Lancaster intelligencer. (Lancaster [Pa.]) 1847-1922, April 05, 1853, Image 4

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A Fine Rockingham Farm for Sale
rr HE subscriber being determined to remove to
1. the West, Offers ,for sale, privately, the Farm
on which he resides, situated five miles east of
Harrisonburg, and one and a half miles east of
Taylor's Springs, and lying on both sides of the
Rockingham Turnpike, leading from Harrisonburg
to Stanardsville, and lying on both sides of the
Keezeltown road, running up and down the Valley,
and one mile south of Keezeltown. It is situated
within half a,mile of a good Merchant Mill, Saw
Mall, Tannery, 4-c. It adjoins the leads of Messrs.
t(o . 4 . than Peale, David Eder, and others, and
160 or 160 Acres of which is cleared and in a good
state of cultivation; some 15 or 20 acres is good
Meadow, and more can be made. it desired. The
remainder is well timbered.
The improvements are, a large frame Dwelling
House, containing 1 t rooms, with a good Kitchen,
(nearly new) adjoining Loomhouse, Smokehouse,
carriage house, corn house, and all other necessary
out-houses... The barn is somewhat out of repair.
There is a fine 'spring of water, and also a good
Dairy near the House.
This ie a good situation for a blacksmith and wa
gon-maker ; and the wagonmakers shop and
blacksmith's shop are both here, and have been
carried on for alnumber of years. There are also
two other Dwelling Houses to suit both
shops. :spiv
II pa
There are two other Dwelling Houses
on different portions on the Farm.
This Farm would suit very well to be divided, if
desired. There is a fine young Orchard near the
main Dwelling) House; containing ninety Apple
Trees of excellent winter. and summer Fruit, be
sides Cherry and Peach Trees. There are al-'o
never-fading sidings of excel,ent water on differ
entparts o.t tH place, and stock can have access
to water from every field on the place.. The Land
is well adapted to all kinds of grain, clover, timo- '
thy, and other grass. This is one of the most plea
sant places to: live in the Valley of Virginia. It
would make a very fine situation for a Farm, as the
house , tionts both the Rockingham Turnpike and
Keezeltown road.
Also, another Tract or Woodland, lying 14 miles
east of the other Farm, containing 192 ACRES,
adjoining the lands of Messrs. Samuel Ermin, Geo
Nicholas, and others.
The above property is now in market, and a
uargain may be obtained, as . Lam determined to
sell. I forbear', a more minute description, as farm
ers desirous of purchasing will-of course examine
for themselves., Terms very reesonable. and pus
Geesion given at any time to suit the purchaser.
For lurther ihfurination address the subscriber at
Harrisonburg, Rockingham co.. Va.
Jan 4—tf- , 9 ELI KERAN.
City Property at Private Sale.
THE subscriber will dispose of at private sale,
on reasonable terms, all that fine DWELLING
HOUSE and piece of ground, with the buildings ad
joining, now in the: occupancy of Mr. Sanderson,
and well knoWn as connectedwith the est iblish
This property is situated in the city of Lancaster,
in Market Square, and consists of an excellent
I.; in built in modern style, with parlors, bed
"-01-rooms, and offices, the latter of which are
occupied by the Editor. There is also attached a
new Three Story Brick Building, with a Dining
Room, Kitchen, Bathroom, with bath for hot and
cold water, and fine airy and comfortable chambers.
Attached is also a brick Smoke House.
On the rear .of the lot is a two story BRICK
BUILDING, now occupied as a Printing Office,
but which, froin its position, might be easily con
verted into a residence for a small family. There
is a hydrant and plenty of water in the yard, in the
dwelling and office.
To a lawyer or a printer this property offers many
advantages. It is in a central position, in the
neighborhood of the Courts, County Offices, Mar
kets, and principal Hotels, and is withal located
quietly and pleasantly.
An indisputably titie will be given, and the terms
will be made to suit puret..iiiers.
For further 'particulars, enquire of JANES L.
REYNOLDS, Esq., Attorney at Law, Lancaster,
who is say Agent, and who will make known the
March 23, 15.52
Valuable Proporty 'For Sale,
rriHE largo and commodious HOUSE for-S .
merly. occupied by the subscriber in South
Queen street, opposite the Odd Fellows' Hall.—
There is an extensive .range of back buildings,
gas and water are introduced; and there is, in ad
dition, two wells oil excellent water on the premi
ses sod the privilege or third on the line of this
and the adjoining properly. The property'would
be suitable fora public house, or a boarding house,
or the buildings in the rear mtght be converted in
to a number of"stnall dwelling houses, which, on
account of the premises being near the Conestoga
Steam Mills could be readily rented to advantage.
Lan, May I I
Lots .for Sale.
JDY a resolution of the Board of Trustee of the
First Methodist Episcopal Church of the City of
Lancaster, will be sold at private sale, the ground
in the rear of the Church building, (formely occu
pied as a burying ground,fand facing on Walnut
street, which ran be divided into three handsome
building lots—to be sold separately or together,.
as may best suit purchasers. Possession given im
Apply to BF.NIAirIIN F. SHErtx,,President of the
Board of Trustees.
Lancaster, Nov 30 tf-45
For Rent.—The new two-story BRICK
DWELLING HOUSE, situated on flea
- Snmh Eoet corner of OT Inge and Shippen sireest.
Possession given on the first of April next, 1853.
For terms apply, to
feb 1 tl-2
Estate Lof Peter Weaver.—ln the
Court of Common Pleas for the county of Lan
caster. Whereas, David Landis, Assignee r f Peter
Weaver, did on the 16th day of March, 1853, file
in the office, of the Prothonotary of the said Court,
his account of the said Estate,
that the said Court
have appointed the 25th day of April, 1853, for the
confirmation thereof, unless exceptioifs be filed.
Attest, JNO. K. REED, Proth'y.
Proth'y's Offit - - , Lan., March 29. • 4.10
Estate; of Jobs, Glaclien, late of
Drumore township, deed —All persons in
debted to said . eatate are requested to make imme
diate payment to the undersigned executors, and
those having claims spinet the same, will present
them duly authenticated for settlement to
Drumore township, or
Fulton township.
march 22 7r-9]
"L'i state of Francis G. Andrews.
_'.l—Letters of administration on the estate of
Francis G. Andrews, late of Colerain township,
deed, havd been. issued to the subscriber, residing
in Little Britain township: All persons indebted to
said estate iivill pleat:a ;flake payment immediately,
and those having claims will present them properly
authenticated for settlement.,
• Notice to Creditors.
COMPANY, December 17,1852.
THE Huiquehanna Canal Company is prepared
to execute the provisions of the act passed at
the late sessions.of the Legislatures of Pennsylva
nia and Maryland, by the issue of thd new Bonds
and Stock 'certificates provided for by said acts.—
The holders of the obligations of the said Compa
ny, an of the' Tide Water Canal Company, will
'please present them at this office before the first
day of January, 1853, or as early thereafter as
practicable, for .conversion under said laws, on
which named day the said new bonds will bear
date. " THOS. M. ABBETT,
dec 28 , 5m-49] Treasurer.
IN THE MATTER of the intended application of
Any PARRY, to the Court of Quarter Sessions,
at April term, for license to keep a tavern
in Fulto'i two., Lancaster county, it being RR old
WE, •the undersigned citizens of Fulton township, I
where said inn or tavern is proposed to be kept. do
certify, that the said inn or tavern is' necessary to
accommodate the public and entertain strangers
and travellers, and:that we are well acquainted
with the said Ann Parry, and that she is of good re
pute for honesty and temperance. and is well pro
vided with house room and conveniences for the
acomitiodation of strangers and travellers.
Abner Brown, Michael Bear, "John .Riley, John
Findla-y, Elias Penington, S. D. M'Conkey, Wm.
