Lancaster intelligencer. (Lancaster [Pa.]) 1847-1922, January 04, 1853, Image 3

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    NEW ORLEANS, Dec. 30.--By an arrival at this
port the Picayune has advices from the city of Mex
-443 to the 14th inst.l The only news of importance
is that relating to jhe Tehuantepec contract, and
the surrender of the ( Sonora expedition.
The'Executive having conceded to Congress the
privilege of deciding) upon the several Tehuantepec
propositions recentl submitted, that body proceeded
to vote upon the propositions before them, and upon
he vote being counted. the contract was declared
fo be awarded to Guanajuat & Co., a company
Which has generallir been supposed to have stood
but a poor chance of success. The decision there
fore created no little excitement.
IFrom Sonora we learn that some further engage
ments had taken place between the Mexican troops
and Count Raoussett, the leader of the French ex
pedition in Ithat State, which resulted defeat of the
latter, and the surrender of the entire expedition to
ihe Mexican forces.
The Falcon has arrived with $30,000 in gold, in
luding what is in the hands of passengers.
312111R.RIAG ES.
On Tuesday last„by the Rev. Robert de Schwei
nitz, William B. Wiley, Esq., Junior Editor of the
Lancasterian, to Miss Mary E. Fraim, all of this
city. .
Accompanying the above notice we received a
slice of delicious bride cake, for which the happy
couple have our thanks, and best wishes for their
inture prosperity.
jAt Smyrna, on the 28th of December, 1852, by
the Rev. John S. Easton, ol Lewistown, Pa., Dr.
W. Henrie Boone, ol Baltimore, Md. (late of Lan-
Caster Co., Pa.) to Sallie Jeannett, eldest daughter
Of Rev William Easton of Smyrna, Pa.
At Marietta, Nov. 4th, 1852, by Rev. George M.
lawges, William Cochel, of Chester county, to
Mary Mulholland, of Chiques.
On the 23d ult., by the Rev_ J. J. Strine, Benja
min R. Staukfer of East Lampeter, to Elisabeth R.
By the same, Benjamin Mellinger of W. Hemp
ield to Mary Ann L. Strebig of Manor.
On the ult., by the same, Martin Kendig of
IV klempfield to Barbara Kauffman of E. Hemp
On the 22d ult., by the Rev. Alfred Nevin, Per
cival Heilander, Esq., of Philadelphia,
to Carrie E.
daughter of J. C Van Camp. Esq., of this city.
00 Tuesday evening, the 7th ult., by the Rev. S.
I . .VicNair,Johil Miller, to Miss Rebecca Rice, all of
Bart township.
On the 23d ult.,!at Soudersburg, by the Rev. E.
Buchanan, Christain Brackbill of Strasburg
township, and Susan F. daughter of Abraham Le
fevre, of the former place.
On the 23d ulti, by the Rev. Mr. Helfenstein,
Samuel EchternaCht of Vogansville, to Susanna
Fry of East Cocalico.
On the 26th uli., by Rev. Henry A. Schultz,
Abraham Beam oil Lancaster, to Sarah Margaret
Stergis of Litiz.
On the 16th ult .f by the Rev. Samuel Trumbaur,
Emanuel R. Bard to Veronica W.Bard, all of Upper
On the 22d ult.,hy the Rev. J. C. Baker, Henry
M. Steigerwalt to Martha Rock, both of this city.
On the 26th tilt! by the same, Samuel H. Levan
to Mafia Go:d,both of West Earl.
On the 28th ult. by the same, Jacob Manning, of
Mdlerstown, to Susan Foreman, of Manheim twp.
On the 18th inst., Daniel Ileiselman, of West
Lampeter twp., in the 62d year of his age.
On the 25th ult., in Manor twp., Peter Fry, aged
53 years, 2 months and 11 days.
On the Bth insu, in Paradise twp, York county,
Juliana Stauffer, Wife of John Stauffer, aged 57
years, 2"months and 9 days.
At Columbia, on the 22d inst., Lavina, daughter
of William and SUsan Patton, aged 6 months.
At Columbia, on the 24th inst., Elizabeth E. wife
of Dr. 0. S. Mahon.
In this city, onl the 24th ult., Jacob Keller aged
about 50 years. [The deceased was one of the city
In Philadelphia, on Friday week, George Rath.
fon, formerly of this city, aged about 35 years.
Tke Markets.
Flour and' Meal.—Flour—There. is a moderate
export demand ; sales of good shipping brands at
$5,621, and mixed brands at 5,60. For city con
sumption, $5,506.5,626. Extra Flour is held at
$5,8706,121. Rye Flour—Steady, with sales at
$4,50. Corn Meal—h scarce and firm; Penna. is
in demand at $3,50.
Grain—Wheat—There is less demand, and to
effect sales a concession now has to be made.—
Last sales of white at $1,20, prime red at 81,20.
Rye—Last salesi at S6c. Corn is in fair request;
yellow at 63a64ct5., afloat, and of white at 61c.—
Oats—Are stead} , ; sales of Penn. at 44c.
Whiskey—Sales of bbls. at 25, and lihds at 241 c.
Cattle Market; The offerings of Beef Cattle for
the week were about 1500 head. Beeves are sel
ling from $6 to 8,50 per 1013
Hogs—There were about 1400 in market, and
sold from $7,50 to 8,25 per 100 lbs.
Cows—There 'were about 200 in market, at pri
ces rangireg-lroM $l5 to 40 for fresh, and from 510
to 14 for dry.
Sheep and Lambs—The former from $2 to 4; the
latter from 91,50 to $3. nccordind to quality.
Lndreih!s riarranted Garden
eeds. Just received and for sale t
Drug and Chemical Store, no. 8, South Queen et.
Jan. 4. 1 1 3m-80
Laricaster Cemetery .—An Election
tor Three Trustees of the Lancaster Cemete
ry, to serve three years, will be held at the public
house ofJohn Michael, on Tuesday, February let,
1853, at 2 o , cloek, P. M.
For Rent.—A pleasafit Front Room on first
floor suitable for an office,
near the South East
corner of Orange and North Queen Streets.
Inquire at the Clothing Store of
No. 35, North Queen Street, Lancaster.
jan. 4.
• For Rent.
rrEFF., new twO and a half storied BRICK a ,
DWELLING HOUSE, situated on the az§ of
east side of Notith Prince street, adjoining "
the-property of Arr. Joseph Eherman, and now in
the tenure.of Air. John R. Bitner.
Also, the tWo-storied FRAME DWELLING
HOUSE, on West Chesnut Street, opposite C. Kief
fer's Foundry, now occupied by Dr. Bauman.
Possession on the Ist of April next, 1853. For
terms apply to JOHN F. STEINMAN.
Jan 4 3t*-50
Ctiange of Hours.
VV —On lindlafter Monday, the 3rd of January,
1853, the Accommodation or Way Train will leave
West Philadelphia at 1 1-2 o'clock, P .M.—arriving
1-2 hour earlier at the several stations along the
road. The object of the change is to connoc, with
the York and Ba,timore Train that leaves Colum
bia in the evening. JOSEPH B. BAKER,
Jan 4—tf-50 Superintendent.
Wire Fence—Patented Septem
ber 2lst, ISs2.—The most ornamental and
substantial Feribe ever offered to the public, is now
for sale by the Subscriber, in South Queen Street,
Lancaster. This beautiful Fence is principally in
tended for Cerrietery Lots and Flower Gardens. It
has numerous ailvantages, and can be manufactured
and constructed by any person, at a trifling cost.
State, County and Shop Rights for sale. All or
ders 'directed to the undersigned, post paid, will be
promptly attended to. MARTIN HARNISH.
