Valtiablelll,l9BVEStattnitAMbitl T SdLE.—OnMi ~,/' 'illse r, of Septem ber, 1853, at 10 c -11 C „ virlma s of the last Will and Testameo, orlsell,e_! 7 ll.llace, deed.; Jets 44ppenliklinrSowni41. i'llWelgabd, countyitlit , _ bprfferill-Voliint , '' . V;#4le, On the pre en' t lips:!nehip, th,ll-4dFarp, si said=awc,id.,_cs . ! NSk9,Ol A"' 's' : . 4.llFle _at stone Land.;a g pre" I:it • ~..! ... ,_,340i1; ow and Tinib_,eiacan4, ,-arn 'l , STONE VilailEpArliOUSE,, - i 0,31 ~L. ' 3 never ,filli . lolklil4or.:o,l4e,g '.... iii: - pir:c:';l-1- - bank biefirMidliit-140iiihpAtto brick liiiiikkiirit tctiginiott said Farm a' good - Oreherd,' indaliti ' I a Au it would init to, - * lrilisr.,A' witt'APT l . : VIP T"P . Fi' gather pr in'Ori;tiii ssiFsginvilnsent• .713 4; VI .1- r:. , .., 4 1 :2 , ~.' 4, lima wP - 1 ,..-•'..- , , I§4l. l Tcf.R. WiMPilr, aur SO tr1.2,1, y , 517 i , v , l 'III 1,1,, Fae .5 4t9, , k f, , A vitul6 l l4Pfat,Pliwasalle, bee daer the premises ,pn.Saturclay,A4,43o'da,y of/CNtober nest, all thatliliableSaria;:aiiiiateNn Dlehhison township, about one-fourth-ol a-mile:south of the Walnut Bottom Roads and sii mike. Cast of Slu pensburg,contaiiihe 200 'Acres, more or less, bounded by landd•of Samuel Col Well. Jacob Sea ver!, and otherd; having thereon erected a one and a half story LOG AND FRAME-HOUSE, weather boarded, a kitchen,' a log barn, i." 1,„: and other 'outbuildings. 'There is' also a a@ well of water at the dOcir; and a first rate spring and 'spring' house' near the house. The land is partly limestone'and':paitly pine, and is in a high etate of cultivation, and enclosed with good fences. There are about 130 acres cleared, and the balance covered with exaellent chesnut and oak timber. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., when the terms will be'made known by aug 30 ts-32] . GEORGE SEAVERS. Valuable Dim Property for Sale. ThA:subscriber intending to remove to the west, olMs at private sale, his VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY, consisting of a three-story STONE GRIST AND MERCHANT MILL, situated on the Big Chiques Creek, in Rapho township, Lancaster county, about 21 miles from Mount Joy, 11 miles from &lunge., about 6 miles from Marietta, and 5 miles from Columbia. Tne Mill has four run of stones, three pair of burrs, and one pair of sand stones, is provided will all the most approved modern machinery necessary for doing good work, and the whole is in the best order. The water power is ample at all seasons of the year, having a head and a fall of 9 feet and 8 inches on Chiques Creek. The Mill is situated in a rich grain grow ing country, uud possesses an extensive custom.— Attached to the Mill is a small Farm, containing 41 ACRES AND SOME PERCMES, of first-rate Limestone Land, adjoining lands of Martin S. Musser, Jacob Hostetter John Nissly and Ohara. The improvements thereon besides the Mill, are a substantil and well finished two 'story STONE MANSION HOUSE with two mit stone Kitchens attached thereto, with a porch along the whole front of the house, a Bake House, Wash House and Smoke House, a Carriage House, a good Bank Barn, besides a new double Horse stable; a two story Frame Dwelling House for the miller with a Wash House and stabling: Also a new Still House with the necessary apparatus for distilling 60 bushels of grain per day, two Pig styes, each 100 feet in length, with never tailing water. There is also never-failing water at the Kitchen door of the Mansion House, conveyed from a never-failing well of excellent water. There are also on the premises four good Tenant House, each provided with sufficient Stabling. Also, a thriving Young Orchard of various kinds of choice fruit, such as apples, peaches, cherries, gages, and, a fine grape vine at the porch of the Mansion House. The land is in a high state of cultivation and under good fences. Persons disposed to purchase, wishing to view the property, will please call on the owner, resi ding thereon. JOHN B. HERTZLER, jnne '7 - 4m-26 Valuable Farm at Public Sale.— The undersigned will expose to public sale, on the prenfises, in Monroe township, Cumberland county, on Friday, the 14th day of October next, that valuable Farm, late the property of. Frederick Gleim, deceased, containing 1.2 S Acres of first-rate Limestone Land, having about 108 acres cleared and in a good state of cultivation, and the remain der covered with thriving timber. The improve ments are a Two Story Rough-cast LOG HOUSE and Kitchen, a new Bank Barn, so: of &c. There is also an orchard of all kinds II "- choice fruit. This property is situated onthe pub lic road leading from Mechanicsbdrg to Dlllsburg, about 3 miles south of the former place, and ad joining lands of John Best, Henry Rife, Christian Bomberger and Daniel Coble. To any person de sirous of purchasing, this farm presents great in ducements. SAMUEL GI,EIM, CHRISTIAN GLEIM, Executors. aug 2 is-28] Valuable Proporty For Sale. rcHE large and commodious HOUSE for-Ea merly occupied by the subscriber in South Queen street, opposite the Odd Fellows' Hall.— There is an extensive range of back buildings, gas and water arc intrOduced; and there is, in ad dition, two wells of excellent water on the premi ses tnd the privilege of a third on the line of this and the adjoining property. The property would ae suitable for a public house, or a boarding house, or tlie buildings in the rear might be converted in to a number of small dwelling houses, which, on account of the premises being near the Conestoga Steam Mills could be readily rented to advantage. ELLIS LEWIS. tf-16 Lan, May 11 Building Lots for Sale BY a resolution of the Board of Trustes of the First Methodist Episcopal Church of the City of Lancaster, will be sold at private sale, the ground in the rear of the Church building, (formely occu pied as a burying ground,) and facing on Walnut street, which can be divided into three handsome building lots — to be sold separately or together, as may best suit purchasers. Possession given im mediately. Apply to BENTAMIN F. SHENK, President of the Board of Trustees. Lancaster, Nov 30 6-45 Sash' Boor, Shutter, Blind and Frame Factory.—The undersigned have ta ken the Sash Factory lately carried on by S. J.Mor rison, situated in the southern part or the city of Lancaster and near the Cotton Factory, where we intend. to manufacture to order all kinds of Sash, Doors, Shutters, Blinds, Window Frames, &c., at the shortest notice and on the most reason ble terms. The undersigned are both practical Carpenters, and work at the business ourselves. With a strict =cation to business, we hope to merit the patronage of the public generally. SWARTZ W ELDER & MORROW. april 12 tl-12 N. N.—Common sash and doors constantly on hand. The most Attractive Article in Dress, is an elegant FIAT_; and among the many sold in this partof the country, none are superior or more durable than those sold by J. AMER, North Queen at., Lanceaster, next'door to Murray and Stock's book store. My Spring style of Hats cannot fail to please the most fasti dious, whether plain or fashionable. I have also on hand a general assortment of the new style of CAPS, with a large lot of Kossuth Hats, low for cash. J. AMER, april 19 3m-13] • Proprietor. & G. Selling, Decoratlie and J • Plain. Painters —ln Fresco, Encaustic, Die tember, and Oil colors; also, Sign Painting and Graining in imitation of every variety or Wood, Marble and Sandstone, executed by them in a style not to be surpassed either in regard to dura bility, close resemblance to nature, beauty of work manship, &c. They flatter themselves in saying that by having 20 years theoretical and practical experience in their business (in Europe and this country,) they feel confident, of being able to satisfy and please all. who may intrust them with work, in heir profes sion. They most respectfully solicit .a share of public patronage. Shop in South Duke street, ad. joining the Lutneran Church, in Widmyer , s ing. [July 12 3m5-20 Encourage your own Mechanics VENITIAN BLIND MANUFACTORY. TENITIAN