Caldwell, Samuel Wicks, George H. H. II ewes,
Philip Maxwell, Gilbert Maxwell, Ebenezer Kil
lough, Stephen Brown, J. ADSparran.
[march 22 30-9
IN THE MATTER of the intended application of
ELIZABETH BURK, to the Court of Quarter See-•
sions, at April term, 1853, for license to keep a
tavern in Drumore township, Lancaster county,
it being an oil stand.
We, the undersigned citizens of Drurnere
where said inn or tavern is proposed to be lept,
do certify, that the said in or tavern is necessary
to accommodath the public and entertain strangers
and travellers ' and that we are well twinsint.d
with the said Elizabeth Burk, and that she is of
good repute for honesty and temperance, sad 14
well provided with house room and convenience'
for the, accommodation of strangers and travellers.
George Brown, Wm. A. Brown, John M'Spar- .
Clarkson Jefferie, Thoinas Neel, G. Morrison,
T. N. .M'Sparran, Fleming MfSparran, John A.
Boyd, Amos Mies, Wm. Barnes, Wm. P. Purley,
D. W. Wlntire, Wm. T. Boyd, Lea P. Brown,
David Brown. [marsh 22 309
'people's Marble.: Works, (Leon
ard & Bear's - old--atattil,),SHOPS IN NORTH
QUEEN STRESS; Half Square.goitth Of the
road, and -24 door Noah i of;lffiehael WStiann's
White.tlorsalatetelELehialrier •
LEWIS .gAlDY r. ...Marble Maaarbrirespectfully
informs the - pane Andltelas - pniciiased the.entire
stock of
,-m Leenerdic - Bear, addition to his
own largeitticki warranterhiln..eayinethat he
has new jrk tki. : y 4 rd by. far the.zlargest amotint of -
ever offered .o. l lfie - -eitizene" - of :Lancaster;' and
greaterthair any other establishment west-of Phil
adelphia.'":lntonseq-nenee ;of having parchased.the
stock of Leonard *Zee; et a bargain, and, having
also made itraUgOilititti,:atthe East to - ;receive
marble at rethieed,prices; he announces -fiat
will Much cheaper - than any other establish=
ment in this city , or county can . doAle . is , now pre
pared to - ..execoto' in the best - style, Mormneet
Tombs' and "GitiVe Stones, Mantels, 'Door and
, Window - Sills.. Steps &c.; of ,eliery variety
, and puce.
His facilities' for furnishing articles. in the ]Mar
ble line are unsurpassed by any other establishment
in the city, while he assures all who May favor him
with their patronage that his work shall be execu
ted in the very best style. and on the most reason
able terms.
GERMAN, done at the shortest notice, and on the
most moderate terms.
lie respectfully invites the public to call and ex
amine his work,' being fully satisfied to rest his
claim to public patronage upon its merits.
Thankful for the many favors bestowed upon
him,he hopes by strict attention to business to mer
it and receive a share of the public patronage.
feb 22
New and Cheap Hardware Store,
—The subscribers respectfully intorms their.
triends and the public in general, that they have
just recived direct from the mauufactaress, a splen
did assortment of goods. to which they invite their
attention. Persons commencing •
will find a complete assortment of Knives & Forks,
Table and Tea Spoons, Waiters, Looking Glasses,
Shovels and Tongs.
Coffee Mills, Brushes, Pots, Kettles, Pane, 4.c.
CEDARWARE, Brewing and Wash Tcbs, Buck
ets, Churns, Stands, bushels, bushels and peck
measures, Wooden bowls, &c.
- - -
of the moot approved patterns. A general assort- I
merit of BUILDING MATERIALS, Locke, Latch
es, Hinges, Bolts, Screws, Nails, Glass, Oils and
Varnish. A superior artice of genuine Fire Proof
- _
Planes, Hand, Penel & Back Saws, Chisels, Au
gers, Braces, Bits, Spirit Levels, Rules, Hatchets,
&c., with a general assortment of warranted Edge
Tools, FARMING UTENSILS, Ploughs, Patent
Straw Cutters ' Chains of all descriptions, Shovels
Forks, Hoes, Mattocks &c.
will find in their stock a somplete assortment o
goods suitable to their trade, of which they are of
fering at greatly reduced prices, and respectfully.
solicit from dealers and consLmers an examination
of their stock.
They hope by strict attention to business, and
their endeavors to please customers, to receive a
share of public patronage.
Between Shober & Sener's Hotels, North Queen
Street, Lancaster Pa. felt 22 tf-E. •
I -1 9r the Spring Trade.—THOMAS J.
12 WENTZ 4- CO—invite the attention of buyers
in search of Dry Goode ' to their stock which they
are just receiving, including English, French, Ger
man and American Dry Goods, all of which have
been selected with great care and will be sold on
as favorable terms as at any establishment in this
Attention is particularly invited to their magnifi
a choice variety, anew spring shade glace Bilks,
gro. de rhinee, rich -lustre, all widths and -
ties, brilliant fancy style, spring silks, rich plain
poux de soiree, &c.; berege de !eines, rich
chintze cols. neat style, 9...; super wool french de
laines, all colors, solid and figured new designs,
trench lawns and organdies, silk warp and real
alpacas '
french chintzes, super fancy lawns, Eng
lish and Scotch girgham, embroidered turkey red
prints, spring prints, beautiful variety Merrimack,
Conestoga, 4.c., linen goods, all qualities 4-4 Irish
linens, 3-4 and 4-4 french grey linens, 4-4 white
and brown Hollande, table clothe and napkins.
bleached and brown damask diapers, 8-9, 10-4,
12-4; bird eye, Russia and Scotch diapers, Huck
aback and Crash linen cambric handkerchiefs, all
qua itiea for ladies and gents., super plain and em
broidered handkerchiefs, for ladies• '
white goods of
all descriptions, swiss, mull, book &., inserting',
edings, linen cotton and lace.
3 4, 7-3, 4-4 brown and bleached musline, 3-4, 6-4,
7-4,, 11-4,.12-4 bleached sheetings, 5-4, 4-4 Osna
burgs bleached brown and blue drillings, tickings,
furniture and apron checks, shirting stripes, 4rc.
Cloths, caasimeres &c., super french black and
colored cloths of all grades; super black cloths,
English, German and American 6-4 cashmerete,
black and all shades; black cassimeres and doe
skins of Sedan and other best makes; bleached and
brown linen ducks; fancy drillings, India Nan
keens, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, Farmers
4-c.; super black and fancy silks and satin vestings,
A careful examination of the Goods is solicited.
As the season advance?' we shall continue to re
ceive the choice of the Philadelphia and New York
markets almost daily.
Golden Eagle,', Corner East King street, and
Centre Square.
JUST received-2 cases spring style mous de
laines, worth 20 cents per yard, which we are sel
ling for 12/i cents, call and see them.
Golden Eagle; Corner East King street, and
Centre Square. [march Si tf-7
Capital $50,000:
riIHIS Company is now fully organized, and pre-
I pared to insure against the combined risks. of
descriptions of LIVE. STOCK, ouch as Horses,
Mules, Cattle, Sheep, &c.
.11± Office, No. 21 Fifth street, Pittsburg.
A. JAYNES, President.
B. AMAIN, Secretary.
Wm Day, James Mathews,
Alex Hilanis, Henry A White,
Wm 0 Leslie, Wm Bakewell,
John Young, jr.
Ladles' and Gentlemen's Boot and Shoe Store
HAS been removed to the room lately occupied
I I by Mrs. Mary Hull, North Queen street, near
the Railroad, Lancaster, where he is prepared to
manufacture gli
do. plain Walking Shoes, Monroes, Con
gress Boots and Gaiters. Also all kinds of Heavy
Work, suitable fur Country as well as City custom.