Jan 4 6m-29
Court Proclamation.
WHEREAS, the Hon. EL G. LONG, President,
Esqris.Associate Judges of the court of Common
Pleas, irrand Rir the county of Lancaster, and As
sistant Justicee of the court of Oyer and Terminer
and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of
the Peace, in and for the said county of Lancaster,
have issued their Precept tp me directed, requiring
me, among otker things to make Public Proclama
tion throughout my Bailiwick, that the court ofOyer
and Tereiner land General Jail delivery: Also, a
Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace and
Jail Delivery; will commence in the city of Lancas
ter, in the Conimonwealth of Pennsylvania, on the
Third Monday ',of January next, 1853, in pursuance
of which precept
Mayor, Recorder. and Alderman of the City of
Lancaster, that they be then and there, in their
own proper persons, with their rolls, records and
examinations,) and inquisitions, and their oth
er remembrances, to do those things, which to
their offices appertain in the behalf to be done; and
also, all thoselwho will prosecute against the pris
oners who are, or then shall be in the Jail of the
said county'of Lancaster, are to be then and there
to prosecute against the& as shall be just.
Dated at Lancaster the 2lst day of Nov'r. 1852.
ELIAS EBY, Sheriff.
N. li.—Punctual attendance of Jurors and Wit
nesses will hereafter be expected and required on
the first day bf the sessions. Aldermen and Jus
tices of the Peace are required by an order of court,
dated Nov. 2l'st, 1948 to return their recognizance'
to G. R. Hendrickson, clerk of Quarter Sessions
within one week from the day of final action in
each case, and in default thereof the Magistrate , "
costs will not be allowed.
• Lancaster, January 4, 1902,
Teachers' institute.
To the Teachers of Lancaster County, Male and Fe
male, and of every Grade of School.
Anumber of Teachers and others, composing
the Lancaster County Educational Association
and interested for the improvement of Schools, pro
pose to hold a Teachers' Institute in the City of
Lancaster during the week commencing on Mon
day, January 24, 1853, and have appointed the un
dersigned Committee to make and announce the
necessary arrangementp.
The object add mode of proceeding of such an
Institute are as follows: All the Teachers in the
county who desire to become members; assemble
at stated hours daily during its continuance for
mutual improvement. The most accomplished and
experienced of their number are selected to ex
plain, by lectures and familiar illustrations, certain
of the branches most usually taught in schools, and
the best modes of giving instruction in them, with
the means of government and of treating the most
usual cases of difficulty which meet every teacher
in the discharge ofthe duties of the school-room.
The members of the Institute are not formed in
to classes, nor questioned and drilled, like pupils
in an ordinary school ; neither the time allotted to
the Institute nor the standing of the teachers per
mitting such course. They merely listen attentive
ly to the instructions giien,and if they choose, take
notes for future use : The object being, not to
to exhibit them belore . the public in the character
of mere pupils, but to elevate them in the eyes of
all, and in reality as members of one of the most
useful and respectable profeasions, congregated for
mutual improvement.
The Institute, however, being a new thing among
us, we do not yet posses the experience and skill
requisite to conduct it Hence, instructions for
the one now proposed will necessarily come from
abroad. One accomplished Teacher has according
ly been invited from Massachusetts and another
from Ohio, in both of which States these institut
tions are frequent and well understood. To these
probably one or two others will be added, so that
there shall be no lack of instruction. Hereafter
Institutes may be held without such aid, there be
ing sufficient talent among the Teachers of the
county to conduct them, when the mode of so do
ing shall have been once exhibited.
The branches selected both for e,xplanation of
their principles and illustration in the mode of
teaching willbe Orthography, Reading, Etymology,
Grammar, Geography with map drawing, History,
Writing and Arithmetic. The exercises will be in
terspersed .kith vocal music.
During the evening addresses and Lectures, on
subjects connected with Education, will be de
livered by metnbers of the Institute and by citizens
of the city and county. Discussions will also take
The Governor of the Commonwealth and the Su
perintendent of Common Schools and other distin
guished persons, have consented to visit the Insti
tute,during the week, in order to encourage and
sustain its members in their endeavors to benefit
the noble cause of general education.
The citizens of Lancaster ' with noble hospitality,
have already in large numbers offered to entertain
Teachers from the body of the county; so that the
Committee now feel justified in announcing that the
professional members of the Institute shall be at
no other expense while here than that of contribu
ting to the necessary expenses of the Institute,
which, if there be a full attendance, may not ex
ceed one dollar from each Teacher.
The Institute will be held in FULTON HALL, a
room - admirably adapted for the purpose, and cepa
ble of seating a large audience.
A committee will be in attendance at 10 o'clock
A. M.. on Monday the 24th inst. in the Hall to en
rol the names of members and assign them lodg
legs ; at 2 P. M. of the same day the regular exer
cises will commence and continue till the following
Friday evening or till noon on• Saturday, as shall
be found most expedient.
Such are the ojects and arrangements of the
proposed Institgte. It now remains for the Teach
ers of Lancaster county to determine by their pres
ence or absence whether the projeet shall succeed
or fail. THOS. H. BURROWES,
jan 4 50-tf
The Editors of all the newspapers in the county
are respectfully requested to insert the above till
the meeting of the Institute.
A Fine Rockingham Farm for Sale
'II I .LIE subscriber being determined to remove to
A_ the West, offers for sale, privately, the Farm
on which he resides, situated five miles east of
Harrisonburg, and one and a half miles east .of
Taylor's Springs, and lying on both sides of the
Rockingham Turnpike, leading from Harrisonburg
to Stanardeville, and lying on both sides of the
Keezeltown road, running up and down the Valley,
and one mile south of Keezeltown. Tot is situated
within half a mile of a good Merchant M ill, Saw
Mill, Tannery, .itc. It adjoins the lands of Messrs.
Jonathan Peale, David Eiler, and others, and
150 or 160 Acres of which is cleared and in a good I
state of cultivation ; some 15 or 20 acres is good
Meadow, and more can be made. it desired. The
remainder is well timbered.
The improvements are, a large frame Dwelling
House, containing 11 rooms, with a good Kitchen,
(nearly new) adjoining Loomhouse, Smokehouse,
carriage house, corn house, and all other necessary
out-houses. The barn is somewhat out of repair.
There is a fine spring of water, and also a good
Dairy near the House.
This is a good situation for a blacksmith and wa
gon-maker ; and the wagonmakers shop and
blacksmith's shop are both here, and have been
carried on for a number of . years. There are also
two other Dwelling Houses to suit both ' ,
shops.l l
There are two other Dwelling Houses
on different portions on the Farm.
This Farm would suit very well to be divided, if
desired. There is a fine young Orchard near the
main Dwelling House, containing ninety Apple
Trees of excellent winter and summer Fruit, be
sides Cherry and Peach Trees. There are al.o
never-failing springs of excel.ent water on differ
ent parts of the place, and stock can have access
to water from every field on the place. The Land
is well adapted to all kinds of grain, clover, timo
thy, and other grass. This is one of the most plea
sant places to live in the Valley of Virginia. It
would make a very fine situation for a Farm, as the
house fronts both the Rockingham Turnpike and
Keezeltown road.
Also, another Tract of Woodland, lying It miles
east of the other Farm, containing 192 ACRES,
adjoining the lands of Messrs. Sam uel Ermin, Geo
Nicholas, and others.
The above property is now in market, and a
bargain may be obtained, as I am determined to
sell. I forbear a more minute description, as farm
ers desirous of purchasing will of course examine
for themselves. Terms very reesonable. and pos
session given at any time to snit the purchaser.