BLINDS of the mosf beautiful pat y ytern and finish, are manufaCtured at the estab lishment of the undersigned, whose shop can be found Immediately in the rear of Vankanan's (form erly Schofield's) hotel. . The blinds ate made of wood of the smoothest and most durable quality, and at short order and moderate prices. The subscriber having had con siderable experience in the manutimture of Venit)an Blinds, the people of this •city and county can de pend upon having any work they may order, exe cuted with despatch and in a workmanlike manner. A variety of handsome blinds are on hand for the inspection of the public. Old blinds repaired and trimmed, to look equal to new. GEORGE FLICK. april lb 12 Cochin China and ShanghalFOWLS. —A fine lot Cochin Chinas ' and huff and White Shanghais, have been received, and are now offer ed for sale, by the undersigned. These celebrated and superior Fowls have all been raised from the imported stock, and are not excelled by any in the country. Fresh Cochin China and Shanghai EGGS will also be sold to-those who prefer raising their own stock. Also, SPANGLED SIIANULIA.ES and BRAHMA POOT REIM Persons residing at a distance, by enclosing the amount they wish to invest in these fowls, can have them carefully cooped, fed, and forwarded, as per order. Addres JONATHAN DORWART, East King Street, opposite Hamiltontoe Hotel, march 16 6m-8.1 ' Lancaster,- Pa. - - ' iteePitid.: I *Mild mill- . ybur attention to •rAF issortdieut 'of Hardware ' such .as ' knives' and lorks, spoons, shears, shovels and tongs, iron la dies, candlesticks; Brittania ware, &c. And , you sri.l also find a full assortment of Cedar Ware, such se tuba, churns, buckets, baskets, &c. Your attention is also called to my large assort.- Ifient of COOKING STOVES—having the sole iigency for two of the most celebrated cook stoves .Xow-in-use ; these stoves will burn either coal or ood, and have given great satisfaction. I have also' a full assortment of Coach Trim -. lugs, such as oil cloths, knobs, bands, spokes, ',Lillis, shafts, felloes, leather axles, springs, 4.-c. Also a good assortment of building materials, and other hardware, &c. 1 - 2 Please call and examine for yourselves, at the Hardware store, in North Queen street. GEO. D. SPRECHER, at the Sign of the Big Lock: march 1 tf•6j diver's Plastic Paints, Cheap. Durable and Protective Weather and Fire Proof. This Paint will stand any climate, without crack or blister hardens by exposure, thus making:in time an enamel of stone, protecting wood from de cay, and Iron and other metals from rust and Cor :The, Paint differs from the so-called Mineral Paints of the day, which ire principally Ochres and Clays colored, and are entirely worthless. , Silver's Plastic Paints. are purely Metalic, con taining no Alumin or Clay. They are levigated finely, mix readily with Lin seed Oil, (without the trouble of grinding.) and flow under the. brush as freely as the best White Lead. These. Paints excel all others in body or cover ing properties, one pound of which will cover as much surface, as two pounds of White Lead. There are four natural colors, viz : Black or Slate, Biown, Olive and Chocolate. Directions.—This Paint flows readily under the brush and its covering property is increased by using it mixed as thickly as possible with pure Lin seed Oil; as the Paint is the lasting or protecting body and the Oil simply the medium or agent in spreading it. We annex copies of two letters, one from the President of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Co., the other from a Gentleman, a well known resident of Augusta, Ga. Office of the Phila. and Reading Railroad Co.Z Philadelphia, May 3, 1852. 5 J. S. SILVER, Esq. Dear Sir: We have used your "Plastic Paints" or more than a year, and for Painting Bridges, Depots, &c., &c., we have found it quite equal to any paint we have used. In tact, we now give it a preference over all others we have tried for such purposes. Yours Respectfully, (Signed,) JOHN TUCKER, President. Augusta, Ga., September 29, 1852. Z. Steam Planing Mills. S Dear Sir : You ask me for my opinion of " Sil ver's Mineral Paints," which you have put on my Machine Shop and Planing Mill. I give you with pleasure my full and hearty recommendation of it as a preventive of Fire communicating from Chim neys, or from adjoining buildings. The Paint which you put on my roofs, has now become as bard as slate, and I feel as secure from Fire, in this direc tion as is possible. A few weeks after the roofs had painted, I made an experiment on two or three shingles by placing them in the furntice under the boilers; the result was, that the portion uncov ered was entirly consumed, while the painted part was appardritly sound, 'though upon examination `the.trood was found to be charred; the Paint how ever was firm' and but little blistered. I consider this as severe a test as your Paint can be'put to, I and tinder the circumstances I do not hesitate to commend it as an invaluable preventive against re I Fi • Respectfully, &c. (Signeu,) AMBIi.OSE SPENCER. FRENCH & RICHARDS. N. W. Corner of 10th and Market Ste., Philada., Pa., general wholesale agents. For sale in Lancaster, Wholesale and Retail, by G. M. STEINMAN. June 21 ly-22 Dr. Ziegler's Drug and Fancy Store, No. 581 North Queen Street, Lancas ter, Pa., is the place where there can always be found a full assortment of Pure Davos and CHEMI CALS ; Also, all the popular and leading Patent and Propriatory Medicines, with a large stock of Cheap and Fancy PERFUMERY, wholesale and retail; Also Zerman , s Tooth Wash, Barry's Tricopherus, Storr , s Chemical flair Invigorator, Lyon's Cathai ron, Twigg's Hair Tonic, Jaynes , do., Louden'a do., and all of Jaynes , Preparations. 4. B.—Dr. Z. will be in attendance at his Drug Store from S to 9 A. M., 12 to 1, and 5 to 6 P. M., where Patients may avail themselves of Medical advice free of charge, with moderate charge for Medicine. rapril 26 tof-14 L) emoval.—BOOT AND SHOE STORE.— B. F. CHARLES respectfully informs his customers and the citizens of Lancaster, that he has removed from his old stand in North Queen et., to the store recently occupied by Mrs. Win.'Gumpf, No. 43i East King St., directly opposite Sprecher>s hotel, Lancaster, where he has on hand an exten sive assortment of well made BOOTS and SHOES of every decription, which he will, sell at the very lowest prices, and warrant to be of good workmanship and material. Customer work attended to at the shortest notice. Repairing done expeditiously and ip the best style. B. F. C. returns his thanks to the public for past favors, and trusts that by giving proper attention to business and executing all work at reasonable pri ces, to merit a continuance of their patronage. april 19 tf-13 A. CARD `RE subscribers beg leave thus toacquaint their I friends and the public, that they've made such arrangements with a house in the city of Philadel phia, as will enable them to execute orders for the purchase and sale of BANK STOCK, RAIL ROAD STOCK STATE AND UNITED STATES LOANS &c., &c. At the Board of Brokers, with promptness and fidelity and on as favorable terms in every respect, as can be done in Philadelphia. The faithful and confidential execution of all business entrusted to them may berelied on. Money safely invested for individuals on Estates in Bonds and Mortgages, State and United States securities, &c. &c. Personal attention will be given to the proper transfer, &c., of stock, Loans, &c., and such general supervision as will obtain for thos intrusting business to them the safest anld most de sirable securities. Also, the collection of Notes, Checks, Bills, &c. on Philadelphia, New York, Baltimore, and the towns &c. in this vicinity. Also, persons desirous of buying or selling any stock of the Lancaster Banks, Conestoga Steam Mills, Gas or Turnpike Stocks by leaving the order in our Hands will nit ct with prompt attention. . . JOHN F. SHRODER, GEORGE K. REED, " One door from the corner of North Queen and Centre Square, Lancaster, Pa. Feb , . 