Lancaster intelligencer. (Lancaster [Pa.]) 1847-1922, January 04, 1853, Image 1

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An/ tot z ee
SUBSCRIPTION.—Two Dollars per manual,. payable
in advance; two twenty-five, if not paid within six
months; and two fifty, if 'not paid within the year.
No shbscription diatontinded until all arrearegee are
paid unlace at the option Of the Editor.
Anvita,xisssiatcrs--Accornpanied by the CASH, and not
exceeding ono square, will be inserted three times for
one dollar,. and twenty-five cents for each additional
inseition. Those of a greater length in proportion.
JOIATILITING —Such as Hadd D.lls, Posting Bills, Pain.
ph.ets, Lf.anke, Labels, kc. , &c., executed with at
criraby and at the shortestinotice.
Look Aloft.
[The following beautiful lines are founded upon
the storysaid to have been related by the late
Dr. Godman, of the ship boy, who was about to
fall from the rigging, and was only saved by the
mate'S impressive exclamation. " Look aloft, you
lubber." They were written by the late Jonathan
Lawrence, Jr., a member of the New York bar,
whb (lied in 1833.] -
In the tempest of life, when the wave and the gale
Are around and above, if thy footing should fail,
If thine eye should grcir dim and thy caution de
" Lodk aloti P , and be flip and be fearless of heart.
If the friend who embraced in prosperity's glow.
Witlila smile for each joy, and a tear for each woe,
Should betray thee when sorrows like clouds are
"Lodk aloft!" to the friendship which never shall
Shau d the visions which hope spreads in light to
thine eye,
Like the tints of the rainbow, but brightens to
Then turn, and through I tears of repentant regret,
I:Look aloft!" to the min that is never to set.
Should they who are dearest—the son of thy heart,
The pile of thy bosom in sorrow depart,
"Look aloft !. from the darkness and dust of the
gat soil where affection is ever in bloom.
oh, when death comes in his terrors to cast
cars on the futiire, pall on the past,
at moment of darkness, with hope in thy heart,
a smile in thine eye, look aloft!" and de
Fern :Leaves
FLLY—For girls to 'expect to be happy without
marriage. Every woman is made for a mother, con
sequently babies are as mecessary to their 'peace of
mind" as health. If You wish to look at melan
chol'y and indigestion, Ipok at an old maid. If you
wohld take a peep at sunshine, look in the face of
a young mother.
"Now, I won't stand that ! I'm' an old maid
mySelf, and I'm neither melancholy nor indigestible!
My "piece of mind'', Prn going to give you (in a
minute!) and I never Want to touch a baby except
with a pair of tongs! "Tout mothers and sunshine!" .
Wo l m to fiddle strings before they are thirty-tive.—
When an old lover turns up, he thinks he sees his
grandmother instead Of the dear little Mary who
used to make him feehas ifte should crawl out of
theLtoes of his Soots! 'Yes! my mind is quite made
up bout matrimony; but also "babies':—sometimes
I think, and then again I don't know!—but, on the
wh'ele, I believe I consider them a d—cided hum
bug! It is one-sidedl, partnership, this marriage;
thei wife casts up all the accounts!
Husbandj" get up]in the morning, and pays his
"devours" to the lookirig-glass, curls his fine head of
ha r, puts on an immaculate shirt bosom, ties an
ex, ruciating cravat, sprinkles his handkerchief with
col l ogne, stows away a French roll, an egg, and a
cu of coffee, gets into the omnibus, looks slamingly
at the pretty girls, and makes love between the
pauses of business during the forenoon generally.
Wife must hermetically seal the windows, and ex
clUde all the fresh air (because the baby had the
'snuffles' in the night) and sits gasping down to the
table more dead than alike to finish her breakfast.
Tdmmy turns a cup of hot coffee down his bosom,
Jitliana has torn off the string of her school bonnet,
James "wants his geography covered," Eliza can't
firid her shatchel, the butcher wants to kniiw it
skied like a joint of mutton, the milkman wouk
like his money, the ice man wants to speak to her
"jiist a minute," the baby swallows a bean, husband
.sends the boy home from the store to say his part
ner will dine with him, the cook leaves "all flying
tO go to her "sisterls dead baby's wake," and hus
bands's thin coat Must be ironed before-noon.
"Sunshine and young mothers?" Where's my
smelling bottle?
"Woman! she requires no eulogy."
Lucky she don't] They wouldn't get it from
ire; I've bad enough of 'em,
I have; I've crossed,
o'er to the "Philistines," and much as ever I dare
bI) speak to one of them lest he should be lover or
thisband to some of those viragoes. Just cross the
back once of some '1 female friend (1) either in love
or literature. Hornets and nettles? the way you'll
get demolished! not that they won't smile on you
jhst the same! oh :yeh! but wait till your back is
turned—if the dissecting knife of friendship don't
take you to pieces till your mental skeleton is an
anatomical curiositY, set me down for a tool! The
book you wrote will be miserable and unfeminine!
They disapprove ycnir style entirely, ten to one, at the
tery time they are trying a poor imitation of it
hemselves. Then
l just let 'em catch you looking
tt a gentleman they have mentally appropriated,
hey will compass heaven and earth but they'll put
'their feet on your presuming neck! Now, I know
I shall get my eyes scratched out for this, but nev
er mind, I'm used to it! in fact. it is a pleasant lit-
Itle excitement! There's too many women in the
World by—half! there ain't room enough for 'em,
unless Congress " Minexes " .the moon. .Each one
wants a world of hearts to herself, and it stands to
reason they can't have it; and what's more, they
shan't while fen about ! • Ferns are said to be green,
but I know! Some of 'em are blue, and they are
rank poison to sornelpeopfe,•unless they let 'ens alone.
_ _ _
g , For twenty
miles round all is gay;
Cottage emit castle keep holiday ; .
For how shbula sorrow lower
On brow of rustic or of knight,
When heaven itielt looks all so bright,
And the noble wedding feast is dight
In the hall 'of Belmont tower 7
Stately matron and warrior tall,'
Come to the joyous festival."
Ah! come to the wedding! Bring your lightest
hearts and your sweetest smiles to greet the bride.
