Lancaster intelligencer. (Lancaster [Pa.]) 1847-1922, December 14, 1852, Image 3

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    Thousands of parents who use v iVermifuge com
posed of Castor Oil, Calomel, 4 , e., are not aware,
that while they appear to benefit the patient, they
are actually laying the foundatioh tor a series of
diseases, such as salivation, loss of sight, weakness
of limbs, 4 , c. •
In an other column will be foaled the advertisement
of Hobensack's Medicines, to which we ask the at
tention of all directly interested in their own as
well as • their Children's health. In Liver Com
plaints and all disorders arising from those of a bil
lions type, should make use of the only 'genuine
medicine; Hobensack's Liver Pills.
fitr" Sp not deceived," but ask for Hobensack's
Worm Syrup and Liver Pills, and observe that
each has the signature of the Proprietor, J. N. HO
BENSACK, as nono else are genuine.
Oxygenated Bitters give a healthy tone to the stom
ach and, digestive system, and act as the surest pre
servative against Fever and Ague, as well as other
infectious diseases, by using a small dose of one or
two teaspoonfuls every day, the system is fortified
against attacks of these diseases.
No prudent man, acquainted with the virtues o.
these Bitters, would presume to travel without them -
Certificates have been receivedrfrom H0n..1. T.
Morehead, U. S. Senator, and formerly Governor
of Kentucky.
Hon. Wm. Woodbridge, U. S. Senator and for
merly Governor of Michigan. •
Hon. Geo. W. Jones, Surveyor-General of lowa.
Hon. M. L. Martin, Delegate in Congress from
Wisconsin Territory.
C. C. Towbridge, Esq., President Michigan State
Bank ; and many other distinguished citizens of the
United States, as may be seen in the pamphlets to
be had of the agents gratis.
REED' BATES & AUSTIS, Wholesale Druggists,
No. 26, Merchants' Row, Boston, General Agents.
Price $1 per bottle; six bottles for $5.
'For sale by JOHN F. LONG,
North Queen street,Lancastcr.
On the 7th inst., by the . Rev. J. J. Strine, Benja
min Dietrich: to Betty Barr, both of Manor.
By the same, Mathias Brinserof Londerry, Dau
phin co., to Rosetta Weaver of f W. Donegal.
Dec. 2d, by Rev. J. S. Cook, Henry B. Stone, of
Manic twp., to Miss Mary Ann Herr, of Drumore.
By J, C. Baker, Michael Horst to Miss Maria
Wenger, both of West Earl twp.
By the same, Henry Lawvill to Miss Mary Eliz
abeth Zecher, both of this city.
By the same, Henry Humphreyville to Mrs.
Matilda Protzman, both of this city.
By the same, Jacob McCarty to Mrs. Mary Ann
Frehneyer, both of New Holland.
By Rev. J. J. Strind, Israel Nestelrode to Miss
Eliza H. Herr, both of Manor twp.
By the 'name, Jacob Frailich to Miss Leah Wea
ver, both of Strasburg.
In Philadelphia, by Rev. E. W. Huller ' Levi B.
Johns to Miss Rosanna Garber, both of Lencock,
this co.
On the let of November, in Upper Allen town
ship, Cumberland co., at the house of her nephew,
Col. Lewis Hyer, Miss Elizabeth flyer, aged 69
years. '
At her residence, in Penn twp., this county, on
Sunday 21st ult., Rebecti.a Bomberger, wife of John
Bomberger, and daughter of the late John Eby,
deed., late of " Willow Bank," Elizabeth twp, aged
48 years and 11 months. •
In Lancaster township, on the Bth ult., Mr.
Christian Bossier, aged 37 years, 6 months and 20
At her residence, in Strasburg, on Thursday,
the 2d inst., Mrs. Margaret S. Warren, aged 64
years and 3 months.
At Columbia, on the 24th ult., Clara Maria, eld
est daughter of Charles and Nancy W. Grove, aged
5 years, 10 months and 13 days.
In Lewistown, on the 24th ult., Charles W.
Wolfkicl, of this city. aged 22 years, 6 months and
6 days.
At his residence, in Virginia, on the Bth ult.,
James Boyd, formerly of Salisbury twp., Lancaster
At Paradise, on Monday, the 412 d ult., David
Kendrick, son of A. K. Witmer, in the 9th year
of his age.
The Markets.
COLUMBIA, Saturday, Dec. 11, 1653.
Inferior Cull Boards and Grub Piank, fil9 00
Culling , 12 00
Rd Common
Ist Common
II emlock Boards and Scantlings,
Panel .
Pine Scantling,
Plaster Lath,
Flour.—The Flour market is quiet. Sales of
1200 brls. mixed brands for shipment at $5 per brl.,
which is a decline. Most holders are firm at $5,-
12h. Ryc Flour is steady at $4,25. lor 200 brls.
Pennsylvania Corn Meal sold at $3,50 per brl. •
Grain.—There is a good demand for wheat—Sal
3000 bu. prime old Pennsylvania white sold at 01,-
18 per bu., afloat. A sale of Rye at 05 cts. Corn
is in better demand. Sales of 6000 bu. prime dry
now Southern yellow at 64a65 cts., and damp par
cels at loWet rates. Oats are in steady demand
-3000 bu.Tennsylvania sold at 64 cts. per bu.—Sun.
offerings of live stock for the week were about
1600 Beeves, 1200 Hogs; and 150 Cows.
Prices.—Beeves are selling from 6,50 to SS,OO
per 100 lbs., according to quality..
Hogs. All sold at 7,25 to $8.25 per 100 lbs.
disposed of arl - 2 to S3S each
Sheep anti Lamb?! —The former from 2,50 to
$4,50; the latter from 2,00 to $3,00 according to
BALTIMOEq, Dec. 11, 1552
Flour.—The market to-day for Howard Street
Flour ruled dull. Sales yesterday afternoon of 200
brie. at $4,934. Sales to-day of 400 brie. at $5.
Grain.—Sales of Wheat to-day at 103a106 cts.
for good to prime reds, and 106a112 cts. for whites.
Corn had declined. Sales of white at 54a56 cents,
and of yellow at 58a60 cts. Rye is worth SOaS2
as. for Maryland and Virginia. Sales of Oats at
35a40 eta.
Whiskey.—The demand is less active. Sales of
brls. to-day at 28 cts., which price is sustained
with difftculty.—Americ an.
Consecration Solemnities.—The lec
ture room of the firsfGerman Reformed Chnrch
will be consecrated to the Sacred use for which it
is designed, on next Sabbath, the 19th inst.
There, will be German Service at . 10i o'clock
A. M. by the Pastor. Exercise with the Sabbath at
2 o'clock P.M. At 3 o'clock Engiish Service by
the N. A. Keyes. In the evening, English servi
ces by the Rev. J. C. Baker D. D. [dec.l4tl-47
Military Dleoling.—A meeting. of the
members of the Lancaster Light Infantry and
of ail others, ildsirous of forming a new Volunteer
Company, will be held in the 3d story room of Ful
ton Hall, on Friday evening the 17th inst., at 7
o'clock, P. M. Punctual attendance is requested.
dec. 14 tf-47] By order of the Committee.
Dr. J. Mairs McAIIister,HOMOE
Duke Street, Lancaster, a few doors below Chest
Office howl! : from 6 to 9 A. M., and from 5 to 10
P 151. Dec 14 ly-47
Turnpike Election.—An Election will
be held on Monday, tlip third day of January
next, at the house of Henry Shaffner, Mountjoy,
between ',the hours of 10 and 12 o'clock. for a Pres
ident, ten Managers and a Treasurer, of the Lan
caster, Elizabethtown and Middletown Turnpike
Road. J. M. LONG, Treasurer.
dec. 14. 47-tf. .
IN THE MATTER. of .the intended application of
DAVID SNAVELY, to the ('ourt of Quarter Scs
sions,'at January term, 1853, for a license to
keep a tavern in Martic township, in Lancaster
county, it being an old stand.
