Lancaster intelligencer. (Lancaster [Pa.]) 1847-1922, August 08, 1854, Image 4

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    Lancaster Tobacco.&_begar Store,
North Queen St., adjoining Spangter , s Book
&ore, and three doors South of
Orange Stree:`
THE.Babscriber respectfully informs his friends
and customers that he hipline. returned from
Philadelphia with the largest stock of Tobacco tha
has ever been offered in Lancaster, comprising tea
' different brands fancy one pound luinp, large ane
small Congress, fine spun and large plug, Thomas'
Unique, Extra Eldorado, and superior Extra Oro
noku, which be is prepared to sell lower than any
other house in Lancaster, He invitee .couniry
storekeepers to his large and varied - stock of To
bacco, as well as to his splendid assortment of SU
the choicest brands and of the finest flavor, he also
keeps constantly on hand the largest stock of
n Lancaster, which he will sell lower than any
other house in the city. The best Began . in Lan
caster can be had here ' • he' warrants them'equal tc
any manufactured in the State.
H. B. A.lso, imported Turkish Smoking Tobacco :
warranted genUILIO JOHN KUHNS.
oct 14 3m-39-
Lancaster Emporium of Taste!
CHARLES B. VaLLIA viS, Professor of the
Tonsorial Institute and Physiognomical HAIR
CUTTER and catatic SHAVER, respectfully in
forms the citirens of Lancaster, and strangers wh•
may tarry here until ththr beards grow, that he still
continues to carry on his business in
where he intends prosecuting the Tonsorial business
in all its varied branches.
He will shave you as clean as a City Broker, ano
cut your hair to suit the shape of your head and the
cut of your phiz, well knowing that the whole ob
ject and desire is to improve the appearance of the
outor than. From long experience he.flatters him
self that he can go through all the ramifications of
the art, with so much skill, as to meet the entire
approbation of all those who submit their chins to
the keen ordeal of his Razor.
Each gentleman furnished with a clean towel
SHAiIIOONIN G done in the most improved
ssyle, and Razors sharpened Indio • try best manner_
Lancaster, Dec. 26, 1849. 48-ti
Patent Medicine Stare, in East
1 Orange st., Lancaster,. next door to•Kramph's
Clothing stoto s The subscriber having taken the
Family Medicine Store of Dr. Jacob Long, (for
merly. J. Gish's) takes occasion to inform the pub
lid, that he has greatly increased the stock, and
keeis on hand a large assortment of the Most pop
ular medicines of the day, and his made arrange
ments to obtain ail the new medicines as soon as
in the market, at thb manufacturers' prices.
'By strict attention to business, he hopes to re
ceive a liberal share of public patronage.
jan 3 ti-50 . 1 H. A. HOCKAFELD.
Vennlan Blinds, of the latest
and most fashionable styles and newest pat
terns, I naugractured promptly to order by the sub
scriber—samples of which may be seen at his shop
r,t Vine streetoca swvaboE south Queen.
r Also, CABINET FURNITURE, of every
kind, in the most - fashionable styles, and,on the
Most reasonamle terms, manufactured to order.
A share of public patronage is respectfully so
licited. CONRAD ANNE.
Lan. HUY 22 44-0
In Dr. John 111dIer , s New' Building, between MI
chael , s Hotel, and Long's Drug Store,
North queen street, Lancaster, Pa,
N. li.—N.Jaked Half-Spanish Cigars—best qua':
sty—for sale here
july 2D, 1852.
to Stong, test of two of Evans
ATSON , S Salamander Safes--Late
Light Street Fire. Messers. E- & T.
Fairttanks & Co. Gentleman! We take much
pleasure' in recommending your Salaman
der Safes to merchants and others who may desire
to purcha-e with a view to the preservation of their
hooks and oilier valuables. The Safe we purchased
of ynu in July last, and manufactured by Evans &
Watson, of Philadelphia, remained in the fire at
the buining of our store until the entire stock was
The heat was intense, as you may suppose, as
there was ab , mt_seventy barrels of liquor in the
store, on the next Ilbor over th.
_safe, besides some
seventy thou ;and .pounds 01 rags, rope, and other
combu.dible matter. We had the safe opened af
ter the lire had erased, and found our books and
papers perfectly preserved.
Please get us up another of your Safes, of the
same size, for our future use, as soon as possible,
and obligo, Ik. & W. W. ISAAKS,
No. 116 Light street Wharf.
Baltimore, May 17, 15:54..
\least's. E 3: T. Fairbanks & Co.—Gentlemen :
It gives Inc :nta•h pleasure to bear testimony to the
excellency of your Salamander Safes: The one I
purchased or con in Jo y last, manufactored by
Evans .l• Walsiin, of Philadelphia, saved My books
and valuable impers„isocn every thing else in the
stare wasdcsiroyad by lire, on the morning of the
1401 inst., at Co. tl6 Light street wharf.
Baltimore, Slay 16,1854
SA LA Al \ NDER SAFES. Evans & Watson,
Nn , lt3 unui6 •Fourth street, Philadelphia, (late
Nu. 84 Dock Street.) havirnow on hand a large 'as
sortment ol Iheir Pwerff Salamander Fire and
Thad Froar Sates.'
and Iron doors S,r Bank Stores,
Patent Slat.e Lined Reirigeratory, Water filters,
Seal a- ti Letter copying Presses, Fairbank's Plat.
Munn and Counter Scales.
Agency for Butterworth's, B ettley
Vales' and Janes , Patent Powder-proof Banli
Locks. give us a call.
preserve your Teeth.—An those who
are desirous or beautifying and preserving
their teeth Irmo decay, miireover saving a Dentist's
Me, should give Z.ERMAN'S TOOTH WASH a trial.
It has the mast beneficial and salutary effect on
diseased hums, oartomlarly when they ale subject
to sores esS, Weeding, ulceration, &c. It also im
parts a fragrant odour to the breath. For sale,
wholesale and retail, at Dr. ZrEccEnfs Drug one
Fanny store, No. SSI North Queen Street, Lanca-s
. ,
ArVezinsylvania. Patent Agency.—
..I J. FR IN. REIGART, of Lancaster city,
obtains Lette N Patent from the U. S. Patent Office.
on the most reasonable terms. Drawings of all
kinds of Alachinery, Architecture or Surveys, cor
rectly executed by him.
Likewise Deeds, Bonds and other instruments
of wroilv.4. `Mice FULTON HA L 1
april Yri
Qpring Style HAIN: 7 J. :‘IcCLOUD& SON
no. 4( Market st. Philadelphia, have now on
hand a conip4ete stock of Hats suitable to Spiing
and ointner Sal `s comprising in part
Black end. Drab, Beaver and Moleskin Hats
\Vide andsmall rim Panama
Double and single rim Leghorn
Buys' and. Men's canton Braid rc
Fine and coarse s ,Canada Palm
Together with every style orsolt Fur and Wool
H a t s which they will sell at the lowest cash prices
by the cast!' or dozen. Country Hatters will find
tiargain a: No. -to Market st., teeth side below
2tl st. ap 11 3m-I2
rritf! Cliesnilit Street Worlis.--ItIEF
FER'S Machine Shop and Iron Works. The
MesAVs. Fellentumm having retired from their con
nection with the Machine Shops of this establish
ment, the undersigned resuectfully intorms his old
friends and the public generally, that he has resu
med the management of the entire establishmeni,
where he is now prepared, with the most improved
and extensive facilities, to do work of every de
scription in hi: line, such as STEAM -•
ENGINES and !Milers, Shafting, Gear-
ing, Mill and >aw•ini!l work, Slides, Iland•lathes
Car-wheels and Axles, and Castings of every de
r* scriplion
As his assortment of patterns is not surpassed
by any fojiel eqablishinent in the State, he is ena
bled t,, do work at the shortest notice and at redu
ced price-.
Stoves of every description manufactured an
ror sale, wholesale and retail.