The bride! a sunny title that—and' sunny crea
ture who wears it. Rich tresses cling to her
white throat, and her brow is fair, and all uncloud
ed., Nay! we want none of your gems, your crim
son rubies, your flashing diamonds. These would
add none to her! beauty; but instead, braid the
white buds and the green leaves, and the rich, full
blown flowers. Twine those in her dark hair.—
Now, with her robes . of snowy muslin, and that
delicate wreath, how sweetly she looks. How spir
itual! how pure !I
And proudly yet sadly dear friends gather around
her. Tears are fn some eyes, smiles on many lips.
What a centre of interest she has suddenly become.
The aged look hack upon the bridal days of the
loved of their youth, and tell how such an one had
just such flowing, auburn curls, and another looked
so innocently and lovely. .
Well! joy go with thee, Carrie. Heaven's
choicest 01 choice blessings descend upon thee and
thine. May all] the paths of thy earthly pilgram
age be pleasant to thy feet—and may care touch
thy brow very faintly, and leave no trace of sor
row there. Jby go with you, Carrie!—Olive
the true Digestive Fluid or Gastric Juice, prepared
from Rennet or; the fourth stomach of the Ox, after
directions of Baron Liebig, the great Physiological
Chemist, by LIS. Houghton, M. D.,.Philadelphia.
This is truly mwonderful remedy for Indigestion,
Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Complaint, Constipa
tion and Debility, curing after NATURE'S OWN
AGENT, the Gabtric Juice. Pamphlets, containing
Scientific evidence of its value, furnished by agents
gratis. See notice among the medical advertise
ments. [sop 16-24—ly
[We copy the following verses from an old Eng
lish book, and believe their promptings just as good
as though they were not two hundred and fifly-seven
years old !!.
. Shun delays, they breed remorse;
• Take thy time,while time is lent thee ;
Creeping snails ave weaker force ;
Fly thy faults lest thou repent thee;
Good is best when soonest wrought,
Ling'ring labors come to nought.
Hoist up sail while gale doth last,
Tide and wind stays no man's pleasure;
Seek not time when time is past,
Sober speed is wisdom's leisure.
After wits are dearly bought,
Let thy fore-wit guide thy thought.
Time wears all his locks before—
Take thou hold upon hie forehead
When he flees, he turns no more,
And behind his scalp is naked.
Works adjourned have many stays;
Long demure breed new delays.
Babes of ne,avell.
There are some infants who seem destined for
Heaven from their birth. Over these the mother
may smile and weep, and watch the fragile beauty
of cheek and brow in vain.
Old and learned doctors may stand beside their
little couches, and count the quick-beating pulse ;
they cannot stay the steady footsteps of death—they
cannot wave him back, that angel of Heaven.—
Something is writen in the blue eyes—the gentle
smile, that mortals may never interpret ; for them
the tiny headstones stand in niches, fresh from the
graver's hands. For them the little marble urns
are already sculptured, and sweet spots in the burial
grounds lie waiting. Hug it ever so closely to the
fond bosom, the favored immortal is ever in the
hands of the angels, and they will claim it.
I have known a few such children. I remember,
as I write, a sweet sister, who came when the bird
pipes his first May song. For fifteen bright months
she was spared to earth, but all who saw her gave
ominous shakes of the head, and some said even
with tears, " Shall she die."
Of all infant singers, none heard I ever sing like
her. From morning till night from her twelfth
mouth, her sweet, clear voice rang through the
house. And she was neither taught this, nor para
ded (or her gift—but a friend coming in would be
sure to hear " Old Hundred " from the singing lips
of h babe whpmight be clinging to the chairs in
ter first happy essay to walk. " China " and many
)1 the ancient melodies, were as household words
to that little creature—and every day at twilight,
:ill nearly the day sbe died, she would sing herself
to sleep, lisping those old words:
Life is the time to serve the Lord."
Precious angel ! her life was holy service. How I
happy she has been these long years, up there—
I had another little sister, who died at the same
age. I remember a still, beautiful night, when I I
sat watching that sweet face—the pale hands, the ,
laboring chest. Her mother, wearied out, had fal
len into a light slumber.
Suddenly, in that dying hour, the old tore of
Sweet Home " rang out, clear, sweet, distinct.—
How can I describe the feeling that thrilled through
all my veins, when looking at the little lips, pale
and trembling, I saw them moving to the cadence
of the cherished melody. There laid a babe, scarce
ly more than a year old, disease upon her, her tem
ples whitening in death, singing a triumphal strain
with a failing breath. No language can tell Low
awful was the scene. She sang it through to the
last note—and her fragile form sank backward.
In the morning they were laying lightly and ten
derly on her limbs the burial shroud.
I heard lately a little story, which for pathos
could not be excelled.
A beautiful infant had been taught to say, (and'
it could say little else) God will take care.ot baby.'
It was seized with sickness, and at a time when
both parents were hardly convalescent from a dan
gerous illness. Every day it grew worse, and at
last was given up to die. Almost agonized, the
mother prayed to be carried into the room of her
- darling, to give it one last embrace. Both parents
succeeded in gaining the apartment, but just as it
. was thought the babe had breathed its last.
The mother wept aloud ; and once more the lit
tle creature opened its eyes, looked lovingly into
her lace—smiled, and moved its little lips.
They bent closer down.
" God will lake care of baby''
, Sweet consoling words!—they had hardly ceased
when the angel-spirit was in Heaven.—Olive Branch.
ilf2bLElVarl a 1,12
OFFICE—Four doors above Strope's Tavern,
East King Street,
Sept 7, 1852
- -
All kinds of Scrivining : Doeds, Mortgages,
Wills, Accounts, &c., executed with
. promptness
and despatch.
Will give special attention to the collection of PEN
SIONB, and the prosecution of Military and
other claims against the General
and State Governments.
;Kr Office in North Queen Street, opposite the
National Hotel. [may 25 I y-IS
Attorney at Law,
. -
Office, Centre Square, EPHRATA—oppos. to
Gross , Hotel,
"[XTHERE he will attend to the practice of
V V profession in all its various branches.
Also Surveying—and all kinds of Conveyancing
writing Deeds, Wills, Mortgages, stating Adminis
trators and Executors' Accounts, &c., with accu
racy and despatch. [April 23, 25043-ly
Office—Three doors below the Lancaster Bank,
South Queen Street, Lancaster, Penn's..
9tr All kinds of 3crivening, such as writing Wills,
Deeds, Mortgages, Accounts, &c., will be attended
to with correctness and despatch.