Wa, the undersigned citizens of Martic township,
where said inn or tavern: is,proposed to be kept, do
certify, that the said inn 'or tavern is necessary to
accommodate the public and entertain strangers and
travellers, and that wis alite well acquainted with
the saici'David Snavely, and that he is of good re
pate for' honesty and temperance, and is well pro•
vided with house room and conveniences for the
. accommodation of strangers and travellers.
Abraham Miller, Frederick Sourbeer, Samuel
Hart, Hiram Watson, Christian Brenneman,lsaac
Herr, Daniel Brenneman, Henry Al'Cann, homas
Robinson,, George Martin, Eli McErdle, David
Laird, Henry Rush. tdec 14 tf-47
IN THE MATTER of the intended application of
MICHAEL MCGIIANN, to the Court of Quarter
Sessions, at January term, 1853, for license to
keep a tavern in the N. W. Ward, in the City of
Lancaster, it being an old stand 4
WE, the undersigned citizens of the N. W. Ward,
where said inn or tavern is proposed to be kept, do
certify, that the said inn or tavern is necessary to
accommodate the public and entertain strangers
and travellers, and that we are well acquainted
with the said Michael McGrann, and that he is of
good repute for honesty and temperance, and is
well provided with house room and conveniences
for the accommodation of strangers and travellers.
Jacob Myers, H. A. Wade, R. Buchmeller, Geo.
Bryan, David Reese, Andrew Bear, Robert Mod
erwell, Samson Resh, Samuel Shearer, H. Buick
ensderfer, Jacob eruel, John Swill, H. C. Wentz.
dna 14 Bt-47
ilotice.—The members of the Intercourse
Association ' for the detection of Horse
Thieves, are requested to attend the annual meet=
ing to be held at the pubic house of Henry Hess,
in the village of Intercourse, on Saturday the
Ist day of January, 1853, between the hours of 2
and 5 o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of electing
officers for the waning year, and also for the pay
ment of the annual contribution. Punctual attend
ance is requested.
dec 14 2t-49.1 JOHN SELDOMRIDGE.
Division 01 Martic Township:-
The undersigned, appointed Commissioners
by the Court of Quarter Sessions of Lancaster co.,
to view and report upon the proposed division line
of Martic township, hereby give notice, that they
will meet for the purposes of their appointment on
Thursday, the ?Oth day of December, 1852, at 10
o'clock in the forenoon, at the public house of John
Wilson, in the village of Marticville, when and
where all persons interested may attend af they
think proper. JACOB B. GARBER,
dec 14-2t-47 JOSEPH BALLANCE.
The Commonwealth of Penn
sylvania, to JOHN WITHERS, Jr., and AUGUS
TUS WITHERS, and every and all person or per
sons claiming by from or under them or any of
them, and all persons interested in the premises,
Greeting: . .
We command and firmly enjoin you that laying,
aside all business whatever, you be and appear be
fore the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas for
the county of Lancaster, at a court to be held at
Lancaster, on the Third Monday in January next,
(1853) to show cause, if any you have, why the
witnesses on behalf of Jacob Frantz and Jacob
Eshleman, Executors of the last will and test I
meat of Jacob Eshleman, deceased, on their bill or
petition to perpetuate testimony before our said
Court, duly exhibited should not be examined, and
their testimony reduced to writing and filed of re
cord in ;Sur said Court, in order to perpetuate the
same agreeably to the constitution of our govern
ment and the act of assembly in such cases made
and provided.
Witness the Hon. HENRY G. LONG, President
of our said Court, at Lancaster, the twenty-seventh
day of November, in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and fifty-two.
• dec 14-4t-47 J. BOWMAN. for Protloy..
. 11 A iIIONTIEL—Agents wanted, ia eve
cry county of the State and Union, to sell
OF AMERICA, just published, being a description
DI one hundred of the principal Cities and Large
Towns of the United States, giving the population
of the greater portion of them fbr the past 50 years;
the principal Railroad and Steamboat Routes and
distances throughout the United States; 15 beauti
fully colored Maps; a :Map of the Hudson River
and Hudson River Railroad ; Map of the U. States
and each of the following cities, viz : New York,
Philadelphia, Boston, Washington, Baltimore,
cinnati, New Orleans,
St. Louis,Pittsburg.Buffalo,
Chicago, Milwaultie, San Francisco.
The work is also xtmbellished with numerous En
gravings, among which is a bird's eye view of the
Commercial Metropolis of the Union; View of De
troit, American Crystal Palace, United States Cap
itol, Senate Chamber, House of Representatives,
The maps constitute an atlas of cities?. The read
ing matter:has a large amount of historical and de
scriptive information. Whether as a guide book
for the traveler, a directory for the business man,
or a manual of facts and charts for those who seek
information concerning the large and increasing
cities of our extensive republic. A copy of the
work will be sent by mail, free of postage, to any
part of the United States, upon the receipt of 50
cents. Postage stamps can be sent.
Agents of thorongh, resolute business habits,
can expect to earn the above amount over all ex
penses. For farther information, address (post
paid) or apply personally to
PHELPS, FANNING & CO., Publishers,
Dec 12— 48
A nnuals: Annuals! For the Holidays.
.1 - I_—The subscriber has just opened a moat mag
nificent assortment of Annuals and Gift Books for
the Holydays, of every grade of prme binding and
contents, to which the attention of the, public are
respectfully invited. W. H. SPANGL;ER'S
Book Store, North Queen street, Lancaster
A very extensive lot of Port Monais, Card cases,
cigar cases, &c., in morocco pearl, velvet, papier
mache, Ivory &c., very desirable for-Christmas
presents just received at W. H. SPANGLERSi
A beautiful assortment, of Rose Wood, Mahog
any, Papier Mache, and morocco writing desks,
for the Holidays, just received at
Thousands ol beautiful family Books or a highly
moral and instructive character, suitable for Christ
mas gills, just received by the subscriber,
35 00
14 00
$2OO a 2 50
8 00 a 15 00
Five Hundred Brother Jonathans fur Christmas,
just received Wholesale and Retail by
dec 14 11-47] 111; H. SPANGLER.
To Catholic Church - Members--
The subscriber has on hand several sets 'Lives
of the Fathers' Martyrs and other principal Saints,'
by the Rev. Alban Butler, in 4 vols. Svo. splendid
ly bound in Turkey morocco, gilt edges, g -c. A
splendid book for a Christmas present: , Also a large
and varied assortment of CATHOLIC PRAYER
BOOKS in superb velvet, paper mache, morocco
and other bindings suitable for Holiday gifts, to
which the members and others of the Catholic
Church are invited. Int - Dont forget the place,
dec. 11-tf North Queen street.
l.ocket-Marlefor 1553. Pocket Dia
ries of all sizes and styles in wholesale and re
tail quantities, just received and for sale cheap at
the People's Book Store, North Queen st., Lancas
ter. [dec. 14 tf-47] W. H. SPANGLER.
CI race Aquilaros New Work.—
'Home Scenes and Heart Studies' a new work,
just issued from the press, by the inimitable Grace
Aguilar. Cloth 75 cents, paper 50 cents.
'Essays from the London Times , (second series
one of Appleton's popular Library, 1 vol. cloth 59
cts. All the numbers of this interesting Library on
'Table Talk, or Books, manners and men,' one
of Putnam's semi monthly Library, 1 vol. 25 cents.
Subscriptions taken for either of the above.
Stories of Waterloo,' by W. H. Maxwell. 25c.
'A Life of vicissitudes, a story of Revolutionary
Times,' by G. P. R. James.
• 'Henry Esmond,' Colonel in the service of Her
Majesty, Queen Anne, written b 1 himself. Ify W.
M. Thackary 1 vol. paper, 50 cents.
All the new publications received as soon as
gublished. Agent for all the Periodicals, Maga
zines, Journals, news and literary papers published
in the United States and England, at publisher's
prices, free of postage. W. H. SPANGLER,
dec 11 tf-471 North Queen street.