For further information address the subscriber a
Harrisonburg, Rockingham co., Va.
_ .
Jan 4—tf:+9
For Sale. -10 Shares Farmers Bank Stock
X' Terms cash.
51 Shares Lancaster Co., Bank Stock, payable
April Ist. without interest.
Jan. 4. tf-50
Adjourned Courts for 1853.—Com
mon Pleas. It is ordered by the Court, that
adjourned Courts for 1853, be held for the decision
in the Common Pleas, Orphan's Court and Quarter
On Monday the 21st day of March,
" " 20th " June,
" " " 19th " September,
" " 19th " December,
in said year, to contioue two weeks from the said
days respectively and as much longer as the busi
ness shall require. All the cases on the list for
Argument in the Orphan's Courts, shall be taken up
on the first days of the said terms and proceeded
with until disposed of, unless continued by consent
or cause shown.
The cases on the argument list in the Quarter
Sessions shall be taken up, on the Wednesday of
the said terms, and in the Common Pleas on Thurs
day of said terms respectively, and proceeded in
until disposed of in - like manner unless continued
by consent or cause shown.
It is further ordered that the absence of Counsel
at the time apoointed for taking up cases mentioned
in the preceding orders shall' be no cause to sus
pend proceedings therein, unless legal ground for
a continuance for that cause shown.
It is also ordered by the Court, that she Adjourn
ed Courts for Jury Trials in the Com Mon Pleas for
1853, be held on the
sth Monday 3lst day ofJanuary,
sth " 30th May,
Ist " 6th " June,
sth " 291.11 " August,
sth " 31st " October,
Ist " sth " December,
and such other periods as.may be appointed at the
above mentioned Courts of regular terms.
The above to be published in all the Newspa
pers in the city and county of Lancaster, three suc
cessive times in each, at the expense of the county.
Bills to be presented at the Commissioners , Office.
JOHN K. REED, Proth'y.
Proth'ys Office, Lan. jan 4 3t-50
Notice to Creditors
CONFANY, December 17,1852.
THESusquehanna Canal Company is prepared
to execute the provisions of the act passed at
the late sessions of the Legislatures of Pennsylva
nia and Maryland, by the issue of thd new Bonds
and Stock certificates provided for by said acts.—
The holders of the obligations of the raid Compa
ny, an of the Tide Water Canal Company, will
please present them at this office before the first
day of January, 1853, or as early thereafter as
practicable for conversion under said laws, on
which named day the said new bonds will bear
date. THOS. M. ABBETT,
dee 28 6ra-491 Treasurer.
Of the Board of Directors of the Fanners'
Mutual Insurance Company, at the Annual
Meeting of the said Company, on the 25th
day of December, B. D. 1852.
In making this, their annual communication
to the Members of the " Farmers' Mutual In
surance Company " it is a source of high grati
fication to the Board, as it doubtless will be to
the Members, that nothing has occurred during
the past year, to require an elaborate or special
report from the Board of Directors. The losses
sustained by the Company have been small,
and the means in the hands of the Directors
have been found sufficient to defray all losses
and expenses, without levying any additional
tax, with the exception perhaps of a small bal
ance due to the Treasurer, as will be shown
by the report of the Treasurer, hereunto ap
pended. The present Organization and By.
laws of the Company, have been found sufficient
to carry out the objects and intentions for
which the Company was organized, and the
Directors find no reason to recommend or sug
gest any alterations or additions at this time.
During the past year. eighty-three new policies have
been issued on properties, amounting in the aggregate
to $149 259
And additions to former poli
cies bare been made, amounting
Making an increase of
The number of policies can
celled. were fifty-one, covering
property to the amount of $22,036
Alterations made, in which
the valuation of property in
sured was dimin shed, amount
to 9,020
Whole amount of decrease
Leasing the actual gain. or
addition to the Company of
Anil the whole amount ut
present insured at about
A considerable portion of the policies cancel
led, have been , ccasioned by the transfers of
property where the purchaser neglected to re
new or continue the insurance.
On the night succeeding the 30th of May
last, the Barn of John Kame, of West Hemp
field twp , was destroyed by fire. The said
pt operty having been insured in the "Farmer's
Mutual Insurance Company " the appraisers.
under an order from the President, proceeded
to view the premises, and reported the damage
at $350 three-fourths of which, being $262.60,
was paid by the Treasurer, out of the funds of
Company. This was the only Bre that occurred
during the past year, that has come to the
knowledge of the Directors.
The following statement, submitted by the
Treasurer, beine examined and approved by
the Directors, exhib is the financial operations
of the Company, during the year that is just
brought to a close.
John Rohrer. Treasurer. In account with the Far
.er's Mutual Insurance Company. Dr.
Dec. 25. To the amount of tax collected by him dur
log the present year $444 : 07
To the amount of premiums
received during the same time 38.05
Whole amount received $.182,72
1852. CREDIT.
To cash paid for Printers bills. for the year 1850,
hich were omitted in the last year's account. viz :
'. C. Darlington, 510.50
John Bear, 11.25
G. Sanderson. 8.00
M. D. Holbrook. 0,00
By cash paid William llippy, Assignee of J ohn
Kame. 262.50
By cash paid printer's bills for the current
year. via
E. H. Rauch Independent Whig, 11.50
E. Darlington. Examiner, 7.00
George Sanderson. I utolligencer, 7,00
By cash paid Appraisers, their per diem for
services rendered 12,00
By cash paid Directors, their per diem for ser
vices rendered 22.00
By cash pail John Strohin, Secretary, his
salary for the present year 50.00
By cash paid John Rohrer. Treasurer, his
salary for the present year 30.00
By balance in his favor per settlement of last
year 146,11
By an erroneous entry in last year's settlement
by which be was over charged in the sum of 130.00
Deduct amount received as above
Leaves a balance in his favor of
To meet this, it is known that there is in the
hands of the Collectors the sum of 151.37
which has not yet been paid into the Treasury. 80.77
and there Is some yet to collect ; the precise amount of
which has not been ascertained. in consequence of
some of the Collectors not having returned their
Duplicates and made final settlement, but which it is
supposed, will nearly if not quite cover the deficiency
of 880,77 as above exhibited.
The negligence of some of the members to
pay their quotas of tax with punctuality has
become a source of annoyance to the Directors,
as well as an act of injustice to the members
generally, and will be no longer tolerated.—
All those who have not as yet paid the taxes
heretofore assessed, will be proceeded against
according to law,-if the arrears are not paid
immediately after - the publication of this re
They must pay their dues, or forfeit their
policies. The liabilities of the Company should
be, and must be punctually paid ; but
this cannot be done, unless the members
are prompt and punctual in the payment
of their quota of tax; and the credit of the
Company would have suffered, ere now, but for
the energy and liberality of the Ireasurer,
who frequently advanced his own money,
when the funds of the Company in his hands
were inadequate.
It is therefore hoped, that all who are yet
in arrears, will make payment immediately,
and thereby save themselves from the payment
of costs, and the Directors from the disagreea
ble necessity of resorting to compulsory
measures, as no further indulgence can be
The following gentlemen were elected DI
RECTORS for the ensuing year :—John Me•
cartney, John Rohrer, John Strohm, Andrew
Metzger and Adam S Dietrich:
APPRAISERS :-Christian Herr. jr , (Pequea)
Benjamin Snavely, Jacob Peters, Jacob Kolar,
jr., Jacob Mowrer and John Friday.
[Whig, Volksfreund, Press, Intelligencer
and Lancesterian copy.]
The World as it is and as iv has
been, or, A Comprehensive Geography and
History, Ancient and Modern, with numerous il
lustrations, and Sixty-five Stylographic Maps, by S.