January 16, 1849 51
ta la 4 \WMILCOLUL.Vf
111 7MT r - JIL"11E.
OFFICE—In Kramph's
Orange and . North queen Streets,
Lancaster, July 3, 1899
Physician and AccOucheur,
Consulting Office in rear of his Drug Store,
Opposite the Franklin House, North
Queen Street, Lancaster.
Oct 19 I y-39
Dr. John McCalla,
BALTIMORE, Feb. 18, 184 e
TOHN McCALLA, D. D. S., atten-
.. ,
and graduated
TWO full courses of Lecture!T, i r ,.>
and graduated with high honors in • 'IMMO
- the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, and from
his untiring energy, close application and study of
the branches taught in said Institution, together
with exhibitions of skill in the practice of his pro.
fession, we feel no hesitation in recommending him
as worthy of public confidence and patronage.
C. A. HANUIS, M. D., D. D. S.,
Professor of Principles and Practice in the Baltimore
College of Dental Surgery.
, C. O. CONE, D. D. S.,
Prof. of Operative and Mechanical Dentistry, Balt
College Dental Surgery.
E. Parmley, M. D., New York.
E. B. Gardette, M. D., Philadelphia.
IS. P. HullihenM. D., Wheeling, Va.
E. Townsend, D. D. S.,Philadelphia.
E. Maynard, M. D., ashington, D. C.
Lancaster, Nov. 12. 42-tt
- - -
PHILIP DEICHLER respectfully notifies his
old customers and the public generafiy, that
lie has removed to the room lately occupies by
William Sayres & Son, in Eramph , e building, N.
Queen street, directly opposite the Post Office,
where he constantly keeps on hand and will manu
facture to order
Boots and Shoes of. every description,
made in the most fashionable styles, and of the
best materials.
He would particularly invite attention to a fine
article of CToth, Leather and Morocco
also to a general assortment of CHILDREN'S
GAITERS of various sizes and colors—all of which
he will sell as cheap as any other establishment in
the city.
He desires the Ladies and Gentlemen of Lancas
ter city and county to give him a call, and judge
for themselves. He has no doubt of hie ability to
render general satisfaction.
0 - REPAIRING of all kinds neatly done at the
bsortest notice. rapril 23-13-If
Pennsylvania Patent Agency.
CONTINUES to execute Perspective and Sec
tionai Drawings, and the proper papers, Caveats
Specifications, &c., and attends promptly to al
business connected with the United States Paten
will save time, trouble and expense by consulting
him, relative to their Inventions and Claims, at his
ollice, two doors South of Lancaster Bank, in the
City of Lancaster. [leb
Attorney at Law, •
OFFEB.B his professional services to the puolic.
He also attends to the collection of Pensions
and the prosecution of all manner of claims agains
the general government. His residence in the cit)
of Washington for several years, the experience
derived from the duties of the office, which he had
filled during that time, and the mode in which claims
of this sort are most speedily adjusted, give the
most ample . assurance that business placed in his
hands will be attended to in such manner as can
not fail to afford satisfaction.
Office in South Queen street, second house below
the Lancaster Bank .
Nov. 20. 1849
New Daguerrean Gallery,
VER Pinkerton & Slaymaker , s Hardware
Store, between Sener l s and Shober's Hotels,
on the same side, in North Queen street, is the
great resort of all the admirers of the very beauti
and Life-like Daguerreotype Likenesses,
which only
can be procured at this Gallery, and we would
therefore say to all who have not yet called upon
them to do so, feeling confident that they will be
I gratified and delighted. sept 14 1510-34
THE subscriber having leased the public house
formerly known as the ADIERICAN House, No.
18 S. Sixth Street, between Market and Chesnut
streets, has changed the name of the same to
begs leave to inform his friends and the public,
that this house has undergone a thorough remodel
ling, repairing, repainting and repapering, from
attic to basement. An entire new outfit of furni
ture, bedding, &c.. &c., has been procured from
the most celebrated Manufacturers in this city.
From the central location, and its close proximi
ty to the Railroad Depots, Steamboat Landings,
places of amusement, fashionable thoroughfares
and public squares, it offers inducements to the
Merchant visiting he city on business, or the
Traveler seeking pleasure. To families and fe
males visiting the city, every facility will be offer
ed, and every comfort regarded to make their visit
agreeable and pleasant.
A share of the public patronage respectfully so
licited. JARED IRVlN,Proprietor. •
JACOB G. LEBO, Superintendent.
aug 31 6m-32.
Mass Meetings!
AGREAT Mass Meeting of the friends of good
Daguerreotype Likenesses ,wil I be held at JOHN
Queen and Orange streets, every day anti) further
No postponement on account of the weather.
Lancaster, Juno 22, 1852. 22-tf
To Physicians throughout the . U
DEEMING it uneecessary to remind any mem
ber of the Medical profession of the estab
lished medical properties of pure Holland Gin, in
many diseases of dropsical tendency, I respectfully
invite your examinationof a very superior article,
manufactured by myself exclusively, at Schiedam,
in Holland, by a process peculiar to my own Fac
tory. It is flavored and medicated, not by the com
mon harsh berry, but by the choice botanical vari
ety of the aromatic Italian Juniper Berry, whose
more vinous extract is distilled and rectified with
its spirituous solvent, and thus becomes a concen
trated tincture, of exquisite flavor and aroma, al
together transcendent, in its cordial and medicinal
sroperties, to any Holland's Gin heretofore known.
Amid the influx of interior distillations with
which !his country is now flooded, physicians find
no difficulty in procuring a good and pure Gin,
which they can prescribe with confidence in its
benefical effects. As an importer of twenty years'
standing, in the City of New York, and possessing
a matured experience in the manufacture of Hol
land Gin especially, I beg to submit to your atten
tion my ' , Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps," as one
which cannot fail to realize your utmost expecta
tion, and I shall be happy to forward to you a bot
tle of it, free of charge, in answer to a letter inti
mating your readiness to accept it.
It is now scarcely one year since 1 have prepared
and distributed my Schiedam Gin exclusively for
medical purposes; yet, within that brief period, I
have received one thousand letters, both from phy
sicians and patients, testifying to its really extraor
dinary efficacy in Gravel, Incipient Dropsy, and af
fections of the Kidneys and Bladder generally. L
have no doubt that it would yeild similar results;
with prec sion and certainty, in your own profes
sional experience. Put up in Pi. and Qt.
with my name upon the bottle, cork and label, with
an essay upon its properties. This article should
be in the hand of every traveller.