All who %verde neat fit and easy Boot would do
well to call at J. W. Quinn's new Store.
LAI)IES'BRANCH.—To the Ladies he would
say that all who want an extra fine Satin Gaiter,
Italian Cloth do., Francaisdo., fancy colored W hite
Kid Slippers, French do., Shoetees, Jenny Linda,
Jefferson Ties, Buskins, Kid Gaiters, and Morocco
Boots, in all the various styles; and as he in
tends to sell as .cheap as any other establishment
in the city, he respectfully solicits their patronage,
assuring all who may patronize him, that no efforts
Will bo spared to give general sati sfaction, both n
quality and in price. •
A large assortment of various colored Gaiters
always on hand. Also children's Shoes of every
description. Aug. 17—tf-30
trasburg Academy.--The Strasburg
1„) Academy will open its next Session on the
First Monday of May, 1853, under the supervision
of the undersigned, who will by that time have the
entire buildings re-fitted and newly furnished, with
such other improvements as will add greatly to the
comfort of the Students, and to their mental, moral
and physical progress.
Parents are invited to come and examine the sys
tem of instruction and government pursued in the
Academy after the commencement of its next ses
. .
Terms per SESSION 7of 6 Months $6O, payable,
one half in advance, and the remainder at the end
Of the session. For references and particulars,
address JESSE OREN, M. D., Principil.
feb I 301-2) Strasburg, Pa.
nov 6 0-42]
TO Persons commencing House
keeping. I would call your attention to my
full assortment of Hardware, such as knives and
forks, spoons, shears, shovels and tongs, iron la
dles, candlesticks, Brittania ware, &c. And you
wi I also find a full assortment of Cedar Ware, such
as tubs, churns, buckets, baskets, &C.
Your attention is also called to my large assort
ment of COOKING STOVES—having the sole
agency for two of the most celebrated cook stoves
now in use; these stoves will burn either coal or
wood, and have given great satisfaction.
I have also a full assortment of Coach Trim
mings, such as oil cloths, knobs, bands, spokes,
hubs, shafts, felines, leather axles, springs, 4-c.
Also, a good assortment of building materials,
and ier hardware, &c.
Please call and examine for yourselves, at the
Hardware store, in North Queen street.
march 1 tf-63 at the Sign of the Big Lock
UT anted. 300 Cords Spanish and
VV Chesnut Oak Bark, for which the highee
cash price will be paid by the eubsolibere,delivet
ed at their Tannery in West King et., Lancaster.
mar 8 tf-7.] RONIOMACHRR & BAUMAN.
Philadelphia Advertisements. .
A Merritt Amy, Dental Surgeon,
-LA- 355 Race, or Sassafras Street, Third door,
above lath, Philadelphia.
N. R.—Block with Gum, or Single .
Teeth of his own manufacture, in- •••ssitta
serted with atmospheric pressure or springs.
TO DENTISTS.—Asars Patent Moveable seat
Dental Chairs and Spittoons, for sale at his office.
march 8 1853 I y-7
Die -sinking, Engraving, Adhe
sive, Advertising Envelopes,
Etc., Etc.—T.
R. CALVERT 4. CO., No. 98, South Third Street,
Philadelphia, envelope manufacturers, die-sinkers,
embossers and general engravers, respectfully call
attention to the superior style in which their em
bossed business cards, and adhesive advertising en
velopes etc., are executed, being struck from dies,
Cot with devices appropriate to every branch of bu
siness, thus forming at once an exzeedingly attract
ive and novel advertisement.
The facilities of this establishment are such that
work can be executed fully 20 per cent, cheaper
than at any other.
Envelopes for sale at the lowest prices to the
Trade. [march 22 ly-9
Important to Miller s.—BOLTING
at the Bolting Cloth Warehouse, No. I North Fifth
street, above Market et.. Philadelphia, a large stock
of the above Goode maaufactured of the beet se
lected Silk, will not wear furzy, therefore will not
require so much knocking as some cloths that are
in the market, and will bolt free. The flour will be
clean and of a bright color. GEORGE WISE.
All clothe warranted. March 22-6m-22
"premium Awarded.--Britton
ERS., No. 40 North Second street, below Arch at.,
west side, Philadelphia.
An assortmeni of Plain and Fancy Blinds always
on hand, at the lowest prices. Old Blinds repaired
and trimmed equal to new, and Jobbing promptly
attended to.
A handsome assortment of Window Shades con
stantly on hand, to which we respectfully call the
attention of the public. Mar 22-3 m-S
Charles Dummlg , 207 Chesnut
street, Arcade, and 33 North Eighth street,
Philadelphia, Importer of MUSICAL INSTRU
and Retail.
At 207 Chesnut street, he keeps the largest as
sortment of Accordeons, Violins, Flutes, Guitars,
Banjos, Flageolets, Fifes, Tamborinee, best Italian
Walking Canes of his own manufacture.
And at 33 North Eighth street the largest variety
to be found in this city of Fancy articles and Toys,
too numerous to name, suitable for presents or birth
day, bridal, philipoine, and other occasions, and
also for children. In order to insure the confidence
and satisfaction of his customers he will sell at
lower prices than any other Fancy or Music Store
in this city. (His motto is
"One Price, Small Profits, and Quick Sales."
Call and examine hie stock, whether you buy or
N. B.—All kinds of Musical Instruments repair
ed in the best workmanship, and also taken in
trade. • [march 22 3m-9
-Burgner, No. 83 North Bth Street. 2nd
. door above Arch, east side, Philadelphia,
KETS, Tin and GermartToys, Wholesale and Re
tail. Also, constantly on hand, a fine assortment
of Willow Coaches, Cabs, Chairs, Cradles, Do
mestic Baskets of ad kinds, Velisopedes, Gigs,
81,-dc, Wheelbarrows, &c., &c.
The public are respectfully invited to give me a
call, as I will sell them as good and cheap an arti
cle as can be purchased at any other store in the
city. March 22-3m-9
runks, Trunks.—P. rilcCaullay's
J_ MANUFACTORY, No. 16 South 4th Street,
and No. 141 Lombard st., above 3d st., Philadel
phia. Trunks of all descriptions.
,I 3 ACKING, }TRUNKS always on hand.
RANTED. Feb 8-3m-2
Cheap Watches and Jewelry,
WHOLESALE and RETAIL, at the Philadel
phia Watch and Jewelry Store, No. 96
North Second Street, corner of Quarry, Philade.
Gold Lever Watches, full jewelled, 18!
carat cases, $28 . 00
Silver do. lull jeweled, 12 00
Silver Lepine, jewels, ° $lO,lO
do. do. do. 9,00
Superior Quartiera, 7,00
Imitation do. - 5,00
Gold Spectacles, 7,00
Fine Silver do', 1,50
Gold Bracelets, 3 ,0 0
Ladies , Gold Pencils, 1,00
Silver Tea spoons, set, 5,00
Gold Pens, with Pencil an Silver Holder, 1,00
Gold Finger Rings, 375 cents to 80 ; Watch
Glass, plain, 12 cents; Patent 181; Lunet, 25;
other articles in proportion. All goods warranted
to be what they are sold for.
Successors to 0. Conrad.
On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and Le
,pines, still lower than the above prices.
aug 24 Iy-31
No Cure, No Pay:
THE Greatest Mi dical Remedy of the Age.—
Physicians daily prescribe them with more success
than any other remedy, and all who have used
them acknnyl edge their great Popularity, which can
not be said of any other Medical Remedy before
the world, that in an extensive sale for the last five
years, no case has been reported of their failing
to cure pains, weakness, Rheiimaiism, Lumbago,
Gout, 4,c.