Als. Fi. Fa. to Nov.
4- Co. et. al., }Term, 1850. No. 70.
1 , Money in Court.
THE undersigned Auditor appointed to distribute
the money in Court on the above Eiccutio'n
gives notice that he will meet for the purpose afore
said, on Wednesday, the Fifth day of January, A
D. 1953, at 2 o'clock P M, at the public house of
Henry Boar, in East Ring street, in the city of Lan
caster, when and where all persons interested in
the above distribution are requested to attend.
Dec 7-3t-46 JOHN L. THOMPSON, Auditor
Estate of SARAH BECK, late of Warwick twp. dec.
TN the Court of Commom Pleas of the county of
Lancaster.—Whereas, Christian Bentz, Esq.,
Committee of Sarah Beck, did on the 16th day of
November, 1852, file in the office of Prothonotary
of the said Court, his Account of the Estate :
Notice, is hereby given to all persons interested
in the said 'Estate, that the said Court have ap
pointed the 20th day of December 1852, for the
confirmation thereof, unless exceptions be filed.
Attest, JOHN K. REED, Proth'y.
Prothy's' Office, Lan. nov. 30 4t-45
Administrators riotice.--Letters
of Administration having been granted to the
undersigned, on the estate of PATRICK BARRY,
late of Salisbury township, Lancaster co., dec'd,
gives notice that all persons having claims against
the estate to present their claim against said estate
duly authenticated, and all persons knowing them
selves indebted will come forward and settle the
same without delay. JOHN BARRY,
Adminikrator of the estate of P. Barry, deed.
dec 7 6t.-46
Estate of Henry the
Court of Common Pleas for the county of Lan
caster. Whereas, John Forney, Trustee of Henry
G. Long, did, on the 22d day of November, 1552,
file in the Office of the Prothonotary of the said
Court his Account of the said Estate:
Notice is hereby given to all person interested
in said Estate, that the said Court have appointed
the 20th day of December, 1852, for the comirma
tion thereof, unless exceptions be filed.
Attest, JOHN IC. REED, Proth,y.
Prothy's Office, Lan dee. 7
Vstate of Elias Eby.--In the Court of
12.1 Common Pleas for the county of Laneaster.—
Whereas C. Umble, Assignee of Elias Eby, of Sa
lisbury township, did on the 24th day of Novem
ber 1852, file in the Office of the Prothonotary of
the said Court, his Account of the said Estate:
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested
i n said Estate, that the said Court have appointed
the 27th day of December, 1852, for the confirma
tion thereof, unless exceptions be filed.
Attest, JOHN K. REED, Proth'y.
prothrm Office ; Lan. dec 7 4t-46
No. 195 Broadway, N. Y
Trustee's Sale
BT virtue of a Decree of the Circuit Coart for.
Frederick county, sitting as aCourt of Equity,_
the subscriber as Trustee, will offer at public sale,'
on Tuesday the 11th day of January, 1853, on the
premises, the Real Estate of Jasper Kinzer, decd.,
lying in the county of Frederick, is the Valley of
Beaver Dam, within half a mile of the Tanker
Church, and adjoining lands with Mrs. Mary Her
ring, Nathan Englar, and the Rev. Jacob Sayler.
The said Farm contains about 163 ACRES of
first quality LAND. It has long been considered
one of the most productive Farms-in the county, it
is laid off in suitable fields, with good fencing and
running water in every field. There is a large and
commodious DWELLING HOUSE, a large,
Switzer Barn, built of brick, 80 feet long, 131 to
wagon shed, corn crib, smoke house, stone "
dairy, and every other necessary out buildings.—
TWO ORCHARDS of the finest Fruit, in fell bear
ing (when in season.) There is on this tract about
the balance cleared, with a due proportion of
Meadow Land.
Po.session will be given on the let day of April;
Terms of Salo as prescribed by the Decree :
One half of.the purchase money to be paid in band
on the delivery of possession of the property, the
balance to bo paid in two equal annual payments
bearing interest from Ist of April, 1853, with secu
rity to be approved by the Trustee, and upon the
Fayment of the the whole of the purchase money,
and not before a good and sufficient deed will be
executed clear from all incumbrance.
;Kr Sale to take place between the hours of 12
M., and 3 o'clock, P. M.
dec 7 6t-46
Valuable City Property for Sale.
IN pursuance of an Order of the Orphans' Court
of Lancaster County, will be sold by public ven
due, on Saturday, the 18th day of December, inst.,
at 6 o'clock, P. M., at the public house of Jacob
Senor in North Queen st., in the city of Lancaster,
all that certain half lot of ground situated on the
East side of North Queen street in said City, con
taining in front on said street 32 feet 25 inches, and
extending in dept 245 feet to a fourteen feet alley,
adjoining property of Dr. John Waylan on the
north, and of Catharine Shindel on the south. The
improvements are a large two-story BRICK
DWELLING HOUSE, two-story back build
ing, wood shed, cistern, stable and other improve
ments. Tne lot contains a choice variety of fruit
trees, late the estate of Michael Hambright.
This valuable property is situated in the heart of
the business portion of the City, between the Court
House and Railroad, and affords an opportunity for
investment rarely offered. The ground rent upon
this lot has been extinguished.
Persons desirous of viewing the premises may do
so at any time before the day of sale.
Terms—The purchase money to be paid on the
Ist day of April next when a Deed will he executed
and possession given.
By the Court, D. MAY, Clerk 0. C.
Due attendance will be given on the day of sale
dec 7 tf-461 Ad'mr of Michael Hambright, dec'd.
For Sale or Rent
IP HE subscriber is axnious to retire from that old
1 red well established stand known as the
CRAWFORD HOUSE. Ile therefore oilers
-the same for sale or Rent; the 'house is well
furnished with every thing neccessary for carrying
on the Hotel in all its branches, the situation be
ing -central, and in the must business part of Ports
mouth, can be made one of the most profitable Ho
tels in the United States.
It is year the terminus. of the Seaboard and Roa
noke Railroad, and all the Steamboat lines.
The Hotel is large and is well famished with
every convenience for the purpose for which it was
originally built.
There is attached a large yard and a sufficiency
orsiabling, ice house, &c.
Fur a business and enterprising man this is an
opportunity which seldom offers, and would not
now, but in consequence of the present proprietor
retiring. . .
Those desirous of purchasing or renting will
please call without delay, and examine the premi
Immediate possession given.
nov 30 3t-45] Portsmouth, Virginia
Washington Street Property
("IN MONDAY, the 20th of December, 1852, the
subscriber will dispose of, at public sale, at
the hotel of Lewin Sprecher, in East King street,
the following describeJ property, viz
Three lots of ground, each fronting 17 feet on
Washington street, in the city of Lancaster bound
ed by property of F. Laisc on the west, and the
Common School property on the east, running back
96 feet to a twenty feet alley. On each ofsaid lots
is erected a one-story BRICK DWELLING j em i
with an attic, and the necessary out-build- / n
ings. The property is desirably located,
clear aground rents, and will be sold together or
separately as may best suit purchasers.
Possession will be given on the lid of April next,
when a title clear of all incumbrances will be
Sale to commence et 6 o'clock in the evening of
the above mentioned day.
nov 30-ts-45 . 1 JAMES IL BARNES.
Public Sale.
(IN Saturday, the ISth of December, 1952, will
1,1 be sold at public vcndue, on the premises, in
Colerain Township, Lancaster county, a Tract o
61 ACRES OF LAND, adjoining lands of Junius
Marshall, Dr. John K. Eshleman, John .111 , C1cIlan
and others, on which are erected n good one Story
LOG DWELLING HOUSE, small Barn, .111—
Sp:ing house and other improvements. - I
There is a spring of never failing encellert
water, convenient to the dwelling. About 26
Acres of the land is under good and thriving tim
cer, and the greater part of the remainder is in
good state 01 cultivation, with an ORCHARD of
well selected fruit trees, in fine bearing order. The
property is convenient to Churches, Schools, and
Mills, and offers inducements to persons desirous
of purchasing a small FARM.