G. GOODRICH, H. S. Consul at Paris.
The work contains 272 quarto pages, equal to
1000 common 12mo. It is the most complete and
comprehensive work for the daily use of Families,
Merchants, Editors of Papers, Lawyers, Postmas
ters, Travellers and Emigrants, that has ever ap
peared. It contains the Geography and History of
every country, including the census of 1850. It
gives the situation and population of over 5,000
Cities, Towns and Villages; the materials are all
arranged in the most convenient order, and a copi
ous index serves as a guide to the History and Ge
ography of the most remarkable places in the
This work has received the highest commenda
tion at the hands of scientific men in America aad
Europe, and is regarded as one of the most useful,
convenient and valuable which the Author has giv
en to the public.
The publisher feels no hesitation in saying that
for extent of information, abundance of cuts and
maps, and for real every day utility, no work has
ever appeared in America, to rival it or the same or
a similar price.
CONDITIONS.—This work will be bound in ex
tra cloth, full gilt back and sides, or half bound,
equal to the specimen delivered, and shall be de
livered to subscribers as soon as agreed for by the
agent. l'rice $3,50 cloth, and $2,50 half bound.
HE Banking House of J. F. Shroder ¢Co., No.
6, North Queen street, is open every day
from BA. M., to 6 o'clock P. H. Five per cent
interest is, paid for money 15 days after the date of
The principal and interest payable on demand.
nov 9 tf-42
ARARE chance to make money—For Sale one
of the most valuable Eating and Drinking
Houses in the city, very favorably situated on
one of our greatest thoroughfares. The property
is large and well arranged for doing business, and
is fitted up in the most costly end elegant style.—
A lease can be had for any length of time at a ve
ry low rate. Apply to or address
No. 36 North Bth street, Philadelphia.
Lancaster Co. Agricultural Society
A - Stated Meeting of the Larcaster County Ag
ricultural Society, will be he'd in the Mechan
ics, Institute, South Queen Street, Lancaster, on
the llih day (second Tuesday) of January, 1853,
at 10 o'clock A. M. A full attendance of tnembers
and all others aesiring to become members, is re.
quested, as the officers for the ensuing year will
will be tlmn elected and other important business
transacted. D. W. PATTERSON, Sec'y.
dec. 4. 46-td
'lXTanted.-10 or 20 Shares Columbia Bank
I' Stock. J: F: SHRODER & CO,
Dec 21 tf.47
dec.7. tf-46] J. F. SHKODER, & CO.
For Sale.-50 Shares Lancaster Bank Stock
3 do. Farmers' do,
Dec 21-47 J. B. SURODER y O.
5 Per Cent
For Sale
Trustee's Sale.,
TIDY virtue of a Decree of the Circuit Court for
Jle Frederick county, sitting as a Court of Equity,
the subscibe - as Trustee, will offer at public sale,
on Tuesday the 11th day of January, 1853, on the
premises the Real Estate of Jasper Kinzer, deed"
lying in the county of Frederick, in the Valley of
Beaver Dam, within half a mile of the Tunker
Church, and adjoining lands with Mrs. Mary Her
ring, Nathan Englar, and the Rev. Jacob Sayler.
Tlfe said Farm contains about 163 ACRES of
first quality LAND. It has long been considered
one of the most productive Farms in the county, it
is, laid off in suitable fields, with good fencing and
running water in every field. There is a large and
commodious DWELLING IIOLISE, a large
Switzer Barn, built of brick, 80 feet long, las ni
wagon shed, corn crib, smoke house, stone "
dairy, and every other necessary out buildings.—
TWO ORCHARDS af the finest Fruit, in full bear
ing (when in season.) There is on this tract about
the balance cleared, with a due proportion of
Meadow Land.
Possession will be given on the Ist day of April,
Terms of Sale as prescribed by the Decree:—
One half of the purchase money to be paid in hand
on the delivery of possession of the property, the
balance to be paid in two equal annual payments
bearing interest from Ist of April, 1853, with secu
rity to be approved by the Trustee, and upon the
payment of the the whole of the purchase money,
and not before a oood. and sufficient deed will be
executed clear from all incumbrance.
I:tr Sale to take place between the Miura of 12
M., and 3 o'clock, P. M.
Public Sale of a Small Farm.
BY virtue of an alias order of the Orphans' Court
of Lancaster courtly, will be sold at ; public
sale, on Saturday, the 22d of January, A. DJ, 1853,
at 1 o'clock, P. M., on the premises, all that plan
tation and tract of land, late the property of Ben , .
jamin Homsher, deceased, situate in Colerain twp.,
Lancaster county, Pa., on the road leading from
Andrew Bridge to Kirkwood Drove lon, three - Miles
from the former and one from the latter, adjoining
lands of Frederick McCleneghan, Joseph Brady
and others, containing 24 ACRES. Said property
is pleasantly located in a healthy and enterprising
neighborhood, convenient to churches, to mill4and
stores, and is in a good state iof cultivation, well
watered, well fenced, and very productive. The
improvements consist of a good LOG HOUSE,2
collared, two rooms on the first floor, four on'
the second and garret ; Barn, part log, part frame;
a good frame shoemaker shop; spring and spring
house, very convenient to the dwelling, and other
out buildings. There are some three acres of thri
ving young timber; apple orchard, and other fruit
trees. This property offers a rare chance to mechan
ics, and particularly to a shoemaker, as it is an
established stand for the last twenty years, and the
business is carried on in the shop at preset. Per
sons wishing to view the premises, will call on Da
v'd W. Homsher, residing thereou. Conditions at
dee 21 t 5.481 Administrator.
Great S of Real Estate.
THE Carlisle Iron Works' property, situated 4k
miles eas: of Carlisle, Cumberland county, Pa.,
will be so!cl at public sale, on the premises, on
Thursday, the 27th day of Janaary, 1853.
This is one of the finest estates in Pennsylvania,
and embraces about 10,000 acres or land, between
five and six hundred of which are cleared and in
. . .
The improvements are a large two story brick
MANSION HOUSE, Forge, Furnace, Grist gn.
Mill with four run of stone, Saw Mill, Car... 10.
penter shop, Blacksmith shop, two Slone Coal
Houses, 3 large Bank Barns, stone Stable 120- feet
long, Grain House, Corn Cribs and Hog Pens, to
gether with 22 dwelling Houses.
The facilities of the Carlisle Iron Works for the
production of the finest qualities of Pig Metal and
Bar Iron, it is believed, are not excelled anywhere.
The water power is one of the greatest; and
having Yellow Breeches Creek combined with the
Boiling Springs, it never fails or freezes so as to
prevent the constant operation of the Works.
104 acres, without improvements, included in the
aforesaid cleared land, will be sold separately.
TERMS.—One half of riurchase money to be
paid on the first of Apt it ensuing, when possession
will be 'given, and the balance in two equal an
nual payments without interest.
The purchaser will be requested to pay five per
cent of the purchase money when the property is
stricken off, which will be deducted from the first
Persons desirous of purchasing will find the pro
prietor on the premises.
Address—Peter F. Ego, Carlisle, Pa.
Dec 2S tf-49; PETER F. EG E.
For Sale or Rent—The subscriber,in
tending to move to the West will sell or rent
his Farm
The improvements consist of a 3 story 112
stone house recently built. There is a never
failing spring of water near the House; also running
water in every field. There is also an Orchard be
longing to the above property, which contains about
150 choice Fruit Trees. The above property,
lies about 4 miles west of Frederick and is in a
healthy neighborhood.
Store Stand for Rent
THE subscriber o ff ers for rent his store stand in
Williamstown, Lancaster county. Possession
will be given on the let of April next. Said stand
has been occupied as a store for about forty years.