12, 1850. ly-3 Konigmacher Sr. Bauman, Tan ners and Corriere Store, back of Roht. Mod erwell's Commission Warehouse, fronting on the Railroad and North Prince Street. Cheap for Cash, or approved Credit. Constantly on hand a full as sortment of all kinds Saddler's and Shoemaker's Leather, of superior quality. including " Rouzer's celebrated Sole Leather," also, Leather Bands, well stretched, suitable for all kinds of machinery, of any length and width required, made of a supe rior quality of Leather x purnace Bellows, Band and Lading Leather, Garden Hose, Tanner's Oil, Currier's Tools, Moroccos, Shoe Findings, 4'c. All kinds of Leather bought in the rough; high• est price given for Hides and Skins in cash ; orders will be promptly attended to. Lich 1 ly-2 WILLIAM S. AMWE G, Attorney at Law, OFFERS his professional services to the pueiic. He also attends to the collection of Pensions and the prosecution of all manner of claims agains the general government. His residence in the city of Washington for several years, the experience derived from the duties of the office, which he had filled during that time, and the mode in which claims of this sort are most speedily adjusted, give the most ample assurance that business placed in his hands will be attended to in such manner as can not fail to afford satisfaction. Office in South Queen street, second house below the Lancaster Bank, Nov. 20. 1849 500 Agents Wanted.—slooo a Year. Wanted in every county of the United States, active and enterprising men, to engage in the sale of some of the best books published in the country. To men of good address, possessing a small capital of from $26 to $lOO, such induce ments will be offered as to enable tbem to make from $3 to $lO a day profit. The bouks published by us are all useful in their character, extremely popular and command large sale wherever they are offered. For further particulars, address, (post-paid,l LEARY & GETZ, No. 138 North Second Street, Philadelphia, pub lishers of subscription books. [aug 16 6m-30 THE ISLAND OF CUBA. E VANS & SHULTZ, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ALL RINDS OF SEGAHS, TOBACCO AND SNUFF, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, In Dr. John Miller's New Building, between Mi chaePs Hotel, and Long's Drug Store. North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. N. R.—Soaked Half-Spanish Cigars—best qual ity—for sale here. JACOB EVANS. JOHN R. SCHULTZ. 20, 1852. 264f* •- • • 2000 dollars 4 Newhaity:prerCeoent..p7re-- -heol_ Coin bought at payable in the new coin. may 10 tf-16 - , J. F. SHRODER * CO. V. B V4LIF4 , 4Gli' 4 ', /*RD. ; Cu STS: . , 110hiladelphi — a Salamander Safes. —EVANS ez. WATSON,B3 Dock Street. -Firer Proof Safes, for Books, Papers, Jewelry, &c. Fire Proof Doors . for Banks and .Stores ; Patent key hole cover Salamanders, Fire and Thief Proof IRON SAFES. • Warranted to stand as much fire as any other Safe in the country. Great triumph achieved , by Evans & Wat son's Futr-Pitoor Sx.vr.s, at the State Fair. }Lummox°, Pa., Oct; 30, 1851. The undersigned, appointed a committee for the purpose, by the officers of the State Fair, were present this afternoon, ° when Messrs. Evans & Watson tested one of their small sized Salamander Fire-Proqf Wes, at which they consumed three cords of wood over it, commencing at one o'clock, P. M., and having exposed it to white heat for two hours, sufficient to destroy the cast iron feet. On opening the Safe, the papers with 2000 circa lars deposited in onrpreaence were taken out, not only having been preserved, but not having the ap pearance of scorch upon them. COMMITTEE. A. 0. REUTER, JOSEPH RITNER, A. T. NEWBOLD, Ex-Governor of Pa. Joni! B. Cox. Cato. E. REINTER, E. E. BOUDINOTT. Sole Agency for Butterworthe superior Bank Locks. • A. W. Russell, Lancaster, Pa., is authorized agent for the sale of the' above. We refer to the Lancaster Bank, Mr. Samuel Parke and Mr. A. W. Russell who has one of our Sates in use. Below we refer to a few in Philadelphia who have our Safes in use. Farmers , and Mechanics Bank, 12 Safes. United States Mint. U. S. Arsenal, 3 in Phila., 6 in California. Pennsylvania Railroad Company, 5 Safes. Philadelphia, Germantown and Norristown Rail road Company, 2 Safes. Richard Norris & Son, Locomotive Words. Samuel Allen, Esq., High Sheriff. Camden and Amboy Railroad Company. Barker, Bro , s. 84 Co., No. 16 south 3d st. State Treasurer and Trenton Banking Company, Trenton, N. J. Southwark and Moyamensing Gas Company. Corporation of Northern Liberties. Corporation of Moyamensing. Odd Fellows Halls, 6th st. and corner of 3d and Brown streets. [july 19 ly-26 111 Landreth has removed his • Agicultural Warehouse and Seed Store to No. 23, south Sixth Street, above Chesnut, Philadelphia. [aug 2 3m-28 Stauffer Sr. Harley.—Cheap Watches & Jewelry, Wholesale and Retail, at the "Phila delphia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 96 North, Second Street, corner of Queriy, Philadelphia. Gold Lever Watches full jeweled, 18, carat ca ses, $28,00. Gold Lepine, 18 carats, $24,00 Silver Lever, full jeweled, $12,00 Silver Lepine, jewels, • 9,00 Superior Quartiers, 7,00 Gold Spectacles, 7,00 Fine Silver, do. 1,60 Gold Bracelets, 3,00 Ladies , Gold Pencils 1,00 Silver Tea spoons, set, 6,00 Gold pens, with pencil & silver holder, 1,00 Gold Finger Rings, 371 , cents to $80; Watch Glasses, plain, 121 cents; Patent, 18-2 ; Lunet 26; other articles in proportion. All goods warranted to be what they are sold for. STAUFFER & HARLEY, Successors to 0. Conrad. On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and La peer] still lower than the above pricer aug 36 ly-32 D osendale Hydraulic Cement.— ..LA, An excellent article for lining Cisterns, Vaults; Spring Houses and Cellars, and for keeping damp ness from wet and exposed walls. For sale by CHAS SHEPARD SMITH, successor to the late firm of Evi Smith & Son, N. E. Corner of Front 4. Willow sts., Railroad, Philadelphia. G. M. STEINMAN, fel) 15 ly-4] Lancaster, Pa. E. Gould, (Successor to A. Fiot,) J . No. 164 Chestnut Street, Swaim's Building, Philadelphia, extensive Mimic Publisher, and Deal er in Musical Instruments of every description. Exclusive Agent for the sale of Hallet, Davis & Co's (Boston) PATENT SUSPENSION BRIDGE 2Eolian and other PIANOS, L. Gilbert's Boa doir PIANOS, Melodeons, Martin's Guitars, Harps, Violins, SheetMusic,l Music Books, &c. Residents of the country will be supplied by mail or otherwise, with any music they may wish, at as low rates as if purchased in person. Having one of the largest stocks in the United States, I feel confident of satisfying all who may favor me with a call or order. Dealer in Music supplied on the most liberal terms. Pianos to let. Second-hand Pianos for sale. [may 10 ly-16 Important to Miller s.—BOLTING CLOTHS—ANCHOR STAMP.—Just received at the Bolting Cloth Warehouse, No. 1 North Fifth street, above Market at.. Philadelphia, a .large stock of the above Goods maaufactured of the best se lected Silk, will not wear fumy, therefore will not require so much knocking as some cloths that are in the market, and will bolt free. The flour will be clean and of a bright color. GEORGE WISE, a Miller of 2b years experience. , ' All cloths warranted. March 22-6m-22 AMerritt Asay, Dental Surgeon, 355 Race, or Sassafras street, Third door above 10th, Philadelphia. N. B.—Block with Gum, or Single r . -•- Teeth of his own manufacture, i n l ia•••• serted with atmospheric pressure or springs. TO DENTISTS.—Asars Patent Moveable Seat Dental Chairs and Spittoons, for sale at his office. march 8 1853 ly-7 Qeeurtty to the Buyer.—JOHN SMART 1...) North Bth Street, 2d door above Race, Phila delphia, has adopted the one price principle. All may then rely upon getting good value, whether judges of watches, jewelry, plated ware or not.— J. S. particularly recommends his $25 full„ Jewel Gold Watches as being perfect time keepers, also his $5,00 setts of real silver Tea Spoons. Being in connectionw ith the most eminent manufacturers of Jewelry and plated ware, 4-c., he can offer in ducements not to be found elsewhere. Remember the only one price jewelry establishment in the city, is 2d door above Race street. N. B.