IRON RAILING for yards, cemeteries, etc.,
cast or wrought, made and put up with neatness and
despatch. Also, Verandahs constructed and put
un tile most treautilial patterns and best work-
Furnace Twiers and Pipes of every description
on hand and made to order. Old Twiers and Pipes
repaired in tbn best manner. .
subscriber also-having purchased the right for Lan
caster en., from the patentees, is now prepared to
furnish P stout Tubular Ovens and
Hot Air 'Liege, a ported cooking apparatus of vari
ous sizes, to suit families, boarding houses, or ho
tels. This Range is constructed on the moat val
uable and scientific principles, and not only per
forms the office of cooking in all its various branch
es, in the most perlect manner, with a small
amount of fuel, but will, at the same time, heat
additional rooms either adjoining or over the
Also, Hayes' Patent Ventilator, the best now in
llSe for ventilating public and private buildings,
&c., also, for withdrawing smoke front chimney
flues. •
By employing a sufficient number of the most
competent mechanics, in his pattern rooms, foun
dry, boiler and machine shopd, and by paying
strict attention to business, the undersigned looks
confidently for an increased share of publie pat
Chesnut street, between N. Queen and Prince.
The suliscriner respectfully announces to hie
former pa - rons and friends that having withdrawn
from the firm of I. St D. Fellenbaum, will still be
found at his further place of business in the ma.
chine shop department of "Chesnut Street Iron
Works," where lie will be happy to receive a con
tinuation of their favors for Christian Kieffer, Esq„
proprietor and manager of the establishment, who
is in all respects prepared to give entire satistac,
lion in every branch of his business. •
may 16 tf-17
New and Cheap Hardware Store.
—The embscribers respectfully informs their
friends and the' public in general, that they have
just recived direct from the manufactures!, a splen
did assortment of goods, to which they invite their
attention. Persons commencing
. _ _
will find a complete assortment of Knives & Forks,
Table and Tea Spoons, Waiters, Looking Glasses,
Shovels and Tongs.,BRITANIA WARE, •
Coffee Mills, Brushes, Pots,'Kettles, Pans, 4.c.
CEDARW ARE,- Brewing and Wash Tubs, Buck
ets, Churns, Stands ' bushels,} bushels and peck
measures, Wooden bowls; &c.
of the most approved patterns. A general assort
ment of BUILDING MATERI A LS, Locks, Latch
es, Hinges, Bolts, Screws, Nails, Glass, Oils and.
Varnish. A superior article of genuine Fire Proof
Planes. (laud, Penel & Back Saws, Chisels, Au
gers, Braces, Bite, Spirit Levels, Rules, Hatchets,
&c., with a general assortment of warranted Edge
Tools, FARMING UTENSILS, Ploughs, Patent
straw Cutters, Chains of all descriptions, Shovels
Forks, Hoes M attocks &c.
will find in their stock a complete assortment o
goods suitable to their trade, of which they are of
fering at greatly reduced prices, and respectfully
solicit from dealers and consumers an examination
of their stock.
Thee hope by strict attentiop to business, and
their endeavdrs to please customers, to receive a
share of public patronage.
Between Shober & Sener>s Hotels, North Queen
Street, Lancaster Pa. teb 22 tf-6
Clkas. :11. Erben & Brother deal-
National House Building, North Queen street,
ancaeter. [march 28 tt 10
Gratis !—Just Published—A New Discovery
in Medicine !—A few words on the rational
treatment, without Medicine, of spermatorrhea, or
local weakness, nervous debility, low spirits, las
situde, weakness of the limbs and the back, indis
position and incapacity for study and labor, dull
ness of apprehension, loss of memory, aversion to
society, love of solitude, timidity, self-distrust,
dizziness, head-ache, involuntary discharges, pains
in the side, affection o 1 the eyes, pimples on the
face, sexual and other infirmities in man.
From the French of Dr. B. De Lancy : The im
portant fadt that these alarming complaints may ea.:
sily be removed without.medicine, is, in this small
tract, clearly demonstrated, and the entirely new
andhighly successful treatment,as adopted by the au
Thor, fully explained, by means of which every one
is enabled to cure himself perfectly, and at the
least possible cost, avoiding thereby, all the adier
tined nostrums of the day.
Sent, to any address, gratis and post free, in a
sealed envelope, by remitting (post paid', two post
ago stamps to Dr. B. De Lany, No. 17 Lispenard
street, N. York. [feb 28 ly-6
'FIRE subscribers beg leave thus toacquainttheir
J_ friends and the public, that they've made such
arrangements with a house iu the city of Philadel
phia, as will enable them to execute orders for the
purchase and sale of
At the Board of Brokers, with promptness and
fidelity and on as favorable terms in every respect,
as can be done in Philadelphia. The faithful and
confidential execution of all business entrusted to
them may be relied on.
Money safely invested for individuals on Estates
in Bonds and Mortgages, State and United States
securities, &c. &c. Personal attention will be given
to the proper transfer, &c., of
Stock, Loans, &c.,
and such general supervision as will obtain for thos
intrusting business to them the safest anld most de
sirable securities.
1 26-tf
Also, the collection of otes, Checks, Bills, &c.
on Philadelphia, New York, BaltimOre, and the
towns &c. in this vicinity.
Also, persons desirous of buying or selling any
stock of the Lancaster Banks, Conestoga Steam
Mills, Gas or Turnpike Stocks by leaving the order
in our nands will mt rt with prompt attention.
One door from the corner of North Queen and
Centre Square, Lancaster, Pa.
Feb. 12, 1850. 1- y
cash, Door, Shutter, Blind and
AJ Frame Factory.—The undersigned have ta
ken the Sash FaCtory lately carried on by S. J. Mor
rison, situated in the southern part of the city of
Lancaster and near the Cotton Factory, where
we intend to manufacture to order all kinds or
Sash, Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Window Frames
&c., at the shortest notice and on the most reason
ble terms. The undersigned are both prac:tica
Carpenters, and work at the business ourselves.
With a strict attention to business, we hope to
merit the patronage orthe public generally.
SWARTZW ELDER. & 11 0 11tRflW.
april 12
N. N.—Common sash and doors constantly on
Vouth, Age, Style, Taste, Beauty
1 and Fashion.—The seasons of life should he
arra. ged like those of the year. In the spring of
youth, when all is lovely and gay, then as the
green cover is spread on all the face of smilingna
ture, in brightness and beauty, so let the dress par
take of the season. Fine taste, as well as fashion,
decrees the necessity of nicely adapted garments
to age, circumstances and seasons. The man
whose head is silvered with age, who feels not the
blood of youth dancing warmly in his veins, should
nut run into extremes of dress, nor yet should he
permit his clothing to be so far behind the times as s
to render him ridiculous. There is a becoming
fashionable dress, suitable for the age and seasons
of lile as well as the seasons of the year. You can
'be suited in handsome style in clothing that is well
and fashionably made, of good materials that will
lit well and become the figure and season, at the
great Clothing Bazaar of
- preparing !—CHAS. 1 1. ERBEN & BRO.
I have now commenced receiving their large
spring stock olCnotcc Day Goons, and they will
be daily replenishing their assortment by constant
fresh arrivals, ast he season progresses, with every
thing that is new and desirable in Choir line of
Goode. Those wishing good Goods at very low
prices, will do well by a visit to our establishment.
North Queen st., adjoinging Sprecher's Hard
ware store. [march 28 11-10
rflo Persons commencing House
keeping. I would call your attention to my
Full assortment of Hardware, such as knives and
forks, spoons, shears, shovels and tongs, iron la
dles, Jcandlesticks, Brittania ware, &c. And you
wi. I also find a full assortment of Cedar Ware, such
as tubs, churns, buckets, baskets, &c.
Your attention is also called to my large assort
ment of COOKING STOVES—having the sole
agency for two of the most celebrat e d cook stoves
noiv in use; these stoves will burn either coal or
wood, and have given great satisfaction.
I have also a full assortment of Coach Trim
mings, such as oil cloths, knobs, bands, spokes
hubs, shafts, felloes, leather axles, springs, ¢-c.
Also, a good assortment of building materials
and other hardware, &c.
Please call and examine for yourselves, at th e
Hardware stole, in North Queen street.
Plainfield Classical Academy
near Carlise, Pa. The 16th Session will com
mence May Ist. The location is desirable for
healthfulness and moral puri.y. The mind may
be concentrated npon studies, the situation being
retired though convenient of access by Railroad.
TERMS.-- ward and- Tuition, 5 months, $60,00
For catalogues with references, See., address,
Principal and Proprietor,/
Plainfield, Cum. co., Pa.
rro the Farmers of Lancaster co.
L —I would call your attention to the celebrated
PROUTY+ BARRETT'S Centre Draught Plough.