Single men would be preferred.
dec 28 3t-49
In the Court of Common Pleas of Lancas'r County.
JAMES Eytors, Esq.
Venditioni Exponas to Nov.
vs. Term, 1852. No. 30.
DECEMBER 23rd, 1852, on motion of Mr
Keenan tie Coart grant a rule on the Credi-
Tor,. of Defendant to shew cause, on Friday, the
14th day of January next, (1853) at 10 o'clock, A.
M., why the amount of the Judgment of January
Term, 1650, No. 553, Hannah Dougherty vs.
Taylor, should not be paid to Plain*.iff, out of
the proceeds arising from the sale of Defendant's
property paid into Court.
By the Court. Attest: JNO. E. REED,
Lan., Dec 28, 1852. Prothonotary.
Last Notice.
ALL persons indebted to the Estate of Reu
ben S. Rohrer, of the City of Lancaster,
are he eby rotified to call upon the subscribe• and
settle tl-e same without delay, otherwise the re
counts will oe put into the hands of an Alderman
for collection.
Dec 21-6t-47 JESSE LANDIS, Assignee
To all whom it may Concern.--
Notice is hereby given that the Partnership
heretofore existing between Elias Ebv and Simon
P. Eby, trading at Willow Bank Mill, under the
name and firm of Exam EBY & SON, is this day,
by the mutual consent and agreement of both par
ties, dissolved, discontinued and ended to all in ;
tents and purposes. ELIAS EBY,
Dec 21— 3t-47 SIMON P. EBY.
LANCASTER, Nov. 30, 1852.
Statement of the Conestoga
Steam Mille—pursuant to the act of Assembly
The amount of Capital subscribed, as now as n
certained, is four hundred and seventy one-thous
and nine hundred and fifty dollars; the amount
thereof actually paidk. in is four hundred and sixty
six thousand, seven hundred and seventy five dol
lars. The amount of debts and liabilities is as fol
lows, viz: due individuals, two hundred and four
thousand, four hundred and ninety five dollars and
three cents; James' Mortgage loan, ninety nine
thousand, five hundred dollars; interest and divi
dends unpaid, one thousand two hundred and
eighty six dollars and sixty six cents; Mortgage
Coupo bonds, twenty two thousand, five hundred
dollars; bills payable, two hundred and ten thous
and, one hundred and forty two dollars and ninety
four cents.
The Capital is invested in the Mills, Machinery
and Real Estate—beside the stock of manufactured
goods on hand, including those sent to market and
unsold, and materials and supplies.
A. L. HAYES, President.
F. SHRODER Treasurer.
Sworn to and subscribed, December 11, 1352
Carom, J. C. VAN CAMP.
dec 21 tf-4S
A dministratoros Nollce.-Letters
tl of Administration having been granted to the
undersigned, on the estate of PATRICK BARRY,
late of Salisbury township, Lancaster co., deed,
gives notice that all persons having claims against
the estate to present their claim against said estate
duly authenticated ,and all persons knowing them
selves indebted will come forward and settle the
same without delay. JOHN BARRY,
Administrator of the estate of P. Barry, e ec'd.
dec 7 60.-46
Pure Ground Spice.
Diploma awarded by the second State Agricultaral
Fair to Beinitsh , s Pure Ground Spices.
THE subscriber invitee dealers, butchers and
families to' try his ground spices which are
ground on hie own Mi Is, and are warranted pure
and possessing a strength not found in city ground
spices—they consist of
Alspice, Cinnamon, Mace, Nutmegs,
Cloves, Ginger, Mustard, Pepper blk.
do African.
Alum, Matches, Sweet Oil, Baking Soda,
Brimstone, Potash, Copperas, Washing Soda,
Pearlash, Saffron, Salraratus, Stove Blacking,
Saltpeter, Castor Oil, Shoe }Wiring, Starch 4.c.,
which are offered at the lowest prices at,
Medical, drug and chemical store, No. 13, East
King street, Lancaster. [nov 28-44
Agricultural Implements.
AT the Strssburg Foundry and Machine Shop,
take this method of informing the public that
they are now manufacturing a very superior FOUR
HORSE POWER, of their own design, and tor
Which Letters Patent are now being secured--which
they can warrant to give perfect satis , action in ev
ery particular. Its simplicity of construction (he
ing only double geared) durability, and cheapness
cannot be surpassed by any other now in use. The
Band Wheel which is made to run upon a movable
axis—and the acitity with which the strap is car
ried from the power, makes it run at least one
horse lighter than those now used.
BURREL POWERS.—We have on hand and.
will furnish the Burrel POwer on the most resaona
ble terms. All other Pokers repaired and re-built
at the shortest notice.
CORN SHELLERS.HWe are now manufactu
ring and have constantly , on hand a very superior
Large Sheller adapted td Horse Power which will
shell froin 75 to 100 bushels per hour. Also a new
and improved hand Sheller of our own design
whickwewill warrant to give complete satisfaction.
Either of the Shellers will be supplied with a Cob-
Separator if desired. r
PLOUGHS.—We have on hand and for sale a
Pew more of the central! draught—self-sharpening
Ploughs made by John Kinnard.
Repairing of all'lciads' done at the shortest no
THE subscribers stilL confine to do Castings of
every description in Iron, Zinc and Copper,
and to manufacture Machinery of all kinds—such
as Mill and SaVv-mill Gearing, Stationary Engines,
Shafting, Car Wheels, Axles, &c., &c., as hereto
fore. All orders from a distance promptly attended
• MUSSCIMan & Spencer,
Dealers in Lumber, Coal; Plaster, Salt, Fish, Flour,
Grain and Country Produce.—Rail Road
. Depot, Strasburg Lancaster co., Pa.
/(t HE undersigned rrsPectfully announce to their
1 friends and the public, that they have engaged
in the above business and are now prepared at all
times to furnish anything in their line with prompt
ness and despatch and at prices to suit the times.
All orders addressed 'to 'them or their Agent,
will be punctually attended to. • The highest prieg
will be paid in Cash or Trade for Flour, Grain and
Country Produce.
Having careful and experienced employees, they
are warranted in saying that satisfaction will be
SOLOMON K. CRAMER, Agent. ides 7- tf46
Adams , :
ADAMS & CO'S Express are now running their
own Cars accompanied by special messenger,
and iron safe. They are prepared to forward daily,
(Sundays excepted,) with the fast mail trains, Boxes,.
Bundles, Parcels, Specie, &c., &c., to all points
on the Central. Railroad; via Lancaster, Columbia,
York, Mount Joy, Middletown, Harrisburg, New
port, Mifflintown, Lewistown, Huntingdon, Spruce
Creek, Tyrone,Hollidayaburg, Summit,Johnstown,
Blairsville, Greensburg and Pittsburg (—via Cum
berland Valley Road, to Carlisle, Shippensburg,
Chambersburg. In all of above named places arc
regular agents who will : attend promptly to the
collection of notes, drafts, bills, bills, &c.
Goods will also be 'forwarded to most of the
points on the West Branch of the Susquehanna.
. Persons residing in the interior towns off the
main route ' can have packages forwarded with
despatch from Philadelphia and other points by
having them directed to any of the above named
Goods destined for any of the above places are
forwarded by the II o'clock train daily.
Goode for Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Louisville,
Frankford and Lexington, Ky., Indianapolis, and
St. Louis, by the night train.
Goods for the. Ea.tern and Southern cities for
warded daily by both Morning and evening trains.
The Undersigned will give particular attention
to filling orders forwarded to them by mail, (post
paid,) when they are for goods to be forwarded by
Express. No commission will be charged.