Prepared only by
Wholesale Druggist, No. 76 Market street,
Oct 26-6m-40 Philadelphia
Importer, rout Dealer, in
" TvV:is7, 4 :o:a.r.7. zy.7,....
Are constantly receiving the latest styles ..
of the above Goads, which am offered at -
wholesale or retail, at
No. 216 Market Street, above Sixth, near
vs DeMaw Street, Philadelphia.
~ ZSTAILIsHED 12. lets.
0 07
‘‘ ' l. .ouronloar go b. beet gboy 0.
• .
May 18, 1852
Somethlng New.—MRS. H. G. SUPLEE
invites the attention of Country Merchants and
Dress Makers to her unrivaled assortment of PA
PER PATTERNS, for lull sized Ladies , Dresses,
Sleeves, Mantles, Mimes, Mantillas, Capes,
Aprons, Sacks, &c.
The Patterns are embroidered in various designs,
printed and fringed, showing exactly how the Dress
will appear when made.
Being imconstant communication with the best
houses of London and Paris, and furnished monthly
with every new design as soon as it appears, the
public can always depend on this old established
House for the most recherche novelties in dress.
Always on hand a beautiful assortment of Clut
DREN'S CLOTHING, of the newest Styles and mate
Medals were awarded her in 1898, 1850 and
A set of Six Patterns will be sent to any one en.
closing Three Dollars.
Children's Clothing and Pattern Emporium,
b 4 South 2d St., Philadelphia.
Cheap China, Glass, &c.
ST., PHILADELPHIA, offer to the citizen, of
Lancaster and it, vicinity the choice of their beau
tiful and immense stock, in any quantity and of all
qualities, of
In great variety, at the very lowest rates.
Hotels, Boarding and Private Houses supplied
with the best articles at very cheap prices.
april 20, 1852
Waterman & Osbourn,
NORTH W. Corner Second and Mulberry
(Arch) Streets, Philadelphia, offer for sale a
large assortment of
COFFEE, At the Lowest
MOLASSES, j Market rates.
SPICES, &c., &c.
Those commencing New Stores are particularly
invited to call. .
trl" Attention given to Produce
Jan J 5
James Barbeaos
South East corfner of Second and Chesnut sta., Philacr a.
'WHERE maybe found a large and splendid as
sortment of sortment of the beat modern Improved Eight
Day and Thirty Hour Brass and Alarm Clocks, and
Time Pieces, suitable for Churches, Halls, Hotels,
Steamboats, Railroad Cars, Parlors, Offiees; Bed
Rooms, Kitchens, & c., which will be sold in lota to
suit Purchasers, rom one to One Thousand, at the
lowest cash prices.
N. 8.--Clocks of all kinds Repaired and Warrant
ed. Clock Trimmings ol -every description con
stantly fbr sale. [May 4, 1851-4-16.4
. , . .
Adam Win, 114prs ••
Embracing all the properties contained in 'finest guilt
'pen, in additionto whieh,thidurdbilitY el the Metals
are combined and fully associated and developed.
HE following highly respectable Testimonials
and Recommendations are submitted to the,
s'u lic:—
" Having tried ADAM WM. Raves PATENT
take great pleasure in recommending it to the pub
lic as the greatest improvement in Metallic Pens
that has met our attention.
His Excellency, Wm. Bigler, Gov. State of Penn , a.
His Excellency, E. Louis Lowe, do Maryland.
Prof. J. S. Hart, Prin. of Central High School, Phila.
Right Rev. Bishop A. Potter, Philadelphia.
Rev. Charles Wadsworth,
Rev. W. B. Edwards, Washington city.
Rev C K Nelson, Annapolis, Md.
Rev John Street, Phila. Rev D W Bartine,
Rev De W itt, Harrisburg. Rev G H Coit, Harrisburg.
Rev Chas A Hay, do Rev John F Mesicki do
W Rawle, Esq, Phila. Judge Booth, Delaware.
Hon Jos R Chandler, do Richard Vint, Esq., do
Clark Hare, Esq., do Win. Neal, - do
Isaiah Hacker, do Geo W WallOston, do
Ald'n Geo W Ash, do Win S Price, ' do
James M Cassady, Esq., Camden, New Jersey.
Thos W Mulford, do • do do
A Browning, do do do
W N Jeffries, do do do
Duff Green,Esq.,Wash'n W H Miller, Esq., Washii
F Howard, M D do J Radcliff, do do
Richard Smith,Esq. do Wm P Ellioti do do
Editors National Intelligencer, Washington city.
Editors Maryland State Cap tel Gazette:
Editors Washington Republic.
Editors Philadelphia Public Ledger.
To the Public... •
The subscriber having purchalied the property
known as the Moyamensing Banking ..U.ouse, South
East corner of 2d and Chesnut Streets, for his fu
ture business Establishment, intends keeping a
large and complete assortment of every variety of
texture and size of
Gold and Silver PENCILS and PEN HOLDERS',
of every variety, Wholesale and Retail. In addi
lion thereto, I have on hand Rapp's last edition of
in various bindings. JAMES 'BARBER.
General Sale Agent for Adam. Wm. Rapp's Patent
ed Scientific Niche Gold Pens, S E corner Second
and Chesnut Streets, Philadelphia.
May 4, Hus 2.
Irwin, Shultz & Peltier's Whole-
Bale Boot, Shoe, flat, Cap, Palm and Leghorn
Hats,Bonnets and' Artificial Flower Warehouse,
No. 101 Arch street ,4 doors below WEBB'S UsioN
HOTEL, Philadelphia.
Feb 22-6m45 MICHAEL G. PEIPER.
THE subscriber having ;leased the public l house
formerly known as the AMERICAN HOUSE, No.
18 S. Sixth St act, between Market 'and Chesnut
streets, has changed the name of the same tb
begs leave to inform his friends and the public,
that this house has undergdne a thorough remodel
ling, repairing, repainting l and repapering, from
attic to basement. An entire new outfit of furni
ture, bedding, &c., &c., has been procured from
the most celebrated Manufacturers in this city.
From the central locatiob, and its close proximi
ty to the Railroad Depots, Steamboat Landings,
places of amusement, fashionable thoroughfares
and public squares it offers inducements to the
Merchant visiting the city on business, or the
Traveler seeking pleasure. To families and fe
' males visiting the city, every facility will be offer
ed, and every comfort regarded to make their visit
agreeable and pleasant.
A share of the public patronage respectfully so
licited. JARED IRVIN, Proprietor. -
JACOB G. LEBO, Superintendent. -
aug 31 6m-32
NO, 4.1 a & 4143 NORTH THIRD STREE
A. H. HtIIST; Proprietor.
Dec. 31, 1850. , 49-1 v
Time: Time! Time;—New and Cheap
Watch and Jewelry . Store. S: A. DYSART
& BRO., respectfully inform their friends and the
public in general, that they have opened a WATCH
AND JEWELRY STORE, in West King street,
one door below the blarket House, where i\,
We): will be able to sell goods in their 1ine...... , "
at the following low prices:
Full Jewelled Gold Lever Watches, 18 C. case'
from P 25 to $5O.
Gold Lepine Watches, full jewelled, from $25
to $3O.
Silver Lever Watches, lull jewelled, from $l2
to $lB.
.Silver Lepine Watches, jewelled; from $S to 12
Gold Pens in Silver cases, from $1 to $2,50,
Silver Tea Spoons, from 54,50 to $B,llO.
Clocks of ali kinds, from $1,50 to $lO,OO.
ALSO—Ladies and Gents. Breast Pins, Ladies
Fancy Ear Rings, (new styles.) A large lot of Gold
Chains, Gold Pencils, Gold Pen Cases, Gold and
Silver Spectacles, Gold Keys, Port•Monais, Accor
deons, and other articles too numerous to mention
usually kept in Watch and Jewelry Stores, at least
20 per cent. lower than any other Store in the city.