Salo to commence at 1 o'clock on said dav when
terms w:I1 be made known by
Assignee of Dr. Geo. T. Dare § Wile.
Nov. 30 is-45)
For Sale
ARARE chance to make money—For Sale one
of the most valuable Eating and Drinking
Houses in the city, very favorably situated on
one of our greatest thoroughfares. The property
is large and well arranged for doing business, and
is fitted up in the most costly cad elegant style.—
A lease can be had for .7ny lergth of time at a ve
ry low rate. Apply to or address
No. 36 North Bth street, Philadelphia.
nov 16 3m-43
156 Market Street, between 4th sth sts.,
South Side, Philadelphia,
OFFERS enlarged facilities whereby entlemen
limy be well dressed at little cost. The large
building, filled from basement to roof wbb an array
of Garments of the first Styles, Fit and Finish,
gives evidence of an enterprise which must be
recognized and appreciated by the good people of
La-waster County. JOHN AS II TON, Jr.
Oct 26--61.40 156 Market st.
Varmers' Mutual Insurance Co.
—A mecting of the Members of the "Farmers'
Mutual Insurance Company," will be held at the
house of William Wright, in the city of Lancaster,
. Saturday, the 25th inst., at 1 o'clock M., for
the purpose of electing officers to conduct the af
fairs of said company for the ensuing year.
By order of Ihe Board of Directors.
Dec 7—td-48 JOHN STROHM, Secretary
Miorwarding & Transportation:-
1: Strasburg Rail Road Company. This Com
pany having now fully equipped their Road, here
by inform the public that they are prepared to for
ward alt kinds of Produce, Merchandise, Live
Stock, &c., to and front Philadelphia and Baltimore,
or any intermediate point, with promptness and de
spatch and upon the most reasonable terms.
Strasburg, dec 7 tf-46
• Nov. 29th. 1652.
THE Stockholders arc hereby notified that the
6th Instalment of 92, 50 per share on their sub
scription to the Capital Stock of the Lan.,
Gas Co.,
will be payable on or before the Ist of January
next. JOHN F. SHRODER, Treas.
nov. 30. 3t-45
Lancaster Co. Agricultural Society
A :Stated Meeting of the Lancaster County Ag
ricultural Society, will he held in the Mechan
ics, Institute, South Queen Street, Lancaster, on
the llih day (second Tuesday) of January, 1853,
at 10 o'clock A. M. A full attendance of members
and all others aesiring to become members, is re.
quested, as the officers for the ensuir; year will
will be then elected and other important business
transacted. D. W. PATTERSON, Sec'y.
dec. 4. 46-td
" BUCHANAN RIFLE'S" Ist Annual Mili
tary and Citizens' Dress Ball will be given at FUL
TON HALL on the evening of the 22d December,
1852. THOS. B. BARTON, See'y. B. R.
Lan. dec 7 I.t-46
A. H. HIRST, Proprietor
Duo. 81, 1860. 49-1 y
IN THE MATTER of the intended application of
GEORGE KIRCHER, IR the Court of Quarter Ses
sions, at January term. 1853, for a license to
keep aiavern, in •the North-West Ward, in the
city of Lancaster 7 it being an old stand. •
WE, the undersigned citizens of the N. W. Ward,
city of Lancaster, where said inn or tavern is pro
posed to be kept, do certify, that the said inn or
tavern is necessary to accommodate the public and
entertain strangers and travellers, and that we are
well acquainted with the said George Kircbe:,
is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and
and that he is well provided with house=roSom and
conveniences for the accommodation of strangers
and travellers. •
Jacob Weaver, Dad Harman, J. Frey, Peter
Harlacher, Geo Ford, Frederick Cooper, Watson
H. Miller, Pe:erMcConomy, B. A. Shaeffer, C. Ha
ger, M. Carpenter, Geo. Masser, W. F. Mayer,
Charles Shaeffer. Wendel Martzall, John A Shieren
brandt. Nov 30-3t.-45
IN THE MATTER of the intended application
of JOHN A. Scantramvanarrr, to the Court of quar
ter Sessions at January term,lBs3, for a license to
keep a tavern in the North-West Ward, Lancaster
City, it being an old stand.
WE, the undersigned citizens of the North-West
Ward, where said ion or tavern is proposed to be
kept, do certfy, that the said inn or tavern is nec
essary to accommodate the public and entertain
strangers and travellers, and that we ave well ac
quainted with the said John A. Scheurenbrand,
and that he is of good repute for honesty and tem
perance, and is well provided with house room and
conveniences for the accommodation of strangers
and travellers.
Wm. F. Miller, Gilbert R. Hartley, Geo. Acker
man, Wm F Mayer, J1:10 Drepperd, J. Frey, Jacob
Snyder, W. Martial!, Samuel Kissinger, F. Gast,
F. Peusch, Eli Webb, Chas. Shaeffer, Daniel, Har.
man, Adam Snyder, Wm. D. Groff, Chrn. Mver,
H. Kraft, Joseph Brillbart. Nov 30-3t-.45
IN THE MATTER of the intended application of
SAMUEL HULL, to the Court of Quarter Sessions,
at' January term, 1553, for a license to keep a
tavern in the Village of Earlville, West Earl
twp., Lancaster county, it being an old stand.
WE, the undersigned citizens of West Earl twp.,
where said inn or tavern is proposed to 'be kept,
do certify, that the said inn or tavern is necessary
to accommodate the pablic and entertain strangers
and travellers, and that we are well acquainted
withthe said Samuel Hull, who is of good repute for
honesty and temperance, and that he is well pro
vided with house-room and' conveniences for the
accommodation of stradgers and travellers. :
George Boland, Abraham Kachel, Paul Garber,
H. R. Hull, Andrew Kolb, Henry Kafroth, Samuel
Reemsnyder, Reed, Elias Reemsnyder, Ja
cob Steinmetz, George Caruthers, E. Carpenter,
John Forney, Jacob Bussey. [dee 3 3t 96
n once
THE Members of the Southern Mutual Insu
rance Company of Lancaster county, a-e here
bv3notified that the Annual Meeting for the elec
tion of Officers for the ensuing year will be heldrat
the public house of C. Martin Hem, (Spring Grove)
Drumore twp., on Saturday, December 25 3 1952,
at 10 o'clock, A. M.
The members of said Company are also request
ed to pay in their annual payment fur the ensuing
year, agreeable with the new by-laws, to the Treas
urer or his s gents, on or before said day. For the
convenience of members, the Treasurer and his
agents will attend at the folio .ving times and pl :ces,
for the purpose of reee'ving their reapective
Thomas C. Collins. Treasurer of the the Compa
ny, will attend at the public house of Henry Ke
neagy, in the borough of Strasburg, on Wednes
day, the 15th day of December; at the Green Trce,
in Bart township, on Thursday, the 16th; at Kirk
wood, Colerain township, on.Moaday, the 20th,
and at Chesnut Level, Drumore township, oa Tues
day, the 21st, each day at 10 o'clock.
Jos: C. Taylor, will attend at Oak Hill, Little
Britain township, on Friday, December 17th, and
Lewis Haines at Elias Pennington's, Fulton, town
ship, on Saturday, the 16th, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Persons who have not complied with the new
regulations during the past year, can have their in
surance renewed by paying up heir quotas in con
nection with the present.
The new by-laws are now ready for delivery and
can be obtained by calling at the office of the com
By order of the Board of Directors.
Quarryville, dee 7 3t-461 Secretary
rra ke Notice•—That MURRAY S.: STOEK
_L offer the largest, best and most varied assert;
meet of Books and Stationery ever before °Were'
in the city of Lancaster, which they will sell on
the most reasonable terms at their cheap book and
stationery afore in Kramnh's building, North Queen
The United States : its Power and Progress, by
Guiliaume Tell Pouson, late Minister of the Re
public of France to the United States, I vol. 9 vo.