No. 22 Beaver street New York.
To Market Men and Gardeners.
PLANTS, for sale in large quantities. Being
extensively engaged in cultivating the above arti
cles in great variety, as field crops ' having sold the
past summer over 300 bushels of Strawberrres and
200 of Raspberries, I am now able to furnish by
the thousand such kinds as experience has proven
to be most profitable for Market, having regard to
hardiness of the plants, the quantity and quality of
the fruit.
Hovey Seedling Strawberry Plants $5 per 1000
Victoria Rhubarb, 20 " 100
Red Prolific Raspberry, 20 " 1000
The above Raspberry is medium sized berry great
and certain bearer and very hardy, and the same
for which I received the highest PREMIUM paid by
the Agricultw al Society "for the most profitably cul
tivated crop in the county of Burlington," yielding
over $2OO per acre net profit.
Catalogues describing many other varieties, and
giving full directions for their proper treatment will
be furnished, gratis, to all post-paid applicants.
Cinnaminson P. 0., Burlington co., N. J.
o. 7th, 1852 . 3m-46
To Caholic Church Members.—
- The subscriber has on hand several sets 'Lives
of the Fathers' Martyrs and other principal Saints,'
by the Rev. Alban Butler, in 4 vols. Bvo. splendid
ly bound in Turkey morocco, gilt edges, 4.c. A
splendid book for a Christmas present. Also a large
and varied assortment of CATHOLIC PRAYER
BOOKS in superb velvet, paper mache, morocco
and other bindings suitable for Holiday gifts, to
which the members and others of the Catholic
Church are invited. .10-Dont forget the place,
North Queen street.
dec. 11-tf 3
NO. & 413 NORTH
A. H. HIRST, Proprietor.
Dec. 31, MO. 49-1 y
Store, 136, 137 North Second Street, Phila
delphia: Dept 112149—SS—ly
Great bargains can now be had at the
rpHi . subscriber would respectfully inform his
I friends and the public in general, that he has
just returned from Philadelphia with the largest
assortment of
Cloths;Cassimeres and Vestings
ever offered in the city of Lancaster.
Also, a large lot ofREADY-MADE CLOTHING, and
everything pertaining to Gentlemen's Wardrobes.
The Clothing I offer for sale are made up in my
own shop by experienced workmen, and under my
own supervision. I therefore feel prepared to oi
ler great bargains in the Clothing line, and to test
this fact I earnestly invite the citizens of the city
and county of Lancaster to give me a call and ex
amine the quality and price of my Goods before
purchasing elsewhere. I will also, as heretofore,
continue to make up all kinds of Clothing accord
ing to order. Those who prefer it can have their
measures taken and garments made up to their own
Always on hand, a large assortment of CLOTHS,
CASSIHERES, VESTIN GS, &c. Also, a fine assort
ment of Shirts, Collars, Cravats, Stocks, Gloves,
Handk'fs, Suspenders, Hosiery, and all kinds of
flannel and knit Undershirts and Drawers, cheap.
- - -
Persons who bring their own goods, can have
them made up at short notice, with the certainty of
a good fit and no disappointment.
I also beg leave to say, that I have secured the
services of Mr. JOSEPH BRIMMER, long and favor
ably known in this county as an experienced cutter.
Mr. B. presents his compliments to his'friends in
the county, and invites them to give him a call.
Don't forget the place—North Queen street, be
tween the National House and Spangleis's Book
Store, West side. That is the place to find the
cheap Clothing Store of WM. HENSLER.
sept 21 tf-35
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Boot and Shoe Store
LT AS been removed to the room lately occupied
1 1 by Mrs. Mary Hull, North Queen street, near
the Railroad, Lancaster, where he is prepared to
do. plain Walking Shoes ' Monroes, Con
Boots and Gaiters. Also all kinds of Heavy
Work, suitable for Country as well as City custom.
All who want a neat fit and easy Boot would do
well to call at J. W. Quinn's new Store.
LADIES'BRANCH.—To the Ladies he would
say that all who want an extra fine Satin Gaiter,
Italian Cloth do., Francais do., fancy colored White
Kid Slippers, French do., Shootees, Jenny Linda,
Jefferson Ties, Buskins, Kid Gaiters, and Morocco
Boots, in all the various styles; and as he in
tends to sell as cheap as any other establishment
in the city, he respectfully solicits their patronage,
assuring all who may patronize him, that no .efforts
will be spared to give general satisfaction, both in
quality and in price.
A large assortment of various colored Gaiters
always on hand. Also children's Shoes of every
escription. Aug. 17—tf-36
Fashionable Chair and Cabinet Maker,
RESPECTFULLY informs his
friends and the people of Lan- -
caster co. generally, that he carries
bn the maufacture of CHAIRS of every description,
and SETTEES, at his stand in South Queen et., the
Mechanics' Institute, and opposite the Fountain
Inn Hotel, kept by Wm. Wright, where he will be
happy to meet hie numerous friends and customers
from the city and county, and where good bargains
can always be had.
He also continues to manufacture Cabinet Furn
iture of every kind, such as Bureaus, Tables, Desks
and tradles. Call and examine his stock of Chairs
and 1 7 uanture.
attended to. 29-13-tf
Iron Foundry & Machine Shop,
West Chesnut Street, between N. Queen and Prince
r HE subscriber announces to the public - tnat he
has lately purchased the above extensive Es
tablishment, where he is now prepared to do work
of every description in his line, such asQ i.
Shafting, Gearing, Mill and Saw Mill Work, Slzdes,
Hand Lathes, Car Wheels, and Aexls ¢ Castings
of all descriptions, done at the Foundry at
the shortest notice,
His assortment of patterns are not surpassed by
any establishment in the State, he is therefore
enabled to do work at the shortest notice and, at
reduced prices.
STOVES of every description manufactured and
for sale wholesale and retail.
IRON RAILING for Yards, Cemetries, &c.—
Cast or Wrought Iron, made and put up with neat
ness and dispatch.
All work warranted.
The machine Shop will be under the control.and
management of J. & D. Fellembaum, , experiericed
machinists. C. KIEFFER, Proprieto .