—This Plough took the premium at our late Agri
cultural Fair; and having also RICHARDSON'S
celebrated Corn Stalk, Hay and Straw Cutter,—this
machine can be. used by hand and horse power;
having also a new Corn harrow and 1 Horse Rakes;
having also the agency for SNIITH'S clebrated
corn sheller—thissheller will shell from one thous
and to twelve hundred bushels of corn - Per day.—
Having just received a large assortment of Grain .
cradles, rakes, scythes, grain and shaking forks,
and many other farming utensils, which can be had
Hardware store, in North Queen street, Sign o
THE Bin Lock. !march I tf-6
Fashionable Chair and Cabinet Maker,
RESPECTFULLY informs his
friends and the people of Lan
caster co .generally, that he carries
on the maufacture of CHAIRS of every description,
and SETTEES, at his stand in South Queen St., the
- Mechanics' Institute, and opposite the Fountain
Inn Hotel, kept by Wm. Wright, where he will be
happy to meet nis numerous friends and customers
from the city and county, and where good bargains
can always be had.
No. 55, North Queen street, Lancaster
march 1 tf-6; at the Sign of the Big Lock
april 11 tf-121
He also continues to manufacture Cabinet Furn
iture of every kind, such as flureaus, Tables, Desk
and Cradles. Call and examine his stock ,ofChair
and Furniture.
ttended to. rapril 29-13-0
"UT rltlng Ink.—.A. WARREN, Centr
V V Square, Lancaster, manufactures, and keep
constantly on hand, in any quantity, FINE BLACK
'WHITING INK, for Banks, Counting Houses, Public
offices, 4-c. Warranted to retain a jet black color,
unimpaired by age or exposure, and not to become
mouldy or deposit° sediment of any kind. Differ
ing in its composition from ordiriary Ink, it flows
freely, and will not corrode metallic pens. The
trade supplied at the lowest terms. We ask the
public to give it a fair trial. Recollect the place.
Bookstore, Centre Square, Lancaster.
april 4
Philadelphia -Advertisements.-
v. B. PAUSES., AGENT, THIRD Arai Camara Su
, Qiirees Plastic Paints, Cheap..
AJ Durable and Protective Weather and Fire
Proof. This Paint will stand any climate, without
crack or blister hardens by exposure, thus making in
time an enamel of stone, protecting wood from de
cay, and Iron and other metals from rust anti cor
rosion. •
The Paint differs from the so-called Mineral
Paints of the day, which are principdly Ochres and
Clays.colored, and are entirely worthless.
Silver's Plastic Paints are purely Metalic, con
taining no Alomin or Clay.
They are levigated finely, mix readily . with Lin
seed Oil, (without the trouble of grinding.) and flow
under the brush as freely as the best White Lead.
These Paints excel all others in body or cover
ing properties, one pound of which will cover as
much surface, as two pounds of White Lead.
There are four natural colors, viz : Black or
Slate, Brown, Olive and Chocolate.
Directions.—This Paint flows readily under the
brush and its covering property is increased by
using it mixed as thickly as possible with pure Lin
seed Oil; as the Paint is the lasting or protecting
body and the Oil simply the medium or agent in
spreading it.
We annex copies of two letters, one from the
President of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad
Co., the other from a Gentleman, a well known
resident of Augusta, Ga.
Office of the Phila. and Reading Railroad Co.l
Philadelphia, May 3, 1852.
J. S. SILVER. Esq.,
Dear Sir: We have used your " Plastic
Paints" or more than a year, and for Painting
Bridges, Depots, &c., &c., we have found it quite
equal to any paint we have used. In tact, we now
give it a preference over all others we have tried
for such purposes. Yours Respectfully,
(Signed,) JOHN TUCKER. President.
Augusta, Ga., September 29, 18524
Steam Planing Mills.
Dear Sir: You ask me for my opinion of " Sil
ver's Mineral Paints," which you have put on my
Machine Shop and Planing Mill. I give you with
pleasure my full and hearty recommendation of it
as a preventive of Fire communicating from Chim
neys, or from adjoining buildings. The Paint which
you put on my roofs, has now become as hard as
slate, and I feel as secure from Fire, in this direc
tion, as is possible. A few weeks alter the roofs
I had been painted, I made an experiment on two or
three shingles by placing them in the furnace under
the boilers; the remit was, that the portion uncov
ered was entirly consumed, while the painted part
was apparently so_und, though upon examination
the wood was found to be charred ; the Paint how
ever was firm and but little blistered. I consider
this as severe a test as your Paint can be put to,
and tinder the circumstances I do not hesitate to
commend it as an invaluable preventive against
Fire. Respectfully, &c.
- _
N. W. Corner of 10th and Market Sts., Philada.,
Pa., general wholesale agents.
For sale in Lancaster, Wholesale and Retail, by
Capital $50,000!
ripHIS Company is now fully organized, and pre
pared to insure against the combined risks of
descriptions of LIVE STOCK, such as Horses,
Mules, Cattle, Sheep, &c.
?YT Office, No. 21 Fifth street, Pittsburg.
A. JAYNES, President.
B. M 2 LAIN, Secretary.
Win Day, James Mathews,
Alex Hilands, Henry A White,
Wm 0 Leslie, Wm Ilakewell,
John Young, jr.
noir s 6 1142]
Stauffer& Harley.—Cheap Watcling
Jewelry, Wholesale and Retail, at the "Pnila
delphia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 96 North,
Second Street, corner of Quarry, Philadelphia.
Gold Lever Watches full jeweled, 18- carat ca
ses, $25,00. a' Anx
Gold Lepine,' IS carats, $24,00
Silver Lever, full jeweled, 512,00
Silver Lepine, jewels, 9,00
Superior Quartiers, 7,00
Gold : - -3pectacles, 7,00
Fine Silver, do. 1,50
Gold Bracelets, 3,00
Ladies' Gold Pencils, 1,00
Silver Tea spoons, set. 5,00
Gold pens, with . pencil a silver holder, 1,00
Gold Finger Rings, 1 cents to $80; Watch
Glasses, plain, 121 cents; Patent, 181 ; -Lunet 25;
other articles in proportion. All goods. warranted
to be what they are sold for.
'Successors to 0. Conrad.
On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and Le
mnos still lower than the above prices.
• aug 3,5 ly-32
Das is Latin, Dealers in Lamps.
Lanterns and Chandeliers, N. East Corner
Fourth and Cherry streets, Phimdeiphia. Having
enlarged and improved their store, and having the
largest assortment of Lamps in Philadelphia, ft.<.y
are preparedto furnish Pine oil,Camphene, BURN
ING FLUID, Ethereal Oil, Phosgene Gas and Lard
Oil; !amps, lanterns, of all patterns, fancy Hotel
and Hall lamps, chandeliers, girandoles and can
delabras, and Britannia Lair ps, at the Manufactu
rers' lowest nrices. Glass lamps by the package,
at a small advance over auction prices. Being
'arge MANUFACTURERS of pine oil, burning
fluid, ethereal oil, alcohol, and (the only true) phos
enge gas, they can furnish these articles at such
prices that Merch ,nts will find it to their advan
tage to buy. Call before going elsewhere, if you
want bargains. Also, the Safety Fluid Lamp for
sale. sep 20 ly-30
Fiveper cent Saving Fund.—Char
tered by the State of Pennsylvania in 18I1.—
Capital - Sock-250,000. THE SAVING FUND of
the National Safety Company, No. 62 Walnut St.,
two doors above Third, PHILADELPHIA, is Opan ev
ery day from 9 o'clock A.'l[., to 7 o'clock P. M.,
and on Monday and Thmrsday evenings till 9
o'clock, This institution is well known as one o,
the best managed and safest in the country, and
pays FIVE PER CENT. interest for money put in
tnere, front the date of deposite.
Any sum from One Dollar upwards is received.—
And all sums, large or small, are paid back on de
mand, without notice, to any amount.
This Saving Fund has Mortgages, Ground-Rents,
and other first-class investments, all well secured,
amounting to half a million of dollars, for the se
curity of depositors.
Office No. 62 Walnut Street, two doors above
Third, Philadelphia.
Hon. HENRY L. BENNER, Pres't.
Wm. J. REED, Sec'y.
Hon. W. Richards, Pottstown, Montgomery, co.
J. El. Streeper, Esq., editiji- of the Montgomery
County Ledger, Pottstown.