The life and voyages of Christopher Columbus,
to which are added those of his companions, by
Washington Irving, 3 vols. 9 vo.
Brooke's Universal Gazetteer of the World with
200 engravings, 1 vol. 8 vo. i
Narrative of the United States' Evpedition to the
river Jordan and the Dead Sea, by W. F. Lynch,
U. S. N., CommOnder of the Expedition, with maps
and illustrations, 1 vol. 8 vo. '
Adventures in Africa during a tour of two years
through that country, by Major W. Cornwallis Har
ris, 1 vol. 8 vo.
Sequel of Riley's Narrative; being a_ sketch of
interesting incidents in the life, voyages and trav
els of Captain James Riley, from the period of his
return to his native land, alter his shipwreck, cap
tivity and sufferings among the Arabs of the desert,
as related in his narrative, until hie death, 2 vols.
12 mo.
The history of the United States of America,
from the adoption of the Federal Constitution to
the end of the 16th Congress, by R. Ifildreth, 3
vols. 8 no.
Freedley's Practical treatise on business or how
to get, save, spend, give, lend, and bequeath mon
ey; with an inquiry into the chances of success and
causes of failures in business, by Edward T. Freed
lev, 1 vol. 12 mo.
"Roman Nights; or the tomb of the Scipios, by
Verri. Translated Cram the Italian. With
notes and introductory remarks by Henry W. Hil
liard, 1 vol. 12 mp.
Life in varied phases; illustrated in •n series of
sketches, by Mrs. Caroline H. Butler, 1 vol. 12 mo.
Lutheran Family prayers with hymns and tunes
—price 81.
We would also inform the public that we have
on hand a number of German publications compri
sing in part of "Ifern Jordan Arnd's Sechs Buch
er Vorn Wahren Christenthum, L vol. 8 vo.
Hubner's Biblische histories aus deco alten and
neuen Testamente. Fnn die Jugend and yolks
chulen nach der Auforderung unserer zeit aufs neue
bearbeitet, 1 vol. 12 mo.
Weg der Wahreeit die da ish nach der Gottse
ligkeit ; bestehend aus zweet die verschiedenen
gelegeechet:en aufgesetzen Stucken and tractatlien,
1 vol. 12 mo.
Johann Friederich Starcks Tagliches hand Bach
in guten and hosentagen. Die Wandelude Seele.
Versuch über das gottliche unsehen des neuen
Testamens. Ann dem Englischen des David Bogue.
Together with German family Bible at different
prices, School Bibles and Testaments, Menonite
and other German Hymns. •
Call and see before purchasing elsewhere.
Lan. dee 7
To Market Men and Gardeners.
PLANTS, tor sale in large quantities. Being
extensively engaged in cultivating the above or:i
des in great variety, as field crops,having sold the
past summer over 300 bushels of trawberrres and
200 of Raspberries, I am now able to furnish by
the thousand such kinds as experience has proven
to be most profitable for Market, having regard to
hardiness of the plants, the quantity and quality of
the fruit.
Hovey Seedling Strawberry Plants $5 per 1000
Victoria Rhubarb, 20 " 100
Red Prolific Raspberry, 20 " 1000
The above Raspberry is medium sized berry great
and certain bearer and very hardy, and the same
for which I received the highest PREMIUDI paid by
the Agricultu-al Society "for the most profitably cul.
tivated crop in the county of Burlington,'? yielding
over $2OO per acre net profit.
Catalogues describing many other varieties, and
giving full directions for their proper treatment will
be furnished, gratis, to all post-paid applicants.
Cinnaminson P. 0., Burlington co. ' N. J.
12th mo. 7th, 1852 3m-46
Division Line between the
Townships of East Lampeter and Leacock.—
The rude-signed Commissioners-appointed by the
Court of Quarter Sessions of Lancaster county, on
a petition praying that the division .line between
the Townships of East Lampeter and Leacock,
may be ascertained and estrblished, 'willl meet for
the purpose of attending to their duty as Commis
sioners, on Thursday the 23a day of December, 1852,
at 9 o'clock, A. M.,
at the public house of Thomp
son Brubaker, at Binkley's Bridge, in Manheim
township, and if they do not on that day discharge
all their duties as Commissioners, mill continue in
session from day to day. until they same are dis
charged, when and where all persons who are in
terested may attend if they think proper.
Examiner copy. [dee 7 30-46
Toy s: Toys ! Toys !
JUST received a large and select assortment
of wooden and lead toys of all shape and size.
Fancy colored baskets for children, and a well se
lected assortment of dressed dolls of all patterns,
la. sale cheap at Samuel Hensler's (formerly Kel
fe.,to old stand.
Nov 9] No. 6, F.: King st., Laseaster.
No. 144 North Second Street, 5 doors below New,
west side, Philadelphia.
Aug. 10-Iy-29 Iluscestore to G. A. Yocum
Agrieultural Implements.
A •
• •
T the Siritsburg Foundry and Machine Shop,
fake this method of informing the PUblic that
they are now manufacturing& vet" , superior FOUR
HORSE POWER, of. their owi design, and for
which Letterspatent are now tieing secured—which
they - can warrant to give perfect satisiactinn in ev
ery particular: Its simplicity of construction (be
ing only double geared) durability, and cheapness
cannot be surpassed by any oiler now in use. The
Band Wheel which is made to run upon a movable
axis—and the facility with which the strap is car
ried from the power, makes it run at least one
horse lighter than those now used.
BURREL POWERS.—We have on hand and
will furnish the Burrel Power on the most resaona
ble terms. All other Powers repaired and rebuilt
at the shortest notice.
CORN SHELLERS.—We are now manufactu
ring and have constantly on hand a very superior
Large Sheller adapted to Horse Power which will
shell from 75 to 100 bushels per hour. Also a new
and improved hand Sheller of our owb desiga
which wewill warrant to give complete satisfaction.
Either of the Shellera will be supplied with a Cob-
Separator if desired.
PLOUGHS We have on hand and for sale a
few more of the central draught—self-sharpening
Ploughs made by John Kinnard.
Repairing of all kiads done at the shortest no
THE subscribers still contiue to do Castings of
every description in Iron, Zinc and Copper,
and to manufacture Machinery of all kinds—such
as Mill and Saw-mill Gearing, Stationary Engines,
Shafting, Car. Wheels, Axles, &c., &c., as herem
fore: All orders from a distance promptly attended
Musselman 81, Spencer,
Dealers in Lumber, Coal, Plaster, Salt, Fish, Flour,
Grain and Country Produce.—Rail Road
Depot ,'Strasbeirg, Lancaster co., Pa. •
under'signecl respectfully announce to their
I friends and the public, that they have engaged
in the above business and are now prepared at all
times to furnish anything in their line with prompt
ness and despatch and at prices to suit the times.
•All orders addressed to them or their Agent,
will be punctually attended to. The highest price
will be paid in Cash or Trade for Flour, Grain and
Country Produce.
Having careful and experienced employees, they
are warranted in saying that satisfaction will be
SOLOMON K. CRAMER, Agent. [dec 7- tf46
Holliday Presents.
At 23 and 25 North sth st., (up stairs) Phila
WHERE may be found a beautiful assortment
VI of Tin, on, Wood, Pewter, and Rubber
Toys, consisting in part of Working and Station
ary Engines, Hose.Caqs; Hook and Ladder Trucks,
Water Fountains and Tross, Horses, Carriages
and Sleighs of a 0 kinds, Locomotive and trains,
Ships, Schooners, Sioops and Boats, Savings Banks
Gothic and P,sin.