We invite all our friends and the public in general
to give u a call. We will not charge anything for
a look. , f Quck sales and Small Profits," is 'our
motto. .
N. B.—S. A. D. having finished his trade with
one of the best workmen in the city of Philadel
phia, he is prepared to do all kinds of Watch,
Clock and Jewelry repairing at the shortest notice,
and warranted for one year or no charge.
feb 1 tf-2
Konignmeher Si. Bauman, Tan
ners and Curriers Store, back .of Robt. Mod
erwelPs Commission Warehouse, fronting on the
Railroad and North Prince Street. Cheap for Cash,
or approved Credit. Constantly on hand a full as
sortment of all kinds Saddler's and Shoemaker's
Leather, of superior quality. including Rouzer's
celebrated Sole Leather," also,•Leather Bands,
well stretched, suitable for all kinds of machinery,
of any length and width required, made of a supe
rior quality of Leather, Furnace Bellows, Band
and Lacing Leatner, Garden Hose, Tanner's Oil,
Currier's Tools, Moroccos, Shoe Findings, 4-ci
All kinds of Leather bought in the rough; high•
eat price given for Hides and Skins in cash ; orders
" Tomptly attended to. tieb ly-2 •
Adams , Express
ADAMS & CO'S Express are now running their
own Care accompanied by special messenger,
and iron safe. They are prepared to forward daily,
;Sundays excepted ,) with the fast mail trains, Boxes,.
Bundles, Parcels, Specie, &c., Re., to all points
on the Central Railroad, via Lancaster, Columbia,
York, Mount Joy, Middletown, Harrisburg, New
port, Mifflintown, Lewistown, Huntingdon, Spruce
Creek, Tyrone,Hollidaysburg, Summit, Johnstown,
Blairsville, Greensburg and Pittsburg ;—via Cum
berland Valley Road, to Carlisle, Shippensburg,
Chambersburg. In all of above named places arc
regular agents who will attend promptly to the
collection of notes, drafts, bills, bills, &c.
Goods will also be forwarded to most of the
points on the West Branch of the Suiquehanna.
Persons residing in the interior towns off the
main route, can have packages forwarded 'with
1 despatch from Philadelphia sand other points by
having them directed to any of the above named
Goods destined for any of the above pineas are
forwarded by the I I o'clock train daily.
Goods for Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Louisville,
Frankford and Lexington, Ky., Indianapolis; and
St. Louis, by the night train.
Goods for the 'Eastern and. Southern cities for
warded daily by both morning and evening trains.
The undersigned will give particular attention
to filling orders forwarded to them by mail; (post
paid,) when they are for goods to be forwarded by
Express. No commission will be charged.
Offices: PHILADELPHIA, 116, Chesnut street. •
LANCASTER, North Queen street, three
doors south of the Railroad.
J. G. THACKARA, Agent.
March 23, 1852. 9-tf
Lancaster Tobacco & Segar,Store
North Queen St., adjoining Spangler , s Book
Store, and three doors South of
Orange Street:
THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends
and customers that he has just returned from
Philadelphia with the largest stock of Tobacco that
has ever been offered in Lancaster, comprising the
different brands fancy one pound lump, large and
small Congress, fine spun and large plug, Thomas'
Unique, Extra Eldorado, and superior Extra Oro
noko, which he is prepared to sell lower than any
other house in Lancaster, He invitee country
storekeepers to his large and varied stock of To
bacco, as well as to his splendid assortment of SU
the choicest brands and of the finest flavor '
he also
keeps constantly on bond the largest stock of
n Lancaster, which he will sell lower than any
other house in the city. The best segars in Lan
caster can be had here ; he warrants them equal to
any manufactured in the State.
N. B. Aleo,imported Turkish Smoking Tobacco,
warranted genuine ,JOHN KUHNS.
oct 14 3m-39
Shoe Pegs.-100 Bushels S'h'oe Pegs jut
received and for sale, wholesale, at Philadel
phia prices, by H. LOCHER, .
West King at., opposite Cooper's Red Lion Hotel.
3000 Pounds of Scklessesos Oak
Tanned Spanish Sole Leather, for sale
at the old stand, a few door, below G. M. Stein
man's Hardware Store. M. H. LOCKER.
Jan 11 61
Patent Tailor, Barber Sa Ladies Sheers &Minors.
Also on Hand the following Articles
Wade 'is Butcher's celebratep Razors,
12 varieties,
Greases & Son's 2 do
Thomas Tilotson's S do
Jos. Rodgers & Son's 6 do
Wos:enholm'llt Son's . 6 no
JOseph 12 do
Joseph Rodgers & Son's 'Pen ,
G. Wostenholm & Son's do
W & S Butcher , : do
Thus Turner's do and
Wilson TI awkesworth
Moss & Elison's j do
Thomas Tilotson's do
American do
Fine Bowie Knives, Fine Hunting
do. Fine Dirk do. Fine Fly-open
Dirks, Fine large far-west Knives,
Fine Sportsmen's do. Fine Pruning
do. Fine Sheath Dirks.
Ivory-handle Knives and Forks.
Self-fir; do do
Ebony', do do Stag-hand Knives 4-
Cocoa ' do do
White Bone handle Knives and Forks
Scored Bone do Sham Buck do
Pressed Horn do Wood do
Also it great variety of American Table Knives
and Forks, Cook-knives, Butcher-knives, Carvers,
Beef Slicers ' 4-c.
Bacon k Co's Revolvers ' Allen's six-barrel Rev
volvera, fine English pistols, fine and common Ger
man pistols. Also powder flasks, shot pouches 4 ,
belts, game bags, 4-c.
Tea trays from S to 30 inches.
Tea trays, gothic, from 8 to 30 inches.
Silver-plated tea and table spoons, table and de
sert forks. 'Waiters, gothic, from S to 30 inches.
Tea, bells, corkscrews, britanma tea and table
A large assortment of Accordeons and Fancy
Guns Guns I
Mob a largo assortment of English and German
Guns, consisting of Fine Trist Double and Single
barrrelled—selling very low.
Alen sharpening, polishing and repairing' of
shears, scissors, knives, razors and instruments,
at his Cutlery store, No. 35, North Queen street,
one-half a square south of the Railroad, Lancaster
city. tont 15 6m-3S
WHATEVER concerns the health and happi
ness of a people•. s at all times of the most
valuable, importance. 11 take it for granted that ev
ery person will do all ,u their power, to save the
lives of their children and that every person will
endeavor to promote their own health at all sacri
fices. I feel it to be my duty to solemnly assure
you that WORMS, according to the opinion of the
most celebrated Physicians, are the primary causes
of a large majority of diseases to which. children
and adults are liable ; if you have an appetite con
tinually changeable trom one kind of food to an
other, bad Breath, pain in the Stomach, picking at
the Nose, hardness and fullness of the Belly, I) ry
Cough, Slow Fever, Pulse irregular—remember
that all these denote WORMS, and you should at
once apply the remedy :
- - - - - - -
An article founded upon scientific principles,
compounded with purely vegetable substances, be
ing pertectly safe when taken, and can be given to
the most tender Infant with ecided beneficial ef
feet, where bowel complaints and diarrahrea hate
made them weak and debilitated, the tonic proper
ties of my Worm Syrup are such, that it stands
without an equal in the catalogue of medidines in
giving tone and strength to the stomach, which
makes it an infallible remedy fur those afflicted
with Dyspepsia, the astonishing cures performed by
this Syrup after Physicians have failed, is the best
evidence of its superior efficacy over all others.