J. M. Scheenemen, editor of the Neutralist,
Skippackville, Montgomery co.
Enos Benner, Esq., editor 'of the Farmer>
Friend, Sumneytown, Montgomery county.
Hon. Joel Jones, late Mayor of Philadelphia.
Hon. John Robbins, jr., Member of Congress 4
district Pennslyvania.
Hon. James Page, late Post Master of Phila.
Hon. Wm. Pennington, late Gov. of N. Jersey.
Philadelphia, sep 27
To the Public.—Dr. Ziegler offers for sale
J at the lowest cash prices, a full assortment of
fresh Drugs and Chemicals, warranted pure. ALSO,
Alcohols, Pine Oil or Camphene, and burning Flu
id of the best quality. ALSO, a full assortment of
fancy perfumery from the finest quality to the low
est price in market. With all the most popular
proprietory medicines. Zerman's celebrated Tooth
Wash, Prof. Barry's Tricopherous, Stores Chem
ical Hair Tonic with all his medicines, lioben
sack's Vermifuge, Fahnestock's do., Ensmingees
do:, Wentz's do., Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, A. C.
Bull's Sarsaparilla, Myer's extract of Rock Rose,
Wistar's Wild Cherry, lioofland's German Bitters,
with an innumerable quantity of the most popular
Linaments applicable to every ache or pain in the
human body. Afflicted, call and see, you will find
something to relieve you at No. SSI North Queen
Street, Lancaster, Pa.
ALSO, Irwin & hite , s superior French Liquid
Boot Blacking, and writing fluid, for sale at Dr.
ZIEGLER'S Drug, Chemical and Perfumery store,
No. 5-i} North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa
nov 15
Attorney at Law,
OFFERS his professional services to the pumic.
He also attends to the collection of Pensions
and the prosecution of all manner of claims agains t
the general government. His residence in the cit . )
of Washington for several years, the experience
derived from the duties of the office, which he had
filled during that time, and the mode in which claims
of this sort are , most speedily adjusted, give the
most ample assurance that business placed in his
hands will be attended to in such manner as can
not fail to afford satisfaction.
Office in South Queen street, second house below
he Lancaster Bank
Nov. 20. 1849
_ 0 3,351-IED
4,- 0' #l9 7 (tft
=v\i,..;-„,t •
4S Chestnut St, Philadelphia.
Mathematical Instruments, Spy Glasses,
Thermometers, Microscopes,
Platina Points, Magic Lanterns, &e.
Our Priced and Illustrated Catalogues
liCk arefurnished on application, and sent
by Mail, free of charge.
Be 28 9m-6 g
Ivagle - liotel;;No• 331.:• 1 31arket 8 •
14 Philadelphia.—The • subscriber.: takes thi
method to inform his frielidaand the public in ge.
emir that he has taken Wig well kniown stand, an;
hopes by strict attention to business to gain
share of the public patronage heretofore so li
erally extended to him while in the abov ‘1
business in • Lancaster county, and recently i
Cumberland county, Pa.
The hodse has been , neatly furnished throughotit
and the rOoma;are large and airy and for comfbr
they are unsurpassed in the city. The table' re al,
ways supplied with the best the market can afford'
His Bar can compete for choice Liquors wit.
the beet bare in the city.
The stables are large and newly fitted up for Dr.,
vers and the public in general.
My charges areas reasonable as any other i.
Market street. Give me a call.
april II ly-12]
11 - Craves' Patent Tubular Oven not
Air Range, patented June 27, 1852. Varioio
sizes 3 to suit families, boarding houses and hotels.
Those in want of a superior cooking aparatus }vie
invited to call at our Warehouse and examine thjs
Range. For durability, economy and eimplici:yyn
operation it stands unrivaled, It has, a perfect hot
air ventilated oven—and meats baked in this oven
will retain their juice and flavor equal to that roast
ed before an open fire. Meath and pastry cooked
at the same time without one affecting the other. .1-.
It will supply sufficient heated air to beat aaditiori
al rooms for the coldest weather. It has no de
scending or return flues, and is equally well adapt
ed to burning the bituminoue,.or common hard
The steam valve over the boiling part of the range
carries off the steam and scent of cooking, as well
as heat in summer.
Every Range sold warranted to give perfect s t
isfaction, or no expense to the purchaser.
HAYES' /VENTILATORS Patented OLtobrir,
1348. For public halls, schOol houses„ factories,
railroad cars chimnies, flues, ships, steamers, 4.1 c.
Pure air is a subject claiming the attention jof
every individual, and all buildings should be pir
vided With the proper means of ventilation.
Allic4 a powerful WARMING AND VEN'FIL/I
TING 'FURNACE, for dwellings, school houses,
stores, churches, halls, factorids, &c.
frr A large assortment of office, hall and co. •-
ing stoves, parlor grates, registers, &c., wholes. le
and retail.
82 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia
ret ersonal attention given to warming add v.t
ilatindboth public and private buildings.
Aug. 30. '53
To Southern and Western Mer
-1 chants.—M'CLAlNS celebrated Perfumery.
Seven Prize Medals have been awaried, to E.
M'Clain forhis superior perfumery, fancy soaps, a d
dentilicies, by different Institutes, during the 11..11
six years.
E. M'CLAIN, manufacturer and importer of tote
!allowing articles, namely-his Celebrated Vegeta
ble Hair Oil, Bear's oil, Beefs marrow, and lustriel,
&c. 70 different kinds of extracts lor the handli ...r
-chief, Colognes, tooth pastes, &c. Also, his unri
valed magnetic, honey; aristatin, winsor, waln it,
and a variety,of other fancy soaps, for washing or
shaving; pearl powder, lily white alabaster pew
der-puffs, clothes, hat, hair, shaving add tooth
brushes. ,
Port Monnaiea, drelsing, pocket, and fine to' th
combs—all of which can be purchased cheap for
cash, at No.e 106 North 6th street, below Ita,•e,
N. 13.—A liberal dtseount t dealer
sep 20
TT ussey's Improved ReaL,
j_LNl...ving Machine, for sale, by the subscrilier,
at his Agricultural Warehouse, No. 21 & 2
South Sixth st., between Marketand Chesnut'
Also, Ploughs, Harrows, Cultivators, Hay, IttM
and Corn Stalk Cutters. Grain Fans, See d DOls,
Revolving Horse Rakes, Hay Drags and Pulleys,
Corn Sheller., Corn and Cob Crushers, Spades,
Shovels, Hoes, Rakes, Hay and Manure Forks,
,—domprising the largest and hest seleMed
stock of Agricultural Implements in Pennsylvania.
Seeds, Field Seeds, Flower Seeds, Bird Seeds,
Books on Agricultural and II orticultural subjects.
21 and 23 South Sixth st., Philadelphia.
aril IS 3,111,3
Varnish, Steam Putty and Paini
rrili F. undersigned having made extensive a4era
-1 tions and improvements in his machineryand
having introduced STEAM , into his Factory, Wituld
most respectfully call the attention of his fri'Cnds
and customers through the country to his largl!; and
well selected stock of
which for variety and quality cannot be excellp by
any similar establishment in the State. pack
Body, Carriage, Cabinet and China Gloss Var ashes
and Paints of every deseription, dry and gra din
Oil, and put up at short notice in cans of co i,eni
ent size for country trade.
Glazier's Diamonds, Gold Leaf, Pallette utt)
and Hack Knives, Sable and Camel Hair Pe 'Mts.
Varnish, Paint, Graining and Kalsomine Br ihes,
and English, French„and American Glass of I si
zes, suitable for Store Fronts, Dwellings, &c.i with
a good assortment of Enameled and Colored ,
for public buildings, Vestibules, &c., &c., conitant
ly on hand and for sale in quantities to suit pd,'eha
sere, at moat - rate prices, as the CHG ester)! heti
80 North Fourth street, west side, below Rae st.,
Philadelphia. C. SCHRA .
- April 20, 1852.
Commercial Hotel , Philadel
PHIA.—The subscriber, thankful for 1.14 lib
patronage she has received, hereby notifie
public in general. and her Lancaster county
friends in particular, that-she slid continues to
keep the Hotel, formerly the AntEnicArr HOuse,
No 18 S. Sixth street, between Market and Ches
nut, and now known as THE CO3IMERCi. Hpret..