—Particular attention given to repairing Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. may 3 ly-15 A New Article.--Patent Venitian Blinds.—These Blinds overcome the only ob jection to this highly useful and ornamental appen dage to every well furnished house. They are so arranged as to let down from the top ofthe window as well as hoist up from the bottom, or can be sus pended at any point between, giving free access to light and air when requiied, affording every oppor tunity of cleaning them from the floor. They are as simple in arrangement and: nearly as cheap as the ordinary blind. All I ask, is that you call and ex amine them before purchasing. Transparent Window Shades, Reed Blinds, Buff Shades, Gilt cornices, Bands and Pins, Oil Cloth, &c., LettereirSeades for Store Windows painted to order. Wire-cloth Window Screens manufactured to order, beautifully landscaped or plain. F. FORD, Wholesale and Retail Dealer, No. 21 South Eighth st., 2d door below Market, Philadelphia. May 17 is-17 Die -sinking, Engraving, Adhe sive, Advertising Envelopes, Etc., Etc.—T. B. CALVERT 4. CO., No. 48, South Third Street, Philadelphia, envelope manufacturers, die-sinkers, embossers and general engravers, respectfully call attention to the superior style in which their em bossed business cards, and adhesive advertising en velopes etc., are executed, being struck from dies, cut with devices appropriate to every branch of bu siness, thus forming at once an exceedingly attract ive and novel advertisement. The facilities of this establishment are such that work can be executed fully 20 per cent, cheaper than at any other. Envelopes for sale at the lowest prices to the Trade. rmarch 22 ly-9 PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 25, 1852. Mr.Dougherty—Dear Sir : Having been afflicted for many years with Consumption, or affection of lungs, and had the advice of six em inent Physicians of this city, who prescribed vari ous remedies which I used with little or no effect, and previously afflicted with splitting corruptions boated with blood, I gave up all hoges of recovery. At this time my daughter was with a family who was using Doughertra Black Expectorant with suc cess, who recommended the same to me. I in stantly procured 'a. bottle, and affer using six bot tles may with safety say, I am completely restored to health. Yours, &c., WILLIAM COLLIER. Fitzwater street, near 13th, Smith aide. Sworn and subscribed this 26th day of February, A. D., 1852, before JOHN K. KENNY, Ald. The above medicine can be had of the Proprie tor, at No. 26 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia. april 26 ly-14 Leather.—FßlTZ & HENDRY, Store 29, N. Third street, Philadelphia, Morocco Manufac turers, Ourriers, Importers, Commission & General Leather Business, Wholesale end Retail. Manufactory, 15 Margaretta street. aug 23 31-ly Parasol and Umbrella Manufac- TORY.—No. 344 Market Street, 1 door above 10th at., and No. 204 ARCH Street, 4 doors above Bth street, offer the beet assortment, the best goods, and - priices the lowest of the American market.— W halebone for dreeses, corsets, 4-c. All repairing, pertainine to the business, attended to with great despatch. april 12 6m-121 SHARON SLEEPER.'. styee.raiept - ul Tubar weft 13lwr Air Range, palliated June 27,1852: 1 --Variciue sizes, to Wilt limit*, hoordlighouses , and:lautole. Those' in want oriliuptsiottaiikifig aparatasaid invited to call at our Warehouse and outrun' e this 'Range. For - durability, economy and simplicity in .00/ration it stands unrivaled. it has a perfect hot kir ventilated oven—and Meats baked in,thieiiven will retain their juice and flavorequal to thitt-roas ed before an open fire. Meats and pastry cooked at the sametime without one affecting the other.— It will supply sufficient heated air to beat audition sal rooms for the coldest weather: It has no de-: scending .or return flues, and ie equally well adapt ed to: burning the bituminous or common hard coal, The steam valve over the boiling part of the range carries off the steam and 'scent of c ooking, as well as heat in summer. ,• ,Every Range sold warranted to give perfect sat isfaction, or no expense to the pnrchaser. - HAYES , VENTILATORS Patented October, 1848. For public halls, school home , fa c tories, railroad cars chimnies, flues, ships, steamers, 4c. Pure air is a subject claiming the attention of every individual, and all buildings should be pr° - vided with the prisper means of ventilatima, Also, a powerful' WARMING AND VENTILA TING FURNACE, for dwellings, school houses, stores, churches, halls, factories,- &c. - ;kr A large assortment of office, hall and cook ing stoves, parlor grates, registers, &c., wholeXale and retail. RAND & HAYES, 82 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia. icr Personal attention given to warming and ven• tilating both public and private buildings. Aug. 30. >53 Mite Eighth Street. Silk Store, 1, No. 41, North Eighth street, Philadelphia.— S. V. DEPUY, returns hie thanks to his numerous customers in Lancaster county, for their liberal patronage during the last season, and is now pre.. pared to supp,y them at reasonable prices, with every description of Fancy Dry Goods. His stock comprises a full assortment of Rich plaid silks, Fine French Merinoes, Brocade ~ Rich plaid cashmeres, Plain " Paris mouse de Laines, Changeable 4, Plain all wool 4, Satins and flounces, Cheap de lames, Paris de beges, Imported Ginghams. Embroidered collars, Chintzes. Muslins, Sleeves, Chemizettes, lannels, Sackings, &c. Also, a full line of all widths of the best black Silks. . With Shawls, Mantillas, Cloaks, Velvets, Cloak ing Cloths, Gloves, Mitts, Ribbons, &c., in great variety. His goods are bought low, in large lots, from first hands and will be sold cheap. J. V. DEPUY, 41 North Bth at., Philada. sag 30 318-32] Soils, Brothers, Importers and Manufacturers of every description of Ladies' Furs, 86 Arch Street, (below Third street,) Phila delshia, and at 178 Water Street, New York. Ae our goods have all been selected in Europe by. one of the Firm, and manufactured by ourselves in the most elegant and fashionable manner, we can offer them at a price (taking their superior quality into consideration) that will defy competi tion. Silver Medale awarded for euperiority by the In stitutes of Pennsylvania and Maryland aug 16 Elegant stock of Goods s—THOMAS W. EVANS & CO., No. 214 Chesnut street, opposite the Girard House, Philadelphia, have now opened a very extensive stock of entirely new and elegant GOODS, which have been selected in Eu rope for the most fashionable city trade. They respectfully invite their numerous friends and customers in Lancaster and elsewhere, to pay them a visit when they come to the city, as they feel satisfied they can offer their goods as low as any store in Philadelphia. _ IN THE STORE ARE The newest styles Paris Mantillas. Shawls of every description. 10 Cases Paris Mousline de Laines. S Cases plain Mousline de Laine and De Bege 8 Cases elegant real French Lawns. 2 Cases Paris Organdies. 4 Cases Brodie , Bareges, entirely new. 2 Cases neat checked Bareges. 2 Cases primed and Plaid Grenadine. 2 Cases plain Bareges, all colors. 2 Cases printed Bareges. 8 Cases English and French Chintzes. 