Offices: PHILADELPHIA, 116, Chesnut street.
LANCASTER, North Queen street, three
doors eolith of the Railroad.
J. d. THACKARA, Agent.
March 23, 1652. 9-tt
Dr. Ziegler's Drug and Chemical
STORE.—Is the place where can be found at
all times a full assortment and well selected stock
of Drugs, Chemicals, Fancy soaps, quinine, mor
phine, gum opium, do. ,powdered, do. confection, '
clovers powder, lodine, lodide of pottassium. Lu
gol's solution, tincture of lodine. Chloroform,
prussic acid, tunic acid, benzoic acid, collodion,
nitrate of silver, extract of belladonna, do. hyoscy
emus, stramonium. colocynth comp jalapa and
gentian, &c. Calouiel, blue mass, tartar emetic,
ipecacuana, powdered jalappa, do. gamboge, do.
rhubarb, senna, saltz land manna, sulphate zinc,
shugar of lead, powdered squece, do. root, do. cu
bebs, mercurial ointment, citrine, do. cantharida,
do. basilicon do. &c. !Balsam peru, do. tol:, do.
fir, do. copabia, balsam dematha, turlington bal
sam, liquid styrax,barßadoes tar, codliver oil pure,
castor oil, cold expressed, sweet oil, croton oil,
worm seed oil, pure essential oils, of icinale tinc
tures aconic, arnica, lobelia, hellibore. myrrh, di
gitalis opium, paragoric, &c. Fresh ground pep
per, allspice, cloves, cinnamon, mace, nutmegs,
Jamaica ginger, coriander, sweet marjoram, sage,
&c., salt peter, clear starch, dye stuffs of all kinds,
baking soda, cream tartar, saleratus, pearlash, pot
ash, glue, epsom and glauber saltz, cop eras, alum,
madder, &c. Alcohol; burning fluid and pine oil,
constantly on hand and for sale low. Also, Barry's
, Tricopherus for the hair, do. Lyons Kathairon, and
I Storr's chemical Hair Invigorator.
I especially invite the attention of Physicians and
consumers generally to examine my stock, as my
mot o is quick sales and small profits.
Don't forget the cheap Drug Store, North Queen
street. opposite the Franklin House, Lancaster.
dec 21 tf-il3
• Winter Bonnets.
RANNING ER having just returned from
_al Philadelphia with a very rich and beautiful
assortment of WINTER BONNETS and
Fancy Trimmings of the most splendid pat
terns and latest stylesy begs tetave to invite
the Ladies to give her a call and examine her stock.
Her si li, satin and velvet Bonnets are truly beauti
ful. She has also just received a pretty assortment
of Ribbons, Antrimls, Flowers, Bonnet Caps, and
a fine variety of Embroidery, consisiting of Laces
and Edings. Also a lot or Gloves, Hosiery, &c.,
very cheap. Please call, see, and examine for your
selves, at the old stand near the court house.
Mrs. R. hopes her Country friends will find her
at her rooms, In Mirth Queen et., immediately ad
joining the Printing Office & Book Store of John
Bear, where she will use her best efforts as hereto
fore to give satisEtction. She would here take oc
casion to return thanks for past patronage, and
rusts that she may merit a continuance of those
favors. [nov. 23 tf-44
The Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, to JOHN WITHERS, Jr., and AUGUS
TUS WITHERS, and every and all person or per
sons claiming by from o• under them or any of
them, and all persons interested in the premises,
Greeting :
We command and firmly enjoin you that
. laying
aside all business whatever, you be and appear be
fore the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas for
the county of Lancaster, at a court to be held at
Lancaster, on the Third Monday in January next,
(1553)'t0 show cause, if any you have, why the
witnesses on behalf .of Jacob Frantz and Jacob
Eshleman, Executors of the last will and testa
ment of Jacob EshleMan, deceased, on their bill or
petition to perpetuatq testimony before our said
Court, duly exhibited-should not be examined, and
their testimony reduced to writing and filed of re
cord in our said Cond . , in order to perpetuate the
same agreeably to the constitution of our govern
ment and the act of assembly in such cases made
and provided.
Witness the Hon. HENRY G. LONG, President
of our said Court, at Lancaster, the twenty-seventh
day of November, in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and fifty-two.
dec 14-4t-47 J. BOWMAN. for Proth'y.
Docket Diaries for 1853. Pocket Dia
ries of all sizes and styles in wholesale and re
tail quantities, just received and for sale cheap at
the People's Book Store; North Queen st., Lancas
ter. [dec. 14 tf-47j H. SPA N GLE R.
fl race Aguilar's New Work.—
'Home Scenes and Heart Studies , a new work,
just issued from the press, by the inimitable Grace
Aguilar. Cloth 75 cents, gaper 50 trots.
'Essays from the London Times' (second series
one of AppletorPs popular Library, 1 vol. cloth 59
cts. All the numbers of this interesting Library on
'Table Talk, or Books, manners and men,' one
of Putnam's semi monthly Library, 1 vol. 25 cents.
Subscriptions taken for either of the above.
Stories of Waterloo,' by W. H. Maxwell. 25c.
'A Life of vicissitudes, a story of Revolutionary
Times,' by G. P. R. James.
'Henry Esmond,' Colonel in the service of Her
Majesty, Queen Anne, written by himself. By W.
M. Thackary 1 vol. paper, 50 cents.
All the new publications received as soon as
gublished. Agent fOr all the Periodicals, Maga
zines, Journals, news and literary papers published
in the United States and England, at publisher's
prices, free of postage. W. H. SPANGLER,
dec 11 tf-471 • North Queen street.
Election Notice.—An Election will be
hold a! the office of the Lancaster County Mu
tual Insurance Company. at Williamstown, Para
dise township, on, the second Tuesday of January.
(the 11th) for the purpose of electing nine Direc
tors to serve said Company for the ensiling year.
Dec 21-49 NA.TI3. Z. SLAYMAYEB, Secly.
For the rapid Cure of
MANY years or trial, instead of impairing the
pulic confidence in this medicine, has won
for it an appreciation and notoriety by far exceed
ing the most sanguine expectations of its friends.
Nothing but its intrinsic virtues and the unmistaka
ble benefit conferred on thousands of sufferers
could originate and maintain the reputation it en
joys. While . many inferior remedies thurst upon
the community, have failed and been discarded,
this has gained friends by every trial conferred ben
efits on the afflicted they can never forget, and p:-c
-duced cures too numerous and too remarkable to
be forgotten.. '
While It is fraud on the public to pretend that
any one medicine will infallibly cure—still there is
abundant proof that the CHERRY PECTORAL does
not only a general thing, but almo-t invariably cu-es
the maladies for which it is employed.
As time makes these frieze wider and better
known, this medicine has gradually become the
bast reliande of the afflicted, from the log
cabin of the American Peasant, to the pat
aces of European Kings. Throughout this entire
country, in every. State, city, and almost every
hamlet it contains, Cherry Pectoral is known as the
best remedy extant for of the Throat and
Lungs, and in many foreign countries, it i- coming
to be extensively used by their most intelligent
Physicians. In Great Britain, France and Germa
ny, where the medical sciences have reached their
highest perfection, Cherry Pectoral is introduced,
and in constant use in the Armies, Hospitals, Alms
Houses, Public Institutions, and in domestic prac
tice, as the surest remedy their attending Physi
cians can employ for the more dangerous affections
of the lungs. Also in milder cases, and for chil
dren it is safe, pleasant and effectual to cure. In
fact, some of the most flattering testimonials we
receive have been from parents who have found it
efficacious in cases particularly incidental to child
- • •
The Cherry Pectoral is manufactured by a prac
tical Chemist, and every ounce of it under his own
eye, with invariable accuracy and care. It is seat
ed with care. It is sealed and protected by law
from counterfeits, consequently can be relied on as
genuine without adulteration.