The house is fitted up and re-modeled inl ele
gant style, from attic to basement—the turnture,
bedding, &c., &c., being entirely new; and every
arrangement is made for the comfort and conveni
ence of its patrons.
From the central location, and its close rox
imity to the Railroad. Depots,Steamboait Landenge,
places of amusement, fashionable thorougikres
and public squares, it offers inducements ti the
Merchant visiting the city on business, of the
Traveler seeking pleasure. To familes aid fe
males visiting the city, every facility will be fFord
ed, and every comlbrt regarded to make theill.visit
agreeable and pleasant.
A Presbyterian clergyman in Ohio, writing of
•II unter's Medical Manual" says:—" Thousands
upon thousands of our youth, by evil example add
influence of the passkins, have been led into the
habit of self-pollution, without realizing the sin
and fearful consequences upon themselves and
their posterity. The constitution of thousands who
are raising families have been - enfeebled, if not bro
ken down, and they do not kcow the cause or the
cure. Anything that can ,be done so to enlighten
and influence the public mind as to check, apd ul
timately to remove this wide-spread source of hu
man wretchedness, would confer the greatest blcs
sing next to the religion of Jesus Christ, on the
present and coming generations. Intemperance (or
the use of intoxicating drinks) though it has slain
thousands, is not a greater scourge to the human
race. Accept my thanks on behalf of the afflicted,
and, believe me s your co-worker in the good work
you are so actively engaged in."
"finnan and other Pianos.--BAL One copy (securely enveloped; will be forw a rded
LET, DAVIS & CO'S Pianos, with and free of postage, to any part of the United Stats for
25 cents, or six copies for SI. Address, epost
without /1", o, selling rapidly at astonishing lofv pri
ces. Best of second hand Pianos at great bargains. paid) COSDEN & CO., Publishers, or box 196( Phil-
Melodeons of superior Intake at the lowest rotes. adelphia.
10- Booksellers, Canvassers and Book Agents
Music from all parts of the Union as soon as pub
lished. We have just , received "Lilly Dear good supplied on the tnost liberal terms.
bye," sung with great applause by G. Chris v and dec 27
Wood's Minstrels-25 cents; ''Little Katy'syi -
Bed," very beautiful, 25 cents; Deal gentl wi
the Motheyless, 25 cents. Teachers and th t ra
supplied at the lowest rates. Orders fro tl
country forwarded,•postage free. i
successors to T. S. Befry, 297 Broad way, N. iYorl
feli 7 )Y-3
A share or public patronage is respeefullyi
ted. Terms $1,25 per day.
S. LEBO, Proprietor
JAcoR G. LEE°, Superintendent.
dec 6, 1853
No. 155 North Second Street, between Race and
Vine Streets, Philadelphia.
Aug. 10--Iy] Successor to G. A. Yocum
Deter Bergner, No. 63Northi St
street, second door above AT h, Phtladdlphia,
Wholesale and Retail dealer in Fancy and Clomes
tic BASKETS, of all kinds,
Work boxes, writing desks, dressing leases,
combs, brushes, soaps, perfumery, toilet articles,
porte monnaies, cutlery, carpet bags, sachels,
chairs, cradles, gigs : hobby horses, toys, &
april 11 3 -11
Men's and Boys' Clothlng.—iEvery
I body should embrace this opportunity to buy
clothing for men and boys, at GEORGE CULLIN'S
cheap clothing establishment, S.. E. corner 14arleet
and Second sts , Philadelphia, embracing a choice
of the best, most desirable, and fashionable Dress
and Frodt Coats, habit cloth do., Linen trilling
do., Tweeds, &c., &c., with a great valety of
BOYS' CLOTHING, consisting of Sack Coats Polka
Jackets, Monkey Jackts, Vests and - Round Jackets,
made of Tweed, Linen Drilling, Cloth, Alpaca,
Kerseymera.Doeskin ' &c &c.,Felarizautrfo boons,
consisting of Shirts, Stocks,i Handkerchiefs, 4-c.,
all of which are offered at the lowest possible cash
prices, and as cheap as any other -Clothing Store
in the Union.
, Parents who d dire Boys's Clothing, ear
neatly Invited to examine the Stock.
Country Storekeepers can be accomrriodated
at very low rates.
S. E. Corner Market and Second sta.
C. B. Rogers,
No. 29 Market Street, Philadelphia] ,
MANUFACTURER of the most a6proved
Agricultural Implements. Castm4k Troth
nrt 29- 1,4"
Sharon Sleeper, Manufacturer
of the latest approved Parisian Styli Pa;a
sols and Umbrellas, -No. 327 Arch Street, 4
doors below 9th street, Philadelphia.
The subscriber, with an experience oflover 30
years is enabled to compete with any establish.
meat on this side of the Atlantic, in style;
superiority of workmanship and price:
march 7
Leather.—FßlTZ & HENDRY, Skire 29, N
Third street, Philadelphia, Morocco Manufac
turers, Ourriers, Importers, Commission & General
Leather Business, Wholesale end Retail. '
Manufactory, 15 Margaretta street.
aug 23 31-1 y.
NO. 121 CHESNUT St., Between 3d & 4th
(my 14,1
. .
LIT: Stewart Demity - ,', at _ 223: NOrth
V • 2d St., below Callowhill,'Philadelphia; has
'on bandit splendid Wiwortutent of Velvet; Tapes
try, Brussels. Thren Ply, Ingrain, and Venitian
CARPETS : -besiaes Driggeia, Canton and Cocoa
Maranon, Widow Shades, Door Maws, Floor
and Table Oilloths Stair Rods, Elearth Rugs,
and Oil Cloth ' s, &c. Also, 'the same, at
his other a ore, corner of Bth and Spring Garden
street, under the Spring Garden House. Whole
sale and Retail. • [march 21 6m-9
WHOLESALE GROCER, Wine - and L iqnot
Store, 10,137 Norti, Second Street.Phila
delphia. rilenll. '4l S-331.7
p osendale Hydraulic Cement.—
..Lt. An excellent article for lining Cisterns, Vaults
Spring Houses and Cellars, and for keeping damp
ness from wet and expoted walls.
(or, and ,
successor to Evi Smith & Son,)
Corner of Front & Willow sta., Railroad, Phila.
Lancaster, Pa.
april 11 1y.12i
At the Old Stand, established in 1786.)
Our Points are all tipped with solid Platina and stamped
with our name. Printed directions accompany each point.
Prices, $1 25, $1 50. $2 00. $3.00, $4 00, per point, accord
ing to the quantity of Plating.
By remitting Su Cents in Postage
Stamps ; in addition to any of the above
prices, a Point can be safely sent by mail to
any part of the United States
Card.—The sunset - Met thankful (to his nu-
Z 1 melons patrons) for past favors, would again
ask for a continuance of the same, and as many
more as will 'please to favor hlm with their patron
age, as he is certain from his knowledge of the
Tonsorial Art in all its branbhes, such as Hair
Cutting, Curling, Shaving, Shampooing and Wig
making, he is able to please the most fastidious.
tkle inns soiicits the aticntion of all to the Clean
liness of his Towels, Brushes, Combs and in tact
every thing connected with his establishment.
He would likewise mention that he is the only
person in the city that can and ; do color Whis
kers and Moustaches, from red or gray to most
beautiful brown or black in very few minutes.—
1 artidular attention given to the cutting and trim
ming of childrens hair
North Queen ,etreet, same building with J. F
Long's Drug Store, and immediately opposite J.
Shroder's Granite building. Lfeb 22 tf-5
noW Thyself.—An Invaluable
I Bunk for 25 cents.—
" F.very Family should
have a. copy." !00,000 : .
Copies sold in less than
year. A new edition, re-:
vises improved, just
igi:eeit. •
Dr. funter , s Medical Manual and band book for
the ',diluted. Containing an outline of the origin,
progress, treatment and cure of every form of din.
eaqe c•citracted by promiscuous sexual intercourse,
by si.y.abuse, or by sexual excess, with advice for
their prevention, written in a familiar style avoid
ing all medical ‘echnicalities, and everything that
would offend the ear of decency; with an outlinelol
complaints incident to Females, from the result of
some twenty years' successful practice, exclusively
devoted to the cure of diseases of a delicate or pri
vate nature.
To which is added receipts for the cure of the
above diseases, aid a treatise on the cause, symp
toms and cure of the fever and ague.