4 Cases English and French Ginghams, Embroideries, Mitts, Gloves, Veils, Scarfs. Parasols, Muslins, Flannels, Linens. Hosiery, Sic., &c. Also, 30,000 yards of SILKS of every descrip tion—Plain, Watered, Striped, Plaid and Figured, with a full stock of Black Silks. Also, 100 Paris Barege Robes, the newest goods worn. [april 26 tc..14 CHEAP LEATHER. AND FINDING STORE, • No. 155 North Second Street, between Race and Vine Streets, Philadelphia. SIIOE PEGS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. D. EPPELSHEIMER & SON, Aug. 10-Iy] Successor to G. A. Yocum CHESNUT ST. HOUSE, SAMUEL M ILLER, NO. 121 CHESNUT St:, Between 3d & 4th sts PHILADELPHIA. BOARDING $l,OO PER DAY. [may 14, 1850.1y-16 Lancaster Tobacco Segar Store, North Queen St., adjoining Spanglers Book Store, and three doors South of Orange Street. rrillE subscriber respectfully informs hie friends and customers that he has just returned from Philadelphia with the largest stock of Tobacco tha has ever been offered in Lancaster, comprising thl different brands lancy one pound lump, large ane small Congress, fine spun and large plug, Thomas' Unique, Extra Eldorado, and superior Extra Oro noko, which he is prepared to sell lower than any other house in Lancaster, He invitee . country storekeepers to his large and varied stock of To bacco, as well as to his splendid assortment of SU PERIOR HAVANA AND PRINCIPE SEGARS, of the choicest brands and of the finest flavor ' he also keeps constantly on bend thelargest stock of " " DOMESTIC SEGARS n Lancaster, which he will sell lower than any other house in the city. The best segars in Lan caster can be had here; he warrants them equal to any manufactured in the State. N. B. Also, imported Turkish Smoking Tobacco, warranted genuine JOHN KUHNS. oct 14 - 3m-39 ew and Cheapilardware Store. 11 —The subscribers respectfully informs their friends and the puplic in general, that they have just recived direct \ from the manufacturess, a splen did assortment of goods, to which they invite their attention. Person's_ commencing HOUSE KEEPING, will find a complete assortment of Knives & Forks, Table and Tea Spoons, Waiters, Looking Glasses, Shovels and Tongs. BRITTANIA WARE, Coffee Mills, Brushes, Pots, Kettles, Pans, ,:ke CEDARWARE, Brewing and Wash Tcbs, Buck ets, Churns, Stands, bushels, 1 bushels and peck measures, Wooden bowls, &c. COOK AND WOOD STOVES, of the most approved patterns. A general assort ment of BUILDING MATERIALS, Locks, Latch es, Hinges, Bolts, Screws, Nailsi Glass, Oils and Varnish. A superior article of genuine Fire Proo Paints. CARPENTER'S TOOLS, Planes, II and, Penel & Back Saws, Chisels ' Au gers, Braces, Bits, Spirit Levels, Rules, Hatchets, &c., with a general assortment of warranted Edge Tools, FARMING UTENSILS, Ploughs, Patent Straw Cutters, Chains of all descriptions, Shovels Forks, Hoes, Mattocks &c. SADDLERS AND COACHMAKERS will find in their stock a complete assortment o goods suitable to their trade, of which they( are of fering at greatly reduced prices, and respectfully solicit from dealer. and consumers an examination of their stock. They hope by strict attention to business, and their endeavors to please customers, to receive a share of public patronage. PINKERTON & SLAYMAKER, Between Shober & Senees Hotels, North Queen Street, Lancaster Pa. feb 22 tf-5 Iron Foundry & Machine Shop, West Chesnut Street, between N. Queen and Prince Street, LANCASTER CITY, PA. ' 11 - 111 F. subscriber announces to the public tnat he has lately purchased the above extensive'Es tablishment, where he is now prepared to do work of every description in his line, such a 5 4 1 6 1. STEAM ENGINES ¢ BOILERS, Shafting, Gearing, Mill and Saw Mill Worn, stwes, Rand Lathes, Car Wheels, and Aexle 4- Castings of all descriptions, done at the Foundry at the shortest notice. His assortment of patterns are not surpassed by any establishment in the State, he is therefore enabled to do work at the shortest notice and at reduced prices. STOVES of every description' manufactured and for sale wholesale and retail. IRON RAILING for Yards, Cemetries, &c. Cast or Wrought Iron, made and put up with neat ness and dispatch. 'All work warranted The machine Shop will be under the control and management of J. tr. D. Fellembaum, experienced machinist& C. BLEFFER, Propriete . May 6, 1851. 15-tf 4000 of John 1113 . ure's Spanish Sole Le a ther , at the Sign ofthe Last, West King 'street, Lancaster.—Customers are respectfully informed that the subscriber has just received 4000 pounds of John Rouzle , s Celebrated Spanish Sole Leather—which they are invited to call and examine, the Leather being handsome and cannot fail to please. directly opposite the Red Lion Hotel, april 19 tr-191 M. H. LOCHER Varnish, Steam Putty and Paint Manufactory. T , . . it& underiigned having m . ule extensive litera lions and improvements in, hiumachinery, and having introduced STEAM into his Factory,,would most respectfully call the attention of his friends ond customers through the pouniry , to his large and well selected stock of TARNOW RAINS, OILS, GhiSS,-10., Which for va riety and quality cannot be excelled by any similarestablishment in "the State. . Coach -Body, Carriage, Cabinet and China Gloss Varnishes and Paints of every description, dry and ground in 'Oil, and put up at short notice in cans of conveni ent size-fot . . Glazier's Diamonds, Gold Leaf, Pallette.. Putty and . Hack Knives, Sable and Camel Hair Pencils, Varnish, Paint, Graining and Kalsomine Brushes, and English, French, and American Glasi of all si zes, suitable for Store Fronts, Dwellings, &c.,-with a good assortment of Enameled and Colored Glass for public: buildings, Vestibules, &c., &.c., constant ly on band and for sale in quantities to suit purcha sers, at moderate prices, at old established PAINTER'S FURNISNINN AND VARIETY STORE, No. SO North Fourth street, west aide, below Race at., Philadelphia. C. SCHRACK. April 20, 1852. .1-lv Sprang and Summer Clothing:— EFtBEN &Di, Sign of the STRIPED COAT, No, 42, North Queen street, east side, near Or ange, Lancaster, hive now finished the most . extensive assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING i It s in Lancaster composed of every description of, NEW GOODS, selected with the greatest care, and made in the latest style of taste and fashion. Among which may be found and w. rranted to. prove the same as represented at the time of pur chase, the following, viz:— NEW STYLE DRESS AND FROCK COATS Black and Blue Cloth Dress and Frock Coats: Brown and Olive " " " Fancy " CC . CC ' Black and Fa rieS; Drab D. Etc. Frocks and Sacks. ice " Cassimere " cc " Cashmarette CC 'CC CC " Habit Cloth ' CC CC " Milan CC CC CC " Italian f 4 CC " " Tweed CC CC CC •‘ Erminette ic c‘ " " Slimmer Cloth " " cc " Croton Cloth CC C. Gingham, Linen and Cotton Coats of every descrip tion. PANTALOONS. VESTS. ' Black Doeskin, Figured Silk, Fancy Cassimere Black Satin, Union Cassimere, Cassimere, Black Satinett, Drab Cashtnarette, Tweed and Jean, Italian Cloth; Erminette, Merino, Linen and Cotton, Marseilles, Also, constantly on hand a complete assortment of White and figured shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Cra vats, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Stocks, Gloves, Hosiery and Umbrellas. BOYS' CLOTHING, ERBEN ✓r. CO., have by lar the largest assort ment of Boy's and Yotrra , s Frock, Sack and Monk ey Coats, Pants and Vests of all sizes, and at very low prices. These articles are made with neatness and care, and are far superior to those ordinarily offered. A full assortment of Uncut Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings on hand, which will be made up to order, at short notice, in the most fashionable man ner, and ate reasonable price. It will be observed that every article of Clothing sold by the subscribers is of their own make, and as particular attention is given to having it well sewed, it may therefore be relied upon as being good durable work. A large number of the beet workmen are constant ly employed at this establishment, in every branch of the business; so that persons finding their own Cloth and Trimming, or Cloth only, may depend upon having garments made promptly, and in a style which cannot fail to give entire satisfaction as to taste and durability of workmanship. 1 - Every attention will be paid to gratify the patrons of this establishment, so that every taste may be suited. The subscribers desire particularly to express their sincere thanks to the citizens of Lancaster city and county, for the late very liberal and gratifying increase of patronage bestowed on them, and hope by a very strict attention, to merit its continuance. ERI3 EN & CO. JOHN A. EBBEN.] [WAsHINGTON 11. EBBEN. irr United States Clothing Store, Sign of the Striped Coat, No. 42, North Queen street, east side, near Orange, Lancaster. [march 29 tf-I0 The great Sea Serpent supposed to be between one and two hundred feet long.