This is the most difficult Worm to destroy of all
that infest the human a) stem, it grows to an almost
indefinite length; becoming so coiled and fastened
in the intestines and stomach, effecting.the health
so sadly as to cause St. Vitus Dance, Fits, 4-c.,
that those afflicted seldom if ever suspect that it is
Tape Worm hastening them to an early grave.—
In order to destroy this Worm, a very energetic
treatment must. be pursued, it would therefore be
proper to take 6 or 8 of my Liver Pills so as to re
move all obstructions, that the Worm Syrup may
act direct upon the Worm,which must be taken in
doses of 2 tablespoonfulls 3 times'a daythese di
rections followed have never been known to fail in
curing the most obstinate case of Tape Worm.
No part of the system is more liable to disease
than the LIVER, it serving as a filterer to purify
the blood, or giving the proper secretion to the
bile; so that any wrong action of the Liver effects
the other important parts of the system, and results
variously, in Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia,
4-c. We should, therefore, watch every ,symptom
that might indicate a wrong action of the Liver.—
These Pills being composed of Roots 4- Plants fur
nished by nature to heal the sick: Namely, Ist,
An Expectorant, which augments the secretion
from the Pulmonary mucus membrane, or promote
the discharge of secreted matter. 2nd. An Alter
live, which changes in some inexplicable and in
s-nsible manner the certain morbid action of the
system. 3rd. A Tonic, which gives tone and
strength to the nervous system, renewing health
and vigor to all parts of the body. 4th. A Cathar
tic, which acts in perfect harmony with the other
ingredients, and operating on the bowels and ex
pelling the whole mass of corrupt and vitiated
matter, and purifying the blood, which destroys
disease and restores health.
You will find these Pille an invaluable medicine
in many complaints to which you are subject. In
obstructions either total or-partial; they have been
found of inestimable benefit restoring their func
tional 'arrangements to a healthy action, purifying
the blood and other. fluids so effectally to put to
flight all complaints-which may arise female irreg
ularities, as headache, giddiness, dimness of sight,
pain in the side, back, 4-c.'
None genuine unless signed J. N. Hobensack,
all others being base imitation.
Agents wishing new supplies, and Store Keepers
desirous of becoming Agents must address the
Proprietor, J. N. Hobensack, at his Laboratory,
No. 120 North Second St., Phila., Pa.
For sale by J. Long 4. Co., W. G. Baker, Lan
caster; J. Stouffer, Mt. Joy: Klauser, Fairview;
Steacy, Octoraro, post-office ,• Irwin, Cambridge ;
Shaul), Willow Street; Weidman, Brickersville
Leader, Columbia; and by every respectable Drug
gist and merchant in the State
Pricecash, 25 cts.
Oct 26
Confectionary and Fruit St o r e,
No. 6, East King Street, Lancaster. Pa,
THE subscriber takes this opportunity of re
turning- his sincere thanks to a kind end gen
' crous public, for the liberal patronage bestowed
upon him, and hopes to receive a continuance of
the same, and notifies his friends that be is now
prepared to furnish all orders in his line of busi
ness for the approaching HOLIDAYS. His long
experience as a practical Confectioner guarrantees
for the public a certainty that all orders received
by him will be attended too with despatch, and
that they will be done (and well done) in the best
manner. SMALL CARES of every kind and style
baked later at the shortest notice, and warranted
good. LARGE CAKES, such as Pound, Sponge,
Fruit, Lady, Delicate Dever and Christmas, 4-c.,
&c., baked and ornamented (suitable for wedding
and evening parties) in a style which he defies
competition. Also, Flower Vases and Baskets,
Pyramids, &c., executed in the best manner of
fruit, and at shortest notice. CANDIES of all kinds,
Common and Fancy Sugar Almonds, French Se
crets, Rose Almonds, &c., manufactured to order
at the shortest notice. and warranted to keep in
any climate. SUGAR TOYS of all kindv. FRUIT,
such as Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Dates, Oranges, Le
mons, Citron, Currants, &c., with Almonds, Fil
berts, Cream Nuts, 4.c., 4.c., and in fact every ar
ticle appertaining to Confectionary, can he had
there, wholesale and retail, at the lowest cash
prices. Don'tforget the pIace—SAMUEL HEN
SLER'S(Keffer' s) Old Stand, N 0.6, East King St.,
Nov 31-1-46 Lancaster, Pa.
Iron Foundry & Machine Shop,
West Chesnut Street, between N. Queen and Prince
PHE'aubscriber announces to the public tnat he
has lately purchased the above extensive Es
tablishment, where he is now prepared to do work
of every description in hie line, such as
Shafting, Gearing, Mill and Saw Mill Work, ides,
Band Lathes, Car Wheels, and Aisle 4. Castings
• of all descriptions, done at the Foundry at
the shortest notice.
His assortment of patterns are not surpassed by
any establishment in the State, he is therefore
enabled to do work at the shortest notice and. at
reduced prices.
STOVES of every description manufactured and
for sale wholesale and retail.
IRON RAILING for Yards, Cemetries,
Cast or Wrought Iron, made and put up with neat
nese and dispatch.
irr All work warranted.
. The machine Shop will be under the control and
management of J. & D. Fellembaum, experienced
machinists. C.•HIEFFER, Proprieto
May 6, 1661. 16-tf
Scheisiii 3 s - Pailmindc — SYrup.- 4-
Specific Remedy -for Consumption, Seeable,
Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia.
DR. .1. R. SCHENCK -
My dear sir—l am pleased beyond expression, to
inform you of the extraordinary cure your Pulmo
nic syrup has made in my case. Eight or nine
years since I wad attacked with a violent scrofulous
affection. Painful ulcers appeared on my face.and
neck, which in a short time ate the flesh to the
bones. My sufferings were.awfuls. In a short
time ulcers came out amy arms and body. The
discharges Irons the ulcers were so offensive
that it was unpleasant for any one to stay in my
r00m..1. applied to several physicians, who inform
ed me it could not be cured except by my under
going a mrecurial treatment, which I was very
loath to do. However, my disease continuing, the
ulcers increasing in size and number, my health
becoming daily impaired; and death inevitable, I
consented to the treatment. I took as immense
deal of calomel and mercury bpfore the disease ap
peared to be arrested, all the time suffering tor
tures, my appetite gone and my body much emacir
ated ; every joint in my body seemed loosened, and
much woolen and sore. I was pronounced cured
of scrofula, but badly afflicted with a g< mercurial
. '
• i
V •
. • .•••••, W;•
('' ... ..
~.......• ! • Z.l
-- ,
My system was in a horrible condition. Every
change in the weather would bring upon me pains
which were almost beyond endurance. My diges
tive organs were very much impaired ; the ulcers
would occasional re-appear, discharging very offen
sive matter. I was induced to take Syrup of Sar;
saparilla," which I procured of some of the most
popular manufacturers. After taking six or eight
bottles the disease would apparently subside, but in
the course of three or four weeks it would return
and compel me to resort to the same remedy. The
benefit I deriveed from using the Sarsaparilla was
merely temporary, and was costing me a great deal
of money, more than I was able to pay. I despair.
ed of ever being cured.; my life was a burthen to
me; I often telt as though I would rather die at
once than linger on in such awful misery without
hope. About eighteen months since some of my
friends informed me of several cures of Scrofula
and request i ing me to try it. I had no confidence
in anything, Mr. Van Doran, Conductor on the
Bamden and Amboy Railroad, told me of a person
cured by your Syrup, and insisted on my giving
it a trial. His confidence in it produced me to pro
cure a half dozen bottles. At the time I was suf
tering tortures, my limbs were much swollen and
very painful, the ulcers discharging very offensive
matter; nothing but large dose of landanum ena
bled me to sleep. Being rising the rsing the con
tents of the fifth bottle.l experienced a benefit; my
degistive organs much improved, and seemed to
regain their healthy exercise; my appetite was
much increased, and I felt stronger throughout my
whole system; the ulcers discharged very freely,
and the discharges became lees and less offensive.