Testitnnn, of the Professor of Obstetrics in Penn
College, Philadelphia.--Dr. Hunter's Medical Man
ual.—The author pt. this work. unlikmthe majority
of those who advertise to cure the disease of which
it treats is a graduate of one of the best Colleges
in the United Steles. It affords me pleasure to re
commend him to the unfortunate, or to the victim
of malpractice, as a successful and experienced
practitioner, in whose honor and integrity they may
place the greatest confidence.
From A. Woodward, M. D., of Penn. Universi
ty,.Philadelphia.—lt gives me pleasure to add my
testimony to the prolessional ability of the Author
of the "Medical Manual." Numerous cases of dis
ease of ti.e Genial Organs, some of them of long
standing, have came under my notice, in which
his skill has been manifest in restoring to perfect
health, incases where the patient has been consid
ered beyond medical aid. In the treatment of Sem
inal weakness, or disarrangement of the functions
produced by self-abuse, or excess of venery, 1 do
not know his superior in the profession. I have
been acquainted with the Author some thirty years,
and deem it no more than justice to him as well as
kindness to the unfortunate victim of early indis
cretion, no rpyos.emend, him as one in whose-pro
fessional skill and integrity they.,may safety confide
themselves. ALFRED WOODWaRD, Psl. D.
" This is without exception, the Most compre
hensive and intelligent work published on the class
of diseases7tif which it treats. Avoiding all tech
nical Lenin, it addresses itself to the reason of its
readers. It is free from all objectionable matter,
and no parent, however fastidious, can object to
placing it into the hands of his sons. The author
has devoted many years to the treatment of the
various complaints treated of. and, with too little
breath to puff, and too little presumption to im
pose, he has offered to the world, at the merely
nominal price of 25 cents, the fruit of some twenty
years' most successful practice."—herald.
"No teacher or parent should be without the
knowledge imparted in this invaluable work. It
would save years of pain,-mortification and sotrpw
to the youth under their charge."--People's Advo
ithng This Way This Way !, —To the one
de priced store, No. 10, West King Street: Just
received from New York and Philadelphia; a large
lot of Watches and Jewelry of the latest styles, all
goods warranted at the following low pri
Full Jewelled Gold Lever Watches, from
$25 to $l5O.
Gold Lepine Watches, full jewelled, from $2O
to $BO.
Silver Lever Watches, 'full jewelled, from $l2
to $ . lB.
Silver Lepine Watches, jewelled, from $8 to 12,
Gold Pens in Silver cases, from $1 to $2,50,
Silver Tea Spoons, from $4,50 to $B,OO.
Clocks of all kinds, from $1,60 to $lO,OO.
ALSO new styles Ladies Breast Pins, Ear Rings,
Bracelets, Gold Pencils, Gold and Silver Specta
cles, Gold Keys, Port Monies, &c.
A large lot of Accordeons, Combs, Fans, and
other articles too numerous to mention usually kept
in Watch and Jewelry Stores, at feast 25 per cent.
lower than ; any other Store in the city. We invite
all our friends and 'he public in general to give us
a call. " Quick sales and Small Profits," . is our
motto. '
N. B.—S. A. D. having finished his trade with
one of the best workmen in the city of Phi noel
phia, he is prepared to do all kinds of Watch,
Clock and Jewelry repairing at the shortest notiec
and Warrantell for one year or no charge.
Sep 20
Mass Meetings
AGREAT Mass Meeting of thefriends of good
Daguerreotype Likenesses,wil lbe held atioHN
STON 2 S SKY-LIGHT GALLERY,corner of North
Queen and Orangestreete, every day until further
;K3 - No postponement on account of the weathe
Lancaster, Tune 22, iSn2. 22-t1
Ciusquehanna Hotel, directly op
posite the depot of the Baltimore and Susque
hanna Railroad, Baltimore, Md. Mr. JOHN
BARR, Proprietor. This house has been refitted
and put into excellent condition for the accommo
(Wien of travellers. The proprietor, formerly of
Columbia, Lancaster county, Pa., will spare no
piins to make it a house in every way answering
the wants of the traveling public. His tables shall
always be supplied with the best the markets af
lord, and his bar with the choicest liquors. He
shall endeavor especially to make it a hotel for
Pennsylvanians, whose custom he respectfully so
licits, being confident that he will be able to ma."
der entire satisfaction. gan 17 tf-52
§late Roof. g.—The undersigned, succes
sor tothe Mestirs. Caldwell,in the manufacturing
o Roofing Slate, is prepared to furnish Slate by the
ton, or pet on by the square; at the shortest notice
and on the most reasonable terms.
Green P. 0., Lancaster Co.
Any orders for Slate or Slating, addressed to the
undersigned, appointed agents, will be punctually
attended to.
WM. WHITESIDE, Lancaster City
JACOB B. ERB, Millerstown.
6 mh 2i
'WHATEVER. 'concerns the health and happi
ness of a people at.all times of ,the most
valuable importance. 1 take it for granted that ev
ery person will do tdi in their power, to save the
lives of their children, and that every person will
endeavor to promote their own health at all sacri
fices. I feel it to be my duty to solemnly assure
you that WORMS, according to the opinion of tbe
most celebrated Physitians, are the primary causes
of a large majority of disease's to which Children
and adults are liable; if you hive an appetite con
tinually changeabie . rom one kind of food to an
other, badlireath, pain in the Stomach, picking at
the Nose, hardness-and fullness of the Belly, Dry
Cough, Slow Fever, Pulse irregular—remember
that all these denote IVCPMS,and you should at
once apply the remedy •
An article - founded upon scientific principles,
compounded with purely vegetable substances, be
ing perfectly safe when taken, and can be given to
the most tender Infant with decided beneficial ef
fect, where bowel com Plaints and diarrahma have
made them weak 'and debilitated, the tonic proper
ties of my Worm Syrup are such, that it stance
without an equal in the catalogue of medicines in
giving tone and strength to the stomach, which
makes it an infallible remedy fur hose afflicted
'with Dyspepsia, the astonishing cures performed by
this Syrup after ,Physicians have failed, is the best
evidence of its superior efficacy over all others.
This is the most difficult Worm to destroy of a l l
that infest.the human system, it grows to an almost
tndefiuite length, becoming so coiled and fastened
in the intestines and stomach, effecting the health
so sadly as to cause St. Vitus Dance. Fits,
that those afflicted seldom it ever suspect that it is
Tape Worm hastening them to an early grave.
In order to ti..stroy this Worm, a very energetic
treatment must be pursued, it would threforce be
proper to take 6 or S of my Liver Pills so as to re
move all obstructions, that the ‘‘, orni Syrup may
act direct upon the Worm, which must be taken in
doses of 2 tablespoonful's 3 times a day—these di
rections followed have never been known to fail in
curing the most obstinate case of Tape Worm.
No part of the system ie more 'liable tp disease
than the LIVER, it serving as a filterer to , purity
the blood, or giving the proper secietion to the
bile; so that any wrong action of the Liver effects
the other important parts of the system, and results
variously, in Liver Complaint,Jaundice, Dyspepsia,
¢c. We should, therefore, watch every symptom
that might indicate a wrong action of the Liver.
These Pills being composed bf Roots ¢ Plants fur
nished by nature to heal the sick: Namely, let,
An Expectorant, which augments the secretion
from the Pulmonary mucus membrane, or promote
the discharge of secreted matter. dml. An Alter
ative, which changes in some inexplicable and in
s-nsilile manner the certain morbid action of the
system. 3rd. A Tonic, which gives tone and
strength to the nervous system, renewing health
and vigor to all parts of the body. 4th. A Cdthar
tic, which acts in perfect harmony with the other
ingredients, and operating un the bowels ,nd.ex
pelling the whole mass of corrupt and vitiated
matter, and purifying the .blood, which destroys
disease.and restores health.
You will find these Pi!lean invaluable medicine
in many complaints to which you arc subject. in
obstructions either total or partial, they hare been
found of inestimable benefit restoring their func
tional arrangements to a healthy action, purif)ing
the blood and other fluids so effectally to put to
flight all complaint, which may arise female irreg
olaritles, as headache, giddiness, dimness of sight,
pain in the side, back:4-c.
None genuine unless signed J. N. llobensack,
all others being base imitation.