We have eifideavored here to furnish the commu
nity with a medicine of such intrinsic superiority
and worth as should commend itself to their con
fidence—a remedy at once safe, speedy and effect
ual,'which this has by repeated and countless trials
proved itself to be; and trust by great care in pre
paring it with chemical accuracy, of uniform
strength to afford Physicans a new agent on which
they can rely for the best results,
and the afflicted
with a remedy that will do for th em all that medi
cine can do. •
Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AVER, practi
cal Chemist, Lowell, Mass.
Sold by JOHN F. LONG,
November 9-42, Strasburg.
For the Holidays
CEMISTMAS and New Year's Presents.—For a
handsome presents g 6 to the GOLDEN EAGLE
Dry Goods' Store and secure from the variety of
Christmas Goods Offered you, a handsome selection.
Chrisrmas merinoes and Paramettas, Christmas
Dress Goods, de laines, &c., Christmas shawls,
brocha, Bay state, 4,c.
We have reduced to a considerable extent the
price of our shawls, so as to enable all to make a
choice and serviceable present in the way of a
beautiful .shawl, •
Christmas handk'fs'., scarfs and collars, emb'r
bor'd linen cambric hand'fs„ N. W. French col
lars embroideries, beautiful colored Lae(' handqs,
for Gents, rich scarfs and ciavats, super kid and
silk gloves, magMflcent . ribbons for neck and bon
yet, Christmas sadk flannel, every shade.
Oil chintzes beautiful embroidered, for infant's
dresses, &c., &c.
Then one and all, wishing to encourage the
"time honored and laudable custom 2, of making
a Christmas or New Year's Present,
- . .
Remember the Golden Eagle Store is prepared
to furnish you, at inducing prices. the above named
articles for your purpose.
T 10S. J. W . ENTZ & CO.
Golden Eagle, corner E. King and centre square.
dee 21 48-tf
Attention—Selling Off.
9'HE undersigned are desirous of closing their
J business, and will dispose of their entire stock
of Goods to any who may wish to engage in the
business, or they will continuo from this time to
dispose of their stock at cost ' prices, until it is
closed out.
Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Vestings, Silks,Me
rinoes, Alpacas, Cashmeres, De Lollies, uinghams,
Calicoes,.Tickings,Checks, Linens, Muslins, Car
pet Chain, Oil Blinds, Hosiery,Gloves, and a vatic
ty,ol other articles in the Dry Goods line. • '
Teas, Coffee, Sugars, Molasses, Spices, Oils, Salt
Fish, Tar, Segars, tlarket and Traveling Baskets
Basket Carriages, Matches, Brushes, s-c., tic.
of different variety. We especially invite the atten
tion of all in want of any articles we have, and al;
who wish to secure bargains to call, as we are de
termined to close out the stock. Having been but
a few years in the Dry Goods business; cot tc•
quently our stock is nearly new in style, end bought
equally as low as other goods now selling.
North Queen st., under the Meteum, Lan.
;Cr All persons indepted will please settle their
accounts. sep 21-35 P. tr. S.
HO! HO!--The Australia Gold Mines
I is all the talk; but the greatest excitement is
at J. Buehler's Grocery, opposite the new Court
House, where he is just reeciving a splendid ascot
ment of Fresh Groceries for the coming Holidays,
such as.
• • • •
Raisins at all prices, Prime Ctirrants, do. Citron,
Cranberries, Figs, Prunes. A splendid assortment
of Dried Fruits, also Wendell & Espy's celebrated
Mince Meat in. Jars and by the Pound.
Also a splendid assortment of White and Brown
Sugars, Molasses of every kind ; such as Lo,ering's
Syrup, Boston Syrup, Sugar House, and a great
variety of baking Molasses at all prices.
B. Alsoan extra lot of Prime Buckwheat
Flour, Stall's Premium Flour Homing Gritz Sanp,
and Farina, &c.
Call and judge for yourselves, as I aim to please
dee 7•
Fall Fashions--New Bonnets.
THE Ladies of Lancaster city and county are
respectfully infoimed that Mrs..MAnv J. Kw=
North Queen street (nearly opposite the "Bee
Hive,")has received her Fall 4. Winter
stock of Bonnets, which she
. is now ready
to furnish to her numerous friends and cus
tomers. Those desirous of securing elegant styles
of Fall and Winter Fashions, are invited to call be
fore purchasing, elsewhere. [nov. 9-2 m
Drugs, Chemicals and Medicines.
AALARGE assortment just received and for sale
Drug &Chemical Store, No. 8, South Queen at.
Bashing Sponge. Also, Coarse and Fine
Sponge!, just received and for sale at
Drug & Chemical Store, No. 8, South Queen et.
Toilet 'Water, Musk, Verbena, Geranium,
Citroneba.,&c.; Eder), Perfumery and Soaps of
every description, for Bale at
Drug and Chemical Store.
No. 8, South Queen Bt.
Oct 12-3m-38
Proprietor.of Franklin Hotel.
No. 57 South street, BALTIMORE—in the imme
diate neighborhood of all the Railroad Depots and
Steamboat Landings,
June 8, 1852
AF"persons either single gentlemen, or gen
tleman and lady can be accomndated with
Boarding, on reasonable terms, with pleasant and
commodious rooms, by applying at the Granite
House,North Queen Street. L. A. DILLER.
Nov. . 2m-42.
1 000 Book Agents wanted, to sell
pictorial and useful works for the year 1853.-
1,000 dollars a year. Wanted in every county of
the'United States, active and enterprising men, to
engage in the sale of some of the best Books pub
lished in the country. To men of good address,
possessing a small capital of from $25 to $lOO, such
inducements will be offered as to enable them to
make from $3 to $5 a day profit.
tcr The Books published by us are useful in their
character, extremely popular, and command large
sales wherever they are offered.
For further particulars, address, post-paid.
ROBERT SEARS, Publisher.
visa 28 tI-493 In- William street, N. York.
Barnum & Beachs' New Pa
- 11 T. BARNUM, special partner, H. D. & A
r E. BEACH, general partners.
The proprietors desire to call attention to the
fact that Alfred E. Beach has become associated
with this concern, contributing an additional capi.
tal of $20,000, and that the liberal amount of $60,-
000 is DOW especially devoted to its publication.
The Illustrated News will he published weekly,
commencing Dec. 18th, 1852, and will comprise
sixteen large pages, filled with original arid select
ed letter press contents of the highest literary stan
dard, and with a great number of large and hand
some engravings. No pains or expense will be
spared to produce the best illustrated newspapers in
the world, an acceptable fireside companion, and
an ornament to the American Press.
The publishers will also front time to time, pre
sent gratuitously to their regular subscribers, large
and handsome engravings, suitable for frames, is
sued in the very best style, and drawn by the very
best artists of the United States, which will form a
collection of pictures alone worth much more than
the cost of their subscription. These engravings
will embrace magnificent views of public buildings,
important public ceremonies, historical events,
American and Foreign Butte Fields, 4-c.
The year 1553 is the most auspicious of any, du
ring the past century, for. the commencement of
such a newspaper. The Great World's Fair which
opens in New York, in May next, will be one of
the most important and interesting events which
has-occurred in this city since its foundation. Hero
will be cogregated the most perfect specimens of
mechanical skill and manufactures from all parts
of the civilized Globe. All portions of the world
will contribute the best and most curious produc
tions of Art and Science.