Whilst using the tenth bottle all swellinn, and sore
ness left me, thd discharges subsided, ihe ulcers
commenced healing, and before the bottle was
empted, all appearance of ulcers were removed,
and I was permanently cured. I have enjoyed un
interrupted good health for the,last fifteen months.
I am convinced that scrofula and mercurial disea
ses are entirely eradicated from my system. I have
not had ache for more than a year past. Prior to my
using the Pulmonic Syrup, there was not a week
that I did not suffer day and night more or less the
most excruciating pains. lam confident if I had
used your Pulmonic Syrup before using the calomel
and mercury, it would have prevented all my suf
fering, and saved me several hundred dollars. I '
am now, thank God, a perfectly w,ll man, and at
tribute it entirely to your " Pulmonic Syrup.'
Wishing you every success in your business
which your truly valuable medicine entitles you to,
I am repectfully, your obd't eerv't,
Burlington. N. J., April 2d, 1899.
Prepared only by J. H. Schenck, and for sale in
Lancaster by ELLMAKER 4. RICHARDS, Sole
GILBERT, WENTZ .k CO., No. 177, North 3d
street, Wholesale Agents for the State.
Price 81,00 per bottlei - or 6 bottles for $5,00.
feb 25 3m-5
Great bargains can now be had at the
rPHE. subscriber would respecttully inform his.
I friends and the public in general, that he has
just returned from Philadelphia with the largest
assortment of
Cloths; Cassimeres and Vestings
ever offered in the city of Lancaster.
Also, a large lot of READY-MADE CLOTHING, and
everything pertaining to Gentlemen's Wardrobes. '
The Clothing I offer for sale are made up in my
own shop by experienced workmen, and under illy
own supervision. I therefore feel prepared to of
fer great bargains in the Clothing line, and to test
this fact I earnestly invite the citizdns of the city
and county of Lancaster to give me a call and ex
amine the quality and price of my Goods before
purchasing elsewhere. I will also, as heretofore,
• continue to make up all kinds of Clothing accord
'ing to order. Those who prefer it can have their
• measures taken and garments made up to their own
Always on - hand, a large assortment of CLOTHS
CASHMERES, Wan! , OS, &c. =Also, a fine assort
ment of Shirts, Collars, Cravats, Stocks, Gloves
Handk 2 fs, Suspenders, Hosiery, and all kinds o
flannel and knit Undershirts and Drawers, cheap
- - -
Persons who bring their own rods, can have
them made up at short notice, with the certainty of
a good fit and no disappointment.
I also beg leave to say, that I have secured the
services of Mr. JOSEPH Barmuca, long and' favor
ably known in this county as an experienced cutter.
Mr. B. presents his compliments to his friends in
the county, and invites them to - give him a call.
Don't forget the place—North Queen street, be
tween the National House and Spaiiglers's Book
Store, West side. That is the place to find the
cheap Clothing Store of WM. HENSLER.
Sept 21 tf- 35
Dr. Long's Botanic Syrup.
Warrented a Pure Vegetable Oompound. -
IS a certain, safe and effectual remedy for remo
ving all ,diseases arising from an impure. condi
tion of the blood, or from an injudicione use of
mercury, &c. It stands unrivalled for the cure of
SCROFULA or Kings Evil. Disease of the bone, tu
mors, stubborn ulcers, ulcers of the throat, neck,
nose and legs, white 'swelling, disease of the spine,
kidney complaints, chronic rheumatism, pustula.
eruptions on the face, arms and body, erysipelas,
dropsical affections, mercureal and syphilitic effec
tions, sick head ache, dizziness, all constitutional
disorders, and all diseases arising from early indis
cretions, &c., &c. This medicine has a specific
and most salutary action upon the liver and spleen
and will in a. short time if persevered in cure the most
obstinate case of liver complaint. Dispepsia or in
digestion, in nine cases out of ten is caused by an
unhealthy condition of the liver &c.; this being the
cause, it is evident that by the use of the Botanic
Syrup, the digestive organs must again rea , me
their healthy functions, and renewed health, vigor
and strength will inevitably follow.
Many persons are diseased for the want of the
blood being purified. Thousands of persons are de
stroying their constitutions by neglecting to apply
a proper remedy; to all such the Botanic Syrup will
be of intrinsic value as a certain and effectual means
of restoring them to their usual health and vigor-
Valuable respectable cirtificatee of cures could be
adduced and inserted here if the inventor of this
invaluable medicine deemed it expedient to do so.
He does not consider it prudent, nor is he willing
ti make a public show use of respectable
names of individuals who have been thoroughly
cured of their complaints, as a means to enhance
the sale of the medicine, but would respectfully
request all persons afflicted with any of the above
diseases, to give the Botanic Syrup a fair trial nd
they will soon find to their greatest pleasure, lat
what has been here inserted in regard to the v
of the medicine is true. Persons using the syrup
will find it agreeable, pleasant and harmless.. It
will not in any event injure the constitution, but will
otherwise assist nature in restoring, giving an en
tire healthy change to the system by completely
driving out those impurities which is the chic]
cause of disease.
It is put up in pint bottles, price 50 cents per
bottle, or 6 bottles for $2,50. Full directions ac
companies each bottle. Prepared and sold by
Mo. 1, Kramph'e Arcade, N. E. corner of North
Queen and Orange sts., one door easeof Kramph'
' Clothing Store, Lancaster. [may 20-tf-17
000 copies 01 Uncle Toms Cabin have
been sold by the subscriber, yet he is still pre
pared to supply all demands for the book.
The following new books have been received at
his old and 'well known stand:
Lady Bird, a Tale by Lady Georgianna Falleotin
price 50 cts.
Light arid' Shade, or the young Artist, a Tale, by.
Anna Harris Dury.
The Experience of Life, a story, by E. M. Bevv.
ell, whose boo►e are too well known tamed com
mendation here.
The lofty and the lowly, or good in all and none
all good, by Maria J, Mclntosh, 2 vole., $1,00:
Ugly Effie, by Mrs. Caroline' Lee Hentz, I vol.,
60 cents.
• - • ..
The Black Penitent, or the Italian, by Mra.
Christmas Stories, a new series, by Chas. Dick
All the new pdblications arc received as soon as
published. W. H. SPANGLER.
The American Engineers and Machinista,Assiet
ant, designed for practical working men, and those
intended for the engineering profession, illustrated
by two hunred engravings on wood and many On
stone, of recently constructed American machine
ry and Engine work. By Oliver Byrne, I volume,
quarto, for sale by W. H. SPANGLER.
march 1 tf-el
T andreth's Warranted Garden
JUSeeds. Just received and for sale t
Drug and Chemise! Store, no. 8, South %mit.
Jan. 4.
That we behold many females, .carne In the meridian of life
broken in health and spirits with • complication of diseales
and ailments, depriving them of the power for the etijoyesens
of life at an age when physical health, buoyancy of anima,
"d lu yaenni[yofmmd, arising from a condition of health.
ahoula eepiredomrouit.
Many of the causes of hat suffering. at that—perhaps .aatata
before, perhaps daring girlhood, or the first Tears of mama's—
were in their origin so light u to pros unnoticed, and of course
When too late to be banefitted by oar knowledge, we look
back and monm. and regret the fall consequences of out
What would we not °hen give to pram., in early life. the
knowledge we obtain in after years . And what day . s and
nights of anguish we might not have been spared, tf the
knowledge was umairposumed. It is
To behold the sleknesa and =tiering . endured by many • wife
for many years, from eagles simple and controllable, away
remedied—or better still,—not incurred, if every
mache information contained ina little volume, (with
in the at all) which Would mare to herself
Anll to her husband the constant toil and anxiety of mind.
necessarily devolving upon him from sickness of the wife,
without gtvmg him the opportunity of acquiring that corn
oft which his exertions are entitled, and the possession
which would secure the happiness of himself, wifeomd
'By becoming in time possessed of the knowledge,she tract
which has caused the sickness and posertY of thousand.
