LING HOUSE, with a lot of Ground, fronting 1
about 20 feet on the north side of West Gorman
street, and extending in depth about 191 feet.
• Possession will be given on the first day of April next,
when terms will be made known by
Attorney in Ind of C. Neuman.
fob 13 te-13
in said VilLsge, fronthig on the road leading from Safe
Harbor to Hartle Forge.
No I contains about 90 feet in frollt, morn or less, and ,
300 in depth. :
No. 2 contains about SO feet. more • or less, in front and
IWO in depth.
Both lots ars enclosed sod will be sold separately. Pos
session will be glean and deeds executed on the 2d day of
April next. Terms made known on the day of sale by
Administrator. •
feb 13 tf-4.1
ik / faunal of Sacred Illatoryi—A guide to the
Inuuderstsoding of the Divine Plan of iielvatiou, ac
corioug to its Historical deseloptuen4 by John Heury
Kurtz, D. D.
Cummings Work., Lectures on the Apocalypse,lst aeries.
do. ' do. 2d do.
Cumming's Minor IVorts, Ist Series.
do. do 2d do.
Cummings Lneturns uu thn Parables.
do. do. •• Miracles.
do. do. Prophecies.
do. do.
do. ' do. humanism.
do. Scripture Iteadiugs; Genesis.
do. do. do. Exodus.
do. Voices of the Night. •
do. Benedictions or the Blessed Life.
do. The Tent and the Altar.
do. The Daily Life.
do. Scripture Readings, St. Mask.
do. do do. St. Matthew.
do. Voiees of the Dead.
do. do. Lay.
do. Church Leib..., the Flood.
do. The i•erela Churches. •
iho clove, together With I.llrillyiOther nen hooka of the
6.4earter, are at all dales to be had at the Cheap
and Stationery store ..f ill.:1:1(AY osTot.a.
A large mud %Tell selected uunture'ut of beautiful and!
chaste Valeutillea may be had by calling at the CLoapl
Book aad Stationers store of 3lUkhAl A zaTIJEK.
fob 6
Lstate of David Black .- 1u the Court of Cain.'
tuon fleas fur the County of Lau.ster. Whereas, Wm.
L. Boyd, of David Mad:, did six the second day
of February, 1c65, file In the Oahe of the Prothonotary of
the .id Court, his Account of the xaid!Estate:
Notice is hereby given to ail persons interested in the.
Slllll Estate, that the said Court have appointed the I'Lth l
day of March, Ltds - i, hir the continuation thereof, unit.:
exceptions be hied.
Protiq's office. Lan. feb 6
Farnters.—We respectfully inform our etishri
mete that we have reduced the price of our huprot ed.
super Phosphate of LIM r, marranting it to be Cully equal ;. !
if not superior to any sold by us in termer years.
It affords us pleasure to tante that the high character of
the article to well established, and the testimony of bar
mere who have used it, proves it to be the 'Cheapest audl
most Permaueut Fertilizer that is now known.
Our friends are requested to call and examine it, and
ceive a pamphlet descriptive of its qualities, 11.15, dc.
A liberal deduction made to Dealers.—Agents WantlA..
. .
ULTANO.—A full supply of No. 1 IiOVVINMENT
Guako on hand. Also. Mexican GCaNe, Poudrette and.
Plaster fur kale at the lowest Market rates.
23 South Aiharvos and 35 South Water st., first Store
above Chesnut at., Philadelphia.
vg.k . or salt lu this Culinty by
A. W. ItCS6ELL, Lancaster City.
A. 6: A. L. WITME.ii, Far.dise.
W ° lli d iti°l. t l fu t 1 I P u h tl ° m ° att ° r7ll ° vo n unt a t n ol d ßo i r i firt th i d in iti g d
immediate mcidity of the romantic Lushion Hills, nu a
Mountain more . Ulan bob loot high, Nat.., has tormed
delightful rotront of sylvan beauty, cousitting of
Acres of garden-like ground producing the 00.01 wholesonui
MI LS, Ultakital plans, ❑retsand trult in pleasiug variety]
rout this vegetable kingdom Dr. I.Mboriug has succeeded;
in procuring a Utast:Mal loomed) for Unicorn ot kover and
in the sour spot of
magnificent rural scenery are to to
Mund must excillent sanative springs, stUtaiLlug Notltr
tul virtues only to be lound In 'resit water. These spring,'
iond an at..muse ht water, Clear arystal of a add teutper
..tare,t46 dog.. Mihrenbuit,i Soft and pisataull lags, Very
re - i . without any strange oilntislure or nun ,t smell.
In this beautiful spot of grnil nd Dr. Loitering, oficounigml
by such a happy combination of cirettrustaucus, has stattis•
Jibbed a
as order that these beuilicent gifts of nature, patiently 11 1 1 -
plied, might be of advantage to suffering humanity. It
was at Ephrata in Lancaster county, that Dr. Leisering;
in the years lb-in—la-Is, performed wolulcrful cures on
persons laboring under diseases, and especially on such
as resolutely persevered in his mode at treatment. He has
done the same, and more bested°, from 1548 up to themes ,
oat day. at his Mountain llama.
It is well known, tie these 14 ;ears:that he is no dealer
in humbugs. From nearly all Counties in the State, Dr.
Leisering has been requested by persons afflicted with
disenac, to afford them an opportunity of seeing him, that
they might personally consult him in regard to their own
implinuts. Ile has thereliire concluded to make a begin
ning in Lancaster County. and will carry with him his In
jUlle Ronedy (free from poisonous in . gredients.) for 'llly
cure or Fever rind Ague. This remedy requires only aunp.
plicslian of fr. , um le to 15 days according to directions, tu!
• -:AL CURL. For con, ultatiou, advice tied
charges u ill be moderate. -
Lis directiou is no lollews
In .r.phrata. at It. Is•thiiinittelterls. trout tv IS klehl
•• Philip Itaim •• la ••
Lattenster Peter ilia:lnatiey
\ rest 0i11ia.,11 1 .11, that lut tie
•• iVashingthil s halal
•• Columlan, •• Dahl. Herr
•• Marietta •• Mr. llattseal l . ••
" IfaiaLridea •• Mt. >ualt-
•• Elizabutlit'an ilr.