Tivoli Boards and Tett Pin Games, great variety
of styles and very cheap; Bows and Arrows, Bird
Cages, ldrge assortment; Stoves, Sleighs and
Wheelbarrows of Iron, Sat Irons and Stands, Tea
Setts, Animals, Balls, Dolls; together with a gener
al assortment of French and German Toys, Musi
cal Instruments and Fancy Goods. Dealers sup
plied at the lowest Cash prices.
nov. 30. 3m-45] J. WEEKES, Jr. Str. CO:
11O! HO: HO!--The Australia Gold Mines
is all the talk ; but the greatest excitement is
at J. Buehler's Grocery, opposite the new Court
HoUse, where he is just reeciving a splendid assort,
meet of Fresh Groceries for the coming Holidays,
such as
Raisins at all prices, Prime Currants, do. Citron,
Cranberries, Figs, Prunes. A splendid assortment
Of Dried Fruits, also Wendell & Bspy's celebrated
Mince Meat in Jars and by the Pound.
Also a splendid assortment of White and Brown
Sugars, Molas'ies of every kind ,• such as Levering's
Syrup, Boston Syrup, Sugar House, .and a great
variety of baking Molasses at all prices.
P. B.—Also an extra lot of Prime Buckwheat
Flour, Stall's Premium Flour Homing Gritz Sump,
and Farina, &c.
Call and judge for yourselves, as I aim to please
dec 7 Bt-46
Mrs. Kerfoot
WILL open, on Thursday, 12d December) 2
doom below the Lancaster Bank, in South
Queen street, a handsome assortment of • .
of the latest styles and patterns, to which
she invites the attention of the Ladies of this city
and vicinity. Nov 3D—ttl.4s
To Physicians throughout the U
DEEMING it unuecessary to remind any mem
ber of the Medical profession, of the estab
lished medical properties of pure Holland Gin, in
many diseases of dropsical tendency, I respectfully
invite your eraminatton"of a very superior article,
manufactured' by myse:r exclusively, at Schiedam,
in Holland, by a process peculiar to my own Fac.
tory. It is flavored and medicated, not 14 the com
mon harsh berry, but by the' choice botanical vari
ety of the aromatic Italian Juniper Berry, whose
more vinous etrart is distilled and rectified with
its spirituous solvent, and thus becomes a concen
trated tincture, of exquisite flavor and aroma, al
together transcendent, in its co,'dial and medicinal
sroperties, to any //olland , s Gin heretofore known.
Amid the influx of inferior distillations with
which ihis country is now flooded, physicians find
no difficulty in procuring a good and pure Gin,
which they can piescribe with confidence in its
benefical effects. As an importer of twenty years'
standing, in the City of New Yurß, and possessing
a matured exfiericnce in the manufacture of Hol
land Gin especially, I beg to submit to your atten
tion my "Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps," as one
which cannot fail to realize your utmost expecta
tion, and I shall be happy to forward to you a bot
tle of it, free of charge, in answer to a letter inti
mating your readiness to accept it.
It is now sca•cely one year since I have prepared
and distributed my Schiedam Gin exclusively for
medical purposes; yet, within that br,cf period, I
have received one thousand letters, both from pity.
sicians and patients, testifying to its re. - .lly extraor
dinary efficacy in Gravel, Incipient Dropsy, and af
fections of the Kidneys and Bladder generally. I
have nil doubt that it would yeild similar results;
with prec.sion and certainty, in your own profes
sional experience. Put up iq Pr. and Qt. Bottles
with my name upon the bottle, cork and label, with
an essay upon its properties. This article should
be in the hand of every traveller..
.No. 22 Beaver street New York
nov.lo. 6t-45
Winter Bonnets.
m E P S
h . i a / d i
o N I
witha R h .t a i e e r g y j r u i
c s h t returned rn b e e d au f t r i o fu m i
assortment of WINTER BONNETS and
Farcy Trimmings of the most splendid pat
terns and latest styles, begs leave to invite
the Ladies to give her' call and examine her stock.
Her silk, satin and velvet Bonnets are truly beauti
ful. She has also just received a pretty assortment
of Ribbons, Artificials, Flowers, Bonnet Caps, and
a fine variety of Embroidery, consisiting of Laces
and Eflings. Also a lot or Gloves, Hosiery, &b..
very cheap. Please call, see, and examine for your
selves, at the old stand near the court house.
Mrs. R. hopes her Country friends will find her
at her rooms, ln North Queen st., immediately ad
joining the nnting Office & Book Store of John
Bear, where she will use her best efforts as hereto
fore to give satisfaction. She would here take oc
casion to return thanks for past patronage, and
rusts that she may merit a continuance or those
favors. [nov. 23 tf-44
Notice to Tax Collectors
IIIFIE Commissioners of Lancaster county here
by give notice to all Tax Collectors of said
county, that they will meet at their office on the
27th and 30th instant to settle the respective Du
plicates for State and County 'Faxes for .1352.
All duplicates not settled on the first 'Monday in
January next will be collected according to Law.
dec 7 3t•46] Commissioncrs.
England, Ireland and Scotland:
PERSONS desirous of sending for their friends
to England, Ireland or Scotland, can procure
Passage certificates by calling at the cdlice of the
undersigned, who has been appointed Agent for
Lancaster county, for Tapscott's & Co'.s " Union
Line of Liverpool Packets," the " X Line of Lon
don Packets," and the " Clyde Line of Glasgow
Drafts and Bills of Exchange on the " Bank of
England," the" Bank of Ireland," and on the prin
cipal Bankers of France and Germany, can also be
procured. FRS. 'KEENAN,
Eramph's Row, R. Oiling Mt., Lancaster, Pa.
june 29 , tf-23
Dr. Ziegler's Drug and Fancy
WHERE there can always be found a large as
sortment of German, English and American
Chemicals warranted pure, and worth the attention
of Physicians. Also a large lot of fancy articles,
perfumery, &c., alcohol, camphine, burning fluid
of the best quality. With a general assortment of
propriatory and patent medicines usually sold at
Drugstores. Also a full supply of fresh ground spi
ces warrrnted pure. Dye woods coloring matters
and a great varity:of articles may be found here, all
of which will be sold qbeap. Our motto is quick
sales and small profits'
Dont forget to call at the cheap Drugstore, oppo
site the Franklin House, N. Queen et, Lancaser,
N. B.—Physicians prescriptions carefully corn
pounded. (oct 26 tf 40
Of Spiritual Wrappings and knockings in the:may
. ektokking oir th - crytv Goa. —
FRENCII Fiench Merinoes, at the
: Bee IlivelSiore you will find every shade of
the real genuine,- all --wool selling off very cheap.
Parametta cloth for cloaks, green, brown, drab,
maroon and bl'k. very fine, - 11 yds, wide, only 50c.
New patterns wool de laine.
Plain and striped do. .
A few more of those cheap de laMes, only 181 c.
A job lot of bl'k. and coed. silks, very cheap..
North Qaeen street, Lancaster.
Ginghams, tickinga, checks, Flannels, bleached
and unbleaChed mains.
Cassinetts, tweeds, Kentucky jeans, velvets, bea
Black, man. blue, maroon taby velvet, 37, 50.
Light bhie, cherry, scarlet, buff, lead and pink.
Col'd. flannels for Ladies sacks, very fino and
cheap. •
Gray mixed sack flannel, 25, 31, 37, 60.
Blue, .c •
Fine L, C. hdk'fs.. for Ladies.
N. W. French worked collars.
North Queen street, Lancaster.
Opened this week the sixth lot of shawls this
season which are selling off rapidly, viz: Bay
State Long Shawls, 72 x 144 the largest size from
2,50 to 10,00.
Plain solid col's, with borders, long shawls, bro
cha long shawls all col's., centres, plain mode and
lead square shawls with borders, very cheap.
Dark green, maroon, blue cherry. and scarlet
thibet and cloth square shawls.
Palm figured cashmere and terkeree square
shawls; black and white mourning long shawls, ve
ry fine; lead and black mourning long shawls;
square blanket shawls from 75 to 5,00; bl'k. cloth,
black silk fringe thibet shawls; palm cashmere
large size Ladies scarfs, all wool.