In view of such conseortecces, no wife or mother is excu
sable if she uegleet to avail herself of that knowledge in
respect to herself, which would spare her much sufferiuy, be
the means of htyviness and prosperity to her husbmd,..ind
confer upon Lac children that blessing above all price—hellthe
bodies with healthy minds. That lolowledge is contained in
a little work entitled
Private Medical Companion.
o.lidratA Edition. 18mo.. pp. CM Price ,
First published in 1647, and it is not
Considering that EVERY FEMALE,
acquire a full knowledge of the nature,
character and causes of her complaints,
with the various symptoms, and that
ahould have been sold.
Itss impracticable to convey fully the various subjects
treated at, as they are of a nature strictly intended for the
married, or those contemplating marriages, hut no fermis
desirous of enjoying health, and that beauty, consequent upon
health, which is so conducive to her own happiness, and that
of her husband, but either has or will obtain it, as has or will
every husband who has the lose and affection of his wife at
heart, or that of his Otto pecutoare itnmosetnent.
Have be, SENT Bli Mill, s, hl,lll the last few months.
rallase and Shameful Fraud!!
Flagrant end barefaced, has been surreetstleally issued, With
the same form and else, exactly the cases Tyra.. Pane. .. 4
exactly the same
But soother name substituted for " Dr. A. M. MauricessW
end " Boston" for " New York," and the words,
Errreaso accoolin i gBo s A6ll Cfr o ss fr in . the Year 110,
In the Clerk's Office of D
the istrict
of the Booths.
District of New York, rt
The contents, lb. subject muter, and reading en
Fruited 011 poor, brownish, dirrl paper, with • F1P• , .. , • ,
It can be known also ou t fits miserable md illegible wood
cuts scattered through P.4.• Th. WPrighl &WWI
contain. wona.
If there are my in the trade
•o lost to shame and common
honesty as to be willing Parties
nil DEFRAUDING THEIR,. trusgromEns,
No less than the level owner of the property ht col/Tight.
they will be prosecuted, end step. will be taken to sow
them to the public.
A copy will be sent to each bolikeeller or firm, (with the
terms upon which they will be furnished,) owe receipt d
his or their business card of address.
Buy no book unless Dr. A. M. Maurice., 129 Liberty et,
IC Y., is on the title page, and the entry in Clerk's Ogice an
the back of the title page contesponds so herein, and bay only
of respectable and honorable dealer., or sand by mail, and a
dress to Dr. A. M. Maurice..
Full title page, with contents, together with a few pages
treating of important subjects to every curried female, will
be sent, free of chtuge, to anyune eueloeing letter stamp in
s prepaid letter, addressed as herein.
rf On receipt of Fifty Cents, (or One
Dollar for the fine Edition extra bindlny,)
MEDICAL COMPANION" is sent (ensiled
free) to any part of the United States. AD
letters most be postrpald, and addressed to
DR. A. M. DIALRICEAII, Box 1224. New
York City, Publishing Offlee,No.l2o Liberty
Street, New York.
For sale by—Blanch & Crap, Harrisburg; J
Swortz,Bloomsburg ,• J. S. Worth, Lebanon; C. W.
De Wirt, Millbrd ; J. W. Ensminger,Manheim; H.
.W. Smith, Huntingeon; S. McDonald, Uniontown ;
J. M. Baum, New Berlin ; 11. A. Lantz., Reading ;
L. T. Morse, Cranesville, N. Y.; R. P. Crocker,
Brownsville ; Wenta & Stark, Carbondale ; Eldred
& Wright, Williamsport; S. Tuck, Wilkesbarre ;
Geo. W. Earle, Waynesboro'; R. Croaky, Mercer;
S. Leader, Hanover; S. W. Taylor, Utica; R. P.
Cummings, Somerset; T. B.Peterson—Philadelphia
—Penn. (June 8, 'B2-20
11Cr The Book is for sale at W. H. SELNOLXIOI
Book Store, in this city.
_ .
Doctor Yourself,
PRIVATELY, for 25 cents,
by means of the POCKET
,ER-CULAPITIS,- or Every
thirty-sixth Edition, with one
hundred engravings, showing
Private Diseases and Mortifi
es lions of the Generative Sys
tem, in every shape and form;
to which is added a Treatise
on the diseases of Females,
intended for the use of fe-
only 190,) being of the highestim
portance to married people, or those contempla
ting marriage. By WM. YOUNG, M.D., Graduate
of the University of Pennsylvania, Member of the
Royal College of Surgeons, London; and Honora
ry Member of the Philadelphia Medical Society.-- ,
The various forms of Secret Diseases, Seminal
Weakness, Diseases of the Prostrate Gland, Impo
tency, solitary habits of youth are faithfully desert
bed, and all the recipes given in plain language.—
The chapter on self-abuse and Seminal Weakness
is worthy of particular attention and should be read
by every one. Young men who have been unfor
tunate in contracting disease, previous to placing
yourselves under the care of any doctor, no matter
what his pretensions may be, get a copy of this,
truly useful work.
Sea Captains and persons going to Sea, should
possess Dr. Young's Treatise on Marriage, the
Pocket /Eculapius, or Every One His Own Physi
fry Let no father be ashamed to present a copy
of the /Esculapius to his child. It may nave him
from an early grave. Let no young man or woman
enter into the secret obligations of married life,
without reading the Pocket /Esculapius. Let no
One suffering from a hacknied cough, pain in the
side, restless nights, nervous feelings, and the
whole train of Dyspeptic sensations, and given up,
by their physician, be another moment without con
sulting the /Esculapius. Have the married or those
about to be married ;any impediment, read fills tru
ly useful Book, as it has been the means of saving
thousands of unfortunate creatures from the jaws
of death. Upwards of a MILLION copies of this
celebrated work has been sold in this country and
Europe since 1838, when the first edition was issued.
Irr Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE CENTS
enclosed in a letter, will receive ono copy of this
book by mail; or five copies will be sent tor one
dollar. Address Dr. WM. YOUNG, No. 162
Spruce street, Philadelphia," Post-paid.
Twenty yeah( practice in the city of Philadelphia
certainly entitles Dr. Young to the confidence of
the afflicted, and he may be consulted on any of the
diseases described his different publications, at
his office, 152 Spruce street, every day between 9
and 3 o'clock, (Sundays excepted) and persons at
any distance can consult Dr. You g„ by letter
post-paid. . [June 15, 1852-21-1 y
Lancaster Emporium of Taste!
CHARLES B. WILLIAMS, Professor of the
Tonsorial Institute and Physiognomical. HAIR
CUTTER and extatic SHAVER, respectfully in;
forms the citirens of Lancaster, and strangers wh•
may tarry here until their beards grow, that he still
continues to carry on his business in
where he intends prosecuting the Tonsorial business
in all its varied branches.
Hy will shave you as clean 2.a a City Broker, and
cut your hair to suit the shape of your head and the
cut of your phiz, well knowing that the whole ob
ject and desire is to improve the appearance of the
outer man. From long experience he flatters him
self that he can go through all the ramifications of
the art, with so much skill, as to meet the entire
approbation of all those who submit their chins to
the keen ordeal of his Razor.
Each gentleman furnished with a clean towel.
81-IAMPOONING done in the moat improved
ssyle, and Razors sharpened in the very beet manner
Lancaster. Dec. 2b. 1849. 48-tf
NO. 101 CHESNUT St., Between Ed & 4th its
110ABDIffi $l,OO rut D.T.
(ma) 14, 1560.17.16