•• Meant Joy •• Mr. tieltier's
31anheiat: r Mr. iltistetter's
Werueritville. l'. U. Lterlo. to.
Lett, een heading tun! Worneh,dorf.
Tenth Grand Gift Distribution of the
ART UNION rIOCIETY. (lifts valued
Three Hundred Thousand Dollars. Certificate for this yeaN
Otte Dollar. The members of the ART UNION SiII:MTV
on the occasion of this the tenth distribution of the
works of Art accumulated by the Society during the
past year. would respectfully call the attention of its pa l ,
trons to the fact that, being about to remove to the build,
lugs in course of erection for the Society in the city of
Washington, they will add thp Real Estate anti other Land:
ed Property belonging to the Society, to the Distribution
for this Year.
At the last meeting of the society, it was determined to
Reduce the Certificate, of Share for this Grand Enterprise
to One Dollar each. thinking thereby that. it will ho the
mean■ of a more general diffusion of Ole works of Artistes
throughout the country, and will doable the S4Jciety to ex
Sell:N(l , 6 in this country. The certificate of share wilt
he issued at Oue Dollar, ncrompan, iii,, which car!, [quill,.
. .. . . . . ,
ser will receive free of charge, by return mail. a leautifui
Line and Stipple Nngraving, eiliitled W . ghingtoni
on Dorchester Heights representing an eventful
period in the History of our Country.
It will be seen, by referring to the list, that there :14
many valuable pieces of property, many ~ostly Paintim, -
Superb Statuary, Beautiful Engravings, (1,,,t1y Jewelry
Magnificent Shawls. and other beautiful ditto. such a
Clocks, Watches, Illuminated ,Works. ,§e.. to the number
..f Five Hundred Thousand—worth $300.0u0.
As the Society expects to remove to the Ness 11.11 at
Washington by the middle of Juue. the disnibution .
take place on the best of July, 18,55.
'l4;te sante 'rules and regulations that hove lieretotbre
guidod Sine Society's distributions will tea adhered to-in
his, and on nu account will there be any postponement
from the day tamed. All letters and communication.,
I post paid) for certificate, or on busine:ei, are to be addres ;
sed to the Southern Office in Washington directed to Abe
Secretary. who will answer by return mail. Single ;ult.
scribers remitting' en Dollars will•receive one year's sun
scrip*on to any of tho Magazines they may name in the&
letter, to be forwarded free of charge for the time of sun-
Kription, one year.
The following list constitutes a part of the Gifts for
1855 t the splendid House and Lot of the Art
Union Society, situated in Broads. ay,
A superb Dwelling, the residence of the late An- /-
sou Sultzer, Esq. 12.001
The beautiful summer residence,Gothic Cottage
and Grounds at Hawk's Nest, ou the Hudson
5 small Dwellings, situated on the lot belonging
to the Society lu 92d street,
I 0 magnificent 'Camel's Hair Shawls. Those
shawls are the most beautiful work of art ev
er beheld,
4 seta of Diamond Jewelry—conalstsing of 7 pie
ces each—all antique patterns, In a beautiful
Pearl Jewel lion,
10 sets of Pearl Jewelry, consisting of 7 pieces
eac;a, all different styles, and of Persian man
12 Gold Watches for Ladies, very beautiful and
curious works of art: one the size of a jr dint°.
10 Watches for Gentlemen, all very heavy. of
different styles and patterns,
50 Boudere, Toilet and . Dressing Cases for Ladies
some finished In Pearl patterns—Louis XIV.
1 large Clock, a very beautiful work of art, made
by Lipordi at Cologne, finished in a style of
beauty and art unsurpassed, '
1,000 Gold Thimbles, all different patterns. very
200 copies of the lives of great Painters, superb
ly bound, with an engraving of each artiste,
60,000 illuminated Albums, different styles and
200 copies of Griswold's Republican Court, eplen
didly bound, with tinted engravings,
100 copies of Heyde'''. Illustrations of Shak•
spear. To the admirers of the Great Poet,
this work will be an acquisition,
Venus sending forth Cupid and Hymen—Titian,
Beggar Boy—Murillo,
Tobit and the Angel—Salvator Rosa,
Night Vlow—Claudio,
bladouna--Carregio, 1,000
A Head—Titian,
A Ilesul.,-Vandyke. 61
Landscape—You:3.ln, .. b
A Piece—Oulotto;
Battle Ploce—Wouvermen, obo
Landscape—Claude, it •u
There are others by the same Artists , : Al o.iAissl.'be
aides some splendid pictures 1., .\ u.,:on. :sully. heynolds,
Neagle. Doughty, Cole, Chapman, David. 1 evnet, nuatt,
I lerbort, Tack, Bennington :Schaub, Verkins, 1..twi5,..E1l s,
Hamilton. Read, Bartlett, ...chloss. Huntington. Johanv h,
:Schmidt, Rembrandt, and others .fully descril.ed in t e
catalogue, which will be ierwarded nu application by lett r,
post-paid, to the Secretary. who will answer by return
mail. • ,
Tfi roll CLUBS:
Clubs of 10, I Corti
Clubs of 20
Clubs of 60, 8 "
The money in all Mine to accompany the application For
Ladles forming Clulis will be entitled to the F 41130 terms
as above, with the extra inducement of the present el' a
Magnificent Sot of Boudoir Furniture, with rich colored
India Hangings, fine India Lace Curtains and everything
of the most splendid description to the Ladies' Club t ho
will send the largest remittance for Certificates.
Postmasters are authorised to act as Agents, and e
Postmaster remitting the largest amount for shares Will
receive a handsome Gold Watch and Chain, valued at•TwO
Hundred Dollars. The money must accompany the appli
cation kby letter, post-paid,) in all cases, and the Certificitey
with the Engravings, will Iv forwarded free of charge by
return mail.
. . .....