In the first volume may also be expected numer
ous illustrations relative to the Japan Expedition,
comprising sketches of the ships and steamers
composing the same,
information of its route and
progress, views of harbors, villages, cities, dwel
lings, and the people of Japan. Reliable arrange
ments are making for these sketches, and for all
information, which will be received here at the
earliest date,
On account of the World's Fair, on account of
the Japan Expedition, and also in consideration of
delay and uncertainty in procuring back numbers,
the publishers cannot too strongly impress upon the
public the importance of commencing their sub
scriplinns with the first number of the first volume,
and using the utmost care in preserving the papers
for binding.
At the conclusion of each volume a handsome
title page and index will be gratuitously furnished
by the publishers. The publishers will procure at
low rates the uniform binding of the volumes, when
The paper will be furnished at the low price of
six cents per copy, and served to subscribers in all
the principal cities of the Union. It will also be
for sale at all the principal book stores and period
ical depots tnroughout the United States and Can
Mail Subscription Prices.—Two volumes in one
One copy, per volume,
Four copies, do.
Ten copies, do.
Payable. in all cases, in advance.
l',Gr Poet Masters throughout the United States
are desired to as Agents for this paper in receiving
and forwarding subscriptions.
All letters should he addressed, post paid, pub
lishers " Illustrated News," New York.
H. D. & A. E. BEACH,
dec. 28 tf 49] 128 Fulton street New York.
`A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!"
Now Opening, Holiday Presents
for the Ladies, at the Bee Hive.
Super. Emb'd Linen Cambric Handkfa;
Plain and Embd Gloves; Magnificent Silks; Shawls
&c.; new Styles Needle Work Co !ars ; Crape
Shawls and Scarfs; White and Colored Bilious Kid
Gloves, 6,6 i, 64, 7 to Si; Hosiery, Cotton, White
Unbleached mixed and Slate colors; white, black,
lead and mixed Lambs Wool.
Lupins' superior French Morinoes—colors, cher
ry, blue, crimson, maroon, modes and brown ; su
perb styles Moose de Laines, only 18i cts.; Real
all-wool handsome liguies and colors, only 50 cts.;
rich high colors Sacking Cloths.
Splendid Printed Borders L. C. flandkfs ; New
styles Scolloped Borders do.; Fancy co's. Figured
Sitk Cravats; Black heavy Gro. de Rhine ane Gro.
Grain do.; Fancy Fig'd Satin Scarfs; Black do.
Now, then, kind Fathers and Mothers, Sisters
and Brothers, who wish to nlake " Kris Kingles,"
and to all a hers, therefore to the Bee Hive rush,
one and all, and select from an assortment, by "no
ways small," splendid Long Shawls, just the very
thing as a "Christmas Present" to a" favored one;"
you'll find in great variety, Silks and De Latina
French Merinoes, calls both gaudy and plain.
Bce Hive Store, North Queen at., Lancaster
Dr. Long's Botanic Syrup
Warrented a Pure Vegetable Oompound.
IS a certain, safe and effectual remedy for remo
ving all diseases arising from an impure condi
tion of the blond, or from an injudicions use of
mercury, &c. It stands unrivalled for the cure of
Scsoroze or Kings Evil. ADSease of the bone, tu
mors, stubborn ulcers, ukkirs of the throat, neck,
nose and legs, white swelling, disease of the spine,
kidney complaints, chronic ihenmatism, pustula.
eruptions on the face, arms and body, erysipelas,
dropsical affections, mercureal and syphilitic effec
tions, sick head ache, dizziness, all constitutional
disorders, and all diseases arising from early indis
cretions, &c., &c. This medicine has a specific
and most salutary action upon the liver and spleen
and will in a short tone if persevered in cure the most
obstinate case of liver complaint. Dispepsia or in
digestion, in nine cases out of ten is caused by an
unhealthy condition of the liver &c.; this being the
cause, it is evident that by the use of the Botanic
Syrup, the digestive organs must again res me
their healthy functions, arid renewed health, vigor
and strength will inevitably follow.
31 any persons are diseased for the want of the
blood being purified. Thousands of persons are de
stroying their constitutions by neglecting to apply
a proper remedy; to all such the Botanic Syrup will
be of intrinsic value as a certain and effqctual means
of restoring them to their usual health and vigor•
Valuable respectable cirtificates of cures could be
I adduced and inserted here if the inventor of this
invaluable medicine deemed it expedient to do so,
Ile does not consider it prudent, nor is he willing
j to make a public show and use of respectable
names of individuals who have been thoroughly
! cured of their complaints, as a means to enhance
the sale of the medicine, but would respectfully
request all persons afflicted with any of the above
diseases, to glve the Botanic Syrup a lair trial nd
they will soon find to their greatest pleasure, rat
what has been here inserted in regard to the v .41.10
of the medicine is true. Persons using the syrup
will find it agreeable, pleasant and harmless. It
will not in any event injure the constitution, but will
otherwise assist nature in restoring, giving an en
tire healthy change to the system by completely
driving out those impurities which is the chief
cause of disease.
It is put up in pint bottles, price 50 cents per
bould, or I bottles for $2,50. Full directions ac
companies each bottle. Prepared and sold by
Mo. 1, Kramph's Arcade, NI E. corner of North
Queen and Orange ate., one door east of Kramph's
Clothing Store, Lancaster. [may 20-tf-17
India Rubber Gloves, Mittens, &c.
COUNTRY MERCHANTS, in making their pur
chases, should not neglect those desirable and
saleable articles. Their manufacture has been
much improved recently, and they are made very
durable. Particular attention is requested to the
Wool Lined Gloves and Mittens
They are indispensable in cold and wet weather.
Ladies will find these gloves useful in any work
that will soil the hands, at the same time that they
will cure the worst Salt Rheum or Chapped Hands
immediately. They aro made all lengths to pro
tect the arms and wrists.
For sale by 11 ilcox, Billings & Co., No. 3 Church
Alley, Phila., Goodyear's, 68 Chesnut Street, do.,
J. .5- H. Phillips, Pittsburg, Pa.; Falconer ¢ Has
kell, Baltimore, Md.; 11, W. Shafer, Charleston,
S. C.; Bart 4- Hickcoa, Cincinnati, Ohio, and by all
Rubber Dealers in the Union.
For sale at retail by Country Merchants gener
ally. Nov 23-3m-44
Holliday Presents.
At 23 and 25 North sth at., (up stairs) Phila.
M/ HERE may be found a beautiful assortment
of Tin, Iron, Wood, Pewter, and Rubber
Toys, consisting in part of Working and Station
ary Engines, Hose Carts, Hook and Ladder Trucks,
Water Fountains and Trows, Horses, Carriages
and Sleighs of all kinds, Locomotive and trains,
Ships, Schooners, Sloops and Boats, Savings Banks
Goih,c and Plain.
• . .
Tivoli Boards and Ten Pin Games, groat variety
of styles and very chvap; Bows and Arrows, Bird
Cages, large assortment; Stoves, Sleighs and
Wheelbarrows of Iron, Sat Irons and Stands, Tea
Setts, Animals, Balls, Dolls; together with a gener
al assortment of French and German Toys, Musi
cal Instruments and Fancy Goode. Dealers sup
plied at the lowest Cash prices.
nov. 30. 3m-95] J. WEEKES, Jr. & CO.
Fomarrding Sr. Transportation,.
Strasou g hail Road Company. Thia Com
pany having now fully equipped their Road, here
by inform the public that they are prepared to for
ward oh kinds of Produce, M erchandise, Live
Stock, &c.,to and from Philadelphia and Baltimore,
or any intermediate point, wiih promptness and de
spatch and upon the most reasonable terms.
Strasburg ; deg 7 tr. 46