Agents wishing new supplies, and Store Keepers
desirous of becoming Agents must address the
Proprietor, J. N. Hobensack, at his Laboratory,
No. 120 North Second St., Phila., Pa.
For sale by J. Long 4- Co., W.'G. Baker, Lan
caster; J. Stouffer, Alt, Joy: Klauser, Fairview;
Steacy, Octoraro, post-office ; Irwin, Cambridge ;
Shaub, Willow - Street; Weidman, Brickersville ;
Leader, Columbia; and by every respectable Drug
gist and merchant in the State.
Pricecaeh, 25 cts. ,
Doctor Yourself: --The Pocket yEscu.
laptus t or every one '
50th Edition, with One Hui
dred Engravings, show;
Deveases and Maltormatiot
orthe Human System in
ery shape and form.
which is added a Treat
on the Diseases of Femal
being. of the highest imp,
tance to married people,
Those contemplating m
riage. By
Let no lather be ashOirn
to present a copy of tin
child. It may save him f
no young man or `woman enter i the secret ob•
ligations of married life without reading the Pock
et Esculapius., Let nrione suffering from a hack
nied Cough, pain in the side, restless nights, net ,
vous feelings, and the whole train of Dyspeptic
sensations, and given'up by their Physician, be an
other moment without : consulting the ..T..sculapius-
Have the married, or those about to be married
any impediment, read 'this truly useful book, as it
has been the means of saving thousands of unfor
tunate creatures frdm the very jaws of death.
Any pclaon acnaling Tw.nry-Flvz Cents
enclosed in a letter, will receive one copy of this
work by mail, or five copies will be sent for one
Address, (post post,) DR. WM. YOUNG,
No. tbq Spruce st., Philadelphia.
A ND every description ofMarble and Sand Stone
±l . _ Work, is executed in the most beautiful style at
the Marble Works of Charles M. Howell, North
Queen street, east side, between Orange and Ches
nut streets, and nearly opposite to Yan Kanan , s
Hotel. •
The subscriber thankful for past favors, would in
form his friends and the public in general, that his
establishment is now opened at the above location,
where he will be happy at all times to wait upon cus
tomers aad.manufacture• to order every thing apper
taming to his line of business, in the most approved
style of the profession, and at the most reasonable
rates. .
He is constantly receiving at his Marble Works
nit supplies from the city of Philadelphia of
. _
which is superior to any thing of the kind in this city.
Letters in English and German, engraved in the
most elegant manner.
His facilities are such, that all orders will be filled
with the greatest promptness and in the best appro
ved manner.
Persons wishing Monuments are informed that hi
collection of designs are new and original and so
full and complete that they can make a selection
without difficulty.
lie invites the public to call at his Works, and
view the beautiful assortment of Monuments, &c.,
now finished.
r Builders and others in want o MARBLE MAN
mcs, should visit his Wars-Rooms end examine hi-
splendid stock on hand.
SAND S'roNt foe Sills, Steps, Curbing, Cern
etary purposes, and fronts of buildings, at the low
est rates.
People's Marble Works, (Leon"
and & Bear's old stand,) SHOPS IN NORTH
QUEEN STREET, Half Square South of the Rail
road, and 3d door North of Michael M , Grann , E
White - Horse Hotel, Lancaster city.
LEWIS HALD.Y, Marble Mason, respectfully
informs the public that he has purchased the entire
stock of Leonard & Bear, which, in addition to his
own large stock, warrants him in saying that he
has now in his yard by far the largest amount of
ever offered to the citizens of Lancaster, and
greater than any , other establishment west of Phil-.
adelphia. In consequence of having purchased the
stock of Leonard & Bear at a bargain, and having
also made arrangements at the East to receive
marble at reduced prices, he announces that he
will sell much cheaper than any other establish
ment in this city or county can do. He is now pre
paredto execute in the best style, Monument
Tombs and Grave ' Stones, Mantels, Door and
Window Sills, Steps, &c., &c., of every variety
and price.
His facilities for furnishing articles in the Mar
ble line are unsurpassed by any other establishment
in the city, while he assures all who may favor him
with their patronage that his work shall be execu
ted in the very best style and on the most reason
able terms.
GERMAN, done at the shortest notice, and on the
most moderate terms.
Orders received for all kinds of, Iron Railing
Dec. 23. [7v
He respectfully invites the public to call and ex
amine his work, being fully satisfied to rest hie
claim to public patronage upon its merits.
Thankful for the- many favors bestowed upon
him, he hopes by strict attention'to business tomer
it and receive a share of the public patronage.
feb 22 ly-5
Zine, Palnts.—One -third cheaper than
white Lead, and free from all poisonous goal
ties.. The New Jersey Zinc Company having
greatly enlargo 'heir works, and improved the
quality of their products; are pepared to execute
orders tor their Superior Paints,r dry, and ground
in Oil, in assorted packages of from 25 to 500
pounds; also dry in barrels, of 200 pounds each.
Their Whiteiqric, which is sold dry or ground
in oil, is warranted pure and unsurpassed for body
and uniform Whiteness.
A me hod of preparation has recently been dis
covered, which enables the company to warrant
the paints to keep fresh and soft in the kegs for
anyr easonable time. In this respect their paints superior to any other in the market.
Their Brown Zinc Paint, which is sold at a low
price, and can only be made from the Zinc ores
from Now Jersey, is now well known for its pro
tective qualities when applied to Iron or other
metallic surfaces.
• •
Their Stone Color Paint possesses all the prop
erties of the brown, and is of an agreeable color,
for painting Cottages, Depots, Out-buildings,
Bridges, &c. FRENCH & RICHARDS,
Wholesale Pain Dealers and Importers, N. W.
corner of lath and Market ate., Rtuladelphia.
april li 6m-12
. . .._ . ~, .
Tlr.-- , Mlorselo•i . vigorating . Cor
..l.Jr 'tliale—A4 Phenyl . .. extowin -Medicine. Health
restored and We len • tinned; byPt: Male's
vigorating Elixer or C rdial: Pot centuries Medi
cal science his been 'lucking ljae vegetable and
mineral kingdoms, i search rot something that
should restore the los or decaying energies of the
nervous and Muscula systems, vtithout the draw
backll, of subsequent ostration, which all stimu
lants, tonics, and Dar' mica had heietofore entailed.
That something has been found. 1 It is a vegetable
production, brought from the sterile ddserts of
Arabia the litany, by the celebrated Professor M.
Morse, well known as a distingdished member of
the leading scientific., societies of the Old World,
and equally distinguished as a physician, a diens,
let, and a traveller. The juices bf this herb, cool
centrated and combided with other vegetable mei
dicinal extracts, are now producing results hereto
fore unheard of, in this, or any oilier country. At
first the properties attributed to Prof. NI °pets In
vigorating Elixer ori Cordial were deemed fabu
lous. The public often deceivedeould not believe
the simple and.sub:iine truths announced bylt he
discoverer. But fadts, undeniable facts au sled
by witnesses of the highest clues pod character, are
now triumphing
. over all doubts. Incredulity is
overthrown, by a make of testimbny which is per
fectly irresistible.
1 he Mixer remedils. in all cases, the deplorable
i evils arising from a Misuse on ,abtse of the variou•
organs which make tip the wend rful machine cal
led man. It restores to full vigor every delicate
function connected With that mydierious compound
U mind. necessary to the re
lite. To 'persons ireble
eficient vital pov.t.r, it is
agency of matter a
prudaction of humt
muscular frame, or
recommended a, the'
that energy whic s h is
joyment of the nat
higher mental aunt)
only means of corinnuicating
necessary ip the proper en
rol appetites as of II us the
I les Its be * neficial effects are
not confined to-eit
ble girl, the ailing
youth, i.he over. or
sex or to any age. '1 he fee-
Ile, the Ptstless, enel %sled
man of h,h,,snebe, the victim
or from Oe weakness of a
find immgdiat, and perms
or nervous debility,
single organ, will al
cent (elle; !tom the
orator. To those
paralysis it will pH'
safeguard against 119
many, perhaps, who
stitutions, that they
reach of medicine.
Use dna incomparable ren
vho have z( predisposition to
ve a complete and unlailing
it terrible iralady. There are
have so trilled 'atilt their con.
think themielves the
Let not even these despair.