Correspondents are requested to write their address, with
the County, Town. Post Office and State, plainly, in or er
to avoid mistakes. All letters answered by return mai .
Catalogues of all the Gifts, with value and explaust n,
can be obtained on application to the Secretary, tb wlom
all letters for Certificates, tc., must be addressed. i
Washiogton, D. G.
FRANCIS INCE., -Directo r o.
jars ZS eta l T. W. BAURit, Treasure.
Nos dee 20. 124-43 T NorOk2d 44'20, PRiiddePh l2 -
a Persons out of Employment.—dgents
Wanted in every section of the United States- The
most Elegant and Useful volume of the Year. Seafs great
work, on Russia. ,
. .
- Just published,Art Diustrsted Description of the Russian
Empire. Being a Physical and Political History of its Gie
ernments and Provinces,Productlons," Resources, Imperial
Governmetit, Commerce, Literature, Educational mean,,
Religion, People, Manners, Customs, Antiquities, etc., etc-.
from the latest and most authentic sours. Embellished
with about 200 Engravinsg,And Maps of European and As
iatic Russia. The whole complete in one large octavetel
utne of about 700 pages, elegantly and aututautially bound
Retail price, $3.
This work has been several Years in preparation, and
will. it is believed, meet in the fullest acceptation of the
word, the want so universally felt for reliable information
en the history and internal resources of a country occupy
ing large a portion of the ilastern Hemisphere, and
holding so furmidableli position at the present time to the
rest of EuropeAndA sin; but of which - far les: is known than
of any other Europeart nation.
*a_ Also, a deeply interesting volume, entitled "The
Remarkable Adventures of Celebrated Persons,' embracing
the Romantic Incidents and Adventures In the Lives of
Sovereigns. StatesmodOenerals, Princes, Warribra Travel
era, Adventurers Voyagers. &c. eminent In the' History of
Europe and America, Including Sketches of over fifty cel
ebrated • heroic characters. Beautifully illustrated with
numerous engravings.. one vol. 400 pages, royal. P2mo.
cloth. gilt. Price, ;51,25.
The subscriber publishes a number of most valuable
Pictorial Books, very pbpular and of such a moral and reli
gious Influence that Olin good men may aafely engage in
circulation, they Vwill confer a public benefit' and're
ceive a fair compensation for their labor.
ea_ To men of enterprise and tact. this bnainess offers an
opportunity d¢ profitable employment seldom to be met
(As Yersons wishing'to engage in their mile, will receive
promptly by mail, a Circular containing full particulars,
ith -Directions to persons disposed to act'as Agents," to
gether, with trins on which they will be furtlshed, by ad
dressing the subscriber. post pai d.
Lancaster 'Writing Academy will re
main open,for six weeks. All who with U. avail them
selves of the services of successful and experienced T ach
ere will do well to make early application. Tinot9—.ss,oo
for Twenty Lessons, of one hour each; one-half invariably
in advance.
J. BUNVAIA.N, Proth , y.
4,13 - No discount for neglect of Lessons on part of the
pupil. Rooms open from SIA' d.. St., to 9 P, M. Hours for
Instruction will be arranged so far as practicable to suit
tho convenience of the pupil.
45T- Ladies and Gentlemen interested In this highly im
portant but mitch neglected branch of education, are re
spectfully invited to call and witness the rapid improve
ment of Oct liuxonsn PUPIL'S that hare been under my
Instruction, !mile portion of the time for the last six weuks,
Writing Rooms, 2d Door above the Mayor's Office, South
Queen street. . jan 30 tf-2
How often it happens, that the wife lingers from
year to year in that pitiable condition as not even
for one day to feel the happy and exhilarating influ
ence incident to the enjoyment of health
But a felt years ago in the Bush of health and youth,
and buoyancy of spirits, rapidly, and apparently in
explicably, becomes a feeble, sickly, *how, debili
tated wife, with frame emaciated, nerves unstrung,
spirits depressed, countenance bearing the impress
of suffering, and an utter physical and mental pros
tration, arising 'from ignorance of the simplest and
plainest rules of health as connected with the mar
riage state, the violation of which entails disease,
suffering and misery, not only to the wife, but often
RING'S EVIL, and' other and
worse Diseases, as a
" And must this continue ? Must this but Is there no
remedy? No relief? No hope?"
The remedy is by knowing the causes and avoiding
them, and knowing the remedies, and benefiting by them.
These aro pointed out in
One Hundredth Edition, (500,000),18mo., pp. 250
pm mat rAFER," mn. nvintra, 51.00.]
A standard work of established reputation, found classed
in the ,catalogues of the:great trade gales to New York,
philadelphia, and other cities, and sold by the principal
booksellers in the United States. It was first published
In 1847, since which time
Imre been sold, of which there were upwards of
lv ••
• 15
attesting the high estimation in which it is held as a re
liable popular Medical
the author having devoted his exclusive attention to the
treatment of complaints peculiar to females, In compact to
which he is yearly consulted by thousands both he person
and by letter.
Hero every woman can discover, by comparing her own
symptoms with those described, the nature, character,
eauset r of, and the proper remedies for, her complaints.
The wife' about becoming a mother has often need of
Instruction and advice of the utmost importance to her
future health, In respect to which her siensitireness for
bids consulting a medical gentleman, will find such In
struction and advice, and also explain many symptoms
which otherwise would occasion anxiety or alarm as all
the peouliarities s fueident to her situation are descri-bed.
How, many are suffering from obstructions or Irregular-
Wes peculiar to the female system, which undermine the
health, the effects of which they are ignarariti and far
which their delicacy forbids seeking medical advice.
Many soffering from proinpsua uteri (falling of the womb),
or from fluor au, (weakness, debility, Re.) Many are
In constant agony for many months preceding confine
ment. Many have difficult if not dangerous deliveries,
aud.slow and uncertain recoveries. Some whose lives are
haeardedaluring such time, will each find In its pages the
means of prevention, amelioration and relief.
It Is of course. impracticable to convey fully the various
subjects treated of, as they aro of a nature strictly in
tended for the married or those contemplating marriage.