— Captain Clipper of the Brig Arrow, reports a tre mendous'sea serpent on the old serpent ground off Nahant, which has caused considerable excitement in that vicinity, but nothing to be compared with that now existing about the new and splendid stock of Clothing now offered for sale at Wm. HErinnit's Clothing Store, No. 31i, North Queen street, Lan caster, sign of the red Coat. -It is now admitted on all hands, that here may be seen one of the fi nest assortment of plain and fancy clothing any where to be found in or out of the County of Lan caster. Dress and Frock coats, Sackcoats , Panta loons and vests, Shirts, Shirt Collars, Stock, Cra vats, and in short, every thing belonging to Gentle men's apparel-of every kind and quality and at the lowest possible prices. All articles sold at this establishment can be warranted, as they are all manufactured under the immediate superintendence of the subscriber himself. Also goods in the piece. A more splendid assort ment of fancy pantaloon Cassimeres never was °t iered to the public and needs but to be seen to be admired -and purchased Superfine and common Cloths of all colors and prices. First rate plain black Cassimere, No. 1 vestings of the latest and most beautiful patterns, all of which are offered at No. 31,i, North Queen street, Sign of the red coat, two doors North from the National House Hotel, where our friends 'and the public generally are respectfully invited to call. Come one, come all from Town and County, and be assured that if you make a purchase you will have made something for yourselves. WILLIAM HENSLER. N. B.—Remember, sincere thanks and no charges for looking at the goods. april 19 tf-13 Oranges and Lemons.—Just received a fresh supply of the _best Messina Oranges prime Lemons, for sale cheap by the Box of dozen, at Hensler>s Confectionary, No. 6 East Ring at., Lancaster. Just received at-Hensler>s Confeetionary, No. 6, East King street, Lancater, a large and select sup ply of fresh nuts, comprising Almonds,.Frlberts, Creamnute, English Walnuts, Pea uts, Gram Nuts, Cocoa Nuts, &c., &c., for sale cheap by the pound, bushel, or bag. SAMUEL HENSLER. Just opening at lienslees Confectionary, a fresh assortment of choice fruit, consisting of the best Eleme Figs, Raisins, Prunes, Dates, Tamarinds, Pine Apples, &c., 4.c., for sale oheap wholesale and retail, at N0..6, East King et., Lancaster. ICE 'CREAM & MINERAL WATER SALOONS. Hensler's Ice Creams Saloons will be open this evening and continue open at all hours, day and evening during the season. We invite our old friends and numerous customers to give us a call and judge for themselve, as we intend serving a pure and good article such as we defy competition. SAMUEL HENSLER, ' Practical Confectioner, No. 6, East King street, Lancaster. Eapril 26 tt-14 THE PENNSYLVANIA MUTUAL LIVE STOCK INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital $50,000! CHARTER PERPETUAL. THIS Company is now fully organized, and pre pared to insure agsinst the combined risks of FIRE, WATER, ACCIDENT and DISEASE, all descriptions of LIVE STOCK, such as Horses, Mules, Cattle, sheep, &c. i;Cf" Office, No. 21 Fifth street, Pittsburg. DIRECTORS. A. JAYNES, President. B. M>LAIN, Secretary. Wm Day, James Mathews, Alex Hilands, Henry A White, Wm 0 Leslie, Wm Bakewell, John Young, jr. J. ZIMMERMAN,'Agent, nov 6 tf-42) Lancaster. To the Farmers of Lancaster co. —I would call your attention to the celebrated pROUTY.k BARRETT'S Centre Draught Plough. —Tins Plough took the premium at our late Agri culttral Fair; and having also RICHARDSON'S celebrated Corn Stalk, Hay and Straw Cutter,—this machine can be used by hand and horse power; having also a new Corn harrow and 1 Horse Rakes; having also the agency for SMITH'S clebrated corn sheller—this sheller will shell from one thous and to twelve hundred bushels of corn per day.— Having just received a large assortment of Grain cradles, rakes, scythes, grain and shaking forks, and many other farming utensils, which can be had at G. D. SPRECHER'S Hardware store, in North Queen street, Sign o THE Bin Loca. (march 1 tf.6 EAGLE. HOTEL. • vCI vB3 o EESE D INFORM the public, that they have recently fit ted up this old and well known stand in Norib Queen street, two doors south of the Railroad, Co first rate style, and that they are now prepared in entertain travellers and others in the very bestman nen Their Bar will always be supplied with, the choicest liquors ' and their Table with the best that the market affor ds. They also beg leave to state that they continue their LIVERY STABLE, _where can at all times be had, a good and genteel Horse, Buggy, Baronche, Carriage, Sulky, or Omni bus, on the most reasonable terms. They assure all who may favor them with their custom, that no efforts will be spared to lender may 7 154 f 500 CHALLENGE. , - IaTHATEVER concerns the health and happi -7-7T ness.ora peoplet s atoll times 'of. the most valuable importance. .1 take It for granted thatev ery person will do all ,n their power, to save the lives of their Childten.' and that every person will endeavor to promote their own ,health at all sacri fices I feel it to be My duty to solemnly assure you that-WORMS, according to.the opinion of the most celebrated Physicians, ars the primary causes of a large majority of diseases to which children and adults are liable; if you have an appetite con tiaually changeable trom one kind of food to an other, bad Breath, pain in thh Stomach, picking at. the Nose, hardness and falluelmOf the Belly, Dry Cough, Slow Fever, Pulse irregular—remember Chat all these denote WORMS, and you should at once apply the remedy :--- ROBENSACK'S WORM SYRUP: . An article .founded upon scientific principles, compounded with purely vegetable substances, be ing perfectly safe when taken, and can be given to the most tender Infant with decided beneficial ef fect, where bowel complaints and diarrahma have made them weak and debilitated, the tonic proper ties 'of my. Worm Syrup are such, that it stands without an equal in the catalogue of medicines in giving tone and strength to the stomach, which makes it an infallible remedy fur those afflicted with Dyspepsia, the astonishing cares performed by this Syrup after Physicians have failed, is the ben evidence of its superior efficacy over all others. THE TAPE WORM! This is the most difficult Worm to destroy of all that infest the human system, it grows toan almost indefinite length, becoming so coiled and fastened in the intestines and'atomach, effecting the health so sadly as to cause St. Vitus Dance, Fits, 4-c., that those afflicted seldom if ever suspect that it is Tape Worm hastening them to an early grave.— In order to destroy this Worm, a very energetic treatment must be pursued, it would threloree be proper to take 6 or 8 of My Liver Pills so as to re move all obstructions, that the Worm Syrup may act direct upon the Worm, which must be taken in doses of 2 tablespoonful's 3 times a day—these di rections followed have never been known to fail in curing the moat obstinate case of Tape Worm. HOBENSACK'S LIVER PILLS. No part of the system is more liable to disease than the LIVER, it serving as a filterer to purify the blood, or giving the proper secretion to the bile; so that any wrong action of the Liver effects the other important parts of the system, and results variously; in Liver Complaint ; Jaundice, Dyspepsia, 4-c. We should, therefore, watch every symptom that might indicate a wrong action of the Liver.— These Pills being composed of Roots 4. Plants fur nished by nature to heal the sick: Namely, Ist, An Expectorant, which augments the secretion from the Pulmonary mucus membrane, or promote the discharge of secreted matter. 