The Ehler deals wi I
reference to enbes,
disorder itself, but r
The derangement•l
vous diseases, - ant t
itself arc so :numerol
di disease as it exists, without
hnd will not only remove the
build the broken constitutior,
of the systOni, leading to net•
to forms of nervous diseases
.is that it would require a col
umn to enumerate '.lie maladies for which this
preparation is a op-citic. A few, however, may
be enumerated, vii: nenralgla, tic dolereaux,
headache, incipient paralysis, hysteria, palpitation
of the heart, spinal affections, :muscular debility,
tremors flatulence. ayricking sensation in the flesh
numbness, torpiditl• of the . fiver, mental de
pression, weakness of the will, indisposition to
move, faintness after exercises . ,;:broken sleep and
terrifying dreams, inability to remain in one place
or position, weaknefis of the rtrocreative organs,
sexual incompeteney, melancholy, monomania,
Iluor albus, sinking Of the stomach, female irregu
larities, a chronic tendency tti ; , miscarriage, ohm
elation, and all coniplaints gronving out of a free
indulgence of the pasiions and 'nil barrenness that
does not proceed lr?m organic liauses beyond the
reach of medicine.
Whenever the organs to be acted upon are free
from malformation 4r strittural iliseases, it is aver
red that Morse's in i vigorating Elixir will replace
weakness with strei gth, incapaeity with efficiency,
irregularity with unttorm and nituril activity, and
this not only withodt hazard of inaction, but with a
happy effect on the general oriearitzaiii Bear in
mind that all maladies, wherever they begin, finish
with the nervous syStem, and dust the parahzation
oh the nerves of motion and +iitation is I.liysita
death. Bear in mind also, that for esti) kind 0
nervous disease the!Elixer Cordial is the only reli
ab:e preparation known
guage convey ap adequate idea of the immediate
and almost miraculOus change 'which it occasions
in the diseased, definitated and shattered nervous
system, whether brnken down by excess, weak by
nature, or impaired; by sickness, the unstrung and
relaxed organization is at once braced, re-vivified
and built up. Thcf mental and physical symptoms
of nervous disease vanish altut,ether under its in
fluence. Nor is the t i ffect tempt rary; on the contra
, ry, the relief is per anent, forithe cordial proper
ties of the medicin reach the! constitution itself,
and restore, to ts mominal coedition. o Well may
the preparation be ! called the tnedicinal wonder of
the nineteenth century. It is, pa the first scientific
man in the world would have admitted, that mira
cle of medicine heretofore supposed to have no ex-
istence..... l
ACTION.—Its force is never expanded, as is the
case with opium, alcoholic preparations, and all
other excitants. The effect of thesh is brief, and
it may well be said of him Who takes them, "that
the last state of that man is gorse than the first. ,
But the Elixer is his exhilerabi without a single
drawback—safe MI its operatiim, perpetnal in its
happy influence upon the nerv: s, the mind, and the
entire organization; it will alsO remove depression,
excitement, a tendency to blush, sleeplessness,
dislike of society,lincapacity fur study or business.
LOSS OF IVIEMORY,-confuSion, giddiness, rush
of blood to the head, melancholy, mental debility,
hysteria, wretchedness, thougins of selldestruction
tear of insanity, h pocitondriasis, dyspepsia, gen
eral prostration, i ritability, nervousness, inability
to sleep, diseases 'ncidant to females, decay of the
propogating hinct ono, hysteria, monomania, vague
terrors, palpitation of the heart, impotency, con,
stipation, etc., etc., from, whiitever cause arising
it is, if there is anS , reliance to be placed on hu
man testimony, absolutely infallible.
unparallelled effelcts of i this gieat restorative,in all
complaiuts incideilt to Females, mark a new era
in the annals of Medicine. Thousands of stimu
lants have been ii4venteci•—thOusands til invigoratits
concocted—all purporting to, be specified in the
various diseaseslnd derangements to 'which the
delicate formatio of woman/render her liable.—„
The result has eretofore been uniform. These
nostrums have in eed imparted a momentary vi-,
vacity to the nenious systemda transient and delu
sive vigor to the muscles; but this flash of relief has
been succeeded lity a depression and prostration
greater than before, and the end has too often been
utterly to paralyze the recuperative power Of the
nerves, and the vital organization, and finally to
destroy the unhlippy patieatq' Every woman of
sense, who suffers from weakness, derangement,
nervousness, tremors, pains in the back, or any
other disorder, whether peculiar to her sex, or
common in both sexes—to give the Invigorating
Cordial a trial. 1
MARRIED PERSONS, orlothers, will find this
Cordial after theyl have used a bottle or two, a
thorough regenerator of the system. In all direc
tions are to be fohnd the happy parents of healthy
offspring, who weuld not:havie been so, but for this
extraordinary preparation. And it is equally po
tent for . the many disease foi which it is recom.
1111 nded. "Thousands of young men have been re':
stored by using it, and not iif a single instance has
it tailed to benefit them.
sumptive habits are restored; by the use of a bottle
or two bloom and vigor, changing the skin lion a
pale, yellow sickly color, to ;ii beautiful florid com
plexion low. i I
I TO THE MI S GUIDED.—'hose are some of the
1 sad and melancll l
oly effects produced by early nab
. its of youth, viz weakneaspf the back and limbs;
pains in the hea , dimness of sight, loss °lmam'•
tar power, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, ner
vous irritability,iderangemeat of the digestive func
tions, general debility, symptoms of consumption,
&c. r
Mentally, the' fearful effects on the mind arc
much to be dredded. Lousy)] memory, confusion
of ideas, depredsion of spirits, evil lorebodings,
aversion to society, self-dis(rust, love of solitude,
timidity, &c. aril some of thh evils produced. All
thus afflicted befdre contemplating marriage should
reflect that a sound mind 'and body are the most
necessary requisites to promote connubial happi
ness: indeed, without these the journey through
life becomes a. vieary pilgriniage the prospect hour
ly darkens the v i ew; the mind becomes shadowed
with despair, an d filled with the melancholy reflec
tion that the haPpiness of another is blighted with
your 0wn..1
misled witlires 'ect to the causes and sources of
diseases in thei sons and Wards. How often do
j 4:.
they ascribe to ther causes of wastings of the
frame, idiocy, madness,e palpitation of the heart,
indigestion, derangement of the nervous system,
cough and symtms indicating consumption,when
the truth Ise tha 'they have been indulging in a
pernicious though alluringi practice, destructive.
both to mind and body. ,
. ---;
CAUTION.—IDr. MOrse , s Invigorating Cordial
has been countfeitedi by s ome' unprincipled per
sons. i -
In future all the genuine :Cordial will have the
proprietors lac 'imile pasted over the cork of each
bottle, and the ollowing viprds blown in the glass
—'Dr. Morse's nvigorating Cordial, C, H. Ring,
Proprietor, N. . i
CAUTION E TRA.— Also observe a Promis
sory note with he proprietors written signature
on every genui
. e bottle of ;Dr. Morse's Invigora
ting Cordial : To counterfeit which is forgery.
The cordial is put up highly concentrated,in
pint bottles. Price,-$3,00 Per bottle;two for $5OO
si7 for $12,00. „ , 1
C. H. 5 RING, Proprietor, •
192 Broadway, New York.
Sold by Druggists throughout the United States
Cabal:lns and Wiest Indies.;
AGr...NTS.—Lancaster—C. A. Heinitsh ; Harris
burg—D B Jodes & Jones.; Pittsburg—Fiemiug
Brothers; Philaielphia—Jeiikins and Hartshorn.
teb 21
] - ly-5
ion• — iNotie is hereby given that
rphip heretofore doing business un
k. W. Russel & Co:, in the Ex
and more recently under the name
ter in the Hardware business was
id by mutual consent.
n Issoluti
I—rthe Panne',
der the firm of 2
change busines ,
of Russel 4- Gei!,
this day dissolv:
re toreines4 will be conducted in
he undersigned . The Subscriber
re thanks rthe liberal patronage
ved by the bld firm and hopes by
o business to merit and receive a
eir favors:
March 31 253
HE Hardw
I future by
returns his trine
heretofore rece
strict attention
.debted to the late firms by bonds,
ount, or to whom they are indebt
will be settled by the undersigned.
W. RussEL,
ng 41. 2 LO N Acaater, formerly.
R. 0. Rohrer
All persona i
note or book a.
ed, in any way
No. 8. East
april 6 ti-10