May 6, 1851. 15-tf
Patent Tailor, Barber & Lathes Sheers &Scissor
*~~ ~ -
~'~ ~)
Also on Hand the following Articles
Wade & Butcher's celebratep Razors,
12 varieties,
Greaves & Son , e 2 do
Thomas Tilotson's 8 do
Jos. Rodgers & Son's 6 do
ostenholm & Son's 6 no
Joseph Eliot's 12 do
Joseph Rodgers & Son's Pen and
Pocket Knives,
G. Wostenholm & Son's do
W & S Butcher , :
Thos Turner's
Wilson Hawaesworth
Moss & Elison's do
Thomas Tilotson , s do
Fine Bowie Knives, Fine Hunting
do. Fine Dirk db. Fine Fly-open
Dirks, Fine large far-west Knives,
Fine Sportsmen's do. Fine Pruning
do. Fine Sheath Dirks.
Ivory-handle Knives and Forks.
Self-tip do do
Ebony do do Stag-hand Knives 4-
Cocoa do do
White Bone•handle Knives and Forks •
Scored Bone do Sham Buck do
Pressed Horn do Wood do
Also a great variety of American Table Knives
and Forks, Cook-knives, Butcher-knives, Carvers,
Beef Slicers ' 4.c.
Bacon 4- Co's Revolvers ' Allen's six-barrel Rev
volvers, fine English pistols, fine and common Ger
man pistols. Also powder flasks, shot pouches 4-
belts, game bags, 4.c.
Tea trays from S to 30 inches.
Tea trays, gothic, from 8 to 30 inches.
Silver-plated tea and table spoons, table and de
sert forks. Waiters, gothic, from 8 to 30 inches.
Tea bells, corkscrews, britannia tea and table
A large assortment of Accordeons and Fancy
Guns! Guns!
. .
Also a large assortment of English and German
Guns, consisting of Fine Trist Double and Single
barrrelled—selling very low.
Also sharpening, polishing and repairing of
shears, scissors, knives, razors and instruments,
at his Cutlery store, No. 35, North Queen street,
one-half a square south of the Railroad, Lancaster
city. toot 1.5! 6m-38
Premium Lasts and Shoe Makers
SHOE makers please take notice that M. H.
LOC FIER, has received the lot Premium for
Lasts and Shoe Makers Tools at the State Fair.—
A. large and complete assortment of the above ar
ticles always on hand which will be warranted to
tax° the premium at any Fair, at the Sign of the
Last, a few doors west of Steiman , s Hardware
store, an immediately opposite Co H. LO CH oper's Hotel.
nov 23 d
tf-44) M. ER.
• rbens' Cheap Clothing Store,
No. 35, North Queen st., one Square from the Court
House, east side, Lancaster, Pa.
THE proprietors of this popular and extensive
manufactory of Ready Made Clothing, beg leave
to announce that they have now on hand the lar
gest, most varied and elegant assortment of
ever offered in this city, to which they invite the
attention of the public, confident that in style and
finish it cannot be excelled. The' clothing sold at
this establishment is all ofour own make and there
fore, can be safely recommended to give entire
Our stock consists in part or the following, viz :
- - -
In' this department we have a mignificant assort
ment of black, blue and fancy colors, cut in the
latest fashions, tastefully and elegantly trimmed,
and made in a superior manner.
Of Cloths; Cassimeres and Tweeds, all of new style
and at very low prices.
Of black, brown, blue and drab beaver felt, pilot
and flushing clothe.
A very large assortment of behver, felt, pilot,
saiineft and green baize
The richest and most beautiful assortment ever
offered, of Satin, black and randy Silks, Merino,
Valentia, Italian cloth, Sattinett, double and single
breasted of every variety of mattirial and pattern
• •
Of plain and fancy Cassimeres, Doe skin, Satinett
Jeans and velvet cord, in endleiis variety. Under
Shirts and Drawers, of silk, fine knit wool, merino,
lambs' wool, canton, red, white {and grey flannel.
Also, heavy ribbed wool and cotton under shirts
and drawers
We have by far the largest assortment in the
city, consisting 01 Boys and Youtivssack frock and
body coats, over coats, pants and vests of all sizes,
qualities and tit'very low priceil, These articles
are made with neatness and care and far superior
to those ordinarily offered.
Fine white shirts o linen ,and cotton, of newest
styles and best make, fancy, check, hickory and
blue striped shirts of every kind'}
Also, collars, double and three-ply, shame, cra
vats, hdkfs., suspenders, gloves, hosiery and
A very large and choice assoiltment of French,
English, and American Cloth. Cassimeres and V es
tings; aleo, satinetts, pilots heaver, tweeds, jeans
and cords of every shade and style, which will be
made up 'to order at the shortest notice and in the
We therefore confidently invite those who prefer
having their clothes made to measure to give tie a
call, feeling confident that the quality and variety
of our goods will please the most fastidious, and
the extreme cheapness satisfy the most rigid econ-
Persons who bring their own goods can have
them made up at short notice, 'with the certainty
of a good fit and no disappobtment.
United States Clothing Store, sign of the
Striped Coat, No. 35, North Queen street
East side, near Orange. sepf2S-tf-36
Walnut Hall, North Queen st., between Shober's
Hotel and the Bee Hive Dry Goods Store,
wOULD call the attention of their friends and
customers, and the public generally, to their
complete and well selected stock, from which they
can be accommodated upon the' most reasonable
terms, with anything that may be required in their
line of business.
Their Stock consists in part of the following,
Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, and Ready Made
Clothing, of every description; Plain and Twilled
Cloths, English and French , Plain and. Doe Skin
Cassimeres, Fancy do. Stripes and Bars; Black.
Satin and Fancy Silk and Woollen Vestings.
such as Over Coats, Sacks, Dress, and Frock Coats,
Fancy Business Coats, Pants and Vests of the most
fashionable and approved styles.
A splendid assortment of Shirts, Shams, Collars,
Black and Fancy Cravats, Stocks, Gloves, H'dkfs.
Susrtenders,Hosiery, and all kinds of Flannel, Me
rino cotton and Knit, under Shirts and Drawers.
They call attention to their stock, hoping to
merit a share of public patronage, feeling assured
that from the promptness with which they will sup
ply the wants of their customers, the cheapness of
their articles, the durability, and fit of their work,
will render entire satisfaction! to all who may favor
them with a call.