Reader, are you a husband or a father? a wife or a
mother I Have you the sincere welfare oC those you love
at heart? Prove your sincerity, and lose no time in
learning what causes Interfere with their health and hap
piness not less than your own. It will avoid to yen and
yours, as it has . to thousands, many a day of pain and
anxiety, followed by sleepless night", incapacitating the
mind for * lie ordinary avocation, and exhausting those
means for medical attendance, medicines and advertised
nostrums which otherwise would provide for declining
years, the. infirmities of age and the proper education of
your children..
In consequence of the universal popularity of the work,
as evidenced by its extraordinary sale, various imposi
tion' have bean attempted, as well on booksellers as on
the public, by imitations of title page, spurious editions,
stud surreptitious infringements of copyright, and other
devices and deceptions, it has been found necessary,
therefore, to
to buy no book unleAs the words "lh:. A. 11. MAMMAL,
1'29 Liberty Street, N. Y.," is on (and the entry In the
Clerk's Office .on the back of) the title page; and buy
only of respectable and honorable dealers, or sand by
mail, and address to Dr. A. M . llanrlceau.
Alf- Upon rectlipt of One Dollar " THE MAR
PANION,' is sent (wailed free) to any part of the
United States, the Oanadas and British Provinces.
All lettere most be poet-paid, and addressed to Dr.
A. M. IVIAITSLICEAII, box 1223, New-York City.
Pnbliehicg Office, No. 129 Liberty Street, New.
A gents.
T. B. Peterson, Philadelphia; Mrs. Cyntbla
Honesdale; Spangler et Bro., Lancaster; Wentz & Stark
Carbondale; E.. Flint. Williamsport; S. Tuck. Wilksharre
S. Leader, Hanover ; Thos. Cowperthwalt: Philadelphia; J.
B. Gunnison, Erie; Samuel B. Laufer, Greensburg; E. S.
Durban. Franklin; Dr. S. D. Scott, Bedford; E. T. Illide;
brand, Indiana; J. W. Kidney, Brownsville; G. M. MeGet
tys, Butler; J. S. Nickson, Chambersburg; Goe. W. Gettys;
Butler; Joseph Swartz, Bloomsburg.
jan 9 t 154
[ UN= ..... --- z - - -----=--.. ...... 1 4
s"""' 11 --"•'•;A
A cure for Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, B,oe
chills, General. Debility, and nil &minions !tumors. This
compound has been used with the. most complete success
by our most celebrated physicians, for the reutovaland per-
Eal,neut cum of the atove disease. Hundreds for wholn
there was no hope before the discovery of this simple, yet
effectual remedy, have been raised to health and happiness
by its timely use. The following ease of Williams is
sufficient to convince all of its wonderful effects. Ile sayre.
I had been sick with confirmed - consumption for several
'months. I had used the clear Cod Liver 011 most of the
time, but had derived but little benefit from it. I had an
attack of bleeding at the lungs, which alarmed my friends
very much, as they now supposed there was no hope for
me. About this time I heard of your Compound.of Cod
Liver Oil, and Lime. I immediately commenced using it,
and soon began to perceive IM beneficial effects. in two
months my cough had entirely left me, and lam now en
joying perfect health. Truly yours,'.
N. 13.—This,Compound does not nauseate like the clear
Cod Liver Oil. but can be taken with pleasure by the most
delicate females.
. . .
Bo sure and get the genuine. blanufactured only by
ALEX"R. B. WILBOR, Chemist.
166 Court street, Boston.
For sale in Philadelphia, by T. W. DTorr a Sous 132 N
Second street, and In Lancaster by Druggists generally.
CLOT 7 • ly-42
Estate of Cathartu Hoffman .— Letters tea
tzunentary on the estate t 1 Catharine Hoffman, late of
Falmouth, Coney township, have been issued to the sal .
scriber residing In said townithip: All persons indebted to
said estate are requested to Make immediate payment, and
thaw having claims will present them properly authenti•
rated for-settlement to JOHN Ifoß,
fel) 18 Otk4 • ' .11tiontor.
ROISERT SEARS. Pi:01.1.1111E,
161 William Street, New York
bmrhksc ouster County Exchange Ofikee..—On
first day of March next the undendgued, under the
of John K. Reell k Co., will open an office at the cor
ner of Ent King and Duke streets, (near the Court Houma)
Lancaster city, for the purpose of receiving depositek ma
king loans and purchases, buying and selling real estate,
stocks, de., for others, collecting claims, ie., As.
The crush Capital of the firm is $20,000, and the parties
are badlildnally liable for its obligations.
The usual rates of interest will be paid, by special agree
ment, on deposits' for more than 30 days;
Lancaster, Jan 30
..A.Y ees Cherry Pectoral. -
—We invite the attention of
the public to the Certificates appen- r- .
ded below, and bespeak for them that
candid consideration which their
honest franiutess deserves.
lieu in siSch stations as many who f --
voluntarily bear witness to the effl
racy and
of Gasser Eton:tax, w
do not wantonly trifle with, or dis
tort facts, nor overstate their convictions.. Judge then,
whether this is not the medicine to trust when you must
have relief for the throat of lungtkjudge too, whetherevery
family ought not to have it by them as a safeguard against
the everywhere prevailing enemy, which steals with fatal
frequency upon almost every flock and carries off the lamb
from many a home t
Jackson, C. U., Jackson City, 0., nth Nov., 1852. •
Dr. J. C. Area,—Sir : The CELEART Proroast is much in
quired after. Several of our best physicians have used it,
three of them in their own case, and always with
the happiest effects. The numerous patent medicines al
ways before them, lead to Incredulity in regard to every
new remedy: and it is only,after undoubted evidence of val
ue in any article, that'anything like a general confidence
can be excited.
The unrivalled excellence of this combination of agents
(in the CHERRY Pscroaa.t.,) Droved beyond cavil by repeated
trial under their own observation, has compelled medical
men to proclaim abroad its usefulness. It is beyond all
doubt the best general remedy we have for the Pulmonary
Affections of this climate, at the same time time sedative
and expectorant—a rare combination of properties.