Black silk warp alpacca, black bombazines, bl'k.
canton cloths, black french merinoes black all
wool de !aloes, black silk very wide, canton
crape, black love sails, black crape, black J , ece
for linings and sails, black kid, silk kid, and bl'k.
gloves. BEE HIVE,
North Queen street. Lancaster.
Black, brown, invisible green, green and blue
cloth, selling at a bargain.
Black cassimere, colored cassimere, satinetts,
valvets, pilot cloths, beaver cloth and cold. felting
for over cores, fancy figured 1 - ieavy satin scarfs,
black, do. fancy figured silk cravats, the handsom
est in town
Black satin vesting, gloves, woollen hosieq,
woollen scarfs, gum suspenders, lambs wool shirts,
do. drawers, cotton undersh;rts and drawers.
nov 30 tf-451 Bee Hive, Lancaster
Fall Fashions--New Bonnets.
MHE Ladies efLancaster city and county a:e
respectfully informed that Mrs. MARY .1. KIIFITZ
North Queen street (near'y opposite the „Bee
HiNe,")lias received her Fall ¢ Winter
stock of Bonnets, which she is now ready
to furnish to her numerous friends and cos- 1 -
tomers. Those desirous of securing eldgant styles
of Fall and Winter Fashions, are invited to call be
fore purchasing elsewhere. [nov. 9-2 m
Wager's Wine Store,
Bank and Post Office. The undersigned is now
receiving a large supply of Superior Old Brandies,
Wine, Gin,.lrish, Scotch and Monongahela Rye
Whiskey, on draft and in bottles. Heidsieck,
Geislcr, and other Brands of Champagne.
Lancaster., Nov 23 tt-44
remlum Lasts and Shoe 111akers
SHOE makers please take notice that M. H.
LOCHER, has received the Ist Premium for
Lasts and Shoe Makers Tools at the. State Fair.—
A large and complete assortment of the above ar
ticles always on hand which will be warranted to
tase the premium at any Fair, at the Sign of the
Last, a few doors west of Steiman's Hardware
store, and Immediately opposite Cooper's Hotel.
nov 23 tf-44 . 1 M. H. LOCHER.
Fresh Fruit and Nuts.
JUST received a fresh and large supply of fruit
and nuts a: Keffer's old stand, consisting in
part of
36 box raisins, (new crop.)
9S drums of figs.
50 jars of prunes.
6 cases of preserved ginger.
24 bags of groundnuts, also almonds, filberts,
cream nuts and English walnuts, which I will cell
wholesale and retail, at the lowest cash prices at
nov 9r Confectionary, No. 6, E. King st.
New Daguerrean Gallery,
. Pinkerton & Slaymakers Hardware
Store, between Senors and Shobers Hotels,
on the same side, in North Queen street, is the
great resort of all the admirers of the very heauti
and LifeLlike Daguerreotype Likenesses, which only
can be Mmeured 'at this Gallery, and we would
therefore say to all who have not yet called upon
them to do so, feeling confident that they will be
gratified and delighted. Sept 14 Gm'-34
India Rubber Gloves, Mittens, &c.
COUNTRY MERCHANTS, in making their
chases, should not neglect those desirable and
saleable articles. Their manufacture has been
Much imposed recently, and they are made very
durable. .Particular attention is requested to the
They are indispensable in cold and wet weather.
Ladies will find these gloves useful in any work
that will soil the hands, et the seine time that they
will cure the worst Salt Rheum or Chapped Hands
immediately. They are made all lengths to pro
tect the arms and wrists.
, For sale by Wilcox, Billings & Co., N0..8 Church
Alley, Phila., Goodyear's, 68 Chesnut St-cet, do.,
J. 4. H. Phillips, Pittsburg, Pa.; Falconer 4. Has
kell, Baltimore, Md.; 11, W. Shifter, Charleston,
S. C.; Bart 4 Hickcox, Cincinnati, Ohio, and by all
Rubber Dealers in the Union.
For sale at retail by Country Merchants gener
ally. Nov 23-3m-44
Diploma awarded by the second State Agricultural
Fair to Beinitsh , s Pure Ground Spices.
THE subscriber invites dealers, butchers and
families to try If s ground spices which are
ground on his own Mi Is,
and are warranted pure
and possessing a strength not found in, city ground
spices—they consist of
Cinnamon, Mace, Nutmegs,
Cloves, Ginger, Mustard, Pepper blk
Alum, Matches, Sweet Oil, flaking Soda,
Brimstone, Potash, Copperas," Washing Soda,
Pearlash, Saffron; Salarratm, Stove Blacking,
Saltpeter, Castor Oil, Shoe BPking, Starch
which are offered at the lowest prices at,
Medical, drug and chemical store, No. 13, East
King street, Lancaster. [nov 23-44
THE object of this Cosmetic is to harmonize and
soften the character of the complexion. Being
an article entirely different from and much superior
to ordinary powder, it requires a small quantity in
its application, and yet so identifies itself with the
natural appearance as to be imperceptible to the ni
cest observer. To those ladies particularly who
are subject to flushes of the face or neck, tosuch as
'are exposed to habitual or occasional agitations,
Whether nervous or otherwise, the Pearl Powder
affords harmless, effectual and most welcome relief;
it is also very cool and refreshing in warps weatner.
The Toilet and the Nursery bear equal testimony
to the value of this article ; in both it is justly es-
teemed indispensable. To cool the surface of the
skin—to conceal the' effect of agitation—to allay
chafing and irritation, are its functions. The pro
prietor directs his attention to sedure purity and
sweetness in the selection of the ingredients as well
as neatness and exactness in its preparations.
Prepared and sold at
Medicinal, Drug &Chemical Store,No. 13,E. King at.
and for sale at W. E. HEINITSH'S
Variety Store, No. 18, East King street.
June 20,1852. 23-tf
Drugs, Chemicals and Medicines.
ALARGE assortment just received and for sale
at , B. S. 111UHLENBERG , S & Chemical Store, No. 8, South Queen at.
Bathing Sponge. Also, Coarse and Fine
Sponges, just received and for sale at
Drug & Chemical Store, No. 8, South Queen et.
Toilet Water, Musk, Verbena, Geranium,
_L Citronella. &c.; also, Perfumery and Soaps of
every description, for sale at
• Drug aid Chemical Store.
Oet 12:--3m-38 No. 8, South Queen et.
THE Banking House ofJ. F. Shroder 4-Co., No.
1. 6, North Queen street, is open every day
from SA. M., to 6 o'clock P. M. Five per cent
interest is paid for money 15 days after the date of
The principal and interest payable on demand.
nov 9 tf-42
. A FEW persons either single gentlemen, or gen
tlemanl-i and lady can be aecomodated with
Boarding, on reasonable terms, with pleasant and
commodious rooms, by applying at the Granite
House, North Queen Street. L. A. DILLER.
Nov. 5. 2ra-42,
great Excitement
T. S. & J. G. FORTNEY.'S
Wool Lined Gloves and Mittens
Pure Ground Spice
do African
Pearl Powder
5 Per Cent
Patent Tailor, Barber & Ladies Sheers & Scissors.
dlso on Hand the Wowing Articles
Wade &Butcher's celebratep Razors,
12 varieties,
breaves & Son's 2 , do
Thomas Tilotson's 8 do
Jds. Rodgers & Son's 6 do
Wosienholm & Son's 6 no
Joseph Eliot's 12 do
Joseph Rodgers & Son's Pen and
Pocket Knives,
G. Wostenholm & Son's do
W & S Butchei'a do
Thou Turner's do
Wilson Hawsesworth
Moss & Elison'a S do
Thomas Tilotson's • do
American do
Fine Bowie Knives, Fine Hunting
do. Fine Dirk do. Fine Fly-open
Dirks, Fine large far -west Knives,
Fine Sportsmen's do. Fine Pruning
do. Fine Sheath Dirks.