. To be convinced that the above is a fact, we in
vite the public to call and examine for themselves.
Walnut Hall. BRYAN & SHINDEL.
If Coat or Pants you want to fit,
And on your person neat to set;
Such wants we promise io supply,
And suit both pocket and the eye.
Come one, come all, come short and tall,
We kindly ask attention;
There's everything at Walnut Hall,
In our line, you mention.
Cloths, Cassimeres, and/Pestings too,
Bought low, and well selected,
Of every style and every hue,
By fashion not rejected:
Then once again we bid you call,
Your trouble will repay;
By Profits small at Walnut Hall,
The attraction of the day
aug 24 tf-3S]
Confectionary and Fruit Store,.
No. 6, East King Street, Lancaster. Pa,
THE subscriber takes this opportunity of re
turning his sincere thanks to a kind and gen
erous public, for the liberill patronage bestowed
upon him, and hopes to receive a' continuance of
the same, and notifies his friends that he is now
prepared to furnish all orders in his line of busi
ness for the approaching; HOLIDAYS. His long
experience , as a practical Confectioner guarrantees
for the public a certainty that all orders received
by him will be attended' too with despatch, and
that they will be done (and well done) in the best
manner. Slum. CAKES of every kind and style
baked later at the shortest' ' notice, and warranted
good. LARGE CAKES, such as Pound, Sponge,
Fruit, Lady, Delicate DeVer and Christmas, 4-c.,
&c., baked and ornamented (suitable for , wedding
and evening parties) in a style which he defies
competition. Also, Flower Vases and Baskets,
Pyramids, &c., executed in the best manner of
fruit, and at shortest notice. CANDIES of all kinds,
Common and Fancy Sugkr Almonds, French Se
crets, Rose Almonds, &c., manufactured to order
at the shortest notice. and warranted to keep in
any climate. SUGAR Toys of all kinds. Enna,
such as Raisins, Figs, Probes, Dates, Oranges, Le
mons. Citron, Currants, & c., with Almonds, Fil
berts, Cream Nuts, 4-c., tic., and in fact every ar
t tticle appertaining to Confectionary, can be had
here, wholesale and retail, at the lowest cash
prices. Don't forget the pIace—SAMUEL HEN
SLER'S (Keifer's) Old Stand, N 0.6, East King et.,
Nov 16—tt-43 Lancaster, Pa.
I ,
,' . I's.
—...... s i
Encourage B LIND o Mechanics
VENITIAN BLINDS ;of the most beautiful pat
tern and finish, are Manufactured at the estab
lishment of the undelsigned, whose shop can be,
found immediately in the rear of Vankanan's(forrn
erly Schofield's) hotel. j
The blinds are made of wood of the smoothest
and most durable quality, and at short order and
moderate prices. The subscriber having had con
siderable experience in the manufacture of Venitian
Blinds, the people of this city and county can de
pend upon having 4y vitirk they may order, exe
cuted with despatch and in a workmanlike manner.
A variety of handsome blinds are on hand for the
inspection of the publiM'
Old blinds repaired and trimmed, to look equal
to new. 1 GEORGE FLICK.
NO. 121 CHESNUT St., Between 3d & 4th at,
BOARDING $l,OO 4.a. DKr.
(may 14, 1850-Iy-16
Entered according to Act of
1851, by J. S. HOUGHTON
Office of the District Cour.
trict of Pennsylvania.
Another Scienti
c Wonder!
Dn. Z_ IOU
, w ,:,-. v . = -- 1 ~,, r;•- - )."`t
t 1 4f r A c l . sa• ' pl
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3; ‘\--__=:rll—,----:.r---: , ta.h.
..,,-,..,-,.--_:---,-.i.,..., I.A ----- ----
The True Digestive Fluid or Gastric Juice
PREPARED from Renn t, or the fourth Stom
ach of the Ox, after direct ons of BARON LIEBIG:
the great PhysiologiCal Che ist, by J. S. Houph
ton, M. D., Philadelphia, Pa
This is a truly wonderful r.rnedy for Indigestion,
Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver omplsint, Constipa
tion, and Debility, curing after Nature's own
method, by Nature's own A _ent, the Gastric Juice.
Half a teaspoonful of Pe.sin, infused in water,
will digest or dissolve, Five • ounds of Roast Beet
in about two hours, out of t e stomach.
PEPSIN is the chief eleme t, or Great Digesting
Principle of the Gastric Jui e—the solvent of the
food, the purifying, preser ing and stimulating
agent of the stomach and int vines. It is extracted
from the digestive stomach if the Ox, thus form
ing an Artificial Digestive F uid, precisely like the
natural Gastric Juice in its hemical powers ' and
furnishing a complete and p rlect substitute for it
By.the aid of this preparathn, the pains and evils
of Indigestion and Dyspepsi. are removed, just as
they would be by a healthy stomach. It is doing
wonders for dyspeptics, cu ing cases of Debilitfi,
Emaciation, Nervous Decli e, and Dyspeptic Con
sumption, supposed to be o the verge of the grave
The scientific evidence up n which it is based, is
in the highest degree cuticle and remarkable.
Baron Liebig in his celebrated work on Anima
Chemistry, says: ''An artificial Digestive Fluid,
analogous io the Gastric Juice, nay be readily
prepargd from the mucous membrane of the stom
ach of the calf, in which various articles of food,
as meal and eggs, will be softened, changed, and
digested, just, in le same manner as they would
be in the human stomach.: •
Dr. Pereira, in his famous treatise on " Food mid
Diet," published by Fowler & Wells, New York,
page 35, states the same great fact, and describes,
the method of preparation. There are few higher
authorities than Dr. Pereira.
Dr. Combe, in his valuable writings on the
" Physiology of Digestion," observes that "a dim
inution of tile due quantny of the Gastric Juice is
a prominent and all-prevailing cause of Dyspepsia ! "
and he states that "a distinguished professor of
medicine in London. who was severely !acted
with this complaint, finding everything else to tail,
had recourse to the Gastric Juice, obtained from
die stomach of living animals, which proved com
pletely succes.sfull."