In the hope that it will prove its own reward, I subscribe
myself, Respectfully your obt. servant,
JAS. 11. C. MILLER, M. D.
Allegan, Mich., Jan. 10th, 1659.
Dear Sir—No one, no not one—man, woman or child—
ren be found to deny that the Coma! PECTORAL is all that
it claims to be. There is much used in this vicinity, al
though not known until recently. The community should
know its virtues. _ . .
Yours truly, JOHN RAIELLOGIO, 51. D.
Let gentlemen of the Legal Profession mark this case..
. Williamsburg, L. 1., Sep. 3, 11552.
Dr. J. C. Ayer, Dear Sir—Over application for the past
hree years to my duties as an advocate brought on some
eight months ago a sepere irritation of the bronchial tubes
which was ir constant annoyance to me, and fast becoming
s source of great - apprehension. Every remedy tried, failed
even to relieve me, till I used your Carnal' Pi:cream--
This has not only relieved me, but as I trust, wholly cured
mc. I care nothing for the reputation of Advocating Pat
ent Medicines, and this is at your service. I shall recom
mend it to members of the bar, and others whom I may
meet, laboring under similar indispositions.
Yours truly, • R. F. JONES.
South Paris, Me., Aug. 18, 1650.
I have no hesitation In saying, that I regard AYER'S
CLIMAY PECTOILII. as decidedly the best remedy within my
knowledge for the cure of chronic bronchitis, coughs. arid
an diseases of the lungs. 55. A. RUST, 31. D.
Montgomery, Ala., Oct. 4, 1849.
Dr. J. C. Ayer, Dear Sit—l have need your admirable
compound extensively in my practice, and find it to sur
pass, by far, any other remedy we have for curing diseases
upon the lungs. Your obt. servant,
R. B. JONES, M. D.
Whit yet remains to convince the moat incredulous that
the Cherry Pectoral is all that it purports to Levis : an un
equalled remedial agent for all diseases of the Throat and
Lungs. Tho experience of years, has proven it to be such,
and we submit it to the people, believing that Its virtues
will fully maintain Its reputation.
Prepared by JAMES C. AYER,
Assayer and Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass.
Price 25 cents per Box. Five Boxes'for $l.
Sold by CHARLES A. lIIHNITSHoind all Druggists.
F. Brown, Bhiladelphia, Wholesato Agt.
jan 30 3m-2
Estate of Magdalen Kemerer.—ln the Court
of Common Pleas for tho County of Lancaster. Where
as. Peter Kemerer, Administrator of John Kemerer deed
who was committee of :Magdalen Kemerer, did on the '22d
day of January 1855 file in the office of the Prothonotary
of said Court, his Account of the said Estate:
Notice Is hereby given to all persons interested in the
said estate, that thd said Court have appointed the sth
day of March, 1855, for the confirmation thereof, unless
exceptions be Mod.
Attest, , J. BOWMAN, Proth'y.
Prottiy's Office, Las. an 30 4t-
Valentines I Valentines I I—As St. Valentine's
day is near at hand. we would call the attention of
Country Merchants and others, to our splendid assortment
of elegant t :dominos, which we have obtained on such
terms as to enable us to sell at moderate prices, wholesale
and retail. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere.
Kramplis Building North Queen Street.
This is eloptinti,ally what It purports to be, a Book tpi
"Sermons for the People.'
For sale by MURRAY .4 STOFF
TheAuto'clography of the Rev. William Jay; ith re
MilliSreDfieS of some distinguished cotomporaries, solie
t ions from his correspondence and literary remains. Edi
led by I.;oorge Bedford, U. it.. L. 1.. 0., and John Angel
James. For sate by MURRAY k STOEK.
designs. plans and specifications from $2 to $20,000. For
llouses.tbr the People; by John Bullock. For sato by
.FUDGE DOINGS.—Being Touy Fudge's Record of the
same. to 40 chapters; by lho 'Marvel. For sale by
TILE AMERICAN ALMANAC and Repository of Useful
Knowledge, for thu year 1b32. For sale by
. .
BOOKS fur Scriveners and Justices of the Peace. Pur
dons Digest —A digest of the Laws of Pennsylvania, fro..
the year 1700 to 1853. with supplement to 1854.
Binns' Justice:McK in ney's:J us tice: Oraydou and Dun
lap's Forms; all new editions. For sale by ,
BLANK DEEDS, Mortrqes, Bonds, Agreements, Leases,
'endue Conditions, real and personal property. Voodoo
Notes, fze. For sale by MURRAY & STOEk.
jau 3U . it' 1:
htang of the States.—The undersi,med hoe for
sale a very superior article of stove called the . •Klng
or the States." vi Welt cannot .be surpni...ed any 0t1..r
article now in 1.0 or ever offered to the public. The ad.
vantages of this stove are—That it takes less wood auef coal
to make a the than any Miter 'now in vogue—at the same
Unit , It is more compact, neat and beautiful ill appearance,
and less trouble to keep it clean than the majority of stoves
offered for solo.
All Purgom, wishing to eartmine said stove can do so by
calling at the large and extensive store room of the under
signed, where a great variety of patterns of stoves mu al
ways kept im hand.
In connection with the shove article, there IK also kept
a large and splendili assortment of 'Cin. Copper and Brass
ware, which for beauty of finish and dnrabilty. cannot be
approached or amp:tit:4lA by any other establishment In
the country.
The best and most proficient hands are idways employed
to manufacture the alreve articles. and the perfect system
of regulations that characterizes the employees and over
seers.-is such, so to commend the establishment to the
consideration of all
Persons commencing housc•keepin:, particularly, will
find it to their advantage to call at tnis establishment, be
fore purchasing elsewhere. as articles. for that purpose, can
be bought cheaper and better than at any other in this
city. In order to have a correct idea of the work manufac
tured in this mammoth establishment, it is only necessary
to give it a call, and examine the numerous articles on
exhibition. 0. KIEFFER.
jan 30 atu.2
rpstablislied in 17913.—NIcALLIiiTElt & BROTH
_EA ER, Opticians, have removed (from the old stand, No.