2nd. An Alter ative, which changes in some inexplicable and in sensible manner the certain morbid action of the system. 3rd. A Tonic, which gives tone and strength to the nervous system, renewing health and vigor to all parts of the body. 4th. A Cathar tic, which acts in perfect harmony with the other ingredients, and operating on the bowels and ex pelling the whole mass of corrupt and vitiated matter, and purifying the blood, which destroys disease and restores health. TO FEMALES. You will find these Pills an invaluable medicine in many complaints to which you are subject. In obstructions either total or partial, they have been found of inestimable benefit restoring their func tional arrangements to a healthy action, purifying the blood and other fluids so effectally to put to flight all complaints which may arise female irreg ularities, as headache, giddiness, dimness of eight, pain in the side, back, fc. None genuine unless signed . J. N. Hobensack, all others being base imitation. • Agents wishing new supplies, and Store Keepers desirous of becoming Agents must address the Proprietor, J. N. Hobensack, at his Laboratory, No. 120 North Second St., Phila., Pa. For Sale by J. Long 4r. Co., W. G. Baker, Lan caster; 3. Stouffer, Mt. Joy: Klauser, Fairview; Steacy, Octoraro, post-office; Irwin, Cambridge ; Shaub, Willow Street; Weidman, Brickersville ; Leader, Columbia; and by every respectable Drug gist and merchant in the State. Pricecash, 25 cts. , Oct 26 Lancaster Emporium of Taste! CHARLES B. WILLIAMS, Professor of the Tonsorial Institute and Physiognomical HAIR CUTTER and extatic SHAVER, respectfully in, forms the citirens of Lancaster, and strangers wh,. may tarry here until their beards grow, that he still continues to carry on his business in NORTH QUEEN ST., OPPOSITE KAUFMAN'S HOTEL, where he intends prosecuting the Tonsorial business in all its varied branches. He will shave you as clean as a City Broker, ane cut your hair to suit the shape of your head and the cut of your phiz, well knoiving that the whole ob ject and desire is to improve the appearance of the outer man. From long experience he flatters him self that he can go through all the ramifications ol the art, with so much skill, as to meet the entire approbation of all those who submit their chins to the keen ordeal of his Razor. . Each gentleman furnished with a clean towel. SHAMPOONING done in the most improved ssyle, and Razors sharpened in the eery best manner Lancaster, Dec. 25, 1849. 48-tr Forwarding Sr. Transportation.-- Strasburg Rail Road Company. This Com pany having now fully equipped their Road, here by inform the public that they are prepared to for ward ah kinds of Produce, Merchandise, Live Stock, &c., to and from Philadelphia and Baltimore, or any intermediate point, with promptness and de spatch and upon the most reasonable terms. Strasburg, dec 7 tf-46 Youth, Age, Style, Taste, Beauty and Fashion.—The sea Sons of life should be arranged like those of the year. In the spring of youth, when all is lovely and gay, then as the green cover is spread on all the face of smiling na ture, in brightness and beauty, so let the dresspar take of the season. Fine taste, as well as fashion, decrees the necessity of nicely adapted garments to age, circumstances and seasons. The man whose head is silvered with age, who feels not the blood of youth dancing warmly in his veins, should not run into extremes of dress, nor yet should he permit his clothing to be so far behind the times as to render him ridiculous. There is a becoming fashionable dress, suitable for the age and seasons of lire as well as the seasons of the year. You can be suited in handsome style in clothing that is well and fashionably made, of good materials that will fit well and become the figure and season, at the great Clothing Bazaar of JOSEPH GORMLEY, No. 58, North Queen street, Lancaster. May 14 17 lt/ransion House.—Lancaster, Pa. .131 JOHN S. MORTON has taken the above Ho tel, in South Queen street, one square from the old Court House. DROVERS, Travellers and others will be ac commodated on the best of terms. BOARDERS taken by the week, month or year april 26 ti-14 REMOVAL. TO HIS OLD STAND AT TILE MECHANICS INSTITUTE. GEORGE F. ROTE, Fashionable Chair and Cabinet Maker, ESPECTFAILLY informs his .. Do friends and the people of Lan caster co. generally, that he carries on the maufacture of CHAIRS of every description, and SETTEES, at his stand in South Queen at., the Mechanics , Institute, and opposite •the Fountain Inn Hotel, kept by Wm. Wright, where he will be happy to meet his numerous friends and customers from the city and county, and where good bargains can always be had. _ He also continues to manufacture Cabinet Furn iture of every kind, such as Bureaus, Tables, Desks and Cradles. Call and examine his stock otChairs and Furniture. n-The UNDERTAKING BUSINESS promptly attended to. [april 29-13-11 Adams ) Express. SPRING & SUMMER ARRANGEMENT for 1852 ADAMS & CO'S Express are now running their own Cars accompanied by special messenger, and iron safe. They are prepared to forward daily, (8 undaye excepted,)with the fast mail trains, Boxes,. Bundles,Pabcels, Specie, &c., &c., to all points on the entral Railroad, via Lancaster, Columbia, York, Mount Joy, Middletown, Harrisburg, New port, Milllintown, Lewistown, Huntingdon, Spruce Creek, Tyrone, Hollidaysburg, Summit, Johstown, Blaireville, Greensburg and Pittsburg; via Cum berland' alley Road, to Carlisle, Shippeneburg, Chambereburg.. In all of above named places aro regular agents who will attend promptly to the collection of notes, drafts, bills, bills, &c. Goode will also be forwarded to most of the points on the West Branch of the Susquehanna. Persons residing in the interior towns off the main route ' can have packages forwarded with despatch from Philadelphia and other points by having them directed to any of the above named places. Goods destined for any of the above places are Rewarded by the 11 o'clock train daily. . Goode for Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Louisville, Frankford and Lexington, Ky., Indianapolis, and St. Louis, by the night train. Goode for the Eastern and Southern cities for warded daily by both morning and evening trains. The undersigned will give particular attention to filling orders forwarded to them by mail, (post paid,) when they are for goods to be forwarded by Express. No commission will be charged. Offices: PIIILADELI.IIIA, 116, Chestiut street. LANcesTER, North Queen street, three doors south of the Railroad. J. G. TRACKARA,'Agent.• March 23, 1852. -tt Hotel to let, at Huntingdon, Pa. JILL. —This offers a fine opportunity for any one wishing to engage in the business. For particu bare enquire of Dr. ISPALLISTRa, • a p r is eta] nage LuttesWi ilfb .Entered-accorgrese,-In-the dew•-• 1851, by J. 8. HOUGlgi'Org; 51:D.,111 the clerk's Offiess , of _ther , Distries Court -for the Eastern Dis trict of Pennsylvania. Another Scientific Wonder: GREAT CURE FOR • DYSPEPSIA 1 The True Digestive Fluid' or Gastric Juice eItEPARED from Rennet, or the fourth Stom ach of the Os, after directions of BAPr'S Limo, the great Physiological Chemist, by . 1 . 