Ivory-handle Knives and Forks.
Self:tip do do
do Stag. hand Knives S-
Ebony do
Cocoa do do
White Bone handle Knives and Forks
Scored Bone do Sham Buck
Pressed Horn do Wood
Also a great variety of American Table Knives
and Forks, Cook-knives, Butcher-knives, Carvers,
Beet Slicers ' s•c..
Bacon 4 Co's Revolvers, Allen's six-barrel Rev
volvers, fine English pistols, tine and common Ger
man pistols. Also powder flasks, shot pouches. 4.
belts, game bags, .1-c.
Tea trays from S to 30 inches.
Tea trays, gothic, from S to 30 inches.
Silver-plated tea and table spoons, table and de
sert forks. Waiters, gothic, Irons S to 30 inches.
Tea bells, corkscrews, britannia tea and table
A large assortment of Accordeons and Fancy
Guns! Guns!
Also a large assortment of English and German
Guns, consisting of Fine Trist Double and Single
barrrelled—selling very low.
Also sharpening, polishing and repairing of
shears, scissors, knives, razors and instruments,
at his Cutlery store, No. 35, North Queen street,
one-halt a square south of the Railroad, Lancaster
c ity, [oct 12 6m-3S
New and Cheap Hardware Store.
911 The subscriber has just received a full assor-t
ment of foreign end domestic Hardware,. di
rect from the inanulactury; such as Cutlery, Sad
dlery, oils, varnishes, paints, &C., which enables
him to oiler inducements equal to any house in the
Persons commencing Houseyeping will find the
best assortment is the city in their line, such as
Knives and Forks, Table and Tca-spoons, Candle
sticks, Snuffers, Shovels and Tongs, Waiters. Look
ing Glasses, Tubs, Churns, Buckets, Baskets, Brit
tania Ware, such as Coffee and Tea Pots, Cream
Jugs, Pitdhers, &c., together with all other' neces
sary articles.
of the latest and most improved patterns of every
description, and having, also, the sole agency ol
two most celebrated Cook Stoves now in use; these
Stove burn coal or wood, and we would call the
attention of those who want a good stove to them.
.Having just received a new style of Locks and
Latches, and also, a lull assortment of Hinges,
Bolts, Nails, Oils, Varnishes, Paints, and Glass.
Having just opened a full . assortment of Planes,
Hand Saws, C hinds, Saw .4 3etts, Spire Hilts, Gouges,
Hatchets, Adzes, Spirit - Lines, (traces, &c., and
also a Cull supply of Maliogolif Veneer, Mouldings,
Till Locks, Glass Knobs, Glue, Bed Pins, Polish
ing Varnish, Oils, &e.
- .
will find a good amount of hubs, Felines, Shafts,
Hub Bands, Lacers, Fringe, Moss, llil Cloths and
Carpets, Carriage Balls, Leathers, &c.
. Sole Agent Mr Utica's Extra Coach Body Var
ran find a lull amount of limes, Harness Mount
ings, Gig Trees, I Skins, Stirrups, Ornamental
Bridal Bitts, and Kepner's make Saddle Times.
1 A Rlllll',
I would call your attention to a new Corn Culti
vator, and also a lull assortment or Forks,
Hoes, Scythes, Grain Cradles Ploughs, & c., to
gether with other Farming Implements.
will find a full assortment of foreign and domestic
Hardware, direct from the manutactory, which en
ables him to offer at the lowest cash kices. A
large and extensive amount of Duncannon nod
Colemanville Nails, direct from the works at the
Manufacturer's prices.
Having a full assortment of liar, Hoop, Oval and
Sheet Iron, and also a lull assortment of Duncan
non Iron, direct from the Works, which I can sell
on good terms as any other house in the city.
[laving constantly on hand Fresh Pequea Lime,
Rock Powder, Safety Fuse, Lead Pipe, Iron Pumps,
Zinc, Lustre, Tar, Bags, &c.
Also, Agent for Prouty & liarrett's celebrated
Plough. This Plouga took the premium at the
World's Fair.
Timothy, Clover and Flax Seed taken in, for
which cash will be paid, at the sign of the Bra
Locx, North Queen street.
fe b 24-tl-5] GEORGE D. SPRECHER.
Confectionary and Fruit Store,
Na. 6, East King Street, Lancaster. Pa,
1E subscriber takes this opportunily of re
turning his sincere thanks to a kind and gen
erous public, for the liberal patronage bestowed
upon him, and hopes to receive a continuance of
the same, and notifies his friends that he is now
prepared to furnish all orders in his line of busi
ness for the approaching HOLIDAYS. His long
experience as a practical Confectioner guarrantees
for the public a certainty that'all orders received
by him will be attended too with despatch, and
that they will be done (and well done) in the best
Manner. SMALL CAKES of every knoll and style
Naked later at the shortest notice, and warranted
good. LARGE CARES, such as Pound, Sponge, -
Fruit, Lady, Delicate Dever and Christmas, 4-c.,
&c., baked and ornamented (suitable fur wedding
and evening parties) in a style which he defies
competition. Also, Flower Vases and Baskets,
Pyramids, &c., executed in the best manner of
fruit, and at shortest notice. CANDIES of all kinds,
Common and Fancy Sugar Almonds, French Se
crets, Ruse Almonds, &c., manufactured to order
at the shortest notice. and warranted to keep in
any climate. SUGAR 'lsis of all kinds. Fnurr,
such as Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Dates, Oranges, Le
mons, Citron, Currants, & c., with Almonds, Fil
berts, Cream Nuts, 4-c., 4-c., and in fact every ar
ticle appertaining to Confectionary, can be had
here, wholesale and retail, at the lowest cash
prices. Don't Ibrget the pIace—SAMUEL HEN
SLER'S (Keifer's) Old Stand, N 0.6, East King St.,
Nov 16-11-43 Lancaster, Pa.
The Golden Rule.--A Paper for Odd Fel
I- lows and their Families.
This old established Family Paper, on the Ist of
January, 1853, enters its Eighteenth Volume, and
will be found upon examination by the Fraternity
to be peculiarly adapted to their wants, and a most
welcome visitor at the fireside. It is published
weekly, at
$2,00 per annum in advance.
. •
6 for four copies.
12 for nine copies.
15 for twelve copies.
Every new subscriber also receives a copy of tho
portrait of the Grand Sire elect, W. G. DESAUS
SURE, Esq.
, -
It contains the proceedings of the Grand Lodge
of the United States, and the State Grand Lodges
and Encampments, Institutions of new Lodges,
Addresses, Accounts of Celebrations, Editorials
upon Odd Fellowship, and everything that can in
terest the Order.
For binding, it is admirably adapted, and makes
yearly a volume of over Eight hundred large pages.
Aside from the Odd Fellowship department, it con
tains choice " Tales, Poetry, Notes of Travel,"
and in short all the variety that goes to make up
a first class Family Paper.
For years the " GOLDER RULE" has enjoyed the
highest confidence of the Order, and its publishers
feel assured that there is not a Brother, no matter
what his rank in the Order, who N. ill not, from
reading the Golden Role, learn to appreciate still
more our glorious Fraternity, and be better able to
extend its broad mantle over others. Address.
No. 107, Fulton street, New York.
Irr Editors copying the above, entire, will be
entitled to an exchange. Nee 7 It-46
Fall and Winter Millinery.
TEIE MISSES A. - E. KEENAN respectfully
inform their friends and the ladies of Lanc , r. city
and county in general, that they will open TEAS
DAY, 16th inst., at their rooms, on the North-east
corner of Prince and Vine Streets, a beautiful ne
sottment of
prising BONNETS of every variety, and Rib
bons of the neatest and latest styles. The ladies
are invited to call and examine our goods, at the
corner of Prince and Vine Streets. [Nov 16-4t-43
des.7. ti-403 J. F. SHKODER, & CO.
r L