46 Chesnut st.) to their new Store, 194 ale Stint street be
low Eighth g. opposite the Masonic Hall, Philadelphia..
.9(ir - npectacles, Spy Glasses, Microscopes, Mathemaical
- instruments, we., &c. A priced and illustrated Catalogue
of Optical Mathematical and Philosophical Instruments
(lent by mail, free of charge. jan i 2m51
0. DIEITYDORF, Tnosiss It. Dona,
Late of Weston, Missouri. Late of Springfield. Die.
Land Agency and General Intelligence
Otlice. 7 =Tha undersigned have this day ferniest a co
partnership and opened ac silica In the town of Leaven
worth, Kansas Territory, and are now prepared to devote
their individual attention in giving strangers coming to
the Territory, and to any persons in the United States, in
formation concerning lauds in said Territory—to buy and
sell real estate in any of the Towns, particularly LeAven
worth, and to give any information relative to the same,
that may be desired. Any persons living at a distancewho
wish to employ our Agency through which to effect invent
moats in lends or town property, shall receive such salons
ties as a ill . giceentire satisfaction to all.
We have the honor to rain- to,
S..A. Douglas, Washington, D. C.
F. W. Risque, Esq. do.
Sand. V..biles Esq., Gent. Land Office, Washington,D.C.
Wm. Ogden Niles, Esq. Pension Office, Washington, D.O
Messrs. Evans & Fast, Washington, Li. C.
Hon. Sol. P. McCurdy, Weston, Mo.
" Sal. L. Leonard. St. Joseph, Me.
" E. H. Norton. Platte City, Me.
" Willard P. Hall, St. Joseph, Mo.
Messrs. Russell & Bennett, Nierchls, St. If sin, .Mo..
Amidee Valle, Esq: do
Messrs. Slier, Price, & Co. Merch'ts. Philadelphia, Pa.
Dale,Ross Si Withers, •'
Ralph, Mead A Co." Now York..
Jennings, Read & Co. " "
John Moore. State Treasurer, Springfield, Ills.
Thos. IL Campbell, Auditor State, Springfield, Ills.
Messrs. Campbell & Fondy, Real Estate Agents. ‘•
" J. Bunn, Springfield,
• Lanphier & Walker, Eds. 111. State Register
Springfield, Ills.
Messrs. Jacob Forsythe A Co. Pittsburg. Pa.
' s Joshua h . - Speed, Esq., Louisville, Ky.
Jacob Strader, Esq. Cincinnati, G.
D. F. Stevenson, Sterchant, J.ksonvllle,
lion. John Calhoun, Surveyor General, Kansas and ?le-
Lrasks Territories.
Messrs. Eastin A Adams, Leavenworth, K. T.
Leavenworth, Kansas Territory, Deer. 1854.
jan 310-1
AT alentinest Valentines) Cupid's Hrapo-
RIUM.. The subscriber begs leave to announce that
his arrangements will enable him to supply Country Mer
chants and °the, wi .11 Valentines, and all the necessary
articles for Valentines day, of the most beautiful de
signs, and at 1.6 rates than they can be procured in Phila
delphia or New York. He has no high tariffed commission
stock, but manufacture it expressly for his own sales, and
It is consequently all fresh and pure. Every thing pertain
ing to St. Valentine's Day on hand in large quantities, to
which the attention of dealers and others is invited.
Bookseller, Lancaster, Pa.
jail t(2
VVanted, to borrow, for a term of three
years, the sum of $4,000, for which Interest at the
rate of from Gto 7 per cent, will be paid promptly at the
end of every six months or a year as the lender may pre
fer. The security's a mortgage on unincumbered real estate
In Allegheny city, Pa.,dvorth Twenty Thousand Dollars.—
Enquire of the Editof of this paper. jan 2a at-1
Clharon Sleeper's Parasol and Umbra.
I is Manufactory, No. 344 Market street; one door above
Tenth, Philadelphia.
Also, Whalebone for Dresses, Corsets, 3c., and Rattan for
Builders, Carriage Makers, ac.
le...Umbrellas and Parasols Bonaire&
jan 23 Bm-1
rrhe llnion:—.Areh street between 3d and 4th street,
EVANS & NEWCOMER, (formerly'Webb & Newcomer.)
Melia-Breakfast, 6% and 7% to 10 o'clock.
Gents ordinary. Dinner, 1 to 3%
Ladles " " 2
Ti n;: • oto 11
per day,
. , . , ~_ . , , ~ .
li - Cif-Apirgail for il. 855 .. - To:the Intake in
tents of Lancaster county. Punmantto thoprO-
Am i7 bl
visions of the law of the CaMmtmweatlb, the undersigned'
Commissioners of Lancaster county hereby' give notice to
the taxable inhabitants within the respective townships of
the said county, that the dayi for appeal from the Assess
ments for 1855, will be at the ICommLssioners Office in the
city of laniaster, on the day a !billowing. to wit .- Tor the
townships of .
Bart .
Adanu , tfown—Mouday the llth of February, , lB6d.
a -
Brecknocki ' " 4 ,
Ceumarron,• "
Oocalico East, "
Oxalic° West, 4
Oolerain, " ;a
," A t Oal Conestoga, umbla, a
Coney, 4
Donegal rast—Tueedaythei2Oth
Donegal Wert,
Dnunore, " +
Ephrata, " "
Earl, /
Earl East,
Earl West,"
Elizabeth, 44 a
ilizabethtown Bor. a
Fulton—Wednesday the Strt.
Hempfleld East, "
Hempdeld Weal., " L.
i v
Lampeter East, "
Lampeter West, " 4
" i
LeaooCk Upper,
Little Britain—Thursday t Nil
Manheim "
„Hartle, "
Manor, 1 .