Dr. Graham, author of the famous works on
"Vegetable Diet," says : It is a remarkable fact
in physiology, that the stomachs of animals, mace
rated in water, impart to the fluid the property of
dissolving va. ions articles of food, and of effeei mg
a kind of artificial digestion of them is nowise
diffrfeent melt the natural digestive procrss."
Dr. HOUGHTON'S PEPSIN has produced the
roost marvellous effects,in curing cases of Debility,
Emaciation, Nervous Deelitic, and Dyspeptic
Consumption. It is impossible to give the details
of cases in the litnits of this advertisement ; but
authenticated cernticatt s have been given of more
than Two Hundred Remarkable Cures, in Pnila
dolphin, New York and Boston alone.
were nearly all desperate cases, and the cures were
not only rapid and wonderful, but permanent.
It is a great Nervous Aoidote, and particularly
useful for tendency to Billions disorder, Liver
Complaint, Fever and Ague, or badly treated Fever
and Ague, and the evil effects of 'Quinine, Aler•
cury and other drugs . upon the Digestive Organs,
after a long - .sickness. Also, for excess in eattne
and the too free use of ardent s•pirits. It almost
reconciles health with intemprance.
There is no form of Old Stomach Complaint:
which it does not seem to reach and remove re
once. No matter how bad illey may be, it giver
instant relief! A single dose removes all the um
pleasant symptoms; and it only needs to be repeated
short for a time to make these good effects perma
nent. Purity of Blood and Vigor of Body follow at
once: D. is particularly excellent in cases of Nausea,
Vomitin g , Cramps, Soreness of the pit of the
Stomach, distress after eating, low, cold state of
the Wood, Heaviness, Lowness ut Spirits, Des
pondency, Emaciation, Weakness, tendency to
Insanity, Suicide. &c.
Dr. HOUGHTON'S PEPSIN is sold by nearly
all the dealers in fine drugs and Popular :Medicines,
throughout the United States. It is prepared in
Powder and in Fluid form—and in prescription
vtals for the use of Physicians.
PRIVATE CIRCULARS for the use of Physicians,
may be obtained of Dr. Houghton or his Agents,
describing ihe . whole process of preparation, and
giving the authorities upon which the clarn•of this
new remedy are based.. As it Is set a secret remedy
no objection can be raised against its use by Phy•
siciatts in respectable standing and regular practice.
Price One DOLLAR per bottle.
1:16 BSE RV El Tuts I—Every bottle of the
genuine PEPSIN bears the written signature of
J. S. I LOUGHTO N, M. D., sole proprietor, Phil.
adelphta, Pa. Copyright and Trade Mark secured.
Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in ;Medicines.
For sale in Lancaster by
No. 1, Kramph's Arcade, N. E• cor. North Qpeen
and Orange Ste , one door cast of Kramph's Clo
thing Stoic, Lancaster. pep 16 341 y)
Doc?rt Yourself,
PRIVATELY, for 25 cents,
by meals of the POCKET
thirty-sixth Edition, with one
hundred engravings, showing
Private Diseases and Mort&
cations of the Generative Sys
tem, in every shape and form;
to which is added a Treatise
on the diseases of Females,
intended fur the use of fe-
190,) being of the. highest im•
portance- to married people, or those contempla
ting marriage. By WM. YOUNG, M.D., Graduate
of the University of Pennsylvania, Member of the
Royal College of Surgeons, London; and Honora
ry Member of the Philadelphia Medical Society.—
The various forms of Secret Diseases, Seminal
Weakness, Diseases of the Prostrate Gland, Impo
tency, solitary habits of youth are faithfully descri
bed, and all the recipes given in plain language.--
The chapter on self-abuse and Seminal Weakness
is worthy of particular attention and should be read
by every one. Young men whorhave been unfor
tunate in contracting disease, Obvious to placing
yourselves under the care of any doctor, no matter
what his pretensions may be, get a copy of this
truly useful work.
Sea Captains and persons'going to Sea, should
possess Dr. Young's Treatise on Marriage, the
Pocket JEculapius, or Every One His Own Physi
{Let no father be ashamed to present a copy
of the /Esculapius to his child. It may save him
from an early grave. Let no young man or woman
enter into the secret obligations of married life,
without reading the Pocket /Esculapius. Let no
one suffering from a liacknied cough, pain in the
side, restless nights, nervous feelings, and the
whole train of Dyspeptic sensations, and given up
by their physician, be another moment without con
sulting the tEseulapius. Have the married or those
about to be married any impediment, read this tru
ly useful Book, as it has been the means of saving
thousands of unfortunate creatures from the jaws
of death. Upwards of a MILLION copies of this
celebrated work has been sold in this country and
Europesince 1833, when the firstedition was issued.
OnrAny person sending TWENTY-FIVE CENTS
enclosed in a letter, will receive one copy . of this
book by mail; or five copies will The sent for one
dollar. Address "Dr. WM. YOUNG, No. 152
Spruee.street, Philadelphia," Post-paid.
Twenty years practice in the city of Philadelphia
certainly entitles Dr. Young to the confidence of
the afflicted, and he may be consulted on any of the
diseases described in his different publications, at
his office ' 152 Spruce street, every day between 9
and 3 otclock, (Sundays excepted) and persons at
any distance can consult Dr. You g, by letter
post-paid. [June 15, 1852-21-1 y
_ _ .
a n isht t
ee l )
rc e ni year eDr
WHERE may be obtained the MOST SPEE
GOnorrhcea, Gleets, Strictures, Seminal Weak
ness, Loss of Organic Power, Pain in the Loins,
Disease of the Kidneys, Affections of the Head,
Throat, Nose and Skin, Constitutional Debility,
and all those horrid affections arising from a Cer
tain Secret Habit of Youth, winch blight their
most brilliant hopes or anticipations, rendering
Marriage, etc., impossible. A cure warranted o
no charge
especially, who have become the victims of Solitary
Vices, that dreadful and destructive habit which
annually sweep to an untimely grave thousands o
young men of the most exalted talents and brilliant
intellect, who might otherwise have entranced lis
tening Senates with the thunders of eloquence, or
waked to ecstacy . the living lyre, may call with
full confidence.
Married persons, or those contemplating mar
riagre being aware of physical weakness, should
immediately consult Dr. J. and be restored to per
fect health.
OFFICE, N 0.7, South FREDERICK Street,
BALTIMORE, Md., on the left hand side, going
from Baltimore street 7 doom from the corner.—
Be particular is observing the name and number or
you will mistake the place.
Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Lon
don, Graduate from one of the most eminent Col
leges of the United States and the greater part o
whose life has been spent in the Hospitals of Lon
don, Parts, Philadelphia, and elsewhere, has affect
ed some of the most astonishing cures that were
ever known. Many troubled with ringing in the
ears and head when asleep,great nervousness, being
alarmed at sudden sounds, and bashfulness, with
frequent blushing, attended, sometimes, with de
rangement of mind. were cured immediately.
Dr. J. addresses all those who have injured
themselves by private and improper indudgencies,
that secret and solitary habits, which ruin both
body and mind, unfitting them for either business
or society:
These are some of the sad and melancholy ef
fects produced by early habits of youth, viz:
Weakness of the back and limbs, Pains in the head,
Dimness of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Pal
pitation of the Heart, Dyspepsia, Nervous Irrita
bility, Derangement oh the Digestive Functions,
General Debility, Symptoms of Consumption, &c.
i llentally.—The fearful effects on the mind are
much to be dreaded: Loss of Memory, Confusion
of Ideas, Depression of Spirits, Evil of Forebo
ding, Aversion of Society, Self Distrust, Love of
Solitude, &c. are some of the evils pro
Weakness of the system, Nervous Debility and
premature decay generally arisen !rain the destruct
ive halm of youth, that solitary praence so fatal to
the healthful existence of man, and it is the young
who are the most apt to become its Victims from
an ignorance of the dangers to which they subject
themselves. Parents and Guardians are often mis
led with respect to ;he cause or source of disease
in their sous and wards. Alas'. how often do they
ascribe to other causes the wasting of the frame,
Palpitation of the Ilea „ Dyspepsia, Indigestion,
Derangement of the Nervous System, Cough and
Symptoms of Consumption, also those serious
Mental effects, such as hiss of Memory, Depres
sion of Spirits or peculiar fits of Melancholy, when
the truth is they ha, t I -co o.osed by indulging
Pernicious but alluring r.) ..des, destructive to
both Body and Mind. 't hits arc swept from ex
istence thousands who might have been of use to
their country, a pleasure to their friends, On orna
ment to society.
immediately cured and full vigor restored.
Oh, how happy have hundreds of misguided
youths been made, who have been suddenly resto
red to health from the devastations of those terrific
maladies which result Irom indiscretion. Such
persons, before contemplating
shoulu reflect that a sound mind and body are the
most necessary requisites to promote connubial
happiness: Indeed, without this, the journey thro'
life becomes a weary pilgrimage ; the prospect
hourly darkens to the view ; the mind becomes
shadowed with despair, and filled with the melan
choly reflection that the happiness of another be
comes blighted with our own. Let no false delica
cy prevent you, but apply immediately.
Ile who places himself under the care of Dr
JOHNSTON, may religiously confide in his hon
or as a Gentleman, and confidently rely upon his
skill as a Physician
The many thousands cured at this 'M4IIIIOOII
Within the last ten years, and the numerous im
portant Surgical Operations performed by Dr. J.,
witnessed by the Reporters of the papers and ma
ny other persons, notices of which have appeared
again and higain before the public, is a sufficient
guarantee that the afflicted will find a skilful and
honorable physician.
N. B_—`hurt the numerous pretenders who call
themselves Physicians, and apply to DR. JOHN
STON. Be not enticed from this office.
june 1.1852
MAirs gnilicent Work of History.--
A whole Library in itsel f ! Cost $11,000.-
1207 Pages- 1 0 Maps-700 Engravings. Now
ready and for sale by subscription, a HISTORY OF
ALL NATIONS, from the earliest periods to the
present time; or, Universal History; in which the
History of every Nation, Ancient and Modern, is
separately given. By S. G. GOODRICH, Consul to
Paris, and Author of several works of History,
"Peter Parley's Tales," etc, It contains 1207 pa
ges, royal octavo, and is illustrated by 70 Maps
and 700 Engravings, bound in Turkey morocco.
irrlnvariable retail price $6,00 in one volume;
$7,00 in two volumes...4l
It is believed that the above work by Mr. Good
rich will be very acceptable to the American pnblic
It is the result of years of toil and labor, assisted
in his researches by several Scholars of known
ability, and has been gotten up at a great expense
by the proprietors. No pains have been spared in
the execution of the Illustrations and Maps, which
are entirely new, prepared by the distingushed au
thor expressly for the work. Indeed, all the other
historical writings of Mr. Goodrich sink into insig
nificance, when compared with this, the result of
his maturer years. We sincerely believe that One
Hundred Dollars could not purchase the same mat
ter in any other shape; and the publishers confid
dently expect that in consideration of the great lit
erary value of the work, the large sum expended
in preparing it for the Press, and the exceedingly
moderate price at whore it is offered, that it will be
favorably received by the American public.
'File work will not be offered for sale in Hook
Stores, but will he sold by canvassing agents in ev
ery county in the several States, to whom the:ex
clusive right is given by the publishers.
Lancaster city, Pa.
NO. 50.
Sole Publishers, Auburn, N. Y
ACard. --To subscribers for Goodrich's
Great Work, the ( History of all Nations."
Many of our agents having been told, when solici
ting subscribers that this last and greatest work of
Mr. Goodrich would soon be sold in book stores,
and at a reduced price, we hereby give public no
tice, that as perpetual and sole publishers of the
work, we say positively and determinedly, that it
will be sold at the uniform retail price, and by can
vassing agents only, who have, the sole right ul sale
in their respective counties, authorized by iis ; and
that the work will never be sold in the Bookstores,
at any price.
The work is entirely newbrought down to 1850
—and has not been offered in book form until
within a few months. The demand is now so great
that it IS difficult to keep up the supply. Many of
our first scholars, divines and gentlemen, who have
examined the work, have given it their unqualified
approbation and commendation, which it richly de
serves, as it is the fruit of years of labor of the
distinguished author, and upwards of $lO,OOO cost
to its proprietors—"and is offered at the moderate
price of Six Dollars.
Sole publishers, Auburn, N. Y.
No. 144 North Second Street, 5 doors below 4rew,
west side, Philadelphia.
Aug. 10-17-29 Successors to G. A. Yocum.
JOS PRINTING nevi) , and expediciouely axe
cuted at this Office