6. D•, Philadelphia, Pa. This is a truly wonderful remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Complaint, Constipa tion, and Debility, curing situ- Nature's own method, by Nature's own Agent, the Gastric .1 nice. Hall a teaspoonful of Pepsin, infused in water, will digest or dissolve,•Five Pounds of Roast Bee in about two hours, but of the stomach. PErsizt is the chief element, or Great Digesting Principle of the Gastric Juicthe solvent oft he food, the purifying, preserving and suniulatiug agent of the stotnach and intestines. It is extracted from the digestive stomach of the Ox, thus form ing an Artificial Digestive Fluid, precisely like the natural Gastric Juice in its chemical powers, and ftfrnishing a complete and perlect substitute .lor it By the aid of this preparation, the pains and evils of Indigestion and Dyspepsiaure removed, just as they would be by a healthy stomach. It is doing wonders for dyspeptics, curing cases of Debility, Emaciation, Nervous Decline,and Dyspeptic Con sumption, supposed to be on the verge of the grave The scientific evidence upon which ii is based, is in the highest degree curious and rental kable. SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE Baron Liebig in his celebrated work On Anima Chemistry, says: !'An artificial Digestive Fluid, analogous to the Gastric JUice, may be readily prepared from the mucous membrane of the stom ach of the calf, in which various articles of food as meat and eggs, will be softened, changed, and digested, just in the same manner as they would be in the human stomach. — , Dr. Pereira, in his famous treatise on " Food and Diet," published by Fowler & Wells, New York, page 35, states the same great fact, and describes the method of preparation. There are few higher authorities than Dr. Pereira. Dr. Combo, in his valuable writings Lai the " Physiology of Digestion," observes dull "a dint of the due quantity of the Gastric Juietein a prominent and all•prevailing cause of Dyspepsia,' and he states that "a distinguished prulessor 01 medicine in Loudon, who was severely afflicted with this complaint, finding everything else to fail, had recourse so the Gastric Juice, obtained Iron/ the stomach of living animals, which proved cons pletely successful." Dr. Graham, author of the famous works on, "Vegetable Diet," says "Itis a remarkable foci in phosiolusj.y, that the stomachs of animals, mace rated-in water, impart to the fluid the property 01 dissolving vit. ious articles of food, and of effecting a 'kind of artificial digestion of them in nowge diffrfeent mro the natural digestive process." AS A DYSPEPSIA CURER, Dr. HOUGHTON'S PEPSIN has produced the most marvellouseffects, in curing canes of Debility, Emaciation, N croons Decline, and Dyspeptic Consumption. It is impossible to give the details of cases in the limits of this advertisement ; but authenticated certificates have been given of more than Two Hundred Remarkable Cures, in ,Phila dolphin, New York and (Boston alone. These were nearly alldesperate cases, and the cures were not only rapid and wonderful, but permanent. It is a eons Nervous Antidote, and particularly useful for tendency to Billious disorder, Liver Complaint, Fever ar ... Ague, or badly treated Fever ana Ague, and the evil effects of Quinine,Mer cury and other urugs.upon :lie Digestive rgcns, alter a long sickness. Also, for excess in eating, and the too free use of ardent spirits. It almost reconciles health with intemprance. OLD STOMACH CONPLAINTS There Is no form of Old Stomach Complaints which it does not seem to reach and remove a once. No matter. how bad they may be, it gives instant relief! A single dose removes all the un pleasant symptoms; and it onlyneeds to be repeated short for a time to make these good effects perma nent. Purity of Blood and Vigor of Body lollowat once. It is particularly excellent in cases of Nausea, Vomiting, Cramps, Soreness of the pit of the Stomach, ,distress after eating, low, cold state of the Blood He . aviness, Lowness of Spirits Des pondency, Emaciation, ‘Veakness, tendency of Insanity, Suicide, &c. Dr. HOUGHTON'S PEPSIN is sold by nearly all the dealers in fine drags and Popular Medicines throughout the United States. It is prepardd in Powder and in It form—and in prescription vials for the use of Physicians. PRIVATE CIRCULARS for the use of Physicians, may be obtained of Dr. Houghton of his Agents, describing the whole process of preparation, and giving the authorities upon which the claim of this new remedy arebased. As it is not a secret remeey no objection can be raised against its use by Phy• siciansin respectable standing and regular practice. Price ONE DOLLAR per bottle. igrOBSERVE THIS !,-Every bottle of the genuine PEPSIN bears the written signature of J. S.l - 1 OUGHTON , M. D., sole proprietor, Phil• adelphut, Pa. Copy-right and Trade Mark' secured. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine. For sale in Lancaster by LONG & SCIIOENFELD, No. I, Kramph's Arcade,N. E.cor. North Queen and Orange sta., one do or cast olJiraniphs Cie thin,. Store, Lancaster. , sop 1h.34•1y NEW MARBLE WORMS, SIGN OF TWO LARGE MARBLE LIONS TOMBS, MANTLES, MONUMENTS, GRAVE STONES, AND every description ofMarble and Sand Stone Work, is executed in the most beautiful style at the Marble Works of Charles M. Howell, North Queen street, east side, between Orange and Ches nut streets, and nearly opposite to Van .Ifanan , s Hotel. The subscriber thankful for past favors, would in form his friends and the public in general, that his establishment is now opened at the above location, where he will be happy at all times to wait upon cue tomers aid manufacture to order every thing apper taming to his line of business, in the most approved style of the profession, and at the most reasonable rates. He is constantly receiving at his Marble Works lull supplies from the city of Philadelphia of AMERICAN AND ITALIAN MARBLE, which is superior to any thing of the kind in this city. 'Letters in English and German, engraved in the• most elegant manner. His facilities are such, that all orders will be filled with the greatest promptness and in the beet appro ved manner. Persons wishing Monuments are informed that hi collection of designs are new and original and go full and complete that they can make a selection without difficulty. Lie invites the public to call at his Works, and view the beautiful assortment of Monuments, Ike., now finished. ;Cr Builders and others in want 0 MARBLE MAN. TLES, should visit his Ware-Rooms end examine bit splendid stock on hand. • 03 - SAND STONE for Sills, Steps,Curbing, Cam etary purposes, and fronts .of builings, at the low est rates. Orders received for all kinds of Iron Railing CHARLES M. RO WELL Dec. 23. [ly Teople 3 s Marble' Works, (Leon cud & Bear's old stando SHOPS IN NORTH teIJEEN STREET, Half Bquaro South of the Rail road, and 3d door North , of Michael M;GrannPs White Horse Hotel, Lancaster city. LEWIS HALDY, Marble Mason, respectfully informs the public that he has purchased the entire stock of Leonard & Bear, which, in addition "tohis own large stock, warrants him in saying that he has now in his yard by fdr the largest amount of ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLE ever offered to the citizens of Lancaster, and greater than any other establishment west of Phil adelphia. In consequence of having purchased the stock of Leonard & Bear at a bargain, and baying also made arrangements at the East to receive marble at reduced . prices, be announces that ho will sell much cheaper than any other establish ment in this city or county 'dun do. He is now pre pared to execute in the best style, Monument Tombs and Grave Stonbs, Mantels, Door and Window Sills, Steps, - &c:, &c., of every variety and price. Ws facilities for furnishing articles in the Mar ble line are unsurpassed by any other establishment in the city, while he assures all who may favor him with their patronage that his work shall be execu ted in the very best style and on the most reason able terms. 0 - LETTER CUTTING in ENGLISH and GERMAN, done at the shortest notice, and on the most moderate terms. He respectfully invites the public to call and ex amine his work, being fully satisfied to rest his claim to public patronage upon its merits. Thankful for the many favors beltowed upon him,he hopes by strict attention to business to mer it and receive a share of the public patronage. leb 22 i ly-fi preserve your Teetl4.—All those who are desirous of beautifying and preserving their teeth from decay, moreover saving a Dentist's fee, should give Zmuiralils Team WASH a trial.— It has the most beneficial and salutary effect on diseased gums, particularly when they ate subject to soreness, bleeding, ulceration, &c. It also im parts a fragrant odour to the breath. • For sale wholesale and retail, at Dr. Zuorouvii Drug aid Taw:Store, No. bB4 Noulk Queen Street; Lwow tor. • • Capil MOH