Mount Joy, " ,l
Mount Jov Bor. " 4
Marietta dor. " 4
Paradise, 4
Penn, .. •
Providonoe—Friday the =Pi
Rapho, "
Strasburg Bor
jzin 0 41-51
Stoves ! Stoves t at Spree here's Hard—
ware Stem, North Queen ',street, Lancaster.—The sub
scriber has just received a lidge assortment of Parlor, Cook
and Wood STOVES, (ruin the most celebrated manufactu
rers of Troy, New York, Albany, PhiladelphLs, and also
from our own city. In his large ...aorta:not may be found
the following and many other patterns: The Globe Air-
Tight, is a very superior Dirge Oven Stove, which his
been extensively sold, and has given general satisfaction.—
It is adopted for burning Wood or Coal, and is highly ro.
commended for either.
The Union Air-Tight; this'is a new and beautiful pat
tern, with an improved draft, which we can recummond
without hesitation. ,•
Globe Air-Tight, Flat Toy Complete,
Liberty Air-Tight, " hew Complete,
Improved Complete, 4 Julidn.C.3l:,
Horning Star, V icier,
Buck Improved, Summer Baker,
Rathoway, Victory,
Astor, Capital, Girard.
Also, a great variety of other Cook Stoves, of approved
pat ferns.
Union Alr-Tight Star Franklin
Golden Age " Diamond Parlor
Etna a Excelsior "
Jewel Parlor, Chandelier,
Ocean Queen, . Mirror " "
Jean* Lind, Ornamental Box Stove
New Jenny Lind, - . New Pattern ii.e,
New Pattern Radiator, Fairy Que,n,
Harp Cannon,, Coal Burner,
Together with a large number of. Parlor, Dialog Room
and' en-Plate Wood Stoves &revery size ainFpitttern.
Rte' Having the Sole Agency !Or the cos nod county
of Lancaster, for tho sale or two of toe ino,,t celebrated
Cook Stoves now in use, they can be had at on other es
tablishment. The Undersigned, therefore la, ites all who
want a good stove, to call mill examine hi- smsortment.
tom. old Metal, Timothy And Clover i....ed taket. in ex
change for goods
not It 105-41
y n Lucy'irin town ; mod :au tie: 011 dai
jly at Wiibte's (Antal) Sturd, whore 3110 sill ho happy to
se her friends, which includes every one. Hear n hot 3110
-By minute observation of one thing. I. am convinreed
—at the present time, when the gems,. it Hard Times,
Scarcity of Money, am., there is no WI or place to save
money by buying right, that, at WENTZ'S.
They have reduced to a considerable chant, the price of
their winter Stott.
SHAWLS ANL DRESS °bops, they soli at almost one
their value. • i
Beautiful C'amel's Hair Plaids..
figured to Leineil.
Uood Brocha Long Slutlws SIU nod I'_—worth $lB to 'ln
A call will conviuce all that I'm right. They Lave; ~ L
receivod house furnishlog 'rick logs, 31 tittlitat, Cheeks
Sheetlugs, bhirtings, Pillow . Case ',Mans and l usllus, Ta
ble Diapers, ace.
Calicoes, the best 1 eve,' saw, for any cents—such Its
Mother used to pay cants for,
Friends at houts.koemngi =ld all who are about cont.
alarming, my advico is, for anything you wish to buy to
moo money, go to . WEN T.Z o CLI lilt . :qt./Rh."
jan 23
I)ublia Notice.—Alf persons are inrbot gunning,
Jr. hunting with dogs, or trespasiug to any other way
upon the premises of the subscri bar, in Manor township—
as he Is determined for Iho luturo h, eniMeo the Ist,'
agxiust nil bitch, without rtispeet to pensus.
jdll 234t'-1 hAItN A Itio M o A N, (Farmer.)
Cturl Your lialr.—ltrollerion.—The Receipt
Mr ma
k_l king this Celebrated Compound, (lately hitroduced iu
this country.) will he sent ly the subsrritior tolnuy person
in the United States or Cituadas, fur $l. The Kroiloriou
will curl or wave the hair in the most beatititui "gunner.-
Any person having the mmit coarse and uncouth looking
hair, can transform into the most beautiful, by thu use of
this article. The Ingredients will not cost over i i coots,
and with this receipt any one can make it equally good in
every respect, to that sold at $3 per bottle. if preferred,
package of Krollerion readylinade, will be sect Ir., of post
age' instead of the receipt, with directions P,r preparing it
in liquittform, and full directions for use. Set:Klan totters
post-paid, to_ A. Flt.Elat LINT,
Jan 2i 3m-1 I Warren, Trumbull cu., Ohio.
Cloring out the balcnce of Figured De
V./Lain. at 12 , Ats ‘ usual Price lb and 20 ets., these are
the cheapest goods ever sold In this city at
on Ilivo StOro, North Queen " s ' t E r N eo l t i , tau
PLAID SILKS, PLAID SILKS—We are now,closlng out
tho balance of our Plaid Kill, at very redumd priers.—
Among them are some bealltitul styles, which con have re
do • d to 75 rte., regular price $1,25.
Also, a few !Lugo at 50 cis, worth ,75e. Call and see cud
you will surely purchase a these prices, at the
d. 14 tf-18
Dyspepaia Bitters--No Ilunkbug.—Pruparod
by Elder J. 9TAIt3I, 31111111 t Jny, county,
I'a.—ln the Providence of (loci 1 was stilt, ted with this
dreadful disease, (Dyspepsia.) I tried various remedies,
hut to es effect, until I used these linters. Has tog now
realized its happy effects Ibr myself--piso many other:—
and knowing that thouratids are ttlasutioring with Dys
pepsia, I recommend is as a balt, tar of the best now
edies for this dreadful disease illystapsia.)
Elder J. STAMM.
We, the undersigned, halo used .1. :ileum's hitters for
Dyspepsia, and hissing been greatly ls,uehtml, therefore,
we recommend it as an invaluable remedy far Dyspepsia
Elder A. 11. Long, Mount Joy', Elder J. C. °wens, do. N.
Bechtold, do. E. Ilruumaker, do. A. lieuffinno. 4.1., .1. Ear
wee, do. J. Mnuhart, do. D. Leib, do. Widow Stein], do.
Mien Stehnian, do. P. Brunner, do. S. Dyer, do. - '
Major E.
Sporn, Looenoter, .May, 'do.; S. Siliter, Emil; E.
do. J.. Stirk, do. J. Sensenig; do. Hre. Wenvor. do. J. hums,
Itapho; S. Strickler, do. D. Strickler, do. 11. tirdennwalt, do.
S. N. Mouser, do. Lino S ly•GI
Ix.ehangp Bank of J. F. Shroder & Co.—.
„LA This company beg leave to acquaint their' friends and
the public that they are now fully prepared lode a general
Banking, Eschange,Collectlon end Mork Business with
promptness and fidelity . .
Money received on deposit end paid back ,on demand
without notice, with the interest duo. Interest paid on
all small sums deposited the rate of sto 5 1 ,5, per cent.
Nooca, Coccus, Buis, &c , ., collected In any part of the U.
States or Canada.
Uncurreut Bank Notes and Land Warrant., bought and
A Premium paid for old United Staten Gold and Silver
coin, also on Spanish and INfe.:ican dollars. Remittances
made to England, Ireland, or the Continent. Partfrular
attention paid to the buy . ng and selling of Stocks nod
Loans of e%er, des:lriptioo in the New Tork„Pbiladelphia
or Baltimore markets. The faithful and con6dentinl exe
cution of all „odors entrusted to them may be relied upon.
They will be pleased to glire any information desired In
regard to Stocks, Lain and money matter a in general.
Flanking House open frtitri 8 A. M. to 6 o'clock, P. 31.
dee 19 11,40
War *Pith Englnlaid !....sklagl e Paniclain Works
11..r.N1tY GAST has lilted up and en [urged hie forum!
works and commenced the ruaisulaiiture ot all kinds of
rterthen Ware, itnekinghain or Dare bustle, Yellow, Cream
Colored and White Ware, ' follut Sets, 'isle nod Tea Ser
vice of different kinds, Apothecary Boxes atilt Jars. and a
great variety of other articles kept tainstaiitly on hand at
eta Pottery 'Ware-house, and at ale Store Roof,: and an aie
sortuinnt of brasitetta add Bose Sets for iirnainenting
buildings, to. Fie is also prepared W furnish all kinds of
Terra Com work, Carstahlug, 31oulilings and wit.: kind
of ornamental work, Worth, —to std . a'l kinds Of buildings
inside andout; & I:manacle Tilt., for Ornauientai Pal uned
of Nacelle Granite, or artificial Stone far f .1 Balls
Rooms, Bar-Rooms, Passages, 'Baths, Gniumental Fire
Places, &c.; and wi.. iteepconstantin on band, at bin old
stand, an assortment of tied harthe:u and stone Mare.
11. G. has been six months, and spared mintier labol• or
expense in makingthe necessary prepare-firms um the above
manufacture, and is now,preptired to rectave au .irui.ra. •
No. 224, South Queen street, between Centre Sy sure and
Tina street.—Sign ,t the Bto PITCHER.
.114‘. Steady 1301 wanted as apprentices to learn the
above business.
P. 5.-1.1. U. has engKed a manager silo ie fully con,-
petant W conduct the above business.% and all com
munications, correspondence and ordele with his man
ager, pertaining to the mild business, it by strictly at
tended to. JOU:, 114.1tR1SON,
sep S 1143 Manager
Dress and Cloak Trimmings, No. 206
Chesnut Street, beldw Eleventh, and No. 170 South
Second street, below SprUce, Philadelphia. -Wu invite at.
tenUun to our complete Benin assortment dl PLUSH and
SILK BINDINGS, Pnogeit, Buttons and Staple Trimmings
of our own importation and manufacture.
Es-Orders executed at* few hours notice.
298 Chesnut Stn.°Vaud 170 South 2d Street, Phila.
dee 53u1-4.6
fro School Teakl Isers.—School Teachers in Lan
j miter and other Cc.tinties are informed 'that tho cub
scriber is prepared to furnish them With PRINTED RE-'
PORTS" such as are required by the &hob] Law for the
Monthly Reports of each School, in wholesale or retail quan
tities. These reports are got up to facilitate the Teacher
In his duties, and save him a deal of trouble in making
hi 'reports. , , IS. IL SPANGLER,
110 T 21 tf-i-IJ N. Llueeiti et., Lanc'r
Fink'!" Patent Metallic Burial Case., for
protecting and preserving the lhad for ordinary in
terment, for vaults, or for any other desiralile purpose, can
now be had at the Cubitfig establishment of tlimunder
signed in West King st.,lLsneaster, a few Ours above Mir
man's store.
These Cases are made of various sizes, and are the most
complete article for the preservation of the Dead, for any
length of time, that hasnver been introduced in this sec
tion of country. The following testimonial in relation to
the article speaks for itself
Mouse of Repaaentatives, U. S.
Augind 11, 1852.
Gentlemen: It affords ime infinite pleasure to bear testi
mony to the great Taloa of ygar-Metalliclhuriel CUM.--
For durability, I think they cannot be surpassed, and their
great beauty is so far naPorior to the ordinary cotii . , „ that
it seems to rob deatteof much of Its glen and te • r. I
had the honor to accompany the remain of Hen Clay
from this city to his horde in Kentucky, add the bdautiful
ease you had the kindness to present to the committee,
whilst it withstood the sieverentlest of tratispoitation, was
the object of admiration lof all who saw 11.1 4 c
Respectfully, ADDI • 1.1 WHITT, My.
Messrs. W. M. li./T110!iD & CO.
All persons wishing to examine these sea will please
call on the undersigned) in West King st. • • '
HENRY M. MILLER, lanai Maker. • -
nhel...Ookniul of every description of Wodd made at abort
otlce. TOMB remaxiable. dee. Ufkar4l
I -
Parlors Stoves,
.2i els worth 37
51 34
1.••: 1%1
1. .• .i
BEE 111 v E.sroitki,
oT North.../ueen et